HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2023-0119_20230712_Noise Study July 11, 2023 Mr. Eric Lofgran TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. 853 Camino Del Mar, Suite 200 Del Mar, CA 92014 Subject: GuacAmigos Live Music Noise Study, City of Newport Beach Dear Mr. Lofgran: Introduction RK ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (RK) is pleased to provide this noise impact study for the GuacAmigos restaurant. The project site is located at 2607 East Pacific Coast Highway, in the City of Newport Beach. The existing GuacAmigos restaurant is proposing to introduce live music/DJ entertainment during both their daytime and nighttime operating hours. The purpose of this study is to assess the potential noise impacts of live music/DJ entertainment noise to the nearest adjacent residential receptors. Exterior noise levels are compared to the noise standards described in the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 10.26 – Community Noise Control. A copy of Chapter 10.26 of the Municipal Code is provided in Appendix A. The nearest noise sensitive receptors to the project site include the following: Receptor 1 Existing residential homes located approximately 800 feet south of GuacAmigos, on Lido Isle. A project site location map, including sensitive receptor locations, is provided in Exhibit A. RK previously conducted a noise impact study for the restaurant in 2019 which analyzed the day-to-day restaurant noise levels under a scenario where the rear windows were open facing the bay and residential homes. However, it is RK’s understanding that the project has not implemented the open windows, and moving forward, the restaurant will operate with the doors and windows closed (i.e., “windows closed” conditions), during any live music/DJ events. TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. RK19200 Page 2 rk19200.doc JN: 2770-2023-01 City of Newport Beach Noise Standards The City of Newport Beach establishes noise standards in Chapter 10.26 of their Municipal Code. Section 10.26.025 – Exterior Noise Standards outlines the following noise standards that apply to properties within the City: A. The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall apply to all property with a designated noise zone: TABLE 1 Allowable Exterior Noise Level (Equivalent Noise Level, Leq) Noise Zone Type of Land Use Noise Level (dBA) 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. I Single-, two- or multiple-family residential 55 50 II Commercial 65 60 III Residential portions of mixed-use properties 60 50 IV Industrial or manufacturing 70 70 If the ambient noise level exceeds the resulting standard, the ambient shall be the standard. B. It is unlawful for any person at any location within the incorporated area of the City to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person, which causes the noise level when measured on any other property, to exceed either of the following: 1. The noise standard for the applicable zone for any fifteen-minute period; 2. A maximum instantaneous noise level equal to the value of the noise standard plus twenty (20) dBA for any period of time (measured using A- weighted slow response). C. In the event the ambient noise level exceeds the standard, the maximum allowable noise level under said category shall be increased to reflect the maximum ambient noise level. TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. RK19200 Page 3 rk19200.doc JN: 2770-2023-01 D. The Noise Zone III standard shall apply to that portion of residential property falling within one hundred (100) feet of a commercial property, if the intruding noise originates from that commercial property. E. If the measurement location is on a boundary between two different noise zones, the lower noise level standard applicable to the noise zone shall apply. Existing Noise Environment RK previously conducted a noise impact study for the restaurant in 2019 which included an assessment of the existing noise environment at the surrounding residential areas. Existing ambient conditions were measured by RK on September 21, 2018, using a Picollo-II Type 2 integrating-averaging sound level meter. The location of the noise measurement was selected based on the proximity and location of the adjacent sensitive receptors. Exhibit B graphically illustrates the location of the noise measurements. • Noise Monitoring Location 1 (L-1) was taken adjacent to the Lido Isle Bridge facing the Lido Isle Reach. Sources of ambient noise during the measurement period included boat activity, music, and roadway activity along Via Lido. Results of the ambient noise level measurements are shown in Table 3. Appendix B includes photographs, field sheets, and measured noise data. Table 2 Short Term (15-Minute) Noise Measurement Results1 Location Time Started Leq Lmin Lmax L2 L8 L25 L50 L-1 9:39 PM 59.4 48.4 81.9 67.1 63.5 56.7 54.2 1 L-1 was measured on September 21, 2018. The ambient noise levels near the residential homes currently exceed the residential noise standard set by the City of Newport Beach, as indicated in the table above. This is partially due to noise generated by roadway activity along Via Lido. However, it should be noted that the traffic noise may be less noticeable in the residential backyards facing the project site, resulting in relatively quieter ambient noise levels in those areas. Appendix B shows the map of the noise monitoring locations, photos, field notes, and measured noise data. The existing ambient noise measurements near the residential homes TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. RK19200 Page 4 rk19200.doc JN: 2770-2023-01 were taken between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. at night. An additional 3 dB reduction has been applied to measured ambient data to estimate the quieter nighttime (past 10 p.m.) noise levels. Live Music/DJ Referenced Noise Levels GuacAmigos proposes to add live music/DJ events to their on-site operations. To determine the potential noise levels generated by these activities, referenced noise levels from SoundPLANTM noise modeling software are utilized. SoundPLAN is a standards-based program that incorporates more than twenty international noise modeling guidelines and provides a library of referenced noise levels for various types of sound emissions. Table 2 below shows the referenced noise levels used for this study. Table 3 Referenced Noise Levels – Live Music/DJ Entertainment SoundPLAN Noise Source Noise Level (dBA)1 Leq Lmax Restaurants with live music 105.0 115.0 1 Source: SoundPLAN emission spectra library. Noise levels represent the sound power level at the noise source (i.e. speaker amplitude). To estimate future noise levels during operation, noise levels are projected to the nearest sensitive receptor locations. Adjusted noise levels are based on the distance of the receptor location relative to the noise source, local topography, and physical barriers including buildings walls and windows. It is RK’s understanding that future live music/DJ activities will occur inside of the restaurant, under “windows closed” conditions. As a result, the building structure will shield the nearby residential homes from the noise generated by the live music/DJ entertainment, thereby reducing the associated noise levels. Typical building construction provides a conservative noise level reduction of 12 dBA with a “windows open” condition and a very conservative 20 dBA noise level reduction with a “windows closed” condition. For purposes of this analysis, a “windows closed” condition is assumed. TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. RK19200 Page 5 rk19200.doc JN: 2770-2023-01 Project Noise Impacts This assessment analyzes how the proposed live music/DJ events will affect the surrounding ambient environment. Noise level impacts are compared to the noise standards set by the City of Newport Beach. The restaurant must demonstrate that noise levels resulting from adding live music/DJ entertainment will not exceed the standards outlined in the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 10.26 – Community Noise Control. Tables 4 and 5 display the potential noise levels during the daytime and nighttime hours, respectively, as a result of incorporating live music/DJ entertainment. Noise calculation worksheets are provided in Appendix C. Table 4 Noise Impact Analysis - Daytime Scenario Noise Level (dBA)1 Leq (15-Minute Average) Lmax (Maximum) Project noise level contribution 46.0 56.0 City of Newport Beach residential noise standard 55.0 75.0 Project noise levels exceed standard? No No Existing ambient noise level 59.4 81.9 Existing ambient noise level plus project contribution 59.6 81.9 Noise level increase as a result of the project 0.2 0.0 Significant noise level increase?2 No No 1 Noise levels are calculated under “windows closed” conditions. The noise levels are calculated at the exterior property line of the nearest residential homes, located approximately 800 feet south of the site. 2 A 3 dBA increase in noise represents the point at which the human ear can barely perceive a change in noise levels and is a common threshold for determining a significant noise increase. TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. RK19200 Page 6 rk19200.doc JN: 2770-2023-01 Table 5 Noise Impact Analysis – Nighttime Scenario Noise Level (dBA)1 Leq (15-Minute Average) Lmax (Maximum) Project noise level contribution 46.0 56.0 City of Newport Beach residential noise standard 50.0 70.0 Project noise levels exceed standard? No No Existing ambient noise level2 56.4 78.9 Existing ambient noise level plus project contribution 56.8 78.9 Noise level increase as a result of the project 0.4 0.0 Significant noise level increase?2 No No 1 Noise levels are calculated under “windows closed” conditions. The noise levels are calculated at the exterior property line of the nearest residential homes, located approximately 800 feet south of the site. 2 A 3 dBA increase in noise represents the point at which the human ear can barely perceive a change in noise levels and is a common threshold for determining a significant noise increase. As shown in Tables 4 and 5, the noise level contribution resulting from live music/DJ events at the adjacent residential homes will be approximately 46.0 dBA Leq and 56.0 dBA Lmax. These levels are within the limits established in the City’s Municipal Code for both daytime (55.0 dBA Leq and 75.0 dBA Lmax) and nighttime (50.0 dBA Leq and 70.0 dBA Lmax) noise standards. It should be noted that the noise standards used in this assessment, as listed in Tables 4 and 5, are being used conservatively. According to Section 10.26.025(C) of the Municipal Code, if the ambient noise level exceeds the established noise standard, the maximum allowable noise level for that category should be adjusted to reflect the highest ambient noise level. As indicated in Table 3 of this report, the current ambient noise levels at the nearby residential homes already exceed the noise standards set by the City of Newport Beach. Furthermore, the ambient noise level increase resulting from the introduction of live music/DJ activities will be less than significant. A significant increase in noise is commonly cited as a 3 dBA increase above the existing ambient conditions. This threshold is based on the FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance document and the Caltrans Basics of Highway Noise document. According to these documents, a 3 TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. RK19200 Page 7 rk19200.doc JN: 2770-2023-01 dBA increase represents the point at which the human ear can barely perceive a change in noise. Hence, the noise generated by the proposed live music/DJ events will not cause a perceptible change in ambient noise levels, and the noise level impact is not expected to exceed the City’s noise standard. Recommendations The following recommendations are provided to help ensure that the GuacAmigos restaurant operations comply with the noise level standards and do not adversely affect the surrounding properties: 1. During any live or amplified music/DJ event, all doors and windows facing the bay shall remain closed, except to allow people to enter or exit the building. 2. Should noise complaints arise, the project should perform a follow-up noise analysis to determine whether a violation is occurring and how the noise impact would be mitigated, if needed. Conclusions Based on the results of this analysis, the noise levels associated with the proposed GuacAmigos live music/DJ events are not projected to exceed the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code noise standards. RK is pleased to assist TRES AMIGOS FROM SAN DIEGO, LLC. If you have any questions regarding this study, please call us at (949) 474-0809. Sincerely, RK ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. Bryan Estrada, AICP Becca Morrison Principal Environmental Specialist Attachments: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Exhibits engineering group, inc.GUACAMIGOS LIVE MUSIC NOISE STUDY, City of Newport Beach, CA 2770-2023-01 engineering Location Map Exhibit A Legend: = Project Site Boundary = Sensitive Receptor Location (Residential Homes)1 N ~800' 1 engineering group, inc.GUACAMIGOS LIVE MUSIC NOISE STUDY, City of Newport Beach, CA 2770-2023-01 engineering Noise Monitoring Location Exhibit B Legend: = Project Site Boundary = Noise Monitoring Location1 N 1 ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Appendices Appendix A City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 10.26 – Community Noise Control Appendix B Field Data and Photos Project: Engineer:B. Estrada Date:6/21/2018 JN:2770-18-01 Measurement Address: City:Newport Beach Site No.: Northeast Corner of Archibald Ave at 7th Street, Rancho Cucamonga Sound Level Meter: Calibration Record: Notes: Piccolo-II Input, dB/ Reading, dB/ Offset, dB/ Time Serial # A0520 Before 92.0 92.0 -- 8:30 PM Temp: 65 After Windspeed: 5 Calibrator:Direction: WSW Piccolo-II Before / / / Skies: Cloudy Serial # A0520 After / / / Camera: Photo Nos. Notes:Measurement Type: Long-term Short-term X Start Time Stop Time Leq Lmin Lmax L2 L8 L25 L50 8:35 PM 8:50 PM 80.7 65.4 104.1 85.2 80.8 78.1 76 8:55 PM 9:10 PM 67.6 57.4 81.7 72.9 70.7 68.6 66.4 9:24 PM 9:39 PM 59.4 48.4 81.9 67.1 63.5 56.7 54.2 Meter was located adjacent to Lido Island Bridge along the bay. Lo c a t i o n s 1 5 4 3 Field Sheet 1 Meter located inside restaurant. Noise includes noise from conversation and Happy Birthday Song. Meter was placed outside the restaurant on the sidewalk facing open window at approximately 5 ft from the restaurant. Windows closed at 9:10 PM. Meter Settings: ⌧ A-WTD … LINEAR ⌧ SLOW … 1/1 OCT ⌧ INTERVALS ___15____- MINUTE … C-WTD … IMPULSE … FAST … 1/3 OCT ⌧ LN PERCENTILE VALUES 2 GuacAmigos Restaurant c 2 1 3 Project: Engineer:B. Estrada Date:9/21/2018 JN:2770-2018-01 Measurement Address: City:Newport Beach Site No.: 2800 Newport Boulevard 47.0 Field Sheet - ST1 Location Photos 1 GuacAmigos Project: Engineer:B. Estrada Date:9/21/2018 JN:2770-2018-01 Measurement Address: City:Newport Beach Site No.: 2800 Newport Boulevard 47.0 *Note picture taken after measurement completed and windows closed. Field Sheet - ST2 Location Photos GuacAmigos 2 Appendix C Noise Level Calculations NOISE BARRIER CALCULATIONS - BASED UPON FHWA - RD-77-108 PROJECT:GuacAmigos Live Music Noise Study JOB #:2770-2023-01 SOURCE:Restaurants with live music - Daytime DATE: 07/06/2023 LOCATION:Residential homes located ~800 ft. south of the site BY:B. Morrison NOISE INPUT DATA OBS DIST= 800.0 DT WALL=0.0 DT W/OB= 800.0 BARRIER+ HTH WALL=0.0 ******** TOPO SHIELDING = 0.00 BARRIER =0.0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) NOISE HTH EL= 5.0 OBS HTH=5.0 NOISE HTH=5.0 OBS EL =0.0 (10 = 3.0 dBA PER DOUBLING OF DISTANCE) NOISE EL =0.0 (15 = 4.5 dBA PER DOUBLING OF DISTANCE) DROP-OFF=10.0 (20 = 6.0 dBA PER DOUBLING OF DISTANCE) DIST (FT) Leq Lmax L2 L8 L25 L50 REF LEVEL 0.1 105.0 115.0 -- -- -- -- PROJ LEVEL 800 66.0 76.0 -- -- -- -- SHIELDING 800 -20.0 -20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ADJ PROJ LEVEL 800 46.0 56.0 -- -- -- -- NOISE LEVEL REDUCTION DUE TO DISTANCE = -39.03089987 TOTAL NOISE LEVEL (dBA) Leq Lmax L2 L8 L25 L50 AMBIENT LEVEL 59.4 81.9 -- -- -- -- ADJ PROJ LEVELS 46.0 56.0 -- -- -- -- TOTAL NOISE LEVEL W/ PROJECT 59.6 81.9 -- -- -- -- NOISE OUTPUT DATA (dBA) DROP OFF COEFFICENTS NOISE BARRIER CALCULATIONS - BASED UPON FHWA - RD-77-108 PROJECT:GuacAmigos Live Music Noise Study JOB #:2770-2023-01 SOURCE:Restaurants with live music - Nighttime DATE: 07/06/2023 LOCATION:Residential homes located ~800 ft. south of the site BY:B. Morrison NOISE INPUT DATA OBS DIST= 800.0 DT WALL=0.0 DT W/OB= 800.0 BARRIER+ HTH WALL=0.0 ******** TOPO SHIELDING = 0.00 BARRIER =0.0 (0=WALL,1=BERM) NOISE HTH EL= 5.0 OBS HTH=5.0 NOISE HTH=5.0 OBS EL =0.0 (10 = 3.0 dBA PER DOUBLING OF DISTANCE) NOISE EL =0.0 (15 = 4.5 dBA PER DOUBLING OF DISTANCE) DROP-OFF=10.0 (20 = 6.0 dBA PER DOUBLING OF DISTANCE) DIST (FT) Leq Lmax L2 L8 L25 L50 REF LEVEL 0.1 105.0 115.0 -- -- -- -- PROJ LEVEL 800 66.0 76.0 -- -- -- -- SHIELDING 800 -20.0 -20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ADJ PROJ LEVEL 800 46.0 56.0 -- -- -- -- NOISE LEVEL REDUCTION DUE TO DISTANCE = -39.03089987 TOTAL NOISE LEVEL (dBA) Leq Lmax L2 L8 L25 L50 AMBIENT LEVEL 56.4 78.9 -- -- -- -- ADJ PROJ LEVELS 46.0 56.0 -- -- -- -- TOTAL NOISE LEVEL W/ PROJECT 56.8 78.9 -- -- -- -- DROP OFF COEFFICENTS NOISE OUTPUT DATA (dBA)