HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 15EXCEPTION PERMIT APPLICATION ti CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT No. CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION Application Rec'd by 3300 Newport Boulevard Fee: Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 (714) 756-1860 Applicant (print) YAVAR INDUSTRIES R.E. Phone Mailing Address 4533 MacArthur Blvd_, Suite C, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Property Owner same Phone Same Mailing Address Same Address of Property Involved 600 Edgewater Avenue (ALSO% Purpose of Application (describe fully) To construct a construction fence around the property site and to paint the fence. C-1 Present Use Zone Retail Fast -Food Amusement Park _ Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) to the purpos::• of the Sign Ordinance? Why will proposal not be contrary. _ - No. Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances involves? Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a substantialproperty right?_ Due to high traffic and construction materials on site; it is of upmost importance to protect our property and keep people off of'the site during cons ruc ion. Why will proposal not be detrimental to the neighborhood? The sign on the wall. will promote our project, improve the look of.the neighborhood and enhance the boardwalk. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT deposeandsay`that (I am) (I) (We) -. (we are) the owners df the property i es i nvol veodni nstatemerpitsl as d� answers) herein ofurther contained certify, under penalty of perjury, that the fo g and the information herewith submitted are in respects tr e and correct to the tiest'of. (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Co. Signature (s)_ ! NOTE: An agent may sign for the owne f/wr tten au h2,ei tion from the record owner is - filed with the application. J D0 NO OMPM'E APPLICATJON BELOW THIS LINE_ Date Filed 3 Fee Pd. Z�'] Receipt Hearing Dated P>S publication Date — - Posting Date Mail Date Date .5= 9-1y , P.C. Action �peai C . C. Heari r.g Date r _ C.C.Action 3028 ,. 68' t}s! s 237 00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN 'REVIEW,REQUEST Date Aril.'18, 1985 . _ADVANCE, PLANNING DIVISION PUBLIC,. WORKS_DE.PARTMENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) X ' TRAFFIC,<ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. X PLAN. `REV.IEN DIVISION & RECREATION _PARKS POLICEDEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY: GRADING APPLICATION OF Yavar Industries, R.E. FOR: EXCEPTION PERMIT No. 15 Request .to permit the construction of four temporary signs in excess of 29 sq.£t. each, on property located in the.C-1 District. The proposed signs will be painted on the solid construction fence surrounding the Fun Zone site. LOCATION: 600 Edgewater Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: Monday, April 29,.1985 -COMMISSION REVIEW: May 9, 1985 COMMENTS: J MINUTES .. �OM/VMIDO , ERS d' O A 'v - r-,-0 m Z 2 m . o m'a ° m :fit:` y of f dew art; Beach .. INDEX,. ROLL CALL !. nying surety, .be provided in 'order to guarantee satisfactory completion, of the,public improvements it'is'deslred to record a parcel map Or obtain the a ilding permit prior to completion of publi mpxovements. 4.' That,eac fling. -.:pit be' served with an indi- vidual water' ice and. sewer lateral connection. and systems unless to the 'public ter sewer otherwise approved 8 the Public Works Department. S, That all vehicular access o the property shall be from the adjacent alley.:' 6, That Orange County Sanitation Di ict fees shall of bu ing permits. be paid prior to the issuance 7. That this resubdivision shall expire i he map f th date has not been recorded within 3 years o of approval, unless an extension is granted by e Planning Commission. Exce )tion Permit No. 15 (Discussion) Request to permit the construction of four temporary signs in excess of 24 sq.ft. each, on property located in thg C-1 District. The proposed signs will be painted on the solid construction fence surrounding the Fun Zone site. LOCATION: Lots 1 through 7, Block B, Bayside Tract, and portions Section 35, Township G South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Meridian, located at 600 Edgewater Avenue, bounded by East Bay Avenue, Washington Street', Palm Street and Newport. Bay, in Central Balboa. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Yavar Industries, R. E., Newport Beach Commissioner Person stepped down from the dais because of a possible conflict of interest. Tlie discussion opened at this time, b+ )ontz appearedbefore the Planning -44- Ctem No.5 3P15 approved :ondition- 311y and Mr. Walter I Commission on �vwvv�iaawwrK� .� MINUTES .' :1985 x May 9, 0 r � m >:m, ,z cz wtrz O�.O rm.oz hzaa ROLL . CALL INDEX behalf of the, applicant. Mr. Koontz opined that the requested ,signs <'will have more appeal than, the previously requested '-chain link fence.'. In response to a'question: posed, by,Chairman.Winburn, Mr. Koontz stated that the signs will be erected following demolition of ` the existing; buildings on the property. In response, to a question posed by Commissioner Eichenhofer, Mr. Koontz replied that the araffiti or errant art work ,placed on the signs will be removed immediately. The discussion was closed at this.time. Motion x Motion was made to approve' Exception Permit No. 15, Ayes x x x x x x subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". Absent x MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed graphics and signage will be painted on a temporary construction fence which will remain on the site for only nine to twelve months. 2. That the Planning Con4nission and City Council approved the permanent signage plans for the Balboa Fun Zor�e in conjunction with the approval of Use Permit No.. 3120. 3. That the proposed graphics and signage are consis- tent with the theme and character of the Balboa Fun Zone. 4. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. co SSIONERSf�-"'-�;�� 1985 0 Z C fn M z C z �01' Z 19 0 0Citcart Be y INDEX ROLL CALL, ruc tion fence shaill' be temporary construction 3. That the., tempo -of ed within 12 months of the .datel, .'nstalla- removed approved by, the appro tion, unless an extension.:is Modifications Committee. 4. That the temporary construction fence shall not, be illuminated. te 5, temporary signs placed on the si after That any construction fence shall removal of the temporary 11 h I in I Section th criteria set fort conform to e- 20.0 6.080 B of the Municipal Code - Permit No. 16 (Discussion) Item No.6 i Request to Permit the installation of four wall located in _Tpl6 signs on a , single building or, property C-0-H District, where the Sign ApProwed -d 1 Fashion Island in the Of three wall signs per building. '6o" n ition- Code allows a maximum ll L aY Motion X Ayes I x x xlxlxl X I LOCATION: x portion of Tract No. 6015, locate- at No. 24 Fashion, island, on the westerly side of 'Newport Center Drive East, in Fashion Island. ZONE: C-0-H AP2LICANT: The Irvine Companyr Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant The discussion opened in connection with this item. Mr. Chuck Beecher, Retail Development Manager of Atrium Court, Irvine Company, appeared before the Planning commissionj and stated that the applicant concurs with the findings and conditions contained in the staff report. The discussion closed at this time. motion was made to approve Exception Permit No. "All.16 r subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit MOTION CARRIED. I FINDINGS: 1. That the installation of four wall signs will be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Code inasmuch as only two signs will be visible from -46- T I '�sa Plannin g Commss�a eing Mav 9,{1985 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF.NEWPORT:BEACH TO.c Planning Commission FROM Planning:Department •. SUBJECT; Exception:Permit No. 15:-(Discussion)'. Request. -to permit.:the:construction of: four temporary signs; in of: 24 sq. fti'. each, on:rproperty `located .excess' in the C-1District." The. proposed'; signs" will he the painted'on the so lid construction fence surrounding 'Fun Zone site. LOCATION:, Lots l•;.throuuh 7,talock B, Bayside Tract,:"and"portions 10 West; San • 35 Tow nshi ,G .South, Range Section.. , P Bernardino Meridian,, located at."600;Edgewater :Avenue, bounded, by ,East.Bay..Avenuey �lashington.'Street, Palm Street and Newport "Bay, in;Central Balboa: ZONE:,' - C-1. APPLICANT: Yavar.,7ndustries, R. E., Newport Beach Application This is a request to permit signs to be painted on a' temporary con- An Exception Permit is struction fence surrounding the Fun Zone site. '6 feet - requested •to. allow the : signs to "exceed 24 sc. .ft. in area and ain in place for in. height, and -to allow the temporary!signage to -rem forth in Section more than 60 days. Sign Exception procedures are set 20.06.090 of the Municipal Code. ntal Sicgnificance Environme This project has been reviewed and it has been determined that'it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Fnviron- mental Ouality;Act'under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Conformance with the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program, hand Use.Plan The General Plan and the Local Coastal. Program, Land Use Plan desig- nate the subject property, for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses. The proposed development of the Balboa Fun Zone is consistent with this designation. Ding ;Commission, s 'r,ry {` }' "CO ti 4. _. .EXHIBIT; E:INi�INGS AND CONDITIONS FQE AFk�RgVAT; .., :.; ...........:._ OF EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 15 - , FINDINGS: 1 .. That the Prop osedr graphics:. and signage wi'1l be construction fence`; -which ;painted on a:: -temporary: on the site '.:or only nine to twelve wi1:l; remain; months 2. That the Planning Commission and City Council for. ,the a e la s : i n 'P :the, permanent g g 'the roval with app .approved. Balboa .Fun'�;Zone ..in ,conjunction of.. Use � Permit` No.. 3120 i 3,, T.hat:the proposed graphics and s gnage are Corisis- the Balboa tent with the.,theme,:and character, .of Fun Zone. of this `exception permit will 4. That the of .granting not be contrsrv`,to:the:purpose of:Chapter:20:.06 :not be materialar the Municipal, Code,. and..wil1 the health, safety, comfort detrimental to residing in the neigh- general welfare of persons detrimental or injurious to,,property boyhood, or in <-neighborhood? .or to'the or improvements .the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1, That development shall blot s b elevation. mance with the approved p Planand 2, That.the applicant shall obtain a building permit fence prior to for the temporary construction installation of said fence. 3. That the ;temporary construction fence shall be date nbyale removed within 12 months of the is approved th tion, unless an extension Modifications Committee. 4. That the temporary construction fence shall not be illuminated. 5. That any .temporary signs placed on the site after construction fence shall removal of. the temporary set forth in Section conform to the criteria 20.06.080 B of the Municipal Code. I :f PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW: -REQUEST Date A+ril'18, 1985 ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X 'PLANS ATThCHED-:(PLEASE RETURN) Pi1BLI0'WORKS DEPARTMENT X TRAFFIC ENGINEER PLANS ON FILE IN'PLANNING DEPT FIRE DEPARTMENT _ X PLAN. REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION POLICE''DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY' ' GRADING APPLICATION OF Yavar Industries,, R.F: FOR: EXCEPTION PERMIT No.'15 . Request to ermit the construction. of- four temporary signs in excess of signs 24 sq ft each, on property located in the C-1 District. The the proposed Fun Zone site will be ainted on the solid construction fence surrounding LOCATION: 600'Edgewater Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: Monday, April 29, 1985 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 9, 1985 COMMENTS: r: _ g, cr.� O(A 3 r� w,(Qro.3 j yj�51133I I a • �✓tfinue Dk f0LUe d- �f- 13Lve S-iriP tona� VSuals ,store voVxt w�f� top�ers Couplet I I�1� y� V�o Q s .. �1YC3C)�e u Clo-CIXi.U� EFC. • {ADD }.f air�eS 4 ter\ REVISIONS BY 4 NEWPORT BAY f-U E> L_ I c- V-1A, L r- VJ�r Ta R_E4VA- 1 �4 TO r5 L.j C_ V.1 5__ S K-M si vt7 ji HO r fz-1 L� i At,4 c 15PF-10r. I c oc T. I s)), F-r= �-1 A% 1 V-4 i:�) F, F_ �4 ,&,T A, L I- 'T I rm,5 F U i-1 E_ I rT 'A 1-7 L) 5 I- I r- % I12.4 H W c,-erfZ Uj Uj; 1 X 17 K�l N "ENERAL DEMOLMON NOTES 1. Demolition contractor to visit site and repc.,rt any discrepancies that may 3 - exist in these drawings to the Architect prior to commencing work. 2. Phone and electrical service drops , have been removed by the utility companies. 3. Existing buildings to be removed are shown shaded. 4. .Number to upper right of demolition note box indicates phase. Actual construction schedule to be determined by contractor. 5. See Civil drawings for demolition at Palm Street and Washington Street. KEYED DEMOLITION NOTES 1. Remove entire building including floor slab, foundations, all attached mechanical, p lumbing, and electrical. 2 . emove ferris wheel concrete slab and any -remaining ferris wheel equipment. E LE.C. I 3. 'Remove electric boxex and any other reiraining equipment for carousel, boat .000 ILDING 'A' e, and car ride. r ioj LLJ 4. Remove A.C. paving and concrete paving at 55 T Uj xist 1. ng c ourty a r d. -concrete slab H I CIH ,40L 5. Sawcut and remove portion of at outside fence line. looll Ch 6. Remove exiSLing fence (and gates, as occur). . . ......... . + 7. Remove area drains and piping. Z Z - box and light. 8. Remove high voltage 9. Remove sewerclean-out and sewer lateral. 2. 10. Relocate water meter. See Plumbing drawings. F7� Remove any existing water lines below now P RAJ �4 buildings. 11. Relocate gas vault and meters. See Plumbing drawings. Remove any-exis.tiaLgas lines Cn below new buildings. 12. Remove any existing electrical conduits f I below new buildings. 13. Relocate puhlic phone booths. 14. Remove existing tree. 15. Remove concrete wall and fence. �--MMW*, , 41 4--. MWAMM 16. Remove concrete walk. 17. Remove wood ramp. 18 . RemoVe A. C.paving. 19. Remove switchgear panel and concrete pad. -7- See Electrical drawings for new switchgear. 20. Remove portion of dock at bulkhead. See Architectural drawings for new ledger condition. 21. Remove power pole. See Electrical drawings for relocation of service for Balboa Saloon, Pizza PeLe's, and the Fun Zone. ---------- 22. Relocate -street light. 23. Remove depressed driveway slab and curb. V0 C N. Remove curb and gutter. See Civil dra%�ings 'k MAB. I�or limits. 25. Remove corner radius concrete curb, See Plumbing drawings. 26. Relocate water valve. gutter, and wa Lf�j r A 27. Remove street light. 29. Relocate vault (if required) for new 28. Remove parking meter. BUILDING 13 corner radius, 30. Relocate marina phone service drop prior to removing concrete block structure. PLA 2& 6%A-417 --./AULT r?z 1011 -4 6)� all 20- I f aiA4 �J 1 �4 C-A C-n �J Gq P EP-1-1 I T - 4 c.I.EAST BAY AVENUE Z Z 0 0 2 UU X U < .. CC LLI cc 0 U. Uj W Z 0 Z us 0 ul to C4 N Ul Z 0 Z . .J La > J LU M :) > ul (a C13 X (j LJL Z Uj a cc 0 4C > .J Z UJ- 0 >- .4 cc CC 03. Uj a 0 IL a > ): 0 a C* Uj Z ui 0 to 0 < U 0 un M (.) (n Z %D ud U ul - Z & a. CX a C DRAWN CHOCKED DATE DCALM 0= 10 I JOB NO. a4lal OHENT OF SHERTE 7 INITKAVM 409MOMLIX.AOM FMM 140. 1"A-24X3*01-PJ