HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Confirmation of Nominations to Fill the Unscheduled Vacancy on the Board of Library TrusteesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report TO: FROM: PREPARED BY: TITLE: ABSTRACT: November 14, 2023 Agenda Item No. 20 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk - 949-644-3005, (brown@newportbeachca.gov Eric Bryan, Deputy City Clerk, ebryan@newportbeachca.gov 949-644-3006 Confirmation of Nominations to Fill the Unscheduled Vacancy on the Board of Library Trustees On October 16, 2023, Douglas Coulter resigned from his position on the Board of Library Trustees. Due to his resignation, the City Council has the opportunity to fill the vacant position pursuant to the City Charter, City Council Policy A-2 (Boards, Commissions and Committees), and the Maddy Act. RECOMMENDATIONS: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; and b) Confirm the nominations of Fiona Ivey, Chase Rief, and Jenny Williams to fill the vacancy on the Board of Library Trustees. DISCUSSION: On October 16, 2023, Douglas Coulter resigned from his position on the Board of Library Trustees. Pursuant to City Council Policy A-2, Boards, Commissions and Committees, the City Council's new appointee to the Board of Library Trustees will serve the balance of the unexpired term that ends on June 30, 2025. Pursuant to City Council Policy A-2 and the Maddy Act, the City Clerk prepared and posted a Notice of Vacancy on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, in the City Clerk's Office, at the Central Library, on the bulletin board in the City Council Chambers, and on the City's website. In addition, the Notice of Vacancy was published in the Daily Pilot on Saturday, October 21, 2023. As per the notice, applications were accepted by the City Clerk's Office until noon on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Pursuant to City Council Policy A-2, Mayor Noah Blom appointed himself and Mayor Pro Tern Will O'Neill to the Ad Hoc Appointments Committee (Committee). At the conclusion of the application period, the applications were forwarded to the Committee members for review. 20-1 Confirmation of Nominations to Fill the Unscheduled Vacancy on the Board of Library Trustees November 14, 2023 Page 2 Following the review of the applications, the Committee recommends the nomination of Fiona Ivey, Chase Rief, and Jenny Williams. Copies of the nominees' applications are attached hereto (Attachment A). Appointment to the Board of Library Trustees will take place at the Tuesday, November 28, 2023 City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A — Applications 20-2 ATTACHMENT A AUG 1'23 m10:04 RECD CITE' CLERKS OFFIC APPLICATION FOR APPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY ❑F NEWPORT BEACH ( 100 Civic Center Drive Residence District No. l �+ Newport Beach, CA 92660 Verifiedby City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (94% 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so thatthe City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessaryforyou to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall befrom the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and may be posted on the internet, NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION ❑R COMMITTEE: Library Trustee Name: Ivey [Fiona lFarrell (Last) (First) (Middle) ResidenceAddress (required): Zip Code: Haw long have you lived in Newport Beach? 29 years Home/Cell .47 Business Address: Business Phone' Email Address - Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? Q N0 ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Do you currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ■❑ N0 ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? 0 N0 YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. None CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 20-3 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended California State University, Long Beach Liberal Studies BA 1990 California State University, Long Beach K-12 Multiple -subject Teaching Credenti 1991 United States International University Educational Psychology MA 1993 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization) office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Corona del Mar High School PTA President 2019-2021 Corona del Mar Middle School PTA President 2017-2018 Newport Coast Elementary School Foundation President 2012-2014 Meals on Wheels/Big Brothers, Big Sisters OC volunteer current Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Tustin Unified School District Public School teacher 1991-1999 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Karen Yelsey Address Phone No. 2. Name Ruth Kobayashi Address Phone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position forwhich you are applying. I've been an active community member for 29 years. My leadership roles include Founder of Newport Coast Mom's Club, Newport Coast Elementary School Foundation President, Founder of Brownie Troop 4233, CdMMS PTA President, CdMHS PTA President, NMUSD Zone PAC Chair, and multi -year CdM Home Tour Leader. I serve as a "Big" with Big Brothers, Big Sisters and a driver for Meals on Wheels via Oasis Senior Center. I'm a reader, an advocate of books and a believer in the magic of a library. I'd love to increase awareness of the abundant resources that NBPL offers. It would be a pleasure and honor to serve as a Library Trustee, working together with city officials to support library personnel as they continue to evolve services and programs to serve and meet the needs of Newport Beach residents. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOA( MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] ElSignature ions Ivey Date �7/2823 20-4 I am a retired teacher, a life-long learner, and an active patron of our library, attending Book Discussion Group, Meet the Author and Library Live events. This winter I will complete Literacy Tutor Training, I am on a waitlist list for the Homebound Volunteer Program, and my husband and I are season ticket holders to the Witte Lectures. As a family, we support the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation and have utilized the library from story time to Summer Reading Programs to studying for final exams to preparing for the LSAT. In addition to familiarizing myself with the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement, I have attended recent Trustee meetings and feel I am up-to-date and informed on issues the Board is currently facing. After last month's meeting, I was able to connect the Adult Services Coordinator with staff at Oasis Senior Center to provide flyers about the library's Homebound program to the 60+ homebound seniors receiving Meals on Wheels. A voracious reader, my personal passion is connecting books with readers. I am the self- appointed "Newport Beach Book Fairy," leaving books I've read throughout the city for others to find with a note encouraging finders to enjoy and then share the title with another reader. My personal bookshelves are in a constant state of overflow enabling me to continuously fill Free Little Libraries all over town as well as donate annually to Friends of the Library for their book sales. I have been an active member of our Newport Beach community for twenty-nine years. My leadership roles include Founding Member of the Newport Coast Mom's Club, Newport Coast Elementary School Foundation President, Founder of Brownie Troop #233, Corona del Mar Middle School PTA President, Corona del Mar High School PTA President, NMUSD Zone PAC Chair, and a multi -year Corona del Mar Home Tour Leader. Additionally, I serve as a "Big" with Big Brothers, Big Sisters Orange County, and a driver for Meals on Wheels through the Oasis Senior Center. At heart, I am a reader, an advocate of books, an admirer of librarians and a believer in the magic of a library. I would love to increase public awareness of the abundance of resources that NBPL offers. I welcome and encourage the selection committee to reach out to my references. It would be a pleasure and an honor to represent our local community as a Library Trustee, working together with city officials to support library personnel as they continue to evolve services and programs to serve and meet the needs of Newport Beach residents. 20-5 JUL 24'23 Am7:27 RECD CITY CLERKS OFFIC APPLICATION FOR APPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ResidenceDistri Verifiedby *v CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center prive Newport Beach, CA 92660 City Clerk (949) 644-3005 Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate you rqualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or on the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the positions) applied for. If you are not selected for appointmentduring that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Ccm missions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the internet. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Board of Library Trustees Name: Rief Timothy "Chase" (Last) (First) (Middle) Residence Address (required): Zip Code: How long have you lived in Newport Beach? Business Address: 10+ years Borne/Cell #: Business Phone: Email Address: Haveyou ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? 0 NO L] YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. Doyou currently hold any paid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ❑■ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? ❑ NO ❑ YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. None. CONTINUE TO PAGE TWO 20-6 Name and Location of Colleges] Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended University of Southern California Pol Science !Intl Relations Bachelors 200E Prioror Current Civic Experience (include membership in professional, charity or community organization] Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Newport Beach Foundation Board Member 2018-Fresent Andersen DEANS Foundation Vice President 2021-Present Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Rief Media Inc Marketing Firm President 2007-Present Shatterproof Agency Marketing Firm Co -Founder 2017- Present References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name Reed Glyer Address 2. Name Brent Leffel Address Phone No. Phone No. 171 Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. l nclude any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriatetothe position forwhich you are applying. Motivated by my family's active engagement with local programs and a deep-rooted involvement in our community, I aspire to serve on the Board of Library Trustees. My role as a technical lead, overseeing a diverse team, and my steadfast commitment to the Andersen DEANS foundation have equipped me with the necessary skills to steer our library's evolution in an ever -digital world. Simultaneously, these experiences have instilled in me a keen understanding of the community's needs, which I believe is essential to maintaining our library as a vibrant hub of knowledge, accessible to all and fostering lifelong learning. With this perspective, I aim to uphold the library's cherished role and ensure it thrives amidst changing times. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BCX MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] FSignature Date 07/21/2023 20-7 APPLICATION FORAPPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2923 APR 27 AM 6: 56 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive i ;' [" ` Newport Beach, CA 92660 Residence Distr� ITS Verified by � ^�,r-.� + ',_ -,,. ! '��',^;,' City Clerk (949) 544-3005 I Fax (949) 644-3039 DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so thatthe City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant tofamiliarixe themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the positions) applied for. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or an the City's website: www.newportbeachca.gov (City Government/Boards, Commissions and Committees). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re -submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 of the City Chart errequiresthat members of Boards orCommissions appointed bythe City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and maybe posted on the intern et. NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE: Board of Library Trustees Name: Williams Jenny C (Last) (First} (Middle) Residence Address (required): zip Code: How long have you lived in Newport Beach? 18 Home/Cell #: Business Address: Business Phone; Email Address: Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? 0 NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 702 of the City Charter, no members of boards or commissions shall hold any paid office or employment in the City govern ment. Do you currently hold anypaid office or employment with the City of Newport Beach, including but not limited to contracted services? ❑■ NO ❑ YES (If yes, attach separate sheet with explanation) If applying for a position on the Finance Committee, have you declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years? � NO R YES Please state any past, current or foreseeable future financial interests of any kind that may conflict with the Board, Commission or Committee you are applying for. n/a CONTINUE TO PAVE I WO 20-8 Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended Texas Tech University Finance Bachelors 2002 Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in Professional, charity or community organization) office Held (if any) Dates of Membership CHGC Glass Slipper Guild President 2015-2019 American Legion Auxilary; Friendship Circle NB Chapter Member, Member- 2007-2023; 2022-23 Girl Scout of America; Harbor View Swim Team Troop Volunteer; President 2018-2023; 2022 Harbor Day School Parent Council Library Volunteers coordinator 2016, 2019 Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List al I positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment Amazon Technology/E-Commerce Account Manager 2022-2023 Cutfcrm (c/o Google) Technology/Retail Account Manager/Consultant 2016-2022 Kawasaki, Inc. Risk ManagmentIegal Risk Manager 2005-2010 Aon Insurance Brokerage Insurance Broker 2003-2005 References. Include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City. 1. Name I John Crump Address Phone No. 2. Name Sharon Zigler Address Phone No. ul Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying. The Newport Beach library has brought delight & wonder to my children for the past 18 years. Whether participating in library programs (from toddler to teen), meeting new friends or exploring and discovering new genres, I am passionate about what the library offers our community. I would be honored to sit on the board of trustees ensuring the library's future success. I believe the greatest gift to give a child is a love for reading and Newport Beach does a wonderful job promoting reading to our youth. I have lived in Newport Beach since 2005 and would like to begin to give back to the community that has nourished and brought joy to my family for the past 18 years. I am comfortable speaking in public, using technology, organizing campaigns and financial data. I certify that all statements made an this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular position(s) that I am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the internet. [BOX MUST BE CHECKED IF SUBMITTING ELECTRONICALLY] L•J Signature Jenny Williams Date 04/25/2023 20-9