HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2020-1906 - Permit Application (3)Pnnt f or'm Worksheet for Combo Building $ Solar Permit Application AWIAI F Comm I r Residential City of Newport Beach - Building Division /7 NOTE: PLAN CHECK FFFS nl M AT T1.11 111 Building r GraOUDMIIiAL ding rDrainage r Elec j- Mech PI m curd cull Cu vd Fin `J Project Address (Not mailing address) F Flood Fire F Liq r- Landslide f N/A Floor Suite No 06 (�otde tiro F_ F__ Description of Work e-y { 4e A (J C4 to Use F— ConstType �- J{ p�P�! � rR117J7 Lt AS O✓P TD # Stories #Units (if Res) r J Valuation $ Material/Labor New/Add SF�— R�— ZoderISF Garage/New/Add F— /IIO✓ OWNER'S NAME Last �y�/j �� y First �U�CCs JQSsi�� Owner's Address [�j/ / Owner's E-mail Address aoLDCA%4 V�t/�6 City �„ /1d� /�.G / State Zip f�Cj�ryiv ' ��t/"" b�f c� �Z(sGd Telephone " 7 APPLICANT'S NAME Last erFirst Applicant's Address Applicant's E-mail Address (s City @Coy.ne_f �/ qr• P L(o Tele hone Zi t j� S e State p Sys � asg o ARCHITECT ESIGNER'S NA Last U Firsty Lic. No. F-e"._ _— Architect/De ' ress Architect/Designer's E-mail Address City rj, (} r� e i „ State /r L Zip n- Telephone L . C- J"'rv. �J�fdtJL t`iT I�-�Lt�',4� � ,�'L ENGINEER'S NAME Last First �— Lic. No.F_-- Engineer's Address Engineer's E-mail Address City State �— Zip [_ Telephone[ — CONTRACTOR'S NAME/COMPANY IGtil�eL��bPlI3 �P�i Lic. No. b�/ Class�— Y Contractor's Address Contractor's E-mail Address 0c City a ��� d4 /Frl�rl % State /,tJ/ Zip �flc�iL- �O 9Z 6 Telephone VY Fit 7Slo SETBACKS REAR SETBACKS FRONT PERMIT NO. r_a'ozz— 006 SETBACKS LEFT SETBACKS RIGHT PLAN CHECK NO. Itj 2&,742r USE ZONE DEVELOPMENT NO PLAN CHECK FEES $