HomeMy WebLinkAbout3636 E COAST HWY3636 E Coast Hwy t,3�.gy COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Plan Check No• By:Genia Garcia, Associate Planner By:Marc Myers Assistant Planner Date: 'Addres Corrections Required: By:Christy Teague Assistant Planner By: / Legal Description: Lot Block Section Tract Resubdivision required to combine lots or portions of lots when construction or alterations are in excess of $5,000. Covenant required. Please have owner's signature notarized on the attached document and return to me. Lot Size �l Zone v —/ Proposed Use Re ired Setbacks r� Z ;-•ear Right Side j f/ 55 / fd(t Side 2q 0 / 006�rq /3 79 ,6 ZD4- & ,2403 . FAR WORKSHEET / Lot area ( site area sq.ft.): Jrrfasq.ft. Base Development Allocation (BDA): S / 6 °(n1 _Comm sq.ft. ' [0.5 x site area sq.ft.] unless specified in Land Use Element 1 , FAR permitted, without variance: (A) Comm res uko Square footage permitted: Comm res pka sq.ft. [(A) x site area sq.ft.] Maximum FAR allowed with variance: (B) Comm res okg Maximum square footage allowed: Comm res sq.ft. [(B) x site area sq.ft.] PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (C) Base FAR use sq.ft. (D) Reduced FAR use sq.ft. (E) Maximum FAR use sq.ft. • (F) TOTAL SQ.FT. [C+D+E] PROPOSED FAR: 13415 PROPOSED WEIGHTED DEVELOPMENT: FAR Use Category (G) sq.ft. Base sq.ft. Reduced sq.ft. Maximum � 90 Z sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. [ F + site area sq.ft. ] Weighting Factor Weighted Sq.Ft. (H) ( G x H ) X 1.00 X 1.67 X 0.50 TOTAL WEIGHTED SQ.FI.(May not exceed BDA) sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Provide tissue overlay of calculations to verify provided square footage. Required Parking Proposed parking (Indicate number of stalls provided) Total On -Site Parking Standard Compact In -lieu Parking i Dimension build' ng height as me sured fr,pm_ural grade to average and maximum roof height Show natural grade line on all elevations Show all rooftop mechanical equipment and dimension from grade directly below. Indicate location of trash containers on site plan. Number of Stories • Floor Plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences, etc. in relation to the property line. _ Fair Share i San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor SPECIAL APPROVAL REQUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee Plannincr Commission: Use Permit — -- Variance / /�5�/91 ResubdivisionTra! // r �j Site Plan Review lI� Amendment Other [A Public Works: p�•�,•0� Eapement/Encioachment Permit -c G%2� Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer �/rw ppro o an agape ffns Building Department: e Grading Engineer Parks Department: y Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval In Concept (AIC) No. (Note: File 3 sets of plans: site, floor, and elevations) Coastal Development Permit No. REMARKS: C NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. FORMWOMM-ZON.COR .71 r 4- planning Commission Meeting December 5. 1991 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A Traffic Study No 76 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the construction of a 3,982± square foot retail commercial building and the acceptance of an environmental document. 0 B. Site Plan Review No 61 (Public Hearin Request to permit the construction of a 3,982± square foot retail commercial building on property located in the C-1 District of the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area; where a specific plan has not yet been adopted. - LOCATION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 5240 (Resubdivision No. 387), located at 3636 East Coast Highway, on the northwesterly corner of Poinsettia Avenue and East Coast Highway, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 T APPLICANT: The Burgess Co., Newport Beach OWNER: Dillon Cox, El Cajon Application This application involves a request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the construction of a 3,982± square foot retail commercial building and the acceptance of an environmental document. Also included in this application is a request to approve a Site Plan Review to permit the construction of a 3,982± square foot retail commercial building on property located in the C-1 District of the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area, where a specific plan has not yet been adopted. In accordance with Section 20.60.060 of the Municipal Code, developments in areas that are designated for Specific Area Plans for which a Specific Plan TO: . Planning Commission - 2. has not been adopted, require the approval of a Site Plan Review in each case. Traffic study procedures are set forth in Chapter 15.40 of the Municipal Code, and Site Plan Review procedures are set forth in Section 20.01.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance This project has been reviewed, and a Negative Declaration has been prepared -by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application. The Negative Declaration states that, the subject i :velopment will not result in any significant effect on the environment. For the Planning 0 nmission's information, staff has attached a copy of 'the' environmental document. Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses. The proposed retail commercial use is consistent with this designation. Background At its meeting of March 19, 1987, the Planning Commission approved Site Plan Review No. 42, a request to construct two single story commercial buildings on the subject property. The proposal also included a modification to the? Zoning -Code to permit the following encroachments into the 10 foot alley setback adjacent to an alley: construction of a trash enclosure and landscaping and the retention of an existing block wall all of which encroached 10 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback and the construction of required off-street parking spaces which encroached 9•feet into said rear yard setback. Remediation of the soil contamination due to leakage of the underground tanks associated with the previous automobile service station on the site delayed the construction of the project, and the previous approval has subsequently expired. T Subject PrMerty and Surrounding Land Uses The subject property was formerly occupied by an automobile service station which has since been removed and the soil cleanup had been ongoing since January, 1989. The soil cleanup has been completed to the satisfaction of the County of Orange Health Care Agency. As shown on the attached vicinity map, the subject property is located on the northwesterly comer of East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue. To the northeast, across a 14 foot wide alley is a duplex; to the southeast, across Poinsettia Avenue, is the Honey Baked Ham retail store; to the southwest, across East Coast Highway are retail stores; and to the northwest, are an automobile service station and the Corona del Mar Branch Post Office. TO: Planning Commission - 3. 4 Analysis The applicant is proposing to construct two retail commercial buildings on the currently vacant site. The buildings vdU be joined by a common roof but are separated by a covered breezeway. The project characteristics are outlined in the following table. LOT AREA: PERMITTED GROSS FLOOR AREA: (0.5 x lot area) PROPOSED GROSS FLOOR AREA: BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE: PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACKS: East Coast Highway setback Poinsettia Avenue setback Alley Side Property Line Westerly Property Line Required Setbacks: 11,525 sq.ft. 5,131, 5 sq.ft. 3,982± sq.ft. (0.345 FAR) Bldg X 1,379± sq.ft. Varies from 1 ft. to 10 ft. 79 ft. 63 ft. 0 ft. Bldg B° 2,603± sq.ft. Varies from 0 ft. to 10 feet 0-ft. - 48 ft. 55 ft. 0 foot front and side yard setbacks; 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to alley PROPOSED PARKING (1 space for each 250 sq.ft.): 16 on -site parking spaces BUILDING HEIGHT: Permitted: 32 ft. average, 37 ft. maximum Proposed: 19 ft. 6 in.± at the highest point As shown above, the project conforms with all requirements for development in the C-1 District. I TO: Planning Commission - 4. 6 Off -Street Parking In accordance with the previous approval of Site Plan Review No. 42, the property was to provide 16 on -site parking spaces in conjunction with the proposed construction. The amount of construction has not changed appreciably since the approval of Site Plan Review No. 42. The proposed development would require 16 parking spaces based on one parking space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area (3,815 sq.ft. = 250 = 15.3 or 16 spaces). Traffic Study No. 76 A Traffic Study has been prepared for the proposed project in conformance with the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance and Council Policy S-1. The proposed project is expected to be completed in 1992. Analyses were, therefore, completed for 1991. The City Traffic Engineer identified four intersections which could be affected by the project at full occupancy. , At the tine the Traffic Study was prepared, Newport Coast Drive' had not yet opened to through traffic. Newport Coast Drive has since opened, on Friday, November 15, 1991 and is in full operation. The first step in evaluating intersections is to conduct a 1010 traffic volume analysis, taking into consideration existing traffic, regional growth and committed projects' traffic. For any intersection where, on any approach leg, project traffic -is -estimated to be greater than 1% of the projected peak 2-1/2 hour volume in either the morning or afternoon, an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis is required. As indicated in the attached Traffic Study, it was determined that for all but one of the four study intersections, the project related traffic is expected to be less than one percent of the project A.M. and P.M. peak 2-1/2 hour traffic volumes. The intersection of Poppy Avenue and East Coast Highway did not pass the 1% test during the A.M. 2-1/2 hour peak period on the southbound approach; therefore, an Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analysis was performed for the A.M. peak hour. Table 3 on page 11 of the attached Traffic Study summarizes the results of the ICU analysis. As noted, the intersection would have an unacceptable ICU A.M. value of 1.00 and P.M. value of 1.07 without the opening of Newport Coast Drive and an acceptable ICU A.M. value of 0.72 and P.M. value of 0.80 with the opening of Newport Coast Drive. Since three of the four identified intersections passed the 1010 test and the fourth intersection of Poppy Avenue and East Coast Highway has been mitigated to an acceptable level of service by the opening of Newport Coast Drive, no significant increase in traffic is anticipated and this finding has been incorporated into the attached Exhibit "A". The City Traffic Engineer concurs that the intersection will be mitigated by the opening of Newport Coast Drive. E TO: Planning Commission - 5. Specific Standards for Development Section 20.60.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code "Specific Area Plan Areas - Site Plan Review provides procedures and standards for the evaluation of projects in Specific Area Plan (SAP) areas where the SAP has not been adopted. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.60.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the review of site plans have specific standards of review as established in Section 20.01.070 of said Chapter and that those standards be applied when applicable. Each standard is listed below, with a brief discussion of the project as it relates to each. 1. Sites subject to Site Plan Review under the provisions of Chapter 20.01 shall be graded and developed with due regard for the aesthetic qualities of the natural terrain, harbor, and landscape, giving special consideration to waterfront resources and unique landfonns such as coastal bluffs or other sloped areas; trees and shrubs shall not be indiscriminately destroyed: The proposed project is located within the existing commercial strip of Corona del Mar which contains no unusual or sensitive land forms such as coastal bluffs or other slope areas nor are there any trees or shrubs on - site. 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City:' The -Corona del Mar commercial strip is developed with a mixture of office, retail and service related .commercial development. Most of the development in the area is either one or two story construction. The proposed retail commercial building is in keeping with the general character of the area. 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize protection of public views, with special consideration given to views from public parks and from roadways designated as Scenic Highways and Scenic Drives in the Recreation and Open Space Element of the General Plan: There are no view parks or roadways designated as a Scenic Highway or Drive in the vicinity of the project. 4. Environmentally sensitive areas shall be preserved and protected. No structures or landform alteration shall be permitted in environmentally sensitive areas unless specific mitigation measures are adopted which will reduce adverse impacts to an acceptable level or the Planning Commission or City Counci4 on review or appear: finds that the benefits outweigh the adverse impacts: There are no environmentally sensitive areas within the subject property. 5. No structures shall be permitted in areas of potential geologic hazard unless specific mitigation measures are adopted which will reduce adverse impacts to an acceptable level or the Planning Commission or City Council; on review or appea4 finds that the TO: Plaitdng Commission - 6. benefits outweigh the adverse impacts: The site is not located in an area of particular geologic hazard, other than the seismic hazards common to Southern California. 6. Residential development shall be permitted in areas of subject to noise levels greater than 65 CNEL only where specific mitigation measures will reduce noise levels in exterior areas to less than 65 CNEL and reduce noise levels in the interior of residences to 45 CNEL or less: The proposed project is commercial in nature and does not include any residential units which would be subject to these noise level requirements. 7. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, and other site features shall give proper consideration to functi oral aspects of site development. The subject property is rectangular in shape an is located on the comer of Poinsettia Avenue and has frontage on East Coast Higl vay. The vehicular access to the on -site parking area has been proposed to be from Poinsettia Avenue and the alley to the rear alley. However, there are existing driveway aprons on East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue which have provided vehicular access to the previous service station. The applicant intends to remove these vehicular accesses on East Coast Highway in conjunction with the proposed development as well as relocate the drive on Poinsettia Avenue. All other vehicular access to the site will be from the rear alley. 8. Development shall be consistent with specific General Plan and applicable Specific Area Plan policies and objectives, and shall not preclude the implementation of those policies and objectives: As discussed in the General-PlanCompliance section, the proposed project is consistent with the -General Plan. -- 9. Development shall be physically compatible with the development site, taking into consideration site characteristics including but not limited to, slopes, submerged areas, and sensitive resources: As indicated previously, the subject property does not have any unusual characteristics or sensitive resources which must be protected. 10. When feasible, electrical and similar mechanical equipment and trash and storage areas shall be concealed. The suggested conditions of approval include adequate provisions to insure the screening of electrical service and mechanical equipment. 11. Archaeological and historical resources shall be protected to the extent feasible. There are no archeological or, historical resources on -site. 12. Commercial development shall not have significant adverse effects on residences in an abutting residential district: As indicated previously, the proposed project has been designed so as to minimize any adverse effect on the surrounding residential property by locating the proposed building so as to be a visual screen and a sound buffer to the existing duplex located on the property to the northeast. TO: ., Planning Commission - 7. The Newport Beach Municipal Code also provides that if all of the applicable standards noted above are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Further, that conditions may be applied when the development does not comply with the applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. Should the Planning Commission wish to approve Traffic Study No. 76, Site Plan Review No. 61 and accept the related environmental document, the findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. Inasmuch as the project is in full conformance with the provisions of the General Plan and the C-1 District, staff has not included an exhibit for denial. However, the possibility remains that information may be provided at the public hearing which may provide adequate basis for denial of the project should the Planning Commission wish to take such an action. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By Javierh S. 6ia Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes dated March 19, 1987 Traffic Study Negative Declaration Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations and Landscape Plans TO: Planning Commission - 8. EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, FOR TRAFFIC STUDY NO.76 SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 61 AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Accept the environmental document, making the following findings: Findings: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project, as conditioned or as modified by mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project, and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA, and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted, and considering the record as a whole there is no evidence before this agency that the prop6' 6d-project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been rebutted. Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemption pursuant to Section 753.5(c) of Title 14, CCR. MITIGATION MEASURE: - T 1. That prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Department that the lighting system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. That the plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been satisfied. B. TRAFFIC STUDY: Approve the Traffic Study, making the findings listed below: Findings 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed TO: . Planning Commission - 9. project on the peak -hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic study indicates that the project -generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major,' 'primary -modified; or 'primary' street after the opening of Newport Coast Drive as listed in the traffic study. 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that tl; project -generated traffic will not be greater than one percent of the existing traffic Suring the 2.5 hour peak period on three of the four study intersections and that th . ICU analysis for the fourth intersection, at the intersection of Poppy Avenue and East Coast Highway. indicates an acceptable ICU value of less than 0.90 can be obtained, with the opening of Newport Coast Drive. C SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 61: Findings: 1. That development of the subject property will not preclude implementation of specific General Plan or Specific Area Plan objectives and policies. 2. That the value of property is protected by preventing development in Specific Area Plan Areas characterized by inadequate and poorly planned landscaping, excessive building bulk, inappropriate placement of structures and failure to preserve where feasible natural landscape features, open spaces, and the like, resulting in the impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in such area. 3. That benefits derived from expenditures of public funds for improvement, acquisition and beautification of streets, parks, and other public facilities are maximized by the exercise of reasonable controls over the layout and site location characteristics of the proposed development. 4. That unique site characteristics are protected in order to ensure that the community may benefit from the natural terrain, harbor and ocean, to preserve and stabilize the natural terrain, and to protect the environmental resources of the City. 5. That the site does not contain any unique landforms such as coastal bluffs. 6. That the development is compatible with the character of the neighborhood and will contribute to the orderly and harmonious development of surrounding properties and the City. TO: r Planning Commission - 10. 7. That there are no unique site characteristics or environmentally sensitive areas on - site which should be protected. 8. The property does not contain any areas of unique geologic hazards. 9. The development is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 10. That there are no archeological or historical resources on -site. 11. That the proposed development has been designed so as to prevent any adverse effect on the adjoining residential property. 12. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 13. That public improvements may be required of the applicant per Section 20.01.070 of the Municipal Code. 14.. The project will -comply with all applicable City and State Building Codes and Zoning requirements for new buildings applicable to t3ie district in which the proposed project is located. 15. Adequate off-street parking and related vehicular circulation are being provided in conjunction with the proposed development. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and elevations. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review and approval of the Traffic Engineer. That the parking at the rear of the property be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the alley right-of-way and that any walls and landscaping not exceed, two feet in height within 10 feet of the sidewalk adjacent to Poinsettia Avenue to provide adequate sight distance. TO: Planning Commission - 11. 4. That pL standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the Public improvements if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 5. That all vehicular access rights to East Coast Highway be released and relinquished to the City of Newport Beach. 6. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning, Parks, Beaches and Recreation and Public Works Departments. 7. That the tree damaged sidewalk be reconstructed along 'he East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue frontages; that the unused drive apt ns on East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue be removed and replaced with ci b, gutter and sidewalk; and that the proposed drive approach on Poinsettia Avenue be constructed with the City s flared drive approach Standard 166-L. All work along the East Coast Highway frontage shall be completed under and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department and the California Department of Transportation. 8. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 9. That the design of the proposed trash enclosure be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. That the site drainage be designed to flow into an on -'site catch -basin and into the street right-of-way through a private parkway drain. 11. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. There shall be no construction storage or delivery of materials within the state right-of-way. 12. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code. 13. That all signs shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 20.06 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code unless an exception permit is approved by the City. Said signs shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer if located adjacent to the vehicular ingress and egress to the site. 14. That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from East Coast Highway, the alley and adjoining properties. 15. That one parking space for each 250 square feet of floor area shall be provided on - site, including one handicap parking space. f tD TO: Planning Commission - 12. 16. That al1employees shall,park their vehicles on -site. 17. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on -site parking area and shall be used solely for handicapped self -parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 18. That this Site Plan Review shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 K of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. it EV � C/ � � V � T Y Jam. L P DISTRICTING MAP NPORT BLEACH - CALIFORN f.GAiCVLTURJI REGICCNTIAL R=. J G'1 L=TIPLE RCT.ID`c1IT1AL LIGHT OONNCROIAL SINGLC FAMILY RESIDENTIAL OUPLC% RMIMMAL C-2j GMERAL CONNCRCIAL RCOTb. BMTIPLC U.-4,Y RCGIDCNTIAL LN_1 YANUFAOTURINO WNGINING CCTRIOTO UNCUMIFICO Rev «w No, 6 l a•� GFD ro cis D¢c. Ca,lffe MAP NO COMMISSIONERS Sc.oa�¢'FF (D) s a e MINUTES March 19, 1987 ZV�1. 0��92 CITY Y F NEB PORT UhAU Y INDEX ROLL CALL eighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to pr rty or improvements in the, neighborhood, or to the eral welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: in substantial 1. That development sha:approve conformance with the lot plan and elevations. 2. That the applicant shaltain a building pe 't n • # Site Plan Review No. 42 (Public Hearing) Item No.2 Request to permit the construction of a one story SPR No.42 commercial building on property located in the C-1 District. The proposal also includes a modification to Approved the Zoning Code so as to allow the following encroach- ments into the 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley: construction 6E a trash• enclosure and landscap- ing and the retention of an existing bf6'ck wall all of which encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback and the construction of required off- street parking spaces which encroach 9 feet into said rear yard area. The proposal also includes the accept- ance of an environmental document. LOCATION: Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 52-40 (Resubd%vision No. 387), located at 3636 East coast Highway, on the northwesterly corner of East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Pulaski and Arita Architects, Newport Beach OWNER: Dillon R. Cox, E1 Cajon Chairman Person referred to the typographical error in Condition No. 17, Site Plan Review No. 41, and requested that the error be amended. -3- COMMISSIONERS .-71) MINUTES March 19, 1987 A 4 y O F to G Oq C+ me, 9� 9�9C .c yit` r'k y- CITY 0 EWP®RT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Ms. Susan Mutter appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicants. Ms. Mutter stated that the applicants concur with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion was made to approve Site Plan Review No. 42 and Motion x related environmental document, subject to the findings All Ayes and conditions in Exhibit "A", including amended Condition No. 17. Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: 1. That an Initial Study and Negative Declara- tion have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and Council Policy K-3. 2. That the contents of the environmental document have been c`drisidered, in the various decisions on this project. - 3. That the project will not have any signifi- cant environmental impact. B. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 42: FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Adequate off-street parking and related vehicular circulation are being provided in conjunction with the proposed development. 3. The proposed development is a high -quality pro- posal and will not adversely affect the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties within the area. 4. The proposed development does not adversely affect the public benefits derived from the expenditures -4- CO-MMISSIONERS �1 MINUTES March 19, 1987 ROLL CALL of public funds for improvement and beautification of street and public facilities within the area. 5. The proposed development will not preclude the attainment of the Specific Area Plan objectives stated in the Land Use Element of the General Plan. 6. The proposed development promotes the maintenance of superior site location characteristic's ad- joining major thoroughfares of City-wide impor- tance. 7. That the design of the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 8. That the establishment, maintenance of operation, or the use of the property or building will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in She neighborhood of -such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property -and improve- ments in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modi- fication to allow the encroachment of a wall, landscaping, a trash enclosure, and parking into the required rear yard setback is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. T' CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial confor- mance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, and elevations, except as noted below. 2. That the block wall at the rear property line shall not exceed three feet in height within 10 feet of the sidewalk adjacent to Poinsettia Avenue. 3, That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 4. That a Standard Agreement and accompanying Surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory -5- INDEX COMMISSIONERS MINUTES A A March 19, 1987 ryo�y�`vo�gy��9 C6T)� OF NEWORT OFEACH INDEX ROLL CALL completion of the public improvements, if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to ' completion of the public improvements. 5. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer. 6. That all veh. :ular access rights to East Coast Highway be re cased and relinquished to the City of Newport Beach. 7. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning, Parks, Beaches and Recreation and Public Works Departments. said landscape plan shall include landscape planters or pots in front of the proposed building adjacent to East Coast Highway. 8. The landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris. All vegetation shall be regularly trimmed and kept in a healthy condition. 9. That the tree damaged `sidewalk be reconstructed along the East Coast Highway and Poinsettia.Avenue frontages; that the unused drive aprons on East Coast Highway be removed and replaced with curb, gutter, and sidewalk and that an access ramp be constructed per city Standard 181-L at the corner of Poinsettia Avenue and East Coast Highway. All work on the East Coast Highway frontage shall be completed under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department and California Depart- ment of Transportation. 10. That applicable County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 11. That the proposed trash enclosure be redesigned so that the access gates do not open out onto the alley. The design shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 12. That the light system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a Licensed Elec- trical Engineer; with a letter from the Engineer -6- MINUTES COMMISSIONERS o o �Z ti 'ZmGZ(��9'Pv. ,oAc"ZFZ 9Z ROLL CALL March 19, 1987 p O i 9 COTY OF HF.WPOR lT MEACH INDEX stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. , 13. That the applicant shall comply with all County of Orange Health Department and City of Newport Beach Fire Department standards and regulations regard- ing the removal and disposal of the existing automobile service station's storage tanks for petroleum products, by-products, or residues. 14. -That one parking space per 250 sq.ft. of floor area shall be provided on -site, including two handicapped parking spaces. 15. That all employees shall park their vehicles on -site. 16. That all signs shall conform with Chapter 20.06 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 17. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Site Plan Review or recommend to the City Council the revocation of ,this,Site Plan Review,UpOn-the determination that the operation which. is the subject 'of this Site Plan Review causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 18. This Site Plan Review shall expire unless exer- cised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in section 20.01.070 J of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. * � n Item No.: Reques o permit the establishment of a restau- UP3258 rant/outdoo staurant facility with on -sale beer and wine, on proper ocated in Office Site "B" of the Approved_ Koll Center Newport P ed Community. LOCATION: Parcel No. 5 of cel Map 181-13 (Resubdivision No. 73 ocated at 5000 Birch Street, on the south erly side of Birch Street, between Von rman Avenue and Jamboree ,Road, in the K Center Newport Planned Community. -7- n COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 19, 1987 ROLL CALL e stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. 13. That the applicant shall comply with all County of Orange Health Department and City of New Beach Fire Department standards and regulations regard- ing the removal and disposal of the existing automobile service station's storage tanks for petroleum products, by-products, or residues. -14. -That one parking space per 280 sq.ft. of floor area shall be provided on -site, including two handicapped parking spaces. 15. That all employees shall park their vehicles on -site. 16. That all signs shall conform with Chapter 20.06 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 17. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Site Plan Review or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this_Site Plan Review,—upan-the determination that the operation which, is the subject of this Site Plan Review causes injury, or is detrimental. to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 18. This Site Plan Review shall expire unless exer- cised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 J of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. * * x Requ-% o permit the establishment of a restau- rant/outdoo staurant facility with on -sale beer and wine, on proper ocated in office Site "B" of the Koll Center Newport P ed Community. LOCATION: Parcel No. 5 of cel Map 181-13 (Resubdivision No. 73 ocated at 5000 Birch Street, on the south erly side of Birch. Street, between von rman Avenue and Jamboree Road, in the K Center Newport Planned Community. -7- INDEX Item No.3 UP3258 Approved COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 19, 1987 ROLL CALL stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been met. 13. That the applicant shall comply with all County of Orange Health Department and City of Newport Beach Fire Department standards and regulations regard- ing the removal and disposal of the existing automobile service station's storage tanks for petroleum products, by-products, or residues. ­14. That one parking space per 290 sq.ft, of floor area shall be provided on -site, including two handicapped parking spaces. 15. That all employees shall park their vehicles on -site. 16. That all signs shall conform with Chapter 20.06 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 17. That the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Site Plan Review or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this,Site Plan Review, EEfOn-the determination that the operation which, is the subject of this Site Plan Review causes injury, or is detrimental. to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 18. This site Plan Review shall expire unless exer- cised within 24 month% from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 J of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. a s x Reques o permit the establishment of a restau- rant/outdoo staurant facility with on beer and wine, on proper ocated in Office Site "B" of the Koll Center Newport P ed Community. LOCATION: Parcel No, 5 of cel Map 181-13 (Resubdivision No. 73 ocated at 5000 Birch Street, on the south erly side of Birch Street, between Von rman Avenue and Jamboree Road, in the K Center Newport Planned Community. -7- INDEX Item No.3 uP3258 Approved CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 644-3215 July 28, 1992 Mr. Jim Rossman The Burgess Company P.O. Box 612 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 RE: Address - 3636 East Coast Highway Dear Mr. Rossman: Per our conversation and your letter, staff has approved your request to assign the addresses for the tenant suites at 3636 East Coast Highway. Since the suites must follow a logical lettering system, the letter A designated suite would be the first suite on your left facing the building while standing on East Coast Highway and continuing left to right toward Poinsettia (A,B,C, and D). The number 3636 should be placed on the building, be large enough to be seen from East Coast Highway, and also placed on a contrasting background with 4" minimum letters, as required by the Fire Department. Our staff will make the necessary changes td, records maintained by the Fire, Building, Public Works and Planning Departments, but it will be your responsibility to notify all other affected agencies (i.e., Post Office, utility companies, etc.) of the address changes. If you have any questions please contact me at the number above. Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director 0 I , GarciaGenia Associate Planner cc: Permit Counter Building Department - records Fire Department - Fire Prevention Public'Works - Subdivision Engineer Advance Planning Division Current Planning Division - records Police Department Newport Information Systems/Utilities GG:jm 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach E3 " THE BURGESS COMPANY 0 RECEiu.� ,l PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 720-9771 CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC:' BURGESS COMPANIES �� JUL 101992 PM P.O. Box ,612 �'J819(101U1>211(213141516 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 et -a Oc s- CeS61U'U1�A�c7n �ac�e�z i _Qe GMA41mcf -fka mA&UM k7,c� o f- ooC- ero�a + m-n A�U L M4.n OF' PCk cco%v ak-wI. W E U WIJA L\i-Q -6 0--s 't�m Sty)6L-a (\umbzA c�' 7 3 co 3 (o �6y- iv�2 Vfo .JR ) i -:hkna \$1 c� Qoei�'a« Ccr.Nmj Ito. CZOob\ra=� Fcx c Qto-)�QckQa un;�s u cf-3L� Z' 1F ! 1 oo 6 u-¢ on\l M-9 6A 'I" 5I"oE o•YN U-V4 4t> \6b'\Ai -tla Q-,.A 3C93(a, A ,e, Crf i 'D. C?UC'SAIOr�.s PIDa�,e Ca-r\,Yc- v A 0 STATE LICENSE NO. 253240 o a To:, Building Department No Activity: In Plan Check: From: Planning Department — Active Bldg Permit: Public Works Notified: Re: Hold on Building, Permit Final Plan Checker Notified: Addresslo.3� (o• �� Plan Check No. / Planning Department Comments PRIOR TO RELEASE Of Building Permit Final: - [ ] Park Dedication Fee in the Amount of $ is DUE. [ J Fairsbare Fee in the Amount of $ is DUE. [ ] S.J.H.T.C. Fee in the Amount of $ is DUE. [) Coastal Commission Approval of Resubdivision Must Be Obtained. [) Parcel Map Recordation: Resubdivision No. Record date [ ] Use Permit Conditions of Approval: Use Permit No. - - Condition(s) No. [ ] After recordation of the map a building permit change must be processed with the Building and 1lanning . Departmenis,-._PRIOR TO FINAL OF THE - BUm DING PER NfIT to change the des-cription of' -the permit to reflect condominium construction, the fee is nominal and payable at the time of the change. Proof of payment of the above mentioned fees may be required at that time if not collected at issuance of the original building or grading ermits. i Other: Units Demolished Units Built BY��"`"/.t�c� Z1L date Planning Department CC: Code Enforcement _Plan Checker, F:\WP50\JAY\MEM\BP-HOLD.MEM rev 4-5-90 Conditions of Approval 3636 East Coast Highway Site Plan Review# 61 Plan Check# 178-92 c CONDITION DEPARTMENT ACTION Mitigation Measure Planning Letter of electrical #1 - light, glare engineers and plan approval htj�, D O IJ QlU Substantial comformance Planning Plan approval 2. Improvements Public Works Plan approval Parking circulation Planning Plan approval Landscaping Traffic Engineer Field check Hold on fin 4. Improvements Public Works Plan approval 5. Vehicular access rights Public Works Plan approval Landscape plan Planning Plan appro'val 0� PBR Public Works_ 7. Encroachment permit W Public Works Plan approval 8. Sanitation District Building Fees paid 9. Trash enclosure Public Works Plan approval Field check o on fm 10. Drainage Public Works Plan approval 11. Traffic control plan Public Works Plan approval 12. Utilities Public Works Plan approval 13. Signs Separate permit 14. Mechanical equipment/ Building Plan approval trash Planning Field check mold on fin 15. Parking Planning Plan approval Fi eck old on fin Conditions of Approval 3636 East Coast Highway SPR# 61 - Plan Check# 178-92 Page 2 " 16. Employee parking 17. Handicapped parking Planning T Letter of compliance .1 . i MOM. THE BURGESS COMPANY �- � PLANNING DEPARTMENT (714) 720-9771 CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC:•' (714) 721 0815 FAX BURGESS COMPANIES Al JUL 10 199Z PR1 P.O. Box •b12 d18191101ll11211121314A6 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 `• ff PE.C�. oc�-2 CeS�1l�U�� 9�c�. t���c�e�c�.1 _�E c�ccnc�m� -I^1� !sc\�/LDSS t'i1Ca � F C�J4�. PCo;�'i � `T1'lsl. c�man o F Pvins¢-Hia lUE WWLA Ly-a -6 0,E sly)G Q n0r(\bzA ter^ 3Co3(o ShkY)a v') cc, cm c I a. -r F Gov 6uQ On\c� L-')UQSalOns 96eia Car�c� f112- - /I/v A • CTATOii(`GA1CF Ti(1 ocorv•� T : - _ H 5 A,. 7 777 A V i/1�1Y1Q1 t'`y�; a, vs md!•+,Z. ,y, hfin k. � 1 � ,�,r, g i" �:�a• � ii, ,d's- \ '?. 'rr y.,, � ;� .. II iv � , n iMUM>n it �" r ;.i.r - •:✓�i�r Griwd♦� - av�+-:,: •:eit. Ay .'' ^w'V= :H',' �t�5i y�,'� a,�s 4. :_x�'^ !�' �; 1.M1 r., ,'..:� `:zi't .s. ;r',r'w 1 •d�,yp :`r s :^, `., � � N., :7. xa ti Ufa 4. X ..i'` �,ry r'•T vi <ni'4. Y�: `9tl' v=' i, i.l. `i'. ^Y ."u,.- t 4, '.a-, il, S�#Svh`< '�iil 7 ".Q1 zar ' aI . , t-4, ,+ ,xnr., 'r. 71-., �e":,;.�rr rFE, �yg,'. xKiF!? 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',wi .t.Y, .gyp 4(. rS i' •f t �?J' x76'- • Mt u'• 7r . `F',. J A a! i °z ' al'. k '�•s`• .¢ •vvr�� t -.r d<� .n' CJ r _ r I �Y' e F •�- ^ r s^( / -vTp: ad. y? �x . - ",�� ; .A' +� x' :i;r �• + �R.v,C. Kv "", v � - ..���., ' ! " ra , - r r s•±,. 'T t ,r.f:- `',�, .1 .�,. �?'-v _ 77 - ,.x , ,a, _ ��b„ --c'ct i,: ,{-: ^ r •^'+s• s-^ :-<n' ' f p L' �f,f���5'. - Z.-.. � ��s.D-��'-'%i,,(,� `� ' - 40 ♦i coMtmSSIONERS ' December 5, 1991MINUTES C0Ty OF GJEWPORT [BEACH INDEX ROLL CALL James ewicker, Planning Director, explained that the subject Amen at is a follow-up request received for a General Plan Amendme for the Towers Apartments on West Coast Highway in Mariner's ile. The Amendment to Section 20.62.030(B)7 of the Municipal de has subsequently been modified to require that modifications to a building would not imps any public view, and if individual prope owners wanted to el :lose balconies they could, but they could of create an addition_ dwelling unit within the existing dwelling u ' S. C'onunissioner Glover suppo ed the foregoing modification on the basis there would not be an i act on the existing Specific Area Plan for Mariner's Mile. In response to a question posed Chairman Di Sano, Mr. Hewicker explained that the Towers c dominiums are the only residential units in Mariner's Mile, d on that basis the Amendment would only apply to the Towe condominiums. Commissioner Gross concurred with Co sioner Glover's foregoing comments. 'I'lu• public hearing was opened in connection Willi IN. item, and there being no one to appear before the Planning C;onunis -ion, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion Motion was made and voted on to adopt Resolution No. 12 A11 Ayes recommending the approval of Amendment No. 747 to the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. sss A. Traffic Stu-d_y No. 76 Public He rin item No.5 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the construction mS No.76 of a 3,982± square foot retail commercial building; and the acceptance of an environmental document. AND -12- coMJ�JISS10NERS , cp °�,• 0``��G \ ROLL CALL Motion All Ayes MINUTES December 5, 1991 B. Site Plan Review No 61 (Public Hearinal Request to permit the construction, of a 3,982± square foot commercial building on property located in the C-1 District in the Corona del Mar Specific Plan Area, where a specific plan has not yet been adopted. LOCATION: Parcel i of Parcel Map 52-40 (Resubdivision No. 387), located at 3636 East Coast Highway, on the northwesterly comer of Poinsettia Avenue and East Coast Highway, in Corona del Mar. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: The Burgess Co., Newport Beach OWNER: Dillon Cox, El Cajon The public bearing was opened in connection with -this item, and Mr. Bruce Arita, 858 Production Place, appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant. He concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A" in the staff report with the exception of Condition No. 12, requiring the overhead utilities be undergrounded. Don Webb, City Engineer, explained that the requirement was inadvertently omitted from Site Plan Review No. 42 when the application was approved by the Planning Commission at the March IT 1987, public hearing. being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public a was closed at this time. was made to approve Traffic Study No. 76 and Site Plan No. 61 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". ON CARRIED. -13- INDEX SPR No. 61 Approved CommiSSIONERS `• MINUTES December 5, 1991 ROLL CALL i t - A. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Accept the environmental document, making the following findings: 1. That based upon the information contained in the Initial Study, comments received, and all related documents, there is no substantial evidence that the project, as conditioned or as modified by mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project, and satisfies all the requirements of CEQA, and is therefore approved. The Negative Declaration was considered prior to approval of the project. 2. An Initial Study has been conducted, and considering the record as a whole there -is no -evidence before this agency that tlfe proposed project will have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat -upon which wildlife depends. On the basis of the evidence in the record, this agency finds that the presumption of adverse effect contained in Section 753.5(d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) has been rebutted. Therefore, the proposed project qualifies for a De Minimis Impact Fee Exemptionyursuant to Section 753.5(c) of Title 14, CCR. That prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Planning Department that the lighting system shall be designed, directed, and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. That the plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that, in his opinion, this requirement has been satisfied. -14- INDEX CoMr.11SSIONERS "' December S. 1991MINUTES .a. � n . n n CITY OF WFVJF0K_T Isitmun INUE.X ULL CALL B. TRAFFIC STUDY: Approve the Traffic Study, making the findings listed below: Findings: 1. That a Traffic Study has been prepared which analyzes the impact of the proposed project on the peak -hour traffic and circulation system in accordance with Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and City Policy S-1. 2. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic on any 'major; 'primary -modified; or 'primary' street after the opening of Newport Coast Drive as listed in the traffic study. 3. That the Traffic Study indicates that the project -generated traffic will not be greater than one percent of the existing traffic during the 2.5 hour peak,period on three of the four study -intersections and that the ICU analysis for the fourth intersection, at the intersection of Poppy Avenue and East -Coast Highway. indicates an acceptable ICU value of less than 0.90 can be obtained; with the opening of Newport Coast Drive. SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 61: Findings: T 1. That development of the subject property will not preclude iuoplcmcutation of spccitic Ucncaal Ilan or Sperific Area Plan objectives and policies. 2. That the value of property is protected by preventing development in Specific Area Plan Areas characterized by inadequate and poorly planned landscaping, excessive building bulls, inappropriate placement of structures and failure to preserve where feasible natural landscape features, open spaces, and the like, resulting in the impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in such area. -15- COMMISSIONERS December 5, 1991MINUTES ROLL CALL I , t:._ 1�4 1..Y o Y 3. That benefits derived from expenditures of public funds for improvement, acquisition and beautification of streets, parks, and other public facilities are maximized by the exercise of reasonable controls over the layout and site location characteristics of the proposed development. 4. That unique site characteristics are protected in order to ensure that the community may benefit from the natural terrain, harbor and ocean, to preserve and stabilize the natural terrain, and to protect the environmental resources of the City. 5. That the site does not contain any unique landforms such as coastal bluffs. 6. That the development is compatible with the character of the neighborhood and will contribute to the orderly and harmonious development of surrounding properties and the City. 7. That there are no unique site characteristics or environmentally sensitive areas on -site which should be protected. The property does not contain any areas of unique geologic hazards. 9. The development is cansistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and is compatible with surrounding land uses. That there are no archeological or historical resources on - site. 11. That the proposed development has been designed so as to prevent any adverse effect on the adjoining residential property. 12. That the design of the proposed impruvemenls will nut conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large -16- INDEX COMMISSIONERS 54&m;!0m&140::sN , V\ December 5, 1991M'NUTES COTY (OF NEUPORT IBM%C i INDEX ROLL CALL for access through or use of property within the proposed development. 13. That public improvements may be required of the applicant per Section 20.01.070 of the Municipal Code. 14. The project will comply with all applicable City and State Building Codes and Zoning requirements for new buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located. 15. Adequate off-street parking and related vehicular circulation are being provided in conjunction with the proposed development. Conditions: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and elevations. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required .by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and � pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review and approval of the Traffic Engineer. That the parking at the rear of the property be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the alley righi=of-way and that any walls and landscaping not exceed two feet in height within 10 feet of the sidewalk adjacent to Poinsettia Avenue to provide adequate sight distance. 4. That a standard agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the Public improvements if it is desired to obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 5. That all vehicular access rights to East Coast Highway be released and relinquished to the City of Newport Beach. -17- I COMMISSIONERS Q December 5, 1991MINUTES RML CALL 6. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning, Parks, Beaches and Recreation and Public Works Departments. That the tree damaged sidewalk be reconstructed along the East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue frontages; that the unused drive aprons on East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk; and that the proposed drive approach on Poinsettia Avenue be constructed with the City's flared drive approach Standard 166-L. All work along the East Coast Highway frontage shall be completed under and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department and the California Department of Transportation. 8. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 9. That -the design of the proposed trash --enclosure be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. That the site drainage be designed to flow into an on -site catch basin and into the street right-of-way through a private parkway drain. 11. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. There shall be no construction storage or delivery of nwlcrials within the state right-of-way. 12. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code. -18- INDEX 6. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning, Parks, Beaches and Recreation and Public Works Departments. That the tree damaged sidewalk be reconstructed along the East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue frontages; that the unused drive aprons on East Coast Highway and Poinsettia Avenue be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk; and that the proposed drive approach on Poinsettia Avenue be constructed with the City's flared drive approach Standard 166-L. All work along the East Coast Highway frontage shall be completed under and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department and the California Department of Transportation. 8. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 9. That -the design of the proposed trash --enclosure be approved by the Public Works Department. 10. That the site drainage be designed to flow into an on -site catch basin and into the street right-of-way through a private parkway drain. 11. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. There shall be no construction storage or delivery of nwlcrials within the state right-of-way. 12. That overhead utilities serving the site be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.24.140 of the Municipal Code. -18- INDEX r 1. COMMISSIONERS December 5, 1991MINUTES ROLL CALL 13. That all signs shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 20.06 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code unless an exception permit is approved by the City. Said signs shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer if located adjacent to the vehicular ingress and egress to the site. 14. That all mechanical equipment and trash are s shall be screened from East Coast Highway, the alley an I adjoining properties. 15. That one parking space for each 250 square feet of floor area shall be provided on -site, including one handicap parking space. 16. That all employees shall park their vehicles on -site. 17. That the required number of handicapped parking spaces shall be designated within the on -site parking area and shall be used solely. for • -handicapppd self -parking. One handicapped sign on a post and one handicapped sign on the pavement shall be required for each handicapped space. 18. That this Site Plan Review shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 K of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. s a a The Planning Commission recessed at 8:20 p.m. and reconvened at 8:25 p.m. -19- WOEX COMMERCIAWINDUSTRIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS �� • Telephone: (714) 644-3200 Plan Check No • By:Genia Garcia Associate Planner- By:Christy Teaoue Assistant Planner i By:Marc Myers, Assistant Planner By° Date: /�=�h`"� Address• Corrections Required: Legal Description: Lot Block Section Tract Resubdivision required to combine lots or portions of lots when construction or alterations are in excess of $5,000. Covenant required. Please have owner's signature notarized on the attached document and return to me.��� Lot Size II, Zone'��/ Proposed Use x! U �O Gt�iv / rr/sr�l�Ji 13 7� Re uTSetbacke ���l,1,3 Q /o� ear & 9 / 4_ / 4?4e(3 Right Side r'Deft Side -/g ! / FAR WORKSHEET M_ Lot area (site area sq.ft.): �%a J sq.ft. Base Development Allocation (BDA): S �� �?,5,r Comm sq.ft. [0.5 x site area sq.ft.] unless "specified in Land Use Element FAR permitted, without variance: (A) Comm res Pk Square footage permitted: Comm res okc sq.ft. [(A) x site area sq.ft.] Maximum FAR allowed with variance: 1B1 Comm res nkc Maximum square footage allowed: Comm res sq.ft. [(B) x site area sq.ft.] PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: 9p (C) Base FAR use sq.ft.//1 Z sq.ft. (D) Reduced FAR use sq.ft. (E) Maximum FAR use sq.ft. (F) TOTAL SQ.FT. [C+D+E] PROPOSED PAR: PROPOSED WEIGHTED DEVELOPMEHTe FAR Use Category (G1 ft. Base sq.ft. Reduced sq.ft. Maximum sq.ft. f. "6 sq.ft. sq.ft. ( F + site area sq.ft. ] Weighting Factor Weighted Sq.Ft. (H) ( G x H 1 x 1.00 X 1.67 X 0.50 TOTAL WEIGHTED SQ.FT.(May not exceed BDA) Provide tissue overlay of Required Parking sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. to verify provided square footage. Proposed parking (Indicate number of stalls provided) Total On -Site Parking Standard Compact In -lieu Parking Dimension building height as me sured $r m n tural roof height�� grade to average and maximum Show natural grade line on all elevations Show all rooftop mechanical equipment and dimension from grade directly below. - Indicate location of trash containers on site plan. Number of Stories - Floor Plan fully dimensioned showing all room uses. Plot Plan fully dimensioned showing location of all buildings, fences, etc. in relation to the property line. Fair Share San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor SPECIAL APPROVAL REOUIRED THROUGH: Modifications Committee Planning Commission: Use Permit Variance Resubdivision/Tract Site Plan Review`/ Amendment Other 3 Public Works: Easement/Encroachment Permit Subdivision Engineer Traffic Engineer Approval of Landscape Plans Building Department: Grading Engineer Parks Department: Approval of Landscape Plans Coastal Development Permits: Approval In Concept (AIC) No., (Note: File 3 sets of plans: Coastal Development Permit No Waiver/Exemption , and NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to circulate their plans and obtain the necessary approvals from the departments checked above. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact me at (714) 644-3200. FORHSWUM-ZON.COR