HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(a)_Additional Materials Received_MosherJanuary 10, 2024, GPAC Agenda Item Comments These comments on a Newport Beach General Plan Advisory Committee agenda item are submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item IV.a. Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2023 (Attachment 1 - Draft Minutes) The passages shown in italics below are from the draft minutes with suggested corrections shown in strikeout underline format. Page 1, Items 1 and 2, last paragraphs: “The motion carried with all in favor except for an abstention by Committee Member Kobayahi.” [the video shows Ms. Kobayashi abstaining from both motions] Page 2, Item 3, paragraph 3, last sentence: “He noted check-ins with the City Council and Planning Commission and GPUSC are planned with an opportunity for the Subcommittee subcommittees to schedule additional meetings when needed.” Page 2, Item 3, paragraph 4, first sentence: “In response to Chuck Fancher’s inquiry, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell indicated that Subcommittee subcommittee meeting dates will be posted on the website and included in the Select Alert system notices.” Page 2, Item 3, paragraph 5, first sentence: “In response to Committee Member Klobe’s question, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell agreed that there has been no Noise Element Subcommittee meeting and indicated that due to pending upcoming projects, the City Council recently updated the Noise Element to eliminate inconsistencies with Housing Element policies and separated it from the GPAC work.” Page 2, last sentence: “Nancy Gardner clarified that the intent is to provide direction for the Subcommittees subcommittees and encourage feedback, for example, missing information.” Page 3, paragraph 1, sentence 4: “Deputy Community Development Director Campbell clarified that the intent is not to begin the review process and finalize the process at this time.” [See video. Note: Mr. Campbell predicted it would be a full year before GPAC had draft Vision Statement to consider. With policy development scheduled to begin in Spring of 2024, it is hard to understand how that will work if the Vision Statement is expected to guide GPAC’s other efforts.] Page 3, paragraph 5: “Committee Member Mosher suggested the Committee use the link he provided on page four of his written comments to access the Vision Statement document prepared by the Subcommittee and review it before the January GPAC meeting.” Page 3, last paragraph, sentence 1: “Committee Member Walker thought that policy implementation is the priority versus semantics and word smithing wordsmithing and suggested simplifying public communication efforts.” [note: As I heard it, Ms. Walker’s comment was an objection to staff changing “sustainability” to “resilience” and the need for the City to be honest and direct with the public. The sentence following it, copied from the agenda regarding the “recommended action,” should be a separate paragraph, assuming those agenda notations belong in the minutes at all.] General Plan Advisory Committee - January 10, 2024 Item No. IVa Additional Materials Received Draft Minutes of December 6, 2023 January 10, 2024, GPAC agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 3 Page 4, Item 5, paragraph 1, sentence 1: “Since the previous GPAC and GPUSC meetings, Dudek and Kearns & West have worked alongside City staff to create and launch the online engagement platform through Social Pinpoint, to prepare a rolling calendar of events as opportunities for potential pop-up outreach arise, and to prepare the workshop-in-a-box materials.” Page 5, full paragraph 6: “Committee Member Rader suggested taking it out the interest areas for now and providing specific area options later.” Page 5, paragraph 2 from end: “Committee Member Mosher announced a webinar tomorrow morning hosted by the Institute of for Local Governments Government discussing Social Pinpoint for public engagement and expressed confusion about the purpose and approach of the workshop-in-a-box for collecting input on the vision statement and questioned the usefulness of collecting five words during public outreach.” Page 6, paragraph 2, sentences 2 through 5: “Committee Member. Walker thought a general invitation to Committee members could lead to no one attending. He Deputy Community Development Director Campbell thought the Committee members are the best ambassadors to get the word out to the community, extended an apology for jumping ahead by starting the December events, and relayed that the developed materials will be reviewed by the Committee before they are shared with the community, and flyers will be used to direct the community to the website. Committee Member Walker discussed neighbor-to-neighbor engagement opportunities and stressed the importance of having other neighbors in attendance versus City figureheads suggested the consultants identify a plan for involving Committee members. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell supported the efforts of the Committee and while he agreed that having Committee members who are equipped to talk to neighbors will get more milage mileage out of the outreach efforts, he does not want to obligate the members.” Page 6, paragraph 4, sentence 1: “Planning Manager Jaime Murillo shared his participation in the process and expressed his commitment to attend the GPAC meetings as the newly appointed Acting Deputy Community Development Director and acknowledged that a few items moved forward too quickly, and Subcommittees subcommittees are critical.” Page 6, paragraph 4, sentence 3: “He liked having action items for Subcommittee subcommittee meetings and thanked Mr. Campbell for 24 years of service to Newport Beach.” Page 6, paragraph 5: “Committee Member Hackman suggested the language for the outreach events be reviewed by the Outreach Committee Subcommittee.” Page 7, paragraph 2, sentences 1 and 2: “Committee Member Mosher noted that no Subcommittee subcommittee exists for reviewing the resiliency report and the report conclusions belong in different categories. He questioned if it will be coming back, a Subcommittee subcommittee will be created, or if the report will be broken apart by category.” Page 7, paragraph 2, last sentence: “Committee Member Mosher suggested sharing resilience report with other subcommittees with their separate background reports since it touches multiple topics.” Page 7, paragraph 3: “Committee Member Love suggested a crosswalk for items that need to be considered in multiple elements to improve communication between the Subcommittees subcommittees.” General Plan Advisory Committee - January 10, 2024 Item No. IVa Additional Materials Received Draft Minutes of December 6, 2023