HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-11-2024 City Arts Commission Approved Meeting MinutesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thursday, April 11, 2024 – Regular Meeting City Arts Commission Members: Maureen Flanagan, Chair Leonard Simon, Vice Chair Barbara George, Secretary John Blom, Commissioner Melissa Kandel, Commissioner Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Marie Little, Commissioner Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Vice Chair Leonard Simon called the City Arts Commission Regular Monthly Meeting to order at 5:04 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Leonard Simon Commissioner John Blom Commissioner Marie Little Commissioner Melissa Kandel (arrived after roll call) Secretary Barbara George Commissioner Wayan Kaufman Commissioners Absent: Chair Maureen Flanagan (Excused) Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Simon led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC V. PUBLIC COMMENTS None VI. CONSENT CALENDAR City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 2 A. Approval of Minutes of the March 14, 2024, City Arts Commission Meeting 1. Draft of 3/14/24 Minutes Vice Chair Simon requested edits, changes or deletions of the minutes. Motion made by Vice Chair Simon, seconded by Commissioner John Blom, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to approve the minutes of 3/14/24 as written. B. Consent Calendar Items 2. Financial Report Review of financial information. Library Services Director Melissa Hartson referred to Handwritten Page 11 for the financial report and noted the transfer of funds to support Phase IX of the Sculpture Exhibition. Commissioner Blom inquired about the details of the process for transferring funds for the Sculpture Exhibition. Library Services Director Hartson explained staff creates a budget based on the prior year. Money has been transferred from either the Programming or Professional Services budgets, all of which were budgeted and approved by City Council in October last year. Vice Chair Simon inquired about the three $5,000 expenses in the Sculpture Exhibition budget and how it became a bottom-line figure of negative 19,000. Library Services Director Hartson noted that the negative number is a reflection of the transfers into the account and expenses not yet exceeding the transfers. Vice Chair Simon opened the item for public comment. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, provided additional information regarding the budget process and noted the 2024/25 budget is listed on the City’s website. He noted that the Cultural Arts budget is listed on Page 131, and that the only change is the City Manager proposed to add $700 to the Professional Services budget, and that the Sculpture Exhibition budget is unchanged at $135,000. Motion made by Vice Chair Leonard Simon, seconded by Commissioner Kandel, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to approve the financial report. 3. Cultural Arts Activities Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. Library Services Director Hartson mentioned that the new Central Library Gallery exhibit by Laura Green has been installed. Notable additions to the Calendar of Events found on Handwritten page 14 are the summer concert series from July through October. Those dates have been confirmed with the bands, venues, and the sound engineering. Vice Chair Simon opened the floor to public comments, there were none. City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 3 Motion made by Vice Chair Simon, seconded by Secretary Barbara George, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to accept the Cultural Arts Activities report. VII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 4. Donation of Craig Gray’s A Novel Idea The Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommends that the City Arts Commission review and approve their recommendation to accept an offer of donation for Craig Gray’s A Novel Idea Library Services Director Hartson reported Craig Gray’s A Novel Idea is set for deinstallation in June as part of Phase VII. The artist extended an offer to purchase for the work, and a member of the community has generously accepted the offer. The buyer, Newport Beach resident Nancy Gardner, has in turn expressed an interest in extending the sculpture to the City for permanent loan. Ultimately, the Arts Commission will need to approve the recommendation of acquisition to the City Council to accept the offer and display the sculpture in the City. Coordination and approval of the placement will not only need to be approved by City Council but potentially any other Commission that may be impacted, such as the Park, Beaches, and Recreation Commission or the Board of Library Trustees. Staff determined the annual maintenance will be $350. Due to the granite material, which is quite durable, staff expected sporadic maintenance. Staff felt the budget can sufficiently cover those costs. Commissioner Kaufman inquired which City department would be required to cover the cost of maintenance. Library Services Director Hartson stated that would fall under the City Arts Commission budget under the Professional Services category. Commissioner Kaufman asked if the cost for installation is known. Library Services Director Hartson replied that will remain unknown until a location for installation has been chosen. The artist has agreed to cover the cost of moving the piece. Commissioner Little confirmed staff were able to reach the artist to confirm they would cover the cost of moving the art. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed they made contact with the artist. Vice Chair Simon asked why the sculpture would have to be moved from its current location. He also inquired if the Central Library or possibly the entrance to the new lecture hall would be an option for location. Commissioner Little suggested the sculpture not be kept in the Civic Center Park because the purpose of the Sculpture Exhibition is a temporary rotational exhibition. The Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee will meet with staff to discuss location options and bring that back to the Commission as an agendized item. Commissioner Little also explained the difference between permanent loan and donation. Commissioner Blom added that he would support the item to be kept in its current location in Civic Center Park as it is expected the Arts Commission will have to lower the number of sculptures displayed at some point in the future due to the costs of the Sculpture Exhibition program. City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 4 Library Services Director Hartson reported that City Council approved the sculptures for Phase IX and as such already earmarked work for the current location of A Novel Idea, therefore it will have to be moved. Vice Chair Simon opened the item for Public Comment. Nancy Gardner, Newport Beach resident, commented that it was her family that purchased the work because their father was a novelist whose work is engraved on the piece. The family would love to have the sculpture at the Balboa Branch Library because his book is there, but she trusted the Arts Commission to find an appropriate location. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, provided information regarding the process of obtaining funds for maintenance and the professional services part of the budget. He agreed the locations in the Sculpture Exhibition should remain rotating. He supported delaying the move of the sculpture as the Balboa Branch Library would be a great location, but it will not be completed for two years. Motion made by Secretary George, seconded by Vice Chair Simon, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to recommend to City Council acceptance of the offer of permanent loan for the sculpture A Novel Idea by Craig Gray. The Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee will select a site location. 5. 2024 Newport Beach Student Art Exhibition Winners The Newport Beach Student Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommends that the City Arts Commission approve their recommendations for the winners of the 2024 Newport Beach Student Art Exhibition Commissioner George reported she and commissioners Kaufman and Flanagan reviewed and chose the following pieces for the 2024 Newport Beach Student Art Exhibition winners. There were amazing pieces from all age groups. Cultural Arts Assistant Escareal- Garcia reported this year there were 111 entries, down from 180 in 2023, but about half were Newport Beach residents, which was higher than last year. The pieces will be on display in the Library lobby starting the third week in April. Pre-K - 3rd Grade: • 1st Prize - $100.00 – Elaine Ma, Koi Pond in Fashion Island • 2nd Prize - $50.00 –Ian Jang, We Love Reading • 3rd Prize - $25.00 – Hannah Hong, A Summer Vacation to Korea • Honorable Mention – Alexa Frot, Mermaid Sisters 4th – 7th Grade: • 1st Prize - $100.00 – Sojeen Ji, The Entrance Way to Hope • 2nd Prize - $50.00 – Erica Barinova, Foxy Moons • 3rd Prize - $25.00 – Oli Beamish, Behind the Page • Honorable Mention – Esther Jung, Hope 8th - 12th Grade: • 1st Prize - $100.00 – Reese Holladay, Staples Street • 2nd Prize - $50.00 – Sean Murphy, Bavarian Castle • 3rd Prize - $25.00 – Helen Zhang, CA Flashback City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 5 • Honorable Mention – Beckett Gladstone-Lamas, Untitled Vice Chair Simon inquired about the process of awarding the prizes. Library Services Director Hartson replied it will be done at a CAC meeting; the City Council Chambers has been reserved for the May meeting so that families can also attend. Vice Chair Simon opened the item to Public Comment, seeing none called for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Little, seconded by Secretary George, and carried 6-0-0- 1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to approve the Student Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee’s recommendations for the winners of the 2024 Newport Beach Student Art Exhibition winners. 6. De-Installation of Tim DeShong’s Cross Section Staff recommends that the City Arts Commission approve the early removal of Tim DeShong’s sculpture, Cross Section, from the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. Library Services Director Hartson reported that Cross Section is a Phase VII piece that has been entered into another exhibition. The artist stated that the timing is such that the de-installation date for Newport Beach conflicts with the installation date at the next exhibition. The artist has requested an early removal date. Mr. Stein with Arts Orange County forwarded the early removal request to staff. The request is for de-installation seven to ten days prior to the remaining Phase VII pieces. This will not incur any additional costs. Vice Chair Simon opened the item to Public Comment, seeing none he called for a motion. Motion made by Secretary George, seconded by Commissioner Little, and carried 6-0-0- 1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to approve the early removal of Tim DeShong’s sculpture Cross Section from the Sculpture Garden. 7. Public Art in the City of Newport Beach Staff present a report regarding public art on display throughout the City of Newport Beach. Library Services Director Hartson stated this report comes as a result of the Arts Commission’s interest in additional sculptures throughout the city. Staff compiled a list of current locations that have art already on display. Referencing Handwritten page 37, Director Hartson listed the current work and locations of public art. One piece, Metalfor will be returning to the Commission for discussion as it is currently in storage and in need of serious restoration. Vice Chair Simon commented about the funds used for maintaining pieces and requested staff provide a list of which pieces are being maintained for future reference, with an interest of how much of the Professional Services budget is allocated for art restoration. He also asked if there is a schedule of when each piece will be receiving maintenance. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed each of the pieces in the report is on the list to be maintained. City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 6 Commissioner Little commented that the piece Chairman of the Board by Steven Rieman is currently in Civic Center Park has been marked for relocation. She asked for confirmation if this is a topic for the Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee for ultimate return to the Commission. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed that was correct. Commissioner Kaufman commented about Sea Lions on the Rock being in the ocean and that people can’t get close to it except during low tide. She inquired if it is a piece that should be considered for relocation or maintenance, and who is responsible for determining when that takes place. Library Services Director Hartson stated staff has not made a determination yet because it has been there since 1971, and she would have to further investigate. Vice Chair Simon opened the item for public comment. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, asked if the City has responsibility for the butterfly sculpture since it is not on City property. The CAC has some responsibility for updating the timeline surrounding the Centennial project. Library Services Director Hartson explained it was decided by the CAC and City Council and likely the Environmental Nature Center (ENC) to place the piece on private property. Mr. Mosher also mentioned a sculpture on display at the Mariners Branch Library that was gifted by the Sister City Association. The sculpture is a smaller replica of the Friendship Statue in front of the Central Library. He also mentioned that on the bronze piece for the Centennial Project at McFadden Square that there is a timeline that he believed the CAC was responsible for identifying and updating the timeline with meaningful historical events. 8. Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Photography Contest * Discussed after item 9. Staff requests approval for the return of the Sculpture Photo Contest for Phase VIII and IX of the Sculpture Exhibition, with the purpose of creating further interest in the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. Library Services Director Hartson reported the Sculpture Photography Contest is a program that was done in 2018 and 2021 and recommended the Commission approve the return of the competition. The Cultural Arts webpage for the Sculpture Photography Contest has some creative ideas that were used in the past. It’s a way to reinvigorate more life into the Sculpture Exhibition following the opening of Phase IX. If approved, Chair Flanagan will appoint an ad hoc subcommittee for reviewing the entry guidelines and process. The prizes in total would amount to $350. Vice Chair Simon opened the item to Public Comment but there was none. Motion made by Vice Chair Simon, seconded by Commissioner Blom, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Chair Maureen Flanagan absent) to approve staff’s request for the return of the Sculpture Photo Contest for Phase VIII and IX of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. B. Monthly Reports 9. Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 7 * Reported before Item 8. Chair Flanagan , Vice Chair Simon, Commissioner Little Vice Chair Simon noted Commissioner Little needed to leave early and requested this item be heard prior to her leaving. Commissioner Little reported the 57th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition is scheduled for Saturday June 29 from 1-6 P.M. at the Civic Center. The call for entries began on February 1 and ends on May 10. All Commissioners are expected to pass the word around to friends, neighbors, and families and refer them to CallForEntry.org to submit applications for artist participation. She also stated that Commissioners are expected to contact their list of past participants that were provided by Chair Flanagan for personal invitations to join again this year. The Ad Hoc Subcommittee asks that every Commissioner complete the call list before the May 9 meeting. Each Commissioner should be prepared to report the results of their phone calls and emails to the previous participants at the meeting. That will help prepare the Commission should they need to act quickly if there are not enough participants by that time. She also asked that Commissioners report invalid contact information to Cultural Arts Assistant Escareal-Garcia. Each Commissioner is expected to participate, if possible, in receiving the works of art in preparation for the event on Friday June 28 or Saturday June 29. In addition, they will need volunteers to help during the event. Staff is working on securing the juror, securing entertainment; Bistro Express has been confirmed for food service and Tap Truck for beverages. To date the Ad Hoc Subcommittee has reviewed and approved a total of 35 artists applications and 62 works of art. Interest seems to slowly be picking up. Commissioner Blom mentioned the Art Exhibition is scheduled for the same day as the Sculpture Exhibition. Commissioner Little responded they used to do the events separately and changed it as the constraints on the budget increased. It was announced throughout the day at the Art Exhibition that the new phase of the sculptures is in place. Vice Chair Simon noted that last year they had an increase in traffic for both events by doing them on the same day. Vice Chair Simon opened the item for public comment, seeing non he received and filed the report. 10. Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee Staff recommends that the City Arts Commission form an ad hoc subcommittee for the purpose of reviewing the current structure of the Sculpture Exhibition program in Civic Center Park and developing proposed Sculpture Exhibition program options that align with the current $135,000 General Fund budget allocation for the program. Commissioner Blom reported they have to scale back the number of sculptures in order to stay within their budget, it has been proposed that they scale back to eight pieces contracted with Arts Orange County (Arts OC). They considered dividing the contract between multiple vendors and have not yet received the information needed from Arts OC to make that determination. Scaling the entries would lower the Arts OC contract to $149,000 from $165,000 per year. Vice Chair Simon noted that since next year’s budget has already been set they will have to determine if they want eight or ten pieces in the next cycle. City Arts Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Page 8 Mr. Mosher added that next year’s budget has been posted for public review, and the City Council will make the final approval in June. Vice Chair Simon opened the item to public comment, seeing none he filed and received the report. 11. Newport Beach Arts Foundation Liaison Secretary Barbara George, Chair Maureen Flanagan, Vice Chair Leonard Simon Vice Chair Simon tabled the item until Chair Flanagan’s return; however, it was also the meeting in which a quorum was not present so there was not an official meeting. VIII. CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Library Services Director Hartson noted that Chair Flanagan received correspondence from Lee Pearl regarding a new art project on Balboa Island on the south facing wall of the Irvine Ranch Market, The Park Avenue Mural that is set to be announced at a City Council meeting. Sculpture Exhibition Phase X recommendations will be on a future Agenda for approval to move forward to City Council. The coordination of the Civic Center Native Plant docent tour took place on April 11 with Sherman Gardens, the results will be on May’s Agenda. Vice Chair Simon stated it would be helpful to add this to the agenda and hear results of their efforts. IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented that Arts OC provides information regarding the jury and public rankings for each phase of the Sculpture Exhibition. There seems to be no connection between the jury rating and the public rating and questioned the reasoning. He received the jury rankings and after reviewing them, noticed there was more agreement between the jury than there was with the public and the jury. He noticed that they averaged the rankings which mathematically did not work because the jurors used the numbers differently. As a point of interest, other ways to rank the artwork should be considered. X. ADJOURNMENT – 6:17 P.M. The next meeting for the City Art Commission is scheduled for Thursday May 9, 2024 in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library. Approved by: Maureen Flanagan