HomeMy WebLinkAbout7201 Seashore3000 W Ocean Front 1M• WEST ELEVATION I ROOF PLAN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,',PLAtn1ING DEPARTMENT •;c3300 Newport Boulevard •, , i'P. O: Box 1768' ;'Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915�' '(714) 644-3200 Applicant (print) Alan L. 3 BeveHy.A1'rGoode^ ___Phone" •71`4/640-9719 Mailing Address 807 Aleppo Street Newport Beach, CA•'^.92660 .. Property Owner Same. as above Phone Mailing Address Same as above ;•,;J Address of Property Involved 7201 Seashore, Newport Beach Purpose of Application. (describe fully) See Item No. 1 of Attachment. . r Zone R-2 Present Use Duplex a' Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separat& sheet) Lot 10, Tract 709 What oxcaational circumstances apply to the property, bailding, or use? See item No. 2 of Attachment. Why is a variance necessary to preserve property rights, See Item No. 3 of Attachment. Why will 8roposal not be detrimental to the neighborhood? See Item No. 4 of Attachment. _ ;L OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (I) (Ne) Alan Lowell Goode depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property(ies) involved in this ' application. (I) (we) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the fore- going statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- , Bitted are in all respects true and corrert•to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belie!. gn fib •\ , / Si aturela) NOTE, An agent may sign for the owner it written authorization from the record owner is filed with the application. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed ,,, /�� /Q/ Fee Pd.�70 — Receipt No. 1i�-4%D Hearing Date/1 77��G/�^ ' Posting Data �� /07�1'I Mail Date /O �y j P. C. Action Date Appeal C. C. Nearing C. C. Action Date 8410 1 ! 10/11/91 2 a " Novembor 7, 1991: M.NUTES CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH CALL !ban the upplicunt requested. She requested that the archits vide the structure's square footage based on Exhibit "B". Com Stoner Pomeroy suggested astory pole depicting the corm of the ho se so as to Indicate the view impact that the propose dwelling wo d have on the neighborhood. n Motion was made continue Variance No. 1178 to the January' 1992, Planning Com ssion meeting for the purpose of installi temporary story poles. at the applicant contact staff an Mr. 11ewlcker rccomm\9:0mop.m. staff would contact theng ommission when the story poll are installed. }(c rth the applicant bring ba< photographs of the when tory poles are installs including pictures of terned nei born' properties, to th continual Planning Con meeting f further review. Motion was voted on tue Vuriancc No.1 to the Januni .. 9, 1992, Planning Commeeting. MOTION RRIED. t The Planning Commissessed at 9:00 p.m. and reconvene 9:07 p.m. 'j!;t,rt•otcc No 1122 (Public l(carinel Request to permit additions andstructural alicrntions to an cxistir duplex which currently encroaches into the required front, side an rear yard setbacks, exceeds the allowable 2 tunes the buildable arc of the site and does not provide the required amount or open spae on property located In the R•2 District. The application rcqucs an increase in the square footage of living area and u decrease i the provided open space. •25^ I INDEX 5 Itom Ho.G g V1179 u - a nPAzovod c s n ,1•Fh n it4 lli .i1'-L i. �.., iNov, � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH o.rbr>}+ L0CAn0N; Pacel3.Parcel Map 27-4(RmubdivisionNo. 264), located at 7201 Seashore Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Seashore Drive and Nordina Street, in West Newport. ZONE: R-2 a APPLICANTS: Alan and Beverly Goode, Newport Beach OWNERS: Same as applicants The public+hcaring was opened In connection with this item, and Mr. Todd.Schooler, Architect, 500 North Newport Boulevard, appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicants, and he concurred with the findings and conditions In Exhibit "A". In response to questions posed by Mr. Schooler regarding Condition No. 5 in Exhibit "A", Don Webb, 'City Engineer, stated that staff would not object if the roll-top curb would be replaced with -a square curb. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Pomeroy, Mr. Schooler explained that several years ago roll-top curbs were constructed In the area and, at the subject site, the public is parking }.; over the curb and covering a portion of the sidewalk. Commissioner Pomeroy stated that different types of curbs is not s good planning and may not be in the best interest of the City. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards, Mr. Schooler explained that in 1971 the subject lots were realigned to face between the alley and Seashore Drive: however, the Districting Map was not changed, and now the applicants are requesting to retain the setbacks. Ile compared the 1971 building requirements with the existing buildable area and open space requirements on the lot. Mr. Schooler-referred to an attachment in the staff report depicting comparisons of projects that were completed by Mr. Schonler in the adjacent area. -26- r. m MTY OF NEWPORT BEACH 4LL — — INDEX There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed nt this time. Motion was made and voted on to approve Variance No. 1179 • • • • • subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", MOTION " CARRIED. Mr. Hewicker commented that the variance would not have been necessary If, when the lots had been reconfigured from one orlentadon to the other, the setback lines had been changed. He j . that the Planning Commission give directlon to staff that suggested when staff is confronted with these types or situations, an amendment to the Districting Map be considered by the Planning Commission and the City Council so as to relieve the property owner from applying for a variance. Commissioner Dcbay suggested that the Planning Commission allow stuff to take action as recommended by Mr. Hewicker. PiNDiNOS: 1. That there arc exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applying to the land and building referred to In this application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land, buildings and/or uses in the same District Inasmuch as the subject property Is encumbered by required setbacks which are not consistent with setbacks as established by Modification No.396 which was approved in conjunction with the existing project. 2. 77{at the granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicants, inasmuch as the proposed project is generally comparable to the size, bulk, open space and height to otacr buildings In the surrounding neighborhood, 3. That the granting of such application, will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the health, safety, pence, comfort, and .27. ;13 N.avember ;''������� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ."CALL w1 general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the subject property and will not under the r circumstances of the particular case be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property improvements in the neighborhood. J :,, 4, That the proposed new construction does not encroach into any required front yard, side yard, or alley setback, will not reduce the open space to an amount less than that otherwise required on a typical 30 foot wide lot, and will not under ?" the circumstances of this particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, pence, comfort, and general welfare of k1A + persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or he detrimentaLor injurious to property and yi,; •' Improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. r 5, That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any casements acquired by the public at large 2'r'^• for access through or use of property within the proposed r.t development. 6. That public Improvements may be required of a developer per Section 20,82,050 of the Municipal Code, 7. That the required number of parking spaces arc provided on•slte and the proposed additional square. footage Is an expansion of an existing room which is consistent with the legislative Intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 1. That the development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, and elevations except as noted below, 2. That the proposed gross structural area shall not exceed 2,864± square feet (with a maximum of 2,324t sq.ft, of living area and a maximum of 540t sq.ft. of garage area). 28 MINUTES''' INDEX „ K! CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3. not all Improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 4, not arrangements be made with the Public Works Department'in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public Improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permitpriorto completion of the public improvements. 5. 'not the existing wall foundation be removed back to the building line at the corner of Nordina Street and the alley; that the existing curb located in the public right-of-way at the corner of Nordina Street and Seashore Drive be removed; and that a concrete sidewalk,be constructed along' the Nordina Street frontage. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 6. That the applicants shall obtain Coastal Commission approval of this application prior to the issuance of building permits. 7. That the landscaping and/or dead trees that are obstructing sight distance at the corner of Seashore Drive and Nordina Street shall be removed. 8. That the 5 foot alley setback shall be maintained at the ground floor and that the second floor shall not extend out any further than currently exists. 9. That this variance shall expire unless exercised within 24 months of the date of approval us specified in Section 20.82.090A of the Newport (leach Municipal Code. .29. INDEX Planning Commis OMMCetL119, , rrvovemeer �. �vvvvr ti',Y.ill+"!''✓ Agenda Item No. ,�(�,�'i1�.1•,'` Ata�:r"!'i1GL7, It) 1fa_b/Fa)?l;(`,I„I,a.19P;7f,Loli1'1!I'r/',2:'idLtYllttr.+ "%.i", . itaJq o2V Inw.I rna,:,rr,'i ',=j: , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACIij io in, ,: J t,uhl hrff' ":JlflarllgGhV:JU lriln7t.,ra1 epu+• ,.+ an i :,.u';,,ij,,;f,:r� •I ,ltnu,� uv ? , . . „ , n nrn;iinnb }:?+(jl9gblq iJ8jdt18 o,it ,11elfju:j rw- 1.. :r•i,rlyL 1.;1 ill „+: ,,ill's l%v5h' ,r+rflUJ ai Planning Commission 1„h,t;nrnn „f j: i.„teFROM:'ot(llq 1''rAll Planning Department,lill: ) ,i -.1, wl-l! �. ; �. nnn'11 D i•,,+. , ,, :, a, ,ujga set . SUBIEcr: Variance No "9(P_„_bl—te Healing) ask,!_b•.4Ad;ln)t,:1:.,7!�u;.lJ:: {11.^1'>il..t:a3i:41;(, , Request to permit additions and structural alteratiotv o an existing'; ;} a(la:bnA lastta :all ui duplex-sJhibh;currently.'endroachek,into�t ertequireddronhlsidee'and , e; gllb a a! ,wiki(] woll;i,rrearyard setbackslexcbedsdhe'allowablb2times the bufldable.areniof 6 oTn)xll;t It e7n ,I>!),I)4h64ite4nd does:not pfovidmthe required'amountiof open space'on, 4011 n xi ,XWlt. ahiw property located lint.thef R•2:.Dtstrict:r j1ho.'application, requests! an Increase In the square footage of living area and a+decreasm In dhe provided open space. LOCATION: Parcel 3, Parcel Map 27.4 (Resubdivision No. 264), located at 7201 ;AdS„oH noianha, , , Seashore Drive,, on the southwesterly,cornenof;Seashoro.Drlvetand '.,attil' loajdu2 ed1 1••' , "Nordin'Street; in West Newport. upn n :j� �dSAlla :i a: ;in,l ,om u.;lr :.r •nuun^ ,•f j ,„r,:+ruts :; ,....q. '.. ,. ntv,,: .,,ZONE: R-2 ;,.:., l.r •,,,,. ,,•uu„ I ad. till t,. :,1t0�iPFiiGAIJTS r ppAlan and Beverly Goode,^NewportBeach d;,:,t + u' ,:,., '��dt('t1D;a8ttillovrb zobluli '�a:rh lu nolt:,u;vau, odl rinn,,i ut t�•nnt;n r. •i;'I ,/, iiuns9 ' t'�1OIYNER:' awlom,uSameas'applicants+r, s„ aA:,a,u "`?,9115ni a lost S rattuunlm a blin •,•,•: •,nr'n 7 ,oi l 1 .. !, ., bi .. ... ,..n .'•JI7f j �")+�JIY�(�{Qn' abta'l, .7aiJ il, r,,: •� , r . ^ in. : +• Lt,,. ,r d „ ,, • Sd: ry ''.kr'1�9AtJa,.1a11 ro:UnAA :,.h ,,. �,:•':, ,,. u+oni. !,,•t Isis; •,q :,r:; whi TlAs is a request to permit additions and structural alterations to an existing duplevwhJch currently encroaches Into the required front, side and rear yard setbacks, exceeds the 'allowable 2 times the buildable area of the site and does not provide the required amount of open space on property located in the R-2 District. The application requests an increase Win the square footage•of living area and a decrease in -the provided open space. , Varlunce Wpro8edures are outlined -In Chapter 20.82. at line I(t u,gnut It ' a1Rrlvlro�nts Significance. ' tall! batna±•.'n Ili I ,It- ., . o,Thisiproject has been reviewed, and It has been determined that It is categorically exorapt 'lofroin-the requirements of the California Environmental QualltyAct under Class 1.(Exlsting 7oFaciIIdes);rrumturlIll. ;iNidnon lino :hart hn,,, .• ., ';ttlhdt$nivil ,mil+a uu.. • I M4�;('4�^ci yhY ',,;.r I"n; 1,f;,.;.,..,:,�.r,aiY'T"!,`�`.+:'",`•r'".'P1'"S"•" u�c,;., .. •. i. Pl g,Comrtitsstoa`itlOreimmn;):8r,inm:t�t ., ;'.:. ��•',j.! EXHIBIT"B" :; ',!'Ilt1:'Q!.1 %! FINDINGS FOR DENIAL toll: tt)iw^.anrnrnrL,.,I..'tjVARIANCE!NOad179i,,1-., •..t, ; wolofl t,oln•1 .,, ly9DF9 rnnn'wDlro bn!: , m.L; uud• n.,., rr tr1 FINDINGS• bout ,;f loft 1116IL n9ii: 1111111Du1)6 28e1h LD4OgUAI 7111 161I I• X, f,• pxM.S munat!there are no exbeptional onektrabrdinary'circumstances applying to the land, building, and use proposed in thts'appltcation,,which circumstances and, n; .t conditions do not -generally apply to land, building, and/or uses on the other, tutrnnnniblotsywithht! the surrounding:neighborhood.,voigtni 114 lafn' .1; JnDnnYl:y'1:1 Ulo'd/ 2 That the granting of a variance to allow the structure'to further exceed -the RioE1 ,hl"Mompor OttodjgwssistructurMix,ekibijinot nodcAsary,;for tt!elpreselyation and ,. h •' '..':f„ b tEai 11,ri,cnjoyment,otmubstandal:property,rights,of,'.the!applicants:inasmuch as there i?'+olgnit oiare((easonable, degiga alter'natiyes avatiable,todhe!applicanu to remodel the existing structure to achieve better use of the existing square footage without Sah11 gniblitadding the,requested'37_'squam.fee4,roe eliminating•a'portion of the required ' hmawi dlopen apacend) )l:dt •pib! ',dJ bill: tr111r^, la , moo elodulo? bn,J 10DIIP w0nctt; III 1:+ i(o odJ ul )ddug 3if ;tnoThat.the,establishmcm, maintenance, and operation of the use, property, and =rbimbuilding,will,mrider.the circumstances,of,tho;particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace„comfort,'and generahwelfare.of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or detrimental or hvolgglJnjuriow,to property,andtimprovementsdn,the,neighborhood or the general welfare•of; lho'city.li ,d to ': ,nl:u:•••i 'vb w toll j uwq: d!'Ign tda!?, 12m; :, :ti' vo1IW1 Dr1 Ilyd!. !•••, 7'r •i l,: ..• !r !. :•" I •.na • , 1 tU btin'umn Lilt"•'•; r' '�. stzlxa rit,r,l..� i • 1 f1,•:, 11' iit:.a:'fri.1ri.�iy:���-*YIYY.i1iXd1it1 7. On motion of Commissioner Copelin� secog6ed by Commissioner Rudd, Use Permit 1240 was APPROVED by e,following roll call, to wit: ALL AYES 1. JAYRED, Robert 810 11. Bay Ave. port Beach 2. Lot 34 Tract 884 Zone R-1 3. Posted July 15, 1957 p Tract 19 t 4 7 0 8 5 wa s 8 a 0 s APPROVED R S 1+ 11 0 aV y A D V b a 4. Adeition tc garage of no conforming.16-relling. Note: Dwelling is non onforming due t0violation of side yard setback. 5. On motion of Commis oner Copelin, seconded,by Comm. Reed� and carried, the h ring on this application'was set,over. . 11 until the next re lar meeting due to.the'applicant not being present at this earing. 1. STANLEY, Earl W. 4401 W. Coast Highway '' Newport Beach 2. Portion of Section 28 T6S Rlaj SBBM 3. Posted July 15, 1957 4, Change and upgrading of mooring facilities.' 5. DISCUSSION: Note findings 6. FINDINGS. After considerable discussion''l-lith.the applicant regarding plans for moorings, -On this,,, property, the Commission recommended approval of:this application subject to: the following,.condi.tionst 1. One off-street parking I space must .,'be provided for every two moorings. 2. There shall be no boat: rentals or'chart6r boa s. 4. Sanitary faciliti accordance with t City Engineer. - 5. The final planst approved by the C 7. on motion of commissioner Ruddi se Permit #342 was APPROVED by the f6 S wit- ALL AYE (,. 6. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report j stated that the living conditl and that an additional car 'cot street if this application wes 7. On motion of Commissioner Copelinyseco Rudd Use Permit #340 was APPROVED by Page l '.us PERMITS /theommission (cant) improved off the pproved• by Commissioner ilowing roll ,call) to wit: ALL AYES 1. JAYRED, Robert 2. Lot 34 810 1.1. Tract 884 Posted July 15. 1957 Addi'�ion tc garage of no conforming dwelling. Note: Dwelling /1ar onforming due .to violation of side yard setb On motion of Comr Copelin3 seconded by Comm. Reed, and carried, the on this application was set,over until the next reeting dueto the applicant 'not being present at this STANLEY, Earl id. 4401 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach 01 Portion of Section 28 T6S R10W SBBM Posted July 15, 1957 Change and upgrading of mooring facilities:' DISCUSSION: Note findings FINDINGS: After considerable discussion with the applicant regarding plans for moorings'on`this property? the Commission recommended approval of this application subject to the following conditions: 1. One off-street parking space must be provided for every two moorings. 2. There shall be no boat rentals or charter boa S. 4. Sanitary faciliti accordance with t City ^nvineer. in-= f`the 6?r 46- n r �YGlG6orS I ..; 4,�k^[y � yr.}a_ � r � yr r i aqr,•�,.-s f/ Pik YU[t 5✓.�.}✓r 4,„(r,��1 �.��. y i e ti 73" CON A k ` 1 f , �r .pVI rllbll cbm)3A rThc Land Use Element of the General Planand the Load Coastal Program Land Use Plan designate the site for" IWo Family Resldcptial" uses' The existing residential development , is consistent with this designation in that a duplex Is currently occupying the subject property which Is proposed to be remodeled. tu,uzinunu:) ;tainma'1 :01, In accordance with the provisions of the California Coastal Act, the subject project requires the approval of a Coastal Permit. Um;)raU-2ildu91 i'if i <•4 ;2 to o) Win tnuilibbu zeal;,•: ( ; wnfp-M lbJectiproportyls•rectangular In shapo:with rounded•cornam at the street and alley btidns•and'devolopediwith Yduplpb,To•rbelnorth, across•Seashore Drlve, is a City nd�Welt,CoastfHighwaybeyohd;lto,the east; acrou•Nordina Street, are a mixture of family and wo-family dwellings;'to the south;�across a0 foot wide alley, is a duplex; athmwes4Ira duplexmilf )o-xgwoo) -imapa afft ni tPwDram rM in btow)o( ,f'.Y. ,u,' a+n.:rm,)ue•rfl1 F " qnf: I,,'I + I:)atu•'I l+)IIP.')U•,i Mt id meeting of -April 17,1969,•the.Planning Commission approved Resubdivislon No. 264 a request to permit the realignment of property lines,in:order.to orient the subject lots toward Seashore Drive instead of Nordina Street. Tho minutes of that meeting are attached for the Commisslon'a information. r-31 ..i 10T At Its meeting of October45,+1971;ithe Modifications.Committee,approved•Modifleation Permit No. 396, a request to permit the construction of three duplex dwellings on three separate lots which maintained setbacks of elghteeni,to,,twentyfour inches on.Seashore Drive, minimum rear yard setbacks of 5 feet to the garages and a minimum 2 feet 6 Inches to the second floor decks, and side yard setbacks of 3 feet on all side yards except%%pno side yard on each lot which may maintain a zero setback for the garages (see attached (tcapplication and- plot plan). v. off; tbrtrri , t,, h•f :, in0IIalyslyifol. • . ,•.,aib� sunefapplicants are proposing to remodel the existing duplex which includes Interior and exterior structural and non-structural improvements.,••The applicaumare proposinglto enclose a portion of the existing second floor deck at the alley side of the property and to demolish a portion of the second floor living room area so as to provide for mormuscablo outdoor deck and interior living area. Upon inspection of the property, staff observed that rgthe<second) floor deck iniquestion has ,been partially enclosed: ,iThe existing, structure g)ironudns approximately 2,827s<square,fect.of gross floor area:'IThelliving uea consismof a dwelling unit on each floor: the first floor unit consists of a master bedroom and master r' bath, a guest bedroom and bath, a living room and kitchen. 'no second floor unit consists of a master bedroom and master bath, two guest bedroom and a bath room, living room, dining room and kitchen. The three -car garage contains approximately 540 square feet. ;,i:i?jv.P" rF1; ,�: �A 'fit �L7.%; L:>'' .., li lr d.i nit:gd•-'±_ ,;, '., ,.•., •'',. ;;� J 'fin'° 41}ii},.yl'. �,''r.� .i t' �I': . •' 'l. Y`++�!'�ul ,, pj•'1, ('R .• <'.. ,• •, ' )-f. }tJ.111l. The following outline reflects (he' or characteristics of the a ttitibg duple#4i'-;' "' T,OTSTZE! 2,075t sq.ft (reets iguleriigg" e,appro:drhdt'ely, 30 fL xr70r60 fthwn'us the;: Cruot to inircomed,wtoffs of•21Ssq.ft. Cach) n nq+ti<i A:1.ADDroved bry .b2j11?1EJEt�i r t Modification No. 396 Proposed nndttton u r 1nxl :rla+gyp, bndtavoa ano 8uibainnf ,ioolxl? t •',•nlapeSl . Front: roonga,a8nta8 Hit,aaoug2 C :;,. iJ04.1 n .. . (Nordina Street) 3 ft. =141p, e:31t i III; ;roanrj8 C 3.ft +ogot<i South Side: (alley side) Garage 5 ft, Second Fl. Deck .i2 ft.:611ru,f. 'Second Fl. Living 2 ft. 61n. West Side: Garage 10 ft. a?b,P. Second Fin Deck 10 ft. Second Fir. i.iving .14O tit: M0.1' •. r n ywl..Cr.3.1H...:AFi�MV� . � 5 ft. 5 fUiiup�ll •' , . .- :(?.A-)Warids*om12 MI. hotfuirs,Varies'aftodi' 2 6 In. to 4 ft.,,, 6 in. to 3 ft. 6 Varies from 6 ft batiupaSVartw frdhr 3, ft „ r ;; •,; to'9tft:'6,Iwgn ra du&)e 6 id.' -toot ft: " bna.ta{ ,o ^r tbata9 nr.:71}aitibnM 0 ft. :f all 11,ai11-rl ,I .)1 10 ft;gn za 3 ft. 17 ft. 3 ft. 3 fp+bnx2f North Side: 14 It. ^ u! t',A Varies from 2 ft. Varies front 2 ft. (Seashore Drive) to 2 ft. 4 In. to 2 ft. aq 4rin,Jni'unU G.g -Al n: Jnomgokwili 161 Ajm6nr r aldn:,ilggn N+, at +'snr'hn)i ),,jotq olfl' .r nq. ,rnio tlotrupat btu. a.:f.o t'rut:.+„,y ill: 101 BuildableArea: 1,064t sq.fts 1,526t sq.ft. 1,526t sq.[t s! :.•rr,•,gig s'ROSS FLOORAREA! 0.07 a Will -�virt) :rrndr,,•li! u•, ,gn:no,l ,r, ! .0 W ,wunn.n• . +" • !o• ,n t' ovhl I •,+.permitted:, • sZI28# sq.ft.,, 3,052t'sgA • " 2,864t sq.ft. m+,+ (2.0 x+B:A:) ' ,1• ! (2.0 x'B:A.) j'. (1.88t x B.A.)s,'> C•,. I,. r 1 ..ni, •' I r ...+vr t n• 'Al Lny These' figure3'use'thc;'icquired front pid setback as'eitabllshed by Dlst$1UQ' Map NCI •;dad side'and' rear yaid'aetb6cks'iisostablishedby,the,ZontngCode. ..un! Is,. mt. rtm,r,: gyp' llc's'ttid ie'ijulted'setbSckS'as established by Districting Map No: rand btu, 11:3-MIS fi; :� 'Jt2alcdlatd'thd .' peod nand urin permitted by PS1.It%.,nta(.,6 10 I,4• ",I' . l.y..: WOO dual nlan;it ,•+:n'ly no , Sim: .Wnl: •'r +'•+,. ❑I sd bluer, ppllea'thd"ietbacki'ds"apprdved hX'M6difi6flod Permif-Nd.'U6 to' tblettirdl AWItHe"relkteddlldiinfile•s, aWfdbiagd:, 1',:In,1r,wot oran t ➢ indtet all) ,ttmi79`l Y9P11 elb /nbli v9'I'ln 1(In,' •,+ b;q rl9tLY)t utilizes•the)bulldable�drea'as)calc'blated••when using lthat ietbacks,as fication:Perrat•No.,W&Iu '!' W1_,vdo +'1' ,v . .1•1, a:rb;biw+I DiNC31HEtGH 1 +a o10 iol'z titya,iAInicrmitted:t A OE Proposed: ",.,, a:`r,�.,rri :i:'. ',(+i•r:, •b"�f .y I;� IirAl•j�;}; ":Y tea hujrh qdt f:iht)ai'eailtuo �ninrollnYarnl 11tt.,71awmum) O.pa %ZvoS u1m,:p'l „ i'.(to.hlghost,point of roof) 51'PARKiN� Y�LQfS-.�':{•, .' .+ it",�' ' ' ,' 11OiftUna�Lhaaouol_i OSC.;uJ..tlaiknzf7dtt1.M '.`bdxttrua2i , / • Required: 3 Spaces, including one covered space per unit '=AI LJa Existing: 3 Spaces, all garage spaces +; �; .•r r1v;; ' =t. t+' a6o1�:,; " Proposed:F. 3 Spaces; all• gatsge'apaaa::. raT,f; +.(ta,iI? ani(>fbH)• Qp}7N SPA ACg•. d•1.,. ':^5r 'abi2'rbud8 Required ? ; ,. ; d1:'Z , .`•1` ;'• '• •'ai.g; oArstcD, WA "mu(basedwif required and atanddrd,lotbacks)t}: ' 9,014x.ht tt:., AeaCb;r1•bna5s?. w(i':'fni .12 £ of .ni.6, -' -.A # or„n' 14 U•: :sit Ipic:.fi£' (baassed'on etbacksitstapprbvedlbyb)1, ni:rlZ ,s , gniotJ..ILbnooa2 . :'•'' ' Modification Permit No. 396 and mbi'r, mow ft"", t as applied to a typical lot): .11 0 3,456 ea.[tt agatr,D.'. ire .rt C! .It F• 1 .0 01 ; X41 .1FTbaoan2 a" Existing: t. 11 F• 4,636t1cu:ft.,g,,knj ar-l'bao"? ,A S rProposod:i ,I ' moil, 4i lmll. a: 4,410f.cutit. :abip llunh i) S of an 1, JI , ut (Ovh(l a5odzco2) The project conforms to all applicable standards for development in the R-2 District, "pt t'•`for the gross floor area and required open space. f',1•.'• `.11.pa sd:r,f .11,pa tdVj t.11.(:x ti+ooj W2lLG..9:.djLWAV.4 ;•;EMp=d Buildable Area j7..'t�,,..' .;,('•`lflC�..�4524>.1:'1?�2S�,Y.ii2 Tho subject property currently maintains 30 feet of frontage on Seashore Drive and a 70.60 foot depth. 1he,required front yard (Nordina Street),.rear yard] alley and Seashore Drive setbacks, as specified by Districting Map No:.l and the Zoning Code (3 feet, 10 feet, 5 feet and 2 feet, respectively), result in a buildable area of only 1,064.2t square feet. Such a buildable area would permit a maximum of 2,128.4t square feet of gross structural area gli(Including garago). However, it is the applicants' opinion that the required setbacks and the r'esulifeg buildable"area' are'overly, restrictive' s`nd'is therefora requesting eppioval of a variance so as'to permit'the'proposed remodeling"itnd'edditio'eal'sgbhro footage to the bt,existinglduplex. As Indicated, In the above outline, If, the required open space and gross floor arda were based on the setbacks approved by Modification No, 396, this structure Would be in conformance with the limitations on gross square footage and'opcn space, ,.i Staff sarces,with the aaalicants'.conteation,that the setbacks as.reaulred,are unusual and I so as to'galn aceessTrom the alley. Perhaps the setbacks should also have boon yell to be con3istent *'ith.ttiat modification'approval, which,would hat'o'alteiod the area of the site and thereby the opearspace,requiremenubLo of •+'• -wil aq �r+,.+':,,+�„rtl{r�.PlanntngCommtsstdn•-+SuttinYmn"lgninnalB . . i " I 7ho applicants' architect has also submitted the attached information -as to thelrado of;i building area to land area for a number of projtfcts within the vicinity of the subject ;hiproperty. Mose,tigureslaro difficult and time consuming to verify and staff does ndtl feel it was ararranted to attempttoverify. 07" tow 113 „srubliml ,yi- i,pm7 :,d+ I'II rkc1q, r': ,.•;I.i 111 V)V r ..I", +.,u Ii'd7l j Should'thelPlahning Commission, feel that the additionalsquare,footage is not warranted - and'that the *n,spade'should not be reduced,to an amount' less than currently exists, the fiIII& ing alterridtive'Conditiod.of Appioval No. 2'Ih'P.xhibit WLs suggested:'li r:n'•.npn u1 (I ,?D2nelvly 8nlwollol Dth uabl 2t odo Dw' .b):v 1:1:' .I Intl nxrl a 12l •tLpThdt-thelprbposdd'gross structural uei shallinotlexceed'2,827t square feet n wq,+ idi I (withi maAmum'of 2,287t sq.hrofltvthg area and a maximum,of 540t sq.ft. of garage area). 'a':nl Didu', I08 ao In-w"'n, lrn Ren rlr nJ ni;tii �Iligtrrq •rrlhr.otq al 'l7or.a7in '"rn,n',, a :, AW , xgoil 1ol Dill owl'p dimbn;Vl w '!nvrpwl D111 br:,cl >t;aild : n1; r. , , •nhigmq Sectlonf20.15.0801whidhsestablished open:space+requtrements'(ri•tha,,R-2,District were adopted in,197A' As Indicated in the outlinelabove,'tho opewspace required,for the subject glMaplNoJl and the property;,tiaAedl6n'tho,required+aetbackaestnbltahed.by Dlstrictin: Zoning Code, Is 9,014 cubic feet. The open space required, if thasctbacks as'established'r by Modification No. 396 are utilized, would be 3,456 cubic feet (buildable width of 24 ft,x t 24 ftt height`Itmtt x,61ftdx:3,4561cu ft:)r"Tbo-existing open apace within these proposed parantoterswould be approximately 4,636 cubidfeet and would be reduced by approximately 226t!=btc,feef forla remainder In' excess of 4,410t7cubic feet:' Stdff agrees with the ' jij contention thatltho,opcmapaca required;W'Code is excessive'and the -application of the ''' 3,456 cubic feet Is generally the amount of open space required on typical 3o foot wide lots. '` Required Findings for V dance APoroval p{orho,Zoning Code requires that In,order, to'grariVany varlance,'the Planning,ContraWfon ymmustlfind that:the applicants -have! established the following'grounds fora variance," set ?1dfotthJd Section.20.82.020 of thelNewport Beach Municipal Code:' oilut llt'4k;l)ti•,10n 1 I';, I , ,. „,I btav ,,, a 1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applying to.the )of if r,,, land, building or use referred to In the application, which circumstances or no hn+l;, conditions do not apply generally to land, buildings and/or uses In the same ?, t),a , •, , . district. ;•ult i I I , no I,.' ' 2. That the granting of the application Is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the npplicans. 3, That the granting of such application will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the health, safety, pence, comfort, at )1DI,,I and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the "•; V'"A fill, property s,, the applicants and will not under the circumstances of the br , I•, particular case be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to 0 ,, ,aY,•;± , property Improvements in the neighborhood. Planning Commiss of Support Fit; ")At b'211int(flig n0s, '.nd Offr ..... 16 pit) filfbivi etr) ,lrnq 10 lodmull I: w-1r, '411H)III/d igMe applicamPhava submitted,the following Information In suppomof their sip4ation- w IfiloWif. 'P UDI"%0311 PBW li* What exceptional circumstances apply to the property, building, or use? "ro - 6'611rw request a.modificationsto allowstructural alteratlon,to.an:existing building,H8 thaLe"' � Aff9sches,16evinto wrequiredA0 foot reatiyardi.16ot 6firichewint0fin foot, 8, Inches) into therequirad,41161 tho.'jequired 4. foot'south side. yard,l and (} foot north side yard. We also. re44csif'the following variances, 1) to al16w us J;l�.els-uptolexceed,zih&cmaximum buildingwea, of)2116,,,sq.ft.,,IbytA28rsq.ft. for ia �,Rp, :twproposed butilding.area of 2944isq.ft4Pand*22),to;aIIowul% not to1moot the open space requirement of 8961 cubic feet." Why Is it variance necessary to preserve property rights?lt,)�'Atiorie tImqthfsSlQ properties -on this block faced the longway to Nordina. When the lot lines . k joill,wilrd changed to orleathe front to§cashora�and rear totthe'alley,'the s6tback-ja2 �Jdva fidirequirementswerp never changedii7bbilcreated loveryumitual set orsefteksibil . 1,,btfA I for. this:particular Intl It'alsd created unusual,open-spacmdrid buildable-arealoiq ttit.'ilcla)?,requirements"il) )i JrA,,1.D1 ifr i-ri %n1no.X I.il aS to d;tjiw ilddtlujil) jt,,ji awfu*i oo,,r. Ptl lillity" aIfl dvi.'Gli n0114.)1111)04 XfI itwilou, Why willithe propostillnot,ba detrimental to the nelgliborhoodMWe wish td Nt: (OlArnix(Jiliq consistent with'the majority of buildingssin the neighborhood; this proposal izi dt Ow trifects3hat standard.1wMe iwish itorremodel slobuilding ,that, Is,completelyi),2IR 'dj 10 poi comiistea with themajorityof-buildings In,our neighborhood,[ in area, openflu:t jol obiw spacarand'setback.",evioji ov, 1" Dill lvl! Previous Similgir Vnrinnce Approvals Ivi 112341122M. 666,prevIousslitiflar applications, -the Planning Commission has approved,variancefto allow ) ' sho that the proposed project malmalned)theisame sl greater gross,floor nrea,whon It was shown ratio of floor area to land area as rithentypical residential developments Wthe City.filn'this ease, a typical 30 ft. it 70 ft. (2,100 sq.ft.), R-2 lot with a front yard setback of 0 feet (typical tbSeashoro;Drive,front yard setback),. side yard setbacks of 3 feet,' and: a 5 foot rear yard n, setbAck,,will allow a maximum building area of 3,120 sq.ft. (including garages). Such a lot towould maintain a floor area to land area ratio of 1.48. if the same ratio were permitted on the subject property, the resulting gross floor area would be 3,071± square feet (1.48 x2,075 sq.ft.w 3,071± sq.ft.). Therefore, the gross floor area being proposed (i.e. 2,864± sq.ft.) has illialsmaller floor area to land area ratio (i.e. 1.38) than the typical West Newport lot on Seashore Drive. -011:91ght,D[stfince Concerns �i')4;71e Public: Works Department, and the City,Truffic Engineer have concerns as related to go sight,;dl3tance at the. intersection, of Nordina -Street and-thw-alley and have nco mmended that the alley setbac4be -maintained at all times. ,They are also concerned about the sight distance at the Intersection of Seashore Drive and Nordlna Street and have •�,.irF,�y'y'{j!tI,': itp; ;,1h,r,�F,en t:s p 4 i Catnailiilat.f7�i�nr�� ;�niarid�9•, d�'�M, te'>(f�,tirkCy'!! N • •Y, I= .Y .,l t ,, eeorturfended that the existing landscaping.be reptnved io tits to kitprovo ibe-SISM diitaz [Leseconarpshave'beenincorporatedtint4'the;attachSd.Eudbitl'+A•i,.':; r•�'b';' vvt 1 .U'vi 11DI'IADIAV ;uggestde Action (zlnuulu;ga Xd bonlaid4t eA)'Ish to Should �ePlanning nr oriate fndinas and conditions are t`fo�lin the attached tlt4a t? i ,it 4l1 &1*9144 k, !41tt1 k�r 1p 4Auta ;ma,:nannmg•,..; d5L�9 loxi[wJah;gdenylgl�apPu 1±A�:u1Q Q 9t1 t�fA. l�fIft!A.AliPchedExhibitB",`,. y;,,.;, ',:,. •. p ,tIa�NP,PjoX!dftluiul•ubbolf. ••{d badrildnfzo ut zitondlgz dtiW fntilzizAUi lon qYn • � �,., ,. .• � t)y;r;•:c �• f» urlr nitaixoodJrbiwholhnrlUti�tii'4avotgyR,xdvr ,.°r�r,, ',••,;r., i;r.'PLANNING DEPAR Yy+tu�R�?€'r.$A•;JHEII�CK$ Dlr;W6 oy»ni'rav orlf 1's?ynlfuny'dri iuAT• S n:ani ,au ruilgyn ;+dt kJ xfdglr gnoquTq Inifunrtdux 90 trfotmtr:ta;J kbn1V if aJga nogu 1 d mlz oil) Ut oidrncclawl ,'tfbnonq xi,foatuTq'battuio'tq, ,'.' :''• r,;,• ,.+'•.'' '' y ,+•.': r onuz off) n{ ugniniiutf Todto of fddiod' ' Sertigt j'lttnner,obnu ,ton ;livr noitrfUc• a rlouxlo 1 ninvrel wit null E I 10 zoo, ni i 1• IYolntt»,ounvn,Itt,lgo. ,dtlrlurlvriJulImwYm!TJsbK111--h wrnurl,ovi,avtlutiinnq j��`,q�p!tttgchmeotd;;,,,, •ulJExhibltt"rANu,?nibuaT tllnirtJyln bTnlf3'N I1119A177, bnn ;,',. =:ebato Lt rtbT g odt m r: ExhlblSuBi piif Tabnn Jun law bnagnllquiq fsatdo TYI4.tY,MeP,due odJ of btlaomiTfnb �M;homm od . . Application and }oR,�'lagtgi n odf.ni onornovnygmi for Modification No. 396 Iniormat}on�rom:ArcbilAS I, won ro rT< orAiliJGx A' I1o:1 LuTiup-r. tn,: n Ili r, cct� f,'anrfAmn nrJ of ,,W;, n AExcerpt,gfvlanjiin8 P»!u(4511. Ppf�Et aS. l+°P(fi 17,1969 PIot,Pl••• porl�Jfyui1spOIF40490311tiJ gulf zrol it,ft)b(p'i,f�1�Wf bne .tui • [" u n . �� .. rl,�d,rif lAY•d All 1�.3tS"n r:L •,•1 ••tq;) v;IID'tp,q aifO 10 699fn3J2.rtiSf7a0 ?IiJ Tai>flll °,'.nl ar11Yl\"• ,`, ;•m • '• • ', `:•1l•::r i• t9r1 )!{ iHin .tTolmna ,J'l/:Dg ,f1G1Rf. 't; 'UI tun; m;ni t� • i. •r t •h,u. In bnnth,r6tvi to lid) ;' edl In ,u.!'. ::,ri .t :,,, iSgir.!!•,f. ,:, ,.;i. Rr Qnn if;,,. 14) A!u noba:n' •.pfU•lrnr..:• ,,, .Q�fdY11111�„1 •+ I. luhn'J6•t. ,y,i•a., lit I'Itniar, Imiiutrt, -till 1•11ff ,C �..:pr I•.11nlJihi 4: h.. r�p�v� U y. Planning Commfsslon 0 Itlgl2 odt ov(mpai tit Jr. Or b rorrEXMIT "A'n•,t5 I'll," • :,: n.ni L• . ,. `n•nu>ye7 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS'OF:APPROVAL FOR' VARIANCE NO. 1179 (As submitted by appilcants) tSUs ie bq`3ti JttllQ❑ iltl 'Ion'trll bJ !In ); 7116•r'IL : ;"P 't +ILrJIt� fdlrl ' 011uIIUII :)III fit ,It 1"I IZW. 7tC .Lt1:II:Pu: Iltll: :Y (tIII,fi ,'.lp{t' `{+. •:• Lillq,.ltf itlj agalTtiat there ere ezceptiot hl'or exttdordiearyclreumstvrices applytng to th'6II,and � 1Q,, gollih'd tiuilditig kferrbd'to in this'epplication;'ahich circumsiances or cohdfitons 01?' h1dofitiot i(ipl}rlgAiliallylid"Idmd,' b'uildingi''aed/or' Usds'lii th'b'same' DiAtdct x.0 bn11311HAsintich dtk'the subj6cl'p"r'ope'rtj+'istencumberdd bq're4uired'8etbacYA4hich are not consistent with setbacks as established by Modificatloii Nd': 396'Which was approved in conjunction with the, existing project. f ru,IPS f'JA Idt(! 011`1.YMA 2 That the granting of the variance 1sI'deblesMY' fof {he'$telervtiill§>fland enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicants, Inasmuch as the proposed project Is generally comparable to the size, bully open'spice and ' height to other buildings in the surrounding neighborhood r.^• �m_!ltl It }l IlViAt 3. That the granting of such application will not, under°the'circumstabces of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working (if the neighborhood'of the subject property and will not under the clic"Umstances of the particular case be materially detrimental to the publld 4eifare' 6r injurious to property improvements In the neighborhood. tutr. nOu1`911'; I/' •dt'1. ,ry.� fltlllcJtllb`.IP •`•! - 4. That the proposed new collstivbtlon'ddes hot'ericroach into any required front ' Cr .CI Iijrdfd;Ytile'yard; di alloyndtiii<cklsLili'Hbt icdutd'the open space to an amount less than that othdrwiselrequired'on'a'typ(ea1"30'1166t wide lot, and will not under the circumstances of this particular case, be detrimental.fo, the hem th, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and Improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. S. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with tiny casements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 6. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 20.82.050 of the Municipal Code. 7. That the required number of parking spaces are provided on•site and the proposed additional square footage is an expansion of an existing room which Is consistent with the legislative Intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. W 0 a•'AS.S0�C. 4• �` a 111t1t11 S Projects Complelai by .Todd verage Actual Ratio-*'1'.�Qv'" verige Allowable Maximum Ratio ■ 1.41 olor i Associates 1ea�oo3/ 1.37 act 7402 N. Oceanfront 30`x 7b 2250 i! 3052 of 1.39 max 31200 f 1.32 act "402 N.•Oceanfront 30 x 75 2250 of 2957 at 1.39 max 3120i°,_! 1e9-024/ 1.69 act � 1 Seashore 23.8 x 90 2147 of 3621 of 1.28 max 742 of 1Q8-002/ ; o'4G t 1.38 act '0'1}I� 7202'.N. Oceanfront 30 x 75 2250 if 3108 of 1.39 max 120'if e182-007/ l.11:act 7207'eaa91idr6 1.07 max 3305 f 1,39 A711-Seashore._._._...-,45..x-411f' 1872-i 1f, 25�98 Ys! ' l,45'ma�i 2708•� f e9-005/ 1.20 actl #7008 N. Oceanfront 30 x 75 2250 at 2680 of 1.38 max 3120isf rot -oil/ 1.22, act �. t 6 N. Oceanfront 34 x 75 2250 of 3131 at 1.43 wait 3640' at 188.009/ A i 1: U 1.51 aot 5907 Seashore 30 x•90 2700 of 4072 of 1.51 max 408012E 188-009/ 1.51 act 5905-Peashore 30•x 90 2700 of 4072 of 1.51 max 4086.sf . ... .................. ..............1-.3e-ict 6,N. Oceanfront., ,30,x 75 2250 If 3110 of 1.39 max 3120'st e191-012/lroDoaadY"q1%��" F' `^ 2944 of 1.39 prop 7201 Seashore 30x7O,23 2107 at Proposed 1.00 max 2116 of *Not irluded 4A calculati6AJQg6ira#4( ratios C,iA. ekic sd/Not Conitructed �Sli:.ti�oa'�,Qt�'?;. ;,i.ih;<:•r�t>.; s.i�:4;. 7.h l'is��4'a�.Z:rc:Nid!541,�'rF'S�aJ.l.G`?r'111Rr,_t.:'.',, .. ,.i•�Gle;i'�','S� d 1 � ' . r APrtl'`17, 196`91 a' w;'d• ' 113 `STEINER; Michail'A.•" '�601',itest•Coait?HiIii ghwa,.j ;Por. lot D, Banning Tract ;a�' Zone C-1-N ed CiAppltcant requests'approvat of tha tnstatlatto ` oIt an automatic ice dispensing machine to,be, :located to the parking lot at the above loa+•'" Mr. Steiner was present at the ieeting�, }T hk! FFy NI�bM'i4'�+,7!UtAA �At tfh,hl�tIMWA V6 d1I'n.'tb `Vc"', e'c3'na „s Ayes ,,A'moiion to reopen the public hearil.g cirried of on !'- j by the following votes Second Ayes A motion to continue the hearing until May 15, Mot on 1969 carried by the following vote: Second Aves )1vliloms ,'•:J McCAFFREY, Michael J. 7201 Seashore Drive ' Lots 10,11,12 Block L Seashore Colony Tree IED Zone R-2 ';Applleant requests • realignment of property r ',.lines in order to orient the subject lots 'toward Seashore Drive instead of Mordina Street. Mr. Patrick J. O'Connor represented the applicant. After a discussion, the .ppplication was Motion approved subject to the tollowi:,g conditions: Second All Ayes 1. That a parcel map be filed. 'rl 2. That all vehicular access be taken from the alley. 3. That 10 ft. radius corner cut-offs be dedicated at the intersections of Nordin& and Seashore Drive and Nordin& and the allay. �Y".P., .1, .That tot tines be realigned so that each lot wilt contain at least 2000 square, tent..`.., ' •I. M in if'�i2gH�Li4.a i.� :i:•: Ti' , 'i- -. '.. _ ; � rn... J•..,, October 28, 1991 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM. PUBLIC WORKS'DEPARTMENT - SUBJECT: VARIANCE NO. 1179 k FINDINGS i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1'. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict'' with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development.; 'r,2.' That public improvements may be required of a developer per ' So tion 20.82.050 of the Municipal Code. 1: That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance S; and the Public Works Department. �a�•,;�2. That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public ' improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 2: That the existing wall foundation be removed back to the building line at the corner of Nordina Street and the alleys r.., that the existing curb located in the public right-of-way at the corner of Nordina Street and Seashore Drive be removed; and that concrete sidewalk be constructed along the Nordina Street frontage. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. '' PLAN -OW- i79-04 5C-Pi$HORE D9IYE N 0 e M. 6rN 0 t I n FOR c I N."d/ 7 u KltC,Neo wog M.sa1� r I _IL U � r t N n" J 1 l'�P LlNc � do NORDINA STREET e O .X I I J� a!: u�l a!: u�l 19 p lo�'f zn N --A LAtA . W -�;�' -4 &H �LZZOC-. IMINA NORTH ELEJ O'd 1 4 d��SS E3LO�K .NORTH ELEVATION Ioloi I I IaisI 11"'I'll1111f:1 ;tea e;:.'• � :� 1. That the development shall be in substdndal conformance with the approved I. plot plan, floor plans, and elevations except as noted below. 2i)10kO11f 1 '•�; ";;'•2. That the proposed gross structural area shall not exceed 2,8ti4t square feet, , fu4A'gga ¢:(with-amaximum of 2,324t,sq.ft. of living area and a maximum of 540t sq.ft.' tir,,'pruzmwrof'garageaiea):<(•: ��; .. •,!,r•,; •,:,,:,U�nl !.r�r.f sloth Ito sezu •w\hul:mu;111>11ua 3. That all improvements -be constructed •ns'required •byOrdinance and the Public Works Department. Sq ale 11111 l,i •till^9I 11 J 1 . Il:q nt 9...... obc t) vi nit artangemens be made with+the Public Works Department in order to t noun r;rgudranicesmisfabtory'complettonlofthe pubtld improvements, if it is desireds ! r!to'obtain albutlding permit prior td'completlon'of the•public improvements. jwl0jlag0l u;u;r+}tnrLu, nli I., ro•U i.dvA wail i. of w!nl.11!SnrVte9 gi4Y :53 to a1lat the -existing wall foundation be "iemoved back'to4liblbuilding line at the. corner of Nordina Street and the alley; that the -existingearb located in the public right-of-way at the corner of Nordina Street and Seashore Drive be Pogoul wremoved; end•that a concrete'sidewalklb'e'constructedllilong the Nordina imh)ob od ,,Street'frontage.rlAll work shall be completed under an dnetoachment permit I7.1n ulc$nuq issued by the Public Works Department.rA., kliWmfila4 In .:u bo•• �la:q der, h, 'r,n,dwdd$cn: �rh m arvdtuw to .' t��.ar$.vlhinatrr'tho•appllcantalshalt,obtainrrConstal1Commission'i'approval of this application prior to the Issuance of builditiepermis: v:11-,w ,...': . 7. That the landscaping and/or dead trees that are obstructing sight distance at' ' • the corner of Seashore Drive and Nordina Street shall be removed. r5x„i is 8. That the 5 toot alley setback shall be maintained at the ground floor and that the second floor shall not extend out any further than currently exists. 9. That this variance shall expire unless exercised within 24 months of the date of approval as specified in Section 20,82,090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. t 3. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 4. That the applicant shall obtain Coastal Commission approval of this application prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. That this variance shall expire unless exercised within 24 months of the date of approval as specified in Section 20.82.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. ugro, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O, BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92658-8915 PLANNING DEPARTMENT644-3200 June 22, 1995 Application No: Modification No.4323 Applicant: Todd Schoolcr Address of Property Involved: 3000 West ocean Pront Legal Description: Portion of Lot 1, Block 30, Newport Beach Tract Modification Requested: Request to permit the construction Ora new single family dwelling which•will encroach 7 fact into ilia required 10 foot rear yard setback. The applicant also proposes roof -top finials and a chimney cap which exceed the allowable height. The Modifications Committee on JpRc.2.01M, unanimously approved the Application subject to the r" following condition: I. That ilia development shall be in substantial confomtance with the approved plot plan, floor plans and elevations. The Modifications Committee determined in this case that the proposal would not be drtrimental to parsons, property or improvemGlts in the neighborhood and that the modification as approved would be consistent with ilia legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and made i the following findings: 1. That the proposed construction will not be detrimental to the surrounding area or increase any detrimental eflcct of the existing use. 7,. 2. That this project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the Cnlifornin Environmental Quality Act Class 3 (New Construction + or Conversion of Small Structures) and Class 5 (Minor Alicrntions in Land Use Limitations). 3. That the proposed development will not nffcct the flow Of air or light to adjoining residential properties. 4, That the proposed construction will not obstnet views from adjoining residential properties. 5. That the finials And chimney cap are minor architectural features 3300 Newport,Boulevard, Newport Beach (0`r3300 Newport Bouleyard',',1:: .O. Box 1768 ". Newport Beach, CA 92658 8915 (714) 644.3200 Applicant (Print)_ Address of Property Mailing Address Property Owner Mailing Address ER Pbone r ocl=_�rl�aor�r' r!i=_�aRr �sr Proposed Nonconformities_�14E AT+t'tC f E(> SHrC Present Use VACANt ?toposed'Use 146n�C !'AmtLY WfLUAZone -�- Previous Modifications, Use Permitt, Variances, etc. of aaa to is to as Yaaaa as Ysataf tt YfaYaaaaa� tasvaa--------- OWNER'S AFFIDAVrr (1) (We) MAX M gLgAhl depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the praperty(ies) involved In this application. (1) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury. that the foregoing statements and nswers herein ntained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and coat �i the best Qf� (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s) NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the 4cord owner h filed with the application. a aaaaaa as aaaaaasaaaaa saga a�a Yaa�aaaa as a�aa Ya��a���aaa DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed_;;, �� �1 ` Fee Pd:-P'J;. " �' � Receipt No. ' ;2 3 Hearing Date Posting Date l • >- 9 Mail Date_ Modifications Com5luce Action Y lky 1 Date Sr' �,t'nL--, P.C. Hearing P.C. Actions a 9 Date Appel CI I BMW TY Of ritwirvil CC Hearing C.C. Action 6�?/Ijy ' �ae`wi'ogr l m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,M P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658,8915 C�<l FO NJt�� pLANHINC DEPARTMENT 644.3200 January 26, 1989 Application No: 3499 Applicant: Max Morgan Address of Property involved: 3000 W. Occan Front Legal Description: Portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 30, First Addition to Newport Bench Modification Requested: Request eo permit the construction of a single family residence which will encroach 7 foot into the required 10 foot rune yard setback. The Modifications Committee on January 24. 1989, approved the application subject to the following condition: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans and elevations. The Modifications Committee determined in this case that the proposal would not be detrimental to parsons, property or improvements in the neighborhood and that the modification as approved would be consistent w£ch the logisla- tiva intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Coda, and made the following findings: 1. That the proposed encroachment will not affect the flow of air and light to adjoining residential properties. 2. That the roar yard on the key lot functions like a aide yard which would be provided on the adjoining property. 3. That the proposed encroachment will not be detrimental to the surrounding area or increase any detrimental effect of the existing use. NOTE; This approval shall ex+tand for a period of 24 months front the end of the appeal period, and cannot be extended. The decision of the Committee may be appealed to the Planning Comminsion within 14 days of the date of tho decision. Any appeal filed shall he accompanied by a filing fan of 6$10 00. No building permits may ba iSSuad until the appeal period has v%pirod. MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. 11 WICKER, Director U' l By William R, Lnycocia� Current Pl nnning llana6r 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach MODIFICATION APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd. P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 • APt^.cati� o FEES S (714) 644-3200 714/ 921-2590 WORK Applicant (Print) MAY MARf,AN Phone 7I(ic7x_�QP) unrna ,ol Address of Property involved 3000 W. OCEANFRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Mailing Property Mailing Aaaraea�(1O4 W"1)L n r 'v Pnar RFer fan tFnnute 4yFF3 Work to be done EXISTING HOUSE TO BE TORN DOWN AND NEW SINGLE'FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE COIISTRUCTED,, Existing nonconformitins Proposed nonconformities N08( 3 REAR YARD Present Uee R-1(SINGLE FAMILY) Proposed Us ) :one Previous Modifications, Use Permits, Variances, etc. NALLA fl8-2 - Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate shoat) SEE ATTACHED OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT depose (I) we MAX AND LI LA J. MORGAN and 9a that (I am) the owner (s) of tea pzthat t(Sae) involved in tent sand answer (1) w6 further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the !o oing statements and answers herein contained and he information herewith aubmittnd e fi all rasps true and correct to the best of (my) (5 knowledge and belief. 01 , Signature(s)mev mnsraN / #� NOTE, An agent my sign for the owner if wrItten --� with the application. ------------------- ^ DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Fee Pd. _Receipt No. �3 96 Date Filed -- Hearing Date Posting Date Mail Data 3 Modifications Committee Action Date P. C. Hearing_ P. C. Action - Date Appeal C. C. Nearing C. C. Action 0390 0 4 01/09/89 251.00 TOIL MQDIFICATION APPLICATION i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd. p. O. Box 1768 N rt Beach CA 92658-8915 S ewpo (714) 644-3200 714/ 921-2590 WORK Applicant (Print) ^v MnornN Phone 71hiF7�,,,-FRR)_uQMc Address of Property InvolveNEWPDRT BEACH, CA 92663 Mailing Property Owner I'IAh a urn �• . - Mailing .Addreae_jflQJ�J�) o Pnnr Raar feI lFnnNie Q9fif� Work to be done EXISTING HOUSE 70 BE TORN DOWN AND NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE CONSTRUCTED Existing nonconformitine ONE Present Use R-1(SINGLE FAMILY) Proposed UseR.1(SINGLE FAMILY) 'Zone Previous Modifications, Use Permits, Variances, etc. NRLLA BB-2 Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) SCE ATTACIIED OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT and en that (I am) the owners) of the property(6 f goi ve (1) � further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foyyoing statements and answers herein contained and �t,.h�e information herewith submitted f1 a'i1 rasps true and correct to the beet of (my) (5 knowledge and belief. Signaturo(s) LILA J. MORGAN '• NGTF•, An agent may sign for the owner if written a oaatiay om the aco; owner is file with the application. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed Fee Hearing Date Posting ��- Receipt No. _Mail Date Modifications Committee Action_ •,%:Y.'.r'P.O,9OX;Y•i`68;NEV�['ORTBF%\CSi,C/1�9265&8915' �C�� �I' .6'.•,�}M1 t, iF'1' il.. y. 5°:�Hi, •. O.R,,.,p 4 + r r„ii.�t.''•; ,1. d��kr,'I,tF`'+: hp .,. , ., :,,• .•. •,' ,,,• .,� ,tit��} fi y+':S '`�•: °' PLANNING DBPARTHfNT'644-3200 December, 22,'1988 n ,� r++: •tr1 Application No: ,Lot Line Adjustment No, 68-2 , •ycpyl 4440 45� Applicant Max Morgan r.� ,s .. Address of Properties Involved: 3000 and 3004 Neat Ocean Front '•ta,'� Legal Description: Portion of Lots 1 and 2, and Lot 3, Block 30, Newport Beach Tract .i •' Modification Requested: Request to permit a lot line adjustment to adjust a •, lot line between contiguous lots to be utilized for residential purposes. ^•r The Modifications Committee on Decembor 20. 1988, approved the application i subject to the following conditions: 1. Permanent lot stakes and tags shell ' `.. ;.-•�r• be installed at all new lot corners by a. licensed surveyor or civil engineer i; � prior to recordation of the lot line adjustment unless otherwise -provided by Y;F:' the Public Works Department. Installation of said lot stakes and tags shall •re uire a Record of Surveypursuant to Section 8762 of the Land Surveyor's '•% rw1t 'Act..'; Prior, to recordation , of , the: lot , line . adjustment, grant deeds •,'.'indicating the ,changes. in titles of. 'bvnerahip shall'1% submitted. Co-r the c�.Hrk'i.,!.!,!, • .b..>,v2..' Noon a�Yoval•%'of,%rtHa'+1"oC;t-linht. s' r • .:.e "'Piresl-Nd. 2'shelY 'be 'removed •6i,-cut,bick"mo ss•'�to, aaintain a^4 foot,sids `•t ' "';k:,,fl •?,'.yard setback prior to recordationioL the •lot'lins.idjustaent. �;"• •;,The Modifications Committee,detarmined•in ir nh•ease`'tfiat the proposal would .• • `+ not be detrimental to persons, property ,or>improveaents_.in:ihs neighborhood' •,;; and that. the lot, line adjustmone; is„approved would bi° conaistint with' the ;>: 'i,"�s'.,.:•', legislative intent of Title:20 of the•Nawport'Base Municipal .Code;jand made.-_' the;.�'iolloirLn&,11in'dinga: r4 .1.::,Tha� projact.;siie,: described:, in ,tha,'^,proposel': 2 4 jr t(,consisei^o .,iagal 'building aitis.:f$,,•. Thi laI :tnkin'trom'oee,parcel wLll, be•;,, ":V: ass. „._•',.;added•aot.am4djseent,pdreel;and no„adds'tion6l"parceli;witl•raiule•froni�thi '' <',''r`'•j�;; '^J•�';j%18ti'�:Yini`Fid�uitednti: 3:y-Thi'•proj'.bt,'•eompllu•wit2i'1•ttie••requirimenes:o!';thi,�'%'it,7�y;ti 4Califospii�rgn!ironmangal Quality AaC�.c';.;4:,•Ths;;propbsil•ris•COOL iiant.!with ,';•;':iE9 tG,;;`,`'j;•.b�ehiMCinai'i1:Plan'.',:�^:S•. 11111 ,The lot'1!•na,�Rdjuitmant,'in end"'of£itsilf'1'fviil';:not!:;,ti+a��t`hti 1•. .,rulilC:,in'.tha,tsd•,loi. editidnilbimprbveeants:&Wor;^facilitSaa ,,d;,^ ;V SITE PLAN tloT LINE ADJUSTMENT RB-LLA TjHG.P RCEL RO SE ARC , wtimPRq' REFERENCE NUM -F7r'- 1 WM N. �r -Xlsrllv4g W7elNe 40 re /wd' 'M aWC14-1 , fla-Falolo DOE Ole 7-0 Z50 IV It Z-15, ti IR . �4I PORCH -.. 1 l�l 0 r EXHIBIT B LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, RBJ-J-A MAP) EXISTING MEET—. ---MR REFF AP NUMBERS T an `'..Vt ste P 0, rgar)" -.-,S1, A 1. . ' t, G�4,, .�i• di ryi •+...iii,;-�8, ;"r, a i-a_chL.o LineAdjustment No. 'C s. '....a`r 4i„} , ra 8-1191,•''nJjFr I Lionl .1 • --"" ' Phone 921-2590 .. Frnn -, 'APPp, cajion (diicribi fu11Y)' tf. present Use Residential' .•,,., • .' . R parcel 2 't'.'f R.4is{'?;.''ial'1"``���:_•°i ir' end Lile J. Mor9 'Max J. Morgan ustee df ' 9an 3000 ocean Front, n N•B• r. n„ •' .Front°eN.B'��r ry 'f :+- 3004"•�08ean 2 .i" 921-590 ,`-: r.,h•;.'r! s.7.>'• r Para11 .Parcel. 3 • - N/A• •,,�v W.... - ONt1ER'S AFFIDAVIT Y4S ;�.'t�',i$a'`':S}•,•.'�. ,- -{, tad„ �...iia';the record owner(t) o! all parcels ProPo ;• E%�.a ic• - ", eertifY ,that,li i 'ask/we :are'' Ni"hsrabY, ;, e'' WZ"t7- dn f and consent to the filing ot•:.�. �u�>ynbr�this}ipgliciti"onf21I%his appliFcation is CrV•yrv;.ys.,infoi*ati,ithi'Iracordat- 'rz7w+==consent'to 4i`iLCa12, •, .,. �. a sl.of' Parcel 1 . aa; . ,. �r>r•�y�t� d': r6 i:5''• ,�, v :�.' ts) of Parcel • ; yk fignature(a) of ovoar • Farm �ii=itu=ai, �u'sc ,be mlarisedr and the aPPr°Pr1at• oectitlWt• •t , zShJA lgn ached 'Nottry public. asos actin' ledgatant �atT 'bY• •. v r F:1i.,, . ld • • TIiIS LINE 4 �'•• •t 1 ", • DO I= COHPLETS ,APPLICATION BEI.ON ; 1,•g,. 'ry�`Vf. •)r.. ,, - •, rOVal yi;yy+;, sYr d,f Public works App '- piled :'•°i��,,;r;7 /•�- RicId :Receipt No. �. i -ry51 ..r Nail Date--l�� 'iu"�"�'.,yAn�/� • 'posting Data itcu aotion ? ieation�i0�t.. . I .__----- p. C. Action C. C. Action x; BfiPORT BEACH _.*{i: a*•'+ , _ Date G � bp'r'�•T'.i ;3E •' •y�t`F,%iq'�y�''"'''`n*r -!i s4.ir•.i•�i'i'�:'�`•�2:?"c's11•. t..G;'atvi�iltiiiloBi+'%,�i'Ydldtr3�r?O! AM wRu ttestw •Ask w rti. J. l'h•ann isim A d M 2R "at of flat MILL STIE IRL Ca. I.Iln d, n>virtl 0:00 OCT SM7 ' 'itu"a 1122-E. Limasin Aid., R11A AM, I • . '*.. L aact , tallfcrrtln 92epA fuAvlr 0"11110o41114 Clottirdl •� J kaR 1Nq Orlel0( Cis m, .� �, nl taw �4 a.4gt...a.0 flN0 dM " f W ucF.IY.g M °d 'Q Fins J. I, Met 1122 F.. L1nMln Ave.. Mlle $&OD r a..+ Aww Q'nrhJe. Cnllfc In 9Xld L`.% �L AM 047-L112-1e J ePACR Att9Ye THIS LINK pM RICOROIR'/ VRR Corporation Grant Deed ' O�T.Ma .NONE ewa. Peace pYaenels O M"line rR.txeM „ Tit Ytdtnlptl fputer(a) deel.ntt)1 SIX ikZOl TAR Dsnmselvy eMefN tee le E 253.1710 , 111 A MNKII ( I eompvted aA foil valet of Property aevgd, or PlA10[ CO. RtfgOBl t 1<tmyYltd m fall r.l@$ lest Volvo of Ila�sand .te�vishr"eve rnseleiy el tiles aide. 1 {• ( ) Unhnepentel aenr t FCIIy oI aR A iAL2AULE C0NSIOERATION. realµ of which Is ►m1y mknrdedRed, F s terpaaUet a miH/ aldot . Iaws d 14 Slate of hereby GRANTS to •� I'bA U. Ma'veiv otN Lit.' �, rlrr•twn, tAatd)ewvl tntl wife. M .)olrR Tersest► tt U. blbwlsR IneWMI flea pvspsn/ Is W ctbv of 1*1060 •e S,•nch Coyayof ORANGE .Sacase, JI(.rtyt ... '•S THE SOUTHWESTERLY 88 FEET OF LOTS 7 AND 2 1N BLOCK 20 Of NEWPORT BEACH. AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECOROINO IN BOOR 2, ►AGE 26, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE j;OUNTY. In Witmice %'hereof. said torponOm he, caused Its macerate nines and sVol to be alAYed berate and this Intent• cretins le be eeyatutorl 1by It, Y president and Socteary ,! ehereent�tr Sul Dirac WS7Md. SUM.Cll, C •l STATE OF CALIFORNIA 11 •.Oa COUNTY OF Oriente / p' By �uvTAzt a•�mrwcds . a On May 22 1987 ,before fat. cAe FMHdmI undemined, a Notary Pubbt inand of tad fine, panic y S7 appeared Sacr.tery, ptmnally known co far or purred co fat an eAr btu a Hill, ! Onory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument At the President, and ;7 personally known to •'t far or proved to me en the basic of Hmlanory traders, to be the ppF1Ce(d, R a prison who reecmrd act within latrummUnhe TY07M'/OOAfAYAY fernOary of the Corporation chic Hetuted tht rIGn nstrumtnt Rp,Y ry�y,Q.gw,+ and acknowledled to me that such rarporatbn taed Ilia IIIfVIBE 001RsfT .,thin instrumentinstrument punumt to fit •hwa or oaluUon of III „ F h..td al dtestere bees". SIR AI.E IM At / WITH ESf my hand mdn O fgeau Yrc .«. .r.11S �•Y, 4 3 1 ,� _ .. i .i. au f �.,`Ip `111 _.� uE� E r�', iF-ur � ^ ' P a i x .X,. g..a a �� � r i .EVEN PROPERTY LINE 8 EASEMENT NOTES PROPERTY LINES AND EASEMENTS ON THIS MAP ARE BASED ON THE TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY NONE DATED IF THERE IS NO TITLE REPORT LISTED ABOVE , THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED FROM AVAILABLE CITY OR COUNTY RECORDS AND RdM SURVEYING INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE' FOR EASEMENTS NOT SHOWN OR PROPERTY LINES IN DIVERSE LOCATION FROM CITY OR COUNTY RECORDS. BENCH MARK NEWPORT B.M.,3r782 ELEV.= 5.13 MONUMENT NOTES FD. L 8 T L. S. 4599 1' °/S P. L. SET L&T L.S. 4653 1'0/3 P.L. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL2.OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT a NB LLA 88-2 STANDARD LEGEND BLOCK WALL RETAINING WALL CHAIN LINK FENCE WOOD FENCE ROD IRON FENCE CURB — WOOD 41= BRICKS " CONCRETE A.C. ASPHALT CONCRETE T. C. TOP OF CURB F.L. FLOW LINE F.S. FINISHED SURFACE F. H. FIRE HYDRANT RP POWER POLE, W. M. WATER METER G. M. GAS METER PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF �'U►1 rGa-4111�_ DATE RON MIEDEMA L.S.4653 REVISIONS _1 BY R M' r` 0 ti N W O.. Saw > M t > uw Q co t=', = W Za z — d rY to Q z N N _ O W 0 W cr IL W m n. U_ Z Q `J 0 a- 0' F— , lR - t s- co ZN aam .O N v v �� � ' ^ H �.&A Z TMac: U I i Data 'r Scale Dawn jo0''' 1 ShHt •) �_t. i _� ,. .,. .. - _ .. ._ - �.. ._,