HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0034_20230206_Future Construction Memo - NCCP Measures 4-19-2021TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1940 E Deere Avenue, Suite 250 ● Santa Ana, California 92705 ● 949.837.0404 PROJECT NUMBER:10850007BLUF TO: Pua Whitford, CAA Planning FROM: Tony Bomkamp DATE: April 19, 2021 SUBJECT: Additional Pre-Construction Avian Surveys for Park Newport Rockfall Mitigation Project (PA2021-008), Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. CD2021-001 On February 16, 2021 I conducted a pre-construction survey for the federally-listed coastal California gnatcatcher at the above-referenced site at the corner of Back Bay Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road in accordance with the Orange County Central Coastal NCCP/HCP “NCCP Construction Measures”. The results of February 16, 2021 surveys are summarized in a Memorandum that addresses the surveys, dated February 17, 2021. SITE CONDITIONS It is GLA’s understanding that additional geotechnical remediation may be necessary based on a study prepared by Heatherington Engineering dated March 29, 2021 that identifies two additional locations within the Park Newport Apartment ownership, specifically impacts associated with possible installation of soldier pile wall and extended club house piles above June 21, 2020 landslide and possible soldier pile walls below Building 4. Included in the biological review would be an on-site assessment of direct impacts associated with the project work and indirect impacts associated with construction-related impacts to adjacent areas due to construction noise, dust, etc. A pre-construction surveys for the coastal California gnatcatcher and the coastal cactus wren would be conducted, consistent with the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures excerpted below. NCCP CONSTRUCTION MEASURES Based on GLA’s initial review, it does not appear that native habitats would be impacted by the remedial work at the two proposed locations noted above; nevertheless, the site assessment and surveys would be conducted to ensure compliance with the portion of the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures excerpted below. 7 - Future Construction Memo MEMORANDUM April 19, 2021 Page 2 Additionally, prior to the commencement of grading operations or other activities involving disturbances CSS, a survey will be conducted to locate gnatcatchers and cactus wrens within 100 feet of the outer extent of projected soil disturbance activities, and the locations of any such species shall be clearly marked and identified on the construction/grading plans. Thus, while it does not appear that native habitats would be impacted by the remedial work at the two proposed locations noted above, the site assessment and surveys should be conducted to ensure compliance with the NCCP Construction Minimization Measures, as noted.