HomeMy WebLinkAbout06_Griley Residence CDP and TPM_PA2023-0125 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT December 14, 2023 Agenda Item No. 6 SUBJECT: Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) ▪ Coastal Development Permit ▪ Tentative Parcel Map SITE LOCATION: 2592 Arbor Drive and 2596 Crestview Drive APPLICANT: Ali Samsami OWNER: Brian Griley PLANNER: Oscar Orozco, Assistant Planner 949-644-3219, oorozco@newportbeachca.gov LAND USE AND ZONING • General Plan Land Use Plan Category: RS-D (Single Unit Residential Detached) • Zoning District: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) • Coastal Land Use Plan: RSD-B (Single Unit Residential Detached) – (6.0 – 9.9 DU/AC) • Coastal Zoning District: Single-Unit Residential (R-1) PROJECT SUMMARY A request for a coastal development permit (CDP) and tentative parcel map to allow the demolition of two existing single-unit dwellings and the construction of two, new, single-unit dwellings. A new 534-square-foot, one-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 437-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2592 Arbor Drive, and a new 3,269-square-foot, two-story single- unit dwelling and an attached 576-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2596 Crestview Drive. The project also includes landscaping, hardscaping, and site walls. The proposed new construction complies with all applicable development standards. The tentative parcel map will adjust the location of the property line between the two properties and includes a request for a deviation from the design standards of Title 19 (Subdivisions) for lot width and area. All improvements authorized by this CDP will be located on private property. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and under 15315 under Class 15 (Land Divisions) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 1 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 2 Tmplt: 10/18/21 3) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving the coastal development permit and tentative parcel map (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION Coastal Development Permit Land Use and Development Standards • The subject property is in the R-1 Coastal Zoning District, which provides for single- unit residential development and is consistent with the City’s Coastal Land Use Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code. A CDP is required, and the property is not eligible for a waiver for de minimis development because the property is in the Coastal Commission Appeal Area. • The properties currently consist of one legal lot each developed with a single-unit dwelling on each property. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two- story, single-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development, and the expected future development is consistent with applicable development standards. • The proposed single-unit dwellings and accessory structures conform to all applicable development standards, including floor area limit, setbacks, height, and off-street parking as evidenced by the project plans and illustrated in Table 1 and Table 2 below. • Table 1 – Development Standards1 2592 Arbor Drive Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front (Arbor Drive) 10 feet 10 feet Rear (alley) 10 feet 10 feet Side 4 feet 4 feet Allowable Floor Area (max.) 5,493 square feet 971 square feet Open Volume Area (min.) 411.9 square feet 1,924 square feet Parking (min.) 2-car garage 2-car garage Height (max.) 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof 10 feet to highest flat roof 17.4 to highest ridge 1 The proposed structure does not include a third story and, therefore, the third-floor development standards are not included in the development standard overview. 2 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 3 Tmplt: 10/18/21 Table 2 – Development Standards1 2596 Crestview Drive Development Standard Standard Proposed Setbacks (min.) Front (Crestview Drive) 10 feet 10 feet Rear (alley) 10 feet 10 feet Side 4 feet 4 feet Allowable Floor Area (max.) 6,507 square feet 3,844 square feet Open Volume Area (min.) 488 square feet 506 square feet Parking (min.) 2-car garage 2-car garage Height (max.) 24-foot flat roof 29-foot sloped roof 20.5 feet to highest flat element 28.42 to highest ridge Hazards • The project sites are located approximately 620 feet from the mean high tide line and are separated from the water by Bay Shore Drive and existing residential development between the subject site and the water. The project sites are not protected by a bulkhead. • The finished floor elevation for both the single-unit residences is 13.76 feet (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard. • The properties are not located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. Water Quality • The properties are not located on the shoreline nor are they located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. • The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan that outlines temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be implemented during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation, and to minimize pollution of runoff derived by construction chemicals and materials. No water quality impacts to coastal waters are anticipated based upon the location and elevation of the property. 3 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 4 Tmplt: 10/18/21 Public Access and Views • The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private community of Bayshores. Developed in 1941, Bayshores is a 258-lot, single-family gated community located on the Lido Channel, southwest of Coast Highway and Newport Bay Bridge. The 39-unit Anchorage apartment complex is also located within the community. The community is accessible from West Coast Highway via Bay Shore Drive, a private street. The shoreline is on the south and east sides of the community and consists of bulkheads and two small sandy beaches. • Coastal Land Use Plan Policy 3.1.5-3 requires public access consistent with public access policies for any new development in private/gated communities causing or contributing to adverse public access impacts. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces two existing single-unit dwellings located on two lots with two new single- unit dwellings. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density, or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. • The residential lots do not currently provide, nor do they inhibit public coastal access. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bayshores community at the Balboa Bay Club, immediately north of the Bayshores community. • The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas; however, the project will replace two existing single-unit dwellings with two new single-unit dwellings that comply with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintains building envelopes consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. Tentative Parcel Map • The tentative parcel map will adjust the location of the property line between the two properties and is requesting to deviate from the minimum lot width requirements set forth in Table 2-2 of NBMC Section 20.18.030 (Residential zoning Districts General Development Standards), where a minimum lot width of 50’ is required for interior lots. The subject properties are both pie shaped lots and the 4 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 5 Tmplt: 10/18/21 existing lot width for both properties are currently non-conforming. The property at 2592 Arbor Drive has a lot width of approximately 42’-5” and the property at 2596 Crestview Drive has a lot width of approximately 45’-1”. The proposed shift in the interior property line between both properties would result in the lot width for 2592 Arbor Drive that is more non-conforming due to the unique shape of the lots. The property at 2592 Arbor Drive would result in a lot width of approximately 40’-8” and the property at 2596 Crestview would result in a lot width of approximately 46’-10” as illustrated in tables 3 and 4. Table 3 – Lot Width and Area Development Standards 2592 Arbor Drive Development Standard Standard Existing Proposed Lot Width (Min.) 50 feet Approximately 42’-5” Approximately 40’-8” Lot Area (Min.) 5,000 square feet 5,091 square feet 4,226 square feet. Table 4 – Lot Width and Area Development Standards 2596 Crestview Drive Development Standard Standard Existing Proposed Lot Width (Min.) 50 feet Approximately 45’-1” Approximately 46’-10” Lot Area (Min.) 5,000 square feet 4,000 square feet 4,865 square feet. 5 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 6 Tmplt: 10/18/21 Exhibit 1- Site Map • The proposed tentative parcel map will shift the interior property line between two legal parcels 1’-9” feet to the west as illustrated in Exhibit 1. Land taken from the 2592 Arbor Drive parcel will be added to the 2596 Crestview Drive parcel. • The number of parcels will remain unchanged as a result of the tentative parcel map and there will be no change in the density or intensity of development. The existing parcel area of 2596 Crestview Drive is approximately 4,000 square feet. The proposed lot line adjustment will increase the parcel area to 4,865 square feet. The existing parcel area of 2592 Arbor Drive is approximately 5,091 square feet. The proposed lot line adjustment will decrease the parcel area to 4,226 square feet. • The minor boundary adjustment will have no impact on access to or use of the affected properties. • Existing and future development of both lots will continue to be required to comply with all applicable development standards specified by the R-1 Zoning District. 6 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 7 Tmplt: 10/18/21 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15303 of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and under 15315 under Class 15 (Land Divisions). The class 15 exemption consists of the division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. The proposed parcel map with request deviations affects the shared property line between two parcels under common ownership and is for the purpose of accomodating the new construction of a single unit resiodence on each property. There will be no change in land use, density, or intensity. The class exemption 3 exempts the demolition of up to three single-family residences and additions of up to 10,000 square feet to existing structures. The proposed project consists of the construction of two, new, single-unit dwellings. A new 534-square-foot, one-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 437-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2592 Arbor Drive, and a new 3,269-square-foot, two-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 576-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2596 Crestview Drive. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and residential occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: 7 Griley Residences (PA2023-0125) Zoning Administrator, December 14, 2023 Page 8 Tmplt: 10/18/21 An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 10 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: CC/oo Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Tentative Parcel Map 2023-194 ZA 4 Project Plans 8 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 9 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2023-#### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP WITH DEVIATIONS FROM LOT WIDTH AND AREA STANDARDS LOCATED AT 2592 ARBOR DRIVE AND 2596 CRESTVIEW DRIVE (PA2023-0125) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Ali Samsami, with respect to the properties located at 2592 Arbor Drive and 2596 Crestview Drive, and legally described as Lots 57 and 58 of Tract 1102 requesting approval of a coastal development permit and tentative parcel map. 2. The applicant proposes a coastal development permit (CDP) and tentative parcel map to allow the demolition of two existing single-unit dwellings and the construction of two, new, single-unit dwellings. A new 534-square-foot, one-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 437-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2592 Arbor Drive, and a new 3,269-square-foot, two-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 576-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2596 Crestview Drive. The project also includes landscaping, hardscaping, and site walls. The proposed new construction complies with all applicable development standards. The tentative parcel map will adjust the location of the property line between the two properties and includes a request for a deviation from the design standards of Title 19 (Subdivisions) for lot width and area. All improvements authorized by this CDP will be located on private property. 3. The subject properties are designated Single Unit Residential Detached (RS-D) by the General Plan Land Use Element and are located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Zoning District. 4. The subject properties are located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single Unit Residential Detached (RSD-B) (6.0 – 9.9 DU/AC) and they are located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Coastal Zoning District. 5. A public hearing was held on December 14, 2023, online via Zoom. A notice of time, place and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 2 of 17 10-18-21 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and under 15315 under Class 15 (Land Divisions) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. The proposed parcel map with request deviations affects the shared property line between two parcels under common ownership and is for the purpose of accomodating the new construction of a single unit resiodence on each property. There will be no change in land use, density, or intensity. 3. The proposed project consists of the construction of two, new, single-unit dwellings. A new 534-square-foot, one-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 437-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2592 Arbor Drive, and a new 3,269-square-foot, two-story single- unit dwelling and an attached 576-square-foot garage will be constructed at 2596 Crestview Drive. 4. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. The project location does not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern, does not result in cumulative impacts, does not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, does not damage scenic resources within a state scenic highway, is not a hazardous waste site, and is not identified as a historical resource. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Costal Development Permit By Section 21.52.015(F) (Coastal Development Permits – Findings and Decision) of the NMBC, the following findings, and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed development complies with applicable residential development standards including, but not limited to, floor area limitation, setbacks, height, and parking. a. The maximum floor area limitation for the property at 2592 Arbor Drive is 5,493 square feet and the proposed floor area is 971 square feet. The maximum floor area limitation for the property at 2596 Crestview Drive is 6,507 square feet and the proposed floor area is 3,844 square feet. 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 3 of 17 10-18-21 b. The proposed development 2592 Arbor Drive provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 10 feet along the front property line abutting Arbor Drive, 4 feet along each side property line, and 10 feet along the rear property line abutting an alley. The proposed development 2592 Arbor Drive provides the minimum required setbacks, which are 10 feet along the front property line abutting Crestview Drive, 4 feet along each side property line, and 10 feet along the rear property line abutting an alley. c. The highest flat roof element for the property at 2591 Arbor Drive is 10 feet from established grade and the highest sloped roof ridge is 17.4 from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. The highest flat roof element for the property at 2596 Crestview Drive is 20.5 feet from established grade and the highest sloped roof ridge is 28.42 from established grade, which comply with the maximum height requirements. d. The project includes garage parking for a total of two vehicles for each single-unit dwelling, complying with the minimum two-car garage parking requirement for single-unit dwellings with less than 4,000 square feet of habitable floor area. 2. The neighborhood is predominantly developed with two story, single-unit dwellings. The proposed design, bulk, and scale of the development are consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. 3. The project sites are located approximately 620 feet from the mean high tide line and are separated from the water by Bay Shore Drive and existing residential development between the subject site and the water. The project sites are not protected by a bulkhead. 4. The finished floor elevation for both the single-unit residences is 13.76 feet (NAVD 88), which complies with the minimum 9.00-foot (NAVD 88) elevation standard. 5. The properties are not located in an area known for the potential of seismic activity. All projects are required to comply with the California Building Code (CBC) and Building Division standards and policies. Construction plans are reviewed for compliance with approved investigations and CBC before building permit issuance. 6. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. 7. The properties are not located on the shoreline nor are they located within 100 feet of coastal waters. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan and a post construction drainage system that includes drainage and percolation features designed to retain dry weather and minor rain event run-off on-site. Any water not retained on-site is directed to the City’s storm drain system. 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 4 of 17 10-18-21 8. The project design addresses water quality with a construction erosion control plan that outlines temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be implemented during construction to minimize erosion and sedimentation, and to minimize pollution of runoff derived by construction chemicals and materials. No water quality impacts to coastal waters are anticipated based upon the location and elevation of the property. Finding: B. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project site is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline in the private community of Bayshores. Developed in 1941, Bayshores is a 258-lot, single-family gated community located on the Lido Channel, southwest of Coast Highway and Newport Bay Bridge. The 39-unit Anchorage Apartment complex is also located within the community. The community is accessible from West Coast Highway via Bay Shore Drive, a private street. The shoreline is on the south and east sides of the community and consists of bulkheads and two small sandy beaches. 2. Coastal Land Use Plan Policy 3.1.5-3 requires public access consistent with public access policies for any new development in private/gated communities causing or contributing to adverse public access impacts. Implementation Plan Section 21.30A.040 (Determination of Public Access/Recreation Impacts) requires that the provision of public access bear a reasonable relationship between the requirement and the project’s impact and be proportional to the impact. In this case, the project replaces two existing single-family unit dwellings located on two lots with two new single-unit dwellings. Therefore, the project does not involve a change in land use, density, or intensity that will result in increased demand on public access and recreation opportunities. Furthermore, the project is designed and sited so as not to block or impede existing public access opportunities. 3. The residential lots do not currently provide, nor do they inhibit public coastal access. Vertical and lateral access to the bay front is available adjacent to the Bayshores community at the Balboa Bay Club, immediately north of the Bayshores community. 4. The project site is not located adjacent to a coastal view road, public viewpoint, public park or beach, or public accessway, as identified in the Coastal Land Use Plan. Furthermore, an investigation of the project site and surrounding area did not identify any other public view opportunities. The project site may be located within the viewshed of distant public viewing areas; however, the project will replace two existing single-unit dwellings with two new single-unit dwellings that comply with all applicable Local Coastal Program development standards and maintain building envelopes consistent with the existing neighborhood pattern of development. Therefore, the project does not have the potential 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 5 of 17 10-18-21 to degrade the visual quality of the Coastal Zone or result in significant adverse impacts to public views. Tentative Parcel Map In accordance with Section 19.12.070 (Required Findings for Action on Tentative Maps) of the NBMC, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: C. That the proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan, and with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The tentative parcel map is for the purposes of adjusting the property line location between two lots. The project site is currently developed with single-unit dwellings, one on each lot. The proposed development will construct new 534-square-foot, one-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 437-square-foot garage at 2592 Arbor Drive, and a new 3,269-square-foot, two-story single-unit dwelling and an attached 576-square- foot garage at 2596 Crestview Drive. The proposed subdivision and improvements are consistent with density of the R-1 Zoning District and the current RS-D General Plan Land Use category. 2. The subject property is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: D. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The lots are physically suitable for single-unit dwellings because they are relatively flat. An existing single-unit dwelling will be demolished on each lot and a new single-unit dwelling will be constructed on each lot. 2. The subject properties are accessible from Arbor Drive, Crestview drive, and the alley in the rear. 3. The sites are adequately served by existing utilities, as there is one single-unit residence on each site and there is no proposed change in density. Finding: 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 6 of 17 10-18-21 E. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the decision-making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is located within a developed residential neighborhood that does not contain any sensitive vegetation or habitat on-site. 2. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15315 under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions) of the CEQA Guidelines. Finding: F. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The tentative parcel map is for the purposes of adjusting the property line location between two existing parcels. All improvements associated with the project will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, which are in place to prevent serious public health problems. Public improvements will be required of the developer per NBMC Section 19.28.010 (General Improvement Requirements) and Section 66411 (Local agencies to regulate and control design of subdivisions) of the Subdivision Map Act. All ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Finding: G. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision-making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Fact in Support of Finding: 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 7 of 17 10-18-21 1. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed tentative parcel map and determined that the design of the development will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of property within the existing development because no public easements are located on the property. Finding: H. That, subject to the detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act because the subject property is not designated as an agricultural preserve and is less than 100 acres in area. 2. The site, developed for residential use, lies in the R-1 Zoning District, which is intended for and permits residential uses. Finding: I. That, in the case of a “land project” as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (1) there is an adopted specific plan for the area to be included within the land project; and (2) the decision-making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. California Business and Professions Code Section 11000.5 has been repealed by the Legislature. However, this project site is not considered a “land project” as previously defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code because the project site does not contain 50 or more parcels of land. 2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: J. That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The Tentative Parcel Map and any future improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction meet minimum heating and 16 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 8 of 17 10-18-21 cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The City’s Building Division enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. Finding: K.That the subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City’s share of the regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City’s residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The proposed single unit residences are consistent with the R-1 Zoning District, which allows up to one (1) residential unit on the property. Therefore, the tentative parcel map for will not affect the City in meeting its regional housing needs. Finding: L.That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.The project wastewater is designed to discharge into the existing sewer system and complies with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. Finding: M.For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. Fact in Support of Finding: 1.Facts 1-8 in support of finding A are hereby incorporated by reference. Deviations from Design Standards In accordance with Section 19.24.130 (Deviation from Design Standards) of the NBMC, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 9 of 17 10-18-21 Finding: N. The requested deviation(s) will create a land plan or development design equal or superior to that under the baseline design standards in this chapter. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed lots are comparable in width, length, and area with the majority of the original subdivision in which a majority of lots had widths between 40 and 50 feet and depths of 100 feet. The proposed lot widths of approximately 40’-8” and 46’-10” are consistent with the original subdivision. The number of parcels will remain unchanged as a result of the tentative parcel map and there will be no change in the density or intensity of development. The existing parcel area of 2596 Crestview Drive is approximately 4,000 square feet. The proposed lot line adjustment will increase the parcel area to 4,865 square feet. The existing parcel area of 2592 Arbor Drive is approximately 5,091 square feet. The proposed lot line adjustment will decrease the parcel area to 4,226 square feet. 2. The existing lot orientation with vehicular access from the rear alley are maintained. Finding: O. The deviation(s) will not negatively impact the carrying capacity of the local vehicular circulation network. Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed project would not negatively impact the carrying capacity of the local vehicular circulation network. No improvements or changes are proposed that would cause additional capacity to the roadways. Finding: P. The deviation(s) will not negatively impact pedestrian circulation. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project will not reduce, encroach or change the size or location of the Arbor Drive and Crestview Drive sidewalk. 2. The project will not eliminate or impede pedestrian circulation provided that the necessary improvements are provided in accordance with applicable Public Works design standards and permitting. Finding: 18 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 10 of 17 10-18-21 Q. The resulting subdivision will be compatible with the pattern of surrounding subdivisions. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project will result in a subdivision that is compatible with the pattern of surrounding subdivision as the project will shift the interior property line between two legal parcels 1’-9” feet to the west. Land taken from the 2592 Arbor Drive parcel will be added to the 2596 Crestview Drive parcel. The number of parcels will remain unchanged as a result of the tentative parcel map and there will be no change in the density or intensity of development. 2. The subject property is located in a block that is designated R1 by the General Plan and Zoning Code. The proposed project would not alter the General Plan and Zoning Code designation. 3. The proposed shift in the interior property line between both properties would result in a lot width for the property at 2592 Arbor Drive of approximately 40’-8” and the property at 2596 Crestview of approximately 46’-10” which is more compatible with the surrounding lots than the existing configuration. The number of parcels will remain unchanged and there will be no change in the density or intensity of development. The existing parcel area of 2596 Crestview Drive is approximately 4,000 square feet. The proposed lot line adjustment will increase the parcel area to 4,865 square feet. The existing parcel area of 2592 Arbor Drive is approximately 5,091 square feet. The proposed lot line adjustment will decrease the parcel area to 4,226 square feet. Finding: R. The resulting subdivision design and improvements will be consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan and will conform to the Subdivision Map Act and all other provisions of this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The resulting project design results in two parcels and one residential unit on each parcel, where the General Plan allows for one unit on each parcel. Therefore, the subdivision is consistent with the density of the R-1 General Plan Land Use Designation. 2. The subject properties are not located within a specific plan area. Finding: S. The resulting subdivision design and improvements will not be materially detrimental to the residents or tenants of the proposed subdivision or surrounding properties, nor to public health or safety. resulting subdivision will be compatible with the pattern of surrounding subdivisions. 19 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 11 of 17 10-18-21 Fact in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed would allow one unit to be constructed on each lot in accordance with the General Plan. Approval does not introduce an incompatible land use, and the resulting subdivision design would not be detrimental to the residents as vehicular and pedestrian access would be maintained. Any development must be in accordance with the conditions of approval and the Municipal Code. The resulting lot widths are consistent with the lot widths of the original subdivision or the existing development pattern of the neighborhood. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby finds this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) and under 15315 under Class 15 (Land Divisions) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The exceptions to this categorical exemption under Section 15300.2 are not applicable. 2. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves a Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map (PA2023-0125) subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director by the provisions of Title 21 Local Coastal Program (LCP) Implementation Plan, and Title 19 Subdivisions, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Final action taken by the City may be appealed to the Coastal Commission in compliance with Section 21.64.035 (Appeal to the Coastal Commission) of the City’s certified LCP and Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Sections 13111 through 13120, and Section 30603 of the Coastal Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2023. _______________________________________ Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Zoning Administrator 20 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 12 of 17 10-18-21 21 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 13 of 17 10-18-21 EXHIBIT “A” CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Prior to the final building permits, an agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney between the property owner and the City shall be executed and recorded waiving rights to the construction of future shoreline protection devices including the repair and maintenance, enhancement, reinforcement, or any other activity affecting the bulkhead, that results in any encroachment seaward of the authorized footprint of the bulkhead or other shoreline protective device. The agreement shall be binding against the property owners and successors and assigns. 3. Prior to the final building permits, the property owner shall submit a notarized signed letter acknowledging all hazards present at the site, assuming the risk of injury or damage from such hazards, unconditionally waiving any claims of damage against the City from such hazards, and to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements, and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to the City’s approval of the development. This letter shall be scanned into the plan set before building permit issuance. 4. This approval does not authorize any new or existing improvements (including landscaping) on California Coastal Permit Jurisdiction, State tidelands, public beaches, or the public right-of-way. Any improvements located on tidelands, submerged lands, and/or lands that may be subject to the public trust shall require a coastal development permit (CDP) approved by the California Coastal Commission (Coastal Commission). Before the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a copy of said coastal development permit or CDP waiver or documentation from the Coastal Commission that subject improvements are not subject to the permit requirements of the Coastal Act and/or not located within the permit jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. 5. No demolition or construction materials, equipment debris, or waste, shall be placed or stored in a location that would enter the sensitive habitat, receiving waters, or storm drains or result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat areas, streams, the beach, wetlands or their buffers. No demolition or construction materials shall be stored on public property. 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 14 of 17 10-18-21 6. The applicant is responsible for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In compliance with the MBTA, grading, brush removal, building demolition, tree trimming, and similar construction activities shall occur between August 16 and January 31, outside of the peak nesting period. If such activities must occur inside the peak nesting season from February 1 to August 15, compliance with the following is required to prevent the taking of native birds under MBTA: A. The construction area shall be inspected for active nests. If birds are observed flying from a nest or sitting on a nest, it can be assumed that the nest is active. Construction activity within 300 feet of an active nest shall be delayed until the nest is no longer active. Continue to observe the nest until the chicks have left the nest and activity is no longer observed. When the nest is no longer active, construction activity can continue in the nest area. B. It is a violation of state and federal law to kill or harm a native bird. To ensure compliance, consider hiring a biologist to assist with the survey for nesting birds, and to determine when it is safe to commence construction activities. If an active nest is found, one or two short follow-up surveys will be necessary to check on the nest and determine when the nest is no longer active. 7. Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Good Housekeeping Practices (GHPs) shall be implemented before and throughout the duration of construction activity as designated in the Construction Erosion Control Plan. 8. The discharge of any hazardous materials into storm sewer systems or receiving waters shall be prohibited. Machinery and equipment shall be maintained and washed in confined areas specifically designed to control runoff. A designated fueling and vehicle maintenance area with appropriate berms and protection to prevent spillage shall be provided as far away from storm drain systems or receiving waters as possible. 9. Debris from demolition shall be removed from work areas each day and removed from the project site within 24 hours of the completion of the project. Stockpiles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sites, not stored in contact with the soil, and located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway. 10. Trash and debris shall be disposed of in proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. Solid waste, including excess concrete, shall be disposed of in adequate disposal facilities at a legal disposal site or recycled at a recycling facility. 11. Revisions to the approved plans may require an amendment to this Coastal Development Permit or the processing of a new Coastal Development Permit. 12. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 23 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 15 of 17 10-18-21 13. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. A material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be caused by the revocation of this Coastal Development Permit. 14. This Coastal Development Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained are detrimental to the public health, and welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained to constitute a public nuisance. 15. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final construction erosion control plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 16. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final drainage and grading plan. The plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, a copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit “A” shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans. 18. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape and irrigation plan. These plans shall incorporate drought-tolerant plantings, non-invasive plant species, and water-efficient irrigation design. The plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 19. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained by the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 20. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 (Construction Activity – Noise Regulations) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays. 21. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 (Community Noise Control) and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior 24 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 16 of 17 10-18-21 Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 100 feet of a commercial property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 50dBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 22. Before the issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 23. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by the current property owner or agent. 24. This Coastal Development Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 21.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 25. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements, and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of Griley Residences including but not limited to, Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map (PA2023-0125). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorney’s fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit, or proceeding whether incurred by the applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all the City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which the City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions outlined in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City under the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Fire Department 26. NFPA 13D Fire sprinklers shall be required. Public Works Department 27. A parcel map shall be recorded. The Map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83). Prior to recordation of the Map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the Map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The 25 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2023-#### Page 17 of 17 10-18-21 Map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City’s CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 28. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Section s 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 29. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 30. An encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right-of-way or easement area. 26 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 27 VICINITY MAP Costal Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map (PA2023-0125) 2592 Arbor Drive and 2596 Crestview Drive Subject Properties Subject Properties 28 Attachment No. ZA 3 Tentative Parcel Map 2023-194 29 BRIAN AND ROCIO GRILEY2596 CRESTVIEW DR.NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SUBDIVIDER: IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 57 & 58 OF TRACT NO. 1102, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OFORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 35, PAGE 36 OF MISCELLANEOUSMAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING, INC. WILLIAM D. ROLPH, PLS 9381 SHEET 1 OF 1 CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING, INC.28052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 SURVEYOR: 2592 ARBOR DR. & 2596 CRESTVIEW DR., NEWPORT BEACHPROJECT: 23002 | DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2023 2592 ARBOR DR. & 2596 CRESTVIEW DR.NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663APN: 049-183-28/27 SITE ADDRESS: FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PURPOSES OWNER/ENGINEER/ PARCEL 10.106 AC (NET)0.112 AC (GROSS)LAND USE: RSFRPARCEL 20.093 AC (NET)0.097 AC (GROSS)LAND USE: RSFR ARBO R D R ( 4 5 - F T R / W ) CRESTVI E W D R ( 4 0 - F T R / W ) 4'MIN. 4'MIN. 10 ' ES M T 10' MIN . PARCEL 1: 0.112 AC GROSS 0.106 AC NETPARCEL 2:0.097 AC GROSS 0.093 AC NETTOTAL: 0.209 AC GROSS 0.199 AC NET ACERAGE: 30 Tmplt: 10/18/21 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 31 Client-JFDesign revisions June 1,2023 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r:S c a l e:2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 15, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 As Noted 1 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 20232 3 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 2023 x APN 049-183-28xLegal Description Lot 57 - Tract 1102xZoning:R-1 SFDxOccupancy: R-3xNumber of Stories 1xFire Sprinklers: Yes per NFPA 13-DxType of Construction: V- SprinkledxLot Area = 4225.7 sq.ft.x Buildable Lot Area = 2746.5 sq.ft.Project is located within a liquefaction zone 533.6 sq.ft.533.6 sq.ft. 437.4 sq.ft.194.7 sq.ft.221.5 sq.ft. CIVILSCAPES Engineering28052 Camino Capistrano Ste. 213Laguna Niguel CA. 92677949 464-8115info@civilscapes.com C. J. Light Associates1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345Architect Christian R. Light, AIAContact: Michael Evdokiou 949 404-1985 C O D E S : C O N S U L T A N T S : x The removal of an existing one story residence (1,545 sq.ft)x Construction of a new one story single family residence with aVeranda, Loggia and attached two car garage.x Landscaping. Brian and Rocio Griley2596 Crestview Dr.Newport Beach, CA310 901-9011 This Project Shall Comply with the Following Codes:2022 CRC; 2022 CBC; 2022 CPC;2022 CEC; 2022 CMC; 2022 CalGreen;2022 T24;All City of Newport Beach Municipal Codes, Regulations,Ordinances and Amendments x FLOOR AREA: x TOTAL RESIDENCE:x VERANDA:x LOGGIA:x GARAGE Bayshores Community Association Peter Philips Design - Landscape Architecturepete@philips-design.com949 338-8097 JJS Structural Engineering Inc.9751 Olympic Blvd.Huntington Beach Ca. 92646714 496-6772Jason Skudlarski Structural Engineer C-1SPC-1SPC-2SPC-3SPC-4SPC-5SPC-6A-1.0A-2.0A-3.0A-4.0A-5.0D-1.0 SN1SN2S-1S-2SD1SD2WSWH1WSWH1.1WSWH2 C-1C-2C-3C-4C-5 Jodi Fleming Design160 Newport Center Drive Suite 155Newport Beach, Ca. 92660949 514-2622Www.jodiflemingdesign.com Open Volume Required = 412.0 sq.ft.Open Volume Provided = 1924.3 sq.ft.See Calculations Sheet A-1.0 2 2 3 33 3 12.62TC 12.59TC 12.76TC 12.77FS 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.69TC 12.79TC 12.79TC 12.80TC 1 2 . 8 5 T C 12.79TC 1 2 . 8 2 T C 12 . 8 9 T C 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.74FS 12.74FS 12.89FS 1 2 . 3 9 F S 12 . 8 0 T C 1 2 . 4 2 F S 12 . 8 0 T C 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG12.58FG12.56FG12.56FG12.56FG 12.55FG 13.08FG 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 13.42FS 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.2 1 FG 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.05FG 13.41FS 13.44FS 13.45FS 13.50FS 13.44FS 13.47FS 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.34FS 13.36FS 13.06FS 13.13FS13.40FG 13.19FG 13.17FG 13.51FG 13.51FG13.64FG 13.10FG 13.08FG 13.13FG 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS L=65.95,R=138.13 L=74.60',R=1 13 2" 2 5 9 2 A R B O R 2 5 9 6 C R E S T V I E W GARA G E fin. fl. e l e v . = 1 3 . 4 3 13.31 E.G.fin. fl. elev. = 13.76 A=3.35 F.G. C=13.21 F.G. D=13.52 F.G. 4'-2"+/- sideyardsetback toframing 4'-0" B=13.14 F.G. 4'-0" sideya r d setback to framin g 4'-2"+/ - 4'-2" 4'-0" sideyar d setback toframing 10'- 0 " sideyardsetback 4'-0" rid g e e l e v . = 2 8 . 8 3 + / - rid g e e l e v . = 2 8 . 2 3 + / - rid g e e l e v . = 3 0 . 7 + / - S-2 S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1S-1 S-3 S-5 S-6 S-6 10 ' - 0 " 12'- 1 1 " D=13.5 1 F . G . 3 enclosed trash area(verify size per City ofNewport Beach req.)S-73 7'-9 " 3 Shaded area 1 indicates residence Shaded area 2 indicates garage Roof: See roof plan sheet A-4.0 fornotes and dimensions S-1 S-2 S-3 Roof: See roof plan sheet A-4.0 fornotes and dimensions S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 Line of Veranda roof Line of Loggia roof S-6 Fireplace enclosed trash area(verify size per City of Newport Beach req.)S-73 RESIDENCEAREA GARAGEAREA 3 ects 2023\Griley\ZPC Revised 2-15-23\Griley Residence Location Map.jpg 3 NOTE:Permits related to proposed project shall be issued at the same time.Separate plans and permits for:x Masonry or concrete fences 3.5' above grade or within3 ft. of property line.x Electrical and plumbing for exterior improvements detached fromhouse (B-B-Q, fountain, fire feature) NOTE:x A Cal-OSHA permit is required for excavations deeper than 5 ft.and for shoring and underpinning. x The max. time to complete construction is limited to three yearsafter date of permit issuance. x Provide project information sign . City required project sign mustcomply with NBMC Section 15.60.030 dCl f l f f 3 3 1. Sound Transmission Control:Sound attenuation design for the HVAC system per ARI Std. 275.Sound level shall not exceed 50 dba (55 dba w/ timer, 65dba w/timer and neighbor consent) per NBMC19.26.0452. Sprinkler drawings and hydraulic calcs.Obtain fire sprinkler permit prior to requesting roof sheathinginspection.3. Installation of Solar PV system per CF-1R form. 3 Deferred submittals shall be reviewed by architect or engineer of record and certified prior to submittal for plan check or approval by the City 32 1 0 4 . 7 9 ' N59°02'32"E 16.82' 10 0 . 0 0 ' Living Area = 533.6 sq.ft. Garage Area = 437.4 sq.ft. Covered Veranda = 194.7 sq.ft. Covered Loggia = 221.5 sq.ft. Lot Area = 4225.7 sq.ft. Buildable Area = 2746.5 sq.ft. Setback Line 10' - 0 " 3'-10" 10 ' - 0 " 4'-0" 2 5 9 2 A R B O R D R I V E 59.0 sq.ft. 145.5 sq.ft. 5'-0" 5'-0 " n o r t hn o r t h Open Volume Area se t b a c k l i n e 12'-6" 14'-9" 1'-0" 26'- 4 " 12'-6" 22' - 7 " 4'-0 " 18'- 7 " 59.0 sq.ft. 145.5 sq.ft.329.1 sq.ft. TOTAL = 533.6 sq.ft. 3 20'-10 " 21'- 1 " set b a c k l i n e Open Volume Area 19'- 1 " 10'-3" 329.1 sq.ft. 11' - 1 " 13'-7" 19 ' - 1 1 " 54 ' - 4 " 2 2 3 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e: 2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 15, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 1/4"=1'-0" Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 20231 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 15, 20233 A-1.0 of A-5.0 33 1 0 4 . 7 9 ' N59°02'32"E 16.82' 10 0 . 0 0 ' FP-1 FP-1 FP-1 FP-2 FP-2 FP-6 FP-11 6'-8" 2'-8" FP-2 1'-4 1 / 2 " MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTMATERIAL 4'-0" 4'-2" 4'-0" 12'-6" 14'-9" 12"2" 17 ' - 6 " 1'-0 " 1'-0"8'-3" 7'-9 " 5'-0 " 9'-1 0 " 1'-2 " 14'- 0 " 4'-0 " 2'-8" + / - 22'- 7 " 1'-2" 1'-2" 10'-2" 15'- 6 " 2'-0 " 15' - 6 " 23' - 0 " 21' - 0 " 20'-10" 4'-2" + / - 28'- 4 " 3'-1 0 " 3'-1 0 " 7'-1 0 " 2'-3" 1'-2" 8'-4" 12'-6" W-1 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-7 D-1 D-5 W-2 D-4 4'-2" +/- D-6 4'-0" 10 ' - 0 " FP-10 FP-5 3'-6" FP-1 1D-1.0 1D-1.0 FP-3 TRADENAME FP-12 MATERIALMODELNUMBERPRODUCT FP-9 BBQ FP-14 D-7 3'-2" FP-13 1'-0 " FP-7 FP-8 equal equal 1'-2" 20'-2" 20'- 4 " equal equal 1 1 equal 1 equal 3'- 1 1 " 3 FP-15 3 1A2.0 FP-4 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e: 2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 15, 2023 Client-JFDesign revisions June 1, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 1/4"=1'-0" 1 HOA- Planning corrections June 14, 2023 2 City Plan Check September 15, 20233 Architectural thin brick veneer over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. Under counter refrigerator Direct vent sealed combustion typeper 4.503.1 CalGreen code FP-1 FP-7 Under counter wine refrigerator Lavatory FP-2 FP-3 FP-4 FP-5 FP-6 Electric cooktop Sink n o r t h FP-8 Dishwasher Island - See interior designer drawings Tankless water heater: FP-13 Mechanical equipment well at roof Pull down access ladder to attic FP-12 line of Veranda roof 30" sq. attic access FP-9 FP-10 FP-11 FP-14 NOTE:See interior design drawings by Jodi Foster Designfor interior wall elevations, cabinets, trim andinterior doors. 3 Trash Enclosure -verify size per Cityof Newport Beach req.FP-153 3 NOTE:Timer and timer w/ neighborsconsent are not allowed to increaseallowable noise level above 50 dbasince heat pump must be capable ofrunning at any time. R303.10 CRC 3 pocketsliding door 5'-0" 7'-6 " 3'-0 " 1'-10" 8'-0 " 7'-0 " 7'-0 " 9'- 0 " v e r i f y 6'-0" 2'-8" 3'-9"verify 8'-0 " 7'-0 " 2'-8"2'-2" W-1 W-2 W-3 D-1 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-7 D-2 2'-6" W-1 W-1 W-2 with surroundtrim shown without surroundtrim shown D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5D-6 8'-4 " 16'-0" D-7 4 panel roll-up D-6 8" 8" 1 1 3 30 " m a x . 38" m i n . 8" 1A2.0 A-2.0 of A-5.0 34 S c a l e: Client-JFDesign revisions June 8, 2023 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r:2137 GR I L E Y R E S I D E N C D 25 9 2 A R B O R D R I V E NE W P O R T B E A C H , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 6 3 C. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s ASSOCIATES September 15, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 As Noted 1 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 15, 2023 3 ridge = 30.7 +/- Fin. Fl. = 13.76 ridge = 30. 7 +/- 10 ' - 0 " pocket slidingdoor ridge = 28.26 +/-ridge = 28.26 +/- Garage Fin. Fl.= 13.43 1A-3.0 3A-3.04A-5.05A-3.04A-5.0 pocket slidingdoor Residence GarageLoggia Exist. Grade= 13.30Exist. Grade = 13.30 7"6" Garage Fin. Fl. = 13.43 ridge = 30.7 +/- 10 ' - 0 " 4A-3.0127 Exist. Grade = 13.30 4'-0" 10" 4'-0" 10" pro p e r t y l i n e pro p e r t y l i n e setbacksetback ridge = 28.93 +/- ridge = 30.7 +/- Garage Fin. Fl. = 13.43 Fin. Fl. = 13.76 Garage ridge = 28.26 +/- 5A-3.0 1A-5.01A-5.0 10' - 0 " 4A-3.0 3A-3.0 4A-3.0 drawn at angle Residence Exist. Grade = 13.30Exist. Grade = 13.30 1 5A-5.0 6" ridge = 28.26 +/- 10' - 0 " 10' - 0 " drawn at angle Fin. Fl. = 13.76 ridge = 28.93 +/- Fin. Fl. = 13.76 5A-3.0 2A-3.0 2A-3.0 1A-5.0 127 9'-4 " Exist. Grade = 13.301 5A-5.0 4'-0" 1'-2" pro p e r t y l i n e setback 3'-0" n o r t h RP-1 RP-2 ridge = 2 8 . 9 3 + / - ridg e = 3 0 . 7 + / - n o r t h RP-1 rid g e = 2 8 . 2 6 + / - rid g e = 2 8 . 2 6 + / - RP-1 RP-1 RP-5 RP-3RP-3 RP-3 RP-5 RP-6 RP-9 RP-8 RP-9 RP-8 RP-10 RP-4 RP-10 RP-9 RP-9 RP-7 RP-11 RP-11 2'-0" RP-7 RP-7 RP-7 1'-2" 6" 1'-2"6" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 7" 10" 7" 10" 7" 10" 3'-0" 19' - 6 " 3'-0" 9'-4 " 6'-6 " 2'-0" Brick veneer over approved waterproofmembrane over plwd shtg. ICC-ES ESR-1215 Slate roofing over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. Hardie Board 1x6 shiplap siding over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. Roll-up garage door (24 panel) French doors Fireplace E-1 E-2 E-4 E-3 E-5 E-6 E-7E-7 E-8 Mechanical equipment well 48"x60" E-9 Tankless on demand water heater Roof vents: O'Hagan cloaked vent w/ 96 sq.in. net w/ approved mesh (1/16" min.-1/4" max. openings1'-2" D-1 Elast 500 urethane roofing 2x framing Plywood sheathing 24 ga. copper or stainless edge trim T&G Wood soffit. Loggia or veranda roof framing (seestruc.). D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 Eave or rake moulding Brick veneer over approved W.P.membrane D-7 D-8 Shaped Crown moulding trimD-9 Hardie ship lap siding overapproved W.P. membraneD-10 Solid blk. top of wall to roof shtg.D-113 Slate roofing over Versashield fire resistant roofdecking by GAF. Class "A" rating ICC ES ESR 2053 Line of roof over veranda or loggia. Chimney Mechanical equipment well 48"x60" Roof vents: O'Hagan cloaked vent w/ 96 sq.in. net free vent areaw/ approved mesh (1/16" min.-1/4" max. openings) Columns - see RP-7 RP-8 Roof drain-"Zurn"-Froet 100C" dual outlet roof drain or equal.Overflow outlet shall be 2" higher than roof drain and piped separately.RP-9 Plywd. cricket for roof drainage RP-1 RP-2 RP-3 RP-5 Metal flashing - copper or stainless stl. 1A-5.0 Elastatex 500 urethane membrane min. class"A" ICC-ES ESR-1757. Slope 2% min. to drains. Voids between unvented roof jsts. shall be filled withsolid closed cell foam insulation. 3 3 ridge = 28.26+/- 10' - 0 " Fin. Fl.=13.76 2A-3.0 A-5.04 127 Exist. Grade = 13.30 4'-0" 1'-2" pro p e r t y l i n e setback 3'-0" Voids between roof jsts. shall be filled with solid closedcell foam insulation. 3 3 3 6"9 1/2" /A 3 0 10"7" E-6 E-2 E-1 E-2 E-1 E-1 E-6 E3 E-2 E-1 E-3 E-2 E-2 E-3 D-6 D-2 D-1 D-3 D-2 D-6 D-2 D-1 D-4 D-3 D-2 1A-3.0 A-3.0 E-4 E-5 D-5 D-1 D-4D-7 D-8 D-9 RP-7 D-2 2A-3.0 3A-3.0 4A-3.0 5A-3.0 D-3 D-10 D-2 D-1 D-4 D-2 D-3 D-10 D-2 D-1 D-4 D-2 D-3 E-8 E-1 3-AA-5.0 3-AA-5.03-AA-5.0 3-BA-5.03-BA-5.0 2-EA-5.0 E-9 E-4 E-9RP-7 RP-7 RP-7 D-11 D-11 35 MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTMATERIAL S SS S S SS SSS S S SS SS S A B B B B B B G G G G G B B B B B B B D D D D D D L L J J J J J J K O.N Q Q QQJ M WP WP J J J J J J J garage dooroperator P P P SE-6J B TC B B B B T E D I. I. I. E-8 Q R R R R E-5 E-2 E-4 E-6 E-3 D D A A E M K H Q E-7 S D D J SI. MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTMATERIALTRADENAMEMATERIALMODELNUMBERPRODUCT S M M M E-1 K 1 1 1 240v 3 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e:2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, including copyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 15, 2023 Client-JFDesign revisions June 8, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 851-8345 1/4"=1'-0" 1 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 15, 20233 E-2 E-4 E-3 E-5 E-6 S At least one lighting fixture in the bathrooms, utilityroom, laundry room, powder room and the garageshall be controlled by vacancy sensor. Others shallbe high efficiency lighting fixtures. CEnergyCsection 150.0(k)21 A. Selection by interior designer B. Recessed 2" LED downlight InterLux LDL35 C. Recessed 2" LED downlight with door switch D. Recessed LED wall washer TBD E. Under cabinet LED strip lights w/ transformer TBD F. Incandescent w/ pull chain (in attic) G. Wall mounted LED exterior TBD H. Bathroom light-fan combo I. Wall switch w/ dimmer J. Duplex wall outlet K. Duplex wall outlet w/ USB port L. Duplex wall outlet w/ Ground Fault Interrupter M. Duplex wall outlet - under counter-in cabinet N. Recessed duplex outlet (clock box) verify height) O. Internet Cable outlet P. PLT 24"x48"x 1.5" backlit LED surface mounted ceiling fixture Q. Fuel gas outlet R. Hose bibb S. Floor outlet - verify location T. C/O Smoke detector-carbon monoxide detector (hard wired) U. 240v 50 amp for electric cooktop TBD = To Be Determined E-1 Electric cooktop. No hood. Sink w/ garbage disposal Dishwasher TC = Timeclock Mech. Equip. well at roof - provide elec. poweras required by specified equip. TBD Manufacturer, model, wattage and lumen ratingshave yet to be determined. 1. 2. E-7 Tankless water heater Attic access w/ pull down ladder. 23" x 54"rough opening E-8 Undercounter refrigerator Under counter wine refrigerator E-9 See interior design drawings for type of fixturesand installation locations.3. Outlets:AFCI, tamper resistant typ.GFCI typ. at kitchen, baths, laundry and exterior. 4. Vacancy sensors:Baths, kitchen, closets and utility/laundry.5. NOTE:See interior design drawings by Jodi Foster Designfor interior wall elevations, cabinets, outlet and lightlocations. 30" sq. attic accessE-10 Electric receptacle outlets, switches and controlsshall be located no more than 48" measured fromtop of outlet box and not less than 15" measuredfrom bottom of outlet box above the finished fl. 6.3 Doorbell buttons shall not be installed more than48" above floor or landing.7.3 240v 10. 3 3 cabinets.Provide for auto-off controls for lighting in drawers and Undershelf, display cabinets and switched outlets shall becontrolled separately fro ceiling lighting. Lighting in habital spaces shall have accessible wallmounted dimming controls. 11.Provide Energy Storage System per CEnC150.0(s) 8. a. At least one of the following shall be provided: 3 9.3 Direct vent sealed combustion typeper 4.503.1 CalGreen code x ESS-ready interconnection equipment with min.backed up capacity of 60 amps and a min. of 4ESS supplied branch circuits.x Four or more branch circuits from a single panelboard suitable to be supplied by the ESS: atleast one circuit must supply the refrig., lightingcircuit near primary egress and a sleeping roomreceptacle outlet.b. A main panel board with a busbar rating of 225 amps.c. Sufficient space reserved to allow future installationof future of system isolation equip. or a transfer switchwithin 3 feet of main panelboard. x Install dedicated 240-volt, 30 amp branch circuitwiring within 3 ft. from the furnace and accessibleto the furnace with no obstructions.x Reserve space on the main electrical servicepanel to allow for the installation of a double polecircuit breaker for the future furnace installation. 12.New construction shall comply with the following ElectricReadiness requirements per CEnC Section 150.0 (t)-(v) a. Heat pump space heater ready: if a natural gasfurnace is installed: x Install dedicated 240-volt, 50 amp branch circuitwiring within 3 ft. from the cooktop and accessibleto the furnace with no obstructions.x Reserve space on the main electrical servicepanel to allow for the installation of a double polecircuit breaker for the future cooktop installation. b. Electric cooktop ready: If a gas cooktop serves unitper CEnC Section 150.0 (u): 3 MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTMATERIAL E-9 E-7 FP-1 E-10 n o r t h A-4.0 of A-5.0 36 S c a l e: Client-JFDesign revisions June 8, 2023 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r:2137 GR I L E Y R E S I D E N C D 25 9 2 A R B O R D R I V E NE W P O R T B E A C H , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 6 3 C. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains all common law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s ASSOCIATES September 15, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 As Noted 1 HOA-Planning June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 15, 20233 3"1 1 / 2 " 2 1/4"3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4" 3" 2 1/4" 3/4" 3/4 " 1 1 / 2 " 3/4 " 3/4" 2 1/4" 3/4"3/4" 1 1 / 2 " 1 1/2"3/4 " 3/4 " 1 1 / 2 " 1 1/2" 3/4" 3/4 " 3/4" 3/4 " 1 3/4" 1/2 " 1"3/4 " 1 1/4"1/2" 1/2 " 3/4 " 3/4" 2-EA-5.0 2-CA-5.0 2-AA-5.0 2-DA-5.0 2-BA-5.0 S-21 S-17 S-15 S-9 S-5 S-20S-12 S-10 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-3 D-1 D-3 D-4 D-4 D-4 D-4 D-5 D-5D-5 D-5 1-AA-5.0 D-4 D-6 D-10 D-6 D-7 D-9 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-10 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-2 D-3 D-3 1'-2" D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 1-BA-5.0 3/4" 3" 10'- 0 " S-1 4A-5.0 S-3 ridge = 28.26 +/- S-2 S-6 S-21 2A-3.0 3A-3.0 S-1 S-15 Fin. Fl. = 13.76 S-9 S-17 AA-5.0 Exist. grade= 13.30 4'-0" 3'-0" Slate roofing - see roof plan. Eave detail-see roof plan. Wood framing-see structural. Roof drain w/ overflow outlet. Pipe overflow separ See structural drawings. Interior finish 5/8" gyp. bd. typ. 2x studs at 16" o.c. S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-10 S-8 S-9 S-11 Metal flashing-copper or stainless T & G soffit. R-38 insulation at roof (typical). R-23 insulation at all exterior walls (typical). Concrete slab - see structural drawings. S-15 S-16 S-17 S-6 S-7 Brick veneer over approved waterproofmembrane ICC-ES ESR 121.5 over plwd shtg. S-12 S-13 S-14 Stone paving over conc. slab. Fireplace-see plan Pocket sliding door S-18 "Hardie panel"siding over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg.S-19 5/8" plywd.S-20 Elastatex 500 urethane membrane Class AICC-ES ESR 1597 R-13 insulation at all ceiling jsts. (typical). 2x4's (rip to provide 2% drainage) above2x jsts. at 16" o.c. - see structuralS-21 D-1 4x4 post-see structural D-2 D-4 D-3 D-5 D-6 2x4 treated sill 2x4 stud ea. corner - full height base toceiling-solid blk. at base,moulding band and top "Hardie board" panel. Shaped corner trim- see full length pieces only2-DA-5.0 D-7 D-9 D-8 D-10 D-11 Shaped moulding Shaped moulding Shaped moulding "Hardie Trim Board"- primed forpaint cut to size as required. 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" trim. Roof framing - see structural drawings D-12 2 x blkg. D-13 1-1/8" x 1'-2" sq. plywd. spacer/nailer D-14 1x6 T&G soffit - see reflected ceiling plan 2-AA-5.0 2-BA-5.0 2-CA-5.0 D-15 Hanging door hdw. - stainless ridge = 28.26 +/- Fin. Fl. = 13.76 ridge = 28.84 +/- Fin. Fl. = 13.76 127 12 7 9'-0 "10'- 0 " S-13 S-8 S-14 S-4 1A-3.0 S-5 S-5 S-9 S-1 S-8 S-11 S-4 5A-3.0 S-15 S-16S-16 align with eaveat residence S-12 S-10 S-21 S-3 S-8 1'-3 " 3A-5.0 B A-5.0 S-18 S-18 S-12 Exist. grade= 13.30 Exist. grade= 13.30 5A-5.0 1'- 1 0 " 3/4" 10 1/2" 5" 1/2" 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4" 2" 6"3/4" 3/4 " 1 1/4" 3/4" 3 1 / 2 " 2" 1 1/4" 2 1 / 2 " 2 1/2" 3/4 " 3/4 " 4" 1/2" 3/4" 2 1 / 2 " 2 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 2 1 / 4 " 3/4 "2 1 / 2 " 4" 2 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"3/4" 1 1 / 2 " 1'-4 " 9 1/4" ridge = 30.7 +/- 9'-0 " Fin. Fl. Elev. = 13.76 Garage Fin. Fl. = 13.43+/- Fin. Fl. Elev.= 13.76 S-4 1A-3.0 127 S-5 S-19 S-18 S-9 10 ' - 0 " S-20 2'-0 " S-11 CA-5.0 Exist. grade= 13.30 4'-0" 3'-0" pro p e r t y l i n e 5AA-5.0 3 3/4" 3 3/4" TYPICAL(4)LOCATIONS TYPICAL(4)LOCATIONS 5DA-5.0 5BA-5.0 CH-9 2'-8" 5FA-5.0 ELEVATION SECTION 5CA-5.0 5EA-5.0 5D A-5.0 CH-5 CH-4 CH-14 CH-4 CH-3 6"1-4-1/4" CH-9 CH-12 CH-10 CH-11 CH-12 CH-10 CH-9 CH-11 CH-8 CH-7 CH-6 CH-4 CH-3 CH-2 912 2'-8" CH-5 5E A-5.0 1 1/ 2 " 1 1/2"1'-4" 1'-7 1 / 2 " 1'-4 1 / 4 " SECTION5BA-5.0 PLAN at CAP5AA-5.0 SECTION5CA-5.0 SECTIONA-5.05F 1'-7 - 5 / 8 " CH-1 CH-4 CH-3 CH-13 CH-12 CH-1 CH-13 CH-10 CH-12 CH-14 CH-13 CH-12 CH-11 CH-10 CH-9 CH-8 CH-7 CH-6 CH-5 CH-4 CH-3 CH-2 Cut brick trim Brick veneer over approved waterproofmembrane . 2x framing 1-1/4" x 5-1/2" (Hardie, Trex or similar)cont. member. Shaped nailer Grill perimeter frame - 1/4"x1-1/2" flat steel bar 2x blkg. at 48" vert. CH-1 Grill - 1/4"x1-1/2" flat steel bar Metal flashing - copper Steel tube ea. corner - 6 x 6 x11 Ga. 5/8" plywd. sheathing 1-1/4" x 7-1/4" (Hardie, Trex or similar)cont. member. Cap-Formed heavy gauge copper After fabrication and before powder coating is applied,power wash or blast to remove all oils or foreignsubstances. Coat all surfaces (dip) fabrication into aniron phosphate sealer. Follow all guidelines andrequirements of powder coating company to insure ahigh quality and durable finish. Color to be determined. thin brick veneer applied w/Portland cement based plaster wire lath or cement board sheathing-plywd. or OSB waterproof membrane weep screed 4" to grade2" to paving std. brick sill cut to shape A-5.0 37 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQR 12.16 TG 6IN 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12. 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 2 8 F L 12. 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12IN TREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PALM 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY T O P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQ R 13.44FS13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQ R 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21SCO13.04SCO 13.09CATV 13.14 CATV13.04 SCO 12.92CB12.91CB 12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13 0 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27 STEP 13.30STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68 EAVE 21.73 EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQ R 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07STEP13.08 STEP 13.04 STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS 18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE TWO STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CREST V I E W D R I V E NEWPOR T B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STORY B U I L D I N G 2592 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GA L L E R Y out d o o r fire p l a c e out d o o r fire p l a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-1 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanHardscapeSheet Title Project NameGrileyResidence State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 38 Sheet No. L-2 Revision No. Description Scale: varies Project No. DetailsHardscape Sheet Title Project Name Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 39 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL 12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQ R 12.16 TG 6IN 12. 2 1 F L 12 . 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12 . 8 2 T C 12. 2 1 F L 12 . 2 8 F L 12 . 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62 SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81 TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW 12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL P A L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PAL M 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY TO P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQR 13.44FS 13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS 13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQR 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21SCO13.04SCO 13.09 CATV 13.14 CATV 13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27 STEP 13.30STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68EAVE 21.73EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQR 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS 12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07STEP13.08 STEP 13.04STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG 13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIV E TWO STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2592 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GAL L E R Y outd o o r fire p l a c e outd o o r firep l a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-3 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanLightingSheet Title Project Name State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 40 Sheet No. L-3.1 Scale: Project No. Spec SheetsLighting Sheet Title State License Date: May 24, 2022 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project Name 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 41 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL 12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQR 12.16 TG 6IN 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12 . 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 2 8 F L 12. 8 9 T C 12. 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62 SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12. 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12IN TREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PALM 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY T O P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQR 13.44FS13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQR 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21SCO13.04 SCO 13.09 CATV 13.14CATV13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB 12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27STEP 13.30 STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68EAVE 21.73EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQ R 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15 SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07 STEP13.08STEP 13.04STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS 18.96TW 13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE TWO STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CREST V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STORY B U I L D I N G 2592 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GA L L E R Y out d o o r fire p l a c e out d o o r fire p l a c e outdoorfireplace DW C RS DW L ML L LL M C R S L L Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-4 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanIrrigationSheet Title Project Name State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 42 Sheet No. L-5 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. DetailsIrrigation Sheet Title Project Name State License 2 2 Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 43 Sheet No. L-6 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. SpecificationsIrrigation Sheet Title Project Name State License Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 44 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQR 12.16 TG 6IN 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12. 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 2 8 F L 12. 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PALM 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY T O P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQ R 13.44FS13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQ R 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21 SCO13.04SCO 13.09CATV 13.14 CATV 13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB 12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27 STEP 13.30STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68 EAVE 21.73 EAVE 21.75EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQ R 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07STEP13.08 STEP 13.04 STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS 18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE TWO STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CREST V I E W D R I V E NEWPOR T B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STORY B U I L D I N G 2592 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING 2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GA L L E R Y out d o o r fire p l a c e out d o o r fire p l a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-7 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanTreeSheet Title Project Name State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 45 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL 12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQ R 12.16 TG 6IN 12. 2 1 F L 12 . 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12. 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12 . 2 8 F L 12 . 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PAL M 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY TO P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQR 13.44FS 13.49 TG 8IN SQ R 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS 13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQR 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21 SCO13.04 SCO 13.09 CATV 13.14CATV 13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27STEP 13.30 STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68 EAVE 21.73 EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQR 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15 SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS 12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07 STEP13.08STEP 13.04STEP 13.09STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG 13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIV E ARBOR DRIV E TWO STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2592 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GAL L E R Y ou t d o o r fire p l a c e outd o o r firepl a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-8 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanPlantingSheet Title State License Project Name 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 46 Sheet No. L-9 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. DetailsPlanting Sheet Title Project Name State License Date: May 24, 2022 PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal GrileyResidence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 47 Sheet No. L-10 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. SpecificationsPlanting Sheet Title Project Name State License Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . GrileyResidence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 2592 Arbor Dr. APN: 049-183-28 48 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e: 2137 ASSOCIATESC.J.LIG H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s October 4, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 As Noted Client-JFDesign revisions June 1,20231 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 C-1.0SPC-1SPC-2SPC-3SPC-4SPC-5SPC-6A-1.0A-2.0A-3.0A-4.0A-5.0A-6.0A-7.0A-8.0D-1.0D-2.0D-3.0 Cover Sheet-Site Plan-Project DataSpecificationsSpecificationsSpecficationsCal Green StandardsCal Green StandardsNewport Beach NotesArea Tabulations Floor PlansDoor and Window SchedulesExterior ElevationsSectionsRoof Plan-Roof DetailsCeiling Plan-DetailsLighting PlanDetailsDetailsDetails x APN 049-183-28xZoning:R-1 SFDxOccupancy: R-3xNumber of Stories 1xFire Sprinklers: Yes - per NFTA 13-DxType of Construction: V - SprinkledxLot Area = 4865.1 sq.ft.x Buildable Lot Area = 3253.7 sq.ft. 1750.0 sq.ft.1518.8 sq.ft.3268.8 sq.ft.575.6 sq.ft.150.5 sq.ft.252.2 sq ft. CIVILSCAPES Engineering28052 Canmino Capistrano Ste. 213Laguna Niguel CA. 92677949 464-8115info@civilscapes.com C. J. Light Associates1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345Architect Christian R. Light, AIAContact: Michael Evdokiou 949 404-1985 C O N S U L T A N T S : x The removal of an existing two story residence. (2,277 sq.ft.)x Construction of a new two story single family residence with anattached two car garage.x Landscaping. x LOWER FLOOR:x UPPER FLOOR: x TOTAL RESIDENCE:x GARAGExCOVERED VERANDAxCOVERED LOGGIA Bayshores Community Association Coast Geotechnical Inc.1200 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton Ca. 92833714 870-1211 coastgeotec@sbcglobal.net JJS Structural Engineering Inc.9751 Olympic Blvd.Huntington Beach Ca. 92646714 496-6772Jason Skudlarski Structural Engineer Peter Phillips DesignLandscape Architecture949 338-8097 SN1SN2S-1S-2S-3SD1SD2SD3WSWH1WSWH1.1WSWH1.3WSWH2 General NotesSpecial Inspections and Typical DetailsFoundation PlanSecond Floor Framing PlanRoof Framing PlanFoundation DetailsFraming DetailsFraming DetailsSimpson H.S. Wood Strong Wall DetailsSimpson H.S. Wood Strong Wall DetailsSimpson H.S. Wood Strong Wall DetailsSimpson H.S. Wood Strong Wall Alt. Anchorage Dets. C-1C-2C-3C-4C-5 Title SheetGrading PlanStorm Drain PlanErosion Control PlanGeotechnical Notes EN-1EN-2 Title 24 Forms-Mandatory MeasuresTitle 24 Forms-CFIR Jody Fleming Design160 Newport Center Drive Suite 155Newport Beach Ca. 92660949 514-2622www.jodiflemingdesign.com Coast Geotechnical Inc.1200 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton Ca. 92833714 870-1211 coastgeotec@sbcglobal.net Open Volume Required = 488.1 sq.ft.Open Volume Provided = 505.8 sq.ft.See sheet A-1.0 for calculations Planting area = 626 sq.ft.Turf area = 155 sq.ft.TOTAL = 781 sq.ft. < 2500 sq.ft WELO does not applyCoverage = 781 sq.ft. / 4865.1 sq.ft. (lot area) = 16% 3 Project is in liquefaction zone 2 3 Brian and Rocio Griley2596 Crestview Dr.Newport Beach, CA310 901-9011 3 3 3 10'-0 " L=74.60 R=138.13 cur b 12.77FS 12 . 8 5 T C 1 2 . 8 2 T C 12 . 8 9 T C 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.74FS 12.74FS 12.89FS 12 . 3 9 F S 1 2 . 8 0 T C 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG 12.46FG12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG 12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG12.58FG12.56FG12.56FG12.56FG 12.55FG 13.08FG13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 12.71FG 12.78FG 13.05FG 13.41FS 13.44FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.21FS 13.18FS13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.00FG 12.71FG 12.86FS 12.90FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 1 2 . 9 0 FS 12.88FS12.86FS 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 12.92FS 12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 2 5 9 6 C R E S T V I E W A 12.98 F.G. D 12.54 F.G. C 13.09 F.G. B 13.00 F.G. 12.91 E.G. 11 ' - 5 " 10'-5" 4'-0"10' - 0 " 0" sideyardsetback sideyardsetback sideyardsetback sideyardsetback setback line 4'-2"+/-toframing 4'-2"+/-toframing toframing 4'-0" 4'-2"+/- 4'-0" 4'-2"+/-toframing toframing 4'-2"+/- lower floor fin. elev. = 13.76 floor fin. elev. = 13.42 c u r b N59°02'32"E 16.82' S6 1 ° 0 1 ' 0 7 " E 2 5 9 2 A R B O R line of veranda roof lin e o f l o g g i a r o o f chimney 34.26+/- ridge elev. chimney 2'-6"min. 41.06 +/- ridge elev. 29.5 1 + / - r i d g e e l e v . 38.56+/- ridge elev. 38. 5 6 + / - r i d g e e l e v . 38 . 0 9 + / - rid g e e l e v . S-1 S-2 S-3 S-1 S-2 S-3 chimney E 12.85 F.G. 8'- 7 "3 10 ' - 0 " u t i l i t y e a s e m e n t S-7 3 13.00FS 3 33 Shaded area 1 indicates residence Shaded area 2 indicates garage Roof: See roof plan sheet A-4.0 fornotes and dimensions S-1 S-2 S-3 Roof: See roof plan sheet A-4.0 fornotes and dimensions S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 Line of Veranda roof Line of Loggia roof S-6 Fireplace enclosed trash area(verify size per City of Newport Beach req.)S-73 RESIDENCEAREA GARAGEAREA ects 2023\Griley\ZPC Revised 2-15-23\Griley Residence Location Map.jpg This Project Shall Comply with the Following Codes:2022 CRC; 2022 CBC; 2022 CPC;2022 CEC; 2022 CMC; 2022 CalGreen;2022 T24;All City of Newport Beach Municipal Codes, Regulations,Ordinances and Amendments NOTE:Permits related to proposed project shall be issued at the same time.Separate plans and permits for:x Masonry or concrete fences 3.5' above grade or within3 ft. of property line.x Electrical and plumbing for exterior improvements detached fromhouse (B-B-Q, fountain, fire feature) NOTE:x A Cal-OSHA permit is required for excavations deeper than 5 ft.and for shoring and underpinning. x The max. time to complete construction is limited to three yearsafter date of permit issuance. x Provide project information sign . City required project sign mustcomply with NBMC Section 15.60.030 x Provide Class B fire classification for new construction perNBMC 15,05.21 3 3 1. Sound Transmission Control:Sound attenuation design for the HVAC system per ARI Std. 275.Sound level shall not exceed 50 dba (55 dba w/ timer, 65dba w/timer and neighbor consent) per NBMC19.26.0452. Sprinkler drawings and hydraulic calcs.Obtain fire sprinkler permit prior to requesting roof sheathinginspection.3. Installation of Solar PV system per CF-1R form. 3 NOTE 3 3 C-1.0 COVER SHEET Deferred submittals shall be reviewed by architect or engineer of record and certified prior to submittal for plan check or approval by the City 3 3 3 49 LOT AREA = 4865.1 SQ.FT.BUILDABLE AREA = 3253.7 SQ.FT. n o r t h 7'-5" n o r t h 13 ' - 6 " 11' - 6 " 1'-6"3'-6" 3'-9" 4'-4" 4'-5 3'-2 " 12 ' - 2 " 12' - 0 " 13'- 6 " 12'-9" 10" 19'-8"12'-7" 16'- 4 " 11' - 6 " 1'-5"1'-6"3'-6" 4'-5 3'-2 " 12 ' - 2 " 12' - 0 " 16' - 5 " 14 ' - 4 " 16'- 4 " 7'-5"12'-9"18'-10"13'-6" 11' - 1 1 " Open Volume Area Open Volume Area Open Volume Area 52'-5" LOWER LEVEL WITHIN 10' SETBACK 15'-8" UPPER LEVEL WITHIN 10'-0" SETBACK36'-9" = 71% OF UPPER LEVEL BEYOND 15' SETBACK 2 2 2 2 2 15'-0" SETBACK 10'-0" SETBACK Open Volume Area2 Open Volume Area2 11'-0" 307.6 sq.ft 143.5 sq.ft.84.0 sq.ft.155.2 sq.ft. 7.3 sq.ft. 27.5 sq.ft. 186.5 sq.ft.180.6 sq.ft.116.0 sq.ft. 19'- 7 " 27'-3" 16'-2"7'-3" 533.5 sq.ft. 10'- 6 "11'- 4 " 16' - 0 " 5'-2 " 8.2 sq.ft. 25'- 5 " 7'-2" 51.7 sq.ft. 182.3 sq.ft. 855.0 sq.ft. 19'-0" 45' - 0 " 31'- 1 " 135.5 sq.ft. 73.4 sq.ft. 15'-8" 2'-11" 1'-2"5" 190.7 - 2.9 = 187.8 -2.4 sq.ft. AREA 6 307.6 sq.ft. AREA 11 AREA 12 AREA 15 AREA 16 AREA 17 AREA 18 AREA 19 143.5 sq.ft.84.0 sq.ft. 8.2 sq.ft. 155.2 sq.ft. 180.6 sq.ft. 186.5 sq.ft. 533.5 sq.ft. 116.0 sq.ft. 7.3 sq.ft.27.5 sq.ft. 26.5 sq.ft. 6.6 sq.ft.AREA 13 AREA 14 26.5 sq.ft. 6.6 sq.ft.187.8 sq.ft.UPPER FLOOR 51.7 sq.ft. 182.3 sq.ft. 855.0 sq.ft. 135.5 sq.ft.73.4 sq.ft. LOWER FLOOR 5'-5 " 5'-0 " 5'-0 " setb a c k l i n e setb a c k l i n e set b a c k l i n e se t b a c k l i n e TOTAL = 1750.0 sq.ft. TOTAL = 1518.8 sq.ft. 3'-11" OpenVolumeArea 2 1'-7" 18'-10" 15'-9" 12'-8" 11 ' - 4 " 17'-7" 8'-1" 22'-2" 22' - 2 " 13'- 6 " 13'- 2 " 3'-9" 2 L =7 4 .6 0 R =13 8 .13 2 5 9 6 C R E S T V I E W D R I V E N1°4 8 ' 2 4 " W N59°02'32"E 100 . 0 0 ' 10 4 . 7 9 ' 20.32' 3 3 June 18, 2020 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e: ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 20, 2023 Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 21371/4"=1'-0" 1 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 A-1.0 of A-8 50 10' - 4 " 15'-10" 19'-2" 12'-8" 10 ' - 0 " 14 ' - 9 " 4'-0 " 5'-2" 3'-0 " 12' - 0 " 13 ' - 4 " 13' - 6 " 11' - 6 " 4'-0 "4'-7 " 2'-0" 6'-0 " 1'-5"1'-6"3'-6" 3'-10 1/2" 4'-5" 4'-3" 3'-6 " 13'-8" 10 " 10 " 4'-5 3'-2 " 12'- 2 " 12'- 0 " 3'-6"2'-2"7'-9" 12'-8"7'-5"19'-8" 21'-10" 1'-0 " 3'-11" 6'-0" 10 " 4'-0" L =7 4 .6 0 R =13 8 .13 2 5 9 6 C R E S T V I E W D R I V E 4'-2" 10 " 10'- 0 "52'-5" BATHROOM SINK K-21060 18'-10" 11'-0" 18'-10" 9" 3'-2 " 10'- 0 " 16'- 4 " 4'-0" 14 ' - 4 " 10 ' - 0 " 3'-0 1 / 2 " 16'- 4 " 12'- 2 " 2'-11 1/2"3'-9" 4'-5 " 4'-0" 1'-6" 12'-8" 1'-5" 1'-7 " 12'-8" 3'-6" 13'- 6 " 7'-5"19'-7 1/2" 3'-9" 4'-0" 26'-1" 14'-3" 13'- 6 " 4'-0" 22' - 1 1 / 2 " 16'- 5 " 2'-6" 11'-0"3'-6" 14 ' - 4 " 3'-9" 12'- 0 " 4'-5" 11'- 6 " 26'-1" BA THR OO M S INK K-21060 `` `` 3'-6" 5"6'-0"1'-0"11'-6 1/2"3'-3 " 1'-0 " 1'-0 " 5'-2"2'-10" 5" equal equal 30" min. setback line of wall above n o r t h se t b a c k line of garage below setback CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM GREAT ROOM BATH 3shr. BATH 2 MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTS CLOSET MASTER BATH r a i l TRADENAMEMODELNUMBERPRODUCT open to below shr. shr. dn clo s e t open to below N1° 4 8 ' 2 4 " W N59°02'32"E 100 . 0 0 ' setb a c k ENTRYVERANDA 10 4 . 7 9 ' GA L L E R Y setb a c k SYSB SYSB Architectural thin brick veneer over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. Guardrail-42" high - 4" max. openingsee interior designer drawings Line of roof above loggia or veranda Gas-log ventless fireplace FP-1 FP-2 Decorative columns - see FP-3 FP-5 FP-4 FP-3 FP-2 FP-1 FP-3 FP-2 FP-1 FP-1 FP-3 FP-1 FP-1 GA L L E R Y 20.32' line of wall above upline of balcony above GALLERY FP-3 FP-1 FP-3 FP-2 FP-2 FP-1 FP-5 FP-6 FP-10 FP-9 FP-11 FP-7 FP-8 setb a c k BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 2LAUNDRY to f i n i s h s u r f a c e FY S B PRODUCTMODELNUMBERTRADENAME MATERIALPRODUCTTRADENAMEMODELNUMBER PRODUCTSTRADENAME MODELNUMBER Gas fireplace-direct vent sealed combustiontype per 4.503.1 CalGreen code FP-6 Freezer FP-7 Refrigerator FP-8 Cooktop-ovens FP-9 Trash compactor FP-10 Double sink FP-11 Dishwasher FP-12 Island cabinet - see interior designer drawingsFP-13 Cabinet - see interior designer drawingsFP-14 CounterFP-15 Self-closing 1-3/4" solid core doorFP-16 WorkbenchFP-17 Not UsedFP-18 FP-19 FP-20 FP-21 FP-12 Wine cooler Washer-dryer FP-22 Sink FP-23 Lavatory - see interior design drawingsFurr wall at toilet as required to align lav. cabinet FP-24 Tub FP-25 Tempered glass (clear) showerenclosure. FP-16 FP-17 FP-14 FP-15 FP-13 FP-20 FP-20 FP-20 FP-21 FP-22 FP-14 FP-15 FP-14 FP-4 FP-1 FP-23FP-24 FP-23 FP-23 FP-14 FP-15 FP-23 FP-25 FP-25 FP-25 line o f w a l l a b o v e FP-25 Oven FP-25 FP-26 FP-26 Tankless-on demand water heater FP-20 FP-27 Faux balcony - see 6D-1.0 3D-1.0 1D 1.0FP-27 5'-1 0 1 / 2 " FP-14 3'-0"3'-0" 3" 6'-0" NOTE:1. Net area of shower enclosure shall be not less than 1,024 sq. inch 7.1sq.ft. of floor area and a min. of 30 inches diameter.2. Kitchen exhaust fan shall vent to outdoors. Min. exhaust rate 180 cfm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stair handrail 34"-36" above tread nosing 4"max opening - see interior design drawings 1 FP-5 1 9'-9" 5'-5" FP-5 1 10" 1 FP-28 Arched opening1 FP-28 FP-28 3 FP-28 FP-28 FP-28 FP-7 52'-5" 2" to frmg. t y p . 2" 2" to frmg. ty p . 2" to frmg. typ. 2" to frmg. typ. 2" to f r m g . t y p . 4'-0" 4'-0" 10'- 0 " N1° 4 8 ' 2 4 " W N59°02'32"E 20.32' L =7 4 .6 0 R=13 8 .13 100 . 0 0 ' N1° 4 8 ' 2 4 " W 10 4 . 7 9 ' 3 21'-0" 21' - 8 "3 3 3 FP-29 3 FP-29 Trash area per City of Newport Beach standards3 3 3 3 NOTE:See interior design drawings by Jodi Foster Designfor interior wall elevations, cabinets, trim and interior doors. 3 3 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e: 2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 As Noted Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 20231 HOA-Planning Corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 A-2.0 of A-8 51 Client-JFDesign Revisions June 6, 2023 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e:2137 GR I L E Y R E S I D E N C E 25 9 6 C R E S T V I E W D R I V E NE W P O R T B E A C H , C A L I F O R N I A 9 2 6 6 3 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied, transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 851-8345 As noted 1 HOA- Planning corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 6'-0 " 3'-0"3'-0" 4'-2 " 1'-9" 3'-6 " 7'-0 " 2'-0"2'-6" 5'-0 " 8'-0" W-2W-1 W-3 W-4 W-6W-5 W-7 (3) required (2) required (2) required (1) required (1) required fixeddual glazed GREAT ROOMDEN (1) required (1) required fixeddual glazed dual glazedtemp. glass fixeddual glazed fixed dual glazedfixed dual glazedtemp. glass ENTRY 4'-4 " 6'-0" 1 1 6'- 6 " 3'-6"2'-6" 8'-0 " 2'-6" 8'-0 " 6'-6 " 3'-6" 5'-0 " 8'-0" W-8 W-9 W-10 W-11 W-12 W-13 W-14 (1) required(1) required (4) unitsrequired GALLERY (1) required(1) required MASTER BEDROOM pair casementdual glazedfixed miterdual glazed (1) required fixed dual glazed casement dual glazedtemp. glass fixed dual glazed fixed miterdual glazedcasement dual glazedtemp. glass 6'-8" DINING 2'- 8 " 10'-4" 2'-7" (1) required 1 1 4'- 6 " 6'-4"4'-6" 3'-6 " 2'-0" 4'-6 " 2'-0" 5'- 0 " 5'-6 " 5'-4" 4'-6 " 5'-4" W-15 W-17W-16 W-18 MASTER BATH (1) required(2) required(1) required(1) required casementdual glazed BATH 2 4'-6 " 1'-8" GARAGE W-19 (1) required W-26 (1) required NOOK W-22 (1) required KITCHENBEDROOM 2 W-20 (1) required BATH 3 W-21 fixeddual glazed W-23 (1) required W-24 (1) required 4'-6 " 1'-8" PDR W-25 (1) required fixed miterdual glazed fixed miterdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed casementdual glazed 4'- 6 " 2'-8"2'-8"2'-8" 1 OMIT D-1 D-2 D-3 D-5 D-7D-6 D-4 10'-4" metal clad French doorsdual glazed tempered glass metal clad bi-fold doorsdual glazed tempered glassmetal clad French doorsdual glazed tempered glass raised panelwood raised panelwood roll upgarage door 4'-6"4'-0" GREAT ROOMBEDROOM 3 ENTRY GALLERY GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE 7'-6 " 9'-0 " 8'-0 " 8'-0 " 8'-0 " 8'- 0 " 2'-8"2'-8"16'-0" custom steel framew/ dual glazed F.G 8'- 0 " 6'-4" 1 ` D-8 pocket slidingwood raised panel D-9 solid coreself closing D-10 raised panelwood raised panelwood NOTE:see floor plan for door swingdirection 8'-0 " 2'-6"2'-6" 8'-0 " 2'-6"2'-8" 8'-0 " 8'-0 " D-11 ` pocket slidingwood raised panel 8'-0 " 2'-8" D-12 1 see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note see note NOTE:All windows shall be by Loewenmetal clad (Tuscany brown) see note 1 1 1 D-1 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-2 D-8 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-9 see note see note see note see note wood (4) panel see elev. for swing wood wood wood wood wood wood self closing-see plan see floor plan for swing see floor plan for swing see floor plan for swing see floor plan for swing IN T E R I O R D O O R S NOTE:All windows shall be by Loewenmetal clad (Tuscany brown) 1 PERMIT DOOR -WINDOW SCHEDULES A-3.0 of A-8 52 13.76 Fin.Fl. @ Residence 29.47 = ridge +/- 34.22 = ridge +/- 13.43+/- @ Fin.Fl. @ Garage 12 7 24.26 Fin. Fl. 38.39 +/- chimney cap E-1 6A-6.0 E-3 E-2 DA-5.0 BA-5.0 E-4 E-1 E-6 E-4 E-1 E-3 E-2 7A-6.0 8A-6.0 7A-6.0 7A-6.0 7A-6.0 4A-6.0 38.76 = ridge +/- Exist. Grade = 12.893D-1.0 13D-2.0 1D-3.0 1D-3.0 1D-3.0 10D-2.0 5AD-1.0 5BD-1.0 10CD-2.0 10DD-2.0similar 5AD-1.0 5BD-1.0 5AD-1.0 5BD-1.0 5AD-1.0 6AD-1.0 6BD-1.0 7D-3.0 5BD-1.0 E-12 E-12 3 13.76 F.Fl. Exist. Grade = 12.893 16'- 7 " + / - 41.89 max. allowable height3 3'-0 "3 29' - 0 " m a x . a l l o w a b l e h e i g h t 38.02 = ridge +/- 35.93 = ridge +/- 41.31 = ridge +/- 43.3 +/- chimney cap 3 38.47 = ridge +/- 41.89 max. allowable height3 13.76Fin. Fl. 24.26Fin. Fl. 43.3 +/- chimney cap 34.22 = ridge +/- 13.76 F.Fl. 12 7 38.02 = ridge +/-38.39 +/- chimney cap 9'-0 " 38.47 = ridge +/- 15 ' - 0 " 9'-0 " 7'-6 " 7A-6.0 5A-6.0 13D-2.0 4A-6.0 6A-6.0 E-2 E-4 E-3 E-3 E-1 E-2 E-4 E-10 E-4E-5 E-1 E-1 AA-5.0CA-5.0 1D-1.0 Exist. Grade = 12.89 Exist. Grade = 12.893D-1.03D-1.03D-1.0 1D-3.0 1D-3.0 1D-3.0 3 3 41.89 max. allowable height3 25 ' - 7 " 21' - 4 " + / - 4'-2 " 4'-8 " 6" 8 1/2" 3335.93 = ridge +/-4'-0" 13.43 F. Fl.@ garage 13.76 Fin. Floor 24.26 Fin. Floor 127127 41.31 = ridge +/- 29.47= ridge +/- E-3 E-1 E-2 E-12 E-3 4A-6.0 7A-6.0 4A-6.0 7A-6.0 E-8 E-7 E-9 DA-5.0BA-5.0 13.76 Fin. Floor Exist. Grade = 12.89 13D-2.0 7D-1.0 5BD-1.0 5CD-1.0 5AD-1.0 5AD-1.0 5CD-1.0 5AD-1.0 5CD-1.0 5BD-1.0 5BD-1.0 5CD-1.0 6BD-1.0 6AD-1.0 6CD-1.0 1D-3.0 E-12 3 Exist. Grade = 12.893 29' - 0 " m a x . a l l o w a b l e h e i g h t 41.89 max. allowable height3 38.76 = ridge +/-38.02 = ridge +/- 35.93 = ridge +/- 41.89 max. allowable height3 13.76 Fin. Floor13.76 Fin.Fl.@ Residence 13.43+/- Fin.Fl. @ Garage 12 7 24.26 Fin. Fl. 29.47 = ridge +/- AA-5.0 CA-5.0 E-2 E-3 E-1 E-3 E-1 7A-6.0 4A-6.0 7A-6.0 E-3E-11 Exist. Grade = 12.89Exist. Grade = 12.89 5CD-1.0 5BD-1.0 5CD-1.0 5BD-1.0 1D-3.0 E-12 3 3 41.89 max. allowable height3 41.31 = ridge +/- 44.89 +/- chimney cap 3'-0 " 3 4'-0" 6 1/2" 3 4'-0" 10" D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e:2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 2023 September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 851-8345 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 HOA-Planning corrections June 14, 2023 City Plan Check September 20, 2023 2 3 Brick veneer 8"x3-5/8"x1-1/4" over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. Natural slate roofing over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. 1x6 "Hardie panel" shiplap siding over approvedwaterproof membrane over plwd shtg. Brick planter Bi-fold doors (Nana wall or =)dual glazed temp. glass Entry door: 4'-0"x9'-0" steel framewith dual glazed temp. glass E-1 E-2 E-4 E-3 E-5 E-6 E-8 Decorative column - 4x struct. post withinsee E-7 Faux balcony - see 7D-1.0 Mechanical equipment wellE-9 E-10 Roll up garage doorE-11 Fireplace - gas log-ventless E-12 3D-1.0 French door-Temp. Gl. Roof vents: O'Hagan cloaked vent w/ 96 sq.in. net free ventarea w/ approved mesh (1/16" min.-1/4" max. openings)E-12 NOTE:Height certification required3 NORTH STREET ELEVATION WEST SIDE ELEVATION SOUTH REAR ELEVATION EAST SIDE ELEVATION1/4" = 1'-0"1/4" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"1/4" = 1'-0" ELEVATIONS A-4.0 of A-8 PERMIT 53 MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH GARAGE GREAT ROOM DINING 16' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 13.43 Fin.Fl. Garage 13.76 Fin.Fl. AA-5.0 9'- 0 " 9'- 0 " 24.26 Fin.Fl. 9'- 0 " 41.31 = ridge +/- 9'-9 1 / 2 " 9'- 0 " 13.76 Fin.Fl. 34.22 +/- ridge elev. 12typical 7S-1 S-3 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 4A-6.0 1D-1.0 S-4 S-7 S-2 12D-2.0 S-18 S-14 typ.at allroofs typ. allexteriorwallsS-15 S-14 typ.at allroofs S-7 S-15 S-7 12typ. atdormers 5.5 +/- S-17 8D-2.0 S-16 9D-2.0 S-710D-2.0 11D-2.0 10D-2.0 38.76 +/- ridge elev. S-19 12.89 Exist. Grade 12.89 Exist. Grade 33 41.89 max. allowable height3 29' - 0 " D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r: S c a l e: 2137 ASSOCIATESC.J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains all common law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s Client - JFDesign revisions July 12, 2023 September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 1/4" = 1'-0" HOA-Planning corrections July 14, 2023 1 2 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 LNDRY 124.08 +/- 9'- 0 " 9'-0 "BEDROOM 2 13.76 Fin.Fl. 38.76 +/- ridge elev. GALLERYLNDRY 41.31 = ridge +/- 12 9'- 0 " 9'-0 "BEDROOM 2 24.26 Fin.Fl. 13.76 Fin.Fl. BA-5.0 S-1 S-2 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-13 10D 2-0 4A 6.0 12D 2.0 4A 6.0 typ. allexteriorwalls S-14 S-15 typ.at allroofs S-17 similar 66-0 S-16 3D 1.0 S-6 S-12 9D-2.0 S-19 12 41.89 max. allowable height3 pro p e r t y l i n e setb a c k 4'-0" 3 9'-0 " GALLERY LNDRY 124.2 9'- 0 " 24.26 Fin.Fl. 13.76 Fin.Fl. BEDROOM 2GALLERYLNDRY 124.2 9'-0 " 9'- 0 "BEDROOM 2 typ. allexteriorwalls 13.76 Fin.Fl. 38.76 +/- ridge elev. 34.22 +/- ridge elev. DA-5.0 S-1 S-16 S-3 S-4 S-8 S-9 S-1066-0 9A 6.0 S-14 S-15 typ.at allroofs 10D 2.0 8'-0 " S-11 12D 2.0 9 Exist. Grade 8D-2.0 3 3 41.89 max. allowable height pro p e r t y l i n e setb a c k 4'-0" 3 pro p e r t y l i n e setb a c k 4'-0" 3 9'-0 " 24.26 Fin.Fl. 13.76 Fin.Fl. Landing 38.47 +/- ridge elev. BEDROOM 2 NOOK BATH 2 9'-0 " 24.26 Fin.Fl. 41.31 = ridge +/- 12 typical 7 9'-0 " 10'- 5 3 / 8 " STAIRWELL TOILET GARAGE HALL CLOSET 13.43 Fin.Fl. Garage CA-5.0 S-1 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-13 S-8 S-9 S-10 4A-6.0 12D-2.0 S-7 S-14 typ.at allroofs typ. allexteriorwalls S-15 S-14typ.at allroofs S-7 312.89 Exist. Grade 12.89 Exist. Grade 3 41.89 max. allowable height3 Slate roofing over approved WP membrane over plywdshtg.- see structural. Elastatex 500 urethane membrane - Class "A" roofingover plywd. shtg. Eave detail-see roof plan. Wood framing-see structural. Mechanical equipment well. Roof drain urn-Froet 100C dual drain w/ overflowoutlet 2" above drain outlet. Separate pipes. See structural drawings. Interior finish 5/8" gyp. bd. typ.S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 Metal flashing. R-38 insulation at roof (typical). R-23 insulation at all exterior walls (typical). T & G wood soffit. Open truss floor system-see structural drawings S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 (2) layers 5/8" type " " gyp. bd. typ. S-18 Roll up garage door Roof vents: O'Hagan cloaked vent w/ 96 sq.in. net free vent area w/approved mesh (1/16" min.-1/4" max. openings)S-19 2x6 studs at 16" o.c. Concrete slab - see structural drawings. 2x jsts. (see structural) w/ 2x4 stripped fordrainage above ea. jst. 2% slope to drain " " 34" t o 3 6 " 42" 2 1/2" 1 1 / 4 " 1 1 1 1 Metal handrail 2-1/4" x 1-1/4"Handrails shall be continuous Finish hardwood flooring -see JFDesign drawings 2x wood framing 5/8" steel. balusters spaced 4" apart (max.) weld to cont steel anchorstrip (1/4"x 3" wide) Continuous steel anchor strip (1/4"x 3" wide)drill for Simpson SD screws ( 9x2-1/2") spaced at 16" o.c.(stagger) Hardwood treads to match finish flooringover 3/4" plywd. subtread Shaped wood trim-see JFDesign drawings R-1 R-3 R-4 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-10 5/8" gyp. bd. R-2 R-5 Floor system-see structuralR-9 3/4" hardwood trim-notch around vert. balusters A-5.0 2A-5.01A-5.0 54 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r:S c a l e:2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 As Noted Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 20231 HOA-Planning Corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 10 " RP-2 RP-3 RP-1 RP-4 RP-5 RP-4 RP-7 RP-7 RP-4 RP-6AA-5.0 BA-5.0 DA-5.0 CA-5.0 RP-8 RP-8 lower roofupper roof RP-9 RP-9 RP-9 RP-8 RP-9 RP-9 RP-7 RP-7 RP-7 RP-7 RP-7 L =7 4 .6 0 R=1 3 8 .13 2 5 9 6 C R E S T V I E W D R I V E 4'-0" setback N1° 4 8 ' 2 4 " W N59°02'32"E 100 . 0 0 ' 10 4 . 7 9 ' setb a c k SYSB 20.32' 3'-2 1/2" 3'-2 1/2" 3'-0" 3'-7" 3'-4 1/2" 3'-5 1/2" 2'-6" 3'-3 1/2" 8'-8 " 10" 6 1/2" 1'-0 " 1'-0 " 8" 10 " 6 1/2" RP-1 10 "6 1/2" 10"6 1 / 2 " 10" 10" 6 1/2" 10" 6 1/2" 3'-2 1/2" 6 1 / 2 " 10" 6 1 / 2 " 10" 6 1 / 2 " 6 1 / 2 " 10"10" RP-1 RP-1 RP-1 D-2 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-9 D-8 6 1/2" D-3 D-7 D-9 D-5 D-6D-8 8" D-2 D-4 D-6 D-7 D-9 D-8 1'-0" 1 1 / 2 " D-2 D-5 D-6 D-8 D-7 D-9 10" D-1 D-11 D-8 D-12 D-9 D-6 D-7 11" 10 1/2" 1'- 1 0 " 3/4" 5" 1/2" 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4" 2" 6"3/4" 3/4 " 1 1/4" 3/4" 3 1 / 2 " 2" 1 1/4" 2 1 / 2 " 2 1/2" 3/4 " 3/4 " 4" 1/2"3/4" 2 1 / 2 " 2 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 2 1 / 4 " 3/4 "2 1 / 2 " 4" 2 1/2" 1/2" 3/4"3/4" 1 1 / 2 " 1'- 4 " 9 1/4"6" 3/4 " 3/4 " 4"3/4" 2 1 / 2 " 2 1/2" 3" 1/2" 1/2" 1"3/4" 1 1 / 2 " 9 1 / 2 " Face of studs Roof Vent: O'Hagin low profile (tapered) 72 sq.in. per vent Decorative columns - see elevations RP-2 RP-3 RP-4 RP-5 RP-6 RP-1 RP-7 RP-8 Roof drain-"Zurn"-Froet 100C" dual outlet roof drain or equal.Pipe drains separatelyRP-9 Plywd. cricket for roof drainage D-1 Roof shtg.-see structural 2x framing Plwd. wall shtg. 24 ga. copper or stainlessedge trim D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 Eave moulding-see 1/A-6.0 Brick veneer overapproved W.P. membrane See structural D-7 Moulding D-8 Wood soffit materialSee reflected ceiling plan D-9 Eave moulding-see 2/A-6.0 Rake moulding-see 3/A-6.0 D-10 D-11 1x6 "Hardie Board" shiplap sidingover approved W.P. membrane D-12 Voids between roof jsts. shall be filled with solid closed cellfoam insulation. n o r t h D-2 D-8 D-7 D-9 D-6 D-4 soldier course 1'-1" PERMIT ROOF PLAN ROOF DETAILS OF A-8 A-6.0 1A-6.0 2A-6.0 3A-6.0 4A-6.0 5A-6.0 6A-6.0 7A-6.0 8A-6.0 9A-6.0 55 BEDROOM 2 line of wall above line of balcony above n o r t h line of garage below CLOSETMASTER BEDROOM LNDRY BATH MODELNUMBER BATH PRODUCT CLOSET MASTER BATH TRADENAME MATERIALTRADENAME PRODUCT MODELNUMBER MODELNUMBER PRODUCTTRADENAME open to above open to above PRODUCTTRADENAMEMATERIALMATERIALPRODUCTTRADENAMEMODELNUMBERMODELNUMBER Selection by interior designer Recessed 2" LED downlight InterLux LDL35 Recessed LED wall washer TBD Bathroom light-fan combo 24"x48"x 1.5" backlit LED surface mounted ceiling fixture BEDROOM 3 TBD = To Be Determined interior designdrawings GALLERY interior designdrawings interior designdrawings interior designdrawings AA-5.0 Crown moulding-see interior design drawings interior designdrawings 5D-2.0 4D-2.0 7D-2.0 similar 1 Arched opening1 1 1 11 1 NOTE:See interior design drawings by Jodi Foster Designfor interior wall elevations, cabinets, outlet and lightlocations. D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r:S c a l e:2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 1/4"=1'-0" Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 20231 HOA-Planning corrections July 14, 20232 Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 20233 LOWER FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN UPPER FLOOR REFLECTED CEILING PLAN PERMIT REFLECTED CEILINGPLAN of A-8 A-7.0 56 line of garage below BEDROOM 3 CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM GREAT ROOM GA L L E R Y BATH BEDROOM 2 BATH CLOSET MASTER BATH MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTMATERIAL MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCT MODELNUMBERPRODUCTTRADENAME line of wall above line of balcony above n o r t h E-2 E-4 E-3 E-5 E-6 open to above open to above GA L L E R Y S S S SSS S S S S S SS S S S SS S S S S S S E-2 E-1 TRADENAMEMODELNUMBERPRODUCT MODELNUMBERTRADENAMEPRODUCTSS PRODUCTMATERIALTRADENAMEMODELNUMBERPRODUCTMATERIALTRADENAMEMODELNUMBERK-3810SANTA ROSATOILETVITREOUS CHINAK-3810SANTA ROSATOILETVITREOUS CHINA S K-3810SANTA ROSATOILETVITREOUS CHINAK-3810SANTA ROSATOILETVITREOUS CHINATOILETVITREOUS CHINA E-3 A. Selection by interior designer B. Recessed 2" LED downlight InterLux LDL35 C. Recessed 2" LED downlight with door switch D. Recessed LED wall washer TBD E. Under cabinet LED strip lights w/ transformer TBD F. Incandescent w/ pull chain (in attic) G. Wall mounted LED exterior TBD H. Bathroom light-fan combo I. Wall switch w/ dimmer J. Duplex wall outlet K. Duplex wall outlet w/ USB port L. Duplex wall outlet w/ Ground Fault Interupter M. Duplex wall outlet waterproof N. Recessed duplex outlet (clock box) O. Internet Cable outlet P. PLT 24"x48"x 1.5" backlit LED surface mounted ceiling fixture Q. Fuel gas outlet R. Hose bibb S. Floor outlet - verify location TBD = To Be Determined E-1 Mechanical equipment well at roof Located in attic for mechanical equipment SS SSS Outlets for range, hood light and fan (verify height) S SS SSSSS S Sink w/ garbage disposal Dishwasher Trash compactor E-5 E-6 E-4 SS S SS to floorabove SSS S S power for roll upgarage door SS S S S S SS to fixture atU.Fl. ceiling S TC = Timeclock hosebibb hosebibb hosebibb hosebibb hosebibb hosebibb S interior designdrawings Cabinet see interior design drawings for wallelevations and cabinet details Kitchen see interior design drawings for wallelevations and cabinet details - sheet 1-2.3 interiordesigndrawings S interiordesigndrawings interior design drawings interiordesigndrawings E-7 E-7 GALLERY interior designdrawings S S S Sin t e r i o r d e s i g n dra w i n g s interior designdrawings E-8 E-9 Trash compactor Lavatory-cabinet - see interior designer drawings E-10 E-10 Master Bathsee interior designersheet 1-2.9 S to fixture atGreat Roomceiling Coordinate installation of light fixtures -type, modeland location-with Jodi Fleming Design drawings priorto installation. LAUNDRY interior designdrawings E-11 Sink interior designdrawings interior designdrawings interior designdrawings1 1 S power source fortankless water heater(verify) 1 E-12 Arched opening1 E-121 E-121 E-12 1 E-12 1 E-12 T. Wall wash light-WAC 5022-30BK or equal. At least one lighting fixture in the bathrooms, utilityroom, laundry room, powder room and the garage shallbe controlled by vacancy sensor. Others shall be highefficiency lighting fixtures. CEnergyC section 150.0(k)21 Manufacturer, model, wattage and lumen ratings haveyet to be determined. 1. 2. See interior design drawings for type of fixtures andinstallation locations.3. Outlets:AFCI, tamper resistant typ.GFCI typ. at kitchen, baths, laundry and exterior. 4. Vacancy sensors:Baths, kitchen, closets and utility/laundry.5. Electric receptacle outlets, switches and controls shallbe located no more than 48" measured from top ofoutlet box and not less than 15" measured from bottomof outlet box above the finished fl. 6.3 Doorbell buttons shall not be installed more than 48"above floor or landing.7.3 10. 3 3 cabinets.Provide for auto-off controls for lighting in drawers and Undershelf, display cabinets and switched outlets shall becontrolled separately fro ceiling lighting. Lighting in habital spaces shall have accessible wallmounted dimming controls. 11.Provide Energy Storage System per CEnC150.0(s) 8. a. At least one of the following shall be provided: 3 9.3 x ESS-ready interconnection equipment with min. backedup capacity of 60 amps and a min. of 4 ESS suppliedbranch circuits.x Four or more branch circuits from a single panel boardsuitable to be supplied by the ESS: at least one circuitmust supply the refrig., lighting circuit near primaryegress and a sleeping room receptacle outlet. b. A main panel board with a busbar rating of 225 amps. c. Sufficient space reserved to allow future installationof future of system isolation equip. or a transfer switchwithin 3 feet of main panelboard. x Install dedicated 240-volt, 30 amp branch circuitwiring within 3 ft. from the furnace and accessible tothe furnace with no obstructions.x Reserve space on the main electrical service panel toallow for the installation of a double pole circuitbreaker for the future furnace installation. 12.New construction shall comply with the following ElectricReadiness requirements per CEnC Section 150.0 (t)-(v) a. Heat pump space heater ready: if a natural gas furnace isinstalled: x Install dedicated 240-volt, 50 amp branch circuitwiring within 3 ft. from the cooktop and accessible tothe furnace with no obstructions.x Reserve space on the main electrical service panel toallow for the installation of a double pole circuitbreaker for the future cooktop installation.c. Electric clothes dryer ready:Install dedicated 240 volt, 30 amp branch circuitwithin 3 ft. from clothes dryer and accessible to thedryer without obstruction.x Reserve space on main service panel to allow forinstallation of double pole circuit for future dryerinstallation. b. Electric cooktop ready: If a gas cooktop serves unit perCEnC Section 150.0 (u): 3 D a t e s: J o b N u m b e r:S c a l e:2137 ASSOCIATESC. J. L I G H T The Drawings, Specifications and other documents preparedby Architect for this Project are for use on the Project only andmay not be used (1) on any other projects, (2) for additions tothis Project, or (3) for the completion of this Project by others,unless otherwise expressly agreed by Architect in writing. TheDrawings, Specifications and other documents prepared byArchitect for this Project are the exclusive property of theArchitect and may not be used, duplicated, copied,transferred, assigned, sold, or hypothecated without theexpress written permission of Architect. Architect retains allcommon law, statutory, and other legal rights, includingcopyright, in and to the Drawings, Specifications and otherdocuments prepared by Architect.© 2022 C . J. L i g h t A s s o c i a t e s September 20, 2023 1401 Quail Street, Suite 120Newport Beach, CA 92660(949) 851-8345 1/4"=1'-0" Client-JFDesign revisions June 6, 20231 HOA-Plamming corrections June 14, 20232 City Plan Check September 20, 20233 LOWER FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING & POWER PLAN UPPER FLOOR LIGHTING & POWER PLAN PERMIT LIGHTING PLAN POWER PLAN of A-8 A-8.0 FUEL GAS AND HOSE BIBBS 57 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQR 12.16 TG 6IN 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12. 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 2 8 F L 12. 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PALM 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY T O P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQ R 13.44FS13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQ R 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21SCO13.04SCO 13.09CATV 13.14 CATV13.04 SCO 12.92CB12.91CB 12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13 0 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27 STEP 13.30STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68 EAVE 21.73 EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQ R 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07STEP13.08 STEP 13.04 STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS 18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE TWO STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CREST V I E W D R I V E NEWPOR T B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2592 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GA L L E R Y out d o o r fire p l a c e out d o o r fire p l a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-1 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanHardscapeSheet Title Project NameGriley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 APN: 049-183-27 58 Sheet No. L-2 Revision No. Description Scale: varies Project No. DetailsHardscape Sheet Title Project Name Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 APN: 049-183-27 59 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL 12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQ R 12.16 TG 6IN 12. 2 1 F L 12 . 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12 . 8 2 T C 12. 2 1 F L 12 . 2 8 F L 12 . 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62 SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81 TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW 12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL P A L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PAL M 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY TO P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQR 13.44FS 13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS 13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQR 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21SCO13.04SCO 13.09 CATV 13.14 CATV 13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27 STEP 13.30STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68EAVE 21.73EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQR 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS 12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07STEP13.08 STEP 13.04STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG 13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIV E TWO STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2592 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GAL L E R Y outd o o r fire p l a c e outd o o r firep l a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-3 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanLightingSheet Title Project Name State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr.Residence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 APN: 049-183-27 60 Sheet No. L-3.1 Scale: Project No. Spec SheetsLighting Sheet Title State License Date: May 24, 2022 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project Name 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 APN: 049-183-27 61 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL 12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQR 12.16 TG 6IN 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12 . 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 2 8 F L 12. 8 9 T C 12. 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62 SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12. 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12IN TREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PALM 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY T O P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQR 13.44FS13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQR 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21SCO13.04 SCO 13.09 CATV 13.14CATV13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27STEP 13.30 STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68EAVE 21.73EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQ R 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15 SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07 STEP13.08STEP 13.04STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS 18.96TW 13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE TWO STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CREST V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STORY B U I L D I N G 2592 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GA L L E R Y out d o o r fire p l a c e out d o o r fire p l a c e outdoorfireplace DW C RS DW CRS L LM L LM M ML L L Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-4 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanIrrigationSheet Title Project Name State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr.Residence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 APN: 049-183-27 62 Sheet No. L-5 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. DetailsIrrigationSheet Title Project Name State License 2 2 Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr.Residence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 APN: 049-183-27 63 Sheet No. L-6 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. SpecificationsIrrigationSheet Title Project Name State License Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay ShoresNewport Beach, CA 92663 APN: 049-183-27 64 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQR 12.16 TG 6IN 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12. 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12. 2 8 F L 12. 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PALM 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY T O P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQ R 13.44FS13.49 TG 8IN SQR 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQ R 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72 EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21 SCO13.04SCO 13.09CATV 13.14 CATV 13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB 12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27 STEP 13.30STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68 EAVE 21.73 EAVE 21.75EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQ R 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07STEP13.08 STEP 13.04 STEP 13.09 STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS 18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE TWO STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CREST V I E W D R I V E NEWPOR T B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STORY B U I L D I N G 2592 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING 2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GA L L E R Y out d o o r fire p l a c e out d o o r fire p l a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-7 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanTreeSheet Title Project Name State License 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 APN: 049-183-27 65 12.68FS 12.63FS 12.62FS 12.82FS 12.14FL 12.79TC 12.08 TG 6IN 12.15FL 12.79TC 12.18FL 12.80TC 12.22 TG 12IN SQ R 12.16 TG 6IN 12. 2 1 F L 12 . 8 5 T C 12.79TC 12. 8 2 T C 12 . 2 1 F L 12 . 2 8 F L 12 . 8 9 T C 12 . 2 5 F L 12 . 8 4 T C 12.68FS 12.62SCO 12.74FS 12.74FS12.89FS 12 . 2 9 F L 12 . 9 0 T C 12.54FG12.81 BRICK 12.70 BRICK 12.78 BRICK 14.45TW 14.39TW 14.07TW 15.81TW 15.91TW 15.95TW 15.97TW 15.95TW 15.89TW 15.84TW 15.86TW 15.82TW TREE 12INTREE 15IN 14.25TW12.86 BRICK 12.80 BRICK12.66 BRICK 12.69FS 12.46FG 12.88FG 12.56FG 12.74FG 12.69FG 12.96FG 13.01FG 12.82FG12.56FG 12.64FG 12.53FG12.67FG 12.57FG 12.64FG 12.70FG 12.65FG 12.58FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.56FG 12.86GM 12.87 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 13.25 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.38 BRICK 13.22 BRICK 12.55FG 13.08FG DBL PA L M 4 8 I N 4 PALM S 2 4 I N 15.81TW 12.91 BRICK 12.88 BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.07 BRICK 13.04 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 13.09 BRICK12.80FG 13.06FG 12.86FG 12.50FG 12.61FG 12.61FG 12.64FG 12.72FG 12.95FG 12.98FG 12.96FG 12.85FG 13.11FS 13.30 THRESH 13.30 FF WOOD 13.09 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.92 BRICK 12.71FG 12.78FG 12.62FG 12.76 BRICK 12.76 BRICK 13.34 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.42FS13.46 FF BRICK 13.30FG 13.53FG 13.50FG 13.21FG PAL M 1 2 I N PALM 9IN DBL PALM 24IN PALM 18IN 12.55FG 12.73FG 12.59FG 12.67FG 13.41 BRICK 13.36 BRICK 13.05FG 20.77 EAVE 20.86 EAVE 20.82 EAVE 20.76 EAVE 26.97 CHIMNEY TO P 24.40 ROOF 25.64 ROOF 13.43 BRICK 13.46 BRICK 13.39 BRICK 13.37 BRICK 13.50 BRICK 13.41FS 13.40 TG 8IN SQR 13.44FS 13.49 TG 8IN SQ R 13.41 TG 3IN 13.45FS 13.49FS 13.50FS 13.44FS 13.42 TG 8IN SQR 13.47FS 13.09FG 13.23FG 13.34 BRICK 24.86 EAVE 23.77 EAVE 23.08 EAVE 21.72EAVE 19.17EM 13.39FS 13.31FS 13.27FS 13.33 EDISON 13.13 SBC VAULT 13.20WM13.15WM 13.21 SCO13.04 SCO 13.09 CATV 13.14CATV 13.04SCO 12.92CB12.91CB12.88CB 12.85CB 13.12WM 13.26FS 13.21FS 13.18FS 13.19FS 12.93FL 13.03FL 12.98FL 13.16FS 13.21 GFF TILE 13.20FS 13.18FS 13.28FS 13.34FS13.36 CONC 13.32 CONC 13.36GFF 13.36FS 13.06FS 12.89FL 12.95FL 12.99FL 13.27STEP 13.30 STEP 13.08FS13.13FS 13.40FG 13.19FG12.99 CONC 13.11 CONC 13.17FG 13.51FG13.51FG 13.64FG 13.10FG 21.65 EAVE 22.92 EAVE 21.68 EAVE 21.73 EAVE 21.75 EAVE 21.74 EAVE 13.15 CONC 13.00FG 13.15 TG 12IN SQR 13.24TC 12.96TC12.71FG 12.84BRICK 12.93 BRICK 12.98 BRICK 30.65 EAVE 13.15 SCO 35.67 EAVE20.86 EAVE 12.86 BRICK 12.82 BRICK 12.92FS12.86FS 12.86 TG 3IN 12.90FS 13.08FS 12.93FS 13.06FS 13.30 THRESH 13.01 BRICK 13.02 BRICK 13.01 BRICK 12.82FG 12.93FG 13.01FG 13.16FG 12.82FG 13.07FG 12.94FG 12.92FG 13.01FG 13.78EM 13.13 CONC 13.13 CONC 13.23TC 12.93 TG 3IN 12.92 TG 3IN DIA 12.82 TG 3IN 12.77 TG 4IN 12.79 TG 4IN 12.80 TG 4IN 12.84 TG 4IN 12.85 TG 4IN 13.10TC 12.89TC 12.87 CONC 12.87 CONC12.86 BRICK12.90FS 13.00FS 13.13 BRICK13.11 BRICK 12.88FS 12.86FS 12.89GM 12.90FS 12.85FS 12.91FS 13.07 STEP13.08STEP 13.04STEP 13.09STEP 12.92FS12.93FS 12.90FS 12.92FS 12.95 CONC12.93 CONC 13.24FS 13.12FS 12.91 CONC12.99 CONC 12.69FG 12.54FG 12.52FG 12.65FG 12.86 BRICK 13.08FG 13.11FG 13.13FG13.39 CONC 13.32FS 13.34FS 13.34FS 13.20FG 13.18FG 13.34FS 19.01TW 13.07FG 13.36FS18.96TW13.16FG CRESTVIEW DRIV E ARBOR DRIV E TWO STOR Y B U I L D I N G 2596 CRE S T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049- 1 8 3 - 2 7 ONE STO R Y B U I L D I N G 2592 CRES T V I E W D R I V E NEWPORT B E A C H , C A 9 2 6 6 3 APN: 049-1 8 3 - 2 8 STOP SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ONE STORY BUILDING 2602 CRESTVIEW DRIVE TWO STORY BUILDING2586 ARBOR DRIVE ARBOR DRIVE MAILBOX L=70.28,R=138.13 L=70.28,R=138.13 up GAL L E R Y ou t d o o r fire p l a c e outd o o r firepl a c e outdoorfireplace Date: May 24, 2022 Sheet No. L-8 Revision No. Description Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project No. N PlanPlantingSheet Title State License Project Name 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 APN: 049-183-27 66 Sheet No. L-9 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. DetailsPlanting Sheet Title Project Name State License Date: May 24, 2022 PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 APN: 049-183-27 67 Sheet No. L-10 Revision No. Description Scale: Varies Project No. SpecificationsPlanting Sheet Title Project Name State License Date: May 24, 2022 1-18-23 HOA Submittal 2-23-23 City Submittal 3-27-23 City Submittal PE T E R P H I L I P S D E S I G N l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t u r e 25 6 2 2 E a s t w i n d D r i v e D a n a P o i n t , C A 9 2 6 2 9 p e t e @ p h i l i p s - d e s i g n . c o m 9 4 9 3 3 8 - 8 0 9 7 c . .. . Griley 2596 Crestview Dr. Residence Bay Shores Newport Beach, CA92663 APN: 049-183-27 68 December 14, 2023, Zoning Administrator Agenda Comments Comments submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item 6. Griley Residence Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map (PA2023-0125) 1.Neither the staff report nor the resolution appear to disclose the size of the structures proposed for demolition, even though that is part of what Section 1.2 of the resolution says the coastal development permit is being requested for.\ 2.By contrast, the resolution title suggests the CDP is being requested, at most for “deviations from lot width and area standards.” 3.The resolution does not appear to address how the proposed lot width and area comply with the LCP Implementation Plan standards for R-1 districts. 4.The parcel reports from the City’s GIS mapping give essentially identical lot areas for the two existing parcels: 4,542 sf for 2592 Arbor Drive and 4,543 sf for 2596 Crestview Drive. Is it known why these numbers differ for the existing conditions listed in Tables 3 and 4 of the staff report? 5.Does the proposed structure at 2592 Arbor Drive qualify as a dwelling (single-unit or otherwise)? The plans do not appear to show a kitchen or sleeping area, which would normally be associated with independent living. If it is intended as an accessory structure to 2596 Crestview Drive, isn’t this an application for a reduction in density from two dwellings to one spread over two lots? 6.What prompted Condition of Approval No. 4? Is there a possibility these lots are in the original jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission? Zoning Administrator - DECEMBER 14, 2023 Item No. 6a Additional Materials Received Griley Residence Coastal Development Permit and Tentative Parcel Map (PA2023-0125)