HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 PARK NEWPORT PROJ FILEIllllhl Inl III IIIII IIIIIII nlll IIIIII IIII III IIII*NEW FILE* 1 Park Newport Proj File STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE RESOURCES AGENCY .F ' ) GRP CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION PLANNING D�PARTAIENT 4- South Coast Area Office CITY OP ^I;= 2000ceangate, Suite 1000 r"G_ EACM Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 OCT(562)590.5071 AM C I Permit Number 5-98-345 issued to• Gerson Bakar & Associates for: Governor Bluff stabilization to protect existing development consisting of construction of two caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations. The first retaining wall will have twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and will be approximately 150 feet long. Drilling for the caissons will excavate 300 cubic yards of soil. In addition, minor surficial grading, approximately 45 cubic yards of cut, is proposed to improve drainage. The second retaining wall will have six caissons placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. Drilling for this structure will excavate 165 cubic yards of soil. No surficial grading is proposed at this site. All soils excavated by drilling or drainage improvements will be exported and legally disposed or reused outside the coastal zone. No major earthwork is proposed and neither caisson retaining wall wilt extend above grade. at: 1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange has been amended to include the following change: Removal of landslide debris previously left in place on the bluff face above the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Resbrve. Removal involves excavation and disposal of 2,500 cubic yards of soil and contouring the slope to match adjacent topography. In addition, the removal of landslide debris will result in impacts to 0.25 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat. The applicant is proposing replacement of coastal sage scrub at a ratio of 2.5:1 (i.e. 0.626 acres) through on -site restoration. Finally, the applicant is proposing to construct an approximately 180 foot long, 4' 6" high cable rail fence three feet landward of the bluff edge along the top of the bluff and a 115 foot long 2'8" high concrete barrier "type 50" debris wall along the base of the bluff and the edge of Back Bay Drive. This amendment will become effective upon return of a signed copy of this form to the Commission office. Please note that the original permit condition unaffected by this amendment are still effect. PATER W DOUGLAS 7:E t L By: Karl F. Schwing Title: Coastal Program Analyst ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read and understand the above permit and agree to be bound by the conditions as amended of Coastal Development Permit 5-98-345.. Date: Signature I . A 5-98-345-Al Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 2 of 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. PRIOR CONDITIONS Unless specifically altered by this amendment, all regular and special conditions attached to coastal development permit 5-98-345 remain in effect. 2. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY A. By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees (1) that the site may be subject to hazards from landslide/slope destabilization; (11) to assume the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted development; (ill) to unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury or damage from such hazards; and (iv) to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or damage due to such hazards. B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director incorporating all of the above terms of this condition. The deed restriction shall include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel. The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not be removed or changed without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit. 3. FINAL COASTAL SAGE SCRUB RESTORATION AND MONITORING PROGRAM A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for review and approval of the Executive Director, a final revised Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration and Monitoring Program that substantially conforms with the restoration and monitoring program submitted to the Commission titled Park Newport Apartments Slide Habitat Restoration Plan and Specifications (Project No. PNP830) dated July 30, 1999, prepared by LSA Associates, Inc. of Irvine, California, except that it shall be revised to: 1. provide a site survey including a map to quantify the take and re -vegetation amounts of coastal sage scrub; 5-98-345-A1 s Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 3 of 5 2. provide a re -vegetation plan detailing the timing of planting, species to be planted, plant size (seed or container stock), and, plant location; 3. include a provision indicating that the annual mitigation monitoring reports prepared pursuant to the Park Newport Slide Habitat Restoration Plan & Specifications prepared by LSA Associates and dated July 30, 1999 shall be submitted to the Executive Director within 30 days of the date the report is completed. B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 4. TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION — LIGHT FOOTED CLAPPER RAIL To avoid adverse impacts on the light footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes), construction shall not occur between March 15 through August 15 of any year. However, the permittee may undertake construction during this periodr upon obtaining a written statement of the Executive Director authorizing construction on specified dates. To obtain such a statement, the permittee must submit a declaration from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game stating that construction on the specific dates proposed will not cause adverse impacts to any sensitive or endangered species. The declaration must contain an assessment of the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the light footed clapper rail found in the area and a statement that the construction activity on the specific dates proposed will not interfere with the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the light footed clapper rail. 5. TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION — CALIFORNIA GNATCATCHER To avoid adverse impacts on the California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica), construction shall not occur between February 15 through August 15 of any year. However, the permittee may undertake construction during this period upon obtaining a written statement of the Executive Director authorizing construction on specified dates. To obtain such a statement, the permittee must submit a declaration from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game stating that construction on the specific dates proposed will not cause adverse impacts to any sensitive or endangered species. The declaration must contain an assessment of the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the California gnatcatcher found in the area and a statement that the construction activity on the specific dates proposed will not interfere with the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the California gnatcatcher. 1 5-98-345-A1 Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 4 of 5 6. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD APPROVAL: PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, applicant shall provide to the Executive Director a copy of a permit issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, or letter of permission, or evidence that no permit or permission is required. The applicant shall inform the Executive Director of any changes to the project required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Such changes shall not be incorporated into the project until the applicant obtains a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit, unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 7. REQUIREMENTS TO MINIMIZE VISUAL IMPACTS — COLOR AND TEXTURE PLAN A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a plan demonstrating that the color and texture of the proposed debris wall will be compatible with the adjacent bluff face and native vegetation. The plan shall demonstrate that: 1. the structure will be constructed with concrete that has been colored with earth tones that are compatible with the adjacent bluff face and vegetation, 2. white and black tones will not be used, 3. the color will be maintained through -out the life of the structure, 4. the structure will have a non -reflective texture to match the adjacent bluff face; 5. a row of native vegetation will be planted in front of the debris wall to obscure the wall from view. B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 8. LEGAL INTEREST PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, written documentation demonstrating that it has the legal ability to undertake the proposed development as conditioned herein. 5-98-345-A1 Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 5 of 5 9. CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES AND DEBRIS REMOVAL The permittee shall comply with the following construction -related requirements: (a) No construction materials, debris, or waste shall be placed or stored where it may be subject to wave erosion and dispersion; (b) At least one lane of Back Bay Drive passable by vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists shall remain open at all times; (c) Temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to exclude any activity not authorized by this permit in sensitive habitat — the location of the fencing shall be installed consistent with the recommendations of a qualified biologist; (d) Erosion control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include the following, at minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags high) at the perimeter of construction areas and along Back Bay Drive; temporary barrier fencing around the limits of construction areas; pre - construction meeting to review procedural and BMP guidelines; (e) construction equipment, materials, and debris shall be removed at the conclusion of construction; (f) Construction debris and excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. KFS: G:\PERMITS\1998 permits\5-98-345-al gerson baker amendment permit.doc 0 E a 0 0 I 00 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 v i N w 0 o- o_ i 0 0 i L� a o 0 z � g� i w < a ma < a z i w d U THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,y�� VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTExz 15 OF THE NEWPOR" c: ACC+ MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS TO THE PERMIT. 2. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATEPING AND/OR DUST PALLIATi. E. 3. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 4. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY; 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAY; AND NO WORK ON SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. 5. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. 6. THE STAMPED SET OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. 7. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND PROTECTING UTILITIES. 8. APPROVED DRAINAGE PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATION. 9. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 10. HAUL ROUTES FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND PROCEDURES SHALL CONFORM WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. 11. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDING AND SLOPE AREAS. 12. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ON -SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN . FORFEITURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE CLEANUP DEPOSIT. 13. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF PVC OR ABS PLASTIC AND EITHER ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM D3034 OR ASTM D1785. 14. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS OR STORM DRAINS. ALL MATERIAL AND WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. NBMC 17.32.020. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 1. A PRE -GRADING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF GRADING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, GRADING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, GEOLOGIST, CITY GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTIONS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. 2. A PRE -PAVING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF THE SUB -GRADE PREPARATION FOR THE PAVING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, PAVING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, CITY GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTORS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. No. 45838 Exp. 12-31-02 C NO. REVISIONS i)j vvruri i SEW Pp�� -�� BACK BAY _ A FOCLUBHOUSE SLIDE MODIFICATION PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS GRADING NOTES 1 FIL_ S�)P_S SHALL BE COMPACTE` TO NO LESS 'HA'1 ?0 PERCENT C '.1PACTION OUT TO THE F 11SHED SURFAC, 2. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED POUGHOUT TO A YIN MUM OF 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION AS D.-TERMINED BY ASTM TEST METHOD 1557, AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE PERFORMED APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST TO T"E OVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT APPLIED TO THE FILL AREAS. 3. AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND DEBRIS, SCARIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACING OF THE FILL. 4. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT MATERIAL. 5. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR REMOVED BEFORE ANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED. 6. ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR CRUSHED IN PLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. 7. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL, AFTER CLEARING AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN CANYONS, INSPECT EACH CANYON FOR AREAS OF ADVERSE STABILITY AND DETERMINE THE PRESENCE OF, OR POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE ACCUMULATION OF, SUBSURFACE WATER OR SPRING FLOW. IF NEEDED, DRAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN EACH RESPECTIVE CANYON. 8. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE SUBDRAINS SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE FIELD FOR LINE AND GRADE. 9. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 PER NT ,RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEEf#ILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF CONCRETE FLAT WORK C - � OVER UNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE TESTING. 10. THE STOCKPILING OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER. 11. LANDSCAPING OF ALL SLOPES AND PADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. 12. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL PERFORM PERIODIC INSPECTIONS DURING GRADING. DOCUMENTATION 1. AN A BUILT GRADING =LA'! SHAD BE PREPARED E- THE C`,,? ENGINEEF INCLUDING ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE ELEV' ": ,. NS. AS-:'RDDED GROUND 'URFACE ELEVATIONS, LOT DRAINAGE PATTERN`) AND _C;CAr,CNS, AND ELE' ATIONS OF ALL SURFACE AND SUB -SURFACE DRA,`iAGE FACILITIE HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL Thar TF r WORK WA` DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND STATE THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF CUT/OR FILL MOVED DURING THE OPERATIO"1. Underaround Service Alert Call: TOLL FREE 1-800 422-4133 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG1 EARTHWORK QUANTITIES CUT FILL RAW JUANTITIES 2500 CY 0 CY TOTAL EXPORT: 2500 CY NOTE: QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES ONLY AND )0 NOT ACCOUNT FOR SHRINKAGE/BULKING OR REMEDIAL GRADING. SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS. BASIS OF BEARING: THAT ERTAIN COURSE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LC" 3 IN TRACT 6947 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA IN BOOK 255, PAGES 8-12 SHOWN AS N12'47'46"E PLAN PREPARED BY: GEOTECHNICAL FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675 Robert Bef2,77Wam Frost do Associates R113 (714) 487-9060 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE: v �'11 P.O. BOX 57057 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, 10 i IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 (714) 472-3505 MARK 1ETHERINGTON GE 397 GEOLOGICAL FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. RE WE 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675 � i1�_ DATE: 9/1 �00 (714) 487-9060 DATE: SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CRAIG F. JOHNSON R.C.E. NO. 45838 PAUL A. BOGSETH CEG 1153 EROSION CONTROL NOTES 'n case or emergency call ANDY DODGE (Respons'ble person) c, (949)644-4209 OR CELL PHONE (949)795-1240 (24-nr. phone no.) the undersigned civil engineer will rev --w erosion control work. ` CRAIG F. JOHNSON (Print Name) (Signature) ([ 1. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANS ARE REQUIRED FROM OCTOBER 6:5 TO MAY 15. 2. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15. 3. BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHENEVER THE FIVE-DAY PROBABILITY OF RAIN EXCEEDS 30 PERCENT. DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, WHENEVER THE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50 PERCENT. 4. LANDSCAPING PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL, WORK COMPLETED AND A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE RECEIVED BY THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO CLOSURE OF PERMIT, UNLESS WAIVED BY THE CITY GRADING ENGINEER. 5. TEMPORARY DESILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 6ol.th coest mietrict Office SOUTH COAST DISTRICT SPECIAL CONDITION APp3�CVBD •�� 1� 5-Ai COMP�JAN 1q�At W5 Per Inc CDP NO. 5y ` By: CONDITION NO. 7 ACCEPTED BY: Bra 0T DATE: 10 I _&_ lam PLAN INDEX SHEET TITLE SHEET CONSTRUCTION NOTES, QUANTITIES AND DETAILS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS MITIGATION NOTES GRADING PLAN IF.. GRADING PERMIT NO BENCHMARK: ESTABLISHED BY ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY 1970 1 MILE NORTHEAST ALONG BACKBAY DRIVE FROM THE INTERSECTION OF JAMBOREE ROAD, 50 FT. WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF BACKBAY DRIVE, 1 FT. NORTH OF THE SOUTH END OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OF A CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT, AT THE JUNCTION OF BACKBAY DRIVE AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD. BENCHMARK DESIGNATION: NB4-30-70 ELEVATION: 4.934 NGVD29/1995 OCS ADJ. NO. 1 2 2A 28 3 DEVELOPER: PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS ADDRESS: 1 PARK NEWPORT DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PHONE: (714) 720-2200 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF NEWPORT BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-1, INST. NO. 94-0092253 O.R. AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, TRACT NO. 6947, M.M. 285/8-12 PROJECT ACREAGE __21__ ACRES I�F_WPORT FE PARK NEW T r� APARTME AUG ILL} D 9 2 2000 COAS 0 ROB OVEN HILLS _`��� LOCATION ION SCALE: 1" = 200' PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) 1. EXISTENCE AND LOCATION ANY UNDERGROUND U `ILITIES AND/OR ST- UCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED f:Y A SEARCH OF THE AV,, -"-ABLE RECORDS. APPRO1 -L OF THESE PLANS BY T•E CITY OF IRVINE DO NOT CONSTITUTE A RE' �ESENTATION AS TO THE Arr URACY OR COVPLETENESS OF THE LOC PION OR THE EXISTENCE OF NONEXISTENCE OF ANY UTILITY AND/OR STRUCTL;'- WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRE_ "0 TAKE ALL DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEANS TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES OF RECO D )R NOT OF RECORD OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. 2. RELOCATION OR REM wAL CF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED B`F THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNc RS, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVELOPER. 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR Sf<ALL SATISFY HIMSELF AS TO THE GRADING QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AS PART OF HIS BID. 4. IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE GRADING CONTRACTOR NOTIFY THIS PRIVATE ENGINEER BY CALLING AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE GRADING OPERATION IN ORDER THAT THIS OFFICE MAY PERFORM A FINAL INSPECTION TO COMPLY WITH OUR GRADE CERTIFICATION COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. 6. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PLANS AND THE CITY OF IRVINE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT This set of plans & specifications must be kept on the job at all times and it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations on same without written permission from the City of Newport Beach Community Development Department. The stamping of this plan & specifications SHALL NOT be held to permit or be an approval of the violation of any provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law. IMPORTANT NOTICE Section 4216/4217 of the Government Code requires a Dig Alert Identifi- cation Number be issued before a "Permit to Excavate' will be valid. TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 Two working days before you dig. ALL WORK PROPOSED IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE SHOWN ON THE GRADING PLANS. THOSE ITEMS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS CLUBHOUSE SLIDE MODIFICATION TITLE SHEET CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 1 OF 3 AUG 16 2000 • V � y � i � :N MINI41 TkiS tttlE' - 70Mf!tl�E � - '�Y'fT^`• �fiSrttON FS FflF MNS il91NiE4Nt� -'q ..ti-+rr , �-*1� _ ;_""'^"- is r +'s+'*++ '--�+f`f �!-" ':P6$rINpNF GF OE8N9NJ ON tii6+'UNF F. I,ti i Y_ Y ri .. ..1. v.t.r _�'.'.... a .�. ,. a- - _• 5. _.. ..r r.. �.-... �a �{a .. lu.�a.d}Y �.4.�,-�.a r � x � �� . a .y a. __ .r 3". gut iY' '.A ._-.a.ar ... .. .. .. - r LO U Q Z W J LO Q H Z W d t - . - e .. �. .. C•C t - .. .... -._. ry`Ng 'K'.e �J .'." � a r-ua��q "iPJr5n, y/� •^.e 4 _ ♦ "4. Pw.�. .�e.�+r. CFtYv j 5�p P` }q�.°f' f •R }+Ti.� - ram.`" -F •" f�v.RYUF'�-�—•�r�.����4w9T"�"�!� 4.-- v �. -. .. y.s �.., n pia a � v�.. C" • v... .._ . .r . - r" _ cki -•�-F- ?�•>,- ^ 1•wcu�mr�bvnwxnv. — —.•- - rvexwra>nmt zn +ros une .- ,_ - - - ,. - .. - _ .. a r , LO Z J z w a 1/4" 0 BOLT —PEEN END ® JAW END 1 /4" 0 EYE BOLTS IN 3/8" 0 DRILLED HOLES. PEEN ENDS OF BOLTS (TYP.) •� N I � a_ o � These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington Engineering, Inc. Rv Date: 5/16' 0 TURNBUCKLE WITH 4 1/r MIN. ADJUSTMENT (TYP.) PC CONCRETE 4'-0" TYP. END SPAN 0 200'f FG on 4'-0" MAX. TYP. INTERMEDI 2 1/4" 0 CABLE INTERMEDIATE CLAMPS PER END TURNBUCKLES PIPE NPS 1 1 /4" STD I WASHER CRIMPED STOP, SLEEVE CLAMP 0 DRILLED 0 ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE 3/47 0 HOLE ,,1 /4 0 GALV. CABLE PIPE NPS 2 STD POST 3/4"t—� ALTERNATIVE DEAD END ANCHORAGE NOT TO SCALE EYE BOLT OR EYE END CRIMPED SLEEVE CLAMP OF TURNBUCKLE I 1/4" 0 GALV. CABLE II ALTERNATIVE CABLE CONNECTION NOT TO SCALE Cable Rail Fence Detail NOT TO SCALE POST CAP TO BE A DRIVEN FIT (TYP.) 1 /4" 0 GALV. CABLE (TYP.) 114 TOTAL A f PI2PSTDPS CLAMP PLACE NPS 1 1/4- STD (TYP) MAX. _I _ 4'-0" ;MEDIATE "1 TYP. END SPAN NOTES 1. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN TURNBUCKLES SHALL BE 200 FT. 2. INTERMEDIATE TURNBUCKLES TO BE PLACED IN ADJACENT SPANS. 3. CABLE SHALL NOT BE SPLICED BETWEEN INTERMEDIATE TURNBUCKLES AND END POSTS. 4. ALL POSTS, CABLE AND HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED. 5. POSTS TO BE VERTICAL. 6. ALIGNMENT OF HOLES IN POSTS MAY VARY TO CONFORM TO SLOPE OF TOP OF RETAINING WALL. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPENDENT DIMENSIONS IN THE THE FIELD BEFORE ORDERING OR FABRICATING ANY MATERIAL. 8. ALTERNATIVE DETAILS MAY BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. 9. LINE POSTS SHALL BE BRACED HORIZONTALLY AND TRUSSED DIAGONALLY IN BOTH DIRECTIONS AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 1000 FT. 10. TYPICAL END SPANS, BRACED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT CHANGES IN LINE WHERE THE ANGLE OF DEFLECTION IS 15' OR MORE. 11. PROVIDE THIMBLES AT ALL CABLE LOOPS. 12. PAINT ALL CABLE RAIL COMPONENTS PER THE ARCHITECT'S DIRECTION. - 13. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR CABLE RAIL LAYOUT (TURNBUCKLES, POSTS, ETC.) BEFORE ORDERING OR FABRICATING ANY MATERIAL. Str et RW Conc Barrier 1 I 7. "2' 3' 3' 2' 7. I '.8" C amfer or .6' R A-7 PCC #4 continuous 10" RerticalTyp FG C40" R #4 co tinuous 1" R 61" R z 3" compacted base Drainage opening(6" wide, 3' O.C.) 3" 11141U* 1. Footing monolithic or doweled with 2—#8 x 8.2" ® 24.4" Required at barrier ends and at interruptions in barrier. 2. Expansion joints in concrete barrier shall be located at all deck, pavement and principal wall joints. Expansion joint filler material shall be the some size as joint or .52' minimum. 3. Color to be Scofield #6063 "Winter Beige" or approved equal. Concrete Barrier T NOT TO SCALE PLAN PREPARED BY: e�oFEssloy9 Joy�Fy Robert Beia,William Frost & Associates 9 'Lif' s 1 '1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS k SURVEYORS a DRAWN BY: DATE �i P.O. BOX 57057.14725 LTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 LSL 12-9g No. 45M Exp. 12-31-02 * DATE IIFOF CA1�E��a� DESIGNED BY: MJM 1 9 DATE DATE: $' `i 100 NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LOT 12-99 CRAIG F. J0 SON R.C.E. NO. 45838 50 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT SPECIAL CONDITION COMPW QLJ4 E�T��A � CDP N0.5- sc77 a`7 D JJ CONDITION NO. ACCEPTED BY: DATE: 1Q_/_ 0 14t= South r, �_ ict Of1p1oe APPROVED r c Permit PTO. �I1` •4 5 -AI By: EFFF!71_ f PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS SLIDE MODIFICATION PLAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A PROJECT NO. 34460 SHEET 2A OF 3 T. � � _ r-+: ,�i•-. +?++�+. Plf(9T4d�H,suaE '�" �,.��-,i* ',c-:-::.i ",`.'.3 ,., 9'+rvnda4�BE a ?:,� .-„c, +.?r+.r�•7•..�...k-,vt' s M 'erli•ci9'.'.�i ^c +,•,c^- .-- _ •r e..: ,,, ..,-+:o x.. , -r,-W sz.. - �.� .. .. .. 3�`fE' ♦ t- _ , ., • �a.�. _. .`�s°r',h-Do- :n rs :-7 ' r ., o "• p a ' -.."'`.e, 'gel. '. ,•fie , P ,r a. ."µ�LMM,. �,'.w.-•Wfi. .. - •_..,� - _ rosuma titre a Deter lm cols stirPaf.rroa 4 arrrm anti ,an, ass n. s .-`..kt,' - 1,-• {, 1� .. _, - ... � ,. , .a .- .. .,... F , ,+r-+e• ... ,. „i�i , P i.l Y m 0- rat hf 5.. » f � T-4i. .'�I—•u•a. ) { •r• - . .. .. n ,< - +, -.... -F "• � f,� .- •.tin 'r -, i. -d b• :'_� .0 sA. ,...lea. -.,. _ _ > e a .. , ,- .. _-..- c-P^..." ♦ ,,:- .-...-. - .. s-__.. n . .,- r .L';'- a ,^ _ t .. c :- r- 4_x ,t+. ..- ...... ... ... .a,__ n, o .,... v. .- ,. - .., a „,r:a -..t. i ,. f 1 It These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington BY-------- Date: Engineering, Inc. - __ G.E.______ 7 911TiGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM SUMMARY NEGATIVE DECLARATION Park Newport Grading Project Park Newport .Apartments October 12, 1999 Implementation Method of Timing of Responsible Person Verification RITIGATION MEASURES Action Verification Verification Dafe 4. GEOLCX:IC PROBLEMS (Earth) 1 That the project shall contemn in the National Pollution Condition of Plan Check Prior to the issuance of Discharge Elimination System (NPDFS) requirements and shall he subject approval grading permit Program Public Works h) Or approval of the Public Works Department and the Rudding monumng established Department l kpartnent or City aullnonzed Grading Lnginecr Prior to the issuance of grading permit 2. An annual respective of the completed facilities shall be Condition of Plan Check and routine Program mamnorma Public Works et)nipleted by a wgisicrtd geologist "Ihc fanhnes shall Ix insproted dunng Approval nainnonng by property established poor to the Itepavment Apnl or May of each year The results of the inspection shall be submitted owner issuance ol-grading to the City of Newport Beach Public Works Director for review before June permit I Should it he determined that the slope is mntinumg to sluff, based upon Or results of the annual inspections, further remedial grading/construction work shall he required as determined by the Public Works Dlrodor All remedial work requited by the City shall bu completed by November I of that ycai Condition of flan ('heck and routine Program munitonng Public Works 3 The constructed facilities shall be routinely maintained by the Approval mumnonng by property cstabllsfined poor a) Or D epartnert property uwnvr as delemuned by the City of Newport Reach Public Works owner issuance of grading Departrnrnt permit 4 the project will comply with the erosion and stltation control Condition of Plan Check Poor to the issuance of Public Works measures of the City's grading ordinance and all applicable local and approval grading Permit D epartn ent State building codes and seismic design guidelines, including the City Excavation and Grading Code (NBMC Section 15 04 140 or applicable sectionst & BIOLOGICAL RFSOCRCES 5. A certified fcologmsi shall oversee the habitat veswrahun dunng Condition of Plan Check Pnor to the Issuance of Public Works to revegatiting period and muotur maintenance and progress Orange approval grading peanut Department and the construction fencing shall he installed along the edge of the coastal sage Planning Department scrub habitat closest to the construction area prior to the start of conlWction the constmction fencing will prevent mtmsion by construction woken and equipment into the coastal sage scrub habitat A biologist familiar with coasta! sage scrub habitat shall direct the location of the instruction tinting the fencing shall he maintained in place thr,ugMmt consstrucuon period and rennvcd only after all construction is corrplacd All construction employees shall be Instructed not k) enter trim the eoasral sage s[mh Whim Ixvond the construnion fenein I I. NOISE Page I 'SA .israurer, ins Enrronmem.d .An"Yos 'f amoo,twion E„g,neenng LSD B,otalfHitnwrarrL Wer(cndl aeitat Raroumon Raoiree Mmagrmenr Cnmmsmuy and Lend Ploimng Landscape Arrhttel." A'Atteolo,gy and PSlromology November 2, 1999 %1r. Javier Garcia, Senior Plattner planning/Building Department a,o a3;rn City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dav,a C:orc Rio, Don�rr•rn Srra Grannn:m Subject: Park Newport Apartments Slide Removal R,cha,d Harlirioe. Rngr Hams ,art Homnghauren )Dear Mr, Garcia: LSrry Kennings Laura Llller Please be advised that LSA Associates, Inc. has been retained by Gerson Bakar & carollyn Lobel a:u Navr. Associates to provide biological monitoring during the removal of the slide and final R b N, r-inn grading of the slope. We performed the California gnatcatcher surveys of the area this pis o c°nnnr past year and are very familiar with the site. We will flush all birds that are close to or °"" Perotwithin the construction area In addition, we will ensure that no coastal sage scrub is Drnman Punl,n removed unnecessarily during the construction proctss- R°a srnonhnlu ,Nelmlm/ Spmi( L!nyd R Zola Following construction, we will oversee the implementation of the "Park Newport Slide Habitat Restoration Plan and Specifications," which we prepared for Gerson i n . Bakar & Associates. This oversight will include monitoring the installation and the Lend .<uerc°m long -tern maintenance to assure success of the project. r3mrs aa,.m ='nrtie ""' If you have any questions regarding this monitoring, please call me at (819) 879-3192 `.nff-c>e, Citing, Pb n or John Ko at (949) 553-0666. Srr.•rn W Cmuklmg Gen Doer lark ESrenn Sincerely, Rtrcmd E.KafOn LS•A ASSOCIATES, INC. Fart. drnson Lre / for ?W.ill" s.b•.,a ,rn°,ir O'Connell .N •,v •s,u-o•c°nner Associate i.nv Sir. es -Co< Biologist/Restoration Ecologist Lrnmr )tan[n,mt I I at99<<P.TNMO\ciry Itr.wpd)) One Park Plaza Situ 300 rrlrp4iie 949 ffi-0666 Orhv offices located to Berkde,V Irim'. cilljiarnta 92614-5981 Faosmde 949 551-8016 Pt. R.<kmond, Ro,"ra, and Sacramento f-mar( srzenelsa�im-+not roe MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM SUMMARY NEGATIVE DECLARATION Park Newport Grading Project Park Newport Apartments October 12, 1999 Implementation Method of Timing of Responsible Person Verification MITIGATION MEASURES Action Verification Verification Date G Constmchon activity shall be limited to those hours allowed by Condition of Field Check Poor to the Issuance of Building Lepartment the C ny of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance SecuonlO.28.0,10 approval grading penult 15. CULTURAL RESOURCES 7 Prior to the issuance of a grading perm, the project applicant Condition of L v I d c it c c o f poor in the issuance of Manning Department Shall provide written evidence to the City of Ncw'prt Beach that a qualified approval paleontologist retained grading piano and Budding Dept paleontologist has been retained to observe grading acmiucs and salvage to perform site and catalogue fossils as nvreswy. the paleontologist shall be present al the surveillance. pre -grading conference, shall establish procedures for archeological/paleontological resource surveillance, and shall establish, in cooperation with the project developer, procedures for temporarily halting of redirecting work to permit sampling. mtkmtification, and evaluation of the fixsds If major arctievilogiwVpalconuOogipl tesouicm are dixuscicd, which require long-term halting or redirecting otgrading. the paleontologist shall epon such findings to the project developer and to the Coy of Newport Beach The paleontologist shall doermine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the project developer, which ensure proper exploration and,'or salvage. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City of Newport Beach, or its designee, on a f int-refusal basis. the applicant may retain said finds d'wntten assurance is Pray rd,-d that they will be property Preserved in Orange Counry, unless said fimis are of special significance. or a museum in Change County indicates a desire In study anetbr display them at the time, in which case Items shall be donated to the City, or designee These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to Or approval of the City of Newport Beach Prior to the final of die grading pennit, the paleontologist shall wbilnl a follow-up report for approval by the City which shall Include the period of inspection. a catalogue and analysis of the fossils found, and present repository of the fossils F.A,US I'RS'dol N,SHARLDU PI A NCOM\PF.NDI NGTA RKN MKITIs1SR I AR Page 2 Archaeological Resource Management Corporation October 25, 1999 City of Newport Beach Planning/Building Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Attn: Javier Garcia, Senior Planner Re: Park Newport Apartments, Clubhouse Slide Modification Dear Mr. Garcia: This letter is to inform you that Archaeological Resource Management Corporation (ARMC) has been retained by Gerson Bakar & Associates to provide archaeological and paleontological services during the grading for the Park Newport Apartments, Clubhouse Slide Modification. We will attend the pre -grade meeting and will set forth the controls to be maintained during grading as well as establish procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of cultural and/or scientific resources. Carol R. Demcak, Orange County certified archaeologist will supervise the archaeology. Milos Velechovsky, Orange County certified paleontologist, will supervise the paleontology. If, in the course of grading, significant cultural or scientific resources are encountered, we will notify the Project Developer and the City of Newport Beach, and a plan of mitigation will be worked out for the specimens. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City of Newport Beach, or its designee, on a first -refusal basis. At the conclusion of grading we will prepare a report of the monitoring, which will include the number of hours worked, an inventory and analysis of the recovered specimens, and the name of the repository where the specimens will be housed. Sincerely, cy/y w+ Carol R. Demcak President/Supervising Archaeologist Copy: Richard Ellis, Gerson Bakar; Lorrie Lausten, RBF 1114 N. Gilbert Street, Anaheim, California 92801 Phone (714) 491-9702 Fax (714) 491-9766 4 i. SO"`L,h C0,13t D12trict Office APPRP RD 5' - 9 4 5-.�i l P1ermit 17o. By: t hair his CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT SPECIAL CONDITION COMPLI C A41E CDP NO.5- T 05--A CONDITION ACCEPTED BY: DATE: _L / 10 / Q1�OFESSiO Nq� ���G F' �CyyFyc � U �G m ` No, 45838 �c Exo.451-02 If Jl9TFOF CA��F���P PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert Bein,William Frost & Associates 9 PPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS H P.O. BOX 57057.14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 (714) 472-3505 j T DATE: l2/22/9q K� PARNEWPORT APARTMENTS SLIDE MODIFICATION PLAN PROJECT NO. 34460 DRAWN BY: LSL DATE 12-99 MITIGATION NOTES SHEET 2 B OF 3 DESIGNED BY: CFJ DATE 12-99 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CHECKED BY: LDT DATE 12-99 NO. REVISIONS SHT. NOS.1 APPR. I DATE CRAIG F. JO NSON R.C.E. NO. 45838 i Sent ":LSR Oct-19-00 02r00Pn GERSON BAKAR & ASSOCIATES } eOl FILBERT STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133-32SB (4151 391-1313 FAX: (4151 3S1-1895 October 12, 2000 from $495538076*949 644 3318 page 1 RECEIVED pv LEA, IND ""T 162000 Mr. Karl Schwing Via UPS Next Day Air Coastal Program Analyst California Coastal Commission 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 908054302 Re: Amendment to Coastal Development Permit No. 5-98-345 Dear Mr. Schwing: Enclosed please find an executed amendment pertaining to work at 1 Park Newport. Sincerely, GERSON BAKAR & ASSOCIATES lot Jim Porter -- Construction Project Manager JP:mcb Enclosure post -it* Fax Note 7671 Date 10�{^ a9�► Fran V O 0 U�1 m Phone e Phone Fax # V %t —t " Fak➢ ,. tv^FMW Wsfpiew. 4we+wrr.+rcccw Wo SENT BY: 10-19- 0 ; 1:57PM ; L S A � 949 644 3318;# 1/ 6 PRECEIVE[);I V. GERSON BAKAR & ASSOCIATES 201 FILBERT STREET^r 1 S ZOOO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133-3298 (4151 391-1313 FAX., (4151 391-1695 October 12, 2000 Mr. Karl Schwing Via UPS Next Day Air Coastal Program Analyst California Coastal Commission 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 908054302 Re: Amendment to Coastal Development Permit No. 5-98-345 Dear Mr. Schwing: Enclosed please find an executed amendment pertaining to work at 1 Park Newport. Sincerely, GERSON BAKAR & ASSOCIATES .art Prrbl-ml Jim Porter Construction Project Manager JP:mcb Enclosure Post -it" Fax Note 7671 oa'a Jp 4031. ro % From Jo CDJDDPL Co. LSA- PhoneN r Phone �y Fax' 6 014 " I Fax N I.vwr.ba.Y+v�wowMrxwJ,�.d.w�. toClwlgx SENT BY: 10-19- 0 : 1:57PM L S A 942 644 3318:# 2/ 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAMS, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION OCT 12 2000 By LSA,�I! C. z o0sanuga eesu� 000 OCT 1 Long Beach, CA90802.4302 zo00 (5e2) 590.5D71 hhCl,.i r,b3 SERVI:.ES AMENDMENT TO COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT October 10, 2000 Permit Number 5.98-345 issued to Gerson Bakar & Associates for: Bluff stabilization to protect existing development consisting of construction of two caisson retaining walls at two bluff top locations. The first retaining wall will have twenty three caissons, placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, and will be approximately 150 feet long. -Drilling for the caissons will excavate 300 cubic yards of soil. In addition, minor surficial grading, approximately 45 cubic yards of cut, is proposed to improve drainage. The second retaining wall will have six caissons placed about 3 feet landward of the top of slope, resulting in a 40 feet long structure. Drilling for this structure will excavate 155 cubic yards of soil. No surficial grading is proposed at this site. All soils excavated by drilling or drainage improvements will be exported and legally disposed or reused outside the coastal zone. No major earthwork is proposed and neither caisson retaining wall will extend above grade. at: 1 Park Newport, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange has been amended to include the following change: Removal of landslide debris previously left in place on the bluff face above, the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. Removal involves excavation and disposal of 21500 cubic yards of soil and contouring the slope to match adjacent topography. In addition, the removal of landslide debris will result in impacts to 0.25 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat. The applicant is proposing replacement of coastal sage scrub at a ratio of 2.5.1 (i.e. 0.625 acres) through on -site restoration. Finally, -the applicant is proposing to construct an approximately 180 foot long, 4' 6" high cable rail fence three feet landward of the bluff edge along the top of the bluff and a 115 foot long 2'8" high concrete barrier "type 50" debris wall along the base of the bluff and the edge of Back Bay Drive. This amendment will become effective upon return of a signed copy of this form to the Commission office. Please note that the original permit condition unaffected by this amendment are still effect. PETER M. DOUGLAS Executive Dir t , By: Karl-F. Schwing Title: Coastal Program Analyst ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read and understand the above permit and agree to be bound by the conditions as amended of Coastal Development Permit 5-98-345. Date: �IZ 8 GERS N BARAR & ASSOCIATES ITS: ORIZED MANAGING AGENT BY: JIM PORTER ITS:' AUTHORIZED AGENT SENT BY: 10-19- 0 ; 1:58pm ; L S A � 949 644 3318;# 3/' 6 5-98-345-A 1 Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 2 of 5 SPECIAL. CONDITIONS: 1. PRIOR CONDITIONS Unless specifically altered by this amendment, all regular and special conditions attached to coastal development permit 5-98-345 remain in effect. 2. ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY A. By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees (i) that the site may be subject to hazards from landslide/slope destabilization; fill to assume the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted development; (iii)'to'unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury or damage from such hazards; and (iv) to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or damage due to such hazards. B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL.DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director incorporating all of the above terms of this condition. The deed restriction shall include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel. The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns, and shall be recorded free of prior liens that the Executive Director determines may affect the enforceability of the restriction. This deed restriction shall not be removed or changed without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit. 3. FINAL COASTAL SAGE SCRUB RESTORATION AND MONITORING PROGRAM A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for review and approval of the Executive Director, a final revised Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration and Monitoring Program that substantially conforms with the restoration and monitoring program submitted to the Commission titled Park Newport Apartments Slide Habitat Restoration Plan and Specifications (Project No. PNP830) dated July 30, 1999, prepared by LSA Associates, Inc. of Irvine, California, except that it shall be revised to: 1. provide a site survey including a map to quantify the take and re -vegetation amounts of coastal sage scrub; SENT BY: 10-19- 0 ; 1:59PM ; L S A � 949 644 3318;# 4/ 6 5-98-345-A1 Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 3 of 5 2. provide a re -vegetation plan detailing -the timing of planting, species to be planted, plant size (seed or container stock), and plant location; 3. include a provision indicating that the annual mitigation monitoring reports prepared pursuant to the Park Newport Slide Habitat Restoration Plan & Specifications prepared by LSA Associates and dated July 30, 1999 shall be submitted to the Executive Director within 30 days of the date the report is completed. B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 4. TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION — LIGHT FOOTED CLAPPER RAIL To avoid adverse impacts on the light footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes), construction shall not occur between March 15 through August 15 of any year. However, the permittee may undertake construction during this period upon obtaining a written statement of the Executive Director authorizing construction on specified dates. To obtain such a statement, the permittee must submit a declaration from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -and California Department of Fish. -and Game stating that construction on the specific dates proposed will not cause adverse impacts to any sensitive or endangered species. The declaration must contain an assessment of the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the light footed clapper rail found in the area and a statement that the construction activity on the specific dates proposed will not interfere with the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the light footed clapper rail. 5, TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION — CALIFORNIA GNATCATCHER To avoid adverse impacts on the California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica), construction shall not occur between February 15 through August 15 of any year. However, the permittee may undertake construction during this period upon obtaining a written statement of the Executive Director authorizing construction on specified dates. To obtain such a statement, the permittee must submit a declaration from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game stating that construction on the specific dates proposed will not cause adverse impacts to any sensitive or endangered species. The declaration must contain an assessment of the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the California gnatcatcher found in the area and a statement that the construction activity on the specific dates proposed will not interfere with the foraging, breeding, and nesting of the California gnatcatcher. SENT BY: 10-19- 0 ; 1:59PM ; L S A $49 644 3318;# 5/ 6 5-98-345-Al Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 4 of 5 6. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD APPROVAL: PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, applicant shall provide to the Executive Director a copy of a permit issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, or letter of permission, or evidence that no permit or permission is required. The applicant shall inform the Executive Director of any changes to the project required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Such phanges shall not be incorporated into the project until the applicant obtains a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit, unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 7. REQUIREMENTS TO MINIMIZE VISUAL IMPACTS — COLOR AND TEXTURE PLAN A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT. PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a plan demonstrating that the color and texture of the proposed debris wall will be compatible with the adjacent bluff face and native vegetation. The plan shall demonstrate that:, 7. the structure will be constructed with concrete that has been colored with earth tones that are compatible with the adjacent bluff face and vegetation, 2. white and black tones will not be used, 3, the color will be maintained through -out the life of the structure, 4. the structure will have a non -reflective texture to match the adjacent bluff face; 5. a row of native vegetation will be planted in front of the debris wall to obscure the wall from view. B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shell occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. B. LEGAL INTEREST PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, written documentation demonstrating that it has the legal ability to undertake the proposed development as conditioned herein. SENT BY: 10-19- 0 ; 1:59PM ; L S A 949 644 3318;# 6/ 6 5-98-345-A 1 Coastal Development Permit Amendment Page 5 of 5 CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES AND DEBRIS REMOVAL The permittee shall comply with the following construction -related requirements: (a) No construction materials, debris, or waste shall be placed or stored where it may be subject to wave erosion and dispersion; (b) At least one lane of Back Bay Drive passable by vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists shall remain open at all times; (a) Temporary protective fencing shall be installed during construction to exclude any activity not authorized by this permit in sensitive habitat — the location of the fencing shall be installed consistent with the recommendations of a qualified biologist; (d) Erosion control/sedimentation Best Management Practices (BMP's) shall be used to control sedimentation impacts to sensitive habitat areas, during construction, to include the following, at minimum: placement of sand bags (2 bags high) at the perimeter of construction areas and along Back Bay Drive;• temporary barrier fencing around the limits of construction areas; pre - construction meeting to review procedural and BMP guidelines; (e) construction equipment, materials, and debris shall be removed at the conclusion of construction; (f) Construction debris and excavation spoils shall be disposed of at a legal disposal site outside the coastal zone. _ KPS: a:1PERMITS11998 pormits16.9B-346-a1 preen baker amendment permit.doe i E Q COSTA PROJECT( LOCATION UNIVERSITY' BACK BAY NEWPORT f? F PARK NEWPORT. APARTMENTS ,. - -f _ i1'+., 4. y �.. V`;a6�4��� PARK-. NEWPORT -APARTMENTS WIN HILTS THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH y/cy�9yCLUBHOUSE ,-S*LIDE, MODIFICATION SCALE: 1• = 200' VICINITY MAP :GRADING'PLAN LOCATION MAP GENERAL NOTES GRADING NOTES DOCUMENTATION EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 15 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH 1. FILL SL11 OPES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NO LESS THAN 90 PERCENT 1. AN AS -BUILT GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CIVIL In case on emergency call ANDY DODGE MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC), THE PROJECT SOILS _ REPORT AND SPECIAL L RELATIVE COMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISHED SURFACE. - . ENGINEER INCLUDING ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE -ELEVATIONS, AS -GRADED (Responsible person) PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) REQUIREMENTS TO THE PERMIT. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATIONS, LOT DRAINAGE PATTERNS AND LOCATIONS, at 42 (949)644-09 OR CELL PHONE (949)795-1240-: 2. ALL.FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL SURFACE AND SUB -SURFACE DRAINAGE 1. THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND/OR PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION AS DETERMINED BY ASTM TEST METHOD 1557, FACILITIES. HE SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN APPROVAL THAT THE WORK WAS {24-hr. phone no.) "4 STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE 2. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING AND/OR DUST PALLIATIVE_ AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. . COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FINAL APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND the undersigned' civil engineer will review erosion control work. AVAILABLE RECORDS. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY OF IRVINE 3. SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE. SITE DURING THE PERFORMED APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND OF STATE THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF CUT/OR FILL MOVED DURING THE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ACCURACY OR SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO ATTEST, TO THE OVERALL COMPACTION EFFORT OPERATION. (Z(Zz/YR COMPLETENESS OF THE LOCATION OR THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. CRAIG F. JOHNSON APPLIED TO THE FILL AREAS. UTILITY AND/OR STRUCTURE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. THE 4. WORK HOURS ARE LIMITED FROM 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM MONDAY THROUGH (Print Name) Sig ature) (Date) CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE ALL DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEANS TO PROTECT FRIDAY; 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAY; AND NO WORK ON SUNDAYS OR 3. AREAS TO RECEIVE'FILL SHALL BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND THE UTILITIES OF RECORD OR NOT OF RECORD OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. HOLIDAYS PER SECTION 10-28 OF THE NBMC. DEBRIS, SCARIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO 1. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANS ARE REQUIRED FROM OCTOBER 15 TO PLACING OF THE FILL. MAY .15. 2. RELOCATION OR REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY 5. NOISE, EXCAVATION, DELIVERY AND REMOVAL SHALL BE CONTROLLED PER THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVELOPER. SECTION 10-25 OF .THE NBMC. 4. FILLS SHALL BE KEYED OR BENCHED INTO COMPETENT, MATERIAL. 2. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15. 3. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL SATISFY HIMSELF AS TO THE GRADING 6. THE STAMPED SET OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE.AT 5. ALL EXISTING FILLS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR QUANTITY AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AS PART OF HIS BID. ALL TIMES. ° REMOVED BEFORE ANY ADDITIONAL FILLS ARE ADDED. ' .- 3.- BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND MAY 15, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHENEVER THE FIVE-DAY 4. IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE GRADING CONTRACTOR NOTIFY THIS PRIVATE ENGINEER 7. PERMITTEE AND CONTRACTOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND 6. ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AND CISTERNS SHALL BE REMOVED OR PROBABILITY OF RAIN EXCEEDS 30 PERCENT. DURING THE REMAINDER OF BY CALLING AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE GRADING PROTECTING UTILITIES. CRUSHED IN PLACE AND BACKFILLED AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THE YEAR, THEY SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY, OPERATION IN ORDER THAT THIS OFFICE MAY PERFORM A FINAL INSPECTION TO WHENEVER THE DAILY RAINFALL PROBABILITY EXCEEDS 50.PERCENT. COMPLY WITH OUR GRADE CERTIFICATION COMMITMENT TO THE CITY OF IRVINE. 7• THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST AND SOILS ENGINEER SHALL, AFTER CLEARING 8. APPROVED DRAINAGE PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES MUST BE USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATION. AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN. CANYONS, INSPECT EACH CANYON 4. LANDSCAPING PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED. FOR APPROVAL, WORK 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS FOR AREAS OF ADVERSE STABILITY AND DETERMINE THE PRESENCE OF,- OR COMPLETED AND A CERTIFlCATE OF CONFORMANCE RECEIVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. POSSIBILITY 'NEEDED, RE ACCUMULATION SIG ED AND CONSTRUCTED OR SPRING GRADING ENGINEER PRIOR TO CLOSURE OF PERMIT, UNLESS WAIVED BY THE 9. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS SHALL BE ABANDONED IN COMPLIANCE 6. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES &USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL FLOW. IF NEEDED, DRAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO CITY GRADING ENGINEER. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR 5, TEMPORARY DESILTING BASINS, WHEN REQUIRED, SHALL BE IN LED `)C USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING c' AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OFTHESEPLANS AND THE CITY MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. (3 ��` ., �t�i�' OF IRVINE. r , b '( V.- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE AND APPROVE_ D BY THE BUILDING THE PLACEMENT OF FILL IN EACH RESPECTIVE CANYON. OFFICIAL. 10. HAUL ROUTES FOR. IMPORT OR EXPORT OF MATERIALS SHALL BE 8. THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE SUBDRAINS SHALL BE SURVEYED IN THE APPROVED BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND PROCEDURES SHALL:CONFORM FIELD FOR LINE AND GRADE. WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC. 9. ALL TRENCH BACKFILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED THROUGHOUT TO A MINIMUM 11. POSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AWAY FROM ALL BUILDING AND OF 90 PERCENT. RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND APPROVED BY THE SOILS SLOPE AREAS. - ENGINEER. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE CORING OF CONCRETE FLAT WORK PLACED OVER UNTESTED BACKFILLS TO FACILITATE TESTING. 12. FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS .AND/OR HAVE REMOVABLE EROSION 10. THE STOCKPILING OF EXCESS MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY CONTROL DEVICES ON -SITE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIMES SHALL RESULT IN GRADING ENGINEER. FORFEITURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE CLEANUP DEPOSIT: 13. ALL PLASTIC DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL' CONSIST OF PVC OR ABS PLASTIC- 11. LANDSCAPING OF ALL SLOPES AND PADS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ". CHAPTER 15 OF THE NBMC., AND EITHER ASTM 2751, ASTM D1527, ASTM- D3034 OR ASTM D1785. �•'� 12. THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. SHALL PERIODIC. INSPECTIONS 14. NO PAINT, PLASTER, CEMENT, SOIL, MORTAR OR OTHER RESIDUE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS OR. STORM DRAINS. ALL - .PERFORM DURING. GRADING. EARTHWORK QUANTITIES PLAN INDEX MATERIAL AND WASTE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. NBMC 17.32.020. .. . RAW QUANTITIES 2500 Y p �y SHEET NO. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS TITLE SHEET �1 1. -A PRE -GRADING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION NOTES, QUANTITIES AND DETAIL 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE START OF GRADING WITH THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE ' PRESENT: OWNER, GRADING TOTAL EXPORT: 2500 CY CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 2A Section 4216/4217 of the Government Code requires a"Dig Alert Identifi CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER; SOILS ENGINEER,, GEOLOGIST,, CITY MITIGATION NOTES 2B cation Number be issued before a Permit to Excavate will be valid. GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD� FC S� }��' 3 TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 INSPECTIONS WILL BE OUTLINED .AT THE MEETING. NOTE: GRADING PLAN c���``'s Fri' Two working days before you dig. 2. A PRE -PAVING MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES OF THE SUB -GRADE PREPARATION FOR THE PAVING WITH THE FOLLOWING ONLY AND DO NOT ACCOUNT FOR SHRINKAGE/BULKING OR REMEDIAL PEOPLE PRESENT: OWNER, PAVING CONTRACTOR, DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER, GRADING. SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS. SOILS ENGINEER, CITY• GRADING ENGINEER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTORS WILL BE OUTLINED AT THE MEETING. BASIS OF BEARING: THAT CERTAIN COURSE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT, 3 IN TRACT 6947 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT GRADING PERMIT NO. _ Q\rs�'' 0 ^� BEACH CALIFORNIA IN BOOK 255 PAGES 8-12 Q1itM ESSfp/y' d phi may' W U z No. 45938 z SHOWN AS N12047'46"E PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert BelA,llill]eAl Frost &Associates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS P.O. BOX N,A 9 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, . 9rARVNE,CAUFORNIA 92619-7057 (714) .472-350.5 REM BY:, ._. DATE: Z r2 Z q c( GEOTECHNICAL FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. . 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA., 92675. (71a) 487-DATE: - BENCHMARK:' ESTABLISHED BY ORANGE COUNTY SURVEY 1970 NNORTHEAST ALONG J MBOEE RO D/,Y50RIVE FROM Fr. WEST OFE THE CENTERLINE OF BACKBAY DRIVE, 1' FT. NORTH OF THE SOUTH END OF A CONCRETE HEDWALL OF A CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT; AT THE: JUNCTION OF BACKBAY DRIVE AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD. BENCHMARK DESIGNATION: N84-30-70 ELEVATION: 4.934 NGVD29/1995 OCS ADJ. DEVELOPER: PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS ADDRESS: 1 PARK NEWPORT DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PHONE: (7t4) 72o-z2oo . PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS9 CLUBHOUSE SLIDE MODIFICATION PROJECT N0. 34460 MARK HETHERINGTON GE 397 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF NEWPORT BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-1, INST..NO. 94-0092253 O.R. AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, TRACT NO. 6947, M.M. 285/8712 PROJECT ACREAGE 0.3 ACRES TITLE SHEET SHEET OF 3 GEOLOGICAL FIRM: HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. 32242 PASEO ADELANTO, SUITE C SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA, 92675 (714) .487-9050 DATE: C OF NEWPORT BEACH APPR. DATE CRAI F. JOHNSON R.C.E. NO. 45838 PAUL A. BOGSETH CEG 1153 DEC 2 0 1 Lr) M o 5 a 0 a m a z w / a These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington Engineering,Inc. By. Date: G. E. LEGEND. SYMBOL: EXPLANATION (SD) EXISTING STORM DRAIN SD PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (XXX:XX) EXISITNG ELEVATION XXX.XX .DESIGN ELEVATION FL FLOWLINE FG FINISHED GRADE FS FINISHED SURFACE INV INVERT RW RETAINING WALL WLOL WALL- LAYOUT LINE TOP TOP OF SLOPE TOE TOE OF SLOPE" �P PROTECT IN PLACE REMOVE EXISTING IMPROVEMENT AND DISPOSE OFFSITE GB GRADE BREAK., HP HIGH POINT" LP LOW POINT " CSP CORRUGATED STEEL .PIPE - GB GRADE BREAK NAP NOT A PART CAISSON --0 -- . CABLE RAIL ® CONCRETE BARRIER X ORANGE PLASTIC FENCING CLUB HOUSE 100 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1"=20' QUATERNARY TERRACE- DEPOSITS 0 1 g —? — — —? 80 0 5 10 15 .20 ORIGINAL TOPOGRAPHY 60 LANDSLIDE .DEBRIS r� / EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY /_ n/ MONTEREY FORMATION 40- STREET o / FINISH GRADE • 20 0 SECTION A -A CROSS SECTION PROVIDED BY HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS No. 45838 EXp,)2-31-02 CONSTRUCTION.. QUANTITY SUMMARY CONST. NOTE N0. ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY GRADING 11 CLEAR, GRUB AND PREP AREA. DISPOSE OF ALL MATERIAL OFFSITE TO 0.3 AC A LEGAL, APPROVED DISPOSAL SITE PER THE DIRECTION OF THE OWNER. OREMOVE EXISTING SLIDE MATERIAL AND EXPORT OFFSITE TO A LEGAL, 2,500 CY APPROVED DISPOSAL SITE PER THE DIRECTION OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND OWNER. CONTRACTOR TO FINE GRADE AREA PER PLAN GRADES SHOWN. HEREON. OCONTRACTOR TO HYDROSEED SLOPE AND ESTABLISH GROWTH PER THE 12,800 SF REQUIREMENTS OF.THE PROJECT BOTANIST SPECIALIST. OCONTRACTOR TO INSTALL CABLE GUARD RAIL PER DETAIL 4 ON SHEET 2A. 200 LF OCONTRACTOR TO INSTALL CALTRAN_S TYPE 50 CONCRETE BARRIER PER 120 LF DETAIL,5 ON SHEET 2A. NOTE: QUANTITIES REPORTED HEREON ARE FOR PLAN CHECK PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES. 100 100 100 APPROXIMATE SCALEr•1"=20' QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS 0. 1 .2 .� —�— — —�- 80 80 0 5 10 15 20 - 80 ORIGINAL TOPOGRAPHY 60 60 60 LAN/DEBRISz,EXISTING TOPOGRAPHMONTEREY FORMATION 40 40 R40 wo GRADE 20 20 20 f l / 2% - O D r 0 SECTION B-B CROSS SECTION PROVIDED BY HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS CAI ,. "v,fit PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert Beim William Frost & Associates 1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS do SURVEYORS L t--{ P.O. BOX 57057.14725 ALTONPARKWA350RANE. CALFORNIA 92619-7057 9.j714I4 DATE: 17�-zs ei PARK SLIDE NEWPORT APARTMENTS MODIFICATION PLAN PROJECT NO. 34460 - . DRAWN BY: LSL 12A 99 CONST. & MITIGATION NOTES/QUANTITIES SHEET 2 OF 3 . DESIGNED BY: MJM DATE 12-99 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CHECKED BY: LDT DATE 12-99 SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CRAI F. JOHNSON R.C.E. NO. 45838 u � M U .Q z g / Q - a 0 CL w mn W i a = These plans have been reviewed for conformance with the recommendations of the report(s) dated Hetherington Engineering, Inc. By. Date: G.E. 200'f 1000' MAX. POST CAP TO BE A 5/16" 0 TURNBUCKLE.712 1/4 0 CABLE. INTERMEDIATE DRIVEN FIT (TYP.) WITH 4 1/Z" MIN. CLAMPS PER END, 7 TURNBUCKLES PIPE NPS 1/4 0 GALV. ADJUSTMENT (TYP.) 7 1 1/4" y"TD CABLE (TYP.) 14 TOTAL P2PSTD S _ - 1/Z" 0 DRILLED _ -7 HOLES - METAL CLAMP TRUSS RODS FG - PLACE NPS PC CONCRETE " " STD (TYP) ELEVATION 4'-D• MAX. 4'-Or YP.. END SPAN TYP.. INTERMEDIATE TYP. INTERMEDIATE TYP. END SPAN SPAN NOT TO SCALE" SPAN WASHER 3/47 0 HOLE NOTES CRIMPED STOP /4" 0.GALV. CABLE 1. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN TURNBUCKLES SHALL BE 200 FT. . SLEEVE CLAMP 2, INTERMEDIATE TURNBUCKLES TO BE PLACED IN ADJACENT SPANS. PIPE NPS 2 STD POST 3. CABLE SHALL NOT BE SPLICED BETWEEN INTERMEDIATE TURNBUCKLES AND END POSTS. 3/4"t �.— 4. ALL POSTS, CABLE AND HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED. ALTERNATIVE DEAD END - ANCHORAGE" s. POSTS To BE, VERTICAL 6. ALIGNMENT OF HOLES IN POSTS MAY VARY TO CONFORM TO SLOPE OF NOT TO SCALE 'TOP OF RETAINING WALL. 7.' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DEPENDENT DIMENSIONS IN THE. THE FIELD BEFORE ORDERING OR FABRICATING ANY MATERIAL. EYE BOLT OR. EYE END CRIMPED SLEEVE CLAMP ' 8. - ALTERNATIVE DETAILS MAY BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR OF TURNBUCKLE 1/4. 0 GALV. CABLE APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER. I 9. LINE POSTS SHALL BE BRACED HORIZONTALLY AND TRUSSED DIAGONALLY IN BOTH DIRECTIONS INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 1000 FT. AT ALTERNATIVE CABLE CONNECTION 1o.'TYPICAL END, SPANS, BRACED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT CHANGES IN LINE WHERE THE ANGLE OF DEFLECTION NOT TO SCALE IS 157 OR MORE. 11. PROVIDE THIMBLES AT ALL CABLE LOOPS. 12. PAINT ALL CABLE RAIL COMPONENTS PER THE ARCHITECT'S DIRECTION. Cable Rail Fence Detail 13. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER FOR CABLE RAIL LAYOUT (TURNBUCKLES, POSTS, ETC.) BEFORE ORDERING OR `r FABRICATING ANY MATERIAL. - NOT TO SCALE yQcaOe`G F • Jpy� Fys Wv C No. 45e35 a - Exp,12-31-02 fT9TEOF CAS\E���. NO. REVISIONS j SR/wt C nc I Barrier 1 6" I 7, " " 3' 3' Y 7.27. 1.80 C iomfer or .6" R 1 — PCC � I —;�4 continuous • 10" R, -Verticoll Typ FG MI -10'R N i #4 continuous 1" R o 1" R N -• f 3" compacted base Drainage opening(6" wide, 3' O.C.) ...{ 3 NOTES . 1. Footing monolithic or doweled with 2-#8 x 8.2" ® 24.40 Required at barrier ends and at interruptions in barrier. 2. Expansion joints in concrete barrier shall be located at all deck, pavement and principal wall joints. Expansion joint filler material shall be the some size as joint or .52" minimum. Concrete Barrier Type 50 NOT TO SCALE PLAN PREPARED BY: LRobert Beia illiam Frost & Associates ` PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE P.O.9 BOX 57057. 14725 ALTON PARKWAY, IRVINE, CALFORNIA 92619-7057 DRAWN BY: LSL 12-99 (714) 472-3505 „S DATE DESIGNED BY:' MJM 12-99 DATE DATE: SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LOT 12-99 CRAIG F. J6HNSON R.C.E. NO. 45838 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT NO. SLIDE MODIFICATION PLAN 34460 SHEET CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 2A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OF 3 , z o ttttttttt� �'1 These plans have been reviewed for conformance`'with the recommendations. of the report(s) dated Hetherington 'Engineering,.Inc ;'' - B Y. _ Date: G.E.��_� 0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM SUMMARY NEGATIVE DECLARATION - Park Newport Grading Project - - - Park Newport Apartments. October 12, 1999, . Implementation Method of Timing of ' Responsible Person Verification MITIGATION MEASURES Action Verification. Verification - - Date .4. GEOIAXAC PROBLEMS (Earth) - - L - - That the priTeel shall conform to the National Pollution Condition or Plan Check " Primto the tssuance of Discharge Lliminanon System (NPDES) requirements and shall be subject approval - ' , grading permit Program public Works in the approval of the Public Works Department and fe Buildmg - mnnitoringestablished rkpartment -. Department or City authorized Grading Engineer prior to the Issuance of . - - grading permit ' . 2. An. annual inspection of the completed facilities shall be Condihonof Plan Check and routine Program monitoring Public Works completedbya regnstetudgeulogist. the facmhties shall bernspecteddunng Approval monitoring by property established prior to the _ Deipamnem,.- ' April or May of each year. the results of the inspection shall be submitted owner - issuance of wading - - 0the City ofNewport Beach Public Works Director for review before June - permit " - 1: Shedd it be determined that the slope is continuing to sluff, based uponthe results of the annual inspections, further remedial grading/conswction work shall he required as determined by the Public Works Director All remedial wnrk required by the City shall be completed by November I of - - that year - - - - - Condition of Plan Check and motme Program monitoring Public Works 3 The constructed facilities shall he routinely maintained by the Approval monitoring by pmperly' established poor to the Departmert ' property owner as determined by the City. of Newport Beach Public. Works owner - issuance of grading Department permit 4 the project will comply with the erosion and siltation control Condition of Plan Chock. Prior to the issuance of Wblic Works - measures of the Ct)'s grading ordinance and all applicable local and approval gradingpermo Department - - 'Stale building codes and seismic design guidelines, including the City Excavation and Grading Code (NBMC Section 15.04.14(�or applicable - sections). - 8. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES - S. A cerifed Ecologist shall oversee the habitat restoration during Condition of Plan Check Prior to the issuance of Public Works the revegauding period and monitor maintenance and progress Orange approval grading permit Department I and the construction fencing shall be installed along the edge of the coastal sage Planning Department '. scrub habitat closest to the construction area poor to the start of fMOtrOctiw The construction fencing will prevent infusion by - construction workers and equipment into the coastal sage scrub habitat A . " - biologat familiar with coastal sage scrub habitat shall direct the locaumr of the twstructiun fencing The fencing shall be maintained in place throughout construction period and removed only after all construction Is . - completed All ttmsouctum employees shall be instructed not to enter into - the coastal sae scrub habitat beyond the construction fencing. It. NOISE - Page 1 - LSA AY."; In, ' - - - - Eric:mnmenml Ana(ysu Trann,on tton Ensm<enng _ _ T Rmlao, ores W<dends LHab,rar Resror�non - _ Resouma Manegem<nr " - - - Com,rum,ry and Land P4nnmg - - - - - Landsr4P< Ar<hirea,' - Archaen/agy and Palron,vlogy November 2, 1999 Mr. Javier Garcia, Senior Platmer P r: n.: p a 1, Planning/Building Department Rea a ern City of Newport Beach sari;, sr..d. 3300 Newport Boulevard ' Lr=void Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 _David Core - ' Rau D,, iA,ceen - Srr•e Granhnlm .. - Rtrhard Harla<ner Subject: Park Newport Apartments Slide Removal . - Roger Hants - An Homrghairs<n Dear Mr- Garcia: . Larry Kennings - Lamra Larne. Please be advised that LSA Associates, Inc. has been retained by Gerson Bakar & Cirollvn Lobed Associates to provide biological monitoring during the removal of the slide and final ad[ Way" Rob .N<Can„ grading of the slope. We performed the California gnatcatelter surveys of the area this lmtt o-connor past year and are very familiar with the site. We will flush all birds that are close to or Anthony Prim, within the construction area. In addition, we will ensure that no coastal sage scrub is - Drborah Parrilie . removed unnecessarily during the construction process.. Roes srbonhaka . - Makolm f. Sproul - - - Lloyd d Zorn Following construction, we will oversee the implementation of the "Park Newport Slide Habitat Restoration Plan and Specifications," which we prepared for Gerson < r t 9 ; i 4 : < Bakar & Associates. This oversight will include monitoring the installation and the L:nds.,b< aam. long-term maintenance to assure success of the project - c,nmr If you have any questions regarding this monitoring, please cal] me at (819) 879-3192 - lung -then Chung, Pk, D or John Ko at (949) 553-0666. ' - Steven W Coml,ng' . Gary Doc• , lack Easton Sincerely, - Rabard Erakson- Kewn F:nrhe, LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. 8ense, Lr< ?W. Bill"O'Connell - M. tat 'adt' O'Con„ell Associate _ .imv Skr.e=-Cot Biologist/Itestoration Ecologist L,•hrr:v itandrma .. 11/2/99«P.iFNMO\CityIIr.wp(D) Ode Park Plaza. Suite 500 - nl pjwn< 949 551-0666 Other a/ficrs lo<arrd in 41"elry - - - lr-rime. Caimforma 92614-598J Facx.ilr 949 5s7-8016 A. Rabmond, Rw<rride and Sacrameneo - E-mill nrmre.lsaCdlm-rssoc.mm - .. - ' MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM SUMMARY NEGATIVE DECLARATION Park Newport Grading Project - Park Newport Apartments October 12, 1999 Implementation Method of Timing of Responsible Person Verification MITIGATION MEASURES Action Verification Verification Date 6 Const uctian activity shall be limited to dais hcum allowed try Condition of Field Check Pnor to the issuance of Building Department the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance Section 10 28.040 approval grading permit - ls. _• - CUt.TURAL RESOURC'PS - - 7.1 - Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant Condition of E v id c n c e o f Prior to the issuance of Planning Department shall provide written evidence to the Cityo(New•port Beach that a qualified approval - palenntologst retained grading permit and Building Dept " paleontologist has been retained to observe grading activities and salvage , , to perform site ' and catalogue fossils as necessary, The paleontologist shall be present at the smvcillenee 'pre•gradmg conference, shall establish procedures for archeological/paleontological resource surveillance, and shall establish, in eooperahon with the project developer, procedures for [emporatily halting , or redirecting work to penal sampling, identification, and evaluation of the . fossils If maJor archeologicallpalcontological resources are discovered, which require long-term halting or mdiecung of grading, the paleontologist shall report such findings in the project developer and to the City of, Newport Beach the paleontologist shall determine appropriate actions, in - - cooperation with the project developer, which ensure proper exploration - - and/or salvage. Excavated finds shall be offered to the City of Newport - Bcach. or its design=, on a first -refusal basis. The applicant noy retain said finds if wntien assurance is provided that they will be properly preserved in Orange County, unless said finds are of special significance, or a museum in orange County indicates a desire to study and/or display them at the time, in which case items shall be donated to the City, or designee. These actions; as well at final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to the approval of the City of Newport Beach. Poor to the final of the grading permit, the palemuologlsl shall submit a follow-up repot for appmval by the City which shall include the period of inspection, a catalogue and analysis of the fossils round, and present repository of the fossils ' FfIUSERS\PLN`SI IA RFD\I PLANCOM\PFNDINGTARKNPTMITMSRTAB Page 2 Archaeological Resource Management Corporation October 25, 1999 City of Newport Beach Planning/Building Department 3300 Newport Boulevard_ Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Attn: Javier Garcia, Senior Planner Re: Park Newport Apartments,. Clubhouse Slide Modification Dear Mr. Garcia: This letter is to inform you that Archaeological Resource Management Corporation (ARMC) has been retained by Gerson Bakar & Associates to provide archaeological and paleontological services during the grading for the Park Newport Apartments, Clubhouse Slide Modification. We will attend the pre -grade meeting and will set forth the controls to be maintained during grading as well as establish procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling, identification, and - evaluation of cultural and/or scientific resources. Carol R. Demcak, Orange County certified archaeologist will supervise the archaeology. Milos Velechovsky, Orange County certified 'paleontologist, will supervise the paleontology. If, in the course of grading, significant cultural or scientific resources are encountered, we will notify the Project Developer and the City of Newport Beach,.and a plan of mitigation will be worked out for the specimens. Excavated finds shall be offered .to the City of.Newport Beach, or its designee, on a first -refusal basis. At the conclusion of grading we will prepare a report of the monitoring, which will include the number of hours worked, an inventory and analysis of the recovered specimens, and the name of the repository where the specimens will be housed. gym_ Sincerely, �s u Carol R. Demcak President/Supervising Archaeologist Copy: Richard Ellis, Gerson Bakar; Lorrie Lausten, RBF PLAN PREPARED BY: Robert Bein,William Frost & Associates `1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS DATE H P.O.-BOX 57057 • 14725 ALTON" PARKWAY, IRANE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 DRAWN BY: LSL 12-99 - (714) 472-3505 1 : DATE DESIGNED BY:' CFJ 12-99 DATE T DATE: t2�22(99 SHT. NOS. APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: LOT 12-99 CRAIG F. JO NSON R.C.E. NO. 45838 MENNEN 0 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT No. SLIDE MODIFICATION PLAN 34460 SHEET MITIGATION NOTES' F NEWPORT BEACH 2 CITY O Z nr t ti U Q Z 'W J LO Q Z W n. APPLICATION FOR " VAL IN CONCEPT" NOl CITY OF NBWPORT BE H s APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPOR�)31 H - As required for permit application to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to Californi Administrative Code, Section 13210 ami 13211. Property Address: l�Fl l'>ti Al C i.v P& rs T 0#/ , General Description of Proposed Development: Eic U 5 / G A✓ YeC mil PAW r Legal Description: Zone: f-C Applicant: JC mJS o 11 Applicant's Applicant's Telephone Number: t 9y9� y i a 3505 DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE The I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: w and find 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application; • They comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Pit, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or • That a has been approved and is final A copy of any variance, site plan review, resubdivision, use permit, or other issued permit is attachod together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon site plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. -20409 In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidellnes,� adopted thereunder, this development: . , Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). vh. • Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. + Has received a final Environmental Impact Report (copy Attached). 4 All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in- principal by this City unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applAble ,policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. Date: 10l— O " /drNI 17 � DEPARTMENT : k PLA t Attachments: PATRICI TEMPLE, Director t Nc6�lilrc ��cc �re15n� >y,Az. J"I�1464 I1 NOTE: No building permit will be issued untr approval is received from C.C.C. t PAID: F:VPLANNINMUSERSWORMS\APRLCONP.DOC Ip(. �I �`Y D 0�0F*�r� {„ hy. U � (