HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(a) - Draft Minutes of August 21, 2023Attachment No. 1 Draft Minutes of August 21, 2023 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES COMMUNITY ROOM – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE AUGUST 21, 2023 REGULAR MEETING – 6:30 P.M. I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER – 6:30 p.m. II. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Gardner and Committee Members Phillip Brown and Kimberly Carter Staff: Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2023 Motion made by Chair Gardner and seconded by Committee Member Brown to approve the minutes of July 19, 2023, as written. The motion carried unanimously 3-0. b. Land Use Element Policy Revisions for Housing Element Implementation At the June 19, 2023, General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Land Use Element Subcommittee meeting, the Subcommittee conducted a final review of the proposed changes to the Land Use Element’s policies that are necessary to implement the adopted 6th Cycle Housing Element for the 2021-2029 planning period. At the July 19, 2023, GPAC meeting, the GPAC raised questions about the inclusion of Banning Ranch and increase density limits in each focus area. The GPAC voted to send the Policy Matrix back to the Land Use Element Subcommittee for further discussion. At the July 26, 2023, Subcommittee meeting, the members in attendance discussed the policies. Additionally, they supported the removal of Banning Ranch from consideration for housing development. At the August 21, 2023, GPAC meeting, the entire committee held a discussion and formed recommendations for the General Plan Update Steering Committee’s (GPUSC) consideration. Recommended Actions: (1) Review the GPAC’s recommendation, discuss and consider supporting the revisions (or modified revisions), and recommend that they proceed to the Planning Commission for a study session on September 21, 2023, for further input and, General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes August 21, 2023 Page 2 of 3 ultimately, to the City Council for review and consideration; and (2) Consider recommending that the City Council remove development potential from Banning Ranch when reviewing the Land Use Element update, or other direction, as appropriate. Charles Klobe thought that better education on how increased density would produce more affordable housing would make it more palatable. Chair Gardner suggested an outside speaker talk to the GPAC. Curtis Black suggested an expert speaker or consultant discuss what density enables on a project basis and thought people may be amenable to density increases in certain subareas. In response to Committee Member Brown’s question, Charles Klobe noted that removing Banning Ranch from the Housing Element came at the request of the new property owner. Debbie Stevens relayed that the removal also contributed to cleaning up the General Plan. Chair Gardner stated that the original outreach included Banning Ranch. Committee Member Carter thought it is important to know where the metrics are sourced for basing the density arguments and suggested objective standards to use for public defense. Susan DeSantis noted a feasibility analysis for affordable housing by Keyser Marston Associates that provides metrics and suggested circulating it to the Committee. Chair Gardner suggested the PowerPoint version be circulated with links to the report and staff agreed to send it out. Nancy Scarbrough thought it was a good document. Chair Gardner thought it would be a good resource document for the Committee. c. Potential Future Speakers or Topics for GPAC Chair Gardner proposed that the GPUSC recommend to the City Council that outside speakers be invited and noted potential fees. Staff offered to research speaker names and costs. Committee Member Carter thought the subcommittees should suggest topics of interest for speakers. Dennis Baker relayed two expert speaker types: one for topics applicable to the entire GPAC and another for focused areas. Chair Gardner suggested the speakers be recorded for future viewing. Nancy Scarbrough suggested using the recordings for public outreach. Chair Gardner indicated that the suggested speaker list will be reviewed, and each subcommittee will start thinking of areas of interest. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell directed speaker suggestions to Principal Planner Zdeba, Chair General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes August 21, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Garnder, or himself, and relayed that Dudek will bring their expertise. He noted Dudek’s work so far on the timeline. d. Report from Outreach Subcommittee Liaison Committee Member Carter provided an update on the GPAC Outreach Subcommittee meeting structure, approach, and successful engagement measurements. She thought that the interaction with Dudek was productive, and Curtis Black concurred. Principal Planner Zdeba noted the next meeting with the GPAC Outreach Subcommittee and GPUSC Liaison is tentatively set up for August 28, 2023, to review the draft Outreach and Engagement Plan. Dennis Baker thought that it was recognized that the Outreach Subcommittee needs to be front loaded and Dudek took good meeting notes. He expressed that he looks forward to seeing what they return back to the Committee. V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) In response to Committee Member Brown’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba noted that the attendance policy is on the Council’s upcoming agenda and Mr. Acevedo has been approved as a GPAC alternate and suggested that GPAC vacancy recommendations include an alternate recommendation. Curtis Black suggested considering candidates who are involved on other subcommittees and are also acting on this Committee. Chair Gardner preferred a mixture of people on the GPAC and Committee Members Carter and Brown agreed. Charles Klobe thought that if the GPUSC can make recommendations, then a participation rule is not necessary for GPAC. VI. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, Chair Gardner adjourned the meeting. The next meeting is to be determined.