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HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-2023-BLT-PUBLIC COMMENTSFrom:Andrea Heslington To:Castro, Antonella; Kramer, Lauren; Larson, Dorothy; Watkins, Paul; Library Board of Trustees; Library AdminTeam Subject:Please keep books about diverse experiences in the children’s library Date:December 07, 2023 11:25:54 AM Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I am writing to request that you keep the book Melissa (previously titled George) by Alex Gino in the children’s section of the Newport Beach Public Library, where it belongs. As a parent of a transgender child, books are what help our child and us navigate this beautiful path and are important in not feeling alone. We connected with this book, my childfeels not alone with this book. Had it not been available it would be a much more difficult to not feel accepted or seen. Books are tools, they provide insight, shared truths, and ideasthat can change someone’s perspective who may be struggling. Melissa is a book about self-acceptance and love. It creates a space where transgenderkids can read about someone like them. It creates a safe place for children to read, to think critically, and open conversations within themselves. The audience of this book isn’t just transgender children. All children can benefit from the book too! Throughout the book, Melissa is bullied by classmates Jeff and Rick. The bookstates that Rick and Melissa used to be friends, but after Jeff entered the picture the safe space between Melissa and Rick disintegrated. Melissa isn’t telling kids to start taking medication or hide from their parents. In fact, the book does the opposite. It teaches kids that, yes, it’s OK to be trans, but adults in your lifeshould know. Those adults can help you find support, and that support will take time. Sincerely, Andrea Heslington Newport-Mesa School Parent GODINEZ FUNDAMENTAL HIGH SCHOOL Champions of Scholarship and Character SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Jesse Church,Principal Barbara Apostol,Ph.D.Dec,7,2023 Biotechnology and Chemistry Teacher Godinez Fundamental High School Santa Ana Unified School District Subject:Please keep books about diverse experiences in the children’s library Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I am writing to request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of the Newport Beach Public Library,where they belong. o Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George) o Pink,Blue and You!by Elise Gravel o Who Are You?by Brook Pessin-Whedbee o They She He Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez o Prince &Knight by Daniel Haack o It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn o Stamped (For Kids)by Sonja Cherry-Paul I do not let my children have Coca Cola,but I do not demand that it be removed from Pavilions.These books may not be for everyone,but each book is for SOMEONE,and that is important.Furthermore I live at UCI,use the Newport Beach Public Library regularly and have a nonbinary 25 year old. Sincerely, Barbara Apostol 3002 Centennial Road,Santa Ana,CA 92704 (714)433-6600,Fax (714)433-6731 From:Chelsea Boyle To:Castro, Antonella; Kramer, Lauren; Larson, Dorothy; Watkins, Paul; Library Board of Trustees Subject:Please Keep They She He Me: Free to Be in the library Date:December 07, 2023 2:01:22 PM Greetings, Library Board: I am writing to request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of the Newport Beach Public Library, where they belong. Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George)Pink, Blue and You! by Elise GravelWho Are You? by Brook Pessin-WhedbeeThey She He Me by Maya Christina GonzalezPrince & Knight by Daniel HaackIt Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa ThornStamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul As a parent who frequents the children’s section at the library and has read many of these specific books, it disturbs me that a certain loud minority of people (who may or may not even be parents) are complaining that books about diverse experiences remain in the children's section. Let me assure you: My kids have read almost all of these books, and they were edifying, engaging, validating and empathy-building. As a queer parent Maya Gonzalez’s They She He Me book was a beautiful jumping off point to have discussions with my child about mytransition and change in pronouns. It also helped him to foster empathy for diverse people and not make assumptions about identities based on looks. Unfortunately, there are not enough inclusive and validating books like this in the genre of children’s books so it is all themore crucial that we protect children’s rights to access them. Today, my child has a strong sense of empathy, and understands that people exist in all different races and genders, and that is part of what makes life so fun and interesting. THERE IS NO REASON TO REMOVE THIS BOOK FROM THE CHILDREN'S SECTION AS IT IS APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 8 AND UP. Or even younger in my opinion. Any good parent will review their child's choices before their child checks out the books. Ifthere are parents who want their kids to remain ignorant of what it means to be transgender, then those parents are free to limit their children's reading selections. But they have NO RIGHT to demand that these valuable, empathy-building books be removed from whereother families can discover them. In a time where our country is increasingly banning books, it is of the utmost importance to allow children to discover books that will help them understand multiple perspectives and build understanding for people who are different from themselves --especially children who live in the wealthy, mostly white community of Newport Beach. Please keep the process the way it is. Librarians do an OUTSTANDING job of curating a diverse, colorful and engaging children's librarythat has brought joy to countless children in our community. Don't take away that valuable experience from families who know enough to appreciate it. Thank you, Chelsea Boyle From:Laura Ehrlich To:Castro, Antonella; Kramer, Lauren; Larson, Dorothy; Watkins, Paul; Library Board of Trustees; Library AdminTeam Subject:Please do not remove books about diversity from the children’s library Date:December 07, 2023 2:57:39 PM Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I am writing to request that you keep the following books in the children’ssection of the Newport Beach Public Library, where they belong. On a personal level, these books helped my friend’s children understand a familymembers transgender status. The PARENTS chose to check them out, helpingtheir kids navigate this change by reading WITH them. Please do not rob othersof this information. o Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George) o Pink, Blue and You! by Elise Gravel o Who Are You? by Brook Pessin-Whedbee o They She He Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez o Prince & Knight by Daniel Haack o It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn o Stamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul These books may not be for everyone, but each book is for SOMEONE, and thatis important. Sincerely Laura Ehrlich Sent from my iPhone From:Jenn Frank To:Library Board of Trustees Subject:Please keep books about diverse experiences in the children’s library Date:December 07, 2023 12:41:49 PM Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I am writing to request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of the Newport Beach Public Library, where they belong. o Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George)o Pink, Blue and You! by Elise Gravel o Who Are You? by Brook Pessin-Whedbee o They She He Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez o Prince & Knight by Daniel Haacko It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn o Stamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul I do not let my children have soda, but I do not demand that it be removed from thegrocery stores. These books may not be for everyone, but each book is for SOMEONE, and that is important. The freedom to choose which books they want to read is a personal one made by each family. Sincerely, Jennifer Frank From:Judy Strauss To:Library Board of Trustees; Library Admin Team Subject:PLEASE KEEP THESE BOOKS IN THE CHILDRENS LIBRARY Date:December 07, 2023 5:07:40 PM Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I am writing to urgently request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of the Newport Beach Public Library, where they belong. Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George) Pink, Blue and You! by Elise Gravel Who Are You? by Brook Pessin-Whedbee They She He Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez Prince & Knight by Daniel Haack It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn Stamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul I am a member of NBPLF and have been using our marvelous library facilities since 1956. I STRONGLY believe that important decisions regarding the merit and quality of the books in our esteemed library should be made by our highly educated professional librarians and NOT by an appointed board. Judy Strauss 2501 Island View Dr. Corona del Mar CA 92625 From:Sarah Wells To:Castro, Antonella; Kramer, Lauren; Larson, Dorothy; Watkins, Paul; Library Board of Trustees; Library AdminTeam Subject:Please keep books about diverse experiences in the children’s library Date:December 07, 2023 11:39:50 AM Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I am writing to request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of theNewport Beach Public Library, where they belong. o Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George)o Pink, Blue and You! by Elise Gravelo Who Are You? by Brook Pessin-Whedbeeo They She He Me by Maya Christina Gonzalezo Prince & Knight by Daniel Haacko It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorno Stamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul I do not let my children have Coca Cola, but I do not demand that it be removed fromPavilions.These books may not be for everyone, but each book is for SOMEONE, and that is important. Sincerely, Sarah Wells, Parent & Member of the Newport Beach Public Library From:Erin Harris To:Castro, Antonella; Kramer, Lauren; Larson, Dorothy; Watkins, Paul; Library Board of Trustees; Library AdminTeam Subject:Please keep books about gender diversity in the public library Date:December 08, 2023 12:09:19 PM Dear NBPL Board of Library Trustees, It has come to my attention that several children's books about gender diversity have beenrequested to be banned by a small number of individuals, and I am hoping to add my voice tothose who strongly oppose this. I am writing to request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of theNewport Beach Public Library: o Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George)o Pink, Blue and You! by Elise Gravelo Who Are You? by Brook Pessin-Whedbeeo They She He Me by Maya Christina Gonzalezo Prince & Knight by Daniel Haacko It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorno Stamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul Reading books about gender diversity does not make a child transgender. They can, however,provide a mirror to those who do not often see themselves portrayed in stories. They canprovide language for children to explain how they feel through identifying with characters.Books can also increase empathy for those who do not understand what it feels like to begender diverse. Personally, we own and love It Feels Good to Be Yourself. My children are 4 and 7, and Iwanted a text that explained in an age appropriate way the terms cis-gender, nonbinary, andtransgender. This book is not sexual in any way! My older child exclaimed, "I'm a cis-gendergirl!" Reading this book did not make her identify in any other way that she always has, butgave her a new term to describe herself as. I have not personally read Melissa, but hope that you can trust the librarians to do their jobs toreview and determine what books are appropriate based on reading and content level. And Ihope when my children are old enough to read it, that we can come to the library to check itout. Please keep these books in the library. Removing them comes not just at a cost to increasedsuffering of a small group of children and families who need support, but also to the slipperyslope that book banning can bring. Thank you for your time and consideration, Erin Harris Local community member From:Brenda Hart To:Kramer, Lauren; Larson, Dorothy; Watkins, Paul; Library Board of Trustees Subject:Please keep books about diverse experiences in the children’s library Date:December 09, 2023 9:39:57 AM Dear Members of the Library Board of Trustees, I request that you keep the following books in the children’s section of the Newport Beach Public Library, where they belong. Melissa by Alex Gino (previously titled George)Pink, Blue, and You!by Elise GravelWho Are You? by Brook Pessin-WhedbeeThey She He Me by Maya Christina GonzalezPrince & Knight by Daniel HaackIt Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa ThornStamped (For Kids) by Sonja Cherry-Paul I do not let my children have Coca-Cola, but I do not demand that it be removed from Pavilions. These books may not be for everyone, but each book is for SOMEONE, which is important. Sincerely, Brenda Hart Jim Mosher Newport Beach 92660 December 11, 2023, BLT Agenda Item Comments These comments on Newport Beach Board of Library Trustees agenda items are submitted by: Item No. 1. Minutes of the Nov 20, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting The passages in italics are from the draft minutes, with corrections suggested in strikeout underline format. Page 2 (page 6 of agenda packet), Item 3, below “*ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR FOR DISCUSSION”: The first part of the sentence (“Chair Watkins referred to several Patron Comments regarding the excellent service of the reference desk, the clean restroom facilities, and travel assistance provided; Chair Watkins extended gratitude to Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot and Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian for their responses to those comments”) belongs under ”2. Patron Comments” on page 1. Only the last part (“Chair Watkins pulled the item for further discussion (please see below)”) belongs here. Page 2 (page 6 of agenda packet), Item 6, paragraph 2: “Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, provided public comment regarding Item 4 number four – Library Activities – and questioned the statistics he had previously not seen regarding Inter-Library Loan, with other requests from other libraries and outnumbering the requests of from Newport Beach libraries outnumbered the others by about 10:1 and was curious where those requests originated and what materials Newport Beach has that the other libraries may not have.” Page 4 (page 8 of agenda packet), paragraph 6, last sentence: “She suggested that information on how to appeal a book review be included when responding in an evaluation review decision response, and comments and responses should not be provided by the Trustees until an appeal has been submitted.” [The first correction is optional. It removes a redundancy. The second is needed to capture Trustee Kramer’s meaning, which was that since they will have to sit in judgement on appeals, Trustees should avoid creating an appearance of bias by expressing opinions on the merits of a claim or response before the hearing.] Page 7 (page 11 of agenda packet), paragraph 1, last sentence: “It is for advisory and will return to the full Board with a recommendation and draft language.” Page 7 (page 11 of agenda packet), paragraph 5, first sentence: “Jim Mosher commented that ad hoc subcommittees are not required to notify public participation.” [My comment was actually that if the ad hoc subcommittee on Collection Development was to meet without public notice, the Brown Act would not allow its decision-making members to include non-Trustees, as the previous speaker had requested.] December 11, 2023, BLT agenda item comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 3 Page 8 (page 12 of agenda packet), Item 10, paragraph 3: “Jim Mosher believes the seed library is a great idea, and if they are interested in gardening volunteers to help, he would be interested.” [I do believe the seed library is a great idea, but rather than volunteering myself, I believe I was “volunteered” by a Trustee.] Page 8 (page 12 of agenda packet), Item 11, paragraph 2: “Chair Watkins filed received and received filed the report.” Page 8 (page 12 of agenda packet), Item 12, paragraph 2: “Chair Watkins stated they are scheduled to return on Monday, December 11, 2023 with elevations and aesthetics prior to going out for public outreach.” [If this comment regarding the Balboa Branch Replacement Update is correct, it is not reflected in the current agenda listing.] Page 10 (page 14 of agenda packet), Item VII, paragraph 1, sentence 1: “Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented that with all of the comments about what’s wrong with the Library and what’s being offered, the Board finds should find a way to receive more positive comments as well about their collection.” Item No. 7. Patron's Request for Evaluation of Library Resources Appeal Application The title could be shortened to a single line: “PATRON’S REQUEST FOR APPEAL OF EVALUATION OF LIBRARY RESOURCES” Similarly, the “Print Name” line near the bottom could be deleted, since it is already provided at the top. These two changes would provide more room to explain the appeal procedure, which seems incomplete as presented. Alternatively, and better, the existence of the appeal form, and the procedure, could be spelled out in the Collection Development Policy and simply referred to on the form. The reason the present description is incomplete is that the Brown Act requires all the Trustee’s decisions (except on legal and personnel matters, which this is not) to be made at noticed public meetings. And at those meetings it requires not only the appellant and staff to be heard before the decision is made, but also all interested members of the public. If it needs to be squeezed onto the form, I would suggest something like: “The Library Services Director will schedule the Patron’s Appeal hearing and notify the Patron of its date. At the hearing, the Patron and Library Staff will present their positions to the Board of Library Trustees. After considering those, and any additional public comment that may be provided, in light of the Library’s Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2), the Board, by majority vote, will render a decision, which will be final.” December 11, 2023, BLT agenda item comments - Jim Mosher Page 3 of 3 Item No. 8. Laptop Borrowing Policy (NBPL 10) In the spirit of removing unnecessary words, I would suggest these additional revisions: “2. Laptops can be checked out to current NBPL cardholders whose accounts meet use requirements. These devices are for use only within the Library building.” The requirement to have a card in good standing is spelled out in more detail in provision 5. If this means anything more, it should be added to that. I also think the second sentence could be more directly phrased as “These devices may not be taken outside the Library building.” Otherwise a patron taking one outside could say they were not “using” it at the time. That said, I am not sure what the policy is about using Library laptops on the reading patio at the CdM Branch. “4. Laptops may be checked out at the reference desk desks at the Central Library and Mariners and Corona del Mar Branches, and at from the circulation desk at the Balboa Branch, and from the reference desks at Mariners and Corona del Mar Branches.” Item No. 13. Library Foundation Liaison Reports I am very impressed by Mr. Kappel’s enthusiasm for his job, his commitment to improving transparency of NBPLF operations, and the thoroughness of his reports. Regarding his second #4 on page 2 (page 58 of the agenda packet), about the Fall Bookmark being in the mail, I noticed that as of December 9, the Mariners Branch is still distributing the Summer Bookmark, which is getting a little dated, as it is still promoting September and October events. As to his second #5 on page 2, I believe there could be a misunderstanding regarding the City MOU negotiating committee including “Mayor Noah Blom, Councilmember Lauren Kleiman, Dave Webb, and Yolanda Summerhill.” As noted in connection with the Trustees’ ad hoc committee for Collection Development (in my comments on page 7 of the draft minutes), if the Council appointed to the negotiating committee anyone other than its own members, all its deliberations would have to be at noticed public meetings. I presume that is not happening, and that the committee that will be making a recommendation to the full City Council consists only of Mayor Blom and Councilmember Kleiman. Mr. Webb and Ms. Summerhill may be providing support when requested, but should not be decision makers. In that connection, I am surprised the committee would not also be seeking advice from Director Hartson and others. I agree with, and am pleased to see, Mr. Kappel’s point “b” under that (“the Hall is a Library building to manage. The Foundation’s role is to be the facilitator for the community’s philanthropic support of the Hall construction, just as the Foundation’s role in the funding of the Central Library construction.”). I would go further and expect that the Foundation’s programming should be focused on fundraising events, leaving the choice and implementation of the educational programming to the library that fundraising supports. Yet, over the years, it seems to have gone from supporting programming to running it.