HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2021-291_20211207_Plans_11x17PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CONVERT INTERIOR PORTION OF AN EXISTING SINGLE-UNIT DWELLING TO A JUNIOR ADU (JADU) CONT Al NG AN EFFICIENCY l<ITCHEN, FULL BATH, AND CLOSET ALL UNDER A COMBINED 500 SF. TWO ENTRY POINTS AVAILABLE TO PROPOSED JADU, INCLUDING ONE EXTERIOR AND ONE INTERIOR. EXISTING DWELLING SATIFIES ALL REQUIREMENTS, NO WORI< IS PROPOSED IN PLAN. t t ~ [;;]~ ~ CONTACTS GENERAL CONTRACTOR & APPLICANT WINl<LE CUSTOM HOMES 3857 BIRCH ST. #460 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 OWNER JIM & CINDY HELFRICH 14 BEACON BAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ·--,-------------------------------------------------------------------- __ , I I I I I 4•.01a· 1 ---------;<----- ~ l! ~ z ~ ~ h ,,., I ~l -··t 'r. I ,; I I ... .L __ PLAN ON RECORD: ARCHITECT BRANDON ARCHITECTS, INC CHRISTOPHER BRANDON 151 KALMUS DR. STE G-1 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 19'•6" 3'·111/2' -----·- BEOROOM#3 6'·6' 22'-83/4" ~ INTERIOR 4'-0618· 00'•11' --·-i ___ ,•._o· __ _,,_ ______ 10·:!'. ~..::.::.;,1<---'c...;'·•,_· -K---'-''·o..'' ~K-'-''...c·•=1a'-+' ___,,__,·-o_· --.1<-.:....•··o..'' --,r-l 4•.3112· .. -K--"-•··c:."'--,1<---''--''•6-"-'11,_· _,,#--. _•.:....··•=3/0c...·. ' l . :OFFICE till 4•1MI" _____ 9'-51/&' ~ EXTERIOR ,.~ - • ---·-·· -------•i II L--~ --rn LAUNDRY MASTER SUITE GD CID 7101114' ~ ~ 3'•1 l]]J ---+-,,,_-----~, . --····•·-· MASTER W.1.C. ~[]fl r 14•.:u14a 4 4 TOTAL JADU SQUARE FOOTAGE JADU LIVING JADU BALCONY TOTAL JADU SF 275SF 45SF 320 SF ~ l!? t--·--· .... 1&'-01ta" 7'-6' __ J,, \ ® \ •tffil • !>! ': ~ I t _ 1.5:1t_ !l I! l! ' ~ --,_;;· ~ ---=-~--~ ----~ ~i I I I ~ -4- ~ _____ J ~ PLAN LEGEND JADU-01 COVER SHEET & FLOOR PLAN JADU-02 ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN JADU-03 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS JADU-04 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REQUIREMENTS ffi TRUE NORTH EB PROJECT NORTH :PU-\:r-11 Jli~.lE?ARtiID: Wf:Z9!#iou ~ z 0 -~ u i -..a > ~--. A. <· A. tt'l cl C Z:i ::, 0 Si 0 (.) LU <(l;il C ~~ --Q "'1" fl... ~~ II.I "' z 0 A. 0 ~ a. COVER SHEET & OVERALL FLOOR PLAN JADU.01 PLAN ON RECORD: ARCHITECT BRANDON ARCHITECTS, INC CHRISTOPHER BRANDON 1S1 KALMUS DR. STE G-1 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 ;,., c·i I I I I I I L ___ 8' -11,'4" JADU BEDROOM 12'·0" CL.R 5'•0" ~ , t 11'· 0'1'· 10 l/4' m" ···,r. ••• 1- '<1· . M 6' • O' l , 2' • fi" . 1 I 2·. 35/8' l a•.s· )(' • ----;,( ----···---· -. • ··-·•· ...... ·•·--•· ., .... .. -----..,.._ • ...._ llillifPst -• ... ..... P• W11V 'W ,__ --- 22'. 8 3!4' HOUSE ENTRY ------ 4'• 1518' KEYNOTE LEGEND 8 FURNISHINGS -AS SELECTED 11 EXTERIOR GAURDRAIL 17 COUNTERTOP -AS SELECTED 18 BASE CABINET 19 BUILT-IN APPLIANCE 20 UPPER CABINET 21 VANITY SINK 23 EXTERIOR SPIRAL STAIRS 27 SHOWER 30 EXTERIOR SPIRAL STAIRS 31 SINK DIMENSIONS NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF SHEATHING (EXT. WALLS) OR FACE OF STRUCTURE (F.O.S) TYP U.N.O. ROUNDED TD THE NEAREST 1/8". 5'-31>2' --____ ill ... -· -- If· 51/8'' PLAN PREPARED: 10/29/2021 z 0 -~ u -_. A. A. <C :, Q <C --Q LIi "' 0 A. 2 A. I 0 U) (J ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN JADU.02 I~ ~l~ F:l"c i3 I, h'.~ ' li.,i t:"-_, -~, [w] WEST ELEVATION PLAN ON RECORD: ARCHITECT BRANDON ARCHITECTS, INC CHRISTOPHER BRANDON 151 KALMUS DR. STE G-1 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 38.6&' q\ - [NJ NORTH ELEVATION l, ,;. . 9uEsrnu1rE.fLQQR(f ~~Jf~ GUEST SUITE.F\OQR p½N!, ~ Pl.AN P.RBP.~RB!))~ 10/:ZS!fl:CIU z 0 -:c u ~ -.... >-A. N <Cm A. ca <t: cc 0 Z:i ::, 0 0 Q 0 ul <C < ell LU I- ~ ca a: 0 Q ""'a.. T""S: Ill LU "' z 0 A. 0 a.= A. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS JADU.03 .,.-~•_:.,__.~... . (t~;J,.y NEVi/PORT BEACH ... -:--, ....... • ACCESSORY DWELi.iNG UNIT ORDINANCE SUMMARY Accessory Dwelling Units {AOU) and Junior /lcccs.sory Owclhng Units (JAIJU} are rcgulatNl lly Newport Bc,1ch Municipal Code Seclions .20.48.2\lO and l.1.4{,)U!J. Ministerial re11iew of all AOU~ ,111d Ill.OU~ w,11 occur H1rough a Zomng Clearance w,thin 60 days of rcce11r.ng a complete appltcatim1. A Coast,1! Development Permit may also be required for JlfOJJCrties withm ll1f, Coasul Zone. Nease consult with o pfmmer p,-ior 10 sulm.1illi11g and AOU/JAOU project. fon~euionofa,rt illterior _ porrl~n of an e}{/ffing 9r ptopoted singfe'.u1iit dwelling or OIi (!,!(/Sting detached • • : • ~ fKCl'.SSOl}I /J(J//(/i(l(j •• J(l°Stitlgnlm, 10110/on fri:l/11it ient ,Construclio~ of Olll?W ADU OS "detached. -·-. ---accessory buifdi11g to , 011 exl~tinr,mulli-litiir de,ietopmenr -• o.wed on all residential .-ind o,ixed zo11ed prop<irti~s that are 1mprovl±d with a single-unit dwelling that arc im1irovcd with multi,unll dwetu11 s None No Mayalsoprovlde#\OU • Must f1)eei minimum <?fficici1cy unit rcquireme(lts, as set forth In the.Bulldlng Code Studto/Onc-Bl?drt;,om "" 850 At lc11s1 one and no more than 2!'>% of tho <'!xisting unit count in the mulli,unil dl!~efopmcm No • _'fwo Sedrooni = 1,000 Stud to ilnd Onc,Bcdroom "850 Two Uedrccm" 1,000 Application of ltoor area llmit °"-site coverage shall not reduce AOU below soo • squarefoet _Per base zon!l 16 leet Per base ?Orie N/A Perbase2()tie Per basll zone Pc_r nasc_Zone '1 feet (nOtilbutting aUcy) or base wne;whid1evct • lsle1s • • .hwfor enfra!'lcc requlr-cdin all cases. Jl:\OUs 11\/ly prolifde, 1nte1nat cooneclion; Ono plustlle 11rimaiy Applicatlon or floor are,'I limit or site r:ovcrag(! shall l\Ot reduce ADO bclo,v - 800square: feet 16 feet 4 reet or base wne. whidlCVi?f is less -irrc11f(riiiflii>ii£fii"lg'" alley) or b:1\t! :;;me, wl\ld\t!vCt is !es~ One thvelllng nlitst comptvw1th None One per unit - -~---------•--':...... arklng Varkit1g wJivcd to, Ille ,\OU if th!! iitope1ly ,,, ll w,thil1 V.. nute walking dist,1nce 10 lf,ln,it (induding r,:,rry); l} wlth;n an al(hitcctoral!y o.-tu;tonc,!illy $ign,r,,ant <hitn<t; ll 00-·S!fCN j)3Jii>'I t1Nlllits ,m, IC uircd ,,nd 110! J)rovidcd to the O({Ul)<Vtt of the AOU; or 4) w,th,n one block of .1 (,lf-~h.vc \'Clli(I(/ pi(k iJJl/drop off 1,xotion Atlow<-d; n.,11t,1ceme11t par~ing .-;:,quired in the Coastal looe /\!lowed; Rl!l)lac.;roN,t PMking rcq,,lfcd lll the COJSl.'ll lone r,,or t isiuanw of l.lllilding permit.owner must •ctorcl dc!ld <C$ttidiotl (p(ep~red bythe(ity)1101ing the site of Ule uo\t, desei'lplion of unit, prohibition 011 short to1m -ilmtalS, rohilJitillg the !,,1fo ortllo AOIJ/JAOU; il/\d spi!Ctl ·n OWOCMlCCu Jilt re ulrnme11t, Owner-<)C(llp,1ncy is not fi:(lttlt.;d fQr units limit between January l. .'!020 and l,lnuary l, 102 s. .,;...;,;~=='-'-11------..,,.----,..~----,..----ShotHC((Y) lodgltJg ls_ pr(lhibltcd .. AOUs ,llld JJIJ)JJs rnily not bit sold 51)1)/1@!1'.'ly N/A 'ConvNsion -•\ e,tl'll.'t: l} conversion of"N , . t> <.'l"nrC!j)P<' ol ,m e,i,tii>g ~;np.11.'-unit dWctting (intlud,ng g.uJlle); or n tl(Nelopment ol an /\OU within lh11 lootplint ,:,f ,1 p•Ql>Owd ,,og!e-umi dwe:r.ns kxcluding ga,~ge) that tomph<i with all aJ)J>!k~ble de,·,lo11<mmt ~uw~,dl. Con,tflKtion of.> MW ADU that t•xtcnth b..-ycmd the eMctop<> of an existing ,mgle unit dwelling 0, tw•,-ond lhe foot11rint of ,tpropo,ro ,,ngre u'1il dw;;lling 1h,,H tomply Vitlh tlw ,i~ndard, ,lpphc~l>!,..-to,1ffarh<'d Mu, 1 A.pf}1i<,lb¼? to<on-version\ ()f \")li\1ing if(;tf?~W!y itrnc:ttne\ onty .. C.onvN~ion!t within prin6J)«f 'Stn,nmc t~t criti!t-ed tc, J$0 d add•t~Qn, • "' for t-OOVl'-f!i-ion Qf t.~xa~t;ng cnc:JQ:~cd Oo-or a,c,1~ gdrflgt.'>, or carPt)tL r10 addJtionat 'i<'tbJ<l l'(~Quircd. for rcpMcenwnt ot d:!l ciis1ing tfld(ttt•d 1,tnu:tu11.\ fti'lr,1gc. or cNpoJt. no ddd1ti<J-rul sdb,1tk i5, u.•-Qulf("-d btt\-011-d the <'llitting wH~ck "An cffit:i(~flt:\' litc.hli'tt nlly irt<lud~ a b~l~l¢ plug_ in tooklrrg 1-lPt>lian(t.~ ~uth i., hot p!.att> or tnittowiwe .. A ~'>nt. food prcli)at..J.leiln tounttii ~tnd \tor .. '1&,l"' (~1bi~ts of ,ea~onabl\" s.in rcquirn(f, ..,. A l-t!'Pi'IMtc ytilit\t (CrlfJNtioo ltl,ty br.-ft,':(Ji.Jif('d w™!n th~ lhDU or ADU,~ tQ-tn,tfutk-d 41 p,irt of,, n.f.!W ~in,flX'-·utJ1t d'wt-it11lt. CURRENT RESIDENCE WITH PROPOSED CONVERSION ADU ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -FROM CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WEBSITE Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) are additional independent living facilities, for one or more persons, which are located the same parcel as a residential dwelling unit. The City is in the process of amending its regulations to permit the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) in conjunction with residential dwelling units. PLAN PREPARED: 10/29/2021 (/) lU C) ::r 0 I- U) u z 0 -~ u g -... >-~ a. a. <( < c( co (.) z ::c :::, 8~ Q c( <C CJ:l Wtc .... co 0 Q '1" Cl.. U,,I ,... ~ II) z 0 a. 0 ~ a. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REQUIREMETS JADU.04