HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_Mariman Residence CDP_PA2023-0118CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT November 16, 2023 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: Mariman Residence (PA2023-0118) ▪Coastal Development Permit SITE LOCATION: 54 Linda Isle APPLICANT: Laidlaw Schultz Architects OWNER: Gloria Mariman PLANNER: Jenny Tran, Assistant Planner 949-644-3212 or jtran@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING •General Plan Land Use Plan Category: RS-D (Single Unit Residential Detached) •Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) •Coastal Land Use Plan Category: RSD-B (Single Unit Residential Detached) – (6.0 –9.9 DU/AC) •Coastal Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant requests a coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the demolition of an existing single-unit dwelling and construction of a new 3,991 square-foot two-story single- unit dwelling and an attached 712 square-foot two-car garage. The project includes raising the bulkhead. The project also includes landscaping, hardscaping, and site walls. The project complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3)Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving the Coastal Development Permit filed as PA2023-0118 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Mariman Residence (PA2023-0118) Zoning Administrator, November 16, 2023 Page 2 DISCUSSION Land Use and Development Standards •The subject property is in the R-1 Coastal Zoning District, which provides for single- unit residential development and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A CDP is required, and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. •The property currently consists of one legal lot developed with a single-unit dwelling, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two-story, single-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development and expected future development consistent with applicable development standards. •The proposed single-unit dwelling and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Development Standards1 Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front (Newport Bay) 10 feet 10 feet Front (Street) 25 feet 25 feet Side 4 feet 4 feet Allowable Floor Area (max.) 6,584 square feet 4,698 square feet Open Space (min.) 494 square feet 600 square feet Parking (min.) 2-car garage 2-car garage Height (max.) 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof Hazards •The applicant requests a CDP to allow the demolition of an existing single-unit dwelling and construction of a new 3,991 square-foot two-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 712 square-foot two-car garage. The project includes raising the bulkhead. The project also includes landscaping, hardscaping, and site walls. The project complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. 1 The proposed structure does not include a third story and, therefore, the third-floor development standards are not included in the development standard overview. 2 Mariman Residence (PA2023-0118) Zoning Administrator, November 16, 2023 Page 3 • A Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc. dated May 17,2023. The maximum bay water elevation is 7.7 feet NAVD 88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and may exceed the current top of bulkhead elevation of 9.1 feet (NAVD 88) during high tide or storm events. The report analyzes future sea level rise scenarios assuming a 3.2-foot increase in the maximum water level over the next 75 years (i.e., the life of the structure). Therefore, the sea level is estimated to reach approximately 10.9 feet NAVD 88 (the likely range for sea level rise over the 75-year design life of the structure based on low-risk aversion estimates for sea level rise provided by the State of California, Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2018 Update). • On March 23, 2021, the City Council approved updated Waterfront Project Design Guidelines and Standards, Harbor Design Criteria Commercial & Residential Facilities. The guidelines require that any bulkhead structure permitted within the years 2021 through 2025 must have a minimum bulkhead elevation of 10.9 feet (NAVD 88) with a design for adaptability elevation of 14.4 feet (NAVD 88). The project has been conditioned to raise the bulkhead to an elevation of 10.9 feet (NAVD 88). GeoSoils, Inc. has confirmed the bulkhead design can be raised up to 14.4 feet (NAVD 88) if needed and in compliance with the updated guidelines. • The finished floor elevation of the proposed single-family residence is 10.9 feet (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard. • The property is in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved before the issuance of a building permit. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. Water Quality • The property is located adjacent to coastal waters. Under Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP. • Under Municipal Code Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing 3 Mariman Residence (PA2023-0118) Zoning Administrator, November 16, 2023 Page 4 more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a preliminary Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A preliminary WQMP has been prepared for the project by Toal Engineering, Inc dated, June 12, 2023. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, the use of a LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQHP before building permit issuance. • The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post-construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather runoff and minor rain event runoff on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. Public Access and Views • Linda Isle is a private, 107-lot, single-family residential community created in the 1960’s and the existing home on-site was developed in 1973. The community predates the California Coastal Act and does not provide public access to the bay or shore. A gated bridge connects the island to the mainland at Bayside Drive. While Bayside Drive is the first public road paralleling the sea and the project site is located between Bayside Drive and the Harbor, the project will not affect the public’s ability to gain access to, use, and/or view the coast and nearby recreational facilities. • The closest designated Public Viewpoint is located approximately 1,100 feet to the east of the property near the intersection of Bayside Drive and Harbor Island Drive. Additionally, the proposed residence is located to the south of Coast Highway and to the west of Bayside Drive, which are both Coastal View Roads as designated in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Due to the distance of the proposed development from the Public Viewpoint and Coastal View Roads as well as the intervening development between, the project will not be visible from the aforementioned locations and will not result in impacts to coastal views. • As a bayfront property, the north elevation of the new development will be visible from the water. The design complies with all required setbacks which minimizes the appearance of building bulk, and the design uses architectural treatments which will enhance views from the water. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts on public views. • Access to Linda Isle is through the Aloha Drive bridge that connects the island to Bayside Drive and is not accessible to the public. The island has a recreational tennis court, clubhouse, and sandy beach area in the northwestern portion of the island on 4 Mariman Residence (PA2023-0118) Zoning Administrator, November 16, 2023 Page 5 Linda Isle for residents of the community. The project does not include any features that would obstruct access along this route. • NBMC Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-family residence located on standard R- 1 lot with a new single-family residence. The project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Class 3 exempts the demolition, construction, or conversion of up to three single-family residences in urbanized areas. The proposed project consists of the demolition of an existing single-unit dwelling and construction of a new 3,991 square-foot two-story single- unit dwelling and an attached 712 square-foot two-car garage. The project also includes raising the existing bulkhead. Therefore, the project qualifies within this exemption. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of this exemption. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the city website. APPEAL PERIOD: This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date the Resolution is adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 (Local Coastal Program [LCP] 5 Mariman Residence (PA2023-0118) Zoning Administrator, November 16, 2023 Page 6 Implementation Plan) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949-644-3200. Prepared by: ____________________________ Jenny Tran Assistant Planner LAW/jt Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans 6 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 7 01-10-2023 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2023-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING SINGLE- UNIT DWELLING AND CONSTRUCT A NEW TWO-STORY SINGLE-UNIT DWELLING AND ATTACHED TWO-CAR GARAGE LOCATED AT 54 LINDA ISLE (PA2023-0118) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Andrew Heerman of Laidlaw Schultz Architects, concerning property located at 54 Linda Isle and legally described as Lot 54 of Tract No. 4003, requesting approval of a coastal development permit. 2. The applicant requests a coastal development permit (CDP) to allow the demolition of an existing single-unit dwelling and construction of a new 3,991 square-foot two-story single- unit dwelling and an attached 712 square-foot two-car garage. The project includes raising the bulkhead. The project also includes landscaping, hardscaping, and site walls. The project complies with all applicable development standards and no deviations are requested. 3. The subject property is designated Single Unit Residential Detached (RS-D) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Zoning District. 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single Unit Residential Detached (RSD-B) (6.0 – 9.9 DU/AC) and it is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Coastal Zoning District. 5. A public hearing was held on November 16, 2023, online via Zoom. A notice of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing was given by the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, Division 6, Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Class 3 exempts the demolition, construction, or conversion of up to three single-family residences in urbanized areas. The proposed project consists of the demolition of an existing single-unit dwelling and construction of a new 3,991 square-foot two-story single- 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 2 of 9 01-10-2023 unit dwelling and an attached 712 square-foot two-car garage. The project also includes raising the existing bulkhead. 3. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. By Section 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits - Findings, and Decision) of the NMBC, the following findings, and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation is 6,584 square feet and the proposed floor area is 4,698 square feet. b. The proposed development provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 10 feet along the front property line abutting the Newport Bay, 4 feet along each side property line, and 25 feet along the other front property line abutting the Linda Isle private drive. c. The highest guardrail is less than 24 feet from the established grade (9.52 feet NAVD88) and the highest ridge is no more than 29 feet from the established grade, which complies with the maximum height requirements. d. The project includes garage parking for a total of two vehicles, complying with the minimum two-car garage parking requirement for single-unit dwellings with less than 4,000 square feet of habitable floor area. 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two-story, single-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 3. The development fronts Newport Bay and is protected by a bulkhead. A Bulkhead Condition Report was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc. dated May 17, 2023, for the project. The report concluded that an augmented site bulkhead is needed to conform with the City’s minimum bulkhead elevation requirement for new development. Although the 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 3 of 9 01-10-2023 condition of the existing bulkhead tie-back and deadman anchor system cannot be verified in the report, it concluded that there are no indications of distress to the bulkhead and its components. 4. A Coastal Hazards Report and Sea Level Rise Analysis was prepared by GeoSoils, Inc. dated May 17,2023. The maximum bay water elevation is 7.7 feet NAVD 88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and may exceed the current top of bulkhead elevation of 9.1 feet (NAVD 88) during high tide or storm events. The report analyzes future sea level rise scenarios assuming a 3.2-foot increase in the maximum water level over the next 75 years (i.e., the life of the structure). Therefore, the sea level is estimated to reach approximately 10.9 feet NAVD 88 (the likely range for sea level rise over the 75-year design life of the structure based on low-risk aversion estimates for sea level rise provided by the State of California, Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2018 Update). 5. On March 23, 2021, the City Council approved updated Waterfront Project Design Guidelines and Standards, Harbor Design Criteria Commercial & Residential Facilities. The guidelines require that any bulkhead structure permitted within the years 2021 through 2025 must have a minimum bulkhead elevation of 10.9 feet (NAVD 88) with a design for adaptability elevation of 14.4 feet (NAVD 88). The project has been conditioned to raise the bulkhead to an elevation of 10.9 feet (NAVD 88). GeoSoils, Inc. has confirmed the bulkhead design can be raised up to 14.4 feet (NAVD 88) if needed and in compliance with the updated guidelines. 6. The finished floor elevation of the proposed single-unit dwelling is 10.9 feet (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard. 7. The property is in an area known for the potential of seismic activity and liquefaction. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Geotechnical investigations specifically addressing liquefaction are required to be reviewed and approved before the issuance of building permits. Permit issuance is also contingent on the inclusion of design mitigation identified in the investigations. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. 8. The property is located adjacent to coastal waters. Under Section 21.35.030 (Construction Pollution Prevention Plan) of the Municipal Code, a Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP) is required to implement temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation and to minimize pollution of runoff and coastal waters derived from construction chemicals and materials. A CPPP has been provided and construction plans and activities will be required to adhere to the CPPP. 9. Under Municipal Code Section 21.35.050 (Water Quality and Hydrology Plan), due to the proximity of the development to the shoreline and the development containing more than 75 percent of impervious surface area, a preliminary Water Quality and Hydrology Plan (WQHP) is required. A preliminary WQMP has been prepared for the project by Toal Engineering, Inc dated, June 12, 2023. The WQHP includes a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMPs, the use of a LID approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on-site, and documentation of the expected 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 4 of 9 01-10-2023 effectiveness of the proposed BMPs. Construction plans will be reviewed for compliance with the approved WQHP before building permit issuance. 10. Proposed landscaping complies with Implementation Plan Section 21.30.075. A condition of approval is included that requires drought-tolerant species. Before the issuance of building permits, the final landscape plans will be reviewed to verify invasive species are not planted. 11. The closest designated Public Viewpoint is located approximately 1,100 feet to the east of the property near the intersection of Bayside Drive and Harbor Island Drive. Additionally, the proposed residence is located to the south of Coast Highway and to the west of Bayside Drive, which are both Coastal View Roads as designated in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Due to the distance of the proposed development from the Public Viewpoint and Coastal View Roads as well as the intervening development, the project will not be visible from the aforementioned locations and will not result in impacts to coastal views. 12. As a bayfront property, the north elevation of the new development will be visible from the water. The design complies with all required setbacks which minimizes the appearance of building bulk, and the design uses architectural treatments which will enhance views from the water. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts on public views. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Fact in Support of Finding: 1. Linda Isle is a private, 107-lot, single-family residential community created in the 1960’s and the existing home on-site was developed in 1973. The community predates the California Coastal Act and does not provide public access to the bay or shore. A gated bridge connects the island to the mainland at Bayside Drive. The island has a recreational tennis court, clubhouse, and sandy beach area in the northwestern portion of the island on Linda Isle for residents of the community. While Bayside Drive is the first public road paralleling the sea or shoreline and the project site is located between Bayside Drive and the Harbor, the project will not affect the public’s ability to gain access to, use, and/or view the coast and nearby recreational facilities. 2. NBMC Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces an existing single-unit dwelling located on standard R-1 lot with a new single-unit dwelling. The project does not involve a change in land use, density or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 5 of 9 01-10-2023 SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0118), subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2023. _____________________________________ Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 6 of 9 01-10-2023 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Prior to the final building permits, an agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney between the property owner and the City shall be executed and recorded waiving rights to the construction of future shoreline protection devices including the repair and maintenance, enhancement, reinforcement, or any other activity affecting the bulkhead, that results in any encroachment seaward of the authorized footprint of the bulkhead or other shoreline protective device. The agreement shall be binding against the property owners and successors and assigns. 3. Prior to the final building permits, the property owner shall submit a notarized signed letter acknowledging all hazards present at the site, assuming the risk of injury or damage from such hazards, unconditionally waiving any claims of damage against the City from such hazards, and to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements, and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to the City’s approval of the development. This letter shall be scanned into the plan set before building permit issuance. 4. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on California Coastal Permit Jurisdiction, State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right-of-way. Any improvements located on tidelands, submerged lands, and/or lands that may be subject to the public trust shall require a coastal development permit (CDP) approved by the California Coastal Commission (Coastal Commission). Before the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a copy of said coastal development permit or CDP waiver or documentation from the Coastal Commission that subject improvements are not subject to the permit requirements of the Coastal Act and/or not located within the permit jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. 5. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter the sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or storm drains or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 6. This Coastal Development Permit does not authorize any development seaward of the private property. 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 7 of 9 01-10-2023 7. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of native birds under MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 8. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHPs) shall be implemented before and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Erosion Control Plan. 9. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 10. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stockpiles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 11. Trash and debris shall be disposed of in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed of in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 12. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new Coastal Development Permit. 13. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 14. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. A material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be caused by the revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 8 of 9 01-10-2023 15. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained are detrimental to the public health, and welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained to constitute a public nuisance. 16. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 18. Prior to issuance of building permits, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 19. Prior to issuance of building permits, the final WQHP/WQMP shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Division. The implementation shall comply with the approved CPPP and WQHP/WQMP and any changes could require separate review and approval by the Building Division. 20. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought-tolerant plantings, non-invasive plant species, and water-efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 21. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained by the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 22. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 (Construction Activity – Noise Regulations) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays. 23. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-### Page 9 of 9 01-10-2023 Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 24. Before the issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 25. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 26. This Coastal Development Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 27. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements, and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Mariman Residence including but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit (PA2023-0118). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorney’s fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit, or proceeding whether incurred by the applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all the City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which the City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions outlined in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City under the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 16 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 17 VICINITY MAP Coastal Development Permit PA2023-0118 54 Linda Isle Subject Property Subject Property 18 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 19 Stone, Tile, or Brick Veneer Stud Wall One Hour Wall Plywood Concrete Batt Insulation Gas Hose Bib Floor Drain Wall type Keynote Door Symbol RE: Door ScheduleSheet A.002 Revision Room Number Interior Elevation i.e. Drawing 1A,Sheet A.600 Large Scale Detail i.e. Drawing 1,Sheet A.402 Elevation i.e. Drawing 1,Sheet A.300 Detail Section i.e. Drawing 1,Sheet A.700 Building Section i.e. Drawing 1,Sheet A.400 Window Symbol RE: Window ScheduleSheet A.002 G HB Direction of ViewCut Plane Sheet NumberSection Number Sheet NumberDetail Number Direction of View Cut Plane Direction of View Sheet NumberElevation Number Sheet NumberDetail Number Detail Area Direction of View Sheet NumberElevation Number 1 1 1 Project Data 100 1 Architectural Abbreviations Architectural Symbols A.700 A.3001 A.7001 1A.400 ROOM NAME ADJAFFBDBETWBLKGBMCIPCJCLCLGCLRCOLCONCCONSTCONTCRGDBLDIMDNDRDTLDWGEAELEV.ELECEQEQUIPEXPEXT(E)FCFFLFLRFLUORFINFOFOSFOWFDGAGALVGRGWBGYP BDHCHDHMHRHTINSINTJTLEVLTLOC AdjacentAbove Finished FloorBoardBetweenBlockingBeamCast in PlaceControl JointCenterlineCeilingClearColumnConcreteConstructionContinuousCorrugatedDoubleDimensionDownDoorDetailDrawingEachElevationElectricalEqualEquipmentExpansionExteriorExistingFire Extinguisher CabinetFinish Floor LevelFloorFlourescentFinishFace OfFace of StudFace of WallFloor DrainGuageGalvanizedGradeGypsum BoardGypsum BoardHollow CoreHot DippedHollow MetalHourHeightInsulationInteriorJointLevelLightLocation MAXMECHMEMBMFRMINMTDMTLMODMR GWB NFVNICNO(N)OCOPNGOPPPLPLTPLYPTPTDRADRDRE:RESRESILREQ'DRGDRMRORODRWLSCSCHEDSECTSHTSIMSKD. GD.ST. STL.STRUCTSUSPTHKTHRUT.O.TYPUNOVENVERVESW/WDWPWRWRBWT MaximumMechanicalMembraneManufacturerMinimumMountedMetalModuleMoisture ResisitantGypsum BoardNet Free Vent. AreaNot in ContractNumberNewOn CenterOpeningOppositeProperty LinePlatePlywoodPointPaintedRadius, RadiiRoof DrainRefer ToResistantResilientRequiredRigidRoomRough OpeningRolling Overhead DoorRain Water LitterSolid CoreScheduleSectionSheetSimilarSkid GuardStainless SteelStructuralSuspendedThickThroughTop OfTypicalUnless Noted OtherwiseVeneerVerifyVestibuleWithWoodWaterproofWater ResistantWater Resistant BarrierWeight Vicinity Map 101B 2B 1/A.600 1. All construction shall be completed in full compliance with the 2019 CaliforniaBuilding Code (CBC), Electrical (CEC), Energy (T24-6), Mechanical (CMC),Plumbing (CPC) and all other applicable county and state codes andrequirements. Contractors shall give all notices and comply with all applicable codes andregulations, laws, ordinances and orders by any public authority havingjurisdiction over the project and shall meet or exceed all industry standards. 2. The Contractors shall study and compare the contract documents and shall atonce report to the architect in writing all errors inconsistencies or omissionsdiscovered and verify all dimensions on site PRIOR TO COMMENCING THE WORK. Ifa subcontractor proceeds with any of the work so affected without writteninstructions from the architect, the subcontractor shall make good at his own costany resulting error, damage or defects. The subcontractor shall perform no portionof the work without contract documents or, where required, approved shopdrawings, product data or samples for such portion of the work. 3. The intent of these drawings is to provide a complete and finished job in allrespects. Contractors are to make accurate field inspections of all aspects of thejob. Extras will not be allowed unless authorized by the owner and architect for"Authorized Changes and Revisions" to the scope of work. 4. Written dimensions on drawings shall take precedence over dimensions scaledfrom the drawings. All dimensions affecting materials or equipment with specifictolerances shall be verified by the contractor and/or supplier in the field. Minimumcode required clear dimensions shall always be maintained. 5. All dimensions are to face of finish or centerline unless noted otherwise. Finishes atexterior walls cannot encroach on building setbacks. 6. Subcontractors shall check with all equipment manufacturers to verify dimensionsand details prior to commencement of the work. Manufacturors specificrequirements shall always be maintained. 7. Subcontractors shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising allsafety precaution programs in connection with their work, and for maintainingappropriate insurance to protect the subcontractor, architect and owner. 8. The architect will submit contract documents for "Plan Check" and make anynecessary corrections. The owner will pay for the building permit and attachedfees; charges, fees and assessments levied by public authorities for connection topublic utilities; and the cost of bonds required for insurance of the work relatedconstruction. 9. Contractor shall erect and maintain temporary barricades and dust proofpartitions as needed for protection against accident, and to maintain adequateprotection of his work and the owner's property from damage or loss arising inconnection with any construction. All damage so occurring shall be repaired orreplaced by the responsible subcontractor at no cost to the architect or owner. 10. Contractor shall provide temporary toilet facilities at the job as necessary andrequired by code. 11. Contractor shall slope all decks, patios and walks away from new and existingstructures and verify that all areas affected by construction are positively drained. 12. Exterior trim & plant-ons applied over stucco or framing shall be back primed. 13. Plywood and plywood products used as exterior covering on walls, soffits and inother areas exposed directly to weather shall be exterior grade. 14. Provide min. 70" high hard, non-absorbent wall (Vitreous ceramic tile) adj. toshower and above the drain inlet. All bathroom floors shall be over minimum 15#felt underlayment. Provide shower specifications per the highest industrystandards. Where showers are flush with floor provide Schluter shower system forwaterproofing and drainage. 15. Water-resistant gypsum backing board shall be used as a base for tile in watercloset compartment walls when installed in accordance with GA-216 or ASTM C840 and manufacturer recommendations. Refer to CBC Sec. 2509.2 16. Plastered surfaces on walls, ceilings and soffits exposed to the weather shall haveexterior lath and plaster conforming to CBC Section 2507 and 2508 respectively,unless exempted by Section 424. Interior plaster reinforced per Section 2507.1 maybe applied over gypsum lath on ceilings and soffits. 17. Studs in exterior walls of rooms with sloping ceilings shall extend from floor to roofwithout intermediate plates unless plates are designed. Maximum allowableheight for: 2"x4" is 14 ft. and 2"x6" is 20 ft. 18. No part of the structure shall be overloaded beyond its safe carrying capacity bythe placing of materials, equipment, tools, machinery and any other items. 19. Fireblock stud walls and partitions including furred spaces at floors, ceilings andsoffits at maximum of 10 ft. o.c. horizontally and vertically. 20. Fireblocking shall be provided per CBC Sec. 717. 1. In concealed spaces of studwalls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at10' intervals both vertical and horizontal. 2. At all interconnections betweenconcealed ver. and hor. spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceiling and coveceilings. 3. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom ofthe run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls underthe stairs are unfinished. 4. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys,fireplaces and sim. openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floorlevels, with non-combustible materials. 5. at openings between attic spaces andchimney chases for factory-built chimneys. 6. Where wood sleepers are used forlaying wood flooring on masonry or concrete fire-resistive floors, there should be nospace which will exceed 100 sq.ft. 21. Provide access and ventilation in accordance with CBC Section 2317.7 and asshown on the drawings to crawl spaces and plumbing confirming location with thearchitect prior to construction. 22. Protect all finish floor surfaces from damage and equip mobile equipment withpneumatic tires. 23. Plumbing subcontractor shall verify that all copper water supply lines are sized toprovide acceptable pressure and volume and shall connect waste lines to sewerproviding cleanouts and ventilation as required by the California Plumbing Code.Cleanout to be located in inconspicuous locations and coordinate with architectprior to installation. 24. All metal flashing, gutters and downspouts shall be constructed from min. 16 oz.galvanized sheet metal or copper as noted on the drawings or greater as perindustry standards. Joints shall be lapped, joined and sealed so that they arewatertight in accordance with SMACNA standards and provide for positive waterflow. 25. All glass doors and windows shall be certified and labeled to show compliancewith air infiltration standards of the 1972 ANSI A134.1-4. All new glazing shall complywith standards of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission andmanufactures certificate of compliance shall be supplied to Owner. Final windowand glass product to be verified with Title 24 requirements prior to purchase. 26. Where windows are provided as a means of escape or rescue in all sleepingrooms, they shall have a minimum clear width when fully open of 20", a min. clearheight when fully open of 24", a min. clear area when fully open of 5.7 sq. ft. anda min. finished sill height of not more than 44" above finished floor. 27. Every exit door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or anyspecialknowledge or effort. Special locking devices shall be of an approved typeper Title 19 and CBC Chapter 10. 28. Provide safety glazing where required including but not limited to glass doors,French doors, adjacent glazed panels and sidelights and all glazed panels andwindows within 18" of the floor or a door opening shall have tempered glass orglass approved for impact hazard and as defined per CBC 29. All glazing in hazardous locations as defined in CBC Section 2406.4 shall be safetyglass, including: a. swinging and sliding doors b. glazing within 24" of doors and within 60" of walking surface c. one or more walking surfaces within 36" horizontally of the glazing 30. All safety glazing shall conform to Part I of UBC Standard No. 24-2. Polished wireglass complying with Part II of UBC Standard No. 24-2 may be used in fireassemblies and in locations specified in UBC Section 2406.4 Items 6 and 7. 31. Safety glazing is required at wardrobe doors. Sec. 2406.3 All exterior doors or glazing less than 16 ft. above the grade of any adjoining yard,court, passageway, public way, walk, breezeway, patio, planter, porch, adjoining roof,balcony,landing, stair tread, platform or similar area that is accessible by the publicshall comply with the following security requirements: 1. A single swinging door, active leaf of a pair of doors and the bottom leaf of Dutchdoors shall be equipped with a latch and deadbolt key operated from the outsideand operated from the inside by a device not prohibited by Sec.1008 of the CBC.Straight deadbolts shall have a minimum throw of 1" with a minimum 5/8"embedment. Hook or expanding lug deadbolts shall have a minimum throw of3/4". Bolts of locks which automatically activate two or more deadbolts shallembed 1/2" minimum. 2. Exterior wood doors shall be minimum 134" thick. Hardware must comply withchapter 10 of the CBC. 3. Panels of wood doors shall be not less than916" thick and not more than 300sq.inches. Stiles and rails to be 138" thick and 3" minimum width. 4. Door hinge pins accessible from the outside shall be of the non-removable type. 5. Door stops of wood jambs on in-swinging doors shall be one piece constructionwith jamb or joined by rabbet. 6. Windows and door lites within 40" of the locking device of the door shall be fullytempered. 7. Overhead and sliding garage doors shall be secured with a cylinder lock, padlockwith a hardened steel shackle, or equivalent when not otherwise locked byelectric power operation. Jamb locks shall be on both jambs for doors exceeding9 ft. in width. 8. Sliding glass doors and sliding glass windows shall be resistant to forced entry. 9. All glazing where the lowest edge of the material is less than 18" above thewalking surface and the exposed glazing material exceeds 9 sq. ft. shall betempered and as required by the CBC. 10. The strike plate for latches and the holding devices for projecting deadbolts inwood construction shall be secured to the jamb and the wall framing with screwsnot less than 2 1/2" in length. 11. Cylinder guards shall be installed on all cylinder locks whenever the cylinderprojects beyond the face of the door or is otherwise accessible to gripping tools. 12. Sliding doors and windows shall be provided with a device in the upper channelof the moving panel to prohibit raising and removing the moving panel in theclosed or partially open position. General Notes Security Notes 32. Provide handrails not less than 34" nor more than 38" above the nosing of tread. 33. Provide an outside gas shutoff valve conspicuously marked per Title 19, Chapters6-9 and the CBC. 34. Provide mechanical ventilation systems in all bathrooms with toilets, showers, andtoilet rooms w/o windows, to furnish a minimum (5) air changes per hour.35. All posts plates and sleepers etc. bearing on or embedded in concrete or masonryshall be pressure treated Douglas Fir. 36. Smoke detectors shall be provided in all sleeping rooms, hallways giving access tosleeping rooms, and as required by the CBC. 37. Subcontractors shall provide a one year warranty for their portion of the work andseparate guarantee for specific equipment items. The builder shall supply theowner maintenance informtion for all features, materials, components, andmanufactured devices that require routine maintenance for efficient operation.Required routine maintenance actions shall be clearly stated on a readilyaccessible label. Include names of local representatives to be contacted forservice. 38. Where specified items are called for in the construction documents, theContractor may submit alternate materials for approval by the Owner and theArchitect. 39. Owner will furnish electrical power and water from outlets designated by ownerwithout charge to the contractor for quantities used in the work. Characteristics ofelectrical power furnished is limited to that existing and available, if power of othercharacteristics or quantity is required subcontractor shall supply the power at noextra charge to the owner. 40. Subcontractors supplying heating, cooling, water heating, and lighting systemsand conservation or solar devices installed in the building shall provide the ownerinstructions on how to use equipment efficiently. Subcontractor shall provide futureallowance for solar panel installation, including conduit runs, etc. as would berequired. 41. Temporary ingress-egress, stockpiling materials, landscaping, drive approachesand/or utility installation within public right of way requires an encroachmentpermit from the associated property permits division. 42. Provide insulation at all interior walls, provide closed cell Insulation at allfloor/ceilings. Refer to T-24 for exterior wall and roof insulation requirements. Atnon-vented ceilings (both pitched and flat) and attics provide closed cell sprayfoam insulation. 43. A separate permit is required for each building or structure, i.e., fence walls,retaining walls, outdoor or indoor swimming pools/spas, and elevators. 44. Anti-scalding shower and tub valves required. UPC Section 410.7. 45. There shall be a floor or landing on each side of a door. Landings shall be levelexcept for exterior landings, which are permitted to have a slope not to exceed1/4:12 (2% slope). The landing at an exterior doorway shall not be more than 7.75"below the top of the threshold, provided the door, other than an exterior storm orscreen door, does not swing over the landing, 112" maximum if the door does swingover the landing. 46. Foundation walls enclosing a basement shall be dampproofed and orwaterproofed per CBC Section 1806 47. Provide min. 26 ga. galvanized weep screed with minimum 3 1/2" verticalattachment flange at or below the foundation plate line and 4" min. above earthor 2" min. above paved areas. Grade to slope away from building per code req. 48. Chimneys shall extend at least 2 feet higher than any portion of the building within10 feet but shall not be less than 3 feet above the highest point where the chimneypasses through the roof. 49. Walls of fireboxes shall be 10" min. thick; 8" if lined with firebrick. Twelve (12) inchclearance from fire box to combustible face. 51. Provide 4 - No. 4 rebar full height with #2 hoop ties at 18" o.c. with 2 - #2 at offsets.Anchor chimney to building at each ceiling and floor line per UBC Section 2113. 52. All chimneys attached to any appliance or fireplace that burns solid fuel shall beequipped with an approved spark arrestor. The spark arrestor shall meet all of therequirements outlined by CBC 2113.9.1.53. Factory-built fireplaces, chimneys, and other components shall be listed andinstalled in accordance with their listing and manufacturer instructions.54. Exterior combustion air ducts shall be listed components of the fireplace, andinstalled according to the fireplace manufacturer's instructions. (CBC 2111.13.1) 55. Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of factory-builtchimneys except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with thespecific factory-built chimney system and are installed in accordance with themanufacturer's installation instructions. (CMC 802.4.2.4)56. Anchor veneer to studs with wall ties made of corrosion resistant, and if made ofsheet metal, shall have a minimum thickness of 0.030 inch (22 GA) by34inch or, ifof wire, shall have a minimum diameter of 0.148 inch (No. 9 B.W. gage). Wall tiesshall be spaced so as to support not more than 2 square feet of wall area but shallnot be more than 24 inches on center horizontally. inch or, if of wire, shall have aminimum diameter of 0.148 inch (No. 9 B.W. gage). In seismic zones 3 and 4, wallties shall have a lip or hook on the extended leg that will engage or enclose ahorizontal joint reinforcement wire having a diameter of 0.148 inch (No. 9 B.W.gage) or equivalent. The joint reinforcement shall be continuous with butt splicesbetween ties permitted. Per min CBC requirements. With wood stud backing, a 2-inch by 2-inch (51 by 51 mm) 0.0625-inch (1.59 mm)zinc-coated or metalic coated wire mesh with two layers of water-resistive barrierin accordance with Section 1404.2 shall be applied directly to wood studs spaceda maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) o.c. On studs, the mesh shall be attached with2-inch-long (51 mm) corrosion-resistant steel wire furring nails at 4 inches (102 mm)o.c. providing a minimum 1.125-inch (29 mm) penetration into each stud and with8d common nails at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. into top and bottom plates or withequivalent wire ties. There shall be not less than a 0.1055-inch (2.68 mm)zinc-coated or nonmetallic coated wire, or approved equal, attached to the studwith a minimum of an 8d (0.120 in. diameter) annular threaded nail for every 2square feet (0.2 m2) of stone veneer. This tie shall be a loop having legs not lessthan 15 inches (381 mm) in length, so bent that it will lie in the stone veneer mortarjoint. The last 2 inches (51 mm) of each wire leg shall have a right-angle bend.One-inch (25 mm) minimum thickness of cement grout shall be placed betweenthe backing and the stone veneer. Slab-type veneer units not exceeding 2 inches (51 mm) in thickness shall beanchored directly to masonry, concrete or stud construction. For veneer units ofmarble, travertine, granite or other stone units of slab form ties of corrosion-resistantdowels in drilled holes shall be located in the middle third of the edge of the units,spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) apart around the periphery of eachunit with not less than four ties per veneer unit. Units shall not exceed 20 square feet(1.9 m2) in area. If the dowels are not tight fitting, the holes shall be drilled not morethan 0.063 inch (1.6 mm) larger in diameter than the dowel, with the holecountersunk to a diameter and depth equal to twice the diameter of the dowel inorder to provide a tight-fitting key of cement mortar at the dowel locations whenthe mortar in the joint has set. Veneer ties shall be corrosion-resistant metalcapable of resisting, in tension or compression, a force equal to two times theweight of the attached veneer. If made of sheet metal, veneer ties shall be notsmaller in area than 0.0336 by 1 inch (0.853 by 25 mm) or, if made of wire, notsmaller in diameter than 0.1483-inch (3.76 mm) wire. Provide bituthene behind and against plywood where mechanical attachmentswill occur Fill penetrations w/ Rain Buster 900 by Top Industrial Inc. 57.No trenches or excavations 5' or more in depth into which a person is required todescend, or obtain permit from the State of California, Division of OccupationalSafety and Health (Cal/OSHA).58. Contractor shall provide pedestrian protection adjacent to the public way asfollows:Dist. from struct. to Prop Line (SB) Protection SB<5'Barrier and canopy SB< (ht of struct/4)Barrier and canopy (Struct ht/2)>SB>(Struct ht/4)Barrier onlySB>(Struct ht/2)None 59. When required, fence and canopy to be constructed per CBC 3306.5, 3306.6 and3306.7 60. Where pedestrian barrier is not required, provide construction fencing for newconstruction. Fence height to be between 72" and 84" high.61. Where single family dwellings and duplexes have not been checked for plumbing,mechanical, and electrical code compliance, these disciplines are subject to fieldinspection. Installation and equipment shall meet CBC, CPC, CMC, CEC coderequirements. 62. A licensed surveyor shall complete FEMA elevation certificate and submit it to theBuilding Department Inspector during final inspection. 63. The contractor shall be responsible for all methods and means of construction. Alltrades to follow industry standards, applicable codes and best practices.Contractor to bring to architects attention necessary deviatios or location of visiblecontrol joints, expansion joint etc. prior to installation. 64. Contractor to verify and warrant waterproofing, following or exceeding industrystandards and best practices, including but not limited to flashing, conterflashing,sill head and jamb conditions, gutters, roofing, roof to wall, wall terminations, doorsand windows, building skin, etc. 65. Provide shop drawings and submittals for all visible finish products. 66. Contractor to provide as built/record drawings depicting all deviations fromdrawings and unseen conditions. 67. Contractor shall provide as-built drawings detailing actual locations of concealedwork before final inspection. 68. Obtain fire sprinkler permit prior to calling for roof sheathing inspection. 69. All stairways shall have an illumination level on tread runs of not less than 1 footcandle (11 lux). CBC 1205.4 National Pollutant Discharge (Elimination System) 1. Sediment from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site usingstructural controls to the maximum extent practicable. 2. Stockpiles of soil shall be properly contained to minimize sediment transport fromthe site to streets, drainage facilities or adjacent properties via runoff, vehicletracking, or wind. 3. Appropriate BMP's for construction-related materials, wastes, spills shall beimplemented to minimize transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities, oradjoining properties by wind or runoff. 4. Runoff from equipment and vehicle washing shall be contained at constructionsites unless treated to reduce or remove sediment and other pollutants. 5. All construction contractor and subcontractor personnel are to be made aware ofthe required best management practices and good housekeeping measures forthe project site and any associated construction staging areas. 6. At the end of each day of construction activity all construction debris and wastematerials shall be collected and properly disposed in trash or recycle bins. 7. Construction sites shall be maintained in such a condition that an anticipatedstorm does not carry wastes or pollutants off the site. Discharge of material, otherthan stormwater, only when necessary for performance and completion ofconstruction practices and where they do not: cause or contribute to a violationof any water quality standard; cause or threaten to cause pollution,contamination, or nuisance; or contain a hazardous substance in a quantityreportable under Federal Regulations 40 CFR Parts 117 and 302. 8. Potential pollutants include but are not limited to: solid or liquid chemical spills;wastes from paints, stains, sealants, glues, lime, pesticides, herbicides, woodpreservatives and solvents; asbestos fibers, paint flakes or stucco fragments; fuels,oils, lubricants, and hydraulic, radiator or battery fluids; fertilizers,vehicle/equipment wash water and concrete wash water; concrete, detergent orfloatable wastes; wastes from any engine/equipment steam cleaning or chemicaldegreasing and super chlorinated potable water line flushing. 9. During construction, permittee shall dispose of such materials in a specified andcontrolled temporary area on-site, physically separated from potential stormwaterrunoff, with ultimate disposal in accordance with local, state and federalrequirements. 10. Dewatering of contaminated groundwater, or discharging contaminated soils viasurface erosion is prohibited. Dewatering of non-contaminated groundwaterrequires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit from therespective State Regional Water Quality Control Board. 11. Graded areas on the permitted area perimeter must drain away from the face ofslopes at the conclusion of each working day. Drainage is to be directed towarddesilting facilities. 12. The permittee and contractor shall be responsible and shall take necessaryprecautions to prevent public trespass onto areas where impounded watercreates a hazardous condition. 13. The permittee and contractor shall inspect the erosion control work and insure thatthe work is in accordance with the approved plans. 14. The permittee shall notify all general contractors, subcontractors, materialsuppliers, lessees, and property owners: that dumping of chemicals into the stormdrain system or the watershed is prohibited. 15. Equipment and workers for emergency work shall be made available at all timesduring the rainy season. Necessary materials shall be available on site andstockpiled at convenient locations to facilitate rapid construction of temporarydevices when rain is imminent. 16 All removable erosion protective devices shall be in place at the end of eachworking day when the 5-Day Rain Probability Forecast exceeds 40%. 17. Sediments from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site using aneffective combination of erosion and sediment controls to the maximum extentpracticable, and stockpiles of soil shall be properly contained to minimizesediment transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities of adjacent propertiesvia runoff, vehicle tracking, or wind. 18. Appropriate BMPs for construction-related materials, wastes, spills or residues shallbe implemented and retained on site to minimize transport from the site to streets,drainage facilities, or adjoining property by wind or runoff. Project Address:54 Linda IsleNewport Beach, CA 92660 Legal Description: Lot 54 of Tract No. 4003Assessor's Parcel Number: 050-461-07Project Description:Existing Single Family Residence to be DemolishedNew Single Family Residence Owner:Gloria Mariman54 Linda IsleNewport Beach, CA 92660Email: nbgloria@sbcglobal.net Design Professional in Scott Laidlaw - Laidlaw Schultz ArchitectsResponsible Charge:3111 Second Ave. Corona del Mar, CA 92625Phone 949.645.9982 FAX 949.645.9554E-mail: SLaidlaw@LSarchitects.com Structural Engineer:Shehzad Khaliq - SKA3456 Golden Poppy Way, Yorba Linda, CA 92886Phone: 714.572.0172Email: skhaliq@skaengrs.com T24:Paul Kandarian - Southland Energy Consultants361 Calle Borrego, San Clemente, CA 92672Phone: 949.497.3591 Zone:R-1 Occupancy/Construction:Group R-3/U / Type V-B SprinkleredNumber of Stories: 2Established Grade:9.52' Allowable Building Height: 9.52' (est. grade) + 29.00' = 38.52'Proposed (Maximum) Height 36.50' Lot Area:5580 sf Buildable Area:3292.2 sf FAR (2x Buildable Area): 6584.4 sf Open Volume Area:15% of Buildable Area Req'd: 493.8 sfProvided: 600 sf (18.2%) Area Calculation:ProposedFirst Floor 1846 sfSecond Floor 2140 sf Total Living Area 3986 sf Garage Area: 712 sf Decks: 298 sf Parking: 3 Garage + (E) 2 On-Site Fire Sprinklers: Yes, Provide NFPA 13D Fire Sprinkler system. General Notes City of Newport Beach Notes 1. Issuance of a building permit by the City of Newport Beach does not relieveapplicants of the legal requirements to observe covenants, conditions andrestrictions which may be recorded against the property or to obtain plans. Youshould contact your community associations prior to commencement of anyconstruction authorized by this permit.2. Pools, spas, walls, fences, patio covers and other freestanding structures requireseparate reviews and permits3. Fences, hedges, walls, retaining walls, guardrails and handrails or anycombination thereof shall not exceed 42 inches from existing grade prior toconstruction within the required front yard setback area(s)4. Demolition beyond the approved scope of work requires planning divisionapproval prior to commencement of work. Approval of revisions to project plansare not guaranteed. Any changes in the current scope of work may require theentire structure to be demolished and redeveloped in conformance with thecurrent Zoning Code Development Standards5. After demolition and prior to framing, the architect of record shall certify that lessthan 50% of exterior walls have been removed and will require replacement. If it isdetermined that 50% or more of exterior walls have been removed duringconstruction, all project work shall cease and the project shall be subject toapplicable requirements of the Zoning Code and Local Coastal ProgramImplementation Plan, which may include, but are not limited to , a Coastaldevelopment Permit and/or other discretionary application. The applicantunderstands that this may result in project delays or denial and possibleeconomic hardship.6. The maximum time to complete construction on a project is limited to three yearsfrom the date of the permit for all permits issued after August 21, 2019 as requiredby NBMC Section 15.02.0957. Provide a project information sign for projects requiring fencing (new structure oraddition and remodel to an existing structure with a combined floor areaexceeding seventy-five (75) percent of the floor area of the proposed structure)in designated "High Density Areas". Project sign shall comply with NBMC Section15.60.030.8. A licensed surveyor shall complete a FEMA Elevation Certificate (EC) and submitthe EC for review and approval from the City's Community Rating System (CRS)Coordinator prior to requesting final inspection.9. An approved EC must be submitted to the Building Department Inspector duringfinal inspection.10.All mechanical, gas, and electrical equipment servicing the building (includingducts) must be at least one foot above the BFE (NAVD88). Applicable Codes x 2022 California Building Codex2022 California Residential Codex2022 California Electrical Codex2022 California Mechanical Codex2022 California Plumbing Code This project shall comply with the followingstate codes and all local amendments: x 2022 California Fire Codex2022 California Energy EfficiencyStandards Codex2022 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) FD DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 ArchitecturalGeneral Notes A.001Construction Min. Stds. A.001aCAL Green Standards A.001bSpecificationsA.001c-dCost Valuation A.001eFireplace Spec.A.001fDoor & Window Sched. A.002 - A.003Site Plan A.100Floor Plans A.200 - A.201Roof Plan A.202Floor Area Calcs A.210 - A.211ElevationsA.300 - A.301SectionsA.400 - A.401Reflected Ceiling Plans A.500 - A.501DetailsA.700 - A.702 List of Drawings CivilTopographic Survey 1 of 1Drainage Plan C1Construction Pollution C2Prevention Plan StructuralGen.Notes + Shear Sch. SN-1Special Inspect. & Obs. SN-2Typ. Concrete Details ST-1Typ. Wood Details ST-2Foundation Plan S1Second Floor Framing Plan S2Roof Framing Plan S3High Roof Framing Plan S4Details SD-1 - SD-4 LandscapeHardscape Plan L-1Planting Plan L-2 Deferred Submittals 1. Deferred submittals to be reviewed by project architect or engineer of record andcertified prior to submittal for plan check or approval by the City.1.1. NFPA 13D Fire Sprinkler system - Obtain fire sprinkler permit prior to calling forroof sheathing inspection.1.2. AC type1.3. Sound Attenuation design for HVAC equipment per ARI Std. 275 and Sec.10.26.045 NBMC. 20 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94Minimum Construction Requirements1 Construction Minimum Standards 21 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94Cal-Green Residential Minimum1 Cal-Green Notes High-Density Construction Noise Acknowledgement2 22 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 4.4 4.10 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO EXTRAS FOR OPENING ANY LOCAL BUILDING CODES. LOCATIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ARCHITECT REQUIRED FOR MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS PER4.9 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL ACCESS PANELS AS CONTRACTOR'S SHOP DRAWINGS. ALL OPENINGS SHALL BE PROPERLY SEALED FOR AND BELOW HUNG CEILINGS. THESE ARE TO BE COORDINATED WITH H.V.A.C. PARTITIONS FOR DUCT WORK. RETURN AIR OPENINGS AND GRILL OPENINGS ABOVE4.8 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SUFFICIENT FRAMING FOR ALL WALL BUILDING CODES. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND IN FIRE RATED WALLS SHALL HAVE FIRE DAMPERS AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING WALLS SHALL NOT COMPROMISE THE ACOUSTICAL INTEGRITY OF THE WALLS. OPENINGSAS SHOWN ON ENGINEERING DRAWINGS. OPENINGS IN SOUND ATTENUATED SLAB PARTITIONS ABOVE HUNG CEILINGS TO MATCH AREA CALCULATION REQUIREMENTS 4.5 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CORNER BEADS AT ALL EXPOSED CORNERS 4.3 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL DIMENSIONS FOR PARTITIONS ARE FROM FINISH TO THE FINISH FLOOR OF ALL PARTITIONS FOR THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES REVIEW.4.2 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TIME AND GRADE MARKINGS ON 4.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL PARTITIONS AS 6.17 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL LIGHT SWITCHES, THERMOSTATS AND CONTROL 6.16 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL TELEPHONE,DATA AND POWER OUTLETS SHALL BE 6.15 ALL NEW OUTLETS ON COLUMNS WILL BE CENTERED ON FACE SHOWN, UNLESS LOCATED AS DIMENSIONED ON ARCHITECT'S PLANS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.6.14 ALL ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE RECEPTACLES AND LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE 6.13 WHERE MORE THAN ONE SWITCH OCCURS IN THE SAME LOCATION, THEY SHALL BE 6.12 THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TEMPORARY LIGHTING AND REQUIREMENTS WITH THE TENANT SUPPLIED TELEPHONE/DATA CONTRACTOR IF 6.10 THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY ELECTRICAL OR LIGHTING 6.9 THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CUTS OF ALL FIXTURES FOR REVIEW DRAWINGS. ANY DISCREPANCIES WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE OWNER'S OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO ASSURE THE FINISHED CEILING HEIGHT SHOWN ON AND CEILING PLENUM CONDITIONS FOR CLEARANCE OF DUCTWORK, LIGHTING AND6.7 THE GENERAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SHALL CHECK ALL CEILING HEIGHTS 6.6 ALL EXISTING RELOCATED AND EXISTING TO REMAIN FLUORESCENT FIXTURES (INCLUDING NEW LAMPING) OF TYPES AND MANUFACTURERS AS INDICATED ON 6.5 PROPOSALS SHALL BE BASED UPON FURNISHING AND INSTALLING NEW LIGHTING HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR THE PARTICULAR TYPE OF MATERIAL IN QUESTION, UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. IN EVERY CASE WHERE SUCH A STANDARD6.4 ALL NEW MATERIALS REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE OF THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY'S ELECTRICAL CODE AND ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES6.3 THE WORK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL WORK AS SHOWN OR IMPLIED ON ALL DRAWINGS AND NOTES.6.1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES AND 5.13 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO EXTRAS FOR OPENING ANY 5.9 CEILINGS IN CLOSETS SHALL BE OF THE SAME HEIGHTS AND CONSTRUCTION AS CONTRACTOR'S ENGINEERS AND BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION TO ENSURE AND ELECTRICAL) SHALL BE INSPECTED AND WHERE REQUIRED, TESTED BY5.6 PRIOR TO CLOSING UP ANY CEILING, ALL PLENUM SYSTEMS (H.V.A.C, PLUMBING, BUILDING CODES, COORDINATE LOCATIONS WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR HANDLING UNITS, PHONE AND ELECTRICAL CONTROLS AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL PANELS IN GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS AS REQUIRED TO FURNISH ACCESS TO ALL AIR5.5 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL CEILING ACCESS CONTRACTORS, AND THE TELEPHONE COMPANY WHENEVER THEIR RESPECTIVE 5.4 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S CEILING CONTRACTOR SHALL CLOSELY COORDINATE DEVIATION FROM HEIGHTS SHOWN WILL BE SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW.5.3 HUNG CEILING HEIGHTS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS AND DETAILS ANY MECHANICAL DUCTS, PIPING OR OTHER EQUIPMENT SHALL BE FORMED OF GYPSUM 5.2 FASCIAS OR ANY BREAK IN THE CEILING HEIGHTS CREATED BY THE INSTALLATION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CENTER LINE OF WALL EQUALS CENTER LINE OF4.12 ALL WALL DIMENSIONS ARE FINISHED FACE OF WALL TO FINISHED FACE OF WALL REQUIRED DEVIATION FROM CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS OR CLEARANCES AS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF TRACK. ARCHITECT IS TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY4.11 THE OWNER'S REP. SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO REVIEW AND APPROVE ALL CHALK LINES DEVICES SHALL BE 42" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR. BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. INSTALLED IN GANG TYPE BOX UNDER ONE COVER PLATE. ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR ALL TRADES AS REQUIRED. 6.11 THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY TELEPHONE/DATA INSTALLATION INTO CABINETWORK WITH CABINET CONTRACTOR IF AND AS CENTERED WITHIN THE BASE BOARD. OTHERWISE NOTED. REQUIRED. AND AS REQUIRED. ALL PROJECTING PLUMBING,FLOOR ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE OUTLETS, AND ALL2.10 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CAP AND FLUSH OFF BEHIND FINISH SURFACES 2.11 UPON COMPLETION OF THE DEMOLITION WORK, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL 2.9 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH A SYSTEM OF TEMPORARY LIGHTS CEILING TILE, PUBLIC TOILETS, ELEVATORS, DOORS, BUCKS, ELECTRICAL AND AIR 2.8 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES PROTECT THE PROPERTY OF THE WALL DEMOLITION, INCLUDING SWITCH BOXES, PLATES, BRIDGES, OR ANY OTHER2.5 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE FROM PREMISES CONDUITS LEFT AFTER 2.4 ALL WORK DEMOLISHED SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES EXCEPT ITEMS 2.3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL EXECUTE ALL WORK WITHIN THE REGULATIONS INVENTORY LIST OF ALL ITEMS THAT CAN BE REUSED AND/OR STORED IN BUILDING2.2 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE OWNER'S REP. WITH A COMPLETE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL ITEMS INDICATED IN OTHER PROJECTING ITEMS WHICH ARE BEING ABANDONED. PROVIDE THAT ALL AREAS BE LEFT BROOM CLEAN. THROUGHOUT THE SPACE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED. CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT, CONVECTOR ENCLOSURES, ETC. BUILDING OWNER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WINDOWS, FLOOR AND TELEPHONE OR ELECTRICAL, WIRING AND EQUIPMENT. TO BE REUSED OR RETURNED TO OWNER OR AS OTHERWISE NOTED. OF THE BUILDING FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS, INCLUDING DRAWINGS OR AS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 2.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL AS STOCK. OVERTIME WORK REQUIRED. REPRESENTATIVE'S ATTENTION PRIOR TO FINAL BIDDING. 6.8 ALL RECESSED FIXTURES SHALL BE SET FLUSH INTO CEILINGS. SHALL BE REFURBISHED AS REQUIRED, CLEANED, RE-LAMPED. FIXTURES AND REMOVING AND REINSTALLING EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6.2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH MANUFACTURER'S REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SPECIFICATIONS. HAVING JURISDICTION. COMPUTER DATA SYSTEMS INDICATED IN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS. CEILINGS TO INSTALL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS, SECURITY SYSTEMS OR REGISTERS, AND DIFFUSERS AND OTHER INSERTED ITEMS. PROVISIONS IN ACOUSTICAL WORK AS REQUIRED FOR LIGHTING FIXTURES,5.10 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CUTOUTS AND OTHER SPECIAL THAT OF ADJOINING SPACE, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE OWNER OR OTHERS, WITH THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER PRIOR TO THE LOCATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL WORK AND/OR EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY 1.38 INSURANCE AND BONDING FOR THE PROJECT SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY AND TO GLAZING, ALL WINDOW SASHES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND1.37 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ALL BROKEN OR CRACKED WINDOW ALTERNATE FOR APPROVAL BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS WELL AS TO 1.45 WHERE SPECIAL ITEMS REQUIRE EXTENDED LEAD TIME PREVENTING INSTALLATION 1.44 ALL ASSEMBLIES OR DETAILS MARKED AS ALTERNATES TO BASE REQUIREMENTS TO 1.43 MANUFACTURERS NAME, TRADEMARK, LOGOS, ETC., SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE TO THE COORDINATION OF WORK WHEN COMPLETE SETS ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO SUB- COMPLETE SETS OF WORKING DRAWINGS OR ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR1.42 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SEE THAT ALL SUB-CONTRACTORS RECEIVE PREPARE PRICING FOR POSSIBLE TEMPORARY ASSEMBLIES. BY PROJECTED MOVE-IN DATE, CONTRACTOR IS TO PROPOSE AN AVAILABLE PUBLIC. BE PRICED INDIVIDUALLY. CONTRACTORS. 1.39 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SIZE, ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS, THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. ALL INOPERABLE CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED. START OF RELATED WORK. THEIR PROPER INSTALLATION AND FUNCTION. HIS WORK WITH THAT OF THE CABINET, PLUMBING, H.V.A.C., ELECTRICAL WALLBOARD ON FURRING CHANNELS. AND/OR ALTERATION OF HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING OR WORK IS CONTIGUOUS. TO FINAL INSTALLATION. ATTIC ACCESS PANELS SHALL BE IN DISCRETE LOCATIONS. COMPUTER DATA SYSTEMS INDICATED IN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS. PARTITIONS TO INSTALL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS, SECURITY SYSTEMS OR PRIOR TO FINAL INSTALLATION. SOUNDPROOFING AND VIBRATION. ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S MECHANICAL MULLION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DESIGNATED ON PLAN OR OF ANY APPARENT CONSTRUCTION CONFLICTS. OBSTRUCTIONS AND IMPEDIMENTS FOR UNOBSTRUCTED EGRESS IN THE CASE OF THE EXIT INTO THE STREET SHALL CONTINUOUSLY BE MAINTAINED FREE FROM ALL1.33 ALL REQUIRED EXITS, WAYS OF APPROACH THERETO, AND WAYS OF TRAVEL FROM ANY MISSING PARTS REPLACED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO ACHIEVE A WHERE REQUIRED, ANY LOOSE ITEMS TIGHTENED (CEILING EXIST SIGNS, ETC.) AND SHALL SUBMIT CERTIFICATES TO OWNER'S REP. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, FINISHED FIRST CLASS INSTALLATION AND APPEARANCE. 1.32 ALL EXISTING APPURTENANCES NOT BEING REMOVED SHALL BE REFURBISHED - BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. - DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS & ELECTRICITY (b) ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND AIR CONDITIONING CERTIFICATES (a) FIREPROOF WOOD TEST REPORT (IF REQUIRED) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: 1.31 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTOR AND TENANT'S CONTRACTORS FIRE OR OTHER EMERGENCY. ISSUED BY: INFORM ARCHITECT OF DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BID PROCESS. 4.7 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY ALL AIR OPENINGS IN SLAB TO SPECIFICATIONS AND AS REQUIRED BY STATE AND LOCAL CODES.4.6 ALL PARTITIONS SHALL BE ANCHORED FIRMLY AS PER MANUFACTURER'S AND EXPOSED ENDS IN PLASTER AND DRYWALL PARTITIONS. DESIGNATED ON ARCHITECT DRAWINGS. FINISH. 7.9 ALL DUCT WORK SHALL BE INSULATED AS REQUIRED FOR THERMAL AND ACOUSTIC 7.8 BALANCING OF ENTIRE SYSTEM SHALL BE DONE BY A QUALIFIED ENGINEER. THE GOVERNING CODE. PLANS SHOWING MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM7.5 INTERIOR SPACES SHALL BE MECHANICALLY CONDITIONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPER ASSEMBLY. CEILING DIFFUSERS TO BE RELOCATED TO MAINTAIN NEW7.4 INSTALLATION SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL TRADES AS REQUIRED FOR SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER'S REP FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH7.3 SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL REGISTERS INCLUDING ACCESS PANELS IF REQUIRED, H.V.A.C. WORK DURING INSTALLATION AND SHALL INSPECT ALL SYSTEMS FOR PROPER7.2 THE H.V.A.C. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD SUPERVISION OF ALL 7.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR SINGLE CIRCUIT WITH A SINGLE OUTLET SEPARATE FROM ALL OTHER CIRCUITS AND6.27 AS IT RELATES TO THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS, A SEPARATE CIRCUIT (SC) SHALL BE A CONSIDERATIONS. REF. NOTE 4.7 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SUBMIT REPORT TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. WILL BE FILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE BUILDING FABRICATION AND/OR INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION. OPERATIONS AT COMPLETION OF JOB. CONDITIONING WORK AS REQUIRED. USED TO ISOLATE A SINGLE SPECIFIC PIECE OF EQUIPMENT. 7.6 OMITTED DEPARTMENT. FIXTURE PATTERNS. 6.26 AS IT RELATES TO THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS, A DEDICATED CIRCUIT (DC) SHALL BE CONDITIONING ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO EXECUTING HIS WORK.6.25 THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WILL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE AIR 6.23 CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLES SHALL BE BUILDING STANDARD DUPLEX TYPE RATED COVER PLATES TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARD, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.6.22 PROVIDE NEW BLANKCOVER PLATES FOR EXISTING OUTLETS NOT BEING USED. AND PATCHING OF ALL CHASES IN FLOORS, WALLS, AND CEILINGS, AS REQUIRED.6.21 THE ELECTRICAL AND/OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL CUTTING 6.20 ALL ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE WIRING CONDUIT SHALL BE CONCEALED IN AND ALL NECESSARY CONDUIT RUNS TO TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED.6.19 PROVIDE TELEPHONE OUTLETS (WHERE SHOWN ON "ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE PLAN") 6.18 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL OUTLETS SIDE BY SIDE SHALL BE 6" FROM CENTER A SINGLE CIRCUIT WITH OUTLETS DEDICATED TO SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT 6.24 THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL POWER WIRING. 15 AMP., 125 V., GROUNDED TYPE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PARTITIONS AND/OR CEILING. OF PLATE WITH POSITIONING DIMENSION CENTERED BETWEEN. USAGE. 1.30 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR UPON ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL OF THE DRAWINGS ASSUMES FULLRESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, MATERIALS, AND WORKMANSHIP OF THE WORK DESCRIBEDIN THESE NOTES AND DRAWINGS, AND HE WILL BE EXPECTED TO COMPLY WITH THE SPIRIT AS WELL ASTHE LETTER IN WHICH THEY WERE WRITTEN. 1.29 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A COMPLETE SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ONSITE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION FOR USE OF ALL TRADES. 1.28 THE CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND/OR DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED TO ILLUSTRATE THE DESIGN INTENT ANDTHE GENERAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DESIRED, AND ARE INTENDED TO APPLY TO THE FINEST QUALITYOF CONSTRUCTION, MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP THROUGHOUT. 1.27 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS ESTIMATE ALL COSTS (INCLUDING OVERTIMEWORK) FOR REMOVAL, NEW INSTALLATION AND REINSTALLATION WORK FOR ANY PLUMBING, CEILING(TAKE-DOWN AND REINSTALLATION), ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ORHVAC WORK ON CEILING PLENUM. 1.26 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR HIS WORK UNTILTURNED OVER TO THE CLIENT. 1.25 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPERLY PROTECT THE ADJOINING PROPERTY OR WORK ANDANY DAMAGE TO SAME CAUSED BY HIS WORK OR WORKMEN MUST BE MADE GOOD WITHOUT DELAY.PATCHING AND REPLACING OF DAMAGED WORK SHALL BE DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR WHO ISRESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGE. 1.24 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE STRICT DUST CONTAINMENT CONTROL OVER JOB TOPREVENT DIRT OR DUST FROM LEAVING THE JOB SITE. 1.23 ALL WOODWORK, BLOCKING, GROUNDS, ETC., TO BE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED. 1.22 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ALL FABRICATION SHOP DRAWINGS AND FIXTURE CUTS TOOWNER'S REP. FOR REVIEW. HE SHALL PROVIDE TWO (2) SETS OF BLUELINES AND ONE (1) SET OFREPRODUCIBLE PAPER SEPIAS. OWNER'S REP. SHALL HAVE FORTY (40) WORKING HOURS (10-DAY)SHOP DRAWING TURN-AROUND TIME FROM DATE OF RECEIPT. ALL SHOP DRAWINGS AND CUTSSIGNED "REVIEWED" SHALL SUPERSEDE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN DESIGN APPEARANCE ONLY.CONTRACTORS SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN THEIR DRAWINGS. THE GENERALCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ARCHITECT SHOP DRAWING SCHEDULE OF SUBMITTALS PRIOR TOSUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS. 1.21 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE TEN (10) WORKING DAYS FROM AWARD OF THE CONTRACTTO SUBMIT SUBSTITUTIONS OR SPECIFIED PRODUCTS OR WORK FOR REVIEW BY ARCHITECT. HE SHALLINCLUDE CUT SHEETS WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND REASONS FOR SUBSTITUTION. OWNER'S REP. SHALLRESPOND IN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS TO SUBMITTAL. NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED AFTERTHE INITIAL TIME LIMIT HAS PASSED. 1.20 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY CUT SHEET SPECIFICATIONS OF ALL FIXTURES ANDEQUIPMENT CALLED FOR ON DRAWINGS, I.E., LIGHT FIXTURES, HARDWARE, ETC. 1.19 WHERE THE TERMS "APPROVED EQUAL", "OTHER APPROVED", "EQUAL TO", "ACCEPTABLE" OF THE OTHERGENERAL QUALIFYING TERMS ARE USED IN THESE NOTES, IT SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE ISMADE TO THE RULING AND JUDGMENT OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 1.18 THE USE OF THE WORDS "PROVIDE" OR "PROVIDED" IN CONNECTION WITH ANY ITEM SPECIFIED, ISINTENDED TO MEAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THAT WHICH SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLEDAND CONNECTED WHERE SO REQUIRED. 1.17 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL RUBBISH AND WASTE MATERIALS, BOTH FROM HISOWN AND OTHER SUB-CONTRACTORS EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING THAT RUBBISH WHICH IS ABY-PRODUCT OF CARPET AND CABINET INSTALLATION, TELEPHONE COMPANY INSTALLATION, ETC.,AND PROVIDE FOR ITS REMOVAL FROM THE SITE. 1.16 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, HIS SUB-CONTRACTOR, AND ANY OTHER CONTRACTOR INVOLVED INTHIS PROJECT SHALL TAKE NOTE THAT ANY COST CAUSED BY DEFECTIVE OR ILL-TIMED WORK, AS ARESULT OF, BUT NOT LIMITED TO INFERIOR WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS, IMPROPER SCHEDULING ORDELINQUENT ORDERING SHALL BE BORNE BY THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE THEREFORE. (c)ALL CHARGES INVOLVING THE INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF A HOIST SYSTEM, IFREQUIRED, SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR USING THE SYSTEM. CHARGES INVOLVING THETEMPORARY REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION OF WINDOW SASH AND/OR FIXED PANELS REQUIREDFOR DELIVERY SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR. (b)BUILDING CONDITIONS, INCLUDING SIZE AND LOADING CAPACITY OF ELEVATORS, SIZE OFDOORWAYS, CORRIDORS, WINDOW OPENINGS, ETC., SHALL BE CHECKED FOR TIMES BEINGDELIVERED BY CONTRACTOR REQUESTING DELIVERY. (a)DATE AND TIME OF DELIVERY SHALL BE ESTABLISHED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEPERSON HAVING JURISDICTION OVER PREMISES. (OVERTIME CHARGES AND/OR ANYNECESSARY EXPENSE SHALL BE PAID BY CONTRACTOR REQUIRING SERVICE.) 1.15 EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL REQUIRED ARRANGEMENTS FOR DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENTAND/OR MATERIALS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH CONTRACTOR TO CHECK THE RULESAND REGULATIONS GOVERNING WORK ON THE PREMISES, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1.14 ALL SUB CONTRACTORS SHALL CONTACT THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE THE RULES OF THEBUILDING OWNER FOR CONSTRUCTION, TO DETERMINE WHEN AND HOW DELIVERIES CAN BE MADE(SEE BELOW), WHAT PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION CAN BE DONE ON REGULAR OR OVERTIME, AND INGENERAL, ANY SPECIAL BUILDING REQUIREMENTS WHICH WILL AFFECT THEIR WORK. (IF OVERTIMEWORK IS REQUIRED BY ANY TRADE, APPROVAL MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF ANYWORK, INCLUDING COST.) THE GENERAL INTENT IS THAT ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE DONEON REGULAR TIME. 1.13 EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT JOB SITE AS ITRELATES TO THEIR WORK. 1.12 THE SUBMISSION OF A PROPOSAL SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS EVIDENCE THAT SUCH AN EXAMINATIONHAS BEEN MADE AND LATER CLAIMS FOR LABOR, EQUIPMENT, OR MATERIAL REQUIRED FORDIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED, WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN FORESEEN HAD SUCH AN EXAMINATION BEENMADE, WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED. 1.11 BEFORE SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL, ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL VISIT THE PREMISES, FAMILIARIZETHEMSELVES WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SATISFY THEMSELVES AS TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OFTHE WORK AND THE DIFFICULTIES THAT ATTEND ITS EXECUTION. 1.10 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OROMISSIONS BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS, THESE NOTES, AND FIELD CONDITIONS BEFORE COMMENCINGANY WORK AND REQUEST CLARIFICATION. 1.9 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S REP. IMMEDIATELY IF HE CANNOT COMPLY WITHALL WORK CALLED FOR ON THESE DRAWINGS. 1.8 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS WHOLLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COORDINATION AND SCHEDULING OFTHE WORK EFFORT FOR ALL SUB-CONTRACTORS, CRAFTSMEN AND TRADESMEN REQUIRED TOCOMPLETE THE JOB. 1.7 OMITTED 1.6 OMITTED 1.5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY AND SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL REPLACEMENT ANDRECTIFICATION OF ALL DAMAGED AND DEFECTIVE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP IN CONNECTIONWITH THE CONTRACT WORK. HE SHALL REPLACE OR REPAIR AS DIRECTED ALL SUCH DAMAGED ORDEFECTIVE MATERIALS WHICH SHALL APPEAR WITHIN A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OFSUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. 1.4 WHERE THE CONTRACT, NOTES OR DRAWINGS CALL FOR ANY WORK OF A MORE STRINGENT NATURETHAN THAT REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING CODE OR ANY OTHER DEPARTMENT HAVING JURISDICTIONOVER THE WORK, THE WORK OF THE MORE STRINGENT NATURE CALLED FOR BY THE CONTRACT,CONSTRUCTION NOTES OR DRAWINGS SHALL BE FURNISHED IN ALL CASES. 1.3 ALL WORK PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR/SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO THEREQUIREMENTS OF MUNICIPAL, LOCAL OR FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS, AS WELL AS ANY OTHERGOVERNING REQUIREMENTS, WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS. 1.2 PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH A CONSTRUCTIONSCHEDULE SHOWING THE CHRONOLOGICAL PHASES OF HIS WORK, AND ALL RELATED WORK FOR THECOMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. THIS SCHEDULE SHALL INDICATE ALL ORDERING LEAD TIMES, LENGTHOF TIME FOR EACH PHASE, ITS START AND COMPLETION, WITH A PROJECTED COMPLETION DATE. 1.1 THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION, STANDARD FORM OF THEAMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, CURRENT EDITION, SHALL APPLY TO ALL WORK IN THISCONTRACT, EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY MODIFIED BELOW AND/OR BY AGREEMENT. WALLS SHOWN ALGINED SHALL BE FLUSH AND SMOOTH WITH ADJACENT ALIGNMENTUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5.7 PROVIDE BLOCKING AT SHOWER AND WATER CLOSETS FOR FUTURE GRAB BARS 5.8 OMITTED 2.6 OMITTED2.7 OMITTED 5.1 OMITTED 5.11 OMITTED5.12 OMITTED 7.7 OMITTED 4.13 ALL DRYWALL SHALL BE FINISHED TO A LEVEL 5 STANDARD. 7.10 PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND FULLY OPERATIONAL HEATING INSTALLATION AS REQUIREDBY THE PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK, BY APPLICABLE CODES AND THE CITY OF NEWPORTBUILDING DEPARTMENT. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALLAGENCY APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 7.11 THESE ARE DESIGN DRAWINGS. THEY ARE INTENDED TO IMPLY A DIAGRAMMATIC SCOPEOF WORK FOR USE BY THE APPROPRIATE SUBCONTRACTOR IN DEVELOPING A BID ANDINSTALLATION. POSITION OF GRILLES, VENTS, CONTROLS AND OTHER ARCHITECTURALAND VISIBLE FEATURES ARE FIXED AS SHOWN UNLESS A CHANGE IN POSITION ISAUTHORIZED BY THE OWNER. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR POSITIONINGAND ROUTING OF ALL DUCTS, VENTS AND PROVISION OF ANY OTHER NON-VISIBLECOMPONENTS FOR A FULLY OPERATIONAL, SAFE AND CODE COMPLIANT SYSTEM. IFDEVIATION OF VENTS/GRILLES IS REQUIRED BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECTPRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 7.12 HVAC AND HOT WATER SYSTEM PIPE INSULATION SHALL COMPLY WITH T24-2-5312 ANDTABLE 2-53E OF THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS. SWITCHES AND OUTLETS TOALIGN. 7.13 AIR HANDLING DUCT SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, INSTALLED, SEALED ANDINSULATED AS SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER 10 OF THE STATE MECHANICAL CODE (TITLE 24,PART 4) T24-2-5316. 7.14 ALL HVAC DUCTWORK SHALL BE RUN WITHIN DESIGNATED CHASES AND WITHINENCLOSED ATTIC SPACES AT THE FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR CEILINGS. 7.15 MECHANICAL SYSTEM TO CONFORM TO THE 2013 CMC. 7.16 MECHANICAL SUB-CONTRACTOR TO SIZE AND SELECT FAU BASED UPON HEATING LOADSUMMARY IN THE TITLE 24 REPORT. FAU SHALL HAVE A MIN. EFFICIENCY OF 0.750 AFUEAND SHALL BE SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE OTHER RELEVANT DESIGN FACTORS SUCH ASAIR FLOW REQUIREMENTS, OUTDOOR DESIGN TEMPERATURES, COIL SIZING, AVAILABILITYOF EQUIPMENT, OVER SIZING SAFETY MARGIN, ETC. FAU SHALL BE LISTED FORINSTALLATION IN ATTIC OR IN FURRED SPACE LESS THAN 5 FT. IN HEIGHT. 7.17 DUCTS PIERCING WALL BETWEEN HOUSE LIVING AREA AND GARAGE SHALL BE 26 GA.G.I. MATERIAL IN THE GARAGE SEALED AT EDGES, AND NO OPENINGS INTO GARAGE.7.18 MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEMS FOR TOILET COMPARTMENTS, BATHROOMS,LAUNDRY ROOMS AND SIMILAR ROOMS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF PROVIDING (5) AIRCHANGES PER HOUR DIRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE.ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTEDBY AN APPROVED TESTING AGENCY AND BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THATLISTING. 7.19 APPLIANCES LOCATED IN A GARAGE WHICH GENERATE A GLOW, SPARK OR FLAMESHALL BE INSTALLED WITH PILOTS, BURNERS OR HEATING ELEMENTS AT LEAST 18" ABOVETHE FLOOR. 7.20 ATTIC FURNACES AND COOLING EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: 7.21 PROVIDE ATTIC ACCESS 22"X30" MIN. W/ 30" MIN. CLEAR HEAD ROOM. 7.22 HAVE A CONTINUOUS 24" WIDE SOLID FLOOR ACCESS PATH THERETO 7.23 HAVE 30" DEEP WORKING PLATFORM AT CONTROL SIDE(S) 7.24 HAVE AN ELECTRIC OUTLET AND A LIGHT FIXTURE (CONTROLED BY SWITCH AT THEACCESS POINT) AT THE FURNACE. 7.25 PROVIDE HEPA FILTERS ON EACH FAU. 7.26 HEAT REGISTER TO BE LOCATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE IN WALLS. LOCATE IN TOE KICKS ATKITCHEN, BATHROOMS AND WHERE FEASIBLE. FINAL LOCATIONS AND REGISTER TYPESTO BE APPROVED BY ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 7.27 CUSTOM METAL HOODS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE MECHANICAL UNIT MANUF. SUBMITSHOP DRAWINGS. 6.28 PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND FULLY OPERATIONAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ASREQUIRED BY ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDINGDEPARTMENT. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL AGENCYAPPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 6.29 THESE ARE DESIGN DRAWINGS. THEY ARE INTENDED TO IMPLY A DIAGRAMMATIC SCOPEOF WORK FOR USE BY THE APPROPRIATE SUBCONTRACTOR IN DEVELOPING A BID ANDINSTALLATION. POSITION OF FIXTURES, OUTLETS, SWITCHES AND OTHER ARCHITECTURALAND VISIBLE FEATURES ARE FIXED AS SHOWN WITHIN THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSUNLESS A CHANGE IN POSITION IS AUTHORIZED BY THE OWNER. THE SUBCONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR ROUTING OF ALL CONDUIT AND POSITION OF ANY OTHERNON-VISIBLE COMPONENTS FOR A FULLY OPERATIONAL, SAFE AND CODE COMPLIANTSYSTEM.6.30 ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS TO BE CENTERED WITHIN THE BASE, MOUNTED AT 1'-0" A.F.F.WHERE NO BASE IS, AND ALL SWITCHES AT 3'-6" A.F.F. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6.31 ALL CONDUITS TO BE CONCEALED AT ALL WALLS AND SURFACES EXCEPT AS OTHERWISENOTED. 6.32 ALL OUTLETS, SWITCHES, THERMOSTATS, ETC. TO BE CENTERED AND ALIGNED WITH EACHOTHER BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY.6.33 40 LUMENS/WATT OR GREATER FOR GENERAL LIGHTING IN KITCHENS AND ROOMS WITHWATER CLOSETS; AND RECESSED CEILING FIXTURES ARE IC (INSULATION COVER)APPROVED. 6.34 ALL COVER PLATES TO BE SCREWLESS TYPE. General Conditions1 General Conditions and Specifications 23 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 12.5 TILE SHALL BE LAID IN SQUARE PATTERN WITH COURSES PARALLEL TO WALLS, OF THE AREA BEING WORKED IN, AND THE AUTHORIZATION UNDER WHICH THE BEING PERFORMED, MATERIALS BEING USED, THE CONSTRUCTION SPACE NUMBER BY OWNER'S REP., AND SHOULD INCLUDE A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK16.2 ALL CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL WORK WILL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING FOR REVIEW CLAIMS SHALL BE VALID UNLESS SO MADE. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED, NO SHALL THAN BE AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE "CHANGES IN THE WORK". NO SUCH ANY EVENT BEFORE PROCEEDING TO EXECUTE THE WORK AND THE PROCEDURE THEREOF WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER RECEIPT OF SUCH INSTRUCTIONS, IN EXTRA COST UNDER THIS CONTRACT, HE SHALL GIVE OWNER'S REP. WRITTEN NOTICE16.1 IF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR CLAIMS THAT ANY REVISION TO DRAWINGS INVOLVE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNLOADING, CHECKING, AND STORING OF SAME IN ALL HIS MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT TO THE POINT OF USE, AND SHALL BE15.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AGREES TO PAY ALL TRANSPORTATION CHARGES ON FRAMES, ETC., TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO BASE, ALL WALLCOVERING INSTALLATIONS, ALL MAIL CHUTES, ALL DOORS AND14.2 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY CLEAN COVE BASE AND STRAIGHT TO THE SATISFACTION OF ARCHITECT AND OWNER PRIOR TO BEING TURNED OVER THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN ADDITION TO BEING AMPLY PROTECTED14.1 THE "EXISTING TO REMAIN", EXISTING RELOCATED OR NEW ITEMS INSTALLED BY ANY CLAIM FOR EXTENSIONS OF TIME CAUSED THEREBY SHALL BE ADJUSTED AT EXECUTED UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT, EXCEPT THAT THE CONTRACT SUM BEING ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. ALL SUCH WORK SHALL BE OR MAKE CHANGES BY ALTERING, ADDING TO OR DEDUCTING FROM THE WORK,13.1 THE OWNER WITHOUT INVALIDATING THE CONTRACT, MAY ORDER EXTRA WORK FLUSH INSTALLATION OF ALL VARYING FLOOR MATERIALS USED. ALL TRANSITION12.13 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL FLOORING CONTRACTORS INVOLVED TO ENSURE 12.12 CARPET CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SEAMING DIAGRAM TO ARCHITECT FOR 12.11 STONE, WOOD AND TILE FLOORING CONTRACTORS TO SUBMIT ACTUAL DIMENSIONED PROTECTION FOR ALL RESILIENT FLOORING WORK FOR THE DURATION OF THE12.10 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN ADEQUATE WHICH IS TO BE THOROUGHLY MACHINE BUFFED AND LEFT IN CONDITION ENTIRELY RESILIENT TILE FLOOR TWO (2) APPLICATIONS OF AN APPROVED NON-SLIP WAX12.9 WHEN DIRECTED, AFTER CLEANING, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE CARTONS AND CONTAINERS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BUILDING. REMOVING ALL SPOTS OF ADHESIVE AND SURFACE STAINS AND ALL SCRAPS.12.8 UPON COMPLETION, ALL WORK SHALL BE CLEANED BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE LAYING OF FLOORING. STONE FLOORS SHALL BE COVERED AFTER12.6 SPACES BEING SURFACED SHALL BE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC AND OTHER WORK DURING PERMIT THE ADHESIVE TO REACH ITS INITIAL SET BUT NOT ITS FINAL SET. CEMENTING TILE SHALL BE APPLIED FAR ENOUGH IN ADVANCE OF THE SETTING TO CEMENTED AND SHALL BE LAID WITH TIGHT JOINTS. THE ADHESIVE USED FOR UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. THE TILE SHALL BE SECURELY BEING TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER PROPERLY TESTED AND/OR TAGGED. THE NUMBER OF MASTER AND PASS KEYS BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CODES AND/OR KEYS ARE TO BE DELIVERED TO OWNER10.3 ALL LOCK SETS SHALL BE CODED AND/OR KEYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 10.2 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL DOORS AS SPECIFIED ON ASSEMBLIES AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.10.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL REQUIRED BUCKS THE DRAWINGS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. WORK IS BEING PERFORMED. PAYMENT ON SUCH BILLS WILL NOT BE MADE UNTIL FINAL SETTLEMENT. CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT. THE TIME OF ORDERING SUCH CHANGE. METHODS TO BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. TO THE OWNER. SATISFACTORY TO ARCHITECT. PLAN FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACT, AND REMOVE ALL PROTECTION PRIOR TO PUNCH LIST. INSTALLATION FOR PROTECTION. FASCIAS, JAMBS, BUCKS, REVEALS, RETURNS, AND ALL VERTICAL SURFACES NOT11.2 WALLS SHALL INCLUDE SURFACES FROM FLOOR TO CEILING, INCLUDING PILASTERS, 11.1 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ALL AREAS ARE TO BE PAINTED IN ACCORDANCE FOR REVIEW, AND FABRICATION OF MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE COMMENCED UNTIL10.4 DETAILED DOOR AND HARDWARE SCHEDULES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND THE OWNER'S REP. 12.3 ALL NEW FLOORING IS TO BE INSTALLED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DONE AND RECEIVE ARCHITECT'S REVIEW PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FIN. FLOORING.12.2 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S REP. AFTER FLOOR PATCHING IS CONTINUOUS SMOOTH FLOOR SURFACE. LEVEL NOT TO EXCEED 1/4" IN 10'-0" IMPERFECTION (PROJECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AND PATCHED) TO PROVIDE A12.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FLASH PATCH ALL CRACKS, HOLES OR OTHER ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REP. AND FINISHED PER ARCHITECT'S INSTRUCTIONS. FINISH NOTED OR ARE NOTED TO REMAIN UNFINISHED SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE. ANY SURFACES WHICH DO NOT HAVE A SPECIFIC FINISHES AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS IN THE SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS11.12 IT IS THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS THAT ALL EXPOSED SURFACES RECEIVE FLOORING, ETC.) AND INDICATE ALL NECESSARY "TOUCH-UP" PAINTING AND/OR COMPLETION OF WORK BY ALL TRADES (INCLUDING TELEPHONE INSTALLATION,11.11 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXAMINE ALL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION AFTER AWAY AND SURFACES PLASTER-PATCHED OR SPACKLED TO INSURE A PERFECTLY11.10 ALL EXISTING UNEVENNESS IN ALL PARTITIONS SHALL BE SANDED OR CHIPPED 11.9 ALL EXISTING LOOSE PAINT SHALL BE REMOVED AND SPACKLED OR PLASTER SQUARE. ALL WORKMANSHIP WHICH IS NOT JUDGED TO BE FIRST QUALITY BY WALLCOVERING ADJOINING WOOD OR METAL TRIM SHALL BE CUT STRAIGHT AND EDGES, ALL PASTE AND BRUSH MARKS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY REMOVED. WALLCOVERINGS SHALL BE SMOOTH, WITH NO WRINKLES, BUBBLES OR LOOSE RECEIVE ONE (1) PRIME COAT AND TWO (2) FINISH COATS OF PAINT IN COLOR SELECTED BY ARCHITECT. HE SHALL PROPERLY PREPARE ALL SURFACES TO11.7 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE SPECIFIED BASE PAINT IN COLORS AND FINISHES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIGHT FIXTURES, DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS AND SLAB PAINT FROM WHERE IT HAS SPILLED, SPLASHED OR SPLATTERED ON SURFACES, REPLACING SAME WHEN PAINTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. HE SHALL REMOVE ALL PLATES, SURFACE HARDWARE, ETC., PRIOR TO PAINTING, PROTECTING AND11.6 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL ELECTRICAL SWITCH PLATES AND OUTLET TWO FULL COATS OF SPECIFIED PAINT FREE OF BRUSH MARKS, U.O.N.11.5 ALL WOOD SHELVING AND PAINTED DOORS SHALL RECEIVE PRIMING,SANDING AND ETC., TO PROVIDE A PERFECTLY SMOOTH FINISH AND SURFACE READY FOR PRIME11.4 ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS SHALL BE PROPERLY PREPARED, SPACKLED, SANDED, SHALL SUBMIT 3 SAMPLES (12" X 12") FOR REVIEW BY THE OWNER'S REP.11.3 PAINT COLORS SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT AND THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND IF LAID,SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH ACCEPTABLE TILE. COORDINATES. TILE HAVING CHIPPED OR ROUNDED CORNERS WILL BE REJECTED IMPERFECTIONS. SEAMS SHALL BE KEPT IN ACCURATE ALIGNMENT ALONG BOTH COMPLETE, IT SHALL BE FREE FROM BUCKLES, BUBBLES, OPEN JOINTS OR OTHER12.4 ALL WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE OF THE BEST QUALITY AND WHEN THE WORK IS AS SPECIFIED ON CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. NONCUMULATIVE. PATCHING. SELECTED BY ARCHITECT. THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. MANUFACTURER INSTALL SPECIFICATIONS, WHERE DESIGNATED. ALL11.8 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL WALLCOVERINGS AS PER EVEN SURFACE. PATCHED. FITTINGS, ETC. INCLUDED IN CEILING. SUCH REVIEW HAS BEEN RETURNED. AND PAINT. LEVEL 5 FINISH AT ALL EXPOSED GYSPUM BOARD WITH FINISH PLANS. OMITTED12.7 TILED INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET MNFTS. REQ., AND PER ANSI STANDARDS, TILECOUNCIL OF AMERICA (TCA) HANDBOOK for CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION,AMERICAN STANDARDS NATIONAL INSTITUTE (ANSI), NATIONAL TILE CONTRACTORSINSTALLATION (NTCA) MANUAL, MARBLE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA DESIGN MANUAL,AND PER CODE REQUIREMENTS. 12.14 EXPANSION JOINTS:EXTERIOR - FOR TEMPERATURE CHANGES UP TO 100 DEGREES f: LOCATE MOVEMENTJOINTS IN EXTERIOR TILE WORK ON WALLS AND FLOOR NOT MORE THAN 16' ON CENTER BASED ON A 12" WIDE MOVEMENT JOINT. FOR TEMPERATURE CHANGESGREATER THAN 100 DEGREES F ADD 116" FOR EVERY 15 DEGREES f INCREMENT. MOVEMENT JOINTS ARE ALSO REQUIRED OVER ALL CONSTRUCTION, CONTROL, OREXPANSION JOINTS IN THE BACKING AND WHERE BACKING MATERIALS CHANGE ORCHANGE DIRECTIONS, INCLUDING TERMINATIONS OF TILE WORK WHERE IT WOULDABUT RESTRAINING OR DISSIMILAR SURFACES. INTERIOR: FOR ENVIRONMENTALLY CONTROLLED INTERIORS NOT SUBJECTED TOTEMPERATURE VARIATIONS GREATER THAN 20 DEGREES F OR EXPOSED TO MOISTURE,PLACE FIELD MOVEMENT JOINTS TWICE THE DISTANCE AS REQUIRED FOR EXTERIORS(24'-32' ON CENTER) AND AT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED PER PRIORPARAGRAPH. AREAS EXPOSED TO DIRECT SUNLIGHT SHALL HAVE EXPANSION JOINTS SPACE AT 8'TO 12' ON CENTER ALL STONE PAVING SYSTEMS SHALL INCLUDE ADEQUATE MOVEMENT JOINTS. REFERTO ANSI A108.1 AND TCNA 3J171 FOR MOVEMENT JOINTS LOCATIONS AND DESIGN. MEMBRANES FOR STONE AND TILE WALKING SURFACESCLEAVAGE MEMBRANES: USED IN THICK BED INSTALLATIONS BELOW THEREINFORCED MORTAR BED TO INTESTINALLY PREVENT THE BOND BETWEEN THE STONESETTING SYSTEM AND THE SUBSTRATE SLAB, ALLOWING INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT(FREE-FLOATING) OF THE STONE SETTING SYSTEM. CLEAVAGE MEMBRANES CAN BEEITHER SHEET APPLIED OR LIQUID APPLIED CRACK ISOLATION MEMBRANES: USED TO ISOLATE THE STONE FROM MINOR IN-PLANECRACKING OF THE SUBSTRATE SURFACE IN THIN-SET APPLICATIONS. CRACKISOLATION MEMBRANES CAN BE SHEET APPLIED, TROWEL APPLIED OR LIQUID APPLIEDAND MUST MEET ANSI A111.12. 12.15 12.16 TECHNICAL DATA:EACH STONE VARIETY USED FOR EXTERIOR STONE PAVING SHOULD CONFORM TOTHE APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARD SPECIFICATION AND THE PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTSCONTAINED THEREIN. THE SPECIFICATION FOR EACH STONE TYPE. 12.17 8.4 ALL EXISTING PLUMBING BEING ABANDONED SHALL BE CAPPED BEHIND EXISTING 9.12 WHERE FILES ARE SHOWN AS BEING SET INTO CABINETWORK, THE CABINET AND SUBMITTALS SHALL NOT BE WAIVED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION TO DO SO SUBMITTAL AND SHOP DRAWINGS PREPARATION ARE REVIEWED. SHOP DRAWINGS9.15 ALL MILLWORK, SPECIAL PRODUCTS, AND SPECIAL ASSEMBLIES ARE SUBJECT TO 9.14 COORDINATION OF MILLWORK, STONE, OR OTHER SPECIALTIES CONTRACTORS IS DRAWINGS. OWNER'S REP. WILL NOT REVIEW DRAWINGS WHICH ARE INCOMPLETE, DIMENSIONS CRITICAL OR OTHERWISE, ARE TO BE CALLED OUT ON THE SHOP ALL JOINTS, CORNERS, EDGES ARE TO BE DETAILED IN INDIVIDUAL DETAILS. ALL9.13 ALL MILLWORK SHOP DRAWINGS ARE TO CALL OUT ALL MATERIALS AND FINISHES. IS GIVEN BY ARCHITECT. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. AND/OR SHOW MINIMAL DETAILING AND INFORMATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL SET AND BOLT ALL FILES TOGETHER. 8.7 BEFORE BEING COVERED UP OR BUILT-IN, PIPING SHALL BE TESTED AS REQUIRED BY BE CUT OFF FOR REPAIR WITHOUT INTERFERENCE OR INTERRUPTION OF THE UNDER THIS SECTION SO THAT ANY FIXTURE, LINE, OR PIECE OF APPARATUS MAY FOR THE PROPER CONTROL OF THE VARIOUS APPARATUS AND PIPELINES INSTALLED8.6 FURNISH ALL VALVES AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS OR AS MAY BE REQUIRED 8.5 THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL OF THE CEILING PLENUM OF FLOOR BELOW TO COMPLETE WORK ON FLOOR BEING CEILING REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING WORK IN SHALL ALSO INCLUDE IN HIS ESTIMATE AN ALTERNATE PRICE FOR WORK FOR SURROUNDING SURFACES IN MATERIAL AND FINISH. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FINISHED SURFACES. EXISTING SURFACES SHALL BE PATCHED TO MATCH EXISTING MEET CURRENT AWI STANDARDS. REFERENCE SPECS. FOR ALL APPLICABLE 9.11 ALL THE WORK SHALL BE FABRICATED, ASSEMBLED, FINISHED AND ERECTED TO IN THE SHOP AND DELIVERED TO THE BUILDING READY TO ERECT IN PLACE.9.10 ALL FINISHED WORK SHALL, AS FAR AS PRACTICAL, BE ASSEMBLED AND FINISHED 9.9 WHERE MEMBERS ARE MITERED OR BUTTED, THEY SHALL BE JOINED AND SECURED 9.8 THE CABINET CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RUBBER BUMPERS ON ALL WOOD 9.7 THE CABINET CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND 9.6 THE CABINET CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES TO CONTRACTOR TO CHECK JOB PROGRESS AND COORDINATE WITH OTHER TRADES9.5 ALL "INSTALLED" CABINETS SHALL BE SCRIBED TO WALL OR CEILING. CABINET 9.4 ALL CABINET FINISHES SHALL BE AS NOTED ON DETAIL DRAWINGS CONCERNED. 9.3 ALL "INSTALLED" CABINETRY SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES AND WIC STDS. 9.2 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CLOSELY COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THAT 9.1 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR MILLWORK FINISH AND MATERIAL QUALITY. MILLWORK THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. CONDITIONS AT JOB SITE. IN A MANNER TO ENSURE AGAINST THE JOINT OPENING. REQUIREMENTS. DOORS. INVOLVED. NO FILLER PANELS ALLOWED. THE AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. SERVICE TO THE REST OF THE BUILDING. OF THE CABINET CONTRACTOR. OTHER TRADES. RENOVATED. FITTINGS, AND ACCESSORIES TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR REVIEW.8.2 THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CATALOG CUTS OF ALL NEW FIXTURES, ALL PLUMBING ROUGHINS, FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES SHOWN ON ALL8.1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS.8.3 THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS. TO MEET AWI PREMIUM STANDARD. 8.8 PROVIDE A COMPLETE AND FULLY OPERATIONAL PLUMBING AND SEWAGEINSTALLATION AS REQUIRED BY ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND THE CITY OF NEWPORTBUILDING DEPARTMENT. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALLAGENCY APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.8.9 THESE ARE DESIGN DRAWINGS. THEY ARE INTENDED TO IMPLY A DIAGRAMMATIC SCOPEOF WORK FOR USE BY THE APPROPRIATE SUBCONTRACTOR IN DEVELOPING A BID ANDINSTALLATION. POSITION OF FIXTURES, TRIM, FITTINGS AND OTHER ARCHITECTURAL ANDVISIBLE FEATURES ARE FIXED AS SHOWN UNLESS A CHANGE IN POSITION IS AUTHORIZEDBY THE OWNER. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY UPGRADING ORMODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING PLUMBING OR SEWAGE SYSTEMS, FOR ROUTING OFALL PIPES AND VENTS, AND POSITION OF ANY OTHER NON-VISIBLE COMPONENTS FOR AFULLY OPERATIONAL, SAFE AND CODE COMPLIANT SYSTEM. 8.10 ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENERGYCOMMISSION. 8.11 ALL FIXTURES AND TRIM SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE 24. 8.12 WATER HEATERS WHICH DEPEND ON THE COMBUSTION OF FUEL FOR HEAT SHALL NOT BEINSTALLED IN ANY ROOM USED OR DESIGNED TO BE USED FOR SLEEPING PURPOSES,BATHROOM, CLOTHES CLOSET OR OTHER CONFINED SPACE OPENING INTO ANYBATHROOM OR BEDROOM. EXCEPTION: DIRECT VENT WATER HEATERS. 8.13 WATER HEATER IN GARAGE IS TO BE ELEVATED TO A POINT WHERE THE PILOT, BURNERAND SWITCHES ARE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 18" ABOVE THE FLOOR. 8.14PROVIDE SEISMIC ANCHORAGE FOR THE WATER HEATER. 8.15PROVIDE A PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVE W/ DRAIN TO OUTSIDE FORWATER HEATERS. 8.16PROVIDE SOFTWATER FOR LAUNDRY ROOM AND DISHWASHER. 8.17 ALL CLEANOUTS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.8.18PROVIDE FLOOR DRAINS ADJACENT TO WATER CLOSETS. DRAINS SHALL BE SQUARE.FINISH TO MATCH HARDWARE. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL. REFERTO SOILS REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL CUT CONSIDERATIONS. 8.19PROVIDE LINEAR TILE IN DRAIN AT ALL SHOWERS, BY CALIFORNIA FAUCET CERA LINECUSTOM TILE-IN-DRAIN OR APPROVED EQUAL. 8.20 WHERE TRAPS ARE VISIBLE WITHIN THE ROOM, PROVIDE BOTTLE-TRAPS IN FINISH TOMATCH THE HARDWARE. 8.21 ALL CLEANOUTS TO BE LOCATED IN INCONSPICUOUS LOCATIONS. WHERE THIS CAN NOTBE ACHIEVED, BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. FINAL PLACEMENT TO BECOORDINATED WITH SURROUNDING FINISHES. 7.28 COORDINATE ALL EXPOSED VENTS AND LOCATIONS, INCLUDING RETURN AIR SUPPLY,WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7.29 VENTS AND RETURN AIR ARE TO BE EITHER TAPED IN LINEAR GRILLES OR BAR GRILLES BYARCHITECTURAL GRILLE A6 SERIES W/ A FRAME INSTALLATION. 7.30 MECHANICAL VENTILATION AT RESTROOMS AND SIMILAR ARE TO USE A REMOTE FAN INCONJUNCTION WITH A TAPED IN LINEAR DIFFUSER. General Conditions1 VAPOR BARRIERCONCRETE SHALL BE TESTED FOR CALCIUM AND WATER INTRUSION ANDPROVIDED WITH A WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AS REQUIRED PER HARDWOOD, TILE,CARPET MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS. WATER VAPOR EMISSION: WATER VAPOR EMISSION SHOULD NOT EXCEED 8LBS.PER1000 SQ FEET (OR MORE STRINGENT AS REQUIRED PER INDIVIDUALFLOORING MNFT. REQ.) PER24 HOUR PERIOD AS DETERMINED BY THE #625ANHYDROUS CALCIUM CHLORIDE TEST AVAILABLE FROM TAYLOR TOOLS, DENVER,CO 303-371-7667. EQUIVALENT TEST (VAPRECISION ® OR SIN AK'S “DOME”TEST)ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM VARIOUS SUPPLIERS. ANY TEST USED MUST BEPERFORMED TO COMPLY WITH ASTM F-1869-98. 12.18 General Conditions and Specifications 24 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94Construction Cost Determination1 Valuation Skylight Product Listing2 25 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(941 Valuation Fireplace Certification 26 Type/No.Size (wxh)Operation Frame Glazing U-Value SGHC Orientation Notes Door Schedule4 No.Size (wxh)Type Core Glazing 3'-0" x 6'-0" KeyNotes HWd U-Value SGHC Orientation Notes General Notes:- All exterior doors shall be La Cantina Contemporary Clad Aluminum Cladunless noted otherwise- All exterior windows shall be Kolbe Vistaluxe Aluminum Clad unless notedotherwise- Provide shop drawings for approval- All glazing with multiple panes shall be provided with spacers when dualglazed- Contractor to field measure all openings prior to fabricating new doors.- All exposed hardware to be oil rubbed bronze- Coordinate locksets with owner- All door assemblies to have a U-factor as noted w/ Title 24.- All wood doors to be 134" solidcore U.N.O.- Each pane of safety glazing installed in hazardous locations shall be identified(acid etched, sand blasted, ceramic fired, etc) by a manufacturer'sdesignation, the manufacturer or installer and the safety glazing standardwhich it complies. Multi-pane assembles shall be identified per CRCR308.1.Fenestration products shall be certified for overall U-values and overallSHGC, and shall have a temporary label which lists the certified U-value andSHGC, certifies that applicable air infiltration requirements are met.- Verify door size with actual condition prior to placing order- Verify compliance of specified doors and windows against minimumrequirements specified w/ the Title 24 documentation.- The lad resistance of glass under uniform load shall be determined inaccordance with ASTM E 1300.- Project is in "VHFHZ" glazing shall be in compliance w/ CBC Chapter 7A Legend:Gls - 12" GlassDual - Dual glazed unitT - Denotes tempered/safety glazing as percode req. (Lower corner) refer to 1/A.002for additional criteria.Lam - Laminated glazed unitWd - WoodSC - Solid core wood veneerClad - Aluminum clad woodAlum - AluminumP - Frosted Privacy GlassMtl. - Painted Metal(E) - Existing General Notes Legend NFRC #Location Readily openable from the inside without key or special knowledge Window Schedule3 001A A BInterior Solid CoreWood Door Interior Solid CoreWood Pocket Door J Exterior Wood SectionalGarage Door Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule D Frameless GlassShower Door Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSched. A1 Dual / TAwningClad3'-7" x 4'-6" Casement WindowKolbe VistaluxeCFixed WindowDirect SetKolbe VistaluxeB Re f . t o Sc h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule Re f . t o Sc h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule C Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule Interior Solid Core2-Panel Pocket Door 0.280.30 G E La CantinaContemporaryClad In-Swing Door H Exterior Stainedwood Gate F Bedroom 203 B1 Dual / TClad1'-4" x 4'-7"Fixed Front0.330.30 Bedroom 200 B2 Dual / TCladFixed Front0.330.30 B3 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B4 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 C1 Dual / TCasement Clad3'-0" x 6'-0"0.280.30 Garage 100 C2 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 C3 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 C4 C5 C6 D1 100A - SC - 202 0.31 0.28 BackFCladDual / T --- --- 208 Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSched. Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Refer to Schedule Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Refer to Schedule La Cantina Contemporary CladSliding Door - 5 equal - OXXXO La Cantina Contemporary CladSliding Door - 2 equal - XX TTT B5 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B6 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B7 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B8 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B9 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B10 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 B11 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 Bedroom 203 Front Right B12 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 Back Master Bed 210 Master Bed 210 Right Right Right Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Refer to Schedule Ref e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSched. 001B 4'-0" x 9'-3"HWd---- - - - 100B SC ---- Self-closing, self-latching, tight-fitting, 20 min. rated. A 100C SC ---- - A -ASC- 2'-6" x 8'-0" 104B --- - 0.31 0.28 RightCladDual / T 104C -ASC-2'-6" x 8'-0" - - - ASC---- E -F G Provide 2-Panel Pocket as required each side. See Plan.0.31 0.28 BackCladDual / T 107A 107B 109 Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening0.31 0.28 FrontFCladDual / T 200A - 200B - - - - ASC----- ASC----- CSC---- 4'-6 12 " x 10'-1" BSC---- BSC---- 24'-9 12 " x 9'-6" 209A DGlsT ---1'-8" x 7'-0"- D2 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30C7 Re f e r t o S c h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule Fixed Window3-EQ Direct Set Mulled togetherKolbe VistaluxeA 3-E q u a l Awning WindowKolbe VistaluxeA Re f . t o Sc h e d u l e Ref. toSchedule Dual / TClad4'-9" x 13'-3"Fixed Left0.330.30 Stair Dual / TClad4'-9" x 13'-3"Fixed Left0.330.30 Stair Second Floor Hall 1'-4" x 4'-7" 1'-4" x 4'-7" 1'-4" x 4'-7" Bedroom 200 Front Front Bedroom 203 Right Second Floor Hall Right Second Floor Hall Right Second Floor Hall Right Second Floor Hall 4'-6 12 " x 6'-7" 4'-6 12 " x 6'-7" 4'-6 12 " x 6'-7" 4'-6 12 " x 6'-7" 4'-6 12 " x 6'-7" Master Bed 2101'-4" x 4'-7 12 " 1'-4" x 4'-7 12 " 1'-4" x 4'-7 12 " 1'-4" x 4'-7 12 " 1'-4" x 4'-7 12 " B13 B14 Master Bath 209 Master Bath 209 Back Back Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 Back Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 Back Master Bed 210 Master Bed 210 1'-4" x 4'-7 12 " 1'-4" x 4'-7 12 " B15 B16 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 Dual / TCladFixed 0.330.30 Front Front Right Right Right Right Left Right Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Dual / TCasement Clad 0.280.30 Garage 100 Laundry 103 Powder 102 Foyer 107 Living Room 109 Living Room 109 Back Kitchen 109C8 C9 3'-0" x 6'-0" 3'-0" x 6'-0" 3'-0" x 6'-0" 3'-0" x 6'-0" 3'-0" x 6'-0" 3'-0" x 6'-0" 2'-6" x 6'-0" 2'-6" x 4'-6"Bedroom 203 Bedroom 203Right2'-6" x 4'-6"C10 C11 2'-6" x 4'-6"Right Bath 205 Master Bed 210 Master Bed 210 3'-0" x 4'-6"C12 3'-0" x 4'-6"C13 Right Right Left 2'-6" x 4'-6" 2'-6" x 4'-6" Left C14 C15 Master Bath 209 Master Bath 209 Left Master Closet 2083'-0" x 4'-6"C16 Left3'-0" x 4'-6" Left3'-0" x 4'-6" Left3'-0" x 4'-6" Study/Gym 207C17 C18 C19 Study/Gym 207 Study/Gym 207 2'-6" x 4'-6" 3'-0" x 4'-6" Left Left C20 C21 Bath 201 Bedroom 200 Readily openable from the inside without key or special knowledge J17'-0" x 9'-3" 2'-8" x 8'-0" 102 103 3'-0" x 8'-0" ----- ---- - SCA2'-8" x 8'-0" SCA3'-0" x 8'-0" 104A 105A 105B G A 0.31 0.28CladDual / T 0.31 0.28 FrontCladDual / T (Courtyard)Front(Courtyard) 2'-8" x 8'-0" 2'-8" x 8'-0" 4'-0" x 9'-6" 9'-8" x 9'-6" 24'-11 12 " 9'-6" 201A 201B ASC----- ASC----- 2'-8" x 8'-0" 8'-8" x 8'-0" 2'-6" x 8'-0" 2'-6" x 8'-0" 203A ASC----- 203B E 0.31 0.28CladDual / T 2'-8" x 8'-0" 3'-0" x 8'-0"Front 204 ASC----2'-6" x 8'-0" Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening DGlsT ---2'-6" x 7'-0"- 205A 205B ASC-----2'-6" x 8'-0" 206 ASC---- - 2'-6" x 8'-0" 207A 207B 207C E 0.31 0.28CladDual / T Right - 7'-0" x 8'-0" 2'-8" x 8'-0" 3'-0" x 8'-0" 3'-0" x 8'-0" 9'-8 12 " x 8'-0"209B - - - DGlsT ---2'-6" x 7'-0"209C DGlsT ---2'-6" x 8'-0"209D DGlsT ---2'-6" x 8'-0"209D - - - 210A 210B -ASC-----2'-6" x 8'-0" 0.31 0.28 BackKCladDual / T14'-9 12 " x 8'-0"Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening K La Cantina Contemporary CladSliding Pocket Door - 4 equal TTT 2 Panel PocketAs required, Referto Schedule 2 Panel PocketAs required, Referto Schedule Door 210C 9'-8 12 " x 8'-0"0.31 0.28 FrontFCladDual / T Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Emergency Escape & Rescue Opening Door & Window Schedule DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 27 Safety Glazing Requirements1 Glazing Impact Test Required CBC 2406.2 Impact test- Where required by other sections of the code,glazing shall be tested in accordance with CPSC 16 CFR 1201. Glazingshall comply with the test criteria for Category I or II as indicated in Table2406.2(1). EXCEPTION: Glazing not in doors or enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools,saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs, and showers shall be permitted to betested in accordance with ANSI Z97.1. Glazing shall comply with the testcriteria for Class A or B as indicated in Table 2406.2(2). Table 2406.2(1) shows that glazing in swinging, sliding, and bifold doors 9square feet or less shall be a minimum category classification I andclassification II when more than 9 square feet per requirements ofCPSC 16 CFR 1201. 2019 California Building Code 2406.4 Hazardous Locations The following shall be considered specific hazardous locations for thepurpose of glazing:1. Glazing in swinging doors except jalousies.2. Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in sliding and bifold closet door assemblies.3. Glazing in storm doors.4. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas,steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a buildingwall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge ofthe glazing is less than 60 inches (1524 mm) above a standing surface.6. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel adjacent to adoor where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch(610mm) arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position andwhere the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches(1524mm) above the walking surface. EXCEPTIONS:1. Panels where there is an intervening wall or other permanentbarrier between the door and glazing.2. Where access through the door is to a closet or storage area 3feet (914mm) or less in depth. Glazing in this application shall comply withSection 2406.4, Item 7.3. Glazing in walls perpendicular to the plane of the door in a closedposition, other than the wall towards which the door swings whenopened, in one- and two-family dwellings or within dwelling units in GroupR-2. 7. Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in Items 5 and 6, which meets all of the followingconditions:7.1 Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet(0.84 m square)7.2 Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches (457 mm) above thefloor.7.3 Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches (914 mm) above thefloor.7.4 One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches (914 mm)horizontally of the plane of the glazing. EXCEPTION: Safety glazing for Item 7 is not required for thefollowing installations:1. A protective bar 1 1/2 inches (38mm) or more in height, capableof withstanding a horizontal load of 50 pounds plf (730 N/m) withoutcontacting the glass, is installed on the accessible sides of the glazing 34inches to 38 inches (864 mm to 965 mm) above the floor.2. The outboard pane in insulating glass units or multiple glazingwhere the bottom exposed edge of the glass is 25 feet (7620 mm)or more above any grade, roof, walking surface or other horizontalor sloped (within 45 degrees of horizontal) (0.78rad) surfaceadjacent to the glass exterior. 8. Glazing in guards and railings, including structural baluster panelsand nonstructural in-fill panels, regardless of area or height above awalking surface.9. Glazing in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor andoutdoor swimming pools, hot tubs and spas where all of the followingconditions are present:9.1 The bottom edge of the glazing on the pool or spa side is lessthan 60 inches (1524 mm) above a walking surface on the poolor spa side of the glazing; and9.2 The glazing is within 60 inches (1524 mm) horizontally of thewater's edge of a swimming pool or spa.10. Glazing adjacent to stairways, landings and ramps within 36 inches(914mm) horizontally of a walking surface; when the exposed surface ofthe glass is less than 60 inches (1524mm) above the plane of theadjacent walking surface.11. Glazing adjacent to stairways within 60 inches (1524mm)horizontally of the bottom tread of a stairway in any direction when theexposed surface of the glass is less than 60 inches (1524mm) above thenose of the tread. EXCEPTION: Safety glazing for Item 10 or 11 is not required for thefollowing installations where:1. The side of a stairway, landing, or ramp which has a guardrail orhandrail, including balusters or in-fill panels, complying with the provisionsof Sections 1013 and 1607.7; and2. The plane of the glass is greater than 18 inches (457mm) from therailing. 2019 California Building Code2406.4.1 Exceptions The following products, materials and uses shall not be consideredspecific hazardous locations: 1. Openings in doors through which a 3-inch (76mm) sphere is unableto pass.2. Decorative glass in Section 2406.4, Item 1, 6, or 7.3. Glazing materials used as curved glazed panels in revolving doors.4. Commercial refrigerated cabinet glazed doors.5. Glass-block panels complying with Section 2101.2.5.6. Louvered windows and jalousies complying with the requirementsof Section 2403.57. Mirrors and other glass panels mounted or hung on a surface thatprovides a continuous backing support. Mandatory Cal Green Building Standards2 Site Development - CGBSC 4.106.31. Construction plans shall indicate how the site grading ordrainage system will manage all surface water flows to keepwater from entering buildings. Examples of methods to managesurface water include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.1 Swales1.2 Water collection and disposal systems1.3 French drains1.4 Water retention gardens1.5 Other water measures which keep surface water away from building and aid in groundwater recharge Indoor Water Use - CGBSC 4.3031. Indoor water fixtures must incorporate the fixture flow rates ofSection 4.303 Fixture Type/Flow RateLavatory faucets 1.5gpm @ 80psiKitchen Faucets 1.8gpm @ 80psiWater closets (toilets) 1.28gpm @ 80psiShowerheads 2gpm @ 80psi Outdoor Water Use - CGBSC 4.304.11. Irrigation controllers must be weather (rain sensor) or soilmoisture based controllers. Rodent Proofing - CGBSC 4.406.11. Openings in sole/bottom plates at exterior walls shall beprotected against the passage of rodents by closing suchopenings with cement mortar, concrete masonry or a similarmethod acceptable to the enforcing agency. Construction Waste Reduction - CGBSC 4.4081. A construction waste management plan shall be submitted atplan check and comply with the Orange County MandatoryConstruction and Demolition Recycling Policy and Program. Building Maintenance and Operation - CGBSC 4.4101.0 At final inspection, a manual on building maintenance andoperation must be provided, which includes all of the following: 1.1 Operation and maintenance instructions for all equipment and appliances.1.2 Roof and yard drainage including gutters and downspouts.1.3 Space conditioning systems including condensers and air filters.1.4 Landscape and irrigation systems.1.5 Water reuse systems.1.6 Recycle programs and locations.1.7 Public transportation and carpool options.1.8 Educational material on the positive impacts of maintaining indoor relative humidity between 30 and60 percent.1.9 Information about water conserving landscape and irrigation design.1.10 Importance of gutters and downspouts and divertingwater at least 5 ft. from buildings.1.11 Information on routine maintenance such as caulking,painting, grading, etc.1.12 Information about state solar energy and incentive programs.1.13 A copy of all special inspection verifications required by the enforcing agency. Fireplaces - CGBSC 4.5031. Gas fireplace must be of the direct-vent sealed-combustionchamber type. Pollution Control - CGBSC 4.5041. All duct and related distribution component openings must becovered with tape or other approved means to prevent dustaccumulation. 2. Adhesives, sealants, and caulks must meet minimum VOC limits(see VOC Limits Handout). 3. Paints and coatings must meet minimum VOC limits (see VOCLimits Handout). 4. Aerosol Paints and coatings shall meet the Product-WeightedMIR Limits for ROC in Section 94522(a)(3) and other requirements,including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds andozone depleting substances, in Sections94522(c)(2) and (d)(2) of California Code of Regulations, Title 17,commencing with Section 94520. 5. All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the testingand product requirements of one of the following: 6. Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program.7. California Department of Public Health Standard Practice for the testing of VOC's (Spec. 01350).8. NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold Level.9. Scientific Certifications Systems Indoor Advantage Gold.10. All carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Program.11. All carpet adhesive shall meet minimum VOC limits (see VOC Limits Handout)12. Where resilient flooring is installed, at least 80 percent of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with the VOC emission limits defined in Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low- emitting Materials List or certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Floor Score program.13. Hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard composite wood products used on the interior or exterior of the building shall meet therequirements for formaldehyde as specified in ARB's Air Toxics Control Measure for Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120et seq.), by or before the dates specified in those sections, as shown in Table 4.504.5 Table 4.504.5Formaldehyde Limits in PPM (parts per million) Product LimitHardwood plywood veneer core 0.05Hardwood plywood composite core 0.05Particleboard 0.09Medium Density Fiberboard 0.11Thin Medium Density Fiberboard 0.13 14. Documentation for the items listed above must be made available to your inspector upon request. Interior Moisture Control - CGBSC 4.5051. A capillary break shall be installed and shall consist of thefollowing: a 4-inch thick base of ½ inch or larger clean aggregateshall be provided with a vapor barrier in direct contact withconcrete and a concrete mix design, which will address bleeding,shrinkage, and curling, shall be used. For additional information, see American Concrete Institute ACI 302.2R-06. An equivalentslab design by a design professional is acceptable. Moisture Content of Building Materials - CGBSC 4.505.31. Building materials with visible signs of water damage shall notbe installed 2. Wall and floor framing shall not be enclosed when the framingmembers exceed 19 percent moisture content 3. Moisture content shall be verified in compliance with thefollowing: 3.1 Moisture content shall be determined with either a probe-type or contact-type moisture meter.3.2 Moisture readings shall be taken at a point 2 feet to 4 feet from the grade stamped end of each piece tobe verified.3.3 At least three random moisture readings shall be performed on wall and floor framing with provided immediately prior to enclosure of the wall and floor framing. 4. Insulation products which are visibly wet or have high moisturecontent shall be replaced or allowed to dry prior to enclosure inwall or floor cavities. 5. Wet-applied insulation products shall follow the manufacturersdrying recommendations prior to enclosure. Indoor Air Quality and Exhaust - CGBSC 4.5061. For bathrooms containing a bathtub, shower, or tub/showercombination, a mechanical exhaust fan which exhaust directlyfrom the bathroom must be installed. 2. Fans must be ENERGY STAR complaint and be ducted toterminate outside the building. 3. Unless functioning as a component of a whole houseventilation system system, fans must be controlled by humidistatwhich shall be readily accessible. 3.1 Humidistat controls shall be capable of adjustment between a relative humidity range of 50 to 80 percent. Environmental Confort - CGBSC 4.507 2.0 Heating and air-conditioning systems shall be sized, designedand have their equipment selected using the following methods: 2.1 The heat loss and heat gain is established according to ACCA Manual J, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software methods.2.2 Duct systems are sized according to ACCA 29-D Manual D, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods.2.3 Select heating and cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S Manual S or other equivalent design software or methods.2.4 Use of alternate design temperatures necessary to ensure the systems function are acceptable. Door & Window Schedule DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 28 CL LI N D A I S L E LOT 55 LOT 53 N7 1 ° 5 4 ' 5 8 " W 4 5 . 0 0 ' N18°05'02"E 124.00' N18°05'02"E 124.00' N7 1 ° 5 4 ' 5 8 " W 4 5 . 0 0 ' DN DN DN DN 54 Linda IsleAPN: 050-461-07Lot 54 (E ) P l a n t e r (E) P l a n t e r (E) Off-Street Parking (E) Off-Street Parking (E) Driveway (E) Dock to remain,No proposed work N 18° 05' 02" E 124.00' N 18° 05' 02" E 124.00' Fire Element, max 16" heightRe: Landscape Existing Tree to beRemoved (E) Tree to be Removed 26'-0" to Face of Residence Existing Site Wall toRemain Existing Site Wall toRemain Neighboring Residence,including (E) window locations Neighboring Residence,including (E) window locations 25'-0" Setback 11'-0" to Face ofResidence 10'-0" Setback Deck Above 4'- 0 " SB 9'- 0 " 4'- 0 " SB Water Feature (N) Sideyard Gate (N) Sideyard Gate AC Condensers 28'-0" 14'-0" (E) Planter Line of Interior GarageClear space Setback LineLine of Roof Above (E)FS: 9.01' (E)FS: 9.06' (E)TC: 9.53' (E)FS: 9.06' (E)FS: 9.11' (E)FS: 9.17' (E)FS: 9.58' FS: 9.90' (E)FS: 9.71'(E)TC: 9.65' (E)TC: 9.69'(E)FS: 9.47' (E)TC: 9.64'(E)FS: 9.41' (E) SL (E)TW: 15.69'(E)TW: 11.33'(E)TW: 15.32' (E)TW: 11.70'(E)TW: 15.20' (E)FS: 8.93' FS: 10.90' (E)FS: 8.89' FS: 10.90'FS: 10.90' FS: 10.90' 4'- 8 12" ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ Note: No building elements may encroachinto common walkway easement, includingroof elements. Existing elements encroachinginto setback can only receive new finish. Noadditional elements with the exception ofrain gutters may be added. Association brick finish must extend to theface of all building elements. to include faceof building, fence, site walls, raised plantersand on grade planters. ⅊ 21'-4" clr. 20 ' - 5 " c l r . FS: 10.90' 22'-5"6'-7"10'-0"48'-0" 20 ' - 1 1 " 16 ' - 1 " 9'-6"23'-8"24'-10" 2'-0" 24'-7"4'-5" 21 ' - 7 " 10 ' - 5 " FF: 10.90' Established Grade CalculationPer NBZC 20.30.040.B.2 9.79' (#1)9.91' (#2)9.27' (#3)+9.35' (#4)38.06' / 4 = 9.58' Max Height: 33.58' - Flat38.58' - Sloping > 3:12 (E)FS: 9.79'#1 #2 (E)FS: 9.27'#3 (E)FS: 9.35'#4 FF: 10.90' FS: 9.73' DN DN FS: 9.90' 18" max depth Pla n t e r Planter Planter on (E) grade Pla n t e r PA PA PA PA Planter FS: 9.90'FS: 9.90' FS: 10.90' 5'-0 " ACSB1'-0 " 2'-3 " 8" 5'-8 " 1" 5'-9 " Window Window Window Window Window Win. Win. Win.Window Window Window Window Window Window (N)Gate: 15.69' (E) TreeNote: Homeowner may berequired to replace tree inassociation landscape island iftrenching for any utility/drainlines damages roots of the tree. Association brick finish mustextend to the face of all buildingelements. to include face ofbuilding, fence, site walls, raisedplanters and on grade planters. 5'-0 " 4'-0 " SB 4'- 0 " SB TW: 11.40' (E)TW: 15.99' 20'-0" Assoc.Parking/Driveway Easement 5'-0"Assoc.CommonWalkwayEase. CoNB Required Sewer Cleanoutmust be located in public R-O-W,per STD 406. Cleanout must not beinstalled in Association Easementfor Walkway/Driveway/Parking Planter on (E)Grade (E)FS: 9.18' At raised planter, provide CMUsub wall adjacent to PL wall per III."ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS"section, item no 13h. T.O. Rail: 14.40' N 7 1 ° 5 4 ' 5 8 " W 4 5 . 0 0 ' Lin d a I s l e D r i v e ℄ Roof Above Roof Above N 7 1 ° 5 4 ' 5 8 " W 4 5 . 0 0 ' New Bulkhead railing,42" height abv. FS (E)FS: 9.85'TW: 11.40' (E)FS: 9.91' (E)FS: 9.78' (E)FS: 9.89' (E)FS: 9.77'(E)FS: 9.87'(E)TW: 14.95'(E)FS: 9.66'(E)TW: 11.24'(E)FS: 9.27' (E)FS: 10.21'(E)TW: 11.87'(E)FS: 9.22'(E)FS: 8.31' TW: 13.90'(E)FS: 10.43'TW: 15.90'(E)FS: 10.15' (E)FS: 9.77' (E)TW: 15.56'(E)FS: 9.94' (E)4'-10" (E)4'-10" (E ) 2 9 ' - 1 0 " (E) 5 ' - 3 " Cantilever Ca n t i l e v e r Cantilever Hatch denotes existingCantilevered Deck to remain,No change Ne w p o r t B a y (E) 9 ' - 1 1 " Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Site Plan DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Site Plan North Project Address: Owner: Project Description: Existing Single Family Residence to be DemolishedNew Single Family Residence Occupancy: Group R-3/U Number of Stories:2 Construction: Type V-B, Sprinklered Zoning District:R-1 Design Professional inResponsible Charge:Scott Laidlaw - Laidlaw Schultz Architects3111 Second Ave Corona Del Mar, CA 92625Phone: 949.645.9982 Fax: 949.645.9554E-mail: slaidlaw@lsarchitects.com Gloria Mariman54 Linda IsleNewport Beach, CA 92660Email: nbgloria@sbcglobal.net 54 Linda IsleNewport Beach, CA 92660 Legal Description: Assessor's Parcel Number: 050-461-07 Lot 54 of Tract No. 4003 5,580 s.f. 6584.4 s.f. 3,292.2 s.f. FAR (2 x Buildable Area): Buildable Area: Lot Area: Area Calculation:ProposedFirst Floor 1863 sfSecond Floor 2128 sfTotal Living Area 3,991 sfGarage Area: 712 sfDecks: 311 sf Building Height:26'-0" Parking:2 Covered 600 s.f. (600 > 493.8 - 15% of Buildable Area)Open Volume Area: General Notes3 1. Provide 2% slope grade away from structures within 5'-0" of structure. 2. Provide approved backwater drainage valve for fixtures located below the elevation of next upstream manholecover. Fixtures above this elevation shall not discharge through valve. 3. All downspouts, area drains and planter drains to be connected to solid drainlines and conveyed to street or tosump and pumped back to street. 4. An approved encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right-of-way. 5. If any of the existing public improvements surrounding the site is damaged, new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter,alley/street pavement, and other public improvements will be required by the City at the time of privateconstruction completion. Additionally, if existing utilities infrastructure are deemed substandard, a new 1-inch waterservice, water meter box, sewer lateral and/or cleanout with box and lid will be required. 100% of the cost shall beborne by the property owner (Municipal Codes 14.24.020 and 14.08.030). Said determination and the extent of therepair work shall be made at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 6. An encroachment agreement is required for all non-standard improvements within the public right-of-way. Allnon-standard improvements shall comply with City Council Policy L-6 7. All work related to water in the public right-of-way shall be performed by a C-34 licensed Pipeline Contractor of anA Licensed General Engineering Contractor. 8. All work related to wastewater in the public right-of-way shall be performed by a C-42 licensed Sanitation SewerContractor or an A Licensed General Engineering Contractor. 9. Contractor shall provide drip pans throughout construction for workers cars. Contractor shall be responsible for anydamage to pavers in adjacent parking stalls 10. The Association will not approve the use of the 5'-0" walkway or 20'-0" driveway/Guest parking/ Planter easement forhomeowner purposes. Filtration Systems must be within the property, not in the 20'-0" driveway/parking or the 5'-0"Association walkway easement. 11. The Association does not approve any water filtration apparatus within the association planters. 12. If the City requires a trench drain at the end of the driveway and guest parking, the Association will allow theinstallation. Trench drain must be depicted on your plans submitted to Association. Submit trench drain sectionspecification for Association approval. 13. Contractor shall schedule pre-construction meeting with Architectural administrator to observe pre-constructioncondition of Association elements Project Data2Vicinity Map5 Scope of Work4Scale: 1" = 28'-0" 1. Demolish existing single-family residence 2. New Single Family Residence with attached garage 3. New Bulkhead extension per Newport Beach Standards 29 DN DN DN DN UPDN100Garage FF: 10.00' 102 Powder 103Laundry -Courtyard 104 Dining Room 107 Foyer 109 Living Room 108 Kitchen 105Back Kitchen 106 Pantry Fountain FF: 10.90' FF:10.90'-Terrace ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ 87'-0" 48'-0"10'-0"6'-7"22'-5" 1'-0" 3'- 3 " 2'- 3 " 2'-0"22'-5"8'-7"15'-0" 36 ' - 4 " 5'-8 " 25 ' - 0 " 5'- 8 " 23'-8"24'-10"24'-7" 21 ' - 7 " 10 ' - 8 " 4'-9 " 4'-5" 4'-5" 30 ' - 1 0 " c l r . 11'-1"4'-5" 10 ' - 5 " 20 ' - 5 " 5'- 7 " 13' - 1 0 " 1'- 0 " 11' - 0 " 10'-0" 9'-6" 5'-0" 4'- 1 0 " 11' - 1 " 15'-0"4'-10" 6'-6" 14'-7" 16 ' - 1 " 812" 10 ' - 3 " 4'-6 " 9'- 4 " 5'- 1 1 " 3'-6"10'-0"8'-11" 22'-5"8'-2" 5'- 1 0 " 13'-3" 4'-8"11'-7" 4'-10"4'-4" 5'- 0 " 4'-3 " 8'-7"20'-8"4'-6 " 5'- 5 " 4'-4 " 5'-6 " 14'-5"10'-7" 12' - 3 " 4'-1 0 " 4'-4"6'-6"A.4003 A.4 0 0 1 A.4 0 0 1 A.4 0 0 2 A.4 0 0 2 A.4003 A.3003 A.3011 A.3 0 0 1 A.3 0 0 2 1'-0" 100A 100C 103 102 100B 104B 105B 105A 109 107A 107B 104A 000A 000B 11102742415 25 26 39 4 2411101135 30 1720R@7.05"7 7 38 37 32 10 2 3 18 10 11 23 22 7 6 6 6 9 48 48 4'-4" 4'-2" 1510 2'-0 " 7'-1 " 2'-0 " 2'-3" 8'-8"3'-11" G 53 4'-10" 6'-5"5'-11" FS: 9.80' FS: 9.90' FS: 10.13' 25'-0" Association Easement 10'-0" 'Front'Association Easement 10'-0" Deck Setback 26'-0" 1'-0" 11'-0" 1'-0" 4'- 0 " A s s o c . Set b a c k 4'- 0 " 55 56 56 55 55 56 55 56 55 565556 Project T-24 Orientation Right Left Front Back C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 1'-9"4'-2"3'-11"3'-7" 1'-7" C8 Cl.104C x All dimensions are to be to the finished face or centerline of thepartition U.N.O. x G.C. to layout (in paint) the locations of all partitions, doors, lighting,ceiling elements, sprinklers, switches, dimmers, thermostats, power &comm. outlets, millwork and furniture for approval by the Architect priorto construction. x It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention ofthe Architect any field conditions that do not allow construction orinstallation as drawn. x Do not scale drawings. Dimensions as indicated take precedentover drawings. x Provide continuous metal backing for reinforcing of walls to hangmillwork, furniture shelving or cabinetry. x Provide millwork shop drawings for Architect's approval. Millwork tocomply with the recommendations of the Woodwork Institute ofCalifornia (WIC). x Any door hardware associated with millworker provided doors is tobe ordered by the millworker. x G.C. to provide full-time superintendents' supervision on the project. x For pre-fabricated stairs, shop drawings to be approved by BuildingPlan Check prior to installation x G.C. to schedule meeting with HOA Architectural Administrator attime of roofing material delivery to confirm conforming metal roofingmaterial. Note: All new wall cavities to be fully filled w/insulation. Coordinate w/ Title 24. 1. Tub, Shower, or Tub/Shower combination w.anti-scalding fixtures. Provide 12" roundcleanouts. Wall covering of shower shall be tile,or approved equal, to a height of min. 72" abv.drain inlet. Float tile over cement plasterbacking. Single shower head not to exceed 2gpm at 80psi. Multiple shower heads combinedflow rate not to exceed 2gpm at 80psi.2. Water Closet - 1.28 gallon /flush to meetstandards set by American National Inst. Stds.A112.19.2 H and S Code. Conceal water supply.Provide 30" clear width & 24" min. clear in front ofwatercloset. Provide adjacent area drain.3. Lavatory - 1.5 gpm at 80psi4. Kitchen Sink & garbage disposal w/ Faucet - Notto exceed 1.5 gpm @ 60 psi. Provide Instahot andwater filtration5. Line of Rafters above6. Line of roof above7. Line of soffit above8. Concealed Gutter & Downspout, tie to hard linedrainage system9. Line of floor, deck above10. Built-in cabinet & counter @ +36" AFF11. Upper cabinets12. Pole and shelf13. Combo Area and Overflow roof drain14. NOT USED15. Full height Millwork16. 34"-38" high handrail17. +42" high guardrail18. Utility Sink 19. Location for future solar panels, 40"x64"20. Provide min. 5/8" Type 'X' GWB @ underside offloor framing, abv.21. Isokern 46" Maximus Series Direct Vent(80D46)(Gas-Only) Fireplace & Chimney System.Tested & Listed by ICC ESR-4873. Re: A.001f forSpecs & Certification22. Washing machine. Shall be qualified ENERGYSTAR appliance with maximum water use factorof 6 gallons per cubic feet of drum capacity(NBMC 15.11.010)23. Clothes dryer. 4" Ø vent w/ max. (2) 90° bends,14' max run. Exhaust vent duct shall terminate atexterior of building. Equip w/ back draft damper.24. Dishwasher shall be qualified ENERGY STARappliance with maximum water use as follows(NBMC 15.11.010) Standard Dishwasher: 4.25gallons per cycle, Compact Dishwashers: 3.5gallons per cycle25. Scheduled Integrated 30" built-in Refrigerator26. Scheduled Integrated 30" built-in Freezer27. 48" Professional Range w/ exhaust hood28. Utility Sink29. LED Television, owner supplied. Provide backingas required for wall mounting. Provide conduit toA/V cabinet.30. Pantry shelves31. Pull-out trash drawer32. Bar Sink33. Combo Area and Overflow deck drains34. Mirror, Re: Interiors35. Built-in Cabinet & counter @+42" AFF 36. Built-in Cabinet & counter @+24" AFF37. Under Counter Ice Maker38. Under Counter Refrigerator39. Elevator machine space - Pump & Controller.Provide min clear space 36" x 30" space locateddirectly in front of controller.40. Shade Pocket41. Mantle42. Hearth43. Specified pavers o/ pedestals o/ Dex-O-Texwaterproof membrane ICC# ESR-1757. Slope todrain, 2% min.44. Shower niche, Re: Interiors45. Bench, +18" AFF46. Electric Meter, Re: Electrical47. HVAC chase as req'd. Coordinate w. MEP &Arch. prior to construction. Firestop @ floorpenetration per mfr specifications.48. A/C units, Re: T-24 requirements, Acousticalreport & MEP. Provide AC disconnect. AC typeand location require a deferred submittal forreview and approval for a separate permit.Separate permit must be obtained prior torunning refrigeration lines, electricalconduit/conductors and disconnect.49. Built-in Shelves50. Attic Access - 22" x 30" min.51. Class 'A' Flintlastic Modified Bitumen roofcovering by Certainteed, ICC# ESR-1388.52. 16 oz. Natural-aging Copper Standing seamroofing o/ Certainteed Metalayment 60 mil.underlayment. ICC ESR-1492. 53. Tankless Water Heater; Provide 120V electricalreceptacle w/in 3 feet, Cat. III or IV vent, or TypeB vent w/ straight pipe, Condensate drain that isno more than 2 inches higher than the finishsurface below, and a gas supply line withavailable copacity for not less than a 200,000BTU/hr system.54. +42" Partial height wall guardrail55.Internal downspout, Overflow to be pipedseparately.56. Bronze Downspout nozzle by Jay R. Smith MFG.Co.Fire Seperation Wall - 1/2"min GWB shall be appliedto garage side 2x4 Stud Wall 2x6 Stud Wall Concrete Retaining wallRe: Struct. for thicknessProvide GWB o/ furringchannel & Insul. per T-24. Board Formed Concretewall Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 First Floor Plan DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Floor Plans Notes5 General Notes Legend23Plan Notes4 30 x All dimensions are to be to the finished face or centerline of thepartition U.N.O. x G.C. to layout (in paint) the locations of all partitions, doors, lighting,ceiling elements, sprinklers, switches, dimmers, thermostats, power &comm. outlets, millwork and furniture for approval by the Architect priorto construction. x It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention ofthe Architect any field conditions that do not allow construction orinstallation as drawn. x Do not scale drawings. Dimensions as indicated take precedentover drawings. x Provide continuous metal backing for reinforcing of walls to hangmillwork, furniture shelving or cabinetry. x Provide millwork shop drawings for Architect's approval. Millwork tocomply with the recommendations of the Woodwork Institute ofCalifornia (WIC). x Any door hardware associated with millworker provided doors is tobe ordered by the millworker. x G.C. to provide full-time superintendents' supervision on the project. x For pre-fabricated stairs, shop drawings to be approved by BuildingPlan Check prior to installation x G.C. to schedule meeting with HOA Architectural Administrator attime of roofing material delivery to confirm conforming metal roofingmaterial. Note: All new wall cavities to be fully filled w/insulation. Coordinate w/ Title 24. 1. Tub, Shower, or Tub/Shower combination w.anti-scalding fixtures. Provide 12" roundcleanouts. Wall covering of shower shall be tile,or approved equal, to a height of min. 72" abv.drain inlet. Float tile over cement plasterbacking. Single shower head not to exceed 2gpm at 80psi. Multiple shower heads combinedflow rate not to exceed 2gpm at 80psi.2. Water Closet - 1.28 gallon /flush to meetstandards set by American National Inst. Stds.A112.19.2 H and S Code. Conceal water supply.Provide 30" clear width & 24" min. clear in front ofwatercloset. Provide adjacent area drain.3. Lavatory - 1.5 gpm at 80psi4. Kitchen Sink & garbage disposal w/ Faucet - Notto exceed 1.5 gpm @ 60 psi. Provide Instahot andwater filtration5. Line of Rafters above6. Line of roof above7. Line of soffit above8. Concealed Gutter & Downspout, tie to hard linedrainage system9. Line of floor, deck above10. Built-in cabinet & counter @ +36" AFF11. Upper cabinets12. Pole and shelf13. Combo Area and Overflow roof drain14. NOT USED15. Full height Millwork16. 34"-38" high handrail17. +42" high guardrail18. Utility Sink 19. Location for future solar panels, 40"x64"20. Provide min. 5/8" Type 'X' GWB @ underside offloor framing, abv.21. Isokern 46" Maximus Series Direct Vent(80D46)(Gas-Only) Fireplace & Chimney System.Tested & Listed by ICC ESR-4873. Re: A.001f forSpecs & Certification22. Washing machine. Shall be qualified ENERGYSTAR appliance with maximum water use factorof 6 gallons per cubic feet of drum capacity(NBMC 15.11.010)23. Clothes dryer. 4" Ø vent w/ max. (2) 90° bends,14' max run. Exhaust vent duct shall terminate atexterior of building. Equip w/ back draft damper.24. Dishwasher shall be qualified ENERGY STARappliance with maximum water use as follows(NBMC 15.11.010) Standard Dishwasher: 4.25gallons per cycle, Compact Dishwashers: 3.5gallons per cycle25. Scheduled Integrated 30" built-in Refrigerator26. Scheduled Integrated 30" built-in Freezer27. 48" Professional Range w/ exhaust hood28. Utility Sink29. LED Television, owner supplied. Provide backingas required for wall mounting. Provide conduit toA/V cabinet.30. Pantry shelves31. Pull-out trash drawer32. Bar Sink33. Combo Area and Overflow deck drains34. Mirror, Re: Interiors35. Built-in Cabinet & counter @+42" AFF 36. Built-in Cabinet & counter @+24" AFF37. Under Counter Ice Maker38. Under Counter Refrigerator39. Elevator machine space - Pump & Controller.Provide min clear space 36" x 30" space locateddirectly in front of controller.40. Shade Pocket41. Mantle42. Hearth43. Specified pavers o/ pedestals o/ Dex-O-Texwaterproof membrane ICC# ESR-1757. Slope todrain, 2% min.44. Shower niche, Re: Interiors45. Bench, +18" AFF46. Electric Meter, Re: Electrical47. HVAC chase as req'd. Coordinate w. MEP &Arch. prior to construction. Firestop @ floorpenetration per mfr specifications.48. A/C units, Re: T-24 requirements, Acousticalreport & MEP. Provide AC disconnect. AC typeand location require a deferred submittal forreview and approval for a separate permit.Separate permit must be obtained prior torunning refrigeration lines, electricalconduit/conductors and disconnect.49. Built-in Shelves50. Attic Access - 22" x 30" min.51. Class 'A' Flintlastic Modified Bitumen roofcovering by Certainteed, ICC# ESR-1388.52. 16 oz. Natural-aging Copper Standing seamroofing o/ Certainteed Metalayment 60 mil.underlayment. ICC ESR-1492. 53. Tankless Water Heater; Provide 120V electricalreceptacle w/in 3 feet, Cat. III or IV vent, or TypeB vent w/ straight pipe, Condensate drain that isno more than 2 inches higher than the finishsurface below, and a gas supply line withavailable copacity for not less than a 200,000BTU/hr system.54. +42" Partial height wall guardrail55.Internal downspout, Overflow to be pipedseparately.56. Bronze Downspout nozzle by Jay R. Smith MFG.Co.Fire Seperation Wall - 1/2"min GWB shall be appliedto garage side 2x4 Stud Wall 2x6 Stud Wall Concrete Retaining wallRe: Struct. for thicknessProvide GWB o/ furringchannel & Insul. per T-24. Board Formed Concretewall DN 200 Bedroom FF: 22.65' 203Bedroom 201Bath 202Closet 204Closet 206Linen 205 Bath 207 Study/Gym 208Master Closet -Deck 210Master Bedroom -Deck 209Master Bath FF:22.65' FF: 22.65' -Deck FS: 22.65' FS: 22.65' T.O. Trellis: 23.25' ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ 36 ' - 4 " 5'- 8 " 5'-8 " 82'-7"4'-5"1'-0" 25'-0"33'-0"24'-7" 31' - 0 " 48'-0"34'-7" 10'-0"15'-0"15'-6"17'-6"8'-0"16'-7" 14' - 1 0 " 5" 5" 9'-6"7'-0"8'-6" 8'-2" 16 ' - 1 " 8'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0" 2'-3" 11'-11"12'-8" 7'-1 " 2'-0 " 2'-0 " 10' - 5 " 15 ' - 9 " 4'- 1 0 " 20 ' - 7 " 6'-0"11'-6" 3'- 3 " 5'-0"5'-0" 15 ' - 3 " 4'-6 " 10'-0"15'-0"4'-9"11'-3" 8'-0"6'-0" 2'- 6 " 8'- 6 " 19 ' - 0 " 13'-0"4'-4"3'-6" 4'- 6 " 10 ' - 3 " 5'-1 " 6'- 0 " 9'- 4 " 9'-6"5'-5"15'-11" 7'- 4 " 9R @ 7 . 0 5 " 4'- 0 " 4'-1 0 " 4'-0"1'-4"4'-0" 11'-11" 5'- 8 " 5'- 0 " 4'- 6 " 14 ' - 8 " 12'-8"7'-0"4'-4" 10 " 5'- 5 " 8'- 5 " 5'- 1 " 3'-0"11'-6" A.4003 A.4 0 0 1 A.4 0 0 1 A.4 0 0 2 A.4 0 0 2 A.4003 A.3003 A.3011 A.3 0 0 1 A.3 0 0 2 200B 200A 203A203B 204 206 205B205A 202 201A 201B 207A 207B 208 210A 210B 209A 209D 209E 209C 209B 207C 210C 7'-10"3'-0" FS: 22.65' 39 20R@7.05"17 16 6 6 6 17 17 54 6 6 6 1 3 10 2 1 103 2 10 3 1 1 10 32 1515 57 5 5 5 7 2 33 33 33 33 25' - 0 " 9" 5'- 8 " 9'- 9 " 3'-10"4'-10"5'-3"2'-4"8'-7" 7'- 1 1 " 2'-6 " 14'-7"6'-1"2'-11"4'-7"4'-7" 3'-6"4'-0" 7'-10"7'-8"2'-11" 9'- 8 " 6" 8'-0" 6'-8"1'-9"4'-7"4'-8" 5" 15 15 25'-0" Association Easement 10'-0" 'Front'Association Easement 10'-0" Deck Setback 1'-0" 812" 4'- 0 " A s s o c . Set b a c k 4" 2'- 3 " 11 " 4'-0 " A s s o c . Se t b a c k 5'- 0 " 5'- 0 " 1'- 0 " 4'- 0 " A s s o c . Set b a c k 1'-0 " 4'-0 " A s s o c . Se t b a c k 5'-5" 4'-2"11"4'-2"4"4" WindowWindowWindowWindowWindowWindow Window Window 43 43 43 55 52 13 13 13 13 55 55 55 55 55 Project T-24 Orientation Right Left Front Back C14C15C16C19C18C17 C20C21 D2 D1 B10 B11 abv. abv. B12 abv. B13 abv. B14 abv. B15 abv. B16 abv. B4 abv. B3 abv. B2 abv. B1 abv. C13C12 C9 C10 C11 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 A1 3'- 6 "4'-1 " 3'-0 " Fascia: 21.73' Fa s c i a : 2 1 . 7 3 ' Fascia: 21.73' EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO EERO Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Second Floor Plan Floor Plans DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Notes5 General Notes Legend23Plan Notes4 31 x All dimensions are to be to the finished face or centerline of thepartition U.N.O. x G.C. to layout (in paint) the locations of all partitions, doors, lighting,ceiling elements, sprinklers, switches, dimmers, thermostats, power &comm. outlets, millwork and furniture for approval by the Architect priorto construction. x It is the responsibility of the contractor to bring to the attention ofthe Architect any field conditions that do not allow construction orinstallation as drawn. x Do not scale drawings. Dimensions as indicated take precedentover drawings. x Provide continuous metal backing for reinforcing of walls to hangmillwork, furniture shelving or cabinetry. x Provide millwork shop drawings for Architect's approval. Millwork tocomply with the recommendations of the Woodwork Institute ofCalifornia (WIC). x Any door hardware associated with millworker provided doors is tobe ordered by the millworker. x G.C. to provide full-time superintendents' supervision on the project. x For pre-fabricated stairs, shop drawings to be approved by BuildingPlan Check prior to installation x G.C. to schedule meeting with HOA Architectural Administrator attime of roofing material delivery to confirm conforming metal roofingmaterial. Note: All new wall cavities to be fully filled w/insulation. Coordinate w/ Title 24. 1. Tub, Shower, or Tub/Shower combination w.anti-scalding fixtures. Provide 12" roundcleanouts. Wall covering of shower shall be tile,or approved equal, to a height of min. 72" abv.drain inlet. Float tile over cement plasterbacking. Single shower head not to exceed 2gpm at 80psi. Multiple shower heads combinedflow rate not to exceed 2gpm at 80psi.2. Water Closet - 1.28 gallon /flush to meetstandards set by American National Inst. Stds.A112.19.2 H and S Code. Conceal water supply.Provide 30" clear width & 24" min. clear in front ofwatercloset. Provide adjacent area drain.3. Lavatory - 1.5 gpm at 80psi4. Kitchen Sink & garbage disposal w/ Faucet - Notto exceed 1.5 gpm @ 60 psi. Provide Instahot andwater filtration5. Line of Rafters above6. Line of roof above7. Line of soffit above8. Concealed Gutter & Downspout, tie to hard linedrainage system9. Line of floor, deck above10. Built-in cabinet & counter @ +36" AFF11. Upper cabinets12. Pole and shelf13. Combo Area and Overflow roof drain14. NOT USED15. Full height Millwork16. 34"-38" high handrail17. +42" high guardrail18. Utility Sink 19. Location for future solar panels, 40"x64"20. Provide min. 5/8" Type 'X' GWB @ underside offloor framing, abv.21. Isokern 46" Maximus Series Direct Vent(80D46)(Gas-Only) Fireplace & Chimney System.Tested & Listed by ICC ESR-4873. Re: A.001f forSpecs & Certification22. Washing machine. Shall be qualified ENERGYSTAR appliance with maximum water use factorof 6 gallons per cubic feet of drum capacity(NBMC 15.11.010)23. Clothes dryer. 4" Ø vent w/ max. (2) 90° bends,14' max run. Exhaust vent duct shall terminate atexterior of building. Equip w/ back draft damper.24. Dishwasher shall be qualified ENERGY STARappliance with maximum water use as follows(NBMC 15.11.010) Standard Dishwasher: 4.25gallons per cycle, Compact Dishwashers: 3.5gallons per cycle25. Scheduled Integrated 30" built-in Refrigerator26. Scheduled Integrated 30" built-in Freezer27. 48" Professional Range w/ exhaust hood28. Utility Sink29. LED Television, owner supplied. Provide backingas required for wall mounting. Provide conduit toA/V cabinet.30. Pantry shelves31. Pull-out trash drawer32. Bar Sink33. Combo Area and Overflow deck drains34. Mirror, Re: Interiors35. Built-in Cabinet & counter @+42" AFF 36. Built-in Cabinet & counter @+24" AFF37. Under Counter Ice Maker38. Under Counter Refrigerator39. Elevator machine space - Pump & Controller.Provide min clear space 36" x 30" space locateddirectly in front of controller.40. Shade Pocket41. Mantle42. Hearth43. Specified pavers o/ pedestals o/ Dex-O-Texwaterproof membrane ICC# ESR-1757. Slope todrain, 2% min.44. Shower niche, Re: Interiors45. Bench, +18" AFF46. Electric Meter, Re: Electrical47. HVAC chase as req'd. Coordinate w. MEP &Arch. prior to construction. Firestop @ floorpenetration per mfr specifications.48. A/C units, Re: T-24 requirements, Acousticalreport & MEP. Provide AC disconnect. AC typeand location require a deferred submittal forreview and approval for a separate permit.Separate permit must be obtained prior torunning refrigeration lines, electricalconduit/conductors and disconnect.49. Built-in Shelves50. Attic Access - 22" x 30" min.51. Class 'A' Flintlastic Modified Bitumen roofcovering by Certainteed, ICC# ESR-1388.52. 16 oz. Natural-aging Copper Standing seamroofing o/ Certainteed Metalayment 60 mil.underlayment. ICC ESR-1492. 53. Tankless Water Heater; Provide 120V electricalreceptacle w/in 3 feet, Cat. III or IV vent, or TypeB vent w/ straight pipe, Condensate drain that isno more than 2 inches higher than the finishsurface below, and a gas supply line withavailable copacity for not less than a 200,000BTU/hr system.54. +42" Partial height wall guardrail55.Internal downspout, Overflow to be pipedseparately.56. Bronze Downspout nozzle by Jay R. Smith MFG.Co.Fire Seperation Wall - 1/2"min GWB shall be appliedto garage side 2x4 Stud Wall 2x6 Stud Wall Concrete Retaining wallRe: Struct. for thicknessProvide GWB o/ furringchannel & Insul. per T-24. Board Formed Concretewall Roof Plan Notes: 1.Attic Ventilation: No ventilation is required, see below for unvented assembly. Unvented Attic Assemblies: Per R806.5 the attic assemblies may be unvented under the followingconditions: A. The unvented attic space must be completely within the building thermal envelope. B. No interior vapor retarders are installed on the ceiling side (attic floor) of the unvented attic assembly C. Provide Icynene Classic (LD-C-50) Spray Foam air impermeable insulation only shall be installed on theunderside of the structural roof sheathing. 2.Exposed attic insulation: All exposed insulation materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiantflux of not less than 0.12 watt per square centimeter per ASTM E 970 3.Standing Seam Metal Roof: Material: Copper, 16 oz sheets min. Finish: Natural aging A.Underlayment: MetaLayment by Certainteed, ICC# ESR-1492. Install per Mnft. specs. Ridge: 36.05' Rid g e : 3 6 . 8 0 ' Rid g e : 3 6 . 8 0 ' Eave: 33.80' Eave: 33.80' Eave: 33.80' Eave: 33.80'Eave: 33.80' Eave: 33.80' Eave: 33.80' Facia: 33.56' Facia: 33.56' Fa c i a : 3 3 . 5 6 ' Fa c i a : 3 3 . 5 6 ' Fa c i a : 3 3 . 5 6 ' Facia: 33.56' T.O. Trellis: 23.25' T.O.Flue:38.30' T.O. Flue: 37.63' T.O. Flue: 37.63' ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ 3:12 3:12 3:123:12 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:1 2 Ea v e : 3 3 . 8 0 ' Ea v e : 3 3 . 8 0 ' Facia: 33.56' A.4003 A.4 0 0 1 A.4 0 0 1 A.4 0 0 2 A.4 0 0 2 A.4003 A.3003 A.3011 A.3 0 0 1 A.3 0 0 2 52 52 52 Facia: 33.56' WindowWindowWindowWindowWindowWindow Window Window 25'-0" Association Easement 10'-0" 'Front'Association Easement 10'-0" Deck Setback 11"9'-1" 11 " 4'-0 " A s s o c . Se t b a c k 3'-1 " 1'- 0 " 4'- 0 " A s s o c . Set b a c k 4'-0 " A s s o c . Se t b a c k 3'-6" 212" 4'- 0 " A s s o c . Set b a c k 3'- 9 12" 8 8 8 8 8 88 3'-0 " 3'- 6 "4'-1 " Fascia: 21.73' Fa s c i a : 2 1 . 7 3 ' Fascia: 21.73' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Roof Plan Roof Plan Roof Notes / Attic Ventilation Calculation5 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 General Notes Legend23Plan Notes4 32 DN DN DN DN UPDN 355 sf 132 sf 127 sf 98 sf 35 sf 876 sf 54 sf 212 sf 54 sf 177 sf 310 sf 22'-5"6'-7"10'-0"14'-10"23'-8"9'-6" 15 ' - 1 0 " 5'- 9 " 10 ' - 5 " 12'-3"12'-4" 6'-1" 128 sf 22'-11" 17 ' - 8 " 20 ' - 1 1 " 5'-8 " 24 ' - 1 1 12" 5'- 8 " 37' - 0 " 8'-6" 9'-6" 14 ' - 1 0 " ation Note: All new wall cavities to be fully filled w/insulation. Coordinate w/ Title 24. Fire Seperation Wall - 1/2"min GWB shall be appliedto garage side 2x4 Stud Wall 2x6 Stud Wall Concrete Retaining wallRe: Struct. for thicknessProvide GWB o/ furringchannel & Insul. per T-24. Board Formed Concretewall Second Floor:76258315628123623187542282 sf< 117 >< 25 >2140 sf Deck:911315026298 sf Total Living:184621403986 sf Area Calculation First Floor:1283517731087654212541846 sf Garage:35513212798712 sf Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 First Floor Plan - Area Calc DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Area Calculation 5 Area Calcs Legend234 33 Note: All new wall cavities to be fully filled w/insulation. Coordinate w/ Title 24. Fire Seperation Wall - 1/2"min GWB shall be appliedto garage side 2x4 Stud Wall 2x6 Stud Wall Concrete Retaining wallRe: Struct. for thicknessProvide GWB o/ furringchannel & Insul. per T-24. Board Formed Concretewall Second Floor:76258315628123623187542282 sf< 117 >< 25 >2140 sf Deck:911315026298 sf Total Living:184621403986 sf Area Calculation First Floor:1283517731087654212541846 sf Garage:35513212798712 sf DN 91 sf 762 sf <117 sf> 583 sf <25 sf> 131 sf 281 sf 236 sf 187 sf 54 sf 23 sf 156 sf 50 sf 26 sf Deck Deck Deck Deck 4'-5"24'-7"10'-0"48'-0" 31' - 0 " 20 ' - 7 " 33'-0"8'-6"7'-0"9'-6"1'-0" 8'-2" 11 ' - 8 " 16 ' - 1 " 3'- 3 " 2'-5 " 24 ' - 1 1 12" 5'- 8 " 25 ' - 1 0 12" 9'-6" 5'- 0 " 5'-0" 33' - 9 " 33' - 0 12" ation r: 17' - 8 " Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Second Floor Plan - Area Calc Area Calculations DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Notes5 General Notes Legend23Plan Notes4 34 ⅊⅊ Smooth Integral ColorStucco Painted MetalGuardrail Standing Seam Metal Roof Southern Buff Limestone Veneer Painted Metal Fascia Stained Wood Rafters Southern Buff Limestone Veneer Stained Wood Garage Door to Match Siding Ptd. Aluminum CladWindows & Doors, typ. Painted Metal Fascia Concealed GutterSystem 10 ' - 1 0 " 26 ' - 0 " 3'- 6 " m i n . 3 12 312 Max. HeightEL: 36.80' Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' Natural-aging Copper Eave Fascia A1 B1 B2 B3 B4 200B 203B 100A000A 000B FasciaEL: 33.56' Established GradeEL: 9.58' FasciaEL: 33.56' Smooth Integral color Stucco Mtl. Guardrail withClear glass infill Ptd. Aluminum CladWindows & Doors, typ. Standing Seam Metal Roof Metal Fascia Stained Wood Rafter Painted Metal Fasciaat Deck Concealed Gutter System AC AC Ptd. Metal Guardrail 312 312312 25'-0" Association Easement10'-0" 'Front'Association Easement ⅊ Line of Existing Sideyard Southern Buff Limestone Veneer DS DS DS OF3'- 6 " m i n . Natural-aging Copper Eave Fascia C8 D1 D2 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 100B Max. HeightEL: 36.80' Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' FasciaEL: 33.56' Established GradeEL: 9.58' FasciaEL: 33.56' (E) CantileveredDeck to remain ⅊⅊ Standing Seam Metal Roof Painted Metal Fascia Stained Wood Rafters Smooth Integral Color Stucco Ptd. Aluminum Clad Windows & Doors, typ. Mtl. Guardrail with Clear glass infill Concealed Gutter System Ptd. Metal Fascia at Deck 3'- 6 " m i n . 312312 Natural-aging Copper Eave Fascia B10 B11 B12 B13 B13 109 210B 209B Max. HeightEL: 36.80' Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' FasciaEL: 33.56' Established GradeEL: 9.58' FasciaEL: 33.56' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Elevations Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 West Elevation (Front) North Elevation (Left) 2 East Elevation (Back) 35 Standing Seam Metal Roof Painted Metal Fascia Concealed Gutter System Stained Wood Rafter Painted Metal Guardrail Ptd. Aluminum CladWindows & Doors, typ. Ptd. Steel Trellis Southern Buff Limestone Veneer Painted Metal Fascia Smooth Integral color Stucco Stained Wood Siding 10 ' - 1 0 " 3 12 312 3 1231225'-0" Association Easement 10'-0" 'Front'Association Easement ⅊ Line of Existing Sideyard DS OF DS OF DS OF Natural-aging Copper Eave Fascia C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C13C12C9C10C11B5B6B7B8B9 104A 207C Max. HeightEL: 36.80' Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' FasciaEL: 33.56' Established GradeEL: 9.58' FasciaEL: 33.56' 3'-6 " m i n . Exterior Stucco Mnft: La HabraColor: Eggshell X-73Finish: Smooth SBMF Standing Seam Metal Roofing Material: 16 oz CopperFinish: Natural-agingSpec: 1.5" ribs, 16" o.c. Location: RoofingGuttersEave Fascia Aluminum Clad Windows + Doors Window Mnft: KolbeStyle: VistaLuxe WD LineColor: TruffleGlazing: Clear, Argon-filed Door Mnft: ArcadiaStyle: Steel LookColor: Match Kolbe Adhered Natural Stone Veneer Supplier: Modern Builders Supply Collection: Southern Buff Limestone Size: Height- 16"Length- Varies 3'-6" to 3'-7" Stained Wood Location: Garage Door Site Gates Wall Siding Finish:Quarter SawnStained Metal Handrails + Guardrails,Fascia, & Trellis Mnft: FirestoneStyle: UNA-CLADMaterial: AluminumColor Extra Dark Bronze ⅊⅊ 3'- 6 " m i n . 312312 New Bulkhead Guardrail, +42"above FS. Steel top rail and postswith horizontal wire infill at 4" o.c.T.O. Rail: 14.40' FS: 10.90' EL: 14.40' (E) Bulkhead Max. HeightEL: 36.80' Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' FasciaEL: 33.56' Established GradeEL: 9.58' FasciaEL: 33.56' (N) Cantilevered Bulkheadextenstion(E) Cantilevered Deck toremain Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Elevations 1 South Elevation (Right) 3 Material Schedule Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 East Elevation (Bulkhead Railing) 36 9'-1 0 " 6'- 0 " 10 ' - 1 0 " 8'- 9 " 1'-4 " 9'-6 " Ex i s t i n g 5'-1 1 " 5'- 1 1 " 3'-0 " 20 ' - 6 " 26 ' - 0 " Max. HeightEL: 36.80' (E) Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' 203Bedroom 100Garage 104Dining Room 108Kitchen 207Study/Gym 210M. Bed 3'- 6 " m i n . 10 ' - 1 " 8'-9 " 11' - 3 " 10 ' - 1 " 8'-9 " 8'-9 " 1'- 4 " 3'- 6 " m i n . 10 ' - 6 " 3'- 6 " Max. HeightEL: 36.80' (E) Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' 20' - 6 " 25' - 1 1 " (N) Cantilevered Bulkheadextenstion 3'-6 " m i n . Dashed line indicatesFuture bulkhead for DesignAdaptability elevationNAVD88 TW: 14.40' New Bulkhead Guardrail, +42"above FS. Steel top rail and postswith horizontal wire infill at 4" o.c.T.O. Rail: 14.40'⅊ 3'-6 " m i n . TO Slab: 10.00' FS: 10.90' TO Slab: 9.92' (E) Bulkhead and Tie backto remain (E) Cantilevered Deck toremain 208 Master Closet 105Back Kitchen 106Pantry 107Foyer9'-6 " 3'-6 " m i n . 8'- 9 " 4'-4 " 8'- 9 " 1'- 4 " Max. HeightEL: 36.80' (E) Second FloorEL: 22.65' Garage Floor(E)EL: 9.90' First FloorEL: 10.90' 2nd Floor Top PlateEL: 31.40' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Sections Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 Section Section 2 SectionScale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 37 FX4G G Was h . Dry. GFI + 4 2 " +42 " GFI Frz. Ref . DWGD DW GD OvenG GFI +42" Ref. Ic e GFIWP GFIWP GFI GFI GFI GFI GFI EV GD C TV GFI +42"GFI +42" GFI + 4 2 " GFI +42" 100 Garage 102Powder 103 Laundry 104 Dining Room 107 Foyer 109 Living Room 108Kitchen 105 Back Kitchen 106 Pantry 9'-6" 10'-6" 10'-6" 10'-6" 9'-6" 10'-6" 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-10" 9'-10" 9'-6" 9'-0" KP VS 3 3 3 3 3 VS 3 VS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 333 33 3 ToAbove 58" Type 'X'GWBRe: 11/A.700 HV F5 F5 F5 F5 F4 F4 F4 F4 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6F6 F6 F6 F1 F1 F1F1F1 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F1F1F1F1 F1 F1F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX3 FX3 FX3FX3FX3 F5F5 F1 G GFI F7 F7 F1 3 EF FX2 General Notes: 1. All ceilings to be as heights noted on reflected ceilingplan AFF U.N.O. 2. Elec. outlets, thermostats, light switches, etc. to alignvertically, UNO. Refer to interior elev. for furtherclarification. Elec. outlets to be w/in wood base, UNO. 3. Electrical subcontractor to submit for Architect'sapproval shop drawings for lighting, switching and lifesafety locations. Provide on background which reflectsall ceiling elements which need to coordinate inlocation. 4. HVAC subcontractor to submit for Architect's approvalshop drawings which include all supply, return, andthermostat locations. Provide on background whichreflects all ceiling elements which need to coordinatein location. 5. Sprinkler subcontractor to submit for Architect'sapproval shop drawings for sprinkler head locations. Provide on background which reflects all ceilingelements which need to coordinate in location. 6. Contractor to notify the Architect before installation ofany specified lighting fixtures, devices and HVACregisters that have conflicts. 7. All continuous fixtures are to be installed end to end toprevent any dark spots and sized to fill opening.Subcontractor to verify engineer's quantity. 8. Sprinklers to have concealed heads with flush coverplates. Cover plates to match adjacent ceiling finish. 9. Architectural plan shall rule over engineered drawingsor specification regarding placement of all fixtures anddevices. 10. Areas of drywall ceiling are to be coordinated so thataccess panels are not required. Elements requiringaccess should be located to areas of accessibleceiling. Coordinate with Architect. 11. Electrical Contractor to adjust all lighting w/ Architectin field prior to move in. 12. Lights to be equally spaced and centered withinspace, UNO. G.C. to provide chalk layout of electrical& lighting prior to construction and arrange a fieldmeeting for lighting layout review w/ Architect, owner& lighting consultant prior to any electrical fixtureinstallation. 13. General contractor to coordinate w/ owner's speakersystem subcontractor and security systemsubcontractor. 14. Provide IC rated can @ all fixtures that come incontact w/ insulation. 15. At fluorescent fixtures, provide 3500K temperature bulb(to match incandescent) 16. Provide smallest diameter can. 17. Garage, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be highefficacy luminairesAND controlled by an occupancysensor. 18. All recessed light fixtures mounted in unconditionedspace must be air-tight and IC approved. Duringinstallation the fixture must be sealed or gasketed toprevent leakage around fixture into the unconditionedspace, i.e. attic, joist or rafter space. 19. All lighting control devices, ballasts and luminaires tocomply with Sec. 119 of CEC 2013. 20. Exterior lighting mounted on the building to be highefficacy or controlled by photo control/motion sensorcombinations with no override/bypass switch. 21. Lighting in all bedrooms, hall, living room, den andother similar rooms to be high efficacy or shall becontrolled by manual "ON" occupant sensor ordimmer. 22. Permanent lighting integral to cabinetry shall belimited to 20 watts of power per linear foot ofilluminated cabinet. 23. Kitchens: 50% of the total wattage for kitchen lightingto be high efficacy (e.g. fluorescent). 24. Re: T-24 for Title 24 Energy Requirements. 25. All permanently installed high efficiency luminairesshall be switched separately from low efficiencyluminaires. 26. Lighting integral with exhaust fans, in rooms other thankitchens, is to comply with lighting efficiencyrequirements per mandatory features list. 27. All stairways shall have an illumination level on treadruns of not less than 1 foot candle (11 lux) per CBC1205.4. EF - Flush recessed exhaust fan exhausting to the outside.Ductless fans are unacceptable. Must beENERGYSTAR compliant and equipped withhumidistat controls capable of adjustment betweenrelative humidity ranges of <50% to a maximum of80% when not parts of a whole house ventilationsystem. 50 cfm min, 100 cfm for Master Bath HF - Hood fan integrated into professional range hood w/light to provide 100cfm min exhaust to exterior withhumidistat control. WH - Whole-house ventilation fan to be operatingcontinuously F1 - High efficacy recessed downlight, dimmable F2 - High efficacy adjustable directional downlight,dimmable F3 - High efficacy recessed downlight, approved for wetlocations. F4 - Pendant light F5 - High efficacy continuous LED strip light. F6 - 1' x 4' Rectangular Surface mounted fluorescent F7 - High efficacy wall-mounted sconce F8 - High efficacy recessed spot downlight FX1 - Exterior high efficacy recessed downlight, to beshielded FX2 - Exterior high efficacy wall-mounted downlight, to beshielded FX3 - Exterior high efficacy surface-mounted downlight, tobe shielded FX4 - Exterior high efficacy Pendant light KP - Garage Door Keypad -Electric vehicle supply equipment per CEC,Article 625 - Outlet in drawer to be in 2nd drawer UNO -Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Three Way Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Dimmer Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Three Way Dimmer Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Motion sensor or photocontrol without switchfor exterior lighting -Garage Door Switch EVSE 3 3 Drw -Combination smoke detector (UL 217 Rated)carbon monoxide alarm (UL 2034/2075 Rated):Shall sound an alarm audible in all areas of thebuilding. Detectors in bedrooms to be onArc_fault circuit interrupter. Carbon monoxideshall be UL 2034/2075 rated. Alarms may bebattery operated but not interconnected. ARCi - Indicates fixture to be on ARC_fault circuitinterrupter S Whole-Building Ventilation Summary 1. A whole-building ventilation system shall be installed in accordance withASHRAE 62.2 for new buildings and revisions greater or equal to 1000 sq. ft. 2. Covers or louvers for the whole house exhaust fan shall have a minimuminsulation value of R-4.2 3. Labeling Documentation - Controls for continuously-running fans to bemarked "Fan to be on for indoor air quality". Installer to completeCF-6R-MECH 05. Certifying ventilation system meets ASHRAE 62.2 standards. -Half hot floor outlet -Fourplex electrical outlet -Duplex electrical outlet -Outlet with ground fault circuit interrupter -Duplex electrical outlet located in toe kick -Half hot electrical floor outlet outlet -Outlet w/ waterproof cover GFI WP TK -Manual "on" vacancy detector switch. Wallmount, w/ three-way and dimmer whereoccurs. -Garage Door Opener, provide power -Hose Bib. Must be protected by an anti siphondevice -Gas -Coaxial Cable -Telephone and data outlet -Junction Box VS GD HB G C J Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Fixture Schedule / Legend General Notes32 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Reflected Ceiling Plans 38 General Notes: 1. All ceilings to be as heights noted on reflected ceilingplan AFF U.N.O. 2. Elec. outlets, thermostats, light switches, etc. to alignvertically, UNO. Refer to interior elev. for furtherclarification. Elec. outlets to be w/in wood base, UNO. 3. Electrical subcontractor to submit for Architect'sapproval shop drawings for lighting, switching and lifesafety locations. Provide on background which reflectsall ceiling elements which need to coordinate inlocation. 4. HVAC subcontractor to submit for Architect's approvalshop drawings which include all supply, return, andthermostat locations. Provide on background whichreflects all ceiling elements which need to coordinatein location. 5. Sprinkler subcontractor to submit for Architect'sapproval shop drawings for sprinkler head locations. Provide on background which reflects all ceilingelements which need to coordinate in location. 6. Contractor to notify the Architect before installation ofany specified lighting fixtures, devices and HVACregisters that have conflicts. 7. All continuous fixtures are to be installed end to end toprevent any dark spots and sized to fill opening.Subcontractor to verify engineer's quantity. 8. Sprinklers to have concealed heads with flush coverplates. Cover plates to match adjacent ceiling finish. 9. Architectural plan shall rule over engineered drawingsor specification regarding placement of all fixtures anddevices. 10. Areas of drywall ceiling are to be coordinated so thataccess panels are not required. Elements requiringaccess should be located to areas of accessibleceiling. Coordinate with Architect. 11. Electrical Contractor to adjust all lighting w/ Architectin field prior to move in. 12. Lights to be equally spaced and centered withinspace, UNO. G.C. to provide chalk layout of electrical& lighting prior to construction and arrange a fieldmeeting for lighting layout review w/ Architect, owner& lighting consultant prior to any electrical fixtureinstallation. 13. General contractor to coordinate w/ owner's speakersystem subcontractor and security systemsubcontractor. 14. Provide IC rated can @ all fixtures that come incontact w/ insulation. 15. At fluorescent fixtures, provide 3500K temperature bulb(to match incandescent) 16. Provide smallest diameter can. 17. Garage, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be highefficacy luminairesAND controlled by an occupancysensor. 18. All recessed light fixtures mounted in unconditionedspace must be air-tight and IC approved. Duringinstallation the fixture must be sealed or gasketed toprevent leakage around fixture into the unconditionedspace, i.e. attic, joist or rafter space. 19. All lighting control devices, ballasts and luminaires tocomply with Sec. 119 of CEC 2013. 20. Exterior lighting mounted on the building to be highefficacy or controlled by photo control/motion sensorcombinations with no override/bypass switch. 21. Lighting in all bedrooms, hall, living room, den andother similar rooms to be high efficacy or shall becontrolled by manual "ON" occupant sensor ordimmer. 22. Permanent lighting integral to cabinetry shall belimited to 20 watts of power per linear foot ofilluminated cabinet. 23. Kitchens: 50% of the total wattage for kitchen lightingto be high efficacy (e.g. fluorescent). 24. Re: T-24 for Title 24 Energy Requirements. 25. All permanently installed high efficiency luminairesshall be switched separately from low efficiencyluminaires. 26. Lighting integral with exhaust fans, in rooms other thankitchens, is to comply with lighting efficiencyrequirements per mandatory features list. 27. All stairways shall have an illumination level on treadruns of not less than 1 foot candle (11 lux) per CBC1205.4. EF - Flush recessed exhaust fan exhausting to the outside.Ductless fans are unacceptable. Must beENERGYSTAR compliant and equipped withhumidistat controls capable of adjustment betweenrelative humidity ranges of <50% to a maximum of80% when not parts of a whole house ventilationsystem. 50 cfm min, 100 cfm for Master Bath HF - Hood fan integrated into professional range hood w/light to provide 100cfm min exhaust to exterior withhumidistat control. WH - Whole-house ventilation fan to be operatingcontinuously F1 - High efficacy recessed downlight, dimmable F2 - High efficacy adjustable directional downlight,dimmable F3 - High efficacy recessed downlight, approved for wetlocations. F4 - Pendant light F5 - High efficacy continuous LED strip light. F6 - 1' x 4' Rectangular Surface mounted fluorescent F7 - High efficacy wall-mounted sconce F8 - High efficacy recessed spot downlight FX1 - Exterior high efficacy recessed downlight, to beshielded FX2 - Exterior high efficacy wall-mounted downlight, to beshielded FX3 - Exterior high efficacy surface-mounted downlight, tobe shielded FX4 - Exterior high efficacy Pendant light KP - Garage Door Keypad -Electric vehicle supply equipment per CEC,Article 625 - Outlet in drawer to be in 2nd drawer UNO -Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Three Way Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Dimmer Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Three Way Dimmer Switch at 44" AFF, UNO -Motion sensor or photocontrol without switchfor exterior lighting -Garage Door Switch EVSE 3 3 Drw -Combination smoke detector (UL 217 Rated)carbon monoxide alarm (UL 2034/2075 Rated):Shall sound an alarm audible in all areas of thebuilding. Detectors in bedrooms to be onArc_fault circuit interrupter. Carbon monoxideshall be UL 2034/2075 rated. Alarms may bebattery operated but not interconnected. ARCi - Indicates fixture to be on ARC_fault circuitinterrupter S Whole-Building Ventilation Summary 1. A whole-building ventilation system shall be installed in accordance withASHRAE 62.2 for new buildings and revisions greater or equal to 1000 sq. ft. 2. Covers or louvers for the whole house exhaust fan shall have a minimuminsulation value of R-4.2 3. Labeling Documentation - Controls for continuously-running fans to bemarked "Fan to be on for indoor air quality". Installer to completeCF-6R-MECH 05. Certifying ventilation system meets ASHRAE 62.2 standards. -Half hot floor outlet -Fourplex electrical outlet -Duplex electrical outlet -Outlet with ground fault circuit interrupter -Duplex electrical outlet located in toe kick -Half hot electrical floor outlet outlet -Outlet w/ waterproof cover GFI WP TK -Manual "on" vacancy detector switch. Wallmount, w/ three-way and dimmer whereoccurs. -Garage Door Opener, provide power -Hose Bib. Must be protected by an anti siphondevice -Gas -Coaxial Cable -Telephone and data outlet -Junction Box VS GD HB G C J EF EF EF EF +42"GFI +42 " GFI +42"GFI +42"GFI G GFIWP GFIWP GFIWP GFIWP 200Bedroom 203 Bedroom 201Bath202Closet 204Closet 206Linen 205Bath 207Study/Gym 208Master Closet 210 Master Bed 209Master Bath 10'-0" 10'-0" 8'-9" 8'-9" 8'-0"8'-9" 21'-10" 10'-0" 8'-9" 3 ToAbove VS VS VS 3 3 VS VS 3 3 3 3 3 3 8'-0" 8'-9" 8'-0" 8'-9" 8'-9" 10'-0" 10'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0" F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 FX1 F1 F1 F1F1 F1 F1 F7F7 F7F7 F1 F3 F3 F1 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7F1 F1 F1F1 F1 F1 F7 F7 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1F1F1 F1 F1 F1 F1F1F1F1F1F1F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1F1F1 F1 F1 F1 F7F7 F2 F2F2F1 F1 F1F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F3F1 WH ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay ℄Bay FX2 3 3 GFIWP Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Reflected Ceiling Plans 3 DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 Fixture Schedule / Legend General Notes2 39 FX1 - Exterior high efficacy recessed downlight, to beshielded FX2 - Exterior high efficacy wall-mounted downlight, to beshielded FX3 - Exterior high efficacy surface-mounted downlight, tobe shielded Exterior Lighting Specs DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94Fixture Schedule / Legend FX3FX2 ZW ZD 1LED DN CU FX1 40 Base @ Stucco Scale: 3" = 1'-0"14710 811 36912 1. All metal flsh'g joints to be fully soldered & sealed. 2. Dissimilar metal types subject to electrolytic reaction to be physically separated. 3. Guardrails: Refer to shop drawings by others for all attachments and connections. Toprail to resist a single concentrated load of 200 lbs., applied in any direction at any pointalong the top, and have attachment devices and supporting structure to transfer thisloading to appropriate structural elements of the building per 1607.7.1 and 1607.7.1.1. 4. Exposed metal members & fasteners to be primed and painted unless noted otherwise. 5. Conceal all fasteners, UNO 6. All exposed welds shall be full fillet and ground smooth 7. All exposed wood shall be S4S Douglas Fir or equal, suitable for exterior use, weatherresistant, insect resistant, and back primed. 8. All exterior deck, planter framing, and wood fram'g anchored directly to concrete wallsand slabs to be Pressure Treated Douglas Fir or equal. 9. All stairways shall have an illumination level on tread runs of not less than 1 foot candle(11 lux). CBC 1205.4 10. Provide paintable high performance sealant at all exposed structural member jointsand intersections with other building components. 11. All Window/ Door/ Skylight flashing to meet or exceed ASTM E 2112-01 General Notes J Metal - No. 26 gauge Galv.Corrosion Resistant Weep Screed Interior baseboard Batt insulation w/ 2xFraming per struct., typ. Plywood sheathing 58" GWB, typ. 7/8" Exterior Plaster 3" M i n . T y p . At H a r d S u r f a c e 4" T y p . @ g r a d e . 8" M i n . T y p . At F i n . G r a d e SL 2" T y p . @ ha r d su r f a c e 1% @ Conc. 2% @ Grade Finish grade Electrical outlet Re: A.500 WRB Galv. Mtl. Drip Flashing Stucco Finish Coat Self-furring wire lathe Line of Raised Conc. curb,where occurs. 714" 114" 12"14" Firestone UNA-CLAD Standing SeamMetal Roofing; ICC ESR - 3422 Roof sheathing Re: Structural Air-impermeable spray-infoam insulation. Re: Title 24 *Note - Assembly to complywith R806.5: Unvented attic& unvented enclosed rafter.Re: Roof Notes A.204 Firestone CLAD-GARDunderlayment; underlayment lapover cleat. ICC ESR -3464. 1/4" DensDeck Roof Board byGeorgia-Pacific 4" min. SL per Pl a n Ridge Cap Roof panel receiver Roof Ridge Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" Ridge Beam per Structural Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" 1'-6" each si d e6" *Note: Sections of flashing shall have an end lap of not less than 4" SECURE VALLEY FLASHING WITHCLIPS. NO PENETRATIONS INTOVALLEY FLASHING. SMACNA Std. 36" Wide felt valley stripover roof sheathing Cont. clip Valley Flashing Firestone UNA-CLAD Standing SeamMetal Roofing; ICC ESR - 3422 Firestone CLAD-GARDunderlayment; underlayment lapover cleat. ICC ESR -3464. 1/4" DensDeck Roof Board byGeorgia-Pacific o/ RoofSheathing Re: Structural SL per Pla n Roof Valley Corrosion resistant metal weepscreed w/ 1/2" dia. weep holesat 6' OC or per code reqm'twhere more stringent Interior baseboard Batt insulation w/ 2xFraming per struct., typ. Plywood sheathing 58" GWB, typ. Mountain Valley Blend Veneer(Modern Builders Supply) 3" M i n . T y p . At H a r d S u r f a c e 4" T y p . @ g r a d e . 8" M i n . T y p . At F i n . G r a d e SL 2" T y p . @ ha r d su r f a c e 1% @ Conc.2% @ Grade Finish grade Tooled Grout Joints Typ. Exterior Plaster, Brown and ScratchCoat o/self furring wire lathe o/(2)layers of type 'D' building paper. 714" 114" 12"14" Electrical outlet Re: A.500 Base @ Stone Veneer Scale: 3" = 1'-0" J Metal - No. 26 gauge Galv.Corrosion Resistant Weep Screed Interior baseboard Batt insulation w/ 2x Framingper struct., typ. Plywood sheathing 58" GWB, typ. 10" Horizontal Stained Circular SawnWood Siding(Montana Timber Products) 3" M i n . T y p . At H a r d S u r f a c e 4" T y p . @ g r a d e . 8" M i n . T y p . At F i n . G r a d e SL 2" T y p . @ ha r d su r f a c e 1% @ Conc.2% @ Grade Finish grade Electrical outlet Re: A.500 Galv. Mtl. Drip Flashing 714" 114" 12"14" Self Adhered WRB Base @ Wood Siding Scale: 3" = 1'-0" SL 20 oz Copper Cap Flashing (2) Ply Smartflash Membrane Flashing;Extend 12" min. horizontally onto roof membrane Certainteed Flintlastic Mod. Bitumen Roofing; ICC ESR-1388. Self Adhered WRB Backer Rod and Sealant Fluid Applied Flashing Bituthene Wind Cleat Roof Framing; Re: Structural Interlocking Ptd. Metal PanelFascia, to Match Roofing Scale: 3 " = 1'-0"Flat Roof at Parapet Scale: 3 " = 1'-0"Roof Eave/Gutter, Typ. SL per Plan 2% SL Varies 16 oz Natural Copper Standing seam roofing, 1.5" rib, 16" o.c. CertainTeed MetaLayment 60 mil. underlayment. ICC ESR -1492. Roof sheathing Re: Structural Copper square gutter & downspout Continuous cleat, nail 6" OC Interlocking Copper Panel Fascia, to Match Roofing 2 x Wd. T&G soffit - ptd. o/ Bldg paper Scheduled Window 2x DF Tongue and Groove Wood trim - Ptd. Bituthene Edge Flashing - to Match Roof Color Cont. clip 2" 3" dia. drainline per Ch. 11 CPC,Connect to internal downspouts. Overflow & area drains to be piped separately. Tie all overflow lines together where feasible,outlet to daylight at front entry per Civil drawings. Coordinate final daylighting w/ Architectprior to installation. Use custom scupper detail OverflowArea 316 Marine Grade S.S. steel flange Combinationarea & overflow by Thunderbird products 316 Marine Grade S.S. snap-in grate Scheduled paver o/ pedestal, where occurs Dex-O-Tex Neobond Fracture Resistant Membrane or Scheduled Roofing SL 2% min. Scale: 112" = 1'-0"Area and Overflow Drain Details DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 41 912 10 Scale: NTS Refer to 10/A.701 Axonometric for detail requirements. All WRB, flashing components, assembly andtechnical requirement to comply with Vapro Shield details, and window mnft requirements. Typ. Window Sill Typ. Window Head 1 2 Window Sill @ Stone Veneer4 5 Window Head @ Stone Veneer Scale: 3" = 1'-0"Scale: 3" = 1'-0" Scale: 3" = 1'-0"Scale: 3" = 1'-0" 36 Refer to 10/A.701 Axonometric for detail requirements. All WRB, flashing components, assembly andtechnical requirement to comply with Vapro Shield details, and window mnft requirements. Scale: 3" = 1'-0"Scale: 3" = 1'-0" Refer to 10/A.701 Axonometric for detail requirements. All WRB, flashing components, assembly andtechnical requirement to comply with Vapro Shield details, and window mnft requirements. Window per schedule Window casing beyond 58" GWB, typ. Batt insulation per Energy Calcs. 2x framing per plan Shim as req'd Copper sill pan flsh'gprovide bituthene belowsill pan Self-adheared flashing Fluid applied flashing Sheathing, as req. WRB Ptd. wood casing Window per schedule Shim as req'd Sealant & backer rod Sheathing, as req. Header per Struct. Self-adheared flashing Fluid applied flashing 58" GWB, typ. WRB Batt insulation per Energy Calcs. Window per schedule Window casing beyond 58" GWB, typ. Batt insulation per Energy Calcs. 2x framing per plan Shim as req'd Copper sill pan flsh'gprovide bituthene belowsill pan Self-adheared flashing Fluid applied flashing Sheathing, as req. WRB Ptd. wood casing 2" 112" Stone Veneer,See 4/A.700 for assembly Copper Drip Flashing Pre-cast stone sill o/ settingbed slope to drain Window per schedule Shim as req'd Sealant & backer rod Stone Veneer,See 4/A.700 for assembly Sheathing, as req. Header per Struct. Self-adheared flashing Fluid applied flashing WRB Batt insulation per Energy Calcs. Copper Drip Flashing 58" Type 'X' GWB, typ. 7/8" Exterior Plaster,See 1/A.700 for assembly 7/8" Exterior Plaster,See 1/A.700 for assembly Refer to 10/A.701 Axonometric for detail requirements. All WRB, flashing components, assembly andtechnical requirement to comply with Vapro Shield details, and window mnft requirements. Refer to 10/A.701 Axonometric for detail requirements. All WRB, flashing components, assembly andtechnical requirement to comply with Vapro Shield details, and window mnft requirements. Typical Multislide Sill Typical Multislide Head 2% SL2% SL Scheduled floor finish Scheduled multi-slide door Scheduled Pavero/ setting bed Dex-O-Tex Elastomericwaterproof membrane,ICC ESR-1757. Lap o/ pan Sill pan per mnft. Bituthene - Extendwaterproofing 24"past threshold Header per Struct. Self-adheared flashing Fluid applied flashing Scheduled multi-slidedoor Shim as req'd Sealant & backer rod J- Metal Finish per Elevations Self-furring wire lathe Sheathing, as req. 58" GWB, typ. WRB Batt insulation per Energy Calcs. 812 7 Details DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. Alhewoduwr 31Co(94 42 58" Ptd. gypsum board Typ. Flashing @ Window Opening 14128NTS 5 2 711 Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" Scale: 112" " = 1'-0" Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" Scale: 112" = 1'-0" Scale: 3 " = 1'-0" 10Window Pan Flashing Axo 0. Sheathing in "as new" condition 1. Self adhered sill piece applied directly tosheathing + installed 2.75" inside of RO.Release film to be left on bottom 6" of flashingto create shingle effect with field membrane 2. Self adhered jamb pieces applied directlyto sheathing at edge of rough opening andouter edge + installed 2.75" inside of RO. 3. Self adhered head piece applied directlyto sheathing at edge of rough opening andtop edge + installed 2.75" inside of RO. 4. Fluid applied flashing @ inside roughopening + 1" on face 5. Sill pan refer to 6/A.701. Embed sill panonto fluid applied flashing. Tool reverse lapsand back dam. 6. Sealant beneath sill pan down turned legonto WRB 7. Continuous 38" continuous bead of sealantbehind window flange at head, left, and rightjambs. Provide intermittent U shims at sillflange for drainage 8. Window with nailing flange. Provide interiorsealant joint around entire perimeter ofwindow for proper air barrier continuity andwater holdout 9. Head flashing (2 Piece Painted CopperFlashing w/ Hemmed Drip Edge) over fluidapplied flashing embedded in sealant 10. WRB shingled under sill pan and sillflashing. WRB to be shingled over headflashing and applied in a weatherboardfashion typical elsewhere per manufacturer'srequirements. 11. Expose sill flange to allow drainage frompan. Provide U-shaped shims behind sill nailflange to assure drainage. Note:Installation depicts VaproShield proprietarysystem. Coordinate final assemblage withmanufacturer specific requirements:WRB - per wall types (self adhered) byVaproShieldSelf adhered flashing - VaproFlashing SAFluid applied flashing - VaproLiqui-FlashSealant - VaproBond Sealant NOTE:Re: 12/A.701 for Sill Pan Detail.- Shim and Adjust Window to AchieveSquare, Plumb, and Level Condition- Use Corrosion Resistant Fasteners- After Window Installation, Seal AllCorners of Mechanically JoinedFrames to Seal Frame Seam Juncture.- Install per ASTM E2112-01 and/orWRB/Flashing manufacturerwarranted criteria. Coordinatewindow installation and flashing w/window manufacturer's requirementsand installation notation- Provide backerod and sealant atbackside of window to prevent airand water infiltration. At jamb andhead closed cell spray in insulationcan be substituted for sealant.- Bring to architects attention if anydetailing is in conflict with ASTMstandards and/or illustrated detail wrb wrb wrb wrb wrb wrb 8 4 2 9 3 2 0 1 7 5 6 1011 Run Flashing up under Window Sill and fold up 12" Minimum 4" 4" Note: No Penetrations at horizontal portion of flashing. Where penetrationsare required, pre-drill pilot hole, apply sealant, fasten with screw, and finallyapply sealant over screw. Separate all dissimilar metals with bitument. Match Sill Dep t h 16oz Copper MetalFlashing Full Solder allJoints Typ. Set in Mastic Sill Pan to follow SMACNA standards Slope to d r a i n 4" 4" 13 14 Run ElastomericMembrane Up Curb andUnder Threshold toInterior Edge of Flashing,Where Applicable 1 1 / 2 " 3 1/2" 6" 2" 6" 4" Sill PanLine of Finished HardSurface L Metal At Plaster Systems ProvideWeep Screed/Plaster Stop w/Weep Holes @ 24" o.c. or asReq. by Code 16 oz. CopperFlashing Building Flashing Cont. Solder Joint, Typ. Note: Full Solder all Joints Provide one layer ofBituthene below sill pan Sill Pan to follow SMACNA standards Slope t o d r a i n Door Pan Flashing Axo GA FILE NO. RC 2601 GYPSUM WALLBOARD, WOOD JOISTS, ROOF COVERING Base layer 5/8" type X gypsum wallboard applied at right angles to 2 x 10wood joists 24" o.c. with 114" Type W or S drywall screws 24" o.c. Face layer 5/8"type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied at right angles tojoists with 178" Type W or S drywall screws 12" o.c. at joints and intermediatejoists and112" Type G drywall screws 12" o.c. placed 2" back on either side ofend joints. Joints offset 24" from base layer joints. Wood joists supporting 12"plywood with exterior glue applied at right angles to joists with 8d nails.Appropriate roof covering. Ceiling provides one hour fire resistance protectionfor framing, including trusses. 1-Hour FireGeneric Note: Greater stud sizes (depths) shall be permitted to be used in metal- orwood-stud systems. Indicated stud spacings are maximums. Approx. CeilingWeight: 5 psf Fire Test: FM FC 172, 2-25-72; ITS, 8-6-98 1 Hr. Ceiling Assembly @ Garage GA FILE NO. RC 3661 Generic 1-Hour Fire GYPSUM WALLBOARD, WOOD STUDS, MINERALFIBER INSULATION 58" type 'X' GWB w/ final finish per interiorelevations. Applied at right angles to each side of framing with 214" Type S or W drywallscrews 12" o.c. Vertical joints staggered 16"o.c., horizontal joints staggered 24" o.c., onopposite sides. Min. R-15 batt insulation, nominal 2.5 pcffriction fit in stud space Int.Int. 312" Thickness: 434"Approx. Weight: 7.5 psf Fire Test: ITS J20-06170.1, 4-00 First Floor - 2x4 LSL, 16" o.c.Second Floor - 2x4conventional framing, 16" o.c. 1 Hr. Wall Assembly @ Garage 1" Typ. 10" Min. RunSee Plan 7 3 / 4 " M a x . Rise Se e P l a n Stone Stair tread Thin set mortar Stone paving Stone riser Expansion joint,silicone caulk tomatch mortar Conc. Slab & Stairper struct. Typ. Ext. Stair on grade Scale: 3 " = 1'-0"4 Self Adhered/ WRB Barrierplaced under Flashing inweatherboard fashion 38" SL 2% Scheduled pedestalpaver system 7/8" Exterior Plaster o/self-furring wire lathe 58" Ptd. gypsum board Deck to Wall 6" 4" 1" 12" 234" 6 5 4 10 1 Scale: 3" = 1'-0"Window Sill Flashing Area and Overflow Drain Scheduled TerrazoTile o/ poured inplace concrete base 1"nosing Stl. Channel StringerRe: Structural Stl. Plate tread supportwelded to stringer.Provide holes w/chamfered edge tocompletely recessfastener head.Re: Structural Solid Wood Tread #10 Flat head squaredrive wood screw lessthan 4" less than 4 " Stair at Landing Railing Cap 1'-0" Tread Depth Stair at Floor 38"Ø SS Rods;must not allow passageof a 4"Ø sphere Scale: 112" " = 1'-0" Landing Depth Per P l a n 6 1 3 / 1 6 " 112"2 " x 114" Handrail w/ 18"Eased Edges 12" x 114" Stl Post 12" x 12" Mtl Upright 3xSolid Blocking w/ (3) 16d Each End Recessedto Allow for Steel Backing At Handrail Supports Continuous Weld andGrind Smooth 36 " T o N o s i n g 112"Clr (2) 12"d. x 212" Lag Bolts Ea. Plate to Blkg. Scheduled Material 2" 114" Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.01 inch.Handrails shall be continuous except at a turn they are permitted to beinterrupted by a newl post and have a minimum clear distance betweenthe wall and handrail grip of 1 12". 2 1/4" max min. Handrail Detail 9 38"Ø Stainless Steel Rods;must not allow passageof a 4"Ø sphere Stl. Channel StringerRe: Structural Note: Aluminum must not be placed in direct contact with concreteor dissimilar metals. Use appropriate paint, primer, or bitumen Stl. Plate tread supportwelded to stringer. Provideholes w/ chamfered edge tocompletely recess fastenerhead. Re: Structural #10 Flat head squaredrive wood screw Solid Wood Tread 2" tab Stair Tread beyond 1" Stair Tread @ Stringer 34" x 112" Steel Flat BarUpright welded tostringer Architectural GradeContinuous Metal Handrailw/ Wood Cap; Wood tomatch tread Pe r P l a n 6 1 3 / 1 6 " less t h a n 4 " 11" typ. 3"3" 36 " a b v . S t a i r N o s i n g ( N T S ) 3 3 / 8 " les s t h a n 4 " Note: Aluminum must not be placed in direct contact with concreteor dissimilar metals. Use appropriate paint, primer, or bitumen 42" a b v . F i n i s h S u r f a c e ( N T S ) les s t h a n 4 " Architectural GradeContinuous Metal Handrailw/ Wood Cap; Wood tomatch tread 34" x 112" Steel Flat BarUpright w/ Return Scheduled floor finish Continuous Weld andGrind Smooth Guardrail Ptd. Steel Channel BeamRe: Structural Solid wood treadas first riser 3" 3" Channel Stringerbeyond; Toextend andattach toconcrete 3" 2" 3" dia. drainline per Ch. 11 CPC,Connect to internal downspouts.Overflow & area drains to be piped separately. Tie alloverflow lines together where feasible, outlet to daylight atfront entry per Civil drawings. Coordinate final daylighting w/Architect prior to installation. Use custom scupper detail OverflowArea 316 Marine Grade S.S. steel flange Combinationarea & overflow by Thunderbird products 316 Marine Grade S.S.snap-in grate Scheduled paver o/ pedestal, where occurs Dex-O-Tex Neobond Fracture ResistantMembrane or Scheduled Roofing SL 2% min. 12 " 6" m i n . Dex-O-Tex Neobond FractureResistant Membrane;Re: Detail 10/A.701 6" tab 11" typ. 36 " a b v . S t a i r Nos i n g ( N T S ) Per Plan6 13/16" 38"Ø Stainless Steel Rods;must not allow passageof a 4"Ø sphere 15" 12" 12" Details DATE ISSUE/REVISION REVIEW DRAWING DESCRIPTION PROJECT All drawings and written material appearingherein constitute original and unpublishedwork of the architect and may not beduplicated, used or disclosed without thewritten consent of Laidlaw Schultz Architects. 3111 Second AvenueCorona del Mar, CA 92625-2322(949) 645-9982 Fax: (949) 645-9554www.LSarchitects.com SHEET NO. 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H-20 H-9 H-2 H-17 H-8 H-8 H-6H-7 H-4 H-5 H-3 H-2 H-18 E-5 H-14 H-18 H-20 E-4 H-16 LIGHTING LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION QTY. TREE UPLIGHT AS MANUFACTURED BY AURORA LIGHT 5MODEL: SITKA LSL4-60-WF-30D-H-8x12-BLP-XDLED: 20 WATTS / LUMENS: 1,890 UNDERWATER LIGHT AS MANUFACTURED BY AURORA LIGHT 3MODEL: ARIEL H2O-P-60-WF-27D-15-S-CS-BLPLED: 4.5 WATTS / LUMENS: 336 LINEAR LED STRIP LIGHTING AS MANUFACTURED BY Q TRAN 31 LFMODEL: OMP-27-BRL-BRL-MATCHLED: 3 WATTS/FOOT / LUMENS: 300/FT TRANSFORMER TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE FOR 110V ELECTRICAL POWER AS REQUIRED TOTAL # OF LIGHTS: 8 (not including Linear LED lighting) TOTAL WATTS: 206.5TOTAL LUMENS: 19,758 T LIGHTING CUT-SHEETS SYMBOL SYMBOL SYMBOL H-19 H-21 H-21 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NOTE:PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HAS REVIEWED THE LINDA ISLE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES.ALL GUIDELINES WERE UNDERSTOOD AND DRAWING PACKAGECONFORMS TO ASSOCIATION REQUIREMENTS. H-15 63 DN DN DN DN UPDN LI N D A I S L E D R I V E NE W P O R T B A Y PL PL PL PL SHEET NO SHEET PLOTTED : DRAFTED BY: SCALE: REVISIONS KB NE W P O R T B E A C H , C A L I F O R N I A MA R I M A N R E S I D E N C E 8/29/2023 2OF 54 L I N D A I S L E NORTH 1/8" = 1' 0 4' 8' 16' 32' 18" = 1'-0" P R E L I M I N A R Y PL A N T I N G P L A N L-2 MARIMAN PLANTING LEGEND SHRUBSCLI MIN Clivia miniata ‘Mellow Yellow’ Kaffir LilyCYP PAP Cyperus papyrus PapyrusCYR FAL Cyrtomium falcatum Holly FernDIA TAS Dianella tasmanica 'Silver Streak' Silver Streak Flax LilyLIG TEX Ligustrum texanum N.C.N.LIR GIG Liriope gigantea Big Blue Lily Turf PLE REF Pleomele reflexa ‘Indian Song’ N.C.N.YUC REC Yucca recurviflora Curve Leaf YuccaZAM FUR Zamia furfuracea Cardboard Palm ESPALIERS MAG LIT Magnolia ‘Little Gem’ Little Gem MagnoliaPOD GRA Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine VINESFIC REP Ficus repens Creeping FigLON HIL Lonicera hildebrandiana Burmese Honeysuckle GROUNDCOVERS OPH JAP Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo GrassROS OFF Rosmarinus ‘Huntington Carpet’ RosemarySEN MAN Senecio mandraliscae Senecio Mandraliscae SHRUBS CLIVIA MINIATA 'MELLOW YELLOW'LIGUSTRUM TEXANUM LIRIOPE GIGANTEA CYPERUS PAPYRUS PLEOMELE REFLEXA 'INDIAN SONG' CYRTOMIUM FALCATUM YUCCA RECURVIFOLIA DIANELLA TASMANICA'SILVER STREAK' ZAMIA FURFURACEA MAGNOLIA 'LITTLE GEM' PODOCARPUS 'GRACILIOR' FICUS REPENS LONICERA HILDEBRANDIANA OPHIOPOGON JAPONICUS SENECIO MANDRALISCAE ROSMARINUS 'HUNTINGTON CARPET' 7FIC REP 1 GAL. 1 YUC REC24" BOX 12 SEN MAN 1 GAL. 2 MAG LIT 15 GAL ESPALIER 6 LIR GIG 5 GAL. 1 YUC REC 24" BOX 12 SEN MAN 1 GAL. 5 FIC REP 1 GAL. 10 LIG TEX 15 GAL. 5 CYR FAL 5 GAL. 5 POD GRA 15 GAL. ESPALIER 11 LIR GIG 5 GAL. 15 OPH JAP 1 GAL. 2 CYP PAP 15 GAL. 16 OPH JAP 1 GAL. 2 CLI MIN15 GAL. 2POD GRA 15 GAL. 1PLE REF 24" BOX 5DIA TAS 5 GAL. 1ZAM FUR 24" BOX 1PLE REF 24" BOX 5DIA TAS 5 GAL. ESPALIERS GROUNDCOVERSVINES 3 LON HIL 15 GAL. CERAMIC CONTAINER WITH SPILLINGPLANTS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NOTE:PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HAS REVIEWED THE LINDA ISLE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES.ALL GUIDELINES WERE UNDERSTOOD AND DRAWING PACKAGECONFORMS TO ASSOCIATION REQUIREMENTS. 64