HomeMy WebLinkAbout06_Pilates Plus OC Minor Use Permit_PA2023-0003CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT August 10, 2023 Agenda Item No. 6 SUBJECT: Pilates Plus OC (PA2023-0003) ▪Minor Use Permit SITE LOCATION: 1220 Bison Ave, Suites A5 and A6 APPLICANT: Rand Kruse OWNER: Irvine Company Retail Properties PLANNER: Oscar Orozco, Assistant Planner 949-644-3219, oorozco@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN •Zone: PC5 (North Ford Planned Community) •General Plan: CG (General Commercial) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit to convert two vacant 1,200-square-foot commercial tenant spaces (Suites A-5 and A-6) into a 2,400-square-foot pilates studio (large health and fitness facility) use. The applicant proposes to improve the studio with a pilates instruction area, reception and retail area, restrooms, and storage lockers for patrons. The facility would offer group training sessions and would have a maximum of 12 students and 1 instructor. The proposed studio is a relocation of the existing pilates studio within the same shopping center, which is currently located in Suite A-3. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; and 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3)Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving a Minor Use Permit (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION 1 Pilates Plus OC Minor Use Permit (PA2023-0003) Zoning Administrator, August 10, 2023 Page 2 • The subject tenant space is located within the Newport North Shopping Center. Adjacent uses include residential apartments to the north, office and industrial uses to the west, the Bluffs Shopping Center to the east, and single-family residential properties to the south across Bison Avenue. • Pilates Plus OC will be relocating an existing 1,200 square-foot Pilates studio, currently located at Suite A3, to Suites A5 and A6. Two vacant tenant spaces in the westerly in-line multi-tenant building of the shopping center. Access to the center is obtained through driveways along Bison Avenue and Camelback Street. The area of the subject property is 4.84 acres. The shopping center is developed with two in-line multi-tenant buildings, two pad buildings, and a service station totaling approximately 47,800 square feet. • The General Plan designates this site as General Commercial (CG). The CG land use category is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. These may include professional and medical offices, restaurant, retail, and service uses. The proposed Pilates studio is a commercial use designed to serve the surrounding community as well as the general public. Thus, it is consistent with this land use category. • The site is located within Commercial, Area 3 of the PC-5 (North Ford Planned Community) Zoning District. This district is intended to allow the location of light general commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. Section VI.B (Commercial, Area 3 – Permitted Uses) of the PC-5 Text allows services of a convenience nature. Since said services are not further defined, the Zoning Code is used to better classify the use. In this case, staff believes the use is that of a Pilates studio which is considered a large health and fitness facility, which requires the approval of a Minor Use Permit in all commercial zoning districts. • Although the requested hours of operation are from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday, staff recommends limiting the hours to 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday to allow for greater operational flexibility. • Pursuant to Section VI.H (Commercial, Area 3 - Parking) of the PC-5 Text, commercial uses require a parking ratio of one parking space per 250 square feet of gross floor area and one loading space for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. Other commercial uses, which in the opinion of the Director are compatible, are parked in accordance with Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 20.40.030 (Requirements for Off-Street Parking). Large Health and Fitness Facilities are parked at a rate of one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. Twelve parking spaces are required for the Project with a required parking rate of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, as required by the Zoning 2 Pilates Plus OC Minor Use Permit (PA2023-0003) Zoning Administrator, August 10, 2023 Page 3 Code. The Project requires an additional two parking spaces compared to the 10- space requirement for general commercial uses (one space per 250 square feet). Including the Project, a total of 257 parking spaces are required to accommodate all uses within the Property. The on-site surface parking lot contains 270 parking spaces, which results in a surplus of 13 spaces. Therefore, the increased parking requirement of two additional spaces can be accommodated on-site. • The project is compatible with existing and allowed uses within the shopping center, which include retail sales, personal services, restaurants, and a service station. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. The proposed project involves interior improvements to an existing retail and personal service tenant space to establish a pilates studio which is a negligible expansion of use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Community Development Director within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: 3 Pilates Plus OC Minor Use Permit (PA2023-0003) Zoning Administrator, August 10, 2023 Page 4 DL/oo Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Description ZA 4 Project Plans 4 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2023-#### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MINOR USE PERMIT FOR A PILATES STUDIO (LARGE HEALTH AND FITNESS FACILITY) LOCATED AT 1220 BISON AVENUE, SUITES A-5 AND A-6 (PA2023-0003) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Rand Kruse (“Applicant”), with respect to property located at 1220 Bison Avenue, Suites A-5, and A-6, and legally described as Lot 6 of Tract Number 12309 (“Property”). 2. The Applicant proposes to convert two vacant 1,200-square-foot commercial tenant spaces (Suites A-5 and A-6) into a 2,400-square-foot pilates studio (large health and fitness facility). The applicant proposes to improve the studio with a pilates instruction area, reception and retail area, restrooms, and storage lockers for patrons. The studio offers group training sessions and proposes a maximum of 12 students and 1 instructor at any given time. The proposed studio is a relocation of the existing pilates studio within the same shopping center, which is currently located in Suite A-3 (“Project”). 3. The Property is located within the North Ford Planned Community (PC-5) and the General Plan Land Use Element category is General Commercial (CG). 4. The Property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on August 10, 2023, online via Zoom. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This Project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. 2. The Project involves interior improvements to two commercial tenant spaces which are currently vacant in order to establish a Pilates studio which is a negligible expansion of use. Therefore, the project qualifies for a categorical exemption under Class 1. 6 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 2 of 8 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 (F) (Findings and decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of the minor use permit are set forth: Finding: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The General Plan land use designation for this site is General Commercial (CG), which is intended to provide a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. These may include professional and medical offices, restaurant, retail, and service uses. The Pilates studio proposes group training sessions and will provide an ancillary retail sales area consistent with this land use designation. 2. The Property is not part of a specific plan area. Finding: B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Property is categorized under the Commercial land use (Area 3) of the North Ford Planned Community (PC-5). This area of PC-5 allows the location of light, general commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. The Project is a large health and fitness facility use which provides a service to residents and visitors of the City. 2. Section VI.B (Commercial, Area 3 – Permitted Uses) of PC-5 allows convenient services; however, there is no definition provided for this use classification. Therefore, the Zoning Code is utilized to classify the use. Under Section 20.70.020 (Definitions of Specialized Terms and Phrases), it is appropriate to classify the project as a Large Health and Fitness Club, as it is a fitness center that is over 2,000 square feet and provides aerobic- type classes and other indoor sports activities. The Project, which is considered a commercial use, is consistent with the Commercial land use designation of PC-5 and is a relocation of an existing pilates studio in the same shopping center (Suite A-3) into a larger tenant space (Suites A-5 and A-6). 3. Pursuant to Section VI.H (Commercial, Area 3 - Parking) of the PC-5 Text, commercial uses require a parking ratio of one parking space per 250 square feet of gross floor area and one loading space for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. Other commercial uses, which in the opinion of the Director are compatible, are parked in accordance with NBMC Section 20.40.030 (Requirements for Off-Street Parking). 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 3 of 8 Large Health and Fitness Facilities are parked at a rate of one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. 4. Twelve parking spaces are required for the Project with a required parking rate of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, as required by the Zoning Code. The Project requires an additional two parking spaces compared to the 10-space requirement for general commercial uses (one space per 250 square feet). Including the Project, a total of 257 parking spaces are required to accommodate all uses within the Property. The on-site surface parking lot contains 270 parking spaces, which results in a surplus of 13 spaces. Therefore, the increased parking requirement of two additional spaces can be accommodated on-site. Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Project will occupy two existing 1,200-square-foot tenant spaces, totaling 2,400- square-feet, within the Newport North Shopping Center. The space will be improved with a pilates instruction area, reception and retail area, restrooms, and storage lockers for patrons. 2. The Project is located within a commercial area of the North Ford Planned Community Zoning District. Nearby uses include residential, personal services, retail sales, eating and drinking establishments, and a service station. The operational characteristics of the Project are that of a typical pilates studio with retail sales, and are compatible with the residential and commercial uses in the vicinity. 3. As conditioned, the allowed hours of operation are between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and between 7:00 a.m. to 11a.m., Saturday and Sunday. The proposed hours of operation limit operational conflicts during the evenings and weekends with nearby surrounding uses in the shopping center. Finding: D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Newport North Shopping Center is 4.84 acres in size, comprising two in-line multi-tenant buildings, two pad buildings, and a service station totaling approximately 47,800 square feet. Additionally, the Property features a 270-space surface parking lot. The existing buildings and parking lot have functioned satisfactorily with the 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 4 of 8 current configuration, which allows vehicular access from Bison Avenue and Camelback Street. 2. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the Property and the Project will not negatively affect emergency access, as it involves the conversion of two vacant commercial suites into a pilates studio. Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, a safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Project has been reviewed and includes conditions of approval to ensure that potential conflicts with the surrounding land uses are minimized to the greatest extent possible. 2. The Project will serve the surrounding neighborhood, as it provides an additional health and fitness club option for residents and visitors. 3. The Project will not create additional noise impacts as the Project site is entirely enclosed and soundproofed. There are no unusual services that have the potential to adversely impact the surrounding environment. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. PA2023-0003, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF AUGUST, 2023. _____________________________________ Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 5 of 8 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (Project-specific conditions are in italics) Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within twenty-four (24) months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. A material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be caused the revocation of this Use Permit. 5. Any change in operational characteristics, hours of operation, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, may require an amendment to this minor use permit or the processing of a new use permit. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited to between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday. 7. The use shall be limited to a maximum of one instructor and twelve students. A maximum of thirteen Pilates exercise machines shall be permitted on the premises. 8. All instruction shall take place within the interior of the tenant space. 9. A total of twelve parking spaces shall be provided for the proposed health and fitness club. 10. A Special Events Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of this health and fitness club that would attract large crowds, include any form of on-site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 11. The Applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building Division and Fire Department. Prior to the issuance of any building, mechanical, and/or electrical permits, architectural drawings and structural design plans shall be submitted to the City 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 6 of 8 of Newport Beach for review and approval by the applicable departments. A copy of these conditions of approval shall be incorporated into the drawings approved for the issuance of permits. 12. The project and all tenant improvements must comply with the most recent, City-adopted version of the California Building Code. 13. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or is materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 14. The reciprocal arrangement for ingress, egress and parking that applies to the subject property shall remain in effect for the duration of this health and fitness club. 15. All signs shall conform to the provisions of the North Ford Planned Community District regulations and Chapter 20.42 (Signs) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, where applicable. 16. The operator of the facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated on the subject facility. Pre-recorded music may be played in the tenant space, provided exterior noise levels outlined below are not exceeded. The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00AM and 10:00PM Between the hours of 10:00PM and 7:00AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 17. No outside paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. 18. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self-latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 7 of 8 19. Trash receptacles for patrons shall be conveniently located both inside and outside of the establishment, however, not located on or within any public property or right-of- way. 20. The exterior of the business shall be always maintained free of litter and graffiti. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter debris, and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. 21. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self-contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 22. Deliveries and refuse collection for the facility shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and Saturdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Sundays and Federal holidays unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development and may require an amendment to this Use Permit. 23. Storage outside of the building in the front or at the rear of the property shall be prohibited, except for the required trash container enclosure. 24. Temporary signs shall be prohibited in the public right-of-way unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department in conjunction with the issuance of an encroachment permit or encroachment agreement. 25. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner, or the leasing agent. Building Division 26. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City’s Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required before the issuance of a building permit. 27. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Pilates Plus OC Minor Use Permit including, but not limited to, PA2023-0003. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 8 of 8 damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 13 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 14 VICINITY MAP Minor Use Permit PA2023-0003 1220 Bison Avenue, Suites A5 and A6 Subject Property 15 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Description 16 Page 1 of 2 A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D I N T E R I O R S 3419 Via Lido Suite 225 Newport Beach California 92663 T: 949 500 9416 PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR PILATES PLUS OC Project Address: 1220 Bison Ave., Suites A5 & A6, Newport Beach, CA 92660 The proposed project consists of a tenant improvement of two existing 1st floor suites in an existing single story commercial shopping center, into a pilates studio. The proposed project is a cutting-edge fitness studio with multiple locations nationwide. Currently, Pilates Plus OC, operates an existing studio in Suite A3 at this center (Newport North Shopping Center), and will be moving to the area of application once construction is complete. At which point Pilates Plus OC will not operate in Suite A3. This 2,400 sq. ft. inline tenant improvement space will utilize thirteen Pilates exercise machines in the studio: twelve will be dedicated to students and one will be used by the instructor. In addition, there will be a small retail area where customers can purchase Pilates related exercise clothing and accessories. Finally, Pilates Plus will offer a self-contained cold therapy machine for use by the studio customers. Site Information Proposed MUP Tabulations 2,350 sq. ft. (pilates studio and ancillary uses) 50 sq. ft. (retail sales) `` Total: 2,400 sq. ft. Landscaping: No site work improvement under Pilates Plus OC’s scope of work. Paving: No site work improvement under Pilates Plus OC’s scope of work. Parking (see matrix for calcs.): Total stalls provided: 275 Total stalls required: 263 Surplus stalls: 12 Operations Hours of operation: Monday – Friday: 6am – 12pm and 4pm-7pm Saturday – Sunday: 7am – 11am Note: During hours between the blocks of classes, an associate will be present. Employees per shift including retail: 2 Total number of students per class: Maximum class size: 13 Typical class size: 11 270 257 13 17 Page 2 of 2 A R C H I T E C T U R E A N D I N T E R I O R S 3419 Via Lido Suite 225 Newport Beach California 92663 T: 949 500 9416 Pre-recorded music: The operator is proposing to play ambient/background amplified music through a series of indoor speakers. The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Proposed Findings: The Project use is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community 5 (PC-5). The Project use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Code and Municipal Code. The Project design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the intended use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. The Project is in the Newport North Shopping Center. This site is physically suitable for the Project in that there is sufficient parking (see attached Parking Matrix). The Newport North Shopping Center has had continuous upgrades since it was constructed: including accessibility, and aesthetic. And conforms to current codes for fire, medical access, public services, and utilities. The operation and use of the Project at the Newport North Shopping Center would be an enhancement to the center providing a more visually pleasing and less crowded space, in relation to the current location of the tenant in Suite A3. 18 SUITE TRADE NAME USE SQUARE FEET PARKING RATIO REQUIRED REFERENCE A1 PETRICHOR PET SALON ANIMAL GROOMING 1,135 1/250 5.0 A2 ELEGANCE FAMILY DENTISTRY MEDICAL 1,214 1/200 7.0 A3 VACANT RETAIL 1,200 1/250 5.0 PREVIOSLY PILATES PLUS A4 EUROPEAN WAX CENTER PERSONAL SERVICE 1,200 1/250 5.0 A5 PILATES PLUS HEALTH FITNESS STUDIO 1,200 1/200 6.0 PA2023-003 A6 PILATES PLUS HEALTH FITNESS STUDIO 1,200 1/200 6.0 PA2023-003 A7 OC VETERINARY CLINIC NEWPORT ANIMAL CLINIC 3,414 1/250 14.0 B1 MAG'S DONUTS EATING & DRINKING 1,110 per UP 5.0 UP23363 B2 NEWPORT BEACH OPTOMETRY MEDICAL 1,226 1/200 7.0 B3 MERI EDUCATION PERSONAL SERVICE 1,193 1/250 5.0 B4 NEWPORT NORTH CLEANERS PERSONAL SERVICE 1,500 1/250 6.0 B5 MASTER TAILORING PERSONAL SERVICE 900 1/250 4.0 B6 ROYAL JEWELERS RETAIL 922 1/250 4.0 B7 HOLLY AND HUDSON NAIL LOUNGE NAIL SALON 1,214 1/250 5.0 B8 HOLLY AND HUDSON NAIL LOUNGE NAIL SALON 920 1/250 4.0 B9 LIL BABY SPROUTS RETAIL 1,500 1/250 6.0 B10 GNC RETAIL 942 1/250 4.0 B11 THRIVE JUICE LAB EATING & DRINKING 900 1/250 4.0 UP13-025 B15 TOTAL WINE & MORE RETAIL 10,925 1/250 44.0 UP2017-043 D1 STARBUCK'S EATING & DRINKING 1,800 1/3 SEATS 7.0 UP70 AND OD77 D3 CHAMPAGNE'S DELI & GRILL EATING & DRINKING 2,905 1/40 of NPA 35.0 UP3514 CHEVRON SERVICE STATION 2,400 8 8.0 C1 RADIANT HOT YOGA HEALTH FITNESS STUDIO 2,112 1/200 11.0 UP20212-18 (PA20212-101) C2 BELLO BY SANDRO NARDONE EATING & DRINKING 4,015 1/40 of NPA 50.0 UP2011-014 (PA2011-098) 47,047 257 TOTAL STALLS PROVIDED 270 TOTAL STALLS REQUIRED 257 SURPLUS / (DEFICIT)13 SUMMARY TOTALS Newport North Center Parking Summary June 2023 19 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 20 PROJECT INFORMATION SUMMARY: CHANGE OF USE FROM SKIN CARE/BEAUTY TO PILATES STUDIO/RETAIL. TENANT IMPROVEMENT TO TWO EXISTING GROUND FLOOR SUITES IN AN EXISTING 1-STORY BUILDING. ADDRESS: 1220 BISON AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FLOOR: 1ST BUILDING STORIES: 1 APN: 442-042-10 OCCUPANCY TYPE: A-3 (FITNESS FACILITY), M (RETAIL CLOTHING SALES)GROSSLEASABLE AREA: 2,400 SF LANDLORDNAME/ADDRESS:IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES110 INNOVATION DRIVEIRVINE, CA 92617CONTACT: GRANAZ MOVAHED, DIRECTOR OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES949-720-3539TENANTMEGA WELL BY PILATES PLUS + OC ADDRESS: 1220 BISON AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 90808 PHONE: 310-878-7720 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B FIRE SPRINKLERS: YES FIRE ALARM: NO PLANNING EXISTING USE: SKIN CARE/BEAUTY PROPOSED USE: PILATES STUDIO/RETAIL SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR SQUARE FOOT TABULATIONS. ZONING PC-5 SHEET NUMBER: REVISIONS COVER SHEET SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:1123-05 DATE:05.17.23 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. SHEET NO. TITLE ACS.0 COVER SHEET, NOTES A1.0 SITE PLAN A2.0 CEILING PLAN A3.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATION AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR AD ACCESS DOOR AP ACCESS PANEL ACOUSE (ACST) ACOUSTIC A/L ALTERNATE A/C AIR CONDITIONINGALLUM (AL) ALLUMINUMAPPD APPROVEDAPPROXAPPROXIMATEARCH ARCHITECTURALASPH ASPHALTAUTO AUTOMATIC BOW BACK OF WALLBATT INSUL BATTENINSULATIONBM BEAMBD, BRDBOARDBLDG BUILDING CAB CABINET CLG CEILING CTR CENTER CL CENTER LINE CC CENTER TO CENTER CFCI CONTRACTOR FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED CT CIRCULAR TILE CIR CIRCULAR CLR CLEAR, COLOR CLO CLOSET COL COLUMN CONC CONCRETE CONN CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CJ CONTROL JOINT CORR CORRIDOR CNTR COUNTER DET (DETI.) DETAILDIAG DIAGONALDIA DIAMETERDIM DIMENSIONDISP DISPENSERDR DOORDBL DOUBLEDN DOWNDWR DRAWERDWG DRAWINGDF DRINKINGFOUNTAIN EA EACH ELEC ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRIC EL, ELEV ELEVATION EMERG EMERGENCY ENCL ENCLOSURE EQUIP (EQPT) EQUIPMENT EQ EQUAL EW EACH WAY EXH EXHAUST EXIST. EXISTING EXT EXTERIOR FOC FACE OF CONCRETE FOF FACE OF FINISH FOS FACE OF STUDS FOW FACE OF WALL FT FEET FIN FINISH FE (FEXT) FIRE EXTINGUISHER FEC FIREEXTINGUISHERCABINETFES FIREEXTINGUISHER SURFACE MOUNTED FIXT FIXTURE FLR OR FL FLOOR FD FLOOR DRAIN FLOUR FLOURESCENT FR FRAME FURG FURRING GA GAGE OR GUAGE GALV GALVINIZEDGI GALVINIZED IRONG GASGL GLASSGB GRAB BARGR GRADEGND GROUNDGYP GYPSUMGYP BD GYPSUMWALLBOARDGC GENERALCONTRACTOR HDR HANDRAIL HBD HARDBOARD HDW (HW) HARDWARE HDWD HARDWOOD H/C HANDICAPPED HD HEAD HDR HEADER HTR HEATER HT (HGT)HEIGHT H.P. HIGH POINT HC HOLLOW CORE H.M. HOLLOW METAL HMI HOLLOW METAL INSULATED HORIZ HORIZONTAL HR HOUR IN. INCH I.D. INSIDE DIAMETER IDENT IDENTIFICATION INSUL INSULATION INT (INTR) INTERIOR JAN JANITORJT JOINTJST JOIST K KEYKL KEY LOCKKP KICK PLATEKIT KITCHEN LAB LABORATORYLAM LAMINATELAV LAVATORYLT LIGHTLTG LIGHTINGLT WT LIGHT WEIGHTLIN LINEAR LONG LONGITUDINAL LP LOW POINT LKR LOCKER LVR LOUVER MACH MACHINE MAINT MAINTENANCE MFR MANUFACTURE MFG MANUFACTURING MSTC MASIC MATL MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANICAL MTL METAL MT METAL THRESHOLD MIN MINIMUM MIR MIRROR MISC MISCELLANEOUS MLDG MOLDING MTD MOUNTING MUL MULLION N NORTH NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NO. (#) NUMBER NTS NOT TO SCALE OFF. OFFICE OFCI OWNERFURNISHEDCONTRACTORINSTALLEDOC ON CENTEROPP OPPOSITEO.H. OVERHEADO/ OVER PR PAIRPNL PANELPTD PAPER TOWELDISPENSERPTD/R PAPER TOWELDISPENSER & RECEPTACLE PTR PAPER TOWEL RECEPTACLE PRTN PARTITION PERF PERFORATED PLAST PLASTER PLAS PLASTIC PL PLATE PLBG PLUMBING PLYWD PLYWOOD PT POINT LBS POUNDS PSF POUND/SQUARE FOOT PSI POUND/SQUARE INCH PRECST PRECAST PREFAB PREFABRICATED PROJ PROJECTION Q.T. QUARRY TILE¼ RD QUARTER ROUNDQTRS QUARTERSRAD RADIUSRECP RECEPTABLEREF REFERENCEREFR REFRIGERATORREINF REINFORCEMENTREQD REQUIREDREV REVISIONSR RISERRM ROOMRND ROUND RUB RUBBER RB RUBBER BASE SND SANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSER SNR SANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTICLE SCH SCHEDULE SCD SEAT COVER DISPENSER SECT SECTION SSK SERVICE SINK SHTHG SHEATHING SHT SHEET SHWR SHOWER SIM SIMILAR SD SOAP DISPENSER SC SEPARATE CIRCUIT S.M. SHEET METAL S SOUTHSPKR SPEAKERSPEC SPECIFICATIONSQ SQUARESTD STANDARDSTA STATIONSTL STEELSTOR STORAGESTRL STRUCTURALSUSPSUSPENDED SYM SYMMETRICAL TEL TELEPHONE TV TELEVISION TEMP TEMPERATURE TER TERRAZZO THERMO THERMOSTAT THK THICK TH THRESHOLD TOIL TOILETTPD TOILET PAPERDISPENSERTOC TOP OF CONCRETETC TOP OF CURBTOS TOP OF STEELTS TUBULAR STEELTW TOP OF WALLTB TOWEL BARTRANS TRANSVERSETYP TYPICAL UL UNDERWRITERSLABORATORIES UNFIN UNFINISHED UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE UR URINAL VERT VERTICAL VEST VESTIBULE VCT VINYL COMP TILE VT VINYL TILE VWC VINYL WALL COVERING WNSCT WAINSCOT WC WATER CLOSET WP WATER PROOF W/R WATER RESISTANT WT WEIGHT WDT WIDTH WDW WINDOW W/ WITH W/O WITHOUT WD WOOD A1.1 ROOF PLAN 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR (G.C.) TO VERIFY AND REVIEW ALL JOB CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS PRIOR TO BIDDING, PRICING AND CONSTRUCTION TO DETERMINE WHICH NOTES APPLY DIRECTLY TO HIS RESPONSIBILITY. G.C. TO MAKE NOTE OF AND SUBMIT IN WRITTEN FORM TO PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSE ANY DAMAGES OR DEFICIENCIES ON PREMISES AND ANY CONFLICTS AND DISCREPANCIES REGARDING DIMENSIONS, NOTES OR SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL WORK SHOWN OR IMPLIED, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY QUESTIONED, SHALL BE CONSIDERED FULLY UNDERSTOOD IN ALL RESPECTS BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MISINTERPRETATIONS OR CONSEQUENCES THEREOF FOR ALL WORK ON DRAWINGS. 3. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED. DIMENSIONS GOVERN.LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS GOVERN OVER SMALL SCALEDRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS ANDDIMENSIONS @ JOB SITE PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION.IF DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSESHALL BE NOTIFIED FOR CLARIFICATION. 4. ALL DRAWINGS AND NOTES ARE COMPLEMENTARY TO ANYWORK SHOWN OR REFERENCED TO ON ANY ONE DRAWINGSHALL BE PROVIDED AS THOUGH SHOWN ON ALL RELATEDDRAWINGS. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF BUILDING MANAGEMENT IN ALL RESPECTS. IT IS THE G.C. RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN SUCH REGULATIONS FROM THE BUILDING OWNER AND PROVIDE FOR REVIEW BY ALL SUBTRADES. G.C. TO NOTIFY PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSE OF ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN REGULATIONS AND OTHER CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS, PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY OTHER WORK. 6. ALL WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN OCCUPIED AREAS OR IN OTHER TENANT SPACES SHALL BE PERFORMED ON OVERTIME, AS REQUIRED, AND BY BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS. 7. GENERAL CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ALL WORK REQUIRED TO MAKE ALL PARTS COME TOGETHER PROPERLY AND FIT TO RECEIVE OR BE RECEIVED BY WORK OF OTHER CONTRACTORS IMPLIED BY DRAWING OR NOTES. 8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR USE, SCHEDULING AND FEES INCURRED BY HOISTING FACILITIES/ELEVATORS. 9. ALL WORK IS TO CONFORM TO PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSEDRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE NEW AND OFTHE BEST QUALITY OF KINDS SPECIFIED. ALL MANUFACTUREDARTICLES TO BE INSTALLED, CONNECTED AND CONDITIONEDAS DIRECTED BY MANUFACTURER. ALL WORK TO BEPERFORMED IN A GOOD WORKMANSHIP MANNER. 10. ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORREVIEWING ENTIRE SET OF DRAWINGS AND NOTING THEIRWORK AS APPLICABLE. ALL SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BESUBMITTED TO PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSE FOR APPROVALTHROUGH G.C. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 11. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FORREMOVAL, REPLACEMENT AND RECTIFICATION OF ALL DAMAGED AND DEFECTIVE MATERIAL AND/OR WORKMANSHIP IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT WORK. ANY COSTS CAUSED BY DEFECTIVE OR ILL-TIMED WORK, POOR WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS, POOR SCHEDULING OR DELINQUENT ORDERING SHALL BE BORNE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 12. DURING THE ENTIRE PERIOD OF DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION ALL REQUIRED EXITS SHALL BE MAINTAINED. EXIT LIGHTING AND FIRE PROTECTIVE SERVISES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED. ALL WAYS OF TRAVEL FROM EXITS TO THE STREET SHALL BE MAINTAINED FREE FROM ALL OBSTRUCTIONS. 13. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPERLY PROTECT THE BUILDING AND ANY OTHER ADJOINING PROPERTY OR WORK AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURFACED OR FINISHED TO REMAIN DURING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION. ANY DAMAGE TO THE SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED BY G.C. AT HIS EXPENSE TO “LIKE NEW” CONDITION. 14. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALLOWED WORKING HOURS FOR ALL WORK DONE TO THE CORE (INCLUDINGDRILLING, PATCHING, AND ELECTRICAL HOOKUPS) AND ISRESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK NECESSARY TO COMPLETEWORK TO THE CORE AND IN NON-LEASE SPACE. 15. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CLEAN UP AND REMOVE ALL WASTE MATERIALS FROM PREMISES AS GENERATED BY CONSTRUCTION DEMOLITION, WOODWORK AND ALL TRADES EMPLOYED BY CONTRACTUAL WORK. 16. ALL WORK NOTED N.I.C. OR “BY TENANT” IS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY PERSONS OTHER THAN G.C. AND IS NOT PART OF CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT. 17. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE AND PAY FOR ALL REQUIRED PERMITS FROM BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND FORWARD COPIES TO PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSE. 18. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE BY THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND A LIST OF A LONG LEAD ITEMS BY THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK OFCONSTRUCTION. 19. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT IN WRITING ALL CHANGEORDERS FOR ADDITIONAL WORK TO OWNER FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL. NO WORK IS TO PROCEED UNTIL A SIGNEDPROPOSAL IS RETURNED TO G.C. UNLESS OTHEWISE NOTED.ALL CHANGES IN THIS FIELD SHALL BE SIGNED BY THE CLIENTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 20. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE G.C. SHALL SUBMITTO OWNER:A.COPY OF INSPECTIONS AND FINAL SIGN-OFF.B. CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (AIA DOCUMENT #G704). C. COPY OF PERMIT CARD. D.BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVED DRAWINGS. E. WARRANTIES FOR SPECIFIED MATERIALS. F.RECORD/AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS. 21. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUPPLEMENTAL TO ALL LAWS AND CODES OF GOVERNMENTAL REGULATING BODIES RELATING TO BUILDINGS, AND ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THESE REGULATIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED AS THOUGH SPECIFICALLY NOTED BY SUCH CODES AS LAWS. IT IS THE G.C. RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSE OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THESE DRAWINGS AND LOCAL BUILDING CODES. G.C. TO PROVIDE A SEPARATE PRICE IN THE BID FOR EACH ITEM THAT REQUIRES CHANGING MODIFYING OR REMOVAL. 22. APPLICABLE CODES THIS PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO:2022 CALIFORNIA ADMINSTRATIVE CODE - (PART 1, TITLE 24CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE - (PART 2, TITLE 24, CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE - (PART 3 TITLE 24, CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE - (PART 4, TITLE 24, CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE - (PART 5, TITLE 24, CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE - (PART 6, TITLE 24, CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA ELEVATOR SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CODE -(PART 7, TITLE 24 CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL CODE - (PART 8, TITLE 24)2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE - (PART 9, TITLE 24, CCR)2022 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE - (PART 10, TITLE24 CCR) 2022 CALIFORNIA REFERENCED STANDARDS - (PART 12, TITLE 24, CCR) 23. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 24. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORMING TO ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES AND TRADE STANDARDS. 25. CONTRACTOR TO REWORK SPRINKLERS, FIRE SAFETY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS, SWITCHING, EXIT SIGNS AND HVAC SYSTEM AS REQUIRED. 26.PD&C, INC. DBA RAND KRUSE IS UNAWARE OF ANY EXISTING ASBESTOS WITHIN THE AREA OF NEW WORK. IT IS THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ADVISE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBS OF ANY ASBESTOS WITHIN THE FACILITY. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS REQUIRED BY LAW TO PROTECT ALL WORKERS AND OCCUPANTS IF ANY ASBESTOS IS IDENTIFIED AND NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY. GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATIONS PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET INDEX DEFERRED SUBMITTALS VACINITY MAP A3.1 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ACS.0 CONSULTANTS FIRE SPRINKLER ALTERATIONS TO THE EXISTING NFPA 13 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION AND PERMIT. EXTERIOR SIGNAGE SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION AND PERMIT. JURISDICTIONAL APPROVALS A1.3 FLOOR PLAN A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 B USE PERMIT PARKING STANDARD STALL PROVIDED: 268 STALLS ACCESSIBLE PARKING REQ:7 STALLS ACCESSIBLE PARKING PROVIDED: 8 STALLS LOADING PROVIDED:5 STALLS A4.0 POWER / LIGHTING / DATA PLAN ACS.1 NOTES & SYMBOLS ASP.0 SPECIFICATIONS ASP.1 SPECIFICATIONS ASP.2 SPECIFICATIONS ASP.3 SPECIFICATIONS ASP.4 SPECIFICATIONS A5.0 SCHEDULES A6.0 DETAILS A6.1 DETAILS A6.2 DETAILS E1 ELECTRICAL SLD, NOTES, SCHEDULES E2 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN E2.1 ELECTRICAL DAY LIGHTING PLAN E3 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN E4 ELECTRICAL ROOF PLAN E5 ELECTRICAL T-24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE M1 MECHANICAL NOTES AND SCHEDULES M2 MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN M2 MECHANICAL ROOF PLAN P1 PLUMBING LEGEND, SCHEDULES P2 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS P3 PLUMBING DEMO & WASTE AND VENT P4 PLUMBING HOT & COLD WATER P5 PLUMBING DETAILS C USE PERMIT PCC 1 x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DIVISIONxCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENTxCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT M.E.P. ENGINEERS WESTERN ENGINEERING 1237 S. EUCLID ST. ANAHEIM, CA 92802 714-491-0786 TITLE-24 ENGINEERS WESTERN ENGINEERING 1237 S. EUCLID ST. ANAHEIM, CA 92802 714-491-0786 D LANDLORD COMMENTS LANDLORD REQUIRED VENDORS ROOF MODIFICATIONS / PENETRATIONS, ROOF PENETRATION WORK INSPECTIONS. (BID ALL / CHOOSE ONE) WESTCOAST ROOF CONSULTING - PH. 714-545-7663 MARK BEAMISH WATERPROOFING - PH. 714-632-6929 x 14 INDEPENDENT ROOFING CONS. - PH. 949-476-8626 A1.0a SITE ACCESSIBLE DETAILS A6.3 STD. ROOF PENETRATION DETAILSD D D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 21 GENERAL NOTES (CONT.)ACCESSIBILITY NOTES (CONT.)SYMBOLS FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES 1. EXIT DOORS SHALL SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF EXIT TRAVEL WHEN SERVING ANY HAZARDOUS AREA OR WHEN SERVING ANOCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE.2. EXIT DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPENABLE FROM THE EGRESSSIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OREFFORT. (2019 CBC 1008.1.9)EXCEPTION: THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL NOT APPLY TO EXTERIOR EXIT DOORS IN A GROUP “B” OCCUPANCY IF THERE ISA VISIBLE, DURABLE SIGN ON OR ADJACENT TO THE DOOR STATING “THIS DOOR TO REMAIN OPEN DURING BUSINESS HOURS.” THE LETTERS SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 1 INCH HIGHON A CONTRASTING BACKGROUND. THE LOCKING DEVICE MUST BE A TYPE THAT WILL BE READILY DISTINGUISHABLE ASLOCKED.3. PANIC HARDWARE, WHEN INSTALLED, SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE ACTIVATING MEMBER SHALL BE MOUNTED AT A HEIGHT OF NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES NOR MORE THAN 44 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR. THE UNLATCHING FORCE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 POUNDS WHEN APPLIED IN THE DIRECTION OF EXIT TRAVEL. 4. THE MEANS OF EGRESS, INCLUDING THE EXIT DISCHARGE, SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES THE BUILDING SPACE SERVED BY THE MEANS OF EGRESS IS OCCUPIED. THE MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION LEVEL SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1 FOOT-CANDLE (11 LUX) AT THE WALKING SURFACE LEVEL (2022 CBC 1006.1, 1006.2) 5. EXIT ILLUMINATION SHALL COMPLY WITH 2013 CBC SECTION 1006 AND 1011. 6. EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT REQUIRED EXIT DOORWAYS AND WHERE OTHERWISE NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE DIRECTION OF EGRESS WHEN THE EXIT SERVES AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE. EXCEPTION: MAIN EXTERIOR DOORS WHICH OBVIOUSY AND CLEARLY ARE IDENTIFIABLE AS EXITS NEED TO BE SIGNED WHEN APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL.7. WHEN NECESSARY, THE FINAL LOCATION AND QUANTITY OFEXIT SIGNS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENTPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF ANY WORK.8. THE COLOR AND DESIGN OF LETTERING, ARROWS AND OTHERSYMBOLS ON EXIT SIGN SHALL BE IN HIGH CONTRAST WITHTHEIR BACKGROUND (NOT LESS THAN .75” X 6” LETTERS) (2019CBC)9. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL BENON-COMBUSTIBLE OR HAVE A FLAME SPREAD RATING OF 0TO 25 FEET.10. ALL DRAPES, HANGING CURTAINS AND OTHER DECORATIVEMATERIALS SHALL BE TREATED AND MAINTAINED IN FLAMERETARDANT CONDITION. 11. IF REQUIRED BY CODE OR PLAN CHECK, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO INCLUDE PLANS FOR FIXED FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SUCH AS STANDPIPES, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS, MAY BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL PRIOR TO ANY EQUIPMENT BEING INSTALLED. EXTEND OR MODIFY EXISTING SYSTEM AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE THIS PROJECT. (TITE 19, PART 3, TITLE 24). 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE THE EXACT LOCATIONS OF ALL LIGHT FIXTURES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS WITH RESPECT TO EXISTING STRUCTURAL AND/OR MECHANICAL OBSTRUCTIONS ABOVE THE CEILING. ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OR ARCHITECT. 13. EXTEND/MODIFY FIRE/LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM AS REQUIRED. 14. EXTEND FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AS REQUIRED. 15. FIRE SPRINKLER/OR LIFE SAFETY PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE.16. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANS MUST BE REVISED ANDAPPROVED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FIREDEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATIONOF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS.17. A PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER WITH A MINUMUM 2A 1OBC RATING SHALL BE PROVIDED EVERY 75' OF TRAVELDISTANCE FROM ANY POINT WITHIN THE AREA DEFINED ASSCOPE OF WORK PER THESE PLANS. PROVIDE FIREEXTINGUISHERS AS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT FIELDINSPECTOR.18. ALL EMERGENCY LIGHTING SOURCES SHALL EMIT AMINIMUM VALUE OF ONE FOOT CANDLE MEASURED AT FLOORLEVEL. 19. PROVIDE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE HEARING AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PER A.D.A. REQUIREMENTS. 20. ADDRESS SHALL BE VISIBLE FROM STREET. 21. KNOX BOX REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED. 22. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS REQUIRED - 2A 1 OBC EVERY 50' TRAVEL DISTANCE. 23. EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS SIGNAGE REQUIRED TO BE POSTED AT LOCATIONS APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. 24. EXIT HARDWARE SHALL COMPLY WITH UBC CHAPTER ON EXITING. 25. DO NOT UNDERCUT FIRE RATED DOORS. EXIT DOORS MUST BE TIED IN TO THE FIRE SAFETY SYSTEM. 26. PROVIDE COPY OF APPROVED NEW FLOOR PLANS FOR TENANT. FLOORS INSIDE FIRE CONTROL ROOM. 27. PROJECT TO COMPLY WITH ART. 87 OF C.F.C. 28. MODIFIED FIRE SPRINKLER PLANS AND FIRE LIFE SAFETY SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW, APPROVAL AND PERMIT ISSUANCE. DOOR NOTES 1. ALL MANUALLY OPERATED EDGE OR SURFACE-MOUNTEDFLUSH BOLTS ARE PROHIBITED ON EXIT DOORS. WHEN EXITDOORS ARE USED IN PAIRS AND APPROVED AUTOMATIC FLUSHBOLDS ARE USED, THE DOOR LEAD HAVING THE AUTOMATICFLUSH BOLTS SHALL HAVE NO DOOR KNOB ORSURFACE-MOUNTED HARDWARE. THE UNLATCHING OF ANYLEAF SHALL NOT REQUIRE MORE THAN ONE OPERATION.2. ALL EXIT DOOR HARDWARE SHALL BE OF AN APPROVED TYPEAND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURESESTABLISHED BY SFM 33.2 AND SFM 33.3 AS SHOWN INCHAPTER 2-60 OF TITLE 24.3. ALL HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAMES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHSTEEL FRAMES. 4. ALL THRESHOLDS SHALL NOT EXCEED ½” CHANGE IN ELEVATION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL UNDERCUT ALL NEW AND EXISTING DOORS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ALL FLOOR COVERINGS. VERIFY EXACT THICKNESS OF ALL NEW FLOOR COVERING WITH PD&C, INC. dba RAND KRUSE PRIOR TOUNDERCUTTING OF DOORS.6. STANDARD MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN DOOR JAMBS ANDWALLS PERPENDICULAR AND ADJACENT TO DOOR OPENINGTO BE 6” UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ENTRANCES& EXITS 1. ALL ENTRANCES AND ALL EXTERIOR GROUND FLOOREXIT DOORS TO BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES SHALL BEMADE ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. (2022CBC 11B-206.4)2. ALL ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITHAT LEAST ONE STANDARD SIGN AND WITH ADDITIONALDIRECTIONAL SIGNS, AS REQUIRED, VISIBLE FROMAPPROACHING PEDESTRIAN WAYS.3. ALL GATES, INCLUDING TICKET GATES, SHALL MEET ALLAPPLICABLE ACCESSIBILITY SPECIFICATIONS OF DOORS. (2022 CBC 11B-206.5) 4. EVERY REQUIRED EXIT DOORWAYS WHICH IS LOCATED WITHIN AN ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL SHALL BE CAPABLE OF OPENING AT LEAST 90 DEGREES, SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CLEAR OPENING OF 32”, AND SHALL BE OF A SIZE AS TO PERMIT THE INSTALLATION OF A DOOR NOT LESS THAN 3' IN WIDTH AND NOT LESS THAN 6'-8” IN HEIGHT. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.3) 5. WHERE PAIR OF DOORS IS UTILIZED AT LEAST ONE OF THE DOORS SHALL PROVIDE A CLEAR UNOBSTRUCTED OPENING WIDTH OF 32-INCHES WITH THE LEAF POSITIONED AT AN ANGLE OF 90 DEGREES FROM ITS CLOSED POSITION. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.2, 404.2.3) 6. LATCHING AND LOCKING DOORS THAT ARE HAND ACTIVATED AND WHICH ARE IN PATH OF TRAVEL SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH A SINGLE EFFORT BY LEVER TYPE HARDWARE, BY PANIC BARS, PUSH-PULL ACTIVATING BARS, OR OTHER HARDWARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE PASSAGE. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.7, 309-4). 7. OPERABLE PARTS OF DOOR HARDWARE HARDWARE MOUNTED BETWEEN 34-INCHES AND 44-INCHES ABOVEFINISHED FLOOR. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.7)8. THE FLOOR LANDING ON EACH SIDE OF AN ENTRANCE ORPASSAGE DOOR SHALL BE LEVEL AND CLEAR. THELEVEL AND CLEAR AREA SHALL HAVE A LENGTH IN THEDIRECTION OF DOOR SWING OF AT LEAST 60 - INCHESAND THE LENGTH OPPOSITE THE DIRECTION OF DOORSWING OF 44 - INCHES AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLESTO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN ITS CLOSED POSITION.9. THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AREA ON THE SIDE TO WHICHTHE DOOR SWINGS SHALL EXTEND 24-INCHES PAST THESTRIKE EDGE OF THE DOOR FOR EXTERIOR DOORS AND18-INCHES PAST THE STRIKE EDGE FOR THE INTERIOR DOORS. WHERE A DOOR IS REQUIRED TO BE ACCESSIBLE IS LOCATED IN A RECESS OR ALCOVE WHERE THE DISTANCE FROM THE FACE OF THE WALL TO THE FACE OF THE DOOR IS GREATER THAN 8 INCHES, STRIKE SIDE CLEARANCE PER SECTION 11B-404.2.4 SHALL BE PROVIDED. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.4, 11B-404.2.4.3). 10. THE FLOOR OR LANDING SHALL BE NOT MORE THAN ½ - INCH LOWER THAN THE THRESHOLD OF THE DOORWAY. CHANGE IN LEVEL BETWEEN ¼ - INCH AND ½ - INCH SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:2. (CBC 2019 404.2.5). 11. THE BOTTOM 10-INCHS OF ALL DOORS EXCEPT AUTOMATIC AND SLIDING SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH UNITERRUPTED SURFACE TO ALLOW THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION. WHERE NARROW FRAME DOORS ARE USED, A 10-INCH HIGH SMOOTH PANEL SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PUSHSIDE OF THE DOOR, WHICH WILL ALLOW THE DOOR TO BEOPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUTCREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION. (2022 CBC11B-404.2.10).12. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE INTERIOR AND EXTERIORDOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 LBS. SUCH PULL OR PUSHEFFORT BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGEDDOORS AND AT THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIDING ORFOLDING DOORS. COMPENSATING DEVICES ORAUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS MAY BE UTILIZED TO MEETTHE ABOVE STANDARDS. WHEN FIRE DOORS AREREQUIRED, THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE THE DOORMAY BE INCREASED TO THE MINIMUM ALLOWED BY THE APPROPRIATE ADMINSTRATIVE AUTHORITY, NOT TO EXCEED 15 LBS. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.9). 13. FOR HINGED DOORS, THE OPENING WIDTH SHALL BE MEASURED WITH THE DOOR POSITION AT AN ANGLE OF 90 DEGREES FROM THE CLOSED POSITION. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.3) 14. WHERE A PAIR OF DOORS IS UTILIZED, AT LEAST ONE OF THE DOORS SHALL PROVIDE A CLEAR, UNOBSTRUCTED OPENING WIDTH OF 32" WITH THE LEAF POSITIONED AT AN ANGLE OF 90 DEGREES FROM ITS CLOSED POSITION. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.2, 404.2.3) 15. MINIMUM MANEUVERING CLEARANCES AT DOORS SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 11B-404.2.4.1. THE FLOOR OR GROUND AREA WITHIN THE REQUIRED CLEARANCES SHALL BE LEVEL AND CLEAR. (2022 CBC 11B-404.2.4, 404.2.4.4) 16. PROVIDE CLEAR SPACE OF 12" PAST STRIKE EDGE OF THE DOOR ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE TO WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS IF THE DOOR IS EQUIPPED WITH BOTH A LATCH AND A CLOSER.17. WHERE THE DOOR OPENS INTO A STAIR OF A SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE, THE LANDING NEED NOT HAVE ALENGTH OF 60".18. WHEN THE DOOR HAS A CLOSER, THEN THE SWEEPPERIOD OF THE CLOSER SHALL BE ADJUSTED SO THATFROM AN OPEN POSITION OF 90 DEGREES, THE TIMEREQUIRED TO MOVE THE DOOR TO A POSITION OF 12DEGREES FROM THE LATCH IS 5 SECONDS MINIMUM. (2022CBC 11B-404.2.8.1) SHEET NUMBER: NOTES AND SYMBOLS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A 1 COLUMN GRID XXXX REVISION CLOUD & DELTA 1 ALIGN FACE OF NEWCONSTRUCTION WITH EXISTING NIC (NOT IN CONTRACT) BUILDINGSTANDARD DOOR XXX DOOR NUMBER, REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE 200OFFICE ROOM NAME ROOM NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ENLARGED PLAN AREA TO BE ENLARGED SHEET NUMBER +9'-0" INDICATES CEILINGHEIGHT, AFF (E) (N) (R) INDICATESEXISTING ITEM TO REMAIN INDICATES NEW ITEM INDICATESRELOCATED ITEM 5 A.X.X ACS.1 ACCESSIBILITY NOTES 19. ALL DOORS AND ALCOVES SHALL COMPLY WITH THECLEARANCES FOR FRONT APPROACHES.20.PROVIDE TACTILE EXIT SIGN PER SECTION 11B-202.421. ACCESSIBLE STALL IN MULTI-ACCOMMODATION TOILETFACILITIES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 60" WIDE PER (2022CBC 11B-213.2)22.PROVIDE TACTILE EXIT SIGN PER SECTION 11B-202.4.23. ACCESSIBLE STALL IN MULTI-ACCOMMODATION TOILETFACILITIES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 60” WIDE PER (2022CBC 11B-213.2). AISLES 24.EVERY CORRIDOR SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SHALL BE DETERMINED AS PER CBC CHAPTER 10 BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 44 INCHES IN WIDTH. (2022 CBC CHAPTER 10) 25.EVERY PORTION OF EVERY BUILDING IN WHICH ARE INSTALLED SEATS, TABLES, MERCHANDISE, EQUIPMENT OR SIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AISLES LEADING TO AN EXIT. (2022 CBC CHAPTER 10) ACCESSIBLE DOORS 26. ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCES AND EXITS FROM A BUILDING MUST BE PROVIDED, ACCORDING TO 2022 CBC. 27.MANEUVERING CLEARANCES AT DOORS SHALL BE LEVEL (1:50 MAX. SLOPE) AND CLEAR IF DOORS ARE NOT AUTOMATIC OR POWER ASSISTED. 28. GATES MUST MEET ACCESSIBLE REQUIREMENTS FOR DOORS. 29.PROVIDE ACCESSIBLE DOORS OR GATES ADJACENT TO REVOLVING DOORS OR TURNSTILES.30.DOUBLE LEAF DOORS SHALL HAVE AT LEAST THE ACTIVELEAF MEET ALL DOOR REQUIREMENTS.31. ALL DOORS IN ALCOVES SHALL COMPLY WITH THECLEARANCES FOR FRONT APPROACHES. 8. PROVIDE SPRINKLER PROTECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION GREATER THAN 48" WIDE, SUCH AS DUCTS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13 REQUIREMENTS. 9. THE ABOVE GROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM PIPING AFFECTED BY THE ALTERATION SHALL BE THOROUGHLY FLUSHED PER NFPA 13 REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO HYDROSTATIC TEST. 10. THE ABOVE GROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM PIPING AFFECTED BY THE ALTERATION SHALL BE HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED FOR TWO HOURS AT 200-PSI IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13 REQUIREMENTS.11. SYSTEM DESIGN ALTERATIONS SHALL BE HYDRAULICALLYDESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13 REQUIREMENTS.CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM A FIRE HYDRANT FLOW TESTTO OBTAIN CURRENT WATER SUPPLY DATA FOR THEPREPARATION OF DESIGN AND INSTALLATION DRAWINGS.12. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIRESTOP ALL PIPE PENETRATIONS OFFIRE RESISTANCE RATED (FRR) WALLS CEILINGS/FLOORS WITHA FRR FIRESTOP ASSEMBLY EQUAL TO THE FRR OF THE WALLOR CEILING/FLOOR.13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE SHOP DRAWINGS INACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13 REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMIT TOENGINEER FOR APPROVAL, PRIOR TO MATERIAL PURCHASING, FABRICATION, AND INSTALLATION. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE EXISTING SPRINKLER SPACING, LOCATION AND DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS WITH NEW WALLS, LIGHTS, DIFFUSERS, STRUCTURE AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13 REQUIREMENTS. 15. ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE TENANT TO THE LANDLORDS SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND ALL OTHER PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE TENANT'S CONTRACTOR. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL RE-USE AS MUCH OF THE EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PIPING AND COMPONENTS AS NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE COST. 1. THE EXISTING BUILDING IS PROVIDED WITH AN EXISTINGAUTOMATIC WET-PIPE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. THESCOPE OF WORK SHALL CONSIST OF THE ALTERATION OFAN EXISTING SYSTEM TO CONFORM TO THE NEW SPACERENOVATION, AND PROVIDE COMPLETE AND CODECOMPLIANT SPRINKLER PROTECTION THROUGHOUT THE RENOVATED AREA. 2. THE SCOPE OF ALTERATION IS PERFORMANCE-BASED IN NATURE AND DOES NOT REFERENCE SYSTEM LAYOUT, COMPONENTS, ATC. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW ALL PROJECT RENOVATION DOCUMENTS AND SURVEY THE EXISTING SITE, SYSTEMS AND BUILDING FEATURES WITH ALL PROJECT DOCUMENTS TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID FOR A COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE BID. 3. SCOPE OF ALTERATION SHALL COMPLY WITH: 3.1. 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 3.2. 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 3.3. NFPA 13, STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, 2016 EDITION 3.4. NFPA 25, STANDARD FOR THE INSPECTION, TESTING AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, 2016 EDITION 3.5. SPACE RENOVATION DESIGN DOCUMENTS 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND ADHERE TO ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. 5. ALL SPRINKLERS SHALL BE NEW AND MATCH THEDEVELOPMENTS EXISTING SPRINKLER CHARACTERISTICSAND PROTECTION SCHEMES.6. PENDANT SPRINKLERS LOCATED IN CEILING TILES SHALLBE CENTERED IN TILE. SPRINKLERS IN THE TENANTSPACES SHALL BE OF THE QUICK RESPONSE TYPE ASAPPLICABLE.7. SPRINKLER PIPING SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 BLACK STEELWITH GROOVED OR THREADED JOINTS AND COMPATIBLEIRON/STEEL FITTINGS. FIRE PROTECTION NOTES A 5 A.X.X B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 LANDLORD NOTES 1. TENANT GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE MEASURES DURING DEMOLITION AND OTHER DUST CREATED WORK TO ENSURE DUST CONTAMINATED AIR DOES NOT GO INTO ADJACENT TENANTS PREMISES. 2. PLEASE SEE 5/A6.0 FOR CONCRETE SLAB INFILL DETAIL.DETAIL TO BE USED ON ALL SLAB INFILL WORK. 3. BARRICADES AND/OR WINDOW GRAPHICS CANNOT BEREMOVED UNTIL LANDLORD’S TENANT COORDINATOR HASPROVIDED WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT STOREFRONTMODIFICATION WORK IS COMPLETE AND THE WORK ISACCEPTED AND APPROVED AND THE TENANT PREMISES ISFULLY MERCHANDISED AND PREPARED TO OPEN FORBUSINESS. TENANT’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS REQUIREDTO SCHEDULE THE DATE FOR THE REMOVAL OF THEBARRICADE.LANDLORD RECOMMENDS THAT TENANTGENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTACT THE LANDLORD’SVENDOR AT LEAST 14 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE PROJECTED DATE THAT THE TENANT PLANS TO OPEN FOR BUSINESS. 4. INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 5. ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEAL FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. FREESTANDING SENSOR PEDESTALS ARE PROHIBITED. 6. ANY HARD LID CEILINGS AND SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THE STOREFRONT BELOW THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. 7. ANY NON-ILLUMINATED, AND/OR ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE CANNOT BE PLACE AT THE INSIDE OF STOREFRONT SYSTEM WITHIN THE PREMISE. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 3’-0” OFF THE INSIDE OF THE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. 8. COMBO BUG-EYE EXIT LIGHT COMBO FIXTURE IS NOTALLOWED IN AREAS THAT ARE VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC.TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS AND FINAL CONSTRUCTIONMUST INSTALL A RECESSED OR SURFACE MOUNTED CLEARACRYLIC BLADE EXIT SIGN AT THE STOREFRONT ENTRY. SEEDETAIL 3/A6.2. 9. ALL ELECTRICAL RUNS IN THE OPEN CEILING AREA OF THETENANT PREMISES IN THE FRONT OF HOUSE MUST BE RIGIDCONDUIT. THE USE OF FLEX CONDUIT IS PROHIBITED. INADDITION, ANY ELECTRICAL RUN FROM THE CEILING TO ASUSPENDED LIGHT FIXTURE MUST BE HIDDEN IN A RIGIDSLEEVE. 10. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR ALL “WET-AREAS” OF THE PREMISE WILL NEED TO INCORPORATE WATER PROOFING METHODS TO PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE AND MOLD GROWTH IN OR AROUND THESE AREAS. SEE 4/A6.2 FOR LANDLORD'S STANDARD DETAIL.. SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR LOCATIONS. 11. THE CASH WRAP AND/OR HAVE A SCREEN TO CONCEAL THE BACKS OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM PUBLIC VIEW. 12. ACCESS PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL CEILING AREAS, WHICH MAY POTENTIALLY REQUIRE ACCESS FOR PURPOSES OF MAINTENANCE OF MECHANICAL OR OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNS. ANY ACCESS PANELS SHOULD BE SPECIFIED AS A STYLEMARK TYPE DRYWALL CEILING ACCESS DOOR (INTERSOURCE SPECIALTIES COMPANY / WWW.INTERSOURCECO.COM). SEE DETAIL 2/A6.2. 13. TRACK LIGHT FIXTURES LOCATED NEAR/ADJACENT TO THE STOREFRONT GLASS MUST BE INSTALLED WITHIN A RECESSED ALCOVE AT THE HARD LID CEILING TO CONCEAL THE TRACK FIXTURE FROM VIEW. 14. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE CODE COMPLIANCE OFTHE EXISTING FIRE RATED SEPARATION WALLS SHAREDWITH ADJACENT PREMISES. FIRE RATING TO BEMAINTAINED. GENERAL LOUD USES 1. IT IS THE TENANT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO MITIGATE SOUND WITHIN YOUR PREMISES PER THE LEASE AGREEMENT.ADDITIONAL SOUND ATTENUATION MEASURES MAY BENECESSARY TO PREVENT SOUNDS OR VIBRATIONS OF ANYKIND TO TRANSMIT THROUGH SHARED WALLS, FLOORS,CEILINGS, OR TO COMMON AREAS OF THE CENTER. WERECOMMEND THAT YOU CONSULT WITH A SOUNDATTENUATION SPECIALIST TO CONDUCT A REVIEW OF THESPACE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND SUPPLY THE RESULTSTO THE LANDLORD. SHOULD SOUND BE AN ISSUE IN THEFUTURE THE TENANT IS RESPONSIBLE TO RESOLVE THISISSUE AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. WE BELIEVE THIS WOULDBE BEST ADDRESSED PRIOR TO OPENING FOR BUSINESS.THE BELOW VENDORS ARE NOT REQUIRED BUT HAVECONDUCTED OTHER SUCH STUDIES WITHIN OUR PORTFOLIO. VENEKLASEN ASSOCIATES - WWW.VENEKLASEN.COM CONTACT: ALEX LOPEZ | 1711 SIXTEENTH STREET | SANTA MONICA, CA. 904404 OFFICE (310) 450-1733 | DIRECT LINE (310) 556-5118 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING LANDLORD NOTES (CONT.) 1. LANDLORD DOES NOT WARRANTY EXISTING TENANTIMPROVEMENT PLUMBING WASTE LINES. 2. IT IS THE TENANT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THAT THE T/IPLUMBING LINE WITHIN THE PREMISE (INSTALLED BYOTHERS) IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. ANY REPAIRS OR LINEFAILURES INSIDE THE PREMISE ARE THE SOLERESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TENANT TO REPAIR OR REPLACE ATTENANT’S EXPENSE. 3. NOTE THAT ANY TENANT EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED ON THE LANDLORD’S ROOF MUST BE INSTALLED AS PER THE REQUIRED DETAILS THAT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE LANDLORD. THE REQUIRED DETAIL PLAN SHEET MUST BE INSERTED INTO THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS. THE TENANT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT DURING THE COURSE OF TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION AT THE PREMISES. 4. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY AIR CURTAIN/FLY FAN SYSTEM MUST BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE TENANT PREMISES ABOVE THE REAR EGRESS DOOR THAT IS DESIGNATED FOR TENANT DELIVERIES. THE INSTALLATION OF AIR CURTAIN/FLY FAN SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED OUTSIDE THE TENANT PREMISES OR AT THE TENANT’S STOREFRONT SYSTEM GLAZING. THE TENANT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THIS REQUIREMENT DURING THE COURSE OF TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION AT THE PREMISES. 5. EQUIPMENT, EXHAUST FANS, AND UTILITY VENTS CANNOT BE HIGHER THAN THE PARAPET WALL IN THE ROOF WELL AREA.” 6. ALL ROOF EQUIPMENT, VENTS, AND ASSOCIATED CONDUITLINES INSTALLED DURING THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTCONSTRUCTION ON THE ROOF MUST BE PAINTED TO MATCHTHE EXISTING ROOF COLOR. 7. EQUIPMENT AND VENTS CAN ONLY BE INSTALLED INSIDE THEROOF WELL AREA. NO EQUIPMENT AND VENTS TO BE PLACEDAT MANSARD (TILE) ROOF AREA. 8. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CONDENSATE DRAIN LINES MUSTIMMEDIATELY PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN ALONG THEUNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE. ALL CONDENSATEDRAINS MUST RUN INSIDE TENANT’S PREMISES AND DRAINTO EITHER A FLOOR SINK OR MOP SINK INSIDE THE TENANT’S PREMISES. 9. DURING THE COURSE OF TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION THERE ARE NO PENETRATIONS OF TENANT PLUMBING OR ELECTRICAL LINES AT THE EXTERIOR WALLS OF THE TENANT PREMISES. EXTERIOR WALL PENETRATIONS RELATING TO TENANT IMPROVEMENT WORK IS PROHIBITED. 10. ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLET COVERS, SECURITY CAMERAS AND SPEAKERS MUST HAVE A COVER PLATE WHICH ALLOWS THE EQUIPMENT TO BLEND IN SEAMLESSLY WITH THE SURFACE ON WHICH IT IS MOUNTED. D LANDLORD COMMENTS D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 22 SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. ASP.0 A SPECIFICATIONS: DIVISION 1: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. GC shall maintain sufficient levels of lighting to permit the installation and inspection of such workas architectural fixture, storefront work, floor finishing, painting, etc. If in the opinion of the Owneror Architect there is insufficient light to inspect or perform the work, the GC shall provide additionaltemporary lighting. The GC will not be permitted to use the Owner's lamps. I. GENERAL:A. The AIA General Conditions of the Contract for Construction and the Owner's Project Manual andSupplementary General Conditions shall be part of these documents. These General Requirementsare intended to supplement and, where more stringent, supersede the "General Conditions" and"Supplementary General Conditions".B. The Work of this Project is to be performed under separate contracts in accordance with Section IIbelow. Where "Contractor" is referred to in the "General Conditions," the "Supplementary GeneralConditions" and the "General Requirements" it shall refer to each prime Contractor unless specificallynoted otherwise.C. The General Contractor shall be solely responsible for obtaining and paying for all required permits,controlled inspections, other agency approvals and shall schedule all required inspections and obtainall required final sign-offs for Project completion. Copies of all transactions shall be forwarded to theArchitect.D. All work, procedures and materials shall comply with applicable codes and regulations.E. All work, procedures and materials shall comply with the requirements of the Lease. It is theContractor's responsibility to obtain a copy of such requirements. Where requirements conflict withthose herein, the more stringent and/or expensive shall apply.F. All work shall be installed in accordance with the Contract Documents, manufacturers' latest printedinstructions, and accepted trade standards, unless more stringent methods are specified herein orshown on the Drawings. Work shall be installed in an environmentally safe method as describedabove and within these specifications.G. Prior to submitting a bid, the Contractor shall thoroughly examine the site of work, including accessthereto, to familiarize himself with all relevant existing conditions. Lack of familiarity with suchconditions will not be grounds for "extras" during construction.H. After construction begins, the General Contractor shall provide weekly digital site photos on eachMonday showing previous week’s work along with the construction schedule reflecting any revisionsmade during the week.I. The contactor shall have an authorized respresentative present at the Project site who shall beresponsible for receiving all materials delivered in connection with the Project. The Owner, Landlordnor Building Management shall have no responsibility for such deliveries.J. Supervision by the Contractor: The Contractor shall be represented at the Project Site by a qualifiedSuperintendent who shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Contractor. The Superintendent shallnot be changed during the Project except at the request of the Owner. The Superintendent shall beexperienced in directing work comparable to the Project. The Superintendent shall be responsiblefor: management of all aspects of the work, including a weekly meeting to review job progress;establishing and maintaining a clean and safe working environment; transmiting all Field Directivesand instructions issued by the Architect; complying with all federal, state and local code and/orregulations; layout and complete coordination of Contractor and Owner's Vendors work, including allMechanical and Electrical trades; confirming executed work complies with the contract documents;removal and replacement of work installed which does not comply with the contract documents. II. SEPARATE CONTRACTS AND OWNER'S WORK:A. The Work of this Project shall be performed under two prime contracts: "General ConstructionContract" and "Fixture Contract". The Contractor for General Construction is referred to as the"Contractor", "General Contractor" or "GC". The contractor for Fixture Construction is referred to asthe "Fixture Manufacturer", "FM", "Millwork Contractor" or "MWC".B. All work described in the Contract Documents shall be included in the General Construction Contractunless specifically indicated otherwise on the Responsibility Schedule or elsewhere in the documents.The GC shall be solely responsible for coordination and sequencing of all work.C. The Fixture Manufacturer and the Contractor shall coordinate their work with the Owner's contractorsas required to incorporate and integrate the work into the Project, including but not limited tocoordination of schedule to ensure that all wiring runs are concealed. Provide cutouts and plywoodpanels as required to mount and recess Owner's equipment.D. The Contractor and Fixture Manufacturer shall each fully coordinate his work with the work of the otherand with the work of the Owner. The GC shall have the ultimate responsibility to coordinate, scheduleand sequence all the work.E. Responsibility Schedule: Unless explicitly stated in this schedule or by note within these ConstructionDocuments, the entire scope of work represented by these Construction Documents is the soleresponsibility of the General Contractor. III. SUBMITTALS:A. The contractor shall prepare a list of and schedule for all Shop Drawings required in the specifications.Such Shop Drawings Schedule shall list the following:1. Break down of the items of work.2. Set forth all Shop Drawings that are to be submitted for the Project.3. Indicate the dates by which these Shop Drawings shall be submitted and approved to meet theconstruction schedule.B. See MEP Drawings for further submittal requirements.C. See Structural Drawings (if any) for further submittal requirements.D. Prior to submitting Shop Drawings, the Contractor shall:1. Carefully review Shop Drawings to ensure that they are fully coordinated and complete.2. Verify all materials, field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto.3. Check Shop Drawings for complete dimensional accuracy.4. Report to Architect any inconsistencies between Shop Drawings and Construction Documents.E. Shop Drawings, samples, manufacturers' literature, and any other type of submittal called for shallconform to this section, to the Supplementary General Conditions, and to the individual "submittals"articles of each section. SUBMITTALS NOT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE SECTIONS WILL BEREJECTED WITHOUT REVIEW.F. Each submittal shall be labeled with the name of the Project, the date, the nature of the submittal, andthe name, address and telephone number of the sub-contractor submitting it.G. The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings to the Architect (with a copy to the Owner) in a timelysequence and in accordance with the Shop Drawing Schedule. All submittals must be received by theArchitect six full business days before the Contractor needs them returned. Unless otherwise noted,submit three of each submittal, one of which will be returned to the Contractor.H. Shop Drawings shall be submitted on single rolled sheets of white bond paper, (sized as required toclearly represent the submittal) with a 5" x 5" blank space for the Architect's stamp. Submit two copiesof photocopy-size drawings (11" x 17" max) when this size is appropriate. When sending 11 x 17Shop Drawings, please make .PDF files and email them to the architect.I. Samples1. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall submit two 12" x 12" samples to Architect and twosamples to Owner simultaneously of each material, color or finish required by the Specificationswithin the established schedule or as required not to delay the Project.2. Where custom finishes are specified, submit samples bracketing the finish in order to expedite thereview process.3. After selection or approval of samples by the Architect and Owner, the Contractor shall submitadditional samples as directed.J. In order to expedite Shop Drawing review, the Contractor may send items requiring the Engineer’sreview directly to the Engineer only if the Architect receives one print and a copy of the Contractor’stransmittal simultaneously. After reviewing, the Engineer shall return the Shop Drawings to theArchitect for final review before returning to the Contractor.K. If the Contractor wishes to substitute a product, material, detail or procedure for one specified hereinor shown on the Drawings, he shall submit supporting documents, materials, samples, etc., as neededto demonstrate its equality to that which was specified. The Architect and Owner reserve the right toreject any substitution.L. Final review action will be provided by the Architect and "final release" of Shop Drawings and othersubmittals shall be by the Contractor.M. No portion of the work shall commence until required Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples orCatalogue Cuts are approved by the Architect. If the Contractor proceeds with work without firstobtaining approval from the Architect, any corrective work required thereafter due to the unacceptablequality of the finished product shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. IV. DEFINITIONS:A. "Furnish" and "Supply" are used interchangeably, and mean purchase and deliver to the job site.Unloading shall be part of "installation".B. "Install" means unload, safely store, protect, assemble, set in place, secure and connect as required tocomplete the work.C. "Provide" means furnish and install.D. "Mall" or "Landlord" means the designated construction representative(s) of the Landlord where theProject is located.E. "Like-new conditions" means to patch, repair or replace specified items in Drawings to conditionsequal to new construction acceptable to the Landlord, Owner and Architect. V. TEMPORARY FACILITIES, SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS AND BARRICADE:A. In accordance with Landlord requirements (if applicable), the GC shall arrange for and provide alltemporary utilities and facilities required to perform the work, including but not limited to lighting,power, water, telephone, fax machine (separate line), and temporary HVAC. The GC shall beresponsible for all expenses related to the above items. C. General Contractor shall maintain climatic conditions at the site for the acclimation and installation ofthe fixture until the HVAC system is fully operational. Provide heaters, dehumidifiers, or other meansnecessary to maintain the proper conditions so that temperature and relative humidity match theconditions of the finished Project.D. A full-height secure and weathertight barricade shall be provided in accordance with all governingregulations. The GC shall be responsible for obtaining any and all permits should they be necessary.Supply necessary smooth barricade surface in order to receive paint and barricade graphics.Barricade must be in place for all construction procedures. Any damage to Landlord surfaces shall bepatched by Contractor so as to be indistinguishable from adjacent Landlord materials. Adjustmentsand removal shall occur during non-business hours as directed by the Landlord and the Owner.Remove the barricade upon completion of work and repair any damaged surfaces as required tomatch adjacent finishes.E. All required temporary partitions, barricades and dust-proof barriers shall be provided by GC andmust remain intact at all times during the Project. Should any panel be removed, torn or otherwisedisplaced or damaged, it shall be promptly reattached or repaired by GC. The GC shall beresponsible for supplying and installing the barricade graphics and maintaining and or replacing itduring construction should it become damaged.F. Provide, erect and maintain catch platforms, weather protection, warning signs, and other items asrequired for proper protection of people and property.G. Services to occupied areas, including but not limited to electricity, water, air conditioning, plumbing,sprinkler, and telephone, shall be maintained at all times. When service interruptions are unavoidablethey must be arranged in advance with the Landlord in accordance with Landlord regulations. All suchinterruptions shall be planned to minimize their duration.H. Sprinkler shut-downs shall be arranged in advance with the Landlord. The Contractor shall include allovertime or night work required to perform work during shut-down periods. The Contractor shall alsoinclude in his work the cost of a fire watch if required.I. Contractor shall maintain a clear and legal path of egress with sufficient levels of lighting and exitsigns during all phases of work. VI. START-UP PROCEDURES:A. Prior to commencement of construction, the GC shall have on the job site one set of Drawingsapproved by the Landlord; one set of Drawings and other applicable documents approved bylocal authorities having jurisdiction; one copy of the Landlord's construction procedures; at leastone legible, complete and current set of the "Issued for Construction Drawings" (in addition tothose mentioned above), and any other documents required by the Landlord or authorities havingjurisdiction.B. No work shall begin before the Contractor receives the Owner's notification to proceed.C. No construction shall begin until a permit has been secured and all required Certificates of Insurancehave been delivered to the Landlord and the Owner.D. Prior to commencing work, Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions in the field and reportany discrepancies to the Architect. By commencing the work the Contractor is accepting the conditionof the site.E. Prior to starting construction, comply with the Landlord's start-up procedures. VII. CUTTING AND PATCHING:A. The General Contractor is responsible for, and shall include in his price, all cutting and patching ofnew and existing structural and non-structural elements required to complete the work and to maintainthe required fire ratings, whether or not such cutting and patching is shown on the Drawings ormentioned herein. Patching work shall include patching of existing and new openings, trenches andholes in new and existing work.B. Structural Work: Where cutting, channeling, core-drilling, or patching of existing slabs, decks or otherstructural elements is required, the following procedures shall be followed.1. Notify the Landlord and obtain the Landlord's written permission to perform the work.2. Contractor shall follow all work as indicated on Structural Drawings provided by the Engineer.3. X-ray the slab or other structural elements.4. Provide temporary bracing, shoring, etc. if required. Engage and pay for an engineer to designsuch bracing or shoring should the Structural Drawings provided not indicate this.5. Do no cutting, channeling, core-drilling, etc. that will in any way weaken or compromise thestructure.6. Comply with the Drawings where cutting and patching work is specified.C. Roofing Work (if indicated on the attached Drawings): Provide all cutting and patching of roof requiredto perform the work. Where cutting, patching of existing roofing or flashing is required, the followingprocedures shall be followed:1. Notify the Landlord and obtain the Landlord's written permission.2. If required by the Landlord, use Landlord approved sub-contractors.3. Match existing adjacent construction. Provide a complete, watertight installation, including but notlimited to roofing, flashing, and pitch pockets, that will not affect the guarantee on the existing roofor new roof over storefront/entry (if applicable).4. See M.E.P. Drawings for additional notes.D. Miscellaneous Non-Structural Patching:1. Patch all disturbed surfaces to match existing adjacent surfaces. VIII. RUBBISH REMOVAL:A. The General Contractor shall provide adequate numbers of heavy-duty containers and locate asappropriate for collection and removal of waste materials, rubbish and debris for all contractors fromthe job site.B. The General Contractor shall leave the site broom-cleaned daily.C. The General Contractor at no time shall use the Landlord trash compactors or containers. Coordinatewith the Landlord on the location of trash containers.D. The GC shall be responsible for supplying all dumpsters and shall be responsible for obtaining allpermits required. The use of any dumpsters shall be in strict accordance with Landlord and municipalregulations.E. All waste shall be appropriately handled, recycled and disposed of in accordance with all rules,regulations and laws having jurisdiction.F. The General Contractor shall notify the disposal company to remove the container immediately afteruse. IX. MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES:A. All work to be performed shall be coordinated with the Landlord and Owner's Vendors.B. All work shall be confined to the job site unless otherwise specifically noted. This includes allequipment tools, materials, etc. At no time shall Contractor unload his materials, tools, etc., into anyother space without written approval of the Landlord. The Contractor shall be responsible at this owncosts for warehousing of all materials to be installed under this contract, inluding Owner-supplieditems.C. Contractor shall not attach or cause to be attached to any wall or structural member any equipmentthat may, by virtue of its size or weight, cause structural damage. Contractor shall not do anything thatmight in any way affect the structural integrity of the building.D. All hangers for utilities, ceilings, etc. shall be anchored to beams and joists, not to the slab or deck,unless otherwise noted on Drawings.E. Protect existing building from damage throughout the construction period. Repair any such damage tomatch existing construction.F. Patch all disturbed surfaces to match existing adjacent surfaces.G. All openings in floor construction and in rated walls and partitions shall be properly firestopped incompliance with all applicable codes and Landlord procedures.H. All doors shall be made secure at the completion of each work day. The Contractor shall beresponsible for the security of the site.I. Do not close or obstruct streets, sidewalks, corridors, stairs, Landlord common areas or any other typeof public way. Material or debris shall not be placed or stored in or on such public ways. Conductoperations so as to interfere as little as possible with normal activities outside of the construction site.J. The contractor shall maintain on site "hard-hats" as required for use by the designated fieldrepresentatives of the Tenant, Landlord, Architect and their guests.K. Contractor shall maintain on-site at least one legible, complete and current set of Drawings forreference, in addition to those sets required by individual trades. In addition, Contractor shall maintainon-site all Sketches (SKs), Field Sketches (FSKs), approved Shop Drawings, samples and submittals,memoranda, and other relevant communications. Drawings, submittals, and documents shall bemaintained in an orderly fashion. All sets of Drawings shall be kept current. No superseded Drawingsshall be used on-site.L. At no time shall Drawings be "scaled". Any clarifications or information required shall be furnished bythe Architect. Contractor shall submit request for clarification in writing via email. Telephone inquirieswill not be permitted.M. The Contractor shall not proceed with any work which the Contractor expects additional compensationbeyond the contract amount without written authorization from the Owner or Architect. Failure toobtain written authorization shall invalidate any claims from the Contractor for additional compensation. X. PROJECT CLOSE-OUT:A. The GC shall turn over to the Owner two bound sets of operating, maintenance and spare partsmanuals for all mechanical, electrical and similar equipment. In addition, the Contractor shall provideoperating instructions in the form of a demonstration to the Owner's staff for all such equipment. B. Prior to turnover of Project to the Owner, remove all unused materials, equipment and debris.C. Prior to turnover, thoroughly clean and dust all surfaces including but not limited to flooring, toiletfixtures, windows, mirrors, storefront, glass and fixtures. Remove all proprietary labels from the workexcept where required by code to remain.D. Prior to turnover, the GC shall submit the following:1. Provide copies of the Certificate Of Occupancy as issued by the Building Department to theOwner's representative and the Architect.2. Provide a copy of the completed Landlord punch list to the Architect.3. Provide a list of sub-contractors with phone numbers and contact persons for all sub-trades utilizedon this Project, including general contractor information, with copies to the Owner's Representativeand the Architect.4. Provide a copy of the air balance report to the Architect.5. The GC shall provide the proper care instructions for all items installed in the store as stipulatedin Article 4.8 of the AIA Owner/Architect agreement. These items should include (but not belimited to) items such as; floor cleaning and maintenance (rubber, wood, ceramic tiles, concrete,linoleum, etc.), fixture cleaning and maintenance, glazing care, plastics care, horizontally slidingsecurity grille, vertically rolling security grille, HVAC controls, time clock, hot water heating units,special features, audio/video equipment, etc. All information shall be provided to Owner in a neatlyorganized binder and provided to the Owner's Representative prior to the turnover of the Project.E. The Architect and Owner's Punch lists for GC and FM (should a FM contract be awarded) work shallbe completed as indicated within the Instructions to Bidders and Fixture Contract. A hand-writtenpunch list shall be issued at the Substantial Completion / Punch List walk-through site visit with theOwner and Architect, and shall be subject to the following conditions:1. A representative of the GC and FM (should an FM be used on this Project) shall be present at thisSubstantial Completion site visit.2. The Project will not officially turnover to Owner until punch list work has been completed per theschedule within the Instructions for Bidders and Fixture Contract. At Turnover, a representativeof the GC and FM (should an FM be used on this Project) shall be present at this Punch ListCompletion Verification walk through, with the Owner or Architect, to confirm that all punch listitems have been corrrected.3. Should punch list work not be completed by turnover, only pre-scheduled night work will beallowed. Sufficient notice must be given to Owner prior to scheduling work to allow time to makearrangements for site security. Any sub-contractors arriving unannounced, will be turned away. Itis the GC's responsibility to schedule all workers in the most efficient manner to complete all punchlist work as soon as possible and with the least amount of disruption to store operations.F. The Contractor shall comply with Landlord's close-out requirements.G. Contractor shall provide Owner with a complete set of As-Built Drawings, including Architectural,Mechanical and Electrical.H. GC shall provide digital copies of all of the above close-out documents and submit on a CD Rom withclose-out package. DIVISION 2: SITE WORK 2A. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:Related documents: See Drawings and Division 1 for demolition related work.A. All work in this section only covers the selective removal and subsequent off site disposal of itemsnot contaminated with asbestos, as indicated on Drawings and as required to accommodate newconstruction.B. GC shall coordinate all phases of demolition for the Project and notify Owner or Architect of anydiscrepancies or conflicting conditions which would interfere with the satisfactory completion of work,prior to start of demolition.C. Salvage items listed in Drawings and/or requested by Owner and Landlord. Obtain salvage list prior tocommencing demolition.D. Review Drawings for specific items to remain prior to commencing with demolition.E. GC to patch all scar joints as required on existing to remain construction. Repair excessive demolitionon all surfaces to "Like-new" conditions. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Submit schedule indicating proposed sequence of operations for selective demolition work to Landlord,Owner and Architect for review prior to start of work. Include coordination for shutdown, capping, andcontinuation of utility services as required, together with details for dust and noise control protection.C. Photograph existing conditions that might be misconstrued as damaged related to removal operations.File with Landlord, Owner and Architect prior to start of work.D. Submit list of salvaged items (if any) to Owner and Landlord prior to the start of any work. III. JOB CONDITIONS:A. Follow Landlord regulations pertaining to demolition and removal operations.B. Comply with General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions and General Requirements.C. All operations shall be limited to the service entrances. Coordinate the use of building elevators andservice corridors with Landlord.D. Do not use cutting torches for removal.E. Protect and seal all window ventilators during demolition.F. If asbestos is encountered during demolition operations, inform Owner and Landlord immediately. IV. DISPOSAL:A. Dispose of all demolished materials off site and in accordance with applicable codes and regulationshaving jurisdiction, including Landlord regulations.B. Keep noise, smell or dust producing operations to the minimum (schedule work of such nature withLandlord).C. Protect all existing to remain items. Protect existing structure to remain. Do not cut, damage orcompromise existing structure in any way. Where slab cuts are required or called for in the Drawings,provide temporary shoring as required.D. Save and protect utilities that are serving the Landlord or other Tenants.E. See Division 1, Section VIII. Rubbish Removal for additional requirements. DIVISION 3: CONCRETE 3A. STRUCTURAL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE: I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. All labor, materials, etc. required to complete the work of this section as shown on the Drawings,as specified herein, and/or as required by job conditions. See Structural Drawings (if provided)and Specifications for scope of structural work and submittals required. If Structural Drawings areprovided, the specifications therein shall supercede the following specifications.B. Contractor shall verify all existing conditions in the field and report any discrepancies between theDrawings and the actual field conditions immediately to the Architect. Any condition which mayinterfere with the proper execution of the new work shall also be immediately reported to the Architect.C. GC is responsible for coordinating all sizes and locations of structural openings with specifiedmechanical equipment. See MEP and Structural Drawings for further information.D. See MEP and Structural Drawings for general requirements of the cutting and patching of structuralslab and roofing work.E. Interior and exterior plain and reinforced site-placed concrete, including mix design; placement;finishes; vapor retarders; control, expansion and contraction joints; curing compounds; and otherrelated accessories as shown on the Drawings and required by these specifications, including but notlimited to: foundation walls and footings; slabs-on-grade; elevated slabs on metal decking; fill for steelpan stairs; grouting of base plates, bearing plates and leveling plates; retaining walls and exteriorstairways-on-grade; and surface treatment with concrete hardener, sealer, and slip-resistant coatings. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted. III. MATERIALS:A. BEARING SOIL:1. All new footings to bear on undisturbed soil having a minimum bearing capacity of (2) tons persquare foot (Unified Soil Classification 7-65 and 8-65.)B. CONCRETE:1. All foundation concrete and exposed concrete to be stone concrete having a minimumcompressive strength of 2,500 P.S.I. at 28 days test, unless otherwise noted.2. All super structure concrete to be lightweight concrete having a minimum compressive strength of3,000 P.S.I. at 28 days test.3. All concrete work shall be done under strict supervision of an agency approved by the Landlord.Inspection shall determine compliance with the appropriate sections of the Local Building Codeand the American Concrete Institute Building Code and of the American Concrete Institute BuildingCode (ACI 318-77) covering forms, reinforcement, concrete, concrete placement procedure, andremoval of forms. 4. All concrete which will be exposed to the weather shall contain entrained air as recommended bythe American Concrete Institute (ACI 613).C. REINFORCING STEEL:1. Reinforcing bars to be new billet stock, deformed type, conforming to the standard specifications ofA.S.T.M. 615, grade 40 steel and placed in accordance with C.R.S.L. -77 standard specification.2. Welded wire mesh to be in accordance with A.S.T.M. A-185-73T specifications. Concreteprotection of reinforcing steel shall conform to section 7.7 of the A.C.I. code (ACI 318-77).3. Continuous reinforcement shall be spliced in compliance with Chapter 12 of the A.C.I. code.C.RELATED IV. CONTROLLED INSPECTIONS:A. GC is responsible for contracting a qualified Engineer for the following items of controlled inspections:1. Bearing soil for new footings.2. Welding and high strength bolts.3. Concrete.B. Reports showing results of all cylinder tests to be filed at intervals not exceeding 10 days while placingconcrete. File a final report of all concrete placed. Each load of concrete placed shall be certified asto the concrete strength and actual quantities per cubic yard of each material, including water, therein.A copy of such certificate to be available to the local building department during the progress of workand for a period of two years thereafter.C. All controlled inspections called for in items A 1, 2, & 3 above shall be done under the strictsupervision of an inspection agency. 3B. SELF-LEVELING CONCRETE FLOORINGFinish Floors and as required by site conditions for floor preparation at tile flooring. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. SCOPE OF WORK UNDER THIS SECTION:1. The Contractor shall be required to pour MAPEI Primer L laytex primer throughout beforeinstallation of the finished flooring material. The Contractor shall confirm that the MAPEI sub-floorshall be compatible with the finish flooring material and shall submit a substitute for review shouldthis be necessary.B. GENERAL:1. All work shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions.2. All work shall be performed by an installer who shall be an MAPEI preferred installer who has atleast five years' experience in work of this type.3. Deliver materials in their original, unopened packages and protect from extreme temperatures andmoisture.4. Installation of the MAPEI must be by an applicator using mixing equipment and tools approved bythe manufacturer.5. Provide MAPEI Ultrapan 1 Plus by MAPEI corporation.6. All adhesives and sealers must be solvent free and have a low volatile organic compound content(VOCs) as listed by manufacturer’s product literature. II. SUBMITTALS:A. The Contractor shall submit the installer's credentials to the Architect for review.B. Prior to installation in area of work, G.C. shall submit 2 samples of the MAPEI flooring for approval forcolor and finish. (Public areas only and where indicated on drawings) Such sample, when approved,shall be the standard for the rest of the project.C. Current manufacturer-published instructions for installation must be strictly adhered to in all phases ofthe project through immediate Post-Application Precautions data.D. Installer to provide General Contractor and Owner with maintenance protocols including approvedcleaning agents and methods. III. MATERIALS:A. MAPEI Ultrapan 1 Plus underlayment as manufactured by MAPEI Corporation,1144 E. Newport Center DriveDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: 1-800-42-MAPEI (1-800-426-2734) IV. INSTALLATION:A. SURFACE PREPARATION:1. All substrates must be structurally sound, dry, stable and solid. Substrates must be free ofdeflection beyond L/360 (L/720 for stone applications), taking into consideration both live anddead loads. Ultraplan 1 Plus should not be used where consistently exposed to water, or whereintermittently or permanently high levels of Moisture Vapor Emissions (MVER) are present. Thepresence of water or a high MVER will compromise the performance of the flooring system.2. Thoroughly clean the surface of any substance that could interfere with the bond of the installationmaterial, including dirt, paint, tar, asphalt, wax, oil, grease, latex compounds, sealers, curingcompounds, form release agents, laitance, loose toppings, foreign substances and adhesiveresidue.3. Concrete surfaces must be mechanically profiled and prepared by shotblasting, sandblasting,water-jetting, scarifying, diamond-grinding or other engineer-approved methods (reference ICRICSP 3 standards for acceptable profile height).4. After cleaning and mechanically profiling the substrate, test for MVER (calcium chloride testreference ASTM F1869). Ultraplan 1 Plus is an underlayment for use with other finished floorsystems (such as resilient, VCT and ceramic). Always follow manufacturer's recommendationsregarding the maximum allowable moisture content and MVER before installation. See the"Recommended Substrates" section of the current Technical Data Sheet (TDS) as well as thePlanisealTM MRB TDS for details regarding MVER conditions and treatments.5. Concrete substrate and ambient room temperatures must be between 50°F and 95°F (10°C and35°C) before application. Temperatures must be maintained within this range for at least 72 hoursafter the installation of Ultraplan 1 Plus.6. Fill in deep areas, holes or cracks with appropriate concrete restoration materials (such asMapecem® Quickpatch) especially when installing on a second-story floor or above where fluidmaterial could leak to a floor below (contact MAPEI's Technical Services Department for details).7. Always prime the prepared surface with a MAPEI primer before applying Ultraplan 1 Plus.8. Do not apply primer over standing water.9. Apply Ultraplan 1 Plus only when the primer is in its recommended state as defined in the currentprimer's TDS.10. Some mechanically prepared substrates may be more porous than others, which can require aspecific application of the primer. Refer to the "MAPEI Primers" chart of the current TDS and tothe appropriate primer's TDS.11. Ultraplan 1 Plus can be used over subfloors of engineer-approved plywood or oriented strandboard (OSB) subfloors in accordance with the Tile Council of America's F185-05 specification.Subfloors must be properly prepared, bonded, and free from dirt and dust. When applying MAPEIunderlayments to plywood flooring, mechanically fasten MapelathTM or diamond mesh on top ofthe primed surface (meeting the requirements of ASTM C847) before application of Ultraplan 1Plus. Refer to the current Mapelath TDS for further installation instructions.12. Moisture vapor transmission exceeding 5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. (2,27 kg per 92,9 m2) per 24 hoursmust first be treated by installing a suitable moisture-reduction barrier. Apply a small test area toensure compatibility with the moisture-reduction barrier before general installation. Refer to the"MAPEI Primers" chart of the current TDS for primer recommendations over PlanisealTM MRB.13. To install over properly prepared ceramic tile, VCT, cement or epoxy terrazzo, or small amountsof old cutback adhesive residue, the surface must be properly prepared, bonded, free of dirt anddust, and primed. Prime by applying appropriate primer; refer to the "MAPEI Primers" chart.14. When priming with Planibond® EBA, Ultraplan 1 Plus must be placed into the Planibond EBA whileit is tacky to ensure a successful installation. See the current TDS for Planibond EBA.B. MIXING:1. General mixing: Into a clean mixing container (typically a pail measuring at least 5 U.S. gals.[18,9 L]), pour the required amount of cool, clean potable water. If available water is not cool, chillwater to 70°F (21°C). Add Ultraplan 1 Plus powder while slowly stirring. Mix water and Ultraplan1 Plus powder to a mixing ratio of 5.75 to 6 U.S. qts. (5,44 to 5,68 L) of water per 50-lb. (22,7-kg) bag of Ultraplan 1 Plus. Upon combining all of the water and the single bag of Ultraplan 1Plus, begin mixing material together with a high-speed drill (at about 800 rpm) to a homogenous,lump-free consistency. This typically takes from 90 to 120 seconds. The mixing ratio must remainconsistent. Do not overwater material. For best results, use the MAPEI Self-Leveling Tool Kit.Contact MAPEI's Technical Services Department for details.2. Barrel mixing: Using the appropriate mixing ratio above, use a high-speed mixer (at about 1,200rpm) with an "Egg-Beater" mixing paddle. Typically, this mixing procedure involves two bags ofUltraplan 1 Plus with the correct water ratio referenced above per bag. Mix to a homogenous,lump-free consistency for about 90 to 120 seconds. Do not overmix. Overmixing or moving themixer up and down during the mixing process could cause air entrapment, which could shorten thepot life or cause pinholing during application and curing.3. Pump mixing: Ultraplan 1 Plus can be mechanically mixed, using the appropriate mixing ratioabove, with a continuous mixer and pump (with at least 140 ft. [42,7 m] of hose) or a batch mixerand pump (with at least 110 ft. [33,5 m] of hose). Mixer and pump must be in good workingcondition. Periodic cleaning of pumping equipment is required per the manufacturer's instructions.Be sure to pressure-test rotor and stator before mixing. Use a mesh screen "sock" at the endof the hose to catch any foreign material that could enter the hopper of the mixer. To ensure asuitable mix and flow, test mixed material from the pump hose's end in a small test area beforegeneral application. Note: Cool-weather conditions can require longer mixing or additional hose B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 23 SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. ASP.1 A length to ensure the best product performance.C. APPLICATION:1. Before installation, close all doors and windows to prevent drafts. Protect areas from directsunlight.2. Make sure concrete substrate and ambient room temperatures are between 50°F and 95°F (10°Cand 35°C) before application. In large applications, allow for indirect air circulation to dissipatehumidity created by leveler application. Temperatures must be maintained within this rangefor at least 72 hours after the installation of Ultraplan 1 Plus. In cooler conditions, use indirectauxiliary heaters to maintain ambient and substrate temperatures within the required range. Fortemperatures above 85°F (29°C), follow ACI hot-weather application guidelines to ensure asuccessful installation.3. Application of Ultraplan 1 Plus over large areas can be made easier and more efficient by usingconventional piston, rotor-stator or underlayment-type pumps (contact MAPEI's Technical ServicesDepartment for recommendations).4. For best results, work as a team to provide a continuous flow of wet material, to avoid trapping airor creating a cold joint.5. Set the width of the pour at a distance that is ideal for maintaining a wet edge throughoutplacement. Quickly pour or pump Ultraplan 1 Plus onto the properly prepared and primed surfacein a ribbon pattern. If a wet edge cannot be maintained, reduce the width of the pour.6. Ultraplan 1 Plus has an approximate working time of 15 minutes at 73°F (23°C), is self-levelingand can be applied from featheredge (1/4” [6 mm] for vehicular rubber-wheel traffic) to 1-1/2” (3,8cm) in a single application. Note that temperature and humidity will affect working time, flowabilityand setting time. Apply enough material to adequately cover all high spots.7. Shortly after placing the Ultraplan 1 Plus, spread the material with a MAPEI Gauge Rake to assistin gauging out the Ultraplan 1 Plus to the desired depth. After achieving the desired depth, smoothsurface with a MAPEI Smoother to obtain an even surface.8. For extended installations, pre-place 1/4" to 3/8" (6 to 10 mm) of clean, nonreactive aggregate overthe primed surface at no more than half of the total pour depth. Pour Ultraplan 1 Plus over placedaggregate, and rake aggressively to ensure full contact and bond with substrate. Immediatelypour 1/4" (6 mm) of Ultraplan 1 Plus over the raked aggregate to provide a smooth, level surface.Alternately, aggregate (up to 30% by weight) can be added directly to Ultraplan 1 Plus duringmixing. Note: Use only clean, stable aggregates. Do not use limestone or other potentiallyreactive aggregates for extension.9. Ultraplan 1 Plus quickly hardens, within 2 to 3 hours, and is ready to accept installation of ceramictile and natural stone in as little as 3 to 4 hours (moisture-sensitive stone can require more curingtime). Floor coverings – such as carpet, vinyl sheet goods, vinyl tile, VCT, homogenous PVC,rubber and engineered wood plank – can typically be installed 16 to 24 hours after application.Protect the surface from contaminants until the final flooring installation is complete. All of theabove statements are subject to real-time job-site temperatures and humidity conditions.D. CURING:1. Ultraplan 1 Plus is self-curing; do not use a damp-curing method or curing and sealing compounds.2. Protect Ultraplan 1 Plus from excessive heat or draft conditions during curing. Turn off all forcedventilation and radiant heating systems, and protect installation for up to 24 hours after completion.3. Avoid walking on installed surface for at least 2 to 3 hours after installation, depending upontemperature and humidity conditions.4. Protect installation from traffic, dirt and dust from other trades until Ultraplan 1 Plus is completelycured and final flooring has been installed.5. Do not expose Ultraplan 1 Plus to rolling dynamic loads, such as fork lifts or scissor lifts, for atleast 72 hours after installation.E. CLEANING:1. Wash hands and tools with water promptly before material hardens. Cured material must bemechanically removed. DIVISION 4: MASONRY - Not Used DIVISION 5: METALS 5A. STRUCTURAL STEEL & MISCELLANEOUS METAL MATERIALS I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. SCOPE OF WORK UNDER THIS SECTION: Provide all miscellaneous channels, structural framing,metal grounds, fastening as required to complete the Project. Supply as required by code and perindustry standards. Fabrication and installation of all structural steel and miscellaneous metal workincluding but not limited to the following:1. Structural and miscellaneous steel. See Structural Drawings if provided.2. Modification of existing structure as shown and as required.3. All fasteners as required to install all fixtures, plastic laminate/melamine shelving standards, metalshelving, etc., per code and for safety.4. All independent testing, verification, etc. required by code.5. All metal supports for fixtures provided by Owner and FM.B. GENERAL1. Refer to the Structural Drawings (if provided) and Specifications for additional information. In caseof conflict, the more stringent shall apply.2. All work shall be fabricated and installed by a single company.3. Fabricator shall coordinate with the GC and verify all field conditions and dimensions prior to thesubmission of Shop Drawings.4. All work shall comply with governing codes and applicable sections of reference standards.5. Refer to Architectural Drawings for fixture locations requiring metal supports.C. REFERENCE STANDARDS1. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)4. American Welding Society (AWS) II. SUBMITTALS:A. Submittals must be received by the Architect at least seven days before the Fabricator needs themreturned.B. Submit two of each sample in addition to those which the Fabricator wants returned.C. Submit complete Shop Drawings showing details of construction, gauges of material, jointing,fasteners, supports, field connections, locations and size of welds and attachment to adjoiningconstruction. Verify dimensions on site prior to submission.D. Submit samples of each type of material and fastener to be used in the Project, finished as specified. III. MATERIALS:A. GENERAL1. Whether or not shown on the Drawings, provide all fasteners, clip angles, welds, shims, supports,braces, stiffeners, additional support plates and other appurtenances required to complete thework as shown in a consistent and structurally sound manner.2. All components shall have slightly eased corners. Cut edges and mill edges shall be groundsmooth and uniform. All surfaces shall be free of rust, scale, tool marks, burrs, nicks, proprietaryor country-of-origin marks, unless otherwise noted on Drawings. IV. FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION:A. GENERAL1. Surface preparation: Prior to shipping, thoroughly clean all surfaces. Remove all scaling, oilresidue, fingerprints, etc. Clean with a wire brush to remove any scaling and then clean with asolvent-based cleaner.2. Erect work square and level, and free from distortion or defects detrimental to appearance orperformance. No members shall be distorted by welding or other fabrication techniques.3. Provide cut-outs as required to accommodate hardware, pipes, conduit, electrical boxes, etc.Piping and wiring shall be assumed to run through the web of exposed beams.4. Shop-fabricate assemblies as large as practical to minimize field connections.5. Prior to shipment of components to the site, remove all weld marks, scale and other blemishes.6. Welds shall be continuous where noted and in similar conditions. Welds shall be ground flush and/or smooth where noted and in similar conditions. All welds shall be neat and consistent, with slagand burrs removed.7. Joints between tubes shall be continuously welded to fill the joint, ground flush and polished tomatch the adjoining surface.8. No exposed fasteners will be permitted unless specifically shown on the Drawings.9. Remove burrs from all work. Ease all exposed sharp edges and corners.10. Close exposed ends of tubes by use of appropriate end cap, grind smooth and polished with novisible seams.11. For work anchored in concrete, furnish matching sleeves or inserts.12. Verify dimensions on site prior to shop fabrication.13. All dissimilar metals shall be protected from contact to each other by application of paint or clearsealant.14. Obtain all appropriate work permits for any welding work done at site.15. The GC shall be responsible for hiring, coordinating and expenses related to a Structural Engineerrequired to perform all inspections for code enforcement and local regulations. DIVISION 6: WOOD & PLASTICS 6A. ROUGH CARPENTRY I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. All lumber for framing, blocking, furring, plates, nailers, grounds etc. (interior and exterior) shall beMVPA #1 HEM FIR MC 15 (or better) kiln-dried to 15% moisture content, each piece grade-markedSAS.B. All wood blocking and framing shall be fire-retardant-treated. All wood must have grade mark visibleon every piece. Wood without proper grading will be rejected.C. All blocking work shall be by GC. The attached Drawings are diagramatic and may not show allgrounds as required, the GC is nevertheless required to provide all blocking as required.D. Lumber and rough hardware for all work shown or required.E. Fire-retardant treatment of all interior and exterior plywood and solid rough carpentry (studs andblocking) provided by this section, as required by code.F. All other items of rough carpentry and related items reasonably inferred as needed to make work ofthis section complete.G. At no time shall fire-treated wood of any type be placed above a ceiling unless the GC has receivedwritten approval from the local code official that such material is permitted II. RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS:A. Metal Grounds - The GC shall be responsible for providing all metal grounds/blocking as requiredin lieu of wood blocking should wood blocking not be permitted by local code to be placed withinpartitions. At no time shall wood be used above ceilings. 6B. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK NOTE: SHOULD A FIXTURE MANUFACTURER NOT BE ENGAGED FOR THIS PROJECT, OMIT ALLREFERENCES TO THE FM. ALL WORK IN THAT CASE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. All woodwork and wood products shall comply with the requirements of the Architectural WoodworkInstitute (A.W.I.) "Quality Standards," latest edition. Grade shall be "Premium". Where the Drawingsor Specifications conflict with these standards, the more stringent shall apply.B. All work shall have a one-year guarantee. Guarantees shall be against warping, delamination,opening of joints, and other defects in materials, construction, and workmanship, and shall be in effectfrom date of substantial completion. GC shall repair or replace all defective work during this period.C. Provide blocking, framing, shimming, etc. as shown and required for all work of this section. Allblocking, framing and shimming shall be of fire-retardant-treated lumber or plywood. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Shop Drawings: Submit fully coordinated Shop Drawings for all work showing wood, metal and glasscomponents integrated on the same Drawings. Provide fully dimensioned plans and elevations at 11/2" = 1'-0" (min.), sections at 3" = 1'-0" (min.), and details at 1/2 full size (min.). Show attachmentdevices, welds and hardware. Distinguish between shop joints and knockdown joints.C. Blocking Drawings: GC required to submit Shop Drawings that fully describe and locate all blockingand grounds inside sheetrock walls and above ceilings necessary to install the work of this section.FM shall provide sketch to the GC indicating where such blocking will be required. Such blocking shallbe furnished and installed by the GC. Submit (1) one set of reproducibles simultaneously to Architectand Owner.D. Submit samples of each type of wood with each type of finish. Samples shall be cut from the actualbatch of boards proposed for use. Provide a 1" thick minimum solid edge band on one edge of eachsample. Submit samples bracketing specified finishes to expedite review process.E. Submit samples of each type of exposed hardware, clip, and fastener to be used on the Project.F. Submit manufacturer's certification of specified flame-spread rating for panel products. III. MATERIALS:A. Wood Moisture Content: Provide kiln-dried (KD) lumber with a moisture content range of 5% to 10%.Maintain temperature and relative humidity during fabrication, storage and finishing operation so thatmoisture content values for woodwork at time of installation do not exceed 10%.B. All lumber, framing, and blocking shall be pressure fire-treated as required by code.C. All panel products shall have a minimum Class III (or C) flame-spread rating except where a higherclass is called for on the Drawings or in the Specifications, or if local jurisdiction required a higherrating. FM and GC to verify with local authorities prior to fabrication.D. Blocking within sheetrock construction shall be fire-treated and shall meet flame spread/smokedevelopment rating as required by local code.E. Veneers shall be AWI Grade 1, minimum 1/32" thick PLAIN SLICED. Solids shall be AWI Grade I,free from knots, marks, "flake", sapwood and other defects, consistent in color. Finish shall be asscheduled and as per manufacturers instructions.F. Where "painted wood" is indicated on the Drawings it shall be hardwood for painted finish. Complywith A.W.I. quality standards for selection of species, grade and cut. No grain or defects shall bevisible through the painted finish. Where "painted MDF" is indicated, it shall be 55-lb. medium-densityfiberboard.G. Use solid wood where shown (graphically or otherwise), where conditions are similar to those shownand as specified herein. Any exposed panel edges of painted or clear finished millwork shall be edge-banded with a minimum of 1/4" thick solid stock unless otherwise shown.H. All baseboard, stile and rail components, and standing and running trim shall be solid stock.I. Hardware: Contractor shall include all specific hardware, display hardware and accessory itemsrequired for architectural woodwork. Contractor shall provide a complete job, with all necessary itemsof cabinet hardware to suit the conditions of the work. Use specified items below unless otherwisenoted on Drawings.1. Drawer glides: Accuride, full-extension, 100 lb. capacity, ball-bearing type.2. Undercarriage drawer glides: Accuride full extension, 100 lb. capacity, ball-bearing type.3. Cabinet door and access door hinges: 170-degree opening, self-closing, adjustable, concealedtype equal to Grass America. Size, type and quantity as required for configuration, size and weightof door.4 Piano hinges: Full length of door or panel; Stanley #STS 314 1/4 with 3/4" #6 screws 2" O.C.5. Ball catches: Glynn Johnson 21A.6. Magnetic catches: Epco #602, quantity as required to hold door.7. Soss (concealed) hinges: Size and quantity as recommended by the manufacturer for door sizeand weight.8. Edge pulls - FE158 3/4" US26D By Simon's Hardware 800-232-92209. Grommets for shelf pins: compatible with pins.10. Shelf pins: Hafele 282.04.739.11. Levelers: Sugatsune MN-25 St. Steel.12. Touch latches: Ives No. 821.13. Standards and brackets: Stockroom, office, toilet room and closets, etc: Econoco-Imperial line orequal heavy duty shelf brackets with shelf rest and heavy duty standards.14. Cord grommets in office counters: Doug Mockett Series SG plastic, in colors selected by theArchitect.J. Glass: Tempered with polished edges in thickness and configurations indicated on the Drawings andspecified herein. No tempering or proprietary marks shall be visible unless required by the buildingauthorities having jurisdiction. Provide etched glass where indicated. IV. FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION:A. Fabrication and installation of all architectural woodwork shall be performed by a single reputable firm.If the fabricator does not perform the installation, he shall directly sub-contract such work and shallprovide a full-time site representative for the entire installation period.B. Provide all blocking, doweling, dovetailing, joinery and fasteners required for a first-class productwhether or not such items are shown on the Drawings.C. Grain on panels shall run vertically unless otherwise indicated. Grain on trim, base shelves, tops, etc.shall run the long direction unless otherwise indicated.D. Wood panels and solid wood components shall be one piece full-height or full-length unless joints arespecifically shown on the Drawings.E. Adjacent panels shall be sequence-matched unless otherwise noted.F. Adjacent members shall have matching grain, color and character.G. Millwork shall be shop-assembled to the greatest extent possible. Field cuts and joints, wherepermitted, be kept to an absolute minimum. Field joints shall be indistinguishable from shop joints.H. No fasteners or filled nail holes shall be visible unless specifically permitted on the Drawings.I. Shop Finishing:1. Finish architectural woodwork at shop. Defer only final touch-up and cleaning until after deliveryand installation.2. Preparations for Finishing: Comply with A.W.I. Quality Standards, Premium Grade, Section 1500,for sanding, back-priming and similar preparations for finishing of architectural woodwork, asapplicable.3. Panels and standing and running trim to receive painted finish (including but not limited tobaseboard, crown molding, chair rail, casings, doors, opening trim, jambs and heads) shall receivetwo shop coats of primer with sanding between as required. 4. Painted wood shall have all joints and fastener holes filled with Bondo and sanded smooth. Thefinished installation shall have a uniform and monolithic appearance.J. Installation of Work:1. Do not install work until required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and willbe maintained in installation areas. Notify the Architect if conditions are unsatisfactory.2. Install all work in accordance with A.W.I., Premium Grade Standards.3. Install all work plumb, level, true, aligned, rigid and straight with tight joints and no distortions.Shim as required using concealed shims.4. Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number of joints possible, using full-lengthpieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to the greatest extent possible. Unlessotherwise shown, stagger joints in adjacent and related members. Unless otherwise shown, miterat inside and outside corners, miter and return at terminations and comply with A.W.I. QualityStandards for joinery.5. Fill all gaps between sheetrock and base, casing, trim, etc. with a paintable caulk.6. Fill and sand all nail and fastener holes and gaps in standing and running trim..7. Recessed standards shall be installed in the shop. Standards shall be continuous unlessotherwise noted, with slots perfectly aligned from one standard to the next and throughout theProject. Panels abutting standards shall be tightly fitted. No gaps will be accepted.8. Install display hardware and shelves as directed by the Owner.K. Fabrication and installation of painted fixture:1. Painted fixture shall appear monolithic. No joints or fasteners shall be visible.2. Shop-fabricate in sections as large as possible. Secure and fill shop joints so that they do notseparate or crack. Fill and sand flush all fastener holes.3. Mitre all molding joints.L. Plastic Laminate - Not Used DIVISION 7: THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION; FIRESTOPPING/FIREPROOFING 7A. FIREPROOFING I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Work under this section consists of the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and servicesnecessary for, and incidental to, the complete and proper installation of all cementitious fireproofingand related work as shown on the drawings or specified herein, and as required by code.B. Conform to the applicable building code requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction.C. Clean all excess fireproofing from other surfaces at completion of work.D. GC shall verify in field conditions and extent of fireproofing and submit proposal to owner. Scope ofwork must be determined by conducting a site survey prior to submitting a Bid.E. Rating Schedule:Steel columns, beams, joists and deck: TO BUILDING/CODE STANDARD. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Submit manufacturer's instructions for proper application of cementitious fireproofing for approval.C. Fire Testing: Submit evidence that the cementitious fireproofing has been subjected to full-scale ASTME 119 fire testing at Underwriters Laboratories Inc. by the manufacturer.D. Thickness Schedule: Provide schedule indicating material to be used, building elements to beprotected with spray-applied fireproofing, hourly rating and material thickness provided and appropriatereferences.E. Test Data: Performance criteria by independent laboratory test results for fireproofing shall besubmitted. III. MATERIALS:A. Materials Cementitious Mixture as identified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. in the latest edition ofthe UL Fire Resistance Directory under category CHPX, Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Material.B. Fire Resistance Classification: The spray-applied fireproofing material shall have been tested andreported by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. in accordance with the procedures of ASTM E 119 andshall be listed in the Underwriters Laboratories Fire Resistance Directory.C. Mixing water shall be clean, fresh, and suitable consumption and free from such amounts of mineralor organic substances as would affect the set of the fireproofing material. Provide water with sufficientpressure and volume to meet the fireproofing application schedule.D. The Contractor may install vermiculite plaster fireproofing on metal lath in lieu of spray-on fireproofing.Comply with Submittal requirements under Section II above.E. Provide accessories to comply with manufacturer's recommendations and to meet fire resistancedesign and code requirements. Such accessories include, but are not limited to, any required,bonding agents, mechanical attachments, application aids such metal lath, scrim, or netting. IV. INSTALLATION:A. All surfaces to receive spray-applied fireproofing shall be provided free of oil, grease, paints/primers,loose mill scale, dirt, or other foreign substances which may impair proper adhesion of the fireproofingto the substrate. Where necessary, cleaning or other corrections of surfaces to receive fireproofingshall be the responsibility of the supplier of the incompatible substrate.B. Application of the fireproofing shall not begin until the contractor, applicator and fireproofing testinglaboratory (inspector) have examined surfaces to receive fireproofing and determined that the surfacesare acceptable to receive the fireproofing material.C. Prior to application of the fireproofing material, a bonding agent, approved by the fireproofing materialmanufacturer, shall be applied to all concrete substrates to receive fireproofing.D. Other trades shall install clips, hangers, support sleeves and other attachments required to penetratethe fireproofing, prior to application of the fireproofing material.E. Other trades shall not install ducts, piping, equipment or other suspended items until the fireproofing iscomplete.F. Complete placing of concrete on floor and roof decking prior to application of the fireproofing to theunderside of steel deck and supporting beams and joists.G. On roof decks without a concrete cover, complete all roofing applications and roof mounted equipmentinstallation prior to application of the fireproofing to the underside of roof decking and supportingbeams and joists. Prohibit all roof traffic upon commencement of the fireproofing and until thefireproofing material is dry.H. Protection of permanently exposed walls or floors, or special surfaces.I. Equipment and application procedures shall conform to the material manufacturer’s applicationinstructions.J. Apply a discontinuous textured spray of in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to all cellularsteel floor units with flat plate on the bottom and to roof deck assemblies as required to meet the fireresistance ratings, before application of the fireproofing to these surfaces. V. CONTROLLED INSPECTIONS:A. GC to hire qualified inspector as part of contract.B. The results of the above tests shall be submitted to all parties at the completion of pre-designatedareas which shall have been determined during the pre-job conference. 7B. FIRESTOPPING I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Provide fire stopping as required by code in these areas:1. Through-penetration firestopping in fire-rated construction.2. Construction-gap firestopping at connections of the same or different materials in fire-ratedconstruction.3. Construction-gap firestopping occurring within fire-rated wall, floor or floor-ceiling assemblies.4. Construction-gap firestopping occurring at the top of fire-rated walls.5. Through-penetration smoke-stopping in smoke partitions.6. Construction-gap smoke-stopping in smoke partitions. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Product data: Manufacturer's specifications and technical data including the following:1. Detailed specification of construction and fabrication.2. Manufacturer's installation instructions.C. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, description of materials and finishes, general construction,specific modifications, component connections, anchorage methods, hardware, and installationprocedures, plus the following specific requirements:1. Details of each proposed assembly identifying intended products and applicable UL Systemnumber, or UL classified devices.2. Manufacturer or manufacturer's representative shall provide qualified engineering judgments anddrawings relating to non-standard applications as needed. III. MATERIALS:A. Through-Penetration Firestopping of Fire-Rated Construction:1. Systems or devices listed in the U.L. Fire Resistance Directory under categories XHCR andXHEZ may be used, providing that it conforms to the construction type, penetrant type, annular space requirements and fire rating involved in each separate instance, and that the system besymmetrical for wall applications. Systems or devices must be asbestos-free. Mortar systemsmust be Warnock Hersey approved.2. Additional requirements: Withstand the passage of cold smoke either as an inherent property ofthe system, or by the use of a separate product included as a part of the U.L. system or device,and designed to perform this function.3. Acceptable manufacturers and products.a. Those listed in the U.L. Fire Resistance Directory for the U.L. System involved or Mortarsystems approved by Warnock Hersey4. All firestopping products must be from a single manufacturer.the same manufacturer.All trades shall use products from B. Construction-Gap Firestopping Of Fire-Rated Construction1. Firestopping at construction gaps between edges of floor slabs and exterior wall construction.2. Firestopping at construction gaps between tops of partitions and underside of structural systems.3. Firestopping at construction gaps between tops of partitions and underside of ceiling or ceilingassembly.4. Firestopping of control joints in fire-rated masonry partitions.5. Firestopping expansion joints.6. Acceptable manufacturers and products - those listed in the U.L. Fire Resistance Directory for theU.L. System involvedC. Smoke-Stopping At Smoke Partitions1. Through-penetration smoke-stopping: Any system complying with the requirements for through-penetration firestopping in fire-rated construction, provided that the system includes the specifiedsmoke seal or will provide a smoke seal. The length of time of the fire resistance may bedisregarded.2. Construction-gap smoke-stopping: Any system complying with the requirements for construction-gap firestopping in fire-rated construction, provided that the system includes the specified smokeseal or will provide a smoke seal. The length of time of the fire resistance may be disregarded.D. Silicone Elastomeric Compound Manufactures:1. USG Thermafiber Smoke seal compound or approved equal.2. Elastomeric acrylic water-based caulking material. Surface Burning Characteristics: FlameSpread = 0, Smoke Developed Rating = 0.E. Fiber Stuffing Manufacturers:1. USG Thermafiber Safing Insulation or approved equal.2. Material: Mineral fiber stuffing insulation; conforming to the following:a. Density: [4.0] lb./cu ft.b. Application Method: Friction Fitc. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread =15, Smoked development rating = 0F. Accessories:1. Primer: Type recommended by firestopping manufacturer for specific substrate surfaces.2. Dam Material: Permanent:a. Mineral fiberboard3. Installation accessories: Clips, collars, fasteners, temporary stops or dams, and other devicesrequired to position and retain materials in place. IV. INSTALLATION:A. Install penetration seal materials in accordance with printed instructions of the U.L. Fire ResistanceDirectory and in accordance with manufacturer's instruction.B. Seal holes or voids made by penetrations to ensure an effective smoke barrier.C. Where floor openings without penetrating items are more than four inches in width and subject totraffic or loading, install firestopping materials capable of supporting same loading as floor.D. Protect materials from damage on surfaces subject to traffic.E. Where large openings are created in walls or floors to permit installation of pipes, ducts, cable tray,bus duct or other items, close unused portions of opening with firestopping material tested for theapplication. See U.L. Fire Resistance DirectoryF. Install smoke stopping as specified for firestopping.G. Where rated walls are constructed with horizontally continuous air space, double width masonry, ordouble stud frame construction, provide vertical, 12 inch wide fiber dams for full thickness and heightof air cavity at maximum 15 foot intervals.H. Existing Conditions:1. Verify existing conditions and substrates before starting work. Correct unsatisfactory conditionsbefore proceeding.2. Proceed with installation only after penetrations of the substrate and supporting brackets havebeen installed.3. Examine penetration sealed areas to ensure proper installation before concealing or enclosingareas.4. Keep areas of work accessible until inspection by applicable code authorities.5. Perform under this section patching and repairing of firestopping caused by cutting or penetrationby other trades.I. Firestop all interruptions to fire rated assemblies, materials and components.J. Clean substrate surfaces of dirt, dust, grease, oil, loose material or other matter which may affectbonding of firestopping material.K. Remove incompatible material which may affect bond.L. Apply material in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.M. Compress fibered material to achieve a density of [40] percent of its uncompressed density. 7C. SEALANTS I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Provide sealants, backer rod, and primer at control joints, sills, heads, jambs of window, lintels, doorframes, storefront members flashings, pavings, etc. and all other joints between dissimilar materials,provide caulking and sealants for weather and water tightness. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Submit two copies of manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each type of sealantto be used.B. Submit two samples of manufacturer's color selections. III. MATERIALS:A. Exterior Horizontal Joints: Dow Corning 890-SL or equal.B. Exterior Vertical Joints: Dow Corning 795 color as selected by the Architect.C. Interior Joints: Name Brand paintable waterbased sealant.D. Provide the type of joint cleaning compound recommended by the sealant manufacturer for the jointsurfaces to be cleaned.E. Provide the type of joint primer/sealer recommended by the sealant manufacturer.F. Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as recommended by the sealant manufacturer to be applied tosealant-contact surfaces where bond to the substrate or joint filler must be avoided for performance ofsealant. Provide self-adhesive tape wherever applicable.G. Sealant Backer Rod: As recommended by sealant manufacturer.H. Joint Filler: Shall be non-extruding, resilient, and non-bituminous type conforming to ASTM D1752. IV. EXECUTION:A. Clean and prepare joint surfaces immediately before installation of sealant.B. Prime or seal the joint surfaces wherever shown or recommended by the sealant manufacturer. Donot allow primer sealer to spill or migrate onto adjoining surfaces.C. Install bond breaker tape wherever shown and wherever required by manufacturer’s recommendationsto ensure that elastomeric sealants will perform properly.D. Do not proceed with installation of liquid sealants under adverse weather conditions. Comply withsealant manufacturer’s printed instructions.E. Fill sealant rabbet to a slightly concave surface, slightly below adjoining surfaces. Where horizontaljoints are between a horizontal surface and a vertical surface, fill joint to form a slight cove, so thatjoint will not trap moisture and dirt.F. Install sealants to depths as recommended by the sealant manufacturer.G. Tool and neatly finish all joints.H. Clean adjustment materials which have been soiled.I. Cure and Protection: Cure sealants and caulking compounds in compliance with manufacturer’sinstructions and recommendations. 7D. BATT INSULATION I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A All batt insulation shall comply with the requirements of the applicable sections of ASTM , NFPA andUL burning characteristics of building materialsB Contractor shall provide all insulation at exterior walls, interior partitions and roof as indicated ondrawings. Provide with vapor barrier as required by industry and per application. Provide withappropriate R-Value as required by code..C Provide sound insulation blankets at toilet room partitions. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Product data: Provide data on product characteristics, performance criteria and limitations. B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 24 SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. ASP.2 A III. MATERIALS:A. Provide continuity of acoustical barrier at building enclosure elements.B. Approved Manufacturers:1. CertainTeed2. Johns Manville3. Approved equal C. Access doors for use on the vertical face of NON-RATED GWB PARTITIONS AND SOFFITS shall beINTEXFORMS, Inc., Model: APS Hinged Glassfiber Reinforced Access Panels, square corners. Sizesshall be as indicated on Drawings, or minimum required to allow access, whichever is smaller. NOSUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE PERMITTED. C. Batt insulation: ASTM C655; Natural cotton fiber insulation; friction fit, conforming to the following:1. Batt size: 16 inch2. Facing: Unfaced3. Flame / smoke properties: in accordance with ASTM E84. IV. INSTALLATION:A. Verify that substrate, adjacent materials, and insulation are dry and ready to receive insulation.B. Install insulation in accordance with manufacturers instructions.C. Install in walls and ceiling spaces without gaps or voids. Do not compress insulation.D. Trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Insulate miscellaneous gaps and voids.E. Fit insulation tight to exterior side of mechanical and electrical services within the plane of insulation. DIVISION 8: DOORS & WINDOWS 8A. DOORS & HARDWARE I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Wood doors shall comply with all requirements of A.W.I. Quality Standards (Premium Grade), Section1300, with all wood types, standards, finishes and requirements of the Architectural Woodworkspecification. Provide hollow core wood doors, u.o.n. All wood shall be certified by the ForestStewardship Council (FSC Certified) and the Contractor shall produce documentation of such toOwner and the Architect..B. Hollow metal doors and frames shall comply with all requirements of Grade III of the Steel DoorInstitute.C. Where rated doors are indicated, provide doors with the appropriate labels.D. All hardware shall be provided by the GC or FM (should a FM be engaged). II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Submit Shop Drawings or manufacturers' literature for all doors.C. Submit Shop Drawings of steel doors indicate door elevations, internal reinforcement, closure method,and cut outs for glazing, louvers and finishes if required.D. Submit complete hardware schedule and product specification immediately upon award of Contract toavoid lead-time problems.E. Submit Shop Drawings of storefront doors indicating sizes, location and hardware.F. Provide Project record documents indicating actual location of installed cylinders and their master keycode.G. Deliver at close out keys with identifying tags to Owner by security shipment direct from hardwaresupplier.H. Submit manufacturer warrant and ensure forms have been completed in Owner's name and registeredwith manufacturer. III. MATERIALS:A. Provide metal back-boxes with all strike plates.B. Hardware: See Hardware Schedule.C. Door types: See Door Schedule.D. Provide construction cores and keys at all exterior doors. Refer to Hardware Schedule for specifichardware with interchangeable cores that will be required. GC shall be responsible for installation ofthe Owner-supplied cores at turnover. IV. INSTALLATION:A. All hardware shall be tight, level, and shall operate smoothly and easily. Follow manufacturer'sinstructions for installation and adjustment.B. Floor pivots and strikes: Chip out existing slab as required and set flush with adjacent finished floor.C. Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, door levers, pulls and push plates shall be mounted 42" oncenter above finished floor. Where multiple units of hardware occur on the same door, they shall becentered on one another.D. Provide metal back-boxes to match hardware for all strikes.E. Where floor stops cannot be located adjacent to a partition, locate 4" from hinge jamb. 8B. GLASS & GLAZING I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Provide glass in sizes and thicknesses shown on the Drawings. If thickness is not shown, provide theminimum thickness required for sheet size and application. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Submit samples of all glazing materials (tape, sealant, etc.) that will be visible in the finishedinstallation. III. MATERIALS:A. Interior storefront glass: Tempered, in thicknesses shown on the Drawings or that are the minimumrequired for each application, whichever is greater.B. Exterior storefront glazing and aluminum windows: Monolithic clear safety glass with plastic .060 PVBinterlayer, thicknesses as required for glazing size and to meet all codes.C. Insulating glass where shown (if any). See Schedules for information.D. All exposed edges shall be polished. All other edges shall be ground.E. Tempering or other marks shall be visible only if required by building authorities having jurisdiction,and in this case only in a lower corner. No proprietary marks or tong marks shall be visible.F. Glazing tape, compounds and blocks as required and as approved by the Architect. IV. INSTALLATION:A. Provide all shims, blocks, glazing compounds and other appurtenances required for a first-classinstallation in accordance with standard trade practice.B. Glazing materials shall be neatly cut back slightly below the level of the stop.C. Clean all glass and remove all labels at completion of work.D. Install top and bottom glazing channels, layout corners accurately with angles indicated.E. Coordinate work with concealed framing and bracing to ensure proper interface and support.F. Prevent direct metal to glass contact.G. Dissimilar metals:1. When aluminum components come into contact with dissimilar metals, surfaces shall be kept fromdirect contact by painting the dissimilar metal with a heavy coat of a proper black primer., unlessotherwise noted.2. When aluminum components come into contact with cement or lime mortar, exposed aluminumsurfaces shall be painted with heavy-bodied bituminous paint., unless otherwise noted. 8C. ACCESS DOORS I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Provide access doors where shown on the Drawings and where required by authorities havingjurisdiction.B. Except as shown on the Drawings, no access doors shall be installed without the written permission ofthe Architect.C. No access doors shall be installed at the sales floor ceiling or walls without notification to the Architectbefore installation. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Submit the size and location of each proposed access door on a reproducible print of the ArchitecturalReflected Ceiling Plan. No access doors shall be installed until such a submittal is approved. III. MATERIALS:A. Access doors for use in NON-RATED GWB CEILINGS AND SOFFITS shall be INTEXFORMS,Inc., Model: APS "Lift & Shift" Glass Fiber Reinforced Access Panels, square corners. Sizesshall be indicated on Drawings, or minimum required to allow access, whichever is smaller. NOSUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE PERMITTED.B. Access doors for use in FIRE-RATED GWB CEILINGS shalll be ACUDOR, Inc., Model: FW-5050-DWFire Rated Insulated Access Door. (Mininum rating as required by code). Sizes shall be as indicatedon Drawings or minimum required to allow access, whichever is smaller. NO SUBSTITUTIONSSHALL BE PERMITTED. D. Access doors for use on the vertical face of FIRE RATED GWB PARTITIONS AND SOFFITS shall beACUDOR, Inc., Model: FW-5050-DW Fire Rated Insulated Access Door, minimum rating as requiredby code. Sizes shall be as indicated on Drawings, or minimum required to allow access, whichever issmaller. NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE PERMITTED. IV. INSTALLATION:A. Install access doors in approved locations only.B. Install perfectly flush with adjacent surface. Tape into drywall. Keep reveal clean between door andframe. See manufacturer's guidelines for approved fasteners, blocking and finishing requirements. 8D. METAL AND GLASS STOREFRONT I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. This section includes glass hardware, installation of tempered all glass doors and fixed glassstorefront.B. Arrange for the fabrication, finishing and installation of all storefront work by a single reputable firm. Ifthe fabricator sub-contracts the finishing and/or installation, he must provide a full-time representativeto direct the work. The glass manufacturer and installer shall be engaged in the tempered glassmanufacturing and installation for at least five (5) years.C. Protect doors and glazing materials during delivery, storage and handling to comply withmanufacturers' directions and as required to prevent damage to the glass and hardware.D. Safety Glazing Standard: 1/2" tempered glass must meet standards specified in ANSI Z97.1 CPSC 16CFR 1201, ASTM C 1036, and ASTM C 1048.E. Manufacturer's Special Project Warranty on glass doors: Provide written warranty signed by thefabricator of the glass doors and glass door systems agreeing to furnish within a five (5) year warrantyperiod replacements for those doors that develop manufacturing defects. Manufacturing defects aredefined as any defect materially obstructing vision through the glass, and any mechanical failure ofhardware which prevents the proper operation of the doors and appropriate installation.F. Refer to Miscellaneous Metals section for related materials and information. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Submit fully dimensioned Shop Drawings for all work of this section. Shop Drawings shall clearlydepict and distinguish between shop and field connections. Shop Drawings shall show the detailsof layout and installation. Show gauges, clip angles, fasteners, and welds. Submit cut sheets for allhardware.C. Submit samples of all finishes applied to metal. All finishes shall be shop-applied.D. Submit samples of all glass to be used at storefront.E. Resubmit above samples until approved by the Architect. III. MATERIALS:A. Storefront glass doors and hardware shall be as specified on the Door and Hardware schedules.Hardware shall comply with 1/2" tempered glazing safety glazing standard. See Section 8B Glass andGlazing and Finish Legend for specifications. See Drawings for additional information.B. Provide integrated lock with round cylinder.. See Hardware Schedule for specification.C. Metal and glass storefront system shall be as specified on the Drawings.D. Safety Glazing Standard for Glass and Metal Doors and Glass and Metal Storefront: Provide fullytempered glass, Kind FT, which complies with ASTM C 1036 and ASTM C 1048 requirements,including those indicated by reference to type, class, quality. See Finish Schedule for additionalinformation.E. Sizes: Fabricate glass to size required for openings indicated, with edge clearances and tolerancescomplying with recommendations of glass manufacturer. Provide glass types and thickness asindicated on Drawings.F. Hardware is as specified on the Hardware Schedule and as specified on the Drawings. IV. FABRICATION & INSTALLATION:A. All holes, notches, etc. shall be drilled or cut in the glass prior to tempering.B. Inspection: Door, metal storefront and glass installer to inspect work of framing erector for compliancewith manufacturing and installation tolerance, including those for size, plumb and squareness.Whenever possible, take field measurements prior to approving Shop Drawings to ensure proper fittingof the storefront systems. Examine top support, and anchorages for structural adequacy. Report anyconditions that may adversely affect the installation or performance of the storefront systems to theOwner or Architect.C. Installation: Comply with printed installation instructions of storefront system(s) manufacturer.D. Protection and Cleaning: Protect glass doors and storefront systems from contact with contaminatingsubstances resulting from construction operations. If, despite such protection, contaminatingsubstances do come in contact with glass or hardware, remove immediately by method recommendedby manufacturer. Wash glass on both faces not more than 4 days prior to date scheduled forinspections intended to establish date of substantial completion in each area of Project.E. Whether or not shown on the Drawings, provide all fasteners, clip angles, welds, shims, supports,braces, and other appurtenances required to complete the work as shown in a rigid and structurallysound manner.F. Fully shop-finish all assemblies after fabrication. Only minor touch-up of the finish will be permitted inthe field after installation.G. Fabricate storefront so that all exposed joints are hairline. Seal all such joints so that no light is visiblethrough them. No sealant shall be visible in the finished assembly.H. Fasteners shall be equally spaced and aligned with each other as well as with the fasteners on likecomponents.I. All exposed metal shall be factory-finished. DIVISION 9: FINISHES 9A. DRYWALL CEILING SUSPENSION SYSTEM I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Suspension system shall conform to all applicable codes, including applicable seismic standardswhere they apply. II. SUBMITTALS: None unless substitutions are proposed. III. MATERIALS:A. Ceiling suspension system shall be in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings. IV. FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION:A. Install system in accordance with manufacturer’s printed instructions and with the requirementsshown on the Drawings. Directly hung components shall be suspended with not less than 12-gaugegalvanized steel wire and tightly tied with at least (3) three full turns.B. No hangers shall be attached to the metal deck.C. Provide additional hangers, reinforcing, etc. as shown on the drawing and required to support soffits,false beams, light fixtures, etc. 9B. GYPSUM BOARD I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. All installations and materials shall be in accordance with the U.S. Gypsum Company's latestpublished recommendations. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Provide Manufacturer's catalog data, detail sheets, and specifications. III. MATERIALS:A. Gypsum wall board (GWB) shall be 5/8" thick firecode (Type X) unless otherwise indicated, withtapered edges.B. Provide water-resistant type GWB in toilet rooms and adjacent to any other wet areas. In no caseshall water-resistant GWB be used on ceilings.C. Provide metal studs, furring channels, runners, and miscellaneous components of sizes and gaugesas shown on the Drawings, as required by job conditions and in accordance with the publishedrecommendations of USG.D. Metal edge trim: USG #200A, USG#200B and USG Corner Bead, tapable type as required perapplication and per Drawings.E. Corner reinforcement at vertical outside corners shall be tapable corner bead.F. Extruded aluminum factory-primed edge moldings: Pittcon Softforms, in profiles shown on theDrawings.G. Expansion joints: USG #093 control joint. IV. INSTALLATION:A. Install ceiling in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions and authorities havingjurisdiction.B. Provide additional framing, hangers, etc. as required to support light fixtures, fascias, etc. Providebracing as shown, as required by code, and as needed for rigidity and seismic forces, if required.C. Cut and frame suspension system and box out to accommodate low ducts, pipes, etc.D. Do not attach hangers to structural deck. 9D. PAINTING I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Conform to ASTM standards as they apply to this section.B. Do not apply products of this section outside acceptable range of conditions as specified by paintmanufacturer.C. Keep Project premises free of painting related debris. Collect material that may constiture a firehazard, place in closed metal containers and remove daily from the site.D. See Responsibility Schedule for finished shop painted items.E. New and existing surfaces not to paint:1. Sprinkler head covers.F. Scope of painting work: All new and existing surfaces not specifically shown to receive another finish,including but not limited to:1. Gypsum wall board.2. Gypsum column covers (if any).3. Wood surfaces where indicated as "painted" shall be either painted with opaque finish or clearsealer.4. Hollow metal doors and frames.5. Any exposed existing to remain surfaces: Masonry, plaster, concrete blocks, grilles, registers, etc.. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Provide manufacturer's printed product data on all coatings specified, including preparation andapplication instructions.B. Provide (2) two sets of samples not less than 6 inches by 8 inches in size illustrating the range ofcolors and textures available for each finishing product specified.C. Provide (2) two samples of not less than 6 inches square illustrating selected colors and textures foreach color specified.D. Attic Stock: Deliver to Owner (1) one gallon of each finish paint in each color required for the product. III. MATERIALS:A. Paint shall be as per Finish Schedule with No Substitutions.B. Paint thinners and other materials recommended by coatings manufacturer as necessary to achievefinishes specified.C. Patching and surface preparation as recommended by coatings manufacturer.D. Paint types: See Finish Schedule.1. Interior GWB walls and ceilings not scheduled for other finishes: 1 coat USG-1 Prime Coat, 2coats finish paint.2. Field painted millwork shall be primed in the shop on all surfaces. Color shall approach final finishcolor. Touch up primer in field and provide minimum 2 finish coats.3. Hollow metal doors, frames and any other exposed metal: 1 coat Ironclad Retardo Rust InhibitivePaint, 2 coats finish paint. IV. INSTALLATION:A. All surfaces shall be prepared as recommended by the paint manufacturer, except where thosestandards are exceeded herein.B. Perform all filling, sanding and caulking required for a first-class job.C. Painting shall be done in a dust-free low-humidity environment comply with manufacturer'srecommendations for temperature and relative humidity. Each coat shall be allowed to dry completelybefore the next coat is applied.D. All work shall be top quality, free from drips, roller marks and brush marks, and applied evenly forcomplete coverage.E. Painted wood shall be by brush or spray. Rollers are unacceptable.F. When touch-up is required, the entire surface shall be repainted to the nearest corner or break.G. Interior wood base and trim shall be brush-painted. Roller work on wood will be rejected.H. On existing painted surfaces, prime coats may be omitted provided the new paint is compatible withthe existing and covers completely.I.Fill all gaps between sheetrock and base, casing, trim and moldings with a paintable caulk. Fill all nailholes on all painted surface and sand smooth.J. All gaps between millwork and drywall shall be filled with paintable caulk and painted after theinstallation of millwork.K. Verify that shop applied primers are compatible with specified finish coats.L. Protect work adjacent to painting operations from paint spatters and spills. Immediately remove paintthat falls on finished surfaces not scheduled to receive paint, using materials and techniques that willnot damage affected surfaces.M. Diffusers, registers and grilles shall be spray-painted semi-gloss to match ceiling color prior toinstallation of such items. On Omni-type diffusers, paint the collar and damper matte black and therest of the diffuser as specified. 9E. LARGE FORMAT CERAMIC FLOOR TILE 9F. FORTÉ NATURAL CLAY PLASTERINGI. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to completethe ceramic tile as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein, including, but not limited to, thefollowing:1. Ceramic floor tile as shown on the Drawings.2. Ceramic wall tile, wainscot, and matching base as shown on the Drawings.3. Stone saddles.4. Setting beds, grout, sealant, waterproofing membrane, and anti-fracture membrane.B. Qualifications of Installers: For cutting, installing and grouting of ceramic tile, use only thoroughlytrained and experienced journeyman tile setters who are completely familiar with the requirements ofthis work, and the recommendations contained in the referenced standards.C. Codes and Standards: In addition to complying with all pertinent codes and regulations, comply withthe following:1. Manufacture all ceramic tile in accordance with Standard Grade Requirements of ANSI A-137.1.2. Install all ceramic tile in accordance with the recommendations contained in Handbook for CeramicTile Installation of the Tile Council of America, Inc., latest edition.D. Delivery and Storage: Deliver all materials of this Section to the job site in their original unopenedcontainers with all labels intact and legible at time of use. Store all materials under cover in a mannerto prevent damage and contamination; store only the specified materials at the job site.E. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this Section before, during and afterinstallation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. PART 1 - GENERALI. SUMMARY:A. Section includes1. Clay veneer plaster for interior application.2. Primers.3. Additional substrate coats.4. Sealers and waxes.5. Plaster binders.6. Accessories. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's literature for each product specified.B. Selection Samples: Provide samples of manufacturer’s standard colors for color selection. Providesamples of standard textured finishes.C. Verification Samples: Submit sample for each color and textured finish specified in minimum 12”by 12” sample. Prepare sample to show appropriate application process. In addition to verificationof aesthetic qualities, the sample should also be used to demonstrate compatibility and applicationprocess.D. Qualification Data: Intended for qualified and certified installer. IV. EXECUTION:A. Inspection: Examine the areas and conditions where ceramic tile is to be installed and correct anyconditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the Work. Do not proceed with the Workuntil unsatisfactory conditions are corrected to permit proper installation of the Work.B. Condition of Surfaces: Allowable variations in substrate levels for floors are +1/8" in 10'-0" distanceand 1/4" total maximum variation from levels shown. Grind or fill concrete and masonry substrates asrequired to comply with allowable variations.C. Preparation: Steel trowel and fine broom finish concrete slabs that are to receive ceramic tile. Cureconcrete slabs that are to receive tile before tile application. Do not use liquid curing compounds orother coatings that may prevent bonding of tile setting materials to slabs. Slab shall be dry at timeof tile installation. Etch concrete substrate as may be required to remove curing compounds or othersubstances that would interfere with proper bond of setting bed. Rinse with water to remove all tracesof treatment. Seal substrate with sealer as recommended by manufacturer of mortar or adhesive.D. Joints in Tile Work:1. Joint widths to be 1/16" wide in ceramic tile unless otherwise noted on the Drawings.2. Wall, base, and floor joints shall align through the field and trim. Direction and location of all jointsas directed by Architect.3. Conform movement joints to TCA Detail EJ171. Locate where movement joints are in back-upmaterial. Provide movement joint at joints between mop receptors and ceramic tile. Providemovement joint at all vertical internal joints of wall tile. Movement joints 1/8" wide in ceramic tile.Fill all movement joints with specified backing and sealant. Use bond breaker where sufficientspace for joint backing does not exist.4. Provide sealant between ceramic tile and plumbing fixtures, mirrors, pipes, countertops and otherdissimilar materials penetrating or adjacent to ceramic tile.E. Installation:1. Comply with the following installation standards:a. Floor tile over anti-fracture membrane - ANSI A108.5 and A108.10.2. Allowable Variations in Finished Work: Do not exceed the following deviations from level andplumb, and from elevations, locations, slopes and alignment shown.a. Floors: 1/8" in 10'-0" run, any direction; +/- 1/8" at any location; 1/32" offset at any location.b. Joints: +/- 1/32" joint width variation of any location; 1/16" in 3'-0" run deviation from plumband true.3. Waterproofing Membrane: Install the membrane in strict accordance with manufacturer's writtenrecommendations. Upon completion of work, test horizontal membrane for leaks by plugging thedrain or damming areas and filling with water. Inspect for leakage. Make necessary adjustmentsto stop all leakage and retest until watertight. If membrane is not covered by another surfaceimmediately, provide protection until membrane is covered.4. Handle, store, mix and apply setting and grouting materials in compliance with the manufacturer'sinstructions.5. Extend tile work into recesses and under equipment and fixtures, to form a complete coveringwithout interruptions. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges and corners without disruptionof pattern or joint alignment.6. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visiblesurfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish, or built-in items for straight, alignedjoints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping and fixtures so that plates, collars, or coversoverlap tile.7. Lay tile in grid pattern. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls and trim are the samesize. Lay out tile work and center tile fields both directions in each space or on each wall area.Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths.F. Installation of Stone Saddles: Install stone saddles cut to profiles and sizes shown, accurately fittedto jambs, coped at stops, set in full bed of mortar herein specified, and with grouted edge joints asspecified for floor tile. Set floor tile and marble saddle using unmodified thinset conforming to ANSIA118.1 and anti-fracture membrane conforming to all manufacturers instructions.G. Cleaning and Protection of Ceramic Tile:1. Upon completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free offoreign matter. Unglazed tile may be cleaned with acid solutions only when permitted by tile andgrout manufacturer's printed instructions, but not sooner than (14) days after installation. Protectmetal surfaces, cast iron and vitreous plumbing fixtures from effects of acid cleaning. Flushsurface with clean water before and after cleaning.2. Apply to all clean completed tile walls and floors a protective coating of neutral cleaner solution, 1part cleaner to 1 part water.3. Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded or otherwisedefective tile work.4. Protect installed tile work with Kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period toprevent damage and wear. Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from using tiled floors for at least (3)days after grouting is completed. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinseneutral cleaner from tile surfaces. IV. INSTALLATION:A. Installation to be in accordance with USG's Level 4 for drywall finish.B. Provide metal edge trim (USG #200A) taped and spackled where shown on the Drawings, whereGWB meets a dissimilar material or where a GWB edge is exposed. Provide continuous metalframing behind metal edge trim. Provide metal corner reinforcing, taped and spackled at all GWBoutside corners, vertical and horizontal.C. Unless otherwise noted, no framing members shall be spaced greater than 16" O.C. All outsidevertical corners shall be installed using only factory tapered sides of GWB. Use metal corner beadand spackle so that corners are square.D. Provide (2) two layers of GWB where indicated, stagger joints and comply with all other USGrecommendations for this type of installation. Provide fire ratings indicated in accordance withUL-approved assemblies.E. Provide heavy-gauge framing members where shown on the Drawings and where conditions requirethem. Comply with USG's recommendations for installation of heavy-gauge members.F. Pittcon moldings shall be installed in long lengths with joints aligned and tightly butted. Corners shallbe tightly and accurately mitered.G. Provide expansion joints where shown on the Drawings and where required by job conditions. Nojoints shall be installed without the written approval of the Architect. 9C. ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Provide a complete ceiling assembly with all components and accessories required for a completeinstallation, whether or not such components and accessories are specified herein. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Submit complete manufacturer's literature for proposed system, including certification that the systemis approved for use in the jurisdiction in question. III. MATERIALS:A. See Finish Schedule. F. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary.G. Supply extra 2% of each tile used in clean marked cartons for Owner's emergency use.H. Project Conditions:1. Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after installation to comply withreferenced standards and manufacturer's printed recommendations.2. Vent temporary heaters to exterior to prevent damage to tile work from carbon dioxide buildup.3. Maintain temperatures at not less than 50 deg. F. in tiled areas during installation and for (7) sevendays after completion. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Provide maintenance data to Owner at Project close-out. III. MATERIALS:A. Tiles shall be as indicated on the Finish Schedule on the Drawings.B. Saddles: Provide stone saddle in material and profile shown on the Drawings, with an abrasivehardness of not less than 10.0, when tested in accordance with ASTM C241. Cut saddle to fit jambprofile. Saddle to run full width of framed opening.C. Latex Unmodified Thinset:1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I2. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S3. Sand: ASTM C 144, clean and graded natural sand4. MAPEI Kerabond thin set mortar or approved equalD. Grout: Provide a commercial Portland cement grout made by MAPEI, or approved equal. See FinishSchedule for color. Add latex additive to grout made by same manufacturer as grout.E. Sealant:1. Joint Backing: Preformed, compressible, resilient, non-extruding, non-staining strips of foamneoprene, foam polyethylene, or other material recommended by sealant manufacturer.2. Bond Breaker: Polyethylene tape, 3 mils thick, or other material recommended by sealantmanufacturer.3. Sealant Primer: Colorless, non-staining, or type to suit substrate surface, as recommended bysealant manufacturer.4. Sealant: One-part silicone based sanitary sealant, conforming to ASTM C 920, Type S, NS, Class25. Sealant hardness upon full cure shall be between 20-30 Shore "A" Durometer. Color ofsealant to blend with or match adjacent materials, and as selected by the Architect. Sealant shallbe equivalent to 1700 Sanitary Sealant made by General Electric or approved equal.F. Anti-fracture Membrane: Schluter DITRA anti-fracture membrane with KERDI-BAND waterproofingstrips where “waterproof membrane” is called for on Drawings.G. Provide 5 sq. ft. of additional tile of each size, color, and surface finish of tile specified; locate asdirected. B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 25 SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. ASP.3 A III. QUALITY ASSURANCE:A. Installer Qualifications: An installer who is an American Clay Artisan applicator.B. Finish Mockups1. Apply mockups of at least 100 sq. ft. in surface area or as shown on Drawings to demonstrateaesthetic effects and set qualities standards for materials and execution.2. Apply mockups at location indicated on Drawings or as directed by Architect.3. Apply mockups for the following applicationsa. Walls and partitions.b. Ceilings.4. Simulate finished lighting conditions for review of mockups.5. Approved mockups may become part of the completed work if undisturbed at time of SubstantialCompletion.C. TECHNICAL DATA1. Fade Resistance; Color Pigments: ASTM D4303-03.2. Flame Spread: ASTM E-84; NFPA Class A; UBC Class 1.3. Mold Resistance: ASTM D3273; 10 Rating (10: no mold growth).4. Permeability: ASTM E-96; 45.76 perms; 16.91 grains/hr-ft2.5. Sounda. ASTM 423-07; SAA: 0.09; NRC: 0.10.b. ASTM 90-04; STC: 31. IV. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING:A. Storage: Cover mixed plaster during breaks to retain moisture. Store materials in clearly markedcontainers in location not subject to direct moisture. Store Forté clay veneer plaster in cool location incontainer for no more than three days. After three days, dry mixture thoroughly on plastic sheet, andstore dried material in a covered, airtight container.B. Waste Management and Disposal: Surplus clay veneer plaster and clean clay veneer plaster may beused as touch-up materials and extra material for Owner. Clearly mark container as “waste recycled –clay veneer plaster”. Wet clay veneer plaster should be dried thoroughly on plastic sheet and stored inclearly marked container. V. PROJECT CONDITIONS:A. Room Temperature: Maintain temperatures at not less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit or greater than 90degrees Fahrenheit for at least 3 days before application of clay veneer plaster, continuously duringapplication, and for 3 days after completing application. Bring materials into room 24 hours beforemixing to acclimate them to ambient temperature.B. Ventilation: Distribute heat evenly; prevent concentrated or uneven heat on plaster. Maintain relativehumidity levels for prevailing ambient temperature that produces normal drying conditions. Humiditylevels should be not more than 50% relative humidity. Use mechanical means to reduce humiditylevels if necessary. Ventilate building spaces in a manner that prevents drafts of air from contactingsurfaces during plaster application. Upon completion of plaster application, natural or mechanicalventilation may be utilized if specified temperature and humidity levels are maintained. VI. EXTRA MATERIALS:A. Provide owner with ten percent of clay veneer plaster applied in each color and texture specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTSI. PLASTER:A. Clay Veneer Plaster for Interior Application: Proprietary dry blend of clay, fine aggregates, polymer,and pigments.B. Manufacturer1. American Clay Enterprises, LLC2418 2nd Street SWAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87102505-243-5300 or 1-866-404-1634.C. PRODUCT1. First coat: American Clay Plaster Forté Base; even semi-smooth finish.2. Second coat: American Clay Plaster Forté Finish; smooth finish.3. Color additives: Standard American Clay color pigment(s). Illumina Color Series/Standard FortéWhite color pigment(s).4. Fire-resistant Properties: non-combustible; non-toxic: non-chemical materials; fade resistant; moldresistant; dust resistant; non-dusting; breathable; paintable and stainable.5. Aggregate: Calcium carbonate and mica.6. Color Pigment: Natural oxides and mineral pigments.7. Binder: Acrylated Styrene polymer binder.8. Recycled content by weight: 72% post-industrial.9. Potable water. II. PRIMERS:A. Textured Primer1. Mixture of sand aggregates and paint primera. American Clay Primer Sand mixed with a multipurpose, transitional or stain-blocking paintprimer.B. MANUFACTURER1. American Clay Enterprises, LLC2418 2nd Street SWAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87102505-243-5300 or 1-866-404-1634.C. OTHER PRIMERS1. Water-borne primer acceptable to clay veneer plaster manufacturer to be used where indicated insystems below. III. ADDITIONAL SUBSTRATE COATS:A. Brown Coats1. Fibered cementitious brown coat.2. Lime-plaster brown coat.3. Site-based mud plaster brown coat.4. Gypsum plaster brown coat with textured primer. IV. SEALERS AND WAXES:A. General1. Sealer must be compatible with clay veneer plaster.2. VOC content must meet or exceed the VOC and chemical component limits of Green Sealrequirements.B. Acrylic Masonry Sealer: AFM Safecoat “Watershield” or “Mexi-seal”, or equal product.C. Furniture or Paste Wax: Bioshield “Floor and Furniture Hardwax", or equal product.D. Oil1. AFM “Natural Clear Penetrating Oil.”2. Bioshield “Penetrating Sealer.”3. Or equal product.E. Liquid Potassium or "Water Glass"1. AFM Safecoat “Penetrating WaterStop”.2. Anco Industries Inc. “Stucco Cure”.3. Or equal product.F. Black Soap Color Enhancer: High oil content soap. V. ACCESSORIES:A. Joint Reinforcing Materials:1. Trim accessories, as specified in Section 09260 “Gypsum Board Assemblies.”2. Filler: Multi-purpose joint compound; do not use multipurpose lightweight or lightweight toppingcompounds under clay veneer plasters. PART 3 - EXECUTIONI. GROUNDWORK:A. Examination1. Confirm that substrate is ready to accept primer and clay veneer plaster finish.2. Surfaces should be dry.3. Correct substrate conditions prior to clay veneer plaster application process.B. Preparation: Scrape off loose or flaking paint or other surface material until a well-bonded surface isexposed. Knock down high points or protrusions of more than 1/16” with a wide putty knife, scraperor drywall sanding screen. Clean and fill any mortar joints and depressions deeper than 1/16” withfiller that bonds to the substrate, leveling them with the surface. Lightly sand any high gloss or glossysealed surface with 150 grit sandpaper to provide a “tooth” for the primer; test existing paint for leadcontent prior to sanding; if paint contains lead, follow OSHA procedures. Remove any dust with avacuum or clean with 10% water based sealer and 90% water. Clean surfaces to remove dirt, grease,oil, and other foreign matter and deposits that could impair bond with plaster; wash sooty or greasysurfaces with a Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP) or equal paint preparation cleaner. Allow surface to dry.Mask adjacent surfaces with painter’s tape. Leave tape 1/16” to 1/8” from edge of plaster surface areaso that the tape will pull off cleanly. II. GENERAL APPLICATION:A. Application Thickness XII. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE:A. Touch Up Repairs1. Clay veneer plaster layer: If veneer plaster is still evident underneath affected area, lightly wet thearea with a sponge and water.2. Bonding failure: If patch is necessary due to a lack of bonding agent on the substrate, apply moreprimer and then apply the clay veneer plaster. After the veneer plaster has set, use a spongealong the build seam between the patch and original material; blend the seam with a circularmotion. Smooth the seam with the appropriate tool for the final surface desired and allow patchto dry; if during the smoothing process, there are sponge marks (light streaky areas), use a verydamp sponge to remove the streaks.3. Cracks larger than 1/16”: Create a barrier between the crack and patch to keep the crack fromtranslating to the surface. Remove veneer plaster down to the substrate and repair crack; primethe repaired area as required and complete the repair as indicated above.B. Maintenance1. Surface stains and marks: Lightly wipe with a clean damp sponge or cloth to remove; do not useharsh cleaners or abrasive cloths.2. Surface cracks: Mist area with vinegar water (1 to 4 ratio of vinegar to water) and smooth withsponge or trowel.3. Settling cracks or areas larger than 1/16”: Fill with new material as specified in “Touch Up Repairs”article above. 9G. RESILIENT LINOLEUM SHEET FLOORING I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. All Work of this Section shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer specifications and theapplicable sections of ANSI.B. Preparation and slab patch subfloor shall be level to 1/4" in 10' per industry standards. 1. American Clay Plaster Forté Finish: 2 coats; 1 coat 1/16” or less of American Clay Plaster FortéBase and 1 coat 1/16” or less (about one credit card thick) American Clay Plaster Forté Finish. III. TRIM ACCESSORY AND JOINT REINFORCEMENT INSTALLATION:A. Trim Accessories: Prime with textured primer.B. Joint Reinforcement1. Tape and beda. Level 2 for hand application; Gypsum Association GA-214.b. Level 3 for spray application; Gypsum Association GA-214.2. Corner bead: Prime with two coats of textured primer. Joints or repairs must be completely dryprior to primer application. IV. PRIMER APPLICATION:A. Additional Substrate Preparation1. Apply primer and allow application to dry prior to clay plaster veneer application.a. Brush primer along edges of wall, then roll or brush primer on the remaining surfaces. Ensurethat all surfaces are coated thoroughly to provide proper plaster bond.b. Spray textured primer and then back roll.2. Let primer dry for 3 hours or until sand “bites back” when hand is rubbed against wall.3. Double prime outside corners and over exterior corners which are more vulnerable to nicks anddings.4. Finished corners should have slight radius. V. MIXING CLAY VENEER PLASTER:A. Prior to adding water, loosely mix dry clay plaster to even the mix after settling during shipping.B. Add plaster to water and evenly mix.C. Prior to adding color pigment to plaster, mix color pigment with water in a solution to prevent colorstarring.D. Add additional water and mix to desired consistency; mixture consistency should resembleconventional lime or gypsum plasters, typically something similar to soft-serve ice cream.E. Allow plaster to stand for a minimum of 1 hour before use; clay mixture can be mixed 24 hours beforeapplication and will remain workable as long as the mixture remains wet (do not keep wet more thanthree days).F. If thickening occurs or mixture has completely dried, add water to bring mixture to a workableconsistency. VI. CLAY VENEER PLASTER APPLICATION:A. Do not apply clay veneer plaster on damp surfaces.B. Apply first clay plaster coat and allow it to completely dry, typically 2 to 8 hours depending on humiditylevels; do not completely smooth the first coat in order to provide adequate keying of the second coat.C. Apply the second coat per desired texture indicated in Finish Schedule and allow it to dry.D. If necessary, apply an additional coat to achieve an evenly smooth surface or to hide drywall screwsand other surface blemishes. Previous coats should be completely dry and shrinkage complete priorto application of the next coat.E. For each plaster coat, finish complete walls, panels or ceilings in one operation to avoid the effects ofpossible variation in color.F. On a plastic sheet, layout leftover material that remains wet longer than three days and allow it to drycompletely prior to reuse. VII. SPRAY METHOD:A. Mix plaster to consistency required for spray system; typically looser than normal hand applicationB. Spray mixture for even coverage; immediately trowel to spread mixture to a consistent thickness andallow coat to dry.C. Lightly mist surface to allow for more working time.D. Spray on second coat and create the final surface desired by troweling it out.E. Let the surface dry.F. Compress the surface. VIII. FINISHING AND TEXTURING:A. Texturing (during second coat application)1. Trowel; matte finish (harder and smoother finish): Allow surface to dry completely; surface shouldbe damp yet dry to the touch and is set enough that a finger pressed into the surface no longerleaves an impression.B. Finishing1. Smooth-troweled finish: Begin finish when final veneer coat is set or dry; the clay veneer plastershould be resistant to light press of finger but does not leave an impression; if the surface hasdried, wet the surface with water using a hand pump sprayer and rework the surface as required.To prevent surface cracking, do not over-work.2. Smooth finish: Continue to lightly wet final veneer coat with water and trowel smooth with stainlesssteel or plastic trowel.3. Concluding notes: Allow veneer plaster to dry completely, a minimum of 12 hours prior to applyingsealer. Where clay veneer plaster abuts metal doorframes, windows, and other units in veneerplaster, groove finish coat to eliminate spalling; calk exposed edges. IX. COMPRESSING THE SECOND COAT:A. Compression Methods1. Trowel; matte finish (harder and smoother finish): Lightly mist surface so that it is evenly dampand no water is running down the wall; re-trowel surface.2. Raising the cream (smooth finish): Spray water on surface with one hand while troweling with theother, rocking the trowel from edge to edge. Continue spraying until water sits on top of surfaceand begins to drip. Leave swoop marks from the cream (clay); minimize swoop marks by rubbingwith a barely damp sponge after plaster is dry. X. SEALERS AND COLOR ENHANCERS:A. Sealer Application1. Apply 2 coats of sealera. Wax sealer; apply wax directly to the surface with a rag and work into the surface.b. Oil sealer; brush or rag-apply in accordance with sealer manufacturer’s instructions for poroussubstrates.c. Acrylic masonry sealer; spray-apply in accordance with sealer manufacturer’s instructions forporous substrates.d. Liquid potassium or “Water Glass” sealer; spray-apply in accordance with sealer manufacturer’sinstructions for porous substrates.B. Color Enhancer Application1. Black soap color enhancer: Apply warm from squeeze bottle and trowel onto surface; removeexcess soap with rag. The first coat may dry unevenly; continue to add coats until the soap driesevenly. Pigment may be added to soap to create special effects. XI. CLEANING AND PROTECTION:A. Cleaning Clay Veneer Plaster1. Unsealed surfaces: Clean with barely damp sponge and water; do not use cleansers.2. Sealed surfaces: Clean with damp sponge and water; do not use cleansers.B. Protecting Clay Veneer Plaster: Protect surfaces from construction damage. Repair damaged areas,remove protection, and clean prior to Substantial Completion. 4 II. SUBMITTALS:A. Comply with "Submittals" section of the General Requirements for sample sizes, quantities andprocedures unless otherwise noted.B. Provide maintenance data to Owner at project close-out. III. MATERIALS:A. See Finish Schedule. IV. PREPARATION & INSTALLATION:A. Surface Preparation:1. General: Prepare floor substrate in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.2. Floor Substrate: Prepare floor substrate to be smooth, rigid, flat, level, permanently dry, cleanand free of foreign materials such as dust, paint, grease, oils, solvent, curing and hardeningcompounds, sealers, asphalt and old adhesive residue.3. Concrete Floor Substrate: Concrete floor substrate shall have a minimum compressive strength of3500 psi. Refer to Division 3 Concrete Sections for patching and repairing crack materials, andleveling compounds with portland cement based compounds. Do not use or install flooring overgypsum based leveling or patching materials.a. Reference Standard: Comply with ASTM F 710 Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors andOther Monolithic Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring.B. Adhesive Flooring Installation: Cut required length of linoleum flooring from roll, allowing enoughmaterial to extend up the wall 4 to 6 inches at either end. Layout and position sheet flooring so thatany seams will fall at least 6 inches from underlayment joints or saw cuts in concrete substrate. Scribeand cut flooring material to shape of vertical surfaces, including walls and partitions. Apply adhesiveand lay sheet flooring into wet adhesive and roll with a 100 pound roller. Install sheet flooring squarewith room axis.1. Adhesive, Seamless Flooring Installation: Rout out seams and heat weld together withcomplementary colored heat welding rod of complimentary composition in accordance with resilientflooring manufacturer's recommendations.2. Adhesive Flooring and Flash Coved Base Installation: Extend flooring up the wall in a flash covedmethod to a height of 4 inches or 6 inches (102 or 152 mm), as indicated.3. Adhesive Material Installation: Use trowel as recommended by flooring manufacturer for specificadhesive. Spread at a rate of approximately 150 sq. ft./gal. (3.7 m2) as recommended by flooringmanufacturer.C. Installation Techniques:1. Where demountable partitions and other items are indicated for installation on top of finishedflooring, install flooring before these items are installed.2. Scribe, cut, fit flooring to butt tightly to vertical surfaces, permanent fixtures and built in furniture,including pipes, outlets, edgings, thresholds, nosings, and cabinets.3. Extend flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, and similar openings.4. Install flooring on covers for telephone and electrical ducts, and similar items occurring within finishfloor areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattern with pieces of flooring installed onthese covers.5. Do not install resilient flooring over expansion joints. Use expansion joint covers manufactured foruse with resilient flooring.6. Adhere resilient flooring to substrate without producing open cracks, voids, raising and puckeringat joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, or other surface imperfections in completedinstallation.a. Use adhesive applied to substrate in compliance with flooring manufacturer'srecommendations, including those for trowel notching, adhesive mixing, and adhesive openand working times.7. Roll resilient flooring as required by resilient flooring manufacturer. 9H. ECOSTUCCO® LIME PLASTER I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. Section includes:1. Lime plastering over gypsum substrate for interior applications.2. Lime plastering over sheathing for exterior applications.B. Administrative Requirements:1. Coordinate with substrate installers to ensure protection of wall system and openings componentsand timely installation of plastering so underlying substrate is protected from weather damage andso vapor barrier will not be exposed longer than recommended by vapor barrier manufacturer.2. Commence the plastering installation after completion of all floors, roof construction, and otherconstruction that imposes dead loads on the walls to prevent excessive deflection (and potentialcracking) of the plastering.3. Coordinate with flashing and penetration installers to sequence and schedule flashing andpenetration installations.C. Performance Requirements:1. Moisture Control: Prevent the accumulation of water into or behind the stucco, either bycondensation or leakage into the wall construction, by the design and detailing of the wallassembly.2. Grade Condition: Do not apply stucco below grade or on surfaces subject to continuous orintermittent water immersion or hydrostatic pressure.3. Sloped Surfaces: Include foam trim and projecting architectural features attached to stucco.4. Joints: Provide two piece expansion joints in the stucco system where building movement isanticipated: at joints in the substrate or supporting construction, where the system is to be installedover dissimilar construction or substrates, at changes in building height, at floor lines, at columnsand cantilevered areas. Provide one piece expansion/control joints every 144 ft2. Do not exceedlength to width ratio of 2-1/2:1 in expansion joint layout and do not exceed more than 18 feet inany direction without an expansion joint.5. Stucco Thickness:a. Application to woven wire fabric lath for exterior applications: Stucco thickness shall be 3/4 inchapplied in two coats.b. Application to gypsum substrate for interior applications: Stucco thickness shall be 1/8 inchapplied with level 3 finish, water base primer, and base coat.c. Thickness shall be uniform throughout the wall area.C. Quality Assurance:1. Installer Qualifications: Insured and engaged in application of Portland cement stucco for aminimum of three years. Knowledgeable in the proper use and handling of EcoStucco® materials.Employ skilled mechanics who are experienced and knowledgeable in waterproofing/air barrier,lathing and furring, Portland cement stucco application, and familiar with the requirements of thespecified work. Successful completion of minimum of three projects of similar size and complexityto the specified project. Provide the proper equipment, manpower and supervision on the job siteto install the system in compliance the Project plans and specifications.2. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and applicationworkmanship. Finish areas designated by Architect. Do not proceed with remaining work untilworkmanship, color, and sheen are approved by Architect. Refinish mock-up area as required toproduce acceptable work.D. Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Deliver manufactured materials in original packages or containers,fully identified with manufacturer's labels intact and legible. Inspect materials upon delivery andimmediately report to Architect any damaged or defective materials. Store materials in a shelteredarea with minimum ambient temperature of 45 degree F. Store products in manufacturer's unopenedpackaging until ready for installation. Store and dispose of solvent-based materials, and materialsused with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities havingjurisdiction.E. Field Conditions: Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) withinlimits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmentalconditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. Do not apply lime plaster when substrate or ambientair temperatures are below 45 degree F or above 86 degree F. Maintain these conditions (24) hoursbefore, during and (72) hours after installation of lime plaster. Provide protection of surrounding areasand adjacent surfaces from application of materials. Prevent excess interior humidity (including thatcaused by the use of temporary interior propane heaters) during and after construction.F. Project Coordination:1. For exterior applications: Protect substrate from climatic conditions to prevent weather damageuntil the installation of the waterproofing/air barrier. Provide protection of the waterproofing/airbarrier installation with stucco no later than (60) days after installation. Commence the stuccoinstallation after completion of all floor, roof construction and other construction that imposesdead loads on the walls to prevent excessive deflection (and potential cracking) of the stucco.Coordinate installation of foundation waterproofing, roofing membrane, windows, doors andother wall penetrations to provide a continuous air barrier. Provide protection of rough openingsbefore installing windows, doors, and other penetrations through the wall and provide sill flashing.Coordinate installation of waterproofing/air barrier components with window and door installationto provide weather proofing of the structure and to prevent moisture infiltration and excess airinfiltration. Install window and door head flashing immediately after windows and doors areinstalled. Install diverter flashings wherever water can enter the wall assembly to direct water tothe exterior. Install copings and sealant immediately after installation of the stucco and when finishcoatings are dry. Attach penetrations through stucco to structural support and provide air tight andwater tight seals at penetrations.2. For interior applications: Sequence interior work such as drywall installation prior to stucco installationto prevent stud distortion (and potential cracking) of the stucco. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including preparationinstructions and recommendations, storage and handling requirements and recommendations, andinstallation methods.B. Evidence of applicator's experience including project identification with names of Owner and Architect.C. Certification of compliance of materials with product specifications.B. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, provide two samples, minimum size 6 inchessquare, representing actual product, color, and patterns.C. Quality Sample: Apply EcoStucco® over primed substrate sample. Prepare sample to showsubstrate, primer, base coat, finish coat, and sealer if scheduled in accordance with designrequirements. Submit full size mock over substrate. Approved sample shall be available at the jobsite with final sign off by the Architect and/or the Owner III. PRODUCTS:A. Manufacturer: EcoStucco®, 3060 Kerner Blvd. Suite S; San Rafael, CA 94901; Toll Free Tel:877.326.6872; Tel: 415.455.9896; Email: info@ecostucco.com; Web: www.ecostucco.comB. Mechanical fasteners: Non-corroding fasteners, as recommended by manufacturer for type of framing:1. Wood framing: Minimum 11 gauge, 7/16 inch diameter head galvanized roofing nails withminimum 3/4 inch penetration into studs or minimum #8 Type S wafer head fully threadedcorrosion resistant screws with minimum 3/4 inch penetration into studs.2. Steel framing: Minimum #8 Type S or S-12 wafer head fully threaded corrosion resistant screwswith minimum 3/8 inch penetration into studs.C. Accessories, including weep screed, casing bead, corner bead, corner lath, expansion, and controljoint accessories, as required.D. Primer Materials: Water-based PVA (polyvinyl acetate) primer or other primer recommended by limebased plastering system manufacturer for applications present.E. Clean and potable water and clean, well graded sand.F. Base Coat: EcoStucco® UNILIME capable of achieving a nominal 1/8 inch thickness in one pass.G. Mesh Reinforcement for Exterior Application Only:1. EcoStucco® GMESH: Nominal 260 g./sq. m., symmestrical, interlaced open-weave glass fiberfabric made with alkaline resistant coating for compatibility with EcoStucco® materials.H. Finish Coat: EcoStucco® UNILIME Ready-Mix Lime Plaster.I. Color and finish shall be as indicated on the Finish Schedule.J. Penetrating Sealer: EcoStucco® Impregnating Sealer. IV. EXECUTION:A. Examination1. Interior application: Verify the suitability of existing conditions before starting work. Do not beginwork of this Section until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Secure grounds, screeds,corner beads, casing beads, plaster stops, and accessories2. Exterior application:a. Inspect surfaces for contamination, surface absorption and chalkiness, cracks, damage anddeterioriation, and moisture damage.b. Inspect sheathing application for compliance with applicable requirement: Exterior GypsumSheathing shall comply with GA-253. Glass Mat Faced Gypsum Sheathing shall comply withmanufacturer's instructions. Exterior Grade and Exposure 1 wood based sheathing shallcomply with APA Engineered Wood Association E 30.3. Report deviations from the requirements of project specifications or other conditions that mightadversely affect the stucco installation to the ArchitectB. Preparation1. Sheathing: Verify installation of sheathing in compliance with applicable requirement. Protectthe substrate with a moisture barrier as required by the applicable code and install lath andaccessories.2. Interior Surfaces: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for substrate preparation.a. Remove hardware, electrical switch and outlet plates, lighting fixtures and other items alreadyin place. After completion of work, reinstall items using workers skilled in the trades involved.b. Protect adjacent surfaces and items that are not to receive plaster finish, but which cannot beremoved, from finish work. Use masking materials that will not damage protected items andsurfaces. Leave tape 1/16 inch from the edge of plaster surface for easy, clean removal.c. Lightly sand any high gloss or glossy sealed surface with 150 grit sand paper.d. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bonding including mold, mildew, oil, grease,salts, contamination and dirt using a Tri-Sodium Phosphate or equal paint preparation cleaner.Allow surface to fully dry before plaster application.e. For older substrates knock down high points with putty knife, scraper, or drywall sandingscreen. Clean and fill any mortar joints and depressions with UNILIME, leveling with thesubstrate. High gloss surface shall be sanded and lead paint removed in accordance withOSHA regulations.f. For gypsum board substrates, apply coats of joint compound over joints and fasteners toachieve a minimum of a Level 3 finish or better. Touch up and sand as needed prior toapplying primer.g. Brush primer along the edges and inside corners; roll on over the wall plane. Provide aprimer application that will ensure a proper suction and bonding of the plaster. Let primer dryovernight prior to base coat application.h. Prepare all materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendationsC. Installation1. Install over frame construction with sheathing per manufacturer's printed instructions, includingbut not limited to weep screed, weather protection, casing bead and expansion joint, and lath forexterior applications.2. Base Coat: UNILIME - Nominal thickness 1/8 inch. Apply with a stainless steel trowel in a singlecoat. Let surface moisture evaporate and lightly trowel float, knocking down high spots and otherirregularities.3. Finish Coat:a. Wash: Brush application over either suitable base coat or other porous, mineral finish -nominal thickness is achieved in 2 coats "wet-in-wet".b. Plaster: Trowel apply an initial coat over entire surface. Leave surface smooth, yet "open"and matte in appearance. The surface shall be dry to the touch and set enough that a fingerpressed into the surface no longer leaves an impression. Hand trowel finish coat in continuousapplication over entire plane. Trowel to desired texture matching control sample.4. Sealera. EcoStucco® Impregnating Sealer Application: Allow finish to cure for at least 2 days prior toapplication. Ensure surface is clean and dust-free. Apply only when surface temperature isbetween 45-deg. F and 85 deg.-F. Protect adjacent area not intended for treatment. Applysealer evenly and liberally using a sprayer and a brush. Allow sealer to saturate the finish overentire area by spreading the excess with a brush. Let sealer dry for 24 hours. For optimalresults, the area should be kept dry and free of staining material for 72 hours.5. Inspection: During application, clean adjacent surfaces and completed finishes of foreign materialsresulting from the Work. Inspect completed installation with Architect to verify that finishes meetthe visual standard established by the control sample, including the accuracy and consistencyof color, physical texture, visual texture, and surface sheen. In addition, verify that the expectedstandards of craftsmanship have been maintained throughout the project. Verify the absence ofcold joints, scaffold lines, or other surface effects that interrupt the overall visual balance. Clean,tightly troweled surfaces at all corners consistent with the level of quality found in the field portionsof the plane. Crisp and clean transitions where plaster meets dissimilar materials. Plaster againareas that do not meet the standards described above and repair other surfaces that may havebeen stained, marred, or otherwise damaged.D. Cleaning and Protection: Provide protection of installed materials from water infiltration into or behindthem. Provide protection of installed stucco from dust, dirt, precipitation, and freezing. Point uparound trim and other locations where plaster abuts dissimilar materials. Remove temporary coveringsused to protect adjacent surfaces. Clean and repair adjacent surfaces and items soiled or damagedduring work in this Section. DIVISION 10: SPECIALTIES 10A. SIGNAGE AND GRAPHICS: See Drawings and Responsibility Schedule. 10B. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:A. See Fire Protection Drawings when provided.B. UL – Listed Products: Fire extinguishers UL – Listed and bear UL “Listing Mark” for type, rating, andclassification of extinguisher.C. Provide quantity as required by the Code and the Fire Marshall. Provide fire extinguishers andmounting brackets from one source and from a single manufacturer.1. Provide Fire Extinguisher cabinets with integral fire extinguishers where indicated on Drawings oras required by local authorities.2. Provide "free-standing" fire extinguishers as required by code where indicated on Drawings or asrequired by local authorities. II. SUBMITTALS:A. Submit cut sheets for the specified extinguisher cabinets and fire extinguishers. B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 26 SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER: SPECIFICATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. ASP.4 A III. MATERIALS:A. Recessed Fire Extinguisher Cabinet with Fire Extinguisher:1. Larsen's Manufacturing Company or Equal: Product No. 2409-R1, steel cabinet with white bakedenamel finish with solid door and black vertical lettering. Trim projection shall be 5/16” flat trim,fully recessed. Provide 5lb fire extinguisher, Larsen No. MP5, UL Rating 2A-10B:C.2. Provide alternate specifications for cabinet and extinguisher for jurisdictions requiring largercapacity fire extinguishers.B. Surface Mounted Fire Extinguisher Cabinet with Fire Extinguisher:1. Larsen's Manufacturing Company or Equal: Product No. 2409-sm, all other specifications as forrecessed cabinet and extinguisher above, Larsen No. 2409-R1. IV. INSTALLATION:A. "Free-standing" fire extinguisher(s) shall be located as required by code and for safety.B. Fire extinguisher cabinets shall be installed per the Drawings and or bolted to the partition as requiredby code and for safety. DIVISION 11: EQUIPMENT 11A. AUDIO/VIDEO EQUIPMENT: Supplied and installed per Responsibility Schedule. All framingetc. above ceiling and in partitions supplied by the contractor. See Responsibility Schedule. DIVISION 12: FURNISHINGS - See Responsibility Schedule and Drawings for additionalinformation. 12A. TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES: Provide Toilet Room Accessories as specified on theDrawings. Provide complete submittals of all accessories. DIVISION 13: SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION - NA DIVISION 14: CONVEYING SYSTEMS - NA DIVISION 15: MECHANICAL & PLUMBING - SEE ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS. DIVISION 16: ELECTRICAL - SEE ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS. B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 27 CHEVRON NO P A R K I N G NO P A R K I N G NO PARKINGNO P A R K I N G PROJECT ENTRANCE EXISTING PUBLIC R.O.W. (E) PARKING (E) PARKING (E) PARKING (E) PARKING (E) PARKING (E) PARKING - (E) PARKING (E) ACCESSIBLEPARKING, TYP.(E) ACCESSIBLE PARKING, TYP. (E) ACCESSIBLEPARKING, TYP. (E) ACCESS. PATHOF TRAVEL (E) RESTAURANTAND RETAIL (E) RESTAURANT AND RETAIL (E) RETAIL (E) ADJACENTSUITES(E) ADJACENTSUITES - AREA OF APPLICATION (E) COMMON PATIO SEATING A A1.0a B A1.0a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 616263 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 727374757677787980818283848586 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 COVEREDTRASH 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 124 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161162163164165166 167168169170171172173 181180179178177176175 174 182183184185186 20 21 187188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204205206207208209210211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245246247248249250251 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 252 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 COVEREDTRASH (E) MOTORCYCLEPARKING A A1.0a 270 SHEET NUMBER: REVISIONS SITE PLAN SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A PRELIMINARY N 01 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:500 ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL SITE PLAN LEGEND SITE PLAN NOTES 1. SCREEN ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACHAND LANDLORD REQUIREMENTS. SITE PLAN SCOPE OF WORK NO SITE WORK. AREA MAP A1.0 TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR. IRVINE, CA 92617 EXISTING PARKING STANDARD STALL PROVIDED: 262 STALLS ACCESSIBLE PARKING PROVIDED: 8 STALLSTOTAL: 270 STALLS B USE PERMIT SITE PLAN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NO SITE WORK. C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D USE PERMIT PCC 2 PREVIOUS ACCESSIBILITY UPGRADES WERE COMPLETED IN TWO PHASES UNDER THE FOLLOWING PERMIT NUMBERS: PH 1: PERMIT #2428-2017 PH 2: PERMIT # X2018-1741 D LANDLORD COMMENTS E E E E 28 SHEET NUMBER: REVISIONS SITE PLAN ACCESSIBLE DETAILS SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A PRELIMINARY A1.0a TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR. IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 DD LANDLORD COMMENTS D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 29 40'-0" 1 1 2 2 3 3 A BB A (E) RTU-1 (E) RTU-2 SEE A6.3 FOR DETAILS REGARDINGROOFING STANDARDS FOR ALL ROOFPENETRATIONS. SHEET NUMBER: REVISIONS ROOF PLAN SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. 01 ROOF PLAN SCALE: 316" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN KEYNOTES 1 (E) ROOF MOUNTED HVAC PACKAGE UNITS TO REMAIN. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. A PRELIMINARY A1.1 N AREA OF APPLICATION BELOW AREA OF APPLICATION BELOW 1 TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORTBEACH,CA92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 (E) FLAT ROOF (E) FLAT ROOF (E) FLAT ROOF B USE PERMIT 1 C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 30 59'- 0 " 60' - 0 " 40'-0" 60' - 0 " 8'-3"3'-0"8'-3"7'-6" 17'-0"14'-012" 16'- 8 " 6'-0 " 12 ' - 0 " 1 1 2 2 3 3 AA BB 1:12 S L O P E M A X . ACCESSIBLE CHECK-IN /POS DESK RE T A I L PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE 35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" CU B B Y W A L L 13 ' - 1 1 " CYRO 4'-0"7'-3" 5A3.1 B C D 3A3.1 4A3.1 1A3.1 2A3.1CHECK-IN / RETAIL 100 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 105 STORAGE 104 CHANGING ROOM 108 PILATES INSTRUCTION 101 FLEX USE ROOM 107 251 SF 269 SF 354 SF 1,199 SF HALLWAY 10380 SF 82 SF WASHER/DRYER CUBBY STORAGE106 74 SF 43 SF WTRHTR 16' - 8 12" 20'- 3 " 9'- 1 1 " 11' - 5 " 3'-012"4'-2"1'-3" 7'-5 " A 6'- 0 " 3'- 8 " 6A3.1 4'-512" RESTROOM 102 64 SF 6'- 0 " 5 & 9A6.0 100.0 102.0 104.0 101.0 105.0 101.1 105.1 5 A6.1 5 & 9 A6.0 5A6.1 6 A6.1 FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" MA X I M U M D I A G O N A L D I S T A N C E = 7 1 ' - EX I T S E P A R A T I O N D I S T A N C E = 6 5 ' EX I T S E P A R A T I O N 13 O F 7 1 ' = 2 4 ' M I N S P A C I N G 1 A6.1 (E) EXIT DISCHARGECONCRETE WALKWAY 6'- 0 " E X I T DIS C H A R G E WID T H 4 A6.2 TYP. ALLRESTROOMWALLS 4 A6.2 TYP. ALLSTORAGEROOM WALLS 101.2 2'- 1 0 " 8'- 1 0 " 1'-6"3'-0" 105.2 5'-6"3'-0"6'-0"3'-0" J SHEET NUMBER: REVISIONS FLOOR/ CONSTRUCTION PLAN SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. N 01 FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 14" = 1'-0"A1.3 A PRELIMINARY 1 (N) COLD THERAPY CHAMBER. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FORREQUIREMENTS. EXISTING BUILDING SHELL TO REMAIN. NEWINSULATION AND GYP. BD. BY TENANT. INSULATION TO BE R-13 PER TITLE 24PRESCRIPTIVE. EXISTING 1-HR DEMISING WALL TO REMAIN.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY. A.PROVIDE BACKING IN WALLS FOR WALL HUNG FIXTURES AND CABINETS AS REQUIRED.B. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SUBMITTALS OF ALL (FINISHES, PLUMBING FIXTURES, ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS, DOOR HARDWARE AND LIGHT FIXTURES) TOARCHITECT FOR WRITTEN APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIAL. IF SUBMITTALS ARE NOT SUBMITTED AND APPROVED IN WRITING THECONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH REPLACEMENT.C. F.E.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARD.D.MAXIMUM DOOR OPERATION PRESSURE FOR INTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE 5LBS. E. DOOR HARDWARE SHALL BE PUSH-PULL OR OTHER TYPE WITH DOES NOTREQUIRE GRASPING AND TURNING. F. ALL DOORS SHALL HAVE WALL OR FLOOR STOPS TO PREVENT DAMAGE TODOOR, HARDWARE OR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES. G. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL KEY REQUIREMENTS WITH LANDLORD/OWNER ANDSHALL COORDINATE BUILDING STANDARD CYLINDERS AND KEYWAYS AS REQUIRED.H. ALL PARTITIONS ARE DIMENSIONED FINISH TO FINISH. I. CONTRACTOR/TENANT MUST COMPLY WITH (2019 CBC 1011.5, AND 1011.6) FOREXIT SIGN GRAPHICS, ILLUMINATION, AND POWER SOURCE.J. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EXIT SIGNS READILY VISIBLE TO CLEARLY INDICATETHE DIRECTION OF EGRESS TRAVEL. EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE PROPERLYILLUMINATED. (2019 CBC 1011.5, 1011.6) K. WALL AND CEILING MATERIALS SHALL NOT EXCEED FLAME SPREADCLASSIFICATIONS IN 2019 CBC SECTION 803.1.1 AND TABLE 803.11. FLOOR PLAN NOTES FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES FLOOR PLAN LEGEND OCCUPANT LOAD CALCULATION ROOM #FUNCTION OF SPACE TYPE LOAD FACTOR FLOOR AREA OCCUPANCY LOAD 100 MERCANTILE M 60 354 354 / 60 = 5.9 101 EXERCISE A-3 50 1,199 1,199 / 50 = 23.98 102 RESTROOM A-3 50 64 64 / 50 = 1.28 103 EXERCISE A-3 50 80 80 / 50 = 1.6 104 EXERCISE A-3 50 82 82 / 50 = 1.64 105 EXERCISE A-3 50 251 251 / 50 = 5.02 106 EXERCISE A-3 50 74 74 / 50 = 1.48 107 EXERCISE A-3 50 269 269 / 50 = 5.38 108 EXERCISE A-3 50 43 43 / 50 = 0.86 TOTAL = 47.14 = 48 EXIT ANALYSIS NO. OFOCCUPANTS PER OCC. LOAD CALCULATION COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE NUMBER OF EXITS REQUIRED PER CBC TABLE 1006.2.1 NUMBER OF EXITS PROVIDED 48 75' MAX.22 (E) FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL TO REMAIN (N) PARTIAL HEIGHT PARTITION WALLS. SEE3/A6.0 & 1/A6.2 TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES 101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 RESTROOM CALCULATIONS AND NOTESOCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR (2019 CPC) FOR EXERCISE (FITNESS): 50OCCUPANT LOAD: 2,400sf/50 = 48 occupants. 24 men, 24 Women NOTE: SINGLE USER RESTROOM IS ALLOWED FOR OCCUPANT LOADS UNDER 50 IN 'B' OCCUPANCY. (2022 CPC 422.2, EXCEPTION 3) B USE PERMIT 1 REQUIRED EXIT WIDTH NUMBER OFOCCUPANTS REQ. DOOR WIDTH OCC.X 0.20 DOOR WIDTHPROVIDED 1ST FLOOR EXIT 48 OCC. 9.60" 32.00" (E) EXTERIOR WINDOW SCHEDULE WINDOWNUMBER TYPE DIMENSIONS DESC. MFG. FIN. GLASSTHICKNESS U-FACTOR(MAX)SHGC(MAX)COMMENTS WIDTH HT FIXEDEXISTING - - ALUM. EXISTING - - 0.56 0.31 - FIXEDEXISTING - - ALUM. EXISTING - - 0.56 0.31 - 001 EGRESS PATH OF TRAVEL (DISTANCE = 94'-7") 2 EXTEND (E) CONCRETE RAMP WIDTH BY 1'-0" FOR A TOTAL WIDTH OF5'-0". PROVIDE DOWELING INTO EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP. 2 3 TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE. SEE 11/A6.0. 3 4 PERIMETER LED LIGHT COVE. LIGHT COVE TO BE INSTALLED AT TOP, BOTTOM, AND SIDES OF WALL. SEE 5/A6.1. 4 5 CHECK-IN DESK. ACCESSIBLE SERVICE COUNTER TO BE 34" AFF. ANDFOLLOW DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS PER CBC 11B-904.4.1 FORPARALLEL APPROACH. ALL SIDES OF MILLWORK TO BE FINISHED. MILLWORK TO SCREEN BACKS OF EQUIPMENT FROM PUBLIC VIEW. 5 6 6 DISPLAY MILLWORK. SEE 2/A3.1. PORTION OF MILLWORK TO FOLLOW ACCESSIBLE REACH REQUIREMENTS PER 3/A6.1 7 ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM. SEE 15/A6.0 FOR MINIMUM DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 7 8 8 CUSTOMER STORAGE MILLWORK (CUBBIES). SEE 3/A3.1. PORTION OF MILLWORK TO FOLLOW ACCESSIBLE REACH REQUIREMENTS PER 3/A6.1 9 CUSTOMER STORAGE MILLWORK (CUBBIES). SEE 3/A3.1. PORTION OF MILLWORK TO FOLLOW ACCESSIBLE REACH REQUIREMENTS PER 3/A6.1 10 WOOD PEGS FOR CLIENTS. SEE 4/A3.1. PORTION OF PEGS TO FOLLOW ACCESSIBLE REACH REQUIREMENTS PER 3/A6.1 11 PILATES REFORMER MACHINE, TYP. NO ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. 11 12 EPOXY FLOORING, SEE A5.0 FINISH SCHEDULE. 14 13 12 13 EPOXY FLOORING, SEE A5.0 FINISH SCHEDULE. 13 13 13 14 CUSTOM STORAGE MILLWORK. 12 002 (N) FULL HEIGHT PARTITION WALLS. SEE 3/A6.0 15 DRAPERY PARTITIONED CHANGING ROOM. SEE INTERIOR DESIGNER FORMETHOD OF ATTACHMENT. 15 3 C USE PERMIT PCC 1 16 (N) ELECTRICAL PANEL. RE-USE EXISTING FEEDER CONDUIT. 16 NEW EXIT SIGN. BATTERY BACKED. SEE 3/A6.2FOR SPEC. AND DETAIL. D LANDLORD COMMENTS 17 (E) DOOR TO REMAIN LOCKED. HANDLE TO BE REMOVED AND STORED. 17 18 (N) DRINKING WATER STATION. MFG: ELKAY; MODEL: ezH2O LIV. PROVIDE 115VAC J-BOX, 38" WATER SUPPLY. 1-1/2" DRAIN AND 1-1/4" P-TRAP.INSTALL SO THAT OPERATING CONTROL IS 48"MAX A.F.F. 18 19 (E) GLAZING TO REMAIN. NOTE THAT FROSTED GLASS FILM, BLACK-OUTGLASS, TINTING, OR PAINTING OF THE STOREFRONT ARE NOT APPROVED OPTIONS. MECHO SHADES TO BE USED FOR SUN CONTROL IF NEEDED. 19 D D D D D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 31 59 ' - 0 " 60' - 0 " 40'-0" 60' - 0 " 8'-3"3'-0"8'-3"7'-6" 17'-0"14'-012" 1 1 2 2 3 3 AA BB 4'-0"7'-3" CHECK-IN / RETAIL100 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 105 STORAGE 104 CHANGING ROOM108 PILATES INSTRUCTION101 03 03 03 03 03 04 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 FLEX USE ROOM107 251 SF +11'-10" 269 SF +11'-10" 354 SF +11'-10" 1,199 SF +14'-10" HALLWAY 10380 SF +11'-10" 82 SF +11'-10" WASHER/DRYER CUBBYSTORAGE 106 74 SF 43 SF WTRHTR 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 02 02 02 03 03 0303 0303 03 03 03 0303 16 ' - 8 12" 20 ' - 3 " 9'- 1 1 " 11' - 5 " 3'-012"4'-2"1'-3" RESTROOM102 64 SF +11'-10" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" FULL HT. NON-STRUCTURALHEADER @ 8'-0" 6'-0 " E X I T DIS C H A R G E WID T H 04 05 J 01 SHEET NUMBER: REFLECTED CEILING PLAN REVISIONS SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN (STRUCTURAL) SCALE: 14" = 1'-0" J WIFI JUNCTION BOX ABOVE CEILING CEILING MOUNTED WIRELESS ACCESS POINT CEILING MOUNTED FIRE ALARM HORN AND STROBELIGHT RECESSED EMERGENCY LIGHT TRACK MOUNTED ADJUSTABLE SPOTLIGHT, 3000K, FINISH: BLACK. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 01 CEILING PLAN LEGEND CEILING PLAN KEYNOTES CEILING PLAN NOTES A2.0 A PRELIMINARY GENERAL 1. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 2. SEE RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX FOR SCOPE DIVISIONS. 3. AT NO TIME SHALL THE STOREFRONT OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION BE SUSPENDED FROM THE UNDERSIDE OF THE FLOOR OR ROOF CONSTRUCTION ABOVE. AT ALL TIMES ITEMS ARE TO BE SUSPENDED FROM THE BUILDING STRUCTURE OR SUPPORTED ON THE FLOOR.4. SEE MEP DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS ANDREQUIREMENTS FOR ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING,SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM WORK.5. G.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING A COORDINATED SHOPDRAWING INDICATING ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, SPRINKLER ANDPLUMBING WORK ABOVE PROPOSED CEILING. THE G.C. SHALLVERIFY ALL EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS AND COORDINATEROUTING AND PLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT WITH ALL TRADES PRIORTO THIS SUBMISSION.6. HEIGHTS INDICATED ARE FROM FINISHED FLOOR TO FINISHEDCEILING. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OR OWNER TO REVIEW ANYDISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PROPOSED CEILING HEIGHT AND EXISTING CONDITIONS AFTER DEMOLITION WORK IS COMPLETED. 7 IN ADDITION TO CEILING ACCESS PANELS INDICATED IN PLAN, ALLOW FOR (3) EXTRA 24"X24" ACCESS PANELS IN THE CONTRACT PRICE. 8. ALL CEILING GRILLES, ACCESS PANELS AND SPRINKLER HEADS ARE SHOWN ON PLAN FOR LOCATIONS ONLY. IF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DRAWINGS, G.C. SHALL CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO ANY WORK AND SHALL INCLUDE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE THE MORE EXTENSIVE WORK SHOWN. 9. UNLESS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE, NO LIGHT FIXTURES ON THE SALES FLOOR ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH A REMOTE TEST BUTTON. ALL LIGHTS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL TEST BUTTONS. IF LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED WITH REMOTE TEST BUTTONS, G.C. SHALL REPLACE AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 10. SPRAY PAINT ALL DIFFUSERS, GRILLES & EMERGENCY LIGHTS TO MATCH CEILING. SPRINKLER NOTES 1. SPRINKLER COVERAGE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, MORE SPRINKLER HEADS MAY BE REQUIRED THANSHOWN. SEE MEP SPRINKLER DRAWING FOR SPRINKLER HEADLAYOUT.2. HEADS SHOWN FOR LOCATIONS RELATIVE TO LIGHT FIXTURES,WALLS AND OTHER CEILING FEATURES ONLY. ALL SPRINKLERHEADS ON THE SALES FLOOR SHALL BE INSTALLED SO CENTEREDON LIGHT FIXTURES/GRILLES, ETC. AND EQUALLY SPACED BETWEENLIGHT FIXTURES/GRILLES ETC.3. G.C. SHALL PROVIDE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM SHOP DRAWINGSBASED ON THE ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN. SHOPDRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED, IN A TIMELY FASHION, FORREVIEW PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SHOULD INSTALLATION OCCURPRIOR TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL, THE G.C. SHALL, AT THEOWNER'S OR ARCHITECT'S DISCRETION, BE REQUIRED TO RELOCATE HEADS AND DEVICES PER APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. THE RELOCATION SHALL BE AT THE G.C.'S EXPENSE. SEE ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS FOR SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, ETC. TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 N A B (E) OPEN CEILING STRUCTURE. INSULATE PER TITLE-24 PRESCRIPTIVE (N)GYP. BD. CEILING. SEE DETAIL 8/A6.1 A A B B B B B 02 +X'-X"CEILING HEIGHT CEILING MOUNTED EXHAUST FAN. VENT TOOUTSIDE. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. RECESSED SPOTLIGHT. 896 LUMEN, 3000K 03 RECESSED ADJUSTABLE GANGED SPOTLIGHT, 3000K B B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 NEW EXIT SIGN. BATTERY BACKED. SEE 3/A6.2 FOR SPEC. AND DETAIL. D LANDLORD COMMENTS DECORATIVE LIGHTING SCONCE. MFG: WEST ELM.MODEL: TRACE DOUBLE SCONCE. F.B.T. ORINTERIOR DESIGNER. 04 DECORATIVE LIGHTING SCONCE. MFG: WEST ELM.MODEL: TRACE DOUBLE SCONCE. F.B.T. ORINTERIOR DESIGNER. 05 HARD LID CEILINGS AND OR SOFFITS CANNOT CONNECT TO THESTOREFRONT BELOW THE STOREFRONT FRAMING SYSTEM. C C D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 32 SHEET NUMBER: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. 01 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 14" = 1'-0" 1 EXT. ELEVATION KEYNOTES A PRELIMINARY A3.0 7'-0" T.O. DOORS NEW SIGNAGE UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION AND PERMIT. 1 EXT. ELEVATION SCOPE OF WORK NEW SIGNAGE UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION AND PERMIT. ALLELSE TO REMAIN AS EXISTING. TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 2 2 LEASE LINE. D LANDLORD COMMENTS D 3 (E) DOOR TO REMAIN. 4 (E) DOOR TO REMAIN AND TO BE LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. 34 DD USE PERMIT PCC 2E 33 60"17334"24"3534"72"4214" 11'- 1 0 " 96" 6" 96" 19'-534" 32 OPEN 11'- 1 0 " 24" BEV HANGING ROD HANGING ROD 15'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 71" 48"84"48" 3" 8" 8" 2" 21" 2512"12"12'-11"2512"2512"12"2512" 2812" 24" 434" 24" 5" 18"1812"18"2834"1812"18"3434" 2512"2512" 24" WOOD PEG HOOKS 48" 12" 12" 64" 2512"6"6"2512"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6"6" 33" 11"47"11" 27" 54 " 72" EQ EQ EQEQ 20" x 36"MIRROR 10" TOE PLATE 34" 90"90" SHEET NUMBER: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. 01 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 38" = 1'-0" 11'-11" T.O. WALL MATERIAL KEY CODE DESCRIPTION FLUTED WHITE OAK PANEL OVER GYP. BD. MILLWORK, PAINT GRADE WHITE OAK GYP. BD. FINISH KEY CODE DESCRIPTION CLEAR MATTE WOOD SEALER WHITE PAINT, TBD - WT-002: TILE, MFG: BEDROSIAN, STYLE: CLOE 5"x5", COLOR:BABY BLUE. WT-001: TILE, MFG: BEDROSIAN, STYLE: CLOE 2 12"x8", COLOR: WHITE 1 2 3 A B C 4 1 ELEVATION KEYNOTES A PRELIMINARY A3.1 CONCRETE RAMP. 1 1 A D E TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 02 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 38" = 1'-0" 11'-11" T.O. WALL 03 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 38" = 1'-0" 11'-4" T.O. WALL 04 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 38" = 1'-0" 11'-4" T.O. WALL 05 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 38" = 1'-0" 11'-4" T.O. WALL 06 0'-0" T.O. F.F. ELEVATION SCALE: 38" = 1'-0" 11'-4" T.O. WALL 2 B 3 A 2 B 4 B 4 B2B 4 B 4 D4B 4 E4B 4 E4B 4 E4B 4 E4B 2 2 RETAIL DISPLAY MILLWORK. 3 WOOD PEGS FOR CLIENT BELONGINGS, TYP. 3 4 4 CUBBY STORAGE FOR CLIENT BELONGINGS. 5 5 DRINKING WATER DISPENSER. SEE 3/A6.1 FOR ACCESSIBLE REACHREQUIREMENTS. B USE PERMIT ABC D ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN FOR AESTHETIC REFERENCE ONLY. SEE 15/A6.0 AND 2/A6.1 FOR DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS. C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 34 59 ' - 0 " 60' - 0 " 40'-0" 60' - 0 " 8'-3"3'-0"8'-3"7'-6" 17'-0"14'-012" 16'- 8 " 6'-0 " 12' - 0 " 1 1 2 2 3 3 AA BB 1:12 S L O P E M A X . ACCESSIBLE CHECK-IN /POS DESK RET A I L PILATES MACHINE 35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE 35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE 35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE 35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" PILATES MACHINE35" X 127" CU B B Y W A L L 13' - 1 1 " CYRO 4'-0"7'-3" CHECK-IN / RETAIL 100 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 105 STORAGE 104 CHANGING ROOM 108 PILATES INSTRUCTION101 03 03 03 03 03 04 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 FLEX USE ROOM107 251 SF+11'-10" 269 SF +11'-10" 354 SF +11'-10" 1,199 SF +14'-10" HALLWAY 10380 SF +11'-10" 82 SF +11'-10" WASHER/DRYER CUBBYSTORAGE106 74 SF 43 SF WTRHTR J WIFI MPOE SIGN18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF18" AFF18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 72" AFF 18" AFF18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF460V/3PH 32A GFI HANDDRYER 18" AFF18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 18" AFF 72" AFF 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 02 02 02 03 03 0303 0303 03 03 03 0303 16'- 8 12" 20 ' - 3 " 9'- 1 1 " 11' - 5 " 3'-012"4'-2"1'-3" 7'-5 " C C 6'-0 " 3'- 8 " 4'-512" RESTROOM102 64 SF +11'-10" 6'-0 " 100.0 102.0 104.0 101.0 105.0 101.1 105.1 (E) EXIT DISCHARGECONCRETE WALKWAY 6'-0 " E X I T DIS C H A R G E WID T H 101.2 2'- 1 0 " 8'-1 0 " 1'-6"3'-0" 105.2 5'-6"3'-0"6'-0"3'-0" 04 05 J T 01 SHEET NUMBER: POWER / DATA PLAN 1. FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW POWER AND DATA EQUIPMENT PER THIS SHEETAND ELECTRICAL PLANS. REVISIONS SHEET NAME: PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 CONSULTANT: DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A A PS V J J KP HU SC T WALL OR FIXTURE MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE WALL OR FIXTURE MOUNTED QUAD RECEPTACLE FIXTURE MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX WALL MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX CEILING MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX WALL OR FIXTURE MOUNTED TELEPHONE OUTLET WALL MOUNTED COMBINATION TEL/DATA OUTLET WALL OR FIXTURE MOUNTED DATA OUTLET DEDICATED WALL OR FIXTURE MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE THERMOSTAT FIRE ALARM PULL STATION AUDIO VOLUME CONTROL HOLD UP PANIC BUTTON SAFE CONTACT WALL MOUNTED KEYPAD MPOE MAIN POINT OF ENTRY FOR DATA/COMMUNICATIONS WIFI WIFI ROUTER POWER / DATA PLAN SCALE: 14" = 1'-0" POWER / LIGHTING / DATA SCOPE OF WORK POWER / LIGHTING / DATA LEGEND POWER / LIGHTING / DATA KEYNOTES TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 LED STRIP LIGHTING IN LIGHT COVE INSTALLED AT ALL 4 SIDES OF WALL.SEE DETAIL 5/A.6.1 N TRACK MOUNTED LED ADJUSTABLE TRACK HEAD,MFG: NORA LIGHTING, MAX XL 1100LM / 18W, 3000K,FINISH: TBD. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 01 02 CEILING MOUNTED EXHAUST FAN. VENT TOOUTSIDE. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. RECESSED LED DOWNLIGHT, 900 LUMEN, 15W,3000K. MFG: NORA LIGHTING 4" MARQUISE II, SEESPECIFICATION. 04 LED STRIP LIGHTING, 3000K A B B LED STRIP LIGHTING IN DISPLAY FIXTURE. SEE FIXTURE DRAWINGS. C D C (N) ELECTRICAL PANEL. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. D (E) ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FROM ELECTRICAL ROOM. CONTRACTOR TOFIELD VERIFY LOCATION. A4.0 A B A PRELIMINARY B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS DECORATIVE LIGHTING SCONCE. MFG: WEST ELM.MODEL: TRACE DOUBLE SCONCE. F.B.T. ORINTERIOR DESIGNER. 04 DECORATIVE LIGHTING SCONCE. MFG: WEST ELM.MODEL: TRACE DOUBLE SCONCE. F.B.T. ORINTERIOR DESIGNER. 05 NEW EXIT SIGN. BATTERY BACKED. SEE 3/A6.2FOR SPEC. AND DETAIL. E (N) CEILING MOUNTED FIXTURE BOX FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DECORATIVEPENDANT. FIXTURE TO BE APPROVED BY LANDLORD. E D D F (N) ELECTRICAL STEP-UP TRANSFORMER MOUNTED ABOVE CEILING. SEEELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. D USE PERMIT PCC 2E 35 FINISH SCHEDULE SPACE FLOOR WALL BASE WALLS CEILING MILLWORK DOORS AND JAMBS COMMENTS NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST ROOM#ROOM NAME MATERIAL MATERIAL MAT.FIN.MAT.FIN.MAT.FIN.MAT.FIN.MAT. FIN. COUNTERTOP CABINETFACE /MILLWORK FINISH 100 ENTRY / CHECK-IN F-002 WB-002 GYP. BD.M-001 GYP. BD PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-002 M-002 PAINT TBD -- 101 PILATES INSTRUCTION F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 (BELOW 11'-10") PF-004 (ABOVE 11'-10") GYP. BD. PF-001 (BELOW 11'-10") PF-004 (ABOVE 11'-10") GYP. BD. PF-001 (BELOW 11'-10") PF-004 (ABOVE 11'-10") GYP. BD. PF-001 (BELOW 11'-10") PF-004 (ABOVE 11'-10") EXISTING STRUCTURE PF-004 -- -WT-2 AT WATER STATION. SEE 5/A3.1 FOR LAYOUT AND SPEC. 102 RESTROOM F-003 -GYP. BD. WT-001 WAINSCOT, PF-003ABOVE GYP. BD. WT-001 WAINSCOT, PF-003ABOVE GYP. BD. WT-001 WAINSCOT, PF-003ABOVE GYP. BD. WT-001 WAINSCOT, PF-003ABOVE GYP. BD. PF-003 --PF-001 - 103 HALLWAY F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 --PF-001 - 104 STORAGE F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 M-002 PAINT TBD PF-001 - 105 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 --PF-001 - 106 CUBBY STORAGE F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 - PAINT TBD PF-001 107 FLEX USE ROOM F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD.PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 --PF-001 108 CHANGING ROOM F-002 WB-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 GYP. BD. PF-001 --PF-001 FINISH LEGEND CODE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MODEL #COLOR FINISH TYPE NOTES F-001 -DELETED--DELETED--DELETED--DELETED--DELETED--DELETED- F-002 FLOORING - EPOXY TBD TBD LIGHT GREY -- F-003 FLOORING - TILE RENWICK TILE CROSS CERAMIC AQUA -CONSULT INTERIOR DESIGNER ON GROUT COLOR M-001 WOOD BOARD AND BATTEN CUSTOM WHITE OAK MATTE CLEAR SEALER -CONSULT INTERIOR DESIGNER FOR DETAIL M-002 WHITE OAK --MATTE CLEAR SEALER -- M-003 -DELETED--DELETED--DELETED--DELETED--DELETED--DELETED- PF-001 PAINT DUNN-EDWARDS -WHITE (TBD)EGGSHELL - PF-002 PAINT DUNN-EDWARDS WHITE (TBD)LOW SHEEN - PF-003 PAINT DUNN-EDWARDS WHITE (TBD)EPOXY PAINT PF-004 PAINT DUNN-EDWARDS BLACK (TBD) LOW SHEEN WB-001 4" RUBBER BASE ARMSTRONG OR EQUAL MATCH WALL COLOR -PAINT SEE DETAIL WB-002 6 IN. PAINT GRADE WOOD BASE ---PAINT WT-001 WALL TILE BEDROSIAN CLOE, 2.5"x 8"WHITE -CONSULT INTERIOR DESIGNER ON GROUT COLOR WT-002 WALL TILE BEDROSIAN CLOE, 5"x5"BABY BLUE - PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE ROOM#ROOM NAME FIXTURE QTY TYPE MANUFACTURER MODEL # DESCRIPTION FINISH COMMENTS 102 RESTROOM 1 EA FAUCET DELTA 559HAR-SS-DST ACCESSIBLE FAUCET - 102 RESTROOM 1 EA SINK NAMEEKS 37100-U ACCESSIBLE SINK, SEE 2/A6.1 FOR MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS WHITE 102 RESTROOM 1 EA EXPOSEDP-TRAP NAMEEKS HT32-27 POLISHED CHROME WITH DECORATIVE WALL ESCUTCHEON,INSULATE PER ADA REQUIREMENTS.- 102 RESTROOM 1 EA ANGLE STOP CONTRACTOR'SCHOICE CONTRACTOR'SCHOICE ANGLE STOP WITH ANNEALED VERTICAL METAL TUBE -- HOTAND COLD LAVATORY SUPPLY AND WATER CLOSET.- 102 RESTROOM 1 EA TOILET AMERICANSTANDARD 2467164.02 ACCESSIBLE TOILET WHITE DOOR TYPES DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR NO.ROOM DOOR FRAME HARDWARE GROUP OPERATING HARDWARE PRE-HUNG GASKET COMMENTS TYPE MFG MODEL WIDTH HEIGHT THICK MATERIAL FINISH RATING MATERIAL FINISH RATING CHECK-IN, RETAIL A EXISTING STOREFRONT 3'-0" 8'-0" - ALUMINUM / GLASS BLACK -ALUMINUM BLACK - SET-1 - NO NO - PILATES INSTRUCTION C (PAIR)TRUDOOR OR EQ.SINGLE PANEL SHAKER 3'-0" 8'-0" 1-3/4" WOOD, PAINT GRADE -----SET-4 -NO NO - PILATES INSTRUCTION B EXISTING EXISTING 3'-0" 8'-0" - HOLLOW STEEL PAINT -STEEL PAINT - ACCESS. LEVER ---- PILATES INSTRUCTION A EXISTING STOREFRONT 3'-0" 8'-0" - ALUMINUM / GLASS BLACK -ALUMINUM -SET-1 -NO NO DOOR TO BE LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. REMOVE PULLS. PLACE PULLS IN STORAGE FOR INSTALLATION AT LEASE TERMINATION. RESTROOM B TRUDOOR OR EQ.SINGLE PANEL SHAKER 3'-0" 8'-0" 1-3/4" WOOD, PAINT GRADE PAINT -STEEL PAINT -SET-3 -NO NO - STORAGE B TRUDOOR OR EQ.SINGLE PANEL SHAKER 3'-0" 8'-0" 1-3/4" WOOD, PAINT GRADE PAINT -STEEL PAINT -SET-4 -NO NO - PRIVATE INSTRUCTION A SLIDING DOOR CO. FRAMELESS GLASS 3'-0" 8'-0" - ALUMINUM / GLASS -----SET-2 ---GLAZING TO BE TEMPERED PRIVATEINSTRUCTION A SLIDING DOOR CO. SLIDING - 8'-0" - ALUMINUM / GLASS -----SET-2 ---GLAZING TO BE TEMPERED PRIVATEINSTRUCTION B TRUDOOR OR EQ.SINGLE PANEL SHAKER 3'-0" 8'-0" 1-3/4" WOOD, PAINTGRADE PAINT -STEEL PAINT -SET-4 -NO NO - HARDWARE TYPES B 100.0 DOOR NOTES 1. EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPENABLE FROMTHE EGRESS SIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR ANYSPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. CBC 1008.1.9. 2. CONTRACTOR TO CONSULT TENANT ON KEYING AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. 3. PER CBC 1010.1.9.6 THE UNLATCHING OF ANY DOOR OR LEAF SHALL NOT REQUIRE MORE THAN ONE OPERATION. 101.0 101.1 102.0 104.0 105.0 105.1 A SET-1PULLS EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PULLS SET-4HINGES 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) BRUSHED NICKELACCESSIBLE LEVER PER INTERIOR DESIGNER WALL STOP 1 WALL STOP BRUSHED NICKELSILENCERS 3 SILENCER 608 RO SET-3HINGES 3 HINGE (HEAVY WEIGHT) BRUSHED NICKELACCESSIBLE LEVER PER INTERIOR DESIGNER, SEE DOOR NOTE #3 FOR ACCESSIBLE REQUIREMENTS.WALL STOP 1 WALL STOP BRUSHED NICKEL SILENCERS 3 SILENCER 608 RO INTERIOR FINISH NOTE: 1. INTERIOR FINISH MATERIALS APPLIED TO WALL AND CEILINGS SHALL BE TESTED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SECTION 803. FINISH CLASSIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: CLASS A, FOR INTERIOR EXIT PASSAGEWAYS; CLASS B, FOR CORRIDORS ANDENCLOSURES FOR EXIT ACCESS; CLASS C, ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES. 2. SEE A3.1, INTERIOR ELEVATIONS, FOR FURTHER LAYOUT AND FINISH SPECIFICATIONS. RESTROOM ACCESSORIES ITEM MANUFACTURER MODEL #COMMENTS WALL MIRROR POTTERY BARN TEEN NATURAL ROPE MIRROR INSTALL PER DETAILS 2/A6.1 HAND DRYER TOTO HDR13#SV INSTALL PER DETAILS 2/A6.1 TOILET PAPER DISPENSER NEETER NEST DOUBLE ROLLHOLDER ANDPHONE SHELF INSTALL PER DETAILS 2/A6.1 TOILET SEAT COVER DISPENSER TBD -INSTALL PER DETAILS 2/A6.1 ACCESS. GRAB BARS DELTA 418 SERIES(STAINLESS STEEL)PROVIDE BACKING (1/A6.0) ANDINSTALL PER DETAILS 2/A.6.1 101.2 SET-2ACCESSIBLE HANDLE FINISH TO MATCH FRAME. 105.2 SHEET NUMBER: SCHEDULES REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A A5.0 B PREPARED BY: OWNER: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: A PRELIMINARY TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 36 4 SCALE NTS TYPICAL INTERIOR HEADER DETAIL @ PART. WALLSSCALE NTS10 MULTIPLE JAMB STUD SUPPORT DETAIL DETAIL '8A'DETAIL '12'MAX STUDHEIGHT SCALE NTS3 NON-BEARING METAL STUD WALL TYPICAL METAL STUD SCHEDULE INTERIORSCALE NTS7 SCALE NTS1 WALL BACKING TYPE "1" END CONDITION INTERMEDIATECONDITION SPLICECONDITION NOTES: 1. WHEN INSTALLING FIXTURES OR CABINETRY, PROVIDE STEEL SLEEVES AT ALL FASTENERS. 2. EXTEND BACKING ONE STUD BAY BEYOND BEYOND EDGE OF CABINET OR EQUIPMENT. 3. COORDINATE WITH TENANT ON LOCATIONS AND QUANTITY. FOR LOADS UP TO 400 LBS. OF SHEAR FIELD CONFIRM MAX LOAD TO STUD WALL WALL BACKING TYPE "2" INTERMEDIATE CONDITION SPLICECONDITION NOTES: 1. WHEN INSTALLING FIXTURES OR CABINETRY, PROVIDE STEEL SLEEVES AT ALL FASTENERS. 2. EXTEND BACKING ONE STUD BAY BEYOND BEYOND EDGE OF CABINET OR EQUIPMENT. 3. COORDINATE WITH TENANT ON LOCATIONS AND QUANTITY. FOR LOADS UP TO 100 LBS. OF SHEAR FIELD CONFIRM MAX LOAD TO STUD WALL SCALE NTS2 SCALE NTS11 SCALE NTS5 SCALE NTS9 SCALE NTS12 ACCESS. SURFACE IDENT. LEGEND: BLUE WHITE B A INTERNATIONALSYMBOL OFACCESSIBILITY ADA IDENTIFIER SIZING APPLICATION A B PARKING STALL 3'-0"3'-0" DOOR ENTRANCEDECAL 0'-5 3/4"0'-5 3/4" TACTILE EGRESS SIGNAGE . DETAILB HANDLEOR U SHAPED34" TO 44" LEVER DETAILA 3. 2. 1. 1. HARDWARE: DOOR AND GATES: PROVIDE A SMOOTH SURFACEWITHIN 10" OF THE FINISH FLOOR 10" PROVIDE A SMOOTH SURFACE WITHIN 10" OF THEFINISH FLOOR. EXCEPTIONS:A.TEMPERED GLASS DOORS WITHOUT STILES ANDHAVING A BOTTOM RAIL OR SHOE WITH THETOP LEADING EDGE TAPERED AT 60 DEGREESMINIMUM FROM THE HORIZONTALB.DOORS AND GATES THAT DO NOT EXTEND TOWITHIN 10 INCHES OF THE FINISH FLOOR ORGROUND OPENABLE BY SINGLE EFFORTLEVER-TYPE DEVICE (NOTREQUIRING GRASPING).MOUNTED 34" TO 44".MAXIMUM 5 LBS. EFFORT TO OPERATEEXTERIOR DOOR AND 5 LBS. FORINTERIOR. SEE EXCEPTION FOR FIREDOORS OPENABLE FROM INSIDE WITHOUT USE OF KEYOR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. NOTE: -DOORS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-404 FLOOR SURFACE PROVIDE ASMOOTH SURFACEWITHIN 10" OF THEFINISH FLOOR 2. DOOR AND GATE REQUIREMENTS § NOTE:-SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-703.1, 11B-703.2, 11B-703.3, & 11B-703.5-REFER TO DETAIL 11 & 16 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- REFER TO TITLE 24 ADA ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS NOTES SHEET 2 FOR ADD'L INFORMATION § EXIT . .. . THRESHOLDBELOW THRESHOLD A THRESHOLDB C LEVEL CHANGES 12 1/2"MAX. 1/4" MAX. 3.2.1. PILE HEIGHT1/2" MAX. COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. TRANSITIONBETWEEN FLOORFINISHES FIN. FLOORLEVEL 1/2" MAXIMUM TOTAL HEIGHT WITH 1/4" MAXIMUM VERTICAL CHANGE AT EDGE.1 : 2 SLOPED BEVEL REQUIRED IF LEVEL CHANGE IS OVER 1/4" VERITCAL LEVEL CHANGE.1/4" MAXIMUM VERTICAL LEVEL CHANGE. NOTE:-TRANSITIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-302, 11B-303, & 11B-404.2.5 NOTES: 1/4 " MA X . ACCESSIBLE TRANSITIONS SCALE NTS6 SCALE NTS8 WALL MOUNTED DEVICES SCALE NTS15 MEN 6" M I N . PICTOGRAMFIELD§11B-703.6.1 SIGNAGETITLE NOTE:-SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-703-REFER TO DETAIL 11 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- REFER TO TITLE 24 ADA ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS NOTES SHEET 1 FOR ADD'L INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE NOTE:-SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-703-REFER TO DETAIL 13 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- REFER TO TITLE 24 ADA ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS NOTES SHEET 2 FOR ADD'L INFORMATION NOTE: PLANA 1. PROVIDE PRIVACY DOOR LOCK.2.FOR GRAB BARS, REFER TO DETAIL 2/A6.13. FOR FIXTURE MOUNTING HEIGHTS REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND DETAIL 2/A6.14. DOORS MAY SWING INTO THE CLEAR FLOOR OR FIXTURE SPACE ONLY IF THERE IS A 30" x 48" CLEAR FLOOR SPACE BEYONDTHE ARC OF THE DOOR SWING5.THE DOOR, IN ANY POSITION IS PERMITTED TO ENCROACH INTO THE TURNING SPACE BY 12" MAX. 60" M I N . C L R . 17" M I N . 18" M A X . 18" M I N . 17" MIN. 19" MAX. 60" DIA. 48" BY 60" MIN. CLEAR SPACE INFRONT OF THE WATER CLOSET 12" MAX.54" MIN. 24" MIN.36" MIN. GRABBAR FLUSH ACTIVATORON WIDE SIDE 30" x 48" MIN. CLR.FLOOR SPACE 32" M I N . CLR . 18" MIN. CLR. NOTE:-TOILET ROOM SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-603 & 11B-604 42" MIN.. 56" MIN. PROVIDE A MIN. 56" x 60"CLEARANCE ARROUND THEWATER CLOSET MIN. 60"Ø CLEAR TURNINGSPACE GENDER NEUTRALSYMBOL 1'-0" 1'- 0 " MEN'S RESTROOMSYMBOL 1'- 0 " 1'- 0 " 1'-0" NOTES:1.SIGNS SHALL HAVE 14" THICK TRIANGLE SUPERIMPOSED ON 14" THICK CIRCLE.2.INSTALL 58"-60" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR.MEASURED FROM HORIZONTAL CENTERLINEOF THE SYMBOL. AND WITHIN 1 INCH OF THEVERTICAL CENTERLINE OF THE DOOR. LEGEND:BLACK PEARL GREY CL CL WOMEN'S RESTROOMSYMBOL ACCESS. SIGN REQUIREMENTSSCALE NTS13ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE PICTOGRAMSSCALE NTS14 ACCESS. RESTROOM MIN. DIMS. FOR PARTIAL HEIGHT WALLS WITH BRACINGSEE 1-A/A6.2 FOR TOP OF WALL DETAIL SHEET NUMBER: DETAILS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A PRELIMINARY A6.0 B USE PERMIT PREPARED BY: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 37 SCALE NTS6SCALE NTS5 SCALE NTS3 ACCESS. REACH REQUIREMENTS ACCESSIBLE OBSTRUCTIONS 15"MIN . 48" M A X . 48" M A X . 20" MAX. 30" 48"48" 30" 48" M A X . 15" M I N . 46" M A X . 34" M A X . > 10"-24"MAX. DAC FE 10"MAX. 34" M A X . 10"MAX. 48" M A X . B HIGH AND LOWFORWARD REACHLIMITS HIGH AND LOWSIDE REACHLIMITS 44" M A X . > 20" - 25" MAX. MAXIMUM FORWARD REACHOVER AN OBSTRUCTION MAXIMUM SIDE REACHOVER AN OBSTRUCTION CLEAR FLOORSPACE PARALLELAPPROACH CLEAR FLOORSPACE FRONTAPPROACH NOTES:1. REACH REQUIREMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-308. 2. ELECTRICAL REACH - CONTROLS, SWITCHES & RECEPTACLE OUTLETS LOW REACH, SHALL BE MEASURED TOTHE BOTTOM OF THE OUTLET BOX AND THE HIGHT REACH SHALL BE MEASURED TO THE TOP OF THE OUTLETBOX. 4 max 100 X t 8 0 20 3 0 X > 2 7 68 5 SCALE NTS2 SCALE NTS4 . 48" MIN. 42" > 3 0 " 34" - 3 8 " 34" - 3 8 " . C B A D 72"MIN.VARIES60"MIN.VARIES 60" MIN. 60" MIN. AS REQ'D48" MIN. CLRRAMP WIDTH 72" MIN. VARIES (TYP.) 60" MIN. 60" MIN. 72" MIN. AS REQ'D -48" MIN. CLR.RAMP WIDTH 72" MIN.VARIES 60"MIN.VARIES 60" MIN. 60" MIN. 72" MIN. RAMPSECTION RAMP WITH TURNINGPLATFORM RAMP WITH INTERMEDIATESWITCH-BACK PLATFORM STRAIGHTRAMP RUN -ALL RAMPS SHALL COMPLY WITH CBC §11B-405-ALL RAMPS MUST MEET HANDRAIL AND CURB REQUIREMENTS.-DOORS, WHEN FULLY OPEN, SHALL NOT REDUCE THE REQUIRED RAMP LANDING WIDTH BY MORE THAN 3 INCHES.DOORS, IN ANY POSITION, SHALL NOT REDUCE THE MINIMUM DIMENSION OF THE RAMP LANDING TO LESS THAN 42INCHES. REFER TO DETAIL 6(F) NOTE: ADJACENT SURFACE 30" MAXIMUM HANDRAIL AT ALL RAMPS EXCEPT CURB RAMPSPROVIDE EDGE PROTECTION, A CURB OR A BARRIER, PER CBC SECTION11B-405.9 GUARDRAIL WHEN ADJ.SURFACE IS >30" BELOWRAMP SURFACE WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTOLANDING REFER TO NOTE BELOW INTERMEDIATE LANDING(MAX. SLOPE 1:48) INTERMEDIATETURNING LANDING(MAX. SLOPE 1:48) 60" MIN. LANDING 30" MAX. RISEPER RAMP RUN 48" MIN. CLR. RAMP WIDTH BETWEEN EDGEPROTECTION, TYP. TOP LANDING (MAX.SLOPE 1:48) AS REQ'D. 48"MIN. CLR. RAMPWIDTH 30" MAX. RISEPER RAMP RUN 30" MAX. RISE(TYP.) PER RAMPRUN WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDINGREFER TO NOTE BELOW WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTOLANDING REFER TO NOTE BELOW SCALE NTS1 ACCESS. RAMP AND DETAILS TRANSFERSIDE 112"Ø GRAB BAR,TYP. W/ PEENEDFINISH & 250LBS. CAP. FEMININE NAPKINDISPOSAL, WHEREOCCURS TOILET TISSUEDISPENSER(WITHOUT STOPS)WATER CLOSET, TYP. MEASURED TO TOPOF TOILET SEAT TO BOTTOM EDGE OFREFLECTING SURFACE INSULATE WASTE PIPE,TYP. 24" 2'-4 " ± 17" MIN.25" MAX. 11" MIN.8" MIN. 17" M I N . 19" M A X . TOILET SEATHEIGHTWATER CLOSET,TYP. 19" M I N 40" M A X . 17" MIN. TO 19" MAX. @AMBULATORY STALLS 42" MIN. 12"MAX. 19" M I N . 24" MIN. 7" MIN.9" MAX. SIDE ELEVATION OF WATER CLOSET MIN. MAX.6" 12"FLUSH VALVEHANDLE SHALLBE ON SIDEAWAY FROMWALL (WIDESIDE), TYP. MIN. 17" MIN.18" MAX. FRONT ELEVATION OF WATER CLOSET GRAB BAR,TYP. 9" M I N . SIDE ELEVATION OF LAVATORY 36" MIN.TOILET SEATCOVER DISPENSER(WHERE OCCURS) FIXTURE MOUNTING DIMENSIONS RECESSED - PAPERTOWEL DISPENSERTYP. HAND DRYERALL IN ONE PAPER TOWELDISPENSER / TRASHRECEPTACLE SCALE NTS15SCALE NTS14 VERTICAL HANGER WIRE CONN. 1/4" DIA. CLOSEDEYE SCREW (1-1/2" NOMINAL MIN)2 x MIN PEN E T R A T I O N 1-1 / 2 " M I N . SCALE NTS8 SCALE NTS9 MAIN TEE @ PERIMETER WALL ” 4’-0”4’-0” GYP. BD. SUSPENSION SYSTEM CEILING DGWM24 MOLDING ANGLE, SECURE TOWALL WITH APROPRIATE FASTENER,TYPICAL. CROSS TEE @ PERIMETER WALLSCALE NTS10 SCALE NTS11 PANEL JOINT @ CROSS TEE SCALE NTS12 LED DOWNLIGHT W/ IC HOUSING SCALE NTS13 DETAIL @ ACCESS PANEL DETAIL @ FIRE SPRINKLER ’” SCALE NTS7 4" 3" PERIMETER LIGHT COVE WALL WALL / CEILING ACCESSIBLE CURTAIN ASSEMBLY SCALE NTS16 NOT USED NOT USED SHEET NUMBER: DETAILS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A6.1 PREPARED BY: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 A B A PRELIMINARY B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 38 SCALE NTS PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL BRACING1 BLOCKOUT INFILL @ EXIST. SLAB A B B C D E BRACE SPACING, SIZE, CONNECTION SCHEDULE BRACE PARALLEL TO JOIST ABOVE BRACE PERPENDICULAR TO JOIST ABOVE PARTIAL HEIGHT PARTITION WALL PLAN VIEW OF BRACE AT TOP OF TRACK (E) REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB 6'0" WIDE SLAB BLOCKOUT (N.T.S.) TOP OF SLAB BEYOND 5"5" EXISTING SEWER LINE1" SAND 9" 3" 5" NEW CLASS C VAPOR BARRIER MATCH (E) INSTALLEDWITH 6" MIN. OVERLAP OVER EXISTING VAPOR BARRIER.SEAMS TAPED, PENETRATIONS AND EDGES SEALED(ASTM E 1643). REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SECTION07625. EXISTING CLASS C VAPOR BARRIER, CONTINUOUS ACROSSBLOCKOUT. CUT BACK LEAVING A MIN. OF 6" AT ALL SIDES. CLASS 2 BASE (CALTRANS SPECIFICATION SECTION 26)19mm MAX. GRADING, 90% COMPACTION CERTIFIED PAD AT RECOMMENDED MOISTURE CONTENT.REFER TO SOILS REPORT AND CIVIL DRAWINGS 4 x 2'-0"DOWELS @ 18" O.C. LAPWITH SLAB (5" MIN.) W/ HILTIH4-150 EPOXY (I.C.B.O. #5193) ORSIMPSON SET EPOXY (ICBO #5279) NEW #4 REINFORCEMENT @ 18O.C. EACH WAY SCALE NTS2 18" MINUMUM COMMERCIAL ACCESS PANELS TR-AP009 TR-AP012 TR-AP018 TR-AP024 9" x 9" 12" x 12" 18" x 18" 24" x 24" 15" x 15" 18" x 18" 24" x 24" 30" x 30" Order by access opening. Custom sizes available OUTLINE OF TAPE JOINT 12.1"(30.7 cm)4.8"(12.2 cm) 3.2"(8.1 cm) Surface End Mount Surface Top Mount Surface Top Mount 12.2"(31.0 cm) Recessed Top Mount Recessed Back Mount Hole Dimensions forRecessed Mount MERKRETE HYDROGUARD 2000 OR LATRICRETE HYDRO BAN DUROCK OR DENS BOARD METAL STUD REINFORCEMENT FABRIC TILE OVER THINSET THINSET CONCRETE SLAB 11 . 8 " (20 c m ) 8.5 " (2 1 . 6 c m ) 4'-0 " M I N . 11 " (27 . 9 c m ) AC C E S S O P E N I N G RO U G H O P E N I N G 9.6 " (24 . 3 c m ) 3.4 " (8 . 6 c m ) SCALE NTS3 SCALE NTS4 SCALE NTS5 This detail is for all wet areas. A "wet area" shall include, withoutlimitation, any equipment using water or other liquid, or ANY space(s) that employ tanks, water containing sinks, floor sinks, mop sinks,dishwashers, fountains, restrooms, showers, tubs, water spray fixtures, steam tables, wet food preparation areas, prep kitchens, kitchens,beverage stations, bars, cold or frozen storage areas, etc. Merkrete or Laticrete are allowed for waterproofing material. DensShield, DensGlass,or Durock are acceptable wall material. WATERPROOFING DETAIL EXIT SIGN DETAIL The LU Series Universal Edge-Lit Applications with a universal surface or ceiling mounting housingin one. he chevrons are field installed thus eliminating the time to determine arrow configurations STYLEMARK ACCESS DOOR STYLEMARK ACCESS DOORS TO BE USED AT ALL GYP. BD. ACCESS DOOR LOCATIONS.SEE MANUFACTURER FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. SHEET NUMBER: DETAILS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A6.2 PREPARED BY: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 A B A PRELIMINARY B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS USE PERMIT PCC 2E 39 SHEET NUMBER: ROOF PENETRATION DETAILS REVISIONS SHEET NAME: OWNER: STAMP:JOB NUMBER:XXXXX DATE:00.00.00 DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREINCONSTITUTE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PD&C, INC.dba RAND KRUSE AND MAY NO BE DUPLICATED, USED ORDISCLOSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF PD&C, INC. dbaRAND KRUSE. A6.3 PREPARED BY: PROJECT: CONSULTANT: TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF 1220 BISON AVE STE. A5&A6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL PROPERTIES101 INNOVATION DR.IRVINE, CA 92617 A B A PRELIMINARY B USE PERMIT C USE PERMIT PCC 1 D LANDLORD COMMENTS D 40