HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-2023 - Planning CommissionPage 1 of 4 NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 2023 REGULAR MEETING – 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Commissioner Langford III. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chair Curtis Ellmore, Vice Chair Mark Rosene, Secretary Tristan Harris, Commissioner Jonathan Langford, and Commissioner David Salene EXCUSED: Commissioners Brady Barto and Lee Lowrey Staff Present: Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell, Assistant City Attorney Yolanda Summerhill, City Traffic Engineer Brad Sommers, Associate Planner Joselyn Perez, Administrative Assistant Clarivel Rodriguez, and Department Assistant Savannah Martinez IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS None V. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCES None VI. CONSENT ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 MINUTES OF AUGUST 3, 2023 Recommended Action: Approve and file Motion made by Commissioner Langford and seconded by Secretary Harris to approve the minutes of the August 3, 2023, meeting with Mr. Mosher’s edits. AYES: Ellmore, Harris, Langford, Rosene, and Salene NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Lowrey and Barto VII. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ITEM NO. 2 PACIFICA CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT INCREASE (PA2023-0078) Site Location: 1499 Monrovia Avenue, 883 West 15th Street, 1515 Monrovia Avenue, 877 Production Place Summary: A request to amend the existing Use Permit for Pacifica Christian High School to increase student enrollment from 305 to 385 and to increase the number of administration and staff members from 35 to 50. Adequate parking would be provided by two on-site and two off-site surface parking lots totaling 170 parking spaces. As proposed, students would park either onsite, at the main high school campus (1499 Monrovia Avenue) or at the auxiliary campus (883 West 15th Street), or at Coastline Community College (1515 Monrovia Avenue). Administration and staff members would park in the off-site lots at either 1515 Monrovia Avenue or 877 Production Place. There are no additional classrooms, physical additions, or expansions proposed at either the main or auxiliary campus locations. DocuSign Envelope ID: BFE6DCF8-3463-4C66-B152-19ACFF5ADFF5 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes August 17, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Due to the proposed cumulative increase in average daily trips over a two-year period, the project also requires approval of a traffic study pursuant to Chapter 15.40 (Traffic Phasing Ordinance) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. If approved and implemented, this Use Permit will supersede UP2021-037, which would be rendered null and void. Recommended Actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing; 2. Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. PC2023-031 approving the Conditional Use Permit and Traffic Study. Associate Planner Perez used a presentation to review the project known as the Pacifica Christian High School (PCHS) enrollment increase. She described the project location, zoning and land use, chronology of the school, the current operational characteristics of the school and the requested increases. She stated that the project requires a conditional use permit and traffic study and finished her presentation with an overview of the proposed parking areas, drop-off and pick-up areas, the required findings to recommend approval of a Use Permit, highlighted relevant conditions of approval, and provided a recommendation. In response to Commissioner Langford’s question, Deputy Director Campbell indicated that the special events referenced in Condition of Approval No. 13 pertain to events that are not operationally characteristic of a school, like a festival that, would generate increased traffic. Except for Vice Chair Rosene who had a telephone conversation with the Applicant’s consultant and Commissioner Salene who visited the site, the remaining Commissioners had no ex parte communications. Chair Ellmore opened the public hearing. Shawna Schaffner, CEO of CAA Planning, used a presentation to provide an overview of the school and the request for a Conditional Use Permit. She provided current versus proposed student enrollment, a map of off-site parking locations, student parking specifics, a summary of the traffic study prepared pursuant to the City’s traffic phasing ordinance, the supporting queuing analysis, shared neighbor concerns received by the school, highlighted additional queuing strategies for the pickup and drop-off periods, and concluded her presentation. She indicated that the applicant has reviewed the conditions of approval and agrees to the terms, and suggested Condition of Approval No. 13 be clearer. In response to Commissioner Salene’s inquiry, Ms. Schaffner indicated that a condition of approval is in place for City Staff to dictate what happens next to address conflicting opinions from the Newport Knolls community. Vice Chair Rosene liked the idea of parent education and thought it would make a big difference. In response to his question, Ms. Schaffner confirmed that parent outreach has begun. Secretary Harris liked the proposed ideas and thought it would take a little time for the parents to get used to the new measures. In response to Commissioner Langford’s question, Ms. Schaffner noted that Coastline Community College does not have a problem with parking and dedicated spaces have been identified for PCHS. She referenced page 24 on the presentation to show the designated parking spaces and walking path. In response to Secretary Harris’ question, Ms. Schaffner, after confirming with David O’Neil, Head of School for PCHS, stated that staff parking, which is primarily at Coastline College, will move to Production Place, freeing up parking at Coastline College to be used by students. DocuSign Envelope ID: BFE6DCF8-3463-4C66-B152-19ACFF5ADFF5 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes August 17, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Aubrey Callahan, PCHS senior student, expressed thanks to the City and community for supporting the school and advocated for the amendment. Jen Kong, Newport Knolls resident, opposed the enrollment increase and expressed concern for traffic congestion, long wait times to return to her residence in the afternoon, and safety. Eric Farland, Newport Knolls resident, noted traffic challenges, existing queuing issues, and challenging conditions. He suggested fixing the existing problem before expanding. Josh Hawthorne, Newport Knolls resident, expressed concern for existing traffic congestion, safety and asked that the current concerns be addressed before increasing enrollment. Jim Stratton, Balboa Peninsula resident, supported the proposal and encouraged the Planning Commission to support it. Ms. Schaffner acknowledged the concerns expressed by the residents and noted that the new measures will improve the pick-up process, that only nine new students are anticipated for the coming year, and Condition of Approval No. 41 will allow for changes to queuing operations if there are problems. Deputy Director Campbell revised wording for Condition of Approval No. 13 to read: “A special event permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of PCHS as conditioned or that would attract large crowds and include any form of site media broadcast or other activity specified by the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) that requires such permits.” He noted that the initial increase in enrollment this fall is actually only 9 students and he suggested that moving forward with Condition of Approval No. 41 would provide opportunities to implement additional measures to address congestion issues. Chair Ellmore closed the public hearing. Commissioner Langford stated that it sounded like a thoughtful plan and supported the enrollment increase. Commissioner Salene suggested resolving the issues before increasing the enrollment. Vice Chair Rosene noted efforts to improve the queuing issues, suggested the City traffic engineer be on site to access the situation, thought the matter is going in the right direction, and supported the conditional use permit (CUP) and traffic study. City Traffic Engineer Sommers relayed a pledge to have traffic engineering staff visit PCHS to monitor traffic after the school year commences. Motion made by Commissioner Langford and seconded by Chair Ellmore to approve the item with the clarifying language for Condition of Approval No. 13 as indicated by staff. Chair Ellmore relayed the channel and process for complaints and thought the analysis was thorough, there will never be a perfect solution, and what has been put forward by staff is the best possible solution. AYES: Ellmore, Harris, Langford, Rosene NOES: Salene ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Lowrey, Barto VIII. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER ITEMS ITEM NO. 3 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION None DocuSign Envelope ID: BFE6DCF8-3463-4C66-B152-19ACFF5ADFF5 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes August 17, 2023 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NO. 4 REPORT BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OR REQUEST FOR MATTERS WHICH A PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA Deputy Director Campbell noted that there are no Planning Commission items being considered by the City Council meeting at its next meeting. The next Planning Commission meeting on September 7, 2023, will have two agenda items. Mr. Campbell also reported that the Airport Land Use Commission found the noise related amendments the Planning Commission previously reviewed inconsistent with the Airport Environs Land Use Plan. He indicated that the City Council will review the matter on September 12, 2023, by considering a potential override. ITEM NO. 5 REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Commission Langford requested an excused absence for September 7, 2023. IX. ADJOURNMENT – With no further business, Chair Ellmore adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m. The agenda for the August 17, 2023, Planning Commission meeting was posted on Thursday, August 10, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. in the Chambers binder, on the digital display board located inside the vestibule of the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, and on the City’s website on Thursday, August 10, 2023, at 2:59 p.m. _______________________________ Curtis Ellmore, Chair _______________________________ Tristan Harris, Secretary DocuSign Envelope ID: BFE6DCF8-3463-4C66-B152-19ACFF5ADFF5