HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS042141_Correction ListCounty of Orange Resources & Development Management Department Building Permits Division Main Office 300 N. Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 Residential Plan Check Corrections It is the responsibility of the applicant to satisfy the requirements (clearances) of each of the departments listed in this document. Normally, each section will stamp your plans indicating their approval. To view your plan check status and the latest correction list on the Internet, please visit: http://pdsd.oc.ca.gov and click on 'Plan Check Status' Link Project Number:RS042141 Submittal Date:Nov 22, 2004 CBC Edition: 1998 Plan Check Date: 1/7/2005 3:05 PM Description:new custom sfd, 2 story, plus basement, 2 car attached garage Job Address 1 PELICANS DR NEWPORT COAST, CA Owner Address Scott & Deborah Pievac 6 Pinnacle Pt Newport Beach CA92657 Current - 1st Plan Check Architect of Record Richard Krantz Architecture 1500 Quail St. Suite 520 Newport Beach CA92660 949-752-6345 949-752-6235 FAX archkrantz@aol.com Plan Checked By Alex Ghobadi Alex.Ghobadi@pdsd.ocgov.com 714-834-2633 Contact Address Richard Krantz 1500 Quail St. Suite 520 Newport Beach CA92660 949-752-6345 949-752-6235 FAX Page 1 of 16 RS042141 OBTAIN CLEARANCES (approvals) from: Current Planning/Zoning (714) 834-2626 DPC Station 3 Grading Plan Check Review: (714) 834-5534 Inspection Div. (Rough Grade) (949) 472-7979 Fire Authority (714) 573-6100 (714)368-8843 1 Fire Authority Rd., Bldg. A, Irvine California 92606 (Jamboree@Tustin Ranch Rd.) NPDES/OCFCD(Drainage) (714) 834-5060 GENERAL INFORMATION This correction list covers plan check of residential occupancies (R-1, R-3) and garage/carports only. Recreational buildings, sales offices, retaining walls, etc. will require separate plan submittals to Commercial/Industrial Plan Check Section for approval. Application for which no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation. An extension of 180 days may be granted upon written request showing circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action being taken. In order to renew action for an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan check fee. Sec. 107.4. Plans, engineering calculations, diagrams and other data shall be submitted in two sets with each application for a permit. The building official may require plans, computations and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the State to practice as such. Sec. 106.3.2. At building permit issuance, one (1) additional set of plans consisting of summary or title sheet, plot plan, floor plans and elevations shall be required for the Assessor´s Office. INFORMATION A GRADING PERMIT and ROUGH GRADING approval are required. NOTE: Building permit will not be issued until "Rough Grading" approval is obtained from the grading inspector. Contact Grading Section for additional information. A SOIL/GEOTECHNICAL REPORT is required. Submit 2 copies to Grading Section, with 1 copy to Plan Check Section. Grading Section shall approve reports prior to issuance of building permit. All recommendations shall be incorporated into foundation plans. The Structural or Civil Engineer or Architect responsible for this project shall sign three final sets of plans. The third set is for the Assessor´s Office. Plans cannot be rechecked at the counter. Resubmit and allow additional time for recheck. The applicant must submit three sets of plans to the Orange County Fire Authority directly. OCFA approval is required on 3 sets of plans before any building permits can be issued. The following residential projects require approval of the Orange County Fire Authority: All apartments and condominiums. All tracts of single-family dwellings. Single Family dwellings with a floor area including the garage exceeding the 3,600 square feet or more than 50 feet from the street. Projects with new fire sprinkler systems or with alterations to existing fire sprinkler systems. Projects with new fire alarm systems or with alterations to existing fire alarm systems. The section Nos. and table Nos. called out in this correction list are from the 2001 California Building Code unless noted otherwised. Page 2 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM RS042141 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) NOTES Notes must be shown as worded, on the title sheet of the plan 1. In the case of emergency, call___________________at Work Phone #___________________or Home Phone #_________ __________. 2. Sediment from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site using structural controls to the maximum extent practicable. 3. Stockpiles of soil shall be properly contained to minimize sediment transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities or adjacent properties via runoff, vehicle tacking, or wind. 4. Appropriate BMP's for construction-related materials, wastes, spills shall be implemented to minimize transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities, or adjoining properties by wind or runoff. 5. Runoff from equipment and vehicle washing shall be contained at construction sites unless treated to reduce or remove sediment and other pollutants. 6. All construction contractor and subcontractor personnel are to be made aware or the required best management practices and good housekeeping measures for the project site and any associated construction staging areas. 7. At the end of each day of construction activity all construction debris and waste materials shall be collected and properly disposed in trash or recycle bins. 8. Construction sites shall be maintained in such a condition that an anticipated storm does not carry wastes or pollutants off the site. Discharges of material other than stormwater only when necessary for performance and completion of construction practices and where they do not: cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality standard; cause or threaten to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance; or contain a hazardous substance in a quantity reportable under Federal Regulations 40 CFR Parts 117 and 302. 9. Potential pollutants include but are not limited to: solid or liquid chemical spills; wastes from paints, stains, sealants, glues, limes, pesticides, herbicides, wood preservatives and solvents; asbestos fibers, paint flakes or stucco fragments; fuels, oils, lubricants, and hydraulic, radiator or battery fluids; fertilizers, vehicle/equipment wash water and concrete wash water; concrete, detergent or floatable wastes; wastes from any engine/equipment steam cleaning or chemical degreasing and superchlorinated potable water line flushing. During construction, permittee shall dispose of such materials in a specified and controlled temporary area on -site, physically separated from potential stormwater runoff, with ultimate disposal in accordance with local, state and federal requirements. 10. Dewatering of contaminated groundwater, or discharging contaminated soils via surface erosion is prohibited. Dewatering of non-contaminated groundwater requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit from the respective State Regional Water Quality Control Board. 11. Graded areas on the permitted area perimeter must drain away from the face of slopes at the conclusion of each working day. Drainage is to be directed toward desilting facilities. 12. The permittee and contractor shall be responsible and shall take necessary precautions to prevent public trespass onto areas where impounded water creates a hazardous condition. 13. The permittee and contractor shall inspect the erosion control work and insure that the work is in accordance with the approved plans. 14. The permittee shall notify all general contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, lessees, and property owners: that dumping of chemicals into the storm drain system or the watershed is prohibited. 15. Equipment and workers for emergency work shall be made available at all times during the rainy season. Necessary materials shall be available on site and stockpiled at convenient locations to facilitate rapid construction of temporary devices when rain is imminent. 16. All removable erosion protective devices shall be in place at the end of each working day when the 5-Day Rain Probability Forecast exceeds 40%. Page 3 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM RS042141 17. Sediments from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site using an effective combination of erosion and sediment controls to the maximum extent practicable, and stockpiles of soil shall be properly containted to minimize sediment transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities of adjacent properties via runoff, vehicle tracking, or wind. 18. Appropriate BMPs for construction-related materials, wastes, spills or residues shall be implemented and retained on site to minimize transport from the site to streets, drainage facilities, or adjoining property by wind or runoff. Page 4 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By Provide an approved Water Quality Management plan (WQMP) and provide an Erosion& Sediment Control plan(ESCP), for review and approval also. General A. Ghobadic0.1 In your responses, please refer to the alpha-numeric reference numbers that are shown at the start of each of the following correction items. A. Ghobadic5.2 Plans for single-family dwellings and duplexes are not checked for plumbing, mechanical and electrical code compliance. These disciplines are subject to field inspection. A. Ghobadic6.3 The foundation investigation report mentioned on the plans should be submitted for review to the Grading Department. Plan Check fees shall be deposited to RS#. A. Ghobadic7.4 See red notes on your plans for clarification of corrections or comments, and for additional corrections. A. Ghobadic8.5 Major corrections shall be made on the original tracings and new prints submitted. Return the original plan check set of plans. A. Ghobadic9.6 Note on this correction sheet or on a separate sheet the location of the completed correction on your plams..(i.e. Sheet No., detail, etc.) A. Ghobadic10.7 Separate permit is required for each building or structure; e.g., fence walls, retaining walls, outdoor swimming pools/spas. A. Ghobadic11.8 Omit all details not applicable to this project. A. Ghobadic12.9 If Applicable,temporary ingress-egress, stockpiling materials, landscaping, drive approaches and/or utility installation within public R/W requires an Encroachment Permit from County Property Permits Division at DPC Station "6". Plot Plan A. Ghobadic14.10 Show all existing structures, retaining walls, pools, patios, driveways, etc., on plot plan. A. Ghobadic15.11 Dimension all eave projections to property lines. Minimum 30" eave clearance from property lines is required for required windows used for light and ventilation. Sec. 1204. Architectural Floor Plans Page 5 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic18.12 All bedrooms, basements, or rooms used for sleeping shall have emergency rescue windows or doors. Clarify. Sec. 310.4. A. Ghobadic19.12.1 Minimum net clear openable area of 5.7 sq. ft. A. Ghobadic20.12.2 Minimum net clear openable width 20". A. Ghobadic21.12.3 Minimum net clear openable height 24". A. Ghobadic22.12.4 Window sill height of not more than 44" above floor. A. Ghobadic23.13 All habitable rooms shall be provided with natural light and ventilation. For light, minimum glazed area shall not be less than 10% of the floor area, and minimum glazed area=10 SF. Clarify. Sec.1203. Kitchens may have artificial light. A. Ghobadic24.13.1 For ventilation, half of the area required for light shall be openable. Section 1203.3 A. Ghobadic25.14 Provide clear access from emergency escape opening to a public way. Sec. 310.4. A. Ghobadic26.15 Showers shall be finished 70" above drain with materials not adversely affected by moisture. Specify materials. Clarify. Secs. 807.1.3 and 2512. A. Ghobadic27.15.1 Note on plans: Anti-scalding shower and tub- shower valves required. C.P.C Sec. 420. A. Ghobadic28.16 Add the followings to your plan regarding( Glazing) also. Provide tempered glass in the following hazardous locations per Sec. 2406.4: A. Ghobadic29.16.1 Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel that meets all of the following conditions: A. Ghobadic30.16.1.1 Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 sq. ft. A. Ghobadic31.16.1.2 Exposed bottom edge less than 18" above the floor. A. Ghobadic32.16.1.3 Exposed top edge greater than 36" above the floor. A. Ghobadic33.16.1.4 One or more walking surfaces within 36" horizontally of the glazing. A. Ghobadic34.16.2 Glazing in railings regardless of height above walking surface. A. Ghobadic35.16.3 Glazing in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when conditions are present: A. Ghobadic36.16.3.1 The bottom edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches (1525 Page 6 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By mm) above the pool side of the glazing. A. Ghobadic37.16.3.2 The glazing is within 5 feet (1525 mm) of a swimming pool or spa water´s edge. Roof A. Ghobadic39.17 Specify tile nailing on plans. A. Ghobadic40.17.1 Minimum nailing shall comply with the following: A. Ghobadic41.17.1.1 11 ga. corrosion-resis. 3/4" into sheathing per Table No. 15 -D-1. A. Ghobadic42.17.1.2 The heads of all tiles shall be nailed. A. Ghobadic43.17.1.3 The noses of all eave course tiles shall be fastened with approved clips. A. Ghobadic44.17.1.4 All rake tiles shall be nailed with two nails. A. Ghobadic45.17.1.5 The noses of all ridge, hip and rake tiles shall be set in a bead of approved roofer´s mastic. A. Ghobadic46.18 The unincorporated area of the County is considered to be a "Special Wind Region." All roof fasteners shall be installed per manufacturer´s instructions. Call out fasteners to resist wind loads for winds over 80 mph. O.C. Bldg. Ord. No. 03-003. A. Ghobadic47.19 If the plan is located within Special Fire Zone , Plastic skylights, skylights and roof panels shall not be installed within that portion of a roof located within a distance to property line or public way where openings in exterior walls are prohibited or required to be protected, whichever is more restrictive. Clarify. Secs. 2603.6, 2603.7.1(7). A. Ghobadic48.20 Exterior decks, balconies, and stairways sealed underneath shall be waterproofed. Specify materials. Clarify. Sec. 1402.3. Elevations A. Ghobadic50.21 Note: Chimney 2 feet above roof within 10 ft. Table 31-B. A. Ghobadic51.22 Show approved spark arrester at fireplace chimney. Sec. 3102.3.8. General Framing Page 7 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic55.23 Provide special inspection by a certified inspector for the following per Sec. 1701: In addition please seee (attached additional requirements and forms to be completed by (Engineer ,Architect or Owner). A. Ghobadic56.23.1 Concrete for foundations conforming to minimum requirements of Table 18-1-C or for R-3 or U-1 occupancies where the Building Official finds that a special hazard exists. A. Ghobadic57.23.2 For foundation concrete, when the structural design is based on f´c greater than 2500 psi. A. Ghobadic58.23.3 Structural welding. A. Ghobadic59.23.4 Piling, drilled piers and caissons. A. Ghobadic60.23.5 Masonry designed with continuous inspection. A. Ghobadic61.23.6 Spray fireproofing. A. Ghobadic62.23.7 Special moment-resisting concrete frame. A. Ghobadic63.23.8 Pre-stressing steel tendons. A. Ghobadic64.23.9 High-strength bolting. A. Ghobadic65.23.10 Reinforced gypsum concrete. A. Ghobadic66.23.11 Bolts installed in concrete. A. Ghobadic67.23.12 Insulating concrete fill. A. Ghobadic68.23.13 Shotcrete. A. Ghobadic69.23.14 Special grading, excavation and filling. A. Ghobadic70.23.15 Smoke-control system. A. Ghobadic74.24 Specify ICBO approval number of factory built fireplace. A. Ghobadic75.25 Custom metal hoods shall be approved by the Mechanical Unit. Submit shop drawings. Ceiling Framing A. Ghobadic78.26 Please show the (Extent) of ceiling joists for all rooms. Page 8 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By Floor Framing A. Ghobadic80.27 Please show the (Extent) of floor joists for all rooms. Foundation A. Ghobadic82.28 Note soil report recommendations for footings on foundation plan. See final "approved" soil report for footings on foundation plan. See final "approved" soil report from Grading Section. A. Ghobadic83.29 For foundation retaining walls: A. Ghobadic84.29.1 Show disposal point. Energy: Provide Title 24 report discussing all of the followings. A. Ghobadic86.30 Reference for the following energy corrections: "Residential Manual for Compliance with the 2001 Energy Efficiency Standards", P400-01-022, August 2001. California Energy Commission. A. Ghobadic87.31 General Requirements A. Ghobadic88.31.1 Provide compliance with Energy Efficiency Standards. Include heat loss calculations. A. Ghobadic89.31.2 Provide site data; use correct climate zone. A. Ghobadic90.31.3 Provide Forms CF-1R, CF-4R, CF-6R, IC-1, MF-1R, 3R, S, WS-1R and DHW -1 through DHW-5, if required to be used, and show on plans. A. Ghobadic91.31.4 Specify square footage and R-value for the following: A. Ghobadic92.31.4.1 Ceiling. A. Ghobadic93.31.4.2 Walls. A. Ghobadic94.31.4.3 Raised Floor. A. Ghobadic95.31.4.4 Slab Floor. A. Ghobadic96.31.5 Specify depth and R-value of slab edge insulation. A. Ghobadic97.31.6 Specify area, solar heat gain coefficient, U-value (single, double, triple) for the following: Page 9 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic98.31.6.1 North-facing glazing. A. Ghobadic99.31.6.2 East-Facing glazing. A. Ghobadic100.31.6.3 South-Facing glazing. A. Ghobadic101.31.6.4 West-Facing glazing. A. Ghobadic102.31.6.5 Skylights. A. Ghobadic103.31.7 Clarify type and solar heat gain coefficient for shading devices of each glazed opening. A. Ghobadic104.31.8 Show length and height of overhang above glazed opening. A. Ghobadic105.31.9 Specify R-value for movable insulation. A. Ghobadic106.31.10 Specify types of infiltration control. A. Ghobadic107.31.11 Specify area, density, specific heat, volumetric heat capacity, thermal conductivity, R-value, and thickness for each type of thermal mass. A. Ghobadic108.31.12 Specify capacity, brand, model number, EER, HSPF and COP for heating equipment. A. Ghobadic109.31.13 Specify capacity, brand, model number, SEER, or EER and COP for air conditioners. A. Ghobadic110.31.14 Specify capacity, brand and model number for water heater A. Ghobadic111.31.15 Clarify type of ventilation system. A. Ghobadic112.31.16 Specify type and size of solar panel. A. Ghobadic113.31.17 Show insulation in wall between house and garage. A. Ghobadic114.31.18 Provide Radiant Barrier on plans. A. Ghobadic115.31.19 Minimum 2x6 framing is required for R-19 insulation and 2x10 for R-30 insulation. A. Ghobadic116.31.20 Provide Thermostatic expansion value (TXV) and duct sealing on plans. (For Package D only, glazing with a MAximum 0.40 U-factor and maximum 0.35 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient can be substituted for duct sealing and a thermostatic expansion value, TXV.) Page 10 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic117.31.21 Note on plans a statement that the building complies with the requirements of Title 24, Part 6, signed by the designer or owner of the building and by the documentation author. A. Ghobadic118.31.22 Notes to be placed on the plans: A. Ghobadic119.31.22.1 Maintenance Information. The builder shall provide to the building owner at occupancy maintenance information for all features, materials, components, and manufactured devices that require routine maintenance for efficient operation. Required routine maintenance actions shall be clearly stated and incorporated on a readily accessible label. The label may be limited to identifying, by title and/or publication number, the operation and maintenance manual for that particular model and type of feature, material, component, or manufactured device. A. Ghobadic120.31.22.2 After installing wall, ceiling, or floor insulation, the installer shall make available to the enforcement agency or post in a conspicuous location in the building a certificate signed by the installer stating that the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications described in Section 10-103(a)2.A and for which the building permit was issued and conforms with the requirements of Part 6. The certificate shall also state the manufacturer´s name and material identification, the installed R-value, and (in applications of loose fill insulation) the minimum installed weight per square foot consistent with the manufacturer´s labeled installed design density for the desired R-value. A. Ghobadic121.31.23 Specify ICBO No. and R-value for rigid insulation on plans. A. Ghobadic122.32 Mandatory Measures-Place on Plans A. Ghobadic123.32.1 Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this check list is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. A. Ghobadic124.32.2 Building Envelope Measures A. Ghobadic125.32.2.1 Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. A. Ghobadic126.32.2.2 Loose fill insulation manufacturer´s labeled R-Value. A. Ghobadic127.32.2.3 Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U-value in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). A. Ghobadic128.32.2.4 Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. Page 11 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic129.32.2.5 Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. A. Ghobadic130.32.2.6 Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. 2001 C.B.C, OC Bldg. Ord. No. 03-003. A. Ghobadic131.32.2.7 Fenestration Products: Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls. A. Ghobadic132. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. A. Ghobadic133. Fenestration products (except field-fabricated) have label with certified U-value, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. A. Ghobadic134. Exterior doors and windows weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. A. Ghobadic135.32.2.8 Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. A. Ghobadic136.32.2.9 Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with 151 meets Commission quality standards. A. Ghobadic137.32.2.10 Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. A. Ghobadic138. Masonry and factory-built fireplaces have: A. Ghobadic139. Closeable metal or glass door. A. Ghobadic140. Outside air intake with damper and control. A. Ghobadic141. Flue damper and control A. Ghobadic142. No continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. A. Ghobadic143.32.3 Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures A. Ghobadic144.32.3.1 HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. A. Ghobadic145.32.3.2 Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA, or ACCA. Page 12 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic146.32.3.3 Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. A. Ghobadic147.32.3.4 Pipe and Tank insulation: A. Ghobadic148. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. A. Ghobadic149. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non-recirculating systems, insulated. (R-4 or greater). A. Ghobadic150. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. A. Ghobadic151. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. A. Ghobadic152. Cooling system piping below 55°F insulated. A. Ghobadic153. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. A. Ghobadic154.32.3.5 Ducts and Fans A. Ghobadic155. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement of the 2001 CMC Sections 601, 603, 604, and Standard 6-3 ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be selaed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant or other duct closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B. If mastic tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. A. Ghobadic156. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. A. Ghobadic157. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless Page 13 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. A. Ghobadic158. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. A. Ghobadic159. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. A. Ghobadic160. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. A. Ghobadic161.32.3.6 Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment A. Ghobadic162. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on -off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electrical resistance heating and no pilot light. A. Ghobadic163. System is installed with: A. Ghobadic164. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. A. Ghobadic165. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. A. Ghobadic166. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. A. Ghobadic167.32.3.7 Gas-fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non-electrical cooking appliances with pilot<150 Btu/hr.) A. Ghobadic168.32.3.8 Cool Roof material meet specified criteria. A. Ghobadic169.32.4 Lighting Measures A. Ghobadic170.32.4.1 Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. Page 14 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic171.32.4.2 Rooms with a shower or bathtub must either have at least one luminare with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in §150 (k)2; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. Special Fire Protection Area: A. Ghobadic173.33 (IF APPLICABLE), All structures located within a Special Fire Protection Area shall meet the following requirements (Ref. O.C. Ord. No. 03-003): A. Ghobadic174.34 The exposed side of exterior walls, including enclosed accessory structures, shall be of noncombustible materials or 1-hour fire-resistive construction for the exterior portion. No openings shall be permitted in such walls. A. Ghobadic175.34.1 Exception 1: 1-3/8 inch (34mm) solid core doors, metal doors, and multiglazed windows and doors are permitted. A. Ghobadic176.35 Attic and Foundation Ventilation Openings in vertical walls and attic roof vents shall not exceed 144 square inches per opening and shall be covered with metal louvers and 1/4 inch (6.25mm) mesh corrosion-resistant metal screen. A. Ghobadic177.36 Ventilation openings and access doors shall not be permitted on exposed sides. A. Ghobadic178.37 Unenclosed accessory structures on the exposed side, with openings between the living area and the accessory structure, shall be of noncombustible, one-hour fire-resistive or heavy timber construction. A. Ghobadic179.37.1 Exception 1: Where openings in the wall between the living area and accessory structure are protected by a fire assembly having a 20- minute fire protection rating. A. Ghobadic180.37.2 Exception 2: The walking surface of balconies and decks may be constructed of non-rated materials. A. Ghobadic181.37.3 Exception 3: In lieu of fire protection as outlined in this section, accessory structures may be protected by an approved residential automatic fire sprinkler system. A. Ghobadic182.38 Structures on adjacent properties shall be 5 feet from property lines or shall be separated by a minimum of 10 feet (3048 mm). A. Ghobadic183.38.1 Exception 1: Projects with plan or tract maps approved by the County prior to 3/28/96 are exempt from requirements of this section. Page 15 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared. RS042141 Residential Plan Check Corrections Sheet Comments By A. Ghobadic184.38.2 Exception 2: Exterior walls with no openings are exempt from requirements of this section provided exterior portion of exterior walls is of noncombustible or 1-hour fire-resistive construction. A. Ghobadic185.39 Cornices, eave overhangs, soffits, exterior balconies and similar architectural appendages and projections on the exposed side of the structure shall be of noncombustible construction or enclosed in one-hour fire-resistive material or heavy timber construction conforming to Section 605.6 of the 2001 C.B.C. Space between rafters at the roof overhangs shall be protected by noncombustible materials or with double 2-inch (51 mm) nominal solid blocking under the exterior wall covering. No ventilation openings or other openings shall be permitted in eave overhangs, soffits, between rafters at eaves or in other overhanging areas on the exposed side of the structure. A. Ghobadic186.40 Roof coverings on structures in Special Fire Protection Areas shall be as follows: A. Ghobadic187.40.1 Roof covering for new construction and reconstruction shall, as a minimum, be a Class A roof assembly. A. Ghobadic188.40.2 Repairs and additions of 10 percent or more of an existing roof area shall be with Class A roof covering. A. Ghobadic189.41 Skylights shall have a noncombustible frame glazed with dual glazing of heat strengthened or fully tempered glass or shall be a 3/4-hour fire-resistive assembly. A. Ghobadic190.42 An approved automatic fire sprinkler system is required for all new construction and reconstructed structures. Accessory structures such as patio covers, storage sheds, bridges, decks, carports, greenhouses or similar structures are exempt from the requirements of this section. A. Ghobadic191.43 Note exposed sides on site plan. The Fire Authority establishes the exposed sides. A. Ghobadic192.44 Reference for all the above Special Fire Protection Area corrections is the County of Orange Ordinance No.03-003. Page 16 of 16 1/7/2005 3:05 PM = Indicates line item not Cleared.