HomeMy WebLinkAbout445-455 E COAST HWY*NEW FILE* 445-455 E Coast Hwy INDEX I r.. That the on -site parki.r.y, vehicular circulation snd re•9er.rrlan circulation systems be sub,ect to f;:r*hc•r review by the Traffic Engineer_ -hat all _m}rrvements be constructed as req':ired by ­dinancr- and the public Works Department. :hat , .'ardard ,,,­ iermr' 33reemer* and a_:ompa- rylr.; rx=ty be prcvlded ir. crder to guarantee satlsfa;t_ ^: rompletror. the c 1>T rrtrcve- merrr if it i , desired ;,bra:., a b ild;n3 lerml- _`rxrr to r_cmpletio Of the r-'- mpr^,,:,_ rents. Thar thelt.:ersectlir� of ��,e cr::a_e ;rives and streets be des3.gr.ed _ rov_de sight ;• :• `cr itpeed 4, les :1 i•ea, I rdscapir.g, walls a-! -:`her cbstr ct>an o,ha.l to Tonsidered in the s._.:ht distance 'Lrelrent C. Landscaping wlthir. t'%e light ?+star._, . r:c. shall r.:it exceed ewer _ r ir..-hes Thc^ =z .t distance re.•.:;.re^e-r.= may be d-, x•i.` It r.^r._:.t2cal loci'__,-ns, sablect t,y the Traffic Engineer. That the 3> s} la•_r i p._ rti,x s c: s> dewalk, 'rr recon- ;xr c*..ed an'7 t?e Te`tal va It l.d be rei'laced along the } ay. liir r'rlve fr_•nt.x,�e ="er 3L ercr achment t,. 'ht- :ll.Hiic works Eepargent and -hat the ,.lsfia.µd ;j;rtaars �f 4idewalk al_r.a the Gast `e.+st tia.;hway trnntaae be reconstructed ander lr. t•,:r achment permit issued by the -alzforn.ia _e}•artment of Transportatiar,. ail drive aCcroaches ne recunstr.:cted t`' �:-r.f;rr with city Standard Drawing No. l^_:-�• to.,t' wide landscare planters = all be r•r.,v1�leJ anti ma,ntained on-s-te alorkg t"`- erta.r,• last 4aast highway frcnta.;e except a= street accens lrcations and that the nr-p,csei ;andscace elana shall be sub)ect to further re_,ew and 31^rrcvai by the Planning, Public Works, a.".� rsrks, Peaches an.l Fecreatior, Cepartments. 13. That vehicles shall wash racks and that he utilized on -site, be washed only at the approved no portable wash racks shall -7- The sales facility will be open from 8,00 e.m. to 9100 p.m. weekday* and 9=0o a.m. to 6100 p.m. on weekends. service hours will be from 700 a.m. to 9ioo p.m. on Tuesdays and 700 a.m. to 6100 p.m. on other weekdays. The service operation will be closed on weekends. During peak hours, a maxim= of 80 people will be employed on -site. Off -Street Parking Requirement The Zoning Code does not contain a specific parking requirement for auto dealerships, although automobile service stations are required to provide five parking spaces for each service bay under Section 20.70.060 of the Municipal code. on this basis, 190 parking spaces would be required for the 38 service bays, in addition to parking to serve the sales operation (38 bays x 5 spaces per bay o 190 spaces). As sham on the attached site plan. 197 parking spaces will be provided for customers, employees, and the automobile service ,l function. This represents an increase in 20 spaces from the 177 spaces provided under plans approved in 1968 in conjunction with the original Use permit No. 1327. It is staffs opinion that the 197 spaces shown will be adequate to provide for on -site parking needs due to the large pool of parking available. Signs Existing signage includes 2 pole signs, 1 monument sign, 1 wall sign, 1 directional sign, and 2 signs mounted on light standards. This exceeds the signage originally approved, and no record exists that building permits were ever issued for the additional signs. However, existing signage will be removed in Conjunction with the proposed site refurbishment. New signage is ,proposed to include one 651 sq.ft. wall sign and one 20 ft. high by 10 ft. wide double faced (200 sq.ft. per face) monument sign in addition to directional signs as permitted under Section 20.02.070 B7 of the Municipal Code (see attached land- scape and signage Concept plan). There will thus be an overall reduct: an in on -sits, signage. .f Landscaping r As originally approved by she Planning Commission, Condition of Approval No. 9 of Use Permit No. 1327 required that a 10 ft. landscape setback be provided adjacent to Bayside Drive. This landscaping will be retained. In addition, it is recommended that a 3 foot wide land- scope strip be required along the East Coast Highway frontage as shown on the attached landscape and signage Concept plan. Specific Findings and Recommendation Section 20.80.060 cf the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that in order to grant any use permit, the Planning Commission shall find that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not. under the G,rcumstances of the particular case, A J� 4 �r TOt I Awning Commission - 2. Conformance with_the General Plan and Local Coastal Program The Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan designate the site for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses. The auto sales and service facility is consistent with this use. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Uses The subject property is occupied by a 34,191 sq.ft. auto sales and service facility. To the northeast, across East Coast Highway, is the De Anza Bayside Village mobile home park; to the southeast are apartments in Promontory Point; to the southwest, across Bayside Drive are single family residences; and to the northwest is Bobby MCGee's Restaurant. Background on January 18, 1968, the Planning Commission approved use Permit No. - 1327 which was a request to develop an automobile sales and service facility on the subject property. The Planning Commission'= approval included the condition that there be no access to Bayside Drive (see attached excerpt of the Planning Commission Minuten;. The applicant +'n appealed the decision to the City Council which ^oted to remove the :f condition on February 13, 1968. Approved signage included 02 it individual signs 2 ft. by 12 ft." and one 6 sq.ft. pole sign. On "E February 6, 1969, the Planning Commission approved an amendment to Use :i Permit No. 1327 so as to permit the installation of a service directional sign not to exceed 6 ft. 6 in. by 18 in. and to be no more than 6 ft. 6 in. above the ground. Analysis The applicant proposes to construct a new 5,025 sq.ft. autoawbtle showroom and office addition, to expand an existing showroom by 2,550 sq.ft. and construct a 534 sq.ft. shop office and waiting room for a total 8,109 sq.ft. increase in building area. Total building area on the site will be 42,300 sq.ft. The applicant also proposes to install a 1,960 sq.ft* covered canopy. The applicant has indicated that no increase in the scale of operations is anticipated, but that used car sales will decrease in favor of new car sales. It is thus preferable to enclose the cars in showrooms, rather than display them outside. The existing body shop and heavy repair operation will be removed from the premises in order to make way for a Rolls Royce service area. There will be a total of 38 service bays on -site for all of the types of cars serviced. Two areas will be utilized for the washing and detailing of automobiles. One area will be partially enclosed in a building in the Rolls Royce service area, and one area will be under a covered canopy westerly of the service area. sNE 0 ,' � , .aa � �4ytJ .•j i�,i,.iq.��y p •A a i, ( �J•11f7 to detrieiental to the health• safety, prace, morals, eoaloti i'M general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of a such proposed use or be detrlmental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or th•, general welfare of the City. Staff recommends the approval of this amendment to Use Permit Mo. 1337, and suggests that the Planning Commission take such action, with the findings and subject to the conditions met forth in Exhibit "A". PLANNING DEPARTMEW JAM D. NENICEER, Director Sandra L. Genis Associate Planner SLG=11 UPAU Attacbmentst Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Letter from the Applicant Excerpt of the Planning Commission Minutes dated January 18, 196E Excerpt of the City Council Minutes dated February 13, 196E Site Plan, floor Plans, Elevations, Landscape and Signage Plans 0 j'zm;; , R�.l(u••..... rlru ^7 DISTRICTING- � UAP-CITY-OF- w• � �� a. u•.r a...a+..ne* ... .n.wn w..0 �.... ...r r....a r..r • �M.•. M �Y M.wT ' LS� .O..Mi.• M.t. ! 1 J t1/r edu.! w ..r K •.• Ft/Yf � T� rr•.n. r • \ 1 R-3 L R. USE PERMIT NO. 1,3R76Amende� +' VWW14 WW. MN FICKE'Fi 8 RUFFING • ARCHITECTS Pw JWAft AAJa {.VNq~.1M 41U Nrwppil GN, 0,4 1,a.000•NnMnu 1b.u, C., 42&bU.714n.4 16,1 .d06 klM MA May 28, NEwpORT AUTO CENTER 1. General nrormac3vn. 1.2 employees on site at any one times EO 2. South Dealership is Open. 2.1 Services the. Dealership mis open pfor oservice auys en until itg 9 P.M. 3 Service is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. f 2.2 Sales: 9 a.m. to 6 o 9 p.m. Saturdays andhSundays- 3. Affe�et',of proposed Additions and Changes. it. ax; 3.2 There4' be no affect on the hours of operation or the lCal* of operation. The primary purpose of these changes -is in the merchandising and the protection of ears*The affect on the 'Sales" areas is that of encl'osrn' more cars in Sbowrooms, rather than displaying them outside. It also means a diminishing of tbe�sed Car• sales in favor of "New Car• acles. 3.2 Wit iegard to the 'Service" area, this will mean a substantially cleaner operation and less fire hazard ■inef,the Body Shop and heavy type of repair will be moved';totally away from the premises in favor of a Ro11si;,Royce service function. r• 0 f f •t .� • Ci ledex Volume 21 - Page 198 '1' February IS, 1968 Volkswagens Inc„ 445 East Coast Highway, requesting an automobile sales -and service facility In an on - classified district, portion of Blocks 54 and 94. Irvinets Subdivision, 'Lone "U". �F The appeal latter dated January 25 from The Irvine a Company was presented with the findings of the ,� l+ Planning Commission dated February 13, 1968. } Planning Director Ernest Mayer, Jr. reported on the e� findings of the Planning Commission. Richard Reese of The lrvine Company spoke from the audience on !, behalf of tho applicant, i{ The hearing was closed. Motion A:+ C Ayes Absent s ' The action of the Planning Commission imposing Condition No. 7 on Use Permit No. 1327 was over- ruled and Condition No. 3-of the Public Works Depart- •r ment'that access rights to Bayeids Drive be dedicated, except for a. maximum of one drive approach to be Motion p located as approved by the Public Works Department, Ayes was approved. Absent 5+ Vice Mayor Marshall opened the public hearing r.g•rdtbg the appeal of Raymond B. and Emma Torian; • olnt tenant, from the decision of the Planning Torian. flay Co futon granting Use Permit No. 1331 subject to 9 two c SHoas, and requesting that Condition No. 1. }kme - appe which at lets that all new additions Conform to the UP 1331 required ■a acks, be deleted. Application for Use + of Permit No. 1 I requests approval of a second floor addition to an ex ting nonconforming building at 1701 E. Balboa Bouleva Lot V. Block L, Tract 518. Zone R.I. The appeal letter dated Jan ry 26 from Mr. and Mrs. ;+ Raymond Torten was present with the findings of the Planning Commission dated 13, 1968. Planning Director Ernest Mayas. Jr. sported on the findings of the Planning Commission. k Raymond Tor an spoke from the audience. Y `r The hearing was closed, MotionAyes $4 Absent 1 C ± A j P.s. 198 t 0 Volume 21 ..Pala1974r:,; tjx-judatins: Fs sq " Y ,nREGVLMEE4INCOF THE CITY COUNCIL Cm MmatLtg: y70 P.M. Ya` ' (y�,�Inde+ cylt,Of Meeting: Council Chambers CiD: Proem 1M M[69[ LIF *,roe ng of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of yamuary 2 nd of the Adjourned Meeting, of January IS Motion and 23, 196 was waived and said Minutes were approved Ayes is tieitten an rdered filed. Absent HEARINGS: 1. Vice Mayor Marsha opened the public hearing pursuant to Section 21 07. $ of the California Vehicle Code to dstermme whet r the previsions of the California Vehicle Code s Id be made applicable to 100 fact long portions of the roe private roads In Newport Center which are on tensions of Newport Center Drive. Santa Ross DrN a nd Santa Cruz Drive public street alignments. A letter dated February 6. 1968 from a livine Company requesting that traffic regulait s contained ' in the California Vehicle Code apply to the ubject roads and waiving the 10•day notice require ant was presented with a memorandum from the Publl Works Department dated February 13 regarding applies an of Vehicle Code to certain private roads in Newpo Center. No one from the audience desired to be heard. The hearing was closed. XA ' Eesotution No. 8696 finding and declaring that cartatn ivate roads open for public use in the Newport enter area of the City shalt be subject to the traffic Motion gulatlons contained in the California Vehicle Cade, Roll Celli waa adopted after the reading of the resolution was Ayes waived by unanimous comment of the Council. Absent 2. Vice Mayor Marshall openod the public hearing regarding the appeal of The Irvine Company, as property owneia, from the decision of the Planning Commission granting Use Permit No. 1327 with conditions, and requesting that Condition No. 7, which stipulates that there shall be no access to Dayside Drive with the exception of fire aceeme,be deleted. Applicant for Use Permit No. I127 is Chick Iverson peso 197 14 I a I <:ITY OF NEWPORT I t a maximum of one drive approach to be s lo cated as by the D.. That the remaining public improve- ! ments on Coast Highway be construe- tedt including street widening, curb, sidewalk, and street itghting. E. That a storm drain extending I through the parcel to Coast Highway I be constructed, in accordance with i the master drainage plan developed for the area. hat water lines be extended as,, Aereed to protectiondto theentirew 'f�rcel . 0. That the plans for the public im- provements be prepared on standard size sheets by a lic'nsed civil engineer. H. That satisfactory surety be posted and an agreement be executed to guarantee completion of the public improvements. and that a standard inspection fee be paid___ , 1328 NEW POR7,HEDICAL ARTS SLOG 307 Placentia Ave. Por. Lot 112 81. 1 Irvine's Sub. Zone "U" 01IROV Por. Lot 169 al. 2 Irvine's Sub • Zone "U" tieaht paquests approval to construct a !do a fiend interior illuminated (non -flashing:, honkkd above grade n-raYin nated) post sign 410" x Mr. Ged'rge,Kerr resented the Applicant - The C oneurre hat there was need '• recommended royal, sub$ect Motion p /I wing conditions: a Second A11' Ayes 1 .,'•'h the 51 n shall be Of the ign v °and'in the �0eatfOn substantially ` Shown on the plan filed with the xapplicatton. '. lug, ,,. .ii u.n,ao,, i..„oL•n•,i.. •• I A I •921 GOTTSCHAL , Louts A 4607 Perham Road Lot 120 Tr 357 Zone R-1-8 ENIED Applicant requests a vat to construct a fence 8 It. in height in rear yard setback where a 6 ft. fence is permit Dr. Gottschalk was present at the meeti The Commission dented the application based on its findings that no exceptional or extra. ordinary dtreuristances exist on the property,. s or that the granting of the request is necess- ! ery to preserve a substantial property right. SE PERMt S �-1327 CHICK IVERSON VOLKSWAGEN 445 E. Coast Hwy. j »sPROVED Par. 81Ns. 54 i 94 Irriners Subdivision Zone unclassified mobilsasalesgandt$Arvttevfaeil/ty inothen autoa unclassified district. Mr. Chick Iverson was present at the meeting .'.: and Mr. William P. fitker, architect. acted as his representative After considerable discussion, the application Motion was approved subject to the following condi- Second x tions: All 1. Completed working drawings including tandseapiny and irrigation plans in substantial compliance with the approved plot plans and elevations shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to tho issuance of a building permit and „ e within one year of Planning Commis - Sian v approval. ter 2. ThAvse permit 'shall become invalid iIf building construction ss not substah• tlal'ly under way within two years of „ planning Department approval of the iibrking drawings. 3. A11'tiq nihq Shall conform to the Mewport (leach Munit Iva l [nA.• And %HA" hn r � . x x limited to the size and locations C. shown on the plot plan and eleva- .•, Lions )_ H,M l 4. y All lighting shall be shielded and '31 directed away from adjoining properties No direct illumination source shall be , visible from adjacent properties or I rights of way and all lighting shall bel subject to the final approve of the Planning•Commission 5. outsidevehicle of any ' f,. park- All rvice nicle park- 1 mshall dbee ing areas screened from ! adjacent:properties by 8 ft. unper- forated decorative masonry waits. 7. There shall be no access to Bayside Drive'wjth the exception of fire • access.. 8. That ri, away •aprons and approaches ! be noL.l s that 35 ft. to width. 9. That 4 be a 10 ft. setback for f tandstip g purposes on Bayside Dr. 10. That the applicant adhere to the re- quirements of the Fire Marshall. 11, That the following recommendations of the Public works Department be- come a part of the conditions of DP0Ova of thic application: Sop A. That final approval of the use permit be sub,lect to approval ! oa 'a resubdivision for the 1 property. it B. That 12 ft. of rijht-cf-way be ! dedicated at,Bryl.de Drive; and that full publ,c imorovedien �be oonstruetedt includlh�l {{ k (pnt ,widening, curb, sidewalk. 1hd i stoeet lighting. 1, C•�. OP a be dedicate .tlscvP ifor a , 3 I a M �'!TY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX x 25. That the Planning Commission may add -�o or modify conditions of approval of this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or aaneral welfare of the community. 26, ""ris use permit shall expire unless exercised ,,4z4hin 2« months from the date f approval as specified in Section 20.80.090 A th- Newport u'e=ch M:.nicipal Code. Permit No. 1600 (Amended) (Public Hearing) Requ\ahe amend a previously approved use permit Which permitthe addition of 1,ve entertainment to `-he Rustcan Restaurant with alcoholic beverages on prop1 cated in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Areae roposed amendment includes a request to expae t public area" of the restaurant by enclan e.'sting deck which will be used for diniposes a a request to waive a portion of the re,luff-street arking spaces. The proposal also incla modificat on of the Zoning Code so as to perme use of com ct and tandem parking spaces in can}on with a fill nQ valet Farkzng service. LCCATICN: A portion: of t H, Tract No. 919, located at 27 West coast Highway, or, the southerly si , o£ West Coast Highway bet�'een Riversid Avenue and Tustin Avenuer in the Max �,er's Mile Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-5 � APPLICANT: Raygal, Inc., Irvine 1 G�irttFk. Elizabeth T. Winekler Trust, MMte Sereno staff reco=ended this item be continued to the Juiy 9, 1987 Planning commission meeting. Motion voted i3n, MOTION CARRIED. � Stem No. 4 '. UP No. 1600A Continued to 7-23-87 7; �J. INDEX 14. That the washing of automobiles shall be ancillary to the sales and service operation and that only those vehicles owned by the subject dealership or which are otherwise on -site for servicing at the facility shall be washed on -site. 15. That all wash water shall drain into the sanitary sewer system and the the wash area drains shall be equipped with grease trans unless otherwise approved by the Building Director. 16. That the automobile wash facilities shall be designed in a manner that will prevent rain water from entering the sewer system. This will require the provision of roofed washing area and curbing along the perimeter of raised surfaces of the wash facilities. The exact design shall be reviewed and approved by the Building, p•..,k;lic Works and Planning Departments. i.,. Thar_ all trash areas and mechanical equipment shall be screened from view frcm Hayside Drive, i East Coast Highway, and adjoin_ra properties. I 16. That all signs shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code. This condition shall not prohibit the display of information required by State laws. r;o flashing, wind, or moving signs shall be permitted. !� t 19. That no vehicles shall be displayed with open iiii hoods, doors, trunks, or tailgates. 20. That no windshield signs shall be permitted. 21. That no vehicles shall be displayed it required landscape areas adjacent to Last Coast Highway and Bayside Drive. 22. That full-sized vehicles shall not be stored or displayed in compact slates such that they extend into traffic aisles. 23. That handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as .required by Code. 24. That on -site lighting shall be designed so that light sources are not visible from Past Coast Highway, Bayside Drive or from adjacent prop- erties. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Punning Department SUBJECT: Use Permit No_ 1327 (Amended) Request to amend a previously approved use permit permitted the construction of an automobile sales service facility in the Unclassified District. proposal includes a request to remodel and expand existing showroom, office, and service areas of auto facility. New landscape and sign plans are proposed in conjunction with said expansion. L.O.CATION: Parcel I of Parcel Map 25-46 (Resubdi,vision No, ti located at 445 East Coast Highway, on the southwest side of East Coast Highway, between Bayside Drive -amboree Road, adjacent to Promontory Point. ZONE: Unclassified APPLICANT: 117ew:r+rt Auto Center, Newport Beach 0WNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Application This is a request to amend a previously approved use permit permitted the construction of an automobile sales and service fac: in the Unclassified District. The proposal includes a reques, remodel and expand the existing showroom, office, and service are,, the auto facility. In accordance with Section 20.53.020 of Municipal Code, all uses not otherwise prohibited by law are perm: in the Unclassified District, subject to the securing of a ulsc pe in each case. Use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter Nj. - the Municipal Code. Environmental Si nificance This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined 'that' categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Env, mental Quality Act under Class 1 (ExInting Facilities), June 2, 1987 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department JECT: USE PERMIT NO. 1327 AMENDED, FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DINGS 1. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. ,DITIONS: 1. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 2. That a standard use permit agreement and accompanying surety be pro- vided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a brilding permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 3. That the on —site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian cir- culation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer. 4. That the intersections of the private drives and public streets be designed to provide sight distance for a speed of 45 miles per hour. Slopes, landscaping, galls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping witnin the sight distance Tine shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be approximately modified at non- critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 5. Tnat landscape plans snall be subject to review and approval of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and Public Works Department. 6. That the displaced portions of sidewalk be reconstructed and the metal vault lid be replaced along the Bayside Drive frontage under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department and that the displaced portions of sidewalk along the East Coast Highway frontage be reconstructed under An encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transport ,tion.tp y[ V- %a.- n Webb ty En sneer y f;F., h6i 7 it it IS O1'Ln I T1 11 pe rmi L prtor to cl,.'r 11" the pt,' 1 ic p: ove- a 10' b a t t I IP I "C" ;art IQ, It- at rU c LU,j n., the lid be along Lhe ft,yiide [)rive frontage Lnder at. erc., %Uhment 1'emit iA1.u(,d by Lhe Public Works and that the displaced portions of I,Id,'All. the East roast Highway frontage be rccOr9trUct,•1 Under ,,, PrIcroachment prn4t isxucd by the California DcparLMCnt of TranbPortatic-l- ! 'hat ail drivedriveapproartle, 1`42 -�•^cl to !-r.ICaq and 01", :10 2,,—, 'h,1 be utilized on -site. RS MINUTES June 19, 1987 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH F.. That the on -site p.irkinq, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to surther review by the Traffic Enqineer. ':hat all imprnvemenr.< be constructed as required by ordinance and thv -ublic Yorks ie.artment. That a star•darci use i c•rmit agreer•ert and accompa- nyinq surety be provided ir. _,rder to guarantee >.xtisfact�r� rempletion f tYe--ablic inprcve- ment4, if :t is desired tc .c':ain a building 1.ermlt prior to c,:mplption of the ;.:y.lic improve- rr. nts. That thr ii:tersectiur.p of the rrr:::e 3rives and r,.bl,c streets be desicne'.: * --rcv-d9 sight listl.nce rcr s bpeed cf y` ._:es re: hour. icpes, lan'9scaping, walls ar.'l --her obstr'.rctlon shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. :zndecaping within the sight distance line shall :.ot exceed tweet.. -four inches in he'41--t. The �;i=ht distance ream -,-recent may he mod ifi.ea a* ncn=!t-:cal locations, subject to approval or the Traffic Enyi.neer. 10. That the displaced portions cf sidewalk he recon- structed and the metal vault lid be replaced along the Naysrdv iirive frontage tinder a:, ercrcachmer:t hermit by the nablic works Department and that tl.,: .:isplaced tortiors of sidewalk along the Fast rcabt lii.lhway frontage he reconstructed under an encroachment Fernzt Issued by the California Department of Transportation. 11. That all drive al,Froaches be reconstructed to conform with City Standard Drawing No. lr•G-L. 12, That .i toot wide Landscape planters shall be provided and maintained on -site along the entire East Coast highway frontage except at street access locations and that the proposed landscape plans slcall be subject to further rwriew and Approval by the Planning, public Workst And Par%5r INDEX s N11 ri 1 i� tr i� i,b'. Ft, 1 Lti4.J IALL CALL -- .. '1'1o,t the protect will not have any n:gr'l emaronm*ntai impact. d. That the dnh I4i" of the prni-�s,•d [mp[nv,•mon• ,.1.: not conflict with any ea[.emmus acquired by th- public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 4, That the existing body snop and heavy repair operrtion will be removed from the site, resulting in cleaner, quieter on -site operations. S. That the approval of this amendment to C­ Permit ;.�. 11+7 .1:: not, und.'r ',,� <:re•e.:,t.m-• ,•. the c, .• to <.••':i tU lr: ^vdi".:., .•;•, • •+ fore of th. .n m n•r:', eo'lt>rt an'. .••Hero :a , ~_rti ro,tdrml and '•inn in a,• n• I Iab rl ,. ,r d••trinoncal or in)urlor.< t•+ property arl: ir; ram'. r••r,ts in th•: neighborhood or the general •••l:.0 •' o: the City. rn!a IT 11 ••s ' 1. That development -fall 1>a in substantial C•Ilfr;- mance with the approved plot Plan, ficr't piam. elevations, and landscape and s:grage plans except t. a as noted below. That all applicable conditions of approval of Use ' 2. permit No. 1327 as approved by the planning Commission and City Council in 1968, shall remain in effect. 3. That the sales operations shall be limited to, the hours between 8:00 a,m, and 9:00 p.m. xee:?oys and t D,.;,.oun 7.i. aY•r, a; .i ,,:.;. p.m. -",• ,a I ! u::r ,n•cn3n; •e.•'r. 'hen t. c Lev:. r..+y to 9:00 P.m. ! ( � ,_•... ;,r.11 ham• p:- •,! •nr,l � � ,.mpl oys... cum -[ yam.. i.erk tr• ` ! said spaces shall to el,:ar ly a.0- Tturt all employees rl.ni. p•,[k th•,:r :en1C„ on -site. I,X iT [ d (^,:•'�.S'. �'Sji: i7�i �'. J ,. t4 � Y1�1',.,4 (G�e�V F' �1�1�=... i:. ..: °a* oh, •?..9A!.+,M����JJ'C.w'.'�i'u�iT•�1N�'w71,:.a.'6.1Z.,"d j�', .J„•':. f June 1, . 'j.tINPO"-11, ROLL CALL 'P y VI a 5 we sewv" i i — �. LDCA Ms A portion of Lot 715, First Addition of the Newport Mau Tract, located at 15n• i�. Placentia Avenue, on the easterly si•L• f Placentia Avenue, between lsth street yan Production Place, in the west `4. Newpo Triangle area. , t EDNZ: R-3 (2178) strict .� APPLICANT: Mesa Development ., Inc., Costa tNu aA d OWNS"I Ban Index Trust armed K Enterprises, Inc., Newport Hach '. ' :' item be continued to th u1Y `�• Motion x "xitg „ t staff recmmnded'this 2la7 PlamNing Commission meeting. Motion vote on, Ayss % '!@LION CARRIED�" x Wbsent , l VN Permit No. 1327 (Amended) (Public Hearin , - Regwst to amend a previously approved use pewit cantan permittedconstructionautomobiles ani sin cthe facilityhe Unclassified istria. The proposal includes a request to remodel and expand the ,> existing showroom, office, and service areas of the sign Plans arm also �;'• auto facility. New landscape and ,'-? '.. in conjunction with Said expansion. �,• proposed LOCATION, Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 25-46 (Resubdivision No. 202), located at 445 ;• ;• East Coast Nighwsy, on the southwesterly aide of East Coast Highways between Bayside Drive and Jmdwtse Road, adja- �d cant to Promontory Point. - ZONE: Unclassified r APPLICANT: Newport Auto Center, Newport Hach , d` The Irvin company, Newport Batch OWNER: ". The public hearing was opened in coeu,ection with thi' item, and Mr. Dill Fieker, project arehitear appear••+ i before the Planning COmiseion on behalf of the appL- 4 Canis Mr. Picker stated that he concurs with the "A." Mr. Picker - findings and conditions in Exhibit to to enclose explained that the added space requnted Nmitldm. He the cars that usually are ,disPleyed -4� irT .tr yy! �} ;yl.�V V `ii `• ` 1SSIONFRS 4 ;;• AG P P oP OLL CALL V lotion Avas x CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH further stated that the former body shop and paint booth areas are being replaced with new landscapiny, and existing landscaping renovated to produce an overall handsome site. Mr. Picker questioned the intent of condition No. 15 and explained that every morning the vehicles that have remained outside during the night are routinely sprin- kled and wiped off, to remove the dew, resultin.i in a certain amount of drainage. Mr. Picker question`:d whether or not these cars needed to be moved to the wash rack to comply with Condition No. 11. mr. Hewicker, planning Director•stated that the use of misters has been an on -going city concern. mar. Newicker said that there are use permitx data" t.., several years which include conditions prohibitrnc the washing of cars, but that the use of the ni�•i::a devices has become established practice amon: r,•ry 1•1 end used car dealers. Mr. Hewicker further stated •t.,t staff was currently preparing a report intended :o: the next planning commission agenda dealing with this issue. Chairman Person opined that Condition WO- 11 rcnaln and that if changes develop after the Planning comm' ssion hears the report referred to by Mr. Hewicker, all affected use permits will be so notified. in response to a question regarding Condition 11 posed by Commissioner Debay, Don Webb, city fnginecr, ex- plained that City Standard Drawing WO. MS-L identifies a flared driveway, approximately 451 at curbside, ifies significantly widens the street side portion and allows for easier access. There being no others desiring to appear and i•. 1:• 1+•1. the public hearing was closed at this time. motion was made to approve an amendment to U. �•:n-' No. 1127 (Amended), subject 0to the findintr .a, conditions in Exhibit •A.- Motion voted on, y;tte:l CARRIED. 4 rIh'DINGS1 1. That the proposed developiea! ii}consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal program and is compatible with existing and proposed land uses in the surrounding area- .•6 . - � _ ♦ -•s f? i'•'`' •«.r} a, '�`- - -, : Via:. � - .^«. y;, O Y - ry � �� 9•-:s r.. -..v a�`<.. si. oy. �/ •f%{17TV {�' �♦. �� � - _ • •} _ 'n,"v e•^= .a.wz•Maar.4,v-. ., {,, ti�A-. ... ,-�,+��*r. a.ti ,I(�"•F'.`yy�C=w-�i.-Si'tw'nw._'r':i aa4:`� <' _ ��i .R'�,- -ems _.°'u •' sa•° .i~riy ,.t �.•7 4'-•�.zr'w�i:"-*�>�'>.`>.�.'��` r 'ram-✓"[•t'y''h+++������fc„•.,.,"'�,.��'.�,•-'Y�_- �_ -�1 • � 1�... - ~='I!''/�, r� = •� - . - "1 ',=fir...-j' •-V • _,-F,_.... 4•; rr _ _ .s t,` '-i;fJ' : :-a`- - ' f: ,.,,i+Ty� .n.•ts. tiC �,ra1 i� -Y. �S C` �,' Y'.. 1Y:•� Y. v �� it .. 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Of --such a facility in the subject locationconc.uded that t is a-cce'ptable-and--w,tl- pro &bly result *c ar osr;ran�,napy at_ractive avtomabile agency. The ma_tt-er tnrre,o-E recori�menaer,' ;Gr 4oproval subject to the condikions of a,of,rovaI herelr,arter- l•isted and -nose of the Pu,biic 'r[orks Departmen-t - :-. l Completed wary-$ng dr^aw,ngs- lnciudJng Tarids.cap:og-and c}at`c'n pla-as In substant.i,ai compliance with. the x- ap;,'oued Plat puns and ele,;a-sons shall tre su6nritted=... to tr',e Planning Department for approval prior to the issuance -' of a ouilding permit and within one year y of Plarntng CCIMMxsslon approval. _ tx2 Tlio '1`c Gern'C shall aecorfe.inval'id if bu,Iding con - is not sutstantxa.11y under way r,ithltl '.wo years of Plann•na Department approval of the workira. dram ngs s Al l s -r"ng s,;ai i :.on€er^t to the Uewport Reach Municipal Cade arc sh•dil be litl3red to tile size anu lac-ations shown an tY elan and elevat ois 4. All l.glTtxrrt} seal- be S"elde-d and directed away ad- i- -from _ 3o`n+nq :)ra;i.ert ?S to direct -illur;imatiGr, s.aurctx Shall re J's'` .Ir 'res aO;vCer,t :1ropertles or rights of way. _ ' 'tc 04t5'cle vet, c1G Serv1Ce of kind srtatI be permitted rr rr,tti._er a A;I ^d •„ery,ce velltcle carkinq areas ;hall be run + f t rf r� ry 4d2ax.Fnt `.3✓er'tlps Z�y R 1t unaerferated RL decor'&? 1e r•a:onry ",ally It StOu1d t:e ssGted that at thL' tig-,e Of £0e pre aration of this ri- staff was still 1, por, p.ktrtr, ,,to etr' matter or the realtgnr:,-r•t of Bay`lde t1r'Ye 3a It ,rs:atR', `is tt.t trt'f•r3k ,tnd w7 F ue lar x, t 1 be u+epared to ar.yw2r, �- 4 at r yarC ng this aL 31 .t4 Lvt�ypy , a tea:, , {-0+..-..f>..._..fi :yr 3E,.er'^_t K4r`.i� `.; ' 'n- -i, _T .: -.t-ti :.•:.t �Sr vmlr:l t;,;Ir• WOW .. -. -.yt'V •_yti or ter- arti - -. -- _e- r:,.�„4.,.2..L � �-_......—._ _.."_._ - •,_ . �'.3r•`, r. �.. .f,2 '�'.�rs ta'r�.tl't"�:'� _ .� .��y�. 1 a.. _ - �F -_ 2r:4;1 a t 'aYrn, ,cattur recr LreS 0 npera 1.SS �QP tQ a�1QY<' - - -- • a COrs! uC :_$£'r u ` -a KaaI- A3tGr �'II'tel was approved on - the p grt "z?r"Cn'r *rlt ape'• :a;�Qn staff-- ' 11t address"its comments Co _ `� �• - Is tr-e proposed use an accefita-bte one in terms of ?, s the Plan fdr•s,te development carefutly an,d sen- SitTfe�+y desigrec-to insure the-praject's compatibility? ;her staff ..as, first advised of the desire to deVeiap an automotsfte agercj ar, tr-e sut3ect site staff had a dumber of strong reserva- =' _ tiors 3y o-r not Such a business was apprapridte in such a Sincetbat tire staff nas cane a considerable amount of research irit;, •.hav C ia�naes are cor.tertplated, in the area of tngg subject a ' :'rf5 e.*rir e 4 r r sucr a rr:rslr.ess -I qht have on nearby �. LL y 1. 'w AJ' l s.-F l a C i., .a ',and tUC' o :9 3r;r looked ir,J matt£rS as the freeway, the realion- y ,Sucn '-.en F 7aysTdr• strive and the reof-ganiwation any reese of land CorL* i *3tC'] { a ' 'sL4t r tt£ t.r�Or 1'_w-0 Occurences. #:' - y t,asL'o ort tri; r.•searc.n staff contludett that an autorobile agency - +YUtil� 2-P \i ,;t rfrCtly acceptable °,5,e ill Le-rmS of eirculatiOnt s atic long use c0^..aiibT'lTty. ; F� tt i 2 a-t 1,ai2.i ,�u 4ta1 n Legan to 100i trit0 the S1*et i f if EtrZt+oS� .. ite: :iv,,1liT4 t. n a rac: te rt',t2S� clod na!� carcIu-ded E"hat the archiiF�C involved s+,:iuI4 tie cgr2neiided for his sensitive and theu4htful a,ialrri!. of the site and its -requirements I The la2.s inditatt• that inert: is to t%e-a complete a-pr4 careful visual iSAla,t2on of CQ2mWer£ial activity2 n the Site from nearby existing or conten-p dted ldad ^user 9 > _that? a,,Vreat quantity- of- land- Oer it Appllcatiun 40'. 122T 1"EPSONt VGLKSWAr3Ei I tit 4-45 E� CoaSt HWY. " Zone c k s� Z rvl ne Is I v St 7 _tl4rar't rejue-sts perrissacr to co­nS'trvct an &utorObile Sales d I-az-,lity in the u-rclasslfTed diStrlct� e t Y�eocer--, anki Surraundxn(., Lard_-'jse k; 1S. unimpro e ved arLd located eastirly fit the inter- Zoa�r. H*gn-Naw wttq Baysi4e Orive at Me ba%e of OrQmc�ptory west is zlur�eO ard Itr-Proved w$th a resta4-rarlt ic t-T rzarth �acrvs5 Cjat kilwi is zoncvd iatjiR and i7iproved z 0 '1 r 13 --,;x ns 0 P tMe �ovtr ;across. Bayelde trive) '''v-roved filth Oe a Is ar"I 51nile :a- T r te- j7:- t t. �alor 4t 22 .. —.. ... y _ 4'uyx�.{*"M. - T^ v..vv.�..nZu .. <.•r'Y.r ...rvy ` -- - - _ •. ,�Y}r„s*. ('_r or�P dill Ve ar'rlr-oach 4f� #. LZ as r Y rh-at tt`f re- air1na'13ati Vr-Ove- `es Cs *fin i"uast nighw.ay be cGrsCru4 tf.d. Ttcjuair,g strut ald-er.ing, ,end Street leg=r,tar A s � Ynat 3tcr.'C• draTi` ex-teridIng ; -' tnrowt tht parcel to t-oast siCnwa�r _ be tonswruct-ed, in aCcor-lance w1th th? ^asCer araxnage lYl r evsIope-d fir the area. ' ihat rater lines he extend-ed as t needed to provide satisfactory } fire 'tbr'ateCt:an to "Fte eT.i.ir-2 c. G, Teat the plans, for the pjblil I�_ p-rove^ents be prepared or stardard s . size sheets t 3 iitenstra M1r enulneer, Y+ t u.. shat 5atIS"aCta3"3 SJr?a� _ 3 Ord an dgree-ert be exezutec t£ ' zi,.ara"qtee cfli' lktiC'il �?� :'"�' ^da Tc -•.ia _. e Y „ ♦ ' i .. i. n . ' ,3, '- • R ,, �ti�r rtP l%.', +�' Twy`3`i*'4 `:iC �Gr•: .. ,�: r ^4s�.« Fzt" ,.qC 'lk+`.t :'l _ ,rr•Tr.c' 3u'. .'T'•: ., <, 11;.ar,t r ♦Kt'it, 3;:1+'d'yai C6 �`�<Cru-Ck 'a G�?uRi£* fa{.wd Trterior tllu^,in3Ce=S f T,_,ja,r,," F ft=, �s=d i�' alau�t• c�radi.*, f -, �" �`.r +,**dr�r \r°rr t•c*�+r,.i��*i�te+� 'T,b kti;,,lT€di•+, ¢?. The Commilsion concurred that there was need for 1ign 4043 rrC?,!Mevwded Approval, suejett - yc:trsion�-_� :!T"'TPF j• fir 1 ♦ v Lbe e -art d i ♦ LSrM - r• Cf I^��3'� ♦t'-I� -_ - !,14 - fi+Mc'a1°.x dff_a fret'" ad•ajriooertiAS Sr.4I1 GP- fr:x' 'r`, a�°a.y=^i «r ;• �t IF.'s fir 1 'D. Pj yr^ ♦ MX d tyl r ' ,tall :yG -- 't is JM i. ,, si y}F rr'5. ay�.Pv ff1.? �� Li•K�. - � rr i C: ri i 4r'aLL?"2r dr.d Ce uericle park- ing areas shall be s:.reenea: frOr- adjacent properties u. 6 ft_ urvelr- b terated aec-arative .&sorts Yy k+S Snall to rc+ aC,reSS to ea]rsid,^ yr.,. itri the exceDVcr Cf fjre t zjrjvey.vaj aprons and apprOacres 7 i}, r. .rere he a {t, sett IC fpr - tar, a-' Iy, afrvl ♦'�S kL ti ��. t' .'. t`�`ti+'. Jr A - •.flet5 of r1re •s3r'4}�dt' ='ilt(;wtC,•= rjxy'jf;^¢+j:<i:L'}sat°Qr,'S C-4�r a dart 0° C^c' cur lit CI,S o rY s ° A f'raI xi1 rV.4i tLit '.ro t f{��F'Aftf i f{ t 1F ft l{ rjIt.t t-r.dx Ve i J t CatOd 01-' tay°re t fel I put%I tt. Inkirave 't nt'I Lk° 4;4n11trurted; rnCludinjl %treet w1devijnq, curt), sidewalk* avid %treet ]tgntjng [ That aCCBSS rights t0 Odyside Drive De dedICAted, except fOr r+te�t�trtLG� 7 t': 1i • T r• lr )x A i `. t �• f b � .i • i >. ti �� r� � �F'y 6 F' ^ .�'�' v+>y. a ts{tCT ' :t'Y rig 4es :. dr, C �a ;L C43' Strs.i: a. fZ£. 4r3 r4r,t in i'-e xear yard ,BtbaO W �'i t"+rG � i �i c�'7'�,✓ ark Ytb =-"TttCd ,-1 4' a �• ° a3, r w .}.: :. r s+' tS ri f* .�.: r 1� r :: 4 T r 1� rn'_" .. -�?.'ec trp li Fr+;C.at'Cr. Laced Vct van{ X `....(. `rat rs- et-ez"tona' or extra,- S.-Conn r - �.ru�nyr� „7 l��^;i t3r :f�S. t?��r]`4. �•`+ `ti:G Fy^.�a. jt^ �T 1.�. {�?_ or that ',�e great.,: o- tk-e request 75 recess- ary to rise -serve a jt1 t,tar.4Tal property 171Qht. �E pil�Nli~� >i ? .f^mot ��7 �t4i Ll: �'i LtiS�l'v� Ir`OL".3 �vnG Efr $4:r '�i3$$L Hwy: E g; . _ ; h r --PROVED p4r. Blks. Bw s uti Irvine`s SuDdivisTac -_T Zone Lnclassiiled App i . `art reaues t3 a�. prova l tc a-evel op ar. auto- -.abile salepsy and =_,rr�lce-ac-tity y 'Ar ri ,t rta4 ;'es ' t at the '.ea.,Cg {,Ver%Cr'' as r rr•r rr i�'�`rrr •� • `rc ,r$% Y:at' c'A;te- .n.%a9 •f Y t r A •as -ne �o!ow,, o,'d•- Cie vrV Y r1Cn$, All Aye, i Lt;. ��1t, e}. t.ew K�jlr Af, •3 or :K=rl c@ r+tlunit iY landscaple4 and 1rr1ga,t1Qr,, r,lans in is ank,a to+"ni,ar:;3 art»roved t het tTa( 5 and elevatIUe: s'�slT' Dc.° '•sw' �tt•:u tfi thy„+ A'a'7nir� o�<Part-e!+ :re approva) Prior to :r„ %`tSUanct. +zf a D,,,iTdivq IYcrr , t and v,tthvn Or -it! p.ar cit R14ax+ntn4- ,'on ark,rL' al VT .r' . •r Ndx ^Tt' tfto .t'Qr. r o l d„', • r, � _@� d r: �. •, t a a v r r", a' 01 t ws,lf. Si g ce4,kir.q•, ;, I i 4Iv.Ift*4 101dl i Car torn, to the % wport <@ lCs, .4y.nit _Ivai CKd8 and Shall be :-�:i u .i r - _t y1 Y. :,.. a .:. .. ,�l. S:Y"y. �`r .y ^Y: T "�', •a �� �R.. �';�-•. `r,2'Ft-�.: _1. ri`'},i4 'S a _v '�'F`.:.�,a t�';1:'d .•i. .is:. yMT `�'• .r i -�-•1C'�rL' .';4"r i, , �+s.�. �., �'• � �. � �..'t.•i� F xr.'.. � ,� �4 _ =•, :;ram •:'i �_ -+ ya..�;j:arS .:s �*L� •i+- �, T�s .3�+ y - -ar'• �<rf��_yT .,+ G {r�k.ii �"•e"'P'iy`e . �` r, . •a. _ I i i ,£i'e"-'�-+. ' _r .�4'.� i ^ - i. ..S i 'it� TY�!♦ . t,M1 �s 1/'..0 t?.' .:.'^+ =T .• . t.'' 2q, `. ar '.•". k.n. `ts !F. �'O {(i '• �{ - - a `� l 4. `� �'�•' .kF �• 4S+'; ..;'fr--y. "w. s.. •` `l�. yyl���:s e r �. _. •:i=� .. _ .f �- .•F',`w' IC PI � � • � r `—�•tY'i �- _ „v `_ �, = _ Wit' _ � ±�- - ♦ j ��'� i- � - _ zz { ate•! _ t i., :,T—•: i s• �� • ; Z .. ..�`\ _ r. ...Y _ ut �^� `h��• i � .._i_. t.�s. .. _ _ � _fin _:kaC,...e_. � L•F� \, � '�-` �.`'`•4 r y `!t u, •ar t. •• 1: w �♦y- _ •rw' 'ti _ •p_ F t \ _ _ .r `W'ti..,- _ y - .^ a �tr vY S.fTy�}-,_3aF3+; `- G ..' ��,►' i•�':. v s _ _ 'i.,,•,. �r G�.`i `'4n , . `„ ' •` ' i n'i i�S • •' k ' :' •� •' 4 • - �, _ T -i �qG�. i - IF i �,r '�fr. t Ol ` � •F • ti f • � .i rn� t . �•. r _ /� R' { � - `.=- y �. •-x. wr _] u- _k... _i—T ��' —trt L. �.f-, �� �. way ��G... � f\`- �' /(/ {f,% _ :� �4�b .. +'. fdi s.� ^ J v � 'R , ~1 , � "�•��, • \ , 1 •f ! rI•. � � � � �j� ._I, - -'.��4 "i .FYt �G a ! }� .. .. t ��{{ll fV� r S t t •�iayV _ Y.• June 2, 1467 .,7-7 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: USE PERMIT- NO. 1327 AMENDED, FINDINGS A4D CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FINDINGS-: 1. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. CONDITIONS: 1. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 2. That a standard use permit agreement and accompanying surety be pro- vided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 3. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian cir- culation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer. 4. That the intersections of the private drives and, public streets be designed to provide sight distance for a speed. of 45 miles per hour. Slopes, landscaping, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight distance line shall not exceed twenty --four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may .be approximately modified at non- critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 5. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and Public Works Department. 6. That the displaced portions of sidewalk be reconstructed and the metal vault lid be replaced along the Bayside drive frontage under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department and that the displaced portions of sidewalk along the East Coast Highway frontage be reconstructed under an encroachment permit issued by the California Department of Transporirtion. T' U Don Webb City Engineer w ZZ r ; s g n _ ^ a ; 1!I - ,- Er � ' , l .. • - ,. '. r. - r I� r 3 -, ivaaTu 'Z =-:a�� Portion of Blocks 54:.& . '�3w - "' ` 0 i - v.- s' �,., ,--,_._. � _ _ _of:bearin":,for:_--ahis Of / :,, 1 88,'=:Basis.. 9, :' . >F: - i 'taken .s �N`25 -I4 > - Ba side `Drive` Y .. =z: 8 3-19',�Oranc � , Y recorded _ _ �f1 PROPF.� N: � �. '; FT. HiGH ^' - -' 4 x.ww a. ,, 3 QL t 114 =T 10 TAt S C1 STO ER - ate _ .. , �• ' /? pox G 2' stc"/v - - %.� r r `< -- TYPICALBLOCK WALL G libov — °� FLOWERING $HRUBB:. NEW -o� ,�. ,:-'- ..�._ -. � ;��• - •s .. _ / �'��/' 2,�--�:�-';�; ,nY, i, -- y{ t2 1 { ,DISPLAY NEW SALES ' Q i OFFIC ES F— ,. , CARS" eA w `!? ; N Q -L uj �• i- .� H w ANDSiin A� D �C , (TYP: SHADE,pR A 0 Z wccJ� o (� 4 S Vi t ,, pLl b N SIT In J E•- i i Q O I , _ 9 e J 0 to , UN[3GOV.ER_, 4 eo F E. <' 24, SER1'; VICE BAYS. ti 6 t _r. r :. } , A� F cor ylt� �. rt:tl}. j� TI NG - D t b 1 i'- vl S ES — LINO •OF ESI i.r?. W 4 Z CL J 1 n. _� F ♦'-' �"" :::•<�><:: rs.. � REMODELED ROLLS:.ROYCE Ft 4.a t-r - - �:i: is ': ,y.• .r.`- ?,':.:�, •: L:::,:� L' Ic • L . •i1 t' I F- - �i N t SERVICE N � ! - - (� 1 � St. W '3 Y �,- R E _ >� T A LO P u t c= I N :�. 'u � oC a �. 1 g. + k � it=;N i/ F ^'a .O ?�a 6 ., v t _ �. Fl 1 1 J _ _ t. 14 ..�; SERVICE V BAYS ..,.. 1 CE i - L •, b R S , , d ..:i ., . , r- : ._ ,\r.., •.:::.'::i: -Z .... .. _mac- _ ,. '-�,. ED NEW SIGN—' - NEW-SSERVICE:VIIR IS -OFFICE , APR POS _ cs _ — • SERVICE REMODELED EM - � ; - F�- fi ., �•. t � r V .ems a ENEW RtoROMANAGERS OFFICE = z dr 3 WAITI IOM,i •\ •� i t _ _ ..,. ,:.: ....-.. _._ FLED ` ^,:: kr' " - --t • x ....,.. ,REMOD _ _ ::... - :; co SHOWROO _ Y- cr ` .. - 1 0 - a S cc►.1� N: N- CA l ' Pu�uc:91eewao { Q DISPLAY CARS >_ ea .' J ADDED AREA 20-- r, N r cisouu ' - - - b -" - _. 1• a. - _ To0.%UFlIiaDL FUEL � '�: •` ., _ t"u : > - - t/� N - { ,ST LLS T r,T O ! T O I S I � I W t: �•I / - • I 0. -O ft 'w - •h O , ti. k / ':,.•- . -- .. .., :' -, ::,.: ''vim z-.�-.��..L,vc.LY.�' r - , - - s ar - i 0 r - 1 t _ , w� • I \. 5 r J N y !�< 3 1 !J . Q . r 3. .I t= i „ t t 5 . C I �ti •\ - I - — r A l' - DI PL Y CARS -'i— I i/ I". t _ i- � 1 _ - :. ,' �'. • - . , � _-L---- -•----�--�- Ul � .. � '_ , :l - cuQc}S allo:wTTt=sz F irn-� \ t ° �! y t G.. SHRU -� �- NEWFL01N'ERIN ,N o ''\ �� - v- - ' , - .� -\ 3+: Ovw 1. _ �• 1 - _, ,('. -rC -t4' - - - 1 - ., -. 28'O - U9.1 - - - a:t9--�/JJ.K`r _ - - - _ - rc- _ - (n .. "`O♦ r•v� - , _ - --, ., .. ^:•-- •, t - •' ,"'.' _\� J>c '- i ... , CARS_ K.. ,.. �. TR. D 0 1�AY. T 5 _ - / S: A.. fr r .t +c s T L �F. .S r - -i f O I K - t - 3 4 `l ! - : - Car• - s •f' iF t Y q � f K 4. 1 F !L k — V J/ nt f (L - 1 : t� ,1 9 r. a f / r— e "a 4 ,l I y T .n , Y ` 3 � w \ i P � ` J• / � v d' � e - �`� s' n « �„'� a� .,.rd�..;,,. '+•y s. ,tA �.,vr �',?' ". � GY7M � � RS .y T - - � � f Y - - .- r y l 1 ti �a u\' s n .P v - a, •, Y. µ J V - 3 " J' l , rHl G s H 4 k. y A -4 S. C , ^i� 1 - k r^ ` ,a F 0., • c n G_ i 3'3} 'StiYa, h W - ' ` � �.. . m"wLo�"alc��utcw � � • �� ``° wgr ED: (TYP. SHADED AREA). o LANDSCAP „ `°F9 t. _ h.+ , . c• - - "�,f - i _ [(!ff >. t h, , t . S '.w . �,'{i r : r f 5 ' 4 ..z�'. ``��.4 ,H .: �,? ',I i 1s '✓' -.l, _ : �: .r,,. ,r.' h.- r.4`; C-_- 'l 1 ( :-- L 5.. j F.. - t , _ ,.0 '� r .'(s+, �'P �. a ?.'ri i `*-s �' - :r._ s .•i.: ::4.. _ ,« -y .t r,' _ s .. raY 'y"cS 4x,,:"` d -r . .';� 'Yr+sn S r.. P s 5 'k L .; ;x `♦, A!^ ^ i., .ci,3t,,3;" r- ^t' - r5:' . tr r � S. - dv .n k.� F *-,C.a , _.r-::a.-_. :r. .: - ,.- s_.:,,ii,•.i^,y,., r.0 .,t ,w -.x „r, .. ,. .,,, �.1:, ,- F�.', ^+i 'rY- Y a'`�ncr - 3 ,r .�` -"E_ c<'i:..'<'- --.- Y - �,' .er7• -"','.:. :_.,. t' ', .'y ._�,- d,-: t i•i�v ,, ,,r44 e.r-' 'Y' _ _ _ F -�. �_ •i- a _�,