HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/2012NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MINUTES NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MINUTES Council Chambers — 3300 Newport Boulevard Wednesday, March 28, 2012 REGULAR HEARING 3:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER — The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. Staff Present: Brenda Wisneski, Zoning Administrator Erin Steffen, Planning Technician Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner 2. MINUTES of March 14, 2012 Action: Approved 3. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 Coast Business Center Sign Comprehensive Sign Program 2121 E. Coast Highway 03/28/2012 Program - Modification Permit No. MD2012 -004 and No. CS2007 -002 (PA2012 -010) Council District 5 Erin Steffen, Planning Technician, gave a brief overview of the application for a Modification Permit to amend an existing Comprehensive Sign Program to allow the addition of two signs on the southeast (Avocado Avenue) elevation of the Coast Business Center building. The signs will be located on the first and second floors on one of the 20 -foot long fascias of the building and will have a maximum sign area of 30 square feet each. The sign code allows one wall sign up to 1.5 times the linear frontage or 75 square feet maximum in sign area on the primary frontage and 50% of the primary for any secondary frontages. However, due to the design of the building and the mix of uses, one wall sign of this size does not provide adequate signage to identify individual tenants within the building. The placement of the proposed signage would create a symmetry that does not exist with the current sign program. This signage would also be compatible with the existing signage while improving the visibility of uses within the building. No representative for Coast Business Center, the project applicant, was in attendance. Thus, no questions or comments were taken. The Zoning Administrator opened the public hearing. Dan Purcell submitted written comments and stated the following: • The signs substantially exceed sign area limits • Excessive proliferation of signs • Do not assist with wayfinding • Does not preserve community appearance • No need to revitalize the area with signage • No need for the signs to create symmetry Jim Mosher had the following comments: • What is being superseded or amended as indicated on page 8 of the draft resolution? • On Exhibit B of the staff report what is CS20011 -007? Staff confirmed that the application was for the approval of a Modification Permit to amend an existing Comprehensive Sign program. Approval of the Modification would supersede the approval of the existing Comprehensive Sign Program. There was a numbering error and CS20011 -007 should be changed to CS2007 -002. Page 1 of 3 NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MINUTES 03/28/2012 This amendment allows for the addition of Signs F1 and F2 as noted on the plans, which changes the matrix and plans from the previous approval. Seeing that there were no other public comments, the Zoning Administrator closed the public hearing. The Zoning Administrator stated that the subject property is developed with a multi- tenant building and that a Comprehensive Sign Program allows for greater flexibility for signage to increase the number of signs on such buildings. The Modification, in this case, allows for a further increase in sign area. Although the existing Sign Program allowed for signs on the Coast Highway elevation which exceed the Zoning Code requirements, the signs on the Avocado elevation which are the subject of the application, including the addition of the two new signs, are within sign area limitations. It was also noted that although the structure is located adjacent to a residential zoning district, the building is designed in a way that the signs would only be visible from Coast Highway. The Zoning Administrator agreed with the facts in support of the findings in the draft resolution and moved to approve the application by adopting the draft resolution with Exhibit B being modified to change CS20011 -007 to CS2007 -002. Action: Approved ITEM NO. 2 Dove Street Sign Modification Permit No. MD2012 -003 (PA2012 -007) 1801 Dove Street Council District 3 Rosalinh Ling, Associate Planner, gave a brief overview of the application for a Modification Permit to amend the Comprehensive Sign Program for the Hangars to allow Building #18 to have three (3) new wall signs that will exceed the permitted letter /logo height and maximum square footage. The Modification Permit is necessary to allow larger and more visible signage on the east, north and south elevations. The Comprehensive Sign Program was originally created to provide signage for the light industrial uses located within the entire complex. As the complex is slowly evolving into a more business -like environment with corporate offices and professional uses as permitted by the Newport Place Planned Community, wall sign allowance for these tenants is no longer adequate. The larger wall signs will provide greater convenience to patrons and motorists in locating the subject property. David Lewis of Blake Signs, project applicant, had no comments or questions for staff and agreed to the conditions of approval. Gary Batt of Sign Specialists commented on whether this Modification Permit should be extended to include Building #1 through #17 that are located within the business complex, as they will most likely be requesting similar amendment to the Comprehensive Sign Program. The Zoning Administrator stated that the Modification Permit application is for Building #18 only and is therefore obligated to render a decision as requested. The entire complex is currently under condominium ownership which is different compared to when the Comprehensive Sign Program was originally approved and the entire complex was under a common ownership. Staff would welcome a comprehensive evaluation of signage for the entire complex from all property owners under a different application. The Zoning Administrator opened the public hearing. Jim Mosher had the following comments: • Clarification on who is the applicant. • Confirmation on public noticing to all property owners and tenants that are subject to the current Comprehensive Sign Program. • Clarification of the building orientation related to the north, south and east elevations. • Clarification of the applicant's request as it reflects a reduction in amount of signage allowed for the north, south and east elevations. • Whether Condition #6 of the draft Resolution is applicable to this Modification Permit. In the case like this, what constitutes that the application is exercised or vested. Page 2 of 3 NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MINUTES 03/28/2012 Clarification on the footnote at the bottom of the Table Matrix of Comprehensive Sign Program as the statement related to written staff approval of sign program amendments. Seeing that there were no other public comments, the Zoning Administrator closed the public hearing Staff confirmed that Blake Signs is the applicant, presenting the property owner of subject property. Public notices were sent to all property owners within the entire business complex. The building orientation is properly labeled as shown on the applicant's drawings. The applicant has agreed to reduce the number of permitted signs from two to one, in order to have a larger wall sign on the north, south and east elevations. The Zoning Administrator stated Condition #6 will be removed as it is not applicable to the Modification Permit. Staff approval process is allowed by the Municipal Code to allow staff the ability to consider minor changes as long as they are in substantial conformance with the original approval. The Zoning Administrator agreed with the facts in support of the findings in the draft resolution and moved to approve the application by adopting the draft resolution with Condition #6 removed. Action: Approved 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS: Dan Purcell requested access to a lap top and projector at future Zoning Administrator meetings so the public may present images that may be viewed by members in the audience. ADJOURNMENT - The hearing was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Zoning Administrator Page 3 of 3