HomeMy WebLinkAboutH2022-0581 - PermitsX RmkY A� t* M 4 E`vPOR @ City of NDewport evelopment Bea Deparmrent-euildin9 Division ,S' echa ca r,P,ermit : H2O22-058 Community100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 p Plan0hec O S Permit Counter Phone: (949) 644-3288 p�• 0 W Class : er eW'L, Inspection Requests Phone: (949) 644-3255 sued Date : 10/20 22 c'0'0o r`" newponbeachca.gov/inspections p a Inspection Area : 6 Y...e Caw 2 awit //��vO / PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE O AST VALID INSR;z TION NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGI I '6- ,NCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAV OR SU AY IN HIGH DEO AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNQA( AND HO A ALL AREAS Job Address : 54 RENATA Le 1 De BLK LOT 4 Description : MECH: REPLACE FURNACE & Ate -/NIT R "` R IV TANT PS & TIMER REQUIRED ��\\ Owner: KAMRAN AFLATOON / C ractor : GO C p BING Address : 1507 KEEL DR CORONA DEL-MARC 2625 dress : 5 LQQ�```"`E"'jjjj}--"'' CORO CA 9 8 Phone : (949) 836-2796 7 hone : n` 3�i59 Con Stag 47 Applicant: BEN MEDINA _ Lic it 12/i 022 Address : 31225 LA BAY WEST E VG - 62 B L ``Y30D77958 Phone: (818) 735-78. - s Li xpire. 2/28/202 _r- Wo re Compensati Insur c C Carrier : NA ATO S CIALTY INSURANCE Owner/Builder : �} J COMPANY - Address : Policy No : 1 00048 Phone: W. C. Expir 12/1/2 Code Edition : �_,;20 ire Hazard Z9\q 1 Manufacturer: GOODMA,N - Type of Construction •r'�, al ` /r Model# : GSXH506010 Occupancy Groups : X�hQ, /�Y • _ * . \' Building Setbacks : Front ,;ySl ' 5, Si ear. 10 g gN Flood Zone: Xw N-4- Use Zone : PC - Newpolr AQoa PROCESSED BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: !/' TIMER REQUIRED ON EQUIPMENT TO SHUT OFF BETWEEN 10 P.M. AND 7 A.M. OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' Slate License La r the reason(s) indiCpr'ad below b the hee N k(s) I have placed next to the applicable item(s) Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to co ct, alter, im prey �RnDish , or r air any etiurdlvor to its issuance, also requires the applicant for e permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of th ontracfosRQjState f se Law (Ch for 9 (comm clog yB`dp,pection 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and 'rofessions Code) or that he or she is exempt from Ilcensure and the basis far the alleged mption. vtolldtn Section 7 1.5 by any appGae for a•it subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of at more than five hundred dollars ($500). v S`; I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole ccmpensa , will dn��all of or.6) portions 0f a work, and the structure is n to , pr offered for sale (Section 7044, lusiness and Professions Code : The Contractors' State License Law does not ap to an pivry i pr y who, thro employees' or personal effort but or as the property, provided that the Tlprovements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or rovemen sold ytliPeoneyearn ompletlon, the Owner -Builder will have t ui ,.proving that it was not built or Trproved for the purpose of sale), I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed Contractors to constro1Q, projec_\`1�°youch 7044. Business and Professions Cilill The Con to a License Law does not Ipply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who.contracts for h e projects with a 11c�rsad Contractor pursuant to the Contractor s License L I am exempt from licensure under the Contractors' Stale Licen alaw for th dllowin ason _.__._._._ _._.__ample— 3y my signature below acknowledge that, except for my perso residence' which eve Ided for at toast ono year poor to comple{ a improvements co ere it, I cannot legal], ell a structure that I have built as an owner -builder if it has n can const cted i er}yrotj! ensed contractors I understand that cc LaI a applicable taw, ton 70 a Business and Irofessions Code, is available upon request when this ap tfon Is sir !tied or i(Ia fowl 'eb site:httpa/w .leginfo.ce.gov/cala mil. - :ignature of Property Owner or Authorized Agent a D .ICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATIO hereby affiml under penalty of perjury that I am ' nsed rovhsiuns of ClinpDr 9 (o uer"t�h .1 S Ion 7000 of Ch ' •' the Iness and Py fesal ♦ and m license is in full force and effect. License Class 'b cerise M0 _ _. q - _- Date O 2 Gretor Sign Cure y VORKERS' COMPENSATION DECL ATIO AIN= T '• 0 rARNING FAILURE Tp SECURE WORKERS' CO NSATION C ERAGE IS UNLAWF4I1.. ANO I HALL SUBJECT AN FNIPLOAR TO CRIMINAIpENNAT AND`54� ! lxll UP TO NE HAU L DT USAND DOLLARS (StM,QOOI, IN ADDITION TO THE :DST OF COMPENSATION.DAMAGESASPR EOFOR INS TION 17A OF THE I. ASOR CODE. INTEREST AND ATI ORNEY'S FEES. a0T{'}p Vry •�1' hereby affirm under penalty of pe " one oft follovring r rciarallons Q I have and wll6 maintain ertificate a consept to wolf INFUIe for vDlkars-I;ompen .Ifiun. Issued by a Dlr or of ustrlal Rs ions�lL1-pro Ed for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for th e or ante of the work for Ich this. p it Is iss d. Pv y oo. is have and will maI wo—rk¢�.`.Dampensation as required y Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performa a of th or or which this permit is Issued. My workers' compensatiol ,surpn,:e carrier sm alloy nI low are: :artier .•.'"*. VVV Policy N er x ' tion Date ipme of Agent _"-'1 one # -1I certify that, P, the�yl(4rrn ce of which this pe I u I shall not ny person in any ner so to come subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agre r*I, it should' D«romr sot w co p v rs of Sech'on 370 f Labor Code, I sfi orthwitt o with those provisions. R` . I ilgnature of Appl r_ �j\i... C� Data____ ,l0/7p ,C/•i Ireby affirm under peilratt�ry th there Idel's Name _ mysignetu-=gbe'dw I certify to each of the lowin. I am the property owner or authorized io act mi I. have read this Upolication and the information I agree to cur,Iply aith all applicable city and coup I authorize representatives of this city or county to DATE PERMIT £XT£NVED PERMIT FINA! CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED this permit is Issued (Section 3097, Civil Code). purposes. OF FEDERAL I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY OD RULE IJA.SBESTOS NOTIFICATION 15 NOT APPLICABLE TO PROPOSED DEMOLITION Name L ME