HomeMy WebLinkAboutG II II II II 1 II *NEW FILE* LOCATION 111 "G" Street Legal description Lot 6 Block A Tract 518 R-1 Piled by MC COOK, Mrs. Patricia App. No. Date UPHELD BY CC 10-18-1960 V-615 8-18-1960 Approved 0 Denied AY& Encroach 4' into required 10' rear yard setback for the _purpose of constructing a bedroom and bath on the second floor only. Variance a Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 117 "G" Street lagal 4 °'P©" Lot 4 Block A Tract 518 Fled by ALLEN. Louis W. App. No. Date 190 1-20-55 Approved Irj Denied 0 5' rearyard setback instead of the required 10 , setback Variance rather Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 A.A.4101VN street .egal description• Lot 1, Block A Filed by Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Rowland Constrn. of first and second floor room additions on a single family dwelling with the features: 1.) The exis encroaches to within 10" line (where the Ord. req OVER fariance 0 MOd itaftbittm )ther App. No. Date M-2107 7/19/77 Approved 12j Denied 0 following nonconforming ting structure t of a side property uires 3') and to within Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 9' of the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires 10'); 2.) A one car garage exists on the site (where two garage spaces are required). The new second floor constrn. conforms with required side and rear yard setbacks. However, the proposed second floor balcony encroaches to 2 1 6" + into the required10' front yard setback along HG" Street. A two car garage and one open parking space is proposed on site as required by Code for the expanded residence. LOCATION 1701 Galatea Terrace Legal Description Lot No. 150 Tract No. 2813 Filed By: Leonard G. Beke eyer. Application No. Date Modification 5120 8-2-2000 Approved: X Denied: Allow the construction of a block wall in the 4 foot property line, that will range in height from 7 Code limits the height of such construction to 6 a request to allow the construction of a patio Cover existing grade that is located in the 4 foot side line. side yard setback, along foot 4 inches to 8 foot feet high The application the interior high, where the also includes high above the interior property that measures 8 foot yard setback along the Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: LOCATION 1807 Galatea Terr. Legal description Lot 144. Tract 2813 Flied by Dell Williams Date App. No. M4162 1 -18 -94 Approved Ek Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a 7 foot high encroach 4 feet into the required 4 foot side yard set- back. where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in ho-i-ght. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1815 Galatea Terrace, 1621 Payadere Legal description Terrace Lots 143 and 159 Filed by Lomi -Ea Square Corp. App. No. Date Approved 12 Denied 0 Oft I' 0110 • • • • Variance GI Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 )CATION 2007 Galatea Terrace gal description Lot 132 Tract 2813 CdM R-1 Hied by HINRICHS, Marianne P. App. No. Date M-82 6-17-1969 Approved TN Denied 0 Swimming Pool heater and filter equipment on the side property line. tiance jJ Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 the, Modification Amendment El Galaxy Dr. LOCATION 1310 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 93, i ract 4ZZ4 Fled by Ivan Wells & Sons, Inc. App. No. Date 731 10-23-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Mg Denied Request to permit a 5 foot high, wrought iron, pool security fence to be installed in the required 20 foot view side setback in the R-1-B District. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit C Amendment fl LOCATION 1363 Galaxy Drive Legal Description Lot 240, Tract 4224 Filed By: James and Barbara Glabman Application No. Date N.B.L.L.A. MR& 4-19-2000 4=200045- Approved: X Denied: To permit the adjustment of an interior lot line between two residential properties. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Other: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Amendment: LOCATION 1363 Galaxy Drive Legal Description Lot 240, Tract 4224 Filed By: James and Barbara Glabrnan Application No. Date No. 5075 4 -19 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit a 6 foot encroachment into the required 6 foot side yard setback with garden shed that is 11 feet 2 inches in height where the Code limits structures to 6 feet in height. Variance: f Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LULA I !UN 1169 Galaxy Drive Legal description Filed by R o b rt D browski and Tina Seri App. No. Date M 3461 10-4-88 Approved 0 Denied cg :Request to permit the construction of a garage which will encroach 5 feet into the required 6 foot rear yard setbac Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 1369 Galaxy Dr. Legal description Filed by Seri=Dabrowshi Request to permit the constructioAPP• No. Date of a garage, a portion of which M 3533 4-18-89 is 14+ feet wide and encroaches up to 2 feet into the required Approved El Denied 0 6 foot rear yard setback. Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Variance 0 Other LOCATION 1369 Galaxy Dr. Legal description Lot 241, T 4224, on the no side of Galaxy Dr between Rigel cir & Polaris Dr. Red by Robert Dabrowshi & Tina Seri Req. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a garage, a portion of which mod 3533 6-22-89 is 14 ft wide & encroaches up to 2 ft into the req. 6 ft Approved ,21 Denied rear yard setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1381 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 243. Tract 4274 Fled by TOUICAN, Yassar App. No. Date Request to permit the M3734 7/31/90 construction of a block wall that will range in height from 8 feet Approved El Denied 0 to 10 feet. and will encroach 6 feet i ntn the required__ 6 foot rear yard setback. The zoning Code restrict-s all construction in the rear yard setback to a maximum of 6 feet in geight. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision JJ Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 UJCAMUN 1380 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 82 Tract 4224 R -1 -B —MIA by RIP LTNIISI EY. Glenn App. No. Date riltinTTTON5 (Over) M-116 10-7-1969 Approved —Trrr Frprt a 5 fnnt fence in the front yard for the purpose of enclosing a swimming pool. %/wanes 0Resobdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification CONDITION I. Subject to approval of the Irvine Company and Dover ShoreS -Nomeowher'S Assn.- 2. That portion of the fence above 3 ft. in height to be constructed of vertical iron bars IC spaced 5" on center. LOCATION Legal description 1424 Galaxy nrive lot 78 Trart 4774 R-1-B Filed by LANISDFI I Grenvi UP Pi. App. No. Date 1318 1-4-1968 Approved ry Denied 0 Construct a 4 ft. fence in the front yard where a fence may not exceed 3' in height. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit LI Amendment 0 CONDITION (Over) CONDITION Approved for an open grillwork fence up to 5 ft. in height and subject to the Building Department's issuance of a permit and payment of penalty charges. LOCATION 1441 Galaxy Dr Legal deimription Int 254 Tract No 4224 Filed by Thomas J. Mitchell App No. Date M4554 4-29-97 Approved 1 Den ied Additions & alterations to an existing single family residence that is non-conforming because the garage encroaches 3 feet 6 inches into the required 6 foot side yard setback and 1 feet 6 inches iptn the required Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment E 6 foot rear yard setback. The proposed work exceeds the allowable 25% increase in gross square footage which requires the approval of a modification, on property located in the R-1-B District. LOCATIOIS42 Galaxy Dr. Lega description par ce I A. Tr 4224 Filed by I VAN WELLS & SONS, INC. App. No. Date 602 1-23-73 Approved 10 Denied 0 permit a 5' high wrought iron fence to be in- stalled along the bluffs & in the regutted ZIP _yard (view side) setback for pool _protection in the R-1-B District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1442-48-54,10-66 Galaxy Drive Legal cleserl Pflen Lots 71,72,71,74,75 Tr. 4224 R-1-8 114E IPUJInIF C0MPANV App. No. Date CONDTTION5 Over) Variance 0 Other Resubamsion gi Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by 255 9 -19 -1968 Approved 0 Denied 0 LOCATION 1448 Galaxy Dr. Legal desmiptitm Parcel LS, Tr 4224 Filed by K App. No. Date 59 7 1-2-73 Approved MX Dented 0 ApppnvFn CONDITIONALLY: 1. The fence shall be _nf open wrought iron construction & meet the requirements of the Uniform Bldg. Code for pool .finrlrinures. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1454 Galaxy Drive Legal Description Lot 72 and a Portion of Lot 73, Tract 4224 Filed By: Richard and Melody Ferber Application No. Date No.M 5045 3 -15 -2000 Approved:X Denied: Request to permit the replacement of a deck that encroaches 20 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback on the bay side and ranges in height from 5 feet 4 inches (including a 3 foot guard rail) to 6 feet in height where the Code limits structures to 3 feet in height. Variance: Resubdivision: [use Permit Amendment Other:Modification nf pnrinsing a swimming pool LOCATION 1472 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lo t 70 Tract 4724 R-1 -B Filed by I VAN WELLS & SONS, INC. App. No. Date 1307 10-5-1967 Approved 0 Denied 0 - I I I Variance r] Other Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 21 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1600 Galaxy _Dr. Legal description Lot 51 , Tract 4224 Filed by Melvin Zi 'vier App. No. Date M -495 5 -16 -72 Approved 0 Denied y E Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Other Mod ifi ratinn Amendment E LOCATION 1608 Galaxy Drive Legal description Filed by BUKICH2 Rudy A. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M -39 3 -11 -69 Approved Er Denied 0 A swimming pool to be located within the reguire4 front yard setback and to permit the necessary ;I fe n re enrloging the pnnl to he huilt in the requi_red front and dde yards Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °ther Modi fication Amendment 0 Lot 50 Tract 4224 R -1 -B CONDITION Subject to compliance with Planning Department fence standard Exhibit LA-1 LULA ION _1614 ralaxy Orin. Legal description Lo t aM Trart 4 224 R.-1 -B Filed by IVAN LIFI I C SONS App. No. Date CONI1TTTON (Over) M-118 10-7-1969 Approved x Denied 0 Fnrrnarh into the front yard setback area with a 9 fruit fence for purpose of enclosing a pool VerienteAr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other inrdification CONDITION 1. Approval of the Dover Shores Homeowner's Assn. and the Irvine Company. 2. Condition of approval regarding protection of the survey marked as contained in the Irvine Company letter dated Sept. 23, 1969 3. Construction of fence to be of open wrough iron nature. LOCATION 1626 Galaxy Dr. Legal description Lot 47, Tract No. 4224 Filed by lin lee App. No. Date M4515 11-26-96 Approved Denied 0 As-built construction of 2 foot 1 inch high lattice work along a portion of a 6 foot high side property line fence, for an overall height of approximately 8 feet 1 inch where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in bpi gilt Variance 0 Resubdivision Ej Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1626 Galaxy Drive Legal chwaiptim Lot 47, Tract 4224 Filed by Juergen Krogmann App. No. Date Constrn. of a 7 foot M-2043 4/7/77 6 inch high fence at the Appeal side property line Approved IZ1 Denied D (where the Code limits fences in side yards to a 6 foot high maximum). Variame Resubdivision D UsePermit0 Amendment El Other Modification-Appeal LOCATION 1626 Galaxy Drive Legal de scription Lot 47, Tract 4224 Filed by :Imargon Krogrna-er App. NO. Date Construction of a m- 2043 3/1/77 7 foot 6 inch high fence at the side property Approved 0 Denied g line (where the Code limits fences in side yards to a 6 foot high maximum). Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other modification )CATION 'gal description 1618 ralayy Drive Lot 4c Tr 4224 F-1-R Filed by TE SIN, Emil A TT App. No. Date 81 6 -17 -1969 Approved Al Denied A 5' wrought iron fence to be located in the required front yard setback. CONDITION: Letter of approval from Homeowner's Assn. to be rec'd. Conform to all bldg.req'mts iriance E Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 the* Morlifiratinn LOCATION 1712 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 40 Tract 4224 R-1-B Filed by NEW, Lester App. No. Date M-131 11-12-1969 Approved X 10 Denied 0 A 5' fence to encvoach into the required front yard setback for purpose of enclosing a swimming pool. CONDITION: Approved per Hans. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 ather Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1718 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 39 Tract 4224 R-1-B Filed by PETERSON, Robert D. App. No. Date M -57 4 -15 -1969 Approved X 411 Denied 0 Encroachment into the front yard setback for purpose of constructing a fence to enclose a Pool. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other . . . Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1730 Galaxy Drive Lot 37, Tract 4224 Filed by Mark Hurwitz Requested to permit the App. No. Date construction of a wrought iron M-2935 2-21-84 fence five feet in height within the required 20 foot bay side Approved In Denied 0 front setback area where the Code permit a maximum height of 3 feet. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1736 Galaxy Drive Filed by C. Nelson App. No. Date Constrn. of a 5 foot M-2066 4/12/77 high wrought iron fence in a required setback area Approved 13 Denied (where the Code permits fences 3 feet high maximum), and placement of pool equipment that encroaches to 8' from the side property line (where the Code requires a 5' setback). Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 1800 Galaxy Drive Legal description Filed by J a ime Ladmir App. No. Date M 3489 12-27-88 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the retention of an as—built 3 foot 6 inch high (to be cut down from an existing 4 foot 8 inch height) pool equipment enclosure which encroaches 17 feet 10 inches into the required 20 foot front yard OVER Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other setback adjacent to the bay where the Municipal Code limits construction to no more than 3 feet in height. LOCATION 1806 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 33 Tract 4224 R-1-B Filed by JOHNSON Robert L. App. No. Date Dili N Iver 1199 3-17-1966 Approved I/ Denied 0 ConstriLcta 5' fence lit he front Setback _A_Saprotective device for a swimmingLpool Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [21 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1: That the fence be of metal construction using 1/2",.(one-half inch) vertical bars, spaced 5"-(5 inches) apart on center and using not more than two horizontal members 1" (one inch) in width; 2. Glass, vines, screening devices, enclosures and similar devices and features are pro- hibited on the fence which would obscure the view the Commission intends to protect. LOCATION Legal description 1818 Galaxy Rd. Lot 31 Tract 4224 R-1-B Filed by EXECUTIVE POOLS. Inc. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1224 8-18-1966 Approved [50 Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to have a 5' high wrought iron upright on 5" centers. as per standards and plans, within the front vard setback for the purpose of enclosing_____ . . Variance Li Restied vision 0 Use Permit Ell Other Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 0. That the fence meet the standards now pending adoption by the Planning Commission. 2. That the fence not extend out farther than the fence on the property two doors away. UDCAJK)N 1818 Galaxy Dr. Legal description Lot 31, Tract No. 4224 & a port. of 157, Block 52, Irvine's Subdivision Filed by First American Trust Co. App. No. Date L1A94-15 12-6-94 Approved x a Denied 0 Requect to permit the adiustment of a lot line between 2 parcels of land located in the R-1-R A Unclassified Dist- rirts Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1818 Galaxy Dr., NB Legal description Tract 4224 Lot 31 Filed by JACK M. HUBBARD App. No. Date 594 12 -26 -72 Approved 0 Denied al DISSAPPROVED: See file Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1824 Galaxy Drive Lot 30 Tr. 4224 R-1-B Filed by IVAN WELLS & SONS, INC. App. No. Date 935 4 -4 -1968 Approved n Denied 0 Construct a swimming pool with less than the required setback from the front property line. Variance OD Other Resubdwision 9 Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION 1842 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 27, Tract No. 4224 Fled by RTA/Blurock: Thomas R. Moore App. No. Dee Permit retention of an as-built M-3604 10/3/89 6 ft. high pool protection fence within the 20 ft. front yard Approved Denied 0 setback, an the view side of property where Zon. Ord. limits such const. to max. ht . of 3 ft. Also included in the appl. is the relocation of an 8 ft. high block wall to encroach intn the 6 ft side yard setbark where Zen. Ord. limits such const. to max. ht. of 6 ft. (OVER) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION The portion of new wall on the streed side of the property maintains the required 6 foot rear yard setback. LOCATION 1848 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 26 Tr. 4224 R-1 -B Filed by I VAN WELLS & SONS, INC. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1340 3-7-1968 Approved IniX Denied 0 Construct a 5 ft. fence in the required front yard setback in connection with a swimming pool. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit M Amendment D CONDITION Subject to the submittal of precisely dimention- ed plot plans identifying the exact locations ol the proposed fences. LOCATION 1900 Galaxy Drive upplassawa, Lot 25, Tract 4224 Filed by Joseph Basso App. No. Date io permit a b foot M-2019 1/11/77 high wrougnt-iron pool security fence to Approved EK Denied 0 be installEd in tne required 21J foot view side setback in me K-I-B District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 1906 Galaxy Drive Legal description Filed by Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell App. No. Date 715 9-11-73 Conditionally Approved [23( Denied 0 permit a 5' high wrought iron pool security fenc to be installed in the required 20' view side setback in the R-1-B Distr Variance ip Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1912 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 23. Tract 4224 Filed by Anthony & Patricia Kopf , App. No. Date M -507 6 -6 -72 Approved X x Denied 0 1 Thp fence shall be open, wrought iron construction, and meet the Uniform Building Code for pool enclosures. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification LocAnom 942 Galaxy DrivP Newport Beach Legal description lot 18 Tract 4224 Fled by RicharA_Braman APPROVED (CONDITIONS) App. No. Date 574 10-3-72 Approved 13 Denied 0 Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Outer MODIFICATION Amendment 0 1. The fence shall be of open wrought iron construction and meet the require- ments of the Uniform Building Code for pool enclosures. LOCATION 2024 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 11, Tract 4224 Filed by Chadwell O'Connor App. No. Permit the application of a brick veneer onto an existing M 2960 garage that is proposed to . Approved encroach 8" into the required 6' southeasterly side yard setback area. Date 5/15/84 01 Denktd 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2042 Galaxy Drive Legal description Lot 8, Tract 4224 Ned by Harold Greene Requested to permit the App. No. Date construction of a block wall M-2820 12-21-82 and open wrought iron fence to a maximum height of 7'-6" Approved Eg Denied within a required 6 foot front yard setback area along Santiago Drive. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 2n16 galaxy Br , N B_ Legal description I nt 9, Tr 4224 Ivan Wells A Sons, Inc. App. No. Date M-485 5-9-72 Approved 0 Denied E Withdrawn XX Variance 0 Rewbdfrision Q Use Perini+ 0 °Wet Modifiratinn Amendment E Filed by LOCATION 803,807,815,831,919 & 935 Gardenia/ Legal description 813/821/829 Hibiscus Lots 18, 22, 26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36 and 40, Tract No. 12245, in the Jasmine Park Planned Comm. Filed by LDM Development To permit the construction of App. No. Date 1-aiagle-eamil.V.-attaglie-d- UP 3173 10 -24 -85 dwellings on 9 individual lots within_ the Jasmine Park PC which Approved 134.• Denied 0 alt Ical.11Sha, h t it of the 24/28 ft ht ,Prov. of the PC Dist. Req. Variance El Other Resobdivision Q Use Permit Amendment 0 Giar n ek UDCAXRDN 106 Garnet Ave. Legal description Lot 27, Block 5, Section 1, Balboa Island on the s.e. side of Garnet Ave. Filed by Lynne Valentine Req. to permit the retention of App. No. Date an as built wall and gate which M3352 (Appeal) 1-22-88 vary in ht from 45 inc. to 53 aet s_zie_egie A pp. inc. and which encroach ApprovedIII Denied LEt 10 ft into the req. 10 ft front yard setbarcK wnere the MC limits the ht of fences and gates in the front yard setback to no more than 3 ft. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 106 Garnet Avenue Legal description Hod by TyrinP ValAntinp App. No. Perplevk tn perpit the ratnntinn nf an "as lo11 4 1t" fenco which 14 3353 iC dA chic bilk, whi h Approved 0 Denied Ei PrIAP hai ht nnt yard fences to no mnre thin 3 feat in Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Date 12-22-87 LOCATION 1 0 7 aArPet Ave Le g al description Lot 7, Elk Cent I R T at 107 Garnet P a siele of GAruet hiatween s nay Front & Park Ave. nn Ralhna Tgland Filed by w il1i ai Willis Requg.Qt to permit the ronstruc- App. No. Date 1-ion of a eingle family dwelling V 1163 5/10/90 on property located in R-1.5 Dist. which exceeds 1 5 times the Approved ,gj Denied 0 buildable area of the site & exceeds the allowabel bldg. hut. in 23/28 Height Limitation Dist. Also includes a mod. to Z.C. so as to allow a portion of the sturcture to en- croach between 2 ft. and 3 ft. 4 in. into the required nvpn Variance 0 Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other !) FT. FRONT YARD SETBACK AND @ FT. INTO THE REQUIRED 3 ft. side yad setback; modification to allow a 5+ ft. high protective railing around a raised patio located within the required 10 ft. front yard setback; and a request to permit a chimney which exceeds both the 24 ft. basic height limit and the minimum height required by the Building Code. LOCATION 112 rernet Avenue Legal description FHed by Georae Watson App. No. Dee M 3382 3-22-88 Approved Ej Denied EJ Request to permit the construction of a second floor bay window which will encroach 1 foot into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 j>CATIOIN 113 garnet AO description Lot 9 Block 3 Balboa Tract Zone R-2 - Filed by HIXSON, Robert M & Nina App. No. Date 386 7-25-57 Approved IC Denied tneroachment of 2i , into rear yard setback of 5T ror 2na floor overhang only. lariance 6 Resubdivision J Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Dther LOCATION 117 Garnet Avenue Legal closaWm Lot 11. Block 3 Filed by Peterson, Donald E. App. No. Daft 863 12-17-74 CONDITIONALLAPPrerni 13 Denied 0 To ?ermit the construction of second floor room additions and interior alterations on a noncon- forming dwelling unit on the front of a lot with side yards). The second floor additions maintai the requirpd 1 foot cidp lord SO-O ar tS Wit Variance 0 Resubdiricon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other M-863 encroach to within 8 feet 6 inches of the rear dwelling unit on the lot and to within 5 feet 6 inches of existing stairs attached to the rear unit (where the Ordinance requires 10 feet betwe detached buildings). LOCATION 117 Garnet Ave., Balboa Island Legg description Lot 11, Block 3, Section 1, Tract Balboa Island Filed by Donald E. Peterson App. No. Date M -222 8 -25 -1970 Approved )111 Denied 0 per Plan 1 - 7'6" separation between buildings and 2'6" encroachment into the rear yard setback for the second story only. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 117 Garnet Avenue, B.I. Legal description Lot 11 Bl. 3 Sec. 1 B.I. R-2 Filed by PETERSON, Donald E. App. No. Date M -140 12 -2 -1969 Approved XIX] Denied 0 Stauctural alterations to a nonconforming bldg. CONDITIONS: All new construction to comply with setback requirements. Approval also includes approval of parking arrangement as shown. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION LOCATION 117 Garnet Avenue Legal description Int 11 B1 3 Sec. 1 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by PFTERSON_ Donald E. App. No. Date 1342 3 -7 -1968 Approved 0 Denied Xri< panindp1 and expand a nonconforming building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit p Amendment 0 LOCATION 124 Carnet Avenue Legal description Lot 18, Block 5, Balboa Island Filed by Ian Harrison Construction of addition to an App. No. Date existing duplex which has sub- M-4427 4-16-96 standard parking. The applicant also requests the construction of two entry columns Approved Denied 0 to encroach 1 foot 3 inches into the requir toot side yard setback. Said proposals are in conjunction with the conversion of an existing duplex to a single family dwelling. Variance 0 Resubdwisiga D Use Permit Amendment 0 Oilter %CO FM"?' LOCATION 204 Garnet Ave. Legal description Lot 24 81. 6 Sec. 1 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by SCHWAB, Warren E. App. No. Date 993 10-17-1963 Approved 0 Denied RR Alterations and an addition to existing 2 units which are non-conforming because of a garage which is 153" 20'2". Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 211 Garnet, Balboa Is and Legal description nt 1 2 , Block 4_ Ser. 1, . Tr . Filed by Dr W. S_._ Kohtz App. No. Date M-359 6-29-1971 Approved Q Denied IZ • The projerting portion chal 1 maintain a minima vp r teal 1 cle_araa.ce of A' 0" Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment VJUAWN Legal description 213 Garnet Ave. Lot 11 Bl. 4 Resub of Sec. 1 Balboa Is. R-2 Filed by BLUM, Alan L. App. No. Date CONnTTION (Over) M-47 3-25-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 A 9 ,6" encroachment into thet reauired 5' rear yard for purposes of constructing a sta 4 rway and landing Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Offillf Modification Amendment 0 CONDITION Stairway requirements to be ref verified by the Building Department at time of plan check. >CATION 226 Garnet - Balboa Island igal deseripike Por. Lot 34 Bl. 6 Sec.1 Ral.rs. R-2 Fled by JENNINGS. Fred C. App. No. OVERRULED BY CITY COUNCIL 4-8-1963 -See reverse side. 729 Approved Establish setbacks and second story overhang construct a telling on a bldg. site created ariance fl Mier Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Date 2-21-1963 Denied 0 in order to in 1938. CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall enter into an agreement satisfactor to the City Attorney whereby he agrees not to sell the subject property separately from the larger parcel which he owns in the same vicinity. 2. That no overhang be permitted into the 5' setback abutting the 10' alley. 3. That no overhang be permitted in the 3' side yard setback on the south side. CITY COUNCIL RULING-Encroachment for second story shall be held to within 3' of west property line, 3' of south property line, 2'6" of east property line, and l'4" of the north property line, as shown on subject plan; the first story shall be held within 3' of north property line, 5' south of the east line, with exception of the jog shown on the plan and 3' respectifely from the west and south 1 LOCATION 517 flarratt Mriva Legal description Tot 14, Tract 1519 Filed by ill • 1 1 i I • Ragnact to permit fha rnnsi-rur'i-ic4,PP 0. Date of additinnec and altarationc to M3786 12 -18 -90 an evicting cingle family dwelling that will encroach 7 faat 6 inrtipAPP"wed J Denied 0 on • • Oa • • —CQxtland--Dxin•--The—clPPLUantSa1-s--n various fencing and planter walls within the required 15 foof front setbackslong Cortland Drive and within the Variance El Other ew wmmn Modification se Permit U Amendment El Said fences and planter walls will exceed the allowable 3 foot height limit up to a proposed height of 7 feet in some cases. OCATION 601 Gary Place Tract 4691 egal description Lot 1 Zone R-1 Filed by COLEMAN, Miss Ella L. App. No. Dabs CONDITIONS (over) 887 9-20-1962 Approved fgX Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to care for children in her own home in an R-1 District. 0-5<ranmeD FoR / PR- 04/ 9-'1-'963 ,2 0•11 „ .• /o- 44 Parlance D, ResetbdOrtsionte0 Use Permit4 f Amendment 0 *rev , .• CONDITIONS 1. That it be for a period of one year. 2. That it be limited to a maximum of 4 children 3. That the age of the children be limited to a maximum of 4 years. Gp n gs vp Legal description Filed by A rith nny ranini App. No. Date Requpci- the construction of M2987 9-11-84 a 7 foot high wooden fence that is proposed to be located 2'9" Approved El Denied 0 from the back of sidewalk, and construction of 7'6" hick stone pilasters that are proposed to be located 2'0" from the back of sidewalk, where the Harbor Hills Planned Community Regulations require all fences to be %Lr‘Pq-tEmbPe rlorer than 4 from back of sidewalk. ance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 16 Geneve Drive Legal description Lots 1 and 2 of Tract No. 9862 Filed by Mark Scott Request to permit the App. No. Date construction of a block wall M3827 3/19/91 (30 inches in height) with wrought iron (48 inches in height) atop Approved El Domed 0 at the southeasterly corner of the property. The Harbor View Hills Planned Community Ordinance restricts walls to 30 inches in height at street -intersections. Variance [:I Other Resubdivision D Use Permit EI Modification Amendment El WWI I ION 8 Cileneagles Dnve Legal Description Lot 35 Tract 5388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4724 6-23-98 Approved X Denied • To permit the construction of an interior property line wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit by 2 feet 3 inches due to a change in elevation between two properties. Variance U Resubdivision Use Permit LI Amendment LI Other Modification LOCATION 11 Gleneagles Drive Legal Description Lot 55, Tract 15388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4725 6-23-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of an interior property line wall between two properties that will exceed the 8 foot height limit by 1 foot 6 inches due a change in elevation between the two lots. Variance Resubdivision LI Use Permit ET Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 12 Gleneagles Drive Legal Description Lot 33, Tract 15388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4726 6 -23-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of a new property line wall between two properties that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit by 9 inches due to a grade elevation change. Variance fl Resubdivision 0 - Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Modification Gotetenrock Ave. LOCATION 218 Goldenrod Ave. Legal description Lot 20, Portion of Lot 18, Blk. 34, CDM Filed by Lynn McAlister App. No. Date 144372 10 -31 -95 Approved 13 Denied 0 )nstruction of a second floor balcony which will encroach foot 6 inches into the required 10 foot front yard setback id 1 foot into the required 4 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Rev, 12d iv tsion Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 220 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lots 2 and 4, Block 134 Filed by Lnaries K. Noose App. No. Date To establish one building R-489 5/15/75 site and eliminate an interior lot line where two Approved DeMed lots now exist so as to permit the construction of a single family dwel —Fing on the property. Use Permit 0 Amendment C Resubdivision Variance 0 Other LOCATION 220 & 222 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Parcel No. 1 Filed by Don N. 1/leira App. No Date ro create two parcels of R -507 2/12/76 land for residential levelopment where one Approved— n Denied 0 )arcel now exists. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 227 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lot 17, Block 133, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Richard Glover (contactperson) Application No. Date M4817 12-1-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the replacement of an existing fireplace that will encroach 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback where the Code permits a 2 foot encroachment into the side yard when 2 feet is clear to the property line. The existing fireplace is 6 inches from the property line, while the proposed fireplace will be I foot from the property line. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification .0CATION .egal description 230 & 232 Goldenrod Avenue App. No. Dee Permit a substandard-sized M-2504 2/5/80 _Parking space in the side yards in connection with the App. rn nw Denied 0 construction of two contiguous single family dwellings. Variance 0 0ther Resulithin cq t myse Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by H. R._proul LOCATION 300 Goldenrod Ave. Lot 2 and S'wly. IU' ot Lot 4 Bl. 234 Um R-2 Legal description Mid by GRIFFES, Robert B. App. No. Date M -215 8 -4 -1970 Approved n Denied 0 A 4' encroachment into required 10' setback between main buiTdings. CONDITION: Approved subject to minimum 8 set- back from the alley for first Moor. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment fl Other Mndifiratinn LOCATION 111 Goldenrod Corona del Mar Legal description N20 1 of Lot 11 — 3 20 1 of Lot 13 Block 233 Tract CDM Zone R-2 Filed by MITCHELL, Charles E. App: No. Date 298 2-21-57 Approved EX Denied 0 Construction of a garage which is to be an addition to rinn.sennforMing dwel ling. Variance 0 Resubdivision Li Use Permit E Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 214 and 3141/2 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lot 16, and Portions of Lots 14 and 18. Block 234, Corona del Mar Filed by James Kaviani Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of a stairway and landing within M3887 9/3/91 a new duplex. Said stairway is proposed to encroach 2 feet into the4PProved Denied 0 required 15 foot front yard setback. The proposed constructic is 10 feet wide and spans the first and second floors. The applicant also proposes to construct a second floor chimney to encroach 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setbacl along the alleY Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification UDCAJKDN 114 GO 1 Renrod Torenne Legal description Lot 14 d portions_of Lots 121 and IR, Block 214, rnrona del Mar, located on the southeasterly whip of Goldenrod Ave,hetween SPAATiPW Ave & RAyside 11x. in ram Filed by JAITIPS Kaviani Request to rennhdiyide An App. No. Date existing lot and portions R961 7/18/91 of two other lots into A single pan-el of land for a two Approved a Denied 0 family renidentiftl rondriminipm development on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision • Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 315 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Book 51, Page 17 Filed By: 315 Goldenrod, LLC (B. Ku sh, contact Application No. Date M 4871 3-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 1 foot encroachment into the required 4 foot south side yard setback in conjunction with the construction of a new condominium project. The 4 foot requirement is as a result of averaging the lot width for an irregularly shaped lot. Variance: Resubdivision: Other: Modification Use Permit I Amendment LOCATION 315 and 317 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Parcel I and 2 of Parcel Map Book 51, Page 17 Filed By: Bradford Kuish, on behalf of 315 Goldenrod LLC Application No. Date M4755 8-11-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a portion of the dwelling to encroach 5 feet Into the required 0 foot rear yard setback in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling on a lot that has been resubdivided. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 315 and 317 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Parcel I and 2 of Parcel Map Book 51, Page 17 Filed By: 315 Goldenrod, LLC Application No. Date R1042 7-21-98 Appproved: X _ Denied: To resubdivide two adjoining lots into two parcels of land; one for single family residential use and one for a duplex. The proposal also includes an exception to the Subdivision Code because the parcels are less than the required 50 foot frontage and 5,000 sq.ft. for interior lots, and 60 feet and 6,000 sq.ft for comer lots. The interior lot is proposed at 21 feet in width and the corner lot at 49 feet in width, and both lots are irregular in shape. Variance: Resubdivision: X Use Permit Amendment Other: LOCATION 315 Goldenrod Legal dewripRon lot 15, Corona del Mar • Piled by Don & Paulete Kroll Requested alterations and App. No. Date additions to an existing 14-2794 9-14-82 single family residence that is nonconforming in that the struc- Approved J Denied 0 ture encroaches 2' -6"+ into the required 5' rear yard setback area adjacent to an alley. The applicant is requesting approval for a portion of the new construction on the second floor to maintain the existing 2r.=6" rear yard setback in line with the existing structure. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment II] Other LOCATION 315 RI 117 Goldenrod Legal description por Lot 13 & Lots 15 & 17, 51k Zii Filed by BERNITA H. EILERTSEN App. No. Date 378 2-15-73 Approved in Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITITTNALLY Variance 0 Other Resubdivision K3 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 315 Goldenrod, CDM Legal description Lot 1 7 , Blo CK 233 Filed by JACOBSkti, uarrell Bartell App. No. Date M -588 11 -28 -72 Approved 0 Denied El Di SAPPRCIVED Variance lUI Other M Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 °CATION 316 Goldenrod nal description Por. Lot 18 & Lot 20 R1 234 CdM R -2 Filed by CHRISTENSEN, Gene V. App. No. Dee 684 2-15-1962 Approved INIC Denied [] Waive the side yard setbacks on both sides of the lot line that is common to Lots 18 and 20, Block 234, GdM, for the purpose of constructing 3 dwelling units on two R-2 lots. silence Resubdivision CI Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Miler OPATION 316 Goldenrod egal dm00400n Por. Lot 18 & 20 Block 234 CdM R-2 Filed by CHRISTENSEN, Gene V. App. No. Daft WITHDRAWN by Applicant 133 2-1-1962 . Approved O Denled 0 Rezone from an R-2 to an R-3 District. anance 0 Kee Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment )0 LOCATION 408 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description NW by Lyell L. Buttermore App. No. Date Additions to an existing M-1087 9/21/76 duplex with two parking spaces (where the Code regui4tecreved 10 Denied 0 three parking spaces). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modifications Amendment 0 UJUAIRJN 410 Goldenrod Ave. Legal description Lot 12, Blk. 334, CdM, located at 410 Goldenrod Ave. on southeasterly side of Goldenrod Ave. between First Ave. & Bayside Dr. Filed by Crall and Associates Request to resubdivide an exist- App. No. Date ing lot into a single parcel R 923 4-5-90 of land for two family resi- dential condominium development Approved an Denied 0 on property located in the R-2 District Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 411 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Filed by Gordon= c. Gunn Request to permi issuance of App. No. Date building permits for a garage M 3031 3/19/85 that encroaches 3 feet into the required 3 foot side yard set- Approved 0 Denied fl back area. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 LOCATION 411 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lot 11, Block 333 Filed by Dr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Gunn App. No. Date Constrn. of a second floor M-952 9/16/75 deck on a duplex with three required parking spaces Approved El Denied 0 with nonconforming widths of approximately 8.5 feet and 8.9 feet (where the Ordinance requires minimum 9 foot wide parking spaces). Valiance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification OCATION 415 & 415½ Goldenrod Avenue mgal Description Lot 15, Block 333 Corona del Mar Tract Bed By: Jane Elana Peters Application No. Date No. CC72 9-7-99 Approved:X Denied: ,o permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex to a two-unit ondominium project. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Aber: Condominium conversion .0CATION egal description 417 Goldenrod ' Lot 17 Block 333 CdM R-2 Filed by MOWE. Thomas N. App. No. Date 682 2 -15 -1962 Approved 0 Denied COC Fnernarh a diminishing 2' into the 5' side yard Rethark required for a swimming pool. anance >thee Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 418 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lot 18. Block 334.Corona del Mar Tract FIld by San Pri IRteriors (Dr. Michael & Deborah Fabricant. owners App. No. Date M4484 9/3/96 Approved a] Denied 0 To permit construction of a masonry wall(approximately 4 foot 7 inches in height) topped by 1 foot of wrought iron along the front property line, for an overall height of 5 feet 7 inches. The Zoning Code limits such con- Variance 0 Other Resubdivisoon 0 Use Parma. fl Amendment 0 struction to an overall height of 5 feet, given that the solid portion of the wall is no more than 2 feet in height. The applicant also requests the allowance of 4 solid pilasters (approximately 5 foot 6 inches in height) along the front property line. LOCATION 418 Goldenrod Legal description Filed by Steve Groat App. No. INde -Request to permit construction M2982 8-7-84 of a greenhouse patio enclosure that_tspropass_ci to Approved 0 Denied DD encroach 3 feet into the required 3 foot northeasterly side yard setback area adjacent to First Avenue. Variance El Other Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment ID LOCATION Legal description 418 Goldenrod Avenue Jams Hollenbeck Filed by App. No. Date Permit second floor balcony M-2292 9/12/78 to encroach 2'4" into the front yard setback (where Approved 0 Denied IS2j the (Lode requires a T5'0" front yard setback) and to extend 8" into the south side setback (where the Code requires a 3'0" side yard setback) in connection with the construction of a single famiTy dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 MO 41. fication LOCATION 418 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lot 18, Block 334 Filed by J ames H. Hollenbeck App. No. Date ,fonstrn. of first and M-2118 8/2/77 second floor room additions in conjunction with an Approved lE0 Denied 0 existing single family dwelling on the Propprty. The proposed development includes three narking spaces as required by Code. However, the proposed open parking space has a width of 8' OVER- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification 2 inches + and a depth of 16' 4" + (where the Code requires a 9' X 20' space). LOCATION 418 Goldenrod Avenue, WM Legal description Lot 18 Block 334 CdM R-2 Filed by LORD, T. E. App. No. Date 301 6-21-56 Approved II Denied fl Reduction of side yard from 24" to 12" at area of fireplace. Variance 129 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Date 3-5-87 Denied 0 LOCATION 421 Goldenrod Legal description Lot 1, Block 433, on the n.w. corner of Goldenrod Ave. & First Ave. Filed by Harold Russell Req to permit the construction ofApp. No. a two unit residential condo 0P3256 elated •a a es a • MS • IN • • • 421 • ert located Approved in thp R2 fist. Variance 0 Cnkar Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 421 Goldenrod Legal description Lot 1, Block 433, on the n.w. corner of Goldenrod Ave. & First Ave. Filed by Harold Russell Rect. to resubdiyide an existing App. No. Date lot into a single parcel of land 843 3-5-87 for residential condo purposes on property located in the Approved g Denied El R2 Dist. Variance 0 (141%. Amendment 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit D LOCATION 425 & 425 Iii Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lot 3 and a Portion of Lot 5, Block 433, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Michael and Joan Furr Application No. Date CC No. 75 11-30-99 Approved: X Denied: Request to permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex to a two-unit condominium project. Variance: Resubdivision: 1 Use Permit 1 Amendment Other: LOCATION 441 Goldenrod Legal description Lot 21, Block 433, on the s.w. corner of Goldenrod Ave. & Second Ave., Filed by Tobias & Miner Construction Req to resub an existing lot App. No. Date into a single parcel of land 6-23-88 for a two unit resident. R869 condo development on Approved as- Denied 0 Property located in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubcknsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 500 and 502 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lots 2 and 4, Block 534, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Glacew Group, LLC Application No. Date R 1056 2-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the resubdivision of two exist ng parcels of land for two new 2-unit condominium projects on each lot. Variance: I Resubdivision: X Use Permit Amendment Other: LOCATION 500 and 502 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lots 2 and 4, Block 534, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Glacew Group, LLC Application No. Date No. 1056 1-12-99 Approved:X Denied: To permit the resubdivision of two existing parcels of land for two new 2-unit condominium projects on each lot Variance: Resubdivision:X I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 502 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lot 4, Block 534, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Eric Welton/Glacew Group, LLC Application No. Date No. 1081 2-2-2000 Approved:X Denied: To permit the resubdivision of an existing parcel of land for a new 2-unit condominium project. Variance: I Resubdivision:X I Use Permit I Amendment Other: OCATION egel description 504 - 506 - 508 Goldenrod Lot 6, 8 & Nv1,15 of Lot 4 Block 534 CdM R-2 Filed by HARROR TNVPRTMF.NT en_ App. No. Date 727 4-6-1961 Approved a Denied 0 Off street parking in an R-2 District to be used in conjunction with a commercial building. CONDITIONS AS LISTED ON APPLICATION. r eliance D Resubdivision El Use Permit lax Amendment 0 Sher LOCATION 504, 506, 508 and 510 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lots 6,8, 10 & 12, Block 534, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Eric Welton Application No. —r—Date UP 3638 110-8-98 M4787 Appproved: X j Denied: --1 Request to permit the reconfiguration of a parking lot on four residential lots located in the R-2 District. The parking is not required parking for any one building or use, but is utilized by commercial buildings located at 2831 and 2855 East Coast Highway. The request also includes a modification to permit an existing 2 foot high block wall, landscaping and the front portions of 10 parking spaces to encroach 5 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback on an alley. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit: X Amendment Other: LOCATION 507 rolfienrod Avenue Legal description Tat 7, mock Sll corona del Mar Filed by Joe and Nan Request to permit the as-built construction of a 3 foot high fence along the southerly side property line that encroaches 5 feet into the required 5 foot included is a request to permit of a 3 foot high post and chain property line that encroaches 5 em vision 0 Modification Variance Other gaasu_Sax_slgz App. No. Dee M3751 10/2/90 Approved 0 Denied xEj rear yard setback. Also the as-built construction along the northerly side feet into the required s that Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 the 5 foot rear Yard setback along a 14 foot wide alley remain clear and unobstrueted. LOCATION 509 Goldenrod, CDM Legal description Lot 9. Northeasterly 10 ft. of Lot 10, Blk 533 Filed by JOHN P. HERRICK App. No. Date 740 11 -6 -73 CONDITIONALLY Approved LI Denied 13 Request to permit an existing nonconforming dwel ing that encroaches to within 13 feet of the front property line (where the Districting Map indicates a 15 foot front yard setback) so as to allow the "instruction. of ° sernnsi dwelling Variance U Resuothvislon u Use Permit u Amendment El Other M unit on the rear of the property that conforms to all yard setbacks in the R-2 District. 511-13-15-17-19-21 Goldenrod LOCATION 2735-37-43-55E. coast Hwy. Legal description Lots 11.13 15,17,19,21 31.533 CdM R-2 Lots 4 & 5 El. E Tract 323 C-1 Filed by DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY App. No. Date 175 11-7-1963 Approved 0 Denied X.10 Rezone subject property from a C-1 and R-2, to an Unclassified District Variance Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit Q Amendment [N LOCATION Legal description 511-513-515-517-519 & 521 Goldenrod Lots 11,13,15,17,19,21 Bl. 533 CO)! R-2 Filed by DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY App. No. Date WITHDRAWN - January 9, 1964 CONDITIONS (tee application) 1000 12 -12 -1963 Approved AR Denied 0 Off-Street parking adjacent to a commercial use. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment LOCATION 513-515-517-519-521 aeldenrod Legal desciplion Lots 13,15.17.19 dM R -2 Filed by DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY App. No. Date WITHDRAWN - Jan. 9, 1964 177 12-12-1963 Approved xal Denied ID Rezone to C -1 -Z District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment IA Other IA./LAMM 519-521 Goldenrod Legal description Lots 19 & 21 B1 . 533 CdM R-2 Filed by Union Bank App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Applica- tion or Minutes) 1400 9-19-1968 Approved in Denied 0 Use of P-2 pronerty_for off-street parking in CQPnertion with a hank. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EZ) Amendment 0 LUCANON 615 Goldenrod Ave. Legal description Int 5, Rlock M Trart No. 323. on the n. e corner of Goldenrod & East Coast Hwy Filed by Edwin T. peiot Req. to establish a pet App. No. Date grooming fa ci ity with related UP 3168 9-19-85 retail sales of pet products or property located in the Approved Ar Denied 0 cl Dist Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tg. Amendment 0 LOCATION 616 Goldenrod Ave. Legal description Lot 18, Blk. 634, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Nancy F Kawamura To permit the as-built APP . N°. M4116 Date construction of 4 foot 6 inch 6-15-93 high fence that encroaches 6 fret 4 inches into the reaui red Approved 111 Denied 0 —10--that-fraii-4ffnLSe1ILC5 where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 36 inches in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdonsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 701 Goldenrod Legal deaahatiaa Lot 1, Blk 7 por ot vacated 4L1i St. Filed by DANA H. SMI1H App. No. Date 376 2-15-73 Approved 0 Denied DENIED Variance Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 701 Goldenrod Legal descirMonLot 1. Block 733 Corona del Mar Tract Filed by DICKSON SHAFER App. No Date 1018 3 -16 -72 Approved Denied JQ Variance Other Resuktdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 701 Goldenrod Legal deumipfkm Lot 1 Block 733 CdM TrArt Vulg. 8-2 Filed by REPPETEAU, Robert W. App. No. Date 543 8-6-1959 Approved gi Denied 0 Addition of a bedroom and bath to an existing non- conforming single family residence. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 704 Goldenred Avenue gal description . Red by Derek Johnson & Lynn Tba Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of a stucco wall with height M 3621 11-21-89 varying from 1 ft. 6 in. to 2 ft. 4 in. and a 3 it. high wood fence Approved E] Denied 41 on top with 4 in. + finials. The overall height of the proposed construction is 5 ft. -8 in. + above natural grade (to the top of the finial) at the southwest corner of the noprty, the height of the construction is less as you ap- )roace the n.w. corner of the property due to topography Variance 0 Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other of the lot LVLA IUN 711 Golden rod Legal description Filed by Request to permit the App. No. Date construction of an addition 1-5-88 M 3354 to an existing nonconforming duplex which provides only 2-off Approved 13 Denied street parking spaces whereas the Municipal Code requires that 3 spaces be provided for a duplex Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 714 Goldenrod Ave. Legal descriPikm Lots 14 & 16 Block 734 Tract 673 Pled by RILLLAN, Walter App. No. Date 203 2-17-55 Approved 0 Denied CM To construct a duplex dwelling structure with 2 garage on an R-2 building site. (Garages for same were pro- posed to enter off Goldenrod Ave.) Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .0CATION .egal description 717 Goldenrod Avenue Filed by Timothy Lee ierry App. No. Date Permit a 4' high jacuzzi M-2444 8/14/79 redwood tub to be located l' from the north side Approved 13 Denied 0 property line (where the Code requires 5') and 3'4" from the rear property Tine (where the Code requires 10'). Variance 0 Rose bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 770 noldenrnA Avepuo Legal description Lnt 7n, Ri„k 714 , r„„a .a,1 m Ar , ineA t e d on the enutheaeterly gide of roldenrod Avenue, between Fourth Avenue and Fifth Avenue, in rnrona del Mar Filed by Iceith wns f i en 1 Request to reeuhdivide an App. No. existina lot into a qingle R962 parcel of land for a two family residential condominium Approved la Denied 0 — •p.m s • „ Variance 0 Resubdiv..„ jzi Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Date 7/16/91 LOCATION Legal description OC , orona e ar ract Ned by Robert Dreyer Request to permit a required App. No. Date third parking space in a side yard to be 8 feet wide where the M 2644 12/30/80 Code requires a width of Approved DI Denied 0 9'-4" in conjunction with the construction of a garage with a dwelling unit above. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MODIFICATION LOCATION Legal description 721 Goldenrod Red by Keith Dawson Requested to permit App. No. Date structural encroachments of one M-2855 5-24-83 foot into the required four foot northerly and southerly Approved g Denied 0 side yard setback areas, a second floor deck that is prop- osed to encroach one foot into the required 10 foot rear yard setback area and a carport structure that is proposed to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback in conjunction with the remodeling and Variance [3 Other Resubdivision 1:3 Use Permit Amendment MQD additions to an existing nonconforming single family residence. LOCATION Legal description 934 Goldenrod Avenue Filed by Robert Altevers App. No. Date Permit new stair and landing M-2294 9/12/78 6' + in hbight within the front yard setback Approved 121 Denied 0 (where the Code requires a agr front yard setback) and within the east side yard setback (where the Code requires a 69Y' side yard setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Mod-W.0410n LOCATION 955 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lot 7 Riad by Richard L. Borgen App. No. Date Constrn. of one R font M-2007 12/21/76 fence in cide yard setback areas (where the Code Approved Li Domed 0 allows a maximum 6 foot high fence). One Pilaster at the corner of the building encroaches to the side PrQperty line where the Code requires a 6 foot setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 "n".1‘ Wan 11107 ten laPnrnd Legal description Filed by M/M Don Murphy • orikPP. No. • - M3159 Date 4-29-86 444.te_the_r_eGF.litra___10_ jay,* antilh,,,k Approved El DeniecCr: rcgoiNed V- the rAar of thp lnt Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LULA 1 KJN 1038 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Filed by Mr 14r4,ngør App. No. Date H 3418 7-12-88 Approved 0 Denied 0 Removed from calendar Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl LOCATION 1040 & 1048 Goldenrod Legal description Lots 46 and 47 Tract 2202 R-1-B Red by HARBORVIEW HILLS DEV. CO . App. No. Date 120 4-21-1960 Approved jg Denied 0 Realignment of property lines. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1100 Goldenrod Avenue Legal Description Lot 63, Tract 2202 Filed By: Michael Rose and Sharon Nussenbaum Application No. Date Mod. 4860 3-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the addition of a handrail to a rooftop deck above a garage that is encroaching 3 feet into the required 60 foot front yard setback and was previously approved through a Modification. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 11M1 ilnlrionrnr1 AVP)111P Legal description hied b y App. No. Date M-197 Approved Encroach 3 feet into the required yard setback. 5-19-1970 Ey Mmhd 60 foot Iron Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Medi VI ratinn Amendment 0 0-t 63 Tr 72.02 R-1-R LOCATION 11(11 Goldenrod Ave Legal description Lot 45 Trart No 22117 Filed by sea Poi nteInnct g naval for Steven Lewel 1 i ng_ App. No. Date M4146 10 -19 -93 Approved ak Denied 0 --Pequest to permit the retention-of a 6 foot A inch bigh Zo ni ng Code limits the -height of such construction 6 ft. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1101 Goldenrod Avenue Legal description Lot 45 Tract No. 2202 Filed by Thomas Lennon App. No. Date 5-11-93 Request to permit the construction M4109 of an entry addition to an exist-Approved gy Denied 0 inn cinnip family dwellinq. The addition is proposed to encroach 3 ft. into the required 6 ft. side yard set- back. Also to permit to enlarge 3 existing support • columns to encroach 3 ft. into req'd 6 ft. side yard setback Variance 0 Rewbdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 9 Goleta Point Legal Description Lot 47, Tract 7286 Filed By: Anthony Thibert Application No. Date M 4949 8-3-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit a 1 foot encroachment into the required 6 foot front yard setback on Goleta Point Drive with a corner of the garage, in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment LOCATION Legs description 43 Goleta Point p Luenesi App. No. Daft M-2285 Constrn. ot pool and spa 8/22/78 to within s ot tne north side property line and poolApprommd Denied equipment to witnin-4-1 of the north side property line (where rne code requires a b dimension from the side property line). Filed by Variance 0 Rasa bdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C*her Modification LOCATION 57 Goleta Point Dr & 60-62-64-66 Drakpc Legal description Bay Drive Lots 20 thru 24, Tract 7386 Ned by JOHN D. LUSK & SON, dba SPYGLASS HILL App. No. Date 440 3/21/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved 13 Denied 0 Request to adjust lot lines on five single family residence lots in Tract No. 7386. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision g Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4515 Gorham Drive Legal Description N TR 3357, Lot 108 Filed By. Peter and Clair O'Brien Application No. Date Mod. No. 5015 12-28-99 j Approved: X Denied: To permit the construction of a planter wall that will encroach 5 feet into the required 30 foot front yard setback on Perham Drive and will exceed the permitted 3 foot height limit for a total height of 4 feet. Variance: 1 Resubdivision: Use Permit t Amendment no-- LOCATION 4521 Gorham Drive Legal Description Lot 107, Tract 3357 Filed By: Donna Bower Application No. Date M480t I I -10-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the retention of retaining walls that exceed the 3 foot height limit and are located in the 30 foot front yard setback on Perham Road. The proposal includes the elimination of a portion of the perimeter fencing and stairway located on the bluff side of the property. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 4521 Gorham Drive Legal Description Lot 107, Tract 3357 Filed By: Donna Bower Application No. Date M 4739 7-28-98 Appproved: Denied: X To permit the retention of a 6 foot, as-built open wrought iron fence that encroaches 30 feet into the required 30 foot front yard setback on Perham Drive. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification CCATK3N 4521 Gorham Dr., Cameo Shores egid description Lot 107 Tract 3357 it-1-B Filed by SCHWORER, William J., Jr. App. No. Date 665 10-5-1961 Approved [] Denied libc Retain a 5' fence which has been built within the front yard setback. 'ariance Miler Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 l.00AlION 4539 Gorham Drive Legal Description Filed By: Patrick & Michele Murphy _ Application No. Date Modification 5130 9 -20 -2000 Approved: X Denied: To allow the construction of a pool and deck with guardrails with overall height of 6 feet above existing grade that will encroach into the required 30 foot front yard setback where the Zoing Code limits the height of such construction to 3 feet Also included in the application is a request to allow the retention of an existing pool protection fence measuring 5 feet 2 inches high located within the 30 foot ti i t yard setback where the Code limits the height to 3 feet. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: 1 Amendment: LOCATION 4601 Gorham Drive Legal Description Lot 102, Tract 3357 Filed By: Ron Thorpe Application No. Date Mod. No. 4991 11-9-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit a 3 foot high retaining wall with a 3 foot guardrail on top encroach from 8 feet to 9 feet into the required 30 foot front yard setback on Perham Road. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit [Amendment Other: LOCATION 4601 Gorham Drive Legal Description Lot 102, Tract 3357 Filed By: Ron Thorpe Application No. Date M5164 12/27/2000 Approved: X Denied: The retention of a 4 foot 8 inch high retaining/planter wall located within the 6 foot front yard setback along Gorham Drive. The Zoning Code limits the height of such structures within the front yard setback to a maximum height of 3 feet. Variance: 1 Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 1001-1147 Granville Dr. Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 10/20 Resub 233/240 Filed by Burnham USA Equities, Inc. App. No. Date FTM14839 PC 6-6-0 CC6-27-94 Approved El Denied 0 Request to approve the Final Map of Tract No. 14839 which involves a request to subdivide a single parcel of land into two numbered lots for attached residential condominium purposes, seven numbered lots for detached residential II. • III' 1r 1 0 .11 .1 11 • finance Other esdivision Use Permit U Amendment 0 purposes and a future manager's office, one lettered lot for private street purposes, and one lettered lot for private recreational purposes. LOCATION 1001-1047 GRANVILLE DRIVE Uscp1 description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 10/20 (Resub. 23 & 240) Filed by Burnham USA Equities , Inc. App. No. Date A805 8-22-94 Request to amend a portion of Approved El Denied E] Districting Map No. 48 so as to reclassify the property at the westerly corner of Newport Center Dr. & Granville Dr. from the U District to the APF (5000 sf) District, and to reclassify the remainder of the property previously known Variance 13 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 as the Granville Apts., from the U District to the MFR (69 du) District; and to establish various front yard setbacks on Districting Map.: b. 48 which pertain to each property. G rand Cancv\ LOCATION 106 Grand Canal Legal Description Lot 26, Block 1, Section 5, Balboa Island Tract Filed By: Dan and Ann Seltru Application No. No. 5099 Date 06-21-00 Approved: X Denied: To allow additions and alterations to an existing single-family dwelling where only two car 6. kin: is novided for an existing duplex Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 107 and 109 Grand Canal Legal descripfion Lot 7, Block 2, section 4, Balboa Island Tract on Balboa Island. Filed by Arnold & Charlene Mills c/o James Parker App. No. Date Request to convert an existing UP-1969 & 2/5/81! duplex into a two unit resi- R-672 dential condominium complex. Approved 1:%iX Denied 0 A variance is also requested in that subject property contains 3,400 sq. ft. of land area where the Code required 5,000 sq ft. of land areain order to convert residential property into condominium LAPS (Over) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit I Amendment and, Request to create one (1) parcel of land for residential condominium purposes where one lot presently exists so as to allow the conversion of an existing duplex into a two unit condomin- ium project. LOCATION 107 and 109 The Grand Canal Legal description Filed by i ames Parker and Arnola Aills App. No. Date Request to create one parcel of R4596 8/3/78 land so as to permit the conversion of an existing Approved d Denied 0 duplex into a two-unit residential condominium complex. Resubdivision Elf Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LWAHVII 111 Grand Lana' Legal description Lot 8, 1311( 2 , Sect 4 Filed by TED TYLER CORP. App. No. Date 679 7-3-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved al Denied 0 EE REVIKSE SIDE Variance 0 Other M Resubcbvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 permit an existing nonconforming duplex to have a 4' separation between buildings (where the ord. requires 10') & a 1 foot side yard set- back along the southerly lproperty line (where the Ord. requires 3') so as to construct room additions & to permit interior and exterior alterations in the R-1.5 Distr. All new cons- truction conforms with the required setbacks. LOCATION 112 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 24, Block J Filed by Hunter Wilson App. No. Date ionstrn. of a sun porch M-953 9/23/75 in a single family 'welling with the following Approved DO Denied 0 ionconforming features: 1 2 foot side yard set- iacks (where the Ordinance requires 3 foot side rard setbacks); 2) eave overhangs that encroach to within 3 inches of the side property lines Over - Variance D Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification (where the Ordinance requires 30 inch setbacks from side property lines) and 3) a two car garage with a width of 16 feet (where the Ordinance now requires a minimum width of 18 feet for a two car garage) and one parking space having a depth of 18 feet (where the Ordinance requires a depth of 20 feet). LOCATION lb Grand Canal Legal description Lot 9 Block 2 Sec. 4 Bal.Is, R-2 Flied by BARR. Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. App. No. Date 579 1-21-1960 Approved gg Denied Build an apartment over an existing garage which is non-conforming because of a zero side yard setback. CONDITION: Second story addition must conform to all required setbacks. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1E Amendment 0 LOCATION 114 Grand Canal Legal description Filed by Sheryl Hayashi, 30th St. Architects Request to permit the constructioAPP•No. Date of a duplex with a second floor 14 3534 4-18-89 deck which is 16 feet wide and encroaches 2 feet into the r e qu ir etpproved D Denied a 9 foot front yard setback on the Grand Canal. Amendment C Resubdivision C Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 115 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 10, Bl k. 2, Balboa Island Tract Filed by John & Mary Belle Clark App. No. Dee M4514 11-13-96 Approved a Denied 0 Additinng and alterations to an existing single family dwplling which has an existing substandard garage depth of 18 feat, where the Zoning Code requires a 19 foot depth. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 122 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 19 B1. 1 Sec. 5 Bel .Is. R-2 Filed by BOUAS Leonard V. App. No Date 1217 7 -7 -1966 Approved tri Denied 0 Structural alterations to a non-conforming structure which has an accessible balcony in the front yard Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment .0CATION 1223/4 Grand Canal description Lot 19 R1. 1 Sec 5 Ral Ts. R -7 Filed by ROLLINS, Mrs. R. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 771 9 -7 -1961 Approved tdi Denied 0 Major alterations to an existing garage which is non conforming because it does not meet the requirements as to size and has an existing stairway encroaching into the side yard setback. (aflame 0 Dther Resubdivision 0 Use Permit/3] Amendment 0 CONDITION: Approved, subject to the owner signing a statement, to be prepared by the City Attorney's office, agreeing that the property will never be used for more than 2 units. LOCATION Legal description 124 Grand Canal onald Rohrer Filed by App. No. Date M-2346 12/19/78 Permit alterations and additions to an existing single family dwelling which is Approved El Denied 0 nonconforming in the following: 1)- encroaches 4' into required 9' Grand Lanai tront yard setback; 2) encroaches to tne property line in tne requiredY5 1 alley setback; and 3) a /1 high fence exists along the south side over- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other property line (where the Code requires a maximum fence height of 6'0"). Proposal includes: 1) demolition of existing nonconforming tandem garage and rear yard encroachments; 2) addition of 2-car garage, widening master bedroom area and relocation of kitchen also request 6" window encroachments into required 3'0" north and south side yard setbacks. LOCATION 126 Grand Canal Legal description Filed by Raymond Zeff App. No. Date Construct a two-story V-1069 7/6/78 single family dwelling where portions of the structure Approved On Denied 0 (i.e., a turret and a chimney) exceed the basic height limit within the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 127 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 16. Block 1. Balboa Island Filed by Sandy_Ki nton App. No. Date 114476 8/20/96 Approved ECI Denied 0 Construction of a 3 foot 6 inch extension of an existing kitchen which currently encroaches 10 inches into the nguired 3 foot side yard setback along Park Avenue. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 the Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 7 00 cran a Legal description Lot 17, 111 ark R App. No. Date Request tn permit the M3784 12/4/90 construct i on of a new ctaircass. 12_iebet_4_i nches_in_jaeighte_that Approved 0 Denied a will encroach 3 feet into the -r-uired 5 foot rear yard setback a•jacent to the alley. The Zoning_ Code requires that the rear yard setback be clear of all construction. Variance 0 Offier Resubdivusion 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 Filed by i m a g e Ru ilder q LOCATION 204 thru 226 Grand Canal Legal disaipfim kits 3 thru 14 Bl. 7 Sec.5 Ba1.I5 20; thru 997 Alla 1 one Ave R-2 Ints 15 thru 26, Bl. 7 Sec.5 Bal.Is Filed by i LIU App. No. Date nrd 11fIn - 10-10-66 224 9-15-1966 Approved xn Denied 0 A 7PrO s etback on alley side of lots. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ID LUCA -HUN Legal description 205 Grand Canal Lot 26, Bl. 11, Sec. 4 B.I. R -2 Flied by SNERREITT, Vic App. No. Date M-160 3-3-1970 Approved al Denied 0 a 21/2' encroachment into rear yard for purpose to allow a 2nd story projection; 3 parking spaces 8'6" in width instead of required 9'. CONDITION: Maintain 8' clearance for projection Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 ather Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 208 Grand Canal Lot 5 E1.7 Sec 5 Ral TS R-2 Filed by MOORE, Wayne App. No. Date 796 2-20-1964 Approved Ex Denied 0 Encroach 21/2' into the required 23/4' rear yard setbark Variance 0 Other Resubdivision J Use Permit Ei Amendment 0 UjUAIK)N 9oci 4:rand Osnsl 60description Lnr 24, Block 11, Sect-inn Pour. Balboa Tsland Filed by Mills and C Reveal App. No. Date RecillARt to permit the as-built m3758 10/2/90 ronsrrnrrion of a block wall that ranges from 5 feet to 6 feet Apprcw64, 0 Denied-7W in hsight and encroaches 7 feet into the required 7 foot front yaT4 setback along Grand Canal where the Municipal rode limits such construction to 3 feet in height. Variance El Other Resubdivision [] Use Permit [] Modification Amendment 1:1 )CATION 209 Grand Canal IA description Lot 24 Bl. 11 Sec. 4 Bal.ls. R-2 Filed by ANDERSON, K.W. App. No. Date 11 -84 6 -17 -1969 Approved Denied 0 A l' encroachment into a required 5' rear yard setback for purpose of constructing a second Jstory unit over a garage iriance o Resubdivision 0 Use Permi+ D Amendment 0 ifler Modification LOCATION 214 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 8. Block 7 Filed by Sally_5. Hess App. No. Date Io permit alterations M-1084 10/7/76 to an existing duplex that exceeds Lb- times Approved CEI Denied ID the buildable area (where the Code requires the bul14ing to be 1.5 tfmes the buildable area, or less). Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification LOCATION 215 Grand Canal Legal Description Lot 21, Block 11, Section 4 of Balboa Island Tract Filed by Laughlin E. Waters App. No. Date M4640 1-13-98 Approved X Denied n To permit a 4 foot encroachment into the required 7 foot front yard setback to match an existing portion of the dwelling that encroaches 4 feet, in conjunction with an addition and remodel. Variance fl Resubdivision • Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 216 & 218 Grand Canal Lot 9 & 10 B1.7 Sec. 5 Bal.ls. R-2 Legal description Filed by TUPPAN, Erwin P. App. No. Date 834 12-3-1964 Approved XECI Denied 0 Encroach 2'6" into required 2'6' rear yard setback and 2'0" overhang at alley. -1)sw.--t. CONDITION: Approved for 2'6" encroachment into required 2'6" rear yard setback. Variance a Reuthdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 222 Grand Canal, Bal.Is. Legal description Lot 11 & sly.28 1 of tot 12 RI. 7 Sec 9 Balboa Island R-2 Filed by LATTIN, Mr. & Mrs T.W. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 856 4-15-1965 Approved gi Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to have a zero setback on a 25' alley. Variance IN Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL That the second story be not permitted to encroach into the alley, except for a roof overhang, not to exceed 2', above the second story. (Granted by City Council) LOCATION 222 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 11 & the Sly. 28' of Lot 12 Bl. 7 Sec. 5 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by LATIUM, Truman W. & Catherine N. App. No. Date 207 4-15-1965 Approved Denied 0 Realign property lines. Variance Other Resubdivision Ef Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 224 Grand Canal, Balboa Island Legal description S 28' Lot 13 & N.2/.L o f tot 17 0 Elk 7 sprr 2. Balboa island Tract Filed by Sam F. Kellogg App. No. Date 811 5-7-1964 Approved El Denied Encroach 2'6" into 2'6" required rear yard setback. Variance tj Other Resubdrvision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 226 Crarni Canal Legal description Lot Filed by MALLOY, David J. App. No. Date 824 10-15-1964 Approved Ki Denied 0 A zero rear yard setback instead of required 23/4 1 . Variance 121 Other Resubdivision Ei Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 227 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 11, Block 24, Section4, Balboa Island Filed by Martha J. Anwi ler Request to permit the constructionApp.No. Date of a second floor deck to an M-4020 7-21-92 existing residence that will encroach 2 feet into the required Approved 13 Denied 0 7 foot front ard setback. The existing residence is nonconforming in that its gross floor area exceeas tne allowable 1.5. times the buildable area ot the site, and only 2 on-site parking spaces are provided, where tne Zoning Code requires three spaces. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 L'Vt.." I IlJPI 227 Grand Canal Legal description Filed by Martha J. Anwiler App. No. Date Di 3356 1-26-88 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to Permit the construction of a second floor deck on an existing nonconforming residence that will encroach 2 feet into the reauired 7 foot front yard setback adjacent to Grand Canal The existing residence iS nOnronfnrming 1.0 t44t fic grAcc.struefural areas Variance 0 Resubdmston use remit Ansenamenf 0 Other e xceeds 1.5 times the buildable area in the R-1.5 District LOCATION 100 The Grand Canal, Little B.I. Legal dese*HP hied by David J. Malloy 1. A 7' encroachment into App.No. Dee the required 10' rear vard shall be permitted on M-515 6-13-72 the first floor for Approved xn Denied 0 garage purposes only. 2. A 5' encroachment into the required 10' rear yard shall be permitted on the second floor only . (OVER) Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 °the*Mqdifi cation Amendment 0 3. There shall be no external stairway connectin the first and second floors. 1.. Two garage spaces shall be maintained/ LOCATION Legal description 301 Grand Canal Filed by John Audino Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of patio cover which will M 3328 9-29-87 encroach 5 feet into the required 8 foot front yard setback adjacentApprovad 9 Denied to Grand Canal. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 303 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 35 Bl . 14 Sec.4 Bal .Is. R-2 Filed by HEWITT. Mrs LPS App. No. Date 1 168 11 -18 -1965 Approved n Denied Ci A second_floor addition to a building which has a non-conformino front yard setback. Variance Resubdivision El Use Permit I21 Amendment D Other LOCATION Legal decolptIon I nf 104 rrand Canal. Ral.Is. Trart 742 R-2 Filed by c MOOT Mrs Charles fteed App. No. Date 895 2-2-1967 Approved 0 Denied X425 Waive Section 20.02.190 to permit (a) tandem parking: (b) waive (for alley side garage __parking space) requirement that garage(s) be envered: (c) waive Section 20.14.060 C to it use of required 1 -0-' rear yard setbacva .p.ez, Virrande x Reoubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 01 Other for a parking space to meet garage size requirements. LOCATION 304 Grand Canal, Balboan Island Legal description Lot 3 Tract 742 Bal. Is. Fled by GARDNER, Gloria App. No. Date 53 4-17-52 Approved 0 Denied enlargment of rumpus room by cutting size of garage Variance 2 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 305 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 34 , Block 14 Filed by Helen Chapman App. No. Date To permit first and M-1025 5/4/76 second floor room additions on a duplex Approved a Denied 0 with the following exTstinq nonconforming features: T.) A front yard setback of 6 feet 7 inches (Where the Districting Map indicates an 8 foot front yard setback); 2.7 A side Over - Amendment 0 Variance 0 Ruubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Morlifirktinn rd setback of one foot adjacent to the xisting two car garage (where the Ordinance requires a 3 foot side yard setback); 3.) A rear yard setback of 3 feet + on the first floor (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot rear yard setback) and a rear yard setback of one foot + on the second floor (where the Ordinance requires a 2 foot 6 inch setback); and 4.) The existing two car garage has a dept of 19 feet + (where the Ordinance requires a• garage depth of 20 feet). LOCATION 307 Grand Canal Legal Description Lot 33 in Block 14 of Section 4, Balboa 1slandygb Filed By: Michael & Susanne Buettell Application No. Date MOD2001-001 1117/2001 Approved: X Denied: The combination of two habitable rooms into one room in order to relocate a new habitable room to the second floor; the demolition of interior garage walls to allow a second parking space with clear interior width of 17 ,4" where the Code requires 17'-6"; and the creation of a third parking space, uncovered, with width of 8'-0" where the Code requires 8'-9" with no property line fencing is present. The existing structure is non-conforming because it encroaches into front and side setbacks. Illegal construction within the garage will be removed to provide access to two garage parking spaces. Variance: Other: Modification Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: LOCATION 311 Grand Canal. Balboa Island Legal description Sec. 4, Page 510, CK 9, Code Area 7-067, Parcel 050-151-24 Filed by PP. No. Date 452 3-7-72 Approved yin Denied Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification LOCATION 312-312A Grand Canal, Balboa Island Legal description Lot 7 - Tract 742 - Balboa Island Filed by Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeBaun App. No. Date M-305 4-20-1971 Approved z-ig Denied 0 The second-story encroachment shall not exceed that customary in the block as verified by a field survey prior to the issuance of a building permit; and further provided that the eave overhang not project beyond the property line. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CHIler Modification LOCATION Legal description 312 & 312A Grand Canal Lot 7 Tract 742 Ral.Is. R-2 Ned by PRESCOTT Mr. & Mrs. Milton E. App. No. Date M-29 2-4-1969 Approved Ea Denied 0 A rear yard 2nd story projection to encroach to nf A ha 1 nne Dr and to permit an 1 11 • Variance . . Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oskar PrOdification "ad by Charles E. Juengst App. No. DISAPPROVED 560 Date 9-19-72 LOCATION 113 Grand Canal, Balboa Island Legal description Settton 4 lot 30, block 14 Approved 0 Denied in A9k.) -vel a Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Other MODIFICATION Amendment 0 LOCATION 318 Grand Canal Legal description Lot 10 Tract 742 R -2 Filed by HILLGREN, Mrs. Carl App. No. Date reNDITHIN (Over) M-34 3-25-1969 Approved XX1 Denied 0 A 1'6" encroachment into a required 2'6" rear yard cpthark and a further encroachment of 1'0" for PAVP overhang Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modi fication Amendment 0 March 25, 1969 APPROVED subject to a 1 ft. setback on the rea property line with an eave overhang of an additional lft. LOCATION 121 Grand Canal Legal description lot 25 R 1 . 1 4 S tar . 4 5.1. R-2 Filed by I FA , Mrs Marjorie E App. No. Date M-204 5-26-1970 Approved fl Denied Striirtural alterations to an uisting non= rnnfor ing building CnNniTTON: All new construction to conform to the building code. Variance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION Legal description 327 Grand Canal, Balboa Island Red by Richard C. Calhoun Requested the transfer of the App. No. Date northern 10' of lot 23 of Section NBLLA 80-3 12/23/80 4 on Balboa Island and add it to the southern one-half Approved al Denied 0 of Lot 22 of Section 4 on Balboa Island. N.B.L.L.A. 80 3 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 331 Grand Canal Legal description Filed by Pulaski & Arita Architects letillast—tarlaitSker—saahltP— ictiorskPp. No. Date _of_a_single family dwelling which M 3177 7-1-86 includes window sills which encroach 6 inches into the reauired 8 ft Approved El Denied 0 -frant----yard -and 6 ciSetb ired 3 ft. side yard setback. The proposal also includes two boxed eaves which encroach one foot into the required 3 foot side van Variance D 0th.. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment C LOCATION 333 & 3331/2 Grand Canal Legal clesaWm Lot 22 Bl. 14 Sec. 4 B.I. R-Z Fled in PARKER, Louis F. & Caroline App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) M -14 11 -12 -1968 Approved )01 Denied 0 structural alterations to an existing non- conforming building Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MODIFICATION . . CONDITIONS I. Remove the illegal new construction on the south side of the dwelling. 2. The bathroom may be replaced with the minimum size room containing a water closet lavatory and shower. Such replaced portior of the building shall be no closer to the property line than the previous building. .LIVA I IVN 311 & 1111/2 Grand Canal eget description lot 2 2 R 1 14 Sec 4 13.1. R-2 Filed by PARKFR, Inuis F & Caroline F. App. No. Date roNDITIGNS (See Over) 6-3-1969 M-76 (Sus.) 7-1-1969 Approved El Denied a Strucl-lwal alteratinns And mndifiratinns to an-sxisi -i-ng nnnennfnrming_hnilding. fariance. 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Am. Modification Amendment 0 1. Deny that portion that pertains to the enclosure of the water heater and the refrigerator. 2. The fence on the alley side permitted not to exceed the height of the original fence LOCATION 333 Grand Canal, Balboa Island Legal description Lot 22, Tract 29, Balboa Island Filed by Dr. L. F. Parker App. No. Date CONDITIONS: • All obstructions in the M-251 12-1-1970 required alley setback area Approved In Denied fl must be removed. 2. If it is determined by the Building Dept. that this structure constitutes 2 units, the garage must be made conforming as a two car garage. Variance o Resubdivision 0 Use Perrnd 0 °Ih r Modification Amendment El 4- LOCATION 333 Grand Canal Legal descriptionLOt 22, Block 14, Section 4 Filed by Mr. & Mrs. I. R. Caraco App. No. Date Constrn. of a 161/2 foot high M-894 6/3/75 3 screen wall that encroa- Removed by Applicant ches to within 4 inches of Approved 0 Denied 0 the side property line adjacent to an existing lb toot wide alley (Where the Ordinance permits a maximum 6 toot high fence along a side properti Over- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification line) on an existing single family dwelling with the following nonconforming features: 1) a covered porch that encroaches to within 4 feet + of the front property line (where the Dis triaing Map indicates an 8 foot front yard setback); 2) a 1 foot 4 inch side yard setback along the northerly side property line and a 1 foot + encroachment onto adjacent property along the southerly side property line (where the Ordinance requires 3 foot side yard setbacks); 3) a 4 foot 6 inch rear yard setback (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot rear yard setback); Cont'd - and 4) an existing floor area in excess of the permitted 11/2 times the buildable area of the lo Further request to construct on architectural railing on the roof of the existing dwelling that encroaches to within 2 feet and 1 foot 4 inches of the side property lines (where the Ordinance requires 3 foot side yard setbacks). -2 LOCATION Legal description 111 nranr1 Capal Lot 97, R1nrk 14, Seri-inn Fled by I.R. Caraco_ Requested to permit structural App. No. Date ilterations to an existing M-2859 6-14-83 residence that is nonconforming in that the existing southerly sidAPPwed 0 Denied E] if the structure encroaches 18" into the required 3 foot 5outher1y side yard setback area. Variance El Other Resubdivision E Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 G conk- S#. LOCATION 104 Grant Street Legal description Lot 7 Eloelc 1 Seachore Colony Tract Filed by MEDIAN, C. W. App. No. Date 165 10-21-54 Approved IA Denied 0 1 District Map #1 for new construction to replace existing- garage —hav4nra-30"—setback Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 208 Grant Legal description - Filed by LOCKHART, J. E. App. No. Date 413 10 -17-57 Approved t Denied Encroachment of 10' into a required 20' front yard setback for construction of a dwelling. Variance in Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 108 Grant Street Legal description Lot 8 Bl. I Seashore LoI.Sract K-2 Filed by AHLMAN, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley App. No. Date 919 12-7-67 Approved C( Denied 0 A 10 ft. encroachment into the required 20 ft. front yard setback in the R-2 District. Variance other Resubdivision El Use Permit El Amendment LOCATION 210 Grant Street Legal description Lot 9 of Block 9, Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Patrick O'Connor App. No. Date 334 9 -21=72 Approved CP Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY: See File Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 'CATION 213 - 215 - 219 Grant Street and ,gal description 212 - 214 Highland Street Lots 1 thru 5 Block 10 Tr. 772 R-1 Filed by FRANK H. AYRES & SON App. No. Date CC. Ord. 1051 - 8/26/63 165 8-1-1963 Approved a Denied El Rezone to R-2 ariance El Resubdivision 0 Use PermR 0 Amendment a )thee LOCATION 1001-1147 Granville Dr. Legal description Parcro I. of Parcel Map 10-20 Filed by I • II • App. o. Date of an /existing 69 unit apartment up 3505 7/1/93 projArt knowp as the Granville Apartneente to reSidentill Approved g Denied 0 condnminiums, on property located in the Unclassified Distrirt P.C. App. 7/22/93 C.L. App. -9713/93 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jJ Amendment 0 Variance 0 Oth er Burnham USA Fquitirs Trir App. No. CRD 20 P.C. App.7/22/9: C.C. App.9/13/9: Date 7/1/93 Filed by •111, g. • -to • I • • ni): 1001-1147 Granville DPar r. re , map 10 -20 Parrs! 1 of for the_ purpose of establishi-ng Approved El Denied 0 preljert compliance relative to the rity's Low and Moderate Income Housing plovis: . VHS CtS they apply fri the convers-i-on II I Coacfal Zone. Variance 0 Other Resubdtvision 0 Use Permit 0 CRD Amendment 0 Variance Other lettered lot for private street purposes, and lot for private recreational purposes. Resubclivision 0 Use Per one l ettered Amendment 0 Approv Denied 0 nfirP LOCATION Legal description 1001-1147 Granville Dr. Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 10-20 Filed by of land-in-to Burnham USA Equities, Inc. App. No. ce I TIM 14839 two metered lots for Date 7/1/93 LOCATION 1001-1147 Granville Drive Legal description Fa" by WEBSCO Properties & Orion Construction App. No. Date Request to permit the conversion UP 3438 12 -27 -91 of an existing two car garage tanagement enied 0 _thare_aLeigilt_ea_ use d as garages and the of a new trash enclnsure in conjunction with the existing Granville Apartments located in the Unclassified District. Variance [3 Other Resubdivision U Use Permit UX Amendment 0 LOCATION 11 Greenbrier Ln. Legal description Lot 18, Tract No. 7223 Filed by Walter Helm App. No. Date M4368 10-10-95 Approved 4:I Denied 0 ;.onstruction of a 6 foot high masonry wall, a portinn nf vhich will encroach 2 fept 6 inehec into the required 1 0 Foot front yard setback Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Other