HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2022-3358 - Alternative Material & Methodsx V-g Jzz 36�E,CEIVEO ei, � SEW PORT -�... a o� u � s- o— c9[rc00.N�P. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca.00v 1 (949) 644-3200 I nAe.un. 7R17`L.. C�GGi I COMMUNITY II_I�j 1 J I2EC: O DEVELOP:1 :N'l Ci~. -.a fRa FOR STAFF USE ONLY ❑ REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO PROVISIONS pp.� Plan Check # (,�.fo2z-31"IfIt of Stones .3 OF TITLE 9 (FIRE CODE) OR TITLE 15 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE Occupancy Classification - �N (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $297) Use of Building �� # of Units Project Status CVL% fycCCnkfx Q REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE MATERIAL Construction Type I✓ OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION Venfied by (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $297) No. of Items Fee due For above requests, complete Sections 1, 2 It 3 DISTRIBUTION: AL- below by printing in ink or typing. a Owner ,p Plan Check 9 Petitioner ❑ inspector ❑ Fire ❑ Other TJ JOB ADDRESS: PETITIONER: SITE ADDRESS: 310 JASMINE Petitioner RYAN OLDHAM Owner ROBERT HOLLAND r��O"1ibo be1Ch"1C1Of"°r""rl Address 680 LANGSDORF DRIVE #202B Address 310 JASMINE FULLERTON, CA Zip 92831 Zip 92625 Daytime Phone (714 ) 482-8296 Daytime Phone (412) 965-1619 Email: Nanooldham-architects.com 2 REQUEST: Submit plan if necessary to illustrate request. Additional sheets or data may be attached. Use metal flashing detail against wood framing in -lieu of concrete curb at edge of slab. See detail 211A5.1 Revt). 3 us-nFICATIONIFINDINGS OF EQUIVALENCY: CODE SECTIONS: 12" Metal flashing against 24" bithumen coating provides 2 layers of waterproof protection of the wood framing. Petitioners Position Architect Signature CA Professional Lic. # C-29715 Date: 61162023 FOR STAFF USE ONLY DEPARTMENT ACTION: In accordancewith: yCCBC 104.111CFC 104.9 ❑ CBC 104.101CFC 104.8 A tc ltemate materials 8 methods) (CBC Modification) ❑ Concurrence from Fire Code Official is required. ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved ❑ Written Comments Attached By: Date Request (DOES) DOES OTJ n any fire protection requirements. Request (DOE OE O lessen the structural integrity The Request Is: Granted []Denied (See reverse for appeal information) ❑ Granted (Ratification required) Conditions of Approval: Signatu —' Position CHIEF 8ULC11NG OFFI94 7-7— Z�23 _ Print Name APPEAL OF DIVISION ACTION TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS (See Reverse) (Signature, statement of owner or applicant, statement of reasons for appeal and filing fees are required.) CASHIER RECEIPT NUMBER: - Foamskmodif 07108M Guidelines for Approval of Alternate Materials, Design and Methods of Construction Basis For Approval For the Chief Building Official and Fire Code Official or their designated agent to approve a request for modification or a request for alternate material or method of construction, he/she must determine that special, individual reasons exist that make compliance with the strict letter of the Code impractical and that equivalency is provided. The resulting condition must be in conformance with the spirit and purpose of the Code provisions involved and that such modification does not lessen fire protection, structural integrity or occupant safety. The applicant must provide sufficient information with this application to allow the above evaluation to be made. Requirements for Submittals The applicant design professional shall prepare a Written Report that describes the alternate proposal along with the applicable data listed below: • State specific code provisions for which alternative is requested and why request is being submitted. • Describe by code section those provisions for which alternative is desired. • Compare the proposed alternative versus the code requirements in terms of structural strength, suitability, effectiveness, fire resistance, safety and health impacts affecting the building or user of the building. • Demonstrate that the proposed alternative is compatible with balance of code requirements. • When applicable, specify how authoritative consensus document(s) are used to substantiate proposal. (Reference draft ICC Building Performance Code Commentary Section for background information). • Provide assumptions, references, and documentation of evaluation methods utilized. This includes intended use, input data, anticipated outputs, and limitations of computer models and other analytical tools or methods. • Specify when and where special inspection and testing are required and the standards of acceptance for demonstrating compliance. Show how the proposed alternate, if accepted, will be identified on the job site. • Where land use restrictions and building setbacks are required, deed restrictions may be an appropriate method to ensure continued compliance. • State how and where alternate proposal is incorporated within construction plans and prepare plan amendments as necessary. The design professional has the responsibility to coordinate all construction documents and ensure compatibility between documents. • The report and design documents shall be dated, signed and stamped by the design professional according to the plan submittal procedure. • For alternate methods of design requests, the applicant shall set performance criteria for his design. Performance criteria shall be reviewed, amended and approved by the Building or Fire Code Official prior to start of design. Alternative Design Review/Verification The Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official has the responsibility to review design submittals for compliance to the adopted codes and procedures. If the Building or Fire Code Official does not have the expertise on staff to make a thorough and competent review, the Building or Fire Code Official shall select a consultant that possesses the necessary qualifications to perform a third -party or peer review. Cost of peer review shall be paid by applicant to the Building Division prior to commencing the review. • Verify that all applicable information and justifications listed above as requirements for submittals is received and verify that evaluation and design methods used by designer are appropriate to the alternative proposed. • Verify products are being used in accordance with their listing conditions as required by recognized listing agencies. If not available, require documentation and/or testing to demonstrate compliance with intent of code and intended use. • Evaluate performance of material and possible flaws that could affect performance of material in its installed state. • The reviewer shall document that the submittal has been reviewed and accepted as meeting the alternative materials, design and methods of construction provisions of the code. If the Building or Fire Code Official is not satisfied that the applicant has met the conditions, the request should be denied in writing with the applicable reason(s). Inspection/Field Verification The alternate proposal as approved in the construction documents must be verified by inspection, and, where necessary, testing as follows: • To verify that alternate materials, systems and fabricated products comply with accepted design criteria and the manufacturer's and engineer's installation procedures, inspectors should check product labeling, certification, quality assurance processes, and testing, as applicable. • When appropriate, an approved third party quality assurance inspection and testing service may be required for continuous and complex inspection and testing activities. This is intended to verify that construction complies with the code and the approved plans. Appeal from the determination or action of the Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official or their designated agent may be made to the Building and Fire Board of Appeals. To appeal, the applicant must provide special individual reasons that make compliance with the strict letter of the Code impractical. Appeals or ratifications pertaining to State Disabled Access Standards require complete evidence to substantiate that the proposed design is equivalent to that prescribed by that standards or that due to legal or physical constraints, compliance with the standards or providing equivalency would create an unreasonable hardship. Appeals must be submitted on the Appeal Forth available at Permit Counter accompanied by the proper fee. You will be notified in writing of the appeal hearing's time and date. (q BLOCK w (q Low ..G WALL Erosion Control @➢LK WN1 RI9@s . 5 12- REfNNING wNy .. � 8� I e I � / x W ` OR IW (q 6'X BILCK OVAL pe BEOLitgW6ALL Ir "' Rl ]'X 9ICcz wAEL OiAE LH3dWN — UUma, - 1 B 1 2 i Grading l Drainage 0 O in1 Iw 2 ni d QQ o^ DD L-- ERENON PIPE OB II v PP�� WPUCE O WILL t $ TN TMVHI@ ----_ — QYswME AVE PIM x A .AN MET ON A AN' CANCER MN.. 0"'. W IN... tip �rRfgR (AI APPRO M MRACEDCAR MMAGWFNr PUwxssM wow, vM° ar ARE.s .x Im Im WIu rMEN ouuc a v"E4°.x.sowEE`aus.s<erc smk. k - v, -ro)en wmacls owner arCmW ROffAr AND .. Nou". Ol01Vtl ARCN C15 )lD LSwNE AVENUE 2 91 E.. AK. III. R.R. BEICH, G I'm NIIZRIDN, C OCM1 A., PN_ 1I3-M-1819 PH: )11-1@-BHfi NMILT RITN .. Geot,Ah.,.,r EPA COMBRU MS U,C IMIA .M G 92621 M. 9N-922-M21 mrtur: anD RaNMua"Iw PaCPERBY AMVES 310 JABMBIE REVUE fXPoRi REACH. CP 92625 ABEREER 5 PMCEL iPAGI NP. - ryfµ $IIE ARB D A"IR, SE ZONC R-2 O,EY . GC.. CWIR.L PRW;OE GR.wE1 PILS SIKNm z _ . !' D.. DICK .IWN. X. W .flNI E.IMi RO CM�X.M OR ORAL l2 E SD SIOPE. oPAMPRE IN RABBBAYF ]' .WE1FA M SCX PMKWAv RI CURB CORE OP1I., FAW D.,EC.PPER AB NE, [�AgWER16 R1 MHW OI DYYflER PFAMNM. CPAIN Pry£ (.ON DRAN; 1. e PaC. cu- CONE w R DRUM Pm cm --D 9m-,el. 0- CMMflER MANTR .RAN WI COVER. NM END OR 8 fGlll xSfnLL EW ., SIP' NDRCUGM I..P XG'. M9 O0 xR. MR.. CO .Lmx rE.NCA. w/wre A9 N.. O B.. Af! D1WGm cuN, G.,.. svEwwx PEM C, ... W-� 51.-103-L ID ro BE DEIEPUMED BY THE PURR AB.1 INBCEC, CDABI ..CRE,E wwsx .IA NrtP R, A BUP AM, BGnO . TBRI. DPMN PER .EINL 1 DE u IN 13 WOE ORRIBB, General ConsWclion Was i. COA RKIOR E FROIECf IN PLACE ME 1 IBPNC WATER META AND MEN OR .LEAR..U3. 2 RUMNC PAD AREA SW BE G9R-IXGVAIEO PER CEOIELXWGL R O.., RE IXAIG µLE. MMINIMUM M OXE MCT W� HGPOVED COUND x. OC C. ! CRME S,AU- LL AWAY ERO 1XE EWXMLL PON WPAT A WUOE OE sS FOP D A EMR1 AR AND . Al M'hB ... 5. IMCIFIRVLE TO BE MANTANIC ETW IDA CE . 1. NINIMAIM nAR HAM U. CC M P. MEAS R. 41NIUUI ¢FMANLE N CE WIMAHED FROM WEEP YREFII 10 EAI ). iWORABY SINNING PER OE s/IW-2- B. MNIWN NODE NEONREA. [.EYREIE3- O. CC REIE CURER - OA BLB E RMEAN pW WOE EE MXEL1 DRECRY TO DFAN YITMi. MDAEIN1O MFA dWN OR HL COXLREIE MHS M "M T—S ALEY/SINEEr AND AWPv EIgY NENHWRIx6 PWFERIIES. Constructbn Quantities C, - ew O.0 YMos PRL = .welt .M.s DI IXGVArRM - 20.A aeL YMDs I.. MG - M1.SWS sF (Ks,.) STBBI . IRE _ I.. (AT N. NAP) DBUANCE TRW ROW lM NOB' NKE Rm1e.. - 1 a (]l.Oq(.az) = 15B INUSE . NmUINEWErar MODS + I ce - 1.2 ON of hcFl; 2c[aam UIOFam arch,tect5 NO AD DO I W -do) O •� m - T Y S C � Z N LL � N � m C =T6 N E Z 1 C. NO 1. Qv Qm v®wmnrua Om m G P-2 Grading 8 Dainage Erosion Contra 1 IN CARE OF HALLORDER AT 2 A SUAN° BY [REM F°a EYEROAN, WLRx E. BE M'YIANE AT ALL n16 DURING THE MW SEASON (MOM t TO APRIL 1SI. NOMERRY R AT L DR-STE AND SOF HA .11V5 M N UTATE 10 EO BMFTTIO EUEA¢NCYOMC6 wxw Ru AEtwSxr. x x HIXIMROL xwsMRE PPolsnas S._°- ]. ERDSIo" DEVICES sWWX BE iATIO H wF1EX APHODUESSED PER zet M THPy1iONH WHERE TBEY ARE N"OO MHOMPERMU ED OE a1 Pa 1. . AT HE."Ou EWLEIER `. OAK AWAY EM. TBE TOP OFTHEROPE AT THE .1 WDN11 .1,, . L OM OLD µ° M1. ass TNs� YU�fl A _ POTENTIAL BREARD To IS a OR ¢x B." FROM THE 511E ON A ONLY BASIS, - S ALL SET AND OAAR S SHALL BE RFMIYID FROM AIL OEVICEB I"OXN U H. Am, EMW RNHsasm A. BE ... CF PINAI e A MARK SHAUL SE POSTED ON TIE PRE URRES THE TEMI OF RATES (t As PUMP�DISLE E%INEH HWIS AF1EA EILHE PN"EIdO1Po PDMRm"WxM M W uE MIRS AND mwMGE D.U.wsr couaY E isPRDPRwE BUP DEMATwun DPExATU. PA nuC ]. TTHEE PNULEYwT OF AMBERAL OENLES ro REDUCE RAMEMN MMA A Mq LLnINIs RTMIN THE SEEIs MET TD�E De c�ETwx OF THE P"` °R"" Hm wGHEw. MDTOWL om4'ES A5 EM, E Ixs . ro RETAIN MOMENTS AND OTHER "EUD"Ns ON SZ t ,t RR B. "AANEI UIERRNO MEMRER IAND APRILL JSBOF THHE FO HEAR THMa THE1X£EH F ME SU UDM ORNYL. 51pM WTER FO LlllOx AND EMBRON L°XSOL DEVICES ARE ro BE 25 PLWicIERME Dr THESE' mlca . °1'Ha PEUDB.SNETirI of 11 FFm"AND n 15 - 10 Sid. Yard ConsWction Q Paving sAPHO34 -1'n' 5 EXG..EFF. 1. REPRFSEN . OMX E A. BE SUBROTED MR —¢ «- It KRIOML IF REWESIFD BY THE PLDURI CFFEUL 0. S ER, STIED. SS IM➢E TOELI PARE THE 05BURGE OF Ie r _ um o O o .SE - W THE PROTECT ME ATpLL nu4 T SPARRED SEUH.. AND, OTHER PowIrAM15 MUST BE RETNNUO RNI SHEEEr FLO, SWNES. THRO `IGE pAyMp O O W AµN�WRpyMT THAN O` Wu 6. wwo O O _ $C PPOIEIId FWM BENO MWSPaRIm iPW"TiEOSII�E aPoY INELALSAORCE- SECTION A -A DF wM M RATER. t]. FOELB.. OEsE M�YF . AM HO ER FEAM AOUNE, REST BE .. Ix O s�R A,MAm EL IGE RATERS. ALL A➢PRWE° S1tlULE.MN. ARE To BEMANI THE SOIIS µ0 O O IF @ PM MBED X`R Min n vRRPm SAILLD RAN SPl al 0I i UP SE W YAwdO11 LNm III � A' wulX PIPE RES. TEMPO AT TxKK YMOW IIMMS) :rm _ . THE DRAPANDEAT °OTTO SXHIMS M IA. MOSES OR BASIS CONCRETE NAY L.N. INTO ME PUBIS RAY m THERM UP HI. III q IsI U WW O CJ O PMMx5 1 OMB UADE IO RRNN WASI6 W-SITE UNTIL THEY CNI BE psP659 Ef AS BOnO G°RANY MASTEHEIE FA dWNK.E UNTIL A1. L Rq — — E r- DO OWN METALENTER °OFON ARN AIDcan a� STAPLE OE A L awm W oTgS ME10116FECT .VL EROSION 15. °EVEMP[l I_ Y' CRu5I1m RccH 1 II I WARS °.—SCOAVA s PER SCRS mm� OE/VI[L`6 FAR S BE6PoNAMID AND ED 1. No IR LY O`MFRE �T �11— 6 A 2 ""' OF OINFIFA INON qt MARKS OF PRFMIED IBU AFTER ALNK PREARPRATICX. A OBNsa. SHE — SE ELTW xOALST µO INSPEONCH 1.AAABLE CONCRETE WASTE MANAGEMENT ro . OER SMA �AT�THE DEHI (COPIT SHE ES OF THHE sw-nrsPROON CHEMIST AND WE IHBPmMx"` eW� OH REQUEST),IBMW M LFIIi"VMfRAMnAB OAMD MR0PR ARUNINNIOXoVw U Concrete Wash -out 24 French Drain 14 Temporary Shoring 9 IOINER 1T. SmYENR PNO WTEflWS 4Ai MT BE TRACI(m FROM ME SOE BY Rk"i ' ST S`I AS TO WHI97 SEDWENTS FROM ESONG DEPOSITED INTO ME LLiRz;TPUBIC UW RA DENTAL IXPMHIWS RUSH BE SWEET UP I...N�ELY AND I- MM ANY NOT BE WASHED TOR W RNx OR OTHER READ, MEMET 2 6. OF AMN RUST EE EFDR ISD 5° AS TO INWBR EADOWRBYe..a AM WTEBI PBOPEROACME ARNER X 11, HOE RI NOMP ELY 0. All HATCH PASINS AND °DARN U"6 OF 10. ACMIO"N BMWs RUE BE NP NEMm As DEENED NECESSARY BY COI p MEMOURs. CB.MN MUD R R ADyAC =OC OR PBONERE"E)UBN By PwERRAlm MNN. w/I' SPERS. AiA' ROOF' cap Lwc. FanrS Sandbags 231 Erosion Control Notes 18 Plantar Well Cons[Boction 13 Site Section FFOVIOE MEBI ST°WLE ARIII SEMNMRI CONINNuwT AND/OR WEATHER PHOIECTION. PO„M NOTE THE WIXIENVCE PRACTICES AND scxmUI PROPOSED FOR THS AI wR_7 NNAREI RECUCETHE ERISMR OF'PpyRION AN PENTHOUSE. npY. 1M IxG RAND X.F➢OR RI' AND ON OTHER MINIMUMS MRR MC PROPER SER OF NL NA Itm"WS`"` usAN t BE R R AVAIEBE TD THE EUPMYEED THAT APPLY MON MATERRLS WI MILL DEEM" SP ReineOUTONE ANDCCOMIAL MEASUREB THAT WILL BE TAKEN HER All PROMEM HATUBSO, mwnFY THE METHODS W NHcH .11 ED AND P.., DISPOSED OF TL- w 1 _ ° S•_O• !E) G OE i((( RA I—EE COVERED w1M MONDARI CONTAINMENT, NMNXFRS ARE REQUIRED TO FROM WASTE Esu RAN TO PREVENT WAIN PoLLUTEAN �s (y et -- ��:Z 7STOPI OPI� {�Aw I:t LN ESL PNAMGIS VNEAWS MWT BE B995E° OF N MdgNWCE WRX STARE AND fm EW'L REWETFNS RFMIR ME PMPoSF➢ YEMORS OF .StEp3 1 R IX _ :1 CN SO LS REPORT Pm p6FgAL AND ANf SPECML HW WN6 MNWtS TW.T WY BE APPLIGBIE {YSAII 1@ WY-T I os➢ enE wxlcdINf MIS BY NE Po SHEMPASTES FROM MIL NMRAMNAED `ML MHUXAME TIXGWMxS �y 6 N64Nc COxUMDxO PRE MRSAUCRON SUSXM ADPELTADNE .Y. ANN RwCOLATIO PHI STOPnxs, DITCHES, BIPFE S, AND `µDD OR ANS�CONCRETE NEE MPUBATEO OH=SITE SNAIL �BYP. BE BiNTDHa`APARTS DISPOSED OF I WENLv. CONAU NEM AND PROSPER OPO UI Is REWIRES FOR NL MACRETE NI Som PRABrn OF REEKS PER PI.H ExledoT Stair COn5lrU,h.H 12 Hale Site Section :,-=1w' 2 wM OI�flO E PEO LE ROTH UNINEIEO MWAGENCY IIATEfl~s MT iOS= HM R X.PMm Nam, OUIR F FWIRFYFMs. OR BFVIDM AU OF N STEREE AND flmUMENFMS. TM 1 A STAaUZmOEN10.WLE R REWIRED ADS N- WASBIRON DIES TO ENSURE TUT DIRE AND DEBR6 ARE NOT TRACKED ONTO ME TND M PRwSPINI RxME S OF SHIN A srslEu Is RM IRm mR THE D.R.DF THE PavEn. Mo. slDluuTwll RAY BE OF ROOF D Pn`hDo`L SO -I All PEKOE R R S R Moss AMEA MUST BE SMAKED ON-SRE AWN NOT BERHA TTDO TO OEM THE IXww L O'BODD RE ARROIFM ANY GE NAMES AT THE SOLE DSCREFON OF THE OM1 LKPECIM I OMW FRODON CONTROL ON's ARE a. SUFML (N' BUB (EI GRADE !EI su9 ___—_—FF _FED FF.-m5.w' ADEY -- — — -- -- -- — - ----------- ASPIRE ME -- L J - — — -- - --- 1:1 UT - UNE-Ell 1. {\ - OYW-IXPw m0.5 IEPoR! SKIl5 ma`s BMPs 1161 Site Section s�_g-=r_r 1 bl ham Y"uaLL: of d N a IN a ch l Te c Ts S ® __ GP-3 Grading & Drainage Erosion Control FoRad R.— re:-o-m =K caiwc (I= Mn-17D) 1 urc. cr �iflµssasH`Eln' uuocvuriiEM Rm srRuclu xYuo wm ` PL ooi o xwc o`wEcx"wroc mnYwG am aw+ PM Te ni"NRIw cou c nO$Eo sewn PPnjN IRM x k' omwnu a mmERroR cEluxo uvE m�fluc�w x - - - - - - - - - - -rso - - _— —- - - - - _---_—_—_ - - - - - -- uxlwnWGuw L ua NG�on�uuc'I x1 GwaownWGwapwL /SA �G � ` xs' EWM I., 11Yx ..w. w .. .....i..ii .. _,.....i.. »��.�.��i«.« .�...i...i RWfl .l GPRA DEC eGLEE LM6+fluc+ON ys ; 1.-3 HPLL CLOSET fl4THROOM s9 z xi 1 - - CC KITCHEN L NGIO ING 3 �I k � � a a�s�s�ciu�. PLY DECKM —_—_—_ ------ - --_ - - °µow—MEru nwr_—_—_—_ 1 urEn rG,E vmRr. IEm u flee wT?oiMuunox floo�slEaxlw w/wANN� �M� w.*Lws s _ ___—_amxuLw ¢ww_ _ - - - - ___ — 3 _ _—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—._—ere. Roof ULs� _ _ _ _—_ floor mvE .a.o - - ---_—_—_ - - - _ _ _—_— �_ II II 177 sxu,NixG Rm smurnia� o�NGs sfalea -1• G. m 11�K1 "MdOOO am slRunuxu rwuo x k mR --_ - - ----_ 10 oovzy ENTrsr0 k 0 _ �ImA9 --rouwnox n -- — Flx =MY10 I ham tea. ,x„z�„ olEhEm xrchlte Lts ® vo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R9' EGrt rvu �] 0 dYINE W.TP Ai65 � m _ _ _ _ (liH.15 - 36 XEIGI! IIM LAVER DECK flWmN FPw.m wWu _ FA SIPLCIY0.IL PWIS ____ - e-�•f��w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - ama � uwEA ocE y 6% BEAX AT SP.W. _ aaoRa PRI YRN OOM BATHROOM BEBROOM3EmX o� ELEVATOR 0 -- — — (E) PECX Fawm6 ' i.ii.....i... nEOR t-XR/SR nLfNt 551FH e •1.e 10 SO:m BMRO 1_NP/Sm'A WPLL I.i IXNRP EMTRY KI EN BATH GARAGE 'GP � mg F MSv51Eu OR OF w s of caw I Section3 B e:$=1-0' 131 m OmX 9-NP/STm FlPN ASP 1 F 3 — N�PE�NSIRLCMX =GFX mQ 3 eR �6YEP SIPNCNROL PLANS --------------------- II.L ukE eXa= of wtt I ham chi�m of Lham zrch It a cts ® 00 O F- C ci o -0 m T E ILL m "a 01 C a c � m N E ry Z 2 m P. �QE Q otd Qe A4.1 Building Sections SPa.n2 Sme: X.'-1'a' 2 SeC.1 Seale. Y.'-t'-0' I 1 ..r Resid.— x�e �anER �Ls�DxRax�exRE xsox xAn�ERxu�.�DwR�LRM � BE,.1,RA � �aXw��xM KN SIW+ORF xV, iWGE. aE. SOE ARPSP 25 - 20 Moisture Bamer 15 10 5 tp1E YL Ixl ONG DW M BE r. _ cwmx IV �z' ulx ro MXROW mwurc oxwu ' us eun.Daa Iz' T MEET EErREG01N�nnEMwlrx°TMis Flx6XF➢ .1 MLR E�Rmv ez - WC °IM x6 x°uxnxe _ vu'NtiEAr X xO.mr IIOODWrwRATE - 24 119 ROM Drain Detail 1 t Base Shoe Installation 19 JAMB rR RMP x mlu M smMxrnronnu we Furwe slows OR sucm """` izz wro EaMrtR PERumn °sz�. TOTxm. x]w wuL MN —RO" scu's" PEn, gr Ix Mxsnc OR, wa 2. ReE OF wnu HEAD n' RPG E 1. wu PANRIXtvll SYPPoft! .E. OR s�ucm 18 Thru WallSwpper Detail 113 Handrail Requirements 3 u fLRX'D TOP WLTO MEE] Wp m T g r IXI. iWLLI PEX PIµS IIIII 3 x z 1PoM e z LAVEPS 15t BIM NPER II PoUPPFR it qMV v Pii IW4r ORVN I BIMIIEXE COB EO?x'.) EME10 �0"Pn OS (] SIJ Ip/r yroYlppEA GVE 4W'.PONS) II Icoxnxuds z.� xxR �� D.It sEaP.wE PLYAO]D SHf4 iX� R MSHING OIER IVYP CASEM. w.. HWRA/R.G rt.m ru yr �w MVI 6' xB,F i0S (..R.lE7 PRFSERx.,mE-menm wo°O SILL SiLL PFA MPA Y� w� xore IMAn WFds n GR.. REMKO II4 EATER TMpY IV ,ERnDu nuurt nw.x n sxm nnoe/uuM sxCOR�n,uw 2. cuvzYC.wE0. - 17 Deck Dram W/ .Rflow 12 Guardrail Requirements 2 m er.E w/ m. rwssverr xTxu°w w�swFm r •] FREER PER iP4 SAIE nxRN W M FFR nfEPNLE dYLF � � I NNL EUNDE ° EOI. NMNOGC°V� - VE5 N -x. Y MEfK fM II 1xRTRW xwxw _ III e ° ° ° ° ° `PPEn/s.s II rowR RwsHlw u. � d iuswnG aER �'J svnw ax sNcro (IXxsFnl a ° Q a ° RfR11REX6 (Ore W,Yl) B' BELM AO.S °m • �_O. MFIInp SLYPPEA zB L 'S '.. R v ° IGOxDxY0Y5 �Ej ° y�. }nUMME PRI (9 1ER ° GNENNeN e'XEEOEO .VDNG uW IV a° � RFILE GOKRflE :DYXWnOX Y-Y # ! 11 E& EEEMR! p q E en /'zWdzP IKTlp6. soon° oxTmx Tc mrcRpi WER/s E BEI TRsr •r slate d ° ry.'BRREs°EIO m iusruRnvs slwi wvE ur u�wnox uvu ox Q ° XNEEu TOe " s�..v: u TaEm Runs OF x°r rEs nwl"1 Fnm-wxxc (1I un) Sill Flashu, 3 Mositure Protection 21 himney Shmud 16 Ded Sapper 1 i Typinl W irMow Trim 6 Stair Requirements 1 bl ham oltlllam zrx llitect. IF - (a A5.1 GOnstruction Details FkRE,Od REORRI. e