HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 - Allowing Short-Term Mooring License Agreements and Establishing Fair Market Value License Fees for Offshore and Onshore MooringsQ SEW Pp�T CITY OF z NEWPORT BEACH c�<,FORN'P City Council Staff Report November 14, 2023 Agenda Item No. 4 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Paul Blank, City Harbormaster - 949-270-8159, pblank@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Paul Blank, City Harbormaster PHONE: 949-270-8158 TITLE: Ordinance No. 2023-17 and Resolution No. 2023-62: Allowing Short -Term Mooring License Agreements and Establishing Fair Market Value License Fees for Offshore and Onshore Moorings ABSTRACT: The City of Newport Beach has 14 moorings in the harbor. At its June, July and August 2023 meetings, the Harbor Commission discussed opportunities and operational characteristics of a new arrangement that will allow mariners to use moorings without having to acquire an existing permit or participate in the sub -permit process. The Harbor Commission recommended Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) revisions to accommodate a new license arrangement for City moorings as well as fair market fees for such a license. The recommendation also included a draft license agreement and process for issuing licenses for these moorings. RECOMMENDATIONS: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Waive full reading, direct the City Clerk to read by title only, introduce Ordinance No. 2023-17, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Adding Section 17.60.045 (Short -Term Mooring Licenses) to Chapter 17.60 (Harbor Permits and Leases) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code Regarding Short -Term Mooring Licenses, and pass to second reading on November 28, 2023; c) Adopt Resolution No. 2023-62, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Setting the Fair Market Value License Fee for Short -Term Moorings Located Upon Tidelands in Newport Harbor; and d) Approve Budget Amendment No. 24-032 anticipating $22,306 in revenue from the licensing of City moorings in the current fiscal year (10045451-551034). 4-1 Ordinance No. 2023-17 and Resolution No. 2023-62: Allowing Short -Term Mooring License Agreements and Establishing Fair Market Value License Fees for Offshore and Onshore Moorings November 14, 2023 Page 2 DISCUSSION: There are 14 moorings permitted to the City of Newport Beach. Ten of the permits are for offshore moorings and four of them are for onshore moorings. Currently, the City can write short-term sub -permits on those moorings as well as other permitted moorings that have been vacant for more than 30 days. From the NBMC: • Sub -Permit. The term "sub -permit" shall mean a permit issued by the harbormaster for the temporary use of a deemed vacant or noticed vacant mooring. • A mooring sub -permit may be up to 15 days and may terminate at any time for any reason and may be renewed based on availability. The mooring sub -permit process was deliberately limited to 15 days with options to renew. Part of the rationale for such a limited term is the risk of the actual permittee returning or wanting to use the mooring and the associated necessity to relocate the sub-permittee. Some mariners seek longer -term arrangements for a mooring in Newport Harbor but do not wish to become mooring permittees by participating in the mooring permit transfer process. To satisfy the demand for such arrangements, the Harbor Commission explored and discussed the opportunity to establish a new permit, sub -permit, or license type that would allow the City to rent the City moorings to qualified tenants. At its August 9, 2023 meeting, the Harbor Commissioners unanimously agreed (6-0 with one Commissioner absent) on recommendations for a license agreement for City moorings. These recommended license agreements would be longer term than the current sub -permit process allows and more easily perpetuated by simply paying the license fee and not having to sign a new agreement every 15 days. The Commission also considered the terms, conditions, requirements and fees associated with the recommended arrangement. The "fair market value rate" recommendation was based on an appraisal recently performed by a qualified professional. The Harbor Commission recommends that the fees adjust annually, as other City rents and fees do. The operational characteristics of the recommended new arrangement include requirements similar to those of existing permits and sub -permits. The Commission recommended one requirement different from current permits, which is a requirement to keep a boat on the mooring (actively use) or forfeit it back to the City so it can be rented to the next person on an interest list. The recommended ordinance includes a new section to be added to Title 17, the Harbor Code. The new section, 17.60.045, establishes the authority to issue licenses for City moorings and establishes the rules for their use. 4-2 Ordinance No. 2023-17 and Resolution No. 2023-62: Allowing Short -Term Mooring License Agreements and Establishing Fair Market Value License Fees for Offshore and Onshore Moorings November 14, 2023 Page 3 The recommended resolution establishes the fees for the use of the City -licensed moorings and provides for the adjustment of those rates annually consistent with other City properties subject to similar agreements. FISCAL IMPACT: The budget amendment increases revenue in the Tidelands Fund by $22,306 for short- term mooring licensing fees anticipated for the months of May 2024 and June 2024. The estimated annual revenue from the short-term licensing of moorings is $133,836, which will be incorporated into the revenue budget in future years. The revenue will be posted to the Short -Term Mooring License account in the Harbor Department, 10045451- 551034. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Ordinance No. 2023-17 Attachment B — Resolution No. 2023-62 Attachment C — Moorings Held by the City of Newport Beach Attachment D — Fair Market Appraisal for Licensed Moorings Attachment E — Proposed License Agreement Attachment F — Process for Developing Interest List, Initial Issuance and Maintenance of Waitlist for City Moorings Attachment G — Presentation on New License Arrangement for City Moorings Attachment H — Budget Amendment No. 24-032 Attachment I — NBMC 17.60.045 (redline) 4-3 ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE NO. 2023-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 17.60.045 (SHORT-TERM MOORING LICENSES) TO CHAPTER 17.60 (HARBOR PERMITS AND LEASES) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SHORT-TERM MOORING LICENSES WHEREAS, pursuant to the 1978 Beacon Bay Bill, as amended, ("Beacon Bay Bill") the City of Newport Beach ("City") acts on behalf of the State of California as the trustee of tidelands located within the City's limits, including Newport Harbor; WHEREAS, members of the public may moor their vessels in Newport Harbor by obtaining a mooring permit or mooring sub -permit under Section 17.60.040 (Mooring Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC"); WHEREAS, obtaining a mooring permit requires a significant upfront financial investment, thus keeping them out of reach for many, and mooring sub -permits are limited to fifteen -day terms and subject to termination at any time for any reason; WHEREAS, at its August 9, 2023 meeting, the Harbor Commission considered alternative means for members of the public to be able to use moorings that would not involve a significant financial investment and would allow for occupancies longer than fifteen days; and WHEREAS, by a vote of 6-0 (with one Harbor Commissioner absent), the Harbor Commission recommended the creation of short-term mooring licenses as an alternative to mooring permits and sub -permits, whereby boaters would have use of the mooring for a month, which term would be renewable. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: The Table of Contents for Chapter 17.60 (Harbor Permits and Leases) of the NBMC is amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 2023- Page 2 of 8 Chapter 17.60 HARBOR PERMITS AND LEASES Sections: 17.60.010 Public Trust Lands - General. 17.60.015 Application for Harbormaster Permits. 17.60.020 Application for Pier/Mooring Permits or the Lease of Public Trust Lands. 17.60.030 Pier Permits for Noncommercial Piers. 17.60.040 Mooring Permits. 17.60.045 Short -Term Mooring Licenses. 17.60.050 Houseboats. Section 2: Chapter 17.60 of the NBMC is amended to add new Section 17.60,045 (Short -Term Mooring Licenses) to read as follows: 17.60.045 Short -Term Mooring Licenses. A. General. 1. If a short-term mooring license is issued pursuant to this section, a person shall have the right to use or tie to an offshore mooring or onshore mooring in the waters of Newport Harbor. A mooring license shall be non -transferable and shall not provide any ownership interest in the underlying tidelands, which are held in trust by the City and owned by the people of the State. 2. The provisions and regulations in this title pertaining to "permittees" and "permits" generally shall also be applicable to licensees and mooring licenses except when this section expressly provides otherwise, or such application would conflict with this section. B. Term. Mooring licenses shall be valid for one month and may be renewed, provided the licensee has paid in full the license fee, any late fees and is not in violation of any provision of the license or this title. C. License Fee; Late Fee. A licensee shall pay a license fee equivalent to the monthly fair market value rent of the mooring, as established by resolution of the City Council. Failure to pay the license fee by the due date shall be grounds for 4-5 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 3 of 8 termination of the license by the Harbormaster. If the Harbormaster, in the Harbormaster's sole discretion, elects to not terminate a license for failure to pay by the due date, licensee shall pay a late fee in the amount established by resolution of the City Council. Failure of a licensee to pay the license fee and late fee within ten (10) days of the date due shall result in immediate termination of the license and the termination shall not be appealable to the Harbor Commission. D. Eligibility Criteria. 1. Mooring licenses may be held only by natural persons. No more than two persons may be listed on a mooring license. 2. A person may hold up to two mooring licenses, but they cannot be for the same type of mooring (e.g., both onshore or both offshore). 3. Onshore mooring permittees shall be ineligible for onshore mooring licenses and offshore mooring permittees shall be ineligible for offshore mooring licenses. Mooring permittees holding more than one mooring permit shall not be eligible for any mooring license. 4. The person or persons listed on the mooring license must have at least a fifty (50) percent ownership interest in the vessel assigned to the mooring. The minimum ownership interest requirement may be satisfied by the combined interests of the two persons. For vessels that are not held in an individual capacity, such as in trust or by a limited liability company, evidence of the required minimum ownership interest shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Harbormaster. E. Application for Mooring License. Application for a mooring license shall be filed with the Harbormaster, on forms approved by the Harbormaster and shall include the following in addition to such other information the Harbormaster may require: 1. Applicant(s)' full legal name, current address, current telephone number and current email address; 2. Vessel registration or other proof of ownership required by the Harbormaster; and Ordinance No. 2023- Page 4 of 8 3. Insurance, which types and amounts shall be determined by the Risk Manager. F. Issuance of Mooring License. The Harbormaster may issue mooring licenses subject to the conditions set forth in this subsection. 1. Each person listed on a mooring license shall be individually and collectively responsible for all activities pursuant to the mooring license and compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, and conditions. 2. A licensee may not allow vessels other than the assigned vessel and tender to use the mooring. 3. A licensee shall ensure mooring spreader lines remain visible on the surface at all times by the use of floats or other devices or methods and shall keep the lines clean of algae and other marine growth. Except for spreader lines, the City shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of mooring system components, including, but not limited to, chains, shackles, anchors, weights, lines, and buoys. 4. Live-aboards shall be prohibited. 5. The City may temporarily assign a mooring that is vacant or unoccupied to another vessel through the issuance of a mooring sub -permit in accordance with Section 17.60.040(H). 6. A licensee shall move the vessel from the mooring to another location when deemed necessary by the Public Works Director and/or Harbormaster. Upon the licensee's failure to do so, the City or a contractor retained by the City may move the assigned vessel at the licensee's expense. 7. A licensee shall be subject to relocation or reassignment to another mooring pursuant to Section 17.60.040(B)(2)(1). 8. The Harbormaster may board the assigned vessel at any time to inspect the condition and operability of the marine sanitation device(s) and/or insert dye tablets to determine whether said devices are discharging overboard. 4-7 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 5 of 8 9. A licensee shall defend and indemnify the City and any other government entity with jurisdiction against any claims or losses arising out of, or related to the use of, the mooring license except where the claim or loss arises from a sub-permittee's damage of the mooring, or out of the negligence and/or misconduct of a person assigned the mooring as a mooring sub-permittee under Section 17.60.040(H). 10. A licensee shall notify the City within five (5) days of any change in the information that was provided in their mooring license application including, but not limited to, a change in ownership interest in the assigned vessel. G. Extended Vessel Absence. Vacancy or absence from the mooring by the assigned vessel for at least twenty-five (25) consecutive days shall be deemed abandonment of the mooring and shall result in automatic termination of the mooring license. Termination of license based on abandonment shall not be appealable to the Harbor Commission. The following situations shall not constitute a mooring being deemed abandoned: 1. The absence or vacancy from the mooring, which shall not exceed six (6) months, with the prior written approval of the Harbormaster. 2. The licensee is in the process of changing the assigned vessel, provided that (a) written notice of the intent to remove and replace the assigned vessel is given to the Harbormaster prior to removal of the vessel, (b) all required information and documentation for the new vessel, including proof of ownership or registration, is submitted to the Harbormaster within ninety (90) days of the date of the written notice, and (c) the vessel is made available for inspection by the Harbormaster for compliance with Section 17.25.020(H). H. Mooring of a Tender. A single tender, which serves as access to and from shore to the assigned vessel, may be secured to the assigned vessel or to the offshore mooring in the absence of the assigned vessel. The tender must be secured in such a manner so as not to intrude into the fairway or obstruct other vessels. Termination. 1. The Harbormaster may terminate a mooring license for the licensee's failure to correct any violation of this section or any applicable provision of Title 17 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 6 of 8 within the timeframe set forth in a notice of violation issued by the Harbormaster. 2. Upon a determination that grounds for termination of a mooring license exist, the Harbormaster shall serve written notice of the termination in accordance with Section 1.05.030 to the licensee stating the grounds for the action, the effective date of the decision, and the right of the licensee to appeal the decision to the Harbor Commission. The licensee shall have fourteen (14) days from the date on which notice is deemed served to request a hearing or else the decision of the Harbormaster shall be final. Termination of a license for failure to pay any fees or based on the abandonment of a mooring shall not be appealable to the Harbor Commission. 3. Upon termination of the mooring license, the licensee shall immediately remove their vessel(s) from the mooring. The City may impound any vessel not removed within ten (10) days of the termination date and thereafter dispose of it in the manner provided by law. City -incurred costs for removal of the vessel may be charged against the licensee and collected in any court of competent jurisdiction or recovered by the City from the proceeds of sale of the vessel. 4. If a timely appeal is filed, the process for revocation of mooring permits set forth in Section 17.70.020 shall be followed. Section 3: The City Council authorizes the Harbormaster to prepare a mooring license application form and license agreement that is consistent with terms and provisions of this ordinance and approved as to form by the City Attorney. Section 4: The City Council authorizes the Harbormaster to take any other actions necessary to implement the mooring license program, consistent with this ordinance, such as the creation of a selection process and waiting list for issuing mooring licenses, and requiring payment of an initial fee to join the waiting list and annual fee to remain on the list, once those fees are established by resolution of the City Council. Section 5: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. i • Ordinance No. 2023- Page 7 of 8 Section 6: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 7: The City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 ("CEQA Guidelines"). The ordinance has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly, because the impacts from the usage of existing moorings as allowed under the ordinance will be no different from the impacts from the usage under the existing permit program. For the same reasons, the City Council also finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is exempt from CEQA environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 8: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other sections, subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. 4-10 Ordinance No. 2023- Page 8 of 8 Section 9: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 14th of November, 2023, and adopted on the 28th day of November, 2023, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: NOAH BLOM, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE AA ON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY 4-11 ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 2023- 62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, SETTING THE FAIR MARKET VALUE LICENSE FEE FOR SHORT-TERM MOORINGS LOCATED UPON TIDELANDS IN NEWPORT HARBOR WHEREAS, pursuant to the 1978 Beacon Bay Bill, as amended, ("Beacon Bay Bill") the City of Newport Beach ("City") acts on behalf of the State of California as the trustee of tidelands located within the City's limits, including Newport Harbor; WHEREAS, the Beacon Bay Bill and Chapter 17.60 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") allow the City to issue permits to members of the public to construct, maintain, and use moorings upon those tidelands; WHEREAS, at its August 9, 2023 meeting, the Harbor Commission considered alternatives to mooring permits and mooring sub -permits by which members of the public would be able to use moorings in Newport Harbor and recommended by a vote of 6-0 (with one Commissioner absent) the creation of short-term mooring licenses; WHEREAS, at the same meeting, the Harbor Commission also reviewed and considered an appraisal by Netzer & Associates, dated August 2, 2023 ("Netzer Appraisal"), that analyzed the fair market value of rent for use of onshore and offshore moorings held by the City ("City moorings") under a short-term mooring license; WHEREAS, based on the Netzer Appraisal and documents and comments received at the meeting, the Harbor Commission further recommended: (a) that the short- term mooring license fee be set in accordance with the Netzer Appraisal, with subsequent changes to be based on adjustments to the index rate used to determine the rent for Balboa Yacht Basin slips ("Balboa Yacht Basin index rate"), (b) for the Harbor Commission to have the ability to re-evaluate subsequent changes in the mooring license fee and whether to continue the use of the Balboa Yacht Basin index rate if the City Council were to change the calculation of the Balboa Yacht Basin index rate or decide to utilize a different methodology to establish rents for the Balboa Yacht Basin, and (c) that persons who wish to join the waitlist for the short-term mooring licenses be charged an initial fee and annual fee to cover the cost associated with maintaining the waitlist, which fees shall be established by resolution of the City Council; 4-12 Resolution No. 2023- Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, Ordinance No. , which is being introduced concurrently with this resolution, would add NBMC Section 17.60.045 (Short -Term Mooring Licenses) to provide a process for the issuance of short-term mooring licenses that would allow the public to use onshore and offshore moorings in Newport Harbor for a renewable one -month term; WHEREAS, like mooring permits, short-term mooring licenses issued by the City do not convey any underlying property interest, and instead only allow for the temporary mooring of a vessel upon the waters of Newport Harbor; WHEREAS, California Constitution Article 16, Section 6, NBMC Section 17.60.020(E) and City Council Policy F-7 require the users of public tidelands be subject to rental or lease charges reflective of the fair market value related to such use, as determined by the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council has the exclusive discretion to determine fair market value rental or lease charges based, in part, upon the findings of a City -selected appraiser; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the Netzer Appraisal as well as all other documents and comments in the record in connection with this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby find that the rent provisions contained in this resolution provide for the charging of a fair market short-term mooring license fee and that the license fee (and adjustments) constitutes fair market value rent for the City moorings. These findings are made by the City Council in its exclusive discretion but are based, in part, on the information in the appraisal of its City -selected appraiser and, in addition, on other testimony and documents in the record for this matter. The City Council further finds and determines the license fee for City moorings used pursuant to a short- term mooring license shall be set in accordance with the provisions of this resolution. The license fee for City moorings shall be set as follows: 4-13 Resolution No. 2023- Page 3 of 4 Length (LF) Mooring Type License Fee (monthly) $/LF Total 18 Onshore $9.00 $162.00 30 Offshore $13.00 $390.00 40 Offshore $15.00 $600.00 50 Offshore $17.50 $875.00 60 Offshore $20.00 $1,200.00 95 Offshore $22.00 $2,090.00 Section 2: The short-term mooring license fee shall be adjusted annually on July 1 by the annual percentage change to the index rate used to determine rental increases for the Balboa Yacht Basin. The Harbor Commission shall re-evaluate subsequent changes in the mooring license fee and whether to continue the use of the Balboa Yacht Basin index rate if the City Council changes the calculation of the index rate or decide to utilize a different methodology to establish rents for the Balboa Yacht Basin, which recommendations, if any, shall be sent to the City Council for consideration. Section 3: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 4-14 Resolution No. 2023- Page 4 of 4 Section 5: The City Council finds the setting of fair market value license fee for moorings located upon tidelands is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 ("CEQA Guidelines"), because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Alternatively, the City Council finds the setting of fair market value license fee for moorings located upon tidelands is entitled to a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 because the mooring rent contemplates the continued use of existing facilities, with no expansion of the proposed use. Further, the City Council finds the setting of fair market value license fee for moorings located upon tidelands is entitled to a Statutory Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15273(a)(1) because the fair market value license fee established by the City Council will be used to meet operating expenses within the tidelands. Section 6: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 2023. NOAH BI-OM Mayor r_rid�'16 Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY T TORNEY'S OFFI E A&A C. Harp City Attorney 4-15 ATTACHMENT C ��'��wr City of Newport Beach 0 Moorings Held by the City of Newport Beach ' As of: 10/23/2023 r� C9t 1 F4 �yr'�� Mooring Permittee Munis size Type A-072 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 30.00 Offshore Mooring A-094 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 95.00 Offshore Mooring C-032 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 50.00 Offshore Mooring C-034 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 50.00 Offshore Mooring C-036 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 60.00 Offshore Mooring C-042 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 40.00 Offshore Mooring F-014 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 60.00 Offshore Mooring H-031 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 50.00 Offshore Mooring H-081 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 60.00 Offshore Mooring J-0211 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 60.00 Offshore Mooring N-062A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 18.00 Onshore Mooring 5-065 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 18.00 Onshore Mooring 5-135B CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 18.00 Onshore Mooring W-017 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I18.00 Onshore Mooring 4-16 ATTACHMENT D NETZER & ASSOCIATES Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting August 2, 2023 File No. 2023-014 Lauren Wooding Whitlinger Real Property Administrator City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive, First Floor Bay D Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Appraisal Services - Fair Market Rent City Owned Moorings - 10 Offshore Moorings & 4 Onshore Moorings Newport Beach, California Dear Ms. Wooding Whitlinger: In accordance with your request and authorization, I have completed the research and analysis to estimate the Fair Market Rent in the above referenced property as of July 21, 2023. This letter is a Restricted Appraisal Report that is for internal purposes only and contains a total of 20 pages plus related Attachments and has been prepared in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and is subject to the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. The Assumptions and Limiting Conditions that apply to this assignment are included as Attachment A. This report is a Restricted Appraisal Report as described in USPAP Standards Rule 2-2 as only a summary of the comparable market data and value conclusions are presented. The back-up data has been retained in my files. The outbreak of COVID-19, commonly referred to as the coronavirus, has caused significant disruption of the financial markets, both in the United States and worldwide. Because of the rapidly changing environment, market participants (buyers, sellers, brokers, lenders, appraisers, tenants) in the real estate market have yet to formulate their opinions on the impact the virus and related stay-at-home orders, business closures and social distancing recommendations, in making their real estate investment decisions. I have relied on the economic trends and comparable sale transactions, which occurred during the global pandemic, in this analysis. In the short-term it is very possible that there may be a significant slowdown in real estate transaction activity, which may impact pricing, return requirements and investment expectations. In addition, it may have an impact on operating expenses and occupancy levels. Only time will reveal how this pandemic will affect property value and the long-term impact on pricing cannot be predicated at this time and will depend on the length and severity of the global pandemic. I reserve the right to make such adjustments to the analysis, opinions and conclusions set forth in this report as may be required by consideration of additional data or more reliable data that may become available. Purpose & Function of Report The Purpose and Function of this Report is to estimate the Fair Market Rent, in the "City Owned Moorings" that are located in Newport Harbor, including ten (10) offshore moorings and four (4) onshore moorings. 170 E. Seventeenth Street, Suite 206 ♦ Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ♦ Phone (949) 631-6799 ♦ JamesBNetzer@aol.com 4-17 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 2 Client & Intended User This Appraisal Report was requested by Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger, Real Property Administrator, with the City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department on behalf of the Harbor Commission, who are the Client and are the Intended Users of this Appraisal Report. In the event that this matter proceeds to trial or other governmental or administrative hearing, the Trier -of -Fact will become an intended user. Date of Value I have completed a limited inspection of the subject "City Owned Moorings" on July 21, 2023, which is the date of value presented in this report. Legal Description A complete legal description was not provided; however, this does not impact the analysis or conclusions presented. Interest Annraised The interest appraised is the "Fee Simple Estate"/t which is defined as follows: Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power and escheat. Market Rent Defined The term "Market Rent"/2, as used in this report, is defined as follows: The most probable rent that a property should bring in a competitive and open market reflecting the conditions and restrictions of the specified lease agreement, including the rental adjustment and revaluation, permitted uses, use restrictions, and expense obligations, term, concessions, renewal and purchase options, and tenant improvements (TIs). Bulkhead Line Defined The term `Bulkhead Line"/3, shall mean the harbor/land water perimeter lines established in Newport Harbor by the Federal Government which define the permitted limit of filling or solid structures that may be constructed in Newport Harbor. The establishment of the bulkhead lines does not necessarily allow the property owner to build to the limits of the bulkhead line due to potential environmental considerations established by the State of California and/or the Federal government. Mooriniz Defined The term "Mooring"/4 shall mean a device consisting or a floating buoy or other object that is t Appraisal Institute, The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Sixth Edition, (Chicago, 2015), p. 90. 2 Appraisal Institute, The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Sixth Edition, (Chicago, 2015), p. 140. 3 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.B.9. 4 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.J.7. Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 3 secured to the harbor bottom by an anchor system for purposes of securing a vessel and includes any apparatus used to secure a vessel in Newport Harbor which is not carried aboard such vessel as regular equipment when under way. Mooring Area Defined The term "Mooring Area"/5 shall mean an area designated for a group of moorings. Offshore Mooring Defined The term "Offshore Mooring"/6 shall mean a mooring that is located bayward of the pierhead line and is comprised of a single or double buoy, weight and chain installed for the purpose of berthing a vessel, as provided in Chapter 17.25. Onshore Mooring Defined The term "Onshore Mooring ,/7 or "shore mooring" shall mean a mooring for vessels which is located in the nearshore perimeter of the harbor and its islands, perpendicular to the shoreline, where one end of the mooring line is attached to a point on or adjacent to the bulkhead, and the other end is attached to a single buoy, weight and chain installed for the purpose of berthing a vessel, as provided in Chapter 17.25. Permittee(s) Defined The term "Permittee(s)"/' shall be a person or entity who holds a validly issued permit under any provision of this title. Pierhead Line Defined The term "Pierhead Line"/9, shall mean the harbor water area perimeter lines established in Newport Harbor by the Federal government or the City, in cooperation with private associations, that define the permitted limit of fixed pier, floating dock and other in -water structures which may be constructed in the harbor. The pierhead line typically shall define the limit of pier and floating dock structures and defines the limit of construction except as otherwise approved by the Harbor Commission. Project Line Defined The term "Project Line"Po, shall mean the harbor water area channel lines of the improvements and by the Federal Government in 1935 through 1936. Tidelands Defined The term "Tidelands'Y" or "Public Tidelands" shall mean all lands that were granted to the City by the State of California, including, but not limited to, submerged lands and/or lands that are s City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.J.8. 6 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.L.1. City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.L.2. 8 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.M.3. 9 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01-030.M.6. 10 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01-030.M.8. " City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030R 1. 4-19 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 4 located between the lines of mean high tide and mean low tide. Uplands Defined The term "Upland"/12 shall mean land with a shared property line with and immediately adjacent to Newport Harbor. City Owned Mooring Defined The term "City Owned Mooring" is not defined in the Harbor Code. For purposes of this Appraisal Report, the term "City Owned Mooring" shall mean either an "Onshore Mooring" or an "Offshore Mooring" (as defined above), in which the City of Newport Beach is the "Permittee" and the mooring is being rented/leased by the City on a long-term (as opposed to a "transient") basis. The mooring tackle is owned and maintained by the City of Newport Beach and the mooring rental agreement/lease and associated occupancy rights are NOT transferable. Without prior approval of the Harbormaster, the rental/lease agreement may be cancelled by the City if the mooring is unoccupied for period that has not been established, but assumed to be either 60- or 90-days. Probability of Change The opinion of value is based upon my knowledge of conditions as of the date of this report. Constantly changing economic, social, political and physical conditions have varying effects upon real property values. Even after the passage of a relatively short period of time, property values may change substantially and require a review based on differing market conditions. This is especially relevant due to the current issues surrounding the market's reaction to the COVID-19 virus, and the impact on the market rent as of the date of this appraisal cannot be measured. Owner of Record & Property History It is assumed that title to the subject is vested in the City of Newport Beach. I have reviewed the City's Mooring Transfer Logs from 2017 through 2023. The Mooring Transfer Logs indicate that Mooring J-211 transferred April 30, 2018, with an indicated transfer value of $30,000. The Mooring Logs do not indicate the name of the Transferor or the Transferee. The Mooring Transfer Logs do not include the transfer of any other "City Owned Moorings" between 2017 and 2023. 1 did not uncover any other listings for sale or offers and I have not been made aware of any pending sales or current offers to purchase any of the "City Owned Moorings". Scope of Assignment I have completed the research and analysis necessary to estimate the fair market rent of the "City Owned Moorings." Subject Property The subject of this appraisal are the "City Owned Moorings", which are summarized by mooring number, length (linear feet), type (onshore/offshore) and orientation (perimeter/interior), in the following table: 12 City of Newport Beach, Harbor Code, Chapter 17.01.030.Q.1. 4-20 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 5 Number Len th Type Orientation A-072 30 Offshore Interior A-094 95 Offshore Perimeter C-032 50 Offshore Interior C-034 50 Offshore Interior C-036 60 Offshore Perimeter C-042 40 Offshore Interior F-014 60 Offshore Perimeter H-031 50 Offshore Perimeter H-081 60 Offshore Corner J-0211 60 Offshore Interior N-062A 18 Onshore Not Applicable S-065 18 Onshore Not Applicable S-135B 18 Onshore Not Applicable W-017 18 Onshore Not Applicable The above moorings are the "City Owned Moorings" that are the subject of this appraisal report. COMPARABLE RENTAL ANALYSIS The purpose and function of this report is to estimate the Current Fair Market Rent of the "City Owned Moorings", which includes both onshore and offshore moorings over the tidelands located throughout Newport Harbor. The fair market rent analysis of the "City Owned Moorings" is based on the assumption that the City is responsible for providing the mooring hard ware and the maintenance and repair of the mooring hardware, the mooring will be leased on a long-term (non -transient) basis, which may include a month -to -month renewable rental or a licensing agreement, and that the lease/rental agreement and associated right of occupancy will not be transferable. The following table is a summary of the mooring programs uncovered that meet the assumptions that the fair market rent analysis is based on. It should be noted that in many jurisdictions moorings that are not transferable with the landlord responsible for the maintenance and repair are rented on a short-term, or transient, basis at a daily rate but not leased/rented on a long-term basis. The market data presented in the table does not reflect transient mooring rates. Onshore moorings are somewhat unique to Newport Harbor and while I have uncovered "shore" mooring data in other jurisdictions, including Long Beach (boat racks & sand stakes above the water line except at the highest tide), Santa Barbara (open beach storage above the water line) and San Diego (beach bars on the sand above the water line), these products are not judged to be relevant to the analysis. Onshore mooring information presented is from the Lido Isle Community Association (LICA) and is judged to be relevant to the balance of the Newport Harbor onshore moorings. It should be noted that the San Diego Mooring Company's "Mediterranean" moorings are somewhat analogous to a shore mooring, in that they are a hybrid mooring with the stern of the vessel attached to a fixed point on the seawall (stern to quay), with the anchor dropped offshore and the vessel is moored perpendicular to the seawall or quay. This method is used in areas with little room and tidal range and provides direct shore access. 4-21 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 6 MARKET RENT SURVEY - MOORINGS JULY 2023 Data No. Vessel Total Monthly Rent Equipment Name Mooring Length Monthly $/Linear Ft.* Maintenance Location Type LF Rent(mooring LF Cost 1/ Lido Isle Community Association Onshore 18' $105.37 $5.85 Landlord 701 Via Lido Soud Newport Beach Lido Isle 2/ San Diego Mooring Co. Landlord Shelter Island Roadstead Offshore 19'- 54' $128.17 $2.37 America's Cup Harbor, rows B-J Offshore Under 30' $147.57 $4.92 America's Cup Harbor, rows L-V Offshore 30% 65' $157.07 $2.42 Laurel Street Roadstead Offshore 19% 54' $138.02 $2.56 Laurel Street Mediterranean Mediterranean Under 35' $147.57 $4.22 Laurel Street Dual Point Offshore 19'- 35' $147.57 $4.22 Bay Bridge Roadstead (Coronado) Offshore 19'- 54' $128.17 $2.37 San Diego Harbor 3/ Monterey Harbor (east mooring) Offshore Under 30' $133.90 $4.46 Landlord 250 Figueroa Street 30'- 40' $177.70 $4.44 - $5.92 Monterey 41'- 45' $222.60 $4.95 - $ 5.42 4/ Morro Bay Offshore +32' - +60' $330 $5.50 - $10.31 Landlord 1275 Embarcadero Morro Bay 5/ Pillar Point Harbor Offshore 24' $132.00 $5.35 Landlord 1 Johnson Pier minimum (min.) Half Moon Bay 6/ Newport Harbor Yacht Club Offshore No min. Varies $13.25 or Landlord 720 W. Bay Avenue vessel by $13.85* Newport Beach length Len th 7/ Balboa Yacht Club Offshore No min. Varies $17.50 single Landlord 1801 Bayside Drive Vessel by $15.25 double Corona del Mar length Length *The information uncovered & the parties interviewed reported different rent per linear foot, but all reported this range Discussion & Analysis The Lido Isle Community Association (LICA) leases 18-foot onshore moorings that are located on Lido Isle. The annual payment was raised in 2023 from the rate of $1,149.50 annually ($5.32 per linear foot per month) in 2022. The lessee must be a "Qualified Lessee", which means either a LICA property owner or resident renter and the vessel must be owned by a Lido Isle Resident. The vessel must occupy the mooring except when in use or being repaired (not to exceed 60 days) and the LICA has the right to terminate the Lease if the boat is not being "actively used". Proof of vessel ownership, including annual updating, is required to maintain the individual mooring 4-22 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 7 permit. Only one "permittee" is allowed on the lease, even if a vessel is "shared". The moorings are not transferable (even to the owner of a "shared" boat) and revert back to the LICA upon termination of the lease. The inspection and maintenance of the mooring lines are the responsibility of the LICA. The weighted average rent per linear foot for wet slips on Lido Isle that are in the marina managed by the LICA is $25.06 per linear foot, with slips from 18- to 36- feet. As noted, the onshore moorings are not transferable and there is no initial investment to acquire a mooring; however, they are limited to either Lido Isle property owner's or residents. A review of the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) indicates the lowest sale price for a residence on Lido Isle in 2022/23 was $2,400,000 for a single-family residence located on the interior of the island. The MLS indicates the lowest lease rate on Lido Isle is $3,500 per month for a condominium or apartment and $6,500 per month for a single-family residence during the same time period. As noted, these moorings are for the exclusive use of residents of Lido Isle and as a resident of Lido Isle you are a member of the Lido Isle Community Association. The cost of entry, the membership in the community association that administers the moorings, the exclusive use of the moorings by residents, and the fact that the mooring rates are set by the community association suggest that, while instructive in setting the fair market rent, it may require secondary consideration in the final analysis as the "City Owned Moorings" are not subject to these considerations. The San Diego Mooring Company has four mooring fields in San Diego Harbor that are between Shelter Island and the Coronado Bay Bridge. They have a total of 462 mooring buoys that can accommodate vessels from 19- to 54-feet. They report a 100-percent occupancy (with the exception of moorings that are being serviced or have a derelict vessel) and a wait list. The moorings in each of the mooring fields rent for the same monthly rent regardless of vessel length and the table above reflects the rent per linear foot of the maximum mooring length. As an example, all of the moorings at Shelter Island Roadstead are rented for $128.17 per month and will accommodate vessels between 19- and 54-feet (LOA), which reflects a monthly rent per linear foot of $2.37 ($128.17/mo. -:- 54') for a 54-foot mooring. A second example of the rent per linear foot figure is America's Cup Harbor Rows B-J. These mooring are quoted as accommodating vessels "under 30"' and rent for $147.57 per month, or $4.92 per linear foot ($147.55 -:- 30') of mooring length, regardless of the vessel length. The moorings are a combination of single -point ($128.17/month), double point ($138.02, $147.57 & $157.07 per month depending on location) and Mediterranean (under 35-feet @ $147.57/month) moorings. The Shelter Island and Bay Bridge mooring fields have open dinghy storage on chains (no dinghy racks) at nearby public beach parks, Shoreline Park & Coronado Tidelands Park, respectively. The remaining mooring fields have access to public dinghy docks. Parking is only provided at Shelter Island (a municipal lot) and long-term parking (more than 2 hours or overnight) is not provided at any of the locations. Parking at these locations is either on public streets in the surrounding neighborhoods or paid parking in private or municipal lots. The landlord is responsible for all the mooring tackle, with the exception of the line from the mooring ball to the vessel on the single -point moorings. The moorings are non-transferrable and there is an application fee between $64.00 and $79.00. Their lease rates have not been adjusted since 2007/2008, despite repeated attempts by the operator to get Port approval to increase the rates. It was reported that the Port and State Lands Commission have suggested that they may be open to an adjustment in 2023/2024. The operator believes the 4-23 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 8 fair market rent for these moorings is between $10.26 (19 LF mooring) and $19.40 (63 LF mooring) per linear foot. A survey of the five most proximate marinas indicates they provide slips from 25- to 100-linear feet, with current slip rates ranging from $20.61 to $60.00 per linear foot, with an average of $26.35 per linear foot. The City of Monterey has a seasonal program (April thru October) for the rental of City owned moorings located in the "East Mooring". The are two -point moorings that will accommodate vessels up to 45-feet. The mooring tackle is owned and maintained by the City and the permit is not transferrable. The rental includes a dinghy space that are rented for $28 per month, which equates to $0.93/LF, $0.70/LF and $0.62/LF, for a 30-, 40- and 45-foot mooring, respectively. The slip rates in the adjoining City -owned, and managed marina range from $13.18 to $28.58 per linear foot, with an average of $17.23 per linear foot. It should be noted they also administer the "Outer Harbor Mooring" where the tackle is owned by the permittee. The City of Morro Bay leases offshore moorings that will accommodate vessels between approximately 32- and 60-linear feet. The moorings include the tackle, which is owned and maintained by the City, and the monthly rate is $330, which equates to $5.50 (60-LF) and $10.31 (32-LF) depending on the size of the vessel. This rate was adjusted on July 1, 2023 and the prior rate was $282 per month. These moorings are non -transferable. The marinas surveyed include slips from 25- to 65-linear feet with an average slip fee of $26.82 per linear foot. It should be noted that the City also leases tidelands for private moorings (tenant owned tackle) for $112 per month. San Mateo County Harbor District manages and operates Pillar Point Harbor in Half Moon Bay. They discontinued their mooring program in 2023; however, prior to the cancellation of the program they rented moorings, with District owned mooring tackle, for $5.36 per linear foot, with a minimum fee of $132.00 per month. The mooring were located in the outer harbor and leased based on the vessel length and the fixed fee per linear foot applied to all vessels regardless of length. They operate a marina in Pillar Point Harbor that offers slips ranging from 30- to 65-linear feet, with slip fees between $10.74 and $12.03 per linear foot, with an average fee of $11.33 per linear foot. The mooring fee for privately owned tackle was $2.03 per linear foot. It was reported that the mooring programs were discontinued for safety reasons as opposed to a lack of demand. While this program has been recently discontinued it is instructive in establishing the fair market rent for the "City Owned Moorings". The Newport Harbor Yacht Club has 72 offshore moorings that are immediately adjacent to the club. With one exception, all of the moorings are a single -point mooring. The moorings are for members only and there are monthly club dues and a membership fee. The club is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the mooring tackle. Several sources provided the mooring rates and the figures were reported to be either $13.25 per linear foot or $13.85 per linear foot and the fee is based on the vessel length. All of the parties report that the shore boat service is included in the mooring fee. One source noted the mooring fees had not been adjusted in "a long-time" and they were recently increased and at the reported rates ($13.25 or $13.85/LF) the club essentially "subsidizes" the moorings as a service to its members. The Balboa Yacht Club mooring field includes 80 offshore moorings; however, a few are privately owned. The club provides both single point and double point moorings. The mooring 4-24 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 9 fees are charged based on the vessel length and are $17.50 per linear foot for single -point moorings and $15.25 per linear foot for double point moorings. The club is responsible for the maintenance and repair of most of the mooring tackle, with the tenant responsible for the maintenance "above the chain" (swivel, shackle & lines). These moorings are for club members only, which requires membership fee and monthly dues. It was reported the club provides a shore boat from 8:00 a.m. until dusk, which is provided at an additional fee of $70.00 per month. The comparable data is all relatively similar in terms of the physical characteristics, maintenance responsibilities and tackle included in the rental rate; however, there are differing locational characteristics that need to be accounted for. The location adjustment is based on the difference between the average slip rents in each marina relative to the average slip rents from my survey of seven marinas in Newport Harbor. It should be noted that the marinas associated with the American Legion (members only that reflects the low end of the range) and those owned/managed by California Recreation Company (highest quality and rent structure with limited information available) have not been included in the survey. The marina survey is included as Attachment B. On a harbor wide basis, the average monthly slip rate for the marinas included in the survey is $48.77 per linear foot, with a median figure of $45.00 per linear foot. The following table is a summary of the adjustment to the comparable mooring data for the differing locational characteristics relative to the subject based on the average monthly slip rent for the various locations relative to the average monthly slip rent in Newport Harbor ($48.77/LF). In the cases where there is a single rate for a range in the mooring length I have used either the average mooring rate, or the low and the high rent per linear foot. Recognizing that Lido Isle is located in Newport Harbor, but that residency on Lido Isle is required to rent a mooring, I have used the average slip rate for the Lido Isle wet slips as they have similar residency requirements. It is recognized that Lido Isle has smaller slips that rent for less than larger slips and the average slip rate is low as a result of the limited slip lengths. Mooring Mooring Average Adjusted Length Rate Slip Rate Adjustment Mooring Rate Location LF $/LF $/LF Factor $/LF Lido Isle 18' $5.85 $25.06 Lido $48.77/$25.06 $11.48 $48.77 Harbor $48.77/$48.77 $5.85 San Diego 19'-54' $2.37 (low) $26.35 $48.77/$26.35 $4.39 $4.92 hi $48.77/$26.35 $9.24 Monterey Under 30' $4.46 $17.23 $48.77/$17.23 $12.62 30'-40' $5.18 (avg.) $48.77/$17.23 $14.44 4 P-45' $5.19(avg.) $48.77/$17.23 $14.69 Morro Bay 32'-60' $5.50 (low) $26.82 $48.77/$26.82 $10.00 $10.31 (high) $48.77/$26.82 $18.75 Pillar Point 24' min. $5.35 $11.33 $48.77/$11.33 $23.03 NHYC None $13.35 $48.77 Harbor $48.77/$48.77 $13.35 or $13.85 1 1 $13.85 BYC None $17.50 - single $48.77 Harbor $48.77/$48.77 $17.50 - single $15.25 -double 1 $15.25 - double On the basis of the Comparable Rental Analysis the monthly fair market rent for the "City Owned Moorings," under the assumption that they are not transferrable and the City will maintain and 4-25 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 10 repair the mooring tackle, is in the range of $9.00 to $23.00 per linear foot. Recognizing that the market suggests there is a direct relationship in terms of increased rent per linear foot as the mooring length increases, in the Reconciliation the concluded rent range will be applied to the various mooring lengths on a graduated scale between $5.85 and $23.00 per linear foot. "RATIO" ANALYSIS One measure of estimating the market rent for moorings is to compare mooring rents to the slip rents in marinas that are proximate to the moorings. This provides a ratio of the "mooring" rents as compared to "slip" rents in the same market, which is an option for a boat owner. Several harbors along the California coast have marinas and mooring fields that are owned and managed by the municipality; however, there are a limited number of harbors that offer "City Owned moorings" that include the mooring tackle and maintenance of the tackle in the lease rate. With the exception of Lido Isle, no other location was uncovered that offer a shore mooring with the tackle included. These harbors reflect a price per linear foot of mooring to slip ratio (mooring $/LF -:- slip $/LF) between approximately 14- and 50-percent. These include: Pillar Point (±47%); Monterrey (±26% to +31%) and Morro Bay (±20% to +38%). The ratio ("Mooring to Slip Ratio") is based on monthly rent per linear foot for the mooring length compared to a similar length slip. As set forth above, the Lido Isle Community Association leases onshore moorings to their residents. They also have a small community marina that has 18-foot slips that are leased on the same terms as the onshore moorings and the slip rates were increased at the same time as the mooring rates. The lease rate for an 18-foot slip at the community marina is $4,878.12 annually, which equates to $406.51 per month, or $22.58 per linear foot per month. They also offer 21-, 26- and 36-foot slips; however, using the same mooring/slip length is judged to be more relevant as the slip fees increase based on vessel length. The mooring to slip ratio for 18-foot moorings/slips on Lido Isle is calculated as follows: Monthly Mooring Rent - $/LF: $ 5.85 Monthly Slip Rent - $/LF: -:- $22.58 Mooring to Slip Ratio: 0.2591 The LICA mooring to slip ratio is 25.91-percent, indicating that an onshore mooring rents for 25.91-percent of a similar sized marina slip. This ratio has been consistent on Lido Isle for the past few years In San Diego Harbor, there are several marinas in that are proximate to the four mooring fields that are managed by the San Diego Mooring Company. The rates for the moorings range from $128.17 per month to $157.07 per month, which equates to a range from $2.37 to $4.92 per linear foot. A survey of the five most proximate marinas indicates they provide slips from 25- to 100- linear feet, with current slip rates ranging from $20.61 to $60.00 per linear foot, with a weighted average of $26.35 per linear foot. The mooring to slip ratio based on the most proximate marinas is between approximately 9- and 18.7-percent, which is calculated as follows: 4-26 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 11 Monthly Mooring Rent - $/LF: $ 2.37 $ 4.92 Monthly Slip Rent - $/LF: -:- $26.35 -:- $26.35 Mooring to Slip Ratio: 0.0899 0.1867 The operator noted that adjusting the mooring rates requires Port District approval and they have not increased since 2007/08 and the ratio reflects that the slip rents have been increased to reflect market demand; therefore, the ration is skewed as the mooring rates do not reflect the current market rental rates. The operator is in discussions with the Port to increase the mooring rates to an average of 55-percent of the slip rates in the surrounding marinas. This Mooring to Slip Ratio is judged to reflect the extreme lower limit of the range. Using the mid -point for the mooring rent per linear foot, the mooring to slip ratio for the seasonal mooring program in Monterey Harbor is between 26.5- and 31.2-percent, which is calculated as follows: Slip/Mooring Length Under 30' 30'- 40' 41 % 45' Monthly Mooring Rent - $/LF: $ 4.46 $ 5.18 $ 5.19 Monthly Slip Rent - $/LF: -:- $16.80 -:- $17.78 -:- $16.62 Mooring to Slip Ratio: 0.2655 0.2913 0.3123 The mooring to slip ratio based on the information for Morro Bay reflects a ratio between 20.5- and 38.4-percent, which is calculated as follows: Monthly Mooring Rent - $/LF: Monthly Slip Rent - $/LF: Mooring to Slip Ratio: $ 5.50 $10.31 - - $26.82 - - $26.82 0.2051 0.3844 As noted, San Mateo County discontinued its mooring program; however, the information is still instructive in the analysis. The mooring to slip ratio based on the information for Pillar Point Harbor reflects a ratio of 47.2-percent ($5.35/LF -:- $11.33/LF). The market data uncovered indicates that the ratio of mooring rates to slip rates ranges from approximately 9- to 47-percent. It should be noted that the ratio for the onshore mooring at Lido Isle is within the range reflected by the offshore moorings. The ratios are summarized in the following table. Location Mooring Rates Slip Rates Ratio(s) Lido Isle $5.85 $22.58 25.91% San Diego Mooring $2.37 $26.35 8.99% $4.92 $26.35 18.67% Monterey $4.46 $16.80 26.55% $5.18 $17.78 29.13% $5.19 $16.62 31.23% Morro Bay $5.50 $26.82 20.51% $10.31 $26.82 38.44% Pillar Point $5.35 $11.33 47.2% In the final analysis, primary weight is placed on the ratios reflected by Lido Isle, Monterey, Morro Bay, with secondary emphasis placed on the San Diego Mooring Company and Pillar Point. On the basis of the market data presented, I have concluded that a ratio of 30.0-percent should be 4-27 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 12 applied to the slip rate for similar length slips to estimate the Fair Market Rent for the "City Owned Moorings." The "City Owned Moorings" range in length from 18-feet of the onshore moorings and 30 to 95 feet for the offshore moorings. The four onshore moorings are 18 linear feet and the following table is a summary of the slip rates for similar sized slips (under 22-feet) at generally comparable marinas throughout Newport Harbor, based on a survey completed in conjunction with this assignment. The following table is a summary of the marina slip rates for slips 22-feet and under that are judged to be relevant to the "Ratio" analysis of the onshore "City Owned Moorings". Marina Length Rent $/LF Balboa Yacht Basin 20' $32.23 28' Street Marina 20' $35.00 Newport Dunes Marina 20' $48.00 Ba side Village Marina 12' - 19' $29.00 Lido Yacht Anchorage 6' - 19' $28.00 Port Calypso 18' - 22' $37.50 Average Median $34.96 $33.62 On the basis of the above, I have concluded that a slip rate of $33.00 per linear foot is appropriate in the ratio analysis for the onshore moorings. The calculation of the Fair Market Rent for the onshore moorings, using the ratio analysis, is as follows: Comparable Slip Rate Rent - $/LF: $33.00 Mooring Size — Linear Feet: x 18 LF Total Monthly Slip Rent: $594.00 Slip to Mooring Ratio: x 0.30 Monthly Fair Market Rent - Total: $178.20 Mooring Size — Linear Feet: -:- 18 LF Monthly Fair Market Rent - $/LF: $9.90 On the basis of the market data and analysis presented, the monthly Fair Market Rent, for the onshore "City Owned Moorings," is $178.20, or $9.90 per linear foot. The analysis includes a single, 30-foot offshore mooring that has an interior orientation. The following table is a summary of the marina slip rates that are judged to be relevant to the "Ratio" analysis of the 30-foot offshore "City Owned Moorings". Marina Length Rent $/LF Balboa Yacht Basin 31' $37.29 281 Street Marina 30' $35.00 Newport Dunes Marina 30' $53.00 Ba side Village Marina 30' - 32' $32.00 Lido Yacht Anchorage 30' - 34' $37.00 Port Calypso 25' - 30' $31.50 Newport Marina 32' $49.30 Average Median $39.30 $37.00 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 13 On the basis of the above, I have concluded that a figure of $38.00 per linear foot is applicable to the ratio analysis for the 30-foot offshore moorings. The calculation of the Fair Market Rent for the 30-foot offshore moorings, using the ratio analysis, is as follows: Comparable Slip Rate Rent - $/LF: $38.00 Mooring Size — Linear Feet: x 30 LF Total Monthly Slip Rent: $1,140.00 Slip to Mooring Ratio: x 0.30 Monthly Fair Market Rent - Total: $342.00 Mooring Size — Linear Feet: -:- 30 LF Monthly Fair Market Rent - $/LF: $11.40 On the basis of the market data and analysis presented, the monthly Fair Market Rent, for the 30- foot offshore "City Owned Moorings", is $342.00, or $11.40 per linear foot. The analysis includes a single, 40-foot offshore mooring that has an interior orientation. The following table is a summary of the marina slip rates that are judged to be relevant to the "Ratio" analysis of the 40-foot offshore "City Owned Moorings". Marina Length Rent $/LF Balboa Yacht Basin 40' $50.09 281 Street Marina 40' $38.00 Newport Dunes Marina 40'- 45" $76.00 Ba side Village Marina 40' - 45' $41.00 Lido Yacht Anchorage 40' - 49' $52.00 Port Calypso 40' - 45' $43.50 Newport Marina 40' $58.65 Average Median $51.32 $50.09 On the basis of the above, I have concluded that a figure of $50.00 per linear foot is applicable to the ratio analysis for the 40-foot offshore moorings. The calculation of the Fair Market Rent for the 40-foot offshore moorings, using the ratio analysis, is as follows: Comparable Slip Rate Rent - $/LF: $50.00 Mooring Size — Linear Feet: x 40 LF Total Monthly Slip Rent: $2,000.00 Slip to Mooring Ratio: x 0.30 Monthly Fair Market Rent - Total: $600.00 Mooring Size — Linear Feet: -:- 40 LF Monthly Fair Market Rent - $/LF: $15.00 On the basis of the market data and analysis presented, the monthly Fair Market Rent, for the 40- foot offshore "City Owned Moorings", is $600.00, or $15.00 per linear foot. The analysis includes three, 50-foot offshore moorings, two with an interior orientation and one a perimeter orientation. The following table is a summary of the marina slip rates that are judged to be relevant to the "Ratio" analysis of the 50-foot "City Owned Moorings". 4-29 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 14 Marina Length Rent $/LF Balboa Yacht Basin 50, $60.59 Newport Dunes Marina 46' & u $91.00 Ba side Village Marina 50' & u $45.00 Lido Yacht Anchorage 50' - 59' $61.00 Port Calypso 50' - 60' $45.50 Average Median $60.62 $60.59 On the basis of the above, I have concluded that a figure of $60.00 per linear foot is applicable to the ratio analysis for the 50-foot offshore moorings. The calculation of the Fair Market Rent for the 50-foot offshore moorings, using the ratio analysis, is as follows: Comparable Slip Rate Rent - $/LF: $60.00 Mooring Size -- Linear Feet: x 50 LF Total Monthly Slip Rent: $3,000.00 Slip to Mooring Ratio: x 0.30 Monthly Fair Market Rent - Total: $900.00 Mooring Size - Linear Feet: -:- 50 LF Monthly Fair Market Rent - $ALF: $18.00 On the basis of the market data and analysis presented, the monthly Fair Market Rent, for the 50- foot offshore "City Owned Moorings", is $9000.00, or $18.00 per linear foot. The analysis includes four, 60-foot offshore moorings. One is located on the corner of the mooring field, two have a perimeter orientation and one has an interior orientation. The following table is a summary of the marina slip rates that are judged to be relevant to the "Ratio" analysis of the 60- foot "City Owned Moorings". Marina Length Rent $/LF Balboa Yacht Basin 60' $70.65 Newport Dunes Marina 46' & u $91.00 Ba side Village Marina 50' & u $45.00 Lido Yacht Anchorage 60' - 69' $66.00 Port Calypso 50' - 60' $45.50 Newport Marina 62' $82.00 Average Median $66.69 $68.33 On the basis of the above, I have concluded that a figure of $67.50 per linear foot is applicable to the ratio analysis for the 60-foot offshore moorings. The calculation of the Fair Market Rent for the 60-foot offshore moorings, using the ratio analysis, is as follows: Comparable Slip Rate Rent - $/LF: $67.50 Mooring Size - Linear Feet: x 60 LF Total Monthly Slip Rent: $4,050.00 Slip to Mooring Ratio: x 0.30 Monthly Fair Market Rent - Total: $1,215.00 Mooring Size - Linear Feet: -:- 60 LF Monthly Fair Market Rent - $/LF: $20.25 4-30 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 15 On the basis of the market data and analysis presented, the monthly Fair Market Rent, for the 60- foot offshore "City Owned Moorings", is $1,215.00, or $20.25 per linear foot. The analysis includes a single 95-foot offshore mooring that has a perimeter orientation. There are a limited number of 95-foot slips in Newport Harbor and the following table is a summary of the marina slip rates that are judged to be relevant to the "Ratio" analysis of the 95-foot "City Owned Moorings". Marina Len th Rent $/LF Balboa Yacht Basin 75' $80.85 Newport Dunes Marina 46' & u $91.00 Ba side Village Marina 50' & u $45.00 Lido Yacht Anchorage 80' - 89' $75.00 Port Calypso 50' - 60' $45.50 Newport Marina 62' $82.00 Average Median $69.89 $77.93 On the basis of the above, I have concluded that a figure of $75.00 per linear foot is applicable to the ratio analysis for the 95-foot offshore mooring. The calculation of the Fair Market Rent for the 95-foot offshore moorings, using the ratio analysis, is as follows: Comparable Slip Rate Rent - $/LF: $75.00 Mooring Size - Linear Feet: x 95 LF Total Monthly Slip Rent: $7,125.00 Slip to Mooring Ratio: x 0.30 Monthly Fair Market Rent - Total: $2,137.50 Mooring Size - Linear Feet: -:- 95 LF Monthly Fair Market Rent - $/LF: $22.50 On the basis of the market data and analysis presented, the monthly Fair Market Rent, for the 95- foot offshore "City Owned Moorings", is $2,137.50, or $22.50 per linear foot. Reconciliation The final step of the appraisal process is to reconcile the value conclusions indicated by the two methods utilized in formulating the value estimate. The reconciliation of the monthly Fair Market Rent indicated for each length mooring, as of the date of value, is as follows: Length (LF) Mooring Type Comparable Rent Analysis Ratio Anal sis Monthly Fair Market Rent Conclusion $/LF Total $/LF Total 18 Onshore $5.85 - $11.48 $9.90 $178.20 $9.00 $162.00 30 Offshore $13.00 - $15.00 $11.40 $342.00 $13.00 $390.00 40 Offshore $14.00 - $17.00 $15.00 $600.00 $15.00 $600.00 50 Offshore $16.00 - $19.00 $18.00 $900.00 $17.50 $875.00 60 Offshore $18.00 - $21.00 $20.25 $1 215.00 $20.00 $1 200.00 95 Offshore 1 $20.00 - $23.00 $22.50 $2,137.50 $22.00 $2 090.00 4-31 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 16 Conclusion Based upon the work undertaken and my experience as a real estate analyst and appraiser, I have formed the opinion as of the 2nd day of August 2023, subject to the Assumptions and Limiting Conditions contained in this report, that the individual "City Owned Moorings" have the following monthly Fair Mart Rent: Mooring Number Length (LF) Mooring Type Monthly Fair Market Rent Conclusion Mooring Number Length (LF) Mooring Type Monthly Fair Market Rent Conclusion $/LF Total $/LF Total A-072 30 Offshore $13.00 $390.00 H-031 50 Offshore $17.50 $875.00 A-094 95 Offshore $22.00 $2 090.00 H-081 60 Offshore $20.00 $1 200.00 C-032 50 Offshore $17.50 $875.00 J-0211 60 Offshore $20.00 $1 200.00 C-034 50 Offshore $17.50 $875.00 N-062A 18 Onshore $9.00 $162.00 C-036 60 Offshore $20.00 $1 200.00 S-065 18 Onshore $9.00 $162.00 C-042 40 Offshore $15.00 $600.00 S-135B 18 Onshore $9.00 $162.00 F-014 60 Offshore $20.00 $1 200.00 W-017 18 Onshore $9.00 $162.00 Certification To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that: The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. I have performed no services, as an appraiser or in any other capacity, regarding the property that this the subject of this report within the three-year period preceding acceptance of this assignment. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved in the assignment. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute, which include the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. 4-32 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 17 I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. No one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. In accordance with the USPAP Competency Provision, I certify that I have the knowledge and experience to complete this assignment and have appraised this property type before. Disclosure of the contents of this appraisal report is governed by the Bylaws and Regulations of the Appraisal Institute. In furtherance of the aims of the Institute to develop higher standards of professional performance by its Members, the appraisers may be required to submit authorized committees of said Institute copies of this report and any subsequent changes or modifications thereof. The Appraisal Institute conducts a voluntary program of continuing education for its designated members. MAI's who meet the minimum standards of this program are awarded periodic educational certification. As of the date of this report, I have completed the requirements under the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. Respectfully submitted, , MAI aiser No. AGO03143 4-33 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 18 Attachment A — Assumptions & Limiting Conditions 4-34 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions The analyses and opinions in this report are subject to the following assumptions and limiting conditions: COVID-19 The outbreak of COVID-19, commonly referred to as the coronavirus, has caused significant disruption of the financial markets, both in the United States and worldwide. Because of the rapidly changing environment, market participants (buyers, sellers, brokers, lenders, appraisers, tenants) in the real estate market have yet to formulate their opinions on the impact the virus and related stay-at-home orders, business closures and social distancing recommendations, in making their real estate investment decisions. I have relied on the economic trends and comparable sale transactions, which occurred during the global pandemic, in this analysis. In the short-term it is very possible that there may be a significant slowdown in real estate transaction activity, which may impact pricing, return requirements and investment expectations. In addition, it may have an impact on operating expenses and occupancy levels. Only time will reveal how this pandemic will affect property value and the long-term impact on pricing cannot be predicated at this time and will depend on the length and severity of the global pandemic. I reserve the right to make such adjustments to the analysis, opinions and conclusions set forth in this report as may be required by consideration of additional data or more reliable data that may become available. Extraordinary I have not been provided a survey of the induvial mooring tackle and all tackle is assumed to be in good working order and the overall physical characteristics are generally similar to the tackle provided at the various jurisdictions. I reserve the right to make such adjustments to the analysis, opinions and conclusions set forth in this report as may be required by consideration of additional data or more reliable data that may become available. General No investigation of title to the property has been made, and the premises are assumed to be free and clear of all encumbrances, leases, use restrictions, easements, cases or actions pending, except as specifically discussed in this report. Title is assumed to be good and marketable, and that the property is under responsible ownership, competent management and available for its highest and best use. No survey, legal, or engineering analysis of this property has been made by the appraiser. I assume no responsibility for any condition not readily observable from the customary inspection of the premises, and that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil or structures that render it more or less valuable, except as noted herein. The distribution, if any, of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate allocation for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and is invalid if so used. The maps, plats, photographs, and exhibits included herein are for illustration only, as an aid in visualizing matters discussed within the appraisal. They should not be considered as surveys nor relied upon for any other purpose, nor should they be removed from, reproduced, or used apart from this report. I assume no responsibility for economic or physical factors which may affect the opinions herein stated which may occur at some date after the date of value. I reserve the right to make such adjustments to the analysis, opinions and conclusions set forth in this report as may be required by consideration of additional data or more reliable data that may become available. 4-35 Information contained in this appraisal has been gathered from sources, which are believed to be reliable, and where feasible, has been verified. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information supplied by others. No opinion is expressed as to the value of sub -surface oil, gas, or mineral rights, or whether the property is subject to surface entry for the exploration or removal of such materials except as expressly stated. The property is appraised assuming it to be in full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws, unless otherwise stated. The property is appraised assuming that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless otherwise stated. The property is appraised assuming that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or other legislative administrative authority from any local, state, or national government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based, unless otherwise stated. The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") became effective January 26, 1992. The appraiser has not made a specific compliance survey and analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements of the ADA. It is possible that a compliance survey of the property, together with a detailed analysis of the requirements of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the Act. If so, this fact could have a negative effect upon the value of the property. Since the appraiser has no direct evidence relating to this issue, possible noncompliance with the requirements of the ADA in estimating the value of the property has not been considered. Unless otherwise stated in this report, the appraiser did not observe the existence of hazardous material, which may or may not be present on the property. The appraiser has no knowledge of the existence of such materials on the property. The appraiser, however, is not qualified to detect such substances. The presence of substances such as asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation, or other potentially hazardous materials may affect the value of the property. The value estimate is predicated on the assumption that there is no material on or in the property that would cause a loss in value. No responsibility is assumed for any such condition, or for any expertise or engineering knowledge required to discover them. The client is urged to retain an expert in this field, if desired. If the client is aware or becomes aware of any conditions, the appraiser should be consulted immediately to assess the impact, if any, upon the market value. The appraiser reserves the right to make such adjustments to the valuation herein reported, as may be required by consideration of additional data or more reliable data that may become available. No opinion is intended to be expressed, or implied, for matters, which require legal expertise or specialized investigation or knowledge beyond that customarily employed by real estate appraisers. I shall not be required, by reason of this appraisal, to give testimony or to be in attendance in court or any governmental or other hearing with reference to the property without prior arrangements having first been made with me relative to such additional employment. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraisers. I do not authorize out of context quoting, nor partial reprinting of the report. In the event the report is placed in the hands of a third party, it is requested that such party be made cognizant of any and all limiting conditions resulting in the basis of my employment and the discussions thereto, as well as those set forth herein. 4-36 The submission of this report constitutes the completion of the service authorized. It is submitted upon the condition that the client will provide the appraiser customary compensation relative to any subsequent required deposition, conferences, additional preparation or testimony. The appraiser respectfully requests that neither all nor part of the contents of this report shall be disseminated to the public through advertisement, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without written consent and approval of the author, particularly the valuation conclusions, the identity of the appraiser, or any reference to the Appraisal Institute or the MAI designation. In the event the appraiser is subpoenaed for a deposition, judicial or administrative proceeding, and is ordered to produce the appraisal report and file, the appraiser will immediately notify the employer. It shall be the responsibility of the employer to obtain a protective order. The liability of Netzer & Associates and the appraiser responsible for this report is limited to the client only and to the fee actually received by the appraiser. Further, there is no accountability, obligation or liability to any third party. If this report is placed in the hands of anyone other than the client, the client shall make such party aware of all limiting conditions and assumptions of the assignment and related discussions. The appraiser is in no way responsible for any costs incurred to discover or correct any deficiencies of any type present to the property -- physical, financial, and/or legal. It is agreed that the appraiser is not a necessary party in any inquiry or judicial proceedings. If called upon to testify in any litigation or other proceeding arising out the duties in this matter, and if I am compelled to incur court costs, attorney's fees or other out-of-pocket expenses in connection with court proceedings, such costs or expenses, together with the appraiser's usual hourly per diem applicable for study, preparation, testimony or travel will be paid by the party (or parties) who acts to bring any suit requiring a judicial proceeding. Any dispute or claim made with respect to this report shall be submitted to and resolved in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association for arbitration, and the decision of the Association shall be binding. All appraisal services, pursuant to this report, shall be deemed to be contracted for and rendered in Orange County, California, and any arbitration or judicial proceedings shall take place in Orange County, California. The signatory of this appraisal report is a member of the Appraisal Institute. The Bylaws and Regulations of the Institute require each member to control the use and distribution of each appraisal report signed by such member. Therefore, except as hereinafter provided, the party for whom this appraisal report was prepared may not distribute copies of this appraisal report, in its entirety, without the written consent of the signatory of this report. The report and parts thereof and any additional material submitted, may not be used in any prospectus or printed material used in conjunction with the sale of securities or participation interests in any Public Offering as defined under US Security laws. Further, neither all nor any part of this appraisal report shall be disseminated to the general public by the use of advertising media, public relations media, news media, sales media, or other media for public communication without the prior written consent of the signatory of this appraisal report. 4-37 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 19 Attachment B — Marina Survey RM MARINA SURVEY SUMMARY JULY/AUGUST 2023 Data No. Slip Length Rental Range Name Total Occupancy (range) Monthly Rent Location Slips Percent Linear Feet $/Linear Foot 1/ Balboa Yacht Basin 181 100% 20' $32.23 829 Harbor Island Drive 25' $32.38 Newport Beach 31' $37.29 32' $40.49 34' $41.02 35' $42.59 37' $44.34 40' $50.09 45' $51.27 50' $60.59 60' $70.65 75' $80.95 2/ 281 Street Marina 21 95.2% 20'- 40' $35.00 - $38.00 2800 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach 3/ Newport Dunes Resort & Marina 442 100% 20' - 29' $48.00* - $53.00 101 N. Bayside Drive 30' - 33' $53.00* - $58.00 Newport Beach 34' - 39' $68.00 40' - 45' $76.00 46' & U $91.00 4/ Bayside Village Marina 220 100% 12' - 19' $29.00 300 E. Coast Highway 20' - 24' $29.00 Newport Beach 25' - 29' $28.00 30' - 32' $32.00 33' - 39' $35.00 40' - 45' $41.00 50' & Up $45.00 Super Slips $45.00 Dbl Loaders $45.00 5/ Lido Yacht Anchorage 251 100% 6' - 19' $28.00 151 Shipyard Way, Ste. 7 20' - 29' $32.00 Newport Beach 30' - 34' $37.00 35' - 39' $45.00 40' - 49' $52.00 50' - 59' $61.00 60' - 69' $66.00 70' - 79' $69.00 80' - 89' $75.00 110' - 135' $77.00 4-39 MARINA SURVEY SUMMARY (continued) JULY 2023 Data No. Slip Length Rental Range Name Total Occupancy (range) Monthly Rent Location Sli s Percent Linear Feet $/Linear Foot 6/ Port Calypso 50 'AND 18' 22' $675/Month 2633 W. Coast Highway 25' — 30' $31.50 Newport Beach 34' — 35' $35.50 40' — 45' $43.50 50' — 60' $45.50 7/ Newport Marina 51 100% 26' $42.00 2888 Bayshore Drive 32' $49.30 Newport Beach 40' $58.65 42' $58.65 62' $82.00 ..0 Lauren Wooding-Whitlinger August 2, 2023 Page 20 Attachment C — Qualifications 4-41 QUALIFICATIONS of James B. Netzer, MAI Professional Back rg ound Prior to forming Netzer & Associates, he was associated for over three years with Urban Pacific Services Corp. Actively engaged as a real estate analyst, appraiser and consultant since 1987. Principal of the appraisal and consulting firm of Netzer & Associates with offices at: 170 E. Seventeenth Street, Suite 206 Costa Mesa, California 92627 Educational Activities Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies with a Concentration in Economics, California State University, Long Beach, 1986. Has successfully completed the following courses sponsored by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and the Appraisal Institute: A.I.R.E.A Course I A-1: Principles of Real Estate Appraisal A.I.R.E.A Course lA-2: Basic Valuation Procedures A.I.R.E.A Course 1 B-A: Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part A A.I.R.E.A Course 1B-B: Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part B A.I.R.E.A Course SPP: Standards of Professional Practice A.I. Course 2-1: Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation A.I. Course 540: Report Writing and Valuation Analysis A.I. Course 550: Advanced Applications Has successfully completed multiple classes to meet the continuing education requirements of Appraisal Institute, California Office of Real Estate Appraisers and Bureau of Real Estate. Professional Affiliations & State Licenses Member of the Appraisal Institute - MAI Designation State of California - Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - Certificate No. AGO03143 State of California - Real Estate Broker License - License No. 01185682 Court Qualification Qualified as an expert witness in the Superior Courts of Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and San Diego Counties, U.S. Bankruptcy Court — Los Angeles Division. Teaching Experience Orange Coast College - Adjunct Professor (retired) - Business 140 "Real Estate Appraisal Principles" 4-42 Seminar & Panel Presentations Los Angeles County Bar Association — Real Property Division: Overholtzer Overhauled, An Update on Damages, Appraisals and Interim Loss under Title Insurance Policies, September 2013 Scope of Experience During the period in which Mr. Netzer has been engaged as a real estate appraiser and analyst, he has been involved in most aspects of the field having completed assignments for multiple purposes, including: estate planning; bankruptcy; conflict -of -interest analysis (Political Reform Act of 1974); construction defects litigation; soil subsidence; dissolution of marriage; ground lease re -valuation; leasehold & sub -leasehold valuation; property tax appeals; lease and ground lease arbitration; easement/access/encroachment/title disputes (based on Overholtzer v. Northern Counties Title); soils contamination litigation; mortgage lending; construction financing; portfolio valuation; market and feasibility analysis; fractional interest valuation; and, due diligence. He has experience appraising the following property types: Vacant Land Residential lots, sub -division sites, condominium sites, commercial and industrial sites, mountainous acreage, raw acreage, mitigation land (Delhi Sands Flower Loving Fly, Stephens Kangaroo Rat & Open Space). Residential Single-family residences, condominiums, townhomes, planned unit developments, multi -family units, apartment buildings, mobile home parks, mobile home coaches, proposed and existing sub- divisions and senior housing/memory care projects. Commercial Office buildings and condominiums, medical office buildings and condominiums, restaurant buildings, retail centers, neighborhood shopping centers, community centers, commerce centers, congregate care facilities, parking structures, golf courses, mixed -use developments, auto dealerships and gas stations. Industrial Manufacturing and warehouse buildings, distribution facilities, multi -tenant buildings, condominium developments and units, mini -storage facilities. Special Use Commercial and residential tidelands, boat harbors, auto ferry, bait barge, marinas, gas docks, mooring fields, commercial piers, municipal piers/docks, civic center, fire stations, police stations, emergency communication facilities, temporary construction easements, steel fabricating plant and car wash facilities. 4-43 PARTIAL LIST OF CLIENTS ATTORNEYS. LAW FIRMS & ACCOUNTANTS Barton Klugman & Oetting Law Offices of Erik B. Michelsen Best, Best & Krieger Law Offices of Michael Leight Boss Law Firm APLC Law Offices of Steven E. Briggs Bremer, Whyte, Brown & O'Meara Leech & Associates Browne & Woods LLP Loeb & Loeb, LLC Bryan Cave LLP Lynberg & Watkins Burd & Naylor Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester Cozen O'Connor McDermott, Will & Emory Davis Law APC Millar, Hodges & Bemis Friedman, Stroffe & Girard, PC Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Richard Shaffer (Court Appointed Receiver) Goldstein & Ward Rubin & Eagan Greines, Martin, Stein & Richland LLC Samuels, Green & Steel, LLP Harbin & McCarron Severson & Werson Hart King Shulman Bunn LLP Hart, King & Coldren Songstad, Randall, Coffee & Humphrey Jackson Tidus Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro LLP Turner & Reynolds Klein & Wilson Turner Law Firm Kushner Carlson Richard Wildman, Attorney at Law Landels, Ripley & Diamond Wolf & Richards Larsen & Associates Wright Ford Browning & Young Latham & Watkins Wynne, Spiegel & Itkin LENDING INSTITUTIONS Bank Midwest, N.A. GE Capital Investment Advisors Bank of America Hawthorne Savings Bankers Mutual (Berkshire Mortgage) Huntington National Bank California Federal Bank Merrill Lynch Credit Corporation Citicorp Real Estate, Inc. Park View Mortgage Credit Suisse Strategic Mortgage Services Comerica Bank Tokai Bank Escondido National Bank Wells Fargo Bank GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES City of Costa Mesa City of Newport Beach City of Carson Costa Mesa Sanitation District City of East Palo Alto Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) City of Glendora Orange County — Dana Point Harbor City of Huntington Beach Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) City of Long Beach - Tidelands CID Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) GENERAL CLIENTS AMRESCO Management, Inc. Monarch Bay Land Association Arnold Construction Newport Sports Collection Foundation Balboa Yacht Club North American Title Insurance Company The Boy's Republic O.C. Interfaith Shelter Capital Guardian Trust Old Republic Title Chicago Title Company Pulte Home Corporation Continental Mobile Housing Real Advantage Title Decron Management S & A Properties Environmental Nature Center S & S Construction/Shappell Industries Fidelity National Title Group St. Clair Company LLC First American Title Insurance Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Partners, L.P. Great American Insurance Company Simplex Realty Hamilton Company Staples, Inc. Heritage Point Senior Living State Farm Insurance Hornblower Cruises Stewart Title Guaranty Company Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc. Lee & Associates Westcor Land Title Insurance Company Lloyds of London Western National Properties / l l ATTACHMENT E Harbor Department 1600 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, California 92663 949-270-8159 Newportharbor.org Mooring License Mooring No. License Fee (monthly): $ Prorated License Fee for first month (if applicable): $ Security Deposit: $ (equal to twice License Fee) Date Issued: This City of Newport Beach Mooring License ("License") gives the person(s) listed below (individually and collectively referred to herein as "Licensee") a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non- transferable right to occupy the above -listed City mooring ("Mooring"), subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. LICENSEE INFORMATION Name: Name: Residence Address: Residence Address: Business Address: Business Address: Billing Address: Billing Address: Telephone Home: Business: Cell: Telephone Home: Business: Cell: E-mail: E-mail: Driver's License State: Number: Social Security/EIN: Driver's License State: Number: Social Security/EIN: 2. VESSEL INFORMATION This License gives Licensee the right to secure the vessel identified below ("Vessel") to the Mooring. Licensee may not secure or tie any other vessel to the mooring, with the exception of a tender. Any change to the assigned vessel shall require the City's review and approval. Vessel Name: Reg. CF/Doc. No.: Type (Power/Sail): Builder: Length Overall (LOA): Please provide a copy of the current Documentation/Registration for file. Beam: Draft: Port/State of Registration: Legal Owner of Vessel: (Bank, Lienholder, or other name appearing on evidence of title) Licensee must be the legal owner of the Vessel, or such owner's registered agent. Insurance Carrier: Insurance Agent: Phone #: Insurance Policy #: Expiration Date: (Please provide a copy of the current insurance certificate for file.) Licensee shall provide evidence of licensing, registration and insurance coverage for the Vessel and provide copies of such certificates for the City's files when such coverage or registration are changed or renewed or at the City's request. 3. TERM This License shall be valid for a term of one (1) month, plus any partial month if the License term commences on a date other than the first day of a calendar month. The License is renewable on a monthly basis, contingent upon the timely payment of the License Fee and any outstanding late fees and charges, unless the License is sooner terminated. City may terminate this License without cause and in its sole, absolute discretion by providing Licensee thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice. 4. FEE, SECURITY DEPOSIT, PENALTIES (a) License Fee. Licensee shall pay the monthly License Fee by the first (1st) day of the month and a pro -rated License Fee for any first partial calendar month prior to issuance of the License. (b) The License Fee is the rate set forth above, which may be adjusted in accordance with the terms herein. 9 ,, (c) License Fee Adjustments. Upon not less than thirty (30) calendar days' prior written notice to Licensee, City may alter, at any time, the amount of the License Fee, the Security Deposit, the Late Payment Fee, and/or the Returned Check Fee. (d) Security Deposit. Licensee shall deposit with City an amount equal to twice the License Fee as security for the faithful performance of Licensee's obligations hereunder ("Security Deposit"). City may, at its option, claim from the Security Deposit such amounts as are reasonably necessary to remedy Licensee's monetary defaults hereunder, to repair damages to the Mooring caused by Licensee or agents of Licensee, exclusive to normal wear and tear. (e) In the event the Security Deposit or any portion thereof is applied as provided herein, Licensee shall deposit with City an amount sufficient to restore the Security Deposit to the full amount. Restoration of the Security Deposit is a condition prior to any renewal of the License term. (f) City may, only to the extent as permitted by law, commingle the Security Deposit with other funds of Licensee's account with the City. No interest shall accrue or be paid with respect to the Security Deposit. (g) Payment shall be made in lawful money of the United States of America and shall be delivered by mail or in person to the City's Cashier's Office at 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, California 92660, or at any such other place as may be designated by City in writing from time to time. (h) Late Payment Fee. Payment that is received later than the fifth (5th) day of the month is delinquent and shall accrue a late payment fee equal to ten percent (10%) of the License Fee. (i) Interest. Delinquent payments shall also bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from the date they become delinquent until paid in full. (j) Any other amounts due to the City under this License, except for the Security Deposit, that are not paid within the time period prescribed shall be subject to a ten percent (10%) late payment fee and interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum. (k) If Licensee's account is processed for collections or liens due to late payments, an additional amount of thirty percent (30%) of the amount due will be incurred by Licensee and due and owing to City. (1) City may, at City's sole discretion, require Licensee to enroll in City's Automatic Payment Processing ("APP") program, or other such automated payment programs utilized by the City to ensure Licensee's timely payment. If Licensee refuses to enroll in City's APP program, City may, at City's sole discretion, terminate this License. (m) Returned Checks. Licensee shall be charged a service fee of Twenty -Five Dollars and 00/100 ($25.00) for the first (1 st) returned check related to any payment made by Licensee hereunder and a service fee of Thirty -Five Dollars and 00/100 ($35.00) for any additional returned checks in the same calendar year (collectively, "Returned Check Service Charges"). Returned Check Service Charges as described hereunder are subject to the allowable amounts set forth under California Civil Code Section 1719(a)(1) or its successor. 4-47 5. ADMINISTRATION; NOTICE This Agreement shall be administered by the Harbor Department. The City's Harbormaster or any successor property management group as appointed in writing by City, at City's sole and absolute discretion, shall be the duly authorized administer of City Mooring Licenses and shall have the authority to act for City under this Agreement. The Harbormaster shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the management of all Licensee agreements for any and all Moorings, and to perform all the rights and obligations on behalf of City as expressly set forth under this Agreement. Licensee shall notify the Harbormaster of any change to any of their information provided in this Agreement within five (5) calendar days after the occurrence of any such change. Notice shall be provided in writing and sent by mail or in person to the following or at any such other place as may be designated by City in writing from time to time. City of Newport Beach Harbormaster 1600 West Balboa Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92663 6. LICENSE CONDITIONS (a) This Mooring License Agreement is a limited, personal license for the temporary use of the mooring location specified herein and is revocable. This Mooring License Agreement does not create or represent any form of property right or provide any ownership interest in the underlying tidelands, which are held in trust by the City and owned by the people of the State of California. (NBMC Section 17.60.040(A),(B)(2)(i)) (b) Mooring licenses may be held only by natural persons. No person may have more than one mooring license. A mooring licensee is also limited to having no more than one mooring permit concurrently and the license and permit may not be for the same type of mooring (onshore or offshore). (c) Persons named on a jointly -issued license shall have equal rights, obligations and liability and shall be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with all rules, regulations, and conditions set forth in the Mooring License Agreement. (d) Mooring Licensee shall be responsible for payment of all license fees, late fees and interest charges. The mooring license shall be subject to immediate termination for failure to make timely payment or payment in full. (e) Mooring Licensee shall be responsible for payment to repair damage to the Mooring caused by Licensee or its agents, exclusive to normal wear and tear. (f) Rental, lease, sub -license, transfer, or assignment of the mooring, including any attempt of the foregoing, is prohibited. (g) Mooring Licensee shall not change the assigned vessels without prior City review and approval. (h) Mooring Licensee shall be responsible for any towing -related charges associated with the assigned vessel in violation of the Municipal Code. / ; (i) Mooring Licensee shall provide valid government -issued identification and, upon request of the Harbormaster, additional documentation to verify the Mooring Licensee's place of residence, to the satisfaction of the Harbormaster. Q) Mooring Licensee shall provide and maintain as current for the term of the Mooring License Agreement, evidence of valid DMV registration, USCG documentation, or other proof of controlling possessory right in the assigned vessel, all to the satisfaction of the Harbormaster. (k) Mooring Licensee shall provide and maintain as current proof of insurance coverage, naming the City as an additional insured, to the satisfaction of the City's Risk Manager, for the assigned vessel as well as any tender permitted to be maintained at the same mooring. (1) Mooring Licensee shall provide City written notice of any change in their contact information, proof of ownership in the assigned vessel, or insurance coverage within five (5) calendar days of such change. (m) The Harbormaster, or his designee, may board the assigned vessel at any time to inspect the condition and operability of the marine sanitation device(s) and/or insert dye tablets to determine whether those devices are discharging overboard in accordance with applicable laws. (n) The City, or its designee, is authorized to move the vessel on the mooring to another location when deemed necessary by the Public Works Director and/or Harbormaster. (o) Mooring Licensee shall take any and all necessary action to ensure all elements and parts associated with the mooring are kept in good condition at all times. (p) Only one (1) assigned vessel is allowed on a mooring at a time. The vessel shall be maintained in a safe, operable and seaworthy condition and shall not constitute a public nuisance. The vessel is subject to inspection by the Harbor Department prior to its assignment to a mooring, or thereafter upon request of the Harbormaster, to confirm it meets the requirements outlined in the NBMC. (NBMC Section 17.25.020(H)(2), (3)) (q) Mooring buoys must be clearly marked with the City -assigned mooring number and in accordance with the requirements for size, specifications, colors, and reflectivity of buoys and numbering systems. (California Uniform State Waterway Marking System; NBMC Section 17.25.020(G)) (r) The operation of the assigned vessel's mechanical or electrical systems shall not create excessive noise, odors, vibrations, fumes, discharges or emissions that constitute an impact on public health and safety. (NBMC Section 17.25.020(H)(3)(g)) (s) Mooring Licensees shall not release or permit to be released into the water or upon the docks or land by action or inaction, any waste or environmentally objectionable substances including but not limited to oil, paint and gasoline. If the assigned vessel is equipped with a toilet, a marine head, or any other permanent or temporary receptacle for human body wastes, then the vessel must be equipped with a holding tank designed to retain all contents deposited in the receptacle until such time as the contents can be discharged into a sanitary sewer system or discharged otherwise in accordance with law. All sewage systems on the assigned vessel must meet U.S. Coast Guard guidelines and be secured in a manner to prevent discharge in accordance with federal law while the vessel is moored in Newport Harbor. Mooring Licensee shall immediately implement necessary clean up and disposal of any waste and shall immediately report any release to all appropriate government agencies and to the Harbormaster. Mooring Licensee shall be responsible for the prompt payment of all costs associated with clean-up and disposal including costs of absorbent pads and booms, oversight by government agencies and Harbor Department personnel, fines, penalties and legal fees. If City is not satisfied with Mooring Licensee's corrective actions in response to a release or discharge City may, at its sole discretion, take any and all action it deems appropriate, including termination of the Mooring License. Mooring Licensee shall be liable for all costs and expenses associated with the City's corrective actions, which shall be payable to the City immediately upon receipt of an invoice from the City. (NBMC Section 17.45.030) (t) Mooring Licensee shall take any and all necessary action to promptly employ and maintain appropriate sea lion deterrent measures upon receipt of a notice of violation. (NBMC Section 17.25.020(H)(4)) (u) Mooring Licensee shall jointly and severally defend and indemnify the City and any other government entity with jurisdiction against any claims or losses arising out of or related to the use of the mooring. (v) Spreader lines when used must be visible on the surface by use of floats or other devices or methods at all times. (w) Living aboard a vessel is prohibited except as specifically permitted by NBMC Section 17.40.030. (x) A single tender, meaning a vessel no longer than fourteen (14) feet in overall length that serves as access to and from the assigned vessel, may be secured to the assigned vessel or may be secured to the off -shore mooring in the absence of the assigned vessel. The tender must be secured in such a manner so as not to intrude into the fairway or obstruct other mooring licensees or mooring permittees. (y) The Mooring License may be terminated for violation or failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions outlined herein or applicable provisions of Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. (z) Extended Vessel Absence. Vacancy or non -occupancy of the mooring by the assigned vessel of at least fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days shall be deemed abandonment of the mooring by the Licensee ("deemed abandonment") and shall result in automatic termination of this License. An absence or vacancy for which Licensee has provided advance written notice to the Harbormaster shall not be deemed abandonment. Mooring Licensee(s) acknowledge that they have read the above requirements and the obligations set forth in the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code and agree to abide thereby. MOORING LICENSEE: MOORING LICENSEE: Date: Date: By: By: APPROVED: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Date: By: Harbormaster 4-50 ATTACHMENT F Process for Developing Interest List Initial Issuance and Maintenance of Waitlist for City Moorings The objective is to devise a fair process for establishing an interest list from which the initial licensees will be selected, and then create a process for maintaining a waitlist for those who were not selected for the limited number of City moorings. Process for Establishing an Interest List: 1. Announcement: Notify the public about the upcoming release of City moorings in Newport Harbor, including the limited number and sizes available and the timeline for applications. The announcement will be on the Harbor Department website and via the City's social media and press release outlets. 2. Eligibility Criteria: Clearly state the eligibility criteria for individuals interested in applying for the City moorings which is the same as for mooring permits. 3. Application Period: Set a specific timeframe, such as 90 days, for interested parties to submit their applications. Ensure that the application process is accessible to all potential applicants, including providing online and offline options for submitting applications. 4. Application Form: Develop a comprehensive application similar to that for new mooring permittees that gathers all relevant information necessary for evaluating eligibility and appropriate fit for the City moorings. 5. Randomized Selection Process: Once the application period has ended, conduct a randomized selection process to determine the selected licensees from the interest list. This can be accomplished using a computerized system or by drawing names from a physical lottery -style system. This ensures fairness and avoids any bias in the selection process. The Harbor Department has experience using an automated spreadsheet tool for achieving randomized selection and would prefer to use this method. 6. Announcement of Winners: Promptly announce the selected winners publicly and by direct contact with them, emphasizing transparency and fairness in the selection process. Provide clear instructions to the selected licensees on how to proceed with obtaining their mooring license. Process for Maintaining a Waitlist: 1. Notification: Notify all applicants who were not selected as initial licensees that they have been placed on the waitlist. Clearly communicate the position of each applicant on the waitlist and consider publishing the updated waitlist on the Harbor Department website. 2. Regular Updates: Maintain the waitlist as licensees discontinue their agreements. Communicate the availability of City moorings to qualified entrants on the waitlist and offer 4-51 a limited timeframe, such as 30 days, for executing a new license agreement. Move to the next eligible entry on the waitlist as appropriate. 3. Application Update Process: Establish a reapplication process for interested parties on the waitlist. This process should be separate from the initial application process, allowing waitlisted applicants to update their information, such as desired mooring size and contact information. 4. Priority Placement: When a City mooring license become available, give priority to individuals on the waitlist based on their position. Communicate their selection and guide them through the process of obtaining and confirming their new mooring license. 5. Maintaining the Waitlist: Continue updating and maintaining the waitlist as necessary, removing individuals who have secured a City mooring license from the list and accommodating those who wish to be removed voluntarily. By following these fair processes for establishing an interest list and maintaining a waitlist, transparency, fairness, and equal opportunities will be ensured for all interested parties in acquiring a license for a City mooring in Newport Harbor. 4-52 Recommendation Regarding Conversion of Short-term City Mooring Sub -permits to Longer -term Mooring Licenses Allowing for Improved Public Access August 9, 2023 Presented By: Ira Beer, Harbor Commissioner 4-53 • Current mooring permits are easily transferrable from existing permittees to new permittees in private transactions. Consequently, these mooring permits have either transferred to family members or through other private party transactions at considerable expense to the new permittee. Since 2017, non- family related permit transfer fees between private individuals totaled about $11.4 million. • A mariner today seeking a mooring permit to gain access to public tidelands requires the mariner (i) find a mooring permittee looking to sell the permit rights, plus (ii) pay a substantial fee to the existing mooring permittee. In 2022, there were nine 50-foot permits transferred at an average sale price of $53,000. Other examples including an 80-foot mooring permit was sold in a private transaction for $150,000, and an 18-foot mooring was sold in a private transaction for $100,000. • Current mooring permittees control who has access to moorings over public tidelands through the transferability of existing mooring permits. This restricts, if not prohibits public access to tidelands that are held in trust by the City of Newport Beach for the State of California. 4-54 • Establish up to 14 existing City -owned short-term moorings, and newly created or future acquired City moorings to be part of a longer -term mooring licensing/rental program. • The new mooring license (month -to -month auto -renewable) will allow public access and maintaining a vessel longer -term over public tidelands than exists today. • License new moorings to the public at fair market value without requiring a large capital expense for the right to moor a vessel over public tidelands 4-55 • New mooring licenses to be available only to natural persons (individuals) and not intended for commercial use. • New City Owned moorings will utilize City -owned and maintained mooring weights, chain, hardware, buoys, etc. • New mooring licenses will be non-transferrable • Licensed moorings will always be occupied by the vessel registered to the licensee as identified in the New City Mooring license agreement. • New City Mooring licenses will be subject to termination if vacant for more than 15 days. However, the Harbormaster may allow for a grace period if the vacancy is due to (i) a vessel sale, (ii) vessel repairs or maintenance, or (iii) an extended leave. Any approved vessel absence or vacancy shall in no event exceed 3 months in the event of a vessel sale, repairs or maintenance and 6 months for an extended leave. 4-56 Current Mooring Product & Permit • Transferable at the discretion of the mooring permittee in family or private transactions. • No requirement of occupancy with a vessel. A mooring can remain empty indefinitely. • No restriction on excess length of chains or lines • Permittee owned or maintained anchor weights, chains and buoys New Mooring License Product • Non -transferable. • Allows for fair access of moorings over public tidelands • Offered initially through a public lottery and subsequently through a waiting list program like Balboa Yacht Basin (city -owned marina) • The mooring must always be occupied with the licensee owned, registered and assigned vessel, notwithstanding a grace period for a vessel sale or loss, repairs and maintenance or an approved extended leave not to exceed 6-months duration. • Requirement for spreader lines for safety and improved navigation for other mariners • City owned and maintained anchor weights, chains and buoys per established Newport Harbor Design Standards. 4-5 7 • The City has adopted a policy to calculate fair market value fees charged for City -owned slips in Newport Harbor at the Balboa Yacht Basin (BYB) • The BYB slip rental fees are based upon a reduced average of comparable slip rentals at several marinas in Newport Harbor. The rental fees for the BYB City -owned slips are adjusted annually based on the average index of those marinas. • New City -owned mooring licensing/rental fees are proposed to be based as a percentage of the City -owned BYB slip rental fees and would automatically adjust annually under the same formula as currently adopted (or as may be amended) by City Council. • The initial percentage and/or rental fees charged for New City Owned moorings will be based an independent certified appraisal. • The recommended percentage of BYB slip fees to be charged for New Public Moorings based upon the independent appraisal is 30%. The Harbor Commission subcommittee recommendation is 27%, or 10% below the appraised fair market value rates. 4-58 New City Owned Mooring Type Onshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore Offshore LOAfor Slip or Mooring 18' 3 0' 4 0' 50, 6 0' 7 0' 8 0'+ BYB Comparable Average LOA Slip Rate per Appraisal 32.23 39.60 50.09 60.59 70.65 74.08 80.95 BYB SI p Rate Percentage per Appraisal 27.9% 32.8% 29.9% 28.9% 28.3% n/a 27.2% Certified Appraisal 'Benchmark' Recommended Rates as a Percentage of BYB SI 1 p Rate 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Note 1 - 70' 3Yg slip rate is an estimated rate not a published rate Note 2 - 80'+BY6 slip rate is based on 75' published rate Note 3 - N8HC recommended rates are sub -committee recommendations Newport Beach Harbor Commission Recommended Rates as a Percentage of BYB Slip Rate 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% Newport Beach Certified Harbor Appraisal Commission Stated New City Recommended Mooring Fair New City Market Rates Mooring Rates per Lineal per Lineal Foot/Month Foot/Month 9.00 8.70 13.00 10.69 15.00 13.52 17.50 16.36 20.00 19.08 n/a 20.00 22.00 21.86 4-59 Approve a Recommendation for a City Council Resolution including: 1. Anew mooring license/rental product and agreement allowing for longer -term mooring rentals to the public for (i) existing city -owned moorings, and (ii) future moorings that may be acquired or constructed by the City of Newport Beach 2. New guidelines and requirements set forth in a New City Mooring licensing/rental agreement 3. New fee schedule for the New City Mooring license/rental product 4. Adopt changes to the Municipal Code to accommodate the New City moorings and license agreement Discussion Related to New Mooring Licensing/Rental Program Question & Answer Session for Harbor Commissioners Presented by Ira Beer Harbor Commissioner August 9, 2023 Public Comments Open fOYum �EwapRr °k e City of Newport Beach ATTACHMENT H > s BUDGET AMENDMENT cq"F°"�sr 2023-24 BA#: 24-032 Department: Harbor ONE TIME: ❑ `!es ❑ No Requestor: Paul Blank Approvals ❑ CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL ONLY Finance Director: Aum ahmw Date 1491412- D COUNCIL APPROVAL REQUIRED City Clerk: Date EXPLANATION FOR REQUEST: To incorporate additional revenue estimates from the short-term licensing of City moorings ❑ from existing budget appropriations ❑✓ from additional estimated revenues ❑ from unappropriated fund balance REVENUES Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) S 100 10045451 551034 HARBOR DEPARTMENT - SHORT-TERM MOORING LICENSES 22,306.00 Subtotal $ 22,306.00 EXPENDITURES Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ Subtotal $ FUND BALANCE Fund # Object Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 100 300000 TIDE & SUBMERGED LANDS FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 22,306,00 Subtotall 22,306,00 Fund Balance Change Required 4-63 ATTACHMENT I STRIKEOUT VERSION Chapter 17.60 HARBOR PERMITS AND LEASES Sections: 17.60.010 Public Trust Lands —General. 17.60.015 Application for Harbormaster Permits. 17.60.020 Application for Pier/Mooring Permits or the Lease of Public Trust Lands. 17.60.030 Pier Permits for Noncommercial Piers. 17.60.040 Mooring Permits. 17.60.045 Short -Term Mooring Licenses. 17.60.050 Houseboats. 17.60.060 Public Trust Lands. 17.60.010 Public Trust Lands —General. A. Applicability. Public trust lands include tidelands, submerged lands, the beds of navigable lakes and rivers, and historic tidelands and submerged lands that are presently filled or reclaimed and which were subject to the public trust at any time. The City manages these lands through a series of permits, franchises and leases. This chapter applies to permits or leases for public trust lands used for commercial purposes by a person, other than the City, pier permits for noncommercial piers, and mooring permits. B. Limits on Uses. Except as provided in subsection (C) of this section, public trust lands are subject to the Common Law Public Trust, which limits uses to navigation, fishing, commerce, public access, water -oriented recreation, open space and environmental protection. C. Exceptions. State legislation has modified public trust restrictions for the historic tidelands in Beacon Bay, the Balboa Bay Club, and Harbor Island as provided in Section 17.05.080(B). 17.60.015 Application for Harbormaster Permits. A. Required Forms. Except for applications for marine activities permits filed under Chapter 17.10, applications for permits which pertain to Newport Harbor under the provisions of this title which are to be issued by the Harbormaster shall be filed with the Harbormaster, in writing, on forms prescribed by the Harbormaster. B. Required Materials. Applications shall be accompanied by all materials required by the prescribed forms, unless specifically waived by the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster may request additional materials deemed necessary to support the application. C. Required Signatures. Application for permits issued by the Harbormaster shall be submitted and signed by the owner, lessee, or agent of the owner of the property affected or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. D. Fees. Applications and renewals shall be accompanied by a fee as established by resolution of the City Council. Page l/18 4-64 STRIKEOUT VERSION 17.60.020 Application for Pier/Mooring Permits or the Lease of Public Trust Lands. A. Required Forms. Except for permits to be filed with the Harbormaster, applications for permits or leases which pertain to Newport Harbor under the provisions of this chapter shall be filed in the Public Works Department, in writing, on forms prescribed by the Public Works Director. B. Required Materials. Applications shall be accompanied by all plans, maps, and other materials required by the prescribed forms, unless specifically waived by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director may request additional materials deemed necessary to support the application. C. Required Signatures. Applications for permits or leases issued by the Public Works Director may be made by the owner, lessee, or agent of the owner of the property affected. The application shall be signed by the owner of record or may be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. D. Fees. Applications and renewals shall be accompanied by a fee as established by resolution of the City Council. E. Tidelands Users. Users of public tidelands, including commercial and noncommercial users, shall be subject to rental or lease charges reflective of the fair market value related to such use as established by the City Council with the assistance of an appraisal. 17.60.030 Pier Permits for Noncommercial Piers. A. Noncommercial Pier Permits. Upon the request of the abutting upland residential property owner, or lessee or the authorized agent of the owner or lessee and in accordance with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, Sections 17.35.020(A) and (B), a residential pier permit shall be issued for up to ten (10) years. The City shall extend the term of any residential pier permit for up to ten (10) years upon: 1. Permit expiration and the request of the owner or lessee, or the authorized agent of the owner or lessee; or 2. Upon sale of the abutting upland property and the request of the new owner or lessee, or the authorized agent of the owner or lessee. The maximum term of any permit issued hereunder, with extensions, shall be fifty (50) years. After fifty (50) years, the abutting upland residential property owner, or lessee or authorized agent of the owner shall be required to apply for a new residential pier permit. B. Rental Fees. Every owner or permit holder who maintains a pier used for noncommercial purposes, any part of which extends into public tidelands, shall pay to the City the applicable pier permit rental fee for such portions of the pier that extend into public tidelands, as established by City Council resolution. C. Transfer of Noncommercial Pier Permits. Page 2 / 18 4-65 STRIKEOUT VERSION 1. Permits for noncommercial piers are issued subject to the condition that any improvements constructed shall not be sold in whole or part, leased, or transferred without the prior written consent of the City. 2. Whenever a permittee sells the abutting residential upland property, a request shall be made to the City to transfer the permit. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Public Works Department. Failure to apply for a transfer within thirty (30) days from the date that the abutting upland residential property changed ownership will result in an additional fee as established by resolution of the City Council. 3. Along with the City Manager, the Public Works Director is authorized to approve transfers to the new owners or long-term lessee of the abutting upland residential property. 4. Prior to the transfer of a pier permit, all harbor structures shall be inspected for compliance with the City's minimum plumbing, electrical and structural requirements, and the conditions of the existing permit. All structural deficiencies must be corrected prior to the transfer of the permit. 5. Noncommercial piers may be rented/leased in whole or in part, by the permittee to a third party or parties. Such rental/lease shall not be deemed a transfer under this section. 6. The provisions of this section shall not apply to piers, docks or other structures located in Promontory Bay and in other waters over privately owned land. 17.60.040 Mooring Permits. A. Permit Required. No person shall place, erect, construct, maintain, use or tie to a mooring in the waters of Newport Harbor over City -owned or controlled tidelands (i.e., an offshore mooring) or in the nearshore perimeter of Newport Harbor perpendicular to the shoreline (i.e., an onshore mooring) without first having obtained a mooring permit from the Harbormaster or having otherwise complied with this section. A mooring permit is in the nature of license for the temporary use of a specific location within Newport Harbor. B. Issuance of Permit —Conditions. The Harbormaster, in furtherance of the tideland grants to the City, may issue a mooring permit or mooring sub -permit to allow the mooring permittee or mooring sub-permittee to temporarily use a portion of the waters of Newport Harbor for the mooring of a vessel if the Harbormaster makes the findings set forth in Section 17.05.140(D)(1). A mooring permittee may hold up to two mooring permits at any time. A mooring permittee that held or continues to hold more than two mooring permits prior to May 11, 2017, may continue to hold the mooring permits until the permits are sold, revoked, or otherwise transferred under this chapter. 1. Exceptions. a. The Balboa Yacht Club and the Newport Harbor Yacht Club (collectively, "yacht clubs") currently hold permits for single point moorings placed within certain mooring area boundaries established by the City, as noted in subsection (13)(3)(g) of this section. In addition, the Lido Isle Community Association ("LICA") has permits for onshore moorings on Lido Isle. These organizations shall hold their respective permits under the yacht club, or respective organization name, for the moorings identified by the City as Page 3 / 18 4-66 STRIKEOUT VERSION under their respective control at the time of enactment of the ordinance codified in this section. The yacht clubs and LICA shall be solely responsible for managing moorings under their control and shall be permitted to assign moorings under their control to yacht club members and members of LICA, respectively. The yacht clubs and LICA shall keep accurate records of the name and address of the club members and community association members to which each mooring has been assigned and the corresponding length of each vessel. The yacht clubs and LICA may not sell or otherwise transfer the moorings under their control to a third party that is not a member of the yacht club or LICA. Mooring records and 24/7 emergency contact information shall be provided annually to the Harbormaster by the yacht clubs and LICA on or before February 1 st. b. Mooring of a Tender. A single vessel no longer than fourteen (14) feet in overall length to serve as access to and from the assigned vessel may be secured to the assigned vessel or may be secured to the offshore mooring in the absence of the assigned vessel. The vessel must be secured in such a manner so as not to intrude into the fairway or obstruct neighboring permittees. Notwithstanding the single vessel restriction, permitted live-aboards may secure up to two vessels no longer than fourteen (14) feet in overall length to the assigned vessel, to serve as access to and from the assigned live -aboard vessel. C. Multiple Vessel Mooring System Program. The Harbormaster may approve a multiple vessel mooring system in the single anchor mooring areas of Newport Harbor. An application and applicable fee, established by resolution of the City Council, for a multiple vessel mooring system shall be submitted in writing to the Harbormaster, who shall evaluate the application based upon standards established and the application shall be approved if the Harbormaster makes the findings under the applicable standards and those set forth in Section 17.05.140(D)(1). 2. Permit Requirements. A mooring permit may be issued to a maximum of two persons ("mooring permittee(s)") who shall be individually and collectively responsible for all activities related to the mooring permit. The mooring permit shall specify the assigned mooring location, the mooring length, and assigned vessel information. Mooring permittee(s) are subject to and shall fully comply with the following conditions: a. Identify on the permit the full legal name(s), current address(es), current telephone number(s) and current email address(es), if one exists, of the mooring permittee(s); b. Agree to be responsible for permit rent, fees, maintenance and repair of mooring equipment; C. The permit for joint ownership moorings shall provide that all parties shall have equal rights under the permit and shall be held jointly responsible for compliance with all rules, regulations, and conditions set forth in the mooring permit; d. Grant permission to the City to temporarily assign the mooring to another vessel when it is unoccupied through the issuance of a mooring sub -permit; Page 4 / 18 4-67 STRIKEOUT VERSION e. Agree to defend and indemnify the City and any other government entity with jurisdiction against any claims or losses arising out of, or related to the use of, the mooring permit except where the claim or loss arises from the sub-permittee's damage of the mooring, or out of the negligence and/or misconduct of a person assigned the mooring as a mooring sub-permittee under subsections (G) and/or (H) of this section; f. Provide proof of insurance for the assigned vessel naming the City as an additional insured to the satisfaction of the Risk Manager; g. Provide registration or other proof of controlling possessory right in the assigned vessel, all to the satisfaction of the Harbormaster; h. Agree to pay fair market value rent, as established by resolution of the City Council, on a rent schedule established by the Harbormaster, which shall be similar to the schedule used to collect rent from other tidelands users in Newport Harbor; i. Agree that the mooring permit does not provide any ownership interest in the underlying tidelands, which are held in trust by the City and owned by the people of the State of California; j. Agree to move the vessel from the mooring to another location when deemed necessary by the Public Works Director and/or Harbormaster because the vessel has drifted from its assigned mooring location or to address safety or navigational concerns, and also to authorize the City or its designee to move the vessel upon the mooring permittee's failure to do so, at the permittee's expense; k. Agree to allow the Harbormaster, or his designee, to board the permittee's vessel at any time to inspect the condition and operability of the marine sanitation device(s) and/or insert dye tablets to determine whether said devices are discharging overboard in accordance with applicable laws; and 1. Agree that if the permittee's maximum mooring length is shorter than the established length of its mooring row by five feet or more then the permittee is subject to relocation within the same mooring field for the purpose of accommodating mooring extension requests. The H and J fields shall be considered as one field for the purpose of relocations. The costs of relocation, including the moving of mooring equipment, shall be borne by the mooring permittee who requested the mooring length extension. Example: Permittee A has a mooring length of thirty-five (35) feet, a vessel LOA of thirty (30) feet, and is in a thirty-five (35) foot row. Permittee B has a mooring length of thirty (30) feet, a vessel LOA of thirty (30) feet, and is in a thirty-five (35) foot row. Permittee C has a mooring length of thirty-six (36) feet, a vessel LOA of thirty (30) feet, and is in a forty (40) foot row. Only Permittee B is subject to relocation. 3. Permittee/Transferee Qualifications. A mooring permit may be held only by natural persons unless the mooring permit is transferable, in which case it may be held by, or transferred to, only the following: a. A natural person(s); Page 5 / 18 4-68 STRIKEOUT VERSION b. An executor or administrator carrying out the terms of a will or administering a probated estate that holds a mooring permit, but only for the period of time prior to distribution of the estate; C. An inter vivos trust, family trust, or other similar type of trust estate holding a mooring permit, so long as all trustors are natural persons and the primary mooring permittee shall be the trustee of the trust; d. Immediate family, which shall mean the mooring permittee's spouse and heirs at law to the second degree of consanguinity; e. A marine contractor, or marine support service provider, holding a mooring permit used to provide current or ongoing harbor infrastructure and marine or fishing services (such as maintenance or dredging); f. Balboa Island Yacht Club for the purposes of youth education in boating and marine activities; Kerckhoff Marine Laboratories for the purpose of marine and oceanographic research; and American Legion Post 291 for the purpose of serving veterans and their families and supplying them with affordable access to boating and harbor activities; or similar marine educational entities; or g. The Balboa Yacht Club, Newport Harbor Yacht Club (collectively "yacht clubs") and the Lido Isle Community Association —only for those moorings assigned by the City within certain established mooring areas or locations, prior to January 13, 2011. These designated mooring areas may not be expanded. The boundaries of all mooring areas in Newport Harbor are graphically depicted by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Chart Number 18754. Yacht clubs shall be entitled to a maximum number of moorings identified in NOAA Chart Number 18754 that are located within the yacht club's established mooring fields and at a minimum the current number of moorings assigned to them as of January 13, 2011. C. Plans and Specifications Required. No mooring permit shall be issued for placing, erecting, constructing or maintaining a mooring or buoy unless such mooring or buoy is constructed: 1. In accordance with standard plans and specifications approved by the Harbormaster and at a location approved by the Harbormaster; or 2. In accordance with other plans and specifications for such mooring or buoy which have been submitted by the applicant, showing the construction of such proposed mooring or buoy together with the location thereof, and which meet the requirements established in this chapter and which have been approved by the Harbormaster. D. Late Fees. A late charge shall be added to all payments due but not received by the City by the due date in accordance with Section 17.05.120. E. Transfer of Permit. Mooring permits are nontransferable, with the exception of mooring permits that were issued prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 2023-8 (July 13, 2023), which shall continue to be transferable unless surrendered or revoked. A mooring permit that is Page 6 / 18 4-69 STRIKEOUT VERSION transferable may only be transferred one time in any twelve (12) month period, unless transferred to a member of the permittee's immediate family. F. Procedures for Transfers. Permits shall not be transferred without the prior written approval of the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster may approve the transfer of a mooring permit under the procedures set out below: 1. The mooring permittee(s) (or, if the permittee is deceased or incapacitated, the transferee) shall submit to the Harbormaster: a. A completed mooring transfer form (on the form provided by the Harbormaster); and b. Documentation that the proposed new mooring permittee (transferee) qualifies as a mooring permittee under subsection (13)(3) of this section. 2. If transferee intends to purchase an assigned vessel but does not have title on the assigned vessel owned by the mooring permittee and transferor at the time of transfer, then: a. Within sixty (60) days of a transfer, transferee shall submit to the Harbormaster a copy of a California Department of Motor Vehicles registration or other current registration (or, in lieu thereof, U.S. Coast Guard documentation of ownership) documenting transferee's ownership of the assigned vessel or, in the case of an onshore mooring, a photograph of the assigned vessel if it is not subject to vessel registration laws. The Harbormaster shall inspect the vessel at its office for compliance with Section 17.25.020(H) before the assignment is approved; or b. If such documentation is not received by the Harbormaster within the sixty (60) day period, then the vessel or the mooring may be impounded, and the mooring may be deemed vacant and assigned pursuant to subsections (G) and (H) of this section. 3. If transferee intends to moor a vessel other than the assigned vessel and does not have title to the vessel that will be moored at the time of transfer, then: a. Within sixty (60) days of an approved transfer, the transferee shall notify the Harbormaster that the assigned vessel has been removed from the mooring and before a new vessel may be placed on the mooring shall submit to the Harbormaster a copy of a California Department of Motor Vehicles registration or other current registration (or, in lieu thereof, U.S. Coast Guard documentation of ownership) documenting transferee's ownership of the new assigned vessel, or in the case of an onshore mooring, a photograph of the new assigned vessel if it is not subject to vessel registration laws. The Harbormaster shall inspect the vessel at its office for compliance with Section 17.25.020(H) before the assignment is approved; or b. If the documentation is not received within sixty (60) days of a transfer, the mooring may be deemed vacant by the Harbormaster and the mooring may be assigned pursuant to subsections (G) and (H) of this section. The mooring may remain vacant until such time the permittee notifies the Harbormaster of their intent to assign their vessel to the mooring. Page 7 / 18 4-70 STRIKEOUT VERSION 4. The transfer request shall be denied unless mooring permit rent, including late payment fees, is paid current; required mooring inspections are current; registration or documentation and insurance are provided; required maintenance and repairs are complete and there are no derelict or unauthorized vessel(s) on the mooring; and the vessel is of appropriate length with the appropriate weights and chains. 5. The mooring permittee and transferee shall provide a written agreement to defend and indemnify the City of Newport Beach in any dispute with a third party over transferee's right to be the mooring permittee or in any dispute with a third party over the mooring permittee's right to transfer the permit. 6. Transfer Approval. Upon confirmation of compliance with this subsection, the Harbormaster must find all of the following conditions to approve the transfer of a mooring permit: a. The mooring permittee no longer owns the assigned vessel or has retained ownership of the assigned vessel and has permanently vacated the mooring; b. The transferee has met all the qualifications and conditions for issuance of a permit in subsection (B) of this section; C. The transferor or transferee has reported to the Harbormaster the price paid for the mooring permit, and has paid to the City the required transfer fee; and d. The transferor represents that the person did not discriminate against any transferee or prospective transferee because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age or any other impermissible basis under law. 7. The Harbormaster may approve a one -for -one exchange of moorings between two mooring permittees, subject to compliance with this subsection without any transfer fee imposed by the City. 8. The Harbormaster may approve the changing of an assigned vessel on the permit, subject to the requirements of subsection (B) of this section, without any transfer fee imposed by the City. 9. Following an approved transfer, the Harbormaster shall list the transfer price of the mooring permit on a publicly available website hosted by the City, or on a third party's website under contract with the City to host information regarding mooring permit transfers. G. City's Authority to Assign Moorings through Use of Sub -Permits. With the exception of the Balboa Yacht Club, the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and the Lido Isle Community Association's designated moorings, mooring permittee may not rent, assign, or transfer the use of the mooring to any other person. With the exception of moorings issued to mooring permittees described in subsection (B)(3)(g) of this section, the Harbormaster shall have the authority to assign vacant moorings to sub-permittees pursuant to the following provisions: Page 8 / 18 4-71 STRIKEOUT VERSION 1. Deemed Vacant Moorings. The Harbormaster may assign deemed vacant moorings through the issuance of sub -permits at his or her own discretion. Sub -permits may be renewed upon availability. The mooring permittee may reclaim its mooring upon three days' prior written notice to the Harbormaster of its intent to return the assigned vessel to the mooring. A "deemed vacant mooring" shall be defined as a mooring upon which: a. An assigned vessel has not been attached for thirty (30) consecutive days or more; or b. A vessel, other than an assigned vessel or approved sub-permittee vessel approved in accordance with subsection (H) of this section, has been attached for thirty (30) days or more; or C. Required documentation for an assigned vessel has not been provided for a transfer request pursuant to subsection (F) of this section. 2. Noticed Vacant Moorings. The Harbormaster may assign noticed vacant moorings through the issuance of a mooring sub -permit for any period of time, up to the reoccupation date on the mooring permittee's written notice, or the twenty-four (24) hour written notice per subsection (G)(2)(b) of this section. If the mooring continues to be vacant for thirty (30) days past the reoccupation date indicated on mooring permittee's notice, and there is no further written notice from mooring permittee, the mooring shall become a deemed vacant mooring. a. Mooring permittee may provide written notice to the Harbormaster of its intent to vacate its mooring for fifteen (15) days or more. These moorings shall be "noticed vacant moorings." Written notice shall include the date the mooring permittee intends to vacate his/her mooring, and the date he/she intends to reoccupy the mooring with the assigned vessel. b. If a mooring permittee provides written notice, the mooring permittee may reclaim the assigned mooring on the reoccupation date indicated in his/her written notice or, if the mooring permittee returns prior to or after the reoccupation date, upon twenty- four (24) hours' written notice to the Harbormaster. H. Procedures for Mooring Sub -Permit Issuance. Issuance of a mooring sub -permit shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Provision of a written representation of the mooring sub-permittee's vessel length which shall be satisfactory to the Harbormaster; 2. The mooring sub-permittee agrees to be responsible for any damage to mooring equipment; to defend and indemnify the City of Newport Beach and the mooring permittee against any claims or losses arising out of, or related to, the mooring rental; to provide proof of insurance as may be determined by the City's Risk Manager; to provide registration or other proof of ownership; to provide an equipment damage deposit, all to the satisfaction of the Harbormaster; and authorize the City, or its designee, to move the vessel on the mooring Page 9 / 18 4-72 STRIKEOUT VERSION to another location when deemed necessary by the Public Works Director and/or Harbormaster; 3. The repair of any damage to the mooring equipment shall be paid by the mooring sub- permittee. If the mooring is damaged by a vessel assigned by the City, or the City's agent, the City shall arrange for the repair of the mooring with a qualified vendor and provide notice to the permittee of the occurrence and the arranged repair date. Should the sub- permittee fail to pay for the damage for any reason, the City will pay for the required repairs to the mooring, and then seek reimbursement from the sub-permittee. Also, the City shall make available a mooring without charge for the returning vessel of the mooring permittee until such time as their permitted mooring is repaired; 4. The mooring sub-permittee shall provide approved mooring lines which shall be removed at the end of the rental period; 5. A mooring sub -permit may be up to fifteen (15) days and may terminate at any time for any reason, and may be renewed based on availability. Upon return of the assigned vessel to the mooring, the Harbormaster will attempt to reassign the sub-permittee to another mooring. Mooring sub-permittees have no right of renewal or substitute moorings upon return of the assigned vessel, or upon termination of a mooring sub -permit for any reason. Mooring sub- permittees accept an indefinite term at their own risk. The decision by the Harbormaster to terminate a sub -permit shall be final and nonappealable; 6. The mooring sub -permit rent will be based on a rate established by resolution of the City Council; and 7. Mooring sub -permits are offered to the public on a first -come, first -served basis. City owned and operated moorings may be reserved in advance. I. Mooring Permit Transfer Nonrefundable Fee. The City shall charge the mooring permittee for the right to transfer a mooring permit under subsection (E) of this section in an amount equal to seventy-five (75) percent of the annual mooring rent as established by City Council resolution. This transfer fee represents a one-time nonrefundable transfer fee for the use of a mooring. A mooring permit transfer fee shall not be required i£ 1. The transfer is from the mooring permittee to the same mooring permittee as trustor of an inter vivos trust, living trust or other similar estate planning tool; 2. The transfer is made under subsections (F)(7) and (8) of this section; or 3. The transfer is to immediate family. J. Surrendered Mooring Equipment. If the mooring permittee sells, transfers, or otherwise no longer owns the assigned vessel and does not intend to apply for, or does not receive, approval to transfer the permit to another, the permittee may provide written notice to the Harbormaster of his or her intent to surrender the mooring permit; otherwise the provisions of subsection (G) of this section regarding a vacant mooring shall apply. Page 10 / 18 4-73 STRIKEOUT VERSION Once a mooring permit is surrendered, the mooring permittee shall remove the assigned vessel and/or the mooring equipment thirty (30) days after written notice of surrender of the permit, or, upon failure to remove the mooring equipment, title shall vest in the City and the City shall compensate the mooring permittee the fair value for the mooring equipment, less rent or fees owed, as provided in subsection (L) of this section. K. Revocation of Permit. 1. The grounds and procedure for revocation of a mooring permit are set forth in Section 17.70.020. 2. Upon revocation of the mooring permit, it shall be the duty of the mooring permittee to immediately remove the mooring equipment and any moored vessel. If not removed within thirty (30) days of revocation of the permit, the mooring equipment shall vest in the City and may be auctioned by the City to another person or may be removed by the Harbormaster and the cost of mooring equipment removal shall be paid by the mooring permittee. Any moored vessel or equipment not removed within thirty (30) days may be impounded by the City and disposed of in the manner provided by law. City -incurred costs of removal of mooring equipment or any vessel moored thereto may be charged against the permittee and collected in any court of competent jurisdiction or recovered by the City from the proceeds of sale of the vessel or mooring equipment. 3. During any revocation proceeding, if the mooring is unoccupied, it may be temporarily assigned as a mooring for guest vessels by the Harbormaster. L. Moorings Reverting Back to City. Should a mooring revert back to the City for any reason, whether through abandonment, surrender, failure to provide documents pursuant to subsection (F) of this section, or for any other reason other than as set forth in subsection (K) of this section, the following shall apply: 1. The mooring permittee shall be entitled to recover all of the mooring permittee's mooring equipment within thirty (30) days of reversion; 2. If the mooring permittee does not recover his or her mooring equipment, the mooring permittee shall be entitled to payment from the City of the fair value of the mooring equipment as depreciated by use in an amount to be determined by the Harbormaster and as set in the City's master fee resolution, after any and all past due rent and fees, if applicable, have been satisfied; and 3. The mooring equipment may be publicly auctioned by the City, or the City's designated representative, or the mooring equipment may be used for other City purposes. M. Request to Extend Mooring Length. 1. General. Mooring permittees shall not moor vessels that exceed their permitted maximum mooring length. If an offshore mooring permittee wishes to moor a vessel that requires an extension in mooring length, they may request an extension up to the established length of their mooring row. A request for an extension that would exceed the established length of Page 11/18 4-74 STRIKEOUT VERSION their mooring row shall require the permittee to relocate to a larger mooring row. In no case shall mooring lengths exceed the established mooring row lengths. 2. Application. a. Filing and Review of Request. An offshore mooring permittee shall file a written request for extension of mooring length with the Harbor Department on a form prescribed by the Harbormaster, together with the filing fee required by the City's fee schedule adopted by resolution of the City Council. b. Application Requirements. An application for extension of mooring length shall include the following information in addition to such other information as may be required by the Harbormaster: i. The full identification of the applicant and the vessel for which the extension of mooring length is sought, certifying that the applicant and the assigned vessel have complied with (or in the event the vessel identification is unknown, applicant will certify that such unidentified vessel prior to occupying the mooring space will comply with) all of the applicable United States Coast Guard license, inspection, and certification requirements, and certifying that the applicant has read and is otherwise familiar with all of the applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the City, including, but not limited to, the provisions of this title; ii. Such plans and specifications as may be required by the Harbormaster for such mooring to accommodate the proposed longer vessel; and iii. Detailed information regarding the vessel including make, model, year, LOA, beam, dimension, vessel ID, and if the vessel identification is not known at the time of making an application, the LOA and adjusted LOA (including bowsprits, swim steps, or stern -mounted dinghies) of the proposed vessel for which the applicant seeks approval. The LOA as published by the manufacturer of a particular vessel shall be used to determine the required mooring size of a particular vessel, and the size of the specification for the chains, weights, and tackle necessary to secure a vessel on a particular mooring for a permittee. Adjusted LOA shall be used to determine the maximum vessel length that can fit in any particular slip, side -tie, or mooring row. 3. Action on Extension Request. For extension requests that require relocation to a larger mooring, a mooring of appropriate size must be available within the same mooring field. The H and J fields shall be considered as one field for the purpose of relocations. As used herein, an available mooring includes one that is occupied by a permittee whose permitted maximum mooring length is shorter than the established length of its mooring row by five feet or more. The Harbormaster may approve the extension request only after making the findings set forth in Section 17.05.140(D)(1) and making the following findings: a. There have been no changes in the conditions or circumstances of the existing offshore mooring permit so that there would have been grounds for denial of the original offshore mooring permit or grounds for revocation thereof at the time an application for extension of mooring length is filed; Page 12 / 18 4-75 STRIKEOUT VERSION b. The proposed extension of mooring length will not: i. Impede or obstruct the fairways or channels or prevent or obstruct the passage of other vessels between the rows; ii. Impede, obstruct or prevent other mooring permittees from safely navigating in and out of adjacent moorings or moorings in other rows connected by the same fairway to the row of the permittee's vessel; iii. Result in vessel(s) encroaching into the fairway or extending beyond the outer boundaries of the mooring area or row; or iv. Violate the established length of the row or mooring area in which the vessel will be moored; C. The applicant and the assigned vessel have complied with all of the appropriate United States Coast Guard license, inspection, and certification requirements for the assigned vessel and all of the applicable rules and regulations promulgated by the City, including, but not limited to, the provisions of this title. Example of relocation to an available mooring. Permittee A wishes to upgrade their vessel "Atlantis" (forty (40) foot LOA), which is in a forty (40) foot row, with "Atlantis II" (forty-two (42) foot LOA). A will need to relocate to a mooring in a longer row since the mooring length cannot be extended at its current location. Permittee B's vessel "Barnacle" (forty-one (41) foot LOA) is in a forty-five (45) foot row. Permittee C's vessel "Calypso" (forty (40) foot LOA) is in forty-five (45) foot row. Permittee D's vessel "Doldrums" (forty (40) foot LOA) is in a forty-five (45) foot row. B has a permitted mooring length of forty-one (41) feet; C's permitted mooring length is forty (40) feet; and D's permitted mooring length is forty-one (41). All four moorings are in the same mooring field. C's mooring is the only available mooring to which A can relocate. 4. Conditions of Approval. If the Harbormaster approves a request for extension of mooring length, such approval shall be conditional and contingent upon the following requirements: a. The mooring permittee must occupy the approved mooring with their vessel within twelve (12) months following the date of approval; b. Transferable mooring permits shall not be sold or transferred for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of occupancy of the approved mooring. The sale or transfer of said permit shall comply with the requirements of subsections (13)(3), (E) and (F) of this section; and C. The requestor shall cover all costs associated with modifying the length of their mooring, or in the case of a relocation moving their vessel to the available mooring and moving the displaced vessel from the available mooring. The costs shall include, but not be limited to, the moving of mooring anchors and tackle and resizing of mooring tackle to meet applicable mooring standards (e.g., chain size). Page 13 / 18 4-76 STRIKEOUT VERSION 5. Noncompliance with subsection (M)(4)(a) or (b) of this section shall result in rescission of the approval to extend mooring length. Within thirty (30) days of the rescission, the permittee who requested the extension shall at its sole expense return the mooring to its prior maximum length or in the case of a relocation return their vessel and the displaced vessel to their prior assigned mooring locations or other mooring locations as deemed appropriate by the Harbormaster. Violation of subsection (M)(4)(b) of this section shall be grounds for revocation of the mooring permit. 17.60.045 Short -Term Mooring Licenses. A. General. 1. If a short-term mooring license is issued pursuant to this section, a person shall have the right to use or tie to an offshore mooring or onshore mooring in the waters of Newport Harbor. A mooring license shall be non -transferable and shall not provide any ownership interest in the underlying tidelands, which are held in trust by the City and owned by the people of the State. 2. The provisions and regulations in this title pertaining to "permittees" and "permits" generally shall also be applicable to licensees and mooring licenses except when this section expressly provides otherwise, or such application would conflict with this section- B. Term. Mooring licenses shall be valid for one month and may be renewed, provided the licensee has paid in full the license fee, any late fees and is not in violation of any provision of the license or this title. C. License Fee: Late Fee. A licensee shall bav a license fee eauivalent to the monthlv fair market value rent of the mooring, as established by resolution of the City Council. Failure to pay the license fee by the due date shall be grounds for termination of the license by the Harbormaster. If the Harbormaster, in the Harbormaster's sole discretion, elects to not terminate a license for failure to pay by the due date, licensee shall pay a late fee in the amount established by resolution of the City Council. Failure of a licensee to pay the license fee and late fee within ten (10) dgys of the date due shall result in immediate termination of the license and the termination shall not be annealable to the Harbor Commission. D. Eligibility Criteria. 1. Mooring licenses may be held only by natural persons. No more than two persons may be listed on a mooring license. 2. A person may hold up to two mooring licenses, but they cannot be for the same type of mooring (e.g., both onshore or both offshore). 3. Onshore mooring permittees shall be ineligible for onshore mooring licenses and offshore mooring permittees shall be ineligible for offshore mooring licenses. Page 14 / 18 4-77 STRIKEOUT VERSION Mooring permittees holding more than one mooring permit shall not be eligible for any mooring license. 4. The person or persons listed on the mooring license must have at least a fifty (50) percent ownership interest in the vessel assigned to the mooring. The minimum ownership interest requirement may be satisfied by the combined interests of the two persons. For vessels that are not held in an individual capacity, such as in trust or by a limited liability company, evidence of the required minimum ownership interest shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Harbormaster. E. Application for Mooring License. Application for a mooring license shall be filed with the Harbormaster, on forms approved by the Harbormaster and shall include the following in addition to such other information the Harbormaster may require: 1. Applicant(s)' full legal name, current address, current telephone number and current email address; 2. Vessel registration or other proof of ownership required by the Harbormaster; and 3. Insurance, which types and amounts shall be determined by the Risk Manager. F. Issuance of Mooring License. The Harbormaster may issue mooring licenses subject to the conditions set forth in this subsection. 1. Each person listed on a mooring license shall be individually and collectively responsible for all activities pursuant to the mooring license and compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, and conditions. 2. A licensee may not allow vessels other than the assigned vessel and tender to use the mooring. 3. A licensee shall ensure mooring spreader lines remain visible on the surface at all times by the use of floats or other devices or methods and shall keep the lines clean of algae and other marine growth. Except for spreader lines, the City shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of mooring system components, including, but not limited to, chains, shackles, anchors, weights, lines, and buoys. 4. Live-aboards shall be prohibited. 5. The City may temporarily assign a mooring that is vacant or unoccupied to another vessel through the issuance of a mooring sub -permit in accordance with Section 17.60.040(H). 6. A licensee shall move the vessel from the mooring to another location when deemed necessary by the Public Works Director and/or Harbormaster. Upon the licensee's Page 15 / 18 4-78 STRIKEOUT VERSION failure to do so, the City or a contractor retained by the City may move the assigned vessel at the licensee's expense. 7. A licensee shall be subject to relocation or reassignment to another mooring pursuant to Section 17.60.040(B)(2)(1). 8. The Harbormaster may board the assigned vessel at any time to inspect the condition and operability of the marine sanitation device(s) and/or insert dye tablets to determine whether said devices are discharain2 overboard. 9. A licensee shall defend and indemnifv the Citv and anv other L-overnment enti with jurisdiction against any claims or losses arising out of, or related to the use of, the mooring license except where the claim or loss arises from a sub-permittee's damage of the mooring, or out of the negligence and/or misconduct of a person assigned the mooring as a mooring sub-permittee under Section 17.60.040(H). 10. A licensee shall notify the City within five (5) days of any change in the information that was provided in their mooring license application including, but not limited to, a change in ownership interest in the assigned vessel. G. Extended Vessel Absence. Vacancv or absence from the mooring by the assiuned vessel for at least twenty-five25) consecutive days shall be deemed abandonment of the mooring and shall result in automatic termination of the mooring license. Termination of license based on abandonment shall not be appealable to the Harbor Commission. The following situations shall not constitute a mooring being deemed abandoned: 1. The absence or vacancy from the mooring, which shall not exceed six (6) months, with the prior written approval of the Harbormaster. 2. The licensee is in the process of chanizina the assigned vessel. provided that (a written notice of the intent to remove and replace the assigned vessel is given to the Harbormaster prior to removal of the vessel, (b) all required information and documentation for the new vessel, including proof of ownership or registration, is submitted to the Harbormaster within ninety(90) days of the date of the written notice, and (c) the vessel is made available for inspection by the Harbormaster for compliance with Section 17.25.020(H). H. Mooring of a Tender. A single tender, which serves as access to and from shore to the assigned vessel, may be secured to the assigned vessel or to the offshore mooringin n the absence of the assigned vessel. The tender must be secured in such a manner so as not to intrude into the fairwav or obstruct other vessels. Termination. Page 16 / 18 4-79 STRIKEOUT VERSION 1. The Harbormaster may terminate a mooring license for the licensee's failure to correct any violation of this section or any applicable provision of Title 17 within the timeframe set forth in a notice of violation issued by the Harbormaster. 2. Upon a determination that grounds for termination of a mooring license exist, the Harbormaster shall serve written notice of the termination in accordance with Section 1.05.030 to the licensee stating the grounds for the action, the effective date of the decision, and the right of the licensee to appeal the decision to the Harbor Commission. The licensee shall have fourteen (14) days from the date on which notice is deemed served to request a hearing or else the decision of the Harbormaster shall be final. Termination of a license for failure to pay any fees or based on the abandonment of a mooring shall not be appealable to the Harbor Commission. 3. Upon termination of the mooring license, the licensee shall immediately remove their vessel(s) from the mooring. The City may impound any vessel not removed within ten (10) days of the termination date and thereafter dispose of it in the manner provided by law. City -incurred costs for removal of the vessel may be charged against the licensee and collected in any court of competent jurisdiction or recovered by the City from the proceeds of sale of the vessel. 4. If a timely ppeal is filed, the process for revocation of mooring permits set forth in Section 17.70.020 shall be followed. 17.60.050 Houseboats. A. Moorage Restrictions. No person shall moor or dock a houseboat on the waters of Newport Harbor. B. No person shall use or occupy or permit the use or occupancy of a houseboat for living quarters either permanently or on a temporary basis on the waters of Newport Harbor. 17.60.060 Public Trust Lands. A. Leases/Permits. In the event public trust lands are used for commercial purposes by an entity other than the City, such as for example, a commercial marina or commercial pier, then that entity shall enter into a lease or permit with the City. 1. Leases shall provide lessees with a leasehold interest in the property for a period of at least five years, not to exceed a period of time as limited by the City Charter or applicable State law. 2. Permits shall provide permittees with an interest in the property for a period of ten (10) years or less, to be determined in the sole and absolute discretion of the City. 3. The City Manager, or his or her designee, is authorized to enter into leases or permits authorized by this section on behalf of the City in a form approved by the City Council pursuant to Resolution 2012-91 for large commercial marinas and Resolution 2012-97 for commercial use of tidelands (as the same may be subsequently amended from time to time Page 17 / 18 4-80 STRIKEOUT VERSION by the City Council) or in such form as is substantially similar thereto; provided, however that the City Manager may instead refer the matter to the City Council for consideration and approval. Furthermore, the City Manager or his or her designee, is authorized to implement such leases or permits on behalf of the City and to issue interpretations, waive provisions, and enter into amendments thereof. B. Land Use. Leases and permits shall be for uses consistent with the public trust and Section 17.05.080. Preference shall be given to coastal -dependent uses. C. Public Access. Public access shall be provided in a manner consistent with applicable law. D. Revenue. Rent under this section shall be based upon fair market value, as determined by an authorized appraiser, survey, or other appropriate valuation method, of the uses authorized in the lease or permit as established by the City Council. E. Commercial uses provided under this title are exempt from any provision requiring involvement of the owner or long-term lessee of an abutting upland property. This section's sole purpose is to allow a person to apply for a commercial pier permit or lease in front of or encroaching upon abutting upland property not owned or leased by the person applying for the permit. F. All persons that receive a commercial permit or lease, whether it is a new permit or lease or a transferred permit or lease, from the City to use public trust lands shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, hold harmless and defend (with counsel approved by the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld) the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, volunteers and representatives from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses of every kind and nature whatsoever (individually, a "claim" or collectively, "claims"), which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to the permit or lease including, but not limited to, the issuance of any permit or lease, the transfer of any permit or lease, the entry into any permit or lease, permittee's or lessee's occupancy or use, or occupancy or use by permittee's or lessee's guests, invitees, sublessees, or licensees of the public trust lands, or improvements including, but not limited to, any use involving petroleum -based products, hazardous materials, hazardous waste and/or other hazardous substances as defined by City, County, State or Federal laws and regulations. The permittee's or lessee's obligations under this indemnity shall not extend to the degree any claim is proximately caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City, subject to any immunities which may apply to the City with respect to such claims. This indemnification provision and any other indemnification provided elsewhere in an individual permit or lease shall survive the termination of said permit or lease and shall survive for the entire time that any third parry can make a claim. This indemnity obligation shall apply independent of whether it is explicitly placed within a particular commercial permit or lease. Page 18 / 18 4-81