HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15347_TENTATIVE_1600_COAST_HWY_E*NEW FILE* T15347_TENTATIVE_1600_C OAST HWY E ,10 0 TENTATIVE MAP APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (714) 644-3200 No. 1-'l MA-P ala. 1S-q-NT Application Redd by: Fee: $ OR $ per lot (whichever is greater) APPLICANT (Print) 0 Hill Properties PHONE (949) 251-2010 MAILING ADDRESS One Upper Newport Plaza, Newport Beach, California 92660 PROPERTY OWNER o Hill Properties PHON (949) 251-2010 MAILING ADDRESS One Upper Newport Plaza, Newport Beach, California 92660 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY INVOLVED Newport Beach Country club ZONE P.C. PRESENT USE Country Club Legal description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) A portion Parcel 1, P.M. 79-704 and a portion Parcels 1 and 2, P.M. 94-102 List any exceptions requested from standard subdivision requirements -4-Oo Signature of Applic44ror Agent ` ` Date ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE t� Date Filed d- q_ Aot)o Fee Pd. H70 � Receipt No. J_77- 0/.5- q Hearing Date Posting Date, P.C. Action Appeal C.C. Action Mail Date Date _ C.C. Hearing _ Date OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON First American Title Insurance Company 114 East Fifth Street, Santa Ana, California 92701 (P.O. Box 267, Santa Ana, California 92702) (714) 558-3211 O'HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 ATTN: ROBERT O'HILL YOUR NO. PROPOSED TRACT NO. 15348 IN RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE REFERENCED APPLICATION FOR A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, THIS COMPANY HEREBY REPORTS THAT IT IS PREPARED TO ISSUE, OR CAUSE TO BE ISSUED, AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, A POLICY OR POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE DESCRIBING THE LAND AND THE ESTATE OR INTEREST THEREIN HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, INSURING AGAINST LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF ANY DEFECT, LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE NOT SHOWN OR REFERRED TO AS AN EXCEPTION BELOW OR NOT EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE PURSUANT TO THE PRINTED SCHEDULES, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THE POLICY FORMS. THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM THE COVERAGE OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES ARE SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED. COPIES OF THE POLICY FORMS SHOULD BE READ. THEY ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE OFFICE WHICH ISSUED THIS REPORT. THIS REPORT (AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS HERETO) IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR THEPURPOSEOF FACILITATING THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREBY. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER OR COMMITMENT SHOULD BE REQUESTED. PLEASE READ THE EXCEPTIONS SHOWN OR REFERRED TO BELOW AND THE EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A OF THIS REPORT CAREFULLY. THE EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS ARE MEANT TO PROVIDE YOU WITH NOTICE OF MATTERS WHICH ARE NOT COVERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE TITLE INSURANCE POLICY AND SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CONSIDERED. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS PRELD MARY REPORT IS NOT A WRITTEN REPRESENTATION AS TO THE CONDITION OF TITLE AND MAY NOT LIST ALL LIENS; DEFECTS, AND ENCUMBRANCES AFFECTING TITLE TO THE LAND. DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 AT 7:30 A.M. BY KAREN ROBERTSON - TITLE OFFICER FAX NUMBER - (714) 550-7195 THE FORM OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE CONTEMPLATED BY THIS REPORT IS: THIS REPORT IS FOR DEDICATION PURPOSES ONLY AMENDED DEDICATION REPORT FOR PROPOSED TRACT NO. 15348. PAGE OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: O HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST; ALLAN FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, AS TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1962, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST; MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 15% INTEREST; MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 10% INTEREST; AND NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A FEE. AT THE DATE HEREOF EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES, COVERING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED AND OTHER LAND, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999, NOW A LIEN NOT YET DELINQUENT. FIRST INSTALLMENT: $81,150.20. SECOND INSTALLMENT: $81,150.20. CODE AREA: 07-041. A. P. NOS.: 422-011-52 AND 422-011-53. 2. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.5 COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75 OF THE CALIFORNIA REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE. 3. A PERPETUAL AVIGATION EASEMENT IN AND THROUGH THE AIR ABOVE THE HEREIN DESCRIBED AND OTHER LAND, AS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE BY THE IRVINE COMPANY, BY DEED RECORDED MARCH 17, 1964 IN BOOK 6965, PAGE 721 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH IN SAID DEED TO WHICH RECORD REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR ALL PARTICULARS. 4. THE EFFECT OF A DRAINAGE ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT DATED JUNE 25, 1980, EXECUTED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, UPON THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 IN BOOK 13728, PAGE 1258 OF. OFFICIAL RECORDS. 5. ALL VEHICULAR ACCESS RIGHTS TO EAST COAST HIGHWAY, EXCEPT FOR THE EXISTING PRIVATE DRIVE (VACATED CLUBHOUSE DRIVE), AND EXCEPT AT STREET INTERSECTIONS, HAVE BEEN DEDICATED ON PARCEL MAP 79-704. PAGE OR-9638497 THE OFFICER - ROBERTSON 6. AN EASEMENT FOR EITHER OR BOTH UNDERGROUND LINES, CONDUITS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, INCLUDING ABOVE -GROUND APPURTENANT FIXTURES, AS SET FORTH IN AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 25, 1989 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 89-217463 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN FAVOR OF: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY. OVER: THE LAND AS FOLLOWS: BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL 1, RECORDED IN BOOK 152, PAGES 17 THROUGH 20 INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AN EASEMENT OF THE UNIFORM WIDTH OF 20.00 FEET, 10.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1, SAID SOUTHERLY CORNER ALSO BEING THE MOST SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF A PARCEL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 92, PAGES 14 AND 14, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 29' 42' 14" EAST, ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID PARCELS 1 AND 3, A DISTANCE OF 17.71 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT ON SAID COMMON LINE; THENCE NORTH 40' 32' 53" EAST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID COMMON LINE, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 57° 27' 33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 55.87 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID TANGENT CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38 ° 00' 00" A DISTANCE OF 66.32 FEET TO A TANGENT LINE; THENCE NORTH 19° 27' 33" WEST, ALONG SAID TANGENT LINE, A DISTANCE OF 225.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 70° 32' 27" EAST, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO LAST SAID COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET. THE SIDE LINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE BE SHORTENED OR EXTENDED IN ORDER TO FULLY ENCLOSE THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL. 7. A DECLARATION OF ACCESS EASEMENT MADE AS OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1992, BY THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION FOR THE TERM AND UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS THEREIN PROVIDED, RECORDED OCTOBER 1, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 92-662452, OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE 1: SAID DECLARATION HAS BEEN AMENDED BY AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 1, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0139175 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE 2: AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE DECLARANT'S RIGHTS UNDER DECLARATION OF ACCESS EASEMENTS HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO 0 HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, ALLAN FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, AS TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982 AND MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP BY AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0158183 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 8. AN EASEMENT AS SET FORTH IN AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 1, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0139174 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN FAVOR OF: RUSSELL FLUTER, A SINGLE MAN. FOR: INGRESS, EGRESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. OVER: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 26.50 FEET OF PARCEL B. PAGE OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON 9. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONSIN AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0158176 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, WHICH PROVIDE THAT A VIOLATION THEREOF SHALL NOT DEFEAT OR RENDER INVALID THE LIEN OF ANY FIRST MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST MADE IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR VALUE, BUT DELETING ANY COVENANT, CONDITION OR RESTRICTION INDICATING A PREFERENCE, LIMITATION OR DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN TO THE EXTENT SUCH COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS VIOLATE TITLE 42, SECTION 3604(c), OF THE UNITED STATES CODES. NOTE 1: THE LIEN OF THIS INSTRUMENT WAS SUBORDINATED TO THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE PURSUANT TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT AND ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE (NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB)", EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION AND BANK OF NEWPORT, RECORDED MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0188824 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE 2: THE DECLARATION OF SPECIAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS AND MORTGAGE LIEN WAS SUBORDINATED BY AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0581056 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, EXECUTED BY ALLAN A. FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST, MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 15% INTEREST, MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER -WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 10% INTEREST, 0 HILL PROPERTIES, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST, AND NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST, ALL AS TENANTS IN COMMON, THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION AND TRANSAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, TO THE DEED OF TRUST WHICH WAS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0581054 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 10. A MORTGAGE WITH THE POWER OF SALE EXECUTED BY 0 HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 50% INTEREST; ALLAN FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, AS TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982 AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 35% INTEREST; MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 15% INTEREST, ALL AS TENANTS IN COMMON, AS MORTGAGOR TO THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION AS MORTGAGEE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING ANY AND ALL INCREMENTS OF ADDITIONAL PURCHASE PRICE DESCRIBED IN SECTION 3.4(A) OF AND AS SET FORTH IN THE ABOVE REFERRED TO DECLARATION. 11. THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "A DECLARATION OF ACCESS EASEMENTS MADE AS OF JANUARY 31, 1993", EXECUTED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0158177 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 12. AN UNRECORDED LEASE DATED NOVEMBER 11, 1992, EXECUTED BY O HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ALLAN FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG AS TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982 AND MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS LESSOR, AND NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, INC., PAGE4 OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, AS LESSEE, FOR THE TERM, AND UPON THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS PROVIDED THEREIN, AS DISCLOSED BY MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0158184 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE 1: A PORTION OF THE LESSOR'S INTEREST UNDER SAID LEASE HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, BY PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE, WHICH RECORDED JUNE 4, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0376765 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, REFERENCE BEING HEREBY MADE TO THE RECORD THEREOF FOR FULL PARTICULARS. NOTE 2: A PORTION OF THE LESSOR'S INTEREST UNDER SAID LEASE HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER -WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, BY PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE WHICH RECORDED JUNE 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0386537 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, REFERENCE BEING HEREBY MADE TO THE RECORD THEREOF FOR FULL PARTICULARS. NOTE 3: A DEED OF TRUST, (COVERING THE LEASEHOLD ESTATE CREATED BY SAID LEASE), TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF $3,000,000.00 RECORDED MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94- 0188823 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DATED: FEBRUARY 10, 1994. TRUSTOR: THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, INCORPORATED, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTY CLUB, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. TRUSTEE: CONTINENTAL LAWYERS TITLE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. BENEFICIARY: BANK OF NEWPORT, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. NOTE 3A: THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT", EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN BANK OF NEWPORT AND FSA/IBC CREDIT CO. AND MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY, RECORDED MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0188836 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE 3B: THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST UNDER SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED BY ASSIGNMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 7, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 95-0391451 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS TO CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. NOTE 3C: AN INSTRUMENT MODIFIES THE TERMS OF SAID DEED OF TRUST AS THEREIN PROVIDED, RECORDED: JUNE 18, 1998 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 19980384679 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. EXECUTED BY: THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, INCORPORATED, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION AND CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. NOTE 4: A DEED OF TRUST, (COVERING THE LEASEHOLD ESTATE CREATED BY THE LEASE, DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "1" HERETO), TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF $29,000,000.00, RECORDED MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0188832 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DATED: FEBRUARY 28, 1994. TRUSTOR: THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB INCORPORATED, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. TRUSTEE: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. BENEFICIARY: FSA/IBC CREDIT CO., A DELAWARE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. PAGE f • OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON NOTE 4A: THE LIEN OR CHARGE OF SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS SUBORDINATED BY AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JUNE 18, 1998 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 19980384680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, EXECUTED BY THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, INCORPORATED, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION AND CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, TO THE LIEN OR CHARGE OF THE AGREEMENT AMENDING DEED OF TRUST AND STATEMENT OF ADDITIONAL LOAN WHICH WAS RECORDED JUNE 18, 1998 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 19980384679 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE 5: AN ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0188832 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. RECORDED: MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0188833 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. EXECUTED BY: THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB INCORPORATED, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. .TO: FSA/IBC CREDIT CO., A DELAWARE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. NOTE 5A: AFFECTS PARCEL B. NOTE 6: VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS APPEAR OF RECORD AFFECTING OR PURPORTING TO AFFECT THE LEASEHOLD INTEREST UNDER SAID LEASE, BUT THIS TITLE EVIDENCE DOES NOT COVER AN EXAMINATION OF OR INSURANCE AS TO THE EFFECT THEREOF, OR THE PRESENT OWNERSHIP OR CONDITIONS OF SAID LEASEHOLD. 13. THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "AGREEMENT BETWEEN REAL PROPERTY OWNERS NEWPORT BEACH COUNTY CLUB", EXECUTED BY 0 HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982, AND MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP RECORDED JUNE 11, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0393470 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. NOTE: AN INSTRUMENT AMENDING 'SAID AGREEMENT WA$ RECORDED JUNE 14, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0397889 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 14. THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN A DOCUMENT ENTITLED "LANDLORD'S ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LEASEHOLD ESTATE BY DEED OF TRUST (RACQUET CLUB)", EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN O HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ALLAN FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG AS TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982, MESA SHOPPING CENTER - EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND-MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER -WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP ("LANDLORD"), AND INTERNATIONAL BAY CLUBS, INCORPORATED, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION ("TENANT"), AND FSAABC CREDIT CO., A DELAWARE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW-YORK, A BANK ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF. NEW YORK, AS COLLATERAL AGENT, RECORDED MARCH 16, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0184992 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PACE • OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON 15. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF $10,150,000.00, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0581054 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DATED: SEPTEMBER 26, 1994. TRUSTOR: ALLAN A. FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982 ("FAINBARG"), AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST, MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 15% INTEREST, MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER -WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 10% INTEREST, 0 HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25 % INTEREST AND NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% ALL AS TENANTS -IN -COMMON. TRUSTEE: CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY. BENEFICIARY: TRANSAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY. .16. AN ABSOLUTE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND LEASES, AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0581054, OFFICIAL RECORDS. RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO.94-0581055 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. EXECUTED BY: ALLAN A. FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST, MESA SHOPPING CENTER -EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 15% INTEREST, MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER -WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 10% INTEREST, 0 HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST AND NEWPORTBEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% ALL AS TENANTS -IN -COMMON. TO: TRANSAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY. 17. THIS REPORT IS PREPARATORY TO THE ISSUANCE OF A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE AND IT IS INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THOSE PARTIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION AND CHECKING OF SAID MAP. 18. PRIOR TO THE FILING OF THIS MAP AND THE ISSUANCE OF A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ALL TITLE CHARGES MUST BE PAID IN FULL, WE WILL ADVISE YOU OF THE AMOUNT DUE PRIOR TO CLOSING. PACE OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORTIS SITUATED IN THESTATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PROPOSED TRACT NO. 15348, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF: PARCEL A: PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 79-704, AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 152, PAGES 17 TO 20 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT ANY AND ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS, MINERALS, MINERAL RIGHTS, NATURAL GAS RIGHTS, AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN, GEOTHERMAL STEAM, AND ALL ._PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM ANY OF THE FOREGOING, THAT MAY BE WITHIN OR UNDER THE LAND, TOGETHER WITH THE PERPETUAL RIGHT OF DRILLING, MINING, EXPLORING AND OPERATING THEREFOR AND STORING IN AND REMOVING THE SAME FROM THE LAND OR ANY OTHER LAND, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILL AND MINE FROM LANDS OTHER THAN THOSE CONVEYED HEREBY, OIL OR GAS WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS INTO, THROUGH OR ACROSS THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND, AND TO BOTTOM SUCH WHIPSTOCKED OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS UNDER AND BENEATH OR BEYOND THE EXTERIOR LIMITS THEREOF, AND TO REDRILL, RETUNNEL, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, REPAIR, DEEPEN AND OPERATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR MINES; WITHOUT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO DRILL, MINE, STORE, EXPLORE AND OPERATE THROUGH THE SURFACE OR THE UPPER 500 FEET OF THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND, AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NOS. 93-0158178, 93-0158179 AND 93-0158180, ALL OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL B: PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO.79-704, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 152, PAGES 17 TO 20 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT ANY AND ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS, MINERALS, MINERAL RIGHTS, NATURAL GAS RIGHTS, AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN, GEOTHERMAL STEAM, AND ALL PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM ANY OF THE FOREGOING, THAT MAY BE WITHIN OR UNDER THE LAND, TOGETHER WITH THE PERPETUAL RIGHT OF DRILLING, MINING, EXPLORING AND OPERATING THEREFOR AND STORING IN AND REMOVING THE SAME FROM THE LAND OR ANY OTHER LAND, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILL AND MINE FROM LANDS OTHER THAN THOSE CONVEYED HEREBY, OIL OR GAS WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS INTO, THROUGH OR ACROSS THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND, AND TO BOTTOM SUCH WHIPSTOCKED OR DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED WELLS, TUNNELS AND SHAFTS UNDER AND BENEATH OR BEYOND THE EXTERIOR LIMITS THEREOF, AND TO REDRILL, RETUNNEL, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, REPAIR, DEEPEN AND OPERATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR MINES; WITHOUT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO DRILL, MINE, STORE, EXPLORE AND OPERATE THROUGH THE SURFACE OR THE UPPER 500 FEET OF THE SUBSURFACE OF THE LAND, AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NOS. 93-0158178, 93-0158179 AND 93-0158180, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PAGE to OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER- ROBERTSON NOTE: THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT AND MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR USE IN ANY POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE TO BE ISSUED BY THIS COMPANY, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. PAGE OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON NOTE 1: THE ONLY PARTIES WHOSE SIGNATURES ARE NECESSARY TO OFFER FOR DEDICATION ANY STREETS OR ALLEYS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF PROPOSED TRACT NO. 15348, ARE AS FOLLOWS: O HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, OWNER BY: ROBERT O HILL, GENERAL PARTNER ALLAN FAINBARG AND SARA FAINBARG, AS TRUSTEES OF THE FAINBARG FAMILY TRUST DATED APRIL 19, 1982, OWNER MESA SHOPPING CENTER - EAST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, OWNER BY: ARNOLD D. FEUERSTEIN, GENERAL PARTNER MIRA MESA SHOPPING CENTER WEST, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, OWNER BY: ARNOLD D. FEUERSTEIN, GENERAL PARTNER BY: ELLIOT FEUERSTEIN, GENERAL PARTNER NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, OWNER BY: O HILL PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, GENERAL PARTNER BY: ROBERT O HILL, GENERAL PARTNER THE IRVINE COMPANY, A MICHIGAN CORPORATION, HOLDER OF A MORTGAGE CONTAINED IN AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 17, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0158176 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. TRANSAMERICA LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY, BENEFICIARY UNDER DEED OF TRUST RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0581054 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THE INTEREST OF: NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, AS LESSEE UNDER AN UNRECORDED LEASE, AS DISCLOSED BY MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0158184 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THE IRVINE COMPANY, HOLDER OF SUBSURFACE MINERAL RIGHTS AS RESERVED IN THE DEEDS RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NOS: 93-0158178, 93-0158179 AND 93-0158180, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; AND HOLDER OF EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENTS RECORDED OCTOBER 1, 1992 AS INSTRUMENT NO.92-662452, AND RECORDED MARCH 9, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0158177, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT RECORDED APRIL25, 1989 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 89-217463.OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; PAGE 10 r- OR-9638497 TITLE OFFICER - ROBERTSON RUSSELL FLUTER, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT RECORDED MARCH 1, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 93-0139174 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 6965, PAGE 721 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; MAY BE COVERED BY ENDORSEMENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 66436 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE. THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT REQUIRES THAT DURING THE PERIOD OF MARCH 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 WHEN REAL PROPERTY TAXES ARE AN ASSESSED LIEN NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE THAT A TAX BOND BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO SECURE PAYMENT OF SAID TAXES. IN THIS REGARD THE AMOUNT OF THE TAX BOND IN FAVOR OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO BE DETERMINED AT A LATER DATE. ALL TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 MUST BE PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO PROCESSING SAID TRACT THROUGH GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. PLEASE PROVIDE A CASHIER'S CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO THE ORANGE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR, ALONG WITH COMPLETE TAX BILLS, AND FORWARD TO THIS OFFICE FOR PROCESSING. NOTE 2: THE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(S) FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED LEGAL AND OTHER LAND IS/ARE 442-011-52 AND 442-011-53. COPIES TO: ADAMS STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS 15 CORPORATE PARK IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 ATTN: JOE WILLARD PAGE 11 NB ADAMS STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. Job Number: 94-1024 Date: April 14, 2000 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California, 92658-8915 Attention: Subject: Gina Garcia TTM 15347 We are Transmitting Herewith Via: Messenger Items Description • 300' radius and labels The above is: _ In Compliance with your Request For your Approval For your Files For your Use Comments: Thank You: Glenn F. Lake, L.S. Adams Streeter Civil Engineers, Inc., 15 Corporate Park, Irvine, Ca. 92606 Phone: (714) 474-2330 Fax: (714) 474-0251 NIS w us pEc AREC rm MANSE c rr AssessM Mrr. rMr s mn r.Q W ASSESSM .Y'A WOES NC WARMN AS M 03 CR ITS ACMACY ASS S ANY L /AR1LTTr FM GMER USES. C To RE KEG. -- .— ALL RITS RESERVED- rMR 23 P O CMM)GY! MANGE [pNTY ASSrSS$$CSSM 1997 ANr P.M. v-N �M iM. r N • O .. C) ex 5ppp1 R �S h W i g 1 Y1NE sAN N +w M w m Lo A1%ye 0. • "`'A RM TJ3o) o' S.Pr4 '.� N... 41 ^s), �v svN 1' a 6017' AxrBrAt; 1N' 1 )w aal ~e caAsr cwN)R. i M s. BLK. 55 i` cod 01 umi y e ® Y2 1 54 II dfp) AN � EASN'r teas /PR.A3SAG/e/ ell[ AJ-M Mr Ae' Z e 1� C PM -n v 9 me 25 $ RAC 3w i nv0 r ��✓AL T rms. �r� Y P9 _.. o 3noRc 8 1 41 A[..n.a ' 27 /.BRAG. • 70- 28 5° 'Azr r 50-36 N 50 c_OSt A� AMRCH 1967 PARCEL MAP P.M 75-33; 92-13,152-17,253-54,270-15 NOTE - TRACT NO 6OL5(STREE75) MM. 239-ZR7041 ASSESSOR'S BLOCK 6 ASSESSOR'S MAP 1RYME 5(1B. MM 1-88 PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 442 PAGE 07 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE • • rN6 WF NAS PREVMED P OPAMZ CdN1Y ASESNP ATPi. PoVYY dCs aS wiZisna IW1SS no As ro F ACQRACY I.pR r TOES 1.1 ANY (/A4/fY AOT OilfF USES .WI TOW Au .'A'SIR /EQFIEA B �^Y�NNI aewz gxxm A.£t(SSpP rns 23 / N£1PPRT Cp L n EATT QV /F� m o AY s ra GENtEa nmaiTtt QO�'�' [)RIVE [)Ri n t3 CENTER NEW P O/ THAG) VILLE' o ✓ 9 ma a,I 00 n, ` 421 n Lo A e MARCH 1995 TRACT NO. 148J9 M.M. 713 - 1 , 2 01 NO. 14839 NOTE - ASSESSORS BLOCK L ASSESSORS MAP PARCEL AUA9ERS BOOK 442 PACE 42 SHOMN N CRCL£S C TY OF ORAACE O/ I T7 15200- • P AM S1AF£I m Form 1349 • CLTA duerenmo Pace Pago (Revved IV15195) First American Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. First American Title Insurance Company By PARKER S. KENNEDY, PRESIDENT 6tw �Idwt�4 By: James F. Gominsky, Assistant Vice President ISSUING OFFICE: 2 First American Way, (P.O. Box 267 - 92702) Santa Ana, California 92707 (714) 800-3000 SCHEDULE A PROPERTY OWNER'S NOTICE GUARANTEE LIABILITY: $N/A Name of Assured: ADAMS STREETER PEE: $N/C Date of Guarantee: APRIL 13, 2000 1. That, according to the last equalized "Assessment Roll" in the Office of the Orange County Tax Assessor - a. The persons listed as "Assessed Owner" are shown on the assessment roll as owning real property within 300 feet of the property identified on the assessment roll as Assessor's Parcel Number 442-011-35, 442-011.44, 442-011-45 & 442.011-52. b. The Assessor's Parcel Number and any addresses shown on the assessment roll are attached hereto. 939 637 78 Robert & Barbara Grant GRANG COMMUNITY PROP 1125 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 81 Walter Cmttenden Iii 1131 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 84 Linda Krolop & Family Trust Krolop 4717 Hampton Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 939 637 87 Lydia Jane Tyler 1143 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 90 Grant Wiese 2591 Bayshore Dr Newport Beach, CA 92663 939 637 93 Daniel Darrow 512 Santa Ana Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663 939 637 96 Gv-Newport Center 270 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 79 William Ficker 1127 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 82 Gv-Newport Center 270 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 85 Scott Burnham 270 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 88 Nick & Heane Cp-Es Doolin Doolin 1145 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 91 Jack & Elaine Rogers 8515 Costa Verde Blvd San Diego, CA 92122 939 637 94 Donald & Enid Dunkleman Family Dunkleman 940 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866 IRVINE TERRACE COMM. ASSN. VALSKORO 1601 BAYADERE TERR CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 VILLA POINT CONDOMINIUM ASSN. NEWPORT CENTER ASSN. DON CHESEMORE LISA REEDY NEAL MACHANDERo 25910 ACERO ST, 2 FLOOR 110 NEWPORT CENTER DR 140-A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 ISLAND LAGOON H.O. ASSN. DORIKAGAN 27405 PUERTA REAL 300 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92656 ADAMS STREET CIVIL ENGINEERS ATTN: GLENN LAKE 15 CORPORATE PARK IRVINE, CA 92606 939 637 80 Arthur Shapiro & Jo Anna Shapiro 1129 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 83 James Myerson & Diane Myerson 1135 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 86 Patricia Susan Gaines 1141 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 89 Granville Investment L P 270 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 92 Granville Investment L P 270 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 95 Peter Cherian & Alma Cherian 1070 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 GRANVILLE COMM. ASSN. SETH OBERG 1117 GRANVILLE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FASHION ISLAND MERCHANTS ASSN. HENRY LICHTMAN 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR B 125 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 442 011 24 • 442 Ol 1 35 Scott Burnham & Burnham O Hill Properties %International Bay Cl 270 Newport Center Dr #100 i i 1 Upper Newport Plz Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 442 01144 442 011 45 O Hill Properties %International Bay Cl O Hill Properties %International Bay Cl l Upper Newport Plz l Upper Newport Plz Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 442 011 43 O Hill Properties %International Bay Cl 1 Upper Newport Plz Newport Beach, CA 92660 442 011 52 O Hill Properdes;Fainbarg Allan & Sara 1600 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92660 442 011 53 44201154 442 421 09 O Hill Properties %Newport Beach Con Irvine Co Granville Community Assn CLUB INC 550 Newport Center Dr PO Box 19703 1 Upper Newport Plz Newport Beach, CA 92660 Irvine, CA 92623 Newport Beach, CA 92660 442 421 10 442 421 11 939 637 29 Newport Granville Partners Granville Community Assn Peter Fluor Granville Newport PO Box 19703 600 Travis St #32 270 Newport Center Dr #100 Irvine, CA 92623 Houston, TX 77002 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 30 939 637 31 939 637 32 Oral Roberts Gordon Cook Marvin & Enid Rice 1005 Granville Dr 1007 Granville Dr 1009 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 33 939 637 34 939 637 35 Robert Lucas & Jean Lucas Richard Howard Harry Martindale & Martindale 1011 Granville Dr 1013 Granville Dr 1015 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 36 939 637 37 939 637 38 John Warner John Curci William Ring & Family Trust Ring 1017 Granville Dr 1019 Granville Dr 1021 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 39 939 637 40 939 637 41 John Curci Leonard Jaffe & Alta Jaffe Keith & Barbara Burnham 1023 Granville Dr 1025 Granville Dr PO Box 7244R Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92658 939 637 42 939 637 43 939 637 44 Hobart & Jacqueline Smith Dmcilla Finkle Frank Legrand & DECLARATION OF 1029 Granville Dr 1031 Granville Dr 1033 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 45 939 637 46 939 637 47 Beth Kraus Renaissance Center Elisabeth Fairchild 1035 Granville Dr 270 Newport Center Dr Elisabeth Fairchild Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 1039 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 • 50 939 637 48 939 637 49 939 637 John & Barbara Loesel Jr. Douglas & Joanne Newcomb Michael & Therese Luffee Hotvedt Loesel Family Trust Newcomb i 1045 Granville Dr 54 White Cap Ln PO Box 2819 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92657 Newport Beach, CA 92659 939 637 51 939 637 52 939 637 53 Mark & Dana Susson Vincent & Dorothy Kanowsky Lillian Fluor 1047 Granville Dr Kanowsky 1051 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 1049 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 54 Frank Mcgeoy Jr. 939 637 55 William Eddy & Linda Bartholomew 939 637 56 Michael & Therese Hotvedt 5100 Campus Dr #300 1055 Granville Dr #27 1057 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 57 Philip & Marie Diorio 939 637 58 James & Esther Cavanugh 939 637 59 Cecelia Woodman & Cecelia & Wils W 1059 Granville Dr 554 Dorset Rd 919 Bayside Dr #01 Newport Beach, CA 92660 DEVON Newport Beach, CA 92660 UNITED KINGDOM 939 637 60 939 637 61 939 637 62 Dean Curci Gordon Meyer Scott Burnham 1065 Granville Dr 1067 Granville Dr 2482 Bayshore Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92663 939 637 63 939 637 64 939 637 65 Maureen White Douglas Successor Kensrue Gordon & Marjorie Meyer 1071 Granville Dr Family Trust Kensue 1067 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 16882 Armstrong Ave Newport Beach, CA 92660 Irvine, CA 92606 939 637 66 939 637 67 939 637 68 Leslie Cotton & Margaret Ann Cotton John Stoneman Charles & Judith Loos 1101 Granville Dr 1103 Granville Dr Loos Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 1105 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 69 939 637 70 939 637 71 Ralph & Marcia Uri Albert & Kathleen Hansen Marion & June Buie 1107 Granville Dr 1109 Granville Dr Family Trust Buie Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 1111 Granville Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 939 637 72 939 637 73 939 637 74 Jesse & Pamela Spears Phyllis Baugh Seth Oberg Jr. 1113 Granville Dr 1115 Granville Dr PO Box 9156 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92658 939 637 75 939 637 76 939 637 77 Clifford & Barbara Hostetler Ruth Miller Gv-Newport Center 1119 Granville Dr 3334 E Coast Hwy #442 270 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Newport Beach, CA 92660 �.t. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH -P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658.8915 May 2, 2000 Mr. Robert 0 Hill 0 Hill Properties One Upper Newport Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 15347 Dear Mr. 0 Hill, The Planning Department received your application for Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 15347, on April 7, 2000, to create 10 lots for future residential development within the Newport Beach Country Club area. Based on our review of the information submitted and the applicable codes and requirements, staff has deemed your application to be incomplete at this time. In order to deem the application complete and continue with the processing of your request, you will need to provide the following additional information: 1. An application, additional applicable fees (see below) and submittal information for a Major General Plan Amendment (GPA). The GPA is required to be processed concurrent with, or prior to, review of the TTM application. The current General Plan designation for the site is Recreational and Environmental Open Space. The General Plan presently does not have any residential units allocated for either the Newport Beach Country Club or the Tennis Club (as stated on pages 76-78 of the City's General Plan attached). The only use currently permitted by the General Plan for this area is for the continuation of the 131.52-acre Country Club facility that includes 24 tennis courts. Therefore, a General Plan amendment is required to allocate residential units to this site and establish residential and/or other uses requested as permitted uses within this area. 2. In addition to the General Plan Amendment, an application and submittal information for an amendment to the Planned Community (PC) District is also required. The present zoning on the property is PC (Planned Community), but no PC text has been prepared or adopted for the site by the City. The applicable City Zoning Code provisions within Chapter 20.35, for processing a PC District amendment are attached. The Development Plan requires the application must be for the entire property that would include not just the 3.72 acres within the TTM area, but also the tennis club area and associated improvements to the east and the golf course to the west. If approved, the Development Plan will establish the specific design and layout 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach t for residential portions of the site and for the improvements planned to the tennis club. The golf course area should remain unaffected with the PC District amendment, unless you plan improvements to the Country Club. The property owners' signatures of these areas will be required on the application itself. In addition, you may wish to create architecture design standards that should be included within the Development Plan. 3. To assist staff and the decision -makers with a better understanding of your overall intent, you will need to provide additional information on the architecture, design and operational aspects of the bungalows and the improvements planned for the tennis club as shown on the original vesting'TTM submittal. Your response will help to determine the appropriate use classifications for the bungalows and tennis club improvements (e. g. residential, commercial, timeshares and/or recreational). 4. Depending on the type of units and other uses proposed, the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, Chapter 15.38 (attached) may apply. The project would be exempted if all new uses generate less than 300 trips today. 5. Your application is for a Vesting TTM. You may wish to reconsider that request and resubmit for a tentative tract map approval rather than a vesting tentative map approval. As required by the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Code, a significant amount of additional information will be required with submittal of a vesting TTM. If you wish to maintain your original submittal for a Vesting TTM, please provide the information required in Chapter 19.14, attached that include a site plan, landscape plan, wall plan, architectural plans, floor plans, parking areas, as well as, details on driveways, public infrastructure design and grading plans. 6. At this point the environmental determination required for the project is unknown. Based on staffs preliminary assessment, it appears that a Mitigated Negative Declaration will be required at a minimum. This process involves preparation of an Initial Study and a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration by a consultant selected by the City and paid for by the applicant. We will coordinate this effort with you after staff has reviewed the new submittal information discussed above. Attached is the City's Environmental Checklist that must be completed and returned with the resubmittal. 7. The City's fee schedule requires submittal of the single highest fee to cover the cost of processing all applications. In this case, the major General Plan Amendment fee is $10,421. You submitted $2,780 for the vesting map, which may be credited towards the new fee. Please submit $7,641 to continue processing your submittals. Once a cost for the environmental documentation is known, you will need to submit additional funds to cover that aspect of the process. 8. Please submit 15 sets of revised maps and new plans and elevations, floor plans, etc. with the information noted above. Ip y -16 9. Please be advised that you also have an outstanding payment due the Utilities Department in the amount of $2,864.50. The outstanding payment is attached for your review. This debt should be paid to the Utilities Department no later than with your resubmittal of the information discussed above. Please provide the information requested as soon as possible, since the application review process can not continue without the appropriate information. Upon receipt of the requested information, the entire application will be reviewed again for completeness. Additional information may be requested based on the information and responses you submit. When the Planning Department has deemed the application complete and all the outstanding issues have been addressed, a hearing date will be scheduled before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council. The City Council will make final determination on the General Plan, Planned Community District amendments and tentative tract map at a subsequent public hearing. Please note the site is located within the Coastal Zone of the City and will also be subject to review and approval by the California Coastal Commission after the Council has taken final action on behalf of the City. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to confagt me at (949) 644-3200. When you are prepared to submit all of the information requested in this letter, please call me for an appointment where we can discuss the project. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Bob Goldin Project Planner Enclosures: • GPA Application • GPA Provisions for site • PC Amendment Application • Environmental Checklist • Subdivision Chapter • Transportation Phasing Ordinan • Outstanding Payment statement cc Jerry King, Psomas Glen Lake, Adams Streeter Bob Goldin.NBCC.7rM15347 completeness letter 0 PLAN A Roof Plan 1 /8"= 1'-0" PLAN A First Floor 2280 sq. ft. +/- 1 /8"=1'-011 " ! � PLAN A Concept Elevations 1 /8"=1'-0" Oe The Villas at Newport Beach Country Club 4 April 1996 •Stearns ARCHITECTURE 1100 S. Coast Highway #301C Laguna Beach, CA 92651 '949 376 7160 Fax 949 376 1560 stearnsarchitecture.com PLAN B Second Floor 1 /8"=1'-0° PLAN B First Floor 3050 sq. k +/- 1 /8"=1'-0" O %W5 14=7 L PLAN B Concept Elevations 1 /8"=1'-0" PLAN B Roof Plan " SA, The Villas at Newport Beach Country Club 20 June 1996 Stearns ARCHITECTURE 1100 S. Coast Highway #301C Laguna Beach, CA 92651 '949 376 7160 Fax 949 376 1560 stearnsarchitecture.com E PLAN C Second Floor 1 /8"=1'-0" PLAN C First Floor �t 3750 sq. ft. +/- 1 /8"=1'-0" C4Dt�j2�vt"P�j? SIAM311MY, hm-6iA 4v/twi rrlf�- PLAN C Roof Plan 1 /8"=1 I-0" V)- The Villas at Newport Beach Country Club 4 April 1996 Stearns A R C H I T E C T U R E 1100 S. Coast Highway #301C Laguna Beach, CA 92651 1949 376 7160 Fax 949 376 1560 stearnsarchitecture.com I PLAN A Roof Plan 1 /8rr= 1 1 -0e PLAN A First Floor d-w "�-,/ - 2280 sq. ft. +/- 1 /8°= I'-0'r t;w_ PLAN A Concept Elevations 1 /8°= 1 1-011 The Villas at Newport Beach Country Club 4 April 1996 Stearns ARCHITECTURE 1100 S. Coast Highway #301C Laguna Beach, CA 92651 '949 376 7160 Fax 949 376 1560 stearnsarchitecture.com W PLAN B Second Floor 1 /8rr=1 r-Orr r _i t A. PLAN B First Floor 3050 sq. ft. +/- 1 /8"=1 1 -01 1 i PLAN B 1 /8rr= 1 1 -011 PLAN B 1 /8rr= 1 r-0rr Concept Elevations Roof Plan 44 The Villas at Newport Beach Country Club 20fune 1996 Stearns A R C H IT E C T U R E 1100 S. Coast Highway #301C Laguna Beach, CA 92651 '949 376 7160 Fax 949 376 1560 stearnsarchitecture.com f F, PLAN C Second Floor 1 /8"=1 I-0" iLvfmle v r�v v r 1(v WOOT- PLAN C First Floor Q(~Cj' 3750 sq. ft. +/- 1 /8"=1 W-0" L./"l I N v ... v �� �. a r e Lm y a u%i i t s 60KId- �tGU✓i Lq((S - wo j- 6vt�01GWJc1�ri(�J 1 /8"=1'-0" k hf4Alj 4vf'u'l e4rog. PLAN C Roof Plan 1 /8"=1 I-0" ' 13 04 The Villas at Newport Beach Country Club 4 April 1996 Stearns ARCHITECTURE 1100 S. Coast Highway 8301C Laguna Beach, CA 92651 '949 376 7160 Fax 949 376 1560 stearnsarchitecture.com CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 July 25, 2000 Robert O'Hill O'Hill Partners One Upper Newport Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Newport Country Club GPA No. 95-3(c), VTTM No. 15347 Dear Mr. O'Hill: The City received a faxed letter dated June 23, 2000 regarding the above referenced project. The letter referenced several enclosures which were not part of the fax nor was the original letter with enclosures received by the city. Due to the incomplete nature of your letter, the project remains incomplete at this time pending submittal of all the materials requested in the previous incomplete letter dated May 2, 2000. The item regarding the application fees has been resolved, although additional fees may be required depending upon the type of environmental review is required and performed. Your project has been reassigned to the undersigned and Bob Goldin is no longer working on the project. Please address all project correspondence and coordinate the project through me. I look forward to working with you on this project. If you have questions regarding this project, please contact me at (949) 644-3210 or via e-mail at icam]2bell@city.newport-beach.ca.us. Sincerely, James Campbell Senior Planner Enc. May 2, 2000 letter CC. Jerry King, Psomas 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 May 2, 2000 Mr. Robert O Hill O Hill Properties One Upper Newport Plaza Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 15347 Dear Mr. O Hill, The Planning Department received your application for Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 15347, on April 7, 2000, to create 10 lots for future residential development within the Newport Beach Country Club area. Based on our review of the information submitted and the applicable codes and requirements, staff has deemed your application to be incomplete at this time. In order to deem the application complete and continue with the processing of your request, you will need to provide the following additional information: 1. An application, additional applicable fees (see below) and submittal information for a Major General Plan Amendment (GPA). The GPA is required to be processed concurrent with, or prior to, review of the TTM applicatibn..The current -General Plan designation for the site is .Recreational and Environmental Open'Space-The General Plan presently does not have any residential units allocated for- either the Newport Beach Country Club or the Tennis Club (as stated on. -pages 76 78 of the City's General Plan attached). The only use currently permitted by the General Plan for this area is for the continuation of the 131.52-acre Country Club facility that includes 24 tennis courts. Therefore, a General Plan amendment is required to allocate residential units to this site and establish residential and/or other uses requested as permitted uses within this area. 2. In addition to the General Plan Amendment, an application and submittal information for an amendment to the Planned Community (PC) District is also required. The present zoning on the property is PC (Planned Community), but no PC text has been prepared or adopted for the site by the City. The applicable City Zoning Code provisions within Chapter 20.35, for processing a PC District amendment are attached. The Development Plan requires the application must be for the entire property that would include not just the 3.72 acres within the TTM area, but also the tennis club area and associated improvements to the east and the golf course to the west. If approved, the Development Plan will establish the specific design and layout 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach for residential portions of the site and for the improvements planned to the tennis club. The golf course area should remain unaffected with the PC District amendment, unless you plan improvements to the Country Club. The property owners' signatures of these areas will be required on the application itself. In addition, you may wish to create architecture design standards that should be included within the Development Plan. 3. To assist staff and the decision -makers with a better understanding of your overall intent, you will need to provide additional information on the architecture, design and operational aspects of the bungalows and the improvements planned for the tennis club as shown on the original vesting TTM submittal. Your response will help to determine the appropriate use classifications for the bungalows and tennis club improvements (e. g. residential, commercial, timeshares and/or recreational). 4. Depending on the type of units and other uses proposed, the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance, Chapter 15.38 (attached) may apply. The project would be exempted if all new uses generate less than 300 trips today. 5. Your application is for a Vesting TTM. You may wish to reconsider that request and resubmit for. a tentative tract map approval rather than a vesting tentative map approval. As required by the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Code, a significant amount of additional information will be required with submittal of a vesting TTM. If you wish to maintain your original submittal for a Vesting TTM, please provide the information required in Chapter 19.14, attached that include a site plan, landscape plan, wall plan, architectural plans, floor plans, parking areas, as well as, details on driveways, public infrastructure design and grading plans. 6. At this point the environmental determination required for the project is unknown. Based on staffs preliminary assessment, it appears that a Mitigated Negative Declaration will be required at a minimum. This process involves preparation of an Initial Study and a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration by a consultant selected by the City and paid for by the applicant. We will coordinate this effort with you after staff has reviewed the new submittal information discussed above. Attached is the z City's Environmental Checklist that must be completed and returned with the resubmittal. 7. The City's fee schedule requires submittal of the single highest fee to cover the cost of processing all applications. In this case, the major General Plan Amendment fee is $10,421. You submitted $2,780 for the vesting map, which may be credited towards the new fee. Please submit $7,641 to continue processing your submittals. Once a cost for the environmental documentation is known, you will need to submit additional funds to cover that aspect of the process. 8. Please submit 15 sets of revised maps and new plans and elevations, floor plans, etc. with the information noted above. c 9. Please be advised that you also have an outstanding payment due the Utilities Department in the amount of $2,864.50. The outstanding payment is attached for your review. This debt should be paid to the Utilities Department no later than with your resubmittal of the information discussed above. Please provide the information requested as soon as possible, since the application review process can not continue without the appropriate information. Upon receipt of the requested information, the entire application will be reviewed again for completeness. Additional information may be requested based on the information and responses you submit. When the Planning Department has deemed the application complete and all the outstanding issues have been addressed, a hearing date will be scheduled before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council. The City Council will make final determination on the General Plan, Planned Community District amendments and tentative tract map at a subsequent public hearing. Please note the site is located within the Coastal Zone of the City and will also be subject to review and approval by the California Coastal Commission after the Council has taken final action on behalf of the City. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me at (949) 644-3200. When you are prepared to submit all of the information requested in this letter, please call me for an appointment where we can discuss the project. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Bob Goldin Project Planner Enclosures: • GPA Application s • GPA Provisions for site • PC Amendment Application • Environmental Checklist • Subdivision Chapter • Transportation Phasing Ordinance • Outstanding Payment statement cc Jerry King, Psomas Glen Lake, Adams Streeter Bob Goldin.NBCC.TrM15347 completeness letter CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH June 6, 2000 Mr. Robert O Hill O Hill Partners One Upper Newport Plaza Newport beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. O Hill: I have reviewed the correspondence on your application for a General Plan amendment and vesting tentative tract map. Your request has not changed since the Newport Center comprehensive planning effort was initiated, and it was not your choice to stop that effort. Therefore, I believe it would be fair for the City to count your payment for the Newport Center project towards your current application. We are accepting your check of $5,050 as full payment of your application fee, and will process your application as soon as we receive all the items noted in the letter of May 2, 2000 from Bob Goldin. Your application has been assigned to Senior Planner Jim Campbell, and you may reach him at 644-3210. Sincerely, Sharon Z. Wood Assistant City Man er Cc: Patricia Temple, Planning Director James Campbell, Senior Planner City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard • Newport Beach, California 92663-3884 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY nF NIr-M'cr+q T FEACFI AM MAY 2 b 2000 PM 71819 110 111112 11,213,41516 May 23, 2000 Robert Goldin, Project Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mr. Goldin: O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752-0885 FAX We would like to apologize for the misspelling of your name of "Golden" in a letter sent to you dated April 20, 2000, regarding Vesting Tentative Tract Map 15347. We have updated our records to avoid this mistake in the future. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Traci R. Barnes, Assistant to Robert O Hill April 20, 2000 Robert Golden, Project Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Vesting Tentative Tract Map 15347 Dear Mr. Golden: O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752-0885 FAX This letter is in response to your telephone conversation with our civil engineer, Glenn Lake at Adams -Streeter, regarding the above -referenced Tentative Tract Map. Use Intent: The Bungalows will be guest rental units and will not be built until several years after the completion of the new tennis club improvements. The Bungalows are patterned after Rancho Valencia Tennis Club in Rancho Santa Fe, California. It is the current intent to rent The Bungalows only to members of The Tennis Club and The Golf Club and their guests and to tennis players and tennis players taking tennis clinics and possibly golf players taking golf clinics. In addition, there will be reciprocal arrangements with other tennis, golf and beach clubs allowing their members to stay at The Bungalows and tour pros and celebrities participating in The Toshiba Classic at The Golf Club or Davis Cup or other elements at The Tennis Club may also be accommodated. Elevations & Floor Plans: Enclosed are two sets of elevations and floor plans for the nine single family residential lots which we refer to as The East Villas. Also enclosed are the preliminary elevations covering the 6 different bungalow elevations and floor plans which comprise 18 bungalow units. Lease: The Lease document and General Conditions to the Lease have not been completed and should be a condition of approval of TTM 15347. The landscape area shown as letter lots on TTM 15347 will be owned and maintained by the Landlord and billed pro rata on a monthly basis to The East Villa homeowners. The street will also be owned and maintained by the Landlord. Maintenance will be performed as needed and billed 2/3 pro rata to The East Villa homeowners and 1/3 to the operator of The Bungalows. Ir 0 0 Robert Golden April 20,2000 Page 2 of 2 Access Agreement (Utilities): The bond insuring that the access gets constructed is set for approval by the Newport Beach City Council on May 4, 2000, as satisfaction of Condition #6 to Parcel Map 94-102. Enclosed is a draft of the Access Agreement with The Irvine Company. Landscape Plans: A preliminary landscape plan is in the process of being prepared and will be submitted to the City when it is completed. Zonin : We were part of the City's General Plan Amendment which was initiated many months ago. Enclosed is a copy of our letter dated March 17, 2000, to Sharon Wood, which is self explanatory. Jerry King of J.A. King Associates, whose phone number is (714) 751-7373, is supposed to be coordinating our General Plan Amendment along with needed Planned Community Text. We desire to continue with our General Plan Amendment, and I am copying below both Sharon Wood and Jerry King to keep them informed in that regard and to encourage that the process be expedited. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me on my private line at (949) 251-2010, or Glenn Lake of Adams -Streeter at (949) 474-2330, or Jerry King or Phillip La Plante, who is our Project Coordinator, at (949) 251-2014. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Robert 0 Hill ROH/trb Enclosures xc: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager, by Fax Glenn Lake, Adams -Streeter, by Fax Jerry King, by Fax PLL r- if ; April 25, 2000 HAND DELIVERED TO: Sharon Z. Wood Assistant City Manger City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Newport Center General Plan Amendment Dear Sharon: I am writing in answer to your letter of April 17, 2000. O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NE WPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752-0885 FAX I do not believe that it is fair to prorate a refund of the $5,370 which we paid the Cityjust a few months ago. We complained initially about being charged 1% when our actual pro rata share should have been less than 1 %. Now, we would be further penalized because two very large landowners changed their minds regarding proceeding with the above -referenced General Plan Amendment. It was not our intention, nor was our desire, to withdraw from seeking the General Plan Amendment which we need for our very small project which has significant benefits to the community at large. The two or three very large property owners who changed their minds regarding a General Plan Amendment should have the expense incurred deducted pro rata from Lheir refund and/or we should receive a credit from the City for the amount we have already paid for our reapplication for a General Plan Amendment assuming that is in fact necessary. The difference between $10,420 which you stated in the letter is the amount for a General Plan and Zoning Amendment fee for an independent application which evidently is now necessary and the $5,370 we paid several months ago is $5,050. Since we desire to keep our General Plan and Zoning Amendment moving forward, enclosed is a check for $5,050. On a related matter, we have submitted Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 15347 ("TTM 15347") to the City. Enclosed is a letter to Robert Golden, Project Planner with the City, responding to some questions he had regarding TTM 15347 of Glenn Lake at Adams -Streeter. Please note that one of his questions regards the "Zoning", and I mentioned that I am copying both you and Jerry King to keep you informed and to encourage that the process by expedited. Therefore, I was Sharon Z. Wood April 25, 2000 Page 2 of 2 delighted to read in your letter that you would be happy to work with us in expediting our needed General Plan and Zoning Amendment. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Robert 0 Hill ROH/trb Enclosures xc: Sharon Z. Wood, by Fax Jerry King, by Fax Glenn Lake, by Fax . PLL Q���WPoR a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CASH RECEIPT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. P.O. BOX 176B, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 RECEIPT NUMBER: 01000444376 RECEIVED BY: PERRYI PAYOR: NBCC LAND TODAY'S DATE: 06/13/00 REGISTER DATE: 06/13/00 TIME: 09:04:58 27005000 ZONING & SUBDIV NEWPORT CENTER GPA $5,050.00 ---------------- TOTAL DUE: $5,050.00 CASH PAID CHECK PAID CHECK NO TENDERED CHANGE $.00 $5,050.00 1849 $5,050.00 $•A0; • . 8 • -NBCC LAND NBCCLAND Check Number: 1849 Amount Invoiced Amount Paid X G/L Number Invoice # C/P C/P # 5,050.00 5,050.00 N 15.07-6-03 042600 O 5,050.00 5,050.00 Paid to: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Date: 04/24/2000 Building Plan Check..................................................................... 2900-5002 $ Zoning Plan Check....................................................................... 2700-5003 $ Grading Plan Check.................................................................... 2900-5004 $ FirePlan Check............................................................................ 2330-5055 $ Electric Plan Check........:............................................................. 2900-4612 $ Plumbing Plan Check................................................................... 2900-4616 $ Mechanical Plan Check................................................................ 2900-4618 $ Overtime Plan Check - Building .................................................. 2900-5023 $ Overtime Plan Check - Grading ................................................... 2900-5004 $ Overtime Plan Check - Planning ................................................. 2700-5003 $ Preliminary Code Compliance Review ......................................... 2900-5002 $ Reinspection B E M P/Special Inspection .................................... 2900-5008 $ Reinspection Fire.......................................................................... 2330-5050 $ Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ........................................... 2900-5008 $ Underground Utilities Waiver ..................................................... 010-2225. $ Energy Compliance..................................................................... 2900-5017 $ o0 Jam/} ............. ..............I..... Planning Department Fees .................. 2700 5000 $ ,7, a5�. Sale of Maps & Publications (PI ................................ 2700-5812 $ Determination of Unrea onable Har................................ 2900-5018 $ Copies / Misc................... •....... ..............., -B...10...................... 2900-5019 $ Microfilm.......................................4 ..................... ....... ......... 010-2263 $ Other (Specify) .............................0���DRj. g C� ......... $ f TOTAL FEES $�P Z2S�9- Fee Receipt No.WeK3 F NOTICE: PLAN CHECK EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF SUBMITTAL (f\feercpt.12/99) 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach April 20, 2000 Robert Golden, Project Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Vesting Tentative Tract Map 15347 Dear Mr. Golden: O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752-0885 FAX This letter is in response to your telephone conversation with our civil engineer, Glenn Lake at Adams -Streeter, regarding the above -referenced Tentative Tract Map. Use Intent: The Bungalows will be guest rental units and will not be built until several years after the completion of the new tennis club improvements. The Bungalows are patterned after Rancho Valencia Tennis Club in Rancho Santa Fe, California. It is the current intent to rent The Bungalows only to members of The Tennis Club and The Golf Club and their guests and to tennis players and tennis players taking tennis clinics and possibly golf players taking golf clinics. In addition, there will be reciprocal arrangements with other tennis, golf and beach clubs allowing their members to stay at The Bungalows and tour pros and celebrities participating in The Toshiba Classic at The Golf Club or Davis Cup or other elements at The Tennis Club may also be accommodated. Elevations & Floor Plans: Enclosed are two sets of elevations and floor plans for the nine single family residential lots which we refer to as The East Villas. Also enclosed are the preliminary elevations covering the 6 different bungalow elevations and floor plans which comprise 18 bungalow units. Lease: The Lease document and General Conditions to the Lease have not been completed and should be a condition of approval of TTM 15347. The landscape area shown as letter lots on TTM 15347 will be owned and maintained by the Landlord and billed pro rata on a monthly basis to The East Villa homeowners. The street will also be owned and maintained by the Landlord. Maintenance will be performed as needed and billed 2/3 pro rata to The East Villa homeowners and 1/3 to the operator of The Bungalows. Robert Golden April 20, 2000 Page 2 of 2 Access Agreement (Utilities): The bond insuring that the access gets constructed is set for approval by the Newport Beach City Council on May 4, 2000, as satisfaction of Condition #6 to Parcel Map 94-102. Enclosed is a draft of the Access Agreement with The Irvine Company. Landscape Plans: A preliminary landscape plan is in the process of being prepared and will be submitted to the City when it is completed. Zoning: We were part of the City's General Plan Amendment which was initiated many months ago. Enclosed is a copy of our letter dated March 17, 2000, to Sharon Wood, which is self explanatory. Jerry King of J.A. King Associates, whose phone number is (714) 751-7373, is supposed to be coordinating our General Plan Amendment along with needed Planned Community Text. We desire to continue with our General Plan Amendment, and I am copying below both Sharon Wood and Jerry King to keep them informed in that regard and to encourage that the process be expedited. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me on my private line at (949) 251-2010, or Glenn Lake of Adams -Streeter at (949) 474-2330, or Jerry King or Phillip La Plante, who is our Project Coordinator, at (949) 251-2014. Thank you. Sincerely yours, 4 Robert O Hill ROH/trb Enclosures xc: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager, by Fax Glenn Lake, Adams -Streeter, by Fax Jerry King, by Fax PLL O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752-0885 FAX March 17, 2000 HAND DELIVERED TO: Sharon Wood Assistant City Manager City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Newport Center General Plan Amendment Dear Sharon: As you are aware, three of the four landowners for the Newport Center General Plan Amendment have withdrawn their applications which was the subject of our Cost Sharing Agreement. We are hereby requesting a refund of our fee of $5,370 previously paid to the City. Under the circumstances, we feel it would be unfair to prorate our refund, and thus be further penalized for the other landowners changing their minds. It would be further unfair not to refund all of our fee since (i) our 1 % share brought the Cost Sharing total to 101%, (ii) it was decided we should absorb 1% of costs when our project totaled considerably less than 1% of floor area and considerably less than 1% of the traffic, and (iii) we now must immediately reapply for a General Plan Amendment on our own. Thank you. Sincerely yours, 0 HILL PROPERTIES, a California limited partnership Robert 0 Hill, 06neral Partner ROH/trb xc: Jerry King, by Fax PLL ADAMS STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. Job Number: 94-1024 Date: April 7, 2000 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California, 92658-8915 Attention: Subject: Gina Garcia TTM 15347 We are Transmitting Herewith Via: Messenger Items Description • 20 — copies of TTM 15347 • Title Report • Fee $2780.00 • Application _ • ("NItadiu`s_map and Labefs to-follo.w f The above is: X For submittal For your Approval Comments: Please note 300' radius map and labels will follow Thank You: Glenn F. Lake, L.S. Adams Streeter Civil Engineers, Inc., 15 Corporate Park, Irvine, Ca. 92606 Phone: (714) 474-2330 Fax: (714) 474-0251 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH o`` @ REVENUE DIVISION 3300 NEWPORT BLVD ; V e+ P. O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 /:FOa�`� E-Mail Address: RevenueHelp@City.Newport-Beach.ca.us fA^ « ;�,it�• „$ t.A`'."". �� . ViV.s°• �,z'�,. %"T 3"t.,,±n`;. % ,. :. h k,,s k•.. p @@ A -{ � l trf;� �{t� M y "1 �i {R': , d Ff �'d$ Yx�__.��.��yy ty, :F 4 � �` f 'Y y�+•� �°� .Y �'�• ��,y "* y{ �a A 1 f{'a `c: ' '•�.4 C" AAA°i� .....06T�' ..W' J .� � b•.�� .. k! . ��jl ir��. •.... �A.`rY•�I • S."' .r �! : � 9, ^,t�'a$Va'���..u.6$D� ..d.'r.3�nn ?e'D di' MISC UTILITIES BILLING -.INVOICE O HILL PARTNERS INVOICE: GN50000052 ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA INV'DATE: 10/06/99 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 DUE DATE: 11/05/99 Description Qty Unit trice Tax Extension -------------------------=-------------- -------- ------- ------ ---- ------------- UTILITIES DEPARTMENT -MISCELLANEOUS 1.00 2,864.50 0.00 2,864.50 PAINTING THE NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB PUMP STATION BY BLUE RIBBON PAINTING COMPANY'PER AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY DATED:NOVEMBERii28, 1998 ' ' °•�.' --_—_---__ ----------------------------------- ,: i'i':i�e'll�+�Y�'- •'' TOTAL�'`INV0 CE:'$ 2,864.50 •,:�'� PAYMENTS/ADJUSTMENTS: ' $ 0.00 • � r',q.".;'�. : �;":;;.. ��; EAST,°,DIISs; $ 0.00 PENALTIES/fN'PERESTi r M�.V/ "1 mot.• TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:, $ 2,864.50. JUvlr� 717a !, G G _/:p ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 bNS, PLEASE -.CAIiL'. �i141. TILITIES BILLING - INVOICE INVOICE: GN50000052 INV DATE: 10/06/99 DUE DATE: 11/05/99 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ 2,864.50 MR 0000005983 286450 P O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752.0885 FAX March 17, 2000 HAND DELIVERED TO: Sharon Wood Assistant City Manager City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Newport Center General Plan Amendment Dear Sharon: As you are aware, three of the four landowners for the Newport Center General Plan Amendment have withdrawn their applications which was the subject of our Cost Sharing Agreement. We are hereby requesting a refund of our fee of $5,370 previously paid to the City. Under the circumstances, we feel it would be unfair to prorate our refund, and thus be further penalized for the other landowners changing their minds. It would be further unfair not to refund all of our fee since (i) our I % share brought the Cost Sharing total to 101%, (ii) it was decided we should absorb 1% of costs when our project totaled considerably less than 1 % of floor area and considerably less than 1 % of the traffic, and (iii) we now must immediately reapply for a General Plan Amendment on our own. Thank you. ROH/trb xc: Jerry King, by Fax PLL Sincerely yours, 0 HILL PROPERTIES, a California limited partnership By:T-�-% 3 �= Robert 0 Hill, General Partner April 20, 2000 Robert Golden, Project Planner Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Vesting Tentative Tract Map 15347 Dear Mr. Golden: O HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-0700 (949) 752-0885 FAX This letter is in response to your telephone conversation with our civil engineer, Glenn Lake at Adams -Streeter, regarding the above -referenced Tentative Tract Map. Use Intent: The Bungalows will be guest rental units and will not be built until several years after the completion of the new tennis club improvements. The Bungalows are patterned after Rancho Valencia Tennis Club in Rancho Santa Fe, California. It is the current intent to rent The Bungalows only to members of The Tennis Club and The Golf Club and their guests and to tennis players and tennis players taking tennis clinics and possibly golf players taking golf clinics. In addition, there will be reciprocal arrangements with other tennis, golf and beach clubs allowing their members to stay at The Bungalows and tour pros and celebrities participating in The Toshiba Classic at The Golf Club or Davis Cup or other elements at The Tennis Club may also be accommodated. Elevations & Floor Plans: Enclosed are two sets of elevations and floor plans for the nine single family residential lots which we refer to as The East Villas. Also enclosed are the preliminary elevations covering the 6 different bungalow elevations and floor plans which comprise 18 bungalow units. Lease: The Lease document and General Conditions to the Lease have not been completed and should be a condition of approval of TTM 15347. The landscape area shown as letter lots on TTM 15347 will be owned and maintained by the Landlord and billed pro rata on a monthly basis to The East Villa homeowners. The street will also be owned and maintained by the Landlord. Maintenance will be performed as needed and billed 2/3 pro rata to The East Villa homeowners and 1/3 to the operator of The Bungalows. Robert Golden April 20, 2000 Page 2 of 2 Access Agreement (Utilities): The bond insuring that the access gets constructed is set for approval by the Newport Beach City Council on May 4, 2000, as satisfaction of Condition #6 to Parcel Map 94-102. Enclosed is a draft of the Access Agreement with The Irvine Company. Landscape Plans: A preliminary landscape plan is in the process of being prepared and will be submitted to the City when it -is completed. Zoning: We were part of the City's General Plan Amendment which was initiated many months ago. Enclosed is a copy of our letter dated March 17, 2000, to Sharon Wood, which is self explanatory. Jerry King of J.A. King Associates, whose phone number is (714) 751-7373, is supposed to be coordinating our General Plan Amendment along with needed Planned Community Text. We desire to continue with our General Plan Amendment, and I am copying below both Sharon Wood and Jerry King to keep them informed in that regard and to encourage that the process be expedited. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me on my private line at (949) 251-2010, or Glenn Lake of Adams -Streeter at (949) 474-2330, or Jerry King or Phillip La Plante, who is our Project Coordinator, at (949) 251-2014. Thank you. Sincerel-y- yours, Robert 0 Hill ROH/trb Enclosures xc: Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager, by Fax Glenn Lake, Adams -Streeter, by Fax Jerry King, by Fax PLL Jun-23-00 07:18pm 0 HILL 1 DATE: TO: FAX #: FROM: FAX #: From -ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA 9497520885 T-375 P.01/03 F-292 0 HILL PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 1949)752.0700 1949) 752.0886 FAX FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET June 23, 2000 Bob Goldin City of Newport Beach Project Planner (949) 644-3020 Betsy Masi for Robert 0 Hill (949) 752-0885 Total number of pages included in this FAX, including this page: 3 If your received FAX copy does not include all of the indicated pages, please call our office telephone number: (949) 752-0700. COMMENTS: Following is a copy of Robert 0 Hill's letter to you dated June 23, 2000. Thank you. JUN-23-2000 19:50 9497520885 P•07 Jun-23-00 07:19pm From -ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA 949TS20885 T-375 P.02/03 F-292 June 23, 2000 HAND DEL VERED TO: Bob Goldin Project Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Vesting Tentative Map No. 15347 O (Ru PARTNERS ONE UPPER NEWPORT PIMA NEWPORT BEACH CAuFORNIA 92660 (949) 752.0700 (949) 782.0885 FAX Dear Mr. Goldin: This letter is in response to your letter to me, a copy of wlrich is enclosed for your convenience. My responses are numbered below to correspond to the numbered paragraphs in Your letter: 1, Enclosed is the application for the General Plan Amendment and PC Amendment. 2. We acknowledge your request that the City does not wish to limit our application to just the 3.72 acres within Vesting Tentative Map No. 15347 ("TTM 15347'D and wishes to include The Tennis Club, The West Villas and the someday future improvements Club entry, parking lot and clubhouse. I have requested that Jerry King discuss Paragraph 2 with you further, including reviewing with you our draft PC zoning text which includes architectural design standards. 3. Regarding architecture and design, please see the enclosed drawings prepared by Leland Stearns of Steams Architecture. The Bungalows are guest rental units patterned after Rancho Valencia Tennis Club in Rancho Santa Fe, California. It is the intent to rent The Bungalows only to members of The Tennis Club and The Golf Club and their respective guests and to tennis players taking tennis clinics, and possibly golfers taking golf clinics. In addition, there will be a reciprocal arrangement with other tennis, golf and beach clubs allowing their members to stay at The Bungalows. Accommodations will also be provided to tour pros and celebrities participating in the Toshiba Classic at The Golf Club or the Davis Cup or other events at The Tennis Club. In addition to daily and weekly rentals, we anticipate some monthly rentals from out-of-town visitors staying in the summer or winter, or in -town members who are remodeling their homes. In order to assist in financing, the PC zoning needs to provide the option for The Bungalows to become timeshare units in the event that they are not financially viable as guest rental Units. The improvements to The Tennis Chub consist of (i) a new tennis clubhouse which includes a pro shop, men's and women's locker rooms, a massage area and a small gym and caf6; (h) anew stadium court; and (iii) a lap pool and jacuzzi. JUN-23-2000 19:50 9497520885 P.08 Jun-23-00 07:19pm From -ONE UPPER NEWPORT PLAZA 9497520955 T-375 P.03/03 F-292 Bob Goldin June 23, 2000 Page 2 of 2 4. The West and East Villas, consisting of 15 single family homes, and The Bungalows, consisting of 18 guest rental units, will generate less than 300 trips a day and therefore are exempt from the City Traffic Phasing Ordinance. In addition, the 6 single family homes comprising The West Villas, of which all of the net sales proceeds are to be escrowed and used solely for the construction of the new Golf Clubhouse, Golf Club entry, and parking lot, will not be built for many years. 5. Thank you for your "heads up"; however, with the exception of the preliminary landscape plan and wall plan, which are being prepared, we already have the information and plans you listed in this paragraph. 6. Jerry King will be forwarding to you the City's Environmental Checklist for the project by the end of next week. 7. In addition to the $2,780 fee to the City submitted with TTM 15347, our $10,420 fee for the General Plan Amendment has been acknowledged by Sharon Wood's letter to me dated June 6, 2000, as paid in full. 8. Enclosed are 15 City -folded sets of the Site Plan and the elevations and floor plans for The Villas, The Bungalows, The Tennis Club and The Golf Club. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Robert O Hill ROH/bem Enclosures xc: Sharon Z. Wood, Assistant City Manager, by Fax Patricia Temple, Planning Director, by Fax Bob Goldin, Project Planner, by Fax Jerry King, by Fax PLL Glenn Lake, Adams -Streeter, by Fax Leland Stearns, by Fax JUN-23-2000 19:50 9497520885 P.09 ­­ - I I LEGEWD TRACT BOUNDARY OWNERSHIP BOUNDARY EXISTING CONTOUR ELEV. 107 PROPOSED STREET FINISH SURFACE FS a=-- EX. 24"SD EXISTING STORM DRAIN PR. SD PROPOSED STORM DRAIN EX -SS- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER (8 - —PR SS- PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER (8") - —EX DW- EXISTING DOMESTIC WATER (8") - —PR DW­ PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER (8 LOT NUMBER (BUILD ABLE LOT) LOT NUMBER (STREET OR LANDSCAPE) STREET GRADIENT PAD= 106 PROPOSED LOT PAD ELEVATION PROPOSED ASPHALT CONCRETE it PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED CATCH BASIN STREET CENTERLINE NI A VENfir 1k, IN IN I IF NEWPORr BIG CANYO 4", COUNTRY CL UB IF, c5D FASHION 1P RT I— Cr ce Q. :;t. Z, R miG z , >1� JL L6V NAIEWVP011 Of LBOA ISLAND 'IF 2 PROJECT L OCA TION NEWPORr'SW X", 1944&0 X11, XX EASEMENT NOTES E—EASEMENT FOR PARKING ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS' RECORDED ---------- 2000, INSTRUMENT NO. 2000 ------ AN EASEMENT FOR INGESS, EGRESS, DRIVEWAY, PARKING LANDSCAPING AND MISCELLANEOUS PURPOSES, RECORDED 2000 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2000 --------- AN EASEMENT FOR INGESS AND EGRESS PER PARCEL MAP NO. 94-102, PMB ------- PAGES ---- TO ---- 7 I NEED PERMISSION TO GRADE 41.5' 36' 5' 18, SDWK. TRAVEL LANE AC PAVEMENT 1.7 1� �77 SIDEWALK 3 �_CONC. CURB & GUTTER SECTION A -A PRIVATE STREET SINC RE a N. T. S. 37.5' 32* 16' 1: 16' -1 5' SDWK. TRAVEL LANE AC PAVEMENT-� .7, 1.7% 2% CONC. CURB SIDEWALK & GUTTE SECTION B-B PRIVA TE S TREE T e e SECTION Dil AT PROPERTY LINES N. T. S. 5' 4- SIDEWALK 3.75' 58, 17' PARKING 14.5' .511 OVERHANG I 10: 1 MAX ILY E 28' DRIVE AISLE 2.0% MAX, LOT77NG SUAIKARY LOT AREA ± USE 1 6,487 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 2 6,468 S. F. FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 3 6,805 S. F. -SINGLE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 4 6,556 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 5 5,469 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 6 6,288 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 7 4,185 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 8 5,004 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 9 7,635 S. F. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 10 5Z551 S. F. BUNGALOWS A 327 S. F. COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE B 4,672 S. F. PRIVATE DRIVE C 22,298 S. F. COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE D Z, /bru Z)./-. COMMON AREA NDSGA, E E 1,693 S. F. COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE F 1,489 S. F. COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE G 2,199 S. F. COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE H 1,038 S. F. COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE 1 17,286 S. F. PRIVATE STREET 1 949 S. F COMMON AREA LANDSCAPE TOTAL 3.72 ACRES 58' 5- 48' SDWK. 20' 20' 17' 14' MEDI N 1.7% 3�E'�XISTPVMT. EX. CURB & GUTT To BE REMOVE�D TO BE REMOVED SECTION C-C PRI VA TE S TREE T Ni RECREATION/OPEN SPACE (GOLF CLUB/TENNIS CLUB) 1 1, 1, - 17- PARKING 1 1'3" 1 17' PARKING 14.5' 14.5. OVERHA�G 2.5-1 12.5., OVERHANG 5-1 MAX 10:1 MIN, SECTION F-F N.T.& FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS 8 z M 0 M NEED PERMISSION TO GRADE 5' sow. 17' SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SECTION E-E N. T. S. 7111SIDEWALK, ,URB & GUTTER, AND A.C. PAVEMENT 55' 1 26' DRIVE AISLE 1 17' PARKING I I 1 2.0% MAX. 14.5' OVERHANG 2.5'1 I q WNERSHIP. 8 TA TEMENT OF 0 `N' IN N."'i[ N\ �1 N I "'N -N, N. IN, 'I, 'B�� DEPOSE AND STATE THAT il I �kk% `N, IN', IN 0 HILL PROPERTIES, DOES HERE if 'N' '_N N IN.\ IF N" I. ..... 'N Vj IN, N, � 'I ,� N I, I IN N, N,N IT IS THE MANAGING OWNER OF THE PROPERTY COMPRISING 'N ,,,L IF NN1,, 1, IN P NN N IF .... ... N-C, I IN "'N"11\ 'K. OF THIS VESTING TENTATIVE MAP AND THAT IT HAS CONSENTED Q7 1A N, N, N, TO THE SUBMISSION OF SAID MAP. A �1_1 IN NI -------- -- `1 N IN -N, IF % IN 0 HILL PROPERTIES IN, f N 41 111 4 ­N, IN IF IN 11�1 I!N`� IY IN NIL, NI!, P, IF IF BY. "Iy 'NN 'N" ------- 71 ROBERT 0 HILL, GENERAL PARTNER IF F IN t DATED THIS DAY OF APRIL, 2000 N. N" 00 IN , _," ". I' , -,N""", I N. .... ..... . T_J I, I IN `F, I , A. �, �, / ., "') I ­` -1 '�`, I , IF IN, IF .... ... t ENGINEER IN .... ........ 1, e N 1—, 1.11 ­ I ""." . N1, % �. I-, F 11NIN. I., IF F, l F, IF / �' If V Adams * Streeter CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. 15 Corporate Park, Irvine, CA 92608 Ph: (949) 474-2330 Fax: (949) 474-0251 email: engineeringOadams-streeter.com N. IF SS, 40, 1 4 N "4* 32439 NAID. STEPHEN K RCE. 32439 XP. 12-31-00 J. VdL 0/0 ;y ---- -- IOF CA > NDA TE PREPARED: 7 ly 04-06-2000 ..... ... . 'A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No.: > I HAL; I -011-35, 44, 45 "QuunjuARY +0 442 PA&�,1)30 'N�ART -BO zo 21' -,,,NOrlIA PAK 8 4v 1 P M 9 -BEA CH,, TENNIS I'CLUB), LEGAL DESCRIPTION. N F'WP 0 R T ING A PORTION OF PARCEL 1, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL 2 BE IMAP 79-704 AND A PORTION OF PARCELS 1 AND 2, AS 102, BOTH IN THE CITY OF SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP 94 NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1 1G PAD.11112.OR ACREAGE., TOTAL ACREAGE ......................................... 3.72 ACRES T'BOUNDAKT 2b _P ? TRAC F77'­ UF IF T N'3 ZONING & GENERAL PLAN LAND USES. INj EXISTING ZONING .......................... PLANNED COMMUNITY NEXISTING LAND USE ..................... COUNTRY CLUB PROPOSED LAND USE ................... DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY 81 15, ...... 25' Z4 No, OF PROPOSED LOTS: E INSINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 9 NUMBERED LOTS I N0T,.A`\,PART 1NPRIVATE DRIVEILANDSCAPE PURPOSES 9 LETTERED LOTS F"Uh K-CiLM 040ORT BEACH" > ID UTILITIES.- ALL TO BE UNDERGROUND 1. NS-11 NU4 ELECTRIC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON PAD.109.5 L COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92627 00 390 EAST 17TH STREET �NOT PART A IGAS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY TE P CORPORA ,LAZA WEST) PRESENT �WINER' THE IRVINE CO. 3835 WEST FIRST STREET it4 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA IWATER & CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SEWER TELEPHONE PACIFIC 13ELL TELEPHONE '4. INEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92659 N PAD.10tG ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92806 C4 '0 TELEVISION DIMENSION CABLE SERVICES 117 IIRVINE, CA (714) 720-2020 BO 7 GENERAL NOTES: A If FLOOD HAZARD STATEMENT: NO FLOOD HAZARD EXISTS DUE NTO GRADING AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS. ACT BOUNDARY �ul N0 'N 2. ON -SITE SURFACE DRAINAGE WILL BE COLLECTED IN UCTURES & CONVEYED OFF -SITE NAj ITO AN EXISTING STORM DRAIN. 68' -SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM WILL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED 3. ON IBY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. ..... N 4. ON -SITE FIRE HYDRANTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE OPERATIONAL A PRIOR TO COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION. A 5. STREET IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PER THE CITY OF NEWPORT Nrn BEACH STANDARDS. ALL INTERIOR STREETS SHOWN HEREON ARE PRIVATE AND TO IN .... ......... BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. 7. ALL LETTERED LOTS SHOWN HEREON WILL BE OWNED A AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNEF;�S ASSOCIATION. I8. APPROVAL OF THIS TENTATIVE MAP SHALL REMAIN A -SIX (36) MONTHS. C VALID FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY 9. THE DEVELOPER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FILE MULTIPLE FINAL MAPS FOR THIS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP. J� f uj PRESENT OWNER: THE IRVINE C IFin? RA TE WiSTJ N IF / 10. ALL UTILITIES TO BE UNDERGROUND. cc T Af A t kAkA 0 TC I 0. F CC OC F RAW CUT: 2,000 cu yds EARTH QUANTITIES NOTE., ... .... ... NET IMPORT. 8,000 CU ir IIfRAW FILL: 10,000 cu yds 5 2 RYP4 ;IS.�D. TO E -LARGER - ------ H 0 rE ... ... ......... I. . ..... . . I. ............ .. ....... .... .. ...... ...... 0IN'I'EXISTING ...... .. -- ------ ---- --- - kir"EM DATE SEWER-.... 1 TE ­S- EASEMEN ...... TORM ----- ----- IVI ... . ...... .... CITY-OT-NEWP ...... .. .... ------ - TO- iw,�w firp ------ - ---------- - ---------- ------ - -- --- - -------- - ------------ - - - ------- ------ A APPLI C 11710N 72- ..... ........ .. ........ . .. ..... . . ..... ..... . .. 210 ICP SMR.WN . . ....... . ... ..... .. ------- ...... ..... .. . ....... ...... ..... .. JOIN EXIST. WATER IVesting a 1 7 Tent, tive Tract Map No. IN THE Cl T Y OF AIE WP OR T SEA CH COUNTY OF ORA NGE S TA 'OF CA L IFORNIA 94102417TMITTM15347 IF N� F" 1 11 X., F\ N' IN I l IF IF "N"N IF 11 4 1 1, IN I IN IF N ) - x�\"\ " P-, 1\ "I " I *lsl. ., IN IN, N, INN IN IN, IF xo N! >\ NN, X "N' 'I",