HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0034_20230206_Rock Solid Geotech Summary with Attachments 2-3-2023 GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LANDSLIDE MITIGATION Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California Gerson Bakar and Associates c/o Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 January 25, 2023 Project No. 121.1 Attention: Mr. Ken Dressel Subject: GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LANDSLIDE MITIGATION Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive Newport Beach, California References: Attached Dear Mr. Dressel: In accordance with your request, Rock Solid Geotechnical, Inc. has prepared this geotechnical summary related to geologic conditions, past landslides, and proposed future mitigation efforts on the west facing coastal bluff at the subject site. In order to keep this summary relatively brief, attached is a list of references related to the Park Newport Apartments site that includes most (if not all) of the known geotechnical/geologic documents. These documents have addressed various aspects of the coastal bluff slope geology, landslides, stability, and mitigation efforts. SITE HISTORY/SLOPE CONDITIONS The subject natural slope is a coastal bluff that descends from the west side of Park Newport Apartments to Backbay Drive along the eastern edge of Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach, California (see Location Map, Figure 1). The slope descends at slope ratios of 0.5:1 to 1.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) to locally vertical with a maximum height of approximately 90-feet. This coastal bluff was left in a natural condition at the time of grading/construction of Park Newport Apartments in 1969. The slope exposes 10 to 15-feet of silty sand Quaternary Paralic Deposits (terrace deposits) over diatomaceous shale and siltstone Miocene Monterey Formation bedrock. Geologic structure of sedimentary bedding within the siltstone bedrock reportedly consists of a series of east to west trending, west plunging anticlines and synclines creating locally unfavorable orientations relative to the west facing slope. Numerous older landslides that exist on this slope were identified by LeRoy Crandall and Associates. The slope is subject to on-going erosion, surficial instability, rockfalls, and landslides. GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LANDSLIDE MITIGATION Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California Project No. 121.1 January 25, 2023 The attached Geologic Map, Plate 1, depicts the geologic conditions on and near the slope. The Park Newport buildings were graded in 1969 and documented fill exists on the level building pads, but has not been shown on the Geologic Map for simplicity. The following summary of documented slope instability on the coastal bluff is not intended to be all inclusive, but is intended to demonstrate the performance of the slope. Small to large landslides have taken place in 1978, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2005, and 2020. Rock falls have occurred in 1998, 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2016. Small to large surficial slope failures take place in years with long duration and/or high intensity rainfall events. Erosion takes place during most rainfall events. The asphalt concrete paved Backbay Drive right-of-way exists along the toe of the coastal bluff and has been impacted by debris accumulation/blockage on the roadway due to coastal bluff instability. Due to the height, steep slope ratio, existing landslides, locally adverse geologic structure, and poor quality bedrock exposed on the coastal bluff, factors-of-safety for gross and surficial slope stability are less than 1.5. The coastal bluff slope is considered grossly and surficially unstable from an engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering perspective. In the past, mitigation of impacts to Park Newport improvements has been performed. The following is a summary of the measures implemented: 1979 - Timber Pile/Wood Lagging Retaining Wall, west side of Units 4570 through 4640. Eighteen piles 10-feet bedrock embedment. 1998 - Soldier Pile Wall, west side of clubhouse. Twenty-three, 36-inch diameter, 7-feet on-center, 60-feet deep reinforced concrete caissons. 1998 - Soldier Pile Wall, southwest side of Unit 4570. Six, 48-inch diameter, 8- feet on-center, 60-feet deep, reinforced concrete caissons. The approximate location of these structures are noted on the attached Geologic Map, Plate 1. The June 2020 landslide event resulted in a vertical main scarp (10±feet high) exposing highly fractured blocky siltstone. Park Newport Apartments installed a Geobrugg Tecco anchored mesh system to mitigate the rockfall potential (References 107 - 114). Park Newport Apartments monitors conditions on and near the top of the slope on an annual basis. Storm drainage systems have been enhanced and storm water flow is directed away from the slope in a controlled manner. In addition, portions of the active landslides are covered using plastic membranes and sand bags to reduce erosion during the rainy season. GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LANDSLIDE MITIGATION Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California Project No. 121.1 January 25, 2023 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS As a result of ongoing slope instability, the following areas are being evaluated for proposed mitigation measures consisting of micropiles and tiebacks.  Extending the clubhouse soldier piles to the south, approximately 150-feet, with a micropile and tieback system.  Installing micropiles and tiebacks southeast of Building 4, for a total length of approximately 200-feet, where the landslide materials were mapped by Law- Crandall and Associates extending under the structure. Micropiles are expected to consist of 18-inch diameter drilled holes 4-feet on center, to depths of 85-feet south of the clubhouse and 50-feet near Building 4. The tieback anchors near the clubhouse will be on the order of 20-feet long and the anchors near Building 4 will be approximately 40-feet long. These improvements are needed to protect and extend the useful life of the existing residential structures. The approximate locations of these areas are indicated on the attached Geologic Map, Plate 1. This office is currently preparing a geotechnical report for design of the micropiles and tiebacks. GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LANDSLIDE MITIGATION Park Newport Apartments One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California Project No. 121.1 January 25, 2023 This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, ROCK SOLID GEOTECHNICAL ____________________________ ____________________________ Jamie K. Fink Sean P. Prenovost President/Owner Professional Engineer 94193 Professional Geologist 7729 (expires 12/31/24) Certified Engineering Geologist 2636 (expires 10/31/23) ____________________________ Daniel Eisele Engineer-In-Training Attachments Location Map – Figure 1 Geologic Map – Plate 1 Distribution: 1-via e-mail Ken Dressel (Kdressel@gb-a.com) 1-via e-mail Shawna Schaffner (sschaffner@caaplanning.com) REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 1. “Report of Supplemental Geologic Investigation, Proposed Apartment Development, Newport Beach, CA”, by Glenn Brown and Associates, dated November 21, 1968. 2. “Reports of Soil and Foundation Investigation Phase 1 Proposed Headlands Apartments Promontory Point Area”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated December 26, 1968. 3. “Preliminary Foundation Recommendations, Proposed Headlands Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated January 16, 1969. 4. “Report of Soil and Foundation Investigation Phase II Proposed Park Newport Apartments Promontory Point Area”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for Gerson Bakar and Associates, dated April 4, 1969. 5. “Supplementary Information, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated August 21, 1969. 6. “Requirements for Drilled Pile Foundations, Townhouses Adjacent to Buildings 4, 5 and 6, Proposed Park Newport Apartments, Jamboree Road and San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, CA”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated July 8, 1970. 7. “Estimated Tip Elevations - Drilled Piles, Building No. 4, Park Newport, Jamboree Road near San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, California”, by LeRoy Crandall Associates, dated January 21, 1971. 8. “Report of Soil Investigation Proposed Extension of San Joaquin Hills Road - San Joaquin Hills Road to Backbay Drive Newport Beach, California”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Park Newport, Ltd., dated July 16, 1971. 9. “Preliminary Observations, Bluff Erosion and Sloughing, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated March 10, 1978. 10. “Suggestions for Slope Repairs Existing Slope West of Buildings 32, 35, 36 and 37, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated July 19, 1978. 11. “Soil and Foundation Inspection, Building 41 (Apartment 3170) Park Newport Apartments, Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, CA”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated August 10, 1978. 12. “Conference Summary, Erosion Control Retaining Wall Adjacent to Building 35 Park Newport Apartments”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated November 2, 1978. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 13. “Report of Slope Stability Study West Facing Slope Adjacent to Building 4 Park Newport Apartments”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for Gerson-Bakar & Associates, dated June 28, 1979. 14. “Review of Foundation Underpinning, Design NWC Building 41 (Apartment 3170), Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, dated October 18, 1979. 15. “Verification of Drilled Pile Inspection, and Inspection and Testing of Compacted Fill, Proposed Underpinning of Building No. 41, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates for City of Newport Beach, dated July 31, 1980. 16. “Inspection of Site Conditions, Existing Park Newport Apartments, San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, CA”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated December 3, 1984. 17. “Summary of Observations Site Visit - March 22, 1988 Park Newport Apartments”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated May 26, 1988. 18. “Report of Geologic Evaluation of Slope Below Building 4 Newport Beach, California for Park Newport Apartments”, by LeRoy Crandall and Associates, for Park Newport Apartments, dated April 30, 1991. 19. “Consultation Regarding Existing Slope Failure on the Promontory Point Area Park Newport Apartments”, by Law Crandall, Inc. for Mr. Ken Adelson, dated June 22, 1993. 20. “Maintenance Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments”, by Law Crandall, Inc. for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated August 29, 1994. 21. “Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments”, by Law Crandall, Inc. for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated September 1, 1994. 22. “Geotechnical Consultation, Slope Distress Near Units 3160 and 3170, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Place, Newport Beach, CA”, by Law/Crandall, dated December 15, 1994. 23. “Addendum to Geotechnical Consultation Observation of Erosion Control Measures Park Newport Apartments”, by Law Crandall, Inc., for Park Newport Apartments, dated February 16, 1995. 24. “Park Newport Monitoring Survey”, by RBF, dated October 10, 1995, December 6, 1995, February 12, 1996. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 25. “Park Newport Monitoring Survey”, by Robert Bein, William Frost, & Associates, for Law Crandall, dated February 21, 1996. 26. “Park Newport Monitoring Survey”, by Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, for Law Crandall, dated April 8, 1996. 27. “Bi-Monthly Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments”, by Law Crandall for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated May 14, 1996. 28. “Report of Geotechnical Investigation Existing Landslide”, by Law/Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated May 31, 1996. 29. “1995-1996 Annual Slope Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive”, by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated June 24, 1996. 30. “Memo-3160 Landslide Area”, by Linda Gunther of Park Newport Apartments for Andy Dodge, Maintenance Supervisor, dated October 31, 1996. 31. “Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation for a Slope Wall”, by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated November 14, 1996. 32. “Email Summaries - Park Newport Slide Area”, from Gerson, Bakar and Associates, dated June 29, 1995 through October 21, 1996. 33. “Geotechnical Consultation Observation of Asphaltic Distress Near Building 4”, by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated March 18, 1997. 34. “Park Newport Monitoring Survey, Newport Beach”, by Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated April 2, 1997. 35. “1996-97 Annual Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive”, by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar and Associates, dated May 13, 1997. 36. “Landslide Mitigation Action - Park Newport Apartments”, by Bagahi Engineering for California Civil Inc., dated July 25, 1997. 37. “Response to Coastal Commission - Park Newport Slope Repair”, by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated August 4, 1997. 38. “Park Newport Apartments’ Slope Rehab Project”, by Gerson, Bakar & Associates for Eric Buress of P F & G, dated September 9, 1997. 39. “Retaining Wall Calculations - Park Newport Apartments”, by Stample Engineering for Park Newport Apartments, dated October 9, 1997. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 40. “Special Inspection Report - Park Newport Retaining Wall”, by Gary Rutherford for City of Newport Beach, dated October 14, 1997. 41. “Site Reconnaissance Slope Facing Backbay Drive”, by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated October 22, 1997. 42. “Progress Report - Park Newport Slope Wall”, by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated October 23, 1997. 43. “Progress Report - Park Newport Slope Wall”, by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated December 5, 1997. 44. “Fine Grade Compaction Report - Park Newport Apartments Slope Wall”, by Bagahi Engineering for Gerson, Bakar and Associates, dated December 8, 1997. 45. “Park Newport Apartment Drain Revegetation”, by LSA Associates, Inc. for Park Newport Apartments, dated February 25, 1998. 46. “Review of Slope Mitigation Options, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport, Newport Beach, CA”, by Law Crandall for Gerson Bakar & Associates, dated April 13, 1998. 47. “Final Slope Improvement Options Report”, by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar, and Associates, dated April 14, 1998. 48. “Report of Slope Stability Evaluation”, by Law Crandall for Gerson, Bakar & Associates, dated May 1, 1998. 49. “Shoring Plan, Park Newport Apartments, Slope Stabilization - Clubhouse Area and Rockfall Area, One Park Newport, Newport Beach, CA”, by Gerald Lehmer Associates, dated May 5, 1998 and August 11, 1998 (Sheets SH-1 through SH-4). 50. “Grading Plan Review-Temporary Erosion Repair, Portions of the West Facing Slope, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated August 25, 1998. 51. “Alternatives to Temporary Erosion Repair, Portions of the West Facing Slope, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 10, 1998. 52. “Additional Geotechnical Comments, Proposed Repairs to Portions of the West Facing Slope, Areas 2 and 3, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 21, 1998. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 53. “Review of Project Special Provisions, Park Newport Sites A and B, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, Ca”, by Hetherington Engineering, dated September 24, 1998. 54. “1997 - 1998 Annual Monitoring Program, Slope Facing Backbay Drive”, by Law Crandall, dated October 14, 1998. 55. “Review of Site Conditions, Portions of the West Facing Slope Adjacent to the Clubhouse, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc. dated December 15, 1998. 56. “Temporary Erosion Repair, Portions of the West Facing Slope, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, CA”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 22, 1998. 57. “Response to Draft Submittal Letter for CDP Application to the Coastal Commission, Park Newport Apartments, Slope Stability Repairing Work (Sites 2 and 3), Newport Beach, CA”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 19, 1999. 58. “Geotechnical Review - Temporary Erosion Repairs, West Facing Slope, Areas 2 and 3, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 18, 1999. 59. “1998 - 1999 Annual Monitoring, Backbay Drive Slope, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Place, Newport Beach, CA…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 22, 1999. 60. “Monitoring Report for Slope and Parking Garage…”, prepared by RBF Consulting, dated December 27, 2000. 61. “1999 - 2000 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 5, 2001. 62. “Park Newport Apartments, Slope Monitoring Project…”, prepared by RBF Consulting, dated January 28, 2002. 63. “2000 - 2001 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Area, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 20, 2002. 64. “Park Newport Apartments, Slope Monitoring…”, prepared by RBF Consulting, dated December 26, 2002. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 65. “2001 - 2002 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 27, 2003. 66. “Park Newport Apartments, Slope and Parking Structure Monitoring Project”, prepared by RBF Consulting, dated February 18, 2004. 67. “2002 - 2003 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated March 12, 2004. 68. “Annual Monitoring/Slope Area Drainage System, Update on Condition of Surface Drainage Devices, Park Newport Apartments…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 29, 2004. 69. “Inspection of Slope Area Damages, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 31, 2005. 70. “Inspection of February 2005 Storm Damages, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 24, 2005. 71. “Park Newport Monitoring Garage Structure and Slope Monitoring Project”, prepared by RBF Consulting, dated March 23, 2005. 72. “2003 - 2004 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated May 20, 2005. 73. “Notice of Code Violation for Slope Failure at 1 Park Newport Drive…”, by City of Newport Beach, dated June 24, 2005. 74. “Report of Findings, Geotechnical Evaluation of Three Areas Along the Coastal Bluff, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated November 11, 2005. 75. “Response to City Letter, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 19, 2005. 76. “Park Newport Apartments, Garage Structure and Slope Monitoring Project…”, by RBF Consulting, dated December 29, 2005, revised January 11, 2006. 77. “Slope Inclinometer Data, Park Newport Apartments…”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 23, 2006. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 78. “2006 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated February 27, 2006. 79. “Slope Rockfall Mitigation, Park Newport Apartments, West of Unit 4570, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated May 12, 2006. 80. “…Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Surveying Services at the Park Newport Apartments…”, by RBF Consulting, dated February 23, 2007. 81. “2007 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated June 29, 2007. 82. “Inspection of Top of Coastal Bluff Drainage Conditions, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 5, 2007. 83. “…Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Surveying Services at the Park Newport Apartments…”, by RBF Consulting, dated June 19, 2008. 84. “2008 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, 92660”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 3, 2008. 85. “… Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Survey Services at the Park Newport Apartments…”, by RBF Consulting, dated June 5, 2009. 86. “2009 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated August 18, 2009. 87. “Surficial Slope Failure, Coastal Bluffs Below Building 4, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 28, 2010. 88. “… Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Survey Services…”, by RBF Consulting, dated July 7, 2010. 89. “2010 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slopes and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 29, 2010. 90. “Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Rockfall Netting Slope Protection System, Coastal Bluff Below Unit 4570, Building No. 35, Park Newport Apartments, One Park REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated January 5, 2011. 91. “…Settlement and Deformation Monitoring Survey Services…”, by RBF Consulting, dated June 14, 2011. 92. “2011 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated August 26, 2011. 93. “2012 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 12, 2012. 94. “2013 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 25, 2013. 95. “2014 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 15, 2014. 96. “2015 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 5, 2015. 97. “2016 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 14, 2016. 98. “Geotechnical Investigation, Damaged Retaining Wall, Park Newport Apartments, Building 1a, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated April 19, 2017. 99. “Addendum to Geotechnical Investigation, Damaged Retaining Wall, Park Newport Apartments, Building 1a, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated October 19, 2017. 100. “2017 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 29, 2017. 101. “2018 Annual Monitoring Report, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated November 5, 2018. REFERENCES Project No. 121.1 102. “Emergency Storm Drain Repair, North of Building 41 (Units 3150 through 3220), Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated March 5, 2019. 103. “Park Newport Apartments, 1 Park Newport Drive, 24-inch Storm Drain Rehabilitation Plan”, by BFK Engineers, dated October 23, 2019 (2 Sheets). 104. “Geotechnical Report Review Checklist, Repair Rear Drainage Pipe, 1 Park Newport Drive…”, by City of Newport Beach, dated November 12, 2019. 105. “2019 Annual Monitoring Program, Backbay Drive Slope and Adjacent Areas, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 18, 2019. 106. “Geotechnical Summary of Proposed Storm Drain Rehabilitation, North of Building 41 (Units 3160 and 3170), Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 20, 2019. 107. “Geotechnical Summary of Landslide Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated July 21, 2020. 108. “Park Newport Apartments, Back Bay Drive, Rockfall Assessment Letter, Newport Beach, California”, by Kane Geotech, Inc., dated August 20, 2020. 109. “Park Newport Apartments, Surficial Slope Stabilization and Rockfall Mitigation, Engineering Design Calculation Report, Newport Beach, California”, by Kane Geotech, Inc., dated August 20, 2020 (Sheets 1 through 5). 110. “Park Newport Apartments, Surficial Slope Stabilization and Rockfall Mitigation (Project Specifications), Newport Beach, California”, by Kane Geotech, Inc., dated August 20, 2020. 111. “Proposed Rockfall Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, Park Newport Apartments, One Park Newport, Newport Beach, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated September 4, 2020. 112. “Response to Geotechnical Report Review Checklist, Proposed Rockfall Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, Plan Check No. 1636-2020”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 18, 2020. 113. “Response to Plan Check Correction List, Proposed Rockfall Mitigation, West of Unit 4830, One Park Newport Drive, Newport Beach, California, Plan Check No. 1636- 2020”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 18, 2020. N PROJECT NO. FIGURE NO. SCALE: 1" - 2000' (1 Grid Equals: 0.5 x 0.5 miles) LOCATION MAP 1 Park Newport ApartmentsNewport Beach, CA 121.1 ADAPTED FROM: The Thomas Guide, Orange County, 51st Edition, Page 889 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ROCK SOLID GEOTECHNICAL, INC. PLATE NO.PROJECT NO.PROJECT NO. GEOLOGIC MAP 0 1 2 0 30 60 90 120 N SCALE: 1" = 60'EXPLANATION BORING BY LEROY CRANDALL & ASSOCIATES (1978) GEOLOGIC CONTACT APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PILES: TIMBER/WOOD LAGGING RETAINING WALL, PILES 10 FEET INTO BEDROCK (1979) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PILES: CLUBHOUSE SOLDIER PILE WALL, 23 PILES, 36-INCH DIAMETER, 7-FEET ON CENTER, 60 FEET DEEP (1998) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING PILES: SOLDIER PILE WALL, 6 PILES, 48-INCH DIAMETER, 8-FEET ON-CENTER, 60-FEET DEEP (1998) 1 2 3 B-7 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED MICROPILE/TIEBACK SYSTEM:EXTEND CLUBHOUSE PILES SOUTH ABOVE JUNE 2020 LANDSLIDE BUILDING 45APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED MICROPILE/TIEBACK SYSTEM: (1978) BORING BY LEROY CRANDALL & ASSOCIATES (1968)B-7 (1968)4 (1968) B-4 (1968) B-5(1978) B-1 (1978) B-6(1968) LANDSLIDE FORMATIONMONTEREY DEPOSITSTERRACE DEPOSITSTERRACE FORMATIONMONTEREY FORMATIONMONTEREY FORMATIONMONTEREY DEPOSITSTERRACE FORMATIONMONTEREY FORMATIONMONTEREY LANDSLIDE MARCH 1978(ACTIVE) JUNE 2020 (ACTIVE) 1998(ACTIVE)JANUARY 1993 (ACTIVE) JANUARY 1993 (ACTIVE) DECEMBER 1994 (ACTIVE) (ACTIVE)NOVEMBER 1978 DEPOSITSTERRACE B-3 Park Newport Apartments Newport Beach, California 1 1 SURFICIAL FAILURES / EROSION ROCKFALL(PERIODIC ACTIVITY) 4 B-5(1968) 2 3 5 B-7(1978) B-6 (1978) B-7 (1968) B-2 (1978) B-4 (1978)B-3 (1978) GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS ROCK SOLID GEOTECHNICAL, INC.