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14 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Bf siness/Buil ing ame: r" %i ism" Y �''(t/1 sp�Ic}tion Date: e t! t (,c) Add ess: j � j _ i Issue Date'• Notice of lkeinspection"and Non -Compliance Suite: B sijinPh[n : , 9' co Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division1 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. mmmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nff" n -Iv) V t fi -� i o �� � r.. MR Bi 6 t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. . - rint - Responsible Party L.'pect& Signature — Responsible Party �44 Inspection Unit Remspection Date w " 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). 1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. 11008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. 1605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building, or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 111E liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] 0 0 Revised Jan 2011 3 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Cover Sheet NFPA 25 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Property Information: 5 YEAR/TITLE 19 INSPECTION 4-26-13 Name: Southern California Real Estate Occupancy/Use: 304-11 0 _ o�� Address: 180 Newport Center Drive Construction Type: III -A City: New.port BeachCA No. of Stories: 3 µp ZIP: 92660 Year Constructed: N/A Contact: K[ystin Anderson Telephone: (714) 259-0286 I Contractor Information: Name: Kelly Fire Protection, Inc Address: 10141 Theseus Drive City: Huntington Beach State: California, 92646 Telephone: 714-907-7586 CA License# C-16 878823 Job # 4387 Performed by: Sean Kane (Print) Note: Contractor information may be pre-printed —1— Number of System Risers Copy sent to: - M Owner Date 4-26-13 - p Fire AHJ Date 4-26-13 ❑ Contractor Date NOTES: 1) For specific inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements and information, see NFPA 25, 2002 Edition as amended by California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 5, §901 to §906. 2) Inspection Items may be performed by the Owner in accordance with CA Title 19 Paragraph 904.1 (a) Forms included with this report NFPA 25 Chapter Number of Forms N/A FAIL* PASS Q Fire Sprinkler Systems 5 ❑ Standpipe and Hose Systems 6 ❑ Private Fire Main Systems 7 ❑ Fire Pumps 8 ❑ Water Storage Tanks 9 ❑ Water Spray Fixed Systems 10 ❑ Foam -Water Sprinkler Systems 11 *See "Deficiencies and Comments" section at end of each respective form. State Fire Marshal Form AES 1 March 21, 2006 ANNEX B 25-79 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 1-9 Page 1 of 4 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 4-26-13 System Riser ID:, 1 Property Information: 5 Year Inspection t: C-4 4� Name: Southern California Real Estate Type of System: Wet PipeP�y ��O p ® ❑ Dry Pipe Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction ., Contact: Krystin Anderson ❑ Deluge MP City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Main Drain Test Results: Abbreviation Key: I = Inspection Initial Static Pressure: 116 (psi) T = Test M = Maintenance Residual Pressure: 92 (psi) A-0 = After -Operation MI = Per Manufacturer's Instructions Restored Static Pressure: 115 (psi) Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference. Fail N/A Pass 1.1 1 Daily Preaction/Deluge Valves — Enclosure - Weeklytemperature 1.2 1 Daily Dry Pipe Valves — Enclosure, Weeklytemperature Gauges (Dry, Preaction, Deluge 1.3 I Quarterly Systems) X . 1.4 I Quarterly Control Valves 1.5 1 Quarterly Alarm Devices 5.2.6 X 1.6 1 Quarterly Gauges (Wet Pipe Systems) X 1.7 1 Quarterly Hydraulic nameplate 5.2.7, 1.8 1 Quarterly Pipe and Fittings 5.2.2 X 1.9 1 Quarterly Sprinklers 5.2.1 X 1.10 1 Quarterly Spare Sprinklers X 1.11 1 Quarterly Fire Department Connections 127.1 1.12 1 Quarterly Alarm Valves'— Exterior Inspection 1.13 1 Quarter) y Preaction/Deluge Valves — Exterior Inspection 1.14 1 Quarterly Pressure Reducing Valves -12.5.1..1 X 1.15 1 Quarterly Dry Pipe Valves — Exterior Inspection 1.16 1 Quarterly Backflow Preventers 12.6.1 1.17 1 Annually Buildings 5.2.5' State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. - 10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 25-80 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 2 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 4-26-13 System Riser ID: I Property Information: 01F CAA Type of System: ,�� p Name: Southern Calif. Real Estate M Wet Pipe ❑ Dry Pipe Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluge q ARE Mp City: Newport Beach CA 99660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.18 I Annually Hangers 5.2.3 1.19 I Annually Seismic Braces 5.2.3 1.20 1 5 Years Hangers (Accessible concealed spaces) 1.21 1 5 Years Seismic Braces (Accessible concealed spaces) 1.22 1 5 Years Pipe and Fittings (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1.23 1 5 Years Sprinklers (Accessible concealed spaces) 1.24 1 5 Years Alarm Valves — Interior Inspection 1.25 1 5 Years Alarm Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices 1.26 1 5 Years Check Valves — Interior Inspection 1.27 1 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves — Interior Inspection X 1.28 1 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices 1.29 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves — Interior Inspection 1.30 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices 2.1 T Annually Alarm Devices (90 Sec) 5.3.3 12.2.7 X .12.2.6 2.2 T Annually Main Drain Test (Enter data on Page 1) X 2.3 T Annually Antifreeze Test 5.3.4 2.4 T Annually Control Valve - Position 2.5 T Annually Control Valve — Operation 2.6 T Annually Supervisory X 2.7 T Annually Preaction Valve — Priming Water X 2.8 T Annually Preaction Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm 2.9 T Annually Preaction Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. - 10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 ANNEX B 25-81 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 3 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 4-26-13 System Riser ID: I — Property Information: OF.Cg4/x- Type of System: ,�I p Name: Southern Calif Real Estate ® Wet Pipe ❑ Dry Pipe `� v Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluge Mp City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 2.10 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Priming Water 2.11 T Annually DryPipe Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm X 2.12 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Quick -Opening Device X 2.13 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Trip Test 2.14 T Annually Backflow Preventer Assemblies 12.6.2 2.15 T 3 Years Dry Pipe Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X 2.16 T 5 Years Gauges 5.3.2 2.17 T . 5 Years Pressure Reducing Valve 2.18 T 5 Years Fire Department Connection Backflush 12.7.4 2.19 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Extra High Temperature X 2.20 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Corrosive environment or corrosive water 2.21 T 10 Years Sprinklers - Dry X 2.22 T 20 Years Sprinklers - Fast Response 2.23 T 50 Years Sprinklers'.1 2.24 T 75 Years Sprinklers 75 years in service 2.25 T ers manufactured prior to 1920 Sprinklers X 3.1 M Annually Control Valves 12.3.4 3.2 M Annually Preaction/Deluge Valves X 3.3 M AnnuallyDry Pipe Valves/Quick-Opening Devices 3.4 M Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Low Point Drains 3.5 M 5 Years Obstruction Investigation -Visuals Chapter 13 State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21; 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. - 10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 25-82 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Page 4 of 4 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 4-26-13 System Riser ID: 1 Property Information: of CA �7'Op Type of System:. 92 Name: Southern Calif Real Estate ____- Wet Pipe ❑ Dry Pipe n Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluge 9�RE MP City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Item Deficiencies and Comments: Deficiencies and Comments Item number must correspond to the Item number of the Activity listed above: Complet d the 5 Yr./Title Fore Sprinkler Inspection at the above named- location. The building is 3 Stories wif h 9 finors of officps and I Level Parking G';;rage, FirL- Sprinkler ri-,L-r is located in-sidp the Parking Garage qlonq thn hack wall Fire pand is located in the Rprtrical Room next tothg- Flevator Afthe Pirking I evel The fires stem is monitored by Boyd & Assoc. Electrical Room Lock Box Code is 239. The FDC is located behind the building along the side wall. The FDC check valve is above the T-bar ceiling. near the riser. No discrel2ancies noted. the building is tested on a quarterly basis and any discrepanciesfound were corrected/repaired. The riser was CERTIFIED with a 5 year sticker dated 4/2013. ❑ See Continuation Page(s) (indicate the number of continuation pages)- ® PASS ❑ FAIL Sean Kelly 4-26-13 Signature Date State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. -10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964=0355 Fax: (714) 9684610 0-16 878823 A NEWPORT BEACH. FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE . 01H_�T o. Busine , ld' Nrm—AL 10, '. Inspection at,e* 0`12 A,ddresp- (K) Issue Date: Notice of Reinspec6OV arid Non -Compliance Suite: 1 Bb 'nests, one; i-,\ Issue Date: Notice of Refeff7aVto the Fire Prevention Division P _,the vioI64.n(s) listed belo were noted. As a result of a fire inspection b�� the NewporiBeach e Departmen, W, violation code descriptions.; See, reverse side for Date Cleared td (nffinn wqn nniv) 14 FV I. uli4A J I V SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self-cledred by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Signature — Responsible Party Inspection Unit' 'A Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] • AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1) EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] • F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.53 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10, (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class f liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11115 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41) Revised fan 2011 'a • :7 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 180 NEWPORT CENTER DR 4728Z NE64B 89709 NE64B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load- Inspection Type: 15,000 TYPE III -1HR B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: 180 BUILDING (949) 640-0600 Yes No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: 180 Newport Center Drive South Side of Front Door Apr 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: So. Cal. Real Estate Services No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (949) 259-9900 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A �MFIXMFM Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Class 3 - Domestic Partial - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 29, 2008 Apr 29, 2008 Main FA panel in garage electrical room. Annunciator panel by entrance to Suite 140. *Only suite 158 has a fire alarms stem.* Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: In parking garage on East wall. N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Inside parking garage to the right. 50 yards north of Farallon on No No Anacapa Permits: Code Violation Description ZZ Make FDC visible, either by raising pipe or cutting bushes and posting signage. ZZ Raise the FDC 36" so it can be seen from Anacapa Drive. ZZ Replace ceiling tiles that are missing over the trash dumpster in the Notes: Serena E11�grProi Status Issue Date Issued By Cleared I May 4,2010 1 Zaccaro, I Cleared May 13,2011 Zaccaro, Rick Cleared Apr 25,2012 Zaccaro, Rick Printed: 4/25/2013 180 NEWPORT CENTER DR Page: 1 • 0 ANNEX B 25-79 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Page 1 of 4 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 6-4-15 System Riser ID: 1 Property Information: Annual Inspection OF CAA Type of System: _ ,� 'cp 9y Name: DMP Properties ® Wet Pipe Ca ❑ Dry Pipe a Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction Contact: Dawn Phillips 949-706-8344 ❑ Deluge � ARE MP City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Main Drain Test Results: Abbreviation Key: I = Inspection Initial Static Pressure: 140 (psi) T = Test M = Maintenance Residual Pressure: 127 (psi) A-O = After Operation MI = Per Manufacturer's Instructions Restored Static Pressure: 140 (psi) Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass Daily Preaction/Deluge Valves — Enclosure 1.1 I Weekly temperature 1.2 I Daily Dry Pipe Valves — Enclosure Weekly temperature X Gauges (Dry, Preaction, Deluge 1.3 I Quarterly Systems) X 1.4 I Quarterly Control Valves 1.5 I Quarterly Alarm Devices 5.2.6 1.6 I Quarterly Gauges (Wet Pipe Systems) 1.7 I Quarterly Hydraulic nameplate 5.2.7 1.8 I Quarterly Pipe and Fittings 5.2.2 1.9 1 Quarterly Sprinklers 5.2.1 X 1.10 1 Quarterly Spare Sprinklers X 1.11 1 Quarterly Fire Department Connections 12.7.1 X 1.12 1 Quarterly Alarm Valves — Exterior Inspection 1.13 1 Quarter) y Preaction/Deluge Valves — Exterior Inspection 1.14 1 Quarterly Pressure Reducing Valves X 1.15 1 Quarterly Dry Pipe Valves — Exterior Inspection 1.16 1 Quarterly Backflow Preventers 12.6.1 1.17 I Annually Buildings 5.2.5 State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. -10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 25-80 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 2 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 6-4-15 System Riser ID: 1 Property Information: Annual Inspection OF CA4- Type of System: 'p 9y Name: DMP Properties ® Wet Pipe �•� `� ❑ Dry Pipe a Address: 180 Newport Center Drove ❑ Preaction .r ❑ Deluge q MP City: Newport Beach CA 99660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.18 I Annually Hangers 5.2.3 X 1.19 I Annually Seismic Braces 5.2.3 X 1.20 I 5 Years Hangers (Accessible concealed spaces) 1.21 I 5 Years Seismic Braces (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1.22 I 5 Years Pipe and Fittings (Accessible concealed spaces) 1.23 I 5 Years Sprinklers (Accessible concealed spaces) 1.24 I 5 Years Alarm Valves — Interior Inspection 1.25 1 5 Years Alarm Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices 1.26 I 5 Years Check Valves — Interior Inspection 1.27 I 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves — Interior Inspection X 1.28 I 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices 1.29 I 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves — Interior Inspection 1.30 I 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices 2.1 T Annually Alarm Devices (90 Sec) 5.3.3 12.2.7 12.2.6 2.2 T Annually Main Drain Test (Enter data on Page 1) X 2.3 T Annually Antifreeze Test 5.3.4 2.4 T Annually Control Valve - Position 12:3.3.1 X 2.5 T Annually Control Valve — Operation X 2.6 T Annually Supervisory X 2.7 T Annually Preaction Valve —Priming Water X 2.8 T Annually Preaction Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm 2.9 T 'Annually Preaction Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. - 10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 ANNEX B 25-81 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 3 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 6-4-15 System Riser ID: 1 Property Information: Annual Inspection pV: CA4' Type of System: Name: DMP Properties M Wet Pipe ❑ Dry Pipe a Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction �► ❑ Deluge E MP City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 2.10 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Priming Water 2.11 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm X 2.12 T AnnuallyDry Pipe Valve — Quick -Opening Device 2.13 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Trip Test 2.14 T Annually Backflow Preventer Assemblies 12.6.2 2.15 T 3 Years Dry Pipe Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X 2.16 T 5 Years Gauges 5.3.2 X 2.17 , T 5 Years Pressure Reducing Valve 2.18 T 5 Years Fire Department Connection Backflush 12.7.4 2.19 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Extra High Temperature X 2.20 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Corrosive environment or corrosive water 2.21 T 10 Years Sprinklers - Dry X 2.22 T 20 Years Sprinklers - Fast Response 2.23 T 50 Years Sprinklers 2.24 T 75 Years Sprinklers 75 years in service 2.25 T Sprinklers manufactured prior to 1920 — Replace X 3.1 M Annually Control Valves 12.3.4 3.2 M Annually Preaction/Deluge Valves X 3.3 M Annually Dry Pipe Valves/Quick-Opening Devices 3.4 M Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Low Point Drains 3.5 M 5 Years Obstruction Investigation -Visuals Chapter 13 State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. - 10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92b46 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 1)4-21 TNCPFCTTnN TRSTTNG_ AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Page 4 of 4 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 6-4-15 System Riser ID: I Property Information: p� CA, Type of System: ,�� p Name: chop Properties IX Wet Pipe ❑ Dry Pipe n Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluge ARE MP City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Item Deficiencies and Comments: Deficiencies and Comments Item number must correspond to the Item number of the Activity listed above: the Annual Fire Sprinkler at the above named location. The building is-3 Stories -inspection with 2 floors of offirps and 1 Level Parking Gar;3q,-. Fare Sprinkler riser is lor;;tpd on-gide thLz Pqrking Garagp— alono-thp h;;rk wall- F*rp panel is-Inr;;tPrj in the Flzctrir;;l Room nizxt tothe Eltmvqtnr;;t the Parking I-L-yel- The fires stem is monitored by Boyd & Assoc. Electrical Room Lock Box Code is 239. The FDC is located behind the building along the side wall. The FDC check valve is above the T-bar ceiling near the riser. Last 5 Year April-2013 Deficiencies: 1. Suite 158 - Add 1) sprinkler head to outside instrument Processing Room. 2. Suite 100- Adjust (4) concealed heads hanging below ceiling. 3. Suite 220 - Add (1) new sprinkler head for proper protection (in lobby reception area). ❑ See Continuation Page(s) (Indicate the number of continuation pages) R PASS ❑ FAIL Sean Kelly 6-4-15 Signature Date State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Kelly Fire Protection, Inc. - 10141 Theseus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 — Phone: (714) 964-0355 Fax: (714) 968-4610 C-16 878823 NBFD inspection Worksheet Dccupancy Type B Occupancy ID # 1514 Assigned NE64B Inspectio ben Month Repea* Vame: Newport Center 180 Location: 180 NEWPORT CENTER DR Description: Complex (Building) Business Phone: (714)800-0995 Business EMaiI Address ❑ Bldg Status In Normal Use tfoster@hannayproperties.com ❑ Stories B -1 A-2 ❑ Fire, Department Permits Required or UpdateNerify Contact Name Day Time Phone After Hours Phone E Mail Contact Involvement Des Attention: Partners Twinrock (949)640-0600 (714)800-0995 E-Mail tobinbrinker@twinrockpartn ers.com Attention: Tami Foster E-Mail tfoster@hannayproperties.c . Billing Address om Attributes: Description Comments Knox Box South Side of Front Door Fire Protection Equipment Type Cert Expiration Date ;Fine: Protection S s erri ° .. __...... :. ,/Sprinkler System Fire Sprinkler System (full) 4/26/2018 .o;F .. Y .,•y.N;..i: bm...w.s+.n>..xw.o:..wo ': .,. ww.e�rx.....a •.,nw.«.&..>y ,/Alarm System Partial - Monitored 6/1/2015 Fire?rotectiorioSysern ,, ✓Sprinkler System Standpipe 4/26/2018 ype Activity Description Assigned/Found Completed Status Assigned to 1/5/2014 Fire Operations Inspection 11/05/2014 11/05/2014 Closed Station, Station 4, NE64, B Fire Operations Inspection 09/30/2015 Open Station, Station 4, NE64, B 1514 This Occupancy Inspection is : OPEN Printed: 10/13/2015 13:15:20 180 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE DISTRICT PRE -PLAN IXI"U Bid/Bus Name: 472 8 PP494 X FDC 704 Alarm Gas Shut Electrical Water Stairwell Standpipe Building Driveway PanelPanel� ® A� Access A� © e w ►1 • FqR A44oHo Knox box / Location: X Construction Information: Number of Stories: X Construction Type: X Roof Construction: X Aerial Obstruction: X ry Q 10 a cal a z a Hazard & Tactical Information: X 4 46N -(,� �v P-Vtt- or �' e 960Y'- ZONE PPWEYVPORT CENTER DRIVE 180.CZD -WI S12008 - OCT-32 02 WED 11 :18 AM EMERGENCY MTCE FIP..E SERV 213 267 1 724 P.02 vl EMERGENCY [MAINTENANCE FIRE SERVICE INC. 228 S. ATLANTIC BLVD. * N LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90022. Phone (323) 263-9209 6 Fax (323) 267-1724 October 2, 2002 Newport Beach Fire Dept. 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 Re: IRES 22 Limited, 180 Newport Center Dr., Newport Beach On 9-30-02, a five year test was performed on the Fire Sprinkler System located at the above address. The test results are below: This is a two story building with parking below. The building is fully sprinklered. The water tlow and tamper devices on the automatic fire sprinkler are monitored of site by the Honeywell Alarm_ Co. Notified Operator #65 of test being conducted. Completed back flow test of Fire Dept. Connection without problems. Check valve checked. FDC rotates smoothly, plugs and gaskets are in place. Local electric bell sounds. Spare head box is full. Tamper and water flow devices were received at monitoring company. 2" Drain Test Results: 140-135-140 Defects Found: A. Bell sign needed. B. Clear Scrubbery around Fire Dept. Connection to allow visibility from,the street. C. Replace 12 volt back up battery in alarm panel. Reading 6.9 volts. D. No other defects found. DA` H', SIGNATURE ------ -- - --- RAY JAURIQUE 2007-06-07 *29 9498514860 >} P 2/2 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE FIRE SERVICE INC. ZZ t9. AMAKM BLVD. b ♦ LOS AWAM, pme (sM 2&VXW # Free (UM, W-1M Newpod Beach Fire Dept. 3300 Nm port B . Re: 11 S 22 Lbobd,190 Newport Ceuta Dr., Newport Br ► On 9.3 , a Avo ; r tOA was p rued 00 dv Fim Ste` Syst"A kr *W At th-- above a&ci m The tit rcm3s are bataw: ris is &two swry buUms wig p+tt'i'* Colo . Tiro bWHf*is A* spmkiered. Tke water flow uJ taper devion ou the Autos fke sprinkla sn monitotcd of siu by dr, Honaywail Abtm Co. Not&d motor #65 ofted being csvnduvW. . Compeer bade fbw tm of Fire DeVL Connection witbmit pmblm& Check vaW ehackad. rDC rot ► r, pWp and gaskeft are m pace. LoW et&*v bell sooads. Spwe bead bow is M. Tampet ad WSW fbw 40AM we" Wcetw d at npon�km► �o,�. . r Drain Test Remb: 140-135-140 fiwts Form& A. &I Ap mod. B. Ckm SmNxfy amend Fite Dept. ConuaWou to allow vWbgity fmm the a tW. C. Iit p 12 volt bok up batWy i. A ni. R 6.9 v*k& D. No vtlar deice A FROM SHELTOH FIRE PROTECTION (TUE>OCT 7 2008 9S: SOfrSjT�.. 76: 49/Ho. 7S00000076 P 2 25-78 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Cover Shalt -� NFPA 25 as amended by CCiR, Title 19 Property information: Name: Stonewood Properties Occupancy !Use: Offices of CA�� 180 Newport Center Drive u Address: Construction Type: � Newport Beach, CA City: No. Stories: ZIP: 92660 Year Constructed: ' Contact: Beth (Stonewood Properties) Telephone: 949-260-9100OX 227 Contractor Information: 1 Number of System Risers Shelton Fire Protection Co., i Name: � Copy sent to: Address: 22745 La Palma Avenue KOwner Date City: Yorba Linda KFire AHJ Date State: CA c Contractor Date Telephone: 714-692-3573 NOTES: C- 16, 0-34 677631 1) For specific inspection, testing, and CA License# maintenance requirements and information, see NFPA 25, 2002 Edition as amended by Job # California Code of Regulations, Title 19, §901 Performed by: � Joe McMillen ----- to §906. — (Print) 2) Inspection Items may be performed by the Owner in accordance with Califomia Code of Note: Contractor Information may be pre-printed Regulations Title 19 §904.1(a) Forms included with this report ! NFPA 25 i Chapter Number of Forms NIA FAIL* PASS _ ® Automatic Sprinkler System 5 X ❑ Standpipe and Hose Systems 6 x ❑ Private Water Supply System 7 x O Fire Pump 8 X • Water Storage Tank 9 x ❑ Water Spray System 10 x ❑ Foam Water Sprinkler System 11 X `See "Deficiencies and Comments" section at and of each respective form. State Fire Marshal AES 1 March 21, 2006 FROM SHEI-TON FIRE PROTECTION (TUE),OCT 7 2008 IS.'50/ST. 95: 40/No. 750000007B P 3 111.NEX B 25-79 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 1 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 04-29-08 System Riser ID: Property Informa`ion: Stonewood Properties Type of System: c �.w4f Name: _ __— ©Wet Pipe 1 Address: 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Dry Pipe S Preaction — _ r 0 Deluge City: Newport Beach, CA 92660 i Main Drain Test Results W Abbreviation Key: 142 1 = Inspection Initial Static Pressure: (psi) T = Test 125 M = Maintenance Residual Pressure: (psi) A-O = After Operation MI =Per Manufacturer's Instructions Restored Static Pressure: 137 (psi) item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.1 1 Daily _ Preaction/Deluge Valves — Enclosure 12A.3.1 X temperature 1.2 1 —Weekly Daily Dry Pipe Valves — Enclosure X Weekly temperature., 1.3 1 Quarterly Gauges (Dry, Preaction, Deluge X Systems) 1.4 1 Quarterly Control Valves X 1.5 1 Quarterly Alarm Devices 5.2.6 X 1.6 1 Quarterly Gauges (Wet Pipe Systems) X 1.7 -I Y Quarterly Hydraulic nameplate 6.2.7 X 1.6 1 Quarterly ' Pipe and Fittings 5.2.2 X 1.9 1 Quarterly Sprinklers 5.2.1 X 1,10 1 Quarterly Spare Sprinklers X 1.11 �I Quarterly Fire Department Connections 12.71 X 1.12 1 Quarterly Alarm Valves - Exterior Inspection X 1.13 D Quarterly Preaction/Deluge Valves - Exterior X Ins ection 1.14 1 Quarterly Pressure Reducing Valves X 1.15 1 Quarterly Dry Pipe Valves - Exterior inspection X 1.16 1 Quarterly Backfiow Preventers _ 12_6.1 X F-1K I Annually Buildings _ _ 5.2.5 � X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 FROM SNELTON FIRE PROTEOTION GTUE)OOT 7 :008 P 4 yA 25-80 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 2 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 04-29-08 System Riser ID: Property Information: Stonewood Properties Name: Type of System: © Wet Pipe 180 Newport Center Drive ❑ Cry Wipe n Address: O Preacticn ., Deluge Newport Beach, CA 92660 City: Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.16 1 Annually Hangers 5.2.3 X 1.19 1 Annually Seismic Braces 5.2.3 X 1.20 1 5 Years Hangers (Accessible concealed spaces) X ` 1,21 1 5 Years Seismic Braces (Accessible concealed X spaces) 1,22 1 5 Years Pipe Fittings (Accessible concealed _ 1.23 1 5 Years Sprinklers (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1.24 1 5 Years Alarm Valves — Interior Inspection 12.4.1,2 X 1,25 1 5 Years Alarm Valves - Strainers, fifisrs, afkas X 1.26 1 5 Years Check Valves — Interior Inspection X 1,27 1 5 Years Valves — Interior X i IPreactio�Deluge 1.28 1 5 Years Prsacolion/Deluge Valves - Strainers, X filters. orifices �-- x 1.29 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves — Interior Inspection r 1.30 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices X 2.1 T Annually Alarm Devices (90 Sec) 5.3.3 12.2.7 X 12.2.6 2.2 T Annually Main Drain Test (Enter'data on Page 1) X j 2.3 T Annually Antifreeze Test 5.3.4 X 2.4 T Annually Control Valve - Position X j 2.5 T Annually Control Valve —Operation x r-- 2.6 T Annually Supervisory 12.3.3,5 X I 2.7 T Annually Preaction Valve -- Priming Water 12.C3.2.1 X 2.8 T Annually Preaction Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm 12.4,32.10 X 2.9 T Annually Preaction Valve — Full Flow Trip Tes; X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 FROM SHELTON FIRE PROTECTION (TUE)OCT 7 200S 15:5'2JST. I S: 4a./Na 750000007e P 5 ANNEX B 2" 1 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 3 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCK Title 19 _ Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 04-29-08 System Riser ID: 1 Property information: Cq��Q Stonewood Properties Type of System: �.�aF Name: © Wet Pipe 0 Dry Pipe °9 � © Preaction 180 Newport Center Drive Address: L Deluge Newport Beach, CA 92660 City: Item Activity Frequency (Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail NIA Pass i 2.10 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Priming Water, X 2,11 T Annually Dry Valve — Low Air Pressure X AJarmipe 2.12 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Quick -Opening X Device 2,13 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Trip Test X 2.14 T Annually Backflow PreventerAssemblies� 12.5.2 X 2.15 T 3 Years Dry Pipe Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X 2.16 T 5 Years Gauges 5.3.2 X 2.17 T 5 Years Pressure Reducing Valve X 2.18 T 5 Years Fire Department Connection Backilush 12.7.4 X 2.19 T 5 Years Sprinklers -- Extra High Temperature X 2.20 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Corrosive environment or 5.3J.1.2 X corrosive water 2.21 T 10 Years Sprinklers - Dry X 2.22 ` T 20 Years Sprinklers - Fast Response X 2.23 T 50 Years Sprinklers 5.3,1.1.1 X 2.24 T 75 Years Sprinklers 75 years in service _ X 2.25 T Sprinklers manufactured prior to 1920 X — Replace 3.1 M Annually Control Valves 12.3.4 X 3.2 M Annually Preaction/Deluge Valves X 3.3 M _ Annually Dry Pipe Valves/Quick-Opening 12, X Devices 3.4 M Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Lew Point Drains X 3.5 M 5 Years Obstruction Investigation Chapter 13 X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 ..�:a:�x;1-�•: ..,..�-x�x'. ,..<y.�..-�-r•w.i� - ... �S. '.�;;"'.: °�`,:�y.: ., ","rare.-'j:`t'§ :�r�'x XrY, ✓ :yr:�"-�P�%i+, .k '.!�:•��'.�:.,:..„,',.�: .. `�t'� :.. .��^d•,:.. �'{s �� '4�+-...; < �i. •, r'•3?'" .. OWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1Uo l Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. WENEEMENNEENEENE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only- 1 AF-- [�12citt7lit�6G s a 7— SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Bo �InL.OQ�F_i2 �':�� 1 Print - Responsible Party Inspector AI(„ Signature _ Responsible Party Inspection Unit Reinspection Date 0 Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware -Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. 11008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3) FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. (605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. (105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NiSport Beach Fire Deparlfent Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P 0 Rnx 176R Newport Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1601 16TH ST 4525Y NE66B 86314 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE (949) 645-8489 No No CENTER Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A At main entrance. Knox box is monitored. Jul 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Bo Glover & e E0Gr--4-XL—R-- oR-(" No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 933-2144 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full None Waterflow Only - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 16, 2008 Annunciator panel located in main lobby. Main FACP located in Electrical Room. East end of main building. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes. Main building N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Admin building - inside breakroom Off 16th Street No No behind refrigerators Permits: Issued: 5/2010 Expires: 9/2010 Chapter 1 - Open Burning/Bonfires/Recreational Fires Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of Cleared Aug 26,2009 Masons, Bob 30". ZZ Remove propane cylinders from inside solar panel battery room. Cleared Aug 26,2009 Masonis, Bob BB Provide certification sheet for 5 year sprinkler system, when first Cleared Aug 26,2009 Masonis, Bob installed. ZZ Provide sign for inspectors test ABOVE the refrigerators Cleared Aug 26,2009 Masonis, Bob ZZ I Clear brush from exit path near outside bathrooms Cleared Aug 23,2011 Geddis, Cliff . _ Notes: N/A 5 :Fov- F-rx. Printed: 7/3/2012 1601.16TH ST Page: 1 N19port Beach Fire Deparnt Occupancy/]Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 881 DOVER DR 4525Y NE66B 85884 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 TYPE II - FR N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: SIGNATURE SERVICES (949) 250-7400 Yes No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: 881 DOVER BUILDING ABOVE FRONT DOOR Jul 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: Vanessa Sanchez — 'fit o s No No Other System(s): No Owner / Responible Party Phone:-- ff,4)4-9X88"- Other Phone: ct�{e ;rig, $65t3, N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A Class 2 - Domestic N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Mar 30, 2006 Mar 30, 2006 N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Code Previous Violations Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ No access key for janitorial room Cleared Sep 21,2009 Masonis, Bob FA Provide cover plates in electrical room Cleared Sep 21,2009 Masonis, Bob ZZ Provide access keys for all areas of building maintenance. Void Sep 21,2009 Masons, Bob FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable Cleared Sep 21,2009 Masonis, Bob appliances. ZZ 5 year cert for hose cabneits Cleared Aug 23,2011 Geddis, Cliff CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED Cleared Aug 23,2011 Geddis, Cliff WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED". EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical Cleared Aug 23,2011 Geddis, Cliff rooms. ZZ remove storage in basement Cleared Aug 23,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ I Need fire service key for elevator I Cleared I Aug 23,20111 Geddis, Cliff Notes: Maintenance:Armando Alvarez 949-326-3787 Printed: 7/3/2012 881 DOVER DR Page: 1 �Y, 4-h-6 — 9 - 3 ) 5- — 905—l'or NEWORT BEACH FIRE DEPAPMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Ins a tion Date: f r o if) & Address: Business Phone: Date "Notic of Reinspection" I was Issued: Suite: � 0di �w yw w, �/ {� � U/ Inspecting Fire Unit- � o Date "Notice of Referral" was Issued: (, r--- Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. �- A- %S 1 6'1 m Date Cleare a I., I ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately uponxeceipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of thiss iaction. Signature of Responsible Party: Date: Inspected By: Name: Signature: Reinspection Date: -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, may take corrective action on your id certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuanc this noticd. �I hereby certify that the above violations) a been corrected. Date: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 V Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station q'n'12" 0 • GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [3071 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12) below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.121 HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons -inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.391 HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [•304.1.2] " IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.31 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. 44 �oRr� NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 W' (949) 644-3106 Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance ...................................................................................................................................... Date A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on? Business Name: Business Address: A00 //,"/�i At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances.pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after r/_ 7//_Z . If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth -by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party.� Inspector's Name: r Phone Number: YLeft with Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - Fire Company/FPD �'.v^e-. .a+rvi:r _ t'y. . u. - +-`.y,--�,.._� ,�.. - f,-i it �. °�4 .,_� ;P$•+'-e ...a n_ $,i .. - ...,}, >'J�^Y A: ,q- J. NEWPOR'" B"ACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949), 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE BusmessBuildii)g Name:, Inspec 'on Date: 14 Address:� Issue Date. Njo ice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Iske Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division Irivi W-a-,2- As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed.below were noted. ��Z� Q�-mmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice use only) 1J 1- &Q6t,� KM 6've� fa arLr a � l✓�.,•... GGGcJ 1�.s1 �P_ 7.� � Ez /'" %' i ^%Cv't� ��.5��= Z� Ze 1lIV/ r SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signaturlol'b ponsible Parr< Inspec or� 'e i ` Inspection Unit R inspection Date x Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow = Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a S circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. (506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. 1903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. 11008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 NewporfB6ach Fire Department Occupancy/]Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 9265&8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 190016TH ST 4525Y NE66C 83710 NE66C Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 0 N/A N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc. Coronado South Parking Structure (949) 722-2759 No No - Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Key switch located at entrance gate off 16th Street. Jan 3, 2012 Knox box located it fire alarm panel. Owner /Responsible P 1Y.Name: % Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (949)-230-646.7 0-r 0 02� J Other Phone: Hose Cab = 8 E-Mail: 61Jemus@UBlr: asap Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Class 2 - Domestic Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location. Jun 8, 2005 Apr 1, 2010 Northeast side of parking structure Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: North side; middle of parking throughout parking structure No No No structure Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private. Hydrants: West & East ends of parking off 16th Street No No structure Permits: Code i re,vious Violations Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared Mar 1,2010 Brown, Chris BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. Cleared Mar 1,2010 Brown, Chris All hose cabinets in (South parking garages) need 5yr certification. All cabinets need to include proper extinguisher. FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance.of Cleared Mar 1,2010 Brown, Chris 30". (South/East garage) fire alarm panel room. ZZ All Knox receptacles for parking garage required to operate. Cleared Mar 1,2010 Brown, Chris ZZ Fusible link system over dumpsters (South/East garage) need to be Cleared Mar 1,2010 Brown, Chris operable. provide Cleared Feb 25,2011 Amat, Alex BE Inspect, test, and 5 ) ification on sprinlyler/standpipe system(s). Notes: N/A� f 01 Printed: 1/27/2012 cl 1900 16TH ST Page: 1 Irc //S- 14 74/y al�rll' I zc Ay d-6l Lboo•apnAvq M -7 UbZ isanbai aolnuaS anoA ilwgnS 0 6bLZ'ZZL'6b6� U) 9bLZ'ZZL'6b6 :]al 06 £99Z6 b'O `goeae podmoN tf 1994S 419 [ 9 OOL l z woo•apnpzanweaaoua zaaiva'ra out Q N z CIO 0 co 0 U '�.i•a Fey."`^ �. _ 7 a NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: )F` v' 521ik d� e'1?'z Address: /� / % C / t 40 f /5 /f� Issue lbate: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 7a�� "' Lip j As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMENEMIMMIMMIMMIM IMME MIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire nse nnly) f. .i6�ly' i ,�.. �.T' t%_ P". )sue t ��f:..,�'� .✓"e,r�' t Pn•.� T," Jr'i �r A e-le '7(h 71 t 9 /i \ L- — SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of tj.us notice. hMi Print - Responsible Party Signa u RespJV"s1 11arty f/ ,2/ /_>Gt1t�- Inspector Revised Jati 2011 Original — Business A425-�11/20 /") - Inspection Unit : Rei speftion Date Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code I Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. (1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. (2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working).1105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantifies on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). (105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 w �.w Revised fan 2011 I NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE BusinessBuilding Name: Inspection Date: , Address: Issue ate: N 6 tice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1760 5�', Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 7 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared I tn�rr nce nnlvl 6 �-e— U elecm le.,-, I e . ZZ /0Q 1.I.AC it�/J d ' d✓t J` 11t`t S 1� %`Gi l - N (/�s>RBIa ' J ZZ 1� (,J(d� /3.�°,',� �5�. G•a C ��,��;�C` �: (.);r+�./r'"�`'..., C. � t i�Y° f!,• C.. �Y. V t'%%1U,, � ": ' , t t;:!!•: ' !.r t:-�a5s Lr`r:. r C% .:�i i/"!., ,jlvir✓'�.. SELF-CLEARING: Only afire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it -may be self-cleaka tfy certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagge appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the ire,eXfin uisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. .0 f Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bolt* of thisNotice. Print - Responsible Party Signat tkespo ' ible Parfyy 1 Inspector Inspection Unit Rein pe ton Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention �,A GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. (906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912-321 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height f6r residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5 separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. 1308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2-11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms: [315.23] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMrrs - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (ie. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IEB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (ie. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. (105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Ian 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 170016TH ST 4525Y NE66C 83128 NE66C Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 960 N/A R-2 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Coronado South (949) 722-2759 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A leasing office main entrance_ Jan 3, 2012 . Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood- Dry Chem: CO2: Ociel Lemus .4' �'1 u A, r /z, No Yes No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 230-6467 Other Phone: Hose cabinets E-Mail: 2LgTA& om I Sprink -System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Class 2 - Domestic Partial - Monitored r Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: 010 Apr 1, 2010 Monitoring panel & -annunciator in parea. Clubhouse. Alarms panels located throughout complex. Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Bldg; outside basement 3 per floor No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: On riser outside of basement. (spare Off 16th street - serves basement No NO - head box located in employee lounge area. in Rental Office) Permits: 7iolations Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Remove locks from doors between workout room and game room. Cleared Mar 8,2010 Brown, Chris CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED Cleared Mar 8,2010 Brown, Chris DURING BUSINESS HOURS". AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. All Cleared Mar 8,2010 Brown, Chris throughout Coronado South. ZZ Repair holes in drywall in key room. Cleared Mar 8,2010 Brown, Chris GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. Cleared Mar 8,2010 Brown, Chris Helium bottle in storage room. CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. All and Cleared' Mar 8,2010 Brown, Chris including Conference room. 0 Printed: 1/27/2012 ge-e-1 '1700 16TH ST ' Page: 1 Prewolls Violations cont ZZ Buildings A & B 855 & 885 Sea Gull Lane) Void Jan 29,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9), Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Sign stating 'Electrical Room" (Laundry Room) Sign stating 'Elevator Room" and hang fire extinguisher Emergency Lighting (3rd Floor near unit B-307) Re-Lube all trash chutes doors AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex system(s). CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex FA Provide cover plates. Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex ZZ See Attached Document for detail violation in each building. Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex ZZ Buildings A & B (855 & 885 Sea Gull Lane) Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Provide Sign stating "Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating 'Elevator Room" and hang fire extinguisher Emergency Lights (B307) Check that all exit and fire doors close properly without any friction or rubbing Re-Lube all trash chutes doors and assure all doors have a working fusible link in service ZZ Buildings C & D (835 & 815 Sea Gull Lane) Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating "Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating 'Elevator Room" Emergency Lights (C209)(D 10 l/ 102 Outside/Stairs & D107) Fire Alarm Room (Laundry Room)- cover plate for light switch and clean up storage. Elevator Room- provide lock combo or key in knox box. Parking Garage- Fire Extingu ZZ Buildings E & F (1680 & 1650 16th Street) Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 (3 per floor x 3 stories = 9) Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating "Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating 'Elevator Room" Emergency Lights (E107 Outside/Stairs, E109 & EI I I Outside/Stairs)(F208, E209 & 211 Outside/Stairs) Check that all exit and fire doors close properly without any friction or rubbing Re-Lube all trash chutes doors and assur ZZ Buildings G, H, K, & L (1810, 1800, 1890 & 1870 16th Street) Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 Provide Sign stating "Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating "Elevator Room" Emergency Lights- (G308 Outside/Stairs, G204)( H202, K207, H211, H308 Outside/Stairs & H312 Outside/Stairs missing)(K102 Outside/Stairs & K308 Outside/Stairs)(L102 Outside/Stairs, L308, L315 & 316 Outside/Stairs) Exit Signs- (HI 11 missing, H312 missing, H211 mi Printed: 1/27/2012 1700 16TH ST Page: 2 Previous Violations Cont ZZ Buildings M & N (1855 & 1835 S ermgton Place) Cleared Feb2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 Provide Sign stating "Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating "Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating 'Elevator Room" Emergency Lights- (MI 01 Outside/Stairs, M213, M215 & 216 Outside/Stairs, M216)(N101 & 102 Outside/Stairs, N205, & N207, N305 & 306 Outside/Stairs) Exit Signs- (M115/116 lights) Check that all exit and fire doors close properly without any friction or rubbing Re-Lube all tra ZZ Buildings P & R (1850 & 1830 16th Street) Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating "Elevator Room" Emergency Lights- (R109 Outside/Stairs missing, R115 & 116 Outside/Stairs, R215, R208, R209, R302, R304, 315.)(P101 & 102 Outside/Stairs, P202, P208, P302 Outside/Stairs, P305) Check, that all exit and fire doors close properly without any friction or rubbing Re-Lube all trash chu ZZ Buildings S, T, U, V (1875, 1895, 1805 & 1815 Sherington Place) Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex Hose Cabs. 6-19-2005 Fire Extinguishers 3-17-10 Provide Sign stating 'Electrical Main" (Laundry Room) Provide Sign stating "Electrical Sub" Provide Sign stating 'Elevator Room" Emergency Lights- (S 101 & 102 Outside/Stairs, S201 & 202 Outside/Stairs, 5301 & 302 Outside/Stairs, & 5308 Outside/Stairs.)(T108 Outside/Stairs)(U101, U208 Outside/Stairs, U301 & U306)(V102 Outside/Stairs, V202, V209 Outside/Stairs, & V309) Exit Signs- (T111 ZZ Leasing Office/Rec. Center Cleared Feb 2,2011 Amat, Alex New keys for all interior doors Door for Fire Control Panel has no key for access Panic Hardware- conference room glass door needs to be fixed. 3rd Floor- repair drywall where leak is Exit signs are burnt out. ZZ Fire doors need to be maintained and operating properly. Detail Cleared Feb 14,2011 Amat, Alex word doc. was given to Ociel and emailed. Notes: Wiam Hassen, Property Manager (949) 812-0230 (1) 3rd floor over Leasing Office - remodel pending. 2 exits are locked but panic hardware operational. Sign on doors provided stating "authorized personnel only". (2) Unless door -releasing hardware is installed, corridor doors shall remain.closed. Signs provided stating such. Will be installing door -releasing h/w on all corridor doors soon. Printed: 1/27/2012 1700 16TH ST Page: 3 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 .............................. ......................................................................................................................... .................................... : Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division ...................................................... _............................................ _........................... _.......... _... ........... _................. _....... : Date �f A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on .2 /"-! I /,,P- Business Name: ���A 41 Business Address: �'p0 At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the California Fire Code. A second inspection was conducted on qb 1 ] A in an attempt to verify compliance with the written Notice of Rei spection-and Non -Compliance. During this inspection, it was found that some or all of the violations had not been corrected. This notice is to inform you that your business is being referred to a member of the Newport Beach Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division. They will perform a reinspection of the above business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. If the necessary corrections have not been completed, the Fire Prevention Division will deliver to you a Final Notice and Notice of Intent to Prosecute. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: Phone Number: ("Uus) q? l� V lD Fax Number: f`t f ' 7a2o)— , 9 7 YI Email Address: C ,I'1 C7'1'f tq. adF-, 66 / Inspector's Name: �� , . G'. j16'C��% Phone Number: ADelivered by Hand ❑ Faxed ❑ Emailed Original - Fire Company/FPD Yellow - Owner/Occupant/Responsible Party NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ................................................ I....... _............................................................................ , Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance :....................................................................................................................................... Date A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on�/%1, Business Name: Business Address: / �bO f 611 < . At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to' gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and -ordinances pursuant:to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after 7/S /. - . If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party:' Inspector's Name: �z� / id►�'� ,e�G%1�✓2� r Phone Number: � '�Left with Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - Fire Company/FPD' Morris, Nadine From: Peter Russo [prusso@udr.com] Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 1:41 PM To: Morris, Nadine Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: RE: Coronado South Apts & Parking Structure Great Thanks, I will get those ones completed ASAP. And I will look into the power strip cords thanks for the heads up. Pete From: Morris, Nadine [NMorris@NBFD.net] Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 1:35 PM To: Peter Russo Cc: Brown, Chris Subject: Coronado South Apts & Parking Structure Hi Pete, Thank you for meeting with me today to address the trash chute violations. I've cleared those along with some other violations issued by Captain Brown, based on our inspection today. I've highlighted the remaining violations in yellow on the attached forms — one for the apartment building and one for the parking structure. Please note that after reviewing the fire code, it does not allow for power strips to be plugged into each other. A power strip shall be plugged directly to a permanently installed receptacle. If the power strips under the computer in the lobby paint storage area are plugged into each other, this needs to be corrected. Again, thank you for your time today. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Have a nice weekend, Nadine Nadine .'vtorris Life Safety Specialist Newport Beach Fire Department (949) 644-3105 I (949) 723-3505 Fax I nmorris@nbfd.net Safety, Service, Professionalism OK NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 .................................... ... .................................................................................. ................................................................. : Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division ................................................ ......................... _.................................. ............................................. _............................. . Date I JI /.�.- A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on -2Z/'--// /.; if I Business Name:,In c / 1 `Tf Business Address: 700 && At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the California Fire Code. A second inspection was conducted on % in an attempt to verify compliance with the written Notice of Rei spection and Non -Compliance. During this inspection, it was found that some or all of the violations had not been corrected. This notice is to inform you that your business is being referred to a member of the Newport Beach Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division. They will perform a reinspection of the above business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. If the necessary corrections have not been completed, the Fire Prevention Division will deliver to you a Final Notice and Notice of Intent to Prosecute. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. A A Responsible Party: `' r' f Phone Number: ���� �-� �0 Fax Number: Email Address: e J�9 C, 7'i'C y'�," C/ i cc> Inspector's Name: �-L� . ,L 6 D�✓� Phone Number: ADelivered by Hand ❑ Faxed ❑ Emailed Original - Fire Company/FPD Yellow - Owner/Occupant/Responsible Party ' i - :g:Y • �': S+ Via; .•',`i: .. ;`T:1V� E' ,T FTi + ..D-, N EAC E'. E' �N . P ORT�B � - E -�, - _ TONS `�. �s-Nr.DTV' IZt I �l- �CA 8' `B:oz:'�' ��->�8°"�_1Ve�r,°'::art y� :S ! h• r, ti- 49�G44":3 � , t t .f . , '� (. '. r-;;' Fit':"-'� �'+- � •'+ S if 4: ......... oL..bci:.......... : - -SAlf 1V- „Pf y� m! hollow no �a - 1 tt ', .4 93 t` •JS` �ert�co- ue e - en]�'t:ra tx =ris;��ect�o10- 3�:�uat�the->f:otow :. Alto•f, �. . 1' �'Y h' AW owe? 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'ySi."�::•: `:�y'•• :ii5�i-�r= ::l1iS: g',; ..�f:".'�,',?j �'.hA'= C'1 ,'4i• � r i•t'•4 itqrs, am rl• _ .r • ".;inn. �� d.� t d sc� , `�it%{• Y..:,. . m Y WAS :. Y,(-; - y - .. }fl,•E"' :5,;..,,,j..i, 'F,•(.:�!<w i�::,vt: i'.Jr. N'�+� :Tef`�FaN rvir Original•' -Own& Resp'onsibl'e-�'ari r - Ye11ow`= ;, , . As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(g) listed:below"were�noted: See reverse side for violation code descriptions: Date Cleared"' 77 v;``''',"" 7r4 ". ••Q `1: _ti,.,,,, �.�,,,.,, •,- �:y^;1, `�`'�7'' ,i;. rC�,, i '...'1' )1}f'� l�.rr "�d` , ..✓.. - �.�.�,}::�rr:.;...,.- tt'' �'���;,: n��`: . "� � - _ ��5; •.5:`.'i?... 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'A -INJQ'Onl a•fire-extinguisher violation may, be self cleared:"If.'`one'vvas5tio`.;fed a ove''t Y .. y' i .., ._ . ,.,. ,,,• ,.. ,... ,F certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and togge a ro riatel •`Please:''retarn�'Chis�tiotice;,10"+�h�,,a�o�e�',�, within l4days of the inspection date., 1 hereby certify that the), tro 'tin uisher violation iias been• Cori ec`ted'. ;�'..'a:`.` '" "'A not ame: � Signature: z r 7"�St''t`e - ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required, to correct the, above conditiou(s).,+ mmec ately';f}_upoh`sf; �...Y Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may -render- you liable to'the pen W`§;prov law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is rioted on the bottgik►'ofthis o'tice. " r; Print - Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original,— Business a... ,. , .. Y.,.--.,.., - ��, IJ Inspection Unit Reins�6dtofi'=Draft`' " Yellow — Fire Prevention ;' W00-jpnAVV IL 41 Z Isenbei eoi/uas jnoA 1!wqnS 4- :3 0 C/) ;Jai 06 699M VO 'L1C)e@9 POdMON 199AS q19 1 3 00Z L 0 Z woo n@ZGA!Wejjoljg zej'WL'8 DIJ3 (D z Co 0 2 Ale. 0 f4mk "NEwpoRT - JqACM 'B FIRE DEPARTMENT CA- 9,2663- �N, po Office- (q49) 644-3106 Fax, ,'(949)- 644-31-20 VIOLATION Nbtict Mpe ct I 104te. "My qi, t,16ft ec Issue , lbat6 Date: Notice.:6,.I�6f6iTal.*folihe-1,'ife s -hone:Prevention Mspection by the Newport Beach -Fire Department, the violation(s)- listed be1oW..y.6i,;6.'.h6t,6& Z.. Coo rovarvo viA9 rnr v7*n1nt;rm -ndo 11,ov,-r;nt;nnc Tate 1-6 rk IM "I , 5 n .5 2- y P-M. _41 A" NINE, ED Q 5;T - A 4, 0 _.A E _-Z r---- Y� g 0. Woll r"C', Ce 4•§, r _e 4V �r 4 AS H1121011 MAIN, pro- V/ d NU K 0 4 _X4 'R SELFICTERR, r W,-'ab' 'be'self-cleared, ERRING: Only A ire, extiriguisher'violadon, ina y 'been certifying, below that it ha-s serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately., Please return this'• within 14 days of the inspection date. D I herob), the has been certify.that fire extingulsher violation corrected,., 'P-< Frmt Name: Date, % W ORDER: ,T0 COMPLY: You are hereby required -to correct - the above condition(s),-jfti0y6,jaid Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you IiAl _iq;theF,penattil law,for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the hot m.of t s notice: aw I Print Responsible Party Sign` .)kfResp'oV26# n Party ',,,fit,, Inspect Inspection Unit Revised Jan 2011 0 r. i F,—Business , f i G NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVE&-kION,D.IVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ....................................................................................................................................... Notice of Reinspection and. Non-Compliance ..................................................................................................................................... f" Date�- At A member of the Newport Beach Fire Departmentconducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on#��i'f ,- Business Name: Business Address: %6 1A1, .5—r At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance ,'with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after �1r7 �/� r If all violations are not corrected at that time, yodbusiness wiL,I b,e,referred ,tokthe Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule�set,forthjr, 4..G"4 Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: �i✓ Inspector's Name:i Phone Number: ❑ Left with Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - Fire Company/FPD ta, -4 a NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 3 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Buildingame: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance !! 5 2— Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 7 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nice nse nnly) 1'� Lt-�: l .s r 08 t C 6 6. 4-131 Aj e y' ,.' SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: e_ Date: 3" , �� Signature: (—j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. LJ Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspecrio may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the botto of is Itotice. Q� t Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party 13 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow - Fire Prevention f, , 6 �14 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3) AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6) BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department All Inspection Data P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: Grid: Assigned To: Data ID: Inspection Cycle: 223 21ST ST 4722Z NE61B 25026 12 Months Building Type: Inspection Type: Sq Ft. Occ Type: Occ Load.• Next Inspection: TYPE I - FR Building 3000 B 0 Jan 1, 2014 Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan Hazmat: Last Action: SOUTH COAST SHIPYARD (949) 723-7144 No No Action: Reassign Date: Mar 15, 2013 By: Nadine Morris Building Name: Owner /Responsible Party: Owner /Responsible Party Phone: South Coast Shipyard Pete Stewart (949) 466-4819 E-Mail: Mobile Phone: N/A N/A Hood.- Dry Chem: CO2: Other System(s): Knox Box Loc: No No No N/A Notes: ,� !w dlivl�vn OA-Jp ,. y Reqd Permits: Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 3/2012 Chapter 1 - Combustible Dust -producing Operations Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 3/2012 Chapter 1 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 3/2012 Chapter 1 - Hot Work Operations Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 3/2012 Chapter 1 - Repair Garages and/or Motor Fuel-disp�e sing Facilities Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Chapter 1 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids (V Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Chapter 1 - Hot Work Operations (P Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Chapter 1 - Repair Garages and/or Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilitie '3 Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A Sprinkler S Year Date: Standpipe S Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency -Generator: Archive: N/A N/A No No Issued Status Inspector Description 3/31/04 Cleared Murphy, Mike Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. 3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. Printed: 03/22/2013 '3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim 3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim 3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim 3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim 3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim 3/16/06 Cleared Philbin, Jim 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig 3/29/10 Cleared Mullen, Mike 1/13/11 Cleared Mullen, Mike 1/13/11 Cleared Mullen, Mike 1/13/11 Cleared Mullen, Mike 1/13/11 Cleared Mullen, Mike 1/26/12 Cleared 1/26/12 Cleared 1/26/12 Cleared 1/26/12 Cleared Frasz, Brian Frasz, Brian Frasz, Brian Frasz, Brian Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous matey Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide i exiting and FD access. Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. Other Unlisted Code Violation Dispose of all old paint, thinner cans. Batteries also. Reduce waste storage to 55 gal. drum. Patch holes in ceiling in wood shop. Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. Storage of more that 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside o Class H or Class III combustible liquid. Dust producing plant. Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide i exiting and FD access. Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Provide extinquisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. Dispose of barrels and drums Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammat liquids. Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. Identify breakers in panel box. Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide i exiting and FD access. Other code violation. Identify breakers in panel box. Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide i exiting and FD access. Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Printed: 03/22/2013 • Newport Beach Fire Department All Inspection Data P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Data ID: Inspection Cycle: 223 21ST ST - DOCK 4722Z NE61B 17871 36 Months Building Type: Inspection Type: Sq Ft: Occ Type: Occ Load: Next Inspection: N/A Dock 0 N/A 0 Jan 1, 2015 Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan Hazmat. Last Action: SOUTH COAST SHIPYARD (949) 723-7144 No No Action: Inspect Date: Jan 26, 2012 By: Brian Frasz Building Name: Owner /Responsible Party: Owner /Responsible Party Phone: South Coast Shipyard Pete Stewart (949) 723-7144 E-Mail: Mobile Phone: N/A N/A Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Other System(s): Knox Box Loc: No No No N/A None Notes: Reqd Permits: I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A None N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Archive: N/A N/A No No Issued Status Inspector Description 3/31/04 Cleared Morris, Nadine See Permits Plus for a complete list of violations. HC2004-032 3/20/07 Cleared Morrison, Craig Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after•each use. Printed: 03/22/2013 Wun, Raymi From: Guzzetta, Susan Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:43 PM To: Wun, Raymi Subject: complaint Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Raymi, The guys in building were telling me about a boat/ship yard that is spraying outdoors. They didn't have the address but it's the 2200 block of Newport Ave. He said it's a boat/ship yard and you can't miss it. It's adjacent to a construction site. The existing building used to cover what they were doing at the ship yard, but now that the building is demoed, they are in plain view. If you have a chance, it should be checked out. Paul Sobek is the building inspector who is concern with the spraying.�0 Swam quzzetta .e* Safett� Speciatbtl fam &xantftwA Newp"t Dea& 5vw DepaaiFtaent 949-644-3107 ngzzettgPjibfd.net Safetep, Sewke d Jwfz6,jkvwtbm JZ- St jFT-- /N--DFee -Z 1�s 1 � aV NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT F 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8916 - Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 W LATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Unit: Address: Inspector: Business Phone: Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire4Depanfmeent, the.violation.(s) listed below were noted.,,, m See reverse side for violation code descriptions ice use oned i-.,�v � ,�1...`�� �^'C• r K.il�f—b �— � �:, i U`i, +� G, I�t ,i'J� �r� �"�,1 f.G � ���°.Pttf°_•. /s t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguiOer violation may be self -cleared: fif one was noted above, •it .may be self= cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately.-PI'ease return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date), Print Name: Signature: X, ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above -condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may reeler you liable to the penalties p�'rovided/ by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date -is noted Jon the botto{�csf �pisfnotiteo, ..q- t Print - Responsible Party Email Signature — Responsible/Part, 'X i y Re -inspection Date Original White — Business Yellow —Life .Safety Services Division Revised: 04-18-13 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901 6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9 3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1 ] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315 2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] • EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.311 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605 5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605 41 G. ' Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8,7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product (3003.5.3) GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703 5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [27015.1, 2701.6.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. (305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105 6.6] • Compressed Gases. corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.610. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building, gLstorage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; pE storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials- to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6,20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105,6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] nk" NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax'(949) 644-3120, . VtOLAVON NOT, ICE, Business/Building Name: Inspection Date:. Unit: ,sr,�P�lf eev - Address: Inspector: ~ r�usiness�Phone:: 71717 Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violations) listed below were noted: See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleared office use only) i.. ' ��G'�-�� � � �,Y �L`-%^rir t- jig �� ��O�r `f ���?/�Ei� �.} ;.✓J.-,..._ F , - t ,. . SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire .6xtihQUiaher violation may be self -cleared. 'If. one "Was: noted .above, 'it may be self -- cleared by certifying, below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this, notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been, corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection .may render you liable to the penalties provided by law -for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is notedi onIthe bottom of this notice. 'Print - Responsible Party Sig an ture =Responsible Party Email Re -inspection Date Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety. Services Division Revised: 04A8-1.3 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906 9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] At Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3 3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] - BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [100819 3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2 4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers [304 3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. i315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605 31] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605 4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identity compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703 4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704 [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. (49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105,6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. (105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; 2Lstorage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; tZ storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles (105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6,20. • Hot Work Operations- cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating) [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] • • • rw.,:i.,rv^--y"`.,«,a..�.,.,r»sr-nrh'v:s^e: nvr -1,ri�,�Y yy...��rtY�Y"^vn°"'�i'Fv'Y{fr"r#'!'=•`%,.t�s::=y.�('unlvrn",.;.,,,..8'a+d' �'�,rowsen.xwrn:�v�7',{:w'trMrr.-,+'iAfkt.i4..:'s.es•o.�,a+nF�yro:..'*.ft,.;`��,N`%Hr;�.v��i,+rlf5tr"y�"3yyr'6'6r+r•a, i'.^�+Yi� •. 01- NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ................................................................................................................................. Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance ................................................................................................................................: Date as. f 1� A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on [ I - Business Name: Business Address: �o2.. At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain ""- compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998, California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after c �5 , . f (_ . If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be ,referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: ,�� 1 �� F1,-! 4-r Inspector's Name: t_1261a 1") OUA t_' Phone Number: qT (, I nz.) �l _- oy,41c e , � i 4 Left with Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - Fire Company/FPD w A R r` NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949), 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Unit: �`...�!-`�.t`i C;rJi/�.C. �'i�J �. � t?_.t :0 � ��.../�l✓U4� i�l-{ , �� . � (� Address: �� � =� Obi �T : Inspector: �`•.� �a ��.� ;` �,, " . Business Phone: Email: //t� � i { .2_1 'l20Gl✓ p j As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. F/7mmmmmmm� See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleared off[ce use"onl SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extingWiher violatiari may tie self-dearecY-.'If If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. l hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date). Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately _upon receipt., Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to thepenalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted"ah"the`bott(�m of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Sig iiatwre_Respen ie-Party"""— Email Re -inspection Gate Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety Services Division Revised: 04-18-13 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] - AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.32] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings [304 3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. (3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] • EE Remove storage from under exit stairways [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box [605.311 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605 5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605 5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8 7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product 13003 5 31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105,G for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10 (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; 2L,storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations, cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105,6 39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 0 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 6A2 E 622�e Address: AC Issue Date: Notice of Reinspectibn and -Non -Compliance zo Z �® Suit Business Rhone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the.Fire.Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspdction by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared, (nffire use nniv) fLipg corporation DEVELOPMENT & CONSTRUCTION JANITORIAL & MAINTENANCE @amADD Ommew ace tie- ■ y■ SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) 'immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you l' to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom t ' no 'ce. ozazo—/y '5m—m Print - Responsible Party Sig _a ure — Responsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit .Reins on Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention �1.kv �� GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less - top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs s top, maximum 3.5' above floor 1906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. (9062] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational furs, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). (3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [91Z4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a ecircuu ference. [91Z32] - AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height fdr residential and minimum 6" in height for commercIA, [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [5075.5] Al Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.115.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [3081.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [90431 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). (901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.62.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. (6093.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock oil exit doors during business hours. (1008.1.93] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.931 CD Post occupant load sign [100431 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D, Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [34043.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in nonsprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting do fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms: 1315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [3043.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in deptlt, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [60531 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords nuuung through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [6055.3) FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for allhazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.53] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. (2703.41 . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan [2701S.1, 2701.521 H Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CUFF; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; Inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than I gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building;- or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials iti quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. (105.6.231 . Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • .LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6391 • Spraying or Dipping{Le. spray booths/rooms). (105.6.411 ;r Revised Ian 2011 k"i7 . -„� yx . •« -., ., i r - .c - rt"..'r`- ¢. ,r�y''� y. .�:"^,,��I�!^. .. _ , :a���•. rff w.:` F,-',��,i, ',,.E,l>"i- ,'.a,' l c .fir ` t NF*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTIONT ' 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 + °y Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: I A. 16 yl -,J 1 Ae 6ItZ. Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and'Non-Compliance �a2 2r A vOI� A tt>D Av z Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire"Prevention Division v 1-7W '77-7l / Asa result of afire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were. noted. F-1-1 m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) WZUiCW r-ACV 100iIgiPLI M1 I'-41ALLa n 1, Pe 1 .4- C H V 7- . SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: IE�' )RDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party -Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Inspect of n Unit Reinspection Date p Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENER L PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307) AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. (605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. (605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 �� �. c ,. '.{sF F .< <Fu e - t . li x r`r .. ti .. �rl KK J r�i s' a •S_a:. . •.{-..•.. s - .r � i s a .Lty. � :.� ;.C' 4. �%..4t. ✓ Y. 0 6!� NiWORT BEACH FIRE DEPARANT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE- BusinessBuilding Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division q'q� ("40—IzS As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. i2 (D -�l��l��mmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (officence nf{lv) C3 J (o1 .F 7 G a 0 f !" A 1>1 F. Au o. i t .g.i-> .a- n' illL�7 1 IAI ""Lc h;-A-1��r'� t rttZ �-n +�,l,�:,Ll1 3 Z -1r g n 16tC , 1 US t:) E ? -N- crn CO^e t�!5 4 11% cJ Z SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the botto r of this -notice. . f •(i Print - Responsible Party ``Signat�K—`R onsiblearty Oft �1 a /U�6,� Z 9r`Z 4b Inspector _ Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Aid Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention hi�if� 0 _.. _J GENEROPROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING 1S OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign.11004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building: or storage of Class 11 or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) *. Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 .. = a" - c".rK m`� ..,. '�^_"fit rE.L+,A � �:, � .x-'i�J a.a,,iTr«�.. :'�+-., ...,_,:±�t�'�:� x: r -�A �, 9. .. :i• .. { P , NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: ✓�/ lI _ ol ~1 Address" Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1-7--o I j V 0 r-11D 0 Suite: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 0Business (Phhone:: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. FINIENIMMIMMIMMIE INMEMMIMMI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: ignature: LjORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s)' immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liabje�the_penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. LC(Lt ( Ll Xf O ild?, Print - Responsible Party c, nAL1` Inspector Signature — /-/7" ?-= _ I -71S_-0 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall notbe operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. (5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1J FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray bo�4— 1—oms). [101 6.411 Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1401 AVOCADO AVE 4729X NT63C 88057 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 803 0 TYPE I - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Dr. Lavinia Chong (949) 644-1400 Yes No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Medical Building #2 Avocado entrance low to the right side of the door Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: N/A No No No OtherSystem(s): Owner /ResponibleParty Phone: &/')/W / Other Phone: �" N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Dry Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location., Jan 11, 2010 Jan 11, 2010 Two Panels #1 Anunciator, Lobby in the middleHallway next to the Pharmacy. #2 Alarm Panel, Lobby inside the door next to the elevators. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes. South East stairwell Both stairwells & roof Yes Yes No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: South East stairwell -each floor Avocado No No Permits: Printed: 01/02/2013 1401 AVOCADO AVE Suite: 803 Page: 1 446 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newpo: t Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: n 1_ V t l A �l v,� I -- l r l Address: ' Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance /1-01 Voc�.'Do Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice use nniv) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: LiORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. /" Xkl- OR Y P RAI CA - Print - Responsible Party C DALL Inspector l/ Signature — Responsible P�rty // J Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.15061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. (105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1441 AVOCADO AVE 4729X NT63C 88094 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 100 0 TYPE I - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: HOAG NEWPORT SURGICARE 760-1205 Yes Yes Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Medical Building #3 Avocado entrance above FCR Jan 2, 2013 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood.• Dry Chem: CO2: 141 e-0 6 P(i No No No Other System(s): Owner/Responible Party Phone. 9—' Other Phone: 3 �� —% �, i N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A Full - Dry Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Jan 11, 2010 Jan 11, 2010 FCR- Avocado Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: South stairwell Both stairwells & roof Yes Yes No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: South stairwell -each floor Avocado No No Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 10/2009 Expires: 9/2010 Chapter 1 - Compressed Gases Issued: 9/2010 Expires: 9/2011 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 9/2010 Expires: 9/2011 Chapter 1 - Compressed Gases Issued: 9/2011 Expires: 9/2012 Chapter 1 - Compressed Gases Issued: 9/2011 Expires: 9/2012 Chapter 1 -Hazardous Materials 1d( Printed: 01/02/2013 1441 AVOCADO AVE Suite: 100 Page: 1 .:..1 • A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE FIELD INSPECTION NOTICE NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division (949) 644-3106 INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR NAME BUSINESS NAME POA (r- ,e+���P� stjiC-AflF PHONE '74(-�--7 > BUSINESS ADDRESS I a w()C-AD d A- l o o CITY A1�E14OK.7 001L-� ZIP ' V"/o MAILING ADDRESS (If different) CITY ZIP OWNER/MANAGER (Print) TITLE w, , (;alito�iri H�a1#h &'Saie�y=Co�te T�i+ri`3ion 30tCtiapieir ��"r'Ait�cl� # �t�i���GQ-26��(►,and: G�%iCiYfai`,Ge,�ai°�e�u1��i4is `!"i� ��l�liris�an-2Arr#le'g 5eciian �i2� •.:` gf Hazardous M11 aterials Disclosure is correct and up to date. ❑ Hazardous materials disclosure not available onsite for review. ❑ Business owner/operator page is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) not available on site for review. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) require updating or new chemical(s) onsite require disclosure. ❑ Emergency plan is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Facility map(s) is missing or requires updating. ❑ Other - explain below: The above marked item(s) is in violation of California law and requires immediate correction. Failure to correct the violations) will result in civil penalties and prosecution. Contact the Fire Prevention Division regarding completing the necessary correction(s). I declare that I have examined and received a copy of this Field Inspection Notice. Owner/Manager (Print): I tt e: ignature: ate: 4 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner/Tenant f6:;-,: . .>t' -r�-F ..., n.. �ff.4+.y ;p..i,-E.n;.,✓ :.f Su•„�t.e (> ':i'##_ .."1;: j;• � c� ? f i'�!i o f � 4 �, ' k I ' • NEWPORT:"BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT" 1. 3300 Newport 4 Vd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (94 6'44 `3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 St VIO,ATION NOTICE B1 usinRessBuilding NamJ}e: Inspection Date: y AAr 'y Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance iAvocAno Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division i'Dn 0 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MRIMMIMMIMMIMENE■ ■ ■ ■■ See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared fnff7,P QP. nnlvl (.AA v E o 6-6 t/z/ Z-*)z z 7-, J ,r 1� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one `was:lnoted' above, it=may,.be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. ` I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: lgnature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. t� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. C rig/ Print - Responsible Party S'gna&6esplansibl' alt r C, D%LL Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date >r '' Yellow — Fire Prevention Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business I GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] . BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. 1903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6,41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/]Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915, (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1441 AVOCADO AVE 4729X NT63C 88496 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: ��\ 0 TYPE I - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc. HILL PHARMACY (949) 640-6564 Yes No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Medical Building #3 Avocado entrance above FCR Jan 2, 2013 Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood.Dry Chem: CO2: Carl Lee No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (714) 281-9261 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A Full - Dry Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Jan 11, 2010 Jan 11, 2010 FCR- Avocado Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: South stairwell Both stairwells & roof Yes Yes No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: South stairwell -each floor Avocado No No Permits: Printed: 01/02/2013 1441 AVOCADO AVE Page: 1 5, .,±;: s�..= '.gyp ,„A`y 'R ry .:'t `�'tbr;4'4.1.r •3 s....Ei 4.."ti: . •t'°^:7r.�%>'__ ;. ,3..{L .a_-�_ Sn.-4 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Pk �f/I/n-1 C y Inspection Date: 1-12-4 -/? Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance SuiteI ,\ Business Phone: / Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. WMIMMINNIMMIMMIN INEENEIMMI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire nse nnlv) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: FI ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. I Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom,csf-this notic . l �iG� tl L Print - Responsible Party Signature - Responsible Party �\ DAzL_ Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Re`i�ion Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMTTs - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Ii or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; ar storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling, motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 y .. �� a, �� ��> R� -":m:. x sf [,� .r4.•,� j ,�. r : "k �t .-�'{.S;}etr. ''�` �. Y ;,•�� •v.� _ � � �. J . , _ . y t NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT • 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Noticd of Remspection and Non -Compliance A V oe-Ao Suite: �� Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��®mmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) t / i - 1JL f.. vV L00/ V ✓f 1, l� �V VIA i t N' L"" 1� fi IJ c 7'/ `i� _� - k,- A - i �-I1 �' U, l A ' " RV T l n N/ L'i 4 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: Lj�j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. t '- 1�ff rint -`Responsible Party l/d/' Signature — Responsible Pa' C_ DAL L Inspector r Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. (904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinkiered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS infoimalion for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.627] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Contractor: , TSJElectrical & Communications, frrc dba: Masters Electric 7490 Jurupa , Riverside, Ca, 92504 Phone:951-785-0921 Fax 951-785-5248 License C10:768926 & ACO 6265 Location of Test:. Rhodes Development 1441 Avocado Newport Beach• CA Building,#3 q �' Date of Test: 1— � - p j� Tested by: 992 ► 1344W %-4.1---e-�. FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT ADDRESS DEVICE LOCATION PASS FAIL SEE COMMENTS ROOF EZU5 ZONE1 PULL S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU5 ZONE2 SMOKE COMPRESSOR ROOM EZU5 ZONE2 SMOKE HEAT ROOM EZU5 ZONE2 SMOKE AIR HANDLER EZU5 ZONE2 SMOKE ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM EZU5 ZONE3 W / FLOW S, STAIRS EZU6 ZONE5 TAMPER S. STAIRS EZU5 ZONE2 SMOKE AIR HANDLER 8TH FLOOR EZU4 ZONE? DUCT SUITE 805 EZU4 ZONE5 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY EZU4 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY x EZU4 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY EZU4 ZONE7 DUCT INSIDE SUITE 805 EZU4 ZONES IW / FLOW S. STAIRS X EZU6 ZONE4 TAMPER S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU4 ZONE5 PULL NEAR SUITE 802 EZU4 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 801 EZU4 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 805 EZU4 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 806 EZU4 ZONE5 PULL SUITE 806 PHONE N, STAIRS IV EZU4 ZONE6 SMOKE I ELEC. ROOM Page 1 of 6 FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT ADDRESS DEVICE LOCATION PASS I FAIL SEE COMMENTS. 7TH FLOOR ALU1 L1M71 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY ALU1 L1S82 SMOKE LOBBY (ELEV RECALL) K ALU1 L1S81 SMOKE LOBBY ALU1 L1M74 DUCT PHONE ROOM ALU1 L1M76 W / FLOW S. STAIRS TAMPER S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS �. ALU1 L1M72 PULL INEAR SUITE 701 ALU1 L1S83 SMOKE SUITE 701 ALU1 L1S84 SMOKE SUITE710 ALU1 L1S85 SMOKE SUITE 707 ALU1 L1M74 PULL SUITE 707 PHONE N. STAIRS ALU1 L1S80 SMOKE ELEC. ROOM ALU1 L1M75 DUCT SUITE706 k 6TH FLOOR EZU3 ZONE5 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY X EZU3 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY k EZU3 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY EZU3 ZONE? DUCT PHONE ROOM EZU3 ZONE8 W / FLOW S. STAIRS EZU6 ZONE2 TAMPER S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU3 ZONE5 PULL NEAR SUITE 601 EZU3 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 601 EZU3 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 605 EZU3 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 606 k EZU3 ZONES PULL SUITE 606 EZU3 ZONE6 SMOKE N. STAIRS k PHONE NORTH STAIR k EZU3 ZONE? 1 DUCT ROOM 605 Page 2 of 6 FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT ADDRESS " DEVICE LOCATION PASS FAIL SEE ---COMMENTS 5TH FLOOR PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE SOUTH EZU3 ZONE1 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY EZU3 ZONE2 SMOKE LOBBY EZU3 ZONE2 SMOKE LOBBY EZU3 ZONES DUCT PHONE ROOM EZU3 ZONE4 W / FLOW S. STAIRS EZU6 ZONE1 TAMPER iS. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU3 ZONE1 PULL NEAR SUITE 501 EZU3 ZONE2 SMOKE SUITE 501 EZU3 ZONE2 SMOKE SUITE 508 EZU3 ZONE2 SMOKE SUITE 508 EZU3 ZONE1 PULL SUITE 508 PHONE N. STAIRS PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE NORTH EZU3 ZONE2 SMOKE ELEC. ROOM x EZU3 ZONE3 DUCT SUITE 508 4TH FLOOR EZU2 ZONE5 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY EZU2 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY (ELEV RECALL) EZU2 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY ke EZU2 ZONE? DUCT PHONE ROOM EZU2 ZONE8 W / FLOW S. STAIRS EZU5 ZONE8 TAMPER S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU2 ZONE5 PULL NEAR SUITE 401 EZU2 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 401 EZU2 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 405 EZU2 ZONE6 SMOKE SUITE 408 EZU2 ZONE5 PULL NORTH STAIR PHONE N. STAIRS EZU2 ZONE6 SMOKE ELEC. ROOM EZU2 ZONE? DUCT SUITE 405 Page 3 of 6 FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT ADDRESS DEVICE LOCATION PASS FAIL SEE -COMMENTS 3RD FLOOR EZU2 ZONE1 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY EZU2 ZONE2 SMOKE LOBBY (ELEV RECALL) EZU2 ZONE2 SMOKE LOBBY EZU2 ZONES DUCT PHONE ROOM EZU2 ZONE4 W / FLOW S. STAIRS EZU5 ZONE? TAMPER S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU2 ZONE2 PULL SOUTH STAIR EZU2 ZONE2 SMOKE SOUTH STAIR EZU2 ZONE2 SMOKE NORTH STAIR EZU2 ZONE2 SMOKE SUITE 306 EZU2 ZONE1 PULL SUITE 307 PHONE N. STAIRS EZU2 ZONE2 SMOKE ELEC. ROOM EZU2 ZONES DUCT SUITE 305 k 2ND FLOOR EZU1 ZONE5 PULL LOBBY PHONE LOBBY EZU1 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY (ELEV RECALL) EZU1 ZONE6 SMOKE LOBBY EZU1 ZONE? DUCT PHONE ROOM EZU1 ZONE7 DUCT INSIDE SUITE 206 EZU1 ZONE8 W / FLOW S. STAIRS EZU5 ZONE6 TAMPER S. STAIRS PHONE S. STAIRS EZU1 ZONE5 PULL SOUTH STAIR EZU1 ZONE6 SMOKE SOUTH STAIR EZU1 ZONE6 SMOKE ISUITE 206 EZU1 ZONE6 SMOKE NORTH STAIR EZU1 ZONE5 PULL NORTH STAIR PHONE N. STAIRS EZU1 ZONE6 SMOKE ELEC. ROOM HOLDER DOOR HOLDER EZU1 ZONE5 PULL SUITE 203 EZU1 ZONE5 PULL SUITE 203 Page 4 of 6 FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT ADDRESS ' DEVICE LOCATION .PASS . FAIL SEE COMMENTS 1ST FLOOR ALU1 L1S01 SMOKE FIRE ALARM ROOM ALU1 L1S02 SMOKE I FIRE ALARM ROOM ALU1 L1S03 SMOKE SUITE 103 BREAK ROOM ALU1 L1SO4 SMOKE SUITE 103 NEAR SOUTH EXIT k ALU1 LIS05 SMOKE SUITE 103 RECOVERY AREA ALU1 LIS06 SMOKE SUITE 103 PROCEDURE ROOM ALU1 LlS07 SMOKE SUITE 103 RECOVERY / PRE -OP ROOM ALU1 L1S08 SMOKE SUITE 103 CORRIDOR NEAR ELECTRICAL ROOM X ALU1 L1S09 SMOKE SUITE 103 ELECTRICAL ROOM ALU1 L1S10 SMOKE SUITE 103 WAITING ROOM ALU1 L1S11 SMOKE SUITE 103 RECEPTION DESK ALU1 L1S12 SMOKE ABOVE CEILING IN SOUTH SIDE OF LOBBY ALU1 LIS13 SMOKE ABOVE CEILING IN SUITE 100 NURSE LOUNGE ALU1 L1S14 SMOKE ALU1 L1S15 SMOKE 1ST FL NORTH LOBBY ALU1 L1S16 SMOKE 1ST FL ELEV LOBBY (RECALL) ALU1 LIS17 SMOKE ELEC. ROOM ALU1 L1M01 PULL FIRE ALARM ROOM ALU1 LlM02 PULL SUITE 103 BREAK ROOM ALU1 L1M03 PULL SUITE 103 SOUTH EXIT ALU1 L1M04 PULL SUITE 103 WEST EXIT ALU1 L1M05 AOM DAMPERS FOR SUITE 103 .X ALU1 L1M06 SPVSRY VOICE EVAC TROUBLE k ALU1 L1M07 SPVSRY IFIRE PHONES TROUBLE ALU1 L1M08 PULL LOBBY NORTH SIDE ALU1 L1M09 PULL LOBBY SOUTH SIDE EZU1 ZONE4 W/ FLOW FIRE ALARM ROOM PHONE S. STAIRS PHONE N. STAIRS EZU5 ZONE5 TAMPER IS. STAIRS Page 5 of 6 FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT ADDRESS DEVICE LOCATION PASS FAIL SEE COMMENTS PHONE ELEV.1 PHONE ELEV.2 PHONE ELEV.3 )C K EZU5ZONE6 OSY TAMPER EZU5 ZONE7 OSY TAMPER QRU HOLDER DOOR HOLDER QRU ACC ISHUTDOWN QRU ELEV. ICAPTURE COMMENTS: own TECHNICIAN CLIENT SIGNATURE Page 6 of 6 DATE ;" M-.',r, r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Iz � ti A l ") Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance !a v.4 D 0 Suite': ' ' 9; f Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nice use nnly) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: F-1ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condil „Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinsed-tion may render yoi law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bott rfl of this noticed 1 Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party )n(s) immediately upon receipt. liable to the penalties provided by D A Z z rv'� " 3 !I Inspector Inspection Unit Remspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. t906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be flluminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3) GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most cornnton. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 .y Dail, Charlie From: gene rhodes [esrhodes@pacbell.net] Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 1:19 PM To: Dall, Charlie Subject: fire alarm at 1441 avocado bldg#3 Charlie thank you for your help. Everything is back on line now. Hopefully there will be no more false alarms. Arden had everything reset. Sincerely, Gene Rhodes Owner of the Bldg. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT - 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 9266078915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax '(949) 644-3120 VIOLATION Nit;)PCE Business/Building Name: Inspeption Date: Unit: si�l:i�►r► . �A�`� c�} r.- 1. �,0 t��- �.' F Address: tt Inspector: h Business Phone: Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. F T� tied ree`de fog von �`tr t'�fcode descrip4�oi4-tJ 1, F10V41 iVT i-! ir/ �^�••�4n�«• �H•y': ,���t«� �`.4i`��r.F`�I 7, •f a'v( ,A Y��.1� f � '_ v•.V ,^ t' t � �! � �E'dt� � �..� ��"� �, jj�,,,� �:.:��r�y"' �"��. %�« i i� i •ti �" t 4. ��71<"«'13"1�..�� � f 1'•..� Al " o i+r t l +' r 'wy 4���k lam'"" [ �1' ! i..f' 4 ,...A. E..•a .24 /', 5 t :5 "s SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above; it may :be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date)' Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted o.n'the bottom of this notice. j 'W5rint - Responsible Party ,,Signature —tksp'insible Party ell Email Re -inspection Date ° Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety Services Division Revised:- 0418-1.3 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1) AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] At Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms, [315.2.3) ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [6051 j FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5) FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials.,[2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous'Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 fora complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6) • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; 2Lstorage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; ,os storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. + Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly. 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] t � FPPP NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT t Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 1% Fire Inspection Violation Form �G � LIN LO Business Name: Building Name: Inspection Date: C Address: Business Phone: Date "Nonce of Reinspection" = -13 was, Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of keferral' Issued: was 7— Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below_ were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m m m m m Date Cleared oo LI ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. -4 � / Si Res Par / j c "/ Date: - 2 ��_1/3 nature of onsible :��e g p Inspected By: jelnspection Date: SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and i have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of -this noti ..=-- I hereby certify tha above violation(s) have be corrected. A101 Na e: Address: . 0 Signatu elr oria t9 $n , Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: ewport Beach Fire D�epartm�e�tFt revention Divi d �f P. O. Box Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD t 7 Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] Aj Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire -sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] - CE Means of egress shall bt illumuiated when occupied. [1006.11 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids -shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 121) below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.51 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candies and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32) HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. (105.6.121 HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16) HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. (105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. c Newport Beach Fire Department 1 ., 4 Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 701 BALBOA BLVD E 4826Y NE61A 90325 NE61A Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 TYPE V - N 1V1 0 Buildin ' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: • t Fancy Nails 1 (949) 566-0356 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Apr 2, 2013 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Be Ho No No Other System(s): No ner / Respon *ble Party Phone: (714) 386-8403 N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A, Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A 1: Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Flighrise:' Fire Pump: F,jre, Lanes. - N/A N/A _No' No N6 Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No - Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AA Provide extinquisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. Cleared Apr 4,2011 Edwards, Dennis FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. Cleared Apr 17,2012 Edwards, Dennis Orange cord to electric water heater. FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in Cleared Apr 17,2012 Edwards, Dennis series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. Multiple surge protectors to micro -wave oven at rear door. FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. Cleared Apr 17,2012 Edwards, Dennis Orange cord to massage chair near front door. Pokes through stage and goes to unknown location. Notes: N/A r Printed: 4/23/2013 701 BALBOA BLVD E Page: 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ...................................................................... ............................. ...... .............. Notice of RL Aspection and Non -Compliance 1p- Date A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and, life safety 41 3; inspection at the following location/ business on — Business Name: Business Address: -7o I lye, zoo' T 1, e At that time, a violation notice was issued indicatirlg-7,t-he - rpctions required to gain as -guh alffc-09 OAJ T� e 1998 cl, compliance with the applicable codes, fe 14"Velat, h California Fire Code/ Section 103.2.1. ai Z This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after If all, violations are not corrected at that time, youi business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by, City Council. Your Prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. IV C/- Responsible Party: Inspector's Name: /vr Phone Number: l7 lq— � 0 -blc W Left with Resp � sible Party ,Sr'j El Fax- - umber Yellow - Fire Corqp4 '/FPD Original - Owner/ Responsible Party. Ay NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division .........................................................................................................................................................................................: Date ? 3 "''1 3 A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on y —9 0— 1�3 Business Name: . G Z Z—s— Business Address:®l�!�T 1,�/!9 At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the California Fire Code. °-� J A second inspection was conducted on 7 -1 d —/ 3 in an attempt to verify compliance with the written Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance. During this inspection, it was found that some or all of the violations had not been corrected. This notice is to inform you that your business is being referred to a member of the Newport Beach Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division. They will perform a reinspection of the above business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. If the necessary corrections have not been completed, the Fire Prevention Division will deliver to you a Final Notice and Notice of Intent to Prosecute. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: 9,F Phone Number: 7Z ;� 396 g , Fax Number: Email Address: Inspector's Name: ,6zY/c,S��hone Number: Delivered b YHa7d❑ Faxed ❑ Emailed �l76 Original — ire Company/FPD Yellow — Owner/Occupant/Responsible Party f - _ff - _ r •..,. .n• a' r.,➢ ;� .. , - "fh-d ..'N .fix- _.6 .. r f NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name:: (� Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice o einspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��mmmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) Cl�l 2oc�nr, 1 y - 5,211 imp Cf, C R y _ n G �i2n c �/ i SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condi. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may reo, r yo, law for, uch violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this,ntEe. j Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business immediately upon receipt. to the penalties provided by kll<6 1 21_199- ( ?, Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention ."°,-._`... GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1) Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. t904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. 1903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. 11008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." 11008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. (605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. t105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. t105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 .�ft Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: Grid. • Assigned To: Inspection 11): Inspected By: 1132 BALBOA BLVD W 4824W NE61C 88702 NE61C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-4 11 NOW- WOO' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Haamat Disc: BALBOA HORIZONS Recovery (949) 675-3406 No No Center Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A None Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Paul Moen No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Parry Phone: (949) 433-0828 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None Full - Not Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Closet inside Unit B Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 01/10/2013 1132 BALBOA BLVD, W Page: i NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLAT�ON NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 90,ibo Address: L,,eO Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance / t / � 02 %3 G �D c,. t3/ 1, i > Suite: Business Phone: _ ____ w` Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 7 10X As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire DepartrnVt,,the:v t�,olation(s,), listod below were noted. FT11 See reverse side for violation code'descriptions. i IDate Cleared rnffire nse nn[v) {` L �..- -� ��`• C' � t' 1 1 '�...+ —i - . r+`7� { : '✓'1 , i,....; re- 1..ti 'y'' C1 C I CA, Y 1 S` �J-�L2c i `✓' r -1,4 k! i Y Y S ♦ t"°'� - .;t "�, ,� , i +d" .;4� J .? t ,., 1.�` .. tr •.�# ,j j t•'� w i.at'r j tag, r =,,.F; r• ar _t �. , . '"&ELF=CLEARING:+.Qri),y afire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted_ above, it may be self -cleared by certifying 'below`#hat it has been serviced ortregtaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address withi% l da ,s'' f$t�e itispection� e r 1 . �, , t r. • y - - - ! \ l� , I. .. ' * " 1 1`l�iereby certify'that t{iere extinguisher.valati'on has been corrected._ r Print;_ 4 1t ij �g,4 jr,N ate.. zj l ;C(y Signature: {11#a n. r, .F •,i,.Y �C,d .+V'^''UMf( .•y.�'.t.y_• ( •Y'.i S`"F'. M1 ^"� j' "h' �' J x s..`'1 •..e.l.� 'W1 ,W �`> -M IDORDER TO COMPLY: You'. are hereby requird to correct the above�condition(s) immediately upon receipt. N,onoi mplia.Ai eAth, the'-fo'regoing order before the -date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violatlon(s). A;reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. �/ �,,, � / r7 I'/(t�/� ,mot..-, ...•-�, / Print Responsible Plarty S} -aa &e--'Responsible Party y Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 201 J Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). (3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. (308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. 1315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P_n_ Box 1768 Newnort Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1601 BALBOA BLVD W 4823X NE61C 88679 NE61C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load.- Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-4 18 FWuiliTin';' Sin gle' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Ocean Recovery (Women's) (949) 723-2388 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jan 2, 2013 Owner/Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Kevin Cullen No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 400-7120 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A Partial - Not Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Inside closet located in office space of Unit D Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes. N/A N/A . No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 01/10/2013 1601 BALBOA BLVD W Page; 1 M NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: i Inspection Date: Address: ` Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance i �oo t 0," -PC,, 9i\"-A GJ Suite: //Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) ' l,� fit(/` (, r •{, �y .� . \ < -�-q i �/✓, E t4i � 'I G`� �%�tl�la-"i..._ VC.J \+r-..i �� 1^ .._.� �J �j+J( _ ((�.y1/4t.. (''v� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: r-j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice.-,. IF i-uic - nwNv1161v1c r ai Ly J' 1 Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Responsible Party Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention J' - GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.23 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. (1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. 1605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. (2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). (105.6.41] Revised )an 2011 _. .�va.....ti-W.�..,.,,'Y+v, z.+F-S: nIE...w �'r �e -�..: s..r-..-.G. -. �'° ''lr``4wi V`r.. 's�.�,_j���a3..-+•••„-Nr:.a Asti - �. ., - • NEWPORT BEACH FIRE. DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspe(cttion Date: _ j Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Reinspection" _ ry t t y lib+—r`at zg ' 1,»!{`f _ i'! - was Issued: t Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" nite- was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of,an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Date Cleared k- 5 \tf if " l f `F �•�j�. f ��^� ��5 3 L.� 8 }#�3`-2 8 h-. 9-.pdi S T� a s� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon •receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). . A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: Date: Inspected By: . l �y li ' 1 )1_4 i PJ Reinspection Date: SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Nanie:'1 ' W LW ', • Address: ��� Da� Li Signature: 1 f 1�wt,1''lP, - &WIlk, Date: I � 1 • -When self -clearing violations) have been completed', please -mail this form -to: N'e*port'Be, c Fire Department - Fire Prevention Division t P..O. BoX 1Z68 . Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915- �kk Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station 44 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [1002.1] [Standard 104] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [1002.1] [Standard 104] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [1001.5.1] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [1001.8] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. 112031 AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [7902.] AG Open burning. [1102.3] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [8506.1] AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [8506.3] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [8506.2.5] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [85071 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [1001.8] (See Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 6" in height. [901.4.4] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [1001.7.2] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [1103.2.2] AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [1006.2.7] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102.5.21 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [902.4] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [1001.5.1] Ftr cw++d.�p wrt tao hom qn i dI ,t._ytinm ,ici,,ina —Its— r.�mi�inxniall�r R; affpra2G]sarHya Hnn,.f'I.Q(1; dl BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [1006.2.8] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.1] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [1001.5.2] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [Appendix 1-B Section 6.1] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.3] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.1] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." [1207.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [2501.16.1] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1211.11 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [7902.5.9.1] DB Flammable liquids Baal: ou dis-., n sed by approved numus taking suction through top of the container. [7903.1.3.5] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [1103.3.2.2] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [1103.3.2.1] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [1103.2.1.3] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [1210.31 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [8504] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [8509.3] FC Electricai panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". 18509.21 FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [8506.2.2] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.10] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.4] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.6] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [8001.7] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [8001.3.3] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.1] HB Combustible material storage greater than Z500 cubic feet. [105.8.c.6] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.8.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. [105.8.d.2] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.8.f.3.2] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.8.f.3.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.8.o.3] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.2] HJ Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. [105.8.r.2] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.1] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.8.h.31 HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [1103.2.4] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix II -A Section 16] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. 't^•`ri �,r�,.:..«•,,,.�.+,..-..��,.,.�=...��r.,r,...t.-.<w>.-.r..-...�.•.,i�-=�,.n.... ' ...,` .: .. :.' "' .: - ,,..San..-i•,:,-�t..� r�~S/�`-.? r.;vw %.{«�.r,�-.-..., `v�.r.-"+,�+ti:.,..JN...,�-r.a'�.,r•�;..v u �..�•.y`�...,,,,,cn - ��tr•:m.,,k�„`J••......i:.�.,�-.^ .n=•.� ':=4.;�,. �°_s.,," ;,:� . Ya #h NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT .R' Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 .' . Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: :p ,)Ll S-. GA-f •�20 Q BusinesstPPhone: ! Date 'Notice of Reinspection" was Issued: # . Suite: Inspecting Vire- nit: Date "Notice of Referral!' was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violalion descriptions. mm Date Cleared a,(, ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance / with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled o less than 14`days from the date of this inspection._ Inspected B'-{- . }� w3 Reinspection Date: SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violations) have been corrected. Name: O'' L �o k)opl tc-D . i Address ��� s tt �� i L Signature: 1 Date: 37187 13 f' �0 4 When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division M t P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD — Yellow— Owner. ' "'' " . ` ' °-:��Fc 19f" Pink - Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [1002.1] [Standard 10-1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed F from floor level. [1002.1] [Standard 10-11 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [1001.5.1] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [1001.8] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1203] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [7902.] AG Open burning. [1102.31 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [8506.1] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [8506.3] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [8506.2.51 AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [8507] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [1001.8] (See Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 6" in height. [901.4.4] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [1001.7.2] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [1103.2.2] AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguish. :Nquireu. [1006.2.7] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102.5.21 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [902.41 5b Extinguishing systems shall be maintained aad operable ai all tunes. [100i,6:1] ` BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [1001.41 BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [1006.2.8] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.1] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [1001.5.2] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [Appendix 1-B Section 6.1] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.3] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.1] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS," [1207.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [2501.16.1] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1211.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [7902.5.9.1] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [7903.1.3.5] E. Sividge EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [1103.3.2.2] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [1103.3.2.1] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [1103.2.1.3] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [1210.3] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [8504] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [8509.31 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". [8509.2] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [8506.2.2] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.10) GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.41 GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.6] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [8001.3.31 H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.1] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. 1105.8.c.61 HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.8.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. [105.8.d.2] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.8.f.3.2] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.8.f.3.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. 1105.8.o.31 HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.2] M Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. [105.8.r.2] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.1] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.8.h.3] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [1103.2.4] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix II -A Section 161 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. k, NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ft , 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 4 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. NNIMENEMIMENE IMENEMEMMIME See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) i SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: l Signature: ' ORDER TO COMPLY; You are hereby required to. correct lyhe above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection-may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ,v pit - ' esponsible Pa . Signature — Responsy Party Inspectov Inspection Unit " Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 . AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307) AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. 1505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved -occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING 1S OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] • F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. (2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most connnon. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). (105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2017 vt\'.'.,i::, .h , - ,.. s'.iv ` ti, �?r�.. - .. - -,, � 1 t� -: .,._- a 2 ^. ,. -, r .., �,. j�s....t.t,,-_..,�.1 `,-�+.•c'-,..., ..a ::.�,-}��w, g?.�A ..Z,�:' -�;.'s c:..,��++•'.,:,n�.a�..n� •• t ;` -� . �_- -` :t NE ORT BEACH FIRE DEPAAT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 ""le Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: _ Inspectio Date- Address: 1 too I b�-lq , eel C. 1) e. Issue Date: Notice of_Re'nspectionfavd Non -Compliance ' .' f ,� 3 Suite: 19usiness Phone: - jac4y -q 53o Issue DRertal tot e Fire Prevention Division r I Lj As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descripiions. Date Cleared -_ ." 1 (nffine iue nnly) . SELF-G, AARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may. be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below hat has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection ate. -- -� I hereby certi that the zre in er violation has been corrected.. -.. Print Name* �� ---..___,_Date:a � H Signature:--- )2 ORDER - TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) ifi �ediately -upon -receipt: Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the. date-of're-inspection may render you liable to 'the penalties 03 O'vided by, law for�such violation(s). A reinspectibn date is'noted on the bottom of this notice. tSn,,.' {v�'a't' :%"�I�J' v ...,�nK....rvg� t .s,✓"""; "�.�� •o....yr"'"'•i'�t ,�'�`� -, . Printer esponsible Partyy Signature, Responblible Party 7$ Inspector Inspectioii•Uhit Reinspection Date Id�) t � Revised Jan i0191< <" Original - Busin&ss' K Yellow - Fire PrOention i' ,'... GENERO PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE10 California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. (3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan.12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/ flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building, or storage of Class 11 or Class I11A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised fan 2011 .. �a:,,:.;�,�e. '�.� �•R --r _ r. -.. ., v..,ui ..x; ..M. .,0.,cy:F�r. A•y�. •i_.� _ ., ,.,�.... .o-.w� x ,t' F 1 �7,' } t, ` A: ,b�'<4 , `. n! I�EWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 P .; Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: - Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Business Phone: - `72-5--J100 Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. �� mmmmmm mm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onld) rJ .Sv af, 12 C A UA R-o^ AA o NJ i lb rt-i N d eo �t , ?4-AJ ` 2 `S J j p •T- 1r.-�%��J t /�—f2 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self, cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice. to -the• above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extin fisher violation has been `corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print --lre—sponsible Party Signature — Responsible Party agLKI PPAf (40 Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Af ' t!i i7v Gr Afiai Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference.1507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinkiered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1I13 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. (105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 ' 3.. -+ .... vm-.a ! Y- ,. , ..,. „ e�g�-a'-x .. s.,,c�ie . 3 ...l' , a .� .4.�.r..Fx.:iA�* N1060' RT BEACH FIRE DEPARTi*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: .SAI L.e7 ? "- 1'"4 Vic? 1 2— Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 100 66 -lV i %0�3 GiQ. S— t 2 Suite: ss Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division (aao 0_,p,59-5--7L-7 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice me nniv) APB° vr-D L0_ 1vio � s-mQA&iNe-i_ Rvz q-23--t Lr-L-i Qvaps - cr>eL1-- k-01S ` PLAr2,c- (/vj dins _ei LI (v& t*l(,C-S - Acj9YyCie-' L W16 A7_ t-W-4 t4 -VS 1 T1;21Z_l7_A-n 2ooni► Gf� �'. r��„vt t7ci�i! .�S t5 F=r<. Ci z a -a A^ - Si�/a A-0D -"A0, EAC H- F__?C-rIAJ 6L/ tsft-% 1 eo o-F Wv C J S :' �= t' :v S (�,�r Cc;�� S Z Z_r :`u v - ''�`Z �- IZ- f%e,t2_ A 147ve � t 2(it/!. G�v,�'Y ��'�- rF 5�.✓zc+ r�yG � 1~�^narr /�c S'rau SC o .cta. r l M V l it (SLUG AA'M4S ► AcK-r OLv(U IrLe-e-T'L !L 21- (Z— Ln! SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -.cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party kkN< Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business /��;V �� Sif mature -"Responsible P 'r Inspection Unit - Reinspection Date r( e*C,4+ Yellow - Fire Prevention O GENERR PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE# California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. ElectricaI FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 N%port Beach Fire Deparent Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: I Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 301 BAYViEW CIR 4129Z _ NE63B_ 84006 N_E63B Suite: SC/ 1, Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 TYPE II - N N/A j 0 Building Business Nanrc: Business Phone: I Preplan: Ha_mat Disc: Building N/A _ _ j_ No No Building Name: i Kr7ox Box Loc: �i �)`r Y} w� r (�� — Assign Date: Downey Savings & Loan v� ,�t t.., Lz`c �,.z� _ i Jan 3, 2012 Owner l Responsible Parly Arame: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: -Till, -IiIMMz T04 nJ 111Ae✓D-�-VI LI-4 No No No O1W7ei-I Resl7or7rble Pal"ry Phor7e• ( '5" "^�- ^�"— Other System(s)' - -'•``: Other Phone: N/A li-Adail: N/A �' �y S Sprinkler Svlylenr Standpipe System: I Alarm System: Full None Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Dale: Standpipe 5 Year Date: I I, Alarrn Panel Location: Nov 1, 2007 Inside Edison room on exterior of south side of building Riscr Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise. Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: inside suite 109 in closet behind the n/a No No No counter on the north wail lash Test Valve Location: FDC Location j Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants, Inside suite 100 in office against N. Side of building next to of No No south wall (Hair Salon office) Bayview Cafe Permits °S,ti:: r°.-:4��"<1.'S., iv; .. �. -».7. „_ 'Y: .- -y, +. • . . --•"E.:. » nz ., = 4' :+n ,.2d'» . t'� -.g ?'` w ..�„ 1� . i-.-,t "► NOPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 x Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: _ Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 11vf d_o i rvim 1 q 4� `! - & Z-1,- g 'i 3 C� As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. e) Z Qz i '�)� m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared Wfinn n.se nnly) 7r!V SN- L,7 Ir - ar- °(!L c r-fL9.G' 0 4- 47I a'W Oi''� to IW fL(xiK.LEJC. t'K'!}tVf�p��t�Y: $ tSTGKa r '� Os / L4 i3t. srrs.vY Ulf--r Ga�Nt G7'ecr� P " ,M A <_r6 t _ K e— rL 0,L/ / 1, 1 &b 56aul4_ 1-i s6 LA6//I-C'5 •'' /Lovbf-IJJi #�1k2/c,�C 5i,2_U�ru�lt r' SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the, inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ---.- Print - Respon ible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector 'evised Jan 2011 Original - Business 4 f Inspection Unit Reinsp ctio Date (j INNFQ a Yellow — Fire Prevention 61 ZI 17- GENER0PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE U California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). (307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. 11008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. (605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised Jan 2011 i Newport Beach Fire Department OccupancyBuilding Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid. • Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 301 BAYVIEW CIR 4129Z NE63B 88939 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 0 TYPE II - N N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Building 949 823-9330 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Downey Savings & Loan South wall, next to Main Electrical room Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: John Mandeville No No Other System(s): No Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 689-5860 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: john.mendeville@cbre.com �rstents Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full None Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: i Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Nov 1, 2007 p`y Inside Edison room on exterior of r Y ' 2 south side of building Riser Location: I Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Inside suite 109 in closet behind the n/a No No No counter on the north wall Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: Inside suite 100 in office against N. Side of building next to of No No south wall (Hair Salon office) Ba view Cafe Permits: I . j Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Provide Master Key for Building Cleared Jan 17,2012 Lucas, Nic ZZ I Service Hose Cabinets throughout Parking Structure Cleared Jan 17,2012 Lucas, Nic BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe Cleared Jan 17,2012 Lucas, Nic system(s). CE ZZ Notes: Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. Cleared Jan 17,2012 Lucas, Nic Loosen/lube Standpipe Caps Cleared Jan 17,2012 Lucas, Nic N/A 1-�-(�sE ct�r•�t::� AL 0 Nv�r' 1 PY, /LX 66"1 � Printed: in12013 301 BAYVIEW CIR Page: 1 s `�,t"snfr, •<',.. ,,r f C _e'. ,� r � � , � � n r i ,a , t' �W7`�:, �� q'�', # kip' :� �� ,4 J� .Y '•� ,� , . NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT • 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance -30' ZAYV t EW 0 2- Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 61(41'- s:- -- 1 S'5o As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. �����mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) r161UC7S S'qrL.c1(.T1JJZG IN'' ik?1.= 4Z4V4 re : Lroi0t--fE,12FL<>" LAv-m fWA4- d !,Q n /uayfY AcAr.wi nm0wr d r 1 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection-maS render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the botto ri of this n tice Print - Responsible Party Signatiire6lKesponsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Rei snRei pection Date Yellow,— Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. (906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3) CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinkiered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED'OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the Most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 hispectioti Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 301 BAYVIEW CIR 4129Z NE63B 88356 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 109 1,400 TYPE 11- N B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: BAYVIEW CAFE (949) 725-0292 No NO Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Downey Savings & Loan South wall, next to Main Electrical room Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Jason Lee Yes No No Other System (s): Owner /ResponibleParty Phone: (714)469-1520 Other Phone: UL300 compliant E-Mail: N/A Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full None Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: ` Y -N.A� , 007 �l'1 Standpipe 5 Year Date: � Alarm Panel Location: Inside Edison room on exterior of south side of building Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Inside suite 109 in closet behind the n/a No No No counter on the north wall Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Inside suite 100 in office against N. Side of building next to of No No south wall (Hair Salon office) Bayview Cafe Permits: Printed: 1/7/2013 301 BAYVIEW CIR Suite: 109� Page: 1 ., 'Y'• _ .., .. t., � F,..�t• t. >;-0^+;*,�r•�:�4�-• np ,_ � a-r'�,-� , ,'a,�.. .ti'� ,. C" t NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: _ Inspection Dat lV!-'� Je ,3 Address: Issue Date: otice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance t7j Q �f Y�- Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division D9 I 9YCt- -725--021z. As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) Ly f t 4 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared 'by certifying below that it has ,been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: t Signature: (' ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 9 Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the,penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party 94ic_ IL w �✓t S Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Responsible Party ly&kas : / Inspection Unit Reins ecti n Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3) E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6) • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 v-an ., f;- y,: Y.'. _ �� • .. ... ..+. .. '. - y 1. �.Tt'.. a.,�,'. �„".: a � tte,0 N-WPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARGENT _ 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 9 rfA\61M A ? ; �L_ 1 2. Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance I 0 1 l6 w PL Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. � R maiMENMENEENE MM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire me. nniv) .. c-vim CV 4A !2 ) UQ-k Pvvi6AJ-E S' A-tL -vc A Mtrtr,101 rV1ov 0& (fiauc 10AJ "O/z,2r9v2_S . lkp"o 3—fz- "cZ 2wA SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be selPo'leared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. PAnt - Responsible Party fSignature Respo ble Party �I Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date V Revised .Ian 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) (1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1) CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3) E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinkiered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 its c n 'a 9 ! a ;z'k 1 w . « ## t 1 i 4 S"'F'—Al 0 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newoort Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Offi e (949) 644-31�0 ax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE /Z — 2 F) s =`z? Ora BusinessB(uiilldinggNaa�me: w - Inspectio Date: V Address: Issuebate: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division y - ` 5- - 0-7 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. nNIMENErnIMM1121 I ME See reverse st e or vto atton co e escrtpttons. Date Cleared (office use only) .. (Ni e,C Ad-rko.EXCH EKIWkISLU A-0vv iL /Q' 3 30 t S� I JQA V I f 074 0 A2o2� a f OTJ Spe-1 r i ta-e ys M ' v SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby cerajy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 1 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon •receipt. Ir Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the pena ies provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom ofthis notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party a • C-2aOT PWIJ Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date devised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention -W z V GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a Y circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) (1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers'or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class JIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 *1 04/11/2013 11:02 Customer Activity Report All Activity Kitayama Restaurant (Fire) Customer ID: M1000518 Dealer ID: M2000 Exclude Test Signals: N 03/01/2013 00:00:00 Thru 04/11/2013 00:00:00 [Customer's Local Time Zone] Customer Activity Report Page 1/4 04/11/2013 11:02 It ub.T1IlI1] Great Western Security (ACO 5196) 23705 Vanowen St #293 West Hills CA 91307 M1000518 [M1/518] Kitayama Restaurant (Fire) 101 Bayview Place (949) 725-0739 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Date Day Time Log Description 03/01/2013 Fri 21:36:00 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:36:04 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/02/2013 Sat 21:35:55 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:35:58 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/03/2013 Sun 21:36:14 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:36:18 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/04/2013 Mon 21:36:15 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:36:19 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/05/2013 Tue 21:36:12 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:36:13 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/06/2013 Wed 21:36:07 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:36:09 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/07/2013 Thu 21:36:07 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:36:11 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/08/2013 Fri 12:02:56 LOW BATTERY (System: 1 Area: 1) 12:02:59 POWER FAIL (System: 1 Area: 1) (Alarm) 12:03:00 Suspend - Time: up to 90 Minutes 13:33:00 Deferred 13:33:29 Contact Contact - PREMISES at Phone [(949) 725-0739] - Result: No Answer 13:34:23 Response - - Viewed [01:30:02] View to Action [28 Secs] Actioned [01:30:30] 13:35:57 Comment - left msg in dlr vm 13:36:00 Close Comment - ' Resolution: No Resolution Code Given - Genuine Alarm 21:37:17 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 21:37:20 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/09/2013 Sat 21:36:16 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/10/2013 Sun 22:36:01 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:04 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/11/2013 Mon 22:36:17 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:21 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:26 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/12/2013 Tue 22:36:10 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:13 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:19 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:37:26 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:37:29 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/13/2013 Wed 22:35:59 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/14/2013 Thu 22:35:54 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:57 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/15/2013 Fri 22:35:52 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:54 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/16/2013 Sat 22:35:49 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:51 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/17/2013 Sun 22:35:59 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/18/2013 Mon 22:35:57 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/19/2013 Tue 22:35:51 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 03/20/2013 Wed 22:35:52 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:56 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:01 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) Customer Activity Report Page 2/4 04/11/2013 11:02 ID: M2000 Date Day 03/21/2013 Thu 03/22/2013 Fri 03/23/2013 Sat 03/24/2013 Sun 03/25/2013 Mon 03/26/2013 Tue 03/27/2013 Wed 03/28/2013 Thu 03/29/2013 Fri 03/30/2013 Sat 03/31/2013 Sun 04/01/2013 Mon 04/02/2013 Tue 04/03/2013 Wed 04/04/2013 Thu 04/05/2013 Fri 04/06/2013 Sat Time Log Description 22:37:09 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:31 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:34 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:44 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:35 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:38 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:27 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:31 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 14:46:53 Temp On Test - Entered ID: 182269 - 14:46 to 18:00, 25 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'Mucio - USA Fire Protection' 14:46:53 Temp On Test - Started ID: 182269 - 14:46 to 18:00, 25 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'Mucio - USA Fire Protection' 14:54:49 Comment - ***** Left VM for dealer re: no RP #'s 16:43:41 Comment - acct cln up 16:50:08 FIRE'WATERFLOW - REAR STORAGE AREA' 16:50:12 RESTORE'WATERFLOW REAR STORAGE AREA' 17:38:47 Temp On Test - Deleted ID: 182269 - 14:46 to 18:00, 25 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'mucio off test' 17:38:47 Temp On Test - Stopped ID: 182269 - 14:46 to 18:00, 25 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'mucio off test' 22:35:39 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:37 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:25 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:27 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:20 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:23 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 14:32:49 Temp On Test - Entered ID: 182669 - 14:32 to 18:00, 29 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'per musio' 14:32:49 Temp On Test - Started ID: 182669 - 14:32 to 18:00, 29 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'per musio' 15:05:58 SUPERVIS 'PIV TAMPER -FRONT OF BUILDING' 15:17:02 SUPERVIS 'PIV TAMPER -FRONT OF BUILDING' 15:18:47 RESTORE 'PIV TAMPER FRONT OF BUILDING' 15:19:25 SUPERVIS TIV TAMPER -FRONT OF BUILDING' 16:18:30 RESTORE TIV TAMPER FRONT OF BUILDING' 18:00:59 Temp On Test - Expired ID: 182669 - 14:32 to 18:00, 29 Mar - Whole Customer Reason: 'per musio' 22:35:14 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:17 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:09 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:13 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:06 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:09 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:20 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:19 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:21 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:27 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:34 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:11 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:02 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:04 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:11 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:15 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:18 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:35:23 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:36 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:36:38 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) Customer Activity Report Page 3/4 04/11/2013 11:02 FUN3310 _111 Date Day Time Log Description 22:36:44 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:37:42 TROUBLE'TIMER TEST(Alarm) 22:37:58 Close Comment - ... Resolution: No Resolution Code Given - Genuine Alarm 04/07/2013 Sun 17:55:25 Phone Line Fault (System: 1 Area: 1) (Alarm) 17:55:59 Suspend - Time: up to 30 Minutes 18:00:48 Operator Cancel/Close Comment - .. Resolution: No Resolution Code Given - Genuine Alarm 17:59:12 Phone Line Restore'WATERFLOW REAR STORAGE AREA' 18:00:23 Phone Line Fault (System: 1 Area: 1) (Alarm) 18:00:45 Close Comment - .. Resolution: No Resolution Code Given - Genuine Alarm 18:41:23 Phone Line Fault (System: 1 Area: 1) (Alarm) 18:42:40 Suspend - Time: up to 20 Minutes 19:02:55 Close Resolution: No Resolution Code Given - Genuine Alarm 18:44:10 Phone Line Restore'WATERFLOW REAR STORAGE AREA' 22:34:52 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:34:55 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 04/08/2013 Mon 22:34:46 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:34:50 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 04/09/2013 Tue 22:34:45 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:34:48 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) 04/10/2013 Wed 22:34:44 RESTORE (System: 1 Area: 1) 22:34:46 TEST (System: 1 Area: 1) Customer Activity Report Page 4/4 %v t> 1 ""N t 25-78 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MA TENANCE OF TER BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, .Testing, and Maintenance Cover Sheet NFPA 25 as amended by GGR, Title 19 Property Information: Name: kitayanna jap restaurant Occupancy /Use: restaurant or- CA41 Address: tot bayview pl. Construction Type: I City: newport beach ca No. Stories: 1 E R ZIP: 92660 Year Constructed: 1989 Contact: Mr. Kozuki (mgr) Telephone: 1949.725.0777 Contractor Information: 1 Number of System Risers Name: u.s.all fire protection system Copy sent to: Address: p.o.box 1461 Owner Date 04/01113 City: arcadia Fire AHJ Date 04/01/13 State: California 91077 Contractor Date 04/01/13 Telephone: 626.926.7000 NOTES: 1) For specific inspection, testing, and CA License# 948513 maintenance requirements and information, see NFPA 25, 2002 Edition as amended by Job # 1003 California Code of Regulations, Title 19, §901 to §906. Performed by: Mucio beltran (Print) 2) Inspection items may be performed by the Owner in accordance with California Code of Note: Contractor information may be pre-printed I Regulations Title 19 904.1 a Forms included with this report Chat e5 Number of Forms N/A FAIL* PASS Automatic Sprinkler System 5 ✓ Standpipe and Hose Systems 6 Private Water Supply System 7 Fire Pump 8 Water Storage Tank 9 Water Spray System 10 Foam Water Sprinkler System 11 *See "Deficiencies and Comments" section at end of each respective form. State Fire Marshal AES 1 March 21, 2006 ANNEX B 25-79 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 9 of NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 03/25/13 System Riser ID: west Property Information: Type of System: Name: kitayama jap resturant © Wet Pipe y" 101 ba iew I ❑ Dry Pipe Address: p ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluge City: newport beach ca 92660 Main Drain Test Results: Abbreviation Key: I = Inspection Initial Static Pressure: 95 (psi) T = Test M = Maintenance Residual Pressure: 85 (psi) A-O = After -Operation Ml = Per Manufacturer's Instructions Restored Static Pressure: 95 (psi) Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.1 I Daily Preaction/Deluge Valves — Enclosure 12 4.3.1 x Weekly temperature 1.2 1 Daily Dry Pipe Valves — Enclosure x Weekly temperature Gauges (Dry, Preaction, Deluge 1.3 1 Quarterly Sys tems x 1.4 1 Quarterly Control Valves x 1.5 1 Quarterly Alarm Devices 5.2.6 x 1.6 1 Quarterly Gauges (Wet Pipe Systems) x 1.7 1 Quarterly Hydraulic nameplate 5.2.7 1.8 I Quarterly Pipe and Fittings 5.2.2 1.9 1 Quarterly Sprinklers 5.2.1 x 1.10 1 Quarterly Spare Sprinklers x 1.11 1 Quarterly Fire Department Connections 12.7.1 1.12 1 Quarterly Alarm Valves — Exterior Inspection 1.13 1 QuarterlyPreaction/Deluge Valves — Exterior x Inspection 1.14 1 Quarterly Pressure Reducing Valves x 1.15 1 Quarterly Dry Pipe Valves — Exterior Inspection x 1.16 1 Quarterly Backflow Preventers 12.6.1 x 1.17 1 Annually Buildings 5.2.5 X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 25-80 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 2 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance. 03/25/13 System Riser ID: west Property Information: CAI f� Type of System: moo'~ Name: kitayamajap. restaurant p Wet Pipe �� ❑ Dry Pipe �' v Address: 101 bayview pl. ❑ Preaction y ❑ Deluge q ARE MA4 City. newport beach ca 92660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.18 t Annually Hangers 5.2.3 X 1.19 I Annually Seismic Braces 5.2.3 X 1.20 l 5 Years Hangers (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1.21 ! 5 Years Seismic Braces (Accessible concealed X spaces) 1.22 I 5 Years Pipe and Fittings (Accessible concealed X spaces) 1.23 I 5 Years Sprinklers (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1.24 1 5 Years Alarm Valves — Interior Inspection x 1.25 1 5 Years Alarm Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices X 1.26 1 5 Years Check Valves — Interior inspection X 1.27 1 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves — Interior X Inspection 1.28 1 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves - Strainers, X filters, orifices 1.29 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves — Interior Inspection X 1.30 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices X 2.1 T Annually Alarm Devices (90 Sec) . 12.2..7 X 12.2.6 2.2 T Annually Main Drain Test (Enter data on Page 1) X 12.3.3A 2.3 T Annually Antifreeze Test 5.3.4 X 2.4 T Annually Control Valve - Position X 2.5 T Annually Control Valve —Operation X 2.6 T Annually Supervisory X 2.7 T Annually Preaction Valve — Priming Water X 2.8 T Annually Preaction Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm X 2.9 T tAnnually Preaction Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 ... w......... .._.... ANNEX B 25-81 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 3 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended b CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance. 43/25/13 System Riser ID: west Property Information: of ca4, Type of System: ,sue ,,� Name: kitayama jap. restaurant D Wet Pipe ❑Dry Pipe v . Address: 101 bayview pl. ❑ Preaction {� ❑ Deluge MP��a�' City: newport beach ca 90260 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 2.10 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Priming Water X 2.1, T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Low Air Pressure X Alarm 2.12 T Annually y Dry Pipe Valve — Quick-Opening X Device 2.13 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Trip Test X 2.14 T Annually Backflow Preventer Assemblies 12.6.2 X 2.15 T 3 Years Dry Pipe Valve — Full Flow Trip Test x 2.16 T 5 Years Gauges 5.3.2 X 2.17 T 5 Years Pressure Reducing Valve X 2.18 T 5 Years Fire Department Connection Backflush 12.7.4 X 2.19 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Extra High Temperature X 2.20 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Corrosive environment or X corrosive water 2.21 T 10 Years Sprinklers - Dry X 2.22 T 20 Years Sprinklers - Fast Response X 2.23 T 50 Years Sprinklers X 2.24 T 75 Years Sprinklers 75 years in service X Sprinklers manufactured prior to 1920,1.1 X 2.25 T — Replace 3.1 M Annually Control Valves 12.3.4 x 3.2 M Annually Preaction/Deluge Valves x 3.3 M Annually Dry Pipe Valves/Quick-Opening x Devices E3.4 M Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Low Point Drains x 3.5 M 5 Years Obstruction Investigation Chapter 1-3 X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 25-82 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 4 of NFPA 26, Chapter 6 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 03/25/13 System Riser ID: west Property Information: c Type of System: �oF ar�� Name: kitayama jap restaurant W1 Wet pipe 101 ba iew I ❑ Dry Pipe `v Address: yv p ❑ Preaction G� ❑ Deluge City: newport beach,ca 902660 Item Deficiencies and Comments: Deficiencies and Comments Item number must correspond to the Item number of the Activity listed above: NOTE: ALL PREVIOUS DEFICIENCIES WERE CORRECTED AND REPAIRS ARE COMPLETED REPAIRS COMPLETED ON 04/23/13 THIS IS FULLY SPRINKLERED BLDG TYPE 1,USED AS RESTAURANT WITH A WEREHOUSE AND OFFICE SPACE,ONE RISER 4" AND ONE PIV TO SHUTT ALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DOWN,FIRE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL WORKS AND READS SIGNAL FROM BOTH PIV,AND TAMPER SWITCH,FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM RESTORED ,AND CERTIFIED ALARM OPERATOR: JERRY 818.633.9505 ALARM CENTRAL MONITORING OFFICE,1800.369.2527 FIRE SPRINKLER TEST ON : MARCH 26,2013 TAMPER SWrrCH @ 40OPM MARCH 26,2013 WATER FLOW SWITCH @ 430PM MARCH 29,TAMPER SWITCH @ 415PM AND LAST ONE APRIU23/2013 @ 248PM ( REPAIR DAY) Ue Continuation Page( (Indiveate then ber of continuation pages) d PASS '� 04/24/2013 I-] FAI L. Sin ure Date State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 25-78'' INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIf OTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Cover Sheet NFPA 25 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Property Information: Name: kitayama jap restaurant Address: 101 bayview pl. City: ZIP: newport beach,ca 92660 Occupancy /Use: restaurant Construction Type: No. Stories: ARE NiA4' Year Constructed: 989 Contact: Mr. Kozuki (mgr) _ Telephone: 1949.725.0777 (T k3)2,IT- C e l o `1 J Contractor Information: 1 Number of System Risers Name: u.s.all fire protection system Copy sent to: Address: p.o.box 1461 Owner Date 04/01/13 City: arcadia Fire AHJ Date 04/01/13 State: California 91077 Contractor Date 04/01/13 Telephone: 626.926.7000 NOTES: 1) For specific inspection, testing, and CA License# 948513 maintenance requirements and information, see NFPA 25, 2002 Edition as amended -by Job # 1003 California Code of Regulations, Title 19, §901 to §905. Performed by: mucio beltran (Print) 2) Inspection Items may -be performed by the Owner in accordance with California Code of Note: Contractor information may be pre-printed I Regulations Title 19 §904.1(a) Forms included with this report NFPA Cha te5 Number of Forms NIA FAIL,* PASS Automatic Sprinkler System 5 ✓ Standpipe and Hose Systems 6 Private Water Supply System 7 Fire Pump 8 Water Storage Tank 9 ✓ Water Spray System 10 Foam Water Sprinkler System 11 *See "Deficiencies and Comments" section at end of each respective form. State Fire Marshal AES 1 March 21, 2006 F-W1001011 25-79 inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 1 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 3/25/13 System Riser ID: west Property Information: Name: Kitayama jap restaurant Type of System: oF.--G-A-4ro ® Wet Pipe ❑ Dry Pipe "� 15 view 101 ba I Address: Y p ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluged__ •�` ARE 1V►P' City: Newport beach,ca 92660 Main Drain Test Results: Abbreviation Key: I = Inspection Initial Static Pressure: 95 (psis) T Test M Maintenance Residual Pressure: 85 (psi) A-O = After Operation MI = Per Manufacturer's Instructions Restored Static Pressure: 95 (psi) Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass Daily Preaction/Deluge Valves - Enclosure x 1.1 1 Weekly temperature 1.2 I Daily Dry Pipe Valves - Enclosure x Weekiv temperature 1.3 1 Quarterly Gauges (Dry, Preaction, Deluge x Systems) 1.4 1 Quarterly Control Valves x 1.5 I Quarterly Alarm Devices 6.2.6 x 1.6 1 Quarterly Gauges (Wet Pipe Systems) x 1.7 1 Quarterly Hydraulic nameplate 6.2.7 x 1.8 1 Quarterly Pipe and Fittings 5.2.2 x 1.9 1 Quarterly Sprinklers 5.2.1 x 1.10 1 Quarterly Spare Sprinklers x 1.11 1 Quarterly Fire Department Connections 12.7.1 x 1.12 1 Quarterly Alarm Valves - Exterior Inspection x 1.13 1 Quarter) y Preaction/Deluge Valves - Exterior x Inspection 1.14 1 Quarterly Pressure Reducing Valves x 1.15 1 Quarterly Dry Pipe Valves- Exterior Inspection x 1.16 1 Quarterly Backflow Preventers 12.6.1 x 1.17 1 Annually Buildings 5.2.5 X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 U 25-80 ' INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 2 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 18 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 03/25/13 System Riser 1D: west Property Information: fro Type of System: �a ~ 0 Kitayama Jap restaurant Name; E',1 Wet Pipe- �,; .� ❑ Dry Pipe 1v . Address: 101 bayview pl ❑ Preaction. CI Deluge City_ Newport beach, ca 902660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 1.18 1 Annually Hangers 5.2.3 X 1.19 1 Annually Seismic Braces 5.2.3 x 1.20 1 5 Years Hangers (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1.21 1 5 Years Seismic Braces (Accessible concealed X spaces) 1.22 1 5 Years Pipe and Fittings (Accessible concealed X spaces) 1.23 1 5 Years Sprinklers (Accessible concealed spaces) X 1,24 1 5 Years Alarm Valves — Interior Inspection x 1.25 1 5 Years Alarm Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices X 1.26 1 5 Years Check Valves — Interior Inspection X 1.27 1 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves — Interior X Inspection 1.28 1 5 Years Preaction/Deluge Valves - Strainers, X filters, orifices 1.29 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves — Interior Inspection X 1.30 1 5 Years Dry Pipe Valves - Strainers, filters, orifices X 2.1 T Annually Alarm Devices (90 Sec) 5.3.3 12.2.7 x X 12.2.6 2.2 T Annually Main Drain Test (Enter data on Page 1) x 2.3 T Annually Antifreeze Test 5.3.4 X 2.4 T Annually Control Valve - Position X 2.5 T Annually Control Valve — Operation X 2.6 T Annually Supervisory X 2.7 T Annually Preaction Valve — Priming Water X 2.8 T Annually Preaction Valve — Low Air Pressure Alarm X 2.9 T Annually Preaction Valve — Full Flow Trip Test X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 ANNEX B 25-81 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler' System Page 3 of 4 NFPA 26, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 03/25/13 System Riser ID: west Property Information: �'_/moo Type of System: ��C� Name: Kifiayama jap restaurant © Wet Pipe AT 'A ❑ Dry Pipe `� A Address: 101 bayview pl ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluges/ E MPS City: Newport beach ,ca 902660 Item Activity Frequency Description NFPA 25 Reference Fail N/A Pass 2.10 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Priming Water X 2.11 T Annual! y Dry Pipe Valve — Low Air Pressure X Alarm 2.12 T AnnuallyDry Pipe Valve — Quick -Opening X Device 2.13 T Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Trip Test X 2.14 T Annually Backflow Preventer Assemblies 12.6.2 X 2.15 T 3 Years Dry Pipe Valve — Full Flow Trip Test x 2.16 T 5 Years Gauges 5.3.2 x 2.17 T 5 Years Pressure Reducing Valve X 2.18 T 5 Years Fire Department Connection Backflush 12.7.4 X 2.19 T 5 Years Sprinklers —Extra High Temperature 5, X 2.20 T 5 Years Sprinklers — Corrosive environment or x corrosive water 2.21 T 10 Years Sprinklers - Dry x 2.22 T 20 Years Sprinklers - Fast Response 5.3.1A.1.2 X 2.23 T 50 Years Sprinklers X 2.24 T 75 Years Sprinklers 75 years in service X 2.25 T Sprinklers manufactured prior to 1920 X — Replace 3.1 M Annually Control Valves 12.3.4 x 3.2 M Annually Preaction/Deluge Valves x 3.3 M AnnuallyDry Pipe Valves/Quick-Opening x Devices 3.4 M Annually Dry Pipe Valve — Low Point Drains x 3.5 M 5 Years Obstruction Investigation Chapter 13 X State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 25-82 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER -BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 4 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Title 19 System Riser ID: west Rate of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 02/12/12 S Y Property Information: 0p CA4,� Type of System: � ,— Name: Kitayama jap restaurant ® Wet Pipe �nF ❑ Dry Pipe Address 101 bayview pl. ❑ PreactionC��'",-Q ❑ Deluge`s ARE D71R�' City: Newport beach, ca 902660 Deficiencies and Comments: Deficiencies and Comments Item number must correspond to the Item number of the Activity listed above: THESE DEFECT WERE FOUND: item This is a fully sprinklered Bldg type 1,use as a restaurant with werehouse and office space one Risers 4' and one Piv valve to shut all system ,one Fdc by Piv, one tamper one flow tied to central monitor alarm system 2.16 2 water gauges due for replacement due false reading 2.20 8 sprinkler 155 standard @ kitchen area are corroded/rusty ,signs of grease i-sprinkler 155 standard by cashier need to be relocated,or add another sprinkler@ east side of cashier. 4-sprinkler 155 standard by sushi bar (pendant) 1-missing scutcheon chrome by customer restroom north side 1-missing scutcheon chrome by mgr office(private office) 2-sprinklers 155 pendant standard by hallway toward parking lot north side of big. 2-sprinklers 155 pendant painted by employee rm.(women) 1-scutcheon missing by tatami rm. 4-sprinklers 155 standard missing scutcheons (semi-reeses) need to extend sprinklers 1-sprinkler 155 standard need to be extended(semi-reeses)by cashier station( north side) 3-sprinklers 155 standard @ tatami rm outside patio are corroded 1-sprinkler 155 standard tami rm inside above center table corroded(center rm) Ll See Continuation Page(s) 1 n 'c to the tuber of continuation pages) ❑ PASS _ } 04/01 /13 RI FAIL Si n re Date r State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 . 25-92 - INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER BASED -FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Fire Sprinkler System Page 4 of 4 NFPA 25, Chapter 5 as amended by CCR, Tittle 19 Date of Inspection, Testing, Maintenance: 02/12/12 System Riser ID: west Property Information: Name: Name: Kitayama jap restaurant Type of System: © Wet pipe ❑ Dry Pipe a Address: 101 bayview pl. ❑ Preaction ❑ Deluge City: Newport beach, ca 902660 Item Deficiencies and Comments: Deficiencies and Comments Item number must correspond to the Item number of the Activi listed above: THESE DEFECT WERE FOUND: 2.20 Zsprinklers standard(brass)@ patio east side are corroded 1-sprinkler 155 standard deflector bent inside storage rm between men/women restroom by main entrance 1-sprinkler 155 standard @ bar corroded 1-sprinkler 155 standar by inspector test 1-sprinkler 155 standard by sushi prep rm 2.21 2 dry pendant standard @ walking cooler/freezer lea. 1-fdc sign with service address,l -911 sign, 1- break -away lock by piv valve PLEASE HAVE YOUR ALARM COMPANY TO SERVICE AND INSPECT FIRE ANNUNCIATOR (KEY PAD) READS SIGNAL FROM PIV,AND WATER FLOW SWITCH BUT DOES NOT CLEAR OUT. PLEASE HAVE YOUR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE :QUARTELLY,ANNUALLY NO PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS RECORDED ONLY 5YR INSPECTION STICKER IS ON RISER (OLD ONE) U See Continuation Page(s) I Gate the u ber of clinuation pages) ❑ PASS kA 04/01/13 0 FAIL Si na re t Date State Fire Marshal AES 2 March 21, 2006 Al -PERO C -AL WT r 7 D. TIUC v .t,C A P-P phvp 111—, 6144-32 87 WDIX 0ARAG-1). pkk JD Ws so fT St pf* LQ�vlwcu if _21,4_ 5k z2_,- �%Z- TOTAL OUTLETS s A6 __477 i4 12 ............. -T- 901clix BMW SEPARATE CIRCUIT ilia IM I'so 16. OVER too qi TRANSFORIALR KVA -E - nr wtr-E cco.0--a7t ICE 7- . .................. rolZ FOE I am tho GymW., iaolmad*n itiven ts coned; 'ref' to nbhoity vAth c;V`nrdal-31Ll aitt-6Med agent Ot " cvmcr. 1 a!lr#diMthe w0l* earn: zed liwbbv. 3; In . lawsmawabrict Con5tructv-n- lkof t" StalQ 'VM of lb6 13W Cats* be vn IV* 4. .irpwe:ml WEL AVORM 7- MAL Ecomfs NULL ANDAZIM A PiRtOO W i go HAYS FRO$kTHE VATF OF VALtVATWX OR THIS PERW S. WORNMUST RAN CHM IRMT164 Iti *V29/W MOO Toll. City i,t Ner«a�Tt Bearh :, . __ �_I L1.! �i :. P E 1=1__� I ;1� 'j •*[, . �EFiIj(Zlis��+tttylti _ _ _ - -- - -•-- -- - - _ -- -:-�_ 'i" : - Pf7, f3ltic i7S$ -... _ • _ . ty�P Rp+{� �/�/ - -- -Ai ����!'"tf �V_�. �- Newpait Bear . ! A �268 8515 LLL • - LOCALtTT :CROSS-S71 M Si11ttI1NG,3/�1�'Tv.• f�_./.1 1• E.pt•_ . `i fypE -� PROfCi,�'3T.h i1Y AODRTs..t-^---_-�. _ �j'�•'`� .tl�r_Aucx'�T ij.. Cafl�'Y.��! IC 1�-' ..IOT. i't � !.._ . __� .�.._� -... •-_ TAACT 4`r ZZ7 _`: ..�.-:.•--•e-:ic s =' _ ^ .V C.ANY.9ILt:• IIit.l DitJr AP1' O-tAL 07gttINQry • . •r£N- •.•• _ [[S-133� rs•czvNr.'; rA _ . OWtiYN ! _?x /a �f ' h 7: SPtt `'f+� G f Y:C� •�'�ti - ADOFE9f!. r!r••3��{ �..E� -__ /L.{�'�i(a�`2 -� ._ _ _ - _._ (,•,tV _�-ram•`' ■fir,-� ,r CCNTR'At TnN�� Tl.�ilWtie-(G�IM:L���:. •.._ ,-•�---,-.�_. __ .._":� .•_-'•` - -: ^.:.:--_-.- ..-, GT�C ore. Nogol - �r.. YARtlS••REItR y" -9 CITY I'f i 7 �.i••• ,��:. _ .��p -• EPttiN6 s �iJtR SMART _ •S 7Ia1Pt- tJ£WPGRf1R- .. Lftt2N4f t�- ) 5Ti t LK tlG' -_.AR-�ROYkI alrS"r T''li --t_-�C- Q �/ �•_ r++_ �1-_ - - -- - -rii tSE-t+R•-_ -..... g. _ e. ARL'HHE!•l..a t._-_ dtCw�•.�.•YSAI.T.n��'��'�li;t'f/.%�. a..vkGVRL _ ---f-..._.-•----•f••:_•�.,.......:e' -«i _._ .. 7'51 J t. tr(_ I CITY�d` .'.. ftQs±�-:. Ier 3tNEA '_ _.. ._ A'.TLR asr+�:R :... ^ta/n•+stt f:o.•Rov ` TOTAL '� '•-�'_ - - lCER3' s^8�+tpth9l►=iM�t ir!%CL%lRA1IOfi__ .._ - ). f: - ••[Atav WOW -TI AT 1 xA.t.A .jIL•,f.r, sTj OI COFSLh' 'D,SELs NS1,AL OR A w0RairS• ffl.iK,&Avd&t IwGuHANCC 'OR A Ct{tlf,tD "CORE / P••. • �..L! C'• .` �l�!•J ..- _._ •-•--•--=-� TyR:F�st �)�: "S�iic•� r.A.a.�,i,��C\•�•• ----- --- --_ _- _- -... -_---.._ .___- ..�..:=cytrd�Ea.carr�saiictese•�i=?r;�srjor�1�•�c•�—=-'. S')fsf{ATt0 O11/ y/jj �L APl..:G}!4' K:... tPLGANT /1��--'�"4 GAt[ I CERTiR{GATk pF EKEtIFrom SKERS i[GiNSEO Cph;pAtTp ECI.ARATION - g0MrjL" 7i ivw tN4116VANCC 1 , •+I NEb. "'jw" ."r + aN L:CEhStO i+'h�itR R:10'."S�Qrv. Qf [jtS5WAP A Y - •C.irwl..r..,,p SCCT,O`• f009• OF 3A11O'titt/-�U5 Ht57 aHQ QO'LI 18 ftoo. OA L(t4••t BL •_?•!syjttD ,I T11E ►t\NTT IOK fM6 1EA 1 - - .g �EAN.t I$ 1 Rhlif[F:•Q•a%L`OGtYnQ'M�'•.{CtN'SC /1 +N=k�► fQB4� • ; f / t.CLRTIT THAT TFi TNE. PLRft7cM4r+CF O! fME WOAa<.YQR lR $0 • TO "C'o"t I n �[^r� ,ysuEO + SNALa wCr tMC.,G7 A•+t ►ERgOw •R ARr Tf ahhtll SO AS ! .,CE••�E C.a1S _, �. h0 t` Sub,{[Gt TJ TUC mciRER!1 r4u1tfi5ALOa1 LAWL Q/ CA4jCRA.a 1 A•lt �}_ tit• f DAT, - ar•s:::1MT __- i pgGL&RATtQN wncE Ta sPP.wAFT: * At S4 KiM+TtG THtS G[Ritt+CfTE CT- Lown.+O L t T p>aVYNER •BEJiLOER •'MOULD ltCffftC Ttoax� T to T �t rrBRR(RS COMREhtAT.QH .RO. q O+ s o . HEwl9r A.e.fW 7ws• • aR ►sENPtfAOfl tNLCOFTRALTOR'5 s[ :Aw sl+R tHf LsllnR t'ODE rOJ IINST f A;_- COMRLT nTTR SVCH PRO-ttS)DNy OA TN,4 O(ANTT ,.,ALL OE PltwtD N[vO►tD cry,�47„h;.,REASCT. •'[C TGfIA gV5/hES9 AHD1�yz ORg7RLCTiON Lit�lQ/tiG AGENCY t•,; ..,: r h.+!C'• Pt97IRLS a /F RIiQ TO COh3TR1t1:T HLra.H [ti'f STR.: %•"7RE 'sR10P TO It! ISSUANCt AL4D IILOVIAf9 T•.t APPi)C►N+ HCREDY ttti p(pVllt 73-1t31%E9 ZstC W97-c1Vl1 A D•tM+fO 4TwttYtNT TNAT KE LS 1CthSED PURSVA'+r r0 Asi,RN tNAT iNER6 5 A COFSTRUCTIOw lth�.40 AQEYCs fOR THE •..t rHG.•s.:r+ti. Of THE CONTr!t TORS MOt.S. LAW iCNAPT(M Y +CJITNRJC+.tt) hfRfORNANC6-Dt TN£ WORM fQ1L a"•"" w.t.• eLCT.GH TZ.QQ7 4t D••'•a+OM ! pf tHt QiitT""St A1/Q i•Rpft03.QNf GOtTt' L[t:Ci A•9 H :atE T •:AT HE 'S'tlEb••1 c••ikf fili YA Lt-V BASIS fQ .A PEUYR[SLY+�f C9 1nF :: .__ vOLAa•o% Or SCcT:Ow t6! 6 OT --- ,.�LPta.Llhf 71t LN:T o(HAtTY qi ACC MORE TAA1f FtYt RUFQRED D.Ia.�ARA Ii(+Oq+c r►fhD•4: tNAT.1s.M/1YL. RtA4 a'7y'b aP►L)CAT+ON A•.O VA:j• 11•AT tMi AttWt ct-.fnr!_ ?a• •"t PfyPERT+ CR NLENPW'itt4 Y/Rfi MfAttL A9 ...Ih ORRATIVY •C GORRLCT. t A3MEL '� Tt�l •CTt. AwO L04NT=- T tRQTD O7 N(�4tLAt••tGTD ArKDINO COtiSTAL^_'T-7� AND NE w .ft.UYF`Lti51C^C4 1R:aL• O.W' STO)fiG ANL' •ENE D iR0/�Stt)OUta EQOE' AurMOR.iE w1:sRtDENTAt1VL5�r► i1iTS"'CGIRfTt"'f0"-E�% �•�RA%- OtfEREu. •7q 9AL{ •StC fOAA' IItl>Es .� AtJ OWHtII OT TI101GR`! WHO neO•!E•NthT+O'hEQ T'Rp�►CMT /OR*Nswcare.Wd IUAAD:'C9 cO+.rirACT01,'[ �cc+•ac ).AW 11DE8 ND'* _ tLDG aR •ysHO.t9 tN[RADis AND 11iN0 90E9 SUGN LU"7pICRI1i9tLP - .. , • —1 .r•5 OfCi TJEROTYE} PROr+DEQ TRAt SUIL i!t(R thTS AEON 1: MOLD ry ptf(R{Q•TOR-OAL£ tj_NOIMEYtR-THLYVI:9R•6 M=A e/• •��.'.. - _ !t �+ __ ._ ONE+CAR OF COMsILTIOF tNSOWRER-11uttQtR W+LLMRVi *tMStCL+ADM��D'JING^ I±fj �/• Z.• •1 tr•L-•-.-.. •.4 ONaTNCL,O'FiT 9:it1�DR iAT►ROVi sORSYClUIRDLCO J�(—'+'"� a•^`w/ wn• _ �. _. sT a5 Ow+3R OL TRLl7iOPEAT•r AN izCELS.ViLT6DKgiACT,hG; SALTS F.5►NC 3NA ►IK1frITTs[ Comm TO =OFyTRUCt tht lU[O:LtS..IiEC;M64 3t.,PRY TO IN __ A"-",'p��/[�- �i :•Qlll'�l3fs-•TR.►a++iR+•r••"!'r�"...._ -PggEe55:OyiSD?E T.+E CA7RRRGtO1P'! tiCCNatt 4AYsI�dI.•�.-�.•�4.t,A• DCiDi'�N',TRA6Na�rnCfTsO_jRuP�RSaOtL-+I:ea.FE3NDe •P3zI-'LSAtiCY.i-.-.i"'-.—_.�•_l-C_'•j—M4IrH.O!jilTi[iMttMDsNtO 4;4 mu=z Ct t!+ROyasTAi. I-To Ttkw -" •f ,OILRLLETS W - - . P6fR : _._ — �. •:•.. �'. AdJ.PII!.ft/f -'�...,.:..:i...��i' _. ' 3otd.�Ee+- g. WORK MUST RE STARTED WtTFttN A PERtOA Of TgD DAYB FROM THE pATC 0f VALiDATIOH OR 1 H19 pEliM+� BEt.S]lAEE !FftCi lit ? YOIp_ CAS" Jf RMIT XAUDATO- PM CHECK VALICAT10!! __ -i1t1 +c,412.5 i► `TUi� T -_-- - fN ECiOR S - APPdt�VALS -. �� - • : - - - - _ - .SIGNAPVE - ---- �1itlhtiAilo���.{��,�:'�- T _-- /D..T�.�_?'�=-�:._�r : ---- �. _ •�--- -_ .-.�.-:�.:�.:�1--_ __ __ - FEI`:FflRMt¢�fiT�i---- - -- � _ �0.� fir, -:� - .� .. .�...r:,��.,.: �_..-.�.�.:-€ • - I DAY WALL ._.._.._......____...=---• - � ����� •� -- • �,�p. -� .._ ." '- - - Y - _ � - . �.� PtASTERING - -. ` ��p��1�,.� � �TB � „fir. a�, //l�s�: =' *.f.%l�syir�d .a��'l.. �. •� . ''d,�d%• R9.t1J1�LIl dt?' �/.E"�:�'' f+ .t/�!.'i/bs_-Ate AVAP tr ". M �.! iyunw►f�'� of aicc tea«-- :.�__ Arf?► meat-, INSPEt"1'ION NOTES (cont) s e1A . o4v i cif' IJ�f?HST=�Nl �a�til i�atJ�"/NF �'C�`'t j�,t 0 t�i�. Ley /lf},v. /op ilSPAP WWAc ON 6eaAf Or AWAs 4W9S cuvwwwpo" Beach -BUILDING PERMIT' tr.c� f3�x Ylfiel -- NowflOtt Beach• CA '926%6915 `i�PPLICATION -. e�� ''L•,� "� . - .. - jlrp?,AL:T•r 1CR0(i1F aTJ: -^ __ . • ,. i. - t Ae 'pi•t•ui-55 SE -i� STIt+: AREA - •ORr •. TY�* P1R SalCO •r MOCK / YAGk�N[ s rsTr, - _ 1eTNYCT. - - - 1"iRAtNNG APPROYAL.RjgUER(rD :. r_[C8•�L�•`NR:-- •N i•'. ...iZ[ - _ TCL .-.1•°:-1_"!"�'... y!B ZQNL }uDacl• . r �,21..rt�t . - �`'— --per - f:tTY:_=::AL •3 .wtfy.r.��a-mat ZIP t, tINNhACTOR• SCl)�' !'. t•" - :_"z=`_ •.,. ._. -.. ..... -_ ="" v. i:.... _.. M v t� � .N �¢�.�t. � •.� .4Mrr^ R.ztiTtl.Att�'{�'��TJ1Cv. _ .�F T' _-. '>•�I ��L C! � ~. __• t . T Y •i.+.1`e ��.�j!['?,. - -_ " -- _ �� V�iX f�G�.L....... YAfcQtx'RE7►i► ' .... _ . _. .. �_.. -` _' :- =�' ��__ _ • f • ° ' . - ... - ttiN"to-- .�� r,t.`.E - asaaa '_ - _ NtNMr) ''i. _ FA[ITSitARL _�-;•'-.,'.•i.::::' :. _ i:!-tL•.A-l-s IL• !Vt., - tkG. MQ �._ .. IPPAAVACd. .r,+Mr�-::+..--«+++i -= ==r_ •-=_ TftL•• • .. _ _ i•fAt Axelse 7AX— ctte 1•Netrs• • .. - ..-,-:-.----`--,.s..r:.r:rr•.-%•----. �........,.:_.••.""'_"".'�•'. �iMllt)��f�1� _._.-. ffA1YSI/1tACT--� .. *t!UNRKS .. .. �» .. -s' .. .AYtRTsYA!•=•.• _ Kp. • _ 7Ql2[ S' ... .. ti•. ~. _ + N.Att 61/11 IS: NTC _ !:ITT _ ._ ' • _•' �- y • . , rk0. _..��-_tee i' ` _ !IY _ - . - - t.::• ' - .-- ----•-- --• -•--{SLSk�131fRIGNt„3FWt)RK--------_-t--..—_-- -' ---_--•_- ---- O*M[R-- ---- •--•-.•--- - ..._ ADD _Lm._• _,, - —, .a r• car . _ ..'• :• - ' --- "....�O..T.+�.--_ TO raSut ... . . - - � -� • • _••- YYORKiCBS' j;GNPILMATION i?ECLARATIONhfi _ l-� Ae� cxtRtgY_#iF+RM THAT 1 nAr_t w CtRTIFk :ATI! OF CpNtCNt TO it{M IhlLlfr pk A •,s �!'t - 'J „ - + —_ _ C[I►II(ICAst CF l.-P. 4 ap fbNMtNfAZ 9N. ]NSaRANCL. OR -A 1ItKk 'Ld:l4!'[ .3 .. c: taae. cAt16r • .. _. tt'r. r �Ele�Y . _. — — .—_. --- - - : _• .---_ -,.'- - -_ � ` tcEi co:i ili �w1iiT3ttklatia<ta: •' f �-�` "'';:.'-- '- _ _ L _ ��<_ i--- -• ' • _-• - ---•-- iFmAtR.COPY k r� _ lkgt�k fl1i� '••. RT- UIGNATURC QY�w"' Fes' : /f -. . APPLIGAnT "�'„� DAtL jii� IM/EAkT ._. "y' „"••! , —� 1IC6NS£D Its r1fli a no DPCirAR!►r101d •'r'-CtkTlRICATR t7f tiX Ialkip0 R14�YI18' �-ni'Itt.'QY w►staY t.r►t k ALi a4htr6E6 iJNGTN /Ilovu*oxa r5r-J�NAitiitN �� -'-.- -.-' . '..:CO)AII.iNifit.7Raf[.�ittitlS/I11ttt'.: ;':-:-�--••"•-: -�- - •SONMktituM wt/M 3[C•:=N+ •7:rca OF OlVrttON 7 or rwt •airarNttY7 Fb0 Rrlra SLCt!rOtt MRtOF'NOT., tIC :QGNE!tittf► Is Ttlf !!tRMIT t5 IOR 011t +!trr�4TICP. ._ k•NOc(:kSiUrk4'CODrC A O Nr 1.•CN9C 10 IN FYu: FONCC ANA ii`•� wr V'Cgw t y AAfiii Ink K "' - -_ ~'FF7Tw�-• ��I7NIiif�i7i+t . AM* t TMAL iki fir Y/RFOt f#r p9 ROk IN AvdV to* yIMCM THIS ft*Nrk'-la- aWGN9ttLA55 tatUlD t SMALL WOO S*re Mt7 GATUM W a.O wANN[$1 50 AS atCOMt apRSLCTI...... O�rtiRYCAMIiHDAT1ONLa57.0FCALIF011NtA 7' coNtRLetDN'j�'"�' - DAta .�_AFri:.��.? .y,;t' '_-•:—._atYrtTt:ATsr.= . .+_. - OWNERt•gtoLvEA OMLARATIOR ::: NJfkit T6'A�tYrrk,ks. •rs ArTtR LUAW¢ttu7 tiRTklYCATt or.tYsmmotc we trttAiarwrtileN?NaTkANtItiMPTFROktTr+tCpNtR&CtOA•St.ktRNf4k%fYV><pR.TrKspovLO accout Lilll/LGT TO TNC woo KtRa' COMPtNif�TtpN WfOv13rON! byYNt tItUdAl hGREASHT I& T"UrT pR0WS1 ANA ntTFtaaIDNa CODRr ANt CITY OR'LAPORCOrX.TOyV�T THy µ y Tk�illC7tt<NpyltgnfoRTrNa •Lr11M7 •- aNAKK tt OttN[T}!ILYPa[R _ _ . c]wkti wnrc, kreamrVS . rt#w/T TO eMSTaUCT. Ak.TM mshevs 6 (APPsCA"T C.ON87 vetTION C&I61- hCPAUCAhY V.0l CTume }stark TOJTD IssuANCL At" 119OU1119$ Mtr At►UCANY - fur.iu,ett sarwrT tO TtktASlpNtOfTATiMCNTZNAT Ntit i�CtkltO'IUmsuAwtTor k N[Rta7 AFrism TN T'IlfIf rS � �.`12N1YE.`AUCTIO+r �r�r4 rdUCT FOR T}tt ttkki 4RQYMrDN! AF rrrt-0"14ACTowl; uCtNat-&Aa r� PIM=.1COMMtNC'00 P{RFOI4090Wl4l-. MLOR4'F W M TNIa KRMtT lf,WlYttl rail i0at.�.kV�'.r•. wrin StGirof. Tow. of. D'sim.brf soft Trtt OYS>tKS3 AND PRC rLa9loNtl eicaa. OR �i/ _ -• ' • _ ' 'BAY Ht t6 LYLMFT TME!!t!lIDM AND►xi tAata rOR tNIE Aui7i6 tiRCUP1roN ANY-,=-._ _ _ •.'.rae••-ray+ +. _ __ 'w LATim air SLCiiUm 10TiIYP ANP 71FIrLlCilti'Y TOIt'a-i'Y�r i&am?NC• `u �. _..•..« - APY�ccArkr.towuva.rtNwLiY QlNeill.+rOA�TNsWCr�rtNurmato_anLtij�NifiaOou _LLNOxb'#.IYADetf�a _ �+-�►�� . ' aF7.tE*wOFc#tT'TYkMTRNPLDYI[41MlTN µ6�aAII.iRYt'ICZ<DLt' ,i �[RtEFT'TN#i k N 1([ #tAp•f ,a►1'C1AdncQleu:#WWII+N�t IC�ri+�1iN `%!su TV.. . rncE$LIPALOEI. VrAT.'.06 YH7: 715ORX..ARD }N�6tU6[Ylk�Y11 R6:'O:TQ'DRQ=' .. afwmamCGt AS03T Tl1Ylt TOOVEN Md e+7ri'iTftfCTtatt--t7rr _ augli O- FOR 3= =f- Tads' NOSINIMN ANO rwortal70NA ,-sac TtIC wtItMON4Et RtFlltatNTATIVtS• OF 1HIS.- C.OYNtr -TiY iRTta : uPOtt'.T ' • 1.OTrrRACTOtTa UCAt.'SL f RW ODt3 NOT AFFL�TO aN OtVNtR-0R-Y-#OMlNTYZ4f6_ ,�IOJrtp tJfplYfktflOJl7HallO — • -i`.. __•� — B91•.kk'Jd11 rtlIRDV!! TAcreaN AM WHO.00tl Sue" MOAR film& LF do TNROIk7N' S11rmt - _ ._ _ _ - _ _ ! • trl5 AM►k tAri.OY MS-sros-.Dir THAT SUCH rM►I1oVgHrhTB ARL OLO OR • -- - - -- _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ '• --- o►vt lto rokk sALc'a�kasrvtzt TNtslrr:DrNa DR+MrRav4kci tin nw *O :_ _ i _ • - ONY. YCANp/CONFLt'TrON 1"CotvNiR•aU1LOtRYYILL NAYR TNH-SU110CN OLIaJO_ ikiAz+kt arii�l'dY'aur.,ODRINHN;n.FOR:TrkC?DR►Ott OF SALts- . t.•. - - - 1 -- ---- • AT -: - r t ., A� OW NtR 66F Tht, ll10►iA! !All Jri7CGLY[SN(;lT CORt11ACitl101N[1klJCCNa LD OAA ^ -C!]liTRlIG.TORS -TD EOlGTrftM!`TNt'iH1QIiGT �atG 10�1D•- i4#WtaS- Aka- � =rn ::.., _ --- .. _-'-__•�: ° -- lNaftr�.nu. CO:IIG.TrtL'•t}rkltkAE:TO L[CLIIaL',iAW OOif"#1vaimi akma tIt �•._ � _. - UWIKtf.'nF 7tROF;RT*-Ynki=tlIR IMFNOYL%'FN6#�ON.•AwII NIHII.>wON2lrAGfl. -��` - _ _ '_��"F�_ '�_�_-•-="-� � _ _lfHF lYVCtr Nt0/t4T4 rrrTM A: Ct0_NT_lfaCtCftit aGQialp _I�tjl[+trAkT YO ,Ttii_, _ c _ _. __ _ . • _ - _- CklrhtAACTO1Pa-L!C[NS!` tAfV : •-' -: _ _— .- "Ci _ = •• _ _ .. _ • .:: -..: •.: •.•..,.. a'- - • ` . Ply �Ye : �.. ' — • s1k+rYtt#ii0� : • • `^. •_.` ; kil+irPa+7A0sa-ste: = '—•r�►cw�FacR-xkiCttC#1�i:..va±�-?`. rc::c.._ -_..a:: __, _- __�� _:,. __ _ ..,_.�. - < '+i.:+..-:...-.,:..�•.�..:.....�.a�s+±+BYYfiikk-w . __- `"�....wr►� ix"—e'�'' - _ _ _ •�-.� _ �-_. _- ;aia�i- =' ""' � '-- • • :: . WORK MU87 86lrTART90 WiTMIN A PtRIOD OF 160 DAYS "1 ,k T.HW 6ATf COVALUFATON$R TH:E'pICWT *[=OltM 04LAND VOID;.! PLAN CHECK YAliQANN. - cK ---- -l�,o. = ,cilsii" Muff "L(8Am - .}_. .. .. .:�:"._ 36 Tiny., . $MAT .. ,REINFtfHClNf S11:Et StiEAtHING...- FRAMING ORY WALL. --.-` t A1NlN& - - --- - ..: - ate= - _ _-- - wc..•,._....� �__• .a..�..........r.........,. - -- - _......_ . — , . ".. - � _ - , _: =.a _ QI ASTBRINI� INSUMYttlfi fWAI. :.: ..1 ': • - _mac _ _ _• .. _ _..._. - _ _ _ t•••ti- - - - h': sy .. /� : .' 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Et1rr13+T:. {174) fi94_3288_ ..- __-- •_._. v- nviii.,rr, j �' t ,/��p" � :-� -• .;�; , • . •� _ -' aAkrThtGi�t�bt► iT i�•.:. .... _ - : °_.", - -- _ LTORJ•�y TTh6 rR^ 3?.tD LE. -r/rT. 13Y-:::' 44NSt:%.:-gin - •� I rit •7r►.r-.____-• ._- - brhuGT� _ GRAplhC° APPIt4YALR6Vtl+NV6 �= YES �^__ _ : �� _. TPAAat - nllulttS�G �..,�,3 ---�T�'^�.a ��if:�I/r{+.' ..,-----_ - CaTNissi•-:--,:.:- .. .. _ ._ . - ---- - -- Irv- Z. &__ NO - °A7,>T Oi ....T hr -. _ _ , u•°t,t•'S. STATE ����'{{ tit:vYi'Vt'F� _ow - �tJrjeflE•.: FATA3►titRt_. -. -•. • T...,--_.j`.- ' _ — ft f/rN,rors - _ TiiEr� Y,/!y ,c, Mtkfi. •.. - -• - - -- -- CxalsgTAx•,':" ... C.• ° fjt�.' ._ �, ein_ „e _,Y-i!4'IE%.Yir* ,. Ai+i!.+rvAi • : • - � ;_.:. - i •' fiRrN', - _ SAFi t'ft50TRICT �..:.. � ) j'��'''t/ _ A►PhpY -- - --- Ng.. . , TOME i , wik r.:1.nr R;: rT':ll '.�!' •�%si°t 1/. . E,1k ...� ».. • �r..� --- •� .ire: - ► } : laFi� _ . $ ._... e&GRtPi10N 0E-Ylq) IK A•tT6 R-r"Alft = .,katOLMM AV.A— AD9 `-TOTAL • - ,�.. _ - - - .- �•� es �. w ,.,ss -• W 3+ON.Pi=t4lMTfpN.Q��LARAT.iifN .. � . • - % _ - ,}-NtRttlY„ {L/fIRM fr�T t w ve A C01flPtOMA O/ 40NUPOT TO SCLr•+N9yfc 04 A, :+. . -j t 'A:t�1'i+pCC��Tt OD:�1IOfYX.!>N tOMKrf[ATIWs Wous"CA OR /k C><Rttt's Carr tAl ? ---" - -: -� �u .,. i _ . _ : - r . _ _ _ COYl� lltif[l177f`S �RNtlNSD: _'•: �" � � - _ �IGNATUR[ Oi' _ ✓'-" :�i`CpttttlLyyrLOP.LIf A/1t�LtCANT - OATS -- ' T - _ _::tiN8i4'el#i!4li�0�;2_, kf4Ti'Otl,` M.�C,$ Oan IN bt MWd!! ' , t tIEAlAr . Al�U1K TitltT ! AN iICt11f[O tit'NiCt ikb'Y,etON"l ngtil1.A D • • -' .( „wwaNt,IHG Wliw scC140 . .D00, OF 41=4m 0r, O/ .TH[ [USINLli -.ANO ITAtO KEGtfON, NctG:aOf iL L:QII'Li7fj0 V TML fLRNR IL firR. 0;1L ltLNDR[O ,�- rUtSrCrQIDf+II• LODL. AND Nr uttNiE' t[ tN FUU:/t3RCc AT+O is/€GT ..... 7tlr<t700•DRi.tYl.7 "; -• 8MA :�'--- -+•-• ., -tt it - t CfArrJY IMAT 11 TNC tf[RFONANCt'Q/-TTtL WDAL' FOR ift+ICN THtY 1tRMR is .. UCAIO'SHALL NfJr..YM'I.Or,ANY ILRLCN,iN akV MANNLN W AS TO \SCAM[ - - .. �utTxtT•a•refcwoAASHrepriPtRSAt(dris�cw,t�rrALIweN1A: ._ tDNTaACTua _ DATs.- OWflr. •8Liii', jW 06CLARAT1Otr r' ' - gtlTtct tQ.AP/tItAHTA CT To I-Ag oftri S - COM gNSA IkTt Or VA;* INC t3H9ULO i[CONE SU:J�CT TO 1i1! WORKlITL' COMKMSATION iR69i5:O1M1 D! TN4` IotNERT A°Ig1µ THAT1 AN[FCNPTT•tONTHK COnTjtACTOwst-le[NLt LAW/OR THt• LAIIOA COOrl".9. IiLT rORTitYRTHtOM►LT MITTH SUCH oftow1SIOHl JA TYt#f9ftsir - e't)tLOTTING 1TtA04N ISLC TOSt 9. KUSIa[SS AND I!)F[AUIONC GD64 ANY6ttY OR' SNALL•i4lrLLMr:D XtY0YlT1- _ _ . - rnunvr viK c+r ncotnRln A ^ AH,t t6 CbNBTR(lCt. ikLTL2 IRTRLVS9[NOC7SH. 6R r +CO °J-!lIiJCTIQH LENDII!iQ AS '• 11TPAIR.AUT T,TA•,f:TURt NhOlf TO ITS fUNUANCQ. AL[0 RtOULTt[ THL A/PI:AANY ' "OR, fIGt 40P.A/T6ITATEYUkTTNATTt!!S t tNst I SUAKT tB t NtRlOT ArhRAt fNRT iaLIfL'+S A LON4tRUCtI?b t.LAIDlN7 •Aatatr SOl lHt ts,! YRGI16,gr rj Gr .tur.CommeT OWS NCI'N[[ LAW rCNAMtR f (CONN!'NGIno ►gtq[I +u�., r 7744 WORK tOR WHtOM TNtS Msoull to Asue6!StC 1+S7�tINC1: ant„ LtCTIfiN •lOODr Of DIVISIRn 2 O/ Tltt fUSINESS 4•!t, MOFtf910frs COD b OK- TNATgT.vrRTHPI fro"cfAON AND YM[EAS 6 TNt YtU,AT/67 tT/'3FGhfSR'T65"�1i-AHY"I►reL1Z'Si'781f'."t•itRMT YORi[Ctt INS:. - - .:-. s :•.-.-. _ .. _ .;.. __ .... ._. .: a- .- _AMCLiGIt�*t0 vr.PIN�L�Y Of NOS NifRiZHAN lPJf �tUN01t[D OOY.�1!t,RiiSOWen :L UBMS ;ADMtIS-.�:�_ -1.doniY THAT I •j YL *C "A4 info A#p �MiR W,tNeALL�GITvA ik u = - r : S AL OWtj[n 4r Tow t+RO/tRTK OR NY R,tPLi1TLLE MWH WADLS AisTNRfR iO -t C6 W W. ALL It . . - :rntPCtr,;Airo*+�iTHS WormOkA1rANCt!'1Lffll�•fs . AwN RyL�IN�i'FC�1_Y116iNV . ORERLTf rqR -8AC[ t8[c- ld" -DUSINtOt •.00 VAOMMOHA: tC4[i'AQ'. - Oil, I2K-RttAtS[HTATIYii': OF THIS COSUNTT TO RNt /"t1h"`Ti • •.'NR. • -•; coftTPAcroRA ileLNee LAw ODtR.LtOLA/llY TLT JLL.OAIN[!:O! FRC►�t* TItND_ rAQOYL•!, LFReTN) i,osAc. - --- •— ---- 7. OULLT,1J OR INVOOv[[ TH[ltON. AND•WHO OOfif SLICN tYORK H9tidL OR SHROIRH - _ _• _ -; -. - -• MR t]Wil Lmra.0rtttt: PROYIDfLD THAT [UGfL IM►RDvtNtfit[aRtYtOT mrmfo" OR - - - -- •- ...- 'OrrltarD /OR SALE. I/.-HOWEY[!t TNL SLULOIiIa D!<atlaAiTis'ACLO 14THW-- yatEftOFCOMPLLTiONTNLthvN[A•SWMRWILENAVETNitt1110tHQrlKOYIMO- > _ _�r. •�' __ 1n�T HL'DtOIVOrbOILR:/RINPROvttOR,TH�iu/H!OAt#IALCL •:- ••---- - _ _ -- -- •^ C.i I. A! oY1Ntk0r TNC FROM". AM EXCiaftv[Er f:ONTRAGTIRO WtTR UC[NS[D-• alaH GgpttVACTDR[••TO' tDNfTTRLrCt .TNL• /ROiLC ytC..•;7044.-•SOS1ricS►-_Auto, -. -- _ - •. • • . '� -..•- - -Ti a.;.• IlIQTf,SSlON6 COLIC TML t`ON CTOfiri.LT+M NDT.A►/LV'JD vtl!' - -.� . _• -.-r- t>wr.[R-•+ti<•rRtT.ffrrK wfw eu�bs a�-tvrctavisTmR- wrm_+Y.ctlTx�oTs� -' _�: �_. _ . — _;_ fiis<__ �_::..r. '-•,T :-. _ t+OR_auce /A4JEGIL YHIi.;A.GOMTT[ACTQAII[ ,mc*H8L4 PWKYANF •YO T7tL • _,_,_-• _ _ eoHTarAGTfs+rsuGLlrue+aw�>•:=: �-•-_-�.:...-.::. - -..: -_ - 1': i.AN:citLNH-LHAL11JiQO.�:raa..°.r..�.7JNr&. #GRSHHI _ ': -. --: .-"�--•-.—_--: �.a .:.:.._:•. ::_- ' ' - -_- - - .t' .. •. -- ---•_ _ .: -- . -•: _•.--:_ :i�ti1YlF.i� �.Z...-+« . -�aTJlr`F'iM�.'r.c.r:.: _ _ c ._ -IIATL-r. '- ;.:--erwure•'- • ��...• . _ -.�'� - _�..:.�Ai11�-�N_:-ice'' . ,.. _.. - WORK MUST OCSTARTED MTHINAPCRIOMOP'100DAYiV*61!?N>CDATE 0101fAY.VA'1'1GMORiH(t�Ai*RtTKKCdM���A��di� PLAN CHECK VALIDAttOli - -'cii : - : _: c►sii.. -Mf[YAt,�ilfp�1" - __ _ ::aa.----rc>o+1--- :- ,- -_—_ •y._ra>ix - _._— .... �. .._ _ -_._ ._..y•.�+__sx-i�:t-x.v.iL...: ice+-u_._--a-l:�+•.-:n �, _ .___ _ _ •4___ •-r'-._.�..... 41EINFORCING STEEL"' .. �-- ��'1NALL _ti--�==- - ---=_- -�--'-•-- -• -- �-----.-_...-- -=;�:;-_=�°-.sue. �Y:� _ .:: LATHING .r. . _fir• r "tq;,.,,i w w.. ' . FINAL Am y:... __ _._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ ..._. _ j�• ._ __ _ — --_--- - _—_ _�- �-..i old-. a _ .��•�f :....5 j:L. ': _ _.: _••:9_arv: Y a••a ._�• s .,^'+.t is -. „ •. _ _ - - __ -'fir` ii: { •sue:_: ..:it:;.i: _-_ -;,_ ;:�':.r= ' __ ' cr—_ a-.-..•-::-• -- 7 �::'.:.-sr.a'4•A"G - •-- -- --- --- ra; _'.-S:'- �- -- ---'ii. �.-.f•;. ;:;._tea ar�r��---<.a.�.;,.,n:-�;; Y=?•=: �"tii�;t:�: ' foR T NLI�Q:i/iT,..�. .. -=... _a�S.. >.-.....•a•. _ a•,:�:'_�.i;f .'T_TF'i.w"°"i?=..:Ya :'•.:�"Stf:=:54:'. {�, cif tV!'�.I,tait �cacn"--BUILDING. -PERMIT..., {''!:. Hcix 1/(rn-- _ • �'-• T ..--'-�"[ a---;`� i�-�,--j;ra.• _ APPLICATION � PLAN CHECK N4 '{•ciE.J.::.(�_I43.#u7ii:;i,`{Ffb- -- - - - -- _ --=-' _ — = - ---- - - — - `--- = --_' - =' -- -- - �t,� �'`• �� _ A t ` . - ,. ....-.- .,. . -- - --..Y = .�'- -= �'L`iir-Ai:r,+-wc*ttrsfi 5:. ..- -- • • _ .. _ _ _-.. •.::.: ....z t-"��`1i1��_-���Tt,t'it�cA �S:A� TYPE t --- ARn�LDrut -::r-.-1, - -- •- ----T7Ci71•'f!tt`---•-'.`PA-.. _._-.._ •. ., '.•::.- ;, iP?f _ C.a!:9 _.: L'` L .. .. -- -. _ iuu► iiP.VAGAMit W t .•_: :.:tt =aait'l3Gf'--�-.,. tts.w.U3t,�APf_tiC;; F.�'.E•7_'tett••Q YE5 APDYP ...,. Tr�.l-' .O �.. - Q/ .-_. t ••<r.r.n L-Ilt%1i�/ (E• fitI ' �'. .uwt'TQi%gry �-y j`.�l•jJ_.�...T�. �I ____.._-__ ____-...�.- ...--- '-- _: '�:-.r.:_' = I" { fci%1.4L�i�Jcir#�J%„ifl� t t+, t � . .. __'_'_'_'i"'_ ^:. • itt.. - - - -- •its. - _ �' JL ••/i i' --R - - '• _,_.",.,, -•• . - TAKIB'. In -- _ E L•.=fi.. _ L••.►NJObRT y 7` T;9Vittfi +.P sa.a A;f fir r'7f - - i• ta.cc � bC I• _. �.- 7kL.�}� ! - fxLTSk`'FAT ! Gu FT;.jC . �.T _ _ tiO tlE/ K « • , PAc.1A.• _ .. _ At, ra ! r Aiai+t:o'lrtr 4o YourCARL $ • /J !/ i !„/TM �� tic � r - l•Cr_-kA`t ON Of YJf Un T-TFM nAtP DF aAl--I.tYi '�-'TOTAL 3 Rec£. COttYLei54ttOh. DECLARATION -_ (//, 1, �"}-f'�x _ j�( '.s •} ^�{j •„LMKr frspt•i .�.v^ . «A" • Cf Dr.F.t A:t .•T• CONSL%f TO SCLr .HLUAL 04 n Livl_078)J Rzcu$: tLmPLr.6A•{h ?.3LNA4cE A� p.CRYK3CR COP' j • i • (�sT•t - 'C�jy�?tll-s -- —-•LL.F.E-_ /.11�I�L+._ _._. tr - _ _-_�_.•, /Cf'P:s.s=GCrY .Y. ttLsttt")aR!.stfk:D: "_'_ »•: fir+ • . .: n r^:wF ')'*' . _ !r CF7Cit:tO rcry :E r"T T 1 MM r • -s. PAAt L�GEµ6£O GOKTpACTORS DECLARATION CFRTtF:CATE op tkempT1QN FROM WORKERS' t +•EFEu: afF aK Tuwr . AMLtcEtiSED i3Rtiin PRoV' '9NS T+[ ui.PTsit •t I tGMPENSATIOfl'tNSLrtiRNC£ OYE Huh3R, c•.uuF.r •, •, ,v.r.. fc•tut. =00• C► DIVISION J OP T••t •..•'•••+F •.0 ANL ,r+.K +FGT••+'•,'•FfG ti. T st CAtAPLCtin .r .,+6 PtNM.r •y fOR CC rn:)Ft ,5 r.•.ti crt a*•n xtrattt•.tiC M FRfYLLIQJ(Ct ylYOfi11"3:--.- . _ -• -'-- at'ua+r7:4uitt�orE.t6:� ... .:. _ _ { • - . + I:ARI+Ar i.wlT•3.•'5.::-a"7Xf+•EALiCE L': TRt TLT3NA FOA ,1.•.Ct• a••Sr0 ACCANE PEA34= •1i { ., :t•: �t t-a;.. 0C Mb --. - • •''•'U[D • n.. t•• [..PCOr ANr PEA$+)h +f. A.tT MANpEA SO A9 I SJB.,1'C;, -ZO 1+,E-r•=>RLQS-GQPPCH9ATION twwta!73' G,4•FOA:«A 1 . •'oAG -:.9 .... .... t].t7t.Y..�.�r_..r.�.-.__'""�'-� i hAiF' - '-' 'AML•Cx"",=•,,,;�_.. _ 11 •- 'arD�t.tt H4G ^•••Ks. 8 FAftrR[ "AOAwCS CLAFAt.Of E:•OL ONtiER-BUILDER DCLARATMN KINGACOMPC,4SfD4 PROY1SIOns 13P tG• •O j •y+E l rt+,tiiT Ae r•Rat t,.,s; . AM / Aluat f40t1 thL CCTiTAACTOR^S LR: E•.S[ :AYr r,.iT •rti j ..ApOR CODC YC„ tiia: 1 ORT.IA,.itT COMr..T attn iuLn pRA..Y•O•-"- CA Ta.S PLitt..• i -vs 9t:$.M LSS aN0 FhOffflS:Oti� CODE• ANY CITV t•R ;•tAl. OE DEEMED 4TLOAED -, ri•.+.. 0(3: Rr•: , rt.u.t !p LOhSt/RFR_s ALTLTL'N+IT•ROVt DirEOLtur OR _ . oEpt 4 6••. S-R.^:o( MI:nR To fTs ISSUA-ite ALSO AEOUIRLD T1E PPPUL/'.T COtigTRtJCTSON LEN01NG rGENGY i r ;r. F-a T,Eaw+:T -o nTF • n•OtcLD 4TATfgENf'T+•As'ME t5•L+CC.tS69 A4JANT TO �• . rERCB" tec,.0 .«a• T•+FAC .S A CO•.STRUr.T12% LCvoIYD AOEhCi.Z r FOR Tter ..{.. s.,7..y,L....� .mac a..a t ..•iTRACTOR'S. tICE"iSE A'ii rCNAPFCR 9 •COYMfjtG INO plA(.OPt J{•icC T. '•'t AONa FOR A-tw rr.5 PERMIT 15 M': ,LL.'.LC-30.•p tL•• •,[S •. '. 4:: 'a . '•••'•) Of TM[ P.u�-,t S ANO'Aot'LD5.9Nf CODE Oq t us• a•C .(: (t[4Ct •..r.c r4.. AND T -E eAStS POfF THE A ."GCO ESCAtP-i0!1. A9• i Lu.oLR y n,ANe y,.w*•C+.:r 5(t %+ �i.lis 11, ART APPLtCmi I'm 7t PEPwrT 3L87f:M "+IL - ._ __` _-•.. .._ _ _-. ___ AF9.ad•z'-.'L_LCn t..r,aAi T-r CTF'hQT rte01RE!KAH [1'd MUNORCD DOLJRC ts" CR.!'L•••^. A=Rcss __ -,._:..._..__...,.._.- . . • re . ,,. r ""4i OR AtT t'MPLOvEEs WITH W;.GCS .1; TME:4 90:.0 Ti•Pr ...ti.'E' AS►O TM:3 ww•t�L.MUPL � Pao VAT 1 `4' AND ibb:T•' .«_,.......T ._ -.err. . aTA[E'; t'(fi&, TtRTTI 'AZ.3 j`I F; AVAC Aff4tY'_ C:SLR+'F TO? iaL£ T•7An SU31 5 AND ra Ffi9l..vr :0N.-M L';,w••C•:'CCh9T LAN W57S 46T'xPPLT TO Aft O%Vft9A OF PROPERr' W-0 i{ a J'tGa .gPIMVCq iMPPftlIM-AHTOfMrW 40Ef-tUEM TMORA rUY'i.LLPdL:rtAOlt(iu Y its T! Lil CgPy7£E5_T1t0't.kt[r TMAr SUCH .NPROVLNCNT6'AAL tiOT3tYTi•iDED opt '3FrTRL++t•r,A•?A:C •P •+OWCr Oo TftE OUILODi�GA "AADVCNCNYDcNvLb Pc)V.cf0 i I IC TC.ROF COMPILTtOY+rf.OMN[a BUILDER MR.LMAY6 SML 11U4DLN OP PROY•NO I I-.wt t.E .:,D •ci,T LL11.0.OTF TiFPHQVE tOtrYRE T'UAPtr3E tX+J:LE.� .• _ _ _ - . AS GA+ttf• OE 7rIE PAOPLRTY, aM �XG4:ISIJELY COATRACTT40 LVTTTT LIC FYJClO k t;�r fA.AtrYa./iF{- t4 r LGSATAGGT TRC-PRGiiCT- y3EQ--TOAA iutRtL:lr- Afi3- ,_=4cISS.i:Q4s.xOOC: �'�LSQ!' TLAI1S;oN•S 1,Mf"sE LAW I=$ VW."-PPUr TO A•( P aaz4Err:ur rRorthrr.sbs4 $vh,ot OA iMPA9ttEli-E3tLAcm XN12 gEliCr•CO"Pv j _ r:,r. •. r4 :..EL.S ,w='It • WHTMtTORIS) LTC&W$CV PIT" Ar•T a6 T-r. � rryMTu►CTDR•S Tif.EAtBF LXiAt+ •.-�-: .-� '_ '• -- t' •.....`u t eEM}=UwTF6 4FC __--_ _ �nR tilts RLADOY . )(t I — r..TF'A .I.ON TMt I • -- AaQi�: M ✓it: �Ir:fT F{M inArF,1L• nrvis.r _ . - Est �r K.—S -�DM ' ' - -r•tr - $ —��,}-((�� - - - - - P:C FSL• . S �E]i::i�- - -• • •ht E'17tt Ft+a, _ ��V,:.�- _ JVORK MUST OF STARTED WITHM AQERMP OF !BD DAYS PR014 THE DATE OF VAI.toRTfO>`1 ON TN ��i'�i�i�i�i��;i�--...., •_ -Cif. _ M4.- .CASrt. ._: .�����rf� _ _•. AVALS-- •...... p �. - - FfAFE.;., ._ .StGNA?UflE _ WOWING STM--' HAtMNti -- )RY WALL LAMING Brown i FINAL ��� �-• - r,� a �yai � lXi "Ot4l 1-YAW Edsvt ` _yJ/1ylQrf T;t/f.� -- RY,.,f•li+:t.j,�>ci Eieac!: -- ELECTRICALPERMI .s- -. ...: ...... ' • •- . N!+Ylp, . yt +r'••.... ,a?trr.S tl'+i5 -- _ ._ - �..� i_.�-f`--•'�£"'�.-_`.,•...— .'1ti'-•iri --.__ . ._ f 1 � h'E:i4.L:+'t•: nt,,, fc.t: _�.. .-- -• -.- ji <ri rr. sos=EitStf FT.gNGt'J4tMO+iAriAuLr... .._.� - -� --•--.. _-....-.__^.- .�.- _,-=_11�-r.r�i•:iif.-'.._-t rEC��..:•Jr �.,ar(!:3,r.EF'-ir'".* - ---- -j'.-. .:. ---_ TMAL y �"�- � ' �,�t~i.��•'`T`�" ��..� >sw''�t',,, '�-">r:�.,'r fr. +�utt.f:.ts _- : ` ++.yy _'1' 1.. ..- � - - 2.1 r t E �'2 ► y �12_Y� r.. er, _ C' r ^ ��' s. i.. y loutj :aC,2 •i . . +•. ..i �. _ .. s'�.-] �k�'...flsr _ -t �1rFt{ls3C::- z �Ll..' iy sly �'� . _ _� t muff /f ! �' :4•ds'L�/i+ •-!: �l4- I; :ai _/�/�!! �' _.•`. - -• .0 Sa 1 s� n. r -- - -. . •fir• f ..f.._..�.---..-. _ ►rr ovr TT Too -- TpAuSOOfiMER KVA. .=� -•-• —' - .- ....... _ ___ �tt460f11•�NEp�a.•r:----��,.�� _ �M __ �. ` • LC� -----:'- -- • - - -=- . - -- - - - - '�.-s cis -- • -- - - -- • - - -.._. - .-_ .. ••- 1 �. -----;�:�;��-�:•�-- - --fl- tra thin` -tl . .. — • � lava _' • - •- GRlJ'!P1L�ttlr iF=FaE3DE __ T YALFED- c�a Asica�K mat tbatf har6 mkt t ?( q T, jfT �:aLUS I 1 ;rdam+ati authOTFteon psveR is correct,_and:tnat't arR tne"awne.. i N - --. . es agent of the gW,Ter. t tagree to' rdK > tyr' arrt state R f t �'v�R_ ,• f twa iegttlati ittctl* and iti ddltfa viprk Su41T x8d H'ere�Y• . _ -- - TR iabsir i^�ss aT �e tip_. - - - -: _ ------ - ADMMSS WGRKrrJST$f rTAfTTET1YALHiNwPE9WDslE3$QTIAYSfftOiVl-r"F E_ OE_VALWATU MORTFi{BpERMtT9EC01A�3Ntft.LAMixYOIV :---- =-- RM CHECK VAt@Allum tK. M.O _.. __ - •� - - City at�4__;�,,,,�4_�' �_.::_. _--- --;=�C�1q_ AL-PE.R_tift T : 6uildilu# i?t-tit*^° e;f• PPIUCATN--icei•C:} .: Ne AQ — _isJ ('� .}•..s. %f �d.�._' _ W6; .. _ }•.E.I Xs`cF,-?•sta•L=-:-t .. .. - �. _ ►.E}• _ '_-- •'- • s�•— --=- }tri FT�at: taEH �;�t � t iMN:I tiDtexitail� ..._. _ e• _ _ _-+,..:�:-.-:::=:-Y_ __ - - _ _. _ ... ;S£H;E.`.E . t_Ci f3U •..r>-K..:�--�l,a=-- - .. — :. .{ 4. �' p•• eh , - ..5�./. _ +a..le .A+ .�'r •--•.-r+r �. '-"y J!•-f••••' a'}'� y A.; .1ouns AM -t.•_-_«••-:-L::_••r: -: - /` -----_ .�7 "': f'_^ �'�8EP,A�TE_GtHCti#fi'-• '---- ----•- — -- - —----.._.._ OVER A5 ti,:• fJfc.Cf' a:i �..�-:. ! .'�` i?✓ l�` �.`-�#L�cT_+3P,•_`_- ....-..�'L=•-%- i`'_'.i•:.WrN� My •-��:.:.- � •, -- _ •-- =_ •- - - _ - - - -----.. ,�—,_ sty '- ---- r` _ � J _ . ---- - �_----26 so SUa PANF•.S -.. -- - - - - -yam .mow -Mr r� p / _��- ♦ - - _- /L _ - ���_u- t1LTf F - i,-ie �M� �/�'J - .. - L^{,d.+TlfT�wE=_^• - -- - _ - - - - - � - _ ...� .'•sir• N �a ou:cT - - L------• _ - _:: �••._".•-��YtrJi'.ic • -- � .. - ---• itil��#1Y•�:�Tt•� - ���a�• .orrrtt:dlIh& -----• -- tI art+ If* r, tda dfiY feT immmat+0a given, I cOY651', arW _ _- _!� aiit}ibfil8d agent tlf }UT GwtfEN. Ta e4' ii+ aauil do throe 'J.- ' AOR U-3M,+lJiR - - ---• --=_ JiW3�u#dtin�'Qoti ifl¢ the tfAfi@ O�aSt9td • - ' 'YEW,�- - -- - - - --. .. • f3F PERMITTE� - - - - FtiAL thBRK Ati T 98 5HtR{EO WliN}N is iRIOO OF 1lf0OAY5 FROM THE DATE OF VALICAT oli OFt }}}-VEAM}T.419CO YiEB N� L AND VOItL - �U1i C.'4EtK 1UlliQATI'ii! M U CASH 43.60 'fits i . E CTRICAL PERMIT..- LE APPLICATION �.ftnfl� A 4_6 j_ At4 PER -. I I - li'll - it- W SElkVICEi., 15.00 A. Az*_ LAM* TOTAL A VIA. An, 'sisgut� etHetir !-0 F OVER 100 1 A, rc- SY TA I ..E rl OCK M-NER ------- TH E p BE E f -q:'j W-r-El DATE— Aeft DF T014 F" I am ttv MTV to dof�pv--mlh cv. and suft hd a rg Of figs. 0 '(sgulal; , 4r)f ftU"-CWff O"he ftt-yll -A lowd * 9 f3, VD. qnq Li tasurafg*-- UK= kv I J.- WS r;fjMffjBeMMFS AkO sTAaymwiM&4kjPPtODOF14qgLAlifT9Ai-THFDaEZFVAU*Aylotlo.T, .,WoRi( fAUST FM MOT VAk"" M-0. TRICAL PERMIT__ APPUCAMN i.f ap. ice. �- n ,T�t���� •_• tt li it ltt 7!1 t'r-a I NCt.UO W. rT rez TAt �NS0+1, { t '&a ttCE '_ t$ {i ....: ' ..-: — +. ... ... �{'..i_ /..nn4[�1fp_p}x� ��. �_ _ - ..� ....� iip2f7itt'v-• •�(� �{t_{. f0 _ - _.., ._ .. _. ....__ - .. .--__— - . -.._ - S'Ekf,NGll:�tactHT'j"7''�,/''�` tl.•!,:;,..; as TRANSFOMAER KYA - - - -_ -- �Lf% .r'1F.fi.20t A �s.a• __ _ . sna SUB Par:atS •• VVE i�TsifiTfa�iClinCif$���" --• •- —_S' ��_ --- _ - 'NS E r- i'2 E - _ _ . TOTAL FEE - -- -*.. ..... _ - — _. _ ..t,v!!T'•ri�iT i:i]a�(a.tead .lr}Is•appi?OW Ile —_ cp n y'a_t S ,riforrr+a£o*+ 9are t is corrr ct and •that _t am tne; awe r, or itte du'Y --,.Y UPS aiMAtixed.a3eiKoi irre owner. i sgredta•comply wfi+•'�tY�arrd.•siate UGF;' — .. _, — rows f¢ tir0tiriQ Co/1S1t Mil: aml irs doirlo th9 work 8nttlOt�iert ttisrtdry. _ _ - - -- '. �s�oli w'n� �^n aF tt+a-t.a6oc titttts'State - _ `- - - - - -..._.. - - - - ... .o€ Caisidinia sOYatlAg Y' o�rinilen'��t�' . �-'- :. .. • -- -- - --- -- -- - -- - - nNAl _ - -- - ::.. _..._._ ••_wbaK-liAUSTBE•5raKi£tti!!Yt}tit���!Hai•WOOAYfiFBOMSSEUATEQfvAfJDATiOKORT�It�t1{tSPERkItTHECOid£SNtJR6AM YO ._--• -- C SH CASE! PUN CHF,K 1ALIDAWN cx rno. rlt: i> :: •,� ..i t�.�acn GRADING PERMIT.. P;icrii� S r t •1 14-8988/89 PiAnC,,-tieo tr'u.f iv a �.� I_.._� . •_•___ . _• . .: s•. '- bl;-r4M'Pirs'il` "�'""'• • : ur�kt t3!lAfty } RO - JiG --- =.. t —70 K o 1L's<r�t~rs r ,At�lk� f,.... _ _ _— F+t fi•G•"Db'�117f`N�3 f'!P` _ !Y{iJ •�_ �_, �.[ thy{} �i:�� -74 aL rem P -!Q �/•f Mlc;t,>': �;�. /� ,w�+rar Lj_V Ct AIM a r• r a. DATE � PROCESSED ZONING THAFIV MiSDIVISION WADING APf3ROMAt.- St�L•'C.iaL • • - . CONDITttJNS _ 0 w:.. N z t horeo i actina:iirdge that i have react this avp icaticstt that the t- o-mat-or l :dt: is cortect. and the t: am the owner, or tho .daly aLftmfted.zLgeot of the owner. t agree tp.comply with CRY P�C.FEF _ __ 5 0-4SteLte'2,: re guiat:rg grad; and in doing tfie work atdito rizc,4 thereby-- no persptr- vile bo eutp YIN aiomot F Labor Code•:of-the State of ColifMili.0818fift t4 Workmon s PEAmfT #EE-. 4 — _el-_ . - • • P0241ITTEEc - AMMSS- CA MiiS- BF smmttEo VP7H k A PERIOa4P 1800ArSs k� t;iSTr: BF 1DiT�`�tt O1 S PFRI�►r 1t 3 txnr.' - - • - • • - - -._ Pk1W 6K-YAttQA�ltlti--- - - uai CASK . PEAIRIi Y�ltMitQW c _ +,o. cwsK - - _ 20 i8 267.W Tint, 4Z., 1 is .. ——•--�.:. �.:....r^— '_... _•— — .—. — NAME OF = ra gV �. z {car^" - - �.�-•; r.�,;;y { _._ - - -'�- '-.. - ...:-c.._s.:..� _ � __._ .. � .. r......-. _ .__-.__.-.—.'....- _.. -.._ __ -•gip-.'-_• � _ -. _ _ _..-i ! - � ':ail• ilf:4i•`' r "' -" - - � -- - - -----• - - _ ...j-•� .-. •-• -•- - -._. _=f 1./t• of A:+'Jlf•Ofi . t!•il j�! } �� % r. .. . s. _tulii;iitg n�outitni:ut _-: - �•- - _ ....{..7•�!! �aDl NGPERM it ;'�•rtl Saa r•,, c; 9�6��•SytS AL—TVf"► 1V }FeAK `:CR FI,t•,1++; 47ra�£»A-3ar�8=iT F.3-•'_ �: -.l .-- _Wit _ �. _.�.4. t .. 6. •:,, _ MLOCR ..... rMAC i f ..__--__.__._. . ___ •'� •�C,Y}}T } ....-7f__- ___._.—.— 7 rF:.• _. --,-_. ._ �"HAD•fito Af•«NOVAL kL%2L-iNt_Jt vLS_. !•?"_._._.j.: Ly=, Ii,�j .. { ..• - _TLt. ._, . __ -. •__} .lair Yfs:YL ._._... _ i•Aiiw Jli., t ]{1 i ,f r.� t (i•i ._ __ - •^ -.. 1{{ _. ___ ..._.....«..6i'TaL £':' 1 `i __r.::ert •1./• t ,T=: ' • _ Spec . • �tAf /fin �y��1s�'t.�//..��ii --i�1c` . '� �i'• }� • . _. .... .. ' ' _ ..._ — J6%!Sk .4't b AR -141AIY142!3�qv �1. t •r'�' rw•'E Iy.-,.A/■� o FIEYiPOft7 Q 1f1T11 fs'V _ GAtp tllAS2: .-: F4-�ur�"7�i �_G_ •�•�!!=f�'Y"� -"_ YELhO. .=.'�Z G.F rLt•1•Jt•�ewL ...�.fe ..-._ _ �_T•----•--••v "-�-__ I�f • Lam. :t� ! A:•FP.^�77rt; y�t��l� _ _. .- �---C--"-"'._.- .. tic jut ...._ •i•••a •. .'i+rt _- �: iNTa' r_ +F{4j rOESGr�Ii':lQitflF►fiNIX- t••r r. waa ;-•-�,•LTRR�_•_„ �wsaA•w _r¢i3?w.+sK.._ ,iazKG:thL ��, � TOTAL •��i. .. t r;:. ! _ I _ r. J v % f• - - . i WORKERrS' CC:brPEu$AT10Y QE;:LARA lL :hi, -ta,Y AFflroM I)-11•A.i (. r.i H. s.[a•! :l {_- 1 !_ { •_ + I// ,� J� (,� 7'1 Avfwo ta,NVE+�!(t .•♦ : a>.-wsCi v4 A GtRTRtEG CCa- r CAC OF BCCOY• J fQ -E}- - 11//rr L " �--Li.,{.._-CLG7i�r-- �' y: a .i_-tr =" �--EK•_•P SRC IONJ. t.•!/ C • i _.A � �,��� • - ____ �...�i 1'.3:.wY uO Coup"i T ter— r i iy' D- x: •w.h. f•. i+[ sir 1+J � C!A_N:14 CM••�Li3 f.LEa tn •nE AA ' Ej� �t � tE: FA(•PI eAi.r�•,I iCEhSEO CONTRACTORS D R ION , CERTIFICATE Ot: EREMPTTOWFROM WORKS Wl • - - •• ( i� .snr«_ ..«M +»wt ••AM.14C[la6CL IONS Or t«AA7EA a COMPEN$ATtON1NSURAtVCE •»r•. SEC110N 700D. LT De,nlbn 3 W T«E 0++5.r•Rf5 ILI, f iw sCCT,ON Nato NCT @t G3'itOC1CTFC6 :7 TfTL 9ETtII1•' •9. /94•o I _ fu1 LlORCt AND CFFECT L J:>.LA49 ,{r00. PR LEST • f . { -+.w I•+ -•• C£9.F.. 2RT SwA?r THa POIFI RMA'NCt t_ 1 _ ty TQ,D i .c4vEh »ALL %01 EMPLOY ANY pEY:.OY .ti ��< LiwG.tn ;,�'a� r[- ntcoNt CrmPENyAT,O%._AAS Of CAL:FCA.Y:A. i VAT* _ OWNER•BUtLOER DEC* ARATiON - ?- fe, TY) App:tCAY% Ir AFTER YARH•A `• 'S yEA:•.•�A•t �r trtMer Ow YO t F F - . S••f. yLD BtCDNL bUBJECt T6 f«E 7104RtAS' Co"" a' '1•• «w•,f ••>•i v> Sr 1+E •1 •.! T • • •✓A• 4w [rEQTffAdlll'Tlttfgr/�RACTOR•! tKLNSt CAW FO4'IME _A BDN COD[ YOU MUST /ppTNv. •T•• C, •Jr'/ iAT Z. aND::S:':�£ OR Ty,g PERf7" I •.,> •, nCa:^..N (.CG TOitS &us•N[5$ ANp p/W/tS3lOtt9 CDL•C. A'•T C:'Y ow 6f off MLO F.t VOF LC ••[i_wEj APENMR tO GONS•RI:f7 ALTER 5MPR0It. DEI•!C:VS•• OR CO!ISTRUCT{ON LENDINQ AZENCY f«F.� F.•'i"a.. :T..IiG pRWA-IO ITS iSSUANOL AwO AEOLN863 Sxt 5lpP1FGAN7 ta.. N .[hG•r.311tvC• /Cw T«E (• a ,.•.: • r n • :4 r, L A SiGyED STFTtYtNT THAT ht TS L!CEN5t0 Wa�Va*•T TO «EOEOT ArlIRM •MA• Tyt4P_ •7 L - •NS G-•O •»T s4r,..•� �•: • hF :KE CONtAACT.OA•! L10E•ryC LAW =64APTEN • •GOMi/tNCMC• PEJlfORMANGt OF THE f�ORR fOp NH:GI StuS2ER•�tT IL :55.:£O :LC �L9T CrrvL:. 1, _ r...., f•;�� %r ow,SJ0. Cl THt SUSIN23S AND PRO►E63+PN3 COCt' 04 I r .s r.t MCT r«{wtr4gM AHb fMC"-'w van T•/t ALtf9tO RECMI•itOT•iNt p:sQrs NAME • ••- •L3'L•. 7071E Or A.♦pvpCaNY FCC A VAR"IT buElECrb r«E t i l,•r ,' L .- -!: F N PEALTY OF NOT MOAC T.AN PI It HLlipwtG DL:iJLA5=t3f•1R:. tth LE•y'_. AODAQt.$ .--"DST - & ' • • - .-F�,T.I!• i'PC740PtrirY- OR NY ZMptC}YRR4' tf VVAD" A$ ]n -'-^- r I CENY,FY 3HM / AI£ ACwO T•ItS wpALeCLU3N' AND lTwtA - f»AT T/Jf ♦p0•E .•vt w,.w• G•. /,..t DO 1Nt WOpR AND TAL BTRUGTititt fS }(OT p{TFtiDCO OR •NFGAMf ttON /5-COHA1rCT'". -A011tt TC=0''*1'L'•' 'N'Yn .Aee•C•Te• wNG-CDU47+• t trAGwfNCES 4N0 STArt LASS RELATINC'T78•. �r.'vO GOYt:•rt.c T•o:l wy: KCtiE9• �- - i�FrT+'C"--+I:C":'FIIRa'-/>it8•4£SS--AtiG-AAOARfiStOtw GO^r _L4L_ -f i17KOAiZE•4i—x'•"•i--CAn+.'r•••t4-•k1KfA-rlFIIii-t+sL y�f••yy; p,KA teG>:ISE:LiIW 3lC1EIE NDT :fPr1.T'fl�'AN SHHhER Dp PRORERtY WHO' Ai0•(C •LlthTlOki6 irFEt,PErrr`r ROA IwtfstT:ON P.:ApOSES i Rt.'•; ex •-k KL°?lES ?«tNtON. AND INHD D094 SUCH WORK "I SCLP AA T-ROUGH ' j •<:b t,I.�. i+w ' •cars- PROVIOCD THAT. Sj1CFr•tL•pROYtMEMt9 ARC NOT J.TEVOTO OR } on E••CG RCsWtv.Ui-THE BulmNO as fiiPpDYtlL4•iT IS'>sO1D 11 oNE.Eia Ct'xa'71isIOR.TKLaW1IL�pF]ittt-ftA'K �ItI SO'l1OEN 0►'•AOV>40 - .«/ t reZ Ta ••OT-. EL'RO i7p iitl4lOYL #OR 1Mt PVAPOlt�DT • •• as^e •!LR Of T:•C RJl68tRtY. ALfL:CLYSf7R4T LOHTttAC71N6 yyFtM ►ICRTi?ti0 �/ IOH/lTUll!'lJFfC•lMa�! DATE 7•.•qt- -pe m TONSTRUCT TF[ /Aq�CCf IlEG TON lUSIA.F:SS AND y � i� _.__ FY,rys•-q :'T SL T.•C CONtwaCt'3A•S-. i[CCILSL LAW DOtS NOT. AtfYtY TO. wN. •fir Yil .�rC! _ • GL'.@I �:$S $ . GY[••ER D� 4'R:p£RT•"Y1Md iUItO! OA RACTDR,lrs •1dCthiR� D7ASNwltT to FTNL ` _ -.- ..�- �"'r _ _ _ "sad-••:.�•Tl1:LC':Y iP"Y'7f-C4* __ __.. •- -__ - pp 4r.��G•(��%� _^. •?a.-••.p•_ S•GiNSt tAW • .. P::f Ci9_ � .. PPI1*1{ Fpg.. .y ��:=..i.--++«�_ _ - - _ yw E • E Ns's-yNpEw !tG _ - --.. MMS. FOR TH:Y 41CA90N - _ _ vinevat :i-- - - - AD. ;PIC F.St . s pvyiR-.rEaLm,.,,sT SsSTARTED w4Tu M A PERIOD OP 180 DAYS FkOM THEeDeA�TR 4C VAtI#D♦A�1i1�t03u Ott YHiB. PF.BTi1T HEGO�tE *►t3Lt•'�iT sYatt% :: • _ TLfili'DEfG:r:i VALIDATION_PERMIT VALIDATION _ _ -e•" __ - M:a CAI" __. :-_- NATURE- — -- •- --= RfltimcmCv STEEL PKSLAB _ _ SNEAitftNG, -------- DRY WALL t $it$i'IN(tE(i C{tliNG-�- - •• v— - ..:_:.:_:_:_r • ::� � •;;-_••�-- -' _ —_-- -.-. _ - - -._-- LATHING PLASTERING t _. Nam_ ..... ... - --- •-: _.:�. _. msuLATWN ------------ 77 ......--- - - - + _ - . - • - _ - .4 . FtOR IR�EFUNVON r_.Itx t'tv:;wFort ea:h I7UI4.LJ[1V4� PERMIT � .;$• t`'E 8 96�_ - _ ftfytrtlf:g iJ�:patttTiCtlt .. - - - - - _ _ - - 4�-#igxas�- s-4 _ -F - - - - - - --- �. i PLAN- IW06iff- _ tJ1,ni: ,ft 8c94h. CA .9Z656.8915.-V� '--.-= -= - �r••,,•;'-� - - • {�tt•;tirr 't11k} 64d•32&8 - . - __._amrzT?+� _ a- i :'t.r:ue ss - � Q} - i/K1f 1i'i�r4i" _•tt .. - -..-. ztu•- .-'. ,tom,.._ -- - . ... E ' • -- - • �-�-_ :: '_ - 1 _ __ $-tii AtiF n.._ _ ..:_: � _... ..-{��_ 1 �,.Tr+ST � , • . t e:r�;»:t_ -, bLOT.R (Ta A CT ....._ . .. _... t . Lam:.__..:-.-_:•-. -.. .. 4'AGAtir !: E ^-- .._ '�! +ice ' ti:. 1!I•.Plr.iJAl Rt:ZFwcVB• • DYs ram.. L,Twlst•e - - ' •Gitlin •ti _ ._. - - - t 7„L h -yam f4� t/.t ' `r-f i.'. u� 4�j ° ttPAtl9 I fly 1 itlt: rl. �^ IvR ��.T IG " i _�1t.� h. E' 1 7�€- .-.i lLM - ..._... ..,._ ---•-......�...- ..-..____.-. ...._.... ..::"'� t• -.. Jt1D -�� S1 _ no �T�► -�-7`f $'CT,� :��;--y-u�:r �rrg--_ _--.,,..� ..t.,i„ r;:.-=.•�•-__.•�,t d:L*fE vAROS reAH T j •''t - CSC Nf WPr1R7 'i'=nvIvwra Z AMr•YL Y L •--"""I t!L E,. ^.:t{'•:71I :r '•IiT- 7-� V V'•JQ L14� title. ._ _". - --_ •_ t. -. r�r.l Ate. I t nt•c - - - - _ ixtt�r-'r►s� f L +>�T'�' -- -. _�.......... y°`� - _ .. -.- - •- [I..ttnt�a/w .. ` - ?=r+: osr�rr.=r :_ p- _ , --- ZIP - f•r.i74N t iqr ....-._ t DPSC_ WT19tt1]F�VIOHK �••-•�-----� tER .fliPMR-__ hEtt4LISN 1t1•+'RiiYAt. _.,•^i - --•-- =- TOTAL ... t f• 1.•P uE tes i_YORK£R5 GONIrETiftt7lOT: OCi:URATIOt< e t j w..r..-•♦ ---__�-.✓+.�....•..�••..-"� A-C :1 CriSEYr , • :CI:P,4SGNC OR A i .--.._+�___._.. • MtH •rat R•A THA• •.ASC A 'Lt" • - :c• •Jl.. ceR* TC OF ,4JAAfits, C:uiL'•:A•':t.-wC•AA1CC 0u ♦ CEkTI••CD CDP+ y_ is 1 1 - •� �-"-- - ^� rMlift ar ss�»nII.14 _ ,_ =h Htaetss-.*I. tktz •---� f ! tERTst:tD C.Jp� .6 ►::[O vYr�•r4.tF S'O'L2FA1tTlE£.�rti • t ' APPc•4ArtT �t.-t.-'�' �!_.. .,%yi.. i DAYt - --_�A•TUCiat. �%. t- CERTIFICATE t CATE OF EXEftIRTION FROM WORKERS% {� LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATIQN COMpENSATIQN INSURANCE { � •itTO1Q PIlCCli3101j,4• (T7 CttArTt:R • t) •wutta :D,?Nt YS7uli• •'r.-fWL 8Nt NUNORCC 1 «CRCII'J-Ar"W THAT I AM LIClTiftD- A ND• i�TwtS StGT10N { ,CO•F+.CNcrv6 w" . 9iGTlou 70001 Or DIYttIbN a DF TRR Dtt�•i'j CSs 'I. AR9 IiraD• OR LE95+ . DHGriSC:OtaS GODL allo YY lICRNRt Is 11t IFULL FORCE ANb LFFEGT. .�% T tw fwi y[OIGANA•YCl. JP (t+3 •tOAA raA v.:'=tt T.'s PERMIT Is 1 1 .. .. - -- - - �• _/••-;']•�. f`� t3suC lD�1 S 4"."0. c"plol. ANr F•t.T3.tls rr. ast ^A!ehrP IJr• AS -To 8L 0!!t. S _... VGC••^•[ CLA^.4 - j „it•.IIr.Arnt.. S.•bJEr TO �tt11 rsORRl R9 COIiPttz :A: ..wYts 0* w r co.'r l�.D■ - DATc 1 aTt ,�.1Cir,w.arsricAnt f ttt�l-- �%LLf' • - ; rrxTs of txCNMIDN •=1tu viYNk•R 131SILDfLR DECLARATION NOrret TO APPLtCAM. IF ATT1A Mal rsr 'H rs CTi r .ATIGN paDY151ON4 W YnC [ j SPo4.a OtCOtK 9: DJtCT Tit TRL vrrrtl•S' t Tr,$aCRTtr t,[}F By ArF:RM TK1•tA!•f>•tLPT r*OtETR[CbNTRtNO t'I'A %"a CODC TDU MY•.tT fLPTN'MrtTa GDMi'.f +4.:it$•.Ct•rRO •.9:O450R rplt•7M tie* wEALON i$EC TOA/ O RUR1Nt6ti ANII rRDItSf1D•+s CDOC Ahr r•rT vA Sw A., RC 0ir"•Er. uc4oxto 1 CO.•h•1rtI.•C,NRCOUIR[BApf,llMit TO CDRliTRL£t ALftR tMPROYCI:PS. T ,. CONSTRI.iC'rlQt!•+gtfC%"'�AGEHOY f fIKaA.D Ar. r.StIwGTLAt 9f11o,r TO its t4esiag t-.Lso RcoutRfs i ...CRCgY Ai.IAM THAT #HERt IS A GtTV3-sc *xiw itr•O•N+ AOtNC0 . R.c TMC rprl vpr, •. DEAIaT TO P;Lt A stGhtII titlltr•ALNT:TH}T Nt i3 LICtNBEO PIIRSi: A•rT t 0 PCRFGEI•TANCE or TNt riCRA fOR Jftt+ir_ -+.+5. • EtiK:i -a .nw.. t$CG ]0f17. Cn C } Tut .'.^9:0'+:3 ?r rN[ C IfIVIACTOOd UCthiE LAW :CHAF31JF Q •.COMYtNC1- ( A..Tn sCC•:CN TDM •IrfR[/NOM AND T'R[ DR$/3 NrOR TRtoressi _..Gto tttil1710ous 4SA V LL.NDEJI•L ■rlt.t •I.A- ItC t3 t=t .•t+L••roa uF SECT:Ou 70215 NY ANY APPLTCAMT OR a PEAw1T Sus.C: TS •'•E .tNIIlR. AOUPCD`J a PP.: CAN: -0 A'CI 7C PCVQKTY Or NQT•MDRR THAN Etta N37MtRtii DDt.LAI».fsau•v � Ilt■b •RIS A'►AL•C1rTTDR •NO'$TATt THAT TRt ARO.! � -:A6 4NNPRY7r7RCPRQPt1iTT OR MY LNPLOYtr6 WiTN.IdrAOtiA6-TK�R Sail MOTCnuatusAT:OR IYtt DO THE WORK. AND fMt •fTRJCTyARR tSQlg �yOR Q•f L4E6 Fcm- jA1Lr :T-CL`:'r0tit'-_. _..-.a CON•RACTOt/S vcua.,A LAW SDt'i tvPT-Ar12T.10 Ati AMrNtIE prJAIIrtRTY.WKG $iJ•:04 qv •ft►ItQwtf Y"LRCON AND WHO.Oars 84CR IIMeNay ORR TltitAiL1. OR iHROUD•t Of, i O TD on FOR BAmp g u.:10YiNtv�ttt TN£ C'11LOlNe. 14AVI ,19 IS 10Lt6 W ft4G y" "tAROP CGTiPt. TlDN_TALiifiz It pa71ttLI7ldt Vflil-NAYS TNC bORDtfr.DtMOY1N0 1 iMAT HE 0r0 NDT AYILD DR fMrROVR POR TML'rI1RrDtt O/ ltALLt" ' * As owuxn or INL P713rtR�tY:M�•>1 L c a* °B-R�jy---s�• D L74.1rAC TDA• i CICt98t LAM., _.. ..- . •- , Au s sAtatiT sa+.ONFiiC w....�••�+•� - �rG. /O11 Tfn4 ittAfiON .+.:.��� - - _ '•wvNa t teaviff THAT I wo- I!fTDPMA/.Olr tfr CDRAtCT I ACrRtL Tit.YPLT -WITlT ALL CITY ANO GOYNTY Olimfix CES ANa lTATf LAA,fI ATLATI%M T:-g.JICd'Nf•CDSSTAt1CYlOti ARO HCRtY ? AyT-HDMtt• �ty9tDCr' :ASll!`.a. Or Y f � ' C01.1 T TO CNTCA uDON- As0yt1rtN1.ONt0•PIIO,NMtr rOR i•ItiffG M M�r�CS .. . s Df�AtvRr o►rtRRta+tr OATt �-- 7 _ 6LY;u P'^ Dee -- - -= -- - - - F7ttt1-YEI.•�. WORK MUST BE STARTED WITHIR A p£Rlw- pP 18* DAYS PAOM TH'• UATE MVALTDATTON0. TMtSp flM1 RSC0#E NU1.R ALIOai{ON Alli-?ARON eK CASH --- PLAN CHECK VAttc M.O. CASH fGiRNi V- INSPECTOR S I print URCINO STEEL mip it All SlItAmmG FlIANIM WALL LATHINri PLASTERING orawl, INSULATION FINAL CERT. OF OCCUPMY 4 ------ .......... . DEPOSIT RELEMED fOR *JW ME 70. Gtly of N, •.; 'rt f1n�Ch GA_ 92655•t�;ti pLRr.R -Bice.-ING POWIT r )tfG a•-'•!t0 AL teEdl+J)VCC YtS .. tiv.. _ _ ��-...r:= .oats • _ . _ _.. --___ '_. 4 .. .,.•, ____ - .. .. _ :-.'t CL. .s:__ 4u)L 2L•Yi:....y. IFA��•'�i _ sp. EF <a. '7'v �i ,`.,-I.1= ��(a1f'�•'j �. � i'- - ...._.. tttl COt:Db� �L�u�� _ c .l- ii. =� f• �-t41�t1�t/+s tt!r:,$jj67Wkt +� i .I-•_.us,.l�Q1 lt}y't•r'vi~� c'�fft. EL: ��-26yilctr�.�i. .'��.s_ _ �_ _' . _�_ -- — ,1-5 • - r- T.....•tJi.il �J t' 4-n_ L a 2441 •ot vj .SDt` e..J.�- .!�L "f�.":fr`;t LJF CF! C.�a•fftJi•{���r--+=,a gf%.t.1g----'wrr may • jbttrfr!rbl.11 i !)1'J:� rLb AbTE({._ 6£YAi)1 � QEM4l.DN _ AOC ' - x 0 ........... ..f._. . __ ., N : S' CLt*P£NSJl7Et!*! D£LLARIM10" Et.�._rAf}f "till >5 r rC iLG• tfr-tj.T •MPi wA•L ► t.Ewirt+CA=t Lt , tINSEN• ft •474at Ga A Lri �1r' RCS••=• qr y.e.v.cF a9 L:.ra[h5.•.Oh •h•ra•aaKCE DR Aca- CEa•+F •L9. COI•• r rC.. .0 Lt..��. I4 •'I1nr3,.►4t,• 1 t�T"II.��'•'�,. ^fSTrT:I-C: C77fnr•S 7ttItGS<'t �•a9•ts•E7 _ .�_ _�_.�.. .•!-r ....�-:.. .. .t•'::f•Err CO="+ L f�D s.:r. •ur 7i•PT/7--: A°tTis�� - Lf4msCD GOMTR GTOR9 ilLCLARATION .•_•� CEt*TtFICAiEE QF E7I2tAP7 H RRRtt WOltFc Rp. CQMPICgSAYtON INSURANCE " +K'at.?• • v« •..rt AfL a.CtN44D IAFDIR PRO•^e.enia. Ct f..tA►•lA 9 !( CSOMPT rm Fi• •ML ?M4•"tgi3OfW'K*f�Y!f9�6O- CC,..uf.,. • •. *.. SFC :•Dtf TG0.7• G* :7,i:Ov 1 OF •t'E @li4•yt9rs A.Ib � Tp.R 5F c:.7A NEfti :lfOT _ •'RDFL4'. _ _ •' f •w• ur L)Cti•Dt :t➢_A [.;LL_fOfICL AND EFFECT ttpa► - •• __ ) OOL:Aap SL:G Gq •,L• L •�.� TrAt ,4 T.IL ¢LRfDF•10.•FtL nF i•It fCM M•Gra Tw' PCRNIT... - _ - - _ 1 •93 vCD ' V•rff ••:+: EVG.OT IhJ YCR'a74 ••r A•.• NIMVCR en aeo �YS -RECONL -t •.%t G.t::�-- - ••G t•O _ __ - - t.J'P3•LGT TD TaY wOR)ttRf•CPYPtDSAY/Oxiawa tYtCM.iORYd.---• - •' t .�•YA•_• G �—�_.. . ..�_•w•.-••r �RTt � QriC ._ .9C_3:1•a•. - �.;Jtf�tt GUILDER DgGLARAF101V voT=cL.Tta aP.RCAt7I tr �r•tR «Atyp� TFfts CtiT:,FCA*c•or tr£FI•+/ok..D: _ .. .... SyG.:.o at,70F=t: S:IB:tCT .; iwt r, �aatas' ttOawGtiu<.Oh >l�tt.FD4G-PF Tu[ Al •••t•:)4[itN+.�/Rp«'•ti•t`DYMAC•I.1rSL%Cifa�L ERWiOJF T)li �13O4 C?CL'•DV M�9T F:)%rFud.:TetC'HPLTM-ITI. ::.CM FkO'v'.n:C*iS OR rw•y PEA«tT •,•n •• •t; •y i• 3 8•.S.Nt54 A4!) PROtrSs. +-h$ LODL- A4• f •7. OR bti i.. DC 3L[NLG RL::KLC a •r • �:tq.•-••Y4 A +•[FFfth• •o ccaU<wl•rT I. t f► .IrP4Y.yL-GtfFOYS>• OR r j �t«.... a�.ars n� "•:RT tYN3« t0 ):L *SiuANGt_ /� bO Nt_as'.tfS THt )VPL=CANY • GOt1IgTRi1G'ri4N LB1VtifPtG AGENCY xCnu•r`•r . • •.•C•!.EG S'ATLMCNi .rIAT )•C': 'Ea4tDPVR•iUATIT•6 .•tAtbT 4ff.AM .N/• •u[v[ '• A COe.S•A: C••C4 .CVD+aG A4L•.C• F6R r!fE . t +•.A Lara*ACLL•R-5 1JU"t LAW -.AFTER 9 46MNLkCI"O-IRFORMA%CE Oi 7.9 deARC, I'OA Y.t•� Trlc P14M•• D'79.tD :' ].'r97. GIJS) ! •"L 'r".. ^ . • • • 4-, ON A Cr Ent OWSM-M A4D PRoIW—,•i54S CODE Oft . e-••- *«tat/R0« A4D T'Hr ISA31Sf'TOI►'Yfft %Zkm otnolPT10b iNT --.CC.4'5 vf:atr •• Tj•u -•• •�!•Y ET As. APPLIC&M ►Oa A Pt"r 11 blIbItc S in _- .. ArA:,- -- a ^�FT�A:TT Or •dO. f.Opt THAN ME NquBRCD VOLWIS. 3vQ-'• ..to3Ei c A=nnf zs.».•-.. _ - •_- -_•' . i CE•tT.I• TYPT • AIf afAD T];0j APM).LAt•Oh AftO 3eA<E T..Ai T.'C AAOIL '-•• .. 'Ae ;f.4rx•,17•R+Ce'R'OP[tiT'!ORYYCHPL()rELS•W+Tq WROLSAS.TNLt`R•SQaL- :.yr7MYATr'3'Y iS COiRCL"."' AS-rC `Q.rfr++'L•! �rT«-Aar Gre.aa,y COuNYY - :....: - ••-E NDf[K. A'CD TFK 4TRUCTuAE t5 90T IVTt #tgu oft�rL+aA•.CtS A.:D *vAn .AA4 at.t*MO TO so:}fy4Gl bS•4bGY 74 AVD HtaES• E8$-••AND-- a^••..�=..r-• y:r =_!!L Ti ALPY[C!.EtiT.i•'.�'L'J__of J'0=• :tx .. --SW-Ubq IIGt+1i0'T •APti, TtiAlt.i2YftlEP Of tAOPLNTY ZN w tO T 'f.✓O SJCN WORK ri.YSELF 047145= f) zit Aft 'L tf T.64EIYPIfrtP t0 �)SPLWr 0 OSEE . a;..: y.•q-A-«•••i.aCi TNLRCgN A!.II DOCS wb :).`f,.1rl. ,�.+LCS,.RJt.1i.DCD iltALS :'= tMPAOYtN[`/t3 ARQ NOT .4T[NOCD OR r U.4 - EO T•St: ."A:C-IF-eN .f!! TTt = jD6 'IMtti'YAi'=Tf1! EURDLM'lN PlOYW4 t4E .ElaW r..twt•••T' _ . T ._. I.E.tr91RlP0-4t Of SAEt) ••_ // !- _.—_ _ _tt_ - -. .. _ - � _ 1 •..a*..�9+C h01 i!!),CtlO,T CNPR01footPO_ � - AS p�•'.+,•t OF YHE PRDPLRTT. JCtt L'XCW'SLJLCY COHLRAGttk4 WITN 4GLHt LUr 1 ..-•••RA.-•+:1-»1_OY%,*Ue • The "a,.CT rStr -f044• ItuC/NL99 Ativ �f(Ylta7y11E OP Ora C DATE ��C•.�•, r{t :•^�:• :DCL-.2«/. CONnfAGtl.)M8 iSC7CN4< iA1d OOt4 •NOt A►PLY YO AN ' ;r :oOFLt:T'-WMO aomot Qa -NSRG�ii t«ER[ON MtD WHO COMTRAGT>< rL L��1Ir.1 E51. Vol V•....,• •-v1-•�'`!•+- a KC•o.._ •g�.�..« �+. !1.S hT1 ¢P='CC!3 4l1<.! 'A" CQ+•TaaITORrM-4fCtNSED-iOaiYAN1..IL THE.. . _ _- - ._Q1hkt Pee 1 ..: •" Eat4>T.-1YAEg3CC•e...- --_- $!PG POO-THIS NZABON �.w--•.-�' ! _ _.: _ _ ! T.-L _- •. .....- --o� :- ..:._.__�_._ - =cap _-3.�..�.��. = ..u�s�feas •�s����:»�•-: �:: -'.--- ..-_ _ sT B6 StAR►EQ WITHINAP@RtCD OR Iq0 DAYS FROM THE DMLt Of I:ALIbf►?tANOR t>iiJ'L1iMi1 H£COPIfi31YULi si�iLT �QEQ!-�� y1rQRk'•It PLAN EHECK-YALIPPO". _ _ cts _ wo - CASH - - PEKMMi� �IAllDR1i01��K _ ; -- '�"�" -1_. . - _ -____ _• __.._ _._-: _ __.___- _ _ .kti:j v- .i-•tt�.t:��i �' •.. _;Zsyi3 INSPECTOR'S. - -: _ APPROVAW _ RE1NiUEiE.tN1, STEEL :._—__._ ... .. . _. �.— .� _._. .�`'" __y...... :——:---�— ---:—� —�•- ..._ eW DRY WUL — — -- - LATHING _- � �t�St�tRTi0tT .. .. _, w., . ,��.s_.;. � - ._..._...._.. ._ •-� - .....-..._._._r...�.—._ . FINA! f3ty 0 . f t4cu'ripurt seac6 Imadinq PERMIT:-- Al-0--suy vuorin: (71410344-3M.,. Fl JCATION:----, No. I.ALITV�Y'C.Uss-1 7 -AAy' AREA 6LOCK "AL 7 VACANT 7 (.4fk0MG *PF'k-JVAL RP;V-,T-f ft e zu A e. e I IV YARDAfS qr'kR—' wr zculua fi g X � A Ac . 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'w,�"�; rt , ..V efi, 0 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issu Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1 1�>A 1,( 0Qkz, / �Syuite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) in c��- F/A SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately -Please -return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. I� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. , cam' — •Cf� �..�_��.....---------'_ Print - Responsible Party Signature'" tesp`onssii61e Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit .. ._ Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS hiformation for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. (305.5) HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 ' Wun, Raymi From: Morris, Nadine Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 7:36 AM To: Dall, Charlie Cc: Wun, Raymi Subject: RE: Breaker Panel filler plates/Baywood Pool Equipment room/ Inspection Non-compliance Hi Charlie, I've removed the "referral" and it's back in your Violation Manager folder. You can clear the violation and close the inspection. Thanks for letting us know. Nadine NADINE MORRIS I Life Safety Specialist Newport Beach Fire Department (949) 644-3105 1 nmorris@nbfd.net From: Dall, Charlie Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 6:56 PM To: Morris, Nadine Subject: FW: Breaker Panel filler plates/Baywood Pool Equipment room/ Inspection Non-compliance Nadine, Since I have not referred an inspection before I don't know if this is something that I can take care of or not. What is the best means to move forward with t his inspection? Charlie From: Brian Cleary [mailto:bclea[yCubirvinecompany.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 3:44 PM To: Dall, Charlie Cc: Greg Lamas Subject: Breaker Panel filler plates/Baywood Pool Equipment room/ Inspection Non-compliance Charlie, sorry for the delay. I was able to track down the filler plates for that panel. Please see attached Pic. Let me know if there is anything else that I missed. Thank you for you patience. Brian Cleary Service Manager The Bays Apartment Homes 1 Baywood Drive I Newport Beach, California 192660 Phone 949.644.5555 1 Fax 949.644.7524 bcleary(a)irvinecom pany.com .I. WOOD BAYPORT * BAYVIEW APARTMENT HOMES .. .-✓.-' -.. \..- ty.��..: r, . -.�.-. .,A.;. .. .. ...4d" u � . .� %M,`v,v Y}k i.. M w a v., a x .,a +ra „ � w .- .yy,.+."t.. w ... xr.,x.T r�+. .w"'y,n ...+•-r•,-wr.. n..+'M.1�++s.- r.. w .x� TO NEWPORT''Bt� FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE RNEVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 11768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ............ __............. _................. _....... _........... _.... _............................. ............................ Date 01 - 3 o - j A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on W k k>fjb C_ � OA?o (L Business Name. 341 Zv 0 0 Business Address:�� iL' 0 0D At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more -fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after 1 0 l ) �/ 13 x If all violations are not corrected at that time,, your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent, reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: Inspector's Name: �f � �1� Lr)4 L L_ - Phone Number: C ` - (A q r Z, 5��� <" ` ❑ Left with Responsible Party ❑ FaxNumber Original - Owner/Responsible Party i .' _ ;r..^ Yellow -Tire Company/FPD .k:'-..- .-: a'i,. ... - ..w,•.,. „ ... ..:..�ww`=a.... �+.. �..�.�•, `.: wc�..—:rv"� '.ido+".v-..ytrvMr-r,-...tr+.�,..,,rrr-Nw•--^-••'k, .. �n r.r•+4.'.w� � ..,...-t,,.•:ta...u,�.nY-,.,e.t.r.�.Tw6....,.wa,�.r,p....sr�+�- )J n .-. n . Y - �i T� � r7 .✓s i F'! g .. •ef., Y , S! r d {i :tl EWPORT�B-EACH FIRE DEPARTMENT �,, ��� • -- � � �''��',��`;, FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION- (� P:O. Box 1768, Newport -Beach, CA 92658-8915 ' (949) 644-3106 ........................................... ................................................... :.......... :.................. .............., . Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division ..................................................................................................................................... Date A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire 'nd life safety inspection at the following location/business on% ! �l Business Name: tV b`'p Business Address: I BAY IV " on, At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998 ' California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. ; A second inspection was conducted on A a / in an attempt to verify compliance with the written Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance. During this inspection, it was found that some or all of the violations had not been corrected. This notice is to inform you that your business is being referred to a member of the Newport Beach Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division. They will perform a reinspection of the above business at the prevailing fee schedule set 'forth by City - Council. If the necessary corrections have not been completed, the Fire Prevention Division will deliver to you a Final Notice and Notice of Intent to Prosecute. Your prompt attention,in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: /Z7;�- f �' Inspector's Name:1 Phone Number: o ; '2'Left, with Responsible Party. ; ` '.4' ❑ ,Fax Number t .. • ' ' Orgin..al"-Owner/Responsible Par ,• ' ,•Yellow.-Tire•Company/FPD .. _ ¢ .4:' {_ fir, ;;5.;'--4 It,11#',y 41'11 �y .)��` v' r::«;t'+�`4s e_ •�' n•`�'J�'`.,.°- Ore,'`.a i'.a`.�',,,�r,.P. .. � ;:.&,.,,.'<,s. •'� o NE*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ';(03 c SIP-C—A Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 2.. -13 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted.. IMENEENEENEENEENE NONE NINE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. \I Date Cleared r office use only) • � �`�' I�r.....�'.•� 1C.� � ��a �! � 'ii t� �,J l � � i� t�-�S �-r.r�i u't i t.-t.' i 1 �E� -- i `�.`3 Is—t:.... SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this no ice. Print - Responsible Party Signature -Responsible Party Inspector ,;v �; Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date ` Yellow — Fire Prevention P�' 1 6 • Y , e' I GENER9PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFER California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 " NeAort Beach Fire Departt Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid- Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3636 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 83050 NE669 Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 200 800 TYPE III -1HR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Jones Development Group (940) 752-7300 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Regency Corp Place Jan 3, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: Christine McGraw No No No Other System(s): Owner/Responible Party Phone: (714) 849-3802 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 1/8/2012 3636 BIRCH ST Suite: 200 Page: 1 19 Ne*ort Beach Fire Departt Occupancy/Building Inspection Form .X P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address. Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID. Inspected By. 3636 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 83282 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 160 1,000 TYPE III -1HR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: C.? ` S2- Q c ea Preplan: Hazmat Disc: -(9 0493-- No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Regency Corp Place Jan 3, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood- Dry Chem: CO2: N/A -4i1jT q ?�L4 Cf*-1 No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: N/A Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 1/8/2012 3636 BIRCH ST Suite: 160 .Page: 1 4.x •e;.z,,;. ...,+,',,:'5-:-.'J�''y.}!,r:WdnF.y�tr&w$G`."'"4»�ias�'�ts'fF'+.:.+i;...�na-:,-a.. r+.•i..:+.^.,..k-*��..<e *.. ...4 u`4 ..�:�., *..un.^..w 'S IN NE&ORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*NT s 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 r VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspectn Date: SPrL LItil � `� 11- C� 1 }j 1 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted., IMMIMMIMMIMMIMMIM ■Imm MMIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) AGr - ui t f. I A6 ! P—r-- F—?cT i rsfi 0 (Wr- f.,- ,A 4 )'4 a AL , err " F SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be'self-cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L•-,� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the norn of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Sig ature "Responsible Party ra lt� Inspector RevisedJan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date k Yellow — Fire Prevention ��C� GENERR PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE , s California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. 1906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class lI or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT l 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: 'Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance � 5i e- Suite: Business Phone: rr Issue Date: Notice of Referral to.the Fire.Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared I (nfiirr use_ nnlvl SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected PrintName: ate: Signature: 't7` ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. CC J Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom ofthis lice. r Print-41(esponsibie P �— Signature esponsible P 1 41 +'C Inspector NE76 6 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow— Fire Prevention F �r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 13ScC 41 �OJJ S�1Z, �71 NLZ Zl'L Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection-arid-Non-Compliance 36s 5 131,Q.0 N 5J .• Issue Date: Notice of Referral wthe gyp - a,-Z - 3'700 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s)' listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. (office use onlvl� --�---- - x t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it maybe self -cleared by certifying below that t has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days msj c 'on date. ere certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. _ PrintName: ate: f v tgnature: 6 -` ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(§) immediately upon .receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. z &;y2_! Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party /*ZK Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Nab, - C . Inspection Unit Reinspection Date►, lJ" . Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A 10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40lbs or less - top maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs - top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use..[9062] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 , AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [91232] AR Post street address numbers on front of budding. Minimum 4" in height fdr residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507Z.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. (901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.22] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with.panichardwar6 - Assembly.occupanctes (OL 50 or gteater).[100tt-i 101 - - - CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours.. [2008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING LS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D, Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [34043.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction•through the top of the container. [3405.24] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. (3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2-11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms:1315231 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [3043.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.221 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [6053.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [60531 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. (605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.531 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [30M.5.3] GC Provide MODS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan [2'/01.5.1, 2701.521 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and -remove trees and -shrubs in-wildland-hazard reduction area. [49031 - - - - - Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of requited permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (Le. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxicq highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; Inert at 6000 Ca t; oxidizing at 504 CuFL [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (Le. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class i liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling -motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 - • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). (105.6.241 • .LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.634] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6391 • Spraying or Dipping (Le. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 11 O Tustin • A SUBTOTAL7.75 10.8�i VF TOTAL -_-American ------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXX8007 SWIPED 05/02/12 17:57 .Tmericann2ExPress#: Resp:AA Tran ID#: 212338076000 Merchant ID 99012211 APPROVED - PURCHASE: AMOUNT: $150.82 _-_----01220050000000071 0259 _- _ 10TAL NUMBER OF ITEMS SOLD = 3 CASHIER: MARCOS E. REG# ;i 17: 5 7 0122 05 025y 71 CH TAXES PHTD ON ANY TOBACCO PURCHASES Thank You! F' i ease Come R9��, i n "J I E T "EA DEPARTMENT 3070 P()rt Bjlr� Beach, CA 92663 �C, :(949) 644 (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION Noncu As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted, See reverse side for viol vion code descriptions.. U,54urcmC GBE0 OtreinsPectiOn may render you liable to the pcnaitjs�r, law for such violation(s). A reinspecCion date is noted on the bottatn of this notice. vided by C T- L) ?— Print - Z: -44-1 Rmonsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspection Unit ;Ron Vate R-bvdJ,2m 2011 Original — Business 'Yellow- Fire P1CVeRV1Qn TOO 121 HOOMOM SHENDISH(I 09T999L6V6 XVd 2V'91 9TOZ/99/20 soah toI A W, PWA ymo 949-493-4604 • FAX 949-366-0486 FIAB EX7'INGUISHER, SALES & SERVICE j SPRHWLER TESTING, REPAIRS AND I107"ALLA7'1QNLe 7 AUTt?MATICICIT+CIiF711 SYSTEMS, SERVICE AM REPAIRS 78,274 Maf1111$ Addtfaas' PLEASE •PAY'FROM tHIS .... ....... , 790$ ..EI C*min* Real'*. San.:ClOmente,`C;A'92672''. ' k:. NAME .. NAME �t ADDRESS ADDRESS . S e > CITY . STATE •ZIP CRY $Ti4TE ' ZIP . • _§':;r5' . .�/�'C �` ' 4 u CONTACT: ,fe ;s >• AUTHORIZED BY: +: PHONE t+' 's' PHONE . <Si I,AST'SERVICE 06,MTE :' OATE Of•$ERVICE SERVICED by P.OIe METHOD OF PAYMENT: ' C1. CASH Q CHECK # TERMS NET 10, DAYS . COLS*NTS: FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVIGE ••.:,vr r tr. . ..,..;.'rl':,:k,.:,41.:tvl ' r: }.k. ,.:.,..r ,5,.;.1, :: t`r :.,.5,...I. i,:r ?:.:• .:a::>• rtir .V ' ..r.r.t..t.,..k,,,.r :rr r.. �.. �.i5•; r,r :r:::s •..:`f... r •r?s.}.:h ."r• r, tr ;rh s.>.. .rr.. ,,. ��:S. i�";i� .. �.;k n t ;S......'5,.,•,,.�,,}r,•r�,r., :,.i.:;:grrr: ��:: ri".+.t�:i r. 5�} io;5•`r CAIiBQN DIOXIDE h� ...�,:. . >.::,:�,•.?<,:..�<.: ,..•��:>.,•,a•i LB, CARBON 010)aaeE , GAL. WATER EKTS. r)R-YGtIF�1. EX MOOSHEkS I.S. 'MEMIRE PRESSURE PRESSURE C TESTING LON EKfs. 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Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3900 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 84243, NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 110 1,000 TYPE II - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: P10 ��ay G t �7.4 Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: gHArG/ (949)-640 5224 " No No Building Name: L(i G Knox Box Loc: �� Vo 3;S',o — lj j 'Z'7 Assign Date: N/A Apr 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Parry Name: Hood.- Dry Chem: CO2: Jonathan Mayer No No Other System(s): No Owner/Responible Party Phone: N/A Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private -Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 4/6/2012 3900 BIRCH ST Suite: 110 Page: 1 a° 'n F'k, > •ti,. , ... d' 1. 7.,a '. ._>'•. � -Fe. * `{:, 3"°. + k'.n :`'� .ws+ �4=.i1a: j:c11�;. .a. ,)„�rr�- b�ay.:i.4i {{.4.•i: '.'i, ��,isf�,..,; •=.o-;>"�: `.'., ,:o--n-:�,..,�..-l: dr.: . ri. �,,:.,. .3� '.r- .a. , NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT a 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: F'.,a 4, � / Inspection Date: r f /z 0// Z e Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division /l U ("7 3 1/ Li As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ©MIMUNMENMENEENE INEEMENNEI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. \ I Date Cleared (nffice nse only) "ClaPraVj � �/ x 4 j n t,15 f*-* 1' b- I �-A P? (,i V+— Lq in— ,/' ,e•" sue" A I /,' 4 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. D 14� � n 6 Print - Responsible PaAy y Signature 'Respo isn @e Pa&y —� Inspector /%/J 6 L� C, Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 w Newport Beach Fire Department } Occupancy/Building Inspection Form t- P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3900 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 84623 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Tyre: 101 1,600 TYPE H - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: NEWPORT NECK & BACK 474-2225 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A I Apr 2, 2012 , Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood- Dry Chem: CO2: DR F VANISE SMYTH No No No, Other System(s) Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 233-2411 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None, Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location:, N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No - Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private. Hydrants. N/A N/A No No , Permits: Printed: 4/6/2012 3900 BIRCH ST Suite: 101 Page: 1 - "4 ",b 1;•._ -'s: " �.c=s e 'r♦ s . --... �sY�_} ::+r "'"fie:: 'i L'•. `mot ...1•'{,`.;ii:`,.."40t ' 5=1�_'S. S:;`s-..• uRs�;; "ii--.'.n ; ri�i: t'�^t'�r-F? ; NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ">4 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644, 3120 x VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Nlevjot-� [Jet4- Inspection Date: ' J� Address: 5g00 13, re 6 5 . Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance � �'-ry f 1 "-�_ Suite: /a Businej]ss Ph%one: (� Issue Date: Notice of Rtferral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��mmmmmm� See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only AA n-1jy(t w% e4 i� C� G' ! E� q Vet t �ai. "'�17 - �yC(Vl �'M �{ !� {�h(Ll. lt� l� �i15 t iIYi�J/,'aA r SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER O COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncom ance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law fordwh violatiorn(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Rersible arty , {fir Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Responsible Party N'E� .4 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections J. A. Common Violations 1' AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2) AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307) AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. 1505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 Aj Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. 1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] $ G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5) GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6) • Compressed Gases: corrosive/ flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20, • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6,38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/]Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I A ress: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3920 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 84349 NE66B•_ Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 104 1,500 TYPE II -1HR B 0 Tenant Business Name: 4iirA Business Phone: 47C/67 Preplan: Hazmat Disc: .am:.- r o --.CT *�*9 Na No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Apr 2, 2012- Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: C62: N/A No Yes Other System(s): No Owner/Responible Party Phone: N/A Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes. N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants. N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 4/6/2012 3920 BIRCH ST Suite: 104 Page: 1 )9-4 NE*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date/ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 39.2U l�j'r6 Li 5�- Suite: I ® Business Phone: ff yo Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. bate Cleared �. (office use -only) �1%7 /S L�v� WI+J j �► 07►h 1 �+� M i� l'l 0 ` yJwre re,71)t %4& SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi& that thefire extinguisher violation has been,corrected. Print Name: 6� (" Date: T/ I7 Signature: j� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. l� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of t s notice. Print - Responsibl Parry Sig ture - Responsible Pa Inspector Nv6 G Inspection Unit �s Reinspection Date 10 Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention � 1VT. (,?j GENERP PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] --- AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.63 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10'- of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2]' ' BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] C8 Unlock all exit doors during- business-hours:[-1008--93]---- ----------------------- - CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-spripklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting,,& fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [31515 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates.'[605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove alLcut_os uncut-dead_anddying weeds from the -property. [305.5]_ HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60, gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class I11A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 111B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). (105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid. Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By. 3937 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 84352 NE6613 Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 2,000 TYPE V -1HR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT (949) 852-8233 No No SERVICES Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Campus Square A r-2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: r� L e 1 aTb R V'—& KID No Yes Other System(s): No Owner/Responible Party Phone: (949)-533-- 796j ' Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A �4L-1 W:)& I L'2-1 Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A Nor No 'No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants. N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 4/6/2012 3937 BIRCH ST Page: 1 y) J NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ��3_v1�C t i Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. � E11MENEENEENEENE IEEE Elmo See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) t'lr — t i S t i t—i 1 �lY� " S t� !f( t7YL -1�7 R24"" 'C ar.J cv Y 1rC,01-1LliJ,X', tC_ L)r- F- T,is ^` L�)A-ri�a- t.,r,F-'j+,.t'`?4F- Y2.a SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Pnnt Name: Date: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. t,� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. AW11MV i�l)i A�, rint - Responsible Party v Signature'— esponsible arty Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. 1605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 NJ%ort Beach Fire DepartAnt OccupancyBuilding Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 4030 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 85912 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 103 1,200 N/A B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Acupuncture Healing (949) 757-1188 No No Center Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jul 2, 2012 Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood.• Dry Chem: CO2: Dr. Lei Peng & Dr. Qing Chen No No No Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 742-4988 Other System(s): Other Phone: Alarm - Seacoast E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 7/3/2012 4030 BIRCH ST Suite: 103 Page: 1 iMP�:aw+.'a:.✓,.,.+q,<i.:. G:«:�,. +:r+ .:i... r �.-.�. 6Fa.",s.: _':a:i: �a�. ,. ��'<<�r..,�14=s:33''•ra,l`;.:..'.3�`/Y4'ifi?. x.t.'°^".^&a jsM:.':3'^.'._ ,'1*",.,-`:M.. ,',.v.»E,-•,+'t'�` J;"`. - -`' 3 A r T *WPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: N1rUJYo? vI'vr�iC r��z� a ����i , G ^t-11` . i Z- Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance L-i cod o S t gw z�r Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division l U3 �i5�- 11 As a result of a fire inspectio_ the Newjport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MENEENEENEENEENE MEMO NINE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on, the bottom of this notice. . Print - Responsible Party ME0lr,10 Inspector Signature — Responsible Party .•-�r Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference.1912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [313.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. (315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. (605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. (605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3) GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flrnmable: more than I gallon inside and more. than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [103.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] . Revised Jan 2011 Ne9bort Beach Fire DepartAnt Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 4043 BIRCH ST 4029X NE66B 85913 NE66B Suite: Sg Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 5,000 N/A B 0 Building Business Name: Busine s None: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: ,Uerr'- Ar-W G63 Ne,2. I No No Building Name: �= A 4aI_ Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jul 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: A014,-A ��K-zw;,Dr4 No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: None None None Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 7/3/2012 4043 BIRCH ST Page: I a _-4 A . VOMPORT. BEACH FIRE DEPA9ENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: I Business Phone: I Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office nse oniv) GG — S- -to W z5 Q : 13, R SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the,penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice, Print - ReionsRe Party ' Signature — Responsible Party Inspector. Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business r SWE Inspection Unit Reinspection 6 to Yellow — Fire Prevention 0 0 , •... GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. (5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. 1903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates.[605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters (605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6,121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IRB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] .8 Revised )an 2011 .4� a •k =` ,,. r i' ..w .._ �. a_ '3`n'` .2 si� $'i a.,+'....ri:J' a+�' �✓4. � _ 1. .. - NEWPORT B1&61'FIRE' DEPARTMENT ti 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 ,t Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: w "" ! 2. t: Address: Issue Date: Notice of einspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. �C mmmmmm.mm� See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire ncr. nnlvl e�C. - e Q d_ i,L R--�Ma 1)KQ>6.t yvVVj0fL a 11_ aXl 77;46 l•vCa)14e- d9vdyZ 5 yin- SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self, -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. - I hereby certijy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: P ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspecti may er liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of th I tice. Prin - Responsible Party Si ature ' esponsi ' le PW ,�. "s 0 , Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jar: 2011 Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention is • :i fY. �, GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 15061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be tran•:��red by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 111B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Addresss:e� Issue Date: Notice of R inspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ����mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared I (ntiice use oniv) J 'e%Z 0-W— T% 1 — h'1^?�ac?r+Y t �> t� j3 �..trt_...:7n/Z. f _<rcl SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleated by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certfy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. tIV)�Uyrz4- Print - Responsible Party Signature - nsibte�P 2_121 17... Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Da e Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [91Z32] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.52] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within W of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms: [315.23] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EH Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, W" in width, and 78" in height. (605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. (605.51 FE Remove extension cords naming through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. (605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. (2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GI) Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 fir a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (ie. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CUR. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6,271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (Le. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 __,,., -.- .n.w<..«� ..., ,�w � �.'� •• 8 . w .a , .- y„s ."r... F-"+`Zr�I sri�.. ,Y . 8 t 1.,,. �&.> 8• �r,tl .. 4 ' a3-„Q 0 r s iA . d a�°t ks'i� • � .. � f'• ,�. :1ry`,i; ?3 `� `<•.°' „4' . � ..,,��t a.S � _ ¢�'' � 4 S; NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 64473106 Fax (949) 644-3120 _ VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: (� Inspection Date: Address: t� Issue Date: Notice of Reins action and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: s Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��mmmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared I [Mr— n n M' 'SPA- �� �crt s• SELF -CLEARING: Only afire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print ame: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above. condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom ofthis,nwiee^"-. Print -Responsible Party Signatu — Re le Party Inspector 1 rvl ilt Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention I GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2 A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs - top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AR Open bunting, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.321 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.21] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms: [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2 2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] IF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan [27M.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. . Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. (105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system [105.6.38] Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 1 1 a` 4 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 5001 BIRCH ST_ 3931Y NE67B 88568 NE67B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 9,000 TYPE V - N B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Park Centre (949) 260-0791 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Park Centre Jan 2, 2013 Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Bernita Jensen No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (562) 856-3004 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: bernitajensen@msn.com I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A Full - Not Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Mar 1, 2012 none Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Phone / electric room near the N/A No No No entrance Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: In office next to test outlet -'B' side 'A' side No No Permits: i Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By 7 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. (See Fire Cleared Jan 26,201-0 Beuch, Rob Prevention Standard) AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. (See Fire Cleared Jan 7,2011 Beuch, Rob Prevention Standard) Attach the sign to the FDC. CF Exit signs shall be illuminated. Cleared Jan 7,2011 Beuch, Rob Replace all the burned out light bulbs. BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe Cleared Jan 26,2012 Beuch, Rob system(s). AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. Cleared Jan 26,2012 Beuch, Rob AB Mount extinguishers where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, Cleared Jan 26,2012 Beuch, Rob maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor. (in the break room) r4 Printed: 1/7/2013 5001 BIRCH ST Page: 1 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' Cleared . Jan 26,2012 Beuc , Rob circumference. 1. Remove the dirt piled up against the Post Indicator Valve (PIV) Notes: N/A Printed: 1/7/2013 5001 BIRCH ST Page: 2 i(D �,:a: k• F1' s-.''' .•�"= `iitYt.•.`..:F' jlrk+ds'�R `^a' u¢aa d'.�'".a,� *^k.i4stY'•..,e e ;k i}: :1�_» NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: _ a Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1:�,M l 'V—' (PC 14 <:�T Suite: I Business Phone: C-1 Z6,6 D � " 11 Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ENEENEENEENEENE ■NONEElIMmo See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom Xthisnot*� ,,.7eresa A(MenAar �. Print - Responsible PartySignature — esponsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business -"4 S) sp;, 1 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum Y above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [90: AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 PW Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Insp"ected By; 5015 BIRCH ST 3931Y NE67B 87961 NE6711 Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 11,000 TYPE V - N B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: ISU Insurance Services - Roger (949) 852-5255 No No Stone Agency Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Business Systems S ecialties Front door Jan 2, 2013 Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Roger Stone No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: SAME �`�'�� Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: RogerS@stoneins.com Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A Partial - Not Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Nov 13, 2007 On wall near reception desk Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Utilities closet N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: 14R41T TV FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: On the wall, N. side of bldg c Wr exit On the lawn near entrance/parking No No lot Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date CF Exit signs shall be illuminated. Cleared Mar 4,2011 1. Replace the burnt out lamps FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of Cleared Mar 4,2011 CF 30". Exit signs shall be illuminated. Cleared Jan 7,2011 Replace all the burned out light bulbs. ZZ Replace the missing ceiling tiles. Cleared Jan 7,2011 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable a es. Cleared Jan 7,2011 Attach the loose sprinkler head box to the wall. FC 1.Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance Cleared Jan 7,2011 of 30". 2. Repair roof leak and prevent water damage to main electrical panel. FA Provide cover plate for the exposed wiring in the electrical room. Cleared Jan 7,2011 Printed: 1 /7/2013 501 egress shall e illuminated at 1. Replace the light bulbs in the exit signs. EA I Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers (in the file storage I Cleared Jan 26,2012 Beuch, Rob Notes: Photovoltaic System installed on roof. Printed: 1/7/2013 5015 BIRCH ST Page: 2 „y ...a-ti. ..»+.ca.,.t - .. "nA < "� �';n=..xr,•w'z._.-in",• �ti tS,•_ �d-' ,�"bro. �a: t' r ;4 �. �,i_ ":✓r-*•.. ..'T” 'Ov, - . ". � v ,Fs a,. .�. , `�'_ . r .' .x.. tt �r sp } l- ,r'-,.,.. _,:1,ya�.,-. C U NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 5blz�3 V-4p-C-1A Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. UNIMENEENEENEENE IMENEENEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. lttits4 Gx -FF_,3 tar lr� 2� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ` - j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 1�.� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you4ta-616-lb-t-1w penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. r rint - Respp Bible Party "signature espd Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections ` A. Common Violations AA M . Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor 1906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a T circumference. [507.5.5] A) Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. 11030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315,2.1) EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage.1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [103.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. 1105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11IB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. (105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department k Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 i Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection M: Inspected By: 20102 BIRCH ST 4029Y NE66B 85326 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 40,000 TYPE V - N R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: HazmatDisc: Santa Barbara Apts (949) 756-1828 1 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Las Casitas Apartments knox Box on rear entry gate to pool area Apr 2, 2012 Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Kaylynn Johnson No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (951) 640-4861 Other Phone: Last OC inspection on 12/27/00 E-Mail: Sheena Sales I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private- N/A N/A No No - Permits: Printed: 4/6/2012 20102 BIRCH ST Page: 1 �,•; ,v C g ,.0 .+ ems:,,,=+ �{.,. e� t u�osr� ..., , .,5> a=� NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance '2..o ic) 2 , F (2-c-1-i ':::---r Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division _ (,;=. i"L As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. NEIN IMENMENMEIM IMMEMMIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) AG - SCP-l(C_j:_:; -TA6., r(l?- 1✓xTtrfl6(S (4 F_:X SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: -E j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. � Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may rende, you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - espot ' 1Party Signature — I!esp sibl0arty l' Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections " A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307) AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. 11004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. 1315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class fI or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised fan 2011 N&port Beach Fire Departtent a Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (049) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid., Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 20151 BERCH ST 4128Y NE66B 85327 NE669 Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 23,000 TYPE III - N B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Onesian Family LLC No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: C.T. Realty Corp. L side of front door columm Apr 2, 2012 _ Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: J No No Other System(s): No Owner / Responible Party Phone: Other Phone. JpA.� p r4%% Art N/A E-Mail: N/A 2 Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Oct 20, 2006 Inside front door to the left. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Outside/front of building N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. PrivateHydrants.- Outside/front of building Birch St. No Yes, Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date - Issued By AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. Cleared May 11,2009 , Masons, Bob Provide the address of the building on sign for which the FDC serves. ZZ Clean out fire bell of bird debris outside of building. Cleared May 11,2009 Masons, Bob ZZ FDC is leaking pressurized water, have repairs made by licensed Cleared Aug 22,20.10 Lunde, Ty contractor. ZZ Reset key for pull alarm Cleared Jun 24,2011 Geddis, Cliff - AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared Jun 24,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ Need master key for KNOX box Cleared Jun'24 2011 Geddis, Cliff Notes: Roof Access Key for ladder on 3rd floor roof near womens restroom. . J ��, '� 1 n �y�-i o� t�2 • ��tn� 821 3H�� ��� • Printed: 4/6/2012 20151 'BIRCH ST Page: 1 hz • �• _ . ... _ , r . _ .... �;. k A _ "�' - ,1 , , ". �.. c, a4, . ¢ ., ,e L =,' • u.' '."_ j; '. „...,% r WWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAMENT R 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 1 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance -2_0 !1� i 1 1P—C—P ST Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division (��Ivi H' (D (a12-1 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMENEENEENEENEENE IMENEENEE1 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared � iceTra,only) L3r= tl,dsr;, .L -Tir-_�,T At-1 �111 ��—"l�l�„ �s.�-� t riwljl�tC>^! Or�•l SI? tr`1tLi•t=t� s Sr-l-M Ntgr CV SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L®j Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. . ` 1 r - ` i'r ; `• - L.r,,'"�'�tT '�� { �' �t� K '� fit; i U Print - Responsible Party 13 Signature - Responsible Party GV� �.-Y1tr� A L n1�3a=D .t�i�T jj I 12.E Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date � �t-lcl)\\ 64L4 —92-9 9 X 2..to i Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention i J GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY ;, California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open bunting, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. (3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. t605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] I-IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 N19port Beach Fire Departokrit L, OccupancyBuilding Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspectea'By: 20201 BIRCH ST 4029Y NE66B 85328 NE60 Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection .Type: 23,400 N/A B 0 Building - _ Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazniat Disc: Birch Centre II (714) 751-7858"� No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Outside front door to the ri(ht-nd Al ear door rt. Apr 2, 2012 upper corner. Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Che CO2: Thomas Burcaw No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (949) 751-7857 Other Phone: Last OC inspection on 12/27/00 E-Mail: N/A �vstenis Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: J u l 21 .E 2em3 Inside electrical -alarm room/center, of first'floor hallway, Ris ocation: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: 1 Outside of front wall of building N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private -Hydrants: Rear of building-n/w corner Birch St. No No Permits: * * * NO PREVIOUS VIOLA TIONS FO UND *** Notes: Alden Mgmt L '1 qG ! -:� 55& New Knox keys 7-11 cz — -1a. r �i Liao 2,0 ib Printed: 4/6/2012 20201 BIRCH ST Page: 1 �:� .,, . `�.�: ,_ :. ,'�k; ., :i�.�s&:,r,x; � ... ��:... _ , .� ,+" , .. ._ �f� ^,P .. � � is .,_ ,,,;„, .4�:+ . , ., . ', "=`�',. ` ;`. 1' • .iti:..� , ''{ _ . t t.V Av jj^ * OkWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division " i� t ) i 1 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire nse nnly) PJ Il tti Cl F--Sr Ar`Jo Pb2cx1tt7r— ..-..riC,,=W S S'T� P SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. , I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: 'JEJ ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention 0 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307j AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area.149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IlIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. (105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Eel 63 t # NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMEN l , , 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 ` Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE T mix �a Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: I la:! ' W?_-r C_(4f Q. ,•SSG o�_ Address: ^ Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance _ > o AVM:. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared \1 c E S A ! o ', ; U-" 1v w 0 - -M ��Gr 2rc�rc 1r` a.�, mEnur.Sf4 - A - All O./t&IC'm, 0-(9-(2- ,1 P-IEAAOLI �� �s�av �a� -_ 1� SCfZ(ES - 2-1z— SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: ignature: ` ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) :immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print-?Aesponsible Party Signa re - Responsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. (1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. 13404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. 1605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Gass I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building: or storage of Class Il or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 A'A. 'r-.e' Y f, f';` ,-`•i �: ;st �'`b� :r � . aty r:.r :,i�` /4 i a� .4: t6 •3 .$..+u5'�'�'. �i -ate.. +"k - ` 'NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 �-' Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: �VN414C Inspection Date: A dres^�s: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Busi ess Phoo']n(e':_ Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division �•'� Cam.— V1CJ +r As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ���mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared f (nffire nse only) v( Cite AY-P a- tak '� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: Q3 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice.' Print - Responsible Party Signature -::�&fisib e Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date- Af*'7-f Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinkiered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.3.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wiidiand hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • IndusMal Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 .�:: t ... ti,. .. ` �' t t , � t r� !M.,.1� 4 +1� .,�+E s. '� .a . „ :I t y;':k ° . dX-.C�.. t YE: 4: •.� .b fi 1NEWPORT BEACH FIRE—MPARTMENT } 3300 NewportBlvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 C�)o Office 949 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: 22o 61S ,,j AVE- Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: • % Busine s P `' �� Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division �-1 Shone: 0 - As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office me nnly) trzV c A 4 JAB f-�N ,'f/ /� ;��: �,s � ,� , �r �� , ,Z 5--11- 13 vJC SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: FAORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the b • om of this notice. C�-waa' t - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party �1 LMSv4.. Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2) AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Tan 2011 Ii:'-r. - - -i, f ... .r w •. -.,., ova °.W hB,t.:c�••F.,A..,r dF•, m.;;.-r..r .r,,�i j•,..�e ;..��;,-4=�'nm;% ia3 +Yc',b+5�..+`•i=cq„�a'"'�aiv tit��-.�=:�+ss s:• '� ?: ' re,�.'�j}t . ZG`•. ..,,, f',• .n NtO1�T BEACH FIRE DEPART&NT Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 r 1 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: mkv ot`l-�- q 0 _ t 2_ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance IZ 80 B i.s-0tJ A V" Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 9-1 1 qq 9--h' 7O - 2.1 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MIMM UNIMENEMIMMIMMIMMIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use nniv) i Ec -C 62 c C A 1. Aj4(,_ t a s L a y k 10AA n t "t (,'4M. t. J+Ak/,_ A- M, Ajt rM :,( i SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: FVJ ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may renderj/ou liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice�f Print - Responsib e Party Signature Responsible Party Inspector ,t\_Eh3-A- `-V/0 - 1 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENEROPROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFET'O California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways.11030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below, ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 260 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor Vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) . • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] *"'Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] ' ' • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 N '6AT BEACH FIRE DEPART#NT 33�0 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach; CA 92663 Office (049) 644-3106 FaX (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Gp Y - -,, f — ( :4_- Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 12tao t VC Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 2,-1`{ I qf�--75 j—�f5Zc� As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MMIMMINENEENEENE INEMENIEN See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) t,.. -rlZ c c A, M t rV t AAA v✓\ C GA4-Av,ie v P A �P PJ 1— PT 0 Za t t 'C, W 4 D1 4 I r-i S R`Er2-. �j -:L xz- r°-fe,N' X�n-� '�-23-17— `M 2A 5 AC6 (05>L.E SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: ii Signature: j�j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. �� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bo om of this not' e. -AcAl Print - Responsible Party Signatur - Responsible Party %0- Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENEAPROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETO California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. ElectricaI FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised fan 2011 NE*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTA NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: 1111,siness Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted: ISHIMENEENEENNEIM INESEENNE1 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) v SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may, be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 0_Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business �\�' v- La Signature — RMonsible Party Uy 3 - A-- 12. a,r APl-L7L Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENER41PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETO California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. (506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5]• BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] ' DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5]' GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; a storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised fan 2011 «.. dim_ t . `t-cTr =-'- , a ' ..., y "- - .,� �x =t : .«v+y;fi+t+,R�" ::-9,=:-�..... - .. �'.,.'.�a3 y: r - :,4::, •``3,'`a. ;-a:aa.. ,y.,. +.. .x ;'°N ,ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTt*'3 T 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beacli,,CA t Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notiv of Rei spection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division G \ I qL/9—(211cf— As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. UMNEENEENEENEENE ■IMEEMMIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared., V t G'✓ 1� TAf/o x rn� _ r <✓ciL� Cu �°' C a� G SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ��LORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. N with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Respoigible Party C7- 4-AIJ-( Inspector i e — esponsible arty Inspection Unit Reinspection Date p,N NF. G O N Yellow — Fire Prevention Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business GENERIP PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETIP California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9) AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. 1912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial.1505.13 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1) CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. 13003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5) GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most Common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6) • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, higlily toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8) • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 't Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-31.06 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1370 BISON AVE 4330Z NE63B 86577 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 6,638 TYPE V - N A-3 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Wildfish Seafood Grille (949) 720-9925 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: ::�lJ412, Assign Date: N/A 2012 Owner /Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Guen Wolfe Yes No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Parry Phone: (949) 436-0609 Other Pba..• ��,� pit✓ UL300 Compliant E-Mail: g4@Rw@vPAdAsbgrfffe-.com Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A None Full - Monitored Sprinkler S Year Date: Standpipe S Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Auq 1, 2009 In 1380 Bison fire alarm panel room. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: East side of building in riser room. N/A No No Yes Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: East side of building in riser room. N/A No No Permits: Issued: 9/2008 Expires: 9/2009 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 9/2009 Expires: 9/2010 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 10/2010 Expires: 9/2011 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 7/2011 Expires: 9/2012 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Printed: 7/11/2012 1370 BISON AVE Page: 1 M W 1 .r; PORT BEACH FIRE DEP � FENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance A v-C Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division ciLf1- 7'Z>-9-1Z.S As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use oniv) c 02g1 A-- 4t� .. . --Ti 1V �V i t1-1 'i'SI' M41 ty TA 1 &IEO +Vdv U A LL-, it A-C rki t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are exthTuisher violation has been corrected. , Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - R sponble Party ' Signature - Responsible 61,G LMUD-vE Inspector y y sj — 3 a- 67 4.6 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL'I'ROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. (912A) AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings.1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) (1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [3151.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solverits to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class lI or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 Revised fan 2011 0 C� 0 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3-106 Address: Grid. • Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 2122 BRISTOL ST 4029Y NE66B 90220 -NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: A 2,478 N/A A-3 0 Building -Sin le' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Burger King #9514 949-251-8873 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: CA Burger Partners, LLC Apr 2, 2013 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: CA Burger Partners, LLC Yes No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: 714-442-0655 . Other Phone: UL300 Compliant E-Mail: N/A Systewis Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No _ No Permits: Issued: 4/2010 Expires: 6/2011 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 10/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 5/2011 Expires: 6/2012 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Issued: 4/2012 Expires: 6/2013 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared Apr 18,2012 Medina, Carlos , CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. Cleared Apr l 8,2012 'Medina, Carlos BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually Cleared Apr 18,2012 Medina; Carlos and after each activation. Notes: David Peterson �z jej Printed: 4/2/2013 2122 BRISTOL, ST Suite: A Page: 1 U p Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 lmvpection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspecfed By: 2122 BRISTOL ST 4029Y NE66B 85330 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: A 2,478 N/A A-3 0 Building - Single ' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat-Disc: Burger King #9514 949-251-8873 JNo No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Burger King #9514 Apr-2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Parry Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: - CA Burger Partners, LLC Yes No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: 714-442-0655 Other Phone: UL300 Compliant E-Mail: N/A Systents Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Issued: 4/2010 Expires: 6/2011 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 10/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 5/2011 Expires: 6/2012 Place of Assembly - 50 or more -Occu ants Printed: 4/6/2012 2122 BRISTOL ST -Suite: A Page: l 4A "'b'T:y .",`%, a:•>.x;r: a. -d �. •X •;a.4+t,. , tb. ;�' $. S:;'3, :Tti.��+, `>-.", d. �. °..§s- "'4;= i�d s m+�• 3f� .t: :x. N <a r. `9.a:' A. a*t. 7x �::++ t.e. • aaa.+ '1Q .$:{:e' aEs,�S'S {5' .. fir ' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT s- 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance '°m l-2- 4-1 F - t -}.- Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMIMMIMMIENNEENE mom MEN See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nf nn nse nnlv) �e vice. &D -TA(, r�l,l����� - S �►�U���� r =V14 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi,fy that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. /A / }i r• + Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responl ib�s,1'arty ��— i t'1Z It -_- Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention t 5: � J► GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). 1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. (304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware -Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. 11030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1) EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1) EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.53 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with naive of product. [3003.5,3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 r Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 2172 BRISTOL ST 4029Y NE66B 85146 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load.- Inspection Type: 18,000 N/A B 0 _ Building' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmaf Disc: Fletcher Jones (949) 718-5300 No- No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Apr 2, 2012 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Don Swanson No No Other System(s): No Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 939-1265 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: www.fjmercedes.com Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System. - N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: " Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants. N/A N/A No No _ Permits: Printed: 4/6/2012 2112 BRISTOL ST Page: 1 .3, ,Y RL t .,k,�[ , . ., "i. r� ; i ;�' r n >`�`-=3 �'r.: t�'4s�,'- �'+ ..-w•. - ��A4°�'"'b'�f tnx+.} 7f 'S 4.� g 4 . - ..K� , a turd a. tX..P'•c «t�+.�4' bad a v 4 .s_* . t."t . �a-', _ `i h �-'�r.:.r. � k� J •` �° .Vi, �',,,�T , ,k�':: k�%�. 41 r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection D te: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance -z' t�1b l`�� DL z;r Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MENEENE I See reverse side for violation code descriptions. \ IDate Cleared (office use nnly) AC.. -- 1Z Alt C,, 7�, F lk�G � xTx,�l ) (St l�-l�.S 1� t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please returr this,notice'to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certi that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — R sponsible Party i V, C--- ra r Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. 1912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING 15 OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates.[605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department S Occupancy/Building Inspection Form - P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3-106 I Address: Grid. • Assigned To: Inspection -ID: Inspected By: 2300 BRISTOL ST 4129X NE66B 85195 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: C 1,500 TYPE V- N B 0 'Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmai Disc: Go-n-Go Chinese Food (949) 852-9700 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Apr 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Mr. Guan Yes No Other System(s): No Owner /Responible Parry Phone: (626) 863-8823 Other Phone: Not UL300 compliant. Permit issued, upgrade pending. E-Mail: N/A Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date Standpipe S Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire -Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator., Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Hood System non -compliant. Needs UL300. Cleared Jul 13,2009 Masons, Bob AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. Cleared Jun 6,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ Clean hood system Cleared Jun 6,2011 Geddis, Cliff AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared Jun 6,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ Provide proof of date on UL 300 hood system Cleared Jun 6,2011 Geddis, Cliff Notes: N/A Printed: 4/6/2012 2300 BRISTOL ST Suite: C Page: 1 Y Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Reinspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 4/26/2013 Issued AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Date Action Contact Comments Inspector 4/26/2012 -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue Violation Annie Kwan ------------------------------------------------------------- Amat, Alex 4/26/2013 Issued BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. Date Action Contact Comments Inspector 4/26/2013 Issue Violation Annie Kwan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amat, Alex Issued ------ BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. Date Action Contact Comments Inspector 4/26/2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue Violation Annie Kwan Amat, Alex Printed: 4/26/2013 2300 BRISTOL ST Suite: C Page: 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ' 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Buul�siness/Buildingg+Name:: Inspection Date: -go °- t(C'— Coo L A i n se Food `r!— A6 — 13 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspedion and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. i��A��3mmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onlv) 1• I)O.C1 e012 =Alceds b i , J ±Y G . J �i/e L ,h c.l li � e�Ctl " /o%ecl' �•/ �'� � el/e. ems.. will all 16d �0 scfie�� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by , certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the J9above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. T ! [\(.ml K" /',1 Print - Responsible Party AII)r4r T)q VP.h,i®+'1 . Gay inn° )et - Inspector e a4 Signature - Responsible Partyko) & / L; AD F — 0er', Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2) AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1) Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. (308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. (2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinkbng establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. (105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: ) Ines/pection Date: 6 - f(1— 66 �h; �tP Food, 13 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division _r I l-- 1 l 11111 1 2fJ "7 1 U(1 I I As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) 7K l • t' On i'-e4, Co -ev rae felt r. 4( a l! Sc� e W,- - A SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has-be6n serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the f re extinguisher violation_has.been corrected..___._- rmtName: ate: _ 2 ignature. ORDER 'TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature - Responsible Party Anal, JAG\/P_nna.k &n.7edfl. 1V ,A/,; � !� _S-°•j1- car Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 ?Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. 1906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/m outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinkiered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4]' BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. (1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable Liquids. (3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1j EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove stuiage hwri under exit stain-tys. i3i3.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. (605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage.1605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. 1605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. (105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 1.b ;3`�= ��.f `-Jx'i;. a� � d j'r 'a.� ��% r!t' 'y4 -ti.1 � a' %' . �'-�.� :4 ° „ t ..rr �'�< . � z.�a:�+j,a';i' ';t'• � `^�� .�.`�. �;rx,.,t �'y;iP; k;��,�.a aY`.1:�.,�� '7+q-K.,d.f .. i- � l� .�.G'i�YgNfi b`Ly,x '�.0 M1.r• '3r .., w .i- .-"s} c _. t A' t° � ,���7E.J f.�, i��r. .: �r,�,a �,.,?"°: ;,�'.','1.5:. �,�4"-.+b��r 'S'* � : * ='- ' s r �� _ pit:, _ , t � n NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMt f 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3.106 Fax (949) 644-31 N VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 11 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance A-"j FC_ Suite: B iness Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division rya © /3 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. s7UNNEIMMIMMIMMIM MM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) e Lsv ^-m r4_ it c y r� L SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation maybe self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 6R t �E' �- Print - Responsible Party Signature Rssponsible Pa Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date tl.- Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use:'[906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a Y circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all ogler locks or latches from doors and replace o, *th panic hardwar. - Assembly occupancies, (01L 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business ]tours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [3152.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36' in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and reviove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or, storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised Jan 2011 - e�.p. �ar+3: ( e rry' ♦ .� i,. i'a Lii.� - - Yl... � xr ..by y . 5 . ... `6;+ ' . . -. [. 1 .:: # �J {4 4.l . <`y��` b i NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date' Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ,OM vrL. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) D, Ct �t Cvh. ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom ofthis notice. r�rtLS�C ttk, �� Pnnt - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party - ` Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original'- Business Yellow — Fire Prevention 9.2 A_ GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6) AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.32] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. (505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. (315.2-3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs In wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (Le. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (Le. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class RIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 IV Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 i I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3800 CAMPUS DR 4029W NE67B 91014 NE67B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 45,000 TYPE I - FR S-2 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Self Storage (949) 724-9744 1 Yes No -Airport Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Airport Self Storage I Alpha / Delta Corner next to office at 3760 Cam us. Jul 1, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Jim and Betty Patterson No No No OtherSystem(s): Owner /ResponibleParty Phone: (544)530-6197 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: airport@essal.com Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Class 1- Fire Line Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Jan 1, 2011 Jan 1, 2011 Electric closet near Bravo / Charlie corner. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A Bravo side - middle of building. No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Electric closet near Bravo / Charlie Alpha / Bravo corner No No corner. Permits: Previous Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Repair the drywall next to the stairwell Cleared Jul 12,2011 Beuch, Rob CE Replace the light bulbs in the exit lamps. (second floor elevator Cleared Jul 12,2011 Beuch, Rob lobby, two signs) CF Remove obstructions(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. Void Jul 12,2011 Beuch, Rob 1. Cardboard boxes next to the apartment second floor stairwell landing. CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. Cleared Jul 12,2011 Beuch, Rob 1. Replace the damaged exit sign, near the second floor elevator. CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. Cleared Jul 19,2012 Beuch, Rob Repair or replace the exit signs near storage units: 1075 1079 1088 2030 2047 2192 (3) ZZ Post identification sign on elevator control room door. Cleared Jul 19,2012 Beuch, Rob ZZ I Repair or adjust the door closer on the stairwell door, first floor. Cleared I Jul 19,2012 1 Beuch, Rob Printed: 7/12/2013 3800 CAMPUS DR Page: 1 Previolls Violations Collt Notes: N/A Printed: 7/12/2013 3800 CAMPUS DR Page: 2 0%/ 02i0e 15: 53 NO 901 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE AND MARINE DEPARTMENT (949) 644.3106 , Fite Inspection Violation Form C. (0 GW 0 -77?'7 -7 i N -r (01 2-C4ttc Violation Notice As a I t of an inspection by the Ne*p et Beach Fire and Marine DepartUnt, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverie tldejor vlatafian deseriprlorrs. I C� �D C b V ,P1r CC 'TA 1--) r�14 D [4 C." P.-9 I (t L. -Vio URD�R TO COMPLY: You era hereby t qui�vd to comet the above eonditions,immediately upon receipt Noncamplimm W4 �c foregoing order boforn the date of rcinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided bylaw for such violadons. A minlepection visit Will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this impvctiou, t sigw m of ]Responsible P Date: Trtspected By Remspection Date: 3s.s.r LI.EALUSG: D'uc•to the relatively minor nature of the violations noted above, you mitt' take Conedve ac6an on your oWm az d certify the the violations bcve boon wffected within 14 days of the isauaace of -this notice. I hereby certify that the above violations hi&e. been corrected, Name, ' J�Q _- ( Address: Signature : Date:_ When self clettnng violations have been cam leted leme is form to: Newport Beach Fire and Marine Deputwmt A TT H Fire Prevention Division .%' Newport Beach, CA 92658-8913 ring al' FPf) Yellow — Station Pink —ownern,et}ant .. �yy,.g, ,.�•sa.x .,.ay.., .a a,r. .a;,.:- r. «. ,. .... -.o, � 1c.. ...- o v eUv,�. �=3.Y,, �'=Y - '4d•",: „<y,i^4`^ .tl 6 ) s 6 iRY'{u1iYk±W%14" •..:..: ` }.z.atq NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE q�usm_,ess/Buiillding ,C..�'s Inspection Date: yyName: �i.�►��fe- drEEess: Issue ate: Notice of R6inspection and Non -Compliance Suite: bu/+ssiness Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared AIG 8 ' 1T-GQt SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereb certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print N ame: ate: .z >y. ignaturd4 . ,� _ . J /O"ER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render�giable to the' penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of -this notice. �� / tnt -Responsible Party ,' Si mitre— Respons ble Narty- Inspector R� Inspection Unit tion Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fite Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2 A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less - top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs - top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.32] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height f6r residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprirkdered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access, [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. (901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction -through the top of the container. [34052.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [27M.5.1, 2701.52] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildiand hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERmrrs - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (ie. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IRB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (ie. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (Le. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE usmess/Building jName: _ Inspection Date:'OS tk gg resss Issue Date: Notice of einspection.and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fice.Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m�L�1 I�J..J W L_l�.d L_.__1.�...1 • t ? . t ! - t• -1 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared I (office use only) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 11 I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: ,/ tgnatur 01V R TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice CiyCGt.e--� nt-Responsible Party S' a' rJe— Respo i le Party &kA� \ Inspector I Ins\ppectio�(n Unit Remspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A.10•B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers) where readily available. 40 lbs or less - top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs a top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [90621 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection.1912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [91232] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum V in height for commercial. [505.11 A[ Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904,11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless spdnklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [%4.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenames.shall.be cleaned. [609.3,31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.931 CD Post occupant load sign (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D, Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [34043.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction -through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.7-11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6c fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms: [3152.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers.1304.3.11 BE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [6053.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. (6053] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.53] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. (2703.4) . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2'103.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan [2701.5.1, 2701.52] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds [Tom_ the,property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove tees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAFFER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only f the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxiq highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFL 1105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Gass ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IRB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials In quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • .LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.632] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping{i e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 - .:,�•ny`n. .+xy-e. a- o. _�M _ .. .. .. :N - .. l ."+6z < rani:. fl.i!n'_+ ty;:. l:7 : -. • v S l:� 3,. .' i . fl „ fix';. -.rye: .F;' ;yr�u •'J NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Busin !sBuilding Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of einspection and Non -Compliance M 0 13 tV Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division '4� -_ -2&Z-. ,(e As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared (office use nnly) '°"°Y "` ` ` 6t5- lA R t T3+;.a•'�� 7 "' !: (• , �..r 4 rr� i ��( r � 3 C4..4 $111 " — SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If.one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days ofthe inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. a./'� . Print - Respo sible Party Si a re 7 esponsible Party ..!'sue d•.l ;` „/4,.sr . Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Dat Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). (307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [9lZ4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [503.11 AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.7-2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. (605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" In width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (Le. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 5o or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 - ,- -r-" - .w,. ;its, _ _s`.•r- .. Pa.r.. -....< '?dk_a ., _+�.?T, t,..°,'_=-L�'jw ,+dm-�..r„ 't: i"s,'',.t.'�; - Kr4.:, �i'�;x<•*�,` NFOORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance .2�Ll- C&S/A- S T Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) vice Avg ?Ae, Exvt,v6,v1S/— A,'r1Vt1.�-'/ AAJD �rC'y-P 3 ,y /z r' � VS1 • SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may -be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Arf'e7.re. Wgcq f-t_ Print - Responsible Party—' �akpf Inspector Signa�re — Responsible Party Alt (03.-A- Inspection Unit 3- Reinspection Date (� L 1� Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention " if �. GENEA PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE10 California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A) BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1,10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. (605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage.1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic FIuids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 ,rer INBOUND NOTIFICATION : FAX RECEIVED SUCCESSFULLY erer TIME RECEIVED REMOTE CSID DURATION PACES STATUS July 29, 2013 4:43:39 PM PDT 19496735087 79 2 Received 07/28/2013 16:58 18488735087 COM 78 #1627 P.001/002 NEWPORT LEACH TIRE DEFAR'>t NIF.ENT . . 3300•Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (09) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE -As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(§) listed below were it6ted. FAA See reverse side for violation code, descriptions - Date Cleared 1 1. SELE+-0,FAlu1NG: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -Cleared. if one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced orreplaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this nonce to the above address within 14 days of the. inspection date - I hereby eerti , that the ir_e extinjZuideer violalion has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Sigu irc: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. i 9 Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection. may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted oil the bottom of this. notice_ o11sible Part Signatare .- Respo«sible.Party Inspector to�( "A " Inspection thlit Reinspectign Pate Rgvlu¢d.Inn 2071 Original.— Suslucss Yellow — Firc Prevention 07/28/2013 16:58 19498735087 COM 76 #1827 P.002/002 W�lrwivmm wv- Aim IGUN 44 MI OW =48-IOW 9 0 felf� No- Cp 7 Teleocne. ft WAFFKUF�'&FMAE .... .. .... ANN OR mom - mom WAMN 2z1 I,, . ....... . . . �11 momzs�it .. . ...................... PLEASE PAY FROM T141S INVntrF - Nn AT-A-TIMr-NT WH I RI: -QF9-T IV s NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive 'P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 ` Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: �tFic CoAS`FAUDto o Inspection D te: 3L- Unit; Addressss: !! AA ��" t Cam. rJs"s i— t'1 �%� Ins,pector'� % .{ '/v i.- m,'. fi t7` 3L"s:rs� F B mess Phone: Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were -noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleated office use, only) l_• I t-J 6 i-t-c rr2 (,� '� : ? C-• `;/ f':� � u, ;7 t. �2 TP ,)C_ M A-> , TA N, f & 4"ID A-f--ru t--AC14 ('sic D (_2 Dr,- 2 L IJi/ Ak v e- %Z-' Pl—' O yr C7 iL , 6 X- D ACee_5J (C€. aw L& vCc�� CIC-rNC SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. =Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the 'above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. a Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties 9 p��roppvidedd/b�y law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is notod own the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signa r� — Responsible Party A [3— 0�� Email Re -inspection Date Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety Services Division Revised: '044-1843 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY, California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B.C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 35above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912 3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3 circumference. [507 5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [505] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3,2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8,7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits- Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases. corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105 6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6,12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons•outside of a building; pLstorage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; of storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use (105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105,6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105 6.411 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name It tion Date: 2-0 t 2..- Address: �•�� /��4 -tef- &��y Issue Date: Notice of Remspection and Non -Compliance Suite: I Bu •mess Ph ne: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire, Prevention Division "" As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were -noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions: IDate Cleared fnfr rr.:vae nnly) �425 Ag SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately, Please return this notice to- the above address Within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire exttn fisher violation has been corrected PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(o) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided -by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 2q Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible -Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow— Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B..C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguishers) where readily available. 40 ibs or less - top, maximum 5' above floor / more than Olbs - top .maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational furs, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (9123.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height fdr residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5) AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings.1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11Z.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within IV of combustible construction unless sprhildered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. (506J BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinlder/staridpipe system(s). (901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned [6093.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.931 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." (1008.1.93] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied.11006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways.11030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids.134043.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction -through the top of the container. [3405.Z41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 2V below ceiling in non-sprinldered building.-[315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6c fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.23] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.22] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breaker: in panel box. [6053.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [60531 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. (605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.53] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.531 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2 WA] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities In accordance with NFPA 704. PM.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials managementplan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 ' Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMtrS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFh toxic, highly toxic, pyrophorfc - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site am in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon Inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Mass IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels Into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials iri quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • .LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.634] Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. (105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or DippinglLe. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 } .ua^fw� .. •. :.�L , ��,q.. r.,p o-..,v - ..,- .. :.x � �,y� s�r. +� •r ;s iiF�.`�. ;5��;�. ',+a. Y4 5. .:i ?!�f i.. "h''�"� �`r.� 3 -NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949a. 644-3106` Fax•(949) 644-31i20 �- VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Nam • Inspection Date: ` � r�/ Zo Zo I cam... Address: � � � ,a � ; Issue Date: Notice of Remspection and Non -Compliance V Suite: Burin ss Phon Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse sid'rl�viol41io��°c•,kle descriptions. Date Cleared I 1 } « . •, ¢ li t Wfinp imp. nnly) \ Y��1' /T7/L..—• �•�r�4. ! • i S" ZiRX 4 i e4h i lid I 45, • s - •. _ rq .,. i,. 1A r , SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared byr certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereb 'certi that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: F-1 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 41i Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector' Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fare Prevention f GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs - top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burring, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [91Z3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within W of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. (4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (Le. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Gass MB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 's lt"?`k .v �e {�,y'. `.a{a!:mi•'a..�:4K LG :R .Y' a^ '2,"i NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 &J Nge,r�. Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 c VIOLATION NOTICE As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ma110MINNIMENEEN■NINE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onlv) Y"'S1•�r'�U3 <Z F-A'l U ✓W \�gUt��i( FiSP 16 1)e(t1:�� 13hf.. 2 2 7 �r r` ivy D' &-e r, 5S I A I _ fit_ .1LL� "-A I�� i i -!1(_ L'2- A F,� . �► � �,, Saw" 7 Ct �, t tia e St "s;.t'-, g SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may r iier you liable to the penalties provided by his law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of to{rce. lent__ Responsible Party Signature — 4esponsible Party Dryl._ r Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit 0/G!/7— Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention j GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference.1507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] • EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. 1605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property.1305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11115 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6,39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] r� Revised Jan 2011 l*TORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR OENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE r ro, - Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: lei / 1 '2� UYS-rAL 00\16 Pa0HcqADZ- Address: q7bo 6(H Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: I Business Phone: (9 (4 -,,,) 7 3 1-7n Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 10 Elmo See reverse side for violation code descriptiotis. Date Cleared V IC E D —( A (--r ft C- &--4 -r, V'i s *C_jz A1-1 M U t1 I- i. y Im S 1,De F11?e ALA" P-oo;; PV0 VIP e AP P P L* 17 1 A I( C-- 5 (,C-r 0 T;D)z_ 1, rJ's F E7 cr-017 S —( -es-r GA VA L\1 G --c 0 U S 5, t-7-P(L)C)('1 'D',�c, —17 SELF -CLEARING: Only, a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared - by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected, Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above - condition(5) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the pdnalties provided b law for such violation(g). A rel"nspection date -is noted on the b6ttom of this notice. P. P A 1� z 1,6_1 -A V- G kt e C- ' IM pw L1. �'l I , — 41 'rint - Responsible Party 0 V -fg- L el?. ' �Sl Inspector Revised Jan 2.011 Original - Business Signature - Responsible Party 'A0 Inspection Wit Reinspection Date fy), YelloiVVire Prevention 0 • GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required.[904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. (904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. (609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates.[605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area.149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building, or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (103.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.383 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms)- 1105.6.411 r� • is Revised Jan 2011 .. 'r° .. ;.. ... _, .. .�,: _.'a'. •- -. :•F;.� ,t',a,u "�..,. �.tF,4i< '{.� .,�a`r °+ -r.'�� '<';!i X; q,v' >.I3. N46ORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR*ENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 Z VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: _ Inspection Date: ,rI Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 7b3�2_ -Ec-t4 Suite: Business Phone: f Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 14 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were nq d. FA_ I �c ( m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) AC--5Flzv,r-E (-r rz- re—( It-►1-L11S�.& I'j Nk 3/%212 6�' P1zd�l�E l- "I"ox &Fbg- rD t\ ('Ivveo �G S 17-utcC- Ir T-AC_-r 1�:,� � 7V<. t ��5r-0-4 t:'\/CVY E`1ZT I Ft LA"7"ro t>� Sq� f t t ttG = - S`t � t �,'7 644- //1 6,tPo t i 170 o V i i)Z CONICfit? tr ? 4 fi l E v c C o r4 V '(tkZSS ED i'` ` "r c. rQ EM Ci k 3 2 t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: EirORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. t Or—int - Responsible Party Signature - Rekonsible P rty I_Av—r2_trp :14 ?31 F Inspection Unit Reinspection Date1. tu�kv Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention • GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a S circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems CJW Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BBExtinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 0 Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] F An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) (1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. (1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. (3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. FF ctrical F Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area.149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. "rood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. (105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 • 0 • Revised Jan 2011 Frv`,rti.�a.r�.... ;;ti„.,� 1 °i! ,....a :� .� �...:a+%'+�'%»T.a...+: .,+.�.a � ..�c- ,.r ...,."+a..lt-•-- >:w-,n-..,'r...l+,�-�-. ... ..:r.;,.t��..v.w.�... .r cr..,..4�.a:...,«c.--c-N .-..:r... �-., ,.,. r» w. ,. v ,i....�.r .�r„ ..•..-......+...h-�-� u QpgT$ NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ............ . ........................................ _.................. .............. ............... _... - ........... _.......... : Date & AA I- A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on ZA) /I S Business Name: Business Address: 7 2. 5-C k . �-t f 15 At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances- pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is gntitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after t, / z -z Az_ If all violations are not corrected at that time; your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: _ - (AA,�s Inspector's Name:�� t Phone Number: et) C''4 q - 33f75 ❑ Left with Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - Fire Company/FPD p�AA}Yyp�`LNS t� - ..t, , y 4, a,, A;._. ;;r,'. x, 9' . ,. - ;+:M1i .=r.,,:'K•:f S ._ , %�,. t.3.s •�,' , , t el�c` t y« ::• i ;T i.," ` �` t f , -R��' „. � Wit' - . . , ,. t AkPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARSENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: t Address: 7 3 ire z. E, Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance � � Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMIMMINMIMMIMMIM IMME Elmo See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (offiee use only) A C -- 5F_1?vtce A-1 0 f A Gr T-ine E..YTi-'t-+uIs�i'ER.S ANA t. t'-r tv � Arerr�o� A1� ^ POS % 5-r?teT (\DPQL-5S 0-! l:-9_o{,("r OF Lt-D C'1^ is rr If:. I-{T, 3 �nc�d i D n P P (Zi7 P lz to -rE 51 C7 �t fvU r2 " I t t s?r= tore s Te -r VAt-vc: `J {at i D e -75 2. -r o Vc-Atz IDoo(z.. tat' A%`h���, 4 t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date., I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. n f Tint - Responsible Party 0t1 T 2 tOZ_ 2Sci Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Signature - Responsible Party M&(.157 C Inspection Unit zl9-:3/12- Reinspection Date y ANy.. Yellow - Fire Prevention 0 0 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. (906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times.1901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3) C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 • ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. (605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. (605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4]' GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials I -IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 - k;.,r✓.; ^t, .,.: ? .f _ r^r:=: _„ .5::: - t•' ,,.r';'`Fr_„ ,„--a,.:k`.cw;k..w; x,,5�"*:.'.n -y ;fi,� ts=,,�.a'q ' -.tix�." � ;�. I'll::.::.' i `.'' '!�`7. 'fix'", 41kvpoRT BEACH FIRE DEPAR ENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 l�VIOLATION NOTICE 4 Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: t� 10 CVC1,(A POST( CA Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onlv) A C- Selz V l c G A q p -r (1(<t E Y T Gry t((E'?. apt +mil u I1 l LLr C - Puu'\(1D(F tLEFCTR(CAL 'PA L CLEn-)�.gvCe (-ACt- �A — Q�nvc Srt�lt 1. �, 1 "3 " i`?0`4 5� r ^ t�QZ- C �' �--7_ SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: s �,j`ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. LL�� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. rint - Responsible Party Signature (Responsib' , arty lice& S— all 51r 4 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date �cANti Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow —.Fire Prevention\� GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. (906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinkiered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times_ [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fie sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 • EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electricat rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704, [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts un Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IUB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 ,iw.Xi::+�i+ .. �- 7z' - :o-t: ._ ,1+ p: - 'fit^� =,n�: �• _+'u `. y�',i .'i "r_ ;`A�'_.' t NWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR GENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 { # -14r VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: ,t Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. in HENEENEENE INEINEEMENEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) -- 4 6- r F i It ;✓ X s ,� r C 11..E l �� 14 F-F A M M V A t t. y } tj 1 D 7e f- i? e A L A 9-(+-'t P—D is } 11PuvlAtr A?PP-D7leiA 8014 M SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been.corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. lm �j Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. C-111 I?-I-e e1 P10 P 10 IN ,., rint -Responsible Party i 1i1'72-Le_V_ -4 3 Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Signature - Responsible Party KIL_&sz� Inspection Unit r ;1 b {� . ki N Reinspection Date q so G Ke Yellow — Fire Prevention • i . V GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs-= top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. (906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. (308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. (315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not all all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, mid other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [103.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] 0 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 �T,i,MS.': in,, 'F' ,,.. "'..n 4V:i-,a `!'.. ,_,t _ � f' .. r - a r�.��i'._t.;.. ,., 'Yfa ,R1 L.M.:,.t ,: ::tk � ?{t �, t...m a-_-...�*, r� .. ,� �'. tr•�.'$.� o 'J � - i PORT BEACH FIRE IDEPAR ENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 •VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: t 2aA M 0 ZZGA 2- :z C--1 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance oo vj, cvUn+ 2.- - IS` `-- 11L Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 01`',6t i fi"L As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violations) listed below were noted. HIMINNIMENEENEENE MENEM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use'only) I,,SpeC4 11.4 t_ ri?V1dC q' PGir �f��Ir'�,C:Cr��:1 ; s�,�. 3 �® JaSo� �� toc?rov SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it -may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. notName: ate: Signature: El(— ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 7 IL Print - Responsible Party �,. ature — Respo ible N {' t Inspector Inspection Unit Reins <ection bate Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours.11008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage a EA Reduce storage to 18" bel`ow level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 8r fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1 [ FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703 A] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantifies listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. (105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6A1] • • lI u Revised Ian 2011 '�zr+'k:..ar..dfP•r'.'.�.i��:i�e,-.,�,iyiL"::i+{ ..14..�.._.�+�+c.n r. -s_. ,s�c�`.. .vae✓. .-N,1.. E' J++«-0i'R�4' �� �.'S'x �9!•-,:'..e", ..�..,.�4^it` .. •K.,•; > AkVPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARSENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 • E VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: No ice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: / Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. r See reverse side for violation code descriptions. k Date Cleared (office use oniv) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: (—j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above Noncompliance with the foregoing order'before the date of reinspection may rer law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bo�orn of this notic •Ca)�pr ?€.fir too ruv� Print - Responsible Party r r+t�i�Yl Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business idition(s) immediately upon receipt. you liable to he penal ' s provided by A r Signatutie — Responsible Marty. ��O Inspection Unit Reinsp ction 15ate Yellow— Fire Prevention 0 0 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 . AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. (904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned.1609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." 11008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. (1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. (2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. (105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • r•Plage of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repaik Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] 0 0 Revised Ian 2011 ">ti a`+`:�'3t 0e ..�' �5�'titY::r�F,i-�Jr �:+ ,.�:'�aiA'i.�' .' �' `x"•i,`'sr' i ✓`:w'��: s� NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 643106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspect i Daty Address: Business Phone: Date " otice of Reinspection° 2. 2. 1 VJ ST_ �) �a c) — 6 3 o r 1-1,3 1 6 was Issued Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" was Issued:., Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Date I I � Cleared a ► (� fL L t-4 C td C o'i -na it o N L 1 !tiJ t I Q� L C 0 1 C C-- ®Y%. -� USI (: car' 4 nL71:)_ _ Plea lrL 12,0 �d 62 !j 12 C L L/A R ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above conditions) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance 1, 4 with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: Date: �7 65� � Inspected By: 1 ED] � � l� NV1'r'3 Reinspection Date:.�p SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(g) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of ttie.issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. \ Name: Address: Signature: Date,: When self -clearing violations have been om leted lease mail this form-t : Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — Owner/Tenant Yellow — Station Pink — FPD GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [1002.11 [Standard 10-11 AB Mount extinguishers where readily available; with top not to exceed 5' from floor level, [1002.1] [Standard 10-11 ,AC . Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [10015.1] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers, (1001.8] AE : Remove obstrgction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [12031 , AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [7902. AG- Open burning. [1102.3] AH• Discontinue use of extension cords•in.lieu of permanent wiring. [83M.11 Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. (8506.31 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [8506.2.51 AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [85071 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. (1001.81(See•Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [901.4.41 AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a,3' circumference.11001.7.21 AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [1103.2.21 AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguisher required.11006.2,71 AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102,5,2] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access, [90Z4] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [1001.5.1] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [1001.41 BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances.11006.2.81 BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.11 BF • Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [1001.5.2] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [Appendix 1-11 Section 6.11 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.3] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.11 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." [1207.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [2501.16.11 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1211.11 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids.17902.5.9.11 DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [7903.1.3Z] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over IT) below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinidered building. [1103.3.2.21 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access.11103.3.2.11 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ' ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [1103.2.1.31 EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [1210.31 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [85041 FB Identify breakers in panel box, [8509.3] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". [8509.21 FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [8506.2.2] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.101 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.41 GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.61 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [8001.71 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually.18001.3.31 H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.11 HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.8.c.6] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105,8.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. [105.8.d.21 HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.813.21 HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible'liquid, (105.813.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. (105,8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.8.o.3] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.21 HJ Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. [105,8.r.21 HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.11 HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.8.h.31 HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA - Remove all tutor uncutdead•and dying weeds from the property: (1103.2.41 IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix If -A Section 161 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name; Building Name: ' "j Inspect: n Dat : fi t (. `1£ J i'*- t- V _ .� i..4 j 1 { Address: Business Phone: Date otice of Reinspection" .. I° • _ C �c�1 ��J ..a _ E-i 1 was Issued: Suite:. Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" i 5 was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department; the violation(s) listed below -were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m m m m m C- f\ j Date are i tom, e Piz o,}'t' i 1 orQ L i /,j u G c V j t)e�j 9c Lo C4TC Y `1'2 �1'ram ,.i i 6' It :. Of'226t/��L_ _ i? cr _ `TO I r (_'7k ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required'to•con ect the -above condition(s) immediately.upon receipt. Noncompliance l-44 with the foregoing order before -the date of reinspection may render you liable -to the penalties provided bylaw for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled.no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible'Party: ? Date-, w Inspected By: 0 C i� l� �i Reinspection Date: _x/ SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have. been corrected within 1;4 ,days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Address: Signature: ` Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. 0. Box '1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original - Owner/Tenant Yellow - Station �- Pink - FPD GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform'Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of.2-A:10-B:C.11002.1] [Standard 10-11 AB Mount extinguishers where readily available; with top not to exceed 5' from floor level., (1002.11 [Standard 10-11 ..,AC .Service. and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [1001.5.1] AD- 'Post.signs indicating location of extinguishers. [1001.8] AE ! Remove obstrgction(s)'.from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [12031 AF Provide approved safety cans.fordispensingflammable liquids.•[7902. a.. AG' Open burning.11102.31 AH• Discontinue use.of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [8506.11 AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached'in series, cords placed,under rugs, furnituie, or where subject to damage. [8506.3] A] Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage.18506.2.51 AK Discontinueuse of multi -plug adapters. [8507] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection [1001.81(See•Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [901A.4] ' AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [1001.7:2] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from bui-ldings.,[1103.2.2] AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [1006.2.71 AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102.5.2] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire departmentaccess. [902.41 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [1001.5.1] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually &-after each activation. [1001:41 BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances.11006.2.81 BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.11 BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year.certification on sprinkler/standpipe system($). [1001.5.21 BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided, (Appendix 1-B Section 6.1] C. Maintenance -of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.31 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.11 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." [1207.3] CD Post occupant loadsign. [2501.16.1] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied.-[1211.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. 17902.5.9.11 DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container.17993.1.3.51, E. Storage EA , Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over IT) -below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-spiinklered building.11103.32.2]- BB Good -housekeeping. Arrange storage irvan orderly manner and provide. for exiting & fire department access. [1103.3.2,11 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical.rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ' ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar, materials. [1103.2.1.31 EE Remove storage under exit stairways. (1210.3] F. Electrical FA Provide.cover plates. (85041 ' FB Identify breakers in panel box. [8509.3] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". [8509.21 FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. (8506.2:2) G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.101 GB Secure and identify compressed -gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.41 GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.6] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [8001.71 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [8001.3.31 H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.1] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet, [105.8.c.6] HC Dry cleaning plant.-[105.8,.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. (105.8.d.2] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside ormore than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.813.21 HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class It or Class III combustible'liquid. [105.813.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105,8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.8.o.3] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.2] H] Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. [105.8.r.2] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.11 HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, -and similar operations. [105.81.31 HM Other UFC Article 1 permits, I. Combustible Materials IA -Remove all cutor uncutdeadand•dying weeds from,the property: [1-103.2.4]° IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix II -A Section 161 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ; ZZ Other unlisted code violation i NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection Date: a--, c L CO 3 c_ :2 zo �s Address: Business P one: Dat "'Notice of Reinspection" 60 , ( q C,Ct CJ 5--6 was Issued: Suite: inspecting Are Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" /ZV//q 6Z was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. FAI > Am ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be schqduled no less th 4 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: X A—"_ Date: Z f 2.O 11 Inspected By: yl Reinspection Date: 3,12-011� SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Signature: Address: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. (1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [3071 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.41 AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.11 BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.41 BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.41 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12) below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.121 HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. (105.6.161 HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.231 HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. r304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.31 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. • � YniYJ 55—I NHS aJ-, -714 ti z 4 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection. Date, Unit: Address:- Inspector' Business Phone: Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s)-listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleared office use only) f� -� i,e'�—Pfr� `S '+.w T4 S ��Re} �`1..�'+.•'! 'l 1+'1 _ _ S, SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. '1f one was noted 'above,, it :rriay 'be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the',inspection date, I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date)- . Print Name: Signature:. . ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s), immediately upon receipt: Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may renderyou liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on he bottom of this nQ%ge. Print - Responsible Party Sigriatdre — Responsible Party Email Re -inspection Date Original white — Business Yellow —Life Safety Service's Division ' Revised: 04-18-1.3, GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A.10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 35above floor (906 9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumfererfce. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be c)eaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2) DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. (315.2 3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] • - EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3) FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8,7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [10 5 6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants, use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids- storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II IB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105 616] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating).1105.6.241 • • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] t�. x.�. __ ;q `t;`.�_ .:. �'-. ... _w: k„... .. ,�'�,,: z., - ..,° as'�.. �� .".. S`-J'.. _ _:%-i „'�''�+,i.s. ,�-,�,Y1✓,.., .. r'.',�.;e _, r;x q' c�"; a1. r. ...._ `�:��'d�„'y'. ' 4kVPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR ENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 1 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-312W VIOLATION NOTICE a Business/Building Name: Inspect"on Date - Address: { Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 610o Suite: Business Phone (r: ° Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division &Iq`I.) G� U 3 1 >, q As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��-��mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (officeruse onlvl - Ceirvice F,. P •- A ex-hn v1S ref rS ! S fii P'i t`� wJl1? � it r� a SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by:;, law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bott m of this notic . *PAR�ple Party Sigh a[ e —Responsible Party Er 6-0 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date n Yellow— Fire Prevention Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business 0 0 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times.1901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3) ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 O_ EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs -in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working).1105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel-cbspensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/looms). [105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 1 _ � ., .n..-• c � -q,.` � y .. � i ,r , �.:#,8` ` � �a{•l �'�^f.li.�F,�»... �. ` ,•� `(•:; a �:. « 4 9� k. °:'l Ci.. Ey.i� ttc�e7.. t2S.vr ....-.-^. NE'ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTIONT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nfficp. nap. nnlv) 4-1 tz LA a--e 7 -F Lj� A-v -A i i- Ae-, L 9*;�" Na a A a :i ['. /-r t cx%rx 1 /r 1*„G j &.? '11g,j %I 00 0 yo A&-) , AZ—) 11121/ T !$ �A-1 1'� NHS ioa� _ �awt rU Loc. 1 �� UL ci# 0De / - jnJCbe- V skEL ip i,oc S u�q S .• a SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: �y ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. r .! Wit - onsible Party Signature rRe p nsible Party,✓°-----� (I*"-4"1Agrf Inspect r Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business A, �C Z f � Z. N N Inspection Unit Reinspection Date G FO v Ira �v Yellow — Fire Prevention GENER9 PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. 11004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical • FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32) • • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6,39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE ame: E"t� (- -,.._ \ 1 -!% 112 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 2-� Z. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division i-L-S— 1 QLk�) -1\C,\ r'L2 (c D As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared (nffire nca nnlvl SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. rentName: Y1 ,�-�� ate: Signature: ' ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party 7TV-" t\P CAZf' Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Orieinal — Business Signature — Responsible Party Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention CL LLI 0 0 Cl) w w !L� 0 cli U- > :r W. C*�j w > C W cc C$) LLI w w w LL CD < ;71' 0 U) CL WU- 00 Lu a00 LU ��`�. t'�'-£�`;,,i;�..t..�d.>.�.:i ., r < �`u��'j�" '� �.-'Y'' H 4i r� k�•`i ..:.J.4t',n o``>, 4'; ,. v'::�.+^., ;,.:A ki'S"�.. �..`.� .7r ,4 4;�i ,`� ti:T u;c,�tt a. F-; .9 t;,,.^e `i✓^�.7r set, ey.'sa:S: r. 0PORT BEACH FIRE DEPAROENT 0 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MENEENEENEENEENE IMENEEMEN See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice II nnivl 14 f lP-1 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extin isher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediatel}upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation' f (s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party t,-% (- j3 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspec oit n Date ON Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERALZ'ROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY • California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning PIants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 • ' N*port Beach Fire DepartAnt OccupancyBuilding Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 64.4-3106 InspectionData Address: Grid. Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 881 DOVER DR 4525Y NE66B 86760 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 240 0 TYPE H - FR N/A 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Caring Companions @ Home (949) 574-0750 Yes I No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: 881 DOVER BUILDING ABOVE FRONT DOOR Jul 2, 2012 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Majbritt Johnson No No No Owner/Responible Party Phone: N/A Other System(s): Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A Class 2 - Domestic N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Mar 30, 2006 Mar 30, 2006 N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 7/3/2012 881 DOVER DR Suite: 240 Page: 1 Newport Beach Fire. Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection 1D. Inspected By: 2555 EASTBLUFF DR 14328X NE63B 88515 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft. j Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: j 34,341 TYPE V- N M 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Ralphs Market #744 i 949-644-2060 Yes Yes Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A j Jan 2, 2013 Owner /Responsible Party Name: ��i (�q(- L & Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: `�tl�rie Gapax-e�seio-(anager) Yes No Other System(s): No Owner / Responible Party Phone • 949-322 3224 Other Phone: �� �y 2 �S - �(" UL300 Compliant E-Mail: N/A Systenis Data Sprinkler System: I Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Sep 9, 2008 N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire -Lanes: West Wall N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: North wall @ loading dock, behind I Front parking lot No No dumpsters Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 7/2008 Expires: 3/2009 Chapter 1 - Refrigeration & Battery Systems Issued: 7/2008 Expires: 3/2009 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 8/2010 Expires: 3/2011 Chapter 1 - Liquefied Petroleum Gases - Use, Sale or Storage Issued: 8/2010 Expires: 3/2011 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 4/2011 Expires: 3/2012 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 4/2011 Expires: 3/2012 Chapter 1 - Refrigeration Equipment Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Chapter 1 - Refrigeration Equipment Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AB Mount extinguishers where readily available. 401bs or less = top, Cleared Jan 21,2012 Lucas, Nic maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor. Notes: N/A /p er c r �v 6 v I,r 3 1)'-SC 60, 6, 1 VNAo Printed: 1/7/2013 2555 EASTBLUFF DR Page: 1 *'t2 .�4,s•Fr . ""fix'`i+, ?r .. :x G . ' NEW' PORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: ' S G z - Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division q `f,?- (. f 4- As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. .\OP NOVPNCO C7/1'O fnN lllnl/]f7 /lYl /'/7�0 �P.CCN7»i7nN.0 Date Cleared office use only) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of i la(j such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the ,,AA�2 W'�L Print - Res 6nsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. may render you liable to the penalties provided by Signature— Responsible Inspection Unit Reinspe ion Date Yellow — Fire Prevention t GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue ule of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.3.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not all all inclusive list only the most condntion. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIJB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: By Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division i 11 r, Q U I-) I-) < -f As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ����mmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared �,,;ry^ (office -use only) t rTrN Ila oC�`'�� tea'j56 .o L.r''i '`"L 0F A45, Oh v/ -7'? 120m 1- 'q- SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. self -cleared by above address Print Name: Date: Signature: 0 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. r Print - Responsible Party Signa e — Responsible Party Uh1�� n 1J5 Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business E w -- A -0 �.- It ix Abu - Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a Y circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation ' CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). 1105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. 1105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 L w. +..i,+P +. e 4' s. .. .... .. . .. . ... . .. i - ..t +S• a t .'{e' a.t 1 ..: :.� � y, 5 r +n. ..e ..i+" .. v�R.. •n1iJ..jL1.'. � p.<y' .. i. «'..2,..:.i ..:i � 4«r x. • _r 1,+ ' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ..............................................................................................................I.......................: Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance :.....................................................................................................................................: Date 1-i l 12») t A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted, afire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on �4,hfl 12- Business Name: G 1-tv lbµ �-4'' C Business Address: '` j` !p-`411\IE AN& At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after -] )Sol I?- . If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will -perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Pit' Responsible Party:"41 Inspector's Name: 4Dlr, l?, , Phone Number: 0` Left with Responsible Party Original - Owner/Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number \\\f Yellow - Fire-Company/FPD ' - -`• .-< -'` .:,,.d,. u,..ak :"t -;i` .«s..=�N" ���. fa,,,Ah`-.4.s'wwa,,,�.tk;„-`-se::•r;..^m:w`.... pppppp • NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE CE bc— Business/Building Name: n Inspectionpa e: fellAVYi,l ` t A<l1AITy :1) I/!Z. Address: Issue of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the. Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleated (Affice nse nnlv) 6<, I i k tic !/r 11,1k bo X i 7" /k/2S ; .IT ' 4 SELF -CLEARING: Only a hire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection ma r n er you liable t the penalties provided by law t;such violation(�s). A reinspection date is noted on t �bo f this of ce. t Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector -'' Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business - Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required.1904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. (904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A) BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 QE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. (4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inCluSive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts un Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 .10111 Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 i Address: Grid. Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3440 IRVINE AVE 4029Y NE66B 83914 NE66-B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 0 N/A N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Church & Casualty (800) 995-7525 1 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jan 3, 2012 Owner/Responsible Pa ty Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Dick Riddle No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 466-4349 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: 777 N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No , Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical Cleared Feb 12,2011 Geddis, Cliff rooms. CF Remove obstructions(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. Cleared Feb 12,2011 Geddis, Cliff CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. Cleared Feb 12,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ Repair ladder to roof Cleared Feb 12,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ Repair pull alarm Cleared Feb 11,2011 Geddis, Cliff Notes: 15x/401 OF Printed: 1/8/2012 3440 IRVINE AVE Page: 1 f V NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: r f� /kC - („ ! Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1A) e Auc- Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IN - EMINIMMENIMMIN � ■■ ■ See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use oniv) 1 Yc_ f SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom -of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signal re — Responsible Party Inspector "'� Inspection Unit Reinspection Date _41 Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." 11008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 CD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Ian 2011 cf � Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3420 IRVINE AVE 4028Z NE66B 83913 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 10,000 N/A N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc. Building (949) 852-9995 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Jan 3, 2612 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: June Urschel No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (949) 981-9226 ° Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler S Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants. N/A N/A No No Permits: Printed: 1/8/2012 3420 IRVINE AVE Page: 1 �+ _ �{ "r ��fi ^-l. F^.:i a. ..., w.'-..< Ycv,,.wi.c•w"tv'ti.pia.�.v-.'�Y.f{+a.•✓i.-=.'.:Mm...t.i.f:1=tC•'.+Lv'+4aN�3.Ys�'.4'4'ZS'�:fs..t.:.Y.".Y.1L..41.:iN..t+�.s'al..lh..3-J.�.�yS.s .�y+�y.i��' T �.Y , � t , " " N PORT BEACH FIRE DE'PARW= NT Y, 3360 Ne,4Tort Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 fro;. a Office (940) 644-3106"'Pax (949) 644-312.0 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral -.to ,the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nfficP nse nniv) C_ f C_ Nj % 8-0 J ♦ 2 O •S A C r- v 0U V A ; Es 'N Ali I_• ', 11 1IE1 C 1 � % EV. LJ i. i ry &E-E CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that rt as lse-en--ser-vice r replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to bove-'ddge'ss within 14 days of the inspection date. ' ----- _,,,, _-�- ""� , I herebycertifythat the tr y-.n �,,.extin 's33er vao�zon �has,Aeen corrected. Print Name: Signature"_____.'".'. . '-. t ORDER O COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. ` Neneom ane'ewi.�the-for-Ggoing-ordes-bofore-the.-date.af-r�-,insper ien-gray-render-yotr-liatsle-to-dmTznaities-provided.by., r 1atiari(sa-A einspeetion-date-is•noted-en-4ho-bettom-&f, t is'notice...,, 1. , r Print - Res,P9.nsi6le PartyJ Signature — Responsible Party Ff I Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection ]bate Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention t GENERAOROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 Aj Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. 1605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 .. a m . � �',-, - `-k: _ .. . =,z- ,., . < . °'a r'.- _ . � ;,a .: s:.*_ ter^ �:.�'.`• - ;�'�,. ,' +sr,t'.�:,•_.=§ �..� ��:.�v .t:,�,,�✓�'ai#.7.3 Y r# �'- +m:.z,; i;'sn'„F,�'''.:.tir,$;.+:�i,..:-:.,«, sy+..t>.+:, �_. .;ate r•:.rt"r .', �' � . < :n�.:`y2•vw^w�� r a NEWPORT,BE i CH FIIRE DES ARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: � i I�u L �tfMA�'1 II L 1 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance C- A vc- - Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ���2Zzmmmmmm 1,f. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. "N" Date Cleared , (office use only 1 Z Z Artov6 Glz r I�iL 4VC4 'rJ "a e7 z14 'x. � %z` /,.i,7 xy ,�l t3 9 L2 lad SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby cerli& that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by jl 4 for such violation(s). i`eihs ection date is,,noted on the bottom of this notice. , Print - Responsible Party% �% Signature - Responsible Party Z4 t/ Inspector i Inspection Unit Reinspection Date a . -2 --3 Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow 'Fire Prevention - 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9) AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2) BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 w ' , `- Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid. • Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3530 IRVINE AVE 4029Y NE66B 83519 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 2,500 TYPE V - 1HR M 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Haimat Disc. MINUTE KING MARKET 949 756-1960 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Minute King Jan 3, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood.• Dry Chem: CO2: VAHE POLADIAN Yes. No No er SysIem(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 515-0854 Other Ph(°ne: F /_ 0g5A lJ II UL300 compliant system E-Mail: N/A \ CCU L Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes. N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants. N/A N/A No No Permits: Code Previous/ I Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared Jan 2-8,2009 , Medina, Carlos BC Service and tag Hood and Duct extinguishing system semi-annually Cleared Jan 28,2009 Medina, Carlos and after each activation. GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. Cleared Jan 28,2009 Medina, Carlos BC Service and tag Hood and Duct extinguishing system semi-annually Cleared Feb 10,2010 Carr, Justin and after each activation. GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. Cleared Feb 10,2010 Carr, Justin BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually Cleared Jan 30,201-1 Geddis, Cliff and after each activation. FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of Cleared Jan 30,2011 Geddis, Cliff 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. Cleared Jan 30,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ I R&R locks on rear of store with approved type Cleared I Jan 30;2011 I Geddis, Cliff Notes: Owner is to install no special knowledge door knobs on both rear doors by next years inspection. This was discussed with fire prevention. Printed: 1/8/2012 3530 IRVINE AVE Page: 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT A 33QO Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, 'CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE �p W"'tron Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 98�() :ti As- Ave . Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the -Fire Prevention Division 163Yq) 10-a - 3 8f 8 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMEEMMIMN See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office llqn nnlv) '-' Fife- 0K f ci 1 at-( 4; it %� •\� fo : ee. 3 _ r'o ale^ C 0,'�eC4eW W . L. 7 �; res e4 c% c -10 ' 1 ` 5'0 G 'tr "l w (q�qq)Sj q _ 69 f� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, -it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi,fy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. - Print Name: Date: Signature: (l;ZA ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. JCJ Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. TAV CWb,,2.e Print - Responsible Party Signa - Responsibl arty AA1(x4 Inspector Inspection Unit • Reinspection Date Yellow -Fire Prevention l! �•����; ,f 'u': a .., _ � _F .. .. ... _ _... . Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business ' ;r~ GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. 1906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings.1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting_& fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. (605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords -placed under rugs, furniture, or -where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. (2703.4) GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open FIames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. (105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/fooms). [105.6.41) Revised fan 2011 ati? M1 _ ,� ._ „ — .. -..v Y y _, .... ,y.. .h� .. s Y•'; +,J'. .: '� - ?g. si ,v.-r. p'x„k°'.+,� ..d Y> �.. '�j.,:. �;,. �. �� kp �_Q_. N#PO'RT BEACH FIRE DEPAR*ENT ' ; 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office,-(949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: `1 ri l %LC u)- 7 © -- - t z- Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1 q o 7 L-P- t_� /Z I�} Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s)-listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use oniv) SF_P-v lac- Atib -T A6 CX-riAJ6VjS0t12_5 tiN'�..rG�2Ly' � Afn` 2 v 2-v J l D A ..-ids M/I AT6 /Z.-I 41 t..S 1) 1C 4 of —13 -t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinsspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print"-esponsible Party " Signaa re -- Responsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit Remspection Date Re vi ed Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERA ROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater)11008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. 11030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, suchas pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. (4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 NERT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 'JA22 SC.7 Z ` Z l - zol 2_ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1321 IAMJ�V"c- fplo, Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division n So 7 7 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only i r,� PA'C4 J�,e, „i 3a cCps 4b /4 V` uiSE ibt 6 /v ///Rk-4T �UL Z i'i'I � � �.1 -1 J ✓ SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certi that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: ignature: ED(�j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Pesponsible Party W/'Aj'n)W'A / r. d . Inspector Si re — Responsible Party r,AN 0 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Rai» cad bm 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention NE*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTONT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663, Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 3 S 8 f2 Id 12. Address: Issue Date: otice of R inspec on, and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: `II Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division `-fI �-S8°f-o2R( As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) C ©n4 U i2- SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately -upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. i�_JiU S S tsv KIP Print - Responsible Party pa" tali c- c Inspector AS Signature - Responsible Party /&3 s 3+ 1 2_ Inspection Unit("Reinsp lion Date W, 0 UA'a Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow = Fire Prevention GENERI PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BE Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] t�,l•�, Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] 6,.,.��Revised fan 2011 CO !P ,, Newport Beach Fire Department OccupancyBuilding Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3300 JAMBOREE RD 4130Y NE63B 87611 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 180,000 TYPE H - FR B 320 Building - Sin le ' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: FLETCHER JONES MOTOR 949-718-3200 No Yes CARS Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A West side of breezeway, near Enterprise car rental Oct 2, 2012 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Ralph Dean No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 697-9174 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: rdean@fjmercedes.com Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System. Full Partial - Wet Full -Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: May 1, 2008 May 1, 2008 Adjacent to restro6ms in Janitors closet in Customer Lounge Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: North & South ends and inside B Both stairwells No No Yes bldg Insp Test Valve Location: FDCLocation: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: #1 Vacuum Room Building "B" 1st On Bayview Dr. by driveway Yes No Floor by outside staircase. #2 Parts Room Main Building 3rd Floor S/E Corner. #3 Service Dept 1st Floor Men's Locker Room. Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** q Z& Printed: 10/9/2012 3300 JAMBOREE RD Page: 1 Previous Violations Cont Issued: 12/2008 Expires: 12/2009 Chapter 1 - Repair Garages & Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities Issued: 12/2008 Expires: 12/2009 Chapter 1 - Hot Work Operations Issued: 12/2008 Expires: 12/2009 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 12/2008 Expires: 12/2009 Chapter 1 - Tire Storage Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Fuel Dispensing Station Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Tire Storage Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Spraying and Dipping Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Hot Work Operations Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Repair Garages & Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities Issued: 11/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Issued: 11/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Repair Garages & Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities Issued: 11/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Spraying and Dipping Issued: 11/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Tire Storage Issued: 2/2012 Expires: 12/2012 Chapter 1 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Issued: 2/2012 Expires: 12/2012 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 2/2012 Expires: 12/2012 Chapter 1 - Repair Garages and/or Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities Issued: 2/2012 Expires: 12/2012 Chapter 1 - Spraying or Dipping Printed: 10/9/2012 3300 JAMBOREE RD Page: 2 + NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT � yr 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE F Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Add?ess: Issue Date: No ice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance _�_3 5u _TA (ZL Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. Q�� mmmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) Q SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinSuisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: ignatuy IUj ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. (� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reins ection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bo to , of this notice. �0 I P � 00010 L'�' I '<� Print - Responsible Party Sign ture—Vesponsible Party N1 4- fv-c-t7 ---. 12he/11- Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspe tion Pate Reviied Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. (1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A) G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 41 1' 'i - —1 '4 �"i` '.t ,. 3.i 1 ?.. t ,. a§ .S,r'-- .q•- Suite: NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE ess B ildiSg,Name. ` -A 13ftmbv'(u� f 3usines hone: `10,11i 1 ,1 -- 4� Inspect'on.,Date:Ll _ f Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. �'k FTI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (ni'finn' nd nnly) --b Pt, �- t t� ,� Ilia 1 o ero!-(.sue <,o 40(:: C'uD . t, SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the zre extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. . L-1 (Ij I I — " ) 1___% 1z , ar", rint - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit ' Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] • AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A) Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. (904.5) BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. (304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1) FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning PIants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised fan 2011 .4'v`t r •f r .. $. !., r T. t-;Rda w>¢ .. v R . yLi u v NEWPORT WJACH FIRE DEPARTMENT i 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Noti e of�Reinspection and Non -Compliance 'j{oC�� Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. F4_T�j mmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) SC`-VIr- 7_44 C—ACH L` (✓ 6Ut5h1�`�Z N �ZLk'l�f�+�f ��4ciF S� SELF -CLEARING: Only afire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected" Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice.. 4 Print - Responsible Party Signature - Responsible -Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinsp ction I5ate Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention e GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most conlnion. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 �_f• 5 ts• «, r;ti :n'�F ,�'Y ,+-#: � ,tiy y, :i .... � i,yi;•, ��« L#e!'}" ..4�J9�.'�'^_ <+, ixr.;�•y9 >-i'ysl, •,"�.i:5 +- - i -..}- i xe L. � �. y� , NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: p Inspection Date: ! 7} p'�J 7- Address Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance / �5Y1,7 J-aP-, free F-d. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division / As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MONEENMENMENEENE IMMEMMIMS See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffine nse nnlv) T% ' 1'[tf P✓Tl " l� g�' f7 c° it $�� j 1oirGa l ! jlio I.I �D " �� 12 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged' appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for suchhvviolation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ala, Print ,-Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party V f" Inspector Inspection Unit t Remspecrion Date lGi Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] Al Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQU'IRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] lZevised Jan 2011 of -� .�. � �h; a,; , : ,. b•:ay. :r�r y.: .. �, .a :,s+x x� :aw" _s - i. ..:�. €i : �.. u' W ,� �. t�,e ^ in . NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA,92663 P= Office (949) 644-3106 _Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Name: Address: — y Issue°Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division —1 0I As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were rioted. ® m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared 1 U (i rar o--rt` GT 1 oj k5a m `� Y.r-hJ 1\ /10 ez-A-1 Ar 0," ' Z I ` r l otJ a - 1 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name:' Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided .by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. -- '`Punt-- Responsib e P Parry ~,..✓ Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date M r Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5 above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation.from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. 1304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. EIectrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GQ Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating).1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fine Prevention Division b°Z �yg •�s� i • ae3a. - As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only-) C QU S_ W v g CTI� 1i�LSo �¢W�o -M Y>1NZ'Ya1'r-a i.2A 1.1 ca t_31c> L-n SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extin fisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ( "ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. IJ Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. A o /.J erg �v � 1�� , A& Z�� Print - Responsible Party Signature - Responsible Party N\ , . U G'a.S Inspector \�EV'03 -F -iS • \a. Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. 13404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered.building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 "M NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 .y N n4' 7 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Dock September 26, 2012 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 2808 Lafayette Ave Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. n c m m m m m m m m EO See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) Service fire extinguisher located at dock entrance. Q SELF=CLi2TaG: Only a fire extintruisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certi that the,fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. — ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 1 Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. John Morehart Print - Responsible Party _ Nadine Morris Inspector Via Email: 'ohnmorcha�lQrsbceloUal.nct Signature — Responsible Party Fire Prevention Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Original — Business Yetlow — Fire Prevention Rev. July 2012 Morris, Nadine From: Jeannie Hortness ohortness@sourceonespares.com) Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:57 AM To: Morris, Nadine Cc: Yvonne Vega Subject: Re: 2808 Lafayette Ave Hi Nadine, Thank you for your below confirmation. Have a Happy Holiday! Jeannie On Dec 13, 2012, at 11:44 AM, "Morris, Nadine" <NMorris(c),NBFD.net> wrote: > Hi Jeannie, Thank you for taking care of the fire extinguishers for > the building and dock. I will provide this information to Captain > McDonough also. If he needs further assistance with the annual > inspection of the building, he will contact you directly. > Thank you and have a nice day. Nadine > Nadine Morris > Life Safety Specialist, NBFD > (949) 644-3105 1 nmorrisa-nbfd.net > -----Original Message----- • From: Jeannie Hortness[mailto:iortness(a4sourceonespares.coml > Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:07 AM > To: Morris, Nadine > Cc: Yvonne Vega > Subject: 2808 Lafayette Ave > Hi Nadine, > Following up on my vm that I left you this morning. > The three fire extinguishers have been serviced this morning by Mobile > Fire Extinguisher Inc. > Please let me know if you request any additional information from > Source One Spares. > Thank you, > Jeannie Hortness > (949) 689-6247 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1768, 3300 NEWPORT BIND., NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 PHONE: (949) 644-3104 FAX: (949) 644-3120 WEB: WWW.NBFD.NET SCOTT L. POSTER FIRE CHIEF December 3, 2012 2808 Lafayette Property LLC 126 E 16th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Subject: 2808 Lafayette Ave, Newport Beach, CA Dear Property Owner/Manager: FINAL NOTICE On November 1, 2012, the enclosed letter was sent requesting a response regarding the annual inspection of the above subject building and the serving of the fire extinguisher for the dock. To date the Fire Department has not been contacted as requested in the letter and the fire extinguisher has not been serviced. This Final Notice requests the following items be addressed prior to December 14,- 2012: (1) Please contact Captain McDonough at (949) 644-3104 or bmcdonough(Dnbfd.net to schedule an inspection of the building. (2) Please service the fire extinguisher on the dock and either sign and mail the Violation Notice back to our office or email nmorris(cD_nbfd.net advising that the fire extinguisher has been serviced. California Fire Code Section 104.3 authorizes the fire code official to conduct inspections to enforce the provisions of the Code. If the above items are not addressed by December 14, 2012, an Administrative Citation in the amount of $100.00 shall be issued. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (949) 644-3105 or nmorrisCaDnbfd.net. Thank you. Sincerely, Nadine Morris Life Safety Specialist Enc. V ot\)Q VI(,.-q 4 0 VGG/A C s00YCCC)Yve'sPCLV CS CO m TGA1,MC- AAOrL��J ups ►-�012T-J,,)ES S © S 00\/''CC one S 1301r W�a CD Im NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1768, 3300 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 PHONE: (949) 644-3104 FAX: (949) 644-3120 WEB: WWW.NBFD.NET SCOTT L. POSTER FIRE CHIEF November 1, 2012 2808 Lafayette Property LLC 126 E 16" Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Subject: 2808 Lafayette Ave, Newport Beach, CA Dear Property Owner/Manager: The above subject property is assigned to be inspected annually, including the dock. The Fire Department has been unsuccessful in making contact with the proper representative to schedule an inspection and/or correct violations. Captain Brian McDonough has attempted to make contact and conduct the building inspection on the following occasions: April 4, 2012, August 8, 2012, August 27, 2012, September 1.3, 2012, and September 20, 2012. John Morehart was also emailed on September 20, 2012. On September 26, 2012, a Violation Notice was emailed to John Morehart for the servicing of the fire extinguisher on the dock (copy attached). A follow-up email was sent on October 16, 2012, but today's reinspection still showed the fire extinguisher not serviced since 2010. (1) Please contact Captain McDonough prior to November 14, 2012, at (949) 644-3104 or bmcdonough(a-)-nbfd.net to schedule an inspection of the building. (2) Please service the fire extinguisher on the dock by November 16, 2012, and either sign and mail the Violation Notice back to our office or email nmorris(a)-nbfd.net advising that the fire extinguisher has been serviced. Failure to respond may result in the issuance of an Administrative Citation. The first citation is $100.00, the second citation is $200.00, and each subsequent citation is $500.00. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (949) 644-3105 or nmorris(a)nbfd.net. Sincerely, Nadine Morris Fire Prevention Specialist Enc. • GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum'3.5' above floor f906.91 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AD AE Post signs indicating Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). 1307] AF AG Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 6" in height for commercial, [505.11 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum Al fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.51 A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4J AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] be maintained and operable at all times. (901.61 1313 13C Extinguishing systems shall Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 13D Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BE BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.622] ducts, other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3,3] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, and C. Maintenance CA of Exit Ways Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater)'[1008.1.10] CB CC Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 Post approved sign "'PHIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." (1008.1.9.31 CD CE Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006:1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3) DC Provide approved safety E. Storage FA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [3152,31 EC ED Remove combustible Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 1?11 Remove storage from under exit stairways. [3152 21 F, Electrical PA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB FC Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject -to damage. [605.51 FE FF Remove extension cords running Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] Gl: Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 27U1.5 �] H. Combustible Materials - HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 FIB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) L. Miscellaneous Violations !! Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not all all inclusive list, 0111Y the most conllnoll. See Section 105.E fm a C0171p1CiC list Of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/ flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon -inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess.of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside to a building; or storage of Class fI or Class II1A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class III13 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.620.- • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.627j • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105,6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6,341 • Refrigeration Equipment'. to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [1Q5.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). (105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 Morris, Nadine From: Morris, Nadine Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 3:57 PM To: 'johnmorehart@sbcglobal.net' Subject: 2808 Lafayette Ave - Dock Attachments: 2808LafayetteAve-Dock.pdf Good afternoon Mr. Morehart, A recent inspection of the dock located at 2808 Lafayette Ave showed the fire extinguisher to be in need of service. Please have the fire extinguisher serviced, complete the attached "Self Clearing" notice, and return to our office. The notice can be mailed, emailed, or faxed — whichever is most convenient. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Nadine Nadine 34orris Fire Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-3105 1 (949) 723-3505 Fax I nmorris@nbfd.net Safety, Service, Professionalism )011(0- f /Up 't�vC- f D/zt0 f 12 Morris, Nadine From: McDonough, Brian Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:15 PM To: Morris, Nadine Subject: RE: 2808 Lafayette Ave Ok the owner of the property is John Morehart. His email is johnmorehart(a)-sbcalobal.net. thanks From: Morris, Nadine Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 10:32 AM To: McDonough, Brian Subject: 2808 Lafayette Ave Hi Brian, Just a reminder to provide Richard Hall's email address. Thanks! Nadine .Nadine .Morris Fire Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department (949) 644-3105 1 (949) 723-3505 Fax I nmorris@nbfd.net Safety, Service, Professionalism Is Xrl( «j Newport Beach Assessor Parcel Number:. 047 023 '06 Site Address: 2808 LAFAYETTE AVE NEWPORT BEACH 92663 Year Built: 19 79 Number of Units: 16 Owner: 2808 LAFAYETTE PROPERTY CoOwner: LLC Mailing Address: 126 16TH ST COSTA MESA, CA 92627 Transfer Date: 6/6/2005 Price: $2,625,000 Land Use: 85 COMOFFICE BUILDING Legal:Descr: P BK 95 PG 44 PAR 1 Year Built: 1979 Number of Units: 16 Lot SgFt: 6,000 Bldg SgFt: 5,050. Land Value: $2,570,777 Structure Value: $297,668 Other Value: $0 Total Value: $2;868,445 Tax Rate Area: 1001 0940 Taxes: $30,047 City Tax Percentage: 0.17151296 City Portion.: $4,636 Data Disclaimer - Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. The GIS database and data in the product is subject to constant change and the accuracy and completeness cannot be and is not guaranteed. THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, OR CORRECTNESS OF SUCH PRODUCT, NOR ACCEPTS ANY LIABILITY, ARISING FROM ANY INCORRECT, INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN. Owner Address Parcel/Tax ID o nDnDOD�V 1 1 r '790A I AFAYFTTF RD NFWPORT BFACH . CA 92663 047-023-06 Property Profile Ownership Information Primary Owner 2808 LAFAYETTE PROPERTY Site Address 2868 LAFAYETTE RD LLC Secondary Owner Site City, St Zip NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92-663 Ownership Description Company Corporation Mail Address 126 E 16TH ST Incorporated Telephone Number Mail City, St Zip COSTA MESA, CA 92627 Lot 5 Census Tract 0635.00 Housing Tract / Subdivision Name Legal Description P BK 95 PG 44 PAR 1 Property Details Use Code Commercial miscellaneous State CA County/Municipality ORANGE RTSQ Total Rooms Zoning Bedrooms Number Of Units 16 Bathrooms Year Built 1979 Basement Square Feet # Of Stories Parking Lot Size 6,000 Parking Square Feet Usable Lot Size View Lot Depth Pool Lot Width Fireplace Square Feet 5,050 HT/AC Square Ft ist Fir Cooling Detail Square Ft 2nd Fir Heating Detail Square Ft 3rd Fir Roof Type Additions - Square Feet Construction Quality Building Shape Other Construction Type New Page Grid 888H7 Exterior Old Page Grid 3105 Foundation Tax Information Assessor's Parcel Number/Tax ID 047-023-06 Assessor's Market Value Assessed Total $2,090,000 Tax Amount $22,037 Land Total $1,793,038 Status/Yr Delinquent Current Improvement $296,962 Tax Rate Area 7001 Percent Improvement 14.20% HomeOwners Exemption _ N Sale Information Last Sale Date Jun 06, 2005 1st Loan Amount / Type $2,286,750 /•Conventional Document Number 0000432598 2nd Loan Amount Sale Value $2,625,000 (Full) Last Transaction W/O $ Cost / Square feet $520 Last Transaction W/O $ Doc Title Company FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE Lender AMERICAN SECURITY BANK ** INBOUND NOTIFICATION : FAX RECEIVED SUCCESSFULLY ** TIME RECEIVED REMOTE CSID DURATION PAGES STATUS August 20, 2015 11:47:29 AM PDT 9496736408 141 1 Received Aug 20 2015 10:42AM HP FaxGBS and Assodates 9496736408 page 1 �9i I r'O,J,'¢?F8ti?4;%2r"NISL,is°;*�i�sfFr(Mrm':'ti}1"'Utsre,ry �gg:f�:N:lan ocm�oauyw,:• : �: =w ...�, n, :tu,;l;t • ':Im & 5 ail, ' . 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"i' :I " a' Pink-- station ... :f. s ,1r'" ,m. ,;a tl'�' •mi ;�' .4�♦ ai5^•A+'r-t�.:" y,,,.;4 x;�w��� �';e'•Y�r'amj t,'. �,<F�,..-r.:.,`n NE*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTJONT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Name: I Inspection (1i //A �A t.-f5Z) ; ) ! •i (( Address: / Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance is 1 L 1� .�__,._ Suite: {/Buus/irIn1(e/.ss Phone: 7 Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMENEENEENE NENE-1001NE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onlv) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extbTuisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 4Ur ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such v' lation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Ot - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party fispector` Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business tAL Z � .L if ,n N Inspection Unit Reinspection Date yGP Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERA PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE# California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. (3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical • FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC . Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class lI or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date• 9$9 / MACA fLvoua- 9U o. / ly 13 Address: Issue Date: otice of Reinspection.and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. �Z. �mmmmm[Z� See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffine nse nnly) �CCUICC t -Tiw uiS NIvNtrc4C,C— 7&'L- (—eALt+ trS Cee,4ia—S1E — �e�S� F'tvu =o,a— 2 F' C. rtrc^~t SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. NETName: Date: Signature: UdORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided .by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party AP Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Responsible Party nos 2 0/ Inspection Unit Reinspectton Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguishers) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum.3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in heightfor commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1) FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture,•or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [103.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIREDEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (049) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date- 9q/�I�Af�r�iu� Address: Issue Date: T4otice of Reins pection and Non -Compliance I Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice nee nnly) 'crV(�G ir_ -n4& 64cA1 1C-r�sti+ UfS1 ►2 i�yNt.'r�lL-' cot'it +� !`.4:t•1 ,sc atrt SE-G�asr�w C'ivcE cx:,cL zwo FL=(> s 1 j SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice -to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: ate: Signature: (ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. II,,;;.•� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penaltties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ° Print - Responsible Party Signature Responsible Party - Inspector - Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Inspection Unit Rei sn p iectsectoriDate ', Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flanunable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6,24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE )EPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newplort Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 ;Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: (Al A Al I � v � -L Address: Issue Date: Notice of Re nspection and Non -Compliance col ALA -royg Suite: Busineess Phone: Issue Date:•Notice of Referral to thFire Prevention Division 13 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s)listed bellow were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice•nse.nnlvl P ovi E 4 Kylox Rox Fop F9 AC__CCS )6.A LO LV Qtff5 ' kC Yf o ,4L - -L- 1R C A l A AV/C4' k 6 (S ro U yVA 0- .L P L C L.L C-tv,1S 1 l ,M t v ►Nl ( 6 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self --cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please returnthis notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Prmt ame: Date: ignature: Lj ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above conditions) immediately upon, receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the otice. 0 0RA10 Print - Responsible Party qigDnat—ure — Resp s' le arty Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspee ion Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention a GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3) CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1) FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7) GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. (3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.3.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Fire Safety First FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM TEST REPORT CUSTOMEMNAME TEST DATE TESTING, INTERVAL Tax & Financial Group 01 /23/13 ❑ Monthly ❑ Quarterly ❑ Semi -An ® Annual JOBSiTENAME. PROPERTY MANAGER OR OWNER. PHONE NUMBER* _ Tax & Financial Group Barbara Boyle (949) 223-8313 ADDRESS BLDG. ENG. OR SITE CONTACT.: PHONE NUMBER 4001 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660 ..CONTROL PANEL MANUF. MODEL LOCATION,OF;FIRE'ALARM CONTROL PANEL,', MISC: INFORMATION, Edwards Fire Shield 1 �` floor south stairwell ft7(2)circuitsavailable CIRCUIT BREAKER LOCATION PANEL # BREAKER # 'LOCKED CIRCUIT . DEDICATED,CIRCUIT, Vestibule next to women's restroom in telco/elect room 2B 7 ❑ Yes ® No 1 ® Yes ❑ No BATTERY INSTALL DATE VOLTAGE _ BATTERY QUANTITY, -SIZE & TYPE,'- 07/10 With Charger: 26.6 Voltage After Test: 25.5 Without Charger: 26.3 Note: (2) 12Vx7AH GENERAL TROUBLE ZONE TROUBLE . A/C LOSS GROUND FAULT - EMERG. GENERATOR-- TROUBCE ,CONDITION$ Normal: ® Note: Normal: Note: ® Normal: ® Note: Normal: Note: ® Normal: ❑ N/A Note: Not tested_ MONITORING SERVICE PROVIDER I PHONE # ACCOUNT,# . PRIMARY -LINE SECONDARY`LINE- NMC c/o Fire Safety First 1 (800) 259-0047 L30-1127 1 (949) 476-8946 (949) 476-8948 DEVICE Bldg ❑ Floor Floor Floor NOTES Area ElF Floor Manual Pull Stations Thermal Detectors Photo Detectors Ion Detectors Duct Detectors Plenum Detectors Elevator Recall Special Detectors Water Flow 1 1 1 Water Flow Switch Size/Type 2 3" 2 %_ Water Flow Times 35 Sec 43 Sec 35 Sec Tamper Supervision 2 1 1 PIV/BFP Bells 1 Strobes Horns Horns/Strobes Speakers/Strobes Speakers Sounders Aux. Power Supply Amplifiers Fire Phones Annunciator LCompleted By: 0. Romero, N. Felton , Customer#: 772401 ® PASS ® NO DEFICIENCIES FOUND AT THIS TIME FIRE SAFETY FIRST • 1170 E. FRUIT STREET • SANTA ANA • CA • 92701 * (714)836-4800 a (714)836-4120 FAX J:\WPDOCS\Alarm Deparlment\2013 Repairs, Service & Testing\Tax & Financial\MacArthurBlvd 4001_012313_Main.doc 1 - ' Page lof 1 Fire FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY Safety First DEFICIENCY REPORT Customer: Tax & Financial Group Test Date: January 23, 2013 Job Site: Tax & Financial Group Type: Annual Fire Alarm Test Address: 4001 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660 ITEM # EXPLANATION OF DEFICIENCIES No Deficiencies Found at this Time. Completed By: Omar Romero, Nick Felton Date: January 23, 2013 FIRE SAFETY FIRST • 1170 E. FRUIT STREET • SANTA ANA • CA • 92701 • (714)836-4800 • (714)836-4120 FAX J:\WPDOCS\Alarm Department\2013 Repairs, Service & Testing\Tax & Financial\MacArthurBlvd_4001 012313 de£doe ' Fire Safety , FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM Page 1 of 1 First ' TEST REPORT Customer: Tax & Financial Group Test Date: January 23, 2013 Job Site: Tax & Financial Group Type: Annual Fire Alarm Test Address: 4001 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660 ITEM # OS&Y Valves. RECOMMENDATIONS What is commonly referred to as the "grandfather clause", is no longer in effect. All systems are required to be upgraded to current fire code standards which would entail the above listed items being Note: corrected. We've consulted with your local fire authorities and determined they will not require a system retrofit at this time. Future tenant improvements will however require the system to meet new code requirements. Until then, or unless otherwise notified by the local authorities, the items are listed as recommendations. FIRE SAFETY FIRST • 1170 E. FRUIT STREET • SANTA ANA • CA • 92701 • (714)836-4800 • (714)836-5647 FAX JAWDOMAlarm Department\2013 Repairs, Service & Testing\Tax & Financial\MacArthurBlvd_4001_012313_rec.doc ,hS.iM''. „ .. ,., - .-. 'ri .y.a ,��, Y:'s• n a. �l��t��„•. �va.i+a_w... �w1.•`,fi:�:q „;�`�.`. :&�,vey}'''•&;'�j. .. a,�a, Satt+�,�na". e Yd� _F�`�`.;;�;,;,n,'�^.,:.<,'+t��Se��',s:.�.+. ,� ..�z•%.`: ^.1.,.�s.. ,+�., hF? . NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 'bP'rt_K Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division Ca C115 1 o-q5 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onl r SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted -above, it may be self -cleared by . certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print` -`Responsible Party ..- S'fina're — Responsible Pa Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).13071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. (1004.3) CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 . At Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 4341 MACARTHUR BLVD 3930Y NE67B 88270 NE67B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: D 1,320 N/A B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: jDIAIZK -rAr- j (949) 975-1075 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: PA-4t1~.LL a No No Other System(s): No Owner/Responible Parry Phone: N/A Prc-"NZ50PJ Other Phone: go?— Ham. ��Lro2 N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 8, 2010 Rear of La Salsa behind roll up door. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: On the sidewalk along Corinthian N/A No No No Way Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: C side, in the sprinkler riser room A / B corner on sidewalk (Mac No No Arthur & Corinthian) Permits: Printed: in12013 4341 MACARTHUR BLVD Suite: D Page: 1 „!.^ ..�F.'t.. •tSs?.wn-k r�.�n i., ;L• li..+':.,. c.'...•.:.am'}?,p .i Q+.,.:.t�'ata.-I,P N., ,� ;.sa's....,,�-h;+r Y4.:1:?aAi`;�. :�;;�,,,..',.`. +e .."-�” I � �� "-,*``.z r. 7 N L.% NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: ! Address: Issue Date: Notice df Remspection and Non -Compliance tj 1C+G12-T1-1tl1Z-.titer Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to -the -Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) , F Y` _ t' •� i ."'y ty:t. i 'a ,�. --�1_ ++�.. _. t�.. t� 61e"1 i ." 1 .6=_ SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it- may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. tX w1wa Prim!- Responsible Party Sig ature kR sp no Bible Party IN W_�F=rlr,'n Inspector 41 %"�' Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinsp`ection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A) AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). (901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. (1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. (3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage.1605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. (3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. (2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6,32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 ,i . S, Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 4341 MACARTHUR BLVD 3930Y NE67B 88408 NE67B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: F 1,872 N/A B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: La Salsa (949) 475-2506 No I No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Mariana Arteaga (manager) Yes No No Other System(s): Owner/Responible Party Phone: (714) 287-1731 Other Phone: UL300 Compliant E-Mail: Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 8, 2010 Rear of La Salsa behind roll up door. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes. On the sidewalk along Corinthian N/A No No No Way Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: C side, in the sprinkler riser room A / B corner on sidewalk (Mac No No Arthur & Corinthian) Permits: Printed: 1/7/2013 4341 MACARTHUR BLVD Suite: F Page: 1 r�,.,re+rsH+..-.,. �_ ^.,�,5, sr„_-,..xN.arow%+ . e �- a .,a :.�...,.,.a. ,.,.,w• .., t° >., .vim. .7 shy ,� n . ATE :. •xJs ' 'i': , . _ +z i� an" c ` Sj NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: (10-f- Cu, � . Inspection Date: i C;T �i i 2 i I; Address: 1 Issue Date: Notice of Remspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division •YC1 n� J { Dv�l As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) l (tl gl� - 1 �''c7� 4 (�� (�-7� - `�17 �ti�•,- �' 1 li3 ReEr T- C-r,.F: �,�Cy i/1/v� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certift that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspebtton m� ay nftyou liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom &-this noti Print - Responsible Party �--- SCgrkture — Responsibl >_ Inspector--'` Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Origi[ial — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height fdr residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a Y circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial'kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within W of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6) BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system.1903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [10W.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. R004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2-2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 3V in width, and 78" in height. (605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. (3003.5.31 GC Provide MODS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4) . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (ie. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (Le. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class MA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class HIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cuttin& welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 4665 MACARTHUR CT 3930W NE67B 90376 NE67B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A B 0 `'' Building Business Name: ;(949)W1__0_8"�1_\Yes B Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Mac Arthur Court No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Mac Arthur Court Apr 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Melissa Gallo (prop manager) No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (949) 251-0848 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: mgallo@irvinecompany.com I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared May 29,2011 Beuch, Rob CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. Cleared May 29,2011 Beuch, Rob ZZ Modify the exit in the first floor storage room per NBFD Fire Cleared May 31,2012 Beuch, Rob Prevention: 1. Remove both interior exit signs. 2. Place a sign on the exit door (facing towards the exterior) "not an exit" Notes: Chief Engineer - Darrell Norris (949) 502-6130 dnorris@irvinecompany.com DC)" a ,= t1v --�, Printed: 4/8/2013 4665 MACARTHUR CT Page: 1 �.y . v, t. k.r ..Vy; S..s < .�....-.. .. �r _ ..q.' a .._- � ,, [.,aiy.,.. vte . rF �-. ,p .n as a -,. ..'..+ n 'p.. •+'< ».i;, �. � �.; NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT i 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE BusinessBuilding Name: } Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance C' Suite: j�_'` W" Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspecTf$h-.by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared I (nffine nce nnlvl f fn yAn -n,�n 0 /Ni, L_ L- A-Q JA 1-7 lit-, SELF -CLEARING Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted -above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has -ee iced or replaced and tagged appropriat --P1 se return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. - .. I hereby cerq: _that -the are ex arr u-is&g violation has been corrected. Print Name: '" — . Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon r6ceipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the -date of reinspectionay render you liable to theenalties pro j1ded by l law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom offs notice. LIM, I V, I Print - Responsible Party ��r Si'oatu — Re onsible Pa a Inspector Inspection Unit C" ;�- U_ Reinspection Date 1 Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention a GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.9 above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A) Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. 1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. (904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 � Quest Case Details Employee Information (this employee created the request) Name: NADINE MORRIS Email: nmorrisCa.city.newport-beach.ca.us reQUEST Details reQuest: Blocked Exits - 200 MAIN ST Type: Blocked Exits Location Type: ADDRESS Location: 200 MAIN ST map it! Orig. Dept.: Name of Caller: Phil Sigal Phone: 909-596-3044 Time Tracking Date Time In -Time Out 11/2/2012 09:30 AM 10:00 AM _ L__l____ 11/2/2012 1 12:30 PM 01'00 PM 11/7/2012y� 12:45 PM j 01:00 PM 1 11/19/2012 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12/3/2012 10:30 AM E 11-:00 AM 12/17/2012 ! 09:30 AM 10:00 AM Crew jMorris Morris Morris orris I Morris Morris Phone #: 949-644-3105 Case #: 1772239558 Due Date: 12/17/2012 'Status:., COMPLETED Case Worker: NADINE MORRIS Budget. -No: # 'MH_ 1 0;5 1 0.5 1 0.25 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 Total Manhours: 2.75 Comments/History by: NADINE MORRIS (crib) 12/17/20121,o:42;32 AM -type: Comments - Reinspection conducted, aisles are 30". by: NADINE.MORRIS'(cnb) 12/3/2012 1J-,45:06;AM.- type: Comments ____j Reinspection conducted. Suzan was present. 30" aisle width is being maintained except in one area. They will correct and a final reinspection will be conducted. Advised Philip that progress has been made and to contact Code Enforcement to discuss storage of boxes outside. by: NADINE-MORRIS (cnb.) 11/1-9/2612 11:47:00- AM Reinspection conducted, Susan was present. Progress has been made. One area in the back still needs some work. by: NADINE MORRIS •(cnb) 11%7/201:2 12:54:Q9-PM - type Comments.- Called and spoke with owner, Yvonne. Advised to discontinue storage of boxes outside immediately. She is working on the 30" aisle width. Requested she maintain the aisle width during business hours and load/unload boxes during off hours. Will follow-up next week. by:.NADINE MORR,I-S (cnb,) 11/2/2012 1::4"4:42 PMtype: Comments Conducted site visit and spoke with Suzan. Advised to maintain 30" clear width for exiting and not to leave boxes by exterior staircase. Suzan will advise owner, Yvonne. Reinspection set for next week. by: NADINE MORRIS •(cnb) 11/2Y2012 10:11:00 AM- ,type: Comments Called Phil and advised that I will follow-up on his concerns. Visited site at 9:30 AM but the business was not open. Will follow-up again. by: NADINE(user) 11/2/2012 8:13:35 AM type; Details M �> Exits blocked with trash and boxes. by: NADINE(user), 11/2/2012 8:13°35 AM type: Assignment Case assigned to: Nadine Morris City of Newport Beach - 3300 Newport Blvd - Newport Beach - California - 92663 .:fir,. r'r'C..h ':3';v�,,.:;% , •- f.;t'•Yir rr S•..'4;17•-1.. `,'i°" }i.� �'.-rw ^".%7..C.-•.-7y":-k;�i,r.t'}>'w-�'J. �d'A \.`,a,.'fivL'i �l�?+� £- :q.. .-.t�. 's�'e.„_"�'-$a jc`±"+ , • NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Busi �ejss ilding Name: Inspection ate: 7D I I k 17,,91 Address: _ Issue Date: Notice of Reins} ection and Non -Compliance Suite: ° Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division L E As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MMIMMIMMIMMIMMIM IMMEMMIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared Wficr' nce rinlvl AND-rA6 I -Arlll) /i \41M k li 4 7—/' 41VAES I I I'll �t�ii 1 i.Jl.��� ��• .T � ' SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the datt 9f'reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such lviolation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Fririf - Responsible Pa% Signature - Responsible Party N`' Inspector Inspection Unit Remsp ction D to Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] • AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a Y circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/Standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. 1907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign 'THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] • ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. (605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703,41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 • F-, NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form BujineA Na e: Building Name: Inspe tion Dat It A( t�:avl . Address: ��' Business Phone: = Date "Notice o Reinspection" Issued: 'itr'- 5--. Q was Suite: Inspectin�Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" was Issued:, Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Date Cleared t I a 50j1,0Ar)C,7 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to corre the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection ma ender ou liable to th penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 d om inspection. Signature of ponsi Party: Date: �. Inspected By22 : Reinspection-Date: SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on.your FJ own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Address: Signature: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beaeh Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] i AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] • AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] 1 AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10281 1 AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [3071 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.11] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] , BE Provide central station supervision of fNed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] - BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1j EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2) F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required' " HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] FIG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.391 HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.341 HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. 1304.1.21 IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. 0 A. '• d- : , r, x S .Sf Ln i' ;e: • v f ` i a k +, r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Bu ' uilding Name: d� �i I $t 1 y L.1 Inspection Dat A)dre s: 7 d Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: �.- 1 t e 1�11 ' j t`� Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. mmmmmm mm ,r See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cl ared (nfficP ns nnly) • d • 1 i a - r' z - . z SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. l� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Signa(ure — Responsible Party Inspection Unit R ins a tion IDate Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow— Fire Prevention _ I GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. f 906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. (505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of nnulti-plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 1IIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 1116 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised fan 2011 >•es .- 1e. t� i • r • ; '- -.- u .wwr:3r.....x�. -. ....,. .-, '�..,.+� .. _ r.�r . o,. -�., «�>w =�' '. .. K NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 k VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 67/ S t ul off 20'l 1 A /4\J E' Suite: Business Phone: (--I 1 H) Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of afire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��r��mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions- Date Cleared (office use only) +`yf+. d, i; -n A-n c) Q A2. w i s, ` -::lC er—r -"1 3a I SELF-CLEARINGOnly a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has -een-se>nvL'-,ed or replaced and tagged 'ap_ propriately. Please return this not' the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. �""""~ -- ••. , I herebycerti that the ire exti_Jpe3i been corrected. Print Name: Signature: rNZ-4 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. k� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. VIA 44- GAS. 11181L Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party ^ Inspector Inspection Unit Reinsp ction D to Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. 1912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED" [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most Common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Reitman, Kim From: Ung, Rosalinh Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 12:31 PM To: Keely, David; Reitman, Kim; Jurdi, Faisal; Ceballos, Kathryne; Riles, Andrea Subject: FW: New Address for the Coastline Community College Newport Beach Learning Center FYI From: Spencer, Shirley [mailto:sspencer@coastline.edu] Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 10:28 AM To: Ung, Rosalinh Subject: New Address for the Coastline Community College Newport Beach Learning Center To: Rosalinh M. Ung Planning Department Associate Planner 3300 Newport Blvd. P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Office: 949-644-3208 Fax: 949-644-3229 Rung@ city. newport-beach.ca.us Goodmorning Rosalinh: Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that our new address for the subject property is.1515 Monrovia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663-2869 located in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California. Will be begin construction beginning of November 2010 and will be completed by the end of'March 2011. Shirley J. Spencer Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Administrative Services Coastline Community College 11460 Warner Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-6145 sspencer@coastline.edu Reitman, Kim From: Coppersmith, Aaron [acoppersmith@lpainc.com] Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 12:32 PM To: Reitman, Kim Cc: Broming, Gloria Subject: RE: Coastline Newport Beach Learning Center - Items to confirm with N.B. Fire Dept. Kim, Thanks for the quick reply. That answers my questions for now. Aaron AARON COPVERSPAITH I CPD j LEC'D AP I TA Manager of PiuF nbing Services f,r� i1€tt;r<itJ3n .�€izi'�€�t•1i € Interior Design i E a•1C.{snapo Arch€,ncturc From: Heitman, Kim [mailto:KFleitman@NBFD.net] Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:26 AM To: Broming, Gloria Cc: Coppersmith, Aaron Subject: RE: Coastline Newport Beach Learning Center - Items to confirm with N.B. Fire Dept. Mello all, Regarding the standpipe... yes it can be manual wet, we will still require the 100 psi but it can be supplied by our engine. The sprinkler contractor plugs in our pressure of 150 psi at the FDC in the hydraulic calculations. As long as it works, we are fine with that. Since this will be going through DSA(?) you may need to see if it is okay with them. The intermediate landing location is the one we actually require so you are ok there. Aaron, you can call me if you have any further questions. Kim Heitman Fire Prevention Specialist Newport Beach Fire Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (PH) 949-644-3107 (FAX)949-644-3120. From: Broming, Gloria [mailto:gbroming@lpainc.com] Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:26 AM To:'Fleitman, Kim Cc: Coppersmith, Aaron Subject: FW: Coastline Newport Beach Learning Center - Items to confirm with N.B. Fire Dept. Hi Kiwi, Below you will find an inquiry from our Mechanical Engineer regarding the standpipe at Coastline. Could you call him to discuss, or would you prefer me to schedule a meeting? Thanks you for your assistance. N Gloria From: Coppersmith, Aaron Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:15 AM To: Broming, Gloria Cc: Tiner, Steve; Metzler,Silke; Cole, Andrew Subject: Coastline Newport Beach Learning Center - Items to confirm with N.B. Fire Dept. Gloria, In a memo the Newport Beach Fire Dept. mentioned the requirement for an automatic -wet standpipe which per NFPA 14 would require 100 psi at the rooftop. We'd like to see if the standpipe system can be manual -wet if that would allow us to avoid the 10Q PSI requirement at the roof and thus delete any potential fire pump. If they will allow a manual -wet standpipe, we'd like to determine their PSI requirements at the rooftop if any. Some jurisdictions waive the 100 PSI requirement if they have equipment (pumper trucks) that can provide the pressure that they need to fight the fire. Also, please confirm that the standpipe hose connections shall be at intermediate stair landings per NFPA 14 and not at floor landings as we've occasionally seen some jurisdictions require. We'd like them to be at the intermediate landings due to the configuration of our stairwells. Thanks, Aaron AARON COPPERSMITH I CPD I LEED AP LPA Manager of Plumbing Services 5161 California Ave. Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92617 P (949) 701-4129 F (949) 701-4329 www.lpainc.com Architecture I Planning I Interior Design I Landscape Architecture I Engineering I Graphics Voted one of The Orange County Register's Top Workplaces of 2008 Warning: This electronic mail message is furnished without guarantee of compatibility with recipient's hardware or software and may contain undetected viruses or other harmful material. It is recommended that this message and any attachments be checked prior to use. LPA assumes no responsibility for damage to user's property as a result of receiving this message and/or using its contents. Warning: This electronic mail message is furnished without guarantee of compatibility with recipient's hardware or software and may contain undetected viruses or other harmful material. It is recommended that this message and any attachments be checked prior to use. LPA assumes no responsibility for damage to user's property as a result of receiving this message and/or using its contents. . 7 Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-3106 Planning Commission Project Review Conditions for Approval DATE: 6/23/09 PROJECT LOCATION:. 1505-1515 Monrovia Conditions: 1. Provide Class I wet standpipe in lieu of access to rear of the property that shall meet the following requirements. • Standpipe outlets shall be provided on all levels and at all stairwells. • Standpipes may be supplied by the sprinkler system. • The combined system must be designed so that closure of the fire sprinklers does not affect the operation of the standpipe. 2. Provide fire department connection at Monrovia. FDC shall be within 150 feet and same side of the street as a public fire hydrant. 3. Provide one on site hydrant. P- t; /YV2 0 oc- P /Z0 �� S #0 w -7 c v f.S Ca < �Ce C 1r r v `c 41,�vy MEMORANDUM Newport Beach Fire Department DATE: July 8, 2009 TO: Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner FROM: Steve Bunting, Division Chief / Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Coast Community College District Newport Beach Learning Center I have reviewed the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration as well as the attached appendix "C", the Phase I Draft Environmental Site Assessment, for the Newport Beach Learning Center and wish to offer the following comments: 1. Section 7; Hazards and Hazardous Waste. The document does an adequate job of discussing existing hazardous material storage and use at businesses located on the proposed site. The examination of surface and sub -surface contamination is based upon a 2002 Phase I & limited Phase II ESA. In that a portion of the proposed site has been a vacant lot in a light industrial area for many years, the site has been susceptible to hazardous waste dumping unknown to regulatory agencies. In addition, the site was used as a boat yard until 2006. I recommend a current on -site evaluation be conducted. The 2002 Phase II ESA examined soil at two and five feet below grade. A current examination should include the surface and shallow soil conditions. Coast Community College District Newport Beach Learning Center Page 2 2. Section 13; Public Services. The findings with regard to fire protection contained in this section are correct. However, the author has used the abbreviation "NAFUD" for the Newport Beach Fire Department. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL - S Z009 DRAFT My OF NEWPORT BEACH Initial" Study Newport Beach Learning Center Newport Beach, California Prepared for: WP � c3 r t` c' i'� � • �- , �"tttFOKN�� . I s City of Ne*P rt Beach' 3300 Newpoot Beach Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.644.3309 Contact: Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner Prepared by: Michael Brandman Associates 220 Commerce, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92602 714.508.4100 Contact: Shawn Nevill,,J.D., Project Manager Michael E. Houlihan, AICP, Project Director Michael Bmndman Associates July 7, 2009 DRAFT Initial Study Newport Beach Learning Center Newport Beach, California Prepared for: City 4-/*wporv.seach 3300 Newport,' 9,aoh'Bouievard Newport Bba-cK,'� CA 92663 949.644.3309 ,Contact: Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner Prepared by: Michael Brandman Associates 220 Commerce, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92602 714.508.4100 Contact: Shawn Nevill, J.D., Project Manager Michael E. Houlihan, AICP, Project Director Michael linindman Associates, July 7, 2009 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Section1: Introduction.........................................................................................................1 1.1 - Project Title.........................................................................................................1 1.2 - Project Location..................................................................................................1 1.3 - Lead Agency Name and Address.......................................................................1 1.4 - Project Sponsor's Name and Address................................................................1 1.5 - Contact Person and Phone Number...................................................................1 1.6 - General Plan Designation...................................................................................1 1.7 - Zoning.............................:...................................................................................1 1.8 - Surrounding Land Uses and Setting ............... 1 1.9 -Public Agencies Whose Approval Is Required :::::::::::::::. �......................... 7 1.10 Purpose ......................,.: .2 1.11 - Project Description ........................................ ........,........ ��:�.. 7 1.12 -Intended Uses of this Document ............... 11 ......................... ";,,2............12 Section 2: Environmental Checklist ............................. 13 1. Aesthetics................................................:,...........................................13 2. Agriculture Resources .............................. ���,:::.,;......................................13 3. Air Quality. .- -=,.. 13 4. Biological Resources....................................................................................14 5. Cultural Resources...................................................................................15 .... 6. Geology and Soils A :�:::... 15 7. Hazards and Hazardous Mat rials.�:.: ...............................................",.....,16 8. Hydrology and Water Quatjr.:......................................................16 9. Land Use and Planning ' .r ... ,'.........................................................17 10. Mineral Resources ........................ ...............................................................18 11. Noise .................................... .-....................................................................... 18 12. Population and',,Housing................................................................................18 13. Public Services..............................................................................................19 14. Recreation 19 .;... 15. Transportatiort'/`.Traffic..................................................................................19 16. Utilities and Service Systems........................................................................ 20 17., Climate Change.:...........................................................................................21 18. andatory Findings of Significance...............................................................21 . Section 3-;:Discussion of Environmental Evaluation ..................................... C. ' Aesthetics......................................................................................................23 2:', Agricultural Resources..................................................................................24 AidQuality...................................................................................................... 25 , 4. -Biological Resources.........................................................................0........... 36 5. Cultural Resources........................................................................................ 37 6. Geology and Soils.........................................................................................40 7. Hazards and Hazardous Materials................................................................ 44 8. Hydrology and Water Quality.........................................................................50 9. Land Use and Planning................................................................................. 55 10. Mineral Resources.........................................................................................61 11. Noise............................................................................................................. 61 12. Population and Housing................................................................................76 13. Public Services.............................................................................................. 78 14. Recreation..................................................................................................... 80 15. Transportation/Traffic.................................................................................... 81 Michael Brandman Associates ifi HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Table of Contents Initial Study 16. Utilities and Service Systems........................................................................ 89 17. Climate Change............................................................................................. 92 18. Mandatory Findings of Significance.............................................................. 93 Section4: References........................................................................................................97 Section 5: List of Preparers............................................................................................... 99 Michael Brandman Associates - Environmental Consultant ...................................... 99 Appendix A: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis Appendix B: Cultural Resources Records Search Results Appendix C: Hazardous Materials Assessment ` Appendix D: Noise Study Appendix E: Traffic Impact Report Appendix F: Service Letters Appendix G: Cumulative Project List LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Short -Term Emissions (Unmitigated..,_, ................................................................26 Table 2: Construction Localized Significance Analysis -(Unmitigated) .................................. 26 Table 3: Net New Operational Emissions (Unmitigated)...................................................... 27 Table 4: Carbon Monoxide Concentrations....:,,"....::............................................................... 27 Table 5: Short-term Emissions:(Mitigated)............................................................................29 Table 6: Localized Significance Analysis (Mitigated)............................................................ 30 Table7: Onsite Noise Impacts............................................................................................... 62 Table 8: Average Daily Traffic.'., ........................................................................................... 65 Table 9: Year 2013 Background Baseline Noise Contours ................................................... 67 Table 10: Year 2013 Background With Project Noise Contours ........................................... 68 Table 11': Year 2013 Cumulative Baseline Noise Contours .................................................. 69 Table 12: Year 201.3 Cumulative With Project Noise Contours ............................................ 70 Table 13: Year 2013 Background Project Traffic Noise Contributions .................................. 71 Table 14: Year 2013 Cumulative Project Traffic Noise Contributions ................................... 72 Table 15: Construction Noise Impacts at Nearby Receptors ................................................ 75 Table 16: Intersection Jurisdictions....................................................................................... 81 Table 17: Project Buildout Trip Generation........................................................................... 83 Table 18: Summary of One Percent Analysis....................................................................... 85 Table 19: ICU Analysis and Corresponding Levels of Service for Existing, Background, and Cumulative................................................................................. 86 Iv Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Table of Contents Table 20: Net New Operational Greenhouse Gases (Unmitigated) ......................................92 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient (PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc v City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Table of Contents Initial Study LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Regional Location Map........................................................................................... 3 Exhibit 2: Local Vicinity Map Aerial Base................................................................................ 5 Exhibit3: Site Plan.................................................................................................................. 9 vi Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Introduction d ,_ 77 �.�,_�,°. 1.1 - Project Title Newport Beach Learning Center. 1.2 - Project Location The Project site is located in the western portion of the City of Newport Beach, which is shown on Exhibit 1. Specifically, the Project is located on a 3.4-acre site along Monrovia Avenue and 15'' Street. The location of the Project site is shown on Exhibit 2. � 1.3 - Lead Agency Name and Address Coast Community College District, 1370 Adams, Costa Mesa; California, 92626. 1.4 - Project Sponsor's Name and Address Coast Community College District, 1370 Adams, Costa Mesa, California, 92626. 1.5 - Contact Person and Phone Number,:,< Kevin McElroy, 714.241.6144. 1.6 - General Plan Designation Multiple -Unit Residential. 1.7 - Zoning The Project site is composed of three separate parcels that are zoned M-1-A - Controlled Manufacturing. 1.8 - Surrounding Land Uses and Setting Light industrial and office uses are located immediately north of the Project site. Further north are Carden Hall Elementary and Junior High School, additional light industrial uses and public facilities. Multiple -Unit Residential developments are located east and south of the Project site. An office use is located immediately south of the Project site. A mobile home community is located directly east of the Project site on the east side of Monrovia, and multi -family residential communities are located southeast of the site. An undeveloped open field is located immediately west of the Project site, which is part of the proposed Banning Ranch development. Michael Brandman Associates 1 HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Introduction Initial Study 1.9 - Public Agencies Whose Approval Is Required Lead Agency - Coast Community College District. Responsible Agency - City of Newport Beach. 1.10 - Purpose This document is an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. It has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) statutes, Public Resources Code (PRC Section 21000 et seq.), CEQA Guidelines. The purpose of an Initial Studyss to conduct formal environmental Project review to: 1. Identify Project impacts which are determined not to be"significant. 2. Identify Project impacts which are determined to be potentially significant. 3. Provide an opportunity to incorporate mitigation measures or changes into the Project design, which will lessen the level of significance of anticipated environmental impacts. 4. Identify whether a Negative Declaration or EIR analysis is necessary to complete the environmental review for the Project pursuant to,.CEQA. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate where "the initial study has identified potentially significant effects on the environment, but (1) revisions in the project plans or proposals made by, or agreed to by, the applicant before, -the proposed negative declaration and initial study are released for public review would avoid U e:effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects on the environment would -:occur, and (2) there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the public agency that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment:" (PRC § 21064.5; CEQA Guideline 15369.5.) As stated in the proposed environmental determination below, although the proposed Project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will"not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. Such revisions include the mitigation measures integrated into the Discussion of Environmental Evaluation section below, which will be included in a mitigation monitoring and reporting program to be adopted by the lead agency. 1 I Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 Source: Census 2000 Data, The CaSIL, MBA GIS 2009. I%Nr%r% -�s 5 2.5 0 5 ❑N❑ z � Miles Michael Brandman Associates Exhibit 1 Regional Location Map 00640027 • 07/2009 1 1_regional.mxd CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • NEWPORT BEACH LEARNING CENTER INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION ;t ' ,. •. t .}?'�'.• �}l1!'Z N � �/'.� Fi � .�' > .. � 1 • piiwuf` N � � + c } :y ; }'Y.3 • #. : ii+ Lis WIN � r'•• +. w i film �•' `�� ■ t._ 4 .+ + • - '+' ' `� - �3y�'ItI yy + .1t1R1f,KLV 1+�r . 7� + aF '7 �a'xv f ! + 'P t •i jj + r� -,�, .i � ;� i �. ' � '` • • �S � 1 t ,R -� + 5 -�"'yam' �' g -'+• :: � t � 7 � •' 6_ -ri 'q``�r. a.�r ., �•�•.��r.>0 :1oW rui:'. Y .. SY +'�',- ws i � '7 1� ti rfffi .i,, fir•. )gli` F. - fits !i a�ntaa� rtwta '7�, r J :. lidfrltl�MMPI 11 t t- + •.''` t W 1r7,th!'°St" F7 won #%!• at' � " rl I '. P - r .ems. t ,� •.,.. cwr� �1 ��rtras i6{� mat Ksws ,. kl' �ja POW, *' tutt13}I ` � pti 1! '+" ,�' . • 1R" r :.> l,R-. in 0 - '!K a t . F:i. ••.. . •• t<4 •1`. r �, e.i16th>S.i " t. W . Iry '>" } ,- YM,: .,'.F* " '•�"' �I':i i t' F.,1�• i [ " i r o- i . ^ 0 � _ ' "• t - fit l ,/U - 1 � , t s — �T ✓ - , � ti Jm x..a N a to i��. w� vat • i7 � - ` ��.' `P �' � � �i .nt` �`� _ . q. �•- P , •.t b^.. Lei it ka, , ��Q • �� � i , _W 15th.Stle is .iR t x+t�� ' E "f', . ��', � . d +z �j. � � C � � ., ..w...") ' ti '�. S� • , ;�.-TF. � . F Aty �+• . -Z. cZ"'t ' ^""�}}rrr a t Tar S ' 9, •+• "�^ « a ?` i i4s,�• s • .t p w : ..pro- • i \ iC05y r= ,a. �.. + � 'Y• . 0e4' + , ,o ! spit I Rd 44 3i � .d�� ^I �� % ^• y>�q j JF �! ` �StLSSG� � .� !�'. - `� ',k� `t' . i, . +. -� "r R �• � �' ' r ,.t. /fjjj j`e . ¢,%'f `, � _ .,.F tk-^n✓✓ .V .. n, 6'"� .,. ~ -.` 1• �j + '-� cl. ��--?i .t Q;tS "'J�'t�'. ..1` V�''. ' •g.., - �. - 4..�._.'.� ir'• TE ' �.w {`�!,+ N 7� MEMORANDUM yTO: TONY BRINE/DAVID KEELY (PUBLIC WORKS & TRAFFIC) KATHRYNE CEBALLOS (UTITLITIES) STEVE BUNTING (FIRE) SEAN LEVIN (RECREATION & SENIOR SERVICES) JOHN KAPPELER (CODE ENFORCEMENT) CRAIG FOX (POLICE) JAIME MURILLO (PLANNING) RUSSELL BUNIM (PLANNING) PATRICK ALFORD (PLANNING) JIM CAMPBELL (PLANNING) GREGG RAMIREZ (PLANNING) FERN NUENO (PLANNING) FROM: ROSALINH UNG — 644-3208 SUBJECT: COASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE— REVIEW OF DRAFT MND DOCUMENT DATE OF ISSUE: 07/08/09 DATE OF RETURN: 07/10/09 CC: DAVE LEPO Attached please find the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Coastline Community College project. Please review the document in accordance to your area of expertise and provide your comments/edits/revisions to my attention no later than July 10, 2009. Thank you very much for your assistance. Reviewers Sections J. Murillo Aesthetics Agriculture Resources R. Bunim Air Quality P. Alford Biological Resources P. Alford Cultural Resources J. Campbell Geology & Soils S. Bunting Hazards & Hazardous Materials J. Kappeler & F. Nueno H drolo & Water Quality P. Alford Land Use & Planning R. Bunim Mineral Resources J. Murillo Noise G. Ramirez Population & Housing S. Bunting & C. Fox Public Services S. Levin Recreation T. Brine & D. Keely Transportation/Traffic K. Ceballos Utilities & Service Systems City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Introduction 1.11 -Project Description 1.11.1 - Project Characteristics The proposed Project consists of the development of a three-story learning facility on an approximately 3.4-acre property located at the northwest corner of Monrovia Avenue and 15t' Street. The proposed Project would require the demolition of several structures on the site associated with existing commercial land uses and construct an approximately 67,000 square foot (sq ft) building and associated infrastructure. The learning facility would include twenty-two classrooms, an art gallery, five college -art classrooms, an activity room, two performance rooms, two computer labs, two science rooms, faculty and administrative offices, and a large student loungd�v ,itli�*',itchen facilities. The proposed learning center would replace the existing learning center that is located,,in,Costa Mesa on Mesa Verde Drive at Baker Street. The existing learning center` accommodates 2;240 students in approximately 45,000 square feet of facilities. The Community, College District is proposing to relocate their learning center to achieve their long-term goal toow i fheir facilities. They currently +� lease their facilities that are located at a location that was previousl"spd as an elementary school and is currently owned by the Newport -Mesa School District.' As shown in Exhibit 3, the proposed structure will.be4oc4ted along the northern and western sides of the project site. Parking will be provided in the'centdJVand"-eastern portions of the site. The proposed structure will be primarily three stories high ;q;icep-for tl' western portion of the structure that extends along the western side of the project site:, This'.portion of the structure will be two stories and will include two outdoor plazas and planted areas'on the second floor roof. Access to the second and third floors will be provided by outdoor staircases as well as elevators. Truck deliveries associated with the learning center will'be;,located on the eastern end of the structure that is located along the northern of the site. portion The propos6d structure will be located 22 feet north of the southern property line and dedicated to the City for the ;fuiur ' development of 15t' Street west of Monrovia Avenue. The project also includes an additional 12 feet, fof-a total of 44 feet, that will include a ground floor structural setback. The second and third stories of the proposed structure will extend into the additional 22 foot area. The proposed Project would be operated to meet the educational needs of both high school aged students as well as college students. During the daytime, the proposed Project would operate as part of the Coastline Community College's Early College High School program educating high school - aged students from within the Newport -Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) in both college and high school courses. Coastline Community College would also provide services pursuant to its Disabled and Acquired Brain Injury program during daytime hours. Additionally, there will be limited college courses offered to college students during the daytime. During the evening, the proposed learning center would offer a variety of college courses to college students. Michael Brandman Associates 7 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Introduction Initial Study 1.11.2 -Access and Parking Primary access to the learning facility would be provided along Monrovia Avenue by the use of two driveways. A bus drop-off area would be constructed along the Project's frontage with Monrovia Avenue, which would provide space for up to three buses to drop-off students outside of the flow of traffic. Parking will be provided at grade and will consist of a total of 194 parking spaces, which would provide separate designated parking spaces for students, staff, and handicapped users. The majority of the parking spaces will be in the surface parking lot while some of the parking will be accommodated in covered parking areas directly under portions of the second story. 1.11.3 - Energy Efficiency Measures z The following components are proposed to be implemented as project designfieaturx s in order to reduce the energy demand created by the Project: F Yr • Work with Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) to, q 1h0Qe a bus route to the Project site and include a bus stop along Monrovia Street. ^ • Provide storm water retention on the Project site by providingVercolation areas onsite. • Provide water efficient landscape and irrigation systems. • Provide water efficient plumbing fixtures. • Include vegetated roofs, where feasible. • Include operable windows for natural ventilation. • Use high performance insulated glass., • Install photovoltaic panels onsite. • Use fly ash in concrete walls and floors. • Use recycle content materials during construction throughout the interiors. • Use paints and varioug;co4tings that are low -emitting materials. 8 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc --- --- anNanbVino18rvaw— - — --- 0 own; I �- :, 0 I I � a I I i ,! •�1• . I O� m,• 0�o / I I ■ ❑ U L- I ' I 16 CD U- c ■ 0 x ■ !_ 00 .N HI210N o O Q ti O OJ.Cl c'c'CCdd"" 2 It en �� o City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Introduction 1.11.4 - Utilities The Project would construct an on -site water system, consisting of an 3-inch lateral line, that would connect to an existing 8-inch water line located beneath Monrovia Avenue. Additionally, on -site sewer pipes would be installed and would connect to an existing 8-inch vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer line located beneath Monrovia Avenue. A Class I wet stand pipe and automatic sprinkler system will be installed to serve the fire protection needs for the proposed Project. Drainage collected from the Project site would be conveyed into the existing gutter adjacent to the site where runoff would surface flow to an intake facility located at the Monrovia Avenue cul-de-sac located south of the Project site NEED LOCATION CONFIRMED. ate. 1.11.5 -Site Preparation :. The proposed Project site is comprised of three parcels which contains several existingwbuildings, including associated infrastructure and landscaping, that would die, 4eimlished as part of the proposed Project. Site preparation would include the removal of existing �irrimro�ements, and grading associated with the construction of the proposed learning center. It is�axltic�ipated that the earthwork would balance onsite. The northern most parcel includes five buildings,, ith;ai%;adjacent asphalt -paved parking area. These include a three-story office building; an indus�ial buildin4 chat has been subdivided into 12 single - story individual suites with two two-story suites;; a two-story office building; and two single -story timber -framed tilt -up structures. A total of apprcixixraately 29,500 sq ft occupy the 53,601 sq ft parcel; approximately 20,000 sq ft is office space; 6,500 sq ft as light industrial or warehouse uses; approximately 3,000 sq ft is laboratory space and approximately 4,000 sq. ft. is enclosed storage areas. All of the buildings and existing improvements will be demolished and removed prior to the construction of the proposed Project.," The middle parcel within the Project area was formerly a boat storage yard and is mostly an unpaved, vacant dirt lot. An.abandoned single-family residence and its associated improvements located on the eastern portion of the Marcel would demolished and removed from the Project site. The eastern portion of the parcel also contains the remnants of a burned down single-family residence, which would be Temoved. The southern most parcel consist of two buildings with an adjacent asphalt -paved parking area containing 30 parking spaces and two dirt tracks that were formerly used to test motorcycles and bicycles. Both structures are single -story tilt -up structures, the first building is approximately 500 sq ft and the second is approximately 600 sq ft. Michael Brandman Associates 1 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Introduction Initial Study 1.12 - Intended Uses of this Document As the lead agency, the Coast Community College District has determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) a5 the appropriate level of analysis pursuant to the CEQA Statues and Guidelines to address the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project. As mitigated, the Project will not have a significant effect on the environment. This Initial Study and MND will be used as a basis for decision making on the following discretionary actions being considered for the Project. Coast Community College District (Lead Agency) • Approval of the Project City of Newport Beach (Responsible Agency) • Approval of the Parcel Map • Approval of a Right -of -Way Dedication 12 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Environmental Checklist SECTI'C?N - k ",WARQNN[ENTAL CH G:K .1 Tm-a _. -.., .......� ...... .� .....,.: n.. Tesspotentially $Wnitican Thah NO, FnAronmental Issues Sigoll'icaint With'., , Significant' '`Im act Itnpact Mitigation , �11> pact 4 P Incorporated " 1. . Aesthet'cs . Yi'ouldtheproject: j a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic ❑ ❑ ® ❑ vista? b) Substantially damage scenic resources, ❑� ❑ , ® ❑ including, but not limited to, trees, rock" ' outcroppings, and historic building within a state scenic highway? , c Substantially degrade the existing visual ❑ ` fEl El character or quality of the site and its >; surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare a — ❑ �❑ ® ❑ which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? 2. Agriculture Resources I At determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are sign ant.environmental effects —lead agencies may refer to the C'al�ornia �g�icultural hand �valuatioii and Site As�esxriteitt<ltlbdel (I 7j , pre -pared by the Cal foenia Department of Conservadon:akan optional model to use -in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. " Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland; t3nique Farmland, or ❑ ❑ ❑ Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps; repared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and,_ 4itoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? b) Conflictwith existing zoning for agricultural ❑ ❑ ❑ usa;'or'a Williamson Act contract? c) 'Involve othex changes in the existing - ❑ ❑� _ ❑ enviromn*,', fiich, due to their location or "nature,-could�result in conversion of Farmland, to'iiori-agricultural use? Where available, ,the-significance:criteria;established"by the applicable air gdlity management or air pollution control district maybe relied upon to make the following'detenhinations. Would the project: . a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the ❑ ® ❑ ❑ applicable air quality plan? ........................... .... b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute ❑ ® ❑ ❑ substantially to an existing or projected air j quality violation? Michael Brandman Associates 13 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doe Environmental Checklist City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv I I ! 1 Less Than, Potentially Significant Less Than No nvironmenta! Issues Significant With Significant impact Impact ( Mltloatlon. Impact, = ? incarporated'. c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net ❑ ® ❑ ❑ increase of any criteria pollutant for which the - project region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality j standard (including releasing emissions, which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial ❑ € ® ` ❑ ❑ ,__ Pollutant concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a ❑ ❑ , `' ❑ ! substantial number of people? ; p; 4. Biological Resources ' Would the project: i a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either ❑❑ ❑ directly or through habitat modifications, on ! any species identified as a candidate, sensitive,->' or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the ! California Department of Fish and Game,ok " U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any, riparian habitat or other sensitive natural ❑ ❑ ! ❑ ' community identified in local or regional plans, I policies, and regulations or'by the California i Department of Fish andtame or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse -effect on federally 1 ❑ protected wetlands as definedby Section 404 of the -Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) througbidirect removal, filling, hydrological intorruption, .or other means? ❑ ❑ ® ! ❑ d) -` interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife 'species or"with established native resident or 3 migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use i of wildlife nursery sites? e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances ❑ ❑ ❑ protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? ❑ ❑ ! ❑ ! f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, ! ' ' i regional, or state habitat conservation plan? I I I I Ll 14 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Environmental Checklist Thon, , ' Potentially :Significant •Less Than No "Environmental Issues- Significant Impact . ; . VVith Mitigation : Significant Impaa Impact flncorporated' ' S. Cultural Resources ; Would the. projecct:" I a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the ❑ ® ❑ ❑ significance of a historical resource as defined in § 15064.5? __._.. ! b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the ❑ .__._....__.__....__,._.-....... ® ❑ ❑ significance of an archaeological resource i pursuant to § 15064.5? c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique ❑ ® �' ^ ❑ ❑ geologic feature? d) Disturb any human remains, including those ❑ ; ` ❑ ® ❑ # interred outside of formal cemeteries?; 6_ Geology and"Solis~ Would, thg project: " a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the riskof- T' loss, injury or death involving: :. i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as/' . . ,;❑ delineated the Alquist ❑ ® ❑ on most recent Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map;` issued by the State Geologist for the area :n " or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication - 42. El ii) Strong seismic ground.shaking? El El® iii) "'' Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ 'L'andsiies? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) 'Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of mm' ❑ ❑ ® ❑ :.topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is _ El❑ ® El i unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in ! on- or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, 3 ! subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in El❑ ® El Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting ❑ ❑ ! ❑ the use of septic tanks or alternative _ Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 15 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Environmental Checklist Initial Study Oss Than Potentially Significant Less Than Environmental Issues Significant With Significant No I Impact, Impact Mitigation Impact, Incorporated wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? 7. 'Hazards and Hazardous Materials Wouldthoproject: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the ❑ El 0 environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? ------- -------- c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous El or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list,. ❑ El N ❑ of hazardous materials sites compiled pursua�It to Government Code Section 65962.5 ands as a e result, would it create a significant hazard to,,, the public or the environment? e) For a project located within an airport land -use, r❑1 El ❑1K plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles, of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for peop leixesiding or working in the project area? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazardfor people residing or working in the project -aroa:Z g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? 8. Hydrology and Water Quality Wouldthe __Prolect: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? NO ro W D f 16 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient (PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc n 1 1 I r I 1 1 1 Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Environmental Checklist Less Than Potentially Significant"Less,Than-- No Environmental" Issues significant With- Significant ; tnpact " Impact ; J 1Vlitiga"tion impact" lncorporated> ........................ . . b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or ❑ interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern ❑ ❑ :; . ;® ❑ of area, including through the alteration of the , course of a stream or river, in a manner which'; , would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern ❑ "' ` .; ® ❑ of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result ;. in flooding on- or off -site? e) _77 Create or contribute runoff water which ;would :: - ❑ ❑ ® w ❑ exceed the capacity of existing or plan€tpd s stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ g) Place housing within• a, 100-year flood hazard ❑ El❑ area as mapped on a federal ,Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood InsuranceRate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? h) Place,yvithin.a 100-year flood hazard area ❑ ❑ El structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? ' i) 4p9se people or structures to a significant risk ❑ ❑ ❑ oEl'oss;njury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? ❑ -------------- ❑ ❑ 9. Land Use and'Planning Wduld:the project: a) Physically divide an established community? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, El❑ ❑ policy, or regulation of an agency with 3 jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local Michael Brandman Associates 17 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\18\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc Environmental Checklist City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv Environmental, Issues ik Loss Than Potentially Significant Less Than No Significant. z "With Significant Impact € Mitigation Impact Impact i Incorporated coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? c) Conflict with any applicable habitat ❑ ❑ ❑ conservation plan or natural communities conservation plan? 10. Mineral Resources Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known ❑ ❑ ID mineral resource that would be of value to the i region and the residents of the state? _..._..__. _......... _.... p ..._.______...__.___... _..._....__......._ _ .. b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally- ❑ ❑ ❑ important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan g p � P p or other land use plan? II Noise Would the project result i,n: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise " ❑ ® ❑ ❑ levels in excess of standards establishedn'the local general plan or noise ordinance, or , applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of ❑ excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? ! ® ❑ ❑ c) A substantial permanent, increase in ambient ❑ ❑ ® ❑ noise levels in the project.'vicinity above levels _ existing without the projectl , d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels -;existing without the project? e) For a project located within an airport land use ❑ ❑ ❑ plan or, where such a plan has not been ,Ad"opted,, within two miles of a public airport or public,use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? ` f) For a project within the vicinity of a private ❑ ❑ ❑ airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? 12. Population and Housing ' Would the project, a) Induce substantial population growth in an ❑ ❑ ® ❑ area, either directly (for example, by proposing 1 1 1 18 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Ciient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 11 1 1 1 I n 1 A 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Environmental Checklist Ls Potentially Environmental issues $ignificarit, .-Significant, With ,. Less Than No ;Significant Impact fmpact Mitigatiiirt (tr�Oct" ,, Incorporated- .` [ new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? _ b) Displace substantial numbers of existing El❑ ® ❑ housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? c) Displace substantial numbers of people, ❑ ❑P';� ° ® ❑ necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 13. P.ublic Services Would the project result in substantial adverse physical, iinpacts.associated with,Ae, provision of new or p'hysicaZly altered governmental facilities, need for ndw or fi)O cally:altered'governmental"facilities,. the construction of which could cause :signzcant'environm't'gal_impacts, in order to maintain . acceptable service ratios, response dines or other performance•objectives for,arty o--th?public services,; a protection? rotection? El❑ ® b) Police protection? El ❑ ® El c) Schools? - ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Parks? Q, El® El r7e) Other public facilities?; ❑ ❑ ® ❑ j 14. Recreation a) Would the project increase fhe use of existing ` ❑ ❑ ® ❑ neighborhood and regional: parks or other recreational facilities.sl ch that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated?.., b) Does the project include recreational facilities ❑ ❑ ® ❑ or"require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities, which might have an adverse pliysieal effect on the environment? _ m15. Transpo-rkation / Traifia Would the project:, a) Cause' nt mcrease in traffic, which is ❑ El® ❑ substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the i number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a ❑ ❑ i ® ❑ level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? Michael Brandman Associates 19 HAClient(PN-JI)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Environmental Checklist City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv a I Evironmenfal,)`ssueS —.___-_._ LeSS 1"han Patcntiaily, Significant Significant With Impact. I Mitigation Less -Than No Significant Impact Impact c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, ❑ ❑ ❑ including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design ❑ ❑ ; ❑ feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous I intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? ' 3 e) Result in inadequate emergency access? ❑ ❑ ❑ Jr' f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? ❑ , ❑ 0 g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or ❑ , ` /�> El ❑ programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? i 16. Utilities and Service Systems. Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of ❑ ❑ ® ❑ _ the applicable Regional Water Quality Contr(l Board? 4., b) Require or result in the construction oPlIpw ❑ ❑ ® El water or wastewater treatment facilities, or expansion of existing facilities, the , construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new ❑ ❑ ® ❑ storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? d) Have sufficient water supplies available to ❑ ❑ ® Eli serve'the project from existing entitlements and resources, or ure new or expanded entitlements ; needed? e) Result in a determination by the wastewater ❑ ❑ ® ❑ treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to ' serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? i f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient ❑ ❑ ® ❑ permitted capacity to accommodate the projects solid waste disposal needs? g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes ❑ ❑ ® ❑ and regulations related to solid waste? I I 20 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc I I 7J I 1 I 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Environmental Checklist Less Than n 'Potentially, : $1 grlificarit ,Less Than" Environmental Issues. Significant, With; „ SigniticatfU _ I"mpact impact. :Mitigation," lrripaat tncorporafecl: . ,17: Gllimate Change a) Does the project comply with the provisions of ❑ ❑ ® E ❑ an adopted Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan or Strategy? If no such Plan or Strategy is applicable, would the project significantly hinder or delay California's ability to meet the I reduction targets contained in AB 32? Mandatory Findings=af Signifrconce . a) Does the project have the potential to degrade El ❑ A the quality of the environment, substantially b ' reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, �. cause a fish or wildlife population to drop, below self-sustaining levels, threaten to i eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce >� 3 the number or restrict the range of a rare or ` j endangered plant or animal, or eliminate. important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? 1 b) Does the project have impacts that areEy , ;;,❑ ❑ ® Elindividually limited, but cumulatively t X'`' considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"/ . means that the incremental effects of azproject are considerable when viewed in connection , - ' with the effects of past projects, the effects'of- " other current projects, and -the effects of probable future projects),? c) Does the project haveonvironmental effects, ❑ ❑ ® - ❑ which will cause substantiaj adverse effects on human beings, either directly o"r indirectly? Envirorimen'tal Factdrs fttentially, Affected The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a'" Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ❑ Aesthetics ' El' Agriculture Resources ❑[ Air Quality ❑ Biological Resources ❑ Cultural Resources ❑: Geology / Soils ❑ ° Hazards / Hazardous Materials ❑; Hydrology / Water Quality ❑° Land Use / Planning ❑ Mineral Resources El' Noise ❑; Population /Housing ❑ - Public Services ❑ Recreation ❑Transportation /Traffic ❑ Utilities / Services Systems ❑ Climate Change ❑Mandatory Findings of Significance Michael Brandman Associates 29 HAClient(PN-.TN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Leaning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Environmental Checklist Initial Study Environmental Determination 1 On the basis of this initial evaluation: ❑ I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the enviromngntbut-.at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measure based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. ❑ I find that although the proposed prcj,cci coup:"have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have.been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION p4suai?.t to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier-EiR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Signed. Date 22 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation ;SECTIC?N 3. `DJS ,(J0S QN:OF "ENUIR NMENTAL EV ► UATLCI i;, n 1. Aesthetics _ ..... . "....,, Would the Project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? Less Than Significant Impact. The City's General Plan does not identify scenic vistas as occurring within the vicinity of the Project site. The Project site and surrounding area is relatively flat and is located within an urbanized area of Newpoxt $each. Views from the western portion of the Project site include undeveloped fieldithat aroassociated with the proposed Banning Ranch development, with the Pacific Ocean visibly n Ehe distance. - Properties in the immediate vicinity of the site co ,, /, .ld. gs with heights of one to �t three stories. The Project proposes a building that�w 61- be up to three stories tall, which is not substantially different from nearby building heights:.:As the proposed Project would not significantly affect any scenic vistas in the vicinify�of the Project site, impacts associated with scenic vistas would be less than significant. ,N b) Substantially damage scenic resources, ;including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic building witkn a `state scenic highway? Less Than Significant Impact. No,officially designated scenic highways occur within the City of Newport Beach. SR-1 (Pacific Coast Highway) is designated by the City as a State Eligible Scenic Highway. The proposed Project would include the removal of existing trees and buildings from the site; however, these features do not provide a significant scenic resources for the Project area. Additionally, because of the distance of the proposed Project from SR-1 and the limited scale of the development, the implementation of the proposed Project would not result in a significant impact related to scenic resources within a state scenic highway. Therefore, impacts related to this issue would be less than significant. c) 'Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? Less Than Significant Impact. The Project area is relatively flat and mostly urbanized, with residential, educational, and light industrial land uses in the surrounding area. The Project would remove light industrial uses on a portion of the site, as well as an abandoned residential home and the remnants of a burned residential home, which serve to negatively impact the visual character of the area in the existing condition. In addition to the removal of buildings on the Project site, the Project would remove associated Michael Brandman Associates 23 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discuss/on of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study landscaping, including ornamental trees which provide a visual resource to the existing Project area. The proposed Project would be designed to provide an aesthetically pleasing facility that would blend in with existing development. Additionally, the Project would install landscaping on the Project site to enhance the visual quality of the Project. Accordingly, the proposed Project would not result in a degradation of the existing visual character, quality of the site, and the surrounding area; therefore, associated impacts would be less than significant. d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would i adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Less Than Significant Impact. The Project site ji'currently developed in several portions of the site with commercial, industrial, and residential buildings and is surrounded by existing developments towards the "north; east, and south. The proposed Project includes a learning facility with associated parking"areas and security lighting that would create additional lighting sources on site. In compliance with City of Newport Beach standards for lighting, the propo94'P1roject would install shielded lighting in the parking areas that would confine lighting to.theProject site so that adjacent properties are protected from spillover. Addit ohally,Ahe limited scale of the development of the proposed Project in relation to nearby;build"ings would ensure that significant impacts associated with glare would not occur.. Therefore, impacts related to light and glare would be less than'gignificant. 2. Agricultural Resources In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer.to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture 'and farmland. Would the Project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. The Project site is not located on land that is designated Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance. The Project site is located in an urban setting and does not support agricultural uses. As a result, no impacts are anticipated. 24 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? No Impact. No Williamson Act contracts exist on the Project site. Additionally, the Project site is not zoned for agricultural use. Therefore, no associated impacts are anticipated. c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. The Project site and surrounding areas are highly u4banized and developed with office, educational, light industrial, and residential uses, arid,are got used as farmland or for agricultural purposes. The proposed Project wouldoxesult in the direct or indirect conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural.%uses. Therefore;,nc', "s h impacts are anticipated. :W 3. Air Quality-? This analysis relies upon information contained in the Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis contained in Appendix A of this IS/MND. The following is a summary of that report. r is in South Coast Air Basin, is undefthe jurisdiction of the South Coast Air The Project the which Quality Management District (SCAQMD). `The,South Ci?ast Air Basin is in nonattainment for ozone and particulate matter (PMIo and PM2.5), which ii-ieans' hiat concentrations of those pollutants currently exceed the ambient air quality standards for those pollutants. Ambient air quality standards for criteria pollutants are set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to protect the health of sensitive individuals. Criteria pollutants include ozone, PM10, PM2.5, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide, lead, and sulfur dioxide. Ozone is formed through reactions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NO,,), and sunlight. To assist Lead Agendies in the analysis of Project -related air pollutants, the SCAQMD recommends use of regional and localized significance thresholds. If Project emissions are over the thresholds, the Project would resizit in a significant impact. Emissions during construction were estimated using URBEMIS2007. As shown in Table 1, emissions of VOC and NOx during construction exceed the regional significance thresholds. As shown in Table 2, localized emissions of nitrogen dioxide, PM10, and PM2.5 exceed the localized significance thresholds. Michael Brandman Associates 25 H:\Client(PN-N\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion.of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Table 1: Short -Term Emissions (Unmitigated) i Source Emissions (pounds per day) F I VOC _ ------- _...w_ _.,... _ ._ ,._......_......_.. NO, 'CO SOX _..___.__. _. PMZ6 ; 26.7 6.9 __.. ......... ..... , Demolition 3.6 36.8 17.7 <0.1 Grading 3.5 30.4 15.6 <0.1 6.2 2.4 Trenching 2.4 19.6 10.4 <0.1 _ 1.1 1.0 Building 12.2 150.2 50.6 <0.1 5.1 4.7 Building and asphalt paving 13.3 151.3 55.6 <0.1 5.3 4.9 Building, paving, coating 103.1 151.4 56.6 <0.1 , '5.4 4.9 Maximum Daily Emissions 103.1 151.4 56.6 <0.1 26.7 6.9 Significance Threshold 75 100 550 150 150; ",' 55 Significant Impact? Yes Yes No %�No No No Note: The maximum daily emissions refer to the maximum emissions tliafw,ould, occur in one day; it was assumed that the grading activities do not occur at the same time as th6 dher,construction activities; therefore, their emissions are not summed. VOC = volatile organic compounds NOx = nitrogen oxides CO = carbon monoxide SOX = sulfur oxides PMIo and particulate matter <0.1 = less than 0.1 Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysi 20b9; Appendix A. Table 2: Construction Local lzed;$ignif cance Analysis (Unmitigated) 4 ' Onsite Emissions (pouhds: per day) Activity. _ t 02 CO PM�o PM2.s . _ .._._......,......._._,...._......_._.m........,m..,.._...._....._..,...._....._........_ ...__ ..__.._.. ._._..,_...._ Demolition 11.3 i 6.6 25.5 5.9 ...... ..__...... _._.. _.__.._.__......_ __.__.. ___.___.___< Grading 25.0 i 12.5 6.0 _ 2.1 Trenchiuiz 19.5 9.4 1.0 1.0 1 Buildia;ig.(ysar 2010) 149.2 45.6 5.0 4.6 Building, asphalt -.paving (year 2011) 1 149.9 49.0 5.2 4.8 Building, as paving, coating 149.9 3 49.0 5.2 4.8 LAVA nni "Daily Emissions 149.9 49.0 3 25.5 5.9 i Localized Significance Threshold 131 945 7 5 € Exceed Threshold? Yes j No ; Yes Yes ( Note: Each of the above activities does not occur at the same time; therefore, the maximum daily emissions represent the maximum emissions that would occur in one day. Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, 2009, Appendix A. Operational emissions are shown in Table 3. As shown in the table, net new emissions during operations do not exceed the SCAQNM regional significance thresholds. 26 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1� City P P of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Table 3: Net New Operational Emissions (Unmitigated) Source Mobile Area (natural gas, landscape, architectural coatings) Subtotal - Project emissions Existing Net new emissions Significance Threshold Significant Impact? Emissions (pounds per:. day) VOC NO*„ . ,w.O ..... - SO,c. ,'; w a PMAo PMz:s.. 24.5 14.5 126.9 0.2 27.4 5.3 1.6 2.2 3.3 1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 i 4 ... ........ __. 26.1 16.7 130.2 p 0.2 rt 27.4 5.3 -3.4 -5.0 -40.1 0.0 -6.0 -1.2 t 22.7 _ 11.7� _ 90.1 0.2 ; 21.4 4.1 55 55 550 150 /\;150 55 No No No No Ncs" No Notes: VOC = volatile organic compounds NOX = nitrogen oxides ;�, ,-` CO = carbon monoxide SOX = sulfur oxides PMIO and PM2.5 = particu)ate matter <0.1= less than 0.1 Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, 2009, AppendixA.,, E The results of the CO hotspot analysis shown in Table .4 demonstrate that Project -related traffic at Project impacted intersections in the area wouldJ1ot'6atis&.an exceedance of the CO ambient air quality standards. r { " Table 4: Carbon MonoxideiConcentrations Intersection ' 1 Hour Estimated B;Four Estimated. Significant CO Concentration, ° CO -Concentration, . :impact? .; 1. Placentia and Victoria ..._..__._ ........M.. _.e _. _ ..._ ....... _..- ._ __...._._...-.__ 6.5 4.2 No 2. Newport,and 19th 7.7 5.0 No 3. Newport and.' roadway 7.0 4.5 No 4. Newpgrt,ai d Harbor 7.4 4.8 No 5. Newport and 18th/Rochester 7.4 4.8 No 6. Supefi& and 17tIt • 6.6 4.3 No 7. Newport aiid."17th 7.3 4.7 No * Includes background concentrations. _ ** Comparison of estimated concentration with ambient air quality standards (1-hour 20 ppm, 8-hour 9 ppm) Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, 2009, Appendix A. CEQA Thresholds and Analysis Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the Project: Michael Brandman Associates 27 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of, Environmental Evaluation Initial Study a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? Less than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. The following two criteria are used to determine the level of significance for this potential impact. Project's Contribution to Air Quality Violations According to the SCAQMD, the Project is consistent with the AQMP if the Project will not result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations or cause or contribute to new violations, or delay timely attainment of air quality standards or the interim emission reductions specified in the AQMP. As shown in (b) below, the Project could violate an air quality stalidard-or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality viojation because the,Project's emissions during construction exceed the localized'significance thresholds for nitrogen dioxide, PMIo, and PM2.5. ;. If a projects emissions exceed the SCAQMD regional thresholds for NO,,, VOC, PMIo, or PM2.5, it follows that the emissions could cumulatively contribute to an exceedance of a pollutant for which the basin is in nonattainment (ozone, PMIo, PM2.5) at a monitoring station in the basin. An exceedance of a Aonattainment pollutant at a monitoring station would not be consistent with the gbals-of the, AQMP - to achieve attainment of pollutants. As shown in Table 1, during construction, the project would exceed the regional significance thresholds for VOC andNOx. This means that without mitigation, project emissions of VOC and=NOx could combine with other sources and create ozone. This could result in an ozone exceedance at a nearby monitoring station. The South Coast Air Basin is in nonattainment for ozone; therefore, the project would not be consistent with the AQMP. The Project does not meet this criterion. Control Measures The next criterion is compliance with the control measures in the 2003 and the 2007 AQMP. As discussed in the Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, the Project would ,comply with all of the SCAQMD's applicable rules and regulations. Therefore, the Project complies with this criterion. Level of Significance Before Mitigation Potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measures AQ-1 Onsite painting shall be extended to a minimum of 23 days. AQ-2 During project construction, onsite electrical hook ups shall be provided for electric construction tools including saws, drills and compressors, to eliminate 28 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc �1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation rthe No diesel need fuel powered electric generators. more than one or gasoline powered electric generators shall be used at any given time. AQ-3 During Project construction, construction equipment shall be properly maintained; maintenance shall include proper tuning and timing of engines. Equipment maintenance records and data sheets of equipment design specifications shall be kept on -site during construction. AQ-4 During Project construction, the developer shall prohibit onsite construction equipment for idling for more than 5 minutes in any one hour. AQ-5 Prior to Project construction, the Project proponent wilhpirovide a traffic control plan that will describe in detail safe detours arol A"the Project construction site and provide temporary traffic control (i.eag person) � related during demolition debris transport and`titlier�construction related truck hauling activities. AQ-6 During demolition activities, no more than 6 5{l�Q; square feet of buildings shall . demolition, being be demolished in one day. During active the structures demolished shall be adequately watered to minimize fugitive dust. During +R' active demolition and debris remoyal, water shall be applied every four hours to the area within 100'feet ofa structure being demolished, to reduce vehicle trackout. Water shall,,be,appliedto disturbed soils after demolition is complete or at the end of eaclx;day of cleanup. Demolition activities shall be prohibited;when wind speeds exceed 25 miles per hour. Level of Significance After Mitigation Less than significant." Short-term regional emissions after implementation of the above Mitigation Measures are provided in Table 5 below. Short-term localized emissions after implementation of Mitigation Measures are provided in Table 6. As shown in Table 5 and Table 6, short- term construction emissions are expected to be less than significant after application of Mitigation Measures. Table 5: Short-term Emissions (Mitigated) Source, Emissions:(paunds potdaY) YOC NOX CD ..�"� i?Mo.Mz.s' Demolition 2.3 19.9 11.2 <0.1 5.3 1.9 Mass grading 3.5 30.4 15.6 <0.1 6.2 2.4 Trenching 2.4 19.6 10.4 <0.1 1.1 1.0 Building 3.9 41.1 19.1 <0.1 1.7 1.5 __...... _ __ _,___ .. Michael Brandman Associates 29 HAClient(PN-dN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of. Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Emissions. (pounds per day) VOC.._.._ I= NO, .,.. � CO SOX PM10 PM2,5 �._ Building, paving, coating _ 68.0 50.0 27.4 <0.1 2.5 2.3 Maximum Daily Emissions 68.0 50.0 27.4 <0.1 6.2 2.4 Significance Threshold 75 100 V 550 150 Y 150 55 Significant Impact? No _ No _ _ No No No - No Note: The maximum daily emissions refer to the maximum emissions that would occur in one day; it was assumed that the grading activities do not occur at the same time as the other construction activities; therefore, their emissions are not summed. Demolition emissions also include a 5, 0 percent reduction attributed to watering during demolition activities. VOC = volatile organic compounds NOx = nitrogen oxides (CO ='carbon monoxide SO,, = sulfur oxides PM10 and PM2.5 = particulate matter <0.1 0= °less than 0.1 Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, 2009, Appendik A. Table 6: Localized Significance Analj S' 19,(Mitigated) Onsite Emissions (pounds per day) Y ' ! ,Activity NOz a_ CO 'PM10 I PMz.s .w.f Demolition ` ' Ix.3 6.6 4.9 1.6 Grading i 25,b t 12.5 1 6.0 2.1 ; Trenching 1:9.5 9.4 1.0 1.0 Building 40.1 14.1 1.6 1.4 Asphalt, building, coating', 48.5 20.1 2.4 2.2 Maximum Daily Emissions 48.5 20.1 6.0 2.2 Localized Significance `l'liteshold 131 945 7 5 Exceed Threshold? No No No No ' Note: Each of the above activities does not occur at the same time; therefore, the maximum daily emissions represent the maximum emissions that would occur in one day. Demolition emissions also include a 50 percent reduction. attributed to watering during demolition activities. Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, 2009, Appendix A. b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? Less than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. Two criteria are used to assess the significance of this impact: (1) the localized construction analysis and (2) the CO hotspot analysis. The LSTs are specific to each source receptor area. If the Project results in emissions that do not exceed the LSTs, it follows that those emissions would not cause or contribute 30 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doe City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation The LST to a local exceedance of the applicable ambient air quality standards. analysis contained in the Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis (also see Table 2 contained herein) demonstrates that without mitigation, the Project would not.exceed-the LSTs for CO. However, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, PMIO, and PM2,5 would exceed the LSTs. Therefore, according to this criterion, the air pollutant.emissions during construction would result in a significant impact and could exceed the ambient air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide, PMio, and PM2.5- A CO hotspot analysis is the appropriate tool to determine if Project emissions of CO during operation would exceed ambient air quality standards. TIZei ain source of air i pollutant emissions during operation are from offsite motor vehic�`1, es.traveling on the roads surrounding the Project site. The CO hotspot analysis (see Tal it ,-4�'deinonstrated �i that Project emissions of CO during operation alongvrrith emissions frorimother foreseeable Projects in the area would not result iii:az=exceedance of the most stringent ambient air quality standards for CO. Therefore, a, ruing to this criterion, air pollutant emissions during operation would result in a less than s"I" cant impact. Level of Significance Before Mitigation Potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measures Mitigation measures AQ-1 through,,AQ 6fare required. Level of Significance After Mitigation Less than significant. c Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the � .Y , , j,,?ct region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality stdtaa'ard (including releasing emissions, which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors),? In CEQA Less than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. accordance with °Guidelines 15130(b), this analysis of cumulative impacts incorporates a summary of projections. The Project must meet the following criteria to result in a less than significant cumulative impact: 1. Regional analysis: emissions of nonattainment pollutants below the regional significance thresholds 2. Plan approach: Project consistency with current air quality plans 3. Cumulative health impacts: less than significant cumulative health effects of the nonattainment pollutants Michael Brandman Associates 31 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Criterion 1: Regional Analysis If an area is in nonattainment for a criteria pollutant, then the background concentration of that pollutant has historically been over the ambient air quality standard. It follows that if a project exceeds the regional threshold for that nonattainment pollutant, then it would result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of that pollutant and result in a significant cumulative impact. The South Coast Air Basin is in nonattainment for PMIo, PM2,5, and ozone. Therefore, if the project exceeds the regional thresholds for PMIo, or PM2,5, tken.it.contributes to a cumulatively considerable impact for those pollutants. Additionally,:if the project exceeds the regional threshold for NOX or VOC, then it follows that the project would contribute to a cumulatively considerable impact for ozone. The regional significance analysis of construction emissions demonstrated that without mitigation, emissions of VOC and NOX would be over the SCAQMD regional significance thresholds. VOC and NO,, are ozone precursor"pollutants. Therefore, according to this criterion, the project results in a significant cumulative impact. Criterion 2: Plan Approach The geographic scope for cumuiativotilteriapollution from air quality impacts is the South Coast Air Basin, because that,isfl e'/we' a in which the air pollutants generated by the sources within the ;basin circulate -and are often trapped. The SCAQMD is required to prepare and maintain an AQMP and a State Implementation Plan to document the e strategies and measures to be undertaken to reach attainment of ambient air quality standards. While the'SCAQMD does not have direct authority over land use decisions, it is recognized that changes in land use and circulation planning are necessary to maintain clean air. The SCAQMD evaluated the entire Basin when it developed the AQMP. The Project.is not consistent with the most recent AQMP without mitigation. Therefore, the project presents a significant impact according to this criterion. Criterion 3: Cumulative Health Impacts The Basin is in nonattainment for ozone, PMIo, and PM2,5, which means that the background levels of those pollutants are at times higher than the ambient air quality standards. The air quality standards were set to protect public health, including the health of sensitive individuals (such as the elderly, children, and the sick). Therefore, when the concentration of those pollutants exceeds the standard, it is likely that some sensitive individuals in the population will experience health effects. However, the health effects are a factor of the dose -response curve. Concentration of the pollutant in the air (dose), the length of time exposed, and the response of the individual are factors involved in the 32 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc ;� City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation from severity and nature of health impacts. If a significant health impact results project emissions, it does not mean that 100 percent of the population would experience health effects. The regional analysis of construction emissions indicates that without mitigation, the Project would exceed the SCAQMD regional significance thresholds for VOC and NO, (ozone precursors). Because ozone is a secondary pollutant (it is not emitted directly but formed by chemical reactions in the air), it can be formed miles downwind of the Project site. Project emissions of VOC and NO,, may contribute to the background concentration of ozone and cumulatively cause health effects. Health impacts;ihaydr may not include d the following: (a) pulmonary function decrements and localized,lutig•edema in humans and animals; (b) risk to public health implied by alterations in pulmo morphology and host defense in animals; (c) increased ,mortalit risk; and/or (d) risk to -�blic health { 9 implied by altered connective tissue metabolism anchaltered pulmonary morphology in animals after long-term exposures and pulmonary- _" coon decrements in chronically b ath ex osed humans. Short-term exposure can result in ug pattern changes, reduction p , of breathing capacity, increased susceptibility to infections,inflammation of the lung tissue, and some immunological changes.,Children who live in high ozone communities �f and who participate in multiple sports have beobserved to have a higher asthma risk. This is a significant cumulative he�alth.itiapadt.:associated with ground -level ozone concentrations. Level of Significance Before Mitigation Potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measures_ K.. Mitigation Measures AQ=1 through AQ-6 are required. r•Level;of Significance After Mitigation 'Less thausignificant. Ex ose'sensitive ollutant concentrations? receptors to substantial pollutant P P P Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Implementation of the Project will result in exposing sensitive receptors to pollutant concentrations during construction -� and operational activities. Construction The localized construction analysis uses thresholds that represent the maximum 4 emissions for a project that will not cause or contribute to an exceedance of the most stringent applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard. The thresholds are Michael Brandman Associates 33 HACient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study developed based on the ambient concentrations of that pollutant for each source receptor area and on the location of the sensitive receptors. If the project results in emissions under those thresholds, it follows that the project would not cause or contribute to an exceedance of the standard. If the standards are not exceeded at the sensitive receptor locations, it follows that the receptors would not be exposed to substantial pollutant concentrations. The construction localized significance analysis demonstrated that the Project would not exceed the localized thresholds for CO. Therefore, during construction, the Project would not expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations of CO. However, the localized significance analysis demonstrated that,Vithout mitigation, emissions of nitrogen dioxide, PM2.5, and PMIO could exceed the localsized significance thresholds and thereby expose nearby sensitive recd t6rs to substantial ooneentrations of those pollutants. Health effects from PM2.5 and Pit+ In •can include the following: (a) Exacerbation of symptoms in sensitive patients wi#l'.rospjlxatory or cardiovascular disease; (b) Declines in pulmonary function growth in children; and/or (c) Increased risk of premature death from heart or lung diseases in the elderfy. Daily fluctuations in PM2.5 levels have been related to hospital admissions for acute respiratory conditions, school absences, and increased medicatio pse in:children and adults with asthma. Health effects of nitrogen dioxide may- Include: (a) Potential to aggravate chronic respiratory disease and respiratory symptoms in sensitive groups and/or (b) risk to public health implied by pulmonary and extra -pulmonary biochemical and cellular changes and pulmonary structural changes.' The construction equipment would emit diesel particulate matter, which is a carcinogen. However, the diesel pajgidulate matter emissions are short-term in nature. Determination of risk from diesel particulate matter is considered over a 70-year exposure time. Thereforc, considering the dispersion of the emissions and the short time frame, exposure to dieset�itticulate matter is anticipated to be less than significant. Operation A CO hotspot analysis is the appropriate tool to determine if project emissions of CO during operation would exceed ambient air quality standards. The main source of air pollutant emissions during operation are from offsite motor vehicles traveling on the roads surrounding the project. The CO hotspot analysis demonstrated that emissions of CO during operation would not result in an exceedance of the most stringent ambient air quality standards for CO. Therefore, according to this criterion, air pollutant emissions during operation would result in a less than significant impact. I i 34 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation ' Other pollutants such as PMIo and PM2.5 would not be at a level to expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. During operation, road dust is a major contributor to particulate matter, which would be distributed over miles of roadway. This would be a less than significant impact. IThe indoor air pollutants that may be associated with operation of the Project include VOCs from new carpets and fresh paints, mold spores, and/or radon. The air pollutants that are controlled by the construction of the Project include VOCs from carpets, paints, and radon. 4 VOCs from new carpets and new paint are temporary impacts that:6 ' be reduced by proper ventilation after installation. Additionally, the Project is lifi ingJow VOC paints as a project design feature. The health impact from these sources is aniicpated to be less than significant. Indoor radon tests in the Project area have a low to mob ate potential for radon. Commercial structures have a much lower ability to suction arson indoors because they are much larger, which reduces the pressure differential between indoors and outdoors. The Project would employ HVAC systeii s that would circulate air through the structure during operational hours. The system w.o ild` b.,sufficient to disperse indoor radon concentrations, which would mininize"tfie risk to human health. The proposed Project is not considered a'sensitive land use because it would likely not t attract children, the,e7derly, or the sick. A potential source of toxic air pollutants on the Project site is diesel particulate matter from the delivery of food by heavy-duty trucks. The site plan indicates that there is a food service loading area near the north of the Project site. Project d�Isitgn features would reduce emissions associated with delivery vehicles. Level` of Significance Before Mitigation Potential �y.significant. ..Mitigation Measures I� Mitigation measures AQ-1 through AQ-6 are required. Level of Significance After Mitigation Less than significant. e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? Less than Significant Impact. Land uses typically considered associated with odors include wastewater treatment facilities, waste -disposal facilities, or agricultural ' Michael Brandman Associates 35 HAClient(PN-dN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study operations. The Project does not contain land uses typically associated with emitting , objectionable odors. Diesel exhaust and VOCs will be emitted during construction of the Project, which are objectionable to some; however, emissions will disperse rapidly from the Project site and, therefore, should not reach a level to induce a negative response. Level of Significance Before Mitigation Less than significant. 4. Biological Resources The following analysis is based on observations made during a site reconnaisoaixCe visit by a qualified biologist in June 2009. Would the Project: f a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or;the64gh habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special siaft s species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The project site is approximately 3.5-acres and currently contains several structures on site associated witli,,exigOng commercial land uses. No suitable habitat for any candidate, sensitive, or special status:species occurs within the project site and no such species is expected to occur. Implementation of the proposed project would not result in impacts to `any species listed as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in any local, regioo4l,. State, or federal plans, policies or regulations. b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, and regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The project site is relatively flat and contains no drainage features or -associated vegetation. No riparian habitat occurs within the project area. Additionally, the site is heavily disturbed from current and past use. No native plant communities are present on the Project site. Therefore, implementation of the project would not result in any impacts to riparian or other sensitive habitats. c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? I 1 11 i! 36 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-]N)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation No impacts No Impact. No wetlands or drainages exist within the project site. are anticipated. d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or ' wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of wildlife nursery sites? ' Less than Significant Impact. The Project site is located in a highly urbanized area and bordered on three sides by fully developed properties. Additionally, the site does not contain any native vegetation communities suitable for use by native wildlife species. . eg Some common migratory bird species may use the tree and shru`lavegetation located on the Project site for nesting activities. However, construction of the propo !e�rcject would be required to comply with California Depalbnt of Fish and Gamext;ode Section 3503, which relates to impacting potential nestingsites�during nesting season. Therefore, development of the proposed project would not inierfer"e,with the movement of any native or migratory species or wildlife nursery site`and'inrlpacts would be less than significant. ' ;lees e) Conflict with any local policies or ordhn protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? 3 y ,;v No Impact. The project site coritailis;'scat�teared ornamental trees and shrubs, which do ' �' --; ,,, not constitute a sensitive habitat or h�*tiye,vegetation community. The site is not within City Newport Beach does have the jurisdiction of ail-- local coastal plan, and the of not any local policies:;protecting the biological resources present onsite. Therefore, ' implementation oitlie proposed project would result in no impacts to any local policy or ordinance. ' f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural :Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? X06 Iiiipact. The Project site is currently a developed 3.5-acre lot bordered on three sides ' by fully developed properties. The Project site is located in an area designated for development and is not within any identified natural community conservation plan or habitat conservation plan. Therefore, no impacts would result. J 5. Cultural Resources Would the Project: Michael Brandman Associates 37 ' HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center , P P 9 Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Studv a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in §15064.5? Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The Project site was previously disturbed but contains both extant and demolished buildings and other improvements in the existing condition. One standing structure, the residential building located in the eastern portion of the site, is more than 45 years old. The demolition of the house would represent a potentially significant impact to a historical resource. The implementation of Mitigation Measure CR-1 would reduce the impact to less than significant. CRA Prior to demolition activities, any on -site structure built'dutting or prior to 1964 shall be recorded onto DPR 523 Fvign(s) and evaluated for; significance by a qualified architectural historian. $t eregultant DPR 523 Form(s) should be submitted to the SCCIC for the assignment of a permanent identification number. The architectural historian evdluatio_"should include determining whether the resource is eligible for inclusion in°auy federal, State or local registers of significant cultural resources. The results of this evaluation will determine the need or lack,therco%for additional mitigative efforts prior to project implementation-." _ b) Cause a substantial adverse change" in the, significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to §15064.5? Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. A cultural resources survey of the property was conducted both through a records search at the South Central Coast Information Center at California State University Fullerton and by a field visit by a qualified archaeologist. A previous survey of the property in 1975 was conducted with negative results. This assessment is corroborated by the 2009 reconnaissance survey. No surface archaeological resources are present on the Project site. However, there are r archaeological resources that have been identified within the 1.0 mile records search radius .arid the potential exists for there to be undiscovered buried archaeological resources located on the site. Therefore, there is a potential for significant impacts to archaeological resources to occur during ground disturbing activities. Mitigation measure CR-2 requiring archaeological monitoring would reduce the impact to less than significant. CR-2 prior to issuance of the first preliminary or precise grading permit, and for any subsequent permit involving excavation to increased depth, the landowner or subsequent project applicant shall provide evidence that a qualified archaeologist has been retained by the landowner or subsequent project 38 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc ' ' Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center p Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation be during applicant, and that the consultant(s) will present all grading and other significant ground disturbing activities. An archaeological mitigation ' monitoring program shall be implemented within the project boundaries during ground -disturbing activities. Full-time monitoring should continue ' until the project archaeologist determines that the overall sensitivity of the project area has been reduced from moderate to low, as a result of mitigation monitoring. Should the monitor determine that there are no cultural resources ' within the impacted areas, or should the sensitivity be reduced to low during monitoring, all monitoring should cease. c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or sate or unique , geologic feature? `" `� Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Ii3�c'orporated. A paleontological records search was conducted by Samuel A McLof the Natural history ' Museum of Los Angeles County. There are no signifi" xtt-,,ossil localities that lie directly within the proposed Project site boundaries, but there are``iieazby localities from the same sedimentary deposits that occur in the Project site. There is a potential for vertebrate ' fossils at shallow depths associated witl marine Quaternary terrace deposits. There are exposed marine Pleistocene San Pesiio Fovuatp,gn deposits nearby as well. Accordingly, ' there is a potential for significantimpacts to -unique paleontological resources during ground disturbing activities. Mitigation Measure PR-1 requiring paleontologic ' monitoring would allow for the identification of any significant resources. Additionally, application of Mitigation Measures PR-2 through PR-4 would obtain all necessary scientific information and reduce the impacts to less than significant. ' PR-1 During ground disturbing activities, paleontologic monitoring of excavation in areas identified as likely to contain paleontologic resources shall be conducted by a qualified paleontologic monitor. Based upon this review, areas of concern include undisturbed older Quaternary deposits. Paleontologic -monitors should be equipped to salvage fossils as they are unearthed, to avoid construction delays, and to remove samples of sediments likely to contain the ' remains of small fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. Monitors must be empowered to temporarily halt or divert equipment to allow removal of abundant or large specimens. Monitoring may be reduced or eliminated if the potentially fossiliferous units described herein are determined upon exposure and examination by qualified paleontologic personnel to have low potential to contain fossil resources, or if the parameters of the proposed project will not decision is discretion the impact potentially fossiliferous units. This at the of qualified paleontologic monitor. Michael Brandman Associates 39 HAClient(PN-JI)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doe ' ' City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study PR-2 In the case that the monitoring program results in a positive finding, the preparation of recovered specimens shall be conducted to a point of identification and permanent preservation, including washing of sediments to ' recover small invertebrates and vertebrates. Preparation and stabilization of all recovered fossils are essential in order to fully mitigate adverse impacts to ' the resources. PR-3 In the case that the monitoring program results in a positive finding, ' identification and curation of specimens into an established, accredited museum repository with permanent retrievable paleontologic storage shall be implemented. These procedures are also essential siees in effective ' paleontologic mitigation and CEQA compliance. Tip`aleontologist shall have a written repository agreement in ha"Ad prior to the iniffatipp of P mitigation activities. Mitigation of advea ge impacts to significant paleontologic resources is not complete,,°iintil, such curation into an established museum repository has been fully completed aiad documented. ' PR-4 In the case that the monitoring program results iix'a positive finding, the project paleontologist shall,prepare a report of findings with an appended I itemized inventory of specimens, The report and inventory, when submitted to the appropriate Lead Agency atottg=with confirmation of the curation of ' recovered specimens., 'an established, accredited museum repository, will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources,,: , I d) Disturb any human -remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? Less Than Significant. Impact. No known human burial sites are located on or in the , surrounding areas of the Project site. In the unlikely event that human remains are encountered during the Project grading or other construction activities, the proper ' 'authorities would be notified, and standard procedures for the respectful handling of human remains in compliance with State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and , Public Resources Code Section 5097.98 would be Implemented. Therefore, impacts from the proposed Project would be less than significant. ' 6. Geology and Soils Regional Geologic Setting ' The proposed Project site is located within the Orange County Coastal Plain, one of the coastal alluvial basins of the Los Angeles Sedimentary Basin. The Orange County Coastal Plain is bounded ' to the north by the Puente Hills, to the east by the Santa Ana Mountains, to the west by the San Gabriel River, and to the southwest by the San Joaquin and the Pacific Ocean. The central portion of , 40 Michael Brandman Associates , H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc F i 1 I 7 L 1 Ell H 1 it F�� 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation the coastal plain forms the broad alluvial floodplain of the Santa Ana River, which originates in the San Bernardino Mountains. The river flows approximately 80 miles (130 km) from the San Bernardino Mountains to its point of discharge into the Pacific Ocean approximately 1 mile east of the site. The faulting and seismicity of Southern California is dominated by the San Andreas Fault System. The zone separates two of the major tectonic plates that comprise the earth's crust. The San Andreas Fault System generally trends northwest -southeast; however, north of the Transverse Ranges Province, the fault trends more in an east/west direction, causing a north/south compression between the two plates. wFJ The City of Newport Beach is located in the northern part of the Peninsular Ranges"Itrovince, an area that is exposed to risk from multiple earthquake fault zones. Th Aghest risk originates.from the Newport -Inglewood fault zone, the Whittier fault zone, the Safi Joac ub in Hills fault zone, and the Elysian Park fault zone, each with the potential to cause moderate to,darge earthquakes that would cause ground shaking in Newport Beach.' Site Geology The northwestern portion of the City of Newport/Beitcli where the proposed Project is located, is on a broad mesa (commonly referred to as the Nevort Mesa) that extends southeastward to join the San Joaquin Hills. The Newport Mesa consists (ifconsdlidateo alluvial sediments which have been uplifted along the fault zone. These alluvium sediments° consist of fine to coarse sand, with fine silty sands, clayey silt, and silty clay. The alluvial sediments are underlain by older terrace and alluvial deposits. The bedrock formation%consists of complex crystalline metamorphic and igneous rocks. Seismic Hazards Seismic hazards are those hazards -associated with earthquakes such as ground shaking, ground rupture, liquof4ction, differential compaction or seismic settlement, and other phenomena. Like most sites in southeas' California, the site is most susceptible to ground shaking generated during earthquakes"on nearby faults, particularly the Newport -Inglewood Fault which occurs south of the Project site. The intensity of ground shaking, or strong ground motion, is highly dependent upon the distance betweeriAe causative fault to the site, the magnitude of the earthquake, and the underlying soil conditions. This section relies on information contained in the City of Newport Beach General Plan Update EIR, which is incorporated by reference. Would the Project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving. - Michael Brandman Associates 41 ' HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Leaming Center.doe City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Env,,ironmental Evaluation Initial Study i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Less Than Significant Impact. Fault rupture occurs when an active fault displaces in two separate directions during an earthquake, but even the slow movement known as "fault creep" can cause displacement that results in offset or disfiguring of curbs, streets, and buildings. The nearest potentially active fault is the Newport -Inglewood Fault located near the coast, south of the Project site. No faults are known to occur on or within the immediate vicinity of the Project site. Therefore,; impacts would be less than significant. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? Less Than Significant Impact. As with all areas of Southern California, the proposed Project would be subject to strong ground. ;shaking associated with seismic activity, especially given that the Project site is located;n ar several significant faults that have the potential to cause moderate to large earthquakes. The Newport Beach area is considered to have a ten peace& -chance of experiencing ground acceleration greater than 43 to 52 percent,of%the force of -gravity in 50 years. These levels of shaking can be expected to cause damage -particularly to older and poorly constructed buildings. However, as with alf.structLa es in the area and within other areas, the proposed Project would be required -to conform to the seismic design parameters of the California Building Code (CBC). Compliance with the seismic design parameters :as outlined in the most recent CBC would ensure that impacts are less than significant. iii) Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction? Less .Than Significant. Liquefaction is a state of soil particle suspension caused by a complete loss of strength when the effective stress drops to zero. Liquefaction normally occurs under saturated conditions in soils such as sand in which the strength is purely frictional, typically during vibratory conditions such as those induced by seismic event. A low relative density and loose consistency of the granular materials, shallow groundwater table, long duration and high acceleration of seismic shaking are some of the factors favorable to cause liquefaction. Presence of predominately cohesive or fine-grained materials and/or absence of saturated conditions can preclude liquefaction. Liquefaction hazards are usually manifested in the form of buoyancy forces during liquefaction, increase in lateral earth pressures due to liquefaction, horizontal and vertical movements resulting from lateral spreading, and post -earthquake settlement of the liquefied materials. 1 1 F L Ci 1 I 1 42 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc , ' City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation ' Soils, Mineral As indicated in the City's General Plan Update EIR, Geology, and Resources section, the Project site is located in an area with low to no potential for ' liquefaction. Prior to the implementation of the proposed Project, the project applicant will be required to prepare a geotechnical report which would fully identify any site -specific risk for liquefaction. Accordingly, impacts associated with this issue would be less than significant. iv) Landslides? No Impact. Slope failures are common during strong seismic shaking in areas of ' significant relief. However, the Project site is located in a re140�ly flat area and no significant slopes are proposed. Additionally, the Project site is ,k&htified�in the City's General Plan Update EIR, Geology, Soils', 'and Mineral Resources/section as being outside the areas within the City that ar , risk for landslides. Therefore, no impact associated with this issue would occ . b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? 1 1 1 1 Less Than Significant Impact. The site, is„currently a mostly developed 3.5-acre site comprised of 3 separate parcels of�land witl%several commercial structures. Portions of the Project site occur as an openvacant; field intlie existing condition. Conversion of the e y � Project site to accommodate the rqp sed�use would install impervious surfaces on the site that would reduce soil erosion at "tlie'Project site compared to the existing condition. As all storm water flows would be directed to the existing municipal storm drain system, the Project would not result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. Therefore, impacts related to:erosion would be less than significant. c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result 9f the project, and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence,, liquefaction or collapse? ,;.,Less Than Significant Impact. The Project site is relatively flat and no substantial lopes are proposed. No existing landslides are known to be present on or adjacent to the property. The potential for lateral spreading and liquefaction are considered to be low, and compliance with City and CBC construction standards would ensure that impacts related to this issue are less than significant. Additionally, due to the topography of the Project area, the potential for subsidence or collapse is considered low. Therefore, associated impacts are considered less than significant. d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\I8\00640027 Initial Study Leaning Center.doc 43 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study , Less Than Significant Impact. Expansive soils expand or contract with changes in the moisture content. Some of the geologic units in the City, including both surficial soils and bedrock, have fine-grained components that are moderate to highly expansive. As , required for all new school facilities, an evaluation of onsite soils will be required, and measures to reduce any potential expansive soil impacts to less than significant. As discussed above, prior to the implementation of the proposed Project, the applicant will be required to prepare a geotechnical report. The Project -specific geotechnical , report will identify onsite soils and evaluate such soils for expansiveness. The final design of the proposed Project building would be based on the results; of the geotechnical report, thereby ensuring any impacts associated with this issue would;be less than , significant. e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the-tse.of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not`aVailable for the disposal of wastewater? , No Impact. The proposed Project will convey wastewater generated onsite to the existing municipal wastewater system:";Septic tanks or other alternative wastewater disposal systems will not be employed at`the Ptoiect site. Therefore, no impacts to soils due to the use of septic systems ;,re ant>cipa, 7. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Assessment Past and Present Site Use The following is a summary of information contained in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment located in Appendix C of this IS/MND. The Project "site isl currently developed with several commercial buildings, a vacant home, and the remnants of a burned down residence. However, historically the site has been used agriculture, livestock'grazing, and was generally undeveloped open space. A review of aerial photographs of the ' Project site indicates that initial signs of development at the Site are evident in 1927 where a small structure is visible at the westernmost end of a small dirt road which intersects Monrovia Avenue. By , 1948, several additional small structures have been added to the site, including the abandoned home and the former residence that has burned down. In addition to the structures, the 1948 photograph ' indicates that some additional paths, vegetation, and dirt roads occurred on the project site. Considerable development is evident between 1947 and 1968, when paved roads and multiple structures and commercial/industrial facilities appear to have been added throughout the area and expansion of the oil field development in the area to the west of the Project site is visible. By 1968, 44 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc ' City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation the small structures located in the southern area of the site appear to have been removed. Additionally, the northern portion of the Project site appears to have two structures on it. By 1977, further development in the Project vicinity is evident, including a moderately large residential development at the southern terminus of Monrovia Avenue and a building located in the northern portion of the Project site are visible. A boat yard is also visible in the western portion of the Project site. By 1990, the commercial building that occurs at the northeastern portion of the property appears to have been constructed into its current configuration and the building that currently occurs in the southwestern portion of the site is now visible. By 2002, a small building in the southern portion of the site was constructed. From 2002 through 2005, the Site appe4s toehave remained relatively unchanged. The boat yard located in the western portion of the sit& since approximately 1977 was reportedly abandoned sometime in 2006. Previous documentation prepared for a portion of the Project site Indicated that minor localized soil staining was observed at a few small areas of the site in 2002, likoty from minor spillage or dumping of waste oils associated with boat maintenance and repair fromr,the a oned boat yard. Subsequent X"° - ,64,- soil sampling identified arsenic in each of the samples analyzed, with r6ported concentrations ranging between 7.2 mg/kg and 9.3 mg/kg. These arsenic concentrations exceed both the arsenic Regional Screening Level and arsenic California Human Ht"altl Screening Level for residential and industrial soil. However, these concentrations of arsenic:are withiq,t�pical background soil values for Southern California. ' Documentation prepared in 2006 for the Project`site identified that evidence indicating the use of limited quantities of radioactive isotopes occurred at the Bioamerica facility, located in the northern portion of the Project site. At that time, the company was reportedly in the process of decommissioning its processes,that involved radioactive isotopes. Remaining radioactive isotopes at the Project site were reportedly beir1g,consolidated for eventual disposal. Radioactive isotopes decommissionin$,was reportedly being performed in accordance with a plan submitted to the State Health Department, ,' On 25 August, 2007, Bioamerica received a Radioactive Materials License Termination notice frpmr ,the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). A review,,of ggulatory agency records for the Project site indicated that the Project site was identified three times"forfacilities located at 1517, 1531, and 1533 Monrovia Avenue in regards to the laboratory documented disposal of oil -containing wastes, aqueous solutions, and waste chemicals respectively. No violations or indications of a release were noted in these database listings. Each listing In the vicinity of the Project site, 40 facilities were identified in the database search. was reviewed to evaluate its potential to impact the Project site. Of these listings, approximately 18 facilities were estimated to be located within 1/4 mile of the property boundary of the Project site. I Michael Brandman Associates 45 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 7-1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study The majority of the facilities identified in the databases were listed due to their status as active or inactive handlers and/or generators of hazardous waste or having registered underground storage tanks (USTs), but were listed as having no violations or releases. In addition to the 40 off -site properties identified, an additional 71 off -site properties were identified as potentially being in the Project vicinity, but were not mapped due to poor or inadequate address information. The majority of these facilities identified in the databases were listed due to their status as active or inactive drycleaners, handlers and/or generators of hazardous waste, or having registered USTs, but were listed as having no violations or releases. The remaining facilities were determined to be outside the immediate vicinity of the Project site (adjacent or on roads,a4went to the property). In summary, none of the off -site facilities identified in the database search ar`e'considered,'tp have a significant potential to impact the Project site. Site Reconnaissance A site reconnaissance and interviews were pursuant to the Phase'i-Environmental Site Assessment in order to assess present site conditions and to identify and evaluate evidence of potential recognized environmental conditions (RECs) at the Project site. The reconnaissance and interviews determined that Bioamerica uses and stores a variety of hazardous; substances required for the development, manufacturing, and distribution of their medical,diagnostic'products. During the site reconnaissance, Geosyntec observed the storage and use of nuineroitslab�bratory-grade chemicals for research, development, product testing, and manufacturing in Bioamerica's laboratories and occupied units. These included numerous individual small quantity -containers of dry solid chemicals, liquid chemicals, and compressed gasses. Dry solid chemicals (e.g., salts) were observed to be stored in small quantities (e.g., up to.2.51g). Examples include: potassium chloride, sodium azide, sodium citrate, potassium phosphate, sodium hydroxide, cupric sulfate, potassium carbonate, etc. These chemicals were observed primarily in Bioamerica's laboratory areas, although some storage of dry chemicals was:also observed in other units in designated storage areas. Liquid chemicals were also observed in Bioamerica laboratories and designated storage areas, typically in small quantities (< 10 gallons). Examples include: cleaners such as isopropyl alcohols (in up to 20 liter containers); acids, such as sulfuric acid (in up to 2.5 liter containers); N.N-dimethyl- formamide (in up to 4 liter containers); methanol (in up to 1 liter containers); dichlorotrifluoroethane (in up to 10 gallon containers); oils (in up to 5 gallon containers); glycerin (in up to 4 liter containers); bleaches, pH buffer solutions, etc. Similar to the dry chemicals, liquid chemicals were observed primarily in Bioamerica's laboratory areas, although some storage of liquid chemicals was also observed in other units in designated storage areas. Nitrogen gas pressurized cylinders were observed in Bioamerica's laboratories. No evidence of leaks or spills related to chemicals was observed during the Site reconnaissance. Chemicals were observed to be stored in areas not immediately adjacent to plumbing drains. 1 1 I � 1 1 1 1 1 46 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Bioamerica also utilizes and operates several laboratory -sensitive machines, including: incubators, mass spectrometers, freeze dryers, drying ovens, refrigerators, centrifuges, and assorted other laboratory equipment. Other tenants were observed storing chemicals during the site reconnaissance. Coast Marine, is Numerous reportedly permitted through the EPA for the recovery of refrigerant. containers of refrigerant, two 5-gallon containers of hydraulic fluid, up to seven 5-gallon diesel fuel totes, up to three 5-gallon containers of hydraulic oil, and a small amount (1 gallon) of acetone were observed. No evidence of leaks or spills related to chemicals was observed during the site reconnaissance. Helium, oxygen, and acetylene pressurized gas cylinders were also observed At. Goast Marine. A burned down single-family residence exists on the eastern portion of the site alo g,Monrovia Avenue. Burned debris was observed on the ground in the area ere the structure fazitierly stood. For the building associated with the southern portion of the Prio/p" cV,'site, the following was observed as being stored and/or used: • Gasoline - one partially -full 55-gallon drum inside Building E; up to six 5 gallon containers 5-gallon inside Building E; and up to two containers • Aerosol cans, car oils, lubricating oils, refrgerant oils, machine/synthetic oils, paints, etc. - numerous less than 5-gallon container$,,stored'at multiple indoor locations; • Outdoor storage - one empty 30-gallon drum (unlabeled), two partially -full 5 gallon gasoline containers were found uncovered. Interior observations from the buildings identified the storage of approximately 40 motorbikes. Some minor leaks and spills of:gasoline were noted underneath some of the motorbikes. One exteriorpad-mounted transformer was observed at the eastern front of the property facing Monrovia A enup :,adiacent to the building in the northeastern portion of the site. An electrical room was obse�7_pdon the -.first floor of this building, underneath the northeast corner of the 2nd floor ' (access was not possible "at the time of the site reconnaissance). The transformer and exterior of the electrical `irvom appeared to be in good operating condition, and no staining or readily visible signs of leaks were observed near either unit. It is not certain whether the insulating fluid within the transformer contains polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Would the Project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed Project consists of the demolition of ' existing uses on the project site and the construction and operation of a learning facility. Michael Brandman Associates 47 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Prior to demolition activities, it is assumed that current hazardous waste handlers on the Project site would relocate and/or dispose of all existing hazardous materials on the Project site in accordance with local, State, and federal regulations. ' The operation of the learning center would not involve the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials, other than relatively small quantities of materials ' associated with cleaning, maintenance and landscaping for the facility. The relatively small quantities and low concentrations of these materials would not create a significant public hazard. Therefore, impacts are anticipated to be less than significant. b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment thr`o#j `reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release bf hazardous materials into the environment? Less Than Significant Impact. As identified abo"Ve, , eeeral of the existing and past uses on the Project site involve the use of hazardous materials 'It is assumed that all existing ' hazardous materials that occur on the Project site would be ;removed by the hazardous materials handlers prior to the commencement of the proposed Project. As such, no transport of large quantities of hazardous materials associated with the current uses on the site is anticipated. The demolition construction and removal of materials associated with existing improvements on the site, including buildings, would result in the disposal of debris from buildings that were associated with previous hazardous materials use and storage. Additionally, the Project would involve the removal of debris associated with a burned residence. The removal of these materials would involve the transport of hazardous ' materials to approved, disposal facilities. However, because the demolition contractor would be required to comply with local, State, and federal regulations associated with the because hazardous ' disposal of these materials, and the quantities of potential materials associated.with the construction debris are anticipated to be low, impacts associated with this issue would be less than significant. , During the operation of the learning center facility, the proposed Project is not expected to employ the use of hazardous materials during its long-term operation in sufficient quantity and concentrations to pose a significant hazard to the public or the environment. Therefore, impacts related to reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials would be less than significant. LANGUAGE NEEDED REGARDING DECOMMISSIONING PLAN c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? , 48 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc ' City of Newport Beach -Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Less than Significant Impact. Carden Hall Elementary and Junior High School is located to the north of the proposed Project site, within one quarter mile. Prior to the commencement of the Project, it is assumed that current hazardous waste handlers on the Project site would relocate and/or dispose of all existing hazardous materials on the Project site in accordance with local, State, and federal regulations. Although some hazardous materials may be encountered during demolition activities, as discussed above, these materials are anticipated to be of low quantities and as such would not pose a hazard to the existing school. Hazardous materials commonly associated with construction activities would be used in limited quantities and concentration during construction, including but not limited to petroleum based fuels; pain& and solvents. However, compliance with local, State, and federal regulations did i demolition and construction would ensure that impacts associated with nearby schools464be less than significant. ' The operation of the proposed Project as a learning;ce�fitir would not result in the emission of hazardous materials, or the handling of hand14,of hazardous or acutely hazardous materials in sufficient quantities to result in significant impacts to the existing Carden Hall Elementary and Junior High -School, or the Coastline Learning Center which would be constructed on the Project site:;Therefore, impacts during operation would be less than significant. F f� LANGUAGE NEEDED REGARDING DECOMMISSIONING PLAN d) Be located on a site :which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to ,ihe public or the environment? I,ess, Than Significant Impact. As discussed above, a review of regulatory agency ' recotds.for the Project site indicated that the Project site was identified three times for 'facilities located at 1517, 1531, and 1533 Monrovia Avenue in regards to the documented ' disposal -of bil-containing wastes, aqueous solutions, and laboratory waste chemicals espectiwely. No violations or indications of a release were noted in these database listings. As the existing uses that are associated with the three database listings would be ' removed prior to the commencement of the Project, any potential issues associated with these listings would also be removed prior to demolition activities. Accordingly, impacts associated with this issue would be less than significant. e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? Michael Brandman Associates 49 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation initial Study ' No Impact. The Project site is not located within an airport land use plan. The nearest public airport is John Wayne Airport, located approximately 4.5 miles from the proposed Project site. The construction of a three story building on the site would not result in any a safety hazards for people working or occupying the proposed Project. Accordingly, no impact would occur related to a public airport. , jJ For a Project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the Project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the Project area? No Impact. The Project site is not located within the vicinity of -a private airstrip. Therefore, the proposed Project will not create related safety hazards: No impacts regarding this issue would occur. g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? No Impact. The proposed Project would not interfere any" emergency response or evacuation plans. No changes to the surrounding street network would occur to adversely affect emergency response or evacuatiorts: Additionally, Project access plans would be reviewed by emergency responders.in order td*assure that the Project would not interfere with emergency response and/or%evacuation plans. Therefore, no impacts are anticipated. h) Expose people or structures to a sign f ggnt risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where ' residences are intermixed with wildlands? Less Than Significant Impact. The Project site is currently developed with commercial uses. Land west of the Project site is composed of open space. According to the City's General Plan, the Project site located within a low/none fire susceptibility zone. , Therefore, impacts related to wildland fires would be less than significant. 8. `Hydrology and Water Quality ' The Project site is located within the Orange County Groundwater Basin. The Newport -Inglewood fault zone, located to the south of the site, is the predominant hydrogeologic feature in the area, acting , as a barrier to groundwater flow in the aquifers below the uppermost water -bearing units. The area in which the Site is located is hydraulically bounded to the west by the mouth of the Santa Ana River and by marsh channels. The marsh channels are connected by a culvert to the mouth of the Santa Ana River. The water table elevation in the area is approximately equal to mean sea level and is generally influenced by tidal fluctuations. 50 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc ' City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation The construction of the learning facility includes the installation of onsite drainage infrastructure, which would convey runoff from the project site into the gutters located on Monrovia Avenue. From ' there, stormwater flows would be conveyed along the surface of the street within the gutters to a municipal storm drain intake. The project site is located within the Newport Bay Watershed, where storm runoff would eventually flow into the Pacific Ocean. In addition to requirements from Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act, there are also requirements relative to Section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act that affect storm water runoff from the Project. Storm water runoff from development projects is governed by Section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act. These requirements were created under a 1987 amendment to the Clean Waeer Act and require certain storm water discharges to obtain National Pollution Discharge Elimination S-sfei(NPDES) permits. Permits are required for three general areas: municipal, industrial, and construction. ;The,- � / 3 / Environmental Protection Agency has delegated authority to issue these permits to tfi6=State RWQCB. In July of 1990, the County of Orange together withtthe 34 cities within Orange County (the permitees), originally obtained an NPDES permit for the discharge of municipal storm water. Would the Project: a) Violate any water quality standards oY waste discharge requirements? cif Less Than Significant Impact.= The}'xplect(tte'is within and, therefore, subject to the water quality regulations of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB). The SARWQCB is �aiithorized to implement a municipal stormwater permitting program, as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) authority'.,:granted under the federal Clean Water Act. The general permit applicable to this Ptbject is the "Statewide General Construction Stormwater Permit" which addresses waste discharge requirements for discharges of stormwater runoff associated with construction activities. ;Consisteiitwith the applicable municipal stormwater NPDES Permit, issued by the Santa Ana RWQCB, the City of Newport Beach is required to implement a stormwater ",polluti"on prevention plan (SWPPP) to minimize the incidence of construction -related pollutants entering the storm water system. Several items are required in a SWPPP, including the site maps showing drainage and discharge locations and the location of control measures, a description of the pollution prevention best management practices (BMPs) to be implemented on the site, BMP inspection procedures, and requirements for stormwater monitoring. Compliance with these requirements would prevent violation of water quality standards and waste discharge requirements during the construction of the site. Michael Brandman Associates 51 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Additionally, prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the Project would be required to prepare a water quality management plan (WQMP) in order to show compliance with the Regional Water Quality Board. The WQMP would identify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on the site to control predictable pollutant runoff, including site design BMPs, source control BMPs, and treatment control BMPs. Implementation of the BMPs identified in the WQMP would assure that the Project would not violate water quality standards and waste discharge requirements during operation of the site. As a result, impacts associated with this issue would be less than significant. b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially "with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production,4�'te of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support exist ng.Mnd uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted? Less Than Significant Impact. The Project does not propose any groundwater - extracting wells. The Project site in its existing condition is mostly developed with both pervious and impervious surfaces. The,proposed Project would construct a learning facility and paved parking areas, .ft9ultiggin mpervious surfaces across most of the Project site. However, due to thq.Troject site,,"s relatively small size and location within an urbanized area, the Project site dipes.,ndt function as a substantial source for groundwater recharge. Additionally, -the project includes design features that would allow groundwater infiltration. Therefore, the Project would not substantially deplete groundwater supplies, or substantially interfere with groundwater recharge. Impacts associated with groundwater are considered less than significant. c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of area, including through the alteration of the.eourse of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation" on- or off -site? Less Than Significant Impact. To accommodate the conversion of the Project site from its existing condition to a learning facility, the Project site will require limited grading and new on -site drainage infrastructure that would direct runoff to Monrovia Avenue. The Project would continue to drain runoff to the existing storm drain system, as in the existing condition. On -site improvements would be required to comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Permit Program and City building standards to minimize erosion or siltation. Therefore, adverse impacts to the drainage pattern resulting in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site are less than significant. 1 1 11 1 1 1 I � �J 1 L 1 52 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 1 [l 1 1 1 I City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off -site? Less Than Significant Impact. To accommodate the conversion of the Project site commercial buildings to a learning facility, the Project site will require limited grading and new on -site drainage infrastructure that would direct runoff to Monrovia Avenue. The Project would continue to drain runoff to the existing storm drain system, as in the existing condition. The Project would be expected to contribute slightly increased, but similar volumes of runoff as those that occur in the existing condition) As the City's municipal drainage system has the capacity to accept stormwater from�th dine Project site, s impacts to the drainage system resulting in on- or off -site floog are fegar e as less 71 than significant. > e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exce�d.fhe capacity of existing orplanned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial acldt Anal sources of polluted runoff? .> Less Than Significant Impact. To acc iodate the conversion of the Project site commercial buildings to a learning facility; the Project site will require limited grading and new on -site drainage infrastiucture:that .., d direct runoff to Monrovia Avenue. The Project would continue to draila iunof,to the existing storm drain system, as in the existing condition. The Project wouldbe expected to contribute slightly increased, but similar, volumes of furloff as those that occur in the existing condition. Currently, the Project site is i6o© ly developed with light -industrial and office buildings that are graded to drain runoff to ilze'gutter within Monrovia Avenue. The Project would be expected to contribute slightly iner ed, though similar volumes of runoff volumes as those that occur in the existing conditions. Additionally, the project includes design features that ,would decrease volume of runoff including features allowing groundwater infiltration and vegetated horizontal surfaces. The City's municipal storm drain system within the Project otea has the capacity to accommodate anticipated runoff from the Project site -.after construction. As runoff volumes would be similar after buildout of the Project compared to the existing condition, runoff from the developed Project site would not be expected to adversely affect the ability of the downstream municipal storm drain system to accommodate storm water flows. Compliance with NPDES permit requirements and implementation of the BMPs identified in the required WQMP would ensure that the Project would not contribute additional sources of polluted runoff. Therefore, the Project would not exceed the capacity of the municipal stormwater drainage infrastructure or add substantial polluted runoff, and associated impacts would be less than significant. Michael Brandman Associates 53 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\I9\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv J) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed Project involves the construction of a three-story learning,.facility. The Project would continue to drain runoff to Monrovia Avenue. Project compliance with mandatory NPDES and SWPPP standard requirements as well as implementation of the required Project -specific WQMP would ensure that all impacts regarding water quality would be less than significant. The required WQMP would identify BMPs designed to reduce impacts to water quality, such as the installation of filtration measures at inlets and directing runoff to landscaped areas. The Project would not otherwise substantially degrade water quality and impacts would be less than significant. g) Place housing within a 100 year flood hazard area •ets mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other, fTood�hazard delineation map? No Impact. The proposed Project is a learning facility, -and would not construct permanent housing. Additionally, according to the City of;wport Beach General Plan, the Project site is located outside of a 100-year Flood Hazard Area as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agefxcy. Therefore, no impacts from flood hazards are anticipated. h) Place within a 100 year flood hazard area. structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? No Impact. According to the City of Newport Beach General Plan, the Project site is located outside of.a,100-year Flood Hazard Area as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Therefore, no impacts related to impeding or redirecting flood flows are anticipated. i) . Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? No Impact. The Project site is located within the dam inundation area for Prado Dam, or any other regional dams. Additionally, the Project is not located in the immediate vicinity of a dam or levee. Dams in the State of California are required to be built to withstand maximum credible seismic events, and are regularly inspected in order to ensure proper maintenance and function. Accordingly, no impact associated with this issue would occur. j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? 1 54 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Ocean, No Impact. The proposed Project is located 0.6 mile from the Pacific and because the site is on a bluff, that is located more than 100 feet above mean sea level the potential for the Project site to be exposed to inundation by tsunami is unlikely. It is elevated above areas that might be exposed to inundation by tsunami. The Project would not be not located near any other major water bodies or water storage facilities that could potentially generate a seiche. Additionally, the Project is located in a relatively flat area, and would not be subject to mudflow. Therefore, no adverse impacts to people or structures as a result of seiche, tsunami, or mudflow are anticipated. 9. Land Use and Planning" A �! Would the Project:w _ ... a) Physically divide an established community?,� No Impact. The proposed Project involves the coostructton of a thee -story learning facility. The Project site is currently developed with seve"al commercial structures. The Project site does not provide a linkage for a community and would not serve to physically divide an established community. Therefore, no impacts are anticipated. � b) Conflict with any applicable lan"Ose n, policy, or regulation of an agency with la ;... 4 jurisdiction over the project (including; buta "ot limited to the general plan, speck plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? No Impact. According to the City of Newport Beach General Plan, the project site is currently designated; Multiple -Unit Residential (18 units per acre). The Multiple -Unit Residential designatioh is intended to provide primarily for multi -family residential development containing attached or detached dwelling units. The site is currently zoned Cbntr-ol d Manufacturing (M-1-A) District. The M-1-A District provides area for a wide range of moderate to low industrial uses and limited accessory and ancillary commercial and office uses. The City of Newport Beach General Plan acknowledges that other governmental agencies (i.e., school districts) may be exempt from City land use control. Because the proposed project is a Coast Community College District project, the proposed District facility is exempt from the City's land use control (i.e., the City's General Plan designation and zoning). However, it is the intent of the District to ensure that the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding land uses and the City General Plan policies (except for land use designations). Following is a discussion of the proposed project's consistency with applicable policies of the City's General Plan. The elements of the General Plan Michael Brandman Associates 55 HAClient(PN-7I)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv that are applicable to the proposed project include Land Use, Historical Resources, Circulation, Natural Resources, and Noise. Land Use Element'.,. LU 5.1.2 Compatible Interfaces Require that the height of development in non-residential and higher -density residential areas transition as it nears lower -density residential areas to minimize conflicts at the interface between the different types of development. Analysis. The project site includes one -and two-st(rY'Iight, ndustrial structures within the northern portion ofte project site, a 9*g. �e�story house in the eastern portion of the project s fe,(and one story storage structures in the southern portion of the project site: ; "South of the project site is a three- story office structure, west of the site are single: -story mobile home units, and north of the project site are single story office'ain4dridustrial structures. Implementation of the proposed project includes a two and three story structure along the nortlaoCxi 44d western portions of the project site. The placement of the proposed structure - is set back by approximately 180 feet from the nearest mo bile h me ul�t which is sufficient to minimize conflicts with the existing single`story,nnobile home units located east of Monrovia Avenue. Therefore, the pidject would be consistent with this policy. LU 6.1.1 Adequate Community Supporting Uses Accommodate schools, government administrative and operational facilities, fire stations and police facilities, religious facilities, schools, cultural facilities, museums, interpretive centers, and hospitals to serve the needs of Newport Beach's residents and businesses. Analysis. The proposed Coastline Community College Learning Center provides a school facility to accommodate the needs of residents of Newport Beach as well as residents in the vicinity of Newport Beach. Therefore, the project would be consistent with this policy. LU 6.1.2 Siting of New Development Allow for the development of new public and institutional facilities within the City provided that the use and development facilities are compatible with adjoining land uses, environmentally suitable, and can be supported by transportation and utility infrastructure. 1 I 11 1 1 1 f] PJ 1 1 1 I � 56 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 0 1� I P_ 1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Analysis. The hours of operation of the proposed school facility is 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The nearest sensitive uses are mobile home units located east of Monrovia Avenue. There is currently a five-foot high block wall separating the mobile home units from Monrovia Avenue. Activities associated with the proposed school include automobile traffic and buses in the morning and afternoon. Parking is limited on the project site to approximately 200 spaces; therefore, the majority of the students would attend school by buses, riding bikes, walking, and being dropped off and picked up at the school. Activities associated with arrivals and departures at the school in the morning, afternoon, and evening v uldnot result in incompatible activities with the existing surrounding�u es ,During the afternoon and evening, the outdoor plaza,areas will provide.acautiiins for Y activities. The outdoor plaza areas would be located on the second story roof of the structure proposed along the west -portion of the project site and would be located at a sufficient distant" to ##Rq, compatibility with the existing mobile home units. Therefore, the project would be consistent with this policy. LU 6.1.4 Compatibility of Non -City -Public Uses Encourage school anjdutility di$tricts and other government agencies that may be exempt from C�laniis tye control and approval to plan their properties, and design buildings at a high level of visual and architectural quality that maintains the character of the neighborhood or district in which they axe Located and in consideration of the design and development policies for privaWuses specified by this Plan. Analysis. The Coast Community College District is working with the City of Newport Beach by submitting design plans of the proposed project. City staff is reviewing the plans for visual and architectural quality to ensure that the proposed project maintains the character of the neighborhood. The District understands that the project is exempt from the City land use control such as the General Plan and zoning. Historical Resources HR 1.6 Documentation Require that, prior to the issuance of a demolition or grading permit, developers of a property that contains an historic structure as defined by CEQA retain a qualified consultant to record the structure in accordance with U.S. Secretary of Interior guidelines (which includes drawings, photographs, Michael Brandman Associates 57 HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv HR 1.7 HR 2.2 and written data) and submit this information to the Newport Beach Historical Society, Orange County Public Library, and City Planning Department. Analysis. As identified in Section 2.5 in this MND, the existing single family house located along the eastern portion of the project site is more than 50 years of age and is a potential historic structure. Mitigation Measure MM CR-1 includes recordation of the structure on Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) forms. Therefore, the implementation of Mitigation Measure MM CR-1 would result in the proposed project being consistent with this policy. Offer for Relocation of Historic StructWre Requires that, prior to the demolition ilia- Historic structure, developers offer the structure for relocation by interested`parki�s., Analysis. As identified in Section 2.5 in this MND, the existing single family house located alo4g4he; eastern portion of the project site is more than 50 years of age and is�' . oie&ia"l historic structure. Mitigation Measure MM CR-1 includes a requirement to offer"the structure for relocation. Therefore, the implementation of 4M CR� l would result in the proposed project being consistent with this policy. Grading and Excavation Activities Maintain. -sources of information regarding paleontological and archaeological sites and the names and addresses of responsible organizations and qualified individuals, who can analyze, classify, record, and preserve paleontological or archaeological fmdings. Require a qualified paleontologist/archaeologist to monitor all grading and/or excavation where there is a potential to affect cultural, archaeological or paleontological resources. If these resources are found, the applicant shall implement the recommendations of the paleontologist/archaeologist, subject to the approval of the City Planning Department. Analysis. An archaeological and paleontological resources evaluation was conducted for the project site as discussed in Section 2.5 of this MND. Potential archaeological and paleontological resources impacts could occur with the implementation of the proposed project. Mitigation measures MM CR-1 and MM PR-1 through MM PR-4 are recommended to be implemented 58 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 initial Study Learning Center.doc ' Citl of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation impacts less than to reduce potential archaeological and paleontological to significant. Therefore, the implementation of the recommended archaeological and paleontological mitigation measures would result in the proposed project being consistent with this policy. Circulation CE 2.1.6 Protection of Right -of -Way Protect right-of-way for designated future streets and highways through all practicable means. Analysis. The proposed project includes a setback of'2- fre - from the ,,:t` southern boundary of the project site to�allow the future wieleaagfrom 15�' Street along the southern boundary oe1h-e project site to allow the future widening of 15a' Street. Therefore, therc%ject would be consistent with this policy. CE 2.2.6 Emergency Access Provide all residential,�mmexeial, and industrial areas with efficient and safe access for emergency, v, cy 91"11" r,•s g Analysis. The proposed: rojt includes emergency access to all areas of the project site. Therefore, the project would be consistent with this policy. CE 6.2.1 Alternative Transportation Modes Promote and%eneourag e the use of alternative transportation modes, such as ridesharing, carpools, vanpools, public transit, bicycles, and walking; and facilities that support such alternative modes. provide :.. ;Analysis. The proposed project includes a student drop-off on the project site adjacent to Monrovia Avenue. This drop off area is for school children's parents, rideshares, carpoolers, and public transit users. The project also includes bicycle rakes for those who ride to school. The implementation of these project features would result in the project being consistent with this policy. Natural Resources NR 1.1 Water Conservation in New Development Michael Brandman Associates 59 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doe City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center , Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Enforce water conservation measures that limit water usage, prohibit activities that waste water or cause runoff, and require the use of water - efficient landscaping and irrigation in conjunction with new construction projects. Analysis. The project includes retention of surface water drainage on the project site through permeable parking areas and landscaped areas. These features are consistent with this policy. Noise N 1.1 Noise Compatibility of New Development Require that all proposed projects are compatible with the noise environment through the use of Table N2, and enfoxce the..interior and exterior noise standards shown in Table N3. Analysis. As discussed in Section 2.11 in the:MND, the exterior noise level at the proposed school structure fagade could be a maximum of 63.7 dBA Leq near 15th Street and 51.5 dBA Leq near Monrovia Avenue. However, mitigation measure MM NOS 4 includes a sound wall along the southern side of the public area oa theroof to reduce future noise levels from 15th Street to below 55 dBA Leq during the.day and below 45 dBA Leq in the evening. With exterior noise exceeding the noise standard, interior noise levels are required to be reduced. The project includes mitigation measure MM N0I-3 which requires a "windows closed" condition for those areas of the structure that could- exceed interior noise levels of 45 dBA. The implementation of MM NOT-3 and MM N0I-4 would result in the proposed project being compatible with the future noise environmental adjacent to the project site. Therefore, the project would be consistent with this policy. c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural communities conservation plan? No Impact. According to the City of Newport Beach General Plan, the project site is currently designated Multiple -Unit Residential (18 units per acre). The Multiple -Unit Residential designation is intended to provide primarily for multi -family residential development containing attached or detached dwelling units. The site is currently zoned Controlled Manufacturing (M-1-A) District. The M-1-A District provides area for a wide range of moderate to low industrial uses and limited accessory and ancillary commercial and office uses. 60 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doe City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation The City of Newport Beach General Plan acknowledges that other governmental agencies (i.e., school districts) may be exempt from City land use control. Because the proposed project is a Coast Community College District project, the proposed District facility is exempt from the City's land use control (i.e., the City's General Plan designation and zoning). However, it is the intent of the District to ensure that the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding land uses and the City General Plan policies (except for land use designations). Following is a discussion of the proposed project's consistency with applicable policies of the City's General Plan. The elements of the General Plan that are applicable to the proposed project include Land Use, Historical Resources, Circulation, Natural Resources, and Noise. F 10. Mineral Resources Would the Project: E" r a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resciurce that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? No Impact. The Project site is currently developed 3.5-acre plot of land comprised of three separate parcels. Mineral exttaction activities are not present on site. Both the Project site and the surroundingarea are"iot identified as sources of important mineral resources. Therefore, no impacis ori'niinexah esources are anticipated. b) Result in the loss ofavailability of a locally -important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? No Impact. The Project site is currently developed and is comprised of three separate ,parcels. No locally -important mineral resource recovery sites are located on or near the Project site. Therefore, no adverse impacts to the availability of locally -important eraLiesources are anticipated. 11. Noise The following section is summarized from information in the Noise Impact Analysis for Newport Beach Learning Facility Project and provided in Appendix D of this MND. Would the Project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated. The City of Newport Beach's Noise Element of the General Plan and noise ordinance establishes noise standards that Michael Brandman Associates 61 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Leaming Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study govern activities at the Project site. The Project includes a 67,000 square foot learning facility. i. . According to City''s Noise Element of the General Plan, a school noise level would be considered significant if the exterior noise level exceeds 55 dBA Leq during the daytime (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 50 dBA Leq during the nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) and if the interior noise level exceeds 45 dBA L. during the daytime (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 40 dBA Leq during the nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). The primary sources of noise that would impact the proposed project would be from vehicular traffic on Monrovia Avenue and 15th Street. The proposed'structure would be located approximately 50 feet from the centerline of 15th Street and approximately 180 feet west of the centerline of Monrovia Avenue. Baed.on the year 2013:: cumulative with project conditions, 15th Street is anticipated to hav6.9, 00 vehicles per day and Monrovia Avenue is anticipated to have 6,000 vehicles per day &the vicinity of the project site. The anticipated noise levels at the facade of the proposedlear ing center was calculated using the FHWA traffic noise prediction model and the parameters outlined in Appendix D. The future daytime exterior noise -levels were calculated at the first, second, and third floor building facades in order to,calculate'the. interior noise levels within the future on - site classrooms. To assess the on -site' erior;� oise level impacts, the first floor receivers were placed 5.5 feet above the proposed,pad elevation, all second floor receivers were placed 17 feet above the proposed pad elevation, and all third floor receivers were placed 29 feet above pad elevation. All receivers were placed along the exterior edge of each unit at the locati6 for the shortest distance to either 15th Street or Monrovia Avenue. The FHWA onsite traffic noise prediction model printouts are in Appendix D. The expected future exterior noise levels at the location of the first, second, and third floor or rooftop balcony facades are presented in Table 7. Table 7 also presents the anticipated -interior noise levels for both "windows open" and "windows closed" conditions. Table 7: Onsite Noise Impacts .Exterior Noise Level at Location Floors Fagade (dB A Lac Peak i )} 1 63.5 Near 15th .__ —_ Street 2 63.7 Balcony 63.1 € Interior Noise Levels (d13A Laq) for,: W1 Required Interior Noise Windows Open Windows Closed3 1 Reduction i 51.5 38.5 18.5 �51.7 38.7 18.7 Near 1 51.1 39.1 26.1 6.1 Monrovia;-- _ _. ._ .._. ... _ 2 52.9 , 40.9 27.9 7.9 1 1 62 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation ` Exterior Noise Level, at i . pterior Noise .l evos. (dBA L.q -for: Required j Fagade (dBA Lsp Peak, = InterlotNoise Location Floorz a Hour)} Windows: Open , Yf►incfbrl+rs. Closed-�-Red4ction Avenue 3 53.5 41.5 28.5 8.5 Notes: 'Noise level calculated at 5.5 feet for I' Floor, 17 feet for 2°d Floor, and 29 feet for 3'd Floor above pad elevation. 2 A minimum of 12 dBA noise reduction is assumed with windows open condition. 3 A minimum 25 dBA noise reduction is assumed with a windows closed condition. Source: Michael Brandman Associates, 2009. Table 7 above shows that the exterior noise levels at the building fagade will range from 51.1 to 63.7 dBA Leq peak hour. The calculations show that theft w,in&ws open" condition will result in interior noise levels that would exceed the ni. 's 45 dBA Leq daytime (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 40 dBA Leq nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 Lin;) pdst standards for classrooms. The "windows open" condition would be considered a significant impact. Mitigation Measure N0I-3 is provided td TeO e interior noise to less than significant levels. The "windows closed" conditiori Qwn,above in Table 7, provides the N0I-3. anticipated noise levels through implementation of Mitigation Measure In addition, Table 7 above found that the"balcony would be exposed to a 63.1 dBA Leq peak hour noise level. This would ex edtlie..City's exterior noise level threshold of 55 dBA Leq during the daytime (7 arm: to fk.0lp.m } aiid 50 dBA Leq during the nighttime (10 s ,? p.m. to 7 a.m.) for classrooms. _ >he exterioxbalcony noise would be considered a significant impact. Mitigation Measure"NT OI-4 is provided to reduce exterior rooftop balcony noise to less, than significant levels. Through implementation of Mitigation Measure N0I-4, the" anticipated balcony noise level would be 54.7 dBA Leq during the peak hour and 43'.5 'ABA Leq during the nighttime. Mitigation Measures c ;."" t�oi=3 The project applicant shall provide a "windows closed" condition for the proposed learning center. A "windows closed" condition requires a means of mechanical ventilation per the Uniform Building Code standards. This shall \ be achieved with standard air conditioning or a fresh air intake system. N614 ' The project applicant shall provide a 4.5 foot high sound wall on the southern side of the public area on the roof. The sound barrier's weight shall maintain a density of at least four pounds per square foot of face area and have no decorative cutouts or line -of -sight openings. b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Michael Brandman Associates 63 H:\Client(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Construction and operational activities can produce vibration that may be felt by adjacent uses. Construction The construction of the proposed project would not require the use of equipment such as jackhammers and pile drivers, which are known to generate substantial construction vibration levels. The primary sources of vibration during construction would be from a large bulldozer. A large bulldozer would produce a vibration level of 0.089 PPV or 87 VdB at 25 feet. The closest vibration -sensitive land uses are the office buildings`located approximately 10 feet north of the project site. It is anticipated that the vibration lever caused by a large bulldozer operating on the edge of the project4sit6 adjacent to the nearest offsite building will be around 0.096 inches per second or 95 VdB, which would exceed the 0.017 inch per second PPV or 80 VdB threshold a'As cussed in Appendix D. Therefore, construction -related vibration may create a significant impact. Mitigation Measure NOI- 2 is provided to reduce construction -related vibration to less,, an significant levels. With incorporation of Mitigation Meas:tire NOI-2, maximum vibration levels at the nearby offsite structures would be .created frgnm a small bulldozer. A small bulldozer would produce a vibration level' of0.043 PPV or 58 VdB at 25 feet. It is anticipated that the vibration levels caused by a small bulldozer operating on the edge of the project site adjacent to the nearest offsite building will be around 0.0034 inches per second or 66 VdB, which would be within the 0.017 inch per second PPV or 80 VdB threshold discussed in Section 5.0. Therefore, with incorporation of Mitigation Measure NOI-2 construction -related "vibration would create a less than significant impact. Mitigation Measures NOR The applicant shall limit the use of equipment in the area of the project site that is within 75 feet of an offsite structure, to only small bulldozers (less than 150 horse power) and similar sized equipment. The operation of the proposed learning center would require truck deliveries to the project site. The nearest sensitive receptors are the residential mobile homes approximately 60 feet east of the project site. Based on information in Appendix D, a truck on a paved surface would typically produce a vibration level of 63 VdB at 50 feet. This would result in a vibration level of 0.002 inches per second or 61 VdB at the nearest residence, which is below the 0.017 inch per second PPV or 80 VdB discussed above in Section 5.0. Therefore, the vibration impacts caused by the ongoing operations of the proposed project onto the existing nearby homes would be less than significant. I 1 1 1 1-1 1E I I 1 I � I � 11 � 64 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 1 1-1 I 1 I U 1 1 i P, 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? Less Than Significant Impact. The ongoing operation of the proposed project would result in a potential long-term increase in ambient noise levels. Potential noise impacts associated with the operations of the proposed project are a result of project -generated vehicular traffic on the project vicinity roadways and from stationary noise sources associated with the proposed project. Offsite Vehicular Noise The potential off -site traffic noise impacts created by the on-goft operations of the proposed project have been analyzed through utilization of the ode1 and parameters described above in Section 6.0 for the existing noise calculati0tls The future average daily traffic (ADT) volumes on the study area fohdways were obtained from the Traffic Impact Analysis. The ADT volumes have b�p- xiprovided for the year 2013 baseline, year 2013 plus, year 2030 baseline, and year 2(,J#vith project scenarios. The ADT volumes used in this analysis are shown below in Table'�8. Table 8: Avera " gq Dally Traffic . 2013' ' :. 2013 2ti [3:. Backgroiund Background C�uKnulative " Cutnulativd� Roadway segrrien Baseline With .Project Baseline ; With"Project" i.._ _ Monrovia Avenue ; North of 16th Street 5,000 5,050 5,950 6000 Monrovia Avenue ; North of1.*`.Street 5,000 5,710 5,290 6000 Placentia Avenue I North of Victoria , 17,930 18,000 18,930 19000 Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street 26,790 27,000 27,790 28000 Placentia Avenue' North of 17th Street 19,790 120,000 20,790 21000 Placentia Avenue " " North of 16th Street 16,720 1 17,000 17,720 18000 Superior Avenue ' North' of 16th Street _ 15,530 16,000^ 20,530 21000 14,710 15,000 16,710 ; 17,000 Superior Avenue „w ":South of 15th Street Newport Boulevard = North of Harbor Boulevard 86,290 i 87,000 96,290 97,000 Newport Boulevard North of 17th Street 97,290 i 98,000 107,290 108,000 Newport Boulevard ; North of Industrial Way 60,810 61,000 61,810 62,000 17th Street ; East of Monrovia Avenue 7,000 1 7,050 9,950 10,000 17th Street 3 East of Placentia Avenue 15,880 16,000 19,880 20,000 :17th Street ! East of Newport Boulevard 38,930 3 39,000 39,930 40,000 16th Street I East of Monrovia Avenue 4,340 I 5,000 7,340 j 8,000 16th Street East of Placentia Avenue 5,000 5,380 7,620 8,000 Michael Brandman Associates 65 HAClient(PN-.TN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Average, Daily Traffic 2013_....�.�....w-2Q13' ._...2013 2013 Background i Background I Cumulative Cumulative Roadway Segment _.._ .... „ Baseline With Project Baseline With Project 15th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 9,500 10,100 16,200 16,800 Coast Highway West of Superior 3,900� 5,500 ; 10,500 12,100 Coast Highway East of Newport Boulevard 30,300 30,800 44,000 44,500 Monrovia Avenue North of 16th Street 28,500 28,800 54,800 55,200 Monrovia Avenue North of 15th Street 31,400 32,000 47,900 48,500 Placentia Avenue North of Victoria32,400v� 32,400 61,400 61,400 Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street 30,400 30,400 .51,190 51,100 Placentia Avenue North of 17th Street 31,800 32,900 55,§00 57,000 Source: Austin -Faust Associates, Inc., 2009. The vehicle mix used in the FHWA Model is provided \iri. Appendix D. The FHWA- Model utilized the Local vehicle mix, which has been based 'on typical vehicle mixes observed in California. Model Results The potential off -site noise impacts caused through the increase in vehicular traffic from the on -going operations from the proposed project on to the project study area roadways has been analyzed for,the following four traffic scenarios: • Year 2013 Background Baseline: This scenario refers to the future traffic noise conditions basal on the existing conditions plus an area growth rate and traffic from nearby approved.projects, without construction of the proposed project. • Year 2013 Background With Project: This scenario refers to the future traffic noise Conditions based on the Year 2013 Background Baseline conditions plus the traffic generated from the on -going operations of the proposed project. • Year 2013 Cumulative Baseline: This scenario refers to the future traffic noise Onditions based on the Year 2013 Background Baseline conditions plus pending projects, including Banning Ranch, without construction of the proposed project. • Year 2013 Cumulative With Project: This scenario refers to the future traffic noise conditions based on the Year 2013 Cumulative Baseline conditions, plus the traffic generated from the on -going operations of the proposed project. In order to quantify the traffic noise impacts along the analyzed roadways, the roadway noise contours were calculated. Noise contours represent the distance to noise levels of a constant value and are measured from the center of the roadway. For analysis comparison purposes, the Ldn and CNEL noise levels are calculated at 50 feet from the -11 I � I 1 I � I�. 1 1 1 11 66 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 r 1 I f 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation centerline. In addition, the distance from the centerline to the 55, 60, 65, and 70 dBA noise levels are calculated for both Ldn and CNEL standards. Year 2013 Background Baseline Conditions The calculated year 2013 background baseline noise contours are shown below in Table 9. Table 9: Year 2013 Background Baseline Noise Contours gis#anee t6 C6gt6ui Meet} RoadWay �. Seginent�� 1001eet. dBA ' :'.(dBA} CNEL dBA-: ; -. dBA ,, CNEL CNEL ,,dBA CNEL, Monrovia Avenue North of 16th Street 55.1 `TRW RW ; 4 101 Monrovia Avenue North of 15th Street 55.1 .'TRW RW ':. 47 101 Placentia Avenue North of Victoria 61.2 " RW 56 1 121 261 Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street 63.0 RW ,: '> 73 I _-W--... 158 -- 341 Placentia Avenue North of 17th Street 61.7 i RW 60 129 279 Placentia Avenue North of 16th Street E ,60.9 RW 54 i 116 249 Superior Avenue North of 16th Street RW RW 110 237 �i Superior Avenue South of 15th Street RW RW 106 229 Newport Boulevard North of Harbor Boulevard ,:s 1.7 129 278 i 600 1293 Newport Boulevard E North of 17th Street %:" " 72..2140 302� 650 1400 — Newport Boulevard North of -Industrial. Way 70.2 102 221 i 475 1024 17th Street East<4"Monrovia Avenue 56.6 RW RW 60 128 17th Street East of Rladentia Avenue 63.5 RW 80 172 371 4— _ 17th Street " East of Newport Boulevard 67.4 67 145 313 674 16th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 54.5 RW RW 43 92 16th Street,"' East of Placentia Avenue 55.1 RW RW 47 101 15th Street "East of Monrovia Avenue 54.4 j RW t RW 42 91 Coast Righivay.," ' West of Superior 67.1 RW 137 1 295 637 Coast Highway East of Newport Boulevard 68.6 81 174 374 806 Notes: RW = Noise contour is located within right-of-way of roadway. Table 9 shows that for the year 2013 background baseline condition at 100 feet, only the analyzed roadway segments of: Placentia Avenue, Superior Avenue, Newport Boulevard, Coast Highway, and 17t' Street east of Placentia Avenue would exceed the City's 60 dBA CNEL residential standard. The noise levels on all roadway segments would range from 54.4 to 72.2 dBA CNEL. Michael Brandman Associates 67 HAClient(PN-JI)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center P P 9 Discussidn of Environmental Evaluation Initial Studv Year 2013 Background With Project Conditions The calculated year 2013 background with project noise contours are shown below in Table 10. Table 10: Year 2013 Background With Project Noise Contours Distance to Contour;(fee"t) F Roadway Segment CNELat. 100 feet (dBA), 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 '` dBA �CNEL 55 .._ dSA CNEL, ` Monrovia Avenue North of 16th Street 55.1 RW IOW ( 47 102. Monrovia Avenue North of 15th Street 55.6 RW RW , t 51 110 Placentia Avenue North of Victoria 61.3 RW 56 , . 121, 262 Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street 63.0 RW 74 '159 343 Placentia Avenue North of 17th Street 61.7 RW 60 130 281 ..... __ ....... .._ . _....__.._................ _a_. ._......_...... ,-. __ ; _ .__ ______ ...__ .._ __._ ..._ _... _ Placentia Avenue North of 16th Street 61.0 RW' , 54 117 252 Superior Avenue North of 16th Street 60.8 RW', 52 112 242 Superior Avenue South of 15th Street 60.5 RW RW 108 232 Newport Boulevard North of Harbor Boulevard. 71.7 130 280 603 1300 Newport Boulevard North of 17th Street 72,2 141 303 _.............. ....... 653 .... _.. . 1407 Newport Boulevard North of Industrial Way 70.2 103 221 476 1026 17th Street East of Monrovia Avenue '56.7 RW RW 60 129 17th Street East of Placentia Avenue 63.6 RW 80 173 373 17th Street ' East of Newport Boulevard 67.4 68 145 313 675 16th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 55.1 RW RW 47 101 16th Street East of Plade6a Avenue 55.4 RW RW 49 106 i 15th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 55.1 RW RW 47 101 I Coast Highway West of Superior 67.1 RW 138 297 640 Coast Highway East of Newport Boulevard 68.6 81 174 375 1 807 j Notes: 'RW = Noise contour is located within right-of-way of roadway. Table N shows that for the year 2013 background with project condition at 100 feet, when compared to the year 2013 background baseline condition, no additional roadway segments would exceed the City's 60 dBA CNEL residential standard. The noise levels on all roadway segments would range from 55.1 to 72.2 dBA CNEL. Year 2013 Cumulative Baseline Conditions The calculated year 2013 cumulative baseline noise contours are shown below in Table 11. 68 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 I I 1 I f] 1 1 1 I I City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Table 11: Year 2013 Cumulative Baseline Noise Contours F — " f Distance to Canfour(fieet} . CNEC: at 1 : - , 70 65 ..��... � 605: W Roadwa Y Se ment. 9 J..__........... 1,00..feet dBA �, } _.._ _v.....-..._...w dBA, �, ' CNEL ;dBA CNELJ -_. __ dBA dBA . CNI; .CNIL _ ... ...w...... Monrovia Avenue _ ...._......__ ...._....._ North of 16th Street V V 55.8 W 1 RW _.. RW 53 113 Monrovia Avenue ; North of 15th Street 55.3 RW RW 49 105 Placentia Avenue North of Victoria _ _ 61.5 RW 58 126 271 Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street 63.2 RW 75 162 349 Placentia Avenue North of 17th Street 61.9 RW 134 288 Placentia Avenue North of 16th Street 61.2 RW 156; F 120 259 Superior Avenue North of l6th Street 61.8 F =.RW 62 Z33' 286 Superior Avenue South of 15th Street 60.9 I- ' RW 54 116 249 Newport Boulevard North of Harbor Boulevard _ 72.1 1`39, 300 646 1391 Newport Boulevard North of 17th Street 72.6 , 14�; 322 694 1495 Newport Boulevard North of Industrial Way 70.2 103 F 223 480 1035 17th Street East of Monrovia Avenue mow; 58.1 RW RW 75 162 17th Street East of Placentia Avenue : 64;5 RW 93 200 431 A 67:5 �148 686 17th Street East of Newport Boulevard >" 69 318 16th Street East of Monrovia Avenue ' . �'56.7 RW 28 61 131 16th Street East of Placentia Avenue "y.°.;. F' ` 56.9 RW 29 62 134 15th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 57.3 RW 30 66 142 Coast Highway Wesf of Superior 67.6 69 150 322 695 Coast Highway East ofNevtport Boulevard 68.9 85 183 394 848 Notes: RW = Noise contour is located within right-of-way of roadway. Table ,11 shows that for the year 2013 cumulative baseline condition at 100 feet, only the analyzed-r6adway segments of: Placentia Avenue, Superior Avenue, Newport Boulevard, :. Coast Highway, and 17t' Street east of Placentia Avenue would exceed the City's 60 dBA CNEL residential standard. The noise levels on all roadway segments would range from 55.3 to 72.6 dBA CNEL. Year 2013 Cumulative With Project Conditions The calculated year 2013 cumulative with project noise contours are shown below in Table 12. Michael Brandman Associates 69 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center P P 9 Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Table 12: Year 2013 Cumulative With Project Noise Contours CNEL at Distance to Contour (feet) _. ..__. 74_. 60 55 100 feet dBA dBA .dBA dBA Roadway Segment WBA) .CNEL i CNEL- CNEL CNEL Monrovia Avenue North of 16th Street 55.9 RW RW ; 53 114 Monrovia Avenue North of 15th Street 55.9 RW RW 53 114 Placentia Avenue North of Victoria 61.5 RW 58 126 271 Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street 63.2 RW 76 163 351 Placentia Avenue ' North of 17th Street 61.9 RW i ',02 ° 135 290 Placentia Avenue North of 16th Street 61.3 RW '56- ", 121 262 Superior Avenue North of 16th Street 61.9 RW 62 135 290 Superior Avenue South of 15th Street 61.0 m , RW j 54 1 117 252 Newport Boulevard North of Harbor Boulevard 72.2 14:0 i 301 649 1398 Newport Boulevard North of 17th Street 72.6 156,1,: 323 697 1501 ..... ..... :............. .... _.� ......._.............. a.. Newport Boulevard . North of Industrial Way 70.2 104 223 481 1037 17th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 58.2 RW i RW ! 76 163 17th Street East of Placentia Avenue ' " 64,5 RW 93 201 432 17th Street East of Newport Boulevard 67.5 69 148 , 319 687 16th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 57.1 i RW 30 64 138 v 16th Street _ East of Placentia Avenue 57.1 RW 30 64 138 15th Street East of ,Monrovia Avenue 57.6 RW 32 69 150 Coast Highway W WestoiSuperior 67.7 70 150 324 698 Coast Highway East of Newport Boulevard 68.9 Notes: RW = Noise contour is located within right-of-way of roadway. 85 183 394 849 Table 12 shows that for the year 2013 cumulative with project condition at 100 feet, when compared to the year 2013 background baseline condition, no additional roadway segments would exceed the City's 60 dBA CNEL residential standard. The noise levels on all roadway segments would range from 55.9 to 72.6 dBA CNEL. Noise Increases In order for offsite roadway noise impacts created by the proposed project's operations to be considered significant, the proposed project would need to increase the noise levels for a noise sensitive land use by (1) 3 dBA CNEL, where the without project noise level is 55 dBA CNEL or less; (2) 2 dBA CNEL, where the without project noise level is 55 to 60 dBA CNEL; (3) 1 dBA CNEL, where the without project noise level is 60 to 75 dBA CNEL; or (4) Any measurable noise increase, where the without project noise level is 70 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-7N)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc I 1 I t 1 1 1 Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center p Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation greater than 75 dBA CNEL. The fundamentals of traffic noise propagation are discussed in Appendix D. The proposed project's offsite traffic noise impacts have been analyzed for the year 2013 background and cumulative conditions, which are discussed below. Year 2013 Background Conditions The proposed project's potential offsite noise impacts have been calculated through a comparison of the year 2013 background baseline scenario to the year 2013 background plus project scenario. The results of this comparison are shown below in Table 1-3. Table 13: Year 2013 Background Project Traffic Noise Cortribuions CNEL at.140 feet P en Na With: Project. gignifiaaint . Roadway Segment Project � P►'oject t Ciintribution. Impact? Monrovia Avenue North of 16th Street 55.1 �., 5.1 0.0 No 'Monrovia Avenue 'North of 15th Street 55.1 55 0.5 No Placentia Avenue 'North of Victoria 61.2 61.3 0.1 ? No Placentia Avenue !North of 19th Street ��_',63.0 63.0 0.0 No No Placentia Avenue North of 17th Street / ; �; b 61.7 0.0 Placentia Avenue North of 16th Street r -' 60.9;-.�,' 61.0 0.1 No Superior Avenue North of 16th Street ;'f,: 60'€'6 60.8 ! 0.2 No 60.5 0.1 No Superior Avenue South of 15th Street _ = r' 60.4 jj No Newport Boulevard North of Harbor Boulevard ! 71.7 71.7 0.0 3 `Newport Boulevard 4,x ... _ . ......... ... .North/f"1'1th Street _ .... .. 72.2 ..__ ...w...._. _....w............_. 72.2 ! _....... 0.0 ....................._..M.._...............y No `Newport Boulevard North of lndustrial Way 70.2 70.2 0.0 1. No 17th Street . z. East of Monrovia Avenue 56.6 56.7 0.1 No 17th Street East of Placentia Avenue 63.5 63.6 0.1 No 17th Street-', NEast of Newport Boulevard 67.4 67.4 0.0 ! No 16th Street Eas"t of Monrovia Avenue ! 54.5 55.1 ', 0.6 1 No 16th Street ' . East of Placentia Avenue € 55.1 55.4 0.3 No 15th Street"" East of Monrovia Avenue 54.4 55.1 0.7 �� No Coast Highway West of Superior 67.1 67.1 0.0 No No a f Newport Boulevard 68.6 68.6 0 0 Coast Highway East owp ---..... _..... ..... Source: Michael Brandman Associates, 2009. E Table 13 above indicates that for the year 2013 background conditions the noise level contributions from the proposed project to the study area roadways would range from 0.0 to 0.7 dBA CNEL. A 0.7 dBA noise increase would occur on 15a' Street east of Monrovia Avenue where the baseline noise level is 54.4 dBA CNEL. None of the Michael Brandman Associates 71 H:\Client(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv roadway segments would exceed the City's thresholds of significance discussed above. Therefore, based on thresholds of significance defined above, no significant off -site noise impacts from project -related vehicle noise would occur along the study area roadways segments for the year 2013 background conditions. Year 2013 Cumulative Conditions The proposed project's potential offsite noise impacts have been calculated through a comparison of the year 2013 cumulative baseline scenario to the year 2013 cumulative plus project scenario. The results of this comparison are shown below in Table 14. Table 14: Year 2013 Cumulative Project Traffic Noise Contributions CNEL at 100 feet Roadway Segment " No -With Project Potentlal� i project ` Proldct , :'Contribution Slgnifican# . Impac t ...... Monrovia Avenue _.................:........... _.._.._........-......._. North of 16th Street 55.8 ...... 55.9 ., _......_....._ ,. 0.1 _...._......._... No ,., Y'? _ I Monrovia Avenue North of 15th Street 55.3 55.9 0.6 No ' Placentia Avenue North of Victoria 61.5 61.5 0.0 No + Placentia Avenue North of 19th Street" 63.2 63.2 61.9 0.0 0.0 No No 3 'Placentia Avenue North of 17th Street 61,9 Placentia Avenue North of l6th Street 61.2 61.3 0.1 No i Superior Avenue North of 16th Street "61.8 61.9 0.1 No Superior Avenue South of 154h.Street 60.9 61.0 0.1 No iNewport Boulevard :North of Harbor Boulevard 72.1 72.2 0.1 No Newport Boulevard North of 11th Street 72.6 72.6 0.0 No i Newport Boulevard .,- North of Industrial Way 70.2 70.2 0.0 No 17th Street ;..... East of Monrovia Avenue 58.1 58.2 , 0.1 No 17th Street East of Placentia Avenue 64.5 64.5 0.0 No _.. ....... ....... ._ v...... i 17th Street East of Newport Boulevard 67.5 67.5 0.0 No i :16th Street ?'East of Monrovia Avenue 56.7 57.1 0.4 No 16th Street 'East of Placentia Avenue 56.9 57.1 0.2 No ! 15th Street East of Monrovia Avenue 57.3 57.6 0.3 No i Coast Highway 'West of Superior 67.6 67.7 0.1 No 1 Coast Highway East of Newport Boulevard 68.9 68.9 0.0 No i Source: Michael Brandman Associates, 2009. Table 14 above indicates that for the year 2013 cumulative conditions, the noise level contributions from the proposed project to the study area roadways would range from 0.0 to 0.6 dBA CNEL. A 0.6 dBA noise increase would occur on Monrovia Avenue north of I � I � 72 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Centecdoc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation 15'b Street where the baseline noise level is 55.3 dBA CNEL. None of the roadway segments would exceed the thresholds of significance discussed above in Section 5.0. Therefore, based on thresholds of significance defined above, no significant off -site noise impacts from project -related vehicle noise would occur along- the study area roadways segments for the year 2013 cumulative conditions. As described above, the proposed project would not result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project. Therefore, potential offsite vehicular noise impacts would be less than significant. '; N� Offsite Stationary Noise �- Stationary noise impacts associated with the ongoing operations of the priipo'sed project have been analyzed separately from the off -site v6 cular"noise impacts, since on -site noise sources may be directly regulated by local juz sdictions and are typically defined by stationary source noise regulations. The regulatory framework, which preempts direct regulation of transportation noise by local jurisdictions, is described in Appendix D. impact ■ The proposed project would have pofetial'stationary noise to the nearby residences from the proposed rooftap��C`;its, parking lot areas, and on -site vehicular traffic. In order to assess the propose project's stationary noise impacts onto the nearby residences, a comparative noise.measurement was taken at Orange Coast College and sound propagation calculations described in Appendix D. According to thc'S.ection 10.26.025 of the Municipal Code, a stationary exterior noise impact would be considered significant if the noise levels created onsite exceeds 55 dBA Leq during the daytime (7.-a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 50 dBA Leq during the nighttime (10 p.m. 'to 7 a.m.) when measured on the property line of any nearby residential property. _ According to Section 10.26.030 of the Municipal Code, a stationary noise impact would be considered significant if the noise level created onsite exceeds 45 dBA Leq during the daytime (7 "a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 40 dBA Leq during the nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) when Iaaeasured at the interior of any nearby residential uses. In order to determine the anticipated noise level created by the ongoing operations of the proposed project, a comparative noise measurement was taken at Orange Coast College at the edge of a parking lot and approximately 30 feet southwest of the Art Center Building. The noise meter took a 20 minute measurement and recorded a noise level of 55.5 dBA Leq. During the noise measurement the primary sources of noise was from vehicles in the parking lot, people talking, and HVAC units on the nearby buildings. Michael Brandman Associates 73 HAClient(PN-.TN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study The nearest sensitive receptors to the project site are the residential mobile home uses on the east side of Monrovia Avenue and approximately 60 feet from the project site. Based on the noise attenuation rate for "hard sites" of 6 dB per doubling of distance, the anticipated stationary noise impact created by the operations of the proposed project at the residential mobile homes to the east would be 39.9 dBA Leq. This noise level should be considered a worst -case scenario since no additional attenuation was taken for the existing 5-foot high block wall on the west side of the mobile homes. An operational noise level of 39.9 dBA Leq would be within the residential exterior and interior noise thresholds for both daytime and nighttime. Therefore, a less than significant stationary noise impact is anticipated to occur from the ongoing operations of the proposed project on to the occupants of any of the existing nearby residential uses.', As described above, the proposed project would not esult in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project viciatiy above levels existing without the project. Therefore, potential offsite stationary noise -impacts would be less than significant. d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing withoufihe project? . Less Than Significant With Aotigaxian Into'rporated. Short-term noise impacts could occur during construction activities;!fxbm,eitiher the noise impacts created from the transport of workers and movement of construction materials to and from the project site, or from the noise generated on -site during: ground clearing/excavation, grading, and building construction activities. The project site is located in a developed area. The nearest noise sensitive land uses to the project site would be office uses approximately 10 feet north and approximately 80 feet south of the project site. There are also mobile home uses located on the east side of Monrovia Avenue and approximately 60 feet east of the project site. An approximately five foot high block wall currently exists between the mobile homes and Monrovia Avenue. There are also multi -family homes located on the southeast corner of Monrovia Avenue and 15th Street and approximately 100 feet southeast of the project site. In addition, Carden Hall Elementary and Junior High School are located approximately 200 feet north of the project site. Construction noise impacts onto the nearby sensitive receptors have been calculated according to the equipment noise levels listed above in Table 15 and through the use of the RCNM. The greatest noise impacts to the nearby residential homes would be anticipated to occur during the demolition of the project site, since the demolition equipment produces the highest noise levels. Construction noise has been modeled based R 1 A 1 I � 1-1 r 1, � 1 A i V � 74 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 r 1 I 1 1 1 t I 1 t fl 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation on the equipment assumption used in the Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, prepared by Michael Brandman Associates, July 2009, which assumed that the simultaneous operation of one concrete saw, one crushing/processing equipment, one dozer, one loader, and one tractor would occur during the demolition phase for the proposed project. The equipment was placed 100 feet apart starting at the edge of the area to be graded in order to create the worst -case noise levels at the nearby sensitive receptors. A summary of the results of the noise impacts associated with the construction of the proposed project is shown in Table 15, and the RCNM printouts are provided in Appendix D. Table 15: Construction Noise Impacts at Nearby Receptot. _._•Distancefrorn..l�[iemglitariEqulpi Receptor Description -Project Site (feet) Office and light industrial to the north . . _ ... .- ._._ l School to the north Residential mobile homes to the east Multi -family residential to the southeast y- W _ Office to the south Source: FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model; Levels -,dBA L4zuc 10 96.6 103.6 __..' 200 , , 72.1 77.5 60 `i5.5 i 82.0 € _--77.4 83.6 w 80. 79.1 ; 85.5 ion,-1.0; Mie'hael Brandman Associates, 2009. Table 15 shows that the office and ^industrial uses to the north of the project site would experience the:;greatest construction noise impact from the proposed project, with an average construction -related noise level of 96.6 dBA Leq and a maximum noise level of 103.6 dBA Lm: With compliance of the limitation in construction hours detailed in Section 10.28.040 o' t' ]h6lMunicipal Code, the construction -related noise associated with ho,,.proposed project would not generate noise levels in excess of standards. However, coansti-tiction activities may expose nearby sensitive receptors to significant noise levels. `The estimated construction noise levels represent a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure NOI-1 is provided to reduce construction noise to less than significant levels. Mitigation Measures N0I-1 The project applicant shall require construction contractors to adhere to the following noise attenuation requirements: • Construction activities shall be limited to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturdays, except for Sundays and national holidays. Michael Brandman Associates 75 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study • All construction equipment shall use noise -reduction features (e.g., mufflers and engine shrouds) that are no less effective than those originally installed by the manufacturer. • Construction staging and heavy equipment maintenance activities shall be performed a minimum distance of 300 feet from the nearest offsite building, unless safety or technical factors take precedence. • Stationary combustion equipment such as pumps or generators operating within 300 feet of the nearest building shall be shielded with a noise protection barrier. • Portable noise barriers able to attenuate at least 6 dB shall be utilized for heavy equipment operations performed within 2A04eet of the nearest offsite building. e) For a project located within an airport land use plait or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or pi- kid use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Impact. The Project site is located.approximately 4.5 miles from John Wayne Airport. Due to the distance of the,:project sile,to the nearest public airport, the implementation of the proposed picject:wouldA6t expose people to excessive aircraft noise levels. jJ For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working:in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Impact. The Project site is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip. Therefore, the proposed Project will not expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive aircraft noise impacts. 12. Population and Housing Would the Project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed Project involves the construction of a three-story learning facility and would represent a relocation of the facility from its current Costa Mesa location. The proposed learning center could generate a few 76 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City p p of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation induce Newport Beach additional jobs; however, the likelihood to employees to move to or Costa Mesa is small. Therefore, growth inducing impacts associated with the proposed project is less than significant. b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? Less than Significant Impact. The Project site is composed of three separate parcels of land that include industrial and commercial uses. In addition, there is an abandoned and dilapidated house located on the eastern portion of the project site. The development of the proposed three-story learning facility would not displace any�wedble housing, and the `"N project would not necessitate the construction of replacement housirij "elsewhere. The project site is currently zoned for Controlled 11+1anu cturing District which does not allow residences on the project site. However, the' C', General Plan designates the project site as Multiple Unit Residential at 18 units,°peacre. Based on the size of the project site (3.4 acres), approximately 62 units could be onstructed consistent with the General Plan. Based on the City's General Plan, the project site is located in the West Newport Mesa area. The General Plalbidehtfies approximately 3,542 future multiple family units to be built in the Newport Mesaarea. under General Plan buildout. The removal of the project site fromfitturepoten4athousing would result in the loss of approximately 1.72 percent of the pi6ect:housing in this area. The loss of the site for r I I 11 housing would represent a less than'sigb ficant loss of future potential housing. Furthermore, the pr©ject site has not been identified by the City of Newport Beach as a location to meet; future affordable housing goals. Thus, less than significant impacts to housing are anticipates, c) `Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing, elsewhere? Less Than -.Significant Impact. The Project site encompasses 3.4 acres. Currently, the site ltzdes 20,000 square feet of office and approximately 15,100 square feet of light industrial use. The proposed project would result in the removal of these existing uses and the relocation of an existing Costa Mesa Learning Center. The removal of the existing uses and relocation of the existing learning center would not result in displacing a substantial number of people that would necessitate the construction of replacement housing elsewhere. As stated above, the City's General Plan identifies the project site as Multiple Unit Residential at 18 units per acre. Based on the potential number of units (62) that could be constructed in accordance with the General Plan and the average household size within Michael Brandman Associates 77 ItHAClient(PN-JI)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmghtal Evaluation Initial Study the City (2.2 persons per household), approximately 135 people could reside on the project site. The City General Plan identifies approximately 3,542 future multiple family units within the Newport Mesa area under the General Plan. Based on a 2.2 persons per household population, approximately 7,800 people could reside in the Newport Mesa area in the future. The removal of the project site from future potential housing would result in the loss of approximately 135 people from the area. This loss would represent a 1.73 percent loss of future population in the Newport Mesa area which is considered less than significant. 13. Public Services Would the Project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with"the;provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered goveizriental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: a) Fire protection? Less Than Significant Impact. jd&matiori�contained in this impact discussion is based in part on a service letter provided by, the Newport Beach Fire Department (included in Appendix F) and the General Plan Update EIR for the City of Newport Beach. The Newport Beach Fire Department (NAFUD) provides fire protection services for the entire City of Newport Beach. The NAFUD is responsible for reducing loss of life and property; from fire, medical, and environmental emergencies. In addition to fire suppression, the NAFUD also provides, fire prevention and hazard reduction services. The Fire Prevention Division works in conjunction with the City's Planning, Public Works, and -Building Departments to ensure that all new construction is built in compliance with local and State building and fire codes, including the provision of adequate emergency access and on -site fire protection measures. The City requires all businesses to be inspected annually for adherence to the fire and life safety codes. Further, the NBFD provides emergency medical services (EMS) from three of its existing fire stations. Fire stations are strategically located throughout the City to provide prompt assistance to area residents. Each fire station operates within a specific district that comprises the immediate geographical area around the station. Upper Newport Bay (and the circulation challenges it creates) result in Newport Beach having more fire stations per population than typical in order to maintain response times. The fire station that would service the Project site is the Lido Station (#2), which is located at 475 32nd Street, in the City of Newport Beach. The Lido Station has one fire engine, one truck company, and one paramedic unit. The approximate response time for emergency calls in the Project area is -11 1 78 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc I I Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center p Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation 4 minutes, 30 seconds, and the average response times throughout the City of Newport Beach is 4 minutes, 28 seconds. The NBFD divides its staff into three shifts per day, with 39 personnel working each shift working at the eight Newport Beach fire stations each day. Each of the eight fire stations have ladder trucks. has one engine company, while three have paramedic vans, and two Of the 112 NBFD employees located at the eight NBFD stations, seven paramedics serve per shift. Two are always on duty at Stations 2, 3, and 5 with paramedic ambulances. In addition, Station 8 has 1 paramedic firefighter that rides on the engine. Each engine or truck company has a staff of 3 persons per 24-hour period: 1 capn,/l,> engineer (driver), and 1 fire fighter, with the exception that on one engine the firefigl apposition is staffed with a paramedic firefighter. Each paramedic ambulance has a staff o firefighter- paramedicss per 24-hour period. The proposed Project involves the construction of a:-storylearning facility. The Project would be reviewed by the NBFD to ensure thatadequate emergency access is V.N provided and that the construction drawings comply with th�inost recently enacted fire code. The proposed Project would result, in an incremental increase in demand for fire prevention services relevant to the ne;:irierese in development intensity on the site. However, the proposed Project is notpe reate a substantial increase in calls for .: service or the need for additional tecton service to the Project area. Therefore, impacts associated with fire protection would be less than significant. b) Police " protection7, Less Than Significant Impact. The Project site is served by the Newport Beach Police Department, which is;headquartered at 870 Santa Barbara Drive, Newport Beach 92660. The Newport Beach Police Department provides all services normally associated with public safety including patrols, investigations, crime analysis, crime prevention, K-9 unit, accident investigations/traffic enforcement, and emergency management/disaster preparedness. The department also operates a helicopter. `'=The Newport Beach Police Department has an average response time of 4 minutes, 41 seconds for emergency calls throughout the Project area, which is the same as other portions of the City. Additionally, the Department has a mutual aid agreement through the Orange County Police Chief and Sheriff Associations. On a 24 hour basis, the Newport Beach Police Department would have 8 sworn officers available to respond to calls in the Project area. The proposed Project is expected to incrementally increase the amount of police calls in proportion to the net increase in intensity of land uses proposed by the Project compared Michael Brandman Associates 79 HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027Initial Study Learning Center.doe Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv to the existing condition. However, the Newport Beach Police Department indicated that the incremental increase related to the proposed Project would not result in significant direct or cumulative impacts to police services. (See Police Service Letter, Appendix F.) Therefore, impacts related to this issue are considered less than significant and no mitigation is required. c) Schools? No Impact. The proposed Project involves the relocation of a three-story learning facility on the Project site from its current location in the City of Costa Mesa. The proposed learning center would not result in the contribution of additional students to existing schools in the Project area, nor would it require the construction of new or expanded schools. Because the Project would not generate school -aged 040dren, no impacts associated with schools would occur. / d) Parks? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed Project involves the relocation of a learning facility on the Project site. Students and staff associated with the proposed learning center are not expected to lAilize"parks in the vicinity of the Project site in any greater intensity than would occur in t1% existing condition. Therefore, introducing a learning facility to the Project area would not create a demand for public recreational services. Therefore, impacts to park§,,.*bu1d be less than significant. e) Other public facilities? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed Project would relocate an existing learning center located in the City of Costa Mesa to the Project site. Because the proposed learning center would not result in a significant increase in the number of students generated by the existing learning center, and because the students that would utilize the proposed Project would be expected to be generated from a substantially similar geographic area compared to the existing facility, no significant increase in demand is expected to be placed on library and hospital services. As a result, impacts related to this issue would be less than significant. 14. Recreation a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? 11 80 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient (PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Leaming Center.doc I City of Newport Beach -Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Less Than Significant Impact. The Project proposes to construct a three-story learning facility. Students of the facility would not create an increase in demand for existing recreational facilities. Therefore, impacts related to parks would be less than significant. b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion i of recreational facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? Less Than Significant Impact. The Project proposes a learning facility, which would not increase demand for recreational facilities. As such, the impacts�as�sociated with recreational facilities would be less than significant. is. Transportation/Traffic , The Coastline Community College Newport Beach Learning O was prepared for the proposed Project by Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. in June 2009 e.traffic study is included in Appendix E. ` 1 n I 1 1 fi a Study Area Boundary The study area includes 26 intersections located within, the=City of Newport Beach (17) and City of Costa Mesa (9). These intersections and theJ*is ction of"these intersections are shown in Table 16. Table 16: Inter;'ec#ion `Jurisdictions Intersectlon • Jurisdiction Placen0,4nd Victoria Costa Mesa Newport'and'19th Costa Mesa ' . Newport and -Broadway Costa Mesa Newport and Harbor Costa Mesa Newport and / 18th / Rochester ,Superior and 17'h___..__ "Newport and 17`' Monrovia and 16th Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Newport Beach Placentia and 16"' ; Newport Beach Superior and 16t' / Industrial Costa Mesa Newport and Industrial Costa Mesa E Monrovia and 15th Newport Beach E Placentia and15`h Newport Beach Placentia and Superior Newport Beach Michael Brandman Associates 89 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study Intersection Jurisdiction _ { Superior and Hospital Newport Beach Placentia and Hospital Newport Beach Newport and Hospital Newport Beach Orange and Coast Highway Newport Beach VYV 4 Prospect and Coast Highway Newport Beach Superior/Balboa and Coast Highway Newport Beach Newport and Coast Highway Newport Beach Riverside and Coast Highway Newport Beach:' Tustin and Coast Highway ' Newport Beach" Dover and Coast Highway ; Newport Beach Newport and Via Lido ' Newport Beach Newport and 32nd N Wp6i t.Beach Existing Site Uses The project site currently includes approximately "20;000" sq ft of office and approximately 15,100 sq ft of light industrial uses. The existing onsite use generate' approximately 325 average daily trips (ADT), 45 a.m. peak hour trips and 45 p.m. peak":hour trips. Existing Intersections Existing peak hour intersection volumes for the Newport Beach study intersections were provided by city staff, with the exception.9f the intersection of Monrovia and 16d' and Monrovia and 15d' which were counted in early June 2009" by"_.Traffic Data Services, Inc. Existing peak hour volumes for the Costa Mesa study intersections were obtained from recent traffic studies and adjusted to 2009 levels based on one percent annual growth rate. Newport Boulevard between 17d' and 19d' has been under construction; therefore, collecting new counts along Newport Boulevard was not practical. Existing ICU values for the study intersections are provided in Table 7, in Appendix E. As shown in Table 7 in Appendix E, all the study intersections currently operate at LOS D (less than or equal to 0.90) or better except for the intersections of Newport and Harbor and Newport and 18th/Rochester in the City of Costa Mesa which current operate at LOS E (0.97) in the p.m. peak hour. Background Volumes An ambient growth rate of 1.0 percent per year was added to the existing volumes at the City of Newport Beach intersections along Newport Boulevard north of Coast Highway and along Coast Highway and to the City of Costa Mesa intersections. Full occupancy of the project is assumed by Fall 2012; therefore, the study year is 2013. Traffic generated by approved projects in the study area Ll J It L 1 1 1 1, 1 1 I t i I I I 82 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation (see Table 4 in Appendix E), obtained from City staff, were added to the existing peak hour volumes to obtain 2013 background peak hour volumes for the intersections prior to the addition of project - related traffic. Cumulative Volumes for in The City of Newport Beach staff provided a list of known but not approved projects use a cumulative conditions analysis (see Table 4 in Appendix E). Trip generation and distribution for each cumulative project was also provided by City staff. The City of Costa Mesa also provided a list of cumulative projects to be included in the analysis. The cumulative projects are in Table 5 in Appendix E. ` n� Performance Criteria "; �,. ;. According to the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, a sigulficant impact at an°int rsection is W defined as an increase of 0.01 or more in the intersection capaq#3�wAlization (ICU) value at an intersection that reaches LOS E or F. The ICU values are a means cif, presenting the volume to d ratios. capacity Trip Generation The proposed Learning Center is projected to acdQftim6. ate 2,390 students. The project will generate 1,420 new daily trips, 194 new a.m. peak hourtrips /andJ-",6 new p.m. peak our trips as shown in Table 17. Table 17: Project Bulldout Trip Generation ____ -- -'— --- AM Peak Hour PM Peak dour Rates .Rates rvin " �Iq 6ut Total pall Tri s Out To#al .'� Trip Rates Learning Center.,, 0.06 " 0.04 ; �- 0.10� 0.04 0.04 0.08 _ 0.73 Office - _--� T 1.36 ' _ 0.19 T 1.55 0.25 1.24 1.49 - - 11.01 Light Industrial (ITEM,140) 0.81 0.11 1 0.92 0.12 0.85 0.97 6.97 Existing Use Office -27 -41 -31 -5 -25 -30 -220 Light Industrial -12 -2 -14 -2 -13 -15 -105 -7 -38 -45 -325 Total Existing Trip Generation , -39 -6� -35 Proposed Trip Generation Learning Center 143 96 239 96 96 192 1,745 3 ' Total New Trips 104 90 194 89 58 147 ` 1,420 Source: Austin -Foust Associates, Inc., 2009 Michael Brandman Associates 83 H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study 11 Trip Distribution The trip distribution of project -generated traffic onto the surrounding circulation system was based on the existing Learning Center facility on Mesa Verde Avenue at Baker Street in Costa Mesa because the proposed Learning Center is relocating the school facilities to the project site. Since the existing as well as the proposed Learning Center serves high school children throughout the Newport -Mesa School District as well as adults throughout the Coast Community College District, the distribution of students, faulty, and staff throughout the District is assumed to be the same at the proposed facility compared to the existing facility. The trip distribution of project -generated traffic onto the surrounding circulation system was determined from the concentration of home zip codes of the existing student population. Approximately 50 percent of the project trips are oriented toward the north along Newport Boulevard, 15 percent is oriented toward the north and wesfalong arterial streets, 10 percent is oriented toward the east, 20 percent is oriented toward the west along Coast Highway, and 5 percent is oriented toward Balboa Peninsula. Would the Project: a) Cause an increase in traffic, which is substantial in relatiowto the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to'capddiiy ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? - Less Than Significant Impact. Based on "the above distribution of project trips, a peak hour intersection analysis at the 17 City of Newport Beach study -area intersections was conducted in accordance with the City of Newport Beach Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO). The TPO analysis consists of a one -percent analysis and an ICU analysis at each study -area intersection: The one -percent analysis compares the proposed project traffic with projected background (existing plus growth plus approved projects) plus project peak hour volumes. If project peak hour traffic volumes are less than one percent of the projected background peak hour traffic on each leg of the intersection, no ICU analysis is required.. Ifproject peak hour traffic volumes are one percent or greater than the projected background peak hour traffic on each leg of the intersection, an ICU analysis is required. In addition, the 9 Costa Mesa intersections included an ICU analysis. Table 18 identifies the peak hour project volumes at the study -area intersections and shows whether the proposed project would contribute less than one percent of the total peak hour traffic volumes at each leg of the intersection. I I I 1 I I I I VI 84 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc I City of Newport Beach -Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv Discussion of Environmental Evaluation t i7 t� 1 I 1 I 1 1 r 11, Table 18: Summary of One Percent Analysis I AM Peak Flour.. Project Volumes � , Less than l�/o of intersectloti NB: ..._.__.._..�. �...�...._._ SB l=B- WB" :"`Pea(4#our'VclumeS". Monrovia and 16th 51 14 0 43 No Placentia and le 0 10 39 33 No Monrovia andl5th 0 410 0 47 No 16 j No Placentia and 151h 31 0 41 Placentia and Superior 10 27 _ 9 0 No Superior and Hospital 9 8 0 0 10 :''y No 0 -- Placentia and Hospital 0 9 0 Newport and Hospital 0 0 9 0 Orange and Coast Highway 0 0 9 � ' 8- ^" Yes Prospect and Coast Highway 0 0 9 $'> Yes Superior/Balboa and Coast 0 8 9 0 �� No Highway Newport and Coast Highway 0 Q"'": 0 0 Yes _ _ Riverside and Coast Highway _ — 0 i 0 , `: '(1 0 j Yes Tustin and Coast Highway 0 '0%' =:; 0 ter, 0 Yes Dover and Coast Highway 0 -::"",,0 0 0 Yes Newport and Via Lido 0 " 0 0 0 Yes Newport and 32"d ;:-. ' 0 0 0 0 Yes i wPM Peak Hour'Project Volumes ' Less than %.of Intersection, Peali:Nour'Volurnes ;" SB EB: WB� Monrovia and,.' 6�' 32 12 0 36 ' No Placentia and-16 0 9 25 27 3 No Monrovia and l5th ' 0 26 0 40 No Placenti'4,,and 15th : " 27 0 26 13 No Placentia and Superior 9 18 9 3 0 Yes Superior and Hospital 4 9 0 0 No Placentia and Hospital 0 6 0 9 Yes Newport and Hospital 0 0 6 0 Yes Orange and Coast Highway 0 0 9 4 Yes 4 -._..... _ ..... Yes ..... ..... .._.. _.... - Prospect and Coast Highway 0 0 9 _... _ Superior/Balboa and Coast 0 4 9 0 Yes Highway Michael Brandman Associates 85 HAClient(PN-.IN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv Newport and Coast Highway 0 0 0 0 Yes Riverside and Coast Highway 0 0 0 0 Yes Tustin and Coast Highway 0 0 0 0 Yes Dover and Coast Highway 0 0 0 0 Newport and Via Lido 0 0 0 0 Newport and 32nd 0 — 0 Notes: SB = Southbound NB = Northbound EB = Eastbound Source: Austin -Foust Associates, Inc., June 2009. Yes Yes 0 0 Yes WB = Westbound As shown in Table 18, the proposed project would contribute on(, -.percent or more of the total background (existing plus growth plus approved projects) plus project volumes at 9 intersections in the City of Newport Beach. Therefore, an ICU analysis was prepared for these, 9 study area intersections in the City of Newport Beach. As stated above, the 9 study area intersections within the City of Costa Mesa are included in the ICU analysis. Existing lane configurations were ass"d, .and a capacity of 1,600 vehicles per hour (vph) per lane was utilized. Tables 7, 8,-and'9 .ixl.Appendix E includes the ICU evaluation for the 18 study area;intersections. ' Table 19 includes the existing, background (existing plus growth plus approved projeetg), and cumulative ICU values for the intersections that are or projected to operate at LOS E or LOS F without and with the project during the AIVI and PM peak hours. Table 19: ICU Analysis and, Corresponding Levels of Service for Existing, Background, and Cumulative Project,Impact.on ICU ` Without Project With Project Value AM� PM AM PM AM PM Existing Newport and 0.72/ 0.971 0.72/ 0.98/ 0.000 0.002 Harbor LOS C LOS E LOS C LOS E Newport and 0.73/ 0.97/ 0.73/ 0.98/ 0.006 0.005 18`h /Rochester LOS C LOS E LOS C LOS E Background .. _ .........._. _ .... ........._ _ ._..... _ .... .' . .. .._ ... ._......... . Newport and 0.77/ 1.05/ 0.77/ 1.051 Y._..... 0.001 0.003 Harbor LOS C LOS F LOS C LOS E ....... Newport and ... ._............. I. ..... ........ _._.... 0.78/ _ _.... __. 1.05/ 0.79/ 1.060.98/ : 0.006 _._...... _..i 0.004 i 18`h/ Rochester (......__............. _.... LOS C LOS F LOS C LOS E j __._..... i Cumulative _ ....... wi I I 86 Michael Brandman Associates H:\Client(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation _ "Project Cinpac# on ICU" Without,Project, With Project . ' . NaltEe " AM PM AM" PM AM- " PM: . Placentia and 0.86/ 0.91/ 0.86/ 0.91/ 0.001 0.000 Victoria LOS D LOS E LOS D LOS E Newport and 0.90/ 0.93/ 0.91/ 0.93/ 0.007 ( 0.005 19`b LOS D LOS E LOS D LOS E Newport and 0.83/ 1.16/ 0.83/ 1.17/ 0.006 [ 0.005 Harbor LOS D LOS F LOS D j LOS F Newport and 0.84/ 1.16/ 0.84/ 1.17/ 0 006 0.005 18th / Rochester LOS D LOS F LOS D LOS F Superior and 0.99/ 1.02/ 1.00/ 1.03/ `D:fl�3 0.010 17 LOS E LOS F LOS E LOS F [ Newport and 0.88/ 0.93/ 0.89/ 0.93/ 0.003" 1 0.001 17a' LOS D LOS E LOS D '; "' .,LOS E Notes: Level of service ranges:.000 - .600 A; .601 - .700 B; .701 - .800 Q .801 `-`.9001. ; ,901 - 1.000 E; Above 1.001 F Source: Austin -Foust Associates, Inc., November 2008, revised February 2009. A 4 As shown on Table 19, the project will have'at least a one percent contribution of peak hour traffic at one of the Costa Mesa study area "intersections (Superior and 17 ). The project would contribute to less e percent of peak hour traffic volume at the remaining study area intersections caluaed above. Therefore, the proposed project will result in a significant,traffic impact at the Superior and 17'' intersection in the City of Costa Mesa. TC-1 Prior t"occupancy, the westbound approach of the Superior and 17�' o= intersection, shall be re -striped to provide a westbound left -turn lane, a shared left-turn/through lane, and a through lane. The Coast Community College District shall provide its fair share (5 percent) of the improvement cost. After the implementation of MM TC-1, the A.M. peak hour would remain at LOS E and the PlYf peak hour would improve to LOS D. Although the A.M. peak hour remains at _LOS E, the projects contribution to the re -stripping would reduce the project's impact on the intersection's ICU value to 0.000. b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? Less Than Significant Impact. As discussed above, the proposed project would contribute peak hour traffic volumes to intersections that are currently or are projected to operate at LOS E or LOS F. The project would contribute one percent or more to the Superior and 17t' intersection and would result in a LOS E during the A.M. peak hour Michael Brandman Associates 87 i H:\Client(PN-JI)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study and LOS F during the P.M. peak hour. Therefore, the proposed project would result in a significant traffic impact at the Superior and 17th intersection in the City of Costa Mesa. TC-1 Prior to occupancy, the westbound approach of the Superior and 171h intersection shall be re -striped to provide a westbound left -turn lane, a shared left-turn/through lane, and a through lane. The Coast Community College District shall provide its fair share (5 percent) of the improvement cost. After the implementation of MM TC-1, the A.M. peak hour would remain at LOS E and the PM peak hour would improve to LOS D. Although the A.M. peak hour remains at LOS E, the project's contribution to the re -stripping would reduce - the projects impact on the intersection's ICU value to 0.000. c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including. either an increase in 'traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? No Impact. The nearest airport to the Project site is John Wayne Airport (JWA) located approximately 4.5 miles from the site. The Project would construct a three-story learning facility; however, the height of the structure is not expected to affect air traffic patterns. Additionally, due to the relatively small size of the Project, the proposed school would not affect air traffic at John Wayne Airport. d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g.; farm equipment)? No Impact. Theproposed project will increase traffic volumes in the project vicinity. The Coastline Community College Newport Beach Learning Center TPO prepared by Austin -Foust Associates,"Inc. in June 2009 evaluated the intersection of Monrovia Avenue and 15'h Street to determine if the projected increase in traffic would warrant a traffic signal. The intersection was evaluated under existing, background, and cumulative conditions using the Caltrans Peak Hour Signal Warrant analysis. As shown in Table 10 in Appendix E, a traffic signal warrant was not met under any of the three scenarios. Therefore, the existing all -way stop sign would continue to be adequate to accommodate project traffic. The proposed project would not substantially increase traffic hazards in the project area. e) Result in inadequate emergency access? No Impact. Access to the learning facility will be provided along Monrovia Avenue via two driveways. The design of the proposed facilities will provide adequate emergency access on the project site. Therefore, the proposed project would result in no impacts on emergency access. 88 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-.II)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doe of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center City P p 9 Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation ,) Result in inadequate parking capacity? No Impact. The proposed project includes 194 parking spaces. According to the Coastline Community College, 194 parking spaces would be able to accommodate the daytime as well as the evening parking demands. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in parking impacts. g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? No Impact. The proposed project includes a student drop-off ddn:theproject site adjacent to Monrovia Avenue. This drop off area is for school children s.paie'j%s, ridesharers, �`"• � ,fir carpoolers, and public transit users. The project alsq�dncludes bicycle rakeebf those who ride to school. The implementation of these projecfeatuxes would not conflict with the City's adopted policies relating to alternative transp0rtation. �. 16. Utilities and Service Systems �s �.y Would the Project: r' N t a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of tlre.applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? Y - ' Less Than Significant Impact. The.praposed Project would construct a learning center on a site where some -commercial land uses occur in the existing conditions. Wastewater from the Project/site would be conveyed to the municipal sewer system owned and operated by the City of Newport Beach. The City conveys all wastewater to the Orange County Sanitation District for wastewater treatment. OCSD operates two wastewater treatment plants, where water is treated before flowing to the Pacific Ocean, or is diverted ,fof'use.as reclaimed water. The proposed learning center would not generate wastewater ,'.-.4 containing pollutants nor result in exceedance of wastewater treatment requirements. ;> Moreover; the proposed Project would replace existing light industrial/laboratory uses f)f"at q: ffently contribute wastewater to OCSD facilities. OCSD facilities are sized to accommodate new development in participating Orange County cities, including the wastewater that would be generated by the proposed Project. Accordingly, impacts to wastewater treatment facilities would be less than significant. b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? Michael Brandman Associates 89 HAClient(PN-.TN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center P P 9 Initial Studv Less Than Significant Impact. The Project site is within an urbanized area of Newport Beach and -'contains existing water and wastewater infrastructure to which the proposed Project will be connected. The development of the proposed Project would replace existing commercial land uses on the project site which generate demand for water and wastewater services in the existing condition. However, the increase in development intensity related to the proposed Project would be expected to result in a net increase in the demand for water and wastewater service. The Mesa Consolidated Water District (MCWD) and OCSD facilities are sized to accommodate new development on the Project site, along with cumulative growth in the City of Newport Beach, and other portions of Orange County. Accordingly, impacts to water and wastewater.,~treatment facilities would be less than significant. c) Require or result in the construction of new storm *titer drainage facilities or expansion of existing -facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? Less Than Significant Impact. In the existing condition,`runoff generally drains towards Monrovia Avenue, where flows are conveyed through the existing gutters located in Monrovia Avenue to stor4drain,. intakes at the eastern edge of the proposed Project. Runoff is then conveyed: hrough°the City's municipal storm drain system where it eventually reaches the PacificQceTheproposed Project would result in a net increase in the permeable surfaces oa'the'site' compared to the existing conditions relative to the increase in development intensity on the site. However, the proposed Project would use project design features such as vegetated roofs and onsite percolation areas which would reduce the quantities of storm water that would exit the site during storm events. Additionally,'fhe City's storm drain infrastructure has been designed to accommodate the development of the proposed Project and an increase in the storm water contributed by the Project site would not significantly impact the existing infrastructure. Therefore, impacts associated with storm water drainage facilities would be less than significant. d) Have suf icient water supplies available to serve the Project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? Less Than Significant Impact. Domestic water service would be provided by MCWD. MCWD provides water service to more than 110,000 customers in an 18 square mile area. The service area includes the City of Costa Mesa, parts of Newport Beach, and some unincorporated sections of Orange County, including the John Wayne Airport. MCWD's water is a blend of local ground water and imported water from Northern California and the Colorado River. From MCWD's nine wells, groundwater is pumped from Orange County's groundwater basin, which is replenished by water from the Santa 90 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc h - Newport Beach Learning Center City of Newport Beach p g y Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Metropolitan Water District Ana River and imported water purchased from the of Southern California. is located MCWD operates two reservoirs the first reservoir 10 million gallons capacity) p ( g p tY) at 1965 Placentia Avenue and the second one (18 million gallons) at 2340 Orange Avenue. The proposed Project would replace existing commercial and light industrial land uses on the Project site that occur in the existing condition, which generate demand for domestic water. Additionally, the proposed Project would relocate the existing";learning center located in Costa Mesa, which is also within the service area for MCWD and generates demand for domestic water from MCWD in the existing condition �Asndicated in a anie service letter from MCWD, contained in Appendix.Fof this IS/MND increase in water demand anticipated by the Project would be. Jr et 13y existing entitlements. Accordingly, impacts related to this issue would be less .than significant. e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment p oter which serves or may b serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project' projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? ;.:. Less Than Significant Impact.; :The City o:fewport Beach provides wastewater service for the Project site, and wastewater:f[ows from the Project would eventually flow to OCSD wastewater treatment facilities:." :C)"CSD facilities are sized to accommodate new development in pai:661pating Orange County cities, including the wastewater that would be generated by the proposed Project. Accordingly, OCSD would have capacity to serve the Project's wastewater needs and associated impacts would be less than significant. ' J) 8e served by a landfill "with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solidwaste disposal needs? t 1 Less thawSignificant Impact. The information contained in this analysis is based in ;part on a:service letter provided by OC Waste & Recycling, which is included in Appendix F of this document. The Project site would be served by the Frank R. Bowerman Landfill, located at 11002 Bee Canyon Access Road, immediately north of the City of Irvine. The Frank R. Bowerman Landfill is permitted to accept up 8,500 tons of solid waste per day and currently receives an average of approximately 6,000 tons of solid waste per day. The landfill was recently expanded and now has an estimated remaining capacity of 62.6 million cubic yards (as of June 30, 2008) and is anticipated to close in 2053. There are no additional plans for expanding the landfill. OC Waste & Recycling provides for 15-years of countywide solid waste disposal capacity, in conformance with the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989. Because Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-dN)\0064\00640027\I8\00640027 Initial Study Learning Centendoc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Initial Study 1 capacity exists to accommodate solid waste generated by the relocation of the proposed Project, implementation of the Project would not result in either a project -specific or cumulative significant impact to solid waste disposal capacity, and no mitigation would be required. g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? Less Than Significant Impact. See impact discussion for 16.f above. Because capacity exists in the landfill serving the Project area, the proposed Project would result in less than significant impacts associated with this issue. 17. Climate Change a) Does the project comply with the provisions of an,adopted Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan or Strategy? If no such Plan or Strategy is applicable, -would the project significantly hinder or delay California's ability to meet the reduction targets contained in AB 32? Less than Significant Impact. The City.of.:Newport Beach and the SCAQMD do not have an adopted Greenhouse Gas; Reduction�Plan; therefore, significance will be determined by whether the project will.hitider or delay California's ability to meet the reduction targets in 4B 32. The following information in this section is a summary of the analysis in the Air "Quality and Climate Change Analysis contained in Appendix A. The Project would, emit approximately 2,148 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (MTCO2e) during construction from exhaust from onsite equipment, delivery vehicles, and employee vehicles. Operational emissions are shown in Table 20. Table,20: Net New Operational Greenhouse Gases (Unmitigated) Source Emissions (MTCOxe per year) Motor vehicles 2,754 Natural gas 423 Electricity 294 Refrigerants 174 Subtotal. Project 3,645 Existing - 1,157 Total Net New Emissions 2,488 MTCO2e = metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and hydrofluorocarbons). Source: Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis, 2009, Appendix A. 11 III I I rl I I sl 11 I I 11 92 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc j 1 1 11 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study Discussion of Environmental Evaluation The proposed Project is implementing project design features that would reduce increase energy efficiency, decrease electricity use, decrease water use, reduce waste, and encourage alternative transportation. The Project is providing a learning center, which may reduce vehicle miles traveled by students who would otherwise travel farther distances to go to another center. The Project would be consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan policies that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Project would also be consistent with the applicable measures in ARB's Scoping Plan, which was prepared pursuant to AB 32. Therefore, the Project would not hinder or delay implementation of AB 32. 18. Mandatory Findings of Significance z'" a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the enviro ertt; substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildl f�,species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threa" to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range "or .mare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major peraodkof California history or prehistory? No Impact. The Project site is currently, developed with commercial structures in an urbanized area. The proposed learning" facility="development does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the natural`envira"iim , and will not impact important biological resources. The structures: -,that -previously occupied the site were not considered a historical resource". in addition, archaeological and paleontological resources will not be impacted. b) Does the project hav impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a projeci;are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects ofpastprojects, the :effects"of `other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? .Less Than Significant Impact. The implementation of the proposed project will ,contribute to cumulative environmental impacts. Based on information received from the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, there are a number of cumulative projects (see Appendix G). The cumulative analysis discussed in this section depends on the environmental component that is analyzed. The majority of the environmental issues are discussed based on the cumulative project list in Appendix G. Air quality is discussed based on projections provided in the South Coast Air Basin Plan. Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doe 93 Discussion of Environmental Evaluation City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Studv Agricultural Resources, Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use and Planning, Mineral Resources, and Recreation As discussed in Section 2, the proposed project would not result in impacts to these environmental components or these impacts would be site specific such as geology and soils. Therefore, the project would not contribute to any cumulative impacts associated with these issues. Aesthetics, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Population and Housing, Public Services, and Utilities and Service Systems Implementation of the proposed project would result in less than significant impacts to these environmental issues. Although the project would contribute to -,cumulative aesthetic, hazards and hazardous materials, populationand housing, public services and utility and service system impacts, these impacts would:be less than cumulatively considerable due to the relative small size of the proposed learning center. Cultural Resources Implementation of the proposed project would contribute to potential cumulative impacts to cultural resources. The proposed pr6j & will be implementing mitigation measures to reduce its impact on cultural resoutces tojess. Than cumulatively considerable. Therefore, the proposed project would resut,in 44, ess than significant cumulative impact on cultural resources. ' Air Quality, Noiso,, and Transportation and Circulation The cumulative. analysis for each of these environmental issues is addressed in their respective area in Section 2. Cumulative air quality is discussed in Section 2.3, cumulative noise is discussed in Section 2.11, and cumulative traffic is discussed in Section 2.15 of this IS/MND. Mitigation measures are recommended to reduce potential impacts to less than significant. In addition, these measures would reduce the project's impact contribution to less than cumulatively considerable. Therefore, cumulative air quality, noise, and transportation/circulation impacts associated with the project would be less, thah significant. c) Does the project have environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Less Than Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed Project would result in the construction of a 67,000 sq ft learning facility. All potentially significant impacts discussed throughout this document can be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Therefore, the Project is not expected to have an adverse effect on human beings either directly or indirectly. 94 Michael Brandman Associates HAClient(PN-JN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc I 1 Cityof Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center p P Initial Study References California Climate Change Center (CCCC). 2006. Our Changing Climate, Assessing the Risks to California: A Summary Report from the California Climate Change Center. July 2006. CEC-500-2006-077. www.climatechange.ca.gov/bienniaLreports/2006report/index.html City of Newport Beach General Plan approved November 7, 2007. Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR). 2006, 1527-1533 Monrovia Avenue, Inquiry Number: 1677432.2s. May 17, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) 19931993. CEQA;�-andbook. Available at SCAQMD, 21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, California, 91765. " r9 Michael Brandman Associates 97 HAClient(PN-.TN)\0064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Learning Center.doc City of Newport Beach - Newport Beach Learning Center Initial Study List of Preparers �SECTIOIN, 5.-LIST'"do PREPARERS Consultant Michael Brandman Associates - Environmental i 'I - I fl1 I r 1 1 r 220 Commerce, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: 714.508.4100 Fax: 714.508.4110 Project Director ............................................................................................ Wa.4elE. Houlihan, AICP ProjectManager ................................................................................................ Shawn Nevill Cultural Resources Director ................................................................................ Kenneth J.'�Lord, Ph.D. 'x Environmental Analyst .............................................................. 4>.................................. Margaret Lin Air Quality and Climate Change Specialist .............................. .................................. Cori Wilson Sr. Editor ....................................................................................... .......... Sandra L. Tomlin GIS/Graphics ....................................................................................... , 7� ............ Karlee McCracken Michael Brandman Associates 99 HAClient (PN-JN)10064\00640027\IS\00640027 Initial Study Leaning Center.doc DRAFT Initial Study Newport Beach Learning Newport Beach, Califo nia ter July 7, 2009 Appendices Prepared for: City of Newport Beach PDF Format 00640027 NUSS 4 7"1 Michael BrandMan Associates i r IM-L 4 O a� U r U >CN EE C i C C)d� U >+ �Q C i U C)r U O aRs'E.O CV a) co C� UU N V �� y = - O i.. -O . a r � � n OV Q i O O - cu C� � <co _1w0 .� Lo a: LLw� 0 V �\ r- / Lo O _ Q In Z o Z 2�y z O ~w WU f- CL _ X Qof� U) Uw0 ZQ� 0 )5 Q U_W LL F- Of Z J LL O O wzw J CL SOU Q U) LLLL 00 a o w m Z w J LL a E Q v `o m z b' o cc� m " a ..1 c.E E m -zoA v a C q q E Fig " c i 95 It E E m E v o'Q `e Emm�3 c�v o xflw _ t 0 _ `o T m m v o E aoE'�RaaEa_ �Am` o 0 0 o m m 'm =ysmm�aE ���gg T o 72 1=maAo-A-mama Lgo I J� It, I tl Illllllllll jopISia 968110:D Apnwwoo Iseoo aol podoIanap E99Z6 e!uaoAK) `yaea8 :podmM JaJuao 6uPeal 8N 0691100 Aliunuauao:D aupseo:D ol.;o°;Eo 1N3Wd013A30 NEJIS3CI %O OL 06IMO 1N3Wd013A30NEJIS30%0V 60/60/Z6 NOIS30 011b'W3HOS %OOl a;e0 u01.1duosa0 leulwgnS cov o ¢ U S Q (n VJ U Z OO Q J w� Q 0 z LO � cc o 3 o T L a L U U U LL aae0 uogduosa0 uolslAa-d Oti OZ 0[ 0 }z p O LLJ w w LL. ¢ w s 2 F-w 00 Z F-¢¢ Z ~y m W Q F-- a p Z U W ¢ v J Z � U LL pOm �� wQQJ Jw Ow J W C7Q �LUL a J O J Z Z a Z U a F. 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W 0 w O Lu a w m = w Cn F=Z:)J J OZ W •Sr �_ LL.F J F- J 0 _ W ar) ma a a z ?< I II S SA N O CC,) Q Z U W 10 U) z '3AV F- [C 0 U isisanHNOOaa 'is Mmf sna z 0 cD Z z z a = m Z� ��� 5, Ib I;v �" �r �^h Q a z = ¢ O a o c+l Q 00 Cn w _U L U w J Z LLJ 2 a cc) a o ¢ t Z a J-O J CD 0 CO W p> ¢a W a co C)00 OU W F- �1= UO >20 o a' a QJ c7p w►-0 JQ aco W p am W= W _jaLL- ¢ YLU a UZ mQ _)S LL.w� W LU F-Q LL,a F-a ¢ LLI 1LLJ 2 F-a W Zp a�-i W -1 >- J M a _j O JaLLa m m _lM < a 2 U) X � O _jF_j UU N O ¢ Q � w a' C V M LL. m ID rn w WWU J Q = OQU U>w r w m r m 2�a wM n� �-O�7,w O U z 0 w w Z h U J cr00 Z� Z O O z Lu �- t<wo Ww (�Z¢oa-zO � o O °0 - .9 F __ T_ M w 0 L.L 0 V U NQ w w Q J w w LL Z n U) /J U) w U U Q w w LL NEV&RT BEACH FIRE DEP&MENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form usiness?Name: t'cc u �` e Building Name: s l-� t:ru Inspection Date: qTAddress Business Phone: Date "Notice of Reinspection" `�/ ° IoA to o, 4ve /`?? �% 6 4-6,1JQ was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire /Unit: / (G 02 ! � Sit I Date "Notice of Referral' was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Date Cleared 6✓A j. �e F� re o,.(Nord ov k teal ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance' I�� with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: _ Date: C 9- va0 p ^1 Inspected By: 4ma+ & A164.1 Scw Reinspection Date: C f — a -- ) A C 0, SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Address: Signature: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station 10 0 GENERAL PROVISION S FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] is AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10281 AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3j AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.31 BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] • EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.121 HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.61 HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.341 HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. • NE)*ORT BEACH FIRE DEP)WMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection Date: A Ppe NCA�.Ir4 f ry y—AA --12- Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice ofReinspection" i �,�% �qe -5-14 t-� � it was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" t,)Tu). was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m m m m m I)ate Cleared r �ii I I 6,e S19se . AlI e� e,L✓ �Us `A t `r cci'A 4- i ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of rei pection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law fox such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be schedule less a s from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: Date: 9 " 1 2-- Inspected By: Name: Reinspection Date: 44--22 f Z SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted -above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Signature: I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Original — FPD Address: Yellow — Owner Date: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Pink — Station i ! GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] • AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. (906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. (906.6) AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.11 AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. (904.5.11 BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.41 BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] • EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8:7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.291 HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.121 HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.391 HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.341 HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.21 IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. is NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA -92660=8915 Office (949)' 644-'3106 - Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE. Business/Building NamAw"Ila.Q' dblw *1 Inspectidn Date: //�- Unit: ;�Jram . Address: Inspector-::•-----. usines Phone- Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violations) listed below were noted. ����mmmmmmm. ,. . ee revqrAq side for vip� tion coderdesc Wions .- %f �` •`�c! i,Y12:- Date Cleared office use only) Aw SELF=CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -- cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced, and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: �0 RDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above conditions) immediately upon receipt. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties / provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is not�_on,'the bottom of this. notice. Print- Resp nsible Party Signature — Responsible Party . Email Re -inspection Date Original white — Business Yellow —Life .Safety Services Division Revised: 04-18-1.3 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] - AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view (906.6] AE )pen burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and mimmum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 orgreater) (1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post, approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304:3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.6.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits- Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i e. wood working). [105 6.6] • Compressed Gases. corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105 6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants. use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6,12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; 2Lstorage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; 2[ storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; 2rengage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20 • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105 6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105,6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e spray booths/rooms) [105 6.41] li u NE*ORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*,T 1 3300 Newport B-1vdi Newport Beach, -CA; 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: l Inspecction Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice ofReinspection and Non -Compliance ._/ Ito P o a;7 - Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MMIMMINNIMENEENE IMMEMMIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (officen�sP nn7v .S LL iL, t - t+ve» T s Y -c-(2 Lam, S I:;, C, 1, c� s Ti�/G!1 S i.viLC �2 5 All Z US4 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the fire extinguisher violation has- been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ElK . ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately ,upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may -render you IiK)7to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottonp,"is notige'"\ LJAQ CAL-1kou t-� Print R sePrin ponsible Party MC-17t Inspector q" 1 b 4-4- ,. 5 _Sr1 '_ Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business 7 Signature sponsible arty Al i 4z Inspection Unit Reinspection Date ` Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERII PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5 above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. 1904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308JA] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, another appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware,- Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in.non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703A] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required.pe»nits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105,6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class it or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 111B liquids in tanks for fueling -motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised jan 2011 ,}.fl.`, e`i}.ii'i' .:7.-::tx:fY;��;•r�.as ,r=jwa?r•.;: t��..t„,.;�.vrs.,r4va.....<°. <.± .,. ,,,f,-=._.,=,;;,k, '�'::f..; bc,..fw=:,_.,gF i't°. ,..rw.. ��..r!, .� ,.,." < w F:a. i NEOORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTONT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE"-f Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: :; A \/ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division (`1�-`-t) GI a - 0 -, (=,. As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted": See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) T Y, 1 - U k--(mil; SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the ottom•of_this notice e � Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business y Inspection Unit Reinspection Date p Yellow — Fire Prevention x GENEROPROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 NE*0RT 'J9EACII FIRE DEPARTNOT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Data Address; Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliunvn Spite: 13usiez Phone: Issue Date. Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Firc Department, the violation(s) listed belbw were noted. 0.,., ..;.7.. � �. .;ninfr'nn .•.rAn rinrnrintinn.c. _ -r------ Date Cleared (office use only) t t:+ Jp_gY, 'i t SELF -CLEARING: Only a rare extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted, above, it may be self=cleared by, certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hej-eL certify that the tre exiin fisher violation has been corrected. roil acne: ate: . ignaturc: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspec,tion date is noted on the noti'` Print - Responsible Party Signature— Responsible Party Inspector RavisadJan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Rcinspvvtion Date y�+ Yellow •- Fire Prevcntion Too ln XVq of:ao aT09i5T/90 .23309 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710 O lce #: ( 714 ) 575 - 0083 / Fox #: ( 714 ) 575 - 5180 TlenSate' Technician: f N2 29122 } California State Fire Marshal L.ieen¢e 0 E - 2219 / C - 16 Contractor Ucenve # 925132 / Federal Tax Identification # 59 - 3839083 Contact: Cell #: Contact: "� (�� Cell Billing: job Slte: - Street: Street: 'q 1116W City: state: _ _ _ Zip., City: State: CES Zip: J �j,�.-4 y Office#: Fax #: Office #: y Fax #: " £mall: RIM r-51a� . •.. Payment Terms o New ❑_Monthly isting o Quarterly O service Call ❑ Seml , Annual - ❑ Emergency O Annual VNEletio t3 Check #: © Credit Card #: - - - Purchase Order #1 Expiration Date: / ■ Inaaee Provide milling information For Credit Card Abovo+ if Different a Security Code: Description QTY Price -Per INonTaxablb 'Taxable_ L Annual Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Service ❑ 5 n 10 015 Ci 20 0 30 Annual Dry Chemical Extinguisher Service ❑ 2.5 0 %0 D 20 0 30 Annual Extingulsher Service 030011Class O 2.5 Gal Water/ Water Mist Annual Halon / Halotron Extingulsn2r Service 132.5 135 0 9 011 D 13 0 20 Annual K Class Fire Extinguisher Service 0 s ut 0 2.$ Gal Break Down ❑ 6 Yr DryCMCmlcal 0 6 Yr Halon / Hplotron Hydrostatic Test ❑ 5 Yr CO2 ❑ 5 Yr H2O 0 12 Yr DC 0 12 Yr Halon / Halotron installation ❑ Cabinet ❑ Extinguisher Bracket ❑ Vehicle 0 Wall California Certification Tag „ Fire Extinguisher 0 New ❑ Refurbished Gauge ❑ 100 13 195 0 240 High Pressure Seal Hose Hose Strap And Clip i.e Chemical M ABC © BC ❑ C82 13 Halon / Hetotron Pull Pin Sign Valve Stem 0 Amarec In Ansul ❑ Badger 0 Kldde Fire Extinguisher Cabinet ❑ New ❑ Refurtilsk4 Lack - Plexi - Glass ❑ 8"XIS" ❑ 9" X 24" Q 1Q" X 28" Semi - Annual Fire System Service Additional Cylinder Blow Off Cap 0 Metal 0 Rub b r Fusible Link 0 2126 ML 13 3600 k�oe'TSO:& ML Nozzle Foil Seel Pilot Cartridge Hood And Duct Cleaning Service Call / Trip Charge M ALL PAST DUE INVOICES INCUR 6% INTER Err PLUS $91.mm HANDt.ING CHARGE PER M4MT111 * No-hTak6ble: �,,r TSXSbt4: $ _ /]t',`` 1 sires r�x: $ pyg,jUPRINT AME AUTHORIZED SI 11RE TOTAL: $ Top White Invoice For Customer / llattollt "fallow Inv*IC* For Hedrick Fire Prottxtlon —� Pay Froin This Invoice: Mull r •1- wwwr/� sugar additionany agrees to pay any atwrsey mop goolsr one conogoon expwaee maurraa in soh ma coua®on. axpq Ynrrlaaw+.......r...- ...-....- r #+n ..-•- —T • "• ', . �.-.. of HellfttR rka 101,0e40" until Ito hnlanna InpMding the service eonnactad with the win shall be paid In full and Nedrlek fire Protection rotetne the right to sntor the property to recover #np remare k-t equipment ooild under the service order or Invoke for noupaym oL The customw agrees that if aatineuiihaltt era teMoikd fi*M elUtomore pr4miNe for Ute purpana of reclNmkkp sold aqulpMnt, It will remaln cwtomers rospomibllity under regulations from the CAC Title - It Psallo safety, to apiece anti ens an egfdpmant having at least the name rating as those removed. Us cu to1Mr will thva and hold; boredom Hedrick Mrs Protection from any and sit demagna that might occur in connection with #Ad after tratavaI of fire oqufpmanl. 900[a YM W60 ZT09/2T/20 Ed hp LaserJet • 45mfp series ,... Fax Call Report 1 City of Newport Beach 949-644-3120 15-May-2012 09:21 AM Job Date/Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 5937 15-May-2012 09:20 AM Receive 0:57 2 Success .k , .. s. w ; A.`•-" xit .+ „i; f :« F�.b4. =:d.� �`3t r`-�:.iv.3 -� �'°Y!:_ M. +n u.e„v -:i ..-.:=o t-�:° -. %:..... .1 is _ . i - .! - v ..,. "w , , t :'..;r......o . >as Yx �• w�"lalt v� .'^. r F..e. !+. :.' rwri F<% . NEWRT BEACH FIRE DEPARTANT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 E; 9 VIOLATION NOTICE usinessBuilding Name: (( y ew Ov-� n A l 15 Inspection Date: i U--I 2- Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMIMMIMMINNIMENE MEMO Elmo See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared' I x<- fnffice ice. onlvl AC ' Seyv(&e- nod +A ex+1tn v(5Vefs ckvgnud) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. , PnntName: Date: Signature: 0 i� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. , t - Responsible Party Na Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Re ponsible Partyj' (� Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention ; GENER9 PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE14P California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Fdtgag, box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguisystems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service a hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. 13404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE RemovP storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site aie in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 r VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Instp�eotion Date: A dress: Issue Date: Notice of Reinseection and Ron -Compliance Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. � mmmmmm m� See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice uce nnly) C i6 1J V �J bE �/ W i { it1 J t '+J' �J f ` i- J� %i f " • V1' 4 ' SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: I ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print eResponsi6CI61 ' �-(_) Inspector V Signature — Responsible Party Inspection Unit Ruins ection Dat Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 • AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use.1906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless snrinktorari PWIR i al ts. rire rrotection systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit -Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED:' [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3) E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. (315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. (3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt.1105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 I ? {11;11, n': a+S'£�. .i i � t. _ 1 �' iia .. - a •.i.;, '{; 1} )%Y:-1:•4.�.i' `1�• . _�iY..,,6„' - !}p{, .iP'1 � L �'Hc: t� L, iS � �.9 `.� :'�u 4 AS. _. 4 3 i.. .. y _ i NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 .Fax (949) 644-3120 - -. — — — . — — — — — w T _ _ _ _ _ As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffinn ncn nnly) YbAyz' 5V.V, lfifv'IA-6�c' s i 1 L 1 r;pqb1 9eTMt1j 4rE, C;S -7t4 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above,- it may be self -cleared- by ced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address certifying below that it has been serviced or\that within 14 days of the inspection date. $ 1 herebycertify are extinguLs.her violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: %P ORDER TO COMPLY: You are 'hereby required to c = ect the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the fore.goirig order before the date of reins ection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. r t.- Responsible Party Inspector Signature — Responsible Party 1 Inspection Unit N-livit,/, i Reinspection Dat '� i Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. 1308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] • F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class 1IIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 %�i.�. ', t .� ,. 1°' . . h r� t t -' �i 1. a t:.�'Ai�e'.F� �:,'; • _ M . .! ,-. . � ,! � �?y �. ..: i >T, .. .. •_ ;4 - r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 ,s VIOLATION NOTICE Business Buil ing N e: 1 Inspection Date: 1 ILI Address: ` - Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: ` Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division (.r- 0 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nfficP nse nniv) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extin isher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date:. 1, ,r Signature: 1 r' , r i'``� / I � t t�. ' L.-•L._A-cam'""' �, ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspect on may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinsnection date is noted on the bott�o of this notice. Print - Responsible Party � Yc,.-A/"/— (---" � P � � ( S( C fpt\ o Inspector ~' Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business ''Signature —Responsible Party Inspection Unit 7 einspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. 1912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." 11008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. 11006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids.13404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. (304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 %k I�!, ',� i a tfq ..r:N'•.'osi .,.. ...ry. ..wyf:y^v'—"wJ 'Y SM1•' 1-.1.4 f x y 1 x I`�} J JFWPORT`BEA;CH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport -Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 l; y` Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 - VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: . 'Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division r As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beacfi Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��-��mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffi(-.e rise nnly) S3 t/ C 1' 1jD 14o C X7 / ) d' 44- - a K. 1-5 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. „ Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - esponsible Party' % I Signature - Re p nsible Party rr Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspect on Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5 above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] pB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers.1304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 j � '� ° N�PORT�BEACH FIRE DEPAR��NT �x � '3360 N6.wport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 `,Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: z D Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: `710 55-1 i Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division Y° - As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMIMMINNIMENEENE INESEENEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office nse nnlv) SUV icC A?vP VA LxTf.,,ju1-r#e2 4�z ii-le- 15- oq - ( Z e LC 6-(a (cA-L A C E (, AAI D E- oc,(A e/L/F . HA vk'' A A1t,,/r1,oL,Po _Le 2r, ,,-e r Of `�'( r,,ry,, fit-���`�� ::'0 'sr_. W i DTd AnID t!L / 6 7— SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby cer4ify,that then tre; ti# fisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: lgnature: S RDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. �Lo oncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. y Print - Responsible Party 1j Signatur — Res p nsible Party r� l- 1w 0J lei r 7-?"� 1 � C-,r Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date An Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAVROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. (906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. 1907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways.'[1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprfnklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" it depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations. ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i,e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105:6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 . ' V s td�.:, ' �.t rr , �: ,. � �ti• �. ,N.,�,s a a •+ta xn cr-:-- yvr..5�w...?tr,,.a,+w.•. •a�� � . � . ;f�. w �-., „�x. � � . � X. 7 a+f w' �. " -"X,. a i• NEW'" RT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport ilvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: e ,Ac-56 A-L_ 2�- to,v. - -) 7 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division -(�410- 2-70® As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach"Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMINEINNIMENEENE INEEMENEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) V l Al e- ZO 1) Pvu,,_ i 3- pl SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be- self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. - Print Name: Date: Signature: 4�ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 3 ' Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to t e penalties provided by la or such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this otice. ar Print - Respoaj, b Party Signature — Res si le Party Inspector f Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow. -Tire Prevention b, GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. EIectrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. 13003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.411 Revised fan 2011 fl A Newport B P.O. Box 1768 Newport Fire Department ng Inspection Form CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 400 NEWPORT CENTER DR 4729W NT63C 89238 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 TYPE I - FR B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: NEWPORT MEDICAL CENTER 949-644-0603 No No BLDG #1 Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Medical Tower #1 Eastside of the Building.Right side of the Front Door. Apr 2, 2013 Owner/Responsible Parry Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: Rhodes Development -Arden Colby No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: 949-233-5848 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A Class 1 - Fire Line Partial - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Feb 20, 2010 Feb 10, 2010 On the wall next to the main entrance. Eastside. Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump:_ Fire Lanes: N/A Dry -Both Stairwells Yes No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A Southwest Corner, Southside. No No Permits: Issued: 6/2009 Expires: 6/2010 Highrise Building -All Issued: 6/2010 Expires: 6/2011 Highrise Building - All Issued: 4/2011 Expires: 6/2012 Highrise Building - All Issued: 6/2012 Expires: 6/2013 Highrise Building - All * * * NO PREVIOUS VIOLATIONS FOUND * * * Notes: Building Engineer -Arden Colby (949) 233-5848 Built in 1967 L M G L�- ���� VA J/6f, 1� /1-0 � tL,rhi Eli Printed: 04/03/2013 400 NEWPORT CENTER DR Page: 1 l� Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 �-60/ Inspection Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 360 SAN MIGUEL DR 4729W NT63C 89674 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 TYPE I - FR B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Center Medical Building 949-644-0603 Yes No #4-Rhodes Dev. Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Medical Tower #4 Above FCR wset side Apr 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Rhodes Development -Arden Colby No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Parry Phone: 949-233-5848 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A F4f LZ- Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Feb 10, 2010 Feb 10, 2010 FCR Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A Both stairwells Yes Yes TT6 Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: 7th floor south stairwell on San Miguel No No Permits: Issued: 7/2009 Expires: 6/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 7/2009 Expires: 6/2010 Highrise Building - All Issued: 6/2010 Expires: 6/2011 Highrise Building - All Issued: 4/2011 Expires: 6/2012 Highrise Building - All Issued: 6/2012 Expires: 6/2013 Highrise Building - All * * * NO PREVIOUS VIOLATIONS FOUND * * * Notes: Adjacent parking strcutrure is labeled North Parking Structure FDC is south end of bldg. next to newport walk-in. 6� Building Engineer -Arden Colby (949) 233-5848 ,�--� 6 Built in 1985 f T4 Ik I/, — t- �9 (- srtl-NJ Printed: 04/03/2013 360 SAN MIGUEL DR Page: 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach,'CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: _ Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance a o IV 11 I e-A d A. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 13141E -16 1�-f- 6" - u 03 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. NONUMNEENEENEENE MENOMONEE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) P o m L_,46& A k LP i C. 4 Lom► �_I I -A Irc/t_ 7kl C/ C L v 1W 4/ 14 M t / 17V 7 0. 1 f AJZ. r SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 0 I,� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to'the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party gignatuk — Responsible Paf(E 0A Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED" [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. 1605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised jan 2011 fr NEWPORT BEACH FIRE MPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA,.92663 1 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 f VIOLATION NOTICE' T Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: lvC4.19op CC.41YC to t ti r4.n r...r - r1 - •2.7 -- I Address: ' Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division �I `�` ~gyp' —vGo3 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (officeruse only) LAB(L AL_ fLCe-iPr(4L R0D,Mf -LA 8�(i_ i A( t"LIVATo C01--1 90L R00/ v yn C �' a p(rE r! C" 7", o o z •���°141�(' ALA 14OWf Azq k `z kS PL ACC VW rr � ;� .� ���� � � l M! SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Pnnt Name: ate: Signature: Lj�j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottoms o'f" this notice.' W41 l.R, _ Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party l DALE Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspecti • n Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention I rt: , GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. (2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide bISDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the Most condnion. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class ILIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 4 3300 Ne' pp r'Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office,04) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: P vllvr: C O ✓"l AVV Inspection Date: 1` ' a'1` Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance S40 /V e,lr(A. )DA. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division % ) ) / ^ `�}� % `r As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. in, UNEENEENEENEENE■IMENEENEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. IDate Cleared (office nse nnlvl ✓! C P A 46 t /i ` k C /t , 6 oI S. SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: Lj�j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — l esponsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business IVr1,4'_C. )_n-1�-7-11 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. (901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903A) BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. (315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3126 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: rv. >1 pM PC' n J In Address: p Issue Date: Notice {of Re•nspfee tion and Non -Compliance (DC'0 r Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. F-7M- � /'- �' C M!7D See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire nse nnlv) If f J l 0 Sr^Ale C e �4? C 'Wr j r C , � �C�U,a• 1 r\,' i t-j car'" � 1 - r'c7.s \^c. \ /\ t� �' S1 `b t e C, Lra h On )Op,-9At "A-C nn i� r 0 r i0 O c- rep 0 r-4 �j �L ' C -e -- c5 r, -1 cti'- c,_�,t= c`(� M t `` { ll I .G �e t o r. C o r L i t t >w^• �o' ,, �` �OOr SELF-CLEA'RIN-G-Qnly a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted *above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it ha ee �serviced or replaced _and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date------.- I hereby certi that t extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: v ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). \A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. �� I peC,C- Print - Responsible Party Sign�ture Re nsible Party �y\n IS�(--0/'0 ► 1� Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date �;: Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A) Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 R N, NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newportt Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of ReInspection and Non -Compliance "le , }IR Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division Dlrll�� As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared fnffine nse nnlvl lloj AL o k j 4� 71 v, % ;M o N -I c a 7- Z- A/ A 1# L ! P I l o. -It" I Rk 1" tw. 1 4 R 2, ?rt A/ -r D 1 ®.1''1?v L I/ ,L, y ' SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: FI ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above - condition(s) immediately upon receipt. I Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party nature — Responsible Party CP A&tDAIS Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximur AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commerc AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sp B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS hlformation for hazardous materials. [27 03.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMrrS —Not an all inclusive list, only the most coninron. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. (105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [103.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Data Address: Grid. Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 620 NEWPORT CENTER DR 4629W NT63C 91463 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 280,000 N/A B 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc. The Irvine Company (949) 729-1450 Yes Yes Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: 620 Newport Center Drive South side next to Fire Control Room door 6' Oct 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: L 14 CP �� j%�� '�/'7 Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: T.eny-I UWAgl�, Bldg Engineerb 7._,"7 ..--Lo No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 872-0985 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: jcarrillo@irvinecompany.com Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Feb 4, 2012 Feb 4, 2012 Fire Control room, South side of building Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire pump room, basement parking both stairwells Yes Yes Yes area Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Basement Garage area outside of the North side of building on San Yes No elevator lobby on the north. Joaquin Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 10/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Highrise Building -All Issued: 10/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials ��A Issued: 12/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Highrise Building -All Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Highrise Building - All "r•�✓ QPORef_ f C Issued: 1/2012 Expires: 3/2013 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 10/2012 Expires: 12/2013 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials ��,�CF,b� .� �.y� FN K AM Issued: 10/2012 Expires: 12/2013 Highrise Building - All Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Smoke detector in the chller room is not working. Cleared Oct 6;2012 Dall, Charlie ZZ Lobby doors aren't closing completely when the building is in alarm. Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall, Charlie ZZ Provide storage room access key in the knox box. Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall, Charlie ZZ Piping on floors 2, 8 & 11 sectional valves are leaking when opened. Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall, Charlie ZZ Tamper on 13th floor did not report. Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall,-Charlie ZZ Basement tampers report as alarms. Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall, Charlie ZZ Sectional tamper outside of basement restroom reports as all Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall, Charlie basement troubles instead of supervisory. ZZ Provide wrenches for the spare sprinkler heads located in the fire Cleared Oct 6,2012 Dall, Charlie control room. Printed: 10/07/2013 620 NEWPORT CENTER DR Page: 1 e't Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID Inspected By: 4041 MACARTHUR BL QD 4030Y NT63C 92006 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Loa . Inspection Type: 280 0 TYPE I - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: lan: Business Phone: /es Hazmat Disc: Roy's (949) 261-2424 No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Redstone Plaza n Main Entrance Column,12' Oct 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood.• D Chem: CO2: Laura Estrada No o No Other S tem(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 261-3210 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Yea Date: Alarm Panel Location: Jan 1, 2012 Au 1 006 N/A Riser Location: Standpipe cation: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Suite 120 Stairw is No No Yes Insp Test Valve Location: FDC L cation: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Suite 120 On ewport Place No No Permits: Printed: 10/07/2013 4041 MACARTHUR BLVD Suite: 280 Page: 1 .i, ;.:jait 4.a, {. +'. r�yi,{w µ'e .%rv:';:."'";.�4�.�6.xru>;n .+fir-r. � ,�� .^...K °: i�bbf},;;.c.: n. :.5: ...ma e+r+si t.?" .A'i ,.�,.k. .S; Y�f ?'.•k�� f .�y,A• S NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division �y As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. t. -JF7 7— 1p ® J'k Iz J-z KE? _' ` m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use onl r O' al �•- ?P.a\l1Y� 0,AkSTt (L i c��tL (Ca�f0, '�� `�a S 510,0))t PC c BPS .S�{ t.� 3E ; A�tvr -� ► n�+ mot' 1 ��2 (�,L_A,55 k C nnrlE�2ct' tr �"�c ErJ Eye ItX-l.)isIJEt2. ?.F-QQtt'. goo'D Rv,,,St Kg --Pi o e, , ,pc(LV_AAlNW S-rc)P-A &C Sal kty o 2r e(? (- fV 1`JfJ F-, ., t o 2fo . c ) 9a-o t ibE 3=pt2. C >< t-r iJC�-t ftRE DEPA12t TM En.tT ACC,ES S SnAA( ;.. ?,:C.1D VG C S'T-DeA d "T� l r` '� G VJ (.t: tf �, F' i �P?_pr r'j k f C Klee l^ L-AM11i\ , r}�1�'; y,�r2�u�.3 M A-(V(G � At 5 i 0",j A6C LfFJI^17 K I hsG i2- L LaS L ) Jk t, AL-L " 1 t v,n � V i 5�v ��- _5F_9ViCC AND `Ctn, 4ocZ) ,DNA ()v(--T SEMI-A10 Z% AND Pr�X E Aclk Ac_-rt viL1=J SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Pnnt Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this otice, 0wJ � _t —?A-T �q2z-lgqo lv- Print - RWponshb e Party Signature - Resp n' le kWf 9 Af-SO-05 - E(03 A kc03 -', Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-13:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less, = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use:1906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours.11008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.7b] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1'105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. (105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 N*PORT BEACH FIRE DEPARONT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: .y U1x , ,u SCE v En �C0 av _'k�1z Address: f Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Ndn-Compliance 4,0c) ,VGA/ bpc Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division aIL f 949— 7 12 o-) As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use•only) IR 6 ors BA-- FRd v1 F)G 60,1rA& Rc,a kE G� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the,fire extinguisher violation has been corrected.. _ Print Name: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. jR bklR��� Print - Responsible Party gnature — s si le Party G�MiJ6 D141L Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAOROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETO California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations s AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / mote than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. 13404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprfnklered building. [315.2.1j EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 ` ,� . a ,'�• � r� C#1;� � r''1„u .a��',}� A ' 4'1`.,1 ;4 •. �\ : � ; '?.CFa��i ' � �. .i .4 • , s i Fi.� �� ., �sar�� i6�-' •'�y •§. 7•. F�1 .��,� - ��.� >it'k���(.;.. ,F.?�,�`,'�."�', �.'�{`✓sr-. �nsr�: ;.."�• ` ..; �^; 2. �i k' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport.Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION N"OTICE Business/Building Name: ComNol� Inspection Date: .7� _TR1111v6 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ` a v 111(OA 7 Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date:'Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 13001 �� -y_ s'2�~`� As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were rioted. � mikNIMMINONEENEENE IMENE NEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice nse only) E� �/�v✓i�C 5 /)? � /�✓ z� v � AYEL " LC-0,4 i o � �,N' `' b 0 -- I ,nVIM OW /"fin/ V " � ' 1�%C � � C;, V � I� f 4 SS d if `� �✓ l � _.• r" a SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: ate: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. l,J Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of t is notice. Print - esponsible Party I Ar6 re — .5;nsibj�Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business c_ Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Pro-�zde MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE FIELD INSPECTION NOTICE NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division (949) 644-3106 INSPECTION DATE 7 INSPECTOR•NAME BUSINESS NAME w( C-a,44P PHONE q -3 _�-�,�LR BUSINESS ADDRESS VO AIE'I�IbA i C—Cw CA .DR CITY Al;4 ®R-.- ZIP qWd MAILING ADDRESS (if different) CITY ZIP OWNER/MANAGERr (Print)�p� 9006(fl t ikk I R1/ C TITLE alifiirrtla Hed?4%%ijrssde t?IsSioii 2D-hapie;S Arlt'tSetlts 25Sti0�¢5?0';`ad ;titi� 4e Of 40140, A BetstiEui ► : ' n.: . Hazardous Materials Disclosure is correct and up to date. ❑ Hazardous materials disclosure not available onsite for review. ❑ Business owner/operator page is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) not available on site for review. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) require updating or new chemical(s) onsite require disclosure. ❑ Emergency plan is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Facility map(s) is missing or requires updating. ❑ Other - explain below: The above marked item(s) is in violation of California law and requires immediate correction. Failure to correct the violation(s) will result in civil penalties and prosecution. Contact the Fire Prevention Division regarding completing the necessary correction(s). I declare that I have examined and received a copy of this Field Inspection Notice. Owner/Manager (Print): 1 it e: ignature: �� '�' ate: r Original — FPD Yellow — OwnedTenant OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION ANNUAL HIGH-RISE BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Health and Safety Code Section 13217(a) requires that local fire agencies submit this report no later than thirty (30) days after the date of inspection of any high-rise building. Please complete and return this form to: Office of the State Fire Marshal, Fire & Life Safety Division South, 602 E. Huntington Dr., Ste A, Monrovia, CA 91016. For your convenience, an Inspection Guide has been developed for use with this report. Any questions concerning the High -Rise Building Inspection Program may be directed to our staff at the OSFM Fire & Life Safety by telephoning (626) 305-1908. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr FIRE DEPARTMENT: NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Inspection: 0 % —1,0 —13 Name of Building: C-0,4 PAWy 0FJF1 �L� PRO1`'� ��6 Address: 11b 00 tiJ'✓C410'/Q T el rbk OR 111,8 qV — This building has been inspected as a[ ] NEW [ ] EXISTING high-rise structure, as defined in Section 13210, Health and Safety Code. Major Occupancy Class Construction Type Year Constructed 1 71_ Sprinkler System F 141 L This building is in compliance with the applicable regulations. rYV AA YES [ ] NO The building is vacant. [ ] YES [ ] NO A Plan of Correction has been accepted by the Fire Department. [ ] YES [ ] NO If a Plan of Correction has not been accepted by the Fire Department, what action has been taken to achieve compliance? INSPECTOR: C4ARit� A�.L GO-zss (oaros) 6 D Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM SERVICE ORGANIZATION PROPERTY NAME Pacific Financial Plaza Address: 800 Newport Center Drive © Corporate Office City/State: Newport Beach, CA 92660 15531 Container Lane Telephone: 949-279-2002 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Owner Contact: Luis Hernandez 714-902-8000 Phone 714-902-8001 Fax Technician Name(s) : Raymond Grajeda www.pyrocomm.com Jamal Gatlin E-mail: testingga,pyrocomm.com San Diego Regional Office Service Performed: Annual 2nd and 3rd firs and all tampers 760-930-6014 Phone Total Inspection Hours: 4.5 Hours Northern CA Regional Office PASSED - NO DEFECTS =FAILED 510-632-1208 Phone THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AT THE ABOVE THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AT LISTED ADDRESS WAS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE THE ABOVE LISTED ADDRESS WITH THE METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS OF WAS TESTED AND IT DOES NOT NFPA 72 AND THAT IT MEETS ALL APPLICABLE MEETS ALL APPLICABLE CODES CODES AND STANDARDS. ANDSTANDARDS =PASSED - ADDITIONAL REMARKS CHECK OFF LIST STEP# SYSTEM STATUS ON DEPARTURE Indicate in the test report if the fire alarm asbuild are on site and specify storage location of the plans. x Make sure panel covers are all on before leaving work area. x Batteries on site need to be dated. Batteries should be replaced every 4 years. x Primary and Secondary password(s) are installed in the fire alarm panel x Verify PCMIS sticker is on the front of the panel with correct job number. x Location of A/C Breaker for the fire alarm panel is labeled on inside door. x Panel Packet Mounted containing the following : x a. Updated Sequence of Operations x b. Frame and Post Operations Procedures x Duct Detector(s) above the ceiling should be identified and tagged when the remote annunciator is missing. x Indentify and tag defective device(s) discovered during testing (preferred method - small sticker).. Initiate a backup of the panel program. Send a copy of the program to Pyro-Comm to archive, x Generate a sensitivity report directly from the panel if possible. Include sensivity report with test report. x Make sure the time on the panel and UDACT are correct. x Make sure all systems are normal on the panel before the system is put back on line through the central station. x Make sure the work area is clean on departure. x Send a copy of the test report to Pyro-Comm to archive. Need to be done within 24hr after the test is done. Initiate test repairs if time permits if the customer has full maintenance - pre -authorized agreements. Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Inspection/Test Start Date/Time: Inspection/Test Completion Date/Time: 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Annual/3-18-13/6am Ann ual/3-18-13/10:30am Name of property: Pacific Financial Plaza Address: 800 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Description of Property: Business office Name of property representative: Luis Address: 800 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: 9492792002 Fax: Email: 2 TESTING AND MONITORING INFORMATION Testing organization: Pyro-Comm Systems Inc. Address: 15531 Container Lane Huntington Beach CA Phone: 1-714-902-8000 Fax: 1-714-902-8001 Email: Monitoring organization: National Monitoring'Center Address: Phone: 1-888-815-6268 Fax: Email: Account Number: 692437 Phone Line 1: Phone Line 2: Means of transmission: UDACT Entity to which alarms are transmitted: Phone: 3 DOCUMENTATION On -site location of the required record documents and site specific software: 4 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE 4.1 Control Unit Manufacturer: NOTIFIER Model number: 1010 4.2 Software and Firmware Firmware revision number: 4.3 System Power 4.3.1 Primary (Main) Power Nominal voltage: 120y Amps: 3AH Location: MAIN ELECTRICAL RM Overcurrent protection type: Amps: Disconnect means location: SYSTEMS RECORD OF INSPECTION AND TESTING (Continued) 4 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE (continued) 4.3.2 Secondary Power Type: Location: Battery type (if applicable): Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: in standby mode (hours): 5 NOTIFICATIONS MADE PRIOR TO TESTING In alarm mode (minutes): Monitoring Organization Contact: NMC Time: Building management Contact: Time: Building occupants Contact: ENGINEER Time: Authority having jurisdiction Contact: Time: Other, if required Contact: Time: 6 TESTING RESULTS 6.1 Control Unit and Related Equipment 6AM 6AM Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Control Unit E 0 Lamps/LEDs/LCDs E Fuses 0 Trouble signals E Disconnect switches E 0 Ground -fault monitoring Supervision 0 Local annunciator 0 Remote annunciators ❑ ❑ Power annunciators ❑ ❑ Other (specify) ❑ ❑ 6.2 Secondary Power Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Battery condition 0 E Load voltage ❑ ❑ Discharge test ❑ I ❑ Charger test ❑ ❑ Remote panel batteries 0 ❑ 11 SYSTEMS RECORD OF INSPECTION AND TESTING (Continued) 6 TESTING RESULTS (Continued) 6.3 Alarm and Supervisory Alarm Initiating Device Attached supplementary device test sheets for all initiating devices. 6.4 Notification Appliances Attach supplementary appliance test sheets for all notification appliances. 6.5 Interface Equipment Attach supplementary interface component test sheets for all interface components. Circuit Interface / Signaling Line Circuit Interface / Fire Alarm Control Interface 6.6 Supervising Station Monitoring Description Yes No Time Comments Alarm signal El ❑ Alarm restoration 0 ❑ Trouble signal M ❑ Trouble restoration I I ❑ Supervisory signal El ❑ Supervisory restoration El ❑ 6.7 Public Emergency Alarm Reporting System Description Yes No Time Comments Alarm signal ❑ ❑ Alarm restoration ❑ ❑ Trouble signal ❑ ❑ Trouble restoration ❑ ❑ Supervisory signal ❑ ❑ Supervisory restoration ❑ ❑ SYSTEMS RECORD OF INSPECTION AND TESTING (Continued) 7 NOTIFICATIONS THAT TESTING IS COMPLETE Monitoring organization Contact: NMC Time: 10:30 Building management Contact: Time: Building occupants Contact: ENGINEER Time: 10:30 Authority having jurisdiction Contact: Time: Other, if required Contact: Time: 8 SYSTEM RESTORED TO NORMAL OPERATION Date: 3/18/2013 Time: 10:30am 9 CERTIFICATION This system as specified herein has been inspected and tested according to NFPA 72. 2013 edition, Chapter 14. Signed: Printed Name: Raymond Grajeda Date: 3/18/2013 Organization: Pyro-Comm Systems Title: ServiceTechnincian Phone: 714-902-8000 Qualifications (refer to 10.5.3): 10 DEFECTS OR MALFUNCTIONS NOT CORRECTED AT CONCLUSION OF SYSTEMS INSPECTION, TESTING, OR MAINTENANCE 10.1 Acceptance by Owner or Owner's Represntative: The undersigned accepted the test report for the system as specified herein: Signed: Organization: Printed Name: Date: Title: Phone: Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. 1 ANNUNCIATORS ❑ This system does not have annunciators Location and Description of Annunciators l Annunciator 1: LCD 8- BASEMENT SECURITY OFFICE Annunciator 2: Annunciator 3: Annunciator 4: 2 AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Door -releasing devices ED Fan shutdown Smoke manage/control L1 ❑ Smoke damper operation ❑ Smoke shutter release ❑ Door unlocking ❑ Elevator recall ' El Elevator shunt trip ❑ MINIS override of FA signals ❑ Other (specify) LJ ❑ 3 MONITORED SYSTEMS Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Engine -driven generator ❑ Fire pump 0 0 Special suppression systems LJ ❑ Other (specify) Li ❑ 4 COMBINATION SYSTEMS Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Fire Extinguishing monitoring device/system ❑ ❑ Carbon mono detector/system ❑ Comb fire/security System n❑ Other (specify) Li❑ t • -• S""'( lt'' :- a: )!id 4 C'Nntt� to; atgdi tion l infnimitiom, CP.r(,i}ications. wid approvals, "F!UN AND I E�TJNG 3 SPECIAL HAZARD Description (specify) Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments El El El !,)I 'jt!'61 UuMil MIOMI,460tl, c.eltlfIWWI)S, and approvals, Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 FIRE INSPECTION RECORDS SYSTEM STATUS ON ARRIVAL NOTE ALL TROUBLE LIGHTS, MESSAGES, CONDITIONS, OR ANOMALIES BEFORE INSPECTION BEGINS. NOTE # NOTATION SITE REP'S INIT SYSTEMS NORMAL UPON ARRIVAL. SYSTEM TAKE -DOWN / REINSTATEMENT CHECK OFF LIST I STEP# TAKE -DOWN ACTION DESCRIPTION I q I STEP# I REINSTATEMENT ACTION DESCRIPTION Zones 100-108 and 132 SYSTEM STATUS ON DEPARTURE NOTE #I NOTATION SYSTEMS NORMAL UPON DEPARTURE Date Site Representative Title Date Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Rep. 03l18l13 Raymond Grajeda The undersigned Pyro-Comm representative certifies that the above listed information is accurate and -is understood by the site representative. Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE POWER PANEL SUPPLEMENTARY RECORD OF COMPLETION BATTERY TEST MAKE - MODEL -LOCATION ELECT RM a�®■���� See Main System Record of Completion for additional information, certfications, and approvals Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACID 5998 INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM NODE LOOP ADDR DEVICE TYPE LOCATION EXT LABEL PASS FAIL COMMENTS 1 D6 SMOKE 2ND LOBBY DOORS S. x 1 D7 SMOKE 2ND FLOOR OFFICE x 1 D21 SMOKE 2ND CORRIDOR SOUTH x 1 D22 SMOKE 2ND ELECT. RM SOUTH x 1 D23 SMOKE 2ND FREIGHT ELEVATOR x 1 D24 SMOKE 2ND PASS. ELEVATOR x 1 D25 SMOKE 2ND ELECT. RM NORTH x 1 D26 SMOKE 2ND CORRIDOR NORTH x 1 D27 SMOKE 2ND-RETURN AIR DUCT x 1 D28 SMOKE 2ND FL TEL. SUITE200 x 1 D31 SMOKE 3RD ELECT. RM NORTH x 1 D32 SMOKE 3RD ELECT. RM SOUTH x 1 D36 SMOKE 13RD CORRIDOR STIR 1 x 1 D5 SMOKE 2ND LOBBY DOORS N. x 1 D8 SMOKE 2ND FLOOR IDF ROOM x 1 D9 SMOKE 2ND DAMPER OFFICE x 1 D67 SMOKE 2ND-RETURN AIR DUCT x 1 D68 SMOKE 2ND-RETURN AIR DUCT x 1 D70 SMOKE 13RD FL EAST L0BY DRS x 1 D71 SMOKE 3RD FL ELEV LOBBY x 1 D72 SMOKE RECPTION VESTBUL 3RD x 1 D73 SMOKE 3RD FL IDF ROOM x 1 D74 SMOKE STE 300 FREIGHT ELEV x 1 D75 SMOKE STE 300 DUCT SOUTH x 1 D76 SMOKE STE 300 DUCT EAST x 1 D77 SMOKE STE 300 INDUCT x Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM NODE LOOP ADDR. DEVICE TYPE LOCATION EXTLABEL PASS FAIL TIME COMMENTS 1 M29 TAMPER 4TH SOUTH STAIR X 1 M31 TAMPER 3RD SOUTH STAIR X r 1 M33 TAMPER 2ND SOUTH STAIR X 1 M35 TAMPER 1ST SOUTH STAIR X 1 M37 TAMPER GARAGE JANITORS RM X 1 M39 TAMPER GARAGE FIRE PUMP RM X 1 M41 TAMPER GARAGE LOADING DOCK X 1 M97 TAMPER GARAGETENNANTSTOR. X 3 M22 TAMPER 7TH LEVEL X 3 M23 TAMPER 7TH LEVEL X 3 M25 TAMPER 6TH LEVEL X 3 M27 TAMPER 5TH LEVEL X 3 M21 TAMPER ROOF STAIR TAMPER X 1 M30 WATERFLOW 4TH SOUTH STAIR X 1 M32 WATERFLOW 3RD SOUTH STAIR X 32 1 M34 WATER,FLOW 2ND SOUTH STAIR X 25 1 M36 WATERFLOW 1ST SOUTH STAIR X 30 1 M38 WATERFLOW GARAGE JANITORS RM X 33 3 M20 WATERFLOW PENTHOUSE LEVEL X 27 3 M24 WATERFLOW 7TH LEVEL X 45 3 M26 WATERFLOW 6TH LEVEL X 22 3 M28 WATERFLOW STH LEVEL X 21 1 M10 PULL STATION 3RD ELEVATOR LOBBY X 1 M7 PULLSTATION 2ND NORTH CORRIDOR X 1 M8 PULLSTATION 2ND PASS. ELEVATOR X 1 M9 PULLSTATION 2ND SOUTH CORRIDOR x 1 M47 PULL STATION STE 300 NORTH EXIT X 1 M48 PULL STATION STE 300 SOUTH EXIT X NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Busine sBuilding Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. B m m m F= m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nfficP nsP nn1V1 c VI C- -"� V1,A1a Q C' C U r �C - 11 f- i E �1�0�✓ s r��'� a C V cp,✓� o �� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be -self -cleated by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law_ for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ,G6�(g PARS' Print - Responsible Party (ffix PAL_ Inspector Signature — Responsible Party IvT jQ -C p 47— j2, .--/` , _ Inspection Unit Reinspection Date I Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of -combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting_& fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703A] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating).1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6,38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 - u;;rr' NEWPORT BEACH FIDE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE ,Bu'siness/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: ,n Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance b _ if IrAl Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division f As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions, Date Cleared (office use nnlvl U (� -rA 6- TA( ( - v+�' S i��l it ia ;;4L4 it V 0 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be.self cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. 'Please return this notice'to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: ate: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Pint - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party l PAL Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business /yT G°? —C- Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention k -A GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised jan 2011 �a 4oRT,& NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT' z FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658=8915 (949) 644-3106 \EPAR`� .................................................................................................................................. Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance ................................................................................................................................: Date: /0-r) 1), A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on 0 !l _Z Business Name: A %T Business Address: �b ✓���I✓��R I ����� �� At that time, a Violation Notice was issued indicating the corrections required to ,gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant. - to the California Fire Code. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after 10 _ 17 / 'J, If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred- to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a .subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: 61 t"'D� ycif PART Phone Number: 7/ � —7 t0 — 4'1 J S Fax Number: Email Address: 9 r rTp C O/K Inspector's Name: C, DAi-. Phone Number: g 0 Left with Responsible Party O Faxed (Rev. 9-28-10) Original - Owner/Responsible Patty Emailed- Yellow - FPD _ .. .:_ .... ., � _ .. : • >.#l.a � ._ '%#: ,.a�•` at.,:"r••.�M,;a i�;; r1':., i, wfJ;i ... •�.�$.�L, at,,>xTMY #.'.;",Y,'g;,3 _Jr NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 9265&8915 (949) 644-3106 ................................................................................................................................. Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance s................................................................................................................................: Date: /p -5-11 A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on ® �2 " 12 Business Name: A T -F /Ai v sit T -11 a;-i 5- Business Address: t � b ✓VI�Z LIDR 1 CCIVT 0 ,t At that time, a Violation Notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the _ California Fire Code. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after 10 _ S 7 — 0 � If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the'Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: Cr- eUj or- ir PAR 1 Phone Number: 7/1 - — i 46, _ 3 S Fax Number: Email Address: 9 A �7-�7 a)A TT , J/ J Inspector's Name: C D41_ Phone Number: 7� — CL��' —33 23 O Left with Responsible Party O Faxed (Rev. 9-28-10) Original - Owner/Responsible Party Emailed Yellow - FPD Work Order Ticket Work Order#21975 Date Completed: 10/15/2012 pieiRS�rC�r PfipiC'7WNS�Cki A:: 1241 N. Barsten Phone: Fax: Anaheim, CA 92806 USA AT & T - LAC093 WM Wireless 840 Newport Center Drive 6723 N. Paramount Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Long Beach, CA 90805 USA USA Suite/Tenant: Purchase Order#: CO 52811-LAC093 Site Contact: Tim Calugay Contact Phone: Job Scope: Preventative Maintenance Fire 6491012 (1) Fenwal Halon System ANNUAL INSPECTION per NFPA 12A Control Panels and Graphic Annunciators 1. Inspect all wires and connections in panels. 2. Load test each battery. 3. Functional test of all input and output signals per software program. 4. Completion of inspection, download system memory, and clean memory buffers. 5. Activate electric solenoid from control system. Smoke / Heat Sensors 1. All detectors are to be checked for proper alarm, supervision and trouble. 2. Visually inspect each device to ensure that detectors are in good physical condition and that there are no changes which may impact detectors performance. 3. Smoke sensors shall be cleaned (if necessary) and calibrated with sensitivity readings verified to manufactures and Underwriters Laboratory specifications. 4. Operate each sensor to verify that the intended responses are produced. Audible and Visual Alarms 1. Alarm each device from the control panel to verify proper sequence of operation. 2. Test all visual alarms for proper operation and light intensity. 3. Test all audible alarms and verify decibel level with hand held meter. Halon Agent Quantity and Pressure 1. Inspect storage tanks for leakage and valve operation. 2. Inspect and record pressure reading for each cylinder. (Verify & record weight for each cylinder.) Halon Cylinder(s) Bracketing and Bracing 1. Examine all containers for evidence of corrosion or mechanical damage. 2. Check container bracketing and supports to determine that their condition is satisfactory. 3. Examine piping for any evidence of corrosion. 4. Examine pipe hangers and straps to see that the piping is securely supported. 5. Check nozzles for proper position and alignment and determine that the orifices are clear and unobstructed. 6. Check nozzle seals, if applicable for signs of deterioration and replace if necessary. Enclosure Integrity 1. Inspect protected enclosure to determine if penetrations or other changes have occurred that could adversely affect agent leaka e. Work Summary: Performed preventative maintenance on the fire system per the contract. System performed as designed. System was tagged and placed back in service free from trouble or alarm. Page 1 of 5 Plc;a�i� PdvaLLTr/lP+a'rt [tee' ic;. 1241 N. Barsten Anaheim, CA 92806 USA Work Order Ticket Work Order #21975 Date Completed: 10/15/2012 Phone: Fax: yam' f:j, ffi ,L - ,jft Dispatcher: Jenny Huynh Caller: Date Created: 10/15/2012 Lead Technician: Jeff Buffington Job Status: Complete Job Type. PM- Preventative Maintenance Date Completed: 10/15/2012 Business Unit: 500 - Fire Cross Reference# 6491012 Contract#: 6491 Job #: Date Material Number Description Source/PO # Quantity Unit Date Material Number Description RMA # Quantity. Unit •PIsgRS�I[R P.4TGLTCAN GrLa['aS lu Thank you for your business! Satisfied customers are our highest priority. If you have any questions or comments please call us. Customer Representative: Tim Calugay Date/Tim e: 10/15/2012 11:24:31 AM Work Order: 21975 Customer Signature I Page 2 of 5 Work Order Ticket pmSx�rICS �4'rC'lUlNSYF'�C�iF't�e 1241 N. Barsten Anaheim, CA 92806 USA Supporting Details Work Order #21975 Date Completed: 10/15/2012 Phone: Fax: Page 3 of 5 Work Order Ticket Work Order #21975 Date Completed: 10l15/2012 O7YSRil.1[fi ?��7GClx'iN 51",.:Pie"tR;. 1241 N. Barsten Phone: Fax: Anaheim, CA 92806 USA .- 10027156 Halon System Fenwal [Z Service Performed ❑ Service Not Performed s - Hazard [Jj Checked hazard configuration for changes Q Checked door closers and seals © Checked enclosure integrity Q Checked location of warning signs Q Checked location of operation signs . s - Hazard Hazard configuration changes Initial: Final: No Door closers operational Initial: Final: Yes Enclosure integrity ok Initial: Final: Yes 100271 R[ Service Performed ❑ Service Not Performed Tanks El Verified tank pressures Q Verified agent content in tanks Q Checked for visible leaks [✓f Checked tanks for physical damage Page 4 of 5 Work Order Ticket Work Order#21975 Date Completed: 10/15/2012 p iN S!"ro-,R7S;xC 1241 N. Barsten Phone: Fax: Anaheim, CA 92806 USA 10027154 090y2ab Halon Tank Fenwal 090y2ab ?: +'�� [✓( Service Performed Service Not Performed Checked for moisture/frosting v Q Check initiator date - Q Completed tank inspection tag Q Checked piping Q Checked hoses Tanks t Tank Pressure Initial: Final: 400 PSI Agent Weight Initial: Final: 200 LBS Total Weight Initial: Final: 343 LBS Liquid Level Initial: Final: N/A Vessel last hydro date Initial: Final: 2/89 Temperature Initial: Final: 70 Page 5 of 5 NIOPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARAENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: V)V�/ C Av,'a CC O -f 6 `_-)_ —/z Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to'the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were. noted. MMIERNMENEENE MEN MINE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date. Cleared (office use only) . '. 2- L /1 L L LFG 7 G ,4 L IZ6 EW '7 --u -a- PA rt A C C e,4/7n a L I? 6'G DV) P IJ2-11, A T D)S! ZL6 u ` �-�S 1I SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. R 56-t-A 'j8kf % frl6 Print - Responsible Party L12UP 1d ; d ,4k L Inspector z/V t L3- C 01 —-1S-/ L Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERARROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor 1906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CIE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS -Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41) Revised Jan 2011 •x�. ',q,,;,, a�2t�*.t .. Li`;% p*,+, 4„ :b'>�i�} .-"7.: � �: �i. �'t$'�M1,u��. 'fi,��..Y. ��9"�jn•�,krt:lac•,3,"e;-`ur; a..?4i: ��"{.%`�„��: r,`"n� .u;. _k`'t �� �,•„ry.GA � ay.; N s �y a, ai: .Y �t,� y,.� nnn5'^'# zv��s. `L 1�:. , a.t'•t 1-�<�i.," 5t f a+'•. r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: I - G /1�N 02 --)--o r-/ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division _ As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. H Im See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared lnfficP nce nnlvl x I SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Prmt Name: ate: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. t� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this n p .Ice` �• f ,, Print - Responsible Party Sig •'tur — Resp sibl Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] Aj Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [313.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS informdtion for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric -any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class lI or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE FIELD INSPECTION NOTICE NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division (949) 644-3106 INSPECTION DATE 07 --,o r1 'INSPECTOR NAME z-"4AQu( DAL BUSINESS NAME PHONE BUSINESS ADDRESS �+ /� CITY .yam ZIP MAILING ADDRESS (It different) CITY ZIP OWNER/MANAGER (Print) TITLE 00�6q KIRAPATAK r3alti4rtii (a1th•&sa jr: `#3iYis aq 2>� h�lpt > ; S:A t�::1 it f-255tio=2 5 b-ate>G ili orniarCoil of Iisgiiiattcr - 8� tvt San A le Sec c 7 9 . Hazardous Materials Disclosure is correct and up to date. ❑ Hazardous materials disclosure not available onsite for review. ❑ Business owner/operator page is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) not available on site for review. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) require updating or new chemical(s) onsite require disclosure. ❑ Emergency plan is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Facility map(s) is missing or requires updating. ❑ Other - explain below: The above marked item(s) is in violation of California law and requires immediate correction. Failure to correct the violation(s) will result in civil penalties and prosecution. Contact the Fire Prevention Division regarding completing the necessary correction(s). I declare that I have examined and received a copy of this Field Inspection Notice. Owner/Manager (Print), �vXlpe��+14;4 I �4 �J �Y4�xk Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Tenant OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL High Rise Building Inspection Guide The following is to be used as a guide and is not intended to incorporate all applicable SFM requirements. Building: YES NO N/A A. CONSTRUCTION 1 Building construction type and fire resistive rating conforms throughout and is maintained in good repair [ I [ l [ I 2 Fireproofing of structural members is mainained [ I [ l [ } 3 Proper interior and ceiling finish rating is provided [ ] [ I [ } 4 Fire doors are of proper rating and operate satisfactorily [ I I I [ 1 5 Vertical shaft enclosures are in good repair and fire assemblies at opening are properly maintained [ I [ I [ I B. EXITS 6 Proper corridor construction and opening protection are - provided and maintained. Dead-end corridors do not exceed 20' [ I [ I [ I 7 There is access to at least 2 separate means of egress from each floor [ I [ I [ I 8 All means of egress are clear, inobstructed, and free of storage. Exit ways and exit signs are properly illuminated and maintained. [ I [ I [ I 9 Corridors are not used as part of the air distribution system [ I [ l I l C. MECHANICAUELECTRICAL 10 Fire dampers, smoke detectors and similar devices are adequate, properly maintained and tested [ 1 [ } [ } 11 All heating, cooling and ventilation equipment is maintained safisfactorily. There are no visible defects [ l C I [ I 12 Ventilation for the removal of products of combustion from the building is provided and properly maintained [ I [ I [ I 13 Building air circulation systems (when provided) are equipped with override switches in acceptable locations to allow for manual control [ I [ I [ l 14 Electrical wiring, fixtures, and appliances are properly installed and operate in a safe manner [ I [ l [ } D. HOUSEKEEPING 15 Kitchen range hoods, vents, fans, ducts, and filters are maintained in proper condition and free of grease [ I [ } [ l 16 All areas are free of unusual amounts of storage [ I [ I [ I Gen.009 (Rev.3/02) Page 1 of 2 E. FIRE EXTINGUISHING 17 All first -aid fire fighting equipment is properly located and maintained [ I L l L l 18 All fire extinguishing systems are properly maintained and serviced 19 Water supply controls are locked/supervised and unobstructed 20 Sprinklers are unobstructed and free of,paint/corrosion [ I I I [ I 21 Building alterations have not obstructed sprinklers or created unprotected spaces L) L I L ) F. FIRE ALARMIWARNING SYSTEMS 22 Fire Alarm/warning systems are maintained in an operable condition and tested periodically [ l [ l [ I 23 Manual activation stations are properly located, readily visible and unobstructed I 1 I ] [ I 24 Occupant voice notification system, when required, is maintained and tested periodically L I I l L) 25 Fire department communication system is maintained and tested periodically [ I [ l L 1 26 An acceptable method is provided for notifying the fire department of a fire or other emergency. This method is maintained in operable condition and tested periodically [ I [ ] € I G. MISCELLANEOUS 27 Sensing devices at elevators are maintained and tested [ l € I [ I 28 Elevator lobbies are separated from the corridor and the remainder of the building [ I I I € I 29 30 Elevators are equipped with fire department recall [ I L l I I An emergency pre -fire plan has been established, is.acceptable to the fire department and is posted in appropriate places [) [ I L ) COMMENTS Inspected by: Date: I Gen.009 (Rev.3/02) Page 2 of 2 OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION ANNUAL HIGH-RISE BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Health and Safety Code Section 13217(a) requires that local fire agencies submit this report no later than thirty (30) days after the date of inspection of any high-rise building. Please complete and return this form to: Office of the State Fire Marshal, Fire & Life Safety Division South, 602 E. Huntington Dr., Ste A, Monrovia, CA 91016. For your convenience, an Inspection Guide has been developed for use with this report. Any questions concerning the High -Rise Building Inspection Program may be directed to our staff at the OSFM Fire & Life Safety by telephoning (626) 305-1908. FIRE DEPARTMENT: NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Inspection: ®U f l Name of Building: ��'(,VC Co nfr%C� �/i ®��%� 176f Address: $ IN E���Rr C6V4/ rr5? li • r�� 172410 This building has been inspected as a[ ] NEW 0 EXISTING high-rise structure, as defined in Section 13210, Health and Safety Code. Major Occupancy Class Construction Type .L, Year Constructed 011 L Sprinkler System Fcl_ This building is in compliance with the applicable regulations. X, YES [ ] NO The building is vacant. [ YES [ ] NO A Plan of Correction has been accepted by the Fire Department. [ ] YES [ ] NO If a Plan of Correction has not been accepted by the Fire Department, what action has been taken to achieve compliance? INSPECTOR: e_AfiKy DAw.L GO-288 (08/05) I Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM SERVICE ORGANIZATION PROPERTY NAME Pacific Financial Plaza Address: 840 Newport Center Drive © Corporate Office City/State: Newport Beach, California 15531 Container Lane Telephone: 949-335-2497 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Owner Contact: Roger 714-902-8000 Phone 714-902-8001 Fax Technician Name(s) : Andrew St.Clair www.pyrocomm.com Larry Dunn E-mail: testing-gpyrocomm.com San Diego Regional Office Service Performed: Semi Annual 760-930-6014 Phone Total Inspection Hours: 4.50, Northern CA Regional Office FX PASSED - NO DEFECTS FAILED 510-632-1208 Phone THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ATTHE ABOVE THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AT LISTED ADDRESS WAS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE THE ABOVE LISTED ADDRESS WITH THE METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS OF WAS TESTED AND IT DOES NOT NFPA 72 AND THAT IT MEETS ALL APPLICABLE MEETS ALL APPLICABLE CODES CODES AND STANDARDS. AND STANDARDS =PASSED - ADDITIONAL REMARKS CHECK OFF LIST STEP# SYSTEM STATUS ON DEPARTURE Indicate in the test report if the fire alarm asbuild are on site and specify storage location of the plans. Make sure panel covers are all on before leaving work area. X Batteries on site need to be dated. Batteries should be replaced every 4 years. X Primary and Secondary password(s) are installed in the fire alarm panel X Verify PCMIS sticker is on the front of the panel with correct job number. Location of A/C Breaker for the fire alarm panel is labeled on inside door. Panel Packet Mounted containing the following : X a. Updated Sequence of Operations b. Frame and Post Operations Procedures X Duct Detector(s) above the ceiling should be identified and tagged when the remote annunciator is missing. X Indentify and tag defective device(s) discovered during testing (preferred method - small sticker). Initiate a backup of the panel program. Send a copy of the program to Pyro-Comm to archive. X Generate a sensitivity report directly from the panel if possible. Include sensivity report with test report. Make sure the time on the panel and UDACT are correct. X Make sure all systems are normal on the panel before the system is put back on line through the central station. X Make sure the work area is clean on departure. X Send a copy of the test report to Pyro-Comm to archive. Need to be done within 24hr after the test is done. X Initiate test repairs if time permits if the customer has full maintenance - pre -authorized agreements. X Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. ASYSTEM RECORD OF INSPECTION LAND TESTING Inspection/Test Start Date/Time: 5/18/2013 6:00 Inspection/Test Completion Date/Time: 5/18/2013 10:30 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Name of property: Pacific Financial Plaza Address: 840 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Description of Property: Office Name of property representative: Roger Address Phone: 840 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Ca 92660 949-355-2497 Fax: Email'. 2 TESTING AND MONITORING INFORMATION Testing organization: Pyro Comm systems Address: 15531 Container Lane, Huntington Beach, Ca 92649 Phone: 714-902-8000 Fax: 714-902-8001 Email: Monitoring organization: National Monitoring Center Address: Phone: 888-815-6268 Fax: Email: Account Number: 692438 Phone Line 1: 1-800-841-3007 Phone Line 2: 1-800-571-0454 Means of transmission: Digital Entity to which alarms are transmitted: Phone: 3 DOCUMENTATION On -site location of the required record documents and site specific software: 4 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE 4.1 Control Unit Manufacturer: Notifier 4.2 Software and Firmware Firmware revision number: 4.3 System Power 4.3.1 Primary (Main) Power Nominal voltage: 120 Overcurrent protection type: 2.5 Model number: AM-1010 Amps: 20 Location: Amps: Disconnect means location: SYSTEMS RECORD OF INSPECTION AND TESTING (-Continued) 4 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE (continued) 4.3.2 Secondary Power Type: Batteries Location: FACP Battery type (if applicable): Lead Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): 24 In alarm mode (minutes): 15 5 NOTIFICATIONS MADE PRIOR TO TESTING Monitoring Organization Contact: NMC Time: Building management Contact: Roger Time: Building occupants Contact: Time: Authority having jurisdiction Contact: Time: Other, if required Contact: Time: 6 TESTING RESULTS 6.1 Control Unit and Related Equipment 6:15 6:00 Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Control Unit 0 2 Lamps/LEDs/LCDs El Fuses Trouble signals 0 Disconnect switches 0 Ground -fault monitoring 0 Supervision 0 Local annunciator El Remote annunciators El Power annunciators ❑ ❑ Other (specify) ❑ 1 ❑ 6.2 Secondary Power Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Battery condition ❑ Load voltage ❑ ❑ N/A Discharge test ❑ N/A Chargertest ❑ ❑ N/A Remote panel batteries El 0 SYSTEMS RECORD OF INSPECTION AND TESTING (Continued) 6 TESTING RESULTS (Continued) 6.3 Alarm and Supervisory Alarm Initiating Device Attached supplementary device test sheets for all initiating devices. 6.4 Notification Appliances Attach supplementary appliance test sheets for all notification appliances. 6.5 Interface Equipment Attach supplementary interface component test sheets for all interface components. Circuit Interface /Signaling Line Circuit Interface / Fire Alarm Control Interface 6.6 Supervising Station Monitoring Description Yes No Time Comments Alarm signal E] ❑ 10:20AM Alarm restoration 0 ❑ 10:20AM Trouble signal 0 ❑ 10:20AM Trouble restoration ❑ 1 10:20AM Supervisory signal ❑ 10:20AM Supervisory restoration ❑ 10:20AM 6.7 Public Emergency Alarm Reporting System Description Yes No Time Comments Alarm signal ❑ ❑ Alarm restoration ❑ ❑ Trouble signal ❑ ❑ Trouble restoration ❑ ❑ Supervisory signal ❑ ❑ Supervisory restoration ❑ ❑ SYSTEMS RECORD OF INSPECTION AND TESTING (Continued) 7 NOTIFICATIONS THAT TESTING IS COMPLETE Monitoring organization Contact: See status Time: Building management Contact: Roger Time: 10:20 Building occupants Contact: Time: Authority having jurisdiction Contact: Time: Other, if required Contact: Time: 8 SYSTEM RESTORED TO NORMAL OPERATION Date: 5/18/2013 Time: See Status 9 CERTIFICATION This system as specified herein has been inspected and tested according to NFPA 72. 2013 edition, Chapter 14. Signed: Andrew StClair Printed Name: Andrew StClair Date: 5/18/2013 Organization: Pyro Comm Title: Service Phone: '714-878-6243 Qualifications (refer to 10.5.3): Nicet Level 2 Cert # 131183 10 DEFECTS OR MALFUNCTIONS NOT CORRECTED AT CONCLUSION OF SYSTEMS INSPECTION, TESTING, OR MAINTENANCE 10.1 Acceptance by Owner or Owner's Represntative: The undersigned accepted the test report for the system as specified herein: Signed: Printed Name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. MTERFA e COMPONENT SUPPLEMENTARY RE -CORD of EN PET IGN Sao TESTING 1 ANNUNCIATORS Location and Description of Annunciators Annunciator 1: Annunciator 2: Annunciator 3: Annunciator 4: LCD-80 Security Office 2 AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ❑ This system does not have annunciators Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Door -releasing devices 21 Fan shutdown 0 Smoke manage/control LLJ E Smoke damper operation El Smoke shutter release LJ ❑ Door unlocking ❑ Elevator recall LJ E Elevator shunt trip ❑ MINIS override of FA signals ❑ Other (specify) I H ❑ 3 MONITORED SYSTEMS Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Engine -driven generator ❑ N/A Fire pump ❑ Did not test Special suppression systems ❑ Other (specify) ❑ 4 COMBINATION SYSTEMS Description Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments Fire Extinguishing monitoring device/system ❑ ❑ N/A Carbon mono detector/system ❑ N/A Comb fire/security System ❑ N/A Other (specify) Lj❑ N/A tit.: P:-7aEr Stv�te't" k , In'l t;: Tesurg fat addttional tnfotmation, certifications, and approvals. r. i I PJ,.iP:CiIONAND'T ST8SVG 3 SPECIAL HAZARD Description (specify) Visual Inspection Functional Test Comments ❑ ❑ El s01- additional information, CE'iil{'ications, and approvals. Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 FIRE INSPECTION RECORDS SYSTEM STATUS ON ARRIVAL NOTE ALL TROUBLE LIGHTS, MESSAGES, CONDITIONS, OR ANOMALIES BEFORE INSPECTION BEGINS. NOTE # NOTATION SITE REP'S INIT All Svstems Normal SYSTEM TAKE -DOWN / REINSTATEMENT CHECK OFF LIST STEP# TAKE -DOWN ACTION DESCRIPTION STEP# REINSTATEMENT ACTION DESCRIPTION Disable zones: 100-108 & 132 Enable zones: 100-108 & 132 SYSTEM STATUS ON DEPARTURE NOTE# l NOTATION r Left system on test, Roger was doing work on the fire pump Date Site Representative Title Date Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Rep. 05/18/13 Andrew St. Clair The undersigned Pyro-Comm representative certifies that the above listed information is accurate and is understood by the site representative. Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE POWER PANEL SUPPLEMENTARY RECORD OF COMPLETION BATTERY TEST See Main System Record of Completion for additional information, certfications, and approvals Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM NOTATIONS FAILURES AND RECOMMENDATIONS ENCOUNTERED DURING INSPECTION AND TESTING #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #39 Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 G10 #612153 * ACID 5998 INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM NODE LOOP ADDR DEVICE TYPE LOCATION EXT LABEL PASS FAIL COMMENTS 1 19 Smoke East Stair Corridor 2nd Floor X 1 25 Smoke Suite 200 2nd Floor X 1 26 1S.ok. Suite 200 2nd Floor X 1 27 Dud Detector Suite 290 2nd Floor X 1 28 Dud Detector Suite 290 2nd Floor X 1 29 Dud Detector Suite 200 2nd Floor X 1 31 Smoke lKitchen 2nd Floor X 1 32 Induct Monarch 3rd Floor X 1 33 Smoke Electric Room East 2nd Floor X 1 34 Smoke Freight Elevator Lobby 2nd Floor X 1 35 Smoke Elevator Lobby 2nd Floor X 1 36 Smoke Electric Room West 2nd Floor X 1 37 Smoke West Stair Corridor 2nd Floor X 1 38 Smoke East Stair Corridor 3rd Floor X 1 39 Smoke Electric Room East 3rd Floor X 1 40 Smoke Freight Elevator Lobby 3rd Floor X 1 42 Smoke Electric Room West 3rd Floor X 1 43 Smoke West Stair Corridor 3rd Floor X 1 55 Dud Detector west 3rd Floor X 1 56 Duct Detector 1west 3rd Floor X 1 57 Duct Detector West 3rd Floor X 1 75 Duct Detector Return Air West 3rd Floor X 1 76 Duct Detector West 3rd Floor X 1 77 Duct Detector West 3rd Floor X 1 78 Smoke Elevator Lobby 3rd Floor X 1 79 Duct Detector Suite 200 2nd Floor X 1 80 Duct Detector North East 3rd Floor X 1 81 Duct Detector East Office 3rd Floor X 1 82 Dud Detector South East 3rd Floor X Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. Your single source solution for low voltage systems since 1980 C-10 #612153 * ACO 5998 INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM NODE LOOP ADDR. DEVICE TYPE LOCATION EXT LABEL PASS FAIL TIME COMMENTS 1 2 Tamper Main Garage X 1 3 Tamper Garage #4 X 1 5 Tamper Garage #5 X 1 7 Tamper Garage #6 X 1 9 Tamper Garage #3 X 1 11 Tamper Bldg 860 X 1 14 Tamper Fire Pump Garage Level X 1 20 Tamper Stair 2 4th Floor X 1 22 Tamper Stair 2 3rd Floor X 1 24 Tamper Stair 2 2nd Floor X 1 26 Tamper Stair 2 1st Floor X 1 29 Tamper Ceiling Garage Level X 1 32 Tamper Garage X 1 35 Tamper Ground Level High X 1 99 Tamper Main Garage Fire Pump X X3 3 20 Tamper South West Roof X 3 22 Tamper Stair 2 X2 7th Floor X 3 24 Tamper Stair 2 6th Floor X 3 1 26 ITamper Stair 2 5th Floor X 1 13 Tamper Water Tank Fire Pump X 1 28 OS&Y X2 Vault X 1 4 WaterFlow Garage # 4 X 39 1 6 WaterFlow Garage #5 X 39 1 8 WaterFlow Garage#6 X 60 1 10 WaterFlow Garage #3 and 880 X 41 1 12 WaterFlow Bldg 860 X 35 1 21 WaterFlow Stair 2 4th Floor X 37 1 23 WaterFlow Stair 2 3rd Floor X 35 1 25 WaterFlow Stair 2nd Floor X 25 1 27 WaterFlow Stair 2 1st Floor X 32 1 33 WaterFlow Garage Level Inaccessable 3 21 Waterflow Roof X 21 Inspectors Valve in Filter Area 3 23 Waterflow 7th Floor X 30 3 25 Waterflow 6th Floor X 32 3 27 Waterflow 5th Floor X 26 1 42 jPull Station ' East Stair 2nd Floor X 1 43 Pull Station Elevator Lobby 2nd Floor X 1 44 Pull Station West Stair 2nd Floor X 1 45 Pull Station East Stair 3rd Floor X ■o= • .. • • . • ©MM _ MMMIMMMI mom ht Lobby now mom.now • i ..... .. • mom • • • Mwm ■MIM�� MMM ■.-�=l . • •.. • •. ©Mnow •.. • •. ����� MOM EMMINNIM WNW ■---_ MMM ■.-- ._-.-- mom No MINIMMOM ■MIMMMMI MOO mom ■--- OWN MMIMMMMI mom mom WIMMOM OMO ■.-- OOM ■MIMENOWI__ MOM omm ■MIM� � OMO ■Mm OMM mom mom ■M��WIMIMMOM ■MIME �■�WIMINMOMmom ■MIME■ MMMMIMMIMMmom ■MIME M MMM MIMIMMMM ■OIM�� OOM ■MMIMMIM WIMIMOMM ■MMIMMMI MOM ■MIME OMO NEWPORT: BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 FireInspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name- Inspection Date• 0 r�CLVN (D ^ s a .VU, Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice o Reinspection" was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" was Issued: Violation Notice As a es It of an inspection by the Newport Beach Firepepartment, the violation(s) listed below were noted: 1 See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m m m m m Date Cleared 3 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are ereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the da of rei spection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled n less an 14 days from the da is inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: Date: Inspected By:/ V < LReinspection Date: SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of tHi"s notice. I herAy certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: alu Address: �CJIl�1 �-i 1WY Signature: N Date: When self -clearing vio on(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 ^ s^ �1 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [1002.1] [Standard 10-1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5from floor level. [1002.1] [Standard 10-1] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [1001.5.1] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [1001.8] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [12031 AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [7902. AG Open burning. [1102.31 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [8506.1] AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [8506.3] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [8506.2.51 AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [85071 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [1001.8] (See Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [9r1.4.4] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [1001.7.2] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [1103.2.2] AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [1006.2.7] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102.5.2] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [902.4] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [1001.5.1] _ BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [1001.4] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [1006.2.8], BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.1] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [1001.5.2] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [Appendix 1-13 Section 6.11 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.3] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.1) CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." [1207.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [2501.16.1] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1211.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [7902.5.9.1] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [7903.1.3.5] E. Stora_ee EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12) below level of sprinklers.or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [1103.3.2.2] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [1103.3.2.11 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [1103.2.1.3] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [1210.31 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [8504] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [8509.3] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". [8509.2] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [8506.2.2] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.10) GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.4] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.61 GD Mark all fixed.storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [8001.71 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [8001.3.3] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.1] HB Combustible material storage greater than Z500 cubic feet. [105.8.c.6] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.8.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. [105.8.d.2] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.8.f.3.2] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.8.f.3.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.8.o.31 HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.2] HJ Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. [105.8.r.2] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.1] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.8.h.3] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [1103.2.4] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix II -A Section 16] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. :7. /.: �,� �9` .F'x�' .� .,. •� • 5 s.•t,+a.i ard.' _ ✓ s... .;: c, .�ti° f,`- F OtN PORYBEACH FIRE 1DEPARAWNT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newpo> each, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fa94.9) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Bus•nessBuilding Name: l l CAl1 4,4& Inspection Date: Adidrees-s: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance i'�' . Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. Onto IMENEENEENE INESEENER See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffic mp.. nnly) P�-� 1 � � '� N � ��( l� �t 2 � - )�'T-r i� (� �✓ t, f I'•�i; Z � t'liv��i��';1: L.. �• � /�j"1 Pit #J t S (,,VA�c - ~ a f r� goo P'A "EA `�- ©� — ef SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above', it may be sellf cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice.. to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: jaORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection m law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this Print - Responsible P ri gna6re - Res: 4 condition(s) immediately upon receipt. render you liable to the'penalties provided by Itice. Party : A a6ZAK-9 j( �r Inspector Inspection Unit .Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Pievention , GENERARROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. (605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a -mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 -^ .�. b,,y„ (., r a�✓,�.. ,hr4 , �7'..; .,A� .4. �.`.�a�'M '.�F•{ a V,ryrt94� f�'v.Y:2•�. ..i .r�; .rj,,¢s'«i.r .".el•�r, �. O�k>1^ NVORT BEACH FIRE DEPARSNT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE . Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 4/ - rift `) - i � - l .?,- Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance i !Uew/��,c Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. _-AMMIMMI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice rise only) G EAre,, 6 - n U YLDJ ' a , (7 ( U A/,l V SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced, and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: Q ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of thi l tice. t Fitif e'r.r,�� 'C 11 Print - RespoAsiNe Party I Signa re — Repponsible gafty 074 is Inspector NU- (,a 3 --,A- 9-7,g3 -- wZ- -tom Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERALS IROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5 above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use.1906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). 1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 [�� -- t ., •7.:. . .; f•. ��*-,a-.rs �.rze..w... .+y.., �e� r""�..ta,�crA: aan. � �,_ _ t ,_q�� dd rrr J — -, - ... - ., N4VORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beaph, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949).644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE k Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance �/ I (/ Suite: Bus ness Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��mmmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the zre extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 14 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. oncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by klaw for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - AAll (9S-Ar -- InspOt o Unit Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERARROVISIONS FOR FIRE.SAFETY_ 0 California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. 1907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. (609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 '•t �. �,� .;i 2 - :a .,�: :.:,', °y' +, °:t. - ;::''^jS.,,.i' i,. d',t. .2'.i'� '+*• ''4 ty PAa; `ya,n."`Y •i, �..{y }i itt.r. i• .�:i=,*Nka .� • t '"�.,! �� c, %f r� _ .4. , t ,. (.. _ A � s � `.� .�;`, n 7� 4 . } �, . h i�Y s �k ..i.y,.;,•s"„t.: f, � { % 4ox4&�9� NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION `'P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 C �� w$ (949) 644-3106 �EPAR`t ............................................................................................................. . .................. Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance ................................................................................................................................: Date: 1 a— — ,07o, 7- A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on h - /Z r Business Name: 6YZ6FA-7-- MA&C Business Address: 1 R-3, IVL C 2 - At that time, a Violation Notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the California Fire Code. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after % /?- 12 a, A If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: Fax Number: Phone Number: Email Address: Inspector's Name: 6411�_r Phone Number: W' - &LIV-53 7 3 O Left with Responsible Party O Faxed O Emailed (Rev. 9-28-10) Original -- Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - FPD ..-, '- -' i-.,. -. w�.xa=: o-:'�eiz.. ny>• .'h,^-, •.:.oe x �,. r ..3"-ia'%Fr F+ NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 s Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: ,12 Aj I iz / -7 P1 Z.- te: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ,t /1:�3 bJfwJPJ%7 i CE�v72 D�. Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division og 9 — �t7% rgZ-b Z_ As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ® m m m m m m mm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice nse nnly) t' != D rtf1 �, � Svc-T" C f i —Eg1Jt S C (�/► S�" rt/t l - �N (� v�d.. L � � p 67� r2. t~ r r r, ur Y �, :�' , SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: QORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with'the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. y � f F J .t 1A 1 � Lyy� ILA Pnrit -Responsible Party 7 J Signa p re — sponsibleyarty �d�%%Yeti —�i"` L. t3 �^ Inspector Inspection Unit Reinsiection ate Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor (906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class I11A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11I13 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 /.opRTB�\ • ti EPAR'C�'�� Ji ''`#I .lk is NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 ................................................................................................................................. Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance .................':.......................................................................................................... ,r l Date: A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department c nduc ed a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on d Z-a i 2 - Business Name: R IF F1r,'-S Cdjly k- Business Address: _ At that time, a Violation Notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the California Fire Code. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after l2 r 19 _ 1 ?-- 08- A If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: Wj Phone Number: ! lI cfy !f l Q0_7 Fax Number: Email Address: Inspector's Name: &19A-,ft—&WIS Phone Number: gtlj_ 6V%- 33 1,7 O Left with Responsible Party O Faxed (Rev. 9-28-10) Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - FPD O Emailed 6)_ kV $` ,0Y NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection ate: ddress: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 7-9- ado —7 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) Dui S -i' r✓l 12Ez���2 5 S (I-V I c-t ,�tMr -t� �sv✓�-tc Z�/`t� t 51cIZE�S(. CA C -I01) iA SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Prnt - Res Responsible Party Y �ature(—Responsible Part yewr P //- Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention 9 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3) ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised Jan 2011 .a ;:'. s p ..,-r,: "_.; Y_-r�"t..;..�r.+=tna'^s ;i-''.•.;.k+lt.{r• .."w+..u...�'..:..��r...>iL.�r���,.. pia,, 3 �e�.'h`r".c`i ;a .'�;, {„S ,tr >.f�i;. 3 �.+. —" •x' .:�"ice'.;<� 'yte ;#... .. Y- NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: A PJPKT CoAST tl1C,M5 Inspection Date: r3 —2 67 --/Z 3 Ad ress: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 2�ooO AAr�V,6,911_ (�o, S°T A. . Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 7,3120 bVI LDr06 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. " Date Cleared .I (nffice nse nnly) J SYi-AL(_ 9 C l�l! i 1��� %%VAC Li 0 �. i ,3 E (g AbL. A - C: -T C ALL I re/( E .S �i�V� C�2�t�t1-'� L1C�i�..S� _S%�%Llrc.��L�/'2. 7�=�� Fix �>n.► � SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below thaf it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Pnnt Name: + Date: Sig -nature: / �- �� ✓ /�—�''�-�—.� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately ul Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party �9h,x -1 o Per Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Responsible Party 26 Inspection Unit Reinspection Da Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor 1906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. 1105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class I11A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 9�1 at M AT&T Services, Inc Environment, Health & Safety 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 San Ramon, CA 94583 October 18, 2012 Original Via Certified US Mail # 7012 0470 0002 4373 6420 Charlie Dall, Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Completion of Required Follow -Up Action, Your Inspection on 8-24-2012 at AT&T Facility 8401h Newport Court, Newport Beach, CA (USID12425) ITS #132555b Dear Mr. Dall: We are pleased to report status of the corrective actions that you required pursuant to your inspection referenced above: ➢ Service and tag fire extinguishers annually. Status: COMPLETED. The fire extinguisher was replaced at this site on 9/7/12 (see attached photo). ➢ Service & tag the Halon system every 6 months. ➢ Fire control panel was last inspected July 2009. Status: COMPLETED. The Halon system and fire control panel was inspected on 10/15/12 (see attached report and photos). We trust that we are now in full compliance with all of the requirements that resulted from this inspection. If you need anything more from us to close this matter, please contact me at the number below. Sincerely, n c Vicki Allen Environmental Manager Tel: 925 823 7444 Email: va7457@att.com cc: Karen Marasigan, Area Manager, EH&S George Hart, Environmental Site Manager OCT-03-2012 10:44 SBC 9259730584 P.01 • :f at&.t, Your world. Oel,ivemd, DATE: D '� TO: . G FAX #:9 RE: a. f FROM: FAX #. L-3,925)973-0584 PAGES (i ncl-4i n g cover) '" COMMENT: OCT-03-2012 10:44 SBC 9259730584 P.02 at AL R 'Rh tt IMF AT&T Service$, Ino Environment, Health 8t Safety 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 31r00Q San Ramon, CA 94583 October 3, 2012 Original Via Cenified US Mail # 7012 Charlie Dail, Inspector Newport Beach pire D�aerrt 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Completion of Required Follow -Up Action, Your Inspection on 8-24-2012 at t�'1 AT- Facility 840 Wa Newport Court, Newport Beae b. CA (USIDI2425) ITS #132555 Dear Mr. Dail: We are pleased to repo4,st"s of the corrective actions that you required pursuant to your inspection referenced above: u ➢ Service and tai fire extinguishers annually, Status: CO,V, LETED. The fire extinguisher was replaced at this site on 9/7/12 (see,attached photo). ➢ Service & Ugg oe Halon system every 6 months. ➢ lire contr,+ L'panel was last inspected July 2009. Status: p&,,biNG_ We've encountered a delay completing these two items. The ve�idor initially contracted is not able to do the work and the work has been contracted with a different firm and is expected to complete within 21 days.'We respectfully zequest-m-oxtension to 10/24/12. We would appreciate your, favorable consideration of this request and word of same to meat the number below. Sincerely, Vicki Allen Environmental Manager , Tel: 925 823 7444 Email: va7457Gatt.com cc: Karen Marasigan,,A Manager. EH&S George Hart, Erxvir,60n�ental Site Manager TnTAI P - PP ihp LaserJet 4345mfp series Fax Call Report City of Newport Beach 949-644-3120 03-Oct-2012 09:18 AM 11M] 0 i n v e n t Job Date/Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 6172 03-Oct-2012 09:16 AM Receive 9259730584 1:00 2 Success �I� - . • _ __ - - _ - . - '�i5i+-� - - -._ -. - - - - _ - - ' 8' �'- =;�• qf-c .`Ids"'-!x'•;+,'sz'.a•c:�..»•��FN,� "•t-._=�.�tray �d' s'[�:.. _ � - •: d»e> - _ f., -� - - - _ ,_ - -- _ - _,";�.':l:•�.,a:�'%'„�;j:«�^�_�,'q',�y':v�,`w,".'Y•s'ay _ ^;,:�v...' ..I, •J;°a: -. - - - „. - - � _ _' +I�a�',. I , r . __ ..Ta C: 3 :�;�•r r-'-._�iTsq;�`e :A,z :edov. - ��., ^ - - Yx 'x�m {-k.i-] S V - - • - - - - _ _ iypI'_..: 5 I�r-'o �' _ - -�� r a'•t'C a u�'�` �� - - :�•: .,'fir _ - _ - :.. '-''.�'c„'i-'.�'-4..3, +� - _ - � " _ - - _ - - - - - � "-utxv=•ham + - - 44 NA,q^�ste •-�1«" 7 4..+3 � _ - a` ': - = •_ _ - .,t>-'ICI -- - _ ,h=r• -' •.r."j �'- - _ - {_ ,;(#:��.)&, jv w AT&T Services, Inc Environment, Health & Safety 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 San Ramon, CA 94583 October 3, 2012 Original Via Certified US Mail # 7012 0470 0002 4373 6253 Charlie Dall, Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Completion of Required Follow -Up Action, Your Inspection on 8-24-2012 at AT&T Facility 8401/z Newport Court, Newport Beach, CA (USID12425) ITS #132555 Dear Mr. Dall: We are pleased to report status of the corrective actions that you required pursuant to your inspection referenced above: ➢ Service and tag fire extinguishers annually. Status: COMPLETED. The fire extinguisher was replaced at this site on 9/7/12 (see attached photo). ➢ Service & tag the Halon system every 6 months. ➢ Fire control panel was last inspected July 2009. Status: PENDING. We've encountered a delay completing these two items. The vendor initially contracted is not able to do the work and the work has been contracted with a different firm and is expected to complete within 21 days. We respectfully request an extension to 10/24/12. We would appreciate your favorable consideration of this request and word of same to meat the number below. Sincerely, Vicki Allen Environmental Manager Tel: 925 823 7444 Email: va7457@att.com cc: Karen Marasigan, Area Manager, EH&S George Hart, Environmental Site Manager AT&T Services, Inc Environment, Health & Safety 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 San Ramon, CA 94583 September 21, 2012 Original Via Certified US Mail # 7012 0470 0002 4373 6185 Charlie Dall, Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Completion of Required Follow -Up Action, Your Inspection on 8-24-2012 at AT&T Facility 8401/z Newport Court, Newport Beach, CA (USID12425) ITS #132555 Dear Mr. Dall: We are pleased to report status of the corrective actions that you required pursuant to your inspection referenced above: ➢ Service and tag fire extinguishers annually. Status: COMPLETED. The fire extinguisher was replaced at this site on 9/7/12 (see attached photo). ➢ Service & tag the Halon system every 6 months. ➢ Fire control panel was last inspected July 2009. Status: PENDING. These two items have been contracted out and service is scheduled to complete by 10/2. We respectfully request an extension to 10/3. We would appreciate your favorable consideration of this request and word of same to me at the number below. Sincerely17 Vicki Allen Environmental Manager Tel: 925 823 7444 Email: va7457@att.com cc: Karen Marasigan, Area Manager, EH&S George Hart, Environmental Site Manager N JOPORT BEACH FIIaE DEPAR NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 1 Newport Pier Grill & Sushi (,loZ I e�o2� �� k Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 1 Newport Pier, Newport Beach Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 949-i75-9771 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 'M M� I MIMMINNIMMIN MEMNON 0 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice nae nnly) California Fire Code Section 904.11 Commercial Cooking Systems - Wet chemical extinguishing systems shall comply with the UL300 Standard. I Z SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be'.self-cleared. If one was noted above;'it may. be self -cleared by: certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this. riotic& -to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the fire extinguher violation has been eorrected.: - . -PrintName: ate., ignature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required -to correct the- above- c6hditi6n(s)_ immediately.- upon receipt'. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspectiori-may render you liable to the -penalties provided -by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. L�r�v Ko Print - Responsible Party . Nadine Morris Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature— Responsible Party _ Fire Prevention Division Inspection Unit Reinspection. ate : y�NN4f Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE# California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [964.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect test and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. •[1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth; 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where.subject to damage. (605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703:5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or.hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property, [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an -all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon.inside and more than 60. gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside:or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 111B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.52] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system [105.6.381 • R pair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] in � 19prayi i or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 �t :•a`.t" "t. eC at+, °_-s ,. - — „ t. ,. ,,.: ...,,,.. rb •�=• �1-Yw P..«K =, ??k k- 1 ;,Y r-?R,...< .y .� ;•.:<-.e-y NI'ORT BEACH.FIRE DEPARTIONT 3300 Newport, Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 Name: Address: VIOLATION NOTICE Inspection Date: t � /�%lZ_ Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: I Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division t y� I :31._ 2Ll As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. "MM MINNIMMIMMIMMIMM MMI 4 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office nse nnlvl rJ , Z> 4- / t5_'5 `kAG AtE L ! e;-, vt, 4-�Tw Gi I'[ G 0 l/L11q 1L2 04.J i L SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Pont Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. �.& a Wa - Responsible PartySignature — Responsible Party 1 r 4 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date ONO U Yellow — Fire Prevention Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business GENERP PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE# California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). 1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference.1912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. 1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). 1901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical • FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 11IA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised jan 2011 F ,A, k"-, `57s'_ NE•'ORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTONT t 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 • (2 1 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Da e: Notici of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. NONE MIMM See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) m u n '_Z TA -C' 0"�- on 4/A "61 C-41 'Q e U L✓U 7 r`t" � P L. . , I Px a ' x SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extingufisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: J4ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom, f this notice.ZF t - esponsib e Party Signae — Responsible Pa //Ii ,d ;�t1"�& L✓ a' nspector Inspection Unit 1xinspecelon Date (4. a 1zz Yellow — Fire Prevention Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business GENER* PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE* ' California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a F separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS informatiop for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an All inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11IB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 's..e�..,i . .e d, e. x.'t.>,.;, •"a ... +-,...� Jt:+,.�..�r..�,,. A ,, . F '.F `if •�', . i,. Ea,.e t , 4{'t�,,3`"• ,'&, r. .1.3,, •. . r . a• .�.n.. NF&ORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 CI 1 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: rs Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: N tice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to•the Fire Prevention Division • x , As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were rioted. ' See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office nse only) - C & SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address' within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 0 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottomofthis notice. i y r 0t:-;'Re!sponsible Party Sigxlfture — Responsible Party Inspector — Inspection Mnit AeAspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE# California Fire Code Sections ' A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location).1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/ flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons.1105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 $, .•, +r 1":-�. a•. •'t. i ra.�•w i"k.� '�o•..z`�ra: 5a,�. w �.Sa..�,,;: eiai-^y✓-.`°',i W+,w r; a•.,�. � •..�,.a k. F_� a� 65a PC.ti, �:'i {F' �+: �'a'.+,,.,tx +Ai f��7, vc �A�. S«»...,� NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Buss/BuildingNaame: Inspections Date: Koosff(z � 4-C O — f: f %'_ cam ) 3, Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance -3n41 0ce Ar-J S --VD Suite: Business P,h/one: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMIUMNEENEENEENE INEMENIEN See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) 'St l`U l f [N aA (1, l��!1� �V � � l i G1�-- ��if� �h.?��yn�..Z jt l�" �`—'r� �✓1 "iE12- Cad tJ�Cr E(2\)ICC S f% � � s� M 1 - � c-.� d,,J v v°:t-t_.;f ��N r�i f�-'�j'�.YG_ f:-�7.' �l. .�!'1 \1 �'`•1) c`_>i�,� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi,fy that the are extin isher violation has been corrected. Pnnt Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party U' Inspector Signature — Responsible Party Inspection Unit Reinspectio Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning; recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.15061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system.1903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extensiun cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 .ra,r<+......-�.w.f.a,.N..w•Q.s.SiAa,•.�•r+w.vwm sw.V+.;..vri w� x�y �r`o!tiY.Yr^."�„',,..,•rlVmrmH�Wh•. "tea-%tr7'.}.,.•, �rtY.- •r"1•M1�•�s.nw..M.. aybT1?`Y�M"r .wnVr.. y �..r....r+*. .r+.r .•••, •� . =. ..;'Y� C4'�, lw r, tw.«N•... 's.r'•w ri:+.e•.ir �'� .l.r?' ' i r' t. `'. : ` NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ; EIRE PREVENTION DIVISION - - •' F�f r (t c P.O. ,Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) • 644-3106 Notice of Referral . to the Fire Prevention Division ...........................:..........................................................................................................: Date r .. jr. 1 A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on . .. Business Name: _ � t ^ . • •• . • , � �• ; Business Address: 1,0C C a � r, c 'At that time, a violation notice was issued. indicating the corrections,required to gain ? ' compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, -Section 103.2.1. r ^ ' i A second inspection was conducted on "'%y "�' in an attempt to verify compliance with the written Notice of Reinspection and -Non -Compliance.' During this inspection, it was found that some or all of the violations had not been: corrected. ` r' . This notice is to inform you that your business is being referred to a member of the' Newport Beach Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division. They will perform a w reinspection of the above business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Y If the necessary corrections have not been completed; the*Fire Prevention Division will, deliver to you a Final Notice and Notice of Intent to, Prosecute. ' Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. ��D . VN ' Responsible Party: s r 'Y Inspectors Name: Phone Number: a q -f " -331r .. � '�'� i'✓oF'^ t �?t ', s, 0' Left with Responsible, Party 0 Fax Number Original - Owner/Responsible Party Yellow - Fire _Company/FPD . r .t.« '`�>rr*:%:�`' S..:r+q+b^��.�^""`vJ�n*.i:-*�'.r::,r c4"dtV' r6 .e�tw,i'F�`�y:•n.:<w�3�(#'. �'lr"^i}" �r�' °'S'°°"j� .- c t TV ' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ..... . ..................... .......................... ... _.......................................... _............................ Date`" 1 �, A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on /-- ;? �"� ✓�' Business Name:. E{ &I ky"f (fq' Business Address: At that time, a violation notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the 1998 California Fire Code, Section 103.2.1. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after --3-- / '9 / 5 . If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will be referred to the Fire - Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. <A45 -s)�= v(I yr Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: J U UV1 (-� O� N 1 Qf d Inspector's Name: 12P Gl1l/ '115 ��/�'%'c�. S Phone Number: 6 q 7 "- 3 3 7Z rLeft with Responsible Party a Original - Owner/Responsible Party ❑ Fax Number Yellow - Fire Company/FPD a NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Ins ection Date: af A _2.3- J Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Remspection" ®� �p ® � ` was Issued: a..' " Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Re!/ferral" was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m m m m m m Date Cleared e r r47 l�7 ze c 1 E e t fit ep 6- age/ 9%Jel r ` kaGa �-e al Near C.,he 115 C- Oa "� ` 6?- Vj ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: 3• Date: s Inspected By: P Reinspection Date: e4 -- 5 SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above-, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Address: Signature: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 9265&8915 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink --Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.1] AB Mount extinguishers•where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. (906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.31 BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008A.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction.through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12) below level of sprinklers or 24"-below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for -exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.51 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29) HC Dry cleaning plant. (105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. (105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids, [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. (304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. s : NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Busin - s N e: Building Name: Ins ection Date: Address: Business Phone: s `; , ate "Notice! Reins ection" was Issued:* uite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" F 1- //7 was Issued: Violation Notice As a result -of an inspection by fhb Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m m m m m m ter° Date Cleared 151' f ca _ oler 7)/-;rr _ .X���fj •- ((�����/y jF`J,{�•vJ�j✓ J,qv t r < q �/'�y f�J,(jI/r��•r� }(y�•5f^f'^�) %�(/' +y�" /_jy�f {f)f �'`j j�/�} T Y ? "^- LI je/Y (.�. } �"! aFl 4r" / t £ ^'P LP f / ell • "WF ! 1 4 ki _ ''t: ? All;A; . 'tee . -ORDER TO COMPLY: Yo6are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection•-may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Resp-onsble'arty: r t' f 'L'.: >� r Date: t, %� A, Ins aec- d By: JPeF' Reinspequon Date:'` t '5 SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, •you may take cgrrective action• on:`your own -and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. T hereby certify that the above violafion(s)shave been corrected. ' Name: Address: Signature: _ Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have 'been,,eomgle°i6Wpleas"e mail this form to :w _Nqpjr Beach Fire Departiiient Fire Prevention Division, t t P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original _ FPD �, . Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceeds' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each -extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5J] BD Clean grease filters- over cooking•appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and.provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED.°' [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. .Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top -of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting& fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3:1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC -Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. (105.6.32] HB Combustible material -storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12) HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6,341 HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and.shrubs in wildland hazard reduction -area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. '_, , 1 w ,~ Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P_O_ Box 1768 Newport Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By. 707 OCEAN FRONT E 4824X NE61A 88751 NE61A Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: A 0 N/A B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Bella Luna Cafe (949) 645-1123 1 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Outside of the electrical room. Jan 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Parry Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: Richard Yes No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 645-1123 Other Phone: 2 self contained hood systems in kitchen - UL300 E-Mail: N/A Compliant Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full None Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Mar 9. 2007 Main FACP Iocated in Eeectrical. Room. Annunciator panel located at main desk at 105 Main Street. Riser Location. Standpipe Location., Highrise. Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: North wall of parking area. N/A No No- No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants. 3rd floor by HVAC units. Off W Ocean Front by electrical No No room. Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Remove metal staples securing decorative lighting and replace with Cleared Jan-29,2011 Edwards, Dennis approved fasteners. ZZ Properly secure compressed gas cylinders with chain. Cleared Jan 30;2012 Edwards, Dennis ZZ Replace ceiling panel with hole, located above compressed gas Cleared Jan 3%2012 Edwards, Dennis cylinders. ZZ Replace missing electrical outlet cover plate at ice cream cooler. Cleared Jan 30,2012 Edwards, Dennis Notes: N/A Printed: 1/12/2013 707 OCEAN FRONT E Suite: A Page: 1 .. ".d�' . -. � s r >... ._ � �a � . _. ''r'ti dd,,S Fi.2%... ,3 . v { .i �,• :t• i�'� "�,� k:..l,�•.7.''. � .. . _ .Fll -' d NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 G S , k e r @ n b-�o(. n e + VIOLATION NOTICE BusinessBuilding Name: Inspection Date: 1= Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 3•�ii UL p Pa EwPoSt"r" .(���! p Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division _--� ( w-4�) '7 22 - 68 s- v As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffinn. use nnly) �-- PrvViDE ilaOP F 9— $ICro,tACyC iOts_ ([J(\ f.•C. t, -,7 QZ C Lb f/t T T' D I.1 >" l 5 C -r f t C -1 L. c L-O SE' `r 1-4 2 / tir ,- `1__jt A16( .. SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: (—j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violatio ecti t noted on the bottom of this notice. t -Responsible Party Signature — Responsi e Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date ■ Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED" [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] • F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 w =• - i. .' ; •.. a«. ..,r. �r .... +eat ��: 2'.it�•,i�<; R,v - ",2„^ _ �fJ� ��}�'Y.�}^r'e:�.,4?�. KJ+%..���''... .,.. .v k'C*, .; 1 _ ,1.z, i.'•�• ., t 4 n SCR'(' t NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3°,300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach,.CA 92663 • Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 0 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: .St/A/ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 36,S OL-b I�,jEwf20&;T- EL_vD Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 10MIMMIMMIENNEENE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffi('_e.nse nniv) .S E f2 V t G l~ A-r - A e, >t T Go r s t-1IF-/2_ ' ) . F- rFiz- � 2 7 :;D1SCOQT�t`►�A C VSC 01- C0401 T_A! _ 6v Z>F q? 27 fl* a-M A-I\JCNT W t 41 t rJ %1 S Cat in- SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefre extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fife Prevention ' GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. (505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. (308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 • F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4) G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. (305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. (105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.411 u Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection ate: f M a6E 1 Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Reinspection" 3 N bLV ciaj)(, 3 was Issued: Suite. Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" NEIo2 1 1 was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. MENEENEENEENNE1001 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance I/�XCI with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be schedule ,no less than 14 da m the ate f this inspection. Signature of Respo ' le ty: Date: 3 Inspected By: Reinspection Date: 2. 1 SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Name: Signature: I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Address: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [1002.1] [Standard 10-1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [1002.1] [Standard 10-1] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [1001.5.1] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [1001.8] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1203] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [7902.] AG Open burning. [1102.31 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [8506.11 AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [8506.3] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [8506.2.5] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters.185071 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [1001.8] (See Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 6" in height. [901.4.4] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [1001.7.2] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [1103.2.2] AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [1006.2.71 AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102.5.2] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [902.4] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [1001.5.1] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [1001.4] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [1006.2.8] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.1) BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). 11001.5.21 BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [Appendix 1-B Section 6.11 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.3] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.1] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." [1207.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [2501.16.1] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1211.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [7902.5.9.1] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [7903.1.3.5] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [1103.3.2.2] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [1103.3.2.1] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [1103.2.1.3] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [1210.3] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [8504) FB Identify breakers in panel box. [8509.3] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". [8509.2] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [8506.2.21 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.10] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.4] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.6] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [8001.71 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [8001.3.31 H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.1] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.8.c.6] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.8.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. [105.8.d.2] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.8.f.3.2] I -IF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.8.f.3.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.8.o.31 HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.2] M Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. [105.8.r.2] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.1] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.8.h.3] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [1103.2.4] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix II -A Section 16] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: �d-��,3� Pow �' " ij 2- -Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance V Suite: Busine s Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire''Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. c���f��-�mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office uK only) ,y i (FOi I bPt k)U U 4 15 t-I y � �.., ► , �Mw-�„ ti, 0 F Imo, 3 L U aJ�J 1 -C+? tQ6rL 715 Ht-t ie L, i-IKC99; Avs0.tL A-0L t;: `. Z tlp t 55 k:>-e Lisp f- MA Ro-',e SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. self -cleared by above address PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. \ v Tint - Responsible Party Signatp e — Responsible Party die., l iZ_ Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date `j`, Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] • AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 . EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). t105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flarmable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. 1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. (105.6.271 . • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 F NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection D e: N F-t,- st mot- Co. PCs Tle<�) atiTEZCA.&e_ 91 � �ca.�c c�i fko f:p i)C �-A lm gft7 / 3 Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Reinspection" goi(-, i3wvc>- q-iat) (a5-0 - Luz 0 was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" CZf.2 5 was Issued: - Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. m m L�LJ m m �1C - S vlC iso,o /` 1UA.11+L(-, Date Cleared (i ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance t� with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be schedu led no less &—w than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: P::�6 Date: is /13 Inspected By: OR-e%5 Vl Reinspection Date: I i (•� " rf'Z 2 SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Signature: Address: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original - FPD Yellow - Owner Pink - Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906:1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 AG Open burning. (307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Comiection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING•IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.41 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 121) below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only forportable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.111 HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. 1105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Insspection Date: b�-LC_C-_ v L .(J L N "I G UtL,01 N G ! ,5113 Address: Business Phone: Date 'Notice of Reinspection" 15- t ® OL 0 K EA., 19 OP 12;11-U (�l q . - q 1 9 was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date 'Notice of Referral' b lur-(02 6 was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. C IbIF1 m m m m m - " Lc_F .3,o �aci' +d.,G ter u �- llate Cleared A2.2,to, F — 1 f- FUI ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. J % Signature of Responsible Party: A= Date: Inspected By: ' 6—/e / 5 F-41"71 Reinspection Date: j SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your I� own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Name Signature: I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Address: Date: When self -clearing -violations) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original - FPD Yellow - Owner Pink - Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY All code sections are taken from the Uniform Fire Code. A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. 11002.11 [Standard 10-1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [1002.1] [Standard 10-1] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [1001.5.1] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [1001.8] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1203] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [7902.] AG Open burning. 11102.31 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [8506.1] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [8506.3] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [8506.2.5] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. 185071 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [1001.8] (See Fire Prevention Standard) AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 6" in height. [901.4.4] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [1001.7.2] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [1103.2.2] AP 40-B commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [1006.2.71 AQ Outdoor barbecues. [1102,5.2] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [902.4] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [1001.5.1] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [1001.4] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [1006.2.8] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 100 heads. [1003.3.1] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [1001.5.2] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [Appendix 1-B Section 6.1] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1207.3] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1207.1] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS." 11207.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [2501.16.1] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1211.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [7902.5.9.1] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [7903.1.3.5] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered bL ilding. [1103.3.2.2] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [1103.3.2.1] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [1103.3.2.4] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [1103.2.1.3] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [1210.3] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [8504] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [8509.3] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 30". [8509.2] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [8506.2.21 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [8003.1.10] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [7401.6.4] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [8001.6] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [8001.7] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [8001.3.3] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.8.c.1] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.8.c.6] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.8.d.1] HD Dust producing plant. [105.8.d.2] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.8.f.3.2] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class lI or Class III combustible liquid. [105.8.f.3.3] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.8.r.3] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.8.o.3] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.8.p.21 M Refrigeration systems with a combined horsepower rating greater than 100. 1105.8.r.21 HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.8.s.1] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.8.h.3] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [1103.2.41 IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [Appendix 11-A Section 16) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. +�;.•.,.�j �I `f� ,g.. -q,y+- .x �•,r.. - . r a,.ac .� c ..». . ,.y,r .wv.->F..,+x.,.,r ,.-x:.lM 'L',. ... ='v'o •r+e0:+ it n' i•�A .. ? 1 ' l NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ,- 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 Or VIOLATION NOTICE Y, Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: IM (2 g bar' -cc ! fit,... t ! 13 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance _3VY PAe s r-) c W5�� N. Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared I �' (nffire nce nnly) 62aP,)T(tQQ L)SC rah ttlltti.' tPL- wo\J , S 1 Gia,l LL O w /..J d Al t\J 6 LF,c-i a\cAL ALAV,-7AA P4NG C r E SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: f ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. rAFL U In ! r l�.l L�' ! fi� t .� lF � ' r � j 1. (fir.' i7 1 v� 1.�....---• Prints -Responsible Party Signature - Responsible Party 11 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s).1901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 <y w,l. i .f,� iP-.rL • i�'g i} i•. li.._. irP dy 2. �('Y'+•� ;'I" .p � rt.,a: <� c" .A -- •_ Y ,Er y. NEWPORT* BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 7 > `-• z_ Address 1 Zco Issue Date: Notied of Remspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffinn nse nnly) 1Gr Fl AI' AL'L-7",enfa %" - eDCCQ a rU t ✓U(- S UPPL 6 S f=(_o r✓I 2C.Tf% ( ( C aM Z �A cs -, J U ES V�F_t-`eV A7Q) 4Z_. SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may tender you liable to the penalties provided by lax✓ for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 4N�'t Ak-e��L_ --01-1 Print - Respon ible Party Signature — Responsible P t�l1C- l cvis Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinsp ctifn Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703A] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wiidland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 P . . tl' . NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949)`644:=3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 � xA VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: i A Pk /(44 0fir Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance �-2 �-o PAR k 1v/7v1' UP,7" DP-.., Suite: Business Phoone:^ r j� �� Issue Date: Notice of Referral -to the Fire Prevention Division �f ! 67- As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date -Cleared (nffiee nae nnlvl n SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 0 I� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection pay render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom 4f tl is n .ce. Print - RRejsponsible Party D A /_L Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit- Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. 1605.53 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 • Y: j:.? i ' . ., a � r + st + .tv•.+x+ r.. ,.;�. ., _ i�, s�^.X�i?� r'r�}�.r�'�.�T ,•�r r yd� ,_ �+i�:ri.A�+a: *+�d':::r,:�a?y...�.. �... NEIDORT BEACH FIRE DEPART*NT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE SusinessBuilding Name: Inspection Dar:117- U)//A- i3�1Li�v � / / Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Gce�, Suite: Business Rhone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ����mmmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) 4 (/� •' lY �/�/ C> f_�...t�_ % CL [.�L l �dt.J/iI �`Ly �� Z • ,�• A / t t L- ( t,,{�5 C,-, i2-J i /)C'/_ 0 52 i 17 b V 1. I � ►�J�A.iC � ,t � / ? - � 1"'j f'��y,� tit 7'L— SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above,address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: (U'0_'k ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. tIL jj Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A.reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Wt7kesponsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business A-4 (.,-Z- 57 // �f /10-' Inspection Unit Reinspection Date coNNA�, h O Yellow —'Fire Prevention Ito, GENER9 PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] Al Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10) CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical • FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wiidland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20, • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] . • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 .:'.�.rr:,t"'��`�'!W±` %�J' r+K" '�.y,• �;,k"� % udY`3�".� F.„ryy�.,r a��.Lr'�s=u� f •F` 45.? m1 r`�;ir.�v �.;;"°;;lJr �hy�: �;.i+.t';:P.:si,�11 .� 4 ¢rf^,.;�9.;"w-�v�,`� ,:eA.S:d'��!,,tk�.l:�c ";��f;�„7'.:v�.u�a.1��,x'.k,.s�:"y,k � � r r . • NEWPORT BEACAFIlAE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949)-644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 0 /a/ / la - Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. C m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) t' r' r N t� r`,' e- t-f SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certi)5, that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: r; ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this tice. Print - Responsible Partj Signature — Rptonsible Party Ins Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date +C,�►:UN Yellow — Fire Prevention O r ,I GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2 A:10-B:C. (906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open bunring, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [9124] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (9123.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within W of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. (901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided (907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) (1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.21] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.23] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2-2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3) FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5j HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (Le. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (ie. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [103.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [103.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6AI] Revised Jan 2011 ,.-w-n:a,.i,: vr.w., .cwerw:e• t.. `i .ex '41c x4- n .y ..A 't '4"f*✓,t` -e"7:, .(;ti • , NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: n2 4-iAe, )C A,L=r-m ;- Aj car 1 1 ) " Address: ° / - Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division /" "` / U q tv'd As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the,violation(s) listed below were noted. ® m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use nl C P_ r • „v , V IF ,A Kf ? ! UA 14 to SELF-CLEARING:Pnly a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that/it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 d�s.affhe inspection date. 1 hereby certi that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: (� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(§) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. �iw P,rint - Respongiblle Party ` Signature- IYsponsible Party / Inspe for Inspection Unit Reinspection Date PLNM� Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire.Prevention (7' - GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs - top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [9124] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [91232] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B.' Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. (3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction -through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.21] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.23] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.22] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMrrS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. . Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. (105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (Le. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (Le. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 6,44-3106 I Address: ( Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 1854 PORT WESTBOURNE PL 4531Y NE63B 91698 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load.- Inspection Type: 4,500 N/A A-3 148 Hazmat Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: HARBOR VIEW COMMUNITY (949) 450-1515 X223 No Yes ASSOC Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Pate:, Harbor View Community Assoc Oct 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: George Ross, Property Mgr No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: 949-450-1515 X223 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: ross@villageway.com Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 10/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants Issued: 10/2010 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 11/2011 Expires: 12/2012 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Issued: 11/2011 Expires: 12/2012 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 12/2012 Expires: 12/2013 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AC I Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared I Dec 15,2012 Lucas, Nic Notes: Additional Contact # 714-975-0212 mu.) aN t2, 0 j to - wzy OF ; ptlW)j Printed: 10/16/2013 1854 PORT WESTBOURNE PL Page: 1 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: "A�l l� 1"hi f oC,. l�sa�?. 2.Z ;fin Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance I g;tA yut U�6�TP�Q 4 7t2 t U G� Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division QlAq - 450 - « l-r, A Z-2-2> As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 10MIMMIMENEENEENE IMENEEMEN See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffire mp. nnly) '�' �- "" J }.-1�it,,. �• C(a•'ii j'�uC.A.i�• ' �b'�t,�- i-�11�Vti hoc � lN� A�i\i�.l. !! �c SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notige,-'"" Print - Responsible Party Signature - Respons e Party Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1) Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a consplete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 _ - e.Xt7: ;a:,','•.: k'f•_.. s�tws,� r'..;,�•_I.. .�o..r4�x' ,•.�i ri•e,i. r�.�, :.+'•d�%. ,Y Kr, a,i';i}•s:-tht+t.•ii-ti `Si.R .s.'',rkin .i•d'c:'rii,.r �C. �;:a_. i".`xt ..s..:.:rx"7: - _ 41 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Ausin et�0 ilgtime: Inspbection Date: ��f� fie' A dress:,,--") ( 00 (1 um(101 ` i 1'a� Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 1 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. MEN Date Cleared (ofifice use only) E t� S. rl r Ilk SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L�J Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. rinnt - k sponsibleParty f f KIC1z"� Inspector Signature — Responsible Party F Inspection Unit Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6) AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. 1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING 1S OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1) CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5) FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. 12703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5) HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class 1 liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I11B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Revised Jan 2011 -- — -S, al .. w+.' .-! Win. • +.. < 1I �. 14".'i14 Y.- .l' r / h.- IA NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE H Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: roL�c.,A t Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance t 2 �P_ r Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 41 G - Zj 40 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. Z Z m m m m reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared -(office use only) T N4 00 rE4. r-7 VT ' oviOF 'L - W c2- fi r_A—, onJ Iry I • I (00-0 V I 0_ E G J /Yi A -,A/74;4'V A ytr PyLoy aof K lL`Y SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: FV— j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — espon able Party Or 12 -- `r1 ./ Q Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Jr California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. (507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, Only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning PIants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Gass I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class I1 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. 1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 5100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82632 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Ipuildin Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village 4049);q0'6-25500° L� -�tO� -2(� No Yes Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: �,' TnrY .ct:t/ �'i-}✓�c+� No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: - 4 La,, (04q,vY Other Phone: Lf(.-7-7-('fQv J N/A E-Mail: afeEFeE irvinrrnzwT Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 5, 2007 Sep 8, 2005 Fire Control Room Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire Control Room In all stairwells No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Fire Control Room Northwest corner in front of Yes No building Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace all exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Trash chute doors are not self closing properly. Repair on all floors. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Remove manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler system in Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin all trash chutes. ZZ Alarm system to remain in working condition at all times. Repair Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin alarm system to allow for fire department annual testing. ZZ I Repair self -closing mechanisms on trash chute doors. Cleared Nov 5,2009 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 Dan- temporary? *Submits Hazmat BEP as 5000 & 7000 Residencia* Printed: 10/10/2011 5100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 IL .t Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P-0- Box 1768 Newport Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949)- 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 5100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82632 NE63B Suite: Sg Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: New ort Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 No Yes Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 Owner /Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No No Other System(s): Owner /Respomble Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Fu Full - Monitored _ Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 5, 2007 Sep 8 2005 Fire Control Room Riser Location: Stan p Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire Control Room_ In all stairwells No No No _ Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: - Fire Control Room Northwest corner in front of Yes No building Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 11/2009 Expires: 12/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 12/2011 Chapter 1 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Previousi i Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace all exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Trash chute doors are not self closing properly. Repair on all floors. Cleared Jan 12,2009, Carr, Justin ZZ Remove manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler system in Cleared Jan 12,2009 . Carr, Justus all trash chutes. ZZ Alarm system to remain in working condition at all times. Repair Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin alarm system to allow for fire department annual testing. ZZ Repair self -closing mechanisms on trash chute doors. Cleared Nov 5,2009 1 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 ' Dan- temporary? *Submits Hazmat BEP as 5000 & 7000 Residencia* („C—( ta1 &VI-f iX -s T AeJ'� VAN A-41S -ro (,) Lt JCS e-epl--T 1j. _j Printed: 11/14/2011 5100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 a _ F ._ _ s:... .u. ...« ..-,..�.u. ..m-a -• _,sU� ._ F r, t�•. -a. tti R NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT ' 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949),644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Q -or es I .C' / 1- �? 1 • / I Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance (9®v . 1.. 1, Suite: Business Phone: / Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 5 m m m m m 06 reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) 1:r III ca U01 1% �l N .� d'c .c. SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsibl'e Party Signature 1 R W ponsi le Party Ali e- I'lC'9 Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference.1912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required.1904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 L'� • ' Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 ' (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 6100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82674 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 , Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 No No Building Name: nBoxLoc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Villagef,ox Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Systems Data Sprinkler System. Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 5, 2007 Sep 8, 2005 Fire Control Room Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire Control Room In all stairwells No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Fire Control Room Southeast corner in front of building No No Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date" Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace all exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Trash chutes are not self closing properly on 1st and 2nd floors. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Garage trash room doors are not self closing properly. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Remove manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler system in Cleared- Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin all trash chutes. Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 Printed: 10/10/2011 6100 RESIDENCIA• Page: 1 T v Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form - P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 6100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82674 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 1 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 Owner /Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace all exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Trash chutes are not self closing properly on 1 st and 2nd floors. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Garage trash room doors are not self closing properly. Cleared Jan 12,2009 .Carr, Justin ZZ Remove manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler system in Cleared Jan 12,200.9 Carr, Justin all trash chutes. Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 (SH+(�(14 6L-irC (#VCA(- C-CUA <Dti 14"1 6-64/1"a-IL <t---,- L Z— Printed: 11/14/2011 6100 RES NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 4 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 3-I Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance —7100 127 • It* - Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division ZI *0 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. (35MO�EE6 5-zmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onlv) u tl f (�S1 {S hl ` Nlih"ic L �iL.. fi::: v4c_ -i Los t r i g- w- ioatDknar > LC-k Fa C_ 7 avv c:t./ s w r ,4 Pt F -Wr r.:F" POW Of- W ...asvuT t- 1 t . SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that, it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14. days of the inspection date. I hereb certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party 01 c.. l.ucxA- , Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A) AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. 1315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. (315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all Inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 111B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. 1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/]Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By. 7100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82668 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room - Garage Level Oct 4; 2011 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No Yes No OtherSystem(s): Owner /ResponibleParty Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By (fE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace all exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Trash chute doors are not self closing properly on all floors. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Remove all manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler system Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin in all trash chutes. ZZ Repair self -closing mechanism on trash chute doors Cleared Nov 5,2009 1 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 6C j,- 60+S1"" Y s )Y,, , At A. e ecedf,cf-oVL (La0rr V V'/s ,s- %.( {L c. &YL r Printed: 11/14/2011 7100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/BuildingIns ection Form P P_n- Box 1768 Newnort Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 7100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82668 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 No No Building Name: Knox.Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room - Garage Level Oct 4, 2011 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No Yes No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Systenis Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarin Panel Location: Apr 5, 2007 Sep 8, 2005 Fire Control Room - Garage Level Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire Control Room - Garage Level In all stairwells No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Fire Control Room - Garage Level West side of building Yes No Permits: PreviousI Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace all exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Trash chute doors are not self closing properly on all floors. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Remove all manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler system Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin in all trash chutes. ZZ Repair self -closing mechanism on trash chute doors Cleared Nov 5,2009 1 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 Printed: 10/10/2011 7100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 ..A'. . NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. C4-z-Z7 m m m m See reverse, e for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) "",a/SPEc� ?�Si A' (`�/Lov�gC S'i2. CE�-f J FlGs�9tbN one SPit.+tv!ct,�:�e...-r,�1�/Jp/Pt S�lf1� 1714C ACAXon '5rrILOCE I Ks P64 A&Lf tLO 1=t.�a._ caaat.7 ca -� �'v r4 NYP d !.v Tr�A,-vcE owt /a c c e3 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to .the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that thefire extin ishe�, violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. . Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party OIL L vcAC Inspector ty4r& !, 1 7. - 'F—J Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY'' California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. 1304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II1B liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: , Inspected By: 8100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82667 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 1 No No -Newport Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No Other System(s): No Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Remove manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler systems in Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin all trash chutes. ZZ Recommend installing Knox box at entrance to pool area and Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin providing keys for pool area. AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. In Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin" pool area. CF Exit signs shall be illuminated - garage area and elevator lobby Cleared Nov 5,2009 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 iGC�f nip '4 ..✓ v✓c.�c r ...�v Y�z . cG�( Printed: 11/14/2011 8100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915. (949)'644-3100 Inspection Data Address: Grid- Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 8100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82667 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village (949) 706-5500 No No, Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood.• Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No No Other System(s): Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Systewis Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 5, 2007 Sep 8, 2005 Fire Control Room:- Garage Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire Control Room - Garage In all stairwells No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Fire Control Room - Garage East side of building No No, Permits: Previous Violations Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE M an es of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Cleared Jan-12,2009' Carr, Justin ZZ Remove manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler systems in Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin all trash chutes. ZZ Recommend installing Knox box at entrance to pool area and Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr,, Justin providing keys for pool area. AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. In Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin pool area. CF Exit signs shall be illuminated - garage area and elevator lobby Cleared Nov_ 5,2009 Medina; Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 Printed: 10/10/2011 8100 RESIDENCIA Page:-1 K9 C3 ;vu.,f:i.«'dar'--:`: f'a,e ;i'�•,,�r"; a•f .. �; } dj .re: z.. �:,^i�.£.. .t s,. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Re Z' l . l'P da C I' Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance g100 1?-I-II Suite: Business � dPhone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division i'7"t''v' '' lqo As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. x)F W WVe reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) s/ / T , 0.1 -, � I j P" f D U J� 1 &641 'Car ¢� f t ie � Y! ®ate �1(I va ('cal P/ II f n02 j 7 tT�vsp i( v k TPve�z c� eiDt�aA. Cn t�5e� g prj%kaa l p L/ ,,,-7cr r"v a a s-• C--� <-e* 5S' 0 ` F SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Al Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party A L t Acr-s Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business A/E63 1'2-C.t1 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow —Fire Prevention _'$. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. 1906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. (308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. (609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." (1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). (105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 4' Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-31Q6 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 9100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82779 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Bluffs Apartment Village 949 706-5500 1 No No -Newport Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011 -Newport Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No No OtherSystem(s): Owner/ResponibleParty Phone: (949)467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace any exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Remove all manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler systems Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin in all trash chutes. ZZ Provide elevator keys to be installed in Knox box. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Repair self -closing mechanisms on trash chute doors Cleared Nov 5,2009 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 Lg•Jthlmty- �� '� �L c 6vz- Printed: 11/14/2011 9100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P n Rnx 1769 Newnort Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 9100 RESIDENCIA 4430X NE63B 82779 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 0 N/A R-1 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village 949 706-5500 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Newport Bluffs Apartment Village Outside Fire Control Room Oct 4, 2011, Owner /Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tino Torres No No Other System(s): No Owner /Responible Party Phone: (949) 467-2146 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: atorres@irvinecompany.com I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 5, 2007 Sep 8, 2005 Fire Control Room - Garage Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Fire Control Room - Garage In all stairwells No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Fire Control Room - Garage West side of building No No Permits: Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. Repair and or Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin replace any exit signs not functioning properly on all floors. ZZ Remove all manual operation valves nullifying fire sprinkler systems Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin in all trash chutes. ZZ Provide elevator keys to be installed in Knox box. Cleared Jan 12,2009 Carr, Justin ZZ Repair self -closing mechanisms on trash chute doors Cleared I Nov 5,2009 1 Medina, Carlos Notes: Scott - Maintenance 949-355-4819 Printed: 10/10/2011 9100 RESIDENCIA Page: 1 ,e vcc, NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8916 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 00_ VIOLATION NOTICE Inspector Name: Raymi Wun unit: LS1 Inspection Date: 15 December, 2015 Business/Building Name: Riverside 177 Business Address: 177 Riverside Ave. Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Business Phone: (949) 644-3110 Business Email: rwun@nbfd.net Violation Code(S See Reverse Side for Violation Code Descriptions P Date Cleared (office use only) ZZ During the annual life safety inspection conducted by the Fire Suppression Company a violation was noted of the missing Fire Alarm. NBFD has a history of a Fire Alarm (Smoke Detection- Monitored) being in this building. Attached are pictures of where the fire alarm control panel was. This violation has been referred to the Fire Prevention Bureau for compliance and/or enforcement. To comply with the Fire Code you must do one of the following: t i 1� x Have a licensed Architect, Engineer or Fire Protection Engineer (FPE) conduct an evaluation or audit on the building and provide documentation the NBFD to show a Fire Alarm is not required. * Submit plans for review, approval and ' Monitored S ke-®ate n throug o ui ding Located at 177 Riverside Suite #A-J SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the Inspection Date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) N/A Print Name: NSA Signature: N/A ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non- compliance with the foregoing order before the date of re -inspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 177 Riverside Building Owner/ Owners Representative Print - Responsible Party Email Signature — Responsible Party A.S.A.P. Re -inspection Date Revised: 10-15-14 lf` GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height and contrasting color. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Maintain central station supervision of fire sprinkler system where required. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] BH Provide annual fire alarm inspection, testing and maintenance report. [907.8] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. 1605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Maintain hazard reduction areas per guideline G.01 Hazard Reduction Zones. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 fora complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 PHONE: (949) 644-3104 FAX: (949) 644-3120 WEB: www.nbfd.net SCOTT L. POSTER Fire Chief January 19, 2016 Phil Edmondson, Architect Pacific Coast Architects 2600 Newport Blvd. #114 �4)0 Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 �J Re: Smoke Detection Monitored Fire Alarm at Mariners Mile Building located at 177 Riverside #A-L Dear Mr. Phil Edmondson, I am in receipt of the letter you provided, dated 16 January, 2016, for the owners of the building mentioned above. This letter is a determination of non -applicability for the old smoke detection monitored fire alarm. To give some history, On October 26, 2015 Captain Rick Lazar conducted an Annual Life Safety Inspection and noted the Fire Alarm needed to be tested and maintained. Upon multiple attempts for compliance, the Fire Code Violation was referred to the Life Safety Services Division to assist in abating the issue. Upon conducting a site visit on December 15, 20151 noticed the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) was removed and the old existing smoke detectors are still in some of the suites, so I issued a Violation Notice to repair/ replace the FACP or justify the removal of the existing smoke detection monitored system. After receiving your letter and conducting additional research in the 1985 Fire Code, for a building with Type V construction- non-sprinklered, 7,108 square feet, 1 story, mixed use occupancy (B & M occupancies), I agree the smoke detection monitored system is not required. Per section 901.4.5 of the California Fire Code, any device that has the physical appearance of life safety or fire protection equipment but that does not perform that life safety or fire protection function shall be prohibited. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please give me a call. Thank you! Sincerely, t Raymi Wun Life Safety Specialist Newport Beach Fire Department POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL (S) PACIFIC COAST ARCHITECTS 16 January 2016 To: Raymi Wun,. Life Safety Specialist Newport Beach Fire Department 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, Ca. 92658-8915 From: Phil Edmondson, Architect Pacific Coast Architects 2600 Newport Blvd. #114 Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 Re: 177 Riverside Dr. Violation Notice (15 Dec. 2015) Subject: Architect's, Determination of non -applicability Dear Mr. Wun, I appreciate all of your help in resolving this :matter. I have researched the'code requirements of the International Fire Code, 2009 edition, Section 907 and its referenced Chapter 46 requirements. �. The existing building is Construction Type V-non-sprinklered, 7,108 SF; 4irigle story, occupancy types B and M. I have attached the above referenced code sections and as you can -see from: my 'marks', I find no existing condition that requires an appkoved Fire Alarm *System. I propose that we do not provide one and defer to you to -agree. Please review this letter and its attachments and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 0 NEWPORT E ). SUITE 114 ._.... PORT BEACH, C A 9 2 6 6 3 (949) 676 9466 PAX 675 $234 E Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems Page 1 of 1 Inte ational Fire Code j 2009 (Fifth Printingl l Chapter 9 Fire Protection Systems: • SECTION 901 GENERAL • SECTION 902 DEFINITIONS • SECTION 903 SYSTEM • SECTION 905 STANDPIPE SYSTEMS • SECTION 906 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS • SECTION 907 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS • SECTION 908 EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS • SECTION 909 SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEMS • SECTION 910 SMOKE AND HEAT VENTS • SECTION 911 EXPLOSION CONTROL • SECTION 912 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS • SECTION 913 FIRE PUMPS • SECTION 914 FIRE PROTECTION 907.1 General. 907.2 Where required —new bmldiagg and structures. 907.3 Where required in existin buildings and structures. 907.4 Fire safety functions. 907.5 Initiating devices. 907.6 Oecu atft notifications stems. 907.7 Installation. 907.8 Acceptance tests and completion. 907.9 Inspection, testing and maintenance. 907.1 General. 907.2 Where required--- mew buildings and structures. 907.3 Where re uired inexisting buildin s and structures. 907.4 Fire WeV functions. 907.5 Initiating devices. 907.6 Occupant notification § stems. 907.7 Installation. 907.8 Acceptance tests and completion. 907.9 Inspection, testing.and maintenance. To -RTo view the next subsection please select the Next Section Previous Section Next Section option. 907.3 Where required in existing buuddings and structures. An approved fire alarm sysfem shall be installed in existing buildings and structures where required in. Cb=.. Top Previous Section Next Section To,view the next subsection please select the Next Section option. COPYRIGHT 2007 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL http://publicecodes.eyberregs.com/icod/ifc/2009/iced ifc_2009 9_par3091tra 1/13/2015 Chapter 46 - Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings Page 1 of 4 �. 1' . llon Requiremilitts SECTION._ DEFlMn SECTION604 MEANS OF •:B FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS SECTION4605 REOIAREWNTSFOR OLr=OR OPERAMONS 4603.1 Required 4603.3 Vertical oggnia 4603.4 SRtinkl r syggms. 4603.5 Standoines, 4603.6 Fire alarm system • . I 4j:t , I ,.., +Iu .1 }... 1.I,. d a:.S. SECTION 4603 FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS 4603.1 Required construction. Existing buildings shall comply with not less than the minimum provisions specified in Table 4603.1 and as further enitm erated in Sections 4603.2 through 4603.7.3. The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to allow the elimination of fireprotection systems or a reduction in the level of fire safety provided in buildings constructed in accordance with previously adopted codes. Exception: Group U occupancies. �� TABLE 4603.1 OCCUPANCY AND USE REQUIREMENTS -- R-iLedins Is rapfimd roeompty. 4603.2 Elevator operation. Existing elevators with a travel distance of 25 feet (7620 mm) or more above or below the main floor or other level of is briilding and intended to needs of emergency personnel for firefighting or rescue purposes shall be provided with emergency operation in accordance with ASMB A17.3. 46033 VeMeai opening•. Interior vertical shafts, including but not limited to stairwaytr, elevator ho3stways, service and utility shafts, that connect two or more stories oft building, shall be enclosed or protected as specified in Sections 4603.3.1 through 4603.3.7. HNNNNNNNNN, -PRIM N r������esoneee�ea�e�eac�c�pr�aese��a©c� ����■Mo■�e�oor��o��er�e����eto r�a��■r��se�r��aee�e•�n©©�s�©©©e�e,�© �a�t���arr� �ea�nde�r.�eea�r�s�e�r�e�e�t�es c�e��es�oa��rlisooc�rao��oc�vo��� �e.�e��ier000�c�nos�ot�c�dos�toto c�o�a:��wot©et�Adoc�eee�c�o©�r��e�e �res�r.�a�et�io�e.�de�e�en�rar�e.�drs®©e r�e�aee�s�e©e�ueoe�ee�ve��to�r.� �o��:�aeee�eieaa�s��dea�oe�ae�sateioi r�va©�see�eie�©ede�e©e�e��®eye ��e�ea��te■e�a�e�s�a�e�eve�ae�e�r.��aea� c�■�ea��■e:�■■�eae�r�ee�e�ae©e.�t©e�aeae�er� �e�a■�se�©Aus�©a�aaAr.�e�e�e�c��do �ir�l����r ��toa�00000�or��tan http://publicecodes.cyberregs.com/icod/ifc/2009/icod ifc 2009 46_sec003.htm 1/13/2016 Chapter 46 - Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings Page 2 of 4 460.3.1 Group I occupancies. In Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting two or mote stories shall be protected with I -hour fide-mistanoc-rated construction. to Jive stories. In other than Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting three to five stories shall be protected by either 1-hour Jim, r� Se istaff rated construction or an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the building in amorilance, with Section, 903.3. 1.1 or, Exceptions: 1. Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 occupancies. 2. Vertical opening protection is not required for open parking garages and ramps. 3. vertical opening protection for escalators shall be in accordance with Section 4603.3.5 4§U.3.6 or 4603.3.7. 469.IJ More than live stories. In other than Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting mom than five stories shall be protected by !-hour fire. resastaea-rated construction Exetiptions. 1. Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 occupancies. 2. Vatic*] opening protection is not required for open parking garages and ramps. 3. Vertical opening protection for escalators shall be in accordanm with Section 4603.3.5,4603.3.6 or4603.3.7., 4603 A Atriums and covered malls. In other than Group I occupancies, interior vertical openings in a covered mall building or a building with so atrium, shall be protected by tiffier 1-hour fire -resistance -rated construction or an automatic sprinkler &,ylem shill be installed throughout the building in accordanbe with Section 903.3. 1.1 or 903.3.1.2. Exftpdow* 1. Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 occupancies. 2. Vertical opening protection is not required for open paticing garages and ramps. 4603.3.5 Escalators in Group 9 and M occupancies. Escalators creating vertical openings connecting any number of stories shall be protected bi either I -hour fur resistancc%tated construction or an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section qo3.33. I installed throughout the building, with a drift durtain and closely spaced sprinklers around the escalator opening. 4603.3.6 Escalators connecting four or lower stories. in other than Group B AM M occupancies, escalators creating vertical openings connecting four at fewer stories shall be protected by either 1-hour fire -resistance -rated construction or an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with br 903.3. 1 .2 shall Z be installed throughout the building, and a draft curtain with closely spaced sprinklers shall be installed around the escalator opening. 4603.3.1 Escalators tonnecting more than four stories. in other than Group B and M occupanciM escalators creating vertical Openings connectiog five or more stories shall be protected by 1-hour fire -resistance -rated construction. 4603.4 Sprinkler SPte1UL An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in existing buildings in accordance with sections 460.4.1 and 4605.4.2. 4603.4A Pyroxylto plastics, An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout existing buildings where cellulose nitrate film or pyroxylin plastics are manufactured, stored or handled in quantities exceeding IOD pounds (45 W Vaults located within buildings for the storage of taw pyroxylin shalilbe protected wish an approved automatic sprinkler system capablo.0i'discharging 1.66 gallons per minute per square foot(69 L/mWtn2) over the met ofthe vault \,O"'4603.4.2 Group 1.2. A. automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout existing Grano 1-2 fire areas. The sprinkler system shall be prav�!dcd throughout the floor where the Group I occupancy is located, and in all floors between the Group 1-2 occupancy and the level of exit discharge _4W.5 ktaudpipe& E-dsffi% structures with occupied floors located more than 50 feet (15 240 mm) above of below the lowest level Of fire department vichicle, seem shall be equipped with standpipes installed in accordance with Section 905 The standpipes shall have an approved fire department connection with hose connections At each floor level above or below the lowest level of fire department access. Thofire code official is authorized to approve the installation of manual standpipe; iysftms to achieve compliance with this section where the responding fire deparmem is capable ofproviding tho rcquin:4 how flow at the highest standpipe outlet -TP^' V/ -4-6&6 Fin alarm systems. An approved fire Slam system shall be installed in existing buildings and structures in accordance with Sections 4603.6.1 Sh .7 and pi3ioide occupant notification in accordance with Section 901.6 unless other requirements am provided by other sections of this i Exception- occupancies with an existing, pmviousty approved fin alum system. .6.1 Group I. A fire alarm system shall be installed in existing Group E occupancies in accordance with Section 907.2.3. Exceptions: 1. A manual fire alarm system Is not required in a building with a maximum Area Of 1,000 square feet (93 m2) that contains a single CIRSSFOOM and is located no closer than 50 fed (15 240 cram) from another building. 2 mutual fire alum system is not required in Group E occupancies with an occupant load 1wis than 50. ZLAA2 Group 1-1. An automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in existing Group I- I residential me/assisted living facilities in accordance with 907.;.6 1. Exceptionm I. Manuel fire alarm boxes in resident or patient sleeping areas shall not berequired atexits iflOcatedatail nursers' control stations Ofother amstapay attended staff locations, provided such stations am visible and commuously accessible and that travel distances required in Section 907.5.2 are not exceoded. http://pubiicecodes.cyberregs.com/icod/ifc/2009/icod_ifc 200946_sec003.htm 1/13/2016 Chapter 46 - Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings Page 3 of 4 2. Where tub sleeping room has a means ofegress door opening directly to an exterior egress balcony that leads dirocty to the exits in swordanec with Section 9 and the building is not more than three stories in height. IV 63 Group 1.2. An automatic fin alarm system shah be installed in existing Group 1.2 occupancies in accordance with SScotion 907.2.6.2. /Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes in resident or patient sleeping areas shall not be required at exits ff located stall noses' control stations or oilier constantly attended staff toestions, provided such stations are visible and continuously accessible and that travel distances required in &Won 907.5.2.1 are not exceeded. %/4603.6.4 Group 1.3. An automatic and manual fire alarm system shall be installed in existing Group 1.3 occupancies in accordance with Section k2.5.3. 4603.6.5 Group R-1. A fire alarm system and smoke alarms she€€ be installed in existing Group R-i occupanoies in accordance with Sections 463?3 6.5.1 through /// ` 6016.5.2.1. 4603.6.5.1 Group R-1 hotel and motel manual fire alarm system. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system ih accordance with wr Section 2Q7.6 shall be installed in existing Group R-I hotels and motels more than dune stories or with more than 20 sleeping units. t Exceptions: i 1. Buildings less than two stories in height whore all sleeping units, auks and crawl spaces are separated by 1-hour fire-tesistanco-rated construction and each sleeping unit has direct access to s public way, egress court or yard. 2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required throughout the building when the following conditions are met: 2.1. The building Is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler sysrem installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1,2: 2.2. The notification appliances will activate upon sprinkler water flow; and 2.3. At least one manual tiro adann box is i.,Wod at an approved €ocation. 4603.6.11.1 Group R-1 hotel and motel automatic smoke detention system. An automatic smoke detection system flirt activates the occupant; notification system in accordance with Section 901.6 shall be installed in existing Group R-I hotels and motels throughout all interior corridors serving sleeping roojns not equipped with an approved supervised sprinkler system installed in accordance with �0 90033. '• Exception: An automatic smoke detection system is not required in buildings that do not have interior corridors serving sleeping units and when; each sleeping Ludt has a means ofegress door opening directly to an exit or to an exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit € 4603.6.5.2 Group R-1 boarding and rooming boom manual fire alarm system. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.6 shall be installed in existing Group R-1 boarding and rooming houses. i Exception: Buildings less than two stories in height where sit sleeping units, attics and crawl spaces are separated by 1-hour firo-resistance rated construction and cub sleeping unit has dha access to a public way, egress court or yard. 4603. Group R-1 boarding and rooming houses automatic smoke detection system.'An automatic smoke detection system than activatbs the occupant notification system in accordance with $Winn 9016 shall be installed in existing Group R-1 boarding and rooming houses throughout all intert4 corridors serving sleeping units not equipped with an approved supervised sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903. Exception: Buildings equipped with single -station smoke alarms; meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 907.2.11.1 and where the fuq alarm system includes at least one manual fire alarm box per floor arranged to initiate the dam 4603.6.6 Group R-2. An automatic or manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with i�07Azshall be installed in existing Group R-2 occupancies more than three stories in height or with more than 16 dwelling or sleeping units. Exceptions: 1. Where each living unit is separated from other contiguous living whin by fire barriers having afire -resistance rating of not less than 0.75 hoot, and where each living unit has either its own independent exit or its own independent stairway or ramp discharging at grade. 2. A separate fire alarm system is not required in buildings that are equipped throughout with an approved supervised automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Soction 903 3.1.I or 903.3.1.2 and having a local alarm to notify all occupants. 3. A flue alarm system is not required in buildings that do not have interior corridors serving dwelling units and we pretend by an approved arrulomatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903. 3.1.1 or 903.3• i •2• provided that dwelling units either have a means ofegress door opening dfrectty to to exterior exit access that leads directly to the exits or are served by open-ended corridors designed in accordance with Section 1026.6- Exception 4. 4603,6.7 Group R4 An automatic or manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with sxrio_ n shall be installed in existing Group R4 residential earo/assiswd living facilities in accordance with Section 907.2.10, E:ceptesw: 1. Where there are interconnected smoke staims meeting the requirements of Soction 907.111 and there is at least one manual fire alarm box pc4ftoor arranged to continuously sound the smoke alarms. 2. Other manually activated, continuously sounding alarms approved by theflre code ofJIclal. 469 T So4te. and multiple -station smoke shims. Singlo.,and multipte-station smoke alarms shall. be installed in existing Group R occupancies and in dwellings not classified as Group R occupancies in accordance with Sections 46033.1 through 4603 7.3 4603.7.1 Where required. Existing Group R occupancies and dwellings not classified as Grasp R occupancies not already provided with s€ngle�isaation smoke alarms shall be provided with sing€astation smoke alarms. Installation shalt be in accordance With Section 907.2.11. except as provided in $yctidns 460.32 and 4603.7.3. 4603.7.2lntereonnection. Wbero more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual dwelling or sleeping a nI4 the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all ofthe alums in the individual unit. Tlie alarm shall be clearly *'bit in all bedrooms over background noise levels with all intervening doors closed http://publicecodes.eyberregs.com/icod/ifc/2009/icod ifc 2009 46_sec003.htm 1l13/2016 Chapter 46 - Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings Page 4 of 4 Exceptions: 1. Interconnection is not required in buildings that am not undergoing alterations, repairs or construction of arty kind. i 2. Smoke alarms in existing areas are not required to be interconnected where alterations of repairs do not mutt in the removal of interior vw{[ or ceiling fmish" exposing the structure, unless theta is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could provide aceess for interconnection without the removal of interior finishes. 4603.73 Power source, Singlrstation smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring provided that such wiring is azrvat from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms with integral strobes that are not equipped with battery backup shall be connected to an emergency electrical system. Smoke alarms stall imit a signal when the batteries am tow. Wiring shall be permanentand without a disconaecting switch other than as required for oveaeutrent protection. Exceptions: 1. Smoke alarms am permitted to be solely battery operated in existing buildings where no construction is taking place. 2. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely battery operated in buildings that are not served from a commercial power source. 3. Smoke alarms am permitted to be solely battery operated in existing areas ofbuildings undergoing alterations or repairs tier do not tessdt is the removal esf intotinr walls or exiling finishes exposing the structure, unless there is an attic, crawl space or basement available which could provide so= for boiling wiring without the removal of interior finishes. Too grevipys Section Next Section To view the next subsection pkase select the Next Section option. COPYRIGHT 2007 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL http://publicecodes.cybegegs.com/icod/ifc/2009/icoLifc 2009 46 sec003.htm 1/13/20I6 Chapter 46 - Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings I Page 2 of 8 SECTION 4604 MEANS OF EGRESS FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS 4604.1 General. Means ofegress in existing buildings shall comply with the minimum egress requirements when specified in Table 4603.1 as further enumerated in Smions 46..E through 4604.23, and the building code that applied at the #�me of construction. Where the provisions conflict, the most restrictive provision shall apply. Existing buildings that w not required to comply with a building code at the time of construction shall comply with the minimum egress requirements w yen specified in Table 4603.1 as further enumerated in Sections 4604.2 through 4604.23 and, in addition, shall have a life safety evaluation prepared, consistent with the requirements of Section 104.7.2. The life safetg evaluation shall identify any change to the means ofegress that are necessary to provide safe egress to occupants and shall be subject to review and approval by the re code qfflcial. The building shall be modified to comply with the recommendations set forth in the approved evaluation. 4604.2 Elevators, escalators and moving walks. Elevators, escalators and moving walks shall not be used as a component of a required means of egress. Exceptions: ! 1. Elevators used as an accessible means ofegress where allowed by Section 1007.4. i 2. Previously approved escalators and moving walks in existing buildings. 4604.3 Exit sign illumination. Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated. The face of an exit sign illuninatedfrom an external source shall have an intensity of not less than 5 foot-candles (54 lux), internally illuminated signs shah provide equivalent luminance and be listed for the purpose. Exception: Approved self -luminous signs that provide evenly illuminated letters shall have a minimum luminanct of 0.06 foot - lamberts (0.21 cd/m2). 4604.4 Power source. Where emergency illumination is required in Section:4604.5. exit signs shall be visible under emergency iIIumtnation conditions. Exception: Approved signs that provide continuous illumination independent of external power sources are not re 4uired to be connected to an emergency electrical system. 46045 Illumination emergency power. The power supply for means ofegress illumination shall normally be provided by the premises' electrical supply. In the event of power supply failure, illumination shall be automatically provided frorn an emergency system for the following occupancies where such occupancies require two or more means o f ems: Group A having 50 or more occupants. Exception: Assembly occupancies used exclusively as a place of worship and having an occupant load of 1�than 300. "el 2. Group B buildings three or more stories in height, buildings with 100 or more occupants above or below level of exit discharge serving the occupants or buildings with 1,000 or more total:occupants. 3. Group E in interior stairs, corridors, windowless areas with student occupancy, shops and laboratories. 4. Group F having more than 100 occupants. Exception: Buildings used only during daylight hours which are provided with windows for natural light iri accordance with the International Building Code. 5. Group 1. 6. Group M. Exception: Buildings less than 3,000 square feet (279 in in gross sales area on one story only, excluding 7. Group R-1. Exception: Where each sleeping unit has direct access to the outside of the building at grade. http://publicecodes.cyberregs.com/icod/ifc/2009/icod ifc 2009 46 sec004.htm 1/13/2016 i t f NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Insp/ec . on D te: es k1 I?fi '%� ! C�� B Address: Business Phone: Date 'i oticd of Reinspection" !P 1 5' � � Ufa t was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: . 5" �✓ Date "Notice of Referral" c was Issued: I Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. 14 ICICleared �� �" ) Date dTP(.�'1�r4 l�,�,''�,(� l c / i i..r * a 1 Vt S III N - L \/ i(.j f ' Q•/ ,P ` K ri( a ' A....P 6 � f ` li �. 'A i '•. \ M k ^�+' � t�i[ ' l � - � _ .. ... ..� ..-- �y mar K `w"2 ➢ "'. `�`ti.. �..��w a9 Y. .mot r•y. f��+�.,'yy�4, -.j �y rr.'h.. ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such 'violation(s). If A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible. Party: it I 0 ?'7 �Gt "r Date: 1 Inspected By: 6 t /einspection Date: SELF-CLEAT,1NG: bue to the relatively n own and certify dt tLe violation(s) have been r�I hereby certify that e dfl'& violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. we vroYftion )) have been corrected. Name: ` Address: Signature:Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed,'tj3lease mail this forts & Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 U Original — FPD - Yellow — Owner ; Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.61 AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] AI Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903A] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room -for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] PC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [103.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outsidb of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6,39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UPC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area,.[318;3] . Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. t „ ,F. r f. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Bpsine$s Name: - Building Name: Inspection-D te: ' C$ Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Rei pection" was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit,., Date "Notice of Referral" was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Date irl a with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). ,—A reinspection visit, will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. ' it 4�Signature of Responsible Party: / �. 7 �- Date: �-�-+) Inspected By! -h�Reinspection Date: t ! Fj SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatiuel'y'mirior nature of t`lie violation(s) noted above, you may take.corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected withie'r4 dn�s of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violations) have been corrected. Name: Address: Signature: Z_� yp Date: When self-cleariniz violation(s) have been completed, please mail this', Olin o: Newport Beach Fire Department t ,,•- . t ;.t Fire Prevention Division t P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 9265M915 i � � Cleared i � R G�''i'I� f •SMt �,� 1 ,��. � J ir+'�,` �° ���1 ! t �y, �l ��.,: r>" �� i�i� �.it"" 1 i.: � t m..-`� � � .►,,,,,,, ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance Original — FPD Yellow —Owner Pink —Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB <i2 Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level, [906.9] Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstructions) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways.,[1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs,.furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage, [605.5.3] Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4], AM Post -street address numbers on front -of building. Min. 4" in height..[505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.51] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [301.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.11] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6], Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after, each activation. [904.5.1] D Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20"heads. [903.41 BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s), [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be, provided. [907.112.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware, [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] (--Ce>eans of egress shall.be illuminated when occupied, [1006.1]' D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3,2] DB flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. age N -R educe storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building, [315.2.1] Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, -or electrical rooms, [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar -materials. [304.11] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] JC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] �g Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials A ProVide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous.materials. [2703.8.71 0111 Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5,3] . GC Provide MSDS-information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually: [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required IA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105:6.32] HC Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] Dry cleaning plant. [105.6,12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class :fflammable liquid..[105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons in or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place, of assembly, [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. (105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut -dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.31 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. _ ;tS, • .. ,;e art mil."^�i'.• � f:k�',r '%l a `'•���1.. fl, rd v�tre'�. .[ - "�' e 1' , � •.i .. v,d:•`wT, 4n• _ .a 4�. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffinn nsn nnly) ov K e �e rn Re F�rrz�F- 4(�AVLOl i--_1y1'('- /'Tv GC7 44KZ-3 K-^d 0 is �zaac LEC- t n. - SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. � Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of rein pe tion may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the , ottom of this notice. PL� Print - Aesponsible Party Sionsible Party t -Z Inspector Inspection U4rt Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow —Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. (904.5) BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC • Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product.13003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class If or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. (105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41) Revised Jan 2011 ,. .Y: vYc �.,�tiAS f" !i .7 y.i'. z-,p„v: .�*#a E= »'�,�`' ..,rav,.i•.s+,una>_..r�,?,3 '.. ;V •4 +�'f.�, :'sizhy,¢, .i ltx s`'S=A F . i � t NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: . Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division ` tf q — 75--7 — d q q :2 T As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 001MENEENEENEENE MEIN 00 0 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice nae nn1 VY (ov �" 1va2— ✓ ,fit-rz� ,�,' .. t 1 V3 y, SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appr6priately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected, Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bo t of this notice. Print -'Responsible Party Signa e—1�esponsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business . Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage.1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class 111A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity.1105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. 1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 tj NEWPORT BEACH FIRE,,DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: S �? CM q . .-1914 Address: Issue D te: N ice.of Reinspection and Non -Compliance et r,- M C&Trf: Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 9- 279' — ,'_o As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. - See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) 5Egft Yi 0 ekc 1 A (r jMss a At,i jv I, D A i" `bc..4 r L� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to; the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Pnnt Name: Date: Signature: QORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condil Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render .ypi law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom oft snoticef,� j f'/ � Xc L, - �; Print - Responsifile Party Signa - Resk6nn able Party kw P*-�fjj va?-A Inspector Inspection Unit . immediately upon receipt. t9 the penalties provided by er Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.1506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] ' BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1) EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage, [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents, to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised%an 2011 • ` ..x f , `i �,+w T.e`ua`i {�:�� a .i.,.. g, 1z=pd ter .�?.n.•.a�, a'Y-atr"^:i�.d+'.;'�i. 9s-.. :�i s' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 4_ !S As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared office use only) op,j SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. jax&llal? Print - Responsible Party Signature' Responsible Party` f' l AX -A- or hAver Inspector Inspection Unit kReinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered-building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class 11IA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 �yF',t k' +`� - r.. s , ,-c .::;>; s:-w:::•�u>....i,,-_.:-, G �r : k.. <-.�•r .:.e;. • ,..%,. - ._ . :`� s ti=i•; ;'i r NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance t� (q DR - Suite: BusiiniqsssPhones: l z / Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division t j l ) (Oq ' r tJ �Sc�/ As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violatiori(s) listed below were noted. > See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) -0U St M UIL." (', nt_. _3C�t (1 +2 a7�7�11. (s ,...t --t lj& SPIvl C C t ✓ !f L4 —Z" IC � )OL V ila C D __t ? r l z3 c,7 L T - }� AJ Z) 40t, VG' >rjv of Yz . SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: �4ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to' correct the above 'condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may r cider you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottor�k?f hiTVice.. /\v � "W V _� Print - Re ponsible Party Signature — Rliponsible Party UAi\< IS de K, R Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business , Yellow — Fire Prevention) GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. 11030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. (3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. (3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a Complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons.1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised fan 2011 4 s ..:, .ra ft.:.y .max:. 'r ^r.- --. .'A ..,r _✓.i f,_ _ *t M.r sr: wT>>i: i"=,.•.�, :4 �i `r',e' - r= 'tea.. Rom. h ti r S L 1 JVPORT BEACH FIRE DEPA _ ENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 i VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: /�'Cr A Inspection Date: 7/ 17 f 1 Address: /, Issue`Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: �f'l ,,,, ' Al 70 Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. EMIMENEENEENMENE IMEEMMI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice iue nnly) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certi#that tie fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: .i. i . •, ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to .corRecl I'll h above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. -2s Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the datejof rlemspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. � Aw. rint - Responsible Party Inspector Signature — Responsible Party `/&-S— Inspection Unit Rein pectio • Date UW n.l?i Revised !an 20JJ Original — Business Yellow— Fire Prevention . • 0 IT1 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4) BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3) C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. (1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). 1105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA '42658-8915 (949) 644-3106 I Address. Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 360 SAN MIGUEL DR 4729W NT63C 89187 NT63C Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 206 1,522 TYPE I - FR B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Dr. Ali R. Rafajoo (949) 640-4455 1 Yes No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Medical Tower #4 Above FCR wset side Apr 2, 2013 Owner / Responsible Warty ( Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: �� `< < e j��`t &k No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Parry Phone: (944440-4455 Other Phone: qqA. 30�, ? �j N/A E-Mail: N/A Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A Full - Wet Full - Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Feb 10, 2010 Feb 10, 2010 FCR Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A Both stairwells Yes Yes No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: 7th floor south stairwell on San Miguel No No Permits: Printed: 04/03/2013 360 SAN MIGUEL DR Suite: 206- Page: 1 `k NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation -form S Business Nam : Building Name: Ins)iectiohD�a(tte: Rak o g Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Reinspection" 1 O a q14O _ _ l'-l� was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" 1 was Issued + r a . Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire •Department, the violafion(s). listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Qinyl wo A u Date Cleared° ER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties8ed by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 qays from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: _ Dater Inspected By:e Reinspection Date: (V_1 SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you.may take corrective action on your lAj own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Name: Signature: Address: Date: When self -clearing. violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention. -Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 91658-8915 -%x Original - FPD Ye11ow7- Owner Pink - Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. (605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. 1508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24) HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. 712 '2 N:•PORT BEACH FIRE DEPARr1 NT - 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 � 6 ,1P C e7(, p b 3 %� Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 CAIFT CA'" r-F-n� TZ Cg4q) • VIOLATION NOTICEne-i- Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: /l $ U ?? N 4A_M ` P- 0? ? L p C-r q /.ql Address: - Issue Date: Notice of Rggins peic,t�on and Non -Compliance M(CTVF--t- DRIVE 112 .3 5 Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division &1 14 4) '7 & L) - L) As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. A a �� my mm ■■ ■■ See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (officf.. use onl AA-- eFVoV)Df_ A -ID SfP-VteF- A�Ftz0Pfi_LK S12.1 1D- F194= (It,( "CNi✓ f-:L.I=V AT0P_ RO &I A'(D F-LF-CT?4 e—A t-- P0bA'l i S( FL b12- r� tGE PPoPf ice- Y-f-: WS -ro $F i LAC 1~ a lmro -rviF- j-43o)e BezX 9, 2'q MAs-�t=g- Y_f- f FIZ-a�\E-c pc bF_ Key S`roRAGrE RoaM K YS� CE - REPuIC-f- VPtFecr Ltc-r1-1-r !9vz8 (w'-s'r S'CA1V-S - 3 ' FLOWS t✓F- P-FMDVE ALL S(o9_A&tr= F(Zot4 !&-CA(12wf-_Lt- A-R-E41S (VjES'r � C •- C t, � R, ST��k Gt 1= t � F-� E t < �-csrs�-r 3 � �� F � � P d Q-(� c S �'t7� wt=S z Stt?w u - P-a�CA eS- DD rauT ?P-up S-CAA9w1<L.L pbo�-S D?F_ 4 f-AS-T -79-- PY-oV1.pE QR.oPf- S)&t►(A4F dq iMSiAIF S nIRwEt,c D001S .CSC€ f;ytAlc- SELF-CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared- by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. PnntName: Date: Signature: rj ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 0t NtgP_(F_ t4APA L - Responsible Party CAME-Fj)M Inspector 14'U T 2L F-R f;(y4 A-1 c- Signature - Responsible Party i,AE(S C Inspection Unit Reinspection Date i Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAOROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.15061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] • EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor veh_i_c_les. [105.6.16 ____ • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] �^ • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] -- • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] (� . • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 ^- • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] l� \ • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] �1 eevised fan 2011 'A NPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR* NT Iry 11_Spr C, 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 c "� �r`) 7 "t -r2dF 5" D Office (949) 644-3106 Fax CA?T CA"r—PO VIOLATION NOTICE b� �A, c,n I., e I `Business/Building Name: R LP S L 0 (r--f Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspecpon and Non -Compliance jI (r L) F L V 1:2— Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division I-D As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. UNIMMIMMIMMIMMIM INESEENEW See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use OnIV) AA`- yp ov 1D f VlzoptFRL"r S17F1D r, 5-1 i,= f- X'T T u I 1A ()Nt -Tm� FL_fvA-TDp_ Vc)om N' C> E L !F C _r e A 4- P P 0 &A- P cN t D P 0 f 9 V- f Le S _rO Z., EF Pcr1CT ttitro -T x A k4 1- P U V F LT -S-C'URAC-IF P-Ovi-4 'ViELes Qf� P_ P L-A R 6T L, I C-t H -r 9ULS (wf r,—, S-rAIPS I R F P L-V E � L L f P LA) IF �au r6tflk 'FC F A P_ C-t E I t-t r_'L EF e* ol-1 3 0,-f [-'/I i,.( is t S 'Z.. F-1 S — DD t-1 0'T' 'PIR UIP S"N III LA_>tLL Pb&S OVEN1 ( VFAS-T SAiRwf_ci__ :Zjx,, 64 py.viDf- i7popfiz C),j SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. -Tn—ntNaine: Date: Signature: LjORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 01-kPP, L Responsible Party Am F F 0 (J U'r 2- L f Z Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business GO.f A I I., Signature — Responsible Party E (Is C_ 'Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow Fire Prevention W GENERARROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4) AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6) BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign.11004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] • ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1) EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1) FB Identify breakers in panel box. (605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. T605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/ or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2) H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wiidland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class Il or Class I11A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised fan 2011 . 7�: ' 4": .W x.. • � •r.y� ,aim, n- _"�� irhM1b u' x � .. - cw`.�.r.`: •43S'_..e...elt+.-.4 E•«., t W3�[-.:f' r �F^ d is � �" .� f. � f. xr, 4 NWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARIVENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 i VIOLATION NOTICE ^ BusinessM-gilding Name: ' w"TE A Z i R =o" C Address: Suite: Business Phone: q 49 ,) - 7 sx�' — d>8e5 Inspection Date:Art t '— Issue Date:,Noticef Renppection qqd Non_C`nmz lianc Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared lnffirP nen nnlvl "" ""'t t?•. e�`�`i"ar�o¢sd-�ati'r+ C `k = 1`at �a r �{a (l1 '7 V 4' d t f 't"1 to a.a 1 �� L�+.a tz:. I r--t 3 V t!::� ' t _ t-46E "_> --r4"-@ice- F;= t,� v,_41 r-J 6'n ° 4=1 `• C. �.a�.'_rasc�-., lac° Z 'ts- " 1 4-F— Z. + d�1 .� � 1 s-. Y . /`�"•Y` �_ 1 i'"Y'1 4.r��" 1 '�`" . •,a-•.w+, r SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared .by^ certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address' within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law'for si2li'violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. 1-Responsible Party Signa 7 e - Responsible Party Inspector I Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention X " GENERAOROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each'extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems B Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] B Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] • ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class I11A in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 I;--:;•,.�.,:�}�t'<; 'a „i y s-err-w.y.ir, . ; ^�- ._ ... 'r-. •r�•*t :.*,-.. » , —, q: ar.,Cwa. ..tea,... y ...h+t;,J,y,:u<.Y a�ya y.w „i wi ri.l, ' •." fir, .� _ 4 i N*PORT BEACH FIRE DEPARNT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: ro Address: 'f Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 344g3 FA ET- Ic Y1 "Dre-1ItM Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. MONMENEEMENIMMIN NONE NINE See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) 1SC4°1'7�r(t1 vSG pF f✓x-r co?-P� 1t,0 lAr VJ I ?.1 r4 cr- S 14 -- Ut k t-,) f R_ C t1 f? T" t la 1 14AI-1-TA?0 Of C_c-.,A -4 -.,ti 1 �z�:tity t-► &Z /\ i- L-r .. C Lb SST '7 i c-d M A 1,,j k m� SELF' -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it Has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address withW,14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extin isher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. l� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ;;� 1 �.�C't�� '� fit. � ��'��/��•+,�L.,,...+l t=�1,� � ,.sf'-t-•�t.�',�.d`% ., ,. 'i�:rt,,, c.,,�<<, . t -Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party .�<ur ' r �.t- i Inspector HUGS C Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAPROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY* California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] • AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height -for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A) DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] • EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wiidland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. (105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 •=�� %<gf�:•i„va' . � e s -�r�a ...� . ��;1,... ^ms ,:,..y: x .-., ....Y.,- ....a ., ,.� .. ri.,..,• r ... 4 »,. F� „ : m , -Sp t�, ;�4:��... w ,, `,� , .. .A, fs . •Y r NEWPORY BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (940) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Businegs/Building Name: Inspection Date: CAP Addre s: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffiee nse nnly) 1 11 ll C V C o tl 1- k t PL C 1AA v L :T ( — i) t" "i:� CA(J r,jaTr T pl v �T) AIJ_-� -)-t Hit r SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. G ':� cAA � , . ` ©- I � P nt = Responsible Party Signature —Responsible Party— �\ (�e rPffzf0 Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business e (a �- G- a--- i 7-13 dr A � Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection.1912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A] Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2A] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. ElectricaI FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. 1605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. 1605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11115 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27) • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 ' Y-?. _e a' r+r- `�"' a + .;'i�'.' r !a.fid. .l+,,,k.Fa. :. ,,;.; �t: z.,fi-::a"=-� '�7. > .. tk'?v �eF. °f4?,bt„ft 4;,> 6 it?•�;.,+:.s.;�. NE. ORT BEACH FIRE DEPART . � T 330 Newport JBvd, Newport- 13�each; CA. 92663 Office (949) 644�3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 s VIOLATION NOTICE BusinessBuilding Name: Inspection ate: q C( / I Address:. /6',30� v Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business`Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 001001001MENEENE INEEMENER See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared /office rise nnlvll SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certio that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. ��..1W -Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspec or Inspection Unit Reins ection Date Revised Jan-2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE# California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] , BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] • EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. 12701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.163 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -Open storage and use. Candles: • • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34) • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 tQ Ieon „d s'r '?: ..,� ,�'kr;,-...,d.•a•".; k't. rrN;J €.a: »`a;,;.�xk:,.«:_x•ot»&.`ti'�cir. _ Sc2 �`�.� re--\y,.t �;c ied^t +, !.:, .s�.s. a� .. ti-<.vd° . NFOORT BEACH "'FIRE DEPARANT 3300 Newport B1vd;NewportrBeach;,CA 926613 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 • IOW . VIOLATION NOTICE Busin ss/Building Name: s e/�-& le- &.11 Inspection ate: Address- r-» Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. WRIMENEENEENEENE IMENNE1001 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use onlv) . ch � �� �i rorJ�P, - l s ,, W Ian SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below.that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certi& that thefire extinguisher violation has-been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. IN&iRespon6sibl, Party Signature — Responsible Party Z Inspece6r Inspection Unit R ms ectiA Date / l✓ Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention `,��, GENERAPPROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETO California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor 1906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] Aj Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308JAJ B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1) BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) 11008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. EIectrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities hi accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 14903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities, or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.411 E is Revised fan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 1 k-C S rptiT l�� l2 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance qG 6 5-A--,TA 9 A--n-Q-z g btz- Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division OfTt- (,q%4-`33ao As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffice nse nnlv) S&2-Vtc ` TA,. C-i4-13 E1G'11v1ltoV tS +�dt/NUftit.� i sc vS'c SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address , within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: - J 2 III��� ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable, to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party N[5(0& Alic- L'vC'S Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original - Business Signature - Responsible Party A1613 5ihC f 12 Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Yellow - Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5 above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912A] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] A) Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605:5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11113 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.1105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6,24] • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons.1105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Devised fan 2011 -._i ;�* :+nt i`�, ,q .t •a, ... .. .�,-R^ <.r. �.. ... ,_ '+' * a '* }` - ... ,. >. .•`L. ��": Z. t � � :�„} "try„ %. , f NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport H vd; Newport.�Beach, CA 92663 t F Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address:: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance ,y g Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. 111.. Date Cleared_" (office rise nnlvl :I,. ' R N C AfV 0Af_c 'F' . 'EAtA USE i SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -.cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by,, certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately.. Please return this notice to the above address. - within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: ignature: Fj° ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. 1.r� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. —ro &+(m Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party 1v&3 ! i. Inspector Inspection Unit ` Remspection ate - Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIEW, [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. (605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open FIames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. (105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. (105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 '.fit r•t.., A .NA r+ cH ..-���k,x T'*v ,, ., ..±a,$,M.•.. ..;z'aY as• s:n c'�q .c `t, z; y` ;iS*,-tn ,-4pT '} .i ,'� }.,'a""a,t,x:.= `•^d azN` i.:Z ^"`r as 3'',a.; w, NEIDORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTIWT 3300 Newport Blvd, Nr✓wport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3)"04 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date- cP390lt.c -I's T tZ Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance 07L Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division IW'Y —369'7 t1 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared I' --o,�,! � /a� (� f S � r� �-G.. l � � � �'u t�12 aI t S mot. t� r� � ! �•-'w i SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certijy that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: v ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. L=J Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENER9PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY A California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). 1307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. (304.3.1) EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F.' Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. 1305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry CIeaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing.1105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class lI or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24) • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised fan 2011 WA N* ort Beach Fire De arttent � P Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-31Q6 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 870 SANTA BARBARA DR 4528Y NE63B 84957 NE63B Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: 48,000 N/A B 100 Building - Single' Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: NEWPORT BEACH POLICE 949-644-3670 No Yes DEPARTMENT Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Police Head uarters Apr 2, 2012 Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood. Dry Chem: CO2: Lisa Newman No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: 949-644-3655 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Partial N/A Partial - Not Monitored Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Sep 24, 2007 Down stairs in the jail office Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Closet in polygraph room (down N/A No No No stairs Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: N/A On Santa Barbara, alpha side Yes No Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 7/2008 Expires: 6/2009 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 5/2009 Expires: 6/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 5/2011 Expires: 6/2012 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. Cleared May 29,2009 Medina, Carlos FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of Cleared May 29,2009 Medina, Carlos 30" (generator room) GE Update Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement and site plan Cleared May 29,2009 Medina, Carlos Notes: Jail inspected by Fire Prevention. - Exempt from storage requirements of fireworks/flares per CFC Article 77 Explosive Materials Section 7701.1 exception #5. n Printed: 4n12012 870 SANTA BARBARA DR yGAkv Page: 1lVr'� _ . i HAADOUS MATERIALS DISCLOURE FIELD INSPECTION NOTICE. NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division (949) 644-3106 INSPECTION %DATE S 1 �2 INSPECTOR NAME �f��LtP cL[nFis%Gttdtc- BUSINESS NAME PHONE PO BUSINESS ADDRESS CITY ZIP MAILING ADDRESS (If different) CITY ZIP OWNER/MANAGER (Print) L cS et)�`cndzcerc�-C TITLE t;atit irii�:l lth.&SafelyCdda,!6i isibn2066pw6'95'01� ISectionW90600-266WWW`Catiio'Iti0:C04 .Aegulatt I 9 of on D%tslo» ltirtiG j4 �a�C�icia i71W Hazardous Materials Disclosure is correct and up to date. ❑ Hazardous materials disclosure not available onsite for review. ❑ Business owner/operator page is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) not available on site for review. ❑ Hazardous material chemical page(s) require updating or new chemical(s) onsite require disclosure. ❑ Emergency plan is missing, incomplete, or requires updating. ❑ Facility map(s) is missing or requires updating. ❑ Other - explain below: The above marked item(s) is in violation of California law and requires immediate correction. Failure to correct the violation(s) will result in civil penalties and prosecution. Contact the Fire Prevention Division regarding completing the necessary correction(s). I declare that I have examined and received a copy of this Field Inspection Notice. owner/Manager (Print): I itle: /--15"0'- /5-S F-M —Signature: ate: -c'/g� �- r Original — FPD Yellow — Ownerfrenant NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Nft s; lvee- s e Y� c �s Inspection Date: Jmac; C/e'74 - as IV Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: P Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division +� As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. ��m��mmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared Infficeaise onlvl io Ct %5 Wed fd i= �`CA O & cI,`s Cow re d a ["k res _'# o'4-- a la ditem VgIve OJ64e< 1 qs bee. 9A v I- o-FF 4-d s *-e^ 13 to � ��C 11 w; � 1 I�l'� a �1 c?l� ��, (,✓t 7,' I CorfeGf e�. 14S AP ".._ mGide ca1) l ,z,4 c .e 9 1°S o-n Ci a- �a13 brUe e _-Cil I o c,� Ceno �1 z. `! SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may 'be certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this, notice to .the within 14 days of the inspection date. I I herebycertify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. back— self -cleared by above address . -- i 11 Print Name: Date: V Signature: j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the L� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection law for such violation(s). reinspection date is noted on the bottoyd of tl Print - Responsible Party Signatu — Inspector A17_(;2- Inspection Unit above condition(s) immediately - upon receipt. Reinspection Date 0�> Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1]. AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit_Ways CA Remove all other locks or,latches from doors arid, replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access.1315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar material's shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] BE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials "HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most conunon. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP=gas: storage and use.1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. 1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax '(949) 644-3120 ViO ATION NaTIC Business/Building Name: Iaection Date: Unit: r m LS- Address: I Inspec or: 3.�-0S ert 'or L 7 D a L Business Phonel Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleared office use only) C'r V ' Ge n Q � n vA LL SELF -CLEARING; Only a fire extinguisher violation' may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, t rriay tie self - cleared by certi . below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to f�ve ress within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date)._ Print Name: Signature: Q P&�2 ) z' ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately. upon receipt. O. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party 1z/t ley Email Re-insp tion Date Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety Services Division Revised: 04-18-13 -. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of2-A.10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912 3 21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.52] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [3081.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours [1008:1.9.3J -" _- CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. (1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [34052.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003,5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2) H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section log..6 fora complete list ofrequked permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; 2Lstorage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building;11 storage of Class 11161iquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] • a NEWPORT BE' Acu FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 ) VIOLATION NOTICE r � � Name: Inspection Date: ZBu�s:in�ess/Building Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance lLlq,5 Suite: Business Phone: �L Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division yy s As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared- (office.use only) rD a)u 51% %ice ?A!? T_ r SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: FUI ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspect�n may render you liable to the penalties provided by law fo suc violation(s). A reinspection date is noted ot� the botco`mrof this notice. Print - Responsible Party ( Sifnature — Responsible Party A�, Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. (906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] is Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36 in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] CD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. 149031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. (105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms).1105.6.411 Revised Ian 2011 •�c..-....-,p ta...�t r�,g".;}. ,.. .. }Dkt �.;. ice. u�,a r. �_.t<,t�.a'%s,'v ��,';; .i.;>!�• r�, B�'�.d'."'``.;�''`�k.' k it;, �P j;..:a ° ,".air.?, 'a-�*: �".:. .� "` t�'a � �s�a' ��..-rt�y^t ; 1,-" � L', ,i,.. `i.::s�-a,. Y>• � , �'�''•' � � „S+ ' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMENEENEEMENIMMIM IMMEMMIMS See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use on1v) ram' t�n� 2, SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. P i t - Responsible Party, Signavture 1 Responsible Party 7 22 Inspector Ins ection Unit Reinspection Date V Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. (912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. (605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. (2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. (105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). 1105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 r Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid. Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 2260 UNIVERSITY DR 4128Y NE66B 82003 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 0 N/A N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Building N/A No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jul.1, 2011 Owner/Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Occupant No No No Other System(s): Owner/Responible Party Phone: N/A Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data rinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: ll N/A N/A rinkler 5 Year Date: fM Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: ay 3, 2006 Jun 25, 2001 Inside electrical'roomistfloor er Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: PIV valve front N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. ' Private Hydrants: N/W corner wall near window N/A No No Permits: Printed: 7/6/2011 2260 UNIVERSITY DR Page: 1 u_4 Amber From: Andrew Bermudez <ABermudez@leeirvine.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:14 AM To: Amber Subject: Re: Hi Amber! Hi Amber, I sure do. Here you go! Delfarib Fanaie delfarib(a)eliecorp.com Office: (650) 342-1212 Cell: (650) 271-7178 REGARDS, ANDREW G. BERMUDEZ SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT - DRE# 01309958 LEE & ASSOCIATES® - IRVINE, INC. 111 PACIFICA, SUITE 3 10 1 MwNE, CA 92618 (949) 790-3150 DIRECT (949) 790-3150 DIRECT FAX (949) 232-2776 MOBILE abermudez@lee-associates.com Linked Lae From: Amber <amber@anzamanagement.com> Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 10:28:27 -0700 To: Andrew Bermudez <abermudez@leeirvine.com> Subject: RE: Hi Amber! Hi Andrew, The fire department was here and let us know that building 2250 needs to obtain their 5 year certification. I don't have any owner information to be able to let them know. I was wondering if you happened to have the contact info. if so, would you mind passing the message along? Also, I spoke with Don about the improvements on the unit. He told me he will be calling. you later this afternoon to discuss the changes. Best regards, Amber McNeil Corporate Assistant Anza Management Company 2280 University Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Email: amberO)anzamanaaPment com Phone: (949)545-1422 x246 Fax: (949) 642-4707 1 1;.,.,,, ht:`.,. .+.�a•Y3.,... -.°. o-..c •}'�, ..�-i•,- •n.; ww-_,:?dy.v;;is,,';:;:ir„a-.oi+,-'+.�.�..it:Y �i-"^."R "i%.,:.;: .. •.:.w:x.�.:� t ='.z F; x!�, �i9. �`` ,r_-? ..: - .. {ii "�°.-`-"y`,�'`�«..,•t �° •_.4t� b C WWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAOMENT It 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection ate: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance �- Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. 1001001MMIMMIMMIMMIMMEMMIMM7 See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use only) I=_ F_xl-f UIwit- zot. 94E t C) b� SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. 1 hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. �J 0,\\ , _�_ (' (_�;l Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party MF 01t.1,A Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business e. Inspection Unit Reinspection bate rx Yellow — Fire Prevention v GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [3071 AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage.1605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605A] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. 13003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property_ (305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. (49031 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. (105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16) • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.241 • LP -gas: storage and use. 1105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38) • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. 1105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 Revised Jan 2011 NAport Beach Fire DepartAnt Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By. 2280 UNIVERSITY DR 4128Y NE66B 86743 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. Inspection Type: 0 TYPE V - 1HR N/A 0 Building Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: Anza Management (949) 645-1422 1 Yes No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Bay Corporate Plaza Jul 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: \jALuE No No No OtherSystem(s): Owner /ResponibleParty Phone: (949)642-4707 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full None Full - Monitored Sp ' kler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Se N/A iser Location: 14 A" �;b rZ. Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: West wall -outside N/A No No Yes Insp Test Valve Location: Suite to the right of the receptionist FDC Location: N/A Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: No No desk Permits: Printed: 7/3/2012 2280 UNIVERSITY DR Page: 1 P.:<..�:�.4c,� _„ �n�,i.:. ,..- ,.f„ia:- .. .a; �s; �a;.;.s,�H.s_'. ";k_'x- .. . z1:'���#�.ie�`a' ,< � e.: a.'-%• = :?�,'�i•�vsT F„.x.;�: 'Y 2+%t� :a s �" ,ept¢ _-� r OWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPAPMENT 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: I Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. IMMIMMIMENEENMENE IMMIMMIMMI See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office use ouLy) T trlf)tC'PTIr aka 0 ax -:e' 'a" tr rs SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: n i ignature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediat ly upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. L,�,12_,119.S �d iCl2. �. � Print - Responsible Party MIE I P 1!a Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signature — Respopsi le Party - 10 12 ` Inspection Unit Reinspection Date ,4, Yellow — Fire Prevention, ti 0. 0 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY a California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2) AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a X circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [10301 D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.31 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. (315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. 12703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. 12703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS — Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IBB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. (105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NOport Beach Fire Departnt Occupancy/]Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 Inspection Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 2300 UNIVERSITY DR 4128Y NE66B 86254 NE66B Suite: Sq Ft. Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load. • Inspection Type: 0 N/A A-3 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: YMCA OF ORANGE COUNTY (949) 642-9990 Yes Yes Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Jul 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Party Name: Hood. • Dry Chem: CO2: Carlos Gonzalez, Prop Mgr No No No Other System(s): Owner / Responible Party Phone: (949) 246-4884 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: conzalez@ymcaoc.org Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: N/A N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: N/A Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: N/A N/A No No No Imp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator. Private Hydrants: N/A N/A No No Permits: ***NEED TO CONDUCT HAZ MAT INSPECTION*** Issued: 7/2008 Expires: 9/2009 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials �!!-- Issued: 7/2008 Expires: 9/2009 Chapter 1 - Open Burning/Bonfires/Recreational Fires i Issued: 10/2009 Expires: 9/2010 Place of Assembly - 50-299 Occupants P 1-T- Issued: 10/2009 Expires: 9/2010 Chapter 1 - Open Burning/Bonfires/Recreational Fires Issued: 10/2009 Expires: 9/2010 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 9/2011 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Issued: 1/2011 Expires: 9/2011 Chapter 1 - Open Burning Issued: 8/2011 Expires: 9/2012 Place of Assembly - 50 or more Occupants Issued: 8/2011 Expires: 9/2012 Chapter 1 - Hazardous Materials Code Violation Description Status Issue Date Issued By ZZ Provide an NFPA 704 Placard Cleared Aug 14,2009 Masonis, Bob ZZ Remove all locking equipment on exit doors Cleared Jan 30,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ need 36" of clearence around gas water heater Cleared Jan 30,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ remove all empty container from chlorine storage area Cleared Jan 30,2011 Geddis, Cliff ZZ cover exposed wire on light switch in utility room Cleared Jan 30,2011 Geddis, Cliff Notes: N/A Printed: 7/3/2012 2300 UNIVERSITY DR Page: 1 r L__A NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form n N B si e s N �I�1 DIN►I�r1tV�►/� Buil i A= "Oki on Date: I Q Address: s' ess P e• � _ 1 � ate "Notice of Re• spection" was Issued: I�j`- Suite: In pecting 11. L. Date "Notice of Referral" �•� �j was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. �... Date Clear d �►,nv i� xv►� V4 ITA co F a SDI 1 �' inn t�ltsti U� (2Dt)U A40t. 1?NrlyIN, V)w ti 0 ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance �j with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may der yo liable t the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). 1 A reinspection visit will be sche d s f t�t� Signature of spon le Pa Date: Inspected By: Reinspection Date: Aj (—j SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you -may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Name: Signature: I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Address: Date: When self-cleariniz violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original — FPD Yellow — Owner Pink — Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] • AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [307] AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-a[,lnually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.21 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours: [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDINQ IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] " CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside'storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] E. DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] • EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting,& fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical Fit Provide cover plates. [605,11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of•product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.321 " HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] FIG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. (105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.31 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. �., pp t. a r y. ,�'i.• "-� _ate}' - „t,}r�'-'•`" .., r,..�„t. ! ,#,#'• ,�-'?+,r.� *'md. „r,s• �"�r2: -, ' -'� n'.•�.` �. ...r .'d+v- ...r. 7- x 't. t'..s '�. � s •a.;�--���,:. .'tA "„�.�-i�eL--.�taz .x--P. �4pRTB� �_a' NEOR BEACH FIRE DEPART ENT 9 ,! ' P� K'% "' �w'`••� ; FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION M, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 N �FPA R t It ................................................................................................................................. . Notice of Reinspection and Non-Compliance ................................................................................................................................: Date: 7,10 2-00 / Z` A member of the Newport Beach Fire Department conducted a fire and life safety inspection at the following location/business on �J" 1 �' - "' Z_ Business Name: ?2I.VF0s AIL2"FAAC►'375 Business Address: 10a V I UA241 ( 0 At that time, a Violation Notice was issued indicating the corrections required to gain compliance with the applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the California Fire Code. This notice is to inform you that your business is entitled to one more fire company reinspection, which will occur on or after ` 7 - 2-'l - 2-012- 0 2. Af-rc2 If all violations are not corrected at that time, your business will,be referred to the Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will perform a subsequent reinspection of your business at the prevailing fee schedule set forth by City Council. Your prompt attention in this matter is appreciated. Responsible Party: �`�i�i�i�-� �i l�i j`"/-� Phone Number: EL-i 9 ' Ld -2,1 y Fax Number: Email Address: �f a � �� � �� �� on im eGiu `A Inspector's Name: &011-1f POJOAA Phone Number: W l - 6"73 — Fit- 5ej-;4T)b;-' - O Left with Responsible Party O Faxed (Rev. 9-28-10) Original - Owner./Responsible Party O Emailed Yellow - FPD �NN�O 0:'a- �,t, .E '•'te, b - � '. fi; `',. `f', ey �, •.i eac:�:{• � ,`u ., �, - L«�l a �� .. �' t - a ;l b-.: _ ..d...! nt.t�f -$a' ,T:; a .i _ A ,,d; �,;:5. a, `, .� *.. d , . NEORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTT # 33, 0 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: (. Ica Inspection Date: Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance low' VIL &GIO Suite: Busines Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below,were noted. ® m m m m m m m m See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (nffien rice• nnlvl A �`N, .S �(i�c" tom- i�"��•• ,� "t"�'�'`i� �I � G �'� S `� � `J=� r i p SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, -it maybe self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged 'appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the are extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: 14N ODER TOCOMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. oncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsi le Party algAt-ki- 0'g_5z',f Inspector Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Signa sponsibleParfy & 3 A- Inspection Unit Reinspection Date 2 erg ' Yellow — Fire Prevention �, �Z GENEI# PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFE74P California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference.1912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1A) B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506) BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7) GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903) Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class RIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23) • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage afid use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.1105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system.1105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6 41] Revised fan 2011 Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form p n Rnx t 7AR Newport Beach. CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 InspectionData Address: Grid. Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3441 VIA LIDO 4622Z NT62A 87168 NT62A Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: G 500 N/A B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: KIM'S ALTERATIONS 675-6270 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: Oct 2, 2012 N/A Owner /Responsible Party Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Che Chun Choi No No Other System(s): No Owner / Responible Party Phone: 714.785.3322 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A Systems Data Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 13, 2012 2nd floor in receiving Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Rear of building N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator: Private Hydrants: Rear of building at Riser Front of building at 3445 Via Lido. No No Permits: Printed: 10/19/2012 3441 VIA LIDO Suite:-G -Page: 1 . ,. . �.1�`� t'y,.. �,— ...ii.� 't ,a. .P•,., a �}',,,- •',�.,,: ;,`ar�r-"� �„ �'/f�� NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FA 949) 644-31� F Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection Date: 1-11' -5 A L -r EzM -,,, S 10 -. l -- . t Z-- Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice -of Reinspection" V9 kc,G "7 a (� , r-) t� was Tssued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" f N 7 (o Z_ was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. 1 .S - 1_\f I C-Z- 7" / .t/ Date Cleared ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. Signature of Responsible Party: �, %G/iG- �i l//` % _ Date: �d�- f / % z Inspected By: F 'R t ear4 �--11 o NJ a L.) C.. PA Reinspection Date:, � 1 � I /i- SELF -CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Name: Signature: I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Address: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original - FPD Yellow - Owner. Pink - Station GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed F from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. (3404.3] AG Open burning. [3071 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.31 Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.1] BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.41 E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.2] H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6,16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.163 HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.391 HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. [105.6.231 HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.31 Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. Newport Beach Fire Department Occupancy/Building Inspection Form P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3106 0ii Data Address: Grid: Assigned To: Inspection ID: Inspected By: 3441 VIA LIDO 4622Z NT62A 87135 NT62A Suite: Sq Ft: Building Type: Occ Type: Occ Load: Inspection Type: H 900 N/A B 0 Tenant Business Name: Business Phone: Preplan: Hazmat Disc: SALON LIDO_ 723-5372 No No Building Name: Knox Box Loc: Assign Date: N/A Oct 2, 2012 Owner / Responsible Parry Name: Hood: Dry Chem: CO2: Tina Vo No No Other System(s): No Owner /Responible Party Phone: (714) 808-7201 Other Phone: N/A E-Mail: N/A I Sprinkler System: Standpipe System: Alarm System: Full N/A N/A Sprinkler 5 Year Date: Standpipe 5 Year Date: Alarm Panel Location: Apr 13, 2012 2nd floor in receiving Riser Location: Standpipe Location: Highrise: Fire Pump: Fire Lanes: Rear of building N/A No No No Insp Test Valve Location: FDC Location: Emergency Generator-: Private Hydrants: Rear of building at Riser Front of building at 3445 Via Lido. I No No Permits: Printed: 10/19/2012 3441 VIA LIDO Suite: H Page: 1 'r`"'.,*"+'+�"v^`.„t,:t,-� � n.:�.v�4'�...+..«s.T:."w+tag+an-`�re'!trihCy�;:...�k".`""'Shaw'••�.'�"'w¢'„i.=r-q;,..f1it�'`!� �`w�.y.Z�v+�.`^tiz+`"n-2�.,;:t.s�k,��«-%ti°��'µa,�e��'�``'�31f�R,6�':rw'1,�°J("�.�'�r�,:,..rs.C�Bfk;,,rt'w'�'�yr,a"�"i r.F NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form . Business Name: Building Name: ' Inspection Date: J4�'- L- 0 rJ �- �� j c � .i ' L . Address: usmess Phone: Date Oblotice of Reinspectioe 3 4A t V l 1 /+'r l 12— 3- :53 2 L. was Issued: - Suite. Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral" was Issued: Violation Notice As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. leeare Cld i ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this inspection. V/� C r/Sra�y7�/< v�ta�a T-o S/G� ' / Signature of Responsible Party: •el- i z�GJ NTH - Date: 6112 z Inspected By: -'8P /e&/ 11 "--60n1-erIV1/ l Reinspection Date: /! 10-y Name: SELF -CLEARING. Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. - I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Address: I: Signature: Date• When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 NEWART BEACH FIRE DEPAPMENT Phone: (949) 644-3106 FAX (949) 644-3120 Fire Inspection Violation Form Business Name: Building Name: Inspection -Date: 1 Z-1-ei--tI Address: Business Phone: Date "Notice of Reinspection" 34 Z_ e, L i b Ot 4C1 (a Is- I y was Issued: Suite: Inspecting Fire Unit: Date "Notice of Referral' N T & -_ was Issued: Violation Notice . As a result of an inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation descriptions. Date B �s C. m l_L_1 m m ( Cleared v:_ Y T�=Tr1 Sir 1V 1 i- �AiJ�ll�.t�.t>i��/' 14-4 a I L 4-10-12,1 J? A�>\j i n cs C ovti M.gr_C .1JO:�-.k� C L____ & _S. j< / AJ ft' ) ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection visit will be scheduled no less than 14 days from the date of this "nspection. Signature of Responsi Party: r _ Date: a2 Inspected By: Reinspection Date: / Z— SELF-CLEARING: Due to the relatively minor nature of the violation(s) noted above, you may take corrective action on your own and certify that the violation(s) have been corrected within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Name: Signature: I hereby certify that the above violation(s) have been corrected. Address: Date: When self -clearing violation(s) have been completed, please mail this form to: Newport Beach Fire Department Fire Prevention Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Original - FPD Yellow - Owner . Pink - Station qj�, 11 • . L M n GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY Newport Beach Municipal Code, Section 9.04.010 A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguishers where readily available, with top not to exceed 5' from floor level. [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers. [906.6] AE Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1028] AF Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] AG Open burning. [3071 AH Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 Al Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 AJ Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] AK Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] AL Provide appropriate sign on Fire Department Connection. [912.4] AM Post street address numbers on front of building. Min. 4" in height. [505.1] AN Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [508.5.5]] AO Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a T separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AP Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AQ Outdoor barbecues. [308.3.1]] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually & after each activation. [904.5.11 BD Clean grease filters over cooking appliances. [904.11.6.3] BE Provide central station supervision of fixed fire sprinkler system greater than 20 heads. [903.4] BF Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BG An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.2.12.2] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware. [1008.1.9] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.8.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.8.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated when occupied. [1006.1] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved storage cabinet or inside storage room for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be dispensed by approved pumps taking suction through top of the container. [3405.2.4] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" (36" for storage over 12') below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in un-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36". [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords. Use only for portable appliances. [605.5] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved cabinet or inside storage room for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for products. [2703.41 GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704M. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory & site plan annually. [2701.5.23 H. Permits Required HA Candles and open flames in assembly areas. [105.6.32] HB Combustible material storage greater than 2,500 cubic feet. [105.6.29] HC Dry cleaning plant. [105.6.12] HD Dust producing plant. [105.6.6] HE Storage of more than 5 gallons inside or more than 10 gallons outside of a Class I flammable liquid. [105.6.16] HF Storage of more than 25 gallons inside or more than 60 gallons outside of a Class II or Class III combustible liquid. [105.6.16] HG Repair garage for repairing motor vehicles. [105.6.39] HH Ovens for industrial baking or drying. [105.6.24] HI Place of Assembly - to operate a place of assembly. [105.6.34] HK Spraying or dipping of flammable liquids. [105.7.11] HL Hot work operations including cutting, welding, and similar operations. 1105.6.23] HM Other UFC Article 1 permits. I. Combustible Materials IA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [304.1.2] IB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [318.3] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other unlisted code violation. W .e PORT BEACH FIRE DEPAR NT Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: 'I'ap Shack September 20, 2012 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance• 1617 Westcliff Drive Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire -Prevention Division 949-645-2337 As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side far violation code descriptions. Date Cleared (office.use only) Storage of portable liquefied petroleum gas containers shall be as I l a described in GUIDELINE E.03 — Use and Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers (attached). Until a permit is issued for the spare cylinders, they shall be removed from the property. (California Fire Code Chapter 38 LP -Gas and NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code) �k e i n na 1 o SELF-CL AR1NG: Only It fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleated by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. l hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected. rentName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Provided Via Regular Mail and Email Print - Responsible Party Nadine Morris 0 1kA WA; o Inspector Fire Prevention Inspection Unit September 28.2012 Reinspection Date Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention Rev. July 2012 W a�nAg� GUIDELINE E.03 — Use and Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers E.03.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to assist with understanding" the requirements for the use and storage of portable liquefied petroleum gas containers awaiting use, resale, or exchange and portable outdoor gas -fired heating appliances. E.03.2 SCOPE All commercial occupancies shall comply with the requirements of the California Fire Code and this guideline for the use and storage of portable liquefied petroleum gas containers, whether awaiting use, resale, or exchange or for portable outdoor gas -fired heating appliances. E.03.3 DEFINITION Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP -Gas) — A material which is composed predominantly of the, following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butane, (normal butane or isobutene) and butylenes. E.03.4 PROCEDURE Obtain an application for an annual LP -Gas permit from the Fire Prevention Division by calling (949) 644-3106 or visit the City website at www.newportbeachca aov. Under Departments & Services, choose Fire Department, Fire Prevention, Permits. A site plan, with the following items included, shall be submitted with the application: 1. Quantity of LP -Gas containers and their size in gallons or pounds. 2. Location of the approved enclosure for storage of containers and/or, location of"portable"" heating appliances if cylinders are stored inside the appliance. 3. Location of all structures and exits including neighboring property if applicable. 4. Location of combustibles, such as weeds, grass, brush, trash, :and other combustible materials, in the area of cylinder storage and/or use. The application and site plan will be reviewed by the Fire Code Official and a site visit conducted if necessary. Upon approval and payment of applicable fees, an annual permit will be issued. Guideline R.03 - Use and Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers Page 1 of 2 Revised June 2011 E.03.5 STORAGE 1. Storage of LP -Gas containers awaiting use, resale. or exchange and for portable outdoor gas - fired heating appliances. shall comply with the following conditions: • Containers shall be stored in a lockable ventilated enclosure of metal exterior construction. • Vehicular protection shall be provided as follows: ✓ Constructed of steel not less than 4" in diameter and concrete filled. ✓ Spaced not more than 4' between posts on center. ✓ Set not less than 3' deep in a concrete footing ofnot less than a 15"-diameter. ✓ Set with the top of the posts not less than 3' above ground. ✓ Located not less than 3' from the protected object. • Separation from exposures of LP -Gas containers shall be as follows (7.20 lbs or less): ✓ 5 feet away from doorway or opening to a building with two or mote' exits, ✓ 10 feet away from a doorway or opening to a building with one exit. ✓ 10 feet away from combustible materials. ✓ 20 feet away from motor vehicle fuel dispensers. • A "No Smoking" sign shall be posted. • An 18 lb B:C rated fire extinguisher shall be provided. 2. Storage of LP -Gas containers inside portable outdoor gas -fired heating appliances shall comply with the following conditions: • Shall be located at least 5' from buildings. • Shall not be located beneath or closer than 5' to combustible decorations and overhangs, awnings, sunshades, or similar combustible attachments to buildings. • Shall not be located within 5' of exits or exit discharges. • The maximum size of individual gas cylinders connected to heating appliances shall not exceed 20 lbs (or 5 gallons). E.03.7 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. Empty containers shall be considered as full containers. 2. Containers, whether empty or full, shall not be stored inside buildings or on -roofs. 3. Containers shall not be stored in basements, pits, or similar locations where heavier-than-air gas might collect. 4. Containers in storage shall be located in a manner which minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage, or tampering. 5. Exchanging of gas cylinders shall not be conducted while the public is present. Guideline E.03 - Use and Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers Page 2.of2 Revised June 2011 IC t ` • • Morris, Nadine From: Morris, Nadine Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:51 AM To: 'dchornomud@gmail.com' Subject: FW: TAP Shack Attachments: E.03 Use and Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers.pdf; Propane Placard.pdf; TapShack-Violation Notice. pdf Good morning Dwight, Last week I noticed that there were spare propane tanks roped to the BBQ grill. This is not an acceptable means of storing spare cylinders. As addressed in the July email (see below), until a permit is issued for the storage of spare cylinders, they shall be removed from the property. Please have all extra LPG cylinders removed from the property by Friday, September 28, 2012. I will follow-up this email by mailing a Violation Notice to the restaurant. I've attached a copy for your reference. An Administrative Citation will be issued if the storage of spare LPG cylinders continues. The first citation is $100.00, the second is $200.00, and the third and subsequent citations are $500.00. Thank you for your cooperation and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. .Nadine ."vtorris Fire Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department (949) 644-3105 1 (949) 723-3505 Fax I nmorris@nbfd.net Safety, Service, Professionalism From: Morris, Nadine Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:56 PM To: 'dchornomud@gmail.com' Subject: TAP Shack Hi Dwight, Attached is the guideline for LPG storage. Section "E.03.5 Storage" addresses the storage of spare cylinders outside of and inside of portable heaters. Storage of spare cylinders in the dumpster enclosure is acceptable provided the cylinders are inside a metal cage, a fire extinguisher is provided just inside the dumpster enclosure, and signage is provided (No Smoking & LPG placard -sample attached). Please review and let me know how you would like to proceed. In the meantime, all extra LPG cylinders shall be removed from the property until such time that their storage is permitted. As a reminder, please ensure that all compressed gas cylinders inside the restaurant are secured or chained to avoid tipping. Also, keep all exit paths clear of storage. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Nadine .Nadine .Morris Fire Inspector Newport Beach Fire Department (949) 644-3105 1 (949) 723-3505 Fax I nmorris@nbfd.net a�hh.u' tiE'}.Y-... Y a i'..l . . ' NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3.. 'q'l 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: , Inspection Date: r t glow e' ljrf t,' ._ (o "L0r 3 Address: Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Bu 'mess Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division 2 1Z As a result of a fir nsoe6 ion by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. �2mm(Z1mmmQ�m. See reverse side for violation code descriptions: Date Cleared ,I (n�rr. ucw nnivl � AM ,y SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was 'noted above, iCniay. be self:cleared by. certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that thefire extinguisher violation has been corrected. PrintName: ate: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. t� Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Signature — Responsible Party T PWP9� Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less - top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 401bs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [9124] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.32] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. (5061 BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3) CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1009".1:9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030) D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. (3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting 6r fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.23] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] . GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. MisceIlaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAMR 1 REQUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.81 Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (ie. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.321 • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (ie. spray booths/rooms). 1105.6.41] Revised Jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Inspector Name: CHAD SPIKER unit: NE63 Inspection Date:2-29-2016 Business/Building N : - __ " Business tress:401 N EWPORT CENTER Business P ess Email: Violation Code(s) See Reverse Side for Violation Code Descriptions Date Cleared (office use only) BD MAINTAIN CENTRAL STATION SUPERVISION (ALARM PANEL HAD 15 ITEMS IN TROUBLE) BH PROVIDE ANNUAL FIRE ALARM INSPECTION REPORT / SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the Inspection Date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non- compliance with the foregoing order before the date of re -inspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Email Signature — Responsible Party 04-05-2016 Re -inspection Date Revised: 10-15-14 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum V above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view.1906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height and contrasting color. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems • BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Maintain central station supervision of fire sprinkler system where required. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] BH Provide annual fire alarm inspection, testing and maintenance report [907.81 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.31 CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.11 EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.21 F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of mulfi-plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Maintain hazard reduction areas per guideline G.01 Hazard Reduction Zones. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt, toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt oxidizing at 504 CuFt [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). (105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candies: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] U '. � NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 33001,Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 office (949) 644-3106 Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: �:5►eo ie G�zl��ti��-3()-I(-, dress• � Issue Date: Notice of Reinspection and Non -Compliance Suite: Business Phone: Issue Date: Notice of Referral to the Fire Prevention Division u ram,.. � ► z� i As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. Z-)��mmmmmmm See reverse side for violation code descriptions. Date Cleared tnffine nee nnly) 4 ?Qt( le AL- &Ui 51,ktt� try sr, OU < <j�- �10. t ��C- S. ';Vn 1;�,)eClj V140"_r_,s 4I SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self -cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the ire extinguisher violation has been corrected. Print Name: Date: Signature: �j ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Noncompliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A reinspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Res o ible Party SignatureResponsible Party Inspector Inspection Unit Reinspection Date Revised Jan 2011 Original — Business Yellow — Fire Prevention GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 lbs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 lbs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.21 AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. 1505.11 Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.11 FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation CHAPTER 1 REOUIRED OPERATIONAL PERMITS - Not an all inclusive list; only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric - any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt, oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. (105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39) • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] Revised jan 2011 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 9266.0-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120. tOLATION NOTICE. Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Unit: j ddCes Inspector usiness Phone: Em As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s),listed below were noted. F—T-1 �- See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleared office use onl •9 l !p 1 Y SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. "If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature; } ' ORDER'' TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non -corn oliance with the foregoing order before the date oftreinspection may, render you liable to the penalties provided:by _law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. t - Responsible Party Signature - Responsible Party ry f /to j i i•"t Email Re -inspection DateV Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety Services Division Revised: 04-18-13 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A•10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Dpen burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection, [912.4] AC. Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference [912.3 2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904 51 BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1,10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.21] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. (315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] . F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. 1605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, orwhere subject to damage. [605.61 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all.hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12) • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; 2rstorage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motorvehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials, to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Flat Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105 6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly. 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment. to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6 41] NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Inspector Name: C. Spiker T7!t' NE63 Inspection Date: 3-30-2016 Business/Building Name: Newport Bluffs Apartments Business A ress: 9000 Residencia Business Phone. _ _ Business Email: dskory@irvinecom,pany.com Violation Code(s) See Reverse Side for Violation Code Descriptions Date Cleared (office use only) ZZ PROVIDE ELEVATOR KEYS FOR FIREFIGHTER CONTROL �( AA PROVIDE AN EXTINGUISHER WITH A MINIMUM RATING OF 2-A:10-BC. (INSIDE FIRE CONTROL ROOM) _ SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was -noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the Inspection Date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non- compliance with the foregoing order before the date of re -inspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Email Signature — Responsible Party 4-12-2016 Re -inspection Date Revised: 10-15-14 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 401bs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use, [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height and contrasting color. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.61 BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Maintain central station supervision of fire sprinkler system where required. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] . BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] BH Provide annual fire alarm inspection, testing and maintenance report [907.8] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.11 FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605,3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product, [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GO Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Maintain hazard reduction areas per guideline G.01 Hazard Reduction Zones. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 fora complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.61 • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 1118 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Inspector Name: C. Spiker UnIt' NE63 Inspection Date: 3-30-2016 Business/Building Name: NewpadBluffs Apartments Business Ad a s: 6000 Residencia Business Phone: gq _ =1j Business Email: dskory@irVinecompany.com Violation Code(S) See Reverse Side for Violation Code Descriptions Date Cleared (office use only) CE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES WHEN OCCUPIED. AC SERVICE AND TAG EACH EXTINGUISHER ANNUALLY AND AFTER EACH USE. (SOME EXTINGUISHERS HAVE NON -STATE TAG WITH NO DATES OF SERVICE) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the Inspection Date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non- compliance with the foregoing order before the date of re -inspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Email Signature — Responsible Party 4-12-2016 Re -inspection Date Revised: 10-15-14 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. (906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.91 AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.61 AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG , Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height and contrasting color. [505.1] AI Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.51 AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.31 AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.41 B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Maintain central station supervision of fire sprinkler system where required, [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.11 BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.21 BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 BH Provide annual fire alarm inspection, testing and maintenance report [907.8] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.101 CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.11 CIF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.21 DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.51 FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, orwhere subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.4] G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.31 GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Maintain hazard reduction areas per guideline G.01 Hazard Reduction Zones. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 fora complete list of required permits, • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount, inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class 1116 liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.411 NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Inspector Name: C. Spiker Unit: NE63 Inspection Date: 3-30-2016 Business/Building Name: N .luffs Apartments Business Addre 8000 Residencia Business Phone. - I Business Email:dskory@irvinecompany.com Violation Code(s) See Reverse Side for Violation Code Descriptions Date Cleared (office use only) CE MEANS OF EGRESS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES WHEN OCCUPIED. AC SERVICE AND TAG EACH EXTINGUISHER ANNUALLY AND AFTER EACH USE. (SOME EXTINGUISHERS HAVE NON -STATE TAG WITH NO DATES OF SERVICE) SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the Inspection Date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non- compliance with the foregoing order before the date of re -inspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is noted on the bottom of this notice. Print - Responsible Party Email Signature — Responsible Party 4-12-2016 Re -inspection Date Revised: 10-15-14 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-8:C. [906.11 AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.21 AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height and contrasting color. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.21 AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide.Knox box for fire depatment access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.51 BD Maintain central station supervision of fire sprinkler system where required. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] BH Provide annual fire alarm inspection, testing and maintenance report [907.8] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2]' EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.31 ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.11 EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height [605.31 FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.51 FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.7] GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.51 GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701.5.1, 2701.5.21 H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.51 HB Maintain hazard reduction areas per guideline G.01 Hazard Reduction Zones. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.6 fora complete list of required permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric— any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt [105.6.81 • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.161 • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations: cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.231 • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.27] • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.341 • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.381 • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.391 • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41] c (1) NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLAPON. NOTICE. 'Business/Building Name: Inspection Date-. ]7nit IQ UJ,1.AL+G:i ress: Inspector: A , 71(D—D usiness Phon/ef: Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions- Date Cleared use onl �r17tato 6r �}�`.✓€ ��� /�Ai"6 t r �ojfffiC4 ALL-1 SELF -CLEARING: Only a fire dxtinguisher Jiofation may be self -cleared: lf-on'e was. noted above, it may be self - cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately,. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) Print Name: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) immediately upon receipt. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of re,inspection may render you liable to the penalties provided by law for such violation(s). A re -inspection date is Ro�te✓d, on the b ttom of tthis .notice. Y11C.� Ont - Responsible Party Signature. Responsihlje Party �- Email Re -inspection Date Original White — Business Yellow —Life Safety Services Division Revised: '04-18-13 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 3.5' above floor [906.9] AC Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post signs indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open burning, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Provide appropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.41 AG Fire department connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912 3.2] AH Post street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial [505.1] At Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5) AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box for fire department access.1506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.4] BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.3] C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1.10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.3] CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.3] CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.3.2] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405.2.4] DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.21 EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. (304:3.1] . EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates. [605.1 ] FB Identify breakers in panel box. [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3) FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5,31 FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605.41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. (3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [27016.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the most common. See Section 105.E for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i.e. wood working). [105.6.6] • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.121 • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; oLstorage of Class 11 or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building; or storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations; cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating), (105.6.24] • LP -gas, storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32) • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigeration Equipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105.6.39] • Spraying or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). (105.6.41] 9 NEWPORT;BEACH FIREPEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1769, Newport, Beach, CA 92660-8915 Office (949) 644-3106 — Fax (949) 644-3120 VIOLATION NOTICE Business/Building Name: Inspection Date: Unit: Address: l ,�,� "! t� � f�.,)Zt,c/f�u`t..-1t" �t� i�L.= 1�. lL , . � (..•' � Inspector: r� ,N'�1-.:• �"`^...:... Ise ess hone: Email: As a result of a fire inspection by the Newport Beach Fire Department, the violation(s) listed below were noted. See reverse side for violation code descriptions Date Cleared Ma use only) �i� �..1 J(ri1� fl t% G'5�.. !3� 2i<-�-'�5�,:��.� �.r✓.rr='- C: �i'1 .o �? f �.— '' �..' ei �.., SC. �'�n�, �C� ��� S`f ��"1 �,,t•�--�. � M �Y1� i�"t C lO !' / '1a x CZ 5� SELF -CLEARING: Only afire extinguisher violation may be self -cleared. If one was noted above, it may be -self- cleared by certifying below that it has been serviced or replaced and tagged appropriately. Please return this notice to the above address within 14 days of the inspection date. I hereby certify that the fire extinguisher violation has been corrected on (Date) a� Prit eName: Signature: ORDER TO COMPLY: You are hereby required to correct the above condition(s) iinmediately, upon receipt. Non-compliance with the foregoing order before the date of reinspection•-m� e dec,you liable. to the penalties `provided by law for�ch violation(s). A re -inspection date, i�1ed on the bot#,q this notice. Pri • t - Responsible Party Signat� e es�bp/eible, Party Email Re -inspection Date Original white - Business Yellow -Life Safety Services Division Revised: 04.18-1.3 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR FIRE SAFETY California Fire Code Sections A. Common Violations AA Provide extinguisher(s) with a minimum rating,of 2-A:10-B:C. [906.1] AB Mount extinguisher(s) where readily available. 40 Ibs or less = top, maximum 5' above floor / more than 40 Ibs = top, maximum 15' above floor [906.9] AC Service• and tag each extinguisher annually and after each use. [906.2] AD Post indicating location of extinguishers when obscured from view. [906.6] AE Open eng, recreational fires, and/or outdoor fireplaces (objectionable or unapproved location). [307] AF Pro Dropriate sign on fire department connection. [912.4] AG Fiv • , .ariment connection clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [912.3.2] AH Posl street address numbers on front of building. Minimum 4" in height for residential and minimum 6" in height for commercial. [505.1] Al Fire hydrant clearance is to maintain a 3' circumference. [507.5.5] AJ Commercial dumpsters are to maintain a 5' separation from buildings. [304.3.3] AK Class K commercial kitchen extinguisher required. [904.11.5.2] AL Open flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10' of combustible construction unless sprinklered. [308.1.4] B. Fire Protection Systems BA Provide Knox box.for fire department access. [506] BB Extinguishing systems shall be maintained and operable at all times. [901.6] BC Service and tag hood and duct extinguishing system semi-annually and after each activation. [904.5] BD Provide central station supervision of fire sprinkler system. [903.41 BE Inspect, test, and provide 5-year certification on sprinkler/standpipe system(s). [901.6.1] BF An approved occupant voice notification system shall be provided. [907.6.2.2] BG Hoods, grease -removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned. [609.3.31 C. Maintenance of Exit Ways CA Remove all other locks or latches from doors and replace with panic hardware - Assembly occupancies (OL 50 or greater) [1008.1,10] CB Unlock all exit doors during business hours. [1008.1.9.31 CC Post approved sign "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." [1008.1.9.31 CD Post occupant load sign. [1004.3] CE Means of egress shall be illuminated at all times when occupied. [1006.1] CF Remove obstruction(s) from exits, aisles, corridors, and stairways. [1030] D. Flammable and Combustible Liquids DA Provide approved liquid storage cabinet for all flammable liquids. [3404.32] DB Flammable liquids shall be transferred by one of the approved methods, such as pumps taking suction through the top of the container. [3405 2.41 DC Provide approved safety cans for dispensing flammable liquids. [3404.3] E. Storage EA Reduce storage to 18" below level of sprinklers or 24" below ceiling in non-sprinklered building. [315.2.1] EB Good housekeeping. Arrange storage in an orderly manner and provide for exiting & fire department access. [315.2] EC Remove combustible storage in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms. [315.2.3] ED Proper storage of oily rags and similar materials shall be in listed disposal containers. [304.3.1] EE Remove storage from under exit stairways. [315.2.2] F. Electrical FA Provide cover plates [605.1] FB Identify breakers in panel box [605.3.1] FC Electrical panel and equipment shall have a minimum clearance of 36" in depth, 30" in width, and 78" in height. [605.3] FD Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. [605.5] FE Remove extension cords running through openings or attached in series, Cords placed under rugs, furniture, or where subject to damage. [605.5] FF Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. [605.5.3] FG Discontinue use of multi -plug adapters. [605 41 G. Hazardous Materials GA Provide approved hazardous materials storage cabinet for all hazardous materials. [2703.8.71 GB Secure and identify compressed gas cylinders with name of product. [3003.5.3] GC Provide MSDS information for hazardous materials. [2703.4] GD Mark all fixed storage facilities in accordance with NFPA 704. [2703.5] GE Update hazardous materials inventory statement and/or hazardous materials management plan. [2701'.5.1, 2701.5.2] H. Combustible Materials HA Remove all cut or uncut dead and dying weeds from the property. [305.5] HB Cut and remove trees and shrubs in wildland hazard reduction area. [4903] Z. Miscellaneous Violations ZZ Other code violation Chapter 1 Requested Operational Permits— Not an all inclusive list, only the,most common. See Section 105,6 for a complete list ofrequired permits. • Combustible Dust -producing Operations (i e. wood working). [105.6.6) • Compressed Gases: corrosive/flammable in excess of 200 CuFt; toxic, highly toxic, pyrophoric — any amount; inert at 6000 CuFt; oxidizing at 504 CuFt. [105.6.8] • Cryogenic Fluids: quantities on site are in excess of the amounts in Table 105.6.10. (i.e. flammable: more than 1 gallon inside and more than 60 gallons outside) • Dry Cleaning Plants: use of solvents to clean clothing. [105.6.12] • Flammable and Combustible Liquids: storage of Class I liquid in excess of 5 gallons inside or in excess of 10 gallons outside of a building; oLstorage of Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gallons inside or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building;l storage of Class IIIB liquids in tanks for fueling motor vehicles at motor fuel -dispensing facilities; or engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. [105.6.16] • Hazardous Materials: to store, dispense, use, or handle hazardous materials in quantities listed in Table 105.6.20. • Hot Work Operations. cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, and other similar activity. [105.6.23] • Industrial Ovens (i.e. parts, circuit boards, kilns, powder coating). [105.6.24] • LP -gas: storage and use. [105.6.271 • Open Flames and Candles: in assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. [105.6.32] • Place of Assembly: 50 or more persons. [105.6.34] • Refrigerilliott.t quipment: to operate a mechanical refrigeration unit or system. [105.6.38] • Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -dispensing Facilities. [105,6.39] • Spraying -or Dipping (i.e. spray booths/rooms). [105.6.41) Morris, Nadine rk RG SP2 I Q t'-- L- � From: Morris, Nadine Sent: Friday, April 8, 2016 12:57 PM To: Boland, Jim Subject: 20221 Cypress St Hi Jim, I checked and a sprinkler system off domestic water is not required to have a 5 year certification or any type of annual inspection. The building owner/tenant is not authorized to shut off the system. If they are interested in removing the system, an architect/engineer or sprinkler contractor will need to submit plans addressing why the system is not required and how they plan to abandon it. Until such time, it shall remain operational. If they have additional questions regarding the plan review process, they can contact Susan (949) 644-3107 or Todd (949) 644-3354. Thanks! Nadine