HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPR_71111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lill III lill *NEW FILE* SPR_71 SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (714) 644-3200 No. Application Redd b . , Fee: $ 119 1� APPLICANT (Print) California Pacific Homes PHoN 714/759-1782 MAILING ADDRESS 5 Civic Plaza, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PROPERTY OWNER The Irvine Company PH0NE714/720-2410 MAILING ADDRESS 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY INVOLVED Upper Castaways, Northeast corner of Dover Drive and 16th Street. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION (describe fully) To obtain approvals necessary to develop 119 single family dwellings in a private gated community on approximately 26 acres. Residential ZONE Open Space PRESENT USE Undeveloped open space. Legal description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) Being a subdivision of a portion of Lot 2 of Tract No. 1125, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map filed in Book 39; pages.7 & 8, together with that portion of as shown on a map filed in miscellaneous maps, both in the office of the County Recorder of said county. both of OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT y T (1) (We) i'✓C+e.r+.r J �. 1,t/ir�lPPy s!!/n�t CCU ar✓oF'7#4--Vi '/. ep� and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property(ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s) NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the application. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date FiledA'-lso-ck�k Fee Pd. '% I la \ , 0 7 Receipt No. Review Date P.C. Action P.d?�/,i, �� Date A/L Appeal C.C. Action C.C. Hearing Date NEWPORT BEACH CITY Planning Commission Meeting November 10, 1994 Agenda Item No. 7 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A Tentative Map of Tract No.15612 (Public Hearing) 001 B. Site Plan Review No. 71 (Public Hearine) Revised Conditions for Anaroval The Public Works Department has met with the applicant, and several revisions to proposed conditions for approval have been agreed to. The revised conditions, in strike -out and underline format are attached (Attachment 1). Response to Comments The review period for the Negative Declaration has closed, and comments have been received. The comments, with responses are attached (Attachment 2). Additional Discussion Reeardine TTM Conditions # 13 & 14 The Applicant and the Public Works Department have not been able to agree on two items, which warrant additional discussion. Bluff Top Trail Width, Condition 13 requires the bluff top trail proposed to be constructed by the applicant to be 12 feet in width. The applicant opposes the 12 foot requirement, and only supports the construction of an eight foot wide trail. The Public Works request is based upon the requirements of the Highway Design Manual, adopted and published by the State Department of Transportation (CalTrans). Section 1003.1 describes the design requirements for Bikeways. The minimum for two way bicycle traffic is 8 feet, with a 2 foot graded shoulder on each side. When significant pedestrian traffic is added to a two way bicycle trail, it should be 12 feet or more. The Public Works requirement is consistent with this State standard, and is, in part, intended to protect the City from a liability standpoint. r� e TO: Planning Commission - 2. This section of the Highway Design Manual also notes that paths less than 12 feet wide sometimes break up along the edge as a result of loads from maintenance vehicles. This is an important consideration, since the City will be taking on the long-term maintenance responsibilities of the blur and maintenance vehicles will need to access the area on a regular basis. LandscaM Maintenance Requirements. Condition 14 requires that all landscaping inland of the bluff top shall be planted and maintained by the developer/association. The applicant objects to this requirement. In the original approval of the CIOSA Agreement, The Irvine Company requested the ability to establish a grade separation between the development area and the public park areas with a 2:1 slope in the dedication area. The City agreed to allow the establishment of the higher development area grade, but only so long as the slopes were wholly contained in the development area and owned and maintained by the developer/association. During the initial discussions regarding this specific project, the possibility of allowing a more gentle slope within the dedication area was discussed. Staff agreed that this could be considered only if the slopes were very gentle (3:1 or 4:1) and were maintained by the future association. The applicant is proposing to have the slope encroach into the dedication area, with the City maintaining the slope. It is the position of staff that if the applicant is unwilling to accept the requirement to have the association maintain the slope area, the slope to establish the higher grade of the development area should occur wholly within the development area and not in the dedication area, as specified in the CIOSA Agreement. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By" — Patricia L. Temple Advance Planning Manager Attachments: 1. List of Revised Conditions for Approval 2. Response to Comments PLT:..WLANNINOTATTY-7V'CISPR�3M1 5012.DOC Revised Conditions: 1. That the Tentative Tract Map be revised to delete the area from the tentative map that is proposed as the access road for the Lower Castaways site in conformance with Resubdivision No. 972, currently being . processed; that an accompanying construction easement for constructing the future access road be provided; and that an easement for ingress and egress be provided across the future Lower Castaways access road for the park access road to be constructed with the proposed tract. Notwithstanding this condition. all open s >! ace The Irvine Compm consistent with the terms of the CIOSA Agreement related to the Uooer Castaways parcel. 13. That a 12 foot wide bluff top trail shall be constructed with a connection on the north at Grove Lane and a connection on the south at Dover Drive. The trail shall be structurally designed to handle maintenance and emergency vehicular traffic. The Trail shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the top of proposed slope, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and the City Grading Engineer. The design of the trail shall inelade lighting and be approved by the Public Works Department, General Services Department, Utilities Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Community Services Department. Provisions to install lighting in the future shall be included in the trail design. 14. The bluff top open space area shall be designed in Lot "V" to convey the drainage away from the top of slope to be picked up by the -private A storm drain system to be constructed by the developer and maintained by the Ci_}t + asseeiatien. All landscaping inland of the bluff top trail shall be planted and maintained by the developer/association. An agreement shall be required for maintenance of the landscape and drainage system and approved as to form by the City Attorney's office. 15. That the heavily eroded areas with near vertical faces along the bluff top within Lot "V" shall be repaired and all drainage directed away from the bluff top edge. The locations to be repaired shall be reviewed and approved by the City. 16. That prior to the developer dedicating the View Park, Lot "U", to the City, all heavily eroded areas with near vertical faces along the bluff top shall be repaired and all drainage directed away from the bluff top edge. The 19. That a 24 foot wide access road be constructed in the proposed Open Space Lot "U" from the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive along the alignment of the old Castaways Road and connect to the bluff top trail. The emergeney access road shall be a maximum 80/o grade with a turn around. The road shall be designed to accommodate heavy vehicles and Fire Department apparatus. The design is to be approved by the Public Works Department. That the design and grades of the emergency access road be compatible with the proposed grades for the .proposed Lower Castaways access road, and that they meet ADA access grade standards. 3 31. That an additional 28 feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the public for street and highway purposes along the Dover Drive frontage in order to provide a minimum of 128 feet of right- of-way. That the 28 foot width be graded to future curb grade along the entire length of the Dover Drive frontage with a 2% cross fall at the time of the proposed tract grading UWM otherwise approved' 1& 111i6 PORE Works Department, and that a 10 foot wide concrete sidewalk be constructed along the tract frontage between Westeliff Drive and Cliff Drive. q RESPONSE TO COMMENTS UPPER CASTAWAYS NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 8, 1994 Introduction The following contains all comments received during the public review period on the Negative Declaration prepared for the Upper Castaways project, and the City of Newport Beach's responses thereto. Pursuant to §15132(d) of the CEQA Guidelines, the City has provided responses to "significant environmental points raised in the review and consultation process." For each commentator, the individual comment is summarized, followed by the City's response. Each comment letter is attached. List,of Commentators 1. Jason Marshall, Environmental Analyst Department of Conservation 2. Jennifer M. inn SPON Steering Committee 3. Alan Beek 5 • 9 MEMO FROM DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION by Jason Marshall, Environmental Analyst dated November 2, 1994 Comment ENERGY/NATURAL RESOURCES The proposed project is in an area where exploratory oil and gas wells have been drilled. According to records, there is a plugged and abandoned dry -hole located near the project's boundaries, identified as Chevron, USA Inc. Irvine Company 1, API Number 059-01164. If any structure is to be located over or in the proximity of the well, it will need to be plugged to current Division specifications. It is suggested that a diligent effort be made to avoid building over any plugged and abandoned well. If construction over an abandoned well is unavoidable, an adequate gas venting system should be placed over the well. Response The comment is noted and included in the record. An additional mitigation measure will assure the potential impact will be reduced to a level of insignificance. "Prior to the approval of the Final Tract Map, the applicant shall verify the location of any plugged and abandoned oil wells on site. If any abandoned wells are on -site, the applicant or property owner shall plug the well(s) to meet the standards of Department of Conservation Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. If a well occurs within the development area, the plugging shall occur prior to the issuance of any grading permits. If a well occurs within the dedication area, an agreement committing to the completion of plugging shall be executed prior to the acceptance of dedication, and the plugging shall occur prior to the issuance of any grading permits. If any structures are over or in close proximity to any well, a gas venting system shall be installed as required by the State Department of Conservation and the City Grading Engineer." 9 /- LETTER FROM SPON by Jennifer M. Winn dated November 7, 1994 Comment 1. Is Lot U a part of this tentative map? Will this acreage be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach? 2. The exhibits on landscape and grading are illegible. We suggest they be removed and the information contained in these exhibits be described in the text where relevant environmental pints are discussed. 3. If the site were developed as attached units, greater setbacks and open space could be reserved adjacent to Upper Newport Bay. This would also result in decreased hazards to residents due to bluff erosion. Also, a graduated setback restricting the height of homes closest to the bluff would also minimize visual intrusion to the Bay. The draft Negative Declaration should discuss the difference between the impact of the attached and detached units. 4. The impact of the development on the homes and the public bike trail immediately to the north of the project has not been addressed. 5. Since the certification of the CIOSA EK the operation of John Wayne Airport have changed. The potential impacts of the new procedures on public safety and noise should be Response All lettered lots shown on the tentative tract map are a part of the subdivision. Lot U is to be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach. The reproduction of the exhibits is the best possible, given the scale of the plans. Original, full size exhibits are part of the project file and have been available for review during the entire review period. The information on these exhibits has been summarized in the impact analysis of the initial study. Comment is noted. The purpose of this environmental analysis is to determine if the previously certified EIR conclusions would be different in light of the additional level of information available with the subdivision map and the site plan review. The City is already committed to approve the project within the context of the CIOSA Agreement and the approved Planned Community Text. Whether developed as attached or detached units, the same setback and building height restrictions are applicable. The greatest difference resulting from the change in unit type is a reduction of the overall building mass due to fewer units being constructed. There will be no impact on the existing bike trail to the north. Fences will be as permitted by the Planned Community District Regulations. As a result of the change in procedures, no changes to significant public safety or noise impacts or mitigation has occurred. discussed. i 6. SPON requests a copy of the plan for wetlands mitigation. Who will evaluate the adequacy of this plan to support the determination ? 9. SPON makes recommendations regarding landscaping. 8. If the project consisted of attached units, a greater setback could be maintained. Was the use of detached homes discussed as an alternative in the OR? 9. Page 27 identifies new impacts (topography) not discussed or mitigated in the EIR, but does not discuss the issue. The title on Page 28 should read "Upper Castaways". 10. How can geotechnical impacts be mitigated to a level of insignificance without a preliminary geotechnical study. 11. Will there be a traffic signal at the view park access road and Dover Dr.? Assess could be provided from 16th Street. This would minimize required grading. 12.In conclusion, SPON believes that changes in the project could reduce environmental impacts. The mitigation plan has not been developed. It will be required prior to the issuance of a grading permit. The State Department of Fish and Game and the California Coastal Commission issue permits for the fill of wetlands. Comment is noted, incorporated into the record and will be forwarded to the decision makers. Please refer to response 3 above. Time is no difference from an environmental analysis standpoint between attached and detached residential. The response to question c under Earth Resource should have been "No". This correction is hereby incorporated into the Environmental Document. The correction to the title is also incorporated. A preliminary geotechnical study was prepared prior to the original environmental documentation. There is no information which indicates the required level of mitigation cannot be achieved. There will be a signal at Cliff Drive on Dover Dr. The CIOSA Agreement provided for access to the park from either 16th Street or Cliff Drive. The design of the projects meets the parameters set forth in the Agreement The impacts resulting from the increased grading have been assessed, and mitigated to a level of insignificance. Comment is noted for the record. It is important to note that the purpose of this environmental document is not to repeat or redo the previous document, but is only to affirm the validity of the analysis in light of additional information. Cl • LETTER FROM • Alan Beek dated November 7, 1994 Comment 1. The project is a vast improvement.- - - _. 2. Homes should be measured from existing grade, and be limited to 24 foot average height. 3. A gate -guarded community is inappropriate for the area. 4. The project design should include a bluff -top street. 5. A bluff -top street will help minimize erosion. 6. A rodent barrier should be included in the bluff protection plan. 7. Watering from landscaping may affect slope stability. 8. The Castaways park should be maintained in its natural state. 9. The development is connected to the Santa Ana River bridge at 19th Street. Response Comment noted. -- - Comment noted. It is common practice fo - approve grade as a part of a subdivision plan. The heights of the proposed homes are consistent with the provisions of the approved Planned Community District Regulations. Comment noted. Comment noted. The project, as designed and mitigated will control erosion of the bluff. The design of the bluff -top trail and drainage facilities will be subject to the review and approval of the City Grading Engineer and the Public Works Department. Mtigation measures regarding landscaping, irrigation bluff stability will be subject to the review and approval of the City Grading Engineer and the Public Works Department, in order to assure that this concern is addressed. The design of park improvements is not being considered at this time. The comment will be forwarded to the Community Services Department. The project has no connect to the 19th Street bridge project. The City has reclassified Dover Drive northerly of Westcliff as a two lane commuter roadway. The City traffic model projects the need for a major arterial road on Dover Drive southerly of Westcliff. I The widening of Ier Drive requires the elimination of an existing wetland. gIR and compliance wi measures reduce the impact of insignificance. The existing road is inadequate to serve as the primary access to the view park. The new road shown_ serves not_ only. City vehicles, but will allow for vehicular access and parking for the park. The grade shown is the minimum allowable to meet the requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). M E M O R A N D �M To: Project Coordinator Resources Agency Date: November 2, 1994 Mr. John H. Douglas - -- Principal Planner city of- Newport -.Beach ___ . _.. _ __ _. _ - ____ _ _ . P.O. Box 1768 f'1 ? 191.1 Newport Beacham Cal-ifornta "9"2WS9 1'7'68—' "`4M Pµ 718191101 H I21112131415 i g From: Department of Conservation b Office of Governmental and Environmental Relations Subject: Negative Declaration for the Upper Castaways Project in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County. SCH 194101009 The Department of Conservation's Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (Division) has reviewed the Negative Declaration for the proposed project and submits the following comments for your consideration. The proposed project is located in an area where exploratory (wildcat) oil and gas wells have been drilled. The Division's map W1-6, covers the County of Orange wildcat area and the area of the proposed project. To ensure proper review of building projects, the Division has available an informational packet entitled, "Construction Project Site Review and Well Abandonment Procedure". The packet outlines the information that a project developer must submit to the Division for review. Developers should contact the local building department for a copy of the site review packet. According to Division records, there is a plugged and abandoned dry -hole located near the project's boundaries. The well is identified as Chevron USA Inc. "Irvine Company" 1, API Number 059-01164. If any structure is to be located over or in the proximity of the well, the well may need to be plugged to current Division specifications. Section 3208.1 of the Public Resources Code authorizes the State oil and Gas Supervisor (Supervisor) to order the reabandonment of any previously plugged and abandoned well when construction of any structure over or in the proximity of the well could result in a hazard. The cost of reabandonment operations is the responsibility of the owner of the property upon which the structure will be located. Furthermore, if any plugged and abandoned or unrecorded wells are damaged or uncovered during excavation or grading, remedial plugging operations may be required.. If such damage or discovery occurs, the Division's district:office in Long Beach must be contacted to obtain information on the requirements for an approval to perform remedial operations. Written approval from the Supervisor is required prior to drilling, reworking, injecting into, plugging, or abandoning any Page Two 0 "rI well. Prior to commencing operations, the project consult with the Division's district office in Long obtain information on the wells, requirements, and conduct any of the work mentioned above. applicant must Beach to approval to The possibility for future problems from oil and gas wells that have been plugged and abandoned, or reabandbned, to the Division's current specifications are remote; however, we suggest that a diligent effort be made to avoid building over any plugged and abandoned well. If construction over an abandoned well is unavoidable, an adequate gas venting system should be placed over the well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Richard K. Baker or Edward Santiago at the Division's district office in Long Beach. The address is 245 West Broadway, Suite 475, Long Beach, CA 90802; phone (310) 590-5311. Jason Marshall Environmental Analyst cc: Edward Santiago, Division Resources, Long Beach Mike Stettner, Division of Resources, Sacramento Of oil, Gas, and Geothermal Oil, Gas, and Geothermal /i Of ffrr I 1 0 P.O. BOX 102 November 7, 1994 'V 4) ouR f;G'! -'1994 PM 7e82A1DAVI112A4A6 BALBOA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA 926i Ms. Patty Temple City of Newport Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 1769 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Original sent by FAX transmission on November 7, 1994 SUBJECT: COMMENTS ON THE UPPER CASTAWAYS NEGATIVE DECLARATION (TTM 15012) Dear Ms. Temple: On behalf of the SPON steering committee, I would like to call your attention to several points that we feel have not been adequately addressed in the environmental review of the Upper Castaways project. The numbering of the comments below corresponds to the order of discussion within the Negative Declaration: 1. The project description is not clear; the vicinity map depicts the entire castaways site, but the text states that the project includes .8 acres of open space. Is Lot U not a portion of this tentative map, or should the acreage have been included in the open space total? will this acreage be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach? Please clarify the disposition of this lot. 2. The exhibits on landscape and grading are illegible. These are indicated with Exhibit numbers in the text but not on the plans. We suggest they be removed and the information contained in these exhibits be described in the text where relevant to the environmental points being discussed. It is impossible to conclude based on illegible plans that aesthetic impacts to the public open space adjacent to the project have been minimized. 3. Regarding visual impacts to Open Space: We recognize that the CIOA EIR concluded that unavoidable adverse visual impacts to S pub I 1public open space would result from development on this site. If the site were developed as attached units, as permitted under the PC regulations, greater setbacks and open space could be reserved adjacent to Upper Newport Bay. This would also result in decreased hazards to residents due to bluff erosion. Alternatively, a graduated setback restricting the height of homes closest to the bluff 'would also minimize visual intrusion to the bay. SPON cannot agree that the impact is unavoidable. We note that the Program EIR assumed that the units would be attached. Therefore the Draft Negative Declaration should discuss the difference between the impact of the Single Family Attached and the Single Family detached units proposed by this project. Ms. Patty Temple • . �' November 7, 1994 Page 2 4. The impact of the development on the homes and the public"bUd trail immediately to the north of the project has not been addressed. What will be the fence height, fence materials and landscaping on this side of the project? µ w S. Regarding Land Use Conflicts: Since the certification of the CIOSA EIR, federal regulations regarding the operation of John Wayne airport have changed. The potential impacts of new operating procedures on public safety and noise should be discussed. 6. Regarding Biotic resources: SPON requests a copy of the plan for wetlands mitigation plan required by Mitigation Measure 20. Who will evaluate the adequacy of this plan to support the determination that impacts have been mitigated to a level of insignificance? 7. SPON commends the applicant for planning to use native plants for landscaping adjacent to the bluff top. However, we believe there are certain critical factors that should be part of the landscape plan in order to avoid adverse impacts of the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. We recommend that, in order to best complement the natural character of Upper Newport Bay, the applicant attempt to create a self sustaining plant community that will provide some value to wildlife. This could be done by using a diverse plant palette and seed sources from the immediate area of the bay. The design of the landscaping between the homes and the trail would need to be planned so as not to invade the more natural community. It will be a challenge to accomplish this since the more natural community will be downslope, and seed from the exotics will tend to drift in that direction. During the application of Mitigation Measures 17 and 24, SPON recommends that the -biologist address this issue. Additionally, SPON recommends the biologist consult with the Department of Fish and Game in preparing the landscape revegetation plan. Mitigation Measure 24 should specify an irrigation system and maintenance during the period necessary to establish the landscaping. in addition to minimizing visual and biotic impacts, the establishment of such a plant community would help to prevent erosion of the bluff. 8. If the project consisted of attached units (as assumed in the EIR for the Development Agreement), a greater setback could be maintained. The impacts to the coastal sage scrub and to bluff top erosion could thus be reduced. was the use of detached homes discussed as an alternative in the EIR? Regarding Ear t Resources: Page 27 identifies new impacts (topography) not discussed or mitigated in the EIR, but does not discuss or identify mitigation, Ms. Patty Temple • • November 7, 1994 Page 3 We believe the title at the top of_page 2.8_was intended to read "Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Map." 10. Mitigation Measure 38,`which is-to•be applied to the project per a statement on page 28, states that an additional setback may be required adjacent to the bluff. The Environmental Evaluation states that no new geotechnical reports have been prepared subsequent to CIOSA. SPON questions how this Initial Study can conclude that impacts can be mitigated to a level of insignificance without at least a preliminary geotechnical study. 11. Regarding Circulation/Access: Will there be a traffic signal at the intersection of the view park access road and Dover? SPON suggests that access to the view park would be better provided from 16th Street. This would eliminate the need for such steep grading for the proposed access road; it would require redesigning a portion of the site, but would provide access that is cheaper to build and maintain as well as safer to use. In conclusion, SPON believes that changes in the project could reduce environmental impacts. Protection of open space views and native vegetation, as well as prevention of erosion along the bluff, are important issues that will affect one of our City's most important natural assets, Upper Newport Bay. These issues require further study before concluding that there is no potential for additional significant impacts. We urge staff and the Planning Commission to more carefully evaluate this project before recommending approval. i L��X r M. inn teerina Committee CC: Frank Robinson, Friends of Newport Bay Troy Kelly, Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve Cheryl Heffley, State Department of Fish and Game • Allan Beek .`,. 2007 Highland Newport Beach CA 92660 November 70 1994 Re: 1) Site Plan Review No. 71. 2) Nega ve Dec aration for Upper Castaways - Tentative Tract No,-.15012 City of Newport Beach ------ — -- - Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, California Gentlemen: Of the eleven topics herein, six (Nos. 51 61 71 91 10, and 11) are reasons not to approve a negative declaration. These six discuss avoidable adverse impacts of the project as proposed. 1) Congratulations. The project as proposed is a vast improvement over that sanctioned by the former City Council. The developer and staff persons who worked with him are to be congratulated. 2) Heights. One of the greatest improvements is abandonment of the plan to spend nearly a year trucking in dirt to raise the housing area by ten feet or more. Any homeowner has the right to elevate his yard up to three feet without a grading permit and without changing legal "grade", which determines the height of his house. This principle is appropriate for Tract 15012. The pads are elevated three feet or less, and heights should be limited to 24 feet average (29 maximum) above existing original grade. Even with the pad elevated three feet, this leaves ample height for a gracious home. (21 feet average, 26 maximum above pad.) 3) Locked gates. None of the surrounding communities Cliff Haven, Dover Shores, Westgrove, or Harbor Highlands -- have security gates, yet all are prized and our Mayor and City Manager have selected them for homes. Locked gates in the middle of this open, friendly neighborhood would be a jarring note. Such a plan is entirely inappropriate. 4) Blufftop street. The model for this community should be Newport Heights. Both are prime residential neighborhoods adjoining a bluff with spectacular views and a view park. Newport Heights demonstrates the success of having a street along the top of the bluff. The public and City vehicles use it for access to the view park. It buffers the homes from the park. It is not over -used by the public, nor does it become crowded to the detriment of property values. A blufftop street will be equally successful at Castaways. 5) Drainage. As pointed out by Public Works, drainage from the blufftop vicinity should not go over the bluff and cause erosion. It /6- #should go back, aw from the bluff. A blufftc&street will be ideal for this purpose. 'le elevation cross-sectiondRMhich have been proposed show the grade going down from the houses toward the blufftop. This will not promote backward drainage. It is wrong. 6) Rodent barrier. Congratulations for the recognition that the blufftop should be restored and a six-inch berm built along the edge. Inspection shows that the erosion so evident on the site is caused by rodents burrowing into the face of the bluff, under the edge, and allowing rain water from behind the edge to enlarge the burrows until they become gullies. To prevent this, a ditch should be dug the length of the berm, and galvanized 4 inch mesh wire screen should be buried in a vertical position directly under the berm. 7) Watering. The landscaping plan calls for a mixture of native and exotic plants inside the blufftop walk, and for a watering system for these plants. Such a system would put water exactly where it is not wanted --- at the top of a bluff subject to failure. Recent experience around Upper Newport Bay shows that even when a licensed geologist has signed off on such a plan, it is not safe. The bluffs must be protected from ground water. B) Lighting. The Castaways view park should emphasize natural beauty, not manicured prettiness. As much as possible, it should stay in its natural state, without paved walks, watered vegetation, or night lighting. It has none of these things now, and we love it. 9) Dover-19th corridor. This development is being used in a attempt to revive the defunct plan to bridge the Santa Ana River at 19th Street, and make an arterial out of 19th Street and .Dover Drive. This plan is dead, and properly so. Dover should be redesignated on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways to show it as a four lane road. The arterial plan would have a devastating effect on homes along Dover and 19th, and on the environment, as detailed below. 10) Wetlands. In order -to carry out the defunct arterial plan, it would be necessary to destroy the wetlands where cat -tails grow alongside Dover Drive. The idea that this could be "mitigated" by supposed improvement of wetlands elsewhere, is as foolish as saying that murder can be "mitigated" by enhancing the quality of someone else's life. 11) Historic road. In support of the defunct arterial plan, it is suggested that the historic access road to the Castaways needs to be rebuilt to provide access for City vehicles. The historic road was sufficient for generations of diners to reach the Castaways restaurant, to it is sufficient for City vehicles. It, and the shoulder above Dover Drive that supports it, are part of the City's historic legacy. It should be repaved, not regraded. It can easily take access at the bottom from the access road for Resubdivision 972. (It should be noted that City vehicles can easily take access to the park from a blufftop street.) /� 0 0 Planning Commission Meeting November 10, 1994 Agenda Item No. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A. Tentative May of Tract No. 15012 (Public Hearing) 7 Request to subdivide 26 acres of land into 119 numbered lots for single family detached residential development; 1 numbered lot for public park purposes and 22 lettered lots for public open space, private open space, private streets and future public street purposes; and the acceptance of an environmental document. 0 B. Site Plan Review No. 71 (Public Hearin Request to approve a Site Plan Review for the development of 119 single family to dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open space on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: A portion of Lot 2, Tract No. 1125 and a portion of Lot 165, Block 53, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 900 Dover Drive, on the southeasterly side of Dover Drive, between West Coast Highway and Westcliff Drive. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Applications If approved, the applications 'submitted will allow the subdivision of the Upper Castaways property for single family residential development. A tentative tract map has been submitted to provide for the subdivision of the property into 119 residential lots and various parcels for public park and open space uses, as well as for private open space. Tentative Tract Map procedures are set forth in Chapter 19.12 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act. A Site Plan Review approval is also requested as required by the Planned Community District Regulations, including approval of a portion of the dwellings at a height of 32 feet. Site # 0 TO: Planning Commission - 2. Plan Review procedures are contained with the Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations, as well as Section 20,01.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance This project was originally reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as part of the Program Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement (CIOSA).. As provided for by CEQA, the City has used this Program BIR to provide the basis for an initial study. Through the initial study process, the City has reviewed the detailed information now available with the subdivision map and site plan review submittal in order to determine if, based on this new information, the determinations of the original E1R are still appropriate. The new initial study has revealed that, with the four new mitigation measures suggested, there are no new significant environmental effects which cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for the consideration of the Planning Commission. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The subject property is a vacant site on the easterly side of Dover Drive between the Lower Castaways site and the Westcliff Grove subdivision. The Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, at the corner of Dover Drive and 16th Street, is surrounded by the site on three sides. To the north are single family homes in Westcliff Grove and Dover Shores/Westcliff. To the east is Upper Newport Bay, with the De Anza Bayside Village Mobile Home Park beyond. To the south is the Lower Castaways site with West Coast Highway beyond. To the west, across Dover Drive, are commercial, office and church buildings, as well as the residential area of Cliff Haven. Compliance with the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan The site is designated for Single Family Detached land use in both the General Plan Land Use Element and the Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. The site is allocated a maximum of 151 dwelling units. The proposed development is consistent with this land use designation. The Circulation Element of the General Plan designates Dover Drive between West Coast Highway and Westcliff Drive as a Major Arterial, six -lanes, divided, Provision of frontage improvements to facilitate the implementation of this roadway classification are necessary to maintain consistency with the General Plan. Background The approval of the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement was concluded in June, 1993 with the approval of the California Coastal Commission. The agreement sets forth a comprehensive program of circulation system funding, open space dedications and land use entitlement, The Upper Castaways site was part of the agreement, which established the development areas, dedication areas, and frontage improvement requirements for the project. 0 TO: Planning Commission - 3. The area for residential development was established at 29 acres, 4.8 acres was set aside for an active park, and the balance of the site set aside for bluff and view park dedication, and right-of- way dedications. The frontage improvement obligation was set at $600,000, which is one-half of the estimated cost of completing Dover Drive to major arterial standards. A copy of the CIOSA Agreement is attached for the information of the Planning Commission. Analysis Tentative Tract Map No. 15012. The design of the subdivision is generally consistent with the CIOSA Agreement and the City's subdivision requirements. The most significant point of departure is the design of the subdivision adjacent to Dover Drive. Dover Drive Setback. The P-C Text (an attachment to the Agreement) requires a 35 foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way line to the property line. The map submitted shows a 15 foot setback, with the buildings conforming to the 35 foot setback. It has been noted that there is a discrepancy in the defined setback for the residential development from Dover Drive. Constraints maps included in the CIOSA Agreement Addendum describe this setback as a "building setback." The Agreement also states that if conflicts occur, the language of the addendum shall govern. The addendum includes provisions regarding the alteration of the "maximum extent of grading for non-public uses" shown on the constraints map. It is the interpretation of The Irvine Company that because the constraints map references the 35 foot setback as a building setback, that the P-C Text has effectively been changed. However, the addendum itself also states that alteration of the maximum extent of grading can occur only if "City of Newport Beach setback requirements are met." Therefore, the language of the addendum specifically incorporates the setback requirements of the Planned Community District Regulations. As a result, the residential lot lines along Dover Drive should be required to conform to the 35 foot setback. A condition setting forth this requirement is included in the suggested Findings and Conditions. The Public Works Department is suggesting a number of conditions which warrant additional discussion. Each is discussed individually below: 1. Slope Repair (TTM Condition 16). A condition has been included requiring the applicant to repair the severely eroded sections of the bluff face in the view park area prior to dedication. While the CIOSA does not require The Irvine Company to make actual park improvements, it is the position of staff that the City should not be required to accept slopes which are in a deteriorated condition due to inadequate and deferred maintenance by the property owner. The City will, upon acceptance of the dedication, assume all long term maintenance responsibility as well as liability. The slopes should, therefore, be delivered to the City with the deferred maintenance conditions corrected. 2. Trail Width (TTM Condition 13). The Irvine Company is proposing to construct a portion of the bluff top pedestrian/bicycle trail adjacent to the development area. The width of trail shown on the plans is 8 feet. In order to adequately serve the expected uses of the trail, 12 feet will be required. The trail will serve, not only as a pedestrian trail, but also a bicycle trail. Combination trails require 12 feet to comply with State design standards. Additionally, the trail will be the only accessway for Fire Department rescue vehicles, Police units and General Services maintenance vehicles. A condition is included setting forth this requirement. 0 TO: Planning Commission - 4. 3. Trail Connections(TTM Conditions 13 & 19). Primary access to the view park is proposed via a reconstructed road from a new intersection at CliffDrive on Dover. Direct access to the view park will not exist from 16th Street. Since access from 16th Street is precluded due to the design of the subdivision, the trail connection to the new accessway should be provided. A condition is included setting forth this requirement. 4. Cliff Drive Signal (TTM Condition 20). As previously stated, the design of the subdivision precludes access to the view park from 16th Street. That intersection would have provided primary, signalized access to the view park,+ as it provides access to the site today. Replacement of this signalized access at Cliff Drive is required to accommodate the design of the subdivision, and is considered to be a frontage improvement. It should be noted that The Irvine Company has already committed to fund 50% of this signal as part of the Castaways Marina approval. The City has already budgeted for the remaining 50%. This condition will not alter the obligations of The Irvine Company, but could affect the timing of signal installation. Frontage Improvements (TTM Conditions 21 & 22). In addition to right -of --way dedication and grading, a minimum amount of improvements have been identified to address existing system improvement needs. These include extending the third northbound lane on Dover Drive through the new intersection at Cliff Drive, improvement to sight distance as Dover Drive curves to the northeast, and the creation of a nght turn lane for Westcliff Drive as it enters Dover Shores/Westcliff. 6. Master Plan Water Line Installation (TTM Conditions 27 & 28). A condition of approval has been included requiring the installation of a 12 inch water line connection between existing 12 inch lines at Polaris Drive and Dover Drive at 16th Street. This utility is part of the City's Water Master Plan and is required to provide adequate water circulation and looping. The City has imposed similar requirements in other subdivisions (example: Belcourt). Street Names, The City's Subdivision Code requires the Planning Commission to review and approve of the street names for the subdivision. The recent changes to processing procedures for tract maps (omitting Planning Commission review of Final Maps) requires that this issue be addressed at the Tentative Map stage. The Irvine Company has submitted the following street names for the consideration of the Commission: Street Name A Castaway Drive B Castaway North C Castaway South D Cape Windsor E Cape Danbury F Cape Woodbury These names have been reviewed by the Fire Department, and there are no problems with these names as proposed. Site Plan Review No. 71. A site plan review requirement was established in the Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations in order to ensure that the development would not preclude the implementation of General Plan objectives and policies as well as preventing development characterized by inadequate and poorly planned landscaping, excessive building bulk, ina propriate placement of structures and failure to preserve, where feasible, natural landscape features. 0 TO: Planning Commission - 5. The Planned Community District Regulations also allow the construction of residential structures to a maximum height of 32 feet if approved through the Site Plan Review process. The applicant has requested that 2 of the eight elevations exceed the 24 foot average height (29 foot maximum) to the 32 foot maximum height limit. The Planned Community District Regulation set forth the standards for approval of the Site Plan Review. Each is discussed below: I. Sites subject to Site Plan Review under the provisions of this section shall be graded and developed with due regard for the aesthetic qualities of the natural terrain, Back Bay, and landscape, giving r nsideratrot: to waterfront resources and unique landforms such as coastal bluffs or other sloped areas; trees and shrubs shall not be indiscriminately destroyed The grading plan and design of the subdivision is similar to that which was originally envisioned as part of the approval of the CIOSA Agreement, except that the shift to a detached residential product has resulted in a lesser elevation differential between the development area and the park area than anticipated. This has resulted in a more sensitive treatment of the interface between public and private areas. Additionally, selective removal and replacement of diseased trees in the remnant windrow in the center of the property has been incorporated into the landscape plan. These facts, in association with compliance with the bluff restoration condition of approval previously discussed in the staff report results in compliance with this standard. 2: No structures shall be permitted in areas of potential geologic hazard unless specific mitigation measures are adopted which will reduce adverse impacts to an acceptable level or the Planning Commission or City Council, on review or appeal, finds that the benefits outweigh the adverse impacts Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project via the original certified program EIR ensuring compliance with this requirement. 3. Residential development shall be permitted in areas subject to noise levels greater than 65 CNEL only where specific mitigation measures will reduce noise levels in exterior areas to less than 65 CNEL and reduce noise levels in the interior of residences to 45 CNEL or less. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project via the original certified program EIR ensuring compliance with this requirement. 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, and other site features shall give proper consideration to functional aspects of development. The site plan has been reviewed by City departments and the plan, with the suggested conditions of approval and the mitigation measures incorporated during environmental review ensures compliance with this standard. 5. Development shall be consistent with specific General Plan policies and objectives, the adopted Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement, and shall not preclude the implementation of those policies and objectives. The site plan has been reviewed by City departments and the plan, with the suggested conditions of approval and the mitigation measures incorporated during environmental review ensures compliance with this standard. 0 TO: Planning Commission - 6. 6. Development shall be physically compatible with the development site, taking into consideration site characteristics including, but not limited to, slopes and sensitive resources. The single family subdivision proposed is physically compatible with the site, and it in keeping with surrounding development. The proposal to include a pportion of the buildings at the 32 foot height limit is balance against the fact that the grading plan proposed does not use the full elevation differential allowed by the Planned Ccmmumty District Regulations. Staff has suggested a condition for approval of the site plan review limiting the number of 32 foot high building to 50 X of the units. 7. Archeological and historical resources shall be protected to the extent feasible or appropriate mitigation measures shall be implemented Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project via the original certified program EIR ensuring compliance with this requirement. Conclusion and Snecific Recommendation Section 19.12.070 (D) of the Municipal Code provides that in, order to approve a subdivision, the Planning Commission shall determine that it is satisfied with the plan of subdivision, that the map is in conformity with the requirements of Title 19, all ordinances of the City and all applicable general and specific plans. Should the Planning Commission wish to approve this application, the findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. In accordance with Section 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act, a legislative body of a city or county shall deny approval of a tentative map, or a parcel map for which a tentative map was not required, if it makes any of the following findings: (a) That the proposed map is not consistent with applicable and general and specific plans. (b) That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans. (c) That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development. (d) That the site is not physically suitable for the density of development. (e) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildfife or their habitat. (f) That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems. (g) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. In order to approve the Site Plan Review, the Planning Commission must determine that the project is in compliance with the standards described in the Staff report. TO: Planning Commission - 8. EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 15012 SITE PLAN REVIEW NO.71 A. Environmental Document Findings: 1. That CEQA allows a program EIR to be used to simplify the task of preparing environmental documents on later parts of the program. Among several uses the program EIR can provide the basis in an Initial Study for determining whether the later activity may have significant effects (CEQA Guidelines, section 15168, subd.(d).) 2. CEQA further allows that a negative declaration may be issued in reliance upon an existing EIR prepared for an earlier project, if the project for which the negative declaration is prepared will not cause any significant effects or in the case of a mitigated negative declaration no effects which cannot be eliminated or reduced to a level of insignificance. (Guidelines, section 15070. subd.(b) and 15153, subd.(c).) 3. The Initial Study analyzed the proposed site plan and tentative map for the Upper Castaways residential development based on information contained in the previously certified 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR and any new information which has become available regarding the project, 4. The assumptions and conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR have been found to be valid and appropriate for use in evaluating the current proposal. The Initial Study has found that there are no new potential significant adverse impacts which cannot be eliminated or mitigated to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measures: That all mitigation measures applicable to the project set forth in Final Environmental Impact Report No. 148 be complied with as set forth in the approved mitigation monitoring program. 2. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or commencement of grading, whichever comes first, the City or applicant (whoever is responsible for grading and construction of the access road), shall prepare a detailed landscape plan for review and approval by the City of Newport Beach Planning, Public Works, and General Services Departments. This plan shall provide for both interim and permanent landscaping which will prevent erosion, soften the visual impact of the grading, and be consistent with surrounding vegetation within the future view park. The use of native and drought -tolerant vegetation shall predominate. 0 0 TO: Planning Commission - 7. It is staffs opinion that none of the above findings regarding the tentative tract map may reasonably be made in this case. Additionally, this entitlement is the subject of the CIOSA Agreement, and the commitment of the site for residential and open space uses has already been made. Therefore, no findings for denial has been prepared. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director By ' Patricia L. Temple Advance Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A" 2. Negative Declaration 3. CIOSA Agreement 4. Tentative Tract Map 5. Site Plan, Floor Plans, and Elevations PLT:..WLAMINO\PATTY-TTMPRUTM15012.DOC TO: Planning Commission - 9. 3. Graded slopes shall vary in steepness with the majority of slopes at a steepness of 3:1. 4. At the time park facility plans are prepared by the City for the future view park, a lighting plan shall be prepared and evaluated for the access road. Lighting shall be only the minimum necessary to provide safe access for use of the road during standard hours of operation for the park. If provided, lighting shall be designed to eliminate any light spillage past the edge of the property along Dover Drive. 5. The City of Newport Beach shall provide adequate parking for the future view park area on Upper Castaways. A specific parking plan shall be prepared concurrent with preparation of park facility plans for the view park. Parking shall be convenient to either trail access or the paved access road. Tentative Map of Tract No. 15012: Findings: 1. That the design of the subdivision improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. 2. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 19.08.020 of the Municipal Code and Section 66415 of the Subdivision Map Act. 3. That grading and drainage improvements are required along the bluff top trail in order to prevent continued erosion of the natural bluffs. 4. That the access drive is required at Dover Drive and Cliff Drive for maintenance, emergency rescue and police patrol access to the bluff top area to replace the access lost from 16th Street. The grading for frontage improvements along the Dover Drive frontage provides required sight distance. 5. That a traffic signal is needed at Dover Drive and Cliff Drive due to the increase in vehicular traffic and pedestrian crossing activity. 6. That Resubdivision No. 972 provides access to Lower Castaway across a portion of Tentative Tract No. 15012 and that Tentative Tract No. 15012 is required to be consistent with a currently approved map. Conditions: 1. That the Tentative Tract Map be revised to delete the area from the tentative map that is proposed as the access road for the Lower Castaways site in conformance with Resubdivision No. 972, currently being processed; that an accompanying construction easement for constructing the future access road be provided; and that an easement for ingress and egress TO: Planning Commission - 10. be provided across the future Lower Castaways access road for the park access road to be constructed with the proposed tract. 2. That a final map be recorded. That the final map be prepared so that the Bearings relate to the State Plane Coordinate System. The final map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83) and that prior to recordation of the final map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall submit to the County Surveyor a digital -graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. That prior to recordation of the final map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Section s 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each, Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 3. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department, 4. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the Public improvements if it is desired to record a tract map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 5. That each dwelling unit be served with an individual water service and sewer lateral connection to the public water and sewer systems unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and the Building Department. 6. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer and the Fire Department. 7. That the design of the private streets and drives conform with the City's Private Street Policy (L-4), except as approved by the Public Works and Fire Departments. The basic roadway width shall be a minimum of 32 feet parking one side and 36 feet parking both sides. The location, width, configuration, and concept of the private street and drive systems shall be subject to further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and Fire Department. 8. That the intersection of the private streets and drives be designed to provide sight distance for a local street in conformance with City standard 110-L, Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 9. That the California Vehicle Code be enforced on the private streets and drives, and that all traffic control devices shall be shown on a plan approved by the Public Works Department. TO: Planning Commission - 11. 10. That if it is desired to have a control gate at the entrance, a turnaround shall be provided prior to the gate. The design of the controlled entrance shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works, Fire and Police Departments. 11. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility purposes on all private streets be dedicated to the City and that all easements be shown on the tract map unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 12. That asphalt or concrete access roads shall be provided to all public utilities, vaults, manholes, and junction structure locations, with width to be approved by the Public Works Department. 13. That a 12 foot wide bluff top trail shall be constructed with a connection on the north at Grove Lane and a connection on the south at Dover Drive. The trail shall be structurally designed to handle maintenance and emergency vehicular traffic. The Trail shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the top of proposed slope. The design of the trail shall include lighting and be approved by the Public Works Department, General Services Department, Utilities Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Community Services Department. 14. The bluff top open space area shall be designed to convey the drainage away from the top of slope to be picked up by the private storm drain system to be maintained by the association. All landscaping inland of the bluff top trail shall be planted and maintained by the developer/association. An agreement shall be required for maintenance of the landscape and drainage system and approved as to form by the City Attorney's office. 15. That the heavily eroded areas with near vertical faces along the bluff top shall be repaired and all drainage directed away from the bluff top edge. The locations to be repaired shall be reviewed and approved by the City. 16. That prior to the developer dedicating the View Park, Lot "U", to the City, all heavily eroded areas with near vertical faces along the bluff top shall be repaired and all drainage directed away from the bluff top edge. The property must be put in a safe condition prior to the City's acceptance of the park site. 17. That a bus turnout and shelter pad be constructed on Dover Drive just north of 16th Street as approved by the Public Works Department and the Orange County Transit Authority. 18. That the active park site, proposed Lot 120, be graded at 2% with site drainage conveyed to the storm drain system unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. Erosion control shall be provided on the site as required by the City Grading Engineer. 19. That a 24 foot wide access road be constructed in the -proposed Open Space Lot "U" from the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive along the alignment of the old Castaways Road and connect to the bluff top trail. The emergency access road shall be a maximum 8% grade with a turn around. The road shall be designed to accommodate heavy vehicles and Fire TO: Planning Commission -12. Department apparatus. The design is to be approved by the Public Works Department. That the design and grades of the emergency access road be compatible with the proposed grades for the proposed Lower Castaways access road, and that they meet ADA access standards. 20. That the developer contribute 50% of the cost of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive prior to the occupancy of the first housing unit within the proposed tract development. 21. That frontage improvements be constructed on Dover Drive between Cliff Drive and 16th Street to provide 3 lanes in each direction at Cliff Drive tapering to 2 lanes in each direction at 16th Street. These improvements shall be completed prior to occupancy of the first residential unit. 22. That frontage improvements be constructed on Dover Drive at Westcliff Drive to provide a north bound through lane and a right turn lane. These improvements shall be completed prior to occupancy of the first residential unit. 23. That construction access to the development be from 16th Street and that the last 100' of haul road adjacent to 16th Street shall be paved with asphalt with another 100' of aggregate adjacent to the asphalt to clean truck tires unless an alternate plan is approved by the Public Works Department. A plan for cleaning the trucks must be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 24. That street, drainage and utility improvements be shown of standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer. 25. That a hydrology and hydraulic study be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department, along with a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities for the on -site improvements prior to recording of the tract map. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. The condition includes all areas covered by the subdivision map. 26. That an easement for water purposes be dedicated across lot "N" and a water main constructed between Street "D" and the Dover Drive at Cliff Drive intersection with a fire hydrant connection as approved by the Utilities, Fire and Public Works Departments. 27. That a 12" diameter water main be constructed between 16th Street and Polaris Drive and connect to the existing 12" lines in 16th Street and Polaris Drive. That the proposed 10' wide easement through lot "0" be relocated westerly of Lot "0" in order to align with the 12" water main in Polaris Drive. 28, That the easterly property line of Lot 38 be moved westerly 15' in order to provide an adequate easement for the proposed 12" water main unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. TO: Planning Commission - 13. 29. That storm drain facilities designed to empty into the Polaris Storm Drain System shall be approved by the Orange County EMA prior to issuance of any grading or building permits. 30. That prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available for the project. Such demonstration shall include verification from the Orange County Sanitation District and the City's Utilities Department. 31. That an additional 28 feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the public for street and highway purposes along the Dover Drive frontage in order to provide a minimum of 128 feet of right- of-way. That the 28 foot width be graded to future curb grade along the entire length of the Dover Drive frontage with a 2% cross fall at the time of the proposed tract grading, and that a 10 foot wide concrete sidewalk be constructed along the tract frontage between Westcliff Drive and Cliff Drive. 32. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 33. That the Public Works Department plan check and' inspection fee be paid. 34. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. There shall be no construction storage or delivery of materials within the Dover Drive right-of-way. 35. That a fire protection system acceptable to the Fire Department be installed by the developer and tested by the Fire Department prior to storage of any combustible materials or start of any structural framing. 36. That the Coastal Bluff property line Setback from the edge of the bluff shall be located no closer to the edge of the bluff than the point at which the top of the bluff is intersected by a line drawn from the solid toe of the bluff at an angle of 26.6 degrees to the horizontal. In no case shall a property line be located closer than forty (40) feet from the edge of a bluff or any eroded area of the bluff unless the area is restored. 37. That utility and private access easements be dedicated and improved between Dover Drive and "F" Street and between Polaris Drive and "C" Street. The improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. 38. That the landscape plans shall be subject to the review of the Public Works, 'Police and General Services Departments and any landscaping adjacent to or within the view trails and parks shall be subject to review by the Community Services Department. TO: Planning Commission - 14. 39. That 16th Street be restriped to provide clear ingress and egress to the site. 40. That all above grade utility enclosures shall be located in such a manner as to provide a minimum 4'0" clear width sidewalk on private streets and 8'0" width on public streets. 41, That the slopes adjacent to the tract located in the park sites have a maximum slope of 4 to 1 unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department, 42. That the subdivision be redesigned along Dover Drive to comply with the 35 foot property line setback as set forth in the Planned Community District Regulations. 43. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, detailed plans and recommendations for repair of the existing bluff top erosional features shall be provided for the review and approval of the City Grading Engineer, 44. An increase in the rate of groundwater recharge related to the proposed development and related irrigation systems may adversely affect bluff stability and increase the current rate of bluff retreat. Plans and recommendations mitigating these effects shall be reviewed and approved by the City Grading Engineer prior to issuance of any grading permits. 45. Minimum fire flow requirement is 1000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure. 46. The location of all fire hydrants shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. A hydrant shall be provided in the view park in the vicinity of the access road. Site Plan Review No. 71: Findings: 1. That the development of Upper Castaways will not preclude implementation of specific General Plan objectives and policies if in accordance with the plans as modified by the condition for approval. 2. That the value of the property is protected by preventing development characterized by inadequate and poorly planned landscaping, excessive building bulk, inappropriate placement of structures and failure to preserve where feasible natural landscape features. Conditions: That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan, site plan, floor plans and elevations, except as modified in the following conditions and those imposed on the Tentative Tract Map. (411Y OF NEEWPORT BEA* 3300 Newport Boulevard - P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 - (714) 644.322S NEGATIVE DECLARATION To: From: City of Newport Beach Office of Planning and Research Planning Department XX 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 CA 95814 3300 Newport Boulevard - P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Sacramento (Orange County) County Clerk, County of Orange _ Public Services Division XX Date received for filing at OPR: P.O. Box 838 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Public review period .x �..0 .._. . o ttohar 2, 1994 - Nnyarihpr 7_ 1Q94 Nmne of Project. Upper Castaways (711 15012) Project Location: Dover Drive/16th Street, Newport Beach Subdivision map and site plan review for 119 single-family detached Project Description: units on lots averaging 5,775 sq.ft. Finding: Pursuant to the provisions of City Council Policy K-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the and California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental have Affairs Committee has evaluated the proposed project a significant effect on the environment. determined that the proposed project will not A copy of the Initial Study containing the analysis supporting this finding is attached. The Initial Study may include mitigation measures that would eliminate or reduce potential environmental impacts. This document will be considered by the decision -makers) prior to final action on.the proposed project. If a public hearing will be held to consider this project, a notice of the time and location is attached. If you wish to appeal the appropriateness or adequacy of this document, your comments should be submitted in writing impacts prior to the close of the public review period. Your comments should specifically identify what environmental you believe be believe would result from the project, why they are significant, and what mitigation measures you should adopted to eliminate or reduce these impacts. There is no fee for this appeal. ifa public hearing will be held, you are also invited to attend and testify as to the appropriateness of this document. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact the undersigned. T/AAO) •�( /.( /w /IJ I Date (�� i� /99y %W11,1r1GL Pldn4li 7 ��lana9� 0 0 TO: Planning Commission - 15. 2. That a minimum of two parking spaces per dwelling unit be provided, plus two guest parking spaces per unit. Of the guest spaces, a minimum of one per unit shall be provided on -street or in commonly accessible parking bays. 3. That a minimum of 50% of the dwelling units shall comply with the 24 foot height limit as defined in the Newport Beach Municipal Code. A maximum of 50% of the dwelling units may exceed this height to the maximum 32 foot limit provided for the PC Text. 4. That the lots along Dover Drive shall conform to the 35 foot property line setback from the ultimate right-of-way line as set forth in the PC Text. 5. Landscape plans for common areas and individual lots shall incorporate automatic irrigation systems equipped with an override keyed to continuous moisture measurement devices unless otherwise approved by the City Grading Engineer. 6. That this site plan review shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 K of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 0 6 INITIAL STUDY UPPER CASTAWAYS INTRODUCTION Title of Proposal: Upper Castaways Date Checklist Submitted: 10/4/94 (draft) Project Applicant: California Pacific Homes Agency Requiring Checklist: City of Newport Beach Agency Address: P:O. Box 1768 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Agency Contact: Patricia Temple, Advance Planning Administrator (714) 644-3225 Project Location: City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, California Project Address: The Upper Castaways site is bounded by Dover Drive and an existing church on the west, existing residential single family homes to the north, Upper Newport Bay to the east and the future Lower Castaways Marina, site and Coast Highway to the south. Description of Project: The applicants are seeking approval of a site plan review and approval of a tentative subdivision map for construction of 119 single family detached residential units and 0.8 acres of private open space on 26 acres pursuant to the Planned Community District Regulations adopted in 1992. The site plan depicts 119 single family detached units on lots averaging about 5,775 square feet. The residential units are expected to range in size from approximately 2,100 square feet to 3,500 square feet. The development is proposed as a fenced, gated community with private streets. /% r INITIAL STUDY UPPER CASTAWAYS ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST AND EVALUATION I. PROJECT HISTORYIPREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION In 1992, the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement (CIOSA Agreement) was approved by the Newport Beach City Council, The CIOSA Agreement vested entitlement for i 1 sites consistent with the General Plan and in conformance with provisions of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. The Agreement identified 152 acres of open space to be dedicated by The Irvine Company in fee to the City. The Agreement established the commitment and timing for certain circulation improvements and funding. The Upper Castaways site was included in the CIOSA Agreement. The CIOSA Agreement provides for entitlement of 151 residential units on 26 acres of the Upper Castaways site. Concurrent with review and approval of the CIOSA Agreement, the City of Newport Beach also reviewed and adopted Planned Community District Regulations for the Upper Castaways site. The Planned Community District Regulations allow for 151 residential units on 26 acres. Permitted residential uses are townhouse, condominium. and single-family detached units. A Program EIR was prepared in 1992 which addressed the potential impacts of implementing the CIOSA agreement which included development of the Upper Castaways site. The Newport Beach City Council certified the Final Program EIR (State Clearinghouse Number # 91041017) on August 24, 1992, On September 14, 1992, the CIOSA Agreement, associated Planned Community District Regulations, and other related actions were approved. With these approvals the City Council also adopted a Statement of Findings and Facts and a Mitigation Monitoring Program. These documents are on file for public review during normal business hours at the City of Newport Beach Planning Department, City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Subsequent to the City's approval, The Irvine Company and the City requested approval of the Agreement and related amendments to the Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan by the California Coastal Commission. This approval was granted on June 10,1994. The project applicant is now seeking approval of site plan review and a tentative tract map for a residential development comprised of 119 single family detached units. The project is described in the following section. PROJECT LOCATION The Upper Castaways project site is located in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California. Exhibit 1 is a map depicting the location of the site. 2 le The Upper Castaways site is bounded by Dover Drive and an existing church on the west, existing residential single-family homes to the north, Upper Newport Bay to the east, and the future Lower Castaways Marina and Coast highway to the south. The residential portion of the site totals 26 acres and is located in the northern portion of the site. /9 VICINITY MAP Castaways Site cl BAL 0 PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS Residential The applicants are seeking site plan review and approval of a tentative subdivision map for construction of 119 single family detached residential units and 0.8 acres of private open space on 26 acres pursuant to the Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations adopted in 1992. The concept site plan is provided in Exhibit 2. The site plan depicts 119 single family detached units on lots averaging about 5,775 square feet. The residential units are expected to range in size from 2,100 square feet to 3,500 square feet. The development is proposed as a fenced, gated community with private streets. A public trail system is proposed to extend from a point near Polaris Drive along the public bluff top setback area where the trail will continue to the boundary with the future adjacent view park. Future development of the view park by the City of Newport Beach will provide for a continuation of the public trail throughout the view park. Landscaping is proposed along Dover Drive, at the entrance, and along the edge of the project facing Upper Newport Bay. The landscape concept plan is provided in Exhibit 3. In addition to depicting the landscape concept for interior streets, perimeter landscaping, and the entrance landscape areas, the landscape concept plan also illustrates the design of a proposed public trail system along the bluff edge. The landscape materials to be used along the bluff include native and drought -tolerant vegetation. Exhibit 4 provides the preliminary grading plan for the residential portion of the site. The preliminary grading plan also identifies grading necessary for constructing the public trail system within the bluff top set back area as described in this section. Bluff top restoration will occur in five locations along the top of the bluff. Grading will be limited to that necessary to restore the natural line of the bluff and to discourage future, .continued erosion. No grading down the bluff face is proposed as part of the development of the residential or trail uses. Grading for residential and trail uses is expected to balance on site. Additional specific site/facility plans for other uses planned for adjacent areas within the Upper Castaways site are not proposed at this time. At a later date, these areas will be designed and developed by the City of Newport Beach for public use as a view park and an active park. View Park Access Road A separate, but related, project from the Upper Castaways residential project, is the future widening of Dover Drive from Coast Highway to Westcliff Drive. The widening of Dover Drive is not needed due to the traffic generated by the project but is a frontage improvement required by and addressed in the CIOSA Agreement and previous EIR. A portion of that widening project is required for the purpose of improving sight distance conditions in the general vicinity of the curve at Cliff Drive and also benefits the City. The City has not yet prepared specific grading plans for this project, but preliminary concept plans indicate that the future widening will encroach into the a/ slope along Dover Drive. This will result in removing an existing dirt access road that leads from Dover Drive up to the top of the bluff within the future view park area. This road currently provides emergency vehicle access to the blufftop. The City and the applicant have been working on a solution to provide adequate emergency and public access to the future view park area once the existing dirt access road is removed by the Dover Drive widening project and the northern portion of the Upper Castaways site is developed for residential uses. The need for adequate access will be even more important once there is increased public use of the future view park area. The applicant is constructing the public bluff top trail from Polaris Drive to the edge of the development boundary and the future view park to provide public access to the future view park. The City of Newport Beach Planning and Public Works Departments believe that an additional access point is necessary from Dover Drive to provide a full range of emergency and public access to the future view park and bluff area. To meet this need, the applicant has proposed a 24 foot wide paved access road constructed on an 8% grade. The access road would extend from the intersection of Cliff Drive and Dover Drive running generally parallel to Dover Drive up to the higher, level top of the future view park. About 35,500 cubic yards of excavation will be required. The steepness of graded slopes would vary from between 2:1 and 3:1 ratio, with 3:1 slopes predominating. The use of primarily 3:1 slopes is proposed to soften the visual impact of graded slopes along Dover Drive. a.2 • UPPER CASTAWAYS NP.W I'°°RT IIFM-IE CAI II ORNIA p� C'AI.IrOORN1AAPPIACIFIC HOMES q�t WVAT uKP �Vw � — " -xmAxi metr xawe mic ' d/'m-\a -�/ •uWY U P P C N N E W P O N I H A Y nests rmxxa[ ` —° nAN anew 'i ea =•I ° � ° Pa nnerp e _ TYPIc4 LOT DlW . POKING TABMATICN: ONNEFG oasvRr 11i PNEPAPED FOR 1 11` TECHNICAL SITE PLAN • UPPER CASTAWAYS • NRR'I'OIYI' If1".AC11, CAi.II+ORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC IIOMF;S .mm I'.T[I[.11AoIf$ Y� ' Y Y Y Y I I1111 Y\V IIII YIYI \\ \ r.�n Fr��•�rr. / "N I LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN sMR".imSHEETS *I • • UPPER CASTAWAYS NRWPORT OEACII.GLIFORNIA CAI.IFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES TV _ \\ \ PRFPIfIFD FIXt UIr PCR NL W Ir Olt 1 HAY I • �/ i •�� .+... ill .,• COLTAWAYS TTRGL 5!TM A -A TTPI[RL LOT OIPfMY AOFF EOOE MD TRAL PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN �-n• - SFFTEMYER ". IM SHEET 3 OF 20 0 M. ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION/INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE As discussed in Section I, Project History/Previous Environmental Documentation, a Final Program EIR was prepared and certified in 1992, which addressed the potential impacts of implementing the CIOSA Agreement, which included vesting entitlement on the Upper Castaways site. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR also considered potential impacts associated with adoption of Planned Community District Regulations for the Upper Castaways site. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR (SCH # 91041017) also analyzed the potential impacts of developing the Upper Castaways site based on the level of detail available in the Planned Community District Regulations and the CIOSA Agreement. The project applicant is now seeking approval of site plan review and a tentative tract map pursuant to the requirement of the CIOSA Agreement and adopted Planned Community District Regulations. CEQA allows a program EIR to be used to simplify the task of preparing environmental documents on later parts of the program. The program EIR can: Provide the basis in an Initial Study for determining whether the later activity may have significant effects; Be incorporated by reference to deal with regional influences, secondary effects, cumulative impacts, broad alternatives, and other factors that apply to the program as a whole; Focus an EIR on a subsequent project to permit discussion solely of new effects which had not been considered before. (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15168, subd.(c).) CEQA further allows that a negative declaration may be issued in reliance upon an existing EIR prepared for an earlier project, if the project for which the negative declaration is prepared will not cause any significant effects or, in the case of a mitigated negative declaration, no additional effects are identified which cannot be eliminated or reduced to a level of insignificance. (Guidelines, Section 15070. subd.(b) and 15153, subd.(c).) A program EIR specifically can be used for subsequent activities related to the project for which it was certified. If these activities have effects which were not examined in the program EM a new Initial Study should be prepared, leading to either an EIR or a Negative Declaration (Guidelines, Section 15168, subd. (c)(1)). This Initial Study incorporates by reference all portions of the Final Program EIR which apply to development of the Upper Castaways site and related improvements. Each environmental issue section below provides a reference to section(s) of Final Program EIR which pertain to the issue being analyzed. Where practical, a brief summary of the incorporated information is provided. The Final Program EIR is available for public review during normal business hours at the City of 10 a(� 0 0 Newport Beach Planning Department at the address provided in Section I above. The following environmental evaluation focuses on determining whether there are any new impacts of the current proposed project which were not considered in the previous 1992 Final Program EM Where any new impacts are identified, either changes in the project and/or additional mitigation measures are proposed where necessary to reduce any new impacts to a level of insignificance. Previously adopted mitigation measures were also reviewed as necessary to determine if any modifications are necessary as a result of more detailed information regarding the proposed project and its potential impacts. LAND USE rill this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified lit the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas. Yes Maybe No a) Substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? ❑ ❑ 'Q Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Land Use. This discussion is found on pages 48 to 87 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on page 69, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EM The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR concluded that development on the Upper Castaways site pursuant to entitlements provided in the CIOSA Agreement: • Will not result in a substantial alteration of the planned land use of an area. • Will not conflict with the City of Newport Beach General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. • Will not disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of the City of Newport Beach. • Will not impact agricultural land. During the public hearing for the draft CIOSA Program EIR comments were raised by members of the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church which Is located adjacent to the project site at the southeast comer of 16th Street and Dover Drive. These comments raised questions over the possible layout and proximity of homes adjacent to the church property and concern that there could be potential land use conflicts. As a result, Mitigation Measure 80 was added requiring that the applicant consult with the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church regarding the design of the residential development and to address specific site design issues (see attached list of mitigation measures). II a7 Environmental Evaluation - TJpner Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Ma» The proposed residential project is in conformance with the land use entitlements provided by the CIOSA Agreement. The proposed project is consistent with the assumptions used in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The site plan and tentative tract map are consistent with the provisions of the Planned Community District Regulations and the CIOSA Agreement and Addendum. The 119 single family detached homes are a permitted use under the District Regulations, Agreement, and General Plan. The proposed site plan meets all height and setback requirements. The site plan identifies a property line setback from the edge of the bluff which meets the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Bluff Top Set Back Ordinance. It has been noted that there is a discrepancy in the defined setback for the residential development from Dover Drive. The Planned Community District Regulations require a property line setback of 35 feet from the ultimate right-of-way. Constraints maps included in the CIOSA Agreement Addendum describe this setback as a "building setback." The Agreement also states that if conflicts occur, the language of the addendum shall govern. The addendum includes language regarding the alteration of the "maximum extent of grading for non-public uses" shown on the constraints map only if "City of Newport Beach setback requirements are met." Therefore, the language of the addendum specifically incorporates the setback requirements of the Planned Community District Regulations. As a result, the residential lot lines along Dover Drive will be required to conform to the 35 foot setback as determined by the Planning Commission or City Council. No potential land use impacts have been identified so long as all setback requirements are met. In conformance with Mitigation Measure 80 (see attached list of mitigation measures), the applicant has consulted with the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church during the site design process. Concerns regarding the proximity of buildings and fencing were incorporated into the proposed site plan. The residential structures along the shared boundary between the proposed project and the existing church have been setback a minimum of 25 feet to accommodate landscaping and a private trail leading to the view park. The site plan minimizes the number of lots which run along the properly line adjacent to the church and orients the placement of residential structures to maximize their distance from the boundary with the church. In addition, an approximately 100 foot section of the church's property will border one of the landscaped entrygardens flanking the entrance to the development. These design measures adequately address concerns related to noise and 'wrap -around' development raised in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EI . No additional mitigation measures are necessary. AESTHETICS/LIGHT AND GLARE Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program FdR prepared for the project, in the following areas. 12 a Yes Maybe No a) The obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public? ❑ ❑ C b) The creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? ❑ ❑ L c) Produce new light and glare? a ❑ ❑ Environmental Evaluation -1992 Final CIOSA Program E]R The 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Aesthetics/Light and Glare. This discussion is found on pages 88 to 135 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on page 110, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIEL. The 1992 Final Program E1R made the following conclusions regarding developing the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the CIOSA agreement: • No uses are expected to obstruct public views of a unique natural feature. • No uses are expected to obstruct public views of unique vistas. • The introduction of structures and landscaping will not be offensive to the community • Impacts from new sources of light and glare will not be significant, individually or cumulatively. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program ERR concluded that developing the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the CIOSA agreement will result in the following two significant unavoidable environmental effects which cannot be avoided if the project is implemented: The CIOSA project will result in the alteration of the safe use of public areas on the Upper Castaways, Bayview Landing, and Newporter North sites. The CIOSA project, in conjunction with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, will result in the loss of vacant/open space areas providing visual relief surrounding Newport Bay. Development of the Upper Castaways in conformance with the CIOSA agreement, is considered to incrementally contribute to this loss of vacant/open space areas. Changes or alterations in the project were required or were otherwise incorporated into the project and Mitigation Measure 1 was adopted which substantially lessened but did not avoid the significant environmental effects identified in the Final Program EIR. (See attached list of mitigation measures). 13 Pa • Environmental Evaluation -Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Mao Residential Project The site plan and tentative tract map are consistent with the provisions of the adopted Planned Community District Regulations and the CIOSA Agreement and Addendum. The 119 single family detached homes are a permitted use under the District Regulations, Agreement, and General Plan. The proposed site plan meets all height and setback requirements. (See setback discussion in Land Use section above.) The density and character of the proposed development is consistent with the assumptions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The site plan identifies a property line and building setback from the edge of the bluff which meets the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Bluff Top Set Back Ordinance. The "rear" of houses along the bluff edge will receive enhanced architectural treatment to produce a more attractive and interesting facade. Fencing along the bluff edge property line is proposed as 4 foot high tempered glass with stucco pilasters on a 3 foot high retaining wall. This will provide protection for the residential properties while allowing for views from the lots and preventing an unattractive 'walled corridor' along the bluff walk. The bluff walk will be landscaped. The applicant is proposing to provide landscaping within the public bluff top set back area. On the bluff side of the public trail, drought -tolerant native plants are proposed. On the interior side of the bluff walk, a mixture of native and non-native plants which are compatible with native species are proposed. This area will be permanently irrigated. Preliminary grading, drainage, and landscaping plans for the bluff top set back areas adequately address issues related to minimizing bluff erosion. Landscaping will also be provided along Dover Drive, in a large landscaped area at the entrance to the development from 16th Street. Review of the proposed site plan and tentative map confirms the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Development of the residential portion of the Upper Castaways site, as detailed in the .proposed site plan and tentative map, will not create any additional significant adverse impacts related to aesthetics/light and glare. Existing and planned land uses surrounding and near the site are the same as assumed in the 1992 analysis. There have been no substantial changes in the local or regional conditions that would change the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The applicant has provided landscape and grading plans for the bluff top setback area pursuant to adopted Mitigation Measure 1. View Park Access Road To provide adequate emergency and public access to the future view park, the applicant has proposed a 24 foot wide paved access road constructed on an 8% grade. The access road would extend from the intersection of Cliff Drive and Dover Drive running generally parallel to Dover Drive up to the higher, level top of the future view park. About 35,500 cubic yards of excavation would be required. The steepness of graded slopes would vary from between 2:1 and 3:1 ratio, 14 3p with 3:1 slopes predominating. As described on page 93 of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR., the slope along Dover Drive "is highly visible from Dover Drive and adjacent residences" Based on preliminary grading concepts, views of this section of the slope along Dover Drive will change with grading and construction of the Dover Drive widening. The widened road will requite cuts into the existing slopes particularly in the areas where the existing toe of slope runs down to meet the existing sidewalk. Estimates of grading required is 8,200 cubic yards of excavation. The widening is a frontage improvement relating to the Castaways project and is required for development of the Castaways site (both residential and park areas). Provision of a new access road to the future view park as part of the Upper Castaways project will require additional grading. The preliminary grading concept shown In Exhibit 4 is based on a road 24 feet wide with a gradient of 8%. This concept would required 35,500 cubic yards of excavation. The applicant has proposed using slopes of 3:1 for the majority of the design instead of the more standard 2:1 slopes (which are more steep). Although this requires a slightly larger area of grading, the nature and visual impact of the finished slope will be more gradual and will blend into surrounding bluffs in a more natural fashion. This will measurably reduce the extent of visual impacts to users of Dover Drive and Coast Highway. Other measures will be required to assure that adverse visual impacts associated with construction of the access road will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. The following measures are recommended for adoption: A. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or commencement of grading, whichever comes first, the City or applicant (whoever is responsible for grading and construction of the access road), shall prepare a detailed landscape plan for review and approval by the City of Newport Beach Planning, Public Works, and General Services Departments. This plan shall provide for both interim and permanent landscaping which will prevent erosion, soften the visual impact of the grading, and be consistent with surrounding vegetation within the future view park. The use of native and drought -tolerant vegetation shall predominate. B. Graded slopes shall vary in steepness with the majority of slopes at a steepness of 3:1. C. At the time park facility plans are prepared by the City for the future view park, a lighting plan shall be prepared and evaluated for the access road. Lighting shall be only the minimum necessary to provide safe access for use of the road during standard hours of operation for the park. If provided, lighting shall be designed to eliminate any light spillage past the edge of the property along Dover Drive. Adopted mitigation measures 31- 34 shallapply to the emergency access road project (please see attached list of mitigation measures). These measures will assure that -the manufactured slopes will 15 31 not be subject to unsightly erosion during and following grading and construction. The area to be impacted is not visually connected to the bluffs which border along Upper Newport Bay, the area is visible primarily from Dover Drive. Although the grading and construction of the access road will further alter the bluff and slopes (over that occurring under the Dover Drive widening project), the finished landscaped slopes should be aesthetically pleasing. No unique natural features or vistas will be lost or obstructed. With implementation of the above mitigation, there will be no significant adverse impacts associated with grading and constructing the access road. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? 12 ❑ ❑ b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking: i?1 ❑ ❑ c) Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? ❑ ❑ 10 d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? ❑ ❑ I e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? ❑ ❑ f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? ❑ ❑ Environmental Evaluation - 1992 CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, contains an environmental evaluation relating to Transportation/Circulation. A summary of the evaluation is found on pages 136 to 181 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R The traffic study prepared for the Program EIR is contained In Appendix B of Volume lI with supplemental traffic data contained in Appendix A of Volume III. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 149 and 150, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding potential impacts associated with implementing the entire CIOSA agreement which includes developing the Upper Castaways site: . Impacts on daily traffic volumes in the City of Newport Beach and the adjacent cities of Costa 16 3a 0 Mess, Irvine, and Huntington Beach are considered insignificant. No significant project -specific impacts related to the City of Newport Beach Circulation Element were identified. The CIOSA project (including development of the Upper Castaways site) meets the requirements of the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) and the Congestion Management Program. Implementation of development projects allowed under the CIOSA Agreement, in conjunction with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, will impact peak hour traffic volumes. Implementation of standard City policies and mitigation measures contained in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR will substantially lessen potential project -specific impacts to a level of insignificance. However, on a cumulative basis, the implementation of the entire CIOSA project has an incremental but measurable contribution to several intersections in the John Wayne airport area which already exceed the City's ICU criteria with or without the project. The additional traffic generated by the entire CIOSA project combined with traffic generated by other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects is viewed as a cumulative significant impact within the context of ongoing regional growth. . The project will not result in the alteration to waterborne, rail or air traffic. Mitigation measures 2 and 3 (see attached list of mitigation measures) were required with approval of the CIOSA project in 1992. Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Map Offsite Circulation System Impacts The traffic study prepared for the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR assumed the construction of 151 single family attached units on 26 acres of the Upper Castaways site. As discussed in the project description section of this Initial Study, the proposed residential project on the Upper Castaways site now contains 119 single family detached units on 26 acres. Trip generation characteristics were compared to determined if the revised project were result in greater impacts than previously identified in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program BIEL Table A provides a summary comparison. As shown, the revised project will generate 1320 Average Daily Trips (ADTs) which is 160 daily trips less than assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EHL The proposed project will generate 107 AM peak hour trips and 131 PM peak Hour trips which is 21 and 27 trips less, respectively, than assumed In the 1992 Final CIOSA Program E11L As a result, the proposed project will not have a greater impact on the local and regional circulation system than identified in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program ERL The proposed projects contribution to circulation impacts associated with implementing the CIOSA agreement will be slightly reduced. However, all original mitigation measures related to circulation/transportation still apply. No additional mitigation measures are required. 17 p Offsite Circulation Improvements and Related Adopted Mitigation Measures The CIOSA Agreement was approved in 1992. Subsequent to approval, the applicant and the City of Newport Beach have cooperated in creating the implementing mechanisms for the Agreement. The financial obligations for circulation improvements under the CIOSA Agreement will be satisfied through the formation and implementation of a financing district to be called the CIOSA Implementation District. The formation and implementation of the district is in compliance with the CIOSA Agreement, and will be structure to allow the City to derive road funding benefits of the agreement in a timely manner with the development of the Irvine Company's property. The City will use its charter city powers to create the CIOSA Implementation District. Once the District has been established, bonds may be sold by the city on a phased basis with the start of construction of each of the properties. The Fair Share Fee payment will be included in the first bond series. Repayment of the bonds will be the obligation of the developed properties, over the life of the bonds. The City has adopted the umbrella financing ordinance which will allow the actual CIOSA implementation District to be established. Final formation of the District is anticipated to occur in early 1995. As part of the creation of the CIOSA Implementation District, the City will prepare a circulation improvement monitoring program pursuant to adopted Mitigation Measure 2 (see attached list of mitigation measures). Pursuant to adopted Mitigation Measure 3 (see attached list of mitigation measures) which requires that the applicant shall construct or post bond for all frontage improvements identified in the Development Agreement, the applicant has identified on the preliminary grading map, the grading necessary for the future widening of Dover Drive adjacent to the Upper Castaways project. The development has been designed with all setbacks measured from the edge of future right-of-way. The applicant is offering to post bond or grade the Dover Drive improvements, whichever is required by the City of Newport Beach. 0 0 TABLE A UPPER CASTAWAYS TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON Assumptions from 1992 Program EIR Revised Project LAND USE SFA* SFD** NUMBER OF UNITS 151 119 AM PEAK IN 30 24 AM PEAK OUT 98 83 AM PEAK TOTAL 128 107 PM PEAK IN 98 83 PMPEAK OUT 60 48 PM PEAK TOTAL 158 131 TOTAL ADT 1,480 *Single Family Attached; ** Single Family Detached Onsite Circulation/Parking - Residential Area 1,320 Consistent with provisions of the Upper Castaways Planned Community District Regulations, the Upper Castaways project is proposed to be served by a single vehicular access point at the end of 16th Street. An additional emergency vehicle -only access is proposed from Dover Drive if required by the Newport Beach Fire Department. This proposed circulation system is essentially identical to that evaluated in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. No new impacts associated with onsite circulation have been identified. No new mitigation measures are required The site plan and tentative map identify the ultimate right-of-way for Dover Drive. All development setbacks and access points have been planned assuming the ultimate widening of Dover Drive consistent with the City's General Plan and provisions of the CIOSA Development Agreement, the timing of the Dover Drive widening has not been formally determined. However, the project design -as proposed will not interfere with implementing the City's Circulation Element or the CIOSA Development Agreement with respect to the future widening of Dover Drive. No new impacts associated with the ultimate widening of Dover Drive have been identified. No new mitigation measures are required. The proposed site plan provides for 610 parking spaces (5.10 spacestunit). There will be 357 garage spaces (3.0 spaces unit), 119 driveway spaces (1.0 spaceslunit), and 134 on street spaces (1.10 spacestunit). This number and type of parking spaces meets the parking requirements set 19 ,ys, forth in the Planned Community District Regulations (Section III, Subsection 11 .(c.)). Consequently, no adverse impacts related to parking are expected as a result of the proposed residential development. No new mitigation measures are required. Onsite Circulation/Parking - Open Space View Park Area As described in the project description, the future widening of Dover Drive to improve sight distance conditions and provide increased capacity will encroach into the bluff along Dover Drive. This will result in removing an existing dirt access road that leads from Dover Drive up to the top of the bluff within the future view park area. This road currently provides emergency vehicle access to the bluff top. The Newport Beach Planning and Public Works Departments believe that an enhanced access point is necessary from Dover Drive to provide a full range of emergency and public access to the future view park and bluff area. To meet this need,. the applicant has proposed a 24 foot wide paved access road constructed on an 8% grade. The access road would extend from the intersection of Cliff Drive and Dover Drive running generally parallel to Dover Drive up to the higher, level top of the future view park. The proposed access would provide adequate emergency access to the view park area. The proposed access in combination with the bluff top trail connecting the view park with Polaris Drive would provide adequate public access to the future view top park. Parking for the public use of the view park issue has not yet been considered. This issue will be planned and evaluated at the time the City of Newport Beach prepares facility plans for the view park. Mitigation has been provided that requires the City of Newport Beach to provide parking for the view park area since access to adequate parking will not be provided through the private gated residential community. Preliminary review of the site indicates that provision of parking will be feasible. D. The City of Newport Beach shall provide adequate parking for the future view park area on Upper Castaways. A specific parking plan shall be prepared concurrent with preparation of park facility plans for the view park. Parking shall be convenient to either trail access or the paved access road. Implementation of the project as proposed and the above mitigation will assure that there is adequate, safe access to the future view park area. There will be no significant adverse impact related to access or parking. 20 J6 AIR RESOURCES Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas. Yes Maybe No a) Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? ❑ ❑ 10 b) The creation of objectionable odors? ❑ ❑ It c) Alteration of air movement. moisture. or temperature, or any change- in climate, either locally or regionally? ❑ ❑ Bj Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Air Resources. This discussion is found on pages 182 to 195 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 185 and 188, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding implementing the CIOSA agreement which included developing the Upper Castaways site: • Short-term impacts potentially resulting from construction activities are negligible and highly localized. These impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with implementation of standard City policies and required mitigation measures. • Potential emissions resulting from mobile (vehicular) sources, combustion of natural gas, and the generation of electric energy will be mitigated to a level of insignificance with implementation of standard City policies and required mitigation measures. • The project -specific emissions, in conjunction with emissions generated from other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future project emissions, will contribute to an impact on regional air quality. • The project will not create any objectionable odors. • The project will not alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or result in any change in climate, either locally or regionally. Adopted mitigation measures 4 - 6, and 9 -11 apply to development on the Upper Castaways site. 21 31 6 Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Map Residential Project The proposed residential development will contain 32 fewer units than provided for in the CIOSA Agreement and evaluated in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. This represents a 20% reduction from 151 to 119 units. As discussed in the Transportation/Circulation section, there is a related decrease in the number of average daily and peak hour trips associated with the project. As a result, no additional impacts related to air resources have been identified. The project's contribution to impacts on regional air quality is reduced but not eliminated over that considered in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. There have been no substantial changes in the local or regional conditions that would change the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. View Park Access Road Grading of the view park access road will require between about 35,000 cubic yards of excavation over an area about an acre in size. This is an incremental increase over that expected for the grading of the 26 acre residential development and 4.8 acre future active park site. Air quality impacts related to grading would be the emission of fugitive dust and heavy-duty equipment emissions. These impacts would be very localized. Grading activities will not occur adjacent to or near any identified sensitive receptors. Please refer to the more detailed discussion of grading related impacts in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR (pages 188 - 189). Adopted mitigation measure 4 - 6 related to construction -related emissions shall apply to the view park access road project. No additional significant adverse impacts related to air quality are expected as a result of constructing the emergency access road. No additional mitigation measures are necessary. NOISE Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas. Yes Maybe No a) Increases in existing noise levels? ❑ ❑ 1"a b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? S ❑ ❑ Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Noise. This discussion is found on pages 196 to 235 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 196 and 215, 22 „p 6 Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding implementing the CIOSA agreement which Included developing the Upper Castaways site: • All short-term noise impacts resulting from construction activities will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. • Off -site noise impacts due to traffic generated by development allowed pursuant to the CIOSA agreement (including development of the Upper Castaways site) are not significant., • On -site noise levels related to traffic on Dover Drive will potentially exceed acceptable noise standards for residential uses. Standard City policies and required mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to a level of insignificance. All development within the Upper Castaways site will meet City standards. The proposed project, in conjunction with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, will not result in significant cumulative noise impacts. Adopted mitigation measures 12 and 14 (see attached list of mitigation measures) were required with approval of the CIOSA project in 1992 to mitigate noise impacts related to development on the Upper Castaways site. Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Map Residential Development Assumptions related to future traffic volumes and related noise levels along Dover Drive remain the same as those contained in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program Elk Residential units to be located along Dover Drive will experience noise levels in excess of 65 CNEL. These units will require mitigation as outlined in adopted mitigation measures 12 and 14. Adopted mitigation measure 79 requires that at the time of specific site plans and grading plans for the various components of the Upper Castaways site (e.g, residential, active park), the City shall review the plans to confirm that the mitigation measures provided in the 1992 Final CIOSA EIR related to construction noise will adequately control construction impacts potentially impacting the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church and its operations. The site plan and concept grading plan were reviewed to determine if construction -related noise impacts would be significant on church operations. There have been no significant changes in the assumed level of development, location of grading operations, or timing of development. Standard City policies related to the operation of construction equipment should adequately mitigate any temporary, short term noise impacts generated from grading or construction equipment. Consistent with adopted mitigation measures this issue will again be considered when detailed grading and construction plans are available for review. 23 View Park Access Road Grading activities for the view park access road will not occur adjacent to existing residential or other noise sensitive land uses. There is a nearby residential area located across and above Dover Drive behind commercial uses bordering the street. This area may be subject to noise during grading which may be perceived as a nuisance by some residents. Any such noise levels, however, will be temporary and subject to the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance which limits the hours of construction for areas near existing residential development. No significant adverse impact will result from grading of the emergency access road. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PLANT LIFE. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Change in the diversity of species, or number or any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants? ❑ ❑ b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? ❑ ❑ c) Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? ❑ ❑ [� d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? ❑ ❑ ANIMAL LIFE. a) Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? ❑ ❑ b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? ❑ ❑ c) Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species: ❑ ❑ d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? ❑ ❑ 24 YO Environmental Evaluation -1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R The 1992 Final Program E1R, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Biological Resources. This discussion is found on pages 236 to 270 of Volume I of the 1992 Final Program EIR. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 253, Volume I of the 1992 Final Program EIR. Volume III of the 1992 Final Program EIR, which contains the Response to Comments and Addendum, also contains information related to biological resources and impacts. In particular, responses to comments received from the US, Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Fish and Game, the California Native Plant Society, SPON, and Dr. Jan Vandersloot contain additional information related to biologicalimpacts. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding developing the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the CIOSA Agreement. • No significant impacts to sensitive plant species including aphanisma and the southern tarplant were identified. No significant impacts to sensitive wildlife species including the red - shouldered hawk, lightfooted clapper rail, the California black rail, and the California gnatcatcher were identified. • Mitigation measures have been provided to mitigate the loss of wetland habitat on Upper Castaways resulting from the future widening of Dover Drive (an adjacent project considered in the CIOSA Agreement). This impact is mitigated to a level of insignificance, • No impacts are anticipated to the saltwater marsh at the base of the coastal bluffs along Upper Newport Bay. • No impacts are anticipated to coastal sage scrub habitat from development of residential and open space uses due to the habitat being restricted to steep bluff faces which are not feasible for residential development or public use. However, possible stabilization of portions of the bluff slope required to provide a safe public trail could impact small areas of coastal sage scrub. Mtigation has been provided that mitigates this impact to a level of insignificance. • Removal of introduced annual grassland of low biological sensitivity is considered an insignificant impact. • Implementation of the complete CIOSA Agreement (including development of the Upper Castaways site) contributes on an incremental level to an overall reduction in the general botanical and wildlife resources of the area through habitat loss, fragmentation of habitats, interruption of wildlife movement and a reduction of genetic exchange among wildlife populations in the area. This is considered a significant cumulative impact. Adopted mitigation measures 15 - 18, 20, 24, and 83 apply to development on the Upper Castaway site. 25 r Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Man Residential Development The development area and limits of grading are substantially the same of that assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. No additional impacts from grading and construction of residential development are anticipated. Review of concept landscape plans for the development and bluff top trail area reflect the guidelines set forth in the adopted mitigation measures. The landscape palette for the bluff side of the bluff trail are native, non -irrigated, drought -tolerant, plant species. The palette for the development side of the trail is a mixture of native and non-native plants which are compatible in culture with native species. The preliminary concept grading plan indicates five areas along the bluff face which will require some stabilization/restoration work in order to provide a safe area for the public bluff trail to be built along the bluff top. However, detailed grading plans are not available for this work and are expected at a later level of review when final grading plans are reviewed and a grading permit is issued. Based on existing information, grading for stabilization/restoration will be 'limited in extent and will not extend down the bluff face. However, as discussed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, small amounts of coastal sage scrub may be impacted. Adopted mitigation measure 24 and 83 provide adequate mitigation for these impacts. Mitigation measure 24 requires revegetation with a mixture of coastal sage scrub species on steeper slopes and a mixture of predominantly native plant species on other graded areas adjacent to sensitive habitat areas. Mitigation measure 83 requires that a precise revegetation plan be submitted and for review and approval once the exact nature and extent of impacts are known, in this case, prior to issuance of a grading permit. View Park Access Road Grading for the access road will impact about i acre of introduced annual grassland considered to be of low biological sensitivity. No significant adverse impacts are expected. The small (0.8 - acre) wetland adjacent to Dover Drive will be impacted by the widening of Dover Drive as described in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The widening is expected to displace the entire wetland even without the replacement of the existing access road. The proposed view park access road does not increase the extent of impact on the wetland. No additional mitigation measures other than those already required by the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR are necessary. As required by adopted mitigation measure 20, the applicant shall be responsible for preparing and implementing a plan which will offset the loss of wetlands due to the widening of Dover Drive. Offset mitigation is expected to be provided offsite within existing wetland areas surrounding or near the Upper. Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. This is consistent with Mitigation Measure 20. 26 �a EARTH RESOURCES Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, In the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? ❑ bZ1 ❑ b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or over - covering of the soil? 17 QSl ❑ c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? ❑ ❑ d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? ❑ ❑ Rl e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soil, either on or off the site? ❑ V ❑ fj Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? ❑ ❑ t31 g) Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? ❑ ❑ Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Earth Resources. This discussion is found on pages 271 to 291 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EM. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on page 279. Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding development on the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the CIOSA agreement. The Upper Castaways site is potentially subject to significant adverse impacts related to faulting/seismicity, liquefaction, erosion, blufi7slope instability, compressibletcwllapsible soil, expansive and corrosive soil, and near surface ground water. Implementation of required mitigation measures mitigate all impacts to a level ofinsignificance. 27 If3 Adopted mitigation measures 27, 30, 31 - 43 apply to development of the Upper Castaways site. Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR Residential Development The development area and limits of grading are substantially similar to that assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The -density and type of development is also the same. No additional geotechnical work has been prepared at this time. Further geotechnical studies addressing at a minimum those requirements set forth In the adopted mitigation measures will be completed and evaluated prior to issuance of a grading permit. At this time, there is no new information which would alter the conclusions or mitigation measures contained in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. View Park Access Road No detailed geotechnical studies have been prepared at this time for the area proposed for a replacement view park access road. Development of grading plans are in the concept planning phase. Prior to grading a geotechnical study will be prepared which meets the requirements of applicable adopted mitigation measures which pertain to the Upper Castaways site. Specifically, mitigation measures 30 - 37, 39, 41 - 43 will apply to the view park access road project. As required by the mitigation measures, the final adopted grading plan will reflect the recommendation of these studies. WATER RESOURCES Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or freshwaters? ❑ ❑ It b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? ❑ 7� ❑ c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? ❑ ❑ `)Z1 d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? ❑ ❑ 1A e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality? ❑ V ❑ f j Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? ❑ ❑ P 28 1�,/ g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations: ❑ ❑ h) Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? ❑ ❑ )� i) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? ❑ ❑ IA Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EM, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Water Resources. This discussion is found on pages 292 to 301 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 295 and 296, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Additional discussion and analysis on water quality is contained in Volume III, Response to Comments and Addendum, pages 9-10, 57- 59, 75-76, and 155-156. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding development on the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the CIOSA agreement, • The project will not create changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or change in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet, or lake. • The project will not alter the direction or rate of flow of ground waters. • The proposed project will not change the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations. • The project will not substantially reduce the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies. • Subsequent to mitigation, the project will not result in significant short term impacts to water quality from construction -related sediment erosion. • Subsequent to mitigation, the project will not result in significant impacts due to increased drainage on an already inadequate drainage system. • Subsequent to mitigation, the proposed project, in conjunction with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, will not have a significant short term impact on the water quality in Newport Bay due to sediment from construction. 29 Lie 0 • Implementation of all development entitled in the CIOSA Agreement, in conjunction with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, will have an incremental long- term impact on water quality in Newport Bay due to increased urban pollutants. Adopted mitigation measures 44 - 50 and 74 - 77 apply to development on the Upper Castaways site. Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Man Residential Project Review of the proposed site plan and tentative map confirms the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The location and limits of development are substantially the same as that assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The site plan, tentative tract map, and preliminary grading and drainage plans appropriately reflect issues raised in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Preliminary plans for treatment of the bluff top setback area and public trail are sensitive to the issue of existing and increased drainage causing further erosion of the bluff face. Adopted mitigation measures related to these issues will be met as required by the adopted mitigation monitoring plan. Review of the plans do not reveal any new potential adverse impacts related to water quality or erosion. View Park Access Road Grading for the replacement view park access road will disturb about I acre. Grading will cut into existing slopes and construct new slopes. There is potential for erosion during grading and immediately following grading. This area drains to the lower Newport Bay. Any erosion could cause a short-term impact on water quality of the lower Newport Bay. Implementation of standard City policies related to control of erosion during grading will mitigate any potential impact to a level of insignificance. In addition, mitigation measures 44 - 46 shall apply to this part of the project and will adequately mitigate any impacts to a level of insignificance. HOUSING/POPULATION HOUSING Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas. Yes Maybe No a) Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? ❑ ❑ POPULATION a) Alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? ❑ ❑ 30 �k6 Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EiR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Housing. This discussion is found on pages 302 to 311 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 303, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program ElIL made the following conclusions regarding implementation at the CIOSA agreement. • The proposed project will not alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of -the area. • The proposed project will not significantly alter the location, distribution, and density at the City of Newport Beach housing stock. • The proposed project will meet the affordable housing goal and will not create a need for additional housing. • The proposed project will incrementally improve the City's jobsthousing ratio. • No significant cumulative impacts wore identified. No mitigation measures were found necessary. Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Map The development as proposed is substantially similar to that assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Review of the proposed site plan and tentative map confirms the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Development of the residential portion at the Upper Castaways site, as detailed in the proposed site plan and tentative map, will not create any significant adverse impacts related to housing and population. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certlfred Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or archaeological site? ❑ ❑ 31 �? b) Result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a pre- historic orhistoric building, structure, or object? ❑ ❑ c) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? ❑ ❑ d) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? ❑ ❑ 0 Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Cultural Resources. This discussion is found on pages 310 to 331 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The criteria used in the Evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 316 - 317 (for archaeological resources) and page 329 (for paleontological resources), Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding developing the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the CIOSA agreement. • After mitigation, the proposed project will not result in significant impacts to any known archaeological resources. • After mitigation, the proposed project will not result in significant adverse impacts to archaeological or paleontological resources. • The project will not result in an adverse physicalor aesthetic effect on a prehistoric or'historic building, structure, or object. • The project does not have the potential to cause a physical change that would affect unique ethnic cultural values. • The project will not restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. Adopted Mitigation Measures 51 - 54 and 67 - 70 apply to development on the Upper Castaways site (see attached list of mitigation measures). Environmental Evaluation -Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Man . The residential development area is substantially the same as that assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The limits of grading as shown on the preliminary grading plan will not cause any unanticipated impacts to known archaeological sites on site. The residential development impacts Ca-Ora48 was analyzed in the 1992 Program EIR Because the site has been severely disturbed, it has been determined that no further scientific investigation is 32 70 0 warranted. The 1992 Program EIR determined that impacts to this site were not considered significant. The 1992 Program EIR, assumed that the two other sites within the Upper Castaways site (Ca-Ora49 and Ca-Ora-186) would not be impacted by residential or bluff trail development. Review of the site plan and preliminary grading plan for the residential project confirms this original assumption. Based on preliminary concept plan, the proposed view park access road leading to the bluff top within the future view park area also will not directly impact either of the sites. Impacts associated with increased use of the future park site and trail development were discussed in the 1992 Program EIR and will be further addressed at a future stage of park facility design and evaluation. The limits of grading as shown on the preliminary grading plan will not result in any significant adverse impacts to known paleontological sites. However, as discussed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR, the potential for impacting unknown, buried paleontological resources is possible. Such an impact could be a significant adverse impact. The addition of grading for the view park access road slightly increases the likelihood of impacting buried resources. However, adopted mitigation measures 67 - 70 will adequately mitigate any potential impacts to a level of insignificance. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES. PUBLIC SERVICES. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas. Yes Maybe No a) Fire Protection? ❑ ❑ 11 b) Police Protection ❑ ❑ (St c) Schools? ❑ ❑ d) Parks or other recreational facilities? ❑ ❑ ZL e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? ❑ ❑ 1A 0 Other governmental services? ❑ ❑ 0 UTILITIES. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas. a) Power or natural gas? 33 T b) Communications systems? ❑ 0 c) Water? d) Sewer or septic tanks? 0 ❑ 0 e) Storm water drainage? f) Solid waste and disposal? 0 RECREATION. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: a) Impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 11 13 Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final Program EM, Volume I contains an environmental evaluation related to Public Services and Utilities. This discussion is found on pages 332 to 363 of Volume I of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. The criteria used in the evaluation of impacts are stated on pages 346, Volume I of the 1992 Final CIO'SA Program EIR. The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding the potential impacts of Implementing the entire CIOSA agreement which includes development of the Upper Castaways site. Project -specific impacts related to electricity, natural gas, library services, parks and recreation, telephone services, and waste disposal are considered insignificant. Project -specific impacts related to schools, water, law enforcement and waste water can be mitigated to a level of insignificance with implementation of applicable City policies and requirements and mitigation measures contained in the program EIR. Project -specific impacts related to providing adequate fire protection service to the Freeway Reservation and San Diego Creek South sites would be significant until construction of a new fire station serving North Newport. This significant adverse impact was not caused or contributed to by the assumed development of -the Upper Castaways site, but rather from development occurring to the east of Upper Newport Bay. 34 • Cumulative impacts related to all public services and utilities are considered insignificant. • The proposed project will not have an effect upon or result in the need for other governmental services. • The proposed project will not create a significant need for additional maintenance of public facilities. • The proposed project will not result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities. Adopted Mitigation Measures 71, 72, and 73 apply to development on the Upper Castaways site (see attached list of mitigation measures). Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Map Review of the proposed site plan and tentative map confirms the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EM. Development of the residential portion of the Upper Castaways site, as detailed in the proposed site plan and tentative map, will not create any adverse impacts related to public services and utilities other than those analyzed and mitigated in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program ERL The number of residential units proposed on the site plan is 119 units which is 32 units less than the 151 units entitled by the CIOSA Agreement and allowed by the City's General Plan and Planned Community District Regulations. Consequently, demand for public services and utilities will be slightly less than projected in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. There have been no substantial changes in the local or regional conditions that would change the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIEL. Access to and from the residential development area is substantially similar to that assumed in the 1992 analysis. Emergency access provided to the residential site is considered adequate by Newport Beach Fire Department and Public Works Department. Access to adjacent future passive park uses on the view park site is proposed from a new access road from CGffDrive. This access meets Newport Beach Fire Department requirements. This primary access to the view park area is proposed to replace an existing emergency access road that will be removed when Dover Drive is widened in the future. This access will assure that adequate access for emergency vehicles and users of the firture view park is provided to the future view park area. No adverse impacts are expected related to the provision of emergency services. HUMAN HEALTHMSK OF UPSET HUMAN HEALTH. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identifted in the certifted Program FJR 35 �/ i i prepared for the project, in the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? ❑ ❑ b) Exposure of people to potential health hazards? ❑ ❑ RISK OF UPSET. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: a) A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? ❑ 111 b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? ❑ ❑ Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR The 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R made the following conclusions regarding implementation of the CIOSA agreement and development of the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the Planned Community District Regulations: • The proposed project will not involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances in the event of an accident or upset conditions. • The project will not interfere with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan. • The project will not result in the exposure of people to potential health hazards. These conclusions were based on discussions contained in the March 29, 1991 Initial Study prepared for CIOSA agreement which was used to focus the Program EIR. The Initial Study was included in Volume II, Appendix A of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Its conclusions related to Energy and Natural Resources were reiterated on,pages 416 - 417 of Volume I of the 1992 Final Program EIR. Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Map Review of the proposed site plan and tentative map confirms the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Development of the residential portion of the Upper Castaways site, as 36 detailed in the proposed site plan and tentative map, will not create any significant adverse impacts related to human health or risk of upset. The number of residential units proposed on the site plan is 119 units which is 32 units less than the 151 units entitled by the CIOSA Agreement and allowed by the City's General Plan and Planned Community District Regulations. Access to and from the site is substantially similar to that assumed in the 1992 analysis. Existing and planned land uses surrounding and near to the site are the same as assumed in the 1992 analysis. There have been no substantial changes in the local or regional conditions that would change the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. ENERGY/NATURAL RESOURCES ENERGY. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program EIR prepared for the project, in the following areas: Yes Maybe No a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? ❑ ❑ 14 b) Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy or require the development of new sources of energy? b ❑ 10 NATURAL RESOURCES. Will this subsequent activity result in any impacts not identified in the certified Program E1R prepared for the project, in the following areas: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? ❑ ❑ 91 Environmental Evaluation - 1992 Final CIOSA Program E1R The 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR made the following conclusions regarding implementation of the CIOSA agreement and development of the Upper Castaways site pursuant to the Planned Community District Regulations: • The project will not increase the rate of uses of any natural resources. • The project will not substantially deplete any non-renewable natural resource • The project will not result in the use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy. • The project will not substantially increase the demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy. 37 .53 0 0 These conclusions were based on discussions contained in the March 29, 1991 Initial Study prepared for CIOSA agreement which was used to focus the Program EIR. The Initial Study was included in Volume II, Appendix A of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Its conclusions related to Energy and Natural Resources were reiterated on pages 416 - 417 of Volume I of the 1992 Final Program EIR. Environmental Evaluation - Upper Castaways Site Plan and Tentative Tract Mao Review of the proposed site plan and tentative map confirms the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. Development of the residential portion of the Upper Castaways site, as detailed in the proposed site plan and tentative map, will not create any significant adverse impacts related to energy/natural resources. The number of residential units proposed on the site plan is 119 units which is 32 units less than the 151 units entitled by the CIOSA Agreement and allowed by the City's General Plan and Planned Community District Regulations. Demand for energy and other natural resources will be even less than what was assumed in the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. There have been no substantial changes in local or regional conditions that would change the conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR. 38 1-5y IV. FINDING OF SIGNIFICANCE As discussed in Section III, CEQA allows a program EIR to be used to simplify the task of preparing environmental documents on later parts of the program. Among several uses the program EIR can provide the basis in an Initial Study for determining whether the later activity may have significant effects (CEQA Guidelines, section 15168, subd.(d).) CEQA further allows that a negative declaration may be issued in reliance upon an existing EIR prepared for an earlier project, if the project for which the negative declaration is prepared will not cause any significant effects or in the case of a mitigated negative declaration no effects which cannot be eliminated or reduced to a level of insignificance. (Guidelines, section 15070. subd.(b) and 15153, subd,(c).) This Initial Study analyzed the proposed site plan and tentative map for the Upper Castaways residential development based on information contained in the previously certified 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR and any new information which has become available regarding the project, The assumptions and conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program Elk have been found to be valid and appropriate for use in evaluating the current proposal. The Initial Study has found that there are no new potential significant adverse impacts which cannot be eliminated or mitigated to a level of insignificance. Attachment Mitigation Monitoring Program Summary Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement 39 Attacbment 4. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Mitigation Measure Action Verification Verification Person Aesthetics/lieht and Glare 1. In conjunction with site plan review, the project Condition of Plan check Prior to site plan Planning Dept. proponent shall prepare a detailed temporary grading and land- Approval approval plan checker, PB&- scape plan for the bluff top setback area for the purpose of R/Building/Public minimizing bluff erosion. If graded slopes from a development Works Depts. area extend into the bluff top setback area, as proposed by the PC Text, the project proponent shall prepare detailed final grading and landscape plans for the bluff top setback area. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, Planning Department, Public Works Department, and Building Department. C�t�SR:z.'1 ;• 2. The City shall prepare a circulation improvement Condition of City Council Annual Public Works monitoring program to direct expenditures of funds received approval; prepare- approval Director, Planning under the Development Agreement to make improvements and tion & review of Director to monitor the status of those improvements. The list of im- CMP/GMP/DA provements to be implemented shalt initially be based on those identified on Table V, with prioritization established based on technical need and ability to implement them in a timely man- ner. Fletn'bility to add or delete projects on the list should be maintained to respond to actual changes in traffic volumes and the ability of the City to accomplish improvements so long as the projected Net Benefit to the circulation system is main- tained. Thereafter, a review of the improvements' priority and implementation status shall be done in conjunction with the City's annual Congestion Management Program and Growth Management Program analysis and the annual rsview of the Development Agreement. 3. The applicant or suocesor in interest shall construct Condition of Plan check Prior to recordation Planning Dept. or post bond for all frontage improvements identified in the approval of final subdivision plan checker, Sub - Development Agreement and listed in Table B of the Program map for each parcel division Engineer EIR. - with improvements. Mitigation Measure Mrl7GNIION MONMOIUNG PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCUTATION IMPROVEMIDU AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMIWP Implementing Action Method of Thmingof Responsible Verification Verification Person 4. All grading related to the project shall be conducted Condition of Plan check Prior to issuance of Building Dept. plan in accordancerwith SCAQMD Rule 403. This mitigation mea- approval field inspection gradingpermits checker; grading sure shall be made a condition of all grading permits related to inspector the project. S. After clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation Condition or Plan cheek; Prior to grading Building Dept plan operations white construction activities are being conducted, approval field inspection permits checker; grading fugitive dust emission shall be controlled using the following inspector procedures: • Graded sections of the project that will not be fur- ther disturbed orworked on for long periods of time (three months or mom) shalt be seeded and watered or covered with plastic sheeting to retard wind ero- sion. • Graded sections of the project which am undergoing further disturbance or construction activities shall be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. These mitigation measures shall be made a condition of all grading permits related to the project 6. Duringgodingand construction activities, the appti- Condition of Plan check; Geld Prior to grading Building Dept plan cant shag further control fugitive dust emissions using the approval inspection permits checker, grading following measures: inspector • O"te vehicle speeds on unpned roads shall be limited to u miles per hour. Entrances to all on - site roads shall be potted with a sign indicating the matumum speed limits on all unpaved roads. • An areas with vehicle traffic shall be periodically watered. • Streets adjacent to the project site shall be swept as needed to remove silt which may have accumulated Mitigation Measure MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person from construction activities so as to prevent atrumu- lations of excessive amounts of dust. These mitigation measures shall be made a condition of all grading permits related to the project. 7. Office and commercial development on the Corpo- rate Playa West and Bay View landing site shall also partici- Condition of Plan check approval Prior to occupancy Traffic Engineer pate in the Centerride program currently in operation in the permit for Corporate Playa West or Bay Newport Center area. Evidence of intent to participate shall View landing be provided to the City of Newport Beach Building Depart- ment prior to issuance of occupancy permit. 8. Bicycle racks shall be required in accordance with City ordinance Plan check Prior to occupancy Traffic Engineer the City of Newport Beach Transportation Demand Ordinance. permit 9. Construction of related frontage improvements shall Condition of Plan check Prior to occupancy Planning/Building include bus turnouts and shelters if determined to be necessary approval permit Dept. plan checkers; and desirable by the Orange County Transit District and/or OCID;•lrffc Engi- the City of Newport Beach. Prior to final design and,cons wo- neering Dept. tion of any frontage improvements, the City of Newport Beach shall contact the Orange County Transit District to determine if any bus turnouts or shelters wilt be required. 10. All development shall include street and security Condition of Plan check Prior to building Planning/Building lighting (in parking lots and pedestrian walkway areas) which is approval permit Dept. plan checkers; energy conserving. A lighting plan shall be submitted for all development which demonstrates compliance with this measure. Public Works Dept. The plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and approved by the Department of Public Works. 11. Residential, commercial and office development shall Condition of Plan check Prior to occupancy - Planning/Building be landscaped with an emphasis on drought resistant plant approval permit Dept. plan checkers; speeies which will shade buildings and reduce water and energy Public Works Dept. consumption during the summer. A landscape plan shall be submitted for all development which demonstrates compliance with this measure. The plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to issue oc of an occupancy permit. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTAND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure 12 The applicant shall ensure that all residential lots and dwellings are sound attenuated against present and pro- jetted noise, which shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project, so as not to exceed an exterior standard of 6.5 dB CNEL in outdoor living areas and an interior standard of 45 dB C NEL in all habitable Looms Evidence shall be prepared under the supervision of a City certified acoustical consultant which demonstrates that these standards will be sated in a mutter consistent with applicable zoning regulations and sub- mitted as follows: A. Prior to the recordation of a final tract/parcel map or prior to the issuance of Grading Permits, at the sole discretion of the City, an Acoustical Analysis Report shall be submitted to the Cdyws Advance Planning Manager for approval. The report shall describe in derail the erteriornoise environment and preliminary mitigation measures. Acoustical design features to achieve interior noise standards may be included in the report in which caseit may also satisfy'B• below. B. Prior to the iss mc^ of any building permits, an acoustical analysis report desmbing the amusucat design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Advance Planning Manager for approval along with satisfactory evidence which indicates that the sound attenuation measures speci- fied in the approved acoustical reports) lase been incorporated into the design of the prcjccL C. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, all freestanding acoustical barriers most be shown on thepn$ects plot plan illustrating heigh4locatiot and construction in a manner meeting the approval of the Citys Advance Planning Manager. Implementing Method of Tuning or Responsible Action Verification Verification Person Condition of approval (` 4 Plan check; field testing Prior to map recordation/grading permits/building permits/occupancy permits Advance Planning Manager 0 i Mr1lGATION MONrrOR1NG PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure D. Prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Use and Occupancy, field testing in accordance with Title 25 regulations may be required by the Planning Direc- tor to verify compliance with SIC and IIC design standards. 13. All non-residential structures shall be sound attenu- ated against the combined impact of all present and projected noise from exterior noise sources to meet the interior noise criteria as specified in the -Noise Element. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, evidence shall be prepared under the supervision of a City certified acoustical consultant that these standards will be satisfied and shall be submitted to the Manager, Advance Planning in the form of an Acoustical Analysis Report describing in detail the exterior noise environment and the acoustical design features required to achieve the interior noise standard and which indicate that the sound attenuation measures specified have been incorpo- rated into the design of the project. Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person Condition of approval 14. All freestanding acoustical barriers shall be a berm, Condition of wall or combination berm and wall. Walls shall not contain approval holes or gaps. Walls shall be constructed of slumpstone or other masonry material. Final acoustical battier heights and locations shall be determined when final grading plans are developed showing lot locations, house/building setbacks and precise pad elevation. 79. At the time specific site plans and grading plans are Condition of prepared and submitted for review and approval by the City, approval the City shall review the plans in conjunction with the environ- mental review process to confirm that the mitigation measures provided will adequately control construction impacts potential- ly impacting the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, especially its pre-school operations If necessary, additional conditions related to construction activities maybe placed on the project. 3 Plan check Plan check Plan check Prior to building permits Prior to precise grading permits Prior to site plan approval or grading permit Planning Dept. plan checker, Advance Planning Manager Building Dept. plan checker Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers Ll 0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure I5. Pursuant to Section 1601-1603 of the State of Cali- fornia Fish and Game Code, the California Department of Fish and Game shall be notified of any alterations to strambed habitats. The applicant or any successors in interest shall be responsible for notifying the Department of Fish and Game regarding any grading related to residential development and associated improvements as the San Diego Creek South, Up- per Castaways, Newporter North, and Freeway Rcwntion sites which would alter streambed habitats. The applicant or any successor in interest shall notify the Department of Fish and Game and obtain any necessary permit prior to the issu- ance of a grading permit. Copies of proper notification and necessary peen its shall be provided to the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a grading permit. The City -of New- port Beach $ball be responsible for notifying the Department of Fah and Game regarding any grading related to any public improvements (cc. trails, recreational facilities, roads, drainage facititics� eon) in areas designated for open space, public fatiti- ties, and/or parks which would alterstreambed habiats. The City of Newport Beach shall notify the Department of Fab and Game and obtain any necessary permits prior to commence- ment of any grading which could alter the streambed habitat. The permits issued by the Department of Fah and Game pur- suant to Sections 1601-1603 may require additional mitigation measures deemed netessuy, by the Department. 16. Wetland delineation studies in accordance and con- junction with the California Department of Fah and Game and US Army Corps of Engineers permitting processes shall be performed for any wettand which will be impacted by grading and construction activities The applicant or any successor in interest shalt be responsible for conducting the wetland delin- ation studies for wetlands impacted by residential develop. ment or associated improvements on the Newporter North and Upper Castaways sites If residential development or associat- ed improvements on the San Diego Creek South or Freeway Reservation sites encroach into the Bonita Creek wetland, the applicant or anysuoeasor in interest shall be responsible for ronductingthiewettanddelinationstudy. TheCityofNewport Implementing Action Condition of approval; Cal. FCC Condition of approval R Method of Verification Plan check Phan check Timing of Verification Prior to grading permits for San Diego Creek South, Upper Castaways, Ncwporter North or Freeway Reserva- tion, or any public project affecting stra nbeds Prior to grading permits for any wetland area Responsible Person Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; Public Works Dept. Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers, Public Works Dept. LJ ,10 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT' Mitigation Measure Beach shall be responsible for conducting the wetland delinea- tion studies for wetlands impacted by any public improvement- s/facilities in areas designated for open space, public facilities, and/or parks which will encroach into wetlands. The studies shall occur at the time specific site plans and grading plans are available and prior to issuance of any grading permits or com- mencement of grading activities in areas containing wetland habitat. Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person 17. Public use and related facility development for areas Condition of proposed for natural open space and passive park uses within approval; standard the Upper Castaways, Newporter North, Newporter Knoll, Bay CEQA compliance View Landing, Freeway Reservation, and Jamboree/MacArthur sites shall be designed to be sensitive to existing biological re- sourcm To this end, facility plans and public uses for these areas shall be prepared in consultation with a qualified biolo- gist who shall determine that such plans and uses do not ad- versely impact sensitive resources identified on these sites (e.g. wetlands, coastal sage scrub, etc.), If necessary, additional environmental documentation shall be prepared at the time facility plans are prepared to determine if significant adverse impacts beyond those anticipated in this Program EIR wilt occur. If new significant adverse impacts are identified, addi- tional mitigation measures shall be adopted. 18. Grading, earthmoving, and any related construction Condition of activities related to residential development and associated approval improvements on the Upper Castaways, San Diego Creek South, Bay View Landing, and'Newporter North sites shall be restricted as follows: Upper Castaways and Newporter North - No grading (except that necessary for trail establishment and improvements, erosion control, bluff stabilization or prepam- tion of the development area), stockpiling of soil or operation of equipment shall take place within the bluff top setback area established by the Bluff Top setback Ordinance. San Diego Creek South - No grading, stockpiling of soils, or operation of equipment shall encroach into the area of Bonita Creek beyond the existing 15 foot elevation contour. Newporter North - No grading, stockpiling of soils or operation of equipment shall take place within the 40 foot property line setback area estab- lished by the Bluff Top Setback Ordinance except that neoes- I � % Standard CEQA Prior to approval of compliance review public facility plans for natural open space/passive park areas Plan check Prior to grading field inspection permits for Upper Castaways, San Die- go Creek South,Bay View Landing and Newporter North Environmental 10 Coordinator Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; grading inspector • MrIIGATiON MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACEAGREEMENP Mitigation Measure saty for trail establishment and improvements, erosion control, bluff stabilization, or preparation of the development area; or below the lessor of the 60 foot elevation contour or a line I00 feet from a formally delineated wetland in John Wayne Gulch freshwater marsh. Bay View Landing -no grading, stockpiling of soil or operation of equipment shall encroach into the hill- side above the 25-foot contour of the lower development area Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person 19. Prior to grading and/or constructing any public Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building facility on the San Diego Creek North site which will encroach approval permits for San Dept. plan checkers; into the on -site freshwater marsh, the City, of Newport Beach Diego Creek North ACOE/USFWS/- (or other public agency responsible for development of the DFG public facility) shall approve and begin implementation of a plan which shall offset the loss of wetlands: This plan shall re - Beet all mitigation requirements of any State orFedcrat agency having jurisdiction over the affected wetland& Offsets shall be achieved by either creating a new freshwater -marsh on -site or enhancing and expanding an existing freshwater marsh in or near the San Diego Creek and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve. 20. Prior to grading and/or contracting any -residential Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building developtent or associated improvement on the Upper Cut- approval permits for Upper Dept. plan cbeckers; :ways site which will encroach into the on -site freshwater Casnways ACOE/USFWS/- marsh, the applicant orsuccessor in interest shall prepare and DFG begin implementation of a plot which shall offset the loss of wetlands. This plan shall reflect all mitigation requirements -of any State or Federal agency having jutisdution over the affect- ed wetland& Offsets shall be achieved by either treating a new freshwater mush o"te or embandog and expanding art edu- ing freshwater marsh in or near the Upper Newport Bay Eco- logical Reserve. A copy of the plan and all rehired permits shall be presented to the City of Newport Beach prior to issu- ance of a grading permit. 21. Prior to grading and/or constructing any residential Condition of Plan chock Prior to grading Planning/Building development or associated imptovement on the Newporter approval permits for Newpo- Dept. plat checkers: North site which will encroach into the on -ate freshwater rter North ACOE/USFWS/- marsh, the applicant or successor in interest shalt prepare and DFG begin implementation of a plan which shall offset the kiss of wetlands. This plan shall reflect an mitigation requirements of • i MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cons. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT' Mitigation Measure any State or Federal agency having jurisdiction over the affect- ed wetlands. Offsets shall be achieved by either creating a new freshwater marsh on -site or enhancing and expanding an exist- ing freshwater marsh in or near the Upper Newport Bay Eco- logical Reserve. A copy of the plan and all related permits shall be presented to the City of Newport Beach prior to issu- ance of a grading permit. 22. Development on the San Diego Creek South site shall be designed so as to reduce the amount of light and glare which could potentially spill over into the wetland habitats of Bonita Creek and San Diego Creek and which could also im- pact the functioning of these creeks as wildlife corridors. This can be achieved by a variety of means including a combination of sensitive siting of lighted buildings, use of lighting systems which conceal the light source and minimize light spillage and glare; screening walls/bemir and dense landscaping along the edge of the development. Any landscaped edge screening shall include non-invasive trees and shrubs. The plant palette for the screening vegetation shall consist of dense,.evergreen spe- cies which, when mixed, achieve canopy and understory of elements to provide as much screening as possible. The site plan and landscape plan for this edge shalt be prepared in consultation with a City -approved, qualified biologist. The site plan and landscape plan shall be approved by the City Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. Implementing Action Condition of approval 23. Prior to commencing grading, all wetlands habitat in Condition of areas intended for preservation shall be temporarily fenced. approval This measure shall pertain only when grading, stock -piling, or other construction activities are proposed within 100 feet of the boundaries of the wetland area A plan identifying the wetland area and the location of the fencing shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of any grading permit. Method of Verification Plan check Plan check Timing of Verification Prior to building permits for San Diego Creek South Prior to grading permits for any development within 100 feet of a wetland area Responsible Person Planning/Building Dept, plan checkers Planning/Building DepL plan checkers; Grading Engineer 0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACEAGREFMENl Mitigation Measure 24. This measure shall apply to the Newporter North, Newporter Knoll, Bay View landing, Upper Castaways, San Diego Creek South and San Diego Creek North sites. Rcve- getation of cut and fill slopes, bluff stabilization/rnmediation areas, fuel modification zones and other graded areas adjacent to existing sensitive habitat areas (eg. at the edge of develop- ment of residential, public facilities, or recreational areas) shall ber accomplished with plant palettes containing predominantly native species. Steeper slopes (grater than 2:1) shalt be reve- gctated with a mixture of coastal sage scrub species including California sage brush which now dominates coastal sage scrub used by Glifomia guatcatchers. Portions of more level areas shall be revegeated with species of native perennial grasses in an attempt to establish native grassland An expert in lsnd- swpe revegetation, who is knowledgnble and qualified in na- tive plant mixtures shall provide consultation into the prepara- tion of landscape plans to ensure that this measure -is complied with. Landscape: plans shalt be approved by the City Panning Department prior to issuance of building permits for private development or commencement of grading for public facilities and public recreational uses. 25. Aft non- rgency grading related to bluff stabili- vtion/remediatton on the Newporter North and Bay Vicw Landing sites stall occur during the non-brceding season for the California gnateatcher. The nonittecding season is from August 1 to January 31. ?g. Prior to approval of site pans or subdivision and/or City approval of a park development plan (whichever comes lust), fhe City shall retain a biologist to further assess the potential for human and pet intrusion into the coastal sage scrub habitat supporting the California gaatatcher population. This assessment shall be at the cost of the developer if related to site plans or subdivision, or at the tat of the City if related to the park development plan. If the level of expected intru- sion is considered to be of sufficient magnitude to significantly impact the California goatatcherpopuations on site, mitiga- tion measures shall be designed and placed as conditions on the project to reduce the impact to fhe eaten feamble. Such design and operational measures could include permwerfene- Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person Condition of Plan checl; submittal Prior to building Planning/Building approval if biological report permits for private Dept. plan checkers by applicant development or prior to grading for public facilities adja- cent to sensitive habitat areas in Newporter North, Newporter Knoll, . Bay Vim Iandin& Upper Cutaways, San Diego Creek North or San Diego Creek South Condition of Plan check; Prior to grading Planning/Building approval inspection permits for Newlin- Dept. plan checkers; rter North or Bay grading inspector View Landing Condition of Pan check Prior to site plan/ Planning/Building approval tentative map or Dept pan checkers park development Plan approval 10 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cons. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Mitigation Measum Action ing, homeowner and community educational programs about the potential impact of cats on wild birds, programs for tmp- ping and removing problem animals. 81. The Cry of Newport Beach shall consult with the Condition of Transportation Corridor Agency prior to final design and ap- approval proval of any public facility or recreational facility on the San Diego Creek North site to determine feasible design and land- scaping measures which will avoid interfering withtheviability of the San Diego Creek Northern Marsh Creation site as wild- life habitat. If the Bayview Way extension is not extended across the site, a landscaped buffer area will be provided be- tween any recreational or public facility uses and the Marsh Creation project site. 82 At the time of adoption of a parcel/subdivision map Condition of for the San Diego Creek South Site, the property line/develop• approval ment area boundary shall be established at a minimum of 20 feet from the toe of the existing slope adjacent to Bonita Creek This distance, in combination with the required build- ing setback of 5 feet, will create a minimum 25 foot buffer from Bonita Creek. 83. The precise details of any mvegetation / replacement Condition of program will be developed in conjunction with review and approval; CEQA approval of design and grading plans when the exact nature compliance and extent of impacts am known. Any such programs will be subjected to full environmental review pursuant to CEQA. Consultation with all interested and -affected resource agencies will occur as part of formulating and evaluating mvegetation _ programs. Given recent successful revegetation programs in Orange County, such as those conducted in Crystal Cove State Park, it is fully reasonable• to expect that a properly prepared revegetation program will be successful in mitigating impacts. � 11 Method of Verification Plan check Plan check Plan check Timing of Verification Prior to final design approval for any public or recreation- al facility on San Diego Creek North Prior to tentative map approval for San Diego Creek South Prior to site plan approval or grading permits Responsible Person Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; Public Works Dimc- tor Planning Dept. plan checker, Subdivision Engineer Planning Dept plan checker, Environ- mental Coordinator L] • MMGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cant CIRCUTA77ON IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT' Mitigation Measure Implementing Method of Action Verification Timing of Verification Responsible Person 84. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for the Newporter North site, the project proponent shall contribute Condition of Plan check approval Prior to grading Planning/Building up to 310,000 to complete an Upper Newport Bay Coyote Mo. permits for Newporter North Dept. plan checkers; USbWS nitoringStudy, to be conducted under the direction of the UZu Fish and Wddlife Service. The study, shall be completed prior to the commencement of grading. The study shall include gathering data to establish a pm -construction baseline measure - meat of the number and frequency of coyotes using the lower portion of Upper Newport Bay in the vicinity of the Newporter North site. If, after Commencement of construction, it is demonstrated by the U.S. Fish and Wddlife Service that there has been a signify ant decrease in the population of coyotes in the vicinity of the Newporter North Site, due solely to development of the site, and, this decrease in coyote population bat had a detrimental effect on sensitive bird species in the am, the project propo- neat shall contribute up to 325,0DO toward an animal manage - meat program to be administered by the Resource Agency managing the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Resetvc. aoaros aril Seatmitity 24 Buildings four stories in height or higher shall be Condition of Plan check Prior to budding Budding Dept plan designed in accordance with requirements forscismic zone 4 as approval permits for any check m outlined in Chapter 23 of the Uniform Budding Code and/or structure of 4 or with the benefit of a site specifiescismieground response spec- more stories tram study, which would be prepared by the project geotecM- ial consultant and structural engineer to allow matching of building period with site period. The structural plans and/or ground response study shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Budding Departmentprior to issuance of a building permit 27. Budldings less than four storks in height shall be Condition of Plan check Prior to building Budding Dept plan designed by a Structural Engineer in accordance with UBC approval permits for $true- checkers Chapter 23 requirements for Seismic Zone 4. Non -critical tureswith Rwerthan structumshatl be designed to withstand stmngground shaking 4 stories that may accompany a maximum probable earthquake along 12 • CJ MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT' AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure the Newport -Inglewood Fault. Critical structures (i.e, hospi- tals, fire/police facilities, schools, etc.) shall be designed to withstand strong ground shaking associated with a maximum credible earthquake on the Newport -Inglewood Fault. Stmc- rural plans, including seismic design calculations/parameters, shall be approved by the City Building Department prior to issuance of building permits. 28. Habitable buildings shall not be placed adjacent to (above or below) slopes or bluffs where seismic induced slope or bluff failure could occur. Though the City has established a Bluff Setback Criteria for development on the top -of -bluff (Development Policy D.2.b.1 of the Newport Beach General Plan, January 21, 1991, and Newport Municipal Code section 20.151.080), the City minimum setbacks may not necessarily be adequate from a geotechnic tl viewpoint concerning bluff/slope instability during an earthquake. Areas potentially prone to such failures -shall be identified and further evaluated by the project Gcotechnical Consultant during the Tentative Tract Map review and Grading Plan review stage. The evaluation shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Depart- ment prior to the issuance of grading permits. Grading and building plans shall reflect the recommendations of the evalu- ation to the satisfaction of the Building Department 29. In accordance with the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Act, a Registered Geologist shall further evaluate and make recommendations regarding the potential for ground surface rupture effecting proposed development onaitcs where 'Potentially Active Faults" have been identified (Bay View Landing and Fretway Reservation sites) or on any other of the sites where Potentially Active Faults are identified in the fu- ture. The study shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Building Department and shall be prepared prior to ap- proval of a tentative tract map or grading permit whichever comes first. Grading and building plans shall reflect the rec- ommendations of the study to the satisfaction of the Building Department. a Implementing Action Condition of approval Condition of approval 13 Method of Verification Plan check Plan check Timing of Verification Prior to tentative map approval or grading permits Prior to tentative map approval or grading permit Responsible Person Building Dept. plan checkers Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers 0 MITIGATION MONrrORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, coat. CIRCUTATION IMPROVEMEW AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Method of Timingof Responsible Mitigation Measure Action Verification Verification Person 30. Sites where the potential for liquefaction has been identified, or any other site where the potential for liquefaction may be encountered during subsequent imKstigations, shall be further evaluated by geotechniat consultant The evaluation shall include subsurface investigation with standard penetration tcstingor other appropriate means of analysis for liquefaction potential. The project geotechnial consultant shall provide a statement concerning the potential for liquefaction and its parable impact ore proposed development. If necessary, the geotecbifwg consultant shall pwdde mitigation measureswhich could include mechanical deasifiation of liquefiable layers; dewatering, fill surcharging or other appropriate measures. The Geotechnial Consultamrs report shall be signed by a Certified Engineering Geologist and a Registered Civil Engi- neer and shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Department prior to iwunceofGading Permit Gadingand building plans shall reflect the recommendations of the study to the satisfaction or the Building Department 31. Any necessary diven5on devices, catchment devices, or velocity reducers shall be incorporated into the grading plan and approved by the City Grading Engineer prior to issuance orgadingpernium Berms or other catchment devices shall be incorporated into the grading plans to divert sheet Bow runoff away from areas which have been stripped of natural vegeta- tion. Velocity reducers shalt be incorporated into the design, especially where drainage devices exit to natural ground. 32 All hill slopes shall be property compacted during grading in conformance with the City Grading Code and veri- fied by the project Geotechnkat Consultant Stops shall be planted with vegetation upon completion- of grading Confor- mance with this measure shall be verified by the Gty Grading Engineer priorto the Dance of omrpancypesmits. Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Building Dept plan approval permits checker Condition or Plan check Prior to grading Building Dept plan approval permits checker Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Budding Dept. Ilan approval permits checker q�- 14 s+ MMGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cont. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure Implementing Action Method of Verification Timing of Verification Responsible Person 33. Berms and brow ditches shall be constructed to the Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Building Dept. plan satisfaction and approval of the City Grading Engineer. Water approval permits checker shall not be allowed to drain over any manufactured slope face. Topof--slope soil berms shall be incorporated into grading plans to prevent surface runoff from draining over future fill slopes. Brow ditches shall be incorporated into grading plans to divert surficial runoff from ungraded natural areas around future,cut slopes. The design of berms and brow ditches shall be approved by the City Grading Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits. 34. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, appropriate Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Building Dept. plan artificial substances shall be recommended by the project land- approval permits checker 'scrape architect and approved by the City Grading Engineer for use in reducing surface erosion until permanent landscaping is well established. Upon completion of grading, stripped areas shall be covered with artificial substances approved by the City Grading Engineer. 35. Drainage of both surface and subsurface water over Condition of Plan check Prior to tentative Building Dept. plan or toward the bluffs on the Upper Castaways and Newporter approval map or site plan checker North sites shall be minimized. Though some drainage of approval for Upper rainwater over the bluff face cannot be avoided, drainage con. CastawaysN or ewp trot devices shall be designed to direct excess water from site oRer North improvements away from the bluff lace. Irrigation shall be controlled to prevent ezcc sine infiltration into the subsurface. The project Civil Engineer shall design grading plans to mini- mize surface runoff over the bluff faces. The project Geot- echnical Consultant shall provide recommendations to minimize subsurface water migration toward the bluff faces prior to approval of Tentative Tract maps or site plans. All design criteria for the control of surficial and subsurface water shalt be completed to the satisfaction of the City Grading Engineer. Bluff and Slope Ioaabffily 36. The project gcoteehnical consultant shall review the Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building tentative tract map and grading plan for each site and prepare approval permits Dept. plan checkers a report addressing all salient geoteehnical issues related to bluff and slope stability of any existing bluff or slopes. These 15 • MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCUTATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Mitigation Measure Action reports shall include: 1) detailed analysis of field data including surface and subsurface geological mapping; 2) laboratory test- ing.resudts; 3) stability analysis of cusfing bluffs and proposed slopes as illustrated on the tentative tract map or rough grad- ing plan; 4) conclusions; 5) recommendations formitigation of any identified unstable bluffs or slopes and/or for additional investigation. These reports shall be signed by a Certified Engineering Geolc& and a Registered Crv7 Engineer and shall be completed to the atisfaetioo of the City Grading Engi- neer prior to inuance of a grading permit 37. Prior to the issuance of grading perrej% the Project Condition of geotechnial consultant and/or civil engineershall make written approval recommendations for manufactured slope stabilization includ- ing. but not limited to, buttressing, rock boiling, grouting, slope gradient laybacks, or mtaining walls. All necessity recommen- dations shall be included in the grading plan to the satisfaction of the City Grading Engineer. 39. Though the City has esublished a Bluff Setback Criteria for devebpment on the top -of -bluff (DevNopment Policywb.1 of thitNimport Beach General Pun, January 21, 1991, and Newport Beach Municipal Code section 20.15Lo80), the City minimum setbacks may not necessarily be adequate from a geotechnial viewpoint conceming bluff/slope instabili- ty, Prior to issuuarim of grading permits, appropriate safe bluff top setback recommendations shall be determined by the pro- ject Geotethniai Consultant based on the evaluation required by Mitigation Measure 3 to the satisfaction of the City Grading Engnecs 39. During -grading a geotechnial consultant shall mon- itor grading operations to ensure that recommendations for slope instability mitigation ate Implemented. Additionally, the gectahnial consultant shall evaluate slopes mthey arc graded through geologic mapping and andyric to ensure that no unan- ticipated conditions are present Slope stabsMty mitigation rccommendations may require modification during grading. Compliance with this measure shall be vetiWby the Building Department Condition of approval Condition of approval 16 Method of Verification Plan check Plan check Feld inspection Timing of Verification Prior to grading permits Prior to grading permits During grading Responsible Person Planning/Building Dept plan checkers Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers Grading inspector i 0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cont. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure Implementing Method of Action Verification Timing of Verification Responsible Person 40. Prior to issuance of building permits, the geotechn- Condition of Plan check Prior to building Planning/Building ical consultant shall prepare a Rough Grading Report and As- approval permits Dept. plan checkers Graded Gcotechnicat Map for each graded site at the comple- tion of grading of that site. The Report shall summarize and document compliance with all mitigation measures. The Rough Grading Report shall include a statement regarding the ade- quacy of the manufactured slopes for their intended use and a statement regarding the adequacy of the recommended bluff setbacks. The report shall be signed by a Certified Engineering Geologist and a Registered Civil Engineer and shall be appro- ved by the City Grading Engineer. Gompresble/GollapsibIc Soil 41. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, written Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building recommendations forthemitigationofcompressible/collapsible approval permits Dept. plan checkers soil potential for each site shall be provided by the geotechnical consultant. Foundation recommendations shall be included. Recommendations shall be incorporated as conditions of ap- proval for the site -specific tentative tract maps and grading plans Lathe satisfaction of the City Grading Engineer. Recom- mendations shall be based on surface and subsurface mapping, laboratory testing and analysis. Mitigation, if necessary, could include: removal and recompaction of identified compressi- ble/collapsible zones, fill surcharging and settlement monitor- ing, compaction grouting, or foundation design which utilizes deep piles, or other recommended measures. The geotechnical consultant's site -specific reports shall be signed by a Certified Engineering Geologist and Registered Civil Engineer, and shall be approved by the City Grading Engineer. /Corrasive Soil 42. Written recommendations for the mitigation of ex- Condition of Plan check Prior to building Planning/Building pansive and corrosive soil potential for each site, shall be pro- approval permits Dept. plan checkers vided by the project corrosion consultant, geotechnical consul. tant and/or Civil engineer. Foundation recommendations shall be included Recommendations shall be based on surface and subsurface mapping, laboratory testing and analysis and shall V 17 Ll MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT' AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure be incorporated into final budding plans prior to issuance of building permits. The geotecbnial consultanCs site-spettifie reports shall be signed by a Certified Engineering Geologist and Registered City Engineer, and shall be approved by the City GradingEangjneer. PTcar surfioe Grauedwater 43. The project gcotechnialconsultant and/or civil engi- ricer shall prepare written site -specific revinvs of the tentative tract maps and grading plans add. essingall salient gcotechnical issues, including groundwater. These reports shall provide findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding near -sur- face groundwater and the potential forartifidally induced grou- ndwater as a result of future development, and the effects groundwater may have on existing or future bluffs, slopes and structures. The reports shall also address the potential for ground subsidence on the sites and properties adjacent to the sites if dewatering is recommended. The geoteehnieal consul- tant and/or civil engineers reports shall be signed by a Certi- fied Engineering Geologstand Registered Civil Engineer and shall be completed to the satsfaetiat of the Gty Grading Emgi- neer prior to issuance of a grading permit. All recommenda- tions of the reports shall be incorporated into the grading, site, and building design to the satisfaction of the City Grading Engineer and City Engineer. Water Reaoaros waaerQtrGty 44. Prior to the i suanee of grading permits, the appli- cant shall provide to the BuWmZ and Public Works Depart- mcats haul route plans that include a description of haul routes, access points to the sites and watering and moping program designed to minimize impacts of the haul operation. Thew plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department- Copies of the plan shall be submitted to the Citys Planning Department. Implementing Action Condition of approval Condition of approval -d 18 Method of Verification Phan check Plan check Timing of Verification Prior to grading permits Prior to grading Pits Responsible Person Planning/Building Dept plan checkers; City Grading Engi- neer City Engineer Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers, Public Works Dncc- tor I LJ MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT' Mitigation Measure 45. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the appli- cant shall incorporate the following erosion control methods into grading plans and operations to the satisfaction of the City Grading Engineer and Building Department. a. An approved material such as straw, wood chips, plastic or similar materials shall be used to stabilize graded areas prior to revegemtion or construction. b. Air-bome and vehicle-bome sediment shall be con- trolled during construction by. the regular sprinkling of exposed soils; and the moistening of vehicles loads. C. As approved material such as rip rap (a ground cover of large, loose, angular stones) shall be used to stabilize any slopes with seepage problems to protect the top soils in areas of concentrated runoff. d. During the period of construction activity, existing vegetation which will be retained on -site shall be protected from traffic by the use of fences. If ap. propriate, buffer strips or vegetative filter strips, such as -tall stands of grass, can be used as an alter- native and/or supplementary method to protect against sediment buildup. 46. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project geoteehnical consultant and/or civil engineer shall develop a plan for the diversion of stormwater away from any exposed slopes during grading and construction activities. The plan shall include the use of temporary right-of-way diversions (i.e., berms or swalm) located at disturbed areas or graded right-of- ways. The plan will be approved by the City Engineer and Building Departments and implemented during grading and construction activities. 47. The applicant shall provide a temporary gravel en- tranm located at every construction site entrance. The location of this entrance shall be incorporated into grading plans prior to the issuance of grading permits. To reduce or eliminate Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person Condition of approval Condition of approval Condition of approval 19 Plan check; field inspection Plan check; field inspection Plan check; field inspection Prior to grading permits Prior to grading permits Prior to grading permits Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; grading inspector Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers, grading inspector Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; grading inspector 1] 0 MMGATiON MONrrORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCUTATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMP.Nf Mitigation Meamm mud and sediment carried by vehicles or runoff onto public rights-ofavay, the gravel shall cover the entire width of the en- trance, and its length shall be no less than fifty feet. The en- trance plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engi- neer and Grading Engmeerconcurreat with review and approv- al of grading ptans 4& The applicant shall construct filter berms or other approved device for the temporary gravel entrance. The berms shall comsirt of a ridge of gravel placed across graded rightor- wayr to decrease and filter nmoff levels white permitting con- struction traffic to continue. The location of berms shall be incorporated into gradingplaas prior to the issuance of grading permits. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Grading Engineer. 49. During grading and construction, the applicant shall provide a temporary sediment basin located at the pant of greatest runoff from any construction area. The location of this basin shalt be incorporated into grading plans. It shall consist of an embankment of compacted soils across a drain- age. The basin shall not be located in an area where its failure would lead to a loss of life or the loss of service of public ub'6- ties or roads The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Grading Engineer. 74. Prior to issuance of gtadingpemii%the applicant or successor in interest shall prepare a plan for approval by the City of Newport Beads Grading Engineer for the control of accidental a^ litter, and solid waste disposal during grading andconstsuetion. Btdstingpotidesand stamdscdsoftheCityof Newport Beach and Fire Department shall be incorporated The plan shall be implemented as necessary during grading and construction activities 75. Any recorded CC&Rs shalt incorporate mandatetto the Homeowner's Assoeiabons, commercial properties mange - meat and apartment mamtgement companies regarding: Eettilm' er/Pestitide/Herbkdde mango- meat practices Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person Condition of approval Condition of approval Condition of approval Coalition of approval v 20 Plan check, - field inspection Plan check; field inspection Plan check; Geld inspection Plan check Prior to grading permits Prior to grading permits; during grading Prior to grading permits Prior to oerupanry permits Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; grading inspector Planning/Building Dept. plan ehakcrr, grading inspector Planning/Building DePL plan checkers; City Grading Eagi. neer, grading/buil- ding inspectors Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers I* 0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cont. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT _ Mitigation Measure Irrigation Management Practices Street sweeping requirements: vacuum truck, fall cleaning, etc. Signage and catch basin stencil mainte- nance. - Annual distribution of informational bra chum (see Mitigation Measures #77). These mandates shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Newport Beach prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person 76. The City of Newport Beach, homeowners associa- Condition of lions, and commercial and apartment property management approval companies shall maintain legible stenciling on any catch basin that they maintain. Stenciling shall use selected letters and/or symbols approved by the City of Newport Beach notifying the reader that the catch basin drains totheNewport Bay and to warn against dumping. 77. Brochures (such as the 'Nonpoint Source Pollution' Condition of brochures published by the Orange County Flood Control approval District) shall be distributed at the time of initial sale or lease of residential and commercial properties. These brochures shall include a discussion of: - Impacts of improper solid waste practices and littering. - Proper use and management of fertilizers, herbicides and other harmful chemicals. - Impacts of dumping oil, antifreeze, pesti- cides, paints, solvents, etc. into storm drains. - Effective housekeeping practices such as use of biodegradable cleaning compounds and adsotberits. - Benefits of preventing excessive erosion and sedimentation. - Benefits of proper landscaping practices - Benefits of minimizing non-atormwater runoff or adverse impacts of over -irriga- tion. I 1�j 21 Plan check; field inspection Plan check Prior to tentative map or site plan approval Prior to occupancy permits Planning/Building Dept plan checkers; Public Works inspec- tor Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers MMGATION MONrrORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cone. CiRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREF,MENr Implementing Method -of Timing of Responsible Mitigation Measure Action Verification Verification Person These brochures shall be reviewed and approved bribe city of Newport Bach prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Draioage Patterns 50. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the master Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building plans of water, sewer and storm drain facilities shall be ap- approval permits Dept. plan checkers; proved by the City Engines. Any systems shown to be re- city Engineer - quired by thereviewshall be the responsibility of the develop. e , unless otherwise provided for through an agreement with the property owner orservin&Agency. AIL PROJECT SIM 51. All sits shall be mitigated pennant to Council Poli- Condition of Plan check; Prior to grading Planning/Building cyKS. Where further testing orsaNw is requited, the appli- approval field inspection permits, during Dept plan checkers, ant shall select a city -approved qualified archaeologist to grading grading inspector excavate a sampieof the site- All testing card salvage shall be conducted prior to inuance of galling permits or use of an area for recreational purposm A written report summarizing; the findings of the testing and data recovery program shall be submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of the completed data recovery program. 40 52 The applicant shall donate an archaeological materi- Condition of Review by arehae% Prior to building Planning/Building A historic, or prehistoric, recovered during the project, to a approval paleo monitor permits DepL plan checkers loot iouitutioetwhieh has the proper faolaks; for coradoa, dis- play and study by qualified scholars. All material shall be ttamferred to the approved facility after laboratory analysis and a report have been Completed. The appropriate local institution shall be approved by the Planning Department based on a recommendation from the qualified archaeologisL 53. Any excavation of a site located within the Coastal Condition of Plan cbeck Print to grading Planning/Building zone of mom than two sur6ce meters of dirt shall require a approval permits 22 J MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible _ Mitigation Measure Action Verification Verification Person coastal development permit prior to commencing the excava- Dept. plan checkers, tion. All provisions of the California Coastal Commission Coastal Commission guidelines shall be complied with. UPPER CASTAWAYS 54. Prior to any grading related to development of the Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building bluff trail system, open space uses or bluff stabilization which approval permits on Upper Dept. plan checkers could impact CA-Ora-49 and CAOra-186 on the Upper Cast- Castaways aways site, the sites shall be subjected to test excavations by a City approved archaeologist (experienced in both historic and pre -historic archaeology) to determine site integrity, extent and significance. The methodology of the test excavation shall re. fiect the recommendations contained in the Cultural Resources report prepared for this Program EIR. A report shall be pre- pared detailing all findings and recommendations and submit- ted to the Planning Department within 90 days of completing test excavations. BAY VIEW LANDING 55. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, CA-Om-1098 Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building shall be surface collected and subjected to test excavations by a approval permits on Bay View Dept. plan checkers City approved archaeologist to determine site integrity, extent Landing and significance. A report shall be prepared detailing all find- ings and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of completing test excavations. 56. Prior to grading for the new park, the project spon- Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building sor shall retain a City approved archaeologist to conduct a approval permits on Bayview Dept. plan checkers surface collection and subsurface test excavation of CA-Om-66 Landing to determine site extent, integrity and significance. A report shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of completing test excava- tions. 57. Prior to grading for the view park, the project spun- Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building sor shall retain a City approved archaeologist to place a test approval permits on Bay View Dept. plan checkers unit on top of the knoll on the Bay View Landing site in the Landing Q� 23 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, cont. CIRCUTAT1ON IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Mitigation Measure a= containing shell scatter, to determine if the shell is repre- sentative of a subsurface archaeological deposit. A report shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Plan- ning Department within 90 days of completing the test exca- vation. Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person NEWPORTER NORTH S& Prior to the use or development of the open space Condition of Plan cheek Prior to grading Planning/Building areas forpusive xcereationat uses, CA-Ora-51 and CA-Ora-518 approval permits for open Dept plan checkers on the Newporter North site shah be surface collected and sub- space areas on No- jccted to test excavations to determine site extent and sipif- wporter North trance. A report shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of com- pleting test a¢avations. 59. Prior to the issuance of a goading permit, the appli- Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building ant shall conduct a surface collection of the eastern extension approval permits on Newpo- Dept. plan checkers of CA-0ra-100 which would be impacted by grading and/or rter North development of uidential uses. The surface collection shall be conducted by a city approved archaeologist. A report shall be prepared detailing all findings of the surface collection and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of eom. plating the surfaeeeolleetioo. 60. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the appfi- Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building cut atoll conduct a data recovery of program CA-0ta-64 on approval permits at NcWpo- Dept. plan checkers the Newporter North site. The program shall be conducted by rter North a City approved strhaeologist A report shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Planning Depart- ment within 90 days of completing the data recovery program. 61. Prior to isavancaof-a grading permit for residential Condition of Qevelopmentoranybluffsabtimion,aqualifedarchaeologist approval stall review grading and drainage plans to determine if them are any indirect or duce[ impacts to CA-Ora-SI, 5Z and 51& If impacts are identified, test excavations shall be conducted to determine site eatenG integrityand significance. A report shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Plarr- nieg Departmentwithin 90 days of completing test excavations. v 24 Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building permits on Newpo• Dept pine checkers rter North Mitigation Measure NEWPORTER KNOLL MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person 62. Prior to any grading or use of the site, the City shall Condition of conduct a surface collection of archaeological material present approval on the top of the hill of the Newporter Knoll, with test units , placed on the bill to determine site significance and bound- aries. One unit shall be placed -in the recorded area of CA- Om-50 to determine if a portion of the site still exists. A re- port shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of completing surface collection test excavation. BLOCK 900 63. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a qualified Condition of City approved archaeologist shalt conduct a surface collection approval of CA-Ora436 on -the Block 900 site and subject the site to tat excavations to determine site extent and significance. A test unit shall also be placed in the northern portions of the parcel to determine if a subsurface midden is under the as- phalt and trash. A report shall be prepared detailing all find- ings and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of completing test excavations. CORPORATE PLAZA WEST 64. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a City ap- Condition of proved qualified archaeologist shall dig post holes in the areas approval containing surface shell on the Corporate Plana West site to determine if the shell represents subsurface archaeological deposits. A report shall be prepared detailing all findings and submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days of com- pleting sub -surface testing 65. Prior to thcissuance of grading permit, the surface Condition of near the southern section of the property shall be examined by approval a City approved qualified archaeologist after removal of brush and prior to any ground disturbance. A report shall be pre- 25 Plan check Plan check Plan check Plan check Prior to grading permits on Newpo- rter Knoll Prior to grading permits on Block SW Prior to grading permits on Corpo- rate Plaza West Prior to grading permits on Corpo- rate Plaza West Planning/Building Dept. plan checker; Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers Planning/Building Dept plan checkers Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers • • MMGA71ON MONrfORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, mnt. CIRCUTAMON IMPROVEMENI'AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMF.Nr Mitigation Measure Implementing Action Method of Verification Timingof Verification Responsible Person pared detailing all findings and submitted to the Planning Do- partment within 90 days of completing the surface examination. FREEWAY RESERVATION 66. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for the north- Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building ern development area (Lot 2), a City approved qualified at- approval permits on Lot 2 of Dept plan checkers chaeologist shall examine the surface of areas previously identi- Freeway Reservation 91 fied as CAOra216. The examination shall be conducted after removal of bush but prior to grading. Areport shall be pre- pared detailing W findings and submitted to the Planning De- partment within 90 drys of completing the surface examination. P+COMokA 67. Prior to the issuance of gradingpermits, a collection Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building plan shall be prepared and implemented by a City approved, appal permits on Bay View Dept plan checkers qualified pateontoioya! monitor for known exposed fossil Landin& Newporter localities on Bay View Landing. Newporter North, and Upper North and Upper Catnways. Becauseof the small nature ofsomrfossits present Castaways in these rock units, matrix samples shall be eolitcted for pro. eessingthrough fine mesh sececns. The collection plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. 6g. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the appli- Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building ant shall make provision for the preparation and curatan of approval permits Dept Ilan checker all fossils possibly recovered from the sites during grading. This shalt be done in a manner approved by the Cty's Planning Department 69. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the app& Condition of Plan check Prior to grading Planning/Building cant shall identify a repository approved by the City s Planning approval permits Dept plan checkcts Department which stall receive all fossils collected from the sites. 70. Cliff fags along Upper Newport Bay that have Condition of Plan check Prior to Wading Planning/Building served as a reference section for micro-pateontoloWed atndirs approval permits affecting Dept. plot checker should be protected from aftetation. U bluffs along Newport bluffs Bay need to bealtered for bluff stab action purposes, detailed tQ1, 26 1 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMARY, rant. CIRCUTA'110N IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENC Mitigation Measure measured sections and samples shall be made before and after alteration. Samples shall be prepared and analyzed as part of these efforts. The City of Newport Beach shall be responsible for retaining a qualified paleontologist to conduct the compara- tive study and sampling. A report shall be submitted to the Planning Department within 90 days. Public Services and Utilities Li Enforcement 71. The project proponent shall work in conjunction with the City of Newport Beach Police Department to ensure that crime prevention features are included in building design and construction. The City of Newport Beach Police Department shall review all site plans and access plans. Water 72. Prior to issuance of grading permits for the develop- ment sites, the applicant shall be responsible for preparation of a Master Plan of Utilities The Master Plan of Utilities will determine any necessary expansion of facilities and/or any modifications, upgrades or extensions to the existing water systems resulting from this projecL All necessary expansions of facilities and/or upgrades or extensions of existing water sys- tems needed as a result of the project will be the responsibility of the developer, unless current district or City policies dictate otherwise. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits Wastewater Implementing Method of Timing of Responsible Action Verification Verification Person Condition of approval Condition of approval 73. Prior to iscwnce of grading permits, the developer Condition of will provide a Master Plan of Utilities facilities for the on -site approval development in order to determine the exact necessary modift- cations or extensions to the existing sewer systems, if needed. Alt necessary expansions of facilities and/or upgrades or exten- sions of existing water systems needed as a result of the project will be the responsibility of the developer, unless current dis- 27 4..1 Plan check Plan check Plan check Prior to building permits Prior to grading permits Prior to grading permits Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers; Police Dept. Planning/Building Dept. plan checkers, City Engineer Planning/Building Dept plan checkers; City Engineer • MITIGATION MONIMRING PROGRAM SUMMARY, Cont. CIRCUTAMON IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT' Implementing Mitigation Measure Action trict or City policies dictate otherwise. The Plan shall be re- viewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading pemtits. Land Un M Prior to approval of a site plan review for the Upper Condition or Castaways site, the applicant or successor in interest shall pm- approval vide evidence that they ..have consulted with the Newport Bar- bor Lutheran Church regarding the design of the residential development. Design issues to be addressed include, but are not limited to: parkin& access, location andptacement of stma tuts, directional sig age, and Iaadsalin& F\ kaOSA\MM TBL 28 Method of Tuning of Verification Verification Plan check Prior to site plan approval for Upper Castaways Responsible Person Planning Dept. plan checker Lj � r • FILE COPY DO KIT REMOVE K CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT (Pursuant to Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5) Ox. 0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO; City Clerk City of Newport Beach 330 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663-3884 CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT (Pursuant to Government code sections 65864-65869.5) This CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into this day of , 1993, by and between the City of Newport Beach, California, a municipal •corporation and charter city ("City") and The Irvine Company, a Michigan corporation, ("Company"). City and Company are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Parties." RECITALS A. Company is the owner of those parcels of real property (collectively, the "Property") described on Exhibit "All and depicted on Exhibit "B." Aside from in -fill sites, the Property represents virtually all of Company's remaining undeveloped real property in the city limits of City as of the date of this Agreement. B. In 1987, the City Council of Newport Beach initiated amendments to the Land Use and Circulation elements to determine desired levels of growth and the amount of growth that could be accommodated by the circulation system at build out. This comprehensive update of the General Plan began with an evaluation of the type and density of growth permitted on each parcel within the City and included a thorough analysis of the circulation system improvements necessary to accommodate additional traffic at service levels acceptable to the City Council. This process culminated in 1988 amendments to the Land Use and Circulation element which greatly reduced permitted growth while recognizing the need for some development to assist in funding needed circulation system improvements. The General Plan recognizes the importance of "phasing circulation system improvements with development" and to "construct eed in advance" those "major circulation improvements which may be required of more than one developer...*I' C. According to the Land Use Element of the General Plan, the Property represents less than 23% of all future residential growth, less than 8% of all future commercial growth, and less than lot of the additional traffic projected from all permitted growth. Given current state and federal budget deficits, and depletion of local sources of revenue, the accumulation of funds necessary to complete all required master plan circulation improvements may take 20 years kr\c1rcop15.a9t 1 ps 11 or more and many of those improvements are needed today. D. This Agreement implements General Plan policies and goals by enabling City to fund and complete circulation system improvements prior to the construction of projects and much more rapidly than could be accomplished by current City ordinances through the following: 1. Company's prepayment of the fees required by Chapter 15.38 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, or successor ordinance, for all development permitted on the Property prior to the commencement of any individual project; Company's commitment to construct, or assist in the construction of, circulation system improvements adjacent to individual parcels concurrent with development of the adjacent parcel; and 3. Company's no interest loan to City for the construction of circulation system improvements with repayment based solely upon contributions from other developers. Company's agreement to prepay fees, construct frontage improvements and advance funds represents a financial commitment in excess of 20 million dollars. E. The Agreement also requires the preservation or dedication of land for park and open space purposes to a greater extent, and much more rapidly, than required by the City's park dedication ordinance or the Recreation and Open Space Element. The open space and public facility land dedications required by this Agreement represent at least seventy-two (72) acres more land than would be required under the current General Plan, and Park Dedication Ordinance so Newport Beach residents will be able to enjoy the open space years before the land would otherwise be available for public use. F. This Agreement is consistent with provisions of state law (Government Code Section 65864 et seq.) and local law (Chapter 15.45) which authorize binding agreements that: (i) encourage investment in, and commitment to, comprehensive planning and public facilities financing; (ii) strengthen the public planning process and encourage private implementation of the local general plan; (iii) provide certainty in the approval of projects in order to avoid waste of time and resources; and (vi) reduce the economic costs of development by providing assurance to the property owners that it may proceed with its projects in accordance with existing policies, rules, and regulations. G. This Agreement satisfies the provisions of Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code in that it constitutes a comprehensive phased land use development and circulation system improvement plan with construction of all phases not anticipated to be complete within sixty (60) months of project approval, the kr\circop15.a9t 2 P/ project is subject to an agreement which requires the construction of major improvements early in the development phasing program and development anticipated to be complete within sixty (60) months of project approval will not cause or make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at any intersection for which there is a feasible identified improvement. Moreover, the plan results in an overall benefit to traffic circulation and will result in an overall reduction in intersection capacity utilization at impacted intersections. H. The City Council finds that this Agreement is: (i) consistent with City's General Plan and all applicable specific plans as of the date of this Agreement; (ii) in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of City, its residents, and the public; (iii) entered into pursuant to, and constitutes a present exercise of, City's police power; and (iv) consistent, and has been approved in accordance, with provisions of Government Code Section 65867 and Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, City and Company agree as follows: 1. Definitions. 1..1 "Advance" shall mean that sum described in paragraph 2.4 below. 1..2 "Agreement Date" is the date on which this Agreement was executed, as first set forth above. 1..3 "oEOA" is the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq. 1..4 Itaity Council', is the City Council of City. 1..5 "Development concept" means the number of dwelling units, product type (such as single family detached versus single family attached), lot size, or floor area in the case of residential projects and the developable area or permitted gross floor area in the case of retail and office development. 1..6 "Effective Date" shall be the first date on which all of the following have occurred: (1) the California Coastal Commission has given final approval to this Agreement, (2) the time for filing a legal challenge to the approval of this Agreement, the environmental or planning documents related to this Agreement, or the process or procedures preliminary to approval by the City or California Coastal Commission has expired under all applicable statutes of limitation without a kr\circopl5.a9t 3 j%/I 0 • lawsuit being filed, or if such a lawsuit is filed, a final judgment upholding this Agreement, related documents or the approval process has been entered, and (3) City has issued a grading permit or building permit for development on the Property other than (a) development on the southerly portion of Freeway Reservation East, (b) a low and/or very low senior citizen housing development on Bayview Landing, (c) a senior citizen housing development in Block 800, and (d) the Newporter Resort expansion. In the event that the Effective Date has not occurred on or before the fifth anniversary date of the City's execution of this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated upon written notice from either party. 1..7 "Fair share Fees" shall mean those fees assessable by City pursuant to Chapter 15.38 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, or successor ordinance. 1..8 "Frontage Improvements" consist of those circulation improvements listed in Exhibit "C" as to each respective parcel of the Property and shall include all work necessary to bring the street to Master Plan Standards including, without limitation, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk and medians. Frontage Improvements also include dedication of all right of way necessary to construct the street to Master Plan Standards. If the street to be improved is along the boundary of a parcel, the Frontage Improvements include all work necessary to improve the street to Master Plan Standards between the property line (after dedication) and the center line of the street. If the street to be improved runs through a parcel, Frontage Improvements include all work necessary to improve the street to Master Plan Standards. 1..9 "Master Plan standards" shall mean those provisions of the Newport Beach Circulation Element, State law, County or City ordinance, resolution or regulation, Public Works Department specification or standard, or construction documents that govern the design or improvement of the Frontage Improvements listed in Exhibit "C." The Master Plan standards shall be those in effect as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. In the event of a change to the Master Plan standards subsequent to the Effective Date, City may request dedication, without cost to the City, of any additional right of way necessary to complete the circulation system improvement to then current Master Plan standards, and Company shall dedicate the additional right of way unless to do so would require a significant change in the Development Concept specified in the relevant PC Text for the adjacent parcel. 1..10 "PC Text" shall mean the planned community development text specifying the type and intensity or density of development permitted on each parcel of property covered by this Agreement, as shown in Exhibit "H". kr\circop15.agt 4 0 1..11 "Party" means either City or Company or both, as determined by the context. 1..12 "Pro ect" consists of on -site and off -site improvements Company is required to construct with respect to each parcel of the Property as provided in this Agreement or as authorized by the entitlement provisions of the relevant PC Text (Exhibit "HII) and in Exhibits "CIO and I'D," as well as the improvements to MacArthur Boulevard described in Section 2.3, as further defined, enhanced or modified by provisions of this Agreement or related environmental documentation. The term Project does not consist of any improvement shown on any PC Text for a parcel Company is required to dedicate to City for open space and public facility purposes. 1..13 "Property" is the real property on which the Project is, or will be, located as described on Exhibit IIAII and depicted on Exhibit 'in.'[ 2. Circulation Imurovement Funding. Company shall assist in the funding of circulation system improvements in City as follows: 2...1 Fair share Fees. Within ten (10) days following the Effective Date, Company shall prepay to City all Fair Share Fees that Company would be required to pay as a condition to development of the Project consistent with the type and intensity and/or density of development for the Property specified in the PC Texts. In the event Company proceeds with development on any parcel of the Property identified as exceptions in Section 1..6 prior to the Effective Date, Company shall be required to pay to City the Fair Share Fees for that development prior to the Effective Date with the fees paid to be credited against Company's obligation pursuant to this Section. 2..2 Frontage Improvements, A. Completion/Bonding. Company shall complete, or provide acceptable security for completion of, Frontage Improvements at or prior to recordation of the final subdivision map for any respective parcel of Property listed on Exhibit 11c.11 Company shall, complete Frontage Improvements prior to the issuance of a Certificate of occupancy if no subdivision map is processed preliminary to construction on any parcel. The cost of Frontage Improvements as specified in Exhibit "C" is approximate, has been included for purposes of calculating the amount of the Advance, and Company's obligations with respect to Frontage Improvements shall not be affected if the actual cost of one or more of the improvements is greater than that estimated in this Agreement. kr\cfrcop15.a9t 5 off 0 B. Dedication. The dedication of necessary right of way for the Frontage Improvements shall be made when Company constructs Frontage Improvements or when City requests dedication in contemplation of a construction project involving the Frontage Improvements and for which funding has been identified and approved by any Federal, State or local agency from which funding was requested. in the case of a State highway, dedication shall be made to the State and in sufficient time to meet State standards for right of way certification prior to advertising for bids to construct the project. Company shall dedicate right of way without charge or expense to City or the State in consideration of the development entitlement conferred by this Agreement and the relevant PC Text. The value of land required to be dedicated shall not be considered in the calculation of the cost of Frontage Improvements nor the amount of the Advance. Prior to the Effective Date, Company shall consider in good faith, and has indicated a general willingness te, but is not required, to approve, City requests for dedication of right of way in excess of that required under the Agreement when necessary to make Frontage Improvements when City has obtained commitments from Federal, State or local sources to fund a portion of the costs of such improvement. C. Company shall within thirty (30) days after a written notice to dedicate is served as provided in Section 17, dedicate the right of way along the west side of MacArthur Boulevard between Pacific Coast Highway and San Joaquin Hills Road necessary to widen and relocate the roadway to Master Plan standards. Company's obligation to dedicate right of way pursuant to this Subsection shall commence eighteen (18) months after the Agreement Date. 2..3 MacArthur Boulevard Improvements Northerly of Ford Road. Commencing no later than ten (10) days after the Effective Date, Company shall use its best efforts to obtain all necessary permits for, commence construction of, and diligently pursue to completion, the widening of MacArthur Boulevard between Ford Road and the location of the proposed preferred alignment for the future San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, such that there are a minimum of six travel lanes and a minimum of three northbound travel lanes. Company shall not be required to expend more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,00o.00) in direct project -related costs to comply with its obligation to widen MacArthur Boulevard as provided in this Subsection. kr%circop15.a9t 6 Cjo 0 • 2..4 Companv Advance. Subject to the provisions of Section 3..4, Company sha]1, on or before the Effective Date, make available to City a sum of money which City may use for circulation system improvements or projects necessary to complete the City's Master Plan of arterial highways as specified in the Circulation Element to the Newport Beach General Plan. This advance shall be calculated and utilized in accordance with the following: A. Amount of Advance. The Advance shall be $20,600,000.00 less $4,8061000.o0 (the estimated total cost of the Frontage Improvements as described in Exhibit licit, but not necessarily the actual cost) and less the amount of Fair Share Fees for the Property as determined on the Agreement date). B. Adjustments. The Advance shall be adjusted by the percentage increase or decrease in the California Highway Construction Items (I'CHCI") Index (or the most similar index in the event the CHCI Index is no longer published) between the Agreement Date and the Effective Date. C. Use of Advance. City shall use the Advance only to fund improvements that are consistent with the Circulation Element and satisfy at least one of the following criteria: 1. Insure that no unsatisfactory level of traffic service is caused, or made worse, at any intersection impacted by the project for which there is a feasible identified improvement; 2. Contribute to the overall reduction in intersection capacity utilization at intersections impacted by traffic generated by development authorized by this Agreement, taking into account peak hour traffic volumes; and 3. Represent improvements which have been considered by the City Council in finding that the benefits to traffic circulation resulting from this Agreement substantially outweigh any increase in traffic congestion at impacted, but unimproved, intersections. City shall have the right to substitute circulation improvements for those identified in the traffic study prepared in conjunction with EIR 148 and/or imposed as mitigation measures by the City Council, provided, the substitute improvements reduce traffic to the same, or greater, degree as those originally proposed and satisfy one or more of the criteria specified above. kr\c1rcop15.&gt 7 7/ 3. Terms and Conditions of the Advance. The Advance shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: 3..1 Interest. City shall pay no interest on the Advance or any City draw on the Advance; 3..2 Limitation. City shall draw down the Advance only for the reasonable costs and expenses associated with the construction of circulation improvements including, without limitation, design, right of way acquisition, engineering, environmental analysis, contract administration, and construction. City may not draw upon the Advance for arbitrage or similar purposes. 3..3 Timing of Draws. City and Company shall each act in good faith with respect to the timing of draws against the Advance. City and Company shall establish procedures for effecting draws against the Advance which insure prompt payment of contractors, consultants and suppliers and minimize the administrative and accounting burden on City, while avoiding any significant reduction in the interest Company would receive. 3..4 Accelerated Draws Against the Advance. City shall, prior to the Effective Date, use its best efforts to obtain funding for roadway improvements from Federal, State and local sources. City is focusing its efforts on funding for the improvement of MacArthur Boulevard between Pacific Coast Highway and San Joaquin Hills Road to Master Plan standards. (MacArthur Phase I). The parties acknowledge that it is unlikely City will'receive funding for MacArthur Phase I from Federal, State or County sources unless City is willing and financially able to commit matching funds. In such event, City may, no sooner than two (2) years after the Agreement Date, submit a written request for Company's consent to draw against the Advance prior to the Effective Date. Company shall consider in good faith, and while not legally obligated to do so has indicated a general willingness to approve, requests from City for draws against the Advance prior to the Effective Date if necessary to secure matching funds from Federal, State, County or private sources that represent a substantial portion of the cost of constructing MacArthur Phase I or other circulation improvements identified in 2..4(C). 3..5 Use Of Advance. City shall, to the maximum extent practical, continue to pursue and use any and all private, county, state and/or federal sources of funds for, circulation system improvements as and to the extent available. 3..6 Reduction Of Advance By Draws. As draws are made against the Advance, the total remaining balance of the Advance shall be permanently reduced by the amount of the draw; and kr%c1rcop15.agt 8 �y .y n u 0 4. 3..7 Repayment Of Advance. follows: City shall repay the Advance as (a) From and continuously following the city's first draw on the Advance, City shall, to the extent permitted by law, collect Fair Share Fees (or their equivalent) from the owners of properties within City (other than the Property). City shall pay to Company Fifty percent (50%) of all such fees collected to repay any unreimbursed draw against the Advance until City's repayment obligations expire as provided in Subsection (d); (b) City shall periodically recalculate the amount of Fair Share Fees as specified in the relevant ordinance; (0) City shall to the extent permitted by statutory or decisional law amend its Fair Share Ordinance, or take such other action as may be appropriate, to create an obligation on the part of other property owners to reimburse the City and Company for circulation improvements funded, in whole or in part, through draws on the Advance. However, the parties acknowledge that the state of law with respect to development or impact fees is uncertain and there is no guaranty that the City will be able legally to require fees from property owners to pay Fair Share Fees for already constructed improvements or to reimburse Company all or a portion of the Advance. (d) City's repayment obligations on the Advance shall expire twenty (20) years from the Effective Date. 3..8 Availability. The Advance shall continue to remain available for a period of twenty (20) years from the Effective Date, notwithstanding the completion of all permitted development on the Property. Limitation on Further Obligations. 4..1 Financial obligations. The financial obligations which Company* has agreed to undertake pursuant to this Agreement satisfy and are in lieu of any and all financial obligations City could impose on Company for circulation improvements, are necessary to complete the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (exclusive, however, of participation in the funding for construction of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation corridor) with respect to the Property, and fully and irrevocably satisfy the obligations of City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, the Fair Share Traffic Contribution Ordinance and all similar and/or successor ordinances or requirements. City shall require no reservation or dedication of land or payment of kr\circop15.agt 9 n E fees for park and open space purposes with respect to the Property, or any circulation improvement necessary to complete the City's Master Plan of streets and highways, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. 4..2 Dedication. Company shall, however, dedicate additional right of way that may be required by amendments to the Circulation Element, mitigation measures identified in any environmental document related to the property, or problems identified in the preparation of construction documents, unless to do so would require a significant change in the Development Concept specified for the parcel pursuant to the applicable PC Text. 5. Open Space and Public Facility Dedications. 5..1 Company shall dedicate to City the area shown as open space/public facilities on the Planned Community Development text for each parcel with the exception of certain lands on the San Diego Creek North Site that may be necessary for implementation of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor which should be offered for dedication directly to the Transportation Corridor Agency, with the exception of certain lands on the San Diego Creek north site that may be necessary for implementation of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor which should be offered for dedication directly to the Transportation Corridor Agency. The amount and general location of land to be dedicated is specified in each P C Text. All parcels shall be offered for dedication to the City in fee simple, subject only to the conditions and restrictions specified in Exhibit "F" and the conditions or restrictions other than the limitations on use specified in the P C Text. The parcels shall be dedicated in accordance with the schedule specified in Exhibit "E." The dedication shall be accepted by City within a reasonable period of time (not to exceed ninety (90) days) following Company's offer of dedication, provided, however, any parcel adjacent to or in close proximity to a proposed future highway or tollway to be funded in whole or in part with federal funds shall not be accepted by City until construction of the highway or tollway has commenced, or Company has elected to waive this restriction, whichever first occurs. City shall have the right to transfer some or all of the dedicated property to any public entity, non-profit corporation, unincorporated association or other organization so long as the transfer is conditioned upon use of the property in accordance with the limitations specified in the Planned Community Development Text (or more stringent restrictions) and the transfer is subject to the conditions and restrictions described in Exhibit "F." Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section and the special covenants and restrictions specified in Exhibit "F", City and Company may agree to use up to four (4) of the dedicated parcels for the purpose of constructing low and/or very low income senior housing. kr\circop15.agt 10 �y 0 5..z Company acknowledges that the dedication of the property required by this Agreement is in consideration of the development rights specified in this Agreement and Planned Community Development Text, and represents measures adopted by the City Council to mitigate environmental impacts. Company also acknowledges that it has received full value for the property to be dedicated in the form of vested entitlement on the various parcels on which development is permitted. City and company agree that the grant of entitlement in exchange for dedication satisfies those provisions of the state and federal constitution that require compensation for any taking of private property. 5..3 On September 11, 1985, City and Company entered into the Dedication and Park Agreement for the Mouth of Big Canyon (Park Credit Agreement). Pursuant to the Park Credit Agreement, Company dedicated approximately 39.5 acres of property commonly known as the Mouth of Big Canyon to City for open space and park purposes. in consideration of this dedication, City granted Company 5 acres of park credit to be applied to dedications that would be required as Conditions to the development on certain parcels known as the 'Credit Subdivisions.' Some park credit has been applied to offset dedications otherwise required of development on PCH frontage (Villa Point Apartments), Big Canyon Area 10, and Big Canyon Area 16. The property covered by this Agreement represents substantially all of the parcels to which the remaining credit could be applied. Company acknowledges that the provisions of this Agreement do not constitute any breach or violation of City's duties pursuant to the Park Credit Agreement. Company waives and gives up any right to compensation for any park dedication credit it would be entitled to apply to the Property pursuant to the Park Credit Agreement, and also waives any right to rescind, in whole or part, its dedication of the Mouth of Big Canyon to City by virtue of its inability to apply park dedication credit to the Property covered by this Agreement. City acknowledges that the remaining park dedication credit may be applied to the development or re- development of parcels or property not covered by this Agreement. 5..4 City acknowledges the Company's right to sell any or all of the parcels subject to this Agreement, to third parties, including non-profit third parties which may wish to purchase certain parcels for the purpose of preserving same for open space uses. City agrees to cooperate with Company and said third parties, to the extent permitted by law, to effectuate such transactions and agrees to utilize its offices in good faith to accommodate the interests of the general public, the Company and third parties. kr\c1rcop15.agt 11 0 • 6. Development of the Property. 6..1 Project. The permitted uses and the density or intensity of development of the Property, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, shall be as shown and identified for each parcel of the Property on the relevant PC Text. City shall not prevent development of the Property for the uses and to the density or intensity of development set forth in Planned Community Development text. In addition, Company and City will adhere, to the extent feasible, to the processing schedule provided in Exhibit "G." 6..2 Effect of Agreement on Applications for Land Use Approvals. In connection with any approval which City is required, permitted or has the right to give relating to the Project, or otherwise under its ordinances., resolutions and codes, City shall not impose any condition or restriction that prevents Company from developing the Property with the uses and to the maximum densities and intensities permitted by the PC Texts. Subject to review for completeness, City shall accept for processing and shall timely review and act on all applications for further land use entitlement approvals with respect to the Project called for or required under this Agreement. Company may apply to the City for permits or approvals necessary to modify or amend the development specified in the PC Texts provided the request does not propose an increase in the maximum densities or intensities, any increase in the maximum height and size of proposed structures, nor propose a change in use that generates more peak hour traffic or more daily traffic. Further, the building locations shall not be significantly altered from those shown on the PC Text. 6..3 Mello -Roos Community Facilities District. Pursuant to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 53312) Part I, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, commonly known as the "Mello -Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982," Company may petition City Council to establish one or more community facilities districts including some or all of the Property for the purpose of financing Company's obligations under this Agreement. City shall have the sole discretion to determine whether to establish such a district, the improvements to be financed, and the method of financing such improvements. 6..4 Future Discretionary Reviews. City shall retain its discretionary powers in reviewing applications for project - related development approvals submitted before the Effective Date, provided that those powers will be applied in a manner that is consistent with this Agreement and will not prevent Company from development of the Project with the land uses, and to the densities or intensities, permitted by this Agreement. Except as provided herein, future discretionary kr\c1rcop15.e9t 12 approvals, including but not limited to rezoning, tentative and parcel map approvals, plot plans and plan development approvals, shall be consistent with this Agreement and the relevant P C Text. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent City from imposing measures to mitigate significant effects identified in any environmental document prepared for development of the Project provided; (a) The measure is not in conflict with the park and open space or circulation system improvement provisions of this Agreement; (b) The measure does not conflict with the provisions of Section 4 of the Agreement; and (c) In the event the measure relates to the sighting of development to avoid a significant effect (as defined in CEQA), and renders the project infeasible, Company shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 7.3. City shall retain full discretion to impose standard conditions generally applicable to subdivision or parcel maps, exclusive of park or open space dedications, improvements required to complete the circulation element or comply with any Congestion Management Program or Growth Management Plan requirements, Fair Share Fees, or Traffic Phasing ordinance improvements. The Traffic Study prepared in conjunction with this Agreement fully satisfies the provisions of the Traffic Phasing Ordinance for all development authorized by this Agreement, and no Traffic Study shall be required in conjunction with any application for approvals or permits necessary to construct development authorized by this Agreement so long as the application is consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and the relevant PC Text. The City also retains full discretion to impose conditions pursuant to the site plan review provisions set forth in Section 20.01.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Further, the City of Newport or the California Coastal Commission retain discretion in the review and approval of Coastal Development Permits as set forth in the Addendum to this agreement attached as Exhibit "I." 6..5 No Conflicting Enactments. City shall not apply to the Project any ordinance, policy, rule, regulation or other measure enacted or effective after the Agreement Date which is in conflict with this Agreement. This Section shall not restrict City's ability to enact an ordinance, policy, rule, regulation or other measure applicable to the Project pursuant to California Government Code Section 65866 in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 7. No moratorium or other limitation (whether relating to the rate, timing or sequencing of the development or construction of all or any part of the Project and whether enacted by initiative or otherwise) kr\cfrcop15.s9t 13 fA L • 7. affecting subdivision maps, building certificates or other entitlement to use granted within City, or portions of City, Project. permits, occupancy approved, issued or shall apply to the 6..6 Benefits to Company. Company has expended and will continue to expend substantial amounts of time and money on the planning and infrastructure construction of the Project. Company represents and City acknowledges that Company would not make such expenditures without this Agreement and such expenditures will be made in reliance upon this Agreement. The benefit to Company under this Agreement consists of the assurance that Company will preserve the right to develop the Property as planned. City acknowledges that Company will be investing money and planning effort in the Project in reliance on City's covenants, and representations in this Agreement and City agrees that Company may reasonably and justifiably rely on City's covenants and representations in this Agreement and on the enforceability of this Agreement, except as to the power of the City to collect fees to repay Company as specified in subsection 3.6. 6..7 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the project shall include mitigation measures adopted by the City Council in conjunction with the approval of this Agreement and the certification of the Environmental Impact Report and which are to be satisfied, performed or implemented by Company. Company shall perform, satisfy or implement all mitigation measures for which it is responsible at its own cost and expense. Company expressly waives any rights it may have regarding limitations on the cost or expense of mitigating impacts on *archeological or paleontological resources pursuant to Section 21083.2 of the Public Resources Code as to any portion of the Property not dedicated to the City for open space or public facilities. Rules. Regulations and official Policies. 7..1 New Rules. This Agreement shall not prevent City from applying to the Project the following rules, regulations and policies (collectively "Regulations") adopted or effective after the Agreement Date, provided that the same are adopted and applied City-wide: (a) Procedural Regulations relating to hearing bodies, petitions, applications, notices, findings, records, hearings, reports, recommendations, appeals and. any other matter of procedure; (b) Regulations which are not in conflict with this Agreement; or (c) Regulations which are in conflict with this kr\d rcop15.egt 14 �1 Agreement, if such Regulations have been consented to in writing by Company. 7..2 Taxes, Assessments and Fees. Except as limited by Section 4 of this Agreement, City may impose such taxes, assessments and fees adopted or effective after the Agreement Date, including but not limited to business license taxes or franchise fees, on the Project as are imposed on a City-wide basis. 7..3 New Laws, Rules, or Regulations. This Section shall apply in the event either party believes that any county, state, or federal law, rule, regulation or plan enacted or applied after the Agreement Date prevents or precludes compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement (conflicting rule). (a) Notice and Copies: Either party shall provide the other Party with: (1) written notice of the existence of the conflicting rule; (2) a copy of the conflicting rule; and (3) the reasons why the conflicting rule would preclude or prevent compliance by that party with one or more provisions of this Agreement and any proposed modification to the Agreement necessary to comply with the conflicting rule; (b) Modification Conferences The Parties shall, within thirty (30) days of the notice required in section 6.3(a), meet and confer in good faith in a reasonable attempt to agree on the effect of the conflicting rule and proposed modifications of this Agreement to conform with the conflicting rule; and, (c) council Hearings: Regardless of whether the Parties reach any tentative agreement on the matters involved in the modification conference required by Section 6.3(b) above, the matter shall be scheduled for a public hearing before City Council. City shall give at least thirty (30) days' public notice of such hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 65867. City council, at such hearing, shall determine the exact modification or suspension which it believes is necessary to conform the Agreement to the conflicting rule. Company, at the hearing, shall have the right to offer oral and written testimony. Any proposed modification shall be taken by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of City Council. Within thirty (30) days thereafter, Company shall either elect, in writing delivered to City, to accept the modification, or terminate this Agreement. 8. _Utility capacity. City shall use its best efforts to plan for, and provide (to the extent provided by City to other developments), sufficient water and local sewer capacity or service kr\circop15.eyt 15 / / to serve all development of the Property authorized by this Agreement. City shall require no greater reduction in utility service to any parcel of the Property than is required by the general provider of the service. In the event City declares an utility moratorium, the individual parcels of the Property shall have priority for utility service over other developments when service becomes available. Nothing in this Agreement limits City's ability to impose reasonable conditions on future discretionary approvals which require Company to install utility lines and appurtenances servicing the Property. 9. Project as a Private Undertaking. The development of the Project is a private development, that neither Party is acting as the agent of the other in any respect hereunder, and that each Party is an independent contracting entity with respect to the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement. No partnership, joint venture or other association of any kind is formed by this Agreement. The only relationship between City and Company is that of a government entity regulating the development of private property by the owner of such property. 10. Term. The term of this Agreement shall continue until all permits required for occupancy and operation of the Project as contemplated by the Project have been issued, and the City has drawn and repaid all of the Advance, provided that in no event shall such term exceed twenty (20) years as measured from the Effective Date. Pursuant to Section 66452.6(a),of the California Subdivision Map Act, any tentative Subdivision Map approved for the Property, whether designated a "vesting tentative map" or otherwise, may be extended by City to the date on which this Agreement terminates. 11. Amendment or Cancellation of Agreement. Other than modifications of this Agreement pursuant to Section 7.3, this Agreement may be amended or canceled in whole or in part only by mutual written and executed consent of the Parties in compliance with Government Code Section 65868. 12. Enforcement. Unless amended or canceled as provided in Section 12, or modified or suspended pursuant to Government Code Section 65869.5, this Agreement is enforceable by either Party notwithstanding any change in any applicable general or specific plan, zoning, subdivision or building regulation or other applicable ordinance or regulation adopted by City (including by the voters of City) which purports to apply to any or all of the Property. 13. Periodic Review of Compliance. City and Company shall review this Agreement at least, once every twelve (12) months from the kr\circop15.agt 16 140 Effective Date in accordance with Sections 65865 and 65865.1 of the California Government Code. At such reviews, Company shall demonstrate its good faith compliance with this Agreement. Company agrees to furnish such evidence of good faith compliance as City, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion and after reasonable notice to Company, may require. Company shall be deemed to be in good faith compliance with this Agreement if City is not entitled pursuant to Section 14.1 to terminate this Agreement. 14. Events of Default. 14..1 Default by Company. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65865.1, if City determines following a noticed public hearing and on the basis of substantial evidence that Company has not complied in good faith with Company's obligations pursuant to this Agreement, City shall, by written notice to Company, specify the manner in which Company has failed to so comply and state the steps Company must take to bring itself into compliance. if, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the written notice from City specifying the manner in which Company has failed to so comply, Company does not commence all steps reasonably necessary to bring itself into compliance as required and thereafter diligently pursue such steps to completion, then Company shall be deemed to be in default under the terms of this Agreement and City may (a) seek a modification of this Agreement, (b) terminate this Agreement, or (c) seek any other available remedies, as provided in Section 14.3. 14..2 Default by City. If City has not complied with any of its obligations and limitations under this Agreement, Company shall, by written notice to City, specify the manner in which City has failed to so comply and state the steps necessary for City to bring itself into compliance. If, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the written notice from Company specifying the manner in which City has failed to so comply,. City does not bring itself into compliance, then City shall be deemed to be in default under the terms of this Agreement and Company may (a) seek a modification of this Agreement, (b) terminate this Agreement, or (c) seek any other available remedy as provided in Section 14.3. - Except as provided below, if City adopts or enforces any moratorium, de facto or de jure, or other similar limitation (whether relating to the rate, timing or sequencing of the development or construction of all or any part of the Project and whether enacted by initiative or otherwise) affecting the processing or approval of subdivision maps, building permits, occupancy certificates or other entitlement to use which is applied to the Project, then Company may immediately seek a modification of this Agreement, terminate this Agreement, or seek any other available remedy, as provided in Section 14.3. City shall not be in default pursuant to this Section if: (a) it'adopts a temporary citywide moratorium on development due to its kr\d rcop15.egt 17 1 V inability to supply sufficient water to then current customers as necessary to maintain minimum levels of health, safety and sanitation; or (b) it is required to enforce a moratorium because of a law, rule, regulation or plan identified in Section 7.3; (c) the enactment of the moratorium or other limitation is the result of a court order. 14..3 . specific Performance Remedy. Due to the size, nature and scope of the Project, and due to the fact that it may not be practical or possible to restore the Property to its natural condition once implementation of this Agreement has begun, the Parties acknowledge that, except as provided in Section 14.4, money damages and remedies at law generally are inadequate and that specific performance is appropriate for the enforcement of this Agreement. Except as provided in Section 14.4, the remedy of specific performance or, in the alternative, a writ .of mandate, shall be the sole and exclusive legal remedy available to either party in the event of the default, or alleged default, by the other. 14..4 Repayment of Advance upon Termination. A. Amount of Reimbursement. If Company elects to terminate this Agreement as provided under Paragraph 7.3 or 14.2. City shall reimburse Company the total of (a) any outstanding and unpaid draws against the Advance, and (b) any prepaid Fair Share Fees attributable to parcels of the Property for which no building or grading permit has been issued as of the date of termination ("Reimbursement Amount"). City shall pay no interest on the Reimbursement Amount, or any portion thereof. B. Termination Pursuant to 7.3. If Company terminates pursuant to Paragraph 7.3, City shall pay Company seventy-five percent (75%) of the Fair Share Fees collected until Company is reimbursed the Reimbursement Amount or City's reimbursement obligation terminates pursuant to Subsection 3.7(d). C. Termination Pursuant to 14.2. If Company terminates pursuant to Paragraph 14.2, City shall reimburse Company the Reimbursement Amount from a combination of Fair Share Fees and the General Fund. The intent of the parties is to provide for General Fund reimbursement of the Reimbursement Amount in proportion to the percentage of development not constructed as of the date of termination. The portion to be reimbursed from the General Fund shall be calculated as follows: Reimbursement Average Daily Trips Attributable Amount X to Parcels not Developed as of Termination Total Average Daily Trips for the Project kr\d reop15.agt 18 /D L 0 • That portion of the Reimbursement Amount due from the General Fund shall be paid in four (4) equal annual installments beginning on September 1st of the fiscal year following the date of termination. City shall also pay to company seventy-five percent (75%) of the Fair Share Fees collected from the date of termination until the remainder of the Reimbursement Amount has been fully repaid or city's reimbursement obligation terminates pursuant to Subsection 3.7(d). For purposes of this Subsection, the term "parcels not developed" shall mean those parcels for which Company has not received building permits for the development permitted pursuant to this Agreement, commenced construction of that development, and expended a substantial sum of money during the course of construction. The average daily trips for parcels partially developed shall be prorated. 15. Cooperation. Each Party covenants to take such reasonable actions and execute all documents that may be necessary to achieve the purposes and objectives of this Agreement. 16. Force Maieure, Neither Party shall be deemed to be in default where failure or delay in performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement is caused, through no fault of the Party whose performance is prevented or delayed, by floods, earthquakes, other Acts of God, fires, wars, riots or similar hostilities, strikes or other labor difficulties, State or Federal regulations, or court actions. Except as spedified above, nonperformance shall not be excused because of the act or omission of a third person. 17. Notices. Any notice or demand which shall, be required or permitted by law or any provision of this Agreement shall be in writing and if the same is to be served upon a Party, may be personally delivered to the Party, or shall be deposited in the United States mail, certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or shall be delivered by overnight courier, overnight courier charges prepaid, and shall be addressed as follows: TO CITY: City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Post Office Box 1768' Newport Beach, California 92663-3884 Attn: City Manager With a copy to: City Attorney City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92663-3884 krlc1rcop15.agt 19 A0 9 TO COMPANY: The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660-0015 Attn: General Counsel With a copy to: Latham & Watkins 650 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, California 92626-1918 Attn: Robert K. Break Either Party may change the address stated herein by notice to the other Party in the manner provided in this Section, and thereafter notices shall be addressed and submitted to the new address. Notice shall be deemed to be delivered upon the earlier of (a) the date received or (b) three (3) business days after deposit in the mail as provided above. 18. Transfers and Assignments. 18..1 Right to Assign. Company shall have the right tc sell, lease, transfer or assign the Property in whole or in part (provided that no such partial transfer shall cause a violation of the Subdivision Map Act, Government Code Section 66410, et seq.) to any person, partnership, joint venture, firm or corporation at any time during the term 'of this Agreement without prior notice to City; provided, however, that any such sale, lease, transfer or assignment shall include the assignment and assumption of the rights, duties and obligations arising under or from this Agreement to the transferee with respect to that part of the Property transferred. Company shall no longer be obligated under this Agreement as to that part of the Property which was sold, leased, transferred or assigned if Company is not in default under this Agreement at the time of the sale, lease, transfer or assignment. In no event, however, shall Company be relieved from its obligations hereunder to prepay the Fair Share Fees, or to fulfill its obligations pursuant to Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Agreement. 18..2 Binding on successors and Assigns. The burdens of this Agreement are binding upon, and the benefits of this Agreement inure to, all successors in interest of the parties to this Agreement, and constitute covenants which run with the Property. In order to provide continued notice thereof, this Agreement and all amendments thereto will be recorded by the Parties. kr\c1rcop15.agt 20 9 4 19. Exhibits. The following documents are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: Exhibit Designation Description "A" Legal Description of the Property "B" Depiction of the Property "C" Frontage Improvements "D" Development Plan (Including Density and Intensity of Development) "E" Open Space Dedication "F" Open Space Dedication Conditions "G" Processing Schedule "H" List of PC Texts 111" Addendum 20. Rules of Construction and Miscellaneous Terms. 20..1 Gender. The singular includes the plural; the masculine and neuter include the feminine; "shall" is mandatory, "may" is permissive. 20..2 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence regarding each provision of this Agreement in which time is an element. 20.93 Waiver. Failure by a Party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the other Party, and failure by a Party to exercise its rights upon a default by the other Party hereto, shall not constitute a waiver of that Party's right to demand strict compliance by such other Party in the future. 20..4 counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be identical and may be introduced in evidence or used for any other purpose without any other counterpart, but all of which shall together constitute one and the same Agreement. krlc1rcopl5.agt 21 /O� 20..5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between City and Company with respect to the subject matter hereof. 20..6 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstances shall be held invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to whom or which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 20..7 construction. This Agreement has been drafted after extensive negotiation and revision. Both Company and City are sophisticated parties represented by independent counsel throughout the negotiations. City and Company each agree and acknowledge that the terms of this Agreement are fair and reasonable, taking into account their respective purposes, terms and conditions. In accordance with the foregoing, this Agreement shall be construed as a whole in accordance with its fair meaning and no principle or presumption of contract construction or interpretation shall be used to construe the whole or any part of this Agreement in favor of or against either City and Company. 20..8 No Third Party Beneficiaries. The only parties to this Agreement are City and Company. There are no third party beneficiaries and this Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed to benefit or be enforceable by any other person whatsoever. 20..9 Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 20..10 Section Headings. All Section headings and subheadings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect any construction or interpretation of this Agreement. 20..11 Incorporation of Recitals and Exhibits. Recitals A through H and attached Exhibits "All through "Hn are hereby incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth in full. kr\circop15.agt 22 /W E 21. Authority to Execute. The persons executing this Agreement warrant and represent that they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the entity for which they are executing this Agreement, and further warrant and represent that they have the authority to bind their respective Party to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 22. Recordation. This Agreement and any amendment or modification hereto or cancellation hereof shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the county of orange, by the City Clerk within the period required by Section 65868.5 of the Government Code. kr\circopl5.egt 23 /o7 *1 ! SIGNATURE PAGE TO CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT RN1A State of C ,f% r 1 Countyof ORyati� J} MENT THE IRVINE COMPANY A Michigan corporation On 6- 2 5 - 9 3 before me �"�y e 41.1. i - , DATE NAME, TIRE OF OFFICER• E G,'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared C.CAAc/yx a ,r iyci✓ "& 4- &IA"14 C 1?'A5;9/0 NAMEtS) OF SIGNER(S) ersonally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their PAT DE to HUM signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), z nG�l COb:t•1.t9E9739 k.e NO,m. Public -Colifcrni0 or the entity upon behalf of which the z O.'Ar,IGECOUNTY person(s) acted, executed the instrument. My Comm. F,y,'.res MAR 21. 1997 WITNESS my hand and official seal. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Though the data requested here is not required by law, it could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. city cierx SIGNATURE & NOTARY OPTIONAL SECTION TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT No.5193 Ism OPTIONAL SECTION CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove Invaluable to persons relying on the document. ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER(S) TITLE(S) ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED APPROVED AS TO FORM: i r z�- Robert H. Burnham City Attorney 01992 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Rommel Ave., P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, CA 91309.7184 t% I kr\circop15.89t 24 Af 0 0 SIGNATURE PAGE TO CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT THE IRVINE COMPANY A Michigan corporation By: _ Gary H. Hunt Its: Executive Vice President Its: Vice President & General Counsel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, A Municipal Corporation ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: r Robert H. Burnham City Attorney kr\c1rcop15.eyt 24 /0 9 r1 CATEGORY Definition. Category 2 sites have either a range of principal permitted uses or no specific delineation of a "development envelope" and "maximum extent of grading for non-public uses." (F through H) Sites included in this category are: F. Jamboree/MacArthur G. San Diego Creek North H. Newporter Resort Future Discretionary Review: All uses on Jamboree/MacArthur and San Diego Creek North would be subject to future CEQA/Coastal Development Permit review. Thus, for purposes of future Coastal Act and 'LCP review of Jamboree/MacArthur and San Diego Creek North, approval of the Development Agreement and Development Agreement Addendum provides the following: - Deletion of office uses allowed by the approved Newport Beach LUP; - Other public facility uses identified for each site in the Development Agreement PC text as found to be within the scope of the approved Newport Beach LUP but, due to absence of analysis of potential impacts and absence of development envelope/maximum grading maps, such uses are subject to full future discretionary review; - No encroachment or loss of wetlands is approved and no other habitat -related findings are made other than that the habitat protection/restoration designation for the San Diego Creek North area bordering San Diego Creek is consistent with and in furtherance of Coastal Act Sections 30231 and 302233. The impacts of the additional hotel rooms on the Newporter Resort would be subject to future CEQA/Coastal Development Permit requirements with full discretionary review. Nnbciosn.519 /a.3 0 6 2. No significant land form alteration of the bluff face shall be allowed in order to rectify existing and potential geologic instability for the residential development area; non -engineered solutions shall be utilized such as greater setbacks if necessary. Minor gradipg and filling or erosion gullies shall be permitted to stabilize public use areas. f mbdoss►.519 /112WI 0 0 e. Development effecting the habitat of any species listed as threatened or endangered under the state and federal endangered species acts or affecting "waters of the United States' is subject to the full regulatory authority of those endangered species acts and Corps 404 requirements, as indicated in the Development Agreement EIR, under federal law supremacy and under Government Code Section 65869.5. f. Site specific coastal development permit applications shall,include approvals from the California Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where applicable. g. Wetland encroachment is limited to that necessary for the expansion of Dover Drive on the Upper Castaways site. The access road for the Newporter North site shall avoid wetland encroachment; if such access is later determined to be infeasible, the applicant may, through a coastal development permit application, propose that alternative means of ingress and egress meet the requirements of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. All wetland encroachment shall be subject to the following criteria: 1. Wetland encroachment shall be the absolute minimum necessary for construction of the improvement. The encroachment shall be approximately .8 acres -of wetland fill at Upper Castaways. The site specific coastal development permit shall include an analysis of the least environmentally damaging Dover Drive construction alternative. 2. All wetland encroachment shall be mitigated at a ratio of 4 square feet of wetlands created for each square foot lost. Encroachment mitigation may occur onsite or offsite so long as it is within the vicinity of the Upper Newport Bay ecological reserve and within the coastal zone boundary. 3. The site specific coastal development permit request shall include a detailed wetland mitigation plan which includes phasing, planting and monitoring/maintenance provisions. 4. Wetland buffers of 100 feet shall be maintained; however, the buffer width may be reduced to 50 feet if the California Department of Fish and Game finds such reduction will not adversely impact the wetland resource. Nothing in this section relieves Company of its obligation to make, and pay for, the improvements described in Exhibit "C". h. Any bluff stabilization necessary to resolve existing erosion problems shall involve: 1. The least amount of work necessary to eliminate, or to reduce to a level of insignificance, the existing erosion problem. 2 rnmbcioma.519 �a� CATEGORYI Definition. Category 1 sites have: (1) specifically defined principal permitted uses; (2) specifically delineated "development envelopes" and (3) specifically defined "maximum extent of grading for non-public uses" lines, They are specifically delineated on the Development Agreement Addendum site maps (A through E): Sites included in this category are: A. Upper Castaways B. Newporter North/Newporter Knoll C. San Diego Creek South D. Bay View Landing E. Corporate Plaza West Future Discretionary Review: The following provisos apply: a. The Development Agreement specifically provides for future CEQA review in connection with the City discretionary site permit process; b. Future Coastal Act discretionary review (Coastal Development Permit through Coastal Commission or the City) may result in further limitations on the mapped development area based on new/more specific biological or geotechnical information, provided that the landowner may relocate development within the "maximum extent of grading area for non-public uses" shown on the Development Agreement Addendum map so long as: (i) City of Newport Beach height, lot coverage, setback and other similar requirements are met; (ff) the alternative location is not in conflict with specific environmental resource protection siting criteria resulting from future CEQA/Coastal Act or other regulatory agency requirements; and (iii) the intensity and type of development and the total amount of development acreage are consistent with the Development Agreement PC regulations and maximum extent of grading maps in the Addendum; C. Site specific erosion and urban runoff control measures and other impact mitigation measures (e.g. light and glare) are subject to full CEQA, Clean Water Act, Coastal Act and other applicable state and federal environmental law discretionary review; d. Public facility and open space uses requiring site alteration and/or providing access in close proximity to sensitive habitat areas are subject to the same discretionary review provisions as development uses; f mbetosta.519 EJEW FAMli EXHIBIT "I" NEWPORT BEACH CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT ADDENDUM Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65869, a development agreement for property located in the coastal zone, without a certified local coastal program, must be approved by the California Coastal Commission. On June 10, 1993, the California Coastal Commission approved the Newport Beach Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement and this Addendum. The Addendum language shall take precedence over the Development Agreement and Planned Community text language and where there is a conflict, the Addendum shall supersede. The Addendum comprises the following: 1. Text that correlates two categories of site maps representing two levels of development specificity and text defining the scope of future discretionary review under CEQA, the Coastal Act and other state and federal environmental laws. Site maps identifying development parameters and sensitive habitat. fn:nbciosaa.519 %/9 6 PLANNED COMMUNITY TEXT 1. North Ford Amendment (San Diego Creek South) 2. San Diego Creek North and Jamboree/MacArthur 3. Upper Castaways 4, Bayview Landing 6, Newporter North/Newporter Knoll 6. Block 800 Amendment 7. Corporate Plaza West 8. Harbor View Hills Amendment (Freeway Reservation) EXHIBIT "H" ORDINANCE/AMENDMENT DATE OF NO. ADOPTION Amendment No. 766 8/24/92 Ordinance No. 92-39 8/24/92 Ordinance No. 92-36 9/28/92 Ordinance No. 92-38 9/28/92 Ordinance No, 92--37 8/24192 Amendment No, 769 8/24/92 Ordinance No, 92-40 8124/92 Amendment No, 763 8/24/92 Exh—H EXHIBIT'G' NEWPORT BEACH CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT PROCESSING SCHEDULE MARCH 02. 1992 ITEM NO. ENTITLEMENT AGREEMENT 191 >< JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOVJQEC1 City Council initiates process for .Complete Agreement and EIR 2 Prepare Agreement Document Complete , 3 She Plan / P.C. Text Preparation Complete 4 City selection of EIR Consultant Complete 5 Publish EIR Notice of Preparation Complete 6 PB & R Review Complete 7 Prepare Environmental Documents r�"`.vit 2}yN,< �•r+tV`-�•tM•.YMs'rt a g,,•°iii%enY+-'^..'n, sty' ' a' DDa> Co.`A : F^•d� r B EIR Screen Check Review 9 45 day public review of EIRu��. 10 Planning Commission Hearings, EIR and Agreement 11 City Council Hearings, EIR and Agreement 12 1 Coastal Commission review and approval - V 0 1 0 0 EXHIBIT "Fil OPEN SPACE DEDICATION The parcels) to be dedicated/conveyed to the City will be transferred (a) without any warranty concerning suitability for City's intended use of the property, (b) without any warranty concerning the absence of hazardous or toxic materials, (c) subject to standard CLTA exceptions to title, (d) subject to existing encroachments and easements of record or apparent as of the date of this Agreement, and (e) subject to the following reservations and covenants: (1) a reservation of ground water and mineral rights, but without surface entry; (2) a reservation of easements as needed for installation of utilities required to serve development on other properties (e.g. a drainage easement across Newporter North), to perform habitat mitigation in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive habitat areas to mitigate for development impacts on development parcels, for reburial of disturbed native American remains on Newporter North, for public rights -of -way, and for temporary construction access and staging; and (3) covenants that the parcel(s) will be used consistent with the PC Texts, that the Company will have the right to review and comment on park plans and improvement plans, that the City will not require the Company to provide, directly or indirectly, for parking related to public use of the conveyed lands, that the City will maintain the lands in a safe and attractive condition, and that the City will not abandon the conveyed parcels nor transfer them to a third party for any development purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing: 1. Company shall complete, to City's satisfaction, a remediation program for the removal of known petroleum products or hazardous wastes on the Bayview Landing Parcel prior to dedication. Company shall diligently pursue the remediation program to completion so that timing of the dedication is not affected. 2. To facilitate the widening of Dover Drive or access to the park or open space on Castaways, the City may convey to the Lutheran Church a portion of the dedicated parcel on the south sAde of the Church property. The amount of property conveyed to the Church in the event Dover Drive is widened shall, at a minimum, provide replacement parking -for spaces lost as a result of a widening. Any conveyance to the Church to provide replacement parking shall be conditioned on the Church's conveyance of Dover Drive frontage necessary to accommodate the widening to Master Plan standards. 3. Company shall have the right to waive any and all of the reservations or covenants with respect to any parcel to be dedicated so long as the proposed use of the property is consistent with the PC Text. //6 EXHIBIT 'E' CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT OPEN SPACE DEDICATION DATE: 11 /24/92 # PROPERTY OPEN SPACE ACRES TO BE DEDICATED (, TIMING OF DEDICATION 1. SAN DIEGO CREEK SOUTH 2.4 (3) 2. SAN DIEGO CREEK NORTH 8.6 (3) 3. JAMBOREE/MAC ARTHUR 4.7 (3) 4. UPPER CASTAWAYS 30.6 (2) 5. BAY VIEW LANDING 11.1 F 6. NEWPORTER NORTH 47.2 (2) 7. 7 BLOCK 800 —0— N/A 8. CORPORATE PLAZA WEST —0— N/A 9. FREEWAY RESERVATION North Area South Area 17.3 —0— (2) N/A 10. NEWPORTER KNOLL 12.0 (1) 11. NEWPORTER RESORT —0— N/A 12. NEWPORT VILLAGE from library to San Miguel 12.8 (4) TOTAL 146.7 (1) Open Space to be dedicated upon Effective Date of Agreement. (2) Open Space to be dedicated upon issuance of first building permit. (3) Open Space shall be offered for dedication upon issuance of last building permit of all projects contained in this Agreement. The Company may elect to waive this condition. (4) Open Space area, to be dedicated upon issuance of first building permits for both Upper Castaways and Newporter North. //s EXHIBIT "D" CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT DEVELOPMENT AREA DATE: 11/24/92 DEVELOPMENT i # PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AREA (ACRES) , 1 1. SAN DIEGO CREEK SOUTH Residential — 300 D.U. 18.4 —' 2. SAN DIEGO CREEK NORTH Open Space —0- 3. JAMBOREE/MAC ARTHUR Open Space 0— i 4. UPPER CASTAWAYS Residential — 151 D.U. 26.0 5. BAY VIEW LANDING i Restaurant — 10,000 S.F. or 5.0 Health Club — 40,000 S.F. or �� Senior Residential — 120 D.U. 6. NEWPORTER NORTH Residential — 212 D.U. 30.0 7. ; BLOCK 800 Residential — 245 D:U. 6.4 I 8, CORPORATE PLAZA WEST Office — 94,000 S.F. 9.0 9. FREEWAY RESERVATION North Area Residential — 36 D.U. 7.5 South Area Residential — 12 D.U. 3.5 10. NEWPORTER KNOLL Open Space —0- 11. NEWPORTER RESORT Hotel — Additional 68 Rooms onsite 12. NEWPORT VILLAGE Open Space —0— library to San Mf uet TOTAL 06.0 F-1 EXHIBIT 'C' 6 EXHIBIT "B" Newport Beach Undeveloped Sites CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT 0 0 EXHIBIT 'A' CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT AND OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT DATE: 09/04/92 # PROPERTY GROSS ACRES GENERAL PLAN ENTITLEMENT 1. San Diego Creek South 21.0 Residential — 300 D.U. 2. San Diego Creek North 14.7 Office — 112,000 S.F. 3. Jamboree/MacArthur 4.7 Office — 50,000 S.F. 4. Upper Castaways 56.6 Residential — 151 D.U. 5. Bay View Landing 16.1 Restaurant — 10,000 S.F or Health Club — 40 000 S.F. 6. Newporter North 77.2 Residential — 212 D.U. 7. Block 800 6.4 Residential — 245 D.U. 8. Corporate Plaza West 9.0 Office — 94,000 S.F. 9. Freeway Reservation 28.3 Residential — 76 D.U. 10. Newporter Knoll 12.0 Open Space 11. Newporter Resort — — — — Hotel — Additional 68 Rooms 12. Newport Village from library to San Miguel) 12.8 Administrative/Professional Financial — 0 S.F. TOTAL 258.8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On June 23, 1993, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Gary H. Hunt and Peter D. Zeughauser, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities and that by their signature on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. i Carole M. Zaffino 1 Notary Public in and for said County and State zyj� p CAROLE M• ZA.FFINO COMM. 0966610 NotcCrycCJo CANCblC.t Afy ccmm'sa'c.. ra;.xs Juh� 51, iKKS A9 LEGEND c KKwuu fFV)fFl G KK/q tIK GOMMv tIK mrtG.IK cutr uwr _ oa rG v4K nalw. ntt ^-- KRGiIw ruucKvs+rtwr LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • Iwilw P t01 2 iIUR 1155 t Iwilw> tG IM. NI SJ InIK'6 nMlYlilw. ME.. lE.IW IA(5. ,R �T:o✓ .fwl " J VIEW PARK AREAS + » ACTIVE PARK SITE 4.8 ACRESt = _ + L26 DEVELOPMENT AREA ACRES MAXIMUM mm�W{buhKe SETBACK CRITERIA EXHIBIT �— '^�. C O N S T R A I N T S M A P UPPER CASTAWAYS • NEWPORT BEACH ' CALIFORNIA rwum rG. unK rrcvlc mean LY NKGr QMG GIK ItHGi EG�w. 4 rwu® en wwc . nKnG cnn nclKus. IK. le unGttt rxu IIIrIK. 4 V` Ir MAP 4 •I 0 NOTE; Development area denotes the portion of the sltc identified for dovciopment of residential uses in the proposed PC Text. Grading could also occur for roads, open apace ores, trails, and bluff restoration, outside of areas designated for dcvelopmcat. o•'�:%) VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES ':•:: • : FRESHWATER MARSH ; ,^.�. •:'' :': x:.i,�, \ • ::;:;:;:::: ' ::::;:;:; :•:•:•:• INTRODUCED ANNUAL GRASSLAND ,i� COASTAL SAGE SCRUB SALT MARSH r•t. NOTE: Grading will occur for roads, open space ` uses, trails, bluff restoration, ele. outside of areas designated for development. ® DEVELOPMENT AREA PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. AREAS BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES UPPER CASTAWAYS CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Source: Steven Nelson Imm PIACNIF<c l%c no scale ~.`.` NEWPORTER''KNOLL APFN SPAU1=11. . ^ .fig+ f r+ .. _.�... , . , `•,.:, '=�"p;•—`sue_ - ' � � weu PMENT-ARE IES MAXIMUM _ AREAS [(.p[gpR µG 9pOK 4y14gQ yp2K LEGEND Tou4yrt na�K A V �. GSfKMuaG m. L11 emar.3v uK -- �ov S,YLi tlwf ,t,T rucc r rza vuK „„.. _ .Suwaalru art4 >vr narma �.�—yTy.( is BLUFF SETBACK CRITERIA EXHIBIT ��'I _ ,� ;. __ - tea` '- �'<` ''r:.• _ - M •- C 0 N S T R All N T S M A P NEWPORTER NORTH & NEWPORTER KNOLL + NEWPORT BEACH • CALIFORNIA IWIXO iP. I0.KK IKIIIC LVI0.M YC KV bll QMI(lt GIK KMPI CL<M. G �rytp air 3 �q0. �4I�GVII f141Kf113. IN' IFYIK. G 9U10. No. B 3 :: . .......'i':.. ............ VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES — - r� INTRODUCED ANNUAL, • fl SSL�AND COASTAL SAGE SCRUB r ' FRESHWATER MARSH ORNAMENTAL NOTE: Developmeotarea denotes the portion of the site identified for development of residential uses in the proposed PC Test Grading could also occur for roads, open space uses, trails, and blurt restoration, outside of areas designated for development, •psi.\wti1%� � �/� . i X. '::: •; � • c 1 l ' AREA BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS NEWPORTER NORTH/NEWPORTER KNOLL CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Source: Steven Nelson no scale • 63 0 • _'- --•——'-'---.:_.....^m-..--._ _ _ LEGEND •- •- - �— - t —J �- � -- E/SFt[xl W SEIpKA L11£ lCR VKVL AREA )dB1Aa)IGIS � A DEVELOPMENT AREA I 16614dIES MAXIMUM a A .f A - S �Qr /O Of• TRAIT /E.109 ASti/� AREA EO. 96 4,zwC (� / \ h A- r� :.., cRnowtotz: X �`�.\ �-�� w.1l,aaanGRmntloo 'f .Af?c .` \� \ (ccNhall av mdvlaivcd: , �• ' ..\ mryhvmdu"fo'.L to Glifomi if16c a Ge `�'; w tish avd Gamv Gvda.vch i \ � rcdumion rill nvl f\�/ �� ES ', CONSTRAINTS MAP SAN OI EGO CREEK SOUTH • NEWPORT BEACH _CALIF: a I /pVAVD fW, IM1YI14 PA[IEIC CdVAM d11YE KWMT REACH. CA P AREC By. ACNE. o@FE,EA CIVIL VACIKEAB. I la CCWbuIE vAM1R M' r--= DEVELOPMENT AREA VEGETATIVE COMMU� FRESHWATER I RUDERAL BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS SAN DIEGO CREEK SOUTH CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Wetland buffea of 100 feet abaU be maintained; however, the buffer width may be reduced to 50 feet if the California Dept. of Binh and Game finds such reduction will not advmcly impact the Wetland recourse. Y3e development arcs dcootes the Portion of the site identified for multi —family residential uses in the proposedPCTest. Gradingwillalco occur for road Smiprovements out aide Of arms designated for development. Source: Steven Nelson no scale 58 C 0 N S T R A I N T S MAS' BAYVIEW LANDING NEIJPDRT BEACH CALIFORNIA o. ,_ram yF '�_ �•` DEVELOPMENT/.REA �``� •v>. ^ c..'_ ? ij 50 ACRES" N. AREAS AREA /AeuA//a.s - /r >' �f il�y i /4 �. / _�Gr� �i r , ,—� •;",;' ` ammtxeun m.e /wwrf[e./tre Apfs��'• I (YC // /i /I % 4 �'��'\ L E G E N D ronl.art a,.e /ocK•/e.m Aaes ��/I ll� ./!. ,'/ -a-\' •�ryr..,i o�.uw, uK - i rY '• t� OPEN SPACE! ' = i •o ; •-...�....K III ACREW r=�ry� ,=�_ • / _ -/.1T�', •'.� 11Vwf01i• InIK.Kf�rOnY PIK __ ��-�`�J�_ rv. _-- ^u• �— l • `'% •J• �� •JT M1V✓f0.,. Kv�,14[IG t1,It 4C1Y4I. IC MAP 6 No. D • NOTE: Development area denotes C of the site identified for den commercial uses in the prop Grading could also occur lot open space uses, trails, and 1 restoration, outside of areas fordevelopment. VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIE INTRODUCED ANNI COASTAL SAGE SC L`'_= " RUDERAL CO�fr - L(:nv•� u DEVELOPMENTAREA Source: Steven Nee BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS SMin( Aj BAYVIEW LANDING 11;:, CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT no scale City of Newport Beach 6.9 • 1 40 EASEMENT WES = 1—wwulmxmrlmxfnvuxwlnnann nun, u u n mm nIn nu W 1 oval n rnnn ludo[ mm�nnnm 1 I....I111114NO11RNttlrlllYII II�IYIOI(IIl11T 111 1 111111UIN 11(fIN UIII[IIIYUnU1I N1111111 YIIIIIII al, 11If 141111 �nn"I fY111 tl YNINIMIY IIxIn11111W rl N1111Y IIIfJIM fO-IrnUr Unnnn UUWR rnlxl ltlrrA[IN,1r b t frl O n1I II�Ir1/II IIIUIIIIWYIn1 Y111{IIJIII Ufn l{YNI lo-xn Ir Mon ... x11.11N 111/.1In r m �IIn,111/Ift11 M11111111Y11Yl1YI 111ma IUN111n". �-xuu nnnnm. nuwvr rnn , mu,wwnp N Mn) O_Imnn....we I'monnm mn.nunlytnxw AREAS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 9.0 AC EXISTING DEVELOPMENT 1.6 AC OPEN SPACE I.5 AC — \ TOTAL SITE 12.1 AC 1,\j v.r c iMn�liiie� ' LT - EAST 30- CITY SETBACK lon FUTURE DEVELOPMENT -AREA 9.0 ACRES IC OPEN SPACE 15 ACRES vlrlr. o-nu lllrl C O A S T 11 I G 11 IV A Y'= CONSTRAINTS MAP CORPORATE PLAZA WEST NEWPOI.T BEACH, CALIFORINA MAP 7 m ♦oun slnlru e NOTE: Development area denotes the portion of the site Identified for officekommercial uses In the proposed PC Text. No grad. Ing beyond these Iimds Is expected. DEVELOPMENT AREA VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES RUDERAL ® ORNAMENTAL . IYIYIY — .IiW I n.Y f tIY1•.rmrM1Y[ I.Vw ♦ nIrr'm 1 11_ - _ _ Irtl\I• 1� E A S T C 0 AS T li I G Ii W A Y BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS CORPORATE PLAZA WEST CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT - City of Newport Beach 11 r u••:r. r .n•I usnlr. l Y.. in �J r lrrtlYf P IY y�Source: Steven Nelso SrA inc. it 1.•.1... 1\I no scale 65 ��, /UC AgThWP BVV. 7Z— CONSTRAINTS MAP JAMBOREE / MAC ARTHUR * NEWPORT BEACH * CALIF."\ �/ / / PREPARED FOR, PREPARED BY IRVINE PACIFIC CDWxNY 550 NEVPOHT CENTER DRIVE NEWORT BEACH. G. ADADS • 57RECTER CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. 15 CDRPDRATE PARK (RUNE. CA. Mn. F MAP 31 . /rra'AR7wtK RIa: s EXISTING LANDSCAPE CORNER VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES ® FRESHWATER MARSH m NOTE: The proposed PCText does not identify a dewloprnwnt area Open space uses will be permitted on the site. Only limit. ad grading could be expected or associ. ated with habitat restoration: Wndscap. Ing. Any Improvements -to drainage or transportation facilities coutd also require Wading on the site. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS JAMBOREE/MACARTHUR CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach 14 rn Source: Steven Nelsc no scale Fn d AREAS 5�It 1 •UF rye �uanv v.c IPN'��pp , \ ! „_. •rH ... i' - mwmc wn �' fit cK= 1. ` y. J r• ?., / i it "1• ? i `w•u I y` • f l •� / •% r �% i 6-1 � ,+ , �� � '`s� �� i • uaeo / f ;n• l� , .I �+ i ` V NATURAL OPEN SPACE FOR HABITAT ENHANCEMEtvT - ¢..w.. e . � -���` •, :, .., 1, •p p ;. < �• > � - �:f. P. BLIC • i,A . -. . `.`/ ''i` ' • ^, u ..'\ , r+ — r , ~-' NOTE: Roads shown for �.:;_=•= =� � — ,� -; i \ j conceptual purposes -.lame - .'r/ r••' it s.H ``\. 1 only. Not included in Development Agree .�a ,''.� -'``%. ':' J _:3 ._.-,•F l _� -c.. ment per Addenuem Text LEGEND 1 �1� ....w,,.r_�--•_ l! C 0 N S T R A I N,TS A P SAN DIEGO GREEK NORTH NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORMA M VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES RUDERAL ® FRESHWATER MARSH + ASI} I ; Cnurro• Q}nvnn tJc�cni BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS Mr, smi.. SAN DIEGO CREEK NORTH ,-,,,,;,,4u: CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & "=%mmml� OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT no scale City of Newport Beach 59 4901 6Ts*v"o!*v:uj alettgsq anplsuas pus smatumed luawdolanap gulf;nuopl sdL ai!S Z •smlel muowuotlnuo puapa; pule alsn satpo pule JoV msvoo aq) 'Vaao japun matnaz dssuopaioslp otmn;;o odoos otp gutugop axat put f4joUloods juatudolanap ;o slanal omi Oupuasaidai sdsw ails ;o sop 2oq o oml mulamw ;ttp jxoL I :Sutmollo; zip sosudwoo wnpuappV aq•L •opasiadns Ms wnpuappd oqi yotUuoo s St aioga asogm pyre oftnftel Ixaa Al!unwwoo pouusld pule juatugoAV juawdolaeaa otn iano oouopaoaid a4m• llsgs agsngtrel wnpuappd agy wnpuappd snn pus auawaal9V aosdg undo pus iuowanoidwj uonslnoito gorq uodm*N oqa pmoidds uotsstwwoo Mssoo stuso;tileo oqa `£661 oun f uo •uotsslwwoo Mssoo lelwo;llleo aq; Aq panoidds oq asnw lumgotd Islssoo I ml poUpoo s tnogtlm'auoz llenssoo atp ut pzlml Avadoid so;;uawaasps auawdolanap le `69859 uonoas apoo auawtuanoo siuio;geo of lusnsind N namaQQV 1.N masoV aom Nado CKV J NaI11 OUdM NOLLV'IfIDUIo HOVas DdOdMaN mh .LIHIMS 0 0 CATEGORY 1 Definition. Category 1 sites have: (1) specifically defined principal permitted uses; (2) specifically delineated "development envelopes" and (3) specifically defined "maximum extent of grading for non-public uses" lines. They are specifically delineated on the Development Agreement Addendum site maps (A through E): Sites included in this category are: A. Upper Castaways B. Newporter North/Newporter Knoll C. San Diego Creek South D. Bay View Landing E. Corporate Plaza West Future Discretionary Review: The following provisos apply: a. The Development Agreement specifically provides 'for future CEQA review in connection with the City discretionary site permit process; b. Future Coastal Act discretionary review (Coastal Development Permit through Coastal Commission or the City) may result in further limitations on the mapped development area based on new/more specific biological or geotechnicai information, provided that the landowner may relocate development within the "maximum extent of grading area for non-public uses" shown on the Development Agreement Addendum map so long as: (i) City of Newport Beach height, lot coverage, setback and other similar requirements are met; (ii) the alternative location is not in conflict with specific environmental resource protection siting criteria resulting from future CEQA/Coastal Act or other regulatory agency requirements; and (iii) the intensity and type.of development and the total amount of development acreage are consistent with the Development Agreement PC regulations and maximum extent of grading maps in the Addendum; C. Site specific erosion and urban runoff control measures and other impact mitigation measures (e.g. light and glare) are subject to full CEQA, Clean Water Act, Coastal Act and other applicable state and federal environmental law discretionary review; d. Public facility and open space uses requiring site alteration and/or providing access in close proximity to sensitive habitat areas are subject to the same discretionary review provisions as development uses; fnmboioms-519 / /, 0 e. Development effecting the habitat of any species listed as threatened or endangered under the state and federal endangered species acts or affecting "waters of the United States' is subject to the full regulatory authority of those endangered species acts and Corps 404 requirements, as indicated in the Development Agreement EIR, under federal law supremacy and under Government Code Section 65869.5. f. Site specific coastal development permit applications shall include approvals from the California Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where applicable. g. Wetland encroachment is limited to that necessary for the expansion of Dover Drive on the Upper Castaways site. The access road for the Newporter North site shall avoid wetland encroachment; if such access is later determined to be infeasible, the applicant may, through a coastal development permit application, propose that alternative means of ingress and egress meet the requirements of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. All wetland encroachment shall be subject to the following criteria: 1. Wetland encroachment shall be the absolute minimum necessary for construction of the improvement. The encroachment shall be approximately .8 acres of wetland fill at Upper Castaways. The site specific coastal development permit shall include an analysis of the least environmentally damaging Dover Drive construction alternative. 2. All wetland encroachment shall be mitigated at a ratio of 4 square feet of wetlands created for each square foot lost. Encroachment mitigation may occur onsite or offsite so long as it is within the vicinity of the Upper Newport Bay ecological reserve and within the coastal zone boundary. 3. The site specific coastal development permit request shall include a detailed wetland mitigation plan which includes phasing, planting and monitoring/maintenance provisions. 4. Wetland buffers of 100 feet shall be maintained; however, the buffer width may be reduced to 50 feet if the California Department of Fish and Game finds such reduction will not adversely impact the wetland resource. Nothing in this section relieves Company of its obligation to make, and pay for, the improvements described in Exhibit "C". h. Any bluff stabilization necessary to resolve existing erosion problems shall involve: 1. The least amount of work necessary to eliminate, or to reduce to a level of insignificance, the existing erosion problem. 2 knbetoMLS19 H/ S 2. No significant land form alteration of the bluff face shall be allowed in order to rectify existing and potential geologic instability for the residential development area; non -engineered solutions shall be utilized such as greater setbacks if necessary. Minor grading and filling or erosion gullies shall be permitted to stabilize public use areas. f mbio"a.519 /Ta LEGEND �w aoort w �IwI uK — tlNKI 4K rlJarusrt ,. uYr.a[ raas . lO YILK rIR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS • ranw Sur r Hutt ua .w • Mnw s 1» IrY. wa. sa twlK•r aJ.lnno.. urJ . xrw Jar>. �.,,-' •' .� _ ° AREAS ACTNE PARK SRE r:. Its ACR ESQ I w' `^ •�%' � � L%Yr'>,"� .'}���r. �'� � �• .Y DEY�ELMOf�PApO�:�iVA�RE�A . _cL 2 IM: OV V.w..w.r ��� VIEW PARK Z US ACRES "=''='�_ T Lj _ \r 'r J srr�.rw�'a P+Y nwria. a.IK rJrnR OfJT Y IMIf'011O YM IOAf fM4 U YOIA R. Jr.w•rIC1A CIvRMIKW. K. Ir NaM.R 1.N1 naYL G OIY MAP 4 C O N S T R A I N T S M A P UPPER CASTAWAYS • NEWPORT BEACH • CALIFORNIA No. A it 9 • .,,. , , :;. •=;;; :, NOTE: Development area deaoles the portion •.•:, of the site ideatiried for devciopmeat of '%•` residential uses in the proposed PC Text. •r�i Grading could also occur for roads, ••,,. open space Lien, trails, and bluff restoration, outside of areas designated for development. -• :ice VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES = FRESHWATER MARSH I•.•.•.•: ] INTRODUCED ANNUAL GRASSLAND U9COASTAL SAGE SCRUB' ME SALT MARSH :,•vim �•. DEVELOPMENT AREA NOTE: Grading will occur for roads, open space usos, trails, bluff restoration, etc. outside of areas designated for development. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES UPPER CASTAWAYS CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEK SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Source: Steven Nelson zinc PLOWING. INC F pm"61=13111111 no scale 61 i -� - NEWP�O�RTERxNOLL Tii3i wµ.•.SP�' F' �.-/r Ii T%� �- �� _ ,s�.'"==-`=2s� .. AREAS CMMpfMfA i00K LEGEND IOMtM MfK [VQM q KfYb[ GK y nlC..lgf .� w•nc — Iara IR.+tK _ uow>gle.t nrt r—• WI YGCT.IIY `, -! Ih� .rqr. 1: -�/,• «1 .![•, :-:-� tkK{ z6LVFF SEfDACIC CRRERIA E.XMW _ - `'/ �A.' - t •/N..' DEVELOP REA -- _—_*_�• ` -- _ •.« r.> ACRESMAXlMJ.51 ~l'' a. .s -• , rt t�lnq • ••! •, ' / 1 - n7 �� � �-, !.•mot^•• ..y •- — — - - - - - _ i I MCKdti C 0 N S T R A I N T S M P YY KYgI mlfq qIK A KIIOII rtcoi. u M1VNO n. IY\ - GIIQIII Glll w10. OC. NEWPORTER NORTH & NEWPORTER KNOLL • NEWPORT BEACH % CALIFORNIA "I+n• MA. No. 5 ek, 1 LA .. .... +5 5 s VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES INTRODUCED ANNUAL.gPASSL�AND •'', •• -7�:' %•' COASTAL SAGE SCRUB FRESHWATER MARSH ORNAMENTAL n -v ::r;. :. AREA NOTE: Development area denotes the portion of the site identified -for development of residential uses in the proposed PC Test Grading could also occur for roads, open space uses, trails, and bluff restoration, outside of areas dciignatcd for development. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS NEWPORTER NORTHINEWPORTER KNOLL CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Source: Steven Nelson KEW A NI-� -Sr—A-inc rum,Am� DaO P(NENT AREA ue YS �4LiY.�I CONSTRAINTS MAP IEGO CREEK SOUTH - NEUPORT RFACH . :Ct i0 O< Zd4lCl. /7JOD .< F bw.er,LLe b.O2rrrNLL /- f.)bs rt�vlbNfnr - - __ i[IIe Glifani. DsDLN rYrrie-rin w[ LEGEND o -.. • ( r.' Evil f(tlbt u LIK WMET U .T �L '/IV.Ulp �'� fq. I�IrrK IICIfiC OYfAMt �• ]]0 K.+qi Wrtq qIK •: : - IONm ti. . �..•. .ow. - .nrlrnr CIVIL 1103 L . .e Lv TL r.K No. C •I , C O N S T R A I N T S M A P BAYVIEN LANDING • NEWPORRT BEACH CALIFORNIA .-A AflEASn "I vlav num .,waa � fMOIIfMA NK %AC'II C. - oro/I.IO.fGffS bA•1� IC 7. ARFf s AYLYR YIK lOT� o D1 NELOPMENT/fREA 1t1 ACRE D� Fi . PARCEL C' L E G E N D %' A _� •nm uK ,! r�ee rv. mi•..cme� q rmo n. w.m.wrz r..un� m,m•. ne. MAP 6 Nn n *I #1 VEGETATIVE COMMUI FRESI (WATER RUDERAL % a BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS SAN DIEGO CREEK SOUTH CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach ti DEVELOPMENT AREA Wetland buffers of fo0 feet shall be maintained; however, the buffer width may be reduced to 50 feet if the California DcpL of Fuh and Game feuds such reduction will not adversely impact the wetland resoarae. 13e development area denote the portion or the ■itc identified for multi —family residential uses in the Proposed2CTesL Gradinywilla• oeeur for road imiprovements out aj of areas deaianated for develoomcar Source: Steven Nelson �• o SM.., 1i no scl ales 58 mUtnrt arts. 7IMNpIIIt1Iry1L(IGIRNNNRiR Mr(1NN)♦, rr lI1YmIN NG Mlpt Ww(Nm1x1111111R IIIn11n11fNN. I—anNNtnrtuwuuwem MNrylun u.wx) 1—wcuua imnilryiiuivuniwln iiiiNl (xii)u n, n u n NIv wnlNmNlryNellminnll dl (]'-ummN �IMUNI..rrn(wRNINILnIIpu !'�'fl\LL(Ynnl �y.�-...I�IGII IMNry(nlyRrnIM1IN,/N(IN.II II I NI y^^--����. NN1M(NW xNYtL(NIMINSIN(MJl n iNl �'./�" NNNNI NNL tII11YRRIMRtAM(n111LI14I,1 �Ibf[ry(nIN INiryNIRGNIIR(IXwGNtNN nIM• !'�'/w w4urvD.tn /Q�I -N.�I(.NNItrytNW W(w11 RIMInIpfMtw;l4tl nN1 ^'• N NwN1 NN1 n1(YNr Rf M NIN,/yt tllSlt It Nqn AREAS FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 9.0 AC EMSTING DEVELOPMENT 1.6 AC OPEN SPACE 1.5 AC TOTAL SITE 12.1 AC I mintt. i;nlprlr_ L _ _ E A S T 30' CTfY SETBACK FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AREA .9.0 ACRES OPEN SPACE �,• 1S ACRES _ _ O • �. a•Inn n(r COAST HIGH{YAY CONSTRAINTS MAP CORPORATE PLAZA WEST NEWPORT BEACH, CALWORINA No. E MAP 7 �ua•)nl�1e lull. • I 0I I � ) NOTE: Derelopnent area demote: of the site idestirsed for ds commercial uses is the pro Grading could also ooemr G open space uses, trails, ■ud restoration, outside of am for deuelopment- VEGETATIVE COMMUNITY T INTRODUCED ANN .� COASTAL SAGE SC RUDERAL DEVELOPMENT AREA BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS BAYVIEW LANDING CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach �le • Source: Steven Neison I 700M� —SMinc no scale 62 0 CATEGORY2 Definition. Category 2 sites have either a range of principal permitted uses or no specific delineation of a "development envelope" and "maximum extent of grading for non-public uses." (F through H) Sites included in this category are: F. Jamboree/MacArthur G. San Diego Creek North H. Newporter Resort I Future Discretionary Review: All uses on Jamboree/MacArthur and San Diego Creek North would be subject to future CEQA/Coastal Development Permit review. Thus.for purposes of future Coastal Act and LCP review of Jamboree/MacArthur and San Diego Creek North, approval of the Development Agreement and Development Agreement Addendum provides the following: - Deletion of office uses allowed by the approved Newport Beach LUP; - Other public facility uses identified for each site in the Development Agreement PC text as found to be within the scope of the approved NewportSeach LUP but, due to absence of analysis of potential impacts and absence 'of development envelope/maximum grading maps, such uses are subject to full future discretionary review; s ;i - No encroachment or loss of wetlands is approved and no other habitat -related findings are made other than that the habitat protection/restoration designation for the San Diego Creek North area bordering San Diego Creek is coftsistent with and in furtherance of Coastal Act Sections 30231 and 302233. The impacts of the additional hotel rooms on the Newporter Resort would be subject to future CEQA/Coastal Development Permit requirements with full discretionary review. fhmWom.519 /S3 NOTE: Development area denotes the portion of the site Identified for once/commercial uses In the proposed POText. Nograd- Ing Ooyond these limits Is expected. ® DEVELOPMENTAREA VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES RUDERAL ORNAMENTAL t IYIYtY • YA• . t 11 •f ••r•Irin ..xu••1 a w tnr E A S T w•x L_ � •t'Yn\ � t COAST IIIGI1lYAY' BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS CORPORATE PLAZA WEST CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Source: Steven Nelson 1•�.1 ,-`m, in nono sr 65 EXISTING LANDSCAPE CORNER 1 VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES ® FRESHWATER MARSH 0 NOTE: The proposed PCText does no; id, a development area. Open space Will be Pertrrtaed on the she. Only lima. ed grading could be expected or associ. ated whh habitat restoration: landscap. ing. Ary Improvements to drainage or transportation facilities could also requite grading on the site. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS JAMBOREE/MACARTHUR CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT City of Newport Beach Source: Steven Nelson. no scale t MC.L977W &W. 90. i=V AREASA'b0WAWA ODACiACAl w VG Ate 47= i rNa.T�Y. Y•NT .4 Pa?rlav OF BLOC/! SO ; IN IRYIAr'S S!/BDJY/SJON �� 7°° OPEN PUBLIC F CITIES' 4 ACRES : CONSTRAINTS MAP JAMBOREE / MAC ARTHUR *• NEWPORT BEACH * CALIF. L 0 II[ �KIfIC COY'ARf .EVCRT CENTER pIIK 'CRT RGCN. G. MVARED RT. ADAIiS . SIREEiER CIYIL ENCINFCRR INC. /I IS CWGIIATE TAM IRYINE. G. MAP 3 No F ,* t ir '. ••::y::•:7}Qljr7{,}iifr'%•'7ffiF�} _ 1 t ,IIw• J r • +.. ?.'::/1: {1:.::}f•'ti :��� ~lSY1?':I~� I. ' � ,' r .;:;:.}r... +:7x•iY,� '•4:1j: �lr^�.r I}: jtf.:-li:. / 8-22}}:::}{-}y:`> {:.rnaJ�}tr)•fxr f :L'X:.. j {.J /•:;}};.•{.;{••{{'tJR:'lf•�,7171i:�lijtylr Q�t': � !�' �{y'• . 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'• rlr�lf t !'rtt'f l{c �]•f..'..Ir,}tire •lt`�'t:i 1 •Y,-' •IJ-.7{:{} l' • J . +Y YI :? •.�f.}{'f: 1 •.:j: }}}•'. yti; t• • VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES _ RUDERAL ® FRESHWATER MARSH I Source: Steven Nelson BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREAS SAN DIEGO CREEK NORTH ®� zinc. j I,.a„1.1:.1.1_ 1 CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENT & Pie OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT no scale City of Newport Beach 59 I 1- • its f � c.r•n h. � •x GE LIM C O N S T R A I N T S M A P SAN DIEGO CREEK NORTH NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORMA _ r •=•tom. =�. =-• .�••� "�• .: AREAS wcwam vC :Z • • I ' NATURAL OPEN SPACE J tr n FOR HASMAT ENHANCEMENT 1 P t 2e AfJa:$ MniI.R11a !'r ~ • r•i -1 W ri } L r+ • NOTE : "� \ i S Roads shown for • } i =' 3• conceptual purposes only. Not included in Development Agree— mentperAddenuam . it JkL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date: October 19, 1994 X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER X FIRE DEPARTMENT _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. X BUILDING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY X GRADING REVENUE APPLICATION OF: The Leine Company FOR: Site Plan Review No. 71 DESCRIPTION: Request to approve a Site Plan Review for the development of 119 single family detached dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open space on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: 900 Dover Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1994 COMMISSION REVIEW: November 10, 1994 COMMENTS: This site is located in Statistical Area J1 and designated for Single Family Detached residential land use by the City's General Plan Land Use Element and Local Coastal Program Land Use PlanThe bluff areas easterly_ portion of the site are designated for Recreational and Environmental 1. Permitted development shall be designed to minimize the alteration of natural landforms along bluffs. It is also required that the applicant shall sign a waiver of all claims against the public for future liability or damage resulting from permission to built. All required waive documents shall be recorded with the County of Orange Recorder's Office. 2. A geological report that determine areas of potential instability or hazard along with a map indicating such information must be submitted. 3. The property owner is required to produce document(s) or forms approved by the City's Attorney or an appropriate state agency for the emergency shoreline protective device or material. In addition, said document(s) shall provide for the waiver of all claims and indemnify the City against liability for any damage resulting from approval as to the installation of said emergency protective material or devices. the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan provisions CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X'PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER X FIRE DEPARTMENT X BUILDING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION X POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY X GRADING REVENUE APPLICATION OF: •9 Date: October 19. 1994 - X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. The Irvine Company Site Plan Review No. 71 DESCRIPTION: Request to approve a Site Plan Review for -the development of 119 single family detached dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open §pace on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: 900 Dover Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1994 COMMISSION REVIEW: November 10, 1994 COMMENTS: Z'W42r,QGL 7W4 11 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER ; X FIRE DEPARTMENT X BUILDING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION X POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY X GRADING REVENUE Date: October 19, 1994 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF: The Irvine Company FOR: Site Plan Review No. 71 DESCRIPTION: Request to approve a Site Plan Review for the development of 119 single family detached dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open space on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: 900 Dover Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1994 COMMISSION REVIEW: November 10, 1994 Si nature: Uu WaV� Date: 2 9Oct 91 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER X FIRE DEPARTMENT X BUILDINQ DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION X POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY X GRADING REVENUE APPLICATION OF: FOR: Date: October 19. 1994 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. The Irvine Company Site Plan Review No. 71 DESCRIPTION: Request to approve a Site Plan Review for the development of 119 single family detached dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open §pace on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: 900 Dover Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1994 COMMISSION REVIEW: November 10, 1994 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER X FIRE DEPARTMENT X BUILDING DEPARTMENT _PARKS & RECREATION X POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY X ""GRADING _REVENUE APPLICATION OF: FOR: Date: October 19. 1994 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. The Irvine Company Site Plan Review No. 71 DESCRIPTION: Request to approve a Site Plan Review for the development of 119 single family detached dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open §pace on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: 900 Dover Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1994 COMMISSION REVIEW: November 10, 1994 MOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of The Irvine CompW for Sit4 Plan Review No. 71 and Tentative Man of Tract No. 15012 on property located at 900 Dover Drive. e1fiilS�bY� NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. The Negative Declaration states that, the subject development will not result in a significant effect on the environment. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial by the City of the subject application. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 330Q Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92659-1768 (714) 644-3225. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 10th day of November 1994, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, xhe public hearing. For information call (714) 644-3200. Tod Ridgeway, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. APN: 425-121-04 Marianne Hanlon 1251 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 APN: 425-121-07 Katharine R. West 1226 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-121-10 Jonathan Eric Sisk Po Box 19274 Irvine CA 92713 APN: 425-122-03 Stephen E. Askew 1206 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-122-09 C. Richard Beine 1113 Grove In Newport Beach CA 92660-5644 APN: 425-122-12 Terry M. Chin 1106 Grove In Newport Beach CA 92660-5643 APN: 425-122-15 Odell F. Larson 1007 Grove In Newport Beach CA 92660-5642 APN: 425-121-05 Daniel C. Marcheano 1238 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-121-08 Kenneth J. Wittman 1225 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 APN: 425-121-11 Vincent P. Roman 1207 Blue Gum Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 APN: 425-122-01 Pacesetter Homes Inc 4540 Campus Dr Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 425-122-04 David M. Van Buren 1212 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-121-06 Ronald Norris 1232 Blue Gum Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-121-09 James Chapman 1219 Blue Gum Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 APN: 42$-121-12 Frederick L. Dahms 1201 Blue Gum Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 APN: 425-122-02 Sandra Shore 1200 Blue Gum Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-122-05 Aggie Skirball 1228 Blue Gum In Newport Beach CA 92660-5639 APN: 425-122-07 APN: 425-122-08 Nancy J. Lewis - John E. Tate 2800 South Reservoir St 1107 Grove In Pomona Ca; ifbe Industries Rober 917 6 Newport Beach CA 92660-5644 APN: 425-122-10 Jerome B. Klemer 76485 Violet Cir Palm Desert CA 92211 APN: 425-122-13 - Aissa Wayne 1100 Grove In Newport Beach CA 92660-5643 APN: 425-122-16 Claudette Hurst 1013 Grove Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5642 APN: 425-122-11 Robert Sargent 1112 Grove Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5643 APN: 425-122-I4 Phillip Drachman - 1001 Grove In Newport Beach CA 92660-5642 APN: 425-122-18 APN: 425-122-19 APN: 425-122-20 Ralph B. Conn Elsie Virginia Foster Martin Kurta 1012 Grove In 1006 Grove In 1000 Grove In Newport Beach CA 92660-5643 Newport Beach CA 92660-5643 Newport Beach CA 92660-5641 APN: 117-631-12 APN: 117-631-17 APN: 117-631-18 Corp Of The Presiding Bishop Of The Alfred F. Lustbader Dale T. Falasco 50 East North Temple 13183 Manzanita Rd NE 15415 Jeffrey Rd 210 Salt Lk Cy UT 84150 Bainbridge island WA Irvine CA 92720 APN: 117-631-22 APN: 117-632-02 Dan M. Perlmutter Realport Corp 610 Newport Center Or 149 Po Box 7890 Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Beach CA 92658 APN: 117-702-01 APN: 117-702-02 APN: 117-702-03 Eugene C. White Gary Glen Ritchie James J. Preis 1000 Santiago Dr 1008 Santiago Dr 461 West Avenue 44 Newport Beach CA 92660-5728 Newport Beach CA 92660-5728 Los Angeles CA 90065 APN: 117-702-04 APN: 117-702-20 Naresh Kumar Sharma Llewellyn B. Copp 1020 Santiago Dr 1022 Westwind Way Newport Beach CA 92660-5728 Newport Beach CA 92660-5725 APN: 117-702-21 APN: 117-702-22 APN: 117-702-23 Steven E. Briggs Charles J. Diamond Michael A. Mussallem 1016 Westwind Way 1010 Westwind Way 1000 Westwind Way Newport Beach CA 92660-5725 Newport Beach CA 92660-5725 Newport Beach CA 92660-5725 APN: 117-703-01 APN: 117-721-30 APN: 117-721-31 Dover Shores Community Assn J. D. Lincoln Ben S. Bukewinge Po Box 4708 1018 Polaris Or 1014 Polaris Dr Irvine CA 92716 Newport Beach CA 92660-5720 Newport Beach CA 92660-5720 APN: 127-801-04 APN: 117-801-06 Newport Harbor Lutheran Church County Of Orange 798 Dover Dr Po Box 4106 Newport Beach CA 92663 Santa Ana CA 92702 APN: 117-801-12 Irvine Cc 550 Newport Center Or Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 117-811-04 APN: 425-033-02 Earlynn Louise Albright 709 Sandpiper St Palm Desert CA 92260 APN: 425-121-01 APN: 425-121-02 APN: 425-121-03 Charles S. Dreyer Daniel M. Houck Jeffrey Glen Odell 1233 Blue Gum Ln 1239 Blue Gum In 1245 Blue Gum Ln Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 Newport Beach CA 92660-5640 APN: 049-202-04 APN: 049-202-OS APN: 049-202-06 Bank Lloyds Cal William Clayborne Hall Cynthia L. Busby Po Box 439 212 Kings P1 208 Kings P1 Pasadena CA 91102 Newport Beach CA 92663-5705 Newport Beach CA 92663-5705 APN: 049-202-07 APN: 049-202-08 APN: 049-202-31 Hirata Enterprise U S A Inc Jack E. Wheelhouse Karl P. Kemp Po Box 1128 200 Kings P1 128 Kings P1 Newport Beach CA 92659 Newport Beach CA 92663-5705 Newport Beach CA 92663-5733 APN: 049-202-33 APN: 049-202-34 APN: 049-202-35 Brian E. Brooks Patricia June Smith Donald R. Ward 5948 Abernathy Dr 124 Kings P1 116 Kings P1 Los Angeles CA 90045 Newport Beach CA 92663-5733 Newport Beach CA 92663-5733 APN: 049-202-41 APN: 049-202-42 APN: 049-271-07 James C. Elms Thomas M. Lally Nancy Shepherd 112 Kings P1 108 Kings P1 731 Saint James P1 Newport Beach CA 92663-5703 Newport Beach CA 92663-5733 Newport Beach CA 92663-5834 APN,: 049-271-08 APN: 049-271-09 APN: 049-271-10 Eme Mtg Corp Joseph I. Me Carthy Edward W.'Nesselroad 222 Las Colinas Blvd 60 734 Saint James P1 730 Saint James P1 Irving TX 75039 Newport Beach CA 92663-5831 Newport Beach CA 92663-5831 APN: 049-271-11 APN: 049-271-12 APN: 049-271-13 Jane I. sands Genji Kawamura Philip R. Nelson 637 Saint James Rd 718 Saint James P1 712 Saint James P1 Newport Beach CA 92663 Newport Beach CA 92663-5831 Newport Beach CA 92663-5831 APN: 049-271-14 APN: 049-271-15 APN: 049-271-16 Kip Jourdan Kula Raymond J. Palmer Mary Louise Lansdell 708 Saint James P1 702 Saint James P1 624 Saint James PI Newport Beach CA 92663-5831 Newport Beach CA 92663-5831 Newport Beach CA 92663-5855 APN: 049-271-17 APN: 049-271-18 APN: 049-271-30. . Mark G. Hoglund George A. Lackey Bk Sumitomo 618 Saint James PI 612 Saint James P1 320 California St Newport Beach CA 92663-5855 Newport Beach CA 92663-5855 San Francisco CA 94104 APN: 049-272-01 APN: 117-462-01 APN: 117-462-02 Gordon E. Hunter Van Hazewinkel Leland R. House Jr. 717 Saint James P1 1019 Santiago Dr 910 Westcliff Dr Newport Beach CA 92663-5830 Newport Beach CA 92660-5729 Newport Beach CA 92660-5633 APN: 117-462-03 APN: 117-462-04 APN: 117-631-21 Herbert A. Lesher Elizabeth Davis Corporation Of The Presiding Bisho 1000 Westcliff Dr 1008 Westcliff Dr 60 East South Temple 0 1800 Newport Beach CA 92660-5634 Newport Beach CA 92660-5634 Salt Lake Cty UT 84111 APN: 895-280-01 APN: 895-280-02 APN: 895-280-03 Harry M. Martin Susan J. Fractman C. Richard Clay 3344 Tennyson St 1000 Buckingham Ln 1504 Villa # 3 Westcliff San Diego CA 92106 Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 895-280-04 APN: 895-280-05 APN: 895-280-06 Judy R. Lockyer M. De Vere Williamson Evelyn M. Morris 1504 Westcliff Dr 4 1504 Westcliff Dr 5 1500 Westcliff Dr 6 Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Beach CA 92660-5536 Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 895-280-07 APN: 895-280-08 APN: 895-280-09 Louis T. Gaeta Ruth I. Tanske Randolph Lynn Whaley Jr. 1500 Westcliff Dr 7 1003 Dover Dr 1000 Buckingham In 9 Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 APN: 895-280-10 APN: 895-280-11 APN: 895-280-12 John S. Socolofsky Paige V. Simpson Mark Slevcove 1000 Buckingham Ln IOVI 11WESTCLIFFDR 12 Westcliff Villas Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 895-280-13 APN: 895-280-14 APN: 895-280-15 Joan Springhetti Geraldine F. Day John Plato Freemon 1000 Buckingham Ln 13 1000 Buckingham 14 Ln 1840 Newport Hills or E Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 895-280-16 APN: 895-280-17 APN: 895-280-18 Julie Hovnanian John Plato Freemon Elsie Kernott 1000 Buckingham Ln 16 1840 Newport Hills Dr E 435 Fairway P1 Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 Newport Beach CA 92660 Solvang CA 93463 APN: 895-280-19 APN: 895-280-20 APN: 895-280-21 Richard Harmon Davis John B. Montgomery Kenneth W. Peters 1000 Buckingham 19 Ln 20 Westcliff Villas 21 Westcliff Villas Newport Beach CA 92660-4728 Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Beach CA 92660 APN: 895-280-22 Bayside Village homeowners Dover Village Comm. Assn. Joan T. Fletcher Royal Radtke, Pres. Rick Othmer, Pres. Iola Buckingham In 300 Coast flwy. E330 1072 Buckinrharn Ln. Newport Beach CA 92660 Newport Bch., Ca. 92660 Newport Bch., Ca. 92660 Cliffhaven Comm. Assn. Mariners Comm. Assn. Uestcliff Villas Alan Beaudette, Pres. Rae Cohen, Pres. Kerry Peters, Pres. 401 Kings P1. 1501 Antigua !lay 1000 Buckingham Laneste 21 Newport Bch., Ca. 92663 Newport Bch., Ca. 92660 Newport Bch.., Ca. 92663 G F CAFE GARY L. GRANVILLE COUNTY CLERK' TELEPHONE: 7141834.2248 OLD COUNTY COURTHOUSE 211 W. SANTA ANA BLVD. P.O. BOX 22013 SANTA ANA. CA 92702.2013 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK Memorandum TO: C4 `( New(or-k- ,6e h SUBJECT: Environmental Impact Amendment of "Public DATE: ( A✓ Reports - Resources Code, Section 21092.311. The attached Notice received, filed, and a copy was posted on days. NOV 1519941 . It remained posted for 30 (thirty) calendar Gary L. Granville County Clerk of th ate of Califor in and fo n y of Orange. By, Deputy 9 T SPHANIE BATES Public Resource Code 21092.3 The notices required pursuant to Sections 21080.4 and 21092 for an evironmental impact report shall be posted in the office of the County Clerk of each county***in which the project will be located and shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. The notice Public Resourse Code 21152(c) All notices filed pursuant to this section shall be available for public inspection, and shall be posted *** within 24 hours of receipt in the office of the County Clerk. Each notice shall remain posted for a period of 30 days ***. Thereafter, the clerk chall return the notice to the local lead agency *** with a notation of the period it was posted. The local lead agency shall retain the notice for not less than nine months. Addition or changes by underline: deletions by *** �' 42195 POSTE fYTY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Boulevard - P.O. Box 1768 KnV 141994 Newport Bench, CA 92659-1768 '` GARYL.GRANwu,c0Q*NPTICE OF DETERMINATION J D To: Ofjice of Planning aridYS" ® 1400 Tenth Street, Room 1 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk, County of O Public Services Division 0 P.O. Box 838 By Santa Ana, CA 92702 El i From: Cl gity P 3300 Nev 151994 Newport (Orange received for filing at OPR: Im Subject: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Name of Project. Upper Castaways (TTM 15012/SPR 71) State Clearinghouse Number. Responsible AgencyCattactPerson: Telephone No.: 94101009 John Douglas 714/ 644-3230 Project Location: E/Dover Drive at 16th St., Newport Beach Subdivision map and site plan review for 119 single-family Project Description: detached units on lots averaging 5,775 sq.ft. This is to advise that the City of Newport Beach has approved the above described project on 11/ 10/ 94 and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: (Date) 1. The City is Q Lead Agency ❑ Responsible Agency for the project. 2. The project ❑ will ® will not have a significant effect on the environment. 3. ❑ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ® A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 4. Mitigation measures nX were ❑ were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 5. A Statement of Overriding Considerations ❑ was ® was not adopted for this project. 6. Findings Clx were ❑ were not made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. The final EIR or Negative Declaration and record of project approval is available for review at the Planning Depart- ment of the City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768; 714/644-3225. November 15, 1994 Date Revised 9-93 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Office of the City Manager November 3, 1995 TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission FROM: Kevin J. Murphy, City Manager'1M SUBJECT: RECOGNITION FOR POLICE OFFICER BOB HENRY Last March, Police Officer Bob Henry was mortally wounded and died in April at Hoag Memorial Hospital. As you may know, there have been requests for some form of memorial to Bob Henry for his sacrifice to our community. The Police Department has reviewed several different options for a memorial or recognition in response to a request from the City Council. At Mayor Hedges request, we have held this item off the agenda to allow some time to reflect on Bob Henry's sacrifice before returning to the City Council with a staff report and recommendation. Over the last few weeks I've had an opportunity to meet individually with Councilmembers and discuss the upcoming review by the Commission of final plans for the active park on the Castaways property. It was anticipated that at the time of your review that you will wish to discuss the naming of the active and passive portions of the park. The City Council Policy Manual provides that the Commission is the recommending body to the City Council on the naming of City parks (Policy 1-9). Policy 1-9 provides in part that... "Prior to the dedication or naming of a park or public recreational facility for a deceased person, there should be a passage of six months from death before the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission acts upon the request and makes a recommendation to the City Council." This period of time has now lapsed since Bob Henry's death on April 13th. It is my suggestion that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council: 1. Name the active portion of the Castaways park, "Bob Henry Park," and the passive portion, "Castaways Park." 2. At the Bob Henry Park, on the corner of 16th and Dover immediately behind where the park name sign is located create a special area through accented landscape and special pavers, concrete or similar materials to place a -2- plaque recognizing Bob Henry and his supreme sacrifice to the residents of Newport Beach. 3. This special area would also include a flag pole, which would be illuminated in the evening hours. 4. In dedicating the park and naming the Bob Henry Park the final action would include language indicating that the Park is being named in Bob Henry's memory and in recognition of the service that he and other City employees provide to the residents of Newport Beach. If there should be other City employees who lose their life in the direct line of duty for the City, they would be recognized at Bob Henry Park in the future in the special area near the flagpole and recognition plaque. I've attached for your information a small diagram of the park, including the area proposed for the flagpole and plaque, and a small diagram of how this area might be constructed. We will also like to solicit input from the Police Department and the family in working out the design details for the area. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know as soon as possible. City staff is also interested in soliciting donations from community members to help defray the costs of this recognition area. I will be in attendance at the Commission meeting and pleased to discuss this matter with you in greater detail. cc: Mayor and City Councilmembers Police Chief RESIDENTIAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ENTRY TOT LOT PLAY AREA PRIVATE ACCESS TRAIL M KMUCLUMMARY SPACE-? VIEW PARK 70 ACTIVE PARK SJ SPACES CHURCH 136 SPACES 16,h ST. 11 CURD SIDE SPArFS CASTAWAYS PARK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �ur�iss•rose -rsi :.•w••-•-'- MAY 21 , 1905 v \.. R6W P.A. 20 / '10 Court \ \>. A\\' P.A. / a 1 R?p' W� PA / s PA. ` e � "'fir - • • Emmet Berkery, P.E. Civil Engineer & Project Management Consultant 3345 Newport Boulevard, Suite 215 Newport Beach, California 92663 Tele: (714) 673-6446 PAX: (714) 673-6899 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO:yir l=s 5= =,err SC' r=r �-t �L v-e -l. wvL COMPANY/ORGANIZATION:�>>- FACSIMILE NO: FROM: ✓t��2Z�j y A- (� DATE: TOTAL NUMBER or, PAGES INCLUDfNG TIIIS ONE: TIIIS TRANSMISSION'WILL / WILL NOT BE MAILED. vlMessage: E I, 4 Y 16) If transmission is unclear please call the above number. If transmission is unclear please call the above number. C� /kY-DNoMaETFLI c- SCALE: %/ "3 /1 -01, PP�Pos� uP44Nrfae.- P4+G Pote -? AcWH — Ill��f- ��Ilpi�� ®�!►� IN & FGAG POC,5 PeAqcLe; HCHO,94AL 94APeIDNE /JllPociW i7atwire '� SX-671cK A I-t F.HOP.6 L- cAsrawaYS AcnVE PWpofzT'SEAMl , CA. 0 PAOPosno 6194a4E qA, ,U1TZ7 lJ-ftdHE fiNisN fiY,c0Ol- GrWC- ,/_ fti°4 Pew HeHoyA-L HE.°DsTbNE PIFOU6HED 4R,4N/T� '� r;JAU, sk-E7-C l 8 MEMOR-1,AL- CA5TAuJAY5 AcnvE pl42x NEkI R�fzTpEf�GN, CA . I rf wl �I I v¢w,u I :cc,w I oR<. "I vwa we m,rs�.w ,:.«wr r�wwc ,uua. SECTION 1.1' UR..= I._IL. ITWIDENING OF DOVFR DRIVE vw xcrnrc•�� m�s w nc� SECTION qd: V lli = 1'4' FD('F AT CHURCH PROPFRTY I I � I 2 1 1 R I I I I pp. I I F I I www..a I r I ry I. I I :+oow,inonaaw. SE(TH IN bl' 28' W IDENINC OF DO V ER DRI V E �nenuamrvue snwww.0 SECTION lidl' PEDESTRIAN TRAIT. AT CHURCH PROPERTY • UPPER CASTAWAYS • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA PACIFIC HOMES BURTON� ASSOCIATES AW SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT D f GAEMSSIONERS . �r o 0�� G+9��DAf �0�9 rsq`i'o 40 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX 15. That the Planning Commission may ad r modify conditions of approval to this use permit recommend to the City Council the revocation of t ' use permit, upon a determination that the operatio ich is the subject of this use permit causes injury, is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals mfort, or general welfare of the community. 16. This us ermit shall expire unless exercised within 24 mo s from the date of approval as specified in Section .80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. A Tentative Map of Tract No 15012 (Public Hearin¢) Item No.' Request to subdivide 26 acres of land into 119 numbered lots for single family detached residential development;1 numbered lot for public park purposes and 22 lettered lots for public open space, private open space, private streets and future public street purposes; and the acceptance of an environmental document. TTM15012 SPR 71 Approved AND B. Site Plan Review No. 71 (Public Hearing) V Request to approve a Site Plan Review for the development of 119 single family detached dwelling units and 0.8 acres of private open space on property located in the Upper Castaways Planned Community. LOCATION: A portion of Lot 2, Tract No. 1125 and a portion of Lot 165, Block 53, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 900 Dover Drive, on the southeasterly side of Dover Drive, between West Coast Highway and Westcliff Drive. -48- C".OMMISSIONERS • A O f • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant Patty Temple, Advance Planning Manager, reviewed the proposed development for the Upper Castaways property. The development would be the first project to proceed under the terms and agreements contained in the Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement (CIOSA) approved by the City Council. CIOSA has also been approved by the California Coastal Commission. The Agreement authorized development and specified the limits of subsequent project review. The development must be approved within the context of the approved Planned Community text and the provisions of the Agreement. The Agreement sets forth the rights of the City in the review of the tentative map. The City has the right to review and modify the project within the normal responsibilities under the Subdivision Map Act; however, the City does not have the right to modify project development standards beyond those in the adopted Planned Community text, specifically no additional modifications to development standards can be made in areas such as heights, building setbacks, parking requirements, etc. The proposed project is a detached single family subdivision which would allow for 119 dwelling units, or 32 dwelling units less than the 151 dwelling units allowed by the Development Agreement. The tentative tract map also includes parcelization for public park dedication as required by the Agreement. No actions are being taken at this time in regard to specific plans for the parks, the City has no conceptual plans for the park, and the subject actions do not authorize the City's park development. Ms. Temple addressed the revised conditions for the Tentative Map of Tract No. 15012 and Site Plan Review No. 71 that were distributed to the Planning Commission prior to the subject public hearing. The following revised conditions reflect the on -going -49- COMMISSIONERS • �dc��rsO • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX discussions between City staff and The Irvine Company in order to resolve the outstanding issues discussed in the original staff report: Tentative Map of Tract 15012 Condition No. 1: The added language sets forth that all open space dedication requirements including size and location shall be deemed to be fully satisfied by The Irvine Company consistent with the terms of the CIOSA Agreement related to the Upper Castaways parcel Ms. Temple stated that the additional language was necessary because of the exclusion from the map of the future access for Lower Castaways. Condition No. 13: The requirement makes provisions for lighting installation within the trail and a requirement that the City pay for any construction costs of the trail in excess of The Irvine Company's proposed width of 8 feet. Condition No.14: Clarification was made regarding Lot "V". That the storm drain system would be constructed by the developer and maintained by the City. Condition No. 15: Clarifies the location of application of the condition within Lot "V". Condition No. 16: The condition would limit the developers responsibility costwise related to the repair of the slope in Lot "U". Condition No. 19: The access road would no longer be an emergency access road but would provide full park access to the view park. Condition No. 21 and No. 22: The street frontage improvements would be required to be made within six months of occupancy of the first residential unit other than the model complex. Condition No. 31: Would allow latitude with regard to the requirements for tract grading, and it would allow the Public Works Department additional discretion. -50- � C01ViIyIiSSIONERS • 0 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Condition No. 42 and Condition No. 4 (Site Plan Review No. 71): The required setback of the development on Dover Drive would be a 25 foot property line setback and it would provide adequate landscaping in the area. It would require that the Planned Community District Regulations for Upper Castaways be amended to reflect the modified setback if approved by the Planning Commission prior to or concurrent with the approval of the Final Map. Condition No. 43: The condition applies to Lot "V". Condition No. 47: The added condition corrects the notes on the tentative map. Site Plan Review No. 71: Condition No. 1: The condition acknowledges that the plans and elevations submitted are conceptual. Condition No. 5: The condition applies the automatic irrigation requirements to the common areas only. Condition No. 7: Added condition requires that all chimney heights conform to the requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless otherwise approved by the Modifications Committee. Ms. Temple referred to staffs responses to Dr. J. D. Vandersloot's letter dated November 10, 1994, and to the letter from Newport Harbor Lutheran Church dated November 10, 1994, that were distributed to the Planning Commission prior to the subject public hearing. In reference to Dr. Vandersloot's letter regarding the preservation of the on -site wetlands adjacent to Dover Drive, she stated that the issue was addressed in the certified program EIR adopted as part of the CIOSA Agreement. In reference to the letter from the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, she stated that the primary concerns are in relationship to park development plans and approvals. She said that currently there is no park facility approval being made, and as the City develops park plans -51- COMMISSIONERS �Pf�c�oON1145 S�G� E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX and proceeds with development that the processes will be subject to additional environmental review as part of the program EIR processed and defined by the California Environmental Quality Act. Don Webb, Public Works Director, referred to the aforementioned revised conditions in the tentative map of tract 15012, and he addressed Condition No. 31 wherein he stated that Dover Drive between Westcliff Drive and West Coast Highway is designated as a six -lane arterial roadway. The existing four lane roadway is adequate at the present time; however, 17th Street in Costa Mesa is designated as a six -lane arterial roadway to Irvine Avenue and the City anticipates as growth continues and traffic increases on 17th Street that traffic on Westcliff Drive will be increased. At the intersection of Westcliff Drive and Dover Drive it will be necessary to have southbound two right -turn lanes; therefore, a third lane will be necessary for through traffic coming from Dover Drive across Westcliff Drive. Mr. Webb stated that a right turn lane would also be constructed going north on Dover Drive to Westcliff Drive. Mr. Webb stated that regrading would occur opposite Cliff Drive to provide an eight percent accessway to the open space park and that site distance would be improved at the curve on Dover Drive. A traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive to enable the people to move in and out of the proposed park safely, and the signal would allow pedestrians to safely come out of the Cliff Haven area to access the park. A third lane on Dover Drive is proposed through the Cliff Drive intersection so as to enable the automobiles to make a safe right turn off of West Coast Highway through the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive, and then the roadway would be tapered down to two lanes before 16th Street. He explained that revised Conditions No. 21 and No. 22, of the tentative map would address intersection capacity and safety improvements. He said that landscaping would be provided in the graded areas. In response to a question posed by Chairman Glover, Mr. Webb explained that going northbound on Dover Drive from West Coast -52- COMMISSIONERS oq��oF CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX Highway that three lanes at Cliff Drive will be reduced to two lanes before 16th Street. The median will be moved going south on Dover Drive so as to provide a left turn lane into the proposed park. Chairman Glover stated that she had a concern that the traffic signal and three lanes on northbound and southbound Dover Drive between Cliff Drive and 16th Street would urbanize the residential area, and the traffic would move faster. She did not want to encourage the public to drive through the residential areas to Costa Mesa. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Ridgeway with regard to the circulation plan, Mr. Webb stated that the County's projections between Dover Drive and West Coast Highway were estimated to be approximately 36,500 automobiles a day which would justify a six -lane facility. The proposed improvements would not be a full widening of the roadway. Commissioner Adams opined that a traffic signal would make it less desirable for the public to travel through the residential neighborhood. It is necessary to have safe vehicular access into the proposed park, and there is a need for signalization at the Cliff Drive and Dover Drive intersection. Chairman Glover stated that the proposed residential development does not warrant a traffic light at the intersection. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards, Commissioner Adams concurred with the proposed three lanes from West Coast Highway to Dover Drive and Cliff Drive, and narrowing to two lanes to 16th Street. Commissioner DiSano concurred with Commissioner Adams' aforementioned comments. He said that the safety issue is more of a concern than the potential harm that could come with the traffic signal adjacent to a residential area. Commissioner Pomeroy concurred with Commissioner Adams' comments. He said that the safety issue and access to the park -53- COMMISSIONERS • LJ MINUTES r+rry nF 7vrFWPnRT REACH ROLL CALL INDEX and improved sight at the curve on Dover Drive are important issues, and the traffic signal would slow down the traffic. Commissioner Adams stated that it is a policy that crosswalks are not installed unless there is a signalized intersection, and the pedestrian access to the proposed park is necessary. In response to questions posed by the Planning Commission, Mr. Webb referred to the proposed circulation plan on display and he explained the frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk, that are proposed on Dover Drive between Cliff Drive and Westcliff Drive. In reference to the access road, Mr. Webb stated that an 8% grade, instead of a 10% or 12% slope, would be easier for the public to walk and to ride bicycles, and it would give handicap people the ability to utilize the trail. Mr. Webb described the proposed plan of the meandering bluff top trail. In response to a question posed by Chairman Glover regarding revised Condition No. 13, Ms. Temple replied that the original conditions requested that the bluff top trail be 12 feet wide; however, subsequent to when the applicant originally requested an 8 foot trail the applicant agreed to the revised condition primarily because the City would agree to pay the cost difference between the 8 foot trail and the 12 foot trail. Chairman Glover supported an 8 foot trail because of her concern regarding excessive asphalt, and that asphalt would also be used to construct the roadways. Commissioner Pomeroy and Commissioner Ridgeway agreed that an 8 foot trail is not adequate for pedestrians and bicyclists. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards, Mr. Webb explained that the CIOSA Agreement in the open space areas indicated that the City is to take the parcel as it exists. There are approximately three areas where erosion has occurred on the bluff top, and staff considered the erosion to be the result of deferred maintenance which should be repaired prior to the City accepting the right-of-way. The Irvine Company agreed to the request up to a cost of $30,000.00, which would be more than adequate to handle the erosion areas. -54- COMMISSIONERS • dc0 V� �f ��o CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX Chairman Glover referred to revised Condition No. 13 regarding the installation of lighting in the trail design, and she expressed opposition to the lighting inasmuch as lighting would encourage the public to use the trail at night and, therefore, it could become a problem area. Commissioner Adams referred to revised Condition No. 14 regarding the storm drain system, and he asked if the developer would comply with the request? Mr. Webb replied that the applicant agreed that the storm drain system would be constructed to City's standards and it would be a 12" to 18" storm drain below grade. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Ridgeway, Mr. Webb replied that it is intended that the drainage system would be draining towards Polaris Street and enter into the public drain system at roughly the same spot the private drain system for the street system will enter. In response to a question posed by Chairman Glover, Mr. Webb described the distance from the wall to the curbline adjacent to Irvine Terrace. Commissioner Adams expressed a concern regarding the loss of the existing eucalyptus grove, and that the proposed trees could cause view impairments of the residential property in the future. The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Tom Redwitz, Vice President of Development Entitlement for The Irvine Company, appeared before the Planning Commission. He stated that the proposed plan represents over five years of planning with the community, and it is a part of CIOSA that was approved by the City in 1992 and the California Coastal Commission. The Agreement calls for dedication of over 150 acres of open space to the City and a financial commitment of over $20 million toward circulation improvement. With the start of the Upper Castaways project the City will begin to receive the benefits of the Agreement including donation of land for an activity park and a view park with some outstanding views in the City. -55- 'COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Mr. Norman Witt, Vice President of Coastal Community Builders, a Division of The Irvine Company appeared before the Planning Commission. He addressed the amount of open space area that would be provided in the development, and he addressed the improvement of the bluff top trail in addition to bluff top stabilization along the entire edge. Mr. Witt stated that the intent is to thin the widow maker eucalyptus trees, and replace the trees with other trees. The Irvine Company concurs with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". In response to a question posed by Commissioner Ridgeway, Mr. Redwitz reappeared before the Planning Commission and he replied that the proposed.bluff top trail is to be a public trail and not a private trail. In response to a questions posed by the Planning Commission, Mr. Bill Burton, Landscape Architect, appeared before the Planning Commission, and be explained that the eucalyptus trees located in the middle of the development are damaged and the applicant is concerned with the public's health and safety if the trees would remain. The wind row of eucalyptus trees would remain on the parcel. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Adams regarding revised Condition No. 19, Mr. Webb and Mr. Witt described the bluff top trail as it would connect to the access road. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards, Mr. Witt stated that the applicant requested an 8 foot wide bluff top trail for aesthetics. The trail would be used for pedestrian and biking purposes, and it would also be used for emergency and maintenance vehicles. He agreed that it would be difficult to maneuver a fire engine on an 8 foot wide trail and that it could cause damage to the edge of the trail. Dr. Jan VanderSloot, 2121 - 16th Street, appeared before the Planning Commission. He referred to his aforementioned letter dated November 10, 1994. He expressed a concern regarding the -56- COMMISSIONERS u MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX wetlands on Upper Castaways, and he asked where are the wetlands going to be mitigated off -site? He said that the fresh water wetlands could be an asset to the park, and the public would enjoy the birds and other wildlife. He also expressed a concern that three lanes on Dover Drive would be tapered off to two lanes at 16th Street, and he suggested that Dover Drive be widened to three lanes from West Coast Highway to Westcliff Drive so as to keep the traffic off of the residential streets. Commissioner Ridgeway referred to the Mitigation Monitoring Program Summary,, Biological Resource, and he asked if a wetland delineation study had been, performed. Ms. Temple explained that Mitigation Measure No. 16, was adopted in the CIOSA Agreement, and it sets forth the requirements for staging the mitigation requirements for wetlands fill. Prior to grading, it is necessary for the City to comply with the requirements of the mitigation measure by doing the formal wetland delineation and processing the appropriate permits through the Department of Fish and Game, and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, if required. Commissioner Pomeroy and Mr. Webb discussed the projected traffic impacts through the year 2010 that was addressed in the General Plan, and the increase in traffic that was projected from outside the City of Newport Beach. Mr. Allen Beek, 2007 Highland Avenue, appeared before the Planning Commission, and he referred to his written comments that were previously distributed to the Planning Commission. He said that Newport Heights is a desirable community, and the proposed development is completely incompatible with the surrounding areas inasmuch as it would be a gated community. The Irvine Company had no meetings with the Mariner's Community Association to try to create a compatible neighborhood. He stated that a street along the front of the bluff would provide access to the park, it would provide drainage to keep the water from going over the face of the bluff, and it would set back the development from the edge of the bluff. Mr. Beek suggested merging the left turn lanes into the right turn lane off of -57- COMMISSIONERS . 'U O CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX West Coast Highway to Dover Drive, and he stated that Dover Drive does not have enough traffic to warrant more than four lanes. The wetlands should be preserved. Rev. Bill Kirlin-Hackett, Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, 798 Dover Drive, appeared before the Planning Commission. He said that the intent is not to hinder the development. However, he expressed concerns regarding the landscaping plans; the possible future widening of Dover Drive on the Church's frontage; the parking plan; the negative impact that construction would have on the church; and the height limit of the dwellings would impede the Church's view. Commissioner Pomeroy pointed out that the issue before the Planning Commission is not the proposed park. Rev. Kirlin- Hackett requested an agreement concerning the widening of Dover Drive and the impact that the widening would have on the Church's Dover Drive frontage. Commissioner Ridgeway concurred with Commissioner Pomeroy; however, the concerns regarding the landscaping could be addressed by the Planning Commission. Rev. Kirlin-Hackett stated that the access road and the tum-around could affect the Church. Mr. Webb stated that the proposed plan of the Upper Castaways park site and the active park site on 16th Street will be the subject of discussions and hearings of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission as the plans are developed. The City Council will provide funding to allow the design to begin on the facilities, and it is a desire that the design process and public hearings would be completed in a time frame that the park facilities would be developed at the same time as the proposed development. With reference to the parking issues related to the park, the precise location of the roadway, and what parking facilities will be provided in conjunction with the roadway are subjects that will be addressed through the public hearing process by the PB&R Commission. In response to a question posed by Chairman Glover, Mr. Webb explained that when Dover Drive is widened the City has two options. The CIOSA Agreement has very strict conditions on how -58- COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES w,N� November 111 1 God ROLL CALL INDEX the City can develop the property that The Irvine Company dedicates for open space. He said that the City would like to work with the Church on providing a replacement area, and Exhibit "F" allows that to occur. He said that if Dover Drive would not be widened it would not be necessary to take any of the Church's property. In response to questions posed by Commissioner Adams, Rev. Kirlin-Hackett stated that the Church rarely uses the angle parking on 16th Street. Commissioner Adams explained his support of bonding improvements so that decisions relating to the widening of Dover Drive could appropriately be made with the planning of the park. Mr. Tom Hyans, President of Central Newport Beach Community Association, appeared before the Planning Commission. He stated that based on the width of the sidewalk on the Balboa Peninsula that bicycles and pedestrians do not mix well on a sidewalk less than 20 feet wide. Mr. Hyans stated that it is feasible that the Balboa Peninsula could lose the in -lieu park fee funds because of the Upper Castaways project. Mr. Hewicker explained that some of the in -lieu park fee funds were designated for City parks, and he recommended that Mr. Hyans contact the Community Services Department. In response to a question posed by Mr. Hyans, Mr. Webb replied that funds for planning and engineering would come from in -lieu park fees. Commissioner Gifford suggested that Mr. Hyans contact the City Council to form a Pedestrian Trails Committee. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Commissioner Edwards requested a clarification of the turn- around area and the path adjacent to the church. Mr. Witt reappeared before the Planning Commission and he replied that the path is for private use by the residents of the community. -59- rCOMMISSIONERS A O r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES 1994 ROLL CALL INDEX In response to questions posed by Commissioner Edwards, Mr. Webb replied that improvements could be bonded for under the CIOSA Agreement. He said that in order to provide access into the Upper Castaways it is necessary to do some grading to create a softened slope to prohibit constant maintenance and erosion, and potential hazardous conditions. Commissioner Adams discussed the park plan improvements and the widening of Dover Drive. Commissioner Gifford stated that insofar as the improvements could be bonded for that the improvements could be reviewed in conjunction with the proposed park. She supported a reduced width of the bluff top trail to 10 feet or 8 feet, and if the trail meandered it would slow down the bicycle traffic. Mr. Webb explained his concern that emergency and maintenance vehicles would have a difficult time responding on a narrow meandering trail. Mr. Webb stated that the State Standard indicates that to accommodate a combination bicycle/pedestrian trail that a 12 foot wide trail is necessary, and that 8 feet is only wide enough for a two-way trail without pedestrians. Commissioner Edwards and Ms. Clauson addressed the City's liability concerning the State Standards and the bicycle and pedestrian use of the bluff top trail. Commissioner DiSano addressed the health, safety, and welfare conditions of the bluff top trail. He determined that the location would attract the public, and the Planning Commission should make certain that the City has a less chance of being sued in areas that are going to be open to the public. Commissioner Adams opined that the volume of traffic on the bluff top trail would be relatively low compared to the Back Bay trail that is 12 feet wide. He explained that emergency vehicles could negotiate adequately on a 10 foot wide trail that does not meander too much. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Adams, Mr. Webb replied that the City's Master Plan of Bikeways does not designate the trails as a specific class. The proposed trail is on the Master Plan that was adopted in 1972. -60- 'COMMISSIONERS oyf�°� CJ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX An 8 foot trail is the minimum width that the State requires for two-way bicycle traffic, and if there would be significant bicycle and pedestrian traffic that the trail should be 12 feet wide. In response to questions posed by Commissioner Pomeroy regarding bonding for improvements to Dover Drive and site improvements, Mr. Webb explained that in order to provide a landing for vehicles on the site that it would be necessary to grade an access road, and therefore, grading money would have to be spent. He recommended that grading be done at the same time, and The Irvine Company would be doing the work and not under a separate City contract. Commissioner Adams stated that The Irvine Company will be grading on the residential site and repairing the bluff, and he questioned why The Irvine Company would have to touch the balance of the park or the area adjacent to Dover Drive until the access road is constructed and the traffic signal is installed. He suggested a delay until there is a comprehensive look at the park and a reevaluation of the channelization of Dover Drive. Mr. Webb stated that the CIOSA Agreement states that in lieu of constructing fronting improvements that The Irvine Company would provide for the grading of Dover Drive, and conditions on the tentative tract map and the site plan conform to the agreements. If the improvements are bonded then it would eventually become a City project which could become more expensive. The intention of the City Council was to construct the park at the same time as the proposed project is developed; therefore, the construction of the park would not be delayed. Commissioner Adams suggested that when the park is developed that the park contractor and not The Irvine Company construct the Dover Drive improvements because the park requires the improvements and not the residential development. Ms. Temple suggested that the Planning Commission consider an additional mitigation measure regarding the potential abandonment of oil wells if found on -site. She addressed revised Condition No. 42 of the tentative tract map, and revised Condition No. 4 of the site plan regarding the 25 foot setback, and she suggested that the conditions be amended to state that the -61- COMMISSIONERSoil F ,p tn�9ppA pA.y S9`t'O • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX subdivision be redesigned along DoverDrive to comply with a 25 foot property line setback from the ultimate right-of-way line, on the basis that the aforementioned language would be consistent with the Planned Community text. Mr. Redwitz concurred with the revised conditions. In reference to the bonding and widening of Dover Drive, Mr. Redwitz referred to the aforementioned revised Condition No. 21 of the tentative tract map, and he suggested that the condition be amended if the Planning Commission approved bonding for the improvements. Ms. Temple suggested that these improvements shall be completed within 6 months of occupancy of the first residential unit (other than models) be eliminated from revised Condition No. 21. Motion * Motion was made to approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 15012 and Site Plan Review No. 71 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A" as revised by staff, add Condition No. 47 to the tentative tract map regarding the abandonment of oil wells. Commissioner DiSano suggested that revised Condition Nos. 19, and 21 be modified to indicate that The Irvine Company would bond for the improvements. Mr. Redwitz and staff considered amending Condition No. 26 of the tentative tract map to include the bonding for a water main. Mr. Redwitz referred to Condition No. 13 of the tentative tract map and he suggested that the condition be modified to include bonding. Chairman Glover supported the motion. She emphasized her objection to the widening of Dover Drive. Commissioner Ridgeway supported the motion. He complimented The Irvine Company and their management of the project. Commissioner Pomeroy stated that the residents of Newport Beach will benefit from the public improvements that will be on the site. -62- ''pOMMISSIONERS f�m �f�o E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX All Ayes Motion was voted on to approve Tentative Map of Tract No. 15012 and Site Plan Review No. 71, as amended. MOTION CARRIED. A. Environmental Document Findines: 1. That CEQA allows a program EIR to be used to simplify the task of preparing environmental documents on later parts of the program. Among several uses the program EIR can provide the basis in an Initial Study for determining whether the later activity may have significant effects (CEQA Guidelines, section 15168, subd.(d).) 2. CEQA further allows that a negative declaration may be issued in reliance upon an existing EIR prepared for an earlier project, if the project for which the negative declaration is prepared will not cause any significant effects or in the case of a mitigated negative declaration no effects which cannot be eliminated or reduced to a level of insignificance. (Guidelines, section 15070. subd.(b) and 15153, subd.(c).) 3. The Initial Study analyzed the proposed site plan and tentative map for the Upper Castaways residential development based on information contained in the previously certified 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR and any new information which has become available regarding the project, 4. The assumptions and conclusions of the 1992 Final CIOSA Program EIR have been found to be valid and appropriate for use in evaluating the current proposal. The Initial Study has found that there are no new potential significant adverse impacts which cannot be eliminated or mitigated to a level of insignificance. -63- COMMISSIONERS V MINUTES 0� �rS-bo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Mitigation Measures: 1. That all mitigation measures applicable to the project set forth in Final Environmental Impact Report No. 148 be complied with as set forth in the approved mitigation monitoring program. 2. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or commencement of grading, whichever comes first, the City or applicant (whoever is responsible for grading and construction of the access road), shall prepare a detailed landscape plan for review and approval by the City of Newport Beach Planning, Public Works, and General Services Departments. This plan shall provide for both interim and permanent landscaping which will prevent erosion, soften the visual impact of the grading, and be consistent with surrounding vegetation within the future view park. The use of native and drought -tolerant vegetation shall predominate. 3. Graded slopes shall vary in steepness with the majority of slopes at a steepness of 3:1. 4. At the time park facility plans are prepared by the City for the future view park, a lighting plan shall be prepared and evaluated for the access road. Lighting shall be only the minimum necessary to provide safe access for use of the road during standard hours of operation for the park. If provided, lighting shall be designed to eliminate any light spillage past the edge of the property along Dover Drive. 5. The City of Newport Beach shall provide adequate parking for the future view park area on Upper Castaways. A specific parking plan shall be prepared concurrent with preparation of park facility plans for the view park. Parking shall be convenient to either trail access or the paved access road. 6. Prior to the approval of the Final Tract Map, the applicant shall verify the location of any plugged and abandoned oil -64- COMMISSIONERS MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1994 ROLL CALL INDEX wells on site. If any abandoned wells are on -site, the applicant or property owner shall plug the well(s) to meet the standards of Department of Conservation Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. If a well occurs within the development area, the plugging shall occur prior to the issuance of any grading permits. If a well occurs within the dedication area, an agreement committing to the completion of plugging shall be executed prior to the acceptance of dedication, and the plugging shall occur prior to the issuance of any grading permits. If any structures are over or in close proximity to any well, a gas venting system shall be installed as required by the State Department of Conservation and the City Grading Engineer. Tentative Map of Tract No. 15012: Findines: 1. That the design of the subdivision improvements will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. 2. That public improvements may be required of a developer per Section 19.08.020 of the Municipal Code and Section 66415 of the Subdivision Map Act. 3. That grading and drainage improvements are required along the bluff top trail in order to prevent continued erosion of the natural bluffs. 4. That the access drive is required at Dover Drive and Cliff Drive for maintenance, emergency rescue and police patrol access to the bluff top area to replace the access lost from 16th Street. The grading for frontage improvements along the Dover Drive frontage provides required sight distance. 5. That a traffic signal is needed at Dover Drive and Cliff -65- •COMMISSIONERS • ME CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX Drive due to the increase in vehicular traffic and pedestrian crossing activity. 6. That Resubdivision No. 972 provides access to Lower Castaway across a portion of Tentative Tract No.15012 and that Tentative Tract No. 15012 is required to be consistent with a currently approved map. Conditions: 1. That the Tentative Tract Map be revised to delete the area from the tentative map that is proposed as the access road for the Lower Castaways site in conformance with Resubdivision No..972, currently being processed; that an accompanying construction easement for constructing the future access road be provided; and that an easement for ingress and egress be provided across the future Lower Castaways access road for the park access road to be constructed with the proposed tract. Notwithstanding this condition, all open space dedication requirements including size and location shall be deemed to be fully satisfied by The Irvine Company consistent with the terms of the CIOSA Agreement related to the Upper Castaways parcel. 2. That a final map be recorded. That the final map be prepared so that the Bearings relate to the State Plane Coordinate System. The final map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83) and that prior to recordation of the final map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall submit to the County Surveyor a digital -graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. That prior to recordation of the final map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Section s 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, -66- COMMISSIONERS • • MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1994 ROLL CALL INDEX Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 3. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 4. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the Public improvements if it is desired to record a tract map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 5. That each dwelling unit be served with an individual water service and sewer lateral connection to the public water and sewer systems unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and the Building Department. 6. That the on -site parking, vehicular circulation and pedestrian circulation systems be subject to further review by the Traffic Engineer and the Fire Department. 7. That the design of the private streets and drives conform with the City's Private Street Policy (L-4), except as approved by the Public Works and Fire Departments. The basic roadway width shall be a minimum of 32 feet parking one side and 36 feet parking both sides. The location, width, configuration, and concept of the private street and drive systems shall be subject to further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and Fire Department. 8. That the intersection of the private streets and drives be designed to provide sight distance for a local street in conformance with City standard 110-L. Slopes, landscape, walls and other obstruction shall be considered in the sight distance requirements. Landscaping within the sight line -67- 'COMMISSIONERS �ldCtp��fO, • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height. The sight distance requirement may be modified at non -critical locations, subject to approval of the Traffic Engineer. 9. That the California Vehicle Code be enforced on the private streets and drives, and that all traffic control devices shall be shown on a plan approved by the Public Works Department. 10. That if it is desired to have a control gate at the entrance, a turnaround shall be provided prior to the gate. The design of the controlled entrance shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works, Fire and Police Departments. 11. That easements for public emergency and security ingress, egress and public utility purposes on all private streets be dedicated to the City and that all easements be shown on the tract map unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 12. That asphalt or concrete access roads shall be provided to all public utilities, vaults, manholes, and junction structure locations, with width to be approved by the Public Works Department. 13. That a 12 foot wide bluff top trail shall be constructed with a connection on the north at Grove Lane and a connection on the south at Dover Drive. The trail shall be structurally designed to handle maintenance and emergency vehicular traffic. The Trail shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the top of proposed slope, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and the City Grading Engineer. The design of the trail shall be approved by the Public Works Department, General Services Department, Utilities Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Community Services Department. Provisions to install lighting in the future shall be included in the trail -68- 'QOMMISSIONERS 110, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX design. The City shall pay for construction costs in excess of 8 feet. Bonding will be required for these improvements. 14. The bluff top open space area shall be designed in Lot "V" to convey the drainage away from the top of slope to be picked up by a storm drain system to be constructed by the developer and maintained by the City. All landscaping inland of the bluff top trail shall be planted and maintained by the developer/association. An agreement shall be required for maintenance of the landscape and approved as to form by the City Attorney's office. 15. That the heavily eroded areas with near vertical faces along the bluff top within Lot "V" shall be repaired and all drainage directed away from the bluff top edge. The locations to be repaired shall be reviewed and approved by the City. 16. That prior to the developer dedicating the View Park, Lot Hull, to the City, all heavily eroded areas with near vertical faces along the bluff top shall be repaired and all drainage directed away from the bluff top edge. The City shall pay all costs associated with this repair in excess of $30.000.00. Provisions regarding a release of liability of the developer shall be included in the dedication documents. 17. That a bus turnout and shelter pad be constructed on Dover Drive just north of 16th Street as approved by the Public Works Department and the Orange County Transit Authority. 18. That the active park site, proposed Lot 120, be graded at 2% with site drainage conveyed to the storm drain system unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. Erosion control shall be provided on the site as required by the City Grading Engineer. -69- COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPOOW BEACH MINUTES c REGULAR PLANNING CO SION MEETING PLACE: City Council Chambers s DATE: 7:30 P.M. November 10 1994 ROLL CALL INDEX 19. That a 24 foot wide access road be constructed in the proposed Open Space Lot "U" from the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive along the alignment of the old Castaways Road and connect to the bluff top trail. The access road shall be a maximum 8% grade with a turn around. The road shall be designed to accommodate heavy vehicles and Fire Department apparatus. The design is to be approved by the Public Works Department. That the design and grades of the access road be compatible with the proposed grades for the proposed Lower Castaways access road. That bonding for the improvements will be required. 20. That the developer contribute 50% of the cost of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Dover Drive and Cliff Drive prior to the occupancy of the first housing unit within the proposed tract development. 21. That frontage improvements be constructed on Dover Drive between Cliff Drive and 16th Street to provide 3 lanes in each direction at Cliff Drive tapering to 2 lanes in each direction at 16th Street. These improvements shall be completed within 6 months of occupancy of the first residential unit (other than models). Bonding will be required for these improvements. 22. That frontage improvements be constructed on Dover Drive at Westcliff Drive to provide a north bound through lane and a right turn lane. These improvements shall be completed within 6 months of occupancy of the first residential unit (other than models). 23. That construction access to the development be from 16th Street and that the last 100' of haul road adjacent to 16th Street shall be paved with asphalt with another 109 of aggregate adjacent to the asphalt to clean truck tires unless an alternate plan is approved by the Public Works -70- COMMISSIONERS A 0 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Department. A plan for cleaning the trucks must be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 24. That street, drainage and utility improvements be shown of standard improvement plans prepared by a licensed civil engineer. 25. That a hydrology and hydraulic study be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Public Works Department, along with a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities for the on -site improvements prior to recording of the tract map. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. The condition includes all areas covered by the subdivision map. 26. That an easement for water purposes be dedicated across lot "N" and a water main constructed between Street "D" and the Dover Drive at Cliff Drive intersection with a fire hydrant connection as approved by the Utilities, Fire and Public Works Departments. Bonding will be required for these improvements. 27. That a 12" diameter water main be constructed between 16th Street and Polaris Drive and connect to the existing 12" lines in 16th Street and Polaris Drive. That the proposed 10' wide easement through lot "O" be relocated westerly of Lot "O" in order to align with the 12" water main in Polaris Drive. 28. That the easterly property line of Lot 38 be moved westerly 15' in order to provide an adequate easement for the proposed 12" water main unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 29. That storm drain facilities designed to empty into the Polaris Storm Drain System shall be approved by the -71- 'COMMISSIONERS 9 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1994 ROLL CALL INDEX Orange County EMA prior to issuance of any grading or building permits. 30. That prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available for the project. Such demonstration shall include verification from the Orange County Sanitation District and the City's Utilities Department. 31. That an additional 28 feet of right-of-way be dedicated to the public for street and highway purposes along the Dover Drive frontage in order to provide a minimum of 128 feet of right-of-way. That the 28 foot width be graded to future curb grade along the entire length of the Dover Drive frontage with a 2% cross fall at the time of the proposed tract grading unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department, and that a 10 foot wide concrete sidewalk be constructed along the tract frontage between Westcliff Drive and Cliff Drive. 32. That County Sanitation District fees be paid prior to issuance of any building permits. 33. That the Public Works Department plan check and inspection fee be paid. 34. Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements. A traffic control plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. There shall be no construction storage or delivery of materials within the Dover Drive right-of-way. -72- COMMISSIONERS • 0 MINUTES A rT ry np NFWPnRT REACH ROLL CALL INDEX 35. That a fire protection system acceptable to the Fire Department be installed by the developer and tested by the Fire Department prior to storage of any combustible materials or start of any structural framing. 36. That the Coastal Bluff property line Setback from the edge of the bluff shall be located no closer to the edge of the bluff than the point at which the top of the bluff is intersected by a line drawn from the solid toe of the bluff at an angle of 26.6 degrees to the horizontal. In no case shall a property line be located closer than forty (40) feet from the edge of a bluff or any eroded area of the bluff unless the area is.restored. 37. That utility and private access easements be dedicated and improved between Dover Drive and "F" Street and between Polaris Drive and "C" Street. The improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. 38. That the landscape plans shall be subject to the review of the Public Works, Police and General Services Departments and any landscaping adjacent to or within the view trails and parks shall be subject to review by the Community Services Department. 39. That 16th Street be restriped to provide clear ingress and egress to the site. 40. That all above grade utility enclosures shall be located in such a manner as to provide a minimum 4'0" clear width sidewalk on private streets and 8'0" width on public streets. 41. That the slopes adjacent to the tract located in the park sites have a maximum slope of 4 to 1 unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 42. That the subdivision be redesigned along Dover Drive to comply with a 25 foot property line setback from the -73- MINUTES ROLL CALL INDEX ultimate right-of-way line. The Planned Community District Regulations for Upper Castaways shall be amended to reflect this modified setback prior to or concurrent with the approval of the Final Tract Map. 43. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, detailed plans and recommendations for repair of the existing bluff top erosional features in Lot "V" shall be provided for the review and approval of the City Grading Engineer. 44. An increase in the rate of groundwater recharge related to the proposed development and related 'Irrigation systems may adversely affect bluff stability and increase the current rate of bluff retreat. Plans and recommendations mitigating these effects shall be reviewed and approved by the City Grading Engineer prior to issuance of any grading permits. 45. Minimum fire flow requirement is 1000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure. 46. The location of all fire hydrants shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department. A hydrant shall be provided in the view park in the vicinity of the access road. 47. That the notes on the Tentative Tract Map be modified as follows: a) Delete note #13. b) The single family acreage changed to 26 acres. c) Summary note for Lot "V" changed from private to public. -74- 'COMMISSIONERS • MINUTES rrmry nF IIIFWPnRT REACH Nevember 1994 r ROLL CALL INDEX Site Plan Review No. 71: Findings: 1. That the development of Upper Castaways will not preclude implementation of specific General Plan objectives and policies if in accordance with the plans as modified by the condition for approval. 2. That the value of the property is protected by preventing development characterized by inadequate and poorly planned landscaping, excessive building bulk, inappropriate placement of structures and failure to preserve where feasible natural landscape features. Conditions' 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual grading plan, site plan, floor plans and elevations, except as modified in the following conditions and those imposed on the Tentative Tract Map. 2. That a minimum of two parking spaces per dwelling unit be provided, plus two guest parking spaces per unit. Of the guest spaces, a minimum of one per unit shall be provided on -street or in commonly accessible parking bays. 3. That a minimum of 50% of the dwelling units shall comply with the 24 foot height limit as defined in the Newport Beach Municipal Code. A maximum of 50% of the dwelling units may exceed this height to the maximum 32 foot limit provided for the PC Text. 4. That the subdivision be redesigned along Dover Drive to comply with a 25 foot property line setback from the ultimate right-of-way line. The Planned Community District Regulations for Upper Castaways shall be amended -75- " C UMMISSIONERS i 40 MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX to reflect this modified setback prior to or concurrent with the approval of the FinalTract Map. 5. Landscape plans for common areas shall incorporate automatic irrigation systems equipped with an override keyed to continuous moisture measurement devices unless otherwise approved by the City Grading Engineer. 6. That this site plan review shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.01.070 K of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 7. That all chimney heights conform to the requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless otherwise approved by the Modifications Committee. xss eneral Plan Amendment 94-3 Reque to initiate amendments to the Newport Beach General Plan, as fo ws: A. CalTrans Wes Caltrans West consists o proximately 17 acres of vacant land located west of Superior Ave e, north of Pacific Coast Highway, and south of the Newport Crest ndominium complex. The preferred future use of the site is re ation/open space with active recreational uses accommodated on t site. Specific park improvements and the possible phasing of park u s if entitlement is transferred off -site shall be consistent with the R eation and Open Space Element. The site is presently allocated 152 dwelling units subject provisions intended to facilitate the transfer of all of this -76- Discussior Item No. i GPA 94=3 A. CalTrar. Inititatk i�a 0�- i c -ram VNI /14V °�_ c� H r��� PLANNING DS"PA TMENu IiI / / �� FE -�M -- - - -3 3oe� ov a -d— 18 / Val 81911R1111]2t1121i14F5+6--- Zl�l�- --- __ L.K a�-�9�� tfo o/- T`'�' �l In %a1rN'�.i� / �, - y°✓. ad�IPLK S';dc 7-5 I Q� Vke- L3P'i "'4 - d%O-,, 0-47 Sf N C -- - - - - V�4tiK^.�'1r-�R�L John S. Hfngtgen 161 East 21at St., #16 '� Costa Mesa, CA 92627