HomeMy WebLinkAbout1100 E COAST HWY_VILLA POINT APTS1111 lill 11111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* 1100 E Coast Hwy CONDMONS OF APPROVAL ' Tract 14055 1100 East Coast Highway PC# 989-90 J EIR# 146 CONDITION DEPARTMENT 1. Grading Grading Engineer e ' 2. Grading Grading Engineer 3. Grading Grading Engineer 4. Grading Grading Engineer 5. Grading Grading Engineer 6. Grading Grading Engineer 7. Grading Grading Engineer 8. Grading Grading Engineer 9. Vacuum sweeping/ Grading Engineer Parking areas ��. Paleontological Grading Engineer orator lannin / Fossils 41lannD 12. Drainage 13. Landscape plan 14. Landscaped areas JQom` Landscape Plan 9�;Substantial conformance ight and glare �;��/18. Mechanical ` equipment Public Works Parks,Beach,Rec Planning Parks,Beach,Rec ACTION Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Letter of paleontologists services Letter of compliance Plans Approval Plans Approval Hold on final Plans Approval i�+J - A Plan Approval Field check Plans Approval Field check Exterior Q� �F.a�terior lighting /�On-site features L-� 1: Fair share fees 22. Reservation of right-of-way q g, Construction hours ,/d I +1*Noise attenuation 25. Noise barriers 26. Acoustics/upgrades 27. Noise attenuation 28. Dust control 29. Access/sprinklers 30. Access 31. Fire protection 32. Opticon device 33. Water saving devices 34. Sewer capacity 35. Facilities n36. School fees recycling bins 1, 6PPlanning abii • Public Works Planning Plannin Building Building Building Building Fire Fire Fire Public Works Building Public Works Public Works Building Planning General services Separate permit Plans Approval Plans Approval Hold on final Permit issuance Plans Approval Letter of compliance Letter -acoustical engineer Hold on ,final Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Field check Hold on final Plans Approval Prior to approval Final tract map at permit issuance Prior to final Tentative Tract Map No. 14055 1. Final map Public Works Recordation 2. Improvements Public Works Plans Approval 3. Improvements Public Works Plans Approval " . • 4. Water/sewer Public Works Plans Approval 5. Circulation Traffic Engineer Plans Approval 6. Circulation Traffic Engineer Plans Approval 7. Sight distance Traffic Engineer Plans Approval 8. Circulation Public Works Plans approval Police 9. Control gate Public Works Plans Approval Police Fire 10. Easements Public Works Plans Approval 11. Access roads Public Works Plans Approval 12. Access - rights Public Works Plans Approval 13. Improvements Public Works Plans Approval 14. Water/sewer Public Works Plans Approval 15. Sanitation fees Building Plans Approval 16. Plan check fee Public Works Plans Approval 17. Edison transformer Public Works Plans Approval 18. Traffic control plan Public Works Plans Approval 19. Trash enclosures Public Works Plans Approval 20. Sidewalks Public Works Plans Approval 21. Sewer main Public Works Plans Approval 22. Landscape/easements Parks,Beach,Rec Plans Approval 23. Dedication 24. N/A 25. Traffic control plan 26. Park fees Mouth of Big Canyon 0 a Public Works Traffic Engineer . Planni Plans Approval Plans Approval Coastal Residential Development P rmit No. 17 Affordable Housing (IPIjannjingDirector Deed restriction rn 2. Affordable Housing Planning Director Deed restriction City' Attorney e 3. Affordable Housing Planning Director Deed restriction City Attorney 4. Affordable Housing Planning Director Deed restriction City Attorney NINAL FINDINGS AND CONDITI0A FOR TRAFFYC STUDY No. 63, AMENDMENT NO. 705, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14055 AND COASTAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NO. 17 AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON APRIL 23, 1990 A Environmental Impact Report No 146 Findines: 1. That an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and City Policy. 2. That all potential significant environmental effects which could result from the project have been identified and analyzed in the EIR. 3. That based upon the information contained in the Environmental Impact Report, mitigation measures have been identified and incorporated into the project to reduce potentially significant environmental effects to a level of insignificance in all areas, and that the only remaining environmental effects are significant only on a cumulative basis. Further, that the economic and social benefits to the community override the remaining significant environmental effect anticipated as a result of the. project. 4. That the information contained in the Environmental Impact Report has been considered in the various decisions made relative to this project. Mitigation Measures: 1. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 2. The grading permit shall include a description of haul routes, access points to the site, and a watering program designed to minimize the impacts of haul operations. 3. An erosion, siltation and dust control plan shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department prior to the issuance of the grading permit. A copy of the plan shall be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. 4. Erosion control measures shall be done on any exposed slopes within 30 days after grading or as required by the grading engineer. 5. Grading shall be conducted in accordance with plans prepared by a civil engineer incorporating the recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading Final Findings and Conditions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast Highway Page 2 plans shall be furnished to the Building Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. Recommendations included in the Geotechnical Report shall be incorporated into project design where appropriate. The Building Department shall verify the application of the appropriate recommendations prior to the issuance of grading permits. 7. The velocity of concentrated runoff from the project site shall be evaluate(' and erosive velocities controlled as a part of project design. 8. Prior to the issuance of the grading permit, the design engineer shall review and state that the discharge of surface runoff from the project will be performed in such a manner to assure that increased peals flows from the project will not increase erosion immediately downstream of the system. This shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Department. 9. The development shall provide for vacuum sweeping of parking areas. 10. A paleontological monitor shall be retained by the landowner and/or developer to attend pregrade meetings and perform inspections during development. The paleontologist shall be allowed to divert, direct, or halt grading in a specific area to allow for salvage of exposed materials.- 11. Should fossils be discovered during grading operations, the landowner shall donate the fossils collected to a non-profit institution. 12. Existing on -site drainage facilities shall be improved to the satisfaction of the City of Newport Beach City Engineer. A hydrology and hydraulic study and a master plan of water, sewer, and storm drain for on -site improvements shall be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department prior to recording the tract map. Any modifications to the existing storm drain system shall be the responsibility of the developer. 13. A landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, shall be submitted which includes a maintenance program that controls the use of fertilizers, and pesticides. The plan shall be reviewed by,the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approved by the Planning and Public Works Departments. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, a licensed landscape architect shall certify to the Planning Department that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the approved plan. 14. Landscaped areas shall be irrigated with a system designed to avoid surface run- off and over -watering. Final Findings and Conditions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast Highway Page 3 15. The landscape plan for the comer of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of the Building Permit. That one of the issues to be addressed would be the grade elevations at the intersection. It is the intent of this condition that the landscaping and grading design and wall relocation be configured to provide maximum public views from the Coast Highway. The wall shall be located as near to the southwesterly line of the sewer easement as is practical, consistent with the need to provide for the necessary gasoline clean up facilities on the site. 16. Developn .nt shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and -levations. 17 The project shall be designed so as to eliminate light and glare spillage 'onto adjacent properties. 18. All mechanical equipment and tiash areas shall be screened from public streets, . alleys and adjoining properties. ` 19 1 Signage and exterior lighting shall be approved by the Planning and Public Works Departments. C2O� Street signs, tables, benches, planters, and other similar features on -site or adjacent to the project site shall be designed with a common theme compatible with the overall architectural style of the project. The design shall be approved by the Planning, Public Works, and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 21. Pursuant to -Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (Fair Share Traffic Contribution Ordinance), the applicant shall contribute funds towards traffic and circulation improvements. 22. The project shall provide for the reservation of right-of-way for the potential future grade separation of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road as called out in the City's General Plan. 23. Construction activities will be conducted in accordance with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which limits noisy construction activities. 32.) Any mechanical equipment and emergency power generator shall be screened from view, and noise associated with said facilities shall be sound attenuated so as not to exceed 55 dBA at the property lines. The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a registered engineer practicing in acoustics and approved by the Building Department. Final Findings and Conditions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast Highway Page 4 25. All exterior living areas (e.g. balconies and patios) which lie within the 65 CNEL contour shall be constructed with 6 foot high noise barriers. The noise barriers shall be continuous (no openings or gaps) and have a minimum density of 3.5 pounds per square foot. The walls may be stud walls with cement plaster exterior, I/4 inch plate glass, 5/8 inch plexiglass, any masonry material, or any combination of these materials. Wood and other materials may be used if specifically designed as noise barriers. 26. All units exposed to exterior noise levels higher than 65 CNEL shall be constructed to achieve interior noise levels no greater than 45 CNEL. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a registered engineer practicing in acoustics shall review final architectural plans to determine what building upgrades will be necessary to achieve this standard. The Building Department shall require that such upgrades be incorporated into the plans prior fo the issuance of the building permit. Most likely the only building upgrade that will be required is higher rate windows such as 3/16 inch single pane glass for all windows that are exposed -to East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road. 27. Prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit, the Building Department shall require that an acoustical analysis be conducted by a registered engineer practicing in acoustics (at the developer's expense). This analysis shall determine if all noise mitigation has been installed as required and that noise levels will _meet City standards. The noise measurements shall be taken at that point in the worst case unit where the highest noise levels are expected. If different noise attenuation methods are used for different units, then a worst case unit for each method shall be tested. 28. A dust control program in compliance with South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 403 shall be implemented during demolition, excavation and -construction. This program shall include such measures as: containing soil on - site until it is hauled away, periodic watering of stockpile soil, and regular vacuum sweeping of streets used for the haul operation to remove accumulated material. 29. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Fire Department shall review the proposed plans to determine the adequacy ofoemergency access. The Department may require indoor fire protection features, such as overhead fire sprinklers, if it determines that such measures are necessary to provide adequate fire protection. 30. Fire Department access shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 31. All onsite fire protection (hydrants and Fire Department connections) shall be approved by the Fire Department and Public Works Department. ie7b ce, Final Findings and Conditions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast Highway Page 5 32. The applicant shall install an Opticon device in the Back Bay Drive/Jamboree Road signal. a 33. Final design of the project shall provide for the incorporation of water -saving devices for project lavatories and other water -using devices. This shall be verified by the Building Department prior to issuance of occupancy permits. 33. Prior to issuance of building or grading permits, a master plan of water and sewer facilities shall be prepared for the site. The pplicant shall verify the adequacy of existing water and sewer facilities and con; tact any modification of facilities necessary for the project. The master plali shall include provision for the relocation of existing water and sewer facilities. 34. Prior to the occupancy of any building, the applicant shall provide written verification from the Orange County Sanitation District that adequate sewer capacity is available to serve the project. 35. Prior to the approval of the final tract map, the applicant shall consult with the City of Newport Beach Public Works Department and OCTD regarding the provision of a bus stop and related amenities (i.e., shelter, bench) along East Coast Highway adjacent to the project site, and shall install any facilities determined to be necessary by the City and OCTD. 36. The applicant shall contribute a fair share contribution to the schools,. if required by the school district. Q37. % The project shall provide recycling bins in the trash disposal areas for the voluntary recycling of newspaper, aluminum and glass. The project shall also provide a mechanism for the collection and recycling of items disposed of in this manner. Subject to the approval of the Planning Department and General Services Department, this program may be substituted for one which accomplishes recycling without source point sorting. B. Traffic Study No. 63. Findings: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the morning and afternoon peak hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Council Policy S-1. 2. That the traffic study indicates that the project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of service on any major, primary -modified, or primary street. Final Findings and Conditions �) Regis Contractors. 1100 East Coast Highway Page 6 C. Amendment No. 705. Adopt Resolution No. 1220, recommending adoption of Amendment No. 705 to the City Council. D Tentative Map of Tract No. 14055. indin 1. That the design of the subdivision will not conflict with i iy easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of prope:.y within the proposed subdivision. 2. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 19.08.020 of the Municipal Code and Section 66415 of the Subdivision Map Act. Conditions: 1. That a final map be recorded. That the final map be prepared so that the Bearings relate to the State Plane Coordinate System. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the Public improvements if it is desired to record a tract map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 4. That each dwelling unit be served with an individual water service and sewer lateral connection to the public water and sewer systems unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 5. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer. . 6. That the design of the private streets and drives conform with the City's Private Street Policy (L-4), except as approved by the Public Works Department. The private street clear width from Back Bay Drive to the Parking Court shall be a minimum of 32 feet. The location, width, configuration, and concept of the private street and drive systems shall be subject to further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer. That the private street be widened at the southwesterly corner of the development to provide adequate turning movement for trucks and that the curb return at that location have a minimum 25' radius. Final Findings and Conditions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast PYighway Page 7 7. That the intersection of the private streets and drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 25 miles per hour. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 8. That the California Vehicle Code be enforced on the private streets and drives, and that the delineation acceptable to the Police Department and Public Works Department be provided along the sidelines of the private streets and drives. 9. That if it is desired to have a control gate at the entrance, a turnaround shall be provided prior to the gate. The design of the controlled entrance shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department and Fire Department. 10. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility purposes on all privat3 streets be dedicated to the City and that all easements be shown on the tract map. 11. That asphalt or concrete access roads shall be provided to all public utilities, vaults, manholes, and junction structure locations, with width to be approved by the Public Works Department. 12. That all vehicular access rights to East Coast Highway and-7amboree Road be released and relinquished to the City of Newport Beach. 13. That street, drainage and utility improvements be shown of standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer. 14. That a hydrology and hydraulic study be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department, along with a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities for the on -site improvements prior to issuing any grading or building permits or recording of the tract map. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. 15. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 16. That the Public Works Department plan check and inspection fee be paid. 17. That any Edison transformer serving the site be located outside the sight distance planes as described in City Standard 110-L. Final Findings and Con+dittions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast Highway Page 8 18. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. No construction storage or delivery of materials shall be stored within the East Coast Highway or Jamboree Road right-of-way. Prior to issuance of any Grading Permits, a parking plan for workers must be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department. 19. That the trash enclosures be located so that they do not restrict vehicular sight distance. 20. That sidewalk connections be made between Back Bay Drive and East Coast Highway and between the Jamboree Road/Coast Highway intersection and the westerly comer of the tract improvements. ' 21. That the footings on the proposed structures adjacent to the existing County Sanitation Sewer Main be deepened so that excavation of the existing sewer main using a one to one (1:1) slope from bottom of existing sewer will not under -cut the footings of the proposed structures. 22. That no mounding or fills be placed over the Sanitation District Sewer Easement and that the landscaping plan in the sewer easement area be approved by the Orange County Sanitation District with no trees or plants larger then 6 feet in height at full growth. 23. That an irrevocable offer to dedicate street right-of-way for a future grade separation at Jamboree Road and East Coast Highway be offered and shown on the tract map. The area is as generally shown on the tentative map; the final configuration is to be approved by the Public Works Department. 24. Deleted. 25. A traffic control plan shall be prepared showing all signs and markings including fire lanes. 26. The project shall pay in -lieu park fees pursuant to Chapter 19.50 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. This fee can be satisfied through the use of existing park dedication credits generated by the dedication of the Mouth of Big Canyon and Bonita Creek Park. Final Findings and Col 2 tions Regis Contractors 1100 East Coast Highway Page 9 E. Coastal Residential Development Permit No 17 Findin 1. That the proposed development has met the requirements of Chapter 20.69 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Conditions., 1. That prior to the recordation of the Final Tract Map, the applicant shall enter into an affordable housing agreement, the form and content of which is acceptable to the City Attorney and the Planning Director, which guarantees the provision of eighteen affordable dwelling units on -site or off -site within the City, subject to the mutual agreement of the City and The Irvine Company. The affordable housing agreement shall be recorded as a deed restriction against the property. 2. The affordable units provided shall be affordable to moderate income families if the units are for sale; or to low income families based on family size (using Health and Safety Code Section 50093 income standards) at Section 8 fair market rent if the units are rented by the applicant or successors in interest, in accordance with the provisions of the Newport Beach Housing Element. Preference shall be given to Section 8 certificate or voucher holders. The City shall support The Irvine Company's request for the OCHA 10%rent exception. 3. The term of affordability shall be twenty years. 4. If it is proposed to provide the affordable housing units off -site within the City, the affordable housing agreement shall include provisions regarding the timing of the affordable units in relation to the occupancy of this project. COMMISSIONERS oA � soo•o�, k June 7, 1990 11 MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX the public hearing was closed. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover respect to the recommendation that tandem parking for commercial use be permitted without the approval of a modification for small mixed use projects, Robert nard, Advance Planning Manager, and Commissioner Pers6 explained that the suggestion would :: -)edite the request in much as it would be permitted for sn.:l mixed use projects nly. * Motion was made and voted on to adopt R olution No. 1228, Motion and recommend to the City Council the ado tion of Amendment All Ayes No. 709. MOTION CARRIED. II II II Amendment No. 711 Public He n Item No.lo Request to consider an ame ment to Title 20 of the Newport A711 Beach Municipal Code, r 'sing the permitted uses in the (Res.1229) Recreational and Marine ommercial, and the Retail and Service Mariner's Mile Specific Area Plan (SP- Approved - Commercial areas of th ­ 5); and amend Ian ge in Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code co erning "Specialty Food Service". INITIATED B . The City of Newport Beach The public earing was opened in connection with this item. There be' g no one to appear before the Planning Commission, the pu c hearing was closed. motion * Mo on was made and voted on to adopt Resolution No. 1229, All Ayes r ommending to the City Council the adoption of proposed endment No. 711. MOTION CARRIED. II II II Discussion Items: Discussior Items Planning Commission Review of the proposed landscape plan fir 'l the corner of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road in No. conjunction with Phase II of the Villa Point Residential villa nt. Landscape Condominium Project Tentative Map of Tract No, 14055. -36- COMMISSIONERS June 7, 1990 MINUTES CALL Motion All Ayes ---,1.111 In response to a question posed by Commissioner Pers6n, Don Webb, City Engineer, stated that staff is satisfied with the submitted landscape plans. Mr. David McMahan, Regis Contractors, appeared before the Planning Commission. He indicated that the wall and landscaping were moved back 50 feet, and the grade was lowered outside of the wall approximately 6 feet so as to maximize the views. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Di Sano, Mr. McMahan replied that the entire landscape scheme is drought tolerant. Motion was made and voted on to approve the revised landscape plan for the Villa Point Phase II project. MOTION CARRIED. G 3 C Don Webb, City Engineer, provided a slide presentation concerning set k modifications in areas where there are side yards of residentia lots directly across the alley from the rear yards of other reside 'al lots, specifically in 9 and 10 foot wide alleys located in West wport. He described the problems of garage access that occur in ose alleys. To relieve the 9 and 10 foot wide alleys, Mr. Webb commended an increase of the garage setback, and/or eliminate a zero foot setback of fences on the opposite side of the alley an require a 6 inch curb with a low landscape treatment. In referen to 10 foot wide alleys, and restricted side yards, he suggested th a minimum 20 to 24 foot setback should be required on the gars side. Mr. Webb recommended that to provide a clear 2 oot area for maneuverability, garages adjacent to a 9 foot wide ey f lod require an.8 foot setback and on a 10 foot wide alley, setback. In reference to the 14, 15, and 20 foot wide alleys, Mr. Webb recommended that fences be allowed to be constructed up to a zero side yard, but require the garage setback to be 24 feet so -37- INDEX No. 2 Alleys rrI4 J., 1A 4 May 29, 1990 ° Mr. James D. Hewicker Planning Director City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subj: Planning Commission Review of Villa Point Apartments Landscape Plans Dear Jim: As required by the City Council in its approval of the Villa Point Apartments Phase II on April 23, 1990, we are submitting revised landscape plans for review by the Planning Commission. Your assistance is requested in setting this item for action by the Planning Commission June 7, 1990. Enclosed are exhibits illustrating both the original and proposed revised landscape/grading concept for the --corner of Coast Highway and Jamboree. Thank you'for your cooperation. _ Sincerely, David Dmohowski Vice President, Entitlement DD:sl 550 Newport Center Drive, Suite 700, P.O. Box I, Newport Beach, California 92658-8904 Phone: (714) 720-2400 FAX: (714) 720.2421 E C7 VILLA -POEq APARTMENTS NEWPORT BEACH Planned Community District Regulations • 0 April 23, 1990 • Planned Community Development Standards for Villa Point Apartments Ordinance No. 84-13 Adopted by the City of Newport Beach City Council on May 29, 1984 • Villa Point Apartments - Newport Beach Planned Community District Regulations 0 LJ • 0 Introduction Section I Section II Section III Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Section IV Subsection A Subsection B Subsection C Subsection.D Subsection E Subsection F Subsection G Subsection H TABLE OF CONTENTS Statistical Analysis General Notes Definitions Buildable Acreage Streets - Dedicated and Private Multiple Family Residential Permitted Uses Site Density Maximum Building Height Setbacks From Streets Setbacks From Property Lines Parking Signs Fences, Hedges and Walls • INTRODUCTION The Villa Point Apartments Planned Community District for the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. C J • The purpose of this Planned Community is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for multiple family residential uses. The specifications of this district are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the development proposal contained herein while insuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. Whenever the regulations contained herein conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained herein shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and various mechanical codes related thereto. -1- 0 • • VILLA POINT APARTMENTS PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT LAND USE PLAN • Section I. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (For Analysis Purposes Only) Development Land Use Area Acres Units Multiple Family Residential 1 9.2 138 DU's 2 4.5 90 DU's Total 13.7 228 DU's • -2- • Section II. General Notes 1. Project Description The Planned Community District encompasses 13.7 gross acres. The Planned Community District has been developed for multiple family residential uses. All future uses will be in compliance with these designations. 2. Park Standards Park requirements shall be in accordance with the Park Dedication Ordinance. Park credits from mouth of Big Canyon or North Ford Planned Community may be applied to meet the park requirements of this project. 3. Water Services Water within the Planned Community will be furnished by the City of Newport Beach. 4. Sewage Disposal Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange • County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to the issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. • 5. Grading and Erosion Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. a. The.grading plan shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. b. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes, access points to the site and watering and sweeping program designed to minimize impacts of the haul operation. C. An erosion and dust control plan, if required, shall be submitted and approved by the Building Department. -3- • d. An erosion and siltation control plan, if required, shall be approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region. e. The velocity of concentrated run-off from any project shall be evaluated and erosive velocities controlled as part of the project design. f. Grading shall be conducted in accordance with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geological investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Building Department. 6. Archaeological/Paleontological Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the site shall be examined to determine the existence and extent of archaeological and paleontological resources in accordance with adopted City Policies. 7. Landscaoine All landscaping shall be installed in accordance with landscape plans, subject to the • review and approval of the Planning Department and Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Department. Landscape plans for the corner of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of the building permit. One of the issues to be addressed would be the grade elevations at the intersection. The landscape plan for the comer of East Coast Highway and Jamboree Road shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of the Building Permit. That one of the issues to be addressed would be the grade elevations at the intersection. It is the intent of this condition that the landscaping and grading design and wall relocation be configured to provide maximum public views from the Coast Highway. The wall shall be located as near to the southwesterly line of the sewer easement as is practical, consistent with the need to provide for the necessary gasoline clean up facilities on the site. 8. Any fire equipment access shall be approved by the Fire Department. 9. The final design of on -site pedestrian and bicycle circulation in any tract shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. 10. Prior to approval of the final tract map for residential development, applicant shall • reach agreement with the City for compliance with California Government Code 65590, regarding housing requirements. KIM • 11. Additional detailed noise studies shall be conducted for the residential development for onsite impacts of the project. • 12. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 13. Water conservation design features shall be incorporated into building construction. 14. Exposed slopes, if any, shall be stabilized as soon as possible to reduce erosion. 15. Public or private streets shall meet City standards. 16. No permanent structures are permitted over the sewer line of the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County, nor within fifteen (15) feet of either side of this line. No mounding or fill is permitted over this sewer line setback area, and no tree or bush larger than six (6) feet in height at full growth is allowed in this area. -5- • Section III. DEFINITIONS • • The following definitions refer to the permitted uses in the development standards contained in this Ordinance. Streets - Dedicated and Private Reference to all streets or rights -of -way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights -of -way. In the case of private or nondedicated streets, except Backbay Drive, a minimum setback from said streets of five (5) feet shall be required for all structures. Except for sidewalks or access drives, this area shall be landscaped according to the setback area standards from dedicated streets contained herein. 0 • 0 • Section IV. MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL The following uses and development standards apply. A. Permitted Uses 1. Apartments 2. Condominiums 3. Recreation facilities 4. Uses appurtenant to 1 and 2 above B. Site Density A minimum average of 1,500 square feet of lot area shall be provided for each dwelling unit. For the purpose of this ordinance, average area per dwelling shall mean the average of all developed areas on site (to include parks, recreational and permanent open space), exclusive of areas designated as public streets divided by the total number of dwelling units. C. Maximum Building Height All buildings shall comply with the height restrictions established by the City for this area. The maximum height of all buildings shall be thirty-two (32) feet, and shall be measured in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. D, Setbacks from Streets The following minimum setbacks shall apply to all structures (not to include garden walls or fences) adjacent to streets. Said setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate right-of-way line. However, the Planning Director may, upon submittal of a tentative subdivision map or preliminary site plan, review said map or plan in view of setbacks listed in this ordinance and/or sound planning principles and shall either approve, modify, disapprove the setbacks shown, or refer the matter to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Pacific Coast Highway Backbay Drive (Private) Jamboree Road Setbacks from Ultimate Right -of --Way Line 20 feet 10 feet 20 feet -7- E. Setbacks from Property Lines • All setbacks listed under this section refer to property lines not affected by the requirements of Subsection D above. The minimum setback shall be five (5) feet, except there shall be at least ten (10) feet between structures on adjacent lots and no dwelling or main residential structure shall be closer than ten (10) feet to any other dwelling or main residential structure on the same lot. F. Parking Off-street parking for apartment uses shall be provided as follows: Two parking spaces per dwelling unit. A minimum of one (1) parking space per apartment unit shall be covered. Where as a fractional figure is found as a remainder in computations made to determine the number of required off-street parking spaces, said fraction shall be rounded upward. G. Sims One (1) double or single face primary identification ground sign per street frontage shall be allowed. Said sign shall not exceed a height of 4 feet nor an area of thirty- five (35) square feet per face. Said signs may be internally or externally illuminated and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. Said • sign may also be located on any project boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area limits as mentioned above. Secondary identification signs and directional signs, used to give direction to vehicular or pedestrian traffic are permitted. Said signs shall not exceed a height of 4 feet nor an area of twenty (20) square feet. Said signs may be internally or externally illuminated and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. Sign area shall mean the area enclosed by a rectangle drawn around the wording, numbers, images or logos composing the sign. Internal directional and identification signs are permitted subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. H. Fences. Hedges and Walls Fences shall be limited to a maximum height of eight (8) feet, measured from finished grade on the side of fence facing Coast Highway. Where the fence is required to protect a swimming pool, the fence shall be constructed so as to meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code for pool safety. Wing walls, where an extension of a residential or accessory structure, may be eight (8) feet in height. At • street intersections (to include driveway intersections with streets), no such appurtenance shall exceed thirty (30) inches in height above street pavement grade within the triangle bounded by the right-of-way lines prolonged. H. • 1. Redesignate Area 2 from office to multi -family residential, and amend text to reflect this change. Resolution No. 90-35 adopted April 23, 1990. • • P\WP51\PLANNING\PCrMCAVHI A.PNr Name? Address? Phone Number? Special phone instructions? How did you F r about programs? rcle upto three items that made a lasting impression) CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY California Adult Learner Progress Evaluation Process MATCHING SHEET FOR TUTORS Home: - Friend: Work: 1. Other tutors 2. Family or friends 3. Radio 4. Newspapers or magazines 5. People at work 6. Church or community organization 7. TV ads 8. Library 9. Other Can you speak, [ J YES Speak: 0 1 9 circle ' LANGUAGE CODE: read, or write [ ] NO Read : 0 1 9 one i 0 = English other languages? Write: 0 1 9 in each } 1 = Spanish Native Language: 0 1 9 category 9 = Other ' Highest grade [ J 1-12 : highschool. 14 : MS/MA completed 13 : BS/BA 15 : PHD / higher Have you tutored [ ] YES adult learners in [ ] NO the past? � pnny e7 If Yes, please tell us about.the experience Are you a member [ ] YES If Yes, please list them below of any community [ ] NO groups? _CALIFORNIA STATB`LIBRARY _- Calif. Adult Learner Progress Eval_ Process Could you 1. Helping in office. volunteer in 2. Assessing learner progress. other area■ of 3. Matching learners with tutors. service to our 4. Computer uses. literacy program? 5. Other skills you might contribute: (circle all that 6. Fundraising. apply) 7. Recruitment. Please indicate [ ] Female your sex: ( ] Male racial/ethnic 1. Asian group? 2. Black (circle one) 3. Hispanic 4. Native American — Alaskan Native 5. Pacific Islander 6. White I. Other (specify Data of birth? When would you be available for tutoring? • � sun. "'_ __.....__------------------ -- - Mon. I 1 Tue. I � Wed. k i Thu. Fri. i sat. -_ — I