HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes_02-07-2024Page 1 of 5 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES COMMUNITY ROOM – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE February 7, 2024 REGULAR MEETING – 5 P.M. I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 p.m. II. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Present: Co-Chair Jeremy Evans, Co-Chair Arlene Greer, Nicholas Acevedo, Dennis Baker, James Carlson, Annie Clougherty, Susan DeSantis, David Guder, Lynn Hackman, Laird Hayes, Charles Klobe, Ruth Kobayashi, Scott Laidlaw, Anthony Maniscalchi, Thomas Meng, Jim Mosher, Maxwell Pearson, Nancy Scarbrough, Amber Snider, Debbie Stevens, and Paul Watkins Staff: Acting Deputy Community Development Director Jaime Murrillo and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba Excused: Curtis Black, Jeff Cefalia, and Robert Rader Absent: Matthew Brady, Katie Love, Harrison Rolfes, Graham Wahlberg, Christy Walker, and Lori Williams III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Committee Member Jim Mosher suggested a review of the Subcommittee assignments and upkeeping a Subcommittee roster on the City website or Newport Together. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2024 Motion made by Committee Member Thomas Meng and seconded by Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough to approve the meeting minutes of January 10, 2024, with Committee Member Mosher’s edits. The motion carried unanimously with all in favor. b. Vision Statement Subcommittee Recap The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Vision Statement Subcommittee met on Tuesday, January 30, to identify a chairperson and to review the Vision Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Report. GPAC Member Debbie Stevens was identified as the Chair of this Subcommittee and provided an overview of the Subcommittee’s discussion and actions. For the record, Attachment 2 included a cover memo, action minutes from the Subcommittee meeting, the PowerPoint displayed at the meeting, Dudek’s report, and initial work done by the Subcommittee. Recommended Actions: General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting February 7, 2024 Page 2 of 5 1. Receive an overview from the GPAC Vision Statement Subcommittee 2. Provide any feedback on the Subcommittee’s efforts; and 3. Receive and file Attachment 2 to guide the initial outreach efforts. Vision Statement Subcommittee Chair Debbie Stevens stated the importance of the vision statement prior to Elizabeth Dixon from Dudek sharing a presentation to review the Visioning Analysis and purpose, vision statement overview, adopted 2025 vision statement from the 2006 General Plan, and the process for developing the updated vision statement. Subcommittee Chair Stevens thought the best way to look at the analysis is by using the matrix and noted important fixed areas, items to change, and outdated matters. She acknowledged that there are many different ideas of the vision for Newport Beach that need to be collected and put together. Lastly, she noted items that are missing from the General Plan and suggested providing the public with what the GPAC thinks is important to Newport Beach for easier public engagement. No additional feedback was received from the GPAC. Attachment 2 was considered received and filed. c. Outreach Subcommittee Recap The GPAC Outreach Subcommittee met on Wednesday, January 31, to identify a chairperson and to review the results of the survey that requested feedback from the GPAC on event types and meetings to prioritize. GPAC Member Annie Clougherty was identified as the Chair of this Subcommittee and provided an overview of the Subcommittee’s discussion and actions. For the record, Attachment 3 included a cover memo, action minutes from the Subcommittee meeting, and the PowerPoint displayed at the meeting. With GPAC’s concurrence on the efforts to date, the outreach and engagement component is set to kickoff later in February to gain momentum through raising awareness and visioning. Recommendation Actions: 1. Receive an overview from the GPAC Outreach Subcommittee; 2. Provide any feedback on the Subcommittee’s efforts; and 3. Receive and file Attachment 3 to kick-off and guide the initial outreach efforts. Outreach Subcommittee Chair Annie Clougherty relayed that the current agreement with Dudek and Kearns & West provides for 10 pop-ups and 20 go-to meetings and thought the Subcommittee captured a great snapshot of the goals from collected suggestions and a wide range of Subcommittee members and noted the social calendar in addition to the website element. Consultant Jenna Tourje-Maldonado from Kearns & West used a presentation to review the questionnaire results, including event type, Subcommittee pop-up priorities, and an active online mapping survey. Subcommittee Chair Clougherty thought the survey was very user friendly. Co-Chair Greer suggested events to include in the outreach list that she thought would draw thousands of Newport Beach residents from all seven districts. General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting February 7, 2024 Page 3 of 5 Subcommittee Chair Clougherty indicated that every event suggested by Co-Chair Greer except for two have been considered. She added that the focus period is February through May or June, and the Balboa Island Parade and the museum at the Fun Zone will be added. Additionally, she noted that some events may not be possible to honor the budget. Discussion ensued about additional suggested events. Virginia Anders-Ellmore, resident, suggested connecting with homeowners’ associations (HOA) for advertising. Committee Member Susan DeSantis suggested using a business card to share contact information for the General Plan Update. Committee Member Ruth Kobayashi suggested events that include young families. Committee Member Scarbrough suggested using a QR code on a business card and manning a table at additional events to distribute educational materials and inquired about how collected feedback will be reported to the GPAC. Committee Member Stevens relayed that GPUSC Chair Nancy Gardner is the guest speaker at the Corona del Mar Residents Association Annual Meeting and invited everyone to attend on April 2. Chuck Fancher suggested including community forums to share the General Plan Update. Committee Member Dennis Baker commented on going over the budget if the entire event list is executed. He suggested considering a third outreach type, for example, an educational kit. Co-Chair Evans suggested using social media as a third option. Committee Member Nicholas Acevedo noted online marketing missing from outreach options and questioned reaching a broader range of people, quickly, and at a low cost and suggested approaches. Additionally, he questioned if a mechanism exists on the mapping survey to distinguish between residents and nonresidents. Subcommittee Chair Clougherty noted Dudek is collaborating with the City to share information through social media. She added that this will likely begin once the landing page is strong. Consultant Tourje-Maldonado shared the inclusions of a robust press kit that includes social media. Subcommittee Chair Clougherty noted that Dudek is also preparing an elevator pitch for the GPAC. Consultant Tourje-Maldonado noted that on-demand tools and resources are forthcoming for the GPAC to use for go-to meetings. Co-Chair Greer suggested considering police and fire department, Neighborhood Watch, and mobile café events. Committee Member Mosher reminded the GPAC about the idea of holding a community forum and suggested the outreach messaging from the GPAC be separated from the City- General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting February 7, 2024 Page 4 of 5 driven General Plan Amendment process related to implementation of the Housing Element that will lead to the November election, so the public is aware of two separate General Plan Update processes. Committee Member DeSantis expressed an interest in the presentation by the consultant team on the Planning and Future Trends Report and thought leaders on future trends. Committee Member Lynn Hackman thought the GPAC should be able to answer questions about how high-density housing will influence the General Plan Update and affect the City, as well as the impacts of the ferry staying or leaving and Orange County Sanitation District pumping station expansion. Co-Chair Evans relayed that as per staff a fact sheet will be prepared to address Committee Member Hackman’s concerns. Committee Member Baker expressed concern that the public thinks they will get to vote on the General Plan when, in fact, the election includes only a piece of the General Plan. GPUSC Chair Nancy Gardner noted that the actions of the GPAC alleviate the demands by the State and reduce the impact while making improvements. Co-Chair Evans suggested including Chamber of Commerce meetings as an outreach activity. d. Presentation: Overview of Upcoming Deliverables and Objectives Consultant Elizabeth Dickson shared a presentation to review the key deliverables, timeline, and next steps. In response to Committee Member Charles Klobe’s inquiry, Consultant Dickson noted that the diagnostic memo will provide a breakdown of relevant legislative changes. In response to Committee Member DeSantis’ inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba confirmed that the reports reviewed by the Subcommittees will be included in a link posted online that the GPAC can access. She suggested materials for each Subcommittee be organized in a folder. In response to Chuck Fancher’s inquires, Principal Planner Zdeba stated that the Resiliency Analysis Report was included in the December GPAC agenda and is available on the GPAC webpage. Mr. Fancher thought the website should clearly present the upcoming meetings and real-time documents, so it is accessible to the public. Principal Planner Zdeba stated that he will meet with the consultant to ensure that the Newport Together website is continually evolving and meaningfully moving forward. Committee Member Mosher concurred with the suggestion to organize Subcommittees into folders and shared with the GPAC, noted that the resiliency and visioning background reports have been posted in their current form on Newport Together, and suggested the process be clarified and reports be made accessible to the GPAC and inquisitive public members initially. General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting February 7, 2024 Page 5 of 5 V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON- DISCUSSION ITEM) In response to Committee Member Klobe’s inquiry about who is producing the environmental impact report (EIR) for the General Plan Update, Principal Planner Zdeba stated that the update process itself will drive the form of CEQA clearance. Currently, it is unclear whether a new EIR will be prepared or a supplemental EIR to the Housing Element implementation program will be used. Committee Member Klobe also inquired about noise in the Airport Area, as it relates to housing projects. Principal Planner stated that the noise contours will not need to be addressed in a future EIR because amendments are in place by the Council from November 2023, to limit outdoor noise exposures. Committee Member Paul Watkins favored the matrix associated with the vision information and had no changes and expressed concern for phrasing found in the Vision Statement Existing Conditions and Background Analysis that he thought were emotive and suggested replacement wording. Chuck Fancher, resident, encouraged using the language as written. GPUSC Chair Gardner stated that the phrases Committee Member Watkins referenced are from State documents and the GPAC can be sensitive to language choices. Committee Member Scott Laidlaw pointed out that the phrases are outlined in the Trend Report and are influencing the process. Committee Member DeSantis thought the issue is that the phrases have specific definitions that cannot be finessed, but the terminology can be couched. Committee Member Mosher announced that the City Council will hold a study session on Tuesday to review, for the first time, the matrix of suggested recommended changes to the Land Use Element to implement the adopted Housing Element, the changes to the Zoning Code to implement the housing overlays, and objective design standards. Committee Member Hackman suggested that the language be relevant to the Newport Beach General Plan. Co-Chair Greer suggested the terms be detailed in a footnote. Committee Member Hackman thought the meaning of the phrases should be clarified. In response to Co-Chair Greer’s inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba relayed next steps for Subcommittee meetings and noted that the Arts and Cultural Element and Historical Resources Element will be considered separately and later. VI. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, Co-Chair Evans adjourned the meeting at 6:08 p.m. until March 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.