HomeMy WebLinkAbout4361-4443 BIRCH ST_ALAMO111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* 43614443 Birch St -4* Planning Commission Meeting November 4. 1993 Agenda Item No. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission PROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A Traffic Stuff No 89 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a Traffic Study so as to allow the construction of a 9,000 square foot automobile rental facility including administrative offices, automobile maintenance facilities, fuel facilities and a surface automobile storage area; and the acceptance of an environmental document. B. Use Permit No 3512 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the establishment of an automobile rental and storage facility on property located in the M-1-A District. The proposed facility will include administrative offices, automobile maintenance, car washing and detailing, and refueling operations. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the installation of a 6 foot high monument sign and a security gate, both of which encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION: Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, Tract No. 5169, located at 4361-4443 Birch Street, on the northwesterly side of Birch Street, between Dove Street and MacArthur Boulevard, across from the Newport Place Planned Community, Sheraton Hotel. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Robert H. Lee and Associates, Petaluma OWNER: Alamo Rent-A-Car, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Application The applicant requests to permit the establishment of an automobile rental and storage facility on property located in the M-1-A District. The proposed facility will include administrative offices, automobile maintenance, car washing and detailing, and refueling operations. The proposal also 'includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the installation of a 6 foot high monument sign and a security gate, both of which encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback. In accordance with Section 20.42.025 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, automobile service stations and other uses which in the "IBM-- *- TO: Planning Commission - 2 permittedre in the 9-1-A ssion are similar in character Use permit procedures are opinion of the Planning Commi of a use permit in each �e procedures edures are set forth in District, subject to the securing in C of the Municipal Code, and modification procedures are set forth in Chapter outlined in Chapter 20.80 of the Municipal Code. Traffic stu y chapter15A 20.81. Envir nmental 5i nI 'cane en re aced by the City ative Declaration has Declaration states that This project has been reviewed, and a Neg application- The Negative of Newport Beach in connection with the any significant effect on theoef t�hra �viromn the the subject development will not result in anY Planning Commission's information, staff has attached a copy document- al with the General Plan strative, proposed useissallowed llowe unidefic is d use Ort The Land Use Element off the ever use. The designates the site for "Admim professional and Financial d Use mercial Element has also establishedF A.R. retail and service use. The These "area" Policies set asite-by-site floor area ratio ( ) 000, square feet policies throughout the City 75 ase Developmentconislfor' the construct on of a structure developmeneation. is t limit of 00571 en that the application the proposal is consistent with the tithes the site area)• policies and guidelines. containing less than the d Use Elemase ent of theoGeneral Plan p requirements of the Lan C,il iect Pronerri� and urr un in Land,�l�es light industrial The subject property measures 400± feet wide t Y developed with a ligand area o area. To the 116,000± square feet. The subject property buildings with related parlang areas; building (6,000 sq ft.), which will be demolished, andrelatedon-site Par g across Birch Street, is the Sheraton Hotel. northeast, northwest, and southwest are existing and to the southeast, ombination of LOI site is currently comprised tment which has already been submitted and four lots which are to be consolidated into One will The proposed a Lot Line Adj 1993. A copy of the letter from parcel of land through ttee on November 2, Commission the Modifications Comm' be furnished to the Commis be heard by Committee regarding this matter will the Modifications C° prior to the meeting. The following table has been prepared winch sets forth the characteristics of the proposed parcel: Parcel N Parcel Are 116,000± sgft. Floor Area Ratio Bu'1 in •f• 9,000± sqft. 0.079 TO: Planning Commission - 3 a The proposed parcel fully conforms to the design standards as specified for the M-1-A District. The Lot Line Adjustment for consolidation of the four lots is for financing and conveyance purposes and for the proposed construction of the automobile rental facility. Analysis The applicant is requesting to allow the establishment of a retail auto rental facility and related facilities consistent with such operations. The facility will consist of a 9,000± sq.ft. structure which will house four maintenance service bays (only minor automobile repairs will be performed), two automobile washing bays, two automobile preparation areas, a customer service area and related employee offices. The proposed hours of operation will be generally 24 hours since vehicles are constantly being serviced or prepared for redelivery, as is typical for automobile rental facilities. The maximum number of employees will be 15 at any one time. Off -Street Parking Requirement for Proposed Business The Municipal Code does not contain any specific parking requirement for automobile leasing facilities. However, based on a standard of one parking space per each 225 sq.ft. of office space in the M-1-A District specified under Section 20.42.045 of the Municipal Code, the administration and customer service portion of the facility would generate a requirement for 12 parking spaces (2,300 sq. ft. administration + 400 sq.ft. customer service = 2,700 sq.ft. 225 = 12 spaces). Based on a standard of three spaces for each 1,000 sq.ft. of industrial use as specified under Section 20.42.045 of the Municipal Code, the storage, servicing and car wash portion of site operations would generate a requirement for 19 parking' spaces (3,200± sq.ft. maintenance and storage + 3,100± sq.ft. car wash/preparation area = 6,300± sq.ft. _ 1,000 x 3 = 18.9 or 19 spaces). Thus, the total parking requirement would be 31 spaces (12 spaces + 19 spaces = 31 spaces). As shown on the attached site plan, 30 parking spaces will be provided for visitors and employees. In addition, space for storage of over one hundred vehicles will also be provided on -site. This will be more than adequate to serve the proposed facility. The proposed development will generate a significantly higher traffic volume than the light industrial or general office use allowed under the current zoning. Therefore, a traffic study was required to determine the compatibility of the proposed project under the guidelines of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. A traffic study has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and City Council Policy S-1 to examine the consistency and conformity of the project with the City's Circulation Element. The City Traffic Engineer identified the following seven (7) intersections for detailed evaluation in the traffic study. TO: Plai..:mg Commission - 4 1. MacArthur Boulevard at Campus Drive 2. MacArthur Boulevard at Birch Street 3. MacArthur Boulevard at Jamboree Road 4. Campus Drive at Bristol Street North 5. Campus Drive at Bristol Street 6. Birch Street at Bristol Street North 7. Birch Street at Bristol Street The first step in evaluating an intersection's traffic volume capacity is to conduct a 1% traffic volume analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth, and committed projects that the City has granted approvals. If the project's generated traffic is less than one percent traffic volume on all approach segments to the selected intersections during the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, then the project's traffic impact is considered insignificant and in compliance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance requirement. In the event that the projeefs generated traffic exceeds the one percent traffic volume analysis on any approach leg to any of the selected intersections, then further analysis would be required which consists of Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis. The one percent traffic volume test was applied to the selected intersections and three of the intersections exceeded the maximum one percent volume test. MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive and MacArthur Boulevard/Jamboree Road exceeded 19o' of the intersection traffic volume; therefore, further ICU analysis for those intersection became necessary. The ICU analysis indicated that the intersections of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street and MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive are operating at acceptable level of service for both peak periods. The intersection of MacArthur Boulevard/Jamboree Road, currently maintains a Level of Service "E" with an ICU value slightly higher than required by the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance. The proposed project would generate 11 trips southbound on MacArthur Boulevard and 14 trips in the northbound direction. The additional 25 trips on MacArthur Boulevard generated by the project would not deteriorate the existing ICU value or level of Service at the intersection. Therefore, the proposed project would not have any significant impact on the City's circulation network. The ICU analysis is contained in Section 8 of the Traffic Impact Assessment report. The site did not qualify for any trip credits since the building has been vacant for a number of years. The Traffic Study for this project indicates that the proposed automobile rental, storage and maintenance facility would generate 696 trip ends per day. The am. peak period traffic is estimated to generate 160 trips and 174 trips during the p.m. peak periods(2-1/2 hour periods). Vehicular Access and Parking Access to the site is provided via Birch Street. Presently, there are two driveways that provide for ingress and egress to the site. The existing driveways would be demolished and three new driveways would be constructed for vehicular access from Birch Street. The frontage distance on Birch Street can accommodate the three proposed driveways. It is the TO. Planning Commission - 5 recommendation of the Traffic Consultant that the location of the proposed middle driveway, shown on the Site Plan, be modified to line-up directly across from the entrance to the Sheraton Hotel main parking lot so that in the event of a future traffic signal is needed at this location, construction costs would be minimized. The layout of the facility indicates that adequate internal circulation will be provided. There are 30 parking spaces that would be sufficient to accommodate the employees and customers. The applicant has agreed with the recommendation and the appropriate conditions of approval have been included in the attached Exhibit "A". The Traffic Consultant in the preparation of the Traffic Assessment Analysis recommended and the City Traffic Engineer agrees that the customer/employee parking lot provide an area for shuttle bus customer drop-off and pick-up. The City Traffic Engineer has also requested that a detailed operation and design plan be submitted for review and approval prior to implementation. The appropriate conditions of approval have been included in the attached Exhibit "A". Public Improvements Staff has observed that the existing public improvements on the site, namely sidewalks and drive approaches, are either damaged, will be unused, or nonconforming to City Standards. The Public Works Department has indicated that the unused drive aprons be replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalks and that the parking lot be striped, in conformance with City Standards. The appropriate conditions of approval have been included in the attached Exhibit "A". Modification to Encroach into Front Yard Setback The applicant originally requested the approval of a modification to allow a monument sign and an entry security gate to encroach into the required 15 foot 'front yard setback. The Zoning Ordinance limits the number of freestanding signs to one per building site and requires a minimum 15 foot front yard setback on Birch Street, unless a modification to the Zoning Code is approved. The proposed double-faced monument sign measures 6 feet high by 10 feet in length, or 60 sq.ft. per face, identifying the site as an Alamo Rent -a -Car facility. A small (no more than 2 ft. by 3 ft.) directional sign warning that the exit driveway is not an entrance is also proposed. The double-faced monument sign is proposed to be set back 7.5 feet from the front property line, own 34GA-4"t. The applicant has since agreed to locate the warning sign clear of the 15 foot front yard setback; therefore, a modification is no longer needed for this item. It is staffs opinion that the the proposed double-faced monument sign is acceptable inasmuch as the site is quite large with limited access, and clear identification would enhance circulation in the area. Furthermore, the sign encroachment is consistent with other signs that have been approved by the Planning Commission and the Modifications Committee in front yard setbacks in this area. The block wall at the front of the site which screens views of the car storage area from the street precludes placement of the Alamo identification sign further from the property line. However, the Public Works Department and the City Traffic Engineer have determined that the sign location as proposed is not in accordance with City TO: Planing Commission - 6 Standards for sight distance and the appropriate condition of approval to assure compliance with those standards has been included in the attached Exhibit "A". The applicant has decided to delete the proposed entry security gate; therefore, this item no longer requires a modification. It is staffs opinion that an encroachment of this nature at the site entry in the future could impair pedestrian circulation by automobiles stopping across the public sidewalk. In order to assure that pedestrian circulation is not affected, the City Traffic Engineer has recommended that the location of any future entry security gate be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the front property line and be subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer. The applicant has been made aware of this requirement and the appropriate condition of approval has been included in the attached Exhibit "A". Specific Findings Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code requires that the Planning Commission make certain findings in conjunction with its approval of a traffic study. Section 20.80.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code also provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission shall find that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Should the Planning Commission wish to approve Traffic Study No. 89, Use Permit No. 3512 and acceptance of the environmental document, the actions, findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. No exhibit for denial has been provided, inasmuch as staff is of the opinion that no findings may be reasonably made in support of the denial of these applications. However, should information be presented at the public hearing which warrants a denial of these applications, the Planning Commission may wish to take such an action. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWIpCKER, Director By —If . ✓� JAVIER S. GARCIA ✓K'� Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Letter from the Applicant Describing the Facility Operational Statement from the Applicant Traffic Study No. 89 dated October 25, 1993 Negative Declaration Site Plan, Conceptual Planting Plan, Elevations and Sign Plan R\WP51\JAY-G\UP\AUT0\UP3512SR TO: Planning Commission - 7 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 89 USE PERMIT NO.3512 AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCT WENT,• Accept the environmental document, making the following findings and requiring the following the mitigation measures: Findines: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project, as conditioned or as modified by mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project, and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA, and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted, and considering the record as a whole there is no evidence before this agency that the proposed project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been rebutted. Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 753.5(c) of Title 14, CCR. MITIGATION MEASURES - Prior Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Department that the lighting system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent properties. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. 2. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the applicant must demonstrate to the City's Building Department and Fire Department that the project is in compliance with the County of Orange Health Department and the City's Fire Department Regulations. n • TO: Planning Commission - 8 B, TRAFFIC STUDY: Approve the Traffic Study, making the findings listed below: FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak -hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any'major; 'primary -modified; or 'primary' street. 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will not be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on four of the seven study intersections and that the ICU analysis for the intersections of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive and MacArthur Boulevard/Jamboree Road, indicates that the ICU values for the A.M. and P.M. peaks will not be altered by the addition of the project. C USE PERMIT NO 3512 1. That the proposed application is support service in nature and an intensification of use of the existing structure within the limits specified by Chapter 20.07 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and as such, is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That adequate parking will exist on -site for the proposed development. 3. That the establishment of the subject business will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 5. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the proposed modification to the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to allow the proposed monument sign to encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, 7 TO: Planning Commission - 9 peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 7. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3512 will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plan and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That all parking spaces shall be striped with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. 3. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on -site parking area and shall be used solely for handicapped self -parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 4. That all mechanical equipment, trash areas and vehicle storage areas shall be screened from Birch Street and adjoining properties. The proposed screening adjacent to the Birch Street frontage shall be a minimum of 5 feet 4 inches high. 5. That all automobile repairs shall be conducted within the building and no outdoor display of vehicles for sale shall be permitted. 6. That grease interceptors shall be provided in all drains within the building where petroleum residues may enter the sewer system, unless otherwise permitted by the Building Department. 7. That no outdoor sound system shall be utilized on -site. 8. That all employees shall park on -site at all times. 9. That all signs shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Newport Beach Sign Code. TO: PilAning Commission - 10 aimum 10. That any future entry security gate shallbelocated to provide a e and shall be subjectaft further review distance of twenty (20) feet from the front property el of the City Traffic Engineer. 11. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 12. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation, pedestrian circulation systems and a detailed operation design plan for the shuttlebus customer drop timplementation. and pick-up ll Trafficprior be subject to further review by the City adjacent to Birch Street shall be moved back or 13. That the designed in such a manner as to poposed monument grnovide sight distance in conformance with the City's Sight Distance Standard 110-L. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall ing within the sight line shall considered in the sightr in inches in heiance requirements. ht 1 The final design and positioning of the shall not exceed twenty- g monument sign shall be approved by the Public Works Department to insure conformance with City sight distance standards. 14. sight distance fora peed of 40 miles per hour. Slopes, landscape, wallstanprovide o h r g obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. 15. That the centerline of the customer drive entrance shall be aligned with the centerline of the drive entrance of the Sheraton Traffic Engineer. directly across Birch Street, unless otherwise approved by the City 16. That the unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk gpermitthe �icompleted under an ssu d by the Public Works Department encroachment by movement of 17. Disruption caused by construction work alone sr use of traffioadways c ont of equipment construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper and flagmen. lg conducted in Traffic control d transportation andlocalrequireerimtesnt and materials shall be accord nce 18. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code unless it is determined by the City Engineer that such undergrounding is unreasonable or impractical. the 19. Thatthe car wash area shall rpreventas to tse from entering the sewer Thedrainhall be connected the sewer system and have a grease trap. The design and installation of the above facilities shall be approved by the Utilities Department. TO: Planning Commission - 11 20. That the outdoor storage of tires and other auto related parts or merchandise shall be prohibited on -site. 21. That the entire site shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner. 22. That the front of the building facing Birch Street shall be constructed of masonry veneer or similar material as indicated on the approved elevation. 23. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect or architect. The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of landscaping with the proposed construction schedule. (Prior to the occupancy of the structure, the licensed landscape architect or architect shall certify to the Planning Department that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan). 24. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, the Public Works Department, and the Planning Department. 25. Landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris. All vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 26. That the approval of this application shall permit complete engine rebuilding (including electrical and transmission repair), as well as tune-ups, lubrication, smog testing and brake service and installation. No painting, body work or other operations of a similar nature shall be permitted on -site unless an amendment to this use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 27. That a Lot Line Adjustment shall be approved and recorded to create one building site prior to the issuance of building permits. 28. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 29. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. .. � VICINITY M'AP — as ro I I PC LIT P-C P-C m cs � Pp41P� DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNI I ^-J M.IC0.1LM4 ptSIDCXI4L C� ] YgTIK[ MLIXYfi4 ---- - -- � I .- IC —•I , tIXOL[ I.WIIY REtIDL X}lµ C�1--, LI9XT yYYC11cIAL t_ •t, WKCF xumcm?l4 C-2 7 e[YLILLL CDNNEI1Gq —� �II3 MLTX ICTLO IIATIKC 1•YIY IIE9DCMI•L 7W-1_, YANViALTWINe i== 1 _ LI J CL] L71 coue"oel mslncr �] w«�•ssnso L o"D X - DATE—' --"- USE PERMIT NO. 0035/Z, TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 89 �a <i AN ESOP COMPANY QROBERT H. LEE SII ASSOCIATES, IIVC. ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1137 NORTH McOOWELL BOULEVARD • PETALUMA. CALIFORNIA 94954-1469 (707) 765-1660 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 750908. Petaluma. CA 94975-0908 Fax 17071 765.9908 BRIAN F. ZITA October 25, 1993 Archic.ct JOHN W.JOHNSON Archiceec Mr. Jay Garcia JaHN a. HICKS City of Newport Beach Archi[.ce Planning Department STEVEN J. KATTNER Architect 3300 Newport Blvd. CECIL R. SPENCER Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Archltem JAMES H. RAY RE: ALAMO RENT A CAR SERVICE FACILITY CIVII Engineer 4361 &4401 BIRCH STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA Dear Mr. Garcia: Per our phone conversation Monday morning, I have enclosed two sets of permit drawings for your review. The set contains the site plan, site details, canopy/building elevations and landscape plan. The building/canopy elevations, sheet AI-2, depicts the light grey masonry "Castle Rock" block on the exterior of the administrative portion of the building. Cut sheets from Designer Blocks, Castle Rock series, have been provided to show the detail and texture of the building exterior. This portion of the building will be the only portion visible to public. Concerning the split -faced concrete block screen wall at the street frontage; the drawings reflect a 4'-0" high on detail A10 on sheet SD1-3. This wall is incorporated into the landscape design with street trees between the street and sidewalk, and additional trees and shrubbery in front of the block wall to break up the mass of the front elevation. See sheet L-I for landscape and plant legend. We are requesting that the screen wall stay at a lower height of 4'-0" or to a 5'-4" maximum. With the extensive landscaping along the street frontage (20' to 25' high trees), the fact that the average car height is only 3'-6", a screen wall of 4'-0" will sufficiently screen a car and any activities behind the wall. Any wall over 4'-0" would dominate the street frontage and detract from the overall site appearance from the street. Please give me a call if you need any further information or clarification. Sincerely, ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A \ Gary Semling Archit t cc: Chip Sabadash, DKBERT & Assoc. MARIETTA. CA SACRAMENTO. CA BELLEVUE. WA R WA9418 IOIGARCIA.GMS LA HA}`BRA. CA To: Building Department T0/1/ 7 ��5/ No Activity: In Plan Check: From: Planning Department/C( �C/ L°/Q Active Bldg Permit: Public Works Notified: Re: Hold on Building Permit Final Plan Checker Notified: Address &j�C't/ �lan Check No.z&/-07i�-3 Planning Department Comments PRIOR TO RELEASE Of Building Permit Final: [ ] Park Dedication Fee in the Amount of $ is DUE. [ j Fairshare Fee in the Amount of $ is DUE. - [ J S.J.H.T.C. Fee in the Amount of $ is DUE. [ ] Coastal Commission Approval of Resubdivision Must Be Obtained. [ ] Parcel Map Recordation: Resubdivision No. Record date [ ] Use Permit Conditions of Approval: Use Permit No. Condition(s) No. [ ] After recordation of the map a building permit change must be processed with the Building and Planning Departments; PRIOR TO FINAL OF THE BUILDING PERMIT, to change the description of the permit to reflect condominium construction, the fee is nominal and payable at the time of the change. Proof of payment of the above mentioned fees may be required at that time if not collected at issuance of the original building or grading permits. j Other: Units Demolished Units Built �• i BY. date Pl 'ng7Dertment CC: -e Enforcement _Plan Checker F:\WP50\JAY\MEM\BP-HOLD.MEM rev 4-5-90 J# ,s. FINAL FINDINGS & CONDITIONS FOR USE PERMIT NO. 3512 AS APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION November 4, 1993 A ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Accept the environmental document, making the following findings and requiring the following the mitigation measures: Findings: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project, as conditioned or as modified by mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project, and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA, and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted, and considering the record as a whole there is no evidence before this agency that the proposed project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been rebutted. Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 753.5(c) of Title 14, CCR. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Department that the lighting system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent properties. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. 2. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the applicant must demonstrate to the City's Building Department and Fire Department that the project is in compliance with the County of Orange Health Department and the City's Fire Department Regulations. U B. TRAFFIC STUDY: Approve the Traffic Study, making the findings listed below: FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak -hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major; 'primary -modified; or 'primary' street. 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will not be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on four of the seven study intersections and that the ICU analysis for the intersections of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive and MacArthur Boulevard/Jamboree Road, indicates that the ICU values for the A.M. and P.M. peaks will not be altered by the addition of the project. C. USE PERMIT NO. 3512 FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed application is support service in nature and an intensification of use of the existing structure within the limits specified by Chapter 20.07 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and as such, is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That adequate parking will exist on -site for the proposed development. 3. That the establishment of the subject business will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. S. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the proposed modification to the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to allow the proposed monument sign to encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 7. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3512 will not, under the circumstances of this P. case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plan and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That all parking spaces shall be striped with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. 3. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on -site parking area and shall be used solely for handicapped self -parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. That all mechanical equipment, trash areas and vehicle storage areas shall be screened from Birch Street and adjoining properties. The proposed screening adjacent to the Birch Street frontage shall be a minimum of 5 feet 4 inches high. 5. That all automobile repairs shall be conducted within the building and no outdoor display of vehicles for sale shall be permitted. 6. That grease interceptors shall be provided in all drains within the building where petroleum residues may enter the sewer system, unless otherwise permitted by the Building Department. 7. That no outdoor sound system shall be utilized on -site. 8. That all employees shall park on -site at all times. That all signs shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Newport Beach Sign Code. J 1 That any future entry security gate shall be located to provide a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet from the front property line, and shall be subject to further review of the City Traffic Engineer. 11. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 12. Deleted. That the proposed monument sign adjacent to Birch Street shall be moved back or #JI designed in such a manner as to provide sight distance in conformance with the City's Sight Distance Standard 110-L. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The final design and positioning of the monument sign shall be approved by the Public Works Department to insure conformance with City sight distance standards. 14. That the intersection of Birch Street and the private drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 40 miles per hour. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. 15. That the centerline of the customer drive entrance shall be aligned with the centerline of the drive entrance of the Sheraton Hotel located directly across Birch Street, unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 16. That the unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Birch Street frontage. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 17. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. 18. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code unless it is determined by the City Engineer that such undergrounding is unreasonable or impractical. 19. That the car wash area shall be protected so as to prevent drainage from the parking lot from entering the sewer system. The drain shall be connected to the sewer system and have a grease trap. The design and installation of the above facilities shall be approved by the Utilities Department. 20. That the outdoor storage of tires and other auto related parts or merchandise shall be prohibited on -site. 21. That the entire site shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner. 22. That the front of the building facing Birch Street shall be constructed of masonry veneer or similar material as indicated on the approved elevation. 03. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape .architect or architect. The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of landscaping with the proposed construction schedule. (Prior to the occupancy of the structure, the licensed landscape architect or architect shall certify to the Planning Department that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan). 24. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, the Public Works Department, and the Planning Department. .y 25. Landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris. All vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 26. That the approval of this application shall permit complete engine rebuilding (including electrical and transmission repair), as well as tune-ups, lubrication, smog testing and brake service and installation. No painting, body work or other operations of a similar nature shall be permitted on -site unless an amendment to this use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 27. That a Lot Line Adjustment shall be approved and recorded to create one building site prior to the issuance of building permits. LLA• 93-.5 28. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 29. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 30. That a 5 foot 4 inch high masonry wall shall be constructed along the northerly side property line for at least 100 feet to the rear of the required 15 foot front yard setback before converting to chain link fence. A similar masonry wall shall be constructed along the southerly side property line, provided that the masonry wall be extended an additional 100 feet before converting to chain link fence. 31. That no customer service, shuttle bus service, customer drop off or pick up of automobiles shall be allowed on the premises unless an amendment to the use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. That a 4 foot high masonry wall shall replace the chain link fence in the employee parking area. It February 1, 1994 TO: GENIA GARCIA PLANNING DEP. FROM: TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT: REVISED FAIR SHARE FEES FOR ALAMO RENT -A -CAR The earlier memo did not include a credit for the existing building located on the site. A detailed review of the wording of the Fair Share Ordinance allows for a credit even though the building has been unoccupied for more than twelve months. The Fair Share Fee for this project is $73,894.26 based upon the following information from the project traffic study: 1. The daily trip generation for the car rental operation will be 696 trips. 2. The existing 6000 square foot office building would generate a trip credit of 78 trips (6 X 13 trips/ksf). 3. Total increase in trips for this site = 618 4. Fair Share Fee equals 618 X $119.57 = $73,894.26 Please let me know if you have any questions about the fee. -4 " � /,?, �, Z"/. �, Richard M. Edmonston Traffic Engineer wp51\rich\frshrala.m0 January 4, 1994 TO: GENIA GARCIA PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: TRAFFICENGINEER SUBJECT: FAIR SHARE FEES FOR ALAMO RENT -A -CAR PROJECT The subject project is�� rental car mainte �fice/storage facility designed to handle a maximum of 300 vehicles"' new use will be located in an existing 6,0 O square foot// ffice building on the site. The Fair Share fee for this pi following information obtained 1. 2. The trip generation the following rate: ect is $83,220.72 based upon the i the traffic study: 696 daily trips x $119.57 proposed use is based upon Per City Ordinance No. 84-16, since the existing use was tex prior �_ ,U- ..--_ .-1 -. 4-1— Please contact Richard M. Edmo Traffic Enginee daily trip = $83,220.72 credit has been given ted more than one year •V FINAL FINDINGS & CONDITIONS FOR USE PERMIT NO. 3512 AS APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION November 4, 1993 A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Accept the environmental document, making the following findings and requiring the following the mitigation measures: Findings: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project, as conditioned or as modified by mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project, and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA, and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted, and considering the record as a whole there is no evidence before this agency that the proposed project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been rebutted. Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 753.5(c) of Title 14, CCR. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Department that the lighting system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent properties. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. 2. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the applicant must demonstrate to the City's Building Department and Fire Department that the project is in compliance with the County of Orange Health Department and the City's Fire Department Regulations. .r B. TRAFFIC STUDY: Approve the Traffic Study, making the findings listed below: FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak -hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any'major; 'primary -modified; or 'primary' street. 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will not be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on four of the seven study intersections and that the ICU analysis for the intersections of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive and MacArthur Boulevard/Jamboree Road, indicates that the ICU values for the A.M. and P.M. peaks will not be altered by the addition of the project. C. USE PERMIT NO. 3512 1. That the proposed application is support service in nature and an intensification of use of the existing structure within the limits specified by Chapter 20.07 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and as such, is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That adequate parking will exist on -site for the proposed development. 3. That the establishment of the subject business will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 5. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. 6. That the proposed modification to the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to allow the proposed monument sign to encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback will not, under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Municipal Code. 7. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3512 will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plan and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That all parking spaces shall be striped with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. 3. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on -site parking area and shall be used solely for handicapped self -parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 4. That all mechanical equipment, trash areas and vehicle storage areas shall be screened from Birch Street and adjoining properties. The proposed screening adjacent to the Birch Street frontage shall be a minimum of 5 feet 4 inches high. 5. That all automobile repairs shall be conducted within the building and no outdoor display of vehicles for sale shall be permitted. 6. That grease interceptors shall be provided in all drains within the building where petroleum residues may enter the sewer system, unless otherwise permitted by the Building Department. 7. That no outdoor sound system shall be utilized on -site. 8. That all employees shall park on -site at all times. 9. That all signs shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Newport Beach Sign Code. 10. That any future entry security gate shall be located to provide a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet from the front property line, and shall be subject to further review of the City Traffic Engineer. 11. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 12. Deleted. 13. That the proposed monument sign adjacent to Birch Street shall be moved back or designed in such a manner as to provide sight distance in conformance with the City's Sight Distance Standard 110-L. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The final design and positioning of the monument sign shall be approved by the Public Works Department to insure conformance with City sight distance standards. 14. That the intersection of Birch Street and the private drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 40 miles per hour. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. is. That the centerline of the customer drive entrance shall be aligned with the centerline of the drive entrance of the Sheraton Hotel located directly across Birch Street, unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 16. That the unused drive aprons be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Birch Street frontage. All work shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the 'Public Works Department. 17. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. 18. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code unless it is determined by the City Engineer that such undergrounding is unreasonable or impractical. 19. That the car wash area shall be protected so as to prevent drainage from the parking lot from entering the sewer system. The drain shall be connected to the sewer system and have a grease trap. The design and installation of the above facilities shall be approved by the Utilities Department. 20. That the outdoor storage of tires and other auto related parts or merchandise shall be prohibited on -site. 21. That the entire site shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner. 22. That the front of the building facing Birch Street shall be constructed of masonry veneer or similar material as indicated on the approved elevation. 23. A landscape and irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect or architect. The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of landscaping with the proposed construction schedule. (Prior to the occupancy of the structure, the licensed landscape architect or architect shall certify to the Planning Department that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan). 24. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, the Public Works Department, and the Planning Department. 25. Landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris. All vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 26. That the approval of this application shall permit complete engine rebuilding (including electrical and transmission repair), as well as tune-ups, lubrication, smog testing and brake service and installation. No painting, body work or other operations of a similar nature shall be permitted on -site unless an amendment to this use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 27. That a Lot Line Adjustment shall be approved and recorded to create one building site prior to the issuance of building permits. 28. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 29. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 30. That a 5 foot 4 inch high masonry wall shall be constructed along the northerly side property line for at least 100 feet to the rear of the required 15 foot front yard setback before converting to chain link fence. A similar masonry wall shall be constructed along the southerly side property line, provided that the masonry wall be extended an additional 100 feet before converting to chain link fence. 31. That no customer service, shuttle bus service, customer drop off or pick up of automobiles shall be allowed on the premises unless an amendment to the use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 32. That a 4 foot high masonry wall shall replace the chain link fence in the employee parking area. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 February 4, 1994 Mr. Chip Sabadash DKBert & Associates 110 Southeast 6th St. Suite 1700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 93301 SUBJECT: Fair Share Contribution Ordinance Fee for Alamo Rent-A- Car, 4361-4443 Birch Street, Newport Beach, California Dear Mr. Sabadash: Pursuant to Chapter 15.38 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code establishing a Fair Share Traffic Contribution Ordinance which "is based upon the unfunded portion of the construction cost of the total Circulation System Improvements necessary to implement the Master Plan of Streets and Highways excluding University Drive (Net Roadway Costs), and the total number of vehicle trips anticipated as a result of trend growth." The subject property is a rental car maintenance/storage facility designed to handle a maximum of 300 vehicles. The new use will be located in an existing 6,000 square foot office building on the site. The Fair Share fee for this project is $73,894.26 based upon the following information obtained in Traffic Study No. 89 for this project: 1. The daily trip generation for the proposed car rental operation will be 696 trips. 2. The existing 6000 square foot office building would generate a trip credit of 78 trips (6 X 13 trips/ksf). 3. Total increase in trips for this site = 618. 4. Fair Share Fee equals 618 X $119.57 = $73,894.26. Therefore, please remit payment for the above amount, made out to the City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, California 92663. This fee must be paid prior to the issuance of 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach grading and building permits. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (j - ---- PI J1 BI 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DATE: TO: BUSINESS PHONE: FAX NUMBER: RE: P.0 BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659.1768 FAX COVER SHEET 2-4-64 Ajaj .o THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS FROM: 6e,0 1'a 90-rc `� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA. /92663 10 PHONE NO.: (714) 4 � �d FAX NO.: (714)644-3250 NO. OF PAGES: + CO \I 24101 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach U ROBERT He LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE ENG1NEF.RING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1137 NO. MCDOWELL BLVD., PETALUMA, CA 94954 (707) 765-1660 CECIL R. SPENCER, ARCHITECT TRANSMITTAL DATE: January 31, 1994 TO: City of Newport Beach - Planning Dent. ATIN: Genia Garcia 3300 Newport Beach Bivd. Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 REGARDINGWamo Rent A Car Facility JOB NO.9418.10 4361 Birch Street PC a 1950 Use Permit #3512 JAMES H. RAY, CIVIL ENGINEER TRANSMITTED: I l as requested I ] for your approval M for your use [ ] for review & comment QTY. NO. DESCRIPTION Letter of Compliance. Letter of Conformance from Electrical Engineer per Mitigation Measure No.1. Ms. Garcia: The Following is being transmitted to you for review and approval. Should you require any additional information please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you. Sincerely yours, ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. �04"t Bill D. Heater Architect A l USER S I [G I NASI ER. I ML 'A Use Permit #3512 4361-4443 Birch Street PC # 1950-93 CONDITION Mitigation Measure CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DEPARTMENT o Lighting Planning r' Health & Fire Reg. Building Fire Use Permit #3512 tAy Substantial conformance Planning 2. Parking striping 3. Handicapped Pkg. �VNO Screened equipment Adjacent to Birch Adjoining properties �15 ,E.p/�l � Repairs/sales OI �/�°J� 6. Grease interceptors t4l?:7/ Outdoor sound b1,�3'8' employee pkg. 19 Signs 10. Future entry gate 11. Improvements 12. Traffic Traffic Planning Planning Building Planning Planning Planning ACTION n Letter r�m plectricaleneerr Prior to cert. of occupancy Plans Approved Plans Approved Plans Approve Plans Approve Hold on final 5'4" high Birch Letter of compliance Plans Approval Letter of Compliance Letter of Compliance Separate Permit Planning No action Traffic Engineer Public Works Plans Approval ( �D AL 13. Monument sign/landscaping Traffic Engineer Plans Approval 0 Hold on final Landscaping not to exceed 24" r A 14. Drive approach 15. Cus. drive entrance 16. Encroachment permit 17. Traffic control construction equipment 18. Overhead utilities 19. Grease trap 3Outdoor storage ��3Site maintenance P2. Building frontage D.. Landscaping SLandscape plan J?S: Landscaping 3 Engine rebuilding/ I paint, body work O 03�of Line Adjustment 28. N/A 29. N/A 4A,5"4" high masonry wall GfY. Customer service vj� U shuttle bus, drop-off QV 32. ' high masonry wall Public Works Traffic Engineer Public Works Traffic Public Works Utilities Planning Planning Planning Building Planning Planning PBR e Public works Planning Planning Planning Public Works Planning Building Planning Planning Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Plans Approval Letter of Compliance Letter of Compliance Construction of masonry veneer Plans Approval Letter from landscape architect Hold on final Plans Approval Hold on final Letter of Compliance Letter of Compliance Recorded prior to issuance of permits QQZj� l Plans Approval Hold on final Letter of Compliance Plans Approval/Hold on fin i COMMISSIONERS MINUTES '�d'°O '�E'Gtofnn�O�D,�ps 00 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i4ovember 4 00 ROLL CALL INDEX licensed landscape architect or architect shall certify to the Planning Department that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the prepared plan). 24. The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, the Public Works Department, and the Planning Department. 25. Landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris. All vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 26. That the approval of this application shall permit complete engine rebuilding (including electrical and transmission repair), as well as tune-ups, lubrication, smog testing and brake service and installation. No painting, body work or other operations of a similar nature shall be permitted on - site unless an amendment to this use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 27. That a Lot Line Adjustment shall be approved and recorded to create one building site prior to the issuance of building permits. 28. That the Planning ,Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 29. This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 30. That a 5 foot 4 inch high masonry wall shall be constructed along the northerly side property line for at least 100 feet -14- 'i COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 4, iyy3 ROLL CALL INDEX to the rear of the required 15 foot front yard setback before converting to chain link fence. A similar masonry wall shall be constructed along the southerly side property line, provided that the masonry wall be extended an additional 100 feet before converting'to chain link fence. 31. That no customer service, shuttle bus service, customer drop off or pick up of automobiles shall be allowed on the premises unless an amendment to the use permit ' is approved by the Planning Commission. 32. That a 4 foot high masonry wall shall replace the chain link fence in the employee parking area. Use Permit No 1640 (Amended) (Public Hearinel /edUP1640A Item No. -Request to amend a previously approved use permit that per the establishment of a restaurant with outdoor dining, the ervice of alcoholic beverages, and live entertainment inside t facility, Approved on property located in the RSC-H District. proposed amendment includes a request to relocate the pre ' usly approved outdoor dining area to the northerly side the restaurant, adjacent to the rear parking area of th astbluff Shopping Center. LOCATION: Parcel 1, Lot ine Adjustment No. 93-2, located at 531 Eastbluff Drive, at the northwe rly corner of Eastbluff Drive and Vista el Sol, in the Eastbluff Shopping Ce er. ZONE: RSC-H APPLIC Puccini Ristorante, Newport Beach OWN The Irvine Company, Newport Beach -15- COMMISSIONERS 1c��y4�'�1;P4o�Poo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES November 4, 1991 ROLL CALL INDEX aforementioned concerns regarding a chain link fence with slats adjacent to the office building. Modify Condition No. 13 to reflect the deletion of the monument sign. Add Condition No. 31 stating that customer drop-off or pick-up would not be allowed on the site. Commissioner Ridgeway suggested that Condition No. 32 be added to address the retention of the wall for the employee area. Commissioner Pomeroy concurred that a 4 foot high masonry wall would replace the chain link fence. Finding No. 6, regarding the Ayes * * * * * * proposed modification to the Zoning Code, was also deleted, Absent * inasmuch as the revised plans no longer have encroachments in the required 15 foot front yard setback. MOTION CARRIED. A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Accept the environmental document, making the following findings and requiring the following the mitigation measures: Findines: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project, as conditioned or as modified by mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project, and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA, and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted, and considering the record as a whole there is no evidence before this agency that the proposed project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been rebutted. -8- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES �r o �ofn� o�� s 9��o poi, o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1Novemoer 4, oyj ROLL CALL INDEX Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 753.5(c) of Title 14, CCR. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Department that the lighting system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent properties. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical' Engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. 2. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the applicant must demonstrate to the City's Building Department and Fire Department that the project is in compliance with the County of Orange Health Department and the City's Fire Department Regulations. B. TRAFFIC STUDY: Approve the Traffic Study, making the findings listed below: FINDINGS: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak -hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major,' 'primary -modified,' or 'primary' street. -9- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES +PJ�c�0 q�p,'`rr���,pD�9,rps'�4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 4 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will not be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak period on four of the seven study intersections and that the ICU analysis for the intersections of MacArthur Boulevard/Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard/Campus Drive and MacArthur Boulevard/Jamboree Road, indicates that the ICU values for the A.M. and P.M. peaks will not be altered by the addition of the project. C. USE PERMIT NO. 3512 FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed application is support service in nature and an intensification of use of the existing structure within the limits specified by Chapter 20.07 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and as such, is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That adequate parking will exist on -site for the proposed development. 3. That the establishment of the subject business will not have any significant environmental impact. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 5. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 20.80.060 of the Municipal Code. Deleted. -10- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT-BEACH' ';' . November 4, 1993 ROLL CALL INDEX 7. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3512,will,p9t, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, " safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved, revised plot plan, floor plan and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That all parking spaces shall be striped with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. 3. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on -site parking area.an,d shall be used solely for handicapped self -parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 4. That all mechanical equipment, trash areas and vehicle storage areas shall be screened from Birch Street and adjoining properties. The proposed screening adjacent to the Birch Street frontage shall be a minimum of 5 feet 4 inches high. That all automobile repairs shall be conducted within the.. building and no outdoor display of vehicles for sale shall be permitted. That grease interceptors shall be provided in all drains within the building where petroleum residues may enter the sewer system, unless otherwise permitted by. the.,$uilding Department. -11- ,' COMMISSIONERS MINUTES pr O two �LGd UN CITY OF NEWPORT�B°EACI`_;•,"'":; :''�' November 4 199J ROLL CALL INDEX 7. That no outdoor sound system shall be utilized on -site., 8. That all employees shall park on -site at all times. 9. That all signs shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Newport Beach Sign Code. 10. That any future entry security gate shall be located to provide a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet from the front property line, and shall be subject to further review of the City Traffic Engineer. 11. That all improvements be constructed as required, by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 12. Deleted. 13. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be designed in such a manner as to provide sight :distanceAn .- conformance with the City's Sight Distance Standard 110-L. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty- four inches in height. 14. That the intersection of Birch Street and the private drives be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 40 miles per hour. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. 15. That the centerline of the customer drive entrance shall be aligned with the centerline of the drive entrance of the Sheraton Hotel located directly across Birch Street, unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 16. That the unused drive aprons be removed. and .replaced . •, with curb, gutter and sidewalk along the Birch Street frontage. All work shall be completed under an -12- COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 y:Genia Garcia, Associate Pla er By:Marc Myers, Assistant Planner Date:./ L f_�_4 Address: Plan Check No: 17 ,5D — ?15— By:Christy Teague, Associate Planner Districting Map No. Land Use Element Page No. Corrections Required: % 6/ p Legal Description: Lot Block Section Tract 16 Resubdivision required to combine lots or portions of lots when construction or alterations are in excess of $20,000. Covenant required. Please have document and return to me.., Lot Size -r-7,�1/ ,//J�/"'' Zone N l e4 Proposed Use Front Rear Right Side Left Side owner's signature Inr:lOD q FAR WORKSHEET Lot area (site area sq.ft.): // (" D D v sq.ft. Base Development Allocation (BDA): S 1QQCf) Comm sq.ft. [0.5 x site area sq.ft., unless otherwise specified in Land Use Element] notarized on the attached FAR permitted, without variance: (A) Comm res vkg Square footage permitted: Comm res oka sq.ft. [(A) x site area sq.ft.] Maximum FAR allowed with variance: (B1 Comm res okg Maximum square footage allowed: comm res sq.ft. [(B) x site ara sq.ft.] PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: p (C) Base FAR use sq.ft. sq.ft. (D) Reduced FAR use sq.ft. _ sq.ft. (E) Maximum FAR use sq.ft. sq.ft. (F) TOTAL SQ.FT. [C+D+E] sq.ft. PROPOSED FAR: F % site area sq.ft. ] PROPOSED WEIGHTED DEVELOPMENT: FAR Use Category Weighting Factor Weighted Sq.Ft. (G) (H) ( G x H ) sq.ft. Base X 1.00 sq.ft. Reduced X 1.67 sq.ft. Maximum X 0.50 TOTAL WEIGHTED S .FT.(May not exceed BDA) i9sx& o Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided Required Parking //oC n A�GL� a27(i�% �' a,25�(/0 sq.ft. Xq.ft. sq.ft. re footage. ;, 96 (5 aq ( mooX� --� - �y /67 rL/ Proposed parking (Indicate nu l of stalls provided) /'� /4 Total On -Site Parking. tJXry Standard Compact In -lieu Parking (/ -All Dimension building height a dear d fro �t ral grade toja;g�e and max um roof height .� o Show natural grade line on all elevations show all rooftop mechanical equipment and dimension from grade directly below. Indicate location of trash containers on site plan. Humber of Stories Floor Plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. _A* Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing to ati4n�o€ all buildings, fences, *to. in relation to the property line. LOJ50 (� 4 7dc *air Share Contributi� o D � A L' San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corrido Fee_4z52 P� -wit_ .dd �0 1ld ., ; ./ . -A ZI I il-1 �rss.:, ra►�ssiiite��:.nar� Please indicate any discretionary approval numbers on the plans and incorporate the attachadJ excerpt of minutes and list of findings and conditions into the bluelina drawings approval letter into the bluelina drawings Modifications Committee: Indicate Approval No. on Bluslines Modification required for Use Permitt 11/49`3 p No. _ Variance: Rssubdivision/Tract: No. P 1 DbI�FAGED �pp (OCN. Am* dpmisat s Review: NNo.Site M onu Other, � LA -qr:M2 /fo. Public worxst I G Easement/Encroachment Permit Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer-SILIfA4r'f� Approval of Landmca& Plans Building Deoartmentt Grading Engineer j=-fin 7,5 A8,9AJ-r PL rN 15' r-&WT sc716Ac.K. k a rr(/ pl 5fg � I j) ca.4k© ,3AC is/ Parks Deoartmepts Approval of Landscape Plans coastal Development Permitst Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Notat File 3 sets of plans: sitat floor, and elevations) Coastal Development Permitt No. Effective Date: Waiver/Exemption: No. Effective datet NOTE: it is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 444- 3200. FORMS\CORM-%oN.COR Rev. 1/93 LETTER OF COMPLIANCE for USE PERMIT NO.3S12 ALAMO RENT A CAR I+ACILITY 4316 BIRCH STREET NEWPORT RRACII, CA. ALAMO RENT A CAR, THE OWNER OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SITE, DOES HEREBY AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: S. Alamo Rent A Car agrees that all automobile repairs shall be conducted within the building and no outdoor display of vehicles for sale shall be permitted. 7, Alamo Rent Car agrees that no outdoor sound system shall 'be utilized on -site. 8. Alamo Rent A Car agrees that all employees shall park on -site at all times. 20. Alamo Rent A Car agrees that the outdoor storage of tires and other auto related parts or merchandise shall be prohibited on -site. ?1 AN= Rrnt A Car egrmsv that thorntirr., site. shall be, maintained In a clean and orderly manner. 23. Alamo Rent A Car states that the landscape and irrigation plans have been prepared by a State of California Licensed Architect, Alamo Rent A Car further agrees that the landscape plan shall be integrated and phased to coincide with the proposed Construction schedule, and that prior to occupanoy of, the Structure, the licensed Architect shall certify, to the Planning Department that the landsaaplq li'm boo ;il iusldlltnl in dwuidttuue Willi din prnparva Plan. 25. Alamo Rent A Car agrees that the landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris, and that all vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 36. Alamo Rent A Car agrees that this application allows far tompitta angina rebuilding (ligludhig Orrtriral and transmission repalr), m wall ac tune.upc, lubrication, emog tooting, and break norulao astd i,tstdllatiun. Alwuu Rent A Car agrees that no painting, body work or other operations of a similar nature shall be permitted on -site utdess ait amendment to this use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. 31. Alamo Rent A Car agrees that no customer service, shuttle bus service, customer drop-off or pick-up of automobiles shall be allowed on the premises unless an amendment to the use permit is approved by the Planning Commission. SIGNTin e,�ATE� Mr. Mark C. Knutson - General Manager Alamo Rent A Car Facility - Newport Beach, Ca. January 24,1994 City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Re: Lighting Plan Alamo Car Rental Service Facility 4361 Birch St. Use Permit No. 3512 Sirs: Attached is the lighting plan and fixture schedule for the subject facility. In accordance with your requirements all fixtures are the cut-off type which conceal the light source and minimize spillage and glare to the adjacent properties. Catalog cuts of each fixture used are attached. Yours truly, Thomas E. Numelin Registered Electrical Engineer State of California i 6010�A No. E 010692 , !-)5-1W, eri s N .. Designed for Cutoff Illumination Die-cast aluminum Clec hack housina Prismatic window for interior pholocontrol Bronze _ektrocote finish Field adjustable socket ..,.enings: Vim!-," NPSM on both sides of rear housing R M • Sharp Cutoff optical system eliminates glare and light trespass • Field adjustable aiming allows for customized illumination • Wall or pole mount The Perimashield luminaire is ideal for exterior lighting applications where sharp cutoff is required. This versatiie luminaire features adjustable cutoff from 70'to go, to prevent light trespass or glare. This luminaire is perfectly suited for commercial and industrial wall and area lighting applications such as: • parking lots • stores • office buildings • fast food restaurants • banks • warehouses • schools • parking garages • shopping centers In short, it can be used to illuminate the outside perimeter of virtually any building where precise cutoff control is required. This fixture's aesthetically pleasing appearance will complement any architectural setting, and its vandal -resistant construction is designed to last. : 1 nt s Ordering Information Perimaliter0 ORDERING INFORMATION ■ Weight Catalog Number Lamps and Wattage Voltage/Ballast Ibs kgs. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM PVL-0070S-118 70 Quad/AL (HPF) 18 8 PVL-0070S-511• 70 120/Reactor (NPF) 18 8 PVL-0100S-118 100 Quad/AL (HPF) 19 9 PVL-0100S-511• 100 120/Reactor (NPF) 19 9 PVL-0150S-118 150" Quad/AL (HPF) 20 9 PVL-0150S-511• 150 120/Reactor (NPF) 20 9 METAL HALIDE' PVL-0175H-118 175 Quad/PLA 21 10 Note: 50 Hz, 220/240 volt ballasts are also available. Consult factory. "120 Volt only. Lamps included. --Also available in 480 volt 1Mercury lamps may also be operated on metal halide ballast. Perimashield"' ORDERING INFORMATION Weight Catalog Number Lamps and Wattage* Voltage/Ballast Ibs kgs. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM PRS-0070S-118 70 Quad/AL APF 18 8 PRS-0070S•511 70 120/Reactor NPF 18 8 PRS-0100S•118 100 Quad/AL HPS 19 9 PRS-010OS-511 100 120/Reactor NPF 19 9 PRS-0150S-118 150 Quad/AL HPS 20 9 PRS-0150S-511 150 120/Reactor NPF 20 9 METAL HALIDE PRS-Ot00H•118 100 Quad/PLA HPF 20 9 PRS 0175H-118 175 Quad/PLA HPF 21 9.5 -Aledium Base Lamps Included. ACCESSORIES For field installation with Padmaliter and Perimashield series. Order separately. Catalog Number I Description ECO-F Single in -line fuse holder for 120 and 277 volts. (Fuse not included.) ECO-FF Double in -line fuse holder for 208 and 240 volts. (Fuse not included) FUSE-5A Single in -line fuse and holder for 120 and 277 volts FUSE-10A Double In -line fuse and holder for 208 and 240 volts PST-1 Photocontrol, 120 volt. (PVL-PK wiring kit required.) PST-2, 3, 4 Photocontrol, 208, 24D, 277 volt. (PVL-PK wiring kit required.) PVL-PK Gasket and wiring kit for photocontrol. (Photocontrol not included.) Required when photoconlrol is used PVL-PT Aluminum slipfifter housing accepts 2:Ya" O.D. tenon for single or back-to-back double, post -top mounted Permashield Bronze LEKTROCOTEe finish. EPA:1.8 sq. ft. with fbaures. PVL-TR Tamper resistant hardware kit. Perimaliter® Photometric Data Tested to current IES and N EMA standards under stabilized laboratory conditions. Isofootcandle Diagrams —Based on 15-toot mounting height. 150 Watt High Pressure Sodium Test No. HP-01146 Ratio of longitudinal distance to mounting height z a INNS y Coefficient of utilization T (dashed curve) To determine footcandle values for 70 watt H PS and 100 watt HPS, multiply by.36 and.59 respectively. PerimashieldT" Photometric Data 175 Watt Metal Halide Test No. HP-01149 Ratio of longitudinal distance to mounting height 2 a a s EVE NAMES Coefficient of utilization (dashed curve) 175 Watt Deluxe Merx y Test No. HP-01148 Ratio of longitudinal distant* to mounting height �-1 0�, iMENSM' m MEN Coefficient of utilization (dashed curve) To determine f ootcandle values for 100 watt Mercury, multiply by -49• PAS•0150S-118 CURVE NO. HP•04801 PRS•0150S•118 ISOF00T•CANDLE DIAGRAM WM C0fl8Et hI ISOF00T•CANDLE DIAGRAM Open OZONE HOS 11 FACTOR 1.86 12 1.56 M 13 1.33 FF 14 1.15 15 1.00 R 16 0.88 17 0.78 5 18 0.69 +� 19 0.62 20 0.56 21 OS1 3 22 DAB 0 g VALUEb EASED ON tb FOOT MOUNTING MEgHT 0 b i 2 t .z 2 1 Ab At Al 3 5 rxO 1FF �20 CU 2 3 4 D1301m40ncE50M ;OEFFiCIEHTOFUTnt2AT10N T5rpo 6070 6 7E.Io CWC oolike sit OF MTmum VAO suit position set at maximum wton. foclet poMlbn eat at minimum po da To btarmi+kolnndM Musa lot 70W anA 100W MPS, multiply eY.71 and All eaagctlwiY• CURVE NO. HF-04802 Mtn COMC• WT. Fecr011 11 1.56 12 1.56 13 1.33 14 1d5 15 1.00 16 0.88 17 0.76 1e 069 19 062 20 0.56 21 0.51 8 22 0.46 eo HUBBELL Lighting Christiansburg, Virginia: 2000 Electric Way • Zip: 24073 • (703) 382-6111 • Fax: (703) 382-1526 Pickering, Ontario: 870 Brock Rd. South Box 700 • L1V2R3 (416) 839.1138 • Fax: (416) 839.9108 • Telex: 06-981288 u •. February 1991 0 1991 Hubbell incorporated PERIMAIPERSH 0UT091 G,"wop.,, LiC, ikfS • The Ulthat For premium canopy lighting, rely on the standard of the industry: the Masters Series. Designed for use in a wide variety of applications including ccn �tu�e convenience stores, gas stations, and hotels, the Masters Series offers unsurpassable I' hY I't fog t C)nCC tro1C canopy ig ing qua i Y. Featuring an optical system which allows for a more uniform distribution pattern, the Masters Series Dachieves harmonious continuity between energy efficiency and arch itecturai'design. Lenses available include the highly specified dropped 1LT(gy prmatic acrylic, dropped prismatic polycarbonate and the C73 diffused - at tempered glass. ffic1enC Perhaps the most outstanding feature of the Masters Series is its exceptional durability factor. The door assembly on the Masters Series has a high - strength double thickness, and the lens has a two -layer silicone sealant. Additionally, the door housing has a high quality EPDM blended gasket seal. The Masters Series ... canopy lighting at its finest. /� FEATURES One-piece aluminum housing. Corners are welded and finished to produce a clean, sharp appearance while Increasing housing strength and ensuring weather -tight construction. One-piece construction eliminates the worry of moisture entering from poorly sealed side panels. Porcelain sockets feature spring -reinforced contacts for long life. Available lenses include a molded dropped prismatic acrylic, a dropped prismatic polycorbonate and a 073 diffused flat tempered glass. The dropped prismatic acrylic allows for uniform ground patterns, while the polycarbonate is an Ideal choice for high -vandalism areas. Each lens has two layers of silicone sealant. The Masters Series is designed to utilize any of the following lamp types: High Pressure Sodium, High power factor type CWA ballast Is designed. for minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit operation. The ballast is mounted to housing reinforcing plate which ensures maximum heat -sinking for long life. A one-piece, symmetrical reflector is standard. Continuous one-piece EPDM gasket for maximum sealing. A single, captive door fastener allows easy access without loose hardware. Standard finish colors for the Masters Series are white and bronze. Consult factory for lead time on black, cocoa, platinum, and vanilla finishes. DuraGrlpTM, our revolutionary superior baked -on polyester -powder finishing process, gives the fixture an exceptionally attractive appearance. This unique polyester protection lets the fixture withstand Super Metal Halide, or Metal Halide. extreme weather changes without Consult factory for Deluxe Mercury cracking or peeling. Finish is guaranteed Vapor order requests. 81 ff for five full years. 23. 110" NOTE: The Masters luminaire can be flush Olisted for wet locations. mounted to metal or concrete surfaces. For combustible surface mount, allow 1/4" minimum space from ceiling. HOW TO ORDER LUMINAIRES n-,-.a--.�---.t-.,.. ..L..r....;�n unit rnl, lmn ♦ 9 act apprripr"'a Luml`netie spat °' Dlstribullonk Lam att k% h UghlSource rr� ' .Lads" DA— DroppedPrismatic Acrylic "' U`ne I` Voltage Cumin2fre Finish 0 lion LL — Less Lamp CL—Coated Lamp MA S—Symmetrical 150 175 HPS— HighPressureSodium 150,250,400Watt 120V 208V Standard WHT—White 250 SMH— SuperMetalHalide DP— Dropped Prismatic 240V BRZ—Bronze FS— Fusing for 120V8 400 175, 250, 400 Watt Polycar ionate 277V Consult Factory 277V FD— Double Fusing MH—Metal Halide 73—C73Diffused Flat 480V (Additional Lead for 208V S 240V 175, 250, 400 Watt Tempered Glass" MT —Multi Tap Time Needed) FD1—Double Fusing F—CleafFlat BLK—Black for480V Tempered Glass GOA—Cocoa REC— RecessedMounting PLT—Platinum Kitt VAN —Vanilla CHK — Chain Hanging Kit DES — Integral Ouadz Emergency Restrike Syslemtt NO — No Options QEXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER 'Consult factory for Deluxe Mercury Vapor order requests: "The C73 Diffused Flat Tempered Glass is required for indoor use. }Recessed Mounting Kit is for outdoor use only. ttWhen a DES is ordered with a voltage other than 120V, a Multi Tap ballast must be ordered. ice: O � ®Ii9dGia9 Sgiif�lA6,. . • - -tCrf �.Y: L , /Arf n LIc Ll �• - 'iy Pir � i � � l-, Data Sheet qT \ one-piece aluminum housing is Porcelain vets feature The 9 spring•reinta'ced contacts available in three sizes: small, for tong life. medium and large. Corners are welded and finished to produce a The Citation offers clean, sharp appearance while three rn'ieclor systems. increasing housing strength and Fixture shown here ensuring weather tight construction. features aType 111(3) One-piece construction eliminates _ 'y -� /'-_� with a medium the worry of moisture entering from J - "'�„ distribution Pattern for poorly sealed top pans and side'': x`" increased pole spacing. panels. =:,`� other available e CWA ballast reflectors Include Asymmetrical (A) for a High power factor type short distribution pattern. and Forward Is designed for minus 20 degrees Throw (FT) for perimeter lighting Fahrenheit operation. The ballast Is applications to eliminate stray light and mounted to housing reinforcing plate produce a sharp backside cutoff. which ensures maximum heat - sinking for long life. The field•rotatable reflector, available only lace EPDM gasket on the large 1000 Watt Forward Throw (FT) Continuous one-piece 9 Citation, enables flexibility in distribution for maximum sealing, patterns without moving the fixture. (See Standard finish colors available for Afi inside back cover.) the platinum. C are bronze, black, and I The Citation is designed to utilize any of platinum. Consult factory for lead C the following lamp types. High Pressure time on cocoa, vanilla, and white Sodium47, Super Metal Halide or Metal finishes. DuraGrlp°, LSI's �, Halide. Consult factory for Deluxe Mercury revolutionary superior baked -on Vapor order requests. polyester -powder finishing process, �— tl---I� gives the fixture an exceptionally '—LAB Clear slat tempered glass lens is sealed to attractive appearance. This unique Flat Lens lens frame with silicone sealant. polyester protection lets the fixture withstand extreme weather changes Door fasteners themediumandlarge without cracking or peeling. Finish is Citation have one -quarter rum releases. guaranteed for five full years. The small Citation has two captive door screws. Olisted for wet locations. ` 0 A e U CTS Small 20.1/4' 6' 14-1/2' CTM Medium 25' 1 8' 18-1/4' 1 CTL Lar 1 29- 1O- 21' HOW TO ORDER LUMINAIRES h column Select appropriate choice from en Luminaire Distribution Lamp Light Source • Lens Line voltage Luminalre Finish options Prefix CTS- A -Asymmetrical Wattage 50 HPS- HighPressureSodium F-ClearFlatTemperedGlass 120V PCRandReceptacleControl Small 3-Type ill FT -Forward 70 100 50, 70,100,150 Watt SMH-Super Metal Halide 240V BRndard Bronze BLK-Black LL- Less Lamp Throw 150 175 Watt 277V PLT- Platinum CL- Coated Lamp FSFusing for 120V& 175 MH-Metal Halide 175 Watt 480V MT- Multi Tap Consult Factory (Additional Lead - 277V (except for Time Needed) Time 1DDOW in 120V) CTM- A -Asymmetrical 150 HPS - HighPressureSodium Cocoa COA-VAN-Vanilla FSt-Fusing for120V Medium 3-Type III 200 150, 200, 25D, 400 Watt for 1ODDW Fr- Forward 250 SMH-Super Metal Halide WHT-White FD- Double Fusing Throw 400 250, 40D Watt for 208V & 240V MH-Metal Halide FD1-Double Fusing 250.400 Wan for 480V HSS- HouseSideShield PLS- PolycarbonateShield CTL- A -Asymmetrical 1000 HPS - HighPressureSodium Large 3- Type 111 Fr -Forward 1ODD Waft MH-Metal Halide NO -No Options Throw* 1ODD Wan EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER I CTM - 3 - 400 - HPS - F -120V - BRZ - NO •CTL•FT- Forward Throw reflectors are field rotatable. "Consult factory for Deluxe Mercury Vapor order requests. - 4 BRACKETS Bolt -On, Tenon Mount and Wall Mount Dockets are easily ordered from the following charts. To order poles refer to LSI's Pole Sa i3n of catalog for complete ordering information. Bolt -On rrrq��II-- Tenon Mount jam-, i Wall Brackets I I IL_ T' •NA "'� Brackets LS�•(J �'� Mount fl-V I UUUJJJ��w� 8.3r4' Adjustable :,"*ARound Sl,pener Parallel Adjustable CTS, CTM CTL CTS, CTM, CTL C CTS, CTM, CTL CTS, CTM, CTL CTL CTS, CTM, CTL CTS.C:TL CTL 4•x4' SW 1 2'x4• Yx4• 4'x4' 4N4' Notes: For Boll -On, order one bracket per lum - aiHin Parallel brackets will accommodate two luminaires. Tenon Mount brackets come as an assemb9•. ON90' and ON90' configurations are ore-edl-m LSI pole data sheets. Order two Single brackets for a DN90' wrdon and four Single brackets for a ON90' configuration. LUMINAIRE EPA CHART � IX + ; Includes bracket. �,: �./ � a•E•M n r,nm •• n,en. Tan• TN1911' non- nNan• Parallel oil. Small Citation CTS 6' Bracket 1 1 2.5 2.3 2.5 3.8 4.0 5.1 1 - 4.6 - Small Citation CTS IT Bracket 1., 1 2.8 2.5 2.8 4.2 4.5 5.6 5.0 1 - Medium Citation CTM 6'Bracket 21 4.2 6.7 7.0 - 8.9 - 8.0 _- Medium Citation CTM 12' Bracket 22 1 4- 4-0 4.5 1 5.0 4.5 5.0 7.5 8.0 9.9 9.0 Medium Citation CTM 24' Bracket 25 5.5 4.9 5.5 8.2 9.0 11.0 9.9 - Ba Medium Citation CTM 6 1 ra29Large Citation CTLBcke 6 5.4 5.7 6.1 9.1 94 12.1 10.9 - Large Citation CTL 12' Bracket 30 1 100 . 107 13.4 12.1 - Large Citation CTL 24' Bracket 3.4 6 .7 73 . 4.7 3Large Citation CTL35' Bracket 6.7 Large Citation CTL 48' Bracket HOW TO ORDER BRACKETS Select appropriate choice from each column. Bracket Bracket I Bracket Length Bracket Options Designation Width/rype Configuration Finish BOLT -ON Standard BRZ- Bronze ELK - Black NO -No Options BKS-Bracket Steel 480-4'x4'110-011 S- Single g••• 5BO-5'x5'Bo@-On' 12 24• PLT-Platinum 36, Consult Factory (Additional Lead Time Needed) 4BO - 4'x4' BoFOn WM-Wall Mount 6' 5BO-5'x5'Bolt-On' PA -Twin Parallel 48' PP -Prime COA-Cocoa BKA- BracketAluminum 480-4'x4'BoH-On S- Single 6"' 580-5'x5'Boll-On' 12' VAN -Vanilla WHT-White 580-5'x5'soft -On* PA -Twin Parallel 48' CBO-Cast Bolt -On ADJ-Adjustable 61 SIIplltterSizes 2.0-(2.3/8'O.D.)Standard TENON MOUNT BKS-Bracket Steel 2NM-2x4'TenonMount S- Single 6"' 12, BKA- BracketAluminum (SquareSliplitter D1809-Doublp D90'-Double 24't 2.5-(2.7/8'0.0.) Is Standard) T900-Triple 36-t 3.0-(3-12'O.D.) TN1200-Tdple 3.5 - (4- O.D.) 090' - Ouad RS - Round SlipOUer UT5- Up -Till s' UT1 0 - Up -Till 10' NO -No Options 4NM-4'x4'TenonMount PA -Twin Parallel 48' BKA- BracketAluminum CNM-Cast Tenon Mount ADJ-Adjustable 3' EXAMPLE OF ATYPICAL ORDER I BKS - 00 - S - 6 - BRZ - NO '4' poles will not accommodate 5'x5' brackets. 16' length bracket can only be ordered with Single and D180• configurations, and all small luminatre configurations. t24' and 36' bracket lengths only available on Steel Brackets. 1 PHOTOMETRIC DATA 40OW Super Metal Halide (Single) 40OW Super Metal Halide (Single) (Type A - Asymmetrical Distribution) (Type III - Medium Distribution) 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FRONT 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FRONT NAG. • o C n F F 12' 27.78 13 89 5.56 2.78 1.39 .56 14' 20.41 10.20 4.08 2.04 1.02 .41 III6' 15.63 7.81 3.13 1.56 .78 .31 t8' 12.35 6.17 2.47 1.23 .62 .25 20' 10.00 5.DO 200 1OD .50 .20 22' 8.26 " 4.13 1.65 .83 .41 .17 24' 6.94 3.47 1.39 .69 .35 .14 26. 5.92 2.96 1.18 .59 .30 .12 28' 5.10 2.55 1.02 .51 .26 .10 30'1 4.44 2.22 .89 .44 .22 .09 40OW Super Metal Halide (Single) (Type FT - Forward Throw Distribution) FRONT LUMEN RATING 40.0DO MH REFERS TO MOUNTING HEIGHT 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH EASY FIELD -ROTATED FORWARD THROW DISTRIBUTION FOR CTL ONLY 1000W Metal Halide (D1800) 1000W Metal Halide (D180°) (Type FT- Forward Throw Non -Rotated Distribution) (Type FT- Forward Throw Rotated Distribution) :4MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH .3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH MTG. e e 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH 18' 61.73 24 69 12.35 6.17 2 47 1.23 .62 20' S0.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 200 1 00 .50 22' 41.3216.53 8.26 4.13 1.65 .83 .41 24' 34.72 13 89 6.94 3.47 1.39 .69 .35 26. 29.59 11.83 5.92 2.96 1.18 .59 .30 28' 25.6110.20 5.10 2.55 1.02 .51 .26 30' 22.22 8.89 4.44 2.22 .89 ." .22 LUMEN RATING 107,800 MH REFERS TO MOUNTING HEIGHT Note the flexibility in distribution pattern allowed by the field -rotatable reflector. 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH 77 I w I V e The Kiow y-, Series G -;' Granite .. Rnght Blue Mebk Ota Ifl i�^• :�1�T^ /��f s CIE CAROLINA FAMILY OFFERS VERTICAL BURN Lt cops FOR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE The advanced housing of each Carolina family fixture accommodates a vertical burn lamp for a more controlled, uniform distribution pattern. And with better uniformity comes better "visibility". Unlike traditional vertical . . . . . . . . . . . . . burn fixtures that compromise aesthetic value of the fixture housing, the Carolina family combines these vertical • burn lamps with multiple reflector types for premium performance and exceptional appearance. Lighting uniformity is more • conducive to visi6ility than high footcandles. This comparison of our Type 5 square distribution pattern to a traditional horizontal burn pattern clearly illustrates the greater uniformity achieved through a vertical burn reflector system. Type FP (Forward Throw Distribution) Type II Distribution Type 5 Square Distribution Iz THE CAROLINA- FAMILY �6• A A Is IS C HATTERAS" A S C HAS Small Arm Mount I 15.3/4' - NAPS Small Pole To 20' 15.3/4' 23.3/8' HAM Medium Arm Mount 25' 19' - HAPM Medium Pole To 25' 19' 27.3/4' 1' 6'1 A — B HILTON` •I'— A B C A B C• HIS Small Arm Mount 20' 12' HIPS Small Pole Top 20' 12' 18. HIM Medium Arm Mount 25' 15' HIPM Medium Pole T op 25' 15' 21' ' HIL Large Arm Mount 29' 18' HIPLLar ePoleTop HOW TO ORDER LUMINAIRES c.-r--� .............�1c rhn,no frnm oorh rnli rmn �' • A —�' . -- A -� 0Is C KIAWAH" A B C KIS Small Arm Mount 18.12' 13.12' - KIPS Small Pole To 18.1/2, 13.12' 19.7/8' KIM Metlium Arm Moun 23' 1213 - KIPM Medium Pole Top 23' 13.3/4' 21.3/4' KIL, Lag a Arm Mount 27-12' 18' - KIPL Lar ePale Tc 27-12' 11; 25.7/16' • Na1e: 6' arm standaN. 12' and 14' opboral Luminaire Distribution Lamp Light Source* Lens I Line Voltage Luminaire Finish Options Prefix Wattage Small Arm Mount 2-Type il 50 HPS-High Pressure Sodium CT- 120V Standard PCR- PhotoelectricControl HAS -Hatteras 3- Type 111 70 50,70.100.150Waft Contoured 208V BRZ- Bronze and Receptacle HIS -Hilton FP - Perimeter 100 MH-Metal Halide Tempered 240V COA-Cocoa LL - Less Lamp KIS - Kiawah Forward Throw 160 100.175Watt Glass 277V VAN -Vanilla CL- Coated Lamp 5-Type V 175 Cp_ 480V i145-Light Gold Decal FS- Fusing for 120Vand Small Pole Top Square Contoured MT- is standard 277V (except for 1000W HAPS- Hatteras HIPS -Hilton Polycarbonate Multi Tap Standard in12OV) FS1- Fusing for 120Vfor KIPS-Kiawah BLK - Black PLT- Platinum 1000W Medium Arm Mount 2-Type 11 150 HPS - High Pressure Sodium WHT-White FO- Double Fusing for 208V HAM -Hatteras FP - Perimeter 175 150, 250,400 Watt #20- Charcoal Metallic and240V HIM - Hilton Forward Throw 250 SMV-Super Metal Halide Decal is standard FD1- Double Fusing for 480V KIM - Kiawah 5-Type V 400 (Vertical) 400 Watt HSS- HouseSideShield Medium Pole Top Square MH- Metal Halide Consult Factory - NO - No Options HAPM- Hatteras 175, 250, 400 Watt - te GSA Granite Alternate Color Decals" HIPM - Hilton MA R- Marble (Additional Two Week Lead KIPM -Kiawah Time Needed) 55-Black Blue Metallic 94-BrightT Large Arm Mount 2-Type il 400 HPS - High Pressure Sodium CT- HIL-Hilton FP - Perimeter 1000 4DO,1000Watt Contoured 64-Chro Teai KIL-Kiawah Forward Throw SMV-Super Metal Halide Tempered Ot -Chrome LargePoieop FA -Automotive (Vertical) 400,1000 Waft Glass 33-Dark Brown KIPL- Hilton Forward Throw 5-TypeV MH - Metal Halide 400,1000Watt 59-Dark Green KIPL - Kiawah Square 51-D 92 -Emmeralderald Diamond Metallic 327 - Master Yellow 309 - Putty 50 - White 19-Wine Kiawah Arm Options' 12BK -12' Boll -On Arm 148K -14' Bolt -On Arm II EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER I HIL - FP -1000 - SMV - CT - MT - PLT -19 Note: Reflectors are `eld rotatable on medium and large fixtures. 'When ordering a Kiawah Idminaire in a D90'. T900, TN120° or 0900 'Consult factory for Deluxe Mercury Vapor order requests. mounting configuration you must order a 12' arm (12BK) on small "Consult factory for alternate color decal selections. or medium Kiawah, or 14' arm (14BK) on large Kiawah. BRACKETS 6" Arm Mount (Bolt -On Bracket) or Pole Top (Mounting Hub) 1:3 1i9nrUin9 S95�ems is included when ordering all luminaires. iM W IC Tenon Mount Sliplitter Pole Top Adaptor Wall Mount Plate III Round Adaptor Squre I� HAS. HAM KIS. KALM MAPS. HAPM HIS. HIM, HIL HIPS. HIPM.H PL KIPSaKIPM�KKIS. KIM, KIL iPL HIS. HIM. HII Slipfiner sre is 2.38.0 D. Consult factory for other saes. Tenon Mount Slipfitter, Pole Top Adaptor, wall Mount date are snippeu bWIJGIQLC IY a„� must be ordered from the charts below. To order poles, refer to Pole Section of catalog for complete ordering information. ON MOUNT SLIPFITTER er Bracket Configuration RAS HILTONHINM-S-1 Sin le HINM-D180.1 D180° HINM-D90.1 D90° -HINM-T90.1 T90° -HINM-TN120.1'-HINM-090-1AH-KINM-S-1-KINM-0180.1 R 0180° -KINM-D90.1 D90° -KINM•T90.1 T90°-KINM-TN120.1' TN720° -KINM-090.1nsult factory. Nate: Specify finish. LATE N Bracket Configuration FBKS-KIBO-WM-1 Wall Mount Wall Mount POLE TOP ADAPTOR For adapting Pole Top Luminaires to Tenon Mount poles. Order Pipe size Number of Tenon Max. O.D. of Tenon HATTERAS. HILTON 3LTA•2 2' 2.3/8' HPT-TA•2.1/2 2.1,2' 2-7/8' HPT-TA•3 3' 3.1/2' KIAWAH KPT-TA-2 2' 2.3/8' KPT-TA•2.1/2 KPT•TA-3 3' 3.1l2' Nola: Speci finish. INAIRE 0 �� �=++ �h �+ CHART Pole Top es arMpole top. Mount Single D90' D180° T90' TN120' 090' RASll Hatteras HAS 6-Bracket - 1.5 2.8 3.14.3435.5 ll Hatteras HAPS Pole To 1.5 - - 6.1 6.2 7.9 iumHatteras HAM 6-Bracket - 2.2404.3 ium Hatteras HAPM Pole To 2.3 -Nll Hilton HIS 6' Bracket - 19- 1.32327 37 37 47 ll Hilton HIPS Pole To 1.4 -ium 3.6 4.0 5.5 56 7.1 Hilton HIM 6' Bracket - 2.0 ium Hilton HIPM Pole To 2.1 - - - 5.27.5 i.5 9.7 a Hilton HIL 6' Bracket - 2.6 4.8 eHilton HIPL Pole To 2.8 -AHll Kiawah KIS 6' Bracket - 2.5- 4.9 5.4 - 7.9 7.9 10.6 ll Kiawah KIS 12' Bracket - 2.7 5:3 Small Kiawah KIS 14' Bracket - 2.8 - 5.6 - - - Small Kiawah KIPS Pale To 2.1 - - - hledium Kiawah KIM 6' Bracket - 3.1 - 6.1 6.5 - 9.7 _ 9.7 12.9 hiedium Kiawah KIM 12' Bracket - 3.2 6.5 hledium Kiawah KIM 14- Bracket - 3.3 - 6.7 MediumKiawah KIPM PoieTo 3.4 - - - - r a Kiawah KIL 6' Bracket - L[Inge 4.1 - 8.1 Lr a Kiawah KIL 12- Bracket - 4.2 - 8.4 8.5 - - - 12 8 12.8 17.1 Lr a Kiawah KIL 14' Bracket - 4.3 8.5 i Kiawah (KIPL) Pole Top 4.5 1 - - - - 4 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS �7• Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Plan Check No: �9 0 e By:Genia Garcia, Associate Planner By:Marc Myer�s/, Assistant Planner Date: 4T Zi_4 Districting Map No. By:Chriaty Teacue. Associate Planner Land Use Element Page No. Corrections Required: 7 d, � (� Legal Description: Lot L- Block Section Tract 16 7 Resubdivision required to combine lots or portions of lots when construction or alterations are in excess of $20,000. Covenant required. Please have owner's signature document and �return lto me. Lot Size Zone Proposed Use Front Rear Left Side notarized on the attached 6F FAR WORICSHEET % Lot area (site area sq.ft.): //G,.t70o sq.ft. Base Development Allocation (BDA): 58 000 Comm sq.ft. (0.5 x site area sq.ft., unless otherwise specified in Land Use Element] FAR permitted, without variance: (A) Comm res Pkc Square footage permitted: Comm res okc sq.ft. [(A) x site area sq.ft.] L Maximum FAR allowed with variance: (B) Comm res nkc Maximum square footage all wed: Comm res sq.ft. [(B) x site arra sq.ft.] PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (C) Base FAR use sq.ft. p /, milt sq.ft. (D) Reduced FAR use sq.ft. - sq.ft. (E) Maximum FAR use sq.ft. sq.ft. (F) TOTAL SQ.FT..[C+D+E] sq.ft. PROPOSED FAR: r Q [ F % site area sq.ft. J PROPOSED WEIGHTED DEVELOPMENT: FAR Use Category Weighting Factor Weighted Sq.Ft. (G) (H) ( G x H 1 -sq. ft. Base X 1..001 sq.ft. sq.ft. Reduced X 1.67 sq.ft. sq.ft. Maximum X '0.50 sq.ft. TOTAL WEIGHTED S FT.(May not exceed BDA) Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided gqug;re footage. Required Parking oZ% cJ g ot�6 Proposed parking (Indicate nu ` of stalls provided) Total On -Site Parking Standard Compact In -lieu Parking h 7- 4grtVagea Dimension buildkptMr!77roof height n✓dr.�avx mum Show natural grade line on all elevations show all rooftop mechanical equipment and dimension from grade directly below. Indicate location of trash containers on site plan. Number of stories Floor Plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing locat qn of all buildings, fences, etc. in relation to the propert-y-�liint. /abe(-� PTIS _ Fair share Contribution /U , ��,(!L WAD -{�iGK. rJarticcD --)0 Q.:T hAA 70 (_ Ban Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Please indicate any discretionary approval numbers on the plans and incorporate the attached; excerpt of minutes and list of findings and condition: into the blueline drawings approval letter into the blueline drawings t Modifications Committee: Indicate Approval No. on Bluelines Modification required for Plannina Commission/city _ Use Permits No,1�6. p ///4I93 Variance: No. Resubdivision/Tract: No. D6�-PAGED Site Plan Review: No. other )VnndmeZtA -'L? �6AD1 P%2 iok x Public Workss r -z Easement/Encroachment Permit Ar Subdivision Engineer Traffic Inginear-S r ' Approval of Landsca& Plans Bu ld na Departments aradinq Engineer J /oalo4es A, moo. Eoo I�! lDeNr �ti l o=169 7.,511koµ. Parks Deoartmentt Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal _Dove lotxnent Permitat Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Note: File 3 sets of plans: *its, floor, and elevations) Coastal Development Parmit: No. Effective Date% Waiver/Exemptions No. Effective date: ��6 \ �i.J. p4° i�Ve NOTE: it is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals frog the departments checked above, if you have questions regarding your application, please contact Vie at (714) 64*- 3200. FORNB\CONK-fON.COR ' \ Rev. 1/93