HomeMy WebLinkAbout1544 JAMBOREE RD PT 1_NEWPORTER NORTH111111111 lill 11111111111111111111 *NEW FILE* 1544 Jamboree Rd Pt 1 2nd amendment STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor Kt:"IVrU 01 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION '#.ANNING DEPARTMENT SOUTH COAST AREA T".9xY OF NEWPORT BEACH :gym, 245 W. BROADWAY, STE. 380 P.O. BOX 1450 LONG BEACH, CA 90802.4416 JUN 0 u 1996 (3101590-5071 AMENDMENT TO PERMIT AM PM 71819iIDcll112ll112A4150 t. Date: 5 June 1996 Permit Number 5-95-048 issued to The Irvine Company for subdivision of an 86.1 acre parcel into•173 residential lots, six private open space lots, private street tots, and two public open space lots. Also approved was construction of 173 single family residences, private roads and infrastructure to serve the residences, and construction of a 2.3 acre detention basin. The approved project includes dedication of 45.8 acres of open space, including a 4 acre public bluff top view park. The approved project also includes grading and construction of an 8 foot wide public trail within the view park. Bluff stabilization and revegetation of coastal sage scrub within the public open space areas are part of the approved project. Construction of an emergency access drive, Jamboree Road street and sidewalk improvements, construction of a bus turnout and shelter are also part of the approved project. In addition, 772,900 cubic yards of cut and 772,900 cubic yards of fill will be balanced on site, as part of the approved project. A wetland mitigation plan was also approved. The mitigation plan includes creation of .96 acre of wetland area on site. at 1501 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, Orange County has been amended to include the following changes: Modifications to tentative tract map 15011 to incorporate new lot 150 and revised lot V (as shown on the revised tentative tract map on file in the Commission office); Construction of a recreational facility within lot 150 for use by residents of the Newporter North community; the recreational facility is composed of a pool, hardscape, trellis structure (maximum height 11 feet) at either end of the pool at at the entrance, barbeque area, outdoor spa, and a restroom/changing area/pool equipment room structure; the structure would be approximately 893 square feet with a maximum height of 21 feet; the recreational facility will not be lighted after 10 p.m.; pedestrian access via a concrete walkway'to the recreational facility is proposed through lot V; Special Condition No. 6 of coastal development permit 5-95-048 would be modified to expand the uses allowed in Lot V to include: Pedestrian access walkway to serve the recreational facility (as described in coastal development permit amendment 5-95-04& A2 and as shown on the amendment plans). The walkway is limited to the location shown on the amendment plans and is not located within the wetland mitigation area described in the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Newporter North Development prepared by John M. Tettemert& Associates, Ltd., dated May 1995. The deed restriction for Lot V will be amended to include a new map reflecting the boundaries for Lot V, as shown on the revised tentative map, and to add the pedestrian access walkway as a permitted use in Lot V. The amended deed restriction will be re -recorded. This amendment was determined by the Executive Director to be immaterial, was duly noticed, and no objections were received. This amendment will become effective upon return of a signed copy of this form to the Commission Area office. Please note that the original permit conditions are still in effect. Sincerely, Peter M. Douglas Executive Director a, 8y: Lc AI Title: I have read and understand the above amendment and agree to be bound by the remaining conditions of permit number 5-95-048 Date :bil 7094E Signature 4 , . t— STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST AREA 245 W. BROADWAY, STE. 380 P.O. BOX 1450 6%Li\r1e L6/ c LONG BEACH, CA 90802.4416 PLANNI IIG DEPARTMEN Y 1310) 590.5071 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AM AUG 2' 199G 7181911014211 3141516 A /1 Date: 8-21-96 Permit N6. 5-96-97 \, , •'Y \ \• \Y I Please be advised that the Administrative Permit with the above permit number which was sent to you on July 25. 1996 and was reported to the Commission on August 16. 1996 is now fully effective. Development of your project is subject to compliance with all terms and conditions specified in the Administrative Permit. Should you have any questions please contact our office. PETER M. DOUGLAS Executive Director By: T- Title: Staff Analyst 62: 4/88 7552F JA/lm STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY PETE WILSON, Gommor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST AREA Page 1 of _�..- 245 W. BROADWAY, STE. 380 Date: 6 27 95 P.O. BOX 1450 LONG BEACH, CA 90802-4416 Permit No. 5-95-048 (310) 590.5071 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT On 16 June 1995 the California Coastal Commission granted to this permit subject to the attached Standard and Special conditions, development consisting of Subdivision of an 86.1 acre parcel into 173 residential lots, six private open space lots, private street lots, and two public open space lots. Also proposed is construction of 173 single family residences, private roads and infrastructure to serve the residences, and construction of a 2.3 acre detention basin. Dedication of 45.8 acres of open space is proposed which includes a 4 acre public bluff top view park. The proposed project also includes grading and construction of an 8 foot wide public trail within the view park. Bluff stabilization and revegetation of coastal sage scrub within the public open space areas are proposed. Construction of an emergency access drive, Jamboree Road street and sidewalk improvements, construction of a bus turnout and shelter are also proposed. Also proposed is 772,900 cubic yards of cut and 772,900 cubic yards of fill to be balanced on site. A wetland mitigation plan is also proposed on site. The mitigation plan includes creation of .96 acre of wetland area on site. more specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 1501 Jamboree Road Newport Beach Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission by RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AM JUN 28 1995 PM 718A10111112111213141M i PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director By. �] te C / '. Title: Coastal Program Analyst ),LW EDG E T A The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. Page 2_ of 5 Permit No. 5-95-048 The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance. . . of any permit. . ." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 Cat. Admin. Code Section 13158(a). Date Signature of Permittee STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the project during its development, subject to 24-hour advance notice.; 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit'ae'eepting aftterft and conditions of the permit. I - "-1, , , ,," 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind ail future owners and possessors of the subjbct,'prtperty to .the terms and conditions. 1. Newporter Knoll Open Space Fee Dedication Upon the effective date of the CIOSA development agreement, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, evidence in the form of a grant deed that the 12.0 acres (more specifically described below and in Exhibit J), has been dedicated in fee to the City of Newport Beach consistent with the approved Circulation Improvement and Open Space development agreement and consistent with the proposed project. The fee dedication shall be dedicated for the uses delineated below and subject only to those covenants and reservations identified on Exhibit F to the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement approved by the Coastal Commission on June 10, 1993. The 12.0 acres shall include the following areas and provide for the,following uses: 5itg Am Uses Lot S 12 acres habitat restoration, habitat maintenance, open space, and habitat protection Newporter North Lot T Open Space Fee Dedication Upon issuance of the first building permit by the City of Newport Beach, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, evidence in the form of a grant deed that the 33.8 acres (more specifically described below and in Exhibit J), has been dedicated in fee to the City of Newport Beach consistent with the approved Circulation Improvement and Open Space development agreement and consistent with the proposed project. The fee dedication shall be dedicated for the uses delineated below and subject only to those covenants and reservations identified on Exhibit F to the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement approved by the Coastal Commission on June 10, 1993. The 33.8 acres sha-11 include the following areas and provide for the following uses: Itte Area UM Lot T 4 acres public passive open space, public view park Lot T 29.8 acres habitat restoration, habitat maintenance, open space and habitat protection. RIMENUMM,MG Io The annual mitigation monitoring reports prepared pursuant to the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Newporter North Development prepared by John M. Tettemer & Associates dated May 1995, shall be submitted to the Executive Director within 30 days of the date the report is completed. 4. Wetland Mitigation Timing Construction/implementation of the mitigation plan shall occur prior to or concurrent with the proposed residential development. Y� S. protective Fencino All wetlands shall be surrounded by protective fencing prior to initiation of and during any grading or construgtion. 6. Lots V and X Open Space Deed Restriction Prior to recordation of the final map and issuance of the grading permit the applicant as landowner shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, which shall limit development in Lots V and X to the following uses: Lot V Wetland mitigation as described in the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Newporter North Development prepared by John M. Tettemer & Associates, Ltd,, dated May 1995; Habitat restoration, habitat maintenance, open space, and habitat protection; Non—invaisive landscaping and contour grading for buffer berm as depicted on Tentative Tract No. 15011, limited to those areas of Lot V not a part of the wetland mitigation described above. Lot X Non—invaisive landscaping and contour grading for buffer berm as depicted on Tentative Tract No. 15011. The deed restriction shall cover Lots V and X as identified on Tentative Tract No. 15011. The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns and shall be recorded free and clear of prior liens and encumbrances which the Executive Director determines to affect said interest. The deed restriction shall cover Lots V and X as identified on Tentative Tract No. 15011. The deed restriction shall run with the land, binding all successors and assigns and shall be recorded free and clear of prior liens and encumbrances which the Executive Director determines to affect said interest. .. , . -, .,. ., Prior to issuance of the grading permit the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a coastal sage scrub revegetation and restoration plan. At a minimum the coastal sage scrub revegetation and restoration plan shall include: — The mitigation measures identified in the letter from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service letter dated March 9, 1995; — The mitigation measures identified in the letter from the biological consultant, Michael Brandman Associates, dated November 10, 1994; - A mitigation monitoring program; — The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the California Department of Fish and Game. The coastal sage scrub restorafion and revegetation shall occur consistent with the approved plan. Prior to issuance of the coastal development permit; the applicant shalt submit, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, grading plans that have been reviewed, approved and signed by the geologic consultant, indicating that the geologic recommendations contained in the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Leighton and Associates, Inc. dated February 4, 1991 and the Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Leighton and Associates dated October 26, 1994, and, updated in letters dated September 30, 1994, revised 10/10/94 and May 9, 1995, have been incorporated into the design of the proposed project. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of'the Executive Director, foundation plans that have been reviewed, approved and signed by the geologic consultant, indicating that the geologic recommendations contained in the above described Geotechnical Reports prepared by Leighton and Associates, Inc. have been incorporated into the design of the proposed project. 9. Native American & Archaeological Monitor A Native American monitor and an archaeological monitor shall be present on —site during all grading activities to monitor the work. The monitors shall have the ability to stop work should significant resources be discovered. The monitors shall meet the requirements set forth in the Native American Heritage Commission Guidelines for Monitors/Consultants of Native American Cultural, Religious, and Burial Sites. 'he Native American and archaeological monitoring may be performed by -a single person provided s/he is qualified. Should human remains be discovered on site, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be notified within 24 hours of such discovery. MV:bl1 4671F A*BPLICATION FOR "APPROVAL IN CONCEPT" NO. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .FEE: APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - As required for permit 'application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to Caiifornapk;;.:, Administrative Code, Section 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development;Npwporter North. Tentative Tract Nap; 173 Single Family Detached 0wF11 ir,g^ Property Address: 1544 jamborer rid.,.Nti,-wport Beach _9 Legal Deoription: TTM 15011 Zone: Newporter:North Planned cowwrMy Applicant: The Irvine Company Applicant's Mailing Address: P. G. Box 6370; 550 Newport Center Drive; Newport Beach, -California 92655-6370 �C Applicant's Telephone Number: 1714, 726-2129 DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public. access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of .use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application; and find o They comply with the current adopted City of Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision ordinance, and any applicable specific or precise plans or site plan review „'d Ter-. Map ( That a has been approved and is final. A copyof any variance, exception, conditional use permit, or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. on the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept, and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should this City adopt an ordinance deleting, amending, or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the,' property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept'yi shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. y In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Acf of 1970, and staiw and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this developments s o Has been determined, to be ministerial or categorically exempt. c Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative w Declaration (copy attached). A 1. o Has received a final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approval legally required of this City prior to issuance of .a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not sub}em! to rejection in principal by this City unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes, and regulations of this City. Date: J'JN— /„5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director AD f F �l � 1JFGiV-� /* -70 C. permit will be issued until approval is receivecpf� D /C;'-?-Iw JAN 24 i995 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 'UPPER NEWPORT BAY ____ _=55 * -_---_ :..,:� 77 i G G=, IT OF THE LIM \ �� y xn S 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE f q 1 / x5, 1/ ell: IENTAT IN THE CITY -OF v LEGAL �lbo j ,( j �/ INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT. \'\ I\��� � �(�� i �\ / TO PARCEL 2 F� '��• �\J\� \\ ` \ � I \ / EXCLUSIVE USE ESMT.' / TO PARCEL 2 r• y_ , yu 9e If / \ �LC' A / j �`�$ �` INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT. TO PARCEL 2 i / A\ bV • x�� / Iv x i LEGEND / PROPOSED PARCEL L�NE / FOLLOWS FACE OF-- : IVE 93 NEWPORT PARCEL 111 BEACH. COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF. CALIFORNIA DESCR I PT I ON ASAPEROMAP �RECORDEDCKS ON �OOKNI�.9PA�E 88vOFEMISCEB�LANE0U0N. RECORD MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY RECORDER. % R•ET'AINING WALL I- ��i k � ,C\ _,. ,,, %„�. �� /- ��� \ r-�' ��-- ,,, � I-s° -- '1 PROPOSED PARCEL NO. 11 \.. �yz:� f6 ,° x,°e /`+� \\ %,°,\\\ ( `.,\ \ _ \ ro- I -mot,. .'! „• —_ PROPOSED PARCEL LINE \ „ , . -ti' \ 'zo __„_ ,J `\ a Seri •") / x (\J�\�� T INGRESS/EGRESS ESMT. !s'� �' 45_�' I j i p l I TO PARCEL 2 _ m `vV ,�^K `.rN ^,..'�-'[']"'•Y; ^ it, 1 \,1 �� IA A- .1 III ' \\, I, / / + // N y"�.-^';°/\ �� je+ f � 1 II J \ \ f� lj I .+•s , V\Q.�)\� � /� ' /r/\ .r' van -V.,1 .. S EXISTING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MASTER PLANNED BIKEWAY PATH ' �- `/ «( �{° '�' I �\\ „,l � � .r�O _� %\,s i' �� \� \\\,';' 1' ,.--/�„ t� 'l I.vX,si •/'\\\ xpe �_, + \\\\ \�\ LIMITS OF THE 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE Y II ,-' ':'. ' \ I i � % ��/� JT He„° ^ �YYY �� � gyp° � 1 I � _ / / xU• /� :�° /�/ ` \ �✓ � %n3 / .-,•e -_-_.__,fie � I \{� // a; \ � \\� WATER r±S a �] R` rr MT. 0 l ^ - 1 i %ne " ��•i .rx,_� \, 1 1 �: II ,/ C9'%, < / o•. \\ '� %ni A- _ O \ n" � NEWPORT /�!� G; x� - t ;' •� \j(1,��IT� OF BEA�� /k�� (jf1 � . «„ '" x,°, � "_ 1 _ � T� "j I I � � ('l _ _ „i �. ; II xv � \\ /� E\}{ —_ /' /// \ '.j"; 9{• %,°, y q�'� , I 1 11 \•\ v / ,\i% -/� \\ ox . ESMT. FOR WATER SERVICES iE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH R/W 13 a * R/W (0• 68' C/L 58' 10' Cc' 52' I I I I I 1 /CONC. CURB & GUTTER 1 r A . PVMT. 1 EAST COAST HIGIHWAY N.T.S. ( STATE HIGHWAY ) R/W gp' BAYSIDE DRIVE N.T.S. ( TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH) PARCEL SUMMARY R/W N � UPPER w NEWPORT 9` o DRIVE 0 BAY y`Q� w PROJECT m SITE �i EAST COAST H1GyH'AV N.T.S. VICINITY NAP N.T.S. PARCEL-# AREA LAND USE MAINT. RESPON. 1 31.6 AC RECREATIONAL & MARINE COMMERCIAL AND RECREATIONAL &ENVIRONMENTAL OPEN SPACE LESSEE 2 13.5 AC MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL! LESSEE 3 11.3 AC MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL LESSEE 4 0.2 AC RECREATIONAL AND MARINE COMMERCIAL LESSEE TOTALS 56.6 AC GENERAL NOTES +..... ,;` "'y,E41•."".ax`�'^... I Il�-l� act \ -�I\.v z" xl\ri rni5°ii /\\ r+ ../� - _ ' I I ! • , "yvx . —L-r-1 ,_,,,m8'•.`".t.,.,°c'R` .: ci: :' .� .-!.. ._!.. .S� }.�. •. ... s" :"'�. .�. °' ` 11 1 i _ '-"y.r':�— _ _..---� ,•e o xoe - -- xn, r\a° % \\\ \\ x \y � \\\ i �I EXIST. ESMT. FOR 1. CURRENT ZONING: '�/ a ,-- \ '_ , ..., "„"""„'_^'.-...;i«•«++-w "'_;^,+r*—•^ / +• •° 7 „w —, xo, - 1 ,%,v .ne %n, '\/\,'/ \� \ \ _ _ AIR SPACE &BRIDGE Ili-� OPEN S PLANNED COMMUNITY SPACE'_ v \ �r 1,\ iS THE _�-�------------- "n° � _``�� %n, ,,,x � \� PURPOSES TO _ --- - --- --- - -------------_-- - — -' al\ _ \ / I IS . 30" CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC WATERMAI _ — — -- .------- --___ ---_ 2 . E LAND USE: ',ems q o n,. ^�.. ^^... / s \ \ s�' STATE OF CALIF. _ \\- \ - - n - --_ — — _ - - ' , EXISTING ST I NG --`_ ' �s-` - - _ - -`-- T���. \ \\ SEE PARCEL SUMMARY FOR BREAKDOWN �fI e ' e\ Gl 3. PROPOSED LAND USE: EXIST. 5' DRAINAGE ""° /)j n= "- =� \ s� \ \;` ne -'f- SEE PARCEL SUMMARY FOR BREAKDOWN ESMT. TO x%° � *q, ..w..=--'•_/ ` _- _ � o ""� "e STRIP OF LAND OWNED BY ``- —,- ,,: ,n, 1/-=•-s;==-_> i STATE OF CALIF.- �"`'IL "' r III tJ� / /,�... I � A � ° ° ��.� _` J � I , � x4• � I � an•�- n•" � II .o rn" zl I � � � j \\ > ,K S - r 4. UTILITY COMPANYS: o �'•� -� THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �' �`���..-` yi\,,,%--__.i� °uvoe+t xo° A- N t ' --�-""'�•-- WATER 8 SEWER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92656 17141 644-3011 , GAS: EXIST. R/W EAST COAST HWY. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO,, P.O. BOX 3334 \ ` - - 47CA. 9 03 A A-800-4. CA. 92B EXIST. C.L. EAST COAST HWY. ELECTRIC: / PROPOSED INGRESS EGRESS ESMT. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. EET TO PARCEL NO. 4 COSTA MESA, CAR92627 (714) 635-5200 TELEPHONE: EXIST. ESMT. FOR UTILITY PURPOSES PACIFIC BELL 500 SOUTH MAINTO j V S.CALIF. EDISON, O.C. SANITATION DIST., SOUTH TOWER, RM. 750ORANGE. CA. 92665 (714) 811-7711 TELEPROMPTER CABLE TV, PACIFIC TELEPHONE, STATE OF CALIF. e0. 60.40. 20.0' 80, 160, GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=80' OWNER / SUBDIVIDER: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (7141 729-2000 ` CIVIL ENGINEER: ADAMS * STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. 15 CORPORATE PARK IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 474-2330 FAX (7141 474-0251 • CIVIL Streeter. G E S I C. q OCIE L. VEST' R.E.E. #47943 DATE �pROFES90*yq No. 41943 * Exp.12-31-95 st .,AGENCY SUB V/ /z Q / L0 . Lu I.I.. Q M N'Z N_ r a Z 06 c U LLI r ZW w a CL a .0,, —0 G. U 3 ccW cr > uj W W Q p a- W . Ca cc O a o to 0 -�, \o \o Z M O " W J o w ((n Z =c aoo F N m U D W (D to a o 0ix 01 (L N.� N N Z 0 W w U >> (nV) (nN 0: U W Z Z • 3 � o a. 8r 0 JOB NO. C3863 SHEET -LC- 3 4 -OF 42 ITTAL APR 0 W U) C7 1 coo L. 0 U-) O 0 a M! n_1� N -Z. cm cd Z, U UL �,J LoT O Z:LL w ��.- a O i' CL O a. a 0 i w a CO w Z® w 1,1..o, Mao a �JZ.0 v� a a ° ¢w CL 0. v c. U. ui 0 0 0 0) L� Z M O" W :.. C L. W N fn to m U . W O to OC N N Z O W D_ W U N_ N D. w U Wz z 3LLJ o a� m tr >_ Z � M b zW 3 U W AGENCY SUBMITTA O U t d I � - , —_ _ — X — , 7�_ I ., I I _. . , I , � . � I I - , 0' -�= L - I 2 . .-I--fi1t� 1�—0 .. ILI 1 7IG K 1I 1 - - D2'x a" BLOCKING BETWEEN ALL 5"X 5" LATTICE I.1 a-' ta-bi 2X 5" BLOCALL 4"X 5" ALA GE,- 0 ," .- 1 , IL I.I ,. I . l , r I I 1 ' 1,I . .1 I II 7 I Il II -I I 1 II . 1 .' I— - I1 1 I I F ,- L­ .'...,r "I I I , L � ­ I�.II. � --� III I I4I .I I � .I, I .- - I �I ..I I. L � I I1 -, - I 1 , IL �.I � l.� 1I� I '.� - ' -I, 5EX 5) LATTICE @I'-5" O.C(5 EQ5FACF5 5ETNEEN 11 41 RA �)D KIN&. bETyEEN TID. Trp- I BAM=P , " - 4X, - : - =... , ,`- �4' < 12"BEAM, SEE DETAIL FOR BEAM END OUT ESBETNEE= , . - 4"X bItATTICE @1E"-OC(EGAC_^ .r (�EAM �= ��.qSPN ­ 6'X 12" BEAM, SEE DETAIL FOPBEAM ENP OUTI "I- 5 BEAMS) L____"- 151- - ---7-__ ' _N_CCONr. TAIL - 6"X 12" BEAM, SEb I , I I- n.. .:_I_T I_T F-F-1 I1 IF71 @TO MATCH ARCH.E CAP PER DE - /2"CRONN IQ E DETAIR BM. U' 4 0LI ._Ll_I__L� L-11 :1-1L- I-L. - L- Li-j_@ TUBULAR STEEL FENCE PER DETAIL 0 � : VARIES PER - - tl� I �COLUMN TO BEAM PER- DETAIL - I I VETAIL:: , �TUBULARSTEEL GATE PER DETAIL _TqI POURED-IN-PLACECONO. CAP, TO MATCH'ARCH. SEE ENLARGEMENT AT CAP,: I 4. ADJ. GONG PAVING PER 0ONST. AND CIVIL. -� ENLARGEMENT AT RIGHT -'"@ I ,_ SCLE:' t"1-IO . REFER TO ENC. PLANS. - 11 ENLARGEMENT ,•.(1/2 WONDER B ARDlAT CENTER OPEN AREA-,c� THIS SHEET.. I STONE VENEER PILASTER PER DETAIL 2- -O, , , I - I - I • .. I 6-#5 VERT. REBAR CENTERED IN BLOCK ' 16" 50ACONSTR. NO - ' "@MEDALLION PEPPLNS t TES 2t 0 I . 11� ALIGN YV,FENCE'RAIL AS SHOWN a11x5"xIb"-FR21-3 3-O 21-3� I, .I11@ E0I5IOWCONCBLOCK. GROUT ,. ., . I -, , FILL ALL CELLS SOLID- i __ 16I , . - @LED6ER STONE VENEER PER CONSTR.NOTES- E , G PLANS . - ", , - I0 411 CONDUIT . - SECTION IA- - 1"', d.0I ..e I_0i0 �)' e'. .9 .._.b 50,6LF; I/2"=['-O!c FINISH SURFACE PER PLANS - F " . . 15 11 �@CONG. FT&.'2000 P.5.. 9 25 DAYS ,l ) - - NOTE5iI - " = 14 5 I =_ 1nu 12 �4q REBAR @12"O.G.CEA., NAY IN - 1OTIN& � i . @ #5 VERT. FTC. LAP BAR5 I. FOUR CONC. FT6AGAINST FIRM I (=� (2. .) ,CENTERED IN BLOCK UNDISTURBED 501L'-ORPROPERLY =u c -o c.� �:_ -11j11 .m �; . =1-1 111=1- #5 HORIZONTAL TIES @ 5" O.C. RECOMPAGTED FILL. PER STRUCTURAI.I-,. I� L jt"I I iII_ - -' SOILS REPORT, . _- - = 1IIEI . ,�RECOMPALTED SUB -GRADE PER 5TRUCT. 1Z F-1IEII A. ' I - @501-5,REFORT2GROUT FILL ALL.5LOCK5SOLID., .--- #4 REBAR @ 15"O.G. EA.1NAY, 3OLR. o EDGES I= -I I 11IIII = ::-f �" . • .*N.- -- c1III-1 - . I 3. ALL` COLUMN BLOCKS SHALL BE I ,211-:- .�- .IIE11M 4 3V15GUEEN BARRIER RUNNING BOND COURSESI t i i._I LI F usI =111- ir1 F -III:. .- =1-1 * 0II=1I- m -II . . - 1RF--;.- =IlEff -11 4. ALL LUMBER SHALL B. RE/5 UNLESS . 1=, 11 ­ -. *?' I !r* : _L!= NOTEDELEVATION I m= 1-w — t3- SCALE: ,1/2"sP-O" = q , I FI OTHERWISE I III_ - ' -W_ 0 4I-6, 5. 5. FAINT, ALL HARDNAR I: I _,Ii_" .W_�__ I 1 '',�SECTIO- MEMBERS TWO 2OATSOF PA1��1 1.I1 . 1 I T. - - -.. - o -. 1 .I.IL1 ­ -I, II I , 1 -I -�-�I 1 -, ' , .- �.E AND WOOD . 1,It=u1�I I In4�jjIi--=II=- - :11 I - 1 i--ll=-[4IMIl=LL=W-lI m a. - "= . 31-I,=111Inin 3 -0 2=II -I I I- IT=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1±j IrSCALE: 1/2l-O PER CON5TR: NOTES. % ENTAR5,ARBPIL . . ,TOFEN SPACE ENTRYARBOR-. - - - . � I KE)COLUMN AT OFENLSFACE ARBOR " 0 2`x5I BLOCKING BETWEEN ALL 4"X W LATTICE . 1 I� l ; . - .- - ' • - W-C" 1 . 1 141-01_ p4" X 5" LATTICE @ I'-2" 0.6.(q EQ. 5FACE5 BETWEEN - . �"- .- ,­1 BEAMS) . I �11-010-0. 12BEAMEE DEAIL FOR BEAM -I r.11�, �4" X ". , 5TEND OUT . I a6"X 12" BEAM, SEE DETAIL FOR BEAM END CUT 1- " r7,.1 . - : F - F IIT-T Fr n _TT_Fj 1F�: POURED -IN -PLACE CONC. CAP PER DET. - _L1 _ JI- - I_L -_L - Lj __J_ - LI_ -1 -1 -1 L -LI- I : TO MATCH ARCH. @ STONE VENEER FILA5TR PER DETAIL ' - . � REFER TO- - NG PER COR. A I l - ' ENLARGEMENT . . - ­ - - . - I 1 4 L� ADJCONCFAVIR. CIVIL - -- - , , - 9- ENC.PLAN5 , I" - 1 1.�"- i" -j EXPANSION JOINT PER PLAN AND DETAILS - I - I 11 . -� I - . �q 16" 50.,MEDALLION PER PLANS AND CON5TRUC.5 f- _. - - . - TES - . IcNO - - I - , I -- I � - . , . - - I - - . - ­ - - - -I- - I I - - - - - , - -"� - . - • - - Q. - ED { F - - = . .1 -- -- . - - IC- D=C .=cI o��� 5 .. 1D(D0c3�,: . _ F--_ - - - - 1 :*I IIn __ I — I I l=11=11PI 1 71 1 =1P41�I 1=1 1 —1 1 =1 11=1r 1 7II PI PI II-II1_1 It=l I — I I 11 1 I III=--111 III - =1 I- m F1 il- - - - I 11 —d I =11 zi 111 I LII1 ELEVATION II. I I I I I IIEII= . SCALE- 1/2"=II-0I I I. mII1I - I 1 = II 11 I fI H1II-i-I I 11 I I I -11111- I- - 111111 III I I I 1t-. . I I I 111111 it - III- -RECARS , . . 1, c)RrcpFAT10N ARE, STRUCTURE IFRONT ELEV. : 1_!, . -r (5D4"X 12" BEAM . - - 3 __ (�2iX aI BLOCKING BETWEEN ALL 4"X 5" LATTICE . : 1 7 � 1�* � 4 c, 01-0i . I 01-011 1 3- . - 3 - T_ �4"X 5LATTICE 9 IS 0.0.(EO. SPACES BETWEEN SEE DETAIL'BI o 0 5IMP50N I 75 , BEAMS) b ®&"X12" BEAM q - 4 ' 0 0 4 HAN&ER5HU z 31177�P0:" - BEAM To COLUMN PER DETAIL TH155HT. L N� ." 't 65/4 1 RA . DETAIL 'A' - L TY 0 1+ .-N-ACOTO MATCH ARCHSEE SCALE:5/4`=I'-O" LE3/4"=I'-O"-7 ©POURED IN CAP DETAI I I . DETAIL, PROVIDE /2" GROWN .IIIIL. I� I lI , , .0 ,. -L. 'I .� ."- -iI I 2)II--� &.0I f\�'2Z�N 1/2� I WONDER R E0AIRD � I r=q"A I - -r- I'I � I + . � . � ..... I I II 1I 1 , -• - 5-#5 VERT.REBAR CENTERED IN BLOCK. It SEE DETAILS 'AWC 7., 8 - SIMPSON CCO , .1 • I, @ aItxe"xW' PRECISION GONG. BLOCK. GROUT 111 711 - FILL ALL CELLS SOLID ,- .t 2" &ROUT T) • . - SECTION 'A' - .5 I 11 I . -I , I - - . , ,- ,- 'Ir _ � '**, z I ,,,' l 11, 111 N1. , " u " 11 , l - �, L0, , a, �',� � . 'I)" W, ., � I I ",Lc) 1', I1, uj., -, ,, - ,,',f%.�� . 0 >-. Lo I LO � 10<1 1 A f q$ I Ir__ L I " � , , � , � � , � . I - , ' I , � . � 1 a1% �, � , . , I .,., , , a, , , ,�'. ,, , a I I F' ?I L't. . � C5 , v 0 -11 ., 93d 8, ,_ — :" :2 " A I " . I - I a - I I I 4D .1 ra f, 111P, 1 ., ... I 9 W , I Go " . 51, m , w , i,, z .Ww I t k. m Z_ ci.;c � 9 I 19m 9 13h , �!E _;11 . � I � . 0 1 : rzl�M 120 3 a At . m -.8 t, 9 N i . I � , 141 , I . ­_0 � I , , . :, I I 't I -1 , . , I � I , I I - i t I � ", '' l I ,, . � I %­ , I . 11 I .. 04 04 . I .- I cm 19<_ I , I _L0 A 0) 7-7 isiti t 0;",f :5 . I I .I 11V - t . ,f C14 ad IIIIIIIII.,�O Z,� m I V_ F) - , ,� W ". E l ­ .1 LL - . I it- to �,,, 2 -, �1 a , � Q < 0 C.) 7- - 1> IL �- :e l " a �,. . CL� 7 a. r'l' It `11W a ... a ,t ,a Ilt- _'W", a: " >­ , in I I- MAU ., f<-(D - I co I cc - 0%1, .1 0. I,-_ a w III _''P 1, , , I K � , d1a, '41 Iiiiiiiiiiii =<a . 0 Lu, . It W_ ," ,, - CL, t I , Z ,, - I �. � C, ) im . � W < M z I<, �l C) AL t 0"' , ; I 9 W 0) It, �,� L I l I % . L 2. I a , () '� , I I I , * I , m , .�, _!5 - _.�_� f, I � - m � 11 '_'-',_,t,. �, I () I I , I I I I , " ,, i I wI I I � 1,, I'll 1 " 0 , , . I cr a. � I I - - , , . I .; I ,. , , � I ., - " � 11. ",.; . � , a' I I I . I I - (0 0 \ 1 � �� 0 (n to --�, .j pe) l 0 0 . - < I LLJ . F— ` I :) I W, �l La V) V) 0 cn W .' 1 �� I z L z '-- 0 < �_ V) cl m 0 0 , , III- � �_ 0 () � � . . , D 0 -�-, -�', I t , l - CC .: , w a. I -, I �� . -I � , , c%4 " , I _. , I z " , LLI ZD w 0­ � - 0 - -, 1. cn V) W I . � cn . - Lu ., z I I . p I 11 Z �:: LLJ 0 I I I . . I .. 0 <� I/ m 4 . . . � 1. . �', 11 .... I I I If .. � (10) LEDGER STONE VENEER PER CONSTR. NOTES I I . . . I I l I v .1 I 1. W, . . . �.. . . I I I . ., - .11 � I "I"IIIIIII, I . L:-Ii;1..,.. 11, �I --..1.;:,11 1 � . SCALE: � LE. : I/2"=II'-O'I I I - I . . . . I . I . f , I I . � I ., -+ 1�I , � 1 I -� 1� . 000NDUIT PER ELEC. EN& PLANS - V4 .­ , _11 _c% ?..- FINISH GRADE , , , , . "*1. . I I ,• J�� I DETAIL 'C'5, - 15 .I: 11 � CONC. FT6. 2000 P.5.1. 9 25 PAr5 io 2 6 - SCALE: 5/4"=I'-O' . L , =- )"k , 16, �.�.G #5 REBAR @ �12" O.C. EA. - NA,' IN I I� + � I I - I � II - 3DLFtD � I I I — &v .< 12 FOOTING NOTES: c.-D 2'x- 5I6" 6LOI C.."KIN-C- � l '. BETWEEN ETAEEN - ALL1I �l . 4".. X. 5" LATTICEI #5 VERT. FT&. LAP BARS - � I CENTERED IN BLOCK g4" X SLATTICE @I'-5" 0.0.(8 EQ. SPACES BETWEEN cZ I. FOUR CONC. FTC. AGAINST FIRM . :i= ffil§I1=, n .6 ,- E El I Ili Ill#5 HORIZONTAL TIES @ al O.C. UNDISTURBED SOIL OR PROPERLY c- BEAM) EII 17RECOMFACTED SUB -GRADE PER STRUCT. RECOMFACTED FILL PER STRUCTURAL =O =D= �4" X 12"BEAM III ) r �I . I I � , I r l� I I I. I =D 11-1EIII- 1, A . . . - . 501-5 REPORT 501-5 REPORT. . _®6"X 12" BEAM I -I . . I - . I . I - . . II.i -� fiI- JE=I IIt 1=. 1� ... , ...I ,I - :.�I .. , I G ,12. GROUT FILL ALL BLOCKS SOLID. . - - ...-.. . 9.. , I () POURED -IN -PLACE ,l GONG. ONC. GAP . �l I 1,1I III q 4 �TO MATCH ARCH. i111-113. ALL COLUMN 5LOC<5 SHALL BE _-=w=1=W==L=L=-"- - .___ @ STONE VENEER PILASTER PER DETAIL ETAIL - Itb Coast Dist let Off:,a . I < A II M_1 :=AI - = -E.=-=I-l=lIll�IE11Ell-I=II,_IIEIEIla- - - RUNNING BOND COURSES IMEWnI LIIII.11,illll-F.1lIIII I 11I .. 11111- -. I -:1I1 I ROVED 91I- L 11 �ADJ. GONG. PAVING PER CONSTR. AND -CIVIL, rllt, No. - 171SECTION . ALL LUMBER SHALL BE RE/5 UNLE55 - -H= 11 III: ENS. PLANS . . " � .- =I11 OTHERWISE NOTED �=- II- 11 In ' -A- �in A C;4'-& SG. SCALE: 1/2"l-01 Ell � -111 ll � TAILSELEVATION FXPAN51ON JOINT PEP PLAN AND DE 5. FAINT ALL HARDWARE AND WOOD =I= �l ., � MEMBERS N1 TWO (2) COATS OF FAINT. _i .-=n=- 11 : SCALE: 1/2".=l'-O" 11 1 (�)2-44 DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS VELDEDTO 5IMP50NPr -11= =1 = 11-- I I=LnI m II-w- I Eapi. .. PER CONSTR. NOTES. RECAR2I ­111-1-]11=11E-.I.. 11111 I- 11- H II=1I=I.=II=11-11=111Il- COO @ b"'O.c. . III I I - .I � �I � , lI - . r_) COLUMN AT__I RI EC.AREA SHAPE STRUCTURE LF-J_\ RECREATION AREA SHA:E STRUCTURE - END ELEV. I I � I11, ... . ­ . I . . I I . 1- . I I- I I - : AGENCY GENCY SUBMITTAL: APR ,o. 1, 1,996t, I. .' I NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Coss% DisErniat OFi�6Q 7 ,tat . NEC�od�n MAR 8 1995 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT G+TY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,ZD—G 1 PPRDVAL IN CONCEPT NO. (his project coat; i8 V;"Ibia planning regulatiolis atd poiicles'r i car IIbesa ufr.^s a�: �.�^��truction Purposes. No ouiftlmg ; nr - ..• r;,,roval is received from the Crt l:;rwa PLP,fdidifi^ 1't.,^ ,i <>Sm J�fACALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES ES J MV116 -Director ate:: / ��� 7V)4A) F(ft1letIJ �70 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA PROJECT TEAM PROJECT SECTION VI SITE PLAN REVIEW City of Newport Beach Newporter North D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted Planned Community District Regulations Jim Hewicker, Director of Planning Adopted September 14, 1992 The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for Patty Temple, Advance Planning Manager Ordinance No. 92-37 approval: John Douglas, Principal Planner Amendment No. 765 Sheet Rich Edmonston, Traffic Engineer Rich Higley, Grading Engineer Dick Hoffstadt, Subdivision Engineer (1) A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, Faysal Jurdi, Building Official driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking, landscape areas, Dennis Lockard, Fire Marshall signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of Don Webb, City Engineer entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking areas, the location of each parking space, and Subdivider areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. California Pacific Homes (714) 759-1782 • Dale Meredith, Vice President & Division Manager (2) A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing • Ralph Chenier, Project Director trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, Owner planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for CITY of NEWPORT BEACH irrigation. 5-7 PPROVAL IV ^ : NO. —.../ (his proiec: ccR',: 7�_ r:annn 9 re 9ulatioris The Irvine Company (714) 720-2129 • Norm Witt, Vice President Land Development (3) Grading plans to ensure development properly related to the site ,,,Gs u f r on purposes. No ouHSirir± "C' rorai is received from and to surrounding properties and structures. 3,4 the cPLAN Consultant Development Team JAMESS< .AhfiES "a1':Lcc,,c:;ector (4) Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, B Engineer: Van Dell & Associates (714) 474-1400 materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and • Terry Hartman, Principal properties. 5 Planner: Richardson Nagy Martin (714) 752-1800 (5) Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, • Steve McCormick, Associate showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as • Harry Takeshita, Planner they will appear upon completion. 8-20 Landscape Architect: Burton & Associates (619) 794-7204 (6) Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information • Bill Burton, Principal necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. NA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 1 OF 20 t 2 '*r OWNER: 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE & NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 4oAF9 m� F ° c (714) 720-2000 PROJECT w tiq B9y LOCATION 42' 42' 42' 42' pfl oNE'WPORTER NORTH t �` w z z w z 1n .. I 3r SAN JOAO(IIN IL g �� g wI �v� AF LS *. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: LOT NUMBER fi 54 55 5' F57 aCALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES I 5' 5' 2 35:5' CALIFORNIA s chic PLAZA su1TE 100 HIGHWAY ., VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES.ltC an. tmarrEERs SU EYORS LND PIAIlENS 0801 CNtT 27, ROM RVTC CA 9 w p141 474-H00 0 80 160 .r T F� @9y (n O to z� 06 W z Mn � II PLAN NUMBER 81.85 5' PAD ELEVATION �10'MIN SIDEYARDtSETBACK TO LOTS ADJACENT TO STREETS TYPICAL LOT DIAGRAM Pt1LLVIL, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 HOMES (714)759-1782 ter. PREPARED BY: IVAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 17801 CARTWRIGHT ROAD IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714)474-1400 PARKING TABULATION: 173 DU Type Provided Required Garage 346 spaces (2.00/unit) 346 spaces (2.00/unit) Guest Parking-Drivewoy 126 spaces (0.73/unit) Guest Parking -On Street 234 spaces (1.35/unit) Guest Parking -Total 360 spaces (2.08/unit) 346 spaces (2.00/unit) Total 706 spaces (4.08/unit) 692 spaces (4.00/unit) COAST QP d� VICINITY MAP N.T.S. P/L P/L P/L 1.71 1.7z Ijz r tea. 4' WIDE 4' WIDE SIDEWALK SIDEWALK PRIVATE STREET ..B•.:•C.:.•D....E•...F.: &:.G•: ST. (PROPOSED) N.T.S. P/L 33.5' 33.5' 15.5'. 18' _ 18' _ _15.5' I SIDEWALK I SIDEWALK PRIVATE STREET 'A' ST.- 'E' ST. TO 'G' ST. (PROPOSED) N.T.S. R/W R/W WIDE 1EWALK X Li.I 152 40' PROPERTY LINE BLUFF SETBACK JAMBOREE ROAD DEVELOPMENT AREA ry 2 BOUNDARY 20' BUILDING LINE SETBACK es.e 1(EXISTING) N.T.S. .S. W > 96.7 / �- 154 Q 2 86.5N' L Y S' L Y - O ~ - 155 / 86.8 `.'� �_ .�� / \ R/W R/W R/W 120' R/W 11 40' fY5 11R 86.3 50 y� /� \ I - > LJJ /11 156 149 e6.7 � ' 46 JK qq 43 \ \ 20 20 so' 60' 2 86.2 A. 7 4a 48 4T 2R 3R ti 3R 42 41 •�. 3R P� 53 IR 52 51 5 49 3R 12t5 3R 40 39 \ ' \ t0' 10' 10, 10' 10' 50' 50' 10, ., Q( 757 86.5 iR 3R zR 11 t20.7 1211 f2t9 122.3 2R 38 \ pI�� r o. DEVELOPMENT AREA 3 2R 720.3 3R V-y� V VAR. WIDTH BOUNDARY s6.1 148 1 es 119.4 19.8 22.8 123.2 71 37 \ \ l \ U'-11 1/ 0'-2 DRAINAGE 1R 5, 178.3 118.6 119.0 123.6 t24.0 2R \ 1.71 86.2 3R 158 b t 8.t �' (,' SIREFT VC2 \ 7.7 . Q LL 11R 86'0 �1 142R _ 0. / _ PRI ATE THE T •6� _ \ I \ 8' WIDE 8' WIDE z TEro� Ld _ ' t 361R 124.4 \ \ 1 \ SIDEWALK SIDEWALK 159 �0 85.9 nze 155 rtg36 nn -- I 85.9 3 146 , 125 12, 12, 12, ' . \ %% \ BACK BAY ROAD 123 35 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD 3R 12 126 / 2 t20 119 3R \ / \ (EXISTING) 0 O z 60 7.5127. ' 85.6 56 - 129 2 e 124 5 \ //� i ..... r 1 cc 3 2 12t3 tzt.s 122.z 1 3 `1 \ N.T.S. (EXISTING) J Q es.l 2 r 116.5 11R 130 3 2 tzo.4 120.9 -1 145 3 2R zo.o t22.7 1z3.1 1 28 3, \ \ \\ ' \ N. T. S. 161 OO iR 85.5 C! •$7 119.1 719.5 123.E 2R 1250 W t O 57 r 1f8.6 124.0 55' 85.6 1 715.7 3 �v Q _ � \ \ SY �N 1 7 140 .5'I27. ' 1i 125.5 n,7�t 2162 3 56 Io t38 139 3R 141 V I 85.4 83 1u.5 1 ' _ i 136 yR 11 2R 32`��� WETLANDS AREA 117111 \ - �•1 I 132 t 3, 135 1R 3R 12s.o i , 31 2R 122.5 z r W \ 3R IR 1z➢.e 1zt9 IR 3R i 63 •' , W 2 � 19.9 121.2 t2S 2 144 W 85.2 j • ?, 1- 115.9 116.7 17.5 178.3 779.7 tt3.e 124.5 t1 Wai �� `\ \ \ /Y ' 0- s � 1z5.1 37 O 6, - 85.1 2 t' 1\t? I •A• `` \ _ 165 n 85.0 1 33 ` ` S➢ 1.6 , PR1 ATE THE R` 84.9 3 I 84.6 iiR72 , 'a�. DEVELOPMEN\ ` \ e4a 166 1 3 ns.a H+l 97 96 953 9 2 AMA 93 92 IW 90- - - - 1.3i - ► Y -- - -- - i\ ` OUNDARY r 167 \ o 0 98 60 fl03 102 t Ot i N 99 2 3 1zo.a 3 9+'A 3 2R 3 2 3 t 121.2 3 •L`•\ 115.9 1 118.8 it9.8 tt2.7 qq O 84.6 �� ns.9 n7.t itB.3 tt3-5 tt4.3 2 � a 89 T ING WALL u r. 1 2 1 17R 2 3 11R2 21 \ 168 63R $ 16.5 777.5 tt5'1 O 2R iR 8 2R 7121.0 121.1 @i.S 21.5 3 2 19 \ \ �/ \ WATERPOED 10'W� 2 ffi.3 / I �i d 1zs.a tt4.7 tts.t �\V z1.7 1z1.e 3 18 \ \ 12t9 1 169 0 621 rn� ttt ,12 1t3 5 1 22.1 17 3 32 116.7 84.3 NW I 104 ,OS 106 107 108 t09 2R 3R 'R 2R 116 2 2 - • 3 16 / 1TO o� 63 11R 2R 3R 2R 3R it z1.2 12f.6 122.0 3R 11T 86 3 124.5 a Tq E )T,T �° 0 \ \ y 2R 120.3 i20.8 122.5 iR WETLANDS AREA m �� 17.8 119.9 122 9 11R 1Ti a0` 117.1 718.2 119.5 123.7 � ��' tt2.4 84.2 0�1 .p 118.E 119.1 85 1 4j % TR 124.3 2 O c '1.+' 11 3R w 2R 84.1 6, 1t7.3 \ • • ( IV TE ETI _� 4 •. _ I _ 20. O 110.7 tt2.7 t2o s 12t3 12ts 2R 3R \ \ 121.1 i a / 65 ♦ N 121.9 2R 122.4 1 nzs 3R T5 76 77 T8 1 FENCE LINE <TYP) 122.t 3R 1p 1R 2 \ ' 66 T3 74 3 1 2 3 79 83 DFVFC tz0.e 123.0 Bnf 122.3 1 n 6T 68 69 70 71 72 3 1 lztt tzls 2 1zo.7 1zz a 1 82 8t p 82 tt3s � I m.7 1 3 11R 2 3 1A9 tto.3 1z2.8 \ t / I V►g EXISTING SLOPE AND DRAINFE 3 t2zs _ I 117.8 118.E t19.0 123.7 I EASEMENT I THE COUNTY OF 118.1 119.4 tt3-2 1 EXISTING 14' WIDE I V)R ORANGE i0 REMAIN I DETENTION BASIN 123.4 STORM DRAIN EASEMENT ` \ TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT�\ BEACH TO REMAIN t •T FENCE LINE (TYP) \ I \ �- EXISTING SLOPE AND DRAIN�E EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO REMAIN' ` ----------------- PROPOSED 20'EMERGENCY > I I \ DEVELOPMENT AREA VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT / BOUNDARY _---_ -- c_------_-_f------ r-g-------------------- b f---- _-- LINE OF SIGHTOWN --__•---------+�---- -------+~------ -------W----- Y----�+-•_.--._.-.------r-- - i ,:• _ �- -�- _ -� -�- �� -t It _. _ _ �� , a m -5- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OVAL PPRrhis r f ,:, 1 3 project �00 CONCEPT NO. , o D ..: satimts I . ' - • y o �--� I I I Ihes6 urns arr , ' 1 _a�cn P ur ses. No � � • 1 Wilding ➢ar; , - I the ;'royal is received from JAMES iEWIC:'.L3, Dire or ` TEC y NICAL C �, Date: SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SH T lc,\d n\713_0200\s1tlep1n.9ht = k' n FfA rn• 4e.04.4n -- - 5 •i" p./...n,,.;�' `L,:r Y 4- 4 NE'WPORTER NORTH • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ...CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES VAN DELL AM ASSOCIATES. INC. 0 80 160 CfVL ENGNMS StRVEYORS LAND PLA*4ERS 17801 CART R OAD (74) 474-900 RV94E CA --- - — ---- - f e, IL ---- - - - ---- .... .. -- ---- ii P/L 06 W., 1'. ma Lj w 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (714) 720-2000 PREPARED FOR: CUEORNU s avic PLAzA surrE wo PACIFIC NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 HOMES (714)759-1782 PREPARED BY: � VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 17801 CARTWRIGHT ROAD IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714)474-1400 42' 42' 42' 42' TZI KXI 1.41 P/L \nClNffY W N.T.S. P/L P/L 33.5' ►l — P/L 1 I law WETLANDS AREA x rL CIZ, IF L r r FE LINE (TVR) tA 120.7 2i`4� X '4� 'V; % I �2.5 iN OkANGE e EXISTING T�g1JNT VC �-.STO WE& III:zo C? :.STORM DRAju, E;�M TO� THE CITY. OP,,NEWpO i BEACH TO 16 61STING1 V .......... . ........ ....... . 0 'o-VP F "' -EASi*Ni'4 ' T \4 . . . . .... ............ ----------- IF IN —v ---------- 0, 77 --- — --- -- OPOSED 20'EMERGENCY ------------- . .. ... Ilk, VEHICLE AOI�SS EASEMENT t2O tls ....JABOREE RD LINE ------- DEVELONIENT AREA' BOUNDARY ......... — ------ - % i-4 T '41"r. '4ro -- ----- ---- 42 :2 b --- ------- ---- -- - V 'C3TY OF NEWPORT BEACH 7 i PPROVAL IN CONCEPT N3. t, ....... (his project ccrfo.-j,,,, k- 3�Y.`� planning regulatiol% K2R 1171 i -sb vl�r5 are t :'t,zt,0npurnosDs. No o eived from % the c . ll DY41 is FCC % IPLANN[j� -,j ...... ,TAMES Dir ct Date: PRELIMINARY GRADI, G, LA Y SEPTEMBER 30,1994 SH T1 3 � � v /.� rV' i 4- " v 0 N WPORT R N' RTH ■ 11 =BI . _._. 63 gy T NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ?. �9 3 - •9 - 1 i CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES .I, . a. i I ` 111i MODEL MODEL 27 26 25 2 I IIR r Itll. r" .n 12L1 2 BU RTON ASSOCIATES 'Allot CAPE IOCIITICTURE L. "Amm , �IIs, 1.. sl ,.l.l 1.111 1I. s,. I I { I I .. 11, 11. 1. III,. ,'A VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 17801 CARTWRIGHT ROAD IRVINE• CALIFORNIA 92714 (714)474-1400 M NNA i —BERMS 6' HT. SOLID BLOCK WALL I WITH STUCCO FINISH GTY OF NEWPORT BEACH PPROVAL IN CWNCEPT NO. Phis project p;anning regulatiolis I hose vI-ns arc -- ` ° - - -:instruction purples. No Duildmg approval is received from the Caffm-r:'a JAMES t=.'ICXER; Director / 0 Date: I ® I 6tit Coaat %atrIat ®ffl, 04 f LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 5 OF 20 . •—. - • .L - - - . "{' , , .. L- dll . , - . _ 1' , - x� - - 1` i' _ _ . . f ,. mi . - ' , ..., .. - - ed_ ti' -- _ . - - - --. ,- - , - �' .. - ., IT �.; . - . , - i - ir. . _, - .. 'F _ r • .• - . - ._ .. �•yt.. •.'.• i,'- , _ .. - f .- - s 1 ' I� . . e ' "'! ::J::: !�'.:.: j _ 1, .• :::.:. p . •I. t -. . - . T I. _ v .` . i�. - .K• .'.. t'. . - " . ..- '"r••- • - _ x . `J': .,. - k. - .. . .. - 4 - - . 36' 11' 6. :� . - 41 ¢ SIDE _ . PARKWAY '' . , STREET _ f '_- - PARKWAY- /L� 'SIDE , . . ' ' - WA4K _ .' - - - � I WALK - .. . , "; ... " - ";/ IT - 6T - . : RIGHTOF WAY - ' . . - . . . a' „ . 1' .' I .,' - - - . Se_ctio'n-.A-A` (3/16" = F-0") _.. E L(JCA}L: STRE .'�' ,A, ;_- . iI - » .:; s -PRIM-ARY STREETS ,aQ ., J " .. - � ,; , . . I� Y.,.. . . " _ , ., n - - ' - . , _ , . 11 „ - f 4' 5' 6- 36' SIDE PARK . STREET WALK WAY ' - J 55 RIGHT OF WAY ,Sect -ion. B-.B.-r, (3/16" = 1'-0") . , T 4,, - SECONDARY STREE-TS'• . . 1 - - . . - a' '�•yl _ _ — 1 IV ,- - - . .., 'l Residential Street Trees such as: Transitional Slope Planiing such as: u - Primary streets .�, Adenostoma fasciculatum Chamise , a ',I Artemisia californica - California Sagebrush - Platanus aceriforia'Bloodgood' London Plane Tree t' Platanus racemosa California Sycamore �� Atriplex semibaccata Ground Saltbrush .31 Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine Baccharis sarothroides . Broom Baccbaris Ceanotttius tomentosus Coast Blue Lilac "' Tristania conierta Brisbane Box Encelia californica Bush Daisy ', . Eschscholtzia californica California Poppy 0, cr - Eucalyptus species Eucalyptus - 11 Heteromeles arbutifolia `' Toyon j - Residential Street Trees such as: Lotusscoparius Deerwood . f> r Lupinus longifolius Lupine Secondary streets Mimulus longifolius ,Monkey Flower , Rhus integrifolia . Lemonade Berry' Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot Wood Rhus la'urina 4' . Laurel Sumac - ' Eucalyptus ficifolia Red -Flowering Gum Rhus ovata` Sugar Berry - ' • ,I Ligustrum lucidum Glossy Privet Salvia apiana White.Sage -. - Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia Umbellularia californica California bay laurel ' 1II , . ,Metrosideros excelus New Zealand Christmas Tree Viguiera laciniata San Diego Sunflower ','! Pittosporum undulatum Victorian Box . _ ;f Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper - .' •:' - - .. _ 4' Residential Slope Planting Trees such as: `' ' Acacia species Acacia Eucalyptus species Eucalyptus . Leptospermum laevigatum Australian Tea Tree Melaleuca nesophila Pink Melaleuca - Metrosideros excelus New Zealand Christmas Tree Myoporum laetum No Common Name . Pinus species No Common Name Tristania conferta Brisbane Box • . 11 . a Shrubs such as: , . , .. Y Acacia species Acacia ��'= " Ceanothus species No Common Name _ - , .;� . �_� A Cistus species Rockrose • ' : �; - ��' Echium.fastuosum Pride Of Madeira -s Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon - - Lantana species - Lantana Rhus integrifolia Lemonade Berry Groundcover such as: - . , ,. ,', �' Lantana species - I Lantana -` Lonicera japonica Honeysuckle :, `•,' Myoporum species NCN _ ' I U \^i CITY OF NIE A'PORT BEACH — - /��� '. �.'. \ - .PPROVALL IN CC.'T,P I- tJ0 f " - this pro}ext coy+...^s i,, " - . • '. { lanning regulaHata - and pdwhcs III c.,-- ' _., :'1 . '. - llwse u!crta nl "cr•,truct,on purrosas.'do '' oaiidinb' pproval is rec_ived from 4. I! the C i :_._, x PLANT' S . JAMES E1`Ji ;;c?l, Ci, cfor / . 9 Date: 1 I. —•i . r .I . 2 . ,' :f - . nI ;( d South Coast Distriot OffiQoe 11 xovED 5 - 9 - p Pormit No. . - By: - 7 - ,.,_-y Dates_. • - - .'I ` ', '�a i . LANDSCAPE SECTIO_ NS - & PLAN_ T:. LE_ GEND ,e;, ,, -Ir . SEPTENOER 30 1994 SfIEET ,6,Ie I i \ h - . ' t: �, ,�� - 'W" `,,I,il - - ,,., " . ft k x _ _..RIGHT OF WAY 35' SWALE Section C -C' (3/16" ; F-0rr) JAMBOREE EDGE O - 14 or_nlvl ■WPORT R NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA r CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES- B U R T O 1 V 94.047 IA VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ® ®' ASSOCIATES 17801 CARTWRIGHT ROAD u�ue.re .11[II ITICir.[ .xr ruenu. IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 nr (714)474-1400 10, PRIVATE BACKYAR-D_ -� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .PPROVAL IN CC°dCEPT rt0 [his project ccr :: .... G ; nsl:rg reg::latiolis end Calicies ,I c , t Irroae otans a., ,, structlon pu,p:eas. No proval is roe, ved from Me C;'.` : r; (, PLANi2iKvU"''siis_ JAMES J. ht ' �,,;ER, Director ■ av ate: South COOLS 4p strict Off" AFFROVET ®� ®® 4 Permit L- BY, EFirCTSVE _ N Date 6 ,�- LANDSCAPE SECTIONS,e SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 7 OF 20 SECOND FLOOR PLAN ONE 2250 S.F. N -WPORT R NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 2 4 8 12 ARCHITECTUREIPLANNING 94036A AUG 31, 1994 ■ MET O CD r 0 Q W 0) O co TT (=TY Of NEWPORT BEAL,H PPROVAL IN CGPXEPT !!0 (his project cento :+,, ; I end poliaiesrn efte;:- h - -• ° planning regalatim-,s I hose Mans art n. Wilding ueUi,;, ;. �trection purposes. No the C ;;?c,•n;a ; proval is received from ARTt•t:ENT JAhES) VI ;EA, Director ` / Date: � l goliiY1 0®�> 1)jatrjot C1frj6r' "M 5-9 _ R SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 8 OF 20 STUCCO CHIMt CAP RECESSED PAIL` METAL VENT STUCCO ITYP.) STUCCO ENTRY WALLS (TYP.) • ENTRY GATES FRONT ELEVATION A CONCRETE" FLAT ROOF' "I ILES IT N P. PAINTED METAL DORMER VENTS CIN P 1 _DECORATIVE WOOD SHUTTERS WOOD T"RIM IT 1"P.) WOOD & ST 1000 FASCIA (TYP ACCENT 0001NS �I GARAGE IX)ORS PLAN ONE - • N WPORT R a FRONT ELEVATION B NORTH • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES 'CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH -PP _ IN CC:1'CEPi this his Pro projece" t _ and I�ficios 4n a.fa;. , � ;;i;r'nina repulatiogs ar_ r ourldmE r.=ra. " ct,on the C.Jr<< > r, purposes. No PLAh'i;ll•:" st ca.:::a ea n "161 is received from n?T,+:; EN7 JAMEg J , 11; :DEB Crrector Y / Date: South Coast. muto-ot 4"1" APMOM 5- Permit Na. ,�. BY I r mtl@4 VS I awh � 1 .�xa� FEET 0 2 4 8 12 ARCH TECTURETLA.'i': NG 94016A AVCJ 31.1994 a SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 9 OFF 20 v l WOOL) ITANIER BOXES WITH PAIN-1 ED .MF1AL SUPPOR-I S METER CABINE1 Im RIGHT ELEVATION F LEFT ELEVATION \712 e .01 STUCCO WRAPPED TRIM 2 PLAN ONE V REAR ELEVATION • N WPORT R NORTH • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES ,CITY OF NENPORT BEACH PPROVAL IN COi;`^cP'; .NO —` A' Phis proi5ct cc -o-.., �..�. _ L—�s ehl) p^;.IMIQ$ `.: i"c '' • ✓;drynj!la reg'112tim"s oaiS6m, ccr ^ . " parpcsos. No the C,m:: - IPLAN.N'!��3 .. �� is recEs,"d from JAMES `1C;;E,?,'Otrectovv/ RECESSED PAINTED ME IAL VEtiT S-outh; Coast Dkst79 By fl]� rn ,C a FEET 0 2 4 8 12 ARCHITECTURERANNING 94036A AUG 31, 1994 SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 10 OF 20 SECOND FLOOR PLAN TWO 2350 S.F. ■N -WPORT R NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 2 4 8 12rwL.:==N" /fff/ft ARCHITECTUREIPLANNING 94036A AUG 31, 1994 21_311 CCTV Of'YE WPORT 9Eq�H PPROVAL I;•, CO:NCEP, p:O. ❑� (his prosct contor,rs poligles Fa c'Pr.-= [.„ ```t%f>= planning regulatioG_-` I6 st utans a:, o[!iidus, C;Cr s:ruction purpos3s. No is rectived from • JAfv9ES : � "LCi, "'actc Y r-tji't08f3k jjja%-tj0. Perm sot -- - a �f 7$BVOTIVE SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET I I OF 20 t PAINTED METAL DORMER VENTS (TYP.) STUCCO ITYP.► STUCCO WRAPPED TRIM STUCCO ENTRY WALLS 1TYP.► 4 , FRONT ELEVATION A ENTRY GATES CONC RE I E FL -AT ROOF !!LES ,-TYP.1 STU(_C'O CHIMNEY CAP WOOD & STUCCO FASC!A (TYP.; ram— DECORATIVE WOOD .,_1 V� SHUTTERS . Hr� \� WOOD I'RIN I T l P 1 L J SIUCc O WRAPPED TRIM ly SEC'TIOtiAL GARAGE DOORS PLAN TWO FRONT ELEVATION B • N WPORT R NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES L CiTV OF NEWPORT BFACH � p� PPROVAL IN M I YJ. fhisproie-ctcr,7!v .,. ^l',..,laplznn:na;equlaYiss .nd polict5s is t ,- llrose v!✓.1'- a :. _.s rsciinn purpmns. NO -crctz! is received 4ram oullG,n„ u•:r... the PLA.INM Y:' JAMES' ' EWI�„cn, L`u ctor r Date: 0) South coast DSstrSot. or.tC i oe ApMovED 5 — 9 — p _. Perm Na. - r FEET 0 2 4 8 12 ARCHITECTUREIPLAINNING 94036A ALIG 31. 1994 SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SKEET 12 OF 20 ` n Y WOOD PI.ANIER BOXES WIIH PAItiTE1) W IAl. SI;PPOR IS -MF TER C'ABINFT 10" RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION e a] ICI w a O E- N 0 Q w > � PLAN TWO • N WPOR-T R Ell f� f REAR ELEVATION NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CITY OF NEWPORT RF^:"-' PPROVAL IN CC": this p'oie,! co^fu re�.Jatiotls 4ese ulctts z:C; �ccha' purposes. NO is rcccNed from �ouildmg ihe C4!:`,Erria Date: _ , south Coast Distr3ot Offiaa APMOVED o �ftq Permit 170e CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 2 s 8 12 ARCH ITECTUREIPLANNING 94036A AUG 31. 1994 Eyl SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 13 OF 20 401-011 L ai 5'-011 * 301-011 51-0f, I y 51-611 I'• ,Zouu N.r. • NEWPORTER NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 2 4 8 12 ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING 94036A AUG 31, 1994 ■ 2' CD CITYDFNEWPORTRFA H RP .PROVAL IN CC?,CEPT NO. rhis p,*:r :ses. No rec;iaed from JAfN'S ;diGKSkLa;,;� 9 Date: C0 .� CO N co O C O T Satlth D,0t3s4t Otrie+'e AMOM 5 o o Permit No. rr Bvt EFFECTIVE ID) atEel t SEPTEMBER 309,1994 SHEET 14 OF 20 r PAINTED METAL DORMER VENTS 1TYP.i DECORATIVE - WOOD SHUTTERS STUCCO ENTRY WALLS (TYP.) 9 t l� .w■villiiw/wwwi _:wi■wi■:�■ri�■rwtw�� FRONT ELEVATION A I a Il�l��■��tttt� �t•�a�� - i��a���taaf%\t1���\■■�■.� !�9■wr�L.S.l��l���1.Rl�•r.•� WROLIGHT IRON ENTRY GATES SI U('(-O (-11IMNFI (AP CON( RF IF F1_AI ROOF I ILES 1I YP.1 Sll((0,INPi SEC 1IONAL- GARAG.- l)CORS PLAN THREE • N WPORT R FRONT ELEVATION B NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES ,C'JTY OF NEWPORT BEACH PPROVAL !^t Yhis project c: -'o .,, . *lid poh:..:' 1 Ithe C':a PLAI%l%.f� AJAVIES Or iUf Y _ rey:tlatimts s0s. 140 rscerr:d from Date: South Coast District Office APPROVED O CW c� Permit No. B r; Date: lS/ FEET 0 2 4 8 12 /weffirt ARCHITECTUREPLANNING 94036A AUG 31. 1994 SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 15 OF 20 WOOD & STUCCO FASCI WOOD TRIM tTYPI m I ------------------------- I METER i CABINET I I I RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION w W PLAN THREE rim a V = O m 5 � � 1 N O N a x � X i ►D REAR ELEVATION N WPORT R NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES ■ t W CPTY OF NEVlPORT BEACH .PPROVAL IN t:^ 1 I his projec' cc ,... •� : I; `. r—• vases. No raieed from me PLANT;°1. c•,i . JAhY t Jt�vER; Gir; r 9 Date: / SOUtb Coant Diatxict Of"Op pe-It rrIT Cad CJ— o4 r�zc.� �n. ^ - FEET 0 2 4 k 127l.rMM" fi/effirt ARCHITECTUREIPLANAAG 94036A AUG 31. 1994 kit SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 16 OF 2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN ELEVEN 2100 S.F. • N -WPORT R NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 2 4 8 12 /we/vt ARCHITECTUREIPLANNING 94036A AUG 31. 1994 El 421-0„ 0 a� 0 30 1— GTY OF NEN'PORT BEACH PPROVAL INC^u'1C'PT � ' , this project cCrfd I heSe u!ao? L .: c: No Inuiidw the = rea-+ed from PLANM' , ek' l) . JAMES EVJtC.'EH, Eire Y _ Date: 1 4 SwAth 0-t,81$c'Oist � � -D �,e�mit No. Dates SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 17 OF 20' r STUCCO CHIM PAINTED META (TYP) DECORATIVE - WOOD SHUTTI STUCCO (TYP) PAINTED META RAILING I " GARAGE DOOR FRONT ELEVATION A ►NCRETE FLAT IOF TILES (TYP) SOD & STUCCO FASCIA YP) 'UCCO ENTRY ELLS (TYP) PLAN ELEVEN N WPORT R FRONT ELEVATION B NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , .PPROVAL li@ M' ;5PT NO _ this project rpr?:: 0"d these vl�ns ^a ,� .. ses. PJo from the Cah"FFAi. F:.:::� _ e:LRDJ-ec Date: 5®95"048 FEET 0 2 4 8 12 /fff/vi ARCHITECTUREPLANNING 7%m: 94036A AUG 31. 1994 SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 18 OF 20 r t —. I 9 0 I t METER CABINET STUCCO TRIM (TYPE) RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT -ELEVATION i PPED TRIM b N O a w r PLAN ELEVEN • N WPORT R REAR ELEVATION NORTH NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA iC TY OF NEIN BSA M PPROVAL C^ =u* ifd r. p / _L this project os end paEiriasr,i 11Cst, plans cf,,• ; $ 7'I7 OUtI3lii', the CI;c•r'" r _ �r. JAMES y _ Date: iiOuth Coast District Offloc K'erraiii: X?o� CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 2 4 8 12 ARCH ITECTUREIPLANNING 94036A AUG 31. 1994 Viv 1 SEPTEMBER 30, 1994 SHEET 19 OF 20 i 4 t .rrr.r .r.r�a. nwr.00 u.�u. � �'�:I rn•ur ter..■ wo.0 some 111811211112 a .� .r�rrrrr� rrrrrrrr ra 1 mr SIr EIi'I I f ��wrrr.rrr.�.� - ;arr■�w�.■.rrr.. �i�rr��rr.������..���� �■�rr��tor.r�.rl�r•. ...r�.r�r�rwrrs=liar- _ �wwrrrrrr��r.rrr J/I//ww��wr�Jwr.wlwwl�a .wr■rww�r...•..rrr.vn. ' -��iolirrr.rrr� Jii/ii��r■����_�w��� �rr.�r�rwr�.•rrrr•L..r 7.rr.�r.�r�r•Irrr. iiiiiii �w��r�..��w•rwwr��� sons .rrrr�wrrrw..■r.rr.a.r.rnrrr.ir.r.r•► .I//I/!J\Y��VI�ww������I�. �.■rrrwrrwrrr.rrrr.�.r..• •.�.r.r.rr�rrr.rr.• _ wommume rrwr..rw.o...or.•- �...�....riiiiiiii7...o.wivawwawwwiwrr.�r� •.•.....•r......r.._r .. .� .... � � -rr.lr..r.i......r.r.. iiiiiiiiii•irwrrwi�rwwww�w�r��ww■ '� .♦ , a �ii�ii^wuw�r�w�wrwwww�.wwwrw I��=ri� '.�u�r�r��aursu. wwvwwww .1- t• 1 �rrrurw.rworou.• .. .rrrrrwrrrrr...rr.rrw �" iwwrwrrrrrr•.w arl�' JwMrwr�rMwrr•r. r.rr.r.��w�.■..r��w.�w.r.r.r.r..�rr.r��.rr..r.. � i _ y t��rrwwww.�rwrwr wwiiri�rrirrrr��rr.i�rrrrrr■w�rrr.r.�ri.■...rir.wn _�:Ii �wrw•r�wrww�wrwt ,_rye .. urrrrrw•orwrrurrair.rw�.ww.r.....ur.rr• ...wrrrr•rrwrrrrrrrwrr.wwrrrrwr.r.r.wrrr.rrwrrrr �11 iw��l r.rrr■rY/rr•rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rr.rYrrrrrrrrrrrr• L .. _-... - -..ME .1 r ......:..... . . ' 'llii�I�11i�I � T�I �I �� �i r� ��I��I��� •� .I , .008momeam Samoa.. STREET SCENE • N WPORT R 3B NORTH • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES FEET 0 4 8 16 j ?/f/A ARCHITECTUREIPLAN NING 94036A AUG 31, 1994 0 11B iCITt' OF NEWPORT BEACH 9ti CCld 11 PLh. 9 ate: South Boast D38tTiCt Oftios'' APPROVED Perm No. EFyECTIVE Date: 1 SEPTEMBER 30, 1 994 SHEET 20 OF 20