HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 20"-_:;' .'s:' :':' ..,;�. '._._ ,':.h�a7iLL4\.iV►i=b G\. ,:u uS.fd. 'c/ Phone OMMSSION May 2.2, 1986 .Y T. Z 9 Z 9 Y T �1 ����each..: VLy . .RoLL CALL INDEX a the southwesterly corner of East Bay Avenue and Was gton Street; and modifications to the Zoning Code so to low a portion of the off -site parking apaces.to encroach nto the 10 foot rear yard setback ad jacR,nt- to an alley the establishment of a full time valet parking sery for the restaurant. LOCATION- Pa 1 No. 1 of Parcel Map 109-17, 18 (Resu ivision No., 713), located ` at 109-111 Palm Street, on the southwest y corner of Palm Street and East Balboa ulevard (restaurant site), and Lot 7 ock 7 Fialboa Tract (off-site , p arki lot) in Central Balboa. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Bubbles Balboe, Club, Ltd., B oa OWNER: Same as applicant Motion Motion was made to continue Use Permit No. 2 Ayes x x Y x x x (Amended) to the Planning Commission meeting of June Absent x , Exception Permit No 20 (Discussion) + Item Ho:12 Request to permit the installation of a pole sign on a riser. ref. with .:lens than :50 feet cif street frontage ` on �' No 20 property located in then Newport Shores Specific Plan Area. Approved' LOCATION: A portion of Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 3, Seashore Colony .Tract, located at 630b West Coat Highway,, ,on. the northeasterly side. of West Coast Highway, between Cedar Street and. Prospect Street, in: the Newport. Shores ;Specific Flan Area. ZONE: ,5P-4 APPLICANT:' George Stevens, Newport Beach OWNERi Same as applicant (( y. 1 y _ r'Y{IF`itiA 1 May 22, 196 M� O ' z a! City 6t Of f `{e ®rt Beach p � KOLL CALL INDEX CONDITIONS: I. That the proposed ,sign shall be in Ftubstantial conformance with the approved elevation ` exc(�pt as. noted belaA. 2. That the sign shall be mounted on t}a� roof, and shall. not exceed an area of 80 sq.ft. per face. 3. That the distance between the roof and the topof the sign shall not exceed the distance between the top of the roof and the girade below.; 4. That any projection of the sign over public property shall meet the requirements of Section 20.06.070,B,3 of the Municipal Code. A D J 0 U R N M E N T: 1:22 a.m. Adjournment, � • a PAT EICNENHOF'ER, SECRETARY WP CITY OF NEORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION I I t Y .y Planning ''Corm fss; on"'Naafi Ma' "I .:22 Agenda item No`. 12' 77 CITY OF NE►PPC9RT . BEACH ow' ':`C)': Planningommfrsion PROM: ' rlann'ing 'Department ` SUBSP.CT: Exception Parmit N6.`-'20 '(Discussion) Request to permit tote ngtallation of a'`PO @ aign ran a parcel. with less than 50 feet of 'street, troritage on property located in the Newport Shores�+ific Plan ,.. Area.. LOCATION: A portion of Lots. 12,,13 and 14, Block Seashore 'located Colony Tract, tat 6306 West ',Coast Highway,'. on .. the 'northeasterly `side of "West Coast Hig6ay; between Cedar Street and Proepect�Street,;in the'Nwwp rsrt Shores ' Specific Plan' Area. ZONE: SP-4 APPLICANT: George Stevenu, Newport Beach OWNSR:Same as applicant Application This is' a ' request to permit` 'the'' in'stailatidr of a pole sign :on a 25 foot wide parcel located in. the Newport 'Shores Specific Plan Area. Under Section`20.06.070,B,5,of the Municipal, Code an .Exception Permit is required 'for a pole sign cn a lot , hay.ing ` less than-50 feet of ' Exce tforl frontage: p pezTnit` pztaedures are set forth irr Section 20 06 Og0 of the liewpart Beac �1Nuatiicipal Code`. EnerironriteritaX' Sijnificance The` pro sect 'sign' has be°n "reviewed ' an'd ,''it has been cletarmined that . �t is categorically exempt.; under Class 11 (Accessory Structures) from the requirements of the California EnVi '`mental 'quality Act. 'Confor`mance 4th the. Land rise Eieients£ ,.1.`the General 'P lain` and the'Adopted' Local-,Coastak'!P gram The sand (Ise Elements :of the General` .Plan and the 1..oca .. Coastal �vrograrn `designate iha a tg`1. r "itetv�il and ''Service Commar-ci,aZ" uses. Sai4 Lind Use;` Eleinarrts ' do ,not addkess`. th0 use of temp xaxy 'or p rma- r Went signs. Therefore, :no cora4iicf appears to 'exist Subject"pzop$zty and Suxroundinq.Land'Uses The subject ;property,'. -is current occupied Thy �, r�artune telling business.. . To the -northeast ,aro „ the Ocean Po> t Apaztme�tg� y to ,file southeast; across a 10 foot kicie aZla�i 3s the pine , Knot hotel p to the . . southwest is PaciiEc Coast Highway and "the .C! ty ormed ' vacant property ;! beyondr and to tbe,,northwest ;is a,.two story office`:huiZding. ! i;l r F,�' * Co,isir�-► 2►� ;. M ,.nis�r ` I�,rt;alysis The applicant proposes to erect a 25 foat high .double-fac:�ed pole sign g having an area of 80 square feet 4 per -face . The sign will b�: r-- .into Wally lit. It will be located adjacent,.to the. alley, and will exCend.4 feet over the west Coast, Highway, right-Uf-way. The bottom no the sign will be 15 feet above. ,grade Under .; Section 20.06.'070, , C l..:;c►fthe Municipal Code, a `sign °stay "project • up' to 4 Pet `over a prgfyezt: line if, the distance between graAe aIldl xhc ,bottom of . rsign iss of least ,:thr3 1$' feet, There are currently thirteen (l i} 'rrole signs and seven (7) roof signs in the Newport shores Specific Plan Area. Of these, three pole signs are nonconforming, inasmuch as they are located on lots with less; than fifty4 frpnt'age £eet o.f Of 'the ,ten commercial parcels in Cie NewportShores"5peciEic Plan Area which hAve;less than fifty, feet Of frontage ssi,x panels 'have 'either a,.roof or, a pale,'sfgn, ..Thus a roof or pole sign at this Ieication ':is `riot out of character the area. ;with. surrounding The sign is proposer] to be located in the narrow strip of land between a 10 foot wide alley And the existing building and, sidewalk. ,raiaed Although construction in rids area would ro 'permitted under the Municipal. Cade, this could impede vehicular circulation in the,narrow alley, in 'addition, it appears that'th' ebase of the pole. ma, � exceed the width of the area between the alley and the rained private , walk- way, thus necessitating, removal of a portion .of the Willy Fo,rthis reason, it is recommended , that a . roof ,sign rzather, than _ is .pole sign: be :_ installed at:this location The Municipal„ Code; provides that roof 'signs pztay ise pezmit:ted through `exception, an e P.IanningCommisei,oponly irk instalccsere tfr� he location t} a business precludes, the ': e . ec,tiva ; usn ` ctf a yxa,l.e sign,, ground. sign,'' or gprojecting .sign. Staffis' tYte: ozsSn3an that a " 'sign ground ig not practical., since :the building; covers mega of the lot adjacent to west Coast HighwaX. Furtherwre�`the:hui}ding is"nc�t tallenough to provide sdequate under pros�^tinci sign. Under''Section 70 06 Q70,4; (b} k of t'ie I�unAci pa CcdQ, a rc>ai sign its, to :.' .. , , t be no taller .than 'ati uild4ng' is ;tall,. not`,to` exceed ,15 : feet' above' the - main portion of roof The building,., piseaza to `be .appzpxfxaa ely,..a0 ' feel tall. glius; :the top,.c' the sign waizld be pezmittecY imately ten feet above the roof. i Under , Saction'd > ir6 070, 8, 3©f tIi a Municipal Code, '; f.: F R, a sign , mdy be pe-ntitac7 to pzojec� oust the pzorty :.'.nc ,and i.nto4 tb`e puk��ic riyjZt of'way according to tihe >allowin formula M Distance 'Aisove. Szdew�ilk or12'to 14'tp 16' & Grp de TmirEediate%y Helow `Sign�� 18'>-; 1'l,► n lr ► �•:Zg a ; I1 p Maximum poect#,on bve „` : t �r ; e. Property 'Line r, F TO: Z R AMlicant's Stateisent, In accordande.tiith''Sei6t!6n-:20.*;06'.:096:B of. the Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Plafli-ling, Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary, to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary�'t'o the purpose . of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detri- mental to the health, safety,. comfort orgeneral w I fa' e re of persona residing ik.- the, neighborhood," or detrim4htal'or' injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. In response to the above findings`, the.,, applicant has submitted tha following statements in support,of.his application: Why will the proposalnot ,,Is,6,'contrary to the purpose of the sign ordinance? "The proposed sign will actually be smaller, than a typicall.200 square -foot :'sign,that would be permitted on most -other lots in'the area. 2. What exceptional or extraordinary. circumstances are in- volved? "Other signs and tw'o story buildings block views of the business which*is in a'one-story building." 3. Why is an exception permit necessary to protect as substan- tial property tight? "Without' the. sign the property is not eAsilx-Asible fr6m the fii4hwa3►­,4'11:; 4 ­:'Mh}� will the proposall not- be detrimental to the neighbor- hood.?, -"The neighborhood -corita 'ibs' r4ny signs that are equal -or-larger in size.!!, Specific Findi sand Recommendation It is stiffs opinion that a roof sign at the _46d location is a .proposed reasonable request because of the many. similarsigns in the area, and because: ::the low scal4,,'buildingis not"hi4h1v Visible' from West Coast' Highway.; - Staff recommends the approval of ExceptionPermit No. 20 to allow a --zoof`-,sign,1:at this` lo6ation','1,' nd.,. � re i cbmmends� that, the- Planning Commis- sion"...takp such'., action irlth­the1indin§6 Aij4 'subj;ect to the Conditions set forth . in Exhibit., IRA" If the'o Planning Commission : wish es t ;ApprovePol e sign,findings irW"c6h6iti ided'in' ons-aie prov Exhibit PLANNING. ,DEPA RTVJ= 7 Sandra Genis: - Assoc ate Plann LG: 11- E, P,P - q, Attachments'. Exhibit'_ A c/►L:1t3 L ! A t f' FINDINGS AND",`�Nt7tTOgg, FiPI�1 EXCEP'rION- PEWITT, NO.;.,•20 5 T} ti �a a .roof sign at, thisi location: WJAa. not ob- s,tructi Vehicular, circulation-in:the a�Ic�whereas a. pale sign could .impede the tx-affix,. TO: tfi' w.4�c� aua3�9io1} ` $• } 5 0 Y £XHIBZfi "B". REVISED F114DIIIGS AMCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MR EXCEPTION PERHIT NO. 20 P119DINGS s , . 2. That the` granting of this exception, pei.t is necessary':tOIprotect a substantial property:right., 2.''fihatthe proposed advertising pole sign to consis- with the: intent and purpqse. of tho City of 'rt Na'tentB: erech Si w.... grrardfr;ce 3. That.` the pale , sign ' is_ sitiilar ,' innature to other signs in' the ri©ighborhood that :.`are ' locatad on lots with lesa` than SQ .feet oF4A, reet frontage`; 4. That the proposed advertising, pole sign will.,not. 'to. 'be .detrimental the health, safety, pace; morals,:'camfort.and'.general welfare of persons residing and worming in the neighborhood or be detrimental'or injurious to property And,improve ments in ,'the , neighborhood' or ,: the:..genaraa, welfare o€'the'City. •.CONDITION6: 1 That tie ,.proposed' `sign .zhall. be in substantial t conformance;, with the approved plot` "plan and elevations, -except as noted below. "of 1 2. That nojpart the sign pole or, foundation shall encroach into the alley fright of way r- ! 3. That the,final location of tW pole sign shall be, approved by the -City Traffic'Engineer. 5 Pq y tp j a ion '' N s}. .. .. , a .. 0 '. .i k f- atf• ." i 1 C F i 4? °! i That'R any<:' rc� g t o£ the i ovex }�ubffc iY•J C a 2 3 i^ 3 Y .. .,property, shall' -sweet= the ;requ3 rements � ;off , BectYon € 2Q,06.010,B,3 u, ici of tha.:M n pal: Code, ,.. Ar J i 4 Sh,6^y' f. fi t Y � y 0 as �x PRDPQ bra POGO. sl8 1 ih,gl {+Y:'8� Y'n,.'?k shYdU }l V: Xikl4't y}yittrd vx.4'4�,2J Ati% 11'M�1 � � �j,�y�W.•,�.i a'iPVA i'�Y.J} 4W1X3'} hi 'NS f+�'�l �,y -. if a I 4 '� � �. ,., �, s' r ' r� � � t' �� 1 .' _ r�� �r � �1 lot 1 f u t rG 2'/z r Z'/L K ��/�' �- .4b , ._ r3tz cu 7'i a.o.7.4. a•s , srrs 3 a s, as A.r.3 t /Rutz jL WuDL } t� rr.i,::,>ti cc rtiFast'a. A". ta:xt a.:s mt•ti1C, a:trzte.w, Cutts nr:. tkirxs R7.5 C:a; fJ "AV" tX ROCS.. j'E • �. tOC::343.000 r O.Y. C"CtJ?t.. •:.2 i".1': C".'IU' Cx: t-.7:. T.R. a•jt R•t r,'Ct! S3rSII f t.070 r ta," ` 7 t. •lts.Lru:3o<. ty,xC1'SOM tKD ttlJ'::r: cr Y.J::S:u4 ras: arr a c�*twf'to'u.s.C. xur"o r>. 31•z.t3. 7 v�:3zrs' n'LL' Of rzuo rs= It C2truSc9 Wo=t crszJ . . TA2 •:fsITxr33:OR of l arxc3at iWJls?6t an st 237C 3xC/ •' Or AW IC= rtrC3Ct_',ttii... �""j� ..�ex:, ��//'' ;'^" • j� fl �G*.t""•{ :�%'r. �� '.� ! j �CLt r7 Cs:t Cr"3'a327i1:tOK raoc W StW 3ttrttJ ,, rrt r ra of x xxrDtt MV,, su tr,7us sMutcrt+a : Yt:zt t6 la+.r�re ... $ERhihRD C.11Dkh:5: -. A rG t2 a! tUu3txID f0. S7Ca acr,3ryrD a�rYCrti. � szcs +ram 7 eov�ts twY$fxt77xi1� r341L3 u3trtKrerra^.7�st H7<3t�rsrt Wt06xe7e7PC.CA9 Tv�t�3su:Y Or rL:tee sasta:xt.ir jt.t-St ta3 l-t) 4z1tr3i 1W1JK6,xRS'G:lJt0.lT5331Kdi.fl, S t ' ,f 'd r:K t 3.C., t:AKrA&D,1l2 .. .:o 'ULKi aR(=N 13t46I! WLMJOt WKYA&C ti .. _ -. M S t- - :'C „l,.33- fix. t :7 acula Put!'.tt �.tY pEttlrO COttjY'il'+ i U 3Y CJttt �► -. -.r. �:: . �MV r.r�w�+�� W•rfW V1 wf.. sa++IwM�+r .r P.• r p:-.C.. 7b"I7h -.I.YYI �1....i 1� J17�Ii+ ♦I i r. i. (''.., .- ..r.r .�• ....,..., .... Y ._ :':. : -.;.. ... . - -•� t 3x r138`. i3CC 1rY IIrm =a y7'Cs:r1R33t�1 w:..,.......r..-o. 3a, • COIMIS!3ION REVIDI: May 22, 1986 REPORT REQUESTED BY: 12, 1986 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 22, 1986 COMMENTS: ¢o sc4le- e P c"ovc✓ oli`l e !t a /n to L --ere, 4ve!r/ 2 v ,- � coo 14 T tom.. C"RD /^ Si nature / f "Date Yi �iS ht., tY 7 1 _ 4 . �.'i.yi: t S h •( 7 '4rd.�` VF FSFini"'VI!RL ��t�y3i },''eerr7l /��}t �,•(� [�.y1fh�it:/� } /T(} , q , PI IINING D£P1 cT .NT Fi.APx " X IEW :REQUEST Date May 2, 1986 X ADVANCE PLAIN. INN DIVISION X_PUBLIC WOKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS ATTACH i'i3 iFL,FNSE: RETU1 `X) X Tr?.AFP ICIGZtIEER X PIPE DEPARTMENT PLAtJS ON FITZ Ill PLA1;NING ()SP1'. PARKS & PXCRLATIOPI X POLICE DEPARrAENT izSlsRnTE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: George Stevens FOR: Exception Permit No. 20 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of a pole sign on a parcel with less than, 5.0.feet of street frontage on property located in the Newport Shores Specific Plan Area. LOCATION: 6306 West Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 12, 1986 COMVISSION REVIEW: May 22, 1986 C01111*24TS: CITY OF -clew to 6EACH ,• PLA1TNING DEPARTi!E`.�1' PLAN REVIEW REQ;.'� i Bate May. 2. 19f16'. XrADVANCE PLANNING DIV.IS.ION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPAkrMENT X PLAt3S ATTACi'.£A (PLEASE RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGItMER X_FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILL' Ili. PLANNYNG MPT. X_PLAN REVIEW DIVI IO11 PARKS & RECREAT:iOH s. MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: George Stevens FOR: Exception Permit No. 20 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of a pole sign on a parcel, with less than. 50 feet of street frontage on property located in the Newport Koran Specific Plan Area. LOCATION: 6306 west coast Highway REPORT RE UESTED BY: May 12, 1986 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 22, 1986 CO,'4MENTS 10k) 1 Afb pryy, !f ♦ � may/ ro Si nature Date '%Vvr,5'r iv: Permit the installation of a pole sign on a parcel with less than . 50 feet of street frontage on property located in the Newport Shoren Specific Plan Area. LOCATION: 6306 west Coast Highway UPORT REQUESTED BY: Max 12, 1980 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 22, 1986 COMMENTS : __Z: , 1?6V 1 f l e� � a'a? 1s .✓ ..Li ri1 crGv rr 'i r ` s3ry r r e. REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 12, 1986 C01IJ41SSION A-EVIE'd: May 22, 1986 C0IMENTS: %� 7".Ck%�'"• 7'r�R,�'w 5'/,r:r..� �ra..�� a�;.S� a%ex',r'7,sa�^,","l..x-,,.•,�� r^. ice.. -may J M, S� nature Date ryk l i; tet 50 feet of street frontage on property located in the Newport Shores specific Plan Area. LOCATION: 6306 West Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 12, 1986 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 22, 1986 t tr K.t1 n'..: .tz. f. f� 7 • 1 lei t t 1 � ,� V � � tr, t `7 �t r: jLL, V l � _ .: t'. wry � 'Sl�� ;:r.:X�+ �i r ,/;, l �; � � � Y rIJT/+, � ��- � • �' y . � �' �` . _ f - � � ' i , �� i ,� i ,� .. .. �. � " i .. ; - - i 5, '� ! � y I �rr�l ,, i , �� �', �'` �. �.; ^[ ' r �: f r � J t '` J ! � 11 ' f f, � t i . Y ` J c? 8G't l:.ri /IVG :r-o �oCAT101V NWAY � �.: f k 91. To _ - r 113) COLONY r P/N 62,12, 14 3 ,rJ'O . I t• ` r C .f -7 (. vr- �j ,46 t "1c 7. �. ZL KiF ---2Cftr(tl✓y� i i 1 • "Z_ La 'L J `� i � -- �GL�• GOvE:�-� t .44 �., '/ It CLAiT i !.s .r.. s-s3 7!'L L cs cz ..I. •:AJC-..- 3,- CLAZr t. 1 0 ,�•c r I.�a ;F =.�: GT i:I:XI�. t ; C'L:L:1A15. CUYTS'b1r:� CLttiLL sx> i'l.'" r:•.2�a . 2.II.2. COKSLCiL. I�. 1 a., s:2~:L' :'sue tom., s.t.2.x. s•7i" r.Ir•c•� i:8� i , �. f. tt L'Cs::Gb. Ltt=00, A%D FA1� w Cf II:L7C'LA" 3 �-.r• • ,-• C:sT;;L' TO u.t.0 a:Aw cr: NO. zt-x-[i. It y"yOj1='21 CU IF= hr=rls t' EL -FZ b:T^S33:Cr Of A srLCUL 2LLFLCTt cL.2► :L= ZSci r e. ctx es;ci;x CY'tassZIC�rsnx ttor Au star i<r>LtratraaC 'ZL.YL."1:wt o2 A LLtOY:`:MY Tst:.L7tt:AL IKISt.-ot : •�-•----" �� iZj'i�:�pb C. ADWS ir[:t,' LL: tsLiu:3tCs To 'Yz,.laa 119fLt:ai x11ai :0 t31►.IWG JIM CIYtI ¢ItClftiElt t103t=3' c 2xaaa,�acr�ssc U , �• ' r.Arl.Ai3i2:1 Ot.o.. Z-.IC KA:MLj. 21 stiX Yi:.'. C00711 raa. t ::-s<s:.r,e. a:,u-..xn x�,s=-x.ye ace acrso�; c t• G73f1��4Cl�c�FtSi+�: tPt�ltSi10tL1 rri►i�Jx ,.. _ Y C•:::r:_!A�:T.':Ft t4flu A1.S 11LIGli.01,t2Qt.► �C'Yi.titlYLt _ _ •' 1.1LC'.,OO�rtXat:Ot tS:1PLCt 07. t]G l0.'7;AD W-=VW • „ , firt".1:%�il ' x-..Ok:lua :t. r .� , �� LArt=3 r=-N rn n " r\/ Jr 4p UDA15 Ln iL: 4k O-N At/ 0 kit 0 ter At - � �k or A# "I _ 110 I a J%- m )JI — 1M— I At mot"— t A' Aq Iwo I W-�r ' 1 Ap !'t ;ir a s } `! A' S .l ._ \ 1 GI Y s ho ® —T I , R�, _. _._ _..., ...r _ .._ ... ,. . ....