HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-2023-BLT-APPROVED MINUTESCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Newport Beach Central Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Meeting Minutes Monday, July 17, 2023 – 5:00 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. Chair Paul Watkins called to order the regular meeting. II. ROLL CALL – Roll call by Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome. Trustees Present: Chair Paul Watkins, Trustee Lauren Kramer, Trustee Ash Kumra, Secretary Doug Coulter, Trustee Dorothy Larson Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Staff Absent None Chair Watkins introduced the two new trustees, Dorothy Larson and Lauren Kramer. Trustee Dorothy Larson introduced herself and provided her background of many years of service on the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Board as Chair. She is a CPA with a local practice specializing in taxes and looked forward to serving on the Board of Library Trustees. Trustee Lauren Kramer introduced herself and provided information on her background as a mother of 4 daughters who actively participates in the programs at the Library. She is an attorney with Orange County specializing in real estate and public works. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – TRUSTEE DOROTHY LARSON LED THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Board of Library Trustees shall nominate and elect Trustees to serve as Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Trustee Kramer nominated Trustee Larson for Chair; the nomination was not seconded. Trustee Larson stated she would rather sit in the position of Secretary or Vice Chair and have the opportunity to learn the ropes from a previous Chair prior to stepping into the Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 2 role. She nominated Chair Watkins to continue his role as Chair. Seconded by Secretary Coulter. Chair Watkins called for other nominations. Hearing none, Chair Watkins closed the nominations. Upon receiving three votes from Trustees Coulter, Kumra and Larson, Trustee Paul Watkins was elected to remain as Chair. Chair Watkins nominated Trustee Larson as Vice Chair, seconded by Trustee Kumra. Chair Watkins closed the nominations and the Board unanimously elected Trustee Dorothy Larson as Vice Chair. Chair Watkins nominated Trustee Kramer for position of Secretary. Trustee Kumra seconded. Chair Watkins closed the nominations and the Board unanimously elected Trustee Kramer as Secretary. Chair Watkins explained that he involves the Vice Chair in matters from time to time. The Minutes for the meeting are forwarded to the Board Secretary for review and revisions. Chair Watkins assigned the liaisons for the FY 2023-2024. Vice Chair Larson will be the liaison for the Witte Committee, Secretary Kramer will be the liaison for the Library Live Committee; Chair Watkins offered to bring her up to date after the meeting. Trustee Coulter will continue to serve as the liaison for the Friends of the Library. Chair Watkins will be the liaison for the Library Foundation, and Library Services Director Melissa Hartson will provide reports on the Literacy program. V. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived VI. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. Chair Watkins called for any requested items to be pulled for separate action or discussion. A. Consent Calendar Items 1. Minutes of the June 19, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Chair Watkins noted that Vice Chair Larson and Secretary Kramer would abstain from the vote on the June Minutes. 2. Patron Comments Chair Watkins referred the Board of Library Trustees to Handwritten page 14 and noted that Patron comments 1, 3, and 6 and on Handwritten page 15 patron comments 8, 9, and 10, and on handwritten page 16 comment 11 were prepared by Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot. He complimented her on her professional yet caring responses to comments. They were all very well written, very kind, polite, and respectful. Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 3 3. Library Activities Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. Library Services Director Hartson provided a written update that was submitted in the meeting packet. 4. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. Library Services Director Hartson commented that the expenditure information in the packet is through July 1. There will be a final FY budget at the August meeting as June invoices are still being paid. Chair Watkins reported that of the invoices paid thus far, they are about 10% under budget overall for last Fiscal Year (FY). 5. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins asked Library Services Manager Lightfoot and Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth to provide feedback on the Library Journal Design Institute they recently attended in order to gather ideas for the replacement of the Balboa Branch and fire station replacement. He asked to receive a one-page summary, along with any additional information, for himself and Vice Chair Larson, so they can better understand and be involved with information pertaining to the branch replacement project. Library Services Manager Lightfoot reported on the one-day conference they attended. There was a panel of speakers, architects, and librarians who spoke about the challenges they face with different projects. Some of the items discussed were how to evaluate the space, once it’s built, to see how it’s being used by patrons. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Helmuth added that they talked about what it means to have a flexible space, with spatial adjacency in consideration of what is being placed next to what, the goal is to be mindful of what the space is to be used for. The intent of how the space will be used may not always translate. It was a wonderful conference with good information and the panels were really engaging. Chair Watkins inquired who was on the panel. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Helmuth answered that architects were featured on the panels, which were generally led by library staff. Library Services Manager Lightfoot added there were designers with furniture packages, with commentary from librarians. Chair Watkins stated that he and Vice Chair Larson would serve on the Balboa Branch Replacement Ad Hoc Committee and possibly keep former Trustee Janet Ray on standby as a resource. Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 4 Chair Watkins asked if there were further questions, comments or public comments on the Consent Calendar and there were none. Motion made by Trustee Kumra, seconded by Trustee Coulter, and carried (3-0-2-0) to approve the Consent Calendar with edits to the minutes of the Board of Library Trustees meeting Minutes on June 19, 2023. AYES: Watkins, Kumra, Coulter NOES: ABSTENTIONS: Kramer, Larson ABSENCES: VII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 6. Proposed Library Schedule for Winter Holidays 2023 Library Services Director Hartson referred the Board to Handwritten Pages 29-31 to review the upcoming holiday schedule. This is an odd year where some holidays fall upon weekends. They will need to account for when they will be open and closed. The City observes a half-day holiday on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, with a full-day holiday for both Christmas Day and New Years Day. Due to the half-day holidays falling on a Sunday and the libraries are only open noon to 5 p.m., she requested the libraries be closed the full day on both Eve Sundays. Most of the City’s offices observe the holidays Monday – Friday and are not open over the weekend. In addition, City Hall is closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Staff requested a modified schedule from 9 – 6 p.m. during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Other peer libraries have a varied range of hours. Vice Chair Larson commented that as a patron, the schedule looked good to her and seemed well thought out. She has remained impressed that the Newport Beach Public Libraries have remained open more than other city libraries. Rhonda Watkins, Newport Beach resident, provided public comment that it was in keeping with the high school students that might use some of the resources during their break. Motion made by Trustee Coulter, seconded by Trustee Kramer, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the acceptance of the winter holiday schedule. AYES: Watkins, Kumra, Coulter, Kramer, Larson NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 7. Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Wish List Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of the wish list donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 5 Library Services Manager Lightfoot reported that staff is requesting the Board approve to receive a donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation in the amount of $39,980 this year. They asked for $22,000 for a furniture package for the electronic village (the public computers). The chairs for the computers are ten years old and in need of replacement. They would like to add two standing desk options due to the number of patron requests. The umbrellas in the Bamboo Courtyard need to be replaced as they have had to repair them repeatedly. Additionally, the annual cost for their digital magazine Flipster is $14,600 dollars and their Beanstack online resource annual fee is $2,380. Chair Watkins requested a thank you be sent to the Chair of the Library Foundation. Library Services Director Hartson responded that staff would take care of that. Motion made by Trustee Coulter, seconded by Trustee Kumra, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the acceptance of the wish list donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation. AYES: Watkins, Kumra, Coulter, Kramer, Larson NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 8. Lecture Hall Update In conjunction with NBPLF CEO Mr. Jerry Kappel’s memo, Library Services Director Hartson reported that the City is looking to re-bid the project in the fall. Vice Chair Larson commented that she spoke with Jill Johnson-Tucker who said it would be re-bid likely in September and the Board of Library Trustees has been very much in support of the project, and they needed the Board to continue with that support. Rhonda Watkins, Newport Beach resident, asked if they planned to have the same configuration or would it be modified. Mr. Kappel replied that the current feel is there aren’t any significant savings to be had. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 9. Balboa Branch Replacement Update Library Services Director Hartson wished to reiterate that Library Services Manager Lightfoot and Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Helmuth attended the design conference. The money in the budget for the design by COAR has already gone through and it is in process, but in the infancy stages. A project manager has not yet been assigned. All of the meetings were preliminary. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 6 10. Library Services Report on Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff. Library Services Director Hartson reported that last month the City celebrated its employees and the work they do with the employee service awards and luncheon held at the end of June. On Handwritten Page 17 several milestone anniversaries are listed for Library staff. Library Assistant Bernadette Gilliam was one of five finalists nominated for this year’s Dorothy Palen Award. It’s a big honor. Bernadette exemplifies what the City looks for in an employee of the year. Dorothy Palen was a former City employee who always performed to the fullest and that is Bernadette to the letter. On the wheelhouse list, there are a few events to take note of, which include the All-Staff Meeting on July 20. All locations will open at 10 a.m. The Sully Band will be performing Sunday July 23 to kick off the 2023 Concerts on the Green from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Newport Beach Civic Center lawn. The Board of Library Trustees Meeting in August will be on Monday, August 21 at 5 p.m. at the Central Library. Chair Watkins commented that the wheelhouse list is intended to provide an opportunity for the Trustees to attend events that may interest the Board. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 11. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board Report on the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins noted that the Library Live committee meetings and the Witte Lecture committee meetings will resume in September. The Library Foundation Board met on July 10. Rather than receive reports with no content, the Board of Library Trustees can refer to Mr. Kappel’s memo dated July 14, which refers to a good amount of important information having to do with these three committees and the Foundation in general. Vice Chair Larson commented about the season tickets for Foundation’s Witte Lectures are currently available on the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation website. She recommended that everyone go on and see the information on when those events will take place and attend whatever possible. They are all awesome events. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Library Live Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. NBPLF CEO Mr. Kappel commented that Library Live single tickets will go on sale on September 5. Currently, only season tickets for members are on sale for Witte Lectures. Chair Watkins commented on how well the Bookmark feature is. Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 7 Mr. Kappel mentioned how the number of volunteer hours worked adds to the value of the Library. Currently there’s over $750,000 dollars in value from the volunteers who contribute to the Library, which includes everything from Literacy, Friends, the Foundation, to youth volunteers. It’s a very significant asset. C. Witte Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins reported there was nothing new to report. 12. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Trustee Coulter reported that the Friends of Library had a June 2 and 3 used book sale and raised $2,399 dollars. The total bookstore sales for the month of June were $19,368. There are 843 members who pay dues every year. New members contributed $545, along with 375 renewals for a total of $920. The president of Friends of the Library, Pam Cook, presented the $200,000 wish list check to the City at the City Council meeting on July 11. All the Council members were there, and pictures were taken. It was a very nice presentation. October 6 and 7 is the next used book sale. Members can go on Friday; it is open to the public on Saturday. They continue to be aggressive and work hard. It’s a pleasure to be associated with them. Vice Chair Larson inquired if renewal notices are sent out, she did not receive one. Trustee Coulter responded that they do send out renewals. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 13. Literacy Services Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Literacy Services Advisory Board. Library Services Director Hartson reported that the Library has hired a Literacy Services Coordinator, Gabriela Leman. They are happy to have that role filled and will introduce her to the Board of Library Trustees at a future meeting. Library Services Director Hartson will be meeting with the President of the Literacy Advisory Board in the near future to discuss their continued transition. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Haley, Newport Beach resident and Central Library patron, provided public comment regarding an email she sent to the Board, which never received a response. She spoke at the last City Council meeting regarding all of the concerning books. She states that there are actually dozens and dozens. When she spoke at the City Council meeting, she mentioned that her daughter saw one of these books at Mariners months back. She was with her that day, and told her it was not appropriate, and they put it back on the shelf. But, at Mariners Elementary, students go there for the day and check out books, and Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 17, 2023 Page 8 parents are not there to monitor their child’s checkouts. The one book of concern was “It’s Perfectly Normal”. She also saw that the book “George” was available as a giveaway for the Children’s Summer Reading Program. Haley read an excerpt from the book for the Trustees. She stated that this book, along with many other books, are not appropriate for children who have access to them in the children’s section of the Library. She says that there has to be a line drawn, at least for children, and noted that staff needs to take a deep dive into the children’s books. She added that the current complaint process is not working. VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Watkins requested that the next agenda include the item ‘censorship vs. right to read’. He commented that this issue has not gone unnoticed by the Board. Trustee Coulter commented he went to a luncheon recently in which people commented about the problem specific to the Mariners Branch. Secretary Kramer commented that it might be a better idea to title the item Book Placement policy due to recent concerns. Chair Watkins commented that description could be used on the agenda, however, the topic remains the same, while placement of the material is an important part of that discussion. Vice Chair Larson commented that the Agenda is posted on the website and the Agenda item description and terminology is important. At the City Council meeting, and parents who have brought the topic up to her, everyone agrees it is a placement issue, not a censorship issue. Chair Watkins responded that is a point well taken and availability vs. age appropriate might be a better option and requested Library Services Director Hartson work with him on that item for the next Agenda. Chair Watkins thanked Trustee Kumra for his service on the Board of Library Trustees and wished him well. He’s been very helpful on so many items and they are sorry to lose him. Trustee Kumra said he has really enjoyed the time on the Board of Library Trustees and stepping down has been one of the saddest parts of his family’s transition. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 5:54 p.m. Submitted by: Paul K. Watkins Chair Approval of Minutes