HomeMy WebLinkAbout3201 E COAST HWY HOUSTONS3201 E Coast Hwy Houstons rr APPLICATION FOR "AP VAL IN CONCEPT" NO. —,�'�y `f "` ( CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FEE: APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - As required for permit application to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Section 13210 and 13211. Property Address: General Description of Proposed Development: hG (, ti D t✓ K' ; ; Co �o r Fl C I- f l`rlct, �AFJ l iN7 a NFycJ F✓.i: s 7L Ifs l2 i 1 /)V AAIV i 1,L 1, - Legal Description: 417-/1CHaD SuEf 'T Zone: Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address:! Applicant's Telephone Number: r y��/ 3 —� / ' / DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE The I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: and find 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application, They comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or That a plenater * 5C`-s has been approved and is final A copy of any variance, site plan review, resubdivision, use permit, or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon site plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). �.\ Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. • Has received a final Environmental Impact Report (copy Attached). All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by this City unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. F1 Date: "41, 5+T? PLANNINGDEPARTMENT PAID Attachments: JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director ;75d' AUG2221 " r `CI�Y F NEWPORT E NOTE: No building permit will be issued until approval is received from C.C.C. .n� WP5I\PLANNING\DARLEENTORMSW PRLCONP.DOC 4 t '.i X6--' STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Gommor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST AREA Page 1 of 3 : A: 245 W. BROADWAY, STE. 380 Date:3-8-96 P.O. BOX 1450 Permit No. 5-95-206 LONG BEACH, CA 90802-"16 (310) 590.5071 1 On 11 October 1995 , the California Coastal Commission granted to this permit subject to the development consisting of and Special conditions, for Demolition of a 6,851 square foot restaurant and construction of a 20 foot high, 5,867 square foot restaurant. No grading is proposed. Twenty—four parking spaces will be provided on site. more specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices.. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission by RLrrtivtu dY PLANN14G DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PriN 111996 7�8�9il0illl]2�1�2�3�4�5i6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director Title: Coastal Program Analyst The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance. . . of any permit. . ." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 Cal. Admin. Code Section 13158(a). Date Signature of Permittee Page 2 _ of _ 3 Permit No. 5-95-206 STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24—hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permi-ttee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the permittee shall obtain and submit a written agreement from the owner, subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director, stating that in the event of termination of the lease, and for so long as the development permitted pursuant to coastal development permit 5-95-206 is in operation, the owner of the property will agree to require each new or different tenant, occupant or operator, including itself, to sign a lease restriction or other appropriate instrument agreeing to comply with the conditions set forth in Special Condition No. 2. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Page 3 of 3 Permit No. 5-95-206 2. Future Improvements Lease Restriction Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant and landowner shall execute and record an addendum to the lease, free and clear of prior liens and encumbrances, and in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. This addendum shall specify that coastal development permit 5-95-206 shall only be for the development as described and conditioned herein. Any future change in Intensity of use, or development as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, including but not limited to expansion of the square footage of the development or change in the hours of operation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. Such lease restriction shall bind the lessee, and successors and assigns of the Permittee or leaseholder. Such restrictions shall run with the land and shall be made a part of all existing and subsequent lease agreements for the permitted facility. 5544F LANGFORD ARCHITECTS ID: DEC 04'95 13:32 No.010 P.02 STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY , PETE WILSON, Oowm f CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION Page 1 of 3 SOUTH COAST AREA Date: 17 October 199. 245 W. ROADWAY, STE. 230 Permit Application No. - P.O. SOx 14M LONG SEACH, CA 90802-"16 �..' NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT On 11 October 1995 the California Coastal Commission granted to Randera Restaurant Permit 5-95-206 subject to the attached conditions, for development consisting of: i Demolition of a 6,851 square foot restaurant and constructionlof a 20 foot high, 5,867 square foot restaurant. No grading is proposed. Twenty-four parking spaces will be provided on site. more specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in . Orange County County at __ 3201nd 3215 E. Pacific Coast Hwv.. (Corona dpl Mar) Npwnnrt Rparh The actual development permit is being held in the Commission office until fulfillment of the Special Conditions imposed by the Commission. Once these conditions have been fulfilled, the permit will be issued. For your information, all the imposed conditions are attached. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on 17 October 1995 PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director 21IL.IF Title: Coastal Program Analyst The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this notice of the California Coastal Commission determination on Permit No. 5-95-206 and fully understands its contents, including all conditions imposed. Date Permi'ttee Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. LANGFORD ARCHITECTS ID: DEC 04'95 13:33 No.010 P 03 Permit Application No. cage _Z• of 51ANlZ9RP_SQNQI?�45.5:-95-206 1' �e o---�Seint and ��� development seal- inot �oenc a Toe permit is not valid and permi'ttee or authorized agent, acknowledging eceipof the teOfithesPermitbandhe acceptance of the terms and conditions. is returned t 2, o the Commission office. Exoira fon. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two Years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3• aDS@• All development proposal as set forth in the reviewedconditions et forth below. 4 5. must occur in strict compliance with the application for permit, subject to any special Any deviation from the approved plans must be staff and may require Commission approval. Int rorpf��+on, Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. l4SA.gsi`tRris• The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice. dssiggn Z iriieshwithrthe Commissionianed to affidavitgacceptingPerson.armsoanded conditions of the permit. 7 IEtms_and Conditions h perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and theThese terms and dPtionstshall be bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the permittee shall obtain and submit a written agreement from the owner, subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director, stating that in the event of termination of the lease, and for so long as the development permitted pursuant to coastal development Permit 5-95-206 is in operation, the owner of the property will agree to require each new or different tenant, occupant or operator, including itself, to sign a lease restriction or other appropriate instrument agreeing to comply with the conditions set forth in Special Condition No. 2. LANGFORD ARCHITECTS ID: DEC 04'95 13:34 No.010 P.04 /, [jOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE_ PERMIT Page 3 - of Permit Application No. 5-95-206 G }.•� Tmnrovements Lease Restriction Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant and landowner shall execute and record an addendum to the lease, free and clear of prior*liens and encumbrances, and in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. This addendum shall specify that coastal development permit 5-95-206 shall only be for the development as described and conditioned herein. Any future change in intensity of use. or development as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, includipg but not limited to expansion of the square footage of the development or change in the hours of operation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. Such lease restriction shall bind the lessee, and successors and assigns of the Permittee or leaseholder. Such restrictions shalt run with the land and shall be made a part of all existing and subsequent lease agreements for the permitted facility. AFTER YOU HAVE SIGNED AND RETURNED THE DUPLICATE COPY LEGAL FORMS TO COMPLETE (WITH INSTRUCTIONS) FROM THE YOU RECEIVE THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, DEPARTMENT AT (415) 904-5200. RMR:blI 5543F YOU WILL BE RECEIVING THE SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE. WHEN PLEASE CALL THE LEGAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY qd PETE WILSON, Goromor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST AREA �` r 4I5 W. ROADWAY, STE. 380 RECE177;1) BY P.O. Box luo PLANNING DEPARTMENT LONG BEACH, a soeos-u, ptu, ,9c-50; tIIY OF NEWPORT BEACH OCT 0 31995 Filed: 08-25-95 49th Day: 10-13-95 180th Day: 02-21-96 Staff: RMR-LB K(4" Staff Report: 09-20-95 Hearing Date: October 10-13, Commission Action: PM 7'18191101111121112131415 i 6 STAFF REPORT: REGULAR CALENDAR APPLICATION NO.: 5-95-206 APPLICANT: Bandera Restaurant AGENT: David B. Neish 1995 PROJECT LOCATION: 3201 and 3215 East Pacific Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, Orange County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolition of a 6,851 square foot restaurant and construction of a 20 foot high, 5,867 square foot restaurant. No grading is proposed. Twenty-four parking spaces will be provided on site. Lot Area Building coverage: Pavement coverage: Landscape coverage Parking spaces: Zoning: Plan designation: Project density: Ht abv fin grade: 20,150 square feet 5,867 square feet 12,283 square feet 2,000-3,000 square feet 24 R-S-C Retail & Service Commercial 20 LOCAL APPROVALS RECEIVED: Approval in concept from the City of Newport Beach SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of the proposed development with two special conditions regarding lease restrictions. Staff has communicated to the applicant's agent the nature of those special conditions. The applicant's agent expressed no objection to those conditions but has stated that the applicant has expressed a desire to open the restaurant for lunch on special occasions, i.e., holidays. However, the applicant does not have approval from the City of Newport Beach for expanded hours and there is no information available to assess potential impacts on parking and/or traffic circulation. The applicant's agent has requested that the project proceed as is. Pending further developments, staff will recommend that the item be moved to the Consent Calendar. SUBSTANTIVE FILE DOCUMENTS: City of Newport Beach Certified Land Use Plan, Coastal Development Permit 5-95-136 (Saddlerock Ranch Restaurant) 5-95-206 Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION; The staff recommends that the Commission,)gdppt,tb;;;fAll;gwing, resolution: I. Approval with Conditions, The Commission hereby grants a permit, ;ub ect to the,cojo�!tions below, for the proposed development on the grounds th t'the development will be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program conforming to thf provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, and will not have any significant adverse impacts on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. II. Standard Conditions, 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgm n . The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authori2ed agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned office. to the Commission 2. Expiration, If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date this permit is reported to the Commission, Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance, All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. S. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice, 6. Assignment, The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land, These terms and conditions shalt be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. 5-95-206 Page 3 III. Special Conditions. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the permittee shall obtain and submit a written agreement from the owner, subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director, stating that in the event of termination of the lease, and for,so long as the development permitted pursuant to coastal development permit 5-95-206 is in operation, the owner of the property will agree to require each new or different tenant, occupant or operator, including itself, to sign a lease restriction or other appropriate instrument agreeing to comply with the conditions set forth in Special CoAtition No. 2. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit, the applicant and landowner shall execute and record an addendum to the lease, free and clear of prior liens and encumbrances, and in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director. This addendum shalt specify that coastal development permit 5-95-206 shall only be for the development as described and conditioned herein. Any future change in intensity of use, or development as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, including but not limited to expansion of the square footage of the development or change in the hours of operation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit. Such lease restriction shall bind the lessee, and successors and assigns of the Permittee or leaseholder. Such restrictions shall run with the land and shall be made a part of all existing and subsequent lease agreements for the permitted facility. IV. The Commission hereby finds and declares: The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing 6,E51 square foot Corona Cafe restaurant and construct a 20 foot high, 5,867 square foot restaurant. No grading is proposed. Twenty—four parking spaces will be provided on site. The project is located on Pacific Coast Highway in Corona del Mar, a community in the City of Newport Beach. The project site is located inland and away from the beach. Parking adjacent to the site is not utilized for beach parking. A restaurant or bakery has been on the site since 1939, As can be seen from the plans, Exhibit 2. there is a municipal parking lot on the south and west of the site. Along Pacific Coast Highway are retail and commercial uses. South and west of the site are residences. 5-95-206 Page 4 JEW11 1 Section 30252 of the Coastal Act states, in part: The location and amount of new development should maintain and enhance public facilitiesess to the or providingast subarkin stitute(means ofdserving ing gthe edevetopment with Public transportation... The proposed development fronts on Pacific Coast Highway in the community of Corona del Mar. Along Pacific Coast Highway are assorted retail and commercial uses. To the north on Larkspur is a bank with a metered 18-space muhl.cipal parking lot behind it. Directly behind the restaurant is a metered 33-space municipal parking lot. Inland of Bayside Drive are residential uses. Unmetered public parking is allowed on the area public streets, Larkspur, Bayside Drive and Marguerite Avenue. The existing restaurant is 60851 gros's square feet with a public service area of 3,250 square feet. There are 24 parking spaces associated with the restaurant. In 1985 the owners of the Studio Cafe II applied for a coastal development permit (5-85-399) for an addition of 215 square feet of public service area to the existing 3,035 square feet of service area. The permit for the addition was approved on the Consent Calendar with no special conditions. The proposed restaurant will be 5,867 gross square feet with a net public area of 34234 square feet. The restaurant is a family restaurant and will be open from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on weekdays and from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. on weekends. According to the South Coast Guidelines parking standards the new restaurant requires a total of 65 parking spaces (1 space per 50 square feet of public use space). Twenty-four parking spaces are supplied on site, leaving a shortfall of 41 parking spaces. In the nearby vicinity there are 36 parking spaces in two municipal lots, 18 parking spaces at the First Interstate Bank, and on -street unmetered parking on Bayside Drive, Larkspur Avenue, and Marguerite Avenue. There is additional parking on pacific Coast Highway. The applicant -has no arrangement with the First Interstate' -Bank to utilize its parking tot or with the City of Newport Beach to utilize the municipal lots for restaurant parking. The Commission and often the City of Newport Beach have acted in the past to require that parking shortfalls be met, either through in -lieu, shared parking arrangements, or other arrangements. However, in this instance the City has waived the parking requirements and has limited the hours of operation to between 4:00 p.m. and midnight. In addition, the City found that on -site parking is available for existing and proposed uses. The proposed development is located at the inland extent of the coastal zone boundary. There are no beaches or visitor serving attractions in the vicinity of the site. At the time staff conducted a site visit the municipal tot with 33 spaces held approximately 4 cars and the municipal lot with 18 spaces was completely empty. There were some cars parked on the public streets, but plenty of street parking was stilt available. Clearly there is not a lot of demand for the parking spaces in the municipal lots or on the streets. 5-95-206 Page 5 Requiring the applicant to make a shared parking or other arrangement is not appropriate in light of the surplus of parking in the immediate vicinity of the site. Additionally, the site does not compete for beach parking or 'for visitor -serving attractions. The hours of operation do not conflict with day useage of the site and area. However, if the restaurant operation should decide to change its hours of operation to include lunch, then the impacts of that change in intensity of use would have be analyzed by the Commission and might require some form of parking arrangement. It is conceivable, but information is not available to staff, that addition of lunch hours may create adverse impacts to local parking. Therefore, if the restaurant hours are expanded, a parking analysis wiT1 have to be provided as part of an permit amendment submittal. For these reasons, the Commission is requiring that a future development lease restriction and agreement to be bound special condition are necessary to ensure that any future changes would be subject to coastal development permit review for consistency with Section 30252 and the other Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. Section 30604(a) of the Coastal Act provides that the Commission shall issue a Coastal Development Permit only if the project will not prejudice the ability of the local government having jurisdiction to prepare a Local Coastal Program which conforms with the Chapter Three policies of the Coastal Act. The City of Newport Beach Land Use Plan (LUP) was originally certified on May 19, 1982. As conditioned, the proposed development is consistent with the development policies regarding parking of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act., Therefore, approval of the proposed development as conditioned would not prejudice the City's ability to prepare a local coastal program consistent with the Chapter Three policies of the Coastal Act. Section 13096 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations requires Commission approval of Coastal Development Permits to be supported by a finding showing the permit, as conditioned, to be consistent with any applicable requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 21080.5(d)(2)(i) of CEQA prohibits a proposed development from being approved if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact which the activity may have on the environment. The proposed project has been conditioned in order to be found consistent with the public access policies of the Coastal Act. Mitigation measures,,including future improvements and agreement to be bound special conditions will minimize all adverse impacts. As conditioned, there are no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission finds that the proposed project can be found consistent with the requirements of the Coastal Act to conform to CEQA. 5381 mm MIN. mu -0 �'r query •,t�! t' � _ u �-95 - ao6 och:rt CA 0ez• u■1111111 If t SEIMCE ��' - — — — — --- 'pUG 2 5 1995 ' Bb 'e SPACES Ilea CAUPORWA .—_COASTAL r,.C' W al�ti. of `.L or a ., Q ...A%uebn��-Ta�ISdRltsl m. 335PACE5 / 11 t• STALL BAYSIDE DRIVE a m 0 c/► x ;o Z 9;j Z O � 3 O 3 W G - s7. no w 4.m. s-root -,.-uM3 n.�t 0 r to m UJ 1 as 5�o 0 cool 1 P SP-I j i �YF I RX, r 3 �sr EXISTING FIRST INTERSTATE BANK t 18 SPACES • t •i i S. C }\F•t' A XR F_ 1t S L.,p wN .�� 18 Si�ACES / I a EXISTING BUILDING GROSS BLDG. FOOTPRINT, NET PUBLIC AREA PROPOSED BUILDING GROSS BLDG. FOOTPRINT NET PUBLIC AREA i il'71��r.T•.�xav' 1{ mo�w�., pwf }< 4 J i S 18 7 a —T6851+ S.F. 3234 S.F. ,5867 S.F. 3190 S.F. k1 (TYP.) C �GTY Of NEl?dRilflF BEAN � I ►� PPROVQt IN OO4VEEPT NO. I` this profgG conforms to ail applicable planning requlgtiotig anJ policies r{ o ijrct on this date. 1 n•sa ulans g e 13et to `c, ::, 34 trr constroctiop f!eo,,g . NO Lu d{ynlg Lx€Fnilr k'eidi e[i'[�ffi•:u�3 11i8 i 2ilgkATi;a fiC';3E31 Y.VR5la1�`�. i �{ty'Eii an BAYSIDE DRIVE SITE PLAN PROJECT INFO: PROJECT ADDRESS: ------ 3201 & 3215 EAST COAST HWY. OCCUPANT LOAD CEASED ON SEAT COUNT) --------------- - PARKING:----.—_-_—.-.__.__----_-------__--------.--.-.-.--------------....---.-.--.- �* CORONA DEL MAR, CA. 92625 DINING AREA - BOOTHS 124 (WITH 2 H.C. STALLS) DINING / BAR / ENTRY 33 NEW ONSITE PARKING 24* `. BAR SEATS 23 MUNICIPAL PARKING (ONSITE) 33_.�- MAILING ADDRESS -------- 3201 EAST COAST HWY. KITCHEN AREA (STAFF) rj0 MUNICIPAL PARKING (OFFSITE) 18 CORONA DEL MAR, CA KIA 92625 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK (OFFSITE) 18 e PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TOTAL OCC. LOAD 230 TOTAL POTENTIAL PARKING CON 4 OFFSITE) _e3 __._.—.-•._---.__..__.-_.. RESTAURANT ' NET PUBLIC AREA / .40 RESTAURANT PARKING FACTOR BUILDING TENANT: ------ ----- HOUSTON'S RESTAURANTS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: _ VN 3190 / .40 80 SPACES REQUIRED BY CODE #8 PIEDMONT CENTER, SUITE 720------___.--_-.._.___.____—___._.___._—__—_.___._.___. FULLY SPRINKLED ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30305 *(NOTE: PREVIOUS ON SITE PARKING (18)G ue ! PROPERTY OWNER(S) FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN (BASED ONk---------------__--_______. NFPA 13 ur ` TRUST --- "EUGENE BOERO TESTAMENTORY TRUST" GOVERNING CODES: -- ------------- ------•------•--------•-___..-_. ` FRANCIS BOERO (TRUSSTEE) NORTH VICINITY MAP: NO SCALE "7/ � i ate.. .�'•.,.•��� .' ,.. __�-' � �' - . -� 4 .,vast•.._,- � r� NOW, o,vn '��e oars' •.. •, ,art■ -tsRno t 't!� f'b,` '. CO GINO BOERO (TRUSSTEE) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1991 EDITION) "t „ " a'- f = "'M-•• �. ' -'* r_ 5 . -`>rr SITE AREA: — __.—.---•_------__.__._�__-- 20160 S.F..» tamaw _ . NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, 1993 EDITION NEWPORT BAY „���<�-.•, a SITE ZONING --- — ---- ----. —_._— __..__.__. __-. STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, MIN EDITION t' t.. •<� { << �h r Wt ■ STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE, 1991 EDITION i `' r J RESIDENTIAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA: --------•------------------------------ SS67 S.F. STANDARD GAS CODE, 1991 EDITION , " . STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 1991 EDITION I. ; '.; n f - OCCUPANCY GROUP A-3/SMALL ASSEMBLY AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD HANDICAPPED CODE, A111.1, •1986 r - f�. , ;" t . ` ' " COVERED EXTERIOR ENTRY -_.__—____----_._._..------- 312 S.F. w- NFPA 101-CLASS C ASSEMBLY LIFE SAFETY CODE, NFPA 101 _ �,».. Y EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS BLDG. AREA - ALLOWABLE: -------------- ---- 6,047 S.F. GOVERNING EXISTING RESTAURANT PLANNING COMM. HEARING AUG. 9, 1984----•—_._____ C.U.P-#3103 ALLOWABLE AREA CALCULATION: PLANNING COMM. HEARING APRIL 18, 1985 C.U.P.#3103 20160 S.F. • 30 RESTAURANT FACTER • 6041 SF. (AMENDED) BUILDING IS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. NORM ... }� % ., •.+ tear � 1 us2 a:n' STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS, INC■ Architecture Interior Design Food Service 4 Executive Circle Suite 190 Irvine, CA 92714 714-833-9066 714-833-9159 FAX PROJECT _I 3 N 'Q N �a • 04O W = 0 W W ( a a O r � MQ p O W M. ISSUE DATES No. Date Description APP Porn OV it o. , �� �� a Zvz 3_716 SHE T TIT E PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN DRAWING I.D. Project No: W-0240 Date: mv4�6 Drawn: elzu. Checked: Scale: 1/16' - I'-0, 01 SHEET NO. w Q. PSP-1 ■ - - _ _ _ lm,,a-.pgY. ., ' - . 5'. 11 "I . v _ - '_ i - p . .: .-.• - - - - - . , r _ - _ : - - _ l y _ - , - �. _ _ ,,1 - - 7 Y1 v � a F . _ Y - I,, , ,4 EI 1 r1 a' r N ♦ .. - . - .. - - A s= _' . � - : _ I I I _ ___ _ _ - -..- _ _� �. - •• - • -+kA •q+ j• FI ,11 b ' - - - Y - -,t,. 0 -. �I-- I- -I.II .I.-I�. ,I ­�-�'I. ,� -I�- I ICI II.I I ,I �II q-�I�,I - rIII . �-.� , I II� .I� � -I �I \,�-I \ - � .'.- I �- 'I� h�l�I � -I r. I� II I/I . - - I r-�--_ 'TI .. -�I L I�.­ I .1'� II/"I - I, . I, rIL I��I I ,1I1 5F �I II I I I I II -I .I,�� , -� I. A,_ . ' �II , y � � II - I�I 4I ) '.%1IFI�,Iz-I. �� I II . - -I I- �'�,�1 .II1j'II I �, 5 _ }. m u . a C COAST hiyy ?tee pNE r= m t - of- S a' IIIF P ��F. , - wFi . y . HEWPORt BAY egYSip S9 Q�' / - - E 09,E . v� �P l �EAry ' I, \ tCS { CO4 ` , �/ fC 1/ ~ Z 0 X ' r . VICINITY MAP g o ?0 =g- ; NO SCALE D � ,/ (N/� �V"" N z a '4 ONO -, et 3g~'V 1 �� 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BASIS OF BEARINGS: .1� 0C4 o , 0 oo•k ,.'P` THE BARINCS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON 7HE CENTERIJNE OF r O� lD c ^ a ALL, THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, LARKSPUR AVENUE BEING NORTH 39' 38' 00" EAST AS SHOWN ON O" O C V; O CITY OF HEWPdiT BEACH, DESBD AS FOLLOWSt., A PARCEL MAP RECORDED DEC 5. 1977 IN BOOK 107. PAGE 40 OF A'; (i a: p. .bra „� PARCEL MAPS PARCEL /: J .,- LOTS 1 AND 2"N BLOC( V OF TRACT NO, 323. AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN -. ,BENCH MARK. BOOIK.14, PAGES 40 AND 4T MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS Of ORANGE COUNTY._ NUMBER: 3K 29 6B AGENCY: COUNTY OF ORANGE - _ :� *, ,t _£ CALIFORNIA. -, "ELEVATION: 6t.8D1 LOCATION: . 6 BLOCKS NORTHWEST 'ALONG THE PACIFIC. COAST HIGHWAY {: c� a : .- PARCEL 2: - ((U.S.. 101 ALT). FROM THE POST OFFICE AT CORONA DEL MAR d x. ' . 10 ITS INTERSECTION WMTH'VIS AVEf 36 FEET SQUTHWEST `_ ALL THOSE PORTIONS OF PACIFIC DRIVE (FORMERLY ELECTRIC WAY) AND MARGUERITE' OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE HIGHWAY, 49.5 FEET SOUTHEAST , �ry . Y AVENUE. AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF TRACT NO. 323, RECORDED IN BOOK 14. PAGES' OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE AVENUE, 17.5 FEET SOUTHEAST _.. 40 AND 41 OF 145CFILANEOUS MAPS. RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA - Of A FIRE HYDRANT, 22.6 FEET SOUTHEAST OF A STREET ABANDONED 8Y RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT . LIGHT POLE, SET N THE TOP OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER - BEACH ON FEBRUARY 7, 1927, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF _ OF A CONCRETE CATCH BASIN, 0.6 OF A FOOT. HIGHER THAN' V -, THE SOUTiHEASTE%Y uNE OF LARKSPUR'kVEHNUE_ Ni0 THE NORTHEASTERLY uNE OF THE GUTTER., PACIFIC TItbYE: THENCE SOUTH 30 34 NEST ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF 1% b LARKSPUR AVENUE A DISTANCE OF.2518 FEET TO A PONT, THENCE SOUTH 5713'45' EAST . " f p 1 , � ALONG A LINE. MM10N IS 25' FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE � NORTHEASTERLY LANE OF PACIFIC DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 218.12 FEET TO A POINT: ZONING; - &,t AO SgAE THENCE EASTERLY. NORTtHEAS1ERI Y. NORTHERLY MID NORTHEASTERLY AROUND A. RSC (RETAIL SERVICE COMMEROAL) Y' GOMIy CIRCULAR CURVE NTH A RADIUS OF 20.13 FEET CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST, A DISTANCE OF 55.26 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY LOW OF COAST // NORTHEASTERLY WE OF LOT � *, BLoa -,r OF sAO TRACT No 323; PARKING SUMMARY: , , //// SOUiNEASiFRLY, SOUTHERLY, SOUTHWESTERLY, WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE , t •°U P�My l NORTHEASTERLY, EASTERLY, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY UNE OF SAS LOT REGULAR STALLS: 16. " • II _' [S 43re R/✓� POINT OF BEtiIWNNG ALONG THE NatiHEASTERLY UT/E T7F PACIFIC DRIVE TO THE HANDICAP STALLS: t.. 1 4 // l TOTAL 17 ., , , V1 93 SAIp RAND i5"ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL 1, N 1ME CITY OF NEMPORT BEACH. COUNTY - ; 9J38 MW OF'ORANGE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AS PER MAP RECORDED N'800K 107, PACE 40 . AREA SUMMARY: R,,M OF PARCEL MAPS N THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAdD COUNTY.. sEN GROSS AREA PER' TITLE REPORT DESCRIPTION' 20160 S0. FT. .0.4628 ACRES I,, - SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE:,- - NET AREA (GROSS AREA ExQUDINGSTRFFT EASEMENTS) - 11, _ 20143 , SO. FT. 0.4824 ACRES i �. N A AND FlOE11 NA110Nk nTLE'SINS4lRANCE CO THAT THE SURVEYOR 1MTETANESSEE. - I BUILDING SETBACK: _`„ .WAS MADE ON TIE GROUND uNOEA MY SUPERN90HN FROM THE OESCRPTION AS SHOWN i \,,, _ - N Fti N0.5Mt7-LW AMID MAT,� yTHE� NNOLR.4H ANiD LIEAR MEASUREiME7/n ANO ALL OTHER - . , : _ ., MATTERS SHOWN HEREON AI F COMKCT" 1 FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS FRONT YARD: NONE -" MADE A01W MY SJPER101 N ON MAY IL IM *RECAY SNOWS THE TOTAL AREA OF THE SIDE YARD : NONE •. •'_ O. PROPERTY N ACRES $00 IN SOUS 11EET: THEVISIBLE DNAEK"S AW OPER REAR YARD: NOW �„"f=,,_:-=.'-t:,;'y 0* LOCATIONS OF IPRO'EIE)NTS. *UXVAYS, PAYED AREAS MAID PARMG AREAS. OF ANY: . j � � A" OTTHM WSW MATTERS ON, THE GROUND WHICH MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT TITHE TO - , " = W THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE RELATIONSHP OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER SiAUCTURES'TO - - W ,, , - THE PROPERTY LIES OF "THE LAID INDICATED"THEREON. IF ANY THE LOCATION OF MSIBIE AND RECORDED-EASEMEtIn AND OTHER MATTERS OR RECORD AFFECTING THE N ;; SUBJECT TITLE PER THE A80VE-REFERENCED TITLE NSUiANCE COMMITMENT.I FURTHER Ix Z CFR7EY .THAT THERE ARE NO ETvcROACHMENn of ADJOIYNG EHULDINGS OR STRUCTURES ONTO SAEiLAND NOR OVERLAP OF BULDNGS OR STRUCTURES FROM SAID LAND OTHER = i W THAN SHOWN; THAT AOEOUATE INGRESS ATE ELitESS TD THE SUBJECT V� ," PROPERTY ARE PROVIDED BY PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY, :x ,-'-I THE SAME BEING PAVED, DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY MAINTAINED BY THE CiY.OF NEWPORT BEACH. CA. AND CALTRANS AND THE SUBJECT PROPERTY DOES NOT SERVE W ` ,5 ANY ADJOINING PROPERTY.FOR DRAINAGE. INGRESS AID EGRESS OR FOR ANY OTHER J ''- PURPOSES THAT THE PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD ZONE X, AREA OF 500 YR FLOOD, E"' COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 060227. DATED SEPTEMBER 15, .1989. to _ N 1, `t 1 ` tip . Z �j!' r, x 4 E S.9/30/1"7 r 11W.11{i » t . J W A su , V1 r `� S ' 1itCC TN€1HPbAi StAuH aft=-�---' "' c,1y S t/. j 1i1OFCAt1fQ tftvAL'INCONCEPTN ,--.Z V� VI t,Aw�� �'i ;'l _ . � ETts prolt confatfns tm aPt applicable plannlry regulatials e ,i ? _ owes in BtPett on this date. `Z A � ' . 3 0 ilNss Vt I ere not to �e oscd ter constrUCIlon purposes. No I - Q V buikMg i "I' will he issued anti! approval is received from - \ .i P I the the CPaStal Commission. Q ', ' 4 EXCE TONS TO COVERAGE: , FLANNlN ARTMENt - '. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE USTED AS EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE N A PRELIMINARY AAMES ICxFro ° TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY FIDELITY, NATIONAL TITLE Ik"ANKE COMPANY T Date: - , . 4 ORDER NO. 58412-LW � ' + ,@ DATE D: ' MAY 4, 1995 ; a Q INDICATES ITEMS -SHOWN HEREON - INDICATES EXACT LOCATION IS NOT OMMOSED OF RECORD. t� A. 8. C t D TALES - - , - - ' 1. RIGHTS OF WAY ALONG THE ROADS AND HIGHWAYS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED 0 µ p UPON THE MAP OF CORONA w z" OE7 MAR RECCROFD IN BOOK 3 PAGE 41 AND '- t; 42 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, TRACT _ a ,_ I 1 NO. 323 BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF A PART OF SAiD CORONA DEL MAR, :, FOR ROAD PURPOSES, PIPELINES, ELECTRIC RAILROAD OR ANY OTHER I FORM OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION. MID FOR THE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH Eolith_ CoA11t District 01'Yice w ,n w rn' CN . " 4 • LINES TO THE LANDS OF THE ItVWE COMPANY LYING M THE EAST OF THE a a, x \ Cv' - �s ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, AS RESERVED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY IN A DEED N�,inO .- RECORDED DECEMBER 12, 1911 IN BOOK 204. PAGE 160 OF DEEDS APPR0T1 p e N 3 - Z �, Q AN EASEMENT FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES N FAVOR OF THE CITY OF PeTrnitt�o. _ Z 4 I NEWPORT BEACH AS RECORDED NOVEMBER 10, 1977 AS INSTRUMENT 140. z a O z , - �' 14941. IN BOOK 12452. PAGE 1407, OFFICIAL RECORDS. Byt 3 4i c:.i Lei >'. I 't 3. ANY EASEMENT TOT DISCLOSED BY THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH IMPART < I- P r- S r- m' CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AND WNHa1 ARE NOT HSIeLE AND APPARENT FROM Er'FEei IVE .3 ;7 _ p L 00 in U 00 Cr n Q: Y AN INSPECTION OF THE SURFACE OFSAIDLAND. DNl1:R2 - - -. t. WATER RKGin, CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER, WHETHER OR NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. . _ 4 S. " MATTERS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY AN INSPECTION OR BY A SURVEY I OF SAID LAND THAT IS SATISFACTORY TO THIS COMPANY, OR BY INQUIRY - - - - : _ - --- OF THE PARTIES N POSSESSION THEREOF. 6. ANY RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES IN POSSESSION OF SAID LAND. BASED ON AN . „ ` " UNRECORDED AGREEMENT- CONTRACTOR LEASE, AS DISCLOSED BY NSPECTON - : . AND INVESTIGATION. . 7. llilE COMPANY NOTES 14 'f. '; K..jdd 34 5' .. KADRAYLNOS\SP\SP32Z1\TDPOC 6-14-5,5 -7:34.54, c+1.'S7 „ v. �,:k..Y °,,.,,1 - - - -_ - _ - � ' r, .. - v _ . r Y - - - - . " . - - `• a -k4 - - - . ' 4: - - _ ' - _ - _ - _ - r - .. _ _ _ - __ - - . - - - - - _ _ F - " - _ - - - _ _ _ . < -- ; - ._ _ - _ - _ _ - - _ h i(F .- -' ., _ i -- - ,- - . y " IiIIIIIIIIIIIIfitIIIIIIIIItIIItIIIIIIIIIifIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7 ,I' IIIIIIfIIIITI7 ffITIIIifIIIIIIfIifIIIIIIIIiIIIifIIIIItIifIIIIftIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIfIIItIIIIItIifIIIIIifIIITTItIIIIITTIIIItIIt­.STE IIfIItIIIIIIIItIItIfIIII'LAN RD IIIfIIIIIIIIIIA CHIT T IIIIIIfIIIItIIitInow, III.M.Mmmmmmmm� ItI------------ — -- I— --------- --- ---- -7 tfA 416 t", Irch c ure IIIIIII4ntendr, Desigh, IItervice., IIIfifIIIIIf IFood S IIL IIIIIIfIITIIROMSSERIIE f ItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlanter IitIWO= IIIItItSTORAC-0- IIIII77 IIII,- Exibicutive,," U, IIiIiIfIIIsulte '190 III/: W fUPPER DMM A IIIII A IIIit'Irvinei -CA-�'92114, ifIIfII3 II-714-7-18.3 inIII-��833-91 5, I12 IIClow! planter 1 4 IILKX)4JR ST IifIIfIIItififitIIIIIIIII= IIown IIItIIItIIIaIIIitIT1- ItIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIItIitIIIIIIIIIIfILolpm ID11" A Ir - - - - - - - - - - COOLER IItIIIIIWSIM IIII-77 IIIIII0 IIII12 I— - — - — - — - — - — - — — - — - — - — - — - — — - — - — - I IIIIIIIII-- - - - - - - - - - II- - - - - - - - ..... .... I IABOVE IIfifTI- - - - - - - - - I IIfIIIIIItIIIIrK n-p- EL:. + ir-42). J*3 DM WASHM ILIJ IF ­1 ENMY IIF:m rm EL, +0 IIIII— - — - — - — I — - - — - — I — — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - ItI-7- IIIIE OR FACH IIIt------- ILI IIIIfIVEN GFO ,R E NC IIIIv'W POkft In affect On" is date. IIH Ioses No I1"ns, are not t,ft-' for construction IPUTP IDullding joarmit %�qlj bs is IUj to.: IJ-- — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - "PPlicable Planning regulations L 0 B PT No %�A INPC NC — - — - — - — - — - — - — this PrO100 conforms to all sued Until approvalp IIfrom r. the Caftlor utasal commission i's r­ece4­ved f IIIIIIARTMEW IIfIIIIJAmES tI-13� IILOWER DNM d6wm� -, I"" : if " , " tot c) IToate. I-7k, 4 4 IIIIII II26 ItIIitIIIIII II%WitIIIIIdwIIIIIII(I down IIIdown IIIISSUE DATES- III7 II'OVERHANG IIII-7 Del�6riptio I2a No.�, Datei tI23 24 25 I -1 � , , Till IifOFFICE IItIIIIitIItIIIdown IIUPPEIR DINM B, III------------- Ir 14 4;6 ISouth.Coiriat Distriat Offieb IF IIIIIIfIp R6va, 951111112 00 ITIPex-mit No, IfPHOWS 32 I2 .130 IIIIII7j: IIIIitDEI.PIMY IIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIEM BALCOW IIIItIIIIww%f� II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISHE TlT4E IIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIfARCHITECTU tIIIIIIIIIF -OOR PLAN, itITIL IIIIIIIIIIIIIitItIftIIIIIIIe IitIIIIURAWING 1Ai- IIItIIIIIItIIIIIitIW IIItIIIIDatb- III.7 IIIIIitIIIIIIIIIIn . ITIIIt7, IfIIItIIIIIIIIIitIIT'Gh6ckdd. IitIIIIIIITItIIItIIIIIIIIScble-: ITIIIIIOF16P#Rt T P. IIIIIIIIifI.. ... .. -SHEET NO. IIII7!r ItIIIItifIIItItIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfITIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIifIIIIfIIIIIIIItIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIitIItIIIIIifItIIIIIIIIIIItITIIIIIIIIIifIITIIIIIIifIfitIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIITIIII ■ Li Irl1��1� toIW/..iR���R w ■I�EIf�■r■■■■Y�1<t#■ rlc�■rl■■I■rlswa■11■rsa ■ � sYlrlt�■�I�i�■■at■■�1■ i11�EEililfi�i�ll ■I ■�#II1��EIIE�1Et�■' �IIr�1l�iii/W■I1�L —In■tttll� �r%Irl�rllElEli�l■ x�'`1 INS 1 / /�� I�Eli1R?ili. R t rfn■ I ■rwtw.���rn�tRv I�IIHI■�\>'N ��G�ii ten• r� r �� j j� iW IC`:' t 1 \\Nis. IIIn WN m I Vr ��.`.z,...< lot � � 1i►71 lil,l�'71 N BAND Eli■1■■■nrl■����sl■ ���1\\\\�`�\\\\\\'!_\ IIL9I--I __m ■0 ����,_i■.Irt■i �i��i�1I111I1 �I��i IIr1Y�1 �I�I�Il�ltlttt��l �I�I�I�II�11 �I�I�I�tlsll �iltllr R..=sal.■ Ti r���. r, t OV .�►1 .fir I�ii iI Alto �l�R m m �l■�■lf�. -vim i�r�i ■1 u � � wtttttt�ttt� ■ ■ f� r ■■i■aV �t� 11 W1`NOIiW!\\\W!\ONNN! SR �a Um lung■11 II1I ■■IY A- �IYI��! Chi/ �v �.. ��•■f 77 IY■ll � �� r �tlll` YI B A N D E RAII ; >li�:rl -rrs 0 WE FAW 011111000:34WATIIC4i aleG •1:41 i �a 1 Qoa W L mr Z LV a O Q mm N L 0 C� .,mow _, .- Ss SPUR �_�Q\\ .► .__:A►+\►�,��,��`..\�. ._�����.. ��\V��.���`�11. lacyl"S =\`� INE IRS ff _ Me _MAI Ill`I �1!�■1It1r■rlwl►w�1/ 11�II��I��Im1r��>Aln�llwiwnlwl. ��Rlw�■� �C1tI1giJ�u1'II/I1\\`�1 ! �iA t!.1!►►\'11,!1\\1!��\!►►/11,�1►i' \ F1P1In +V 011SOMI��`t\\�ili�i''� ► %���i��1\�\���i� "i IVY ��i `I! \iNUP-1\ \\ w `,.; rBANDERA - emu■ sflnnl■w■ nf�� `:1���111■■ suwtw■w�ll�MMMU . 5M:in1,��'1 11��►'�1►Ii�I�1��►r/.I��►`6, �►T�N41f' �ll�/T'll/JTt�PL� „ram. ��\.�. ",ply ��:; . �� �r,ri � I .�,) �... _,�r._.a►1ii ►c n . AVIll W. q S3 PIP M;.'•"Ui/�\tl�%/ 1l�i;!%1/.I%��i� di%�r% 1%i%P-.�-- ...../�r.-/�/.�_ _./.til��_�. ___ __ 11%IiI,.• 1.....Y�•;!III�.• .LL.•.�ib /�I/ /.%LgL1•.i4•r i/r / /%1 • / ,� ,'dJ '/ r� ' .� ./ ,� .�............. _:.........:,,���--i.........:. G///f///,/.f/:�i.%/%�///////J////./i'i//./'VA%Z.////////.000YIZ//�Al ;Ol ll //;,/,�:na.u:r.aac►.e/.�%. :..e.u..•. ;. u..,.si:.,•"�� va.•..r..:.i%/ :% • / / •. - P, r�/%�� E, ,;,,,.:,_.......z 1%11 ` :::::::::: g::::::::: ; sons:::::,:, 11■■irw�llt■11-- --- ---- II/11 ..............II I ..........., 1e.........., f1�.........,:�■■ti■i�ll���■■1 ■I I■ IIItI lone:::::: •M■t::::::::; . f111I1tI::::::::: m1 1 0I ie9E:98E:9:; el : :::::::: ; p.11 ....,....... a�. �s:.........,,� 11■■ IIIII ftwflm■!, 1■1 ■Int��; - �IiI1M10■■11�/ i1W� _ - _:�:_ ululi■w_l�1'lu,1l usil�w ' iiii1iii�i�n■��� saw" — --- - :� Il�ltlrl?IIR�I■�I ■'s�11�1,f�■1 ■I�i�l�l�—��— ����nnir_ ai���.�w� �--��+11■■f/I� as/•���eta 5• �s�nu��iww " Win: � ;> ^lr�►D��iL� 'i/=►'��i.r l T� I :::::a :::i. `I r•a.i V.1 IIt�R:■ It■I s . 1 _EVATIQ DAST H W '' i////'%- �/�/'/ I w�/�.v-/��_==7//// 9y%I/mP,E"%iCM�EEStr. it OOF I�■i■i�l�iiu�i■�■ liiii��lw�lii■in�i���` ■�■1��■1I M■ Ir�■�I�IMI��i�%% �■�� 1:!!r ■■I�Mi�l�l���lr� %ri �\\\�L'.CT � _ l\\C� % �11—� � w� ■sue.. Bey►-,w.,r; %w_��Y►\��%%� � �i���►�nrii,—_ � �.� j INA/ JEST ELEVATIQ %RICCDI IQ A\/GAIT M FEN FORD a CV Da a0a 11,• V V V OTC � V Mines J Q p. W LLI to a Cl W O Z M r a p O N V 11 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK 1 � t _it itt S ve'.'"3 - $ � e+ '} fry tb h .. '•� y�ys. g j7 �ty�, .p a�.�.y r- ...- .'A 1 $ � �'`4'.� f:�`'§�.M F '�s � :'c�•J'i.✓` i.�h� f as' f wr"ra ..i"�'I' ! ti Ga e a34g^y 2 .-..__�- ir- j"i apt , E 34 BAYSCE DRIVE SITE PLAN PROJECT INFO: PROJECT ADDRESS: — -----• 3201 & 3215 EAST COAST HWY MAILING ADDRES° PROJECT DESCRIPTION: BUILDING TENANT: ---- CORONA DEL MAR, CA. 92625 3201 EAST COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR, CA. 92625 -------------- RESTAURANT ---- - HOUSTON'S RESTAURANTS #8 PIEDMONT CENTER, SUITE 720 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30305 PROPERTY OwNER(S) TRUST _.___ "EUGENE OCCUPANT LOAD (BASED ON SEAT COUNT) DINING AREA - BOOTHS 124 DINING / BAR / ENTRY 33 BAR SEATS 23 KITCHEN AREA (STAFF) 50 TOTAL OCC. LOAD CONSTRUCTION TYPE: FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN (BASED ON).- BOERO TESTAMENTORY TRUST" FRANCIS BOERO FTRUSSTEE) GINO BOERO (TRUSSTEE) SITE AREA: SITE ZONING: RSC RESIDENTIAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL OCCUPANCY: - ---- GROUP A-3/SMALL ASSEMBLY NFPA 101-CLASS C ASSEMBLY EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS GOVERNING EXISTING RESTAURANT PLANNING COMM. HEARING AUG. 9, 1984—.—_— ._ C.U.P.#3103 PLANNING COMM. HEARING APRIL 18, IgsS —_�. C.U.P.#3103 (AMENDED) FLOOR AREA: ---••-•-- COVERED EXTERIOR ENTRY 230 ------- - -- VN FULLY SPRINKLED ----- NFPA 13 — 20,160 S.F. -- 5867 S.F. -- 312 S.F. SLOG. AREA - ALLOWABLE: ------- - •- --- --- --• 69047 S.F. ALLOWABLE AREA CALCULATION: 20160 SF. • 30 RESTAURANT FALTER = 6041 S.F. (TYP.) , CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .PPROVAL IN CONCEPT NO.this project conforms to all applicable planning regulatio0s .ad polices 1101140 on this date. n I r,ese was are not to bo ased for construction purposes. Na c_ailtmg permit will bs 1_w;gd un;:i approval is received from the CalJornia Co::stat Commission. _ PLANNINy' C=PAPRIIIENT JAMESfI`If;�W7CrzrL e n r . - 4 S�l VICINITY MAP: PARKING: -__------------.-._--.____ ---------. __------------._._.__-. ,.. (WITH 2 H.C. STALLS) NEIU ONSITE PARKING 24* MUNICIPAL PARKING (ONSITE) 33 MUNICIPAL PARKING (OFFSITE) 18 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK (OFFSITE)IS e TOTAL POTENTIAL PARKING (ON t OFFSITE)-S3 NET PUBLIC AREA 1.40 RESTAURANT PARKING FACTOR 31SO / .40 • 80 SPACES REQUIRED BY CODE � L *(NOTE: PREVIOUS ON SITE PARKING os)) ar«° � tur u ..� GOVERNING CODES: UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1991 EDITION) "r NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, ISW EDITION - STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, 1991 EDITION ^� STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE, 1eSI EDITION STANDARD GAS CODE, ISSI EDITION r 1 STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION GORE 1991 EDITION^ N&PORr aAY35 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD HANDICAPPED CODE, A111.1, 1986 LIFE SAFETY CODE, NFPA 101 NO SCALE BUILDING IS FULLY EQUIPPE NOM 1, Q WITH AUTOMATIC FIRE BOG !' P\., Al SPRINKLER SYSTEM ° STEVEN LANGFORD ARCHITECTS$ INC. Architecture Interior Design Food Service 4 Executive Circle Suite 190 Irvine, CA 92714 714-833-9066 714-833-9159 FAX PROJECT ISSUE DATES PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN DRAWING I.D. Project No: w-ouo Date: Drawn: ewe. Checked: Scale: .1/16• V-m• SHEET NO. Q PS P_ I , S• k }p E' n rt c ' , J � C S �? t - - - - - C ' 0 ' v - 97.69 t ,m 97.9 7 c� 3 •- 97.J9 7 ' < 95 �g 99 8 \\ 7' \ Ct1R o 83*030' tl• sls c +lsM•, . - p 3,f ' R - .10.00, ^5 97g3 !• Y `° sO� et�EE�3 L - 14.60.64 f >p, .33' 73 yo.o (j f ci " ENCR. i t / V'Ti V '` (,dip —�' 9365 , c 'nC ,g 4 \ Rp- i 36'ENCR416 . �', , / -f- .C, r. t•. -=� \\ \`� IRS E if 4 c? y,`•_�� / 4(♦, \ �6 /� IJ .' nP R 3!« ppm 4-}hi% ' ''+ 1 .. - " � � - /i �-/�//� �t 91� J r• 1�1.. �' r, Jh.i+.'- 4..IIR • f - ,T PAR 2 fi•.i FA X1JP W� x Y �. ACC ` ati/ 9 q ,ffi �� e - N}2'52'lw C 1/Sl O� < A r R-2.3' Y / CWC,'Piv£AlFNr 5 •f/. 5T. REC 4 y \i a 6 COCX7 t ONO 4�y 5 1, `? _ "K Cr . 7 y,Es j 6 5 I < f J �t 1 °f°/r 5}. R ZO t3' qj its T i6 ' 9 h "T7085(- 9 B9,?g ' ,51 r e` s .,. ✓ . - .. - .. - N$ "�. Z !(' .^ter ry _ - - _ —__ - ' — L -- ..: s—'__.._ __ _ _— _ — - i / T' a, -`'.r ::a. - •- 6' F C - - - —. - .�,Em SN 45 9 E) \ \, $Y- � <T� t8.t2 7 C „ 5 DC-v7u_3' �31/ ,7•i,G,,l i } - ��j+ 3 Q LILT Iv • Y e\ . �\ # - ` ,. , 4 • I 4t - ��'�tii g .O •\ - 1A+RRK/NG SYr4ttS - \ \" '\ \ v - }\y • (` ' J �" o- t � � _ - .. . r . � ,, ( " �+ - `lam �~.. � °� p, � - 4 .\, .\ `\\ '. ., \� \\ � \\ - `'\� . - 1'_ `�• � l l J f Cj� - l i I8 ST, ORAMI U �S cYI/ W� A RAN A P4tfUENT (0000 COND.) - - � BA,57 /�5 f+ARKJiyGs STALL/" CLNC. SIDEWALK i xr SAY N SAY N 57'13'45' W 312.90' - NO a A Vr !0" SEINER — — - -. - BAYSIDE DRIVE (ELECTRIC{ WAYS (PACIFIC DRIVE IMPORTANT NOTICE ' r' SeCtwn 4216/4217 of tM Gorwa~t Cade N m6ere 0 Dig AI WI bwkreoa�� Engineers Note -t ContractoG^: - Pen -nit to Exoawte N1i oe valid t ti - "�'"• - - - - Far roar L Alert W Number COL - - _ The existence and. tocat,on or any underground uti ;ties, 'pow s, - - 1 and/or structures shown on these plans were obtained by a search - UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ^ c of avaµable records To thebestof our knoWledge. there'are ex,st,ng uttl:ties except as shown on these ptnns The 'contractor 1-800=422-4133< �shatt ascertacn,the,true vertical and horizontal location of, for tN,e«ground Looat:q - - �, those underground utilities to be -used Ina shall be resoQnsfte' 2 MWxing Ooys before Lou lN9 - �' - - for nny tlaronge to any public or pr;vate-ut:t;ties,,Shown or not. - - - - - - -- Hereon - - _ r - _ i II 95 42 93 3F RI New%��93 Jl�R A(H VICINITY MAP NO SCALE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL -THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ORANGE, - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL is LOTS 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK, "Jo OF TRACT NO. 323, AS SHOWN ON A YAP RECORDED IN BOOK .14, PAGES 40 AND 41 OF MISCELLANEOUS NAPS, RECORDS OF, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 2 ALL THOSE PORAONS OF PANIC ORIVE (FabaRRLY ELECTRIC WAY) AND WARGUERRITE' AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON THE YAP OF TRACT NO. 323, RECORDED IN BOOK 14. PAGES, - 40 AND 41 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ABANDONED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ON FEBRUARY 7, 1927. DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF - THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LARKSPUR AVENUE AND THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF PACIFIC DRIVE:, THENCE SOUTH 39' 36' WEST ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LARKSPUR AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 25A8 FEET TO A PONT; THENCE SOUTH 5793'45' EAST ALONG A LINE, WHICH IS 25 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF PACIFIC DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 218.12 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE EASTERLY. NORTHEASTERLY. NORTHERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY AROUND A CIRCULAR CURVE NTH A RADIUS OF 20.13 FEET CONCAVE TO T14E NORTHWEST, A DISTANCE OF 55.26 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF COAST' BOULEVARD. WHICH SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF COAST BOULEVARD IS ALSO THE NORTHEASTERLY LIE OF LOT TWO IN BLOCK ',r OF SAID TRACT NO. 323; THENCE, SOUTHEASTERLY. SOUTHERLY. SOUTHWESTERLY. WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY) EASTERLY, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY LOW OF SAID LOT TWO IN BLOCK J'. AND ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY UK OF PACIFIC DRIVE TO THE POINT OF SEO NN ING. SAID LAND IS ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL 1. IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY - Ai OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AS PER YAP RECORDED IN BOOK 107. PAGE 40z M OF PARCEL MAPS. IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE:, . I HEREBY CERTIFY TO "6L)STDN-S RESTAURANTS. IE., NATIONS BANK OF TENNESSEE, N A AND FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO. THAT THE SURVEY FOR THIS PLAN _ WAS MADE M THE GROUND UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM 1}E'DESCFJPTIONAS SHOWN IN FILE N458412-LW AND THAT THE ANGIA,AR AND LINEAR MEASUREMENT'S AND ALL OTHER MATTEM11 SHOWN HEREON ARE COMECT I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT INS SURVEY WAS MADE .UI400 YY 9AMV419M 06 MAY 6, IM OIRECAY SHOWS THE TOTAL AREA OF THE a'ROMrY II ACRES AND IN SWANS FEET TH£ VISIBLE DIIMENS"IS AND OTHIW LOCATIONS OF IMPROVEMENTS. WAUCWAYS, PAVED AREAS AM PARKING AREAS. IF ANY; Ali. OTM" WW E MATTERS ON THE GROUND WHICH MAY ADN"SELY AFFECT TITLE TO -- THE SUB.ECT PROPERTY; -THE RRELAwwsw OF BUILDINGS; AND ORFR STRUCTURES TO THE PROPERTY LINES OF THE LAND INOICATED THEREON. IF ANY THE LOCATION OF VISIBLE. AND RECORDED EASEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERS OR RECORD AFFECTING THE SUBJECT TITLE PER THE ABOVE -REFERENCED TITLE 04SAANCE COMMITMENT - I FURTHER CERTIFY .THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS OF ADJONING ButLDICGS OR STRUCTURES ONTO SAO LAND NOR OVERLAP OF BURD04CS CAR STRUCTURES FROM SAID LAND OTHER THAN 94004; THAT ADEQUATE INGRESS AND EGRESS TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE PROVIDED BY PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY, THE SAME BEING PAVED, DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CA. AND CALTRANS AND THE SUBJECT PROPERTY DOES NOT SERVE ,ANY ADJOINING PROPERTY FOR DRAINAGE, INGRESS AND EGRESS OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSES: THAT THE PROPERTY LIES N FLOOD ZONE X, AREA OF 500 NR FLOOD. COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 060227. DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 1989. Sc IF 4463 E S 9/30/1997 4 f r 1�9Of CALtFd/�! EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE. - THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE LISTED AS EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN A PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT PREPARED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ORDER NO. 584i2-LW DATED: MAY 4, 1995 0 INDICATES ITEMS SHOWN HEREON • INDICATES EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD, A. B. C t 0 - TAKES 1. RIGHTS OF WAY ALONG THE ROADS AND HIGHWAYS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED UPON THE MAP OF CORONA DEL MAR RECORDED N BOOK 4 PAGE 41 AND 42 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. TRACT NO. 323 BEING A RESZIB[XVISION OF A PART OF SAtO CORONA DEL MAR, FOR ROAD PURPOSES, PIPELINES, ELEC7RIC RAILROAD OR ANY OTHER FORM OF RALL TRANSPORTATION, AND FOR THE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH LIES TO THE LANDS OF THE IRVINE COMPANY LYING TO THE EAST OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND, AS RESERVED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY IN A DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 12, 1911 IN BOOK 204. PACE 160 OF DEEDS O2 AN EASEMENT FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES N FAVOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AS RECORDED NOVEMBER 10..1977 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 14941, N BOOK 12452, PAGE 1407. OFFICIAL RECORDS. .1 ANY EASEMENT NOT DISCLOSED BY THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AND WHICH ARE NOT VISIBLE AND APPARENT FROM AN INSPECTION OF THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND. 4. WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER, WHETHER OR NOT "SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. MATTERS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY AN INSPECTION OR BY A SURVEY' OF SAID LAND THAT IS SATISFACTORY TO THIS COMPANY, DIN BY INQUIRY OF THE PANTIES N POSSESSION THEREOF. 6. ANY RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES IN POSSESSION OF SAID LAND. BASED ON AN UNRECORDED AGREEMENT. CONTRACT OR LEASE, 'A1S DISCLOSED BY INSPECTION AND INVESTIGATION. 7. TITLE COMPANY NOTES L�� 7 . , I . I , I . L-,, I l� , . , , I I � 1. 1 - . I . - I . - - - . I I - I I I� - , , A NII 4F-I tot 'I I�t __ A A� 2� 4 11 1. ­11 .. I I- " - , . I , _­ down t' A. 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