HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 - Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report, Side Letter Agreement with the PTEANB, Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation PlanCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report TO: FROM: PREPARED BY: November 28, 2023 Agenda Item No. 10 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Jason AI -Imam, Finance Director/Treasurer - 949-644-3126, jalimam@newportbeachca.gov Shelby Burguan, Budget Manager, sburguan@newportbeachca.gov, 949-644-3085 TITLE: Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82: Approving a Side Letter Agreement with the Part -Time Employees Association of Newport Beach, Approving a Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan, and Adopting New Salary Schedules ABSTRACT: The Finance Department prepares quarterly financial reports to review in detail the status of revenues and expenditures for the City of Newport Beach General Fund and to monitor budgetary trends in other City funds. This report contains information on revenues, expenditures and estimated fund balance for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2023-24, which was reviewed and discussed with the Finance Committee on November 9, 2023. The FY 2023-24 first quarter financial report reflects a $4.6 million General Fund operating surplus based on an analysis of the City's financial activity from July through September 2023. Adjustments for budgeted revenues and expenditures are proposed for City Council consideration, which are outlined in this report. In addition, certain personnel changes to job titles are recommended to create a pathway for career development and to assist with succession planning and recruitment. RECOMMENDATIONS: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Review and approve the City Manager's recommended adjustments to City of Newport Beach job classification titles and salary ranges as required by the California Public Employees' Retirement System in accordance with 2 CCR §570.5 (a)(1); c) Adopt Resolution No. 2023-82, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Approving a Side Letter Agreement with the Part Time Employees Association of Newport Beach, Approving a Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan, and Adopting New Salary Schedules; 10-1 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 2 d) Approve Budget Amendment No. 24-027, adjusting revenue estimates and expenditure appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget as further outlined in this report; and e) Receive and file the attached report of budget amendments for the first quarter. DISCUSSION: Economic Overview The City's assessed property values continue to increase, providing a strong revenue base for the City. Recent trends in inflation and the inverted Treasury yield curves have caused concern in the broader economy and financial markets, and sales tax growth has slowed as is discussed later in this report. Transient occupancy tax (TOT) continues to grow, and the opening of the Pendry Newport Beach hotel in September 2023 should further bolster the City's TOT revenues. The City is well positioned to withstand the impacts of a potential recession and is expected to maintain long-term fiscal sustainability. General Fund Revenues Most revenue categories performed at or higher than their budgeted levels last year due to more favorable economic conditions than what was originally anticipated in the adopted budget. Growth in many areas has led to a $3.5 million projected increase in General Fund revenues than what was estimated in the adopted budget. Projections for property taxes, other taxes, and service fees are offset by a decrease in sales tax projections. The following table summarizes the changes to projected General Fund revenues versus the revised budget for FY 2023-24. Details highlighting the reasons for the material variances follow. FY 2023-24 Proiected General Fund Revenues Property Taxes 138,358,730 141,373,233 141,373,233 142,715,981 1,342,748 1% Sales Tax 46,552,459 48,532,772 48,532,772 45,257,551 (3,275,221) -7% Transient Occupancy Tax 30,201,648 31,986,150 31,986,150 31,986,150 - 0% Other Taxes 10,079,710 8,937,999 8,937,999 9,922,292 984,293 11% Service Fees & Charges 25,187,124 24,429,291 24,429,291 25,029,291 600,000 2% Parking Revenue 7,420,314 7,900,099 7,900,099 7,900,099 - 0% Licenses and Permits 5,676,619 5,746,027 5,746,027 5,746,027 - 0% Property Income 7,530,393 8,125,682 8,125,682 9,425,682 1,300,000 16% Fines & Penalties 3,838,752 3,799,784 3,799,784 3,799,784 - 0% Intergovernmental 4,379,680 2,289,407 2,382,767 2,382,767 - 0% Investment Earnings 1,690,399 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 - 0% Misc Revenues 3,394,938 167,293 425,362 435,362 10,000 2% Operating Transfers In 18,428,263 19,020,967 21,251,267 21,251,267 - 0% Total Revenues 302,739,030 304,058,704 306,640,433 307,602,252 961,820 0•% 10-2 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 3 Property Tax - Property taxes are the City's single largest General Fund revenue and represent approximately 50% of all General Fund revenues. Property tax revenue was projected to increase approximately 3% from $136.9 million in FY 2022-23 to $141.4 million in FY 2023-24. This is largely due to the inflation adjustment indexed at the 2% cap allowed by Proposition 13, and due to changes in ownership — which was partially offset with an anticipated decrease in property transfer tax revenue as home sales continue to slow due to rising interest rates. Property tax revenue for FY 2022-23 totaled $138.4 million, which is $1.5 million higher than previously projected. The higher -than -projected revenue in FY 2022-23 is largely due to supplemental property tax revenue, which was aided by increases in assessed values related to changes in ownership and new construction. Therefore, property tax revenue for FY 2023-24 is projected to be $1.3 million higher than previously projected due to the increase in assessed values. Staff is recommending a budget amendment to align the revised budget with updated projections. Sales Tax - The second largest funding source for the General Fund is sales tax revenue, making up more than 15% of General Fund revenues. The City's sales tax base is largely generated from three industry groups — autos and transportation; general consumer goods; and restaurants/hotels. Sales tax in FY 2022-23 came in at $46.6 million, which was lower than what was predicted in prior quarters. The FY 2023-24 budget was developed before the trend in sales tax began declining. Staff is therefore lowering the FY 2023-24 projection to $45.3 million — a decrease of $3.3 million from the FY 2023-24 adopted budget projection. The decrease in the sales tax projection is primarily attributable to a 5.5% projected decrease in sales from autos and transportation over the prior year compared to the previously projected decrease of 1.4% over FY 2022-23. This equates to a $1.7 million decrease in projected sales tax revenue over what was previously projected. Moreover, sales tax revenue is projected to be lower than the prior year due to decreases in sales from most industry groups except for restaurants and hotels. The projected decrease in sales tax revenue from these other industry groups is largely due to a shift in consumer spending to nontaxable items, such as travel, leisure and entertainment. However, sales from restaurants and hotels remain strong with patrons allocating around 40% of their food budget to dining out. A budget amendment is recommended to align the revised budget with updated projections. Transient Occupancy Tax — The third largest funding source for the General Fund is TOT, making up more than 10% of General Fund revenues. The City has seen record high TOT revenues in the wake of the pandemic: FY 2022-23 saw growth rates of 10% and 24% for hotel TOT and residential TOT respectively. Staff's projection for Q1 is in line with the budgeted revenues, and no adjustment is recommended. Staff will continue to monitor TOT trends and will provide additional updates to projections as necessary in future quarterly financial reports. All Other Revenue — This category includes all other revenue sources other than the top three (property tax, sales tax and TOT). All other revenue is made up of the following: • Other Taxes — real property transfer taxes, business license taxes, marine charter taxes and franchise fees. This category is anticipated to have increased revenues of $984,000 from business licenses and franchise fees, which will align projections with actual revenues received in the prior fiscal year. 10-3 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 4 • Service Fees and Charges — plan check fees, recreation classes, emergency medical services fees and numerous other cost -of -service fees. It is anticipated that fees will bring in an additional $600,000 in revenue above the adopted budget, largely from paramedic service fees, as well as other fees that were increased in the latest fee study approved by Council after the budget was adopted. • Parking Revenue — all General Fund -related metered parking fees that are assessed throughout the various parking zones of the city. • Licenses and Permits — fees charged to process building related permits, street closure permits, dog licenses and police tow franchise fees. • Property Income — City -owned and -managed, income -producing properties; long-term ground leases to concessions, restaurants, hotels and other businesses and organizations; and rental of City facilities to the public. As was reported in the FY 2022-23 Fourth Quarter Budget Update, revenues and expenses for the Dove Street property must be accounted for at their gross amount in the City's general ledger, resulting in additional revenues and expenses that net out in the General Fund. A budget amendment is recommended to increase the revenues and expenses by $1.3 million to account for this activity. • Fines and Penalties — parking citation fines collected by the City, administrative citation fines, fines remitted to the City from the County of Orange for vehicle code violations, and false alarm penalties. • Intergovernmental Revenues — federal, state and local grant revenues, which includes, but is not limited to, the City's portion of the half cent sales tax revenue paid to the County for public safety, state mandate reimbursements, reimbursement for strike teams sent to assist with fires, and revenue sharing with the County under the Waste Disposal Agreement. • Investment Earnings — revenue generated from the investment of City funds. • Miscellaneous Revenues — restricted revenue, damage to City property, bad debt, donations and contributions, non -operating revenues such as proceeds from the sale of materials and equipment, and other miscellaneous revenues. A budget amendment increasing revenues and expenses by $10,000 is included to accept a donation from the Dorothy Ressel trust and appropriate it in the Fire Department's expenditure budget. General Fund Expenditures The FY 2023-24 General Fund revised expenditure budget totals $308 million. Spending trends in FY 2023-24 are generally consistent with prior years and do not indicate any cause for concern. Total expenditure savings of $1.4 million are projected at this time due to year-to-date savings from vacancies and savings from transferring the purchase of an ambulance to a different funding source, offset by expenses that are addressed in Budget Amendment No. 24-027 (Attachment A), and are explained in detail below. The following table summarizes the changes to the adopted expenditure budget for FY 2023-24, as well as expenditure savings by budget category. Details highlighting the reasons for the material variances follow. 10-4 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 5 FY 2023-24 Pro itures Salary & Benefits $173,678,368 $178,930,368 $176,906,515 $2,023,853 1.1% Contract Services 28,455,395 33,959,690 33,959,690 0.0% Grant Operating 490,000 799,298 799,298 0.0% Utilities 4,365,888 4,365,888 4,365,888 - 0.0% Supplies & Materials 3,990,531 4,721,943 4,721,943 0.0% Maintenance & Repair 13,884,795 15,223,086 15,223,086 - 0.0% Travel & Training 840,151 888,771 868,771 20,000 2.3% General Expenses 2,455,445 2,639,158 3,939,158 (1,300,000) -49.3% Internal Svc Charge 29,463,973 29,422,570 29,422,570 - 0.0% Capital Expenditures 1,803,666 2,625,489 1,975,489 650,000 24.8% Operating Transfers Out 34,489,271 34,489,271 $34,489,271 - 0.0% Total Expenditures $293,917,485 $308,065,533 $306,671,680 $1,393,853 0.5% Significant expenditure budget variances are as follows: • The revised salary and benefits budget totals $178.9 million, an increase of $5.3 million over the adopted budget. The increase is primarily due to the appropriation of $5.0 million from the FY 2023-24 structural budget surplus as an additional discretionary payment to CalPERS to further reduce the City's unfunded pension liability. An analysis of salary and benefit activity for quarter one indicates that $2 million in personnel savings have been captured to date. These savings are offset by three proposed budget increases. The adopted budget should have included $40 million for the CalPERS UAL payment, but erroneously was missing the UAL budgets in one program, in the Fire Department, leaving the total adopted UAL budget $215,000 short. A budget amendment is requested to fully fund the UAL payment at the level that Council directed. It is recommended to transfer one maintenance aide position, a position within the Public Works Department, from the Equipment Maintenance Fund to the General Fund, as the responsibilities and needs of the department more accurately should be funded from the General Fund. • The travel and training budget will be decreased by $20,000 as the budget intended for Certified Access Specialist (CASp) training should be funded from Fund 180, the Restricted Programs Fund, and was erroneously included in the General Fund budget in FY 2023-24, despite this program being transferred to Fund 180 in the prior fiscal year. A budget amendment is recommended to transfer $20,000 from the General Fund to the Restricted Programs Fund. • The budget amendment that Council approved when the Dove Street property was purchased accounted for only the net activity of revenues and expenses. As was reported in the FY 2022-23 Fourth Quarter Budget Update, revenues and expenses must be accounted for at their gross amount in our general ledger, resulting in additional revenues and expenses that net out in the General Fund. A budget amendment is recommended to increase the revenues and expenses by $1.3 million to account for this activity on a gross basis. 10-5 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 6 The capital expenditures budget will be decreased by $650,000 as the purchase of the ambulance unit that was approved in the FY 2023-24 budget is proposed to be transferred to the Fire Equipment Fund to utilize funding from development agreements, which is described in more detail in the Fire Equipment Fund section of this report. General Fund Sources, Uses and Projected Surplus The City continues to be in excellent financial health. Conservative budgeting and sound financial policies have resulted in a trend of General Fund operating surpluses and strong reserve levels for several years. The City is well positioned to continue delivering high levels of services to the community while targeting surplus resources to key priorities each year. It is currently projected that unrestricted General Fund resources will total $4.6 million at the end of FY 2023-24. As is the case each year, staff anticipate that additional budget savings will be realized, and the final year-end budget surplus will exceed this amount. The table below illustrates the prior year sources and uses of funds, current year activity and the projected year-end results. FY 2023-24 Proiected General Fund Sources, Uses and Budaet Surplus Beginning Fund Balance Reserves $ 15,254,999 $ 15,254,999 $ 0.0% Operating Resources: Operating Revenues 285,389,166 286,350,985 961,819 0.3% Prior Year Resources Carried Forward 5,465,426 5,465,426 - 0.0% Transfers In from Other Funds 21,251,267 21,251,267 0.0% Repayment of Advances 1,250,000 1,250,000 - 0.0% Total Operating Resources 313,355,859 314,317,678 961,819 0.3% Operating Uses: Operating Expenditures 273,576,262 272,182,409 (1,393,853) -0.5% Transfers Out 34,489,271 34,489,271 0.0% Total Operating Uses 308,065,533 306,671,680 (1,393,853) -0.5% Net Operating Surplus 5,290,326 7,645,998 2,355,672 44.5% Non -Operating Resources & Uses Transfers Out for Prior Year Surplus Allocation to Paydown OPEB and to Capital Project Funds (13,270,950) (13,270,950) - 0.0% Transfers Out to Capital Project Funds (5,005,300) (5,005,300) 0.0% Total Non -Operating Resources & Uses (18,276,250) (18,276,250) 0.0% Net Change in Fund Balance (12,985,924) (10,630,252) 0.0% Ending Fund Balance Reserves $ 2,269,075 $ 4,624,747 $ 2,355,672 103.8% Facility Financing Plan Per the City's Municipal Code, park dedication and in -lieu fees provide for the dedication of land, the payment of fees in lieu thereof or a combination of both, for park or recreational purposes in conjunction with the approval of residential development. Park zone fees in Park Zone 9 are anticipated to total $976,701 in FY 2023-24. A budget amendment is recommended to align the budgeted revenues in this fund with current projections by increasing revenues in account 51303-422105. 10-6 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 7 IT Replacement Fund The IT Replacement Internal Service Fund (ISF) was established in 2012 to set aside funds for large technology purchases and implementations. The fund has over $8 million in reserves. This fund accumulates reserves over the useful life of crucial City technology assets so that sufficient resources are available for the eventual replacement of these assets. Typical assets that are budgeted for replacement are enterprise business applications, PCs, mobile devices, networking equipment, phone systems, data center servers and hardware, as well as specialized systems like library self -checkout stations. There are two necessary system replacements that are included as part of the budget amendment:, the Fire Records Management System (RMS) and the Lifeguard Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. The evaluations of these systems were completed after the budget was adopted. The Fire Department, along with support from IT, requests funding to upgrade the department's existing Records Management System (RMS) for the Fire Operations Division to match the County's reporting portal. In doing so, the City will centralize its records data under one system, modernize its records management, and have the ability to access additional software system features. A budget amendment for $118,695 will cover the implementation and three years of licensing of the application. The Fire Department's Lifeguard Division has relied on a modified version of the Computer Aided Dispatch System used by the Police Department. However, it is limited in capability due to its design as a police department -specific program. Transitioning to a new lifeguard -specific software will allow for greater operational use and flexibility for the division and provide for better coordination with the City's IT team. A budget amendment for $119,511 will cover the implementation and five years of licensing of the application. Fire Equipment Fund The FY 2023-24 adopted budget includes $650,000 in the General Fund for the purchase of a new ambulance unit. It was anticipated that funding from two development agreements that total $1 million would fund this purchase. However, due to uncertainty in the timing of receiving those funds, the General Fund was positioned to front the cost of purchasing the unit, with the understanding that the General Fund would be reimbursed once the developer funds had been received. Now that a portion of developer funds have been received for the Newport Crossings and Harbor Pointe projects, it is recommended that the budget for the purchase and outfitting of the new ambulance be transferred to the Fire Equipment Fund where it will be fully offset by the additional revenues. Other Funds Staff has evaluated the fiscal condition of the City's other major operating funds (Tidelands and Water). An analysis of the budget performance for these funds indicates that no budget adjustments are necessary and variances between budgeted and actual amounts are within reason. 10- 7 Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 8 Personnel Changes The departure of City personnel in the Human Resources Department provided an opportunity to evaluate the staffing structure within the department and inconsistencies in job titles for the analyst series were found. To align positions within the series and across the organization, the city manager recommends changes to the following job classifications to better clarify the existing analyst series: • Management assistant to assistant management analyst • Human resources specialist I to human resources specialist • Human resources specialist II to assistant human resources analyst These changes, which also adjust the corresponding part-time positions, will create a pathway for career development and are expected to assist with succession planning and recruitment. No changes are proposed to the related pay rates. The proposed changes will impact certain employee benefits, as some positions are moving from the Newport Beach Professional and Technical Employees Association to the Key and Management employee group, however, these changes result in nominal cost adjustments and can be absorbed in the current fiscal year. Changes made to the salary ranges must comply with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) as outlined in 2 CCR §570.5. The law requires all pay schedules (Attachment C) to be publicly available; to identify each position title and the correlating pay rate; to indicate an effective date and/or revision date for the listed positions and pay rates; and prohibits referencing another document in lieu of disclosing the pay rate. Further, the ranges must be approved and adopted by the employer's governing body. FISCAL IMPACT: As a result of the Budget Amendment (Attachment A) included with this report, revenue estimates will be adjusted upward by $444,229 and $1,763,634 will be appropriated to the expenditure accounts listed in the Budget Amendment. These budget amendments are incorporated in the projected Fiscal Year 2023-24 column of the General Fund Sources & Uses table on page 6 of this report. With the proposed budget amendments, the General Fund operating surplus is estimated at $4.6 million at the end of the first quarter of FY 2023-24. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. �: Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report and Resolution No. 2023-82 November 28, 2023 Page 9 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Budget Amendment No. 24-027 Attachment B — Budget Amendments for the First Quarter Attachment C — Resolution No. 2023-82 10-9 Attachment A Budget Amendment No. 24-027 10-10 City of Newport Beach BUDGET AMENDMENT 2023-24 Department: Finance Requestor: Jason AI -Imam ❑ CITY MANAGER'S APPROVAL ONLY 0 COUNCIL APPROVAL REQUIRED ONETIME: 0 Yes ❑ No Approvals BA#: 24-027 Finance Director: Date 118172 Citv Clerk: Date EXPLANATION FOR REQUEST: To adjust revenue estimates and expenditure appropriations relating to Fiscal Year 2023-24 Q1 staff report. from existing budget appropriations Q from additional estimated revenues 0 From unappropriated fund balance Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 010 01003 412005 GENERAL FUND MISC NON OP - SALES AND USE TAX (3,275,220.00) 010 01003 411000 GENERAL FUND MISC NON OP - PROPERTY TAX CURRENT SECURE 2,053,965.33 010 01003 411005 GENERAL FUND MISC NON OP - PROP TAX IN LIEU OF VLF 228,681.00 010 01003 411010 GENERAL FUND MISC NON OP - PROPERTY TAX CUR UNSECURED 60,101.46 010 01003 414040 GENERAL FUND MISC NON OP - PROPERTY TAX TRANSFERS (1,000,000.00} 010 01040401 561005 FIRE OPERATIONS - PRVT DONATION/CONTRIBUTNS 10,000.00 513 51303 422105 FFP NON OP - PARK FEES ZONE 9 976,701.00 513 51303 422110 FFP NON OP - PARK FEES ZONE 10 90,000.00 010 01050505 551305 REAL PROPERTY GEN FUND - 1201 DOVE STREET PROP MGR REVP 1,300,000.00 Subtotall 5 444.228.79 Fund # Org Object Project Description Increase or (Decrease) $ 010 01040401 871044 FIRE OPERATIONS - HONOR GUARD 10,000.00 010 01040405 725001 JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS - PENSION UAL REQUIRED MISC 130,933.41 010 01040405 725002 JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS - PENSION UAL REQUIRED SAFETY 32,677.2C 010 01040405 725003 JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS - PENSION UAL DISCRETIONARY MISC 41,469.11 010 01040405 725004 JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS - PENSION UAL DISCRETIONARY SFTY 10,349.5C 010 01050504 861005 BUILDING -TRAINING CITY WIDE (20,000.0C 180 1805042 861008 CASP TRAINING - CASP CERTMCATION &TRAINING 20,000.0C 752 7529031 711001 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - SALARIES MISCELLANEOUS (33,544.7C 752 7529031 723004 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - RETIREMENT PART TIME/TEMP (1,257.93 752 7529031 727016 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - MEDICARE FRINGES (486.4C 752 7529031 727004 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - RHS $2.50 CONTRIBUTION {1,204.00 010 0108031 711001 PARKS - SALARIES MISCELLANEOUS 33,544.7C 010 0108031 723004 PARKS - RETIREMENT PART TIME/TEMP 1,257.92 010 0108031 727016 PARKS - MEDICARE FRINGES 486.4C 010 0108031 727004 PARKS - RHS $2.50 CONTRIBUTION 1,204.00 010 01050505 871075 765 7657650 871017 LGCAD 765 7657650 871017 FDRMS 010 01040401 911016 010 01040404 911024 756 75604 911024 FUND BALANCE REAL PROPERTY GEN FUND - 1201 DOVE STREET PROP MGR EXPN IT REPLACEMENT - SOFTWARE LICENSE RENEWAL IT REPLACEMENT - SOFTWARE LICENSE RENEWAL FIRE OPERATiONS - ROLLING EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES - EQUIPMENT N.D.C. FIRE EQUIPMENT NON OP - EQUIPMENT N.D.C. Fund ## Object Description 010 300000 GENERAL FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 180 300000 RESTRICTED PROGRAMS FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 513 300000 FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 752 300000 EQUIPMENT FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 765 300000 IT STRATEGIC FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL 756 300000 FIRE EQUIPMENT FUND - FUND BALANCE CONTROL SubtotalE $ 1,300,000.00 118,694.17 119,511.00 (500,000.00 (150,000.00 650,000.00 1,763,634.39 Increase or (Decrease) 5 (1,514,394.45) (20,000.00) 1,066,701.00 36,493.02 (238,205.17) (650,000.00) Subtotal! $ (1,319,405.60) Fund Balance Change Required 10-12 Attachment B Budget Amendments for the First Quarter 10-13 City of Newport Beach Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Amendments Quarter Ending September 30, 2023 Net Effect on Fund Balance BA# Date Amendment Type Fund Revenues Expenditures Increase/(Decrease) Department Explanation 001 07/01/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 10,000,000.00 (10,000,000.00) Various To transfer structural surplus revenue to increase expenditure GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 appropriations. Funds will be allocated to CaIPERS UAL Additional payment for FY 23-24, Facilities Financing Plan and future Capital FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 Improvement Projects. 002 07/01/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND Fire For payments to State of California for participation in PP-GEMT-IGT - 309,298.18 (309,298.18) program. 003 07/01/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 31,359.69 31,359.69 Police Accept Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant and appropriate first year allocation. Year 1 of 3. 004 07/01/2023 City Manager GENERAL FUND Police Boardwalk Enforcement Program - Council approval to utilize contract services allocation for NBPD overtime deployment. 005 07/01/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND - 70,000.00 (70,000.00) City Manager Professional Services Agreement with American Global Security, Inc., for Security Guard Services at Civic Center and other City Facilities during hours of non -operation. 006 07/11/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 200,000.00 200,000.00 Library Accept donation from the Friends of Newport Beach Library and appropriate amount to department's Maintenance and Operation budget. 007 07/11/2023 City Council IT STRATEGIC FUND - 278,924.14 (278,924.14) City Manager - Information Purchase of Dell Hardware for replacement of City's Data Center Technology Server Storage. 008 07/11/2023 City Council ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY FUND 1,173,075.00 (1,173,075.00) To appropriate expenditures from the unappropriated Environmental Public Works Liability fund balance for the Newport Bay Trash Wheel project ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1,600,000.00 1,600,000.00 (17x12). 009 07/11/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 (2,000,000.00) To appropriate funding to American Family Housing for the Travelodge North Homekey Project. 010 07/25/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 62,000.00 62,000.00 Police Accept Department of Homeland Security Operation Stonegarden Grant Funds - Grant supports enhanced cooperation and coordination among Customs and Border Protection, United States Border Patrol, and local law enforcement. 013 08/15/2023 City Manager COMM DEVL BLK GRANT FUND 688,388.00 680,228.00 8,160.00 Community Development To align the FY24 budget with the approved FY2023-24 Action Plan for CDBG Projects. 014 08/15/2023 City Manager ASSESSMENT DIST #123 5,300.00 5,300.00 - To increase expenditure appropriations from the Assessment District Public Works #123 fund unappropriated fund balance for the hours and cost to GENERAL FUND 5,300.00 5,300.00 (5,300.00) complete the scope of services. 016 08/15/2023 City Manager MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL - 9,898.19 (9,898.19) Library City Art Commission - use of 2015 Donations for 2023 City Arts REVENUES FUND Comission Marina Park Concert. 012 08/22/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 1,665,952.00 (1,665,952.00) Public Works To appropriate a portion of the FY2022-23 year-end surplus to the NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT 1,665,952.00 1,665,952.00 Arroyo Park Synthetic Turf Field Installation project (23P11). 017 08/22/2023 City Council FiiN FUND - 76,758.65 (76,758.65) Recreation and Senior Independent Contract Agreement with Newport Bay Naturalists and Services Friends, d.b.a Newport Bay Conservancy, for the Fostering interest in Nature (FiiN) program. 020 09/01/2023 City Manager GENERAL FUND 10,000.00 10,000.00 Fire Transfer from Dorothy Arens Ressel Trust and increase expenditure SPECIAL PURPOSE DEPOSIT FUND 10,000.00 (10,000.00) in Fire Department for Honor Guard. 022 09/01/2023 City Manager GENERAL FUND 4,000.00 4,000.00 Library To appropriate expenditures to cover required expendes for the SPECIAL PURPOSE DEPOSIT FUND - 4,000.00 (4,000.00) Literacy Program. 011 09/12/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND 39,980.00 39,980.00 Library Accept donation from the Newport Beach Library Foundation to enhance collections and furniture for the Newport Beach Public Library. 019 09/12/2023 City Council PEG FEES FUNDS - 90,000.00 (90,000.00) Public Works Appropriate funds from the PEG Fee Fund for PEG Equipment. 023 09/27/2023 City Council GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 77,756.00 (77,756.00) Public Works Appropriate expenses from the General Fund Capital Projects fund for the Concrete Replacement Program FY2023-24 (Project No.24R06). 025 09/29/2023 City Manager GENERAL FUND 4,088.99 4,088.99 Fire To recognize revenue from donation and appropriate expenditure for Fire Cadet Program 10-14 ATTACHMENT C RESOLUTION NO. 2023- 82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT WITH THE PART TIME EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION OF NEWPORT BEACH, APPROVING A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE KEY AND MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN, AND ADOPTING NEW SALARY SCHEDULES WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 2022-10 adopting a Key and Management Compensation Plan ("Plan") establishing compensation and benefit terms for certain unrepresented employees, including Executive Management, Administrative Management, Division Management and Confidential employees for the period January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025; WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach ("City") promotes effective communication and collaborative working relationships with its employees while balancing good management practices; WHEREAS, the City previously entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the Part Time Employees Association of Newport Beach ("PTEANB"), a recognized organization, for the term of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025; WHEREAS, Chapter 2.28 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") authorizes the City Manager to review job position classifications and salary ranges and make recommendations for changes to remove inequities or to meet the operational needs of the City; WHEREAS, the City Manager is recommending updating the Citywide salary schedule to revise the titles of certain job position classifications and said recommendations are subject to City Council approval via a resolution; WHEREAS, changes made to the salary ranges must comply with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) as outlined in Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations Section, Section 570.5; and WHEREAS, by adopting this resolution, the City Council intends to revise certain job position classification titles contained in the existing PTEANB MOU and Key & Management Compensation Plan by adopting the Side Letter of Agreement, amended Plan language and associated salary schedules to serve as the controlling provisions for the remaining terms thereof. 10-15 Resolution No. 2023- Page 2 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows.. Section 1: The City Council does hereby approve a Side Letter Agreement with the Part Time Employees Association of Newport Beach, a Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan, and the salary schedules and ranges set forth in Exhibits A and B, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The language contained in the attached Side Letter of Agreement, the Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan as well as the salary ranges set forth in the salary schedules shall prevail over any previously adopted language or salary range that conflicts herewith. Section 2: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. 10-16 Resolution No. 2023- Page 3 of 3 Section 5: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 28th day of November, 2023. NOAH BLOM Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE A ron C. Harp City Attorney Attachment(s): Exhibit A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB Exhibit B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan 10-17 EXHIBIT A SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND THE NEWPORT BEACH PART TIME EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION This Side Letter of Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the City of Newport Beach ("City") and the Part Time Employees Association of Newport Beach ("Association") (collectively "Parties") with respect to the following: WHEREAS, on March 8, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-17 approving a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the Parties with a term of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025; WHEREAS, the Parties wish to modify the MOU to add and/or update certain Association job position titles and associated salary range information; WHEREAS, on S , 2023, this Agreement was ratified by the Association; and WHEREAS, this Agreement will not have the effect of an agreement, and will not be binding on either party, until it is approved by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the Parties as follows: 1. Exhibit "A" of the MOU is replaced in its entirety with Exhibit A to this Agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as expressly modified herein, all other provisions, terms, and covenants set forth in the MOU shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. Signatures on the next page PTEANB Side Letter Agreement — November 2023 10-18 Executed this � day of 2023. ATTEST: LIZA FOR THE PART TIME EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION OF NEWPORT BEACH: By: Ozra , Pr i ent FOR THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH: Noah Blom, Mayor CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: "" A on C. Harp, City Attorney LeiIani Brown, City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit A — Salary Schedule PTEAN3 Side Letter Agreement — November 2023 10-19 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 1 $ 30.39 $ 5,267 $ 63,209 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 2 $ 31.90 $ 5,530 $ 66,354 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 3 $ 33.49 $ 5,805 $ 69,659 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 4 $ 35.20 $ 6,101 $ 73,215 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 5 $ 36.90 $ 6,396 $ 76,748 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 6 $ 38.78 $ 6,722 $ 80,669 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 7 $ 40.72 $ 7,059 $ 84,704 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 8 $ 42.78 $ 7,416 $ 88,989 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 9 $ 44.92 $ 7,787 $ 93,438 Assistant, Department P/T 55 1 $ 23.82 $ 4,130 $ 49,555 Assistant, Department P/T 55 2 $ 25.03 $ 4,338 $ 52,062 Assistant, Department P/T 55 3 $ 26.28 $ 4,555 $ 54,661 Assistant, Department P/T 55 4 $ 27.59 $ 4,783 $ 57,396 Assistant, Department P/T 55 5 $ 28.97 $ 5,022 $ 60,268 Assistant, Department P/T 55 6 $ 30.42 $ 5,273 $ 63,277 Assistant, Department P/T 55 7 $ 31.94 $ 5,537 $ 66,445 Assistant, Department P/T 55 8 $ 33.53 $ 5,813 $ 69,750 Assistant, Department P/T 55 9 $ 35.21 $ 6,103 $ 73,238 Assistant, Office P/T 15 1 $ 20.34 $ 3,526 $ 42,306 Assistant, Office P/T 15 2 $ 21.41 $ 3,712 $ 44,540 Assistant, Office P/T 15 3 $ 22.48 $ 3,896 $ 46,751 Assistant, Office P/T 15 4 $ 23.58 $ 4,088 $ 49,053 Assistant, Office P/T 15 5 $ 24.77 $ 4,293 $ 51,515 Assistant, Office P/T 15 6 $ 26.01 $ 4,508 $ 54,091 Assistant, Office P/T 15 7 $ 27.31 $ 4,734 $ 56,803 Assistant, Office P/T 15 8 $ 28.69 $ 4,973 $ 59,675 Assistant, Office P/T 15 9 $ 30.12 $ 5,222 $ 62,659 Building Inspector II P/T 36 1 $ 36.62 $ 6,348 $ 76,178 Building Inspector II P/T 36 2 $ 38.48 $ 6,669 $ 80,031 Building Inspector II P/T 36 3 $ 40.39 $ 7,002 $ 84,020 Building Inspector II P/T 36 4 $ 42.43 $ 7,355 $ 88,259 Building Inspector II P/T 36 5 $ 44.54 $ 7,720 $ 92,636 Building Inspector II P/T 36 6 $ 46.76 $ 8,105 $ 97,263 Building Inspector II P/T 36 7 $ 49.10 $ 8,510 $ 102,118 10-20 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Building Inspector II P/T 36 8 $ 51.55 $ 8,935 $ 107,224 Building Inspector II P/T 36 9 $ 54.13 $ 9,382 $ 112,585 Building Inspector, Principal P/T-R 37R 1 $ 63.02 $ 10,924 $ 131,087 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 1 $ 34.60 $ 5,997 $ 71,962 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 2 $ 36.35 $ 6,301 $ 75,609 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 3 $ 38.17 $ 6,616 $ 79,392 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 4 $ 40.08 $ 6,947 $ 83,359 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 5 $ 42.09 $ 7,296 $ 87,553 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 6 $ 44.20 $ 7,661 $ 91,929 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 7 $ 46.41 $ 8,044 $ 96,534 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 8 $ 48.74 $ 8,449 $ 101,389 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 9 $ 51.18 $ 8,872 $ 106,458 Civil Engineer, Senior P/T-R 47R 1 $ 78.28 $ 13,569 $ 162,827 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 1 $ 28.16 $ 4,882 $ 58,581 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 2 $ 29.58 $ 5,127 $ 61,522 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 3 $ 31.06 $ 5,383 $ 64,599 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 4 $ 32.62 $ 5,655 $ 67,858 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 5 $ 34.25 $ 5,936 $ 71,232 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 6 $ 35.98 $ 6,236 $ 74,833 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 7 $ 37.75 $ 6,544 $ 78,526 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 8 $ 39.64 $ 6,871 $ 82,447 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 9 $ 41.62 $ 7,214 $ 86,569 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 1 $ 23.93 $ 4,149 $ 49,783 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 2 $ 25.12 $ 4,354 $ 52,244 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 3 $ 26.38 $ 4,572 $ 54,866 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 4 $ 27.69 $ 4,800 $ 57,601 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 5 $ 29.08 $ 5,041 $ 60,496 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 6 $ 30.53 $ 5,292 $ 63,505 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 7 $ 32.07 $ 5,558 $ 66,696 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 8 $ 33.67 $ 5,835 $ 70,024 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 9 $ 35.35 $ 6,127 $ 73,525 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 1 $ 33.64 $ 5,832 $ 69,978 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 2 $ 35.33 $ 6,124 $ 73,489 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 3 $ 37.11 $ 6,432 $ 77,182 10-21 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 4 $ 38.96 $ 6,753 $ 81,033 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 5 $ 40.90 $ 7,089 $ 85,068 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 6 $ 42.95 $ 7,444 $ 89,330 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 7 $ 45.10 $ 7,817 $ 93,798 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 8 $ 47.35 $ 8,208 $ 98,494 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 9 $ 49.72 $ 8,618 $ 103,419 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 1 $ 31.67 $ 5,490 $ 65,875 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 2 $ 33.25 $ 5,763 $ 69,158 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 3 $ 34.91 $ 6,052 $ 72,622 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 4 $ 36.66 $ 6,354 $ 76,247 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 5 $ 38.50 $ 6,673 $ 80,076 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 6 $ 40.43 $ 7,007 $ 84,088 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 7 $ 42.44 $ 7,357 $ 88,282 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 8 $ 44.57 $ 7,725 $ 92,704 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 9 $ 46.80 $ 8,112 $ 97,339 Custody Officer P/T 02 1 $ 29.00 $ 5,026 $ 60,314 Custody Officer P/T 02 2 $ 30.44 $ 5,277 $ 63,322 Custody Officer P/T 02 3 $ 31.97 $ 5,541 $ 66,491 Custody Officer P/T 02 4 $ 33.58 $ 5,820 $ 69,842 Custody Officer P/T 02 5 $ 35.25 $ 6,111 $ 73,329 Custody Officer P/T 02 6 $ 37.01 $ 6,415 $ 76,976 Custody Officer P/T 02 7 $ 38.87 $ 6,738 $ 80,851 Custody Officer P/T 02 8 $ 40.81 $ 7,074 $ 84,886 Custody Officer P/T 02 9 $ 42.85 $ 7,428 $ 89,130 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 1 $ 43.53 $ 7,545 $ 90,539 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 2 $ 45.74 $ 7,929 $ 95,143 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 3 $ 48.01 $ 8,322 $ 99,862 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 4 $ 50.44 $ 8,743 $ 104,922 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 5 $ 52.93 $ 9,175 $ 110,096 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 6 $ 55.58 $ 9,634 $ 115,612 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 7 $ 58.57 $ 10,153 $ 121,835 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 8 $ 61.29 $ 10,624 $ 127,488 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 9 $ 64.36 $ 11,155 $ 133,863 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 1 $ 39.16 $ 6,787 $ 81,444 10-22 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 2 $ 41.11 $ 7,125 $ 85,501 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 3 $ 43.17 $ 7,482 $ 89,787 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 4 $ 45.33 $ 7,856 $ 94,277 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 5 $ 47.59 $ 8,250 $ 98,995 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 6 $ 49.97 $ 8,662 $ 103,942 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 7 $ 52.47 $ 9,095 $ 109,139 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 8 $ 55.09 $ 9,549 $ 114,587 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 9 $ 57.84 $ 10,026 $ 120,316 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 1 $ 22.94 $ 3,976 $ 47,708 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 2 $ 24.10 $ 4,177 $ 50,124 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 3 $ 25.28 $ 4,382 $ 52,586 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 4 $ 26.58 $ 4,606 $ 55,276 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 5 $ 27.88 $ 4,832 $ 57,989 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 6 $ 29.27 $ 5,074 $ 60,883 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 7 $ 30.75 $ 5,330 $ 63,961 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 8 $ 32.26 $ 5,592 $ 67,106 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 9 $ 33.88 $ 5,872 $ 70,462 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 1 $ 21.49 $ 3,725 $ 44,700 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 2 $ 22.56 $ 3,911 $ 46,933 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 3 $ 23.73 $ 4,112 $ 49,350 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 4 $ 24.89 $ 4,314 $ 51,766 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 5 $ 26.14 $ 4,530 $ 54,364 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 6 $ 27.44 $ 4,756 $ 57,077 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 7 $ 28.79 $ 4,990 $ 59,881 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 8 $ 30.24 $ 5,241 $ 62,889 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 9 $ 31.75 $ 5,503 $ 66,034 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 1 $ 25.02 $ 4,337 $ 52,039 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 2 $ 26.24 $ 4,547 $ 54,569 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 3 $ 27.54 $ 4,773 $ 57,282 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 4 $ 28.93 $ 5,015 $ 60,177 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 5 $ 30.37 $ 5,264 $ 63,163 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 6 $ 31.91 $ 5,531 $ 66,377 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 7 $ 33.52 $ 5,811 $ 69,727 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 8 $ 35.17 $ 6,096 $ 73,147 10-23 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 9 $ 36.93 $ 6,400 $ 76,804 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 1 $ 28.99 $ 5,024 $ 60,291 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 2 $ 30.43 $ 5,275 $ 63,300 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 3 $ 31.96 $ 5,539 $ 66,468 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 4 $ 33.54 $ 5,814 $ 69,773 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 5 $ 35.21 $ 6,103 $ 73,238 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 6 $ 36.99 $ 6,411 $ 76,931 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 7 $ 38.83 $ 6,730 $ 80,760 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 8 $ 40.76 $ 7,064 $ 84,772 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 9 $ 42.79 $ 7,418 $ 89,010 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 1 $ 16.57 $ 2,872 $ 34,465 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 2 $ 17.39 $ 3,015 $ 36,175 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 3 $ 18.24 $ 3,161 $ 37,930 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 4 $ 19.13 $ 3,317 $ 39,799 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 5 $ 20.12 $ 3,488 $ 41,850 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 6 $ 21.13 $ 3,662 $ 43,947 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 7 $ 22.19 $ 3,845 $ 46,145 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 8 $ 23.29 $ 4,038 $ 48,452 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 9 $ 24.46 $ 4,240 $ 50,874.53 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 1 $ 22.25 $ 3,856 $ 46,272 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 2 $ 23.36 $ 4,050 $ 48,597 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 3 $ 24.53 $ 4,251 $ 51,014 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 4 $ 25.76 $ 4,466 $ 53,589 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 5 $ 27.04 $ 4,686 $ 56,233 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 6 $ 28.39 $ 4,920 $ 59,045 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 1 $ 24.15 $ 4,187 $ 50,239 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 2 $ 25.37 $ 4,397 $ 52,769 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 3 $ 26.63 $ 4,616 $ 55,390 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 4 $ 27.98 $ 4,849 $ 58,194 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 5 $ 29.37 $ 5,091 $ 61,089 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 6 $ 30.83 $ 5,343 $ 64,120 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 7 $ 32.37 $ 5,611 $ 67,334 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 8 $ 33.99 $ 5,892 $ 70,708 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 9 $ 35.69 $ 6,187 $ 74,243 10-24 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 1 $ 39.19 $ 6,793 $ 81,512 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 2 $ 41.16 $ 7,135 $ 85,615 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 3 $ 43.22 $ 7,492 $ 89,901 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 4 $ 45.38 $ 7,866 $ 94,391 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 5 $ 47.63 $ 8,255 $ 99,064 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 6 $ 50.04 $ 8,673 $ 104,079 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 7 $ 52.53 $ 9,104 $ 109,253 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 8 $ 55.16 $ 9,560 $ 114,724 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 9 $ 57.91 $ 10,038 $ 120,460 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 1 $ 32.82 $ 5,689 $ 68,269 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 2 $ 34.47 $ 5,974 $ 71,688 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 3 $ 36.16 $ 6,268 $ 75,221 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 4 $ 37.98 $ 6,584 $ 79,005 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 5 $ 39.91 $ 6,918 $ 83,017 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 6 $ 41.85 $ 7,254 $ 87,051 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 7 $ 43.98 $ 7,623 $ 91,473 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 8 $ 46.19 $ 8,006 $ 96,078 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant P/T 08 9 $ 48.50 $ 8,407 $ 100,882 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 1 $ 45.73 $ 7,927 $ 95,121 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 2 $ 48.06 $ 8,330 $ 99,963 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 3 $ 50.45 $ 8,744 $ 104,927 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 4 $ 52.98 $ 9,182 $ 110,189 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 5 $ 55.59 $ 9,635 $ 115,623 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 6 $ 58.38 $ 10,119 $ 121,427 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 7 $ 61.26 $ 10,619 $ 127,429 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 8 $ 64.35 $ 11,154 $ 133,852 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 9 $ 67.57 $ 11,712 $ 140,544 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 1 $ 30.20 $ 5,235 $ 62,821 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 2 $ 31.71 $ 5,497 $ 65,967 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 3 $ 33.29 $ 5,771 $ 69,249 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 4 $ 34.94 $ 6,056 $ 72,668 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 5 $ 36.69 $ 6,360 $ 76,315 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 6 $ 38.51 $ 6,675 $ 80,099 Human Resources Specialist P/T 03B 7 $ 40.47 $ 7,015 $ 84,179 10-25 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 8 $ 42.44 $ 7,357 $ 88,282 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 9 $ 44.57 $ 7,725 $ 92,696 Intern P/T 05 1 $ 20.03 $ 3,472 $ 41,669 IT Technician P/T 54 1 $ 23.09 $ 4,002 $ 48,027 IT Technician P/T 54 2 $ 24.27 $ 4,207 $ 50,489 IT Technician P/T 54 3 $ 25.46 $ 4,413 $ 52,951 IT Technician P/T 54 4 $ 26.74 $ 4,635 $ 55,618 IT Technician P/T 54 5 $ 28.07 $ 4,865 $ 58,376 IT Technician P/T 54 6 $ 29.50 $ 5,114 $ 61,362 IT Technician P/T 54 7 $ 30.96 $ 5,366 $ 64,394 IT Technician P/T 54 8 $ 32.51 $ 5,636 $ 67,631 IT Technician P/T 54 9 $ 34.14 $ 5,918 $ 71,012 Librarian I P/T 21 1 $ 29.31 $ 5,081 $ 60,975 Librarian I P/T 21 2 $ 30.77 $ 5,334 $ 64,006 Librarian I P/T 21 3 $ 32.28 $ 5,596 $ 67,152 Librarian I P/T 21 4 $ 33.94 $ 5,883 $ 70,594 Librarian I P/T 21 5 $ 35.61 $ 6,172 $ 74,058 Librarian I P/T 21 6 $ 37.44 $ 6,489 $ 77,865 Librarian I P/T 21 7 $ 39.29 $ 6,810 $ 81,717 Librarian I P/T 21 8 $ 41.23 $ 7,146 $ 85,752 Librarian I P/T 21 9 $ 43.29 $ 7,503 $ 90,040 Library Assistant P/T 70 1 $ 24.95 $ 4,325 $ 51,903 Library Assistant P/T 70 2 $ 26.18 $ 4,538 $ 54,455 Library Assistant P/T 70 3 $ 27.47 $ 4,762 $ 57,145 Library Assistant P/T 70 4 $ 28.84 $ 5,000 $ 59,995 Library Assistant P/T 70 5 $ 30.29 $ 5,250 $ 63,003 Library Assistant P/T 70 6 $ 31.80 $ 5,512 $ 66,149 Library Assistant P/T 70 7 $ 33.40 $ 5,790 $ 69,477 Library Assistant P/T 70 8 $ 35.07 $ 6,078 $ 72,942 Library Assistant P/T 70 9 $ 36.82 $ 6,382 $ 76,589 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 1 $ 19.42 $ 3,366 $ 40,391 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 2 $ 20.39 $ 3,535 $ 42,420 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 3 $ 21.41 $ 3,712 $ 44,540 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 4 $ 22.50 $ 3,900 $ 46,797 10-26 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Library Clerk I P/T 05A 5 $ 23.61 $ 4,092 $ 49,099 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 6 $ 24.77 $ 4,293 $ 51,515 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 7 $ 26.01 $ 4,508 $ 54,091 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 8 $ 27.31 $ 4,734 $ 56,803 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 9 $ 28.67 $ 4,970 $ 59,643 Library Clerk II P/T 20 1 $ 20.49 $ 3,552 $ 42,625 Library Clerk II P/T 20 2 $ 21.53 $ 3,733 $ 44,791 Library Clerk II P/T 20 3 $ 22.60 $ 3,917 $ 47,002 Library Clerk II P/T 20 4 $ 23.77 $ 4,120 $ 49,441 Library Clerk II P/T 20 5 $ 24.95 $ 4,325 $ 51,903 Library Clerk II P/T 20 6 $ 26.18 $ 4,538 $ 54,455 Library Clerk II P/T 20 7 $ 27.47 $ 4,762 $ 57,145 Library Clerk II P/T 20 8 $ 28.88 $ 5,005 $ 60,063 Library Clerk II P/T 20 9 $ 30.32 $ 5,256 $ 63,066 Library Page P/T 30A 1 $ 16.71 $ 2,897 $ 34,761 Library Page P/T 30A 2 $ 17.55 $ 3,041 $ 36,494 Library Page P/T 30A 3 $ 18.42 $ 3,193 $ 38,319 Library Page P/T 30A 4 $ 19.34 $ 3,353 $ 40,234 Library Page P/T 30A 5 $ 20.31 $ 3,520 $ 42,237 Library Page P/T 30A 6 $ 21.32 $ 3,696 $ 44,348 Library Page P/T 30A 7 $ 22.39 $ 3,880 $ 46,566 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 1 $ 36.46 $ 6,319 $ 75,828 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 2 $ 38.28 $ 6,635 $ 79,623 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 3 $ 40.19 $ 6,966 $ 83,591 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 4 $ 42.20 $ 7,315 $ 87,784 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 5 $ 44.32 $ 7,681 $ 92,178 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 6 $ 46.52 $ 8,064 $ 96,770 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 7 $ 48.85 $ 8,468 $ 101,612 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 8 $ 51.30 $ 8,892 $ 106,704 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 9 $ 53.86 $ 9,337 $ 112,039 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 1 $ 43.78 $ 7,589 $ 91,063 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 2 $ 45.97 $ 7,968 $ 95,622 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 3 $ 48.27 $ 8,367 $ 100,409 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 4 $ 50.68 $ 8,785 $ 105,423 10-27 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 5 $ 53.23 $ 9,226 $ 110,712 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 6 $ 55.88 $ 9,686 $ 116,228 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 7 $ 58.67 $ 10,170 $ 122,040 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 8 $ 61.61 $ 10,679 $ 128,149 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 9 $ 64.69 $ 11,213 $ 134,557 Lifeguard Cadet P/T, Unrep 01 1 $ 17.50 $ 3,033 $ 36,400 Lifeguard Trainee P/T, Unrep 02A 1 $ 15.50 $ 2,687 $ 32,240 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 1 $ 29.67 $ 5,142 $ 61,704 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 2 $ 31.13 $ 5,397 $ 64,758 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 3 $ 32.71 $ 5,670 $ 68,041 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 4 $ 34.32 $ 5,949 $ 71,392 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 5 $ 36.09 $ 6,255 $ 75,061 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 6 $ 37.87 $ 6,565 $ 78,777 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 7 $ 39.77 $ 6,893 $ 82,720 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 8 $ 41.74 $ 7,235 $ 86,823 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 9 $ 43.83 $ 7,597 $ 91,164 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 1 $ 16.37 $ 2,838 $ 34,055 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 2 $ 17.21 $ 2,982 $ 35,787 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 3 $ 18.07 $ 3,131 $ 37,577 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 4 $ 18.97 $ 3,288 $ 39,455 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 5 $ 19.92 $ 3,452 $ 41,428 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 6 $ 20.91 $ 3,625 $ 43,499.4 Management Analyst P/T 12B 1 $ 36.55 $ 6,335 $ 76,019 Management Analyst P/T 12B 2 $ 38.41 $ 6,658 $ 79,894 Management Analyst P/T 12B 3 $ 40.31 $ 6,986 $ 83,838 Management Analyst P/T 12B 4 $ 42.29 $ 7,330 $ 87,963 Management Analyst P/T 12B 5 $ 44.43 $ 7,701 $ 92,408 Management Analyst P/T 12B 6 $ 46.66 $ 8,088 $ 97,058 Management Analyst P/T 12B 7 $ 48.97 $ 8,489 $ 101,868 Management Analyst P/T 12B 8 $ 51.43 $ 8,914 $ 106,973 Management Analyst P/T 12B 9 $ 54.00 $ 9,360 $ 112,322 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 1 $ 33.88 $ 5,872 $ 70,469 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 2 $ 35.56 $ 6,163 $ 73,956 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 3 $ 37.33 $ 6,470 $ 77,637 10-28 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 4 $ 39.21 $ 6,797 $ 81,560 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 5 $ 41.21 $ 7,144 $ 85,725 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 6 $ 43.22 $ 7,491 $ 89,890 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 7 $ 45.42 $ 7,872 $ 94,467 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 8 $ 47.69 $ 8,266 $ 99,189 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 9 $ 50.07 $ 8,679 $ 104,149 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 1 $ 42.76 $ 7,411 $ 88,937 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 2 $ 44.90 $ 7,783 $ 93,392 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 3 $ 47.15 $ 8,172 $ 98,062 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 4 $ 49.50 $ 8,581 $ 102,970 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 5 $ 51.98 $ 9,010 $ 108,116 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 6 $ 54.58 $ 9,460 $ 113,523 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 7 $ 57.30 $ 9,933 $ 119,194 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 8 $ 60.18 $ 10,431 $ 125,174 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 9 $ 63.19 $ 10,953 $ 131,433 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 1 $ 17.40 $ 3,016 $ 36,197 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 2 $ 18.25 $ 3,163 $ 37,953 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 3 $ 19.17 $ 3,322 $ 39,867 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 4 $ 20.13 $ 3,488 $ 41,861 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 1 $ 29.68 $ 5,144 $ 61,727 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 2 $ 31.16 $ 5,400 $ 64,804 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 3 $ 32.71 $ 5,670 $ 68,041 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 4 $ 34.37 $ 5,957 $ 71,483 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 5 $ 36.07 $ 6,251 $ 75,016 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 6 $ 37.85 $ 6,561 $ 78,732 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 7 $ 39.76 $ 6,891 $ 82,697 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 8 $ 41.75 $ 7,237 $ 86,846 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 9 $ 43.84 $ 7,599 $ 91,189 Paralegal P/T 92 1 $ 31.87 $ 5,524 $ 66,286 Paralegal P/T 92 2 $ 33.46 $ 5,799 $ 69,591 Paralegal P/T 92 3 $ 35.11 $ 6,086 $ 73,033 Paralegal P/T 92 4 $ 36.88 $ 6,392 $ 76,703 Paralegal P/T 92 5 $ 38.68 $ 6,705 $ 80,464 Paralegal P/T 92 6 $ 40.68 $ 7,051 $ 84,612 10-29 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Paralegal P/T 92 7 $ 42.66 $ 7,395 $ 88,738 Paralegal P/T 92 8 $ 44.85 $ 7,775 $ 93,297 Paralegal P/T 92 9 $ 47.10 $ 8,163 $ 97,962 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 1 $ 22.25 $ 3,856 $ 46,272 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 2 $ 23.36 $ 4,050 $ 48,597 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 3 $ 24.53 $ 4,251 $ 51,014 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 4 $ 25.76 $ 4,466 $ 53,589 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 5 $ 27.04 $ 4,686 $ 56,233 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 6 $ 28.39 $ 4,920 $ 59,045 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 1 $ 31.87 $ 5,524 $ 66,286 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 2 $ 33.46 $ 5,799 $ 69,591 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 3 $ 35.11 $ 6,086 $ 73,033 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 4 $ 36.88 $ 6,392 $ 76,703 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 5 $ 38.68 $ 6,705 $ 80,464 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 6 $ 40.68 $ 7,051 $ 84,612 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 7 $ 42.66 $ 7,395 $ 88,738 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 8 $ 44.85 $ 7,775 $ 93,297 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 9 $ 47.10 $ 8,163 $ 97,962 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 1 $ 32.78 $ 5,681 $ 68,178 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 2 $ 34.42 $ 5,966 $ 71,597 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 3 $ 36.14 $ 6,265 $ 75,176 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 4 $ 37.96 $ 6,580 $ 78,959 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 5 $ 39.81 $ 6,901 $ 82,812 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 6 $ 41.87 $ 7,258 $ 87,097 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 7 $ 43.89 $ 7,608 $ 91,291 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 8 $ 46.16 $ 8,001 $ 96,009 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 9 $ 48.47 $ 8,401 $ 100,810 Planner, Principal P/T 27 1 $ 48.09 $ 8,336 $ 100,033 Planner, Principal P/T 27 2 $ 50.52 $ 8,757 $ 105,082 Planner, Principal P/T 27 3 $ 53.02 $ 9,190 $ 110,275 Planner, Principal P/T 27 4 $ 55.70 $ 9,655 $ 115,855 Planner, Principal P/T 27 5 $ 58.48 $ 10,136 $ 121,629 Planner, Principal P/T 27 6 $ 61.40 $ 10,643 $ 127,717 Planner, Principal P/T 27 7 $ 64.47 $ 11,174 $ 134,094 10-30 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Planner, Principal P/T 27 8 $ 67.71 $ 11,736 $ 140,834 Planner, Principal P/T 27 9 $ 71.09 $ 12,323 $ 147,876 Planner, Principal P/T-R 27R 1 $ 71.09 $ 12,323 $ 147,876 Planning Technician P/T 34 1 $ 29.81 $ 5,167 $ 62,000 Planning Technician P/T 34 2 $ 31.32 $ 5,429 $ 65,146 Planning Technician P/T 34 3 $ 32.87 $ 5,697 $ 68,360 Planning Technician P/T 34 4 $ 34.51 $ 5,982 $ 71,779 Planning Technician P/T 34 5 $ 36.26 $ 6,286 $ 75,426 Planning Technician P/T 34 6 $ 38.04 $ 6,593 $ 79,119 Planning Technician P/T 34 7 $ 39.97 $ 6,928 $ 83,131 Planning Technician P/T 34 8 $ 41.95 $ 7,271 $ 87,257 Planning Technician P/T 34 9 $ 44.05 $ 7,635 $ 91,619 Police Cadet P/T 40 1 $ 16.67 $ 2,889 $ 34,670 Police Cadet P/T 40 2 $ 17.50 $ 3,034 $ 36,404 Police Cadet P/T 40 3 $ 18.38 $ 3,185 $ 38,224 Police Cadet P/T 40 4 $ 19.30 $ 3,345 $ 40,135 Police Cadet P/T 40 5 $ 20.26 $ 3,512 $ 42,142 Police Cadet P/T 40 6 $ 21.27 $ 3,687 $ 44,249 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 1 $ 23.19 $ 4,019 $ 48,233 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 2 $ 24.34 $ 4,219 $ 50,626 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 3 $ 25.56 $ 4,430 $ 53,156 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 4 $ 26.84 $ 4,652 $ 55,823 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 5 $ 28.20 $ 4,887 $ 58,650 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 6 $ 29.59 $ 5,129 $ 61,545 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 7 $ 31.07 $ 5,385 $ 64,621 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 8 $ 32.62 $ 5,655 $ 67,858 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 9 $ 34.26 $ 5,938 $ 71,255 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 10 $ 35.98 $ 6,236 $ 74,833 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 11 $ 37.78 $ 6,548 $ 78,575 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 1 $ 29.59 $ 5,129 $ 61,545 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 2 $ 31.08 $ 5,387 $ 64,645 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 3 $ 32.64 $ 5,657 $ 67,881 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 4 $ 34.27 $ 5,940 $ 71,277 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 5 $ 35.99 $ 6,238 $ 74,856 10-31 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 6 $ 37.79 $ 6,550 $ 78,595 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 7 $ 39.67 $ 6,876 $ 82,515 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 8 $ 41.65 $ 7,220 $ 86,641 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 9 $ 43.74 $ 7,581 $ 90,973 Police Reserve P/T 01A 1 $ 25.83 $ 4,476 $ 53,718 Police Reserve P/T 01A 2 $ 27.12 $ 4,700 $ 56,404 Police Reserve P/T 01A 3 $ 28.47 $ 4,935 $ 59,224 Police Reserve P/T 01A 4 $ 29.90 $ 5,182 $ 62,185 Police Reserve P/T 01A 5 $ 31.39 $ 5,441 $ 65,294 Police Reserve P/T 01A 6 $ 32.96 $ 5,713 $ 68,559 Police Reserve P/T 01A 7 $ 34.61 $ 5,999 $ 71,987 Police Reserve P/T 01A 8 $ 36.34 $ 6,299 $ 75,586 Police Reserve P/T 01A 9 $ 38.16 $ 6,614 $ 79,365.47 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 1 $ 16.37 $ 2,838 $ 34,055 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 2 $ 17.21 $ 2,982 $ 35,787 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 3 $ 18.07 $ 3,131 $ 37,577 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 4 $ 18.97 $ 3,288 $ 39,455 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 5 $ 19.92 $ 3,452 $ 41,428 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 6 $ 20.91 $ 3,625 $ 43,499.4 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 1 $ 20.48 $ 3,550 $ 42,603 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 2 $ 21.52 $ 3,731 $ 44,768 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 3 $ 22.59 $ 3,915 $ 46,979 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 4 $ 23.74 $ 4,114 $ 49,372 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 5 $ 24.95 $ 4,325 $ 51,903 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 6 $ 26.20 $ 4,541 $ 54,498 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 1 $ 16.69 $ 2,893 $ 34,715 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 2 $ 17.53 $ 3,039 $ 36,471 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 3 $ 18.41 $ 3,191 $ 38,294 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 4 $ 19.32 $ 3,349 $ 40,186 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 5 $ 20.28 $ 3,516 $ 42,192 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 6 $ 21.30 $ 3,692 $ 44,302 91 4 $ 15.E 2,68T 32,24G Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 1 $ 17.68 $ 3,064 $ 36,767 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 2 $ 18.61 $ 3,225 $ 38,705 10-32 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 3 $ 19.53 $ 3,385 $ 40,620 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 4 $ 20.47 $ 3,548 $ 42,579 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 5 $ 21.51 $ 3,729 $ 44,745 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 6 $ 22.59 $ 3,915 $ 46,982.4 Records Specialist P/T 17 1 $ 29.70 $ 5,148 $ 61,773 Records Specialist P/T 17 2 $ 31.18 $ 5,404 $ 64,850 Records Specialist P/T 17 3 $ 32.74 $ 5,676 $ 68,109 Records Specialist P/T 17 4 $ 34.38 $ 5,959 $ 71,506 Records Specialist P/T 17 5 $ 36.10 $ 6,257 $ 75,084 Records Specialist P/T 17 6 $ 37.91 $ 6,570 $ 78,845 Records Specialist P/T 17 7 $ 39.80 $ 6,899 $ 82,789 Records Specialist P/T 17 8 $ 41.79 $ 7,243 $ 86,915 Records Specialist P/T 17 9 $ 43.88 $ 7,605 $ 91,260.4 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 1 $ 28.88 $ 5,006 $ 60,072 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 2 $ 30.33 $ 5,258 $ 63,096 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 3 $ 31.84 $ 5,518 $ 66,217 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 4 $ 33.47 $ 5,801 $ 69,609 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 5 $ 35.12 $ 6,088 $ 73,050 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 6 $ 36.88 $ 6,393 $ 76,713 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 7 $ 38.75 $ 6,716 $ 80,596 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 8 $ 40.64 $ 7,044 $ 84,529 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 9 $ 42.67 $ 7,396 $ 88,755 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 1 $ 22.56 $ 3,911 $ 46,933 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 2 $ 23.69 $ 4,107 $ 49,281 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 3 $ 24.89 $ 4,314 $ 51,766 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 4 $ 26.13 $ 4,528 $ 54,341 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 5 $ 27.43 $ 4,754 $ 57,054 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 6 $ 28.79 $ 4,990 $ 59,881 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 7 $ 30.24 $ 5,241 $ 62,889 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 8 $ 31.73 $ 5,499 $ 65,989 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 9 $ 33.31 $ 5,774 $ 69,289 Recreation Leader P/T 45 1 $ 16.02 $ 2,777 $ 33,325 Recreation Leader P/T 45 2 $ 16.85 $ 2,921 $ 35,058 Recreation Leader P/T 45 3 $ 17.70 $ 3,068 $ 36,811 10-33 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Recreation Leader P/T 45 4 $ 18.58 $ 3,221 $ 38,651 Recreation Leader P/T 45 5 $ 19.51 $ 3,382 $ 40,584 Recreation Leader P/T 45 6 $ 20.49 $ 3,551 $ 42,613 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 1 $ 17.68 $ 3,064 $ 36,767 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 2 $ 18.61 $ 3,225 $ 38,705 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 3 $ 19.53 $ 3,385 $ 40,620 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 4 $ 20.47 $ 3,548 $ 42,579 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 5 $ 21.51 $ 3,729 $ 44,745 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 6 $ 22.59 $ 3,915 $ 46,982 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 1 $ 33.02 $ 5,723 $ 68,679 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 2 $ 34.68 $ 6,012 $ 72,144 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 3 $ 36.39 $ 6,308 $ 75,700 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 4 $ 38.21 $ 6,624 $ 79,484 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 5 $ 40.14 $ 6,958 $ 83,495 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 6 $ 42.13 $ 7,302 $ 87,621 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 7 $ 44.27 $ 7,674 $ 92,089 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 8 $ 46.48 $ 8,056 $ 96,671 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 9 $ 48.80 $ 8,459 $ 101,504 Review Officer P/T 95 1 $ 35.56 $ 6,164 $ 73,967 Review Officer P/T 95 2 $ 37.33 $ 6,470 $ 77,638 Review Officer P/T 95 3 $ 39.19 $ 6,793 $ 81,512 Review Officer P/T 95 4 $ 41.16 $ 7,135 $ 85,615 Review Officer P/T 95 5 $ 43.22 $ 7,491 $ 89,896 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 1 $ 21.85 $ 3,788 $ 45,452 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 2 $ 22.90 $ 3,970 $ 47,640 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 3 $ 24.11 $ 4,179 $ 50,147 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 4 $ 25.30 $ 4,386 $ 52,632 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 051) 5 $ 26.58 $ 4,606 $ 55,276 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 6 $ 27.87 $ 4,830 $ 57,966 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 7 $ 29.27 $ 5,074 $ 60,883 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 8 $ 30.77 $ 5,334 $ 64,006 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 9 $ 32.31 $ 5,601 $ 67,206 Student Aide P/T 70B 1 $ 16.73 $ 2,901 $ 34,807 Student Aide P/T 70B 2 $ 17.57 $ 3,045 $ 36,539 10-34 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Student Aide P/T 70B 3 $ 18.45 $ 3,197 $ 38,366 Student Aide P/T 70B 4 $ 19.37 $ 3,357 $ 40,284 Student Aide P/T 70B 5 $ 20.34 $ 3,525 $ 42,299 Student Aide P/T 70B 6 $ 21.35 $ 3,701 $ 44,414 Student Aide P/T 70B 7 $ 22.42 $ 3,886 $ 46,634 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 1 $ 22.94 $ 3,976 $ 47,708 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 2 $ 24.10 $ 4,177 $ 50,124 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 3 $ 25.28 $ 4,382 $ 52,586 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 4 $ 26.58 $ 4,606 $ 55,276 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 5 $ 27.88 $ 4,832 $ 57,989 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 6 $ 29.27 $ 5,074 $ 60,883 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 7 $ 30.75 $ 5,330 $ 63,961 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 8 $ 32.26 $ 5,592 $ 67,106 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 9 $ 33.88 $ 5,872 $ 70,462 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 1 $ 26.44 $ 4,584 $ 55,003 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 2 $ 27.78 $ 4,815 $ 57,785 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 3 $ 29.15 $ 5,053 $ 60,641 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 4 $ 30.61 $ 5,306 $ 63,670 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 5 $ 32.13 $ 5,568 $ 66,821 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 6 $ 33.78 $ 5,856 $ 70,268 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 7 $ 35.44 $ 6,143 $ 73,714 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 8 $ 37.22 $ 6,451 $ 77,408 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 9 $ 39.08 $ 6,773 $ 81,278 Hourly rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth. Monthly and annual salaries are rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Actual rates my vary slightly due to rounding. Disclaimer: Salary ranges may be adjusted to accommodate minimum wage increases set by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations. The additional step does not apply to the Lifeguard Cadet and Trainee salary ranges. 10-35 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 1 $ 31.30 $ 5,425 $ 65,105 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 2 $ 32.86 $ 5,695 $ 68,345 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 3 $ 34.49 $ 5,979 $ 71,749 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 4 $ 36.26 $ 6,284 $ 75,411 Assistant, Administrative P/T OSE 5 $ 38.01 $ 6,588 $ 79,050 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 6 $ 39.95 $ 6,924 $ 83,089 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 7 $ 41.94 $ 7,270 $ 87,245 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 8 $ 44.07 $ 7,638 $ 91,659 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 9 $ 46.27 $ 8,020 $ 96,241 Assistant, Department P/T 55 1 $ 24.54 $ 4,253 $ 51,041 Assistant, Department P/T 55 2 $ 25.78 $ 4,469 $ 53,624 Assistant, Department P/T 55 3 $ 27.07 $ 4,692 $ 56,301 Assistant, Department P/T 55 4 $ 28.42 $ 4,927 $ 59,118 Assistant, Department P/T 55 5 $ 29.84 $ 5,173 $ 62,076 Assistant, Department P/T 55 6 $ 31.33 $ 5,431 $ 65,175 Assistant, Department P/T 55 7 $ 32.90 $ 5,703 $ 68,439 Assistant, Department P/T 55 8 $ 34.54 $ 5,987 $ 71,843 Assistant, Department P/T 55 9 $ 36.27 $ 6,286 $ 75,435 Assistant, Office P/T 15 1 $ 20.95 $ 3,631 $ 43,575 Assistant, Office P/T 15 2 $ 22.06 $ 3,823 $ 45,876 Assistant, Office P/T 15 3 $ 23.15 $ 4,013 $ 48,154 Assistant, Office P/T 15 4 $ 24.29 $ 4,210 $ 50,525 Assistant, Office P/T 15 5 $ 25.51 $ 4,422 $ 53,061 Assistant, Office P/T 15 6 $ 26.79 $ 4,643 $ 55,713 Assistant, Office P/T 15 7 $ 28.13 $ 4,876 $ 58,507 Assistant, Office P/T 15 8 $ 29.55 $ 5,122 $ 61,466 Assistant, Office P/T 15 9 $ 31.03 $ 5,378 $ 64,539 Building Inspector II P/T 36 1 $ 37.72 $ 6,539 $ 78,464 Building Inspector II P/T 36 2 $ 39.63 $ 6,869 $ 82,432 Building Inspector II P/T 36 3 $ 41.61 $ 7,212 $ 86,540 Building Inspector II P/T 36 4 $ 43.71 $ 7,576 $ 90,907 Building Inspector II P/T 36 5 $ 45.87 $ 7,951 $ 95,415 Building Inspector II P/T 36 6 $ 48.16 $ 8,348 $ 100,181 Building Inspector II P/T 36 7 $ 50.57 $ 8,765 $ 105,182 10-36 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Building Inspector II P/T 36 8 $ 53.10 $ 9,203 $ 110,441 Building Inspector II P/T 36 9 $ 55.75 $ 9,664 $ 115,963 Building Inspector, Principal P/T-R 37R 1 $ 64.91 $ 11,252 $ 135,020 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 1 $ 35.63 $ 6,177 $ 74,120 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 2 $ 37.44 $ 6,490 $ 77,877 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 3 $ 39.31 $ 6,814 $ 81,774 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 4 $ 41.28 $ 7,155 $ 85,859 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 5 $ 43.36 $ 7,515 $ 90,179 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 6 $ 45.52 $ 7,891 $ 94,687 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 7 $ 47.80 $ 8,286 $ 99,430 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 8 $ 50.21 $ 8,703 $ 104,430 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 9 $ 52.72 $ 9,138 $ 109,652 Civil Engineer, Senior P/T-R 47R 1 $ 80.63 $ 13,976 $ 167,712 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 1 $ 29.01 $ 5,028 $ 60,339 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 2 $ 30.47 $ 5,281 $ 63,367 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 3 $ 31.99 $ 5,545 $ 66,537 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 4 $ 33.60 $ 5,825 $ 69,894 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 5 $ 35.27 $ 6,114 $ 73,369 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 6 $ 37.06 $ 6,423 $ 77,078 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 7 $ 38.89 $ 6,740 $ 80,882 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 8 $ 40.83 $ 7,077 $ 84,920 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 9 $ 42.87 $ 7,431 $ 89,166 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 1 $ 24.65 $ 4,273 $ 51,276 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 2 $ 25.87 $ 4,484 $ 53,812 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 3 $ 27.17 $ 4,709 $ 56,512 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 4 $ 28.52 $ 4,944 $ 59,329 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 5 $ 29.96 $ 5,193 $ 62,311 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 6 $ 31.45 $ 5,451 $ 65,410 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 7 $ 33.03 $ 5,725 $ 68,697 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 8 $ 34.68 $ 6,010 $ 72,125 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 9 $ 36.41 $ 6,311 $ 75,731 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 1 $ 34.65 $ 6,006 $ 72,078 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 2 $ 36.39 $ 6,308 $ 75,693 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 3 $ 38.22 $ 6,625 $ 79,497 10-37 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 4 $ 40.13 $ 6,955 $ 83,464 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 5 $ 42.13 $ 7,302 $ 87,620 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 6 $ 44.24 $ 7,668 $ 92,010 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 7 $ 46.45 $ 8,051 $ 96,612 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 8 $ 48.77 $ 8,454 $ 101,449 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 9 $ 51.21 $ 8,877 $ 106,521 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 1 $ 32.62 $ 5,654 $ 67,852 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 2 $ 34.25 $ 5,936 $ 71,232 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 3 $ 35.96 $ 6,233 $ 74,801 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 4 $ 37.76 $ 6,545 $ 78,534 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 5 $ 39.65 $ 6,873 $ 82,479 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 6 $ 41.64 $ 7,218 $ 86,611 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 7 $ 43.72 $ 7,578 $ 90,931 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 8 $ 45.91 $ 7,957 $ 95,485 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 9 $ 48.20 $ 8,355 $ 100,260 Custody Officer P/T 02 1 $ 29.87 $ 5,177 $ 62,123 Custody Officer P/T 02 2 $ 31.36 $ 5,435 $ 65,222 Custody Officer P/T 02 3 $ 32.93 $ 5,707 $ 68,486 Custody Officer P/T 02 4 $ 34.59 $ 5,995 $ 71,937 Custody Officer P/T 02 5 $ 36.31 $ 6,294 $ 75,529 Custody Officer P/T 02 6 $ 38.12 $ 6,607 $ 79,285 Custody Officer P/T 02 7 $ 40.04 $ 6,940 $ 83,277 Custody Officer P/T 02 8 $ 42.03 $ 7,286 $ 87,432 Custody Officer P/T 02 9 $ 44.14 $ 7,650 $ 91,804 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 1 $ 44.83 $ 7,771 $ 93,255 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 2 $ 47.11 $ 8,166 $ 97,997 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 3 $ 49.45 $ 8,571 $ 102,857 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 4 $ 51.96 $ 9,006 $ 108,070 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 5 $ 54.52 $ 9,450 $ 113,399 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 6 $ 57.25 $ 9,923 $ 119,081 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 7 $ 60.33 $ 10,458 $ 125,490 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 8 $ 63.13 $ 10,943 $ 131,313 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 9 $ 66.29 $ 11,490 $ 137,878 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 1 $ 40.33 $ 6,991 $ 83,887 10-38 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 2 $ 42.34 $ 7,339 $ 88,066 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 3 $ 44.46 $ 7,707 $ 92,480 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 4 $ 46.69 $ 8,092 $ 97,106 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 5 $ 49.02 $ 8,497 $ 101,965 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 6 $ 51.47 $ 8,922 $ 107,060 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 7 $ 54.04 $ 9,368 $ 112,413 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 8 $ 56.74 $ 9,835 $ 118,024 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 9 $ 59.58 $ 10,327 $ 123,926 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 1 $ 23.62 $ 4,095 $ 49,140 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 2 $ 24.82 $ 4,302 $ 51,628 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 3 $ 26.04 $ 4,514 $ 54,164 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 4 $ 27.37 $ 4,745 $ 56,934 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 5 $ 28.72 $ 4,977 $ 59,728 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 6 $ 30.15 $ 5,226 $ 62,710 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 7 $ 31.67 $ 5,490 $ 65,879 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 8 $ 33.23 $ S,760 $ 69,119 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 9 $ 34.89 $ 6,048 $ 72,575 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 1 $ 22.13 $ 3,837 $ 46,041 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 2 $ 23.24 $ 4,028 $ 48,341 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 3 $ 24.44 $ 4,236 $ 50,830 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 4 $ 25.63 $ 4,443 $ 53,319 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 5 $ 26.92 $ 4,666 $ 55,995 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 6 $ 28.26 $ 4,899 $ 58,789 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 7 $ 29.65 $ 5,140 $ 61,677 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 8 $ 31.14 $ 5,398 $ 64,776 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 9 $ 32.70 $ 5,668 $ 68,015 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 1 $ 25.77 $ 4,467 $ 53,600 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 2 $ 27.02 $ 4,684 $ 56,207 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 3 $ 28.37 $ 4,917 $ 59,000 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 4 $ 29.80 $ 5,165 $ 61,982 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 5 $ 31.28 $ 5,421 $ 65,058 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 6 $ 32.87 $ 5,697 $ 68,368 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 7 $ 34.53 $ 5,985 $ 71,819 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 8 $ 36.22 $ 6,278 $ 75,341 10-39 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 9 $ 38.03 $ 6,592 $ 79,108 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 1 $ 29.86 $ 5,175 $ 62,100 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 2 $ 31.35 $ 5,433 $ 65,199 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 3 $ 32.91 $ 5,705 $ 68,462 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 4 $ 34.55 $ 5,989 $ 71,866 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 5 $ 36.27 $ 6,286 $ 75,435 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 6 $ 38.10 $ 6,603 $ 79,239 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 7 $ 39.99 $ 6,932 $ 83,183 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 8 $ 41.98 $ 7,276 $ 87,315 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 9 $ 44.08 $ 7,640 $ 91,681 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 1 $ 17.07 $ 2,958 $ 35,499 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 2 $ 17.91 $ 3,105 $ 37,260 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 3 $ 18.78 $ 3,256 $ 39,068 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 4 $ 19.71 $ 3,416 $ 40,993 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 5 $ 20.72 $ 3,592 $ 43,106 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 6 $ 21.76 $ 3,772 $ 45,266 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 7 $ 22.85 $ 3,961 $ 47,529 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 8 $ 23.99 $ 4,159 $ 49,905 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 9 $ 25.19 $ 4,367 $ 52,401 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 1 $ 22.91 $ 3,972 $ 47,661 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 2 $ 24.07 $ 4,171 $ 50,055 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 3 $ 25.26 $ 4,379 $ 52,544 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 4 $ 26.54 $ 4,600 $ 55,197 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 5 $ 27.85 $ 4,827 $ 57,920 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 6 $ 29.24 $ 5,068 $ 60,816 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 1 $ 24.88 $ 4,312 $ 51,746 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 2 $ 26.13 $ 4,529 $ 54,352 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 3 $ 27.43 $ 4,754 $ 57,052 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 4 $ 28.82 $ 4,995 $ 59,939 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 5 $ 30.25 $ 5,243 $ 62,921 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 6 $ 31.75 $ 5,504 $ 66,044 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 7 $ 33.34 $ 5,780 $ 69,354 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 8 $ 35.01 $ 6,069 $ 72,829 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 9 $ 36.76 $ 6,373 $ 76,471 10-40 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 1 $ 40.36 $ 6,996 $ 83,958 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 2 $ 42.40 $ 7,349 $ 88,184 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 3 $ 44.52 $ 7,716 $ 92,598 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 4 $ 46.74 $ 8,102 $ 97,223 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 5 $ 49.06 $ 8,503 $ 102,036 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 6 $ 51.54 $ 8,933 $ 107,201 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 7 $ 54.10 $ 9,378 $ 112,531 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 8 $ 56.81 $ 9,847 $ 118,165 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 9 $ 59.65 $ 10,339 $ 124,074 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 1 $ 33.81 $ 5,860 $ 70,317 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 2 $ 35.50 $ 6,153 $ 73,838 Human Resources Analyst Assistant PIT 08 3 $ 37.25 $ 6,456 $ 77,478 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 4 $ 39.12 $ 6,781 $ 81,375 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 5 $ 41.11 $ 7,126 $ 85,507 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 6 $ 43.11 $ 7,472 $ 89,663 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 7 $ 45.30 $ 7,851 $ 94,218 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 8 $ 47.58 $ 8,247 $ 98,960 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 9 $ 49.96 $ 8,659 $ 103,908 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 1 $ 47.10 $ 8,165 $ 97,975 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 2 $ 49.50 $ 8,580 $ 102,962 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 3 $ 51.96 $ 9,006 $ 108,075 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 4 $ 54.56 $ 9,458 $ 113,494 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 5 $ 57.26 $ 9,924 $ 119,091 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 6 $ 60.13 $ 10,422 $ 125,070 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 7 $ 63.10 $ 10,938 $ 131,252 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 8 $ 66.28 $ 11,489 $ 137,867 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 9 $ 69.60 $ 12,063 $ 144,760 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 1 $ 31.11 $ 5,392 $ 64,705 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 2 $ 32.67 $ 5,662 $ 67,946 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 3 $ 34.29 $ 5,944 $ 71,326 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 4 $ 35.98 $ 6,237 $ 74,848 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 5 $ 37.79 $ 6,550 $ 78,605 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 6 $ 39.66 $ 6,875 $ 82,502 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 7 $ 41.68 $ 7,225 $ 86,705 10-41 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 8 $ 43.72 $ 7,578 $ 90,931 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 9 $ 45.90 $ 7,956 $ 95,477 Intern P/T 05 1 $ 20.63 $ 3,577 $ 42,919 IT Technician P/T 54 1 $ 23.78 $ 4,122 $ 49,468 IT Technician P/T 54 2 $ 25.00 $ 4,334 $ 52,004 IT Technician P/T 54 3 $ 26.22 $ 4,545 $ 54,540 IT Technician P/T 54 4 $ 27.54 $ 4,774 $ 57,286 IT Technician P/T 54 5 $ 28.91 $ 5,011 $ 60,127 IT Technician P/T 54 6 $ 30.39 $ 5,267 $ 63,203 IT Technician P/T 54 7 $ 31.89 $ 5,527 $ 66,325 IT Technician P/T 54 8 $ 33.49 $ 5,805 $ 69,659 IT Technician P/T 54 9 $ 35.16 $ 6,095 $ 73,142 Librarian I P/T 21 1 $ 30.19 $ 5,234 $ 62,804 Librarian I P/T 21 2 $ 31.70 $ 5,494 $ 65,926 Librarian I P/T 21 3 $ 33.25 $ 5,764 $ 69,167 Librarian I P/T 21 4 $ 34.96 $ 6,059 $ 72,712 Librarian I P/T 21 5 $ 36.67 $ 6,357 $ 76,280 Librarian I P/T 21 6 $ 38.56 $ 6,683 $ 80,201 Librarian I P/T 21 7 $ 40.47 $ 7,014 $ 84,169 Librarian I P/T 21 8 $ 42.46 $ 7,360 $ 88,325 Librarian I P/T 21 9 $ 44.59 $ 7,728 $ 92,741 Library Assistant P/T 70 1 $ 25.70 $ 4,455 $ 53,460 Library Assistant P/T 70 2 $ 26.97 $ 4,674 $ 56,089 Library Assistant P/T 70 3 $ 28.30 $ 4,905 $ 58,859 Library Assistant P/T 70 4 $ 29.71 $ 5,150 $ 61,795 Library Assistant P/T 70 5 $ 31.20 $ 5,408 $ 64,894 Library Assistant P/T 70 6 $ 32.76 $ 5,678 $ 68,133 Library Assistant P/T 70 7 $ 34.40 $ 5,963 $ 71,561 Library Assistant P/T 70 8 $ 36.12 $ 6,261 $ 75,130 Library Assistant P/T 70 9 $ 37.93 $ 6,574 $ 78,886 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 1 $ 20.00 $ 3,467 $ 41,603 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 2 $ 21.01 $ 3,641 $ 43,693 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 3 $ 22.06 $ 3,823 $ 45,876 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 4 $ 23.17 $ 4,017 $ 48,201 10-42 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Library Clerk I P/T 05A 5 $ 24.31 $ 4,214 $ 50,572 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 6 $ 25.51 $ 4,422 $ 53,061 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 7 $ 26.79 $ 4,643 $ 55,713 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 8 $ 28.13 $ 4,876 $ 58,507 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 9 $ 29.53 $ 5,119 $ 61,433 Library Clerk II P/T 20 1 $ 21.11 $ 3,659 $ 43,904 Library Clerk II P/T 20 2 $ 22.18 $ 3,845 $ 46,134 Library Clerk II P/T 20 3 $ 23.28 $ 4,034 $ 48,412 Library Clerk II P/T 20 4 $ 24.48 $ 4,244 $ 50,924 Library Clerk II P/T 20 5 $ 25.70 $ 4,455 $ 53,460 Library Clerk II P/T 20 6 $ 26.97 $ 4,674 $ 56,089 Library Clerk II P/T 20 7 $ 28.30 $ 4,905 $ 58,859 Library Clerk II P/T 20 8 $ 29.74 $ 5,155 $ 61,865 Library Clerk II P/T 20 9 $ 31.23 $ 5,413 $ 64,958 Library Page P/T 30A 1 $ 17.21 $ 2,984 $ 35,804 Library Page P/T 30A 2 $ 18.07 $ 3,132 $ 37,589 Library Page P/T 30A 3 $ 18.98 $ 3,289 $ 39,468 Library Page P/T 30A 4 $ 19.92 $ 3,453 $ 41,441 Library Page P/T 30A 5 $ 20.92 $ 3,625 $ 43,504 Library Page P/T 30A 6 $ 21.96 $ 3,807 $ 45,679 Library Page P/T 30A 7 $ 23.06 $ 3,997 $ 47,963 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 1 $ 37.55 $ 6,509 $ 78,103 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 2 $ 39.43 $ 6,834 $ 82,011 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 3 $ 41.39 $ 7,175 $ 86,099 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 4 $ 43.47 $ 7,535 $ 90,418 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 5 $ 45.65 $ 7,912 $ 94,943 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 6 $ 47.92 $ 8,306 $ 99,673 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 7 $ 50.32 $ 8,722 $ 104,660 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 8 $ 52.84 $ 9,159 $ 109,905 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 9 $ 55.48 $ 9,617 $ 115,400 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 1 $ 45.09 $ 7,816 $ 93,795 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 2 $ 47.35 $ 8,208 $ 98,490 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 3 $ 49.72 $ 8,618 $ 103,421 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 4 $ 52.20 $ 9,049 $ 108,586 10-43 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 5 $ 54.82 $ 9,503 $ 114,033 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 6 $ 57.55 $ 9,976 $ 119,714 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 7 $ 60.43 $ 10,475 $ 125,701 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 8 $ 63.46 $ 10,999 $ 131,994 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 9 $ 66.63 $ 11,549 $ 138,594 Lifeguard Cadet P/T, Unrep 01 1 $ 17.50 $ 3,033 $ 36,400 Lifeguard Trainee P/T, Unrep 02A 1 $ 15.50 $ 2,687 $ 32,240 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 1 $ 30.56 $ 5,296 $ 63,555 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 2 $ 32.07 $ 5,558 $ 66,701 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 3 $ 33.69 $ 5,840 $ 70,082 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 4 $ 35.35 $ 6,128 $ 73,533 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 5 $ 37.17 $ 6,443 $ 77,313 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 6 $ 39.01 $ 6,762 $ 81,140 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 7 $ 40.96 $ 7,100 $ 85,202 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 8 $ 42.99 $ 7,452 $ 89,428 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 9 $ 45.14 $ 7,825 $ 93,899 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 1 $ 16.86 $ 2,923 $ 35,076 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 2 $ 17.72 $ 3,072 $ 36,861 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 3 $ 18.61 $ 3,225 $ 38,704 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 4 $ 19.54 $ 3,387 $ 40,639 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 5 $ 20.51 $ 3,556 $ 42,671 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 6 $ 21.54 $ 3,734 $ 44,804 Management Analyst P/T 12B 1 $ 37.64 $ 6,525 $ 78,299 Management Analyst P/T 12B 2 $ 39.56 $ 6,858 $ 82,291 Management Analyst P/T 12B 3 $ 41.52 $ 7,196 $ 86,353 Management Analyst P/T 12B 4 $ 43.56 $ 7,550 $ 90,602 Management Analyst P/T 12B 5 $ 45.76 $ 7,932 $ 95,180 Management Analyst P/T 12B 6 $ 48.06 $ 8,331 $ 99,970 Management Analyst P/T 12B 7 $ 50.44 $ 8,744 $ 104,924 Management Analyst P/T 12B 8 $ 52.97 $ 9,182 $ 110,183 Management Analyst P/T 12B 9 $ 55.62 $ 9,641 $ 115,692 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 1 $ 34.90 $ 6,049 $ 72,583 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 2 $ 36.62 $ 6,348 $ 76,175 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 3 $ 38.45 $ 6,664 $ 79,966 10-44 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 4 $ 40.39 $ 7,001 $ 84,007 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 5 $ 42.45 $ 7,358 $ 88,297 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 6 $ 44.51 $ 7,716 $ 92,587 Management Analyst Assistant PIT 37A 7 $ 46.78 $ 8,108 $ 97,301 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 8 $ 49.12 $ 8,514 $ 102,165 ManagementAnalyst, Assistant PIT 37A 9 $ 51.57 $ 8,939 $ 107,273 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 1 $ 44.04 $ 7,634 $ 91,605 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 2 $ 46.25 $ 8,016 $ 96,194 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 3 $ 48.56 $ 8,417 $ 101,004 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 4 $ 50.99 $ 8,838 $ 106,059 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 5 $ 53.54 $ 9,280 $ 111,359 Management Analyst Senior PIT 06A 6 $ 56.22 $ 9,744 $ 116,929 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 7 $ 59.02 $ 10,231 $ 122,770 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 8 $ 61.99 $ 10,744 $ 128,929 Managemen t An alys t, Senior PIT 06A 9 $ 65.08 $ 11,281 $ 135,376 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 1 $ 17.92 $ 3,107 $ 37,283 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 2 $ 18.79 $ 3,258 $ 39,091 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 3 $ 19.74 $ 3,422 $ 41,063 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 4 $ 20.73 $ 3,593 $ 43,116 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 1 $ 30.57 $ 5,298 $ 63,579 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 2 $ 32.09 $ 5,562 $ 66,748 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 3 $ 33.69 $ 5,840 $ 70,082 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 4 $ 35.40 $ 6,136 $ 73,627 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 5 $ 37.15 $ 6,439 $ 77,266 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 6 $ 38.99 $ 6,758 $ 81,093 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 7 $ 40.95 $ 7,098 $ 85,178 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 8 $ 43.01 $ 7,454 $ 89,452 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 9 $ 45.16 $ 7,827 $ 93,924 Paralegal P/T 92 1 $ 32.82 $ 5,690 $ 68,274 Paralegal P/T 92 2 $ 34.46 $ 5,973 $ 71,678 Paralegal P/T 92 3 $ 36.17 $ 6,269 $ 75,224 Paralegal P/T 92 4 $ 37.98 $ 6,584 $ 79,004 Paralegal P/T 92 5 $ 39.85 $ 6,906 $ 82,878 Paralegal P/T 92 6 $ 41.90 $ 7,263 $ 87,150 10-45 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Paralegal P/T 92 7 $ 43.94 $ 7,617 $ 91,400 Paralegal P/T 92 8 $ 46.20 $ 8,008 $ 96,096 Paralegal P/T 92 9 $ 48.51 $ 8,408 $ 100,901 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 1 $ 22.91 $ 3,972 $ 47,661 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 2 $ 24.07 $ 4,171 $ 50,055 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 3 $ 25.26 $ 4,379 $ 52,544 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 4 $ 26.54 $ 4,600 $ 55,197 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 5 $ 27.85 $ 4,827 $ 57,920 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 6 $ 29.24 $ 5,068 $ 60,816 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 1 $ 32.82 $ 5,690 $ 68,274 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 2 $ 34.46 $ 5,973 $ 71,678 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 3 $ 36.17 $ 6,269 $ 75,224 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 4 $ 37.98 $ 6,584 $ 79,004 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 5 $ 39.85 $ 6,906 $ 82,878 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 6 $ 41.90 $ 7,263 $ 87,150 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 7 $ 43.94 $ 7,617 $ 91,400 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 8 $ 46.20 $ 8,008 $ 96,096 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 9 $ 48.51 $ 8,408 $ 100,901 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 1 $ 33.76 $ 5,852 $ 70,223 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 2 $ 35.45 $ 6,145 $ 73,745 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 3 $ 37.23 $ 6,453 $ 77,431 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 4 $ 39.10 $ 6,777 $ 81,328 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 5 $ 41.01 $ 7,108 $ 85,296 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 6 $ 43.13 $ 7,476 $ 89,710 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 7 $ 45.21 $ 7,836 $ 94,030 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 8 $ 47.54 $ 8,241 $ 98,890 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 9 $ 49.92 $ 8,653 $ 103,834 Planner, Principal P/T 27 1 $ 49.54 $ 8,586 $ 103,034 Planner, Principal P/T 27 2 $ 52.04 $ 9,020 $ 108,234 Planner, Principal P/T 27 3 $ 54.61 $ 9,465 $ 113,584 Planner, Principal P/T 27 4 $ 57.37 $ 9,944 $ 119,331 Planner, Principal P/T 27 5 $ 60.23 $ 10,440 $ 125,278 Planner, Principal P/T 27 6 $ 63.24 $ 10,962 $ 131,548 Planner, Principal P/T 27 7 $ 66.40 $ 11,510 $ 138,116 10-46 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Planner, Principal P/T 27 8 $ 69.74 $ 12,088 $ 145,059 Planner, Principal P/T 27 9 $ 73.23 $ 12,693 $ 152,312 Planner, Principal P/T-R 27R 1 $ 73.23 $ 12,693 $ 152,312 Planning Technician P/T 34 1 $ 30.70 $ 5,322 $ 63,860 Planning Technician P/T 34 2 $ 32.26 $ 5,592 $ 67,100 Planning Technician P/T 34 3 $ 33.85 $ 5,868 $ 70,411 Planning Technician P/T 34 4 $ 35.54 $ 6,161 $ 73,932 Planning Technician P/T 34 5 $ 37.35 $ 6,474 $ 77,689 Planning Technician P/T 34 6 $ 39.18 $ 6,791 $ 81,492 Planning Technician P/T 34 7 $ 41.17 $ 7,135 $ 85,625 Planning Technician P/T 34 8 $ 43.21 $ 7,490 $ 89,874 Planning Technician P/T 34 9 $ 45.37 $ 7,864 $ 94,368 Police Cadet P/T 40 1 $ 17.17 $ 2,976 $ 35,710 Police Cadet P/T 40 2 $ 18.03 $ 3,125 $ 37,496 Police Cadet P/T 40 3 $ 18.93 $ 3,281 $ 39,370 Police Cadet P/T 40 4 $ 19.87 $ 3,445 $ 41,339 Police Cadet P/T 40 5 $ 20.87 $ 3,617 $ 43,406 Police Cadet P/T 40 6 $ 21.91 $ 3,798 $ 45,576 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 1 $ 23.88 $ 4,140 $ 49,680 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 2 $ 25.07 $ 4,345 $ 52,145 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 3 $ 26.32 $ 4,563 $ 54,751 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 4 $ 27.64 $ 4,791 $ 57,498 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 5 $ 29.04 $ 5,034 $ 60,409 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 6 $ 30.48 $ 5,283 $ 63,391 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 7 $ 32.00 $ 5,547 $ 66,560 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 8 $ 33.60 $ 5,825 $ 69,894 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 9 $ 35.28 $ 6,116 $ 73,393 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 10 $ 37.06 $ 6,423 $ 77,078 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C it $ 38.91 $ 6,744 $ 80,932 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 1 $ 30.48 $ 5,283 $ 63,391 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 2 $ 32.01 $ 5,549 $ 66,584 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 3 $ 33.61 $ 5,826 $ 69,918 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 4 $ 35.30 $ 6,118 $ 73,416 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 5 $ 37.07 $ 6,425 $ 77,102 10-47 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 6 $ 38.92 $ 6,746 $ 80,953 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 7 $ 40.86 $ 7,083 $ 84,991 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 8 $ 42.90 $ 7,437 $ 89,240 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 9 $ 45.05 $ 7,809 $ 93,702 Police Reserve P/T 01A 1 $ 26.60 $ 4,611 $ 55,329 Police Reserve P/T 01A 2 $ 27.93 $ 4,841 $ 58,096 Police Reserve P/T 01A 3 $ 29.33 $ 5,083 $ 61,000 Police Reserve P/T 01A 4 $ 30.79 $ 5,338 $ 64,051 Police Reserve P/T 01A 5 $ 32.33 $ 5,604 $ 67,253 Police Reserve P/T 01A 6 $ 33.95 $ 5,885 $ 70,615 Police Reserve P/T 01A 7 $ 35.65 $ 6,179 $ 74,146 Police Reserve P/T 01A 8 $ 37.43 $ 6,488 $ 77,854 Police Reserve P/T 01A 9 $ 39.30 $ 6,812 $ 81,746 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 1 $ 16.86 $ 2,923 $ 35,076 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 2 $ 17.72 $ 3,072 $ 36,861 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 3 $ 18.61 $ 3,225 $ 38,704 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 4 $ 19.54 $ 3,387 $ 40,639 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 5 $ 20.51 $ 3,556 $ 42,671 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 6 $ 21.54 $ 3,734 $ 44,804 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 1 $ 21.10 $ 3,657 $ 43,881 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 2 $ 22.17 $ 3,843 $ 46,111 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 3 $ 23.26 $ 4,032 $ 48,388 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 4 $ 24.45 $ 4,238 $ 50,854 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 5 $ 25.70 $ 4,455 $ 53,460 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 6 $ 26.99 $ 4,678 $ 56,132 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 1 $ 17.19 $ 2,980 $ 35,757 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 2 $ 18.06 $ 3,130 $ 37,565 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 3 $ 18.96 $ 3,287 $ 39,443 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 4 $ 19.90 $ 3,449 $ 41,392 Pool Swim Instructor PIT 85A 5 $ 20.89 $ 3,621 $ 43,458 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 6 $ 21.94 $ 3,803 $ 45,631 Pool Swim Instructor Trainee P/T 01 1 $ 15.50 $ 2,687 $ 32,240 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 1 $ 18.21 $ 3,156 $ 37,870 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 2 $ 19.17 $ 3,322 $ 39,866 M EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 3 $ 20.11 $ 3,487 $ 41,838 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 4 $ 21.09 $ 3,655 $ 43,857 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 5 $ 22.16 $ 3,841 $ 46,088 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 6 $ 23.27 $ 4,033 $ 48,392 Records Specialist P/T 17 1 $ 30.59 $ 5,302 $ 63,626 Records Specialist P/T 17 2 $ 32.11 $ 5,566 $ 66,795 Records Specialist P/T 17 3 $ 33.73 $ 5,846 $ 70,153 Records Specialist P/T 17 4 $ 35.41 $ 6,138 $ 73,651 Records Specialist P/T 17 5 $ 37.18 $ 6,445 $ 77,337 Records Specialist P/T 17 6 $ 39.04 $ 6,768 $ 81,211 Records Specialist P/T 17 7 $ 41.00 $ 7,106 $ 85,272 Records Specialist P/T 17 8 $ 43.04 $ 7,460 $ 89,522 Records Specialist P/T 17 9 $ 45.19 $ 7,833 $ 93,998 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 1 $ 29.75 $ 5,156 $ 61,874 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 2 $ 31.24 $ 5,416 $ 64,988 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 3 $ 32.79 $ 5,684 $ 68,203 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 4 $ 34.47 $ 5,975 $ 71,698 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 5 $ 36.17 $ 6,270 $ 75,242 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 6 $ 37.99 $ 6,585 $ 79,014 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 7 $ 39.91 $ 6,918 $ 83,014 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 8 $ 41.86 $ 7,255 $ 87,065 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 9 $ 43.95 $ 7,618 $ 91,418 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 1 $ 23.24 $ 4,028 $ 48,341 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 2 $ 24.40 $ 4,230 $ 50,760 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 3 $ 25.63 $ 4,443 $ 53,319 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 4 $ 26.91 $ 4,664 $ 55,971 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 5 $ 28.25 $ 4,897 $ 58,766 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 6 $ 29.65 $ 5,140 $ 61,677 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 7 $ 31.14 $ 5,398 $ 64,776 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 8 $ 32.68 $ 5,664 $ 67,969 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 9 $ 34.31 $ 5,947 $ 71,367 Recreation Leader P/T 45 1 $ 16.50 $ 2,860 $ 34,325 Recreation Leader P/T 45 2 $ 17.36 $ 3,009 $ 36,110 Recreation Leader P/T 45 3 $ 18.23 $ 3,160 $ 37,915 10-49 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Recreation Leader P/T 45 4 $ 19.14 $ 3,318 $ 39,811 Recreation Leader P/T 45 5 $ 20.10 $ 3,483 $ 41,801 Recreation Leader P/T 45 6 $ 21.10 $ 3,658 $ 43,892 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 1 $ 18.21 $ 3,156 $ 37,870 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 2 $ 19.17 $ 3,322 $ 39,866 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 3 $ 20.11 $ 3,487 $ 41,838 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 4 $ 21.09 $ 3,655 $ 43,857 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 5 $ 22.16 $ 3,841 $ 46,088 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 6 $ 23.27 $ 4,033 $ 48,392 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 1 $ 34.01 $ 5,895 $ 70,739 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 2 $ 35.73 $ 6,192 $ 74,308 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 3 $ 37.49 $ 6,498 $ 77,971 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 4 $ 39.36 $ 6,822 $ 81,868 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 5 $ 41.35 $ 7,167 $ 86,000 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 6 $ 43.39 $ 7,521 $ 90,250 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 7 $ 45.60 $ 7,904 $ 94,852 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 8 $ 47.87 $ 8,298 $ 99,571 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 9 $ 50.26 $ 8,712 $ 104,549 Review Officer P/T 95 1 $ 36.63 $ 6,349 $ 76,186 Review Officer P/T 95 2 $ 38.45 $ 6,664 $ 79,967 Review Officer P/T 95 3 $ 40.36 $ 6,996 $ 83,958 Review Officer P/T 95 4 $ 42.40 $ 7,349 $ 88,184 Review Officer P/T 95 5 $ 44.52 $ 7,716 $ 92,593 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 1 $ 22.51 $ 3,901 $ 46,816 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 2 $ 23.59 $ 4,089 $ 49,070 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 3 $ 24.83 $ 4,304 $ 51,652 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 4 $ 26.06 $ 4,518 $ 54,211 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 5 $ 27.37 $ 4,745 $ 56,934 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 6 $ 28.70 $ 4,975 $ 59,705 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 7 $ 30.15 $ 5,226 $ 62,710 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 8 $ 31.70 $ 5,494 $ 65,926 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 9 $ 33.28 $ 5,769 $ 69,223 Student Aide P/T 70B 1 $ 17.24 $ 2,988 $ 35,851 Student Aide P/T 70B 2 $ 18.09 $ 3,136 $ 37,635 10-50 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Student Aide P/T 70B 3 $ 19.00 $ 3,293 $ 39,517 Student Aide P/T 70B 4 $ 19.95 $ 3,458 $ 41,493 Student Aide P/T 70B 5 $ 20.95 $ 3,631 $ 43,568 Student Aide P/T 70B 6 $ 21.99 $ 3,812 $ 45,746 Student Aide P/T 70B 7 $ 23.09 $ 4,003 $ 48,033 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 1 $ 23.62 $ 4,095 $ 49,140 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 2 $ 24.82 $ 4,302 $ 51,628 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 3 $ 26.04 $ 4,514 $ 54,164 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 4 $ 27.37 $ 4,745 $ 56,934 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 5 $ 28.72 $ 4,977 $ 59,728 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 6 $ 30.15 $ 5,226 $ 62,710 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 7 $ 31.67 $ 5,490 $ 65,879 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 8 $ 33.23 $ 5,760 $ 69,119 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 9 $ 34.89 $ 6,048 $ 72,575 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 1 $ 27.24 $ 4,721 $ 56,653 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 2 $ 28.61 $ 4,960 $ 59,519 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 3 $ 30.03 $ 5,205 $ 62,461 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 4 $ 31.53 $ 5,465 $ 65,580 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 5 $ 33.09 $ 5,735 $ 68,825 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 6 $ 34.80 $ 6,031 $ 72,376 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 7 $ 36.50 $ 6,327 $ 75,926 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 8 $ 38.33 $ 6,644 $ 79,730 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 9 $ 40.25 $ 6,976 $ 83,717 Hourly rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth. Monthly and annual salaries are rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Actual rates my vary slightly due to rounding. Disclaimer: Salary ranges may be adjusted to accommodate minimum wage increases set by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations. 10-51 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 1 $ 32.24 $ 5,588 $ 67,058 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 2 $ 33.84 $ 5,866 $ 70,395 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 3 $ 35.53 $ 6,158 $ 73,901 Assistant, Administrative P/T OSE 4 $ 37.34 $ 6,473 $ 77,674 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 5 $ 39.15 $ 6,785 $ 81,422 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 6 $ 41.14 $ 7,132 $ 85,582 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 7 $ 43.20 $ 7,489 $ 89,862 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 8 $ 45.39 $ 7,867 $ 94,408 Assistant, Administrative P/T 05E 9 $ 47.66 $ 8,261 $ 99,129 Assistant, Department P/T 55 1 $ 25.28 $ 4,381 $ 52,573 Assistant, Department P/T 55 2 $ 26.55 $ 4,603 $ 55,233 Assistant, Department P/T 55 3 $ 27.88 $ 4,832 $ 57,990 Assistant, Department P/T 55 4 $ 29.27 $ 5,074 $ 60,892 Assistant, Department P/T 55 5 $ 30.74 $ 5,328 $ 63,938 Assistant, Department P/T 55 6 $ 32.27 $ 5,594 $ 67,130 Assistant, Department P/T 55 7 $ 33.89 $ 5,874 $ 70,492 Assistant, Department P/T 55 8 $ 35.58 $ 6,167 $ 73,998 Assistant, Department P/T 55 9 $ 37.35 $ 6,475 $ 77,698 Assistant, Office P/T 15 1 $ 21.58 $ 3,740 $ 44,883 Assistant, Office P/T 15 2 $ 22.72 $ 3,938 $ 47,252 Assistant, Office P/T 15 3 $ 23.85 $ 4,133 $ 49,598 Assistant, Office P/T 15 4 $ 25.02 $ 4,337 $ 52,041 Assistant, Office P/T 15 5 $ 26.28 $ 4,554 $ 54,652 Assistant, Office P/T 15 6 $ 27.59 $ 4,782 $ 57,385 Assistant, Office P/T 15 7 $ 28.97 $ 5,022 $ 60,262 Assistant, Office P/T 15 8 $ 30.44 $ 5,276 $ 63,310 Assistant, Office P/T 15 9 $ 31.96 $ 5,540 $ 66,475 Building Inspector II P/T 36 1 $ 38.85 $ 6,735 $ 80,818 Building Inspector II P/T 36 2 $ 40.82 $ 7,075 $ 84,905 Building Inspector II P/T 36 3 $ 42.85 $ 7,428 $ 89,136 Building Inspector II P/T 36 4 $ 45.02 $ 7,803 $ 93,634 Building Inspector II P/T 36 5 $ 47.25 $ 8,190 $ 98,277 Building Inspector II P/T 36 6 $ 49.61 $ 8,599 $ 103,186 Building Inspector II P/T 36 7 $ 52.09 $ 9,028 $ 108,337 10-52 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Building Inspector II P/T 36 8 $ 54.69 $ 9,480 $ 113,754 Building Inspector II P/T 36 9 $ 57.42 $ 9,953 $ 119,442 Building Inspector, Principal P/T-R 37R 1 $ 66.86 $ 11,589 $ 139,070 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 1 $ 36.70 $ 6,362 $ 76,344 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 2 $ 38.56 $ 6,684 $ 80,213 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 3 $ 40.49 $ 7,019 $ 84,227 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 4 $ 42.52 $ 7,370 $ 88,435 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 5 $ 44.66 $ 7,740 $ 92,885 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 6 $ 46.89 $ 8,127 $ 97,528 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 7 $ 49.24 $ 8,534 $ 102,413 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 8 $ 51.71 $ 8,964 $ 107,563 City Clerk, Assistant P/T 03 9 $ 54.30 $ 9,412 $ 112,942 Civil Engineer, Senior P/T-R 47R 1 $ 83.05 $ 14,395 $ 172,744 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 1 $ 29.88 $ 5,179 $ 62,149 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 2 $ 31.38 $ 5,439 $ 65,268 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 3 $ 32.95 $ 5,711 $ 68,533 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 4 $ 34.61 $ 5,999 $ 71,991 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 5 $ 36.33 $ 6,298 $ 75,570 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 6 $ 38.17 $ 6,616 $ 79,391 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 7 $ 40.05 $ 6,942 $ 83,308 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 8 $ 42.05 $ 7,289 $ 87,468 Code Enforcement Officer I P/T 23 9 $ 44.15 $ 7,653 $ 91,841 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 1 $ 25.39 $ 4,401 $ 52,814 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 2 $ 26.65 $ 4,619 $ 55,426 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 3 $ 27.98 $ 4,851 $ 58,207 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 4 $ 29.38 $ 5,092 $ 61,109 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 5 $ 30.86 $ 5,348 $ 64,180 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 6 $ 32.39 $ 5,614 $ 67,373 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 7 $ 34.02 $ 5,896 $ 70,758 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 8 $ 35.72 $ 6,191 $ 74,288 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee P/T 14 9 $ 37.50 $ 6,500 $ 78,003 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 1 $ 35.69 $ 6,187 $ 74,240 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 2 $ 37.48 $ 6,497 $ 77,964 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 3 $ 39.37 $ 6,823 $ 81,882 10-53 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 4 $ 41.33 $ 7,164 $ 85,968 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 5 $ 43.39 $ 7,521 $ 90,249 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 6 $ 45.56 $ 7,898 $ 94,771 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 7 $ 47.84 $ 8,293 $ 99,511 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 8 $ 50.24 $ 8,708 $ 104,492 Crime Analyst, Senior P/T 03A 9 $ 52.75 $ 9,143 $ 109,717 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 1 $ 33.60 $ 5,824 $ 69,887 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 2 $ 35.27 $ 6,114 $ 73,369 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 3 $ 37.04 $ 6,420 $ 77,045 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 4 $ 38.89 $ 6,741 $ 80,890 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 5 $ 40.84 $ 7,079 $ 84,953 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 6 $ 42.89 $ 7,434 $ 89,209 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 7 $ 45.03 $ 7,805 $ 93,658 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 8 $ 47.28 $ 8,196 $ 98,350 Crime Prevention Specialist P/T 12 9 $ 49.65 $ 8,606 $ 103,267 Custody Officer P/T 02 1 $ 30.76 $ 5,332 $ 63,987 Custody Officer P/T 02 2 $ 32.30 $ 5,598 $ 67,179 Custody Officer P/T 02 3 $ 33.91 $ 5,878 $ 70,540 Custody Officer P/T 02 4 $ 35.62 $ 6,175 $ 74,095 Custody Officer P/T 02 5 $ 37.40 $ 6,483 $ 77,795 Custody Officer P/T 02 6 $ 39.26 $ 6,805 $ 81,664 Custody Officer P/T 02 7 $ 41.24 $ 7,148 $ 85,775 Custody Officer P/T 02 8 $ 43.30 $ 7,505 $ 90,055 Custody Officer P/T 02 9 $ 45.46 $ 7,880 $ 94,558 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 1 $ 46.18 $ 8,004 $ 96,052 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 2 $ 48.53 $ 8,411 $ 100,937 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 3 $ 50.93 $ 8,829 $ 105,943 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 4 $ 53.52 $ 9,276 $ 111,312 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 5 $ 56.15 $ 9,733 $ 116,801 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 6 $ 58.97 $ 10,221 $ 122,653 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 7 $ 62.14 $ 10,771 $ 129,255 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 8 $ 65.03 $ 11,271 $ 135,252 Engineer, Associate P/T 85B 9 $ 68.28 $ 11,835 $ 142,015 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 1 $ 41.54 $ 7,200 $ 86,404 10-54 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 2 $ 43.61 $ 7,559 $ 90,708 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 3 $ 45.80 $ 7,938 $ 95,255 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 4 $ 48.09 $ 8,335 $ 100,019 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 5 $ 50.49 $ 8,752 $ 105,024 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 6 $ 53.02 $ 9,189 $ 110,272 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 7 $ 55.67 $ 9,649 $ 115,786 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 8 $ 58.44 $ 10,130 $ 121,565 Engineer, Junior P/T 54A 9 $ 61.37 $ 10,637 $ 127,643 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T SOA 1 $ 24.33 $ 4,218 $ 50,614 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 2 $ 25.57 $ 4,431 $ 53,177 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 3 $ 26.82 $ 4,649 $ 55,789 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 4 $ 28.19 $ 4,887 $ 58,643 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 5 $ 29.58 $ 5,127 $ 61,520 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 6 $ 31.05 $ 5,383 $ 64,591 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 7 $ 32.62 $ 5,655 $ 67,856 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 8 $ 34.23 $ 5,933 $ 71,193 Facilities Maintenance Worker II P/T 50A 9 $ 35.94 $ 6,229 $ 74,753 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 1 $ 22.80 $ 3,952 $ 47,422 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 2 $ 23.94 $ 4,149 $ 49,791 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 3 $ 25.17 $ 4,363 $ 52,355 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 4 $ 26.40 $ 4,577 $ 54,918 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 5 $ 27.73 $ 4,806 $ 57,675 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 6 $ 29.11 $ 5,046 $ 60,553 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 7 $ 30.54 $ 5,294 $ 63,527 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 8 $ 32.08 $ 5,560 $ 66,719 Fiscal Clerk P/T 30 9 $ 33.68 $ 5,838 $ 70,055 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 1 $ 26.54 $ 4,601 $ 55,208 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 2 $ 27.83 $ 4,824 $ 57,893 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 3 $ 29.22 $ 5,064 $ 60,770 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 4 $ 30.69 $ 5,320 $ 63,842 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 5 $ 32.22 $ 5,584 $ 67,009 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 6 $ 33.86 $ 5,868 $ 70,419 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 7 $ 35.56 $ 6,164 $ 73,974 Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 8 $ 37.31 $ 6,467 $ 77,601 10-55 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Fiscal Clerk, Senior P/T 65 9 $ 39.17 $ 6,790 $ 81,481 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 1 $ 30.75 $ 5,330 $ 63,963 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 2 $ 32.29 $ 5,596 $ 67,155 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 3 $ 33.90 $ 5,876 $ 70,516 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 4 $ 35.59 $ 6,169 $ 74,022 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 5 $ 37.35 $ 6,475 $ 77,698 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 6 $ 39.24 $ 6,801 $ 81,616 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 7 $ 41.19 $ 7,140 $ 85,678 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 8 $ 43.24 $ 7,495 $ 89,934 Fiscal Specialist P/T 85 9 $ 45.40 $ 7,869 $ 94,431 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 1 $ 17.58 $ 3,047 $ 36,564 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 2 $ 18.45 $ 3,198 $ 38,378 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 3 $ 19.35 $ 3,353 $ 40,240 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 4 $ 20.30 $ 3,519 $ 42,222 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 5 $ 21.35 $ 3,700 $ 44,399 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 6 $ 22.42 $ 3,885 $ 46,624 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 7 $ 23.54 $ 4,080 $ 48,955 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 8 $ 24.71 $ 4,284 $ 51,403 GIS Technical Aide P/T 75A 9 $ 25.95 $ 4,498 $ 53,973 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 1 $ 23.60 $ 4,091 $ 49,091 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 2 $ 24.79 $ 4,296 $ 51,557 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 3 $ 26.02 $ 4,510 $ 54,120 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 4 $ 27.33 $ 4,738 $ 56,853 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 5 $ 28.68 $ 4,972 $ 59,658 Harbor Services Worker P/T 89A 6 $ 30.12 $ 5,220 $ 62,641 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 1 $ 25.62 $ 4,441 $ 53,298 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 2 $ 26.91 $ 4,665 $ 55,982 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 3 $ 28.25 $ 4,897 $ 58,763 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 4 $ 29.68 $ 5,145 $ 61,738 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 5 $ 31.16 $ 5,401 $ 64,809 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 6 $ 32.70 $ 5,669 $ 68,025 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 7 $ 34.34 $ 5,953 $ 71,435 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 8 $ 36.06 $ 6,251 $ 75,014 Harbor Services Worker, Lead P/T 89B 9 $ 37.87 $ 6,564 $ 78,765 10-56 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 1 $ 41.58 $ 7,206 $ 86,476 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 2 $ 43.67 $ 7,569 $ 90,829 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 3 $ 45.85 $ 7,948 $ 95,376 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 4 $ 48.14 $ 8,345 $ 100,140 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 5 $ 50.53 $ 8,758 $ 105,097 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 6 $ 53.09 $ 9,201 $ 110,417 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 7 $ 55.72 $ 9,659 $ 115,907 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 8 $ 58.51 $ 10,143 $ 121,710 Human Resources Analyst P/T 16 9 $ 61.44 $ 10,650 $ 127,796 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 1 $ 34.82 $ 6,036 $ 72,426 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 2 $ 36.56 $ 6,338 $ 76,054 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT O8 3 $ 38.37 $ 6,650 $ 79,802 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 4 $ 40.30 $ 6,985 $ 83,816 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 5 $ 42.34 $ 7,339 $ 88,073 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 6 $ 44.40 $ 7,696 $ 92,353 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 7 $ 46.66 $ 8,087 $ 97,044 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 8 $ 49.00 $ 8,494 $ 101,929 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant PIT 08 9 $ 51.45 $ 8,919 $ 107,025 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 1 $ 48.52 $ 8,410 $ 100,914 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 2 $ 50.99 $ 8,838 $ 106,051 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 3 $ 53.52 $ 9,276 $ 111,318 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 4 $ 56.20 $ 9,742 $ 116,899 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 5 $ 58.97 $ 10,222 $ 122,664 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 6 $ 61.93 $ 10,735 $ 128,822 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 7 $ 65.00 $ 11,266 $ 135,190 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 8 $ 68.27 $ 11,834 $ 142,003 Human Resources Analyst, Senior P/T 20A 9 $ 71.68 $ 12,425 $ 149,103 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 1 $ 32.04 $ 5,554 $ 66,647 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 2 $ 33.65 $ 5,832 $ 69,984 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 3 $ 35.32 $ 6,122 $ 73,466 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 4 $ 37.06 $ 6,424 $ 77,094 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 5 $ 38.92 $ 6,747 $ 80,963 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 6 $ 40.85 $ 7,081 $ 84,977 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 7 $ 42.94 $ 7,442 $ 89,306 10-57 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 8 $ 45.03 $ 7,805 $ 93,658 Human Resources Specialist PIT 03B 9 $ 47.28 $ 8,195 $ 98,341 Intern P/T 05 1 $ 21.25 $ 3,684 $ 44,207 IT Technician P/T 54 1 $ 24.50 $ 4,246 $ 50,952 IT Technician P/T 54 2 $ 25.75 $ 4,464 $ 53,564 IT Technician P/T 54 3 $ 27.01 $ 4,681 $ 56,176 IT Technician P/T 54 4 $ 28.37 $ 4,917 $ 59,005 IT Technician P/T 54 5 $ 29.77 $ 5,161 $ 61,931 IT Technician P/T 54 6 $ 31.30 $ 5,425 $ 65,099 IT Technician P/T 54 7 $ 32.84 $ 5,693 $ 68,315 IT Technician P/T 54 8 $ 34.49 $ 5,979 $ 71,749 IT Technician P/T 54 9 $ 36.22 $ 6,278 $ 75,337 Librarian I P/T 21 1 $ 31.10 $ 5,391 $ 64,688 Librarian I P/T 21 2 $ 32.65 $ 5,659 $ 67,904 Librarian I P/T 21 3 $ 34.25 $ 5,937 $ 71,242 Librarian I P/T 21 4 $ 36.01 $ 6,241 $ 74,893 Librarian I P/T 21 5 $ 37.77 $ 6,547 $ 78,569 Librarian I P/T 21 6 $ 39.72 $ 6,884 $ 82,607 Librarian I P/T 21 7 $ 41.68 $ 7,225 $ 86,694 Librarian I P/T 21 8 $ 43.74 $ 7,581 $ 90,974 Librarian I P/T 21 9 $ 45.92 $ 7,960 $ 95,523 Library Assistant P/T 70 1 $ 26.47 $ 4,589 $ 55,063 Library Assistant P/T 70 2 $ 27.77 $ 4,814 $ 57,772 Library Assistant P/T 70 3 $ 29.15 $ 5,052 $ 60,625 Library Assistant P/T 70 4 $ 30.60 $ 5,304 $ 63,648 Library Assistant P/T 70 5 $ 32.13 $ 5,570 $ 66,840 Library Assistant P/T 70 6 $ 33.74 $ 5,848 $ 70,177 Library Assistant P/T 70 7 $ 35.44 $ 6,142 $ 73,708 Library Assistant P/T 70 8 $ 37.20 $ 6,449 $ 77,384 Library Assistant P/T 70 9 $ 39.06 $ 6,771 $ 81,253 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 1 $ 20.60 $ 3,571 $ 42,851 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 2 $ 21.64 $ 3,750 $ 45,004 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 3 $ 22.72 $ 3,938 $ 47,252 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 4 $ 23.87 $ 4,137 $ 49,647 10-58 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Library Clerk I P/T 05A 5 $ 25.04 $ 4,341 $ 52,089 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 6 $ 26.28 $ 4,554 $ 54,652 Library Clerk I P/T O5A 7 $ 27.59 $ 4,782 $ 57,385 Library Clerk I P/T 05A 8 $ 28.97 $ 5,022 $ 60,262 Library Clerk I P/T O5A 9 $ 30.42 $ 5,273 $ 63,276 Library Clerk II P/T 20 1 $ 21.74 $ 3,768 $ 45,221 Library Clerk II P/T 20 2 $ 22.85 $ 3,960 $ 47,518 Library Clerk II P/T 20 3 $ 23.97 $ 4,155 $ 49,864 Library Clerk II P/T 20 4 $ 25.22 $ 4,371 $ 52,452 Library Clerk II P/T 20 5 $ 26.47 $ 4,589 $ 55,063 Library Clerk II P/T 20 6 $ 27.77 $ 4,814 $ 57,772 Library Clerk II P/T 20 7 $ 29.15 $ 5,052 $ 60,625 Library Clerk II P/T 20 8 $ 30.63 $ 5,310 $ 63,721 Library Clerk II P/T 20 9 $ 32.17 $ 5,576 $ 66,907 Library Page P/T 30A 1 $ 17.73 $ 3,073 $ 36,878 Library Page P/T 30A 2 $ 18.61 $ 3,226 $ 38,716 Library Page P/T 30A 3 $ 19.54 $ 3,388 $ 40,652 Library Page P/T 30A 4 $ 20.52 $ 3,557 $ 42,685 Library Page P/T 30A 5 $ 21.54 $ 3,734 $ 44,809 Library Page P/T 30A 6 $ 22.62 $ 3,921 $ 47,049 Library Page P/T 30A 7 $ 23.75 $ 4,117 $ 49,402 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 1 $ 38.68 $ 6,704 $ 80,446 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 2 $ 40.61 $ 7,039 $ 84,472 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 3 $ 42.64 $ 7,390 $ 88,682 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 4 $ 44.77 $ 7,761 $ 93,130 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 5 $ 47.02 $ 8,149 $ 97,791 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 6 $ 49.36 $ 8,555 $ 102,663 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 7 $ 51.83 $ 8,983 $ 107,800 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 8 $ 54.42 $ 9,434 $ 113,202 Life Safety Specialist I P/T 72 9 $ 57.15 $ 9,905 $ 118,862 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 1 $ 46.45 $ 8,051 $ 96,609 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 2 $ 48.77 $ 8,454 $ 101,445 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 3 $ 51.21 $ 8,877 $ 106,524 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 4 $ 53.77 $ 9,320 $ 111,844 10-59 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 5 $ 56.47 $ 9,788 $ 117,454 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 6 $ 59.28 $ 10,275 $ 123,306 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 7 $ 62.25 $ 10,789 $ 129,473 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 8 $ 65.36 $ 11,329 $ 135,954 Life Safety Specialist III P/T 75B 9 $ 68.63 $ 11,896 $ 142,751 Lifeguard Cadet P/T, Unrep 01 1 $ 17.50 $ 3,033 $ 36,400 Lifeguard Trainee P/T, Unrep 02A 1 $ 15.50 $ 2,687 $ 32,240 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 1 $ 31.47 $ 5,455 $ 65,462 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 2 $ 33.03 $ 5,725 $ 68,702 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 3 $ 34.70 $ 6,015 $ 72,184 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 4 $ 36.41 $ 6,312 $ 75,739 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 5 $ 38.29 $ 6,636 $ 79,633 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 6 $ 40.18 $ 6,965 $ 83,575 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 7 $ 42.19 $ 7,313 $ 87,758 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 8 $ 44.28 $ 7,676 $ 92,111 Literacy Coordinator P/T 12A 9 $ 46.50 $ 8,060 $ 96,716 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 1 $ 17.37 $ 3,011 $ 36,129 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 2 $ 18.25 $ 3,164 $ 37,967 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 3 $ 19.17 $ 3,322 $ 39,865 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 4 $ 20.12 $ 3,488 $ 41,858 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 5 $ 21.13 $ 3,663 $ 43,951 Maintenance Aide P/T 84 6 $ 22.19 $ 3,846 $ 46,148 Management Analyst P/T 12B 1 $ 38.77 $ 6,721 $ 80,648 Management Analyst P/T 12B 2 $ 40.75 $ 7,063 $ 84,759 Management Analyst P/T 12B 3 $ 42.76 $ 7,412 $ 88,943 Management Analyst P/T 12B 4 $ 44.87 $ 7,777 $ 93,320 Management Analyst P/T 12B 5 $ 47.13 $ 8,170 $ 98,036 Management Analyst P/T 12B 6 $ 49.50 $ 8,581 $ 102,969 Management Analyst P/T 12B 7 $ 51.96 $ 9,006 $ 108,072 Management Analyst P/T 12B 8 $ 54.56 $ 9,457 $ 113,488 Management Analyst P/T 12B 9 $ 57.29 $ 9,930 $ 119,162 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 1 $ 35.94 $ 6,230 $ 74,761 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 2 $ 37.72 $ 6,538 $ 78,460 Management Analyst Assistant PIT 37A 3 $ 39.60 $ 6,864 $ 82,365 10-60 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 4 $ 41.60 $ 7,211 $ 86,527 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 5 $ 43.72 $ 7,579 $ 90,946 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 6 $ 45.85 $ 7,947 $ 95,364 Monagemen t Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 7 $ 48.18 $ 8,352 $ 100,220 Management Analyst, Assistant PIT 37A 8 $ 50.59 $ 8,769 $ 105,230 Management Analyst Assistant PIT 37A 9 $ 53.12 $ 9,208 $ 110,491 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 1 $ 45.36 $ 7,863 $ 94,353 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 2 $ 47.63 $ 8,257 $ 99,080 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 3 $ 50.02 $ 8,669 $ 104,034 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 4 $ 52.52 $ 9,103 $ 109,240 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 5 $ 55.14 $ 9,558 $ 114,700 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 6 $ 57.90 $ 10,036 $ 120,437 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 7 $ 60.79 $ 10,538 $ 126,453 Management Analyst Senior PIT 06A 8 $ 63.84 $ 11,066 $ 132,797 Management Analyst, Senior PIT 06A 9 $ 67.04 $ 11,620 $ 139,437 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 1 $ 18.46 $ 3,200 $ 38,402 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 2 $ 19.36 $ 3,355 $ 40,264 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 3 $ 20.33 $ 3,525 $ 42,295 Marine Naturalist Interpreter P/T 88 4 $ 21.35 $ 3,701 $ 44,410 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 1 $ 31.48 $ 5,457 $ 65,486 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 2 $ 33.05 $ 5,729 $ 68,750 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 3 $ 34.70 $ 6,015 $ 72,184 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 4 $ 36.46 $ 6,320 $ 75,836 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 5 $ 38.26 $ 6,632 $ 79,584 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 6 $ 40.16 $ 6,961 $ 83,526 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 7 $ 42.18 $ 7,311 $ 87,734 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 8 $ 44.30 $ 7,678 $ 92,135 Marketing Specialist P/T 02B 9 $ 46.51 $ 8,062 $ 96,742 Paralegal P/T 92 1 $ 33.81 $ 5,860 $ 70,322 Paralegal P/T 92 2 $ 35.49 $ 6,152 $ 73,829 Paralegal P/T 92 3 $ 37.25 $ 6,457 $ 77,480 Paralegal P/T 92 4 $ 39.12 $ 6,781 $ 81,374 Paralegal P/T 92 5 $ 41.04 $ 7,114 $ 85,364 Paralegal P/T 92 6 $ 43.16 $ 7,480 $ 89,765 10-61 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Paralegal P/T 92 7 $ 45.26 $ 7,845 $ 94,142 Paralegal P/T 92 8 $ 47.59 $ 8,248 $ 98,979 Paralegal P/T 92 9 $ 49.97 $ 8,661 $ 103,928 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 1 $ 23.60 $ 4,091 $ 49,091 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 2 $ 24.79 $ 4,296 $ 51,557 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 3 $ 26.02 $ 4,510 $ 54,120 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 4 $ 27.33 $ 4,738 $ 56,853 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 5 $ 28.68 $ 4,972 $ 59,658 Park Patrol Officer P/T 89 6 $ 30.12 $ 5,220 $ 62,641 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 1 $ 33.81 $ 5,860 $ 70,322 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 2 $ 35.49 $ 6,152 $ 73,829 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 3 $ 37.25 $ 6,457 $ 77,480 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 4 $ 39.12 $ 6,781 $ 81,374 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 5 $ 41.04 $ 7,114 $ 85,364 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 6 $ 43.16 $ 7,480 $ 89,765 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 7 $ 45.26 $ 7,845 $ 94,142 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 8 $ 47.59 $ 8,248 $ 98,979 Permit Technician II P/T 92A 9 $ 49.97 $ 8,661 $ 103,928 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 1 $ 34.77 $ 6,027 $ 72,330 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 2 $ 36.52 $ 6,330 $ 75,957 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 3 $ 38.34 $ 6,646 $ 79,754 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 4 $ 40.27 $ 6,981 $ 83,768 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 5 $ 42.24 $ 7,321 $ 87,855 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 6 $ 44.42 $ 7,700 $ 92,401 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 7 $ 46.56 $ 8,071 $ 96,850 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 8 $ 48.97 $ 8,488 $ 101,856 Planner, Assistant P/T 35B 9 $ 51.42 $ 8,912 $ 106,949 Planner, Principal P/T 27 1 $ 51.02 $ 8,844 $ 106,125 Planner, Principal P/T 27 2 $ 53.60 $ 9,290 $ 111,481 Planner, Principal P/T 27 3 $ 56.25 $ 9,749 $ 116,991 Planner, Principal P/T 27 4 $ 59.09 $ 10,243 $ 122,911 Planner, Principal P/T 27 5 $ 62.04 $ 10,753 $ 129,036 Planner, Principal P/T 27 6 $ 65.14 $ 11,291 $ 135,495 Planner, Principal P/T 27 7 $ 68.39 $ 11,855 $ 142,260 10-62 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Planner, Principal P/T 27 8 $ 71.83 $ 12,451 $ 149,411 Planner, Principal P/T 27 9 $ 75.42 $ 13,073 $ 156,881 Planner, Principal P/T-R 27R 1 $ 75.42 $ 13,073 $ 156,881 Planning Technician P/T 34 1 $ 31.62 $ 5,481 $ 65,776 Planning Technician P/T 34 2 $ 33.23 $ 5,759 $ 69,113 Planning Technician P/T 34 3 $ 34.87 $ 6,044 $ 72,523 Planning Technician P/T 34 4 $ 36.61 $ 6,346 $ 76,150 Planning Technician P/T 34 5 $ 38.47 $ 6,668 $ 80,020 Planning Technician P/T 34 6 $ 40.35 $ 6,995 $ 83,937 Planning Technician P/T 34 7 $ 42.40 $ 7,349 $ 88,193 Planning Technician P/T 34 8 $ 44.51 $ 7,714 $ 92,571 Planning Technician P/T 34 9 $ 46.73 $ 8,100 $ 97,199 Police Cadet P/T 40 1 $ 17.68 $ 3,065 $ 36,781 Police Cadet P/T 40 2 $ 18.57 $ 3,218 $ 38,621 Police Cadet P/T 40 3 $ 19.50 $ 3,379 $ 40,551 Police Cadet P/T 40 4 $ 20.47 $ 3,548 $ 42,579 Police Cadet P/T 40 5 $ 21.49 $ 3,726 $ 44,708 Police Cadet P/T 40 6 $ 22.57 $ 3,912 $ 46,943 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 1 $ 24.60 $ 4,264 $ 51,170 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 2 $ 25.82 $ 4,476 $ 53,709 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 3 $ 27.11 $ 4,699 $ 56,393 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 4 $ 28.47 $ 4,935 $ 59,223 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 5 $ 29.91 $ 5,185 $ 62,222 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 6 $ 31.39 $ 5,441 $ 65,293 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 7 $ 32.96 $ 5,713 $ 68,557 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 8 $ 34.61 $ 5,999 $ 71,991 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 9 $ 36.34 $ 6,300 $ 75,594 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 10 $ 38.17 $ 6,616 $ 79,391 Police Community Services Officer P/T 05C 11 $ 40.08 $ 6,947 $ 83,360 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 1 $ 31.39 $ 5,441 $ 65,293 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 2 $ 32.97 $ 5,715 $ 68,581 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 3 $ 34.62 $ 6,001 $ 72,015 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 4 $ 36.35 $ 6,302 $ 75,618 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 5 $ 38.18 $ 6,618 $ 79,415 10-63 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 6 $ 40.09 $ 6,948 $ 83,381 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 7 $ 42.09 $ 7,295 $ 87,540 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 8 $ 44.19 $ 7,660 $ 91,917 Police Dispatcher P/T 70A 9 $ 46.40 $ 8,043 $ 96,513 Police Reserve P/T 01A 1 $ 27.40 $ 4,749 $ 56,989 Police Reserve P/T 01A 2 $ 28.77 $ 4,987 $ 59,839 Police Reserve P/T 01A 3 $ 30.21 $ 5,236 $ 62,830 Police Reserve P/T 01A 4 $ 31.72 $ 5,498 $ 65,972 Police Reserve P/T 01A 5 $ 33.30 $ 5,773 $ 69,271 Police Reserve P/T 01A 6 $ 34.97 $ 6,061 $ 72,734 Police Reserve P/T 01A 7 $ 36.72 $ 6,364 $ 76,371 Police Reserve P/T 01A 8 $ 38.55 $ 6,682 $ 80,189 Police Reserve P/T 01A 9 $ 40.48 $ 7,017 $ 84,199 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 1 $ 17.37 $ 3,011 $ 36,129 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 2 $ 18.25 $ 3,164 $ 37,967 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 3 $ 19.17 $ 3,322 $ 39,865 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 4 $ 20.12 $ 3,488 $ 41,858 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 5 $ 21.13 $ 3,663 $ 43,951 Pool Lifeguard P/T 80 6 $ 22.19 $ 3,846 $ 46,148 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 1 $ 21.73 $ 3,766 $ 45,197 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 2 $ 22.83 $ 3,958 $ 47,494 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 3 $ 23.96 $ 4,153 $ 49,840 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 4 $ 25.18 $ 4,365 $ 52,379 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 5 $ 26.47 $ 4,589 $ 55,063 Pool Lifeguard, Senior P/T 86 6 $ 27.80 $ 4,818 $ 57,816 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 1 $ 17.71 $ 3,069 $ 36,830 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 2 $ 18.60 $ 3,224 $ 38,692 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 3 $ 19.53 $ 3,386 $ 40,626 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 4 $ 20.50 $ 3,553 $ 42,633 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 5 $ 21.52 $ 3,730 $ 44,762 Pool Swim Instructor P/T 85A 6 $ 22.60 $ 3,917 $ 47,000 Pool Swim Instructor Trainee P/T 01 1 $ 15.50 $ 2,687 $ 32,240 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 1 $ 18.75 $ 3,251 $ 39,006 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 2 $ 19.74 $ 3,422 $ 41,062 10-64 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 3 $ 20.72 $ 3,591 $ 43,093 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 4 $ 21.72 $ 3,764 $ 45,173 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 5 $ 22.82 $ 3,956 $ 47,470 Public Works Technical Aide P/T 75 6 $ 23.96 $ 4,154 $ 49,844 Records Specialist P/T 17 1 $ 31.51 $ 5,461 $ 65,535 Records Specialist P/T 17 2 $ 33.08 $ 5,733 $ 68,799 Records Specialist P/T 17 3 $ 34.74 $ 6,021 $ 72,257 Records Specialist P/T 17 4 $ 36.47 $ 6,322 $ 75,861 Records Specialist P/T 17 5 $ 38.30 $ 6,638 $ 79,657 Records Specialist P/T 17 6 $ 40.21 $ 6,971 $ 83,647 Records Specialist P/T 17 7 $ 42.23 $ 7,319 $ 87,830 Records Specialist P/T 17 8 $ 44.33 $ 7,684 $ 92,208 Records Specialist P/T 17 9 $ 46.55 $ 8,068 $ 96,818 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 1 $ 30.64 $ 5,311 $ 63,731 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 2 $ 32.18 $ 5,578 $ 66,938 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 3 $ 33.77 $ 5,854 $ 70,249 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 4 $ 35.50 $ 6,154 $ 73,848 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 5 $ 37.26 $ 6,458 $ 77,499 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 6 $ 39.13 $ 6,782 $ 81,385 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 7 $ 41.11 $ 7,125 $ 85,504 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 8 $ 43.11 $ 7,473 $ 89,677 Recreation Coordinator P/T 56 9 $ 45.27 $ 7,847 $ 94,160 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 1 $ 23.94 $ 4,149 $ 49,791 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 2 $ 25.14 $ 4,357 $ 52,283 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 3 $ 26.40 $ 4,577 $ 54,918 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 4 $ 27.72 $ 4,804 $ 57,651 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 5 $ 29.10 $ 5,044 $ 60,529 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 6 $ 30.54 $ 5,294 $ 63,527 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 7 $ 32.08 $ 5,560 $ 66,719 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 8 $ 33.66 $ 5,834 $ 70,008 Recreation Coordinator, Assistant P/T 06 9 $ 35.34 $ 6,126 $ 73,508 Recreation Leader P/T 45 1 $ 17.00 $ 2,946 $ 35,355 Recreation Leader P/T 45 2 $ 17.88 $ 3,099 $ 37,193 Recreation Leader P/T 45 3 $ 18.78 $ 3,254 $ 39,053 10-65 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Recreation Leader P/T 45 4 $ 19.71 $ 3,417 $ 41,005 Recreation Leader P/T 45 5 $ 20.70 $ 3,588 $ 43,055 Recreation Leader P/T 45 6 $ 21.73 $ 3,767 $ 45,208 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 1 $ 18.75 $ 3,251 $ 39,006 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 2 $ 19.74 $ 3,422 $ 41,062 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 3 $ 20.72 $ 3,591 $ 43,093 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 4 $ 21.72 $ 3,764 $ 45,173 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 5 $ 22.82 $ 3,956 $ 47,470 Recreation Leader, Senior P/T 55A 6 $ 23.96 $ 4,154 $ 49,844 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 1 $ 35.03 $ 6,072 $ 72,862 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 2 $ 36.80 $ 6,378 $ 76,537 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 3 $ 38.61 $ 6,692 $ 80,310 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 4 $ 40.54 $ 7,027 $ 84,324 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 5 $ 42.59 $ 7,382 $ 88,580 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 6 $ 44.69 $ 7,746 $ 92,957 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 7 $ 46.97 $ 8,141 $ 97,697 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 8 $ 49.31 $ 8,546 $ 102,558 Recreation Supervisor P/T 04A 9 $ 51.77 $ 8,974 $ 107,686 Review Officer P/T 95 1 $ 37.73 $ 6,539 $ 78,472 Review Officer P/T 95 2 $ 39.60 $ 6,864 $ 82,366 Review Officer P/T 95 3 $ 41.58 $ 7,206 $ 86,476 Review Officer P/T 95 4 $ 43.67 $ 7,569 $ 90,829 Review Officer P/T 95 5 $ 45.85 $ 7,948 $ 95,371 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 1 $ 23.18 $ 4,018 $ 48,220 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 2 $ 24.30 $ 4,212 $ 50,542 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 3 $ 25.58 $ 4,433 $ 53,201 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 4 $ 26.84 $ 4,653 $ 55,837 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 5 $ 28.19 $ 4,887 $ 58,643 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 6 $ 29.57 $ 5,125 $ 61,496 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 7 $ 31.05 $ 5,383 $ 64,591 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 8 $ 32.65 $ 5,659 $ 67,904 Senior Services Shuttle Driver P/T 05D 9 $ 34.28 $ 5,942 $ 71,299 Student Aide P/T 70B 1 $ 17.75 $ 3,077 $ 36,927 Student Aide P/T 70B 2 $ 18.64 $ 3,230 $ 38,764 10-66 EXHIBIT A: Side Letter of Agreement Between the City and PTEANB The City of Newport Beach Part -Time Employees Association Salary Schedule Adjustment MOU Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 (Exhibit A) Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Student Aide P/T 70B 3 $ 19.57 $ 3,392 $ 40,702 Student Aide P/T 70B 4 $ 20.55 $ 3,561 $ 42,738 Student Aide P/T 70B 5 $ 21.57 $ 3,740 $ 44,875 Student Aide P/T 70B 6 $ 22.65 $ 3,927 $ 47,118 Student Aide P/T 70B 7 $ 23.79 $ 4,123 $ 49,474 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 1 $ 24.33 $ 4,218 $ 50,614 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 2 $ 25.57 $ 4,431 $ 53,177 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 3 $ 26.82 $ 4,649 $ 55,789 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 4 $ 28.19 $ 4,887 $ 58,643 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 5 $ 29.58 $ 5,127 $ 61,520 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 6 $ 31.05 $ 5,383 $ 64,591 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 7 $ 32.62 $ 5,655 $ 67,856 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 8 $ 34.23 $ 5,933 $ 71,193 Support Services Aide P/T 50B 9 $ 35.94 $ 6,229 $ 74,753 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 1 $ 28.05 $ 4,863 $ 58,353 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 2 $ 29.47 $ 5,109 $ 61,304 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 3 $ 30.93 $ 5,361 $ 64,334 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 4 $ 32.47 $ 5,629 $ 67,547 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 5 $ 34.08 $ 5,908 $ 70,890 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 6 $ 35.84 $ 6,212 $ 74,547 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 7 $ 37.60 $ 6,517 $ 78,204 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 8 $ 39.48 $ 6,843 $ 82,122 Utilities Specialist P/T 60 9 $ 41.46 $ 7,186 $ 86,228 Hourly rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth. Monthly and annual salaries are rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Actual rates my vary slightly due to rounding. Disclaimer: Salary ranges may be adjusted to accommodate minimum wage increases set by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations. 10-67 EXHIBIT B FOURTH AMENDMENT TO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH KEY AND MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN WHEREAS, on January 25, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-10 adopting a Key and Management Compensation Plan ("Plan") for the period of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2025; WHEREAS, the City Manager periodically reviews job specifications and recommends adjustments to facilitate attracting and retaining employees; and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends moving the Management Assistant position into the Plan, as the position is connected to the career path for Management Analyst and Senior Management Analyst, both of which are currently included in the Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach Professional and Technical Association agrees that it is appropriate to move the Management Assistant position out of its bargaining group and into the Plan as a covered position; and WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends retitling certain job specifications that are referenced in the Key & Management Compensation Plan without any associated change in pay; and WHEREAS, the retitling of the positions requires the salary schedules for the affected positions to be updated in order to comply with the requirements set forth by the California Public Employees Retirement System ("CalPERS"); and WHEREAS, this amendment will not be binding until it is approved by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach wishes to amend the Plan as follows: 1. Appendix A of the Plan is replaced in its entirety with Appendix A to this Plan Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as expressly modified herein, all other terms and provisions set forth in the Plan shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. Attachment: Appendix A — List of All Key & Management Classifications and Their Subcategory and Salary Schedule K&M Plan — 4" Amendment m EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION NO. 2023- The City of Newport Beach Appendix A: List of All Key & Management Classifications and Their Subcategory Term of Compensation Plan: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Position Title Subcategory Administrative Manager Division Management Administrative Manager* Division Management Assistant, Administrative (K&M) Confidential Assistant, Executive Confidential Budget Analyst Confidential Budget Analyst, Senior Confidential City Attorney, Assistant Executive Management City Attorney, Deputy Division Management City Clerk, Assistant Confidential City Clerk, Deputy Confidential City Engineer, Assistant Division Management City Manager, Assistant Executive Management City Manager, Deputy Executive Management City Traffic Engineer Division Management Civil Engineer, Principal Division Management Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) Confidential Community Develop. Director Executive Management Community Develop. Director, Deputy Division Management Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief Division Management Finance Director, Deputy Division Management Finance Director/City Treasurer Executive Management Finance Manager Division Management Fire Chief Executive Management -Safety Fire Chief, Assistant Administrative Management -Safety Fire Marshal Division Management Fiscal Specialist (K&M) Confidential Harbormaster Executive Management Harbormaster, Deputy Administrative Management Homeless Services Manager Division Management Human Resources Analyst Confidential Human Resources Analyst, Assistant Confidential Human Resources Analyst, Senior Confidential Human Resources Director Executive Management 10-69 EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION NO. 2023- The City of Newport Beach Appendix A: List of All Key & Management Classifications and Their Subcategory Term of Compensation Plan: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Position Title Subcategory Human Resources Manager Division Management Human Resources Specialist Confidential Human Resources Supervisor Confidential IT Manager Administrative Management IT Supervisor Confidential Library Services Director Executive Management Library Services Manager Division Management Lifeguard Operations, Assistant Chief Administrative Management -Safety Management Analyst Confidential Management Analyst, Assistant Confidential Management Analyst, Senior Confidential Management Fellow Confidential Paralegal Confidential Payroll Coordinator Confidential Planner, Principal Confidential Planning Manager Division Management Police Chief Executive Management -Safety Police Chief, Assistant Administrative Management -Safety Police Support Srvcs Administrator Administrative Management Public Information Manager Division Management Public Information Specialist Confidential Public Works Director Executive Management Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer Administrative Management Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops Administrative Management Public Works Finance/Admin Manager Division Management Purchasing & Contracts Administrator Confidential Real Property Administrator Confidential Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director Executive Management Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy Administrative Management Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager Division Management Revenue Manager Division Management Superintendent Division Management Systems and Administration Manager Division Management 10-70 EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION NO. 2023- The City of Newport Beach Appendix A: List of All Key & Management Classifications and Their Subcategory Term of Compensation Plan: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Position Title Utilities Director Subcategory Executive Management Water Operations Superintendent Division Management 'Y-Rated, Hired on/before 10/27/2018 10-71 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Administrative Manager 04B 1 $ 53.29 $ 9,237 $ 110,842 Administrative Manager 04B 2 $ 55.99 $ 9,705 $ 116,460 Administrative Manager 04B 3 $ 58.73 $ 10,180 $ 122,154 Administrative Manager 04B 4 $ 61.68 $ 10,692 $ 128,299 Administrative Manager 04B 5 $ 64.77 $ 11,227 $ 134,720 Administrative Manager 04B 6 $ 68.01 $ 11,788 $ 141,456 Administrative Manager' 99 1 $ 78.13 $ 13,542 $ 162,502 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 1 $ 32.07 $ 5,558 $ 66,695 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 2 $ 33.67 $ 5,836 $ 70,032 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 3 $ 35.35 $ 6,127 $ 73,518 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 4 $ 37.14 $ 6,438 $ 77,255 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 5 $ 38.94 $ 6,749 $ 80,993 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 6 $ 40.93 $ 7,094 $ 85,131 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 7 $ 42.98 $ 7,450 $ 89,396 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 8 $ 45.15 $ 7,826 $ 93,910 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 9 $ 47.41 $ 8,217 $ 98,606 Assistant, Executive 08A 1 $ 35.24 $ 6,108 $ 73,292 Assistant, Executive 08A 2 $ 37.00 $ 6,413 $ 76,955 Assistant, Executive 08A 3 $ 38.82 $ 6,728 $ 80,742 Assistant, Executive 08A 4 $ 40.77 $ 7,067 $ 84,805 Assistant, Executive 08A 5 $ 42.86 $ 7,429 $ 89,145 Assistant, Executive 08A 6 $ 44.92 $ 7,786 $ 93,434 Assistant, Executive 08A 7 $ 47.25 $ 8,190 $ 98,275 Assistant, Executive 08A 8 $ 49.59 $ 8,595 $ 103,141 Assistant, Executive 08A 9 $ 52.07 $ 9,025 $ 108,298 Budget Analyst 15B 1 $ 41.12 $ 7,128 $ 85,533 Budget Analyst 15B 2 $ 43.17 $ 7,483 $ 89,796 Budget Analyst 15B 3 $ 45.33 $ 7,857 $ 94,286 Budget Analyst 15B 4 $ 47.57 $ 8,246 $ 98,952 Budget Analyst 15B 5 $ 49.94 $ 8,656 $ 103,868 Budget Analyst 15B 6 $ 52.46 $ 9,093 $ 109,111 Budget Analyst 15B 7 $ 55.05 $ 9,542 $ 114,503 Budget Analyst 15B 8 $ 57.84 $ 10,025 $ 120,297 Budget Analyst 15B 9 $ 60.73 $ 10,526 $ 126,312 10-72 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Budget Analyst, Senior 25 1 $ 47.57 $ 8,246 $ 98,952 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 2 $ 49.94 $ 8,656 $ 103,868 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 3 $ 52.47 $ 9,095 $ 109,136 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 4 $ 55.05 $ 9,542 $ 114,503 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 5 $ 57.84 $ 10,025 $ 120,297 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 6 $ 60.72 $ 10,524 $ 126,293 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 7 $ 63.76 $ 11,051 $ 132,614 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 8 $ 66.96 $ 11,607 $ 139,286 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 9 $ 70.31 $ 12,187 $ 146,250 City Attorney, Assistant 22A Low $ 74.24 $ 12,868 $ 154,419 City Attorney, Assistant 22A Mid $ 95.57 $ 16,566 $ 198,793 City Attorney, Assistant 22A High $ 116.91 $ 20,264 $ 243,168 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 1 $ 71.68 $ 12,424 $ 149,093 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 2 $ 75.27 $ 13,047 $ 156,568 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 3 $ 79.04 $ 13,699 $ 164,394 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 4 $ 82.99 $ 14,385 $ 172,621 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 5 $ 87.10 $ 15,098 $ 181,174 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 6 $ 91.46 $ 15,853 $ 190,233 City Clerk, Assistant 71 1 $ 43.85 $ 7,601 $ 91,217 City Clerk, Assistant 71 2 $ 46.05 $ 7,982 $ 95,787 City Clerk, Assistant 71 3 $ 48.35 $ 8,381 $ 100,576 City Clerk, Assistant 71 4 $ 50.77 $ 8,801 $ 105,610 City Clerk, Assistant 71 5 $ 53.31 $ 9,241 $ 110,888 City Clerk, Assistant 71 6 $ 55.98 $ 9,703 $ 116,435 City Clerk, Assistant 71 7 $ 58.77 $ 10,188 $ 122,250 City Clerk, Assistant 71 8 $ 61.72 $ 10,699 $ 128,384 City Clerk, Assistant 71 9 $ 64.81 $ 11,234 $ 134,803 City Clerk, Deputy 07 1 $ 33.68 $ 5,838 $ 70,057 City Clerk, Deputy 07 2 $ 35.36 $ 6,129 $ 73,543 City Clerk, Deputy 07 3 $ 37.15 $ 6,440 $ 77,281 City Clerk, Deputy 07 4 $ 38.98 $ 6,756 $ 81,068 City Clerk, Deputy 07 5 $ 40.94 $ 7,096 $ 85,157 City Clerk, Deputy 07 6 $ 42.99 $ 7,452 $ 89,421 City Clerk, Deputy 07 7 $ 45.17 $ 7,830 $ 93,961 10-73 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes City Clerk, Deputy 07 8 $ 47.40 $ 8,217 $ 98,601 City Clerk, Deputy 07 9 $ 49.77 $ 8,628 $ 103,531 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 1 $ 73.42 $ 12,725 $ 152,705 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 2 $ 77.07 $ 13,359 $ 160,305 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 3 $ 80.93 $ 14,028 $ 168,331 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 4 $ 84.98 $ 14,730 $ 176,759 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 5 $ 89.23 $ 15,466 $ 185,589 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 6 $ 93.69 $ 16,239 $ 194,868 City Manager, Assistant 17A Low $ 86.86 $ 15,056 $ 180,673 City Manager, Assistant 17A Mid $ 111.83 $ 19,383 $ 232,596 City Manager, Assistant 17A High $ 136.79 $ 23,710 $ 284,520 City Manager, Deputy 11E Low $ 67.99 $ 11,785 $ 141,418 City Manager, Deputy 11E Mid $ 81.90 $ 14,195 $ 170,343 City Manager, Deputy 11E High $ 95.80 $ 16,606 $ 199,268 City Traffic Engineer 15E 1 $ 73.42 $ 12,725 $ 152,705 City Traffic Engineer 15E 2 $ 77.07 $ 13,359 $ 160,305 City Traffic Engineer 15E 3 $ 80.93 $ 14,028 $ 168,331 City Traffic Engineer 15E 4 $ 84.98 $ 14,730 $ 176,759 City Traffic Engineer 15E 5 $ 89.23 $ 15,466 $ 185,589 City Traffic Engineer 15E 6 $ 93.69 $ 16,239 $ 194,868 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 1 $ 69.89 $ 12,115 $ 145,381 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 2 $ 73.39 $ 12,721 $ 152,655 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 3 $ 77.05 $ 13,355 $ 160,255 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 4 $ 80.90 $ 14,023 $ 168,282 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 5 $ 84.96 $ 14,726 $ 176,709 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 6 $ 89.20 $ 15,462 $ 185,545 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 1 $ 54.33 $ 9,417 $ 112,998 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 2 $ 57.02 $ 9,883 $ 118,592 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 3 $ 59.87 $ 10,378 $ 124,537 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 4 $ 62.86 $ 10,896 $ 130,757 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 5 $ 66.02 $ 11,444 $ 137,329 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 6 $ 69.32 $ 12,015 $ 144,177 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 7 $ 72.78 $ 12,615 $ 151,376 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 8 $ 76.42 $ 13,246 $ 158,951 10-74 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 9 $ 80.24 $ 13,908 $ 166,898 Community Develop. Director 15H Low $ 82.41 $ 14,285 $ 171,417 Community Develop. Director 15H Mid $ 106.10 $ 18,390 $ 220,686 Community Develop. Director 15H High $ 129.79 $ 22,496 $ 269,955 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 1 $ 77.21 $ 13,384 $ 160,606 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 2 $ 81.04 $ 14,046 $ 168,557 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 3 $ 85.10 $ 14,751 $ 177,010 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 4 $ 89.36 $ 15,489 $ 185,865 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 5 $ 93.84 $ 16,266 $ 195,195 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 6 $ 98.54 $ 17,080 $ 204,955 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 1 $ 67.54 $ 11,707 $ 140,490 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 2 $ 70.92 $ 12,293 $ 147,513 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 3 $ 74.45 $ 12,905 $ 154,862 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 4 $ 78.19 $ 13,553 $ 162,638 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 5 $ 82.10 $ 14,230 $ 170,764 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 6 $ 86.20 $ 14,942 $ 179,302 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 1 $ 77.21 $ 13,384 $ 160,606 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 2 $ 81.04 $ 14,046 $ 168,557 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 3 $ 85.10 $ 14,751 $ 177,010 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 4 $ 89.36 $ 15,489 $ 185,865 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 5 $ 93.84 $ 16,266 $ 195,195 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 6 $ 98.54 $ 17,080 $ 204,955 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C Low $ 82.41 $ 14,285 $ 171,417 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C Mid $ 106.10 $ 18,390 $ 220,686 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C High $ 129.79 $ 22,496 $ 269,955 Finance Manager 16 1 $ 68.24 $ 11,829 $ 141,944 Finance Manager 16 2 $ 71.67 $ 12,422 $ 149,068 Finance Manager 16 3 $ 75.26 $ 13,045 $ 156,543 Finance Manager 16 4 $ 79.01 $ 13,695 $ 164,343 Finance Manager 16 5 $ 82.94 $ 14,377 $ 172,521 Finance Manager 16 6 $ 87.09 $ 15,096 $ 181,147 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 1 $ 92.07 $ 15,959 $ 191,502 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 2 $ 96.67 $ 16,756 $ 201,076 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 3 $ 101.51 $ 17,594 $ 211,134 10-75 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 4 $ 106.57 $ 18,473 $ 221,675 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 5 $ 111.89 $ 19,394 $ 232,726 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 6 $ 117.48 $ 20,364 $ 244,362 Fire Marshal 02E 1 $ 67.54 $ 11,707 $ 140,490 Fire Marshal 02E 2 $ 70.92 $ 12,293 $ 147,513 Fire Marshal 02E 3 $ 74.45 $ 12,905 $ 154,862 Fire Marshal 02E 4 $ 78.19 $ 13,553 $ 162,638 Fire Marshal 02E 5 $ 82.10 $ 14,230 $ 170,764 Fire Marshal 02E 6 $ 86.20 $ 14,942 $ 179,302 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 1 $ 31.10 $ 5,391 $ 64,689 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 2 $ 32.68 $ 5,665 $ 67,975 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 3 $ 34.30 $ 5,945 $ 71,336 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 4 $ 36.01 $ 6,241 $ 74,898 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 5 $ 37.84 $ 6,559 $ 78,710 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 6 $ 39.69 $ 6,879 $ 82,548 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 7 $ 41.70 $ 7,228 $ 86,737 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 8 $ 43.77 $ 7,588 $ 91,051 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 9 $ 45.96 $ 7,967 $ 95,604 Harbormaster 77 Low $ 52.53 $ 9,106 $ 109,271 Harbormaster 77 Mid $ 67.63 $ 11,723 $ 140,675 Harbormaster 77 High $ 82.73 $ 14,340 $ 172,078 Human Resources Analyst 16A 1 $ 42.09 $ 7,295 $ 87,540 Human Resources Analyst 16A 2 $ 44.15 $ 7,652 $ 91,829 Human Resources Analyst 16A 3 $ 46.38 $ 8,039 $ 96,469 Human Resources Analyst 16A 4 $ 48.73 $ 8,447 $ 101,360 Human Resources Analyst 16A 5 $ 51.13 $ 8,863 $ 106,352 Human Resources Analyst 16A 6 $ 53.69 $ 9,306 $ 111,669 Human Resources Analyst 16A 7 $ 56.39 $ 9,774 $ 117,288 Human Resources Analyst 16A 8 $ 59.21 $ 10,263 $ 123,157 Human Resources Analyst 16A 9 $ 62.17 $ 10,776 $ 129,315 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 1 $ 35.24 $ 6,108 $ 73,292 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 2 $ 37.00 $ 6,413 $ 76,955 Human Resources Analyst Assistant 08 3 $ 38.82 $ 6,728 $ 80,742 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 4 $ 40.77 $ 7,067 $ 84,805 10-76 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 5 $ 42.86 $ 7,429 $ 89,145 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 6 $ 44.92 $ 7,786 $ 93,434 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 7 $ 47.25 $ 8,190 $ 98,275 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 8 $ 49.59 $ 8,595 $ 103,141 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 9 $ 52.07 $ 9,025 $ 108,298 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 1 $ 46.44 $ 8,050 $ 96,594 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 2 $ 48.80 $ 8,459 $ 101,511 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 3 $ 51.23 $ 8,879 $ 106,553 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 4 $ 53.80 $ 9,325 $ 111,895 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 5 $ 56.45 $ 9,784 $ 117,413 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 6 $ 59.28 $ 10,276 $ 123,308 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 7 $ 62.21 $ 10,784 $ 129,403 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 8 $ 65.35 $ 11,327 $ 135,924 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 9 $ 68.62 $ 11,893 $ 142,720 Human Resources Director 11B Low $ 77.96 $ 13,513 $ 162,161 Human Resources Director 11B Mid $ 100.37 $ 17,398 $ 208,776 Human Resources Director 11B High $ 122.78 $ 21,283 $ 255,391 Human Resources Manager 02C 1 $ 67.54 $ 11,707 $ 140,490 Human Resources Manager 02C 2 $ 70.92 $ 12,293 $ 147,513 Human Resources Manager 02C 3 $ 74.45 $ 12,905 $ 154,862 Human Resources Manager 02C 4 $ 78.19 $ 13,553 $ 162,638 Human Resources Manager 02C 5 $ 82.10 $ 14,230 $ 170,764 Human Resources Manager 02C 6 $ 86.20 $ 14,942 $ 179,302 Human Resources Specialist 03 1 $ 31.87 $ 5,525 $ 66,294 Human Resources Specialist 03 2 $ 33.46 $ 5,800 $ 69,605 Human Resources Specialist 03 3 $ 35.13 $ 6,089 $ 73,067 Human Resources Specialist 03 4 $ 36.86 $ 6,390 $ 76,678 Human Resources Specialist 03 5 $ 38.72 $ 6,712 $ 80,541 Human Resources Specialist 03 6 $ 40.64 $ 7,044 $ 84,530 Human Resources Specialist 03 7 $ 42.71 $ 7,404 $ 88,844 Human Resources Specialist 03 8 $ 44.79 $ 7,763 $ 93,158 Human Resources Specialist 03 9 $ 47.03 $ 8,151 $ 97,816 IT Manager 15D 1 $ 73.48 $ 12,736 $ 152,830 IT Manager 15D 2 $ 77.15 $ 13,373 $ 160,481 10-77 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes IT Manager 15D 3 $ 81.00 $ 14,040 $ 168,482 IT Manager 15D 4 $ 85.05 $ 14,742 $ 176,910 IT Manager 15D 5 $ 89.31 $ 15,480 $ 185,764 IT Manager 15D 6 $ 93.78 $ 16,254 $ 195,052 IT Supervisor 97 1 $ 64.15 $ 11,120 $ 133,442 IT Supervisor 97 2 $ 67.34 $ 11,672 $ 140,064 IT Supervisor 97 3 $ 70.71 $ 12,256 $ 147,076 IT Supervisor 97 4 $ 74.27 $ 12,873 $ 154,480 IT Supervisor 97 5 $ 77.97 $ 13,515 $ 162,178 IT Supervisor 97 6 $ 81.87 $ 14,191 $ 170,287 Library Services Director 11C Low $ 77.96 $ 13,513 $ 162,161 Library Services Director 11C Mid $ 100.37 $ 17,398 $ 208,776 Library Services Director 11C High $ 122.78 $ 21,283 $ 255,391 Library Services Manager 10D 1 $ 61.82 $ 10,715 $ 128,575 Library Services Manager 10D 2 $ 64.89 $ 11,248 $ 134,971 Library Services Manager IOD 3 $ 68.16 $ 11,814 $ 141,769 Library Services Manager 10D 4 $ 71.57 $ 12,406 $ 148,867 Library Services Manager 10D 5 $ 75.15 $ 13,026 $ 156,317 Library Services Manager 10D 6 $ 78.91 $ 13,678 $ 164,133 Management Analyst 12 1 $ 38.13 $ 6,609 $ 79,312 Management Analyst 12 2 $ 40.08 $ 6,948 $ 83,376 Management Analyst 12 3 $ 42.06 $ 7,291 $ 87,489 Management Analyst 12 4 $ 44.12 $ 7,648 $ 91,778 Management Analyst 12 5 $ 46.36 $ 8,035 $ 96,419 Management Analyst 12 6 $ 48.69 $ 8,440 $ 101,285 Management Analyst 12 7 $ 51.11 $ 8,858 $ 106,301 Management Analyst 12 8 $ 53.66 $ 9,302 $ 111,619 Management Analyst 12 9 $ 56.35 $ 9,767 $ 117,200 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 1 $ 34.75 $ 6,023 $ 72,276 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 2 $ 36.47 $ 6,321 $ 75,853 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 3 $ 38.28 $ 6,636 $ 79,627 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 4 $ 40.22 $ 6,971 $ 83,651 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 5 $ 42.27 $ 7,327 $ 87,923 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 6 $ 44.32 $ 7,683 $ 92,195 10-78 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Management Analyst, Assistant 37 7 $ 46.58 $ 8,074 $ 96,890 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 8 $ 48.91 $ 8,478 $ 101,733 Management Analyst Assistant 37 9 $ 51.36 $ 8,902 $ 106,819 Management Analyst, Senior 06 1 $ 43.85 $ 7,601 $ 91,217 Management Analyst, Senior 06 2 $ 46.05 $ 7,982 $ 95,787 Management Analyst, Senior 06 3 $ 48.35 $ 8,381 $ 100,576 Management Analyst, Senior 06 4 $ 50.77 $ 8,801 $ 105,610 Management Analyst, Senior 06 5 $ 53.31 $ 9,241 $ 110,888 Management Analyst, Senior 06 6 $ 55.98 $ 9,703 $ 116,435 Management Analyst, Senior 06 7 $ 58.77 $ 10,188 $ 122,250 Management Analyst, Senior 06 8 $ 61.72 $ 10,699 $ 128,384 Management Analyst, Senior 06 9 $ 64.81 $ 11,234 $ 134,803 Management Fellow 26 1 $ 26.52 $ 4,596 $ 55,157 Paralegal 30 1 $ 34.19 $ 5,926 $ 71,110 Paralegal 30 2 $ 35.89 $ 6,221 $ 74,647 Paralegal 30 3 $ 37.71 $ 6,536 $ 78,435 Paralegal 30 4 $ 39.60 $ 6,864 $ 82,372 Paralegal 30 5 $ 41.57 $ 7,205 $ 86,461 Paralegal 30 6 $ 43.64 $ 7,565 $ 90,775 Paralegal 30 7 $ 45.81 $ 7,941 $ 95,290 Paralegal 30 8 $ 48.10 $ 8,338 $ 100,056 Paralegal 30 9 $ 50.51 $ 8,755 $ 105,059 Payroll Coordinator 30B 1 $ 35.18 $ 6,097 $ 73,170 Payroll Coordinator 30B 2 $ 36.92 $ 6,400 $ 76,796 Payroll Coordinator 30B 3 $ 38.77 $ 6,721 $ 80,646 Payroll Coordinator 30B 4 $ 40.74 $ 7,062 $ 84,744 Payroll Coordinator 30B 5 $ 42.74 $ 7,408 $ 88,891 Payroll Coordinator 30B 6 $ 44.91 $ 7,784 $ 93,412 Payroll Coordinator 30B 7 $ 47.08 $ 8,161 $ 97,932 Payroll Coordinator 30B 8 $ 49.42 $ 8,567 $ 102,800 Payroll Coordinator 30B 9 $ 51.89 $ 8,995 $ 107,940 Planner, Principal 27 1 $ 49.94 $ 8,656 $ 103,868 Planner, Principal 27 2 $ 52.46 $ 9,093 $ 109,111 Planner, Principal 27 3 $ 55.05 $ 9,542 $ 114,503 10-79 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Planner, Principal 27 4 $ 57.84 $ 10,025 $ 120,297 Planner, Principal 27 5 $ 60.72 $ 10,524 $ 126,293 Planner, Principal 27 6 $ 63.76 $ 11,051 $ 132,614 Planner, Principal 27 7 $ 66.94 $ 11,603 $ 139,235 Planner, Principal 27 8 $ 70.30 $ 12,186 $ 146,234 Planner, Principal 27 9 $ 73.82 $ 12,795 $ 153,545 Planning Manager 11 1 $ 63.96 $ 11,087 $ 133,040 Planning Manager 11 2 $ 67.16 $ 11,641 $ 139,687 Planning Manager it 3 $ 70.50 $ 12,220 $ 146,634 Planning Manager 11 4 $ 74.02 $ 12,830 $ 153,959 Planning Manager 11 5 $ 77.74 $ 13,476 $ 161,709 Planning Manager 11 6 $ 81.63 $ 14,150 $ 169,795 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 1 $ 75.26 $ 13,045 $ 156,543 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 2 $ 79.02 $ 13,697 $ 164,368 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 3 $ 82.98 $ 14,383 $ 172,596 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 4 $ 87.12 $ 15,100 $ 181,199 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 5 $ 91.47 $ 15,854 $ 190,254 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 6 $ 96.04 $ 16,647 $ 199,767 Public Information Manager 14 1 $ 68.24 $ 11,829 $ 141,944 Public Information Manager 14 2 $ 71.67 $ 12,422 $ 149,068 Public Information Manager 14 3 $ 75.26 $ 13,045 $ 156,543 Public Information Manager 14 4 $ 79.01 $ 13,695 $ 164,343 Public Information Manager 14 5 $ 82.94 $ 14,377 $ 172,521 Public Information Manager 14 6 $ 87.09 $ 15,096 $ 181,147 Public Information Specialist 07B 1 $ 33.68 $ 5,838 $ 70,057 Public Information Specialist 07B 2 $ 35.36 $ 6,129 $ 73,543 Public Information Specialist 07B 3 $ 37.15 $ 6,440 $ 77,281 Public Information Specialist 07B 4 $ 38.98 $ 6,756 $ 81,068 Public Information Specialist 07B 5 $ 40.94 $ 7,096 $ 85,157 Public Information Specialist 07B 6 $ 42.99 $ 7,452 $ 89,421 Public Information Specialist 07B 7 $ 45.17 $ 7,830 $ 93,961 Public Information Specialist 07B 8 $ 47.40 $ 8,217 $ 98,601 Public Information Specialist 07B 9 $ 49.77 $ 8,628 $ 103,531 Public Works Director 15G Low $ 82.41 $ 14,285 $ 171,417 I SI EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Public Works Director 15G Mid $ 106.10 $ 18,390 $ 220,686 Public Works Director 15G High $ 129.79 $ 22,496 $ 269,955 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 1 $ 90.54 $ 15,694 $ 188,323 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 2 $ 95.07 $ 16,479 $ 197,754 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 3 $ 99.81 $ 17,301 $ 207,611 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 4 $ 104.81 $ 18,166 $ 217,996 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 5 $ 110.05 $ 19,076 $ 228,907 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 6 $ 115.55 $ 20,029 $ 240,352 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 1 $ 77.21 $ 13,384 $ 160,606 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 2 $ 81.04 $ 14,046 $ 168,557 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 3 $ 85.10 $ 14,751 $ 177,010 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 4 $ 89.36 $ 15,489 $ 185,865 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 5 $ 93.84 $ 16,266 $ 195,195 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 6 $ 98.54 $ 17,080 $ 204,955 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 1 $ 68.24 $ 11,829 $ 141,944 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 2 $ 71.67 $ 12,422 $ 149,068 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 3 $ 75.26 $ 13,045 $ 156,543 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 4 $ 79.01 $ 13,695 $ 164,343 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 5 $ 82.94 $ 14,377 $ 172,521 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 6 $ 87.09 $ 15,096 $ 181,147 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 1 $ 47.57 $ 8,246 $ 98,952 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 2 $ 49.94 $ 8,656 $ 103,868 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 3 $ 52.47 $ 9,095 $ 109,136 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 4 $ 55.05 $ 9,542 $ 114,503 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 5 $ 57.84 $ 10,025 $ 120,297 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 6 $ 60.72 $ 10,524 $ 126,293 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 7 $ 63.76 $ 11,051 $ 132,614 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 8 $ 66.96 $ 11,607 $ 139,286 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 9 $ 70.31 $ 12,187 $ 146,250 Real Property Administrator 19B 1 $ 47.57 $ 8,246 $ 98,952 Real Property Administrator 19B 2 $ 49.94 $ 8,656 $ 103,868 Real Property Administrator 19B 3 $ 52.47 $ 9,095 $ 109,136 Real Property Administrator 19B 4 $ 55.05 $ 9,542 $ 114,503 Real Property Administrator 19B 5 $ 57.84 $ 10,025 $ 120,297 10-81 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Real Property Administrator 19B 6 $ 60.72 $ 10,524 $ 126,293 Real Property Administrator 19B 7 $ 63.76 $ 11,051 $ 132,614 Real Property Administrator 19B 8 $ 66.96 $ 11,607 $ 139,286 Real Property Administrator 19B 9 $ 70.31 $ 12,187 $ 146,250 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D Low $ 77.96 $ 13,513 $ 162,161 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D Mid $ 100.37 $ 17,398 $ 208,776 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D High $ 122.78 $ 21,283 $ 255,391 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 1 $ 73.48 $ 12,736 $ 152,830 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 2 $ 77.15 $ 13,373 $ 160,481 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 3 $ 81.00 $ 14,040 $ 168,482 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 4 $ 85.05 $ 14,742 $ 176,910 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 5 $ 89.31 $ 15,480 $ 185,764 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 6 $ 93.78 $ 16,254 $ 195,052 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 1 $ 54.63 $ 9,469 $ 113,626 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 2 $ 57.35 $ 9,941 $ 119,294 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 3 $ 60.25 $ 10,443 $ 125,314 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 4 $ 63.27 $ 10,968 $ 131,610 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 5 $ 66.41 $ 11,511 $ 138,132 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 6 $ 69.73 $ 12,087 $ 145,038 Revenue Manager 16D 1 $ 71.68 $ 12,424 $ 149,093 Revenue Manager 16D 2 $ 75.27 $ 13,047 $ 156,568 Revenue Manager 16D 3 $ 79.04 $ 13,699 $ 164,394 Revenue Manager 16D 4 $ 82.99 $ 14,385 $ 172,621 Revenue Manager 16D 5 $ 87.10 $ 15,098 $ 181,174 Revenue Manager 16D 6 $ 91.46 $ 15,853 $ 190,233 Superintendent 10A 1 $ 61.82 $ 10,715 $ 128,575 Superintendent 10A 2 $ 64.89 $ 11,248 $ 134,971 Superintendent 10A 3 $ 68.16 $ 11,814 $ 141,769 Superintendent 10A 4 $ 71.57 $ 12,406 $ 148,867 Superintendent 10A 5 $ 75.15 $ 13,026 $ 156,317 Superintendent 10A 6 $ 78.91 $ 13,678 $ 164,133 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 1 $ 57.84 $ 10,025 $ 120,297 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 2 $ 60.72 $ 10,524 $ 126,293 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 3 $ 63.76 $ 11,051 $ 132,614 10-82 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective December 2, 2023 - New Positions and Title Changes Systems and Administration Manager 07A 4 $ 66.94 $ 11,603 $ 139,235 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 5 $ 70.30 $ 12,186 $ 146,234 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 6 $ 73.82 $ 12,795 $ 153,545 Utilities Director 11F Low $ 77.96 $ 13,513 $ 162,161 Utilities Director 11F Mid $ 100.37 $ 17,398 $ 208,776 Utilities Director 11F High $ 122.78 $ 21,283 $ 255,391 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 1 $ 64.91 $ 11,250 $ 135,004 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 2 $ 68.13 $ 11,810 $ 141,720 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 3 $ 71.57 $ 12,405 $ 148,857 Water Operations Superintendent 106 4 $ 75.15 $ 13,026 $ 156,311 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 5 $ 78.91 $ 13,678 $ 164,133 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 6 $ 82.86 $ 14,362 $ 172,339 Hourly rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth. Monthly and annual salaries are rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Actual rates my vary slightly due to rounding. lY-Rated 10/27/2018 from Harbor Resources Manager. The additional annual step does not apply to this salary range. For pay band salary ranges (low, mid, high), the high point is increased five percent (5%) to account for the additional step. The following Key & Management positions have salary schedules tied to the listed safety management groups. K & M Positions Employee Group Fire Chief Fire Management Lifeguard Operations, Assistant Chief Lifeguard Management Police Chief Police Management Police Chief, Assistant Police Management 10-83 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Administrative Manager 04B 1 $ 54.89 $ 9,514 $ 114,167 Administrative Manager 04B 2 $ 57.67 $ 9,996 $ 119,954 Administrative Manager 04B 3 $ 60.49 $ 10,485 $ 125,819 Administrative Manager 04B 4 $ 63.53 $ 11,012 $ 132,148 Administrative Manager 04B 5 $ 66.71 $ 11,563 $ 138,762 Administrative Manager 04B 6 $ 70.05 $ 12,142 $ 145,700 Administrative Manager' 99 1 $ 80.47 $ 13,542 $ 167,386 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 1 $ 33.03 $ 5,725 $ 68,696 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 2 $ 34.68 $ 6,011 $ 72,133 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 3 $ 36.41 $ 6,310 $ 75,724 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 4 $ 38.26 $ 6,631 $ 79,573 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 5 $ 40.11 $ 6,952 $ 83,422 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 6 $ 42.16 $ 7,307 $ 87,685 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 7 $ 44.27 $ 7,673 $ 92,078 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 8 $ 46.50 $ 8,061 $ 96,728 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 9 $ 48.83 $ 8,464 $ 101,564 Assistant, Executive 08A 1 $ 36.29 $ 6,291 $ 75,491 Assistant, Executive 08A 2 $ 38.11 $ 6,605 $ 79,263 Assistant, Executive 08A 3 $ 39.98 $ 6,930 $ 83,164 Assistant, Executive 08A 4 $ 41.99 $ 7,279 $ 87,350 Assistant, Executive 08A 5 $ 44.14 $ 7,652 $ 91,819 Assistant, Executive 08A 6 $ 46.27 $ 8,020 $ 96,237 Assistant, Executive 08A 7 $ 48.66 $ 8,435 $ 101,223 Assistant, Executive 08A 8 $ 51.07 $ 8,853 $ 106,235 Assistant, Executive 08A 9 $ 53.63 $ 9,296 $ 111,547 Budget Analyst 15B 1 $ 42.36 $ 7,342 $ 88,099 Budget Analyst 15B 2 $ 44.47 $ 7,708 $ 92,490 Budget Analyst 15B 3 $ 46.69 $ 8,093 $ 97,115 Budget Analyst 15B 4 $ 49.00 $ 8,493 $ 101,921 Budget Analyst 15B 5 $ 51.43 $ 8,915 $ 106,984 Budget Analyst 15B 6 $ 54.03 $ 9,365 $ 112,384 Budget Analyst 15B 7 $ 56.70 $ 9,828 $ 117,939 Budget Analyst 15B 8 $ 59.57 $ 10,326 $ 123,906 Budget Analyst 15B 9 $ 62.55 $ 10,842 $ 130,102 I:� EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Budget Analyst, Senior 25 1 $ 49.00 $ 8,493 $ 101,921 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 2 $ 51.43 $ 8,915 $ 106,984 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 3 $ 54.04 $ 9,367 $ 112,410 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 4 $ 56.70 $ 9,828 $ 117,939 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 5 $ 59.57 $ 10,326 $ 123,906 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 6 $ 62.54 $ 10,840 $ 130,081 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 7 $ 65.67 $ 11,383 $ 136,592 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 8 $ 68.97 $ 11,955 $ 143,464 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 9 $ 72.42 $ 12,553 $ 150,637 City Attorney, Assistant 22A Low $ 76.47 $ 13,254 $ 159,052 City Attorney, Assistant 22A Mid $ 98.44 $ 17,063 $ 204,757 City Attorney, Assistant 22A High $ 120.41 $ 20,872 $ 250,463 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 1 $ 73.83 $ 12,797 $ 153,566 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 2 $ 77.53 $ 13,439 $ 161,265 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 3 $ 81.41 $ 14,110 $ 169,325 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 4 $ 85.48 $ 14,817 $ 177,799 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 5 $ 89.72 $ 15,551 $ 186,609 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 6 $ 94.20 $ 16,328 $ 195,940 City Clerk, Assistant 71 1 $ 45.17 $ 7,829 $ 93,954 City Clerk, Assistant 71 2 $ 47.43 $ 8,222 $ 98,660 City Clerk, Assistant 71 3 $ 49.80 $ 8,633 $ 103,593 City Clerk, Assistant 71 4 $ 52.30 $ 9,065 $ 108,778 City Clerk, Assistant 71 5 $ 54.91 $ 9,518 $ 114,215 City Clerk, Assistant 71 6 $ 57.66 $ 9,994 $ 119,927 City Clerk, Assistant 71 7 $ 60.54 $ 10,493 $ 125,918 City Clerk, Assistant 71 8 $ 63.57 $ 11,020 $ 132,235 City Clerk, Assistant 71 9 $ 66.75 $ 11,571 $ 138,847 City Clerk, Deputy 07 1 $ 34.69 $ 6,013 $ 72,158 City Clerk, Deputy 07 2 $ 36.42 $ 6,312 $ 75,750 City Clerk, Deputy 07 3 $ 38.27 $ 6,633 $ 79,599 City Clerk, Deputy 07 4 $ 40.14 $ 6,958 $ 83,500 City Clerk, Deputy 07 5 $ 42.17 $ 7,309 $ 87,711 City Clerk, Deputy 07 6 $ 44.28 $ 7,675 $ 92,103 City Clerk, Deputy 07 7 $ 46.53 $ 8,065 $ 96,780 10-85 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) City Clerk, Deputy 07 8 $ 48.83 $ 8,463 $ 101,559 City Clerk, Deputy 07 9 $ 51.27 $ 8,886 $ 106,637 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 1 $ 75.62 $ 13,107 $ 157,286 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 2 $ 79.38 $ 13,760 $ 165,114 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 3 $ 83.36 $ 14,448 $ 173,381 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 4 $ 87.53 $ 15,172 $ 182,062 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 5 $ 91.90 $ 15,930 $ 191,156 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 6 $ 96.50 $ 16,726 $ 200,714 City Manager, Assistant 17A Low $ 89.47 $ 15,508 $ 186,093 City Manager, Assistant 17A Mid $ 115.18 $ 19,964 $ 239,574 City Manager, Assistant 17A High $ 140.89 $ 24,421 $ 293,055 City Manager, Deputy 11E Low $ 70.03 $ 12,138 $ 145,660 City Manager, Deputy 11E Mid $ 84.35 $ 14,621 $ 175,453 City Manager, Deputy 11E High $ 98.68 $ 17,104 $ 205,246 City Traffic Engineer 15E 1 $ 75.62 $ 13,107 $ 157,286 City Traffic Engineer 15E 2 $ 79.38 $ 13,760 $ 165,114 City Traffic Engineer 15E 3 $ 83.36 $ 14,448 $ 173,381 City Traffic Engineer 15E 4 $ 87.53 $ 15,172 $ 182,062 City Traffic Engineer 15E 5 $ 91.90 $ 15,930 $ 191,156 City Traffic Engineer 15E 6 $ 96.50 $ 16,726 $ 200,714 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 1 $ 71.99 $ 12,478 $ 149,742 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 2 $ 75.59 $ 13,103 $ 157,234 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 3 $ 79.36 $ 13,755 $ 165,062 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 4 $ 83.33 $ 14,444 $ 173,330 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 5 $ 87.51 $ 15,168 $ 182,011 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 6 $ 91.88 $ 15,926 $ 191,111 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 1 $ 55.96 $ 9,699 $ 116,388 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 2 $ 58.73 $ 10,179 $ 122,150 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 3 $ 61.67 $ 10,689 $ 128,273 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 4 $ 64.75 $ 11,223 $ 134,680 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 5 $ 68.00 $ 11,787 $ 141,449 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 6 $ 71.40 $ 12,375 $ 148,502 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 7 $ 74.96 $ 12,993 $ 155,917 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 8 $ 78.71 $ 13,643 $ 163,719 I:• EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 9 $ 82.65 $ 14,325 $ 171,905 Community Develop. Director 15H Low $ 84.88 $ 14,713 $ 176,559 Community Develop. Director 15H Mid $ 109.28 $ 18,942 $ 227,306 Community Develop. Director 15H High $ 133.68 $ 23,171 $ 278,054 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 1 $ 79.53 $ 13,785 $ 165,424 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 2 $ 83.47 $ 14,468 $ 173,614 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 3 $ 87.65 $ 15,193 $ 182,320 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 4 $ 92.04 $ 15,953 $ 191,441 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 5 $ 96.66 $ 16,754 $ 201,051 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 6 $ 101.49 $ 17,592 $ 211,104 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 1 $ 69.57 $ 12,059 $ 144,704 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 2 $ 73.05 $ 12,662 $ 151,938 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 3 $ 76.69 $ 13,292 $ 159,508 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 4 $ 80.54 $ 13,960 $ 167,517 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 5 $ 84.56 $ 14,657 $ 175,887 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 6 $ 88.79 $ 15,390 $ 184,682 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 1 $ 79.53 $ 13,785 $ 165,424 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 2 $ 83.47 $ 14,468 $ 173,614 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 3 $ 87.65 $ 15,193 $ 182,320 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 4 $ 92.04 $ 15,953 $ 191,441 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 5 $ 96.66 $ 16,754 $ 201,051 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 6 $ 101.49 $ 17,592 $ 211,104 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C Low $ 84.88 $ 14,713 $ 176,559 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C Mid $ 109.28 $ 18,942 $ 227,306 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C High $ 133.68 $ 23,171 $ 278,054 Finance Manager 16 1 $ 70.29 $ 12,184 $ 146,203 Finance Manager 16 2 $ 73.82 $ 12,795 $ 153,540 Finance Manager 16 3 $ 77.52 $ 13,437 $ 161,239 Finance Manager 16 4 $ 81.38 $ 14,106 $ 169,274 Finance Manager 16 5 $ 85.43 $ 14,808 $ 177,696 Finance Manager 16 6 $ 89.70 $ 15,548 $ 186,581 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 1 $ 94.83 $ 16,437 $ 197,247 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 2 $ 99.57 $ 17,259 $ 207,108 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 3 $ 104.55 $ 18,122 $ 217,468 10-87 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 4 $ 109.77 $ 19,027 $ 228,325 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 5 $ 115.24 $ 19,976 $ 239,708 Fire Chief, Assistant 0113 6 $ 121.01 $ 20,974 $ 251,693 Fire Marshal 02E 1 $ 69.57 $ 12,059 $ 144,704 Fire Marshal 02E 2 $ 73.05 $ 12,662 $ 151,938 Fire Marshal 02E 3 $ 76.69 $ 13,292 $ 159,508 Fire Marshal 02E 4 $ 80.54 $ 13,960 $ 167,517 Fire Marshal 02E 5 $ 84.56 $ 14,657 $ 175,887 Fire Marshal 02E 6 $ 88.79 $ 15,390 $ 184,682 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 1 $ 32.03 $ 5,552 $ 66,629 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 2 $ 33.66 $ 5,834 $ 70,014 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 3 $ 35.32 $ 6,123 $ 73,476 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 4 $ 37.09 $ 6,429 $ 77,145 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 5 $ 38.98 $ 6,756 $ 81,072 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 6 $ 40.88 $ 7,085 $ 85,024 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 7 $ 42.95 $ 7,445 $ 89,339 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 8 $ 45.09 $ 7,815 $ 93,783 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 9 $ 47.34 $ 8,206 $ 98,472 Harbormaster 77 Low $ 54.11 $ 9,379 $ 112,549 Harbormaster 77 Mid $ 69.66 $ 12,075 $ 144,895 Harbormaster 77 High $ 85.21 $ 14,770 $ 177,241 Human Resources Analyst 16A 1 $ 43.35 $ 7,514 $ 90,166 Human Resources Analyst 16A 2 $ 45.47 $ 7,882 $ 94,584 Human Resources Analyst 16A 3 $ 47.77 $ 8,280 $ 99,363 Human Resources Analyst 16A 4 $ 50.19 $ 8,700 $ 104,401 Human Resources Analyst 16A 5 $ 52.66 $ 9,129 $ 109,542 Human Resources Analyst 16A 6 $ 55.30 $ 9,585 $ 115,019 Human Resources Analyst 16A 7 $ 58.08 $ 10,067 $ 120,807 Human Resources Analyst 16A 8 $ 60.99 $ 10,571 $ 126,852 Human Resources Analyst 16A 9 $ 64.04 $ 11,100 $ 133,195 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 1 $ 36.29 $ 6,291 $ 75,491 Human Resources Analyst Assistant 08 2 $ 38.11 $ 6,605 $ 79,263 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 3 $ 39.98 $ 6,930 $ 83,164 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 4 $ 41.99 $ 7,279 $ 87,350 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 5 $ 44.14 $ 7,652 $ 91,819 Human Resources Analyst Assistant 08 6 $ 46.27 $ 8,020 $ 96,237 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 7 $ 48.66 $ 8,435 $ 101,223 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 8 $ 51.07 $ 8,853 $ 106,235 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 9 $ 53.63 $ 9,296 $ 111,547 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 1 $ 47.83 $ 8,291 $ 99,492 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 2 $ 50.27 $ 8,713 $ 104,556 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 3 $ 52.76 $ 9,146 $ 109,749 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 4 $ 55.41 $ 9,604 $ 115,252 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 5 $ 58.14 $ 10,078 $ 120,935 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 6 $ 61.06 $ 10,584 $ 127,007 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 7 $ 64.08 $ 11,107 $ 133,285 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 8 $ 67.31 $ 11,667 $ 140,002 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 9 $ 70.67 $ 12,250 $ 147,002 Human Resources Director 11B Low $ 80.30 $ 13,919 $ 167,025 Human Resources Director 11B Mid $ 103.38 $ 17,920 $ 215,039 Human Resources Director 11B High $ 126.47 $ 21,921 $ 263,052 Human Resources Manager 02C 1 $ 69.57 $ 12,059 $ 144,704 Human Resources Manager 02C 2 $ 73.05 $ 12,662 $ 151,938 Human Resources Manager 02C 3 $ 76.69 $ 13,292 $ 159,508 Human Resources Manager 02C 4 $ 80.54 $ 13,960 $ 167,517 Human Resources Manager 02C 5 $ 84.56 $ 14,657 $ 175,887 Human Resources Manager 02C 6 $ 88.79 $ 15,390 $ 184,682 Human Resources Specialist 03 1 $ 32.83 $ 5,690 $ 68,283 Human Resources Specialist 03 2 $ 34.47 $ 5,974 $ 71,693 Human Resources Specialist 03 3 $ 36.18 $ 6,272 $ 75,259 Human Resources Specialist 03 4 $ 37.97 $ 6,582 $ 78,979 Human Resources Specialist 03 5 $ 39.88 $ 6,913 $ 82,957 Human Resources Specialist 03 6 $ 41.86 $ 7,255 $ 87,065 Human Resources Specialist 03 7 $ 43.99 $ 7,626 $ 91,509 Human Resources Specialist 03 8 $ 46.13 $ 7,996 $ 95,953 Human Resources Specialist 03 9 $ 48.44 $ 8,396 $ 100,750 IT Manager 15D 1 $ 75.68 $ 13,118 $ 157,415 IT Manager 15D 2 $ 79.47 $ 13,775 $ 165,295 I:• EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) IT Manager 15D 3 $ 83.43 $ 14,461 $ 173,537 IT Manager 15D 4 $ 87.60 $ 15,185 $ 182,217 IT Manager 15D 5 $ 91.99 $ 15,945 $ 191,337 IT Manager 15D 6 $ 96.59 $ 16,742 $ 200,904 IT Supervisor 97 1 $ 66.08 $ 11,454 $ 137,445 IT Supervisor 97 2 $ 69.36 $ 12,022 $ 144,266 IT Supervisor 97 3 $ 72.83 $ 12,624 $ 151,489 IT Supervisor 97 4 $ 76.50 $ 13,260 $ 159,115 IT Supervisor 97 5 $ 80.31 $ 13,920 $ 167,043 IT Supervisor 97 6 $ 84.32 $ 14,616 $ 175,395 Library Services Director 11C Low $ 80.30 $ 13,919 $ 167,025 Library Services Director 11C Mid $ 103.38 $ 17,920 $ 215,039 Library Services Director 11C High $ 126.47 $ 21,921 $ 263,052 Library Services Manager 10D 1 $ 63.67 $ 11,036 $ 132,432 Library Services Manager 10D 2 $ 66.84 $ 11,585 $ 139,020 Library Services Manager 10D 3 $ 70.20 $ 12,168 $ 146,022 Library Services Manager 10D 4 $ 73.72 $ 12,778 $ 153,333 Library Services Manager 10D 5 $ 77.41 $ 13,417 $ 161,006 Library Services Manager 10D 6 $ 81.28 $ 14,088 $ 169,057 Management Analyst 12 1 $ 39.27 $ 6,808 $ 81,691 Management Analyst 12 2 $ 41.29 $ 7,156 $ 85,877 Management Analyst 12 3 $ 43.32 $ 7,509 $ 90,114 Management Analyst 12 4 $ 45.45 $ 7,878 $ 94,532 Management Analyst 12 5 $ 47.75 $ 8,276 $ 99,312 Management Analyst 12 6 $ 50.16 $ 8,694 $ 104,323 Management Analyst 12 7 $ 52.64 $ 9,124 $ 109,490 Management Analyst 12 8 $ 55.27 $ 9,581 $ 114,968 Management Analyst 12 9 $ 58.04 $ 10,060 $ 120,716 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 1 $ 35.79 $ 6,204 $ 74,444 Management Analyst Assistant 37 2 $ 37.56 $ 6,511 $ 78,128 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 3 $ 39.43 $ 6,835 $ 82,016 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 4 $ 41.42 $ 7,180 $ 86,161 Management Analyst Assistant 37 5 $ 43.54 $ 7,547 $ 90,561 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 6 $ 45.65 $ 7,913 $ 94,961 10-90 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Management Analyst, Assistant 37 7 $ 47.98 $ 8,316 $ 99,796 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 8 $ 50.38 $ 8,732 $ 104,785 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 9 $ 52.90 $ 9,169 $ 110,024 Management Analyst, Senior 06 1 $ 45.17 $ 7,829 $ 93,954 Management Analyst, Senior 06 2 $ 47.43 $ 8,222 $ 98,660 Management Analyst, Senior 06 3 $ 49.80 $ 8,633 $ 103,593 Management Analyst, Senior 06 4 $ 52.30 $ 9,065 $ 108,778 Management Analyst, Senior 06 5 $ 54.91 $ 9,518 $ 114,215 Management Analyst, Senior 06 6 $ 57.66 $ 9,994 $ 119,927 Management Analyst, Senior 06 7 $ 60.54 $ 10,493 $ 125,918 Management Analyst, Senior 06 8 $ 63.57 $ 11,020 $ 132,235 Management Analyst, Senior 06 9 $ 66.75 $ 11,571 $ 138,847 Management Fellow 26 1 $ 27.31 $ 4,734 $ 56,811 Paralegal 30 1 $ 35.21 $ 6,104 $ 73,244 Paralegal 30 2 $ 36.96 $ 6,407 $ 76,886 Paralegal 30 3 $ 38.84 $ 6,732 $ 80,788 Paralegal 30 4 $ 40.79 $ 7,070 $ 84,844 Paralegal 30 5 $ 42.81 $ 7,421 $ 89,055 Paralegal 30 6 $ 44.95 $ 7,791 $ 93,498 Paralegal 30 7 $ 47.19 $ 8,179 $ 98,148 Paralegal 30 8 $ 49.55 $ 8,588 $ 103,058 Paralegal 30 9 $ 52.02 $ 9,018 $ 108,210 Payroll Coordinator 30B 1 $ 36.23 $ 6,280 $ 75,365 Payroll Coordinator 30B 2 $ 38.03 $ 6,592 $ 79,100 Payroll Coordinator 30B 3 $ 39.94 $ 6,922 $ 83,066 Payroll Coordinator 30B 4 $ 41.96 $ 7,274 $ 87,286 Payroll Coordinator 30B 5 $ 44.02 $ 7,630 $ 91,558 Payroll Coordinator 30B 6 $ 46.26 $ 8,018 $ 96,215 Payroll Coordinator 30B 7 $ 48.50 $ 8,406 $ 100,870 Payroll Coordinator 30B 8 $ 50.91 $ 8,824 $ 105,884 Payroll Coordinator 30B 9 $ 53.45 $ 9,265 $ 111,178 Planner, Principal 27 1 $ 51.43 $ 8,915 $ 106,984 Planner, Principal 27 2 $ 54.03 $ 9,365 $ 112,384 Planner, Principal 27 3 $ 56.70 $ 9,828 $ 117,939 10-91 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Planner, Principal 27 4 $ 59.57 $ 10,326 $ 123,906 Planner, Principal 27 5 $ 62.54 $ 10,840 $ 130,081 Planner, Principal 27 6 $ 65.67 $ 11,383 $ 136,592 Planner, Principal 27 7 $ 68.95 $ 11,951 $ 143,412 Planner, Principal 27 8 $ 72.41 $ 12,552 $ 150,621 Planner, Principal 27 9 $ 76.03 $ 13,179 $ 158,152 Planning Manager 11 1 $ 65.88 $ 11,419 $ 137,031 Planning Manager 11 2 $ 69.17 $ 11,990 $ 143,877 Planning Manager 11 3 $ 72.61 $ 12,586 $ 151,033 Planning Manager 11 4 $ 76.24 $ 13,215 $ 158,578 Planning Manager 11 5 $ 80.08 $ 13,880 $ 166,561 Planning Manager 11 6 $ 84.08 $ 14,574 $ 174,889 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 1 $ 77.52 $ 13,437 $ 161,239 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 2 $ 81.39 $ 14,108 $ 169,299 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 3 $ 85.47 $ 14,814 $ 177,774 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 4 $ 89.73 $ 15,553 $ 186,635 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 5 $ 94.21 $ 16,330 $ 195,961 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 6 $ 98.92 $ 17,147 $ 205,760 Public Information Manager 14 1 $ 70.29 $ 12,184 $ 146,203 Public Information Manager 14 2 $ 73.82 $ 12,795 $ 153,540 Public Information Manager 14 3 $ 77.52 $ 13,437 $ 161,239 Public Information Manager 14 4 $ 81.38 $ 14,106 $ 169,274 Public Information Manager 14 5 $ 85.43 $ 14,808 $ 177,696 Public Information Manager 14 6 $ 89.70 $ 15,548 $ 186,581 Public Information Specialist 07B 1 $ 34.69 $ 6,013 $ 72,158 Public Information Specialist 07B 2 $ 36.42 $ 6,312 $ 75,750 Public Information Specialist 07B 3 $ 38.27 $ 6,633 $ 79,599 Public Information Specialist 07B 4 $ 40.14 $ 6,958 $ 83,500 Public Information Specialist 07B 5 $ 42.17 $ 7,309 $ 87,711 Public Information Specialist 07B 6 $ 44.28 $ 7,675 $ 92,103 Public Information Specialist 07B 7 $ 46.53 $ 8,065 $ 96,780 Public Information Specialist 07B 8 $ 48.83 $ 8,463 $ 101,559 Public Information Specialist 07B 9 $ 51.27 $ 8,886 $ 106,637 Public Works Director 15G Low $ 84.88 $ 14,713 $ 176,559 10-92 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Public Works Director 15G Mid $ 109.28 $ 18,942 $ 227,306 Public Works Director 15G High $ 133.68 $ 23,171 $ 278,054 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 1 $ 93.26 $ 16,164 $ 193,972 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 2 $ 97.93 $ 16,974 $ 203,686 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 3 $ 102.81 $ 17,820 $ 213,840 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 4 $ 107.95 $ 18,711 $ 224,536 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 5 $ 113.35 $ 19,648 $ 235,774 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 6 $ 119.02 $ 20,630 $ 247,563 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 1 $ 79.53 $ 13,785 $ 165,424 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 2 $ 83.47 $ 14,468 $ 173,614 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 3 $ 87.65 $ 15,193 $ 182,320 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 4 $ 92.04 $ 15,953 $ 191,441 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 5 $ 96.66 $ 16,754 $ 201,051 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Cps 17B 6 $ 101.49 $ 17,592 $ 211,104 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 1 $ 70.29 $ 12,184 $ 146,203 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 2 $ 73.82 $ 12,795 $ 153,540 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 3 $ 77.52 $ 13,437 $ 161,239 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 4 $ 81.38 $ 14,106 $ 169,274 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 5 $ 85.43 $ 14,808 $ 177,696 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 6 $ 89.70 $ 15,548 $ 186,581 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 1 $ 49.00 $ 8,493 $ 101,921 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 2 $ 51.43 $ 8,915 $ 106,984 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 3 $ 54.04 $ 9,367 $ 112,410 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 4 $ 56.70 $ 9,828 $ 117,939 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 5 $ 59.57 $ 10,326 $ 123,906 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 6 $ 62.54 $ 10,840 $ 130,081 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 7 $ 65.67 $ 11,383 $ 136,592 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 8 $ 68.97 $ 11,955 $ 143,464 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 9 $ 72.42 $ 12,553 $ 150,637 Real Property Administrator 19B 1 $ 49.00 $ 8,493 $ 101,921 Real Property Administrator 19B 2 $ 51.43 $ 8,915 $ 106,984 Real Property Administrator 19B 3 $ 54.04 $ 9,367 $ 112,410 Real Property Administrator 19B 4 $ 56.70 $ 9,828 $ 117,939 Real Property Administrator 19B 5 $ 59.57 $ 10,326 $ 123,906 10-93 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Real Property Administrator 19B 6 $ 62.54 $ 10,840 $ 130,081 Real Property Administrator 19B 7 $ 65.67 $ 11,383 $ 136,592 Real Property Administrator 19B 8 $ 68.97 $ 11,955 $ 143,464 Real Property Administrator 19B 9 $ 72.42 $ 12,553 $ 150,637 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D Low $ 80.30 $ 13,919 $ 167,025 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D Mid $ 103.38 $ 17,920 $ 215,039 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D High $ 126.47 $ 21,921 $ 263,052 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 1 $ 75.68 $ 13,118 $ 157,415 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 2 $ 79.47 $ 13,775 $ 165,295 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 3 $ 83.43 $ 14,461 $ 173,537 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 4 $ 87.60 $ 15,185 $ 182,217 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 5 $ 91.99 $ 15,945 $ 191,337 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 6 $ 96.59 $ 16,742 $ 200,904 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 1 $ 56.27 $ 9,753 $ 117,035 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 2 $ 59.07 $ 10,239 $ 122,873 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 3 $ 62.05 $ 10,756 $ 129,074 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 4 $ 65.17 $ 11,297 $ 135,558 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 5 $ 68.40 $ 11,856 $ 142,275 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 6 $ 71.82 $ 12,449 $ 149,389 Revenue Manager 16D 1 $ 73.83 $ 12,797 $ 153,566 Revenue Manager 16D 2 $ 77.53 $ 13,439 $ 161,265 Revenue Manager 16D 3 $ 81.41 $ 14,110 $ 169,325 Revenue Manager 16D 4 $ 85.48 $ 14,817 $ 177,799 Revenue Manager 16D 5 $ 89.72 $ 15,551 $ 186,609 Revenue Manager 16D 6 $ 94.20 $ 16,328 $ 195,940 Superintendent 10A 1 $ 63.67 $ 11,036 $ 132,432 Superintendent 10A 2 $ 66.84 $ 11,585 $ 139,020 Superintendent 10A 3 $ 70.20 $ 12,168 $ 146,022 Superintendent 10A 4 $ 73.72 $ 12,778 $ 153,333 Superintendent 10A 5 $ 77.41 $ 13,417 $ 161,006 Superintendent 10A 6 $ 81.28 $ 14,088 $ 169,057 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 1 $ 59.57 $ 10,326 $ 123,906 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 2 $ 62.54 $ 10,840 $ 130,081 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 3 $ 65.67 $ 11,383 $ 136,592 10-94 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 13, 2024 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Systems and Administration Manager 07A 4 $ 68.95 $ 11,951 $ 143,412 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 5 $ 72.41 $ 12,552 $ 150,621 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 6 $ 76.03 $ 13,179 $ 158,152 Utilities Director 11F Low $ 80.30 $ 13,919 $ 167,025 Utilities Director 11F Mid $ 103.38 $ 17,920 $ 215,039 Utilities Director 11F High $ 126.47 $ 21,921 $ 263,052 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 1 $ 66.85 $ 11,588 $ 139,054 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 2 $ 70.18 $ 12,164 $ 145,971 Water Operations Superintendent 106 3 $ 73.71 $ 12,777 $ 153,323 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 4 $ 77.40 $ 13,417 $ 161,000 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 5 $ 81.28 $ 14,088 $ 169,057 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 6 $ 85.34 $ 14,792 $ 177,509 Hourly rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth. Monthly and annual salaries are rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Actual rates my vary slightly due to rounding. 'Y-Rated 10/27/2018 from Harbor Resources Manager. The additional annual step does not apply to this salary range. For pay band salary ranges (low, mid, high), the high point is increased five percent (5%) to account for the additional step. The following Key & Management positions have salary schedules tied to the listed safety management groups. K & M Positions Employee Group Fire Chief Fire Management Lifeguard Operations, Assistant Chief Lifeguard Management Police Chief Police Management Police Chief, Assistant Police Management 10-95 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Administrative Manager 04B 1 $ 56.53 $ 9,799 $ 117,592 Administrative Manager 04B 2 $ 59.40 $ 10,296 $ 123,553 Administrative Manager 04B 3 $ 62.30 $ 10,799 $ 129,593 Administrative Manager 04B 4 $ 65.44 $ 11,343 $ 136,113 Administrative Manager 04B 5 $ 68.71 $ 11,910 $ 142,925 Administrative Manager 04B 6 $ 72.15 $ 12,506 $ 150,071 Administrative Manager' 99 1 $ 82.89 $ 13,542 $ 172,407 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 1 $ 34.02 $ 5,896 $ 70,757 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 2 $ 35.72 $ 6,191 $ 74,297 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 3 $ 37.50 $ 6,500 $ 77,995 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 4 $ 39.40 $ 6,830 $ 81,960 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 5 $ 41.31 $ 7,160 $ 85,925 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 6 $ 43.42 $ 7,526 $ 90,316 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 7 $ 45.60 $ 7,903 $ 94,840 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 8 $ 47.90 $ 8,302 $ 99,629 Assistant, Administrative (K&M) 05 9 $ 50.29 $ 8,718 $ 104,611 Assistant, Executive 08A 1 $ 37.38 $ 6,480 $ 77,755 Assistant, Executive 08A 2 $ 39.25 $ 6,803 $ 81,641 Assistant, Executive 08A 3 $ 41.18 $ 7,138 $ 85,659 Assistant, Executive 08A 4 $ 43.25 $ 7,497 $ 89,970 Assistant, Executive 08A 5 $ 45.47 $ 7,881 $ 94,574 Assistant, Executive 08A 6 $ 47.66 $ 8,260 $ 99,124 Assistant, Executive 08A 7 $ 50.12 $ 8,688 $ 104,260 Assistant, Executive 08A 8 $ 52.61 $ 9,119 $ 109,422 Assistant, Executive 08A 9 $ 55.24 $ 9,574 $ 114,894 Budget Analyst 15B 1 $ 43.63 $ 7,562 $ 90,742 Budget Analyst 15B 2 $ 45.80 $ 7,939 $ 95,265 Budget Analyst 15B 3 $ 48.09 $ 8,336 $ 100,028 Budget Analyst 15B 4 $ 50.47 $ 8,748 $ 104,978 Budget Analyst 15B 5 $ 52.98 $ 9,183 $ 110,194 Budget Analyst 15B 6 $ 55.65 $ 9,646 $ 115,756 Budget Analyst 15B 7 $ 58.40 $ 10,123 $ 121,477 Budget Analyst 15B 8 $ 61.36 $ 10,635 $ 127,624 Budget Analyst 15B 9 $ 64.43 $ 11,167 $ 134,005 10-96 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Budget Analyst, Senior 25 1 $ 50.47 $ 8,748 $ 104,978 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 2 $ 52.98 $ 9,183 $ 110,194 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 3 $ 55.66 $ 9,649 $ 115,782 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 4 $ 58.40 $ 10,123 $ 121,477 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 5 $ 61.36 $ 10,635 $ 127,624 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 6 $ 64.42 $ 11,165 $ 133,984 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 7 $ 67.64 $ 11,724 $ 140,690 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 8 $ 71.04 $ 12,314 $ 147,768 Budget Analyst, Senior 25 9 $ 74.59 $ 12,930 $ 155,156 City Attorney, Assistant 22A Low $ 78.76 $ 13,652 $ 163,823 City Attorney, Assistant 22A Mid $ 101.39 $ 17,575 $ 210,900 City Attorney, Assistant 22A High $ 124.03 $ 21,498 $ 257,977 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 1 $ 76.04 $ 13,181 $ 158,173 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 2 $ 79.86 $ 13,842 $ 166,103 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 3 $ 83.85 $ 14,534 $ 174,405 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 4 $ 88.04 $ 15,261 $ 183,133 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 5 $ 92.41 $ 16,017 $ 192,208 City Attorney, Deputy 16E 6 $ 97.03 $ 16,818 $ 201,818 City Clerk, Assistant 71 1 $ 46.53 $ 8,064 $ 96,772 City Clerk, Assistant 71 2 $ 48.86 $ 8,468 $ 101,620 City Clerk, Assistant 71 3 $ 51.30 $ 8,892 $ 106,701 City Clerk, Assistant 71 4 $ 53.87 $ 9,337 $ 112,041 City Clerk, Assistant 71 5 $ 56.56 $ 9,803 $ 117,641 City Clerk, Assistant 71 6 $ 59.39 $ 10,294 $ 123,525 City Clerk, Assistant 71 7 $ 62.35 $ 10,808 $ 129,695 City Clerk, Assistant 71 8 $ 65.48 $ 11,350 $ 136,202 City Clerk, Assistant 71 9 $ 68.76 $ 11,918 $ 143,012 City Clerk, Deputy 07 1 $ 35.73 $ 6,194 $ 74,323 City Clerk, Deputy 07 2 $ 37.51 $ 6,502 $ 78,022 City Clerk, Deputy 07 3 $ 39.42 $ 6,832 $ 81,987 City Clerk, Deputy 07 4 $ 41.35 $ 7,167 $ 86,005 City Clerk, Deputy 07 5 $ 43.43 $ 7,529 $ 90,342 City Clerk, Deputy 07 6 $ 45.61 $ 7,906 $ 94,867 City Clerk, Deputy 07 7 $ 47.92 $ 8,307 $ 99,683 10-97 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) City Clerk, Deputy 07 8 $ 50.29 $ 8,717 $ 104,606 City Clerk, Deputy 07 9 $ 52.81 $ 9,153 $ 109,836 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 1 $ 77.89 $ 13,500 $ 162,005 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 2 $ 81.76 $ 14,172 $ 170,068 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 3 $ 85.86 $ 14,882 $ 178,583 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 4 $ 90.16 $ 15,627 $ 187,524 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 5 $ 94.66 $ 16,408 $ 196,891 City Engineer, Assistant 15A 6 $ 99.39 $ 17,228 $ 206,736 City Manager, Assistant 17A Low $ 92.15 $ 15,973 $ 191,676 City Manager, Assistant 17A Mid $ 118.64 $ 20,563 $ 246,761 City Manager, Assistant 17A High $ 145.12 $ 25,154 $ 301,847 City Manager, Deputy 11E Low $ 72.13 $ 12,503 $ 150,030 City Manager, Deputy 11E Mid $ 86.88 $ 15,060 $ 180,717 City Manager, Deputy 11E High $ 101.64 $ 17,617 $ 211,404 City Traffic Engineer 15E 1 $ 77.89 $ 13,500 $ 162,005 City Traffic Engineer 15E 2 $ 81.76 $ 14,172 $ 170,068 City Traffic Engineer 15E 3 $ 85.86 $ 14,882 $ 178,583 City Traffic Engineer 15E 4 $ 90.16 $ 15,627 $ 187,524 City Traffic Engineer 15E 5 $ 94.66 $ 16,408 $ 196,891 City Traffic Engineer 15E 6 $ 99.39 $ 17,228 $ 206,736 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 1 $ 74.15 $ 12,853 $ 154,234 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 2 $ 77.86 $ 13,496 $ 161,951 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 3 $ 81.74 $ 14,168 $ 170,014 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 4 $ 85.83 $ 14,877 $ 178,530 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 5 $ 90.13 $ 15,623 $ 187,471 Civil Engineer, Principal 13 6 $ 94.64 $ 16,404 $ 196,844 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 1 $ 57.63 $ 9,990 $ 119,880 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 2 $ 60.49 $ 10,485 $ 125,814 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 3 $ 63.52 $ 11,010 $ 132,121 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 4 $ 66.69 $ 11,560 $ 138,720 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 5 $ 70.04 $ 12,141 $ 145,692 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 6 $ 73.54 $ 12,746 $ 152,957 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 7 $ 77.21 $ 13,383 $ 160,594 Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 8 $ 81.07 $ 14,053 $ 168,631 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Civil Engineer, Senior (K&M) 04A 9 $ 85.13 $ 14,755 $ 177,062 Community Develop. Director 15H Low $ 87.43 $ 15,155 $ 181,856 Community Develop. Director 15H Mid $ 112.56 $ 19,510 $ 234,126 Community Develop. Director 15H High $ 137.69 $ 23,866 $ 286,395 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 1 $ 81.92 $ 14,199 $ 170,387 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 2 $ 85.97 $ 14,902 $ 178,822 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 3 $ 90.28 $ 15,649 $ 187,790 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 4 $ 94.80 $ 16,432 $ 197,184 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 5 $ 99.56 $ 17,257 $ 207,083 Community Develop. Director, Deputy 17 6 $ 104.54 $ 18,120 $ 217,437 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 1 $ 71.66 $ 12,420 $ 149,045 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 2 $ 75.24 $ 13,041 $ 156,497 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 3 $ 78.99 $ 13,691 $ 164,293 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 4 $ 82.95 $ 14,379 $ 172,542 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 5 $ 87.10 $ 15,097 $ 181,164 Emergency Medical Srvcs Division Chief 02D 6 $ 91.45 $ 15,852 $ 190,222 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 1 $ 81.92 $ 14,199 $ 170,387 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 2 $ 85.97 $ 14,902 $ 178,822 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 3 $ 90.28 $ 15,649 $ 187,790 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 4 $ 94.80 $ 16,432 $ 197,184 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 5 $ 99.56 $ 17,257 $ 207,083 Finance Director, Deputy 17C 6 $ 104.54 $ 18,120 $ 217,437 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C Low $ 87.43 $ 15,155 $ 181,856 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C Mid $ 112.56 $ 19,510 $ 234,126 Finance Director/City Treasurer 15C High $ 137.69 $ 23,866 $ 286,395 Finance Manager 16 1 $ 72.40 $ 12,549 $ 150,589 Finance Manager 16 2 $ 76.03 $ 13,179 $ 158,146 Finance Manager 16 3 $ 79.84 $ 13,840 $ 166,076 Finance Manager 16 4 $ 83.82 $ 14,529 $ 174,352 Finance Manager 16 5 $ 87.99 $ 15,252 $ 183,027 Finance Manager 16 6 $ 92.39 $ 16,015 $ 192,178 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 1 $ 97.68 $ 16,930 $ 203,165 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 2 $ 102.56 $ 17,777 $ 213,322 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 3 $ 107.69 $ 18,666 $ 223,992 10-99 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 4 $ 113.06 $ 19,598 $ 235,175 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 5 $ 118.70 $ 20,575 $ 246,899 Fire Chief, Assistant 01B 6 $ 124.64 $ 21,604 $ 259,244 Fire Marshal 02E 1 $ 71.66 $ 12,420 $ 149,045 Fire Marshal 02E 2 $ 75.24 $ 13,041 $ 156,497 Fire Marshal 02E 3 $ 78.99 $ 13,691 $ 164,293 Fire Marshal 02E 4 $ 82.95 $ 14,379 $ 172,542 Fire Marshal 02E 5 $ 87.10 $ 15,097 $ 181,164 Fire Marshal 02E 6 $ 91.45 $ 15,852 $ 190,222 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 1 $ 32.99 $ 5,719 $ 68,628 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 2 $ 34.67 $ 6,010 $ 72,114 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 3 $ 36.38 $ 6,307 $ 75,680 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 4 $ 38.20 $ 6,622 $ 79,459 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 5 $ 40.15 $ 6,959 $ 83,504 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 6 $ 42.10 $ 7,298 $ 87,575 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 7 $ 44.24 $ 7,668 $ 92,019 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 8 $ 46.44 $ 8,050 $ 96,596 Fiscal Specialist (K&M) 01A 9 $ 48.76 $ 8,452 $ 101,426 Harbormaster 77 Low $ 55.73 $ 9,660 $ 115,926 Harbormaster 77 Mid $ 71.75 $ 12,437 $ 149,242 Harbormaster 77 High $ 87.77 $ 15,213 $ 182,558 Human Resources Analyst 16A 1 $ 44.65 $ 7,739 $ 92,871 Human Resources Analyst 16A 2 $ 46.84 $ 8,118 $ 97,421 Human Resources Analyst 16A 3 $ 49.20 $ 8,529 $ 102,344 Human Resources Analyst 16A 4 $ 51.70 $ 8,961 $ 107,533 Human Resources Analyst 16A 5 $ 54.24 $ 9,402 $ 112,828 Human Resources Analyst 16A 6 $ 56.96 $ 9,872 $ 118,470 Human Resources Analyst 16A 7 $ 59.82 $ 10,369 $ 124,431 Human Resources Analyst 16A 8 $ 62.82 $ 10,888 $ 130,658 Human Resources Analyst 16A 9 $ 65.96 $ 11,433 $ 137,191 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 1 $ 37.38 $ 6,480 $ 77,755 Human Resources Analyst Assistant 08 2 $ 39.25 $ 6,803 $ 81,641 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 3 $ 41.18 $ 7,138 $ 85,659 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 4 $ 43.25 $ 7,497 $ 89,970 10-100 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 5 $ 45.47 $ 7,881 $ 94,574 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 6 $ 47.66 $ 8,260 $ 99,124 Human Resources Analyst Assistant 08 7 $ 50.12 $ 8,688 $ 104,260 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 8 $ 52.61 $ 9,119 $ 109,422 Human Resources Analyst, Assistant 08 9 $ 55.24 $ 9,574 $ 114,894 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 1 $ 49.27 $ 8,540 $ 102,477 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 2 $ 51.78 $ 8,974 $ 107,693 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 3 $ 54.35 $ 9,420 $ 113,042 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 4 $ 57.07 $ 9,892 $ 118,709 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 5 $ 59.89 $ 10,380 $ 124,564 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 6 $ 62.89 $ 10,901 $ 130,817 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 7 $ 66.00 $ 11,440 $ 137,283 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 8 $ 69.33 $ 12,017 $ 144,202 Human Resources Analyst, Senior 20A 9 $ 72.79 $ 12,618 $ 151,412 Human Resources Director 11B Low $ 82.71 $ 14,336 $ 172,036 Human Resources Director 11B Mid $ 106.49 $ 18,458 $ 221,490 Human Resources Director 11B High $ 130.26 $ 22,579 $ 270,944 Human Resources Manager 02C 1 $ 71.66 $ 12,420 $ 149,045 Human Resources Manager 02C 2 $ 75.24 $ 13,041 $ 156,497 Human Resources Manager 02C 3 $ 78.99 $ 13,691 $ 164,293 Human Resources Manager 02C 4 $ 82.95 $ 14,379 $ 172,542 Human Resources Manager 02C 5 $ 87.10 $ 15,097 $ 181,164 Human Resources Manager 02C 6 $ 91.45 $ 15,852 $ 190,222 Human Resources Specialist 03 1 $ 33.81 $ 5,861 $ 70,331 Human Resources Specialist 03 2 $ 35.50 $ 6,154 $ 73,844 Human Resources Specialist 03 3 $ 37.27 $ 6,460 $ 77,516 Human Resources Specialist 03 4 $ 39.11 $ 6,779 $ 81,348 Human Resources Specialist 03 5 $ 41.08 $ 7,121 $ 85,446 Human Resources Specialist 03 6 $ 43.11 $ 7,473 $ 89,677 Human Resources Specialist 03 7 $ 45.31 $ 7,855 $ 94,254 Human Resources Specialist 03 8 $ 47.52 $ 8,236 $ 98,831 Human Resources Specialist 03 9 $ 49.89 $ 8,648 $ 103,773 IT Manager 15D 1 $ 77.95 $ 13,511 $ 162,137 IT Manager 15D 2 $ 81.85 $ 14,188 $ 170,254 10-101 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) IT Manager 15D 3 $ 85.93 $ 14,895 $ 178,743 IT Manager 15D 4 $ 90.23 $ 15,640 $ 187,684 IT Manager 15D 5 $ 94.75 $ 16,423 $ 197,077 IT Manager 15D 6 $ 99.49 $ 17,244 $ 206,931 IT Supervisor 97 1 $ 68.06 $ 11,797 $ 141,569 IT Supervisor 97 2 $ 71.44 $ 12,383 $ 148,594 IT Supervisor 97 3 $ 75.02 $ 13,003 $ 156,033 IT Supervisor 97 4 $ 78.79 $ 13,657 $ 163,888 IT Supervisor 97 5 $ 82.72 $ 14,338 $ 172,054 IT Supervisor 97 6 $ 86.85 $ 15,055 $ 180,657 Library Services Director 11C Low $ 82.71 $ 14,336 $ 172,036 Library Services Director 11C Mid $ 106.49 $ 18,458 $ 221,490 Library Services Director 11C High $ 130.26 $ 22,579 $ 270,944 Library Services Manager 10D 1 $ 65.58 $ 11,367 $ 136,405 Library Services Manager 10D 2 $ 68.84 $ 11,933 $ 143,191 Library Services Manager 10D 3 $ 72.31 $ 12,534 $ 150,403 Library Services Manager 10D 4 $ 75.93 $ 13,161 $ 157,934 Library Services Manager 10D 5 $ 79.73 $ 13,820 $ 165,836 Library Services Manager 10D 6 $ 83.72 $ 14,511 $ 174,128 Management Analyst 12 1 $ 40.45 $ 7,012 $ 84,142 Management Analyst 12 2 $ 42.53 $ 7,371 $ 88,453 Management Analyst 12 3 $ 44.62 $ 7,735 $ 92,817 Management Analyst 12 4 $ 46.81 $ 8,114 $ 97,368 Management Analyst 12 5 $ 49.18 $ 8,524 $ 102,291 Management Analyst 12 6 $ 51.66 $ 8,954 $ 107,453 Management Analyst 12 7 $ 54.22 $ 9,398 $ 112,775 Management Analyst 12 8 $ 56.93 $ 9,868 $ 118,417 Management Analyst 12 9 $ 59.78 $ 10,361 $ 124,337 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 1 $ 36.86 $ 6,390 $ 76,677 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 2 $ 38.69 $ 6,706 $ 80,472 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 3 $ 40.61 $ 7,040 $ 84,477 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 4 $ 42.67 $ 7,395 $ 88,746 Management Analyst Assistant 37 5 $ 44.84 $ 7,773 $ 93,278 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 6 $ 47.02 $ 8,151 $ 97,810 10-102 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Management Analyst, Assistant 37 7 $ 49.42 $ 8,566 $ 102,790 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 8 $ 51.89 $ 8,994 $ 107,928 Management Analyst, Assistant 37 9 $ 54.48 $ 9,444 $ 113,325 Management Analyst, Senior 06 1 $ 46.53 $ 8,064 $ 96,772 Management Analyst, Senior 06 2 $ 48.86 $ 8,468 $ 101,620 Management Analyst, Senior 06 3 $ 51.30 $ 8,892 $ 106,701 Management Analyst, Senior 06 4 $ 53.87 $ 9,337 $ 112,041 Management Analyst, Senior 06 5 $ 56.56 $ 9,803 $ 117,641 Management Analyst, Senior 06 6 $ 59.39 $ 10,294 $ 123,525 Management Analyst, Senior 06 7 $ 62.35 $ 10,808 $ 129,695 Management Analyst, Senior 06 8 $ 65.48 $ 11,350 $ 136,202 Management Analyst, Senior 06 9 $ 68.76 $ 11,918 $ 143,012 Management Fellow 26 1 $ 28.13 $ 4,876 $ 58,516 Paralegal 30 1 $ 36.27 $ 6,287 $ 75,441 Paralegal 30 2 $ 38.07 $ 6,599 $ 79,193 Paralegal 30 3 $ 40.01 $ 6,934 $ 83,211 Paralegal 30 4 $ 42.01 $ 7,282 $ 87,389 Paralegal 30 5 $ 44.10 $ 7,644 $ 91,727 Paralegal 30 6 $ 46.30 $ 8,025 $ 96,303 Paralegal 30 7 $ 48.60 $ 8,424 $ 101,093 Paralegal 30 8 $ 51.03 $ 8,846 $ 106,149 Paralegal 30 9 $ 53.58 $ 9,288 $ 111,457 Payroll Coordinator 30B 1 $ 37.32 $ 6,469 $ 77,626 Payroll Coordinator 30B 2 $ 39.17 $ 6,789 $ 81,473 Payroll Coordinator 30B 3 $ 41.13 $ 7,130 $ 85,558 Payroll Coordinator 30B 4 $ 43.22 $ 7,492 $ 89,905 Payroll Coordinator 30B 5 $ 45.34 $ 7,859 $ 94,305 Payroll Coordinator 30B 6 $ 47.64 $ 8,258 $ 99,101 Payroll Coordinator 30B 7 $ 49.95 $ 8,658 $ 103,896 Payroll Coordinator 30B 8 $ 52.43 $ 9,088 $ 109,061 Payroll Coordinator 30B 9 $ 55.05 $ 9,543 $ 114,514 Planner, Principal 27 1 $ 52.98 $ 9,183 $ 110,194 Planner, Principal 27 2 $ 55.65 $ 9,646 $ 115,756 Planner, Principal 27 3 $ 58.40 $ 10,123 $ 121,477 10-103 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Planner, Principal 27 4 $ 61.36 $ 10,635 $ 127,624 Planner, Principal 27 5 $ 64.42 $ 11,165 $ 133,984 Planner, Principal 27 6 $ 67.64 $ 11,724 $ 140,690 Planner, Principal 27 7 $ 71.02 $ 12,310 $ 147,714 Planner, Principal 27 8 $ 74.59 $ 12,928 $ 155,139 Planner, Principal 27 9 $ 78.32 $ 13,575 $ 162,896 Planning Manager it 1 $ 67.86 $ 11,762 $ 141,142 Planning Manager 11 2 $ 71.25 $ 12,349 $ 148,194 Planning Manager 11 3 $ 74.79 $ 12,964 $ 155,564 Planning Manager 11 4 $ 78.53 $ 13,611 $ 163,335 Planning Manager 11 5 $ 82.48 $ 14,296 $ 171,557 Planning Manager 11 6 $ 86.60 $ 15,011 $ 180,135 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 1 $ 79.84 $ 13,840 $ 166,076 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 2 $ 83.84 $ 14,532 $ 174,378 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 3 $ 88.03 $ 15,259 $ 183,107 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 4 $ 92.42 $ 16,020 $ 192,234 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 5 $ 97.04 $ 16,820 $ 201,840 Police Support Srvcs Administrator 28 6 $ 101.89 $ 17,661 $ 211,932 Public Information Manager 14 1 $ 72.40 $ 12,549 $ 150,589 Public Information Manager 14 2 $ 76.03 $ 13,179 $ 158,146 Public Information Manager 14 3 $ 79.84 $ 13,840 $ 166,076 Public Information Manager 14 4 $ 83.82 $ 14,529 $ 174,352 Public Information Manager 14 5 $ 87.99 $ 15,252 $ 183,027 Public Information Manager 14 6 $ 92.39 $ 16,015 $ 192,178 Public Information Specialist 07B 1 $ 35.73 $ 6,194 $ 74,323 Public Information Specialist 07B 2 $ 37.51 $ 6,502 $ 78,022 Public Information Specialist 07B 3 $ 39.42 $ 6,832 $ 81,987 Public Information Specialist 07B 4 $ 41.35 $ 7,167 $ 86,005 Public Information Specialist 07B 5 $ 43.43 $ 7,529 $ 90,342 Public Information Specialist 07B 6 $ 45.61 $ 7,906 $ 94,867 Public Information Specialist 07B 7 $ 47.92 $ 8,307 $ 99,683 Public Information Specialist 07B 8 $ 50.29 $ 8,717 $ 104,606 Public Information Specialist 07B 9 $ 52.81 $ 9,153 $ 109,836 Public Works Director 15G Low $ 87.43 $ 15,155 $ 181,856 10-104 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Public Works Director 15G Mid $ 112.56 $ 19,510 $ 234,126 Public Works Director 15G High $ 137.69 $ 23,866 $ 286,395 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 1 $ 96.05 $ 16,649 $ 199,792 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 2 $ 100.86 $ 17,483 $ 209,797 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 3 $ 105.89 $ 18,355 $ 220,255 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 4 $ 111.19 $ 19,273 $ 231,272 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 5 $ 116.75 $ 20,237 $ 242,847 Public Works Director, Deputy/City Engineer 29A 6 $ 122.59 $ 21,249 $ 254,990 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 1 $ 81.92 $ 14,199 $ 170,387 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 2 $ 85.97 $ 14,902 $ 178,822 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 3 $ 90.28 $ 15,649 $ 187,790 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 4 $ 94.80 $ 16,432 $ 197,184 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 5 $ 99.56 $ 17,257 $ 207,083 Public Works Director, Deputy/Municipal Ops 17B 6 $ 104.54 $ 18,120 $ 217,437 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 1 $ 72.40 $ 12,S49 $ 150,589 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 2 $ 76.03 $ 13,179 $ 158,146 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 3 $ 79.84 $ 13,840 $ 166,076 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 4 $ 83.82 $ 14,529 $ 174,352 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A S $ 87.99 $ 15,252 $ 183,027 Public Works Finance/Admin Manager 14A 6 $ 92.39 $ 16,015 $ 192,178 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 1 $ 50.47 $ 8,748 $ 104,978 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 2 $ 52.98 $ 9,183 $ 110,194 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 3 $ 55.66 $ 9,649 $ 115,782 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 4 $ 58.40 $ 10,123 $ 121,477 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 5 $ 61.36 $ 10,635 $ 127,624 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 6 $ 64.42 $ 11,165 $ 133,984 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 7 $ 67.64 $ 11,724 $ 140,690 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 8 $ 71.04 $ 12,314 $ 147,768 Purchasing & Contracts Administrator 19A 9 $ 74.59 $ 12,930 $ 155,156 Real Property Administrator 19B 1 $ 50.47 $ 8,748 $ 104,978 Real Property Administrator 19B 2 $ 52.98 $ 9,183 $ 110,194 Real Property Administrator 19B 3 $ 55.66 $ 9,649 $ 115,782 Real Property Administrator 19B 4 $ 58.40 $ 10,123 $ 121,477 Real Property Administrator 19B 5 $ 61.36 $ 10,635 $ 127,624 10-105 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Real Property Administrator 19B 6 $ 64.42 $ 11,165 $ 133,984 Real Property Administrator 19B 7 $ 67.64 $ 11,724 $ 140,690 Real Property Administrator 19B 8 $ 71.04 $ 12,314 $ 147,768 Real Property Administrator 19B 9 $ 74.59 $ 12,930 $ 155,156 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D Low $ 82.71 $ 14,336 $ 172,036 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D Mid $ 106.49 $ 18,458 $ 221,490 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director 11D High $ 130.26 $ 22,579 $ 270,944 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 1 $ 77.95 $ 13,511 $ 162,137 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 2 $ 81.85 $ 14,188 $ 170,254 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 3 $ 85.93 $ 14,895 $ 178,743 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 4 $ 90.23 $ 15,640 $ 187,684 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 5 $ 94.75 $ 16,423 $ 197,077 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Director, Deputy 15 6 $ 99.49 $ 17,244 $ 206,931 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 1 $ 57.95 $ 10,045 $ 120,546 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 2 $ 60.85 $ 10,547 $ 126,559 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 3 $ 63.92 $ 11,079 $ 132,946 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 4 $ 67.13 $ 11,635 $ 139,625 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 5 $ 70.45 $ 12,212 $ 146,544 Recreation & Senior Srvcs Manager 05A 6 $ 73.98 $ 12,823 $ 153,871 Revenue Manager 16D 1 $ 76.04 $ 13,181 $ 158,173 Revenue Manager 16D 2 $ 79.86 $ 13,842 $ 166,103 Revenue Manager 16D 3 $ 83.85 $ 14,534 $ 174,405 Revenue Manager 16D 4 $ 88.04 $ 15,261 $ 183,133 Revenue Manager 16D 5 $ 92.41 $ 16,017 $ 192,208 Revenue Manager 16D 6 $ 97.03 $ 16,818 $ 201,818 Superintendent 10A 1 $ 65.58 $ 11,367 $ 136,405 Superintendent 10A 2 $ 68.84 $ 11,933 $ 143,191 Superintendent 10A 3 $ 72.31 $ 12,534 $ 150,403 Superintendent 10A 4 $ 75.93 $ 13,161 $ 157,934 Superintendent 10A 5 $ 79.73 $ 13,820 $ 165,836 Superintendent 10A 6 $ 83.72 $ 14,511 $ 174,128 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 1 $ 61.36 $ 10,635 $ 127,624 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 2 $ 64.42 $ 11,165 $ 133,984 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 3 $ 67.64 $ 11,724 $ 140,690 10-106 EXHIBIT B: Fourth Amendment to the Key and Management Compensation Plan Appendix A The City of Newport Beach Key & Management Compensation Plan Salary Schedule Adjustment Compensation Plan Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025 Effective January 11, 2025 - 3% Cost -of -Living Adjustment (COLA) Systems and Administration Manager 07A 4 $ 71.02 $ 12,310 $ 147,714 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 5 $ 74.59 $ 12,928 $ 155,139 Systems and Administration Manager 07A 6 $ 78.32 $ 13,575 $ 162,896 Utilities Director 11F Low $ 82.71 $ 14,336 $ 172,036 Utilities Director 11F Mid $ 106.49 $ 18,458 $ 221,490 Utilities Director 11F High $ 130.26 $ 22,579 $ 270,944 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 1 $ 68.86 $ 11,935 $ 143,226 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 2 $ 72.28 $ 12,529 $ 150,350 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 3 $ 75.92 $ 13,160 $ 157,922 Water Operations Superintendent 1013 4 $ 79.73 $ 13,819 $ 165,830 Water Operations Superintendent lOB 5 $ 83.72 $ 14,511 $ 174,128 Water Operations Superintendent 10B 6 $ 87.90 $ 15,236 $ 182,835 Hourly rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth. Monthly and annual salaries are rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Actual rates my vary slightly due to rounding. lY-Rated 10/27/2018 from Harbor Resources Manager. The additional annual step does not apply to this salary range. For pay band salary ranges (low, mid, high), the high point is increased five percent (5%) to account for the additional step. The following Key & Management positions have salary schedules tied to the listed safety management groups. K & M Positions Employee Group Fire Chief Fire Management Lifeguard Operations, Assistant Chief Lifeguard Management Police Chief Police Management Police Chief, Assistant Police Management 10-107