HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes_06-12-2023Page 1 of 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES COMMUNITY ROOM – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE JUNE 12, 2023 REGULAR MEETING – 5 P.M. I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 p.m. II. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Present: Co-Chairs Arlene Greer and Jeremy Evans (5:10 p.m.), Dennis Baker, Matthew Brady, James Carlson, Jeff Cefalia, Annie Clougherty (time unknown), Nancy Gardner, David Guder, Laird Hayes, Charles Klobe, Ruth Kobayashi, Scott Laidlaw, Katie Love, Anthony Maniscalchi (5:11 p.m.), Thomas Meng, Jim Mosher, Robert Rader, Harrison Rolfes, Nancy Scarbrough, Amber Snider, Debbie Stevens, Christy Walker, Paul Watkins, and Lori Williams Absent: Curtis Black, Susan DeSantis, Lynn Hackman, Maxwell Pearson, Graham Wahlberg Staff Present: Deputy Community Development Director Jim Campbell and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Nancy Scarbrough suggested a presentation by the Finance Department to provide the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) with an overview of the City’s budget, revenue, and expenses and by the Community Development Department to share the City’s demographics. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2023 Motion made by Paul Watkins and seconded by Debbie Stevens to approve the minutes of May 3, 2023, with the edits provided by Mr. Mosher and Co-Chair Greer. The motion carried unanimously. b. Update on the Consultant for the Comprehensive Update Principal Planner Ben Zdeba provided a brief update on the consultant service agreement with Dudek on the comprehensive update of the General Plan. He noted the additional community outreach and subtasks that address GPAC’s concerns, a sustainability element component, best practices on resiliency and sustainability from other cities as part of a General Plan Diagnostic memo, and an online plan. He indicated that there is no General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 update to the comprehensive update project schedule, deliverables will be addressed at the project kick off, the Dudek professional services agreement will be brought before the City Council on June 27, and staff is hoping Dudek will begin providing support to the committee in early July. In response to Committee Member Charles Klobe’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba confirmed that sufficient time is included in the agreement for Dudek to provide support to the subcommittees. In response to Committee Member Jim Mosher’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba clarified that although Kimley Horn will be supporting most of the noise element for housing implementation, best practices can be included in the General Plan Diagnostic memo and Dudek will provide a baseline diagnostic memo on all the elements in the General Plan including any technical support required for updates. In response to Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that the noise element subcommittee will convene after a revised noise element approach for the airport area is completed. Ms. Scarbrough expressed concern for other areas in the City related to the noise element. In response to Co-Chair Greer’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba noted subtasks in the historical resources and that Dudek will prepare best practices for the General Plan Diagnostic memo to present to the Arts and Cultural Element subcommittee. He relayed that the subcommittee has more flexibility in guiding the element because it is optional. Co-Chair Greer noted a lot of change since 2006 with arts and culture and more desired emphasis in this area. In response to Committee Member Paul Watkins’ concern, Principal Planner Zdeba recapped the revised scope items and noted a dovetail between the baseline analysis and General Plan Diagnostic memo and expressed confidence that they go together to update the elements and respond to the vision. No public comment was received when Co-Chair Greer opened the public comment. c. Update on the Implementation of the Housing Element Principal Planner Zdeba provided a brief update on the implementation of the Housing Element, including the environmental impact report (EIR) preparation, tentative scoping meeting on June 28, and traffic analysis. No public comment was received when Co-Chair Greer opened the public comment. d. Land Use Element Goals and Policies Related to Banning Ranch At the June 5, 2023, GPAC Land Use Element Subcommittee meeting, there was a robust General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 discussion what changes should be made to the Land Use Element’s goals and policies related to Banning Ranch given the acquisition of the property by the Trust for Public Land and transfer to the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (The Conservancy). Principal Planner Zdeba noted the recommended action before the GPAC to discuss and consider making a recommendation to the General Plan Update Steering Committee (GPUSC) regarding how and when policy and goal changes may need to be considered for Banning Ranch. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell explained the General Plan designation for Banning Ranch, two uses for the property, and policies that do not reflect the current use. He noted that the Land Use Element Subcommittee is seeking guidance from the GPAC on what to do about potentially removing residential, hotel, and small commercial component land uses from the policies and forming a recommendation to the GPUSC. In response to Committee Member Dennis Baker’s question, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell clarified the subcommittee’s suggestion to change the fundamental land use element policies to eliminate the residential development option. Committee Member Charles Klobe thought that the time is now to update every element that mentions Banning Ranch to reflect its current allowable uses and remove Banning Ranch from elements in which it is unnecessary and suggested this recommendation be made to the Council. A motion was made by Committee Member Dennis Baker and seconded by Paul Watkins to recommend to the GPUSC an update to the Land Use Element policy to reflect reality. The GPAC deliberated on the pros, cons, and reasons for updating the policy. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell recommended that the GPAC involve The Conservancy in developing policy changes. Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough, Co-Chair Evans, and Committee Member Charles Klobe suggested inviting The Conservancy to a GPAC meeting. In response to Committee Member David Guder’s question, Committee Member Charles Klobe noted that all the money that was provided to The Conservancy for the Banning Ranch purchase was restricted from being used for residential development. Committee Member Jim Carlson and Committee Member Dennis Baker thought that the policy should be updated to the current property use. In response to Co-Chair Evans’ inquiry, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell agreed to reach out to The Conservancy to find out their vision and cautioned the GPAC to not make changes that impact to the project description in the environmental impact report (EIR). Committee Member Dennis Baker noted a four-to-five-year start-up process for The Conservancy. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 Deputy Community Development Director Campbell suggested taking all the housing units out of the General Plan. In response to Committee Member Robert Radar’s question, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted no need to widen 15th or 16th Streets because 15th and 19th Streets are the access points to Banning Ranch. In response to Deputy Community Development Director Campbell’s question, Committee Member Dennis Baker noted that it is not possible to satisfy the General Plan under the new ownership conditions and clarified his suggestion to remove the entire residential development option of the policy. Committee Member Paul Watkins suggested talking with the Banning Ranch property owner about their housing development vision. Committee Member Robert Radar suggested a friendly amendment to have the Land Use Element reflect the intent of The Mountain Conservancy Group. Committee Member Dennis Baker suggested tabling the motion until staff talks with The Conservancy about their housing development vision and thought this matter is not urgent. Co-Chair Greer suggested the Land Use Element Committee meet to prepare a more finalized suggestion at their next meeting and Nancy Gardener agreed to the suggestion. A motion was made by Dennis Baker and seconded by Co-Chair Greer to table the matter and send the matter back to the Land Use Element subcommittee before it returns to the GPAC and GPUSC. The motion carried unanimously. e. Formation of an Outreach Subcommittee Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted that one of Dudek’s first deliverables will focus on the outreach plan and the subcommittee will work to review the plan and report back to the GPAC for approval. In response to Committee Member Debbie Stevens’ question, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted a similar approach to the housing element outreach plan but with additional focus areas and thought it would be helpful if people other than staff review it. Committee Member Debbie Stevens noted the housing element outreach did not generate a big turnout and asked for the subcommittee to have a copy of the plan. Nancy Gardener noted the opportunity to course-adjust the outreach plan by having a subcommittee monitoring it. Co-Chair Greer supported the idea and volunteered herself for the subcommittee. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 A motion was made by Committee Member Dennis Baker and seconded by Co-Chair Evans to form an Outreach Subcommittee. Committee Member Dennis Baker volunteered to join the subcommittee. Committee Member Charles Klobe suggested Susan DeSantis for the subcommittee and asked staff to contact her. Committee Member Dennis Baker suggested the subcommittee consist of members who possess a broad spectrum and well-rounded perspective. In response to Committee Member Annie Clougherty’s question, Committee Member Debbie Stevens indicated the housing element outreach effort did not produce enough attendance at events and the consultant’s approach was mostly events. Principal Planner Zdeba noted that Kearns and West is a subconsultant to Dudek and lead an outreach event. Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough suggested Curt Black for the subcommittee due to his experience with websites and staff agreed to reach out to him. Committee Member Jim Carlson suggested a good location and plan for the outreach events and volunteered for the Outreach Subcommittee. Committee Member Annie Clougherty volunteered for the Outreach Subcommittee. Committee Member Charles Klobe noted past outreach efforts did not include reaching younger people. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell envisioned Dudek’s first step to create an outreach plan draft followed by two to three subcommittee meetings in August. Committee Member Dennis Baker suggested the consultant think “outside of the box” and seek participation in City events. Committee Member Annie Clougherty suggested the Outreach Subcommittee volunteer opportunity be included on the next meeting agenda and inquired about direction on how to involve community outreach in City events. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 In response to Co-Chair Evans’ inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that volunteer interest of the entire group can be solicited through an email. Staff recommended that the GPAC form the Outreach Subcommittee to help guide City staff and consultants on outreach and engagement. Committee Member Jim Mosher suggested Dudek’s initial idea be introduced to the GPAC so suggestions can be provided to the subcommittee and subcommittee meetings be included on the calendar. In response to Committee Member Annie Clougherty’s question of how to initiate outreach plan changes already in motion, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell noted the function of the subcommittee is to review the outreach plan, a delicate balance in identifying appropriate community events to solicit community input, subcommittee meetings will be added to the calendar, and an interest in making improvements from past outreach efforts. Nancy Gardener reminded the GPAC members that they are the engine, the consultants provide resources, and the GPAC must speak up, be bold, and honor the vision. Co-Chair Evans asked for public comments and there were none. The motions carried unanimously. Co-Chair Evans recapped the notes to include the following potential subcommittee volunteers: Co-Chair Greer, Dennis Baker, Jim Carlson, Curt Black, Annie Clougherty, Jeremy Evans, Debbie Stevens (possibly), and Susan DeSantis. He agreed to send an email to the GPAC soliciting volunteer interest. f. Subcommittee Updates Co-Chair Evans noted that since the previous GPAC meeting several subcommittees have held meetings. Principal Planner Zdeba welcomed Harrison Rolfes and Scott Laidlaw and invited them to express their subcommittee interest and encouraged them to consider all the options so the Brown Act threshold will be honored. Committee Member Charles Klobe noted that the Land Use Element Subcommittee worked through half the matrix items to make corrections and suggestions and will continue at the next meeting on June 19. Committee Member Debbie Stevens noted that the Vision Committee held a couple of meetings, updated the key issues, and drafted the vision statement which she assumed will go to the consultant to be put together. General Plan Update Steering Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 Committee Member Paul Watkins noted that the Arts, Culture, and Historic Resources Committee met on May 1 with another meeting to be determined. Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that the vision statement can be shared with the GPAC to get feedback without needing to be filtered through the consultant. Committee Member Jim Carlson shared that the Bay and Harbor Committee had one meeting and another meeting is scheduled for next week. There was no public comment on Subcommittee Updates. V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough suggested an agenda item for a presentation by the Finance Department to provide GPAC with an overview of the City budget, revenue, and expenses and by the Community Development Department to share the City’s demographics. A motion was made by Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough and Committee Member Dennis Baker seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Committee Member Dennis Baker complimented staff for their preparedness at subcommittee meetings. Principal Planner Zdeba extended Deputy Community Development Director Campbell’s apology for stepping out early to tend to a personal matter. VI. ADJOURNMENT – With no further business, Co-Chair Greer adjourned the meeting. The next meeting date and time will be determined by way of a Doodle Poll.