HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRACT 11785111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lill III lill *NEW FILE* Tract 11785 TRACT 11785 UNIT NO. ADDRESS 1 15 Hillsdale Drive 2 17 Hillsdale Drive 3 19 Hillsdale Drive 4 21 Hillsdale Drive 5 23 Hillsdale Drive 6 25 Hillsdale Drive 7 27 Hillsdale Drive 8 8 Hillsdale Drive 9 10 Hillsdale Drive 10 12 Hillsdale Drive 11 14 Hillsdale Drive 12 16 Hillsdale Drive 13 18 Hillsdale Drive 14 20 Hillsdale Drive 15 22 Hillsdale Drive 16 24 Hillsdale Drive 17 26 Hillsdale Drive 18 28 Hillsdale Drive 19 30 Hillsdale Drive 20 32 Hillsdale Drive 21 ' 34 Hillsdale Drive 22 36 Hillsdale Drive 23 38 Hillsdale Drive 24 }} 40 Hillsdale Drive 25 �1 42 Hillsdale Drive 26 44 Hillsdale Drive 27 46 Hillsdale Drive 28 48 Hillsdale Drive 29 ;i { 50 Hillsdale Drive 30 52 Hillsdale Drive- 31 54 Hillsdale Drive 32 39 Hillsdale Drive 33 41 Hillsdale Drive 34 43 Hillsdale Drive 35 45 Hillsdale Drive 36 55 Hillsdale Drive 37 57 Hillsdale Drive 38 59 Hillsdale Drive 39 61 Hillsdale Drive 40 63 Hillsdale Drive 41 65 Hillsdale Drive 42 67 Hillsdale Drive 43 69 Hillsdale Drive 44 71 Hillsdale Drive 45 73 Hillsdale Drive 46 75 Hillsdale Drive 47 77 Hillsdale Drive •48 79 Hillsdale Drive 49 81 Hillsdale Drive 50 83 Hillsdale Drive 51 85 Hillsdale Drive 52 87 Hillsdale Drive 53 89 Hillsdale Drive 54 2 Hillsdale Drive 55 4 Hillsdale Drive 56 6 Hillsdale Drive f f n- Recreation Building 1 Hillsdale Drive COMN\ISSK)NERSI April 22, 19s2 MINUTES sx • r e m ' m x City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX Motion Al Ayes X 1 Request to approve the Final Map of Tract No. 11785 subdividing 12.115 acres of land into seven (7) lots Item #8 for residential condominium development and three (3) lots for private street purposes. FINAL MAP LOCATION: Tract No. 11377, located at the OF TRACT southwesterly corner of Bison Avenue and NO. 11785 Belcourt Drive North, in Area 7 of the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community. ZONE: P-C APPROVED APPLICANT: J. M. Peters Com an, Newport p y wport Beach -CO NDI- OWNER: Same as applicant TIONALLY ENGINEER: Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates,. Newport Beach The discussion opened in connection with this item and Mr. John Richards, representing the applicant, appeared before the Commission and requested approval of the Final Map of Tract No. 11785. Motion was made for approval of the Final Map of Tract No. -11785, subject to the following finding and condition, which MOTION CARRIED: FINDING: 1. •That the'proposed Final Map of Tract No. 11785 substantially complies with the Tentative Map and with all requirements imposed as conditions to its acceptance. CONDITION: 1. That all conditions of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11785 shall be fulfilled. -24- 0 • April 22, 1982 0 ; of Newport Beach 4. That no new information of substantial importance related to the project has become available. S. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and the Planning commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 6. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 7. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 8. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. •CONDITIONS: 1. That all applicable conditions of approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11377 shall be fulfilled. 2. That the Traffic Control Plan be submitted as a part of the street improvement plans. 3. That a note shall be placed on the final map which restricts the use of Lot No. 7 for private recreational purposes only. -23- MINUTES INDEX COMMISSIONERS ;February 5, 1981 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL '1 MINUTES 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. That based on the Initial Study, subsequent changes in the project will not require revision to the Certified Final EIR. 6. That based on the Initial Study, no new significant environmental impacts not con- sidered in the Certified Final EIR were found. 7. That based on the Initial Study,. no substan- tial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken. . 8. That based on the Initial Study, no new information of substantial importance re- lated to the project has become available. 9. That the design of the subdivision or the . proposed improvement will not substantially and avoidably injure fish or wil'dlife or their habitat. 0. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. I. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, propertyi within the proposed subdivision. 2. That the discharge of water from the proposed subdivision will not result in or add to any violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Con- trol Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing, with Section 1300) of the Water Code). CONDITIONS: 1. That all remaining conditions of approval of Resubdivision No. 629, Tentative Tract Map -44- INDEX -rr I t3? 7 -'COMMISSIONEF !wary 5, 1981 MINUTES of Newport Beach No. 10391 and the Aeronutronic Ford Traffic Phasing Plan shall be conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 11377 except as noted below in the following revised or new conditions. 2. That the design of private streets conform with the City's private street policy, except where otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. The minimum street pavement width shall be 32 feet. That the private street shown on the tentative map be re- designed to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles with the design to be approved by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum curve radius of 40 feet and planters within the street easements must have approval of the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. 3. That all vehicular access rights to Ford Road, except for one access to Lansdownne Drive, one access to Southhampton Court, one access to Aeronutronic Division access road, and the two existing drive entrances to the lower Aeronutronic Facility be released and relinquished to the City. 4. That traffic signals be installed by the developer at Bison Avenue-Celtis Place/ Aeronutronic Ford Access Road and at Ford Road-Aeronutronic Division Access Road. 5. That traffic signals be installed by the developer at the intersections of: (a) Bison Avenue-Camelback/Point Royale Dri b Ford Road-Lansdownne Drive. The implementation of this requirement shall be subject to verification by the City of traffic signal warrants. If the traffic signal warrants are not met within a five- year period after acceptance by the Council of the public improvements for the tract, -45- INDEX .�MISSIONEI eebruary 5, 1981 MINUTES of Newport Beach the developer shall be relieved from this portion of the conditions of approval. Sep- arate sureties and agreements may be provided for this work. The developer's obligation for these signals may be reduced to 50% if partial funding from the adjacent development is obtained. The subdivision agreement will provide for reimbursement to the developer if funding from other sources is received within five years of the completion and acceptance of the signal. 6. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility and storm drain purposes on all private streets be dedicated to the City. 7. That a pub'lic easement be provided on Point' Royale Drive for public access to the public park and that an access drive to be approved by the Public Works Department be constructed to the park site from Point Royale Drive., 8. That the existing 16-inch water main in Bison Avenue be extended easterly from Camelback Street to MacArthur Boulevard. 9. That if it is desired to construct non= standard street improvements on either public or private streets, an agreement for non- standard improvements shall be executed with the City with wording to be as approved by th City Attorney. That an easement for pedestrian and bicycle purposes be dedicated to the public along MacArthur Boulevard from ford Road northerly to the proposed park site just south of Bison Avenue. The width and configurations of the easement shall be approved by the Public Works Department. That the landscape plan and wall plan for this project be brought back to the Planning. Commission for review. -46- INDEX COMMISSIONERS 02 ROIL C• 0 . • City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 CALL 1. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and th Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of sub- division. 2. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems fro a planning standpoint. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of d velopment proposed. 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. That an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Qualit Act, and that its contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 6. That based on the information contained on the Environ mental Impact Report, the project incorporates mitiga- tion measures to reduce potentially -significant enviro mental effects, and that the project will not result i significant environmental impacts. Further, that the economic and social benefits to the Community override any presently anticipated negative environmental effec of the project. 7. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed im- provement will not substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 8. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed im- provements are not likely to cause serious public heal problems. 9. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed im- provements will not conflict with any easements, acqui ed by the public at large, for access through or use o property within the proposed subdivision. 10. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivis will not result in or add to any violation of existing requirements prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencii with Section 1300) of the Water Code. and approve the_? Map of Tra_c_t�Lo�J0391, recommend ing same to the'Lrity Council, sub3ect to th— a foiTowing con- ditions: 1 -21- MINUTES e m th INDEX COMMISSIONERS 0 City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 MINUTES ROIL CALL 1. That a tract map be filed. 2. That the boundary of the final tract map be checked by the County Surveyor before being submitted to the City for approval. 3. That all improvements be constructed as re- quired by ordinance and the Public Works De- partment. 4. That Section 19.16.030 of the Subdivision Or� dinance be waived providing that drawings of the tract map at a scale of 1" * 100' are prc vided to the Public Works Department. 5. That Section 19.20.030(f) of the Subdivision Ordinance be waived and grades of more than 7% be permitted as approved by the Public Works Department. 6. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee the satisfactory completion of public improve ments if it is desired to obtain building pee mits or record the tract map before the publ- improvements are completed. 7. That the design of private streets conform with the City's private street policy, excep� where otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 8. That the structural section of the private streets and drives be designed in accordance with standard civil engineering practice. TI design shall be approved and the constructioi inspected by the Public Works Department. TI standard plan check and inspection fee shall be paid. 9. That the private streets shall have a street light system approved by the Public Works Department. 10. That the California Vehicle Code be enforced on the private streets. i. That delineation acceptable to the Police De� partment and Public Works Department be pro- vided along the sidelines of the private streets and drives. 1 -22- C IN0*x COMMISSIONERS v \&00 �O��O'yC 9Gni p�p2 �Z 0 City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 MINUTES ROLL CALL 12. That the final design of on -site pedestrian circulation be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department and the Community De velopment Department.. - 13. That the intersection of the private streets and drives be designed to provide sight dis- tance for a speed of•25 MPH. Slopes, land- scaping, walls and other physical obstructioi shall be considered in the sight distance re quirements. Landscaping within the sight di: tance line shall not exceed twenty-four inchi in height. The sight distance requirement m; be appropriately modified at noncritical loci tions, subject to approval of the Traffic En. gineer. 14. That a Traffic Control Plan shall be submitti and approved by the City`s Traffic Engineer. 15. That the location, width, configuration, and concept of the private street and drive sys- tem be -subject to further review and approva' ` by the City's Traffic Engineer. 16. That if 'it is desired to have a control gate on the entrances off Bisoh Avenue or Ford Roi a turn -around shall be provided prior to the gate. The design of the controlled entrance shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. 17. That the geometrics and any proposed guard house gates or other access controls from Jar boree Road be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Department. Sight dis- tance shall be provided for a speed of 55 MP[ In addition, adequate sight distance shall be provided for bicycles on the bike trail on the easterly side of Jamboree Road. 18. That all vehicular access rights to Ford Roac except for one access to Lot "E", one access to Lot 84, one access to Aeronutronic Divisic Facility and the two existing drive entrance. to the lower Aeronutronic Facility be release and relinq'u.i,shed to the City. -2.3- INDEX 0 MINUM, City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 ROLL CALL 19. That all vehicular access rights to Jamboree Road, except for the existing plant entrance and one entrance at least 850 ft. northerly of Ford Road be released and relinquished to the City. 20. That traffic signals be installed by the de- veloper at Bison Avenue-Celtis Place/Lot F and at Ford Road-Aeronutronic Division Acces: Road. 21. That traffic signals be installed by the de- veloper at the intersections of: a) Bison Avenue-Camelback/Lot B b Ford Road -Lot E The implementation of this requirement shall be subject to verification by the City of tri fie signal warrants. If the traffic 'signal warrants are not met within a five-year peril after acceptance by the Council of the public Improvements for the tract, the developer shi be relieved from this portion of the conditii of approval. Separate sureties and agreemen� may be provided for this work. The developer obligation for these signals may be reduced 50% if partial funding from the adjacent de- velopments is obtained. The subdivision agri meet will provide for reimbursement to the di veloper if funding from other sources is re- ceived within five years of the completion ai acceptance of the signal. 22. - That sight distance for the bike trail along Bison, Jamboree, Ford and MacArthur be pro- vided at all entrances and drives. 23. That the noise impact from Bison Avenue, Jam. boree Road, Ford Road and MacArthur Boulevari be considered; that the dwelling units be de, signed to provide for sound attenuation in ai cordance with the requirements of law and thi recommendations of a qualified acoustical en. gineer based on the ultimate traffic project for the roadways; and that noise attenuation walls and/or berms be constructed to reduce noise levels in outside living areas to 65 dJ CNEL. -24- !e e- fl 0 C 1"NX Q_ COMMISSIONERS 9cF vC �0 o � i • City of Newport Beach May 6, 1979 MINUTES ROLL CALL 24. That storage capacity in San Joaquin Reservoi equal to one maximum day's demand be dedicate to the City of Newport Beach. 25. That a hydrology and hydraulic study for the site be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to recordation of the tract map. Any modifications to the existing storm drain system or extensions shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibi lity of the developer. 26. That easements for public facilities be shown on the tract map. 27. That easements for ingress, egress and public utility purposes on all private streets be de dicated to the City. 28. That the location of fire hydrants be reviewe and approved by the Fire Department and the PUblic Works Department. 29., That all weather vehicular access be provided to each of the storm drain and sewer inlets and manholes that are not.immediately adjacen to a paved roadway. 30. That a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities be prepared and approved pri to 'recording any final map (s). 31. That a location, width, and configuration of the public utility easements be subject to fu ther review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to recording any final maps 32. That each dwelling unit be served with an ind vidual water service and sewer lateral connec tion to the public water and sewer systems un less otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 33. That all applicable conditions of Resubdivi- sion 629 be fulfilled; and that Resubdivision 629 be recorded prior to the recording of Tra 10391 or apy--,other subdivision of land shown Tentative Tract 10391. -25- INDEX } COMMISSIONERS 0 City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 MINUTES NOLL CAL 34. That tennis court lighting facilities be de- signed and installed so as not to impair nighttime visibility on adjacent arterial roadways (MacArthur Boulevard, Bison Avenue, Ford Road, Jamboree Road). The City's Traf- fic Engineer shall approve installations. 35. That bus turnouts shall be provided at loca- tions to be determined by the Public Works Department along Ford Road/Bison Avenue, Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard. 36. That a detailed geotechnical report be pre- pared prior to approval of the final tract map and before finalization of a grading pla subject to the approval of the Public Works Department and the Community Development De- partment. 37. That prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall deposit with the City an in -lieu Park Fee in accordance with Section 19.50.070 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code. 38. That the noise impact on the active recrea- tion portion of the proposed public park fro Bison Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard be miti gated, based on the recommendations of a qua ified acoustical engineer to a level not to exceed 66 dBA CNEL. The aforementioned is to be based on future traffic conditions for Bison Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard, estab- lished by the City Traffic Engineer. 39. That irrigation waters, either by run-off or by percolation, shall be excluded from the natural area of the Public Park site in ac- cordance with a drainage plan to be reviewec by the Public Works Department and approved the Community Development Department. 40. The applicant shall provide car wash facili- ties within each residential area so that rl off can be directed to sewer facilities and not Upper Newport Bay. -26- m C INDEX C1 COMMISSIONERS 9CF 9C mom QQ� A�S. 3� F y(�ss, yS Q�p yc y`p Q omp cy 2 City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 MINUTES ROIL CALL 41. The following disclosure statement of the Ci of Newport Beach's policy regarding highway associated noise shall be included in any co venants, conditions and restrictions which may be recorded against the property, or sha be included in any deed or other conveyance document conveying any portion of the proper ty not subject to Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and shall be included in all leases or sub -leases for space in the projec- Disclosure Statement The property owner and/or lessee herein, the heirs, successors and assigns acknowledge th+ a) The property may be subject to excessive high noise levels from MacArthur Boule- vard, Jamboree Road, Ford Road and Bisoi Avenue. b) • The City of Newport Beach has required the installation of certain measures to reduce highway associated noise in con- junction with the approval of the deve- lopment of this property. •c) Any additional measures which may be needed to reduce highway associated noi: are the.sole responsibility of the pro- perty owner and/or lessee. d) The property owner, lessee, their heirs, successors and assigns shall hold the C- of Newport Beach harmless from any clair suit, demand, request or damages result• ing from or caused by highway associate( noise impacting upon or affecting the property or any portion of the property, 42. The grading plan shall demonstrate that the single-family lots (Lots 1-47 of Tentative Tract No. 10391) are sufficient to provide 2:1 slopes to the satisfaction of the City's Engineering Geologist. 4.$,. The park s,,$te "natural area" (portions of Lots "H" and"85") shall be stabilized in su( a manner so as to protect the biological re- i ( Oy I I INDEX COMMISSIONERS } � City of Newport Beach May 16, 1979 MINUTES . ROLL CALL sources and prevent erosion. Measures taken shalt be reviewed by the Public Works Depart ment and approved by the Community Developmei Department. 44. Prior to the recordation of the Final Tract Map, the City's Engineering Geologist shall review and approve geologic studies for the site that shall include determination of the Terrace Deposits -Bedrock and groundwater con duction through the site. and that the Planning Commission make the follow- ing findings with regard to the Phasing Plan for the remaining development in the Aeronutronic For Planned Community District: 1. That a draft Environmental Impact Report on the project has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and that its contents have been consid- ered in the decisions on the project. 2. That based on the information contained in t Draft EIR, the project incorporates signifi- cant mitigation measures to reduce potential significant environmental- effects, and that the project will not result in significant e vironmental impacts. 3. That the Phasing plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Planned Community Development Plan for Ford-Aeronu- tronics as proposed. 4. That based on the Phasing Plan and supportin information submitted therewith, there is a reasonable correlation between projected tra fic at time of completion and the capacity o affected intersections. S. That the applicant has taken into considera- tion in the preparation of his plan characte istics in the design of his development whic either reduce traffic generation or guide traffic onto less impact arterials or throug intersections in the least congested directi -28- `1 INO x C IN COMMISSIONERS *Special Adjourned Meetino MINUTES = August 16, 1979 y H City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I I I I I I I INDEX 1. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable gen- eral or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. and approve Resubdivision No. 629 and recommend same to the City Council, subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. That a parcel map be filed. 2. That all improvements be constructed as re- quired by ordinance and the Public Works Department. C•,3. That Section 19.16.030 of the Subdivision Ordinance providing that drawings of the par cel map at a scale of 1" = 100' are provided to the Public Works Department be waived. 4. That Jamboree Road be widened on the easter- ly side of the existing Ford entrance to pro vide for a westerly parkway width of ten feet, a southbound traveled way of forty- eight feet curb -to -curb, double left -turn lanes, and a right -turn lane; that existing median improvements disturbed be replaced; -and that the traffic signal be modified as necessary. 5. That all vehicular access rights to MacArthu Boulevard be released and relinquished to th C•i ty. 6. The location of all accesses to Bison Avenue Jamboree Road and Ford Road shall meet the approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 7. That the remaining improvements along Bison Avenue and ea+s-terly side of Jamboree Road 1 -14- CCIMMISS12) RS *Special Adjourned Meetino MR-CtES August 16, 1979 -a I Gtyof New t Beach ROLL CALL INDEX C\ be completed, including ten -foot sidewalk bike trail. B. That the northerly side of Ford Road be widened and improved to primary arterial standards. 9. That a full width connection of Bison Ave- nue to MacArthur Boulevard be constructed. 0. That widening to provide a double left -turn lane for south bound Jamboree Road be pro- vided. (This requirement may be reduced or deleted if the North Ford Development can be conditioned for this improvement.) This condition requires additional right-of-way not owned or under the control of the devel- oper. In the event the developer cannot ac- quire the right-of-way, the City may acquire the right-of-way through its eminent domain powers, with the developer reimbursing the City for all costs incurred. 1. That traffic signals be installed by the de- veloper at the intersections of: a) Bison Avenue - Jamboree Road b) Bison Avenue - MacArthur Boulevard Separate sureties and agreements may be proms vided for this work. The developer's obliga tion for these signals may be reduced to 50% If partial funding from the North Ford De- velopment is obtained. The agreement will provide for reimbursement to the developer if funding from the North Ford Development is received within five years of the completion and acceptance of the signal. 2. That a twelve -foot minimum width separated bicycle trail be constructed between Bison Avenue and Ford Road paralleling MacArthur Boulevard. Trail design shall be approved by Public Works Department. The structural section of the trail shall be designed to handle maintenance equipment and SCE vehicle! if in the Edison easement. 1 -15� COMMISSIONERSI___A MINUTES = 0 y -oli EC 1a1 Huivui-11cu 1'1cc 61nV— August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROII CALL INDEX 13. That a minimum sixteen -foot -wide strip of land be dedicated for street and highway pur poses on the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard, and that the remaining improve- ments along the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard be completed to major arterial highway standards. 14. That all work within the MacArthur Boulevard right-of-way be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation. 15. That easements for public facilities be shown on map. 16. That a standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided to,guarantee the satis- factory completion of 1public improvements if it is desired to record the parcel map be fore the public improvements are completed. Sureties and subdivision agreements for ap- plicable portions of these required condi- tions may be substituted at the time subdi- vision of these parcels are filed. These agreements will provide for the completion of the improvements covered within 20 months after the agreements are executed, unless other time restraints are spelled out in the condition covering the improvement. 17. That Water Capital Improvement acreage fees be paid for all new development, including the construction of new facilities on Parcel 4. for existing Aeronutronic Division faci- lities on Parcel 4, the applicability of Wa- ter Capital Improvement acreage fees shall be subject to further i-nvestigation. 18. A landscape and irrigation plan for all com- mon areas of the residential portion of the project and for the industrial expansion portion of the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The land- scape plan shall integrate the installation of landscaping with the proposed constructio -16- COMMISSIONERS (*ecial Adjourned Meeting* MINUTES August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROIL CALL INDEX schedule. (prior to the occupancy of any new industrial buildings or dwelling unit, the licensed landscape architect shall cer- tify to the Department of Community Develop- ment that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan.) 19, The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Community Development Department. 20. The landscape plan shall include a mainten- ance program which controls the use of fer- tilizers and pesticides. 21. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought -resistant native vege- tation. 22. That erosion control measures be done,on any exposed slopes as soon as possible to reduce erosion potential. 23. That erosion control measures shall be done on any exposed slopes within thirty days after grading or as approved by the Grading Engineer. 24. Development of the site will be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Depart- ment of Community Development. Surface and subsurface drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department. 25. That the grading plan shall include a com- plete plan for temporary and permanent drain- age facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 26. That the graded slopes at all intersections be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 25 m.p.h. Landscaping, walls, and -17- COMMISSIONERS r MINUTES 65' ou N y t Special Adjourned Meeting August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROIL. CALL INDEX other physical obstructions shall be consid- ered in the sight distance requirements. Th sight distance requirements may be approp- riately modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the City Traffic En- gineer. 27. An erosion and dust control plan shall be submitted with the grading permit applica- tion and be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. 28. That an erosion and siltation control plan be approved by the California Regional Water, Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and that the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activitie . 29. That the applic# t provide for street sweep- ing services for all non -dedicated streets equal to that service provided by the City for residential area streets. 30. That the applicant provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all surface parking areas within the industrial portion of the project and weekly vacuum sweeping of all common parking' areas of the residential portion of the pro- ject. 31. That the applicant provide on -site retention basins (i.e., grease traps) and for their maintenance in the residential and industrial portions of the site, including parking area of existing industrial development. The ba- sins shall be sufficient to control first flush polution from both existing and pro- posed development. 32. That grading shall be conducted in accordant with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and -18- COMMISSIONERS . Special Adjourned Meetin! MINUTES August 16, 1979 m W D i y i y City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I I I INDEX C. C 33. geologic investigation of the site. Perma- nent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Department of Community Development. That the project comply with the Uniform Building Code - 1976 requirements. 34. That final design of the project provides fo the incorporation of water -saving devices fo project lavatories and other water -using fa- cilities. 35. Prior to the occupancy of any new industrial buildings, the sorting of recyclable materia from other solid waste be provided for de- velopment on Parcel No. 4. 36. The following disclosure statement of the City of Newport Beach's policy regarding the Orange County Airport shall be included in all leases or sub -leases for space in the project and shall be included in any Coven- ants, Conditions and Restrictions which may be recorded against the property. Disclosure Statement The Lessee herein, his heirs, successors and assigns, acknowledge that: a) The Orange County Airport may not be able to provide adequate air service for business establishments which rely on such service; b.) When an alternate air facility is avail able, a complete phase out of jet ser- vice may occur at the Orange County Air port; c) The City of Newport Beach may, continue to oppose additional commercial air ser vice expansions at the Orange County Airport; -19- COMMISSIONERS • • MINUTES 111111>9 Special Adjourned Meeting August 16, 1979 City of New rt Beach ROLL CALL INDEX d) Lessee, his heirs, successors and as- signs, will not actively oppose any ac- tion taken by the City of Newport Beach to phase out or limit jet air service at the Orange County Airport. 37. That should any resources be uncovered dur- ing construction, that a qualified archaeo- logist or paleontologist evaluate the site prior to completion of construction activi- ties, and that all work on site be done in accordance with the City's Council Policies K-5 and X-6. 38. The circulation systems improvements set forth in the approved traffic Phasing Plan, shall be installed or guaranteed and bonded for by the applicant, prior to the occupancy of any buildings. 39. That subdrains be installed in the canyons draining toward MacArthur Boulevard and in the low area near the intersection of Jam- boree Road and Ford Road, the latter to be tied into the existing storm drain system and the former into the downstream canyon area or as approved by the City's Engineerin Geologist. 40. That prior to placing any compacted fill, al existing fi11, soft and compressible soil, and topsoil shall be removed. All fill soil placed on the property shall require com- paction to a minimum relative compaction of 90%. The aforementioned shall be subject to the approval of the City's Engineering Geo- logist and may be modified as site condi- tions require. 41. The lighting of the industrial parking faci- lities shall be modified so as to provide directional shielding to said fixtures so as to not impact residential areas, in a manner to be approved by the Community Development Department. t ..20- COMMISSIONERS •Special Adjourned Meetinis August 16, 1979 -+gym w ip a 1 N $ If § City of Newport Beach MINUTES ROLL CALL I I I I I I I I I INDEX 42. Prior to the extension of Bison Avenue, bio- logical surveys of the alignment shall be accomplished and measures designed to pro- tect the Orange County Turkish Rugging in- corporated to the extent practicable and sub ject to the review and approval of the Publi Works Department and Community Development Department. 43. Prior to the issuance of any building permit for a structure, the applicants shall demon- strate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and -Community Development Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available for the structure. Such demonstration shall include verification fro Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. I I I I I I I I "' Perimeter slopes along roadways shall be re- graded to 2:1 as well as required 2:1 slopes in the interior of the property. 45. The applicant shall demonstrate to the De- partment'of 'Community Development that mea- sures are being taken to stagger work hours on Parcel No. 4. These measures shall be similar to, if not more comprehensive than, plans already in effect at the existing fa- cilities. 46. Applicant shall record as part of the Coven- ants, Conditions and Restrictions on this subdivision the following provisions: Purchased Units The employees of Ford Motor Company, or any affiliate, working at the Newport Beach faci lity of Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation, shall be given sixty (60) days' notice of sale and opportunity to purchase prior to the dwelling units' first being mad available to the general public. Said notic shall be deemed properly given by posting in at least ten (10) conspicuous locations in- side of or on the Newport Beach corporate property and by publication.in the corporate -21.- COMMISSIONERS • . MINUTES Special Adjourned Meeting August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I I I I I I IINDEX C newsletter. Said notice shall no longer be required after the original sale of the dwelling units. Each employee would be re- quired to sign a representation at the time possession of the residence is delivered, stating: (i) that employee is at that time still an employee of the Ford Motor Company, or any affiliate, working at the Newport Beach facility of Ford Aerospace and Commun- ications Corporation and has no present in- tention to leave that employment in the near term, and (ii) it is his intention to use the property as his principal residence. The offers would be on terms and at prices the same as or no higher than the terms and prices which applicant would offer to the public generally upon expiration of the priority period as described above. This condition shall be subject to applicant's compliance with all laws, including speci- fically the California Subdivided Lands Act, under which the Department of Real Estate regulates the sale of residences to individuals. Rental Units The employees of Ford Motor Company, or any affiliate, working at the Newport Beach facility of Ford Aerospace and Communication Corporation, shall be given thirty (30) days' notice and opportunity to lease or rent prior to the rental units' first being made available to the general public. There after, applicant shall give reasonable no- tice to Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation of any future vacancies. Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation shall maintain a listing of available rental units and shall exercise all reasonable efforts to inform employees of Ford Motor Company, or any affiliate, working at the Newport Beach facility of Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation of their availa- bility. Applicant shall give priority to Ford Motor Company employees, or any affil- iate, working at the Newport Beach facility .,22- COMMISSIONERS . Special Adjourned Meetin• MINUTES August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROLLCALLI III III INDEX Motion C of Ford Aerospace and Communications Cor- poration in the rental of said units. 47. That the project landscape plan shall in- clude an irrigation plan which minimizes water use and prevents overwatering. The plan shall be approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the Department of Community Development. 48. That prior to the occupancy of any building, the applicant shall provide written verifi- cation from Orange County Sanitation Dis- trict No. 5 that adequate sewer capacity is available to serve the building. Motion was made.that the Planning Commission make the following findings: 1. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable gen- eral or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision: 2. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. That an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and that its con- tents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 6. That based on the information contained on the Environmental Impact Report, the project incorporates mitigation measures to reduce potentially.-saignificant environmental effect , -23- COMM1551ONER5 MINUTES Special Adjourned Meeting August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL I INDEX 2. That based on the information contained in the Draft EIR, the project incorporates significant mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant environmental ef- fects, and that the project will not result in significant environmental impacts. 3. That the Phasing Plan is consistent with the Newport Beach General Plan and the Plan- ned Community Development Plan for Ford- Aeronutronics as proposed. 4. That based on the Phasing Plan and support- ing information submitted therewith, there is a reasonable correlation between projecte traffic at time of completion and the capa- city of affected intersections. S. That the applicant has taken into considera- tion in the preparation of his plan charac- teristics in the design of his development which either reduce traffic generation or traffic onto less impact arterials or throug intersections in the least congested direc- tion. 6. That in its collective judgment and recog- nizing the rights of property owners to use and develop their property, the reduction in traffic impacts associated with the Chang, from industrial to residential uses on the site, is a significant step toward improving traffic conditions within the City. and approve the P ng,Rlap,for the remaining development in theA eronutronic Ford P-C Dis- trict, and recommend same to the City Council, subject to the following conditions: 1. The circulation systems improvements listed below and identified on Pages 7 through 10 of the Traffic Study dated May 8, 1979, shal' be installed and those beyond his control, being a, d, f, i, j, 1 and m, shall be guar- anteed and bonded for by the applicant prior to the occupancy of any buildings. -33- ,. COMMISSIONERS MINUTES • Special Adjourned August 16, 1979 Of Meeti nit = 1 ROLL CALL I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INDEX C. t`- a) Add southbound optional through or righ turn lane on Campus Drive at Bristol Street North. b) If the Corona del Mar Freeway is not ex tended, add southbound right or through lane at the Bristol Street North/Birch Street intersection. c) Convert northbound through lane to nort bound left turn lane at the intersectio of Jamboree Road and Bristol Street North. d) Add a southbound through lane at the intersection of Bristol Street and Campus Drive. e) Convert northbound through lane to nort bound left turn lane at the intersectio of Bristol Street and Jamboree Road. f) Add westbound through and westbound lef turn lanes at the intersection of Coast Highway and Jamboree,Road. g) Add northbound through lane and convert right turn lane to optional through or right at the intersection of Jamboree Road and San Joaquin Hills Road. h) Convert northbound, southbound and east bound right turn lanes to optional through plus right, and convert westbou through lane to left turn lane at the intersection of Jamboree Road and East - bluff Drive - Ford Road. 1) Add northbound through and right turn lanes, southbound left turn lane and westbound right turn lane at the inter- section of Jamboree Road and Bison Ave- nue. j) Add nor.'thbound through and right turn lane, southbound left turn, westbound left and right turn lanes, and add sou -34- t it 1MISSIONERS Special Adjourned August 16, 1979 City of Newaort Meet in g Beach M!NUTES r bound through lane at the intersection of Jamboree Road and Eastbiuff Drive North. k) Add northbound right turn lane and con- vert eastbound right turn lane to op- tional through or right at the inter- section of Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard. 1) Add northbound through and right turn lane, add southbound left turn lane, and add westbound right turn lane at the intersection of Jamboree Road and Campus Drive. m) Add northbound left, through and right turn lanes; and add southbound through and left turn lanes at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive n) Add northbound left and right turn lane; southbound left turn lane and eastbound left turn lane at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Ford Road. Request to subdivide 77 ± acres into ten lots for Industrial/office development and two lots for public streets in the North Ford Planned Commun- ity and the acceptance of an Environmental Docu- men�. LOCATION: A portion of Lots 224, 442, and 444, Block 57, of Irvine's Subdi- vision, located on property bound- ed by the extension of Bison Ave- nue, Camelback Street, Jamboree Road, the extension of Eastbluff Drive, and MacArthur Boulevard in the Planned Community of North Ford. ZONE: P-C INDEX -35- 17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663-3884 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 November 1, 1983 Mr. Steve Ritz J. M. Peters Company 1601 Dove Street, Suite 190 Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Tract No. 11785 Dear Mr. Ritz: ;j Pursuant to our telephone conversation of October 31, 1983, this letter will confirm that our issuance of building permits for the residences to be constructed in Tract No. 11785 is contingent upon J. M. Peters' resolution of any problems, such as changes in grade, which could arise as a result of the City not having an opportunity to review required landscape and irrigation plans prior to the issuance of said permits. Very truly yours, t0 .4A44 DHEWICKER Director JDH/kk cc: Sheri Vander Dussen (Planning Department) p/ Jim Lorman (Building Department) 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.U. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663.3884 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 640-2137 November 1, 1983 Mr. Steve Ritz J. M. Peters Company 1601 Dove Street, Suite 190 Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Tract No. 11785 Dear Mr. Ritz: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of October 31, 1983, this letter will, confirm that our issuance of building permits for the residences to be constructed in Tract No. 11785 is contingent upon J. M. Peters' resolution of any problems, such as changes in grade, which could arise as a result of the City not having an opportunity to review required landscape and irrigation plans prior to the issuance of said permits. Very truly yours, tD�J.14-U0 HEWICKER Director JDH/kk cc: Sheri Vander Dussen (Planning Department) Jim Lorman (Building Department) 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 4. Fences, Hedges and Walls 3. Setbacks from Other Property Lines and Structures • a. A minimum front yard setback of five (5) feet shall' be required. F7, This setback shall be measured from the back of curb or in the C event that sidewalks are constructed, from back of sidewalk. i b. All main residential structures shall be a minimum of eight (8) StO-, 6 feet apart. This shall be measured from face of finished wall .6,epaAed' W to face of finished wall. c. Detached garages shall be separated from main residential struc- tures a minimum of eight (8) feet. This also shall be measured from mface of finished wall to face of finished wall. d. wo car garages'with direct access shall be setback from five (5) to seven (7) feet average or a minimum average of twenty (20) feet measured from back of curb, or in the event that sidewalks are constructed, from back of sidewalk. A minimum of eighteen (18) feet measured from back of curb, or in the event that sidewalks are constructed, from back of sidewalk shall be permitted with roll -up or other type garage doors approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Addi- tional garage spaces need not meet the above criteria. 17e� Yes Fences shall be limited to a maximum height of eight (8) feet, except within the front yard setback where fences, hedges and walls (O Vrfn� shall be limited to six (6) feet. Wing walls, where an extension of _1 @ab a<,U a residential or accessory structure is to be constructed may be eight (8) feet in height. At street intersections, no such appurtenance shall exceed two (2) feet in height measured from curb height within the triangle bounded by the right-of-way lines and a connecting line drawn between points thirty (30) feet distant from the intersection of the right-of-way lines prolonged. 5. Trellis Open trellis and beam construction shall be permitted to attach the garage to the dwelling structure and may also extend from the dwelling to within three (3) feet of the side or rear property line. In side yards, the maximum height shall be eight (8) feet. Trellis areas shall not be considered in calculating lot area coverage; however, trellis areas shall not exceed 25 percent of the remaining open space of a developed lot. Trellis and beam construction shall be so designed as to provide a minimum of 50 percent of the total trellis area as open space for the penetration of light and air to the covered area. 4. Fences, Hedges and Walls 3. Setbacks from OtheProperty Lines and Structures • i a. A minimum front yard setback of five (5) feet shall be required. FYonfi 5 f This setback shall be measured from the back of curb or in the \' event that sidewalks are constructed, from back of sidewalk. b. All main residential structures shall be a minimum of eight (8) StA•. feet apart. This shall be measured from face of finished wall .6tpaoo W to face of finished wall. c. Detached garages shall be separated from main residential struc- tures a minimum of eight (8) feet. This also shall be measured from face of finished wall to face of finished wall. d. Two car garages with direct access shall be setback from five (5) to seven (7) feet average or a minimum average of twenty (20) feet measured from back of curb, or in the event that sidewalks are constructed, from back of sidewalk. A minimum of eighteen (18) feet measured from back of curb, or in the event that sidewalks are constructed, from back of sidewalk shall be permitted with roll -up or other type garage doors approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Addi- tional garage spaces need not meet the above criteria. - Fences shall be limited to a maximum height of eight (8) feet, except within the front yard setback where fences, hedges and walls (9,l11 shall be limited to six (6) fee$. Wing walls, where an extension of Sdba6kj a residential or accessory structure is to be constructed may be eight (8) feet in height. At street intersections, no such appurtenance shall exceed two (2) feet in height measured from curb height within the triangle bounded by the right-of-way lines and a connecting line drawn between points thirty (30) feet distant from the intersection of the right-of-way lines prolonged. 5. Trellis Open trellis and beam construction shall be permitted to attach the garage to the dwelling structure and may also extend from the dwelling to within three (3) feet of the side or rear property line. In side yards, the maximum height shall be eight (8) feet. Trellis areas shall not be considered in calculating lot area coverage; however, trellis areas shall not exceed 25 percent of the remaining open space of a developed lot. Trellis and beam construction shall be so designed as to provide a minimum of 50 percent of the total trellis area as open space for the penetration of light and air to the covered area. A Page 8 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS Ali, Add M t' = � OJ w 121 apecia Journe ee in August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROIL CALL INDEX 13. That a minimum sixteen -foot -wide strip of land be dedicated for street and highway pur poses on the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard, and that the remaining improve- ments along the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard be completed to major arterial highway standards. 14. That all work within the MacArthur Boulevard right-of-way be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation. 15. That easements for public facilities be shown on map. 16. That a .standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee the satis- factory completi,Ion of public improvements if it is desired to record the parcel map be fore the public improvements are completed. Sureties and subdivision agreements for ap- plicable portions of these required condi- tions may be substituted at the time subdi- vision of these parcels are filed. These agreements will provide for the completion of the improvements covered within 20 months after the agreements are executed, unless other time restraints are spelled out in the condition covering the improvement. 17. That Water Capital Improvement acreage fees be paid for all new development, including the construction of new facilities on Parcel 4. for existing Aeronutronic Division faci- lities on Parcel 4, the applicability of Wa- ter Capital Improvement acreage fees shall be subject to further investigation. 18. A landscape and irrigation plan for all com- mon areas of the residential portion of the project and for the industrial expansion portion of the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The land- scape plan shall integrate the installation of landscaping with the proposed constructio -16- MINUTES C:OMMI551ONERS (&ecial Adjourned Meeting 1 ugust 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROLL CALL INDEX schedule. (Prior to the occupancy of any new industrial buildings or dwelling unit, the licensed landscape architect shall cer- tify to the Department of Community Develop- ment that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan.) 19. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Community Development Department. 20. The landscape plan shall include a mainten- ance program which controls the use of fer- tilizers and pesticides. 21. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought -resistant native vege- tation. 22. That erosion control measures be done on any exposed slopes as soon as possible to reduce erosion potential. 23. That erosion control measures shall be done on any exposed slopes within thirty days after grading or as approved by the Grading Engineer. 24. Development of the site will be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Depart- ment of Community Development. Surface and subsurface drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department. 25. That the grading plan shall include a com- plete plan for temporary and permanent drain- age facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 26. That the graded slopes at all intersections be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 25 m.p.h. Landscaping, walls, and -17- COMMISSIONERSI ; M+; MINUTES = 1 , _oJic.lai nuJuu11[cu r1ccU1113W August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROIL CALL INDEX 13. That a minimum sixteen -foot -wide strip of land be dedicated for street and highway pur poses on the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard, and that the remaining improve- ments along the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard be completed to major arterial highway standards. 14. That all work within the MacArthur Boulevard right-of-wa•y be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation. 15. That easements for public facilities be shown on map. 16. That a standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided to•guarantee the satis- factory completion of1public improvements if it is desired to record the parcel map be fore the public improvements are completed. Sureties and subdivision agreements for ap- plicable portions of these required condi- tions may be substituted at the time subdi- vision of these parcels are filed. These agreements will provide for the completion of the improvements covered within 20 months after the agreements are executed, unless other time restraints are spelled out in the condition covering the improvement. 17. That Water Capital Improvement acreage fees be paid for all new development, including the construction of new facilities on Parcel 4. For existing Aeronutronic Division faci- lities on Parcel 4, the applicability of Wa- ter Capital Improvement acreage fees shall be subject to further i-nvestigation. 18. A landscape and irrigation plan for all com- mon areas of the residential portion of the project and for the industrial expansion portion of the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The land- scape plan'shall integrate the installation of landscaping with the proposed constructio -16- COMMISSIONERS1 Cdbecial Adjourned Meeting( MINUTES KV 1 August 16, 1979 City of Newpat Beach ROIL CALL INDEX schedule. (Prior to the occupancy of any new industrial buildings or dwelling unit, the licensed landscape architect shall cer- tify to the Department of Community Develop- ment that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan.) 19. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Community Development Department. 20. The landscape plan shall include a mainten- ance program which controls the use of fer- tilizers and pesticides. 21. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasis on the use of drought -resistant native vege- tation. f 22. That erosion control measures be done on any exposed slopes as soon as possible to reduce erosion potential. 23. That erosion control measures shall be done on any exposed sTopes within thirty days after grading or as approved by the Grading Engineer. 24. Development of the site will be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Depart- ment of Community Development. Surface and subsurface drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department. 25. That the grading plan shall include a com- plete plan for temporary and permanent drain- age facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 26. That the graded slopes at all intersections be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 25 m.p.h. Landscaping, walls, and -17- MINUTES COMMISSIONERS 1 AA d M t' n �pecia Journe ee i August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROIL CALL INDEX 13. That a minimum sixteen -foot -wide strip of land be dedicated for street and highway pur poses on the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard, and that the remaining improve- ments along the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard be completed to major arterial highway standards. • 14. That all work within the MacArthur Boulevard right-of-way be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation. 15. That easements for public facilities be shown on map. 16. That a standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided to.guarantee the satis- factory completion ofipublic improvements if it is desired to record the parcel map be fore the public improvements are completed. Sureties and subdivision agreements for ap- plicable portions of these required condi- tions may be substituted at the time subdi- vision of these parcels are filed. These agreements will provide for the completion of the improvements covered within 20 months after the agreements are executed, unless other time restraints are spelled out in the condition covering the improvement. 17. That Water Capital Improvement acreage fees be paid for all new development, including the construction of new facilities on Parcel 4. For existing Aeronutronic Division faci- lities on Parcel 4, the applicability of Wa- ter Capital Improvement acreage fees shall be subject to further investigation. 18. A landscape and irrigation plan for all com- mon areas of the residential portion of the project and for the industrial expansion portion of the project shall be prepared by a licensed 1;andscape architect. The.land- scape plan shall integrate the installation of landscaping with the proposed constructio -16- IMISSIONERS ecial Adjourned Meeting. s lugust 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach MINUTES schedule. (Prior to the occupancy of any new industrial buildings or dwelling unit, the licensed landscape architect shall cer- tify to the Department of Community Develop- ment that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan.) 19. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Community Development Department. 20. The landscape plan shall include a mainten- ance program which controls the use of fer- tilizers and pesticides. 21. The landscape plan shall place heavy emphasi on the use of drought -resistant native vege- tation. i 22. That erosion control measures be done on any exposed slopes as soon as possible to reduce erosion potential. 23. That erosion control measures shall be done on any exposed slopes within thirty days after grading or as approved by the Grading Engineer. 24, Development of the site will be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Depart- ment of Community Development. Surface and subsurface drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department. 25. That the grading plan shall include a com- plete plan for temporary and permanent drain age facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants, 26. That the graded slopes at all intersections be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 25 m.p.h. Landscaping, walls, and -17- COMMISSIONERS I Jfi, i MINUTES w a Special Adjourned Meeting — August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROt I CALL INDEX other physical obstructions shall be consid- ered in the sight distance requirements. Th sight distance requirements may be approp- riately modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the City Traffic En- gineer. 27. An erosion and dust control plan shall be submitted with the grading permit applica- tion and be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. 28. That an erosion and siltation control plan be approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, ;. and that the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 29. That the applicant provide for street sweep- i•ng services for all non -dedicated streets equal to that service provided by the City for residential area streets. 30. That the applicant provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all surface parking areas within the industrial portion of the project and weekly vacuum sweeping of all common parking areas of the residential portion of the pro- ject. 31. That the applicant provide on -site retention basins (i.e., grease traps) and'for their maintenance in the residential and industrial portions of the site, including parking area of existing industrial development. The ba- sins shall be sufficient to control first flush polution from both existing and pro- posed development. 32. That grading shall be conducted in accordant with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completi,o.n, of a comprehensive soil and -18- COMMISSIONERS ( 16 f • MINUTES y y N Special Adjourned Meeting — August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROII CALL I INDEX other physical obstructions shall be consid- ered in the sight distance requirements. Th sight distance requirements may be approp- riately modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the City Traffic En- gineer. 27. An erosion and dust control plan shall be submitted with the grading permit applica- tion and be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. 28. That an erosion and siltation control plan be approved by the California Regional Water. Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and that the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activities. 29. That the applignt provide for street sweep- ing services for all non -dedicated streets equal to that service provided by the City for residential area streets. 30. That the applicant provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all surface parking areas within the industrial portion of the project and weekly vacuum sweeping of all common parking areas of the residential portion of the pro- ject. 31. That the applicant provide on -site retention basins (i.e., grease traps) and for their maintenance in the residential and industrial portions of the site, including parking area of existing industrial development. The ba- sins shall be sufficient to control first flush polution from both existing and pro- posed development. 32. That grading shall be conducted in accordanc with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and -18- COMMISSIONERS] J_ It MINUTES -, � w 03 Special Adjourned Meeting- August 16, 1979 City of Newport Beach ROII. CALL INDEX other physical obstructions shall be consid- ered in the sight distance requirements. Th -sight distance requirements may be approp- riately modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the City Traffic En- gineer. 27. An erosion and dust control plan shall be submitted with the grading permit applica- tion and be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. 28. That an erosion and siltation control plan be approved by the California Regional Water, Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, ; and that the plan be submitted to said Board ten days 'prior to any construction activities. 29. That the applicant provide for street sweep- ing services for all non -dedicated streets equal to that service provided by the City for residential area streets. 30. That the applicant provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all surface parking areas within the industrial portion of the project and weekly vacuum sweeping of all common parking areas of the residential portion of the pro- ject. 31. That the applicant provide on -site retention basins (i.e., grease traps) and'for their . maintenance in the residential and industrial portions of the site, including parking area of existing industrial development. The ba- sins shall be sufficient to control first flush polution from both existing and pro- posed development. 32. That grading shall be conducted in accordant with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and -18- ROLL COMMISSIONERS K 0 Special Adjourned Meetir� August 16, 1979 NI City of Newport Beach MINUTES other physical obstructions shall be consid- ered in the sight distance requirements. Th sight distance requirements may be approp- riately modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the City Traffic En- gineer. 27. An erosion and dust control plan shall be submitted with the grading permit applica- tion and be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. 28. That an erosion and siltation control plan be approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, and that the plan be submitted to said Board ten days prior to any construction activitie 29. That the applicant provide for street sweep- ing services for all non -dedicated streets equal to that service provided by the City C for residential area streets. 30. That the applicant provide for weekly vacuum sweeping of all surface parking areas within the industrial portion of the project and weekly vacuum sweeping of all common parking areas of the residential portion of the pro- ject. 31. That the applicant provide on -site retention basins (i.e., grease traps) and for their •maintenance in the residential and industria portions of the site, including parking area of existing industrial development. The ba- sins shall be sufficient to control first flush polution from both existing and pro- posed development. 32. That grading shall be conducted in accordanc with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and -18- ROLL C iMISSIONERS Opecial Adjourned Meeting* W August 16, 1979 i I I I h City of Newport Beach MINUTES 13. That a minimum sixteen -foot -wide strip of land be dedicated for street and highway pur poses on the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard, and that the remaining improve- ments along the westerly side of MacArthur Boulevard be completed to major arterial highway standards. 14. That all work within the MacArthur Boulevard right-of-way be done under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transportation. 15. That easements for public facilities be shown on map. 16. That a standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided to guarantee the satis. factory completion of public improvements If it is desired to record the parcel map be fore the public improvements are completed. Sureties and subdivision agreements for ap- plicable portions of these required condi- tions may be substituted at the time subdi- vision of these parcels are filed. These agreements will provide for the completion of the improvements covered within 20 months after the agreements are executed, unless other time restraints are spelled out in the condition covering the improvement. 17. That Water Capital Improvement acreage fees be paid for all new development, including the construction of new facilities on Parcel 4. For existing Aeronutronic Division faci- lities on Parcel 4, the applicability of Wa- ter Capital Improvement acreage fees shall be subject to further investigation. 18, A landscape and irrigation plan for all com- mon areas of the residential portion of the project and for the industrial expansion portion of the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The land- scape plan shall integrate the installation of landscaping with the proposed constructio -16- (),Ll MV & EXHIBIT "A" - Continued. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 FINDING: 1. That the proposed Final Map of Tract No. 11785 substantially complies with the Tentative Map and with all requirements imposed as conditions to its acceptance. CONDITION: 1. That all conditions of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11785 shall be fulfilled. (06 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE AND FINAL NAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 FINDINGS: 1. That the subsequent changes in the proposed division of land will not require revisions to the Certified Final EIR for the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community development. 2. That the proposed division of land has no new significant environmental impacts, not previously considered in the Certified Final EIR. 3. That no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken. 4. That no new information of substantial importance related to the project has become available. 5. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 6. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 7. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 8. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. CONDITIONS: I. That all applicable conditions of approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11377 shall be fulfilled. 2. That the Traffic Control Plan be submitted as a part of the street improvement plans. 3. That a note shall be placed on the final map which restricts the use of Lot No. 7 for private recreational purposes only. ' February 5, 1981 1 C C of Newport Beach 4. That the site is physically suitable for thi Proposed density of development. 5. That based on the Initial Study, subsequent changes in the project will not require revision to the Certified Final EIR. 6. That based on the Initial Study, no new significant environmental impacts not con- sidered in the Certified Final EIR were found. 7. That based on the Initial Study, no substan- t" a•1 changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project Will be undertaken. S. That based on the Initial Study, no new information of substantial importance re- lated to the project has become available. 9. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvement will not substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 0. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. That the design -of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision_ 12. That the discharge of water from the proposed subdivision will not result in or add to any violation of existing. requirements ,prescribed tr a California Regional Water Quality Con- trol Board pursuant to Division 7 [commencing with Section 1300) of the Water Code). CONDITIONS: i. That all remaining conditions of approval of Resubdivision No. 629, Tentative Tract Map -44- MINUTES INDEX l( CALL c �,ti11551ONER5 :� :ruary 5, 198, MINUTES City of Newport Beac h INDEX No. 10391 and the Aeronutronic Ford Traffic NDEX Phasing Plan shall be condi for Tentative vTract tions of approval Manoted belowinthefollowinglrevisedcortneas w conditions. 2. That the design of private streets conform With the City's private street policy, except where otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. The minimum street pavement width street sshown hall bon3the etentative map beet- That the Trete designed to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles with the design to be approved by the Public Works'Depa"rtment and a curvethe Fire Department. Cul-de-sacs shall have feet plantersm�ithin the�us street4easementsdmust have approval of the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. 3. That all vehicular access rights to Ford. Road, except for one access.to Lansdownne Drive, one access to Southhampton Court, one access to Aeronutronic Division access road, and the two existing drive entrances -to the lower Aeronutronic Facility be released and relinquished to the City. 4. That traffic signals developer at Bison by Avenue-Celtisdplace/ e Aergnutronic Ford Access Road and at Ford Road-Aeronutronic Division Access Road. 5. That traffic signals be installed by the developer at the intersections of: (a) Bison Avenue-Camelback/Point Royale Driv' (b) Ford Road-Lansdownne Drive. The implementation of this requirement shall be subject to verification by the City of traffic signal warrants. If the traffic signal warrants are not met within a fiYe- year period after acceptance by the Council Of the public improvements for the tract. -45- �� ' C� C: C.. op COMMISSIONERS ebruary 5. 1981 MINUTES of Newport Beach the developer shall be relieved from this portion of the conditions of approval. Sep- arate sureties and agreements may be provided work.for this on for these signals hmay ebelreduced oto�So%lif partial funding from the adjacent development is obtained. The subdivision agreement will provide for reimbursement to the developer if funding from other sources is received within five years of the completion and acceptance of the signal. 6. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility and storm drain purposes on all private streets be dedicated to the City. 7. That a public easement be provided on Point Royale Drive for public access to the public Park and that an access drive to be approved by the Public Works Department be constructed `to the park site from Point Royale Drive. S. That the existing 16-inch water main in Bison ,Avenue be extended easterly from Camelback Street to MacArthur Boulevard. 9. That if it is desired to construct non - 'standard street improvements on either public or private streets, an agreement for non- standard improvements shall be executed with the City with wording to be as approved ,bthi City Attorney. y 0. That an easement for pedestrian and bicycle purposes be dedicated to the public along MacArthur Boulevard from Ford Road northerly to the proposed park site just south of Bison Avenue. The width and configurations of the easement shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 1. That the landscape plan and wall plan for this project be brought back to the Planning Commission for review. -46- INDEX 13 EXHIBIT "A" - Continued. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 FINDING: 1. That the proposed Final Map of Tract No. 11785 substantially complies with the Tentative Map and with all requirements imposed as conditions to its acceptance. CONDITION: 1. That all conditions of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11785 shall be fulfilled. 4 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 FINDINGS: 1. That the subsequent changes in the proposed division of land will not require revisions to the Certified Final EIR for the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community development. 2. That the proposed division of land has no new significant environmental impacts, not previously considered in the Certified Final EIR. 3. That no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken. 4. That no new information of substantial importance related to the project has become available. 5. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of. the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 6. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 7. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 8. That the site is- physically suitable for the proposed density of development. CONDITIONS: 1. That all applicable conditions of approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11377 shall be fulfilled. 2. That the Traffic Control Plan be submitted as a part of the street improvement plans. "1 �aq That a note shall be placed on the final map which +✓ restricts the use of Lot No. 7 for private recreational purposes only. C ( February 5, 1981 x d n � N F N City of t Beach 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development_ 5. That based on the Initial Study, subsequer changes in the project will not require revision to the Certified Final EIR. 6. That based on the Initial Study, no new significant environmental impacts no'� con- sidered in the Certified Final EIRn found. 7. That based on the Initial Study _ tiwl changes have occurred wit, 'respectston the circumstances under which- the project will be undertaken. 8. That based on the Initial�Study, no new information of substantia%1 importance re- lated to the project ha)rbecome available. 9. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvementrwill not substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. ;P 0. That the des ��of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious pub�lic health problems. 1. That the. design -of the subdivision or the Proposedimprovements will not conflict with any ea/s'� larements, acquired by the public at ge!,, for access through or use of, property w� in the proposed subdivision. 2. ofhat the discharge of water from the proposed subdivision will ,not result in or add to any violation of existing. requirements add PrLscribedl tr a California Regional Water Quality Con- ! trot Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing[ With Section 1300) of the Water Codej. CONDITIONS: 1. That all remaining conditions of approval of Resubdivision No. 629, Tentative Tract Map -44- MINUTES INDEX r Cr'M,MtISSIOtiERS d N 7C N 7 ( ,:ruary 5, 1981 6i r MINUTES Beach No. 10391 and the Aeronutronic Ford- Traffic__ • for Phasing Plan hall be con i ions of approva notedebelowvinTthetfollowin T1377 except as conditions. g revised or new 2. That the design of private streets conform With the City's private street policy, excep where otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. The minimum street pavement Width streetshall shownbon3theeet. That the tentative map beirete designed to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles with the design to be approved by the Public Works Department and the Fire Department. Cul- a minimum curve radius of 40 feet andii have Planters within the street easements must - have approval of the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. 3. That all vehicular access rights Road, except for one to Ford• access to Lansdowane Drive, one access to Southhampton Court, one access to Aeronutronic Division access road, and the two existing drive entrances to the lower Aeronutronic Facility be released and relinquished to the City. 4. That traffic signals be installed by the developer at Bison Avenue-Celtis Place/ Aergnutronic Ford Access Road an Road-Aeronutronic Dd at Ford ivision Access Road. 5. That traffic signals be installed by the developer at the intersections of: (a) Bison Avenue-Camelback/Point ib) Ford Road-Lansdownne Drive, Royale Driv The implementation of this requirement shall be subject to verification by the City of traffic signal warrants signal warrants. are not. If the traffic met within a five_ year period after acceptance by the Council Of the public improvements for the tract, -45- INDEX C C AMISSIONERS ( .:ebruary 5, 1981 s City of. Newport Beach MINUTES the developer shall be relieved from this Portion of the conditions of approval. Sep- arate sureties and agreements may be provided for this work. The developer's obligation for these signals may be reduced to 50% if partial funding from the adjacent development is obtained. The subdivision agreement will provide for reimbursement to the developer if funding from other sources is received within five years of the completion and acceptance of the 'signal. 6. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility and storm drain purposes on all private streets be dedicated to the City. 7. That a public easement be provided on Point Royale Drive for public access to the ,public park and that an access drive to be approved by the Public Works Department be constructed 'to the park site from Point Royale Drive. 8. That the existing 16-inch water main in Bison Avenue be extended easterly from camelback Street to MacArthur Boulevard. 9. That if it is desired to construct non- standard street improvements on either public or private streets, an agreement for non- standard improvements shall be executed with the City with wording to be as approved bth City Attorney. y That an easement for pedestrian and bicycle MacAoses bdedicated public rthurBoulevardfrom Ford Road northerly to the ,proposed park site just south of Bison Avenue. The width and configurations of the easement shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 1. That the landscape plan and wall plan for this project be brought back to the Planning Commission for review. -46- INDEX 13 FV 0 0 EXHIBIT "A" - Continued. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 FINDING: 1. That the proposed Final Map of Tract No. 11785 substantially complies with the Tentative Map and with all requirements imposed as conditions to its acceptance. CONDITION: 1. That all conditions of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11785 shall be fulfilled. 4 is EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 11785 FINDINGS: 1. That the subsequent changes in the proposed division of land will not require revisions to the Certified Final EIR for the Aeronutronic Ford Planned Community development. 2. That the proposed division of land has no new significant environmental impacts, not previously considered in the Certified Final EIR. 3. That no substantial. changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken. 4. That no new information of substantial importance related to the project has become available. 5. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 6. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 7. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 8. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. CONDITIONS: 1. That all applicable conditions of approval of the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11377 shall be fulfilled. 2. That the Traffic Control Plan be submitted as a part of the street improvement plans. 3. That a note shall be placed on the final map which restricts the use of Lot No. 7 for private recreational purposes only. C C c r 6P � February 5, 1981 I of Newport Beach 4. That the site is physically suitable for thi proposed density of development_ 5. That based on the Initial Study, subsequent changes in the project will not require revision to the Certified Final EIR. 6. That based on the Initial Study, no new significant environmental impacts not con- sidered in the Certified Fin found. al EIR were I7. That based on the Initial Study, no substan- tia'1 changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken. 8. That based on the Initial Study, no new informa�lon of substantial importance re- lated to the project has become available. 9. That the design of the subdivision or the Proposed improvement will not substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 0. 2. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. That the design -of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. That the discharge of water from the proposed subdivision will not result in or add to any violation of existing. requirements ,prescribed by a California Regional Water Quality Con- trol Board pursuant to Division 7 [commencing{j with Section 1300) of the Water Code). CONDITIONS: 1. That all remaining conditions of approval of Resubdivision No. 629, Tentative Tract Map -44- MINUTES INDEX l� ROLL ,:ruary 5, 1981 �ZA d X City of Newn, 2 r MINUTES Beach No. 10391 and the Aeronutronic Ford Traffic Pfor hasing Plan shall be conditions of approval notedebelowvinTthetfollowinglexcept nas conditions. revised or That the design of private streets conform With the City's private street policy, excep where otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. The minimum street pavement streetth sshownhall bon3thefeet. tentative mathe bpre- designed to provide adequate accessfor emergency vehicles with the design to be approved by the Public Works Department and a min,the Fire Department. Cut -de -sacs shall have 'mufeet Plantersmwithin thecurve�us street4easementsdmust have approval of the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. That all vehicular access rights Road, except for one to Ford access to Lansdownne Drive, one access to Southhampton Court, one access to Aeronutronic Division access road, and the two existing drive -entrances -to the lower Aeronutronic Facility be released and relinquished to the City. 4• That traffic sig developer nals be installed by the Aeronutronii. Bison Avenue-Celtis Place/ c Ford Access Road and at Ford Road-Aeronutronic Division Access Road. 5. That traffic signals be installed by the developer at the intersections of; ia) Bison Avenue-Camelback/Point Royale Dri (b) Ford Road-Lansdownne Drive. The implementation of thi be subject to verifications by reqthuieremCient shall ty of traffic signal warrants. If the traffic signal warrants are not met within a five- year period after acceptance by the Council Of the public improvements for the tract, -45- INDEX l� C C.. (. COMMISSIONERS cT�°z, �� r3 N x YI ebruary 5, 1981 MINUTES of Newport Beach the developer shall be relieved from this portion of the conditions of approval. Sep- arate sureties and agreements may be provided for this work. The developer's obligation, for these signals may be reduced to So% if partial funding from the adjacent development is obtained. The subdivision agreement will provide for reimbursement to the developer if funding from other sources is received within five years of the completion and acceptance of the signal. 6. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility and storm drain purposes on all private streets be dedicated to the City. 7. That a public easement be provided on Point Royale Drive for public access to the ,public park and that an access drive to be approved ,by the Public Works Department be constructed to the park site from Point Royale Drive. That the existing 16-inch water main in Bison Avenue be extended easterly from Cameiback Street to MacArthur Boulevard. 9. That if it is desired to construct non- standard street improvements on either public or private streets, an agreement for non- standard improvements shall be executed with the City with wording to be as approved bth City Attorney. y 0. That an easement for pedestrian and bicycle purposes be dedicated to the public along MacArthur Boulevard from Ford Road northerly to the proposed park site just south of Bison Avenue. The width and configurations of the easement shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 1. That the landscape plan and wall plan for this project be brought back to the Planning Commission for review. -46- INDEX 13