HomeMy WebLinkAboutN*NEW FILE* LOCATION 5 Napoli Legal description Filed by Jack Frost Request to permit a proposed App. No. Date wrought iron fence with brick M.3036 3/26/85 pilasters to maintain a setback of 3 feet from the back of Approved 0 Denied 0 sidewalk, where the Planned Community District Regulations require the fences to be set back at least 4 feet from the back of sidewalk. Variance Other Resubdivislon C Use Permit CI Amendment ID LOCATION 11 Napoli Legal description Lot 10, Tract No. 9861 Red by Nye Martin Construction App.No. Date Request to permit the M3769 10/16/90 construction of a glass rail. 3 feet in height, atop an existiatpproyed &I Denied 0 retaining wall that ranges in height from 5 feet to 8 ft and encroaches 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback and 5 feet into the required 5 foot northerly side yard mmthark Thp P1Anne0 rnmminity nrainanrP. limit such construction to 8 feet in height Variance 0 Resubdiviskm 0 Use Penni+ 0 Amendment 0 °filer noafication LOCATION 12 Napoli Legal description Filed by Robert J. Zapfel & Angela K. Kraus Request to permit permit App. No. Date construction of a retaining wall M3048 4/23/85 and plexiglass fencing that is proposed to maintain a setback Approved 0 Denied 0 of 4' from the face of the curb adjacent to Ridgeline Dr. where the Harbor View Hill Planned Community District Regulations require fences to maintain a setback of 8' from the face of curb. The combined height of the wall an fencing is proposed to.varv from 8' to 11'0", where the Variance 0 Resubdiviske 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment0 Other Planned Community District Regulations limit the height of walls and fences to 8' above existing grade. LOCATION 15 Napoli Legal description Filed by Donald F. Williams, MD App. No. Date Request to permit construction 1(3037 4/9/85 of a retaining wall and wrought iron fencing with a combined Approved EN Denied 0 maximum height of 13 feet 6 inches along the northeasterly side property line and the rear property line, where the Planned Community District Regulations limit the height of walls and fences to 8 feet above existing grade. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 17 Napoli Legal description Filed by Lynn Valentine Request to permit the nistallatsorApp- .Nm Date of 3 foot bight wrought iron fencing on top of an existing 8 foot M3061 5/29/85 high retaining wall adjacent to Approved Denied 0 j the rear property line, where the Plannea community District Regulations specity that tences snail not exceed 8 feet in height. Variance 0 Olber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2 Narbonne Legal description Lot 8, Tract 9860, on the s.e. side of Narbonne, at its southerly terminus adjacent to El Capitan Dr. in Harbor Ridge Filed by John D. Pierce Rep. to permit the installation App. No. . Date of outdoor tennis court lighting UP 3272 5-21-87 , on property in Area 11 Of Harbor View Hills PC. Lighting will be Approved E] Denied ' installed on 8-18 foot high poles. Mod to ZC is requested ' so as to permit one of the poles to encroach 4 ft. 8 in. into the req. 5 ft -rear yard setback adjacent to El Capitan Variance 0 Oilser Resubdivision 0 Use Permit N. Amendment 0 #2 Narbonne LOCATION Legal description App. No. Date Permit a swimming pool M-2516 3/25/80 encroachment of maximum 2' into required 5' east side yard. Approved El Denied 0 Also, applicant requests 10' high tennis court fence on a 9 1 1J" high retaining wall encroaching 5' into required 5 rear yard setback along a portion of the easterly and westerly side property line. Piled by John Pierce Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other LOCATION 16 Narbonne Legal deurk4km Filed by Yee-Wing and May teeFong App. No. Date M 3358 1 -19 -88 Approved IZi Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a wall and pilasters which range in height from 6 feet to 11 feet, located 4 feet from the sidewalk on Narbonne where the Harbor Hills I Planned Community Development Standards limit fences to no wore than 8 feet in height Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other =ATM 17 Narbonne Legal description Filed by Thomas W. Winship to permit the instalTilion of App. No. a swimming pool that encroaches 11-2609 2 feet into the required 5 foot setback. Approved El Date 10/21/80 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resuhdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MODIFICATION LOCATION Leg description #21 Narbonne Filed by App. No. Date remit Jacuzzi-fountain M-2527 4/15/80 in north side yard to property line (where the Code Approved pg Dvied [] requires 51. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl the Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MP lftcOttpn LOCATION #23 Narbonne,Newport Beach Legal doscipticm Lot 30, Tract 9589 Filed by Ronadl Pollendine Requested a portion of na exist- APP-Mx Date 19 8' wall to remain 1'8" into the required 4' front setback 142708 8/25/81 for wall of this height. Approved I21 Denied 0 Modification Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CWmc NO(61 S5U S Ave LOCATION 211 Narcissus Avenue !AKA description Filed by App. No. Date Lonstrn. of a new single M-2281 8/22/78 family dwelling where the required third parking Approved a Denied 0 space is 8' X 20' (where the Code requires 9' x zU' dimension for each space). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modific4tion 1CMIATKDN 221 Narcissus Avenue Lmld desairdicm Portion of Lots 21 and 23, Block 140, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by William and Rebecca Spear App. No. Dole Request to permit the 143853 5-29-91 as-built construction of a second floor garden window Approved g Denied 0 (6 feet wide) to encroach 12+ inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback where the Zoning Code limits su construction to the first floor only. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 223 -Narcissus Avenue Legal description Flid 4 Robert D. Keeler Request to permit the COnqtriletiodkPFIMIN Date of a 4-6 foot high WA -1 generally 143126 1 -2 -86 I running in an east to west direc- tion which at its easterly end. Approve d 0 Cink4 bil • will encroach 17 feet into the regati .red 20 foot front yard' • - • • - limits fences in the front yard to he 3 feet in height Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 302 Narcissus Avenue Legal description Lot 4• 'Mock 941, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Mary A mrr ,rt h y Request to permit the as -hnilt App. No. Date construction of 9 hay windnwe, M3795 1 -8 -91 each to encroach into the rprinired foot side yard setback The Approved " Denied ID window on the first floor encroaches 1F1 inches into the side yard setback, where the Zoning Code restricts snrh encroachments to 12 inches The window on the second finny Code. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit CI Modification Amendment 13 Code. The second floor as-built window also encroaches 18 inches into the side yard setback. 7 LOCATION 304 and 306 Narcissus Avenue Legal description Filed by rry 1,ullrier App. No. Date Permit the remocal of an 14-2289 9/5/78 existing single family dwelling on two lots and Approved 121 Denied 0 construction of two new single family dwellings where the required third parking space for each is 8' X 20' (where the Lode requires a 9' X WI- dimension). Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mod i fi cat i on LOCATION 307 Narcissus Lsgs11 description Portion of Lot 5 & 7, Block 240, on the nw side of Narcissus between SEaview & ECH Filed by Barry & Marjorie Loud Rec. to Permit Granny unit on App. No. Date cropertv in 81 Dist. Incl. a mod 1323347 4-13-89 to ZC to allow construction of 3 bay windows on 2nd floor Approved Er Denied 0 which encroach 18+ in. in req. 4 ft side yard setback Variance Other Resu bdivisien 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 108 Narr i cStIc Ave. Legal dewriolim lot 10, Blk. 241, Corona del Mar Filed by mimrs Norbert Lamorezux App. No Date M4403 1-9-96 Approved 411 Denied 0 frinctrurtinn of additions to a detached garage which currently pnrrnarhes 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard stall-hark_ The second floor addition will maintain all ratrirPd cetbacks. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 , LCX14TR,N 109 Narcissus ' Legal demdpflor Lot 9, Block 240 and southwesterly 1/2 Lot 11, Block 240, C.D.M. Filed by Frances Richardson App. No. Date M-247 Approved As shown on plans (all new construction to standard setback requirements). 11-17-1970 MI Denied 0 to corm:in Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 , LOCATION 314 Narcissus Avenue Legal description Filed by Kendall Everson 1 App. No. Date Permit a substandard size M-2427 6/26/79 parking space in the south side yard and an existing Approved El Denied CI fireplace encroachment into the north side yard in connection of a single family dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 316 Narcissus Avenue Lepel deserpfkmLot 18. Block 241, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by Ed & Mary Lavelle App. N.. pats Permit retention of an as-built M-3598 09/12/89 garden window 4 ft. wide which encroaches 16 in. into req'd Approved El Dried 0 5 ft. side yard setback where Zoning Ord. limits such encroachments to maximum of 12 in. into req'd 3 ft. side yard setback. Variance 0 Itaubdivisien 0_ Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other n)DIFICATIQN LOCATION 327 Narcissus Avenue and Legal description 3451 E. Coast Hwy. Lot 4 Bl. Y Tract 323 C-1 Lots 25.27 & 29 Bl. 240 CdM R -1 Filed by PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REALTY COMPANY App. No. Date COND.OVERRULED BY C.C. 4-211-69-New Cond.Imposed 1425 4-3-1969 Approved AM Denied 0 Use an R-1 parrpl as a private nff -street park- ing lot and tn permit A hank building tn en- croach 10 feet intn the required 10 ft rear yarA setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 326 &328 Narcissus AVP toga chiscripfim Lots 28 & 30. BLK 241. CDM Filed by EUGENE 81 ROSE BOERO App. No. 424 1/3/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved El Mmied 0 , Request to combine two lots into one parcel of land for residential development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivisien Dik Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 328 Narcissus Avenue Legal Description Parcel I of Parcel May Book 60/6, Resub. No. 424 Filed bY ETCO Homes APP. No. Date R 1035 5 -19-98 Approved X Denied To permit a resubdivision of one parcel of land into two parcels of land for development of a single family dwelling on each lot. The proposal also includes an exception to the Subdivision Code so as to create two parcels that are less than 60 feet wide and less than 6,000 sq. ft. in area. Valiance 0 Resubdivision X Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: LOCATION dosaiPtion 410 & 412 Narcissus Lots 2 &4 BI. 441 CdM R-2 Filed bY CAMEO BUILDING COMPANY App6Ne. DOie 865 7-19-1962 Appnmod E/ Dried 0 A parking lot in a residential district which is adjacent to a commercial district. CONDITION: That access to the side alley be not permitted. Vadanee o Resubtrrision 0 Use Permit U Amendment Ei• Other ,OCATION awl dee:rip/kr 410 - 412 Narcissus, CdM Lots 2 & 4 Bl. 441 CdM R-2 Filed by CAMEO BUILDING COMPANY App. No. Date 829 3-1-1962 Approved S/ Denied 0 A private no fee parking lot in an R-2 District adjacent to a C-1 District. APPROVED, in accordance with plot plan submitted. Vanence Resubdwmon 0 Use Permit ME Amendment 0 Other ION 411 Narcissus Ave. elserlpikm Lot 1 Block 440 CdK Tract R-2 Filed by RAY, James D. & Hazel M. App. No. Date 242 6-21-56 Approved II Denied 0 Grading and blacktop of the above noted lot. Variance EJ Other Resubdivision Use Permit ag Amendment CONDITION (Over) CONDITION: Applicant must build a fence separating the subject lot and adjoining residential lot extending from rear property line to the front yard setback line. A 3' fence must be placed from junciion of the front property line and front yard setback line to a point of junction of the front property line and alley property line. Area adjoining residence must be landscaped. [ LOCATION 415 Narcissus Lima chscriPthn Lot 5. Blk 440 by JOHN H WILLIAMS, JR, App. No. Dots 682 7-3-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved )01:3X Denied 0 SFF REVFRSE_SIDE Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 permit an existing nonconforming two car garage to have inside dimensions of 17' x 19'6" (where the Ord requires 18' x 20') so as to allow the construction of a second dwelling unit on the lot over the garage, and a new deck on the existing dwelling on the front of the lot. The new construction will encroach 6" into the required 5' rear yard setback (2nd Floor only) & will create a minimum 2' yard separation between detached buildings (where the Ord. requires 10'). LOCATION 41 8-41 8 IA Narcissus Avenue Legal Description Lot 10, Block 441, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Mark Carroll Application No. Date M4917 6-15 -99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the addition of a new room with no net increase in the number of habitable moms to an existing duplex that is nonconforming because 2 parking spaces are provided where the Code requires 4 spaces. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 425 Narcissus Avenue Legal description Filed by App. No. Data Permit exterior second story M-2481 11/20/79 spa equipment to encroach 11/2' to 2' into the Approved al Denied 0 required 5' northeast side yard area. Variance 0 Or Resubdivisten p Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 425 Narcissus, CDM 14,434 apperlpfipp Lot 15, Blk. 440, "Corona del Mar Tract" Filed by DAVID LEE AND ISA REIS App. No. Des 758 12/11/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved xl2 Denied 0 Request to permit a nonconforming duplex with one substandard garage space and a concrete porch that encroaches to the rear property lina (where the Ordinance requires a 5 foot rpar yard Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 so as to permit the expansion of the existing garage space, the conversion of a storage area into a second substandard garage space, and the removal of the existing concrete porch for a new driveway ramp in the R-2 District. LOCATION 500 NARCISSUS AVENUE Legal description Lot 2, Block 541 Filed by Barbara J. Wallace App. No. Date M4199 5-24-94 Request to permit the constructionkpproved XIE Denied 0 of additions St alterations to an existing single family dwelling. Proposed construction includes the addition of a l second dwelling unit above a proposed new garage. The stair access to the 2nd unit is proposed to encroach 2 ft. 6± inches into the required in Ft rgar yard setback Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 501-5011/2 Narcissus, Corona del Mar deuriptkmCorona del Mar Block 540, Lot 1 Red by Barbara Edwards REquest to permit remodeling and App. No. Date the additions of a Bay window m -2638 to an existing duplex that is nondonforming in that there Approved 111 Denied 0 is a two car garage on-site where the Code now requires parking tor a vehicles, and there is an exisiting b' tence on the rear property line where the Code requires a 5' setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision n_ Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 1108IFICATIQN LOCATION 504 Narcissus Avenue Legal Description Lot 6 and a Portion of Lot 8, Block 541, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Ferguson/Day Properties Application No. Date R 1060 2-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the resubidivsion of a existing parcel of land for a new two- unit condominium project. Variance: Resubdivision: X I Use Permit I Amendment Other: tCx:Aik)N 505 Narcissus Avenue. Corona del Mar Legal description Filed by Carole A. Titus App. No. Date Request to permit substan- Mod. 2370 3/20/79 dard third parking space in connection with construction Approved 1:3 Denied of a new duplex. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 507 Narcissus Avenue, Corona del Mar Legal description Filed by Carole A. Titus App. No. Date Mod. 2372 3/20/79 Approved Dj] Denied 0 Reouest to permit substan- dard third parking space in connection with construction of a new duplex Variance D R subdivision Use Permit 0 Other Modifi cati on e Amendment 0 LOCATION 509 Narcissus Avenue. Corona del Mar Legal description Hod by Carole A.-Titus App. No. Date --Request—te-pena-i-t--sutts-tandard- Mod. 2371 3/20/79 tion with construction of a new duplex. Approved al Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Offaw Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 509 NARCISSUS AVE. isRai detsciPtim I nt 4, Wick MO, rnrona del Mar Trart Filed by Dan Zahatani App. No. Date CC17 12-12-95 Approved )(KI Denied 0 Reauest to permit the conversion of an existing duplex in- to a two-unit condominium project. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 509 Narcissus Ave. Legal description Lot 9. Blk. 540. Corona del Mar Filed by Dan Zaharoni App. No. Date M4400 12-26-95 Approved 131 Denied 0 Conversion of a two-car garage into two single car garages which results in one stall width of 8 feet 3 in. where the Zoning Code reguires a minimum of 9 feet 4 in. Varian ce 0 Olt Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 510 Narcissus Avenue Legal deseripfiee lot 12. Rik. 541, Corona del Mar Flied by Bob Carlson App. No. Date 114136 9 -14 -93 Approved Q Denied 0 Perplect to permit additions and alterations to an existing conconforming structure which encroaches up to 2 feet into the required 4 foot northerly side yard setback The approved clovninpmant permits a 3 foot side yard setback in rnrdwirtinn with the new second floor addition The Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other property is also nonconforming in that only two parking spaces are provided for the existing two unit development. LOCATION 510 Narcissus Legal description Filed by Noonan Consecuction Requested structural encroach- App. No. Date rnents of 1'-2"+ into the required M-2792 9-7-82 4' northeasterly side yard setback area in oanjunction Approved 0 Denied with the remodeling of existing structure. 0 PIDDIF'ICATICIN Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 519 Narcissus Avenue Legal descriPtion Lot 19, Block 540 Filed by John Bibb App. No. Date Addition of a new garage M-2069 4/12/77 and second dwelling unit on i a single family dwelling wit&Provad al Nmied 0 a fireplace that encroaches to within 18 H of the side property line (where the Code reauires 2' 0"). One of the proposed parking spaces will be 8' 0" in width (where the Code requires 9'0"), itesubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I Variance 0 Other mnrii ft cation r LOCATION 5211 Narriggrq Avianne Legal diliCriptiC41 Tnt 22, Tract 541 Filed 11 Leon M. Hyter App. No. DES M3750 9/4/90 Approved D Denied 0 foot front yard setback. Request to Permit the construction of a deck extension that will encroach 18 inches into the required 20 Said deck is 15 feet wide. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 modif cation LOCATION 520 Va-niosus Aire Legal description Lot 22, Pak 541, Cornpa Ael Mar_ At c 9 n Par.o 4 selic Aare OP cOUtbeaStnrly enrner of 3rd Ave and Warielnp Imo in ram 741 °Y pytar Propprtiaa Rogylaat tn raanhdivida an aviatingApp.NL DaN lot into a ell ngla pan-el of land R 925 5/10/90 for a two family residential rnntinminium development on proper*Prand El Denied 0 located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 521 Narcissus Avenue Legal Description Lot 21, Block 540, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Kevin and Helen Murphy Application No. Date Mod. 4864 3-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 2 foot encroachment into the required 20 foot front yard setback with with an 8 foot wide architectural window projection. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 601 Narcissus Ave. Legal description A portion of Lots 1 and 3, Block 640, lorated on the n.w. corner of Narcissus & 3rd Ave in CIt Filed by J. Jeffery Morris Req. to resubdivide the App. No. Date subject property into a R831 7-10-86 single parcel for resident. condo purvoses Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 601 Narcissus Legal description A portion of Lots 1 and 3. Block 640 lc-watt:ad on Fhc. n.w. corner of Narcissus Ave. and 3rd Ave. in CdM affery Morris _Eacia_ta_p_enatshespi t App. No. Date of a two unit resident condo UP 3212 7-10-66 related garages. and an open pasting space on property Approved 21" Denied 0 1 crated in the R2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 7 LOCATION 602 Narcissus Ave. Legal description Lot 4. Bik. 541, Corona del Mar Filed by Suzanne Finamore App. No. Date CC5 1 -24 -95 Approved 13 Denied [] Request to permit the conversion of a residential duplex into a twoOunit residential condominium project on prop- erty located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 609 Narcissus Avenue 11 Dyer Sled by App. No. Date Constrn. of a new garage M-2256 6/6/78 with a unit above where the required 3rd parking space Approved al Denied 0 is 8IU" in width (where the Code requires 9'0" wide parking spaces). Variance 0 Other Resubdivisiiiki gI f i c Almerfirmit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 707 Narcis A Leg •mmiripiion Lot 7, Block 740 App. No. Date Additions of a new garage M-2068 4/12/77 and second dwelling unit on a singje family Approved go Denied 0 dwelling with a fireplace that encroaches to within 18" of the side property line (where the I Code requires 2' 0"). One of the proposed Parking spaces will be 8' 0" in width (where the Cnrip re9uiras_ 9 n " ) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Filed by John Bibb LOCATION 709 Narcissus A Leg•eaription Filed by Hormoz Rafaat 1 App. No. Date Constrn. of a 56 M-2046 3/8/77 inch hiah fence in a front yard setback area Approved D Denial ID (where the Ordinance allows a maximim 36 inch high fence). Variance 0 Other Itssubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification It* 721 Narcissus Ave. •gal description Lot 21 & 1/2 of 19 Bl. 740 CdM R-2 Filed by _GRAHAM, Mr ft1 MrC MPri 1 I App. No. Date 1377 6-20-1968 Approved Xto Denied 0 Additions to an existing nonconforming dwelling finance 0 Met Resubdivision 0 Use Permit WI Amendment 0 CONDITIONS (Over) CONDITIONS I. That the building plans be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. 2. That the existing driveway and curb cut be removed. Nep4unee Ave. R.00ATION [Legal description 4710 Martina AvA . and 724 - ?ROI sr Lot 7 B1.47 River Sec. 11-2 Filed by ARTHUR, Harold D. App.No. Date 143 9-21-1961 Approved 4M Denied 0 Create two R-2 lots out of one R-2 lot. CONDITION; Applicant to file a revisdd map showing a 20' easement between the divided lots; the location thereof to be specified by Pub.Works Director Variance 0 Resubdivision kit Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4802 Neptune Ave. & 4809 River Ave. Legal description Lot 14 Bl. 48 River Sec. R-2 Filed by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH App. No Date 134 3-16-1961 Approved MD Denied 0 Creation of two R-2 lots. Variance 0 Oiiser Resubdivision la Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 HiDCAJRDN 4804-4806 Neptune Avenue 1 14911 deolliFhlem Lots 11-12-13 Block 48 River See. Rp2 Filed by HORNUNG. Louis H. & Thelma M. AM, Earl J. & Wanda App. No. Date R-95 7-2-1959 Approved al Denied Realisnment of property lines. Variance Other Resubdivision Et Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ruacKnom 4906 Neptune, Nawport Ranch !LAO description Lot 9 Block 49 layer Section Zone R-2 Filed by STEVICHRIS HOMES, Inc. App. No. Date 53 4620 —57 Approved a Denied 0 Applicant dacirpc n rpsnbdivision of thic proparty 40 PR to rovidp two lots Variance 13 Resubdivision Use Permit El Amendment El Other LOCATION 5000-5002 Neptune & 5001-5005 River Legal description Lots 11 & 12 Block 50 River Sec. R-2 Filed by CITY OP NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 99 8 -20 -59 Approved B Denied 0 Create 4 R -2 lots Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 51 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I LOCATION 5008 & 5006 Neptune Legal description Lots 8 & 9 Block 50 River Section Zone R-2 Filed by WM. G. MOWAT App. No. Date 17 Approved Iriteni;:c:157Thr Creation of four (4) building gits. Variance 0 Resubdivision 111 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Sion Nartnna Avenue Legal description Lot 19, Rlnnle ql . River Ranting Tract Fikd by Rill Spaulding Request tn permit the App. No. Date construrtion of twn hay windows M3797 18-91 to encroarh 18 inches into the recuired 3 foot side yard Approved Denied [] setback adjacent to neet. with an additional 6 in °verbena also pr_gposed Said windows will be A feet wide, each, and will be located on the second floor. where_the I Zoning rnde limita hay winAnw annrnanbmanta to the first flnnr in a airla yard set-hark Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Other Modificet' LOCATION ;100 Neptune Ave. and 5101 River Avenue lot 12. Bl. 51. River Sec. R-2 Legal description Filed by WOOLSEY Mrs. Louise J. App. No. Date roNDITTONS (Over) 293 11 -19 -1970 Approved X EJ Denied 0 Pecubdivide one oarcel into two residential lots. Variance El Other Resubdivision W Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That a Parcel Map be filed 2. That corner cutoffs with a radius of 10' be dedicated at the intersection of 51st Street with Neptune Avenue and with River Avenue. !LOCATION 5106 Neptune Legal description Lot 9 Block 51 River Section Red by 'CROWELL, Everett & Lucille App. No. Date 204 3-17-55 Approved [2 Denied C] To resubdivide a parcel of ground consisting of Lot 9 Block 51, River Section and an adjoining section between Lot 9 and the south line of mean high tide recorded 9/19/28 in Book 201.253 O.R. as set by Orange County superior Court Case #23686 into 2 bldg sins as on appl. Valiance 10 Resubdivision E] Use Penni+ 0 Amendment El C4Mes LOCATION 5108 Neptune Avenue Legal description Lot 8 Block 51 River Sec. R-2 Filed by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 89 4-2-1959 Approved 1Z1 Denied 0 • The applicant desires the resubdivision of this property so as to provide two R-2 lots. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision EN Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 5110 Neptune Ave., & 5123 River Ave. int- 7 B1 nrk Si River Section R-2 Filed by OWEN, Ross App. No. Date 183 3-5-1964 Approved Et Denied 0 Create 2 lots Variance 0 Other Resubdivision IX] Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 5202 Neptune Ave. Legal deuriplion Lot 11 Block 52 River Section R-2 STRANG, VERNE & Lorene App. No. Date 77 12-18-58 Approved la Denied 0 Requests resubdivision of this parcel so as to provide two R-2 building sites. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by LOCATION 5208 Neptune Ave. Legal description Lot 8 Work 59 River Rertinn R-2 Filed by STRANG, Verne & Lecene C. App. No. Date 76 12-18-58 Approved 13 Denied 0 Requests resubdivision of this parcel so as to provide two R-2 building sites. Variance Other Resubdivision gic Use Permit D Amendment LOCATION Legal description Lot 7 Block 2 River Section ne Filed by LOWEEY, Prorgan W. App. No. Date 51+ 7-25-57 Approved —nnied 0 Creation of two R-2 bldg. sites. Variance 0 Resubdivision E Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 5300 Neptune Ave.. and 5301 River Ave. Lot 12 Bl. 53 River Ser R-1 --1 Rbad by DORRIS. John P. App. No. Date SEE APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONS 230 10-20-66 Approved CI Denied 0 Create 2 hits Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 5300 Neptune L4114 description Lot 12 Block 53 River Section Zone R-2 Filed by STEVECHRIS HOMES App. No. Date #51 4-18-57 Approved 0 Denied 3C] A resubdivision of the property so as to cause division into two r-l- sites. Variance 0 Resubdivision S Use Permit o Amendment El Other LOCATION 5302 Neptune Ave., & 5305 River Ave. Legal description Lot 11 Bl. 53 River Sec. R-1 Filed by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 133 3-16-1961 Approved Ig Denied 0 Creation of two R-1 Lots Variance 0 Other Resubdivision gpc Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 [LOCATION 5304 Neptune Ave., & 5309 River Ave. Legal description Lot 10 Block 53 River Sec. R-2 Fikcl by BIGGINS, Ronald K. /940 BEAMISH, Richard W. App. No. Date KALMBACH, Herbert W. 119 4-14-1960 Approved Kg] Denied 0 Create two R-1 building sites Variance 0 Resubdivision Cu Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 5306 Neptune and 5315 River Ave. Legal description Lot 9 El. 53 River Sec. 11-1 Filed by DE HETRE, Mina T. App. No. Date 167 8-1-1963 Approved Ma Denied 0 Create 2 11-1 lots. Resubdivision t] Use Permit 9 Amendment 9 Variance 0 Other . LOCATION 5308 - 5310 Neptune Ave., Legal description Lots 7 & 8 Block 53 & 5319-5323 River Av River Sec. R-2 R- Fled by BIGGINS, Ronald K., BEAMISH, Richard W. & App. No. Date KALMBACH, Herbert W. 118 4-14-1960 Approved al Denied 0 Create 4 R -1 buildingi sites Variance 0 OWe Resubdivision In Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 5400 Neptune Ave. Legal description Reit 78 Block 54 RiverSection R-2 Filed by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 73 11-20-58 Approved MI Denied 0 Provide three R-2 lots Variance 0 Other Resubdivision a Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 5400 Neptune Ave. Legal description Lot 8 Block 54 River Section R-2 Filed by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 73 10-16-58 Approved int Denied 0 Resubdivision of property so as to provide 3 R-2 lots Variance 0 OHler Resubdivision lig Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Newpor+ Blva. LOCATION S.W. Corner Newport Blvd. & 30th St. Legal deacipibm L nt 1 Portion of P.E. right-of-way "0" Flied by CAGNEY, William J. App. No. Date (Condition)Over 513 5-7-1959 Approved al Denied 0 Requests permission to install and maintain an automobile parking lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ma Amendment 0 CONDITION: 1 1. Parking lot to be black topped and properly lined in accordance with specifications of City Engineer. 2. Use of hte property as a parking lot to be for 2 years only. LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd Legal description A portion of Lot 172, Block 1, on the Hoag Hosp property, on the sw corner of Hospital Road and Newport Blvd Filed by Dana Carl/Sterling Detail Reg. to permit the establish. App. No. Date of auto service,washing & UP3351 5-18-89 detailing for staff of Hoag and Lido Medical Center, on Approved xi Denied 0 propertylocated adj. to the proposed Cancer Center in the Unclassified Dist. Said facility will be in operation only during the construction of the New Lido Medical parking structure Variance 0 Or Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd I Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Record of Survey 15-30 on the so.west. corner of Hospital Road & Newport Blvd Filed by Hoag Memorial Hospital Req. to construct an addition to App. No. Date Mx waiting roomlfirst floor IN1421A 1-5-89 I pedestrian link building; two level parking structure. Mod to Approved Denied 0 encroach 5' into req. 15' front yard setback adjacent to Hospital Road.Allow installation of 4 wall signs on the tower bldg & adj. elevator tower whereas 3 Signs are permitted s to allow installation of add .' ground sign./ncl. accept. of an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd Legal deseripfien Parcel 1 of Record of Survey 15-30, on the s.w. corner of Hospital Road & Newport Blvd Fled by Hoag Memorial Hospital Req. to retain the site for App. No. Daft various mobile modular UP1421A 11-19-87 diagnostic facilities that may be temporarily located at Approved a Denied 0 the hospital facility Variance 0 Other Resuladivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd. Legal description Parcel 3. of Record of Survey 15-30, on thn q w rorner of Hospital Road & Newport Blvd. Filed by HaaS—Menia Hospital Rog to permit the construct App. No. Date nfa new hospital entry UP1421AH 3 -19 -87 eras incil new administrative Denied 0 offices, ronference room. Approved a' obspel . lobby and waiting area, and an out-patient registration area: and the construction of a new storage area for the cardiac surgnical unit Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 Newport Blyd. Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Record of Bruvey 15-30 on s.w. corner of Hospital Rd. & Hewport Blvd. & portion of Lot 172, Blk 1, at 4000 W. Coast Hwy on n. side MA by Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Request to permit installation App. No. Date of two ground identification UP1421A 12/6/90 signs at the new W. Coast Hwy. entry located on lower campus of Approved Q Denis the hospital property and an as-built sign on the expanded structure located on the upper campus of the hospital site. Variance 0 Resubdivisien 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd. Legal clesc4 600 parcel No. 1 of Record of Survey 15-30, on the s.w. corner of Hospital Road & Newport Blvd. Filed by Hoag Memorial Hospital Tun to amend a previous anon App. No. propoqpd i nrludes a request to UP1421A 7 122143-86 entahl i nh a temporary structure within an existing parking Approved Of Denied 0 lot soh i rh wi ll also be used for a MRS unit Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 Newport Boulevard Legal description Filed by David Sutherland Design Office Request to permit the installation/443.Na. Date of a third sign on the Hoag M 3064 6/4/85 Hospital site. The combined area . of the existing and proposed Approved El Denied 0 sings will exceed 100 sq.ft. which is the maximum sign area permitted by the zoning Code. Variance 0 Oifrer Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 301 Newport Boulevard Legal description Parrel No I of Record of Survey 15-30 on +h e a w florner of Hospital Road and Newport Blvd. Pled bymnag Memnriel Hnqpital Reg tn rnnstrurt a single story App. No. Date add t o hnar tn he used for UP1421A 4 -18 -85 ' MAgnpfir "Imaging niagnostic equip. rptahligsh rely farility in Approved f] Denied [] eweeaa of 90 days to be located in a mobile trailer nnit within an existing off-street parking area. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jee Amendment Variance 0 LOCATION 101 Newport Blvd. Legal description Had by H oe , memorial Hospital pp. A No. Date M3448 9-6-88 Withdrawn 9-6-88 Approved 0 Denied 0 arid wh cn will be 5 feet 6 Inches high and 19 l ee Variance 0 Other Resubdivolon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 long with area of 104.5 sq. ft., and an additional 158± sq. foot sign on the existing tower. LOCATION 301 Newport Boulevard LagA description Parcel No. 1, Record of Survey 15-30 Ned by Bobrow/Thomas & Assoc./Hoag Hospital App. No. Dee Request to amend a previously UP1421 (A) 10/21/82 approved u.p. which allowed the expansion of Hoag Memorial Approved ER Derided 0 linspital The amendment id; A requeqt fel remndel the ground floor and expand the existing storage area in the basement of the respiratory therapy wing so as to create new offices, storage areas and work rooms. Variance 0 Resubdivision C Use Permit Amendment 0 Oliver LOCATION 331 Newport Boulevard Legal description Parcel 1, R/S 15/30 Westerly corner of Hospital Road Filed by Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian App. No. Date Request to conctruct an- UP1659 4-19-73 emergency heioort in conjunction with Hoag Mpmnrial Approved a Denied El Hospital. 1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 ! LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd. Legal description Parcel I Filed by Hoag memorial Hospital App. No. Date Installation of one 16 M-889 5/15/75 toot high, illuminated, double-faced (300 sq.ft.+ Approved a Denied 0 per face) identification-directional sign and one 5-foot high, illuminated, single-faced (84 sq.ft +j identification sign on the Hoag Memorial Hospital site in the A-P District Over - Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification (where the Municipal Code permits only one 35 sq.ft. double-faced sign). LocKnoN •O1 Newport Blvd. 141,14 dneriPli'm ParCel 1, R1S 15/30 FilocrbY HOAG HFHOR T AL HOSPIp 1 I Dee 1421 -B 12 -21 -72 Approved Li Dented 0 APPROVED CONnITInNAI I Varance °th 0 Resubdivisien 0 er SEE FTI F Use Permit V Amendment 0 I LOCATION 301 Npwpnrt Rlvd URA description Parcel 1. R/S 15/30 Filed by HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL-PRESBYTERIAN App. No. Date CONDITIONS: (OM) 1421 _4 5-4-72 Approved a Denied CI Variance 0 Other Resubdivision ID Use Permit a Amendment 0 1. That all conditions of approval pre- viously attached to Use Permit No. 1421 shall be satisfied. 2. That the design of the facilities and improvements adjacent to or connecting to Hospital Road be reviewed and approved by the City for compatibility with the design of the proposed Hospital Road improvements. 3. That the total number of off-street parking spaces provided shall be not less than 1002. LOCATION 301 Newport Boulevard Legal description Parcel 1, R/S 15/30 R-1 NW by HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - PRESBYIERIAN App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes AMENDMENT TO or application) 1421 8-7-1969 Approved gig Denied 0 !Acidify thP location of certain proposed build- ings and parking areas, and amend conditions of approval previously adopted. Variance ID Other Resubdivision El Use Permit rj Amendment 0 LOCATION 301 144. Newport Blvd. ILegal descriPtial Metes & Bounds Description R-1 Red by HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes nr application) 1421 2-20-1969 Approved mn Dried 0 Fx_ransinn of an existing hospital facility previously approved Sept 20, 1991 Lftse _Permit No 29 ) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 LOCATION 101 44. Newport Blvd. mptps & Bounds R-1 Legal description Filed by Hem; MEMORIAL HOSPITAL App. No. Date cow:ironic (See Minutes or appliratino) 1280 6-15-1967 Approved Cif Denied 0 Erect identification and directional signs in the R-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit EK Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 301 Newport Blvd. Filed by HOAG Memorial Hospital App. No. Date 22 9-20-51 Approved Z Denied El construction of general hospital in "R" zone Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit gi Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 301 Newport Blvd. Legal chnerfpfim Parcel 1, R/S 15/30 Westerly corner of Hospital Road Filed by HOAG MEM. HOSP. PRESBYTERIAN App. No. Date Amend Districting Map No. 22 & 22A from the R-1 District to 365 4-5-73 the A-P District. Approved IZIX Denied 0 City Council Approved 5/7/73 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment WX LisCri TiosOcrNiption P2 allri0 e NI EW1 P0ofRT PaBLr VreD 1. Map 67-27 (Resub #446) Filed by Th e Old Spaghetti Factory App. No. Date UP1715(A) 3-24-94 PC Request to amend a previously Approved 0 Denied An approved use permit which permitted the remodel of an existing restaurant, the addition of on-sale alcoholic beverages. establishment of restaurant parking spaces within an adjoining Residential District, and the use of Variance 0 Other Resubdivssion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 tandem and valet parking on property located in the "Retail and Service Commercial" area of Cannery Village/ McFadden Square Specific Area Plan. The proposed • amendment includes a request to allow the use of an out- door loud speaker used for paging restaurant customers. LOCATION 2110 Newport Boulevard dwApison Lots 19 thru 22. Tract 814 and Lots T thru 10, Blk. 221, Section A Pled by N.B. SPAGHETTI RESTAURANT, INC. App. No. Date 1715 5/2/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved gj Denied 0 Request to permit the following in conjunction with the development of a proposed restaurant: (T) permit the sale of alcoholic beverages with- in 200 feet of a residential distrftt, (2) permit Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit to Amendment 0 a portion of the required on-site parking to be 7 located in a residential district adjoining a commercial district, and (3) a waiver of parking lot standards so as to permit tandem parking spaces. LOCATION 2110 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 19 thru 22. Tract 814 and Lots 1 thru 10, Block 221, Section A Filed by N. B. SPAGHETTI RESTAURANT App. No. Dee 446 5/2/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved g] Denied 0 Request to create one building site and eliminate "inteiror lot lines where 14 lots and a portion of "lhe Arcade" (to be vacated) now exist so as to allow the development of a restaurant on the site Variance 0 Other Resubdonmon EX Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION n 116 Newport Rh:el URA chnerilthm Lots 17 it 1R . Trart R14 nod by Danny Choi_ App. No. Date M4175 2-1E-94 Approved DeniedEi Denied 0 ' Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food facility on property located in the SP-6 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 L LOCATION 2116 Newport Blvd. #A Legal desoriptIon Lots 17 & 18. Tract No. 814 Fded by Dani el Choi App. No. Date SF14 8-3-94 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty fnnd facility on property located in the SP-6 District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2116 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lot 17 and 18, Tract 814 SW by crab Cooker of Newport, Inc. Request to permit structural App. No. Date alterations to an existing M3819 3/5/91 nonconforming building that currently encroaches 5 feet into Approved IN Denied 13 both the required 5 foot setbacks along Newport Boulevard and 22nd Street. The applicant also proposes that one parking space in the rear of the property encroacn 5 teet into the required 5 foot setback along 22nd Street. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification , LOCATION 2116 Nmopnrt Rlyel Legal desrAption Lots 17 & 111, TrArt Nn Filed by Crab Cooker of Newport.. Ma. Rohprt RnnhiAr Resubdivide two existing lotsAfP .No. Date into a single Parcel of land for R 964 8-22-91 commercial purposes on property locate!ln the "REtail & Service Commercial" areaAPPf m f2 Denied of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Ea Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 TION 2116 Newport Blvd. description Filed by COTTON GOFF, Inc. Date App. No. 4 76 Approved 11-20-58 PEI Denied D Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit g Amendment 0 Erect a spray booth (painting, automotive) run de'smipNon Lot 6 Tract 814 C-1 2200 Newport Blvd. Ned by BROWN, Donald M. App. No. Date 572 12-17-1959 Approved IC] Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to operate a theater in a C-1 District. CONDITION: Theater to be used for night time use only Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 App. No. 84 Approved ID Date 10-21-54 Denied El bet Use dikaat'un 2212 Newport Blvd. - gel description Filed by SOUTH COAST CO. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit al Amendment 0 LOCATION 2220 LagAdeseriplion Por 14, and a porti Tract 814; a po —11--1111-1ALls-11.111CLU B Fged 4 i B lock 223, Sect a portion of Se Township 6 Sout 10 West. San Be yeridian Request to crea opment. Newport Bl. tion of Lots 1-9 Lots 11. 12, & on of "the Arcade" (vacated) rtion of Blk.222 and Lots 1-5 of ion A. and App.No. Daft c. 33. h. Ranae - 421 2/7/74 rnardino Approved gy DrIal CONDITIONALLY te one parcel of land fnr daval. Variance 0 Ofiwr Resubdivision MX Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Boule vard U14 thfta4m Lots tzz and 22s, sec. A, ana var. Tr. 814 C-1 & C-2 Filed by MAR INE App. No. Date 1569 12 -2 -1971 Approved in Denied 0 UM-TALONS (Over) Utilize a relocatable building as a yacht sales office. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 6 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Oiber \L_ DITIONS 1. That development be according to the approved plot plan, except for minor modifications approved by the Community Development Department. 2. This approval shall be for a 3 year period from the effective date of this action or until the applicant's lease expires, whichever comes first. Any request for extension shall be acted upon by the Modifications Committee. LOCATION 2318 Newport Blvd Legal d006 1:600 Lots 6,7.8,Block 223,Section A, and a portion of Lot 2,Section 33,Township 6 . So. ,Range 10 W. on the p.e. side of Newport Blvd between 23rd & 26th St. "" by Ralph Furra Req. to increase the net public App. No. Date area on the outdoor deck;partially UP3065A 2-4-88 encl, outdoor deck area for dining purposes; &ta l l rec. off-st. p. Approved 0 Denied pi s. thru in-lieu P.S. in the Municipal parking lot; req. to allow the use of outdoor deck 'til 2a.m. Mod to ZC to Permit deck encl, to encroach 2.28 ft into req.10 Ft setback from the bulkhead line Variance 0 ORter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 [ LOCATION 2318 Newport RI v4. Legal description Lots 6,7 and 8, alk. 233, Sec. A 81 a portion of Lot 2, Sec. 33, Newport Bch. Tract Red by Woody's Wharf (Ralph Furra App. l 1 Date 0D -1 10 -4 -95 Approved x ID Denied 0 Establishment of an outdoor dining use on property lorated in the SP-6 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 2318 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 223, Section A, & a portion of Lot 2,Section 33,Township 6 So.Range 10 West, on the n.e. side of Newport Blvd between 23rd & 26th Filed by Ralph Furra Reg.to consider amending conditiApp.No. Dale ons of approval in conjunction UP 3065 Review with UP3065. 3-24-88 Approved ,Ø' Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2318 Newport Boulevard Legal desairam Lots 5-7, Block 223, in the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. Fged by Woody's Wharf App. No. Dote Request to expand the "net . UP 3065 11/10/83 public area" of an existing restaurant so as to allow the Approved al Denied construction of an outdoor deck to be used tor dining and drinking purposes. See touter tor additional details. • Varronce Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 .1 LOCATION 2404-06-08 Newport Boulevard Legal descriptionLots 9, 10, and 11, Block 223, Section A, Newport Beach Filed by BELDEN. Mrs. jean R. App. No. Dee 1581 2-17-72 Approved 0 Denied @ Variance 0 Otheor Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2404-06-0B Newport Blvd. Umal cincriPtion Lots, 9,10 & 11 Blk 223 Sect. A Filed by MRS. JEAN R. BELDON App. No. Date 1581 12-21-72 Approved ri Denied APPROVED CONDITIONALLY: SEE FILE Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Wi Amendment 0 r— LOCATION 2404-06-08 Newport Blvd. UmJ driciAmiLots 9.10 & 11 N extension thereof: Block 223. Sect. A. So of 26th St on Sal Pen. Filed by MRS. JEAN R. BELDEN App. No. Date 375 1 -18 -73 Approved CP Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY: See File Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2404-06-08 Newport Blvd., N.B. Legal description Lots 9, 10, & 11, Sec. A, Blk. 223 Red by Mrs. Jean R. Belden, Huntington Harboul App. No. Date (AMEND.) 1581 9-6-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Derik4 Request to permit valet parking in conjunction with a proposed restaurant so as to permit an Increase in the occupancy load of the restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit)V Amendment 0 LOCATION 406 New sort Bl g •escription Parcel 1 Red Onion Restaurant App. No. Date To remodel and expand UP-1581 5/5/77 the second floor of the (Amended) Red Onion Restaurant Approved gj Denied 0 facility, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for the required additional parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit JO Amendment 0 Filed by LOCATION 2406 Newport Boulevard Legal description Filed by Mrs. dean bel den App. No. Dee 1 Amend a previously approved UP-1581 1/18/79 use permit which allowed a (Amended) remodel and second tloor Approved 4J Denied 0 expansion of the Red union Restaurant so as to permit existing guest dock spaces or in-lieu parking permits TO be used as an alternative to providing required parking spaces oft-site. Variance 0 Oiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 2406 Newport Blvd. r Legal chimiPlicn Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 57-25 Resub. 375 Balboa Peninsula Pled by Rick & Steve Loomis (The Red Onion) Rprploct to amend a previously App. No. Dee approved use permit which UP 1581 5-6-82 permitted the establishment of Amended a rectanrant with on-sale Approved 1:1 Denied IR alrnhnlir haverages and live entertainment so A S to al lnw the expansion of the net public area of the second floor lounge area The proposal also inrludes the acreptanre of an nff -si_te parking agreement for—the .oddi ti eel required off-s_treet .Darki nq Apaces .Amendment 0 variance u nesundivision L.j ute Forme . Other (APPLICANT APPEALED TO CITY COUNCIL ON 6114/82 Cilt-COUNCTI _SUSTAINED DECISION OF P act AND DENIED REOUEST). LOCATION 2406 Newport Blvd. Legal description Piled by Steve and Rick Loomis Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use permit which per- mitted the establishment of the UP 1581 6-21-84 Red Onion Restaurant with on-sale Approved Denied 0 alrohnlic beverages and live entertainment so as to allow the expansion of the "net public area" for the _purpose of constructing a dance floor and to allow dancing in conjunction with the existing live entertainment. The Variance 0 Othr Resubcinnsuon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 proposal also includes a request to pay an annual in-lieu fee to the City for all of the additional required off-street parking spaces. I LOCATION 2406 Newport Blvd Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 57-25 (R375) on the east side of Newport Blvd so of 26th St on the Balboa Pen. Filed by Steve & Rick Loomis Reg, to add dancing with the App. No. Date live entertain, located within the UP1581A 6-22-89 upstairs lounge area. Dancing will be limited to between 10:00 Approved ar Denied 0 pan. & 1:30 a.m. nightly, after the kitchen & dining areas are closed Variance 0 Other Resubdivolon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2406 NEWPORT BLVD. Legal description Parcel 1, Parcel Map 57 -25, R. 375 Filed by Ken Poole App. No. Date UP 1581(A) 5-22-95 Rai-Teat tm amend a previnnRly Approved fi Denied 0 I OprrOumd nom permit en aq tn rhange the operational Charactmrictira nf An exicating rostanrant with on—sale , alopolio hevoragoia_. live ontortainmant, clanring & valor parking , op prnperty boated in the rommorrial area of Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 the Cannery Village/McFadden Square SAP. Proposed amendment involves a request to increase the "net public area" of the restaurant by adding an outdoor dining area on the street side of the building. Proposal also includes: a request to expand the rest- aurant parking lot onto the adjoining property; the approval of an off-site parking agreement for the ex- panded parking; & the approval of a transfer of devel- opment rights from the off-site parking area to the restaurant site. LOCAMIII 2410 Newport Boulevard Legal Description Lots 12 & 13 of Block 223 of Section A together with a portion of Lot 2, Section 33 Filed By: Stems Architecture) Application No. Site Plan Review No. 79, Date Use Permit No. 3685, and Variance No. 1239 02/0812001 Approved: X Denied: A request to construct a mixed use building with 2,000 square feet of commercial space and 2 residential units. The Use Permit would allow the project with a reduced commercial FAR of 0.20 where 0.25 is required. The Variance would allow a minor reduction in landscape area within the required front yard setback area abutting Newport Boulevard. Variance: X Resubdwision: Use Permit: X Amendment: _a Other: Site Plan Review LOCATION 2414 & 24161 Newpnrt Blwei LvviMI dev 04 136pn Pnr Lorsa 14 & 15 B1 223 Zen A Newpnrt Yrart Cl and C -2 Fled by BLAORTF 1 c BOATYARD App. No. Date 1040 5-7-1964 Approved ak Denied Q ' Boat repair, boat maintenance and cleaning service, including marine ways; underground diesel fuel storage; marine hardware store and related retail stores; boat stoaasp, Variance Resubdivision El Use Permit to Amendment 1:1 Other wr: r1.0410,TION 2414-2418 Newport Blvd. Aspel description Lot 15, Block 223, Section A Filed by Miller, Randall App. No. - Date 11 7.49-51 Approved MI Denied General cabinet and woodworking shop. Variance 9 Resubdivision fl Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2600 Newport Blvd Legal description Lot 3. Tract No. 14025. located at 2600 Newport Blvd. on southeasterly corner of Newport Blvd 1 and 28th St. I Filed by 1 pr il i g u i - Perfect Nails Request to permit the establish- App. No. Dee ment of a nail salon within the UP 3443 3 -13 -92 commercial portion of the 28th itreet Marine project located in Approved El Denied 0 the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" 4-9-92 1 area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. Variance 0 ! Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit p x Amendment , LOCATION 2602. 261A, 2A1A, 2A2n & 2A,9 Newport Akira r Isial d•scriPthn Lots 1-12. Elk. 124, Tanrasteres AAA with Lots 1 -14 of Blk. 224. Sect. A on southeasterly on-m/2.r nf 1 28th St. & Newport Blvd. in Cannery Village NW by N/R Marina partnerA Request to subdivide 26 existing App. No. Date lots into a vertical subdivision FTM 14025 2/12/90 containing two lots for residential condominium purposes, one lot for Approved El Denied 0 commercial and marina purposes and one lot for commercial parking purposes. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2602-2620 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 1-12 of Bak_ 124, Tanroster's Add , tngiathsr with lntc 1-11 nf Wric 774., Sect A, inrated at 7607-7670 NIpt Rlvd nn SE rn -rner nf 7Sth St. FI NN% Tilvd Filed by N/R Marina Partners Request to subdivide 26 existing App. No. Date lots into a vertical subdivision FTM14025 1-18-90 containing two lots for resi- dential condominium tpurposes, Approved fl Denied ID one lot for commercial and marina purposes, one lot for residential parking purposes, and one lot for commercial parking purposes. Variance 0 01Iser Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2602-2620 Newport Blvd Legal demeriPtion Lots 1-12 of Block 324/Lots 1-14 of Block 224 Searti cip A, on the se corner of 28th St & Newport Blvd in CV/McPsd, Sq. spa Filed by N/R Marina Partners Ego to approve a traffic study App. No. DOM so as to permit the construction TS 59 10-5-89 of a mixed use residential come 1 develop. containing 35 Approved is' Darded 0 residential units and 22,500 sf of comm'l develop Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2602-2620 Newport Blvd Legal desaiptkm Lots 1-12 of Block 324, Lots 1-14 of Block 224, Section A, on the se corner of 28th St & Newport Blvd Red by N/R Marina Partners Req. to permit the construction 0f4p.No. Date a mixed use residential/commil UP3361 develop, which exceeds the 26' basic ht limit in the 26/35' Ht Approved Denied 0 Limit Dist, which incl. gen. comm'i & office uses in conj. with incentive uses, and which has a comm'l floor area ratio less than 0.25, on property located in Rec & Marine COmm 1 area of CV/McFad. Sq. SPA Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 10 -5 -89 LOCATION 2602-9620 Newport Blvd Legal description Lots 1-12 of Block 324. & Lots 1-14 of Block 224, Section A on the se corner of 28th St & Newport Blvd in the CV/McFadd. Sq. SPA SW by N/R Marina Partners Req. to sub. 26 existing lots App. No. Date into a vertical sub containing TTM14025 10-5-89 2 lots for residential condo purposes, 1 lot for comm'l & Approved 4sr Denied marina purposes, 1 lot for residential parking, and 1 lot for comm'l parking, in conj. with mixed residential/comm'l develop containing 35 residential condo units and 22,500 sf of comm'l develop located in Rec & Marine Comm'l of C/V Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment 0 LOCATION 2602-2620 Newport Boulevard 16§al description Lots 1-12 of Block 324, Lancaster Add. & Lots 1-14 of Block 224, Section A, on the se corner of 28 & Newport Blvd in CV/McFad. Sq. SPA Filed by N/R Marina Partners App. No. Date Request to permit the const. of a SPR-52 10/05/89 mixed use residential/camnercial development which includes two Approved El Denied [] buildings containing 35 residential condominium units and GL,S00 sq. it. of commercial floor area on property locatedi in the -Recreational & Marine Commercial" area of the Cannery Village/McFaddenSqvare Specific Plan Area: & the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Resubdivision 1101 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other SITE -PLAN REV IEW LOCATION 2602-2620 Newport Blvd Legal descripfkm Lots 1-12 of Block 324, & Lots 1-14 of Block 224, Section A, on the se corner of 28th St & Newport Blvd in the CV & McFadd. Sq. SPA Filed by N/R Marina Partners Req. to approve a CRDP for the App. No. Date purpose of establishing project CRDP 18 10-5-89 compliance for a 35 unit resid. condo develop pursuant to the Al) Approved Er Dented E] Cuidelines for the implementation ot the State Law relative to Low & Moderate Income Housing within the Coastal Zone Variance 0 Resubclivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2600-2700 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 1-5,Tract No. 14025, located at 2600-2760 Newport Baulevard,on the SE corner of Newport Blvd (northbound) I& 28th Street in Cannery Village?McFadden Sq Specific Planare Filed by Newcomb Development n 'Request to permit the installation App. No. Dee of two free standing ground signs Exception 4/4/91 :on a site which exceed 3 feet in Permit No. 40 height and width, located on Approved 0 Denied 0 property within the "Recreational & Marine Commercial: area o the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits only one ground sign on a building site with a maximum height and width of three feet. Variance 0 Ofber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 aFisM - MN 2612 Newport Blvd. siel description Lots 6 & 7, Section A, Block 224 Nonapnrt Reach Tract Filed by COTTLE, a. L. App. No. Date 157 10-21-54 Approved 3 Denied 0 operation of a muffler and brake shop Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 Other A0aAnON 2615 Newport Blvd. feeeLdmwriptios Lot 3 Block 227 Section A Newport Beach Zone 0.-i Filed by Stanley R. Pion CONDITION: Granted for 5 years only App. No. Date 281 12...2048 Approved SU Denied Establishment of a self—service laundromat including a dry cleaning and finished laundry agency. Variance 0 Other hVD rhVI L a PC 42/7/96/ Resubdivision fl se Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 2615 Newport Blvd. Legal description I ntc 4, 6 & 7 , Block 277, Section A, I Filed by Thomas IL Lewis Request to resubdi vide four existiptc-No• Date lots into a single parcel of land R 990 10-23-92 for commercial use, on property located in the "Retail and Service Approved III Denied 0 Commercial" area of the Cannery Villaqe/McFadden Square Specific Plan. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2616-A Newport Blvd. Legal docadptilm Had by Y2yagers Yacht Club App. No. Date Request to establish UP-1821 2/17/77 a yacht club facility in the ' C-O-Z District, and Approved f] Denied 0 the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for the required parkin" spaces. Variance 0 itesubchwsion 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LocknoN 2616-2618 Newport Bl. 1494 description Lots 1 thru 13 and a portion of Lot 14, Block 224, Section A. Newport Beach Fled by HARRY PATTISON App. No. Date 1719 4/18/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved fl Minted 0 Request to permit the manufacturing of sails for boats in conjunction with an office and retail store in the C-O-Z District. Variance 0 Resubdtwoon 0 the Permit 4:1 Amendment Oilier tocAincni 2616-18 Newport Blvd, ItscciPtial Lot 9 & 10 Bl. 224 Sec. A. Newport Beach Tc C-1 Filed by MAY M. J. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 851 5-3-1962 Approved iig De nied C Retail boats, boat parts. fiberglass products in front, or Newport Blvd. portion of building. Rear of building to be used for small boat repair and building of small boats. Lafayette Avenue entrance. Variance Other Resubdivision Use Permit a Amendment D 14/43 E )1/4754.4>c-D //tat ,,&/A.// TE z.y 7? e CONDITION Approved for 1 year 2620 Newport Blvd. IselickseriPtion Lot 11, Block 224, Newport Beach Tract Section A Filed by HARPOLE. Mrs. Hall App. No. Date 101 10-15-53 Approved XI Denied 0 Permit to operate a pet shop limited to caged birds In Asiditinn tn An pleating carpmics businpss Variance Resubdivision Use Permit E Amendment Other LOCATION 2620A and 26205, Newport Blvd, N.B. Legal description Lot 11. Block 224. Sec. A Filed by HARPOLE. Hal App. No. Date 42 2-21-52 Approved xit Denied El Manufacture and sale of ceramic artware Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 2624 Newport Blvd. rilescriPace Lot 12 Section A Block 224 Rk4 by JONES. Paul C. App. No Date 173 5-19-55 Approved ri Denied 0 Real estate advertieg sign CONDITION: This Use Permit shall be effective for a period of one year and shall terminate on June 3, 1956 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ra Amendment rralgrieliNewoort Blvd. UPI description Lots 8, 9, & 10, Sec. A, Block 227 Filed by Harry V. Anderson App. No. Date 1. The motel units to be provided with one-hour-separation fire 1071 12-17-1970 walls from the office area. Approved 0 Denied 0 2. All new construction must conform to the Uniform Building Code. Amendment to Variance Q Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LCATION 2627 Newport Blvd. Igal description Lots 8, 9 & Por. 10 Sub. of Bl. 227 Section A C-1 Filed by ANDERSON & MOORE - SAIL-IN MOTEL A COFFE App. No. Date SHOP 1335 2-1-1968 Approved 0 Denied )0121XX An outdoor patio restaurant in connection with an existing 17 seat coffee shop and 12 unit motel. eriance 0 Kee Resubdivision 0 Use Permit III Amendment 0 LOCATION 2627 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lott 8, 9 & Por. 10 81. 227 Sub.Sec.A. C-1 Fled in ANDERSON 64 MOORE App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1071 9 -17 -1964 Approved [3 Denied 0 A 12 unit motel (which includes one manager's dwelling unit). included in building (already allowed in rode) is additional spare for dry clean pick up station as outlined on plot plan Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS 1. That driveways comply with the policy established by the City Council. 2. That the setback along 28th Street be increased 1 foot and that appropriate landscaping be installed. 3. That the dry clean pick up station be deleted and that any additional use be limited to a coffee shop. //- 7- /fGe - rdheis conairiodi AqrAtDdr.P Pb7Z A -Re4L 5sr4 rS fit:C.E eiNey UDCATKNI 2700 Newport Boulevard, Suite 168 Legal description A portion of Lot 3, Tract No. 14025 Filed by Antonio Caselini App. No. Req ues t to permit the M3991 establishment of a specialty food facility on property Approved located in the SP -6 District. Date 4-14-92 Denied 0 Variance El Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit 0 Other filed eN 0 ocfraErn Amendment 0 1 UDCAJRDN 2727 Newport Blvd. Legal desription Lots 2-20, Elk. 127, Lake Tr. & vacated portio of Npt. blvd. comprising entire block bounded by 28th St. mpt. S.bound 26th St. & W. Balboa Blvd. Red by Newport Peninsula Cetner Assoc. Request to permit the establish — App. No. Date ment of a fitness facility in UP 3416 5/9/91 conjunction with a proposed laundenmat on property located Approved 173 Denied 0 in "Retail and Service Commercial" area of Cannery Village/ McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. The proposed facility will also include a movie & TV area & small area for retail sales of athletic clothing. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION \; _„2727 Nowport Blvd. Legal dewripnen Lots 2-20, Blk. 127, Lake Tract, & vacated pnrtion of Nvt. Blvd. at 2727 Newport Blvd. comprising the entire bl ik.bounded by 28th St., Npt. Blvd., 26th St. & W. Fle d by jonlelp Snrfhnarda Balboa F errel- fn parmif thp rpfentinn App. No. Date of fnnr ag-hnilt wall signs which EP 36 4-5-90 have heen installed on the_eXisting Weals_Earga_Bantinsig_._and which APPr"" El Denied 0 PWC,PP4 the allowable number of wall signs for a multi- tenant building. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 LOCATION 2727 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 2-20, Block 127, and a vacated portion nf Newport Blvd.comPrising the entire block bounded by 28t1 .Eb.Newport_layst,th. St and W. Balboa Blvd within the Filed by continental Signs CV/McFadden Sq. SPA Rn.q.. to install a second free- App. No. Date qtanding pole sign on a single E225 11-20-86 site within the CV/McFadden Sq. SPA where the sign code permits Approved Denied 0 only one free-standing pole sign per site Variance ID Oiiter Resulsdivision ID Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION z721 Newport Blvd., Ste. 302 Umml cles044km Lots 4-14, & Portion of Lots 15-20, Block 127, Lake Tract Filed by Cheng's China Kitchen App. No. Date SF30 5-11-95 Approved Et Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the SP-6 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I LOCATION 2727 Newport Blvd. , issmi descriptkm Lots 2-20, Block 127, Lake eract & a vacated portion of Newport Blvd Filed by Ma Iv/Iasi 1 R _Ph illi ps ADD. No. Request to establish a McDonald's M3958 12/C?§791 specialty food service use on property located in the SP-6 Approved 0 Denied 0 Di strict. Removed from calendar 1/23/92 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Otber Modification LOCATION 2727 Newport Boulevard. Suite 301 Legal description Lots 1-20. Block 127. Lake Trart Filed by subway Sandwidstalads App. No. Date Request to permit the 143725 7/10/90 establishment of a specialty food service use in the SP-6 Approved 0 Denied 0 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 2727 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 2-20, Block 127, Lake Tract, and a vacated portion of Newport Blvd, comprising block bounded by 28th St,Newport Blvd,26th St,W.Balboa Blvd Filed by Stevenson, Porto & Pierce To expand hours of operation to App. No. Date permit full service from 11:00 UP 323821/2 5-21-87 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. on weekends and holidays. Incl. a request to Approved Denied 0 establish a valet parking service in conjunction with the full service restaurant operation. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2727 Newport Blvd. Legal dammiPfkm Lots 2-20, Block 127, Lake Tract, and a vacated portion of Newport Blvd, copprising the entire block bounded by 28th St. ,Newport B1,26th St. & W. Balboa Red by Stevenson Porto & Pierce Req. to est. a combination day- App. No. Date time take-out rest. and a night UP3238 10-23-86 time full service rest. with on sale beer and wine on property Approved 00 Denied E] in the Retail & Serv. Comm i l of the CV/McFad.Sg.SPA. Incl. a reg. to waive a portion of the req. p.s. in conjunction with the daytime take-out rest. operation. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2727 Newport Blvd. Legal dascriPtion Lots 2 - 20 Block 127, Lake Tract, and a vacated portion of Newport Blvd comprising . the entire block bounded by 28th St,26th St,and W.Balboa Blvd Filed by STevenson Porto & Pierce Req. to permit the establish App. No. Date of a take-out yogurt shop with UP3219 8-21-86 incidental seat. on property located in the Cannery village/ Approved El Denied 0 McFadden Sq. SPA. The proposal also includes a req. to waive a portion of the req. off-street parking spaces Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2727 Newport Blvd. Legal deseeption All of Lots 4 -20,portions of Lots 2,3, Block 127, Lake Tract & Record of Survey 76-46, on property bounded by Newport Blvd.26th St.W.Balboa Blvd. Filed by Independent Develop. & 28th St. Req. to waive the requirement App. No. Date of a parcel map for the Waiver of PM 9-5-85 combining of lots in conj. with interior alterations of Approved Id Denied Ei an existing commercial bldg. Variance 0 Resubdivision ID Use Permit Other Zesatei Amendment 0 LOCATION 2727 Newport Blvd. Ste 300 Legal description Lake Tract, Block 127, Lots 4-14 and portions of Lots 15-20 Filed by Slavka Rado,pcic --Reques4.-to-panni-tr-tne-estattl-isll- APP*14°' Date -men-t-Gf-a-specialty-f-oad-use--011 4087 filed 2-11-93 property located in the 5P-6 District Approved 12 Denied 0 3 -2 -93 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other MOD LOCATION 2800 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 1 & portion of Lot 2, Blk. 225, Sect. A Lancaster's Add, on n.e. corner of Newport Blvd. (north- bound) & 28th St. in Cannery Vill./McPadden Sq. SPA Filed by Sergio Avila Request to have live entertain- App. No. Date ment which includes four musi- UP 1757A 4/4/91 cians with amplified music where existing use permit limits Approved fl Denied 0 the live entertainment to one musician with no brass, per- cussion or amplified music. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2800 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2, Block 225 Section A, on the n.e. corner of 28th St. & Newport Blvd Filed by Sergio Avila Bea. the establish, of a take App. No. out rest. with the exist. full UP1757A mi ce rest. Incl. a re• to Date 12-4-86 Purchase in-lieu parking permits Appro IT Denied 0 from the City on an annual basis for the add. req. off street parking spaces Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2800 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 1, & Portion of Lot 2, Tract No.225 Fled by Sergio Avila (El Ranchito) App. No. Date 0D8 3 -20 -96 Approved gl rind 0 Fctahlichment of An arreccory outdoor dining in ronjunrtion .1 III . .1 II 1 II I 'I in the SP-6 nictrirt Variance 0 Othw Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UpgAJKDN 2800 Nawpnrt Blvd Legal description Filed by S erg io Av il a To permit the construction of A App. No. Date &dock wall (3 foot in height) 144431 4-23-96 topped by a glass partition (3 foot in height) to encroach Approved ik Denied 0 to the front property line along Newport Booeleyard, where the Zoning Code requiraa a 9 font setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Other n(1001P1CeTlak Amendment 0 LLOCATION 2804 Newport Blvd. ;Legal description Lots 2 & 3, Section A, Block 225 Newport Beach Tract Filed by CHATTOCK, Elisabeth App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 138 4-15-54 Approved la Denied El operation of a day nursery for children Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other - Property is to be properly fenced and electric switch panel and service arranged to protect children from any possible dangerous contact with electric conductors. Any condition existing at present or which might develop hereafter and which may be considered detrimental to children's welfare by the Planning Commission or other governmental agency, shall be corrected immediately or this Use Permit final terminate. LOCATION 2806 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 4, Block 425, Riad by Russell E, Fluter App. No. M-3580 Approved a Date Permit the use of tandem parking for commercial purposes in a mixed residentialkonmercial development. 08/15/89 Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2807 Newport Blvd. Legal cleseriPtical Parcel No. 1 of NBLLA 94-12 NW by McDonald's Rest. (John Lardas, applicant) App. No. Date 0013 6 -12 -96 Approved El Denied 0 Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjun- ction with an adjacent take-out restaurant, on property located in the SP-6 (RSC) District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2807 NEWPORT BOULEVARD Legal description Lots 11 & 12, Blk 22/, Section A, Record ot qflrvay 76 -46 Filed by McDonald's Corp. App. No. Date UP 3516 PC 6 -23 -94 CC 8-8-94 Approved 113 Denied E] Request to establish a McDonald's take-out and drive thru restaurant facility on pronertv located in the "Retail & Service Commercial' area of the Cannery Village/McFadden ! Square Specific Plan Area. Proposal includes a building Variance E] Rewbdivhion E] Use Nwmit E] AnumdmentE] CHIMw design with two exterior walk-up order windows, an enclosed ancillary eating area, and an outdoor eating area. Proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of the required off-street parking spaces; a modification to the Sign Code so as to allow a ground identification sign and a ground mounted menu sign on the property, whereas the Sign Code allows only one pole or ground sign per site; and the use of the McDonald's logo on each of the six proposed directional signs. LOCATION 2807 Nowpnri- RI yr!. IAIRA closcriPticm I ins 11 & 12. Rik 227. Sortion A Filed byJohn Lardas i. (McDonald's) App. No. Date Up 3516A 12-7-95 uP 3,us4a m.a4-41 I Approved AD Denied 0 Addition to an existing take-out restaurant, to enclose the walk-up order window. Also, included in a request to waive a portion of the required off-street parking. • -T.:v. a.v.“.....44.1 ,drUar.:..n "9 so02...4 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit S Amen ment 0 Oat-a. roo-to Lunt,trua jot LOCATION 2807 Newport Blvd. Legal descripflcm Parcel It & Lots 11 & 12, Sec. A, Tract 227 Sled by Macflonaldls Corp. App. No. Date LLA94-11. 10-11-94 Approved a Denied RequAct a lot line adjustment to permit the consolidation of two lots and one parcel of land. into a single oarcel of land fnr commercial development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2807 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 10 Bl. 227 Rec. A C-1 SW by DOUG'S OAR BUFFET App. No. Date UPHELD BY C.C. 7-24-1967 1287 7-6-1967 Approved 0 Denied XEY An off -site advertising sign. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LocimoN 2809 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach *4 "1'4 0" Lot 11 RertiOn 227 LAnnasters tddp Newport Beanh Filed by Jnhn P. SWENSON App. No. 33 1+ 6-27-57 Denied 0 Approved The use of these premises for epheletery work, both new & recovering for furniture, auto. or boat work. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:1 Amendment 0 Other Date LOCATION 2810 Newport blvd. Legal description Lot 6, Blk. 225, Lancaster's Addition Filed by Martin & Steven Foiqelman App. No. Date SF27 4-5-95 Approved Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service on property locate° in the SP-b District. Vanance 0 Other ResubdivusIon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 'MO-2822-2824 Newport Boulevard Legal Aemxiirtkm RI" by Russell Fluter App. No. Date M 3475 11-0-88 Approved Denied [] Request to permit the use of tandem parking for commercial purposes in three mixed residential/commercia: developments. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION '3 80 1 -2cq 5 Watarort Blnd Legal descalPlan L po rt i nn nf nf T.ni-ra 1l-i 4. Alnnk 77 . qpntinn A, N n loratian at 9R07-2R1S Npt 111mi nn northprly sidp of 2141-h et. in Npt. Blvd. Isl. Red by Newcomb newalnplapnt Tnr. . Reauest to Approve a waiver of App. No Dee park fees for four low income R914 2/12/90 apartment units Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Approved a Denied 0 UDJC1Dhlipticm 2:09 t &n 28 11f 1):44: 11711 of Lots 11-14, R1 k in '727 . Sr* N R . nn northerly side of 2Rth St.. in wpt. is) in rannery Village/MrPadden_ Sq. Snec. Area Plan Fi4 Y1111:/lawmoilail Development—inc. Apand previously approved resuh - App. No. Date divicion so AR to delete Cond. R 914A 11/8/90 Nn 7 so as to eliminate the re - oairemant to nay park dedication Approved El Denied 0 faima for the four residential units which the applicant pow intends to eliminate from the project. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2811 Newport Blvd. Legal description Filed by Fisharmans crpply Can+sr App. No. Date Request to permit two pole signs on a building site where the CodeM2969 6-12-84 ' allows only one pole sign per Approved ea Denied E] building site. Both signs are proposed to project 5' over the property line. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Withdrawn I 'II . I LOCATION 2811-2815 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 12 13. and 14, Block 227. Section A Piled by P.W.S. Inc. Repdest--to--re-uttsttcle-tkree-- App.No. exi-s-tring--14ts-4ata-a,-stagle— R 985 .11 • • II II - an prgrarty lorptpd in this "PotAil Appmv and Service rommerrial" area of the Cannery Village/ ed stile • birFatitien Square Sperifir Plan. Variance 0 Resubdivision 2 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2812 Newport Blvd. Lewd description Lot 7, Block 225 Filed by Russell E. Fluter App. No. Date Permit use of tandem parking for M-3581 08/15/89 commercial purposes in a mixed residential/ummercial Approved xa Delia 0 development. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 2815 Newport Blvd. Legal Description Lot 14, Section A, Lancaster's Addition to NB Filed by La Quinta Homes App. No. Date LLA 98 -01 2/3/98 Approved X Denied To permit the elimination of an interior property line between two lots for the purposes of constructing a new commercial building. Variance u Resubdivision u Use Permit fl Amendment Li Other: Lot Line Adjustment a LOCATION 2815 Newport Blvd. Legal Description Lots 13 and 14, Block 227, Newport Beach Section A Filed by Peninsula Fluff and Fold (Mark Cemich, applicant) App. No. Date UP 3613 9-18-97 Approved X Denied I I Request to allow the construction of a self-service laundry facility with fluff and fold service and related off-street parking. Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit X Amendment Other: LOCATION 2815 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 12, 13 & 14, Subdivision of Block 22/, Section A Filed by pws Request to permit the establish-App.No. ment of a coin operated laundry, UP 3460 on property located in the "Retail and Service Comercial" ApprovedPC fl area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. Date 9/11/92 Denied 0 NULL & VOID 10-8-92 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 - LOCATION 2816-2818 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 9 and .10, Block 225, Section A, Lancaster's Addn, on the easterly side of Newport Blvd between 28th St & 29th St. Filed by pnmspil Approva• An off-site parking App.No. Date agropmAnt to Allow the construct. Off-Site 7-10-86 , Parking of 2 rnmhinad rpsident/commercias daualop on adjoining lots where Approved 0 Denied 0 a portion of the reg. off-street parking spaces of one of tha office uses overlaps the COMMOn interior property 1 i np Tnrl A mod to the W to allow the use of tandem —parking—epacee—farszdarticeasaf—the—racta Variance 0 _Other Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2817 Newport Blvd. Legal descripticm Lot 11, Block 227 Date Permit the const. of two free- , site where the Zoning Ord. limits Approved fl standing signs on one building Denied 0 such construction to one treestanding sign per building site. Ak4 by Sung Marie Nguyen App. No. M-3592 08/29/89 Variance 0 Resubdrvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION LOCATION 2819 Newport Blvd Legal description Lot 16 Bl. 227 Sec.A Lancaster's Addn r 1 Filed InrilAns App. No. Date 1002 12-19-63 Approved a Denied 0 Continue a sing le family residence on the 2nd story n an existing commercial building CONDITION: It must conform to al 1 _gilt tiding Departmcnt regulations. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 Other r • LOCATION 2819 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Legal description Lot 16, Block 227, Tract. Naupnrt Ranch Filed by Simpson, Helene P. App. No. Date 8 6-21-51 Approved 11 Denied 0 Late)l kiln for mfg. of ceramics Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment D LOCATION 2821-2825 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 227, Section A, between 29th Street and . 30th Street in Central Newport. Hod by Mr. Roler Doebke, Newport Beach Re9uest to waive the re- App.Nm Dais quirement of a parcel map Waiver of 12/18/80 for the combining of lots Parcel Map In conjunction with the ex- Approved 121 Denied pansion of an existing marine supply store on the property. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other WAIVER OF PARCEL MAP LOCATION 2822 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 12, 13 and 14, Lancaster's Addition In Cannery Village. Filed by JAMES LOCKE App. No. Date Request to establish one E 743 3/10/83 building site and eliminate interior property lines Approved &I Denied 0 where three lots presently exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 121 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2822 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 225, Section A, Newport Beach Tract in the. Cannery Village area Filed by Sherman Wang App. No. DM* Request to _permit the con- UP3004 11/4/82 struction of a 20 unit motel and related parking on property Approved Q Denied 0 located in the C-1 District and the acceptance of an environmental document. The proposal also includes I a request to exceed the basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District and (OVER) . . I Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tgl Other Amendment 0 includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the proposed structure to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley. r,r cmprolown nECISION OF P.C. FOR APPROVAL ON .DELEMBEIL.11.-12.U. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit NMI Amendment 0 App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3431 9/20/91 establishment of a dry cleaning facility on property located Approved ins Denied 0 in the "Retail and Servica Commercial" ATO/24/91 area of t • 1 I ' „ LOCATION 2825 Newport Blvd. Legal dewripfion Lots 18 thru 21, Subdivision of Block zzi Section A Filed by H o Kim ;LOCATION 2826 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Legal description Lnt 14 Blork 225 Section 4 Zone C-1 Nled bt14.2L,RAND01. App. No. Date 333 6-27-57 Approved 0 Denied Operation of a veterinary boapital —ln a Cpl ZOn Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit LI Amendment 0 Other rkLOCATION 2830 - 283011 Newport Blvd., N.B. 1 Legal description Lots 15 & 16 B1. 225 Laneasters Addn. C-1 Filed by SMITH, Roy C. App. No. Date 1015 2 -6 -1964 Approved a Denied 0 A dog grooming shop CONDITION: Approved, subject to the condition that there be no overnight boarding of dor Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 2900 Newport Blvd. Legal TIONiption hit 1, lot 2 and a portion of Lot 3, Mort 7111, I ancaster's Addition Filed by 701 Lido Eark Partnership Perplect tn amend a previously App. No. Date approved IMP permit which permitt-UP 3343 A I 2/19/93 ed the reestahlishnent of a restaurant with nn-sale alcoholic beverages Approved a Denied 0 and live entertainment which was 4/22/93 previously destroyed by fire, on property located in the "Sporialty Retail" area of the Cannery Village/McFadden srioane grief-Mr Plan. Said approval included a limited daxtime operation based on available on-site parking Venancio 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Eja Amendment 0 Other and a full nighttime operation that was permitted in conjunction with thte use of an additional 18 in-lieu parking spaces in the Cannery Village Municipal Parking Lot. The approval also included a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow a portion of the on-site parking spaces to encroach into the required front yard setback and the required rear yard setback adjacent to a 14 foot wide alley. The proposed amendment involves a request to revise Condition of Approval No. 2 so as to allow all of the "net public area" of the restaurant to be used during the day. LOCATION 2900 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lots 1, 2, and a portion of Lot 3, Block 230, on the ne corner of Newport Blvd & 29th St in CV/ McFadden Sq. SPA Filed by Dorothy Doan To permit reestablishment of a App. No. Data rest. with on-sale alcoholic UP3343 3-9-89 bev. & live entertainment that was destroyed by fire.Incl. a Approved zr- Denis 0 req. to permit use of CV Muni Parking Lot for a portion of the req. off-st parking during the evening,req. to allow breakfast & lunch, mod to ZC to allow on-site ps to encro- ach 10 ft rear yard setback aj. to an alley & the 5 ft front yard setback adj. to 29th st. Mod to existing parkin Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other design standards to allow the use of a substandard 24 ft wide parking aisle with wider than normal parking spaces LOCATION Legal description 2900 Newport Blvd. Ffled by Thirtieth Street Arch. Request to change the operational App. No. Date characteristics of the existing UP 3105 7-19-84 Cafe Lido restaurant so as to allow live entertainment in conjunction Approved Ea Denied 0 with the restaurant operation. Variance OThr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 , r C 1444 anwism LOt 2s, block t2/, sec. A L-1 —7 Fled by STEELE, J. P. and G. J. App. No. Doe CONDITIONS (See Over) 1542 8-5-1971 Approved n Denied 0 Permit the establishment of a dog grooming and bathing business in an existing building in the C-1 District. 1 Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit IC Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. No animals shall be kept on the premises other than those being bathed and groomed. 2. No animals shall be kept in the building a overnight or left unattended at any other time. 3. The application shall be reviewed by the Modifications Committee at the end of one year. iLOCATION 2906 W. Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 1, Block 230Lancaster Addition Filed by TILTON. Ralph B. App. No. Date 166 1-20-55 Approved [11 Denied fl operation of a cabinet shop in a C-1 District Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2920 Newport Boulevard Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 92-40 (restaurant/brewpub site) and portions of Lots 17 and 22 of Lancaster's Addition (off-site parking lot). Filed By: Allan Fainbarg and Arnold D. Feuerstein, Anaheim Application No. Date UP 3485 8-5-1999 PC 9-13-99 CC Approved: X -CC Denied:X PC An amendment to an existing use permit to allow a change in Alcoholic Beverage Control license type to allow full alcoholic beverage service. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit:X I Amendment Other: ' LOCATION Legal description 7411 4pwrort 11411 1orard Tot 26, Block 227 Scc, A Filed by EDWARD H. EMERICK App. No. Date 36102ENDED) 2/21 1 74 CONDITIONALLY App Denied 0 Reauest to amend a previously approved use permit so as to permit the expansion of an exisitns tavern (with live entertainment(. and to waive the required offstreet Parking spaces. Valiance 0 Other Resubdmuon 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2911 Newport Blvd. 1 Legal dosed ion it 25 B1 k 227 Sec. A Filed by EDWARD H. EMERICK App. No. Deis 1664 4 -5 -73 1 Veriatence 0 Resubdwision 0 Use Permit I2X Amendment 0 CONDITIONALLY Approved XIV Denied 0 LOCATION 7911-2913 Newport Rlvd. Legal description Tots SWly 38 1 of 25 p1.. 227 Zone—C -1 Filed by John S Prvin App. No. Date 369 9r_19 -57 Approved EX Denied ID On—sale beer CONDITION: Applicant must obtain & submit to the Planning Commission a letter providing for a minimum of 10 off-street parking spaces. Variance 0 Resubdiyision D Use Permit l Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2915-2917 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lot 25 Filed by Dr. Aura McConnell App. No. Date Permit the establishment UP-1753 5/1/75 of a small animal out- ,' patient clinic in the C-1 Approved Ta Dinged 0 1 District. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:21 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2920 Newport Boulevard Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 92-40(restaurant/brew pub site) and portions of Lots 17 and 22 of Lancast's Addition (off-site parking lot). Filed By: Keith Bohr Application No. Date PC Denied 08/05/1999 UP 3485 A CC Approved 09/13/1999 Approved: Denied: Allow a change in Alcoholic Beverage Control License type to allow full alcoholic beverage service. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: x i Other: _ ____ LOCATION 2920 Newport Blvd. ! Legal description Lot 24 Bl. 230 Lancaster's Addn. C-1 Filed by BENIGNI. Pierino App. No. Date 1283 7-6-1967 Approved 0 Denied CH X Erect an off-site sign at 2920 Newport Blvd. for Karamis Restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resu !Amgen 0 Use Permit cg Amendment 0 LOCATION 2920 Newport Boulevard Lagal description Lots 23, 24 Mid by Frances Delaney App. No. Da% Request to establish R-527 7/15/76 one building site and eliminate interior lot Approved no Denied 0 lines where two lots and a Portion of a third ld now exist so as to permit commercial-office development. Variance 0 Oittev Run bdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2920 Newport Boulevard Lewd description Lots 18. 19, 20, 91, 22, 23 Filed by Frances Delaney App. No. Dee Request for site plan review SPR-No. 1 7/15/76 of a commercial building with retail sales area on Approved f] Dulled CI the ground floor and office space on the upper floor in a Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not beenadopted, and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for the required parking spaces. Variance 0 Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Sits, plan Poviaw No. 1 LOCATION 2920 Newport Blvd. Legal description Mork 231), Parcel 1, Intc 22 25 . 24_ Parcel 2 ints 17, 18, 19, 2n Filed by Micheal _Mull nrk Request to amend an existing offAPP.No. Date cite parking agreement and expand UP 3485 1/22/93 the daytime lice of in-lien parking spares in the Cannery Village Approved EA Denied E] Hnniripal Parking lot beyond the P.C. 2/18/93 limits established y the sales C.C. 3/8/93 1 agreement between the original Property owner and the City, CO AS to allow the establishment of a restaurant/brewpub • . Variance Other su lVlIiOfl Use Perrnitx p Amendment El P.C. /free • Is _g3 e ,e . Set 3 _ tr— 9"b e4. ffevi'sed LOCATION 3000 Newport Blvd. Legal Description Lot I, Block 331, Lancaster's Addition to Newport Beach Filed By: Tom Blurock Application No. Date M4933 6-29-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 4 foot encroachment into the requited 10 foot rear yard setback at the alley with five tandem parking spaces, where the Code does not expressly permit tandem parking. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification A endment LOCATION 3000 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 1 & 2 Bl. 331 Lancasters Addn. Zone C-1 NW by ABEL, Claus and VAN LINGEN, Theo App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See minutes or appliration) 13c0 4-4-1968 Approved a Denied 0 V.itOinolvi le servire garage in an existing noncnn.fornling buil ding il..)(1? a IT- ay No O. coy 4'-7-7o A' a Variance Other 17 •, a fi 7-a to 7 Resubdivision El Use Permit 2 LOCATION tegal description 3000 Newport Alvd Lot 1 Al. 331 I antaatara Jidda C-1 Filed by RAWSON, Mike App. No. Date 750 6-22-1961 Approved al Denied 0 Outdoor display and rental of bicycles and motor scooters. Variance D Other Resubdivision E Use Permit Ut Amendment 0 LOCATION 3001 Newport Blvd. Legal 4104000 portion of Section 28, Township 6 So. Range 10 W. San Bernardino Base & Meridian, on the n.w. corner of 30th St. & Newport Blvd. Filed by union oil Co. Req. to smadt amend a prey. App. No. Date app no that Permitted a full UP1023A 7-18-85 service auto service station. remodel of portion of bldg; Approved Or: Denied 0 storage room and restroom;ext. of pump islands;ext. of an axiat.PuMP canooy.proposes to be open on a 24 hour basis. Convert to self-service gas station. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jar Amendment 0 LOCATION 3001 Newport Blvd. Legal description part of Sec. H. Township 6 $ Range 10 W. C-' Filed by UNION OIL CO. OF CALIF. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1023 3-5-64 Approved Ail Denied Demolition of existing service station, garage, dry cleaning building and construction of new service station facilities. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit KI Amendment 0 Other I. Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted. 2. The 6' existing wooden fence at edge of property to be replaced with a 6' masonry wall; said wall to go along the southwest edge of the property line just to the corner and no fence to be required along the =Amax northwesterly edge of the property line. TK)N 3001 N •ort Blvd. Oen Metes and Bounds Descri tion C-1 Filed by IMMO. Frank F. App. No. Dele. 745 6-1-1961 Approved a Denied 0 Construct a residential unit above a commercial bldg. Variance El Oiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 3011 Newport Blvd. Legal description Filed by Western Canners Co. App. No. Date To establish a restaurant UP-1792 5/20/76 facility with on-sale alcoholic beverages, and Approved IXI Denied 0 the acceptance of an off-site parking agreement tor a portion of the required parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 ()CATION 3011 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Legal description Filed by Wade, Dee H. App. No. Date 33 n-15-57 Approved ca Denied CI Light manufacturing Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit ]g Amendment 0 LOCATION 3011 Nelport-Mlvd. —Matarky'S Legal deuripikm Portion of the South half of Section 28, Township 6 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Meridian. Red by William Hamilton Request to allow a change in the App. No. Date operational characteristics of an UP1792 9-18-97 existing restaurant/pub facility (Amended) to change the hours of operation Approved El Denied 0 between 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., daily; where the current conditions of approval limit the use to between 5:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., weekdays, and 12:00 noon and 2.00 a.m., weekends and holidays. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit f] Amendment 0 LOCATION 3012 Newport Boulevard Legal Description Lancaster's Add Lot 28, Lot 29 and Lot 30 of Blk 331 Filed By: Ken Poole Application No. Date UP 3688 01/04/2001 Approved: X Denied: A request to allow an existing restaurant to add the sale of general alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption (Type 47 License) in conjunction with a request to change the hours of operation. (applicant withdrew outdoor dining pemilt application) Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X Amendment: Other: r LOCATION 34-3 4. Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 2. Block 431. Lancaater's Arid I ti nn Filed by Mark WiTlhoit and Ed O'Neill Request to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use permit that permitted UP 3110 A 8-22-91 the addition of on-sale beer and wine and tandem parking spaces to an Approved a Denied 0 existing take-out restaurant in the "Specialty Retail" area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. The proposed amendment involves a request to convert an exi existing second floor storage area into additional seating area to be used after 6-00 p.m daily tonal-en_ the Other Variance 0 Resubdivision la Use Permit ca Amendment 0 existing use permits allows no further expansion of the existing seating area. LOCATION 11fl Nawpor+ Rlud Legal desaiption int 7 . 111nnk All . tAnoRstartel Additinn. on the PXAt crida nf Nawpnrt Rlvd, between list St & Und Rt. Al" by Rnhart Mab uen tn elfrand tha grnac flnnr App. No. UP3110A 8-22-85 p-i•nter in the front of tlic, Appro g Dense 0 -zestaurraataaisse—aff=streatark Variance 0 011ser Resubdivmon 0 Use Permit R Amendment 0 Date LOCATION 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Lewd dwww4,60 Lot 2 Block 431, Lancaster's Add. Pled by WM, M. Tosheff Reg to change take-out rest.Zino's App. No. Dale to allow on-sale beer & wine in UP 3110 8-9-84 conj. with rest. use. A mod. to Zoning Code is req. to allow a portion of Approved Ei Donied restripedsArking area to include tandem parking spaces that are narrower than Code require, and other parking spaces that encroach 10' ft. into reg. 10' rear yard setback ad ja0aPt to an alley. Variance 0 Oiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:3" Amendment 1.3 LOCATION 3112 Newport Blvd. Legi desestlion Lot 2 Block 431 Lancaster Addn r-1 Red by MEADE, James 0., Jr. App. No. Date 533 7 -16 -1959 Approved 14 Denied 0 Operate a coffee shop which will include the sate ot beer and wine Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3117 Newport Boulevard Legal Description Parcels 2, 3 and a portion of parcel 1, Book 35, page 25, Records of Survey Filed By: Newport Nails (Thanh V. Bui, applicant) Application No. Date UP 3634 8 -20-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to approve a waiver of the off-street parking requirements for a personal service nail salon use on a property located in the SP-6 (RSC) District. The request is a waiver of seven (7) parking spaces. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X I Amendment Other: 3121 Newport Blvd., Metes & Bounds Description C-1 descripticm Red by FLAGG, James IL App. No. Date 698 12•15-1960 Approved II Denied 0 Self-service laundry and dry cleaning agency in a C -1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdrasion 0 Use Permit Eitt Amendment 0 3295 Newport Blvd. I 'AMA clescriPtion Metes & Bounds C-1 Filed by DAN-BRITANNIA, INC., (White HOrse Inn) App. No. Date Referred bac* to P.C. AMEND UP-1244 by C.C. 3-9-1970 UP-1272 & 1419 2-19-70 Approved 0 Denied XI1X Amend closing hours of White Horse Inn from 12:00 Midnight to 2:00 A.M. APPP4 Va s R e t A c a _7 a ole ex"- / - '7 - 7/ Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 the Permit x Amendment 0 Other ON 3295 Newpnrt Rlvd Legal description Ketec & Rounds Desc. Filed by OLSEN, George M. App. No. Date 1 CZ "SIAAt 7 at 4:00A444 40010, ine sc./riot .-A-3-1401419 2-20-1969 i tic r-rft" - / - 7- 11 Approved El Denied 0 1 !lancing in connection with a restaurant and bar 1 larated within 200 ft. of a dwelling district. C RUD I T I O N • Approved for one year. Variance 0 Other .tv Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Erp Amendment 0 (//t/T/4- /- 7- /97/ ay "A oet/ oi -e7-7a /-7-/77a / - 7- C-1 : LOCATION 3299 Newpnrt Blvd. 1 Legal description Metes & Bounds C-1 App. No. Dee I romnITIONS (Over) atts/a a et a:00 AAt A S 1272 6-1-1967 •itjcp,; Po, t 0 j.eno Approved OU Denied 0 1144a egnrcriiiment in connection with existing___ ixtstaurant_Nhite_liarat_inn.Lcanti5iLingQi____ aght dinner music such as a strolling violin player, classical guitar player and piano. Filed by nIsFN. George m. Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Er Other exr v.vr/c, /- 6-- /9 9 cm) /-trt-4 - /4'7 / A:). o 41 'yr CONDITION: 1. This use permit shall expire din• 5, 1968, the same time as the per for a general liquor license. 2. The live entertainment shall be limited to 3 entertainers. 3. No amplification devices or equipment shall be used in conjunction with the entertain- ment. 4. The closing hour shall be 12:00 Midnight. CoNP/r/ews 4tye4/2:)62) 7 -0 7z4'/7 6- 4,14-,c>s 4 ice fteP Liric 7;04 1 2:16InieeS FOR iltle/i0t) OF - Ai • / /?4,7 e vA , /-7-7f ay td !upcAnoN 1295 Newport Rlvd. U14 description metes A Rounds Desc C-1 Filed by OISEN, George App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1244 1 -5 -1967 Approved )03 Denied 0 On sale general liquor license in connection with a bona fide restaurant. et.03/44; #9 . oo r roo 4 •Of. A Plt 11 Mt. Pal t iinr-p, „ .. .• Amendment 0 Variance 1:1 Resubdivision ID Use Permit n Other g.7 ACV IZ • / - 4z—L cf --4 — C4 0 4144 CONDITIONS I. That it be for a period of one year. 2. That the hours of operation be limited from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 Midnight. • 3295 Newport Blvd lagaldssalption Metes & Bounds Description C-1 Filed by MC DOUGALL, Helen L. (Gourmet) APP. No - Dais 929 3 -21 -1963 Approved Et Denied 0 On-sale beer and wine. CONDITION: Approved for one year only with condition that no beer or wine be sold after 8.00 P M Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 3 Amendment 0 3297 Newport Blvd. Metes & bounds description Pled lay NATURE'S JEWEL CHEST. INC. App. No. Date 457 9-18-58 Approved El Denied 0 Light manifacturing of gemstone jewelry in a C District. Variance 0 Oiber Resubdivision Use Permit PI Amendment 0 LOCATION 3305 Newport Blvd., Suite A Legal description Parrpl No 2 of Parrl Map Nn. 57-4 Filed by Las Fajitas Restaurant Alex Khademi App. No. Date MP Reauest to convert existing specialty 3 6/12/97 food service establishmen (#5)'toApproved EP Denied 0 full service small schale restaurant and alter operationa characteristics to add alcoholic beverage;increase Uteri stng to 25. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3305 Newport Blvd., Suite A Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 57-4 Filed by Alex Khademi, applicant Convert existing specialty food APP-No. Date service tn a full-scale service PDUP No. 3 6/12/97 small scale rest.. alter operational characteristics to add alcoholic beverage service Approved EA Denied 0 (beer & Wine only) and increase interior setaing from 1 20 tn 25. 1 1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3305 Newport Blvd., Ste A Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 57-4 Filed by Las Fajitas (Alex Khademi, applicant) App. No. Date 0D16 7-31-96 Approved )1KI Denied 0 Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in con- junction with an adjacent specializing in mexican cuisine, on property located in the RSC District. Valiance 0 Other Resubthvision CI Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3305 Newport Blvd.. Ste. A Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 57-4 Filed by Annie & Charles Morgan App. No. Date SF5 6 -1 -94 Approved a Denied 0 A request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the RSC District. Variance El Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3305 Newport Blvd sghl Legal descriptiondescription Parcel 2 of Parcel Nap 57-4 App. No. Date Reauest to permit the establish-UP 3447 5/27/92 ment of a take-out and delivery restaurant with no inriden tal Approved pg Denied 0 seating on property lorated i n the 6/18/92 C-1 Distr.' a ortion Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Perrni1/40 Amendment 0 Filed by R ur re lls I• 1 ISIS LOCATION —fatrsiewpori Boulevard, Suite F Legal Description Parcel No. -I of Lot Line Adjustment No. 93 -2 Filed By: Newport Chicken (Haitham Amin, applicant) Application No. Date UP 3686 12/21/2000 Approved: X Dented: A request to convert an existing Specialty Food Service establishment (No. 10) to a full- service small scale restaurant; and to alter the operational characteristics to add alcoholic beverage service (beer and wine only.) No changes in the floorplan, seating plan, or hours of operation are proposed at this time. There will be no live entertainment at this location. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 3305 F Newport Blvd. Legal FiescriPtico Parcel No. 2 of P.M. 57-4 RIM by Hossein A. Maheri App. No. Data SF-lo 6-29-94 Approved Ei Denied 0 Porptshst to permit the establishment of a specialty food sprvire use on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivolon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3305 Newport Boulevard Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 57/4 Filed by Jeff Pence Peq Liao t tn permit the App. No. Date as-b.unt construction of a M3951 12-3-91 trash enclosure which P lit-roaches from 1 foot to 5 feet Approved El Denied 0 into the required 10 foot rear yard setback, on property located in the C-1 District. Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdiision mo 1 LOCATION 1305 Newport lava Lagid chscri Plim Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 57-4 (R397) on westerly fr-,Firswgrt Bean', City mall Is Dnmin ci s Dina P ^Turt to permit tbe eat ,hl i sh_App.No. mem* of a take -nil+ 077A rogf - UP3402 auran* farility on prmporty loral-ed in t)lo fl -1 nintrict. APPrond Tbe prnrceAl AlQn inrindpc a request to waive of the regniraA nff-qtr0Pf parking spaces. Date 12/6/90 Denied [] a Portion Verience Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 p. LOCATION 3305 Newport Blvd. Wei dmmepflon Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 57-4 (11397) on WPAlt side of Newport Blvd. between 32nd St. and Finley Ave. across from Npt. Beach City Hall. Piled by Peter Hacatoryan Request to permit the establish- App. No. Date metn of a commercial dry clean- UP 3398 12/6/90 in facility on property locaed in the C-1 District. Approved 151 Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3125 Newport Boulevard Legal description in Central Newport Filed by Hassan's Cafe App. No. Dr83 Request to consider revocation UP 1RMovED 8 18/ FROM CALENDAR proceedings in conjunction with the failure of the Approved 0 Denied 0 applicant to purchase required in-lieu parking permits from the City. Valence 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 3329 Newport Legal description Lots 2-3-4-5 Por. Block 432 Canal Section Zone C-1 NW by Robert A. Ogle App. No. Date 299 2-21-57 Approved QC Denied • Harbor Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners No cleaning of any type may be permitted. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment Other 3333-37-41 Newport Blvd. Por. Lots 3 & 7 Hied by CAMPBELL Mr. & Mrs. C. R. App. No. Date 920 2 -21 -1963 Approved 0 Denied Aix A cocktail lounge within 200' of a residential (Distr ict. erienee 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ja Amendment 0 LOCATION 3401 Newport Blvd Legal clascipikm Parcel No. 3 of NBLLA No. 81 -4 Red by World Oil Marketing (John Hundley) App. No. Date UP $595 12/19/96 & CC called LAD 2419/97 Approved GI Den ted 0 Allow alterations to existing non-conforming automobile service station including replacement of canopy; fuel dis- pensers, underground storage tanks & facility signs. Also, modification to ZC to allow for fuel islands to encroach, Ai-pa And if of rannpy 1090 signs and trash can enclsru encrch Variance 0 Resubdivisnon 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 , Other LCW,ATKNI 3401.3407.3411.3409 Newoort Blvd. Legal description Filed by Shou4hen LIn R eouested the adjustment of App. No. Date existing lot line to coincide NBLLA 81-4 6/16/81 with the common walls of the existing buildings Approved El Denied 0 NEWPORT BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3411 Newport Boulevard Legal description Westerly side of Newport Blvd. between Short Steet and Finley/Avenue in Central Newport. Pled by Warren Es Delange App. No. Date Request the establishment UP-1997 6/18/81 of an enteratinment center Approved 'XI Denied 0 with electronic games of skill in an existing building located in the C-1 District. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 3417 Newport Blvd. Legal chsallAkm Lots 7 & 8, Bl k . 532, Canal Section Filed trturatrano App. No. Date SF13 7-17-94 Approved I Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3417 Newport Blvd. Legal deser4p4km Parcel No. 2 & No. 3 of Lot Line Adj.80-1 Al" b iCarnitas La Villa, Artu4plcano Date PDUP No. 6 7/11/97 Approved Fa Denied 0 Request to change an existing specialty food service establishment (No. 13) to a full-service, small scale restaurant: and alter the operational characteristics to add alcoholic beverage service (beer and wine) and increasi interinr seating from 20 to 25 persons. Variance 0 ltesubdivision n_ Permit Win —Planning olrettor'slYNP*MQ LOCATION 3417 Newport Boulevard Legal description Lotsj_cinct 8, Block 532, Canal Section Filed by Eliazak Moreno App. No. Date Rorpusct tn permit the M4083 2/9/93 ectahl ishment of a specialty Priori fAcility on property Approved 53 Deviled 0 lorated in the RSC District. Variance 0 Other Resubcinnuon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3417 Newport Blvd 600 description A pnrtinn of Record of Survey 97-17 on rho sear sir.la nf Newport Blvd between Finley Ave and Short St. across from Lido Plaza 1 Filed by Nehfil Claes of Duna Rag. to establish a full App. No. Date service rest, with on-sale UP3236 10-9-66 _bear and wine where an exiet take-out restaurant and retaAPPrond 0 Denied s5" bakarysistniatinshe_saet ; to waive a portion of the req. off-street parking Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El , LOCATION 3417 Newport Blvd Legal description A portion of Record of Survey 97-17, across from Via Lido Plaza. Pled by Patisserie Francalse, Inc. App. No. Date Request to establish a take- UP 2040 11/5/81 out food operation in con- junction with an existing Approved al Denied 0 retail commercial bakery in the C-1 District, and to waive a portion of the required off-street parking spaces. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit cio Amendment 0 LOCATION 3531, 3421, 3417, 3415, 3411, 3409 Newport Leg ascription V Hod by Mario vacini App. No. Date Request to adjust the lot NBLLA-80-1 9/2/80 lines to coincide with the common walls of the existing Approved Denied E] buildings, thus eliminating sideline encroachments. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Lot Line Adjustment LOCATION 3531 Newport Blvd. Legal description Parcel 1, Newport Beach Lot Line Adj. 80-1 Filed by City of Newport Beach (Lloyd Dalton) App. No. Date M4601 9-23-97 Approved p Domed 0 Request to permit a 4 ft. 8 in. encroachment into tne 10 ft. alley setback with stairway handrails in conjunction with the construction of a County Sanitation uistrict sewer pump station located underground, in conjunction Variance D Resubdivti i p ca &in Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal ducription 11 Newport Blvd. Al" by Chevron USA, Inc. Rpcipest to amend a previously App. No. Date approved use pemrit which UP 1933 allowed the remodel and conversion (amended) 3-22-84 of an existing full service automot*Proved g Denied 0 mobile service station into a self-servide facility in the r -1 District. The Proposed amendment is a request to ampnri an axi sting condition of approval so as to allow the Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ct] Amendment 0 as the existing use permit limits the hours of operationfrom 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. LOCATION 1531 Nowport Boulevard Legal description Phd by Chevron USA. Inc. App. No Date Request to remodel and convert an existing Chevron full service facility in the C-1 Dis to the Zoning Code is a a proposed tarsh enclos in 5' of the rear prope planter areas encroach Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Oliter UP -1933 4 -10 -80 Approved 0 Denied 0 trict. A modification lso requested, since ure encroaches to with- rty line and landscape to the rear proparty_ Use Permit [1g Amendment 0 line (where the Ordinance requires a 10' rear yard setback on a lot in the C-1 District when abutting an alley). LOCATION Legal description 3531 Newport alvd Metes E. Rounds Oescrip. c-1 Filed by STANDARD OIL COMPANY App. No. Date V - 792 2 -20 -1964 Approved El Denied fl Encroach 5' into required 10' rear yard setback in order to make additions and alterations to an existing service station. CONDITION: Approved in accordance with plot plan. Variance al Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ID Amendment Other 1.110CAJNDN 3636 Newport Blvd. Legal chneriPtion Port. of Lot 3. Sec. 3. Township 6 South, 10 West of San Bernardino Meridan Filed by Dan Barrett App. No. Date OD#4 11-1-95 Approved xla Denied 0 Establishment of a outdoor dining uce on property locatad in the RSC District Variance 0 Resubdivision 9 Use Pemdt 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3636 Newport Blvd. Legal description A Port. of Lot 3, Sect. 28, Township 6 So. Range 10 West of San Bernardino Meridian Filed by Dan Barrett App. No. Date SPFS #8 6 -15 -94 Approved CI Denied 0 Reauest to permit the establishment of a specialty food service on property located in the RSC-District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3600 Newpnrt R1 vd Legal Chteription Hod by O'Gara Motors, INC. App. No. Da% Request to establish UP-1913 7/19/79 a new and used auto- mobile sales taci ity Ap provikel 0 mmkj in the 1.-1 uistrict on a site wnere an aucomobile service st dtl un now exists. Violence 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permir ES Amadment 0 LOCATION 3636 Newport Blvd. Legal description Filed by flan Rarrs tt App. No. Date M4139 10-5-93 Approved Ja Denied 0 • • II • II • • facility in conjunction with a retail boutique—on property lora ted—tn—ttle—RSCali—Distar t Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 •CAPON 3700 Newport Boulevard Legal doeurilokm Por. Lot 3 Sec. 28 165 NlOW, SBBM' Zone C-1 Red by FAMULARO, Helena (Restful Acres, Inc. App. No. Date 256 4-3-1969 Approved ttli X Denied 0 Amend Districting Map No. 4 from a C-1 District to a C-0-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment if Newport CuAt r Dc LOCATION Bounded by Newport Ctr. Dr., Farallon Dr. & Legal description Avocado Avenue Filed by me Irvine company App. No. Date mend the Planned Community A-506 4/6/78 Development plan for Corporate Plaza so as to Approved g Denied 0 permit general changes in the Land Use Map and Text. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION New ort Center Drive Um neriptbm Parcel 18 Al. by e rv ne Date ompany App. No. R-549 4/21/77 Request to create three parcels of land for commercial development In C orporate Plaza where Approved Denied 0 one parcel now exists. Variance 0 Other %subdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION —Fertfti-errr-i-s-id- NEloPoPT e-e4 7-egi Lewd demipikm Lot 18, Tract 6015 NW by ihe Irvine Co. App. No. Date Create three parcels where R-499 9/18/75 one lot now exists so as to permit the construction Approved Ig Denied 0 of a Bullock's Wilshire store, boutique shops, and a subterranean parking structure in Fashion Island, Variance fl Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Tract No. Fic hion cenirec Legal description Various locations within Tract No. 6015 known as Fashion Island Newport Center Filed by The Irvine Company Req. to consider a traffic App. No. study to allow construction TS of 66,000 sq. ft. of retail and restaurant uses in Approved Fashion Island, and the acceptance of an document. Date 10-10-85 ii Dried 0 environmental V.u4anceJj Rest4division 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description P.A of PM25-1(R260)P1 of P1460-36 (R454; & a portion of PA of PM 25-1 (R260) and P2 of PM 60/36 (R454) (off-site parking area) Rled by Edwards Theatres Circuit New off-site pky area across App. No. Date the st. in FT in place of UP1527A 1-7-88 Design Plaza. Reduces the scope of the project to incl. Approved .ErDenied 0 only one add'l theater containing 250 seats & continues to use compact p.s. in the proposed parking design. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 T LOCATION Tract No. 6015 -Pasitien—I-s-1-arrel-eviwifeer Cavree. Legal description Various locations within Tract No. 6015 known as Fashion Island,Newport Center Filed by The Irvine Company pan. to consider a transfer of App. No. allowed retail development from GT) Newport Villaae and Civic Consist. Qe Plaza to Fashion Island within Approved Newport Center as permitted by GPA 78-2 Date 10-10-85 termination 'Denied 0 Variance o %subchvi n 0 pse Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other •"‘' LOCATION Newport Center - various addresses Legal description Filed by The Irvine Company App. No. Date Request to amend A previously approved use permit ago a - UP 3131 A-I 2/4/93 modification tn the 7nning Cnde that , IITT Denied 0 permitted the inctai la Linn of_ Approve° sax various ground identifirAtion Signs 3/4/93 at major entrances to Newpnrt Center_ The proposed amend tenan signs where the existin9 rnnojtinn_of aagrnvai restricis Variance 1:1 Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit a! Amendme nt Other .such identification. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow a new Fashion Island/Newport Center identification sign, including names of major tenants in Fashion Island, on the south- easterly corner of Jamboree Rd. and San Joaquin Hills Rd. in 1 the APF-H District where the sign area will exceed the I permitted 100 sq. ft. An exception to the Sign Code is also I requested so as to allow a similaA. off-site Fashion Island/Nd Newport Center identification sigw on the northeasterly corner of Jamboree Rd. and San Joaquin Hills Rd. in the commercial area of the Big Canyon Planned Community. LOCATION raahic. Island Nauever cefiregi Legal description Portions nf Trart No- 6015. lnrated in tho infarinr rourtyards of the FaRbinn Island Argional qhnialipq rani-nr in m r Bled -by Tho rtnrins Company I Reig_to....permit ths installation App. No. Date nfR 1-n in food OAY+0 within 1JP3203 5 -22 -86 the open ronrtyards adjrsnt to Pohinsons, Rnllnrks Wilabire Approved tir Denied 0 and Naiman Marring Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Rs Amendment 0 LOCATION Newport Center Legal description s.e. and s.w.corner of San Joaquin Hills & Santa Cruz Dr. s.e. and s.w. corner of San Joaquin i Hills Road & Santa Rosa Dr; n.w, and s.w. corner of saktintsi Dr.& MacArthur B.s.e.corner of Jamboree; s. w. corner of San Joaquin Hills App. No. Date Req.to permit construct.of groan; 3131 1-24-85 i.d.siqns for N.C.on property located in the Open Space Approved CT Dsmsd 0 Distmod to Z.C.to allow construct, of ground sign; oonstruct.of ground sign area in excess of 100 sg.ft. Variance ci Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 23" Amendment 0 Variance 1:1 Other Resubdivision Use Permit El Amendment 0 Fled by Glendale Federal Savings & Loan App. No. Dam Adjust parcel lines on a R-498 9/18/75 commercial parcel ana a common parking area parcel Approved nsimmkA 0 so as to permit the expansion of the Glendale e•era avings an Newport Center. s ii I LOCATION 100 Newport Center Dr. East Legal dmotwkm Parcels 1 and "A" LOCATION 100 Newport Center Drive, Suite A Legal Description Parcel I of Parcel Map Book 76, Page 32 Filed By: I Body Design (Susan Tobiesseu, applicant Application No. Date PennitNo. 49 12-3-99 Approved:X Denied: The applicant requests to allow the establishment of a 4,250 square foot, fitness/physical therapy and training facility. The facility also provides massage services as an accessory activity. The property is located in the APF District. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use PermitX Amendment Other: LOCATION 100 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map Book 76, Page 32 Filed By: Antoinette Devich Application No. Date No. 5053 Approved:X Denied: To permit a sign program for a new commercial building to include 4 wall signs where the Code limits the number of wall signs to one per business for a multi-tenant building Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification [ LOCATION 100 Newport Center Drive Lima! description Parcel 1 Filed by Glendale Federal Savings & Loan App. No. Date To permit drive-in UP-1762 8/21/75 auto-teller facilities in conjunction with a Approved n Denied 0 proposed savings and loan building in Newport Center. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 Other / megsveoptr C8Wreig- or: Lot 2 Tract 6015 C-0-N-W LOCATION Legal description Filed by RnBINSOR' S App. No. Date CONDIT! DNS (11vPr) Fxception Permit 3 fi-15-U Approved y Et Denied Increase LP the cins of signs on a nicsw 141 Fashion Is 1 and , Npwrinrt rpntpr Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit P Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: Approved for the signs on the north, south and west sides, subject to the following condition 1. That the sign on the east side be 332 sq.ft 2. That the sign on thea tower be deleted. 3. That the signs not be lighted after 10:00 P.M. LOCATION -ttor-2—feetri-o-n-1-s-famf 1401 16.9.1 dwriptial Lot Q, Tract 6015 Awear oeweeLir Filsd by Associated Dry Goods Corp. App. No. Date To change the UP-1807 11/4/76 I operational character- istics of the existing Approved a] Denied 0 Lido Buffet Restaurant in Robinson's Department Store to include the service of beer and wine. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 23 Amendment 0 LOCATION lni—Dawport Canter Dr. Legal description Tract No 6015. lnr.atan wit'-O p tha ring c reate d by bieWport Cantor nr in Npwpnrt center (Fash Lel Filed by Truine Pet-nil Prnpartiaa Cr Rawest to espnd_the Paehios App. No. Date Island Planned A699 2/12/90 onment Plan_s_o_as to allow seven entry marker sians at specific Approved 12 Denied 0 locations in Fashion Island Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS (Over) LOCATION 150 Newport Center Legal description Par. B1 . 93, Irv. Sub. Northwest corner of Newport Center Anacapa Avenue Flied by John Martin Shea, Inc. App. No. 1461 X g(- Denied 0 automati c Approved Request to construct and operate an car wash with gasoline sales. Variance 0 I Other Rase bchvolon 0 Use Permit eC Amendment 0 C-0-8 Drive and Date 12-18-1969 CONDITIONS • 1 That a resubdi vision and parcel map be filed. 2 There be no outside display of automotive or other products for sale. 3 The signs be limited to those shown on the plot plan. 4. Complete landscaping plans, including provisions for underground sprinkter system be submitted to the Planning Di rector for approval . LOCATION 150 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 29-34 (R282) on the s.w. corner of Newport Center Dr. & Anacapa Dr. Fled by Beacon Bay_ELLtearjae________ To remove & replace 5 tanks w/ App. No. Date 3 tanks, upgrade restrooms, UP1461A 12-8-88 install a trellis expand the outdoor waiting area & Approved Rs' Denied 0 remodel the existing equip & storage area. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 150 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Nap 29-34 (R282) on the s.w.corner of Newport Center Dr. and Anacapa Dr. in Newport Center Filed by The Irvine Company Request to amend to allow the App. No. Pate retail sale of cut flowers from UP1461A 6-6-85 within the existing building, in conjunction with the auto Approved Eg Domed E] washing service. Variance 0 Oiher Resubdivision 0 Use Permit sr Amendment 0 15/ Nem/role-7 UDCANK)N 78 Fashion Island Cenira-prnie Legal description Lot R. 1 -6015 Al.4 by Far West Services App. No. Date Change the operational UP-1860 4/6/78 characteristics of the existing Coco's Restaurant Approved la Denied 0 facility in Fashion Island to include the service of beer and wine. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Other PrIr••• r•-s- -7r - • • • 1 11 -1 L =ATM IRO Newport Center Dr. Legal thiamiptim Rarcel 8 BR 100 Fashion Island Hod by NEWPORT COAST CO. App.No. Date 625 3-20-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Ei Denied 0 pprmit 20% of the required off -street parking stalls for a proposed office building to have minimum dimensions of 7'6" X 18'0" stalls (tor compact cars) where minimum of 8'6" X18 1 U" di- VaPlugasSEF" are sub& 11:1 - mon Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 200, 210 & 300 Newport Center Or. Legal descripHonA portion ot LLA No. 88-6, Parcel 2 of P.M. No. 93-106 & a portion of Parcel No. 2A of P.M. 43/28 Red by Edwards Theaters Circuit, inc. App. No. Date LLA94-16 1-3-95 Approved x)121 Denied 0 Request to permit the adjustment of lot lines between 3 adjoining parcels ot land on property located in the APE-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 200 Newport Center Drive, Suites 100 &200 Legal Description Filed By: Scott Duncan on behalf of Spa Gregone's Application No. Date UP 3636-A 10/23/2000 Approved: X Minor change to UP 3636 related to the expansion of massage activity from 3 rooms containing approx. 300 sq ft to 5 rooms containing approx. 500 sq ft. The 2 rm, 200 sq ft expansion of the massage establishment is part of a larger 781 sq ft expansion of the facility in which it is located. All orig. conditions of appproval of UP 3636 remain in effect and applicable. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit:X I Amendment: Other: LOCATION 200 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 Legal Description Parcel 2A of Parcel Map Book 43, Page 28 Filed By: Spa Gregolie's (Charles Cortright, applicant) Application No. Date UP 3636 8 -20 -98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the establishment of an independent massage use as an accessory use in conjunction with a 11t11 -service beauty and skin care personal service salon. Variance: I Resuhdivision: I Use Permit: X I Amendment Other: LOCATION 2112 Newport Center Drive Legal description Parcel 28 of Parcel Map 43-28 (Resub No.335) on s/e corner of Newport Center Dri e and Anacate Drive Filed by Mark H. Singer R & S Schwartz/Muldoon's Irish Pub and Restaurant App. No. Date Alter grnd fir to increase net UP 3455 A 1/23/97 public area with new interior dining areas. expand outdoor dining crt Approved la Denied 0 add 2nd bar and game area containing one pool table; in- crease gross floor area to add storage room at grnd floor; alter 2nd floor to provide a bakery and foor prep area, dining room, billiards room a related office and outdoor dining deck: add live entertainment and dancing; add valet Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:11 Amendment 0 Other parking service; continue the reduced parking requirement for the expanded net public area or waive a portion of the required off-street parking; and'continue the waiver of specific restaurant development standards. LOCATION 200 Npwpnrt rpnter Naive UMA cincriPthm Parcel 2A nf Parral Map 41-9R Filed by IDG, App. No. Date 1743 12-19-74 CONDI T ION ALIMPtcmod /1 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of an inter- ior decorating school in Block 200 of Newpnrt Center. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision C Use Permit 111 Amendment 0 LOCATION 202 Newport Center Dr. Legal dmmipNom Par 28 of R335 Filed by Muldoon's Iris Pub App. No. Date . M4492 10 -1 -96 Approved j3 Denied 0 Establishment of a sign program for various wall signs which exceed the number & square footage permitted in the API District. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 1 LOCATION 202 Newport Center Drive Legal description Pa ?re 1 28 of Parcel Map 43 -28 (Resubdivision No. 335). located at 202 Newport Center Dr on the southeasterly corner of Newport Center Drive and AnkhOrnabYDrive in Nemport Center. Filed by: Ronald & Sindi Schwartz App. No. Date Request to permit an expansion UP 3455 7/10/92 and alterations of the existing Appromd 0(1 Denied 0 Mul (Zorn Irish Pub and Reslaurarit which iT11.1-Ude3 on-sale alcoholic beveraoes and an outdoor dining court, on property located in the C-0-H Distrirt The proposal includes a request to expand the "net publir area" of the restaurant sr) a ; to_add two _new interior dining acmes Variance 0 Resubdivision u Use nirriii+xtil Amendment u Other an outdoor dining court, a second bar, and a game area containing one pool table. Said expansion will utilize existing floor area currently used for office and retail purposes and an existing outdoor court- yard. Also included is a request for a reduction in the parking requirement. LOCATION 210 Newport Center Dr. Lei° description Parcel 1 of Parcel map 16-15 Parcael Map 60-36 & Parcel 3 of Filed by Pen= Fngineering Request to requhdivide twn App.N10. existing _parcels of land into R 997 three parcels for conveyance DurDoses. located in the APF-H Approved District in Newport Center. Date 2/11/93 El Denied P.C. ADD. 3/18/93 C.C. App. 6/14/93 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision MX Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 240 Newport Center Drive 1444 domoripthm Fled by Robert J. Lorenzetti App. No. Date UP-1931 4-10-80 Approved Ea Denied 0 Roqucst to cstabliah a restaurant facility with on sale beer in tho C 0 H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tn Amendment 0 LOCATION 280 Newport Center Drive, Suite 145 Legal Description Filed By: LuxuryPrice.com Application No. Date PDUP 77 01/10/2001 Approved: Denied: Request to allow the use of pi oper ty (885 square foot tenant space) for a limited vehicle sales that is accessory to the primary use as an inte:met sales business (econunerce). Since the operation includes the brokerage/sale of automobiles, the California Department of Motor Vehicles requires provision of a vehicle display area for at least one vehicle. The vehicle sales portion of the business makes up approximately 10 to 15% of the total transactions. The subject facility will act as a broker between the automobile dealer and the buyer with 95% of the vehicle deliveries to take place off site. The property is located in the APF District Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X I Amendment: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 300 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Par. 1 of PAM 60-36 & Port. of Par A of PM 25-1 Filed by Edwards Theaters App. No. Date M4491 10-1-96 Approved Denied 0 As-built construction of various wall signs & marquees which exceed the number & square frontage permitted in the APF District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 300 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE Legal description Parcel 1, Parcel Map 93-106 Filed by Edwards' Theatres Circuit App. No. Date UP1527 (A) CC 8-8-94 EP46 PC 7-7-94 Approved xE3 Denied 0 Request to amend a previously approved use permit which permitted the expansion of the existing Edwards' Big Newport Cinemas located on property in the APP-13 District. The amendment involves a request to construct a new bldg. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 containing three theaters, administrative offices, and a total of 897 theater seats. The proposal also includes a use permit to allow portions of the proposed bldg. to exceed the 32 ft. basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District; and request to permit an off—site parking arrangmentifor the additional required parking. LOCATION 300 Alatarrirt rentar Thrive Legal description Filed by Edwards Theatre Cirrnit, Inc App. No. Date N.R.L.I -A.88 -6 5-31-88 Approved Q Denied 0 Request tn adjust a Int line between contiguous parcels utilized for connuerrial purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Loacncm 300 Newport Center Dr. Legal dmmripflon P.A of PM 25-1 (R260) and P.1 of PM 60-36 (R4541 and P -A of PM 25-1 (R260) and P.2 of PM 60-36 (R454 nn the R.P. Corner of NC Dr. E & San Miguel Dr. and the 44AV n.w. corner of Avocado Ave. & Farallon RPri app A t.s to permit the APP-t1 Date aim of two new auditoriums contai S ' ' 10-23-86 La4,40 a total of 6no new seats at the eniating Edwards Theatre complex Approved giir Denied 0 in N r Variance 0 Resubclivision 0 the Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 300 Newport Center Dr. Legal JOsairkm P.A of PM 25-1 (R260) and P.1 of PM 60-36 02454) and P.A of PM 25-1 (R260) and P.2 of PM 60-36 04s41 on the s.e. corner of NC Dr E. & San Miguel Dr. 1 Mk* and the n.w. Corner of Avocado Ave. & Farallon Reg to add 2 auditoriums,total of , .No. a , spate 6no neats.Incl. mod. to the ZC to " 0.' tilk;f41722W9 cliati pay-mi t compact parking spaces an c.t.2.3-ag, ' - • i amondPd off-site park.agmt for a Approved trDelMed 0 1 portion of the reg. off-st. parking at the s.e. corner of NC Dr. and San Miguel Dr. and a new off-site parking agmt for a portion of the req. off-st. park. at tne n.w. flnrniar of Avocado Ave. & Farallon Dr, and an e.d. Variance 0 Othw Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 300 Newport Center Dr. Lega description Parcels 1 & 2 Block 300 Newport Cent RhA by EDWARDS THEATRES CIRCUIT INC. App. No. Date UP 1527 10 -19 -72 Approved n Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY: SEE FILE Other Resubdovision 0 Use Permit In Amendment 0 , LOCATION 300 Newport Center Drive East I Legal description Parcels 1 and 2, Block 300, Newport Center Ned by Ldwards Theatres Circuit, Inc. I. mat a resubdivision applicatioopp.No. Date be filed incorporating the entire theatre site. Said resubdivision 1527 4-29-1971 shall not re9uire further Plan- Approved X4N Denied E] fling Commission review. 2. That a legal description describing the site be furnished to the Department of Community Development. 3. The applicant will furnish the City an off-site parking agreement, satisfactory to the City Attorney, (uvLR) Variance 0 Resubdivision CI Use Permit In Amendment 0 Other providing for the joint use of 100 parking spaces to be available after 5:30 P.M. on weekdays and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 4. Matinee showings in both theatres shall not exceed 1250 at any one time except on week ends and holidays. 5. Landscape plans, including a watering facilities plan, ' prepared by a landscape architect, licensed landscape contractor or architect, shall be submitted to and approved by the Cirector of Community Development. Landscaping shall be separated from paved areas by a raised curb six (6") inches in height. LOCATION 300 Newport Center Drive East Legal description Filed by SIMPSON -STEPPAT App. No. Date 454 Approved 0 Denied 0 NO ACTION NECESSARY BY P.C.-See Use Permit No. 1527 Conditions of Approval. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 nom 300 New ipfitm Por. B 3 ort Center Drive rv. u I • I Red by EDWARDS THEATRES CIRCUIT, INC. App. No. Dale CONDITIONS (See Over) EXCEPTION PERMIT 6 6-20-1968 Approved al Denied 0 Instal a 400 sq.ft. sign with scintillating lights. erience El er Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C-ONDITIONS 1. That 11 watt non scintillating light bulbs be permitted on the exterior perimeter of the sign. 2. That the sign may be lighted from dusk until the theatre closes each night. (It is the intent that the sign shall not be lighted all night.) LOCATION Legal description 327 Newport renter Drive Rift! by David Migicovskv Request to permit the establish- App. No. Date ment of a restaurantfacility with on-site alcoholic beverages and UP3276 6-18-87 indicental outdoor seating on Approved J Denied 0 property located in the C-0-H District in Fashion Miami. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 — LOCATION 327 Newport center Legal description A portion of Lot N,%015, on the westerly side of NC Dr. between San Niguel Dr. & San Nicolas Dr. Filed by David Migicovsky Req. to permit the stablish of App. No. a rest. facility with on—site UP 3276 alcoholic beverages & incidential outdoor seating on Approved property located in the COS Dist. Date 6-18-87 I Denied 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other 331 Neitnoogr -1-6—Fer5iri-on—F3l-ettd— e_ew r eg._ p ri it s LOCATION Legal description uuty oyer Filed by App. No. Date Change the operational UP-1870 6/15/78 characteristics of the existing The Rigger Restaurant Approved )12g Denied 0 facility to include the service of beer and wine. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 400 Newport Center Dr. Legal desaiPtion Parcel 1 of PM 63-34 (R226) on the n.e. corner of Newport Center Dr. & $an Miguel Dr. in the Block 400 PC Filed by Robert W. Porstrom Req. to establish a rest. within App. No. Date an existing medical office 0P3329 11-9-88 1 bldg on property located in Area One of the Block 400 PC Approved 15 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 400 Newport center Drive Legal description Filed by Newport Walk-in Medical Group App. No. Date The replacement of the face of an existing ground sign which M2955 5/1/84 identifies the existing -medical Approved El Denied bui lding with a new sign face providing hni 1 ding identification and identification of one tenant within the building; _AniLso_p exini_ttlit installation arod Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 for the purposes of building identification and identification of one tenant within the building where the Block 400 Planned Community District Regu- lations allow four ground signs on site for building identification only. tOCATICiN 400 Newport Center Drive Leg ascription Riad by Newport Medical Center Buildings Request to permit the App. No. Mite construction of an 80 1 000 sq.ft. UP 3078 1-5-84 , seven story medical office development and related parking Approved 0 Denied 0 structure in a portion of Block 400 of Newport Center The proposal also includes a request for a portion of th e required off-street parking to be located on the root of the parking structure. Variance 0 Othr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit st Amendment 0 LOCAPON 400 Newport Center Drive Legal description RUA by Newport Medical Center Buildings Request to establish a Planned App. No. Date Community Development Plan and A_598 1-5-84 Development Standards for Block(rs pin?) 400 of Newport Center. The Approved f Denied El proposal also includes a request to amend portions of Districting Maps No. 49-50 so as to reclassify said Property from the C -0 -11 District to P-C District and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment k Other LOCATION Legal description 400 Newport Center Drive Filed by Newport Medical Center Buildings Parts* to rIssuhaiviAe fnnr App. No. Date ex icrin g paroelq of land info two R-766 1-5-84 parnalc for mesairal nffirtm pnrrnqoa and rpaltpd parking Approved 0 Denied [j jParrplet Nn 1 and 2)• one parcel exclusively for modiral offirp purposes (Parcel No. 3): and one parral pyrirmively for parking structure purposes (Parc, bin 4 ) Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 400 Newport Center Drive Legal dmmripficri Block 400 in Newport Center Filed by Frank Rhodes App. No. Date TS 9/8/83 Request to approve a Traffic Study for an 80,000 sq. ft. Approved 0 Denied (gross) medical office building in Block 400 of Newport Center. 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 - LOCATION 401 Newport Center Drive, Suite 216 Legal Description Lot M, Parcel Map 221/30-36 of Resub. 836 Filed by Thermolase Corporation (Robert van Osdel, applicant) App. No. Date UP 3630 5-21-98 Approved X Denied 0 To permit the establishment of an independent massage use as an accessory use in an existing laser-based hair management and cosmetic personal service salon. Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit X Amendment Other: LOCATION 401 Newport Center Drive Suite 100A Legal Description Parcel 1 of PMB 222; APN 442-021-28 Filed By: Bristol Farms Application No. Date UP 3670 319/00 PC Approved:X Denied: A request to upgrade the existing Alcoholic Beverage Outlet approval to allow for the sale of general alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption (Type 21 License). Variance: 1 Resubdivision: I Use PermitX I Amendment Other: LOCATION -24—Pershitt"49+"4— 449/ tliviapa Came__ Dr. Legal description portion of tract no. 6015, on the w. side of NC Dr. E. Filed by The Irvine Co. Install 4 wall signs on a App. No. Date single blda on property in F216 5-9-85 COH Dist. where sign code allow a max. of 3 wall signs Approved er Denied 0 per bldg. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other no Amendment 0 LOCATION -No. 24-Feehien—Isiend-1/1 Ateeueolar CleAlre22- at, Legal description portion of Trart N0.015,10oate on west. side of 'Newport Center Dr.E,in Fashion island Filed by Irvine Ranch Farmer's Market Permit the establish-of take- App. No. Dee , nut rest and cook school in UP3111 12/8/84 ronjunrtion with the IRFM retail use lorated on property in the Approved El Denied 0 COH Dist-Waive a portion of the red.off-street parking spares for the take-out rest. Variance 0 Other Resubd ;vision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 450 Newport Center Drive East Lege •nal or Portion of Blk 93 I Hu by SHUIRMAN-SIMPSON App. No. Date 417 11/1/73 CONDITIONALLY Approvind XII:k Denied 0 Request to create two parcels of land for development. Variance 0 ResubdivisionCD( Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other ; LOCATION 450 Newport Center Dr. E. Legal description Portion of Blk. 93. Irvine's Sub. Filed by GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS & LOAN App. No. Date 709 9-20-73 Approved 0 Denied )(Mx Request to permit a maximum 20% of the required offstreet parking stalls for a proposed office building to have minimum dimensions of 71/2 feet X 15 feet (for compact cart) where the minimum dimensions of 9 fcet IL18 feet are required Variance fl Rewbdivision U Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ,Other M LOCATION 450 Newport Center Drive East Legal description Blk 4.00 Newport Center Filed by GREAT WESTERN S & L App. No. Date RFFIRRFO TO P.C. 9-20-73 709 8-28-73 Approved 0 Denied 0 permit 20% of required parking to be compact stall! (7.5' x 15'). Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 450 Newport Center Drive East Legal description Portion of Block 93, Irvine's Sub- division Fled by Great Western Savings & Loan Assn., Beverly Hills App. No. Date 1688 9-6-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved MU Denied 0 Request to permit drive-up television banking facilities in conjunction with a proposed bank and to give credit for six of the required bank parking spaces for the drive-up facilities. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Perrniixn Amendment 0 F LOCATION 451 Newport Center Drive - Hard Rock Cafe Legal description Lot W, Tract No. 6015 :AWL) ralWRIT,r.1 R 6 by Rard Rork Cafe Request a change in the operationa]App. No. Date characteristics of an existing full UP3615 11/06/97 I service restaurant to allow the facility to provide live ' entertainment & the cessation of Approved a Denied 0 meal service prior regular m to the closing of the restrant & operation of the facility as a bar/nightclub w/alcoholic beverage service as the principal purpose from that time until closing. E Xpikr.) I-so-It Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Perm( Amendment 0 LOCATION451 Newport Center Drive Legal description Lot W, Tract 6015 Filed by Hard Rook,Cafe Pnquest to consider A 91) day App. No. Date review of a previously ',ppm-wad M 4015 6/15/92 modification whicki permitted the installation of a 411 *Int high, A pp roved la Denied 0 free Standing animated sign P C R/6/02 r r 9/14/9 containing 257+ sq ft , whereas the Fashion Island Planned community nistrirt REgulations limit free standing signs to an area of 50 sg ft. (perface) and a ht of 5 feet and pro-. ktikintea ff fl aSh ltnekbVinon Other Modi fi cation Amen ment 0 se rrn1 • r LOCATION 451 Newport Center Drive Legal description I Filed by The Irvine Company Request to permit the adjust- App. No. Date ment of a lot line between LLA87-3 7-7-87 contiguous commercial parcels developed for retail use and Approved Lit Denied El parking. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 453-01 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Lot W, Tract 6015 Filed By: Fluoresco Lighting & Sips Application No. Date M4961 8 -31 -99 Appproved: X Denied: To pennit an additional monument sign for a freestanding commercial building with three tenants, where the Fashion Island Planned Community District Regulations limit freestanding commercial buildings to one monument sign. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 453 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Lot W, Tract 6015 Filed By: Roy's-Newport Beach, LLC Application No. Date UP 3654 4-22-99 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the establishment of a new, on-sale pursuant to Chapter 20 89 of the Municipal Code. alcoholic beverage outlet The alcoholic beverage outlet is in located in the Fashion Island Planned Community permits restaurants alcoholic beverage service only. conjunction with a new restaurant on a property Community District. Since the Fashion Island Planned without a use permit, the request is specifically for Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit X I Amendment Other: [LOCATION 455 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Fashion Island Regional Mall Filed By: Fleming's Prime Steakhouse Application No. Date UP3637 9 -24-98 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the establishment of a new, on-sale alcoholic beverage outlet pursuant to Chapter 20.89 of the Municipal Code. The alcoholic beverage outlet is in conjunction with a new restaurant on a property located in the Fashion Island Planned Community District Since the Fashion Island Planned Community permits restaurants without a use permit, the request is specifically for alcoholic beverage service only. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: X I Amendment Other: LOCATION 521 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Portirm of int K, Tract No .6015. on the ,s.w. side of Newport Center Dr, between Santa Cruz Dr. and Santa Rosa Dr. . I Fled by Nisan & Paransem Hacatoryan & Hacatoryan (The Irvine companyApp.No. Date Rec. to permit the establish. UP3261 4 -9 -87 of a dry cleaning facility in an existing building located ' Approved 0 Denied 0 I in Fashion Island in the COH District Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EI Amendment 0 LOCATION 537 Newport Center Dr. Legal description A portion of Lot K, Tract 6015, on the westerly side of Newport Center Dr between San Nicolas Dr. & Santa Rosa Dr. Filed by CA Lite/Newport Center Reg. to establish a restaurant &App.No. Date weight Loss counseling 13F3281 7-9-87 center on property in the COH Dist in Fl Approved slif Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 545 Newport Center Legal description Lot J-1, Tract No. 6015, on the so. side of Newport Center Dr. between Santa Cruz Dr. and Santa Rosa Dr. in Fashion Island Filed by The Mallard Group Req. to establish a restaurant App. No. Date with on-sale alcoholic beverages UP3253 3-16-87 on property located in the C01-1 District. Incl. a request Approved 51 Denied 0 to establish a valet parking service in conjunction with the proposed restaurant. Variance 0 Other Amendment Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl LOCATION 550 Newport Center Drive Legal description RIdby The Irvine _Company WeWpOrtiar North Planned rnmmunityAPP•No• boundad—by—Sati—Joaquiallills_lad. Trart OP tho north Jnhn Wayne Gulch tn_the Sdu Jamboree Pad tn teh pact, and ne Upper Nawpnrt Ray tn the northwest Date tAcij t. 15001r a; 023- tlra Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision Other Traci. LOCATION 553 Newport Center' Dr. lagal thiscriPtial A Portion of Lot J. Tract 6015. on the so. side of Newport Center Dr. between Santa Cruz Dr and Santa Rosa Dr. in Fashion Island Filed by Nancy & Dewayne Kirksev Req. to permit the establishment App. No. Date UP of a take-out restaurant on 3268 5-7-87 property located in the COS Dist, in Fashion Island. The Approved la' Denied 0 proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of the req. off-street parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I LOCAfiON -6-3—Ferrit-i-en-1-9-1-n-mi- 553 iliesu" • etTer2 r ? D sr Legal description Lot J, Tract 1615 Pled by Gerald Trautman App. No. Date Request to establish UP-1820 3/3/77 a health food restaurant facility within Approved en Dried 0 an existing commercial building in Fashion Island. Variance 0 Oitter Rasubdrnsion 0 Use Permit [Z] Amendment 0 LOCATION 600 Newport Center Dr. Legal description portion of Lot 22,Tract 6015,n.e.corner of Newport Center Dr.and Santa Cruz Dr. in Newport Centel Filed by Four Seasons Newport Center Construct 3 level park.struct. App. No. Date w/parking on roof for the Four UP3119 12/6/84 Seasons Hotel,and accept. of an environm.docu. The parking Approved Ig" Denied 0 Structure will accommodate both guest and valet parking Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 9 LOCATION 600 Newport Center Drive Legal description Portion of Lot 22, Iract No. buio p C App 9/21/93 Filed by Family Fitness Center r r App 10-75-91 Request to permit the establishmentApp.No. Date of an 18,250 sq.ft. athletic club u p 3509 on property located in the API--H 9- a District. The proposal also inciuqirpproved ai Denied 0 a request to establish the parking requiremenV fur hue health club based on a demonstrated formula. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 6 Amendment 0 °CATION rlagal desaiption 60Q,Newport Center Drfve Lot 22. Tract 6015 Fled by The Irvine Company App. No. Dee Create three R-563 9/15/77 parcels of land for Remove4 from calendar 1 commercial development Approved 0 Denied 0 , and one parcel of land for landscape and sign Purposes in Newport Center. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision DI Us. Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 600 Newport Center Drive Legal description A portion of Lot 22, in Newport Center Pled II Four Seasons/The Irvine Company App. No. Date GPA 82-2. R-752. T.S. & SPR 32 8/4/83 Regyest to amend the N. B, Approved I Denied 0 General Plan for Block 600 of Newport Center so as to allow the construction of a 325 room Four Seasons Hotel with related hotel facilities. c.r. APPROVED COND. ON 9/12/83 ) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 61/0 Newport Center Drive Legal description Filed by lhe Irvine Company App. No. Date Establish two parcels, one R-563 10/19/78 for a proposed office building, hotel complex Approved 121 Denied 0 and parking structure and one for sign purposes only, and the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 600 Newport Center Drive Isgal deteriPfkm A portion of Lot 22. tract No 6015, In Newport Center. Filed by Paradise Cafe App. No. Date Request to amend a pre- UP 1610 (Amended) 11/19/811 viously approved use permit that permitted live enter- Approved a Denied tainment and dancing in an existing restaurant which served alcoholic beverages. Said application includes a request to expand the existing restaurant facility. and the installation of a take-out window. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit DB Amendment 0 p. LOCATION 600 Newport Center Dr. 149•1 description Portion of Lot 22 of Tract 6015 Piledby Cy_r_Ant-atzIryine. Inc. App. No. Date It 54r/wahir vim/ Att fled/ yhtitral. 4 1.) VI tat 1610 7 -20 -72 Approved El Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 600 Newport Center Drive Legal description Pnrtinn of Lot 22. Tract 6015 Filed by Bob DennisLiamily Fitness To change the hours of operation APP.No. of an existing athletic club to UP 3509 A , a 24 hour facility, seven days a week Approved al Date 1/9/97 Denied [] Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 :LOCATION 600 and 630 Newport Center Dr. Legal &wirier Lot 22, Tract 6015 Ahd by The Irvine Company App. No. DM. Request to establish a UP-1805 11/18/76 parking formula for a parking pool of more Apprond D Denied 0 than 1500 cars in Block 600, to authorize the use of 25% compact spaces, and to authorize the use of shared parking for the restaurants in the parking structures. Variance 0 Other Rosubdivision 0 Us. Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 601 NEWPORT CENTER DR. Legal description Parrel 1 of Parcel Map 67/2-3 01466) Filed by Premier cairns Internation.al, inr App. Noe Date UP3529 5-5-94 Approved a Denied 0 Pennoct to permit the rnntinised operation of an existing massage establishment in a beauty salon within the Neiman marrns Department Store, on property located in the Fashion Toland Planned et-immunity Variance 0 Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other -49—Fa44-en—i-s4444-601 A/suns,. aemeaeot LOCATION Lagraescription jilL. App. No. Change the operational UP-1863 4/20/78 characteristics of the existing restaurant facility Approved al Denied 0 in Neiman-Marcus to include the service of beer and wine. Fled by Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION Rio-mn Newport Center Dr. Legal description H Parcels of Resub. No. 271 Filed bYWilliamsoni Schmid/Huitt Zollars App. No. Date R1016 1-9-96 Approved 13 Domed 0 Resubdivision involving 8 parcels of land, for conveyance purposes, on property in the APF-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 610 Newport Center Dr. upo deseripticmLot 22, Tract 6015 Filed by Diablo Communication Inc. of Calif. Installation of six 1.2 meter App. No. Date Satellite Dish Antennas on Satellite Dish existing penthouse roof #27 4-26-96 Approved kr,_Denied 0 Variance in Resubthvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other catick€ LOCATION 620 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parrel 2. Parcel Map 25-14 Filed by Riccardo_Dosco ç ermit Date UP 3497 4/13/93 tartnn prnparty 1 nra tnti in thn APF Ap proved proved Et Denied 0 5/6/93 Variance 0 Oftwor Resubdivision 0 Use Penni' 5t Amendment 0 LOCATION 620 Newport Center Dr. Legal demriokm Parcel 2 of Rasp!) 271 Filed by urinal d F I one,. App. No. Date UP3497A 12-7-95 Approved f Denied 0 Peloration of an existing outdoor coffee cart sales nrieratinn with the addition of incidental tables and rhairs, a rain/wind canopy and a small storage cart for the rash register Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 620 Newport Center Drive 1 Legal dmmripflon Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 25-14, (Resubdivision No. 271), located at 620 Newport Center Drive, on the NE side of Newport Center Drive, between Santa Rosa Drive and Santa Filed by Team Precision Cruz Dr in N.Cntr Request to permit the establishmeapp. No. Date of a permanent automobile washing UP 3411 3/7/91 and detailing facility in existing parking structures for the on -site Approved Denied 0 tenants of existing office buildings located 'oh property in the C-0 -H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit lit Amendment 0 — LOCATION spn Newport Center Dr Legal description Portion of Lot 22 of Tract 6015 "" by Crocker National Bank. L.A. wivo -ino 1ELLE4Q UNIT App. No. Date 1644 11-30-72 Approved flt Denied 0 APPROVED CONOIIIONALLY. s ee e Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 121 Amendment 0 63b LOCATION 16111 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE Legal descripNon Parcel 3, Parcel Map 25-14 (Resub. 271) Fled by Dennis Constanzo (Twin Palms Restaurant) App. No. Date UP3555 5 -18 -95 Approved xlt1 Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment ot a hill service restaurant with incidental alcoholic beverage service, live entertainment & valet parking on property located in APF-H District. Proposal also inclides a retquest to tran Variance 0 Resubdivision E] Use PennR 0 Arnemdment0 Other — • fer development entitlement from Fashion Island to the restaurant site located in Block 600 of Newport Center. LOCATION 630 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Parcel 3 as shown on a parcel map filed in Book 25, Page 14 of parcel maps, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange: Filed By: Palm Garden Application No. Date UP 3555 amended PC 4-13-2000 Approved :X Denied: A request to convert the former Twin Palms Restaurant site to a multi-purpose assembly facility. The proposal requires parking waiver Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit:X I Amendment: Other: LOCATION 630 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE Legal description Parcel 3, Parcel Map 25-14 (Resub. 271) Filed by The Irvine Co. App. No. Date TSii104 5-18-95 Approved go Denied 0 Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the establishment of a full-service restaurant on subject ppty Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal Legal description 630-8 Nevipnrt Center nrive App. No. Date Request to change the UP-1808 11/18/76 operational character- istics and expand the Approved 1:21 Denied 0 "net public area" of the former Old Chicago Gas Lighter Restaurant so as to establish Picassios, a discotheque with recorded music. in the existing facility. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit On Amendment 0 Filed by Johnnie Betson LOCATION 644 Newport Center Drive Legal description Parcel 2, Parcel Map 75-48 Filed by Daily Grill App. No. Request to allow the M3845 establishment of animated, blinking signage in the Approved Fashion Island Planned community, where is prohibited when visable from Newport Date 4/30/91 0 Denied al such signage Center Drive. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 67n melaport Center Drive legal thmWpflon Filed by The Irvine Company App. No. Date Reauest to establish an UP-1919 10-18-79 offstreet Parkina lot on a temporary basis in BlockAPProvild 0 Dmied 0 600 of Newport Center in the C-0-8 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ek Amendment 0 LOCATION 690 Newport Center Drive Legal description Filed by 9 App. No. Date Permit tne temporary use of UP-1884 9/7/78 a modular building tor a Pacitic rederai savings Approved e Denied 0 and Loan brancn facility in Newport Center, and the acceptance ot an environmental aocument. Variance 0 Ctiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 JaP LOCATIONEn Newport Center Dr. Legal description portion of Lot 22,Tract 6015,n.e.corner of Newport Center Dr.and Santa Cruz Dr. in Newport Center RUA by Four Seasons Newport Center Amend previous SP. configure- App. No. Date tion of two tefinis courts,realiggIP 32 12/6/84 ment of main entry drive to hotel and to Center Dr,and Approved 0 Denied 0 elimination of approved valet parking area with tandem parking spaces to be replaced with landscaping. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 690 Newport Center Drive Legal doweiptkm p .roci 3 of r t 2) Filed by The IrvineSompany Request to permit the 41:4 Nc4 SPR 32 Date cons ction of two illuminated identification 8-8-91 wall signs to be mounted at the top of the Four Seasons Hotel facility. Approved En Denied 0 The previous Site Plan Review No. 32 permitted only two identification logo signs at the top of the building. The Sign Code permits a maximum of three wall signs per building. Amendment t Resubdiyision p Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Othw LOCATION 640 Newpnrt Contnr nrivn Legal description Parcels A, 1.2. and 3, Pare-el Map N1-71s Filed by The Irvine_company App. No. Date NBLLA No. 90-3 7/3/90 Recuest to permit the adjustment of lot lines between four parcels located in the C-O-H District. Approved xlij Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION LOCATION 690 Newport Onntsr nrivp Legal description Farrel 3 of Farrel Map A3-715 Resubdivision No. 752 nod by The Irvine_rompany Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of two illuminated identification wallSPR 32 (A) 8-8-91 signs to be mounted at the ton of the Four Seasons Hotel facility. The previous site plan Approved AO Denied 1:1 review No. 32 permitted only two identification logo sigma at the top of the building. The Sign Code permits a maximum of 3 wall signs per bulding. Variance ID R.subdivision a Use Pisrmit Q Amendment El Other LOCATION 690 Newport Center Drive Legal description Parcels 1,2,3 & 4 of Parcel Map 19/13-15, (R 752) located on the northeasterly corner of Newport Center Dr. and Santa Cruz Dr. Pled by The Irvine Co. App. No. Date Request to amend a previously SPR 32(A) 1-6-94 approved SPR which permitted the T c4192 construction of the 325 room FourAPPrond K2 Denied 0 Spaconc Hotel. Proposal also included: establishment of off-street parking requirement based upon a demonstrated formula; acceptance of two off-site parking agreements: A a modification to 7nning Code to allow Use of compact car cpaces. tandem parkinq spaces w/valet service Pi two over- Variance 0 Resubdiviskm 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other sized wall signs. Proposed amendment includes a request to construct a 9,000 -/+ sq.ft. ballroom/banquest facilit with ancillary uses to include a kitchen, restrooms, storage and pre-function areas. A 3,600 -1± sq.ft. lawn area for various functions is also proposed; an add'l off site parking agreement for the required parking spaces in an adjoining parking structure located at 630 Newport Ctr Drive; and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION 00 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcels 2 & 3, NBLLA No. 90-s Filed bY The Irvine Co. App. No. Date LLA94-2 2-15-94 Approved flx Denied 0 Perpiest to create nne parcel af land for rommoriral development, where No currently evist Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 <RATION 690 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Portions of Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map 196-3 Filed bY The Irvine Company App. No. Date („41 GPA 97-3 (D) Mod No. 4721 UP 3631 TS No. 114 kb , 4 1 k ci 1\46 4.- Approved X Denied H Request to allow for a total maximum limit of 425 hotel rooms designated in Block 600 of Newport Center; construction of an additional 142,000 sq ft (located on exisiting vacant parcel designated for hotel expansion) which includes a 102 room, sixteen story tower addition with additional ancillary uses. Variance U Resubdivision Use Pemdt X Amendment Other:GPA, Modification Permit and Traffic Study LOCATION 700 Newport Center Drive Legal dmaipikm Resubdivision No. 280. Parcel Map 27/42 "ad by John Bishoa Design. Inc. App. No. Date M4602 9-23-97 Approved XI Denied 0 Request to permit the installation of a fourth illumi- nated wall sign on the east side of the building, where the Code allows a maximum of three wall signs for single- tenant buildings Variance 0 teSubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CW6w Modification Filed by THF IRVINE COMPANY App. No. rnNnrrinN (Ovpr) 1456 12 -4 -1969 Approved )03 Denied 0 Cnnstruct and operate a self-service post office unit as part of a regional commercial shopping rnmplex (within the Fashion Island parking lot1 adjacent to the s.w. corner of Npt.Center Dr. and Santa Cruz Drive.). I Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit DB Amendment 0 Other Date CONDITION That the facility be relocated within this same parking lot area but directly accessible from the major entrance and exit traffic aisle with any snorkel boxes placed so as to be usable from the drivers side of the car; sufficient stack spaces for incoming automobiles to be completely independent of the ingress and egress to any parking stalls, and generally that the facility be independent of the parking stalls in this particular parking lot. LOCATION 800 -880 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 136-22-23 (12). the n.e. corner of Newport Center Dr. & Santa Barbara Dr. in Block 800 Filed by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Rect. to consider an amend. App. No. Date to the Block 800 PC Develop A643 1-8-87 Standards so as to permit an additional 2,740 sq. ft. of Approved g Denied floor area in the Pacific Mutual Plaza Tower II for a laundry-dry cleaner pick-up area and auto detailer and add'l mezzanine space. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 800 Newport Center Drive Legal description Filed by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance App. No. Date Request to establish a A-526 1/18/79 Planned Community Development Plan and Development Approved ID Denied 0 Standards for Block 800 in Newport Center, and th acceptance of an Environmental Document. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION son Newport renter Drive Legal description Parcel No. 1. Parcel Map 136-22 Filed bY Robert and DonraLynn Wurzel App. No. Date Regyeat to permit the M3782 establishment of a specialty food use. on property located Approved in the Block BOO Planned Community District. 12/4/90 Denied 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification UDCAJR)N 800 Newport Center nrive Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map Nn 116-29-23 (R-612) in Newport Center Filed by Pacific Mutual life Insurance App. No. Date Request to amend the P-C A-565 & 1 Text for the Block 800 UP 2022 9/10/81 1 P-C so as to allow additional Approved Ea Denied El gross floor area for the restaurant use and additional net floor area for office use within the existing building at 800 Newport Center Drive and acceptance of an environmental document (nver) Resubdivision El Use Permit NI Amendment ga Variance El Other Use Permit No. 2022: Request to establish a restaurant facility with on-sale alcoholic beverages and live entertainment within the Block 800 P-C in Newport Center. 800 Newport Center Drive LOCATION Legal deleriptim Parcel No. J (R-612) in Newport Center Filed by raCIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE . App. No. Date Request to amend the P-C for A 596 & 12/8/83 Block 800 in Newport Center UP 2022 (A) so as to establish car wash Approved t5 DeMed 0 and auto detailing facilities as permitted uses in Area 1 and to increase the maximum allowable floor area for a restaurant facility. Also a request to Over . . . Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 expand the net public area" of the restaurant facility (The Ritz" Restaurant). 9.C. APPROVED A-596 on 1/23/84 by RES. #84-8 LOCATION 800 Newport Center Drive Legal description Filed by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance App. No. Date Request to subdivide 17.4 R-612 1/18/79 acres into 2 parcels for professional, office, Approved fl Denied 0 restaurant, and residential condominium uses in accordance with proposed Planned Community Development Standards for Block 800 in Newport Center. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other uolovnay 800-840 Newport Cntr. Dr. Legal description Filed by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance App. No. Date Refund was given on 9 -27 -83 M-2895 Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 841 Newoort Center Dr. Legal description Portion of Parcel No. 3, PM No. 67/23, Resubdivision No. 466 Filed by Wolfgang Egck Cafe App. No. Date 714391 12-5-95 Approved Denied 0 installation of a monument sign (25 feet in height), where the Zoning Code limits monument signs to 5 feet in height. Vanance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ion mt 1 TR Sill Filed by PAT 0 ' OAP FY/ROR RORNS RFSTAIIRANT App. No. Date • 4tifit 21 ee 16R0 6-217 71 Approved xxEtxPented 0 CONDITIONALLY Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 900 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel No. 1. of PM 75-33(R497) on the sw corner of Newport Center Dr. W & Santa Barbara Dr. Filed by Marriott Hotel To convert 14 guest rooms App. No. Date on the 3rd flor of the no tower SPR29 9-7-89 into 6 hospitality suites, a restroom facility and business Approved is Denied 0 center. Incl. req. to create roof top patio on the no side of bldg & a service corridor to new patio; req. to approve new narking study in conj. with establish, of hotel's parking req. by demonstrated formula Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oitme LOCATION 900 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Nap No. 75-33 (8497) on the s.w. corner of Newport Center Dr. W. and Santa Barbara Dr. Filed by Heath and Company Req. to permit the installation App. No. Date of a fourth wall sign on the EP27 5-21-87 NC Marriott Hotel facility where the ZC permits a maximum of three Approved gf Denied 0 wall signs per building. Proposed sign will identity a lounge within the hotel building Variance Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 9 Amendment 1 UDCATION 900 Newport Center Dr. Hood description por of blk 55 Irvine SuUdiv. Filed by MARRIOTT CORP. (HOTEL) App. No. Date 8-16-73 PC aPpoOvFn coNnrrinms 702 7-31-73 REFFERED TO P.C. Approved 15Ix Denied 0 Permit a max. of 20% of the required offstreet' i parking stalls for a proposed hotel & related facilities to have a minor dimension of 7'6" X 15'0" (for compact cars] where stalls with a min. 8'6" x 18'0 ° are presently required, callearleil *ReilintnYstibnin - Use Permit 0• Amendment 9 OHser m LOCATION 900 Newport Center Drive West Legal anaipHal Portion of Blk.55. Irvine SUbdivisiol filed by THE MARRIOTT CORPORATION App. No. Date 305 5/20/71 CONDITIONALLY Approved rs Deeded 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision In Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I LOCATION 900 Newport Center Legal dmmrifrMm Block 55 Mid by Marriott Properties, Inc. App. No. Date Constrn. of illuminated UP-1763 9/18/75 tennis courts in the Unclassified District Approved n Denied 0 in conjunction with the Marriott Hotel facilities Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 , LOCATION 900 Newport Center Dr. West Legal description block 55 Red by Marriott Properties, Inc. , App. No. Date ' Establish one building R-497 9/18/75 site where two parcels and a portion of the Irvine Approved X2 Denied 0 Coast Country Club property now exist so as to ' permit the construction of tennis courts on the expanded Marriott Hotel site. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 900 Newport Center Drive Legal deemiietkm Parcel No. 1, Parcel Map 75-34 (R-497) in Newport Center Filed by Marriott Hotel App. No. Date Request to consider a Traffic TRAFFIC STUDY 5/21/81 Study for a proposed ex- pansion of the existing Approved [21 Denied 0 Marriott Hotel complex. Amendment 0 I Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 900 Newport Center Drive Legal description Parcel No. 1 of Map No. 75-33 (R-497) in Newport Center Filed by MARRIOTT HOTEL App. No. Date GPA 81-3, Traffic Study 12/9/82 SPR NO. 29 & UP 2095 Approved 0 Denied 0 pp qripqrs fnr GPA 813, Traffic Study, SPR No. 29 and UP 2095 all approved for expansion of the existing Mar- riot Hotel. See files for further details. C.C. APPROVED MARRIOTT EXPANSION ON 2/14/83 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION -03-÷et341+111-4-3401til- 7D/ 149.00a-T eestfet Dr. Loge ownipfim Lot 1, Tract 015 Red by Welton Becket Associates App. No. Date To permit the installation Sigh Exception 6/17/76 of a 344 square foot 'E. 'etrmit No.7 "Bullock's Wilshire" Approved Gg Denied 0 wall sign where Chapter 15.16 of the Newport 'Beach Municipal Code would allow 200 souare feet. Amendment 0 Variance Q Resubdivision 0 Use Permit0 Other Sign Exception Permit No. 7 . . LOCATION 1001 Newport Center Dr. Legal dew-4 6m Lots 1-8.Lots 10-12,Lot 20, Lots B-H,Lots J- P T.nte A-1 & J-1 of Tract No.6015,ParcelS 2 &3 of PM 67- 7.1(R4661 & P No.2&3 of PM 75-48 (R499) ,the n.w. portion Filed by The Irvine Co. of F.I. Req. to resub. various existing APP. No. Date ran-pia of land into 9 parcels R836 12-4-86 1 for comm .' & off -street parking purposes located in the COH Dist Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1100 Newport Center Dr. Legal derignipAon Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 152-17 (8818) located at 1100 Newport Center Dr. on the s.w. corner of Granville Dr. and Newport Center Dr. Filed by Carver Development geq.to consider a revised App. No. Date traffic study for a 15,000 TS 3-7-85 sq. ft. office building to allow a portion of the Bldg Approved 12 Denied 0 tn be used for a savings and loan facility whereas previously the entire bldg was designated for gen. nff ice and corporate office use. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1100 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel 2. Resit) 616 Filed by Coast Signs. Inc. App. No. Date M4355 9 -5 -95 Approved [II Denied 0 To permit the addition of a secondary tenant wall signage with 74 in high letters, where the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community Ordinance limits secondary tenant wall signs to 16 in. in height. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1100 Newport CenterDrive Legal drmaiption Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 152-17 (R-616) Filed by carver Development Request to permit the App. No. Date construction of a 15,000 sq.ft. UP 3077 & 1-5-84 (net) office building on property TS located in the Unclassified Approved J Denied [] pistrict which exceeds the basic 32 foot height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact size parking spaces for a portion of the required off-street parking, an acceptance of an VaHanee [] Resubdivision ID Use Permit Amendment 0 Other 4 Tra-Kt environmental document. LOCATION 1100 Newport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel 2 of PM 152-17, on the s.w. corner of Granville Dr. & Newport Center Dr. Hod by Carver Development Reg. to permit the installation App.No. Date of an additional wall sign and 3-19-87 the approval of an existing wall 07,04.4,4 sign (5 wall signs) on an Approved Denied 0 existing office building located in the Un. District where the Sign Code only permits 3 wall signs per building Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1101 Newport Center Drive Legal description Parcel 7, Parcel Map 221/30-36 Filed by Steve Therriault Request to permit the installatioApp.No. Date of 4 wall signs facing Newport 144055 10/20/92 Center Drive, where the Fashion Island Planned Approved liti Denied 0 Community Ordinance allows a maximum of i wall sign per building trontage. the applicant is also requesting the installation of 2 entry signs (16 sq.ft. and 9 sq.tt.), where the Fashion Island Planned Community Ordinance limits the sq.footacie of entry signs to 6 sq ft. pach Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1101 Newport Center Drive West Legal desoicam Port; on of Lot 17, Tract No. 6015. on the northerly aide of Newport Center Drive W. between cent Pal-tiara Or An (-I Newport Center Drive Filed bY The Try; ne Company Res. to permit the installation App. No. Date of two temporary signs which EP22 7-24-86 exceed the size and number permitted on a building site Approved sr Denied 0 located in the COH Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubchvision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 103 ra3hion I31and Legal description )/Dc /SNIPPET PENTEE Pe . Filed by Pacific Tastee Freez App. No. Date Request to establish UP-1829 4/21/77 a yogurt store in one of the new mall shops Approved a Denied 0 in Fashion Island. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [Xj Amendment 0 °CATION 1/09 file101121-1 Cana. Legal description Filed by Newport STuff s Roll I App. No. Date Pprmit thp establishment UP-1844 10/20/77 of a take-out restaurant facility in Approved pa Denied 0 one of the new mall shops in Fashion Island. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit kJ Amendment 0 LOCATION 89 Fashion Island ' Legal encription Parcel 2 Hag niEwfoRT Ce.417S2-DRIVC Ned by Bogey's Place App. No. Date To establish a restaurant UP-1833 6/16/77 facility with on-sale beer and wine in one of Approved cg Denied 0 the new mall shops in Fashion Island. Variance 0 Other %subdivision 0 Use Permit igj Amendment 0 123 Fashion Island /as Atotoer estreg Dc. LOCATION Legal description Filed by Doremus, Sadlier, & Doremus. Inc. App. No Date Request to establish a UP-1825 4/7/77 , restaurant facility with om-sale beer and wine Approved CI Denied 0 ' in Fashion Island. Variance 0 Other Rest, 6division 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 1133 Newport Center Drive Location: Fashion Island Regional Mall Filed By: Francoli Gourmet Em mrio Application No. Date UP 3659 7-22-99 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the expansion of privilege of alcohol sales from a Type 41 liquor license (beer and wine only) to a Type 47 liquor license (MI bar - on-sale general for bona fide public eating place) pursuant to Chapter 20.89 of the Municipal Code. The alcoholic beverage outlet is in conjunction with an existing restaurant on a property located in the Fashion Island Planned Community District. Since the Fashion Island Planned Community peimits restaurants without a use permit, the request is specifically for alcoholic beverage service only. Variance: I Reaubdivision: I Use Permit: X i Amendment Other: LOCATION 1151 Neport Center Dr. Legal description Parcel 8, PM 86-399 (R836) on the n.e. side of Newport Center Dr.so. of Santa Barbara Red by California Pizza Kitchen Fag. to establish a App. No. restaurant with on- UP3292 property in the COM Approved „Er Denied 0 sale beer & wine on Date 9-24-87 Dist. Variance 0 Oliter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1200 Newport Center Drive Legal Description Residual Portion of Block 93 of Irvine Subdivision Filed by Coralee Newman frielf App. No. Date Appealed, PC Mtg. 7-9-98 M4708 6-2-98 Mat Cond. approved by PC -7-€1-99 it Approved X Denied To permit a portion of each of two new commercial buildings to encroach 7 feet into the required 25 foot setback to interior streets within the proposed development In addition, a 7 foot encroachment into the 20 foot required landscape medians with parking areas as designated on the setback map of the Corporate Plaza West Planned Community District Regulations Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit • Amendment Other; Modification IVetaport Cres# LOCATION NEWPORT CREST Legal description Por Lot 1 TR 463. located on No corns of Superior Ave & Ticonderoga St. aj. to NWPT CR Filed by SEAWIND DEVELOPMENT CO. App. No. Date 8381 7-19-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved na Denied 0 Variance 0 Oilier T Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2230 Newport Hills Drive Last Legal description I 0 t 74 Tract No 7D 2 / Filed by John McNeely App. No. Date M4288 2-14-95 Approved D Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a cernrui floor addition to encroach 14 feet into the required 36 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2001 Newport Hills Drive West Lego' description Portion of Blork 92, Irvine's Suhdivicion Filed by Manning Company Request to approve A site plan App.No. p.c. fee7_93 reVieW so AC to allow the SPR 66 ronstrurtinn of 12 detected C.C. 11-8-93 single family dwellings on proport#pproved a Denied 0 located in the Harbor View Hills Planned Community The proposal also includes a modifiratinn to the Harbor View Hills Planned Community District regulations, so AS to Know the ronstrurtion of a sound wall alnng the exterior perimeter of the proposed development. portions of which Variance 0 Resubdivbion [] Use Pemtp site pat rairchafivit e0 CHIMw exceed 8 feet in height, up to a maximum 10 feet 6 inche LOCATION Legal duct 2001 Newport Hills Drive West • • : Filed by manning Company Request to subdivide 9.2 acrec of APP-14°. Date land into 12 numbered lots for TTM 14533 P.C. 10-7-93 single family residential C.C. ll-8-93 development. 6 lettered lots for Apwcw&A Ej Denied 0 private landscape Purposes. i lettered lot for A pUhliC park site, 1 lettered lot for public landccape purpncoc ad 1 lettered lot for future MacArthur Rlvd right-of-way, in the Harbor View Hillq Malin id Community. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Tentative Tract Map LOCATION 2230 Newport Hills Drive E. Legal description lot 74, Tract 7027 Harbor View Filed by Jerry Shofner Requested a 12' encroachment into )104eW' rtne 3A' front cethacb for an additions to an existing °areal:, M-2710 and a 4' -6" fenre enrrnarhing Approved 17 1 + into the 36' front setback where the a maximum height of 36" in front setbacks front scRatfrIcl: fo 9-1-81 aj Denied 0 Code permits MODIFICATION Variance D Other Resubdivision El Use Permit ID Amendment LOCATION 2601S_nort Hills Dr. Legal description Portion of Blcok 92, Irvine's Subdivision Filed by Manning Co. PC Approved 5-19-94 App. No. Date FTP114533 6-13-94 by CC Approved Gla Denied 0 Request to subdivide 9.2 acres of land into 11 numbereo lots for single family residential development, 6 lettered lots for private landscape purposes, 1 lettered lot for a public park site, 1 lettered lot for public landscape f bililtrermMa crn hur Illniednalment OtraLliall right-of-way, in the Harbor View Hills Planned Comm. LOCATION 1719 Newport Hills Drive Legal description Lot 4, Trart 7A19 Rod by Ed Warmington. Jr. App. No. De% Permit placement of M-2026 1/25/77 pool equipment 3 feet from the side property Appr•oved Ek Denied 0 line (where the Code requires a 5 foot setback for _pool equipment). Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other _Modification New poi+ P 1 acee LOCATION Newport Place Planned Community Legal description Filed by Bill Langston App. No. Date Request to approve an amendment to the Newport Place Traffic TPPA #8 6-7-R4 Phasing Plan so as to transfer. Approved Denied development space from "General Commereial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices Site 5". Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Newport Place Planned Community Lewd description Filed by Bill Langston App. No. Date Request to amend the Newport Place Planned Community Develop- A 608 6-7-84 ment Standards so as to transfer Approved p/ Denied 0 the remaining 4,130 sq.ft. of allowable building area from "General Commercial Site 4" to "Professional and Business Offices site 5". The proposal also includes the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment a Other LOCATION 4100 Newport Place Drive Legal description _ a s ci WILesateri,H SW by McLachlan Investment Co. Allow 278,489 s.f. of bank & officepp.N10. Date floor area in an 11 story bldg. and establish restaurant, athletic A638 1-22-87 club ancillary service commercial Approved fj Denied 0 uses. Mod to PC to allow parking formula of 1 ps for ea. 1 250 s.f. of office and bank floor area; to allow 25 percen t of the req. p.s. as compact spaces, and accept an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4100 Newport Place DT. Legal description 60-1/4-sa a W 9-/ lifee. Filed by McLachlan Investment Co. Req. to approve a traffic study App. No. Date in conjunction with the TS ]-22-87 construction of ,a 278,489 s.f. ottice-cammercial bldg. in Approved El Denied 0 Neport Place Variance 0 Other Resubchvispon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4100 Newport Place Dr. Legal dowriekm Parcel of Parcel Map 88-174 (R866) on n.e. corner of Dove St. & Newport Place Dr. in Npt. Pl. P.C. Fled by Pewport Place Development Corp. Request to amend the Newport Pl. App. No. Date P.C. Dev. Regulations so as to A 740 6/6/91 reduce the current allocation to retail sq. footage & increase Approved Denied C] the allocation to office sq. footage in Professional and Business Offices Site No. 5 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4100 - 4106_Newpflice Dr. Legal description PArret 1 of Parcel Map 88 -174 OR 866) on n.e. rorner of Dove St. & Newport Place Dr. in Newport Place PC Filed by Newport Place Development Corp. Request to resubdivide an exist- App. No. Date inq Parcel of land into two R 959 6/20/91 I _parcel for professional and business office purposes, on pro - Approved t4 Denied 0 pertv located in Professional and Business Offices Site 5 of the Newport Place Plannced Community. 1 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJK)N 4100 Newport Place Drive Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 238-5 (R 866) Filed by Newport Place Development Corp. App. No. Date Request to amend the Newport A 749 1/16/92 Place Planned Community Develop- ment Standards so as to redesigHSOrmmd en Denied 0 11.458 sq.ft. of existing 3/9/92 development entitlement for an athletic club, to be used for office use, on property located in Professional and Business Offices Site 5 of the Newport Place Planned Community. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment XXI Other 4100 Newport Place - office building 4106 Newport Place - parking structure CHANGED FROM 1400 Dove Street 3-18-88 LOCATION aim Neurpnrt Place Dr Legal churiPiion Parcel No 1 of Parcel Map No 411-11 Filed by Julie Becker PerineSt to permit the estahlich- APP•No•m_4313 Date ment of a specialty food use on 6-1-93 property located in the P-C District. Approved El Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4100 Newport Place #160 Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 83-705 Filed by Salim Naber Reauest to permit the conversion App. No. Date of an existing specialty food use to a take-out restaurant with UP 3513 8/31/93 incidental seating and on-sale Approved _cle Denied 0 beer and wine on property located in the Newport Place Planned Community. The proO6i24 911so includes a request to waive a portion of the required off-street parking. Variance 0 Resubthvision 0 Use Permit Eh Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 4100 Newport Place Drive Legal description Parcel 1 of PM 88-174 (R866) on the ne corner of Newport Place Dr. & Dove St Filed by Design 2 Req. the construction of App. No. Date 8' hi signs which exceed 150 EP34 1-19-89 sf in area where only one cm-site construction sign is Approved le Denied 0 permitted not to exceed 150 sf in area and 4' in ht. Incl. a mod to ZC to allow signs to encroach 20' into the req. 20' setbacks adj. to Newport Place Dr. & Dove St. Variance ci Othw Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4100-4106 Newport Place Legal AmmeOlonParcel 1 of P.M. 88-174 and Parcel 2 of P.M. 183/14-15 Filed by Design 2 Signmaker App. No. Dee Rgauest to permit the implementation M 3693 5/15/90 of a project sign program for the MacArthur at Newport Place office Approved 1311 Denied complex. The approved sign program includes: three projecl) tenant identification monument signs: two bldg identificatio wall signs with a maximum area of 260 sq ft each where the Newport Place Planned Community Development Standards limit the_number to two bldg facades and a maximum of 200 sq it Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C*Mw Modification each; secondary tenant identification wall signs located over the entrance to the buildings in accordance the Newport Place Planned Community Development Standards limiting such signage to 4 inch high letters; and three freestanding double sided vehicular directional signs of 9 square feet per lace where the Planned Community Development Standards limit such signage to 6 square feet per face. 70 Newport Pier Pb - LOCATION Legal description Metes & Rounds Description R-1 Filed by CITY OR NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 1085 11 -19 -1964 Approved 1Q9K Denied 0 Erect a lifeguard station. CONDITION . Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit MC Amendment TON 6000 Block Ne •ort Shores Dr., Lots 11, 12, 13 Bl. 160 River R-3 and C-1-H Red by Cape Aire Builders Inc. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) V-690 5-3-1962 Approved a Denied El Waiver of required 5 covered parking spares and a worn setback on 20' of R-3 oronerty. adjacent to r..1.41 prnpart instead of required 5' setback, in order to construct 12 kitchen units in a C-1-H and R-3 District. Variance ig other Resubdivipon 0 Use Perna 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION I. That the driveway approach on 60th Street be limited to 35'. 2. That 6 parking spaces be waived instead of requested 5. mOCATION 6000 Block Newport Shores Dr. sgê dom 40fial Lots 11.12.13 Bl. 160 River Sec. R-1 Anti r-l-w Filed by CAPE AIRE BUILDERS INC. App. No. Date 845 5 -3 -1962 Approved at Dimmed 0 Construct 12 kitchen units in a C -1 -H and R -3 District. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 03 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 106 Nordina St. Legal description Lot 7, Blk. "K" Feed by Laure I< Abu-Haydar App. No. Date 783 4/16/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved n Denied 0 Request to permit a nonconforming duplex to I I maintain a 5 foot rear Yard setback on the first floor and a 3 foot rear yard setback on the second flour (where the 0 (dinance requires 10 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other M i feet) so as to allow the construction of in- terior alterations and a new second dwelling unit (and two additional garage spaces) on the site. LOCATION Legal description 106 - 106 1/2 Nordina Avenue Filed by aure, -i,u-Rayear App. No. Date Permit tne continuation ot a M-2524 4/8/80 ,S encroachment into required u rear yard setback with a Approved rs Denied 0 new second Floor deck. AISO, request includes exterior remo e o e en ing up ex. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 -19q0 teat* NorHI Ford LOCATION NORTH FORD Legal description Generally located northerly of Cambelback St. & Bison Ave.between Jamboree Road and MacArthur Blvd and easterly of MacArthur Blvd between Campus & Birch Filed by The Irvine Company Reg to consider DeveloP.Agrmt. App. No. Date between N.B. & the Irvine Co. DA #2 10/4/84 to allow construction of 888 residential dwelling units & Approved J Denied 0 S0.000 s.f.of commercial development in N.Ford Planned Community and 295,000 s.f.of office development in Koll Center Newport Planned Community. VarianceAn r, Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other . - 40; 9rovat LOCATION North Ford P-C (Amend. #1) Legal ancription por. of Blks 56 & 57 Irvine Sub. between Jamboree Rd. & MacArthur & betwn Bison 1 and the extension of Bonita Canyon Rd. Filed by THE IRVINE CO. App. No. Date 326 4/5/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved na Denied 0' Permit expansion of land uses. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 13) LOCATION 201 NOth Star Ln. Legal description Lot 1. Tract No. 4224 • Riad by Richard Dorris Related walls & lanscaping in App. No. Date rohjunrtion with the construction M4562 5-20-97 of a new single family residence. The specific request includes a stuccePerared fg Denied 0 wall with a metal guardrail on top that is 5 feet in height where the code allows a total height of 3 feet in the required 10 foot front yard setback, a stairway sturco wall and two pilasters that are A fpet in height Variance 0 Owes' Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 f rom n atural grade where the code allows a maximum height of 3 feet in the front yard setback. LOCATION 207 North Star Lane Legal desmilofim Lot 102, Tract 4224 Piled by Robert Gray App. No. Date M-933 8/5/75 Constrn. of 10 foot high walls within side yard Approved 13 Denied 0 setbacks and along a portion of the easterly side property line adjacent to North Star Lane (where the Ordinance permits fences not to Over - Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification exceed 6 feet in height). Further request to permit the construction of a 4 foot high wrought iron fence (with 2 foot high outdoor lights on top of 4 foot high brick columns) within the required 10 foot front yard (bayside setback (where the Ordinance permits maximum 3 foot high fences). 1. itior • N 211 North Star Lanp : Logal chmeriptilm Lot 103 Tr 4224 Filed by JOE MINNEY 4°. Date 677 5t.2 6:-73 CONDITIONALLY APProlaW Dmhd Permit pool equipment to encroach l' into the required 5' side yard setback. Further request to permit a swimmin7 pool to encroach approximate ly 4' into the required 10' (waterside)setback & to permit the required pool security fences Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CNher Surrounding the pool in the R-1-B District. LOCATKNN 219 North Star Lane. Newport Beach Legal description Lot 104. Tract 4224 Filed by Thomas 14. Lane App. No. Date M-352 6-29-71 Approved Denied 1:1 Resubdivision El Use Permit CI Amendment 0 Modification Variance 0 °The LOCATION 315 North Star Lane Legal description Marchal 1 Stuart App. No. Date Permit the addition M-2169 11/15/77 of windnws wkirh will encroach 4'6" from the Approved fl Denied 0 side property line (where the rode requires a 6' setback) Variance 0 Resebdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 Filed by LOCATION 315 North Star Lane Legal description Filed by Marshall & Katherine Stuart App. No. Date M 3372 2-16-88 Approved Ea Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of an open trellis structure which will encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback at the support post and 8 feet 6 inches ± into said setback at the rafter rancH Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 420 North Star Lane Legal description A portion of Lot 165, on the no. side or North Star Lane easterly of White Cliffs Dr. Filed by Newport Beach Aquatic Center Req. to revise the location App. No. Date of the launching dock within the 01"3104A 8-18-88 project and the accept. of an e.d. Approved le Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdnasion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 921 Nottingham, Newport Beach Legal description Tract 3031, lot 67 Filed by Oliver Crary To permit alterations and addition&pp.No. Date to an existing nonconforming single family residence that M-2613 11/4/80 encroaches to within 2'-3" of the Approved 121 Denied 0 rear property line. A modification of the Loning Ordinance is being requested to permit the installation ot pool equip to within 3 of the rear property line where the Code requires a 5' setback from property lines for such equipment. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION LOCATION 1001 Nottingham Road Legal description Filed by V T and 9 L qawyar -Regiaost-to-perscit-ths-xe,-- App. Date -bantloc--of.--ac--existing-acces=-. M3222 10-7-86 -nr,ry hiiilA4n.j mbimh maintaima nrQr Im,rd stor y- mf 9 faaf Approved la Denied 1:1 immhaa whara tha Milniri p al rmda roquiraa that arressnry hnilainga maintain a A fnnt roar yard aothamk Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision Use Permit Er