HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 - Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the MethodologyTO: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report April 23, 2024 Agenda Item No. 14 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Jason AI -Imam, Finance Director/Treasurer - 949-644-3126, jalimam@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Abigail Marin, Budget Analyst - 949-644-3042, amarin@newportbeachca.gov TITLE: Ordinance Nos. 2024-12 and 2024-13, and Resolution No. 2024-29: Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations ABSTRACT: Consistent with best practices and City Council policy, the City of Newport Beach performs an annual study of user fees and charges to ensure that fees and charges do not exceed the cost of providing services. The study focuses on specific departments on a rotating basis so each department is reviewed every three to five years. During Fiscal Year 2023-24, the City of Newport Beach engaged a consultant, ClearSource Financial Consulting (ClearSource), to update the fees in the Finance, Harbor, Public Works, and Utilities Departments, following a cost recovery analysis. Staff also identified other fee updates outside of the studied departments. In addition to the proposed fee updates, staff is recommending modifications to Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Sections 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) to facilitate the changes to authorized levels of cost recovery required by the fee changes that are recommended at this time. Modifications to NBMC Section 15.02.085 (Addition of Section are also recommended to modify language pertaining to demolition permits in the Public Works Department. RECOMMENDATIONS: a) Conduct a public hearing; b) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; c) Adopt Resolution No. 2024-29, A Resolution of the City of Newport Beach, California, Revising and Adopting Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fine and Fees, Including the Credit Card Convenience Fee, Waste Disposal Deposits for Constructions Projects, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations; Calculations, 14-1 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 2 d) Waive full reading, direct the City Clerk to read by title only, introduce Ordinance No. 2024-12, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending Section 3.36.030 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code Related to Cost Recovery Percentages, and pass to second reading on May 14, 2024; and e) Waive full reading, direct the City Clerk to read by title only, introduce Ordinance No. 2024-13, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending Section 15.02.085 (Addition of Section of the Newport Beach Municipal Code Related to Demolition Waste Disposal, and pass to second reading on May 14, 2024. DISCUSSION: NBMC Section 3.36, and Council Policy F-4 (Revenue Measures) provide staff and the City Council with policy guidance related to setting cost recovery targets and updating user fees. User fees, or cost -of -service fees, are charged to a citizen or group for services performed or provided by a government agency on their behalf. If the service primarily benefits an individual or group of people, then the burden of that cost should be borne by the person receiving the benefit. NBMC Section 3.36.030 sets the cost recovery for user fees at 100%, apart from the subsidized fees listed in Exhibit "A" of that same section, as well as those limited by California or federal statutes. A recommendation for less than a 100% cost recovery rate may occur when a service is beneficial to the community at large along with specific individuals or groups, and/or when there is an economic incentive, or disincentive, to do so. In these cases, another City of Newport Beach revenue source — in most cases, the General Fund - subsidizes the service. Any newly proposed fee or fee increase that is not approved by the City Council will by default be subsidized by the General Fund. The Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees (SRFF) primarily includes cost -of -services fees, which are designed to recover the City's cost to provide the related service. To establish fees based on full cost recovery, it is necessary to determine the cost of services. Using well -established cost accounting methodologies, the City's consultant, ClearSource Financial Consulting (ClearSource), conducts a comprehensive review and update of the Citywide cost allocation plan, and direct user fee calculations for each department on a rotating basis every three to five years. This year, ClearSource studied the following departments at staff's direction: • Finance • Harbor • Public Works • Utilities As part of this study, ClearSource met with staff from each studied department to discuss the services provided, the annual volume for those services, and the staff resources and time estimates for delivering the related services. To factor in both direct and indirect costs, ClearSource then calculated the department staff's fully burdened hourly rate, which includes both internal administrative as well as Citywide overhead costs. 14-2 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 3 The fully burdened hourly rates are applied to the time estimates provided by staff and the fee is calculated. Based on the results of the fee study, it is not uncommon for some fees to increase while others may decrease. The most common reasons for fees to go up or down are: 1) costs changing over time, most often increasing 2) the staff performing the service changes, and/or 3) the amount of time to perform the service changes. The proposed fees based on the fee study for the studied departments are detailed in Attachment A. In addition to the City's cost -of -service fees, the SRFF includes rents, fines & penalties, and other charges imposed by the City or mandated by the State of California. The amount of these charges is determined in a variety of ways, most commonly market surveys when not mandated by a higher level of government. Where changes are recommended for these non -cost -service components of the SRFF herein, a description of the fee methodology and reason(s) for a recommended change are provided. On March 12, 2024, staff presented the fee study updates to the Finance Committee for consideration. The Finance Committee recommended that the fee updates as presented move forward for City Council consideration. In addition to the studied department changes, ClearSource was also tasked with reviewing, revamping and consolidating the presentation of the SRFF to facilitate ease of viewing and referencing of rents, fines, and fees. This update has been reflected in the proposed SRFF that is included within Exhibit 1 of the proposed resolution, which is reflected in Attachment B. The remainder of this report focuses on how studied fees are changing. Finance Department The Revenue Division of the Finance Department maximizes and safeguards the City's revenues by implementing and enforcing Municipal Code revenue programs. These programs include, but are not limited to, tax collection, short term lodging, film permitting and parking. The Revenue Division was last studied in FY 2020-21. Many of the Finance Department fees have proposed significant decreases due to the improved system processes including the implementation of revised forms in the Revenue Division that have allowed for a more streamlined and efficient cycle processing time. Notable decreases include the Business License Initial Application (in person), Sidewalk Vending Permit Application, and Sound Amplification permit. On the other side, Short- term Lodging Permits have seen an increase in Initial and Renewal proposed fees as staff time involvement with code enforcement regulation from the Community Development Department is factored into the model. Staff is proposing a phased in approach to full cost recovery over a two-year period to mitigate the impact of the increase in Short-term Lodging Permit fees to the customer. 14-3 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 4 In this department, two new fees are proposed: 1. Business License Initial Application (online) — The Revenue Division of the Finance Department currently provides review of online Business License Initial Applications at no cost. Initially, a no cost structure was provided to incentivize individuals to utilize the City's online portal to streamline the application process, despite staff time involvement. The proposed fee of $6 would allow cost recovery for staff time involved with the review and processing of online applications. 2. Taxicab Operator License Fee — This fee is being proposed as the Orange County Taxi Administration Program (OCTAP), which regulated taxi operations on behalf of participating Orange County cities through a centralized permitting of cab companies, drivers, and vehicles, dissolved on December 31, 2020. The City of Newport Beach will be taking over the processes that OCTAP provided and will perform the regulatory functions within the city. Three fees associated with Taxicab permitting are proposed: a Company Permit fee of $1,660, a Vehicle Permit (per vehicle) fee of $1,399, and a Driver Permit fee of $1,660. The proposed Finance Department fees would have an overall fiscal impact of $171,000 in increased estimated revenues, with much of the fiscal impact associated with adjustments to short term lodging permit fees, as the City targets a 68% cost recovery for the first year. Harbor Department The Harbor Department is responsible for many harbor -related programs and services within the city, including but not limited to, managing the guest marina, and renting available slip space and moorings. The Harbor Department was last studied in FY 2020- 21. Many of the fees have proposed increases to align with the current cost of providing these services. Many of these fees are market -based rates that are adjusted annually in -line with the regional cost of inflation, typically amounting to $10 or less, to align the fees with the current cost of providing these services. Fees that have notable increases include Environmental Response, Impound Fees, and the Large Boat Escort/Permit due to transitioning to staff to conduct the response instead of relying on another agency, increase in costs related to staffing, and the recalculation of time and effort in performance service, respectively. There are several new fees proposed related to harbor services: 1. Towing Fee for Abandoned/Impounded Boats Over 14' but less than 25' — The Harbor Department needs to move impounded boats more often than originally anticipated. Staff has the capability and capacity to tow boats in this size category. The proposed fee of $377 would allow cost recovery from vessel owners for services provided. 14-4 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 5 2. Rhine Wharf Permit — The Harbor Department took over the responsibility for writing permits for the use of the commercial Rhine Wharf in 2022. In 2023, there were 53 Rhine Wharf permits issued. The proposed fee of $28 is for processing the applications received and is reflective of the resources dedicated to application review and permit issuance. 3. Variance Applications — This proposed fee of $498 is reflective of the process and effort required to review harbor related variance requests to deviate from current zoning requirements. The process for variance requests specific to the harbor had not previously been defined since the last fee study and mirrored a structure utilized by the Community Development Department, which has limited applicability to dock, pier permits and other structures over tidelands, prompting the need for a distinct individual fee. 4. Use of electrical cord and/or adapter while at Marina Park —Staff members have frequently loaned their limited supply of electrical adapters to mariners arriving at the Marina Park facility without appropriate equipment. The proposed fee of $10 would allow for cost recovery related to the rental and wear and tear on such equipment provided by the Harbor Department. 5. Purchase (non -return) of electrical cord or adapter — In the event that an electrical adapter or cord that was loaned to a mariner while staying at the Marina Park facility is not returned or is returned in damaged condition, a proposed fee of $75 would be assessed to reimburse the Harbor Department and allow for the equipment to be replaced. 6. Mooring size exchange — Staff is recommending recovering 100% of the cost of this service as outlined in Attachment B at a fee of $302. Should the City be successful in reconfiguring one or some of the mooring fields according to the Harbor Commission's recommendations, the opportunity to apply for a mooring size adjustment within the reconfigured field(s) will no longer exist. As defined in Title 17, along with other aspects of the mooring field optimization project, mooring permittees in a reconfigured field will have the opportunity to apply for a mooring size exchange. 7. Mooring license application fee — The new mooring license program for City controlled moorings launched at the beginning of 2024. Applications for these mooring licenses are accepted through the City's online system. The $26 proposed fee considers staff time for reviewing and processing of applications. 8. Mooring license waitlist fee (one time or annual) — Staff has noted that there has been significantly more demand for mooring licenses — currently 16 — than there is supply. Those applicants not offered licenses will be placed on a waitlist for when an existing or new license becomes available. The proposed fee of $34 considers the maintenance of the application records on the waitlist and City resources consumed. 14-5 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 6 9. Group/exclusive use fee for Marina Park — Staff exerts additional effort when a group of mariners desires to have sole and exclusive access to the Marina Park marina facility due to the time required to coordinate the group member reservations, arrivals, departures, special requests, and organized activity. The proposed fee of $502 equates to a 100% cost -of -service recovery. 10. Mooring Assists — After Hours — By special arrangement, Harbor Department staff remains on duty past normal working hours to support a visitor or resident mariner getting onto or off a mooring. This proposed fee of $200 considers staff time to provide a service that ensures safety during inclement weather, or for mariners unfamiliar with the harbor and mooring tackle. 11. Deposit/late cancellation fee for use of Human Lift — Marina Park — Staff has noted that on several occasions within the past year, a mariner with a reservation to use the Human Lift at Marina Park cancelled or failed to show up for the use of the lift after utilizing staff time for setup. The proposed fee of $31 considers staff time to setup the lift and is intended to prevent the unnecessary use of resources required for deployment of the lift for unused reservations. There is no cost to the mariner to use the lift and the deposit is returned when the mariner uses the lift as scheduled or cancels with sufficient advanced notice. 12. Deposit/late cancellation fee for use of Human Lift — Balboa Marina PD — The proposed fee of $117 considers setup and use of the human lift at the new public dock at Balboa Marina which requires more resources than deployment at Marina Park due to the transport required to the location. This fee is also being proposed to prevent cancellations and no shows related to reservation for use of the lift. There is no cost to the mariner to use the lift and the deposit is returned when the mariner uses the lift as scheduled or cancels with sufficient advanced notice. The overall fiscal impact in the Harbor Department pertaining to the proposed service - related fees for a target 100% cost recovery is an estimated increase of $20,000 in revenues, where most of the fiscal impact increase is derived from the adjustments linked to impounded vessel releases. Public Works The Public Works Department is responsible for managing a comprehensive capital improvement program, including the promotion of a safe and efficient transportation system. Public Works also manages public property through permitted encroachments; ensures the safety of utility company activities, private construction, and special events in the public right-of-way; reviews plans for residential and commercial development as they relate to the public right of -way; and oversees activities that protect and improve the harbor and upper bay. The Public Works Department was last studied in FY 2020-21. The proposed changes to Public Works fees cover Engineering & Harbor Resources, Refuse, and Water Quality/Conservation/Environmental Services. 14-6 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 7 Changes to existing fees for the Public Works Department include: 1. An additional Engineering Field Inspection fee will be applied with a Street Closure Permit that requires a field inspection. This is noted in both the Engineering Field Inspection fee and the Street Closure Permit fee as a footnote. 2. Recycling Service Fee — Per Residential Unit, Per Month — This fee would replace the two existing fees with one combined fee of $6.39. This fee is a cost -of -service fee based solely on recovery of operational costs associated with the collection of recyclable materials in accordance with State mandates. 3. Construction and Demolition — This fee would make changes to the presentation of the current Demolition fee, distinguishing between Complete Demolition Deposit and Construction Demolition Deposit for a series of valuation ranges as identified in the proposed schedule. The construction and demolition deposits are intended to encourage compliance and are refundable if the applicant uses an approved franchise hauler and arranges for an inspection. Should the applicant fail to meet conditions required on the permit, the deposit would be subject to forfeiture. Having two distinguishing fees will aid in achieving waste diversion compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 939 and CalGreen requirements, as well as allow for accurate reporting to CalRecycle. The Public Works Department is also proposing changes to NBMC Section 15.02.085 (Addition of Section relating to the administrative code to refine language for the Construction and Demolition permits, as identified in Attachment D. Most of the fiscal impact in the Public Works Department for service -related fees is associated with adjustments to review of street closure permit requests and administration of diversion requirements associated with construction demolition. An increase of $66,000 in estimated revenues with the proposed fees is anticipated. Utilities The Utilities Department is responsible for overseeing the management and maintenance of water, wastewater, storm drain and tidal valve systems to provide clean, safe and responsive utility and infrastructure maintenance services to the community. The department was last studied in FY 2020-21. The proposed new fees in the department include: 1. Meters, Boxes, Lids, Etc. — The proposed fee consolidates a base fee of $53 plus a pass -through of the actual cost of materials for a meter, box, lid, etc. It should be noted that the pass through of the actual costs of materials is reflected in the current SRFF with price points identified for each meter, box, or lid; the base fee is the proposed new aspect of the fee which would allow for a proposed cost recovery of 100% associated with staff time involvement. 14-7 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 8 2. Water and Sewer Services Establishment Fee. Remote Activation — The proposed Remote Activation fee of $52 under the Water and Sewer Establishment Fee requires less staff time than instances where Onsite Activation is required and proposes 100% cost recovery. The overall fiscal impact in the Utilities Department pertaining to the proposed service - related fee changes is an estimated decrease of $115,000 in revenues, with approximately $143,000 of the decrease pertaining to the new remote activation fee which is offset in part by estimated revenue increases to other fees. Other Updates Even when a department is not scheduled for a comprehensive fee study, occasionally, operations will change enough that the non -studied departments will request one or two fee study changes for consideration and adoption. As part of this study and to present a comprehensive and thorough update of the City's fees and current operations, staff considered the following additional updates outside of the departments scheduled to be studied. The Information Technology Department is proposing an hourly rate for AN technical support related activities for both business hours and non -business hours at $144 and $173, respectively, for a 100% proposed cost recovery. This fee is intended to be charged in any instance in which an additional level of IT support is required, for example, on -site IT support associated with facility rentals. The Police Department is proposing renaming the Civil Subpoena fee to Civil Subpoena (per day; per employee) and including language to clarify that actual cost will be charged in addition to $275 per day . This fee is utilized when any staff member is requested to appear in court for administrative hearings, civil trials, court actions, etc. Actual amounts paid would be calculated in accordance with California Government Codes 68096.1 and 68097.2. The Police Department is also proposing a revised fee structure for Towing and Vehicle Release/ Repossession Fees as follows: • Tow Operator Fee to be eliminated • Customer Fee increased from $110 to $156 • Vehicle Release Fee increase from $20 to $29 Staff is proposing to eliminate the Tow Operator Fee and have the cost proportioned out to the Customer Fee and the Vehicle Release Fee. This proposal is intended to eliminate the franchise fee and set the user fee at 100% cost recovery with the full cost to be borne by the party being towed. The fee is not intended to be punitive to any victims of a crime; staff is also proposing that the Police Chief have the authority to waive fees related to towing in particular circumstances as reflected in Section 5 of the proposed resolution. MW Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 9 A credit card convenience fee of 2.85% has been included in the all -departments section for online credit card payments. The City has allowed users the convenience of making payments via credit card and has incurred costs in the processing of those payments. This fee would allow the City to recover its costs associated with online payments. The credit card convenience fee will be phased in across all departments to allow time for outreach to communicate the change and will start with utilities. The fiscal impact associated with adding in the 2.85% fee to online utility bill payments is $439,000. The Community Development Department is proposing minor revisions to descriptions in the Banner Permit fee title to Banner/Sign Permit and to include a footnote in the General Plan Maintenance Fee - % of Building Permit Fee that the fee will be applied as five percent (5%) to permit fees for all new construction, additions, and additions with alterations for residential and commercial projects for clarification purposes. The Vendor Transaction Fee for Online Payment Processing has been renamed as Parking Meter Mobile Application Payment Processing fee; this fee continues to be a pass -through fee. CPI Updates — Those fees listed in the SRFF that are subject to CPI adjustment based on prior resolutions are due to be increased by 3.2% effective July 1, 2024. The City's methodology in calculating the change in CPI is by comparing the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) March CPI of the prior year to March CPI of the current year. BLS releases monthly CPI data around mid -month of the following month (e.g. March 2024 CPI data would be released April 2024). It is proposed that the City update the methodology to compare BLS February CPI of the prior year to February CPI of the current year as identified in the proposed resolution to better align with the timing of when fees are presented to the City Council. The change in CPI from February 2023 to February 2024 is an increase of 3.2%. Subsequent to July 1, 2024, annual CPI adjustments shall apply to these fees, as well as to the cost -of -service fees for each of the departments that were studied as part of this fee update. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff estimates that these fees, if approved by the City Council as recommended, will amount to approximately $581,000 of additional revenues for the City. However, this projection does not account for any fees where volume statistics are unavailable. The City Council's policy of ensuring regular review of the City's cost -of -service fees and adequate cost recovery will continue to ensure adequate cost recovery from users of the City's fee -related services. This then facilitates the redirection of general tax revenues currently subsidizing fee -supported services to maintaining and enhancing non -fee supported services and programs. 14-9 Revising Certain Fees Within the Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees, Authorizing the Waiver of Vehicle Tow Fees, Adopting a Credit Card Convenience Fee, and Updating the Methodology for Annual Consumer Price Index Calculations April 23, 2024 Page 10 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to Government Code Sections 66018(a) and 6062a (published for 10 days, on two publication dates separated by at least five days between them: notices were published on April 11, 2024, and April 18, 2024), Government Code Sections 66016(a) (notice mailed at least 14 days prior to the meeting to any interested party who files a written request: notices were mailed to Building Industry Association of Southern California, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas Company on April 3, 2024), and the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Fiscal Year 2023-24 Studied Department Changes Attachment B — Resolution No. 2024-29 Attachment C — Ordinance No. 2024-12 (Amending Municipal Code Section 3.36.030) Attachment D — Ordinance No. 2024-13 (Amending Municipal Code Section 15.02.085) 14-10 ATTACHMENT A Illustration of Studied Department Changes This List Does Not Include All City Fees and Charges Fees Shown are Limited to Those Studied During the Current Fee Study Cycle 14-11 City of Newport Beach Illustration of Proposed Fee Changes I FINANCE - REVENUE SERVICES FEES HARBOR DEPARTMENT SERVICES FEES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HOURLY COST FOR DIRECT SERVICES EF Page 5 8 PUBLIC WORKS FEES ENGINEERING FEES AND HARBOR RESOURCES FEES 9 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS FEES 12 WATER QUALITY / CONSERVATION / ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FEES 13 UTILITY SERVICES FEES 14 CREDIT CARD / MOBILE APPLICATION PAYMENT CONVENIENCE FEE 16 CIVIL SUBPOENA FEES 17 PLANNING AND BUILDING FEES 18 TAXICAB OPERATOR LICENSING FEE 19 TOW FEE / VEHICLE RELEASE FEE 20 14-12 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FINANCE - REVENUE SERVICES FEES �...M FINANCE - REVENUE SERVICES 1 Adult Oriented Business Permits $1,383.00 $1,404 1% $21 99% 100% 2 Business License Processing Fees a) Business License Initial Application (online) $0.00 $6 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% b) Business License Initial Application (in person) $63.00 $17 -73% ($46) 370% 100% c) Business License - Change in Information $25.00 $14 -43% ($11) 176% 100% d) Business License - Duplicate $12.00 $12 -1% ($0) 101% 100% 3 Dance Permit $186.00 $178 -5% ($9) 105% 100% 4 Escort Service a) Escort Service Permit $1,186.00 $1,316 11% $130 90% 100% b) Escort Service Per Employee $609.00 $647 6% $38 94% 100% 5 Fire Arms Sales Permit $114.00 $107 -7% ($8) 107% 100% 6 Hotel Special Package Application Review $206.00 $216 5% $10 95% 100% 7 Live Entertainment Permit $184.00 $189 3% $5 97% 100% 8 Parking Permit a) Preferential Parking Permit $20.00 $24 18% $4 85% 100% b) Parking Permit Replacement Fee $12.00 $12 -1% ($0) 101% 100% 9 Payment Plan Processing Fee a) Payment Plan - Except Parking $25.00 $36 42% $11 70% 100% b) Payment Plan - Parking i) Indigent $5.00 $5 0% $0 14% 14% ii) All Other $25.00 $36 42% $11 70% 100% 10 Short -Term Lodging Permits a) Short Term Lodging Permits - Initial $175.00 $238 36% $63 58% 79% [a] b) Short Term Lodging Permits - Renewal $92.00 $214 133% $122 27% 64% [b] c) Short Term Lodging Permits - Reinstatement $96.00 $107 11% $11 90% 100% d) Short Term Lodging Permits - reprint $13.00 $12 -9% ($1) 110% 100% e) Short Term Lodging Permits -suspension or revocation hearing -Applicant $0.00 $0 0% $0 0% 0% Successful f) Short Term Lodging Permits - suspension or revocation hearing - Applicant $538.00 $738 37% $200 73% 100% Unsuccessful 14-13 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - FINANCE - REVENUE SERVICES FEES �...M 11 Sidewalk Vending Permit Application $183.00 $107 -42% ($77) 172% 100% 12 Sound Amplification Permit $78.00 $36 -54% ($43) 220% 100% 13 Vehicles for Hire a) Vehicles For Hire - Annual Per Vehicle Fee $250.00 $250 0% $0 n/a - not examined n/a - not examined b) Vehicles For Hire - Certificate $2,281.00 $2,281 0% $0 n/a - not examined n/a - not examined c) Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit $454.00 $454 0% $0 n/a - not examined n/a - not examined d) Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit Renewal $443.00 $443 0% $0 n/a - not examined n/a - not examined e) Vehicles For Hire - Fee per Vehicle $250.00 $250 0% $0 n/a - not examined n/a - not examined 14 Zero Bill Reprints No Charge No Charge 0% $0 0% 0% [a] Full cost recovery for fee is $300. Fee is being phased -in to full cost recovery over two year period. FY 24/25 adopted fee is $238. Fee for FY 25/26 is $300 [b] Full cost recovery for fee is $336. Fee is being phased -in to full cost recovery over two year period. FY 24/25 adopted fee is $214. Fee for FY 25/26 is $336 14-14 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - HARBOR DEPARTMENT SERVICES FEES �...M HARBOR DEPARTMENT 1 Appeals a) Appeal of Harbormaster Decision to Harbor Commission i) Appellant Successful $0.00 $0 0% $0 0% 0% [a] ii) Appellant Unsuccessful $1,250.00 $623 -50% ($628) 100% 50% [a] b) Appeal of Harbor Commission Decision to City Council i) Appellant Successful $0.00 $0 0% $0 0% 0% [a] ii) Appellant Unsuccessful $940.00 $498 -47% ($442) 94% 50% [a] 2 Dinghy Rack Rental a) Dinghy Rack Rental Application Fee $20.00 $26 28% $6 78% 100% b) Dinghy Rack Rental - Marina Park/Balboa Yacht Basin - Per Month $38.00 $39 2% $1 n/a n/a 3 Environmental Response $77.00 $535 594% $458 14% 100% 4 Impound Fee a) Impound Fee - Initial $110.00 $243 121% $133 45% 100% b) Impound Fee - Loose or Lost and Found Boats/Vessels $56.00 $106 90% $50 53% 100% 5 Key Card Replacement $13.00 $17 33% $4 75% 100% 6 Large Boat Escort / Permit a) Large Boat Escort $107.00 $172 60% $65 62% 100% b) Large Boat Permit (2-80 Lineal Feet) $78.00 $537 588% $459 15% 100% c) Large Boat Permit (280 Lineal Feet), Requiring Interagency Coordination $779.00 $1,148 47% $369 68% 100% 7 Live Aboard Permit $395.00 $441 12% $46 90% 100% 8 Lost/Broken Line $64.00 $86 35% $22 74% 100% 9 Marina Park a) Marina Park Deposit - Slip Reservation Deposit $50.00 $50 n/a n/a n/a n/a b) Marina Park Cancellation Fee $13.00 $17 33% $4 75% 100% c) Marina Park - Flat Rate for Electricity $13 plus actual per $19 plus actual per varies varies varies varies kWh usage kWh usage 14-15 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - HARBOR DEPARTMENT SERVICES FEES �...M 10 Marine Activities Permit a) Service Providers i) Initial $386.00 $394 2% $8 n/a n/a ii) Renewal $87.00 $89 2% $2 n/a n/a b) Charters, Boat Rentals, Human -Powered Rentals i) Initial $1,203.00 $1,227 2% $24 n/a n/a ii) Renewal $465.00 $474 2% $9 n/a n/a 11 Mooring Extension Permit $533.00 $515 -3% ($18) 103% 100% 12 Multiple Vessel Mooring System Application Fee $533.00 $515 -3% ($18) 103% 100% 13 Special Events - Harbor a) Simple (Raft Up, Boat Race, etc.) $101.00 $136 34% $35 75% 100% b) Complex $519.00 $996 92% $477 52% 100% 14 Temporary Sea Lion Deterrent $148.00 $201 36% $53 74% 100% 15 Towing Fee a) Boats under 14' $74.00 $129 75% $55 57% 100% b) Boats over 14' $27 plus 100% $176 plus 100% of varies varies varies 100% Contractor Cost Contractor Cost c) Abandoned / Impounded Boats Over 14' but less than 25' n/a - new $377 varies varies 0% 100% 16 Wait List a) Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin Slips and Garages $34.00 $34 -1% ($0) 101% 100% b) Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin/Marina Park Dinghy Racks $27.00 $34 25% $7 80% 100% c) Wait List for Live Aboard $27.00 $30 9% $3 92% 100% 14-16 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - HARBOR DEPARTMENT SERVICES FEES 17 Mooring / Slip Rental / Storage a) Dinghy Storage - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $0.69 $0.70 2% $0.01 n/a n/a b) Guest Moorings - Onshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $0.69 $0.70 2% $0.01 n/a n/a c) Guest Moorings - Offshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $1.39 $1.42 2% $0.03 n/a n/a d) Impound - Nightly Storage Fee - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night Same as Guest Same as Guest 2% $0.00 n/a n/a e) Large Vessel (80+ LF) Offshore Guest Mooring - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $1.72 $1.75 2% $0.03 n/a n/a f) Large Vessel Guest Anchorage Rate - Non City Tackle - no boat $0.52 $0.53 2% $0.01 n/a n/a g) Marina Park Boat Slips (40' Slip) - Per Night $88.00 $90 2% $2 n/a n/a h) Marina Park Boat Slips (55' Slip) - Per Night $121.00 $123 2% $2 n/a n/a i) Marina Park Boat Slips (Overhang Charge) - Per Foot/Per Night $2.22 $2.26 2% $0.04 n/a n/a j) Moorings - Offshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Year $39.38 $40.17 2% $0.79 n/a n/a [b] k) Moorings - Onshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Year $19.68 $20.07 2% $0.39 n/a n/a [b] 1) Multi -hull Vessel - 2 hulls - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $1.66 $1.69 2% $0.03 n/a n/a m) Multi -hull Vessel - 3 hulls - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $1.94 $1.98 2% $0.04 n/a n/a 18 Rhine Wharf permit n/a - new $28 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 19 Variance applications n/a - new $498 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 20 Use of electrical cord and/or adapter while at Marina Park n/a - new $10 n/a - new n/a - new n/a n/a 21 Purchase (non -return) of electrical cord or adapter n/a - new $75 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 22 Mooring size exchange n/a - new $302 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 23 Mooring license application fee n/a - new $26 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 24 Mooring license waitlist fee (one time or annual) n/a - new $34 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 25 Group/exclusive use fee for Marina Park n/a - new $502 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 26 Mooring Assists - After Hours n/a - new $200 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 27 Deposit/late cancellation fee for use of Human Lift - Marina Park n/a - new $31 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% 28 Deposit/late cancellation fee for use of Human Lift - Balboa Marina PD n/a - new $117 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% [a] NBMC Chapter 17.65. [b] Resolution 2016-17. Adjusted annually by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers ("CPI"), Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County Region or 2%, whichever is less 14-17 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 Hourly Rate for A/V / Technical Support Associated with Fee and Charge Related Activities (e.g., support associated with facility rentals) a) Business Hours - Per Hour b) Non -Business Hours - Per Hour n/a - new $144 n/a - new n/a - new $173 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% n/a - new 0% 100% 14-18 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING AND HARBOR RESOURCES FEES Description ... PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING 1 Covenant Agreement Research & Review Fee (Per Hour) $177.00 $202 14% $25 88% 100% 2 Dining Encroachment a) Dining Encroachment Permit - Application $486.00 $540 11% $54 90% 100% b) Dining Encroachment Permit -Transfer $223.00 $249 12% $26 90% 100% c) Dining Encroachment Annual Use Fee i) 100 SF or Less $176.00 $181 3% $5 n/a n/a ii) Over 100 SF $331.00 $342 3% $11 n/a n/a 3 Document Recordation Fee $216.00 $207 -4% ($9) 104% 100% 4 Easement Deed Research, Reviews/Processing $266.00 $262 -2% ($4) 101% 100% 5 Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep a) Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep $609.00 $788 29% $179 77% 100% b) Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep - Planning Commission $3,321.00 $2,722 -18% ($599) 122% 100% 6 Encroachment Permit a) Encroachment Permit With Other Dept./Div. Review $468.00 $525 12% $57 89% 100% b) Encroachment Permit Without Other Dept./Div. Review $266.00 $303 14% $37 88% 100% 7 Engineering Field Inspection - Per Inspection $146.00 $90 -38% ($56) 162% 100% [a],[b] 8 Escrow Account Administration $132.00 $134 2% $2 99% 100% 9 Fair Share Fee $261.30 $270.07 3% $9 n/a n/a 10 Lot Line Adjustment Checking Fee $1,242.00 $1,080 -13% ($162) 115% 100% 11 Monitoring Wells $367.00 $414 13% $47 89% 100% 12 News Rack Permits $64.00 $81 27% $17 79% 100% 13 Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit a) Depth of Encroachment - 0 -5.0 Feet $423.00 $437 3% $14 n/a n/a b) Depth of Encroachment - 5.0 - 7.5 Feet $635.00 $656 3% $21 n/a n/a c) Depth of Encroachment - 7.5 - 10.0 Feet $847.00 $875 3% $28 n/a n/a d) Depth of Encroachment - 10 - 15 Feet $1,272.00 $1,314 3% $42 n/a n/a 14-19 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING AND HARBOR RESOURCES FEES 14 Parcel Map Check $3,286.00 $2,144 -35% ($1,143) 153% 100% 15 Plan Check (per hour) $215.00 $234 9% $19 92% 100% 16 Street Closure Permit a) Street Closure Permit with Engineering Review i) Permit Fee $82.00 $96 17% $14 85% 100% ii) Field Inspection - Per Inspection (if required) n/a $90 n/a $90 100% [b] b) Street Closure Permit without Engineering Review i) Permit Fee $32.00 $41 27% $9 79% 100% ii) Field Inspection - Per Inspection (if required) n/a $90 n/a $90 100% [b] 17 Street Easement and Vacation Processing Fee $1,073.00 $1,191 11% $118 90% 100% 18 Temporary No Parking Signs (per sign) $0.80 $1 10% $0 91% 100% 19 Tract Plan Check a) Up to $100,000 Improvement 6.5% of value up to 6.5% of value up to 0% $0 varies varies $100,000. $390 $100,000. $390 minimum minimum b) $100,000 - $400,000 Improvement $8,680 Base fee for $8,680 Base fee for 0% $0 varies varies first $100,000 + 5% first $100,000 + 5% incremental costs incremental costs for amount over for amount over $100,000 $100,000 c) Over $400,000 Improvement $28,710 Base fee $28,710 Base fee 0% $0 varies varies for first $400,000 + for first $400,000 + 4% incremental 4% incremental costs for amount costs for amount over $400,000 over $400,000 20 Traffic Control Plan Check a) 8%" x 11"/11" x17"; per sheet $82.00 $96 17% $14 85% 100% b) 24" x 36"; per sheet $183.00 $207 13% $24 88% 100% 21 Traffic Study Consultant Cost+ Consultant Cost + 0% $0 0% 100% 10% City 10% City Administrative Fee Administrative Fee 22 Traffic Subdivision Plan Check (per hour) $177.00 $222 25% $45 80% 100% 14-20 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING AND HARBOR RESOURCES FEES Deposits - (Refundable) 23 Crane Deposit $1,000.00 $1,000 0% $0 n/a n/a 24 Improvements Required By City Determined by Determined by 0% $0 n/a n/a Public Works Public Works PUBLIC WORKS - HARBOR RESOURCES 25 Piers a) Residential - Per Square Foot $0.55 $0.55 0% $0 n/a n/a b) Pier Permit Transfer (line moved) $259.00 $324 25% $65 80% 100% 26 Plan Review - (Additional Fees Apply if Public Hearing Required) a) Plan Check Fee - New Construction w/ Agency Approval $259.00 $405 56% $146 64% 100% b) Plan Check Fee - Maintenance $64.00 $162 153% $98 40% 100% 27 Public Hearing Fees (for Appeal, Variance, Plan Review, etc.) a) Public Hearing - Variance (Harbor Commission) varies $2,893 varies varies 0% 100% b) Public Hearing - (Harbor Commission) $2,253.00 $1,765 -22% ($489) 128% 100% c) Public Hearing - Appellant Successful (Harbor Commission) $0.00 $0 0% $0 0% 0% d) Public Hearing - Appellant Unsuccessful (Harbor Commission) $1,250.00 $1,446 16% $196 43% 50% e) Public Hearing -Appellant Successful (City Council) $0.00 $0 0% $0 0% 0% f) Public Hearing -Appellant Unsuccessful (City Council) $940.00 $691 -27% ($250) 68% 50% g)Director/Staff Approval varies $856 varies varies 0% 100% 28 RGP Dredging Permit $3,450.00 $1,703 -51% ($1,747) varies 100% [a] Curb/Gutter/Sidewalk/Driveway/Non-standard Imp. - Each Inspection 1/30'/Sewer/Water Meter/Fire Service/Underground Utilities -Each Insp./location/Parkway Drains - Each Inspection [b] Engineering field inspection fee will be applied with street closure permit when inspections are required. 14-21 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PUBLIC WORKS MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS FEES �...M PUBLIC WORKS - MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1 Recycling Service Fee - Per Residential Unit, Per Month $6.56 - $7.03 $6.39 varies varies varies 100% a) E,..lading n .id SantaHeights Per Residential Month Unit, �3- �ccvowcl.....,. ,/ 2 Solid Waste Franchise Application $1,005.00 $1,652 64% $647 61% 100% 3 Supplemental Tree Trimming pass through of pass through of n/a n/a 100% 100% 100% of contract 100% of contract Svc cost Svc cost 4 Tree Planting / Removal pass through of pass through of n/a n/a 100% 100% 100% of contract 100% of contract Svc cost Svc cost 5 Washington Street Trash Bin Variable - See Reso Variable - See Reso n/a n/a n/a n/a #97-70 and #2021- #97-70 and #2021- 65 65 6 Construction and Demolition a) Public Works Waste Management Administration Fee $281.00 $303 8% $22 93% 100% b) Construction and Demolition Deposit i) Complete Demolition Deposit a) Valuation of $0 to $4,999 $564.00 $564 0% $0 n/a - deposit n/a - deposit b) Valuation of $5,000 to $9,999 $1,127.00 $1,127 0% $0 n/a - deposit n/a - deposit c) Valuation of $10,000 and above $1,692.00 $1,692 0% $0 n/a - deposit n/a - deposit ii) Construction Demolition Deposit a) Valuation of $100,000 to $299,999 $564.00 $564 0% $0 n/a - deposit n/a - deposit b) Valuation of $300,000 to $599,999 $564.00 $1,127 100% $563 n/a - deposit n/a - deposit c) Valuation of $600,000 and above b) n _line . D ;1 Valuatian $10 $564.00 $1,692 200% $1,128 n/a - deposit n/a - deposit 14-22 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PUBLIC WORKS WATER QUALITY / CONSERVATION / ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FEES PUBLIC WORKS - WQ/CONSERVATION/ENV SVCS 1 EV Charging Rate a) Base Rate - per kWh $0.50 $0.52 4% $0.02 96% 100% b) Overstay Rate $0.10 per minute; $0.10 per minute; 0% $0 n/a n/a [a] $6.00 per hour $6.00 per hour 2 Water Quality Construction Site Inspection a) Site Inspection - Low $161.00 $196 22% $35 82% 100% b) Site Inspection - Medium $484.00 $589 22% $105 82% 100% c) Site Inspection - High i) Base Fee - Up to 8 inspections $1,291.00 $1,571 22% $280 82% 100% ii) Fee for each additional inspection if more than 8 inspections are required $161.00 $196 22% $35 82% 100% [a] For maximum fee see 22511.1(A) CVC EV Parking - Not Charging. Per minute rate begins after 10-minute grace period. 14-23 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - UTILITY SERVICES FEES �...M UTILITIES Miscellaneous 1 Annual Grease Disposal Mitigation Fee $634.00 $718 13% $84 88% 100% 2 FOG Annual Permit No Charge No Charge 0% $0 0% 0% 3 FOG Non -Compliance $74.00 $75 2% $1 100% 100% 4 Re -inspection Fee $175.00 $196 12% $21 89% 100% 5 Utilities Field Inspection $284.00 $294 4% $10 97% 100% Sewer Related Fees 6 Meters, Boxes, Lids, Etc. a) Base Fee n/a - new $53 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% b) Plus, Actual Cost of Meter, Box, Lid, Etc. varies Pass -through of varies varies n/a 100% Actual Cost of Materials 7 Sewer Only Establishment Fee $52.00 $52 0% ($0) 100% 100% 8 BOX '""-'-' --` $38-;19 See above fl/,a tt{a n/a a/a 9 Lid(Maki ' --` $24.48 See above fl/,a ff/a t+{a a/a Water Related Fees 8 Construction Water Meter a) Establishment Charge -Application $106.00 $105 -1% ($1) 0% 50% b) Meter Deposit $1,250.00 $1,250 0% $0 0% 0% c) Monthly Charge See - 2" domestic See - 2" domestic n/a n/a 0% 0% meter rate meter rate 9 Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance $148.00 $147 -1% ($1) 0% 100% 10 Delinquent Water Service Restoration a) Low Income Household - below 200% of the federal poverty line i) Business Hours $50.00 $50 0% $0 25% 25% ii) After Hours $150.00 $150 0% $0 74% 74% b) All Others i) Business Hours $269.00 $304 13% $35 83% 100% ii) After Hours $289.00 $336 16% $47 80% 100% 14-24 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - UTILITY SERVICES FEES 11 Hydrant Flow Test a) Hydrant Flow Test - Highway Test (Night Time) $535.00 $646 21% $111 83% 100% b) Hydrant Flow Test - Non -Highway (Regular Hours) $475.00 $541 14% $66 88% 100% 12 Meters, Boxes, Lids, Etc. a) Base Fee n/a - new $53 n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% b) Plus, Actual Cost of Meter, Box, Lid, Etc. varies Pass -through of varies varies n/a 100% Actual Cost of Materials 13 Water and Sewer Service Establishment Fee - Business Hours a) Business Hours i) Remote Activation (NEW) $123 - $127 $52 varies varies n/a - new 100% ii) Onsite Activation Required $123 - $127 $176 varies varies varies 100% b) Non -Business Hours $339.00 $405 20% $66 84% 100% 14 Water Meter Serviee Installation Fee $754.00 $754 0% ($0) 100% 100% 15 Water Shut Off -Tag Placement $33.00 $28 -14% ($5) 116% 100% 46 3i" Imeh NqeteF 138H $52.;19 See above fl/,a e{a fl/,a f7a 34 3 i" '--`- NqeteF 138H 6i $25.86 See above fi/a f7a fl/,a f7a 3S 5 8 ° 3 i" '•--'- Wate. $1 2.4& See above ff/a f /a fl/,a f /a 39 4 IRFk 83E $75-32- See above fi/a f /a fl/,a +i/a ,9 ---` �' id $42.o2- See above fl{a ti{a fl/,a +f{a -24 ---`- `z„ WRtR ,.,`-- ""_`""-`-- $193.95 See above tf{a ti{a tf{a +f{a � . -- T •--' •- `" $491.34 See above fr/ a f/a frfa fr/a -Z3 __". `"'-`- $463.33 See above fl{a ti{a fl{a a/a -24 P IRF19R $438.69 See above a{a ti{a fl{a +f{a 2�5 ---` ' �:.,6-' $7-2.19 See above a{a ti{a fl{a f+/a 'L6 $5�3.23 See above a{a fr/a fi a f� X $565.69 See above a{a R{a fl{a fr{a 28 ""_;hex $38.;19 See above a{a fr/a frfa fr/a 29 MA ' $34.48 See above fr/a fr/a ff�a f /.a 14-25 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - CREDIT CARD / MOBILE APPLICATION PAYMENT CONVENIENCE FEE 1 Credit Card Convenience Fee (% of fee paid by credit card) n/a - new 2.85% n/a - new n/a - new 0% 100% [a] 2 Parking Meter Mobile Application Payment Processing Fee Pass -Through Pass -Through 0% $0 100% 100% [b] Vender TFan5aEtieR Fee fer Online Payment PFeee5sing 3 rl.a rges in Exeess of $20 nnn Pass T^Tvvl reug^ Pass Th.e igh [c] [a] Credit convenience fees currently applicable for online utility bill payments. The City may determine to apply a similar fee to other receipts collected by the City via credit card (e.g., business license payment) [b] Renaming fee for fee schedule clarity. [c] Removing from fee schedule. Renamed to Credit Card Convenience Fee. 14-26 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - CIVIL SUBPOENA FEES [a] Actual amounts paid shall be calculated in accordance with California Government Code 68096.1. (a) Any employee of a local agency who is obliged by a subpoena to attend a civil action or proceeding as a witness in litigation in a matter regarding an event or transaction that he or she perceived or investigated in the course of his or her duties, to which that local agency is not a party, shall receive the salary or other compensation to which he or she is normally entitled from that local agency during the time that he or she prepares for his or her response and appearance, during the time that he or she travels to and from the place where the court or other tribunal is located and while he or she is required to remain at that place pursuant to the subpoena. He or she shall also receive from that local agency the actual necessary and reasonable traveling expenses he or she incurred in complying with the subpoena. (b) The party at whose request the subpoena is issued shall reimburse the local agency for the full cost incurred by the local agency in paying the employee his or her salary or other compensation and traveling expenses as provided for in this section, for each day that the employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. The amount of two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275), together with the subpoena, shall be tendered to that local agency for each day that the employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. (c) If the actual expenses should later prove to be less than the amount tendered, the excess of the amount tendered shall be refunded. (d) If the actual expenses should later prove to be more than the amount tendered, the difference shall be paid to the local agency by the party at whose request the subpoena was issued. [b] Actual amounts paid shall be calculated in accordance with California Government Code 68097.2. (b) The party at whose request the subpoena is issued shall reimburse the public entity for the full cost to the public entity incurred in paying the peace officer, firefighter, state employee, trial court employee, or specified county employee his or her salary or other compensation and traveling expenses as provided for in this section, for each day that the peace officer, firefighter, state employee, trial court employee, or specified county employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. The amount of two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275), together with the subpoena, shall be tendered to the person accepting the subpoena for each day that the peace officer, firefighter, state employee, trial court employee, or specified county employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. (c) If the actual expenses should later prove to be less than the amount tendered, the excess of the amount tendered shall be refunded. (d) If the actual expenses should later prove to be more than the amount deposited, the difference shall be paid to the public entity by the party at whose request the subpoena is issued. [c] Salary/other compensation shall be determined based on the City's most current adopted salary schedule (top step) by position, subject to existing MOU provisions and minimums for court appearances. If preparation, service, or travel is provided during overtime hours, the City shall use overtime rate for calculating actual costs, subject to existing MOU provisions and minimums for court appearances. 14-27 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - PLANNING AND BUILDING FEES [a] The fee will be applied as five percent (5%) to permit fees for all new construction, additions, and additions with alterations for the residential and commercial projects. 14-28 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - TAXICAB OPERATOR LICENSING [a] Amount shown does not include applicable fingerprint/livescan fees and any fees collected on behalf of other agencies (e.g., Department of Justice fees). 14-29 City of Newport Beach BEFORE AND AFTER ILLUSTRATION - TOW FEE / VEHICLE RELEASE FEE 14-30 ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 2024- 29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, REVISING AND ADOPTING FEES WITHIN THE SCHEDULE OF RENTS, FINES AND FEES, INCLUDING THE CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEE, WASTE DISPOSAL DEPOSITS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF VEHICLE TOW FEES, AND UPDATING THE METHODOLOGY FOR ANNUAL CONSUMER PRICE INDEX CALCULATIONS WHEREAS, Section 3.36.010 (Findings) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") provides that services and programs that primarily benefit a person requesting the service are traditionally funded in whole, or in part, from fees charged to the person requesting the service; WHEREAS, Subsection (C) of Section 3.36.010 (Findings) of the NBMC provides that to ensure fees charged for services are an accurate reflection of costs, the City should conduct a fee study at least once every five years; WHEREAS, Subsection (A) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC provides that the cost recovery percentage appropriate for each user service shall be one hundred percent (100%), unless the amount is modified by Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC; WHEREAS, Subsection (B) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC provides that the City Council shall establish, by resolution, the actual fee or charge for each user service based upon the actual cost of providing the user service; WHEREAS, Subsection (C) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC provides that the City Council may, by resolution, modify the amount of fee or charge upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing the service; WHEREAS, in 2022, the City retained Clearsource Financial Consulting ("Consultant") to prepare the cost allocation plan and cost -of -services studies for the City on a rotating basis by department; 14-31 Resolution No. 2024- Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, for the 2023 to 2024 fiscal year (FY 2023-24), the Consultant prepared cost -of -service studies for the City's Finance, Harbor, Public Works, and Utilities Departments as well as for certain other City departments upon their request ("Cost Studies"); WHEREAS, statutory fees are mandated or capped by another authority, such as the state; WHEREAS, City staff recommends changing the timeframe for measuring changes in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") from the current period of March of the prior year to March of the current year as required by Resolution No. 2021-21 to the period of February of the prior year to February of the current year; WHEREAS, City staff recommends that full cost recovery of the increased short- term lodging permit fees for initial applications and renewals be phased in over a two- year period, with full cost recovery effective in FY 2025-26; WHEREAS, the City desires to waive its vehicle towing fees in circumstances where vehicles are towed through no fault of the registered owner or authorized driver, such as where the owner or driver is the victim of a crime; WHEREAS, the City has allowed users the convenience of making payments via credit card but as the City has been incurring costs in processing those payments, the Consultant recommends the City recover its costs from users through a Credit Card Convenience Fee; WHEREAS, contemporaneous with this resolution, Ordinance No. 2024-_ was introduced to amend Section 15.02.085 of the NBMC to require construction projects having a valuation over $100,000 use franchise haulers to dispose of construction waste and the payment of a deposit; WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt a modified Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees ("SRFF") that reflects: (i) revised rental rates, fines, and fees (collectively "charges") in accordance with the Cost Studies to reflect changes in the costs -of -service; (ii) revised short-term lodging permit fees with full cost recovery to be phased -in over two years; (iii) a new Credit Card Convenience Fee; (iv) new deposits for construction -related demolition waste permits; and (v) adjustments for changes in CPI; and 14-32 Resolution No. 2024- Page 3 of 5 WHEREAS, contemporaneous with this resolution, Ordinance No. 2024-_ was introduced to amend Exhibit A of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC to update the modifications to the cost recovery percentages for user services ("Cost Recovery Ordinance"). NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The City Council does hereby adopt the modified SRFF, including all "FY 24/25 Fee" amounts, as set forth in Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2: Except as provided by Section 3, the charges listed in the modified SRFF shall remain at the "FY 23/24 Fee" amounts through June 30, 2024, shall be set at the "FY 24/25 Fee" amounts effective July 1, 2024, and shall be adjusted for CPI in accordance with this resolution. Section 3: For all charges that were the subject of the Cost Studies, the "FY 23/24 Fee" amounts shall remain in effect until July 12, 2024, the "FY 24/25 Fee" amounts shall be effective July 13, 2024, and the first annual automatic CPI adjustment shall occur on July 1, 2025 in accordance with this resolution. Section 4: The adjusted short-term lodging permit fees shall be phased in over two years, with full cost recovery effective in FY 2025-26, as set forth in Exhibit 1. Section 5: The Police Chief, or his or her designee, is authorized to waive the City's police towing service fees, denominated "Vehicle Release Fee" and "Customer Fee", under the following circumstances: a. The registered owner or authorized driver of the towed vehicle is a victim of a crime that led to the towing of the vehicle, b. The towed vehicle is ordered held for evidence or investigation by a Police Department employee or officer at no fault of the registered owner or authorized driver, c. The vehicle was towed because of driver incapacitation due to an accident or medical emergency, and no alcohol or drug use by the driver is suspected, or d. The vehicle was towed because it was a hazard to traffic or otherwise inoperable upon a public roadway, and no alcohol or drug use by the driver is suspected. 14-33 Resolution No. 2024- Page 4 of 5 Section 6: Direct pass through, actual, and statutory fees in the SRFF may be updated by the Finance Director as necessary to ensure recovery of all cost, without further action by the City Council. Section 7: The City Council hereby reaffirms all CPI adjustments to the SRFF that have been implemented prior to the adoption of this resolution. Section 8: All charges within the SRFF that are subject to CPI adjustment shall be automatically adjusted to reflect the percentage change from February of the prior year to February of the current year, as it may be prorated from the approval date of the charge, in the cost of doing business measured by the CPI. CPI shall mean the Los Angeles -Long Beach -Anaheim, CA Area, All Urban Consumers, All Items, Base Period (1982-84=100), or successor index, as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The automatic CPI adjustments to charges shall occur annually on July 1, for three consecutive years, following the date the charges take effect. After the third consecutive annual CPI adjustment, automatic CPI adjustments shall cease until the charge is updated and adopted, upon which automatic CPI adjustments will resume the following July 1. For rental rates listed in the SRFF that are not adjusted by a separate resolution, automatic CPI adjustments shall occur on July 1 following their adoption date and thereafter occur annually indefinitely. Automatic CPI adjustment shall not apply to any fee that is subject to Proposition 218 (California Constitution Articles XIIIC and MID and California Government Code Section 53750). Section 9: Any portion of any prior resolution or SRFF that conflicts with this resolution, including Section 5 of Resolution 2021-21, is hereby repealed and of no further force or effect. Section 10: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 11: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 14-34 Resolution No. 2024- Page 5 of 5 Section 12: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQX) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 13: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 2024. Will O'Neill Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ' A, C. Aaron C. Harp City Attorney Attachment: Exhibit 1 — 2024 Update to SRFF 14-35 EXHIBIT 1 r' cfk�Ost� Y YA Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees Effective Fiscal Year 2024-25 14-36 City of Newport Beach USER AND REGULATORY FEE SCHEDULE ALL DEPARTMENTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PLANNING REAL ROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT FINANCE FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FIRE PREVENTION LIFEGUARD OPERATIONS & JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS PROGRAM HARBOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY POLICE ANIMAL CONTROL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING HARBOR RESOURCES MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS WATER QUALITY / CONSERVATION / ENVIRONMENTAL RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES UTILITIES 1 2 10 13 14 15 19 20 24 25 27 28 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 47 14-37 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees ALL DEPARTMENTS 1 "B" Size Atlas Map Book Sheets Actual Cost Actual Cost (a] No 2 "B" Size Color Maps Actual Cost Actual Cost [a] No 3 "D" Size Atlas Sheets Maps Actual Cost Actual Cost [a] No 4 "E" Size Maps Actual Cost Actual Cost [a] No 5 Atlas Books Actual Cost Actual Cost [a] No 6 Copies a 8.5" x 11" Black and White Copy $0.03 $0.03 per page No b] 8.5" x 11" Color Copy $0.07 $0.07 per page No 7 Appeals a[ Applieaat Appellant Unsuccessful varies varies (b] No b) Applicant Appellant Successful $0 $0 [c] No 8 Delinquent Charges and Fees a[ Collection Costs Actual Cost Actual Cost [d] No b) Penalty and Interest i] First penalty 10% 10% No ii] Second penalty 101Y 10% No iii] Interest 10% 10% No 9 Credit Card Convenience Fee (% of fee paid by credit card) n/a new 2.85% [e] No 10 Parking Meter Mobile Application Payment Processing Fee 11p.n Tramactinn Lee for Online Payment PFeeessing pass -through pass -through No or .14 Credit Card Cede IFa ncto A, Cast 40 11 DOJ Fee for Fingerprint Processing Actual Cost Actual Cost (f] No 12 DVD/CD $0.49 $0.49 each No 13 Flash Drive 56.00 $6.00 each No 14 Lobbyist Registration Actual Cost Actual Cost (a] No 15 Notary Fee $15.00 $15.00 per signature [g] No 16 Outside Copy Services pass -through pass -through (a] No 17 Public Record Requests Actual Cost Actual Cost [h] No 18 Records on Computer DVD/CD/Flash Drive Actual Cost Actual Cast [h] No 19 Return Check Fee a] First returned check $25.00 $25.00 No b] Second and subsequent returned checks $35.00 535.00 No 20 Scanned Copy $0,01 $0.01 per page No 21 User Service not otherwise identified herein Actual Cost Actual Cost lil No [a] 100% of Contractor Cost. [b] Appeal fees vary depending on type of appeal, Various appeal fees are listed throughout fee schedule. [c] No fee per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A. (d] 100%of all third party costs and charges. [el Credit convenience fees currently applicable for online utility, bill payments. The City may determine to apply a similar fee to other receipts collected by the City via credit card (e.g., business license payment). (f] Pass Through 100% DOJ Charge. [g] Maximum amount permitted. [h] Materials plus Direct Salary & Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate. [i] Full hourly and burden rate of personnel; fee shall not exceed the actual cost incurred. 14-38 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES Permit Issuance Fee 1 Permit Issuance Fee $40.00 $41.00 flat fee Yes 2 Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit $12.00 $12.00 flat fee Yes 3 Building Standards tSB 1473) Fee (Valuation) a) $1- $25,000 $1.00 $1.00 flat fee No b) $25,001- $50,000 $2.00 $2.00 flat fee No c) $50,001- $75,000 $3,00 $3,00 Pat fee No d) $75,001- $100,000 $4.00 $4.00 flat fee No e) Each Add'I $25,000 or fraction thereof Add $1 Add $1 No 4 General Plan Maintenance Fee - % of Building Permit Fee 5.00% 5.00% fiat fee )a) No 5 Record Management Fee - Per Sheet $2.00 $2.00 per sheet No 6 Strong Motion Instrumentation (SMI) Fee a) Category 1 Construction (1 to 3 Story Residential) Greater of $0.50 or Greater of $0.50 or flat fee No valuation x -00013 valuation x.00013 h) Category 2 Construction )Over 3 story Residential and all Commercial) Greater of $0.50 or Greater of $0.50 or flat fee No valuation x .00028 valuation x .00028 7 Building Waste Management Administration Fee $28.00 $28.00 flat fee Yes Building Permit 8 Additions of Residential Garages/Carports a) Plan Review $436.00 $450.00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $695.00 $718.00 flat fee Yes 9 Fences/Retaining Walls a) Plan Review Same As Plan Review Same As Plan Review flat fee No b) Permit & inspection Same As Building Same As Building flat fee No Permit Fee Table Permit Fee Table 10 Fire Sprinkler/Alarms/Mist. a) Plan Review $233.00 $240.00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $282.00 $291.00 flat fee Yes 11 Harbor Construction a) Plan Review $346.00 $346,00 flat fee No b) Permit & Inspection $331.00 $331.00 flat fee No 12 Patios/Decks/Trellis a) Plan Review 5336.00 $347.00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $409.00 $422.00 flat fee Yes 13 Pool/Spa a) Plan Review $416.00 $429.00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $463.00 $478.00 flat fee Yes 14 Re -Roof of Plan Review $179.00 $185-00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $369.00 $381.00 flat fee Yes 14-39 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES 15 Solar a) Residential i) 15 kW or Less: a} Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection ii) More than 15 kW a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection i) First 15 kW ii) Each Additional kW h) Commercial i) 50 kW or Less: a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection ii) 50 kW to 250 kW a) Plan Review i) First 50 kW ii) Each Additional kW above 50 kW h) Permit & Inspection i) First 50 kW ii) Each Additional kW above 50 kW iii) More than 250 kW a) Plan Review i) First 250 kW 6) Each Additional kW above 250 kW b) Permit & Inspection i) First 250 kW 41 Each Additional kW above 250 kW 16 Non -Residential, Residential Alterations, Misc. Fences/Retaining Walls a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection i) $1.00 To $2,000.00 ii) $2,001.00 To $25,000.00 iii) $25,001.00 To $50,000.00 iv) $50,001.00 To 5100,000.00 v) $100,001.00 To $500,000.00 vi) $500,001.00 To $1,000,000.00 vii) $1,000,001.00 to $5,000,000.00 viii) Over $5,000,000 17 One/Two Family Addition a) Plan Review i) 0-100 SF ii) 101-2505F iii) 251-500 SF iv) 501-1,000 5F v) 1,001-2,000 SF vi) 2,001-3,0005F vii) 3,001+5F Subject Note to CPI $210.00 5210.00 flat fee No $240.00 $240.00 flat fee No $210.00 $210.00 flat fee No $240,00 $240.00 flat fee No $15.00 $15.00 flat fee No $460,00 5460.00 flat fee No $540.00 $540.00 flat fee No $460.00 $460.00 Flat fee No $3.22 $3.22 flat fee No $540.00 $540.00 flat fee No $3.78 $3.78 flat fee No $1,103.00 $1,103.00 flat fee No $2.30 $2.30 flat fee No $1,297.00 $1,297.00 flat fee No $2.70 $2.70 flat fee No 87% of Building 87%of Building flat fee No Permit Fee Permit Fee $118.00 $121.00 flat fee Yes 5119.00 $122.00 flat fee Yes $536.00 $553.00 flat fee Yes $869.00 $898.00 flat fee Yes 51,329.00 51,37100 flat fee Yes $4,071.00 $4,207.00 flat fee Yes $7,146.00 57,385.00 flatfee Yes $23,473.00 $24,260.00 flat fee Yes $685.00 $707.00 flat fee Yes $891.00 $920.00 flat fee Yes $1,233.00 $1,274.00 flat fee Yes $1,713,00 $1,770,00 flat fee Yes $2,535.00 $2,620.00 flat fee Yes $3,768.00 $3,894.00 flat fee Yes $4,727,00 $4,885.00 flat fee Yes 14-40 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES b) Permit & inspection 1) 0-100 SF $657.00 $679.00 flat fee Yes ill 101-250 SF $876.00 $905.00 flat fee Yes iii) 251-500 5F $1,424.00 $1,471.00 flat fee Yes iv) 501-1,000 SF $2,190.00 $2,263.00 flat fee Yes v) 1,001-2,000 SF $3,285.00 $3,395.00 flat fee Yes vt) 2,001-3,000 SF $4,709.00 $4,867.00 flat fee Yes vii) 3,001+5F $6,023,00 $6,225,00 flat fee Yes 18 One/Two Family Structure a) Plan Review i) 0.2,500 SF $3,530,00 $3,648.00 flat fee Yes ii) 2,501-3,500 SF $4,013.00 $4,147.00 flat fee Yes iii 13,501-4,500 SF $5,191.00 $5,365.00 flat fee Yes iv) 4,501-5,500 SF $6,360.00 $6,573.00 flat fee Yes v) 5,501+ SF $7,574.00 $7,828,00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection i) 0-2,5005F $3,921.00 $4,052.00 flat fee Yes ii) 2,501-3,500 SF $5,581.00 $5,768.00 flat fee Yes ifi) 3,501-4,500 SF $6,200.00 $6,408.00 flat fee Yes iv) 4,501.5,500 SF $7,211.00 $7,453.00 flat fee Yes v)5,501+ SF $9,842.00 $10,172.00 flat fee Yes 19 One/Two Family Shoring a) Plan Review 51,068.00 $1,103-00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $640.00 $661.00 fiat fee Yes Electrical Permit Fees 20 Combination Electrical Permit a) Residential construction 7% of Bldg Permit Fee 7%of Bldg Permit Fee No b) Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story 14% of Bldg Permit 14% of Bldg Permit No Fee Fee Electrical Permit Fees - Per Unit Fees 21 Residential Appliances $7.00 $7,00 flat fee Yes For fixed residential appliances or receptacle outlets for same, including wall -mounted electric ovens; counter -mounted cooking tops; electric ranges; self-contained room, console or through -wall air conditions; space heater; food waste grinders; dishwashers; washing machines; water heaters; clothes dryers; or other motor -operated appliances not exceeding 1 horsepower (HP) (746W) in rating. 22 Non -Residential Appliances $7.00 $7.00 flat fee Yes For nonresidential appliances and self-contained factory -wired, nonresidential appliances not exceeding 1 horsepower (HP), kilowatt (kW) or kilovolt -ampere (kVA) In rating, including medical and dental devices; food, beverage and ice cream cabinets; illuminated show cases; drinking fountains; vending machines; laundry machines; or other similar types of equipment. 23 Receptacle, Switch and Ught Outlets a) Fee Far Each Outlets, First 20 $2.00 $2.00 flat fee Yes b) Fee For Each Outlets, After first 20 $1.00 $1.00 flat fee Yes c) Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, First 20 $2.00 $2.00 flat fee Yes d) Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, After First 20 $1.00 $1.0o flat fee Yes 14-41 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES 24 Lighting Fixtures a) Fee For Each Lighting Fixtures, First 20 b) Fee For Each Lighting Fixture, After 20 c) Fee For Each Pole or Platform -Mounted Lighting Fixtures d} Fee For Each Theatrical -type Lighting Fixtures Or Assemblies 25 Power Apparatus (each) a) Up to and including 1 b) Over 1 and Not Over 10 c) Over 10 and Not Over 50 d) Over 50 and Not Over 100 e) Over 100 26 Busways Each 100 ft. or Fraction Thereof For Trolley & Plug-in Type Additional Fees For Other Fixtures Connected To The Trolley 27 Signs, Outline Lighting and Marquees - Each Supplied from one branch circuit 28 Services (Service Change) a) 600 Volts or Less and Not Over 200 Amperes in Rating b) 600 Volts or Less and Over 200 Amperes to 1,000 Amperes c) Over 600 Volts or Over 1,000 Amperes in Rating 29 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors For electrical apparatus, conduits and conductors for which a permit is required but for which no fee is herein set forth. Carnivals and Circuses 30 Special Event, Each Generator, Electrical 31 Special Event Lighting Temporary Power Service 32 Temporary Power Service 33 Fee For Each Temporary Service Pedestal 34 Fee For Each Temp. Distribution System, Lighting, Outlet, Decorative Site, Temp Receptacles, Switches And Lighting Outlets In Which Current Is Controlled (Except Services, Feeders, Meters) Electrical Plan Review 35 Electrical Plan Review Subject 23/24 Fee FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note I to CPl $2.00 $2.00 flat fee Yes $1.00 $1.00 flat fee Yes 52.00 $2.00 flat fee Yes $2.00 $2.00 flat fee Yes $7.00 $7.00 flat fee Yes $21.00 $21.00 flat fee Yes $41.00 $42.00 flat fee Yes $80.00 $82,00 flat fee Yes $123.00 $127.00 Yes $11.00 $11.00 flat fee Yes $43.00 $44.00 Flat fee Yes $49.00 $50.00 flat fee Yes $102.00 $105.00 fiat fee Yes $202.00 $208.00 flat fee Yes $30.00 $31.00 flat fee Yes $43.00 $44.00 flat fee Yes $11,00 $€1.00 flat fee Yes $43.00 $44.00 flat fee Yes $43,00 $44.00 flat fee Yes $22.00 $22.00 flat fee Yes 87% of Total Electrical 87%of Total Electrical Permit Fee Permit Fee Mechanical Permit Fees 36 Combination Mechanical Permit a) Residential Construction 4% of Bldg Permit Fee 4% of Bldg Permit Fee b) Nan -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story 11% of Bldg Permit 11% of Bldg Permit Fee Fee MecharticaI Permit Fee - Per Unit Fees 37 Furnaces a) For the installation or relocation of each forced -air or gravity -type i) Up to and including 100,000 Btu/h $23.00 $23.00 ii) Over 100,000 Btu/h $27.00 $27.00 b) Fee For Each Floor Furnace, Including Vent $23.00 $23.00 c) Fee For Each Suspended Heater, Recessed Wall Heater or Floor- $23.00 $23.00 Mounted Unit Heater 38 Appliance Vents $11.00 $11.00 Fee For Each Installation, Relocation, Replacement of Appliance Vent 39 Repairs or Additions 523.00 $23.00 Fee For Each Repair, Alteration of, or Addition to Heating / Cooling flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee Flat fee flat fee each each No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14-42 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES 40 Boilers, Compressors and Absorption Systems a) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor to and Including 3 HP b) Fee For Each Absorption System to and Including 100,000 Btu/h c) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 3 HP to and including 15 HP d) Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 100,000 Btu/h & including 500,000 e) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 15 HP to and including 30 HP f) Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 500,000 Btu/h & including 1,000,000 g) Fee For Each Bader or Compressor Over 30 HP to and including 50 HP h) Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 1,000,000 Btu/h including i) Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor over 50 HP j) Fee For Each Absorption System Over 1,750,000 Btu/h 41 Air Handlers a) Fee For Each Air handling Unit To & Including 10,000 Cu Ft/Min Including b) Fee For Each Air Handling Unit Over 10,000 cfm 42 Evaporative Cooler Fee For Each Evaporative Cooler Other Than Portable Type Ventilation and Exhaust 43 Fee For Each Ventilation Fan Connected to a Single Duct 44 Fee For Each Ventilation System Not Connected to Any Other System 45 Fee For Each Hood Served by Mech Exhaust, Including Ducts Incinerators 46 Fee For Each Domestic Type Incinerator 47 Fee For Each Commercial or industrial Type Incinerator Miscellaneous 48 For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the Mechanical Code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for which other fee is listed in the table. Mechanical Plan Review 49 Mechanical Plan Review Plumbing Permit Fees 50 Combination Plumbing Permit a) Residential Construction b) Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story Plumbing Permit Fees - Per Unit Fees 51 Fee For Each Plumbing Fixture, Trap, Set of Fixtures on One Trap 52 Fee For Each Building Sewer, Trailer Park Sewer 53 Fee Per Drain In Ra}nwater Systems 54 Fee For Each Cesspool 55 Fee For Each Private Sewage Disposal System 56 Fee For Each Industrial Waste Pretreatment Interceptor, Excepting Kitchen Type Grease Inter. Functioning As Fixture Traps 57 Fee For Each Water Piping, Water Treating Equipment 58 Fee For Each Drainage or Vent Piping Fixture 59 Fee For Each Lawn Sprinkler System on One Meter, Backflow Protection na. 60 Atmo5phericType Vacuum Breakers a) 1 To 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers b) Each Additional, In Excess of Five Subject 23/24 Fee FY 24/25 Fee L Charge Basis Note I to CPI $23.00 $23.00 flat fee Yes $23.00 $23.00 flat fee Yes $41.00 $42.00 flat fee Yes $41.00 $42.00 flat fee Yes $57,00 $58.00 flat fee Yes $57.00 $58.00 flat fee Yes $85.00 $97.00 flat fee Yes $85.00 $87.00 flat fee Yes $143,00 $147.00 flat fee Yes $143.00 $147.00 flat fee Yes $15.00 $15.00 flat fee Yes $27.00 $27.00 flat fee Yes $15.00 $15.00 each Yes $11.00 $11.00 each Yes $15.00 $15.00 each Yes $15.00 515.00 each Yes $27.00 $27.00 each Yes $115.00 $118,00 each Yes $15.00 $1S.00 each Yes 87% of Total 87% of Total flat fee No Mechanical Permit Mechanical Permit Fee Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee flat fee No 9% of Bldg Permit Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee flat fee No $16.00 516.00 each Yes $41.00 $42.00 each Yes $16-00 $16.00 per drain Yes $60,00 562.00 each Yes $122.00 S126.00 each Yes $32,00 $33.00 each Yes $8.00 $8.00 each Yes $8.00 $8.00 each Yes $24.00 $24.00 each Yes $19.00 $19.00 flat fee Yes $4.00 $4.00 flat fee Yes 14-43 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES 61 Backflow Protective Device a) 2 inches & Smaller - Each b) Over 2 Inches - Each 62 Gas Piping System a) One to Four Outlets b) Each Additional Outlet 63 Water Heater and/or Vent Permit - Each Plumbing Plan Review 64 Plumbing Plan Review Gradin& Dralna a and Water gualfty Mana ement Grading 65 Grading Plan Review a) Grading Plan Review by City Staff b) Grading Plan Review of Complex Projects by Consultant 66 Grading Permit Fee- Calculated based on cut or fill whichever is greater a) 0-200 Cubic Yards b) 201-300 Cubic Yards c) 301-400 Cubic Yards d) 461-500 Cubic Yards e) 501-600 Cubic Yards f) 601-700 Cubic Yards g)701-800 Cubic Yards h) 801-900 Cubic Yards i) 901-1,000 Cubic Yards j) 1,001-10,000 Cubic Yards k) 10,001-100,000 Cubic Yards I) 100,001 Cubic Yards or more 67 Grading Permit Fees (Based on Site Improvements) Curb & Gutter, Paving, Erosion Control 68 Grading Bond Fee Drainage 69 Alteration to Drainage a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection Water Quality Management 70 Water Quality Management - Commercial Projects a) Plan Review b) Permit & Inspection 71 Water Quality Management -Residential Projects a) Plaa Review b) Permit & Inspection Subject FY 23/24 Fee FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note to CPI $19.00 $19.00 flat fee Yes 541,00 $42.00 flat fee Yes $8.00 $8.00 flat fee Yes $2.00 $2.00 flat fee Yes $33.00 $34.00 flat fee Yes 87%of Total Plumbing 87%of Total Plumbing flat fee No Permit Fee Permit Fee 87%of Grading Permit 87%of Grading Permit flat fee No Fee Fee 133%of Consultant 133%of Consultant flat fee No Fee Fee $1,023.00 S1,057.00 flat fee Yes $1,048.00 $1,083.00 flat fee Yes $1,073.00 $1,109.00 flat fee Yes $1,100.00 $1,136.00 flat fee Yes $1,148.00 $1,186.00 flat fee Yes $1,197.00 $1,237.00 flat fee Yes $1,248.00 S1,289.D0 flat fee Yes 51,297.00 51,340.00 flat fee Yes $1,346.00 $1,391.00 flat fee Yes $1,352.00 $1,397.00 flat fee Yes $5,586.00 $5,773.00 flat fee Yes $9,949.00 $10,282.0u flat fee Yes Same As Building Same As Building flat fee No Permit Fee Table Permit Fee Table $478.00 $494.00 flat fee Yes $209.00 $216.00 flat fee Yes $249.00 $257.00 flat fee Yes $290.00 $299.00 flat fee Yes $368.00 $380.00 fiat fee Yes $201.00 $207.00 flat fee Yes $298.00 $308.00 flat fee Yes 14-44 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES :. M Other Accessibility Hardship 72 Accessibility Hardship $1,298.00 51,341.00 flat fee Yes 73 Appeals a) Appeals Board Hearing - Appellant App{ieant Unsuccessful $1,768.00 51,827.00 Bat fee Yes b) AppeaSs Board Hearing- Appellant ApplicantSuccessful$0.00 $0.00 flat fee Yes Certificates and Reports 74 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $243.00 $251.00 flat fee Yes 75 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy- Renewable $129.00 $133.00 flat fee Yes 76 Residential Building Report a) Residential Building Report - Any Occupancy Type $208.00 $214.00 flat fee Yes b) Residential Building Report - Re -Inspection $138.00 $142.00 flat fee Yes 77 Real Property Document Prep/Transfer/Assign/Ext $307.00 $317.00 flat fee Yes Demolition 78 Demolition - Multi -Family Structure a) Plan Review $339.00 $350,00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $119.00 $122.00 flat fee Yes 79 Demolition -One Family Structure a) Plan Review $339.00 $350.00 flat fee Yes b) Permit& Inspection $142.00 $146,00 flat fee Yes 80 Demoiition-OtherThanStructure a) Plan Review $344.00 $355.00 flat fee Yes b) Permit & Inspection $129.00 $133.00 flat fee Yes Duplicate Drawings 81 Authorization to duplicate record drawings $41.00 $42.00 flat fee Yes 82 Extensicim 3-Year Building Permit Extension a) Request to Building Official 5214.00 $221,00 flat fee Yes b) Request to Hearing Officer $1,422.00 $1,469.00 flat fee Yes Flood Zone Determination 83 Flood Zone Determination $121.00 $125.00 flat fee Yes 84 Special Inspector Licenses a) Original Licenses Each Test- Per Classification $119.00 $122.00 flat fee Yes b) Renewal - Per Classification $58.60 $59.D0 flat fee Yes Other Inspections Fees 85 Off -Hours Inspection Request- Per Hour, 2 Hour Minimum $259.00 $267.00 per hour Yes 86 Other Inspections - Per Hour 5220,00 $227.00 per hour Yes Inspections Not Otherwise Specified / One Hour Minimum 87 Re -Inspection - Per Hour $220.00 $227.00 per hour Yes Assessed When Corrections Are Not Completed Other Plan Review Fees 88 Alternate Materials & Methods Each Item $306.00 $316.00 fiat fee Yes 89 Determination of Unreasonable Hardship $37S.00 $387.00 flat fee Yes 90 Disabled Access Compliance Review 0.1% Of Construction 0.1% of Construction flat fee No Cost Cost 91 Energy Compliance Review 0.07% of Construction 0.07% of Construction flat fee No Cost Cost 14-45 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees BUILDING FEES 92 Expedite Plan Review 1,75 X Regular Plan Review Fees, $479 minimum 93 Plan Check / Permit Extension 571.00 94 Repetitive Plan Review 25%of Plan Review Similar Units In Tracts Containing More Than 5 Units After Model When Fee 95 Plan Check Hourly Rate - Per Hour 5274.00 1.75 X Regular Plan Flat fee Yes Review Fees, $495 minimum $73.00 flat fee Yes 25% of Plan Review Flat fee No Fee $283.00 per hour Yes [a] Fee will be applied to permit fees for all new construction, additions, and additions with alterations for residential and commercial projects. City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees PLANNING FEES MIM Amendment 1 Amendment - General Plan $272.00 $281.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) 2 Amendment - Local Coastal Program $272.00 $281.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) 3 Amendment - Planned Community $272.00 $281.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) 4 Amendment - Zoning Code/5pecific Plan $272.00 $281.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) Appeal 5 Appeal to City Council a) Appellant Applicant Successful $0.00 $0.00 Fixed Fee No b) Appellant AppliEaA Unsuccessful $2,116.00 $2,116.00 Fixed Fee No 6 Appeal to Planning Commission a) Appellant ApplieartSuccessful $0.00 $0.00 Fixed Fee No b) Appellant AppliEaR; Unsuccessful $2,116,00 S2,116.D0 Fixed Fee No 7 Appeal of Coastal Development Permit Application Decision to Planning $0.00 $0.00 Fixed Fee No Commission B Appeal of Decision to Harbor Commission a) Appellant PWk-ar4Successful $0.00 Zoo Fixed Fee No b) Appellant Appkant Unsuccessful $1,250.00 $623,00 Fixed Fee No 9 Appeal of Harbor Commission Decision to City Council a) Appellant AppliEaa6 Successful $0.00 $0.00 Fixed Fee No b) Appellant AppkaAt Unsuccessful $940.00 $498.00 Fixed Fee No Approval in Concept 10 Approval in Concept $1,006.00 $1,041.00 Fixed Fee Yes Banner / Sign Permit 11 Banner / Sign Permit $59.00 $60.00 Fixed Fee Yes Certificate of Compliance 12 Certificate of Compliance - Subdivision Code $389.00 $402.00 Fixed Fee Yes Coastal Development Permit 13 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Stand Alone $2,537.00 $2,622.00 Fixed Fee Yes 14 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) / Parcel Map Bundle $3,S59.00 $3,678.00 Fixed Fee Yes 15 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - When Reviewed In Conjunction with $968.00 $1,000.00 Fixed Fee Yes Another Planning Application 16 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - All Others $272.00 $291.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) 17 Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Waiver $1,287.00 $1,330.00 Fixed Fee Yes Compliance Letters Minor Records Research 18 Compliance Letters / Minor Records Research $412.00 $425.00 Fixed Fee Yes Comprehensive Sign/ Heritage / Innovative Permit 19 Comprehensive Sign/ Heritage / Innovative Permit $2,344.00 $2,422.00 Fixed Fee Yes Condominium Conversion Permit 20 Condominium Conversion Permit $1,539.00 $1,590.00 Fixed Fee Yes Development Agreement / Plan 21 Development Agreement Adoption $272.00 $281.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) 14-47 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees PLANNING FEES I :. 22 Development Agreement Annual Review $1,560,00 $1,612.00 Fixed Fee Yes 23 Development Plan - Planned Community $272.00 $281.00 Per Hour (Deposit Yes Account) Director / Staff Approval 24 Director/Staff Approval $1,110.00 $1,147.00 Fixed Fee Yes Environmental Documents 25 Environmental Documents Consultant Cost + 10% Consultant Cost 4 10% Fixed Fee No City Administrative City Administrative Fee Fee Extension of Time 26 Extension of Time - Subdivision Code $206,00 $212.00 Fixed Fee Yes 27 Extension of Time - ZC (except Abatement Period) $206.00 $212.00 Fixed Fee Yes 28 Extension of Time - Non -Conforming Abatement Period Extension $826.00 $853.00 Fixed Fee Yes In -Lieu Parking 29 In -Lieu Parking $150.00 $150.00 Fixed Fee- Per Space No Limited Term Permits 30 Limited Term Permit - Less than 90 days 5723.00 $747.00 Fixed Fee Yes 31 Limited Term Permit - More than 90 days $2,434.00 $2,51S.D0 Fixed Fee Yes 32 Limited Term Permit - Seasonal Sale $398.00 $401.00 Fixed Fee Yes Lot Line Adjustment / Lot Merger 33 Lot Line Adjustment $2,434.00 $2,515.00 Fixed Fee Yes 34 Lot Merger $2,434.00 $2,515.00 Fixed Fee Yes Modification Permit 35 Modification Permit $3,383.00 $3,496.00 Fixed Fee Yes Operators License 36 Operators License Application $1,000.00 $1,033.00 Fixed Fee Yes 37 Operators License Appeal $1,000.00 $1,033.00 Fixed Fee Yes Planned Development Permit 38 Planned Development Permit $6,962.00 $7,195.00 Fixed Fee Yes Preliminary Application for Residential Development 39 Preliminary Application for Residential Development $1,490.00 $1,540.00 Fixed Fee Yes Public Noticing 40 Public Noticing $538.00 $556.00 Fixed Fee Yes Reasonable Accommodation 41 Reasonable Accommodation $0.00 $0.00 Fixed Fee Yes Site Development Review 42 Site Development Review- Planning Commission $6,119.00 $6,324.00 Fixed Fee Yes 43 Site Development Review- Zoning Administrator $3,SSO.00 $3,669.00 Fixed Fee Yes Subdivision / Mapping 44 Subdivisions - Parcel Map $2,378.00 $2,457.00 Fixed Fee Yes 45 Subdivisions -Tentative Tract Map $6,119.00 $6,324.00 Fixed Fee Yes 14-48 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees PLANNING FEES Subject FY 23/24 Fee FY 20/25 Fee Charge Basis Note to CPI 46 Subdivisions -Vesting Tentative Map $6,119.00 $6,119.00 Fixed Fee Transfer of Development Rights 47 Transfer of Development Rights $5,030.00 $5,198.00 Fixed Fee Yes Use Permit 48 Use Permit (Conditional) - Planning Commission $6,109.00 $6,314.00 Fixed Fee Yes 49 Use Permit (Minor)- Zoning Administrator $3,416.00 $3,530.00 Fixed Fee Yes Variance 50 Variance $5,603.00 $5,791.00 Fixed Fee Yes Zoning Plan Check 51 Zoning Plan Check (Nan -Residential and Residential Alterations) $215.00 $222.00 Per Hour Yes Litigation Defense 52 Litigation Defense 1001Yof Actual Costs 100% of Actual Costs Time & Materials No Hourly Billing Rate for Services Not Listed 53 Planning $272.00 $281,00 Per Hour Yes 54 Consulting Support, Specialized Services, Peer Review, etc. Consultant Cost + 10% Consultant Cost + 10% No City Administrative City Administrative Fee Fee 55 Fees/Costs Collected on Behalf of Other Agencies (e.g. LAFCO, Department Pass -Through Pass -Through No of Fish & wildlife, etc.) 14-49 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - REAL ROPERTY Balboa Yacht Basin Slip/Garage/Apartment Rentals 1 Apartments (Nos. 5 & 7) $2,92.31 $2,918.31 2 Garage Rentals $387.05 $387.05 permonth 3 Slip Rentals a) 20' Slip $25.82 $25.82 per foot per month b) 25' Slip $26.78 $26.78 per foot per month c) 31' Stip $29.35 $29.35 per foot per month d) 32' Slip $29.84 $29,84 per foot per month e) 34' Slip $34.14 $34.14 per foot per month f) 35' Slip $34,14 $34,14 per foot per month g) 37' Slip $34.24 $34.24 per foot per month h)40'Skp $37.75 $37.75 per foot per month i) 45' Slip $40.47 $40.47 per foot per month j) 50' Slip $46.84 $46.84 per foot per month k) 60' Slip $51.69 $51.69 per foot per month 1) 75' Slip $54.79 $54.79 per foot per month Piers 4 Commercial See Resolutions See Resolutions [a] CPI adjustments occur separately. [bJ Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. [c] Resolutions 2012-91, 2012-92, 2012-96, 2012-97, 2012-98, 2013-88 & 2017 Subject Note to CPI [b] No [b] No [b] No [b] No [b] No [bl No [b] No (b) No [b] No [b] No [b] No [b] No [c] No 14-50 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees CODE ENFORCEMENT 1 Unpermitted Commercial Use of Public Property Impounds $319.00 $319.00 Subject Nate to CPI 14-51 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FINANCE . • . - M Revenue 1 Adult Oriented Business Permits $1,383.00 $1,404.00 Yes 2 Business License a) Business License Initial Application {online) n/a - new $6.00 Yes b) Business License Initial Application (in person) $63.00 $17.00 Yes c) Business License- Change in Information $25.00 $14.00 Yes dI Business License - Duplicate $12.00 512.00 Yes 3 Dance Permit $186.00 $178.00 Yes 4 Dog Licenses a) Unaltered $53.00 $54.00 Yes b) Sterifized $26.50 $27,00 Yes c) Late Charge $5.00 $5.00 No d) Tag Replacement $7.00 $7.00 Yes 5 Escort Services a) Escort Service Permit 51,186.00 $1,316.00 Yes b) Escort Service Per Employee $609.00 $647.00 Yes 6 Film Permit Fee $0.00 50.00 No 7 Film Production Application a) With Film Liaison $0.00 50.00 No b) Without Film Liaison $313.00 $323.00 Yes 6 Film Permit a) Cancellation Fee (far permits req add'I City Svcs) 100 % Fully Loaded 100% Fully Loaded No Hourly Rate Hourly Rate b) Review Fee (5 or fewer cast & crew) $13.00 $13.00 Yes c) Review Fee 16 or more cast & crew) $54.00 $55.00 Yes d) Staff Time Outside of Permit Application Review 100% Fully Loaded 100%Fully Loaded No Hourly Rate Hourly Rate 9 FilmLA a) Application Fee $663.00 $863.00 No b) Film Permit Rider Fee 5137.00 $137.00 No c) Monitor Fees - Double time $82.00 $82.00 No d) Non Profit Application Fee $69.00 $69.00 No e) NonProfit Permit Rider Fee $34.00 534.00 No f) Monitor Fees $41.00 $41.00 No 6) Monitor Fees Overtime 562.00 $62.00 No h) Notification Fee $215.00 $215.00 No i) Still Applicatieri Fee Sum $82.00 No j) Still Rider Fee $28.00 $28.00 No k) Student Permit Fee Complex $124.00 $124.00 No 1) Student Permit Fee Simple $33.00 $33.00 No 10 Fire Arms Sales Permit $114.00 $107.00 Yes 11 Hotel Special Package Application Review 5206.00 $216.00 Yes 12 Live Entertainment Permit $184.00 $189.00 Yes 13 Parking Permit a) Preferential Parking Permit $20.00 $24.00 Yes b) Parking Permit Replacement Fee $12.00 $12.00 Yes 14-52 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FINANCE 14 Payment Plan Processing Fee a) Payment Plan (except Parking) 525.00 $36.00 Yes b) Payment Plan (Parking) i) Indigent $5.00 $5.00 No ii) All Other $25.00 $36.00 Yes 15 Short Term Lodging Permits a) Initial Permit $175.00 $238.00 (a) Yes b) Renewal $92,00 $214,00 [b] Yes c) Reinstatement $96.00 5107,00 Yes d) Reprint $13,00 $12.00 Yes e) Suspension or revocation hearing i) Appellant Successful no fee no fee No ii) Appellant Unsuccessful $538.00 $738.00 Yes 16 Sidewalk Vending Permit Application $1B3.00 5107.00 Yes 17 Sound Amp Permit $78.00 $36.00 Yes 18 Vehicles For Hire a) Annual Per Vehicle Fee $250.00 $258.00 per year Yes b) Certificate $2,281.00 $2,357.00 Yes c) Driver's Permit $454.00 $469.00 Yes d) Driver's Permit Renewal $443,00 $457.00 Yes e) Fee per Vehicle $250.00 $258.00 Yes 19 Zero Bill Reprints $0.00 $0.00 No Parking Penalties 20 11.04.070(F) MC PARKED IN PARK $52.00 $53.00 Yes 21 11.08.090(A) MC PARKING ON PUBLIC PIER $52.00 $53.00 Yes 22 12.09.120 MC PARKING ON BEACH $52.00 $53,00 Yes 23 12.12.010(0) MC COMPLIANCE WITH SIGNS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 24 12.12.050 MC FEE NOT PAID IN LOT $52.00 $53.00 Yes 25 12.12.080 MC MOTORCYCLES IN WOF LOT 552.00 553.00 Yes 26 12.32.050(D) MC BALBOA ISLAND: BLOCKING EGRESS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 27 12.40.020 MC PARKWAYS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 28 12.40.030 MC PARKING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY $52,00 $53.00 Yes 29 12.40.035 MC PKG ON PRIVATE STREETS/DRIVES $52.00 $53.00 Yes 30 12.40.040 MC PARKING IN EXCESS 72 HOURS $96.00 $99.00 Yes 31 12.40.055(A) MC TRAILER/RV/OVERSIZED VEHICLE $52.00 $53.00 Yes 32 12.40.060(A) MC PKG PROHIB: VEH FOR SALE $96.00 $99.00 Yes 33 12.40.060(C) MC PKG PROMS: NON-EMRGNCY REPAIR $96,00 $99.00 Yes 34 12.40.060(D) MC PKG PROHIB: CAR WASHING $96.00 $99.00 Yes 35 12,40,070 MC PKG ON GRADE, WHEELS NOT TURND $52.00 $53.00 Yes 36 12.40.080 MC 18INCHES FROM LEFT CURB $52.00 $53.00 Yes 37 12.40.090 MC ANGLE PARKING, OUTSIDE LINES $52.00 $53.00 Yes 38 12.40.110 MCACROSS/OUTSIDE SPACE MARKERS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 39 12.40.130 MC PERMIT REQD-ANGLE LOAD/UNLOAD $52.00 $53.00 Yes 40 12.40.140 MC PARKING ADJACENT TO SCHOOLS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 41 12.40.150 MC PROHIB PKG: NARROW STREETS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 42 12.40.160 MC POSTED NO PARKING/STOPPING $96.00 $99.00 Yes 43 12.40.170(A) MC RESTRICT PKG: VENDORS/PRODUCTS $74.00 $76.00 Yes 14-53 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FINANCE mmm Emm 44 12.40.170(8) MC RESTRICTED PKG: VEH FOR HIRE $74.00 576.00 Yes 45 12.40.170(C) MC RESTRICTED PKG: PERMIT REQ.. $74.00 $76.00 Yes 46 12.40.180 MC EMERGENCY PKG RESTRICTIONS $52.00 $53.00 Yes 47 12.44.010(A} MC OVERTIME 1 HOUR ZONE 559.00 $60.00 Yes 48 12.44.010(8) MC OVERTIME 2 HOUR ZONE $59.00 $60.00 Yes 49 12.44.010(C) MC OVERTIME 6 HOUR ZONE $59.00 $60.00 Yes 50 12.44.070(C) MC ACROSS MARKING, METER AREA $52.04 $53.00 Yes 51 12.44.070(A) MC OUTSIDE PAID SPACE MARKING $52.00 $53.00 Yes 52 12.44.070(8) MC BACKING INTO METER SPACE $52.00 $53.00 Yes 53 12.44.084 MC PARKING AT AN INOPERABLE METER $69.00 $71.00 Yes 54 12.44.100 MC ACTIVATION OF METER $52.00 $53.00 Yes 55 12.44.110 MC PAYMENTTIME EXPIRED $74.00 $76.00 Yes 56 12.44.150(C) MC STREET SWEEPING $68.00 $70.00 Yes 57 12.44.160(C) MC PROHIBITED NIGHT PARKING $52.00 $53.00 Yes 58 12.46.040 MC NON -DISPLAY OF PLACARD/EIC PLT $59.00 $60.00 Yes 59 12.48.040(A) MC PARKING IN RED ZONE $96.00 $99.00 Yes 60 12.48.040(B) MC PKG IN LOADING ZONE (YLW) $96.00 $99.00 Yes 61 12.48.040(C) MC WHITE ZONE (3 MINUTE LOADING) $96.00 $99.00 Yes 62 12.48.040(D) MC OVERTIME GREEN ZONE PAID AREA $96.00 $99.00 Yes 63 12.48.050(A) MC OVERTIME GREEN ZONE $76.00 $78.00 Yes 64 12.48.050(B) MC MINUTE ZONE (GREEN) $76.00 $78.00 Yes 65 12.48.070(A) MC RESTRICTED USE: LOADING ZONE $76.00 $78.D0 Yes 66 12.48.070(B) MC RESTRICT USE: LDG ZONE-PSNGRS $76.00 $78.00 Yes 67 12.48.080 MC EXCESS 3 MIN PASS LOADING ZONE $76.00 $78.D0 Yes 68 12.48.090 MC PARKING IN ALLEY $96.00 $99.00 Yes 69 12.48.100(G) MC PARKED IN BUS ZONE $52.00 $53.00 Yes 70 12.52.020 MC WRONG WAY ONE WAY STREET $52,00 $53.00 Yes 71 12.68.050(A) MC NEWPORT ISLAND - NO PERMIT 552.00 $53.00 Yes 72 17.25.030 MC BOAT ON BEACH 552.00 $53,00 Yes 73 21113(A) CVC PARKING ON PUBLIC GROUNDS $69m $71.00 Yes 74 21211(8) CVC PARKING IN BIKE LANE $69.00 $71.00 Yes 75 22400(A) CVC PROHIB PARK/STOP: PUBLIC HIWAY $93.00 $96,00 Yes 76 22500(A) CVC PARKING WITHIN INTERSFCTION $69.00 $71.00 Yes 77 22500(6) CVC PARKED IN CROSSWALK $69.00 $71,00 Yes 78 22500(C) CVC PROHIB PARK/STOP: SAFETY ZONE $69.00 $71.00 Yes 79 22500(D) CVC PKD W/IN i5FTOF FIRE STATION $69.00 $71.00 Yes 80 22500(E) CVC BLOCKING DRIVEWAY $69.00 $71.00 Yes 81 22500(F) CVC PARKING ON SIDEWALK 569.00 $71.00 Yes 82 22500(G) CVC PROHIB PRK/STOP: OBSTRUCT TRAF $69.D0 $71.00 Yes 83 22500(H) CVC DOUBLE PARKED $69.00 $71.00 Yes 84 22500(1) CVC PARKED IN BUS ZONE $558.00 $S76.00 Yes 85 22500(K) CVC PARKED ON BRIDGE $69.00 $71.00 Yes 86 22500(L) CVC ON/IN FRONT OF HC ACCESS RAMP $558.00 $576.00 Yes 14-54 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FINANCE lescription :. 87 22500.1 CVC PARKING FIRE LANE $69.00 $71.00 Yes 88 22502(A) CVC WRONG WY 2WY/181N FROM FIT CURB $69.00 571.00 Yes 69 22502(E) CVC WRONG WY 1WY/181N FROM LT CURB $69.00 571.00 Yes 90 22505(B} CVC PKG ON STATE HIGHWAY-PROHIB $69.00 $71.00 Yes 91 22507.8(A) CVC DISABLED PARKING $613.00 $633.00 Yes 92 22507.8(B) CVC BLOCKING DISABLED SPACE $513.00 $633.00 Yes 93 22507.8(C) CVC DISABLED CROSSHATCH VIOLATION $613.00 $633.00 Yes 94 22511.1(A) CVC EV PARKING - NOT CHARGING $69.00 $71.00 Yes 95 22511.1(B) CVC BLOCKING EV PARKING $69.00 $71.00 Yes 96 22514CVC PARKING WITHIN 15FTOF HYDRANT $69.00 $71.00 Yes 97 22515 CVC UNATTENDED VEHICLE $69.00 $71.00 Yes 98 22516 CVC LOCKED VEHICLE $93.00 $96.00 Yes 99 22522 CVC 3FT FROM HC ACCESS RAMP (RED) 5613.00 $633.00 Yes 100 24003 CVC UNLAWFUL LAMPS $69.00 $71.00 Yes 101 24401 CVC PARKED WITH HIGH BEAMS 564.00 $66.00 Yes 102 26101(b) MODIFIED LIGHTING $69.00 $71.00 Yes 103 26709(A) CVC REAR VIEW MIRROR $69.00 $71.00 Yes 104 27155 CVC FUEL TANK CAP REQUIRED 569.00 $71.00 Yes 105 4000{A)(1) CVC EXPIRED REGISTRATION $124.00 5128.00 Yes 106 4152.5 CVC FOREIGN VEHICLE REGISTRATION $69.00 $71.00 Yes 107 4457 CVC STOLEN/LOST/DAMAGED CARDS/PLTS $69.00 $71.G0 Yes 109 4461(C) CVC MISUSING A DISABLED PLACARD $372.00 $384.00 Yes 109 4461(D) CVC MISUSING A DISABLED PLATE $372.00 $384.00 Yes 110 4462(8) CVC FAUDULENT USE/DISPLAY OF TABS $69.00 $71.D0 Yes 111 4464 CVC ALTERED LICENSE PLATES $69.00 $71.00 Yes 112 5200 CVC TWO LICENSE PLATES REQUIRED $69.00 $71.00 Yes 113 5201(A) CVC POSITIONLNG OF PLATES $69.00 $71.00 Yes 114 S201(8) CVC TEMP PLT SHALL BE REPL W/PERM $69.00 $71.00 Yes 115 5201(C) CVC LICENSE PLATE COVERING $69.00 $71.00 Yes 116 5202 CVC LICENSE PLATE NOT ATTACHED $69.00 $71.00 Yes 117 5204(A) CVC REG TABS EXPIRED/ABSENT $69.00 $71.00 Yes )a] Full cast recovery for fee is $300. Fee is being phased -in to full cost recovery over two year period. FY 24/25 adopted fee is $23B. Fee for FY 25/26 is $300. )b] Full cost recovery for fee is 5336. Fee is being phased -in to full cost recovery over two year period. FY 24/25 adopted fee is $214. Fee for FY 25/26 is $336. 14-55 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Fire Operations and EMS Staff 1 Fire Captain Unit (one person) $391.00 $404,00 per hour; fee bitled to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum 2 Battalion Chief Unit (one person) $521,00 $538-00 per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum 3 Paramedic Unit (two persons) $716.00 $740.00 per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum 4 Fire Engine (three persons) $1,020.00 51,054.00 per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum 5 Fire Truck {four persons) $1,316,00 $1,360.00 per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum 6 Firefighter (per person) $296.00 $305.00 per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum 7 Paramedic Assessment Unit (PAU) Engine $1,097.00 $1,123.00 per hour; fee billed to nearest 15-minute Yes increment; 1-hour minimum ALS / BLS Response 1 Advanced Life Support (ALS) $1,392-00 $1,438.00 per transport Yes 2 Basic Life Support (BLS) $1,392.00 $1,438.00 per transport Yes 3 Emergency Ambulance Transportation $524,00 $541.00 per transport Yes 4 Advanced Life Support Non -Transport $400.00 $400,00 per response No 5 Basic Life Support Non -Transport $400.00 $400.00 per response No 6 Emergency Ambulance Transportation Mileage Charge $10,00 $10.00 per mile Yes 7 ALS First Responder Fee $400.00 $413.00 per response Yes 8 BLS First Responder Fee $400.00 $413.00 per response Yes 9 Paramedic Subscription Service - Annual Fee - Resident 564.00 $84.00 per year No 10 Paramedic Subscription Service - Business + 10 owners 584.00 $84.00 per year No and employees 11 Paramedic Subscription Service- Business, each $25.00 $25.00 peryear No additional 10 owners and employees (maximum 150) 14-56 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS - FIRE PREVENTION 1 Closure Report Review 2 Fire, Life Safety Or Special Hazard Consultation 3 Pre -submittal Review Includes CEGA, EIR, and advanced planning requests 4 Reinspection or Special inspection 5 Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request 6 Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection Systems Code Compliance Review - Plan Review and/or inspection Services Fire Prevention - Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan 7 Inspection 8 Plan Review/Update Fire Prevention - Inspection 9 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) <or equal to 3,000 square feet (also used for Business (8),Mercantile (M), and Storage [S) occupancies when required) 10 All Assembly (A), Factory If) > 3,000 < or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate {also used for Business (8),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 11 All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 12 Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) 13 Educational other than day care 14 High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, w laboratory [ L) (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review fee also required) 15 Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access 16 Misc. Inspection including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings 17 Residential RI or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Base Fee) 18 Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Per Unit, Per Building) 19 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7-19 clients 20 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving >19 clients 21 Commercial Battery: Inspection 22 Fire Lane Inspection (Fire Master Plan) 23 Fire Access Gates: Inspection 24 Tank Installation or Removal: inspection Above or Below Ground (Per Tank) 25 Defensible Space Inspection 26 Nuisance Abatement Service 'Weeds, Rubbish And Other Nuisance Subject 23/24 Fee FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note to CPI $235.00 $242.00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $235.00 $242,00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $240.00 $248.00 Yes $235.00 5242,00 2 hr min, hourly if Yes contiguous to normal business hrs $235.00 $242.00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $143,00 $147.00 Yes $144.00 $148.00 Yes $348.00 $359.00 Yes $455,00 $470.00 Yes $670.00 $692.00 Yes $480.00 $496.00 Yes $490.00 $496.00 Yes $563.00 $581-00 Yes $1,764,00 $1,823.00 Yes $235.00 $242,00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $366,00 5378.00 Yes $11.00 $11.00 Yes $563.00 $581.00 Yes $828.00 $855.00 Yes $240.00 $248.00 Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $161.00 $166.00 Yes $455.00 5470.00 Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour Yes 14-57 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS - FIRE PREVENTION Fire Prevention - Inspection Fire Alarm Systems 27 Fire alarm system: Base Fee 28 Fire alarm system: Per Device 29 Fire alarm system: Per Story Greater than 2 stories (Includes Above and Below Ground Stories) Fire Prevention- Inspection Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems 30 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base per head With 1 Riser 31 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) : each add'I head 32 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Each Additional Commercial Riser 33 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Per Story Greater than 2 stories (Includes Above and Below Ground Stories) 34 Fire pump installation 35 Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches 36 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (Base Fee) 37 Mufti -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) {per unit) 38 Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class 1,11 or ill and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock 39 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: base fee 40 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head 41 Underground fire protection - New 42 Underground fire protection - Repair Fire Prevention - Inspection Special Fire Protection Equipment 43 Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) 44 Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system 45 Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Haion, Inergen, etc.) 46 Spray Booth, Spraying area Fire Prevention- Operational and Special Event Permits 47 Candle Permit Program First time and special event 48 Operational Permits Level 1-New orRenewal- Annual Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants-1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases, and Tents 49 Operational Permits Level 2 - New or Renewal -Annual All other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 50 Special Event Permits Single Event Permit 51 Special Event Permits Level III as defined by the Recreation Department 52 Special Event Permits Public Display- Fireworks - ground display only e.g. homecoming 5-10 minutes 53 Special Event Permits Public Display - Fireworks - aerial display > 10 minutes 54 Temporary Change Of Use Use Of Retail Occupancy as a place of assembly - Special Use ' M= $240.00 $248-00 Yes $3.50 $3.50 Yes $455.00 5470.00 Yes $240.00 $248.00 Yes $3.50 $3.50 Yes $133.00 $137.00 Yes $455.00 $455.00 $455.00 $470.00 Yes $294.00 $303.00 Yes $240.00 $248.00 Yes $3.50 $3.50 Yes $563.00 $581.00 Yes $186.00 $192.00 Yes $3.50 $3.50 Yes $455,00 $470.00 Yes $348.00 $359.00 Yes $240.00 $248,00 Yes $294.00 $303.00 Yes $240.00 $248,00 Yes $455.00 $470.00 Yes 563.00 565.00 Yes $254,00 $262.00 Yes $476.00 $491.00 Yes $204.00 $210.00 Yes $235.00 $242.00 perhour Yes $401.00 $414.00 Yes $1,054.00 $1,089.00 Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour Yes 14-58 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS- FIRE PREVENTION 55 Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request $235.00 $242.00 Fire Prevention- Plan Review 56 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) < or equal to 3000 square feet {also used for Business (8), Mercantile (M), and Storage (5) occupancies when required) 2016 CBC 57 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 3,000 < or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 58 All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) 59 Daycare Educational (E) or Institutional Daycare (1-4) 60 Educational other than day care 61 High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( Q (Chemical Classification Technical Report Review fee also required) 62 Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access 63 Misc. Plan Review including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings 64 Residential Rl or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Base Fee) 65 Residential R1 or R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums (Per Unit, Per Building) 66 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7-19 clients 67 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving>19 clients 68 Commercial Battery: Plan Review 69 Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) 70 Fire Access Gates: Plan Review 71 Tank Installation Or Removal: Plan Review Above or Below Ground (Per Tank) 72 Emergency Responder Communication Coverage Fire Prevention- Plan Review Fire Alarm Systems 73 Fire alarm system; Base Fee 74 Fire alarm system: Per Device Fire Prevention- Plan Review Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems 75 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): Base Fee 76 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13) : each add'I head 77 Fire pump installation 78 Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches 79 Multi -family dwelling residential Tire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R) (Base Fee) 80 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinklersystem (NFPA 13R) (per unit) 81 Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class 1, 11 or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock 82 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: base fee 83 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: per head M= 2 hour minimum, Yes hourly if contiguous to normal business Firs $618.00 $638.00 Yes $815.00 $842.00 Yes $1,024.00 $1,058.00 Yes $499.00 $515.00 Yes 5618m 5638.00 Yes $1,724.00 $1,781.00 Yes $4,094.00 $4,231,00 Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour Yes $253.00 $261.00 Yes $10.00 $10.00 Yes $1,020.00 $1,054.00 Yes $1,724.00 $1,781.00 Yes $262.00 $270.00 Yes $235.00 $242.00 per hour, 1 hour min Yes $203.00 $209.00 Yes $381.00 $393.00 Yes $477.00 $493.00 Yes $203.00 $209.00 Yes $3.00 $3.00 Yes $203.00 $209.00 Yes $3.75 $3.75 Yes $499.00 $51S.00 Yes $178.00 $18100 Yes $203.00 $209.00 Yes 53.75 $3.75 yes $499.00 $515.00 Yes $144.00 $148.00 Yes $2.75 $2.75 Yes 14-59 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS - FIRE PREVENTION 84 Underground fire protection- New $420.00 $434,00 85 Underground fire protection - Repair $203.00 $209.00 Fire Prevention - Plan Review Special Fire Protection Equipment 86 Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $144.00 $148,00 87 Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $618.00 $638.00 88 Speciat extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert 5321,00 $331.00 gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) 89 Spray Booth, Spraying area $618.00 $638.00 Fire Prevention - Staff 90 Life Safety Specialist II $235.00 $242.00 91 Life Safety Specialist III Fire Prevention - State Mandated Inspections 92 Care Facilities 7-99 clients as defined in the California Building Code 93 Care Facilities > 99 clients as defined in the California Building Code 94 Commercial Day Care Facilities 95 High Rise Buildings 96 Hospitals 200 Or More Beds 97 Hotels/Motets 50 - 299 Rooms 98 Hotels/Motels 300 Or More Rooms 99 Residential Care Facility Pre -License Inspection California Health and Safety Code Section 13235 100 State Fire Clearance Requests for commercial occupancies, Clinics, Offices, and Treatment Facilities 101 Surgery Centers $235.00 $242.00 Subject Charge Basis Note I to CPI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 hr min to nearest 15 Yes min increment over 1 hr, per hour 1 hr min to nearest 15 Yes min increment over 1 fir, per hour $240.00 $248.00 annual fee Yes $473.00 $488.00 annual fee Yes 5276,00 $285.00 annual fee Yes $1,333.00 $1,377.00 annual fee Yes $8,952.00 $9,252.00 annual fee Yes $276.00 $285.00 annual fee Yes $473.00 $488.00 annual fee Yes $323.00 $333.00 Yes $115.00 $118.00 Yes $509.00 $526.00 annual fee Yes 14-60 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS - LIFEGUARD OPERATIONS & JUNIOR LIFEGUARDS PROGRAM Junior Lifeguards Program 1 Junior Guard $856.00 $856.00 per participant No 2 Junior Guard -Administrative Fee $113.00 $116.00 cancellation prior to established Yes deadline, per participant Lifeguard Operations 3 Lifeguard Officer $144.00 $148.00 per hr, to nearest 15 min increment, Yes one hr minimum 4 Lifeguard Captain $212.00 $219.00 per hr, to nearest 15 min increment, Yes one hr minimum 5 Lifeguard Battalion Chief $243.00 $251.00 per hr, to nearest 15 min increment, Yes one hr minimum 6 Lifeguard 1 $68.00 570.00 per hr, to nearest 15 min increment, Yes one hr minimum 7 Lifeguard 11 / Ul $79.00 $81.00 per hr, to nearest 15 min increment, Yes one hr minimum 8 Rescue Boat (two persons) $276.00 $285,00 per hr, to nearest 15 min increment, Yes one hr minimum 14-61 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees HARBOR :. 1 Appeals a) Appeal of Harbormaster Decision to Harbor Commission i) Appellant Successful $0 $0 No ii) Appellant Unsuccessful $1,250,00 $622.00 No h) Appeal of Harbor Commission Decision to City Council i) Appellant Successful S0.00 $0.00 No ii) Appellant Unsuccessful $940.00 $498.00 No 2 Dinghy Rack Rental a) Dinghy Rack Rental Application Fee $20.00 $26.00 Yes b) Dinghy Rack Rental - Marina Park/Balboa Yacht Basin $38,00 $39.00 per month Yes 3 Environmental Response $77.00 $535.00 Yes 4 Impound Fee a) Impound Fee - Initial $110.00 $243.00 Yes b) Impound Fee - Loose or Lost and Found Boats/Vessels $56.00 $106.00 Yes 5 Key Card Replacement $13.00 $17.00 Yes 6 Large Boat Escort / Permit a) Large Boat Escort $107.00 $172.00 Yes b) Large Boat Permit (a80 Lineal Feet) $78.00 $537.00 Yes c) Large Boat Permit (280 Lineal Feet), Requiring Interagency $779.00 $1,148.00 Yes 7 r.,. di.. Live Aboard Permit $395.00 $441.00 per year Yes 8 Lost/Broken Line $64.00 $86.00 Yes 9 Marina Park a) Marina Park Deposit - Slip Reservation Deposit $50.00 550.00 No b) Marina Park Cancellation Fee $13.00 $17.00 Yes c) Marina Park - Flat Rate for Electricity 513 plus actual per $19 plus actual per plus actual per kWh Yes kWh usage kWh usage usage 10 Marine Activities Permit a) Service Providers i) Initial $386.00 $398.00 Yes ii) Renewal $87.00 $89.00 per year after initial Yes b) Charters, Boat Rentals, Human -Powered Rentals i) Initial $1,203.00 $1,243.00 Yes 6) Renewal 5465.00 $480.00 per year after initial Yes 11 Mooring Extension Permit $533.00 $515.00 Yes 12 Multiple Vessel Mooring System Application Fee $533.00 $515.00 Yes 13 Special Events - Harbor a) Simple (Raft Up, Boat Race, etc.) $101.00 $136.00 Yes b) Complex $519.00 $996.00 Yes 14 Temporary Sea Lion Deterrent $148.00 $201.00 Yes 15 Towing Fee a) Boats under 14' $74.00 $129.00 Yes b) Boats over 14' $27 plus 100% $176 plus 100%of plus 100%Contractor Yes Contractor Cost Contractor Cost Cost c) Abandoned / Impounded Boats Over 14' but less than 25' n/a - new $377.00 Yes 16 Wait List a) Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin Slips and Garages $34.00 $34.00 Yes b) Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin/Marina Park Dinghy Racks $27,00 $34.00 Yes c) Wait List for Live Aboard $27.00 $30.00 Yes 14-62 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees HARBOR 17 Mooring / Slip Rental / Storage a) Dinghy Storage - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $0.69 $0.71 b) Guest Moorings - Onshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $0.69 $0.71 c) Guest Moorings - Offshore - Per Lineal Font (LF)/Per Night $1.39 $1.44 d) Impound - Nightly Storage Fee - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night Same charge as Guest Same charge as Guest Mooring Rental Rates Mooring Rental Rates e) Large Vessel (80+ LF) Offshore Guest Mooring - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per $1.72 $1.75 Night fj Large Vessel Guest Anchorage Rate - Non City Tackle - no boat $0.52 $0.54 g) Marina Park Boat Slips (40' Slip) - Per Night $88.00 $90.Do h) Marina Park Boat Slips (55' 51ip) - Per Night $121.00 $125.00 i) Marina Park Boat Slips (Overhang Charge)- Per Foot/Per Night $2.22 $2.25 j) Moorings - Offshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Year $39.38 $39.38 k) Moorings - Onshore - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Year $19.68 $19.68 1) Multi -hull Vessel - 2 hulls - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $1.66 $1.72 m) Multi -hull Vessel- 3 hulls - Per Lineal Foot (LF)/Per Night $1.94 $2.01 18 Rhine Wharf permit n/a - new $28.00 19 Variance applications n/a - new $498.00 20 Use of electrical cord and/or adapter while at Marina Park n/a - new $10.00 21 Purchase (non -return) of electrical cord or adapter n/a - new $75.00 22 Mooring size exchange n/a - new $302.00 23 Mooring license application fee n/a - new $26.00 24 Mooring license waitlist fee (one time or annual) n/a - new $34.00 25 Group/exclusive use fee for Marina Park n/a - new $502.00 26 Mooring Assists - After Hours n/a - new $200.00 27 Deposit/late cancellation fee for use of Human Lift - Marina Park n/a - new $31.00 28 Deposit/late cancellation fee for use of Human Lift - Balboa Marina P❑ n/a - new $117.00 per Lineal Foot (LF)/night per Lineal Foot (LF)/night per Lineal Foot (LF)/night per Lineal Foot (LF)/night per Lineal Foot (LF)/night per night pernight per ft/night per Lineal Foot (LF)/night per Lineal Foot (LF)/night Subject Note I to CPI Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14-63 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT 1 Hourly Rate For A/V / Technical Support Associated with Fee and Charge Related Activities (e.g., support associated with facility rentals) a] Business Hours - Per Hour n/a - new b} Non -Business Hours - Per Hour n/a - new Subject Nate I to CPI $144.00 per hour Yes $173.00 perhour Yes 14-64 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees LIBRARY r- Facility Use- Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply Cancellation Charge 1 Library Cancellation Charge $58.00 Deposits 2 Central Library Community Room $100.00 3 Refundable Cleaning Deposit $96.0o Meeting Rooms 4 Central Library Community Room a) Non -Profit Resident Rate $50.00 b) Non -Profit Nonresident Rate $95.00 c) Private Resident Rate $80,00 d)Private Nonresident Rate $160.00 Setup And Cleanup Fees 5 Central Library Community Room $134.00 Fines for Overdue Materials Subject Note I to [PI $59.00 a€I programs & Yes facilities $100.00 No $96.00 No $50.00 per hr, 2 hour min No $95.00 per hr, 2 hour min No $80.00 per hr, 2 hour min No $160,00 per hr, 2 hour min No $1.38.00 Yes 6 DVDs (non -rental) $0.25/day, max $20 $0.25/day, max $20 No 7 General Materials, New Books, CDs $0.25/day, max $10 $0.25/day, may $10 No 8 Laptop $5/hr, max $1,200 $5/hr, max$1,200 No 9 Paperbacks, Periodicals $0.25/day, max $5 $0.25/day, max $5 No 10 Tech Toys $0.25/day, max $400 $0.25/day, max $400 No 11 Video Games $1/day, max $20 $1/day, max $20 No Library Services 12 Black and White Copies (Self -Service Copier) $0.15 $0.15 per copy No 13 Color Copies (Self -Service Copier) $0.45 $0.45 per copy No 14 Black and White Copies (from Printer) $0.15 $0,15 per copy No 15 Color Copiers (from Printer) $0.45 $0.45 per copy No 16 Inter Library Loan $5.00 $5.00 per unit [a] No 17 Materials Use $1.00 $1.00 video/book per unit (b] No 18 Test Proctoring $25.00 $25.00 fixed fee Yes Passport Services 19 Passport Execution Fee $35.00 $35.00 [c] No 20 Passport Photo Fee $26.00 $26.00 Yes Processing Charges for Replacement Items 21 General Materials, DVDs, Video Games $10.00 $10.00 No 22 Paperbacks{mass market)/Periodicals $3.00 $3.00 No 23 Tech Toys $20.00 $20.00 [d] No Replacement Cost of Materials [e] 24 CDs $20.00 $20.00 No 25 Compact Disc Cases $1.00 $1.00 per case No 26 Damage to Sarcode or RFID tag on Library Materials $1.00 $1,00 No 27 DVD/BOCD Cases $4.00 $4.00 per case No 28 DVDs $25.00 $25.00 No 29 General Materials $20.00 $20.00 No 30 Tech Toys $400.00 $400.00 No 31 Laptops and/or peripherals $1,200.00 $1,200.00 No 14-65 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees LIBRARY 32 Paperbacks, Periodicals 33 Video Games FY 23/24 Fee I FY 24/25 Fee $50.00 $50.00 J"Subject [a] $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A [b] $1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A [c] Refer to City ofNewport Beach website - Passport Services. $35 Recovery per 22 US Cade 214. Authorized by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau cf Consular Affairs, Passport Services. Maximum permitted by Gov't Cade. [d] Fine that was established by the Board of Library 7ru5tees to correspond to the tech toys collection. [e] Actual replacement cost of the item. When materials are replaced, fines paid are applied to replacement and processing charge. 14-66 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees POLICE Administration 1 Civil Subpoena (per day; per employee) 2 Conceaied Weapon Permit a)Initial b) Renewal 3 Disturbance Advisory Card / Response Detective 4 Massage Permit 5 Second Hand Dealer a) Permit b) Renewal + DOJ Fingerprint processing c) Second Hand/ Pawn Dealer Tag Cheek Patrol 6 Emergency Response Billing 7 Motorized Scooter Penalty Support Services 8 Alarm Application (Monitored or Unmonitored ) 9 Alarm -Monitor Fee 10 Commercial Alarm Permit - Annual Renewal Fee 11 Residential Alarm Permit - Triennial Renewal Fee 12 Arrest Reports 13 Audio Cassette a) Dispatch h) Evidence 14 Bike Licenses 15 Citation Sign Off Fee 16 Clearance Letters 17 Crime Reports 18 Domestic Violence Reports 19 False Alarm - Billable (within a 12 month period) a) First and Second Response b) Third Response c) Fourth Response d) Fifth Response e) Each Additional Response 20 Finger Printing 21 Tow Fee / Vehicle Release Fee a) Taw Faier pe-e a) Customer Fee b] Vehicle Release Fee 22 Missing Persons Report 23 Monitoring Decal (package of 10) 24 Monitoring Sign (Telephonic Alarm System) 25 Photographs- Digital (on CD only) $275.00 $374.00 $25.00 $143.00 $412.00 $342.00 $ 312.00 $0.00 M= Actual Cost; with $275 per day; [a],[b], No per day initial amount per employee [c] $386.00 $25.00 $147.00 $425.00 $352.00 $322.00 $0.00 100% Fully Loaded 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate Hourly Rate $200.00 $200.00 $60.00 $62.00 $214,00 $221.00 $36.00 $37.00 $36.00 $37.00 $3.25 $3.25 $99.00 $102.00 $85.00 $87.00 No Charge No Charge $10,00 $10.00 $6.00 56.00 $3.25 $3.25 $0.00 $0.00 No Charge No Charge $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $125.00 $125.00 Prior Violation +$25 Prior Violation + $25 $25.00 $25.00 $110,00 $156.00 $20.00 $29.00 $3.25 $3.25 $6,00 $6.00 $10.00 $10.00 $42.00 $43.00 Operator Annual Residential Alarm Permit Per Sign Off each each [d] Yes [e) No Yes Yes Yes Yes No [f] No No [g] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14-67 NewportCity of Schedule ' OLICE Subject 3escription FY 23/24 Fee FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note to CPI 26 Registrant- narcotics No Charge No Charge No 27 Registrant - sex No Charge No Charge No 28 Solicitor application - per name $42.00 $43.00 Yes 29 Subpoena Duces Tecum see notes see notes [h] No 30 Taxicab Permitting a) Company Permit n/a $1,660.00 [i) Yes b) Vehicle Permit (Per Vehicle) n/a $1,399.00 [i] Yes c) Driver Permit n/a $1,660.00 ji] Yes 31 Traffic Collision Reports $3.25 $3.25 Yes 32 Vehicle Repossession $15.00 $15.00 U] No 33 Video $169.00 $174.00 Yes [a] Actual amounts paid shall be calculated in accordance with California Government Code 68096.1. (a) Any employee of a local agency who is obliged by a subpoena to attend a civil action or proceeding as a witness in litigation in a matter regarding an event or transaction that he or she perceived or investigated in the course of his or her duties, to which that local agency is not a party, shall receive the salary or other compensation to which he or she is normally entitled from that local agency during the time that he or she prepares for his or her response and appearance, during the time that he or she travels to and from the place where the court or other tribunal is located and while he or she is required to remain at that place pursuant to the subpoena. He or she shall also receive from that local agency the actual necessary and reasonable traveling expenses he or she incurred in complying with the subpoena. (b) The party at whose request the subpoena is issued shall reimburse the local agency for the full cost incurred by the local agency in paying the employee his or her salary or other compensation and traveling expenses as provided for in this section, for each day that the employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. The amount of two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275), together with the subpoena, shall be tendered to that local agency for each day that the employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. (c) If the actual expenses should later prove to be less than the amount tendered, the excess of the amount tendered shall be refunded. (d) If the actual expenses should later prove to be more than the amount tendered, the difference shall be paid to the local agency by the party at whose request the subpoena was issued. [b] Actual amounts paid shall be calculated in accordance with California Government Code 68097.2. (b) The party at whose request the subpoena is issued shall reimburse the public entity for the full cost to the public entity incurred in paying the peace officer, firefighter, state employee, trial court employee, or specified county employee his or her salary or other compensation and traveling expenses as provided for in this section, for each day that the peace officer, firefighter, state employee, trial court employee, or specified county employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. The amount of two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275), together with the subpoena, shall be tendered to the person accepting the subpoena for each day that the peace officer, firefighter, state employee, trial court employee, or specified county employee is required to remain in attendance pursuant to the subpoena. (c) if the actual expenses should later prove to be less than the amount tendered, the excess of the amount tendered shall be refunded. (d) If the actual expenses should later prove to be more than the amount deposited, the difference shall be paid to the public entity by the party at whose request the subpoena is issued. [c] Salary/other compensation shall be determined based on the City's most current adopted salary schedule (top step) by position, subject to existing MOU provisions and minimums for court appearances. If preparation, service, or travel is provided during overtime hours, the City shall use overtime rate for calculating actual costs, subject to existing MOU provisions and minimums for court appearances. [d] 100% of State Established Fee - Currently cost of service and any additional pass thru casts required . [e) 100% of State Established Fee - Currently $25 and any additional pass thru casts required . [f] Pursuant to Gov. Code 53150. ]g] Additional DOJ fee may apply. (h] 100% of State Established Fee - Incremental charge is labor cost per quarter hour (15 min). Total fee is incremental charge plus $0.10 per pg std, $0.20 per pg copy microfilm clot, actual cost for oversized, and others as stated in the code. [1] Amount shown does not include applicable fingerprint/livescan fees and any fees collected on behalf of other agencies (e.g., Department of Justice fees). U] 100% of State Established Fee. City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees ANIMAL CONTROL ADOPTION FEES 1 Adoption Fee a) Cats i) Senior Cat - Animal Over 8 Years Old $70.00 $70.00 No ii) Cat - All Others $90-00 $90.00 No b) Dogs I) Senior Dog - Animal Over 8 Years Old $70.00 $70.00 No ii) Dog - All Others $150.00 $150.00 No c) Kitten $110.00 $110.00 No d) Puppy $225.00 $225.00 No e) Small Animal $45.00 $45.00 No BORDING FEES 2 Boarding Fee a) Animal Boarding - Per Day $25.00 $25.00 per day No b) Small Animal Boarding- Per Day $10.00 $10.00 per day No IMPOUND FEES 3 Impound Fee a) Impound Fee (Dogs, Cats, Other Similar Size Animals) $62.00 $64.00 Yes b) Impound Fine for Nonspayed or Unneutered Animal i) First Impound $35.00 $35.00 {c] No ii) Second Impound $50.00 $50.00 [c] No iii) Third Impound and Subsequent Impounds $100.00 $100.00 [c] No KENNEL LICENSE 4 Kennel License a) 10 - 29 Animals $217.00 $224.00 Yes b) 30 - 59 Animals $279.00 $288.00 Yes MISCELLANEOUS ANIMAL INSPECTION SERVICES 5 Miscellaneous Animal Inspection Services a) Pot Bellied Pig $155.00 5160,00 Yes b) Wild Animal Permits $155.00 $160.00 Yes c) Court Ordered Inspection $155.00 $160.00 Yes OWNER TURN -IN FEE 6 Owner Turn -in Fee a) Altered Animal $100.00 $100.00 No b) Unaltered Animal $200.00 $200,00 No DECLARED DANGEROUS ANIMAL FEE 7 Declared Dangerous Animal Fee $248.00 $256.00 In addition to base Yes animal license fee ANIMAL LICENSE LATE PAYMENT FEE B Animal License Late Charge $5.00 $5.00 No 14-69 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees ENGINEERING 1 Covenant Agreement Research & Review Fee (Per Hour) 2 Dining Encroachment a) Dining Encroachment Permit - Application b) Dining Encroachment Permit - Transfer cl Dining Encroachment Annual Use Fee i) 100 SF or Less ill Over 100 SF 3 Document Recordation Fee 4 Easement Deed Research, Reviews/Processing 5 Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep a) Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep b) Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep - Planning Commission 6 Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep a) Encroachment Permit With Other Oept./Div. Review b) Encroachment Permit Without Other Dept./Div. Review 7 Engineering Field inspection - Per Inspection 8 Escrow Account Administration 9 Fair Share Fee 10 Lot Line Adjustment Checking Fee 11 Monitoring Wells 12 News Rack Permits 13 Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit a) Depth of Encroachment - 0 -5.0 Feet b) Depth of Encroachment - 5.0 - 7.5 Feet c) Depth of Encroachment - 7.5 - 10.0 Feet d) Depth of Encroachment - 10 - 15 Feet 14 Parcel Map Check 15 Plan Check (per hour) 16 Street Closure Permit al Street Ciosure Permit with Engineering Review i) Permit Fee ii) Field Inspection - Per Inspection (it required) b) Street Closure Permit without Engineering Review i) Permit Fee ii) Field Inspection - Per Inspection (if required) 17 Street Easement and Vacation Processing Fee 18 Temporary No Parking Signs (per sign) Subject f 23/24 Fee L FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis to CPI 5177.00 $W2.00 perhour Yes $486.00 $540.00 Yes $223.00 $249.00 Yes $176,00 $181.00 Yes $331.00 $342.00 Yes $216.00 $207.00 Yes $266.00 $262.00 Yes 5609.00 $788.00 Yes $3,321.00 $2,722.00 Yes $468.00 $525.00 Yes $266.00 $303.00 Yes $146.00 $90.00 [a],[bl Yes $132.00 $134.00 Yes $261.30 $270.07 Yes $1,242.00 $1,080.00 Yes $367.00 $414.00 Yes $64.00 $81,00 Yes $423.00 $437.00 Yes $635.00 $656.00 Yes $847.00 $875.00 Yes $1,272,00 $1,314.00 Yes $3,286.00 $2,144.00 Yes $21s.00 $234.00 per hour Yes $82.00 $96.00 Yes n/a $90,00 [b] Yes $32,00 $41.00 Yes n/a $90.00 Ibl Yes $1,013.00 $1,191.00 Yes $0.80 $0.88 No 14-70 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees ENGINEERING 19 Tract Plan Check a) Up to $100,000 Improvement b) 5100,000 - $400,000 Improvement c) Over $400,0001mprovement 20 Traffic Control Plan Check a) 8X" x 11"/11" x17"; per sheet b) 24" x 36"; per sheet 21 Traffic Study 22 Traffic Subdivision Plan Check (per hour) Deposits - (Refundable) 6.5% of value up to 6.5%of value up to $100,000. $390 $100,000. $390 minimum minimum $8,680 Base fee for $8,680 Base fee for first $100,000 + 5% first 5100,000+ 5% incremental costs for incremental costs for amount over amount over $100,000 $100,000 $28,710 Base fee for $28,710 Base fee for first $400,000 + 4% first $400,000+4% incremental costs for incremental costs for amount over amount over $400,000 $400,000 $82.00 $96.00 $183.00 $207.00 Consultant Cost + 10% Consultant Cost + 10% City Administrative City Administrative Fee Fee $177,00 $222.00 per hour Subject Note to CPI Yes Yes No Yes 23 Crane Deposit $1,000.00 $1,000,00 refundable No 24 Improvements Required By City Determined by Public Determined by Public refundable No Works Works [a] Curb/Gutter/Sidewalk/Driveway/Non-standard Imp. - Each Inspection 1/30'/Sewer/Water Meter/Fire Service/Underground Utilities -Each Insp./location/Parkway Drains - Each Inspection [b] Engineering field inspection fee will be applied with street closure permit when inspections are required. 14-71 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees PUBLIC WORKS - HARBOR RESOURCES 1 Piers a) Residential b) Pier Permit Transfer 2 Plan Review- (Additional Fees Apply if Public Hearing Required) a) Plan Check Fee - New Construction w/ Agency Approval b) Plan Check Fee - Maintenance 3 Appeals a) Public Hearing- Variance (Harbor Commission) b) Public Hearing -(Harbor Commission) c) Public Hearing - Appellant Successful (Harbor Commission) d) Public Hearing - Appellant Unsuccessful {Harbor Commission) e) Public Hearing -Appellant Successful (City Council) f) Public Hearing -Appellant Unsuccessful (City Council) g) Director/Staff Approval 4 RGP Dredging Permit Subject V 23/24 Fee L FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note I to CPI $0.55 $0.55 per sq ft No $259.00 $324.00 Yes $259.00 $405.00 Yes $64.00 $162.00 Yes varies $2,893.00 Yes $2,253.00 $1,765.00 Yes $0.00 $0.00 No $1,250.00 $1,446.00 No $0.00 $0.00 No $940.00 $691.00 No varies $856.00 Yes $3,450.00 $1,703.00 Yes 14-72 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees PUBLIC WORKS - MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1 Recycling Service Fee - Per Residential Unit, Per Month 2 Solid Waste Franchise Application 3 Supplemental Tree Trimming 4 Tree Planting / Removal 5 Washington Street Trash Bin 6 Construction and Demolition a) Public Works Waste Management Administration Fee b) Construction and Demolition Deposit i) Complete Demolition Deposit a) Valuation of $0 to $4,999 b) Valuation of $5,000to $9,999 c) Valuation of $10,000 and above ii) Construction Demolition Deposit a) Valuation of $100,000 to $299,999 b) Valuation of $300,000 to $599,999 c) Valuation of $600,000 and above $6,56 - $7.03 56.39 $6.S6 $1,005.00 $1,652.00 pass through of 100% pass through of 100% of contract svc cost of contract svc cost pass through of 100% pass through of 100% of contract svc cost of contract svc cost Variable - See Reso Variable - See Reso 497-70 and h2021-65 497.70 and N2021-65 $291.00 $303.00 Subject Charge Basis Note I to CPI Yes No No No Yes $564.00 $564.00 No $1,127,00 $1,127.00 No $1,692.00 $1,692,00 No $564,00 $564.00 No $564.00 $1,127.00 No $564,00 $1,692,00 No 14-73 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees PUBLIC WORKS - WATER QUALITY / CONSERVATION / ENVIRONMENTAL M= 1 EV Charging Rate a) Base Rate - per kWh $0.50 $0.52 per kWh Yes b) Overstay Rate $0.10 per minute; $0.10 per minute; per minute after 10 No $6.00 per hour $6.00 per hour minute grace period 2 Water Quality Construction Site Inspection a) Site Inspection - Low $161.00 $196.00 Yes b) Site inspection - Medium $464,00 $589.00 Yes c) Site Inspection - High i) Base Fee - Up to 8 inspections 51,291.00 $1,571.00 Yes ii) Fee for each additional inspection if more than 8 inspections are $161.00 $196.00 Yes required 14-74 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Administration 1 Admin Processing Fee $5.00 $5.00 for programs & facility No use charges 2 Badge Replacement $5.00 $5.00 No 3 Class Refund a)For classes $74 or less $10.00 $10.00 No b) For classes $75 and over $20.00 $20.00 No Adult Sports 4 Adult League a) Nonresident Player Card $25.00 $25.00 per player No b) Nonresident Replacement Player Card $15.00 $15.00 per player No c) Resident Player Card $20.00 $20.00 per player No d) Resident Replacement Player Card $10.00 $10.00 per player No e) Adult Sports Drop In i) Single Drop In $3.00 $3.00 single drop in No 415 Punch Pass $15.00 $15.00 5 punch pass No iii) 20 Punch Pass - Resident $50.00 $50.00 20 punch pass - No resident iv) 20 Punch Pass - Nonresident $60.00 $60.00 20 punch pass - No nonresident 5 Adult Sports Late Registration Fee $30.00 $30.00 No 6 Adult Sports League (Resident and Nonresident) R.S.S. Director R.S.S. Director No negotiates contractor negotiates contractor fee fee 7 Sports Classes R.5.5. Director R.S.S. Director per person No negotiates contractor negotiates contractor fee fee Aquatic Activities 8 Lap Swim a) 5 Punch Pass $16.00 $16.00 S punch pass No b) Nonresident i) Annual Pass $209.00 5209.00 annual pass No ii) 20 Punch Pass $66.00 $66.00 20 punch pass No c) Resident i) Annual Pass $176.00 $176,00 annual pass No ii) 20 Punch Pass $55.00 $55.00 20 punch pass No 9 Lap Swim Senior a) 5 Punch Pass $11.00 $11.00 S punch pass No b) Nonresident i) Annual Pass $154.00 $154.00 annual pass No ii) 20 Punch Pass $49.00 $49.00 20 punch pass No c) Resident i) Annual Pass $121.00 $121.00 annual pass No ii) 20 Punch Pass $38.00 $38.00 20 punch pass No 10 Parent & Me Swim a) Nonresident $38.00 538.00 No b) Resident $33.00 $33.00 No 11 Recreation Swim a) 17 yrs old & under $2.00 $2.00 drop in No b) Adult $3.00 $3.00 drop in No 14-75 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES lescription 12 Swim Lessons a) Nonresident i) Group $61,00 $61.00 No ii) Semi -private $150.00 $150.00 No iii) Private $104.00 $104.00 No b) Resident I) Group $56.00 $56.D0 No ii) Semi -private $93.00 $93.00 No III) Private $139.00 $139.00 No Cancellation Fees 13 Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities a) Program Or Facility Use i) less than $75.00 $10.00 516.00 No ii) $75.00 or more $20.00 $20.00 No Facility Use [a] Deposits 14 Cleaning Fee $150.00 $150.00 No 15 Gymnasiums $185.00 $185.00 No 16 Meeting Rooms And Parks a) Under 75 People $10.00 $100.00 No b) 76 And More People $150,00 $150.00 No 17 OASIS Event Center Room a) No Alcohol $200.00 $200.00 No b) With Alcohol $400.00 $400.00 No 18 OASIS Large Classroom $185.00 $165.00 No 19 OASIS Small Classroom $100.00 $100.00 No 20 Security Guards $36.00 $36.00 perhour No Marina Park Boating Program 21 Boat Rental all/22 $21.00 $21.00 per hour Yes b) RS Quest, Lido & Sabot $16.00 $16.00 per hour Yes 22 Sail Pass Test $68.00 570.00 Yes 23 Sailing Pass Annual Membership a) Adult $648.00 $669.00 Yes b) Student $324.00 $334.00 Yes 24 Sailing Pass QuarterlyMembership-Student $108.00 $111.00 Yes 25 Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP)/Kayak Rentals $21.00 521.00 per hour Yes a) 5 Punch Pass $81.00 $83.00 Yes b) 10 Punch Pass $108.00 $111.00 Yes Meeting Rooms 26 Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VIC a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $172.00 $177.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $348.00 $359.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates I) Resident Fee $S2.00 $53.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $101.00 $104.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates I) Resident Fee $85.00 $87.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $171.00 $176.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Nan -profit Youth Service Organization Rate $22.00 $22.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 27 Civic Center Community Room 14-76 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $372.00 $384.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $674.00 $696.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $142.00 $146.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes li) Nonresident Fee $214.00 $221.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $209.00 $216.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $335.00 $346.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $88,00 $90,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 28 Civic Center Lawn a) Commercial Rates 1) Resident Fee $276.00 $285.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $516.00 $533.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee 578.00 560.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $121.00 $12s.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $88.00 $90.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $142.00 $146.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $58.00 $59.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 29 Council Chamber a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $280.00 $289.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $554.00 $572.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $54.00 $55.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee 5101.00 $104.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $85.00 $87.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $171.00 $176.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $29.00 $29.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 30 Newport Theater Art Center $467.00 $482.00 Yes Community Youth Center 31 Small Classroom a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $190.00 $196,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $381.00 539100 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $58.00 $59.130 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $112.00 5115.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $93.00 596.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $188.00 $194.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $27.00 $27.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes Lincoln Gymnasium 32 Lincoln Gymnasium a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $383.00 $395.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $733.00 $757.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $85.00 587.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $148.00 $152.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $116.00 $119.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 14-77 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES :. M €€) Nonresident Fee $210.00 $217,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $39,00 540.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes Marina Park 33 Lawn 34 Commercial Rate $276.00 $285.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 35 Non -Profit Rate 578,00 $80.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 36 Private Rate Swo0 S90.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 37 Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $58.00 $59.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 38 Large Event Center a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $421.00 $435.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $773.00 $798.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $152.00 $157.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $344,00 $355.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $268,00 S276.0D per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $459.00 $474.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $88.00 $90.D0 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 39 Large Room a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $160.00 $165.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes €i) Commercial Fee 5284.00 $293.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $56.00 $57.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes i€) Nonresident Fee $126.00 $130.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $98.00 $101,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $171.00 $176.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $28,00 $28.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 40 Medium Room 41 Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $121.00 $125.00 Yes a) Commercial Rates $230.00 5237.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes i) Resident Fee per hr, 2 hr minimum ii) Commercial Fee $43.00 $44.00 Yes b) Non -Profit Rates $101.D0 $104.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes €) Resident Fee per hr, 2 hr minimum ii) Nonresident Fee $77.00 $79.00 Yes c) Private Rates $132.00 $136.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes i) Resident Fee $22.00 $22.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $94.00 S97.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Commercial Nonresident Rate $174,00 S179.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 42 Small Room b) Non -Profit Rates €) Resident Fee $34.D0 $35.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $79.00 $81.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $58.00 $59.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes €€) Nonresident Fee $104.00 5107.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $15.00 $15.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes Newport Coast Community Center 43 Gymnasium a) Commercial Rates 14-78 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES i) Resident Fee $422.00 $436.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $811,00 $838.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $93.00 $96.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $162.00 $167.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $128.00 $132,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $232.00 $239.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Nan -profit Youth Service Organization Rate $50.00 $51.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 44 Large Classroom a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $323.00 $333,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $623.00 $643.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $78.00 $80.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $157.00 $162.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $150.00 $155.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 'ti) Nonresident Fee $294,00 $303.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $56.00 $57.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 45 Small Classroom a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $190.00 $196.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $381.00 $393.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates I) Resident Fee $58.00 559.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $112.00 $115,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $93.00 $96.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $188.00 $194.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $27.00 $27.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes OASIS Senior Center 46 OASIS Event Center Room a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $431.00 $445.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee 5773.00 $798,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident fee $160,00 $165.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $245.00 S253.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $240.00 $248.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $395.00 $408.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $88.00 $90.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 14-79 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES ' mom 47 OASIS Large Classroom a) Commercial Rates i) Resident Fee $323.00 $333,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $623.00 $643.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Non -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $78.00 $80.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $157.00 $162.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $150.00 5155.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $294.00 $303.o0 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 48 OASIS Small Classroom a) Commercial Rates I) Resident Fee $190.00 $196.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Commercial Fee $381.00 $393.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Nan -Profit Rates i) Resident Fee $58.00 $59.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $112.00 $115.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Private Rates i) Resident Fee $93.00 596-00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Fee $188.00 $194.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes Setup And Cleanup Fees 49 Energy Surcharge passthrough pass through No MBAC Pool Use Fees 50 Additional Lifeguard Staff $33.00 $33.00 per staff, per hour No 51 Energy Surcharge passthrough passthrough all groups No 52 Exclusive Use Rate a) Non -Profit i) Resident $85.00 $87.00 per hour Yes ii) Non-resident 5107,00 $110.00 per hour Yes b) Private i) Resident $187.00 $193.00 per hour Yes ii) Non-resident $216.00 $223.00 per hour Yes c) Commercial i) Resident $347.00 $358.00 per hour Yes ii) Non-resident $376.00 $388.00 per hour Yes 53 School Dist Maintenance Fee actual Cost No 54 Security Deposit on MBAC Rentals $250.00 $750,00 No 55 Shared Use Rate a) Non -Profit I) Resident $51.00 $52.00 per hour Yes ii) Non-resident $96.00 $99.00 per hour Yes b) Private i) Resident $102.00 $105.00 per hour Yes ii) Nan -resident $125.00 $129.00 per hour Yes c) Commercial i) Resident $244.00 $252.00 per hour Yes ii) Non-resident $285.00 $294.00 per hour Yes 56 Splash Bash $5.00 $5.00 per person No 14-80 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES �� Natural Resources 57 Natural Resource/Tcdepoot Exploration Program a} Less than 15 people $35.00 $35.00 No b) More than 15 people $69.00 $69.00 No Public Areas 58 Peninsula Park Gazebo a) Commercial i) Resident $240.00 $248.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Non-resident $480.00 $495.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes iii) Electricity $13.00 $13.00 b) Non -Profit i) Resident $42.00 $43.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 6) Non-resident $85.00 $87.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes iii) Electricity $13.00 $13.00 c) Private Rates i) Resident $52.00 $53.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Non-resident $106.00 $109.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes iii) Electricity $13.00 $13.00 d) Resident Nan -profit Youth Service Organization Rate $16.00 $16.00 Yes 59 Picnic/Park Areas (Max. Table Reservation 50%) a) Commercial i) Resident $240.00 $248.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 6) Nonresident $481.00 $497.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes b) Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization $16.00 $16.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes c) Non-profit i) Resident $42.00 $43.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Rate $85.00 $87.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes d) Private i) Resident $49.00 $50.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes ii) Nonresident Rate $98.00 $101.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes Registration and Contract Classes 60 Classes R.S.S. Director R.S.S. Director per person No negotiates contractor negotiates contractor fee fee 61 Contract Camp Refund Fee R.S.S. Director R.S.S. Director after camp has started No negotiates contractor negotiates Contractor fee fee 62 Nonresident Additional Charge - Camps a) For fees $124 and below 510.00 $10.00 per person No b) For fees $125 and above $20.00 $20.00 per person No 63 Nonresident Additional Charge - Classes a) For fees less than $75.00 $5.00 $5.00 per person No b) For fees $75.00 or more $10.00 $10.00 per person No Senior Services 64 OASIS -WELLNESS Fitness Center a) Annual -Resident $137.00 $137,00 No b) Annual-Nort-Resident $192.00 5192.00 No 65 Senior Recreation Classes R.S.S. Director R.S.S. Director No negotiates contractor negotiates contractor fee fee 66 Transportation $1 - $3 No 14-81 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Special Ball Field Services 67 Field Maintenance Fee 68 Field Preparation 69 Lights Ball Fields Bonita Creek Sports Complex, Buffalo Hills Park, East bluff Park, Grant Howald Park, Lincoln Athletic field, Mariners Parks, Peninsula Park, San Miguel Park, Bonita Canyon Sports Park, Arroyo Park, Bob Henry Park, Coastal Peak Park, Irvine Terrace and Sunset Ridge Park 70 Ball Fields a) Commercial i) Resident it) Nonresident b) Non -Profit i) Resident it) Nonresident c) Private i) Resident it) Nonresident d) Youth Sports i) Commission it) Commission Club Rate Special Events 71 Surf Contest -Amateur Special Event Permits 72 Bundled Event Permit Fee 73 Deposit a) Level 2 b) Level 3 74 Level 1 Permit a) Nonresident i) Permit it) Late Fee b) Resident i) Permit it) Late Fee 75 Level 2 Permit a) Nonresident i) Permit 51 Late Fee b) Resident i) Permit it) Late Fee 76 Level 3 Permit a) Nonresident i) Permit it) Late Fee b) Resident 1) Permit it) Late Fee $10.00 $10.00 per player, per season Yes $52.00 $53.00 per field Yes $34.00 $35.00 per hr, per field Yes $173.00 $178.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes $344.00 $355,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes $77.00 $79.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes 5123.00 $127.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes $101.00 $104.00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes $171,00 $176,00 per hr, 2 hr minimum Yes $1.00 $1.00 No $15.00 $15.00 per hour No $33.00 $33.00 per person No $3,380.00 $3,493.00 for every 20 events Yes 5815.00 $815-On No $1,746.00 $1,746.00 No $1,010.00 51,043.00 [b] Yes $1,292.00 $1,335.00 [c) Yes $510.00 $527,00 Yes $643.00 $664.00 [c] Yes $2,281.00 $2,357.00 Yes $3,272.00 $3,381.00 [d] Yes $1,063.00 $1,098.00 Yes $1,640.00 $1,695.00 Yes $5,779.00 $5,973.00 Yes $10,195.00 $10,537.00 [e] Yes $3,022,00 $3,123.00 Yes $5,096.00 $5,267.00 [f] Yes 14-82 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES Description: :.NMI 77 Special Events Appeal -to City Council a) Appellant Agp! Earst Successful $0.00 $0.00 for all levels No b) Appellant Ap�aat Unsuccessful $1,890.00 $1,953.00 for all levels Yes Special Services 78 Relocation Of Sand Volleyball Court $800.00 $800.00 No Youth Sports, After School/Camp Programs 79 After School Program a) After School Programs Nonresident $401.00 $401.00 per child, per trimester No b) After School Programs Resident $390.00 $390.00 per child, per trimester No c) Late pickup charge - per minute $1.00 $1.00 per minute late No 80 Day Camp a) Additional rash guard $15.00 $15,00 No b) Additional T-shirt $10.00 $10.00 No c) Day Camp Fee $176.00 $176.00 per child, per week No d) Day Camp Fee- Hardship Fee $108.00 $108.00 per child, per week No e) Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation i) 6 days or less notice $50.00 $50.00 No ii) 7+ days notice $25.00 $25.00 No 81 Pint Size Campers a) Nonresident $161.00 $161.00 No b) Resident $139.00 $139.00 No 82 Preschool101 a) Nonresident I) Tuesday and Thursday $341.00 $341,00 per session t/th No ii) Monday, Wednesday and Friday $498.00 S498.00 per session m/w/f No b) Resident i) Tuesday and Thursday $330.00 $330.00 per session i/th No i€) Monday, Wednesday and Friday $487.00 $487,00 per session m/w/f No 83 Teen Leadership Program a) Annual Pass $195.00 $195.00 No b) Summer $115.00 $115.00 No 84 Youth Sports a) Classes R.S.S. Director R.S.S. Director per person No negotiates contractor negotiates contractor fee fee b) Track and Field I) Nonresident $13.00 $13.00 per person No ii) Resident $10.00 $10.00 per person No iii) Late/Day of Registration Fee $5.00 $5.00 per person No [a] Insurance, deposits and set-up fees may be required, availability may be limited, other restrictions may apply. [b] Routed to other departments. No road closures, attachments or permits required by other departments. [c] Submitted less than 20 calendar days from event date. [d] Complex events requiring road closures, attachments or permits by other departments submitted less than 60 calendar days from event date. ]e) Major events requiring road closures, attachments or permits by other departments & 1 pre -event meeting submitted less than 120 calendar days from event date. [f] Submitted less than 120 calendar days from event date. 14-83 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees UTILITIES Miscellaneous 1 Annual Grease Disposal Mitigation Fee $634.00 2 FOG a) Annual Permit $0.00 b) FOG Non -Compliance $74.00 3 Re -inspection Fee $175.00 4 Utilities Field Inspection $284.00 Recycled Water Related Fees 5 Commodity Charge $2.29 6 Pump Station Charge $0.72 7 Recycled Water Service- Recycled Water Meter a)Iinch $19.78 b) 11/7 inch $34.75 c) 2 inch $52.73 d) 3 inch $135,12 e)4inch $229,50 f) 6 inch $484.16 g) 8 inch $843.69 Sewer Related Fees 8 New Sewer Connection Fee -City $250.00 9 Meters, Boxes, Lids, Etc. a) Base Fee n/a - new b) Plus, Actual Cost of Meter, Box, Lid, Etc. varies 6) Bej $34-.48 10 Sewer Only Establishment Fee $52.00 11 Sewer Service -Additional Living Units On Connection $0.00 Subject 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note I to CPI $718-00 annual fee Yes $0.00 annuai fee No $75.00 per add'I inspection Yes $196.00 hourly Yes $294.00 per inspection Yes $2.29 per 100 cubic ft URS $0.72 per month, URS per 100 cubic ft $19.78 URS $34.75 URS $52.73 URS $135.12 URS $229.50 URS $484.16 URS $843.69 URS $250.00 per new connection No $53.00 Yes Pass -through of Actual No Cost of Materials $52.00 Yes $0.00 per month, No per unit over one 14-84 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees UTILITIES 12 Sewer Service Fee a) 5/8 inch b)3/4inch c) finch d) 1.5inch e) 2 inch f) 3 inch g) 4 inch h) 6 inch i) 8 inch j) No Water Use (water from another agency) i) 5/8 inch ii) 3/4 inch iii) 1 inch iv) 1.5 inch v) 2 inch vi) 3 inch viii) 4 inch ix) 6 inch x) 8 inch xi) 10 inch 13 Sewer Use Fee Water Related Fees 14 Construction Water Meter a) Establishment Charge - Application b) Meter Deposit c) Monthly Charge 15 Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance 16 Delinquent Water Service Restoration a) Low Income Household -below 200%of the federal poverty line i) Business Hours ii) After Hours b) All Others i) Business Hours ii) After Hours 16 Hydrant Flow Test a) Hydrant Flow Test- Highway Test (Night Time) b) Hydrant Flow Test - Non -Highway (Regular Hours) 17 Meters, Boxes, Lids, Etc. a) Base Fee b) Plus, Actual Cost of Meter, Box, Lid, Etc. 49 3{4lnEh N4 eteF$ax 49 3/4lnEh Meter-BeH-kid N SM o 314 ,...r, u 24 1 IRF� MPi4FRM 23 z ^emu P,-,.,PR 24 ..gs, r ..c...,..UWA Subject 23/24 Fee FY 24/25 Fee Charge Basis Note to CPI $10.55 $10.55 permonth UPS $10.55 $10.55 per month URS $10.55 $10.55 permonth URS $15.83 $15.83 permonth URS $21.11 $21.11 permonth URS $26.33 $25,38 per month URS $31.66 $31,66 per month URS $36.94 $36.94 permonth URS $42.22 $42.22 permonth URS $15.86 $15.86 permonth URS $15.86 $15.86 permonth URS $18.51 $18.51 permonth URS $53.99 $53.99 per month URS $59.27 $59.27 permonth URS $137.68 $137.68 per month URS $238.35 $238.35 per month URS $413.21 $413.21 per month URS $418.49 $418.49 per month URS $423.77 $423.77 per month URS $0.53 $0.53 per 100 cubic ft URS $106.00 $105.00 Yes $1,250.00 $1,250.00 No See - 2" domestic See - 2" domestic No meter rate meter rate $148.00 $147,00 Yes $50.00 $50.00 No $150.00 $150.00 No $269.00 $304.00 Yes $289.00 $336.00 Yes $535.00 $475.00 n/a - new varies SbI�} r5.96 c.�.4n �L cn�n� Sig; 9595 $494.94 8463 33 [,9.co $646.00 $541.00 $53,00 Pass -through of Actual Cost of Materials Yes Yes Yes No 14-85 City of Newport Beach - Schedule of Rents, Fines and Fees UTILITIES 2$ 30 AAdin 6iReiFaive a�8ex d 18 Water and Sewer Service Establishment Fee- Business Hours a) Business Hours i) Remote Activation (NEW) ii) Onsite Activation Required b) Non -Business Hours 19 Water Meter Service Installation Fee 20 Water Shut Off -Tag Placement 31 Private Fire line Service a) 1 inch b)1.5 inch c) 2 inch d)2.5inch e) 3 inch f) 4 inch g) 6 inch h) 8 inch i)10 inch 32 Water Service a) 0omestic Meter i) Under 1 inch ii) 1 inch iii) 1 112 inch iv) 2 inch v) 3 inch vi) 4 inch vii) 6 inch viii) 8 inch 33 Commodity Charge -Potable Water Subject Note I to CPI $123-$127 $52.00 Yes $123 - $127 $176.00 Yes $339.00 $405.00 Yes $754.00 $754.00 Yes $33.00 $28.00 Yes $14.12 $14.12 per month URS $14.74 $14.74 per month URS $15.61 $15.81 per month URS $17,44 $0,00 per month URS $19,67 $19.67 per month URS $26.34 $26.34 per month URS $50.21 $50.21 permonth URS $91.43 $91.43 per month URS $153.42 $153.42 per month URS $27.09 $27.09 per month URS $41ASI $41.99 per month URS $79.15 $79.15 per month URS $123.76 $123.76 per month URS $328.23 $328.23 per month URS $562.45 $562.45 per month URS $1,194.45 $1,194,45 per month URS $2,086.69 $2,086.69 permonth URS $4.16 $4.16 per 100 cubic Ft URS ATTACHMENT C ORDINANCE NO. 2024-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 3.36.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO COST RECOVERY PERCENTAGES WHEREAS, Section 200 of the City of Newport Beach ("City") Charter vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges, or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, the City funds certain municipal services, which are typically performed without request by the user, that benefit the public generally and are traditionally funded by tax revenue; WHEREAS, the City performs other services which are funded, in whole or in part, by a person requesting the service; WHEREAS, Subsection (A) of Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") provides the cost recovery for user service fees specifically requested by a person shall be at one hundred percent (100%), unless the amount is modified by Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC ("Exhibit A"); WHEREAS, the Finance Department conducts regular fee studies and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding adjustments that may be made to the cost recovery amounts provided in Exhibit A, to ensure compliance with the law, consistency with current practices, and the maintenance of a high level of customer service for our residents; WHEREAS, on March 14, 2024, the proposed revisions to Exhibit A were presented to the City's Finance Committee; WHEREAS, staff identified an additional revision after the City's Finance Committee to remove "Payment Plans (Except Parking)" from Exhibit A to align with full cost recovery of the fee; and 14-87 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 2 of 8 WHEREAS, City staff recommends the City Council adopt the proposed revisions to Exhibit A. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC, is hereby amended to read as follows: The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services. Exhibit "A" limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below. Exhibit A Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees ALL DEPARTMENTS Appeals — For Any User Services 0% Appeal Not Otherwise Specified —Appellant Successful Appeals — For Any User Services 50% Appeal Not Otherwise Specified —Appellant Unsuccessful COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Chapter 17.65 Appeal— 0% Appellant Successful Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City 50% Council or Harbor Commission — Appellant Unsuccessful Building Appeals Board Hearing— 0% Appellant Successful Appeals Board Hearing— 50% Appellant Unsuccessful Ordinance No. 2024- Page 3 of 8 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees Harbor Construction 50% Preliminary Plan Review First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter Planning Appeals to City Council or 0% Planning Commission — Appellant Successful Appeals to City Council or 50% Planning Commission — Appellant Unsuccessful Coastal Development Permit 0% Application Appeals from Zoning Administrator to Planning Commission General Plan Maintenance Fee 12% Reasonable Accommodation 0% FINANCE DEPARTMENT Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Parking Hearings 0% Short Term Lodging Permit 0% Suspension or Revocation Hearing— Appellant Successful Short Term Lodging Permit 50% Suspension or Revocation Hearing— Appellant Unsuccessful Zero Bill Reprint 0% FIRE DEPARTMENT Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support (ALS)— $400 Nontransport Ordinance No. 2024- Page 4 of 8 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Basic Life Support (BLS)— Nontransport $400 ALS First Responder Fee $400 BLS First Responder Fee $400 HARBOR DEPARTMENT Chapter 17.65 Appeal— Appellant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council or Harbor Commission — Appellant Unsuccessful 50% LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Black and White Copies from Self -Service Copiers or Printers $0.15 Color Copies from Self -Service Copier or Printer $0.45 Use Fees —Materials $1 Inter -Library Loan $5 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bike Licenses 0% Citation Sign -off $10 Fingerprinting — City Portion $25 Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% Registrant —Narcotics 0% Registrant — Sex 0% Animal Shelter Adoption Fee —Puppies $225 Adoption Fee — Senior Dog — Animal Over Eight (8) Years Old $70 Adoption Fee — Dog — All Other $150 14-90 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 5 of 8 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Adoption Fee —Kittens $110 Adoption Fee — Senior Cat — Animal Over Eight (8) Years Old $70 Adoption Fee — Cat — All Other $90 Adoption Fee —Small Animals $45 Boarding Fee (per day)— Animals $25 Boarding Fee (per day) —Small Animals $10 Owner Turn -In Fee — Altered Animal $100 Owner Turn -In Fee — Unaltered Animal $200 Impound Fee —Dogs, Cats, Small Animals $62 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chapter 17.65 Appeal — Appellant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council or Harbor Commission — Appellant Unsuccessful 50% RGP Dredging Permit 100% RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES DEPARTMENT Adult Sports 50%-95% Administrative Processing Fee $5 Badge Replacement $5 After School/Camp Programs Camps 20%-50% After-School/Teen Program 20%-50% Preschool Program 20%-50% 14-91 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 6 of 8 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Aquatics 20%-50% Contract Classes 50%-95% Class Refunds $74 or less $10 $75 or more $20 Youth Sports 20%-50% Special Events —Levels 1, 2, and 3 Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees for Level 1 0%-20% Resident, Levels 2-3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 20%-50% Nonresident, Levels 1-2 and Late Fees for Level 1 20%-50% Nonresident, Level 3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 50%-95% Appeal to City Council — Appellant Successful 0% Appeal to City Council — Appellant Unsuccessful 50%-95% Natural Resources Programs 0%-20% Senior Services OASIS Transportation $1—$3 each way Contract Classes 20%-50% Fitness Center 50%-95% UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Construction Water Meter Establishment 50% Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Annual Permit 0% 14-92 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 7 of 8 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Service Direct Fees CITY COUNCIL, BOARD, COMMISSION, COMMITTEE OR ANY INDIVIDUAL MEMBER THEREOF WHEN ACTING WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR OFFICIAL DUTIES Review from a Lower Body or $0 Official Section 2: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 5: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other sections, subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. 14-93 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 8 of 8 Section 6: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after its adoption, This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 23rd day of April, 2024, and adopted on the 14th day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to -wit - AYES: NAYS: WILL O'NEILL, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 4 _ - ----- AARON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY 14-94 ATTACHMENT D ORDINANCE NO. 2024-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 15.02.085 (ADDITION OF SECTION OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO DEMOLITION WASTE DISPOSAL WHEREAS, Section 200 of the City of Newport Beach ("City") Charter vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges, or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, Chapter 15.02 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC"), known as the Newport Beach Administrative Code, adopts and incorporates by reference Chapter 1, Division II of the California Building Code (2022 Edition); WHEREAS, Section 15.02.085 of the NBMC added section to the California Building Code to require the use of franchised waste haulers to dispose of waste resulting from the complete demolition of a structure and to require a deposit, which amount is scaled according to the size of the project, to encourage use of such haulers ("demolition waste hauler requirement"); WHEREAS, the demolition waste hauler requirement promotes the City's compliance with statutory waster diversion requirements; WHEREAS, the demolition waste hauler requirement currently only applies to complete demolition projects and does not extend to waste produced from construction projects; WHEREAS, requiring the payment of a similar disposal deposit for construction projects to encourage the use of franchised waste haulers will aid the City in achieving compliance with the waste diversion requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 939 and CalGreen; WHEREAS, on March 14, 2024, City staff presented to the City's Finance Committee as part of the fee study update review proposed revisions to the demolition waste hauler requirement that would extend its application to construction projects, including the payment of a deposit scaled according to the valuation of the construction project; and 14-95 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, City staff recommends the City Council adopt those proposed revisions to the demolition waste hauler requirement. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: Section 15.02.085 (Addition of Section of the NBMC is hereby amended to read as follows: Section is added as follows: Section Construction and demolition waste permits. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction having a valuation over $100,000 or a demolition permit for complete demolition of a structure, the permittee shall certify that a City franchised solid waste enterprise shall be used for the handling, removal and disposal of all construction and demolition waste. A permit deposit, set by Resolution of the City Council, shall be paid at the time of submitting the building or demolition permit application and the Construction and Demolition Waste Certification and Deposit Form. Said deposit shall be returned to the permittee, minus administrative fees set by Resolution of the City Council, at the conclusion of the construction or demolition project, upon the submittal of documentation that a franchised solid waste enterprise was used to handle, remove and dispose of all construction and demolition wastes. The permit deposit shall be forfeited in its entirety if a franchised solid waste enterprise is not used to handle, remove and dispose of all construction and demolition wastes. If the Building Official finds that the work described in an application for a building or demolition permit and the plans, specifications and other data filed therewith conform to the requirements of this Code and the technical codes and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the fees specified in Section 109 have been paid and that a franchised solid waste enterprise is being used, the Building Official shall issue a permit therefor to the applicant. Prior to any construction or demolition activities authorized by the permit, the permittee shall notify the Public Works Department no less than twenty-four (24) hours or more than seventy-two (72) hours in advance of its intent to commence construction or demolition and provide the name of the franchised solid waste enterprise that will 14-96 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 3 of 4 haul and dispose of the construction and demolition wastes. Any hauling or disposal of demolition and construction wastes by other than the identified franchised solid waste enterprise shall subject the project to suspension of work as authorized in this Code and subject the deposit to forfeiture. Section 2: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 5: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other sections, subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. 14-97 Ordinance No. 2024- Page 4 of 4 Section 6: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 23rd day of April, 2024, and adopted on the 14th day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: WILL O'NEILL, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI 1. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ZCA, C �--� AARON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY 14-98