HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerrace at Corona Del Mar Leaf Blower Documents(Space Abwr tor Rocor&=' 8 Use) Section 1-01 section 1.02 Sution 1.03 Section 1.04 Section 1.0s Section 1-06 Section 1-07 Section l.O# Section 1-09 Section 1.10 Sution 1.11 Section 1.12 Sution 1.13 Sutloa 1-14 Section 1-15 Soe+ion 1-16 Section 1-17 Sectioa 1.18 Sutiou 1.19 Sectiorr 1. ta S.ctioa 1.21 Sntiom l.22 Soction 1.23 Soetion 1.24 Section 1.25 Soction 1.26 Soctian 2-27 Section 1.28 Sution 1.29 Soctloa 3.30 Section 1.31 Sution 1-32 Section- 2.33 Soction 1.34 Soetion 1-3s Section 1.36 0. Section- 1.37 Section 1.30 Section 1.39 S.etfe8 1-40 Annoxabla Tarriter) 2 AreUtuturrS Uttm ur Committee 2 Article. ! 2 Aasorment, Annul' 2 Aa8ersmont, Capital Imptovrarent 2 Arsosrment, Reconmtruetioa 2 Amwru+n+, SpeiaZ 3 Aaroci ation 3 A8.oeiation ?- 3 Beneficiary 3 Board or board of Directors 3 Budget 3 Bylrvm 3 =w. 3 Cfos* of tscrw 3 ha8 - 3 Collraon Am.*, Il.mtrict& 4 Cemmon Expanram 4 Common ?rop.rty 4 Condomial w 4 -ur- 6 Doelarrrrrt. 5 Declaration 5 Dead of Trust 5 DRf 5 ?mi ly 5 mLMc 5 Fiscal Yeas 5 mu 5 mwA 5 fnrprovemnts 5 Maintenurco tunch . 5 Murag.r 6 nunbog, Nmabarrhfp 6 Mortqagr 6 Mortgagu, Uurtqaqor 6 Notice mb Herring 6 Notlcm of Mditioa 6 Ovner 6 Pusoer 6 TABU O? CONTENTS (Centintub) Sutf on X. 41 Section 1.42 Seetlon 1.43 Section 1.44 Swtion 1.45 Sec+fon 1.46 SKtion 1.47 Section 1.48 Seetion 1.49 s.ctio= I.sa Pha8e f Pbra of bwmlopl.at Project P rope rty Qualifying R~idetst mrd, rue, Ruordatiua. . Re8 idence Remtricti om Ruler 8- Ibgulatfow Udt Sution 2. UI Section 2.02 Sectioa 2.W Section 2.04 ' Saction 2.05 Section 2.06 S.ctioa 2.07 Section 2.ae Section 2.09 Saction 2.10 OrgU ratioa of Asrociatiolr Dutiem an& )ourr, Uemborrhip Traaafrrr Clrrreo of Rambetahip Voting Rights Rep- .nb --tan- of Comaaan Proparty by th. Aarocirtf un Vn-tod lt8.P Propmrty tuu. Repair and Xaintmaaace by 0un.r~ VH of Agant Sectfoa 3.01 As.oeiatlorr tam- 13 Section 3.02 Partltlorr l3 Sectfoa 3.03 Hembard f as.annta oL Vn ad tnjoymont of Coma Froparty 13 Section 3.04 trrtont of U.mkrd tuom.at8 - 13 Sectioo 3.05 Dolegrtior, ef 9- 14 Saction 3.06 Waivm of Vu 14 seam 3-at 0.lug0 by H- I& Seetion 4.01 Sectioa 4.02 Soctlorr 4.03 Section 4.04 Sectioa 4.05 Sactiorr 4.06 Section 4.07 Section 4.OI Me?. of Co-ttae 15 Revi.u of ?ham and 3p.Cfiicr+ionr U Maatingo ol the Commlttea . 17 No Wrivor of fitur* Approval. 17 Corapensat$oa of Xamberr 17 Corractloa of Dafeet* 17 Scope of Roviw 18 Vafl UTC.8 la . Swtion S .01 Parson.1 Obligation of A8ew.montr 19 Sectioa S.02 Naintuunce hurd8 of Amrotlati08 19 Sectioa 3.03 ?urpum of Aaaa-ta 20 TABU OF CO- (Continued) DUCRtPrrrn SaetLon S .O4 Limitattorn orr AzmPtl kmmnnt tcrerws Section 5.0) Commencement and Collutioa oC Annual A~8ersmontr Sution S .06 Capital Improvement Aaaassmentr Sution 9.07 Delinqwncy urd Accelaratloa Section 5.08 Cnatiam aad R.1-n of W Section 5.09 fnforcemmt vf ti- Sution 5.10 Priority of Ammearment Liea Section 6.01 Eawementa tutiaa 6.01 Riqhtr oL mtry ARTXLs VIft RzSTZTPSCt Am tms Rmmucn- Section 0.01 Singlm family Roridancmm Saction 8.02 Parking and Vehiculu Rartriction8 Sueion 8-03 Msac*s Section 1.04 Sign8 Section U.09 Anteanar Section 8.06 Inside 8- Outmid, fnatrll8~888 Section 8.07 Animal Regulation. Section 8.08 View Obstructiorn Section 8.09 Burin8sa or Comerci.l Activity S-orr 8-10 Rubbish Removal Section- 8.11 hrther 5ubdLvi.ioa Sution 8.U Drainagr Seon e. 13 Watu Supply Sy8t.r Soctioa 8.14 Right. of Mcapped . ARTY= 1% fNNEANU . Swtion9.al mtytaobtiirt-m .. Section 9.02 Waiwr ef Claim Agrinmt Anoeiation Section 9.03 Rfghtr and Duty of Ownrrr to Inrura Section 9.04 Notice of Expiration Rquirunenta Section 9.03 tnsur.nco Premiumm Seetion 9.06 fos Policies Section 9.07 Action8 a8 Section 9.08 Annual Inrururca Roviw S-OU 9.09 Roquircrd waiv~t Section 10.01 Remtoration of tb Prepem Section 10.02 Sale of Properfy .rrb Right to . - Partition 37 Seetion la .O1 Dustion Smctioa 13.02 Amnebant Section 13.03 trotrctioa of Docluaat Section 1S.01 Section ZS.02 Sectioa l5.01 Seorr 13.04 Section 1S.OS Section 15.06 Section 1s. 07 Section 15-04 Sectton lS.09 Soction IS. la Sectioa 1s. 11 kg81 ?roce.ctinw Viol.tio8 of R8.W- 1 smmr8bffity I Tnt~rpratati~ 1 Ihrgora or Conrolidationm I Vme of Recroatioaal tacllitias ' NO Public light or Dedication I #o Ruptesmt8+iazrs or Warrant3ew #onliability md hd~ficatioa 1- Notice8 , Prtorltier and fncots8%8++nciu PAm No. . Sution 16.01 Nutice of Wtia of Tartit-. S3 Soetioa 16-05 Reciptoctf Croma-L-+r bm. Pharer 53 Section 16.06 Damnexation . . . 54 DECLARATTON CVENWTS, CONDITIONS AM) RUTRICTIOlSS AM) RESERVATION Or WZHWZS mR E!!E!! !!E.ItEt ' A Dularutt is the. owner of errtairc r.J p- ("Pham I") located in the City of Nevport haeh, County of Orango, Sf.* of California; de8crtb.d re follmmt tots 1, C ud E Tract Na. 3f949, 88 shown on a Subdfviaion ?hp tilod oa -. 1986, in Book 561 , at Prgom A to L, intlu8ivm, of )U.c*ll~ Rap, ta tb Ofiico of tho Orlnqr County Ruord.r, b. It ir th8 dosir+ and intention of Decluurt to croato 8 condominium ptojott, am dercribed frr SKtiarr USl(L) of the- CaUf8T?Jh Civil Cb, .nb - * Pmey (.* herainaftor defined) into Condolainiumo, u AIIcribd la Sacti- 783 OL tw ~.1ifmm a-1 codr, .na te impat. =-riy beneficial rertrictionr under 8 general plan of improvement for tho hnefit of all the Condominluma craatod pursuant to tho Davir-Stirling Common Interast 0.volopment kt. C. Deehrmt horaby dulmr tbt 811 of'- Prop.- ir to k held, conveymd, hypothecated, ar~cuabz.6, had, rma- us-, 0eeupf.d rrtd 1aptovl.d mubjut to the fol~ing - limitations, rmstrietf on*, m8~ti0~18, right., easemmntm, conditions md cwumats, all of which afo declard aad agrnd to k in furtherance of r pha for tho protecUon, +ubdivirion;, maint.rr.nce, imprwomnt and 8mh of tho Proputy for tho purpou of erhurcing th8 valw, dui-u+lr e tf+rrcff-- of the m. AlI prwfmiom of this Dechration, including without limitatian the arrementr, urer, obllgrtions, covenants, conditions and rertrictionm hereof, are heraby improd 80 equitable aervitudor upon tho Proputy. All of tho limitations, raatrictionr, rorrnmtiolu, right& eumaattr, conditions urd cavm.n+, hmrrtn 82zrlI run uith and burden t2u Property and shall b. binding on and for tho benefit of all of tho Property and all Pmrronm having or acquiring my fight, title or intermrt in the Prop-, or my put tbraot, and their sueeemive owners and assiqru. beyond the period for uhi& tb. right to partition tb. Prowrty is muap8nbd in rrrarhncm vtth Seou. US9 oL t& Civil Coda and tho ptovimioru of Article X b&roaf. Azry convryrncm by aa Owner of r Condaainium, or my portion theroof, ahall bm praaumad to convey tho mtiru Conboainfw, together vith r m.nrb.r.hip in tho Ammeciation. Saction 1.0 , Annaxabla Tatritory. "Annexable Territory * aha1 mam tho real ptoprty b+Kr%bod irr hhihit . 'C" attach& horrto urb incorporrt.6 hwmin by tUm mfarancr. a11 or .ny portion of vNch my lrar ti= to tima k made rubfoe ta -8 Lhcf8ration prtrm.rr+. to Artirla XPI hamef- Section 1.0). ~rtiel&.' *&rtlclum rh.U me812 thrr Atticlor of Iacorporation of tb. Aauocimtion, filed or to b filod in tho Office of tho Secretary oL Stato of tho Stat* of Californim, true copy of which $8 att.ch.6 harmto, urkod rxhibit 'A', u ruth, ktielmr uy k anadad fror tin to ti=- Sactiau 1.09, Anasmmnt. Cam%tJ l~v8mant, -c+* rmprovomurt Aaaeamnnt" sh1L maan r clrrrtg. which Sou& w- from time to time Iwy againat aach Gmor rad hi8 Condodnirtr, .ropraaanting a portion of the coat te tho Aaroeiation for inatallation or conrtruction of any capital improvamantrr on ury of the Commoa tromrty. Such chugo ahalf k 1avi.d 8mong a11 of the Condolafnium8 ia the Prefect &a tbrr - propsUoo1 rr are hurl Assossmenta. may from tinu to time lavy rgairut c particulu Ovnaz urb hi8 Condontinitam, r.pterentinp 8 portiorr oL tho w8t to Aaroti .ti on for ratonatructim of any capital Amprov-eat8 oa aay of the Common Property. Ruoru+rwtba A*mas.mentr -11 bo levtad among all of the Condominluau in tho Project +hr. ram8 proportionr as tho rrlativr interior ware foot float ar0.8 oC the R.sidantia1 tlemontm of tho flPit8 (88 mu& armas arm ahovn on the Condolainlam ?Ira or Pluu for th. Irojoct) , ucprrr8.d re percmtrqrm, md coaprtd by dlvidhg tho intariot mqrrara foot floet -8 af the Reaidaatirl Elaar+n+ af erch UnLt by tb total inkriur aquar, foot rrru oL th, R..idoat%~L Ll-entr oL 81% Unit. tn tho Projut- Section 1.07. Arrermmt. Special. *$pu%al Arres.anrrt* rhd meen r agminat I) paltaCULU Uwaes didy attrfbut.bI* to, or rriatburmabl* by, thrr Ouner, 0qurL to the coat ineurrod by the hroeiation for torractiv, 8ctioa performad ~rruuxt to thm propi8iOn8 ef thia Declaratiorr, or r roaronrblo fino or mlty armera4 by tho Board, plua intarart and other chargar on such Spoeiml Amaer8mmtm am provided for in thia Declaration. Special Arrarment. .hall not include ury late prymmt ponrltiaa. intareat charm+ or coats (1ncLuding attarnoys' faor) 1- by th, A8meirtiou ia the eollution of kmurl, Capital 1mprov.laent and Reconmtruction Ammammmntr. nonprofit corporation (forad prrnunt ta tho Nonprofit ?Tutu1 Benefit Corporation tn of tha Stat. of California) aa dofind in Soctioa US1(r) crL th, Calfforrria ClviL -, it8 muee8mmor8 an& arrigru* Section 1.11. Soar4 or Boa- of Dinetorw, . "Boa- oL Biractor~" or "Burrdm -A man tb board oi Dgmetara of a. Ammoci 8tl0~. ' Section 1.13. Bvlavm. 'Bylawam &all ram tho Bylrva of tho Aamociation am bdoptod by +b. Board initirlly in tha forr of Wit .Ba attached heroto, rrr auch By-8 my k 8aand04 fror time ta tip). Soetion 1.14. City. .Citym &all Dam thr- Lacorperatad City of Neuport Be& irr thr Sate of C8lifarrrf8, and it8 vuiourr, depattment8, divisioas, omployaer .nd roprerentrtivar. Section 1.16. Cemon Armam. .Conunon &@amw -11 m- all araam on tho Profact. axcevt tho Unit.. Common Araar &all Improvamnt8'uh*rrrrru: locaf.6 (mew thr autbts the -. Locat.6 v%thUa the Unit.), the land upm vhi cb #a Profret Xlaprovrmontr are located and the alrrpaee above .the Projoet , I mprwement~. aU. barf ng vaUr, toluz~nr, unfin2rhed floor,, tho roof 8, roffiU, wrticrl mpports, horizontal .upper+., chiweys, foundation .labs, party vallr, utility vallr, foundr.tion8, private strew8 or-briv-ys, valkurym, common mtrf nrryr, parking area8 mb ldtaping en tho- arms of th. Project which am not defined 88 r part of fh+ Unim. Section 1.17. Common Arerr. Restrict&. 'R88trict.d Common Areas" ue mtclusivm we area. u def- iu S-10% 13SI(i) eC the Cmliforni. Civil Code and shall +ha- portions of tho Cornmoa Arm8 m which mcluaftn euewentr 8m rmsew.6 for thr benefit of cart- Ovnum, for patio, balcony 8nd driveway purpos.., Soction 1.18. Common benres. "Coma lExp.nnag .hall mean tho80 expanses for uhach the Aamochtiua is rrrparuihlo undrr thim Delurtlon, including the utua rob o.tiute& tam+@ of: maintenance, management, opnatiorr, repair sad replacement of the Common Proporty; unpaid Special Asses.mentr, Roconstnrction Arsosrments and C~pit.1 Improvunent &sos.mentr; th. coat of mintan- of the reermtionrl facilfti~ en tha Common Property: the costs of any ud all utilltirr motered to more thrn oar Unit an& othu cammoaly ntuod ehaf9111 for the Property; fhe coat8 of traih collection and removml (am applicable); the cost of maintenance of clurtettb mallboxes uid addre*. identification rim; tho cost8 of arn89.arrrt md aMPf stration of the Association including, bat not Umltod to, cqcnratiort pa%& by tlrr hsociatiorr to ruuw, accawtantw, attornopr and other mployaes, the corts of all gardan~nq, and o+h.t men?eu b8nefithg tb. C- Fmi the comts of f:m, cantalty and limbility insurance, workers comp.nration insurance, armrr and ~ario~ ind dirutor, officar and aqont liability ineuranee, .nb otb,u inmraace covering the Propem and th diroctoir, off1c.r. and 8-te af the Amociat%en; W cost8 oL bow el tha manhas8 of t& Bod; tax08 psi& by the Association, ineludhq blmkr+ +.r aswssd against the Prope-y; amount. paid by tho Asmociation for discharge of any lien or encumbrance levlod against +be Proparty, or portionr thereof; and tha costa of my other itom or itemr incurred by the Assoeiatlon. for my reason vhlitsta8ver in conamction with the Property, fur co=OZT balefit ef thr Ovnrm. Section 1.19. Common PropertY. "comlmz% preprtyW rhtll umrn +ha Common Anar and the A8ooci8tion Proporty. Section 1.26. Condomlniw. "Con~niumW .half mut an undivided feo simplm ownership inter8.t im thr Connaon Arara In 8 Phasa. of Development, toqeth- with a .ompara+, ownarrhip interest fa fea in a Unit md 811 araeumnt8 appurtanarxt thareto. Subject to the provisions of S~ction 11.04 bermof, fha fractional undivided fee simple intareat appurtanaat to each Unit in Lot 1 of th8me 1 -11 bo m undivId.4 one tventy-foutth (1/24th) intrrwt in tb+ Common kou locrtrd in kt 1 of Phase 1 to b hold by tho mar8 of Coadoainfrmu frt tot 1 of ?hru 1 am +rPmU in t- Settion 1.21. Condominium ?Tan. w~ndomfnium ?Ianw shall mean the Recorded anqinaering drawings and rolat.6 mtrrirlm for alL or purtion of one or mom Pbsa of See ti on 1.22. Daelerant .- "Dac1uaata rhall ruua WMU) L. BREN COKPANY, a California corpora ti^ Lta autcersors, .nb any Person to which it rW ha- rssfgn.4 my of it. right8 hareuader by ur exprere written asrigamant. Section l.2a. Daclarrtiarr. "heler~tid .h.U rims. within Daclaration of Cov.nur++, Condittons tnd ltertrictloar and Reservation of Easemeatm, a8 ft uy bo 8mu&d fro& time tw t- a8 provided herein. Section 1.24. Dad of Trust; ' 'Deed oL Znut.: .h.11 UR& r Mottgage or r b+.6 of Trust,. a*. tho tam nay b~. . Section 1.25. bs %RP rhrlI rnrn thr Wifarrtfa Dapartmant of Real trtahr uPd any mzmsmor8 thrrmto. Section 1.26. ?andl . ar.aily* ih.11 rurn om or mure natural Person. .ad+.d to +h, othu by blood,. rurfapr or adoption, or one or mot* natural Parson8 not all me rmLa++b, but who maintain coanaon houmehold in 8 ReriAllur. Section 1.27. m. 'CBLWCm -11 ram th, roderrl Home Loan Mortqaga Corporation (alao know ar The Mortgaga Carporetion) created by Titla If of thr Emergency Horn t- Uf 1970. &Zld .OJ NC-8- .u& C9tPOflifiQPI- Section 1.29. l?lR&; -11 moaa the rrb*rJ Satid Uortgaw Asaeeirtlon, 8 qoy.monnt--ad prim- corporation 8strblirh.d pumtarnt +a mtLw VfZr & +he Bentsing ' and Urban Developmoat Act of 1968, and my ruecesaorm ta such corporation. Section 1.30- C. wCNM~ rhall 8.m the Govormmat National Mortgage Asmac38tIon r&infwtmrod by mt.6 State8 Departmant of Eouring and Urban Developamnt, ad my mutearrot to ~uch 8amociation. Section 1.3 1. Imurovemantr. 'Iaprovemant8* eldl mean all 8tructure8 md appurtenmcer thereto of every type a& kirrb, including but not limited to, buildin-, walkvay., rprinkf u piper, ruimrhag pools, rpar, tarcl.,, drio.yay8, parking uear, fmeea, uneafirg valls, block vallm, retrinfng walls, rvnlng., rtalra, belconier, lurbseapinq, hadgas,- the .print on 811 surfacer, vindbreakr, the exterior rurL8com of my viaibl* rtructura and the paint on ruch rurfaeam, plrntd tr- and we, polar, rignm, and wrtor aoftenar fixturu or .quipant. Sutf on 1. St. Mintenmce had*. %IFntamace ?unhm +hall mrrn thm utuuatm created for tueipt8 mb dirbur8-ts of thr Atsocirtion purruant to Smtttaa 5.02 Wf. Section 1.33. Umruer. wManrgera &all mrm the Person, employed by the Arrociatfarr. pumt te en& lirfta4 by 3rctFoa 2.10 h-. and -1- t?m &ti-, er fkactioru. of the hoociatiorr u ll8it.d by mid uctian. Section 1.34. Mar. Nembet.hig. %d #hall arm .very Peraon holding 8 membership in the Amociation, purauant to Seetion 2.03 hereof. "Memberrhipg -1 mrrn the property voting aad othor righ+. urd privileges of Members 8s ptwidd herein, towther vith th cormIrt&v) htiu and obligltians eontairnb in the R8atrictions. Section 1.35. Wortgr '~ortg.9+* shall mux say ~.eot~ aortgap. or dm-% trp.t or oth.r cornteyanc. a~ r Candenriaiw or other portion of the Property to ueuro fh. performance of an obligation, which conveyurt. vill bo yconveyrb upon tha completioa ol .uch pmrfomance. The urr Deed of Truatw or 'Trurt Boadm whur uub -11 & rynonymuut with t& trrr aMoctgago.' Beneficiuy of r Dad of 'tru8.t; n?tortqrqota rh.11 me- 8 Per8on vho mortgrgrr his or its property to another (i..., the maker of Hortgrqe), and ahall Laelude tha Tnrater of 8 Dd of Tnut. Tho tom "Tmstor* aha11 b. #ponymu wlfh tb. tern "WortgagorW urd the tum *B.neficiuy Wll k *yrma- via the term "Tlortgaqee,g Section 1.37. Notice and Rearinq. .Notice .nb Rearing" ' aha11 mean written notice and hearing before the Beard, at vhich the Ovnor concerned .h.U h.tn .a omty to be heard iP pmrse~t; 01 by counsmL a+ Ouxmr's 83cpaasm. in manau further prwibod in thr Bylaws. Sutf on 1.38. Notice of Additleu. *Noti- of Additioa* shall mean ur lrutruaeat Recorded purmaatto Article XVI haraof to urnox rLL ot ury pertion oL: tb ma Tarritotp ta thr Property, Sean 1.39, Dvnrr* %mu= .h.fI m- em - owner, whether on@ or more Peraonr, of r fee ailapt. intarest h 8 Condominium, including Declarmt vith rrrpect fo each Condominium owned by 0.clarrat. Tho term Wunera .hall include 8 sel1.z unb.r an rxwutary eorrtrut af Ul8 hut ahaLlm%cLuda ~O~+QA-S. Saction 1.40. Parson, 'Per8anm shall mraa a natural individurl, corporation or my othar mtity vith tho 1-1 right to hold title to real property., Section 1.41, Phrem 1, Phase lw .hall rnrn a11 of th. rerf property dorcrlb.6 An P8ragr.ph & of tho Pmamhlr of this 0.cl.r.tf m*. Section 1.42. Pharo of DovoIonaont. 'Phauof D.velopmentw or wPR~mew &ALL mera (e) ?hem 1 or (b) rlL tho raal property covered by a Notico of Addition kcorded purrulnt to Articla XVI brroog for vM&! a Ti& SuMivlaion -lie Report ha8 b.+n ir mud by the DU, udeu otbnir. deffnd tn 8UCh &ua 0f W~~OEL. Saction 1.43. Project. wProfocta aha11 man that portion of the Praputy uhlch in, from time ta tima, divibrb- infa Cm6orainfum8, ia eecerdana uLt& kctios US2 of the C8lifornlr Civil Code, including the Ueu mid the Unit8 tharain. Tha tom '?rojutn aa us& in thim DmeluaUoa im defima ~o secti- i3si(i) oi +h. calmmi. civix C-.. mt r of Phase 1 ohall becoma a portion at the Profact upon Ctam of trcrov for the malo of a Condominium in Lot 1, urd rubrequent btm in Tract No, 11949 will becoma a portion of Projut only ater thrix uusuutlon pursuant to Article XVI 6f fhi8 Deeltrmtion mb upon Clon at trcraw for the &a of rr Condominium in mach ruch Lot, J Soetion1.4S. QurU(lvimqRe816.n+, Subjoettom . prwi @ion8 of Soetlon 16.02 of thim Doclaration, 'Qualifyinq Reaib.rrtw ahall moan natural Parson who 10 aixty-two (62) pw 8f 8- Of old=- wuffiw 8bl.L m- Qualifying Cohabitantw vho 8haJ.l k my on* or mot. of tha folloving vh~~--bmerrhi intom.+ in, or .aa e%paet8tiorr of- * omerahip intare'dhlnitz (1) th. hu.band or vlfc, rogardlaam of aga, 'bt 8 Qualifying Remident; (1%) any natural Parsoir, ngardle.+ of aw, living with a Qurlifyinq Resident u r huqband or wife although not actually married$ (lii) any natural ?*?.an, ngudle88 of rgm, midfng eth a& providing primmry physical or econorit rupport to Qualifying Remidont; or (iv) any natural Porroa forty-fiva (4s) ymaro of rga or older living wit& a Qualifying Iteridant. Saction 1.48, Rortrlction8. wR8.kietionfl &a12 mmm. this Declaration, the Articler, bylavr and tha Ihrl'eo and Regulation8 -of U Aaaocirtion from tho ta tin in atfut. Sution Z. 49, Rut.+ end Revulrtfom.. "RUw .nb Regulation." aha11 maan the ruler urd reQurrtiono adopted by the Board purruant to thim Daelatatioa 8; the bylavo,-ar ru& RuIm mb Regulatioits may k .rmmdd fror tim# ta tise. Suttolr 1.50: tbit, -nita aha11 man th. oL.mmta of r Candominius, cover& by th Deelrratio8 fror. tfnn fo +fru, which mra not owned in tormaon with the Ovnara of othu Condominiuaar Sa the Projut. Each of the Unit8 ihrlt k r 8epbrato froohold eatat., 88 8eparateLy rhsnr, maberod .ad derignat.4 in fh. Condominium Plan. kch much Unit coneimts of living arm. spree or apace# ('Living tlmmwnt') boundod by urb contained within the interior uafinidmd (raraing utluriw of vrLL eovmrinqr, float cevmrings, fixtut.8 or docoratioru) murfrtee of the primetat wall#,. tIooru, milingr; vhdmm, an4 door, ol eret Living tLwurt, mt&u vith r upu-rtely defind end rimilrtly bounded grrrgo olement, 88 shown urh defined irr tho Condominium Plaa. In intazpratinq duLar&oxx% R& plurt, thr asirttng physical -riw of. the Unit or a Unit constructrd or reconswct.6 ia substanti.1 accordant* with the Corrdomlniua Plan aaU the orriqtnrf p&as themof, if ruch plms are wailabIe, .h.-Ll be conclusiv~ly prerum.6 tu be it8 bourtdari*~, ratha thn the description exprers.6 in the de.6, Condominium Plm or D.clarrtion, r.grrdle.8 of arttling or Laterrl movommt oL the building arrb reqtrdlesr of minor variurcw betwean baudark-, 88 mhvn en th Conbomfniw Plan or defined ia W M 8nd D8claration, and the boundaria. of building as conat~tod og recoaatructod. TXE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMUNITY ASSOC IATIOW Section 2.01. Or~rnization of hsaeiatioq. T!m : Association ir or,rhall br incorporatad under th ama oC AZ 'CORONA, DU w -rn ~ssocurra, - corporation not fa+ prof it under t&o Nonprofit mi+uaf Benefit Corpor8tlon Law oL th. Stat* oi California, a# roquirod by Section U63 of tho California Civil Coda. Sution 2-02. Dutiea and Fovmru. The dut1.r and psvrt+ of the Aaaotiation are thore rat forth in thr Baclaration, thr. Artietar ud Bytau*, together via iw g.mt.X and implied power8 of 8 nonprofit mutual banofit corporation, generally to do my and all things that a corporatian organired under tha lava of tha State of California may lrvfully do vhich are necessary or proper, in operating far fh. pace, h+alth, ceort, 8afety md genar.1 velfara oLT it8 Mwberr, mubjoct only to the fimitation8 upon the exerebe ef much ps#r, u m exprearfy wt forth in the Artfelow, a Bylavs md in thb Declaration. Tho Aeaoci8tion .hall -or haw the right to install ot conmtruct capital tmprovrmentr on th. Common - Property. 'Ihe Aarociation may at any tirr, and fror tior, to tfnn nconmtruct, raplate or rofiniah any hpxovumat or portion therwf upon tho C- Prepsty Lrr vFth th, origfna &sf-, gird& oe mturdud of cunstructlon of .uch fmprovemmt; replrem destroyed trear or other vegetation inh plant treor, rhrub8 and ground cover upaa my portion of t)w Common Property. Tho Aasocirtion may omploy paraonno1 necerrary for tha effective op.ratioa .ab uFnt.nurcr of the C-n Propsty, ineludinp thm omplaymnt of legal, management and accounting ae~iee8. Tho Arsocirtion aha11 rake rvrihble for inrpaction by any proap.ctive purchrrer of r Condoainiur, uty Ouner of r Candominiur, Mb the B~ficiuiu, insuru8 and - quarantarm of tho first Mortgrgm on aay Condoainiw, current copier of the Declaration, the Article., tho Bylaw, tho Wr+ an& Regulatio~ .nb 811 other bookm, rmcordm, an& CinanciaA st.f.mmt8 ot the Aseociatia~ appurtenant to the Conboatinha eonvoy.6, uad vith t)n osceptian of Declataat, r htpan .h+lI k 6..g.6 .a Ovnu uf c. Condoatinlum only upon Itocordation of r dead cnnryfng th+ Condominium to ruch Par-- beapt am ray othorviao be providod hernia, the right., &tie@, priv1l.g~ mb obllgatioru. of all Umber8 of ttia Association shall b. p-dd in the Restrictions. Seetion 2 0 . Trmrfor, Tho Menbatrhip held by my bvne + rha not b ttanrfe-, pled-d or: rlt8nat.d in miy way, oxcrpt upon the sale or mcumbrmce of much Ovnor'm Condominha, and thou only to tlrr purchaau or b.inficiary of much Condominha. A prohfMt.4 truufu i+ void, arid will zmt h rwf 1 cod upon tho booka urd record8 ef ttm matloo. & Clara A Xontbor who bu 80ld hi8 Condoninirr+ to a contract purchaaor under .n agrmmont to purcharo rhall k ontitlo4 to dolegam to +hm cuntract purrhasor htr, ChQber.hip rights in thr- Arroeiation. The dolagation ahall bo in vriting mad .hall k dolivered to tho Board befor* tho contract purchaur may vatm. Houevur, tho contrmct wlhr .)#U rraJa Uable. f- rlL charqam and amsoaa~.nt~ attributable to hfm Condorinium unUL fu tit18 to the Condominium a014 ia traarferrod, a8 furthu providod in Soction S.O1 of thia Doclaration. If tha Ovnet of any Condominiuar fail8 or rufuua +o tr8mf.r tho Uombership registered in hi8 nrrr to t)u purch- ef tb Cuu&tuiniun u~orr trurrfor of fee title thereto, the Board of Dinctorr ahall haw the right to rocord the ts~rfu upon tb boob of tlm Araociation. Tho Asmociation may lavy taamonabh tr8mf.r foa against a new Ovnor and him Condominium (which fee shall k added to tha Annual Arrearmont chargeable to much now Ovnar) to roimburso +he A.sotiafion for th. admiaimtrativm cost of trmsf*rring the soabor.bip to thr rmv Ovnu the ruorda oL tha Atsociation. S.etian 2.05. CIamme8 of ?femb.rrhiu, Tb Aarocirtforr .hall havo two (2) clarror ot voting X.nrb.rrhip. Clam8 A. Class A Runbars .ha11 orlgiarlly bo rll Omerr, urcepf Daehrmnt forr so looq u +hem mifits Clau B Memhrrhip. CLama It )I.mkrm ahall b effd t8 emm (1) for oach Condominium ovned by ruch Clara A Membarm and aubject to aararamont. Declarant aha11 bocomo a Clara A ?!&or with regard to Condominluau 0vn.d by Declarurt upon convorrioa of Declarmt' Clas. B I(.mbrrrhLp 88 prwid.6 bolov. Whoa more than one (1) Person ovnr any Condemhlur, all 02 them Prra- shall bo Uoribera. Tho vote of such Condomlnirrr rh.11 k exarcired as they among themnrvea datrrmino in accordance with Section 2.-, but in no wm ahall thaa oae (1) Class A vote ba cart for aay -um. CI &.a b: The Clrsm b Member ahall be Ikclarmk Tho Chrr b Member mhall ba anti +lo4 to throa (3) votr8 for each Condoainiua ovnod and subject to ram~r8mont8 ptwid.4 that tho Class B Xombotship shall tea.* and be convut.6 to CIa.8 CI Hembermhip on the happening of either oL. +hr foLLoving ownt8, whlchovor occurs auUur (2) The fourth mivermrry of .th+ or; anal 1 rwr.ul- of tho gin&& SzbdLui~icrrr Publit R-rt for ?ham I. (a) All voting rights ahall k mbjact to tho Romt.rittion8. Except am providod in Section 14.02 of thi8 D8tlaratiaa and Soction 4.08 of the bylaw, u long am than exirtr 8 Clam8 Ikrb.trh4, exxy provfrlon of +him Doelerrtion, tho ArticIos or Bylrvs which axprorsly rwma tbr, vok or nitton connent of a rpocifi.6 permtagr ( f .e., other than u+ionr t.qrrfrilrq merely tha wm or written toruoat of majorf+.lr at e qaorum) oi tho voting paver of tb Asmoci8tba before attion may b undartakon shall rmquire the rpptovllt of much rpacifid percentagl of the voting povar of a.ch elam ef Uuubmrmhip.. hcapt am providod in Section 14.02 of thim Declaration and Sactian 4.O@ of thm Bylavr, when the Class B WaabtaUp hu tanninatad, any ptovi~iaa OF this Deelarrtion, . tlu Artitlm or By1.u. vhich expnrmly r.quir.8 the vota or urittaa consant of Ownor8 roprasantlnq mpecifiod prcontrgo of the voting pouw of tho Amaocirtion bofore action may k undartdcan r)lrlL m. r.quin thr vote or vrittm corrment olC Ovruw r+pt.mentixtg much rpocifi.4 preentrq. of both tho total voting puwr oL: the Aasoefrtioa .nb tbr vofinO pow ef +hr Aamociatioar ramiding in Ovnera other thm Detlarmt. (b) At any mooting of th. Ammociation, each Ovnar, axcapt as ot)ronlro provided in Articlo It, faction 2.0s vith rr8-t fo tho votiag power uf PKluaat, b antitlod to erst EO .wrr th.n one (I) oota fw arch Condorfafur wnd u shouc~ oa the Condoudnius thu. that. im more tba onr (1) racord.Ovnar of 8 Condominium ("co-ovnarma), all of thome co-ownerr &all k Member8 may aftand my rooting of tha Aamoe:atiaa, but only anrr (1) of thore co-ownerr -11 br ratitlo& to exanira tha ringh VOW to vhi ch the Condomlaiur. tr entitled. C~~OYLI~= ovniaq the ufdtp tntem in 6 Ceuzlc&nf= &el& f- time to time domiqnato in writing oao (1) of their nussb.r to vote. Irrctional votom ahall not bo allovd, and tho voto for arch Condominium rbrll be oxorciaad, if at all, 88 unit. What@ rm voting co-owner: lm do8iga~tod og if fhr d-%gnation hu boea t.vob4. tbr vatm for tlz* Condoaafrdur .hall bo oxmtctrd rm thr co-ovnarr owning the majority intorrrtr in tha Condorinlur mutually rgroe. Vn1o.s the Board rwrivoa a vrittan objection Fn 8dvurcm from co-owner; it ahall be conclulivrly prentm.d that +hr torrrrpondinq voting co-avno? la acting vith t)rr eanmmt of UB co-ovnerm. No voU -11 k tret foz 8ay Condominiur if th. co-ovnen premnt in person or by prosy owning fh, majority Fntererts in suck Condorinitu came+ am to mid vote or other action. Ihe nunvoting ca-ovrrer or co-owner* shall be jointly and roverally rerponriblo for rlX of thr obliqttions i mpumd upon the jointly-ovnod Condomlniur md ahall ba ontitl+a to all other bmnofits of ovnor-p. All agrerm.nt8 and detortfnationm 1aufulLy ma& by thr Association ia actetd.nt, wlth the voting p.rc.ntrg.w emtabli.hod harein, or in thr byhv8 og tho A#rociaUoa, aha11 ba demod to k bt-nq a OYLUfm, tho- 8uccmSso~ and .migar. Section 2. Of. Repair and Mafntumaee of Coarmaa Pranut~ by the As8oei .=on. Subjm to ArtAcla X pert.Fainq to and raplace the brmnon Praperty and fslPLovenmnts thueon or ahall contract for 8ucb mrintenlace, repair and raplacement to a++ure eraintenaxace of the Common Proparty and Imprwementr thwreon in clam, amitrry and attrctivcr tondition . reasonably conriatent with the level of rrirttmaxcm rmfSutd. in tbe most currant Budget on file vMs and approved by the Dm. Eaaver, the Aarociation shall nat k t8rpon8ibLo for or obligated ta perform Moae items of srhtenmto, =pair or Improvrm*nt ai the Unite or Reatrfc+rd Camms -88, uhem thll Euintmurt8 $8 t;he rumponrtbility of tb. Ownerr rr provided in Article If, Sation 2.09. Assoeiat3oa mri ntersanee. rrpaf rr and Improvementm shall intluda, vithout lioitatlorr, the right, without obligation, tu perterm rll eorrectivo j uriforial, lurdrcrpinq and repair vork within ay R*tidencm, if t&e Own+r fail8 to repair it; t)n repair ad paymeat fot all curtrmlly metered utiliti~, water chm, .cab -eel urd el-erf .quipnnnt in tbr Common Property; paysent of 131 chug.8 for a11 utilitiem which servo individual Wt8 but which arm abject tu 8 common meter; paymant of all Common Zxpnm8r md charger for water and utilitias mrrring mmtfonrtf menitiewt tho repair and mtfntumnc) of afl valk., ptivrt8 driveways and other nmtm of Inprrs. and e9tw.r vi+hin tho Proputy, and it datermined by thm Bo- to bo =onmticxlly feamiblr, .rr inspoetion and preventative program for the prevention and etadieation of infestation by vood-dertroying and othmr pest8 and orqanismr in tho Property. All such costs of maintan.nce, repairs md replacamants for the Prop.- shall be paid Lor 8s Common I=xp.nsu out of tlm MrSntmurer e* prwfdd f n tU8 D.etaration. All vork performed bp tbe AaaoehUea Lo;r: and orr behalf of .a Ovner whid work i8 aet the rospoasfbility of the Amociatioa -11 k charm to the Ovnor rm a Special Astarrm~t. It mhall furthor b the affirraativo duty of tho board of Dirrectorm ta require 8kict caap&i.ntr uLth 8lL provirioru of +hi8 D.elrrat:on md to caw the Orom tu br inspoet& by tho AreNtecturaL Comsdttom far auy viaht%on thrraoC Tb cur+ of uty mintmincr, np8irr or t.plu~ by tb Amrocletion rr2ring out of, or taured by, a act of m Owner ot ruth Owner'# runily, tenant*, quests, Invit8e8, or agentr .hall, mfter Notice and Rearing, k 1wi.d by tho Board aa r Special A~resment 8gaiast aucb Ovnu; Sectian f .W. Unswreqrtd Raal Pronart~ Taxer. To tha extent not assessed to or 9ud by the Onnrs, thm AsmxiaUon .hall pay all real an& prkrf pruporty trx& and amas.ment8 levid upon my portian of the Prowrty. In ~ddition, if 8U of tho Units in 8 Phrro of Developmrnt rrr tud undrr r blanket tu bif 1 cwerbg a11 of much Phase, erch Owner mhalL pay his proportionat. share of my lnstalh=t dru und8s the blurket tax blLL to rb+ Aarseittiou at feast trrr (%Of dry. prior to the &elinqoency drtm; and fhr Amsoetation &all transmit the taxm to the appropriate tax coll*ctioo rg8acy an or before tho delinquency date. B1.nk.t tax*. ahall k allocated Nly among tho C)vners urb their Condominium. in much Phrre, based upon t& total rumbar of Wts in such Phau. The As8ocirtion ahall, at lrrrt forty-fitn (45) day. prior to tho dell- dat. of my blmkrf tn fnttslbmt. &Lf- to rruh OLRLU is .P& fh?lse & uf tbl) t= bill, along vith written notice rmtting forth the bvner'a obligation to pay hi. propor+ionste rh.r, of thr +u instalhent urb the p0tenti.L additional chug+. to the ker for failure to comply. Tha Association ahall pry the taxrr oa behalf of any Owner who doer not pay his proportiat8 mhrrr- The Amsociation .hall a&d to the kmual Aree88murt of m delimpxmt Ovrnr the .1wu11f uty sum 8dvssed. nluw Fatw* at the rat. of tea percent (10%) & urmn mb k? amount nac8ssrry to reimburse the Association for any penalty or lato chum utually umssad in connection vim tb bl.rrkrf trj biU for a Pkaw of Lkv~hpmxt.- whkk h-, cbrgw mlts from the failure of the dalinquent Ownat. to make tlmly paymmt oL hi8 proportion8te rharm of tho turea. Until tha Clore of . Lacraw for tho sale a ninety porcurt (9m). of tb Cadom$xziuw in thm Project, the foregoing prwlaion~ r*t.Ung to the collection of tuea h connution vitb a b1utk.t tu. biU us all or- any portiau 02 tha Project may not k ammadad vithout the errprers vrfttea cumeat uf m-t. Saction 2.69. Repair and Urintwmnce by Ownera. tach Ovner rhall maintain, repair, raplaco, print, paw?, plamtu; portion, of )ti.. unit, u u.11 a; tha -&ow, &rut right fixtures actuapd ftor nritchww caztto21.d f-, or meparataly metered to, suda Ovner's Unit, aad tha interior rurfacas of the vallr, tailing*, floors, door., prrmrnrnt firturmm and the fireplace, in a clean, rrnltary and attractivm eonditioa, irr atcotdurer vith fhr Coadominiur Plan an& tho od#nef. construction design of the 1mprov.arwtta iu thr hojoeC Bou-, no bearinq walls, crilags, f 1- or odmr rtirrctu- or utilf ty bearing por+ionr of the building8 hour* the Wta rhall ba piarcmd or othmrviw aLt8r.d or r8paind, vithout the prior urittur approval of the plum for tha altmration ot repair by th* Architocturrl Comraftt-. It shall Mar k th. duty of each Owner, at hir a01 up.nn, to )tamp frae fror dabr%c.pdufiltah~r-m~yguob~dnpdr subject to tha apprwal af tb, ArclrftecturaL Camittoe, th.8 patio, balcony or both, war which aa axelusivm aaaement ham bean rerawad f6r tha hnefit of such Owner. It .hall further br the duty of each Ovner to pay vhan due a11 chrrgaa for ray uelity rarPice vhich is rrpuctaly metwed t6 Ua Wk Subject to any requitad rpptovaX of the ArcUtectur81 Committea, each Ovner .hall k tesponrible for uintafniag tho88 partioru of aay haatinq and cooling equfpmnt and 0-r utilitiw which arm located vi-n or wkleh uclumiwly renm hir Vhit. In addition, arch -or ahall k rerponsibh for: mintainfng urd repairing fh. .Ir conbiti- pad uhich rupporta or will rupport the air cunbitioninq colaptaraor aervinq ruch Owmr'm Clnit and to mrintrtn my air canditionffiq mystaa 8erPtef ng much Vnit, tach Ovner ohall m8inflln any automatic qaraga dour owng serrrieiay hi. Unit in pod vorkfap order. Section 2.10. Umr of Aqmnt. The board of blrutars, orr behalf of tha hmeocirtian, may ton- vith 8 U8naq.r for thlr by the Board. The tm of ruch 'em. m mt with. Wlrt.n+ for the Lurrd.Mng oC mrPtc.+ tu tha Ar.oeiation, 8h.U not ucead om (1) year, ranowable by agreement of tho partlem for muccm88iv~ one-ywt prrioda, ud .uch COntrUt mhmll k t8ntinabIe by the Aar~atlom, aetinq +hrouqh fha Board, at any time (8) for cauao upon thf-y (30) daym' writma notice thereof, and (b) without cau8e or the payment of ternriaation Leo upon ninety (90) days' witten =tier, Sutlan 3. bf . A~aoeiation Easement. Aamciation aha11 haw ur raaement over tho Common Area8 for parforainq Ltr dutiea and rxerciring it8 pov8rr dowribod io thh . Dechrrtioa. 'Ru Asweirtioo'r obligatioar to maintain tbr Conmon Property in any Phau of Developmaat rh.11 co~meaca orr tho date Aamral Aorerrannta commenca ea ConborFrriuu fs suck Phaw. UntU c-rannt ef Annual Ar~aommtm on Condoninfur in any ?hare, tlm Canmoo ,Prop* in ma& Phue ahall k maintained by Doclrrmt. Section 3.02. Partition. trrtrp+ u prMd.6 ia -8 beelaration, them &all k no judicial pattftioa of the Cosumr Area., or any put ther-f, far tb +err ef tb Ptojut, nor 8haLl b.elarurt, any Owner or any other Permon acquiring aay . interest la any Condominium in tha Projut seek my much judicial partitloo. Section 3.03. U.arSer8' Easements of U8a and hrfovannt of Common Pro~wrty. Subjut to tha provirioru of tUm Declaration, avery Umber af th, Armei8tioa m. for 3.04. ?xtent' of ~~~' tasaarwxtr. Zb tie- and - un and enjoymnt oi tha Common Iropwty . created by thir Doclaration ahall b. aubject .to tha Rentrictiona, vhith includo, without limitation, tho follwinqt (a) Th rfght of tha Boa- to muspend the tights and errea*ntm of my Member, and tho Peraonr deriving such right8 md maremant8 from any Ilunbu, for rur aa& enjeynwat of my recnatioo fuilitiem lo~atmd on th Comon Property, for any perid during which the payment of any Annual, Sprcirl, Capit81 Improoom*nt arc Reconrtructioa Aaaerrment against tha Muaber md hie Condominium ramrinr delinquent, ad, after Notice and Hearing aa provided in fh. Byhum, tu muspmnd much rights and earmnontr for the prriod ut forth in the Bylavs for any violation of the Rertrictian8, it being undetrtood that my nr8panmion for either nonpayment of any Arraar~8nt or brmach of tha Rertrictiona &all not torutitutcr r -1- or dirchbrg. of the bmhr'm obllprtioa to pay aso*mmnnt8 u pros %a fbfa DocluaUoa; (h) Ttw right uf haoehtian to conrent to- or o+h.rwi.. cauae thr torutruttion. oe adatioml, Improvemeat8 on t)u Common Prop.rty to eona.ir+ to or oth*nd- CWH tha rl+rrr+ion or of any ex1 .ti ng Improvemrntm en W Co(Pmon Property for the benefit of the Member8 of fb, Arrociatioa; --. J (t) Tho tight ef tb AsM~.~&o~N, .tting through Botrd, to w-8 fo or join thr grmf or conveymco of erremrnta, litonr- erright.4-way in, on or over the Common Proparty for purporom not -# ineon8tmrrt vith th8 intendd ure of the Property am 8 remid8ntl a& Condoutiitfum profu4 (d) Subjrct to tho prooieiolu of -8 Dularation, thm fight of aach OYLI.1: to tho ax~1usIvm ume and occuprny for the purposes hignrrt.6 fin thir Doclaration or in any Recorded Notiem of Additioa oi the R..+rfctmd Area& ustgna to hi. f.tp.c+fvW mi*# ( f) Tha right of tiu Ammotiation, rctfw throug2r thr- board, tm rwamuntbly ruekt .tt.n to roofs, . maintenmcr aad landscaped u8.r rrd siri1.t oL tho Proportyi (g) Thm right of the hrocfrtion te rearonably limit the mrmb.r of guest8 urd teaaata sf the Owqr8 uring -8 Common Property; ua& . property may dolegata, fa accordanso-dtb th. bylaw, Ua right to uro and enjoyment of the Common Property to hir tenmta, contract purcharera or aubtenaatr who reria in him Coadqmirrfur, djut to ruu0aab.h r8guLatiaa by th. Boa* Seetion 3 .O6. Waiver of Uao. No )I-r may rxempt himsmlf from ~ormen.1 U.biUt~ far Arns.mmta UY leviod by Section 3. Ot., Duna~e by Member. To the axtent perrfttd by CalLZornta law, each W8mbmr mhaLL k Liable to th, . Association for any drmaga to the Comaan Pmrty not fully . raimhrsad to the Ammociation by inaurmee iir tho damago ir aurtainod bocruu of tho n.gligeneo, villful sirconduct or unauthorft.4 or improper inrtrllrtioa ot raintonurce of my f~rwv8ramnt by the Her, hla qurat*, tenm+. or lavit8r8, or any oar Pormona btfvfag th.tr right and orswnaat of w .nb enj upat of the Common Property from thr M&t. or hie ar - their -8pae-w F.ably guaats, be- rbot mb adult. Houmr-, the Amsociation, .ctfng thtou* thr. - *right tadrtrrrstmuh8tb.r ury thir ~b~~ inrurrrm mrtntainrb by tka AsroeSrtiou; and thr bmociation furthar rraama the right, after Notic. and H.utrrg u providd in the ByLaua, to hvy a tp.ei&L Aaurmnt equL to the imrean, if any, in in.w.necr premiuau dlractly attributable to the dunago caused by th. Mwhr or th. Person far whom tha Member my bo -0 a8 daacrib.6 fn thm care of joint ownarmhip of Condaa%um, tho 1i.btUty of t2m oar8 shall k fofnt and newtd, 8xc.pt to tb. utaat that the Aarociation .hall. bvo prmviou8ly conttaet.4 tn writing vith the joint ownerr to tb. contrary. Mtu Iktic8 and Heartag n prwidad in tho bylavs, the cur+ cornttipq tb, duaag+ +a tJm eatt.nt net roimburrod to the Arroehtioa by insurance shall be a Speeirl Asrarsmant againat much ??el* Condominiwu, and ray k aalorced am provided herria Section 4.01. Wemberr of Coaatitteq. The khitoctural Review Committea, sometimaa refarrod to Lxh -8 D.clar8tion am thm aArchit~ctural ~ommittr+~ or tbr wr)crarrtt-9, -1 catzmimt OL thrw (3) muabrnr. Tho initial era ot the Coamtittm shall conrirt of repnsontativaa of Dwlarmt- Subjut tha fol~oving prooimiono. -1- -1 b.vo tho rlght md power at all timma to appoint or r.o- a majority of th. rmmberm ot the Architectural Coamittae or te fill my vacancy ot such majority until either (1) Cloaa oS trcrw haa occurred for tha sale of ninety prcent (9m) of +5. CendemiW thoa subjut to tMw Dachratiaa (subjact tO it.lt' fU) klw, Dechtaat'r rights of appointraant may be reinstated upea anbaaation Clf addttfonal Cordandnirta pursuant to ArtScla XPI: humof), os (ii) five (5) yoarm follwinq th, date of orlgiaaZ irauaace oC the Final SuMiviaioa Public Report for Pbre 1, vblchavor occur. earlier. Comaancing on0 (1) ymu ftar tba iamaace ol thr, ?inal Subdfvirian hrhlft Raport' far ?hiu 1, t?m War4 U hvm the mr to .ppoint sad r- onr (11 a* th Atchftm Cdttee, me mad -1 bV8 the powor, ta appoint uzd romovcr all of tho member8 of the Architectural Coarmittao, providd Declarutt ir not then 8ntitl.d to appoint alf or r portion of tho laambers purmmnt te -8 Section 4.01. Commlttoa atembars appointed by the boar4 ahall W frar tha Remt+hip of th ~saociatfart, but Mttw maibrm appoiatod by Deelrrant need not b. Member8 of tha Association. board munbarr may also sew. aa Committee rrarb.r8. Seetion 4.02. Rwiw of Planr and S~uificrtform. Thr . Committee shall conridor urd act uwa MY and .A1 plum mb rpcifications aub~~~itted tor itr apptovli under this Declaration md parform ruch othu duti.8 88 fm tiw te tlnm .hall be arsign.6 to it by tho board, iatlubfng in-lon oL conrtnrction in -8s to arrutm it8 conforram- via . plan8 approvad by the Committm. No coaatruction, alteratLon, rmmwal, relocation, repainting, damoli.hinq, addition, modi f itrtion, decorstion, redacoration or mcomfnrctioa of rrr rmpruv.aunt in tho Property ahall k toawncod or ulntainad, until t)t. pLuu .nd spetficationr tbarefur &wing the ruturn, Mnd, rhpa, hatght. uibth, color, uterirla a& loeatiarr of the rame .hall hvr bur .Ubm&ttd to tb ColPattt- 8ad Soetion 4.04. Wa Waiver o mtura Amrovalm. TI&. d .pprw.L og the C0laaritt.e 0 usy propo8a.8 or: pl- .aa ' sptclficationm ar bmrings for mny wrk doar ~f pzepomod or %& ' connactWxt with my other +1:5ag tbC urb consent of the toe-, 8hllnot k demmod to conmtitute vaivat af any right to vitMold approval or coam.nt tu my . similar ptapomalm, plw and rp.eification8, drauinga or mattar mubaequantly or add$tioaally euhLtt.4 for 8pp-al o+ eoruurt, (8 Th.boasf~ertt8duIymttbort~ rapra8antrtivo may- at my tiam inapact my frprov8ment for vhfcb apprevrl of plura io roquirad under thia Articlm 10. Efovavar, tha Coaittea'o right ef iMpOctlm!L af Iaprov.~+zrto m whtch. pr.su b.w b+.a 8ubmitt.d and 8pprott.a shall tmrainate sixty (60) day# altar the work of Improvamant &a been complat.4 .nb tha rorputivt. Ovna hu giv- -ten noti- 8f it8 compleion to tha Committee, The Colaamdo rights of inspection shaft aot tarrinrte pursuaat ta this prragr~ph it pL.nr for tha work d Zlaprw-nt ham not pravietuly mubm3tt.d to mad appxovad by the ' Commit+-. If, aa-a r8Ut af. much inapeetiaa, the . Co=itt.c, finds that a Improw.~(~z~t was doru witbout obtaining approval of the plan8 thmrafor or -8 not . done in mubstanthl eampllmce vith tb plmm approve& by thm Comtt~, if .)UU aottfy tlza Ovnar in writing of failure to comply with tu. IV ui- misty (60) days from the irmpectioa, mpuifyirrg fhr partlculur of nsne~mplirnt+.~ ZM Conltw r)nll ham fh. ruthurity to mquim tbw Owmi tdce at& 8-io~ u Uy h -r tbr nor#qu=*- (a) Sf rsroa tb -pitati= et .f-.iW am frat -the &am of much notification; tb Oum? hu . failed to nmdy the n-e* the -ittoe crhhll noti ly tb Be+* in rtitinq ol mdt Itflu-.- Upon Notice urb !!baring, ma providod in tb DyZru- tha Ward @hall dotarnine vhethar them ir r noncompl ianco and, tf ma; the nam wf . and tha **tiarrtad cost ef curnettag or ming .the nre. If r rroncorapzi8ncW e%i.au,. - ommr Oim~L My orr muom tho a- within a poriod of not mrm tha . f orty-f ivo (45) day8 f roe fbr, datr. thrt aotice of +h. loud rUw i8 givU to th., Onrnr.- Zf fb ouxmr dacra not comply v%th thm Board rulsng vifbin that p.riod:C. th. DQU~, at itr optioa,. -. md mtita q . Noncompliance and may peaemfully romody th.- noncomplian-, an& the dvnw -11 reimbura6 tb, Ammociation, upon dalaurd, for el1 (lac- reasoirablo . attorneys' foe.) incumad la eonneetion , therwitk tLnrthexpamemer,rrcr+~tmpa%6- thw Ovner to #a AuoCf~tion,-th. Boar& ahall 1.yf- a Sp.cf.1 Am-nt against the for: reimburremont am provided ia thir Doclaration. 'b# right of th. Aaaociation. ta r noncolplyiaq . 1taprop.annt or othervim rawdy fh+ aoncompli-. ' shall be in rdUition +o 811 0th- right8 aad rdw- vhfch the Aemeeiatiorr'rup brvb .+ bur b ur in +his DOclu8tim- (c) If far any raason th. Corittoo failm to - notify the Owner of any norrcompli.a# vith pravioualy submitted approab prl.rL uf- 8uty (60) dap eft- racaipt of vr1tt.n notice ot coaplrticw fror tbr. Quner, +br Intprwrmm+ -11- br tok-As aecordraco vtth t8a approved p1mm.r --. c - - submittat0 st for any D~~~ iG&&t. aiteratioa or . .dbitiaa, as thc Gtthmai toasid-, mmtoaey via thi8 Beclu~ti om, and tho warall ktmtlt or detrimrnt . vhich voufd result to tho lmmediato vicinlty and tho ttoporty qanerally. Tho Cotmaitter shall taka wo eonsidarrtion +he aemthetic aapeeta of the trchit8cturalWigam, pl8cm0nt of builbinga, lmdsc~, color -, ex---. UrtkaWs an& m8terialr and mimllar featurem. The cattea'@ approva% or disapproval shall ba bared aolely on thr conridarations rot forth in tUs Astitle IV,' urb the Coaadttma -1 not br- rrspoaribh for rwiwing, nor ahall ita approval ef my plm ot &aim be beamed approval oC, ury pba or daaign from t)n . atandpaint of mtrpctur8.L ufvty or coatormanem uia builw ot other code*. Section *. 06. ' Variuzcer. Thr. ww m8y ~llhdrft* v8ri.nc.a from compliance via ury of t&o am9aitutura.l. proviaions of thli a Bmclaration, lncludlw raatrlt.tloa8 upon height, mit~. froor are8 or placumnt of etructuroa,. or rimibr restrictioru, when titcuwtur- muck at topagnpaY, mturJ obmacttons, harddsip,. aeathotic or uwlrors#nts& : eonriderrtion ary nquirr.. 8- vuf~ mat be uo~'durcad in mtlng, mrt b.. rign.6 by at lrrrt .r mjerrity ef the me oL the coalatitt-, ul& ahrlf boa, *ffutiw upon Ircordauas%- Section. 0. Personal Oblluatios of Aruarmmu. Doehraat, a adz Coadomiaiur oull.4 by i+, heroby ami to pay, and.ra- owner,. akmpkco og a dad of * Condominium whether or: not it I)rrll be ma apm..CI. la aay much deed, is doom4 to covenant .ad 8gr.m to pay te tJw Ammoci8tioa all ~As~os~ntm for Coma011 Lxpon8.m ud aU applieabla , Sp.ci.1 Amsrsmmmts, Race-an Amsmm+, a& Capital ' Imprweamt Arrearmentr. Except 88 pruvidad in *a Seetian 5.01, all mu& ammerammte, toglthu uitb intermst, to-, ud reaaonablm attoraoym' faom, rlt,lL be a repara+.. dlmtlnet and personal obligation of- tho Potmoa vho vu tk. Owner of tho . : Condomlniw at tho tin vhon the 88808.uat fell duo. Thid ~raoaal obligation cuurot k avo5 dad by abandoua8at ef the Cobcloaini- or by m offu to v8.l- w+ of tba Corsaa ?ruput+ - or th. Remtrictod Coaroa Anu. Tl%8 prso8al obliqatiorr forc: delinquent arsot.larnt8 8hlL rw+ pua to rg nru Ovarrq ("Pureh,rrra) Weam acpros8ly .#sumo& by tb )UfSb.mu*c - - . Saction 3. Of. Inerearea. Suhj OLI 1366(b) of tho Califom Clvfk Codr, the not l-. for my fi8c.f Year, m -1 As88rmwnt- ach as- "Muirmu Authorizod kmual Amresrmentg 88 dotarrind purmurt , to Section8 3,04(a) ud S.04(b) bmlw, unle88 first approved by the vote of Uembara reprmamnting at least majority of the votiw pover of the A880Ciati-l. (b) Haximum Authorized Anmrrl A~mrrrnent fo~ Subreerumnt tf seal Yearr. St.- with the Lint time& Yeu fmm4iately following tho flscaf Tmar fs vhieh kmual Asamrsmmnta commanee, tho Uuirw Authorized hurl Asaamma+ for each Condominium in my rtuaf Yau rlult equal arm Wad tu-ty pweont (l2a) of the Annual Arressaent for ruch Condominius- lwied during the laat math of tho. id-y procadlw ri rcrL You. immdimtely 6.tetaine th rpprortimrk- asaunt oi tho ' inad8qu8Cy. subject t8 tba em? Mi- Curthsrf-. kvluaL Us-nt, th Bbar& shall the.lllfbbtt+J to lw, at 8ny tima by a majority vote, - mupp1.zs.rrt.t Animal Clamuamene soflactixaq r -8loa of the total cham to b eme*..d agWrat ouh Condominium. - Seen S. 63. Comm+ncemwtt and Collmctiorr of Annul-. hrr8smentr. Th. Board of Director8 ohrU authoritr urd law -. the mount of +he Annual Asser8mont upon each Condominius. DuZrrsnt~aayuthrouauof aMtvhfchWndbwm' constructed rhall k exatapt from pqnmnt of that -81% of thr . AnnUaL Aa8rs.araat uhicb is for f)r. purpoao of defraying ' expen#*+ tnd raaemw dirutLy rttributUa to. th. -1st- ' and urr of tb trrJt Any math exoapth Lrom tho pay.- of kmu8L Asr.8- dmtl b in *LC- d? --A ~r 8atLcr: u? completion of the building containing th Oait 8- boea Recorded, or until ona .hundred twenty (120) dry, rftor 1m.u.nem of tho building porrtit Lor ruch building, vhlchmvat occur* earl1 er. Notvithrttnding my other ptovi~lorm of -8 Doelatirtian or. the bylave regarding the tome R& of uitk Decl- Lot propt- bo th-Ar+.eemp Wurrrt: ray ertter into 8 vrittan nmtntmnanca agreemoat vith thr . Association under uhL& D8c-Ltfant ML pay .lZ or ml, portion of tho operat3ng Comros Lkp8na+ml .nb perfom or my perti- of t)rr Ataeciatioa'r maintwsurcm te.ponmibilitia8 in are- . for a emmporary mapension of kmu&l Amrersmento- Sueh . malntanurce agr8ammt ahall extend far a trrr Ud a&ll. b OLI. muck conditlonr as u* 8ppruv.d hy tlhr, DB. od uy raquirw Ovnm tu rmimhrra D'tcW.at, thrwugh tho Urnciation, for & portion oL tha comta 8xp- %a artiefsctlou ol . -*XlSe8. Secttun 5.04. Cbpfmf rnmrovemwat Arse88u8ntr. SZmulA' the board of Directom det.minm the mod for 8 capital fnrprovemant or other much 8ddiUon ta t& ltrap.t+TC tb cum* oL - vhith b the aggreqatm --em&# flvm porcaat (SX) of tho .- budqetod gross urpenr.8 of thr Amwciatiom for tho th.a curnat. Fimc.1 Yaar, thm tho vot8 or vritten -t gL Wrktt . drivevays currently exlatinu in the-Progntty or aub-quenely ad&& to it, uhi& .uann+. lyb, ~0rrv8yrb by t0 bvn8tr uab t8 tb ---. ( e) Rmstricted Common Areas.. Doelarmt axprwrrly teaawe8 for tha bandit of certain Ourzrr* uchaivm 8a~m.nt8 wrr tho Ptoject for uaa of the I-. Reetrict.6 Comaahu,. LO=- ~&b.lcoay. , pUme t8 ud amm.6 th.. v= m- or Plma for tbo Projmct. In tho- case8 where om . drfv.uay rorvicas tvo Condominiums, each of tho Ownet.: of the Condominium8 sha1l.b. entitled to 8 joint exclusive right an& *arumat over th. drivavry for: aceem, ingru8 eqrer+ tu rzld frar -go af- . 8Ueh oWll8t. (d) Utility tasamentm~ bicl.rmt 8~~8Ly remrvu for the banaf it of tha Aaaocimtfon tb r~& oL Datlarant to grant rdditianrfi 8aaamentr rad : right.-of-uay ovmr the Prop.-y to utility corppmi8s and public rgmciw, a8 nuessay, fat thc prvr . dweLopmont and di.pcr.1 of tho Ptoprrty. Such ri- of D=Lar.nt shall rxpir8 (f) witb mrprct to my Ph.88 ef 0evelopraent, upon Ctos. of Eurou tot the nale of all Condominiums in such Phase by Wlar.nt, or (ii) with rsspact to all Phares, upon axpintion ef sevm (7) yeus from thm datm oL or%- frru.ac8 by the DRE of the ?fnr;l ~vfrf~ We Rm for Pha8a 1- ~~u~rt.cttri.h~fprrcrdfraq~~ mm of m .sl*+rrcy, nrcb right of ontty oh811 k inaaedirtr, , Auy dlmag. awed to 8 Vnit by nrck antry by ur Ovrrrr or: ltr repremntatiw. sZN1 k rrpairdhy .ucb Ovrru. Upart m*ipt. of ruaaarrbl* noti- frar thr Ammoci8tioa (vhith' rhaff la nu avant be lemr than %wen (7) day,) aach ovau rhall vacate him fl Unit in order to &ccosllodrtw 8fforta by the Aomoctrtiaa to 8rr;dieatm the Wastation aL wood da-yiag ag other mtr. racL om- frar thw Coa~tor, Promy ur tw prtforr ury athm maintanmco or raparm pursuant to the Doclmrrtion. The board mhall have the right of antry ta tb.Units .nh the right ta rrmov8 -re from tbdr Unite, am h+cemmry,. to .rcompUdt it, &ti@% u prwibrb hmn. Tho cart of etrdieatinq my muck infertatian or of prfonairrg my much mafatmanee or rap.ir.-. ahall br 8 Common Lxp.nma of tho Aasociatioa; hovevar, aach ' Ovnu ahrlL hu- hf. own eomt8 of taupur8ry rrloeioa, Nothing in th. Restriction8 .h.ll limit, .nd no 0vn.r at the Aamociation ah~ll do urytlriag t4 intosfare with, thr right - of Dmclrrtat ta urbdLvf& ar rambdlPie any partioa OL tb Property, or tb completr Smprw- to ud om tb Common . Proputy or: en* purt2on of tlw Property owid mere or parti8lLy by Dwlaraat, or to altar tlm foregdtng or its conmtiuction phnm and demignm, or to coamtruct ruth additioaaL Improtnments 8s Dechrant de.me aehrinabla in tba courn of devmlopmmt of tha Property .o lang u any Conbominium in the* PrajKt r- uruora* ma rigrim of BecLu.a+ b.-. 8hll include, but sh8U not b lirttad to, the right tm - %natal1 rab arintafn rvch mrm.; d$.p&p, rlgxzm. billbeards, fl80. md malea office8 u my k rrrsonrbly necemaay for Ma conduct of it8 buainemm of eanpletiag the work .nd diapoming of tho Condorfniw by mala, rarale,. haom or.othervin.. t.Cb Ovner by accepting 8 dee& to a C0-w hereby acknovZod-gma fhrt tb utiw%tA- OL Duluaat w. t-Ly or p.mmmeLy i-ir thr, oiw of nrch a& may conmtltute aa iaeonvenf anem or nuirance to th* Ovnerm, ud. hermby consantr to ~cb imprinnent, tnconvanianca or nuiaunm. This Deelaratlon mhrll not limit tba riet of hclarurt at aay tiam prior to aequimition of tit& +o r Condomirrium in t& Project by r purchuu har Dularm+. to e.bridt ots that Condominium additional lieensea, erammentr, reservations ud rights-of-vry to itaelf, to utility companhr, or to otharr 80 may from tlmo ta ti- k mawonably neeams8r) tu fb. proper dwalopent urb &.posal of tha ?ropesty.. Doc1 armt my uee- any Candomfniuau ovn.6 by Dularmt in tb Profmet ar h- complex.+ or rod estate ralam or 1er.fng offie-. Dwlrraat nad aot uek or obtain kehltoetur~l Mttaa appmal of any Ilaprov~nt construct.6 or plumd by Wlarlir+ - on uy portion of the Ptoprrty by Dutaraat.. She right. of Dnlarmt bermunder and mlr.ubmre in there R~rtrlction8 may k aaeignd by Dmclarant to any muccaamor ia intarart +a any portion af Daclrrmt'8 intatmat in my portion of th Pr~tey by 8 vritten anal-t, NoWemdtngmy 0th- pzwiriorr of thh Wlrrrrtfoa, th. prLm written rpprwrf of Daclrrrrrt, am dmvmfopar of the tmrty, dl1 k raquld kfom ury mdmmt to thia -1 b~ rttactitrr. rack oun+r hereby qrulta, upan receptaac* of hi* &a& fo bd* thdt, ra, a?. r8t. ef 1- orr Ohits at oa t?m trop.rty, or reeult ih tbtmc+r-ar emehtnrurraro, or.*thutlL~as int.rf.ruwithtberfgh+rof 0fh~ouuerW. .#e-m&r&u .'. commit or permit any nuimurce oa thr ?roin+tll. tHh Own- .hrL1- coarply via at1 of em -- 8f tba L#.L ot &trh h-rttr--.utrzoriticn rab via 8x1 0Yh.t w+d .uthm*w ' with. trrpeet to the otorpaacy md we of 8 Il.ridmace.0 tach Ovnu *a11 b.. ae~owtrblr tD Umlbroe~tloa ua 0th~ - Lor tb conduce .rrk bahaviar uf chi 1- real- in- or virfting hCI Unit 8& o#ar fay rnrabrrr e in or viriting hi8 Unit. Any dmaqe to the Common Prbpmrty, persoawl proprty of ?he Amaoctaioh, oz prawrty af urothm+ Ownrt,.urzrradby ruchchUdrrete-t.d1y-,mhl1 bnprtndattha soh*-of fhrOvanaCClr,flhft- mu&% childran cK om= I..Jly 8-f) w pestcur &ro,rufdfm, or via& tinq. S*ctlon 8.04- $5 8- Wo .iqa,< porntar*. -lay ot o- a&et+iaing dntic. $kY chat.c+er -1 b. or - ouln+rtard: utyubze ort th, o+orsrmpubUertrrvr -tnng or aribb gram ort atmum oz atmp1.W - from any haideaem, vithout tlz8 prior: vtittam cerwat eI th.. Architectural Coaaitt~j provid.4, bowves, that tho rraatrictionv oL thim Section 8halL not apply to uq oign or aoU- oi cum +rsh r8aronrbfrc Ai.uat.Larr thm Raridentr ia for rent or: male, oo long m it 1, eenaistmat ' vie th. at- et.d bjl f)L) WttOO in aceordance with Section 4.02 hmnos. Web siay or notic8 ' may b. p1ac.d *thin a Valt but not upon any portion of t2w Commoa Proparty. The &ad of Direton uy mroct vithin +hr Coarmon Proparty a rutn dirmctory of Unit8 vhrteh rrr tor male 0s f0t l@#lni SO-aU 8hu tpplym U8.d by Becfmtmt or it. agaats in tonnaction via =la of Condoabniunts or t&e tonr+rrrtt%orr or a&--on oL. fbr Wt8 ot. Commoa ?top.rtyI traff$e and vi8i- pu* m* iastalld by . Daclarurt, aad tnfZie ud puking control st- lrut.ll.6 with tho eonnnt oL tb -. . mthatmding tbr fomqoing, ao+hino tontaind :a thi* S.stiorr &all b. eonstnub la much- muril.raa+oprrrUthrnlratm-aFmy.Lgervlrkhknot* via e. - a-,.' rnaide and atsihr fnatallatim+ Ne * oa 02 my type, including but not 1fdt.cL to ,l be eonrtrurctd, emtod ot uint8la.d os ~a8id*nce# excepting antannu iml1.a by Dmclarwtt u 8 part of +h+ inittaf castruetion of tbr Rupm tnd axeapt r* . say ba fnstmlld by, or with the prim corn& OF. *- Architoctutrl Cettem. - No balcony or patio -, virtng, or in8tallrfioa oC Jlc eoadftioniw, vrflr etanam, or. other msehlnas 8hJ1 k tnrt8llod orr the utotior of t2a& bufldfw oL tha Project ur k album& ta prow through vltlri et roof8 oC tb buildings (with t2m rrcoptlorr of itaw inrt8lL.b dtuing fh. ori-81 -iai+ sL tb hsjut), unlmsa tha prior vrittur approval of theArehitactur8L. Coaraittu i recurd. Outduer a' or &tangm Mtu-b: Seetian 8.07. Animal Reuulationm. No miuIs, livestock, reptilee, insacta, poultry or other mimale of kin&.hal.Lbrk.p+bm~R@W*rlcractbt~&.bh Seetion 8.U. Drrinrao. Tho= -&all. k na latarfem vftk the wtrbli.brb drain.- pat- tlm trepmrty; uul- = .brqcrrte ata=t%w pout- U rrd, Car prop.r drainago and is first apprwod ia vriting by tha Arthitecturtf - Committee. For tha prrpare hmrmof, wert.blirhed* drainaga in- my ?ha- is dafinad am tha brai~go uUch ui.t. 8t tho tin-. of thm firrt Clo~ of ticrov far fhd ulo ol r bndouinium la NCII Phro, ot that Vhldt if oo aay p&a8 rpprovd b]r tke. Ahhtt.c~LcOlpdt. Seas 9.0%: butv to- Obtain !nrururcer Tmom~ TX!m . Board $hall cause to be obtain.6 and maintained rdequato blanket public 11 ability i nrururca (including modleal p8-t~)~. SUCh liat~ k W-M mk. * MlOrr (not Leu thm If mSffS~ll -ria# alL elaim for poraonal injury an& property drmrgr uw out ef a rJngI.8 ot-)., fnsuriirq egrFnrt U&IUty for: bsbify firfw, dam an& ptoputy &.mag. ari8ing from +h/ actiPitfa8 oL thr A#st%a+ton rad its ?l.arberr;, vffh respect to th. Comwa ?mpsty, TZD. -' ~0-t ~tr11 arm C~U- to k abtrinrd - n- d. camwlty inmr- with 8xtmd.d covormgw, uithaut doduction + fur d.pr+ciatiea, la. rs amouat u aru wpus8ibla ta the fulL replaewaerrt valw oL thr Common Proparty mb tho- portianr 8S th, Uats eonat sting of al& flxturaa, brtrlbw oj &*time eomprf.ing c part ef the builbtw bowiw the Unit.;. and all bUf Lt-in or sot-in appllan~*a, eaaat) lba -+tat brdc fhor mngs, u LrriUcLly i-Id oz roplacamont8 Section 9.04. Natie, of-?~~trt+lon Iteauf~~. Lf * avrflabl*, urh uf tho policiom of inruramco rrbtrid by thr A*aociatton ahall contain a pravirioa that rat& palicy .hrU . not br tanc*lI&, -ru+ed md-lp mdif3.d. or Jlouad to., expire by its toran, without ten (10) dry.' prior vrSttur notice ts tb -4 and DnLuaat, .rd to Ommr sad . b;.ruffe*. inarm and guulntolc oL. first )IA-gr- ub hw it14 ur%tt.n memt yttk thr -or. fot mucb and evory oar Person in intotant vha rbquratn mch notice of thr ' imrr. In addition, fldelity bendr M ptad. that t&y ,) my nat bm cancelled ur .ubnt;mt%ally Ilobifid atbnut f.a (lU):! days prior writton notice te ury +romtee nraaad purrurnt ta Sectim e.06 and to weh wb b fLbd r written requart viV the for mu* . - *ti on 9.0%. Znsuraacb tromluam, 1- mubl- for: any blanket inmrurco covoragm obta48.4 by tho Asmoe%&+f-: W q other dm-& nu~sauy )rlt'tb Baa& of Dirmctorm rhrU ba 8 Cammm mu to k irzcludod ta thr - -81 A8-8- 1wi.b tb ASd8U- 8d ~d'l~td fm thr Ovnem. That portion of the Annual 15rreanenta neceasuy ' for~er~ir.d,hnrr.acepr.raiwah.Ukup~kLp - account8d for by tb. ksoc-2atios trr th, - Ibab, to k - umd sekly for thr payment of muusof r.qrr2- " .I, rucb, premiums h rf trt+Srrg. urri.d by the Asroci etlorr, tb ma+fl.rrrY+ uf.rOU~L~~fht@U~.~.~'-~ modificattun of all much inruranc*, in r mamu t8 Bmoficiui~e of mvuaty-ffm p.rrc.bf (7SX) ot ehr fir'et Mortga9e& held hy ftnt t4ortgrq.w hwc Ill* rrcprrft under Section 9.04. Duplicate originals ar cmrtificatem oi a11 policior of fire and carurlty inauraace maintainad by tho Asrociatiort an& of aU ruruvab thenof, to got ha^ uitb proof Sf payaruzs of proiafrtau, rhafl b 6olivarad by tbr Amweirtion tu 81& -8- mb )lo--- who br--+b+ %U-' ' uritinq. Section 9.08- &ma1 1nm-a Rmwe The hard ahL2 reviav tha insurance tarrid by or on behalf of tb A8~a+iun at lemt annually, for tha purpe~ OS $eta&- th. rabunt ef. tha camualty md fir* ianuanca referrd to la Section 9.01 ' abovo. If economically feaatble, bod I)utL obfJltbe curmt rpprrlsrl ef tho fuU r.glueaent vrlw of thr ' Improv.mmt8 on tho Property axcept for lomd~tioam and ' footirrg., efhout blQlt+icw fa 6.prrctrtiOa4 a qusuete indapendant inaumnte apprainr, ptior to owh mtb rnnwlc - rwiw. (a) any right'of tho innneroe to repair: &La or replace, and, if the Iaprovmmant i8 aot rapairod, rmbuilt or replaced folloving lorr, any right to pay undu tb inmuranee .n mmmt lam8 thur thr : . replrtmment vrlw of tha 1ap-m inmrd; (f) notice of th asrigmnmt & any Ovwt af !!ti* interest in the amranem by vir+w of canvoyanea 02 my Condoatinha; & ARTICLE X Section 10.01. Re8toration of the Promrty. rxcept am otherwise provided in Mia Declaration, in the event of any destruction of any portion of tho Property, the repair or replacement of which is the teaponribility of tha Arrociation, it rhall ba tho duty of tha Arrociation to rortore and rapair the ram. to it8 fomer condition, rr promptly as practical. The proceed8 of my inrururca rrintainad purrnuant to Article 1% hereof for rrconrtruction or repair of the Proparty ahall ba ured for much purpora, unlerr otherwire providod herein. The Board rhall b. ruthorizad to havo prepared tha nocerrary documents to effect mch taconrtruction a8 promptly a8 practical. r)r. Property rhall ba rrconrtructed or rebuilt rubrtantially in accordurca vith th. Coadoninlw tlm and -0 original conrtructioa plan8 if fhay ara available, uahsa change8 recommendad by tho Architactural Committao hava bean approved in vriting by reventy-fiw parcent (7SX) of the Ovnerm and by the boneficiariar of ravurty-fitn parcurt (75%) of firrt Mortgagarn upon tho Condominiumm. If tho amount wailablo from tho proceed. of much inoururca policier for nrch rmrtotation md repair %a at labat eighty-fiva percant (8SX) OI the emtimated cort of rartorrtion 8ad repair, Ilrconrtructioa Asrersment shall bo levied by tha Board of Dlreetore to provide tho necrrray funds for much rocoartnrction, over and above tho amount of my insururca proca.4. available for mu& purporo. If tha amount available from tha procedr of such inourmce policierc for such rartorrtion md rapair i8 lam than aighty-fivo percant (85%) of the eatinatad coat of r*8toration md repair, tho Ovnerr by the veto or vritten conreat of not lerr than amvmnty-five percant (73%) of tho Omarm, togathmr with tha approval of the benaficiatiaa of at laart aovanty-fiva percent (75%) of tho firmt Mortgager on Condoainfua8 in tho Project, .hall data&ne whether tha Board rhalt levy . Reconrtruction Arrarrront and proceed vith ouch rortoration .ad repair. If tha Ownorm and their Mortgagees, a. provided above, datersain. that the coat of much rortoration .ad repair wuld bo rubrtantiaf and that it would not k in theit hot inter*rts to proceed with tho ram, the Ovnerrn ray, at tbair dirct~tion, proceed a8 provided in Section 10.02 klw. Section 10.02. Sala of Pro~ertv and Right to Partitiog. If the amount availrb~a froa the DrOCeed8 of th. inruranco policier maintained by the ~rrocl~tion ir lama th.n eighty-five percent (85%) of tha cort of reconstruction, a certificate of the rrrolution authorizing ouch roconrtnrctioa may k Recorded vithin 01% (6) month, from the date of ruth dartruction and, if much certificata ,im not Recordod vithin raid period, it shall ba conclurivaly presumed that tha Ovnarr hava dotermined not to rabuild raid fmprovamentm. No Ovner -11 have the right to partition of him intrrert in the Condominium and theta aha11 ba no judicial partitioa of tha Project, or any part thereof; except that if 8 cartifitate of a reaolutioa to rmbuild or rertore tho Project ha# not boon Recordad ar provided above, vithin mix (6) ronthr from tha date ot my partial or total dertruction, or if rartotation ba aot actually connnansed vithin raid period, mb the vota or vritton conront to much r partition ir obtainad froa the Ovnarr of two-thirbm (2/3rdr) of the Condominiums in tha Projact, than condition# for partftioa am rat forth in Subdivision (4) of Section 1359(b) of tha California Civil Code aha11 ba deemed 'to hava been satisfied. In such avant, the Asrociation, acting through a majority of tha Board, shall prapara, axecuta and Racord, a8 promptly as practical, tho certifieata rtating that a majority of tha board may properly exerciro an irrevocable pawar of attornay to mall the Project for tho benefit of tho Ownera and ouch other documantr and instnrmantm as may bo nacramary for tho Association to conrummate tha rale of the Property at the highest and boat prica obtainable, either in itm damaged condition, or after damaged mtructurer have hen rarad. Such cmrtificata shall ba conclumivm avidoncm ot rucb authority for any Perron rolying thoreon in good faith. Th. net preteads oC much male and the proceeds of my inmr.nce carriod by tho Aasoeiation rhall be divided proportionately among tho Ovnars, ruch proportion8 to ba datamined in accordanem via th. relative appraised fair matkot valuation oL tho Condominiums as of a date iawodiately prior to much dertruction (or cond~mnation), rxpresrad aa percantagma, urd compute4 by dividing ruch appraised valuation of aach Condoriniw by tho total of auch appraised valuation8 of all Condorinluu in tho Project. r)rm BoarU ir hareby authorized to him OM (1) or more apprairerr for much purpome and th. coat ot much apprairalm ahall be a Common Expanme of tho Amsociation. Notvithstanding tha foregoing, the bal.nco thea duo on any valid aneumbrurcm of record mhall ba firrt paid in order of priority, before tha dimtribution of any proceeda to aa Ovner vhosb Condominium im so ancumberod. Nothing herein ohall bo deemed to prevent partition of a cotenancy in any Condoainirrr. trrcopt as provided above, each Ownor ud tho ruccesmora of each Ovner, vhathor by 40.4, gift. dwiro. Or by operation of law, for theit om benefit and for tho Units md for tho knrfit of all other Ovners, rpacifically vaiva .nd abradoa all rights, intoreata uad cauraa oC action for judicial partition of the tanurcy in common ovnership ot tho Projut and do further covenant th~t no action for much judicial partition .hall k inmtitut.6, prosecut4 or reduc.4 to judgrurt. Section 10.03. Interior Drmrqe. With -8 orcoption of my carualty or d-aqa insured againrt by tha A~mociation pursuant to Article I%, Section 9.01 of +him Doclaration, rostoration and repair of my drmagm to tho intoriot of my individual Reridenem, including without liaitatioa all fixture#, crblnetr and Improvemantr tharain, togethat via rertoration and repair of a11 interior paint, vall covarings and floor coveringm, &all be aada by uad at tha individual expanme of the Ovner of tha Raridence ro damaged. In the avant of a datermln~tioa to rebuild tha Oroprty aftor partial or total dostructlon, am provided in thia Articlm X, ouch intarior rapair md rartorrtion mhrll ba cornplotad a8 promptly as practical and in a lawful and worhmlika manner, in accordance vith plma rpprovad by the Architectural Committao as provided heroin. Seetion 10.04. Notice to Owners and Limted' Xortga~ea8. Tho Board, immediately upon havinm knovledua of my damram or . destruction affecting-a katarial portion of tho ~oimon - Proparty, shall promptly notify all Owner8 mb 8anegiciaries, insurerm and gu8rantora of first Plortgrgem on Condominium8 in the Project, who hava filed a written requast tor much notico vith tha Board. Tha Board, immadiatrly upon hrvin~ knwledga of my damage or dartruction affecting a Unit, &all promptly notify any beneficiary, insuret or guarantor of any Mortgage ancumbering ruch Unit who baa filed 8 mitten roquort for ruch notica with tha board. ARTICLE XI Section 11.01. Definitions: Total Trkinu, Partial Taking, Svecial Partial TaKfnp. Tha tern "takingw am u8.d in thir Articla rhall maan condemnation by exerciro of wvar of aminant domain or by ralo unbar throat-02 tha arrercih of the power of eainent domain. A "Total Takingm -11 occur if thero ir a permanent taking by anent domain of aa intarort in all or part of the Common Arear or of all or part of ona (1) or moro Unitr, ruch that the ownership, operation and ura of the Profact in accordance vith tha provirionr of thia Dmelar8tion is rubrtuatially and advotroly affactd, and within on0 hundrad tventy (120) days attar the effectiva date of the taking thr Ovnorr of any Unitr (1) not talcan, or (ii) only partially trkon and capable of baing rertorad to at h88t ainaty-fiva porcant (9SX) of thair floot arm8 ud to mubrtmtially thalr condition prior to tho taking (collectively tha "Remaining Unito') do not by affirmative vote of a majority of their antin voting interert (without adjurtmant among much Unitr for ralativr voting rights becauro of r_ucb partial taking) approve tho continuation of the Project and tho repair, tartotation ud replacemant to tha extent faariblo of fh. Common Armam and th. ;=i Remaining Vnftm. A "Partial Taking* -11 occur if tharm is any ocher p8manent t.Xiag of the Prolut. A Partial Taking shall includo, without lirttation, Spacial Partial ~aking* vhich ir deackibad herein 8a taking of all or part of on0 (1) or mora Unit*, a. Vnitm, rubfact to all of ?ha provirionm of this Daclrration, vithout involving aay taking of tha Common Areas except to tho oxtont of tho proportionrta interart therein of the Unit. takoa, 80 that tba taking authority becomer a ruccarror in title to the her or Owner8 of tha Condominium or Condoainiuu 00 trkan vith tho name affact 88 If much Unit8 ware purc)ur.d by tho taking nrthority. lolloving any taking vhich in tha opinion of th. Board of Director. vould conrtituta Total Taking in tho rbrenca oi tho affimative voto of tho Mar8 of the Remaining Onita a8 required by tho foregoing proviriono, tho Board of Directorm ohall call 8 mpecial maeti ng of Ovnerr of th. Ramaining Vnitr to be held promptly, md in any went vithin mixty (60) day8 attar tha miroctivo data of ruch taking, to detoraine if ruth Ovnerr of the Rwnaining Unitr, vill or will not, decide to continua the Pro jmct rr providd heroin. Saction 11.03. Awards: Ra~air: Aertoration and ROD: acement. (a) In the event of a Tot81 Taking, the Board of Directorr rhall: (1) axcept am provided in Section 11.03, represent all of tha Ownor8 in m action to . racovar any and a11 rvrrdr, rubjoct to the right of a11 firat Mortgage08 oC Record, upon requaat, to join in the proceeding., (ii) procood vith tha male of that portion of the Projut which waa not includod in the condamnation proceeding8 ud dirttibution of the not procaada of such rrla after daducting any incidmtal Iema and axpensaa, in the rune proportion and in tha same manner 88 provided in Article X, Sution 10.02, and (ill) dirtributa th. condamation avrrd in rccordrnca vith tho court judgment or tha agromant betvemn tha condemning authority 8x4 th. Aaaociation, if my, or if theta ia no such judgmant or agroenrant, in accordance vith Article X, Section 10.02 ot thir Daclaration. (b) In the event of a Partial Taking, othar than a Spacial Partial Taking, tho provirions of Saction ll.Ot(a)(i) of thir Artisla ahall k applicable. The nat proceoda of the Partial TaWng ruardr ahall k held by the Board of Diroctotm, after doducting ralrtad toma and rxpmnror and the portiona of thm rvrtds allottod in tha taklng procoodings or, failing 8uch allotmant, allotted by fh. board of Diractorr to (i) Unita totally taken or partially taken ud not . capabla of baing roatorod to at larat ninety-fivm parcont (95%) of their floor area and mbaturtially thair condition prior to tha tang, and (ii) Vnita ' taken in thm ram0 manner as in a Spacial IartAal Taking axcopt that the taking $8 ud. rubfact to only aome or to none ot the Ioatrictlonr (collectivaly th. "Takan Unitan). The procoda of the Partial TWng award allotad to tho Takon Unit8 aha11 k paid to the Ovnarr of tho Taken Unita; provided, howevot, that much proeoadr &all first ba applied to the balran then bum on my Xortgaqom of ruord in odor of priority kfot. tb. dfatributlon of any ouch procodr to aay Ovnar: vhau Condominiur ir aubjoct to any meb Wrtqrg.. ?itat Mortga9eos of ncord vith reapact to tho Rwrining Unltm affected by auch Partial Taking .hall k entitled to aavorurce drraagea payable out ot th. auad proteadm hald by thm board of Directors to th. utant that ouch Mortgagraa cm procn tht thaig aaturity ham bean impaired by ruch taking. Tha balmcm of th. net procad8 8h.U than k rppli.4 to tb. repair, rmstoration and replatemont of tha Collwa Yroprty .nd -8 Remaining Wta (but not Ovnara' paraom1 proparty nor thoae portion8 of tha Vnitr which the Ovnara arm obligated to raatoro) to as marly their condltion prior to the taking 80 may M farribla, in tha 8.u murnar and undo; fhr same provision8 applicmble to tha procoedr of inaururca 8s rat forth in Articla X, Soctioa 10.01 horaof, 8xcapt for any prwisiona ralating to Ownerr' poraonal property. Any fund8 hold for rertorrtioa by the Board of Diractora folloving cornplotion theroof rhall k dimporad of, in each cram in the rune murnor aa providod in kticla X, Section 10.02, except that tho total mount of the ward payable to any Membor and his rortgrgea or mortgageas tor a dmstroyed Unit or Unita ahall not rxcod the value of arid Wambor'r Condominium intorart. b If the funds held for testorrtion by tho board og Ditoctota aro lora thur the coat of reatoration .nb rapair, a lteconstnrction A#rrrrarant of th. Ovnara of tho Remaining Unit8 (dotaminad vith r8fermce to the relative rqurra foot floor rrarm of fba Ramriniag Units; as restored) may be 1evi.d by the boatd of Director8 to provide the nacerraty additional fundm for much ro-conrtruction. In no avant rhall the Board of Director8 bo required to undertaka my repair or rortotrtion vork or make any payl~nta vith rmrpect to any Unit in encerr of art portion of tho rvrrda rerronably attributable to the lor, to that Unit. Pollowing any Partial Taking, tho Asrociation and the Project ah811 continue, rubject to and vith the bonefit of all the provirionr of thir Declaration. ao far am applicabla to the Remaining Unit8, and tha voting intotort8 of tho Ovnerr, rhall be the ram. (c) In the event of a Special Partial Taking or r temporary taking of my Condominium, the Owner of the Condominium taken, together vitb him mortgage8m, rhall have axcluriva rights to prorocute tbe proceadings for fha respective taking awards and to retria the proceeds thereof. In the event of a temporary taking of Comon Arerr, tho board of Directors mhall ham exclurive right. to prosoeute tho proceadings for tha respectitn +.king avardm ud .hall apply tha ptoceeds thereof to roduce Common txpuue8. Saction Z1.03. Awarda for har8' Permon81 Prornrty .nQ Relocation Allov8ncea. Where all or part of the Projut im taken by eminent domain, each Ovnar rhall bvm tha exclusive right to claim all of tho avard ma& for mch Ovnerr' personal proparty, and any relocation, roving exponse, or othu allovanca of a aimilar nature doaign.4 to facilitate relocation. Notvithrturding tha formgoing prwi riona. howaver, or the provirionm of Section. 11.01 .ad 11.02, the Board ot Diractors, axcapt in tho case of r Spacial Prttial Taking, shall taprerant each Ovner in m action to racovar all award. vith rerpoct to mch portion, if my, of ua Ovnor'm permon81 property vhich im at tho tima of ray taking, am 8 ruttor of lav, part of tha real ortata compriring any Unit, and .ball allocato to much Omor mo mch of any award* 80 im allottad in the taking proceedingm or, failing much allotment, allotted by the board of Directors to ruch Ovn.r'r porronsl property. 'Zh. amount 80 a1fotat.d shall ba paid to tho Owner entitled thereto, vhather or aot the Unit in vhich much Ovn.r'm p.rroarrl property war located ir to be rertored by the Board of Directorm; provided, however, that much proceadr rh.11 firrt be applied to the balanca than due on my Ilortgrqer of record ancumbering much Owner' a Condominium, in order of priority. Notwithstanding rertorrtion of the Unit, the board of Directorr shall have no rerponribility for rertoration of ruch Owner'# permom1 property. Section ll.Ot. Relinquirhaaent of Interart in Common Arerr. tach Ovner of a Taken Unlt in any ?lama of Development, by hir acceptance of the award allotted to him in a taking proceeding or by the Board am a rarult of a Partial Taking (other than r Spocirl Partial Taking), hereby relinqulrhar to the othar Ovnerm in ruch Phrre OL Developraent, . on the barir of theit relrtiva ovnorohip of tho Common koaa thermin, much Ovnar'r undivided intermrt in the Common Arerr mnd that portion, if my, of ~ch Olmett8 Unit vhieh war not takan by the condemning authority.. tach Owner of a Taken Unit rhall not ba lirbla for rsrerrmant8 under thir Declaration vhich accrue on or after the data of rtceptmea by ruch Owner of the portion oi tho cond.nurrtion avard allott~d to him. tach Ovnet relinquishing him interaat in tho Common Araaa purruant to thir Section rhrll, rt tho rqueat of tha Board and at tho exponro of the Arsoeirtion, oxacuto ud acknovladgo much deodr and othar inrtrumenta vhich tho Board daorr aecorrrry or convaniant to ovideneo much ralinquirbaant. Section 11.05. Notice to Ounerr ad L1rt.d Uortcraaaaa. Tho Board of Directors, immediataly upon having knovladgo of any taking by ominant domain affecting a matorial portion of tho Common Proparty, or any threat thoraof, -11 promptly notify all Ownarm urd thoaa B0n0fici8ria8, inmurot8 and quarantorr of firrt Mortgrqor on Condominiwa in th Project vho havo filod a written requort for much aotico vith tho Board. 'Zha Boarb; ianrodirtaly upan bvinq fmowlodga of aay taking by aminant domain affecting a Unit, or my thraat tharaof, rhould promptly notify any banoficiary, 1nrur.r or guarantor of a Mortgago encurnboring sucb Unit who ha8 flhd written raquaat for much notico vith tha bod. Sattion 11.06. Condemnation of Asaocirtion Probarty. If at my tima, a11 or my portion ot tho A~rocirtioa Proporty, or any intorast tharaln, is taken for say publie or quami-public urm, under my 8trtuk, by right oi: ominont domala or by privrto putchar0 in liou of orinoat domain, t& award in condemnation rhall k paid to tha Araociation. Any mcb ward payable to the Association &a11 k dopoait.4 in tba Operating w. NO Mambor 8hrll k Ultitbd particfpat0 88 8 PaftYr or othanire, in any proceeding8 rolating to mch condemnation. Tha Association ahall hrv. tbo oxcluritn rigbt to participate in much proceedings .nb .h.Ilr ia it. nlu alone, rapraaont tha intarant8 oL all hmbaro. AltrInr XI1 Notvfthrtmdinq any othor provirion of Ma Dmclaration, no amendment or violation oi thia Declaration -11 operate to dafoat or: render invalid tho rightr of th. Benoflciary under any Dad oS Trurt upoa a Condorinlw uda in good faith ud for value, provided that aftor tha foreclorura of my such 0.d of Ttust such Condominiur ahall remain rubjoct to thir Declaration, ar uaadod. In order to induco m, CNM aad ENMA, to prrticiprto in the finmcfng of tha rala ot Condominiumr vithin fhr Projact, tho follwing prwirionr aro added harato (and to tha extant those abdod prwirionr, pertaining to tho rightr of Mortgaqeoa, m, E'NM ud CNMA, conflict vith any 0tR.r provirionr of Ur Daclarrtion or any other of tho Ramtrictiona, there rddod rertrictionr ahall control) a (a) trtb Benofici&ry, inaurer rad guarantor of a firrt Xortqago ancumbering any Condominium, upon filing r vrittan requart for notification with tho board, ia b antitled to vritten notification from thm Aaaocirtion of my dafault by tha Xortgagor of ruch Condominium in tha perfomanco of much ~ortgrgor'r obligrtionr undor tha Reatrictiona, vbich default 1. not curd within thirty (30) day@ rftat tha Arrocirtion laam8 of nrch dafault. ?or prrporor of thia 0.c1aratioa8 'tirat tSortgagaa &all mom r Mortgaga with firat priority ovar othar Xortgagar or Daadm of Trust on a Condominium, and "firat ?40rtgagaaa -11 maan tho Banaficiary of a firrt Xortgaga. (b) Evary Ounar, including evary firrt Xortgagaa of 8 Mortgaga antuarbaring my Condominim, vho obtain. titla to much Condominium purrurnt to the madlam providad in much Xortgaga, or purauurt to foreclomure of the Xortgaga. or by dad (or arrlgyant) in liw of foraclorurm, aha11 b. axampt from any right oL firm+ rafurala stmatad or purportad to k craatod by tho Ra8trictionm. b (c) tach firmt Rortgageo of a Mortqag. ancumbarinq any Condominm, vhich obtain# title to auch Condominium, purrnuant to judicial foroc1orure or the powarm provided in much Mortgage, &all taka titla to auch Condominium free and clmar of any claiu for unpaid arra8mmantr or chargem againmt 8uch Condominium which accmmd prior to th. tim much Hortgag.. acquiraa titla to such Conb#inium. (d) Vnlarr at laart *me-fourth, (3/4tha) of tha firrt Mortgrgaar (brad upon om (1) ooto for arcb firrt Uortgrga ovned) or thrae-fourtha (3/4tha) of tha Ovnerm (other than Dmelarmt) have givw thair prior writtan approval, naithar tba Arrociatioa nos tho Ovnmrm dl8118 (1) by act or omlamion rmak to abaadon or tarriarta tho Propmrtyt or (2) change tha method of datarrining the obligatioar, armermaant duma or oar , chargam vUch may ba 1avi.d rgainrt any mar, or tha method of allocating dirtributiona of hazard inntrurte procaodm or condamnation avardm~ or (3) partition or Wvida any Condomlaium Vaitt or (4) by act or oairrion, rmak to abandon, partition, subdivida, ancumber, rall or transfar tha Common Proparty. (Th. gruting of aamamantr for public utilitlar or for other purporar conrirtant with th. intendod us@ of the Common Property undar thfm Declaration mhrll not b. da.m.4 a trmrfat within tha ma8ning of this chura)r or (5) by act or omiraion changa, vaivo or abandon my #cham. of ragulrtionr, or anforcamant tharaof, pertaining to tho architmcturrl darlga or tha axtarior apparrurco ot tha Common Proparty of tho Proparty: or (6) tail to mrintain or eauaa to k. maintainad Tira md Extandad Covarrga on lnrurabla Common Ararm am providd in Articla IX of thir Declaration; or (7) ura hazard inrurmca proceeds fog loraer to any condominium property (i,. Improvornantr to the Unitr or Common Property) for othar than tha repair, replacamant or raconatructioa of auch condominium proparty, rubjoct to the provirionr of Articla X of air Daclaration. (a) All Benaficiarior, inaurar8 and guaruitora of firat Mortgagor, upon written raquart, shall havo tha right to (1) examina the book. and racorda of tho Arrocirtioa during normal burinear hourm, (2) raquire from the Arrociation th. rubairrion of m mnu.1 ruditod finmcirl atrtrmont (tha axpanra of preparation of much rtatemant to be borne by tho antity requesting nrch rtatamant if ouch statomant ia not otharvira prepared by tha Arroeirtion) and other finurcirl data, (3) raceiva vrittui notice of all aeatinqr of tha Ovnar., ud (4) d.riqnata in writing a raprmrantativa to rttand a11 meh mating#. (f) All Bonaficlariam, inourarr mnd guarantorm of first Mortgrgear. upon writtub rwart, ahall bo given thirty (30) day. vrittra notice prior to tha affattiva data of (1) any proporad mataria1 mancbmat , to #a Rertrictioar or Condoairrium Plmrr (2) any tarasination of .n rgr8.ment for proferrional managameat of tb. Property tollw$ng any duirion of tha Ovnar. to arruarm ralf-muragamaat of tba Projocti urd (3) any propomd tamination of tha Proparty a8 a condominlua proj act. (g) The Rarema rund damcribad in Arttila V of thir Doclarrtioa mat k funded by ragular rch.dul.4 monthly, quartarly, or remi-annual payments ratlaor t&aa by larga tp~ial arreramantr. (h) Tha board aha11 reeura and eaure to be maintainad fa forca at all tima. a fidality bond for my Parron handling fundr of tho Amroeirtion, including, but not lirit.6 to, employaer of t2m profarrional Uanrget. (a) In addition to the foroqoing, th. board may antar into nrcb contracts or agrau~enta oa behalf of the Asaoclrtion rm arm roqulrmd in order to ratirfy the guideliner of m, FWW or CWA or my similar entity, ro as to allow for tha purchaao, guaranty or in~ururco, a0 the case may be, by ouch entitimr og firrt Mortgagor encumbering Condominiuna. tach Ovnar hermby rgraer that it will hnafit th. A880Ci8ti0n and tha mambarrhip of fha Arrociation, am a chrr of potantial Hortqrga borrovorr .nb potential rallera of their rmaidential Condominfuarm, if ruch rgmnclaa . rpprova tha Property a8 a qualifying mubdiviaioa unbar their rarpectiva policiar, mler and rmgulationr, am adoptad from tima to tima. Mortgagaea are hatoby ruthorizad to furnirh infomation to the board toncoming the rtatur of any Hortgago aaeurab.ring a Condominium. (1) ~aeh war hareby .uthoii~a8 th. firat Mortgagao of l firrt Mortgaga on him Condominium to furnirh information to tho Board concaraing tho rtatua of such firrt Hartgag. and tho loan which it aocuroa. (k) man profaraional ranaqmmant ham ham praviourly raquirod by a Baneficiary, inaura?, or guarantor of a firat Uortgage, my dociaion to aatabli ah 0.1 f-managammat by tho Al80ci.tioa aha11 rmquito the approval of rixty-sovan percant (67%) of the voting powor of tho Aaaociation urd tho 'J Bonaficiariaa of fifty-one potcant (SIX) of tho first Mortgagoa of Condomlniumr in the Project. (1) All intended tkprovonrontr in any Plume of Dovolopmont othor than Pharo 1 ahall k mubatantially complotod or tho comp1et:on of much bprovemanta aha11 bo aocutod by a &ad or othar rrrmgoment acceptable to tho DRE prior to the first Cloro of taerw for tha rala of 8 Condominium in much ?hare. (m) rirmt ?Sortgagoar ray, jointly or singly, pay tutam or other chargas vUch are in default rad vlrich ray or havo bcow 8 charge 8qainst any Commoa Proporty and may pay any ovarduo pruiura on hmrard inruranca policiom, or aocure new hazard inmurmco covarago on the Iapam of 8 policy, for commoa ?rop.rty, and Firat Uortgagoer making aucb paymontm aha11 be ovod immdiate roiaburauaeat tharafor from the Asmoeiation. DVRATION Am Ar'aNDm Soetion 11.0 . Duratioq. Thir 0.clarmtioa ahall continuo -4 in fu fore* for tam of fifty (SO) yaara from tho data of ioeordation haroof, aftor vhlch timo the aw shall ba , rutomatitally extrnd.6 for muccoraivo pmrioda of toa (10) para, unlarr prior to tha axpiration of much tom or my axtonrion tharoof a Declaration of Torainatioa is Recorded, maoting tho rmquiramontr of an amandamnt to thia Doclaration am rat forth in Saction 13.02. Thoro &all k no movarance by rala, convoymca, encumbrance or hypothocation of an intoreat in any Unit fror the concomitant Mamborahlp in #a Arrocirtioa, aa long am thir Dmclaration rhall continua in full fore. and affect. Tho proviriona of thir Artitfo ara ~ubjoct to tho provirion. of Section. 10.02 and 11.02 of -8 Doelaration- Saction 13.02. hendmant. Notice of tb. subject mattox of r proposed amendment to air Doclaration in taasanably detailad fom rhall bo includad in fh. notio oi: my mooting of tho Armociation at vhicb proposad amrndmont ia to k conriderad. A resolution adopting l proposed unandmant ray k proporod by an Ovner at r mating of Hambara of the Asrocirtton. Tho r8aolution 8hll ba rdoptad by th. vote, in parson or by proxy, or vrittan consent of Mombara raprmaanting not lama thur (1) aixty-rwmn parcant (6%) of tho voting povar ot tha A~~ocirtioa, md (ii) rinty-aavm percurt (6n) of the voting pawar of tha Asroclation rariding in Mrmbora othrr than Doclarant, provided that tha rp.cifi.4 percantage of the voting povar of tha Aa8ocirtioa aocarrrry to maad r 8peeifiod Saction or provirion of thfr Declaration rhall not k lea8 thaa the percentag* of affimative voter prercrlbd for action to b8 taken under that Section or provirion. Notvithrturding tha foregoing, termination of thim Daclatatlon and my of the folloving unendm*ntr, to ba effactlve, mrrt be approved in writing by the Benaficirrias of mvanty-iiva porcant (75%) of thm firrt Mortgrgar on all of tha Condominium in tho Project at the time of ruch unendmntr (a) Any amendment vhich affettm or purport# to affect tho validity or priority of ancumbranc8a or th. right8 or protection granted t~ Benaficiarier, inaurerror guarantors of firrt Mortqrgaa am provided in Articles V, IX, X, Xt, XI1 .nd XI11 haraof. (b) Any mwndmont vhieh would 'neeearitate m ancumbranc8r after it ham acquirmd 8 Condominium through foreclorura to pay mare Ula ita proportionata ahare of any unpaid rraoaament or: armea.aant8 accruing . after auch foreclomurm. (c) kry mendmeat which would or could nsult in an mntumbrurca king curcall.4 by forfaiture, or in a Condominiua net king aaparatmly arrarr.4 for tu purpoaar. (d) Any mondraont relating to th innrrmce ptoviriona ra aet out in Article 1% hor.of, or to tho application of lnmuraneo proemdm am ret out in Artf elm X hereof, or to the dimporitioa of any roaay nceivad in my taking under cond.rautloa proceedingo. (a) Any amendment which would or: could result in tamination or abmdonmoat of th. Property or partition or aubdivirtoa of a Con&orinium Unit, ia any manner incoruirtmat with th8 prwi8ionr ol thim Declaratloa. (f) Any ramnebemst whicb'uould mbject any 0vn.r to a right of firrt refural os other ruch rertrictlon, if much Corrbominium la proporad to k mold, truarferred, or othervise convayd. ' (9) Any uendment eoncemiaqa (1) Voting rightmi (3 Resewer and ramponaibility for maintenmca, repair and rmplacamant of the Common Property1 (5 Ovnerr' intareat8 in the Common Area#; (6) Convelrtibility of Commoa koar into Vnitm or Unitr into Common Armam; (8) trtablirhmant of oolf-managament by tho Arrociation whore proforrional ruragomont baa boon raquirod by my Bonoficia?y, innrrot or guarantor of 8 firot Nortgago; (9) Annexation or douulaxation of real proprty to or fror the Property; or (10) Arroramontr, arr~ramont lirnm, or tho rubordination of ouch limna. Notvithrturdinq th. foroqoing, if firrt Mortgagee who rocoivor a vrittan raquoot fror tho board to rpprovo a proporad mandmont or menQaonta to tho Doclaration do08 not doliver nagativo rooponoo to tha Board within thirty (30) day. of tho mailing of ouch roquort by the board, much firot Mortgagoo ohall bo doamad to have apprwd th. propored mondmont or u~ydmont a. A copy of oath umonbont ahall ba cortifid by at 1oaLt tw (2) officotr of tha Aroociation, and th. amandmoat oh811 k effoctivo whoa a Cartificata of &o&mtia Iluord.6. Th. Cortificato, rignod aad avo= to by tw (2) officera of tho Aroociation that tho roquisito number ort Ovn.ra ud mortgagoea have oithor voted for or conront.6 in writing to my amenchant adoptod as providd abovo, when Recorded, rb.11 k conclurivo ovidonce of that fact. Tho Arrociatioa dull miatain in ita filea tho rocord of all much votor or nitton conronta for a period ot @t loart four (4) yoara. Section 13.03. Protection of Doclrrutf. 'hr. prior writtan approval of Doclarant, am 4ovolop.r ot t& Property, will k tequir.4 boforo my amondmont vuch vould impat ok dimiaiah tho rights of Doclarut te complota the Proparty or roll or lrrro Coadwiniumr thoroin in accordance vith this Doclaration &all kcomo offactivr. Wo+vithrtmding any other provirionr of tho Rortrictions, until ruch tima a# (i) Doclarant ir no longer ontitled to add horable Torritey to tho Propotty without th. consoat of tba A~~ociatioa purmuaat to Saction 16.01, or (ii) Declarmt no longor ovnr my Condominluam in tho Property, whichavo? occur, lart, tho following actiona, hfore being undortrkoa by tho Aaoociation, ahall first k apprwod in vriting by DKla+.ntr (a) Any raondmont or action roquirinq tha approval of firrt Mortgagooa pursurnt to this Daclrration, including without liaitation all .mondmantr and action, rp.cifi.6 in Sections 13.02s (b) Tho annexation to tho Proparty of real property othar thaa tho kulrxablo Territory purrurnt to Section 16.023 (c) Tho levy of a Capital Imptav~ant Aararment b for tho coartruction of nov facilitioa not conrtruetod on tho Coanon Proparty by Doclaraat; or (4) Subject to Section 5-04 regarding limitrtionm on Annual Aareasmont incroaror, my mignificmt roductian of Aaroeirtioa .rfntonmte or other rarvicom. WICU XIV aFORCE?EW OF CERTAIN 80NbLb OBLIGATIONS ' Section 14.01. Conrideration by board of Direetorm. If (1) fha Improvemantr to h locatad on the Common Proporty arm not campletad prior to the irnrance of a tinak Subdivirion Public Report by the DRt for the rala of Condominhma in tho Project, urd (2) the Arrociation $8 obligee undar 8 bond or othar arrangamant ('bond') requirod by the DRlC to recur. parformanca of the coawitment of Dmtlarmt to completo much Improvementr, the Board of Diractorr ot tho Arrociati~ rhall conrldar and vote on tha quartlon ol action by tha Asroci8tioa to enforce the obligationr under tha Bond, vith rerpoct to any much Improvamant for which a Notice of Complation ha8 not hen film4 within rixty (60) drys after t&a colaplotion &to rpecified for that Improvement in the P1mn.d Coiwtruction Statemant appand.4 to tha bond. If tlrcr Arrociation ha gi-a an extenrion in writing for the completion of ury Irprovoment on the Common Property, tho Board ahall k biractd to conridat. and vote on the aforearid quertioa (il r Noticr of Completion bar not barn filed), within thirty (30)- day8 after tb+ axpi ration of tho3 antanrion. Section 14.02. Conrideration by the Momborm. A mpetial meating of Xombarr, tor fha putgore of voUng to warrib 8 decimion by the Board not to initiate action to onforce thm obliqationa undor tho Bond or on the failuro of tho board to conridor urd vota on tha que8tioa. .hall ba hold no fever thm thirty-five (35) day. nor mor8 than fo-fim (45) day. after receipt by the Board of petitioa for nrch a mooting aignod by Rembars reproranting five percant (5%) oL total voting povarof fha Alroci8ti0n reridlng in Ihmbar8 other Cara Oeclarmt. A votm at rue& meeting to taka rctioa W oaforce tho obligation8 undor tho Bond by Members rapreranting majority ol the total voting powt. of tb, hroeiatioa ramidlag in Memberm other fhrn Daclarurt shall k daem.4 to k t)u daeimion ol tho Arrociation, urb th. board -11 tharmaftor implement thir dacirion by initiating .rd purruiag apptopriaf. action la tho name of tha Arrociation. GENERAL PROVISIONS Saetion 1S.01. Logal Proceodiner. tailure to coaply vith any of the tarmr of tha Rertrictiona by an Ounar, hia family, guartr, amployeam, invitear or tanantr, rhall k ' groundr for ralief which may includo, without limitation, an action to recover ma due for damage., injunctive rmliaf, formcloaura of any limn, ot any combination thereof. tailurm to anforte any provirion hareof aha11 aot conatituta 8 waiver of the right to onforca that ptovimion, or any other provirion hareof. The Board, any Ovnar (not at tho time in dafault . hermuridor), the City, or Doclarant (ro long a8 Declarant i8 Owner) mhall k antitled to bring m action for 4.aager againat any dofaulting Ounar, end in addition may anjoin any violation of thlr Doclaration. Any judgmant rendarad in ury action or proceedin? purmrnt to thlr Decl~ratioa rhall includa a mum for attorney8 fear in ruth amount a8 fha Court ray do- r8aaon.blm, in favor of the prevailing party, am we11 88 the amount of. my dalilnquant payment, intarart thareoa, coat8 of collection and court coat#. tach romedy providod for in thim Declaration shall k cuplulativo and not: arcluriw or rxhrurtiva. tach Ovnor shall haw a right of action againat the Arrocirtion for tho failure by tho Asaoeirtion to comply with tho Rortrictions. Section lS.02. Violation of Restrictions. Without in any way 'limiting th. 9anarrAity of the foregoing, if the board of Director# deterrainas that theta is violation of my provirion of thim Doelaration, or tho Architoetural Committea dotamrinor - that an Improvomont which $8 tho maintenance rorponribility of an Ovner lo in need of inatallation, repait, rortoration or painting, then tho Board @hall, giva witton notica to the rarponribla Ovnor of the condition or ~i018tio~t complained of. Vnlera the Architoctural Co~itto8 ha8 approvod in writing corroctivo plans propornod by tho Ovn.r to remedy tho conbition complained ol within auch period of tima 88 may k dotannind toaronabh by the Board rftorr it ham givoa raid nitton notice, and ruch eorroctivo vork ro approved ir toaplotod thereaftor within the tima allottod by tb. load, tha board, aftor Notice and Hearing, ohall undortrka to romody much condition or violation complained of, and tha coat t?~orool ahall k charged to the Ownor and him Condoriniun vbo8e Roridaaca 18 t&a mubject matter of the torractivo votk. Such coot rhallk doun.6 to be r Special Arreamont to much Ovnar and shall be subject to enforcomont and collection by the Board ia accorb.nte with the procedure@ providod for in thir Doelaratioa. The Board ray also adopt a mehedula of rorronable fiaoa a? poruftiaa Which8 in it8 taaronablo discrotioa, it uy aaaamm againot m Ovner for tho failure of ouch Ounar, or of a nridaat of or viaitot to ruth Owner'@ Vnit, to comply with any provirion of th. Rortrictionm. Such fino8 or pmnaltier uy oa1y.k rrro8rmd by tho Board aftor Notice and Herring. Section 15.03. tovaribility. Rt. prwirioru horoof ahall bo doeme4 independent and revarablo, and a detorrinatim of invalidity or partial invalidity or uaenforcrability of my on* prwiaioa or portion horoof by 8 courf of compoteat jurilrdiction ahall not affect tba validity or 8nforcabilSty of any other provirion8 hereof. Section 15.04. rntrrpretation. me provirions of -8 Declaration shall bowconatmod to effectuata it8 purpore of creating a unifom plan for the creation ad operation of a roridentirl condominium davelopmont 8nd for thm maint8nmce of Coemon Property, urd any violation of this Doclaration rhall b. deemed to ba 8 wirurca. Ihr Articlo and Section herdingr, titlar and captionr b.tn hen inaorted for convonieneo only, and aha11 not bo conriderod or reforrod to in . rerolving quortionr of intarprotation or construction. Aa wed horain, tha slngulat shall includo tho plural .ab tha mraeulino, feminine and neuter rhaU aacb include th. othot, unlorm the context dictate# otheruira. . Section 1S.05. Merqerm or Con~olidations. Upon a merger or consolidation of tho Aaaocirtion vith urothar a8aoeiation, it8 propertier, righta md obligrtiona may, by oporatioa of 18v8 ba trulaferrad to mothas surviving or consolidatad rrsociation or, altornrtivoly, Ua propartior, right8 and obligation@ of mothor rraocirtion my, by operation of 18~8 ba addad to tho propartier, right8 md obligation# of the Aaaocirtion am 8 surviving corporation pursuant to 8 morgor. Tha rutviving or conrolidrtmd rrrociation my aWnirter and mnforca tho covenmtr, conditionr and reatrictionr ertabliahed by thir DecLarrtion govaang fhr troporty, together vith tho covenant8 and rmrtrictionr artab1ioh.d upon any othor proparty, rr one (1) plan. ' Saction lS.06. Ure of Racreationrl ?acilitioa. Th. Board of Directors ohall hav6 fha right to limit tho numbor of quertr that an mar or such Ovnar'm tenant may peiait to ura the open parking and recreational facilitier on the Common Property, and the Board rhall have tha right to rat further oearonabla rertrictionr on the tima ud maamat ot ume oC raid parklng rrers ad rectrrtional freilitier, in accordance with the Ruler and Regulatioar, including, vithout liritrtion, Ruler and Requlationm restricting or ptohibiting th. us@ of a11 or derignated portion8 of ea Property seereatioaal facilitlar by minors, guaata of an Owner or him tanmtm. Section 15.07. No Public Riuht or Dedication.. Nothing > contained in thir Daclrrrtion ahall ba 4aas.d to k r gift or dmdication of all or my part oS tho Preperty to tha public, Or for any public umo. Sactlon 15.08. No ~e~rerent&~ionr or Wrrrmtiea. Na repramantation8 or varrurtier of my kind. mx~rerr or irpllad. Qava bean givm or made by Daclarmt, or iw *gat. or - amployeer in connection vith tho Iroparty, or my portion thereof, itr phyrical condition, roning, compliurce via applicable lewa, fitaara for intended uaa8 or in conruction with tha mubdivtmion, ral., opmration, ~iatumace, comt of mainten~te, tuem or regulation thetoof a@ a Condominim Project, except am rpecifically and axprerrly oot forth in thh Declaration and exempt a8 ray k filed by Declat8at frum time to time vith tba Dm. Saction lS.09. Wonliabilftv and fndemnifitrtioq. Except . rm rpvrwided ia the Rertrictionr or am roqulred by law, no right, power, or rarponribility conferrad oa th. Beard or tho Architectural ColaPittea by thlr Declaration, the Articler or the Bylava .hall k conrtrud 88 r duty, obligation or dirrbility chargad upon tbo boarbe tb. Architutural Comraittee, my member of the Board or of tha Architectural Committee, or any other office?, q1oy.a oi rgant oil th. Asroeiation. No mch Permon shall, k liable to aay party (other thur +ha Amaotirtioa or a party claiming in tho name of tho Arrociation) for injuries or damaqa ramlting frm much Perron' r acts or omirrionm within what ruch Person reasonably believed to be tha rcop. of hi8 Arrocirtion dutiem ('Official Actom), except to the antuat that much injurier or damago rerult from ouch P8troa'r villful or raliciour rirconduct. No such Perron rhall k limbla to tha A8rociation (or to aay party claiming in the nlasa of the Associrtioa) for injurieo or damage rerulting from much Pormon'm Offleial Actm, macmpt to the extant that ruch injuriar or dunagm rerult from ruch Parron'r , negligence or willful or raliciour rirconbutt. \ ; Tha Araociation rhall pay rll expanrem incurred by, and ortirfy my judgment or fine levied againrt, my permon a# a result of any action or thrmrtoned action rgainrt such Paraon to impore liability oa nrch Parron for hi8 Officirk Act& p tovided that t (1) Tho board doteminer that ouch Perron acted in good faith and in a murnor ouch Porron rrrronably bolievod to ba in tho bart intorarts of the Arrociationr (2) In tho care oC criminw", proceeding, tho Board determiner that ouch Perron had no rearonable caura to boliovo his eonduct vrs unlawful; and (3) In tho care of an action or threatened action by or in tho right of tho Arrociation, tho Board dotorminos thrt much Person acted vith ruch care, including reasonable inquiry, a. an 0rdi~fily prudent porson in a lik8 poritioa would use under rimilar circumstmcer. . Any doteraination of tho board roquirod under this Section 15.09 must ba approved by 8 ujority vote ol a quonu conrirting of Directorr who an not partioa to the action or - thrratonod action giving rim to tha indrmnification. If tho Board fails or rofuaoa to aako any ruch betoraination, ruch dotomtination may k mado by tha vote or vritten conront of 8 majority of quorum of tho Members of tho Aaaoclaton, provided that the Person to be itrdamnlfied ohall not ba entitled to voto. Payments aado heroundor ahall includo amounts paid and expanrom incurred in rottling any such action or throatonad action. Thim Section 13.09 &all k conatrued to authorira paymentr and indemnification to tb. fulleat utent now or hereafter pemitted by applicable law. Th. antitlamont to 'indemnlf ication hereunder aha11 inura to tho benefit of the eatato, oxatuto?, adainirtrator, heir., legrtoer, or deviroer of any Iarron urtitl.6 to much indemnlficatioo. Section 15.10. Noticor. kcopt a0 othorviro providmd in thir D.claration, in arch inaturea in which notico 1, to k givon to .n Ovnor, the rune rhall k in writing and may k deliverad perronally to the Ownor, la vhich car. paraonat delivery of ruch notico to one (1) or more co-ovnorm of Condominium or to my gonrral partner of 8 partnorship ovnfng r Condominiua rhall ba deernod dolivery to aU co-ownarm or to tho partnerrhip, as tho car0 may be. Permonal dolivery of ouch notico to any officer or agent for the rentice of procrrr on a corporation mhall b. deamad delivaty to tbo corporation. In lieu of the foregoing, ruch notice may bo delivered by regular United States mail, portrgo proprid, addrerred to the Ovnor 8t the moat recent addrerr furnished by ruch Owner to tha Ar~ociatioa or, if no ruch addre88 aha11 have hen furnish.6, to tho rtreat addrema of ruth Ovner'r Unit. Such notfco .hall be doamad delivatad three (3) burinaro days attar the time of . ruch mailing, axcapt for notice of a meeting of Wembarr or of tho board of Ditectorr in vhich cam tho notice provirionr of tha bylrvr of -0 Asrociation rhall control. Any notico to b. given to tha Arrociation may ba delivered paraonally to any saibar of tha Board, or rant by United Stator mail, poltag0 prepaid, rddrrred to the A~~ocirtion at 8uch rddrerr a8 .hall ba fixad from timr to tima and circulated to all Ovnarr. Section 15.11. Prioritier and 1nconrirtoncior. If there arm conflict. or inconrirtoncior betwoon thir Declaration and eithor the Articlor of Incorporation or tho Bylrwr of tho Arsociation, thm tarara and provision8 oL this Doclaration .hall prevai 1. ARTICLE XVI Additional real property may k annoxod to Pharo 1 urd 8uch additional real property may become subject to thir D.clar8tioa by any of the mothodr rot forth hareinaftarr Section 16.0&. Addition8 by Doelrrmt. Daelarant or it. ructossorr or assigns rhall havo tho right frs. tima to ti- to add the Annexablo Territory, or any portion or portion. tboraof (including any recraation facilitiam located thereon), to tho Property and to bring aueh addod territory within th. gonoral plan and acheme of this Doclarrtioa without th. approval of th. A8rociatioa, it. board of biraetors, or Mombaror providod that much a right oL Doclarant and itm ouccorrorr md arrignr rhrlP ' terminata on tho Wrd amivorray of ttm oriqinal irmurce of the mort racmntly irnrtp Final Subdivision hrblic Report for the mort racont Pharo of Dwolopmmnt. A. each ?hare oL Development is dovolop.d, Doclarant may, via toopoet thareto, record nrppl~mantal declaration (*Supplemental Doclarrtioa*) vhich may mupplement this Daclaration with mch addltionrl covonantm, conditionm, rortrictiono, nrontationm rad earumentr am Daclaraat may daom appropriate for that Pharo of Dewlopemat. Saction 16.02. Othor Addltiono. In add3tion to tho provision for urnaxation 8pacifi.d in 3.ctioa 1a.01 8bovm, additional real property may be mnox.4 to th. Propartiom urd; brought vithid tho gonatal plan and rch- of thir Doclaration upon the approval by vote or vritton conrant of Umbor8 antitled to exertire no lorr thua two-third. (tnrdr) of thr voting pwer of tho A880ci8tion. If any uur.xrtioa rarultr in an incraaro in the numbor of Condomialum8 in tho Project to om hundrad fifty (150) or groater, than th. definition oL Qualifying Rerident in Section 1.4s of thir Declarati~ : hall be mended to mean natural Porron vho lo fifty-fitn (15) yoarm of aga or oldor in accordance via Soctioa Sl.J(c) of the California Civil Code. Soetion 16.03. Right# and Obliuationr ot Uemberr og Added Territory. Subject to tho provirion8 of Saction 16.04, won tho Racotdinu of a Hotica of Addition of Tarritorr cbntaining tha pt&irionr aa met forth in thir-section'; a11 provirfonm contained in thi8 Daclaratioa -11 apply to tho roal proparty doscribod la ruch Notica ol Mditioa of Torrltor). (tho added territorym) in tho r.ra0 manner rr if it wto originally coverad by thir Daclaration. 'Ihoroafter, tho righta, powarr and rosponribilitior of tho partier to thi8 Dacfaration vith respect to the added territory rhall bm tho rum ar vith respect to tho property originally covored horoby, and the right#, poworr and rerponsibilitier ol tha 0vaar8, lararer and occupant# of Unitr within the rbdod territoy, a8 woll as vithin the property originally subject to thir Daclaration, rhall ba tho rue a8 if the add4 tarrit~ry vet0 originally covered by this Daclaration. Voting right8 attributable to tho Condominium s 'in ttm add& torritoy shall not voat until Annual Assesrmentr haw connuancad rr to such Condominiums. The fractional und4vidod foa rimple intarertm appurtenant to each Unit in arch Lot dm11 k ur undivided intorart in tho Comon Aroar located in mch Lotto k held by tho Ownerr of Condominiumr in such Lot rr tonants in common with one another. Tha fractional intoromtr aha11 bb ono-twanty-eighth (1/28th) for Lot 2, one-twenty-fourth (1/24th) for Lot 3, ono-tventirth (1/2Oth) for Lot 4 and ono~fourth (l/lth) for Lot S. I Section 16.04. Notico of Addition of Torritoy. Tho additions ruthoritod under Soctionr 16.01 and 16.02 aha11 k made by Recording r Notice of Addition of Territory, or other airnilat instturnant (which Notico or Inrtrumant my contain tho Supplomont81 Declaration, if my, affecting arch mch Phare of Dovalopmant), via rerpmct to the rddod territory which mhalA be aaecutod by Doclarant and ahall oxtond the general plan and rcheme of thir Declaration to mch added territory (*Notic8 of Additioaw) . Recordation of raid Notiem of Mtioa .hall tonatitute md effectuata +he maexation of tho add4 territory dorcriba4 thorein, and fheroupon raid added tarritory ahall bacome and conrtituto r part of the ?t6jact, kcow mbject to thir Doelaration and oncompaaamd vithin the ganmrsl plm ulrd mcheme of eovemntr, conditioaa, rmstrictiom, reservation of eammantr and aquitrbla rervituder contain4 bateia, and kcom oubjact to tha funttionr, powara and juridiction of the Attoelation; md the Ovn.ts of Condariniua8 in said add.6 tortitory ahall automatically become Uembmr8 of thm Aamociation. Such Notice of kldition ray contain Supplunental b.el8ration vith ma& additioru md,raodifications of tho covenant^, condition#, restrictioam, nrorvation of aaauaonta and equitrbla rarv$tudaa contained in this Doelaration ar may b. aecorrary to rmflect tha biffarent character, if any, of tha added territory, or a8 Dmclarmt may deem rppropriata in tha davelomant of th. addad tarritont. and ar an- not intonaimtont with tho qanoral plan and .cham 6f Declaration. In no avant, bovevar, mhmll meh Wotica of Addition or Supplunoatal Declaration ?wok., Wfy or add to the covonmtm, tonditionr, tartrictionr, rarorvrtion of earomonta, or equi tab10 rarvitudoa estab1irh.d by this D.elaration a, tho amto aha11 pertain to the r0.1 property oriqinally covered by thio Wclsration. Saction 16.0s. ROcf~r0~81 Cross-Ea8ementr Botvean Pharor. Subject to u~noxation of additional proparty a+ rot forth in Section 16.01 t (i) hclarmt hareby reremom for tho knafit of and appurtenant to tho Condomlniuas hereaftor 1oert.d in aach Phram of Davolopnent uulexod to Pbrmm 1 and their rerpectivm Ovnerr, aonaxcluriva aarommata to use tho Common Property (other thm any buildingr containing duelling units or Roatrictod Common Araar) in Phaom 1, including, without lilitation, tha drivevmym, purruant to and in th8 murnar rat forth in thir Declaration, to tha 8-e axtent and via tha ram0 offact a8 if arch of the Ovnrrr of 8 Condoaiaius in arch Phrm of Dmvalopmant maxed to Phara 1 mod an undlvidod intermmt in tha Coaunoa Araaa in ?harm 1. ($1) Daclarurt hereby grant#, for the benefit of and appurtenant to each Condominium in Phamo 1 and their Ownera, r nonexclumive earoment to uro tho Common Propotty (other thaa any. building# containing duelling unit8 or Rartrlct.6 Common Atear) in each Phare of Dovalopment mexed to Phrmr 1, including, without limitation, tho drivevaya, purruuat to and in tho murnar rat forth in thia Declaration, to tho muae extant and vith tho ramo affect ar if each of tho Ownera of a Condominium in Phama 1 owned m undivided interemt In tho Common Aream in each auch Pharo of Dovelopment. Theso raciprocal crorm-aaramonta aha11 k effective am to each Phamo of Development uulaxod to Pharo 1 and aa to Phamo 1, only upon the firmt Clore of Ercrw for t2m ma10 of a Condominium in much Phrmo of Davalopment urnex.4 to Pharo 1. Prior to auch firmt Clo~o of tmcrw, neither ?ham. 1 nor tho ?h.roa of Devalopment urnered to ?has* 1 ahall k affactod by the.. reciprocal crorm-easmenta. Section 16.06. Deannaxation. helarant may deleto a11 or r portion of a Phase of Dovelopmont from toverrgo of thir Doclaration and tho jurimdietion of tho Amsociation, 80 long a8 Doclarant ir tho ovner of all of ruth ?ham. of Dovelopmont, and providod that (1) a Notice of Ddmtion of Territory I8 Recorded in tho mrao manner ra tho appllcablo Notice of Addition war Recorded, (2) b.clarmt ham not axercired any Armociation voto vith respoct to any portion of much ?ham. of Dovalopmant, (3) assessmantr have not ymt co~ncod with rmopect to any portion of auch Phare of Development, (4) Clome of Sscrw har not occurrad for tho male of any Condominiur in much Phama o$ Dovelopment, and (5) tho Amsociation ham not rude my oxpanditurom or incurred any obligations via rerpect to any portion of nrch Pharo of Devalopment. Thlr Doclaration im datod for identitiemtion purposes Julv 7. , 1986. DONALD L. bRQ4 COMPANY, r Californi r corporation STATE OF CALI PORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ow On 9 July , 1986, before me, the undarripned, a Notary Public in and for raid State, per8onally appeared net. hittr , perronally knovn to me or proved to me on the baais of ratirfactoy evidence to bo tha parron who axecuted the within inrtnuent as pe@umt or on behalf of WNW L. BREH COMPM, the corporation therein nued and acknowledged to u that the corporation executed it. WITMESS my hand and official real. h on 9 July . . , 1986, hfora M, th. underrigned, a Notary Public in and for raid State, porronally appeared Rhoda Bucoek , porronally krovn to am or proved to me on the baaim of ratisfactoy widenee to be tho perroo who executed rh. within inrtruwnt as armiat.nt auretu) or on b.ha1f. of DO- L. BRM COPPAW, tho corporation therein nued and acknowledgad to u that tha corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and ufficial real. 7?.; w&;* A Notary lic in urd for aid Stat. 6&3?9Z 12 PSJ:cab 8/8/86 File No. 18181 RECORDING REQUESTED BY, AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: McKITTRICR, JACKSON, DeMARCO RECGDS & PECKENPAUGH (FSJ) $14.00 G;SI ma Cam. CALIF0RNI.I 4041 MacArthur Boulevard post office BOX 2710 -2g9W AUG22.86 Newport Beach, California 92658-8995 -rPm (space Above for Recorder' Use) FIRST AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS FOR THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR This First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Con- ditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for The Terrace at Corona del Mar (mFirst Amendmentn) ia executed by DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a California corporation (mDeclarantg) and THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a Calf- fornia corporation (mAssociationa). A. On July l7, 1986, Declarant executed a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for The Terrace at Corona del Mar (mDeclarationm). The Declaration was recorded on July 23# 1986, as Instrument No. 86- 319406, of Official Records of Orange County, California. B. The Declaration covers certain reai property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Wts 1, C and H of Tract No. 11949, as shown on the Subdivision Map, Filed on June 26, 1986, in Book 561, at Pages 1 to 5, inclu- sive, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. C. Article XIII, Section 13.02 of the Declaration provides, a procedure for amending the Declaration. As of the date of Recordation of this First Amendment, Declarant is the Owner of all of the Property currently covered by the Declara- tion, no Close of Escrow has occurred for the sale of a Condo- minium and no Mortgagee must consent to the within Amendment. This First Amendment constitutes a Certificate of Amendment as described in llrticle XIII, Section 13.02 of the Declaration. The Declarant and the Association wish to amend the Declaration to clarify the sound insulation requirements within the Project. THEREFORE, Declarant and the Association hereby declare . as follows: RECORDING REOUESTEO BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS. CO. FSJ: cab 8/8/86 86=379212 rile NO. 18181 1. Sound Insulation Requirements. Declarant and the Association hereby declare that Article VIII, Section 8.06 of the Declaration is he;eby amended to add the following language thereto: "Hard flooring surfaces shall be limited to the special sound insulating materials as originally installed by Declarant in the entry, rervice porch and kitchen areas of the units. If an Owner wishes to install a hard surface on the floor elsewhere in a Unit, the Owner must utilize the same sound insulating materials as were originally installed by Declarant in the entry, surface porch and kitchen areas. The only hard surface which may be applied to the floor by an Owner shall be either tile or wood, and no owner may install a marble surface on the floor. In each case, the Architectural Committee must approve any proposed new installation of a flooring surface or any proposed change of an existing flooring surface, prior to any commencement of such work. ' 2. Miscellaneous. Except as expressly modified herein, the capitalized terms in this First Amendment shall have the same meanings as given such term8 in the Declaration. Except as amended herein, the Declaration is hereby ratified and con- firmed by Declarant and the Association. This First Amendment has been executed on August 20th , 1986. DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Cali- fornia corporation Its: Vl~~pl4 By : Its: "Declarant* THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a California corporation / Its: , &&.A By : Its: "Association" FSJ: cab 8/8/86 STATE OF CALIFORNU 1 1 ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 On August 20th , 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary public in and for said State, personally appeared R.E. Fritts and Rhbnd. Hucock , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satis- factory evidence to be the persons who executed the within instrument as nt and a arrrrtsr Or On behalf of DONA-L COMPANY, the tor-n theretn named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 on August 20th , 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary ~ublic in and for said State, personally appeared - - -- Rhonda Heacock and personally known to me or proved to factory evidence to be the persons who executed the within instrument as Presidmt and seere or on behalf of THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMkkITY ASSOCIATION. the association therein named, and acknowledged to me that the association executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. n I oFFlClAL SEAL WKE K. SALSGIm hay hb(k-CaHfay ORANGE COUNN I in And for &id State RECORDING REQUESTEO BY RECORDING REQUESTED BY, AND FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS. CO. WHEN RECORDED, HAIL TO: rroorroco m wncw RKX~OS ncKITTRICK, JACKSON, DeHARCO OF OFUNOE COUNTY CALIFORNU & PECKENPAUGH (FSJ) 4 04 1 HacArthur Boulevard -3 !e! PM Post Offico Box 2710 ~29'87 Newport Beach, California 92658-8995 4 Q.*& .F&" (Spaco Above for Rocordorls Us.) SECOND A)IENDHENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATION OF EASEBENTS FOR - CE AT CO- This Socond Amendment to Doclaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Ros8rvation of Earemants for The Torraco at Corona do1 Xar (wSocond Amendmentw) i8 oxecutod by DONALO L. BREN COXPANY, 8 California corporation (wDeclarantw), and THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MR COMMtTNITY ASSOCIATION, California corporation (wAssociationm). PBBbMntm A. On July 7, 1986, Doclarant oxrcutod a Doclaration of Cwonants, Condition8 and Rostrictionm and Reservation of Easements for Tho Torraco at Corona do1 Xar (VeclarationW). Tho Doclaration van Racordod on July 23, 1986, am Instrument NO. 86-319406, of Official Rocordm of Orange County, California. Be On August 20, 1986, Doclarant oxocutod a First Amendment to th8 Declaration (wPirst Amendmontn). Tho First Amendment va8 Recorded on August 22, 1986, as Instrument No. 860379212, of Official Rocordm of Orango County, California. C. Tho Declaration cwors all or a portion of certain real proport in th8 City of Nowport Beach, County of Orango, Stat. of Calrfornia, doscribod am follows: Tract NO. 11949, am shown on tho Subdivision Hap, Filed on Juno 26, 1986, in Book 561, at Pages 1 to 5, inclusivo, of Xiscellanoous Haps, in tho Office of tho Orango County Rocordor. Do Articlo XIII, Soction 13.02 of the Declaration . provides a proceduro for amending tho Doclaration. As of the data of Recordation of this Socond Amendment, Doclarant is tho Ownor of all of tho Proporty currently covered by tho Declaration, no Close of Escrow has occurrod for tho sale of a Condominium, and no Xortgagae must consent to tho within Amendment. This Second Amendment constitutes a Certificate of Amendment am dascribed in Articlr XIII, Saction 13.02 of . the Declaration. Tho Declarant and tho Association vish to. amend tho Declaration to revise tho sound insulation requirements within tho Projoct. THEREFORE, Doclarant and the Association hereby declaro as follows: m-rrrr,mtecmw mmmmttm~~m~mp~~rr~ fej037/18181/000/0030/sec. amend. roCMMOOATlON ONLY. IT HA3 NUT BEEN MIWED To mwarorrmAsromERsCrumwm 049/049 05-11-87 1. nd Insulation Reauiremen~. Doclarant and tho Amsociation%reby declaro that ArCiclo VIII, Soction 8.06 of.the Declaration ia hareby amandad, much that the languago added by the First Amendment ia amandad to road aa follows:. . Vhero aha11 bo no hard floorin aurfaces (such am, without limitation, the, wood, marblo or vinyl) allowed on any of tho floora of any of tho uphill (mecond mtory) Unita in tho Projoct. Carpeting mumt be inatallad on all flooring aurfacoa of tho uphill Unitm, in order to reduco sound tranemiaaion from tho uphill Unita to the downhill Units. The uphill Unitm aro coatmonl roforred to a# Jasmine star Plan 11) Unftm, and the baaic floor lan 1 ahown on Exhibit 'Aa attached [ereto and inco,ratod herein by thin reforance. Exhibit *Aa im illuatrativo only, mhowing tho general location of room in the Unit and containing only approximate dimensionm which are not necassarily drawn to scalo. Tho Board of Directors shall havo tho ri ht of ontry to each and every u hill Un 1 t at any rmaaonablo time, fo!laring at learnt forty-oight (48) hours advance notice, to inspect tho Units for porsiblo violations I of tho rwisions of thim Section 8.06 of the darat ion. a 2. -. Tho proviaionm of thia Socond Amendmnt are intended to ruporsedo tho proviaionm of the Firat Amendment. Except am 8xpresaly modified heroin, tho capitalized tormm in thia Second Amendment ahall have tho samo meanings am given such tormm in the Doclaration. Except as amended heroin, the Doclaration im hereby ratifiod and confirmed by Doclarant and tho Asmociation. Thim Second Amendment ham born exrcuted on Mav 26 , 1987. DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Cali- corporation Itr t President TKE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL 13AR commxm ZLSSOCIATIOM a California corporation STATE OP CALIFORNIA 1 ) 8.. COUNTY O? ORANGI on 26 , 1987, before ma, tho undersigned, a Notary Pub+in and for maid State, permonally appeared and v to me or prove dance to be tho paraon8 vho executed tho within instrument a8 President and Asst. Secretary or on behalf of DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. fs~037/18181/000/0030/s~c. amend. 049/049 05-11-87 STATZ OF CALIFORNU 1 corn OF ORANGE on 7R , 1987, boforo ma, tho undar8ignod8 a Notary Publwin and for said Stat., personally appoarod k and ~rmrn e to mo or provodeo on tho ba8l8 of satimfactory ovidenco to ba tho paraon8 who rxocutod tho within instrument a8 Presldent - on behalf of TERRACE h~ CORONA-a2d-Ogf the corporation therein named, and acknovlmdgmd to rr that tho corporation oxocutod it. WITNESS av hand and official 80.1. P fsj o~~/~~~~~/ooo/oo~o/B~c. amend. 049/049 05-11-87 DRAWING SHOWING APPROXIMATS LAYOUT nm ITS - Plan 12 Two BEDROOMS, DEN,TWO BATHS RECORDING REQUESTED BY, AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: McKITTRICK, JACKSON, DeMARCO AND PECKENPAUGH (FSJ) 4041 MacArthur Boulevard Post Office Box 2710 Newport Beach, CA 92660 RECORDING REQUESTED BY FIRST AMER1CAN TITLE INS. CO. RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA -2 5; PM SEP 0 2 '86 (Space above for Recorder's Use) NOTICE OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PHASE 2 OF NMPORT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PHASE 2 OF NEWPORT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION THIS NOTICE OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARA- TION ("Notice of Addition"), is made by DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Califor- nia corporation ("Declarant") . PREAMBLE A. On August 29 , 1986, Declarant executed a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for Newport North ("Decl aration") . The Decl aration was Recorded on AUC@ lEh 1986, as Instrument No. ffi -S=, in the Official Records of Orange County, California ("Official Records"). Declaration is binding upon a1 1 Owners of Lots in the planned development known as Newport North ("Proper- ties"). B. Declarant is the owner of certain real property ("Added Territory") in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, Cal ifornia, described as follows: Lots 45 to 47, 135 to 151, H and J, inclusive of Tract 12271, as shown on a Subdivision Map Recorded on hf",it,13, 1986, in Book 536, Pages 1 to 8, inclusive, of Mi scell aneous in .the Office of the Orange County Recorder, California. C. Pursuant to Article XVI of the Declaration, Declarant now desires to add the Added Territory to the property already subject to the Declaration as Phase 2 of the Properties. THEREFORE, DECLARANT HEREBY DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: 1. Annexation for Added Territorv. Declarant, as the owner of the Added Territory, hereby declares that the Added Territory is annexed to and made a part of the real property already subject to the Declara- tion, as Phase 2 of the Property. This Notice of Addition constitutes a Notice of Addition of Territory and Supplemental Decl aration, as described in Section 16.04 of the Declaration. 2. Membershio in Association. Each Owner of one or more Lots in the Added Territory shall automatically become a member of Newport North Homeowners Association ("Association"), a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, as provided in Section 3.03 of the Declara- tion. 3. Assessment Oblisations. The rights and obligations of all Owners of Lots located in the Added Territory with respect to payment of assessments are set forth in Article VI of the Declaration. The Annual Assessments to be paid to the Association shall commence as to all Lots in the Added Territory on the first day of the first calendar month following the first Close of Escrow for the sale of a Lot in the Added Territory or on the first day of the calendar month following the conveyance to the. Association of the Common Area in the Added Territory, whichever shall - first occur, as provided in Section 6.07 of the Declaration. 4. Common Area. Lots H and J of the Added Territory shall constitute Common Area which shall be conveyed to the Association prior to the first Close of Escrow for the sale of a Lot in the Added Territory, subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, easement reservations, rights, and rights-of-way of record at the time of such conveyance to the Association, including those set forth in the Declaration and in this Notice of Addition, and subject to nondeliquent general and special real property taxes and supplemental assessments, if any, constituting a 1 ien on such property at the time of such conveyance. Thereafter, such property and the Improvements thereon shall constitute a portion of the Common Area. 5. Maintenance Obl iaations. The respective maintenance obligations of the Association, the Owners, and Decl arant are described in the Declaration. The Association shall assume its maintenance obl igations with respect to the added Territory upon the commencement of Annual Assessments in the Added Territory. 6. Sidevard Easements. a. Creation of Easements. In addition to the general easements provided for the Supplemental Decl aration, Decl arant hereby reserves an exclusive easement of use and enjoyment as a private sideyard area ("Sideyard"), for the benefit of Lots 45 to 47, inclusive and 136 to 151 inclusive. The Sideyards shall extend along the common side Lot 1 ines separating the Dominant Lots from the Adjoining Lots, across the Adjoin- ing Lots, to the walls or foundation lines of the structures as are or may hereafter be initially constructed by Declarant on the Adjoining Lots, as such lines are extended parallel to the common side Lot liento the front walls as originally constructed by Declarant to the rear Lot lines of the Adjoining Lots. The Sideyards in Phase 6 are more particularly shown and described on the Sideyard Easement Map which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "An and by this reference is incorporated herein. Declarant further reserves for the Owner of each Dominant Lot and each correspond- ingly Adjoining Lot, a nonexclusive easement for reasonable ingress and egress to and from the particular Sideyard for the respective purposes enumerated in Paragraph b below. Declarant further reserves for itself and for Owners of Adjoining Lots easements appurtenant to such Adjoining Lots over the respective Sideyards located on such Adjoining Lots for purposes of accommodating (1) encroachment of overhanging eaves and other items as initially constructed on the Adjoining Lot by Declarant or as constructed with ARC approval and (2) drainage over the Sideyards in accordance with the established drainage pattern. For purposes of this Paragraph 6, the terms "established drainage pattern" on a Lot means the drainage that existed at the time that such Lot is conveyed to a purchaser from Declar- ant, as shown on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto. b. Restrictions on Sidevard Use. Each Sideyard shall be used and enjoyed subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) The Sideyard shall be used only as a general recreational and garden area by the Owner of the Dominant Lot, and each such Owner shall have the right to enter upon the Sideyard for such purpose. Such purpose shall include the right of each Owner to plant vegetation and establish an irrigation system thereon, provided such system shall be first approved by the ARC. The Sideyard and every part thereof, including the fence enclosing the Sideyard and the drainage system established by Declarant as part of the grading and original construction upon the Adjoining Lot, shall be repaired, rep1 aced and maintained continuously in a neat and orderly condition by the Owner of the Dominant Lot. (2) The Owner of the Adjoining Lot shall have the right, at reasonable time, upon reasonable notice and in a reasonable manner, to enter upon the Sideyard for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and restoring the structural wall of his Dwelling Unit, the structure of which it is a part, the gutter and downspout attached to his Dwelling Unit and any fmce owned by him which adjoins or abuts the Sideyard. (3) No storage of any kind shall be permitted in the Sideyard, nor shall any object or device of any kind be affixed to the structural wall or fence on the Adjoining Lot adjoining and abutting the Sideyard without the prior written consent of the Owner of such wall or fence. (4) Except for the fences and structures established by Declarant, as part of the original construction upon the Adjoining Lot, and except as authorized by Section b(2) hereinabove, no fence or other structure of any kind shall be constructed within, upon or adjacent to the Sideyard, without the prior written approval of the ARC. (5) No planting or other material or authorized structure (including patios) shall be constructed, a1 tered, placed or permitted to remain upon the Sideyard which may change the direction of flow of the drainage system upon the Adjoining Lot, as established by Declarant and as shown on Exhibit "A", or which may damage or a1 ter the cement swale of such system or may obstruct, interfere or retard the flow of water through such system. The Owners of ealh Adjoining Lot shall have the right to use the drainage system established within the Sideyard adjoining and abutting their Lots for the purpose of draining their Lots (including atrium), provided that such right of drainage shall not include the right to discharge noxious or offensive matter. (6) No use of the Sideyard shall be made except as provided hereinabove. 7. Conformitv with Develooment Plan. This Notice of Addition is in conformity with the development plan currently on file with the DRE, and is being Recorded prior to the seventh (7th) anniversary of the Recordation of the Declaration. This Notice of Addition is being Recorded prior to the third (3rd) anniversary of the original issuance of the most recently issued Final Subdivision Public Report from the DRE for a Phase of Development of the Properties, as described in Sections 16.01 and 16.02 of the Declaration. 8. Miscellaneous. The provisions of this Notice of Addition shall run with all the Added Territory, the Properties, and the Common Area, shall be binding upon all persons having or acquiring and interest in the Added Territory, the Properties, the Common Area, or any part thereof, shall inure to the benefit of and burden every portion of the Added Territory, the Properties, the Common Area, and any interest the- rein, and shall inure to the benefit of, be binding upon, and may be enforced by any Owner, Declarant, each successor in interest of Declarant, the Association, and their successive owners and assigns. Except as otherwise provided herein, the terms in this Notice of Addition shall have the same meanings as are given such terms by the Declaration. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all of the provisions of the Declara- tion are hereby incorporated by referenced as if fully set forth herein. This Notice of Addition has been executed on flu to be effective as of the date if its recordation. pfz? , 1986, DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Cal i forni a corporation Its: &--*, - -. ;. - / "Decl arant" STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 On Y-d 9 , 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public i and or said State, personally appeared cr7.E; -2 and x , personally known to me or prove0 me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons who executed the within instrument as ~.;tcr' president and hi secretary or on behalf of DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, the corporatigtherein named, and that the corporati on executed it . WITNESS my hand and official seal. ORANGE CUUNTV My Comm. tcp. Mar. 16.1990 F*I~PVI? k.r n~tary stamp shown hereon I cenl') under me penalty of perlury that 1hc m:s-k saal on the OOCuMenl to .. I whtcn th~ sIa!ement IS attached reads as follows TRACT 12271 NEWPORT - NORTH SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT "R" VILLAS EXHIBIT J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "R" J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "(4" J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "R" J.N. : 85-408 - NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "6" J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH . VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "A" J.N. : 85-408 \ I I"' .:. .,. . .. . .. . . : ' . ' ...: .. .. . . . ... P=36.4 @TIi i X P, NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "R" J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "w J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "Ff" J.N. : 85-408 NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS SIDEYARD EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT "w J.N. : 85-408 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND, WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, One Civic Plaza, Suite #I00 Newport Beach, Cal i forni a 92660 Recoidsd at ihe request of FIRST AMER. TITLE INS. CO. 8:OO A.M. MAR 1 81387 Officlal necoras Grange County. C-I" ,..i.o;;lia Attention: Jennifer Jupp 5G in %-d ~ecoioer (Space Above for Recorder's Use) NOTICE OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND - SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PHASE 4 OF THE TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR THIS NOTICE. OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ("Notice of Addition") is made by DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a California corporation ("Declarant"). PREAMBLE A. On July 23, 1986, Declarant executed a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easement for THE TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR ("Decl arat ion"). The Decl arat ion was recorded as Instrument No. 86-319406, in the Official Records of Orange County, Cal ifornia ("Official Records"). The Declaration is binding upon a1 1 Own- ers of Condominiums in the condominium project known as THE TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR ("Project"). 6. Declarant is the owner of certain real property- ("Added Territory") in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, described as follows: Lots 4 and F of Tract No. 11949, shown on a Subdivision Map Recorded on June 26, 1986 in Book 561, Pages 1 to 5, inclusive, of Miscella- neous Maps, and Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment L.L.A. 86-13 recorded February 9, 1987 as Instrument No. 87-073080, in the Office of the Orange County Recorder, California. C. On July 21, 1986, Declarant executed a Condominium Plan for the Added Territory. The Phase 4 Condominium Plan was recorded on July 23, 1986, as Instrument No. 86-319405, of Official Records of Orange County, Cal iforni a. 0. Pursuant to Article XVI of the Declaration, Declarant now desires to add the Added Territory to the property already subject to the Declaration, as Phase 4 of the Project. THEREFORE, DECLARANT HEREBY DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: 1. Annexation of Added Territory. Declarant, as the owner of the Added Territory, hereby declares that the Added Territory is annexed to and made a part of the real property already subject to the Declaration, as Phase 4 of the Project. This Notice of Addition constitutes a Notice of Addition of Territory as described in Section 16.04 of the Declaration. Page Two 2. Jnterests in Common Areas. Subject to the provisions of Section 11.04 of the Declaration, the Owners of Condominiums in the Added Territory shall have an undivided one-twentieth (1/20) interest in the Common Areas which are located in the Added Territory for each Condomini um owned. Such Common Areas shall be conveyed in fee simple to the Owners of Condominiums in the Added Territ.ory as tenants in common, subject to cer- tain reservations and easement rights. 3. Restricted Common Areas. Declarant hereby reserves, for the benefit of certain Owners of Condominiums in the Added Territory, exclusive easements over portions of the Common Areas in the Added Territory for patio, balcony and driveway purposes, as shown and assigned in the Ph.ase 4 Condominium Plan and as further described in the Decl arati on. 4. Reciprocal Cross-Easements Between Phases. Subject to annexation of additional property as set forth in Section 16.01 of the Declaration: (i) Declarant hereby reserves for the benefit of and appurtenant to the Condominiums located in the Project and their respective Owners, non-exclusive easements to use the Common Areas (other than any buildings or Restricted Common Areas) in Phase 4, pursuant to and in the manner set forth in the Declaration, to the same extent and with the same effect as if each of the Owners of a Condominium in each Phase of Development owned and undivided interest in the Common Areas in Phase 4. (ii) Declarant hereby grants, for the benefit of and appurtenant to each Condominium in Phase 4 and their Owners, a non-exclusive easement to use the Common Areas (other than any buildings or Restricted Common Areas) and Association Property, if any, In each Phase of Development of the Project, pursuant to the provisions and in the manner s6t forth in the Declaration, to the same extent and with the same effect as if each of the Owners of a Condominium in Phase 4 owned an undivided interest in the Common Areas in each Phase of Development of the Project. These reciprocal cross-easements shall be effective, as to each Phase of Development of the Project, only upon the first Close of Escrow for the sale of a Condominium in such Phase of Development. Prior to such first Close of Escrow neither Phase 4 nor the other Phases of Development shall be affected by these reciprocal cross-easements. 5. members hi^ in Association Each Owner of one or more Condominiums in the Added Territory shall automatically become a member of The Terraces - at Corona del Mar Community Association ("Association"), a California non- profit mutual benefit corporation, as provided in Section 2.03 of the Dec- laration. 6. Assessment Obliqations The rights and obligations of all Owners of Condominiums located in the Added Territory with respect to the payment of assessments to the Association are set forth in Article V of the Declaration. The Annual Assessments to be paid to the Association shall commence as to all Condominiums in the Added Territory on the first day of the first calendar month following the first Close of Escrow for the sale of a Condominium in the Added Territory, as provided in Section 5.05 of the Declaration. All of the Added Territory is a Phase of Development as defined in the Declaration. Page Three 7. Land Classification a. Residential Lot, Lot 4 of the Added Territory is hereby classified to be Residential under the Declaration on which Condominiums shall be 1 ocated . b. Association Properties. Lot F and Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment L.L.A. 86-13 recorded February 9, 1987 as Instrument No. 87-073080 of Official Records of the Added Territory is hereby classified to be Association Property under the Declaration. 8. Maintenance Obl iaations. The maintenance obl igations of the Association, the Owners and Decl arant are described in the Declaration. The Association shall assume its maintenance obligations with respect to the Added Territory upon the commencement of Annual Assessments in the Added Territory to the Association. 9. Conformitv with Develooment Plan. This Notice of Addition is in conformity with the development plan currently on file with the DRE, and is being Recorded prior to the seventh (7th) anniversary of the Recordation of the Declaration. This Notice of Addition is being Recorded prior to the third (3rd) anniversary of the original issuance of the most recently issued Final Subdivision Public Report from the DRE for a Phase of Development of the Properties, as described in Sections 16.01 and 16.02 of the Declaration. 10. Miscellaneous The provisions of this Notice of Addition shall run with all of the ~dded Territory, the Project, and the Association Properties, shall be binding upon all persons having or acquiring any interest in the Added Territory, the Project, the Association Properties, or any part thereof, shall inure to the benefit of and bbrden every portion of the Added Territory, and the Project, the Associations Properties, and any interest therein, and shall inure to the benefit of, be binding upon, and may be enforced by any Owner, Decl arant, each successor in interest of Declarant, the Associations, and their successive owners and assigns. Except as otherwise provided herein, the terms in this Notice of Addition shall have the same meanings as are given such terms by the Declaration. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all of the provisions of the Declaration are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Page Four This Notice of Addition has been executed to be effective as of the date of its Recordation. DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Cal i forni a corporation By : Its: *' By : Its: . ' . "Decl arant" STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY ORANGE 1 On - - . , 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared - and personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons who.executed the within instrument as and , respectively, or on behalf of DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, the corporation therein named, and acknowl edqed to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. / P- ,' ed * 1 ,'3/ \ 'I,:-:/ , Notary Tub1 ic in and for said,/State RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND, WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: DONALD L. BREN COMPANY One Civic Plaza, Suite #I00 Newport Beach, Cal i forni a 92660 NOTICE OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PHASE 5 OF . THE TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR THIS NOTICE OF ADDITION OF TERRITORY AND SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ("Notice of Addition") is made by DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Cal i forni a corporation ("Decl arant") . PREAMBLE A. On July 23, 1986, Declarant executed a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easement for THE TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR ("Declaratioc"). Tho Declaraticn was recorded as ~nstrument No. 86-319406, in the Official Records of Orange County, Cal ifornia ("Official Records"). The Declaration is binding upon a1 1 Own- ers of Condominiums in the condominium project known as THE TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR ("Project" ) . B. Declarant is the owner of certain real property ("Added - Territory") in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, described as fol 1 ows: Lot 5 of Tract No. 11949, shown on a Subdivision Map Recorded on June 26, 1986 in Book 561, Pages 1 to 5, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, ,' in the Office of the Orange County Recorder, Cal ifornia. I C. On July 21, 1986, Declarant executed a Condominium Plan for the Added Territory. The Phase 5 Condominium Plan was recorded on July 23, 1986, as Instrument No. 86-319405, of Official Records of Orange County, Cal ifornia. D. Pursuant to Article XVI of the Declaration, Declarant now desires to add the Added Territory to the property already subject to the Declaration, as Phase 5 of the Project. THEREFORE, DECLARANT HEREBY DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: 1. Annexation of Added Territorv. Declarant, as the owner of the Added Territory, hereby declares that the Added .Territory is annexed to and made a part of the real property already subject to the Declaration, as Phase 5 of the Project. This Notice of Addition constitutes a Notice of Addition of Territory as described in Section 16.04 of the Declaration. Page Two 2. Interests in Common Areas. Subject to the provisions of Section 11.04 of the Declaration, the Owners of Condominiums in the Added Territory shall have an undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in the Common Areas which are located in the Added Territory for each Condominium owned. Such Common Areas shall be conveyed in fee simple to the Owners of Condom- iniums in the Added Territory as tenants in common, subject to certain reservations and easement rights. 3. Restricted Common Areas. Decl arant hereby reserves, for the benefit of certain Owners of Condominiums in the Added Territory, exclusive easements over portions of the Common Areas in the Added Territory for patio, balcony and driveway purposes, as shown and assigned in the Phase 5 Condominium Plan and as further described in the Decl aration. 4. Reciorocal Cross-Easements Between Phases. Subject to annexation of additional property as set forth in Section 16.01 of the Declaration: (i) Declarant hereby reserves for the benefit of and appurtenant to the Condominiums located in the Project and their respective Owners, non-exclusive easements to use the Common Areas (other than any buildings or Restricted Common Areas) in Phase 5, pursuant to and in the manner set forth in the Declaration, to the same extent and with the same effect as if each of the Owners of a Condominium in each Phase of Development owned and undivided interest in the Common Areas in Phase 5. (i i) Declarant hereby grants, for the benefit of and appurtenant 'to each Condominium in Phase 5 and their Owners, a non-exclusive easement to use the Common Areas (other than any buildings or Restricted Common Areas) and Association Property, if any, in each Phase of Development of the Project, pursuant to the provisions and in the manner set forth in the Declaration, to the same extent and with the same effect as if each of the Owners of a Condominium in Phase 5 owned an undivided interest in the Common Areas in each Phase of Development of the Project. These reciprocal cross-easements shall be effective, as to each Phase of Development of the Project, only upon the first Close of Escrow for the sale of a Condominium in such Phase of Development. Prior to such first Close of Escrow neither Phase 5 nor the other Phases of Development shall . be affected by these reciprocal cross-easements. 5. Membershio in Association Each Owner of one or more Condominiums in the Added Territory shall automatically become a member of The Terraces at Corona del Mar Community Association ("Association"), a California non- profit mutual benefit corporation, as provided in Section 2.03 of the Dec- laration. 6. Assessment Obliaations The rights and obligations of all Owners of Condominiums located in the Added Territory with respect to the payment of assessments to the Association are set forth in Article V of the Declaration. The Annual Assessments to be paid to the Association shall commence as to all Condominiums in the Added Territory on the first day of the first calendar month following the first Close of Escrow for the sale of a Condominium in the Added Territory, as provided in Section 5.05 of the Declaration. All of the Added Territory is a Phase of Development as defined in the Declaration. Page Three 7. Land Classification a. Residential Lot. Lot 5 of the Added Territory is hereby classified to be Residential under the Declaration on which Condominiums shall be 1 ocated. 8. Maintenance Obliaations. The maintenance obligations of the Association, the Owners and Declarant are described in the Declaration. The Association shall assume its maintenance obl igations with respect to the Added Territory upon the commencement of Annual Assessments in the Added Territory to the Association. 9. Conformitv with Development Plan. This Notice of Addition is in conformity with the development plan currently on file with the DRE, and is being- Recorded prior to the seventh (7th) anniversary of Recordation of the Declaration. This Notice of Addition is being Re prior to the third (3rd) anniversary of the original issuance of the recently issued Final Subdivision Public Report from the DRE for a of Development of the Properties, as described in Sections 16.01 and of the Declaration. 10. Miscellaneous. The provisions of this Notice of Addition run with all of the Added Territory, the Project, and the Associ Properties, shall be binding upon all persons having or acquiring any interest in the Added Territory, the Project, the Association Properties, or any part thereof, shall inure to the benefit of and burden every portion of the Added Territory, and the Project, the Associations Properties, and any interest therein, and shall inure to the benefit of, be binding upon, and may be enforced by any Owner, Declarant, each successor in interest of Declarant, the Associations, and their successive owners and assigns. Except as otherwise provided herein, the terms in this Notice of Addition shall have the same meanings as are given such terms by the Declaration. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all of the provisions of the Declaration are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. the orded most Phase 16.02 shall at i on . . .- - A - ------------- Page 'Four This Notice of Addition has been executed to be effective as of its Recordation. DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a Cal ifornia corporation c- * 1 -. By:=- -TC_ -- -- .. Its: Its: , - "Decl arant" STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY ORANGE 1 On , 1987, before me, the undersigned, a tlotary for said State, personally appeared and personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of evidence to be the persons who exeated the within instrument and -, rcspect5~zly, or DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, the corporation therein named, and to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ----.-*- -C - ^ r- j G -. . . ! ,' /. Notary Public in and for said State hff~llabry~0nthr-m HMehW~ntbm-a cnlhwr: NafnBalm: .- - ODmmWon Explm: damlyWhereBondaF#ed: 3 - - ~uc€OFEEcuncm -2 ' .J'- -/ of the date Pub1 i c in and . . satisfactory acknowl edged Tract NO. 11949, as' ahown on the Subdivision Map, Filed on June 26, 1986, in Book 561, at Pages 1 to 5, inclusive, of Miacellaneoua Magm, in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. McKITTRICK, JACKSON, DeMARCO & PECKENPAUGH (FSJ) 4041 MacArthur Boulevard Post Office Box 2710 Newport Beach, California 92658-8995 (Space Above for Recorder'. Use) .. . . SECOND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS FOR CE AT CORONA PRfr MAR Thi8 Second Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restriction8 and Reservation of Easements for The Terrace at Corona del Mar (%econd Amendmentn) is executed by DONALD L. BREN COMPANY, a California corporation ("Dsclarantw), and THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a California corporation (wAsrociation~). . - A. On July 7, 1986, Declarant executed a Declaration of Covenantm, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for The Terrace at Corona del Mar (*Declarationn). The Declaration was Recorded on July 23, 1986, as Instrument No. 860319406, of Official Recordo of Orange County, California. B. On Augumt 20, 1986, Declarant executed a First Amendment to the Declaration (nFirst Amendmentn). The First Amendment was Recorded on August 22, 1986, as Instrument No. 860379219, of Official Records of Orange County, California. C. Tha Daclaration covers all or a portion of certain real propert in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of Cal 1 fornia, described as followm: D. Article XIII, Bection 13.02 of the Declaration provides a procedure for amending the Declaration. As of the bate of Recordation of thirr Second Amendment, Declarant is the Owner of all of the Property currently covered by the Declaration, no Clome of Escrow ham occurred for the sale of a Condominium, and no Mortgagee must consent to the within Amendment. This Second Amendment conotitutem a Cortificate of Amendment am described in Article XIII, Section 13.02 of the Declaration. The Declarant and the Association wieh to amend the Declaration to revire the aound insulation r.quirement8 within the Project. . THEREFORE, Declarant and the Amsociation hereby declare as followa: 1. d fnsulation Recruirements, Declarant and the Association hereby declare that Article VIII, Section 8.06 of the Declaration is hereby amended, such that the language added by the First Amendment is amended to read as follows: WThere shall be no hard floorin eurfaces S (such as, without limitation, t le, wood, marble or vinyl) allowed on any of the floor@ of any of the uphill (eecond mtory) Units in the Project. Carpeting must be installed on all flooring aurfaces of the uphill Units, in order to reduce sound transmiseion- from the uphill Units to the downhill Units. The uphill Units are common1 referred to a6 Jasmine Star Plan 12) Un ts, and the basic floor I f lan 8 ahown on Exhibit attached Eereto and incorporated herein by thia reference. Exhibit WAN is illustrative only, ahowing the general location of rooms in the Unit and containing only approximate dimensions which are not necessarily drawn to 8cale. The Board of Director. rhall have the ri ht of entry P f to each and every u hill Un t at any reaeonable time, fo lowing at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice, to inspect tho Units for possiblo violation. of tho revisions of mi8 Section 8.06 of tho ~ec ! arationoW 2. ~ce~eou~. The provision8 of thi8 Second Amendment are intended to supersede the provisions of the Firat Amendment. Except as expressly modified herein, the capitalized tormm in this Second Amndment shall have the mime meaning8 a8 given such terms in the Declaration. Except as amended herein, +ha Declaration im hereby ratiffad and confirmed by Declarant and the Association. This Second Amendment has been executed on May 26 , 1987. DONALD L, BREN COMPANY, a Cali;-a corporation 1t8: President Its: Assfstant Secretarv wDeclarantw THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a California corporation STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ) 880 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE On , 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub1 and for aaid State, permonally appeared and I to me or prove baeia of aatimfactorv evidence to be the persona who executed the - - within in8tgbament a8 President and Asst. Secretarv or -. on behalf of DONALD L, BREN COMPANY, the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation ucecuted it. WITNESS ray hand and official aeal. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE On M R , 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notaw Puben and for maid State, permonally appeared ck and Green I to me or provede satisfactory evidence to be the peroons who executed the - within inst-ment as President and Ciecretarv or on behalf of TERR2KE ]LT CORONA DEL )YLR COM~UNITY ASSOCIATION, the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and -WING SHOWING APPROXIMATE LAYOUT Or IJNVNITS =mIm BTAR - 12 1 Plan 12 Two BEDROOMS, DEN,TWO BATHS UPPER LEVEL (SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE) THIRD AMENDMENI' TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS FOR THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS for THE TERRACE AT CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ("Third Amendment") is made by The Terrace at Corona del Mar Community Association ("Association"). PREAMBLE A. On July 7, 1986, Donald L. Bren Company, a California corporation ("Declarant"), executed a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for The Terrace at Corona del Mar Community Association .rrh:n\ vvLAAbl rrrnr. vvua -an-rrJ.3J L~bvl uu on hly 23, 1986, as Instr~imenr NO. 86-319406 of the Official Records of Orange County, California ("Official Records") ("Declaration"). B. On August 20, 1986, Declarant executed a "First Amendment" to the Declaration which was recorded on August 22,1986, as Instrument No. 86-379212 of Official Records. C. On May 29, 1987, Declarant caused to be recorded a "Second Amendment" to the Declaration, as Instrument No. 87-303528 of Official Records. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY D. The Association is situated in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and described legally on Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS E. A list of property owners of Association required by Government Code, Section 27288.1, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference. F. The undersigned President and Secretary of the Association hereby certify that the following amendment has been approved by the members representing at least sixty- seven percent (67%) of the voting power of the Association, which approval was obtained by Written Ballot on Cctober 11, 1994, pursuant to Corporations Code, Sections 75 12,75 13, 7514, and which meet the requirements of Civil Code, Section 1355. NOW, THEREFORE, the Association hereby amends the Declaration as follows: 1. Amend Article I, Section 1.45, to read in full as follows: Section 1.45. Oualifvine: Resident. Subject to the provisions of Section 16.02 of this Declaration, "Qualifying Resident" shall mean a natural Person who is fifty-five (55) years of age or older. Qualifying Resident shall also mean a "Qualifymg Cohabitant" who shall be any one or more of the following who have an ownership interest in, or an expectation of an ownership interest in, the Unit: (i) the husband or wife, regardless of age, of a Qualifying Resident; (ii) any natural Person, regardless of age, living with a Qualifymg Resident as a husband or wife although not actually married; (iii) any natural Person, regardless of age, residing with and providing primary physical or economic support to a Qualifymg Resident; or (iv) any natural Person forty-five (45) years of age or older living with a Qualifying Resident. The intent of this Section 1.45 is that The Terrace at Corona del Mar Community Association hs 2 se~icr citizen hmsiq de=leloprr,er: within the meaning of applicable State and Federal laws. In addition to the duties and the powers of the Association as set forth in this Declaration and the By-Laws, it shall be the duty and power of the Association to establish age verification procedures, rules and regulations, sample lease provisions, and undertake any other actions which may be necessary or appropriate, in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, to preserve and maintain the Association's age restriction, and its status as a senior citizen housing development which provides housing opportunities for older persons, under applicable State and Federal laws. 2. Amend Article XVI, Section 16.02, to read in full as follows: Section 16.02. Other Additions. In addition to the provision for annexation specified in Section 16.01 above, additional real property may be annexed to the Properties and brought within the general plan and scheme of this Declaration upon the approval by vote or written consent of Members entitled to exercise no less than two-thirds (2/3rds) of the voting power of the Association. 3. Ratification of Declaration. The Declaration, except as amended by the First, Second and Third Amendments, is hereby ratified and confirmed by the parties and shall continue to be in full force and effect. This Third Amendment has been executed by the undersigned on , 1995: - THE TERRACE AT CORONA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, nonprofit mutual benefit corporation DEL MAR a California By: . President j , Secretary LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lots 1-5 and C, D, E, F and H of Tract 11949, as shown on the Subdivision Map filed on June 26, 1986, in Book 561, Pages 1-5, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the Orange County Recorder, and Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment 86-13 recorded on February 9, 1987, as Instrument No. 87-073080, in the office of the Orange County Recorder. EXHIBIT "A" STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 3 mm OF ORANGE 1 ERNEST W. NEBEN to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within htrummt and ackncnwledgd to me that he/she/they executed the same in h&/her/their authorized capacit(ies)) and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon beha d which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and oSfichl seal. Q &JR (Signature of Notary) RIGHT THUMBPRINT t-ONAL) 0 OTHER THE TERRACE AT CORONA DRL MAR - PRESIDENT I ATTENTION NOTARY: l?w information requested below is OPTIONAL It muM, however, prevent fraudulent attachment of this cdfkato to any unauthorized document. THIS CERnFlCATE l?tk or Typa of Document: MUST BE ATTACHED Numb of Pqp~ Dnta of Documant 4 -6-35 TO THE DOCUMENT S(pm(8) ahr Than NM.d Abovo~C 9 DESCRIBED AT RGHT / T I STATE OF CALIFORNIA 3 1 OF ORANGE 1 personally known to me - OR - proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name&) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacit (ies) y, l and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) RIGHT THUMBPRINT (OPTIONAL) CAPACITY WMED BY SIGNER(S) PARTNER(S) ATTORNEY IN FACT 0 TRUSTEE(S) 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR 0 OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (name of person(s) or entit(ies)y THE TERRACE AT - any unauthorized document. ATTENTION NOTARY: The information requested below is OPTIONAL It could, however, prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to 11 THIS CERTIFICATE ~ith M TVD~ of Docurnant: 4- 6 - ;-7-T Y . . .. - . . .. . -. . . - . . .. - -. , - -. - - . -. . . -. .~ - MUST BE ATTACHED Number of Pages Date of Docupent TO THE DOCUMENT Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: 3k. ('1. 4' DESCRIBED AT RIGHT //