HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 PARK NEWPORT PROJ FILE 3I II�IIII IIII III alll IIIIIII Ilnl*NEW FILE* 1 Park Newport Proj File 3 t STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office Page 1 of 4 200 Oceangate, Sufte 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802.4302 Date: November 24, 1999 (502) 590.5071 Permit No: 5-99-036 BY PLANNING ED P,ARTMENT COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITTY oc ,\iEwhrurT r DEC 16 i'H'03 PM On 13 July 1999, the California Coastal Commission granted to AM to G Associates, Inc Coastal Development Permit 5-99-036, subject to the..�at aciKe�I' I I"I Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: Bluff~stabilization to protect existing development through the addition of slope drainage improvement structures at two bluff top locations facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. The development includes repair to the eroded bluffs including 100 cubic yards of grading, installation of two concrete interceptor ditches, connection of the interceptor ditches to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" corrugated steel pipe, installation of one retaining wall to support the drainage ditch, and concrete encasement of a concrete -filled sand bag retaining structure to reduce water infiltration and direct runoff into the interceptor ditches. More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 1 Park Newport, Newport Beach. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission or PETER DOUGLAS By: Executive Director Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance ... of any permit ..." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). Date Signature of Permittee COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-99-030 Page 2 of 4 Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the parmittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Inspections, The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 11 A. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, a qualified biologist shall determine the presence of California I 2. 3. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-99-036 Page 3 of 4 gnatcatchers at and in the vicinity of the project site. If breeding California gnatcatchers are present at or in the vicinity of the project site, project construction shall be halted. Commencement of the project may begin after the completion of the California gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15). -No work may recommence, after being stopped, during the California gnatcatcher breeding season without an amendment to this coastal development permit or a new coastal development permit. B. If construction commences during the California gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15) all site preparation, grading and construction activities for the proposed development shall be monitored on -site by a qualified biologist. The biologist shall have the express authority to halt all work at or in the vicinity of the project site should California gnatcatchers be discovered. REQUIREMENTS TO AVOID CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO SENSITIVE Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub shall be avoided. In order to accomplish this objective the following shall occur: 1) all construction materials and equipment shall be staged landward of the bluff, in existing developed areas only; 2) access to the construction sites shall occur from the top of the slope, through existing developed areas only. No work shall occur from the bluff face below the proposed development and no equipment access shall be allowed from the bottom of the slope; 3) temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to exclude any activity in sensitive habitat — the location of the fencing shall be installed consistent with the recommendations of a qualified biologist; 4) erosion control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include the following, at minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags high) at the edge of slope to prevent runoff/sediment transport over the top of the slope; plastic barrier fencing around the limits of construction areas; pre - construction meeting to review procedural and BMP guidelines; 5) construction equipment, materials, and debris shall be removed at the conclusion of construction; 7) Excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone, may require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. Any such change shall be identified by the applicant in a written statement submitted to the Executive Director for review and approval and/or a determination as to whether changes are substantive and require a new coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. IMPACTS — A. PR/OR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a plan demonstrating that the color and texture of the structure will be compatible with the adjacent bluff face and native vegetation. The plan shall demonstrate that: COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-99.036 Page 4 of 4 1, the structure will be constructed with concrete that has been colored with earth tones that are compatible with the adjacent bluff face and vegetation, 2. white and black tones will not be used, 3. the color will be maintained through -out the life of the structure, and 4. the structure will have a non -reflective texture to match the adjacent bluff face. B. The permitter shall undertake development In accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 4. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY A. By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees (i) that the site may be subject to hazards from landslide/slope destabilization; (ii) to assume the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted development; (iii) to unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury or damage from such hazards; and (iv) to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or damage due to such hazards. B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, In a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director incorporating all of the above terms of this condition. The deed restriction shall include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel. The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not be removed or changed without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit. KFS: GtTERMITM6.99.036 Won baker permit.doc PROJECT LOCATION UNIVERSITY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH VICINITY MAP PARK. NEWPORT APARTMENTS TEMPORARY EROSION REPAIR GRADING PLAN LOCATION RT FE PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS N SCALE: 1" = 200' GENERAL NOTES GRADING NOTES GRADING NOTES EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH 1. GRADED SLOPES .SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 .16. WHEN CUT PADS ARE BROUGHT TO NEAR GRADE THE ENGINEERING In case on emergency call ANDY DODGE MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT AND SPECIAL VERTICAL. GEOLOGIST SHALL DETERMINE IF THE BEDROCK IS EXTENSIVELY (Responsible person) PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) REQUIREMENTS TO THE PERMIT. FRACTURED OR FAULTED AND WILL READILY TRANSMIT WATER. IF at (949)644-4209 OR CELL PHONE (949)795-1240 2. FILL SLOPES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 90 PERCENT CONSIDERED NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS (24hr. phone no.) 1. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND/OR 2. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING AND/OR - DUST PALLIATIVE. RELATIVE COMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISHED SURFACE. ENGINEER, A COMPACTED FILL BLANKET WILL BE PLACED. STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE the undersigned civil engineer will review erosion control work. AVAILABLE RECORDS. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY OF IRVINE 3. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE DURING THE 3. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 17. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL PERFORM PERIODIC INSPECTIONS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ACCURACY OR MICHAEL J CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. J. MORSE PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION AS DETERMINED BYASTMTEST METHOD 1557,, DURING GRADING. COMPLETENESS OF THE LOCATION OR THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE UTILITY AND/OR STRUCTURE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. THE PERFORMED APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF 18. NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE: IF, IN THE COURSE OF (Print Name) (Signature) (Date) CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE ALL DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEANS TO PROTECT 4. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST TO THE OVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT FULFILLING THEIR RESPONSIBILITY, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, THE SOILS THE UTILITIES OF RECORD OR NOT OF RECORD OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. FRIDAY; 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAY; AND NO WORK ON SUNDAYS OR APPLIED TO THE FILL' AREAS. ENGINEER, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST OR THE TESTING AGENCY FINDS HOLIDAYSPERSECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. M TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANS ARE REQUIRED FROM OCTOBER 15 TO THAT THE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MAY 15. 2. RELOCATION OR REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY 5. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER 4. AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND APPROVED GRADING PLANS, THE DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVELOPER. SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. DEBRIS, SCARIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING TO THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE GRADING 2, EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON -SITE BETWEEN PLACING OF THE FILL. _ WORK. AND TO THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15. 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL SATISFY HIMSELF AS TO THE GRADING 6. THE STAMPED SET OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT CORRECTIVE MEASURES, IF NECESSARY, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AS PART OF HIS BID. ALL TIMES. 5. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT MATERIAL. CITY GRADING ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 3. BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHENEVER. THE FIVE-DAY 4. IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE GRADING CONTRACTOR NOTIFY THIS PRIVATE ENGINEER 7. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND 6. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR DOCUMENTATION PROBABILITY OF RAIN EXCEEDS 30 PERCENT. DURING THE ,REMAINDER OF BY CALLING AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE GRADING PROTECTING UTILITIES. REMOVED BEFORE ANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED. THE YEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, OPERATION IN ORDER THAT THIS OFFICE MAY PERFORM A FINAL INSPECTION TO 1. AN AS -BUILT GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CIVIL WHENEVER THE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50 PERCENT. COMPLY WITH OUR GRADE CERTIFICATION" COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF IRVINE. 8. APPROVED DRAINAGE PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE 7. ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR ENGINEER INCLUDING ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, AS -GRADED CRUSHED IN PLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, LOT DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND LOCATIONS, 4. LANDSCAPING PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL, WORK 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATION. AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL SURFACE AND SUB -SURFACE DRAINAGE COMPLETED AND A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE RECEIVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. 9. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED INCOMPLIANCE 8. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL, AFTER CLEARING FACILITIES. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT THE WORK WAS GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO CLOSURE OF PERMIT, UNLESS WAIVED BY THE AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN CANYONS, INSPECT EACH CANYON DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND CITY GRADING ENGINEER. 6. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING FOR AREAS OF ADVERSE STABILITY AND DETERMINE THE PRESENCE OF, OR STATE THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF CUT/OR FILL MOVED DURING THE NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR OFFICIAL. POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE ACCUMULATION OF, SUBSURFACE WATER OR SPRING OPERATION. 5.- TEMPORARY DESILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND USES OF THESE PLANS. ALLL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BEWRITING FLOW. IF NEEDED, DRAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PLANS ANDD THE CITY 10. HAUL ROUTES FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE OF IRVINE. APPROVED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN EACH RESPECTIVE CANYON. 2. A SOILS GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER, _ i ., WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. INCLUDING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATION OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS, D I WE 9. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE SUBDRAINS SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE SUMMARIES OF FIELD AND LABORATORY RESULTS AND OTHER'V Lr� I FIELD, FOR LINE AND GRADE. DATA AND COMMENTS ON ANY CHANGES MADE DURING 11. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDING AND . SUBUndergroundSerVICe Alert SLOPE AREAS.`' GRADING THEIR EFFECT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE SOILS OR 10. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN gEF E Yp MINIMUM OF 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE APPROVAL AS TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE. " ` Call: TOLL FREE CITY OF NEWPOM tie, 12. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION SOILS ENGINEER. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF V� AND COMPLETION OF WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JOB Q' CONTROL DEVICES -ON -SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN ����. �' COMMUNITY DEVEIGI�� 6fON FORFEITURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE CLEANUP DEPOSIT. CONCRETE FLAT WORK PLACED OVER UNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE SPECIFICATIONS. TESTING. 1-800 13. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF PVC OR ABS PLASTIC 3. A GEOLOGIC GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERING ����� 422-4133 This set of plans & specifications must be kept on the job at all times AND EITHER ASTM DRAINAGE ASTM DSHAL ASTM CONSIST OF OR ASTM D1785. 11. THE STOCKPILING OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY GEOLOGIST; INCLUDING A FINAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE and it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations on same without GRADING ENGINEER. SITE, INCLUDING ANY NEW INFORMATION DISCLOSED' DURING THE GRADING written permission from the City of Newport Beach Community Development AND THE EFFECT OF SAME ON RECOMMENDATIONS INCORPORATED IN THE Department. The stamping of this plan & specifications SHALL NOT be 14. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE SHALL 12.. LANDSCAPING OF ALL SLOPES AND PADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG APPROVED GRADING PLAN. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL AS TO held to permit or be an approval of the violation of any provisions of any BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS OR STORM DRAINS. ALL CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE AS AFFECTED BY City Ordinance or State Law. MATERIAL AND WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. NBMC 17.32.020. GEOLOGIC FACTORS. 13.-ALL CUT SLOPES SHALL BE INVESTIGATED BOTH DURING AND AFTER PLAN INDEX GRADING Y AN REOUIRED " INSPECTIONS PROBLEM .BXISTSENSIHOULD EXCAVATIONTDISSC SERANYTO DETEMINEGEOLOGICALIF ANY HIAZARDS LITY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES OR. POTENTIAL GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL - CUT FILL SHEET NO'. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. A PRE -GRADING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO RECOMMEND AND SUBMIT NECESSARY TREATMENT TO THE CITY GRADING START OF GRADING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, GRADING RAW QUANTITIES 100 CY TITLE SHEET 1 Section 4216/4217 of the Government Code requirg�__s..`` D*�gg Alert Identifi- TY ENGINEER. FOR APPROVAL. cation Number be issued before a "Permit to Excd�t�h hMaoo V4I €^iat Of ae CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, GEOLOGIST, CI CONSTRUCTION NOTES, QUANTITIES, AND DETAILS 2 GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD 14. WHERE SUPPORT OR BUTTRESSING OF CUT AND* NATURAL SLOPES IS. MITIGATION _ NOTES 2A p ew INSPECTIONS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE -MEETING. TOTAL EXPORT: IDO CY, TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 ermi8 no. DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILs COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES 2B Two working days before you dic 2. A PRE -PAVING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START ENGINEER; THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL OBTAIN APPROVAL OF DESIGN, LOCATION NOTE: COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES 2C CONSTRUCTION. AND CALCULATIONS FROM THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO SITE »A„ GRADING PLAN 3 I Bye OF THE SUB -GRADE PREPARATION FOR THE PAVING WITH THE FOLLOWING QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, PAVING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, ONLY AND DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR SHRINKAGE/BULKING OR REMEDIAL SITE » T GRADING PLAN 4 15THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND SOILS ENGINEER, CITY GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. GRADING. SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS. Dates . REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTORS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. STORM DRAIN PLAN 5 TEST THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL BUTTRESS FILLS AND ATTEST TO THE � - ALL WORK PROPOSED IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE SHOWN . STABILITY OF THE SLOPE AND ADJACENT_ STRUCTURES UPON COMPLETION. BASIS OF BEARING: dffi_� . T,V",Jq CROSS SECTIONS 6 ON THE GRADING PLANS. THOSE ITEMS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN WILL. SW THAT CERTAIN COURSE ALONG THE WESTERLY.LINEREQUIRE A SEPARATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. OF LOT 3 IN TRACT 6947 IN THE CITY OF NEWx``BEACH, CALIFORNIA IN BOOK 255, PAGES" 8-12 a a �m;� GRADING PERMIT N0.___G9800 - ___ SHOWN AS N12'47'46!'E QR Nq PLAN PREPARED BY: GEOTECHNI H�HJUANTCOAPIS RANOENGINEERCA., 92675 ING, INC. �AS.ID�Y ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY 1970 '- DEVELOPER: PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS pFESS/0 / 2 PASEO ADELANTQ SUITE C A I : ;��f ADDRESS: 1 PARK NEWPORT DRIVE PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT NO. 9(zagy. BNEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Robert Bein,lPilliam Frost &Associates 14) 487 DATE: INT RS; QTJgNHEAST ALONG OF JAMBOREE RG AD, 500RIF. W �T OFE PHONE: (714) 720-220o EROSION REPAIR PLAN 34460 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYOR C'EiJT,LINE OF BACKBAY DRIVE, 1 FT. NORTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SHEET P.O. BOX 57057 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, MARK H HERI N GE 397 x° r S CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 (714) 472-3505 GEOL L FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. OF ;TH gE50UT�, END OF A" CONCRETE HEADWALL OF A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF NEWPORT BEACH No. 5,��, TITLE SHEET iC Exp.s-so-ot 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C A`GdNCR'E E`.PJPE CULVERT, AT THE JUNCTION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-1, INST. NO. REV WED BY: SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675 - SAC/ Y DRIYE''�,ND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD. 94-0092253 O.R. AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, 1 �j9TFOF CIAL�E�DATE: S !6 % (714) 487 DATE: R zl EE-N GNATION: NB4-30-70 TRACT N0. 6947, M.M. 285/8-12 wP . - E 4.9. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH QF N0. REVISIONS SHT. NS, APPR. DATE MICHAEL J. RSE R.C.E: O. 51271 PAUL A. SETH CEG 1 153 arNG-D.Z9/190 CS ADJ. PROJECT ACREAGE _ ACRES 6 AUN 1 s igcm i E 0 CONSTRUCTION QUANTITY SUMMARY CONST. NOTE NO. ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY GRADING OCLEAR, GRUB AND PREP AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE 2 LS HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. OPREP EXISTING SAND BAG SLOPE AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 1 LS AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. O3 CONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 1800 SF LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. OCONST. CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 1200 SF LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. O5 CONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. 3 EA OCONST. 8" MASONARY BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYPE "B" PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 200 SF STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-A AND STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-B. BLOCK TYPE & COLOR PER OWNER. STORM DRAIN 10 CONST. 12" C.S.P. (12 GA GALVANIZED) STORM DRAIN 11 CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING SD PIPE AND INSTALL 24" CSP (12" GA GALVANIZED) RISER CLEAN-OUT/JUNCTION STRUCTURE AND SLURRY BACKFILL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE AND DEPTH OF EXISTING PIPE AND JOIN PRIOR TO ORDERING OR FABRICATING CSP RISER AND SD CONSTRUCTION NOTE: QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES. 6" HIGH CONC. BLOCK DIVERTER\ (SPLASH) WALL PER PLAN CONTINUOUS ALONG LIMITS OF DITCH CONSTRUCTION EXIST. TOP OF SLOPE/RIM PER PLAN E 1-0" 1 VAR I I v' 17 a v . •o 0 „ EG A7 X �N4' AF L qR ` MIN e RIM PER PLAN VARIES 286 LF 1 EA 6" � MIN i e f �XA.- JP� �+ 7" w +.� MIN 6"x6" - W1.4 X W1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH (W.W.M.) 1 v. a CONCRETE CUT-OFF WALL 3 - #4'S W/ VERT #4'S 012" O.C. • -0" MIN. WN6NOTES• MI 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ULTIMATE COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 2500 PSI. CONCRETE MAY BE PNENMATICALLY PLACED AND SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 2621 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 2. GROUND SHALL BE PRE -WETTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. MOISTURE LOSS RETARTANT SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER. 3. CONCRETE SURFACE SHALL BE ROUGHENED TO REDUCE GLARE (COARSE BROOM FINISH). 4. CONCRETE COLOR: WINTER BEIGE (#6063 BY L.M. SCOFIELD CO.). n3 INTERCEPTOR DITCH DETAIL _ NOT TO SCALE These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington Engineering, Inc. Rv Date: G.E. 6X6 W2.0 X W2.0 WELDED WIRE FABRIC PLACED SLAB HELD SECURELY IN PLACE DURING CONCRETE PLACEMENT. n 1 FILL CONTROL cif JOINT WITH '1 / EPDXY f*v CL i- -1 CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR > DITCH PER DETAIL 5 CONTINUE W.W.M. , 4t4 BARS CC...... U INTO DITCH 12" MIN. P EXISTING RETAINING WALL EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL JOIN ELEV TOP ELEV------1 PER PLAN PER PLAN 2% MIN ! X- x- X �i .1— I: CONTRACTOR TO PREP SLOPE FACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION AND TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. EXISTING CONCRETE FILLED SANDBAG SLOPE �" X 6" - W2.0 X W2.0 W. W.M. I" BEND INTO SLOPE LINING #4 BARS ® 18" OC 1 SECTION A -A .`O / ^ #4 0 18" Q.C. / #4 CONT TOP & BOTTOM TYP. 1'-6" MIN. ' • EMBEDMENT INTO SOIL SLOPE BELOW I • -1 SANDBAGS I #4 CONT 0 12" O.C. TYP. i SLOPE LINING TOE -DOWN/ ANCHORS CONTINUOUS \ 3" C-R. TYP. / 12" TYP• NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ULTIMATE COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 2500 PSI. CONCRETE MAY BE PNUENMATICALLY PLACED AND SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 2621 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 2. REINFORCING SHALL BE 6" X 6" - W2.0 X W2.0 WELDED WIRE MESH (W.W.M.) 3. GROUND SHALL BE PRE -WETTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. MOISTURE LOSS RETARTANT SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER. 4. CONTROL JOINTS 20' O.C. MAXIMUM. CONTROL JOINTS TOOLED TO 1" DEPTH. 5. CONCRETE SURFACE SHALL BE ROUGHENED TO REDUCE GLARE (COARSE BROOM FINISH) 6. CONCRETE COLOR: WINTER BEIGE (#6063 BY L.M. SCOFIELD CO.) TEMPORARY CONCRETE SLOPE LINING_ DETAIL 4 NOT TO SCALE DITCH FL LEGEND SYMBOL: EXPLANATION (SD) EXISTING STORM DRAIN SD PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (XXX.XX) EXISITNG ELEVATION XXX.XX DESIGN ELEVATION FL FLOWLINE FG FINISHED GRADE FS FINISHED SURFACE INV INVERT RW RETAINING WALL WLOL WALL LAYOUT LINE TOP TOP OF SLOPE TOE TOE OF SLOPE Op PROTECT IN PLACE O REMOVE EXISTING IMPROVEMENT AND DISPOSE OFFSITE GB GRADE BREAK HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT CSP CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE GB GRADE BREAK DITCH RIM ELEV. 'A' DITCH FL 1-1, A, D1, D2 L1L2 PER PLAN L 61- iL D1 L2 SECTION B-B 10'-0" 10'-0" TRANS FL TRANS FL �2 South Coast Distridt Office AMOVED b m 9 s® 3 Permit No Byt EFFECTIVE a C Hate: SEES COUNTY OF ORANGE PF&RD PLAN STD. PLAN NO. 1305 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 5 INLET DETAIL NOT TO SCALE - EESSIONPLAN PREPARED BY: Q�p,f a M�Fy Robert Bein,A'21liam Frost & Associates nR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATEP.O. BOX 57057 • 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 No. 51271 DRAWN BY: LSL 11-98 (714) 472-3505 E1qxc-30-01 * DATE fT Off! DESIGNED BY: MJM 11-98 DATE: EoF CAVE DATE NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LOT 11-98 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. N0. 51271 9 199y COMMISSION SEP 0 3 1999 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN CONST. NOTES/QUANTITIES AND DETAILS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 2 OF 6 113MGATiOS'iMONITQ1tNGANDREPORTiNGP_ROGRAhlSUM?*IARY" :rtllliGA7 Oit1r40N1I6R1iiGANQRBPORTINGPAOGRAh4SUhlhiARY - NE(:AfIYFDF,CLARATION - __' NFGAT"..DVCi.ARATION Newport Grading Project i - Pant N wpan Castling Project ..Park Park Newport Aporlaxnts - to Park Newp tit AAortrncn Octol r ! 9, ! 948 19 Iri9 Gctori�v 8 - .mean lmptmm�L�itiRa btetisad nt Timing ttf Raspontibta Persou, -, VeriReation '- lmple tics R Respasnfbte Person - e inn Thsdn or DDate MITIGATION MFASURFS - - _ - Action -'. VMrication - - .=' Verification ".'. - Date do ` MI'D AT'tOFtIViFdrSURT'A _ _, _ Attrsat YeriTtatLtn Yrrilkntirm Date O verification fit. GEOLOGIC PROBLFWS(Eerth)- '- V 'M annual inspordon of Qui tvtnpetai fie iliaa'shelf k., Conditioner '- _ Fans - ch&* " and - tior" monttorim -. Publk Works . _ _�NAISB - )6. 2ornpiemd by a registered geologist. The faellitrcs shag h infected ;Aptir"d- _- teutitte monitoring by - -est lisped prior to ihf !kq>aRmrnt ., SAiewnwY)astwtivttp'ihpn be Nensc$ ioaGde lgwa alltssJ- •. Gmd'Niaeaf- Pmid Chock- Pow tothe isawrne of Stowing Apartment . , dating April or May of tech yw. The multi of oi_c inspection skad be - _ - l�r Y vwier _" L"trinte of gm(fing ,- by ek City sf Wcwpat f#eCch 1'fdaoChf3iRanoe Ssntioti}tL1X R46 &'oding Penton _ subrntued to the 0y of Newport Beach Public Works Director for _ '- >�-.- ' - µmoil '.- - .. _ .., mittic Defoe June 1.. Should h be deivmmtnad that Qso is --.- - '_ . continuing to stuff,' hood upon the mutts of the annatl irfspocliom, - - ` ..- .. - lusher 2mcdlal 'gntdingJeonrtractiar work than � bc' ?'d. as _ - - ,. dal. -. - AFC- _ Jctertni[rcd by the Pu c Narks Oirccmr, All tcaiediai work rryuirul - - _ .:. t+$Dt aml' ial' '" :.- - _ ; Ciptditiat of " P4nCh, �. Print to elm issonnee or Build rig Ueponmets by the City shalt be eindpided by Novutnbur.l of that year . - - _ - .- - - - 7 - -. Wu9tJa a fougtt:suffaoC rat ths'rwxnacK aprvst 10 nutRttursr, Ap gnnGng prnnit and , the Planning . _ f gtae I'kinuutamt' - - - 2. _ Tlkt cmutnfctsal faciiitisx shag Cx touteneiy dkfRttimtab by CpM#ionof" - --Han tTn1c rand _ Pralownin watuttng :" Pattie Works - - - . X1Y ,C1ft.TUlUtrtth"4dUltC1'9.b`,y . - . ' - the owneras aermined b the City or Scud Public t>•�nY Sic Y !Y t-it�*td � - - - A- rouitita tnonit m+nC b�' estufdishaJ prioiro llx - G.-(iamm�n - Woks 6epannKhl. '_ . :. - - 'Plolvs! a4mv, iscaaneq of gnditeg 5. - = =i4hiY to tYW issu ot. a- qe� im the pn>gxt dYuHtlannf IYt&mti .' of Priix to d.; iceuam'e td �' Piing'. Tkpon,nrnt .. - _ - ._ µmot - - - . apglicaim chap pmYkai e9ti non eridc_tes to thit Gly Haab . appmwi pakmash,gizt Jttointrl grading panttit and amlJing i1`y9r , . o tip a qualir+ed paf€eMaf�SB'ltns ltarp_w9mneJ_ tq. grk_taB .-k+ ryalimn sfw -, _ The project win rornply with tlic erosion and s0tabon- -.Cemd:tam or, b - planC 6,+ - Prior to the i."ourtm of Public Works acdv}tia and aM er,',and cataMtg+m - fossils-_m naewrY--The- .' .. corsrol rneastm of the City's grading ordinance and an appncatrk i0cal -approval - - - . grading pants _ _ Oepanmem - - . - - Pat eontotogist �Rtas Dd Visual m tow pra'ani'{inY.contesen<•a: short � , and State wing oaks artd seismic deaigeigenkVitrea. iactudngihe tttabBsb_ �_trovrdwes '. fdr won'heoto�+cabpaiapttolayat - City Excavation and Grading Code (NBMC, Section 131KJ4tt a - _ ." - .' .. suneillasom sad: Omit" establish. a t ooPeralian 9411% the- - avoiabie sections)_. -- - .- '- "rkuefaper, :pruceettuua(or'k!sgim-an`ly-hsihng'orvcdite�-tiol work to ,ptxmit sampfing. fdmtljTcatfar,-Andsealuadoft o(t11n (mesh.-br awjar - - - . as, W" ' - - iV. - WATER -,. :��: "-': TV. --� "-� , - - - - - -- ..,�' � - - , long-mrm boiling or sefi�tif d'dra�ng, lk Paleontologist 04 - - - - - - - report such towmv to the oj�4 devclopsv and to the OY of Nemi"t 4. - - ..Thu the p*-.1 shall 96till mi to the Natiosat Pollnfioh � _ t�diition of-, than Mwk Prior to tM isavariae of - PublicWorks - - . - - � Beak Vibe .pakgn[otapsl - sha>i iTs>mrane aPProp'ime "aciro:te. � hs Discharge Elimination System tNPOESj`requirtnxna snct'sl Bfto atrysovat gmdingpennk _ Dcpamtient coopemtipttviWthepiojatddvalopei.wN4huuVroptopaapleiatim+ suNcci to 1De opptovar of din Public Works Dcpvht9ttn alai. Jhe _ - - -. - - - smlfor salvage. Etttsvaw filiti, iw to offered to iha 0,V of A tta l"t- Building kkpamrxnr x Gty aathori7clf laiailing 1 ttghteer .. - - - Back or its ossignsta. an -a Brat-refuwl omit, lilt appfic:mt May moon amd laths if .muaR UMMMe is pri nthsi that they will be props ly _ - - prewved, in- Orsnge my. Coa. smart said, Ttab-are .or'tpxid . Vfl. BlOLtX;iCAL RbKOt3RC4•S - - sigrdkanu.ora Mutants 14,01utga Coumy irsfirales ailofit+; Wslwty, .. - .. -_ _ - _ - . &Aft r)ispiny Drat a this dtw_lhwhk* case iWrm tits# to iiiian d to - S, oangC e6wruction tmting shaft fta installed akft ik" condition or PtamChe k Prior to the lssrn my of Atblic Wait$ , - _ - .-the Cuy. or daigw. Tiers asdod� as well m fxw! stitiSaiian am! .. .. - ' edge or the coustal sage scrub habitat donest, to thhe,.his, stro0im area' appmvo(' . - - � gtadingpunnit ' Depmtmenl soil the , , , � (lisrat"an of tilt m,00ftw, own W subj9aa to Ric_ of the .City - prtar to the st.Vt-af CRP9IrUCllari. The vohSanwli {a•'�„'je yyjl[ ± yang. - .. - - PlaNdng Dcp u*W .. �apprroval or l4rwpod .BQA W4r: to ft Total or the Y.4ol; fi4mak the - - intrusion by conslatction wwkcrs and <goiliintal'ism the Ci an"t saga - - - "pskO+nidagtst 04 sobtni! B fbllos -vp sultan lot apprond by the City x-rub babiral. A bioioeut inmitiae witb totem sage, fcmils )iabliu - whkL;halt inc'iuJe the pasiatvCtmpnKiun.icaWagw and at:dyais of - dir[Y,1 OK locatmn of tbo csrtstmelion AAwing, TAe Tendril; A31,11 ire - - - - - she fossils tound.araf pmetwt tcirasAory ofdal 1MR& " - - Imi,nuined in plans ihrsmgfxn'u smak+n--Run. rn'rnht mwtrcfmtv%,d Mfx 56,4 all tnnatrwvhm o ao,opk`re,?. All etnnvnrclkM Offirklevx 0MA to _ -FitsSP•tiSt1'<XS11A#EI)44Pt.ANCOMV'1SNINNCi1PA#)CNI*11hfTMc#TAif . instnM vh era M enter ir4u [he, tvmviu! mow •cell itnl'rlinl Fuy,siat_ lithe - pugc l Pogo 2 LSA An.aate,, roc- F.n.irnnmenul Analyso - Tran,7.na1wn Lng:ner•,:a LSD 8iorngy and Wrelands Ilabimr Reurrmn.n - Rno.me Manarrmrm f:.mmYni,y and t.and Plamm�r . Landscepi Arckncn.rr ' An:harology and Palewn,loq, , j. July 19,1999 Mr. Ricbard Ellis PrrnrrP al, Cler70II Bfkw&Associates R.b hares " 201 Filbt:tt Bbaet - Le:la R.ady San Francisco, CA 94133-3203 n.l: rd rr.,n• Subject: Proposal to Provide Biological Services for Installation of drains and Walls x•.>r n•.t•brrrr n at Top of Slope Above Bw1bay Drive bet„ C✓mAnrm - Rnbpd Ifarkrkn Pot,, Ham, Dow - - A•, 1h1n118k4."n - "a -y K,•nnrnr, LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) is pleased to present thin proposal to (trusts] Baler & Associ- I /.,/I, ates �to� �id�e�n,ti,y.f�y the location of the protective fencmg and to determine whether tray Califor- (',:r./AI t o4rlr nis gnatcatchers my present in the vicinity at the time construction bell=. Those two items Rdl Ma.,, are part of the special conditions of Coastal Development Petnut Appheahon 5-99-036. Rub MJ am'? These special condLhWs also require a biologist to monitor the project if construd,011 takes b/IA, <: ,- P,f, P 1 he nesting (February through August Anrh.my P<nn> place seefOrl (Feb 1 i5). It is our D4.w', M: dlr, undontonding that construction is planned to begin after August 15.1999, almunsting the R„b ,e>:,n n L, need for a biological monitor. We expect this work to require between four and eight hours of time to attend the precon- stnichon meeting review the location of the fencing on site with the contractor, check the fence installation when complete to assum that it is irutalled per the requirements, and -134da survey for gnalsoatchers prior to work beginaing, We propose to acoomplish time tasks on an hourly basis in accordance with our Schedule of Standard Contract Provisions (attached). We estimate that a budget of S 600 will be sufficient to pmfotm these teals. We will not 7.,s• Lea ('hvnR, Pb n exceed this budget without Sint obtaining your permission. 1:rnrn tC CnnkLnr ' <.ary nurc /n.k L✓tl.n I Thank you " for "!` This from LSA. We look forward to workingwith you on ^""C proposal R:.Lod rn,k,.n this contract ifyou have any questions or would like to discuss this, please cell me at (208) Kn,n I "On, 457-8422. Fun4 Ha,rLnn - (.':nr K.rinrr Sincerely Rennin Lee 1.duh H AW mw tAA ITS, INC M W `Mill' O'C'onnrU A mY.1'4rca-Cbx , L)nrpr N,nek.0 . M.W.'"Biil" O'Connell Associate BiologistlRestoranon Ecologist Attectunent One P.rk Plaza, S.ur $00 Telepbone 949 fit-0666 loured m Rok,ley /none, Fasinote 969 M-3076 - Pt Richmond, Rtoe+sidr and S.,+amrnrn f-road ovotr lsatmLa-auocrnm 4' 2' 0' 4' 8' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 4' (HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL) Archaeological Resource Management ('orparation July 1,. 1999 City of Newport Beach Planning/Building Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92659-8915 Attn: ,Javier Garcia, Senior Planner Re: Park Newport Apartments (1 Park Newport) Dear Mr. Garcia: This letter.,is to inform you that Archaeological Resource Managemernrt Corporation'(ARMC) has been retained by Gerson Bakar rR Associates to provide archaeological and paleontological services during the grading for slope stability for the Park Newport Apartments. we will attend the pre -grade meeting and will set forth the controls to be maintained during grading as well as establish procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of cultural . and/or scientific resources. Carol R. Demcak, orange County certified archaeologist will supervise the archaeology. Milos Velechovsky, orange county certified paleontologist, will supervise the paleontology. If, in the course of grading, significant cultural or scientific resources are encountered, We will notify the Project Developer and the City of Newport Beach, and a plan of mitigation will be worked out for the specimens. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City of Newport Beach, or its designee, on a first -refusal basics. At the conclusion of grading we will prepare a report of the monitoring, which will include the number of hours worked, an inventory and analysis of the recovered specimens, and the name of the repository where the specimens w,ll be housed. Sincerely, Carol R. Demcak President/supervising Archaeologist Copy; Richard Ellis, Gerson Bakar; Locrie Ldusten, RBF 1114 N. Gilbert Street, Anaheim, Caljfornla 92801 Phone (714) 491-9702 Fax (714) 491 9766 Q\10EESSl0y9 PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert Bein, William Frost &Associates �n f1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE f"17 P.O. BOX 57057 • 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRONE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 ^' (714) 472-3505 No. 51271 a DRAWN BY; LSL . 11-98 1 Exp.9-30-01 * DATE DESIGNED BY: MJM 11-98 DATE: rjf OF C,A1.\F���� DATE NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY:' LDT 11-98 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. N0. 51271 South Coast District Office' COVED Q Permit Ro. By: EFFECTIVE CG Dater / / PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT N0. EROSION REPAIR PLAN 34460 SHEET MITIGATION NOTES 2A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF 6 v 0 0 z 0 i w 0 c a i 0 0 i CD q < f-, < z� L STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ' _ .:.WY DAVIS. Govemor 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) - 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION Page 2 of 12 Page 3 of 12 Page 4 of 12 South Coast Area Office- 200oceangate.Sufte1000 - - - 3. REQUIREMENTS -TO MINIMIZE VISUAL IMPACTS - Long Beach, CA9oeoz-4302 November 2, 19aw Maintenance Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport i1I, SPECIAL CONDITIONS - - Filed: .'January 26, 1999 COLOR AND TEXTURE PLAN 362) 590-5071 Apartments by Law/Crandall, Inc. dated August 29, 1994 (Project 2661.30777.0001); _ T u 2 4 e 49th Day: March 16, 1999 B/-Monthly Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments 180th Day: July 25, .3089 1. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION AND CONSTRUCTION PERIOD . A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the a �` by Law/Crandall, Inc. dated May 14, 1996 (Project 70131-4-0896.0006); Grading Plan applicant Staff: KFS-LB Review —Temporary Erosion Repair Portions of the West Facing Slope by Hetherington BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION shall submit, for the review and approvel of the Executive Director, a plan Staff Report: . June 24, 1999 Engineering, Inc. dated August 25, 1998. demonstrating that the color and texture of the structure will be compatible Hearing Date: July 13.16, 1999 that: with the adjacent bluff face and native vegetation. The plan shall demonstrate A. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, a qualified Commission Action: biologist shall determine the presence of California gnatcatchers at and in the vicinity of the project site. If breeding California gnatcatchers are present at or STAFF RECOMMENDATION' STAFF REPORT: REGULAR CALENDAR in the vicinity of the project site, project construction shall be halted. 1. the structure will be constructed with concrete that has been colored The staff recommends that the Commission adopt the following resolution: Commencement of the project may begin after the completion of the California with earth tones that are compatible with the adjacent bluff face and APPLICATION NUMBER: 5-99-036 gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15). No work may I. APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS commence during the California gnatcatcher breeding season without an vegetation, COLoR: W//✓TER BEr4E (#�oG3) BY L.M. ScoF/Ec0 cb. APPLICANT: Gerson Baker & Associates, Inc. amendment to this coastal development permit or a new coastal development 2. white and black tones will not be used, The Commission hereby GRANTS a permit, subject to the conditions below, for the proposed permit. AGENTS: Culbertson Adams & Associates, Inc. development on the grounds that the development will be in conformity with the provisions of 3. the color will be maintained through -out the life of the structure, and Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local B. All site preparation, grading and construction activities for the proposed development shall be monitored on -site by a qualified biologist. The biologist 4. the structure will have a non -reflective texture to match the ad' Hetherington Engineering, Inc. - government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program conforming latent to the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, and will not have any significant adverse shall have the express authority to halt all work at or in the vicinity of the bluff face. F/N/s/1: W Al iesE Bloom Fmt/si4- PROJECT LOCATION: 1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange effects on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. project site should California gnatcatchers be discovered. 2. REQUIREMENTS TO AVOID CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO SENSITIVE HABITAT B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bluff stabilization to protect existing development through the II. STANDARD CONDITIONS: final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to addition of slope drainage improvement structures at two bluff top locations facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. The development includes repair to the eroded Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on site coastal sage scrub shall be avoided. the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final pan shall occur PP 9 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit.is not valid and development shall In order to accomplish this objective the following shall occur: 1) all construction without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless bluffs including 100 cubic yards of grading, installation of two concrete interceptor the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, materials and equipment shall be staged landward of the bluff, in existing developed ditches, connection of the interceptor ditches to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is areas only-, 2) access to the construction sites shall occur from the top of the slope, 4. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY corrugated steel pipe, installation of one retaining wall to support the drainage ditch, returned to the Commission office. and concrete encasement of aconcrete-filled sand bag retaining structure to reduce through existing developed areas only. No work shall occur from the bluff face below the proposed development and no equipment access shall be allowed from the bottom A. B acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees G) that the water infiltration and direct runoff into the interceptor ditches. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from of the slope; 3) temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to y p 9es 9 the date this permit is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a g shall be installed site may be subject is hazards fromproperty atislandslide/slope destabilization; lip} to assume p P exclude any activity in sensitive habitat —the location of the fencing the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION:- The main issues of this are application diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for consistent with the recommendations of a qualified biologist; 4) erosion p extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted construction adjacent to an ESHA, visual impacts, and geologic hazards. Staff recommends approval of the proposed project with four special conditions, as follows:or sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include.the development; (iii) to unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability PP P P P 1 P 3. Compliance. All develo ment must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set _ against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury e 1) Requirement for pre -construction and construction period biological monitoring; 21 p prevent r no minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags hpe; la the edge of slope to damage from such hazards; and (iv) to indemnify and hold harmless the forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. prevent runoff/sediment transport over the top of the slope; plastic barrier fencing Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Requirement to avoid impacts upon sensitive habitat areas; 3) Minimization of visual Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff around the limits of construction areas; pre,construction meeting to review procedural impacts; and 4) Assumption -of -risk deed restriction. and may require Commission approval. and BMP uidelines; 5) construction equipment, materials, and debris shall be removed Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, 9 demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such at the conclusion of construction; 7) Excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a damage due to such hazards. LOCAL APPROVALS RECEIVED: City of Newport Beach Approval in Concept #1842-98; resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone, may require an amendment to this permit or Letter of no comment dated January 13, 1999 from the California Regional Water a new coastal development permit. Any such change shall be identified by the B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant Quality Control Board. 5. inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project applicant in a written statement submitted to the Executive Director for review and shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. approval and/or a determination as to whether changes are substantive and require a the Executive Director incorporating all of the above terms of this condition. The SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS: City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan; Coastal new coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. deed restriction shall include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel. Development Permit #5-97-250 (Park,Newport Apartments); Coastal Development 6.- Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, Permit #5-98-345; Negative Declaration, State Clearinghouse Number 98101084; files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project by J.E. Heppert & may affect the enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not Associates... dated June 1998; Letter from Ronald Rempel, California Department of 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be Fish and Game to California Coastal Commission... dated October 13, 1998; Letter perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future be removed or changed without a Commission amendment to this coastal 'from United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service to California owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. development permit. Coastal Commission dated May 5, 1999; Letter report from LSA Associates, Inc. to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dated May 25, 1999, titled Gnatcatcher Surveys on Bluff Sstlth Coast District iDiiv Below Park Newport Apartments; Letter from Culbertson, Adams & Associates to APPROVED ® ®� �` Commission staff dated November 24, 1998; Letter from Culbertson Adams & Permit No. Associates dated January 25, 1999; Conference Summary Erosion Control Retaining Wall Adjacent to Building 35 Park Newport Apartments by Law/Crandall... dated By: EFFECTIVE Date: 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 5 of 12 Page 6 of 12 . Page 7 of 12 Page 8 of 12 IV. FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS: e. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION ON PROJECT SITE Geologic conditions at the Park Newport Apartments site have been the subject of at least 47 significantly degrade those areas, and she#be compatible with the continuance of ( geologic reports since 1968. These reports have examined slope stability and documented those habitat and recreation areas. The Commission hereby finds and declares: Coastal Development Permit 5.98-345 ongoing bluff erosion, sloughing, and landsliding at the larger site occupied by the Park Newport Apartments complex as well as in the area of Sites A and B. A slope monitoring The subject site has sensitive coastal sage habitat on -site and is located adjacent to the Upper A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION On October 13, 1999, the Commission granted to Gerson Baker & Associates, Coastal program was in place sporadically between 1978 and 1994. Since 1994, monitoring has Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, an environmentally sensitive habitat area. A biological Development Permit 5-98-345 with conditions. The project involved the installation of two occurred more continuously on at least an annual basis. impact assessment titled Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project - Park caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations to increase bluff stability. The first retaining Newport Apartments... dated June 1998 was performed by J.E. Heppert & Associates of The proposed project is to install drainage enhancements to improve slope stability and wall included twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and Hetherington Engineering provided an evaluation of the proposed project in their letter Grading Mission Viejo (Exhibit 4). This assessment determined that coastal sage habitat exists on -site protect existing development located on an approximately 100 foot high, unstable coastal was approximately 150 feet long. The second retaining wall included six caissons placed Plan Review -Temporary Erosion Repair dated August 25, 1998. This geotechnical engineer and occurs adjacent to the proposed project element locations. This information was bayside bluff. The project involves the addition of slope drainage improvement structures at about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. No major states that several reports by LeRoy Crandall and Associates and Law/Crandall outline corroborated by a mapped coastal sage habitat delineation prepared by R. Mitchel Beauchamp two bluff top locations, Sites A and B, facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve earthwork was proposed and neither caisson retaining wall was to extend above grade. temporary and permanent mitigation measures to enhance stability of the bluffs. The of Pacific Southwest Biological Services, and field visits documented by the California (Exhibit 2). The applicant states the proposed project will take approximately one month to proposed project is considered a maintenance oriented structure designed to enhance stability Department of Fish and Game (Exhibit 5) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Exhibit 6). construct and that construction will begin immediately upon issuance of all required approvals. Issues explored included impacts upon sensitive habitat and geologic hazards. Special of the slope by improving drainage and decreasing erosion. Hetherington Engineering states conditions imposed included: 1) approval from the California Department of Fish and Game to that the proposed project is suitable, from a geotechnical standpoint, to provide such drainage In addition to on -site habitat, significant sensitive habitat and species are supported in UNBER, The subject site is located at 1 Park Newport in the City of Newport Beach; west of Back Bay proceed with work adjacent to an environmentally sensitive habitat area; 2) demonstration of and erosion control, adjacent to the subject property. The City's certified Land Use Plan addresses UNBER in the Drive at the northwest corner of San Joaquin Hills Road and Jamboree Road (Exhibit 1 and 2). compliance with geotechnical recommendations; 3) demonstration of an assumption of risk following manner: The proposed developments are to occur at the bluffs along the western property boundary. deed restriction; 4) requirements for avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of While the geotechnical consultant has found that the proposed project will perform its The applicants' property is developed with a large apartment complex on the bluff top west of erosion control/sedimentation best management practices during construction; and 5) an intended function, the proposed project is designed only to provide erosion control and The Reserve has been identified by the State Coastal Commission, State Department of Upper Newport Bay and the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (UNBER). Back Bay Drive informational special condition stating that any addition or change to the proposed project improved drainage which will improve bluff stability. However, the proposed development Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Southern California Association demarcates the western boundary of the applicants' property and separates it from Upper may require an amendment to the permit or a new coastal development permit. does not guarantee gross stabilization of the entire slope. In their August 25, 1998, letter, of Governments as a unique and valuable State resource. The upper bay Is an integral Newport Bay and UNBER. UNBER is owned by the California Department of Fish and Game Hetherington Engineering states: part of the Pacific Flyway, and the saltwater marsh, bay waters, and upland of upper (CDFG). All proposed work will occur solely on the applicants' property.' The work proposed in the present application was originally submitted as part of the Newport Bay provide habitat for 158 species of birds, of which 81 species are wading application for CDP 5-98.345. However, application materials for the sites that are the The intent of the improvements is to enhance surface drainage conditions by or water -associated birds. Rare or endangered birds utilizing the Reserve include the Two concrete interceptor ditches, one each at Sites A and 8, will.be constructed and subject of this application took longer to complete than anticipated. Due to safety concerns intercepting and directing surface water to an existing storm drain. These California Black Rail, which nests in pickleweed, sedges, sa/tgrass, and bulrush; connected to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" corrugated steel pipe (Exhibit 3). related to the timing of project implementation and the impending winter rain, the application improvements will enhance the stability of the natural slope in these areas by reducing Belding's Savannah Sparrow, which nests in pick/eweed,• Light-footed Clapper Rail, Approximately 100 cubic yards of material will be excavated during trenching to construct the was amended, omitting the now proposed work. Statements were submitted from the infiltration of water. It should be understood by Gerson, Baker and Associates and the which nests in pickleweed and cordgrass, California Least Tern, which lays its eggs in interceptor ditches. These soils will be exported from the site and disposed or reused outside geotechnical consultants for each of the sites demonstrating that the projects were separable City of Newport Beach that these improvements are beneficial in this regard but do not the sand, • and California Brown Pelican, which occasionally visits the upper bay for the coastal zone. The interceptor ditch at Site A will be approximately 130 feet long. The as they were neither functionally nor structurally related and could be implemented safely as render the natural slopes surf)cially or grossly stable and as such, the improvements purposes of resting and feeding. Also present in the Reserve are 18 species on the development will extend from approximately the 100 foot contour line just below the bluff rim separate developments. are subject to future damages resulting from gross or surficial slope instability. With Audubon Blue List a list of birds not considered rare or endangered, but which are to a bluff face terrace located along the 90 foot contour line. Construction of the interceptor the above in mind, the erosion repair plan is considered suitable from a geotechnical showing evidence of non -cyclic population declines or range contractions. Over 60 ditch will involve placement of approximately 1,800 square feet of concrete. In addition, Coastal Development Permit 5-97-250 viewpoint. species of fish and over 1,000 species of marine invertebrates have been reported in approximately 1,200 square feet of concrete will be placed between an existing retaining wall the bay. along the rim of the bluff and the new interceptor ditch. The concrete will encase an existing On September 9, 1997 the California Coastal Commission granted a permit (5-97-250) for Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the proposed project is not designed, concrete filled sand bag slope protection structure. This concrete paving is to provide slope- development at the subject property which included the construction of a caisson retaining nor will it provide, surficial or gross stability to the slope. Therefore, while the development The Land Use Plan goes on to state, in part: protection as Well as to create a concrete apron to reduce water infiltration and direct runoff wall, excavation and recompaction of 52 cubic yards of soil, and repair/replacement of a will enhance slope stability, the proposed structures may be subject to damage from surficial into the interceptor ditch. An approximately 30 foot long retaining wall will also be damaged drainage pipe. The approved development occurred along bluffs adjacent to Big or gross slope instability. Accordingly, the Commission requires, as a condition of approval Substantial sediment deposition has occurred in upper Newport Bay. Sources of constructed on the down slope side of the interceptor ditch as part of the foundation for the Canyon, on the northern side of the property. This work occurred to protect apartment unit (special condition number four), that the applicant record an assumption of risk deed sediment include... landslides, and construction projects. The occurrence of three interceptor ditch structure. The retaining wall will be approximately 6 feet tall, of which 4 3160, an existing structure. Special conditions included obtaining permission from CDFG for restriction acknowledging that landslide/slope destabilization hazards remain, even with extremely wet winters (1969, 1978, and 1980) resulted in the major transport of feet will be subsurface (Exhibit 3, page 2). the proposed work and incorporation of the geotechnical, recommendations made by the implementation of this project, and that the applicant and all landowners waive any claim of sediment to the bay. The extensive sedimentation that has occurred has adversely The interceptor ditch at Site B will be approximately 115 feet long and will extend from geotechnical consultant. - liability again the Commission. The Commission finds that, as conditioned, the proposed affected the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve due to loss of tidal prism. In project is consistent with Section 30253 of the Coastal Act. addition, suspended sediments can lead to reduction of photosynthetic activity and can approximately the 97 foot bluff face contour line to a bluff face terrace at the 95 foot contour C. HAZARD interfere with filter feeding mechanisms of marine life -forms... the City of Newport line. The interceptor ditch will result in the placement of approximately 800 square feet of D. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA Beach has participated in 208 planning studies to develop a solution to this problem. concrete. Section 30253 of the Coastal Act states, in part: This solution involves utilization of Best Management Practices (SMP's) to The drainage structures will be fitted with grated trash rack inlets to minimize water quality Section 30240(b) of the Coastal Act states: retain... construction sediment on -site... New development shall:impacts. Runoff entering the interceptor ditches will be directed to an existing 15 inch storm drain line which descends the bluff face and discharges into an energy dissi ator device a) Environmentally sensitive habitat areas shall be protected against any significant As outlined in more detail in the "Hazards" section of this staff report, the bluffs at the 9 gy ? (2) Assure stability and structural integrity, and neither create nor contribute disruption of habitat values, and only uses dependent on those resources shall be subject site have been subject to ongoing erosion and destabilization. The proposed project is located at the toe of the bluff on the bay side of Back Bay Drive. The existing storm drain line significantly to erosion, geologic instability, or destruction of the site or surrounding allowed within those areas. necessary to increase stability of the bluff and thus provide protection to existing structures is approximately equidistant, between Sites A and B. Connection from Sites A and B to the area or in any way require the construction of protective devices that would and adjacent environmentally sensitive habitat area. In the absence of remedial measures, soil existing storm drain line will occur via a 12 inch corrugated steel drain line. substantially alter natural /andforms along bluffs and cliffs. (b) Development in areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive habitat areas and parks saturation is expected to lead to continued sloughing and local failures, threatening the bluff and recreation areas shall be sited and designed to prevent impacts which would top apartment building. In addition, the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) expressed concern in their letter to Commission staff dated October 13, 1998, that continued PLAN PREPARED BY: PROJECT Q�oFEssloN9� PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 9 L Robert BeinWilliam Frost & Associates 3446( , PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS &SURVEYORS EROSION REPAIR PLAN tTt m - DATE H P.O. BOX 57057 •14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRNNE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 _ SHEET No. 51271 I - DRAWN BY: LSL 7_99 j (714) a7z-3sos COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES - Exp.9-30'01 * DATE �lgjFOF CIAO\F���� DESIGNED BY: MDT 7-99 DATE: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF 6 DATE NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: 7-99 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. NO. 51271 5-99-035 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 9 of 12 bluff instability would lead to impacts upon down slope coastal sage habitat. CDFG is supportive of the proposed work as a measure to reduce the possibility of.impacts upon sensitive habitat areas. Accordingly, the proposed project, which is designed to improve bluff stability, would be compatible with sensitive habitat, as it does not encroach into sensitive. habitat areas and is designed to prevent impacts upon sensitive habitat areas which may occur as a result of bluff destabilization. While CDFG is supportive of the concept of the proposed project, CDFG also stated that California gnatcatchers were observed in the project area during their field visit on October 8, 1998, which was outside the gnatcatcher breeding season. CDFG statedthatif construction occurred during gnatcatcher breeding season (generally February 1 through August 15). the applicant would be required to comply with the Federal Endangered Species Act. Since CDFG observed the presence of California gnatcatchers in the project area, and since . California gnatcatchers are a federally listed endangered species, Commission staff requested review of the proposed project by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Personnel from USFWS performed a field review of the subject site and required the applicant to do a focused gnatcatcher survey to determine whether gnatcatchers were nesting and breeding in the vicinity of the project site. Six focused surveys were performed during the gnatcatcher breeding season by LSA Associates, Inc. of Irvine, California. LSA Associates' letter report dated May 25, 1999, states that no gnatcatchers were observed in the vicinity of the project site during the protocol survey (Exhibit 7). Consequently, USFWS is not requiring the applicant to avoid construction activity during the gnatcatcher breeding season (generally February 15 through August 15 according to USFWS). The applicant has provided a recently conducted California gnatcatcher survey, and has consulted with CDFG and USFWS on the presence of gnatcatchers at the subject site. However, there are conflicting, results between CDFG's observation of California gnatcatchers on site, and the absence of such observations by the applicant's biologist. USFWS has indicated that the proposed construction activity may have adverse effects upon California gnatcatchers if they are in the project area during the breeding season. Therefore, given conflicting outcomes regarding the presence of gnatcatchers in the project area, but also given information recently gathered during the breeding season which indicates that gnatcatchers are not present at the site, special condition one requires that construction activity may only occur during the breeding season if a biological survey of the project area conducted immediately prior to construction shows that no gnatcatchers are present. if gnatcatchers are present, all work shall be halted and work shall be restricted to the period outside the gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15) unless an amendment or a new coastal development permit is obtained. If an amendment or new coastal development permit is sought by the applicant to allow construction to occur during the breeding season, pny such application must be accompanied by a plan to avoid impacts to the gnatcatcher, and 'evidence of review and approval of such plan by CDFG and USFWS. The applicant has proposed mitigation measures to avoid disturbance to sensitive resource areas. These measures are a part of the applicant's Mitigated Negative Declaration and in letters dated November 24, 1998 and January 25, 1999, from the applicant's agent to Commission staff. According to the documentation, all proposed work will be staged and implemented from the developed areas landward of the bluff edge. In addition, the biological assessment and coastal sage delineation demonstrate that no work will occur within the on - site coastal sage habitat and no coastal sage habitat will be impacted by the proposed development. As a preventative measure the applicant has proposed installation of temporary plastic barrier fencing to exclude activity in existing coastal sage habitat. A biologist with expertise in coastal sage habitat will direct placement of the fencing. In addition, the biologist STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOUR02 CALIFORNIA COASTAL soute Coast Ant Dtnoe 200 Ocsu+9ste, auks 1000 . Long beech, CA 90/024302 (562) 5904071 ADDENDUM TU• �4' C July 7, 1999 To: Coastal Commissioners and Interested Pardsti From: South Coast District Staff Subject: ADDENDUM TO ITEMS TU. 24.C., COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION 5.9"39 (Gerson Baker and Associates) FOR THE COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 13, 1299. - 1. Modification to Special Condition 1.6. Staff rocommends that special condition number t.b. to coastal development permit 6.99.036 be revised as shown below. The purpose of the revision Is to clarify that the Issue regarding the presence of gnatcatchers is focused upon impacts to California gnatcatchers which may be nesting or breeding in the project vicinity during the breeding season. The new language is shown in bold /relic and the language to be deiaied is In strike -out. . i B. ff construction commences during the, Ce,l/fornfa gnstcatcher breeding Seaton tFebruary t through August r5i Atli site preparation, grading and construction activities for the proposed development shall be monitored on -site by a qualified biologist. The biologist shall have the express authority to halt all work at or in the vicinity of the project site should California gnatcatchers be discovered. 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 10 of 12 will be on -site prior to construction activity to determine the presence of breeding California gnatcatchers. If gnatcatchers are present, work will not commence during the gnatcatcher breeding season unless an amendment or a new coastal development permit has been obtained. Finally, sedimentation/erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs), such as a pre -construction meeting to discuss implementation and adherence to BMPs, and placement of sand bag barriers will be used to prevent sedimentation impacts to on -site coastal sage habitat and UNBER. These.measures are required to ensure the proposed development is consistent with section 30240 of the Coastal Act, therefore the proposed measures are incorporated in special conditions one and two. The proposed project is necessary to control erosion, improve drainage and decrease saturation of the bluff. If left untreated, slope saturation will lead to collapse of bluff materials. Impacts to biological resources, including impact upon UNBER, will be reduced by implementing the proposed project. Therefore, as conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed project is consistent with section 30240 of the Coastal Act. E. WATER QUALITY Section 30230 of the Coastal Act states: Marine resources shall be maintained, enhanced, and where feasible, restored. Special protection shall be given to areas and species of special biological or economic significance. Uses of the marine environment shall be carried out in a manner that will sustain the biological productivity of coastal waters and that will maintain healthy populations of all species of marine organisms adequate for long-term commercial, recreational, scientific, and educational purposes. Section 30231 of the Coastal Act states: The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes appropriate to maintain optimum populations of marine organisms and for the protection of human health shall be maintained and, where feasible, restored through, among other means, minimizing adverse effects of waste water discharges and entrainment, controlling runoff, preventing depletion of ground water supplies and substantial interference with surface water flow, encouraging waste water reclamation, maintaining natural vegetation buffer areas that protect riparian habitats, and minimizing alteration of natural streams. Existing packed earth drainage structures discharge water through an existing drain line to UNBER. The proposed development will continue these discharges. The drainage basin for the existing and proposed drainage system is an approximately 0.11 acre landscaped area. No parking lots or street areas discharge through the existing or proposed drainage system. The proposed project will not change the quality of water discharged from the project site. In addition, the Regional Water Quality'Control Board has reviewed the proposed project and stated that no comments were required. The proposed development includes best management practices to reduce construction related sedimentation impacts to UNBER. In addition, trash grates installed on the drains of the proposed drainage ditches will catch any trash which might enter the drainage ditch and subsequently be discharged to UNBER. The ,proposed project will not result in impacts to water quality, therefore the Commission finds the proposed project is consistent with Section 30230 and 30231 of the Coastal Act. No. 51271 Exp. 9-30-01 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 11 of 12 F. VISUAL IMPACTS Section 30251 of the Coastal Act states, in part: The scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas shall be considered and protected as a resource of public importance. Permitted development shall be sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas, to min/mlze the alteration of natural land forms, to be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas, and, where feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality In visually degraded areas. New development in highly scenic areas... shall be subordinate to the character of its setting. The proposed development site is visible from Galaxy Park, a public coastal view area approximately one half mile west of the site. This view area is identified in the City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan as a significant public view area. In addition, pedestrians and cyclists using Bay Back Drive, presently a recreational thoroughfare which runs along the base of the bluff slope, may observe the project site. Existing development in the project area includes a concrete filled sandbag wall which retains soils on that part of the face of the bluff extending from the 100 foot contour line (i.e. lip of the bluff) to the 90 foot contour line (i.e. grade of proposed interceptor ditches) at site A. This existing structure degrades existing visual quality. The proposed project is the installation of interceptor ditches, a retaining wall, and a concrete apron to cover the existing concrete filled sandbag wall. These structures will occur in an area viewable from significant public viewing areas. The applicant has stated these structures are designed to reduce the collapse of bluff soils that scour away existing native vegetation and leave a denuded bluff face. Accordingly, the structures are designed to prevent degradation of the long term visual quality of the bluff. However, the proposed development will increase the visual mass of structures on the bluff face which would result in negative impacts to visual resources. This visual mass includes the placement of concrete at grade to construct the drainage ditches, construction of a retaining wall that will extend two feet above grade, and construction of a concrete apron that will cover an existing ten foot tall retaining structure. Without appropriate masking, these structures would not be subordinate to the charactet'of their setting. The applicant has proposed to texture the proposed structures in.order to reduce reflection and glare viewable from public areas. However, plans submitted do not demonstrate implementation of the proposed textured surface. In addition, if the color of the proposed structures is not compatible with the bluff face, then a textured surface would not be sufficient to mask the structures such that they were subordinate to their setting. Therefore, the Commission imposes special condition three which requires the applicant to submit revised plans that show that the proposed structures shall be constructed of materials designed to blend with the color and texture of the existing bluff face and native vegetation. As conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed development is consistent with Section 30251 of the Coastal Act to protect scenic quality in the area. G. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Section 30604 of the Coastal Act provides for the issuance of coastal development permits directly by the Commission in regions where the local government having jurisdiction does not have a certified local coastal program. The permit may only be issued if the Commission finds 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 12 of 12 that the proposed development will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare e Local Coastal Program which conforms with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. The Newport Beach Land Use Plan was effectively certified on May 19, 1982. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the certified Land Use Plan. Therefore, the Commission finds that approval of the proposed development will not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a Local Coastal Program (implementation Plan) for Newport Beach that is consistent with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act as required by Section 30604(a). H. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Section 13096(a) of the Commission's administrative regulations requires Commission approval of Coastal Development Permit applications to be supported by a finding showing the application, as conditioned by any conditions of approval, to be consistent with any applicable requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 21080.5(d)(2)(A) of CEQA prohibits a proposed development from being approved if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect which the activity may have on the environment. The project is located in an existing urban development that is immediately adjacent to an ESHA. The proposed development has been conditioned, as follows, to assure the proposed project is consistent with the resource protection policies of the Coastal Act: pre -construction and construction phase monitoring by a qualified biologist to ensure no take of California gnatcatchers occurs; avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosion controllsedimentation BMP's; color and texture requirements of the proposed structures; and an assumption -of -risk deed restriction. As conditioned, no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures are known, beyond those required, which would substantially lessen any identified significant effect which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission finds that the proposed project, as conditioned, is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative and is consistent with CEQA and the policies of the Coastal Act. 5.99-036 (Gerson Baker Assoc.) stf rot RC South Coast District Office APPROVED ®� 9 " o "' 6 Permit N By: EFFECTIVE Dates / - '" "`_ �_`.. 1.'DISTURBANCE TO SENSITIVE HABtTAT,ZINCLUDING ONSITE COAST7� SAGE-SCRUB, SHALL BE AVOIDED.. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY 01 ADHERE TO THE ;FOLLOWING PROCEDURES: ' Y - r � �� --�_ 4 �Y � _ -a)-ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND --EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE PLACED LANDWARD -OF THE BLUFF, IN EXISTING -IMPROVED OR - C / ORNAMENTALLY LANDSCAPED --AREAS ONLY, AND SHALL. E.REMOVED AT y �� R_ _' -- -""" - -- - �_� „" ----------. T '` THE CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION.-..'_'._" b) ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL OCCUR- Tom--THr--70P- OF THE SLOPE, THROUGH EXISTING" IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY LANDSCAPED AREAS ONLY. NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE BLUFF FACE AND NO EQUIPMENT ACCESS' SHALL BE ALLOWED FROM_THE --`— BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE. c) ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE DRAINAGE -IMPROVEMENTS, WHICH MAY REQUIRE -WORK FROM THE BLUFF FACE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY- USE OF HAND- EQUIPMENT ONLY. 1`� 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL -TEMPORARY -PROTECTIVE FENCING DURING -CONSTRUCTION TO EXCLUDE ANY ACTIVITY IN SENSITIVE HABITAT BELOW. " - ._,� ~, t ti _..-•_•�_. _ .,_`" -- .. 3.-"EROSION--CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION BEST NAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) SHALL BE AS -..FOLLOWS: aTHE CONTRACTOR _SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS (TWO BICGS HIGH MINIMUM) AT THE EDGE OF _THE -SLOPE TO PREVENT RUNOFF/SEDIMENT TRANSPORT OVER THE TOP OF THE SLOPE.-"' .M-•._�._.___,,, '`• _.._ "�-••,.�_ `"`�.�, `'`~-••"•.•~,.__� b THE' CONTRACTOR SHALL -PLACE- PLASTIC BARRIER FENCING AROUND ___......_•.. THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS. "` c) A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL TAKE PLACE TO REVIEW PROCEDURAL AND BMP GUIDELINES. -� 't f`'~ ` 3 `' '' -�, ._ - ""w"' ww ..,w ".-•w-- _r 4: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF EXCAVATION SPOILS AT A ` ` ..• LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE ANY CHANGE,; - INCLUDING CHOICE OF A DISPOSAL/REUSE SITE WITHIN THE COASTAL ZONE REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE COASTAL COMMISSION. j� t`Z-----.�• k. �- •-�_ _._ - _ -._._. _ __ _ - _ -- _ (91.0 RIM) x- -' - -�~.6 RIM)-`-"-_ (93.6 RIM) J) d _ i CONCRETE -EXIST TOP GB ti. v O + LIMITS OF X X ` �0 i SLOPE PAVING LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION' NOTES SLOPE PAVING E O CLEAR, GRUB AND PREP _ AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE- ° HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE- GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR.' —.•" PARK NEWPORT PROPERTY LINE"`�•.._� t �' -^� "" ....'_,__—.._••_-_"__^+.+.,,,. �"`..,_.„ /` �'-.. " �"�'•__"_",^'.._...._. ih"'+.sy� ���`—�� _...•�—ter.^".` ! t /� ''"'�,.�...._�;..,_---_.__._..�.•.�.-.__•"„"-�-•-� `,...���� �'".. !.t �'"_,,. ter' ._--__.__.-__ ____ -_„,_..,,,� `' - _._,___.—,...._. '^,,,•4 �,„�- _ ,_ _.- ,,,�.� _e«...__ b ..._._� tip,-`� 4 `r - RIM) '_,�.. t,,,, _ ` ,,-�. � �� '_'" �..--...may_ �'--.,,„„ C3 : ' �^"` -._.� �,•.'�...'-`^"-. »" (91.8 RIM) P SD PIPE �M r� 0 (91.5 RIM)._ G "' . (91.6 RIM) 6e. ---- - — v.' - i 1 - X x X x X X X X X F c ���.. -- - - �.. ^' - _.x MAT•, X" EXIST _ _ O' TOPJ �0�� t -__= _. _ _ BENCH.LIMITS OF.. P EXIST WALL,.. �O •., ` SLOPE, PAVING­-- 2 - 41 DO 2 PREP EXISTING SAND ,BAG SLOPE AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER P SD PIPE 3 ' O AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. 3f f' �_: ,, d _ ti �` t T' rr THIS PLAN E}A,§`_ BEEN ,REVIEWED it ° 3 CONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN J z% `f ti "' t LEGEND ii£THI RtAiGTON'-ENCsINEEFi,tvG, 1Nr, AND P '' J - S r>' 'APPEARS To BE ►Ed GENERAL COS; RTvI!TY E N LIMITS SHOWN HEREON.: C, ti O. ,! J a ' �' r . - _ i r \_ i; Ittll �i THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN OUR ON N R PE' PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON -SHEET 2 AND PLAN - = CONCRE Pk>rFRf8ENTATtON `AS TO 0 7-7 TE' INTERCEPTOR DITCH MITS ��E AKE N CO ST CO C ETE SLOPE h_ AG RACY OF:, LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. sr South C s f' :• . t ` `'. DLtMrNSt0NS MEASUREMENT-, CALCUr` _ Sou oast District Office o A CATIONS , AN PORTION OF THE c o O CONST. INLET TYPE V PER 'OC PF&RD STD. 'PLAN' NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL .ON SHEET 2. ' \. �{; r " CONCRETE SLOPE' -CONSTRUCTION. LIMITS DESIGt�t //qq i y a a r \ Sl ? APPROVED V {l K • * > `1 CRY CiEdi rCRj ±NE£ P@rmit No. 6 CONST. 8 MASONARY BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYPE, B PER CITY -OF NEWPORT.BEACH s ;, t �. r - nE No_ a STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-A AND STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-B. - s ;t 1 t : i _ - A• /" r -t X , X ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING (5' HIGH).'- GE Na r ``' TOBE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR r _ - f' r`, _ - o,,•s-• - i _'`- - . - - -�., '` ? r` - " - f�A - .— '! "''., - -_ EFFECTIVEG 71 a Enpbl�ert a r Of Dates . '� : - f �.• ' `4 `' �. PROTECT IN PLACE 5 Es rfa . ,!/,�S These plans' have been reviewed for I pare J 9 f 'th th d t' i con ormance wI a recommen a ions_ ; ` of the report(s) dated '':'.. Z PLAN PREPARED BY: PROJECT N0. .- . 5��� Q�oFEssinH �1�, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS M�p M°� cy Robert Bein,lPilliam Frost & Associates EROSION REPAIR PLAN 344 60 i yw�� : �r, L'` PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS suRVEroRs P.O. BOX 57057.14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVNE.' CALIFORNIA 92619 7057., SHEET DATE _ - a - ._ W ,I„ .., DRAWN BY: LSL - 11-96 H t7,4) 472ssos - _ SffE "A" GRADING PLAN 0 10 s 0. ' 10 zo No. 51271 Hetherington Engineering, Inc., * Exp. 9-�-� * �. DATE a By. - GRAPHIC- SCALE: ; 1", 1O' J} V �� . G.E. 'jfor DESIGNED BY: MJM 11-98 DATE CITY',OF NEWPORT BEACH DATE a Date:1- 1 ctuE�� f 0F' 6 N0. REVISIONS _ SFfI. NOS. APPR. DATE MICHAEL J. MORSE R.GE N0. 51271 CHECKED BY: LLT 11-98 z - - 11 ., .T - .. - . lit ♦. 4"} _ - - ('' , .. `1. ,- i l l .s`' _ __ I �• _ , .1 _ .�,.,Y.� ._. _ _ - [(� y� !ro £ �"`�_'' - -, `•__---_. ,-,iY•g'�Yi"'F�f 1"<-x '�'Y Y ' - ^+•__ - y - - .,,—..,m„— .•^•"'^"""_.- ..�-" .� �-__.--- _..-. ._..-_' - `�h -.- z�z z •ej_ �„J�_` ---- - III i /`� w,y­ II III IL IL II '�_"'._.-_. _�__ Jif' _._.-__ s — t1-'.var_ p TA `^g• %r- " i �{'7• ` : _��•• ,_---_�f_�� �__ — — I1 _ . T __ __ i.. _ . II _ r �� �^ _ _ - i `f t'�`-°'l..k"l r - - _ _ , . - 4 _ 1' . _ .,.;may-. - . r,� -- _ -' -- - - - , _ - . �,��J 1 �z- -4 ��, ` ` d+ L3� Aa ti f } _'. - .A,,. ",1-A _ - --.. ._._ ;- _ _-'-' — _� r I -I ` I +.«.,.,." .. .ice ,a k-" - °^^�•.��4,�'' ,i`P`•��a,..,'�`,•1 - - ... _..... __. ... _-'_.... � - - - .. - t-"-'�''�`�..'°,,A.st-hA•a.:,..Jl." to-a.�}'-••Tt✓".JI.'�x..1'••^�.Jz.•a'..'',.•' ..3..r"1`A.'_,rk.�• ' -'-_'� -i - - - -_ DRIVE -_---__—.,-- _ r t CK BAY � ^ >', _„.._......M, - - _ - ' _ - _....""-...,.,,.,.,.,,.._. - _,_- - ,'� �"�-o-^a_.e.......e.^'-.*--.-m,....,.,.,.,...•.,..«..................._,..... - `. ..._....mr»--^".""_'_'_"�">•.a' _ - - - _ I _:...-•--^'_„� - - ,."-„-.,._.. ... _��. _- .,, ' � _""'^'.,_„_ ' �i,,.- f ^`ram ! f _ - . -`- _ - - - __�-- � _ _ _ TE 0 , --_� __ . _� _,_ - EN R AL� -N 9 _.--~-, -,. --�. __-_ _ — - _ ^ 1 DISTURBANCE TO SENSITIVE" HABITAT NCLUDING ONSITE COASTAL . ` �'_�..... I ___ �4 - -- � ^_- M w '' SAGE SCRUB, SHAH BE AVOIDED. THE C_ONZRACIOR-SHALL STRICTLY' (3, ' _ _ `' ,✓ -- '_" -,- _-, _ �"_ - __ r __,_, -- __��_ ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES: _,.__.= =- 1 - -- _ '/ " - __•.._,_ - .PARK NEWPORT PROPERTY LINE___ --__-__�.__ Q _ s -».._,ry . . �. _"_,____-,..-•-•�'" ':, a ALL -CONSTRUCTION M TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE ' _ _ ,.__ ## y ' . ~ -� I -a , ".,_ - - PLACED LANDWARD OF THE BLUFF, IN "EXISTING IMPROVED OR 1.. . '., - ✓ _ _ -;-. - N ONLY, AND SHALL BE REMOVED AT _ ,___ _- I . - , '' ' _ �-- r-- _ _` , ; ' = - _ _ _ ` =- _ THE CONCLUSION 0 D CONSTRUCTION. n,^,^+.� .,,'^-•,- 1 .ter j ✓r--.._.._. -•,s�_,•...-_-"-"•'�®"^..,."^_.--.._— !. •- •__"_, --'"""'..v - �._ [: • - _ �___, M�,-- - -. b) ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION "SITE SNAL�OCCUR RF OM THE TOP `"" ^ , - -' "'� ---- -_ r 'may ' `-- __ OF THE SLOPE,' -•THROUGH EXISTING IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY '. -� ' - _ _ - "-� �, �'' NDSCAPED AREAS ONLY. NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE.BLUFF \ I. /N - _ _,".'� _ ' z --.~ •- _ -' = - -- - .. _.,,..__ _ _ _ _ ; ACE AND NO EQUIPMENT ACCESS._SIiALL-BE-ALLOWED FROM THE -_ _. wV - _.� r" - _ . . BOTTOM OF THE_SLOPE. '-' -,. `•• " .d- - '-' ---'----•----__,__ __ - _ -'- -. -•-- c) ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE, DRAINAGE 'IMPROVEMENTS, MMICH MAY •-" -�. _ Il - _ ^ . _ .._._ -' . �^ t _- --- �- -~ _ USEUOF HAND QUIPMENT ONLY. FACE, SHALL BE ACCOMPUSHE Y �-` __�} -� - --_�_i�y _� _ __ � e'er ^n`� Y^�` _ - -"' - 2. fliE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FENCING _, :.:.--- ?�`�e•„ i •�'� "l - ,ram,, -- '" _ -, __�__� ,4v BELOW. CONSTRUCTION TO Ea XCLUDE ANY1�C71VITY"IN SENSITIVE HABITAT I -_. �-ll - . "n_ _„_. ^ __ •- GEMENT PRACTICES IIIII II _ _ A -- -- ram ^`:�_. - ^•.-...�._ - ` ` __.., ., - %' _ _^ _ --- _ _ _ . - _ _ _ - .__•_- ._ i - ( ER) SH CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION BEST MAMA j , 1 i � - -' - " - // f _ --'-- ,-`-"'"' i BMPs SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS _ , II t, -- c II 1. `- "� ` 'tee ; - ��� ~y�4'' a) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS (TWO BAGS HIGH ` 1__ , _` ``� IM T PR NT RUNO / EDIMENT ^-T^� -- ' - -q" _4�Mr -�- __Y IN UM A THE EDGE OF THE SLOPE TO EVE FF S _ -- ,,'- _ �- _ , - _-,.------_ _. _. '.`_- - ^--. - -."'®__,"9 f - _`._,-._.,..,_ TRANSPORT OVER THE TOP OF THE SLOPE:' 4 Y �'' �••...__^F._ _ f «� ����-�- b) THE' CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE" PLASTIC BARRIER FENCING AROUND k 1 ,•--...,-�-•,,.^- --�ry� THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS. �, .- E q?, _ _,~- f '` r -'. r - r 1 - _. . - r ; /-,_....,..-,~.--""_„"_._._.,...__- __. _.___ `_^_. _ _.,,_, w i c) A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL -TAKE- CE TO REVIEW t ? __ .-- -__ . , . , f r. _-.,,_._ _.—�_. —�~�`' - _, � _ PROCEDURAL AND BMP GUIDELINES: _-- ''"" _. _ . _ro ; . I � � �" _, _ �----- - _�,-w-- ____ -_- ___, '- 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE..OF EXCMrTI NO SPOILS AT A ?' _ _- w _ -- - . ,., ._ _-�.__V. - n_- _ g _ ._ ,.._^_.. _, �_ I / . : w,._,._•,- _ C, �-----.,-.,�--�- --- "" `` � '----"._ r1_� ` LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE...OUTSIDE"THE COASTAL ZONE. ANY CHANGE, -_--.-:_,.,_,,,-T-_ . - _ _l-1 _ __-'• -- , _ -� r- ^-_-- ' -=- _ _-. --INCLUDING CHOICE OF A DISPOSAL/REUSE SITE WITHIN. THE COASTAL . �" - �_.- - ZONE REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE COASTAL --COMMISSION. __ I.-�________._._ __ . _ _ v-- - -- _ _ . __ .. 4 �;>.e-^''� � p�,,.,.�••- �--'.,..�-... p` (95 5 RIM) '''��-•� , (9 M) (951 RIM} _ �� .' _ �r .._..._..• I -_ _. � - ._._._...1.__,__, '(95.2 RIM) .✓ �,, ^ _- - 5 , �,., �, i _,,,_,, " - T.-.__----'-, *_7 P EXIST 15" SD _---- "._� 4 �__ - - -. _ , . t v ' v - _ �' _..._,.--1,... ---,..---- -. � 4v N x 0t �y x vN e Q - (95.6 RIM) <� \'. � __ - --- �->"' ', � � ,� ' _. - -- ._.-_- - ' _�.--- x X o,. .^� -_- _ __ _ 4� (94.4 RIM) - x _ j _ •_4• ._ x -; 4 _ X X --- r'. X X - __ .. k .w x -, x . _ _ ... - _«. _. T, _ X. _ _ __, -' - ;, _._._t �_ :_ .k d �� __ .., n __ a - -- W-_-___ — - ..,..._ — _ _ _ _ _- _ ' l�.M - - X X' X x X ,..X- . ----,-_---- - • __,..--- - -'X �' - ___ _ _ —x x -` x' k _.....-. . -_. ,.....__., __ �_,____._. -� 4 , ..v.-s---..- . ': __ r _ - _... - _ 96.0 RIM - k DMA [Y6NI 94' _ -..9 0 - __, _ X -RIM _ i �6�6-Root' 6. RIM 95.0 - - - x --" __ - - - 7 -- _ _ - a___. . __ - -,__ _ M _ `- G�'Rf1G1-""� �._ _ _ _ . __- _ . ,.__.. - - - - __.,. 1 - 4 _' k"��� "�! S t D trict Office ' -- _ ___. _,_ _. _-_ -__-- , -- t'--, : :--- - - - _ - ' _ __.. _ 96.0 RIM - `��"'" , w_ __. __. -w. , x _ - _ f1 - .. . __._._._.._—.-., Js - a" _ — T ®_97.0' - t , DA GH --., YU . __,_ _,_,_ P k �✓ ._""w_n._ ten_--. _.._-. _ J , i - - - _. - _. 1x.. -- f .- .+ - F `+ R. Mr r[IOaY L• D _. _ ._. - � R 6 _. _...=.. .,_. - _ _ u.- _ _ \�' 96 y=mi N _ i - .} l # ~ ---- -- _L,J f ;z - - 4_ `u I, ' - C' _,.:,-,•---);FFECTZVE C %J: - ",• \.A ^ 'e.'.. ,, i _ Date: - .7 00 - tit , w• ,_ „ - - / - ';' - _ ``'.,. . - _- - .. - -'" 1' x` - ,--•-r", -r _ . . ` - - t a 'i`v THIS PLAN 'HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY ' `_ -; : - - ti� ND rn ,, HETHERI%NGTON `•ENGINEER?NG, INC.,- AND -„ LEGE rn e . _ � .. %` P SD PIPE APPEARS TO BE 114`GENERAL COtOORAiIITY .- ? ' ,_ : I "I - f WITH : THE AECOMMcNOAT10N`�" IN OJJFt- ? I ._ y jI ,..• _-- - S OTES .�.- , F.EPtiRT DATED WE DRAKE NO "" w - t. o CONSTRUCTION. N f.' -.- iTEPRESEiFTATION�'ACCUtTACY OF r> �;. P EXIST 12 SD_ n - , CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH LIMITS - �1 CLEAR, GRUB AND PREP. AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE e DNy1tNS10NS, DAEA5UFtEiASNTS,. CALCU n ? , ` - HOSE.- OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE I LATIONSs POtTt{iN CF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. DESIGN CONCRETE SLOPE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS J o O CONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAZ ON SHEET 2 AND. PLAN FICE Na � u2 f - 1 Il LIMITS' SHOWN HEREON. .' �, GE No , . j "� P EXIST 12' SD qx� x ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING (5 -HIGH) 1 ', a 5 CONSt INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD.'PLAN N0. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2.' L�Uf a'1 TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR O ,.r rni , E nserirp to-w . r j . I/ a ,'N a ,_ i Eta iVn ��S'� Y' i OP PROTECT IN PLACE 1 1 I k % . 1 I a ,. . 3 _ - - ,A / o . ,I . I 1 I . "" o g< / a 4 � •I 7 I N LLI . ILC a a . z i L34fs `. . .t . Q�oFEss/op'1 PLAN PREPARED 6Y: PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PRaEcr No. a �Q`���� �. Mo Fyc 34460 II R Robert. Bein,Iilliam �St & associates EROSION REPAIR PLAN I - , - - . _ w - .: " ; `Ln, PROFESSIONAL ENGNEERS, PLANNERS do SURVEYORS , P.O. BOX 57057.14725 ALTON PARKWAY, RWf- CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 SHEET . � � LSL 1DA 98 ~ (714) 472-3505 SITE 'B' GRADING PLAN . ' . - 10• 5• 0' 10• 20 No. 51271 DRAWN BY: ' . * Exa9-30-01 ' if M 1DAT 8 : . GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"..—" 10' X. � ��� DESIGNED BY: - . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH . . 9rFOF CAl\E� DATE - DATE: -OF 6 - REVISIONS SHT NOS APPR DATE CHECKED BY• LOT 11-98 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. NO. 51271 - n = N0, - . . - - - - - :. .. - . - - _.- -- - _. - • --_ - __ - - . . I; - _�, , , !� , ,� l� , - v , � - ,-,- '_,7�,_­�___ - I., ­ 1_1­­.,-� I ­"II,4 - , - , - - - - . , . � - -1 , - I I . r .." ­ I -1 1 I,. � . ­�,,� I I , , � I � . -1 I I .., , � I I � . j I I . I I : � " 7 , - I � _� � - - - - - . , , . �� : I�� . -_ � I 111� - - I 1. I � - -- � - -- - � I I � 1�� ­­ -, - - - __ --- -_ . , , , - , .� - - - - . I - . - � � - " I I 1, I - I I I . � � , - � I I I I I I � � . . - - __ I ­ - -,: , , __ I - - - - , , - �', , - - , _: ­­ �- . - 1- , �. 7I_,_ I I � - - - -, � , - , I �, - �, - , - � . I - I . � I � . . I . , � , - 1, - I � �� ", " - , , - . I I el. , . 1 , - - - - I . 11 I . - : , zI _,,,-- 1- 7_ - - - - - - 11 I - ­- I— - -I - , , '' , � I - , t ­­ I 1� - --l- 1'��_� - -1 ,�_� - ,, , -7 , - - � , I � , � �� ,- ': I , I I , 4� � . I . I I - I I I - I I � , �,�� - I I I I � �., F1 � � , : , , � - . : , " � � I e � I -1 �. � ; , � . , , I '.1 , � 11 . I � I I I I I . , - ",_ I, ." � � , , ,� . , . 1- - - � - , . . I I I I I I � . � I , I ; , �, � , - � I I I I � � . . I , . I . I I I � � � � 1, , I . � I 1. I k I I I � I - � 11 I - I . I , . - I � . . I . I . � � . . 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I I �_ . PLAN PREPARED BY- I I I I PROJECT NO., . L ". . . . � . I � r . � I � . I- L . 11 .1 . 1. I . TESS/ ''I I 11 I " 1, , ''I I .... � I , L I-- ". -1 . I I I � . � . PARK NEWPORT APARTNIENTS . I � 0 4 � _ , L I , - . J. . , �" , t I . I I ' , - . . -xr_� I I d. e, I j '', I I I . - .L 1, , - , . I I Robert Beim Mam Fmst & Associates I I 1 3446 .- 11 . `� - I I � � I I � I I . � _5_w� � I A I ''I I . I ­ I � � .11 EROSION � REPAIR- PLAN , +. . � � - I . . I I + 41 . - - I I + -1 . � � 1 o I I - PROFESSION& ENGINEERS. PLANNERS & SURVEYORS I . I I I ' ' I � I � � I � 11 11 . . CI"5 �� I I I I SHEET : ­� r � ' � I I I - - . I r" . I � � I I , I �, 1, I L DATE -P.O. BOX 57057 & 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 1 � I . _� L, I I � I :.D m e . . . I I I . I - . I - - I I . I I . � I I - r LSL - 11-98 - (714) 472-3505 . STORM DRAIN PLAN � I � I I - 1 20' 1 10" , O' � . I 1 20' I- 40' ce_ No. 51Z71 =0 � � I I , DRAWN BY. , I kB47 - ­ . - . � I I - r . I I I "�. I . � I I - I I I � + I I I, . I I __ I .- . I I � I I ­ I L. I DATE I � 11. I �11� - I I I I + - . I � I I I � . � . * Exp. 9-�-M-011 * , I � __ . I I - ,,_­ ''I I + I � I I 1 5­, - , - � 11,4 - - ­� ­ � I - � ­��,� I � I _� , . I I � � - L �� I wM 11-98 ;.1 I � I GRAPHIC SCALE: ' 1" - 201 1, X, I I � L - - I . � - DESIGNED BY' . . I - - ­ I- .11 I ­ - .1 I ' . , I � I � ,. ,� ,,, I I - I I . I �, I DATE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I . . - - I . . ­ ... I . . I I , . I - I I - ­1.1 ­ � . � . - I . I - I __ I . .� - . � . I .� � " I , or C � . � 11 ,� . . I I DATE - I I � � I OF 6' ''+ � I I . I : . - - I I -DATE - LDT 11-98 MICHAEL J, MORSE I � . R.C.E. NO. 51271 1 1 . I � . . � L , � � 1. .L I NO. I I � REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. CHECKED BY* I I I I I m I_ I I I I "I I I � I U-1 - . I � I I I I I I I .1 � I . I . . 0 1 . I I I � - I � , , �, I a- T �_ m . I . I . I . � I I L I I I . � I - � - . ,- I � � I I L � . o 11. 11 � I . � r I . . . . I I I I . I . - I I—- , � I _' � �_ � r I 11 I I . � � ,� I - � I ,� � � I I - I I I I . 11, I I 11 I I . .1 - L . . -1 - - I r . .� � L . I I I I , . . I . - - ", . I � - I � - I . I -, I ­ , , . I � . I I 1�11­i , ,�� I ,� 1, I . '. I I - ' , � I I � I I I , r , A . I � .1� I . 1�_ I " I" I I I I - �, - . - , � - I , - . � " I I - I - - :_ - � � I � . I -1 , ,o �; "I', I . I I I I I I � ,- � I I . . � - % - __.�tt_ -,,.,- , 1-1- I I I - . I . - . L � I ,.. � � , J, , , - I � � I ,- � I . I . . - - . �. . I � � I . � I . , I I I L � " � . I I � "I I , r � - I I � I I - - I �1. I � 1� I . - - ,- " � , � - - ----. ; - - . I .... - � -- L­ - ' " I - - . 77 STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURUES AGtNUT CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South coast Area orrice Page 1 of 4 -. 2000ceangate,Suite 1000 Date: October 30, 1998 Long Beach, CA 90602-4302 (562)590-5071 Permit No: 5-98-345 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT On 13 October 1998, the California Coastal Commission granted to Gerson Bakar & Associates Coastal Development Permit 5-98-345, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: Bluff stabilization to protect existing development consisting of construction of two caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations. The first retaining wall will have twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and will be approximately 150 feet long. Drilling for the caissons will excavate 300 cubic yards of soil. In addition, minor surficial grading, approximately 45 cubic yards of cut, is proposed to improve drainage. The second retaining wall will have six caissons placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. , Drilling for this structure will excavate 165 cubic yards of soil. No surficial grading is proposed at this site. All soils excavated by drilling or drainage r— improvements will be exported and legally disposed or reused outside the coastal _,.zgne. No major earthwork is proposed and neither caisson retaining wall will extend above grade. More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 1 Park Newport, Newport Beach. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on October 30, 4 998. PETER DOUGLAS By: Executive Director Title: Coastal Program An I st ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance ... of any permit ..." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-98-345 Page 2 of 4 Date Signature of Permittee Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting ail terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-98-345 Page 3 of 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Permission from the California Department of Fish and Game PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for review and approval of the Executive Director, written evidence from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) demonstrating that CDFG has reviewed and either approved or has no substantial concerns regarding the proposed project. If CDFG requires any substantial changes to the project, as approved by the Commission, the changes shall be submitted to the Executive Director for a determination as to whether the changes require an amendment to this permit. Any changes that require an amendment shall not occur without an amendment to this permit. 2. Geotechnical Recommendations PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director final revised plans. These plans shall include the signed statement of the geotechnical consultant certifying that the plans incorporate the geotechnical recommendations contained in the geotechnical investigations of May 1, 1998 and August 14, 1998 by Law Crandall, Inc. of Los Angeles (Project No. 70131-4-0896.0009) into the final design of the proposed development. The approved development shall be constructed in compliance with the final plans as approved by the Executive Director. Any deviations from the plans shall require a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this permit, or written concurrence from the Executive Director that the deviation is not substantial and therefore a permit amendment is not needed. 3. Assumption of Risk By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the site may be subject to extraordinary hazards from landslide/slope failure and the applicant assumes the liability from such hazards, (b) to unconditionally waive any claim of liability on the part of the Commission and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees relative to the Commission's approval of the project for any damage due to natural hazards, and (c) to accept the sole responsibility for the removal of any structural debris resulting from landslides, slope failures or erosion on this site. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute a deed restriction in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, reflecting all the above provisions. The deed restriction shall include legal descriptions of the applicant's entire parcel. This deed restriction shall not be removed or changed without a Coastal Commission -approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required: Within 90 days of the issuance of the coastal development permit, the deed restriction shall be recorded and the permittee shall provide evidence in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, that the above executed and recorded deed restriction runs with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and is recorded free and clear of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the enforceability of the restriction. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-98-345 Page 4 of 4 In the interim period, the applicant shall name the Commission, its officers, agents and employees as an additional insured in its commercial general liability policy in the limits not less than 0 10 1 million. 4. Construction Impacts Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub shall be avoided. In order to accomplish this objective the following shall occur: 1) all construction materials and equipment used during construction of the proposed project shall be placed landward of the bluff, in existing improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only, and shall be removed at the conclusion of construction; 2) access to the construction sites shall occur from the top of the slope, through existing improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only. No work shall occur on the bluff face and no equipment access shall be allowed from the bottom of the slope; 3) the proposed bluff edge drainage improvements, which may require work from the bluff face, may commence with the use of hand equipment only; 4► temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to exclude any activity in sensitive habitat; 5) erosion control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include the following, at minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags high) at the edge of slope to prevent runoff/sediment transport over the top of the slope, plastic barrier fencing around the limits of construction areas; pre -construction meeting to review procedural and BMP guidelines; 6) the applicant shall submit final revised plans for the review and approval of the Executive Director which describe in written narrative the erosion control/sedimentation BMP's, with a statement on the plans designating whom is responsible for their implementation; 7) Excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone, may require an amendment to this permit. Any such change shall be identified by the applicant in a written statement submitted to the Executive Director for review and approval and/or a determination as to whether changes are substantive and require a new coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. 5. Future Development This coastal development permit 5-98-345 approves only the development, as expressly described and conditioned herein, for the two proposed caisson retaining walls located at 1 Park Newport Drive in the City of Newport Beach. Any future development, per Public Resources Code Section 30106, including the installation of lagging on the proposed caisson structures, shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. KFS: 5-98.346 permit DocumenU Printed on October 30, 1998 m N Cn N 6ACKBAY DRIVE co 90 W N W N N N N M A N � A N A � 0+ A WP N a A fD 51 _ J o N � N r N WEO A N Q+ N \ IT SHORING PLAN 0t 0 �2 N PHASE STRUCTURAL SLOPE STABILIZATION WORK ONLY. NO GRADING OR REGRADING WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. PHASEII South coast District Offic ANY GRADING WORK IN THIS AREA AI'vr' OVER $ — 3 4j WILL BE PERFORMED UNDER A Po.v,it 13®. SEPARATE GRADING PERMIT. By: EFFECTIVE Dates OCT 9 �ggg D COAS ALCALIFORNIA These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of our report(s) dated M?I �s$ crnc( cL (eP ¢, dah—c- S r4f, lz9 Law/r,Olndall Dat@lo 2 a IJa.2�,�3,8�46L2 i s SITE PLAN C:\ACADRI4\15163\SH-1.DWG 5-5-1998 REVISIONS BY Q�-14--�a nyy WN W m p = 8 TS j0 m J .44 y � N p� v W U 6 t3 C0 p � n a F Z 0. o 4 J ( L = In = N W n b .D G v Q a W VV Q i Q m N O O 2 a- M 3 WLLj z ®" U tE z L F— Q N_ J � m 0 W � Z W CL Q O LLJ Z V) O z IZ 0 z O V) Date 5-5-1998 Scale AS NOTED Drown VB Checked DYY Job No. 15163 Sheet SH-i Of 2 Sheets 100.0' 90.0' 80:0' 70.0' 60.0' 50.0' 40.0' 30.0' SLOPE SIDE 4-# VERT. REINF. PHASE STRUCTURAL SLOPE STABILIZATION WORK ONLY. NO GRADING OR REGRADING WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. PHASE II ANY GRADING WORK IN THIS AREA WILL BE PERFORMED UNDER A SEPARATE GRADING PERMIT. EXISTING SLOPE ALTERNATE DESIGN (Grade 75 steel): 1. Slope Side Number of bars - UNCHANGED Size of bars - UNCHANGED 2. Soil Side: Number of bars - UNCHANGED Size of bars - #10 bars in lieu of #11 bars. 3. Ties: Spacing of ties - UNCHANGED Size of ties - UNCHANGED 36"0 CONCRETE CAISSON #4 TIES @12"o.C. FULL LENGTH (GR.40) DIL IDE #11 VERT. REINF. DETAIL 3/T o CAISSON (f'c=4000psi) @ 7'-0"o.c. (23 PILES TOTAL) SLOPE SIDE 4-h VERT. REINF. SECTION 3/16"= l'-0" 36"0 CONCRETE CAISSON #4 TIES @12"o.c. FULL LENGTH (GR.40) DIL DE -#11 VERT. REINF. DETAIL 2 3/- a -1 $H-2 EXISTING CLUBHOUSE SOIL SIDE 36" 0 CONCRE' CAISSON SLOPE SIDE 4-#7 VERT. REINF. #4 TIES @ 12"o.c FULL LENGTH (GR.40) ;OIL ;IDE 12-#11 VERT. REINF. (TOTAL) DETAIL (gD ADDITIONAL NOTES 1. The contractor shall verify all dimensions before starting work. The Engineer shall be notified of any discrepancies. 2. Unless shown otherwise, typical details and general notes shall be used wherever applicable. 3. Notes and details on the drawings shall take precedence over these general notes. 4. All conditions shown or noted as existing are based on information currently available at the time of preparation of these drawings. However, no warranty is implied as to the accuracy of same and contractor is to field verify all conditions. Should conditions become apparent which differ from the conditions shown herein they shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. 5. Any deviations from these plans and general notes must be submitted as a written request with adequate description and/or sketches to the Engineer for approval. 6. The contract drawings and specifications represent the finished structure. Unless otherwise shown, they do not indicate the method of construction. The contractor shall supervise and direct the work and shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures. 7. Safety: Conforrrj to applicable CAUOSHA construction safety regulations for all work performed during construction. Job site safety is strictly the responsibility of the contractor and not the Engineer or owner. 8. Provide chemical restroom facility during construction. 9. Provide full-time supervision throughout the entire course of construction. Superintendent shall be responsible for coordination of all phases of project with Park Newport Apartments on -site manager and inspectors. 10. All excess soil shall be properly disposed of off -site. 11. An on -site deputy inspector shall be present during placement of reinforcing steel and concrete. Inspector shall take necessary concrete samples, provide lab analysis and final report for City approval. 12. Backfill material shall be installed in 8" lifts and compacted to 95% relative compaction. 13. Law/Crandall shall provide additional recommendations if unusual geologic and/or geotechnical conditions are encountered during excavation that require a change in design of the caissons. 14. All deputy inspectors are the responsibility of the Owner. SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES: 1. Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub; shall be avoided. the Contractor shall strictly adhere to the following procedures: a) All construction materials and equipment used shall be placed landward of the bluff, in existing improvedor ornamentally landscaped areas only, and shall be removed at the conclusion of construction. b) Access to the construction site shall occur from the top of the slope, through existing improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only. No work shall occur on the bluff face and no equipment access. shall be allowed from the bottom of the slope. c) _ Any proposed bluff edge drainage improvements, which may require work from the bluff face, shall be accomplished by.use of hand equipment only, 2. The Contractor shall install temporary protective fencing during construction to exclude any activity in habitat below. 3. Erosion control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be as follows: a) The Contractor shall place sand bags (two bags high minimum) at the edge of -the slope to prevent run-off/sediment transport over the top of the slope. b) The Contractor shall place plastic barrier fencing around the Iimits of the construction areas. ' c) A pre -construction meeting shall take place to review procedural and BMP guidelines. 4: The Contractor shall dispose of excavation spoilsata legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone requires approval from the Coastal Commission. These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of our report(s) dated I" I 2!1 o ag 14, IS-9 -Law/ andall DateG.E. No. Soutb Coant District offica ./lPPROVM 5 _ _ 3 5 rermit tio. By r ,ID-itECTTYII ate Ut/J GENERALNOTES 1. All construction shall conform to the 1997 Uniform Building Code and all other applicable regulating requirements. 2. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the California Construction Safety Orders (CAL -OSHA). 3. a. The design of the stabilization system is based upon recommendations contained in the Report of Slope Stability Evaluation performed by LAW/CRANDALL, INC. (Project No.70131-4-0896.0009 dated May 1,1998 for Gerson Bakar & Assoc. an a a e Y d0. b. The shoring contractor shall familiarize himself with all data therein Tu's iui and keep a copy of the Soils Report at the job site at all times. c. The shoring contractor shall hereby be made fully aware of the areas of fill and natural sand deposits as shown on the, logs of borings and the problems caused by caving and raveling during drilling. Precautions, such as decreasing the drilling speed, may be necessary during the installation of caisson to minimize caving and raveling. Caissons shall be drilled and filled alternately, with the concrete permitted to set at least 8 hours before drilling any adjacent shafts, 4. The locations of existing underground utilities are not shown. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing. He agrees to be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be caused by his failure to exactly locate, protect and preserve any and all underground utilities. 5. Dust shall be controlled at all times during construction of the retention system and the associated shoring installation, excavation and back -filling. 6. Installation of shoring system shall comply with the above referenced Soils Report and shall be performed under the continuous inspection and approval of the Soils Engineer and the applicable Deputy Inspector(s). 7. Work these drawings with the Site Survey drawings. Existing grades are estimates only and may not reflect the exact field condition. 8. No excavations 5 feet or greater in depth into which a person is required to descend shall be constructed before obtaining the necessary permits from the State of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and -prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. Drill caisson shafts to designed depths. The Soils Inspector shall verify and record the diameter, depth and condition of shafts and shall compile the data in a report at completion of project. 2. Place reinforcing steel for caissons. 3. Fill caisson shafts with 4000 psi concrete to specified elevation as shown on TYPICAL SECTION as soon after drilling and inspection as possible. 4. The concrete shall be placed with special equipment so that the concrete is not allowed to fall freely more than 5 feet and to prevent concrete from striking the walls of the excavations. 5. Caissons are to be drilled in a minimum 2-phase sequence. Caisson shafts are not to be drilled adjacently, (See General Notes No.3.c above). 6. At completion of installation of caissons, backfill to appropriate elevation for the reconstruction of slope. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION CONCRETE 1. All structural concrete shall be normal weight hard rock type. 2. Minimum strength of concrete shall be fc=4000 psi @ 28 days. 3. Aggregates shall be natural sand and rock conforming to ASTM C-33 with proven shrinkage characteristics of less than 0.05%. 4. Cement shall conform to ASTM C-150, type II, low alkali. 5. Concrete mixes shall be designed by an approved testing laboratory and stamped and signed by a civil or structural engineer registered in the State of California. 6. The concrete mix design shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to use. 7. The use of a polymer based water reducing admixture is optional, if used, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. 8. Placement of concrete shall be in conformance with ACI 301. 9. Provide continuous inspection by a City approved Deputy Inspector. 10. Minimum cover for all cast -in place concrete shall be as follows: Cast against earth ............. 3" 6 Cast against forms below grade ...2" 11. Concrete shall not free fall more than five feet. Use tremie or pump. TRk FESS/o 12. Prior to placing concrete, reinforcing steel shall be well secured in ��`�°P�o o LFy position. � w No. SE 1399 REINFORCING STEEL s C T tat 1. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A-615, Grade 60, except #4 b,' shall be Grade 40. (Reinforcing for ALTERNATE DESIGN shall be Grade 75) 2. Reinforcing shall be placed in accordance with the drawings and shall be held firmly in place prior to placing concrete. 3. All hooks shall be standard hooks per ACI 318, Section 7.1 unless detailed otherwise. 4. Dowels shall be the same size and spacing as the vertical reinforcing unless noted otherwise. 5. Bars shall be clean of rust, grease or other material which may impair bond. 6. Due to limited over -head clearances, a City -approved mechanical butt splicer/ coupler system may be used. Submit approvals and manufacturer's documentation to the Engineer for review. CAISSONS 1. Caissons are to be machine drilled. Caissons are to be accurately located with respect to the existing slope. 2. Provide protection against sloughing or caving as required. 3. Drilled holes to be left open overnight shall be cased, covered and secured with approved steel traffic plates. 4. Caissons shall not be drilled adjacently; a minimum 2-phase sequence is required. REVISIONS BY Q 7- /4--q8 DlY 0 10-7-qb oYY 38 4 D-9 N W U z N a W -i a ^u 9 W 4 g� z ^n ? N W W C9 Z r U r�J Q Q W v IW - Q U Q N W m Oo = 3 Q Z ®" Q U Z O IL Q N_ J � CL ~ Z V Y W Q Q d. IIL O- Z (n O a Q Z J O LLJ Q W W W 0 V 0 Date 5-5-1998 Scale AS NOTED Drawn VB Checked DYY ,lob No. 15163 Sheet SH-2 Of 2 Sheets C:\ACADRI4\15163\SH-2.DWG 5-5-1998 PHASE I —STRUCTURAL SLOPE STABILIZATION WORK ONLY. — NO GRADING OR RE —GRADING WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. PHASE II ANY GRADING WORK IN THIS AREA WILL BE PERFORMED UNDER A SEPARATE GRADING PERMIT. PROPOSED 48"0 CONCRETE CAISSONS @8'—O"o.c. 01 50- 1 "=1'-0" (STING TIMBER POLE WOOD LAGGING RETAINING NORTH gac,kfALL /o2Fq (ADJh�ENTo To Ti 4ft-SE Pa-570) �sR�w um r�4� a- 0 b 4 tlLDR �� r1rlhRi$� �v�� BLDG 18 " F .a, i PARK NEWPORT DRIVE 0 :bath Cbast District Ofkics r&Ov8D - 9 — 3 4 Permit :do. FS�a A_ REVISIONS BY N N Z N W m v O'i p° I 0 J = m 1 1 O N N ai v Q Q U W = Q W m J Q O Y w Q U z a.o Q Emn I 00 O CL Q W J W O Q 3 z Y LJ Q CL q z V% O z Q _l Q. 0 z 0 Date 8-11-1998 Scale 1"=10'—O" Drawn VB Checked DYY Job No. 15163 Sheet SH-3 Of 2 Sheets C:\ACADRI4\15163\4240—i.DWG 8-11-1998 v k Y, 1 00.C 90.0' 80.0' 70.0' 60.0' 50.0' 40.0' SLOPE SIDE 4-i #4 TIES @12"o.c. U.N.O. (GR.40) JIL DE -#14 DETAIL N.T.S. SH-4 SLOPE SIDE 48"0 SECTION 3/16"=1'-0" SH-4 #4 TIES @12"o.c. U.N.O. (GR.40) OIL IDE -#14 DETAIL 2 N.T.S. SH-4 SLOPE SIDE 4- i, #4 TIES @ 12"o.c U.N.O. (GR.40) i01L TIDE 10-#14 (TOTAL) DETAIL 3 N.T.S. SH-4 ADDITIONAL NOTES 1. The contractor shall verify all dimensions before starting work. The Engineer shall be notified of any discrepancies. 2. Unless shown otherwise, typical details and general notes shall be used wherever applicable. 3. Notes and details on the drawings shall take precedence over these general notes. 4. All conditions shown or noted as existing are based on information currently available at the time of preparation of these drawings. However, no warranty is implied as to the accuracy of same and contractor is to field verify all conditions. Should conditions become apparent which differ from the conditions shown herein they shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. 5. Any deviations from these plans and general notes must be submitted as a written request with adequate description and/or sketches to the Engineer for approval. 6. The contract drawings and specifications represent the finished structure. Unless otherwise shown, they do not indicate the method of construction. The contractor shall supervise and direct the work and shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures. 7. Safety: Conform to applicable CAL/OSHA construction safety regulations for all work performed during construction. Job site safety is strictly the responsibility of the contractor and not the Engineer or owner. 8. Provide chemical restroom facility during construction. 9. Provide full-time supervision throughout the entire course of construction. Superintendent shall be responsible for coordination of all phases of project with Park Newport Apartments on -site manager and inspectors. 10. All excess soil shall be properly disposed of off -site. 11. An on -site deputy inspector shall be present during placement of reinforcing steel and concrete. Inspector shall take necessary concrete samples, provide lab analysis and final report for City approval. 12. Backfill material shall be installed in 8" lifts and compacted to 95% relative compaction. 13. Law/Crandall shall provide additional recommendations if unusual geologic and/or geotechnical conditions are encountered during excavation that require a change in design of the caissons. 14. All deputy inspectors are the responsibility of the Owner. SUPPLEiti1ENTAL NOTES: 1. Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub, shall be avoided. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the following procedures: a) All construction materials and equipment used shall be placed landward of the bluff, in existing improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only, and shall be removed at the conclusion of construction. GENERAL NOTES 1. All construction shall conform to the 1997 Uniform Building Code and all other applicable regulating requirements. 2. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the California Construction Safety Orders (CAL -OSHA). 3. a. The design of the stabilization system is based upon recommendations contained in the Report of Slope Stability Evaluation performed by 14 LAW/CRANDALL, INC. (Project No.70131-4-0896.0009) dated Augus1998 for Gerson Bakar & Assoc. b. The shoring contractor shall familiarize himself with all data therein and keep a copy of the Soils Report at the job site at all times. c. The shoring contractor shall hereby be made fully aware of the areas of fill and natural sand deposits as shown on the logs of borings and the problems caused by caving and raveling during drMng. Precautions, such as decreasing the drilling speed, may be necessary during the installation of caisson to minimize caving and raveling. Caissons shall be drilled and filled alternately, with the concrete permitted to set at least 8 hours before drilling any adjacent shafts. 4. The locations of existing underground utilities are not shown. The contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities before commencing. He agrees to be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be caused by his failure to exactly locate, protect and preserve any and all underground utilities. 5. Dust shall be controlled at all times during construction of the retention system and the associated shoring installation, excavation and back -filling. 6. Installation of shoring system shall comply with the above referenced Soils Report and shall be performed under the continuous inspection and approval of the Soils Engineer and the applicable Deputy Inspector(s), 7. Work these drawings with the Site Survey drawings. Existing grades are estimates only and may not reflect the exact field condition. 8. No excavations 5 feet or greater in depth into which a person is required to descend shall be constructed before obtaining the necessary permits from the State of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. Drill caisson shafts to designed depths. The Soils Inspector shall verify and record the diameter, depth and condition of shafts and shall compile the data in a report at completion of project. 2. Place reinforcing steel for caissons. 3. Fill caisson shafts with 4000 psi concrete to specified elevation as shown on TYPICAL SECTION as soon after drilling and inspection as possible. 4. The concrete shall be placed with special equipment so that the concrete is not allowed to fall freely more than 5 feet and to prevent concrete from striking the walls of the excavations. 5. Caissons are to be drilled in a minimum 2-phase sequence. Caisson shafts are not to be drilled adjacently, (See General Notes No.3.c above). 6. At completion of installation of caissons, backfill to appropriate elevation for the reconstruction of slope or grade. b) Access to the construction site shall occur from the top of the slope, through existing MATERIAL SPECIFICATION improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only. No work shall occur on the bluff face and no equipment access shall be allowed from the bottom of the slope. CONCRETE c) Any proposed bluff edge drainage improvements, which may require work from the bluff face, shall be accomplished by use of hand equipment only. 2. The Contractor shall install temporary protective fencing during construction to exclude any activity in sensitive habitat below. 3. Erosion controUsed mentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be as follows: a) The Contractor shall place sand bags (two bags high minimum) at the edge of the slope to prevent run-offJsediment transport over the top of the slope. b) The Contractor shall place plastic barrier fencing around the limits'of the construction areas. c) A pre -construction meeting shall take place to review procedural and BMP guidelines. 4. The Contractor shall dispose of excavation spoils at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone requires approval from the Coastal Commission. These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of our report(s) dated l� s� 7 Law/Cr dall By arl,t'aRr^ am d8t8 to 2 3� G.E. No. 233cL #4 TIES @ 12"o.c. U.N.O. (GR.40) i01L TIDE 12-#14 (TOTAL) DETAIL 4 N.T.S. 1. All structural concrete shall be normal weight hard rock type. 2. Minimum strength of concrete shall be fc=4000 psi @ 28 days. 3. Aggregates shall be natural sand and rock conforming to ASTM C-33 with proven shrinkage characteristics of less than 0.05%. 4. Cement shall conform to ASTM C-150, type II, low alkali. 5. Concrete mixes shall be designed by an approved testing laboratory and stamped and signed by a civil or structural engineer registered in the State of California. 6. The concrete mix design shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to use. 7. The use of a polymer based water reducing admixture is optional, if used, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. 8. Placement of concrete shall be in conformance with ACI 301. 9. Provide continuous inspection by a City approved Deputy Inspector. 10. Minimum cover for all cast -in place concrete shall be as follows: Cast against earth ............. 3" Cast against forms below grade ...2" 11. Concrete shall not free fall more than five feet. Use tremie or rA*_ 12. Prior to placing concrete, reinforcing steel shall be well secures/pN�D. `Fyposition.SE 1399 , REINFORCING STEEL 1. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A-615, Grade 75, ekcept 6mF L�o�` shall be Grade 40. 2. Reinforcing shall be placed in accordance with the drawings and shall be held firmly in place prior to placing concrete. 3. All hooks shall be standard hooks per ACI 318, Section 7.1 unless detailed otherwise. 4. Dowels shall be the same size and spacing as the vertical reinforcing unless noted otherwise. 5. Bars shall be clean of rust, grease or other material which may impair bond. 6. Due to limited over -head clearances, a City -approved mechanical butt splicer/ coupler system may be used. Submit approvals and manufacturer's documentation to the Engineer for review. CAISSONS 1. Caissons are to be machine drilled. Caissons are to be accurately located with respect to the existing slope. 2. Provide protection against sloughing or caving as required. 3. Drilled holes to be left open overnight shall be cased, covered and secured with approved steel traffic plates. South Coast District Office 4. Caissons shall not be drilled adjacently ; a minimum 2- has ��8 LT,e required. 1M0 `" � Peratit fi0« B1 E [� i!Zda.a�- %-FECTIVE 1U,�iCs/7� C:\ACADR715D163\ISM-4TAVU-$-II 1259E REVISIONS BY Q10-7-98 Dlr N W to ¢ W N Q UZ5O O Z n = N N Q Q NeN dMS Q= =E U < U R as. __J M g N U a n J �� Z = m F n J H V W C7 Z b Z v Q C Q V W 2 < Q Q W m scam 9 J Q O Li a- Y 3 Q U z Cr Z ® F_ Q N H J O 3 mLJ ~ Z N W a M O Z (n O LJ CL Q Z J OLJ Z U I4- W L d Lit 0 V) Dote 8-11-1998 Scale AS NOTED Drawn VB Checked Dyy Job No. 15163 Sheet SW Of 2 Sheets STATE OF CALIFORNIA- THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Cosst Area Office -. 2000ce0n9pEq)@WS 8y 4� :ATMENT Filed: January 26, 1999 � �IEWPORT BEACH T u 2 4 c 49th Day: March 16, 1 q99 JUL d 1999 PM Day: July 25, 9 AM PM Staff: KFS-LB ` 413 91011 1� 12 3 4 6 6 Staff Report: June 24, 1999 III I I I I I I I I Hearing Date: July 13-16, 1999 Commission Action: STAFF REPORT: REGULAR CALENDAR APPLICATION NUMBER: 5-99-036 APPLICANT: Gerson Baker & Associates, Inc. AGENTS: Culbertson Adams & Associates, Inc. Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates Hetherington Engineering, Inc. ' PROJECT LOCATION: 1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bluff stabilization to protect existing development through the addition of slope drainage improvement structures at two bluff top locations facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. The development includes repair to the eroded bluffs including 100 cubic yards of grading, installation of two concrete interceptor ditches, connection of the interceptor ditches to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" . corrugated steel pipe, installation of one retaining wall to support the drainage ditch, and concrete encasement of a concrete -filled sand bag retaining structure to reduce water infiltration and direct runoff into the interceptor ditches. SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The main issues of this application are construction adjacent to an ESHA, visual impacts, and geologic hazards. Staff recommends approval of the proposed project with four special conditions, as follows: 1) Requirement for pre -construction and construction period biological monitoring; 2) Requirement to avoid impacts upon sensitive habitat areas; 3) Minimization of visual impacts; and 4) Assumption -of -risk deed restriction. LOCAL APPROVALS RECEIVED: City of Newport Beach Approval in Concept #1842-98; Letter of no comment dated January 13, 1999 from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS: City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan; Coastal Development Permit #5-97-250 (Park Newport Apartments); Coastal Development Permit #5-98-345; Negative Declaration, State Clearinghouse Number 98101084; Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project by J.E. Happen & Associates...dated June 1998; Letter from Ronald Rempel, California Department of Fish and Game to California Coastal Commission... dated October 13, 1998; Letter from United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service to California Coastal Commission dated May 5, 1999; Letter report from LSA Associates, Inc. to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dated May 25, 1999, titled Gnatcatcher Surveys on Bluff Below Park Newport Apartments; Letter from Culbertson, Adams & Associates to Commission staff dated November 24, 1998; Letter from Culbertson Adams & Associates dated January 25, 1999; Conference Summary Erosion Control Retaining Wall Adjacent to Building 35 Park Newport Apartments by Law/Crandall... dated 6-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 2 of 12 November 2, 1978; Maintenance Program Slope Facing Beckbey Drive Park Newport Apartments by Law/Crandall, Inc. dated August 29, 1994 (Project 2661.30777.0001); Bl-Monthly Monitoring Program Slope Arcing Backbey Drive Park Newport Apartments by Law/Crandall, Inc. dated May 14, 1996 (Project 70131-4-0896,0008), Grading Plan_ Review -- Temporary Erosion Repair Portions of the West facing $lope by Heth4rington Engineering, Inc. dated August 26, 1998. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Commission adopt the following resolution: I. APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS The Commission hereby GRANTS a permit, subject to the conditions below, for the proposed development on the grounds that the development will be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program conforming to the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, and will not have any significant adverse effects on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. II. STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date this permit Is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth In the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 6. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6, Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. F 0 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 3 of 12 �• III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. PRE -CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION PERIOD BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION A. IMMEDIATELY PR/OR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCT/ON, a qualified biologist shall determine the presence of California gnatcatchers at and in the vicinity of the project site. If breeding California gnatcatchers are present at or in the vicinity of the project site, project construction shall be halted. Commencement of the project may begin after the completion of the California gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15). No work may commence during the California gnatcatcher breeding season without an amendment to this coastal development permit or a new coastal development permit. B. All site preparation, grading and construction activities for the proposed development shall be monitored on -site by a qualified biologist. The biologist shall have the express authority to halt all work at or in the vicinity of the project site should California gnatcatchers be discovered. 2. REQUIREMENTS TO AVOID CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO SENSITIVE HABITAT Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub shall be avoided. In order to accomplish this objective the following shall occur: 1) all construction materials and equipment shall be staged landward of the bluff, in existing developed . areas only; 2) access to the construction sites shall occur from the top of the slope, through existing developed areas only. No work shall occur from the bluff face below the proposed development and no equipment access shall be allowed from the bottom of the slope; 3) temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to exclude any activity in sensitive habitat — the location of the fencing shall be installed consistent with the recommendations of a qualified biologist; 4) erosion control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include the following] at minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags high) at the edge of slope to prevent runoff/sediment transport over the top of the slope; plastic barrier fencing around the limits of construction areas; pre construction meeting to review procedural and BMP guidelines; 5) construction equipment, materials, and debris shall be removed at the conclusion of construction; 7) Excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone, may require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. Any such change shall be identified by the applicant in a written statement submitted to the Executive Director for review and approval and/or a determination as to whether changes are substantive and require a new coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. 0 3. 4. 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 4 of 12 REQUIREMENTS TO MINIMIZE VISUAL IMPACTS — COLOR AND TEXTURE PLAN A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a plan demonstrating that the color and texture of the structure will be compatible with the adjacent bluff face and native vegetation. The plan shall demonstrate that: 11 the structure will be constructed with concrete that has been colored with earth tones that are compatible with the adjacent bluff face and vegetation, 2. white and black tones will not be used, 3. the color will be maintained through -out the life of the structure, and 4. the structure will have a non -reflective texture to match the adjacent bluff face. B. the permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. • ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY A. By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees (1) that the site may be subject to hazards from landslide/slope destabilization; (11) to assume the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of Injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted development, (111) to unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury or damage from such hazards; and (iv) to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or damage due to such hazards. B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, In a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director incorporating all of the above terms of this condition. The deed restriction shell include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel. The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not be removed or changed without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit. 0 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 5 of 12 . IV. FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS: The Commission hereby finds and declares: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION The proposed project is to install drainage enhancements to improve slope stability and protect existing development located on an approximately 100 foot high, unstable coastal bayside bluff. The project involves the addition of slope drainage improvement structures at two bluff top locations, Sites A and B, facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (Exhibit 2). The applicant states the proposed project will take approximately one month to construct and that construction will begin immediately upon issuance of all required approvals. The subject site is located at 1 Park Newport in the City of Newport Beach, west of Back Bay Drive at the northwest corner of San Joaquin Hills Road and Jamboree Road (Exhibit 1 and 2). The proposed developments are to occur at the bluffs along the western property boundary. The applicants' property is developed with a large apartment -complex on the bluff top west of Upper Newport Bay and the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (UNBER). Back Bay Drive demarcates the western boundary of the applicants' property and separates it from Upper Newport Bay and UNBER, UNBER is owned by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). All proposed work will occur solely on the applicants' property. Two concrete interceptor ditches, one each at Sites A and B, will be constructed and connected to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" corrugated steel pipe (Exhibit 3). Approximately 100 cubic yards of material will be excavated during trenching to construct the . interceptor ditches. These soils will be exported from the site and disposed or reused outside the coastal zone. The interceptor ditch at Site A will be approximately 130 feet long. The development will extend from approximately the 100 foot contour line just below the bluff rim to a bluff face terrace located along the 90 foot contour line. Construction of the interceptor ditch will involve placement of approximately 1,800 square feet of concrete. In addition, approximately 1,200 square feet of concrete will be placed between an existing retaining wall along the rim of the bluff and the new interceptor ditch. The concrete will encase an existing concrete filled sand bag slope protection structure. This concrete paving is to provide slope protection as Well as to create a concrete apron to reduce water infiltration and direct runoff into the interceptor ditch, An approximately 30 foot long retaining wall will also be constructed on the down slope side of the interceptor ditch as part of the foundation for the interceptor ditch structure. The retaining wall will be approximately 6 feet tall, of which 4 feet will be subsurface (Exhibit 3, page 2). The interceptor ditch at Site B will be approximately 115 feet long and will extend from approximately the 97 foot bluff face contour line to a bluff face terrace at the 95 foot contour line. The interceptor ditch will result in the placement of approximately 800 square feet of concrete. The drainage structures will be fitted with grated trash rack inlets to minimize water quality Impacts. Runoff entering the interceptor ditches will be directed to an existing 15 inch storm drain line which descends the bluff face and discharges into an energy dissipator device located at the toe of the bluff on the bay side of Back Bay Drive. The existing storm drain line is approximately equidistant between Sites A and B. Connection from Sites A and B to the existing storm drain line will occur via a 12 inch corrugated steel drain line. 5.99.036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 6 of 12 B. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION ON PROJECT SITE Coastal Development Permit 5.98-345 On October 13, 1999, the Commission granted to Gerson Baker & Associates, Coastal Development Permit 6-98.346 with conditions, The project involved the installation of two caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations to increase bluff stability. The first retaining Wall included twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feat landward of the top of slope, and was approximately 150 feet long, The second retaining well included six caissons placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. No major earthwork was proposed and neither caisson retaining wail was to extend above grade. issues explored included impacts upon sensitive habitat and geologic hazards, Special conditions imposed included: 1) approval from the California Department of Fish and Game to proceed with work adjacent to an environmentally sensitive habitat area; 2) demonstration of compliance with geotechnical recommendations; 3) demonstration of an assumption of risk deed restriction; 4) requirements for avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosion control/sedimentation best management practices during construction; and 5) an Informational special condition stating that any addition or change to the proposed project may require an amendment to the permit or a new coastal development permit. The work proposed in the present application was originally submitted as part of the application for CDP 5-98-345. However, application materials for the site* that are the subject of this application took longer to complete than anticipated. Due to safety concerns related to the timing of project implementation and the impending winter rain, the application was amended, omitting the now proposed work. Statements were submitted from the . geotechnical consultants for each of the sites demonstrating that the projects were separable as they were neither functionally nor structurally related and could be implemented safely as separate developments. Coastal Development Permit 6-97-250 On September 9, 1997 the California Coastal Commission granted a permit (5-97-250) for development at the subject property which included the construction of a caisson retaining wall, excavation and recompaction of 52 cubic yards of soil, and repair/replacement of a damaged drainage pipe. The approved development occurred along bluffs adjacent to Big Canyon, on the northern side of the property. This work occurred to protect apartment unit 3160, an existing structure. Special conditions included obtaining permission from CDFG for the proposed work and incorporation of the geotechnical recommendations made by the geotechnical consultant. C. HAZARD Section 30253 of the Coastal Act states, In part: New development shall- (2) Assure stability and structural Integrity, and neither create nor contribute significantly to erosion, geologic instabll/ty, or destruction of the site or surrounding area or In any way require the construction of protective devices that would substantially alter natural landforms along bluffs and cliffs. 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 7 of 12 � Geologic conditions at the Park Newport Apartments site have been the subject of at least 47 geologic reports since 1968. These reports have examined slope stability and documented ongoing bluff erosion, • sloughing, and landsliding at the larger site occupied by the Park Newport Apartments complex as well as in the area of Sites A and B. A slope monitoring program was in place sporadically between 1978 and 1994. Since 1994, monitoring has occurred more continuously on at least an annual basis. Hetherington Engineering provided an evaluation of the proposed project in their letter •Grading Plan Review -Temporary Erosion Repair dated August 25, 1998. This geotechnical engineer states that several reports by LeRoy Crandall and Associates and Law/Crandall outline temporary and permanent mitigation measures to enhance stability of the bluffs. The proposed project is considered a maintenance oriented structure designed to enhance stability of the slope by improving drainage and decreasing erosion. Hetherington Engineering states that the proposed project is suitable, from a geotechnical standpoint, to provide such drainage and erosion control. While the geotechnical consultant has found that the proposed project will perform its intended function, the proposed project is designed only to provide erosion control and improved drainage which will improve bluff stability. However, the proposed development does not guarantee gross stabilization of the entire slope. In their August 25, 1998, letter, Hetherington Engineering states: The intent of the improvements is to enhance surface drainage conditions by intercepting and directing surface water to an existing storm drain. These improvements will enhance the stability of the natural slope in these areas by reducing infiltration of water. It should be understood by Gerson, Baker and Associates and the City of Newport Beach that these improvements are beneficial in this regard but do not render the natural slopes surficially or grossly stable and as such, the improvements are subject to future damages resulting from gross or surficial slope instability. With the above in mind, the erosion repair plan is considered suitable from a geotechnical viewpoint. Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the proposed project is not designed, nor will it provide, surficial or gross stability to the slope. Therefore, while the development will enhance slope stability, the proposed structures may be subject to damage from surficial or gross slope instability. Accordingly, the Commission requires, as a condition of approval (special condition number four), that the applicant record an assumption of risk deed restriction acknowledging that landslide/slope destabilization hazards remain, even with Implementation of this project, and that the applicant and all landowners waive any claim of liability again the Commission. The Commission finds that, as conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with Section 30253 of the Coastal Act. D. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA Section 30240(b) of the Coastal Act states: al Environmentally sensitive habitat areas shall be protected against any significant disruption of habitat values, and only uses dependent on those resources shall be allowed within those areas. (b) Development in areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive habitat areas and parks and recreation areas shall be sited and designed to prevent impacts which would 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 8 of 12 significantly degrade those areas, and shall be compatible with the continuance of those habits tend recreation areas. The subject site has sensitive coastal sage habitat on -site and is located adjacent to the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, an environmentally sensitive habitat area. A biological Impact assessment titled Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project — Park Newport Apartments... dated June 1998 was performed by J.E. Heppert & Associates of Mission Viejo (Exhibit 4). This assessment determined that coastal sage habitat exists on -site and occurs adjacent to the proposed project element locations. This information was corroborated by a mapped coastal sage habitat delineation prepared by A. Mitchel Beauchamp of Pacific Southwest Biological Services, and field visits documented by the California Department of Fish and Game (Exhibit 5) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Exhibit 6). In addition to on -site habitat, significant sensitive habitat and species are supported in UNBER, adjacent to the subject property. The City's certified Land Use Plan addresses UNBER in the following manner: The Reserve has been Identified by the State Coastal Commission, State Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Southern California Association of Governments as a unique and valuable State resource. The upper bey Is an Integral part of the Pacific Flyway, and the saltwater marsh, bay waters, and upland of upper Newport Bay provide habitat for 158 species of birds, of which 81 species are weding or water -associated birds. Rare or endangered birds utilizing the Reserve Include the California Black Ralf, which nests in pickleweed, sedges, saitgress, and bulrush, Belding's Savannah Sparrow, which nests In pickleweed; Light-footed Clapper Rail, which nests in pickleweed and cordgress, California Least Tern, which lays its eggs in the sand, and California Brown Pelican, which occasionally visits the upper bay for is purposes of resting and feeding. Also present In the Reserve are 18 species on the Audubon Blue List, a list of birds not considered rare or endangered, but which are showing evidence of non -cyclic population declines or range contractions. Over 60 species of fish and over 1,000 species of marine invertebrates have been reported In the bay. The Land Use Plan goes on to state, in part: Substantial sediment deposition has occurred In upper Newport Bay. Sources of sediment Include...landslides, and construction projects. The occurrence of three extremely wet winters 11969, 1978, and 1980) resulted In the major transport of sediment to the bay. The extensive sedimentation that has occurred has adversely effected the Upper Newport Bey Ecological Reserve due to loss of tide/pram. In addition, suspended sediments can lead to reduction of photosynthetic activity and can Interfere with filter feeding mechanisms of marine fife -forms... the City of Newport Beach has participated in 208 planning studies to develop a solution to this problem. This solution involves ut/llzation of Best Management Practices (OMP'si to retain... construction sediment on -site... As outlined in more detail In the "Hazards" section of this staff report, the bluffs at the subject site have been subject to ongoing erosion and destabilization. The proposed project is necessary to increase stability of the bluff and thus provide protection to existing structures and adjacent environmentally sensitive habitat area. In the absence of remedial measures, $oil saturation is expected to lead to continued sloughing and local failures, threatening the bluff top apartment building. In addition, the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) expressed concern in their letter to Commission staff dated October 13, 1998, that continued 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 9 of 12 bluff instability would lead to impacts upon down slope coastal sage habitat. CDFG is supportive of the proposed work as a measure to reduce the possibility of impacts upon sensitive habitat areas. Accordingly, the proposed project, which is designed to improve bluff stability, would be compatible with sensitive habitat, as it does not encroach into sensitive habitat areas and is designed to prevent impacts upon sensitive habitat areas which may occur as a result of bluff destabilization. While CDFG is supportive of the concept of the proposed project, CDFG also stated that California gnatcatchers were observed in the project area during their field visit on October 8, 1998, which was outside the gnatcatcher breeding season. CDFG stated that if construction occurred during gnatcatcher breeding season (generally February 1 through August 1.5), the applicant would be required to comply with the Federal Endangered Species Act. Since CDFG observed the presence of California gnatcatchers in the project area, and since California gnatcatchers are a federally listed endangered species, Commission staff requested review of the proposed project by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Personnel from USFWS performed a field review of the subject site and required the applicant to do a focused gnatcatcher survey to determine whether gnatcatchers were nesting and breeding in the vicinity of the project site. Six focused surveys were performed during the gnatcatcher breeding season by LSA Associates, Inc. of Irvine, California. LSA Associates' letter report dated May 25, 1999, states that no gnatcatchers were observed in the vicinity of the project site during the protocol survey (Exhibit 7). Consequently, USFWS is not requiring the applicant to avoid construction activity during the gnatcatcher breeding season (generally February 15 through August 15 according to USFWS). The applicant has provided a recently conducted California gnatcatcher survey, and has consulted with CDFG and USFWS on the presence of gnatcatchers at the subject site. However, there are conflicting results between CDFG's observation of California gnatcatchers on site, and the absence of such observations by the applicant's biologist. USFWS has indicated that the proposed construction activity may have adverse effects upon California gnatcatchers if they are in the project area during the breeding season. Therefore, given conflicting outcomes regarding the presence of gnatcatchers in the project area, but also given information recently gathered during the breeding season which indicates that gnatcatchers are not present at the site, special condition one requires that construction activity may only'occur during the breeding season if a biological survey of the project area conducted immediately prior to construction shows that no gnatcatchers are present. If gnatcatchers are present, all work shall be halted and work shall be restricted to the period outside the gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15) unless an amendment or a new coastal development permit is obtained. If an amendment or new coastal development permit is sought by the applicant to allow construction to occur during the breeding season, any such application must be accompanied by a plan to avoid impacts to the gnatcatcher, and evidence of review and approval of such plan by CDFG and USFWS. The applicant has proposed mitigation measures to avoid disturbance to sensitive resource areas. These measures are a part of the applicant's Mitigated Negative Declaration and in letters dated November 24, 1998 and January 25, '1999, from the applicant's agent to Commission staff. According to the documentation, all proposed work will be staged and implemented from the developed areas landward of the bluff edge. In addition, the biological assessment and coastal sage delineation demonstrate that no work will occur within the on - site coastal sage habitat and no coastal sage habitat will be impacted by the proposed development. As a preventative measure the applicant has proposed installation of temporary plastic barrier fencing to exclude activity in existing coastal sage habitat. A biologist with expertise in coastal sage habitat will direct placement of the fencing. In addition, the biologist will be on -site prior to construction activity to determine the presence of breeding California gnatcatchers. If gnatcatchers are present, work will not commence during the gnatcatcher breeding season unless an amendment or a new coastal development permit has been obtained. Finally, sedimentation/erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs), such as a pre -construction meeting to discuss implementation and adherence to BMPs, and placement of sand bag barriers will be used to prevent sedimentation impacts to on -site coastal sage habitat and UNBER. These measures are required to ensure the proposed development is consistent with section 30240 of the Coastal Act, therefore the proposed measures are Incorporated in special conditions one and two. The proposed project is necessary to control erosion, improve drainage and decrease saturation of the bluff. If left untreated, slope saturation will lead to collapse of bluff materials. Impacts to biological resources, including impact upon UNBER, will be reduced by implementing the proposed project. Therefore, as conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed project is consistent with section 30240 of the Coastal Act. Marine resources shall be maintalned, enhanced, and where feasible, restored. Special protection shall be given to areas and species of specie/ biological or economic significance. Uses of the marine environment shell be carried out In a manner that will sustain the biological productivity of coastal waters and the will maintain healthy populations of all species of marine organisms adequate for long-term commercial, recreational, scientific, and educe tiona/purposes. of the Coastal Act states: The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes appropriate to maintain optimum populations of marine organisms and for the protection of human health shall be maintained and, where feasible, restored through, among other means, minim/zing adverse effects of waste water discharges and entrainment, controlling runoff, preventing depletion of ground water supplies and substantial interference with surface water flow, encouraging waste water reclamation, maintaining natural vegetation buffer areas the protect riparian habitats, and minimizing alteration of natural streams. Existing packed earth drainage structures discharge water through an existing drain line to UNBER. The proposed development will continue these discharges. The drainage basin for the existing and proposed drainage system is an approximately 0A 1 acre landscaped area. No parking lots or street areas discharge through the existing or proposed drainage system. The proposed project will not change the quality of water discharged from the project site. addition, the Regional Water Quality Control board has reviewed the proposed project and stated that no comments were required. The proposed development includes best management practices to reduce construction related sedimentation Impacts to UNBER. In addition, trash grates Installed on the drains of the proposed drainage ditches will catch any trash which might enter the drainage ditch and subsequently be discharged to UNBER. The proposed project will not result in impacts to water quality, therefore the Commission finds the proposed project is consistent with Section 30230 and 30231 of the Coastal Act. 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 11 of 12 F. VISUAL IMPACTS •. Section 30251 of the Coastal Act states, in part: The scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas shall be considered and protected as a resource of public importance. Permitted development shall be sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas, to minimize the alteration of natural land forms, to be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas, and, where feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality in visually degraded areas. New development in highly scenic areas...shal/be subordinate to the character of its setting. The proposed development site is visible from Galaxy Park, a public coastal view area approximately one half mile west of the site. This view area is identified in the City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan as a significant public view area. In addition, pedestrians and cyclists using Bay Back Drive, presently a recreational thoroughfare, which runs along the base of the bluff slope, may observe the project site. Existing development in the project area includes a concrete filled sandbag wall which retains soils on that part of the face of the bluff extending from the 100 foot contour line (i.e. lip of the bluff) to the 90 foot contour line (i.e. grade of proposed interceptor ditches) at site A. This existing structure degrades existing visual quality. The proposed project is the installation of interceptor ditches, a retaining wall, and a concrete apron to cover the existing concrete filled sandbag wall. These structures will occur in an area viewable from significant public viewing areas. The applicant has stated these structures are designed to reduce the collapse of bluff soils that scour away existing native vegetation and leave a denuded bluff face. Accordingly, the structures are designed to prevent degradation of the long term visual quality of the bluff. However, the proposed development will increase the visual mass of structures on the bluff face which would result in negative impacts to visual resources. This visual mass includes the placement of concrete at grade to construct the drainage ditches, construction of a retaining wall that will extend two feet above grade, and construction of a concrete apron that will cover an existing ten foot tall retaining structure. Without appropriate masking, these structures would not be subordinate to the charactir-of their setting. The applicant has proposed to texture the proposed structures in order to reduce reflection and glare viewable from public areas. However, plans submitted do not demonstrate implementation of -the proposed textured surface. In addition, If the color of the proposed structures is not compatible with the bluff face, then a textured surface would not be sufficient to mask the structures such that they were subordinate to their setting. Therefore, the Commission imposes special condition three which requires the applicant to submit revised plans that show that the proposed structures shall be constructed of materials designed to blend with the color and texture of the existing bluff face and native vegetation. As conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed development is consistent with Section 30251 of the Coastal Act to protect scenic quality in the area. G. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Section 30604 of the Coastal Act provides for the issuance of coastal development permits directly by the Commission in regions where the local government having jurisdiction does not . have a certified local coastal program. The permit may only be issued if the Commission finds 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 12 of 12 that the proposed development will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare a Local Coastal Program which conforms with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. The Newport Beach Land Use Plan was effectively certified on May 19, 1982. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the certified Land Use Plan. Therefore, the Commission finds that approval of the proposed development will not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a Local Coastal Program (Implementation Plan) for Newport Beach that is consistent with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act as required by Section 30604(a). H. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Section 13096(a) of the Commission's administrative regulations requires Commission approval of Coastal Development Permit applications to be supported by a finding showing the application, as conditioned by any conditions of approval, to be consistent with any applicable requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 21080.5(d)(2)(A) of CEQA prohibits a proposed development from being approved if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect which the activity may have on the environment. The project is located in an existing urban development that is immediately adjacent to an ESHA. The proposed development has been conditioned, as follows, to assure the proposed project Is consistent with the resource protection policies of the Coastal Act: pre -construction and construction phase monitoring by a qualified biologist to ensure no take of California gnatcatchers occurs; avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosion control/sedimentation BMP's; color and texture requirements of the proposed structures; and an assumption -of -risk deed restriction. As conditioned, no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures are known, beyond those required, which would substantially lessen any Identified significant effect which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission finds that the proposed project, as conditioned, is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative and is consistent with CEQA and the policies of the Coastal Act. 5-99.036 IGason Baker Assoc.) str rpt RC .•�• •'��• •'uP aw 1181P VrP 140 111111 V911 t1l) i1b COPYRIGHT 199! SEE 890 YAP J. eon, o' ,gP ' E. �:S•`yb,�c R; r+�`,. ';A rA Ir 464. t R ii 541- k # a 11 Raw EXHIBIT No. 1 Application Number: 5-99-036 California Coastal Commission �� •j�L � �111`�4 70 kOLOQ tttukunt•R! i7Ai i mil :y- N C dCoO W C • i_ Z .E M . F Z o 0 Lu a t GOOD 4031KOW 40 D .�• • '"� t PARK NEWPORT ORPIE .ems o,• c WOOF c•a. ,� • cw to /////i VICINITY MAP f WP twt R q.AR\tS.r..Rwi'unM M. MmM �,m 11 N.\W �3•�iSi.„GRw4]priP R. MYA rC-n P M qq. bR [G.RR q.lq M q.SR fKl ! <i.Pam a. RtIN .S-n P M .iM.- M )3.wt• 1. q Y..MS R•a>RI ! P M aPTSY __ Y P•nY[P K41YAN[ .T LLFRS s ql>b.alf[x�aMG� R.~R3O 4MM�PS..Ma V].31f M Y.i4.w0 91\! ••.YMC w fP.\wiq .(P.M• WO.. RVT4 q4 M...WSMY MOw Og31P Yq. P G.M q wRRi f.l R •q Mon aG.C[oIP KY.9Mi9.il (P.P. tWR. .3 P M Y.0 >M �3Px.q 9Rt R x'VMG •w..s>t MPC M n ..tv4 w.iigv .xGm3.wm..M !wl tww. �Pmqs P-sn Y M xwe+rc RSS fw\ w>.r w [RR P M tMwFro. Yn nlK.x qM9. wn.s: P.xgm ew iom. e..cPgl R.trc iK. aw am :mwagY Paw erm tIMY. L.. x.nM P Pl. gAwi 9.1\ �YP10 K I�wl. SMIa Oq4 4gtR P YPGrK RM W wart n[ R q•MO.W M Vrt ]GOIt FIEWFED R6PECTK*0 ..w.rw 31•ix V�.xG �.. M m[R4 RTt MG[x O.f. MC OnMM ^`iP N wx A19.�i11 4 �i;G Ti�� tln q PnY• x M M[MG 1i w1Nwi q[i SMS! ginlli q �ow,1Y a Ax. > M GJ-GY wlxrrP rP M .wnG xn M_Nbwt w� e`im Mnno-s.:i ieR'.e.'.w4it:�4 D M ox G ]�/ m^ro 0 33 O u T H E C I T Y OF F NEWPORT NEWPORT BEACH u . U o • � � f � w o Po 4 1 �• i • a = PARK NEWPORT APARTM E N T S TEMPORARY EROSION REPAIR GRADING PLAN ]R�YM�iI_•SOp;rt.[Rb_nioi4_VwW]..1tnMMPleYPM.YnP�o-u�4tMwG[�a1ortinm wP>i.[4w xtY.fw4 NMG>liiC.wt�[PePwM vi•IV>rIC4INY1f[¢MriYb.apRIRPP].M . 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K waM F Iwrr y KFrfFFi �w wF-a -al ww .-v.wut r r.rF � Krrw �.waw f rra.r f A.FM V F.FM s sFlraaw F rragr M Ir4KY s F.wwf s �r;a..Yw �10�T/�rM1� KILO 0 BACK BAY DRIVE - - -- - -- - -- - - TiUM Res nw CONSTMMM NOTESlvn E) SION EXHIBIT # ----- - -- PAGE OF ... 6 - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------- PAW NEWPOFrr APARTk*NM B-10N REPA" PLAN CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH Vol ! w� awarr�rrt �• i Qs w�trr�wwu>•raawwnarr 7 awrwws Q rn..iwar►w.u:R.�r�wswaaa wwsw rnw BACK BAY ORfVEi.�-• 1 GENERAC-N07E5 y I �iwwwv�. �wrrr�•� ♦� �a�..uar�slrrr lrrw\ � � ��rl�—��IYIIGR A laa� Ytiawaiarw+��aa�a�. �`ws � Q rvrrrrwrw �} 'i ®rr rrrwra ' I l Q wwe�.r CrKD rMFK)WM FAIPA 11RlM OfO�IdIIfRM RAN w r ��"`R1ef! Y �It7YMOARM aflr OF WM-OW BEACH 4 M EXHIBIT GENERAAL�{.NyOTTL5�� W trM1 t Y��YY M Y.MtIt1.M14 tR�1t NLL tfWrt �r ^iPafMMt�.�O MI• �"wa ..: uw.A:ut wcwww'oaar w aems mnwes �_Li• �avrww racww�n'�w� timw'� n�w�`ra wr�w .vi wm taw a nu. m..aiwwur wn...ew nrm ww tva r a rma.a }wMltwP x 00 x fR •i uxwsxwn"txsw�..w awr.rew+w. �^aM y��eraawry wta. I[EW..tV fwt a.Ot I w4wx. ftef w eR WI.6pax�WaaSO4 On.f. wlxYO so l.V tY Krw.�V�wi a _ } }OO 7'FOO OYVU f . BACK BAY DRIVE }•��- •. 4-\tea � \_ V-� 1'�_ lrl'_'--�.— r-•_ -_�! ao�mrA:� '.� ":e.:- r•,.%—�••--�v.�� - L vwr e.�—r- __ _'—.f �:-+tp�'t � aw.+ai-� ' Qas.au-ev. �m �+wv.t.wr.eatw+rwt r I �� •� � - . .� -- �.. ': "`u.M.."��atw` ..ass ...11l s ��4.• a T.'^'?"^ .�`' - .-.- i - \ ` a .e w.w.pw rruwemM / �i Bow tm ! •T-'_____• w ev •�Y aw �wt.rb NEwr fIC1YRdfNAPARmIKMONRaAIR PLAN COAST OF NEr BEA ti !iq EXHIBIT # `AGE --- S-- OF em:IBI? # 10 0 BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Of PROPOSED BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS City of Newport Beach County of Orange, California Prepared tor:. Culbertson, Adams, & Associates 85 Argonaut, Suite 220 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 581-2888 Prepared by: J. E. Heppert & Associates Environmental Consulting P.O. Box 3594 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-1594 (949) 367-0754 1 COASTAL COMMISSION 5-9q- 036 EXHIBIT *....... 4...... _... PAGE .... I.... OF .3.... June, 1998 On June 29, 1998 Jan E. Heppert conducted a site inspection of the proposed bank stabilization project at Park Newport Apartments, In the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, California. The Weather was sunny with a light breeze blowing onshore. Temperatures were in the low to mid 70's. Park Newport Apartments proposes to stabilize three different sites along the southwest edge of their property. These three sites are in close proximity to each other, and are located at the top edge of the cliffs above Back Bay Drive and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, just north of San Joaquin Hills Road. The Park Newport Apartment site is approximately 100 feet above Back Bay Drive and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, with a nearly vertical cliff separating them. The first site is on the southern most portion of the property, near housing units 4550 and 4540. It is the leading edge of a cliff that is a sheer 90 degree or more drop. The top of the cliff is vegetated with ornamental vegetation typical of the manufactured landscaping throughout the apartment complex. This extends down the cliff until a sheer rock face begins. Coastal sage scrub vegetation begins below this rock face, and extends down to San Joaquin Hills Road and Back Bay Drive. The bank stabilization proposed for this site includes extending a preexisting timber pole retaining wall from its'present location approximately 40 feet around the corner of the cliff. If this work is done from the top of the cliff, It will not impact any native California vegetation, including coastal sage scrub found downslope. The second site is located to the north of the first site along the cliff that rises above the ecological reserve, below units 4830, 4840, and 4870. There are two areas of exposed soil below these units that appeared to have been cleared recently. Between these two cleared areas is a small section of vegetation that has been left. This cleared area extends approximately 20 to 25 feet downslope from the apartment elevation. Below this cleared area is dense coastal sage scrub that extends downslope to Back Bay Drive. The cleared area appears to have been vegetated by ornamental vegetation based upon the vegetation found on either side of this cleared area and the small patch of vegetation left between the two cleared areas. This small area left untouched consists of pampas grass, palm trees, sugar bush and small ornamental bushes and ground cover typical of the manufactured landscaping found throughout the apartment complex. The bank stabilization proposed for this location includes the installation of approximately 5000 square feet of gunite or shotcrete. It this gunite or shotcrete is installed in the presently cleared area or the area of vegetation left between the two cleared areas, there will be no impact to any native California vegetation. If the proposed work extends downsle� 6t�+,�u��af 2 5-1c - 036 EXHI5'T #............. ........ PAGE .. Z .. OF ,.3!... cleared area, it will impact coastal sage scrub, and a permit from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will be necessary. In order to avoid impacting this coastal sage scrub, It is recommended that all work be done from the top of the cliffs. The third area of proposed impact is located just north along the cliff, below the clubhouse, pool and spa. Currently there is a flat area a few feet below the complex that is vegetated with sugar bush. This flat area is 3 to 7 feet wide. A portion of this flat area has slid down the slope, along with the. sugar bush. This exposed slide area is covered with plastic and secured with sand bags to prevent further erosion. Immediately below this flat area is a steep slope that is heavily vegetated with coastal sage scrub. The proposed bank stabilization includes the installation of a 157 foot long caisson wall. The construction of this wall is described*as follows: 23 concrete caissons, 36 inches in diameter will be installed along the cliff: They will extend 23 feet into the soil, and be on typical 7 foot centers. If this work is done from the top of the cliff, it should not impact the coastal sage scrub: If any coastal sage scrub is disturbed or removed during the construction process, then a permit will be necessary from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. There is no riparian associated vegetation or any wetland habitat on this site or any other proposed construction site previously discussed in this report. In order to avoid the time consuming and possibly costly permitting process • through the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for the removal of coastal sage scrub, it is recommended that no coastal sage scrub be disturbed during this bank stabilization project. If care is taken by the contractor performing the work, and the work is done in an environmentally aware manner, it should be possible to avoid impacting the coastal sage scrub located adjacent to the work sites. a. GtonTAL GOINrisM'S3iOM 5-gq-o3G ExHmff #.....�.._.... :�.. 3 PAGE ..3.... OF 3 a7aTL'�� eF DS L11Ci �„RN^� r7EPAitTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Region s, South Caelt Regional OfHee 4942 vlewrldge Avenue Son Diego, CA 92123 (at$) 4674201 SAX 467-4235 October 13,1991 Mr. Karl Schwan& California Coastal Commission South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 908024302 Coastal Development Permit 5-98.345, Slope Stabilisation Work at the Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Schwang! The Department ofF1sh and Game (Department) has reviewed the above -referenced Coastal Development Permit for the stabilization of bluffs immediately adjacent to theUpper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (Reserve), located in the City of Newport Such, Orange County. The stabilization Is necessary to eliminate the throat of slippage for residential units and the club house building within the Park Newport Apartment Complex. A site visit was made by Me. Terri Stewart of my of on October 8;199& with Mr, Kevin Culbertson to verity the project site issues, constraints and conditions. The Department concurs that the stabilization work needs to be completed prior the upcoming winter rains to avoid impacts that may occur to the Reserve if the slopes "as stabilized. The Departmcnt has reviewed the descriptions and plans fbr all four proposed slope stabilization areas and has no substantial concerns with their implementation. Due to other floors, only sites #1 and #4 are being permitted by Coastal Commision at this time, The Department concurs with all drthe proposed Coastal Commission spedal conditions being placed on the project including conducting work activities item above; installation of temporary protective fencing and avoidance Ora native vegetation near the proposed work and caisson placement. Although not currently being contemplated, other conditions may be required, aSer monitbriog, the caissons are determined to be Inadequate and additional stabilization measures are necessary. The Department would expect to receive notification of additional, proposed work at these or other sites on the bluffs. California gnatcatchers were observed by Department staff immediately below the "rockIlall" area of ette 0l. Because of the occupied gnatatcher habitat,11!the project is modified to potentially impact coastal sage scrub or be constructed during the gnatatcher breeding season (generally February 1 through August 15), the Federal Endangered Species Act will need to be complied with. Additional California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents and mitigation may also be necessary. The Department recommends the same conditions for slope stabilization efforts at the deferred COASTAL CONWISS10% S-941. 034 EXHIBIT #................. PAGE ....L.... OF Z... FISH FIND GAME ID:619-467-4235 OCT 22'98 10:09 No.,001 P.03 Mr. Schwang October 13, 1998 - • Page 2 sites 02 and #3) as are being used for sites #1 and #4. Sites #2 and #3 should be attempted to be stabilized prior to the gnatcatcher breeding season. The Department concurs with the Coastal Commision Staff Report that the minor earthwork necessary at sites #2 and/or #3 be performed by hand, and again, from the top of the slope. Revegetation may be necessary, especially at site #2, and native vegetation and non-invasive plant species should be utilized. Finally, the Department recommends that, at a minimum, biannual monitoring be conducted by the landowner to ensure that the slope stabilization is working and that sensitive habitat or Reserve land is not being negatively impacted. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposed project. Questions or comments may be directed to Ms. Terri Stewart at the letterhead address, or by telephone at (619) 4674209. ec: Department of Fish and dame Terri Stewart, San Diego Bill Tippets, San Diego Erick Burres, Long Beach US Fish and Wildlife Service Loren Hayes, Carlsbad rue; ee59E34S.tu Ronald'D. Rempet /vC1 Regional Manager, Region S PAGE .. .&. OF .!�l.... MAY- 5-99 WED 2:53 PM FWS PAX N0, 760 431 5902 P. I AMh United States Department of the Interior FISHAM WILDIAES SERVICE Beb{pwtN Seerio0e CarabadMWooks MO LOICKAve M WON C.ntdud,CWf""/1006 MAY 51999 Karl Schwing Coastal Program Analyst California Coastal Commission South Coast Area Office 700 tkeangate, Suite I000 Long Beach, California 908024302 Re: Coastal Development Permit Application 5-99-036,1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California Dear Mr. Schwing: This letter responds to your inquest that we review Coastal Development Permit Application 5- 99.036 regarding the potential for the proposed project to impact the Federally4isted, threatened coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioprila calijornfoa caVornica). Our review is based on a field visit to the site by Loren Hays of our staff, and documents submitted to us by LSA Associates, . Ina, dated April 26,1999. The proposed project is to perform slope stability work involving the excavation and recompaction of earth, construction of interceptor ditches and storm drain inlet pipet, concreting over existing and bags, and the construction of a retaining wall on the slope with the Park Newport Apartments complex, which is located immediately east of, and above, Back Bay Drive. The subject slope is vegetated with coastal sage scrub vegetation, and gnatcatchers are know to reside within coastal sage scrub habitat along the eastern bluffs of Upper Newport Bay, The project area is immediately adjacent to coastal sage scrub habitat present on the slope below. However, given the project description and analyses contained within documents submitted to us, there apparently will not be direct impacts to coastal sage scrub -in association with the proposed project. We are concerned for the protection of fish and wildlife raotuces and their habitats. In this regard, we provide comments on public notices issued for a Federal permit or license affecting the Nation's waters pursuant to the Clew Wetir AcL We also administer the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). Section 7 of the Act requires Federal agencies to consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service should it be determined ibattheir discretionary sets may affect a K" threatened or endangered species. SecOon 9 of the Act prohibits the unauthorized "take" (c g., harm harassment, pursuit, injury, kill) of Federally -listed wildlife sprur" mice, "Hais farther defined to include habitat rnodificadon or degradation where it kills or nyuno wildlife by COASTAL Y13iirtuiu;�4� i 50" - 036 EXHIBIT #.....6............ PAGE ....L... OF .Z,... MAY- 5-99 WED 2:54 PM FWS FAX NO. 760 431 5902 P. 2 Mr. Karl Schwing, California Coastal Commission 2 impairing essential behavioral patterns including breeding, feeding or sheltering. "Take" can only be permittod pursuant to the pertinent language and provisions in section 7 (Federal consultations) and section 10(s) of the Act. Based on our own field review and site visit and the results of three separate focused surveys for gnatcatchers undertaken in the project area and environs on behalf of the project proponent, it appears unlikely the project will result in the take of the gnatcatcher. Should the remaining protocol gnatcateher surveys detect the species within habitats adjacent to the project area, we will recommend that constriction activities be avoided during the goatcatcher breeding season (generally February 15 to August 15) or that measures be taken to avoid any potential direct or indirect effects to the gnatcatcher and thus prevent the unauthorized take of the species. It is our understanding that the applicant is willing to abide by these recommendations. Should gnatcatchers be subsequently discovered within close proximity to the proposed construction area, we recommend further contact with our office to help identify appropriate measures that would prevent the unauthorized take of the species. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the potential impact of the proposed project on sensitive habitats and Federally -listed species. If you should have questions pertaining to these comments, please contact Loren Hays or William Miller ofmy staff at (760) 431-9440. Sincerely, J4t 00 Tim A. Bartel Assistant Field Supervisor 1-6-99-Ht-224 cc: Eric Burres (CDFG) Tim Neely (NROC) LSA Associates, Inc. (Atin: Mr. William O'Connell) C0 A S TA L LC a fEltfli%jW.':: EXHIBIT �.....6............ PAGE ...�L.. OF .Z... I AAwiater,Inc. If you have any questions regarding the surveys or the project itself, please call me at (949)553.0666. Sincerely, ISA AAASSSOCI�ATES, INC. M.W. "Bill" O'Connell Associate BiologistMestoration Ecologist cc: Eric Burres, California Department of Fish and Game Richard Ellis, Gerson Baker do Associates Kevin Culbertson, Culbertson and Adams Attachment 5aM((P,"P130* W ue"YW2.*pd)) 0 COASTAL M141f r'�E�t Is.99-03e EXHIBIT 0......I........... PAGE ..Z..... CIF .. k. 0 2 LSA Associates, Inc. Environmental Analysis Transportation Engineerins and tands ors ion Xabstat Restoration LSD Hal ad Resource Management Community and Land Psvming ' Landscape Architecture Archaeology and Paleon: o:ogy RECEIVED May 25,1999 South Coast Region Principals Mr. Loren Hays JUN 91999 - US Fish and Wildlife Service CALIFORNIA Robs Brara shrug B dy 2730 Loker Avenue West COASTAL COMMISSION Les Card Carlsbad, CA 92008 Da -id Clore Ross Dobbenten Sire Granbolm Subject: Gnatcatcher Surveys on Bluff Below Park Newport Apartments Richard Harlacher Roger Harris An Homrighnaen Dear Loren: Lam- Kennings Six California gnatcatchers surveys have now been completed on the bluff above Back Laura Latter Carollyn Lobell Bay Drive from San Joaquin Hills Road to a point approximately 0.3 mile north. Bill alayer These surveys were begun on April 15, 1999, and were completed on May 21, 1999. McCann No gnatcatchers were observed or heard on any of the six occasions. Copies of the .Rob Anthony Petros completed survey forms are attached for your review. The six surveys were made one Rob Schonholrz week apart, except between the fifth and sixth survey, which were eight days apart. Malcolm J Sproul Lloyd B. Zola Gerson Bakar & Associates wishes to proceed with their proposed project as quickly Associates as possible so that it is completed, including the revegetation of the slide area, before the Lonset of the winter rains. They hope to begin the installation of the permitted J.meae.um Connie Calico J drainage structure by July 15,1999. The installation of the drainage structures at the Tung -then Chung, Ph.D.- top of the slope is imperative to the long-term survival of the coastal sage scrub plant Steven W. Conkling community below. The heavy rains during the winter of 1997/98 washed from the top GaryDor• down over the side of the bluff and cut the away the cryptogamic crust, which covers Jack Easton the soil in the open areas and protects it from damage by raindrops. Consequently, the Richard Erickson sooner the drainage is installed above the native plant community the safer the bluff Kevin Pincher Prank Hankins will be from further scouring and slides, such as took place in 1997/98. Clint Kellner Btwon Let Loren, l want to thank you on behalf of Gerson Bakar for taking time out of your busy Jrdirh H. Maumut schedule to meet in the field and review the situation and prepare the letter to the M. W1. N/1' California Coastal Commission, which has helped to expedite this process. O' M. R: BW O'Connell Deborah Pracilio AmySkrwrs-Cox Lynette Stanchina . COASTAL COP?Pi t W ii Jill Mho" O'Conner C -qG w O ? 71.......... EXHIBIT #...... $r2SM(G,.V P83o\gnusurvc)ltr2.wpd)> PAGE ..... !... OF . z'.. One Park Plaza, Suite $00 Telephone 9I9353-0666 Otheroffices located inBerkeley Irvine, California92614.5991 Paaimile 949353-8076 Pt, Richmond, Riverside and Sacramento E-mau irvine/sa@leer-osoacom C2�-= CULBERTSON, ADAMS & ASSOCIATES PLANNING CONSULTANTS MEMORANDUM TO: Jay Garcia, City of Newport Beach FROM: Kevin Culbertson DATE: October 30, 1998 SUBJECT: Park Newport Apartments - Caisson Sites I want to let you know that on Monday, I am having the plans and the CDP as approved by the Coastal Commission for the caisson sites delivered to your attention. They will probably arrive late morning or early afternoon. I want to let you know because the contractor will be coming with a copy of the CDP to pull his permit to commence the work. Attached for your reference is a reduced copy of the plans and the City's AIC as submitted to the Coastal Commission. I would normally ask that you give me a call if you have any questions... but I understand there is a slight problem with the phones; i.e., there is a service outage. Assuming you get phones back on Monday, give me a call if you have any questions. Thanks for your help! Attachments c: Richard Ellis, GBA (memo only) 85 Argonaut, Suite 220, Aliso Viejo, California 92656-4105 • (949) 581-2888 • Fax (949) 581-3599 ¢ -i;i Q APPLICATION FOR "AP(#VAL IN CONCEPT" NO. , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FEE: APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - As required for permit application to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Section 13210 and 13211. Property Address: Ile General Description of Proposed I ✓7 S �Q llG /', o N n 11}�e-,, Legal Description: 112 s/ 07 0 2 Applicant's Mailing Address: 201 4E I e2 SV12 Sam &ee-?;ra if 41,1/7?- 22 Applicant's Telephone Number:_ Y/ [5 A 1 Yek. fN ,e, 14P Iran 58/- DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE The I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application; and find They comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or That a has been approved and is final A copy of any variance, site plan review, resubdivision, use permit, or other issued permit•is attached together With all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon site plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). aHas been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. Has received a final Environmental impact Report (copy Attached). All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by this City unless a substantiai.change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. Date: gkLaa PLANNING DEPARTMENT Attachments: JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By n jyl�— -- •Fog- ��( ciAac�A� NOTE: No building permit will be issued until approval is received from C.C.C. WP511PLANNINGDARLEEN\FoRh1S41PRLCONP.DOC A( / K BACKBAY DRIVE o o C � ._k•_ i•x 'tea -_ - � s:c�S.T ..�.. /_�.-',•�A=-�J-_.ate`'___. �-C_` _ i�- EXOSiMG - CLUBHOUSE NORTH SHORING PLAN n=_- - pu CMVE ces, nwc,waawe nraum,wwwaar MUI IaROPALM MHw pNw;wMW1FD�' . unounnwaww,wu�w euxrtwcwrn�wal snanawnmm�..' SiE PLAN' RJ]AIM R G�NI.]StIII LIr 0..lvY'rOlr Yw4YYY.YYbEv[. 14 1.MY.YYYrr¢YrblbYlMYbv EYb1 LVY[Yi EWYYbrYYvp�wb.Yr [bvviblbl[•LY'•w•.wvLL 9'-F-t lU[r[[rIv�YY.YLLfttlbYYvtlAlll.[r[YYMY[C iNYw[N[binMbb.YOJ.sMMYNI[mntlN YYw WwYh llblr[MYYYTMbiYp[.rRlNbw[.swVMR.nY U4�YCV YYdwL�4YON[1�Y1 1bT4i�brYba•4Yw.a4.Y.�.YbbarYa44Y lMmdbbvswnOY.[YYY•wlw.alb..b�a[rN wY.[YYRyd1YlY[ YY] FY.YbI.YSL N ERwq1Npy�NG lypl] ��1-MFM41M .M.IrrNMdpvbirdbr.RW. M.wiY YOs•YrL/�WCR� �] CCS w�w/YMWYYNbYgtl�YtlstlWYYW rvR)/ieMeLreYw.SYtrMvblYl.b \l4 a.Y•Ylvby�LyR�bIYrFMrYYCw4 7•L.1.vAdNYYR}NINY[IYYYNY 1 Nma1rYYYrIVY1M[I.[YYsi/RbN[.dYtlb iTYllw[YsiW rYbtl]r�r4WM.rM1.�Y ii trIRrw�rn[aLv. LMw..MM.I4..YMYY.r.lr.rrr. 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IE c ]S / COMRLIE CUS5Ot1 . �i�. _- """- MY6[bKpYEbdy4NlL#WEmIM ai}pY.i6) 2WPrYIMN �•rr,MNMYPItlYib J ` O J /[ llE5 •I]'a [. /I 1105 etx'op IryryIgqyyJIO • t]'ac SNIYY.r.Y.1Yb.bf.EVN]]ILrlv]1dYY6YYt yL M fNL I[NOIN LRLL tRXGIX (CR.0)NOM O "Oa "^^�- � a.u-sm �.e.�,.� a_ Aft O W W W m.10 ( ) (u.m) ' .ILbROYYYbrvMMMtq.[Nw n4eaYtlr W UOU 5Lo¢i SI➢l. sL&u i9L 0.MaYrtlrYla'Yl•�wiivwYY.11r MXp.MJ E9 V) P $.IGL _ _ ^�—••� lY WaY1�.r�Y.Ys. WYPwY.WLdItlM.E •. �� � �1.Y.►t..(.brwY.iYbN [/F.w4TW. M1wN-rY SOIL ' - 8PF •SOR ' - 31PL , S. e.F .— SAWME - Ia• Y )� I11 V[dI. V[Nr. ]r S- 11 �. RENIr. V(�. R[IMf. ] �� �`-� 1$�tl �1. 1ftNwbr#Lb•LY faMYwbr.OlY.r b.Y1 R[Ylr. RLwt. RLINL. (lO1N)�- 1]M�pabdbb..�Y• Yt9.wN•Ygl.i " SCIMYwY4MgRnwviY.MYrbY.gvMNYr[. w�llalY M +wbYrr wYrwgv+:.YY.]tl�r•.vY _ DETAIL] DEfALL_ DETAY.. }] b•.a •2] 34-2 —vRmnRa wort sl a umm YpPK GXLi. —NG GPAgNG OR NFGR G W X 6 iG BC VFAIGRYCO � 'I[REeRRm , 1MRa u sv/ w GRMN. P . eRoms — 9's [pYCGEIE WSSONZ ea-o-o. '90 .. j' � � (li�M' l��gc�� _ , • �f k�l�ol�oG 11 iC SHORINC3 PLAN A NORTH ,,_gib 9H-3 100.0' 90.0• 80.0* 70.0' 60.0' 50 0• 40.0' gum w12'ac. SiOPL r (caa) 1 r� h/It SECTION -O Vf-G4 SN-t I• nu wu,'� SIOPE+ 6GRA0) SICL S� l t_n` 4/It RW& W • 12'a 91u 1 MpM1vlrtuLlbLsp�lb(tla IMSeL Yr�4bW MI/N G1Y�N�wm�NMbd Pbl dY+u wlY.ww•Wn S GLo•wbvpltlbel�a Sfwolon WYwPNW plmvMbgW dngneYw�T a n.�m-nw��e.p.ee.�wl��Ye�i+ meENr n�mvs WYynsdn�Y SM/dbpGwimvwM aCYut•wbGJilh�mGM�n)Owwvo 6u{nbv4 tbb0'iOwWb.ISv rid NYGM)Slpr4 aN m•pd4bdMY�4� poYvs.OYNtl gwplRalndm bn16W4Ynddw'�ppYY IMTEPNL 9nEGiilf TION REMGGIt[•�•�BTEFI 1 PMNp,YdYwmbnbNlbMladGNmr4NUG wncPsn 2 R�Mlq Mw Y dNb®l�u�NMOGvp wb INIY I�tlbs jY1Nw)Isb1Y'YgmalY. SNbWp}bYwbJlv40w)Ll)V.9d ).)bMwElYbi • 12rwc d�wrYb l lt�YYMbnYwrYdwtl Wywnw.fYiM4dgnnM wrea..Y. a Nmq�bpe+ad�.Td�•.r1Wo v_�a>m..r.wwam2�ermr am.T� I�YMa�wl�un t�mtl+dilMMYI• 6MiNdu�YaLsw'd�lGN6bw�YMbM Shcifl425t APPLICATION FOR "APPROVAL IN CONCEPT" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH No.1842-98 (Amendment! FEE: APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - As required for permit application to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Section 13210 and 13211. Property Address: 1 Park Newport Newport Beach, CA General Description of Proposed Development: Slope Stabilization repair to add the erosion repair/interceptor ditch/retaining wall. Legal Description:APN 440-251-07,08/440-132-52 Zone: PC Applicant: Gerson Bakar Associates Applicant's Mailing Address:201 Filbert Street San Francisco, CA 94133-3298 Applicant's Telephone Agent: Kevin 85 Ar 220, A1iso DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE The I have reviewed the, plans for the foregoing development including: 2656 I. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application; and find whey comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning t,, / Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or • That a has been approved and is final A copy of any variance, site plan review, resubdivision, use permit, or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon site plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted, thereunder, this development: ( • 1 Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). • Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. • Has received a final Environmental Impact Report (copy Attached). All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final, The development is not subject to rejection in principal by this City unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. Date:/r'+ N— ?, q, I qqt? PLANNING DEPARTMENT Attachments: PATRICOTEMPLE, Director By ( Lf_. X�Z >n !>.L�yi NOTE: No building permit will be issued until approval is received from C.C.C. F:\PLANNING\USERS\FORMS\APRLCONP.DOC e 0 M co 0 0 CD 0 rr CIL COSTA PROJECT LOCATION UNIVERSITY S A' p L /4�i 9 4- Y THE' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS TEMPORARY EROSION REPAIR t { x / p n '4,1 CITY 01 1, r ORT BEACH /S V1z_ t / W FF"rROari,:. COINCEPTF;O. This ccne3nr:= to _0 applicable planning reei`:I"lions JiF2K NEWPORT It and' ri cleS 7j`'��rN.yf n e 4Y'v Thesep plans am not to be umd for construction purposes. No buih;ing permit will be issued until approval is received from the Cal; onia Coastal Commission. Ej r¢ t ,a�> v x PLAN, D PA MENT l/ i.. 1 �a.t°r_,... M B Date: 2 - v JAIv - 'hr ;r`i=j F�N PARK NEWPORT - - �! �§ i NIw APARTMENTS Y "P M d BACK BAY i e _ 'e `{'r �i�"� HIN �Y» m t,I Uj _l - WWµY, 1 Ia !RT IL 'Y�4.. fr rs J j N HILLS SCALE:- 1" = 200' LOCATION MAP VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES GRADING NOTES GRADING NOTES EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH 1. GRADED SLOPES SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 16. WHEN CUT PADS ARE BROUGHT TO NEAR GRADE THE ENGINEERING In,case on emergency call ANDY DODGE VERTICAL. GEOLOGIST SHALL DETERMINE IF THE BEDROCK IS EXTENSIVELY (Retponsible person) MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT AND SPECIAL FRACTURED OR.FAULTED AND WILL READILY TRANSMIT WATER. IF (949)644-4209 OR CELL PHONE (949)795-1240 REQUIREMENTS TO THE PERMIT . 2. FILL SLOPES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 90 PERCENT CONSIDERED NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS at (24-hr. phone no.) 2. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING ANDfOR DUST PALLIATIVE. RELATIVE COMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISHED SURFACE. ENGINEER, A COMPACTED FILL BLANKET WILL BE PLACED. the undersigned civil engineer will review erosion control work. 3. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 17. THE GEOLOGIST SHALL PERFORM PERIODIC INSPECTIONS 3. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE DURING THE PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION AS DETERMINED BY ASTM TEST METHOD 1557, . ,ENGINEERING DURING GRADING. MICHAEL J. MORSE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE (Print Name) (Signature) (Date) PERFORMED APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF 18. NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE: IF, IN THE COURSE OF 4. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 630 PM MONDAY THROUGH SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST TO THE OVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT FULFILLING THEIR RESPONSIBILITY, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, THE SOILS FRIDAY; 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAY; AND NO VORK ON SUNDAYS OR APPLIED TO THE FILL AREAS. ENGINEER, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST OR THE TESTING AGENCY FINDS 1. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANS ARE REQUIRED FROM OCTOBER 15 TO HOLIDAYS PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. THAT THE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MAY 15. 4. AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND APPROVED GRADING PLANS, THE DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER 5. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DEBRIS, SCARIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING TO THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE GRADING 2,' EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE BETWEEN SECTION 1 OF THE NBMC. PLACING OF THE, FILL. WORK AND TO THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15..' CORRECTIVE MEASURES, IF NECESSARY, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE 6. THE STAMPED SET OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT 5. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT MATERIAL. CITY GRADING ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 3. BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL ALL TIMES. WORKINGNY 6. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS. ENGINEER OR DOCUMENTATION REMAIN ER OF PRO ABILITYEOF RAIN EXCCEEEDSA30 PERCENT. DURING THE REMAINR P FOR LOCATING AND 7. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RES ONSIBLE REMOVED BEFORE ANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED. THE YEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN ,PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, PROTECTING UTILITIES. 1. AN AS -BUILT GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CIVIL WHENEVER THE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50 PERCENT. 7• ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR ENGINEER INCLUDING ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, AS -GRADED 8. APPROVED DRAINAGE PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE CRUSHED IN PLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS,,LOT DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND LOCATIONS, 4. LANDSCAPING PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL, WORK USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING, THE GRADING OPERATION. AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL SURFACE AND SUB -SURFACE DRAINAGE COMPLETED AND A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE RECEIVED BY THE CITY 8. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL, AFTER CLEARING FACILITIES. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT THE WORK WAS GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO CLOSURE OF PERMIT, UNLESS WAIVED BY THE 9. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED IN COMPLIANCE AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN CANYONS, INSPECT EACH CANYON DONE IN ACCORDANCE, WITH THE FINAL APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND CITY GRADING ENGINEER. WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING FOR AREAS OF ADVERSE STABILITY AND DETERMINE THE PRESENCE OF, OR STATE THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF CUT/OR FILL MOVED DURING THE OFFICIAL. POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE ACCUMULATION OF, SUBSURFACE WATER OR SPRING OPERATION. 5. TEMPORARY DESILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND FLOW. IF NEEDED, DRAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 10. HAUL ROUTES FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN EACH RESPECTIVE CANYON. 2. A SOILS GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER, INCLUDING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATION OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS, WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC 9. THE EXACT LOCATION OE THE SUBDRAINS SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE SUMMARIES OF FIELD AND LABORATORY RESULTS AND OTHER 11. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDING AND FIELD FOR LINE AND GRADE. SUBSTANTIATED DATA AND COMMENTS ON ANY CHANGES MADE DURING Underground Service Alert GRADING THEIR EFFECT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE SOILS SLOPE AREAS. 10. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN FORE yo MINIMUM OF 90 "PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE APPROVAL AS TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE v O Call: TOLL FREE 12. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION SOILS ENGINEER: THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF AND COMPLETION OF WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JOB CONTROL DEVICES ON -SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN CONCRETE FLAT WORK PLACED OVER UNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE SPECIFICATIONS. FORFEITURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE CLEANUP DEPOSIT. 11'1 1 -800 TESTING.J13. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF PVC OR ABS PLASTIC 3. A GEOLOGIC GRADING. REPORT PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERING tttt 422-4133 , AND EITHER ASTM 2751,.ASTM D1527, ASTM D3034'OR ASTM D1785. 11. THE STOCKPILING, OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY GEOLOGIST, INCLUDING A FINAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE GRADING ENGINEER. SITE, INCLUDING ANY NEW INFORMATION DISCLOSED DURING THE GRADING 14. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE SHALL AND THE EFFECT OF SAME ON RECOMMENDATIONS INCORPORATED IN THE TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS OR STORM DRAINS. ALL 12. LANDSCAPING OF ALL SLOPES AND PADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED GRADING PLAN.- HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL AS TO MATERIAL AND WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM.THE SITE.. NBMC 17.32.020. CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE AS AFFECTED BY GEOLOGIC FACTORS. . 13. ALL CUT SLOPES SHALL BE INVESTIGATED BOTH DURING AND AFTER GRADREQUIRED INSPECTIONS PROBLNG EM EM BY AN XISTSENSINEERING HOULD EXCAVATION OTTO DISSCLOSERANYEIF ANY GEOLOGICAL AHIAITY HAZARDS EARTHWORK QUANTITIES PLAN INDEX 1. A PRE -GRADING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO - OR POTENTIAL GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL CUT FILL START OF GRADING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, GRADING RECOMMEND AND SUBMIT NECESSARY TREATMENT TO THE CITY GRADING RAW QUANTITIES 100 CY SHEET NO. CONTRACTOR; DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, GEOLOGIST, CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 1 GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD TITLE SHEET 14. WHERE SUPPORT -OR BUTTRESSING OF CUT AND NATURAL SLOPES IS CONSTRUCTION NOTES, QUANTITIES, AND DETAILS 2 INSPECTIONS WILL BE. OUTLINED AT, THE MEETING. TOTAL EXPORT: 100 CY DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS „ A„ ENGINEERTHE SOILS ENGINEER WILL OBTAIN APPROVAL OF DESIGN, LOCATION SITE GRADING PLAN 3 , 2.. A PRE -PAVING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START NOTE: 4 AND CALCULATIONS FROM THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO � SITE �� B" GRADING PLAN OF THE SUB -GRADE PREPARATION FOR THE PAVING WITH THE FOLLOWING QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES PEOPLE PRESENT:, OWNER, PAVING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, CONSTRUCTION. ONLY AND DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR SHRINKAGE/BULKING OR REMEDIAL STORM DRAIN PLAN 5 SOILS ENGINEER, CITY GRADING ENGINEER OR -THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. 15. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND GRADING. SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS. CROSS SECTIONS 6 REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTORS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. TEST THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL BUTTRESS, FILLS AND ATTEST TO THE STABILITY OF THE SLOPE AND ADJACENT STRUCTURES UPON COMPLETION. BASIS OF BEARING: THAT CERTAIN COURSE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE G9800456 OF LOT 3 IN TRACT 6947 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT GRADING PERMIT NO._____________ BEACH, CALIFORNIA IN BOOK 255, PAGES 8-12 SHOWN AS N12'47'46"E PLAN PREPARED BY:- GEOTECHNICAL FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. BENCHMARK: DEVELOPER: PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS OfESSlO 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C ADDRESS: 1 PARK NEWPORT DRIVE QR N,q - SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675 ESTABLISHED BY ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY 1970 M�� c� 7�1 714 487-9060 1 MILE NORTHEAST ALONG BACKBAY DRIVE FROM THE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Y" L.l Robert Bein,iPllliam Frost &Associates ( ) PHONE:. (714) 720-2200 Ln, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE: Q INTERSECTION OF JAMBOREE ROAD, 50 .FT. "WEST OF Wi T M E H G ON GE 397 THE CENTERLINE OF BACKBAY DRIVE, 1 FT. NORTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION: - H P.O. BOX 57057 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, OF THE SOUTH END OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OF A PORTION. OF PARCEL 1 OF NEWPORT BEACH r No. 51271 _` A HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. .i IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 (714) 472-3505 GEOLOGICAL FIRM: A CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT, AT THE JUNCTION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 94-1, INST. NO. �C Exp.9-3o-a1 if 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C �� EVIEWED'BY: SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675 BACKBAY DRIVE AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD. 9R 009CT 120253G90 R.,47, M MD 28 ORTI02 OF LOT 3, �T9JFOF CiA`\E��� �a�� (714) 487-DATE: zxk, 7 S , BE DESIGNATION: NB4-30-70 as,� DATE: ELEVATION: 4.934 PROJECT ACREAGE. �_1___ ACRES NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE MICHAEL J. tMORSE R.C.E. NO. 51271 PAUL A. BOGSETH CEG 1153 NGVD29/1995 OCS ADJ. PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) 1. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND/OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF,THE " AVAILABLE RECORDS. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY,OF IRVINE-,: DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE LOCATION, OR THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY UTILITY AND/OR STRUCTURE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. " THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE ALL DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEANS TO PROTECT . THE UTILITIES OF RECORD OR NOT OF RECORD .OR. NOT SHOWN ON: THESE .PLANS. 2. RELOCATION OR REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY . THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVELOPER. 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL SATISFY HIMSELF AS TO THE GRADING . QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AS PART OF HIS BID. 4. IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE GRADING CONTRACTOR NOTIFY- THIS PRIVATE ENGINEER, BY CALLING AT LEAST 48 HOURS, BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE GRADING OPERATION IN ORDER THAT THIS 'OFFICE MAY PERFORM A FINAL INSPECTION TO - COMPLY WITH OUR GRADE CERTIFICATION COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF IRVINE. " 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS' PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. 6. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PLANS AND THE CITY OF IRVINE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ' This set of plans & specifications must be kept on the job at all times and it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations onr same without written permission from the City of Newport Beach Community Development Department. The stamping of this plan & specifications SHALL NOT be held to permit or be an approval of the violation of any. provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law. IMPORTANT NOTICE Section 4216/4217 of the Government Code requires a Dig Alert Identifi- cation Number be issued before a "Permit to -Excavate" will be valid. TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 Two working days before you dig. ALL WORK PROPOSED IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLANS. THOSE ITEMS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT.. ; PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN TITLE SHEET CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET OF 6 CONSTRUCTION QUANTITY SUMMARY CONST. NOTE NO. ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY GRADING OCLEAR, GRUB AND PREP AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE 2 LS HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. OPREP EXISTING SAND BAG SLOPE AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 1 LS AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. OCONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 1800 SF LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. 44 D CONST. CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 1200 SF LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. OCONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. 3 EA 66 CONST. 8" MASONARY BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYPE "B" PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 200 SF STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-A AND STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-B. STORM DRAIN 10 CONST. 12" C.S.P. (12 GA GALVANIZED) STORM DRAIN 11 CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING SD PIPE AND INSTALL 24" CSP (12" GA GALVANIZED) RISER CLEAN-OUT/JUNCTION STRUCTURE AND SLURRY BACKFILL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE AND DEPTH OF EXISTING PIPE AND JOIN PRIOR TO ORDERING OR FABRICATING CSP RISER AND SD CONSTRUCTION NOTE: QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES. 6" HIGH CONC. BLOCK DIVERTER \ (SPLASH) WALL PER PLAN CONTINUOUS ALONG LIMITS OF DITCH CONSTRUCTION EXIST. TOP OF SLOPE/RIM PER PLAN 286 LF 1 EA FL RIM PER PLAN 1-0" 1 VARIES VARIES EG -� MIN p XA a a a (_ p� +4 7 w •�1 rn C'V + MIN X \ Oo 2 -I > + F k- /TQ MIN a y • 6"x6" - W1.4 X W1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH (W.W.M.) 1 Q CONCRETE CUT-OFF WALL 3 - #4'S W/ VERT #4'S @12" O.C. 5'-0" MIN. I� 6,. MIN NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ULTIMATE COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 2500 PSI. CONCRETE MAY BE PNENMATICALLY PLACED AND SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 2621 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 2. GROUND SHALL BE PRE -WETTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. MOISTURE LOSS RETARTANT SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER. 31 INTERCEPTOR DITCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated B hetv__ ering, Inc. -------- Date: G.E.-39-7 6X6 W2.0 X W2.0 WELDED WIRE FABRIC PLACED ®CL SLAB HELD SECURELY IN PLACE DURING CONCRETE PLACEMENT. 0 FILL CONTROL�Fr / P EXISTING RETAINING WALL EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL JOIN ELEV TOP ELEV PER PLAN PER PLAN 2% MIN X__X X - �� - -- t JOINT WITH CONTRACTOR TO PREP SLOPE FACE IN ACCORDANCE EPDXY. WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION = AND TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. + �0; EXISTING CONCRETE FILLED SANDBAG SLOPE RIM ELEV PER PLAN .' jr -_ M� CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR D DITCH PER DETAIL 5 CONTINUE W.W.M. \ 44 BARS CC,.,.,. U INTO DITCH 12" MIN. 0 4 ® 18" O.C. / #4 CONT TOP & BOTTOM /� \ / + • TYP. 1'-6" MIN. 1 I EMBEDMENT INTO SOIL SLOPE BELOW • SANDBAGS I4 CONT ® 12" O.C. TYP. = SLOPE LINING TOE -DOWN I # �ANCHORS CONTINUOUS / -- 3" CLR. TYP. P. / SECTION A -A NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ULTIMATE COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 2500 PSI. CONCRETE MAY BE PNUENMATICALLY PLACED AND SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 2621 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 2. REINFORCING SHALL BE 6" X 6" - W2.0 X W2.0 WELDED WIRE MESH (W.W.M.) 3. GROUND SHALL BE PRE -WETTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. MOISTURE LOSS RETARTANT SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER. 4. CONTROL JOINTS 20' O.C. MAXIMUM. CONTROL JOINTS TOOLED TO 1" DEPTH. a" X 6" -- W2.0 X W2.0 W. W. M. 1' BEND INTO SLOPE LINING #4 BARS ® 18" OC ,TEMPORARY CONCRETE SLOPE LINING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE No. 5127DRAWN BY: 1 a LSL Exp.9-30-01 IVI DESIGNED BY: MJM TFOF Cp1JF NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LDT DITCH FL L LEGEND SYMBOL: EXPLANATION (SD) EXISTING STORM DRAIN SD PROPOSED STORM -DRAIN (XXX.XX) EXISITNG ELEVATION XXX.XX DESIGN ELEVATION FL FLOWLINE FG FINISHED GRADE FS FINISHED SURFACE INV INVERT RW RETAINING WALL WLOL WALL LAYOUT LINE TOP TOP OF SLOPE TOE TOE OF SLOPE OP PROTECT IN PLACE OREMOVE EXISTING IMPROVEMENT AND' DISPOSE OFFSITE GB GRADE BREAK HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT CSP CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE GB GRADE BREAK DITCH RIM'' ELEV. 'A' DITCH FL ELEV. A; D1, D2 L1, L2 PER PLAN L1 �.... D2 C'"Or€` `:i'C'TPE.=,CH This -::) EC`. conio ;ns i, �11 �ppi;cable planning regullat ons acid pcjdi _S irj e. ;':J 0T ^ ems:. D1 L2 These plans z,= :1,31 w ce u_cd for construction purposes. No bui:,t �g perm t ,rill bs iwuei until approval is received irom SECTION B—B the Cal: orn'sa Coastal Comraission. IPLAN"•NG DEP TMENT I By Date: 10'-0" 10'-0" TRANS FL TRANS FL w0i NOTE: SEE COUNTY OF ORANGE PF&RD PLAN STD. PLAN NO. 1305 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 5 INLET DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert 13eiAWilliam Frost & Associates 1"1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE H P.O. BOX 57057.14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CAUFORNIA 92619-7057 1 1 -98 j (714) 472-3505 DATE 11-98 n / DATE a L •— DATE: //- /G - 98 11-98 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. NO. 51271 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN CONST. NOTES/QUANTITIES AND DETAILS CITY 'OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 2 OF 6 _ _ Y 77 1nz, s- 4 e ^•,..,.,,"+.,. n.. ,._ . •`.., a - - _ ran- A CK ,..,.,vwa '-'m,r`. .,. _ ... __ _. -_ • _.. _ _ _ • _ _.. _ T .> ,,...,. _. �....._....__ ._ ,.._... ,..-e.............. ......-.,...«....., - ' _..,.. _ _. _. , ! _ }r- °t _ x,r , B w Y DRIV 'K. „.x „. •fit.,' o, i , n _ r5 el r i _>L f , . ......__- „vein... _ GENERAL N,O_ E S_. " s =TW . — 1. DISTURBANCE TO SENSITIVE�w_ „ HABITAT,, INCLUDING ONSITE COASTAL"-"---'- '"-`-<--°«-_. .4"`M- SAGE -SCRUB, SHALL BE AVOIDED.' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY �"��.•. W,. ADHERE TO -THE-'FOLLOWING" PROCEDURES: w '" — —� — a),.-ALL<_CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND" -EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE PLACED LANDWARD -,OF BLUFF, IN EXISTING, IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY LANDSCAPED• -AREAS ONLY, AND S-HALL,-BE REMOVED AT " '" _-. "`- " """"'- •'. THE CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION,._",_ -y _.,.,,.- ..._,..,_, b) ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL OCCUR FE�OXfi�7HE'TOP""" '�.-;--__ `"'.-.,� "'-"••---, ,` � � �"__„__ "-••-'•-•-'-m-.. _. _,_._ OF THE SLOPE, THROUGH EXISTING -IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY _. `-.. w,.., LANDSCAPED AREAS ONLY. NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE BLUFF FACE AND NO EQUIPMENT ACCESS SHALL BE`ALLOWEDFROM..'THE' -''' _.•. '"- __._n, ____,...,- ____"__„ - -' „ BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE. __ _.. _. _ a__n -,a., . - ._ _ . .._ _,., _:. _, .. . .....<._,, ,_ c) ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE DRAIRAGE- IMPROVEMENTS, WHICH MAY REQUIRE ._WORK FROM THE BLUFF FACE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED -BY USE OF HAND --"EQUIPMENT ONLY. PORT PROPERTY LINE 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY -PROTECTIVE FENCING - -` PARK NEW DURING CONSTRUCTION TO EXCLUDE ANY ACTIVITY IN SENSITIVE HABITAT BELOW. 3-EROSION"-CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 4 (BMPs) SHALL BE AS` -FOLLOWS: _._. n„ -ay-THE'CO NTRACTOR..SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS (TWO BAGS HIGH MINIMUM) AT THE EDGE OF THE -SLOPE TO PREVENT RUNOFF/SEDIMENT TRANSPORT OVER THE TOP OF THE SLOPE:` b) THE CONTRACTO"R-SHAL"L"PLRGE-PLASTIC BARRIER FENCING AROUND THE LIMITS" OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS: c) A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL TAKE PLACE TO REVIEW- _. - PROCEDURAL AND BMP GUIDELINES. "".'" „".' "`_.-_.w - `e -- - _ _,-_... •,_ _-, w_ �a 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF EXCAVATION SPOILS AT A LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE. ANY CHANGE, INCLUDING CHOICE OF A DISPOSAL/REUSE SITE WITHIN THE COASTAL }`='-' - - " -` " CITY OFF`'fs'r"ORTR62CN zw fiPPRON'AL.tI-C? OEPT NO. a d ZONE REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE COASTAL COMMISSION. yl 4 � 2 •` 7 - ___ (91.0 RIM) --- ,` - _--- -- (98 6 Rllvij-°---, __,_, (93.6 RIM) ,- a v ' 4> f EXIST CONCRETE 10) N 0 A „p r v O LIMITS OF n SLOPE PAVING � o 0 LIMITS OF rn ; CONSTRUCTION NOTES � — SLOPE PAVING o 1 CLEAR, GRUB AND PREP AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE ,<' s p O HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE ,5r • ; cc GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AN D THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. 1\1"I eli C2 PREP EXISTING SAND BAG SLOPE AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER }.., x AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. _ ys Q0 O CONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2•'AND PLAN :-s` LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. C4 CONST. CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. r' r^ .s" o C5 CONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. ff C6 CONST. 8" MASONARY BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYPE "B" PER CITY "OF''NEWPORT BEACH''') II STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-A AND STD. PLAN NO. 228,-L-B.' Qle C_ LD i 0 LO U Q 0 Q z Qo c J m c z j w a Hetheri /ring, Inc. BY-------- ------ Da e: it �Z Q�OfE mS m 10, 5' 0' 10, 20. No. 51271 Exp.9-30_01 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 10' Jr,_ IVI1✓ y -r 4•t„�- ..-_..- _ &id �"! ��c°. iii ?iIL.�.t Q? !II', l:lx}. -_ - .. •_ _ = _ T hea; ,6;?:"lS s4�3 p '�';C, �..`3 ti��� IC•i Gm:t��iSi_G e' i'.: ;'..^£-^.S. Fu6 ,.., - - - -- -_ - - 11JIkM _ ._- ___ - -...,h_ � �_^-�� i P��}Bio°Clit �r:±f2i.`_'i".-'�'c3?i':il �+:,zeiJcl ;°. ..: °I'd'e'!i ti6jil PLA10 �NGDEP �QTMEENT Yyf _ m By (91.2 RIM) f_ F- (91.8 RIM) -.___ .. - _- P SD PIPE O ' 0 91.5 RIM -.G 91.6 RIM s m �0 - _ Q O r' VA R :K , , MATCH EX I ST p\' 1 <'S \ TOP/ 0 J f y BENCH E. I P EXIST WALL 2 4 i. t S Y ..-. r —_ - 71 LIMITS OF _ -. , _ ._, `_..' SLOPE' PAVING_,. ` , _ @"_.,,... P SD PIPE LEGEND .r. TE >_.. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH LIMITS •". CONCRETE SLOPE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS { " P PROTECT IN PLACE „t_ l DRAWN BY: LSL DESIGNED BY: MJM NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LDT PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert Bein,William Frost & Associates n PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS," PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE f--� P.O. BOX 57057.14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 1 1-98 j (714) 472-3505 DATE „-98 DATE 11-98 MICHAEL J. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN SITE 'Aw GRADING PLAN DATE: // /6-P8 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH R.C.E. NO. 51271 PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 3 OF 6 : - -� : __ ptiw_ r_ - — _ - .,_.._.__.._..,..,w__ e" - - _ > , =4,.sa,w-s..<.,.,.-e>.,,zx� ^M'a - _ r..- m' " �-• - ...-..._---- -_+.+�ca.+x<anwc_�..�+,_"_sa,s_.«^=< � c Jt n 41 , - •F.+,.�.>,:«,>, h 'i `,✓",�......,,, t + a . . ` _ £,✓fi.,- 4 € h...r- k .. « ... _ _ -. ._ . _ .,r,.,e.w ra... � - � ^.+,v.�m_.,rnr<..e-. .-.%',_-emu✓'1 -✓_. ,,1: J.<"'iaC. w':.J",'�. v,lj"�nµ 1. -,.z „n c,.S = „ m.:- _ .. -. w rn yr-�rz. uw,i,.. :.w " W i a: AY - --�_ BACK B B-� =-- T 1 , , e - .' a -• - r-�+^ �<,.«,_ w., w,�-:n x " r d. _ - „-..-.,.,,+,-ate-' w �Y .-„_.,.,.r..........................r...,.-..., ...... n,.. , � tea. .. I °"'„ 1. DISTURBANCE TO SENS[TIVE`�HABITAT; INCLUDING ONSITE COASTAL SAGE SCRUB, SH ALLCONTRACTOR--SHALL- STRICTLY _._._...,.,,......__. ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING _PARK NEWPORT PROPERTY O A NG ''.. _ " AND EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE"CONTRN-'MATERIALS'a) ALL "" ry ......, - PLACED'"' LANDWARD OF THE BLU,EF•;'••IN" EXISTING IMPROVED OR ....-- __._.,•: - - - - ONLY, AND SHALL BE REMOVED AT r ORNAMENTALLY _QSCAPEti""AREAS 0 Y a. TH CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION. - _ . _ _. TOP b) ACCESS TO THE CON$,T,RUGTIONy'SITE"SFCALL"'OCCUR FROM THE i OF THE__SLOPEr"THROUGH EXISTING IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY F y- -,�. _,�_...,,•- _ LANDSCAPED D AREAS ONLY. W L OCCUR 0 H BLU ,,,_,,,,,•_„ ., - , .,ALLOWED" FROM THE S E A E ON FACE AND NO EQUIPMENT AC ESS 3FALL BE __ _ ~ _ .<__..__w_ w BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE: FACE,ACCOMPLISHED _ NTS,`-WHICH MAY U QUIP-MENT ONLY cy ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE_ - _. w.-w REQUIRE WORK FROM HE E BE OF HAND E " J CONSTRUCTION Y 7tVITY 1N SENSITIVE HABITAT -2-'"7HE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FENCING rF ". DURING CON TION TO EXCLUDE Atj .__AC" BELOW ,- - -,,, .' -'`- �-3-fROSION CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION BEST MANQ,GEMENT"PRACTICES __. _... _, ._ , : - r ,-: _ (BMPs) SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS„ _. - _. NT RUNG / EDIMEN a THE TRACTOR SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS TWO BAGS'HIGH »" ` MINIMUIM) AT THE EDGE OF THE SLOPE TO PREVE FF S T TRANSPORT OVER THE TOP OF THE SLOPE: b)_IkIE COM1ITRACTOR SHALL PLACE PLASTIC BARRIER FENCING AROUND E LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS. } _ .�_._ ._-._-,.._.,,-,,._.,...,,... ,>- .•�.` ,- i,- \ `•-- � _ � c) A PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALI,.,..TAK E -�PLACE TOREVIEW PROCEDURAL S 3 �_ AND BMP GUIDELINE -�"-.,....a-,ix-n,r.. i ,a.. ..,,,vi"i.,,.,-a,., n.,, a.,.,x„a,�.rnno-n,e,",. .,,'f»._.-vee..Y.�e,-..,r.,,.-.-...._...__n:,,,.+.-..e..,•...,..-..<, ,m'S,.e "CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE E`"'EXCAVATION SPOILS AT A 0 LEGAL DISPOSAL_SITE -OUTSIDE`"TF{�«COASTAL ZONE ANY CHANGE, CH01 E tbA STALtNCLV7iNG THE Q _ (95.5 RIM) ' MgyTyTM�V Kr -,,� ZONE REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE COA$�.AL-COMMISSION , �... «-`".(95.23 RIM) ,.,,<„ _....__ (951 RIM) v RIM). EXIST 15 t - - .. (95.6 RIM) _ w., s rn 2 �6 rn •, e ,GH r P <R u, 0 --. " 2yaiatiun Z CITY OF P:E� �« (94,.4 RIM) ppFoO`lf{4�'��lf,`r'PT�dfl'.-' 1� nirgr �! � aU1e rW ., . _ — „µ _- _ _ . _ ^ -f-Iib y(,,'"Q' to r�•^',,. r� YL.4Cf i1 aY1d r ose No `� �- from lived � ens list ermit�"e'uls.°Ss^r: issioll PP _,_... II 5 m, 5 _. _-.. 96.0 RIM-__.__ ._< 1�4ENT /Z4I4� _- ,�. 96 PL 96.0 RIM _ 9 iM A ,G ,.., `�96:0-RIM ,DAYLIGHT.., ro� 4. n,. -r; O D GHT @97 0-- 96.0 RIM 6. RIM VI , r- CONSTRUCTION, NOTES - `-' - �, _ d r P EXIST 12" SD LEGEND 0 O1 CLEAR, Gf3Y76 AND PRER.,AREQ. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE - C� o HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AN REC,OMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY. `,THE " CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH LIMITS cv GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE'I'CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR.CD - 1 t ! o O3 COIyST: CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH �Ef? DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN CONCRETE SLOPE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. " ,' n P EXIST 12" SD r I 5 CONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. K. F i 1 P 1 PROTECT IN PLACE i c U, < � z -c u n z j These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated its HeHetheri.—Bering, Inc. — — Da e: "rr Z oQ�oFESS/0 PLAN PREPARED BY: PROJECT NO. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 34460 MoFy� Robert BeiAWilliam Frost & Associates EROSION REPAIR PLAN V 2 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS. SHEET rNT1 m DATE H9 L P.O. BOX 57057 •14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 10, 5• 0' 10, 20' z NO. 51271 DRAWN BY: LSL 11-98 j (714) 472-3505 SITE W GRADING PLAN Exp. 9-30-01 * - 4 DATE GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 10' �Tq%FOF CiA��DESIGNED BY: MJM 11.98 DATE: _;`_ps CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF 6 DATE al�t�ta�z Atio_�_ c -TIII LDT 11-98 R.C.E. N0. 51271 NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: MICHAEL J. MO F ....... .. ... J, 7 777777F777= + ­ .. -­ - — � _.:!� ---: -t-- -J: 4_ _I_ - - ... .. ........ 7 i 7 7 1 z - - 7_7 ---- -- 4 ­,� .. ........... -A= j -- ------ T - - -------- -- - ---- ----- 1� -- -- ------- _4 .... . .. z� 4- -- - - F ­ - '! - _ _ - . - - 9- - �-­�- - - - - . __3 7 177 IV] ............ -- ---- LO -ING '�'GRCIUN - -------- r-AJ I F-------- . . . . . . . . . . �0 d + ------ HOL d 7 Z& 7� O,P I GG ------ - - ------ - --- ------ - z.... .. �L 2 00'� I..... .... .. ...... > 'In Z Z �7 z ;�i z-, �T_ ca W --co CO -1 . ....... 17, F ... 3 4. F_ -CRET 7 L A. :z J rL__, T__ -F ­2 rn . .......... ----- ---- - ----- --- --- --- 4�v il Prof He Scale --a _7 HORII .......... . . ....... 1 20' ----------- VERT 1 t 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 77 �77-, .... .. ­j E�e ---------- IF 11-f�- A �N­* 7 Y DRIVE B BACK CD 0 C:� El- < Lij < L -------------- ............... IF ..... ........... . %J J ... ..... ... .. .... . 4f 'Z, �4-00,00 '48, SEE- SHEET 3- -­------­`N­2175 5�1 377 6615442,9.�763, `45.00! R - T Z, ""L=8.92' 1 11 ------------ 1z I'�, ,, " =' " _­ 0 4 z 14�1111 "I x I fF CONSTRUCTION NOTES 7tzz -]07*40 I 5" �_', _X0 ib-C, -q-, CONST. 12- C.S.P. (12 GA GALVANIZED) STORM MAIN f . ...... . V­ -C to, 41 C5- G SD PIPE E CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTIN XISTIN�GA5 14- It_ - - - AND INSTALL 24" CSP RISER CLEAN- OUT/JUN CTI ON r f I-MISD- LINE­-�-- �0,41111 fr LO 14- STRUCTURE AND SLURRY BACKFILL. CONTRACTOR TO r� (o T 04 VERIFY SIZE AND DEPTH OF EXISTING PIPE AND JOIN co PRIOR TO ORDERING OR FABRICATING CSP RISER AND a- Z Lu F SD CONSTRUCTION. % T1.1 I x ese pans ave een rev ewe or conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated — — — — — — — — — — Hetheri ng, Inc. B = ng 651 / G.E.__2?_7 ------ D w _§5 _j GENERAL NOTES 1. DISTURBANCE TO SENSITIVE HABITAT, INCLUDING ONSITE COASTAL ,SAGE SCRUB, SHALL BE AVOIDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES: a) ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS,AND EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE PLACED LANDWARD OF THE BLUFF, IN ORNAMENTALLY LANDSCAPED AREAS DNLY, AND SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION. 0 THE SL iPE, THROUGH EXIS'ING IMPROVE LANDSCAPED AREAS ONLY. NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE BLUFF FACE AND NO EQUIPMENT ACCESS SHALL BE ALLOWED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE. c) ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, WHICH MAY REQUIRE WORK FROM THE BLUFF FACE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY 'USE OF HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FENCING DURING CONSTRUCTION TO EXCLUDE ANY ACTIVITY IN SENSITIVE HABITAT BELOW. 3. EROSION CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRAC110ES (BMPs) SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: a) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS (TWO BAGS HIGH MINIMUM) AT THE EDGE OF THE SLOPE TO PREVENT RUNOFF/SEDIMENT TRANSPORT OVER THE TOP OF THE SLOPE. b) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE PLASTIC BARRIER FENCING A THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS. c) A PRE- CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL TAKE PLACE TO REVIEW PROCEDURAL AND BMP GUIDELINES. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOS LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE. ANY CHANGE, INCLUDING CHOICE OF A DISPOSAL/REUSE SITE WITHIN THE COASTAL ZONE REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE COASTAL COMMISSION. -_77 C-i - - - - - - - - 61 V10. gjewil ckN 0 IvIlu It Oaie� _9 0i P CD1I_SLT1iNE . ..... S'-p .. ..... . 9 0. 0 0 -+23.65A_1 Aj NLET _Q L,--25 To 1 �__Qo (b- N-21,75,704-135.3 n= 3.04' 6064465 1 Delta= 10 1629-30. 711- 0-P 6+50 E N 2175781.2234 ­-'E,,Q064487.W5Z­_­­ ,LEGEND CV 41) ---SEE---SHE;ET-4 uxg) Ilk P­ PROTECT IN P I _,F_ LACE o) IN J, ELEV f PI ER- REIF LO It 1 7/98 FIELD ­_SURVEY ....... r- (0 LID CL CE9TERLINE vv,�00 z uj END'%CURVE P -EXISTING INLET PT I PC BEG1 CURVE USSI 1j. DATE 20' 10, a, 20' 40' No. 51271 DRAWN BY: LSL 11-98 Exp, g-30-01 DATE GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" 20' X, IV DESIGNED BY: MJM' 11-98 0 C DATE' NO. REVISIONS ISHT. NOS.1 APPR. I DATE TC�HE:CKED BY- LDT 11-98 PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert BeLnWilliam Frost & Associates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS - P.O. BOX 57057 # 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 (714) 472-35015 ICHAEL J. DATE: //- 14-7,8 R.C.E. NO. 51271 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN STORM DRAIN PLAN CITY L OF NEWPORTBEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 5 OF , 6 WE These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherin ring, Inc. SECTION A — A. SECTION B—B CROSS SECTIONS ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. 4' 2' 0• 4' g' z No. 51271 �C Ex p .9_30_01 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 4' 'l9%fOF C1A��F�� (HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL) 0 SECTION C—C CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVAL I. "I COIXEPT NO. 77 7 This Fro;oct cosfcrrs a 1-!i applicable planning regulations end pClici3s in eilect F�-5e ,ens are not to be es.d for construction purposes. No building parmit will be issued until approval is received iron In C^"`^; is Cc< >tal " Mission. PLAN- iI , DEP : MEF1T V �y L 100 .EN CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceengate, Sufte 1000 Long Beach, CA 9DSD2-4302 (602) 590.5071 RLt LIVLD BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AM OC71 0 7 1998 PM 71 r3191101111121112) 3141616 Filed: September 21, 1998 0 49th Day: November 9, 1998 180th Day: March 20 1999 Staff: KS -LB.? — Staff Report: September 21, 1998 Hearing Date: October 13-16, 1998 Commission Action: STAFF REPORT: REGULAR CALENDAR APPLICATION NUMBER: 5-98-345 APPLICANT: Gerson Baker & Associates, Inc. AGENT: Culbertson Adams & Associates, Inc. Law/Crandall - A Division of Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. Gerald Lehmer Associates PROJECT LOCATION: 1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bluff stabilization to protect existing development consisting of construction of two caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations. The first retaining wall will have twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and will be approximately 150 feet long. Drilling for the caissons will excavate 300 cubic yards of soil. In addition, minor surficial grading, approximately 45 cubic yards of cut, is proposed to improve drainage. The second retaining wall will have six caissons placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. Drilling for this structure will excavate 165 cubic yards of soil. No surficial grading is proposed at this site. All soils excavated by drilling or drainage improvements will be exported and legally disposed or reused outside the coastal zone. No major earthwork is proposed and neither caisson retaining wall will extend above grade. LOCAL APPROVALS RECEIVED: City of Newport Beach Approval in Concept #1842-98 SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS: City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan; Coastal Development Permit #5-97-250 (Park Newport Apartments); Report of Soll and Foundation Investigation - Phase 1, Proposed Headland Apartments, Promontory Point Area, Jamboree Road and Son. Joaquin Hills Road -dated December 26,- 1968 by LeRoy Crandall and Associates (Job No. A-68249), Report of Soil and Foundation Investigation - Phase 11, Proposed Park Newport Apartments, Promontory Point Area, Jamboree Road and San Joaquin Hills Road -dated April 17, 1969 by LeRoy Crandall and Associates (Job No. A-68249-B), Report of Slope Stabl/lty Study, West Facing Slope Adjacent to Building 4, Park Newport Apartments, San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach... dated June 28, 1979 by LeRoy Crandall and Associates (Job No. AE- 79072), Report of Slope Stability Evaluation: West -Facing Slope Adjacent to the Club House, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California... dated May 1, 1998 and Report of Slope Stability Evaluation. West -Facing Slope Adjacent to the Unit 4570, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California... dated August 14, 1998 by Law Crandall of Los Angeles (Project No. 70131-4-0896.0009). . Page 1, of 9 5.98.346 (Gerson Baker A Associates) Page 2 of 9 SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed project with five special conditions, as follows: 1) Permission from the California Department of Fish and Game; 2) Incorporation of geotechnical recommendations, 3) Demonstration of an assumption of risk deed restriction; 4) Avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosioh control/sedimentation best management practices during construction; and 5► Notification that any addition or change to the proposed project may require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Commission adopt the following resolution: 1. Approval with Conditions The Commission hereby GRANTS a permit, subject to the conditions below, for the proposed development on the grounds that the development will be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program conforming to the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, and will not have any significant adverse effects on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. 11. Standard Conditions: Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date this permit is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Com lience. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set orth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must, be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. B. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee Tiles with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the Intention of the Commission and the permittes to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. 5-98-345 (Gerson Baker & Associates) Page 3 of 9 111. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Permission from the California Department of Fish and Game PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for review and approval of the Executive Director, written evidence from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) demonstrating that CDFG has reviewed and either approved or has no substantial concerns regarding the proposed project. If CDFG requires any substantial changes to the project, as approved by the Commission, the changes shall be submitted to the Executive Director for a determination as to whether the changes require an amendment to this permit. Any changes that require an amendment shall not occur without an amendment to this permit. 2. Geotechnical Recommendations PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director final revised plans. These plans shall include the signed statement of the geotechnical consultant certifying that the plans incorporate the geotechnical recommendations contained in the geotechnical investigations of May 1, 1998 and August 14, 1998 by -Law Crandall, Inc. of Los Angeles (Project No. 70131- 4-0896.0009) into the final design of the proposed development. The approved development shall be constructed in compliance with the final plans as approved by the Executive Director. Any deviations from the plans shall require a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this permit, or written concurrence from the Executive Director that the deviation is not substantial and therefore a permit amendment is not needed. 3. Assumption of Risk PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant and all landowners shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, which shall provide: (a) that the applicant and all landowners Understand that the entire site may be subject to extraordinary hazards from landslide/slope failure, and the applicant assumes the liability from such hazards; (b) that the applicant and all landowners unconditionally waive any claim of liability on the part of the Commission and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees relative to the Commission's approval of the project for any damage due to the natural hazards; (c) the applicant accepts sole responsibility for the removal of any structural debris resulting from landslides, slope failures or erosion on this site. The document shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the •enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not be removed or changed without a Coastal Commission -approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 4. Construction Impacts Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub shall be avoided. in order to accomplish this objective the following shall occur: 1) all construction materials and equipment used during construction of the proposed project shall be placed landward of the bluff, in existing improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only, and shall be removed at the conclusion of construction; 2) access to the construction sites shall occur from the top of the slope, through existing improved or ornamentally landscaped areas only. No work shall occur 6.98-345 (Gerson Baker & Associates) Page 4 of 8 on the bluff face and no 'equipment access shell be allowed from the bottom of the slope; 3) the proposed bluff edge drainage improvements, which may require work from the bluff face, may commence with the use of hand equipment only; 4) temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to exclude any activity in sensitive habitat; 5) erosion control/sedimentation Best Management practices (BMP's) shall be used to control sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include the following, at minimum: placement of send bags (2 bags high) at the edge of slope to prevent runoff/sediment transport over the top of the slope; plastic barrier fencing around the limits of construction areas; pre -construction meeting to review procedural and BMP guidelines; 6) the applicant shall submit final revised plans for the review and approval of the Executive Director which describe in written narrative the erosion control/sedimentation BMP's, with a statement on the plans designating whom is responsible for their implementation; 7) Excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone, may require an amendment to this permit. Any such change shall be identified by the applicant in a written statement submitted to the Executive Director for review and approval and/or a determination as to whether changes are substantive and require a new coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. 5. Future Development This coastal development permit 5-98.345 approves only the development, as expressly described and conditioned herein, for the two proposed caisson retaining walls located at 1 Perk Newport Drive in the City of Newport Beech. Any future development, per Public Resources Code Section 30106, including the installation of lagging on the proposed caisson structures, shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. IV. Findings and Declarations: The Commission hereby finds and declares: A. Project Description and Location The applicant is proposing a bluff stabilization project consisting of construction of two caisson retaining walls (Exhibits 1 through 5). The first retaining wall will consist of twenty three 36-inch diameter caissons, placed 7 feet apart on center, a minimum of 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and drilled to a minimum depth of 50 feat. The total length of the subsurface structure will be approximately 150 lineal feet (Exhibit 2 and 3). Approximately 300 cubic yards of soil will be excavated with the required drilling. in addition, minor surficial grading, approximately 45 cubic yards of out, is proposed to improve drainage. This cut will occur along the bluff edge/top of landslide scarp, This retaining wall will be Installed adjacent to an existing clubhouse building. The second retaining wall will have six 48-inch diameter caissons, placed 8 feet apart on center and a minimum of 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and drilled to a minimum depth of 80 feet. Approximately 166 cubic yards of soil will be excavated as a result of the required drilling. This structure will be approximately 40 lineal feet in length (Exhibit 4 and 6). No surficial grading is proposed at this site. This smaller retaining wall will be placed adjacent to an existing apartment building (Unit No. 4570). All soils excavated by the drilling and drainage improvement grading process will be exported from the site and disposed at a legal site outside the coastal zone. No major earthwork is proposed and neither caisson retaining wall will extend above grade, 5-98-345 (Gerson Baker & Associates) Page 5 of 9 The stabilization project is proposed as a result of bluff failures consisting of a landslide, adjacent to the clubhouse, and a rockfall, adjacent to apartment unit 4570, that occurred during the winter of 1997-1998. The subject site is located at 1 Park Newport in the City of Newport Beach, west of Back Bay Drive at the northwest corner of San Joaquin Hills Road and Jamboree Road. The proposed developments are to occur at the bluffs along the western property boundary. The applicants' property is developed with a large apartment complex on the bluff top west of Upper Newport Bay and the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (UNBER). Back Bay Drive demarcates the western boundary of the applicants' property and separates it from Upper Newport Bay and UNBER. UNBER is owned by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). All proposed work will occur solely on the applicants' property. The present application was originally submitted with four stabilization and drainage improvement elements. However, application materials for two of the sites could not be completed in a timely manner. Due to safety concerns related to the timing of project implementation and the forthcoming winter rain, the application was amended, omitting those two sites. Statements were submitted from the geotechnical consultants for each of the sites demonstrating that the projects were separable as they were, neither functionally nor structurally related and could be implemented safely as separate phases (Exhibit 6 and 7). B. Previous Commission Action on Project Site Coastal Development Permit 5-97-250 On September 9, 1997 the California Coastal Commission granted a permit (5-97-250) for development at the subject property which included the construction of a caisson retaining wall, excavation and recompaction of 52 cubic yards of soil, and repair/replacement of a damaged drainage pipe. The approved development occurred along bluffs adjacent to Big Canyon, on the northern side of the property. This work occurred to protect apartment unit 3160, an existing structure (See Exhibit 1). Special conditions included obtaining permission from CDFG for the proposed work and incorporation of the geotechnical recommendations made by the geotechnical consultant. C. Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area Section 30240(b) of the Coastal Act states: a) Environmentally sensitive habitat areas shall be protected against any significant disruption of habitat values, and only uses dependent on those resources shall be allowed within those areas. (b) Development in areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive habitat areas and parks and recreation areas shall be sited and designed to prevent impacts which would significantly degrade those areas, and shall be compatible with the continuance of those habitat and recreation areas. The subject site has sensitive coastal sage habitat on -site and is located adjacent to the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, an environmentally -sensitive habitat area. A biological impact assessment titled Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project — Park Newport Apartments... dated June 1998 was performed by -J.E. Happen & Associates of Mission Viejo (Exhibit 8). This assessment determined that coastal sage habitat exists on -site and occurs adjacent to the proposed project element locations. This information was 5.98.345 (Gerson Baker rk Associates) Page 8 of 9 corroborated by a mapped coastal sage habitat delineation prepared by R. Mitchel Beauchamp of Pacific Southwest Biological Services (Exhibit 9 and 10). In addition to on -site habitat, significant sensitive habitat and species are supported in UNBER, adjacent to the subject property. The City's certified Land Use Plan addresses UNBER In the following manner: The Reserve has been identified by the State Coastal Commission, State Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Southern California Association of Governments as a unique and valuable State resource. The upper bay is an integral part of the Pacific Flyway, and the saltwater marsh, bay waters, and upland of upper Newport Bay provide habitat for 158 species of birds, of which 81 species are wading or water -associated birds, Rare or endangered birds utilizing the Reserve include the California Black Rail, which nests in pickleweed, sedges, saltgross, and bulrush; Belding's Savannah Sparrow, which nests in pickleweed; Light-footed Clapper Rail, which nests In pickleweed and cordgrass; California Least Tern, which lays its eggs in the sand; and California Brown Pelican, which occasionally visits the upper bay for purposes of resting and feeding. Also present in the Reserve are 18 species on the Audubon Blue List, a list of birds not considered rare or ehdengerbd, but which are showing evidence of non -cyclic population declines or range contractions. Over 80 species of fish and over 1,000 species of marine Invertebrates have been reported in the bay, The Land Use Plan goes on to state, In part: Substantial sediment deposition has occurred in upper Newport Bay. Sources of sediment include... landslides, and construction projects. The occurrence of three extremely wet winters (1969, 1978, and 1980) resulted in the major transport of sediment to the bay. The extensive sedimentation that has occurred has adversely affected the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve due to lose of tidal prism. In addition, suspended sediments can lead to reduction of photosynthetic activity and can Interfere with filter feeding mechanisms of marine life-forms...the City of Newport Beach has participated in 208 planning studies to develop a solution to this problem. This solution involves utilization of Best Management Practices (BMP's) to retain... construction sediment on -site... The proposed project is necessary to stabilize the existing unstable slope. In the absence of remedial measures, sloughing and local failures are expected to continue, threatening the bluff top clubhouse and apartment building. Currently, the top of the slide area is within 9 feet of the clubhouse and the rockfall is approximately 14 feet from apartment unit 4570. If left untreated the complex may be jeopardized, Alternatives to the proposed project included a cribwall, conventional retaining wall, and a tie- back system. These measures were rejected because they would have required demolition of the clubhouse and apartment unit 4570. In addition, these alternatives would have required substantial sarthwork, whereas only surficial grading is required under the proposed alternative. According to documentation submitted by the applicant and their representatives, all proposed work will be staged and implemented from the improved/developed areas landward of the bluff edge. In addition, the biological assessment and coastal sage delineation demonstrate that no work will occur within the on -site coastal sage habitat and no coastal sage habitat will be impacted by the proposed development. As a preventative measure the applicant has proposed installation of temporary plastic barrier fencing to protect existing coastal sage 5-98-345 (Gerson Baker & Associates) Page 7 of 9 habitat. Finally, sedimentation/erosion control Best Management Practices, such as sand bag barriers, will be used to prevent sedimentation impacts to on -site coastal sage habitat and UNBER. These measures are made a part of this permit as special condition number four. The proposed project is necessary to control the landslide as well as to minimize risk to the existing clubhouse and apartment unit. If left untreated, landslides and rockfalls would continue. Impacts to UNBER would not be prevented by allowing the landslide and rockfail to continue unabated. Therefore the Commission finds that the proposed project is necessary to protect the adjacent sensitive habitat area. The project applicant has submitted written evidence that CDFG has been contacted for comment and approval of the proposed project, as appropriate. However, at this time the proposed project has not yet received review from CDFG. While the overall project will enhance the site by stabilizing the slope, minor refinements to the proposed project may be appropriate, as defined by CDFG, to assure that the project will not significantly degrade the adjacent environmentally sensitive habitat area. Therefore, as a condition of approval (condition number one) the applicant shall submit written evidence from CDFG demonstrating they have reviewed and approve or have no substantial concerns with the proposed development. If project design changes are required, the applicant shall submit those changes to the Executive Director for a determination as to whether an amendment to this permit is required. No changes that require a permit are to occur without an amendment. • The Commission finds that the proposed project, only as conditioned, is consistent with Section 30240 of the Coastal Act. D. Visual Impacts Section 30251 of the Coastal Act states, in part: The scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas shall be considered and protected as a resource of public importance. Permitted development shall be sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas, to minimize the alteration of natural land forms, to be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas, and, where feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality in visually degraded areas. New development in highly scenic areas ... shall be subordinate to the character of its setting. The proposed development site is visible from Galaxy Park, a coastal view area identified in the City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan. in addition, pedestrians and cyclists using Bay Back Drive, presently a recreational thoroughfare, may observe the project site. The proposed project is the installation of subsurface caissons which will not extend above grade Immediately following construction. However, over time, erosion or mass wasting of the bluffs is expected to expose the caisson structures. The geotechnical consultant has suggested that the installation of lagging may be required upon the onset of such exposure. Lagging are plates, typically composed of wood or steel, which connect the caissons, forming a solid barrier which retain loose soils occurring between the caissons. Exposure of the proposed structures and the addition of lagging, should it be necessary, may cause impacts to the scenic and visual qualities of this coastal area. However, it is possible to design lagging so that vegetation may be planted which will mute the exposed structures. In order to assure the proposed project remains consistent with the visual resource protection policies of the Coastal Act, the applicant is hereby notified, per special condition number five, that any addition to the proposed structures, including lagging, may require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. As conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed development, is consistent with Section 30251 of the Coastal Act. 5.98.345 (Gerson Oskar & Associates) Page 8 of 9 O. Hazard Section 30253 of the Coastal Act states, In pan;: New development shall: (2) Assure stability and structural integrity, and neither create nor contribute significantly to erosion, geologic instability, or destruction of the site or surrounding area or in any way require the construction of protective devices that would substantially alter natural landforms along bluffs and cliffs. During the winter of 1997.1998, a landslide and rockfall occurred adjacent to the existing clubhouse and apartment unit 4570, respectively. The landslide Is relatively shallow, approximately 10 to 15 feet thick, with a scarp 120 feet long and 17 feet high. The geotechnical consultant states that the slide is likely the reactivation of an ancient, eroded landslide. The rockfall is approximately 20 feet high by 40 feet wide and likely occurred due to hodrostatic pressure caused by heavy rainfall upon the highly fractured and weathered bedrock material exposed at the bluff. The intent of the proposed project is to isolate the clubhouse and apartment unit 4570 from the slide and erosion prone slope area by installing caisson retaining walls landward of the top of the slope at the two locations. The geotechnical consultant states that slope retreat affecting the existing structures will be retarded with the installation of a pile retaining wall (caisson retaining wall). The geotechnical consultant also states these structures will "allow the movement of the slope below" the clubhouse and unit 4570 "where future sliding potential exists without adversely affecting the materials beneath" the clubhouse and unit 4570. The geotechnical consultant has recommended drainage improvements for the clubhouse and apartment unit 4570 sites, as follows: "To reduce water Infiltration, we recommend that the drainage adjacent to the building and over the slope is checked and necessary corrections made to prevent any ponding of water." The proposed project includes minor surficiai grading, approximately 45 cubic yards of cut, along the bluff edge at the clubhouse location. These improvements include the use of hand tools to round the 90 degree bluff edge/top of scarp now present as a result of landsliding. This grading intends to restore the bluff edge to natural contours and will be designed to prevent the ponding of water and to check the movement of water over the slope. However, according to the civil engineer, Mr. Don Young of Gerald Lehmer Associates of Pasadena, local geologic conditions (surficial bedrock) at apartment unit 4570 location preclude any surficial grading contemplated at this location by the geotechnical consultant. In order to assure the geotechnical consultants' drainage recommendations are appropriately Incorporated into the proposed project, condition number two requires the applicant to submit, for the review and approval of the executive director, final revised plans, with a signed statement from the geotechnical consultant certifying their recommendations were incorporated into the final design of the proposed development. The geotechnical consultant has found that the proposed project is a feasible solution to the landslide and rockfall hazards posed to the subject existing structures. Recommendations have boon made by the geotechnical consultant addressing the design of the caissons, lateral loading, construction sequencing, drainage improvements and monitoring. In order to assure stability and to minimize risks to life and property, the geotechnical consultants' recommendations should be incorporated into the design of the proposed project. As a condition of approval (condition number two), the applicant shall submit final revised plans Indicating that the recommendations contained in the Report of Slope Stability Evaluation. West -,Facing Slope Adjacent to the Club House, Perk Newport Apartments, Newport Beech, 5-98-345 (Gerson Baker & Associates) Page 9 of 9 California... dated May 1, 1998 and Report of Slope Stability Evaluation: West -Facing Slope Adjacent to the Unit 4570, Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach, California... dated August 14, 1998 by Law Crandall of Los Angeles (Project No. 70131-4-0896.0009), have been incorporated into the design of the proposed project. While the geotechnical consultant has found that the proposed project will assure stability and structural integrity and will not create erosion, geologic instability, or lead to destruction of the site or surrounding environment along the subject bluff, the proposed project is designed only to retain soils which affect existing structures and not to provide gross stabilization of the entire slope and slide mass. Therefore, the Commission requires, as a condition of approval (condition number three), that the applicant record an assumption of risk deed restriction acknowledging that landslide/slope failure 'hazards remain, even with implementation of this project, that the applicant and all landowners waive any claim -of liability again the Commission, and the applicant and all landowners are responsible for removal of structural debris caused by landslides, slope failure or erosion on. this site. The Commission finds that, as conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with Section 30253 of the Coastal Act. F. Local Coastal Program Section 30604 of the Coastal Act provides for the issuance of coastal development permits directly by the Commission in regions where the local government having jurisdiction does not have a certified local coastal program. The permit may only be issued if the Commission finds that the proposed development will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare a Local Coastal Program which conforms with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. The Newport Beach Land Use Plan was effectively certified on May 19, 1982. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the certified Land Use Plan. Therefore, the j Commission finds that approval of the proposed development will not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a Local Coastal Program (Implementation Plan) for Newport Beach that is consistent with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act as required by Section 30604(a). G. California Environmental Quality Act Section 13096(a) of the Commission's administrative regulations requires Commission approval of Coastal Development Permit applications to be supported by a finding showing the application, as conditioned by any conditions of approval, to be consistent with any applicable requirements *of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 21080.5(d)(2)(A) of CEQA prohibits a proposed development from being approved if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect which the activity may have on the environment. The project is located in an existing development. In addition, the proposed development has been conditioned, as follows, to assure the proposed project is consistent with the resource protection policies of the Coastal Act: review and permission from CDFG; conformance with geotechnical recommendations; and avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosion control/sedimentation BMP's. As conditioned, no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures are known, beyond those required, which would substantialjy lessen any identified significant effect which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the, Commission finds that the proposed project, as conditioned, is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative and is consistent with CEQA and the policies of the Coastal Act. H:\KSchwing 'H'\698346RC.doc >0��■ ■ is __ ' i � A �m ti X c • o "LA c c o t ! �cuwr owsrc ! c� c Z 0 t • • ' •t �� s•- V ' ! t ! ! ! i co PC Q Q r ! • LE Y. Sri • •o�Y•• • .: 1.-• - ! - www:www• ' �. �. milli 0I. 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OF w •mac WL it a . rr, Wool/008 LAWCrandall MGM Group Member September2l, 1998 Mr. Ken Dnmel Director of Facilities Services Gerson Bakar des: Associates 20i Filbert Street San Francisco, California 94133-3298 Subject: Stabilization of West -Facing Slope Park Newport Apartments Project 1 Park Newport Newport Beach, Callfornin Law/CrandallPrujeet No. 70131-4-0896. M Dear Mr. Drewel: — ---- - - As requested by Mr. Kevin Culbertson,bf Cuibetset, Adims &-Aii(Ocua, this letter addreires the• .• stabilization of the west -facing slope at the Park Newport Apartments in Newport Beach, California. The - Califomia Coastal Commission has requested supporting documentation regarding the slope stabilization for the west -facing slope in a letter dated September It. 1998. An application has been submitted as Coastal Development Permit # 5.98.345. Law/Crandall is the geotechnical engineer of record for the proposed pile retaining wall (or caisson wall) to stabilize the slope adjacent to the Club House and Unit 4570 (Sites I and 4, respectively). Law/Crandall's responsibility, as the geotechnical engineering of record for Sites I and 4, was to submlt the reports of slope stability evaluation addressing the slope adjacent to the Club House and Unit 4570 and to obtain the City of Newport Beach's approval. The results of those evaluations for the Clubhouse and Unit 4570 were presented in our reports dated May 1, 1998 and August 14, 1998, respectively, and have been approved by the City of Newport Beach. Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates (RBF) has proposed an erosion repair/htterceptor ditch with retaining elements to improve the stability of the slope located west of Building 3 and the slope located south of the spa building and north of the apartmem designated 4930 (Sites 2 and 3, respectively). The Sites 2 k 3 am between Sites I and 4. The geotachnical engineer of record for Sites 2 and 3 is Hetherington Engineering, inc. who have reviewed the proposed RBF plan for erosion repair. A report by Hetherington, dated August 25, 1998 regarding Sites 2 and 3 stun that the proposed erosion repairs are intended to enhance the surface drainage conditions by intercepting and directing surface water to an existing storm drain. The report further states that the proposed Improvements for Sites 2 and 3 "do not render the natural slopes surficially or grossly stable. and as such, the proposed improvements are subject to future damages resulting from gross or sudiciai stability." We have also reviewed the RBF plan for erosion repair and control and concur with Hetheington's conclusion in that the RSF plan does not address permanent stabilization of the slopes at Sites 2 And 3. however, slope movement in these areas has not occurred recently and the erosion repair and control plan would act to improve the overall stability of Sites 2 and 3. ADWkbn of law EMfiMrkq and En **ff ftiM 8NAMM Ina. 20g PRadal Odra lea Ameba. cA9MWiee4 321-M& Da -Fax 323.7214= EXHIBIT No. 6 Application Number: e•lb348 Page 1 of 3 California Coast: Commission Green RAW A Awarder tawfiiess Pt%vWft 14/ll44ssdsua d rreertL loss That Ulfomts Caw! Commission's War dated -September it requests supporing doaumematioa to remove the RBF's sroeioa repair plan for Sltss 2 and 3 ffom t* Coastal Development Permit and to proceed WA Mu implementation of law/Crandall's recommendation of pile retaining rail for Sibs i and 4. We support the &bore separation for the following reasowl • T* RBF plan fbt Sites 2 And 3 ad Xanv/Crendsdi's recommendation for Sties 1 and 4 are rat functionally rsisled. 'Ibis is because t* RBF plane fbr Situ 2 and 3 imprerrs the stabilky of slopes by controlling erosion and protection of the top of the slope. on the odw hand, Law/Ctandall's recanmendatlow lbr Sibs 1 and 4 stabilises the slopes by maw of a MUM wall, • 'flu RBF plan for Saes 2 and 3 and LawrAudell's recommendation fbr Sleet 1 and 4 are rat structurally dependent or related, because the sibs are {wgraphkally espe a i • The RBF plan fbr Shee 2 and 3 and Law/Crandali's recommendation for an 1 and 4 an be implemented in separate pietas with safety because they are sm miurally and lbnctionnaliy independent of each now. • • We strongly believe that Lw/Cmndsll's recommendations far Sibe 1 said 4 sboold be Implemented as won a possible because oft* importance -to stabilise lire slopes befoot the season _. __ -•-• _ _ ...__ _ y_ • Implementation of Law/Crandall's recommendations as soon as possible is necessary due to the extent of the smeion and landslides a etas 1 and Caned dWr proximity to t* sabting buildings. • Sibs 2 and 3 differ ftom Sibs 1 and 4 in fiat dell area have not exhibited reasot movement or pose as launwiste *Nato stm utee. The pm&uiorul opinions presented in this letter flaw beat developed wing that degree of we and skill ordinarily examised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geo"nical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No odor warranty, expressed or Implied, Is spade as to the probssional advice included is this letter. F1 2 C ASTAL COME 31f I EXHIBIT * 6._..... PAGE .�...OF.3 Oernon anla.,£ Auoeterar swembw 21, IM LeMyCrcnAatl ProJeet Na 7D131-ldMI�OODD it is a pleasure to be of professional service to you on this project Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. ; Sincerely, LAWICRANDALL A DIVISION Of LAW ENCINRKMGAIM IMAL SCRV(t:ta, ING pt;F�St� N. Sathi Sathialingam, Ph.D. lac t jg Marshall Lew, Ph.D. Senior Engineer * sw „ * Corporate Consultant Projectmanager sty eM `o ^a Vice President (2 copies submitted) ec: (1) Mr. Kevin Culbertson Culbertson, Adams do Associates 3 COASTAL COM IS EXHIBIT #k ?AGEE ....» OF .. •Sap-21-fM c4z2ZP Hetherington Engineering 946 4679216 P.02 HETHERIN MN ENGINEERING INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENQINEERINQ a ENGINEERINQ QVOLOGY • HYDROGEOLOGY Swan" 21,19911 Pmjml4o. 3117.2 tas No, 02710 (tenon, I1aku rk Amodw s 201 Filbert Surer San Irrencaoo,CA 94137-M Attwttloe: Mr, RWmd M StIH1ECT: ADDYPIONAL (1E TSCMMCAL COMWWM Fadry slope Froposd Arwu 2 and 7 _ ParkNw 4wtAputornts Newport boo* Cdfx!-_ RAfmm: "Application Arrfamk and-ItOWm tot Supponhv Documerftadoft. CQUW bovd0pluenCaRtbmies by CAU mil Corral Comm)f�� date1SAcmbor it, 1 Dar Mr. M'. In wwdufee with Iha retptat or Mr. r." Cudfww% we have pr WW UWs latter provift addttintfai jeote,WW eomwmu wish rapoa to Ow propaed emdm repeka lbr slim 2 to 1 at the A Melt ProPedy. We undamwA ow 000tofeots a nm by On � atan 1 Cowel Corrwds" in order to consider sq*n dbt regain and 4 Som those aobtamPIMW 1br tars 2 and 1. As it is w dwKood by Retbadolloo f4fieft%S, Im'. repels wma*dw for sita 1 and 4 am to be 4W kd pile retail *46. In um I ettd 4, room 4mddida and rock #"I" have rMlled )o the mfKr4d or portiars or the slope ad mma to 6dAWS bnprovemeols on the Puk Xvwpor► praPatY. PPOlt wWWto wmu dW we n*pudy o(pow" wfduadtfitfR and dres irect domep. �r The rapah proposed for amu 2 *M 1 ere intendad to sm"we adebw sinks draioa4e irryxovattleota whkh wai redoes the WA" of wufhoa waum Iformius faro the bm" am pride The an hwraeed vobmte of tufwft which sea be Mttdlad by *An Impiovessom e. TMse tatptovrmeMs wIll aww 10 redltoe the POMW fbe fSatum immiellda and rook topplea slob m look gibes III nreee 1 u1d 4, Thsae shove dwaxlbsd rep lW ane UK Swwclydoelly f*W to am* otbw in arty waenar uric am trot feoledud * &peadMt upon sods other In order b pwrom their rM-11- valy lotonded l dwftw, In toy opidob, the repdn Isdanfded fbr afeu 2 and 1 amM 624S Awft Rodnee. flullo G • OWWmd. CA 9ZM 4M • MP 931.1017 • tot Udo) 931-OW 3224P Paw AdaMnb. Suits C a fist Juan Cap*Mno, CA M?r,.Xia * (714) 467-DW • Iran (714) 467 0116 EXHIBIT I ; colication Number. Calitomis Coan c cep, Sap-21_98 04:33P Hot8 herinyton Engineering 949 47911ei P.03 SUPPORTING COMNMNTS project No. 3137.2 September 21,1992 Page 2 be deleted in their entirety and not caux any adverse effect to the above repair to areas I and 4. The proposed repsirs to areas 2 and 3 could be performed if arc& l and 4 repairs were not performed. Please call If there are airy questmos. Sincerely, Pk Paul A. Wgfeth" CirtMed iginearing Geologist 1153 -- R45terod Geoiogist3772 (expires 3/31=) Dwd lion: 1-Addressee I -Kevin Culbertson - Culbertson Adams and Assocates HETHERINGTON EN6INEERIN132 INC. COASTAL COMM' I& E."HI3IT #..-.L ., FAGS ., a ... OF , a -r— It I BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Of PROPOSED BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS - —City of Newport Beach " County of Orange, California ** g� I Prepared for: Culbertson, Adams, & Associates 85 Argonaut, Suite 220 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 581.2688 Prepared by: J. E. Heppert & Associates Envirohmental Consulting P.O. BoX 3594 Mission Viejo, CA 92690.1594 (949) 367-0754 HEMYED AUG 2 01998 1 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION June, 1998 EXHIBIT No. 8 Application Numbar: 11-a8449 PON t N 2 c On June 29, 1998 Jan E. Heppert conducted a site Inspection of the proposed bank stabilization project at Park Newport Apartments, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, California. The weather was sunny with a light breeze blowing onshore. Temperatures were in the low to mid 70`s. Park Newport Apartments proposes to stabilize three different sites along the southwest edge of their property. These three sites are in close proximity to each other, and are located at the top edge of the cliffs above Back Bay Drive and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, just north of San Joaquin Hills Road. The Park Newport Apartment site is approximately 100 feet above Back Bay Drive and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, -with a•neariy vertical cliff separating them: '- - The first site is on the southern most portion of the property, near housing units 4550 and 4540. It is the leading edge of a cliff that is a sheer 90 degree or more drop. The top of the cliff is vegetated with ornamental vegetation typical of the manufactured landscaping throughout the apartment complex. This extends down the cliff until a sheer rock face begins. Coastal sage scrub vegetation begins below this rock face, and extends down to San Joaquin Hills Road and Back Bay Drive. The bank stabilization proposed for this site includes extending a preexisting timber pole retaining wall from its present location approximately 40 feet around the corner of the cliff. If this work is done from the top of the cliff, it will not impact any native California vegetation, including coastal sage scrub found downslope. The second site is located to the north of the first site along the cliff that rises above the ecological reserve, below units 4830, 4840, and 4870. There are two areas of exposed soil below these units that appeared to have been cleared recently. Between these two cleared areas is a small section of vegetation that has been left. This cleared area extends approximately 20 to 25 feet downslope from the apartment elevation. Below this cleared area Is dense coastal sage scrub that extends downslope to Back Bay Drive. The cleared area appears to have been. vegetated by ornamental vegetation based upon the vegetation found on either side of this cleared area and the small patch of vegetation left between the two cleared areas. This small area left untouched consists of pampas grass, palm trees, sugar bush and small . ornamental bushes and ground cover typical of the manufactured landscaping found throughout the apartment complex. The bank stabilization proposed for this location includes the installation of approximately 5000 square feet of gunite or •shotcrete. If this gunite or shotcrete is installed in the presently cleared area or the area of vegetation left between the two cleared areas, there will be no impact to any native California vegetation. if the proposed work extends downslope any further than the 2 . COASTAL COMI .Sit EXHIBIT PAGE ... L... OF cleared area, it will Impact coastal sage scrub, and a permit from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will be necessary. In order to avoid impacting this coastal sage scrub, it is recommended that all work be done from the top of the cliffs. The third area of proposed impact Is located just north along the cliff, below the clubhouse, pool and spa. Currently there is a flat area a few feet below the complex that is vegetated with sugar bush. This flat area is 3 to 7 feet wide. A portion of this flat area has slid down the slope, along with the sugar bush, This exposed slide area is covered with plastic and secured with sand bags to prevent further erosion. Immediately below this fiat area is a steep slope that is heavily vegetated with coastal sage scrub. The proposed bank stabilization includes the Installation of a 157 foot long caisson wall. The construction of this wall Is described 'as follows: 23 concrete caissons, 36 inches In diameter will be installed along the cliff. They will extend 23 feet into the soil, and be on typical 7 foot centers. it this work is done from the top of the cliff, it should not Impact the coastal sage scrub. It any coastal sage scrub is disturbed or removed during the construction process, then a permit will be necessary from the U.S. Fish & Widlite Service. There is no riparian associated vegetation or any wetland habitat on this site or any other proposed construction site previously discussed in this report. In order to avoid the time consuming and possibly costly permitting process through the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for the removal of coastal sage scrub, it is recommended that no coastal sage scrub be disturbed during this bank stabilization project. If care is taken by the contractor performing the work, and the work is done in an environmentally aware manner, it should be possible to avoid Impacting the coastal sage scrub located adjacent to the work sites. 3 C)ASTAL COME •0ll 19 r %GE ...L OF X A S Ul CAP ro L 6ACKBAY DRIVE • (1 �. ..� \� ....� ��'.-r„•'� ::% r...- ... 'ram �''i-'r .�`: —�'�'.`.•..: iq Cam.. tleu �' 1 �. .......-.-...r...� �.. .... '.�'`♦ •Ir.�-.�� ;�•-•••,�•`:: • .r...Y 0- •"✓•"'r... .......� ..r»"�'•� .�,.•• �»•_. .��♦- .. ram. �•• - •.».. 1♦' ✓.•'.✓ � Jam.. .,»•��' `♦' _ ad 90 LINE b 'o CdINpIf1E • •'•�`♦` � � � ♦' `�'!' ' :' ./' -='•a''�h,^ " 4 3 • �t • c As" r-0 oe. . ` �� V ,t - ,O 1 Eprbsw com. IYPICAL)-- 1 0 0. /ray2i40 a l t< [By LidSACKBAY A � •.., �.v.; „; �..:DRIVE ,. pm ss Ir. v>;-m r -__:Ps;ears,=urposes.No ns afe no" . '" - m m - mm eWlitbe ?� :5 feCeiYed IfOrilin'L:^s'..j6i1.G EPAR14i NT Date: 4 9 O �qq uj fJ' - - --_' �l-•-tom �.a'._�-__' '-�._..r �_1 .`— E Li\v. ' -•0•= —•-'� �-�- . �a-. --- _�� - --=__= `-'� .,`•.:;.__;- _ ,ice:.__ - .-- W. .-'\\'+- _ '-_'-• `mot"-------"�.__•-"'!.-.,.:XCF -`:"`�/'-"`�-Y -•0'�' •___. ,. .___ -' .- - - - - ,(; y _ - - _ � _, :__tit �•. _' " `,�---: •--•-- -� ^"�� . � w r -_-•-`~ V ,+_ �__ 35^_ {- V - O - S""��s`_`_ 40 _TlE1GHT , IV--�f�%, �.- - �-"✓�` -� - �"`0 [-�-- _ -, _y,.r-T�-..,_„` _ - .__„JT - -- - LICIT ' — --- - AL - - - - - - - '.-�.- a'-...`'`^--��,�� is "Y - • .�„ '-- �� -` �'�`�` -,Y'— •"' � - - `+ - ., o-^ r s � W TIC+JLtRY A. rR0 0 �• r I 1- 1 (� - ., l _ U d 65 80 - - - - - - - 'l _ -� 0 �� �--:_; -•�; ;w- _ _ STRUCTURAL SLOPE STRUCTU t.�. \ 'y= - - - /';; sz -- _ . - TA iLIZATION WORK4D4Ly' SHORING �; -, - _ eo S B d 95 LINE (?YP.) w. _ m , t ; `. - _ '� '� = ----" -- = -_ """ss_ NO GRADING �R'REl�RAE?tNC WORK- m- - ------ -- r _ IS, TO 9E PERFOkIMEO. Iva Lim i - -- - _ � �'�- --•`_�-_...-- _.� � ..:-:'a AREA Z ANY GRADING, VUdEZIC IN TtilS UNDER A ' - �� ._ •_ - . _ -� _ _ _ __,,- `WILL BE PERFORMED U - Y _ _ .:. w EXISTING CONC. SEpARA7E %FiAL11NG PER1�Al7. m 36"0 CONCRETE - ...-' CAISSON ® 7'-0"0:c. IB - .. - " W p 9 $LOCK VJALL '. .. ^ . (TYPICAL) X� S (42' HIGH) Li. .. am© u i H.(TYP.) Z01 t !Z 1 s ! l ,LT •t�4: a USE -TS, CLuXIST BH� . ►. f ' '' �' •'� = NORTH q°� � . �t R� 'fir oEL „ � ,� c� ' , Q• ; DEL IM -a f \ BUILDING DEPARTMENT. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CA tJ as qr APPROVAL OF TRESS PUNS DOES NOY CONSTITUTE EMPRESS OR IMPLIED _ - '� R.,-�{tom ; f•g '� AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY BU'L^IN3 IN YIOUTION OF, On INCONSIS. d TENT WITH, THE ORD'NANCES. PUGS AN5 r,)0C:FS OF TUF CITY OF NEVIPORT `✓ `�. 't'"-, ^ �' 2 'REACH. THIS APPROVAL ODES t;C' 6jaaF �,+ ruAT'IC:=PLANS ARE, IN ALL RESPECTS. lit C !Pf l.'U.tf ry'•,, '.T•• - . J :; ^Uo ORDINANCES, �#�; - e.,...P�- ••. PLANS AND PCLC;F_ 1?: C + Or tag' , � =L.. PE RIGHT TO Eli :a, 41 - e ,fit. •. FEOJI,; F.:;Y P q '.E[ _.I 4E OR r9ROYE} - w^ ?,. y��° • ' c i CO,2.TRUC OF It lrpc.. h ^S Au POLICIES OF 1'ri C4'r, r.: t.-,rPF .._ .-.. - - ,- RI-7lICA'!:5.•.4:i-...,. _f -. -. ..•�____ ___ v '"- � �y�iyt� �'tt 'Eft t " {V '�.i.�t', :r . • ;4tcIcro�r; Opte 5-5-1998 .. e - TRJIFIC " ---_-. . -'---„—"—�, 4r - - - O9�Z/-; ` '• -et SHORING 'PLAN' TIR°:: _ Fg +a Scale AS NOTED . - CRAO,NG .• - _ `� Y TO ! $AN CL�11ETry"�`g,4^�oQgOFDESS/ q Drawn VEI d tlY. OATS. c ' cs� Checked pYz o. 5 139 Irm Ex Ho a• 15163 . . sp TRUCTURP� " � % SITE PLANSheet ;" s ���OFCALIF-�P ( : 1 Of 2 Sheets' #.C;�ACADR14\15163\8'H-1,D"O".5-5�1998 .: , ADDITIONAL -NOTES • .. GENERAL NOTES- 1. The contractor shag verify all dimensions before -starting work. The, 1,-All construction shall conform to the 1997,Uniform Building Code and.all Engineer shall be notified of any discrepancies. other applicable regulating requirements. ` 9,-$„t 2. Unless shown otherwise; typical defogs and. general notes shaft be used 2. All workahail be performed In accordance With the latest edition, of the wherever applicable. California CopstructioI6 Safety Orders (CAL -OSHA). 3. Notes and details on the drawings shall take precedence over these general 3. a: The,design of the stabilizatioA system is based upon recommendations Votes. contained in the. Report of,Slope StabilityEvaluation performed' by 1 4. All conditions shown or noted as existing are based on information currently tAW/CRANDALL, INC. (Project No. 4-0 '896.0009) dated May 1,1998 avagable at the time of preparation of these drawings. However, no for'Gerson Bakar& Assoc.., - DECK warranty is implied'as to the accuracy of same and _contractor is to field b. The shoring contractor shall familiarize himself with all data therein , PHASE I verify all condition.. Should conditions become eppail ent which differ from and keep a copy -of the Soils Report at the job site at all times. the conditions shown herein they shall be brought to the attention of the C. The shoring contractor shall hereby be made fully aware of the areas of STRUCTURAL SLOPE ` : Engineer. frli•and natural sand deposits as shown on the logs of boringgs STABILIZATION WORK ONLY. 5.-,Any deviations from these plans and genera( notes must be -submitted as a and the probtrsms caused by caving and raveling during dri►Gng: 3'-0"t VARIES ` ' Precautions, such -as decreasing the drilling speed, may be necessary EAS_nNG written request with adequate description and/or sketches to the Engineer during the installation of caisson to minimize caving and raveling: Caissons 00.0 NO.GRApING-OR ADt> GWORK (SEE. PLAN & VER.IFY 1N FIELD) forapprovaL shako'drilledandflledalternately,withthe�concretepemiittedtoset IS TO BE PERFORMED. EDGE .: CLUBHOUSE 6. The contract drawings and specifications repmsaM the finish_ ed structure. at least a hours before drilling any adjacent shafts. ' OF Unless otherwise shown; they ,do not indicate tine method of construction. .4. The locations of existing underground utilities are not shown. The SLOPE of ' The contractor shall supervise and direct the work and shall be solely contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities PHASE If _ oo f responsible for all constriction means, methods, techniques, sequences and beforb,"com mencing. He agrees to be fully responsible for any and all procedures. damages which might be caused by his failure to exactly locate, protect and ANY GRADING WORK IN THIS AREA ; !:- 7. Safety -Conform to applicable CAL/OSHA constructionsafety regulations for preserve any and all underground utildies WILL BE.PERFORMED UNDER A all work performed during construction. Job site safety is strictly the. 5. Dust shalt be controlled at all times during construction of the retention ' SEPARATE GRADING PERMIT, responsibility of the contractor and not the Engineer or owner. system and the associated shoringtnstailation, excavation and back-fifling. 90.0 8. Provide chemical restroom facility during construction. 6. installation of shoring, system shall comply with the above Ceferenced Soils 9. Provide full-time supervision throughout the entire course of construction. Report'andshall be performed under the continuous inspection and approval . << Superintendent shall be responsible fior coordination of all phases of of the Soils Engineer and the applicable Deputy. instsedor(s) project with Park Newport Apartments on -site manager and inspectors. 7• Work these.drawings with the Site Survey drawings. F)deng grades are i- 10. Ali excess soil shalt be properly disposed of off -site. estimates only and may not reflect the exact field condition. >. 8, No excavations 5 feet or seater irr d th into which a 11. An on -site deputy inspector shall be present during' placement of reinforcing g ell person is required to t ° steel and concrete. inspector shall take necessary concrete samples, descend shall be constructed before obtaining the necessary permits from the '- State of California Division of Occupational Safe and Health, and nor to provide lab analysis and final report for City approval.Safety P o- 12. Backfll material shall be installed in 8" lifts and compacted to;95% the issuance of a building or grading.perrilt. 80.0 relative compaction.rT INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 13. Law/Crandall shall provide additional recommendations if unusual geologic - EXISTING 2 < N and/or geotechnical.conditions are encountered during excavation that - SLOPE - j`, 1. Drill caisson shafts to designed depths.' The Solis Inspector shaft verify and _- _III SH-2 }\ o require a change in design of•the caissons, f fY 14. All deputy Inspectors are the responsibility o the Owner.. record the diameter, depth and condition of. shafts and shall compile the " data In a report at completion of project. 2. Place reinforcing steel for caissons. 01 3. Fill caisson shafts with 4000 psi concrete 4o specified elevation as shown on t TYPICAL.SECTION'as soon after drilling and inspection as possible. ' �n 4. The concrete shall be placed with special equipment so that the concrete - 70.0 ® SO� �., Is not allowed to fall freely more than .5 fleet and to prevent'concrete from- . SLOPE `' �. striking the walls of the excavations. SIDE WjD 5. Caissons arc to be drilled in a mtnirnum 2,phase sequence• Caisson shafts' _ '•' " - '- are not to fse drilled adjacently, (See General Notes No.3,c above). 6. At completion of, installation of caissons, backfili to appropHate'elevation for the reconstruction of sops. . 36"0 CONCRETE W ' CAISSON (f'c=4000psi) �n MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 60.0 ® 7'-01$O.C.-1. Li I '� • (23 PILES TOTAL) MCONCRETE ciryoF 1. All structural concrete shall be normal weight hard rock type. _ APPRDV rf`Nd�c'�re� 2. Minimum strength of concrete shall be Pc=4000 sr 28 days.. This Ac tNCOX I i 9 P @ ys . ALTERNATE DESIGN (Grade 75 steel): N�? and ' i cf�T%�'+�. c 3. Aggregates shall be natural sand and- rock conforming toA$TMC-33 with `r prn°ecle ,., c'iI �n,p'm" b� N PQGcies! proven shrinkage chaiacteristiCs Of less than 0.05%. 1. Slope Side: bvti � PlarsarenoPta t;arinnJre&atalions 4. Cement shall conform to ASTM CG150, type ti, low al lll. w 50.0 ' the c lfor rr w;;y • ke a -;d;Gr 5. Concrete mixes shall be designed by an approroved testing laboratory and Number of.bars -UNCHANGED PLA atrt0rn'aCDasrai� 3�a� ` , anCpsr;�,;, stamped end'si n g e9 L,q r,Gn signed by a civil or structural en inear registered In the State` Size of bars - UNCHANGED '�' NNIN P t�fNTtj"s n p'"'r rem eGSe NG of California. ART sro rs s. 2. Soil Side: T p r.L, = 45- d t ��, d from 6. The concrete mix design.shafl be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior aY to use. Number of bars - UNCHANGED I �, Date: 7. The use of a polymer based water reducing admixture is optional, If used, Size of bars - #10 bars in lieu qg of #11 bars. 36"0 shaft be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval. 3. Ties: 8. Placement of concrete shall be in conformance with AC1301. Spacing of ties - UNCHANGED 9. Provide continuous inspection by a City approved Deputy Inspector. 4 0.O � Size of ties - UNCHANGED }. 10. Minimum cover for all cast -in place concrete shall be as follows: Cast against earth ............. 3" _ Cast against forms below grade .:.2". ' 11. Concrete'shall not free fall more than five feet.. Use tremie or pump. - SECTION A 12. Prior to placing concrete, reinforcing steel shag be well secured in 3/16"=1'-0• . SH-2 position. REINFORCING STEEL J7 0.0 - 1. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A-6�15, Grade 60, except#4 bars` >, ., BUILDING DEPARTMENT shall be Grade 40. (Reinforcing for ALTERNATE DESIGN 36 0 CONCRETE 36 o CONCRETE L ±' CITY OFNEWPORTBEACH,CA shatFbeGradet,70 CAISSON - _ - - - CAISSON - " .. J APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE EXPRESS OR IYPIIED 2. Reinfor�.ing shall be placed In accordance with, the drawings and StTaII be 3 6 CONCRETE ��Q, ..I TEUT WITH. AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT ANY'E,1'LC'n5? IN YIOUTION OF, OR INCONSIS• _ _ CAISSON t'` BEACH. THIS APPROVVAL PoEc �D F.S A S" 'n' IC,FS OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT held firmly In place prior to placing concrete. ' ' \ RESPECTS, IN WLF,;,;r i HAT THESE PUNS ARE, IN ALL �'\ :., 4 TIES 12"O. C PLANS AND POucIT. 1 . - , : Al,q �GN' IG ORDINANCES, 3. All hooks shall be standard hooks per ACt 318, Section 7.t unless detailed 4 TIES ®12 O.C. „ '/ REQUIRE ANY FL' "IF s 1[: r f` ? LS /HE RIGHT TO ULL LEN TN n nliE� UY i ,f , ;'f OR IRPROVE- otherwise. v- s 6FIii 7"� # #4 TIES CcD12 o.c. �'� ``= � G A;rEcE�z;a•T„-; FULL LENGTH OOTHE CITY !: 4 L ' `"' "'F'O�r A:a: RCLLSTRUC- _ FULL LENGTH (GR.40) PC^. [p,.. ; cN':POLICIES 4. Dowels shall be the same size and spacing as the vertical reinforcing unless (GR.40) (GR.40) a APP --. �- SLOPE I SLOPE �: __. v SLOPE I ucAF.rs noted otherwise. SIDE = ..-- SIDE -- - - - - - �.r� rust, SIDE 5 Bars shalt be'clean of grease or. other material which may Impair bond. PUBLIC W0F.1q .6. Due to limited over -head clearances, a City -approved mechanical butt splicer/ coupler system may be used. GRADING --- - ----- Submit approvals and manufacturer's documentation to the Engineer for,review. SOIL = SOIL „ �" SOIL PUNNING -- ' SIDE i SIDE °I ' s's SloE -- - CAISSONS .- 1 j lPdr;Jv -...- -To issuc - i, DATE --------- Caissons 4-# 1 1 4-#7 ---� '- 6-# 1 1 4-#7 -- 12-# 1 1 1. Caissons are to be machine drilled. Caissons are to be accurately located VERT. REINF. VERT. REINF. VERT. REINF. VERT. REINF. QgOFES T with respect to the existing slope. VERT. REINF. VERT. REINF. TOTAL �``° vO D. c ti� 2: Provide protection against sloughing or caving as required. 3. Drilled holes to be left open overnight shag be cased, covered and secured S 139 with proved steel traffic plates. ;4 DETAIL DETAIL - 2 DETAIL 3 P• sons shall not be drilled adjacently-, a minimum 2-phase sequence is LPsr * required...' . 3/4 0' SH-2 3/4-V-0' SH-2 3/4** -0 SH-2 �9rCTTL � FCALIf REVISIONS. r BY A7-1¢-49 D7y � N ems„ ,Q W o gxx� L14 h - fq }}yy _; • Q Q U U Q 0 O tZ, M W. Z • 1' Z O N ` J 0 Z m 3. JI T � •Z Q . QW a.`-- a. at- W .00 0', Z' - Q o-.J �!OJ Li Z U ta-- W W W- Date -5-1998 _5_ Scale AS NOTED Drawn ve Checked DW Job No. 1151163 Sheet SH41MI112 Of 2 Sheets 90.0' 80.0' EXISTING SLOPE 1 50.0' �- 40.0' _ \ #4 TIES 012"o.c. U.N.O. .. SLOP (GR.40) SIDE _ `• -- - - 'r SIDE 4-#7 - �--. 4-#14 DETAIL i N.T.S. SH-4 EXISTING TOWNHOUSE UNIT, No. 4570 3'-01 • . EXISTING _ CONCRETED EDGE \ 1 WALKWAY - LOPE `' \ ;< ,:�.'.':;• , 00 ti :;i• l ADDITIONAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES 1. The contractor shall verify all dimensions before starting work. The 1. All construction shall conform to the 1997 Uniform Building Code and all Engineer shall be notified of any discrepancies. other applicable regulating requirements. 2. Unless shown otherwise, typical details and general notes shall be used 2. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the wherever applicable. California Construction Safety Orders (CAL -OSHA). 3. Notes and details on the drawings shall take precedence over these general 3. a. The design of the stabilization system is based upon recommendations notes. contained in the Report of Slope Stability Evaluation performed -by 4. All conditions shown or noted as existing are based on information currently LAW/CRANDALL,,.INC. (Project No.70131=4-0896.0009) dated August,1998' available at the time of preparation of these drawings. However, no for Gerson Bakar & Assoc. _ warranty is implied as to the•accuracy of same and contractor is to field b. The shoring contractor shall familiarize himself with all data therein verify all conditions. Should conditions become apparent which differ from and keep a copy of the Soils Report at the job site at all times. the conditions shown herein they shall be brought to the attention of the c. The shoring contractor shall hereby be made fully aware of the areas of '. Engineer: fill and natural sand deposits as shown on the logs -of borings and the problems caused by caving and raveling during drilling. 5. Any deviations from these plans and general notes must be submitted as a Precautions, such as decreasing the drilling speed; may be necessaryduring written request with adequate description and/or sketches to the Engineer the installation of caisson to minimize caving and raveling. Caissons for approval. shall be drilled and filled attemately, with the, concrete permitted to set ._ 6: The contract drawings and specifications represent the finished structure. at least 8 hours before.drilling any adjacent shafts. Unless otherwise shovyn, they do not indicate the method of construction. 4. The locations of existing underground. utilities are not shown. The The contractor shall supervise and direct the work and shall be solely' contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities. responsible for•all construction means, methods, techniques, seluences and before commencing.' He agrees -to be fully responsible for, any and all procedures, damages Which might be caused by his failure to exactly locate; protect and ' T Safety: Conform to applicable CAUOSHA construction safety regulations forpreserve any and all underground utilities..,' all work performed during Construction Job site safety is strictly the 5. Dust shall be controlled at all times during construction of the retention t responsibility of the contractor and not the Engineer or owner. system and the associated shoring installation, excavation and bade -filling. 8. Provide.chemical restroom facility during construction. 6. Installation of shoring system shalt comply with the above referenced Soils 9. Provide full-time supervisiorkhroughout the entire course of construction. Report and shall be Qerformed.underlhe continuous inspection and approval EXISTING 'TIMBER . of the Soilsn ineer and the applicable Deputy Ins ector s ,,- Superintendent shall be responsible for coordination of all phases of 9 P Y P O• POLE '& WOOD LAGGING with Park Newport A Apartments on -site manager er and ins inspectors. 7. Work these drawings with the Site Survey drawings. Existing grades -are 4-#14 project po P 9 P RETAINING WALL, 10. Atl excess soil shall be properly disposed. of off site. estimates only and may not reflect the exact field condition. 4-#7 11. An on -site deputy inspector shall be present during placement of reinforcing 8• No excavations 5 feet or greater in depth into which a person is required to %;n steet and concrete. Inspector shall take necessary concrete samples, descend shall be constructed before obtaining the necessary permits from the 2-# 1 4 provide tab analysts and final report for City approval. State of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and prior to . 12. BackfiU material shall be installed in 8" lifts and compacted to 95% the issuance of a building or grading permit: relative compaction. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 13. Law/Crandall shall provide additional recommendations if unusual geologic 2 e - and/or geotechnical conditions are encountered during excavation.that " 0 1. DWI caisson shafts to designed depths. The Soils Inspector shall verify and Stf-a require a change in design of the caissons. ' 0 \ N 14. All deputy inspectors are the responsibility of the Owner. record the diameter, depth and condition of shafts and shalt compile the.' 4-# 1-4 data in a report at completion of project. SOIL2. Place reinforcing steel for caissons. SLOPEa 3. Fill caisson shafts with 4000 psi concrete to specified elevation as shown on L . - 3 I�DC TYPICAL SECTION as soon afterdrilting and inspection as possible. SIDE C 4: The concrete shall be placed with Special equipment so that the _concrete 5H-4 is not allowed to fall freely more than 5 feet and to prevent concrete from24 .. striking the -walls of the excavations. - a ' 5. Caissons are to be drilled in a minimum 2-phase sequence. Caisson shafts. 2 _#14- __ __ o o are not to be drilled adjacently, (See General Notes No.3.c above). a0., 6. At completion of installation of caissons, bacfdill to appropriate elevation C1TY0FNi'i for the reconstruction of slope or grade. nFFRovAL%OX prND.. oject Conforms to ail a; ,aba Owning rec-Oations - ,Citiesineifectond c,r2 _ MATERIAL SPECIFICATION SH-4 - `'�6 plans are not to be used''br consiruction purposes. No 4 & =ing permit will be issued (151, approral i3 race; from CONCRETE tnza _ California coastal commission. p F' ANNiNG DEPARTMENT 48"0 CONCRETE BY 1. AU structurat'concrete shall be normal weight hard rock type. CAISSON (f'c=4000psi) to 0 -II �- oU --� Date: 2. Minimum strength of concrete shall be f e=4000 psi a@ 28 days. ® 8'-0"o.c. o co 3. Aggregates shall be natural sand and. rock conforming to ASTM C-33.with N proven shrinkage characteristics of less than 0,05%. w 4. Cement shail'conform to ASTM C-150; type' f1, low alkali. t 5. Concrete mixes shall be designed by an approved testing tabgratnry and. - . T w l stamped and signed -by a civil or structurat engineer registered in the State < of California. - `i 6. The concrete mix design shalE be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior Nto use, 7. The use of a polymer based water reducing admixture is optional, if used, shaft be submitted to the Engineer far review and approval• w o 8. Placement of concrete shall be in conformance with ACI 301. I— iv 9. Provide continuous inspection by a City approved Deputy Inspector. �- 10.•Minimum cover for all cast -in place concrete shall be as follows: Cast against earth ...... ...... 3" -I Cast against.forms below grade. ... 2" - 11. Concrete shall not free fall more than five feet. Use tremie or pump. 48"0 12. Prior to. placing concrete, reinforcing steel shall be well. secured in . position. REINFORCING STEELSECTIQN l A 1. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A-615, Grade.75, except-#4'bars shall lob Grade40., '� .� 5 �. 2. Reinforcing shall be placed in accordance with.the drawings and shalt by held firmly in place prior to placing concrete. " , <. 1 • L 3. All'hooks-shall be standard hooks per,AC131.8, Section 7. 1. unless detailed . v. y; -•#4 . TIES 4g 12"o:c. � ;`; L � #4.: TIES 0 12' O.C. otherwise. #4 TIES 01.2 o.C. <> U;N.O., U.N A: 4. Dowels shalt be the same size and spacing as the vertical reinforcing,6nt6s , ' b ` U.N.O: I ,.. (GR.40) f' I E`.- (GR.40) noted otherwise. (GRc40) < 5: bars shall'be dean of rust, grease or dther material which may impair bond. SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE ` y SIDE ? SIDE._ �, - - r r c S.�ue ie limited over -bead clearances, a'City-approved rTieChaniCat.butt spUCer/ coup r system may .be used. t 4 174 �y n n Submit approvals and manufacturers documenta, i In to the. Engineter i' �``p��U D• i -L t ` g f = SOIL' . SIDEs'r SIDE SIDE CAISSONS No. 1399 S \ ' 4-#7---'--- r- 6-#14 4•-#7 -- 10=#14 ' 4-#7 - 12-#14 ' 1. Caissons are to be machine drilled. Caissons are to be ac at -31.0 (TO.TAL) (TOTAL) with respect to the existing slope. R 2. Provide protection against sloughing or caving as require .. TFof �tFo� _:A 3. Drilled holes to be left open overnight shall be cased, covered and s With approved steel traffic plates; 4. Caissons shall not be drilled adjacently; a minimum 2-phase sequence is DETAIL 2 : DETAIL 3 DETAIL 4 required. N.T.S.. SH-4 N.T.S,....' SH-4 N.T.S. C:\ACADRI4\15163\SH74:DWG. 8-01 1958':_ REVISIONS BY A N .. Q O Z. a g' W � o h W a_ m :> £&gam 0 i n z = F n r CW9 z 0 U - � Q EL' v W LLJ J • °D . O ' U. U z CL 0 C Z 0. 0 Q W O 3 Z .0 .Z c» o 0 US a Z. . U) W LJ 14. �: tag! V V I 0 ote 8-11-1998 ale AS NOTtD wn Checked Dyy- ' ,lop No. 15163 Sheet %$W4 Of 2 Sheets � ' ; I I THE CITY OF ( b NEWPORT FL' �.z 405 COST MESANEWPORT BEAC PROJECT' I\, H LOCATION' UNIVERSITY - w _ tV-' ' �-}V) PARK NEWPORT -f N APARTMENTS BAY w IRVINE /� UJ 9 A'n't `-'fi'x- F" t / BACK BAY - -� IS U Ri i_ . P� �y. � vi 5Y H� € �,?� .N' cS' `� � 5•' , _ l YI` ijr � W _ 1. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 1/11 ' 4- P )/Cy�scALE: 1" G i - - �-- HILLS THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACHTEMPORARY EROSION REPAIR qr GlTy t,; ptEY,'r'OP,T EACH •ua� • ^L'^a' '•ev..-i is . = 200' LOCATION MA VICINITY MAP - I tha,C ' r,i' ��iU iOu 5F2 `''t:Ta G3stl1. o- GRADING PLAN GENERAL NOTES GRADING NOTES GRADING NOTES EROSION CONTROL NOTES STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 1 WHEN CUT PADS ARE BROUGHT TO NEAR GRADE THE ENGINEERING ANDY DODGE ' 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH 1. GRADED SLOPES SHALL BE NO VERTICAL. 6. GEOLOGIST SHALL DETERMINE IF THE BEDROCK IS EXTENSIVELY In case on emergency call (Responsible person) PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS TO THE PERMIT. FRACTURED OR FAULTED AND WILL READILY TRANSMIT WATER. IF (949)644-4209 OR CELL PHONE (949)795-1240 2. FILL SLOPES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 90 PERCENT CONSIDERED NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS at (24-hr. 1. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND/OR ' 2. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING AND//OR DUST PALLIATIVE. RELATIVE COMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISHED SURFACE. ENGINEER, A COMPACTED FILL BLANKET WILL BE PLACED.. phone no.) STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE the undersigned civil engineer will review erosion control work. AVAILABLE RECORDS. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY OF IRVINE 3. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 17. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL PERFORM PERIODIC INSPECTIONS CiRA1 G DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ACCURACY OR 3. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE DURING THE PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION AS DETERMINED BY ASTM TEST METHOD 1557, DURING GRADING. -TOI,U50.0 - &IRSE ="'r_ _. '.'_..__ })'1�/9cI COMPLETENESS OF THE LOCATION OR THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY ;.` CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE UTILITY AND/OR STRUCTURE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. THE PERFORMED APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF 18. NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE: IF, IN THE COURSE OF (Print Name) (Sign ure) (Date) CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE ALL DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEANS TO PROTECT 4. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST TO THE OVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT FULFILLING THEIR RESPONSIBILITY, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, THE SOILS THE UTILITIES OF RECORD OR NOT OF RECORD OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. ' FRIDAY; 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAY; AND NO WORK ON SUNDAYS OR APPLIED TO THE FILL AREAS. ENGINEER, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST OR THE TESTING AGENCY FINDS 1. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANS ARE REQUIRED FROM OCTOBER 15 TO HOLIDAYS PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. THAT THE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MAY 15. 2. RELOCATION OR REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY F 4. AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND APPROVED GRADING PLANS, THE DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED " THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVELOPER. 5. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER DEBRIS, SCARIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING TO THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE GRADING 2. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE BETWEEN #PLACING SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. OF THE FILL. WORK AND TO THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15. 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL SATISFY HIMSELF AS TO THE GRADING CORRECTIVE MEASURES, IF NECESSARY, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AS PART OF HIS BID. ' . 6. THE STAMPED SET OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT 5. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT MATERIAL. CITY GRADING ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 3. BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL s ALL TIMES. AT THE END OF R RKING DA FIVE-DAY THE EA30 4. IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE GRADING CONTRACTOR NOTIFY THIS PRIVATE ENGINEER 6. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR DOCUMENTATION PPROBABI ITYEOF RAIN EXCEEEDS PECH CENT. URINGN HER REMAINDER OF BY CALLING AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE GRADING 7. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND REMOVED BEFORE ANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED. THE YEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, OPERATION IN ORDER THAT THIS OFFICE MAY PERFORM A FINAL INSPECTION TO PROTECTING UTILITIES. 1. AN AS -BUILT GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CIVIL WHENEVER THE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50 PERCENT. COMPLY WITH OUR GRADE CERTIFICATION COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF IRVINE. 8. APPROVED DRAINAGE PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE 7. ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR ENGINEER INCLUDING ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, AS -GRADED 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATION. CRUSHED IN PLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, LOT DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND LOCATIONS, 4. LANDSCAPING PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL, WORK PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL SURFACE AND SUB -SURFACE DRAINAGE COMPLETED AND A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE RECEIVED BY THE CITY • , . =: " 9. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED IN COMPLIANCE 8. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL, AFTER CLEARING FACILITIES. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT THE WORK WAS GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO CLOSURE OF PERMIT, UNLESS WAIVED BY THE 6. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL Y3 WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN CANYONS, INSPECT EACH CANYON DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND CITY GRADING ENGINEER. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR OFFICIAL. FOR AREAS OF ADVERSE STABILITY AND DETERMINE THE PRESENCE OF, OR STATE THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF CUT/OR FILL MOVED DURING THE USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE ACCUMULATION OF, SUBSURFACE WATER OR SPRING OPERATION. 5. TEMPORARY DESILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PLANS AND THE CITY ' 10. HAUL ROUTES FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE FLOW. IF NEEDED, DRAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. OF IRVINE. APPROVED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN EACH RESPECTIVE CANYON. 2. A SOILS GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER, WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. INCLUDING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATION OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS, 9. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE SUBDRAINS SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE SUMMARIES OF FIELD AND LABORATORY RESULTS AND OTHER 11. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDING AND FIELD FOR LINE AND GRADE. SUBSTANTIATED DATA AND COMMENTS ON ANY CHANGES MADE DURING I. SLOPE AREAS. GRADING THEIR EFFECT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN THE SOILS (` =' 10. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN 12. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION MINIMUM OF 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE APPROVAL AS TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE C SOILS ENGINEER., THE BUILDING DEPAf TMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF AND COMPLETION OF WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE JOB CONTROL DEVICES ON -SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN CONCRETE FLAT WORK PLACED OVER UNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE SPECIFICATIONS. FORFEITURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE CLEANUP DEPOSIT. TESTING. [ 13. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF PVC OR ABS PLASTIC 3. A GEOLOGIC GRADING REPORT PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERING [ 11. THE STOCKPILING OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY GEOLOGIST, INCLUDING A FINAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE <F AND EITHER ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM D3034 OR ASTM D1785. GRADING ENGINEER. SITE, INCLUDING ANY NEW INFORMATION DISCLOSED DURING THE GRADING '; E 14. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE SHALL AND THE EFFECT OF SAME ON RECOMMENDATIONS INCORPORATED IN THE 1 12. LANDSCAPING OF ALL SLOPES AND PADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED GRADING PLAN. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL AS TO BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS OR STORM DRAINS. ALL CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. THE ADEQUACY OF THE SITE FOR THE INTENDED USE AS AFFECTED BY MATERIAL AND WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. NBMC 17.32.020. GEOLOGIC FACTORS c.; 13. ALL CUT SLOPES SHALL BE INVESTIGATED BOTH DURING AND AFTER PLAN INDEX " _ = REQUIRED INSPECTIONS GRADING BY AN ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST TO DETERMINE IF ANY STABILITY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES PROBLEM EXISTS. SHOULD EXCAVATION DISCLOSE ANY GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS ^ SHEET NO. \ 1. A PRE -GRADING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO OR POTENTIAL GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS, THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL CUT FILL START OF GRADING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, GRADING RECOMMEND AND SUBMIT NECESSARY TREATMENT TO THE CITY GRADING RAW QUANTITIES 100 CY TITLE SHEET 1 v CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, GEOLOGIST, CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. CONSTRUCTION NOTES, QUANTITIES, AND DETAILS 2 GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD 14. WHERE SUPPORT OR BUTTRESSING OF CUT AND NATURAL SLOPES IS MITIGATION NOTES 2A INSPECTIONS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS TOTAL EXPORT: 100 CY COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES 213 n 2 A PRE -PAVING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR ENGINEER, THE SOILS ENGINEER WILL OBTAIN APPROVAL OF DESIGN, LOCATION NOTE: COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES 2C j' o AND CALCULATIONS FROM THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO SITE "A" GRADING PLAN 3 OF THE SUB -GRADE PREPARATION FOR THE PAVING WITH THE FO tkQ �0 QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, PAVING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL IR) l CONSTRUCTION. ONLY AND DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR SHRINKAGE/BULKING OR REMEDIAL SOILS ENGINEER, CITY GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESEN F� GRADING. SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS. SITE "B" GRADING PLAN 4 15. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT AND REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTORS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEE I _ z STORM DRAIN PLAN 5 m TEST THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL BUTTRESS FILLS AND ATTEST TO THE 6 > �, BASIS OF BEARING: �' "' CROSS SECTIONS O N& 45838 s, TABILITY OF THE SLOPE AND ADJACENT STRUCTURES UPON COMPLETION. .a4 ;~'°"`�'�';�� a ,b Fxp. 11�;� n2 THAT CERTAIN COURSE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE I �' OF LOT 3 IN TRACT 6947 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT;rgz. C \V r\ BEACH r'ALIFORNIA IN BOOK 255 PAGES 8-12 f a GRADING PERMIT NO G9800456 This set of plans & specifications must be kept on the job at all times and it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations on some without written permission from the City of Newport Beach Community Development Department. The stamping of this plan & specifications SHALL NOT be held to permit or be an approval of the violation of any provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law. of the Government Code requires a Dig Alert Identifi- issued before a "Permit to Excavate' will be valid. ALL WORK PROPOSED IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLANS. THOSE ITEMS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. a 9rFOF CFL�ESHOWN AS N12.47'46"E/�L' ------------- PLAN PREPARED BY: GEOTECHNI L R HETH RINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. BENCHMARK.': ,�_ DEVELOPER: PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT NO. N c fESS/py9� PASEO ESTABCIS ED BY ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY 1970 ADDRESS: 1 PARK NEWPORT DRIVE PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS J. F 14) 487-9060 1 MILE" 90RTHEAST ALONG BACKBAY DRIVE FROM THE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 EROSION REPAIR PLAN 34460 r ��Q r� �O �c Robert Bein,A"illiem Frost &Associates I PHONE: (714) 720-2200 < = �' `,,2 n PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYOR DATE: INTERSECTION OF JAMBOREE ROAD, 50 FT. WEST OF z W �i m MARK H HERI N GE 397 TH�t"CENT�LI,NE OF BACKBAY DRIVE, 1 FT. NORTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SHEET H P.O. BOX 57057 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, `.OF.-T. ,E_•, OUTH, END OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OF A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF NEWPORT BEACH .; Q < � No. 5,2„ � H � ,, TITLE SHEET J 1 CALIFORNIA "92619-7057 (714) 472-3505 GEOL L FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. :`A�GONCRETE`"PIPE CULVERT, AT THE JUNCTION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-1, INST. No. l * Exp.9-so-m * 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C REV WED BY: SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675 BACKBAYDRNE,;AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD. 94-0092253 O.R. AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, _ �j9JFOF C1P`\E��O (714) 487-9060 g[N K 47EIGNATION: NB4-30-70 TRACT N0. 6947, M.M. 285/8-12 _ \Q r,.. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �s.-C� DATE: 8 (4e 9 DATE: 'E E 94:934 OF 6. J N0. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE MICHAEL J. RSE R.C.E. 0. 51271 PAUL A. GSETH CEG 1153 ".NGVD99'5..00S ADJ. PROJECT ACREAGE __0.1 __ ACRES �d ;.•, :.: :... Nov 101999 No /Z 4 CONSTRUCTION QUANTITY SUMMARY CONST. NOTE NO. ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY GRADING OCLEAR, GRUB AND PREP AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE 2 LS HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. OPREP EXISTING SAND BAG SLOPE AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 1 LS AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. O3 CONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 1800 SF LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. O4 CONST. CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 1200 SF LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. OCONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. 3 EA OCONST. 8" MASONARY BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYPE "B" PER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 200 SF STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-A AND STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-B. BLOCK TYPE & COLOR PER OWNER. STORM DRAIN 10 CONST. 12' C.S.P. (12 GA GALVANIZED) STORM DRAIN 11 CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING SD PIPE AND INSTALL 24" CSP (12" GA GALVANIZED) RISER CLEAN-OUT/JUNCTION STRUCTURE AND SLURRY BACKFILL. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE AND DEPTH OF EXISTING PIPE AND JOIN PRIOR TO ORDERING OR FABRICATING CSP RISER AND SD CONSTRUCTION NOTE: QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES. 6" HIGH CONC. BLOCK DIVERTERL (SPLASH) WALL PER PLAN CONTINUOUS ALONG LIMITS OF DITCH CONSTRUCTION EXIST. TOP OF SLOPE/RIM PER PLAN EG FL 1-0' 1 VARIES VARIES RIM 286 LF 1 EA 6" 1 / MIN e� a — I XA e I QF.J+� Z" 1n & O cn 3 MIN XS�OpF v e + �0� V `qR +e 6" MIN 4 0. 6"x6" - W1.4 X W1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH (W.W.M.) 1 e'. n CONCRETE CUT-OFF WALL 3 - #4'S W/ VERT #4'S 012" O.C. 5'-0" MIN. I I� I 6" NOTES: MIN 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ULTIMATE COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 2500 PSI. CONCRETE MAY BE PNENMATICALLY PLACED AND SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 2621 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 2. GROUND SHALL BE PRE -WETTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. MOISTURE LOSS RETARTANT SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER. 3. CONCRETE SURFACE SHALL BE ROUGHENED TO REDUCE GLARE (COARSE BROOM FINISH). 4. CONCRETE COLOR: WINTER BEIGE (#6063 BY L.M. SCOFIELD CO.). 3 INTERCEPTOR DITCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington Engineering, Inc. Bv. I Date: G.E. I 6X6 W2.0 X W2.0 WELDED WIRE FABRIC PLACED 0 Q SLAB HELD SECURELY IN PLACE DURING CONCRETE PLACEMENT. n FILL CONTROL JOINT WITH / EPDXY / ELEV ,- EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TOP ELEV PER PLAN - 2% MIN AX� X_--X it ?1. �u JOIN ELEV PLAN , EXISTING RETAINING WALL I- �-- CONTRACTOR TO PREP SLOPE FACE IN ACCORDANCE ' WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION AND TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. EXISTING CONCRETE FILLED SANDBAG SLOPE l I CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR > DITCH PER DETAIL 5 ` CONTINUE W.W.M. l #4 BARS CC...... _ 1 1 INTO DITCH 12' MIN. LJ SECTION A -A Al fo / (#4 0 18" O.C. / / #4 CONT TOP & BOTTOM /O F • 1 TYP. 1'-6" MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO ' I �+ SOIL SLOPE BELOW • ?E SANDBAGS ` #4 CONT 012' O.C. TYP. SLOPE LINING TOE -DOWN ANCHORS CONTINUOUS J 3" CLR. TYP. / \\ 12" TYP. NOTES. 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ULTIMATE COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 2500 PSI. CONCRETE MAY BE PNUENMATICALLY PLACED AND SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 2621 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 2. REINFORCING SHALL BE 6" X 6" - W2.0 X W2.0 WELDED WIRE MESH (W.W.M.) 3. GROUND SHALL BE PRE -WETTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. MOISTURE LOSS RETARTANT SHALL BE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR ENGINEER. 4. CONTROL JOINTS 20' O.C. MAXIMUM. CONTROL JOINTS TOOLED TO 1' DEPTH. 5. CONCRETE SURFACE SHALL BE ROUGHENED TO REDUCE GLARE (COARSE BROOM FINISH) 6. CONCRETE COLOR: WINTER BEIGE (#6063 BY L.M. SCOFIELD C0.) _, TEMPORARY CONCRETE SLOPE LINING � NOT TO SCALE a- V a- - W2.D x w2.11 W.W.M. I' BEND INTO SLOPE LINING #4 BARS ® 18" OC e 3 L DITCH FL LEGEND SYMBOL: EXPLANATION (SD) EXISTING STORM DRAIN SO PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (XXX.XX) EXISTTNG ELEVATION XXX.XX DESIGN ELEVATION FL FLOWLINE FG FINISHED GRADE FS FINISHED SURFACE INV INVERT RW RETAINING WALL WLOL WALL LAYOUT LINE TOP TOP OF SLOPE TOE TOE OF SLOPE OP PROTECT IN PLACE O REMOVE EXISTING IMPROVEMENT AND DISPOSE OFFSITE GB GRADE BREAK HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT CSP CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE GB GRADE BREAK DITCH RIM ELEV. 'A' -� DITCH FL [E�EV . A, D1, D2 L1 , L 2 PER PLAN L Lac: D1 L 2 SECTION B-B I— TRANS FL TRANS FIL T PLAN 5 INLET DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLAN PREPARED BY: Q�oF EssioN.,- J. Robert Beia,Wtlliam Frost & Associates t� r % PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS do SURVEYORS DATE H P.O. BOX 57057 .14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 No. 51271 DRAWN BY: LSL 11 Z98 j (714) 472-3505 Exp.9-so-m DATE DESIGNED BY: WM 11-98 rTf OF C �\•\EDATE DATE: NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LOT 11-98 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. N0. 51271 . L2 CiTy z�F NEWPORT REACH APPROVAI.?`4 010,,E:'T Eo- °Ie �, �? ^.Op`'.Oeh!0 planning r�+++a(ions Ti 13 pf'�+o:i arid po!S^lcs „;:'•:, ;, ta;c;as:actijr, purposes.No is received irom Pi GNCiciwa DEPAF} 11 EIl1' W01 NOTE: SEE COUNTY OF ORANGE PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN CONST. NOTES/OUANTMES AND DETAILS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 2. OF 6 Implemenmtim - Meamd of 17mtng nt Rtspwe{b!t rtrmn',_ ; - Verifiativn 6tMCATIONMP.ASURES Action vorlikiiiian V00040A ': Date In GROLOCtC PROBLOIS(E*rtbl I. An anise inspection of the completed fSdfifieit shall tic, Condition of - Plan Check: and "non tltotttafirts - Pubue Works - can{tkted by it m1imred geologist. The facilities shag be inspcekd , Approval routine monitoring by, .' cnalhushpd io the - - dating Apra ar May of each year. The mutts of the Inspection shag be - - fyvptrefY oicslrr lswdoae of grodiag - subndued to The City of Newport Beach Wblie Wods Ditector rot - review before lane 1. Should it be derenircd dial the stogie Is continuing to stuff, based up" ma results of tht anneal inspaiians. - further temedlal, gmdir+gkonsttoaiett work shoo be-nv{ulrtd as detennined by Ric Public Works Ding=. AR remdhal work toquired . . .. - by the City shall be coinpletnrl by Novem(nv I of that yeah. 2. The constructed fatuities shall be rmdndy umintaincd by Condition of Pisa " Check, , rat Ptagmm monitoring :" Wit Works the proPorty owner as drternired by the City of Newport Beach futile . Appreval . routine italnfto as by ttahtisfied peter to RIe ", UaPartm nt " Works Uepartrncnl. - - property owner . intmnce of Fradhi _ 3. The project will comply with the erosion and siilmtron Cuiditim of - Plan Check Pr(cn m the issumne of publie Works -control rneastnes of the Citys grating onfrnancs aid all applicable local approval ling f!criTMt i)tpamy*o . and Sim bulMag codes and scivmic design guideline. Including She City bttovodon and Grading Code (NBMC Section IS.O4.140 or- *Oicabk uctiom). IV. WATER-- 4. - Thai the Project shah( clmfonn to the National Pollution Contfirim of plan Check Prior to the issuance of: Pub0C. Warts Discharge Elimination System (NPDiS) mquimnents and shorn be approval - 'grading pcmdt, - Nionment-.:.- -- - . subject to the approval of the Public Works Dcino"ent oral the .. . Building Uparurient or City amborin d Grading Engineer. VTL BIOLOGICAL RESOURC'PR 5, (konge construction fencing sMn be hnauaf a" the: Condition of Plan Chock PriorTo lle:issuroaeol, • Pobua Wass, - .. — edge of the coutal OF scrub habitat closest to the eamtnnlion seen AMM-10 grading Permit ,Dq>Q+mkM and the, prior to the Stan of c Miruciimh The construction fasting will reveals _ - intrusion by conNm[tion workers end egaipnnn into the connal sago amb habitat, A hlenogin fatniflor with coastal sage scrub habitat shah -- - - " oh=t the Mercian or dec uxutroco m fencing- The fncing shalt be - nuuiCoincd fit PLnca thnnglann n oniarwriun perkat and rcnannd only *leer oR nmvtna•+nm In eontr4mcii. All ov,aew9hm cmpMyaa shall lee _ - - - inNITAW101 We 41 cow aan des: ove%:d Wf1 K"h hibbst heyenui de Pave l 9 45A Aom.,n, I-, Enaieonmerittr Anslym T a.,yasratlon 1 ngosec+,,X L5� eulogy avd W.tL,ndr )fob+mr Restnr.rurz R,».m Managevtent ` (.OnlnlYally N+f tAnd pi...' --it A.ebaeolagy.xd Pakwv+•,logi my 19. 1999 Mr. Richard Ellis P r, n e i F ,1, GtOOII Bahl & Associates Rob Nato 201 Filbert Street >bola k..dy San Ftencisco, CA 94133-3203 1.� , Cod ;y.,; id r 1-C Subject Proposal to Provide Biological Services for hmtalletion of drains and Walls R"', Nbb"Ic'. at Top of Slope Above Backbey Drive Rnbnd /{n4thrr - R•,ge• H,.eu Deaf Riebard. A., H.,nngb.mwn L,-) ,kenning, - LSA Associates, Inc. (1,S1A) is pleased to peseat this proposal to Gallon Baker & AnOci- r•„ L,A, area to idimbfy the location of the protective fencing and to determine whether any Califor- dl„ ,.nh.fr IIie 1chon; are gem in the vicinity at the titne construction begins. Thew two items ,9di eve. am Part of the "al oonddione of Coastal Developmat Perna Applwatton 5-99-036 Rau M,r inn n;ru(i.nnm Thisee speck CondifiDns also require a biologist to monitor the project if construction takes Anihon) &,ro, PIWO durtng the s atomher nesting scow (February 1 through August 15). It is cw Ul bu•ri, !h-µ+alp tmdegstanding that construction is planned to begin after Augwt 15r 1999, eluwnatmg the Rnb lebovlmkx heed for a biological monitor. .Nalr�7m/ sFrn,d d n z •r. We expect this work to require between four and eight hours of time to attend the preoon- A . ; „ < , . , e , stntction meeting review the location of the fencing on gift wdh the contractor, check the fence installation when complete to assure that it is installed per the requirements, and 'I'idd, Al,nbo., survey for gretedohens prior to work beginning, We propose to accomplish these tasks out c.•nt, Ra. •n an hourly basis in accordance with our Schedule of Standard Contract Provisions (attached). ......... r.ar,t We estimate the a budget of $ 600 will be suffieimt to perform thew tasks. We will not Lea ( b..g, Ph P exceed this budget without first obtaining your penrusawn. 5nrorn R' Can4bng ., new Iack* Thank you for requesting this proposal from LSA We look forward to working with you on r.,„an kob.rd brn4,on this contract. Ifyou have any questions or would like to discuss this. please call me at (208) n'rt,n,mcbrr 457-9422. Frm4 Nyrhnn Coo Krknr. Sincerely, Breton Lre r-dvb,1 M.O'co 1AA PR;4�Tvj,NCr0 M w -BdP O'CovnrB Amy .14rc'o-Cbs /-)nrtlo tfantbm. M.W. "Bill" O'Connell Associate BiologisURestorefton Ecologist Attectment One P.4 P4s" S.ae SOD rrl,Fboae 949 SSI-0666 Uhhn offcn located in Bokd y !rove r:.difo7iA4"t"40PMTFO) Fatsrmdr 4A Sl3-8076 Pt. Riebmond, Rmmidr and $.cram.... E-crud arrMr li.(mG.•.uoc eon 4' 2' 0' 4' 8' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" = 4' (HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL) A 1, M.MG&TION MON&ORi G AND REPORTING PROGRAM SUMMARY NFMA'MDF.CI.ARATiON Park Newport Cnid{nt Project. Park Newport Aportmcnhs ' Gr el+ef 19, 1998 - - - - 'ItsgfltmrnlgUan `, . fAethodfar Titstnt(af RtxpomlWePenan Verification AiIT1CAtItNVMISASURF,S Adlan Verification Verification Date 7s'. NQ1SIf contincfioax+ivhyshall belimitedtoshout hours aiWw:d, Ce"dtdceof, Field Chock Prior to theiasaar"of BaikiingDePatttnent . byme CRY afNewport Batch Ndsoo+Jinam+,,tcvtmIM251Mt1 a(tMwai OwingP334s suisntBncs - b$ktmtdtilaly " - * Cnodidon of, 1446Chick - Penn to*4luuanueuf eviWiag Department 7 - • P4oaide a Baugh sartaar ors the swrtaete apron Ie ndainlirc Appntvl8 puling iscnnk and " the. Planning Slim IUV L'UrlttlliAl.Rt50URCP5, -01P * ' $, Pe1lN Zo asalk7h of a gnak" ta'enls, the pajoci - 4adithul of Fvkkntz of Pun In the Emus nt of Plannint neronnrav I' . apptKvm sown p Vvida written evidsmce to drc City of Neu'pun UM'It nrgwvut .. pabeanwk.yist nmlined grrfing Pcrnut and BwWing LXTA - that a gwRRed gautmtcluilist has b" iclairied to obsciW41""s- Perham spa - activities mad mtvapa, mid. catabgue (ossih a rk%vauy. TN. sueseiihvnia. paldaiwlog(a than be Pnlspd m die Pre -grading irmle(eaeV, shelf eai"wh Priacedwo fortt6uaKs' ' 'survalUPM And, d211.9414blisk is cooperation with nac P"*%l - joiietopex, prucadum fur unit hating at"rditteiing wick to . Permit sampling; ltknmsficauon. and evaluation of the fassirs. If ttator . aklledhigit9lrimiatxliologicd resources an tuscwtrelf.,whids require wag -term flaking or itan tica6M of tritldg• des Nkumuhigrst shall report sack findings to irks pojeci devetaPrr sad to the City of Newport - $to& The ybkontAbgist thou deent»ne MXnaprim -wd". In cooperation with ma PraJect ttoxiopa, which erasure ptolia eaplarsdon . And/at s idngL Esawkd finds shall ba offered to the City a Newport - aweA, or Nor designee. an a fiestrefuaal batit. The apptiwd any plain aaM nmk if waitron asttasnee {a povrtkd shot they w68 be pmptrty .. I tamtva! in Grm,gs County, wake said f+atbt srq" of special - slgn kwice, or a mwcma ld Orange cow" indicates a dcsbe' to study - aml/a display than tar Va time, in which am i47M shag be donand to eke City, or dasiynx.-That O OM& as wan as foal ataiousairt cud rksPaieNo of irks terwms. than to wbj i to the approval of the Cby of Newport 0,sch.'-Prier to dad feat of the grading psmi4 the- palaoamlojitt than subrA a Wdow-up report for approval by flit Oiy- . which shad include do Period ac iisgl'ti,lst a catalogue ills! wailyab to Via faraibt fund, and {uaam Miauimry, ofstic fore & - P:47Sr:BSW1.M�nMll:tRtPG,At1C-t)Mwt:ntrmt,u•ann»riwl, rvdnnl an 1yttpc 2 Archaeological Resource Management ('orporatinn July 1, 1999 City of Newport Beach Planning/Building Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Attn: Javier Garcia, Senior Planner Re: Park Newport Apartments (1 Park Newport) Dear Mr. Garcia: This letter is to inform you that Archaeological Resource Managemen'-, Corporation (ARMC) has bAen retained by Gerson Bakar & Associates to provide archaeological and paleontological services during the grading for slope stability for the Park Newport Apartments. we will attend the pre —grade meeting and will set forth the controls to be maintained during grading as well as establish procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of cultural and/or scientific resources. Carol R. Demcak, orange County certified archaeologist will supervise the archaeology. Milos Velechovsky, orange County certified paleontologist, will supervise the paleontology. If, in the course or grading, significant cultural or scientific resources are encountered, wg will notify the Project Developer and the City of Newport Beach, and a plan of mitigation will be worked out for the specimens. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City of Newport Beach, or its designee, on a first —refusal basis. At the conclusion of grading we will prepare a report of the monitoring, which will include the number of hours worked, an inventory and analysis of the recovered specimens, and the name of the repository where the specimens will be housed. Sincerely, C\ Carol R. Demcak' President/supervising Archaeologist Copy: Richard Ellis, Gerson Baker; Lurrie Lauetert, RBF 1114 N. Gillen Street, Anaheim, l:aljjornla 92801 Phone, (714) 491-9792 Fax (714) 491 9766 u CITY ZF tZ1, ORT BEACH / / �Q _ff AI'i'RO'dAL lie COiiCBe? PiU. (O i T his p°cjeCt In aR i pr;!table planning regulations ;:ufposeS.No bdwig pe ":ir is i,; _: =.. :3 Cali! a; ,:rc:'_ i is re;cived from the Caflc a Oo::,?t:, � � ii,,;i„ion. STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY —.?AY DAVIS. Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangste. Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Filed: January 26, 1999 - 362) 590.5071 4 /'� 49th Day: March 16, 1999 Tu�.r 180th pay: July 25, r.9_ Staff: KFS-LB Staff Report: June 24, 1999 Hearing Date: July 13-16, 1999 Commission Action: STAFF REPORT: REGULAR CALENDAR APPLICATION NUMBER: 5-99-036 APPLICANT: Gerson Baker & Associates, Inc. AGENTS: Culbertson Adams & Associates, Inc. Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates Hetherington Engineering, Inc. PROJECT LOCATION: 1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Bluff stabilization to protect existing development through the addition of slope drainage improvement structures at two bluff top locations facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. The development includes repair to the eroded bluffs including 100 cubic yards of grading, installation of two concrete interceptor ditches, connection of the interceptor ditches to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" corrugated steel pipe, installation of one retaining wall to support the drainage ditch, and concrete encasement of a concrete -filled sand bag retaining structure to reduce water infiltration and direct runoff into the interceptor ditches. SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The main issues of this application are construction adjacent to an ESHA, visual impacts, and geologic hazards. Staff recommends approval of the proposed project with four special conditions, as follows: 1) Requirement for pre -construction and construction period biological monitoring; 2) Requirement to avoid impacts upon sensitive habitat areas; 3) Minimization of visual impacts; and 4) Assumption -of -risk deed restriction. LOCAL APPROVALS RECEIVED: City of Newport Beach Approval in Concept #1842-98; Letter of no comment dated January 13, 1999 from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS: City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan; Coastal Development Permit #5-97-250 (Park Newport Apartments); Coastal Development Permit #5-98-345; Negative Declaration, State Clearinghouse Number 98101084; Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project by J.E. Heppert & Associates... dated June 1998; Letter from Ronald Rempel, California Department of Fish and Game to California Coastal Commission... dated October 13, 1998; Letter from United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service to California Coastal Commission dated May 5, 1999; Letter report from LSA Associates, Inc. to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dated May 25, 1999, titled Gnatcatcher Surveys on Bluff Below Park Newport Apartments; Letter from Culbertson, Adams & Associates to Commission staff dated November 24, 1998; Letter from Culbertson Adams & Associates dated January 25, 1999; Conference Summary Erosion Control Retaining Wall Adjacent to Building 35 Park Newport Apartments by Law/Crandall... dated 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) Page 5 of 12 IV. FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS: The Commission hereby finds and declares: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION The proposed project is to install drainage enhancements to improve slope stability and protect existing development located on an approximately 100 foot high, unstable coastal bayside bluff. The project involves the addition of slope drainage improvement structures at two bluff top locations, Sites A and B, facing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (Exhibit 2). The applicant states the proposed project will take approximately one month to construct and that construction will begin immediately upon issuance of all required approvals. The subject site is located at 1 Park Newport in the City of Newport Beach, west of Back Bay Drive at the northwest corner of San Joaquin Hills Road and Jamboree Road (Exhibit 1 and 2). The proposed developments are to occur at the bluffs along the western property boundary. The applicants' property is developed with a large apartment complex on the bluff top west of Upper Newport Bay and the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve (UNBER). Back Bay Drive demarcates the western boundary of the applicants' property and separates it from Upper Newport Bay and UNBER. UNBER is owned by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). All proposed work will occur solely on the applicants' property. Two concrete interceptor ditches, one each at Sites A and B, will be constructed and connected to an existing 15" storm drain via a 12" corrugated steel pipe (Exhibit 3). Approximately 100 cubic yards of material will be excavated during trenching to construct the interceptor ditches. These soils will be exported from the site and disposed or reused outside the coastal zone. The interceptor ditch at Site A will be approximately 130 feet long. The development will extend from approximately the 100 foot contour line just below the bluff rim to a bluff face terrace located along the 90 foot contour line. Construction of the interceptor ditch will involve placement of approximately 1,800 square feet of concrete. In addition, approximately 1,200 square feet of concrete will be placed between an existing retaining wall along the rim of the bluff and the new interceptor ditch. The concrete will encase an existing concrete filled sand bag slope protection structure. This concrete paving is to provide slope protection as Well as to create a concrete apron to reduce water infiltration and direct runoff into the interceptor ditch. An approximately 30 foot long retaining wall will also be constructed on the down slope side of the interceptor ditch as part of the foundation for the interceptor ditch structure. The retaining wall will be approximately 6 feet tall, of which 4 feet will be subsurface (Exhibit 3, page 2). The interceptor ditch at Site B will be approximately 115 feet long and will extend from approximately the 97 foot bluff face contour line to a bluff face terrace at the 95 foot contour line. The interceptor ditch will result in the placement of approximately 800 square feet of concrete. The drainage structures will be fitted with grated trash rack inlets to minimize water quality impacts. Runoff entering the interceptor ditches will be directed to an existing 15 inch storm drain line which descends the bluff face and discharges into an energy dissipator device located at the toe of the bluff on the bay side of Back Bay Drive. The existing storm drain line is approximately equidistant between Sites A and B. Connection from Sites A and B to the existing storm drain line will occur via a 12 inch corrugated steel drain line. G Z 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 2 of 12 Page 3 of 12 Page 4 of 12 November 2, 1978; Maintenance Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport III. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. REQUIREMENTS TO MINIMIZE VISUAL IMPACTS - Apartments by Law/Crandall, Inc. dated August 29, 1994 (Project 2661.30777.0001); COLOR AND TEXTURE PLAN Bi-Monthly Monitoring Program Slope Facing Backbay Drive Park Newport Apartments by Law/Crandall, Inc. dated May 14, 1996 (Project 70131-4-0896.00061; Grading Plan 1. PRE -CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION PERIOD , A. PR/OR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITthe applicantBIOLOGICAL Review - Temporary Erosion Repair Portions of the West Facing Slope by Hetherington EVALUATION shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a plan Engineering, Inc. dated August 25, 1998. A. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, a qualified demonstrating that the color and texture of the structure will be compatible with the adjacent bluff face and native vegetation. The plan shall demonstrate biologist shall determine the presence of California gnatcatchers at and in the that: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: vicinity of the project site. If breeding California gnatcatchers are present at or in the vicinity of the project site, project construction shall be halted. 1. the structure will be constructed with concrete that has been colored The staff recommends that the Commission adopt the following resolution: Commencement of the project may begin after the completion of the California with earth tones that are compatible with the adjacent bluff face and gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15). No work may vegetation, COLOR: W1"rER BLE'/4E (#4o63) BY L.M. sco cleLD !b. I. APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS commence during the California gnatcatcher breeding season without an amendment to this coastal development permit or a new coastal development 2. white and black tones will not be used, The Commission hereby GRANTS a permit, subject to the conditions below, for the proposed development on the grounds that the development will be in conformity with the provisions of permit. B. All grading and construction activities for the proposed 3. the color will be maintained through -out the life of the structure, and Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program conforming development shall be monitored on -site by a qualified biologist. The biologist elo ment shall have authority to halt all work or (n the vicinity of the 4. the structure will have anon -reflective texture to match the adjacent 1 AkSE 82oorr F�Nrsil. to the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, and will not have any significant adverse shall the express c project site should California gnatcatchers be discovered. bluff face. FtNisN Co effects on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved II. STANDARD CONDITIONS: 2. REQUIREMENTS TO AVOID CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO SENSITIVE HABITAT final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to Disturbance to sensitive habitat, including on -site coastal sage scrub shall be avoided. the Executive Director. No changes to the approved fins( plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall P P In order to accomplish this objective the following shall occur: 1) all construction 1 9 the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, materials and equipment shall be staged landward of the bluff, in existing developed acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is areas only; 2) access to the construction sites shall occur from the top of the slope, 4. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY returned to the Commission office. through existing developed areas only. No work shall occur from the bluff face below the proposed development and no equipment access shall be allowed from the bottom A. By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees (i) that the 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from of the slope; 3) temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to site may be subject to hazards from landslide/slope destabilization; ((i) to assume the date this permit is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a exclude any activity in sensitive habitat - the location of the fencing shall be installed the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for consistent with the recommendations of a qualified biologist; 4) erosion injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control development; lift) to unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction,. to include.the against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury or 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set following -at minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags high) at the edge of slope to damage from such hazards; and (iv) to indemnify and hold harmless the forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. prevent runoff/sediment transport over the top of the slope; plastic barrier fencing p Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff around the limits of construction areas; pre.construction meeting to review procedural Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, and may require Commission approval. and BMP guidelines; 5) construction equipment, materials, and debris shall be removed demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such at the conclusion of construction; 7) Excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be disposal site outside the coastal zone. Any change, including choice of a damage due to such hazards. resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. disposal/reuse site within the coastal zone, may require an amendment to this permit or 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project a new coastal development permit. Any such change shall be identified by the applicant in a written statement submitted to the Executive Director for review and B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. approval and/or a determination as to whether changes are substantive and require a the Executive Director incorporating all of the above terms of this condition. The new coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit. deed restriction shall include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be be removed or changed without a Commission amendment to this coastal perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future development permit. owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. CITYVFNEWPORTREACH APPROVAL IN This P 3 Sri 2G0!;, cab! r ,.::gin rcao:c- - , Y and P,o.Iici,' - . , ., •?s`: ,_ ._ a`_z= bG'sictag �6rtTe;i 1�"•s -.`` !:'= ::!!.i! r±[,yC:43i 19 rrerda`1a fhaGait raja Cc PLAN, IG DEP RTMENT BY _ Dale:- 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) 5-99-036 (Gerson Baker Associates Page 6 of 12 Page 7 of 12 Page 8 of 12 B. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION ON PROJECT SITE Geologic conditions at the Park Newport Apartments site have been the subject of at least 47 significantly degrade those areas, and shall be compatible with the continuance of geologic reports since 1968. These reports have examined slope stability and documented those habitat and recreation areas. Coastal Development Permit 5-98-345 ongoing bluff erosion, sloughing, and landsliding at the larger site occupied by the Park Newport Apartments complex as well as in the area of Sites A and B. A slope monitoring The subject site has sensitive coastal sage habitat on -site and is located adjacent to the Upper On October 13, 1999, the Commission granted to Gerson Baker & Associates, Coastal program was in place sporadically between 1978 and 1994. Since 1994, monitoring has more continuously on at least an annual basis. Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, an environmentally sensitive habitat area. A biological impact assessment titled Biological Assessment of Proposed Bank Stabilization Project - Park Development Permit 5-98-345 with conditions. The project involved the installation of two occurred Newport Apartments... dated June 1998 was performed by J.E. Heppert & Associates of caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations to increase bluff stability. The first retaining wall included twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feet landward of the top of sloe and placed Hetherington Engineering provided an evaluation of the proposed project in their letter Grading Mission Viejo (Exhibit 4). This assessment determined that coastal sage habitat exists on -site was approximately 150 feet long. The second retaining wall included six caissons g g p about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. No major Plan Review -Temporary Erosion Repair dated August 25, 1998. This eotechnical engineer P rY P 9 9 9 states that several reports by LeRoy Crandall and Associates and Law/Crandall outline and occurs adjacent to the proposed project element locations. This information was corroborated by a mapped coastal sage habitat delineation prepared by R. Mitchel Beauchamp earthwork was proposed and neither caisson retainingwall was to extend above grade. 9 temporary and permanent mitigation measures to enhance stability of the bluffs. The proposed project is considered a maintenance oriented structure designed to enhance stability of Pacific Southwest Biological Services, and field visits documented by the California Department of Fish and Game (Exhibit 5) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Exhibit 6). Issues explored included impacts upon sensitive habitat and geologic hazards. Special conditions imposed included: 1) approval from the California Department of Fish and Game to of the slope by improving drainage and decreasing erosion. Hetherington Engineering states that the proposed project is suitable, from a geotechnical standpoint, to provide such drainage In addition to on -site habitat, significant sensitive habitat and species are supported in UNBER, proceed with work adjacent to an environmentally sensitive habitat area; 2) demonstration of and erosion control. adjacent to the subject property. The City's certified Land Use Plan addresses UNBER in the compliance with geotechnical recommendations; 3) demonstration of an assumption of risk following manner: deed restriction; 4) requirements for avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosion control/sedimentation best management practices during construction; and 5) an ' While the geotechnical consultant has found that the proposed project will perform its intended function, the proposed project is designed only to provide erosion control and The Reserve has been identified by the State Coasts! Commission, State Department of informational special condition stating that any addition or change to the j proposed project improved drainage which will improve bluff stability. However, the proposed development does stabilization of the entire slope. In their August 25, 1998, letter, Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Southern California Association of Governments as a unique and valuable State resource. The upper bay is an integral may require an amendment to the permit or a new coastal development permit. not guarantee gross Hetherington Engineering states: part of the Pacific Flyway, and the saltwater marsh, bay waters, and upland of upper The work proposed in the present application was originally submitted as part of the The intent the improvements is to enhance surface drainage conditions by Newport Bay provide habitat for 158 species of birds, of which 81 species are wading or water -associated birds. Rare or endangered birds utilizing the Reserve include the application for CDP 5.98-345. However, application materials for the sites that are the subject of this application took longer to complete than anticipated. Due to safety concerns of intercepting and directing surface water to an existing storm drain. These California Black Rail, which nests in pickleweed, sedges, sa/tgrass, and bulrush; Belding's Savannah Sparrow, which nests in pickleweed; Light-footed Clapper Rail, related to the timing of project implementation and the impending winter rain, the application 1 P 9 PP was amended, omitting the now proposed work. Statements were submitted from the irrfproverrrents will enhance the stability of the natural slope in these areas by reducing infiltration of water. It should be understood by Gerson, Baker and Associates and the which nests in pickleweed and cordgrass; California Least Tern, which lays its eggs in geotechnical consultants for each of the sites demonstrating that the projects were separable City of Newport Beach that these improvements are beneficial in this regard but do not the sand; and California Brown Pelican, which occasionally visits the upper bay for of resting and feeding. Also present in the Reserve are 18 species on the as they were neither functionally nor structurally related and could be implemented safelyas developments. render the natural slopeilsurficially or grossly stable and as such, the improvements subject to future damages resulting from gross or surficial slope instability. With purposes Audubon Blue List a list of birds not considered rare or endangered, but which are separate are the above in mind, the erosion repair plan is considered suitable from a geotechnical showing evidence of non -cyclic population declines or range contractions. Over 6O Coastal Development Permit 5-97-250 viewpoint. species of fish and over 1,000 species of marine invertebrates have been reported in the bay. On September 9, 1997 the California Coastal Commission granted a permit (5-97-250) for development at the subject property which included the construction of a caisson retaining Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the proposed project is not designed, nor will it provide, surficial or gross stability to the slope. Therefore,. while the development The Land Use Plan goes on to state, in part: wall, excavation and recompaction of 52 cubic yards of soil, and repair/replacement of a will enhance slope stability, the proposed structures may be subject to damage from surficial instability. Accordingly, the Commission requires, as a condition of approval Substantial sediment deposition has occurred in upper Newport Bay. Sources of damaged drainage pipe. The approved development occurred along bluffs adjacent to Big Canyon, on the northern side of the property. This work occurred to protect apartment unit or gross slope (special condition number four), that the applicant record an assumption of risk deed sediment include... landslides, and construction projects. The occurrence of three 1978, 1980) resulted in the major transport of 3160, an existing structure. Special conditions included obtaining permission from CDFG for restriction acknowledging that landslide/slope destabilization hazards remain, even with the applicant and all landowners waive any claim of extremely wet winters (1969, and sediment to the bay. The extensive sedimentation that has occurred has adversely the proposed work and incorporation of the geotechnical recommendations made by the consultant. implementation of this project, and that liability again the Commission. The Commission finds that, as conditioned, the proposed affected the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve due to loss of tidal prism. In geotechnical project is consistent with Section 30253 of the Coastal Act. addition, suspended sediments can lead to reduction of photosynthetic activity and can interfere with filter feeding mechanisms of marine life -forms... the City of Newport C. HAZARD D. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA Beach has participated in 208 planning studies to develop a solution to this problem. This solution involves utilization of Best Management Practices (BMP's) to Section 30253 of the Coastal Act states, in part: retain... construction sediment on -site... Section 30240(b) of the Coastal Act states: New development shall: a1 Environmentally sensitive habitat area; shall be projected against any significant As outlined in more detail in the "Hazards" section of this staff report, the bluffs at the subject site have been subject to ongoing erosion and destabilization. The proposed project is (2) Assure stability and structural integrity, and neither create nor contribute disruption of habitat values, and only uses dependent on those resources shall be necessary to increase stability of the bluff and thus provide protection to existing structures significantly to erosion, geologic instability, or destruction of the site or surrounding allowed within those areas. and adjacent environmentally sensitive habitat area. In the absence of remedial measures, soil area or in any way require the construction of protective devices that would substantially alter natural landforms along bluffs and cliffs. (b) Development in areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive habitat areas and parks saturation is expected to lead to continued sloughing and local failures, threatening the bluff California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and recreation areas shall be sited and designed to prevent impacts which would top apartment building. In addition, the expressed concern in their letter to Commission staff dated October 13, 1998, that continued PLAN PREPARED BY. PROJECT NO. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS oQ�pfESSl0,y9� Robert Bein William Frost &Associates 34460 EROSION REPAIR PLAN �V ln y 1PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS A(71 PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057COASTAL na SHEET No. 51271 �A99t/ P.O. BOX 57057.14725 DRAWN BY: LSL (714) 472-ssos COMMISSION NOTES * Exp.9-30-01 * DATE 2 B �l9jFOF DESIGNED BY: MJM DATE: 7-99 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Clp`\E4���� DATE OF 6 NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LDT 7-99 MICHAEL J. MORSE R.C.E. N0. 51271 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 9 of 12 bluff instability would lead to impacts upon down slope coastal sage habitat. CDFG is supportive of the proposed work as a measure to reduce the possibility of impacts upon sensitive habitat areas. Accordingly, the proposed project, which is designed to improve bluff stability, would be compatible with sensitive habitat, as it does not encroach into sensitive habitat areas and is designed to prevent impacts upon sensitive habitat areas which may occur as a result of bluff destabilization. While CDFG is supportive of the concept of the proposed project, CDFG also stated that California gnatcatchers were observed in the project area during their field visit on October 8, 1998, which was outside the gnatcatcher breeding season. CDFG stated that if construction occurred during gnatcatcher breeding season (generally February 1 through August 15), the applicant would be required to comply with the Federal Endangered Species Act. Since CDFG observed the presence of California gnatcatchers in the project area, and since California gnatcatchers are a federally listed endangered species, Commission staff requested review of the proposed project by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Personnel from USFWS performed a field review of the subject site and required the applicant to do a focused gnatcatcher survey to determine whether gnatcatchers were nesting and breeding in the vicinity of the project site. Six focused surveys were performed during the gnatcatcher breeding season by LSA Associates, Inc. of Irvine, California. LSA Associates' letter report dated May 25, 1999, states that no gnatcatchers were observed in the vicinity of the project site during the protocol survey (Exhibit 7). Consequently, USFWS is not requiring the applicant to avoid construction activity during the gnatcatcher breeding season (generally February 15 through August 15 according to USFWS). The applicant has provided a recently conducted California gnatcatcher survey, and has consulted with CDFG and USFWS on the presence of gnatcatchers at the subject site. However, there are conflicting results between CDFG's observation of California gnatcatchers on site, and the absence of such observations by the applicant's biologist. USFWS has indicated that the proposed construction activity may have adverse effects upon California gnatcatchers if they are in the project area during the breeding season. Therefore, given conflicting outcomes regarding the presence of gnatcatchers in the project area, but also given information recently gathered during the breeding season which indicates that gnatcatchers are not present at the site, special condition one requires that construction activity may only occur during the breeding season if a biological survey of the project area conducted immediately prior to construction shows that no gnatcatchers are present. If gnatcatchers are present, all work shall be halted and work shall be restricted to the period outside the gnatcatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 15) unless an amendment or a new coastal development permit is obtained. If an amendment or new coastal development permit is sought by the applicant to allow construction to occur during the breeding season, any such application must be accompanied by a plan to avoid impacts to the gnatcatcher, and evidence of review and approval of such plan by CDFG and USFWS. The applicant has proposed mitigation measures to avoid disturbance to sensitive resource areas. These measures are a part of the applicant's Mitigated Negative Declaration and in letters dated November 24, 1998 and January 25, 1999, from the applicant's agent to Commission staff. According to the documentation, all proposed work will be staged and implemented from the developed areas landward of the bluff edge. In addition, the biological assessment and coastal sage delineation demonstrate that no work will occur within the on - site coastal sage habitat and no coastal sage habitat will be impacted by the proposed development. As a preventative measure the applicant has proposed installation of temporary plastic barrier fencing to exclude activity in existing coastal sage habitat. A biologist with expertise in coastal sage habitat will direct placement of the fencing. In addition, the biologist STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOLIROFSAUENCY OKAY DAVta, Upwsmor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Amp Oalm 200 Oaugw, 6uhe i DSO Long Batch CA 908024302 (562)690-1501 ADDENDUM '�"U 24 C July 7, 1899 To: Coastal Commissioners and Interested Parties From: South Coast District Staff Subject: ADDENDUM TO ITEMS TU. 24,C., COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION 5.88-096 (Gerson Baker and Associates) FOR THE COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 13, 1989. 1. Modification to Special Condition 1.B. Staff recommends that special condition number t.b. to coastal development permit 6-99.036 be revised as shown below. The purpose of the revision is to clarify that the issue regarding the presence of gnatcatchers is focused upon impacts to California gnatcatchers which may be nesting or breeding in the project vicinity during the breeding season. The new language is shown In bold itallc and the language to be deieiad Is In strike -out. B. ff construction commences duriny ths, Cellferrrla Qnateatcher breeding season (February 1 through August 151 Aell site preparation, grading and construction activities for the proposed development shall be monitored on -site by a qualified biologist. The biologist shall have the express authority to halt all work at or in the vicinity of the project site should California gnatcatchers be discovered. 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 10 of 12 will be on -site prior to construction activity to determine the presence of breeding California gnatcatchers. If gnatcatchers are present, work will not commence during the gnatcatcher breeding season unless an amendment or a new coastal development permit has been obtained. Finally, sedimentation/erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPS), such as a pre -construction meeting to discuss implementation and adherence to BMPs, and placement of sand bag barriers will be used to prevent sedimentation impacts to on -site coastal sage habitat and UNBER. These measures are required to ensure the proposed development is consistent with section 30240 of the Coastal Act, therefore the proposed measures are incorporated in special conditions one and two. The proposed project is necessary to control erosion, improve drainage and decrease saturation of the bluff. If left untreated, slope saturation will lead to collapse of bluff materials. Impacts to biological resources, including impact upon UNBER, will be reduced by implementing the proposed project. Therefore, as conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed project is consistent with section 30240 of the Coastal Act. E. WATER QUALITY Section 30230 of the Coastal Act states: Marine resources shall be maintained, enhanced, and where feasible, restored. Special protection shall be given to areas and species of special biological or economic significance. Uses of the marine environment shall be carried out Ina manner that will sustain the biological productivity of coastal waters and that will maintain healthy populations of aU species of marine organisms adequate for long-term commercial, recreational, scientific, and educational purposes. Section 30231 of the Coastal Act states: The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes appropriate to maintain optimum populations of marine organisms and for the protection of human health shall be maintained and, where feasible, restored through, among other means, minimizing adverse effects of waste water a discharges and entrainment, controlling runoff, preventing depletion of ground water supplies and substantial interference with surface water flow, encouraging waste water reclamation, maintaining natural vegetation buffer areas that protect riparian habitats, and minimizing alteration of natural streams. Existing packed earth drainage structures discharge water through an existing drain line to UNBER. The proposed development will continue these discharges. The drainage basin for the existing and proposed drainage system is an approximately 0.11 acre landscaped area. No parking lots or street areas discharge through the existing or proposed drainage system. The proposed project will not change the quality of water discharged from the project site. In addition, the Regional Water Quality Control Board has reviewed the proposed project and stated that no comments were required. The proposed development includes best management practices to reduce construction related sedimentation impacts to UNBER. In addition, trash grates installed on the drains of the proposed drainage ditches will catch any trash which might enter the drainage ditch and subsequently be discharged to UNBER. The proposed project will not result in impacts to water quality, therefore the Commission finds the proposed project is consistent with Section 30230 and 30231 of the Coastal Act. No. 51271 Exp. 9-30-01 r 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 11 of 12 1 F. VISUAL IMPACTS Section 30251 of the Coastal Act states, in part: The scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas shall be considered and protected as a resource of public importance. Permitted development shall be sited and designed to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas, to minimize the alteration of natural land forms, to be visually compatible with the character of surrounding areas, and, where feasible, to restore and enhance visual quality In visually degraded areas. New development in highly scenic areas... shall be subordinate to the character of its setting. The proposed development site is visible from Galaxy Park, a public coastal view area approximately one half mile west of the site. This view area is identified in the City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan as a significant public view area. In addition, pedestrians and cyclists using Bay Back Drive, presently a recreational thoroughfare which runs along the base of the bluff slope, may observe the project site. Existing development in the project area includes a concrete filled sandbag wall which retains soils on that part of the face of the bluff extending from the 100 foot contour line (Le. lip of the bluff) to the 90 foot contour line (i.e. grade of proposed interceptor ditches) at site A. This existing structure degrades existing visual quality. The proposed project is the installation of interceptor ditches, a retaining wall, and a concrete apron to cover the existing concrete filled sandbag wall. These structures will occur in an area viewable from significant public viewing areas. The applicant has stated these structures are designed to reduce the collapse of bluff soils that scour away existing native vegetation and leave a denuded bluff face. Accordingly, the structures are designed to prevent degradation of the long term visual quality of the bluff. However, the proposed development will increase the visual mass of structures on the bluff face which would result in negative impacts to visual resources. This visual mass includes the placement of concrete at grade to construct the drainage ditches, construction of a retaining wall that will extend two feet above grade, and construction of a concrete apron that will cover an existing ten foot tall retaining structure. Without appropriate masking, these structures would not be subordinate to the charact& of their setting. The applicant has proposed to texture the proposed structures in order to reduce reflection and glare viewable from public areas. However, plans submitted do not demonstrate implementation of the proposed textured surface. In addition, if the color of the proposed structures is not compatible with the bluff face, then a textured surface would not be sufficient to mask the structures such that they were subordinate to their setting. Therefore, the Commission imposes special condition three which requires the applicant to submit revised plans that show that the proposed structures shall be constructed of materials designed to blend with the color and texture of the existing bluff face and native vegetation. As conditioned, the Commission finds that the proposed development is consistent with Section 30251 of the Coastal Act to protect scenic quality in the area. G. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Section 30604 of the Coastal Act provides for the issuance of coastal development permits directly by the Commission in regions where the local government having jurisdiction does not have a certified local coastal program. The permit may only be issued if the Commission finds to a a 5-99-036 (Gerson Bakar Associates) Page 12 of 12 that the proposed development will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare a Local Coastal Program which conforms with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act, The Newport Beach Land Use Plan was effectively certified on May 19, 1982. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the certified Land Use Plan. Therefore, the Commission finds that approval of the proposed development will not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a Local Coastal Program (Implementation Plan) for Newport Beach that is consistent with the Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act as required by Section 30604(a). H. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Section 13096(a) of the Commission's administrative regulations requires Commission approval of Coastal Development Permit applications to be supported by a finding showing the application, as conditioned by any conditions of approval, to be consistent with any applicable requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA►, Section 21080.5(d)(2)(A) of CEQA prohibits a proposed development from being approved if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect which the activity may have on the environment. The project is located in an existing urban development that is immediately adjacent to an ESHA. The proposed development has been conditioned, as follows, to assure the proposed project is consistent with the resource protection policies of the Coastal Act: pre -construction and construction phase monitoring by a qualified biologist to ensure no take of California gnatcatchers occurs; avoidance of sensitive habitat and implementation of erosion control/sedimentation BMP's; color and texture requirements of the proposed structures; and an assumption -of -risk deed restriction. As conditioned, no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures are known, beyond those required, which would substantially lessen any identified significant effect which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission finds that the proposed project, as conditioned, is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative and is consistent with CEQA and the policies of the Coastal Act. 6.99-036 (Gerson Bakar Assoc.) stf rpt RC CITY uF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVAL IN C^.=ZMPT NO. ( / 90 This projet, coP`]'''9 :^ „ii i,'Yi)iICa13iC r2t.r1-J!8)ICfIS and pciidi o i„ e° .,, ..: ., Theca pians cr: , , . ; ;rtl ;or canctreci6.,n purposes. No buiitiingar: i ; h:r, ;;: c, Lr(;il approval is received from the Calif mla Caastr L,.nn:isslon. - - — ------------ in A C �- � = -�.�.__._- ••.._., � r�}'- ._-_� __ .._ ---_ �'�r ��'.,;r-,--y-•-,�,r,,. 'v, �--,; ter'--�'"4^r^�;_'"`�r..._ - - _ _ __-y�_:;.r.z i J .k-..._._.. _..------- _ — A - _ -- --- - _ DRY-------� -- � _- - - !^f - -- `_"^'-^„-»._...,�M1 �\ _—„-�„�, �•-..._'a.r�-hJ,:3,..ti.,c*..k�.li.3i,t.'t.,.L.t`-.i,..1�.`_'".-at.:°-•h,J'ti,-''--��.y„I.,.n_,1.,-,3,�L.-t._,,t.1,_A..JL.�i;1'y�.a+•._•..,.A,,,, •...�`-�^�`�t..A..l',,,,�•'a� t1 GENERAL`NO_TES - ----- 1. DISTURBANCE TO SENSITIVE HABITAT, INCLUDING ONSITE COASTAL SAGE -SCRUB, SHALL BE AVOIDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY '» -__ -'-- `�-� ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES: `` `` ... tit ............ -' a) . ALL. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND -EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE PLACED LANDWARD • OF. _THE BLUFF, IN EXISTING- IMPROVED OR ` `�• ,� C' r ---_. - \ W - „� ORNAMENTALLY LANDSCAPED .AREAS ONLY, AND SHALL BE REMOVED AT .).f CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION._ "' z•. `.. �,,,_.,.�_`'^-..,y + 0 ( _...__..�.:•,^'' _- -.,ice ,� " � `,ti._......••".,,_..,.,.----_._._.__.....—_.,•--- '_.�-�_ - .""^•�---..e._,._ b) ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL OCCURiF�E TOP - • ` -- "� --- -. .. _. _ OF THE SLOPE, THROUGH EXISTING IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY -- '"-, -a - - -_ " ""— -- -'- - -- - - --'_• LANDSCAPED AREAS ONLY. NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE BLUFF FACE AND NO EQUIPMENT ACCESS SHALL BE 'ALLOWED FROM_THE--.r BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE. Ij c) ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE DRAINAGE -IMPROVEMENTS, WHICH MAY 'z-� �-`�"-•-�-,,, t•- �. . `-�••- �.� ~`--..-`""""" � � �" _- _ _ _ _ — REQUIRE -WORK FROM THE BLUFF FACE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY----_. - _ ONLY. ~� USE OF HAND- EQUIPMENT OY.`_ ---- - - ` _ ` 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL -TEMPORARY -PROTECTIVE FENCING _ -- ' �-~�•••� '•'� ..,..,.,.PARK NEWPORT PROPERTY LINE- - - d.,,__," y~ 4 �,,.,ti,_ "+.,.,tee .._...�,.,-."`"t ''`,,._ .'`'`J"'-` DURING CONSTRUCTION TO EXCLUDE ANY ACTIVITY IN SENSITIVE HABITAT L a` -- y tea' ,, `'" 4 - '"` ' " --" ' - -�� ---- --+-• -- ; BELOW. 3.-EROSION-CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) SHALL BE AS- FOLLOWS: -a)-THE CONTRACTOR_SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS (Iwo BAGS HIGH_••• - MINIMUM) AT THE EDGE OF THE --SLOPE TO PREVENT RUNOFF/SEDIMENT A Y - `'-'' `�- _' -• TRANSPORT OVER THE TOP OF THE SLOPE.-----,____.__...--_-._."- b) THE CONTRACTOR-SHALL`PLACE- PLASTIC BARIER FENCING AROUND - - THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS.—------------- c) A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL TAKE PLACE TO REVIEW -•-- '" `; �` L PROCEDURAL AND BMP GUIDELINES. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE F EXCAVATION SPOILS AT A LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE. ANY CHANGE,r4 INCLUDING CHOICE OF A DISPOSAL/REUSE SITE WITHIN THE COASTAL ZONE REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM THE COASTAL COMMISSION. -_ 2. _ �' J--` "✓''y _ - -` (98.6 RIM) (93.6 RIM P CONCRETE EXIST - �_ � '_ _ .r'� =�k •o'er X X �O n CONSTRUCTION NOTES `.1 COh LIMITS OF r' SLOPE PAVING "02 E 1 CLEAR, GRUB AND PREP AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLET'S AND FIRE r 0 O HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE. = )` v- _ , w "w_`-'--•..•-...--v'-•,•-^'-"'-"""". ..-_ _ ._"_`—`i=—_".^a"•••.—,...,_'„-._fie - +. ---..,.,»e`�"--,•\� - <,_,,,,,_»-.. .__ ''e\ _ - _ .^.,...- (91.2 RIM) (91.0 RIM) `.`— '-. (91.8 RIM) ~-._ _ ____ - P SD PIPE --•.._. 1X i�� 6 ro moo, .. fx __ >, X a- h• •Q. R� ... ...,_•.• .,. ...,•.._.•... .•.:tom:--� 9 •0 � .��G (5 M) RIM) ,•,_ rr 1 - -- X X � _.., - „ •-, O�• '-' ,RIM _ � - -' -- -- - - - _ _ .... -- - - _ -- - ... X 0 'g`L� (_ - _ _ - _ - - — -- --Fl\ 1a� MATCH x"--._» R �.-...._ a� °jQ. - ,�� =' x x 'X X - -X- X _ x X... X x X LIMITS OF EXIST 0 " k. - - - - - - -; _ SLOPE PAVING TOP/ --___ _ _ __- - _ - _ - BENCH f.. �LIMITS- I' P EXIST WALL .�O`Q .," SLOPE' PAYING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. f' w. t co O PREP EXISTING SAND BAG SLOPE AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER - AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR. ' ` - -f , I N O3 CONST. CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2'AND PLAN r r \ LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. } i a. OCONST. CONCRETE SLOPE PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 3 LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. o O CONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF& RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. - 0 O CONST, 8" MASONARY BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYPE "B" PER CITY -OF NEWPORT BEACH '. STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-A AND STD. PLAN NO. 228-L-B. w i c� 3 0 o to These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington By. - Date: Engineering, Inc. G.E. Z QRpFESSlON 10, 5' 0' 10, 20' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" - -10' No. 51271 Exp.9-30-a1 . ` 2 4 f P SD PIPE THIS PIrN HAS.' BFFN REVIEWED it J elLEGEND HI THERIIVGTON ` LN�INE FR rvG, INC AND , "'`wr, APPEARS TO BE IN GENERAL COIN RMITY ; IV0TH TtIONS ARd23 OU R ~ CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH LIMITS A'ORDATED�Z REPESENTATIONAS - TO Ai RACY OF CITY_--,`FP,cWPOflTBEAGN � Q APP � AttAkrVSlc'INS, MEASUREMENT CALCU Thiaprc;ec;c t..' .!, `!„" ' .traingre,alations CATIONS -/ AN PORTION OF THEROVALI>JCOPICEPTNO. CONCRETE SLOPE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS - OESIGT4 andpelici'a3014fi,3:.;r4'. %' — These pisr;:: ;:' .;ecd ;or coss;r cYon purposes. No \ GEC r A 4 C L E NEC RGE huil +n, is>:,�a unfit appreaa: is received from L,.., r, X ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING (5 HIGH) No. GE Na y 7 the Cali' it;ia C'crs° :! i'2-rliss':oa. y TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR 3l, �y PLAN' G 0 _ tjif LIA _ Date:_ DRAWN BY: LSL 11 D, DESIGNED BY: ` WM 11 D REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LLT 11 _r^ 1 OP PROTECT IN PLACE PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert BeiAllilliam Frost & Associates r1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PIANNDZS do SURVEYORS H P.O. BOX 57057 • 14725 AITON PARKWAY, IRVINE. CAAIFORNu 92619-7057 (714) 472-3505 MICHAEL J. MORSE DATE: R.C.E. NO. 51271 EG Na Data PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS EROSION REPAIR PLAN SffE "A" GRADING PLAN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 3 OF 6 fi 777 r ------------ ---'-'"Y^`"`�.-.,.-�.�rY"_�•-r"r-•�'^{"Y`,-+!"�f=YY•`?�.�''�Y� --_ � � - ..__...__.. '��r- r,.,=l..i'�<'`-'`•_ i��...F. - •^--,.....,,,.,�zm �,.�y.,/>"�,-�i.,ti,�L,, � ' '. _.... _-.t...k._d'a.�"'i`,f"n`.'•...,.F-J•_"1"'h'A'�`"%•'A' _ --"" ... _-- -.... _. - `t / — '_. a. V S/`�•_'1'._'l i/'r:'LP•+--.+ } r F 5 ! ~ J '�r e .. _. —._._ ..-.....- —•_ •— - - . Y" BACK' A ! All i f � _'.—•.,...,._.u.•,,, t,..,,.-.nu...._.w,a..n,.._ _-..-r--nw..n-,+_.._,.sin._ ___. - .. _.. � \1_ d� , GENERAL -~ ------ - - - - „_ �� �___ --"-'� -� _ r .- 1. DISTURBANCE TO SENSITIVE -HABITAT, INCLUDING ONSITE COASTAL S CONTRACTOR ICTLY SCRUB. AVOIDED. DU -� �X`-•''"" �"-_.---_�.w-^�--`"-;-', _- WING P.,OCE _-- - -., AGE SCR HALL THE C,N- AD E RES• °PARK NEWPORT PROPERTY LINE - __.,__,,.— `'R ALL -CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT USED SHALL BE �__._ PLACED LANDWARD OF THE BLUFF. -IN EXISTING IMPROVED OR _ -• ORNAMENTALLY LANDSCAPE __ D AREAS ONLY, AND SHALL BE REMOVED AT - -- - d - _- _ ' _ OF CONSTRUCTION _ __ THE CONCLUSION- ---- = � �-`" -� �� -- _,--•- y _ b) ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHAL OCCU FROM OM THE TOP OF THE SLOPE, THROUGH EXISTING IMPROVED OR ORNAMENTALLY - - --•—-_'-'"" ✓' -' i AREAS ONLY NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE BLUFF - -. - -== _- - '~w-••• FACEANDNO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE--ALLOWED-FROM THE ___ _._ -ACCESS BOTTOM OF THE -SLOPE. -ANY PROPOSED BLUFF EDGE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, -WHICH MAY -._- - - y --•- - - - ""-µ f REQUIRE WORK FROM THE BLUFF FACE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY r" "` _. r -_-•--�-`- USE OF HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. ,,,..,---"'� �"'m� - -2:-THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FENCING 'SENSITIVE Y,�-.--•r DURING CONSTRUCTION TO EXCLUDE ANY, ACTIVITY INHABITAT ^`'�-+,,..« BELOW. '_...._,_ • —•`ram` <— _.—_...-_—r _-_` _, r,_.,_-___-"-r\ ��,.,____.,_..,_...... .m•.,.,rv.,«+„_.,,_..�__.___,......_.._.__...__ _ _ .,,,� _„A_,.--• .��__.._.__.___....__..,_. - _ — PRACTICES �, .�q . - _ - 3. -EROSION CONTROL/SEDIMENTATION- BEST MANAGEMENT BMPs) SHALL BE - _._._..._,C �y --.._ _-•-.--- _.._._ . __._-_ �` a) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE SAND BAGS (TWO BAGS -HIGH -' OF ESLOPE TO PREVE THE NT- NT RUNO / EDIMENT _„ -- _ •.,_ ti TRANSPORT TOVER TREETOP OFTHE SLOPE. - ,' - ^ - fl �'-`"" '- _ _ _ _ __• _ b) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE PLASTIC BARRIER FENCING AROUND -_- -_. __—__. - _ ', ,.- _ :_3 • "----- ` "THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS. TAKE PLACE REVIEW -__.__�._ ,_.._.____ r-. ,:-• '--_..., ffT` ,'� '-� r"; ' _ .._---_.--._-_----._._. `"---. c) A PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL E TO ` _.y - = A i- `` , p__�_ ._ __f f •f -- e_ _ -- 3 s� _.� _ _ _ �.� �` - _PROCEDURAL AND BMP GUIDELINES." .r THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE -OF EXCAVATION SPOILS AT A - _ - - A LEGAL DISPOSAL SITE OUTSIDE THE COASTAL ZONE ANY CHANGE, `~-• _,_ �``�, E SITE WITHIN ,THE CO TAL ZONE INCLUDING SICAPPROVAL FROM THE COASTAL COMMISSION (95.5 RIM) - -(95.2 RIM) (95.1 RIM) _....-,..-r__._, . _. _ u - ,-.�--- 95.2 RIM) - P EXIST 15" SD w _ - _. N .t . O -A-� -' x - -_._ ..�.. f _ - (95 6 RIM) _ k - X x x X X ... X X X - - X x x x` - _ r� ::- k ,4 • X �t .k _ .- ___-- - ,.. ..,_..> ^_ .,--_,_.._.. _--_.�_ _.X. _.._ - -.-. X __ �jE,� CITY'w'cpicVt'POf�TGEACH -- - X X }< X X X X X X X-- --- - _.._.... - APPP,JtP,Ll;CC TfsC,a g �s x - _-__..__---___... __ ._...__ -� , 95.0 RIM - -; " - k _ --- -- - $60 RiM-X 96.0 RIM Y , i� 4 • �;nregulations -.. - - -and pokils - ' A , -_- ..`..._e -... __.....- ... ------ ._- _. ro - _, .. _._.�__-.....--_. --`--",.w - - _ NSF Cf..p: r RIM ` DAYUGHT 0-97 0" ._ e d - - _ v from 96.0 k i" purposes. No . 1 ,3 l t t _ 3 P o a� t- received ed - k �'`�' `: � • 96.0 RIM ` � 4. j' �., ,;•r ��`, .r .� - .�P_ ,;� Date: Y _ _ THIS PLAN `#SAS BEEN REVIEWED BY r ` Hi ERt�tGTON `ENGINEERING 1NC. AND � � �• � r4 :' �._ ;. LEGEND ti APPEARS TO BE IN -GENERAL C014FOROITY 4 P SD PIPE r— %� � r' WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS,' IN OUR / fiEPORT DATEi? WE MAKE NO `•. Q7 A CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH LIMITS CONSTRUCTION NOTES '� P EXIST 12 sD REPRESENTATJON A TO 'ACCURA..Y OF �y' �+ t7 OCLEAR, GRUB AND PREP. AREA. REMOVE ALL EXISTING INLETS AND FIRE t7tir4ENSiGi�tS, MEASUREMENTS,..... CF TH HOSE. OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT BENCH AS REQUIRED BY THE LATIONS.i f POFT, ION OF THE, EM GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INSPECTOR, AEStGN CONCRETE SLOPE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS p _ 4E Mar- ! - 0 O CONST, CONCRETE INTERCEPTOR DITCH PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 AND PLAN 110E N� u 3iV r' 1 LD LIMITS SHOWN HEREON. GE NQ X ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING (5' HIGH) i r P EXIST_ 12" SD TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR o O5 CONST. INLET TYPE V PER OC PF&RD STD. PLAN NO. 1305 AND PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 a IFEGN PROTECT IN PLACE These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington By, Engineering, Inc. Date: G.E. �Z QQ3�OFESSIOy,�� - 10, 5' 0' 10, 20' m No. 512n a DRAWN BY: �C Exp, a-ao-m GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" s 10' �l9lf��� DESIGNED OF CAl NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: II i IF I77= -Z-- II4: -4� E *G?­ Et E� R' IOOASTA� I R13A =T0-­SENSITIVE- AWTAri----,4NCLUDING�-'.ot4SITE--- NCE Tf E� C -SHALL- BEjkVOl ED ;AGE- - CRUB.' 7 'T0--fTH FOLLOWING�PROMURE ADHE --v I I -PLACE OF-LTHEf BLUM- I EXIS IING:� IMPROVED. -OR --I --z I -$HALL EIREMOVED -AT t - r- vi ::�ORNAJ --NTAll�Y DSC LU=Aft N�Y;.-- ND7= + Of m I C4 FROM­jMt�jq. 4- C'nON':7 TE-0�SHALt--VCWR . + 00 A )ROVED OR--ORNA SLOPE;�MiROI (XCUR ON -,THE BLUFF 7 LAN NO WORIo -SHALL-- APW-.AREAS- ONLY. TA 7ACCE '-'ALLOWE15-IFROM -THE-'--- 7�i ��'FACE- NO -NO:`E 4 SH LLVBE QUIPMENT- Ss -IBO CJOF�THE SLOP, i --T 8 M) y7i- 4 EDGE`-- AGEa-­IMPR --BLUFF- FACE.-, SHALLw. BE --ACCOMP 77 E--�WORK ROM THE ED Y :=t I77 V11 L 1 -Lj-- + .40— HU 77t ---T -. w . - . m - rw - _ V---Tm/ 1� ut, - - - - - - - - - - - - HGt ACTOR -SHALL -INS z25 YR-tTV\ TALL:: EMRORRY-�PRCkTM'IlV5-MNCW( -A SIY� ACTIA' HABI AT,� I4 DURIN -CONSTRUCTION.-TO EX CLUDE IN �SENISITIVE�', 7"B IIID, 3EST -PRAC CES- -CC IC� 1 Z' �NTROL/SEDIMENTATION MANAGEMENT,- M ES --'3- ER N I0.=O A -BE AS FOLLOWS: ILL --T f7 IITHE --DIMEN -At I L I -,MINIM m) THE D t77 GE -OF V RUNO I'r-OVER- -TIOP ­S.O -7 TRAN -THE- OE-jHE I74 ; !NCINGI -AROU 4D b)- --n E --CONTRACTOR SHALL-w I Lj --- --- PLACE `AF IOW, + -2jTHE L VITS-OF-7HELCONSTRUCTI -T 3-c jALL---lAKE PLACE -TO EVIEW A -��CONSTRUGTION -MEETINI 7�, PRE A —FD—EQjS­G07jD "uff= - I-PROCE)URAE AN -4- II4 IOD - - - - - - X) 4, LEGAL DisPbsAL'SITIf: OUTSIDE rHE C ASTAL ZOSIE. P7-1 T-- -SITE DISPOSAL/RTSE- -WITHIN THE COASTAL CL 6 OF Ul ING CH ICE -A LF-: I T -t-CSP -Z>IVN. -4 ;.74 I -AP 4 V, -7,ZQNE EQUIRM- -PRO COASTAI2_(;VMMIZ) I3- IIf ONCRETE:LAB 27 �DEER`C --T - - I - - - �- 7� r IPr He Scal T:7 -i - - f =zl- 20' HORIZ. 1 . . . . . . . w IL ow 4' VERT. 0 0 8+ 7 ­F00 5+00 6+00- - - - - - - - - - - L I-- ---- DRIVE A B ACK B ------------ y- :5�—pmK­NEWPORT---PRC0W+JNE -- — --- - - - - - II- - - - - - - - - - -------- SO LINE" P, EXISTING A? 5+00.00 LET�, lb ed WDITI IN 4 feC414 Z 6V A 4b '-R' -----,-SEE SHEET 3 -I- N 210754851377 =W.U0 E - . - - w - ;. - , --7+23;651� WLE7 X—X=77 6 64429:8753 L-25 91' CN 'A r 0 MT 4d k 1 -21 75 704.8531 Ton= 1 3.04' ­­L:Fm8.92' 10 10 7- Date. E 6064465.8071 Cb Delto=16 29'300 xz/ 8 x x ,6el to= 1 1-721 X x _lx 6+ bU 8+03.6§ -X X x �0 ---------- CN t 7'�tqoo E­ V- X x 0 z x - & , I - , X� - - -I 0 - X , - - , " .. . - - I d, - -, - --- -k N 2175781.2234 x --z � � - N U!)-14-'30­ E 6064487.5952- CONSTRUCTION NOTES N 0 Iry )< cNI tN 00 — ­40 (7) IN PLACE LVANIZED) STORM DRAIN x PROTECT __,ad V Co Co CONST. 12- C.S.P. (12 GA GA 4. vv fn CO Co R tc '�TING w P., 5-25 N'(0 d EXIS -1 5" Cq El CENTERLINE ORTION OF EXISTING SD PIPE -�SD LINE -- - -- \ "i 14� &� V6 -OUT/JUNCTION Lo to AND INSTALL 240 CSP RISER CLEAN c) PT to END CURVE 0 .15 N (0 In 7/ 8 FIELD,SURVEY STRUCTURE AND SLURRY BACKFILL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE AND DEPTH OF EXISTING PIPE AND JOIN C 04 Co (O r4D P PRIOR TO ORDERING OR FABRICATING CSP RISER AND INLET ilzw al,z w PC BEGIN CURVE SO CONSTRUCTION. > ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING (5- HIGH) 0 x TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR 0 Ln p) z < Li 't m TESS/ rn 20' 10, 0. 20- No. 51Z71 Exp. 9-30-01 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1" 20' or C7 LLI a_ REVISIONS ISHT. NOS.[ APPR. DRAWN OP % LSL DESIGNED BY. MJM DATE CHECKED BY: LDT PLAN PREPARED BY. ,;BRobert BeinMam Frost & Associates 4�;% pROFESMNAL EWNEM, PLANNM & R09ORS P.O. BOX 57057 -14725 &TON PARKWAY, IRVINE. CALFORNIA 92619-7057 11-98 (714) 472-3505 DATE 1 1 1%1 1-98 VAI L 11-98 1 MICHAEL J. MORSE DATE: R.C.E. NO. 512/1 mmmmmmwmmm� PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT NO. EROSION REPAIR PLAN 34460 SHEET STORM DRAIN PLAN 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF 6 <j o d _ d N O " O CJ O O O d ' W O 4 These plans - l0 d conformance of the report d LO / G � p Q Z ~ g o Hetherington • BY m Date: Z / W CL = APPLICATION FOR "AFMOVAL IN CONCEPT" NO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FEE: G 1 � J APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - As required for permit application to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Section 13210 and 13211. Property General Description of Proposed Development: L�oDr sf�. �o/, /.'s c �. n <s/l® • r loa n4s Legal Description: A I A4 III - T 2 Zone: Applicant: esom Woo, Arsels4 r Applicant's Mailing Address: 20/ ir, 114Ar r S�s r v 7 SOtn F"oeeTeo. ed 329P Applicant's Telephone Numl d / FPv 0t^ .(A, DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE The I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application; and find ® They comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or • That a has been approved and is final A copy of any variance, site plan review, resubdivision, use permit, or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon site plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: • Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). 0 Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. • Has received a final Environmental Impact Report (copy Attached). All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by this City unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. Date:gk/ge� PLANNING DEPARTMENT Attachments: TAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By (ZAJ I�----- . Fo = n ( i c,,4 NOTE: No building permit will be issued, until approval is received from C.C.C. V'..' nd WPSI\PLANNING\DARLEEN\FORMS\APRLCONP.DOC �lr. � /