HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2023-0333 - MiscxV-1Q2;S -0 333 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachra.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 OWNER -BUILDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND INFORMATION VERIFICATION (HSC 19825) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER Dear Property Owner: An application for a building permit has been s bmitted i7yqur name Iis(ing yourself as the b Ilder of the property improvements specified at la ( l�U �Q . IJQuJ� . ( �12_6 6e We are providing you with an Owner -Builder Ackno dgment an Inform tion Verification Form to make you aware of your responsibilities and possible risk you may incur by having this permit issued in your name as the Owner -Builder. We will not issue a building permit until you have read, initiated your understanding of each provision, signed, and returned this form to us at our official address indicated. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, obtain the prior approval of the permitting authority. OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION DCTIONS: Read and initial each statement below to signify you understand or verify this information. '(11. 1 understand a frequent practice of unlicensed persons is to have the property owner obtain an -Builder" building permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. I, as an Owner -Builder, may be held liable and subject to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person and his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an Owner -Builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers fride y property2. 1 understand building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are nsible for the construction and are not hiring a licensed Contractor to assume this responsibility. 3. 1 understand as an "Owner -Builder" I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I rstand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed Contractor and hg the permit fitted in his or her name instead of my own. 4. 1 understand Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded in California and to list Tlicense numbers on permits and contracts. 5. I understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed ontractors, and the total value of my construction is at least five hundred dollars ($500), including labor an aterials, I may be considered an "employer" under state and federal law. 6. I understand if I am considered an "employer" under state and federal law, I must register with the Mate and federal government, withhold payroll taxes, provide workers' compensation disability insurance, and contribute to unemployment compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to abide bse laws may subject me to serious financial risk. C7. 1 understand under California Contractors' State License Law, an Owner -Builder who builds ale -family residential structures cannot legally build them with the intent to offer them for safe, unless all work is performed by licensed subcontractors and the number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar year, or all of the work is performed under contract with a licensed general building Contr ctor. 8. I understand as an Owner -Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I may be liable for any financial or personal injuries sustained by any subsequent owner(s) that result from any latent construction defects in the workmanship or materials. Fcr \O ner_buildcr vcrifdoc 08/12/16 1 of z 9. 1 understand I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an 'employer" from the al Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the California Department of Benefit Payments, and the California Division of Industrial Accidents. I also understand I may contact the California Contractors' State License Board (CSLB) at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752) or www,cslb.ca.gov for iinformation about licensed contractors. 10. I am aware of and consent to an Owner -Builder building permit applied for in my name, and erstand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for proposed corstruction activity at the fr.vittvi g address: vAJ ' I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction I will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern Owner -Builders as well as 5empl ers. 12. 1 agree to notify the issuer of this form immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to of the information I have provided on this form. Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with someone who does not have a license, the Contractors' State License Board may be unable to assist you with any financial loss you may sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against unlicensed Contractors may be in civil court. It is also Important for you to understand that if an unlicensed Contractor or employee of that Individual or firm is injured while working on your property, you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain a permit as Owner -Builder and wish to hire Contractors, you will be responsible for verifying whether or not those Contractors are properly licensed and the status of their workers' compensation insurance coverage. Before a building permit can be issued, this form must be completed and signed by the property owner and returned to the City of Newport Beach, Building Division, for issuing the permit. Note: A copy of the property owner's driver's license or form notarization is required to be presented when the permit is Issued to verify the property owner's signature. Print name of property owner: Property Owner's Date: Note: The following Authorization Form is required to be completed by the property owner only when designating an agent of the property owner to apply for a construction permit for the Owner -Builder. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT TO ACT ON PROPERTY OWNER'S BEHALF Excluding the Notice to Property Owner, the execution of which I understand is my personal responsibility, I hereby authorize the following person(s) to act as my agent(s) to apply for, sign, and file the documents necessary to obtain an Owner -Builder Permit for my project. Scope of Construction Project (or Description of Work): Project Location or Address: «j gzigo Name of Authorized Agent: _JVA ) Tel No lT(( L4 , -7(7— 331 Address of Authorized Agent: (C((5����14A�s��ef FO A I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner for the address listed above and I personally filled out the above information and certify its accuracy. Note: A copy of the owner's driver's license, form notarization, or other verb ion acceptable to the agency is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the p e s signature. Property Owner's Signature: Date: z113 z Note: A copy of the owner's driver se or form notarization is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature. Furrrs\o"cr builder verif.doc 08/12/16 2 of2 (4 Orange County Sheriff's Department Technology Division 0 Emergency Responder Radio System Authorization to Operate on Licensed Frequencies In accordance with FCC Part 90, §90.219, as representative of license holder for the frequencies used by the Orange County CCCS under FRN ti 0001527001 and assigned to this facility as shown below, approval to operate a single FM transmitter is granted for the device and location shown below. Continued approval to operate is conditional, based on continued compliance with NFPA 1221-72, CFS 510, CFR 47, FCC Part 90, §90.219, County and Local ordinances and guidelines. This instrument is valid for one calendar year from the date of grant. Site ID: 1243107 FCC Site ID: SBOO11681 Property: Atria Senior Living Manufacturer: ADRF On Site Kevin Lugo PSR-78-9533-X Contact: Model: Address: 393 S. Hospital Road Serial Number: P789533X204270 8o0MH1-6MH2 City: Newport Beach Mode: B #Filters: 800MH2-31VIHz Phone: 949 642 5861 Location: Lower Level ERRCS Equipment Room Email: keviu.lueo(datriaseniorlivine.com Dial Out Line: (949) 6423617 Local Site Coordinates: 33.626186° -117.928697' Donor Site Coordinates: 33.632175' -117.937822° UPLINK TRANSMITTIONS NOT APPROVED FOR THIS SYSTEM Frequencies Assigned and approved: Countywide South WQZ938 WPMZ481 O-HA Uplink Dmnlln4 u'lla tl .-1 (.tu) (MHz) gannet I...) (MHz) 1 860.9625 815.9625 1 853.9250 808.9250 2 860.7125 815.7125 2 853.9000 808.9000 3 860.4625 815.4625 3 053,6750 808.6760 4 860.2125 815,2125 4 853.6250 808.6250 5 859.9625 814,9625 6 853.3750 808.3750 6 859.7125 814.7125 6 853A250 808.1250 7 859.5625 814.5625 7 852.8750 80].8]50 8 B59.4625 814.4625 g 852.8250 807.8250 91 859.2125 1 814.2125 q 852.5250 00].6250 10 858o625 013.9625 10q851.1250806.12W 807.3750 11 8583125 8137125 11907.1250 12 858.4625 B134625 12806,8750 13 058.2125 513.2125 13W6.625014 857.9525 812.9625 14806.375015 857,7125 B12.7125 15 806.175016 85].4fi25 8124625 16 806.12W 17 85].2125 812.2121 18 856.9825 B119625 ]9 856.7125 811.7125 20 856.4625 811.4625 21 8562125 811,2125 22 855.7125 810.7125 Approval Date: 6/12/2023 By: Must be Posted with Amplifier Bruce L Cobb OCSD FCC GROL PG 1114686 OCSD/COMMS Approval to Operate rev 2022 Third Party Test Report Review Date 6/12/2023 Engineer B. Cobb Site ID: 1243107 Project Name: Atria Senior Living Site Address: 393 S. Hospital Road City: Newport Beach Site Owner On -Site Contact: Kevin Lugo Address: 393 Hospital Road City: Newport Beach 92663 Phone: 949 fi42 5861 Email: kevnlugo@atriaseniorlivina.com Fire Jurisdiction: Newport Beach Construction Contractor Company: DASWAVE Contractor Contact: Jeff Gamier Email: jgamler@commwave.com Third Party Testing Date Conducted: 4/5/2023 Company: Dishnet Direct Testing Agent Said Melia Email: said@dishnetilnect.com Report Filenme: 20230405 Aria Newton Beach ATR.ndt Pass/Fail Remarks Technician Certification FCC DAS P Summary Test description PP Test requirements per applicable ordinances P Test methodology P Test Equipment Models Serial Numbers P Calibration Dates P Site Description Site Number Location of primary components within property P Signal Booster FCC Certification P Model and Serial number of all active components Amplifier or Master Unit P Remote Amplifiers - Battery Backup Units P Remote Alarm Reporting Devices P Phone number of line used for auto dialer P Site Coordinates P Number of Floors P BDA Manufacturer P Model: P Srerial Number: P Operating Mode (A/B): P Assigned Cells Primary: P Secondary: P Mutual Aid: - Assigned sites) Primary: P Secondary: P Mutual Aid: - Date of most recent prior test report Inspection Result Summary Page List requirements and Pass/Fail Result Interior Signal Strength (Downlink) Exterior Signal Strength (Uplink) DAQtest Correct Frequency Filtering Uplink Muting Enabled Spurious Uplink Emissions Measurement Quiescent Noise Floor Measurement Donor Antenna Azimuth Backup Power Supply Battery Condition Backup Power Supply Calculated Runtime Backup Power Load Test Physical Condition of Installation NEMA 4/311 compliance of Equipment Enclosures Inter -cabinet cabling AC Power Termination Power Cut -Off device Grounding and Lightning Protection Interference Test Auto Dialer Test Isolation Tests Amplifier Gain Measurements Uplink for both Cells Downlink for Both Cells Any other applicable test results Detailed Test Results Donor Site Path Profile Graphic representation of horizontal and vertical paths Donor Site(s) Name Azimuth (degrees Magnetic) to Donor Site(s) Path Length (Miles) Calculated Path Loss to donor site(s) Graphic or tabular verification for all required tests (following) System primary and backup power One hour load test or pulse -load battery capacity test. Verify ALL active components operating on backup power Amplifier/Master (Headers) Remote amplifiers Fault display Auto dialer System gain and measured RF power Uplink and downlink Show gain for one channel Uplink and one channel Downlink near -far (uplink only) 12/8/2022 N/A P P N/A (Uplink amplification not approved for this system). P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP PP Stated in "Inspection Results'. Stated in "Inspection Results". Stated in "Inspection Results". p� Downlink only P Downlink only Uplink not authorized Ambient noise floor Amplifier powered off Active DAS, if used, powered on Show span of 15-20MHZ centered at 859MHz (Downlink) and 814MHz (Uplink) P Measured at BOA Donor antenna feed point (DL Free) P Measured at BOA Service antenna feed point (UL Fregl P If an active DAS is used, provide a screenshot of the noise entering the BDA - from the active DAS Active noise floor Amplifier powered on Active DAS, if used, powered on Show span of 15-20MHZ centered at 859MHz(Downlink) and 814MHz(Uplink) P Measured at FDA Donor antenna feed point(UL Freq) P Measured at BDA Service antenna feed point (DL Freq) P (fan active DAS is used, provide a screenshot of the noise entering the BDA from the active DAS Antenna systems isolation Inject reference signal to donor antenna system at 814MHz P Show Injected power level P Show Measured signal from DAS system P Downlink coverage measurement All Floors PP Grid layout compliant P Uplinkfree space loss calculation Using measurements from Downlink test provide calculated transmission and noise B levels anticipated at the assigned donor site for each supported cell. Show results for near and tar examples. Operation Determine and document DAQ for all grids. Inspect and document Physical condition of equipment and installation Digital Images 1. Headend Equipment P 2. Headend cabling P 3. Donor Surge protector P 4. Donor antenna and supporting structure P S. Interior of amplifier cabinet P 6. Interior of BAD cabinet P 7. Typical DAS antenna P 8. Any items requiring repair or support Uplink not Authorized Uplink not Authorized