HomeMy WebLinkAboutOF-1.4=1014DN 14 Oak Crest Lane Legal description Lot 1/, Iract Filed by Parifir Coact Arrhitpri -c App. No. Date M4496 10-8-96 Approved El Denied 0 Cnnctruction of an extension to an existing second floor balcony which currently encroaches from 6 feet to 9 feet into the required 15 foot rear yard setback. The proposed expansion encroaches from 6 feet to 15 feet into the re- Juujred_15 foot rear yard setback variance 0 Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 38 Oakcrest Lane Legal clescriPlial Lot 19. Tract 7323 Filed by Bill Langston Requested the construction App. No. Date of a room addition. a portion 14-2912 11-22-83 of which is proposed to encroach a maximum of five feet into Approved CI Denied 0 the required 15 foot rear yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION #1 Oakmont Lane Legal description Lot 113, Tract 7223 Filed by will iam Baker Requested to permit a window App. No. Date seat to project 3 feet into the M-2860 6-21-83 required 15 foot rear yard setback area. Approved EI Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 LOCATION A nalmnnt lane Legal clescripManLnt 116. Trart 7223 Filed by Mark and Tracy Widder App. No. Dais M4613 10-7-97 Approved CY Denied 0 gequeqt tn permit a 3 ft. 6 in. encroachment into the required 15 fnnt rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Mndifiratinn LOCATION #6 Oakmont Street "Big Canyon" N It LoSIO deGNPNor Lot 116. Trani- 7291 . FliSikrat ne. atIC 848 10-1-74 Approval El Neal 0 To permit the construction of 8 fut high spr- pantive walls (9'6" high, measured to the top of architectural lamps on pilasters) jvhere portinnc of the subject walls encroach to within 6 feet Linchpc nf tIn .frapt_urnnerpy (OVFR) ance DI ResubdIvislen Un Amendment Ofilm MODIFICATION (where the P-C text requires maximum 8 foot high walls to amintain a 10 foot front yard setback). Ocean Blvd ,LocAnom Legal description Ocean Blvd. Lot 9, Tract 1026 Filed by mrs. William Fraser App. No. Date Constrn of a single V-1024 3/8/73 family dwelling that exceeds the height limit. Approved 0 Denied El Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 314 Ocean Blvd. Leod demdption Pot. Lots 6, 7. & 8 as ressbeitided to Bldg.Site #2 Nov. 22, 1954 under Planning Comm Resub- division #3. Block 142 xesub. corona del mar. File4 by CUNNINGHAM, E. C. App. No. Date 226 4-21-55 Approved cc Denied 5' rear yard setback CONDITION: The sideyard setback along Orchid Ave. on the rear 20' of the bldg site will be the same as existing front setback on the adjacent bldg. site to the rear facing Orchid. (City Code section 9103.15 (b) shall apply (aver) Variance ID Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Offew for reverse frontage lots. LOCATION Legal description 504 R. neaan Lot 11 Rlork 6 &Ohne Tree,- C-I Filed by GRINER, Fred APP. Na Date 943 5 -2 -1963 Approved ft Denied 0 Add a garage apartment to an existing one story dwelling in a C-1 District. CONDITION: The applicant to provide two car spaces Within the garage, each being 9' x 20' in dimension Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 Other qt.:CAIN:NM 817 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 5 Tract 1026 Filed by O'KEEFE. William 3. App. No. Date 10-15-53 112 Approved a Denied Porch deck on 2nd floor with roof to extend a maximum of 2' into the 5' front yard setback. CONDITION: Subject to all requirements of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction in such matters. Variance IN Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oifier LOCATION 901 ocean Blvd.. C4i4 Legal descriPlion Lot 3 Tract 1026 Filed by LANE, R. W App. No. Date 134 4-15-54 Approved in Denied 0 To construct a 2 unit, three story dwelling with a maximum height of 27 feet in an R-2 Diatrirt Variance IA Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1201 OCEAN BOULEVARD Legal description Lot 15, Tract No. 1257 Filed by Charles L. Howell App. No. Date V1201 PC 11-10-94 Approved 2CM Domed 0 opt:west to permit the construction of a single family dwelling which exceeds the maximum allowable height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District on property located in the R-1 District. The height of the proposed Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 dwelling will not exceed the height of the top of curb on Ocean Boulevard. The proposal also includes a mod- ification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the proposed dwelling to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback adjacent to Ocean Boulevard. LOCATION 1301 Ocean Blvd. lewM description Lot &Ely 90' CdM Block 012, rdm Tract R-1 Filed by Hamilton, Warren W. & Jeannette R. App. No. Date 60 11-21-57 Approved 0 Denied XI Creation of two building sites Variance LI Resubdivision Use Permit ID Amendment ID Other -LOCATION 1504 E. Ocean 'Elvd., -Balboa Legal dew:J.44km Lot 2 Tract 518, Block I Had by Dr. & Mrs. Harry Mamin App. No. Conditions: 1. All new construction to M-246 rill conform to building codes. Approved IXI 2. A covenant must be filed with the City to the effect that this will remain a singl residenc e. Data -10-19,70 Mulled 0 Attorney e family Variance o Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Offser M odification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1 O9 E Ocean Blvd Legal description Lot 43, Tract 518 Filed by David L. Turnbill App. No. Date M4301 4-4-95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the tol lowing construction in coniunctior with a new single family dwelling: A first floor bow window (10 feet in width), a second floor bay window (5 feet in width) and a second floor window seat (11 feet in Variance 0 Other esub vision I se emu men men ,r1 front yard setback. The Zoning Code limits such construct- ion to a maximum of two encroachments into the required front yard setback, and limits the width of said encroach- ments to 8 feet in width. LOCATION 1521 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal dewriprion Filed by Ron Bartlo for Jeffrey Light Request to permit the recon- App. No. Dale struction of an entry porch M 3552 6-6-89 with supporting columns and handrails which encroaches up to Approved la Denied 0 2 ft. 9 in. into the required 9 ft. front yard setback where the Zoning Ordinance limits unsupported eave structures to a 2 ft. 6 in. encroachment and all other construction to a maximum height of 3 ft. above grade within the frOrit yaKci_astback Variance El Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1526 East Ocean Blvd. Legal desaiptim Lot 7, Block I, Tract 518 Filed by Douglas M. Boyd App. No. Date Room additions to a M-1074 8/31/76 single family residence with the following Approved to Dented 0 nonconofrming features: 1.) The garage has a zero setback on the alley (where the Code requires 2 feet 6 inches); and 2.) The garage parking spaces are 18 feet 0 inches deep (where Over - Variance 0 bsubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification the Code requires 20 feet 0 inches). In conjunction with the new construction, a third required parking space is 18 feet 6 inches by 19 feet 0 inches (where the Code requires 9 feet by 20 feet). ' ' LOCATION 1530 E. Ocean Blvd. ga •neriptlan ot , ract Filed by Ray Bigperstaff App. No. Dee Constrn. of a second story M-2041 3/15/77 bpdroom addition on an existing single Approved pg perthid family dwelling. The proposed addition would encroach to 6" from the rear property line (where the Code requires a 2%) setback). The existing structure encroaches to the side prop-* erty line (where the Code requires a 3' setback Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Ofbe Aodification One tandem garage space is 11 feet deep (where the Code requires a 20 foot depth). LOCATION 1530 East Ocean Boulevard Legal Description Lot 8 Tract 518, block 17/36 Filed By: Pacific Coast Architects Application No. Date M 5007 11123/1999 Approved: X Denied: Request to permit the construction of a covered porch overhang with two support posts that will encroach into the required 9 foot front yard setback on Ocean Blvd. The covered porch overhang will encroach an additional 2 feet beyond the 2 feet 6 inches permitted by Code, for a total of 4 feet 6 inches. The support posts for the covered porch will encroach 2 feet 8 inches into the required 9 foot front yard setback, on property located in the R-1 District Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION Um ipthm File by Mr. IL_Mrs. Joe Marable App. No. Date Permit alterations and M-2038 2/22/77 additions to an existing single family dwelling Approved ri Denied 0 with the following nonconforming features: 1.) rear of structure encroaches to 1 feet 8" from rear property line (where the Code requires a 2' 6" setback); and 2.) balcony overhang - Variance 0 •Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Mndifiratinn encroaches to 9 inches from rear property line and 2 feet from side property line (where the Code requires 21/2 feet and 3 feet respectively). LOCATION 1545 Ocean Blvd., Legg description Lot 34 Block B Section 17 Tract 518 1 R-1 fled by BRISTOL, Mr. & Mks. Lee App. No. Date 516 2-19-59 (Condition) Approved El Denied 0 Zero rear yard setback instead of required 5'. Condition: A 24 setback must be maintained from the Ailey Variance al Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1555 E. Ocean Blv g •meripfim Lot 32, Block B. Tract 518 Red by Charles Nedoff App. No. Date Permit additions to a M-2022 1/18/77 ' single family dwelling with the following non- Approved fa Denied 0 conforming features: 1.) One garage space is 19 teet deep (where the Code requires 20 feet); 2.) me garage encroaches to 0 feet on alley (where tne Lode requires a 21/2 foot setback); Over - Variance 0 Other Reptiiiifr i:It i 0 se Permit 0 Amendment 0 and 3.) The proposed second parking space is 171/2 feet in depth (where the Code requires 20 feet). LOCATION Legal description 1580 Ocean Blvd. Fled by Margaret Stanton App. No. Date Lonstrn. or enclosed stairway, M-2302 10/25/78 neck ana otner minor alterations and aaditions to an existing Approved uf Denied 0 duplex wnlcn is nonconrorming in tne following: 1.) withi k-1 uistrict (wnere tne Lode allows only single family dwellings); 2.) existing two-car garage (9' X 5" by 17'3" and l'10 - by FT-9 -) (wnere the Lode requires three 9' X20' inside dimension spaces); and 3.) a 6'3" portion of an Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Q Amendment 0 Other Modification existing fence along the west side property line is 8'0" high cwhere the Code permits a maximum 6 1 0" fence height), LOCATION 1585 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal deselpflail Lots 24 & 25 Bl. B Tract 518 R -1 Filed b k !pert App. No. Date 1385 7-11-1968 Approved ER Denied 0 Addition to and remodeling of an existing nnnrnnfnrming dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IX] Amendment 0 moopAnoN lggc Ocean Blvd , Ralbna LAMA chneriMilm Lot 42, Blk 8, Tr 518 Filed & MRS. ROBERT WARD App. No. Date 634 4 -3 -73 CONDITIONALIY Approved Et x Denied 0 permit a building addition (a garage on 1st fl. a deck on the second fl) where the proposed stairway encroaches l' into the required 4' side yard setback in the R-1 Distrct. Variance 0 Other M Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1595 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa Legal description Lot 22, Tract 515, Blk B. Filed by Dan Steen App. No. Date M -490 5 -9 -72 Approved ri Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1704 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa Legal description Lot 11 Block H Tract 518 R-1 Filed by CLARK, Warren J. & Valerie App. No. Date (CONDITION) 691 11-17-1960 Approved iIi Dmied 0 Construct a second story addition consisting of 4 bedrooum and 2 baths using existing non conforming setback from alley. CONDITION: Second story to be 2V"from the rear property line. The eave overhang may extend to the rear property line. i Variance [] Resubdivision 1:1 Use Perini+ KI Amendment El lather LOCATION Legal description 1700 E. Ocean Blvd. Filed by Wayne Sims App. No. Date Permit the enlargement ot M-2548 6/10/80 ex st ng -kitchen on a single family dwelling noncontorming Approved 0 [MAW 0 In the following: 1.) twoucar garage (where the lode requires 3 parking spaces); 2.) tr encroachment into the required 2 1/2' rear yard setback; and 3.) a portion ot tne required open space is located in an area other than q Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Otber LOCATION 1717 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Legal demeivikm Lot 27 Block C Tract 518 R-1 Filed by HAMILL, Charles C. App. No. Date 492 11-20-58 Approved 11 Denied 0 Construction of 441 concrete block wall on rear art' line & to the elle line on the easterl side property line. Variance EPL Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other _LOCATION 2516 Ocean Blvd., CdM 'Legal description Lot 4 Block 131 2cfne R-2 Fled by RAMSEY, Neal D, App. No. Date 485 12 -18 -58 Approved Denied 0 Requests permission to construct a second story over the garage to an existing non-conforming dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 111 Amendment 0 !LOCATION 9519 Orean Blvd. Legal descriptimiPor. of Lot C Resub. of Corona del Mar Zone R-3 NW by ROBERTS & SONS, Cedric App. No. DM* 391 7-25-57 Approved X Denied 0 REVOKED BY CITY COUNCIL March 23. 1959 Height limit variance of 55' with an elevator shaft approximately 17' above the top of the building. Variance E Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment Other tocosioN 2519 Ocean Blvd. 1444 description Por. of Lot C Resub of Corona del Mar Zone 11-3 Red by ROBERTS & SONS, H. Cedric App.tio. Date 1U3VOIDID BY CITY COUNCIL March 23. 1959 338 7-25-57 Approved 12C Denied Construction of 32 units in an R-3 Zone. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 6 Amendment 0 Other I. LOCATION 2519 Ocean Blvd, Legal description Pot Rt (Irk C -Resnais of MN 11-3 Filed b7 ROBERTS BEACH CO. App. No. Date 531 7-2-1959 Approved §:I Denied 0 Construction of 23 dwelling units on one R-3 parcel Variance 0 Ofiler Resubdivision 0 Use Permit p Amendment 0 p. LOCATION 2525 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot C Cd14 Tract R-3 Filed by ROBERTS COMPANY App. No. Date 984 10-3-1963 Approved xj0 Denied 0 A flag pole in excess of height limit of 35 feet. cnNnTrum. To he utilized for non rommercinl 'Int./levant only Variance 0 Olfter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ICI Amendment 0 OCATION eg al description 2525 Ocean Blvd. CdM Par. Block C Resub of CdM R-3 Filed by ROBERTS. H. Cedric A= g7eVINLO /YR. o4 SO* A c a • . Arta 772 • 9-7-1961 Approved 12 Denied 0 One 6' x 8' sign and one 10' x 16' sign advertising "Own Your Own" apartments CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year only. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Mg Amendment 0 App. No. Date U3CAMCIN 2525 Ocean Blvd. hogd deeripikm Block C Resub of CdM Zone R-3 SW by ROBERTS. H. Cedric App. No. Date 601 5-5-1960 Approved aa Denied [] Waiver of square footage requirements in order to construd 48 dwelling units on one R -3 parcel. EXTENSiott/ ofi Tbec Aloar .c /9-6-1 6 V7C.D CoN.V. 04/ /0-C-46/ Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2525 Ocean Blvd. analPtion Block C Resub of CdPI 1 -3 Filed by ROBERTS, H. Cedric App. No. Date 614 5-5-1960 Approved ill Denied 0 cnnstruct 48 units on one R-3 parcel oc tew 7n dvov s-, /94.2 G7c.44reo sy ea ,cm. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2525 °COSA Blvd_ lagal descriPtien A portion of Block "C". CdM. at 2525 Ocean Dlvd.. on southwesterly side of Ocean Blvd. between Carna- tion Ave. and Dahlia Ave. in Corona del Mar Filed II Channel Reef Community Association Request to create one parcel of App. No. Date land fora 48 unit residential a 938 8/23/90 condominium project, on property located in the MFR (48 Du) DistrictApproved 0 Dank4 0 where a 48 unit community Apartment project now exists. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 2607 Ocean Blvd , CdM Por. Block 032 CdM Tract R-1 Fled by ANDERSON, John F. App. No. Date 136 4 -6 -1961 Approved 0 Denied Resubdivide one R-1 parcel so as to create two R-1 lots] ,Venence 0 Resubdivision Mcx Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION . 2608 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 7, Block 132, Corona del Mar Filed by Beechwood Development, INc. RPelymted the rflplaceatint of App. No. Date M 2791 9-7-82 e.w.inirrj moll ca_thai- ani_j!Iligu. -anti enrroach 1'4 into tbP rerprirod, 5' mar yard 9-tbacl, adjaren+ to aPPP""d 0 Dillied 0 allay rrhe prnpocal is to raplAce thn existing encroach ing braliq with ncw wallq in Ow. anno 1 crAti On at a }right C of 1 1 WAITFTCATTON Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other • noN 2612 Ocean Blvd. .gal description Lot 5 & Por. of Lots 4 & 6 Bl. 132 Resub of CdM R-2 Filed by KISTINGER, Dr. W. App. No. Date 10-28-1969 M-124 Approved *MX Dmied 0 Structural alterations to a nonconforming bldg.; i.e. repair and replacement of a patio cover. Amendment 0 ariance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Mee Modification r:;;ATKNN 2612 Ocean Blvd., Latal dommiptkm Lot 5 Block 131 GdM R-2 Filed by GREEN, Frank N. App. No. Date 607 7-7-1960 Approved 0 Denied fl Extend balconies 4'4" into the required 20' front yard setback. Variance El Other Resubdivision C Use Permit o Amendment D LOCATION 2A/2-2416 Ocen 1 d Legal description ram Cu, nnrfbeastrly sef Ave & Fernlaf Avc. in rn,-nna del m Date s Approved 12 Denied 0 Fi l ed by ThnmAq r Wiqfi gr Pqjict to rpqnhdividp three 1ot5 441 P-N°0 A-a ritnn nf a fnnrth 'Int into R 936 12/6/90 t.reepar rel of 1 nd arh f two family re idential purpnq on property located in the R-2 O'stiret. The proposal a so inc udes an exception to the Subdiv'sion rode so -s to allow he c eation of /tropic which are lecs than 500Q q.ft. in area and le s than 50 ft. 'n width Variance 0 OWe Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2612-3616 Ocean Blvd. Legal descriptkm Lots 3, 4, 5 and a portion of Lot 6. 'Ilk 119 cdm, at 2612-2616 Ocean Blvd. on northeasterly side of Ocean Blvd. between DAnlia Ave. & Fernleaf Ave. in CdM Red by Thomas L. Kistinger Request to resubdivide three App. No Date lots & a portion of a fourth lot R 936 91-0/90 into three parcels of land, each REMOVED FROM CALENDAR for two family residential purposelipproved 0 Denied 0 on property located in the R-2 Dist. Also an exception to the Subdivision Code so as to allow the creation of parcels which are less than 5,000 sq.ft. in area and less than 50 feet in width. Variance 0 Other Resubdansion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2614 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Fil ed b y Roy and Mar tha App. No. Date Request to permit the as-built M3950 12-17-91 ronstrurtion of a retaining wall (ranging in height from 35 inchesApproved 12 Denied 1:7 to 42 inches+ ) to encroach 19 feet into the required 20 ft front yard setback. This wall is parallel to Ocean Blvd. The applicants are also proposing the as-built construction of two side property line walls (ranging in height from 42 inches+ tn 44 irichql+)_to eocrqach tg_within 1 foot of Variance El — Resubdivislan Use Permit U Amendment u Other the front property line. The Zoning Code allows a maximum height of 36 inches for any construction within the required 20 foot front yard setback. The applicants are also proposing the as-built construction of side property lineS walls (ranging in height from 4 feet 5 inches+ to 9 feet 4 inches+) where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height. LOCATION Legal description 2625 Ocean Block o-3W Filed by M r . & Mrs. Date Hugh stewart App. No. R-379 4/9/73 Approved 0 Denie d ' Request to create two parcels ot land wnere one parcel now exists. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 23( Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATI 2625 Ocean Blvd. SE'ly 90' of Bl. 0-32 Cdm H-I Legal description Red by HAMILTON A Warren W. & Jeanette K. App. No. Date 254 10-3-1968 Approved El Denied Create 2 lntS Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment r LOCATION 2700 Ocean Blvd. H Legal descriOkto lot 2, block 133, Corona dpi mar Filed by Carter B. WUrts Construction of two second App. No. Date floor bay windows to encroach 14434 - 4-24-96 1 foot 10 inches and 1 foot 6 inches 1 respectively, into the required Approved f2 Denied 0 3 toot side yard setback along Bayview Drive. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 OiFtC -n— CCTht\._S Amendment 0 LOCATION 2700LBlock - Ocean Blvd. LIDO asseiption Portion Block "0-33" CdM R-1 Ria4 by Brownell, J. Herbert App. No. Dee 82 1-15-59 Approved K2 Denied Applicant desires resubdivision of his property so as to provide two R-1 building sites. CONDITIONS; Listed on back Variance 0 Other Resubsinnsion 1g Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Th 1) square footage requirements be waived due to tow- rovimai ography, size and shape of property 2) Alley southerly of Shell St. be improved in accordance with requirements of City Engineer. 3) Owner must give to City a 6' easement for purpose of storm drain. 4) That slough wall be constructed as shown on plot plan submitted with application 5) No vehicular access may be permitted from Ocean El. 6) Applicant must file a bond or cash to guarantee improvements. LOCATION 2701 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Filed by John & Mary Lou Gray Request to permit the constructiolipp.N4. Date of a room addition to an existing M3120 11/19/85 residence that encroaches 3 feet, 6 inches and a roof eave that Approved El Denied 0 encroaches 4 feet into the required 4 foot side yard setback adjacent to Fernleaf Avenue. A portion of the room addition also encroaches 6 feet and a roof eave en- croaches 8 feet into the required 10 foot front yard set - }lark Adiarant fn Oman Blvd Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2701 Ocean Blvd.. Corona del Mar Legal description Por. Block 033. CdM.Resub. #79 Filed by John A. Gay App. No. Date M -351 6 -29 -71 Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Other Modification Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2711 Ocean Boulevard Legal cinolPthe Parcel B of Parcel Map 4545-199 (R79) on the westerly side of Ocean Blvd between Fernleaf and Goldenrod Ave. F004 by Jack ralAwell Req.to permit alterations & APP. No. Date additions to a dwelling which V1126 12-5-85 exceeds the max. allow. ht .within the 24/28 ft. ht Limit.Dist.Req. Approved a Denied 0 to exceed the max. 1.5 x ba of the site and a mod. to the ZC to allow portions of a proposed elevator and vestibule area and a second level deck to encroach 1 ft. 4 in. into a required 4 ft side yard setback Variance ter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 'LOCATION 2711 Ocean Boulevard UNA demipliall Parcel B Filed by H. L. and Nancy Caldwell App. No. Date constrn, of a single V-1055 2/12/76 ?amity dwelling that exceeds the height limit in Approved 0 Mmled the Z4/L8 Foot Height Limitation District, and tne acceptance at an environmental document. !tie proposed development encroaches to the front property line along ocean boulevard (where the OVER- Variance In Other - Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Districting Map indicates a 10 foot front yard setback). ! LOCATION 2711 Ocean Blvd. Leg al description Por. B1 . 033 CdM Tract R-1 Fled by BARNES, Geo. William App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 884 3-3-1966 Approved MICI Denied 0 A zero setback on Ocean Blvd. instead of required 10' and to have an access walkway project into the parkway. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit LI Amendment 0 I No part of the house should overhang the front property line onto public property. 2 The design of the pedestrian access walkway shall meet the requirements of the Public Works Department. 3. The highest point of any structure built on the subject lot shall comply with the policy established by the City Council. LOCATION 2714 Ocean sly& Legal description Filed by F. Cavon Pflaaasted to nermit an existina 10App.No. Date feint birth metal column and M-3013 1-2-85 horianntal beam to encroach 1 feet into the realaired Approved ID Denied 0 ; 4 font southerly side yard setback area. The uronosal alsc imrludes a reauest to allow a Garden window to nrolent R inches into the reanired 4 foot northerly ries ynrd cAthark Ares. Variance 0 Other Resubdirision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Theidiaiasi ----2714 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Filed by Ramon Slupskv App. No. Now Permit the constrn. of a second M-2422 6/19/79 floor,deck on a noncon- forming single family dwelling Appreed )13 Dried 0 where the garage encroaches to the side property line and into the required rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 2723 Ocean Boulevard Lmpd description A portion of Block 33 in Corona del Mar Filed by Martin List App. No. Request to resubdivide an R 746 existing single parcel of REMOVED land into two parcels for Approved single family residential purposes. REMOVED FROM CALENDAR AT THE REQUEST OF THE See File Folder for additional details. Date 5/19/83 FROM CALENDAR I 0 Denied 0 APPLICANT. Resubdivision lig Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2723 ocean Boulevard Umpd description Portion of Bloat 033, located on the s.w. side of Ocean Boulevard between Fernleaf Ave. and Goldenrod Ave. in CdM Filed by Yair Koshet Req. to permit alteraiions & App. No. Date additions to an existing V1127 1-9-86 single family dwelling and garage which exceed the basic Approved ja Denied 0 height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation Dist. Includes construct. to utilize the existing wall line or the structure; req. to maintain the e st.one rt.rronz yard setback encroach. Variance,' Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2723 Ocean Boulevard Legal description A portion of Block 033, on the s.w. side of Ocean Blvd between Fernleaf & Goldenrod Filed by Eric Welton To construct single family App. No. at, Date dwelling in R-1 Dist. which // -23 41 exceeds ht in 24/28 Ft lit V1142 10-8-87 Limit Dist. Will be below the Approved Denied fig top of curb on Ocean Blvd except for two dlTirmeys. Inc. a mod to ZC to allow the reconstruction of a wall wrucn exceeds 3 ft in ht, and is located within 10 setback area; and the accept of an e.d. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 [-LOCATION 2723 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Lot 3 of Assessor's Parcel Map Book 52, Page 46 Filed By: Paul Wagner, on behalf of Martin Cisek Application No. Date M4768 9 8 98 Appproved: X Denied: I To permit additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling that is nonconforming due to an encroachment into the front yard setback. Variance: ' Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 2724 & 2714 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Lots 1 & 2, Block No. 33, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Brion S. Jeannette & Associates Application No. Date Modification 5144 10-11-2000 Approved: X Denied: In conjunction with the demolition of two existing single-family structures, the construction of a new single-family dwelling that will include the following: 1. Retention of a 7-foot encroachment by a 4 car garage into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to Goldenrod Avenue. 2. A 6-foot 6 inch first floor encroachment into the 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to Goldenrod Avenue. 3. A 1 foot 6 inch second floor living area encroachment into the 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to Goldenrod Avenue. the-14-feet -frent -yerel-:setbaek-aleit -Beeen -Beeleyarel. This portion of the application was deleted by the applicant at the public hearing. The front yard fence will comply with the Zoning Code requirements. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: I Amendment: LOCATION 2727 Ocean Alvd Legal description Requested the construction App. No. Date of an eight foot high wall M-2951 4-17-84 on the rear property line where a 2'-6" rear yard Approved C Denied 0 setback is required: and the construction of a _garage that is proposed to encroach 7'-6" into the required front yard setback area and l'-0" into the ' required 4'-0" southerly side yard setback area. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2727 Ocean Blvd Legal description Block 033, Corona del. Mar Tract, Book3 Pgs 41 & 42 Filed by Gary Hamilton App. No. Date Permit the construction of a M2879 8-9-83 stairway and hand rail within the required 2'-6" Approved >Ea Denied 0 rear yard setback adjacent to an alley (Way Lane) and permit the construction of a six foot high wall on the rear property line where a 2'-6" rear yard setback is required. Approved cond. (over) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Conditions: 1. That development Shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations. LOCATION 2727 Ocean Blvd. Wi N o d by W. R. Tighe App. No. Date M-970 11/11/75 onstrn. ot a two car garage and open beam trellis that encroach to APPrond El Denied 0 within 3 ten ot the tront property line (where the Districting map indicates a required 10 foot front yard setback). the proposed development also inciudes the conversion of uver - Variance 0 Rumba:kis= 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification the existing two car garage into a family room and the extension of existing first and second floor balconies within required setbacks. Further request to permit a therapy pool, related pool equipment and required pool fencing to be located in the required 10 foot front yard setback. A maximum 8 foot high + masonry wall is also proposed to be constructed along the rear property line (i.e. Way Lane side) where the Ordinance requires a 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback. Pee - 49 LOCATION 2735 Ocean Avenue Legal description Por.B1. 033 Parcel A CdM Tract R-1 Filed by BRI-IWNFI I J. HerhPrt " App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 876 11-18-65 I Approved JJ Denied 0 I Reduce the front yard setback from the required 10' to 5' ta---vreo 'S M's s pe Variance (ICI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION Approval be subject to Council policy concern- ing height of structures in relation to the curb. LOCATION 2735 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 1.414 description Parcel "A", Block 033, Corona del Mar Tract Red by John W. Hamilton App. No. Date M -353 6 -29 -1971 Approved al Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubrinnoon 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 10OASRDN 2735 Ocean Blvd., CdM Lela descdpffion portion of Block 033 HOFFMAN, Lefferts S. App. No. Date 68 7-17-58 Approved 0 Denied tsf Creation of two building sites Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Fled by LOCATION 2741 Ocean Boulevard Legal description A rOrti na Of laloCk n 11 4 on the clidA 4.tc Clopan Ultra A} 1-110 an tarminns of Coldenrnd Ave Filed by Rod Emory Rag to exceed ht limit without App. No. Date extending above top of curb on V1137 11-6-86 nrean Blvd to allow gross struct area to exceed 1.5 x ba of the Approved 0 Denied 0 site- Int-l. a mod to the ZC to allow a portion of the nr000sed addition to encroach 9'6" into the req. 10' front yard setback adi. to Ocean Blvd; and an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2741 Ocean Boulevard Legal doscriPficm A portion of Block 033, on the s.w. side of Ocean Blvd at so. terminus of Goldenrod Ave Filed by Ro d Emery To permit an as-built,open App. No. Date exterior stairway that exceeds V1137A 12-8-88 24 ft ht limit & to allow an as built mechanical storage Approved Denied 0 room which further increases the gross structural area of the dwelling beyond 1.5 x ba of the site and a mod to ZC to allow the subject stairway to encraoch 9'6" into the req. 10' front yard setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2741 Ocean Blvd. Legal dmcrip6bri Por. of Block 033 Parcel B CdN R-1 Filed by BROWNELL. J. Herbert App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 653 6-1-1961 Approved xli Denied A zero front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a single family dwelling. Variance 1111 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other amnion 1. That no part of the house should Overhang the front property line onto public property. 2. That the design of the pedestrian access bridge should not interfere with the public pedestrian walkway along Ocean Blvd. 3. That the highest point of any structure built on the sbbject lot should not exceed 170.00', City of Newport Beach datum. LOCATION 2724 Ocean Blvd Legal Description Lots 1 & 2, block 33 Filed By: Brion Jeannette & Assoc Application No. Date V1232 1/24/00 Approved: nia Denied:n/a Demolish existing 2 story single family residence and construct new three story single family w/ basement, however applicant withdrew application. Variance:X I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 2804 Ocean Boulevard Urged thwaipNim Portions of Lots 7 & 8. Block 34. Resubdivision of Corona del Mar Red by ROMAN J. ZWEBER App. No. Date 449 CONDITIONALLY Approved Request to establish one building s mate an interior lot line where po lots now exist so as to permit the of room additions to an existing si 4/18/74 fi Denied ite and elim- rtions of two construction ngle family Amendment El AVIefling Variance El Resubdivision rtlX Use Permit El Other LOCATION 2804 Ocean Blvd., CdM Legal description Por. Lot 8 & Lot 7 El. 34 Ldm R-i "" by JOHNSON. Doris Irene App. No Date CONDITIONS (Over) Pegiet, af c e - 4-a3-44" 942 7-11-68 Approved XV Denied 0 Extension of the front of the house and the addition of a second floor and pool. Variance Other Resubdrnsion 0 Use Parma. 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That the accessory building labelled "tea house" be deleted. 2. That the 8'6" yard on Ocean Blvd. be approved as shown on the plan submitted with the application, except that the fence extending northerly from the building shall have a setback of at least 10' from the street. LOCATION 2812 Ocean Boulevard Legal closcriPthr Par ti nog. of Ints 4 and 5, Block 34 of Corona del Mar FiIü by Delmer D. McCommon App. No. 471 Date 9-19-74 Approved Et Denied 0 Request to establish one building site and plimin ate an interior lot line where portions of two lots now exist so as to permit the contruction of room additions to an existinq single family dwelling on theitaroatty. Varianc pc e u Misubdivisidn Uss Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2818 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Por.Lot 3 B1.34 CdM R-1 Filed by SCHWINN, Mr. & Mrs. Frank App. No. Date CONDITION: Over 850 3-4-1965 Approved AU Denied ADO A MAIDS Room, wi th proper set-harks: whirh will jnip the main building and garage 4 gare 91 ApthAck along easterly li ne Variance f Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment Other • CONDITION THE CRAPE stake fences on the side where the setback is 21/2' be made into gates. uplaknoN 2908 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lots 1+1 5 & 6 Block 35 Zone R-1 Filed by RANCHERS OIL CO. App. Na. Date 45 3-7-57 Approved Ci Denied Creation of two (2) building sites. COuditions 15' strip facing Ocean Blvd. must be made a part of parcel 1. Variance 1:1 Resubdivision Use Permit o Amendment Other LOCATION 2920 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Filed by Mary L. Burton App. No. Date . Addition of a new one M-2180 12/6/77 . car garage which will . encroach to 3 feet Approved C Denied 0 of the side property line (where the Code requires a 4' setback). The existing residence I encroaches to 12' 6" of the front property . line (where the Code requires a 20' setback). . OVER- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification and the existing teo car garage encroaches to 1 1 6" of the rear property line (where the Code requires a 5' setback). LOCATION 3000 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Front 125 ft. of Lot No. 8, Block lib, CDM Tract Filed by Christopher Colvin, A1A App. No. Date M4599 9-16-97 Approved 13 Denied 0 AppoA-led, parried by PC 11/2 Renuast to allow a second story addition over an existing singlA car garage that is nonconforming because it is fame CI Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification encroaching 7 ft. into the 10 ft. required rear yard setback. The proposed new construction will match the existing setback encroachments. LOCATION innn nroan Rivet rdm latal descriPtier cn Pnr I nt R R1 136 CA* R -1 Filed by Will FF, RnhPrt M App. No. Date M-195 5-1z-1970 Approved Xr1 Denied 0_ A detached garage to encroach into required rear yard setbaci. APPROVED per submitted plans Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Ofivor Mndi fi ration Amendment 0 LOCATION 3024 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lots 2. 3 & portion of 4. CDM Tract Filed by Albert E. Jobe App. No. - Date M4157 1-4-94 Approved la Denied 0 Reouest to permit the retention of an as-built garage that encroaches 2 feet 10 inches into the required 5 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3028 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Lot 1, Block 63, Corona del Mar , Red by Pacific Building Concepts Request to permit additions and App.No. Date I alterations to an existing single m3978 3-10-92 family dwelling which currently encroaches 1 foot 6 inches into Approved a DeMed 0 the required 3 foot side yard setbacks, 5 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback and 6 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback. The applicant is proposing minor interior alterations within the existing Variance 0 Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit 0 , Amendment 0 Other side yard encroachments, as well as a new second floor addition which will maintain all required setbacks. The applicant also proposes a second garage space within the first floor remodel. LOCATION 3028 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Filed by Tom Srhrieher Request to permit the constructiorApp. No. Date of an addition to an existing m 3197 8-12-86 nonconforming residence which will encroach 1 feet 6 inches intoApproved 0 Denied El the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3108 Ocean Blvd.. CdM Legal desalt:4km NW'ly 20' of Lot 5. all of Lot 6. except NW 9' 81. 137 Resub of CdM R-1 Filed by CLINTON. Ned M. and Oma I. App. No. Date 1122 4 -15 -1965 Approved Ala Denied 1:1] Continue non-conforming height of accessory building to permit a 4' addition to ground and 2nd story. CONDITION: Applicant to sign a statement, to be recorded, that this will not be used as rental unit. Variance 0 Resubdiviskn 0 Use PermRE Ammndmmrd.0 014661. LOCATION 3116 Ocean Blvd.. CdM Legal description All of Lot 4 and N'wly. 5' of Lot 3 & S'ely 10' of Lot 5 Bl. 137 CdM R-1 Fded by HOWARD, Sam App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1195 2 -17 -1966 Approved la Denied 0 Additions & alterations to existing non- conforming guest room which exceeds the 15' maximum height limit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit U Amendment 0 CONDITION: The applicant to sign a statement, to be re- corded that this will not be used as a rental unit. P. LOCATION 3135 thru 3431 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lots Tr.1026 R-1 Lots 1, 1257 R-1 Akd by KELLOGG. G. Berk 64 adjacent property owners App. No. Date 202 2-4-1965 Approved 0 Denied xxs1 Rezone to an R-2 District. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment fl Other LOCATION 170n nnpan Prinlavard LSO dillekdicon Port i ons of tot 7 s R, Al or* 11R 1 Oornna dal Mar Filed by Brion S. Jeannette Bequest to permit additions and App. No. Date alterations to an existing M3791 12-18-90 single family dwelling which currently encroaches 4 inches Approved ER Denied 0 into the required 4 foot side yard setback and 8 feet 2 inches into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Said additions are proposed to maintain the current nonconforming setbacks as mentioned above. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modifica-tion Leilitiscription 3207 Ocean Blvd. Red by R oger ricKinnon App. No. Date Additions to and M-2188 2/16/78 remodeling an existing single family dwelling Approved n Denied 0 including constrn. of a new entry which will encroach to within 6' of the front property line (where the Code requires a 10' setback). The property has the following nonconforming Continued on Next Card - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Page 2. • features: 1.) the dwelling encroaches to within 3' of the westerly side property line (where the Code requires a 4' setback; 2.) the dwelling encroaches to within 6' of the front property line (where the Code requires a 10' setback (approved by Variance No. 420,11/21/57) 3.) the garage encroaches to the front property line (where the Code requires a 10' setback); and 4.) a two-car garage is provided (where the Code requires 3 parking spaces). LOCATION 1207 De an Boulevard Lag& doseription I n t 19. Trart No 10 2 6 Filed by Ro &ger Mc Jci nnon &PASS APP M 514112 5-A413 property located in the R-1 District wh.re the Zoning Co. prohitits the rnnctroCtinn of a detarhe4 Approved 0 Denied 0 accrscory bid iding or the front on•-half of a lot The- ap lirant oho prnpncec a cecond arreccnr building on the subie t property which is lorated 3' from the proposed arber where he 7oning Code requires that arrescor buildings be located not less than 6' apart Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modi ti ration alSOMON 3207 Ocean Blvd Cd/4 legal description Lots 12 & 172 of Lot 1\ Tract 1026 F-1 Filed by mill e t 0 s App. No. Date 420 11-21,57 Approved /I Denied 0 An encroach. of 4' into a required front yard setback of 10'. CONDITION: New structure must not extend above the leyelds of the present building on the easterly side. Variance Igr Restthdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3215 Ocean Blvd Legai description Lot 13, Tract 1026, CdM • Filed by Harvey Miller Requested the construction of App. No. Date a room addition and eave M 2922 12-20-83 overhang that is proposed to encroach 6'-6" into a portion Approved El Denied 0 of the required ten foot front yard setback area. Variance 0 Othr Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3215 Ocean Blvd. Legal desaipRon Lot 13, Tract 1026, LUM Tract Fled by Stan Andrade:, App. No. Date M4598 9 -16 -97 Approved yla Denied 0 lequest nt permit the demolition and reconstruction of a ietarhed arressory structure located on the front one-half )f a lot that has two frint yards. where the Code limits kcressory strurtures to rear on-half of a lot. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 3215 caw BLVD. Legal desatAkm "44 by Harvey Miller App. No DM* Regpest to permit a fired- floor room addition to M 2975 7-17-84 encroach 5' -6" into the required Approved 'El Denied 0 10' front yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 I LOCATION 3222 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Lot 2, Block )38, Cornna dal Mn Trace:. Filed b Howard F. Request to permit the App. No. Dote construction of two kitchen M3794 12-26-90 niches to encroach 1 foot into the required 3 foot side yard Approved Ea Denied 0 setback. The niches are 3 feet 8 inches and 4 feet 4 in wide, respectively. Thg_Bishes will he located nn the building wall adiacent to the southerly side yard, and Wi1 1 he lower than the existing 6 foot high side PrriP err y line fence. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment0 Other modification • In. q:•• p• :••- LOCATION 3222 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Filed by Carl Akins Company , Permit a portion of a deck to encroach a maximum of 42" into the required 24' front setback in conjunction with the single family residence. App. No. Date M -2575 8/26/80 Approved 0 Denied 9 construction of a new Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification 'ROHN 3229 E. Ocean Blvd., CdM Laiwi descrphon Lot 16 and one-half Lot 15- Section edM Tract 1026 Filed by MASTERS. Charles W. App. No. Date 10 Approved 0 Denied la To provide 2 R-2 lots Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3301 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 17 Tract 1026 R-1 Filed by PARTCH, Mr. & Mrs. Virgil App. No Date CONDITION (Over) 881 1-6-1966 Approved n Denied El A 3 rovered porch encroach into the required 10' front yard setback and a 5' roof overhang encroach into the required 10' front yard setbark. Variance 21 Or Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION The porch encroachment to be approved subject to the roof overhang or eaves projecting only 2 1/2' into the front yard setback. LOCATION 3308 Ocean Boulevard LogA description Filed by William Cohen !Request to permit the con= App. No. Date struction of a second floor deck that will encroach 8 feet into •M 3203 8726-86 the required 25 foot front yard Appnmmd Denied 0 setback; construction of a roof eave that wi ll ploject 5 feet into the required 25 foot front yard setback where the Zoning Code limits eave -extensions into front yard setbacks to 2 feet 6 inches; construction of a front yard OVER Variance 0 Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 0116w FENCE AND RAISED DECK UP TO 5 FEET 4 INCHES HIGH AS measured from existing grade which will encroach 24 - feet into the required 25 foot front yard setback where the Municipal Code limits all structures in front yard setbacks to 3 feet in height; and installation of -a sculpture, the top of which will be 10 feet above existing grade and 4 feet 6 inches above the proposed grade which will encroach I8 -feet into the required 25 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 3308 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 5 Filed by Kermit uorius App. No. Date 1Constrn. of a second M 942 9/2/75 i floor room addition on a single family dwelling Approved q Denied 0 with the following existing nonconforming tea- tures: A 23 foot front yard setback (where the Districitng Map indicates a 25 toot tront yard setback); A 3 foot 3 inch side yard setback (where the Ordinance reauires 4 feet): OVER- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification A rear yard setback of 3 feet (where the Ordinance requires 5 feet); and a two car garage (where the Ordinance now requires 3 parking spaces). The proposed development also includes the construction of a wood trellis between the existing dwelling and the detached garage (where the Ordinance requires an open separation of 6 feet between buildings) and a third parking space on the site. LOCATION 3309 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 1, Tract No. 1257 Filed byLaura Kellogg App. No. Data M4405 1-9-96 Approved x a Domed 0 Gonctrortion of a bathroom expansion to encroach 4 feet into the required 10 foot street-side setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdavolon 0 Use Permit EJ Amendment 0 LOCATION 3309_firean Rlvd Legal description LYELL 1... BUTTFRMORE App. No. Date 800 5/14/74 MOD. NOT NEEDED-MONEY REFUNDED APProval 0 Denied CI Request to permit an existinq nonconforming single family, dwelling to maintain a two car oarage (where the Ordin- ance requires 3 spaces) so as to allow the construction 1 of an accessory building (and a third garage glare) nn till site. Variance 0 Cmhw m Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 1 Filed by LOCATION 3312 Ocean Blvd Legal description Lot 5 Bl. 139 Resub of CdM R-1 "ad btNIBLA._Bliiiim App. No. Date 909 10-5-1967 Approved 0 Denied X n A building addition exceeding the 15' height limit established for an accessory building in the R-1 District. Variance al Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 , LOCATION. 3317 Ocean Blvd Legal description Lot 2 and a portion of Lot 3, Tract 1257. on the so side of Ocean Blvd, between Marguerite Ave & Marigold Ave Filed by Lisa Benedict Reg. to allow alterations to App. No. Date an exist. garage which V1124 10-20-88 exceeds the top of curb ht on Ocean Blvd and the max. Approved Er. Denied 0 permitted ht above natural grade. Redesign of the garage roof which proposes to cont. the nonconforming ht of the garage Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3317 Oceav Bonlevard Legal description Fled by Linn Rannedirk & Warth Prnhnt Afp.NO. Date M 3435 8-16-88 Approved 0 lirenk4 0 Reptant to permit the construction of alterations and additions to an existing nonconforming residence which I will encroach 10 feet_isarequired 10 foot front : yard setback adjacent to Ocean Boulevard Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3328 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 1, Bl. 139 Cdm u-1 Piled by VAN DVKEs_R.E. App. No. Date 467 4-11-72 Approved XEI Denied CI Construct a 6' high block and woodjen fence along the rear yard setback (Ord. requires p) to replace a 6' wooden fence. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other mndification Amendment 0 Condition (Over) CONDITION L. That the proposed wall have a maximum height of 4 feet (measured from alley grade) within 5 feet of the intersection between Marigold Avenue and the 14 foot wide alley. LOCATION 3400 Ocean Bi. lagal dmmripfkm Portion of Lot 7 & Lot 8, BLK 140 FRU IDY EVERETT D. SADLER App. No. 426 1/3/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved ci Denied 0 Request to combine one lot and a portion of a second lot into one parcel of land for residen- tial development. Variance 0 Resubdivigion Doc Um Porrnif o Amendment 0 Other OCATION 'Legal description Lot 1 Bl.T Tract 323 Filed by SAD! FR, Fverett D. App. No. Dee 100 7-22-1969 Approved X El Denied 0 Fence to be built on rear property line adjoining an alley where ordinance required 5' setback. Variance 0 Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Vo4if 4 cation Amendment 0 IODATION 3401 Ocean Blvd. lagel description 27' of Tot 15 and Lot 16 Tract 1026 R 1 Filed by GARRICK, Charles S. App. No Date 65 3 -20 -58 Approved 0 Denied aa Resubdivide this parcel so as to create 2 R-1 building sites. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 111 Use Permit [3 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3425 Ocean Bnulpverd Legal alicrirrlion Pled by Norman and Edith Walker App. No. Da% Request to permit the con- Var.-1063 12-6-79 struction of a single family dwelling in the R-1 Dis- Approved Ca Dinka El trict that exceeds the height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limi- tation District. Variance Rnubdivhion 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3425 Ocean Blvd Legal description Lot 7, Tract 1257, on the so. side of Ocean Blvd between Marigold Ave & Narcissus Ave Filed by Robert Tyler To permit alterations to an App. No. Date existing single family 171153 5-4-89 dwelling on property located in the R-1 Dist to allow the Approved pc Denied 0 construction of two second floor balconies which exceed the maximum allowable ht in the 24/28 Ft Ht Limit Dist Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3425 Ocean Boulevard Legal descriptor Lot 7. Tract 1257 Filed by NormAm C. Walker App. No. Dath Constrn. of a single V-1063 5/5/77 family dwelling in the R-1 District that exceeds the Approved ri Dried height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Further request to permit a one car carport on the front-half of the lot in addition to a proposed two car garage (where the OVER- Variance 3 Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Ordinance requires that any garage spaces on the front one-half of a site shall have side walls, a roof, and an operating garage door for access of automobiles). VOCATION 3431 Ocean Blvd.. CdM Unaddesedpffen MA by Dr. Nidrew Sandor App. No. Date UPHELD BY C.C. Appeal of 7-21-1966 8-22-1966 Bldo. Deot.Oecision Append 0 Mmhd Al interpretation of height of building ' Variance 0 Other Resubdtvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1;19 neper nivd. Legal description Infa c z A, Rlk. 141. CdM located at 3512 _m ccop Wind nn n p. side of Ocean Blvd, between Narcissus Ava sad orrhid Ave. in Corona del Mar. Rocincmt tin permit a portion App. No. Date of a rnnf, a akyliaht and a V 1166 dArnrative 32 in. ball on top of the rnof to exceed the allowable Approved gi Denied 0 hwilding height in 24/28 Foot Height Limitation in con- junction with the remodeling of an existing single tamily dwelling on property located in the R-1 District. Variance 0 other Resubdivision Q Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 3512 Ocean Boulevard Legal deuxkOkm Lots 5 and 6, Block 141, Corona del Mar Filed by Himes-Peters-Mason Architects, Inc. Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of two, 5 foot wide arches (8 feet M3842 4/30/91 6 inches in height) and three, 2 feet 3 inch wide arches (6 feet Approved Denied 0 9 inches in height) along a six foot high fence located on th 'easterly side property line. The Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height. I Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 3c1, ncann floolluvarA Legal descriPtkm T.nt s S 6, WI ork_ 141. corona del Mar Tract Filed by lson-Hentzen Landscape Architects _Request Sa_a:.2mit_th.notortqlP• No. Dee sitstraeatancling_attals_alte M3775 11/20/90 6 inches in length and 8 feet 6 inches in height, to encroach Approved a Denied 0 1 foot 5 inches into the required 4 foot side yard setback. The arbor has an ornamental architectural feature aton at the center which is 3 feet wide and an additional 2 feet in height. Also, the applicant is requesting Approval to Rad haigiq to_the 07 4 stin westerly side Variance El Resubdknsion 0 use erm 1:1 Amendment 0 Other Modification property line wall which is currently approximately 5 feet 8 inches in height, to be raised to 7 feet • in height above natural grade. The Zoning Code limits all construction within the required 4 foot side yard setback to a maximum height of 6 feet. LOCATION 3c1, nreen Rnnlevard Legal description torn s & 6. Block 141 Filed by HiMPR -Ppters -Mason-Architects App. No. RAT1PAr Date tn permit the nanatnirtion 143708 6/5/90 of an A foot wide second floor hay window which will enctoach Approved Ail Denk4 ID 1 foot 8 inches into the required 4 foot side yard setback- also included in this application is a request to allow a 10 foot 4 inch wide encroachment of a first floor bay window to project 1 foot 8 inches into the Xecir ivviii 4 foot cidcl ara sothark Variance u Resuidivision ID Use Permit El Aseendmen+CI Olber Modification I ON 1512 Breen Rlvd Legal description Lots 5 & 6, Block 141, Corona del Mar Trart Filed by Richard Cs_Hunsaker App. No. Date M-252 12-1-1970 Approved Cia Denied 0 DooninuatS_plasted_sk-a equipme nt . Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 3516 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Filed 1>yDs . Drews Parrlac1- 1-n pn-mit the construc- App. No. Date }inn nf AltPfAtinnS and addi- M 3350 12-15-87 _Firma fn An Axisting residence and dafArhaa rinntinnforming garage Approved eill Denied 0 AlInh fhAf fhP garage will be attached to the residence. The nwiRting garage is nonconforming in that it encroaches 1 faint, F1.. inrhas into the required 4 foot side yard set- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 second floor deck on top of the existing garage that encroaches approximately one foot into the required 5 foot rear yard setback. rlUffisplaTICON 3600 Ocean Blvd. ,L.gal description Por. Lots 6, 7 & 8 except rear 61' thereof. Block 142 Corona del Mar R -1 Filed by GREGG, Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee App. No. Date 616 8 -18 -1960 Approved Ittj Denied 0 3'6" roof overhang instead of permitted 2'6". CONDITION: Side yard eave overhangs conform to existing zoning requirements. Variance [KI Other Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3601 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Ned by lb Christian Abel Architect ATA App. No. Date M 3495 1 -10-89 Approved to Denied E] Request to permit the construction of a 5 foot high wrought iron fence which will encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback and the construction of a driveway rhar will ma intain a height of 4 feet Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 to 2 feet 6 inches above grade as measured from natural grade to the top of the driveway surface and will extend from the 10 foot front setback line to beyond the front property line, and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION ifini nraan nlvd "gal ditlaillgir Tr a r 12S7 Filed by Stewart Woodard App. No. Date Constrn. of a single M-2040 3/17/77 family dwelling that Appeal encroaches to 0 feet Approved in Denied 0 from the front Property line (where the Districting Map indicates a 10 foot setback). Variance 0 Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 uraenoN isni ncpan Blvd. j 64 4 description lot 11, less s'ely 10' Tr. 1257 R-1 COOPFR, Clifford App. No. Dee SEE OVER M-165 3-10-1970 Approved X] Denied 0 Main dwelling to enrroarh 9 ft. into the re- quired 10 ft. front yard sethark . and to allnw retaining walls and atens to he ennstrorted into the City right of way Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by APPROVED SUBJECT TO HIGHEST POINT OF STRUCTURE BEING NO HIGHER THAN THE CURB AND ALL UTILITIES BEING UNDERGROUND. THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ENCROACH- MENT IS SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. LOCATION 3601 & 3611 Ocean Blvd. Legal delleripkm Lot 13 , 14 Filed by Dr. Robert C. Burt App. No. Doe To permit relocation R-227 10-6/66 of property line between Lot 13 and 14 Approved gi Denied 0 so that the south-easterly 10 feet of Lot 13 shall become a part of the adjacent Lot 14. , Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 123 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3601 OCEAN BOULEVARD bmol description Lot 13, Tract 1257 Filed by lb Christian Abel Architect App. No. Date V1205 5-4-95 Approved is Denied 0 Rognsst to pormit alterations & additions to the ocean side of an existing single family dwelling on property located in the R-1 District, which will exceed the permitted height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. The Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 proposed development will not exceed the height of the of the top of curb on Ocean Blvd. 3601 Ocean Boulevard LOCATION Legal description Filed by -Requast-th-Ftetailt-the-cOnStroe n tinn nf nn entry r00f 00 ,14)".0i whirl"' will an crnn h 5 Lee* 6 0 Th Chrintian Ahol App. No. M 3437 Approved Date 8-23-88 Denied I . • IP II • II • 1 • • • • I _ • • • - yard apt-hark Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 • WATION 3604 Ocean Blvd. CdM Legal description Resub of Cdm, Zone R-1 Hied by Cunningham. E. C. App. No. Date 418 1,12157 Approved n Denied 0 Encroach. of 5' into a required 10; rear yard setback Variance 14 Resubdivision Use Permit U Amendment Other Portinn nf testa 6, 7 & A, Mock 16.2 LOCATION 3611 Ocean Boulevard • Legal Description Lot 14 and a portion of Lot 13, Tract 1257 Filed By: I Mark Orgill Application No. Date M 4931 6-29-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the construction of a 42 square foot storage closet that will encroach 4 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback on Ocean Boulevard. The storage closet will be located below the driveway bridge to the entrance. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3611 Ocean Boulevard Legal Description Lot 14 and a portion of Lot 13, Tract 1257 Filed By: I Dee Betthiaume Application No. Date M 4767 8-25-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the addition of a new covered entry that will encroach 1 foot 6 inches and a roof overhang that will encroach 2 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback on Ocean Boulevard. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit 1 Amendment Other: rnistrijipthin___ LOCATION 3611 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lfrits—aal,". Da. 1 Constrn. of a single M-1077 9/7/76 family dwelling that encroaches to 0 feet Approved MI Denied 0 of the front oropertv line (where the Districting 1 Mao indicates a 10 foot front yard setback). Variance 0 Other Resubdromon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification Filed by Mr LOCATION 3611 Ocean Blvd. Legal descripfitm Lot 14 Red by John McIntosh App. No. Date Constrn. of a single family M-935 8/5/75 dwelling where portions of the structure encroach Approved El Denied to the front (ie. Ocean Blvd. side) property line (where the Districting Map indicates a 10 foot front yard setback in the R-1 District). Variance 0 Resubdimon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification -11-T -IP LOCATION 3611 Green Legal description lot 14 & 10 of Lot 13 Tr 1257 Filed by HILIGREN a_LARL C. App. No. pf - 648 5 -1 -73 CONDITIONALLY Approved El Denied CI pexmit the construction of a single family dwoling that encroaches tothe front property line (where the Distr Map indicates a 10' front yard setback) in the R-1 Distr. Date Venancio 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3616 Ocean Blvd. Legal descripflon Lot 4 and portions. of Lots 3 and 5 , Block 145 Corona del Mar Filed by George T. Hall xequest to allow a poitiOn of APP. No. Date tile required open space within the tront 12 feet V -1091 5 -6 -82 behind tne tront setback area Approved El Denied 0 to maintain a dimension of less than 6 feet in conjunction With the expansion and alteration of an existing single ramily dwelling in the R -1 District. Variance III Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3617 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Filed by Richard Natland Request to permit construction App. No. Date of a new residence that is pro- M3084 8/6/85 posed to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front Approved In Denied yard setback area adjacent to Ocean Boulevard. Variance 0 Other Resubcfnnsuon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3617 Ocean Blvd. Umpl dincriptiai Lot 15, Tract No. 1257, on the southerly side of Ocean Blvd. between Orchid Ave. & Poinsettia Filed by Richard K. Natland Reg. to permit the construct. App. No. Date of two car garage exceeds basic V1125 7-18-85 height in the 24/28 ft.,ht. WITHDRAWN limitation in conj. with the Approved 0 Monied 0 const. of a single family dwelling on the site in the R1 Dist. All new construction will be located below the curb elevation of Ocean Blvd. Variance [2( Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 re::dikr Niekm 316.1 9t IrarT1 Blvd 7, on the so side of Ocean Blvd between Orchid Ave & Poinsettia Ave. Rhid by William H. Parker To permit construction of dwelling App. No. Date which exceeds max ht in 24/28 Ht V1157 10-19-89 Dist located in Al Dist.Ht of dwelling will not exceed the ht Approved Er Denied 0 of the top of curb on Ocean Blvd.Incl. a mod to ZC to allow the dwelling to encroach 10 ft into req. 10 ft front yard setback aj. to Ocean Blvd and the acceptance of an e.d. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION, 6 19 Oreaa Blvd Legal desaction Lo t 15, Tract 127 I Filed by Alfred G. Martini I Request to permit the ronstructionApp. No. Date of a cingle family dwelling whirh V 1183 9-16-92 pxrppds thp maximum allowable height in the 4/28 Foot Height Limitation Appuwed tj Denied E] District on property located in the R-1 District The heiqh Df the proposed dwelling will not exceed the height of the top of curb on Ocean Blvd. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the proposed dwelling to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front Variance q Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment 9 Other yard setback adjacent to Ocean Blvd. LOCATION 3619 Ocean Boulevard Legal Description Lot 15, Tract 1257 Filed By: Spataro Residence (Brion S. Jeannette, Architect) I Application No. I Date I Var. 1223 8-6-98 Mod.,7474151 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit construction of a SFD which exceeds the max. allowable height limit in the 24128 foot Height Limitation Zone by approximately 12 feet. The height of the proposed dwelling will not exceed the height of the top of curb elevation on Ocean Boulevard. Also included is a modification to allow the proposed dwelling and garage to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback area along Ocean Blvd.. Variance: X I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3620 Ocean Blvd Legal Description Lot 2 and a Portion of Lot 3, Block 142, Resubdivision of Corona del Mar Filed By: Warner & Gray Architects, Inc. Application No. Date 145051 3-8-2000 Approved:X Denied: To permit a 4 foot 1 inch encroachment into the required 25 foot front yard setback with a corner of a second floor balcony/planter in conjunction with an addition and remodel of an existing single family dwelling Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION $620 Ocean Legal description I nt c 2 A 3, Rik 147, (114 Ned by Studio 3 Architects App. No. Date M4352 8-29-95 Approved El Denied 0 To permit the construction of a vertical support column to encroach 10 in. into the required 4 ft. side yard setback in conjunction with additions & alterations to an existing single family dwelling. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Other LOCATION 3625 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Portion of Block A, Corona del Max Tract Filed By: William Benz Application No. Date M4941 8-3-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the following encroachments into the required 10 foot front yard setback on Ocean Blvd. where the dwelling currently encroaches 8 feet: (4) four architectural features and a new fireplace to encroach from 9 to 10 feet, and a retaining wall for a new deck that encroaches 10 feet and is 24 feet in height (21 feet with a 3 foot guardrail) measured from natural grade at the lower portion of the slope. The requests are being made in coMunction with the remodel of an existing single family dwelling. Variance: I ResubdIvision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION Legal description 3628 Ocean Blvd. Filed by Leslie Aikman App. No. Date Permit a second floor deck to M-2401 5/15/79 encroach 4' into the 4' southeast (Poinsettia Avenue) Approved Xla Denied 0 side yard setback in connection with room additions and alterations to a single family dwelling nonconforming in that: I.) a 4'6" high wall at the rear (alley) property line within the required 5' rear yard setback. Also Variance 0 Ruskin/mon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modi fi cation proposed is a 3'6" wall to encroach 19' into required 25' front yard setback (where the Code permits a maximum 3'0" high fence). 3700 Block on Ocean BlVd Filed by MACATRE., Ada Ruth App. No. Date 79 12 -18 -58 Approved Denied 0 Requests creation of two R-1 building sites. CONDITION: Ingress & egress for the garage to be from allay halnw nrpan Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 3709 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Portion of Tract A, Corona del Mar Filed by Richard Natland for Feldmans App. No. Date V 1220 05/07/1998 Approved X De n ied Variance request to permit additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling using the established 67.5 feet at Mean Sea Level Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit E Amendment fl Other: LOCATION 3709 Ocean Blvd. Argal description Por. Lot A CdM Tract R-1 Red by SEDERLUND, Jack H. App. No. Date GRANTED BY CITY COUNCIL Aptil 13, 1959 Encroachment of 9' into setback for the purpose Single family dwelling. 523 3 -19 -59 Approved 0 Denied El a required 10' front yard of constructing a two story Resubdivmon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 17(A nraan Bouleard UNA dacip6m Ned by John G. Valentine e Request to establish nAtishment grade for the purpose of Grade 4-24-80 of measuring height Approved la Denied 0 for a proposed balcony in conjunction with the remodeling of an existing single family dwelling. Variance in . Resubdivision El.s Pews" u • Amendment 0 other t-stablishment of—Grade Date u3comoN 3709 Ocean Blvd., CDM Lima oseeripMen Portion of Blk. "A" Tract 1257 Parcel 14 Reel by STEWART C. WOODARD App. No. Dee 751 11/27/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved X12 Denied Re9uest to permit wing walls (with maximum heights of 8 feet) to encroach to the front (Ocean Blvd. side) property line (where a one foot front yard setback is required) in the R tat ric t •Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Variance Ul Amendment 0 Other M LOCATION 3709 - 3715 & 3719 Ocean Blvd., CdM Legal description Por. of Block A CdM R-1 NW by FIPPS, Mrs. Eunice and WANIEK, Mr. & Mrs. App. No. Date Ralph 85 3-19-59 Approved 110 Danko! 0 Creation of 3 R-1 building sites. Variance El Other Resubdnosuon ljj Use Permit 0 Amendment El L TKNN 3711 Ocean Boulevard Legal description The northwesterly parcel of Parcel Map No. 4667-210 (Resub.No.85), located at 3713 Ocean Blvd. , on the southwesterly side of Ocean Blvd. between (over) Filed by Jay Brian Evarts 'otAPP.No. Date • • - •• • •• nf a cingla family dwelling and V 1129 5-22-86 twn ray garga nn property on ptnparty lnrataci in the R-1 Approved la Denied 0 nic,Frirt whirdi exreed the basic height limit in the 24/28 3nnf Haight Limitation District and which projects above ▪ tnp nf rnrb on Ocean Boulevard. The proposal also ;11r.1flriea A modification tothe Zoning Code so as to allow (ovRR) Whimmtia Rewbdivision E] Use permit El Amendment [] (Amy the proposed structure to encroach 9 feet 6 inchesl into the required 10 foot front yard setback adjacent to Ocean Boulevard, and the acceptance of an environmental document DESCRIPTION CONT.: Poinsettia Ave. and Poppy Ave., in Corona del Mar. LOCATION Legal description 3719 Ocean Blvd., Port-inn elf Mock A CdM 1R-I Filed by Holbrook, Kenneth App. No. Date 433 12-19-57 Approved Zit Denied 0 Building of stairways in the 10' setback from Ocean Blvd Variance El Re subdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3719 Ocean Boulevard Legal description A portion of Block A, on the sw side of Ocean Blvd between Poinsettia & Poppy Ave. Filed by Mark Hurwitz Alterations & additions to App. No. Date dwelling built above top of curb. V1151 3-9-89 To allow additions to be constructed above top of curb. Approved _2(Denied 0 Incl a mod to ZC to allow the proposed addition to encroach 10 ft into req. 10 ft front yard setback Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3720 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 2, 3 Block 143 Pled by James W. Obrien App. No. Dee Lonstr. ot a storage room M-1019 4/27/76 that will be attached to an existing noncon- Approved IXI Denied 0 forming two car garage with "0" foot and 1 foot 3 inch side yard setback (where the Ordinance requires 1 foot and 3 foot side yards for accessory buildings). lhe third required Over - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 WHIT Modification on-site parking space has a nonconforming depth of 17 feet + (where the Ordinance requires a depth of 20 feet). All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks. LOCATION 3720 Ocean Blvd., C.D.M. Legal description Lot #3 & a portion of Lot #2 Blk #143, C.D.M. Tract Hiscl by Mr. & Mrs. James W. Obrien App. No. Date 728 10-9-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved X t/r Denied 0 Request to permit An -existing nonconforming de- tached two car garage to maintain a "u" toot ana 1 ft. 9 inch side yard setbacks (where the urdin ance requires 1 tt. and 3 tt. side yards tor accessory buildjoas) so as tn allow the Variance u Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment 0 Other m construction of room additions and interior alterations to an existing single family dwelling. (All new construction conforms to required yard setbacks.) TKNN 3723 Ocean Blvd., ancriPlial Por. Block A CdK Tract R-1 by KIRKWOOD, N E. 6t Joan App. No Da te (CONDITION) 599 5-5-1.960 Approved a Denied 0 9'6" encroachment into required 10' front yard setback for the purpose of adding a garage. kitchen, bath and living rnnm rn an aviaring ten hedronm and bath structure. °sty cea Resubdvhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION Haight of the building to be no higher than the garage on the easterly side of the subject property. 1.00C91.7110Nimial al72:t7r0:anofnglelc:A. at 3725 Ocean Blvd. pn annthwesterly gide of ocean Blvd. between voinsettia Ave and Poppy Ave. in_C=_ona_slel Mar Rk4 by nen Hangsleben ileswestist,parmit—thessnatnictionAPP. No afssinsile—tamilyStellix_san_ V 1165 8/9/90 -1 Dis which exceeds the 24 foot basic Appro 63 Denied 0 height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. 1 The proposal also includes a request to permit the new con- struction to exceed the height of top of curb on Ocean Blvd to the extent that the existing garage and fence currently Deft • • -• I •1 - mince • Resu moon I d Se emu Other d. igeiddJ /1-13-le 8 ft. 6 in. +). The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the proposed structure to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 3728 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Lot 1, Block 143, Resubdivision of Corona del Mar Filed By: I Greg and Deanna Repose Application No. Date M4959 8-31-99 Appproved:X Denied: To permit additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling that currently encroaches 1 foot 6 inches into the required 4 foot side yard setback. A portion of the proposed addition will continue with the 1 foot 6 inch encroach, which is located on the Poppy Avenue side of the dwelling. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3728 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Mid by Michael FuDcws App. No. Dats M 3515 3-7-89 Appnnnal 0 Dada 0 Request to permit the removal and replacement of the structural members and doors of an existina nonconformin garage and deck and railing above said garage which currently encroach 4 feet into the reared 4 font side A gk Variance Rosubdivision 0 Us* Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other setback. The new construction will not increase the nonconformity but is only for cosmetic and maintenance reasons. LOCATION Legal description 3728 Ocean Boulevard Red by Bruce Newell, Architect Request to permit the expansion App. No Date and alteration of an existing M .3269 4-14-87 garage which encroaches 3 feet 3 inches into the required 4 foot Approved Eg Denied Ej side yard setback adjacent to Poppy Avenue, the recon- struction of a deck above the garage and replacement of the deck railing with a planter which will encroach OVER Variance 0 Other Resubchvision Use Permif 0 Amendment 0 3 feet 3 inches into the required 4 foot side yard set= back, and extension of the garage wall and planter above to form a side yard fence which will range in height from 3 feet 6 inches to 9 feet above grade and 11 feet to 12 feet above the adjacent sidewalk. Also included ! in the proposal is a request to install a second floor ! ornamental iron railing which will encroach 3 feet 11 1 inches into the required 4 foot side yard setback adjacent to Poppy Avenue, and the structural alteration of the existing nonconforming residence which encoraches 3 feet 3 inches into said side yard setback. LOCATION 3728 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Red by Melvin Lecil App. No. Dee Renovation of the M-2170 11/29/77 existing garage including a roof Approved )0 Denied 0 addition that encroaches to u'u" ot vie right (street) side property line (where tne code requires a 4' setback). [he structure nas tne following existing noncontorming 'Features: T.) the dwelling enc Poaches to 8“ of the ri ght - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Atnendment 0 Oiber Modification (street) side property line (where the Code requires a 4' setback); 2.) the dwelling encroaches to 24'6" of the front property line (where the Code requires a 25' setback); 3.) an accessory covered patio structure encroaches to 0'0" of the left side property line (where the Code requires a l' setback); and 4.) the three car garage is 26' wide (where the Code requires a 27' width). LOCATION 3729 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Lot A, Corona Del Mar Tract Filed by Brion Jeannette App. No. Date V1218 3 -19 -98 Approved X Denied I I Request for a Variance to exceed the top of curb height limitation by 9 feet. The top of curb height limitation is for structures on the bluff side of Ocean Blvd. in Corona Del Mar. Also included is a request to construct the garage and a portion of the house 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback along Ocean Blvd. Variance X Resubdivision Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other: LOCATION 3729 Ocean Blvd. , C.D.M. Legal description Block A, Tract 1257, Resub. 104 Filed by Dr. K. J. Smallwood App. No. Date conditioned that all new construction conform with M-219 8-11-1970 zoning and building codes, Approved CI Denied 0 and with the City Council „policy regarding the height of buildings in this location Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mnrlification Amendment 0 104 U-5-1939 3729 Ocean Blvd. Por. Block A CdM Ab.1 LIB33/00D Marvin B. App. Na Basubdivide property so as to provide two 1,1 lots. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Mc Use Penni+ 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS A 4' sideyard setback to be established from the existing large house and the rebuilding of the guest house to comply with the City Building Code and the subdivider to provide a bond and agreement to guarantee the completion of the guest house according to Code. LOCATION 3729 Ocean Blvd. Umal description Por. Bl. A CdM Tract R-1 Filed by SMALLWOOD. Dr. K. J. App. No. Dee CONDITION (Over) .x2-6-ifasno t ir Pe. 4-19-69 908 12-7-67 Approved fl Denied 0 A front yard building setback encroachment in rnnnection with building remodelling. A In ft encroachment into a 10 ft required yard setback is reclikettkd Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION The elevation of the proposed addition to be submitted to the Planning Department for app- roval prior to the issuance of a building permit. . LOCATION 3631 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar Lega l description Lo I. 15, Trat.l. 1257, Block A Filed by Teddy Yip Request to permit alterations and additions to an existing single family residence that is nonconforming in that 2 parking spaces are provided where spaces and there is an existing 8 front yard setback. App. No. Date M -2647 1/6/81 Approved ; t la Denied I:I The Code requires 3 1 ' encroachment in the 10' MODIFICATION Variance El Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 3631 Ocean Blvd. Lind description Por. of Block A Corona del Mar R-1 Fled by BEACH, Atmore App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 645 4-20-1961 Approved f2 Denied 0 Encroachment of 9 feet into required 10 foot front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a single family residence Vananceiii Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That the maximum encroachment into the required front yard be 8 feet. 2. That the height of the entire home, including the roof, be limited to 3 feet above the mean curb height of Ocean Blvd. 3. That no accessories or appurtenances be permitted • above the top of the roof with the exception of the chimney which may be a total of 2 feet above the highest point of the roof. 4. That any fence fronting Ocean Blvd. may not exceed 3 feet in height. LOCATION 3839 Ocean Birch Legal decoriPlion Por. Block 96 of Irvine's Subdivision Filed by John D. Lusk and Son App. No. Date CONDITIONS: SEE BACK 349 7-20-72 Approved El Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That a Parcel Map be filed. 2. That the parcel be designated "Not a Separate Building Site" on the map. 3. That the rear yard setback shall be established from the southerly boundary of Parcel A. UNDCAJUDN qA41 Ocean Birch Legal description Portion of Block 96, Irvine's Substation Parcel Map No. 87 -450 Filed by James C. manning App. No. Date Rat-Fact tn permit the construction 143683 4-10-90 . nf s font A inch high stucco block 1 walla. tuhflier steel fence, and Approved 0 Denied 0 related 6 foot pilasters to encroach up to 10 feet into the rewired 20 foot front yard setback adjacent to neesn Birch Drive Also included in the application is A rawest for two 4 foot high pilasters to encroach dance eiubvisionTà se ennif I men nisni• • C4Mm Modifications 1 LOCATION 13841 Ocean Birch Dr. Legal description A portion of Block 96, on the so. side of Ocean Birch Dr between the so.terminus of Spyglass Hill Road and Sea Bell Cir. in Spyglass Ridge Fled by jamas C Manning Req. to approve SPA, Cond.19 App. No. Date of RR61,tn oermit construct of 5PR46 10 -6 -88 dwelling. Mod to ZC to allow proposed construction to Approved Ar Denied 0 maintain a front yard in excess of 35 ft. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3841 Ocean Bird; Dr. Legal description A portion of Block 96, located on the so. side of Ocean Birch Dr. between the so. terminus of Spyglass Hill Road & SEa Bell Circle NW by James C. Manning Reg. to resub. property App. No. Date located in the R1B Dist. to R861 3-24-88 establish a parcel of land for single family resident. AppnreMA 0"Denied 0 purposes. Incl. a reg. to approve a proposed grading plan of the site to establish grade for the purpose of measuring bldg ht; and the accept. of an e.d. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 3841 Ocean Birch Dr. L th Legal description A portion of Block 96, on e so. side b of Ocean Birch Dr. betwee n the southerly terminus of Sea Bell Circle Spyglass Hill & Se Filed by James C. Manning the Re q . to amend Local App. No. Date Coastal Program, LUP so as LCP 12 3-24-88 the subject to resdesignate t property from Recreational Approved a- D...ed 0 & Environmental Open Space to Low Density Residential Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION - Lewd •COSCH km Filed b 1-n m t h in el- 0.1t4 PP• No. Date of-atu,cco_wan11.5.,._raing.ing_in_13.eight 143710 6/5/90 •Approved Et Denied ID Modification se Permit CI Amen meat ID a Other LOCATION 1723 E. Ocean P 1vd Legal description Lot 26, Block C, Tract 518 Filed by Drs. Smythe and Huddleston Requested to permit a 6 foot App. No. Date high fence (a proposed 3 foot M2720 9-29-81 wrought iron fence on top of an existing 3 foot high brick wal l) Approved 10 Denied 0 to encroach to the front property line (where the Code permits a maximum height of 3 feet within the required 10 foot front yard setback). The proposed development also includes a first floor bay window that encroaches 1 foot 6 inches into said 10 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Liu IFNI] Amendment 0 Other MOD1FIE; LOCATION 1723 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Filed by Robert Jason Peterson. M.D. App. No. Date Permit the addition to an 11-2515 3/18/80 existing single family dwelling nonconforming in Approved co Denied 0 that the existing garage and second floor deck encroach 2 1/2' into the required 2 1/2' rear yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 1719 p awl_ ncpan Boulevar i Legal descriOkm tot 9 . Rlnek Trnnt No 518 Filed by Donald and Cynthia Perk Request to permit additions and App. No. Date alterations to an existing single M3917 10-8-91 family dwelling which currently encroaches 7 inches into the Approved El Denied 0 required 3 foot side yard setback. The proposed additiong will also encroach 7 inches into the required 1 foot clap yard setback to match the existing building line Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 1738 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa Legal dencriptic Lot 10 Block H. Tract 518 11 n 1 Filed by GRAHAigs, Everett L. App. No. Date 664 9-1-1960 Approved X110 Denied [] Construct second floor living quarters on existing garage, Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit at Amendment 0 -V V 11- • -• I LOCATION 17401740 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Filed by C.I ARK WARREN & VALAPIE App. No. 6 A 1 6-5-73 CONDITHINAI L v Approved a Denied 0 permit an existing nontonforming single family dwelling to encroach to the rear property line (where the Ord. requires a 2'6" rear yard set- backso as to allow the construction of a room aal a dd tEjnnq, one addition that encroaches to the Variance 0 Oilier /4 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Date rear property line in the R-1 Distr LOCATION 2000 East Ocean Blvd. Legal description Red by Timothy P. Hogan Request to permit the constructiotkpp.W. Date of an addition to an existing M 3109 11-5-85 nonconforming structure which will encroach one foot into the re- Approved El Denied [] quired 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback adjacent to a 20 foot wide alley where an existing nonconforming garage encroaches 1 foot into the required rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 r LOCATION 2001 E. Ocean & L. Street 1419A description Lot 31. Bl. D. Tr. 518 Filed by Tavaglione, Joe App. No. Date 869 1-21-75 CONDITIONALLY Approved en Denied To eermit the construction of second floor room additions on a nonconforming single family dwelling that encroaches to the rear property Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other line (where the Ordinance requires a 2 foot wide alley). The existing two car garage also has a nonconforming depth of 19 feet 6 inches (where the Ordinance requires a minimum depth of 20 feet). LOCATION 2008 E. Ocean Blvd '. Legal description Lot 3, Block G. Tract 518 App. No. Date Request to permit the demolition 14-3579 08/15/89 of an existing garage and reconst. of a garage with master bedroom Approved al Denied El above which is proposed to encroach 1 foot + into the required 2 ft. 6 in. rear yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification Filed by Lee Assenheimer LOCATION 2012 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal descipthm Lot 4, Block G, Tract 518 Filed by Quali-uratt t.onstructlon App. No. Constrn. of second floor room additions on a non- M-948 conforming single family Approved dwelling that encroaches to the rear line (where the Ordinance requires a inch rear yard setback). All new co conforms with required yard setbacks Date 9/9/75 XM Denied 0 property 2 foot 6 nstruction Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2015 East Ocean Legal description NW by R. L. Smith App. No. Date I° permit second floor M-986 1/20/76 room additions and a second floor deck on a single Approved 0 Denied 0 tamity dwelling with the following existing nonconforming features: 1.) The existing development does not meet the open space option requirements; and 2.) An existing stairway Over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification encroaches to within 3 feet of a side property line (where the Ordinance requires a 4 foot side yard_seXback). All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks). LOCATION 2017 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 27 and westerly 17.5 of Lot 28 Block D Tract 518 "ad by John Wallace Requeat to permit alterations App. No. Date & addition.° to an nxinting ninuls M2875 8-16-83 family residence that is non- conforming in that the garage Approved ME Denied 0 is 17t-6" deep where a clear depth of 14 feet is re- wired. and the structure encroaches 2 feet into the i-evired 2'-6" rear yard 'setback adjacent to the Alley and a block wall exiata adjacent to the rear flrflparty (over) Vedanta 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other lea line where a 2'-6" setback is required, and a portion of the structure encroaches one foot into the required four foot westerly side yard setbadk::ares. The applicant desires to retain the existing non-conformities as well as construct a new single stor structure that encroaches 2 feet into the required 2'-6" rear yard setback. LOCATION Legal description 2019 E. Ocean Blvd. Lot 26, Block D, Tract 518 Med by Bruce Manzer Requested to permit two green- App. No. Date house windows to encroach M-2194 11-29-83 2'-6" into the required 2'-6" - rear yard setback on the Approved ja Denied 0 second floor, and to permit a greenhouse window to encroach 18" into the required three foot westerly side yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MCOON 2024 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal dmriptrow Lot 7 81. G Tr. 518 R-1 Red by MONCK, A.L. (Kirchner, C.L.) App. No. Date M-190 5-5-1970 Approved 42 Denied 0 Structural alterations to an existing non-contorm- ing building. new cons ruc ion o con orm o setback requirements. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 the Permit 0 Othor Mnrlifiratinn Amendment 0 LOCATION 2024 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 7 Bl. G Tr. 518 R-1 Filed by M 0 NCH, A. L. App. No. Date M-168 3-17-1970 Approved ID Denied X fl Convert a two-car garage into a family room and a one car garage. Variance 0 Rasubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mndifiratinn Amendment 0 LOCATION 2025 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 25, Block D, Tract 518 fled by M. a mrs. Ronald Dahl App. No. Date Constrn. of second floor M-1051 7/20/76 room additions and a second floor deck on a Approved ID Dented 0 single family dwelling with the following nonconforming features: 1.) A one car garage (where the Ordinance now requires two garage spaces); Z.) The existing garage has a depth of 19 feet 4 inches * (where the Ordinance Variance 0 Resubdivisian 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification ] requires a depth of 20 feet, inside measurement 3.) A rear yard setback of 2 feet t (where the Ordinance now requires a rear yard setback of 2 feet 6 inches when abutting a 20 foot wide alley). The proposed development also includes a second, partially covered, parking space with a width of 8 feet 6 inches t (where the Ordinance requires a width of 9 feet). All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks, except that the proposed second floor deck encroaches 6 inches ± into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback. LOCATION 2032 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Lot 9, Block G, Tract 518, on the no. side of Ocean Blvd between L St & M St Filed by Mr. and Mrs Maurice DAhl Req. to review a proposed App. No. Date chimney which exceeds the 24 PCR 9 3-23-89 ft basic height limit in the R1 Dist. and which exceeds Approved S Denied 0 the minimum ht req. by the Uniform Bldg Code Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other ION al •ascription 2045 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Lot 20 Block D Tract 518 R-1 flied by WILSON. Mr. & Mrs. Castleman APR. No. Date I APPEALED TO C.C. P.C. FINDINGS SUSTAINED 2-14-1961 703 1-5-1961 Approved KIM Denied El Construct a second floor addition over an existing garage which has a zero setback on a 20' alley. CONDITION A 23/4' setback to be maintained'on the 2nd floor addition. Variance 0 Resubdnnsion 0 Use Permit MI Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2050 Ocean_ Blvd. Legal description Lot 13. Block G. tract 518 Flied by John A Teske App. No. Date Permit the expansion of an exist- m2957 5/15/84 ing garage that encroaches 18" into the required 2'-6" rear yard Approved [21 Denied 0 setback area adjacent to an alley and 2'-6" into the required 3 1 0" easterly side yard setback area, and construction of a second floor addition that is proposed to encroach 18" into the verp:ireel 2`-6" -la - Ktcq s.tbAcKa Variance rA Variance 0 Rmmbalvamn 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 9051 Fact Ocean Boulevard Legal description I nt 18, Block 0, Tract 518 Red by Delbert J Wingerd Request to permit the canstructionkPP•No• of Date A how window (12 feet 9 inches+ M4034 8/11/92 wide) to Pnrrnarh 2 feet into the requi red 10 foot front yard set_ Approved fla Denied 0 hark The placement of the bow window is proposed in an existing window opening The Zoning Code allows similar encroachments up to 2 feet however limits the width of construction to 8 feet. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2057 Ocean Blvd. Legal description lot 17. Tract 538 Filed by Mary & Dale Dooley App. No. Date M4163 1-18-94 Approved Xty Denied ID ReQuest to permit the replacement of an existing 6 foot high masonry wall which encroaches 2 ft. 6 in. into the required 2 ft. 6 in. rear yard setback along the alley. The new wall has a proposed hei ght nf fi ft , where the 7nning Code pmhihits any rnnstruction within the required rear yard Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 10 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2060 Ocean Avenue Legal description Lot 16 Bl. 6 Tract 518 R-1 Filed by ALLEN, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (Over) 1270 5 -18 -1967 Approved cm Denied 0 Construct a bedroom and bath addition over an existing attached garage of a non-conforming single family residence. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ill Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That working drawings be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. That all new construction as it relates to the existing structure be in confor- mance to the uniform building code as required by the Building Department. 3. The roof not to overhang public property. upcoloN 2110 Ocean Blvd., Newport Beach Legal desnriPtinn Lot 3, Block F, Tract 518 nod by Kustom Kraft Remodeling Centers (for Mr. & Mrs. TheodoreApp.No. Date Mortenson) 1. The existing exterior M -381 8-31-1971 stairway shall be re- Approved my Denied 0 moved. 2. There shall be no opening between the garage and the hall adjacent to the pro- posed interior -stairway (i.e. the existing door shall be permanently closed. 3. That • there shall be no eave or roof overhang along Variance DI "'subdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OS,,Mddification the alley. LOCATION 2111 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa Lot 36 Block E Tract 518 R-1 own Red by BENSON, Lester W App. No. Date 511 1-15-59 Approved Q Denied 0 Requests permission to have zero yard setback for pur- pose of constructing a one story garage. Condition: 2' setback to be maintained from alley Variance 2 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2118 E. Ocean Blvd, Legal description Filed by Mary Ann Nethercutt App. No. Date Additions to and 11-2187 1/10/78 remodeling of an existing single family Approved al Denied 0 dwelling including constrn. ot a spa plus pool equipment to encroach to 4' and I' respectively of tne side property line (where the Lode require a 5 setback). me existing garage encroaches OVER- Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Modification to 6" of the rear property line (where the Code requires a 2'6" setback) and has an inside dimension of 15'4" X 17'8" (where the Code requires an 18' X 20' inside dimension for two car parking). The existing fireplace encroaches 2' into the side yard setback (where the Code allows a l' encroachment). This fireplace encroachment will be eliminated by the remodeling), LOCATION 2124 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa 141194 chmaiPtior Lot 7 Block "F" Tract 518 R-1 Filed by BRAME, Gerald F. App. No. Date 381 10-17-57 Approved i22 Denied [] Addition of two bedrooms and bath to a non-conforming dwelling Variance 0 Ofher Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 20 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2133 Fact Ocean Roulevard Legd descriptkm SW in Jim Bice App. No. Date Reauest to tions and room addit existing s develoomen the first setback as the Zoning Variance °the permit altera- Var.1072 1-24-80 second floor Ions to an Approved c Denied 0 ingle family dwelling The proposed t does not provide the open spare in 12' behind the required front yard required by Code. A modification to Code is also reauested since the Roubdivision C Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 existing chimney encroaches to within 12" of a side property line (where the Ordinance requires that chimneys must be at least 2' from any side property line). LOCATION 2134 Ocean Blvd., Balboa Legal description Por. Lots 9 & 10 Block F Tract 518 11-1 Filed by BODINUS, It. N. App. No. Date CONDITIONS - Over 524 3-19-59 I Approved 12j, Denied El 1) Side yard setback of 3'0" 2)0arase setback from alley of 24;)" Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1) Encroachment of l' on West side only 2) Encroachment of 23/4 1 into the rear yard setback. LOCATION 2137 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 30, Tract No. 518 Filed by Paul & Chris Brown App. No. Date 144290 2 -28 -95 Approved IE Denied 0 Request to permit the replacement of a garage which currently encroaches 2 feet 5 inches into the required 2 foot 6 in. rear yard setback along the alley. The applican proposes that a new garage and second floor addition maintain the existing 2 foot 5 in. rear yard setback. Variance 0 Res u bd iv is ion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other UDCAUCH4 2165 East Ocean Blvd., Balboa Legal de:airier Lot 23 Tract 518 Block E Ned by CLARK. Mt. & Mts. Warren H. App. No. Date 216 1-17-55 Approved In Denied 0 a projection of 4' into the requited 10' frontyard setback for the front wall of a dwelling. Variance IM Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: (over) NO architectural or structural projection of the bldg. shall project more than 4" into the 10' front setback except the roof overhang which can project 30" into the front setback. LOCATION 2169 East Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 22 Block E Track 518 Filed by Robert & Joan Doezie App. No. Date Constrn. of second floor M-885 4/1/75 additions on a nonconforming single family dwelling with Approved G Denied 0 an existing two car garage with a nonronforming depth of 16 feet - 18 feet (where the Ordinance requires a depth of 20 feet). The proposed dev- elopment alsn inr1urips R. required third open, tan- dem parking space on the site. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Ott,., Modification LOCATION 2169 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa lanai description Lot 22 Block E Tract 518 Filed by MILLER, Robert P., Jr. App. No. 630 12 -15 -1960 Approved RIM Denied El A second floor addition to encroach to within l'9" and 2'6" of the rear property line. )(75 ECD Br P.0 7o 6/4)1/49L3 vcoh//9é 2. n Variance Et Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Date LOCATION 2495 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Formerly 2501 Ocean Boulevard Filed by App. No. Date Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION WI Ocean Boulevard,Corona del Mar Legal description Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map 36-3 Flied by John R. McIntosh Beg. to construct a single-family App. No. dair.alingsL,property_as2cated_in_ V 1114 Date 7-19-84 • .- 9 f a,• - maximum pillitigeble building height APPricw ell Denied on the front one-half of therngerty. lneateti in the 24/28 foot height_limitation district. Variance Er Olbee Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION ifinei Ocean Blvd. Legal description AW II John R. McIntosh Request to permit the App. sle. Date construction of .a single V 1114 7-19-84 family dwellincron property located in the R-3 District Approved ED DeMed 0 which exceeds the maximum allowable building height on the Iron one-half of the property, locateed in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 LOCATION 2500 and 2504 Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Lot 8 and Lot 7, Block 131, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Todd Schooler & Associates Application No. Date R 1065 3 -2 -99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the resubdivisicn of an existing parcel of land that was previously resubdivided from one lot, and half of the adjacent lot into a single parcel. The resubdivision will permit the parcels to revert back to two lots, in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling on each lot and a third single family dwelling on an adjacent lot. An exception to the Subdivision Code is also requested because the interior parcel is less than the required 50 foot lot width and 5,000 sq. ft in area for interior lots, aid the corner parcel is less Man the required 60 foot lot width and 6,000 sq. ft. area for corner lots. Variance: i Resubdivision: X I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 2501 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map 36-3 Filed by Joseph Vaaejo App. No. Date M4312 5-9-95 Approved ak Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of 4 foot high plasters, gates RI wrought iron fencing within the required 111 font front yard setback along Ocean Blvd. The 7 oning Code limits the hichgt of construction to the top-of-curb heitt 0(1 tha ceQq.s of Ocean Ri vd Variance 0 Resubdivision u se Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other . - — LOCATION 2501 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 36-3 (R-274) in Corona del Mar. Hied by Edward Giddings for CARL QUANDT. App. No. Dee Request to permit the con- V 1095 3/10/83 struction of an accessory garage structure on property Approved 0 Denied 0 located on the bluff side of Ocean Blvd. which exceeds the height of the top of curb of Ocean Blvd. Also includes a modification. See file for further details. Variance a Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 2col Orean Ronlevard Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Mao 36-3 Ned by Joseph Vallejo IRequest to permit the replacement App.No. Date and pxtpncion of an existing deck M4078 12/22/92 within the required 10 foot rear yard setback. The proposed deck willAppmved DI Denied 0 be 11 feet in height and will encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. The existing deck is 10 feet in height and encroaches 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. The Zoning Code allows a maximum heigh of 6 feet for such ronstruction. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ID UIMMON 2501 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Parcel No 1 of Parrel Map 36-1 • fled by Joseph Val_lpjn App. No. Date Request tn amend a previously V 1184 A 3/25/93 approved variance that permitted alteratinnc and additions tn An Approved 151 Denied 0 evicting cingle-family dwelling located 4/22/93 in the P -1 District which is nonconforming with regards to allnwahla height inasmuch as the existing structure extends above they nf curt elevation along Ocean Blvd. The previous •approval included the ollowing construction above the top of Vdtreiti Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 curb elevation on Ocean Blvd: the expansion of.the axis ing living area of the dwelling; the extension and reconstruc ion of an existing deck and handrails including a new roof extension over a portion of the deck; the replacement of a composition roof with a new tile roof; the reconstruction and extension of an existing wall and wind screen that encroaches into the 3 foot side yard setback; and the construction of a new circular stairway. The proposed amendment includes the following additional alterations which extend above the top of curb elevation of Ocean Blvd: a request to enclose an existing covered porch at the front of , the structure; a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the construction of three bay windows along the front of the building, whereas the Zoning Code permits only two hay window a modification to the Zoning Code to increase the vilomh or am ekistt , ttay window to 9+ feet whereas the ZoningCode limits LOCATION Legal description Filed by App. No. Palle the widths. nf encroach bay windows to. 8 feet; a modification for three architectural columns that Approved 0 eleMed 0 eprrnarh A inrhsc intn trio raguirp'd 10 tnnt frnnt yarn gethArk and A mndifiratinn fnr A now dornrati vs chimney cap which syr Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ends to minimum 0RC rpelfliremantt Date 9/18/92 a n d App. No. V1184 .1nceph flllejo it 1 1 dwelling located in th n n f rmisttiPProved Denied • e height tnecmiirh as the existing B • •• II • . • .41 • /1 I • dr .1 I . Filed by 1 se ernmt 0 Amendment 0 1 LOCATION 1 50-1-0fl Legal descrip me parce l LnfParrel Map 36 -3 and a request to change the type of roof covering from composition rock to barrel tile which will increase the height of the roof by approximately 4+ inches. The proposal also includes alterations as well as a 190+ sq.ft addition to an existing deck which also exceeds the allowable height established by the top of curb on Ocean Blvd. Said deck alterations include resurfacing; new guardrails; the reconstruciton and extension of an existin partition wall which is currently constructed of wood and tinted glass and which is along the southerly edge -of the existing deck and encroaches 3 feet 2+ inches intethe required 4 foot side yard settkack. The new partition wall will be constructed of solid material and will be approxi- mately 8 ftt 6+ inches above top of curb on Ocean Blvd. LOCATION 2501 Ocean Blvd. Lots C and ID, Corona de Mar Legal description Filed by Carl Quandt 'Port regarding gotor-vehicle App. No. ReferM to noise impacts from a proposed M-2552 P.C. 7/10/80 ramp on bedrooms of the adjoining single 2 family residence located Approved ot Denied 0 at 2501 Ocean Blvd. , Corona del Mar MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2501 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map 36-3 (R-274) in Corona del Mar. Flied by Carl Ouandt App. No. Da* Request tO amend a previously V 1095 (AMENDED) 4/7/83 approved Variance that per- mitted the construction of Approved f3 Denied 0 an accessory garage-storage structure located on the bluff side of Ocean Boulevard which exceeds the height of the top of curb of Ocean Blvd. SEE FILE FOR DETAILS. Variance EI Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2501 Ocean Boulevard UMA dincliPflon Por. Lots C and D. CdM R-3 Filed by OUANOT, Carl H. App. No. Des CONDITIONS (See Minutes or applica- 274 8-21-1969 tion) Approved D Denied 0 Divide one R-3 parcel into 2 R-3 parcels. Variants 0 oth er Raubdivision 10 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2500-2512 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 8 and Portion of Lot 7, Block 131, Corona del Mar Filed by Kent S. Moore Request to resubdivide one lot App. No. Dee and a portion of a second lot R 949 1-10-91 into a single parcel of land for residential condominium Approved Denied 0 purposes on property located in the R-2 District. Variance Other Resubdnnsion [3 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2500-2502 Ocean Blvd. Legal description Lot 8 and Portion of Lot 7, Block 131, Corona del Mar Filed by Kent S. Moore Request to convert an existing App. No. Dello UP 3405 1-10-91 duplex into a residential condominium project on property located in the R-2 District Approved 13 Denied 0 Variance 0 11116, Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Di Amendment 0 LOCATION 114 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 204 Blk. 11. East Newport Tract Filed by Jeffrey A. Dahl App. No. Date M4232 8-30-94 Request to permit the construct- Approved a Denied 0 ion of additions and alterations to a single family dwelling which provides one on-site parkiqg space where the Zoning Code requires two on-site Parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 116 East Ocean Front Legal desalAke Lot 21 Bl. 11 E.Npt.Tract R-1 Filed by TYCER, D. L., Jr. App. No. Date 913 11 -2 -67 Approved 0 Denis 0)( A stairway cnnctrurtpd with a 1'9" enrrnarhment remain-. Variance g Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 120 E. OCEAN FRONT Legal deariOkm Lot 23, Block 1). East Newport Tract SW by Joe Schorr App. No. Date ii4178 3 -1 -94 I Request to permit the retention oftpramd XE Denied El an as-built glass windscreen (2 ft. linch in hgt) atop an existing retaining wall (2 ft. 11 inches in hgt) for an overall hgt of 5 feet, along property line. Also the retention of an as-built masonry wall & barbecue (2 feet 1 inch in hat) atnp .an eristing rotainithg wall (2 ft. 1.1.19 Variance 0 Resutdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other for an overall height of 5 feet, to encroach 10 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback along the westerly side property line. LOCATION 120 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 23, Blk. 11, East Newport Tract Filed bY Joe & Evelyn Schorr Request to permit the cons truc ti on App. No. M4121 Date of a second floor deck (10'in Width) 7-6-93 to encroach 1'5" into the required 10' front yard setback. Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 200 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 1, Blk 1 of Npt Bay TR. Fled by RICHART T. SIMMONS App. No. Date Contd.3-13-73 614 2-27-73 CONDITIONALLY Approvedrig Denied 0 permit an existing duplex to encroach to within 2' of a side property line (where Ord. requires & to within 2'6" of the rear property (where the Ord. requires 5') as to allow a room addition fire place on 1st Fl. & a roofed balcony on 2nd otheVariance 0 Resubaiviston 0 Use Permit Q Amendment 0 fl. to a structure which is otherwise con- forming in the R-2 District. - CATION 200 Ocean Front, Newport Beach Legal dnairkm Lot #1 - Block #1 - Newport Bay Tract Filed by Rirhard T Simmons App. No. Date m-2Q°ci -4412 11 Approve d The eprojecting portion must maintain an eight foot minimum vertical clearnace from the surface of the alley Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 °the' Mcidifiration Amendment 0 LOCATION 202 East Ocean Front Legal description lot 2 WI. 1 Bpt. Bay Tract R-2 Mil by wrnoirk 1 H Co.. ($oelberg) App. No. M-119 10-7-1969 141"1-4541t10---U- A 2 ft. second story encroachment required rearyard, a .3 tt. 4 in. second story encroachment into the front yara, and a 1 ft. ground level encroachment into the Tront yard. Variance 0 &subdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MJadificatian Amendment 0 ACTION I Denied that portion that pertains to the front yard encroachments and approved a 21/2 foot en- croachment in the rear yard for the second and third level subject to maintenance of an 8 foot clearance. LOCATION 204 FAST OCFAN FRONT Legal descripikm Lot 3. Block 1. Newport Bay Filed by Mark n mcgwire App. No. Date R 1004 . 5-5-94 Approved E2 DeMed 0 Reauest to resubdivide an existing lot into a single parcel of land for two-family residential condominium development on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION . 206 East Ocean Front Legal description Ned by Albert A. Bledsoe Request to permit the constructionApp.Nm Date of a cantilevered second floor M 36]8 , 11-14-89 projection which will encroach 4 ft. into the required 7 ft. Approved 0 Denied XN front yard setback along the boardwalk. Variance 0 Other Resubclivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 210 E. Ocean Front LOCATION Lagoa cietaiption Lot 6 Block 1 Newport Ray Tract R-9 Filed by NOLAN, Ethel App. Mx Date 746 5 -16 -1963 Approved 0 Denied Eix Encroach 5' into required 7' front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a sun deck on the second story. Variance KI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 214 & 216 East Ocean Front Legal description Lots 8 and 9, Block #1 - Newport Bay Tract NW by Donald S. Redington and Helen Rinderknecht App. No. Date M-309 4-13-1971 Approved )1:1(1 Denied 0 The second story encroachment was approved subject to the condition that a minimum clearance of 8 ft. be maintained between the surface of the driveway and the projecting portion. The ramp request was referred 1 to the Planning Commission Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C*Ilor Modification LOCATION 218 East Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 10, Block 1, Newport Bay Tract Filed by Pacific Coast Architects App. No. Date M4634 12-9-97 Approved X Denied u To permit a 1 foot encroachment into the required 3 foot side yard setback with a window and stairway in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. The encroachment is located on the street side at Coronado Street. Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 316 East Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 9, block 2, Newport By Tract Filed By:. WMC Development, LLC • Application No. Date M 4881 3-23-99 • Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the construction of a barbecue that encroaches 7 feet 6 inches into the required 10 foot front yard setback and is 3 feet in height with a grill cover that is I additional foot in height where the Code limits structures to 3 feet in height. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 316 East Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 9, Block 2, Newport Bay Tract Filed by Pacific Coast Architects App. No. Date M4707 6-2-98 Approved X Denied To permit a 1 foot encroachment into the required 3 foot side yard setback at the alley side, with a portion of a an enclosed stairway in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. Also included is a first floor bay window that encroaches 6 inches into the same 3 foot side yard setback, which is permitted by Code, but is not elevated 18 inches above the interior floor level Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 400-402-404 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 11,12,13, 81.4 Balboa Tract Filed by SMITH, Dana H./Tom HORN ONDITIONS (Over) App. No. Dale M-435 1-18-1972 'Permit a zero sideyard seLbatfirr el a rDeagneiedon19Elk for the purpose of providing a 3 car garage for duplex at 404 L. ocean Ft., and a zero sideyard setback adjacent to side alley (400 E. Ocean ft.) to permit a triplex. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification CONDITIONS Lot 13- All 3 garage spaces shall be maintained in an unobstructed and usable state. Lot 11- A zero setback is approved for the south west corner only, from that point the building must be parallel to the eaterly property line at least until the required 3' side yard setback is met. The garage may encroach a maximum of 18 inches in order to provide 3 parking spaces. LOCATION 406 E. Ocean Front Leg al description Filed by Carol Weiner & Donald Julien App. No. Date Interior alterations M-1038 6/8/76 to a single family dwelling with an existing Approved a Denied 0 2 foot side yard setback (where the Ordinance requires a 3 foot side yard). Two-19 foot deep, open parking spaces also exist on the site (where the Code now requires two garage spaces with a minimum depth g 20 feet inside Variance 0 Resubdwision use rermft u Amendment 0 Oilver Modification measurement). One of the open parking spaces encroaches to a side property (where the Ordinance would normally require a garage space to maintain a 3 foot side yard setback). LOCATION 408 East Ocean Front Legal description Portions of Lots 15 and 16. Block 4. on the Balboa Peninsula. Filed by Oceanfront Views App. No. Daft Request to construct a two UP 3016 & 1/20/83 unit residential condominium R 738 complex and related off-street Approved f2 Dried 0 parking spaces in the R-4 District. AND Request to create one parcel of land for residential condominium Purposes where portions of two lots now exist. TAINED DECISION OP P.C. ON 2/14/83 Variance D Resubdivision Use Permit Dig Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 414 East Ocean Front LIMA dowitihm Lot 18, Block 4, Balboa Tract Filed by Smith, Dana H. App. No Dell 1. Garage space on westerly side of building shall M -382 9 -14 -1971 be designed to Approved A fj Denied 0 accommodate two 9' X zu tandem pAtking spdc 2. That all four stalls De maintained for auLum bile storage at all times. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other Modification LoaKnoN 414 East Ocean Front Legal description Lot 18. Block 4 of Balboa Tract Filed by Dana H. Smith App. No. Date M-392 9-28-1971 Approved 0 thokrd X11 Variance 0 Resubdrnmon 0 Other modifiratinn Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 416 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 19 Bl. 4 Balboa Tr. R-4 Filed by KOFFORD, M. E . , Jr. App. No. Date M-52 4-1-1969 Approved )(yr Denied 0 Side yard encroachments for the purpose of constructing a three car carport. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °thw Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 500 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 9 Block 6 Balboa Tract Zone Cl Filed by WETHERALL, Charles L. App. No. Date 345 7-25-57 Approved ID Denied Addition or a porch cover to non-conforming dwelling. LuMaTlUN: Iinal working plans must be approved bLAile Architect1]ra1 Controll Committee Variance 1:1 Resubdivision 1:1 Use Permit E Amendment ID I Other _r LOCATION Isod d 0,502 504_506_508_510 E . Ocean Front Lots 9.10.11,12,13 & 14 Blk 6 Balboa Tr. Pled by CITY - NEWPORT BEACH App. No. Date 356 6 -7 -73 Approved 1:3 Denied , Yemen. 0 Oiher Resubdivision 0 UN Permit 0 Amendment VDCWITDN 502 E. Ocean Front 1400 ducal:Mon Lot 10 Bl. 8 Sec. 1 Balboa Tract C-1 OH by MORI. Maine A. APP. No. Date 731 4-6-1961 Approved yfl Denied 2 dwelling units in a C-1 District. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Rem& ffix Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 502 East Ocean Front Legal description Lot 10 Rlock 6 Ralboa Track Filed by 011THERALL, C. App. No. Date 237 7 -21 -55 Approved 0 Denied ig To permit zero side setbacks for a residential structure; and having 2565 sq.ft. for 3 units. Variance EN OThr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 504 E. Ocean Front Legal desaipthm Lot 11 Bl. 6 Balboa Tr. C-1 Rled by WEEIRLY, Bernadette V. App. No. Date Sustained by C.C. 2-14-66 CONDITION (Over) 1187 1-20-1966 Approved 13X Denied 0 Lonstruct a 2nd dwelling unit above an existing garage in a L-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [XI Amendment 0 Side and rear yard setbacks to be adhered to and subject to all Building and Fire Dept. regulations LOCATION cnA F. Ocean Front "gal description Lot 12, Blk 6, Balboa Tract Ffisci by JACK MATHER App. No. Date 1649 1-4-73 Approved ei Denied 0 APPROVED CONDITIONALLY: SEE FIL Variance 0 Olber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit j3 Amendment 0 pi CATION 506 E. Ocean Front Legal descripfice Lot 13 Block 6 Balboa Tract C-1 Filed by BLOOM. Dr. & Mrs. Sanford App. No. Date (CONDITIONS) Over 741 5 -18 -1961 Approved xri Denied 0 Construct three residential units in a C-1 District with side and front setbacks as shown on plot plan Variance 0 Other Resubthvision 0 Use Permit fa Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: I. That there be a total of 2 dwelling units 2. A 5' front and rear yard setback must be established 3. A 3' side yard must be established 4. No vehicular access to be permitted from Ocean Ft. OCATION •gal description 510 E. Ocean Front Lot 14 Block 6 Balboa Tract C-1 Filed by NEWCOVE. Inc. App. No. CONDITIONS (Over) 742 5-18-1961 Approved Denied 0 Construct three residential units in a C-1 District with side and front setbacks as shown on plot plan Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit gg Amendment 0 Date CONDITIONS 1. That there be a total of 2 dwelling units. 2. A 5' front and rear yard setback must be established. 3. A 3' side yard must be established. 4. No vehicular access to be permitted from Ocean Front. LOCATION 514 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 15 & 16 Block 6 Balboa Tr. C-1 Fled by FAILOR, Howard B. App. No. Date 507 4 -16 -1959 Approved II Denied 0 Applicant requests permission to make alterations and additions to an existing non-conforming building. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit xzi Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 600-614 E. Ocean Front icsgal ascription Lots 9 thru 16. Block 8, Balboa Tr. Pled by Rolly Pulaski 1. The development shall App. No. Dthe comply with the plans 1487 8-19-1971 and exhibits submitted except for such minor Approved AZI Dented 0 • modifications as may be approved by the Direc- tor of Community Development. 2. Complete landscaping plans, including a permanent watering facilities plan shall be submitted to the Director of Community Develop Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other ment for his approval. 3. The architectural treatment of the parting structure wall adjacent to East Ocean Front shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 4. That a Parcel Map be filed if an apartment complex is proposed, or a Tentative Tract Map be filed if a condominium development is proposed. 5. That the proposed structure utilize a plunger- type elevator if at all possible. 6. That no parapet wall shall be permitted along the top of the proposed building. LOCATION 600-614 East Ocean Front C Legal description Lots 9 thr Li 16 B1 . 8 Balboa Tr. C-1 Pled by NEUFELD, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest App. No. Date 270 10 -15 -1970 Approved 0 Denied M Rezone from C -1 to C -2 Variance 0 Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment gi LOCATION Legal description 600-614 East Ocean Front Lots 9 thru 16. Bl. 8 Balboa Tr. C-1 Pled by NEUFELD. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest (Pulaski) App. No. Dee 1487 10 -15 -70 Approved El Denied tg Approve a 44 unit apartment bldg. with 88 on site Parking spaces. The bldg. would be 7 stories high, including 2 levels of parking, with add'T. mechanical equip. space on the roo . Overall ht. would be 63' to roof of main bldg. & 72' overall. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit a] Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 700 F OCEAN FRONT Legal description Jot 9, Rlnrk 10 of Balboa Trart Filed by Albert Hanna App. No. Date £14190 4 -12 -94 Reauest to permit the constructiMProved 151 Denied 0 of a first floor deck extension and a second floor balcony extension to within 1 foot of the front property line, on an existing duplex in RSC-R-Z Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 7nn_7119 & 704 E. Ocean Front Umel cluelpfkm Lots 9. 10 A 11, Rik LO Balboa Tract Fil.d b y App. No Date 1JP1654 5=17-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved trx Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivition 0 Use Permit in Amendment 0 LOCATION 700-702-704 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 9, 10 & 11, 81k 10, Balboa Trct. AIM by JAMES W. READ, JR., Seal Beach App. No. Date 1654 (AMEND.) 9-20-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved X El X Denied 0 Request to amend the approvedplans for three duplexes on three continguous lots in the C-1-Z District in order to provide additional parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Rembdivhion 0 Use Permit )fl Amendment i.CHIATION 700-2-4-6-8-10-12-14 Ocean Pront And pia d..do., 701 & 703 RA1 hoA Blvd- And S'Ely 135' x 55' of Block n, Balboa TrArt, Lots 1,2,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 B1.10 Balboa Tract C-1 f484.4". 8 -Ely 135'x55 1 Block D Balboa Tract R -1 App. No. Date Filed by: MURPHY, Virginia Dee 128 12-7-1961 Approved 3,Ek Denied 0 Rezone from a C-1 and R -1 District to a C -1 -7 and Unclassified District. Variance 0 Other Resubdiviskin 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment la - -7 LOCATION 700-02-04-06-08-10-12-14 Ocean Front and Legal dessipfkm 701 & 703 Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. Calif. Lots, Block 10 Balboa Tr. C-1 Fled by STEWART. William S.. as representative of App. No. Date the owner. 798 12-7-1961 Approved Z3 Denied El Construct 22 additional hotel roams on existing bldg. at 105 Main Street, Balboa, which is non-conforming because of no off-street parking and to construct approximately 80 hotel rooms on property located at 701 & 703 RaIhna B1 & 700-02-04-06-08-10-12-14 Ocean Front. Balboa. Calif. Variance El itesubdivision El Use Perrnitn Anmndrnemi. C4Mw movnar 802 E. Ocean Front (Adjoining gallery - !.egal description 100 Main St.. Balbba) FAA by ALBATROSS GALLERY AND STUDIO App. No. Date 882 1-17-1963 Approved I/ Denied 0 Use of above mentioned premises for the purpose of teaching art classes (children and adults), with a maximum of 8 students in any given lesson sitting. Variance 0 Other Res u bd ivisio n Use Permit CI Amendment 0 LOCATION 806 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 12. Block 12. Filed by Constrn. proposed 4 teet 7 required garage ti required accessibl Properties West. Inc. App. No. Date M-2089 7/12/77 Approved gl Denied 0 4 feet 4' above the ce provides that 11 be entirely of a duplex where rooms overhang into the garage spaces and oor. rhe Ordinan garage spaces sna e and usable. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Dater Mndifiratinn Amendment 0 LOCATION 806 East Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 12, Block 12, Balboa Tract Filed by Koussay Oklco App. No. Date CC 45 1 -20 -98 Approved X Denied Li To permit the conversion of an existing duplex to condominium. Variance ResubdivIsion • Use Permit E Amendment Other Condominium Conversion MOS 806 E Ocean Front demitlico Lot 12 Block 12 Balboa Tr. c-1 Filed by PHOENIX, Dorothy App. No. Date 524 6-4-1959 Approved 0 Denied a Major alterations to existing non-conforming dwellings Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [2 Amendment 0 [1.0tATtall 806 E. Ocean Front Legal descripfion Lot 1 7 RI rick 12 BA 1 hna Tr Znn C -1 Fled by PHOENIX. Dorothy App. P1. Date 539 8-6-1959 Approved 0 Denied XIMIX Major alterations to existing non-conforming dwellings No. of dwellings to be reduced to four with two parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdansion 0 Use Permit [21 Amendment 0 C-1 District to the R-2 Filed by City of Newport Beach App. No Dee A -482 1/20/77 rUNWRIDN 806,808,810,812,814 E. Ocean Front Legal descripflem Lot 8. Block 12 District. Approved rj Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment .u0CANIC44806. 808. 810, Al2,R1d E. Ocean Front &A " F Legal description Balboa A 107 "A" St_ Lots 8. 12. 13, 14, 15 and 16, Birk 1 9 , East Side Addition to Balbna Tract Rlad by CITY OF NEWPORT BEAM App. No. Date Variance 0 01Iter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment aa LOCATION 808 East Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 13, Block 12, Balboa Tract Filed by Robert Pickell App. No. Date M4702 6-2-98 Approvedy Denied To permit the extension of a first floor deck located in the required 5 foot front yard setback that is 6 feet in height and 3 feet solid on the lower half of the deck where the Code permits a maximum of 2 feet solid on the lower portion. Variance D ResubdivIsion 0 Use Permit U Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 808 East Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 13, Block 12, Balboa Tract Filed by Robert Pickell App. No. Date CC 49 6-9-98 Approved X Denied To permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex into a two-unit condominium. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Condominium Conversion tOcATION 808 East Ocean Front LIMA chiscriPthn LOt 13, Block 12, Balboa Tract Flied by BAWD W.—J/QIIERTY CONDTTTONS • (nvra) App. No Date 1583 3-2-72 Approved 13 Denied Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ag Amen met 0 1. The front yard setback shall be at least 5 feet. 2. The development shall conform to the plans as submitted (other than the requirea 5' front yard setback in condition No. 1), except for minor modifications approved by the Department of Community Development. 3. Approval of this application shall not preclude compliance with any requirements of the Uniform Building Code in effect at such time as this permit is exercised. LocknoN 812 fast 'Ocean Front U00 description Lot 15. Block 12. of Balboa Tract Filed by Donald E. Huebner App. No. Date REFERRED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR FINAL DECISION 1612 7-20-72 Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 OHser Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IN Amendment 0 LOCATION 814 P. Ocpan 'Front Legal description Al" by PLUS E. ASSOC./John Richard° App. No. Date M 3503 1-31-89 Approved EI Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a new foundation under an existing nonconforming residence and relocation of the residence on the lot so that the residence and foundatinn will oncroarh a f imit ipto the repar 40 1 fnnt Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 side yard setback adjacent to "A" street. LOCATION 814 East Ocean Front Legal Description Balboa Tract, Lot 16, Block 12 Filed By: Steven A. Kottman Application No. Date M5165 01/03/2001 Approved: X Denied: Additions and alterations to an existing non-conforming single family dwelling, a portion of which will encroach 3 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION BOO East Ocean Front, Balboa Legg dmmrk4km Lot 15. 16 & por. 17. Blk.14.Balboa Tract Filed by George Dighera App. No. Date M-342 6-8-1971 Approved el Denied 0 A revised plot plan shall be submitted and subject to the approval of the Community Development Department Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 OtherMoilifi ration Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 906-8-10 E. Ocean Front and Legal description 909-11-13E. Balboa Blvd Lots 4,5,6,18,19,20 & As of 17 El. 14 Balboa R-3 Filed by BELL, Stan and SELL, Jesse App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 867 7 -1 -1965 Approved xkl Denied 0 (a) Construct 18 dwelling units on a parcel having approximately 17,000 sq.ft. (944 sq.ft. per d.u.) (b) Waiver of 5 required off-street parking spaces. Variance 12I Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved, subject to the condition that the applicants write a letter to the Planning Commission cancelling Use Permit No. 504 and Variance No. 530 now in effect and that all requirements of the Public Works Dept. be complied with. W"'"••••••--- 110CATN)N 906-908-910 Ocean Front and Legal dascripikm 909-911-913 Balboa Blvd. Lots 4,5,6,18,19,20 and ½ of 17 Block 14 Balboa Tr. Ned by BALBOA DEVELOPMENT CO. App. No. 610 Dote 7-7-1960 Approved 0 Denied ilk 1) Waive sq. footage requirements in order to construct 26 dwelling units on 61/2 lots with a building height of 75' plus 14' for mechanical appurtenances. 2) Encroach 23/4' into required 9' front yard setback for cantilevered portio of parking deck. 3) Have a zero aide yard setback (over) Variance I! Resubdivishm El Use PennitO Amendment 0 Oliber for the purpose of constructing a parking basement which 1 ! will be approximately 75% underground. 4) ConStruct a swimming pool Within 6' of the front property line instead of required 10'. 906-908-910 Ocean Front and Legal doscriPbon 909-911-913 Balboa Blvd. Lots 4.5,6,1849,20 & ½ of 17 Block 14 Balboa Tr. R-3 Mg, by BALBOA DEVELOPMENT CO. App. No. Date 640 7-7-1960 Approved 0 Denied MR Construct 26 dwelling units in an R-3 District with a building height of 75 3 plus 14' for mechanical appur- tenances. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EJ Amendment 0 Lea - 906-08-10 E. Ocean Front & 909-11-13 E. Balboa BI Legal description Lots 4,5,6, Block 14 Balboa Tr. R-3 18,19,20 & 3/4 of 17 Filed by BALBOA DEVELOPMENT CO. C.C 4a7'c4/ /-41 -63 -PeraRtimiez) App. No. Date 17.61 r '/-7 ftECT- CONDITION 530 4-16-1959 Approved LE Denied 0 Requests waiver of a portion of sq. footage requirements to construct 25 dwelling units on 63/4 lots. CONDITION: Approved subject to written withdrawal of Use Permit 450 issued on subject property 8-21-58 Variance ut Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other r 4 . . 6 LOCATION 906-08-10 E. Ocean Ft. & 909-11-13 E. Balboa Al Lard descrip+kmLots 4-5-EL Block 14 Balboa Tr. R-3 18-19-20 and t 17 (7C,Alcx/0/1//=/;/-43 pereAr/y4,dtpp.Nm MAT 7-64 /S is 4/ Er-"PECT- 504 4-16-59 Approved gE3 Denied 0 Requests permission to construct 25 dwelling units with maximum height of 56' plus 9' elevator shaft on 6% lots. EONOTTTON• Subject to written withdrawal of TIRP Permit No. 450 issued on subject property on Aug. 71, _1958. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fa Amendment Other Red by BALBOA DEVELOPMENT CO. Date wlakrioN 920 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 25, Bl. 14 Bal.ir. K-4 Ned by O'Connor, Patrick SUSTAINED BY CC. 10-72-1971 1000 9-16-1971 Approved 0 Denied yi Construct a duplex on a lot flawing an area of 2,323 sq.ft. wnere the ordnance requires a minimum ot Z,4Uu sq.tt . Variance a] Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 App. No. Date LOCATION 922 E. Ocean Front & 925-927 E. Balboa Legal description Lots 12, 13, and 26, Block 14, merged as a single bldg. site by Document 12818-996, on the no. side of E. Ocean Front and the so. side of E. Balboa Blvd fled by Russell E. Fluter Req. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a 2 unit resident condo & UP3177 1-23-86 garages on property located in the R-3 Dist. Approved gf Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit pc Amendment 0 LOCATION 922 E. Ocean Front & 925-927 E. Balboa Legal description Lots 12, 13, and 26, Block 14, merged as a single bldg. site by Document 1281-996, on the no.side of E. Ocean Front and the so. side of E. Balboa Blvd. Filed by Russell E. Fluter Req. to resubdivide an existing App. No. Date parcel of land into one parcel R819 1-23-86 for resident. condo. purposes (Parcel No. 1 ) and 1 parcel Approved le Denied 0 for single family residential purposes (Parcel No. 2) Resubdivmon 5e Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LL OCATION lag es°44km Lots 12. 13 A 26. Blk 14 Balboa Trct Filed by GOLDIE JOSEPH App. No. Date 332 11/103 CONDITIONALLY Approved al Denied 0 Request to combine three lots into one parcel for development as multiple-family residential. Variance 0 Other ResubdivisionXID Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1354 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5, Tr. 6466 R6d by Wanda Fusco Requested the installation App. No. Date of a six foot high concrete M-2932 4-17-84 block and olexiglass fence and a waterfall within the Approved Eg Denied required ten foot front yard setback area where a maximum height of three feet is permitted. Variance Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment 0 TRDN 1404 E. Oceant Front Balboa pflonLot I ock A Tract 518 Zone R-1 Filed by ADAMS, H.R. a ad lane M. App. No. Date 623 10-20-60 Approved El Denied 0 Encroachment of 7' into 10 rear yd. setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 1412 E. Ocean Front Lot 9, Tract 158 Filed by Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lamer Requested the construction of App. No. Date a greenhouse window that is M-2862 7-5-83 proposed to encroach 2 feet 6 inches into the required Approved 0 Denied 0 3 foot sietback adjacent to G Street and 2 feet into the required 10 foot setback frc Ocean Front. Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Variance D Other al description Lit 9 Block A Tr. 518 R-1 Filed by LARNER. Nancy & Robert C. App. No. Date 8-77 6-3-1969 Approved MI Denied 0 Encroach 7 ft. into a required 10 ft. rear yard setback silence 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other . . . 0 .0 Amendment 0 r- UDCATION 1412 East Ocean Front lga1dualP6m Por. Lot 9 Bl. A Tr. 518 R-1 Filed by ADAMS. H. R. and Jane App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 915 11-16-1967 Approved Ma Denied 0 Fstahlich the following setbacks: Front Yard - 10 ft. Side Yard - 3 ft. on each side Rear Yard - 3 ft. Variance Other Resubthvision 0 Use Porno+ 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION Applicant to share 50% of the cost of install- ing sidewalk or walkway on Ocean Front. LOCATION 1500 East Ocean Front Legal description Lot 1, Block B, Tract 518 Red by Pat Werner Request to permit the constructiosikpp.No. Date of a second floor addition over M 3879 7-30-91 an existing garage which encroaches 6 inches into the Approved al Denied 0 required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback along the alley. The second floor is proposed directly above the existing first floor. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION i gm() Legal description Lnt 1 Rine* - Trnot S11:1 Filed bY Pat Werner App. No. Date Reauest to permit the rongtnirtion M3879 7/30/91 of a second floor addition over an existing aarace which encroachAPPrond a Denied ID 6 inches_into the rewired 2 foot 6 ineh rear yard setharlc a a Ily• I • OA. • kit the existing first floor. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 1504 E. Ocean Blvd. Legal clewriplkm Lot 2, Block I, Tract 518 Filed by John & Benay Brawley App. No. Dale Permit addition to single family M-3589 08/29/89 dwelling ot a second floor balcony which will encroach Z it. into Approved 0 Denied 13 req'd 9 it. trent yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Other NCOIFICATIM LOCATION 1526 East Ocean Blvd. Legal description Filed by rour sails Home Developers • App. No. Date Permit living room, new interior M-2501 1/29/80 ;stair addition to residence which ' has the following nonconforming Approved la Denied 0 features: 1.) the garage with separate bedroom and -bath over, has a 0' setback on the alley (where the Code requires 2 .6"); and 2.) the two car egarage has 18' inside 'dimension depth TWhere the Code requires 20' inside over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 dimension). Proposal includes the removal of exterior stairway, and conversion to single - family residential use. LOCATION 1530 East Ocean Boulevard Legal Description Lot 8 Track 518, Block 17/36 Filed By: Pacific Coast Architects Application No. Date Mod. No. 5007 11-23-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit construction of a covered porch overhang with two support posts that will encroach into the required 9 foot front yard setback on Ocean Blvd. The covered porch overhang will encroach an additional 2 feet beyond the 2 feet 6 inches permitted by Code, for a total of 4 feet 6 inches. The support posts for the covered porch will encroach 2 feet 8 inches into the required 9 foot front yard setback Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 1540 E. Ocean Front Legal demdpficm Lots 10. 11. 12 & Easterly half of 9. Tract 518 Filed by Clifford Jla nney App. No. Date M4318 6-13-95 Approved El Denied 0 Requect to permit the as-built construction of an 8 foot high solarium that encroaches to the front property line along E. Ocean Front. where the Zoning Code requires a 10 foot front yard setback for such construction. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1544 East Ocean Front, Balboa Legal description Lot 12 Tract 518 Block B Fled by COTTON, Charles D. App. No. Date 211 3-17-55 Approved F] Denied 0 Location of a proposed three (3) car garage on the rear of a lot to be used in connection with an existing singla family residence on adjacent property. CONDITION: (over) Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 The building shall not be constructed closer than 4' to side property lines of Lot 12 Block B, Tract 518 LOCATION 1554 E. Ocean Front Legal deserkAkm Filed by Ernest Gileno App. No. Date Requested the construction of 14-2841 3-29-83 a block wall 5;3 feet high in the required front yard setback Approved ED Denied El area where the Code permits a maximum height of 3 feet. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1572 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 19 El. B Tract 518 R -1 Filed by GELKER, B. E. Bruce App. No. Date 785 1-16-1964 Approved a Denied 0 Encroach 2' into required 3' side yard sethark in order to connect an existing garage to single _family dwelling CONDITION: The encroachment to be for the garage and on the ground floor only. Variance n Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment fl Other LOCATION 1706 East Ocean Front Legal description Lot 2. Block C Tract No. 518 Filed by Roschen Van Cleve Architects Request to permit additions and App.No. Date alterations to an existing single M3985 4/7/92 family dwelling which currently encroaches into the required side Approved 13 Denied El and rear yard setbacks. In conjunction with the proposed second floor addition, the applicant is proposing a balcony (8 feet in width) to encroach 2 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1706 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 2 alcock C Tract 51A R-1 Filed by HART, Sherman L. App. No. Date (CONDITION) 532 4-16-59 Approved Et Denied 0 A zero rear yard setback instead of required 5 for purpose of adding a garage to existing building. CONDITION: New structure may encroach 21' into required 5' rear yard setback. Variance a Other Resubciivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1712 E. Ocean Front Legal description LO t 3 B I k Q Tr act 518 Filed by Aram Rnvaars App.No. 2598 Date Request to permit interior 10.14.80 remodeling to an existing single family resid en r e that Arroncl In Denied 0 is non-conforming in that the structure does not meet the open cpare requirement. No new floor area will he added incnniuntion with this requnt Variance 0 Oiber Resubdismion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MODIFICATION LOCATION 1712 E. Ocean Frnnt Lind description Lot 3. Block "C", Tr 518 Filed by Jaems E Owen App. No. Date 872 2-4-75 CONDITIONALLY Approved Ei Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of firct and second floor room additions on an existing nonconforming single family dwelling that &lac no on requirement Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other tA along East Ocean Front. The proposed development will not result in a greater nonconformity in I the open space option area. LOCATION 1718 East Ocean Blvd. Legal Description Lot 5, Block 1-1, Tract 518 Filed By: Janice Stevenson Application No. Date M4804 11-3-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit additions and alterations to an existing single family dwel ing that is non- conforming due to an existing 1 foot encroachment into the required 3 foot side yard setback. The proposal is to enclose an exterior deck in the area of the encroachment. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 1718 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 BI. G Tract 518 R-1 Fled by WILSON Maybelle H. App. No. Date 847 3-4-1965 Approved a Denied 0 A metal awning to extend to the front property line. CONOTTTON: The posts to be no closer than 6 inches from the front property line. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1722 East Ocean Front Legal description Filed by R S mugljec Request to permit the adjust- ment of a lot line between con- App. No. LLA 87-1 Date 3-3-87 tinguous parcels to be used for residential purposes. Approved ED Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1740 E. Oceanfront lag& description Filed by Kurt Donat Request to permit the con- App. No. Date struction of a second floor deck which will encroach 3 ft. M3219 10-28-86 into the required 10 foot front Approved Ea Denied 0 yard setback and a second floor 10 foot 8 inch wide bay window which will encroach 2 ft. 6 in. into the required 10 ft. front yard setback. Also included is a netopsi- to P vrAnd an existing 4 font wide bay window Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other to a 6 foot wide bay window, which encroaches 9 inches into the required 10 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 1740 E. Ocean Front • r Legal description Factorly 1/2 Lot No. 9 & Lots 10 & 11, B1le C. Tract 518 Filed by 1740 East Oceanfront Ltd. App. No. Date LLA94 -10 8 -9 -94 Approved [ZI Denied 0 Request to permit the establishment of two parcels of land where two lots and a portion of a third adjoining lot now exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1740 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 10 & 11, Bl. C. Tr. 518 R -1 Filed by LYON, Mr. & Mjrs. Richard App. No. Date UP-1488 9-17-1970 Approved XCSJ Denied 0 A flag pole with an overall height of 51' to be affixed to a single family dwelling where the maximum height permitted is 35'. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [X] Amendment 0 LOCATION 2002 Ocean Front 4 1egal description Lot 2 Dl. 20 1st Addn. to Npt.Bch C-1 Filed by PontR; Timmer E._ App.No. Date 747 6-1-1961 Approved 0 Denied ill Enclose existing porch with slags louvers. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit atx Amendment 0 LOCATION 2016 E. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 & a portion of Lot 4, Tract 518 • Filed by Robert Roth App. No. Date M4547 4-1-97 Approved 53 Denied 0 A 1 foot encroachment into the 4 font gide yard cetbAric with the continuation of the building line of the dwell, ino, in conjunction with a remodel and addition to a single family recidenca Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 2034 E. Ocean Front, Balboa LOCATION Legal description Lot 9 Block D Tract 518 R-1 Filed by GONGWER. James C. App. No. Date 481 9-18-58 Approved Denied 0 Requests a zero (0) rear yard setback instead of a required 5' setback. Variance fit Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2054 East Ocean Front Legal deuripthm Lot 14, Block D, Tract 518 Filed by John D. Lusk & Son App. No. Date Constrn. of a single family V-1048 6/5/75 dwelling which does not meet the open space option Approved n Denied 0 requirement in the R-1 District. Variance 13 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION E. Ocean Front La description Lot 15, tilk U ir bla Filed by VERNON EDLER App. No. Date 1648 2-15-73 Approved Denied 0 n ••••n I 1'1 " Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Llt Amendment 0 fOCATION 2100 & 2104 E. Ocean Freon Legal description Lot', 1 & 2 Bl. E Tract 318 It -1 Filed by HOAR Brooks App. No. Date 145 11 -2 -1961 Approved Denied E] Applicant requests a realignment of property lines. Variance 0 Other Resubdivisiona Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 21OR F nrpan Front Legal cleseriPtion I ot 3, Tract 51R Filed by Jim Collins App. No. Date M4170 2 -1 -94 Approved xf33 Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a second floor wrought iron railing and a first floor awning to encroach 2 ft. 4 in. into the required 2 ft. 6 in. rear yard setback along the alley. The applicant also proposes two Stout pjlacterc (at huil ding rnrnprs) to encroach Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 4 inches± into the required 4 ft. side yard setbacks and one foot into the required 2 ft. 6 in. rear yard setback. 1 The existing single family dwelling currently encroaches 8 enches into the required rear yard setback. LOCATION 2112 East Ocean Front, Ra1bila Legal clascriplicm Lot 4, Block E. Tract 5111 Red by William 3. Tiernan App. No. Date M -279 2 -16 -1971 Approved g] Denied 0 The garage roof must be attached to the existing first floor house wall and the area between the garage roof and the 1st floor overhang must be boxed in. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2112 East Ocean Front Legal description Lot 4 Ul. L, Tract 518 R-1 TIERNAN, William LI App. No. Date M-174 3-31-1970 Approved X[8] Denied 0 Structural alterations to nonconforming building. CONDITION: APPROVED, if garage roof to the existing 1st floor house wall area between garage roof & 1st floor Variance o Resubdivision 9 Use Permit C}ther Modification is attached and box in overhang. Amendment 0 Fled by LOCATION 2140 Fast Ocean Frnnt Lacwd dowwipficm Lots 10 & U. Block E. Tract 51R Filed by Paul Sumner Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of wrought iron fencing. a gate M3913 10-1-91 and pilasters. The proposed construction will encroach 10 feet Approved Ei Denied 0 into the required 10 foot front yard setback. All but 2 of the proposed pilasters will be 3 feet in height with an additional 4 inch high cap. The entrance pilasters and gate (located at the center of the 80 foot wide lot) will Variance 0 Resubdivision ID Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification be no higher than 5 feet. Said height is required by the Uniform Building Code for pool safety. The Zoning Code limits all such construction to 3 feet in height within the required 10 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 2145 Ocean Boulevard Legal description Lot 28, Block E. Tract 518 Filed by Anton Tanas App. No. Date Request to permit additions and M-3569 07/11/89 alterations to an existing single family dwelling so as to enclose Approved Ek Denied 0 an existing second floor deck which encroaches into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback adjacent to an alley. Variance 0 Oiber Resubdirision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION Legal description 2 1GG LaA &van rront Filed by Ware thialalaill -ArChiteCta------- Request to pennit additions & App. No. Data alterations to an existing non- M3616 . 11-7-89 • ..ill I! so as to allow the relocation of Appr. AZI Denied El a stairway to encroach 1 ft. 4 in. into the required 10 ft. front yard setback. Also included in the application is a request to allow alterations to an existing second floor deck which encroaches 3 ft. 3 in. into the required 4 ft gide yard setback. Variance 0 Resutniivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 °the 4 P•411 11 LOCATION 2166 E. Ocean Front Legal description Filed by beorge Davidson App. No. Permit spa equipment to be M-2431 7/fr79 located within the garage which is located 11" from the side Approved Denied 0 property line and to_permit a two-stoty addition to a two-story single family residence nonconforming in that it encroaches into both side yards. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 IIQ'11 fi catio n LOCATION- 2166 East Ocean Front 61 4 dese 4p4kn Lot 17 Blk. E. Tract 518 R-1 Filed by DAVa, George W. App. No. Date Referred to P.C. and Aoproved by P.C. subject M-32 3-6.1969 to Condition (Over) Approved Xlia Denied 0 A two story addition to an existing two story single family residence on 4' lot with 1' side yard on east side Distance between buildings to. be 3'6" instead of required 6' Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other MODIFICATION Amendment 0 CONDITION All new construction to be subject to required side yard requirements. \hi . Ocean Irak LOCATION 520 West Ocean Front Usimi description LOt 19, block 1U at Last Newport Iract between Sixth Street and Island Avenue. Filed b y Trion S. Jeannette tor Dan Wiseman App. No. Date Request to construct a single - family dwelling which exceeds V1085 3/19/81 , the allowable building area of Approved E] Denied gI two times the buildable area of the site. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to allow a bay window to encroach 1 +- foot into the required 3 foot Side yard tethack (MO VARIANCE. APPROVED MODTFICATTO R esu bd ;vision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 12 Other LOCATION I Legal description 522 W. Ocean Front it iam I ic el App. No. Date Permit a two car garage and bath M-2295 9/12/78 addition to an existing single family dwelling wnicn is nonconforming Approved El Denied 1:1 in tne roliowing: 1.) residence encroaches 1'6" into required 5' rear yard setback, 2.) existing storagerroom (to ne converted to bath) encroaches 5' into 5' rear yard setback), .3.) WO" + high wall encroaches 8' into 8' over- Variance 0 Itagthapvigon DI Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other rioai nct ion Filed by front yard setback (where the Code permits a maximum 3' high wall); and 3'0" + high fences encroaches 5' into 5' alley setback (where the Cade nes.tricts..fences).. Prowsed aaraae is to encroach 1 u into required 4 soutn stow yara setback. LOCATION 600 W Orean Frnnt Legal descri Hon Port of I nts 3,4, R 9, Rik 9 Fast Newport Filed by Robert C,Joiitiski App. No. Date M4313 5-9-95 Approved a Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a new single family dwelling a portion of which will encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot rear vard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION v cm, vw west Arpsin Vrnnt Legal description Filed by R n h prr and Nnrezem PnliriSkA App. 40. Date M 3467 11-1=88 Approved 0 MAW Request to permit the ennatrnetinn nf A APIII FPRIAPTIC4 5 and atrarhed garage whjrh will 'Int-roach 7 feet Into a portion of the required ln foot rear yard setback Variance 014ser Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 , Wlebt.etean Front, N.8. Legal demairkm Lot 20, Bl. 9, E. NPT Filed by Walter Burgess Asso. Inc. APPROVED second story projec- App.No. Date tion 2 1/2 ft into required rear yard (alley) setback M-235 9-29-1970 provided that 8 ft min.ground Approved aj Denied 0 clearance is maintained. That portion of the request pertaining to the garage encroachment was withdrawn when the Architect indicated that he could design an "accessible" garage with the setback requirements Varlance 0 Resubdivision C] Use Permit fl C4h w Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION S20 WAct ocean Front Legal description l ot 19, Mock 10 Fast Newport Tract Filed by Dorothy Beek Request to permit the as-built App. No. Date construction of a wood fence 144030 8-11-92 (4 feet in height) and related gate to encroach to the front Approved 0 Denied el property line. The Zoning Code allows a maximum height of 3 feet for such construction within the required 6 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 62n West Ocean Front Legal description Lots 19 & 20 Bl. 9 East N t. R-1 Filed by REEK, Mr. & Mrs, Barton App. No. Date CQNDITTON (Over) M-92 7-1-1969 Approved cg Denied 0 A tern cede yard setback for a garage joined to the mRin dwelling. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El °thEt Modifica-tion Amendment 0 CONDITION The encroachment into the side year yard not to exceed that required to provide a standard 2 car garage adjacent to the existing residence. LOCATION Legal description 628 West Ocean Front Lots 16 17 & 18 Block 9 Bast Bpi, Flied by TITUS. Renate App. No. Date 231 6-16-55 (Condi tion) Approved jja Denied 0 Detached garage accessory bldg. to be place on front half of a 90' wide bldg. site consisting of 3 lots with a 3' side setback and a 10 setback between the existing single family dwelling and the Proposed accessory bldg. Valance ati .0ther Resubdmmon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 'Condition: Under this variance the use of the property will be limited to single family occupancy unless allowed otherwise by any future variance or Use Permit 11"411.14.11r 704 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3.4,5 westerly 9,71 ,, Rlork R E Newport Tract Filed by McCARTHY. Jack App. No. Date 405 2-20-58 Approved fl Denied The addition of a ghwdge and laundry room to an side yard setbac violations. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit DI Amendment 0 LeklATON 704 W. Ocean Front !Legal description Westerly 28 Lots 3,4,5 Block 8 East Newport 12.41 Filed by McCARTHY. Jack App. No. Date 445 2-20-58 Approved—va Denied 0 An encroachment of 7' into a required 10' rear yard room Variance ICX Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other FLIDCAINDN 704 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 3,4,5 except East 42', East Newpat Filed by McCARTHY, Jack App. No. Date 437 1.46-58 Approved El Denied Xi An encroachment of 3 1 into a required 10' rear yard apthark in mistier tn Add tn the present structure. Variance fl Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other FLOCATIGN 704 W. Ocean Front, Balboa Legal description Portion of Lots 3 4,5 Block 8 East Newport Tract Filed by McCARTHY, John E. App. No. Date 391 146-58 Approved C Denied X] A seven-foot addition, full width, of one story, to the rear of the present structure Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ig Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 706 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 25 and 26, Block 8, E. Newport Tr. SW by Pulaski and Arita Architects Requested to permit the App. No. construction of a four foot high fence within a portion of the M-2933 Date 2-21-84 required eight foot front yard Approved Domed [] setback area where the Code permits a maximum height of three feet. Variance 0 Other Resubdrmon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 714 W. Ocean Front. Balboa Island Legal description Lot 22. Blk 8 and 11 Lot 23 Bit 8 Piled by Robert W. Zant App. No. Date APPROVED(conditions) 562 9 -19 -72 Approved ri Denied 0 Variance [1 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other morn F CATI ON 1. The second floor balcony shall be psowits , ted to encroach a maximum 12 inches into the ' required 8 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 716 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 21, Block 8, East Newport Tract Filed by Laurie Lowry Request to permit the construction App. No. Date of additions and alterations to an M399 17 5-5 -9Z existing single family dwelling which is currently nonconforming Approved El Denied 0 in that a second floor deck encroaches 1 foot 6 inches into the required 8 foot front yard setback, and that a chimney encroaches 18 inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback, where a maximum of a 12 inch encroachment is Variance 0 Ogler Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 MODIFICAT i0p1 permitted. The applicant includes a request to retain the asTbuilt deck_railing to encroach I foot 6 inches into thE required 8 foot front yard setback. LOCATION 720 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 19. Block 8 Filed byJOhn,Baudpara KiMberly. Deborah and Eric Wright Requested a one foot encroactment App. No. Pal4 r uired three foot WITHDRANN)9-28-82 easterly side yard setback area for a first floor garage and secondkProved 0 Denied E] floor living area, and a 1 foot 6 inch encroachrrent into thc required 3 foot westerly side yard setback area for a first -floor greenhouse window, in conjunction with the construction of a new single family residence. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision ID Use Permit 0 Amendment 01 L LOCATION 796 It (k-pan Front Legal description Sled by MM Karl Klokke Request to permit the constructioptpp.No. of a single family dwelling which M3629 will encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setbackkpproved and the roof overhang to encroach an additional one foot to within 2 feet of the rear property line. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Data )11-28-89 0 Denied 0 LOCATION 80i W Ocean Front Legal delatiglien Lot 26. Blk. 7. E. Newport Tract Filed by Robert Patrick Keane App. No. Date M4263 11 -22 -94 Approved Denied 0 -2a-Wasi-t11-12Ernat-ne-unsitactian-Q1A-Lew-n to pnrroach to the side property line (where the Zoning Code requires a 3 foot side yard setback) and to encroach 4 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback. Said rnnctru_ction will m rePlace anddn existing. garage which encrchac Vadance LJ newel'sums use re j Amendment Li Other to the side and rear property lines. (LOCATION 808 W. Ocean Front 1.00 thmailAon Lot 26 111. 7 Fast Newport Zone R-1 Filed by John J. Mengel App. No. Date 291 117-57 Approved D Denied I DENIED Alteration of non-confor ming Variance Resubdivision Use Permit Es Amendment Other LOCATION 908 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach Legal dm:44km Lot 3, Block 9, Tract 234 Filed by Karl W. Mittelstadt App. No. Date M -316 5 -4 -1971 ! Approved 12 Denied 1:1 Only the garage is allowed to encroach into the setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 C4het Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 908 W. Ocean Front Legal descriptive Lot 3. Blk. 9. Tract 234 Ffl" by Jnhn Hpydnrff App. No. Date M4281 2 -7 -95 Approved a Den ied Request to permit the retention on an as-hui 1 t second floor deck that encroaches to within 5+ inches of the side property line where the 7nning Code requires a 3 font side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 928 W. Ocean Front Legal dosed ion Lot 8, Block 9, Tract 234 Filed by PUOLICH, Mr. a Mrs. William Construct a 5 foot 6 inch high App.No. Date masonarv wall witn a 2 foot M4412 2/13/96 6 incn high lattice (for an overall heignt of 8 feet) along a portionAppmwed 03 Denied 0 or the westerly side property line. The Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in height along tne side Property line. Amendment 0 I Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 C"4"r modification LOCATION 936 wperr Oriman Vrnnt iagal description In& ln 141nrk 0, Tract 234 Filed by nntty mcninley .Requast—ta_permit_t.he_conatruation A Pth No. Date nf ninp 4 fnnt high metal posts M3711 6/5/90 that will ennrnarh 2 feet 6 i -s into the required 2 foot 6 inch Approved JjJ Dented 0 rear yard setback adjacent to the alley. Also included in this application is a request to construct a 6 foot high masonry wall (to replace the 6 foot wall that exists) that will encroach 2 feet into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback as well as a related 6 foot Variance D Resubdivision D Use Permit D Amendment D Other modification 6 inch high stucco pilaster that will encroach 1 foot 10 inches into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback along the alley. The applicant also proposed to retain the spa equipment area that is encroaching into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback. LCCJJK)Ng38 West Ocean Front 61/(01 93t, Wasitieeaweamo9 Legal doe:Apnea Filed by Cox Pacific General Contractors App. No. Dale Request to permit the conversion M3643 1/2/90 of an existing roof overhang to a second floor deck which encroaches 1 foorAppmmed Dada JO into the required 8 foot front yard setback and also encroaches 1 foot into the required 3 foot easterly side yard setback. Variance Q 14'0:division 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other I Modification LOCATION 1009 W. Ocean Front Legal description Filed by Bud Bordier App. No. Date Request to permit a greenhouse M 3032 2/19/85 window to project 1'4" into the required 3 foot easterly Approved El Domed 0 side yard setback area. Variance 0 Othr Resubdivisicm 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 seb4 I LOCATION 1024 Ocean Front Legal description Ned by M/M Edmund Shea Request to permit the constructioApp.No. of a second floor bay window which will encroach 1 foot M 3259 into the required 3 foot side yarApprcword setback. Also requested is a modification the construction of an 8 foot 10 inch high fence where the Municipal Code limits side to A feet in hcaight Date 2-24-87 at Denied 0 to permit side yard yard fences Variance 0 Other Res u bd iv is ion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1036 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 10, Tract 234 Filed by Dobbie/Schley & Assoc. App. No. Date M4169 2-1-94 Approved a Denied 0 llestuens_permit the construction of twO first floor bay_ windows to encroach 1 ft. 6 in into a required 3 ft. side yard sethack. Also approved is one second floor bay window and a planter ivy< to encroach up to 1 ft. 6 in. into a •-n 11 - • I •I. .1e • 111 et I. Resu 'vision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 occe • r- window to encroach 2 ft. 6 in. into the 2 ft. 6 in. rear I yard setback. The above noted encroachments are proposed - in conjunction with the construction of a new single gamily dwelling. F LOCATION 1112 It. Oepn Front Legal description Lot 1+ Block 11 Tract 23 1+ Zone RI Filed by W. Glenn White App. No. Date 316 5-16-57 Approved X Denied El Addition of two bedroom house on a lot which now has a non-conforming dwell_ing. Condition: Kitchen is existing dwelling must be removed. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IZI Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1128 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 8, Block 2, Tract 234 Filed By: John Morgan on behalf of Adriane Puntoriero, moperty owner Application No. Date Modification 5129 9-20-2000 Approved: X Denied: Additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling a portion (9 feet long) of which encroaches 2 and one half inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback. All new construction will maintain the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: LOCATION 1232 W. Ocean Front Legal thiscriPtion Lot 9 Block 12 Tract 234 R-1 Filed by MILLER. John W. App. No. Date 678 1-18-1962 Approved flu Denied 0 A front save and cornice to project 6 314 inches beyond allowable projection of 36 inches. CONDITION: Front cornice balcony to be made non-accessibl for walking purposes Variance la Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Othev LOCATION 1240 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 11, Block 12, Tract 234 Filed by Gary B. Lovell Requested the enclosure App. No. Date of patin areas nn an existino single family residence that is M-2740 1-26-82 nonrnnforming in that only one Approved El Denied 0 gar provided wIMage_Sp icing spaces are requi red by Code. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amen dment 0 LOCATION 1242 W. Ocean Front. Legal description Lot 24, Tract 234 Filed by RON 'CEO, AIA ARCHITECf App. No. Date 743 11/13/73 CONDITIONALLY Approved XO Denied 0 Request to permit an existing nonconforming single family dwelling maintain 6 inch and 2 ft. 2 inch side yard setbacks) where the Ordinance requires 3 ft.); 3 stories (where the Ordinance permit OrIly 2 stories): and d Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other M one garage space (where the Ordinance requires two garage spaces) so as to allow the extension of an existing balcony and interior and exterior remodeling in the R-1 District. LOCATION 1402 W. Ocean Front Urge! dasat0km Lot 2, Block 14, Tract 234 Filed by Bernice B. Corkhill App. No. Date Construction of room M-1000 3/9/76 additions on a nonconforming duplex with two garage Approved gi Denied 0 spaces (where the Ordinance now requires three parking spaces). !he existing two car garage s nas a noncontorming width of 15 feet q inches 7... ana a noncontorming depth of 17 feet _ (where the-greeR&RP O -App -Feetalres -a -w - Variance D Resebdtvision 0 Use Permit 0 Anmdment 0 Other Modificatinn Over - 1 the Ordinance now requires a width of 18 feet and a depth of 20 feet). LOCATION 1406 West Ocean Front I Legal description Lot 4 Tr. 234 R-4 Red by JACKSON, Dr. N. R. App. No. Date M -87 6 -24 -1969 Approved In Denied 0 Permit a balcony to encroach into the required setback between buildings on an R-4 lot at 1406 W. Ocean Front. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 °ther mOdifiratinn Amendment 0 LOCATION 1408 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 B 1 . 14 Tr. 234 R-4 Filed by JArINTO, John App. No. Date 893 11-3-1966 Approved trax Denied ID A second floor encroachment of 10 inches into a 2 V? foot alley setback area. Variance RI( Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1412 W. Ocean Front Legd description Lot 7 Block 14 Tract 234 Zone R-4 Ned by NORBERG. E. G. API). No 686 3-15-1962 . Appnnmd xifa Dented E] Two parking spaces 8'x20' in size instead of reauired 9'x20'. Variance Eh Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Date LOCATION Legal desaipfion 14 .16 W. °Peat; Front Tract 234 Block 14 Lot 9 Ab4 by Gerald R. Erlandson Requested to permit a App. No. Date second floor deck to encroach M 2990 9-25-84 5 feet into the required 10 foot front yard setback Appnnmd (€1 Denied 0 area and 1 foot into the required 3 foot easterly and westerly side yard setback areas; and to permit a garden Window on the first floor to encroach 1 foot into the required 10 foot front yard setback area. Variance 13 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1504 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lots I and 2, Block 15, Section B, Newport Beach Tract Filed By: Ruth E. Whitacre Application No. Date Mod. No. 4999 11-30-99 Approved: X Denied: To permit additions and alterations to an existing duplex that is nonconforming due to an encroachment into the required 10 foot rear alley setback. The proposal is to change the existing duplex into a single family dwelling Variance: I Resubdivision: 1 Use Permit 1 Amendment Other: plOCANION 1508 W. Ocean Front Newport Reach LSO description Lot 5 Block 15 Sect. let Add N.B. Zone 1-4 Fled byfiENDRICKSON, Gussie M. App. No. Date 671 10 -6 -60 Approved sigi Denied 0 Reduction of square footage in order to construct 4 dwelling units on 1 r -4 - lot. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Elf Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1.508 W.Ocean Front regal dsaxlyikm Lot 5, Block 15. Section B. 1st Addition to Newport R-4 Filed by MIZE. Glenna & HENDRICKSON. Gussie App. No. Date 486 10-16-58 Approved IE Denied 0 Encroachment of 7' into a required 10' rearvyard setback and a waiver of square footage reauirements in order construct 3 units on one R-3 parcel. Variance OSr Resubtlivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 PRIP:11C- 1141WMCM4 1508 W. Ocean Front logid descripNon Lot 5 Block 15 Sec. B. let Addn.Npt.Beh 1 R-4 nhod by HENDRICKSON. Gussie M. & MIZE. Glenna L. App. No. Date 577 1-21-1960 Approved 0 Denied MK Encroach 2' into a required 3' side yard setback for the purpose of constructing 3 dwelling units on one R-4 parcel. Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1510 W. Ocean Front 1414 thworipibm Lot 6, Blk. 15 Filed by CHARLES A. BANKS, (MR. & MRS.) App. No. Date 786 4/16/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved Q Denied 0 Request to permit an existing nonconforming triplex to maintain three garage spaces (where the Ordinance requires five parking spaces) and to maintain eni-sting co nstruction on thkanEn9iirnito Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permif Other M 12 feet of the building (i.e. West Ocean Front, where the Ordinance requires additional open space) so as to allow the construction of room additions. LAION 1510 Hest Ocean Front Balboa Legal description Lot 6, Block 15, Section B R-4 Filed by Hoskin, W. J. & Thelma App. No. Date 429 12-19-57 Approved IP Denied Waiver of garage space requirement for a three-car are P CONDITION: Use of property must be limited to three dwelling units. Variance ILO Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1512 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 7, Block 15, Section B R-4 Filed by MIZELL & ASSOCIATES App. No. Date M-454 3-14-1972 Approved yrzi Denied CI Structural alterations to an existing non- : conforming building (garage encroaches into setback). Variance 0 Resubdivasion 0 Use Permit 0 °arse Modifitation Amendment 0 AIGAINDN 1512 W. Ocean Front Legg description Lot 7 Block 15 Section B Zone R-4 SW by MARCUS, Bill App. No. Date 914 2-7-1963 Approved a Denied 0 An addition and alterations to a building which is non-conforming because of a zero sideyard setback. CONDITION: Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ci] Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1514 W. Ocean Front Legal description Filed by Joseph Mamelli App. No. Date Permit a 48 sq.ft. • addition M-2241 5/2/78 to living room, revision and enclosure of an exterior stairwayApprond IX! Dented 0 on an existing triplex which is nonconforming in the following features: 1.) a 23' X 20' inside dimension garage (where the Code requires 3 spaces (9' X 20' each) for 2400 sq.ft. of living area plus 1 additional space over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Die Permit 0 Modlti cation Amendment 0 for each 600 sq.ft. of living area); and 2.) a 10H rear yard setback (where the Code requires 2'6H rear yard setback). Other minor alterations and additions including a metal railing (6"±) encroachment into the 5'0" front yard setback. LOCATION 1514 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 8 Sec. B Tr. 234 R - 4 Filed by WOLF, James R. App. No. Date M -164 3 -10 -1970 Approved 0 Denied 0 Structural alterations to a noncontorming building. APPROVED PER PLANS Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1516 & 15161/2 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 9,13lock 15, Section 13, on the no. side of W. Ocean Front, between 15 & 16 St. Filed by Fred R. Carroll 2 Unit resident.condo.develop. App. No. Date and related garages on property UP3146 5-9-85 located in the R4 Dist. Approved 1g Denied 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit S Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 1516 - 1516h W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 9,Block 15',Section B, on the no. side of W. Ocean Front, between 15 & 16. Red by Fred R. Carroll Rea. to resub. lot into single APPM 0. Date Parcel for condo purposes in R807 5-9-85 R4 Dist. Approved Qi" Denied 0 Resubdivision afr Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION Legal description 151R W nrnan Frnnt Int 10 Bl. 15 Sec. B Npt Bch R-4 Filed by HORN, Tom App. No. Date M -218 8 -11 -1970 Approved 0 Denied alx Allow carports to encroach into required side yards. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 °ther Modifiratinn Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 DENIED by P.C. 9-3-70 LOCATION 1518 Vest Ocean Front Legal description Lot I3 . 15 Sec. B Npt. Bch. R -4 Filed by HORN. iiiqm App. No. Date M -184 4 -21 -1970 Approved 0 Denied ri One covered and two open parking spaces where the ordinance requiees 3 covered spaces. Variance 0 Resubdivnion ID Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 pr.ATRDN. 1522 N. Ocean Front Leta demnpfice Lot 12 Bl. 15 Sec. B R-4 Pled by ANDERSON. James R. APP-N°. Dee CONDITION (Over) 722 12-20-1962 Approved 131 Denied 0 Construct 2 carports with dimension of 8 x 20 instead of required 9 x 20. Variance rjt Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other CONDITION Approved for 3 carports on the rear one-half of the lot with the center carport being 8' between columns and the two outside carports as shown on the plot plan, without supports. The remaining part of the structure must have a 3' side yard setback on the *first and second floors. LOCATION 1526 W. Ocean Front Legal description Filed by Dun Dav i s dnd Don Christensen App. No. Date Permit the remodeling of an M-2454 10/16/79 existing residence non- conforming in that a stairway Approved Ile Denied 0 encroaches into the west side yard setback (Code requires . 3' on each sidej. This is in conjunction with the demolition of a front unit and construction of a two- IC Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other story unit on front portion of the lot. LOCATION L•gal description isrm Wect nrean Front lot 3, Block 16. Sec. B. N.B. Filed by Johp Grimstad App. No. Date 14 -387 9 -21 -1971 Approval (3 Denied 0 Approved according to the submitted plot plan Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1606 & 1608 West Ocean Front lots 3 & 4, BI. 16, Section B R -4 Legal description Red by GEORGE KOTELES & ASSOC. App. No. Date 1013 11 -18 -1971 Approved 0 Denied 431 Construct an 8 unit apartment oidg on an R-4 lot having an area or 6,150 sq.ft.(minimum re- quirements are 130.00 sq.ft.) and firrther request an adjustment of sideyard setbacks in order to accommodate the required on-site parking. Variance IDC Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION - 1606'Ocean Front Legal descriptico Lot 4, B1 k 16 Sect B Filed by WtinK, MKS. A. H. & DR. App. No. Dak 843 9-17-74 Sreg Waraerr_sec Approved 1E1 Denied ID Variance al Resubdivision Us* Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MODIFICATION permit the construction of a 2nd floor deck on an existing nonconforming single dwelling that has a front yard setback of approximately 58'(where the Ord. permits a maximum front yard setback of 35') & has a one car garage• (where the Ord. requires two garage spaces). LMAJNDhl 1606 W. Ocean Front, N.B. Legal dowripfkm Lot 4, Block 16 of Section 'B' Newport Beach Filed by Mervyn G. Flory, Jr. App. No. Date M -234 9 -29 -1970 Approved 0 Denied Xa Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1614 W. Ocean Front, Npt.Bch Lot 7 nl. 16 RP." B Nawport Beach R-4 Legal description NW by HANLEY, James William App. No. Date 786 1-16-1964 Approved a Denied 0 A 3 car carport with less than 9 foot required width for each space, each side yard setback to be used as part of required off-street parking space. Variance Ea Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1614 W. Ocean Front 6wpd descripfler Lot 7 Block 16 Sec. B Kempf-Art Brh-p", Filed by COLLINS, Marguerite App. No. Date 279 3-15-56 Approved 0 Denied fl To establish a sideyard setback of 2' ontbe West side of property in order to comply with Section 9107-27 requiring 8' in clear per car for garage. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Driver LOCATION 1616 and 1614 West Ocean Front, Balboa Legal description Lots 7 and 8, Section B, Block 16 hied by Jim Hanley App. No. Date M 409 10/27/71 Approved 13) Denied 0 Conditions Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification 409 Amendment 0 LOCATION 161A Ws.qt Orean Frnnt Legal description Lot 9. Rind( 16 Sprtion 1 214 Newport Beach Tract. on Balboa Peninsula. Fled by Al Pegneri for Balalis Corp. App. No. Date Request to permit the ron- UP 2088 6/10/82 , I struction of a two-unit red- R 727 dential condominium development Approved al Denied 0 and related garage spaces in the R -4 District. AND , Request to create a single parcel of land for residential condominium purposes where one lot presently exists. Variance 0 Resubdivision 13 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1620 W. Oceanfront Legal dmiripti4m Lot 10, Block 16, Section B, Newport Beach Tract Red r. & Mrs. G. Merrill Bothamley' Constrn. of detached 2 -car App.No. Daft garage and second floor room M-877 additions in conjunction 2/18/75 with an existing nonconfnrm#Wrovild Drk4 0 sinale family dwelling on the site with an existina 2 foot side yard setback (where the Ordinance reauires 3 feet). All new construc- tion con orms with required yard setbacks. Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Wm' Modification LOCATION 1622 W. Ocean Front Legal description Red by Richard Galbraith Request to permit the conversion App. No. Date of an existing carport to a M-3611 10-24-89 _garaze with two existing steel mists which encroach approximatelyApprond Denied 4-1/2 in. each into the 17 foot 6 in. clear width required by the Zoning Ordinance, thereby reducing the clear width to 16 ft. 8 in. The steel posts measure 12 in. by 12 in. and reduce the effective rlear width nf thp prnposea pragq by approximately 9 in. at that _point only and the remain- Venence J Resubthvivon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other der of the garage will maintain the required dimensions =ism 1622 W. Ocean Front Legal deaription Sect. B Lot 11, Blk 16 Red by bALBRAITM, RICHARD App. No. Date 840 9 -1 0 - 7 4 Approved al Denied 0 permit a second dwelling unit laud a 3 car car- port) to be constructed on an R-4 Lot in conjun- ction witn n-isting noncotorming single tamiiy aweiiing witn z ana io" siae yara setbacks (where the Ord. !wires 3' side yard setbacks) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other g, M r wmaAnoN 1624 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 12 Block 16, Sec. B, Newport I B each Trac t Pled by Saunders Properties, Inc., Whittier App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1687 9-6-73 Approved 0 Denied 0 Request to construct a duplex which exceeds the R-7.5 standards established by Emergency Ordin- ance No. 1490 in the R-4 District. Variance 0 Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Isy Amendment 0 Amonelmont Varieties ID Rosubdivision Use Permit El 1041w MODIFICATION LOCATION 1708 W. Ocean Front Log •oscription 0 0 ec GERBER MILTON App. No. Date Appr•Donis OVER permit the construction of 1st & 2nd floor room additions & interior alterations to an eaxisting residential unit on a lot where the existing nonconforming 2nd dwelling unit has a 2nd floor balcony that encroaches to a side property line (where the Ord. requires a 3' side yard setback) & a rear yard setback of 1'5" (where the Ord. re- quires a rear yard setback of 2'6"when adjacent to a 20' wide alley). The existing 3 car garage has a width of approximately 23'3", inside measurement, (where the Ord. requires a width of 27'). LOCATION Legal description 1712 W. Ocean Front Lot 6 Bl. 17 Sec. B. Npt.lich R-4 Riad by BEARDSLEY, Hal App. No. Date 774 11-7-1963 Approved 4NK Denied 0 0-instruct 3 car carport with inside dimensions of less than 9 x 20' with 12" eave overhang into side yards to jug..Qaulultpei intn the rarpnrt area. Variance 111 Other Resubdivision 9 Use Permit 0 Amendment El Loa/mom 1714 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 7. Block 17 of Sent on R Fled by Rom_Bausll App. No Date 773 3/17174 CONDITIONALLY Approval EI Dmied Request to permit an existing nonconforming dup- lex to maintain a front yard setback of approx- imately 60 feet (where the Ordinance requires a maximum 35 foot front yard setback), a two car Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Otiven• ht garage with a nonconforming interior depth of 16'6" (where the Ordinance requires 20 feet), and 0 zerg fgot side yard setback on a pgrtion of the existing structure (where the Ordinance requires 3 feet), so as to allow the construc- tion of room additions. LOCATION 1716 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 8, Block 17, Section B, Newport Beach Tract on the Balboa Peninsula. Filed by Laguna Pacific App. No. Date Request to permit the con- UP 2039 & 11/19/81 struction of a two-unit R 710 residential condominium Approved a Denied 0 development and related garage spaces in the R-4 District. The proposal also requests the approval of two architectural spires that exceed the permitted height limit. over. . . Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision igi Use Permit [1(1 Other AND Request to create one parcel of land for resi- dential condominium development where one lot presently exists. LOCATION 1716 West Ocean Front Legal description Filed by ene iwss, ur. App. No. Permit an "as-built" storage M-2479 area encroaching 3 1/2' into required 20' depth with 4' Approved high clearance from garage floor. Garage willab inside dimension (where the Code requires 18' X dimension). Uther nonconformity is an existing yard setback (where the Code requires 35'0"). Variance Other lbsubdivision Q Uts Permit 0 Amendment 1:1 Modification Date 11/6/79 Denied [] is 15'4" 20' inside 63T5" front' LOCATION 1720 Went Ocean Front U0 944 01004140P Lot 10, Rik. 17. Sert. B. N.B. at 1720 W. Ocean Front on n e side of W Ocean Front between 17th St. & JAth St. on Balboa Peninsula Ned by Harold & Anne Barr Dequect to repubdivide an App.mo. existing lot into a single parnel R 943 10/4/90 of land for a two family resi- dential condominium development ARProTia on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Date Ea Denied 0 LOCATION 1720 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 10, Block 17, Section B, on tne no.side of W. Ocean Front, between 17th St. & 18 St. Filed by Pigneri Development Co. Reg. to resubdivide an App. No. Date existing lot intd a single 12853 10-8-87 parcel of land for three unit residential condo Approved 0 Denied Al purposes, on property located in the R4 Dist. Variance [3 Other Resubdwision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1800 W. Ocean Front Legal demothm Lot 1, Block 18, Section B Filed by Doris K. McMaster APP. No. Date M -368 7 -27 -1971 Approved gg Denied 0 This action does not include approval of th( landing encroachment into the front yard setback as shown on the plans. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Othot Mo dification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1802 W. Oceanfront Legal description Lot 2 Red by Albert M. Irwin App. No. Date Interior and exterior re- M-930 7/29/75 modeling to a nonconforming single family dwelling with Approved n Denied 0 an existing front yard setback of 4 feet 7 inches (where the Districting Map indicates a 7 foot setback) and an existing roof overhang over the frnnt door in tha side Yazd that pnernaches to Over - Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification within 1 foot of the side property line (where the Ordinance permits a 6 inch overhang). The proposed development also includes the construction of a 3 car garage (with one tandem gaeage space) and an open 8 x 16'-6" parking space in a side yard with a one bedroom apartment unit on the second floor at the rear of the site, (where the Ordinance requires 3 parking spaces). LOCATION 1804 W. Oceanfront Legal dacription Lot 3, Block 18, Section B SW by Smith, Dana H. App. No. DO* 860 11-26-74 CONDITIONALLY Approved El Dried Request to Permit the rnnstrurtiou of first and sernnd flnnr room additinn% nn a nnnunforming duplex with an existing side yard setback nf 9 inches (where the Ordinance requires a 1 fnnt OVFR nit/6rd "Veiutishailion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 etz er M-860 All new construction conforms with required yard s setbacks. UXATKM4 1804 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3 Block 18 Section B R-4 Filed by THOMPSON, J. R. & Wi lma S. App. No. Date 284 4-19-56 Approved 0 Denied xjg A 17" encroachment into a required 7* front setback to allow for proposed building to be brought in line with existing buildings on lots 4 and 5. Variance kj Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 1806 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 4, Block 18, Section B, on the no. side of W. Ocean Front, between 18th St. & 19th St. Filed by John and Barbara Roy Req. to permit the construct. App. No. Dee of a two unit residential UP3192 3-20-86 condo with related garages on property located in the Approved er Need 0 R4 Dist. Resubdivision 0 Use Permitgf Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 1806 W. Ocean Front LINA dotaittlion Lot 4.131ock 18 Section B on the no. side of W. Ocean Front. between 18th St. and 19th St. Filed by J oh n inui Berbera Roy Req. to resubdiyide an exist. lot into a single parcel of land for residential condo purposes App. No. Date R823 3-20-86 Approved fate Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision tir Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1806 West Ocean Front Legal description Mid by John & Barbara Roy Request to permit a second story App. No. Doe addition to an existing M3065 6-18-85 residential structure to encroach I foot, 3 inches into the required Approved 0 Dew ,1 7 foot front yard setback area. **APPLICATION WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT** Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Olher LOCATION 1810 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 6, Block 18, Section B, Newport Beach Flied by Gene W. Ross, Jr. and Carolyn G. Ross App. No. Date CC 44 1-13-98 Approved X Denied I I To permit the conversion of a residential triplex into a three unit condominium project. Variance fl Resubdivision Use Permit LI Amendment Li Other: Condominium Conversion LOCATION 1810 W. Ocean Front Legal descriplice Lot 6 Bl. 18 1st Addn.to N.A. R-4 Fled by LA SHELLE. Art App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 735 3-21-1963 Approved /Ea Denied 0 Construct 2 carports measuring 8'3" in width and one car- port 8 1 6" in width instead of required width of 9', and to permit side yard roof overhang of 1' as part of the computation of "covered area" requirement for carports. Variance [2 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Or ' CONDITION: Approved in accordance with plot plan submitted, with clearances as shown. Sizes of posts may be changed. Filed by BURGESS, S. L. App. No. Date LOCATION 1810 W. Ocean Ft., Newport Beach 39 11-26-51 Approved DeMed A front yard variance of seventeen (17) inches. Variance Ef Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 184,4 W. thseanAircint 1 610 description Lot 8, Bl. 18, Section 8 Newport each Tract Zone R-3 Filed by HECK, Paul G. & Flay L App. No. Dee 417 10-17-57 Approved 14 Denied 0 Encroach. of 6" into ea. required 3 1 side yard setback in order to permit constr. of posts to support structural beam for 3-car carport. Variance IA Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other fLOCATION 1814 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 8 Block 18 Section B. Zone Filed by HECK, Paul & Ploy App. No. Date 388 7-25-57 Approved 0 Denied An denied Encroachment of 2 1 into required 3 1 side yard setback to allow garage to come within 1 1 of side property line. Variance It Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1R16 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 9, Aloe* 1R, Newport Rearh Tract Filed by Tohn R. Mordoff App. No. Date M3798 1/2/91 serest. to permit the nrinetrnrtion of a dwelling unit over an existing two -rmr garage Approved a Denied 0 whirh rnrrently enrrnarheR 1 foot 10 inches into_the require:0 I foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit ID Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 1818 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 10, Block 18, Section B, on the no. side of W. Ocean Front, between 18th St. & 19th St. on Balboa Peninsula Filed by Dave Cole & Antonio Cagnolo Reg. to permit the construction of App. No. Date a 3 unit residential condo and UP 3140 8-8-85 related parking spaces on property located in the R-4 Dist. The Approved Denied 0 proposal includes a mod. to the ZC to allow a parking design which provides partially covered parking spaces where the Code requires one covered parking space for pnh un it Variance 1:1 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 1818 W. Ocean Front Filed by Hubert J. McLonnell App. No. Date Approval of a second M-992 2/10/76 floor balcony that encroaches to within 3 Approved 0 Denied )12g teet of the front (le. Ocean Front side) property line (where the Districitng Map indicates a required 7 toot front yard setback). Variance o Resabdivisiop 0 Use Permit 0 Other MOdiftCat10-n Amendment 0 LOCATION 1818 W. Ocean Front ' Legg deexiptkm Lot 10. Block 18. Sect -ion A, nn the nn side of W Ocean Front between lath St- & 19th St on Balboa Peninsula Filed by Dave CO I e & Antonin ragnolo Req. to resub an existing App. No.. Date lot into a single parcel of R804 8-8-85 land for residential condo development on property Approved Denied 0 located in the 11-4 District Resubdivision ca .- Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 1818 W. Ocean Front Lewd demripflon Lot 10, Block 18, Section B. on the no. side of W. Ocean Front, between 18th St. & 19th St. on Balboa Peninsula Piled by n„„e rnip g Antonin rAgnnln Reqw_to_consisier A Rosidontial App. No. Date Development Pc.rmit fnr nip CRDP No.10 8-8-85 rvrro c e nO aarahlisehing projPrt Goup34mnema few tha dgen And Approved 0 Denied 0 e Administ. priArlinact few tha implPmPntrtinn of State Law relative +0 low and mnaprAta inenmt hnus ing within the Coastal Zone - . - a • • I • HP Variance 0 Ztdivislon . Other eedIcara.e._ Use Permt ,flJ Amendment 0 LOCATION1820 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 11, Blk. 18, Section B, Tract 234 Filed by Sue Dole App. No. Date M4182 3-8-94 Approved a Denied I:1 Request to pPrmit the construction of roll-up security door (qft. in height) to encroach 13± in. into the reauired 1 ft side yard setback, where the 7oning Code limits such construction to 6 ft. in height within the required side Yffrtinseeck IssgeRanc r°1 sliarryi 11 akiReirMegil Other 1 foot fit inches into the required 2 foot 6 inch rear yard setback along the alley, where the Zoning Code prohibits construction. LOCATION 1824 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach Legal description Lots 12, 13 6. 14 Block 18 Section B. Newport Beach Tract Filed by MITCHELL, Mrs. R. G. App. No. Date 168 10-21-54 Approved Denied To enlarge an existing residence with a trout setback in excess of 35'. Setback of proposed enlargement to be approximately 82'. Variance g Other Resubennon D Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 1824 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 12, Blk. 18, Ser R App. No. Date 801 5/14/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved fi Denied 0 Request to permit an existing single family dwelling to maintain a one foot rear yard setback (where the Ordin- ance requires a 21/2 foot rear yard) and 4 foot side yard setbacks (where the Ordinance requires side yards equal in width to eight percent of the average width of the let Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment u Other M Filed by WILLIAM MARTIN or 7 foot side yards) so as to construct a second floor room addition. LOCATION Legal description 1900 W. Ocean Front Lot 1. Blk 19. First Addn. N.B. Filed by Mac McNamee . A maximum nine (9) inch App.No. Date encroachment shall be permitted into the M-496 5-16-72 required 3 foot side , Approved MD Died 0 yard setback, for the garage only. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification roaknoN 1914 Ocean Front Legal description Lot 9 Block 19 1st Add. to Newport Beach Zone R-4 Filed by Ralph H. Files App. No. Date 374 5-16-57 Approved I Denied Encroachment of 2'6" into a required rear yard setback of 5 1 for 2nd floor overhang only. Variance 51 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1922 W. Ocean Front Legal dosaiPiion Lot 11, Tract No. 234 Filed by Russ Fluter App. No. Date 144231 9-13-94 Request to permit structural Approved f Denied 0 alterations to an existing substandard garage, which will result in the conversion of the structure to a carport. The existing garage encroaches to the rear property line along the alley, where the Zoning Code requires a 5 foot rctbacks and to with.ip.9 inches of the side property ling'. Variance Resubdrnston 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other where the Zoning Code requires a 3 foot side yard setback. ' LOCATION 1994 W Orean Pront Le gal description Lot 12, Block 19. First Add NH Filed by James Ft_ Quigg Requested_ to permit the App. No. Date nsta 1 1 a ti on of a window 14-2942 2-28-84 box that is proposed to encroach 18" into the required Denied allied 0 three foot easterly side yard setback area. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 .JOCATION r89111 alwri PIS 1924 W. Ocean Front Lot 12 Bl. 19 1st Add. to N.B. R-4 Filed by MC KENNA. Dorothy App. No Date (CONDITION) Over UP -856 6 -7 -1962 Approved jg Denied 0 Interior alterations to a building which is non-conformie because of structural encroachments into side and rear yard setbacks. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0; Amendment 0 CONDITION The stairway at the rear of the property (alley) be moved back 4' from the property line. louncm4 1928 W. Ocean Front 1 API desairien Lot 13 Bl. 19 let Addn. to Npr. Nth. Nadi Filed by BATES, Virgil R. & Genevieve P. App. No. Date 698 6 -7 -1962 Approved A] Denied 0 Waiver of square footage requirements in order to construct a triplex on an R-4 lot having_131.(1a. Variance M Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Othee 6 geA/DGD 21/ Pe. goR / /-AA/963 LOCATION 7002 Went Ocean Front "Rai escriPticm Lot 2. Block 20. First Addn, located on the no Ride of W. Ocean Front between McFadden P1 & 20th St. Filed by Mark Manderson rec. to amend portion of Dist. App. No. Date Map 9 to place the subj. property 686 in either the MFR Dist or R-3 0.<1. ti-,4-,09 ,10 -19 -89 Dist of Cannery Village/McFaddenApprovod 111! Denied 0 Sq SP (SP-6) whereas the property is currently in the Retail and Service Comm'l Dist of the SP-6 Dist Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 1 LOCATION 2004 W. Ocean Fr. & 2001-2003 Court Legal descrosion Lots 3,12,13 and Pur. of 11, B1.20 1st Addn. to Npt.Bch R-4 Peudiuy. Filed by DOYLE, Jerry D. & Jacqueline App. No. Dale CONDITIONS (See application) 441 2-8-1972 Approved Jo Denied 0 A 5' front yard setback at 2004 w. Ocean Front (Ord. requires 20')' a 3 ft. sideyard setback adjacent to 20th St. at 2001 Court Ave. (ord- inance requires 4.4'); 4'1" and zero sicleyara (Over) Variance.0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 ofixe twdificatlon setbacks on the northwesterly side of 2003 Court Avenue (Ord. requires 4.4'); 4 foot front yard , setback at 2001 and 2003 Court Ave. (Ord. requires 20 feet). LOCATION 2004 Wrist Legal description (Inman Front and 9001 and 2003 Court Avenue Lots 3.12.13 and els/ 10' of Lot 11 2 Bl. 20 1st Addn. to N.B. C-1 Fled by DOYLE. Jerry D. and Jacqueline E. App. No. Date 315 1-20-1972 Approved X n Denied 0 Rezone from C-1 to R-4. Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 2004 W. 'Ocean Front and ' Legal description ZUNI-Z(1U court street LOtS 3,12,IJ and e'ly 10' ot Lot 11, bl. 2u East Npt. Tr. c-i Filed by DOYLE, Jerry D. and Jacqueline E. App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See applica- tion or Minutes) 1538 7-1-1971 Approved 0 Denied 0 Construct a 7 unit apartment building in the C-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit M Amendment 0 2004 W. Ocean Front & 2001-03-05 Court Street Lora 1 11 12 1 RlnnIr 9n let Addl. ML. C. Ned by STRANG, Verne E. App. Na. Date 544 7-2u-1959 Approved (Z DeMed 0 1) Waiver of a portion of off-street parking requirements. 2) Balcony to encroach within l' of side property line. 3) A l' front yard setback on Court Street CONDITION: Applicant must file resub.app. requesting that lots 3-11-12-13 be made into one parcel. Variance 1E Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amvmdmest0 CMher LOCATION 2004 W. Ocean Front & 2001-03.413 caurt-Sk_ SosaiPtiollTnto 3..11.12.13 A1nrk 90 1st Addn N -R. C -1 Filed by STRANG, Verne S. App. No. Date 529 7-2-1959 Approved 122 Denied 0 comet-ruction of 8 apartments with 13 parkins spaces on 4 lots (to be combined into one lot) Variance 0 Oiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit KI Amendment 'LCON0505N 2004 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3 Block 20 Section B First Add i n. Zone C-1 to Npt.Bch. Fled by STRANG, Vern B. App. No. Date 508 5-7-1959 Approved Denied 0 Requests permission to conStruct two dwelling units in a C-1 district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit lijc Amendment 0 LO HON 2010 West Ocean Fr-Ont Ls •cription Lot ec. c-1 Filed by ORSINI . _Eran App. No. Date CONOTTTONS (Over) 1463 1 -15 -1970 Approved X 1:1 Denied 0 Outdahr display and rental of beach equipment (rubber rafts, back rests. etc.) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit ja Amendment CONDITIONS: 1. That there be no display or rental activities in the public right-of-way. 2. All displays to be taken indoors when- ever the business is closed. LOCATION Legal description 2010 W. Ocean Front Lot 6 Bl. 20 1st Addn.Not.Bch. C-1 WALKER. Bob Filed by App. No. Date 1206 5-19-1966 Approved 13] Denied 0 CONDITION (Over) isreuvez tin onl .EX?; sor 'Wg-90e.sret Rent surfriders. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 12n1 Amendment CONDITION Approved for a period of six months subject to the condition that the display of the surfriders be confined to the site and prohibited from the public right-of-way Newport Math Tract akid by AWNS. .Rex App. No. 169 WITHDRAWN Approved 0 Denied 0 outdoor sales establishment for beach equip. & rental Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tin Amendment 0 Date 1000000,1 2006-10 W. Ocean Front Legal description tots 4-5-6 Alnek 2n qinetinn R First Addn. to Newport Beach O-1 Filed by HADLEY, Albert J. App. No. Date 521 Approved 3 -19 -59 al Denied 0 Permission to encroach 5' ;aro ragnirea-9 0' setback. front -yn-r-d Variance El Other Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LCO1MA 2006-10 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 4-5-6 Block 20 Section B C-1 First Addn. to Newport Beach Filed by HADLEY, Albert App. No. Date 497 3-19-59 Approved El Denied 0 Requests permission to construct a duplex on Lot 4 a duplex on Lot 5 and a single family dwelling on Lot 6 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Penna. pc Amendment 0 limeArioN 2010 W. Ocean Front - - [Legal description Lots 1+,5,6, & 8 block 20 1st Addition to Newport Beach Zone C-1 ; Filed by REBER, George T. & Ruth App. No. Date 390 7-25-57 Approved a Denied 0 o n yar. we •a' ns ea o requ re a 3 side yard setback instead - of required I, 1 a hero setba k on side property line to allow 1 extension of garge only. Variance El Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment Other 7- LOCATION 2012 W. Ocean Front 1 Legal description Por. Lot 7 Bl. 20 1st Addn.N.B. 1 C-1 Filed by CROWF Ronald A App. No. Date 1194 2-17-1966 Approved Denied 0 Rent beach equipment - surfriders. umbrellas and back rests from a vacant lot (no surfboards) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit DO Amendment 0 LOCATION 2012 W. Ocean Front Legal description S.E. 30' x 50' of Lot 7 Block 20 Sec.B C-1 Filed by GROOvRR, Steven App. No. Date 939 4-4-1963 Approved la Denied El Rent watercraft for hire (surfboards) from an asphalt paved parcel adipining the beach. CONDITION: Approved for a_period of one year. Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ig Amendment Other LOCATION 2100 West Ocean Front Isgal description Dot 19, Block 21 in McFadden Square. Fled by Barrett Saloon (E. Gads) App. No. Date Request to amend a previmps1 Y UP 1717 (Amended) 5/5/83 approved use permit that per- mitted the establishment of Aopmwed El Denied a E. Gads Restaurant with on-sale alcoholic beverages and live entertainment in the McFadden Building. The prcaposed amendment is a reguest to change the werational OVER. . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit at] Amendment 0 characteristics of the subject resaurant facility so as to allow dancing in conjunction with said use. P.C. DENIED ON 5/5/83 C.C. OVERRULED P.C. AND APPROVED COND. ON 6113/83 (See files for periodic C.C, reviews). LOCATION 2100 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot No. 19, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract (21 Ocean Front Restaurant) Filed by Richard Lawrence App. No. Date OD 29 10-7-97 Approved X Denied 0 Establishmentof an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent full service restaurant, on property located in the SP-6 District Variance • Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment fl IOther: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION Legal desrzipikm —7.71 2100 W. Ocean Front Po'-. Lot 19 B1.21 Newport Beach Tr Filed by S1E, Gwan D. App. No Date 1229 10=6 -1966 Approved a Denied 0 On-sale beer and wine in connection with a bona fide eating place. Variance 0 Other Resubdivismn 0 Use Permit p Amendment D LocAnom . - n Front description Por Lot 19 Bl. 21 Not.Bch. rec C-1 Filed by tai_DORYMAN App. No. Date 1429 4 -17 -1969 Approved III Denied 0 0o -sale beer in conjunction with a restaurant. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit R Amendment 0 LOCATION 2100-2106 W. Ocean Front Legaldescription Lot 19, Block 21, on the n.w.corner of Ocean Front and McFadden Place, in McFadden Sq. Filed b y Rick Lawrence Req.to permit the expansion of App. No. Dee existing Rex Rest.to allow said UP3141 4-4-85 rest.to occupy space in conjunc- tion with E.Gads Rest.facility. Approved jas Denied 0 Includes a req. to establish live entertainment and dancing in conjunction with the Rex Rest. Will maintain 2 restaurants on the property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Rensuifrg. Amendment 0 LOCATION 2102 W. Ocean Front Legal description - in McFadden square Filed by Rick Lawrence App. No. Date EXC. NO. 13 9/8/83 Request to permit the con- struction of a sign marquee Approved ei Denied 0 that projects more than 5 feet into the public right-of-way and is less than 16 feet above the existing sidewalk. Variance El Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2104 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot No. 19, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract (Rockin Baja Lobster Restaurant) Filed by Richard Lawrence App. No. Date OD 30 7-22-97 Approved X Denied Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use In conjunction with an adjacent full service restaurant, on property located in the SP-6 District. Variance J Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment fl lather: Outdoor Dining Permit — LOCATION 2106W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 19, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract in McFadden Square. Filed by Rick Lawrence App. No. Date Request to amend a pre- UP 1717 1/21/82 viously approved use permit Amended that permitted the remodeling Approved 20 Denied 111 ot an existing camnercial building that included the establishment of a new "take-out" restaurant facility, with expansion ot an existing restaurant tacility with on-sale alcoholic beverages, the OVER Variance Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 establishment of a new two-story cocktail lounge with live entertainment and the exapnsion of an existing hotel. The application is also necessary so as to permit the further expansion of the hotel facility on the third floor of the structure. The proposal also includes a variance so as to allow the proposed development to exceed the basic height limit in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District, and to exceed the allowable floor area of 2 times the buildable area of the site in the C-1 District. UD TION 21081/2 West Ocean Front • Legai description Lot 1, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract Filed by James Wallace App. No. Date 1511 24 -1971 Approval In Denied 0 Applicant will obtain two annual parking permits in the Municipal Lot for the use of employees Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fri Amendment 0 2014 W. Ocean Front fkanitnian Lot 7 Block 20 Sec. A First Addn to Not.Beach C-1 Filed by sAcBES, Ora J. & W. V. Jr. App. No. Date 570 11-5-1959 Approved /1 Denied 0 5' front yard setback and zero side yard setback on westerly side yard. Variance IE Other Resubcthosion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 - 1.6rATION 2014 W. Ocean Front Legal descripfion Lot 7 Block 20 Sec A First Addn to Npt. Beach C...1 Red by BACKER, On J. & W. V., Jr. App. No. Date 562 11-5-1959 Approved en Denied 0 Construction of residential units above a commercial building in a C-1 Zone. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LSCAVION 2014 W. Ocean Front , Legal description Lot 7 Block 20 Sec. A 1st Addn to Npt.Bch C-1 Filed by BACKER, Ora J. &W. V., Jr. App. No. Date 594 3 -3 -1960 Approved MO Denied 0 Use roof of a commercial building as an upstairs deck and walkway in conjunction with a dwelling unit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 the Permit MC Amendment 0 LOCATION 21083/4 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lots 1 and 2, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract Filed by Perry's Pizza (Jess Bingaman, applicant) App. No. Date OD 37 9-19-98 Approved X Denied fl Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with an adjacent take-out restaurant, on property located in the SP-6 (Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area) District. Variance J Resubdivision Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other: Outdoor Dining Permit LOCATION 2108 3/4 West Ocean Front Legal description Lots No. 1 and 2, Block 21, in McFadden Square. Filed by V & R Enterprises, dba (PERRY'S PIZZA) App. No. Date Request to permit the use UP 3007 12/9/82 of electronic games of skill in conjunction with the Approved Et Denied 0 existing Perry's Pizza restaurant in the C-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit p. 0 maknoN 2108 3/4 West Ocean Front Lima dissaiRtico Lot 1, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract, Filed by Craig W. Jones App. No. Date 1606 8-17-72 Subject to condition: Approved ti Denied 0 That three off-street parking spaces be provided for employees or that three commercial business parking permits be purchased for use in tne Municipal Lot. Variance 0 oser Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 LOCATION 2108 3/4W. Oceanfront Una accriPtiam Lot 1, B1k,21. Newport Beach Tract Hied by CRAIG W JONES App. No. Date APPROVED(CONDITIONS) 1606 8 -17 -72 Approved Di Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit n Amendment 0 1. That three off-street parking spaces be provided for employees or that three comercial business parking permits be purchased for use in the Municipal Lot. r LOCATION 91 08-2110 W. Ocean Front Uld thmeirkm intn 1 A 2, Cl 21, Npt.Bch C 1 Med by RAPP, Philip J. Reauest reauired and the light st walkway. Variance 0 °th r MOdifi to permit an ten foot rea construction andards, tree App. No. Dee ca- Planning Co M-297 5-20-1971 Approved ta Denied 0 encroachment into the r yard (alley) setback; and placement of planter s, a sign post and a CONDITIONS (See appli tion or minutes') Resubdivision catinn Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2106 West Ocean Front 1 Legal description Lot 19, Block 21 Filed by RICHARD LEE LAWRENCE App. No. Date 1717 4/1804 CONDITIONALLY Append /3 Denied El Request to permit the remodeling of an existing commercial building that will include (1) the establishment of a new "take-out" restaurant (2) the expansion of the existing "Alley West" Restaurant with existing on-sale alcoholic bever• Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit tit Amendment 0 Othet ages within 200 feet of a residential district, (3) the establishment of a new 2 story cocktail , lounge with live entertSinment, dancing and on- sale alcoholic beverages within 200 feet of. a residential district, and (4) a waiver of the required Parking spaces. [LOCATK)N 2106 West Ocean Front [Legal demripfion iCk Lawreru'..e Filed by App. No. Date Amend a previously approved UP-1717 8/3/78 use permit that permitted (Amended) the remodeling of an existing Approved 0 Denied 0 commercial building that included the establishment ot a new "take-out" restaurant, the expansion of the tormer Alley West Restaurant facility with on-sale alcoholic bevPragpc (i.e., now namp4 Tha R4+7 nestggpt)c Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other and the establishment Of a new two-storm cocktail lounge with live entertainment, dancing and on-sale alcoholic beverages. The proposed development modifies the originally-approved plans. 2106 W. Ocean Front. Lot 19 Block 21 Newport Beach Tr. C-1 Filed by STONE, Walter App. No Date n'enitet> 1/19/17 Ext. To iliffiff• 041 VilL7 867 7-19-1962 Approved Q Denied 0 On-sale beer. CONDITION: Approved for a period of_ one_yrar nnly Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit III Amendment 0 eissenpition Pot. Lot. 19 Newport Beach Tr. C-1 Red by STONE, Walter App. No. Date 649 7-21-1960 Approved CI Denied 0 On sale beer PyrsAiracn Foxe .2. otv 0/ozi- /cc /Q4 a Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 2106 W. Ocean Front teed dawdpNal Lot 19 Block 21 Newport Beach Tr. C-1 Red by FLORES, Vincent B. App. No. Date 526 6-18-1959 Approved a Denied 0 On-sale beer and liquor. ' Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Di Amendment 0 LOCATION 2106 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 19 81. 21 Apt-1301.1-r. C-1 Filed by LawpFNrF , Richard L. App. No Date --COILD.1.1.1444.454.0_14444414.e4 or appl icati-o-n4 1157 4-1A-1968 Approved p Denied 0 OP-gele alcahnlir beverages_ live entertain- ment and danring in A rectally-Ant within 2nn ft of a_ residential nine 141 7 -4f-ErreaDEZ> / fr9- Wo ,2)44/4/4/‘ st-a -70 - if 1 /113 -see ceman -nrows Variance 0 Resubdivkion 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Other ea r / vili, fr HOD, Coici,ei -S4 ye- esov.t. .f .r I-30 7,ts -$.77-71 It 0 02 .7 'IL 1. • e ... .. .... •.• , LOCATION 2110 W. Ocean Front Legal demeirke Lots 3 & 4, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract Filed by Lawrence Scott 1. Conformance with the Uniform App.No. Date Building Code. 2. Maintenance of 8 foot 1513 2-18-1971 vertical clearance for the Approved Ej Denied 0 projecting portion. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ECK Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2110 W. 'Ocean Front ! Legal dewipticm Lots 1 & 2 Bl. 21 Npt.Bch. C-1 Pled by GABLER, Rodney B. (Rapp, Philip) App. No. Date WITHDRAWN UP-1445 9-4-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 On-sale liquor, live entertainment and dancing in conjunction with a bonafide res- taurant within 200' of dwelling district; and further requesting structural alteration to existing nonconforming building. Variance 0 Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2108-2110 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 1 & 2, Block 21, Newport Beach Tract Filed by Philip J. Rapp App. No. Date 297 5 -20 -1971 Approved 151 Denied 0 _5ee_m.inutes_and_file_forsmclition.s___ Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 C)4her MOd i ficat top Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 r LOCATION I Legal description 2114-2120 W. Ocean Ftont Lots 6,6,7, Bl. 21 Npt.Bch C-1 Filed by SEAVIEW PROPERTIES App. No. Date 1403 10-3-1968 Continued Indefinitely Approved 0 Denied 0 Restaurant with alcoholic beverages and live entertainment and dancing. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [XI Amendment 0 anyt LOCATION MTh West Ocean Front Legal claseriptior Lots 3 & 4 Block 21 Nyt.Sch Tr. C-1 Filed by SCOTT, Lawrence App. No. Date 520 5 ,-21-59 Approved [3 Denied 0 On-sale beer Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit RC Amendment 0 -- -1 LOCATION 2116 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5, 81. 21, Npt.Bch. Tr. C-1 Filed by RAGER, George L. Rtigl'32:13Ap Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes itusaA (5.:Or(-4-n or application) 1460 9-2-1971 Approved IX Denied 0 I Request to permit a reduction in required off- street parking spaces from 20 spaces to 11 spaces for the "Beach Ball" bar and restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdiviston 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LocknoN 2116 west Ocean Front Legal degaripfim I 0 t c n1 21, Npt Rrh.Tr. C -1 App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See applica- tion or minutes) 1460 12-18-1969 Approved El( Denied 0 A bar and live entertainment in conjunction with a restaurant, and further requesting a waiver of the off-street parking requirements. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Had by RAUP. George LOCATION Legal description Lt x Eanot_ t -t Filed by t . t., atA3 tkialle-0 App. No. Date UP cecl Approved 9"- Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IS Amendment 0 LOCATION 2200 Ocean Front Legal descripfior Lot I. Block 22 - 141d by Lang Lampert Architects Request to permit alterations and App. No. Date additions to an existing commercial UP 3462 buildinq which is nonconforming 9/16/92 relative to floor area ratio and o41R2r0ved ED Domed El street parking on property located in the "Retail & ServirA Commercial" area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. The proposed construction includes the addition of a residential dwelling unit on the second floor and the conversion of an existing refail_space to Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permi1/401 Amendment 0 Other residential parking on the ground floor. The proposal also includes a• request to demolish more than 50 percent of the existing exterior walls while maintaining the nonconforming floor area ratio and parking for the existing restaurant. LOCATION 2200 W. Ocean Front #106 Legal description Lot 1. Blk 22, Newport Bch., Tract Filed by DC & Associates App. No. Date SF39 9-1-95 Approved in Denied 0 Permit the establishment of a specialty food service use on property located in the SP-6 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 the Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 2200 WEST OCEAN FRONT Legal description Lot 1, Block 22 Filed by Francis Ur sini App. No. Dee UP3535 6-23-94 Request to permit alterations to an existing commercial bldg. Approved a Denied 0 ' which is nonconforming with regards to Floor Area Ratio & off-street parking provisions. The proposed alterations include the renovation and expansion of an existing take- out restaurant, the renovation of a portion of the existinE rstAil_s p acc Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 Cliber retail space, and the request to demolish more than 5o% of the existing walls of the building. The pro- posed alterations will result in a decrease in the prorated development intensity of the site. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the construction of a new trash enclosure that encroaches +-5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley. LOCATION 2200 W. Ocean Front Umat dmaiption Lot 11 Block 22 Filed by Francis Ursini App. No. Deo Constrn. of second floor UP-1823 3/17/77 room additions so as to expand The Surfer take-out Approved El Denied M restaurant facility in the C-1 District. Furth- er request to waive all of the required parking spaces in conjunction with the proposed development. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2202 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 2, Block 22, on the n.e. side of West Ocean Front between 22nd St. & 23rd St. in the Cannery Village/McFadden Sq. SPA Filed by Henry A. Johnson Req. to expand living rooms App. No. Dee in 2 dwelling units of a non- UP3298 10-22-87 conforming 4plex on property located in the Retail & Service Approved Ar- Denied Comm' 1 portion of CV/McFAD Sq.SPA. 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2204 West Ocean Front Legal description Red by Umberto Aotore App. No. Dale Request to permit struct. alter. N3639c ond.1-2-90 to an exist. conconform. four- plex. on prop. located in the Approved fl Denied Q "Retail and Service Commercial" portion of the Cannery Village/McFadden Sgpare Spec. Plan Area. The app. propose ! to add parapet walls to the existing second floor of the struc. currently under construction. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2204 W. Ocean Front Legal descripticm Lot 3,, Block 22, on the n.e. side of West Ocean Front, between 22nd St & 23rd St. Filed by Umberto Autore Permit expansion of exist. living App. No. Date rooms in 2 du of nonconforming fourplex. 1123330 11-9-88 Approved id' Denied 0 , Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 2202 - 2204 W. Ocean Front desmfpfkm Lots 2 & 3 Block 22 Npt. Bch Tr. C-1 Filed by HUSBAND, Don A. and PAGE, John H. App. No. Date (Condition) 597 4-21-1960 Approved f] Denied [] Waiver of sq. footage requirements and portion of off- street parking requirements in order to construct 10 residential units & 4 sleeping units in a C-1 District. CONDITION: Approved in accordance with amended plot plan designated as "Plan B. permitting 4 units on each lot. Variance IE Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2202 & 2204 W OCOM Front 1140 4 ncriP600 Lots 2 & 3 Block 22 Newport Bch ;r. c-1 Red by HUSBAND, Dom: A. & PAGE, John H. App. No. Date (CONDITION) 601 4-21-1960 Approved et Denied 0 Construct 10 residential units and 4 sleeping units in a C 1 District. CONDITION: Approved in accordance with amended plot plan designated as "Plan 8". Permitting 4 units on each lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 rimmommilimmilmwr LOCATION 2206-8-10-12-14 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lots 4,5,6,7,8 B1.22 Newport Beach Tr. Zone C-1 Rhd by SELL, Jesse & BELL, Stanley App. No. Date 1096 2-18-1965 Approved xfl Denied 0 Construct two dwelling units on each of above lots. Appooved with following setbacks: l' front yard 4-1-1965 amended to 18'3" 4tH rear yard 0' side yard on lot bordering 23rd Street other side yard setbacks to be 3'. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 Other - -1 LOCATION 2210 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 6 331. 22 Npt.Bch.Tract C-1 Fled by REDDICK, Richard D. App. No. Date 1057 7-2-1964 Approved /3 Denied 0 Entertainment in connection with a "folk house" or "coffee house" featuring folksinging (on a high level). CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit= Amendment 2210 w ()rain Front description Lots 4 thru 8 Bl. 22 Not.Bch C-1 Filed by CORR, Robert J. App-No. Dote tra/vP&Z, / yd.?. oa I/7144 930 3-21-1963 Approved xgj Denied 0 Construction of 18 residential units in a C-1 District. Variance 9 Other itesubdivision 0 Use Permit ft Amendment 0 LOCATION 2210 W. Ocean Front legal deseriPilem Lot 6 BL 22 Newport Reach r -1 Filed by PALL Richard G. App. No Date 774 9-21-1961 Approved 0 Denka Live entertainment, ie., triod, combos, etc., and dancin at the above location. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other tocAnoN 2210 West Ocean Front 1Le geI description Lot 6 Block 22 Newport R 'Pro et Zone C-1 Filed by Angelo M. Genco App. No. Date 360 Approved la Denied 0 Sale of beer CONDITION: Area of the rear of the property shown as being 25' x 73' must be paved and used for permanent off-street parking purposes. Variance 0 Resubdivision p Use Permit Ej Amendment 0 Other m LOCATION Legal description 2210 Ocean Front Newport Beach _Lot 6 Block PP Newport Rnarh Tr. Zone C-1 Piled by Oscar G. TAYLOR App. No. Date 337 6-27-57 Approved 9 Denied 13 zI i • ; • rental & sales including bench equipment & a 0 lea• Variance El Resubdivision El Use Permit n Amendment El Other LOCATION 9212 West Ocean Front Legal deurirkm Lot 7, Block 22, Newport Beach Tract Filed by Meta Morrison Request to permit structural App. No. Dee alterations to: 1)reinforce an M3678 4-10-90 existing roof for a third floor roof deck and related wood Approved XEI Denied 0 I' guardrails. 2)extend an existing second floor deck and 3) add a 36" high wood guardrail for a stairway from the second floor deck to the new third floor roof deck of an existing nonconforming duplex in the Cannery Village/ AddensPcuari cappcifjr Plan Ariza wh rct Artz eiaPnti .al_USe 41 liar 01 esubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ' Other Modification is restricted to the second floor or above LOCATION 2212 West Ocean Front Legal description RSA by Meta Morrison Request to permit structural App. No. Date alterations and to add a dormer m36 46 1/9/90 type skylight to the roof of a nonconforming duplex in the Approved 0 Denied El Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area where residential uses are restricted to the second tioor or above and which also provides only two car parking on-site. Variance D Resubdrasion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other r Modification , LOCATION 7212, HT ncenp_Frnnt Legal description Lot 7, Block 22, Newport Tract Filed by Meta Morrison App. No. Deis Permit the construction of struct. M-3584 08/15/8 alterations to a noncontorming duplex in the Cannery Village/ Approved El Denied McFadden Square Specific Plan Area where residential uses are restricted to the second floor or above and which also provides only two car parking on-site. Variance 0 Resubdivision _0 Use Permit 0 Other Wodification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2212-22121/2 West Ocean Front Legal description Red by Meta Morrison Request to permit an addition App. No. Date to an existing residence that is M3078 7/9/85 nonconforming inasmuch as it is located within the C-1 District. Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 -I n LOCATION 2300 Ocean Front Legal description Lots 1 & 2 VI. zs Npt.Bch Tr. C-1 Filed by SAND CRAB - U P q App. No. Date Appr 1 year , Ex7e-4/062) / FA• • 7-0 /C- 7n letheell 364 c-16-191: 02)/,,P. Aft „v. e s-'pm Approved fJ Denied On-sale beer and wine in connection with a bonafide restaurant within 200 ft. of a residential district. E/cr c2 peS Atop_ coece• ex.rigeSC-4:_fl- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit J Amendment 0 Other _ e rayry;f)eu-e/a4y sApc. weirso, To Ze pap ,Coi) sres/pA cc 71( LOCATION 2300 West Ocean Front Leg •emeption , Lot 1 & 2 Block 23 Newport Beach Tr. Ned by PARKER, F. Edward App. No. Date 203 11-17-55 Approved 0 Denied ak Automobile (sports car) servicing and overhaul. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit DI Amendment 0 leqkrION 2300 - 2302 West Ocean Front Lica iseripbonLots 1 & 2 Block 23 Newport Bch C 1 Akod by RECHS. Rex App. No. Date 287 4-19-56 Appeared 0 Denied IX Waiver of off-street parking. The remodeling of existing building will have 5 kitchen units and 3 hotel rooms requiring under the Zoning Code six parking spaces. Variance a Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2304 West Ocean Front Legal dmicripRon Lot 3, Block 23, Newport Beach Tract, in the McFadden Square area. Filed by Masoud Tofer App. No. Date Request to permit the UP 3027 4/7/83 service of beer and wine in an existing take-out Approved 63 Denied 0 restaurant in the C-1 District, and to waive all the required parking spaces. SEE FILE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND CONDITIONS. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit In Amendment Other LOCATION 2304 W. Ocean Front Le o chiscr i pfion Lot 3, Block 23, Newport Beach Tract, in the McFadden Square area. Filed by Lite-Line Design Corp. App. No Date Request to establish a UP 3035 5/5/83 take-out ice cream shop nn property located in the C-1 Approved (Zi Denied 0 District and to waive all of the rev-kin:0 o ff - street parking spaces. Resubdivisoon 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 2306 West Ocean Front Legal dacripflon in t a an d 4, Rlock 23. Newport Rearh Trent Anil Into 19,9O and 21 Mork 22. Newport Reach Tract lnrarnd At 111 a 111,11S 22nd St. Filed by 7eppa Inr Req to permit the inctallation App.No. Date of merh equip. on MIA roof that V111b 6-5-86 exceed the basin ht..„ limit in the 26/15 Ht.Limit. Dist. Approved Denied 0 Variance JR' Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 9306 W Orean Frnnt Legal demdrilm Lots 3 & 4 Bl. 23 Npt.Bch Tr C-1 flied by ORSINI, Nick App. No. Date CONDITIONS (over) airP/RED..Eyr .vor Popoesrat 1313 11-2-1967 Approved MEI Denied 0 , A billiard parlor within 300 ft. of a residential district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Penntt fl Amendment 0 CONDITIONS L. That it be for a period of one year. 2. That there be a maximum of 3 billiard tables on the first floor of the bldg. TRDN 23410 Ocean Front Newport Beach Legal description Lots 1 & 2 Block 23 NBT Zone C-1 Filed by KAISER, Heinz App. No. Date 327 11-15-56 Approved Denied 0 ! Waiver of all yard setbacks to allow alteration of an existing commercial building into a four (4) unit apartment dwelling and waiver of square footage re- quirements, variances Rmmbdivision 0 Use Permit U Amendment fl !Other LOCATION 2308 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 B1 . 23 pp t Bch. Tr. II-2 Filed by LOWYN carl W. App. No. Date 839 1-21-1965 Approved Ala Denied EI Construct a duplex on a lot having 1875 sq. f t. Variance n Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Er Amendment LOCATION 2308 West Ocean Front Lot 5 Block 23 Newport Beach Tract Zone R-2 Legal description Filed by KRAGE, Walter App. No. Date 183 4 -16 -1964 Approved 0 Denied ai l Applicant requests permission to rezone subject property to a C-1 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment IA LOCATION 2308 & 2310 W Ocean Front Legal description Lots 5 & 6, Block 23 "04 by Pierro Serra App. No. Request to amend a portion A674 of (Districtinq Map No. 8 so as to rezone properties Approved 0 on West Ocean Front from the SP-6 (R-2) District to the SP-6 District. Date WITHDRAWN 3-23-89 Denied E] Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OCAJKAI 2314 W. Ocean Front Legal descrielkn Lot 8 B1.23 Npt.Ech R-2 Fled by JONES, Cynthia E. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 714 11-1-1962 Amprand t3: Denied 0 Construct two garages with inside measurements of 183" instead of required 20'. rg::ce 10 Resubdfrision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CONDITION An encroachment of l' for the length of the garages only to be permitted into the side yard abutting 24th Street. Inside measurement of garages to be 19'3" LOCATION 2400 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 1, Block 24, Newport Beach City Tract Filed By: Alexander Communities Application No. Date Mod. No. 4966 9-14-99 Approved: X Denied: Applicant requests to permit a 10 inch encroachment into the required 3 foot interior side yard setback with one garage wall, and a 7 foot 8 inch wide second floor living area that encroaches 1 foot into the required 3 foot side yard setback on 24th Street Both encroachments are in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. Variance: I Xesubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 2402 West Ocean Front i Legal Description Lot 2, Block 24, Newport Beach City Tract Filed By: Louis Dorfman Application No. Date No. 5091 5 -31 -00 Approved: X Denied: To permit alterations and an addition of approximately 5 square feet to an existing non- conforming duplex. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Modification LOCATION 2406 W. Ocean Front Logi description Lot 4, Block 24, Filed by Dean Smith Requested the reconstruction APP- No. OW4 of a portion of a second floor M-2845 3-3-83 roof and eave overhang, a portion of which encroaches Approved Eg Donie approximately six inches into the required three foot easterlys side yard setback, in conjunction with the remodeling of an existing single family residence. MOD Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2502 W. Ocean Front Legal deserk4km Lot 2. Blk. 25. Newport Beach Tract Fled by Hanna. Albert App. No. Dee Request to permit the construct- M4234 8-30-94 ion of a third floor roof deck related railing and new roof to pproved Ei Denied E] a duplex which encroaches up to 2 feet into the re- quired side yard setbacks. The proposed construction will maintain existing side yard setbacks. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2cnd w _af rmnt Legal description Tint R1nrk- 95 Nwno rt Re ath T 01- Red by nr and M q Mark Salib R WM& tn pavmif the rinnqtrnotiorIAPP-No. nf -a gc.t-'em#I fin h lnnny 1-0 M3736 Date 8/7/90 roma h 7 feet intn thp requircid 5 fnnt frntyard View-S .1AP - • ; • • . •n • Approved CI Denied a The App lirnnt alcn p ropnqec 4. 10 ft high archways to enema h 1 ft i to 1-he regpired 3 ft s'de yard setbacks 2 arr hway per Ride) where the Zo • ca ode limi s all m"Irridereferiance esu d own se Petnnifrjieet Amenament h Other Modifications LOCATION 9CO4 West Ocean Front Legal description Lo t 1. Block 25 Filed bYmr. and Mrs. M. Salib App. No. Date Rasrpifact tn permit_the. 143682 4-10-90 ennetrnetinn of a second floor hay window to encroach 12 inches Approved El DeMed intn the required 3 foot side yard setback. This application is made in coniunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling. Variance 0 Olfper Resubdivision 0 Use Penni. 0 Modification Amendment 0 • LOCATION 256 West Orsan Front demxiinionTrit A, flock 25. Newport meadh Tract Filed by Ants Said App. No. DM, yeqnsst tn werMit the M3666 3/13/90 cnnntrnetion of a third flnnr hay window structure Approved CI Denied 0 fast 6 inches wide to encroach 1 font into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2602 West Ocean Front Ural description Lot 2. Block 26. Newport Beach Tract Filed by RALPH M• _DAUS App. No. Date 1019 5-4-72 Approved 0 Denied al Variance 23 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 'LOCATION 2604-B West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 3 of Project 932-84, Block 26 Newport Beach Tract Filed By: Mike & Karen McNamara Application No. Date No. 5077 05-17-00 Approved: X Denied: to permit the enclosure of a 292 square foot second floor deck and the deletion of an interior bedroom to a two-family condominium project that is nonconforming because there are two on-site parking spaces where the Code requires 4 parking spaces. The addition of a new room is permitted by Code when there is no net increase in the number of habitable rooms. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: MODIFICATION LOCATION 2604 and 26041/4 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3. Block 26. Newport Beach Tract Flied by John Jacobs App. No. Date CC31 8/20/96 Approved In Denied 0 Conversion of a residential duplex into a two-unit condominium proiect, on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Ottier Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2608 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 5, Block 26, Newport Beach City Tract Filed By: Carl F. Thon Application No. Date CC 70 8-17-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the conversion of an existing residential duplex to a two-unit condominium project. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Condominium Conversion LOCATION 2608 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 81. 26 Npt.8ch.Tract R-2 Filed by FINE. Dr. B. A. App. No. Date 865 6-17-1965 Approved xja Denied 0 Construct a duplex on an R-2 lot having 1875 sq.ft. Variance a Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment OCATION API &lattice 2610 W. Ocean Front Lot 6 Block 26 Newport Reach R-2 Filed by BERTULEIT, W. API% Ne• CONDITION (Over) 747 5 -16 -1963 Approved A/ Defied 0 Construct a carport 4' from the main dwelling instead of required 6'. Variance 12 Niter Resubdivmon El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Date CONDITION Approved for carport as shown on plot plan, with the condition that the supports for the roof structure be held back 3 from the property line and the roof to be 2' from the property line. LOCATION 2700 W. Ocean Front Legal disaiption Lot 1 Bl. 27 Npt.Bch/Tr/ R-2 Filed by MARVICKL R. J. App. No. Date 966 3 -20 -1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 Construction of a duplex on a lot having less than required area. CONDITIONS (Over) (--n //R. Vac. ov g--7o _ Variance pp Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 . ...... - CONDITIONS 1. Setbacks may not be less than those shown on the application unless approval is obtained from the Modifications Committee. 2. Approval of this request shall not preclude compliance with all other code requirements in effect at the time this variance is exercised. LOCATION 2710 Ocean Front (il) 1 Legal description Lot 6 Bl. 27 Lake Tract Zone R-2 Filed by Mrs. Helen Chapman App. No. Date 371 9-19-57 Approved EX Denied 0 Addition of a bedroom extension to a \It IF • n•-• ••4t 0.4 II • n 4• 0.- extension must conform to the setback as required under the zoning ordinance. Variance Li Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IN Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 2734 West ocean Front Legal description Filed by Russell Fluter Request to perpti t the construc- App. No. Date 'tinn of A new two car garage whichM 3318 9-15-87 will he only 18 feet deep whereas 1 the municipal Code reauires that Approved 6il Denied E] garagea maintain a clear depth of 19 feet. Variance 0 Oilter Resubdrnsion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2714 W. Ocean Front Legal descArokm Lots 7 & 8, Block Z/, Newport beach Tract Filed by Chas. A. Robinson 1. This Modification App. No. Dee shall remain in effect only in conjunction M-480 4-25-71 with the existing Approved Ef Denied 0 structure and shall not extend to any re- development of the property. 2. The parking space snail be paved and maintained for open venicular storage only. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 2800 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 1. Blk. 28. Newport Beach Filed by Pacific Coast Architects App. No. Date M4505 10 -29 -96 Approved Ei Denied [] Construction of a portion of a new single family dwelling to encroach from 1 foot 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback along the 28th Street frontage. The proposed encroachment involves 17 lineal feet of first .11. I Is...01. S I et i V ariance Resub vismn 0 Other Use Per Amedmen mit 0 n OCATION 2808 V. Ocean front UNA dmmriokm Lot 5 Bl. 28 Npt.Bch Tr. R-2 Riad by MC GRAW, Judge Phillip R. App. No. Date CONDITION (Oyer) M-153 2-10-1970 Partially Approved 13 De n ie d 0 Structural alterations and additions to a non- conforming structure. Addition to encroach into side yards and into front yard setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other • • I) I I ca ion Amendment 0 LOCATION 2821 Ocean Lane Legal ancription Riad by John Silva App. No. Dee Permit a 6' encroachment M-2386 4/17/79 into the required 10' rear yard setback in connection with Approved Ea Dead E] second floor master bedroom-bath, dining, entry stairway and deck addition. Also, the applicant proposes a new tandem two-car (compact 18' depth) garage addition to an existing nonconforming 19' depth garage. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 mo 8ieft8cM Amendment 0 LOCATION 2912 - 2914 West Ocean Front Legal description Lots 7 & 8 Block 29 Not Beach Tr. R-2 "ad by LRICHTFUSS. George App. No. Date 578 1-21-1960 Approved 0 Denied gk Waiver of interior side vard setbacks and square footage requirements in order to construct 4 dwelling units over two R-2 building sites. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 2914 W. OCEAN FRONT Legal description Lot 8, 3-lock 29, Newport Bearh Traci - Filed by John Hedges App. No. CC18 Date 12-12-95 Approved XICI Denied 0 Request to permit the conversion of an existing duplex into a two-unit condominium project located in the R-2 district. Valiance 0 Other Resubthvmon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 Ocean Front Legal description Lots 1 & 2 Block 30 NB Tract Zone R-2 Filed by BANE, Harry R. App. No. Date 340 7-25-57 Approved 17 Denied 0 Alteration and relocation ofgarage and re- m e ng no con rm ng •we Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit KJ Amendment 0 Other r LCCATRDN innn Arid 1004 weet Orean Front Legal description Filed by Max Morgan App. No. Date NBLLA 88-2 12-20-88 Approved f] Denied 0 Request to permit a lot line adjustment to adjust a lot line between contiguous lots to be utilized for residen- tial purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION -40n0 & 'VOA W Crean Front Legal descri Pticm lots 1 & 2, Blk 10, Newport 'Inch Filed bt_MaLihargail_ App. No. Date LLA-95-5 5-9-95 Approved )da Denied 0 Rpquest to permit the adjustment of a lot line between two properties located in the R-2 Dist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION . 3000 West Ocean Front Legal description Parcel 2 of Newport Beach LLA96-1 Filed by Gordon S. Barienbrock App. No. Date V1209 6-6-96 Approved 433 Denied 0 Construction of a single family dwelling and attached garage which exceeds the allowable floor area. Also included is a modification to the Zoning Code to allow the building to encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 W. Ocean Front Legal description Al" by Max Morgan App. No. Date M 3499 1 -24 -89 Approved Denied [] Request to permit the construction of a single family restdence which will encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Variance 0 I Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3000 West Ocean Front Lmyd description Port. of Lot 1. Blk. 30. Newport Bch. Tract Red by Todd Schooler App. No. Date 114323 640-95 Approved AZI Denied 0 Penni t the ennstruirtion of a new single family dwelling which will encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. The applicant also proposes roof-too Ra.nt, Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Amendment 0 LOCATION 3009 Pt 3004 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3, Block 30 of Newport Beach ---anAi-Lat--2—at-nlOCI" IQ Filed by y Moron, Max App. No. Date , Adysvnent of An interior -C4-1-i-ne—betWeen—tebio—Parr-Ceirs--- NBLLA 96-1 2/13/96 loratod in the R -2 Ilistrict_ Approved 12 Denied 0 ' Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other NB' LLA LOCATION 3004 West Ocean ?rant Legal description Rkid by Max Morgan App. No. Date M 3376 3-1-88 1 Approved a Denied 0 1 Bequest to permit the construction of an addition to an 1 existing single family residence and attached garage which will encroach 7 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 'LOCATION 3012 and 3014W -Ocean Front Legal description Lots 7 & 8, Block 30, Lake Trect Zone R -2 Filed by MASON. W. F. App. No. Date 376 10 ertn.51_j Approved LI Denied 0 ' Addition of 2nd floor to annon oonformin dwelling. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ;MS Amendment Other LOCATION 3014 West Ocean Front Legal description Filed by Dubby Granott WNInest to permit the retention App. No. Date of an AR-built. 10 foot. 61 inch M 3307 7-28-87 hich_starage_shed_that encroaches 1 feet into the required 3 foot Approved 0 Denied Eg sine yard setback adjacent to 31st Street. Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3100 W. Ocean Front, Legal description Lot 1 B1. 31 Newport Beach Tr., R-3 Filed by MC DEVITT, H. J. App. No. Date 827 10-15-1964 Approved 4N Denied El Waive 1'4" of required 20' depth for a garage (or to en- croach 12" into side yard setbacks) to permit construc- tion of a second dwelling unit. ,2021/12K: Approved for an 18" encroachment for garage only toward 31st St., second floor setbacks to con6orm Varianosii Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 C46w LOCATION Legal description Lot , Tract Zone R-2 k. • Boo rs. K.R. Filed by oDENs, Date App. No. 309 Approved 3 -2 1-57 121 Denied 0 • • • II 117 L''t :NO •‘111 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Addition of two bedrooms to existing non- LOCATION 3108 W. Ocean Front Legal desaip*m Lot 5, Bl. 31 Newport Beach Tract Filed by CURRY & SON CONTRACTORS, INC. App. No. Date 794 4/30/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit an existing nonconforming duplex to maintain two garage spaces (where the 1 Ordinance requires three spaces) so as to allow interior alterations and the encl osure of an existing entry porch. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 14 LOCATION 3114 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 8, Block 31, on the ne corner of West Ocean Front and 32nd Street Red by Francuz/Kleinbub Reg. to resub an existing App. No. Date lot into a single parcel of R893 5-18-89 land for two unit resident. condo development on Approved 9( Denied 0 property located in the R-2 Dist Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 3204 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3, Bl. 32. N. B. Tract Red by Curry & Son Contractors Date App. No. 870 1-21-75 CONDITIONALLY Approved 0 Denied 0 To permit the construction of a two car garage and storage room on an R-2 lot in conjuntion with a nonconforming single family dwelling with an existi rig 2 fnnt cid/3 yard setback Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other II (where the Ordinance requires a 3 foot side yard) All new construction conforms with required yard setbacks. -[i A N 3214 West Ocean Front. N.B. Legal description Lot 8. Block 32. 3rd Edition - Newport Beach Tract Filed by Tom Horn App. No. Date M-269 3-2-71 Approved 0 Denied ra Planning Commission has recently expressed the opinion that encroachments of this nature should not be granted to lots haying a depth of greater than 85 feet. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment El LOCATION 3310 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 6, Block 33, Newport Beach City Tract Filed By: Kenneth Lund Application No. Date M4795 11-3-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit additions and alterations to an existing duplex that is nonconforming because it does not provide the required number of parking spaces (2 where the Code requires 4). The specific request includes deleting a room on the first floor and adding a room on the third floor with no net increase in the number of habitable rooms. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 3510 Ocean Front, Newport Beach Filed by TALBOTT. J.E. App. No. DM* 76 8-21-52 Approved 0 Denied change in sideyard setback from requirbd 3' to 15" Variance gi Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 El LOCATION 1600 west Ocean Front 5 1 1y sfl' of Lot 1 Bl. 36 Npt.Bch. R-2 Legal deseripikm MITCHFI I , Gerald R. App. No. Date M -17 11 -19 -1968i Approved Denied 0 Construction of a single family dwelling with 5 foot front and rear setbacks and a 19 foot deep carport. Variance I F I CA1Rtildivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by 4404 W. Ocean Front . _ LOCATION Legal description Lot 3 Block 44 Third Addn.to N.B. R -2 Ned by BLANDI, Thomas H. App. No Date 706 8-2-1962 Approved EM Denied 0 A garage 19'9" in depth instead of required 20'. Variance al Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 5,154 W °reap Exont Legal descriptica Lot '7 2. 111 ^^V in Filed by Nnrtnn VounglouP ppqnpatpd 1-hp intallatinn of App. No. Date a by window that IQ prnpnqpii M-2823 12-28-82 tn Pnrroarh nnp fnnt into thp rpquirpd 4 font wPctprly g i si e Approved 10 Denied 0 yard apthark arPa Variance 0 Offiw Resubdivision fl Use PermR 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 5200-02-04-06-08-10 Ocean Front Legal description Lots 1 to 6 inclusive 31.52 Ocean Front Tract R-2 LOWERY, Morgan W., JACOBS, Alice W. Filed by STEWART, Ambrose and KIRCHNER, Charles L. App. No. Date 650 5 -18 -1961 Approved 0 Denied fl Encroach 5' into a required 5' front yard setback. Variance IIDi Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 5210 Ocean Front Legal description Lot 6 Block 52 Ocean Front Tr. R-2 Fled by LOWERY, Morgan W. App. No. Date 650 5 -18 -1961 Approved a Defiled 0 Encroach 5' into required 5' front yard setback; stairways within both side yard setbacks and waiver of square foot- age in order to construct two dwelling units on an R-7 lot CONDITION: Request for encroachment into front yard setback DENIED Variance gl Resubdivii&71 — Use PerrMt0 Ammffichnent CtiMw LOCATION 5604 A 0cean Front Legal description Aticirocc rhangod +Foam 5605 R cfinci5 Ssachnra fir Filed by Steve McCluer. Newport Beach Request to permit the constructionAPP•It Date of a 2 unit residential condominium UP 3099 6/7/84 development and related garage spaces on property located in the R-2 Approved a Denied 0 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Perrnifx1EI Amendment 0 *sr LOCATION 5604 OceanFront Legal description Address changed Zofft bbIlb & 51:10531 Seashore time Filed by steve mcu uer, Newport ueac o. -Rechles-tr to-re"1)4444411-4 14PPiN Date 80 6-7-84 ' lot into a single parcel of land for residential condominium xFa Denieded purpnes A nn propar-ty-located in the R -2 PProlm,d District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0x Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6100 W Ocean Front Legal clemilatim Lot 1 Bl.A Sea.Col.Tr. R-2 Red by ROMER. Robert R. App. No. Date 1274 6-1-1967 Approved ID Denied 0 Construct a family room addition over an existing non-conforming attached garage. Said garade is located 3'4" from the rear property line located on a 15' alley which regvi-r-es_a_5=4ertrback- Variance LI Resubdivision Use Permit fl( Amendment D Other LOCATION 6102 West Oceanfront Legal Description Filed By: Eric F. Mossman Application No. Date Modification 5136 9-27-2000 Approved: X Denied: To allow a newly remodeled 2-story single family dwelling to encroach 6 inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback. The construction was originally based on erroneous survey information that caused the building to be constructed askew to the side property lines. This resulted in the building having less than the required 3 foot side yard setback at one corner of the building. Issues related to the location of openings closer than 3 feet to the side property line must be resolved with the Building Department. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: UCKIATK)N 6102 W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach Logs' demdpNco Lot 2 Block A Seashore Tract R-2 Flied by ROTH. Em il J. App. No. Date 492 2-19-59 Approved RE] Denied 0 Building of a 2nd floor back to the end of the existing let floor on a non-conforming building. Variance El Other Resubdivision Ei Use Permit gi Amendment LOCATION 6106 and 6110 West Ocean Front Legal chucHOWn Por. Lot 4, Lots 5 and 6 Bl. A Seashore Col. Tract R-2 Riad by DENNI. Mrs. Juanita and HOUSTON. Eugene C. and App.No. Date Luethel CONDITIONS. (ate pp-Pit-ea 231 11-17-1966 ion; Approved CX Denied 0 — Rpcuhdivide two 30' lots (lot 5 and 6) and the wacterly 20' of lot 4. into two 40' parcels (each having 3.000 square feet of lot area and being 40' x 75' in size) Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Ann WPRi- Orean Front Logal desciPrico rnt 6, Block 4. Seashore Co]o y Tract Filed by Wil son-Wiblo App. No. Date Rarest 1-npermit a 7 ft 3 inch M3717 6-26-90 3 ft into the required 3 ft side Approved Az Dame 0 yard setback. where the Zoning Code limits construction to a maximum of 6 ft in height. Also included in the application is a request for the retention of an as-built 9 in high planter wall which encroaches 5 ft into the ack ad'acent to West Ocean Vanance 0 Resubdinsion 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 • • • 0 - - I Front where the Zoning Code limits construction to a I maximum of 3 feet in height. I . LOCATION 6200 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 1, Block B, Seashore Colony Tract Filed By: John T. Morgan Application No. Date M4943 7-27-99 Appproved: X Denied: Request to permit the following encroachments into the required 3 foot side yard setback on 62nd Street: a roof cave that will encroach 18 inches, where the Code requires 2 feet clear to the property line; two (2) entry walls that will encroach 2 feet 6 inches; a first floor roof overhang located over the entry walls that will encroach 2 feet 6 inches, where 2 feet clear to the property line is required by Code; and a 6 inch encroachment with a portion of a circular stairway on the first and second floors. Also included in the request is a 7 foot high block wall located at the interior side property line where the Code limits fencing to 6 feet in height, and a planter that is 2 feet 6 inches in height and encroaches 5 feet into the required 5 foot rear alley setback. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: _blodification LOCATION 6204 W. Ocean Front Legal diescription Lot 3, Block B Filed by William Church App. No. Date To create one parcel R-536 1/6/77 of land so as to permit the conversion of existina APPronel 50 Denied 0 duplex into a two unit residential condominium complex. Variance 0 Other Resubdreision GT Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Le 6204 W. Ocean Front Ulgadm4Pihn Lot 3, Blk B Seashore Colony Tr. Filed by STERLING H. WOLFE, JR App. No. Date V 1030 5 -3 -73 CONIIITIONAIJT Approved ta Denied 0 Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oiber LOCATION 6204 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3, Block B. Seashore Colony Tr. Filed by Stlin_g_H. Wolfe, Jr. 1. f The h f oot rear FER App. No. Dee encroachment was APPROVED as shown on the plans. M-367 8-3-1971 2. The front yard encroach- Approved El Denied gj ment was DENIED due to the fact that it would restrict the view of the adjacent properties - construction must contorm to Code. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Offne Modi fication Amendment 0 LOCATION 6206 W Ocean Front. Newport Beach Legal description NW by Mr A Mrs_ William A Baxter Permit the conversion of App. No. Date existing duplex into a sin- M-2334 11/29/78 gle family dwelling which is nonconforming in the following: 1) exceeds per- Approved fl Denied 0 mitted floor area ratio of two times buildable; 2) exceeds required 24' height limit; 3) third garage space is 9' x 15'6" (where Code requires 9' x 20' inside dimension each). No new living area is requested. Addition consists of: (over) Variance D Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 171 . Amendment 0 Other MOnfl cation 1) eight 6" second floor window encroachments into required 3'0" east and west side yard setbacks; and 3) a new wine storage cellar in one of the smaller of four existing garage spaces (9' x 15'6"). 6300 V. Ocean Front ort Beach d descdpiicn Lot 1 Block C Seashore Colony LOCATION Filed by JOHNSON, Earl App. No. Date 123 2-18-54 Approved 12 Denied E] A sideyard setback of one foot too inches (1'2") along Prospect Avenue Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6304 Ocean Front Legal desedinkm Lot 3, Block C Seashore Colony Tr. Riad by Jerry and Yvonne Cobb Request to permit the App. No. Date construction of a two unit res- UP 3059 idential condominium development R 759 9-28-83 and related garage spaces on Approved g Denied 0 property located in the R-2 District. Request to resubdivide a portion of an existing lot And a portion of vacated East Ocean Front into a sing lot for residential condominium purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6310 Ocean Front Legal description Lot 6 Block C Seashore Colony Tract Zone 11-2 Filed by HAHN, Floyd F. App. No. Date 354 3 -21 -57 Approved jio Dmied 0 Encroachment of 1 , into 3 side yard setback to allow for extension of stairway only Variance ETC Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 6502 West Ocean Front Legal description Genelrgus App. No. Des permit the conversion of a 14-2476 11/6/79 duplex to a single family dwelling nonconforminu in a Approved 60 Denied 0 3 1/2" encroachment on the second floor. Proposal includes: 1.) a bathroom extension, deck addition; and 2.) new bedrooms, bath, deck, living room expansion on second floor and encloses stairway. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 948 ric ?mathatin on Amendment 0 Other av Red by [LOCATION 6508 W. Ocean Front Lot 5 Block E Seashore Colony Filed by BROOKS Henry E. App. No. Date 2-17-55 196 Appeared In Denied 0 Second floor overhang of 15" into the rearyard 10' setback facing a 15' alley for a 2nd story apartment over a double garage. Variance ffl Other Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment El LOCATION 6602 W Oceanfront Legal Description Lot 2, Block F, Seashore Colony Tract Filed By: Lehka Wicicramasekeran ' Application No. Date M4829 Application withdrawn 12-9-98 Appproved: Denied: To permit new duplex to replace existing duplex with smaller width parking at tandem parking spaces than code allows. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 660A W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 Bl. f Seashore Col. R-2 Hied by JEFFERS. Stephen F. App. No, Date 930 3 -7 -1968 Approved 13 Denied 0 Construct a duplex with less than the required Int area in the R-2 District. Variance a Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6688 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 5 81. F Seashore Col. R-2 Filed by MANN, Roger H. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 200 1-7-1965 Approved XE Denied 0 Realignment of property lines. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 • That the existing building be demolished at the Applicant's expense, prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. That the applicant establish to the satisfaction of of the staff the lot lines of record. 3. That the applicant submit a map satisfactory to the Public works Department. LOCATION 6608 W. Ocean Front Legal devaiPlivo Por.Lot 5. all 6 Block F Seashore Col. Filed by MANN, M. W. App. No. Date UP-5 3-15-51 Approved [i Denied El To build a two car garage. CONDITION: That Lots 5 & 6 are under Mr. Mann's ownership and at such time that L. we longer effective. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit al Amendment 0 LOCATION 6610 West Ocean Front Legal Description Portion of Lot 6, Block F, Seashore Colony Tract Filed By: I Pacific Coast Architects (Lance Kluger, property owner) Application No. Date M4743 11-10-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a 1 foot encroachment with a stairway and a six inch encroachment with a second floor bay window into the required 3 foot side yard setback. The encroachments are located at the Colton Street side yard setback. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 6610 W. Ocean Front Lepel description Rod by Merrill E. Skilling App. No. DOG Permit additions to an M-2081 5/24/77 existing duplex with the following nonconforming Approved in Denied 0 features: 1.) the balcony encroaches to 2 feet 2 inches from the front property line (where the Lode requires a 5 foot setback); 2.) the garage is built over the side and rear property OVER - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other mndifiCatiOn lines (where the Code requires 20 feet); and 4.) two parking spaces are provided (where the Code requires three spaces). The proposed greenhouse windows encroach to 18 inches from the side property line (where the Code requires a 3 foot setback). The proposed water heater and platform encroach to the rear property line (where the Code requires a 5 foot setback). LOCATION 6700 West Ocean Front Legal closcripfim Lot 1 Bl G Seashore Col. R-2 Filed by MARTIN. W. R. App. No. Date M-129 11-12-1969 Approved X g] Denied 0 A 216' encroachment into the rear yard with a second story project4on. CONDITION: Minimum ground clearance of 8' for that portion of construction encroaching into Variance 0 s e t b Pesubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other acK. . . . Moth I icaLl vii LOCATION 6708 West Ocean Front Legal description App. No. Date Permit the installation of 2 M-2577 8/26/80 pairs of french doors, 3 skylights, and the constrn. of a fence on aApproved ay Dada 1:3 side property line to an existing nonconforming duplex. The existing nonconformity is a two-car garage (where the Code requires three parking spaces for a duplex). No new floor or living area will be constructed. Filed by Marty Schlom Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit CI Amendment 0 Other Modification ' 1.440CAINDN 6710 W. Ocean Front Legal descipl.km Lot 6 Block G Seashore Colat. R-2 Filed by PATTISON, Robert S. & Gwendolyn R. App. No. Date 546 8-20-59 Approved a Denied El Alterations & additions to an existing non-conforming building CONDITION Porch enclosure must comply with the required side yard setback of 3'. Variance El Other Resubdivision Use Permit al Amendment lCrATK)N 6800 West Ocean Front LAO description Red by Dr. & Mrs. Kemal Batniji Request to permit the constructionApp.No. DM° of structural alterations and M 3321 9-1-87 additions to an existing noncon- forming duplex which encroaches Approved Et Dried 0 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback and 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback and which maintains only 2 nonconforming garage spaces whereas the Municipal Code now required 3 parking spaces. The OVER Variance 0 Giber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 alterations will include: 1. The construction of a balcony which will encroach 3 feet intot he required 5 foot front yard setback adjatr , cent to the beach; 2. The construction of a second floor bathroom which will encroach 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley, where attic storage previously existed; 3. The construction of two second floor bay windows which will encroach 1 ft. I 4 inches into a required 3 foot side yard setback; 4. The enclosure of an existing deck to form a sun-room; 5. The structural alterations of existing nonconforming rear and side walls of the structure. LOCATION 6800 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 1, Blk. H, Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Kamal A. Batnii App. No. Date M4444 5-21-96 Approved gi Denied 0 As-built construction of structural supports for a new roof deck which encroach approximately 4 inches into the required' 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Rbild by WELLMAN, H. E. App. No. Date 111 9-17-53 Apprcwed J Denied To move a house forward on Lot and change non-conforming setbacks 0 CONDITION: (Over) Variance al Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment Oilier pIDCA TION 6800 Ocean Front dew:di:4km Lot 1 Block H Seashore Colony Subject to the /ratios of a dead by the Say for a 15' adjacent portioa of Ovum Front in amihange for a dead from the said owner of Lot 1, Blk. H. for a N'Ely 15' portion of said Lot 1, for the purpose of completing the alley right of way through said Block H. LOCATION Legal description 6804 West Ocean Front App. No. Date Permit an 8' X 20' parking M-2441 8/7/79 space in the west side yard setback area (where the Code Approved ( DeMed 0 requires 9' X 20') in connection with the constrn. of a single family dwelling. Request includes: 1.) a soa (on second floor located 3' from the side property line (Code requires 5'1. 2.) 7' high gate east side setback area ( Loae requirbs ffaximum heignt is 6'). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Filed by Steve Loomis LOCATION 6810 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 6, Block H Fled by Lawrence Sork App. No. Date Relocation ot an existing M-983 12/23/75 fireplace and stack trom the tront to the Approved El Denied 0 side ot an existing noncontorming duplex with two garage spaces (where the Ordinance now requires a minimum ot 3 parking spaces for a duplex in West Newport). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oi Mndifiratinn LOCATION 6810 W. Ocean Front Legal ciewmiptionLot 6, Block H of Seashore Colony Tract, City of Newport Beach per map recorded in Bk. 7, page 25 of ? Misc. Maps Fawd by Thomas H. Horn, Jr. App. No. Date M -233 9 -29 -1970 Approved pa Denied 0 Subject to 8' ground clearance under projection Portion Variaernee Eih od f ategmlivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6810 Ocean Front Isgal description Lot 6 Block H Seashore Colony Tract R-2 Red by RIEDELL. E. H.. D.O. App. No. Date 694 5-17-1962 Approved D Dada ppm Construct a carport on the front half of lot and convert existing garage into a bedroom. Variance id Niter Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 6900 W. Ocean Front Lot 1. Block 1, Seashore Colony Tract Legal description Filed by David Manooklan App. No. Date 450 3 -7 -72 Approved 0 Denied ti Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 6906 W. Ocean Front h Legal derscHPRom Lot 4 Bl. 1 Seashore Col. Tr. R-2 Filed by PARKMAN, Mr. & Mrs. Charles App. No. Date 582 2-4-1960 Approved 0 Denied flx Encroach 1'3" into a required 5' front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a bay window. Variance E Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Lagal description 6910 W. Ocean Front Filed by Gene Kraus App. No. Date Permit alterations to an 14-2475 11/6/79 existing duplex which is nonconforming in the Approved 121 Denied 0 following: 1.) there are two parking spaces (Lode requires three); z.) -there is no available open space provided on the site. Applicant proposes conversion of two upstairs bedrooms to one, addition of bar to Over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 first floor kitchen and other minor alterations. LOCATION 7000 14. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 1, Block 031, Seashore Colony Pled by Dallas Holmes Requested tn permit alterations App. No. Date and additions to an existing M-2675 3/31/81 duplex that is nonconfnrming in that only 2 garage spares Approved in Denied 0 are provided where the Code requires 3 spaces; and the existing structure encroaches 3' into the required 5' rear setback. DI esub Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 LOCATION 7004 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3, Block J, Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Patrick O'Connor, Builder 1. That the three garage App.Na Date spaces shall be utilized for vehicular storage M-492 5-23-72 only. Approved XU Denied 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification LOCATION 7008 W. Ocean Front Legal descripticm Lot 5, Block J, Seashore Colony Tract • Filed by Peter Wilson Requested the conversion of an App.No. Date • existing duplex into a single 14-2656 2/3/81 family residence. The following nonconformities exist: 1 Two Approved 0 Denied 0 parking spaces are provided where the Code now requires 3 spaces. 2. An existing fireplace encroaches to with in 1' of the side property line where the Code requires a 2' setback for fireplaces. ' MODIFICATION Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 other LOCATION 7nnR W Orean Front UP9A chnniP6m lot 5, Elk J. Seashore Colony Tr. on Nn side of W OceanFront btwn Highland & Grant c+raptc in West Newport Riad II JOHNSON, DAVID H. App. No. Date 1661 3-22-73 -to elcCteal Approved 0 Denied DX Variance 0 Other Rose bdivision 0 Use Permit gi Amendment 0 maknoN 7008 W. Ocean Front Legal chww06m Lot 5 Blk J Seashore Colony Tract Addition Ned by DAVID H. JOHNSON App. No. Date 670 6-19,73 CANDITIOUALLY 4pm/a ME/Wu permit a 20" encroachment into the easterly side yard setback and a 6" encroachment into the westerly side yard setback (where the °Rd. re- quires 3' side yards) fbr structural columns to support a second floor addition in the K -Z Uirsr Variance 0 Resubdiision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ' Other - OVER (the 20" encroachment is adjacent to an existin • •. fireplace that encroaches to within one foot ( of the side property line where the Ord. re- . quires two feet). LOCATION 7010 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 6, Block J, Seashore Colony Tract Flied by Douglas Brownell App. No. Date M4667 2-24-98 Approved X Denied n To permit various roof eave and second floor bay window encroachments into the required3 foot side yard setback on the Highland Street side, in conjunction with a new single family dwelling. Variance • Resubdivision Li Use Permit fl Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 7102 W. Ocean Front Lori description Lot 2, Blk. K Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Ri chard Kintraugh App. No. Dote M4210 6-21-94 Approved Et Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of additions 14 altnratinn to an existing duplex which provides two ear parking, where the Zoning Code requires three parking spares Additions consist of the expansion of the second floor kitchen 14 vEr., ag we31,4fl a—SeTO dArk. Resubdonsion u use rerrnd0 Amendment 0 -LOCATION 7104 W. Ocean Front Legal description Filed by I. M. Reif App. No. Date Alterations and M-2192 2/21/78 addition of approximately 456 sq.ft. to an Approved Eti Mmied existing duplex with the following nonconforming features: 1.) two garage spaces (where the Code requires three spaces); 2.) the structure encroaches to 3' of the rear property line OVER- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 (where the Code requires a 5' setback); and 3.) the eave encroaches 3' into the front yard setback (where the Code allows a 2'6H encroachment). LOCATION 72ng w nronn F rnnt Legal 4=1 0cm I nt 4_ Rlinrk I _ seashore Colony Tract Filed by Darrel Rregder App. No. Date Removed from calendar Approved 0 Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION i WestOceán Front Legal description Filed by ur. t. K. munns App. No. Date Permit 8 A L0 open parking M-2327 11/21/78 space to encroach into required 0 - southeast side yard Approved El Denied 0 setback and a 2 112" eave to encroach from a permitted z 1/2 1 u' second floor overhang into required 5'0 - alley setback In connecn n wIch the construction o a new single family dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 moUdspf tAriti gi Amendment 0 LOCATION 7302 W. Oceanfront Legal description Filed by Robert Corrigan App. No Date Request to permit structural alterations to an existing duplex M2988 9-11-84 that is nonconforming in that it Approved M Denied 0 does not maintain the required front and rear yard setbacks, so as to convert the duplex into a single family dwelling. The proposal also includes a request to allow a second floor addition to encroach 9"4- into Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 the required 5 foot front yard setback; and to allow a portion of the living area on the second.floor that encroaches 2 feet into the requ 3 red.5 folot rear yamd. setback to be converted into a deck. LOCATION 7304 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 3. Block M. Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Todd Scheeler & Assoc. App. No. Date R1008 8-23-94 Approved Ei Denied 0 Request to resubdivide an existing lot into a single parcel of land for condominium purposes. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 r LOCATION 7304 W. Ocean Front San Lot 3 Block M. Seashore Col.Tr. 11-2 663 8-18-1960 Approved MC Denied 0 Enclose a second floor porch attached to a building which is non-conforming because of a 13" front yard setback instead of 5'. Filed by AUMACK, Otto L., Jr. App. No. Date Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ra Amendment 9 LOCATION 7306 West Ocean Front Legal deukakm App. No. Date Permit demolition of front M-2513 3/11/80 unit and addition to existing single family dwelling non- Approved ID Denied 0 conforming in that the first and second floor encroach 2' into the required 5' alley setback. Request includes po411 equipment on second floor to encroach 2' into the required 5' cethark (for pools and pool equipment). Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Filed by Paul Heussenstamm Variance 0 Other LOCATION 7306 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lo t a , Rlnrk hi Crilrmy Tract Cond. APP. 9/1/92 Rloci by Angelo Cascara C C App. 9-2R-92 Request to permit the reconstructietW4No. Date of an existing first floor deck M 4040 8/17/92 and railing (6 feet 4 inches+ in height) which currently encroach Approved &] DeMe 0 5 feet+ beyond the front property line. into the puhlir right-of-way along W. Ocean Front. The revised deck and railing are proposed to encroach 5 feet into the required 5 foot front yard setback. where the Zoning Code limits sHrh Vingi roCEIOn to feet in hei ght. Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MOD LOCATION 7IO6 W ()roan Front Legal description lot 4, Rlork Ph, Soachore Colony Tract Filed by Angelo Cassara App. No. Date M4275 2 -7 -95 Approved ARI Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of a world floor oarden window and two first floor garden windows which will en- in. I • I I- I I I - SI it- vi •• Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 7308 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 5, Block M, Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Gerald N. Muir, on behalf of Stephen Bush App. No. Date M4630 11 -25-97 Approved X Denied ri To permit additions and alterations to an existing duplex that is nonconforming because the dwellings provide 2 parking spaces where the Code requires 3 and an existing encroachment into the required 5 foot front yard setback on Ocean Blvd. Variance Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other Modification Permit LOCATION Legal description 7308 W. Ocean Front Filed by George McCall App. No. Date Modification of the Zoning M-2438 7/24/79 Ordinance to permit the constrn. of first and Approved Ef Denied 0 second floor room additions and alterations on a nonconforming duplex that encroaches into alley setback and has two parking spaces (3 required). Proposal includes constrn. of a firpplarp that encroaches to l' of side prorrty line. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 7308 W. Ocean Front Lot 5, Block m Legal description Filed by Norman L. White App. No. Date Constrn. of first and M-2120 8/9/77 second floor room additions on a duplex Append W Denied 0 with the following existing nonconforming features: 1.) the existing structure encroach- es to within 2' 3" + of the rear property line (where the Ord. requires a 5' rear yard OVER- Variance Q Resubdivision U Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 OVIter Modification when abutting a 15' wide alley); and Z.) two garage spaces exist on the site (where the Code requires three parking spaces). The proposed development also includes the constrn. of a fireplace that encroaches to within l' 6" of a side property line (where the Code requires a 2' side yard). LOCATION 263 Ocean View Drive Legal description Lot 29 Tract 1133 R-1. Red by RECTOR, Charles App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) M -111 9 -2 -69 Approved X El Denied 0 A swimming pool to be constructed closer than 11N 10' from the front property line, and to permit the enclosing 6' fence to be within 2' of the property line. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 CONDITION: Subject to a 4'8" setback for the pool and fenceS height of 5' maximum permitted to be built •on the front property line. LOCATION 58-80 &earl Vista Drive Legal description Red by Jnhn n flick and Son perresting tha adjnatinPnt of App. No. Date an erseting prnparty lino he - L L A 85-4 10-22-85 Preen cootigvnus vireq south- enstarly Qf the intArsenction Approved 0 Denied [] of CleMall Niigata and SPA vista Drive. Variance 0 Other Resubdwmon Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION it Odyssey Court Legal description Filed by Bryde Burger Architects App. No. Date 3481 11 -29 -88 Approved 13 Denied 0 Bequest to permit the rnnstrnrtinn of a clerk whirh will encroach 4 feet 3 inches into the required 10 foot perimenter setback in the Newport Crest Planned Cnmmnnity Variance 0 Otber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 ,s111 LOCATION 16 Odyssey Court Legal description Filed by C. Tucker Cheadle Request to permit the extension App. No. Date of an existing deck which will M 3282 7-14-87 encroach 3 feet 6 inches into the required 10 foot rear yard Approved a Denied 0 setback and maintain a maximum height of 5 feet 3 inches as measured from existing grade to the top of the deck railing. Variance 0 Other ResubcInnsion 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 LOCATION 17 Odyssey court Legal description Filed by Frank J. & Dorothy Oliver nerpulat to permit the extension APP. No. Date of An ovinting deck that will M 3313 8-11-87 enrrnarh 4 feet into the reauired D In font-tb rear yard seack. Approved I Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 18 Odyssey Court Legal description Filed by AL Hanna App. No. Date M 3359 1/26/88 Approved Denied 0 Request to permit the construction of an extension to an existing deck that will encroach 4 feet 6 inches± into the required 10 foot rear yard setback Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other r___________ 'LOCATION N.W. Corner of Old County Rd. & Catalina DT. lagal description Elly 60' of Lot 4 Block 1 Tract 27 Filed by CUNNINGHAM, jack B. App. No. Date 121 2-18-54 Approved pg Denied 0 To allow a 10' front yard setback facing Old County Rd, a 5' rear yard setback, and a 4' side yard setback along the entire length of the lot anacent to Catalina Dr. on a reversed frontage lot Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 4 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 43, Tract 15388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4684 4-21-98 Approved X Denied n Request to pennit the construction of an interior side property line wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit due to a change in elevation between properties. The proposed wall will be 9 feet 4 inches in height on the subject property and 6 feet 4 inches on the adjacent property. Variance Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment Other Modification LOCATION 6 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 41, Tract 15388 Flied by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4685 4-21-98 Approved X Denied u Request to permit the construction of an interior side property line wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit due to a change in elevation between properties. The proposed wall will be 10 feet 6 inches in height on the subject property and 6 feet 4 inches on the adjacent property. Variance u Resubdivision D Use Permit fl Amendment fl Other: Modification LOCATION 8 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 42, Tract 15388 Flied by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4686 4-21-98 Approved X Denied LI Request to permit the construction of an interior side property line wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit due to a change in elevation between properties. The proposed wall will be 9 feet 3 inches in height on the subject property and 7 feet on the adjacent property. Variance u Resubdivision LI Use Permit u Amendment U Other: Modification LOCATION 10 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 43, Tract 15388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4687 4-21-98 Approved X Denied n Request to permit the construction of an interior side property line wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit due to a change in elevation between properties. The proposed wall will be 9 feet in height on the subject property and 6 feet 6 inches on the adjacent property. Variance U Resubdivlsion LI Use Permit Li Amendment U Other: Modification LOCATION 21 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 38, Tract 15389 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4718 6-16-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of an interior property line wall that exceeds the permitted 8 foot height limit by 3 inches, due to a change in elevation between two properties. variance 0 Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other; Modification LOCATION 22 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 49, Tract 15388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4722 6-23-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of a new property line wall between two properties that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit by 1 foot 5 inches, due a grade change between the two lots. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Modification I—arION 23 Old Course Drive LO Legal Description Lot 37, Tract 15389 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4719 6 -16 -98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of a new property line wall between two properties which exceeds the 8 foot permitted height limit by 8 inches due to a grade change between two properties. Variance 0 Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 26 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 51, Tract 15388 Flied by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4723 6-23-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of an interior property line wall that exceeds the permitted 8 foot height limit by 1 foot 2 inches, due to a change in elevation between two properties. Variance II Resubdivision Use permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 29 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 34 Tract 15389 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes APP. No. Date M4720 6-16-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of a property line wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit by 2 feet 4 inches, due to a change in elevation between the sidewalk and the side property line. Variance El Resubdivislon Use Permit D Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 30 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 53, Tract 15388 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes APP. No- Date M4727 6-23-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of a new wall at the side property line that exceeds the 8 foot permitted height limit by 1 foot 8 inches, due to a change in grade elevation between the sidewalk and the side property line. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other: Modification LOCATION 34 and 32 Old Count Drive Legal Description Lots 74 and 75, Tract 15388 Filed By: Pacific Bay Properties Application No. Date L.L.A. 99-11 08/24/1999 Approved: a Denied: To permit the adjustment of an interior lot line between two residential properties, in conjunction with the construction of two new single family dwellings. Variance: Other: Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment LOCATION 45 and 49 Old Course Drive and 6 and 8 Oak Tree Drive Legal Description Lots 1,2 and 10, Tract 15389 Filed By: Pacific Bay Properties . Application No. Date L.L.A. 99 -012 08/24/1999 Approved: x Denied: To permit the adjustment of a common property line between three residential properties and one open space parcel in conjunction with the construction of a new single family dwelling Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 47 and 49 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 1 of Tract 15389 and Lot 52 of Tract 15390 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4852 2 -2 -99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit an 8 foot 10 inch encroachment into the required 15 foot side yard setback with a corner of the recreation facilities building. Variance: Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 47 and 49 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 1 of Tract 15389 and Lot 52 of Tract 15390 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date LLA 99-01 2-2-99 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the adjustment of an interior property line between two properties with the construction of the community association recreation facilities. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Lot Line Adjustment LOCATION 68 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot! Tract 15390 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M 4764 8 -18 -98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a portion of the area in front of the garage to exceed 7 feet, for a total of 9 feet 11 inches where the Code requires garages be set back from 3 feet to 7 feet from property line or 20 feet. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 69 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 11, Tract 15332 Filed By: Pacific Bay Homes Application No. Date M4821 12-8-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit a portion of the front setback in front of the garage to be 5 feet 4 inches where the Code requires a minimum space in from of the garage to be 7 feet. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 80 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 13, Tract 15390 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4715 6-9-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of an interior property [me wall that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit by 6 inches, due to a change in elevation between properties. Variance Resubdivislon D Use Permit 0 Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 82 Old Course Drive Legal discripikfl Lot 39. Tract No. 15390 Filediss_Bay Homes App. No. .Date To permit an average 10 inch 11-4569 6/10/97 encroachment with portions of the garage. into the area in Approved a Denied 0 front of the garage (between 7 feet and 18 feet from property line). The Code reauires garages be set back from 3 feet to 7 feet from property line, or 18 feet with roll-up garage dnnr And 20 'feet with a standard garage O ogr. Tip thr is located on a curved Variance Li e fearlivET Use Perrnd 0 Amendment 0 WK. Modiftation section of the street, on property located in the PC District. LOCATION •1 1 • • rse Drive Legal description Lot 23 Tract 15390 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4611 9-30-97 Approved 45 Denied 0 Request to permit a second floor encroachment of 2 In. into the required 10 ft. front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdiyision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 moalfication LOCATION 108 Old Course Drive Legal Description Lot 38, Tract 15390 Filed by Pacific Bay Homes App. No. Date M4705 6-2-98 Approved X Denied To permit the construction of interior side and rear property line walls that will exceed the permitted 8 foot height limit due to a change in elevation between the subject property and four adjacent properties. The proposed walls will range in height from 8 feet 6 inches to 9 feet. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit fl Amendment 0 Other: Modification LOCATION 7310 Vest Ocean Front - Legal description Lot 6 Bl. M Seashore Col .Tr. R-2 Filed by KIRCHNER, C. L. App. No. Date 963 3-6-1969 Approved 0 Denied XffIX Construction nf a three-stnry duplex where ordinanre permits no morn than two stnriec Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 7310 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 6. Block M, Seashore Colony Red by PIERRE BERIPLINO The as -built construction of App. No. Dee a second floor balcony which D-0-411,5 encroaches 5 feet into the required 5 foot front , yard setback along West Ocean Fnentroved X. Denied El Front Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other nelOnt PI C c-rn N LOCATION 7400 W. Ocean Pront Legal dim4 0ilm Lot 1. Blk. N. Seashore Colony Filed by Charles Goldsworthy App. No. Date M4328 6 -27 -95 Approved D Denied 0 Nest to permit a partial retention of an existing deck which encroaches 5 feet beyond the front property line. The applicant proposes to maintain the deck (and the support posts to encroach 3 feet into the required 5 foot front yard setback. variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Rk4 by Charles F, Goldsworthy Reques-t—te-÷er-mit--the—reconstructioliPP ML of an existing second floor deck and m 4039 I Date 8/14/92 Approved 0 Denied A rove b into the public right-of-way Denied by C. along W. Prnnt The revi sed deck and railing are 11 t f I LOCATION 7400 W. Ocean Front Legal description lot 1, Rlark N. Seashore Colony Tract yard cethork, where the Zoning Cole 1 mits such construct on Variance o Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Mod LOCATION 7402 West Ocean Front Legal Description Lot 2, Block N, Seashore Colony Tract Filed By: F. Elliot Leonard Application No. Date M4776 9-15-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the construction of an entry stair way that encroaches 5 feet into the required 5 foot front yard setback, where a portion of the stairs will exceed the permitted 3 foot height limit. The stairs will be open risers with a clear glass guardrail. Variance: I Resutahvision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 7402 W. Ocean Front Legal description Lot 2. Blk. N. Seashore Colony Tract & Portion of abandoned West Ocean Front Filed by Charles B & Edward Baur App. No. Date CC16 11-14-95 Approved Q Denied 0 Conversion of a residential duplex into a two-unit condominium project on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 7402 West Ocean Front Legal descriydkm Lot 2, Block N, Seashore Colony Tract and a portion of abandoned West Ocean Front, located on the n.e. side of West Ocean Front between Summit & Olive Sts Filed by Chuck and Edward Bauer Req. to permit the construction App. No. Daft of a two unit residential condo UP3204 6-5-86 with related garages and carports on property located in the P2 Approved rEr Denied 0 Dist. Variance El Other Resubdivisien 0 Use Permit gl Amendment 0 LOCATION 7402 West Ocean Front Legal description Lot 2, Block N.Seashore Colony Tract and a portion of abandoned West Ocean Front, located on tne n.e. side otWest Ocean Front between Summit & Olive Sts. Filed by Chuck and Edward Bauer Reg. to permit the construction App. No. Date of a two unit residential condo R827 6 -5 -86 with related garages and carports on property located in the R2 Approved Denied 0 Dist. Verience Other Resubdivision Ar Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION • Leg al ascrIPM" Lot 2, Block It, ceashon Colony Trac Filed by Wt 1 I i-AM It tki"entApp.No. 526 Dates-29- 72 Approved 0 Denied 5 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Olbar MODIFICATION LOCATION 7402 Oceanfront, N_B Legal description Int 2. Rlork N. Seashore Colony Tr Filed by William R. Nugent App. No. Date 444 2-22-72 Approved 0 Denied Ja Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Mndificatinn Amendment 0 LOCATION 7406 West Ocean Front, #B Legal Description Lot 4, Block N, Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Charles Haddy App. No. Date M4665 2-24-98 Approved X Denied I j To permit the construction of a second floor balcony that encroaches 3 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback on Sununit Street. Variance U ResubdIvIslon Q Use Permit U Amendment El Other: Modification Ocean \(eiw Ale_ LOCATION 200 Ocean View Ave ukgal anclisimi Lot 59, Tract 1133 Filed by Lawrence E Babnr App. No. 0.214 723 9-25-73 Approved 0 Denied X KY To permit a structure to encroach to within 15 feet of Ocean View Avenue (Where the Districting Map indicates a 20 foot setback) in the R-1 District. Variance 0 Resubdivinon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other M , LOCATION 200 Ocean View Legal description Lot 59,, 6F Tract 11 3 Filed by LAWRENCE E. BABOR App. No. Date 710 8-28-73 Approved 0 Denied DB permit a structure to encroach to within 10' of Ocean View Ave where the Ord requires 20'. Valiance Other M Resubdnision ID Use Permit D Amendment El Variance [3 OTher Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description Filed by TEDESCO, S. F. App. No. Date 45 1 -14 -52 Approved 12I Denied 0 8' minimum setback instead of requjired 20 LOCATION 215 Ocean View Newport Saadi, Calif. Legal description Lot 48 Tract 1133 ZOTIA R-1 Filed by SHORELINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY App. No. A-99 Date 11-3-60 Approved 0 Denied A petition to rezone an R-1 parcel to an R-3 parcel. Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment El [LOCATION 215 & 223 Ocean View 1 Legal description Filed by Howard Martin App. No. Date Adjust an existing R-574 2/16/78 common property line between one lot and a Approved Er Denied 0 portion of a second lot in Newport Heights. Variance Other Resubdivision Use Permit D Amendment r— LOCATION 240 Ocean View Avenue Legal detaiPtior Lot 52, Tract No 1133 Filed by Eric Mossman, Architect I Request to permit the App. No. Date construction of a second floor M4054 10/13/92 balcony, the corner of which will encroach 2 feet into the required Approved CD Denied 0 20 foot front yard setback along Ocean View Avenue. Variance 0 Resubthvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 243 Ocean View Ave. Legal description tat 311, Trart 1113 Filed by ua e Falasco Reouest—to—pexmi-t--the—constructionAPP•N Date°• of a rhain link fenre (6 feat M 4111 5/3/93 A inches + in height) tn purrnarh 10 feet into the required 10 fnnt Approved El Denied 0 front yard setback ainna Riverside S/111/91 Avenue , where the 7nning Cods limits quell cnnstruction to feat in height The prnpnsed fence will also encroach 4 feet intn the required 4 fnnt side yard cAtbncbs, where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 6 feet in heighl Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MOD LOCATION 243 Ocean View Ave. Legal description Lot 34, tract ii3 Filed by Dale T Ea] a crn App. No. Date PDUP 10 8 -15 -97 Approved XEI Denied 0 Request to add a second story addition to an existing single family residence that is non-conforming because the existing dwelling encroaches z teet into the required 20 foot front yard setback, and the addition is between Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 10 Amendment El Other Planning Directors Ilse Permit 50-75% of the existing square footage. LOCATION 243 Ocean View Avpnue Legal description Lot 3 . Tract 113 Faed by Dale Falasco App. No. Date Request to permit two encroach- ments into the reouired 20 M4590 8/12/97 foot front yard setback on Approved gia Denied 0 Ocean View which incl de a decorative balcony on the second floor that encroaches 1 foot 6 inches and a balcony on the third floor that encroaches 2 feet. Variance 0 Resubdivmon 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modifi cation Amendment 0 LOCATION 251 ()roan View Avenue Legal description Lot 32, Tract 1133, Seaview Heights Filed by KENNETH W. WOODSON App. No. Date 346 7-6-72 Approved 0 Denied 11 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision IA Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 III I 1 I I I 1 II III I II I Mil *NEW FILE* 0 Par+ A Dia Newpri . g\vd. LOCATION 202-23401d Newport Blvd. Legal description NW by Dean Gilbert ADD. No. Date Site Plan Review of a SPR-7 11/3/77 single family residential and duplex development Approved lal Denied 0 in a Specific Plan Area where a specific plan nas not been adopted, and the acceptance of an environmentat document. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested since the proposed aevelopment has the following Over- Variance 1:1 Resubdivision Li Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Site Plan Review nonconforming features: 1.) Garages attached to two of the proposed duplexes encroach to within 4' of La Jolla Drive (where the Districting Map indicates a required 8' front yard); 2.) Two duplexes and related garages are proposed to be constructed to the common side property line between two lots (where the Ordinance requires 3' side yards on both lots), and 3.) Garages attached to two other duplexes encroach to side property lines (where the Code requires 3' side yards). LOCATION 206 21 oidNewoort Blvd; Hegel description Lots 25,26,27, Tract 444 Fled by Dean Gilbert App. No. ,Create two parcels of R-571 land for residential development where three lotsApprove4 now exist. Date 1/19/78 ri Denied 0 Variance Other Resubdivision Use Permit Amendment 0 r - LOCATION Legal &ftwirkm 218 Old Newport Blvd. Filed by Zachary Sham (and Richard Kent) App. No. Date Reauest to create one R-648 1-10-80 Parcel of land for a two unit residential Approved a Denied 0 condominium project on the site. Variance 0 Othor Resubdivision x Um Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 210 fildNAwport BlVd Aspd description NW by George D. Shambeck App. No. Date Request to create one parcel R-628 5-10-79 of land so as to construct a two unit residential con- Approved pi Denied 0 dominium complex on the site. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision EN Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 214 Old Newpnrt Rlvd _ Legal description Lots 20, /4 21, Trart 444 Filed by Dean Gillian App. No. Date Create one parcel R-568 1/19/78 ot land for residential development where two Approved fi Denied 0 lots now exist. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 300 Old Newport Boulevard Legal description Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 of Tract 1136 in the Old Newport Blvd. Specific Area Plan. Filed by Donald . Stevens App. No. Date Request to establish a R-687 5/21/81 single parcel of land where one lot and a portion Approved gi Denied 0 of a second lot presently exist, so as to allow the remodel of an existing office building on the site. Resubdivision gi Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other ATION 300 Old Newport Blvd., First Floor Legal Description Lot 1 and a Portion of Lot 2, Tract 1136 Filed By: Luxury Pnce.com Application No. Date PDUP 61 05/25/2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to allow the use of property for a limited vehicle sales accessory to the primary use as an Internet sales business (ecommerce). Since the operation includes the brokerage/sale of automobiles, the California Department of Motor Vehicles requires provision of a vehicle display area for at least one vehicle. The vehicle sales portion of the business makes up approximately 10 to 15% of the total transactions. The subject facility will act as a broker between the automobile dealer and the buyer with 95% of the vehicle deliveries to take place off site. The property is located in the SP-9 (Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area) District. Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit: I Amendment: Other: Planning Director's Use Permit LOCATION 300 Old Newport Blvd., First Floor Legal Description Lot 1 and a Portion of Lot 2, Tract 1136 Filed By: Luxury Price.com Application No. Date PDUP 61 05-25-00 Approved: X Denied: Request to allow the use of property for a limited vehicle sales accessory to the primary use as an internet sales business (ecommerce). Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other: Planning Director's Use Permit [ LOCATION 308 'Cad Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 2 and Lot 3, Tract 1136 NW by Fouad Ziadeh App. No. Date To permit the sale of beer 0.P.-1749 4/3/75 and wine in conjunction with the pr000sed "Khalil's Approved 0 Denied w _ EJ Restaurant" that will be located within 200 feet of a residential district and the acceptance of an offsite parking agreement for a portion of the rrguired parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resu bdivision D Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 LOCATION 308 old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot Tract 1136 C-1-H Filed by BOLTON. Graham H App. No. Date 1200 3-17-1966 Approved 0 Denied XXIX Sell and repair motorcycles. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit NI Amendment Other 308 old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 3 Tract 1136 C-1-H LOCATION Filed by BOLTON, Graham H. App. No. Date Sastained by C.C. 2-14-1966 1184 1-20-66 Approved El Denied rs Car and motor cycle leasing. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit XI Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 308 newport Blvd.. Legal description Lot 3 Es part of 2 Tract 1136 C-1-H Filed by SHAVER, Clyde C. App. No. Date 225 4-19-56 Approved ria Denied [] Laundry Mat-Self Service and Dry Cleaning Pick-up service. Variance J Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 110 Amendment Oiber LOVELAND, Richard W. Filed by App. No. Date Legal dow6 Pflon Lot ra 1 LOCATION on Sivd. 100 10415;53 CONDITIONS: (Over) Approved XI Denied Er- Operation of a Laundromat Variance LI Resubdivision D Use Permit in Amendment 0 Other 1) Subject to the requirements of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction in such matters. 2) A minimum of 8 car parking off-street as shown on application will be maintained at all times with parking area to be paved. 3) A one-way driveway through parking area to extend from Newport Blvd. to Holmwood Drive so cars will not back out on Newport Blvd. I.OATION 310 and 312 Old NewportBlvd. I B ARO description Lot 4, Tract 1136, e.t.a Red by Jones, Richard J. App. No. Date 423 11-21-57 Approved 0 Denied ft Waiver of off-street parking in a C-1-H zone. Public parking available within MD' of property. Variance pi Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION liagal description Old 312 Newport Blvd. Lot 4 Tract 1136 C-1-H Filed by JONES. Mr. & Mrs. Richard App. No. Date 734 5-4-1961 Approved xtil Denied 0 Construct 3 residential units in a C-1-H District. The request of applicant to amend his application to read "construction of 2 dwelling units in a C-1-H District," was approved Variance 0 Other Resubdnnuon 0 Use Permit pgc Amendment fl 10CATHDN 314-316-318-320-322-324 Old Newport Blvd Legal deNdOkn TAPE S iv 6, 'Mart 11q6 (4,141 Filed by Vogel, John & LaFont, M App. No. Date 421 11-.21.-57 Approved 0 Denied XX Waiver of off-street parking in a C-1-H zone. Public parking lot apprnx inn , frnn prnporp. Variance ig Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 322 01cNewport Legal description I nts 5 and 6. Tnart 1116, Filed by ATITUL7—tt5mfil on Request to permit the continued App. No. operation of an existing independ= UP 3471 ent massage establishment on property located in the RSC Approved 13 District. Date 1/21/93 Denied 0 Valiance 0 Other Resubdinsion 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 32401d Newport Blvd. Lsgal aseriplion Lot 7 & 8 Tract 1136 C-1-H Flied by CHATHAM, C. Charles App. No. Date 556 8-20-59 Approved 0 Denied g 25 Off-street parking spaces instead of a required 30 spaces in conjunction with a proposed apartment and office building. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION - 324 & 328 Old Newport Blvd. Lots 7 and 8 Tract 1136 C-1-11 Legal description Filed by LILE, Keith B. App. No. Date 755 7-6-1961 Approved gl Denied 0 Construct two dwelling units in a C-1-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubtlivision 0 Use Permit DU Amendment 0 LOCATION 325 Old Newport Blvd. Legal Description Lot 24, Block 9, Tract 27 Filed By: Susan D'Alessio Application No. Date OD 52 12-22-98 Appproved: X Denied: The applicant requests to establish an accessory outdoor dining area in conjunction with an approved restaurant facility. The patio area w'll be located adjacent to the restaurant facility. Because a portion of the dining area is located on public property and in the public right-of-way, approval of an encroachment agreement from the Public Works Department is also required. Alcoholic beverage service is not proposed at this time. The hours of operation will be from 6:00 am. and 3:00 p.m., daily. Variance: I Resubdivision: ruse Permit Amendment Other: Outdoor Dining LOCATION 325 Old Newport Blvd. Legal Description Tract 22, Misc. Map 926, Block 9, Lot 24 Filed by Dennis D'Alessio, applicant App. No. Date UP 3622 3 -19 -98 Approved X Denied A use permit for a 650 square foot, 20 seat, full-service, small-scale eating and drinking establishment (coffee shop). The application includes a request for a waiver of all required off-street parking spaces. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit X Amendment Other: Old LOCATION 326 Newport Boulevard Legal description Red by Morris Desatoff App. No. Permit the constrn. of a UP-1937 two-story residential condo- minium development in Approved conjunction with a commercial office project 1 in the L-I District, and the acceptance of an tnvironmental Document. Date 7/10/80 Denied 0 ocated Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Old LOCATION 326 Newport Boulevard Legal description Filed by Morris uesatott App. No. Date Resubdivide property for R-660 7/10/80 condominium purposes in conjunction with a combined Approved a Denied 0 residential commercial office development in the C-1 District. Resubdivision D Use Pernut 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 328 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 8, Tr 1136 • E side of N Newport Blvd. btwn Beacon & Catalina Sts Filed by CAROLYNN SUE BARNES & J. COOK App. No. Date 1686 8-16-73 CONDITIONS V Approved XU Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Et Amendment Other LOCATION 33201d Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 9, Tract No. 1136. in the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area, Filed by Independent Outdoor Advertising (EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 11) App. No. Date EP-11 7/8/82 Request to install a 6 ' x 12' double-faced off-site advertisingAppnwed 0 Denied Ki 1 sien mounted on an 8 foot high pole on property located in the C-1-H District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCA 340 OldNeuvort Blvd. Legal damping Lot 11 Trac t 1136 C 1 Filed by STEVENS Robert C. App. No. Date (CONDITIONS) Over 456 10-16-58 Approved rj Denied 0 , Construct a single family residence above an office building inaC1Hzone Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit in Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. Curb and sidewalk must be installed in accordance with specifications of the City Engineer 2. Parking area must be black-topped. LOCATION 35001d Newport Blvd. Le gal description SW by Ipp A Strnck Architects App. No. Date Rpflupst to establish one R-652 3-20-80 building site and elimi- Withdrawn nate an interior lot line Approved 0 Dinktl where two lots now exist so as to permit the construction of an office building and related offstreet parking spaces on the property. Variance 0 Reoubdivision a3 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 350 35 - Old- Newport Blvd. , Legal description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 58-23 (Resubdivision No. 405) adjacent to Newport Heights. Fled by James Harris for Independent Development App. No. Date Request to permit the con- UP-2001 7/9/81 struction of a three story medical ottice building Approved in Denied 0 (one level or OTtlCe space ana two levels or parking) exceeding 5,uuu sq. ft. of floor area in a 5peciric Area Plan where a Specific Area Plan has not been adopted, and the acceptance of an E1R. Over. . . Varianc e 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ig Amendment 0 A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested since the two level parking areas encroach 6 feet, and stairways and landscape planter encroach 10 feet, into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to a 20 foot wide alley. LOCATION 3 5 0 01 Legal descriptim NPwpnrt Rlvd Filed by Lee & Strock Architects App. No. Dee Request to permit the con- UP-1930 3-20-80 struction of a two story Apairdt1 to C C •0 office building exceed ing 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area in a Specific ' Area Plan where a specific plan has not been adopted, and the accpance of an Environmen- tal Document. A portion of the required off- street parking spaces are proposed to be lo- Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 Other cated on the roof of the proposed structure. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested, since a portion of the offstreet parking spaces and related landscape planter' areas encroach to the rear property line (where the Ordinance requires a 10 ft. rear yard when a lot in the C-1 District abuts an alley).Also includes construction of a 3' high landscape planter that encroaches. Dld Made 350 Newport Blvd. description Lot 13 Tract 1136 C-1 -H Filed by GRECERSEN, Gunnar and TOHANSEN. Erik App. No. H Date 807 12 -21 -1961 Approved jal Denied [] Furniture sales, interior decoration, upholstering and draperies. !Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit E Amendment 0 !Other LOCATION I • I Old.mrarort B1 laga •escripfion Lots 21 • 22 & 21, Trart 97 & Portion of Lot Zit,. Mork 9 Filed by NEWPORT HARBOR-COSTA MESA BD. OF REALTORS App. No. Date 438 3/7/74 CONDITIONALLY Approved MSc, 0 Request to create one parcel of aldn for office building development where three lots, a portion of a 4th lot, and a portionof Newport Bl. (vacated) now exist. Venerate 0 Other Resubdivision th. Permit 0 Amendment 0 Uld - =11014 412 Newport Road & 415 Westminster deactiption Lot 25 Tract 27 C-1 NW by DOYLE Clement C. App. No. Date GRANTED AS CONDITIONED BY THE C.C. - NOV. 26, 1962 899 11-1-1962 Approved 0 Denied 43Pc Construct 4 residential units on a C-1 lot. Variance 0 Other Rase bdivoion 0 Use Permit la Amendment 0 LOCATION 414 Old Newport Boulevard Legal Description Lots 25, Block 8, Tract 27 Filed by Zubie's Chicken Coop (John Zubieta, applicant App. No. Date UP 1053 A 1-8-98 Approved X Denied n Request to amend a use permit (Use Permit 1053) to allow a change in the operational characteristics of an existing restaurant facility involving the conversion of office space to a game room with pool tables. Variance fl Resubdivision fl Use Permit X Amendment fl Other: LCKIATKM 414 OldNewport Blvd. Legal description Filed by Yves Briee and Yvan Humbert App. No. Date Request to amend a previous- ly approved use permit which UP 1053 4/19/84 allowed live entertainment Approved X Denied 0 involving a piano only and the expansion of dining areas within the existing Le Biarritz restaurant. The proposed amendment involves a ' request to install a removable dance floor within a __ _ . Videnos0 Resubdivieon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment0 C4Mw portion Of the ousting "net public area" On-che, second floor of the restaurant and to allow dancing with a four-piece hand in conjunction with the restaurant use. LOCATION 414 up Newport Boulevard Legal description Filed by Yves RH an & Yvan Humbert App. No. Date Request to establish one build- R-623 4-19-79 1 in site and elimiratP an in- terior lot lire where twn lnts Approved to Denied 0 I now exist so as to permit the Variance Cl Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other urant facilit . . LOCATRY4 • 414 0aNewport Blvd. Le g al description Filed by yvagee_ati"vati Humbert APP. No. Date Request to include live enter- UP-1053 4-19-79 tainment and the expansion of (Amended) the dining areas within the Approved 13 Denied 0 existing Le Biarritz restaurant. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 414 D Newport Blvd. Legal description Filed by Le Biarritz/Yves Briee App. No. Date Constrn. ot a partial M-2322 11/9/78 suoterranean storage addition to an existing restaurant Approved El Denied 0 which is nonconforming in tnat tne building encroaches i nto the required u Westminster setback. me new construction will also encroach 14'1' into the required 15'O" setback. Variance 0 Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 414 =Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 26, Block 8, Tract 27 Filed by Yves & Christine Briee Yvan Humbert App. No. Date to enlarge the UP-1053 3/3/77 Le Biarritz Cafe (Amended) ge from beer Approved Ca Denied 0 to only full service bar. Further vim to waive a portion of the required spaces, and to accept an offsite parking t for a portion of the required parking Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Request existing and chan and wine request parking agreemen spaces. Variance 0 Oiber LOCATION 414 otm Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 25 R1 8 Tract 27 c-1 Filed by PROSF.K, Tarosl av App. No. Date EA -YEA/DA 4) "7"2 6-/2 -67 L —n-47 Onsale beer in existing cafe. fia F I/0E0 172 7,7 1053 Approved 6-18-1964 Icg Denied 0 CONDITION: Approved for one year. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit La Amendment Fik4 by GUSTAFSON, Roy OLD 415 New ort lvd Lot 19 Block 9 ract 27 App. No. Date 896 11-1-1962 Approved Ai Denied 0 Add 19 motel units (7 with Acme kitchenette units) to existing 5 unit motel and owner residence Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 LOCATION 415 OLD Newport Boulevard , Legal description Lots 19 and 20 of Tract No. 27 and an abandoned portion of Newport Bouelvard in the "Old Newport Boulevard Area" Filed by Swo-Lin Chai 1 App. No. Date Request to establish one R-715 12/10/81 building site and eliminate an interior lot line where Approved al Denied 0 two lots and a portion of an abandoned street now exist so as to allow the remodel and expansion of the Mesa Motel. Variance 0 Other Raubdivision in Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 iii _OLD LOCATION. Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 19 and 20 of Tract No. 27 in the "Old Newport Blvd. Area". Filed by Swo-Lin Chai App. No. Date Request to expand the UP-2015 8/20/81 existing Mesa Hotel facility Approved El Denied 0 in the C-1 District. The proposed develoement Includes the addition of eleven rental units and related parking spaces. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Es Amendment 0 Old FL°CATION 416 Newport Blvd. lagal description Lot 96 Trart 27 Block 8 Blvd. Add' is- Np t. Heights Filed by DICKINSON, Jesse F. App. No. Date CONDITION 191 9-15-55 Approved In Denied 0 The erection & Maintenance of a 45' antenna pole. CONDITION: Permission to use the antenna at 416 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach, limited to only six (6) months. Variance EI Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Chris E. Nobson Filed by App. No. Date Lonstrn. of a two-story office SPR-17 10/19/78 retail complex in a Specific Plan Area, where a specific Approved in Denied 0 plan has not been adopted, and the acceptance ot an environmental document. A moditication to the zoning Lode is also requested, since a portion or tne requ rea parking spaces are compact automoblie spaces. Variance 1:1 Other si twpfkere p ew Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 419" Newport Blvd. Leo descri ption OLD Filed by tehri s Hobson App. No. Date Establish one building site R-610 10/19/78 and eliminate an interior lot line whwre one lot and Approved gj Denied 0 a portion of a second lot now exist so as to permit commercial development on the property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 428 OLD NEWPORT BOULEVARD Legal description Portion Lot 23, Block 8, Tract 27 Filed by Gary RroolcR App. No. Dee UP3570 11-9-95 Approved J Denied 0 Permit the rnmmercial addition to existing single family dwelling where the floor area ratio of the commercial modification requect to allow th. roas4t4P4st4kssir -new Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 four-car garage encroaching approximately 4 feet into required 5 foot rear yard setback. LOCATION 441OLD Newport Blvd I Legal description Filed by National Benvenuti Joint Venture Request to establish one App. No. Date building site and eliminate an I R-667 10 /21 /81nterior lot line where ' A two lots now exist. Approved gi Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 -1 LOCATION 441 Old Newport Boulevard *al description Lots 14 and lb. Block 9, Tract 27- on the westerly side of North Newport Blvd, bet- ween Bolsa Avenue and Westminster Avpnnp. Ried by National-Benvenuti App. No. Date Request to consider a traffic UP#I957 10/23/80 study for a proposed 11.000 RS067 sq.ft. + office building. Approved xo Denied 0 and Request to construct an 11.000 sq.ft. nffirp building on property in a Specific Plan Area and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. and Request to establish one building sitc and eli- minate an interior lot line where two lots, Variance 0 Rase bdivision Use Permit EY Amendment 0 Other now exists so as to permit office development on the property. MN pm dr, Newport Local dowriptioo Lot 13& Por. Lot 12, Block 9, Tract 27 Filed by Leonard M. Murchison 1. Live entertainment shall App.No. Date be limited to one guitar player. 1498 12-17-1970 2. There shall be no amplifi-Apeaved xn D•nied 0 cation permitted. 3. Live entertainment shall not be permitted after 1-2:0C midnight on any day. 4. All off-street parking spaces shall be marked with painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit D Amendment 0 C46, 445 OLD Newport Blvd. demdpike Lot 13 Block 9 Tract 27 C-1 Riad by MEM. Geneva App. No. Date 548 9neil-in Approved le De Sale of beer and wine in a restaurant. CONDITION: Refrigerator located on south side of property must be removed and that area must be used for parking. E Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit jo Amendment 0 LOCATION A47 Old Newport Blvd. Legal 4604100n Lot 12. Tr. 27 & a vacated Portion of Not. Blvd. on westerly side of N. Not. Blvd. in the island area between 0 awe Ave. & Hospital Rd. in Old Not. Blvd. SPA Filed by Owen Minqy Request to allow commercial/ App. No. Date residentail mixed use in the CPA 89-2(C) 6/7/90 'island' area between N. Npt. Blvd. and Not. Blvd. in the Old Approved 0 Denied 0 Not. Spec. Plan ARea. It is also proposed to amend the boundaries of the Old Not. Blvd. SPA to delete areas desianated for residential use and to consider changes to the issues identified for consideration in the preparation 34org e trific iatgidiviaggaccerthrfirmil Other kJ/A.42,f Env.Ag Adment 0 /7/97 LOCATION 447 Old Newport Blvd Legal depripfico Lot 12. Tr. 27 & a vacated portion of Nur Blvd. on westerly side of N. Npt. Blvd. in the island area between Orange Ave. & Hospital Rd. in Old Not. Blvd. SPA Filed by Owen Minney Request to allow the construction Afp.No. Dee of a combined commercial/resi- UP 3380 6/7/90 dential project containing 2,000 sq.ft. of commercial development Approved a Denied E] and 3 dwelling units on property located in the 0-1 Dist. The proposal also includes a request to approve a use to permit commercial development on the site which maintains a Floor AREa Ratio which is less than 0.25 Variance 0 Or Resubeljepsion Use Permit 0 / ATendment Co LOCATION 447 Old Newport nivel lagai doluiPlion _Lot 12. TR. 27 & a vacated portion of Npt Blvd. on westerly side of N. Not. Blvd. in the island area between Orange Ave. & Hosp. Rd. in Old Npt. Blvd SPA Red by Owen Minney Request to permit the con- App. No. Date struction of a combined comm./ SPR 59 6/7/90 residential development within the Old Newport Blvd. Specific Approved 0 Denied 0 Plan ARea where a Specific Plan has not vet been adopted. Variance 0 Other Itesubdivision 0 Use Permit 9 Amendment 0 LOCATION 447 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 12. Tr. 27 & a vacated Portion of Npt. Blvd. on westerly side of N. Not. Blvd. in the island area between Orange Ave. & Hospital Rd. in Old Npt. Blvd. SPA Filed by Owen Minnev Request to resubdivide an App. No. Daft existing lot & a vacated portion R 929 6/7/90 of Newport Blvd. into a single parcel of land for mixed use Approved ag Denied 0 condominium purposes so as to create one office condomini ui and three residential condominium units. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 455 Old Newport Boulevard Legal Description Tract 27, Lots 9-11, Block 9, including portion of an abandoned street adjoining on the northwest. Filed by: Old Newport Development (Old Newport Boulevard, LLC) I Application No. Date Variance 1233, Planning Director's Use Permit 947, Mod. No. 5005, N.B.L.L.A. 99-16 PC 1-20-2000 I Approved: X Denied: A use permit to allow approximately 900 square feet of additional floor area for a proposed office building. The application also includes a lot line adjustment to merge three existing lots into a single lot and a request of an on-street parking credit. Lsir144 Variance: 1233" Resubdivision: I Use Permit: Amendment: Other: L.LA 99-16,(Mod. 5001)PDUP 47 I Litt ivia rcua Old TflI 455 - 459 Newport Blvd. deswipikm Lots 9 & 10 Bl. 9 Tr. 27 C-1 Med by SALLEE, Frank W. App. No. Date 588 2n18-1960 Approved gl Deied 0 Construction of a 24 unit motel with 6 kitchens in a C-1 District. CONDITIONS: 1) That bldg. plans be in accordance with regulations of State Housing Act 9)Thst 6 covered parking spaces be provided for the proposed 6 dwelling units. 3) Sufficient parking on premises. Variance 0 Resubdiviskm 0 Use Penna. p Amendment 0 C4Mw Ak4 by HERRMANN, George 455-457-459 demegnme d Newport Blvd. ts 9 10 act 27 App. No Date 519 6-4-1959 Approved 0 Denied EX Construction of a 22 Unit apartment building in a C-1 Zone Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ux Amendment 0 rocknoN Legal &scrip/kr 4610 1 d Newport Blvd. Lot 8 Block 9 Tract 27 C-1 Filed by WARD Dean App. No. Date 474 11-20-58 Approved Denied 0 Erect a non-illuminated metal stamped sign 3'9" 'ugh by 15' long. Erected on roof of a bldg. facing blvd. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 121 Amendment 0 LOCATION 461 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Legal description Lot 8 Block 9 Tract 27 Zone C-1 Red by Fred J. Breneman App. No. 277 Date 11-1546 Approved Denied 0 Operation of upholstering & furniture repair shop. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit E Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 469 and 471 Old Newport Blvd ' Legal clawripHon Lots 6 and 7. Block 9. Tract No. 27 in the Old Newport Boulevard area. Red by Newport Harbor Enterprises Dee Reouest to permit the rnn- UP 2038 & 11/5/81 struction of an office R 709 condominium development that Approved 0 Denied [] exceeds 5.000 square feet of floor area in a Specific Plan Area. where a Specific Plan hac not been adopted. and the acceptance of an nnvironmantal document. over , Resubdivision al Use Permit 13 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other Request to establish a single parcel of land for office condominium purposes where two parcels and a portion of an abandoned street presently exist. LOCATION .470 OLDNewoort Blvd. Legal description Sled by Jeannette... Brion App. No. Date Request to permit the SPR-23 8/16/79 expansion of an existing commercial Approved Denied 0 building on a lot in a Specific Plan Area where a specific plan has not been adopted. A modification to the zoning code was also requested, since a tandem parking space is proposed. Valance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Sita Plan RPViPW LOCATION Legal description 471 Old Newport Blvd. Lots 6 & 7 Bl 9 Tr 27 C-1 Filed by RFACH FLECTRIC SUPPLY CO. App. No. Delo CONOTTTONS (Over) 1276 6-1-1967 Approved ryi Denied 0 Conduct wholesale sales of lighting equipment in the C-1 District XreiliDgt cp L-Z 4 Variance 0 Other Resubdwision 0 Use Permit 1:12 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: All parking spaces related to the subject business shall be clearly marked. 2. There shall be no outside storage permitted in connection with the subject business and the existing outside storage area shall be removed and the area devoted to A.G. paved parking purposes. 3. The Use Permit shall be approved for a 1 year period. 4. Ali proposed signing on the entire site shall conform to the Npt.Bch. sign ord. plillM=111.111M n2 OLD LOCATION 471 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 6 & 7 Block 9 Tract 27 C-1 Filed by cm numBING App. No. Date 969 7-18-1963 Approved ra Denied 0 A plumbing shop in a C-1 District. Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit Fl Amendment 0 Other Filed by PRIEST, Pauline S. App. No. Date 888 9 -20 -1962 Approved 423 Denied El A commercial school (teaching typing, shorthand, spelLing charm. etc. CONDITION: Parking space on the south side of the building to be paved from the front to the rear of the building. Variance 0 Rembdivision D Use Permit k] Amendment CMmw LOCATION 472 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Portion of Lot 3 Block 8, Tr. 27, on se. gide of N. Nesport Blvd. between Bolsa Ave. & Westminster I Ave in the Old Newport Blvd. Specific Plan Area. Fhd by Maiid Dezahd Request to permit the con- App. No. Date struction of a dwelling unit UP 3415 6/6/91 on property located in the C -1 District Approved Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 472 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 3 Dl. 8 Tract 27 C- I Filed by FOREST HOME WOMEN'S AUXILIARY CONDITION: Appr. for I year. App. No. Date 1361 5-16-1968 Approved E] Denied 0 Establish a th-rt#t .shop. mr a ilk. 3/ M. e. 3 -4 -67 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision D Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 472 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Portion of Lot 3, Block 8, Tr. 27, on s.e. side of N. Newport Blvd. between Bolsa Ave. & Westminister Ave. in the Old Newport Blvd. Specific Plan Area. Filed by ma j id Dezahd Request to permit construction App. No. Date of a combined commercial/ SPR 62 6/6/91 residential development in the Old Newport Blvd. Specific Plan Approved 13 Denied 0 Area where a Specific Plan has not yet been adopted. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 1:1 Amendment ID LOCATION /17A -.Imo_ old Newport Biwa Legal dinciP6311 tnrc 1 arvi 2, Alk. R, Tr_ 27, at 3749 -32S1 wrnad z AW,ARO N Newport Blvd nn prop hounded by M Apt 51vd, Anlca Ave,. Rrnmd St. in Old Npt. Blvd. Filed by A J rant-on Reqflemt to recuhdivide two App. No. Date evicting 'Iota into two parrelq R 911 12/7/89 for recidential condominium r r pppd. 1/22/90 development and one pan-el for Approved ig Denied 0 development- Variance 0 OHser Resubdivoion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment LOCATION 4770Id Newport Blvd.._ 61911 dmIciPHen Lot 4 Block 9 Tract 27 C-1 Fileci 67 McHENRY. Leslie App. No. Date 239 6-21-56 Approved ER Denied E] Veterinarian small animal hospital Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit W Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal descriplion 480 Ol d Ncwport Blvd. te .1 7 ) N. Noupn.rt Rand op sonfilantarly rerrn en° elf N NV- z Srlint 4n mqr reepnrt Rnulevera Specific Plan ARAa Mea °Y Allan J Canton Jr Pimpliest tn permit the rnnetrur- App. No. Date 4-Inn of A \AAA eq ft nffirp SPR 56 4-9-90 hnilaing on property lncatpa in the r -1 District in Ala Newport APProval 0 Dmillod 0 not- yet been adopted Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 480 • pOrtAvenue Legal 611104 0470 Parcel 3 of Parre1 Map 89-390 (R 911), lonA- ted at 480 N.Not. Blvd. on southeasterly come/ of N.Npt and Boise Ave. in N. Not. Blvd. SPA Filed by Allan J. Carlton. Jr. Request to permit the construc- App. No. Daft tion of a 3,484 sq.ft. office SPR 56 4/5/90 bldg. on property located in the C-1 District in the Old Newport Approved al Denied 0 Boulevard Specific Plan Area, where a specific plan has not yet been adopted. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION LS5 nip NFWPORT WITTLWART Legal desecipficm Lots 1, 9, 1, Mork 9, Tract Nn. 97 Flied by Michiko Soffer App. No. Dee UP3346(A) 12-8-94 Approved Al] Denied 0 Request to amend a previously approved use permit which _permitted the establishment of a restaurant with on-sale alrnholir hevernps & live entertainment on property located in the RSO District. The proposed amendment Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 involves a request to expand the existing dining area & construct a new storage area adjacent to the kitchen. The proposal also includes a request to waive the addition required off-street parking. LOCATION 48501d Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 9, Tract No. 27 and an abandoned portion on Newport Blvd, between , Orange Ave & Bolsa Ave Filed by Sid Soffer To Establish rest with on- App. No. Date sale beer and wine and live UP 3346 entertainment on property 3-23-89 located in the Cl Dist. Approved ra. Denied 0 Incl. a mod to ZC to allow the use of a compact parking space for a portion of the req. off -st. ps Variance El Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 485 Old Newport Blvd. Legal descripfion Lots 1,2,3, Block 9, Tract 27 and an abandoned portion on Newport Blvd,on the west.side of No. Newport Blvd between Orange & Bolsa Ave. Filed by Sid Soffer Req. to est. a restaurant with Afp.No. Date on-sale beer & wine, & live UP3291 11-5-87 entertainment on property located in the Cl Dist. The Affnmmd jr Denied proposal incl. a req. to waive a portion of the reg. off-street parking spaces for the rest. facility Resubdivision El Use PeS 0 Amendment 0 / Variance 0 Other Old LOCATION 485 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 1 & 2 Block 9 Tract 27 Filed by RECHS, Rex App. No. Date 209 12-15-55 Approved 0 Denied Erect sign board Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit [NK Amendment Other LOCATION 4R R Old Nnwpnrt Blvd Legal description lot 6- Blank 6, Tract 27, Al" by Genrg G. Schanz . This approval shall be App.Na Date for a period of 3 years from the effective date ,1544 8-19-1971 of this action; any Approved xxEl Denied 0 request for extension to be subject to the approval of the Modifications Committee. 2. No body work or painting shall be permitted. 3. All signs shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department OVER) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 Other 4, At least 10 on-site parking spaces for storage of automobiles awaiting repair shall i be provided. 1 5. All automobile repairs shall be within the i 1 existing building. L6 That a landscape plan be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department. Said plan shall include a 5 foot wide planter area along North Newport Blvd.,except at approved driveways. The planting areas shall be equipped with automatic irrigation systems and be continuously maintained. I. Fled by ROPIER. Paul T. Exrettiba 21 P.C. FOR a A.S APP- A/ 0 d Newport alvel..„. Date 933 4-4-1963 Approved Al Denied Custom body and fender and spot repair work. CONDITION: Approved for a period of one year. Variance D Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ma Amendment 0 LOCATION 493 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lots 1 and 2. Block 9. Tract No. 27. located at 493 North Newport Blvd. on the northwesterly side of North Newport Blvd. between Bolsa Ave & Orange Ave in thiecNdmth Newport Blvd. commercial island . NGA THI WILSON & NUOI THI NGUYEN App. No. Date Request to permit the continued UP 3456 7/13/92 operation of an existing independetcroved a Denied El massage establishment located on property in the C-1 Distr ct. Valiance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Ek Amendment 0 Request to construct a two story office building that exceeds the height limit. UP 2091 9/23/82 Approved 0 Denied 0 I 4 LOCATION 494 Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 7, Block 6, in the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Area. Filed by Riverside West, Ltd. App. No. Date REMOVED FROM CALENDAR AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other PERTRON 495 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Lot 1 Bl. 9 Tr. 27 C-1 Filed by TODOROVICH, Judy App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 1435 7-3-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 Operate a religious corporation with individual prayerfull counselling in limited numbers, not over three at any one time. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 111 Amendment 0 LOCATION 496 Old Newport Blvd. Legal description Filed by moms uesatott App. No. Date Constrn. of a two-story UP-1895 2/8/79 single family dwelling (and related third floor open Approved a Denied 0 deck) in the C-1 District. Said dwelling unit will be located on the same lot as an existing muffler shop. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested, since a proposed development encroaches to the rear property line over- Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 and to the side property line along Orange Avenue (where the Ordinance requires 5 foot yard setbacks). TION 496 01 ciNewport Blvd. iption Lot 8 Block 6 Tract 27 C I Filed by STUART, James A. App. No. Date 644 7-7-1960 Approved 43 Denied 0 Auto repair shop in a c -1 Zone Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment 0 LOCATION 504 Old Newport Blvd. Legal elesariPthe Lot 4 and portions of Lots 5 and 6, Tract No. 443, on the n.e.corner of No.Newport Blvd and Orange Ave. Filed by Evergreen II Request an extension of App. No. Date time to establish a single R736 Ext. 1-23-86 parcel of land and eliminate interior lot lineekpprond E Den ie d 0 where one lot and a portion of two other lots presently exist so as to allow the expansion or an existing office building. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision gr Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 504 Uld Newport Blvd. Legal description Telt d and a ponfinn nf ird-n S and 6, in the Old Newport Boulevard Spooifio Plan Area. I Filed by Thomag w Rurt „ Tingrannn App. No.I Date fn WAillA a poonninn UP 3006 1/6/83 of the required off-street R 736 parking spaces in ronjunction Approved 0 Denied 0 with the proposed expansion of an evi sting office building which is presently non-conforming with regard to the number of off-street parking spaces. (rows Variance 0 Or Resubdivision J Use Permit Amendment 0 The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code. AND Request to establish a single parcel of land and eli- minate interior lot lines where one lot and a portion of two other lots presently exist so as to allow the expansion of an existing office building. LOCATION 522014Newport Boulevard Legal description Lot 1, Tract No. 443, in the "Old Newport Boulevard Area" Filed by Eugene Spiritus App. No. Date Request to permit the con- SPR-28 12/10/81 struction of a commercial art gallery and related Approved al Dried 0 office in the Old Newport Boulevard Specific Plan Atea where a specific plan has not been adopted, and the acceptance of an environmental document. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Old LOCATION 522 Newport Boulevard Leg al descri ption Lnt 1, Of Tract No 441, in the nu Newport Ronlevard area App. No. Date Nequect tn permit the rnn- UP-1984 4/23/81 strortinn of a ronnerrial art gallery and related offices Approved la Denied 0 that exceeds the basic height limit within the 32/50 Foot Height limitation District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to Variance 0 Oiber Resubdivision 0 Use Permit IN Amendment 0 Filed by Eogone Spiritnc feet into the required 10 foot rear setback, adjacent to a 20 foot alley, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. 522 uldNewport Blvd. Lot 1 Tract 443 C-1 ' LOCATION : Legal chneripfim Ffled by FRANKLIN. Ralph, M.D. App. No. Date UP -1301 9 -7 -1967 Approved 0 Denied XrDi An addition to an existing dwelling in the C -1 7onp and to use a portion of the dwelling for thP sale of antiques. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Pt] Amendment 0 FLOCATION 59 2 Old Newport Blvd Legal description Lei+ 1 Tract 443 r-i Filed by VaLLIMER„Hal and SMITH. Herm App. No. Date CONDITIONS (See Minutes or appliratinn) 1258 4-6-1967 Approved al Denied 0 An outdoor salec business (swimming pool and comPni work) rnmhined with residential use on a parrel in the C-1 District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit ric A men dme nt 0 LOCATION 104 Onyx, Balboa Island Legal description fi t ly 35' of Lot 1 Block 1 Section 4 Bal, Is AW by ZILLGITT, Elwood App. No. Date 4-15-54 138 Approved 0 Den' ehment_o.f__ into frontyard setback & proposed Living room addn to be constructed in the only available garage space. with rear yard setback of 3'. Required garage or covered car space to be eliminated completely Variance fl Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Anmndment0 Olher n it • : :1 I LOCATION 109 Onyx Avenue Uld dncription Lot 7 Filed by Caroline McKenzie App. No. Date Room additions to a duplex M-2011 12/28/7 with the following nonconforming features: Approved 53 Denied El 1.) Garage encroaches to 8 inches from alley (where Code requires a 5 foot setback: and 2.) Dwelling encroaches to 3 feet from side property line (where Code requires a 4 foot Ovir - Variance 0 Resubdivislon 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oiber setback). The proposed game-room addition will encroach to 3 feet from side property line (where the Code requires a 4 foot setback). LOCATION 121 Onyx Ave. Lewd description Lot 13, Blk. 21, Sect. One Balboa Island Rod by Milton & Maureen Klein App. No. Date M4209 6 -21 -94 Approved AD Denied 0 Request to permit the as-built construction of a fence (ranging in height from aeproximately 5 feet to 7 feet) along the side property line, where the Zoning Code allows a maximum height of 6 feet for such construction. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 127 Onyx Avenue UMA dewier= A portion of lot 1E, Mork 21, Balboa Island. Red by 'lack Brumagin App. No. Date Request to permit the V-1075 8/7/80 construction of a second- DENIEQ story addition to a one- Approved D Dented story. single-family dwelling which exceeds the permitted floor area in the R-1.5 District A modification is also requested to permit a . two-foot encroachment in the eight-font front Variance la setback area MAnn on yx _St and a cdavaa -f0Qto Resuledivisron -DI Use grmit Anclment Other OVER. . . encroachment in the ten-foot rear setback area. LOCATION 127 Onvx Ave. 494 dfteriPtko Pot. Lot 16 fl. 21 Sec. 3 Eal.ls.Tract R-7 Filed by HOWARD, Joe E. App. No. Date 632 1-19-1961 Approved El Denied 0 Retain a carport which encroaches 7' into a required 10' rear vard setback. Variance [rd Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 201 Onyx Avenue Legal description Lot 28 Section 3 Block 20 Bal. Is. Filed by LUNDEEN, Eric App. No. Date 220 4-21-55 Approved E] Denied DO 3' front yard setback for a 6'6" x 18' corner Addition to an existing building having a front se rhook of 3' GRANTED by City Council May 9, 1955 Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other LOCATION 202 Onyx Ave. Legal description Lot 2, E31k. 12, Sec. 2, Balboa Island Filed by Linda stradler/Tom Fredricks App. No. Date M4222 7-19-94 Approved cj Denied Permit the replarempnt of a R font 9+ in high patio rover that enrroarhes to within 6 in. of the detached garage_ A to the side property line where the 7nning Code limits surh construction to 6 feet in height The applicant also • 'ui ince esubch sem I so ermit I men m 0 Other fence which encroaches 1 foot 6 inches into the required 5 foot rear yard setback. LOCATION 203 Onyx Avenue, Legal description Lot 27, Block 20, Section3 Filed by Pierson. Pedley Requested additions to App. No. Dee an existing duplex, portions of which are proposed to encroadh M-2941 2-28-84 one foot into the required Approved EB Denied E] seven foot front yard setback area on the first and second floors. Variance 0 OThr Resubdivhion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 205 Onyx Avenue Legal deaxinfien Lot 26 Block 20 Section 3 Bal.Is. Filed by SCHMID, Walter T. App. No. Date 146 520-54 CONDITIONS: (over) Approved U Denied 0 To Moen second 'ivory apartment neer A garage to overhand 10 inrhen into the In ft- rear yard setback on an alley and not to exceed a distant ,. on said Lot 26 of 30 inches from the rear property 1 ine Variance 3 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other The apartment over the garage is to be joined to the existing front house to eliminate the center court area setback requirements between buildings. Said. joining to be done by bridging*x the court area so the apartment will bear-on the house rear wall and thus join the two by a common wall. The garage is to be statist cleaned out and a minimum cleared space of 16' x 20' to be maintained for automobile parking within said double garage. LOCATKM4 209 Onyx, Balboa Island Legal description Lot 24 - Block 30 - Sec. 4 - Balboa Island Ray Rinderknecht App. No. Date M -304 4 -13 -1971 Approved ea Denied 0 A minimum ground clearance of 8'0" must be maintained Filed by portion. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 213 Onyx. Balboa Island Legal description lot 22. block. 20. tract B-1 Red by Adrian Esnard Requested the addition of a App. No. Date den to an existing duplex that M-2642 12/23/80 is nonconfominq in that 2 park- ing spaces arenrovided where Approved 10 Denied 0 the Code requires 3 parking spaces. MODIFICATION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision ID Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 215 Onyx Legal description Lot 21, Block 20, Sec. 3 Fled by Doris W. Cook App. No. Date Constrn. of 6 foot high M-897 5/13/75 brick walls and a 10 foot + high roofed entryway ad- Approved EJ Dmied lacent to the required 7 foot front yard setback on an R-1.5 lot where the existing single family dwelling has a nonconforming front yard setback of 40 feet (where the Ordinance permits a max- imum 35 foot front yard setback). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modifica -I-- 7 - 1 V - 7 LOCATION 215 Onyx, BI description Lot 21. B1 k 20. Sect. 3 BI Filed by CORIS W.__C_OOK App. No. Date 658 5-29-73 Approved 0 Denied gg permit an existing nonconforming single family to have a front yard setback of 52' (where the jard. requires a max. 35' front yard setback); one substandard garage space (where the Ord esubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 2 garage spaces)and a 0 foot rear yard (where the Ord. requires 5') so as to allow the con- struction of a room addition in the R-l.5 Distr. LOCATION 216 Onyx Ave., Balboa Island Legal description Lot 9 Block 12 Section 4 Balboa Is. SW by LEDDY, Francis J. App. No. Date 175 11-18-54 Approved sj Denied 0 Second floor living quarters to overhand first flnor garage 30" into the required 10' rear yard setback Eating a 10' wide alley. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment OffirModification. LOCATION 220-2204 Onyx, Bal.Is. Legal cleserivike Lot 11, Bl. 12 Sec. 4 B.I. R -2 Ned by SHERREITT, Victor B. App. No. Date M-51 4-1-1969 Approved n Denied 0 A 2'6" encroachment into the required rear _yard for purpose of allowing a second story projection. CONDITION (Oyer) CONDITION Maintain an 8 ft. vertical clearance from the alley. LOCATION 222 Onyx Avenue Legal description% Lot 12 Block 12 Section 4 Balboa I. Filed by SCULLY. M. B. App. No. Date 208 3-17-55 Approved 13 Denied El 50' frontyard setback for an addition to an existing house. CONDITION: The north side of the existing bldg. will be cut back to the 3' setback line and a carport of legal size installed with access to the alley. Variance Li Resobdivhirm 0 Use Permit El Amendment!: Other LOCATION Legal deuriptko 223 Onyx Avenue Filed by Dr. A mrs. Edwin Eliot Pegueot • to paned* the_conctror- App. No. PN Dee tion of et...ratters tn An M3336 ILO' 11-3-87 exist 4 pg poeconfnrmang residenee which_hac a twn rAn garage that Approved 11 Denied 0 nmintninn An infaninn aapth of only 17 feet 4 inches wk.areas the Mnniripal Coda regutres that a clear depth of 10 foe* be maintained said additions will include a porch cover which will encroach 5 feet 6 inches into Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 the required 7 foot front yard setback at the eaves and rafter tails and which will encroach 3 feet into the required 7 foot front yard setback at the supporting posts. The porch cover will maintain 6 inch side yard setbacks at the eaves and rafter tails whereas the Municipal Code requires that eaves and similar projections maintain a 2 foot 6 inch side yard setback. Also included are 2 second floor bay windows which will maintain a 1 foot 2 inch rear yard setback adjacent to the alley where the Municipal Code requires th7t a 2 foot 6 inch setback be maintained on the second floor. LOCATION 309 Onyx Ave. Legal description Lot 32 & Lot 33 El. 18 Sec. 3 Bal.Is. R-2 Fled by MILLS. Charles W. & NOEL, Joseph W. App. No. Dee CONDITTON (Over) 788 2 -6 -1964 Approved al Denied 0 Use existing 2 car garage with inside measurements of 16'8" x 19'6" instead of required 18' x 20', in connection with construction of a second dwelling unit. Variance IN Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment D CONDITION The width of the garage must conform to existing zoning requirements. LOCATION 313 Onyx Legal description Lot 30 B 1 k 18 Sec 3 Filed by Kenneth W. ANDERSON App. No. Dee 806 6-11-74 CONDITIONS Approved 0 Denied 0 permit remodeling of an existing nonconforming single family dwelling with a Z'6" side yard set back (where the Ord requires 31 & a two car garage with dimensions of I/ 9' X 199" (where the Ord rpciutres.18'x2n1 inside dimensions). (lb Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other M remodeling will consist of converting an area on the rear portion of the structure to a closet and a bathroom). LOCATION 313 Onyx Legaldescrimicm Lot 30 Bl. 18 Sec. 4 Bal.Is. R-2 Fled by MOORHEAD, Paul G. App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1289 7 -20 -1967 Approved Ig X Denied 0 Construct an addition to an existing non- conforming dwelling. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit EIC Amendment 0 CONDITION The proposed addition to comply with all yard requirements of the R-2 zone and all construc- tion to comply with Building Code requirements. LOCATION 321 Onyx Legal description Lot 26, Block 1R, Bec 3 Filed by Marilyn Reed App. No. Date Request to permit additions M2878 8-2-83 to an existing duplex where the third required parking spaceApproved Ea Denied 0 is porposed to be 7'-2" in width where the Code requires a minimum width for such spaces to be eight feet clear. COND. (over) Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 01 Amendment 0 CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, and elevations. 2. That the existing steel pipe within the proposed parking space shall be removed so as to provide additional space for a vehicle. 3. That all three parking spaces shall be maintained free, clear, and accessible for the parking of vehicles at all times. — °CATION 324 Onyx Avenue egal description Lot 13 Bl. 13 Sec. 4 B.I. R-2 Fled by ANDERSON, Kenneth W. App. No. Date CONDITION (See Over) M-121 10-14-1969 Approved fl Denied 0 A garage 18' in depth where the ord. requires 20'; and further requesting that the second stork' be allowed to project 2'b' into the required rear yard setback. 'ariance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Ww Modification Amendment 0 CONDITION Approved for 2 garages @ 18'0" and a second story encroachment subject to an 8' ground clearance. LOCATION 326 Onyx Avenue Legal description App. No. DM* Permit constrn. of first M-2437 7/24/79 and second floor room additions to an existing nonconforming Approved ca Denied 0 duplex which has a front yard setback encroachment and substandard-sized garage spaces. Tandem parking is proposed within the side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 the Permit 0 Pbdi ficati on Amend men t 0 Pled by Carl Jinkens LOCATION 339 Onyx Avenue Legal Description A portion of Lot 21, Block 18, Section 3, Balboa Island Tract Filed by Ian Harrison App. No. Date V1219 3 -19-98 Approved X Denied LI Variance request to permit the construction of a new single family dwelling which will exceed the allowable 1.5 times the buildable area of the site. Variance X Resubdivision M Use Permit fl Amendment • Other: D 0, l i .nn TON 107 Opal, Balboa Island Legal dessipflon Lot 7 El. 9 Sec. 1 Bal.Is, R-2 Filed by WILSON, Barry & Sylvia App. No Date CONDITION (Over) 719 12 -6 -1962, Approved 12 Denied 0 Encroach 2' into required 10' front yard setback and a further encroachment of 23/4' on the upper story for the purpose of constructing a deck. Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment Other CONDITION Encroachment to be limited to 2' on both the first and second story ION Er= 110 I.al tree Lot 34 Bl. 11 ec. 1 Aka by POWER, Edward J. App.No. Date 737 4-18-1963 Approved IA Denied 0 Construct a second dwelling unit above a garage closer than 10 feet to dwelling unit existing on lot. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 114 Opal,Talboa Wand Legal description Lot 32, Blk. 11, Section 1 Balboa Island Tract Filed by Walter Burgess & Assn. Inc. App. No. Date M -236 9 -29 -1970 Approved DU Denied 0 Projecting portion must maintain a minimum ground clearance of at least 8 ft. The garage location was approved as shown on the olan subiect to the condition that the garage door be at least 19 ft. wide. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 1 5 Opal Avanue Legal description rot 10 Block 9. Section One, Balboa Island Filed by June Boy le_ App. No. Date Request to permit the M3829 3/26/91 construction of a porch entry cover with related posts and eave Approved 4] Denied 0 to encroach 3 feet and 3 feet 6 inches, respectively, into the required 10 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification r— — LOCATION 115 Opal Avenue Legal description Lot 10, Block 9, Section One, Balboa Island Red by June Boyle App. No. Date Request to permit the M3829 3/26/91 construction of a porch entry cover with related posts and Approved E3 Denied [] eave to encroach 3 feet and 3 feet 6 inches, respectively, into the required 10 foot front yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment modificnion LOCATION 117 Opal Avenue Lot 11 and a portion of Lot 10, Block 9, Section 1 of Balboa Island Resubdivision Legal Description Filed By: Ian Harrison Application No. Date M4969 9-14-99 Approved: Denied:X To permit a fourth parking space to be 17 feet in depth, where the Code requires parking spaces be 19 feet in depth and allows 16 feet in depth when the parking spaces are in a tandem configuration. The 4 parking spaces are side by side located across the rear of a lot, and are in conjunction with the construction of a new duplex Variance: I Resubdivision: I Use Permit I Amendment Other:Modification LOCATION 117 Opal Avenue Legal description Lot fl, Block 9 Filed by Haroid & Joyce Tomlin App. N& Date Constrn. of room additions 14-1030 5/25/76 on an existing sitar family dwelling with a Approved In Denied 0 nonconforming front yard setback of 3 feet (where the Districting Map indicates a required lu foot front yard setback along Opal Avenue). me new construction also encroaches to within Over - Variance 0 Resubdrosion 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification 3 feet of the front property line. The proposed development also includes the removal of a nonconforming two car garage at the rear of the site and the construction of a second dwelling unit and a 3 car garage which meet Ordinance requirements. r LOCATION 122 Opal Legal demxiihkm Lot 28 81.11 Sec. 1 Sal.Is. N-2 Faod by LOUGH, Vinetta E. App. No. Date 1115 3-18-1965 Approved 0 Denied gli An addition and alterations to an existing non- conforming structure. (No garage and 40' front yard setback) Variance D Other Resubdivision EI Use Permit a Amendment I LOCATION 128 Opal Legal description L o t 25 Rlnnk 11 Sect- 1 BI Zone Filed by -Rlith Cramer App. No. Date 332 1-4747 Approved U Denied X:1 1-17-57 Waiver of parking requirement for nne unit. Variance gr Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 I Other LOCATION 128 Opal Balboa Island Lewd description Lot 25 Block 11 Section 1 Zone CU' Filed by Mrs. —uth Dennis cireamer App. No. Date 321 10-2-56 Approved CI Denied Elt 10-11-56 A 4 1 encroachment into a required 8 1 front yard setback. Variance in Resubdivision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 129 Opal.Balboa Island Legal deuriptim Section I. Bl. 9. Lot 17 Filed by Richard Ryan App. No. Date 1 -21 -75 868 CON DI ONAL L Y Approved fa Denied 0 TO PERMIT THE CONVERSION OF LIVING SPACF RAC( INTO A TWO CAR GARAGE AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF FIRST FLOOR ROOM ADDITIONS AND A SECOND FLOOR BALCONy IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN EXICTING Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other DUPLEX ON THE SITE. THE PROPOSED TWO CAR GARAGE HAS A NONCONFORMING DEPTH OF T9 FEET (WHERE THE ORDINANCE REQUIRES A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 20 FEET). Variance MI Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment Fled by BATCHMAN, Lloyd App. No. Date LOCATION 134 Opal Av., Balboa Island Lspi description N.W.44 of Lot 52 4-17-52 Approved 0 Denied Ei Construction of laundry & utility bldg. l' in from rear property line. LOCATION 2(11 Opal Avenue Legal description Filed by Dave Sherreitt App. No. Date Permit additions and M-2336 12/5/78 alterations to an existing duplex including the Approved 0 Denied 13I enclosure of an existing carport which is 16'2" in depth (where the Code requires two 9' X 20' garage spaces for a duplex). An existing masonry fireplace encroaches an additional 1'5" into one of the two n ar kj Variance Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION Legal description 201A Opal Lot 24 Bl. 10 Sec. 1 Bal.Is. R-2 Filed by GERHARDT, William C. App. No. Date 1148 8-5-1965 Approved 0 Denied An Construct an addition to second story on a non-conforming building and provide new parking area in non-conforming carport below (2-car). 5' rear yard setback to be ma i ntainet Variance 0 Other Amendment 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El 7 LOCATION 208 Opal Ave. Legal description Lot 17, Blk. 12, Sec. I, B.I.Tract Filed by Mr. & Mrs. Chas E. Griffin App. No. Date The new portion of the garage shall comply with the M-326 5-18-1971 Municipal Code as to width. Approved ig Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivisien 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 1- LOCATION 209 Opal Ave.. Balboa Island lagal des04 001 Resub of Sect. 1 Block 10 Lot 20 Ah4 by CLARK, Earl M. App. No. Date 24 7-29-1951 Approved M Denied 0 An overhang of 30 " over the five foot alley setback for an apartment over the garage. Variance n Offier Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Amendment LOCATION 210 Opal Avenue. Balboa Island Legal descripthm Lot 18, Block 12, Section 1, Balboa Island Red by Kenneth Anderson App. No. Date M -354 6 -29 -1971 Approved (XI Denied CI Three spaces must be maintained in the garage. ' Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification Amendment 0 mcknoN 214 Opal Avenue Legal description Filed by Easel wood App. No. Date Firct and cpennd M 2070 4/12/77 ctnry rnnm additinnc nn a cinglp family durellita wit4PWwmd p Dinged thp fnllnwin4 nonronforming features: 1./ a nnp font ln" side yard setback along one side prnperty line Iwhere the Ord. reauires a 3' side yard): and 2.1 a chimney that encroaches to OVER- Variance Q Resubdivision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 10 Other MndificatiOn 18 inches + of the side property line (where the Ordinancerequires a 2 foot side yard). All new construction conforms to the required setbacks, r LOCATION Legal description 214 Opal Avenue Filed by Fred Wood App. No. Dos Interior alterations M-1071 8/24/76 and room additions on a single family dwelling Approved 10 Denied 0 with the following existing nonconforming features: 1.) A one foot 10 inch side yard setback along one side property line (where the Ordinance requires a 3 foot side yard); 2.) Over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 No garage spaces (where the Ordinance requires two garage spaces); and 3.) A chimney that encroaches to within 18 inches + of the other side property line (where —the Ordinance requires a 2 foot side yard). The proposed development includes the construction of the required two car garage. The proposed room additions also encroach to within one foot 10 inches of a side property line (where the Ordinance requires a 3 foot side yard). LOCATION 216 Opal Avenue Legal description Lot 41 Section 1, Balboa Island Filed by Jacqueline Gediman Request to _permit the oonst- App. No. Date ruction of additions and M 3883 8-6-91 alterations to an existing single family dwelling which currently Approved El Denied 0 maintains only one parking space, where the Zoning Code requires two. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oilter LOCATION 216 Opal 1;1Logoi doseiPtica Lot 21 BL 12 Sec 1 Bol to 2.4 Filed by EVERETT, Mr. &MOs E. M. App. No. Date 571 12-3-1959 Approved 0 Denied Addition to a building which is non-conforming because of the absence bf a garage. Variance Other Regibdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 222 Opal Avenue Legal description Filed by M/M Frio Roberts Perinest tn permit 1-hp ron- App. No. Date StrnCtinn nf altaratiOns and M 3275 4-7-87 additioup tn an avigting non- Cnufnrming Anplomx Whinh enCrOeChe4PPr0 i Denied 0 2 fon intn the required 3 foot southerly sideyard and 1 foot intn the requited 3 foot northerly side yard set- hark and where one of the garage parking spaces will • Variance 1:1 Other Resubdivision fl Use Permit Amendment 0 whereas the Municipal Code requires that a clear length - of 19 feet be maintained. LOCATION 223 o pa l Legal description lot 13. Blk. 10. Balboa Island Fled by Donald Leg_Avery App. No. Dee M4271 12-27-94 Approved 0 Denied ima Request to permit the construction of a second floor bal- cony to encroach 1 foot 5± inches into the required 10 font fryand setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDICATION Lot 227 Opal UMal description Lot 11, Blk 10 Sect 1 Nod by PATCH, PHILIP G. App. No. Date 645 5-1-73 CONDITIONALLY Approved Xfl Denied 0 permit vertical columns to encroach approximaLeTy 5" into the required 10' front yara setback on a legal nonconforming duplex that is over the max. buildable area in the R-1.5 Distr. Variance 0 Other m Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 228 Opal Ave/303 Collins AVP Legal description Lot 27. illk 12, Sertion 1 . ni Tract Filed by Mark Becker App. No. Date CC14 10 -10 -95 Approved El Denied 0 Conversion of a residential duplex into a two-unit condominium project on property located in the R1 5 District. Also included is a reouest to allow the conversion pf existing living area to a single rar garage with a sub- standard size. Variance 9 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 230 Opal and 303 Collins Le gal description Lots 27 & 28 Dl. 12 Sec. 1 Bal.Is. R-2 Red by GIOVANA22I, Angelo App. No. Date 139 5 -44961 Approved 0 Denied fik A realignment of property lines so as to cause 10 feet of Lot 28 to be added to Lot 27. ariance Resubdivimon x Use Permit Amendment 0 movnaq 507-519 Orange Ave. Legal description Lots 7 & 8. Tract No. 443 Filed by Todd Schooler App. No. Date M4498 11-5-96 Approved 13 Denied 0 Construction of a portion of two buildings in a new multi- family dwelling project to be within 8 feet 7 inches of each other, where the Zoning Code requires a minimum distance of 10 feet between buildings on the same lot. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Oronse S4. DOCATIC142o4 206 Orange Street Legal dewriplionLots 11 & 12 Block 7 Seaahore Colony Tract Zone C-1-N Filed by NEAL; Ethel App. No. Date 153 --3-•-24 -57 A-pproved g Denied Encroac I .! • yard setback of 20 1 . Variance Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 207-211 Orange Street Legal elmaarioke Lots 6 & 8, Block 8, Seashore Colony Tract Rind by Patrick O'Connor 1. That 3 garage spaces App. No. Date I shall be accessible for the parking of auto 14-391 9-21-71 mobiies at all times. Approved ci tumid 0 Z. That tne alley be improved. 3. mat tuii wiath sidewalk, curb, gulLer tic constructed Amendment 0 Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Other Modification LOCATION 207,209.210, 211 Orange Street Legal description Lots 6,7,8, Block 8 and Lot 9,Block 7 of Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Patrick O'Connor App. No. Date 291 5 -20 -1971 Approved U Denied 0 Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ta LOCATION 2n; nrangp sr Legal description l ot 5. Blk. 8 Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Janice Fairbanks App. No. Date M4306 4-18-95 Approved xii] Denied 0 Permit the as-built construction of a 6 foot high fence which encroaches 5 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback along the alley. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 207 & 211 Orange Mt., & 208 -210 Fern Legal description Lots al. 9 SAAmbnria Cn1 Tr C1M Filed by BENIC116, James J. App. No. Date 1136 6-3-1965 I Approved go Denied 0 1 I Construct 2 one family units on each lot. 1 Variance Other Resubdivision Q Use Permit gj Amendment D CONDITIONS: 1. That complete improvements be constructed to the centerlines of abutting streets and alleys to the satisfaction of the Public Works Dept. 2. That 5' of right of way be dedicated on abutting II Fern Street. 3. That improvement plans be prepared on standard size ' sheets by a licensed civil engineer. 4. That the front yard setback on Fern Street be 5'. r- P LOCATION 208 Orange Legal description Lot 10 B 1 . 7 Seashore Col C -1 -H Filed by IRELAND. Walter P. App. No. Date 1163 10-7-198g Approved Et Denied 0 Repairs. alterations and addition to a single family dwelling unit in a C-1-H District which lacks the required garage. Variance CI Resubdivision D Use Permit. Amendment 0 Other CONDITION (Over) The existing fence to be moved 5' back from the alley and a gate, at least 9' in width to be installed to the rear of the property and that a building permit be required for the new construction. , LOCATION 209 Orange Street Legal description Lot 7, Block 8 of Seashore Colony Tract in Newport Shores. Fled by Properties West, Inc. App. No. Date Request to permit the con- UP 2041 & 11/19/81 struction of a two-unit R 711 residential condominium Approved ID Denied 0 and related garage spaces in the R-2 District. Request to establish a single parcel of land for resi- dential condominium development where one lot presently exists. Variance 0 Resubdivision IM Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 UDCAJRDN 209 Orange Street Legal description Lot 7, Block 8. Seashore Colony Tract Filed by Properties West Request to permit the constructioapp.Nth Date ot a residential duplex that inciudes tour, enclosed parking M-2723 10-6-81 spaces, two ot which are tandem, Approved (1 Denied 0 wnere tne Lode requirel the rear spaces to be open on at least three sides. moon-a/Inn Variance 0 Other Resubdivision El Use Permit 1:1 Amendment 0 LOCATION 212 Ora a 1 Legal dew' on Lt loft Tract Filed by PATRICK 0' CONNOR App. No. Date 835 8-27-74 r 11 N n I IT ANAL Ly Approved x 1;1 x Denied 0 SEE REVERSE SIDE Variance 0 Other M Resubdivision 0 Use Perm* 0 Amendment 0 permit the required two open parking spaces at the rear of the subject property to have a depth of 14 feet 10 inches (where the Ord. requires parking spaces with depths Of not less than 20') in conjunction with the construction of a duplex and a two car garage on the site. perSit tare ref:mired -Tain-parking spaces at the rear of the subject property to en- croach to the rear property line (where the Ord. requires a 5' rear yard setback adjacent to a 10' wide allay) in con- junction with the construction of a duplex and a two car garage on the site. Said open spaces have a depth of 19' 10"(mea- sured to the rear property line) and a depth of 14'10" (measured to the required 5' rear yard setback) where the Ord. requires park- ing spaces with depths of not less than 20'. AMENDED MOD. sent • ain 8-16-74 FOR WHILE YOU WERE M OF PHONE NO EX TELEPHONED PLEASE CA RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL CAME IN TO SEE YOU URGENT MESSAGE LOCATION 234 Orange $treet, Newport Beach Legal description Lot 20, Block 7, Tract 772 Filed by Dorene L. Lewis App. No. Date M-333 6-1 -1 971 Approved 421 Denied 0 The 6' fence shall not be nearer than 2 1/2 feet to th front property line nor exceed 50% of the lot width Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Other Modification Amendment 0 LOCATION 235 Orange and 224 Canal Legal description Lots 6 & 7 81. 8 Tract 772 R-1 Filed by NEWPORT SHORES CO. App. No. Date 171 Approved 10-3-1963 a] Denied 0 Realignment of property lines. CONDTT7ON. Approved subject to a map being submitted satisfactory to City Engineer & Planning Dir. Resubdiyision fl Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 235 Orange St Legal description Lot 6, Tract Nn. 772 Fled by Thomas Dugan App. No. Date M4247 10-11-94 App roved LEIn?le Request to permit the constructionoP o f ao nf d 1 a7n feet o open n a parking 1 6 arkingeespt ace s with t re s pectively, c r where the Code requires a minimum lfeet clear interior em Deed 0 car _garage_ deaths Zoning depth. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 235 Orange and 224 Canal Street Legal description Lots 6 & 7 81. 8 Tract 772 11-1 Filed by NwpORT SHORES CO. App. No. Date 758 7-18-1963 Approved xi Denied 0 Lot 6 - A 3' rear and side yard setback. Lot 7 - A 3' front and rear yard setback and a 3' side yard setback abutting Lot 6. Variance a Other Resubsdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 236 Orange Street Legal description Lot 1 9 , Block 7, Tract 772 Fled by Patrick O'Connor App. No. Date M-506 6-6-62 Approved 0 Denied ix Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 2-4 6 Orange Ct Legal description m t 16, Tract 772 Filed 6Y Doris Sandore App. No. Date M4315 5 -16 -95 Approved x El Denied Request to permit the as-bull high fence and related gates 6 inches into the required 5 where the Zoning Code limits in hpi nht t construction of a 6 foot which encroach up to 1 foot foot front yard setback, such construction to 3 feet Variance Other Resub div ision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 488 Orange Ave., Legal description Lot 8 Block 6 Tract 27 C-1 Filed by WHITE, Edward S. App. No. Date 804 12-21-1961 Approved 0 Denied _ax On-Sale beer and dancing at the above Location Variance 0 Other Resubdivivon 0 Use Permit a Amendment 0 LOCATION 501-521 Orange Ave. Legal description Lots 7 & 8, Tract 443 App. No. A837 Date R1021,SPR PC 12-7-95 75 C GPA95-3(E) C 3-11-96 Approved n Denied 0 Ampriding portions of Dist. M49_140. 25 rezoning the property from R -2 to MFR. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 "" by Morgan Development Orthict Ave. 1 LOCATION Legal description 210 Orchid Avenue Filed by WM Mark Dorian Request to permit the construc- App. No. Date tion of a second floor chimney M 3314 8-18-87 that will encroach 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard Approved 0 Denied 0 setback adjacent to a 14 foot wide alley. Variance [] Other Resubdwision Q Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 210 Orchid Avenue Legal description Jot 10 A stly one half of Lot 12 Block 142 CdM R-1 Hod by MILLER, G. Randolph App. No. Date WTTHDRAWN 975 8-21-1969 Approved 0 Denied 0 Fxrppd the 15' height limit for an accessory building in an R-1 District. Variance Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 211 Orchid Avenue LOCATION Legal description Filed by R. J. Perry App. No. Date Permit the relocation of patio M -2533 4/29/80 cover which encroaches to the rear property line. New patio Approved in Denied El structure to encroach within 2 1/2' of rear property line (where the Code requires 10 feet). Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 214 Orchid Avenue 1 Legal description Red by Harold J. Benson App. No. Lonstrn. of tirst and M-993 Date 2/10/76 second Floor room auditions and a required Approved isj Denied 0 tnTrd open parking space on a single family dwelling with existing nonconforming 3 foot side yard setbacks (where the Ordinance now requires 4 toot side yard setbacks on lots exceeding 4(1 feet in width), Variance 0 Resulxlivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 216 urrhid Avenue Legal description Lot 16, Block 142. Corona del Mar Filed by Gary Dokich_ App. No. Date 144519 12 -3 -96 Approved 12 Denied 0 Construction of an 18 inch high open-rail fencing atop an existing front property line masonry wall which ranges in height from grade level to 3 feet (for a combined height of up to 4 feet 6 inches at the highest point). The Zoning Code allows such construction up to a maximum height of Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 5 feet, but limits the solid portion to a maximum of 2 feet in height. ILOCATION 222 Orchid Avenue Legal description N.E.22.5' of Lot 20. all of Lot 22. and _SW 4 Lot 24 Block 142 Re-sub of Corona deiMar Filed by LYON, Orval App. No. Date 192 1-20-55 Approved g; Denied to construct a second dwelling unit on an R-1 District parcel. Variance 21 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 223 Orchid Legal description Lot 19, Block 141, Corona del Mar Resubdivision Filed by John G. Dade App. No. Date Request to permit the construction of pilasters M2889 9-6-83 that are proposed to be a Approved IA Denied 0 maximum height of eight feet, adjacent to a proposed conforming fence on the adjoining lot where a two foot difference in grade exists between the two properties. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit Mroi fi cation Amendment 0 LOCATION 226 Orchid Avenue Legal deuxiption Lot 26 & 4 of 24 Block 142 CdM Fled by CLANCY. Mt. & Mrs. N. J. App. No. Date 234 g-21-55 Approved 0 Denied gx To permit a second dwelling in the rear of and on an R-1 district parcel now containing a singi .:. frni ly &re' Ling. Variance rn Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 230 Orchid, CdM Legal description Lots 28 & 30 B1 . 142 Resub of CdM R-1 Filed by EDOUART t A F App. No. Date 14 -155 2 -17 -1970 Approved 421 Denied 0 Structural alterations (enlargement of garage and of living room) to a nonconforming dwelling (2 single family dwellings on one R-1 lot). CONDITION; Approved in accordance with sub- 1 mitted plans Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 °the' Modification CKIATION 230 Orchid & 3621 Seaview Ave. gal description Lots 28 & 30 81. 142 Resub of CdM R-1 Filed by ECKEL, Rubve L. App. No. Date 131 12-15-1960 Approved 0 Denied Create 2 parcels out of one building site. Variance Other Resubdivision a Use Permit El Amendment El LOCATION 302 Orchid Legal description Filed by Katherine Callender Request to permit the alteration App.No. Date and expansion of an interior M3188 7-29-86 stairway on an existing noncon- forming residence that will en- Approved t3 Denied °roach 3 inches into the required 3 foot side yard setback. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION Legal description 302 Orchid Street Lot 4. Block 242 FI led by D. W. Callender App. No. Date Permit alterations to an M-2004 11/16/71 liTsting single family dwelling with the Approved /: Denied 0 following nonconforming features: 1.) two parking spaces are provided (where the Code requires three spaces); and 2.) additional open space is not provided (where the Residential Over - Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit. 0 Amendment 0 Development Standards require additional open space on the front of the lot). LOCATION 314 Orchid Ave. Legal chscriPtion Lot 14, Block 242 Filed by Warr t1 ClawiencP PequeetPd .cidiriooc t n A App.No. Date 11 vis second floor balcony M-2834 encrorthment into the required 20' front yard setback area; Approved M Denied 0 five "garden Windows" which are proposed to encroach 12" into the required 3' northerly side yard setback area; and a 50" block wall within the required front yard setback area where the Code permits a maximum height of 36". all in conjunction with the remodeling Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CtilMw 3-15-83 of an existing single family residence. LOCATION 314 Orchid Avenue Legal desaiptior N'Iy. 1/2 ot Lot 12, Lot 14 and s'ly. 1/2 Lot 16, 81. 242 CdM R-1 Filed by HAKuLu K. SPRUUL CDNuil1UMb (bee over) App. No. Date 307 8-5-1971 Approved El Denied CI subdivide an existing but wide parcel into two t. wide parcels. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision n Use Permit 0 Amendment 10 CONDITIONS 1. A parcel map shall be filed 2. Separate water and sewer services shall be provided for each parcel. LOCATION 117 O rchid Av,„„, Legal description Lot 17 Block 241, Cornne del mar Tract App. No. Date Request to permit the as-hnilt M3789 12-18-90 construction of block walls. up to 3 feet 3 inches in height, Approved El Deified 0 that encroach 15 feet into required 20 foot front yard setback. where the Zoning Code restricts such construction to 3 feet in height. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 Filed by Harbor Development LOCATION 119 Orchid Avenue Legal description Lot 19, Aloe* 941, Corona del Mar Flied by Warhor Development App. No. Date Repleqt tn permit the aq-hnilt M3792 construction of a block wall, Approved that encroaches 15 feet into required 20 foot front yard setback. where the Zoning Code restricts such construction to 3 feet in height Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Modification Amendment 0 • • I - • 12-18-90 Denied 0 LOCATION 329 Orchid Avenue Legal description Lot 29 & a Portion at Lot 2/, Block 241, Corona del Mar Filed by Robert Hummell App. No. Date M4564 05-27-97 Request the retention of a Approved EI Denied fl trellised patio cover located in the side yd setback 0 the interior property line. Patio cover is attached to lattice on top of 4ft stucco wall. Total hgt or patio cover is apx 8 ft where the code limits walls to 6 ft in hgt. Variance 0 Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other 144564 OCATION al description 410 Orchid Lot 4 Bl. 442 Corona del Mar R-2 Fled by HUBBARD, Frank C. App. No. Date (CONDITION) Over 871 8 -2 -1962 Approved ER Denied 0 An off-street parking lot in a residential district adjacent to a commercial district. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit la Amendment D CONDITION 1. That the tree located in the adjacent parkway be saved. 2. That the lay out of the parking lot be in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer. 3. That a concrete block wall 4I in height be established along the lot line adjacent to the residence to the north, with a 3' high wall in the front setback. 4. That adequate landscaping be provided. LOCATION 411 Orchid Ave. UM Legal description Lot 1, Block 441, CdM Tract Filed by BALTB„ r Lewis & Lola Bernice App. No. Date 160 11-18-54 Approved LE Denied 0 off-street parking on an R-2 lot adjacent across an alley to C-1 District property CONDITIONS: Parking if for free use by Mhz Mortuary customers. Variance El Resubdivision 0 Use Permit A Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 412 Orchid Avenue Legal description Lot 6, Bl. 442, CdM R-2 Red by CdM Post Office App. No. Date 1455 11 -20 -1969 Approved 0 Denied X a Permit an existing single family residence to be used as a Post Office Carrier Station. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 r-- LOCATION 413 & -1§ of 415 Orchid Street Legal description R-2 Hod by BALTZ, Bernice App. No. Date CONDITION (Over) 1044 5-21-1964 Approved )IA Denied El Parking lot. Variance ID Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit al Amendment 0 CONDITIONS 1. That the small house be removed; 2. That lot be paved. 3. That a layout of the lot be presented for the approval of the Planning & Public Works Depts., and a landscaping plan be sent to the P.B. & R. Dept. 4. A six (6) foot concrete block wall to be erected along the northerly property line to within 20' of the front yard property line and a 3' wall along the same line within the 20' front yard setback. 5. That bumpers be provided LOCATION 415 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot 5, Block 441, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Todd Schooler & Associates Application No. Date R 1069 6-29-99 Appproved: X Denied: To resubdivide an a parcel of land for a new two-unit condominium project. Variance: I Resubdivision: X I Use Permit I Amendment Other: LOCATION 417 Orchid Ave. Legal description Lot 9 & portion of 7, Block 441, CdM, on n.e. side of Orchid between E. Coast Hwy. & 2nd Ave. Filed by Hyter Properties Request to resubdivide one lot App. No. Date and a _portion of a second lot R 953 4/4/91 into a single parcel of land for two unit residential condominium Approved 4g, Denied 0 purposes on property located in the R-2 District. Variance El Other Resubdiyision El Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 417 Orchid Avenue Legal desaipfion Lot 9 & portion of 7, Block 441, CdM, on n.e. side of Orchid between E. Coast Hwy. & 2nd Ave. Filed by Hyter Properties Request to convert and existing App. No. rental unit into a residential UP 3413 condominium use on property Date 4/4/91 located in the R-2 District. Approved 4X1 Denied A new dwelling unit is also porposed to be constructed on the property. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision Li Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 - 9- - •eu-s Filed by LOCATION 417 n „hia Avenue Legal description 'Portion of tnts 7 g 9 , fllnrk 441. ram Tract_ Request to permit the construct App.No. ion Date Qi_an_additiansa_an_exiatinci_ M3773 11/14/90 duplex which will encroach 1 foot into the required 4 foot side yard Approved El Denied E] setback. Also included is a request to permit the structural alteration of an existing garage which encroaches 1 foot into the required 4 foot side yard setback so as to provide structural support for said addition. Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment Cfltow Modification LOCATION Al Orb 4 d Avenue Legal description Filed by Will lam R.__Allison App. No. Date M 3421 7/5/88 Approved El De nied 0 Request to permit the construction of an addition to an existing. duplex which will encroach 1 foot into the required 4 foot side yard setback. Also included is a _requesttp_permir the_ structural alteration of an RmmbdivisieNT3 Use Permit 0 Amendment variance n Other garage which encroaches 1 foot into the required 4 foot side yard setback so as to provide structural support for said addition. 'LOCATION 417 Orchid Legal desc 1/4 of Lot 7, Lot 9, Block 441 ription Had by Wil1jan Allison App. No. Date Additions to an existing M-2001 11/9/76 dwelling and construction of a garage apartment Approved a Denied 0 with one existing side yard setback for both structures of 3 feet (where the Code regpires 4 feet). The proposed construction will observe the existing 3 foot side yard setback on one over - Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other MndifiCatiOP side. In addition, a proposed bay window would encroach to 18 feet from the front property line (where the Districting Map requires a 20 foot setback). LOCATION 428 Orchid Legal description N.El l y Lot 20 & Lot 22 Bloa 442 Corona del Mar R-2 Filed by ROBERDS, Howard L. App. No. Date 917 1 -19 -56 Approved c Denied 0 Raise existing building and build 2 car garage beneath. Variance El Other Resubdivision El Use Permiixta Amendment El LOCATION 501 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot Na 1 & southerly half of Lot No. 3, Block 541, Corona Del Mar Tract Filed By: Cassis Family Trust Application No. Date R No. 1094 07/19/2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to allow the consolidation lot into a single parcel request is an exception substandard lot area. of an existing lot and the southerly half of a second for two-unit condominium development. Also included with the to the Subdivision Code for substandard lot width and IlMtesubdtviston:X ruse Permit: I Amendment: Variance: Other: LOCATION 501 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot No. I & southerly half of Lot No. 3, Block 541 Filed By: Cassis Family Trust Application No. Date Resulxlivision 1094 7-19-2000 Approved: X Denied: Request to allow the consolidation of an existing lot and the southerly half of a second lot into a single parcel for two-unit condominium development. Also included with the request is an exception to the Subdivision Code for substandard lot width and substandard lot area. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit: Amendment: Other: LOCATION cc) Orrhid Avenue Legal description Tat I and Lot S, Block 541 Corona del Mar Filed by Ann E. Nourse App. No. Date Regret to permit the M3735 7/31/90 _replacement_a_the—raofs_Of existing patio cover and Approved 12 DeMed El carport structures that currently encroach 3 feet into the required 4 foot side yard setback and 2 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback, respectively. Variance ID Resubdivision a Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modification LOCATION 509 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot 9 Block 451, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By Todd Schooler Application No. Date R1047 8-11-98 Appproved: X Denied: To permit the resubd oilskin of an existing parcel of land for a new two- unit condominium project. Variance: j Resubdivision: X Use Permit Amendmen t Other: LOCATION 509 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot 9, Block 451, Corona del Mar Tract HFiled By: Todd Schoo ler Application No. Date M4772 9-8-98 1 Appproved: X Denied: r lo permit the first floor garage wall to be constructed at 3 foot 8 inches from the property line. The Code requires lots 30 or more feet wide provide a four foot side yard setback between the primary entrance to any dwelling unit and the public street or alley. The application also includes a request to permit a second floor fireplace to encroach 2 feet into the 5 foot required rear yard setback on an alley. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 515 Orchid Avenue Legal description Filed by Donald Stine App. No. Doe Permit additions and alterations M-2382 4/10/79 to an existing duplex with two car garaie (the Code requires 3 Approved a Denied 0 parking spaces for a duplex). Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION Legal description 516 Orchid Lot 18 Bl. 542 caM R-9 Filed by ROTE. Mrs. C. D. App. No. Date DENIED BY CC 7/9/1962 (CONDITION) Over 855 6-7-1962 Approved f2 Denied 0 1 Baby sitting in home during the hours of 8:00 A.)!. to 5.30 P.M. Monday thru Friday. Variance El Resubdivision Use Permit 12 Amendment 0 Other CONDITIONS 1. That it be for a period of 6 months only starting July 1, 1962. 2. That it be limited to 4 children with a maximum age of 6 years. 3. That the children be properly supervised and activities contained on the property. LOCATION 519 Orchid Ave. Legal description Lot 19, B1 k . 591, CDM Filed by Renaissance Doors App. No. Date M4277 1 -17 -95 Approved 0 Denied 0 Rpcioest to permit the construction of a 10 foot wide bay window to encroach 1 foot 6 inches into the required 20 foot front yard setback. The Zoning Code limits such ennstrontion to 8 feet in width. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 521 and 521 1/2 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot 21, Block 541, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: George Fischer Application No. Date M5039 3-8-2000 Approved:X Denied: To permit the retention of an as-built wall that is 6 feet in height and encroaches 5 feet into the required 5 foot rear yard setback, where the Code does not permit encroachments into the rear alley setback Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other:Modification LOCATION 600 Orchid Avenue Legal description Filed by Peter Miles App. No. Date Permit an open substandard M-2364 3/6/79 parking space (8'2" X 20', where the Code requires a 9' X 20' space*Onnebd IX Denied in the required 3' southwest side yard set-Sick (Third — Avenue) in conjunction with the constrn. of a new 2-bedroom unit above a new 2-car garage and bedroom-bath addition to the existing unit. Variance El Resubdivision El Use Permit 0 Other 7lodiifcation Amendment El LOCATION 602 Orchid Avenue Legal description Filed by App. No. Date Permit an open substandard M-2363 3/6/79 space (8'2" X 20', where the Code requires a 9' X 20' space) Approved g3 Denied 0 in the required 3' soouthwest side yard setback in conjunction with the constrn. of a new 2-bedroom unit over a new 2-car garage and small addition to the existing unit. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 m o Pr" Eargibo Amendment 0 LOCATION 603 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 3 Block 641, Corona del Mar Tract Ned by Gustav Nasiell to permit a required third App. No. Date parking space in a sideyard M-2621 12/9/80 to be 8' wide where the Code requires a width of 9'-4" in Approved la Denied 0 conjunction with the addition of a second floor apartment to an existing single family residence. MODIFICAlION Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 605 Orchid Avenue Legal description Filed by Johnnie Sheeder App. No. Permit a second floor dining M-2517 room addition to rear unit of a dolex which is Approved noncon orming in the following: two-car the Code requires three parking spaces). Date 3/18/80 fl Denied 0 garage (where Amendment 0 148410YTailOn Use Permit 0 Variance 0 Other LOCATION 607 Orchid, Corona del Mar Legal description Lot 7 and 1/2 of Lot 9 in Block 641 Filed by J. Roger Marsh Request to permit the addition App.No. of a room to an existing structure M-2603 1 that is nonconforming in that 3'sideyards exist where the Code Approved requires 4' sideyards. The applicant requests 3' sideyards be permitted to remain. Date 0-28-80 Denied 0 that the Resubdivision 0 Use Permit El Amendment 0 Variance 0 Ofher MODIFICATION LOCATION 68—Orchid Avenue Legal description Lot 10, Block 642, Corona del Mar Filed by wen Penz, Owl rompAnies App. No. Date CC No. 40 6/24/97 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the rnnversion of a residential duples intn a two-unit rondominium prject, on property located in the R-2 nistrirt Variance 0 ConaWrO i timgersibfi Pen* 0 Other Amendment 0 611, 6111/2 LOCATION 613 Orchid Ave. CdM Legal description Lots 11 & 13 & 1/2 of 9 Block 641 Cdm Filed by LINDBERG, Nels App. No. Date WITHDRAWN 189 9/2/55 Approved 0 Denied Combined laundry and tool house. Variance Olber Resubdivision J Use Permit El Amendment El LOCATION 617 °rebid Avenue Legal description Lot 17, Block 42. Corona del Mar Filed by David Harshbarger Request to permit the conversionApp.No. Date of an existine duplex into a CC 23 4-16-96 two-unit residential condamin him project located in the R-2 District Approved JUL Denied 0 Variance 0 Resubdivjimn 0 Ilse Permit 0 Amendment 0 °*". el:0 000 MAU•11J LOCATION 620 & 620 1/2 Orchid Ave. Legal description Lot 22. BR. 642, Corona del Mar Filed by Wendy Erickson App. No. Date CC NO. 7 2-14-95 Approved ja Denied 0 Request to permit the conversion of an existing duplex into a two-unit residential condominium project on property located in the R-2 District. Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 621 Orchid Avenue Legal Description Lot 21, Block 641, Corona del Mar Tract Filed By: Kenneth R. Lockwood Application No. Date M 4945 7-27-99 Appproved: x Denied: To permit a second floor bay window to encroach 2 feet into the required 3 foot side yard setback on Fourth Avenue. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 621 Orchid Avenue Legal description Lot 21, Block 641, Corona del Mar Tract Filed by StephenI VonderHaar App. No. M4597 Date 10 -21 -97 Approved al Denied 0 To pe”mit additinnc and alterations to an existing duplex that wtll encrna rh 2 ft_ into the required 3 ft. side yard setback on FnHrth Avenue to match a portion of the d w elling that rnrrn. ntly encroaches. Variance 0 Other Resubchvision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Modification LOCATION 621 Orchid Avenue Legal description Lot 21, Block 641, Corona ael Mar Tract Filed by Stephen K. Vondermaar App. No. Date PDUP 11 10-21-97 Approved AI Denied 0 Request to add a second story addition to an existing du duplex that is non-conforming because portions of the existing dwelling encroach 1 ft. and 2 ft. into the required 3 ft. north side yard setback, and the proposed Variance esu• vision Use ermit • Amen ment EJ Planning Directors Use Permit Other LOCATION 701 Orchard Ave Legal Description CORONA DEL MAR BLOCK 741, LOT I Filed By: David M. Kitchen Application No. Date M 5055 3-15-2000 Approved: X Denied: To permit the following encroachments into front and side yard setback in conjunction with a remodel of an existing duplex with no increase in square footage: • A 2 foot encroachment into the required 20 foot front yard setback with a trellis and 4 support posts. • A 2 foot encroachment into the required 3 foot side yard setback on Fourth Avenue with a covered porch an 2 support posts. A 2 foot encroachment on the first floor into the required 3 foot side yard setback on Fourth Avenue with a bay window where the Code limits the encroachment to I foot. Variance: I Resubdivision: Use Permit I Amendment Other: modification LOCATION 703 Orchid Avenue, CDM Legal description Lot 3 , Block 741 of CDM Tract Filed by bretchen Nackoul To permit the construction of a App. No. Date _patio cover to an existing M-2614 11/4/80 single family residence that is nonconforming in that the front Approved y._Denied 0 setback is 61' (where the Code permits a maximum of 35') and there is no on-site parking (where 2 spaces are requi red) . Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment ID MODIFICATION LOCATION 703 Orchid Avenue Legal description Ned by William Weiss App. No. Date M 3379 3-22-88 Approved El Denied 0 Request to permit the conversion of an existing non- conforming duplex into a single family residence which maintains no onsite parking and which maintains a 45 foot front yard setback whereas the Municipal Code limits frgilt yard sotback tq.no_m orc .than 35 foot vanance Kesun0 dwatcm use Penni+ u Amendment Other LOCATION 4607 Orrington Road Legal Description Lot 69, Tract 3357 $ Filed By: John & Linda Goodman Application No. Date No, 5089 05-17-00 Approved: X Denied: Request to allow the construction of an approximate 30 foot long block wall that will range in height from 6 feet to 7 feet 2 inches above the existing grade. The wall will replace an existing wood fence located within the required 6 foot front yard setback along Orrington Road where the Municipal Code limits the height of such construction to a maximum of 3 feet in height. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: modification LOCATION 4607 Orrington Rd. Legal description Lot 69. Tract 3357 Filed by Pat Hitt & Linda Goodman App. No. Date M4303 4 -11 -95 Approved xtEt Denied 0 Request to permit the retention of an existing -fence (b feet 6 inches in height) which encroaches approx. 5 feet 6 inches into the required 6 foot front yard setback along Orrington Rd., -where the Zoning Code limits such construction to 3 fePt in height [hp applicirt Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 CHinw also proposes an addition to the existing single family dwelling which will encoach between Z feet and 3 feet into the required 6 foot side yard setback. LOCATION 4627 Orrington Road , Legal Description Lot 66, Tract 3357 Filed By: Michael Marquez r.. Application No. Date M 4753 8-25-98 r Appproved: X Denied: To permit a I foot corner encroachment into the required 6 foot side yard setback with , an expansion of the dwelling. Also included in the request is a trellis with support posts that is II feet in height and encroaches 8 feet into the required 30 foot front yard setback on Tremont Road and decorative spheres atop pilasters that total 3 feet 6 inches .in height where the code limits structures to 3 feet in height on Tremont Road. Variance: Resubdivision: Use Permit Amendment Other: Modification LOCATION 1214 Outrigger nr. Legal description lot 22, Trart No 6192 Filed by Annette & Spencer Croul App. No. Date M4343 8 -1 -95 Approved la Denied 0 Request to permit the ennstrurtinn of a 9 foot high pool equipment enclosure with related pilasters whirh encroach R feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback where the Zoning Code limits such construction to a max. of 3 Feet Variance 0 Resubdivision D Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other LOCATION 1220 Outrigger Dr. Legal description Lot 23, Tract No. 6634 Filed by Chris/Lila Hoddinott App. No. Date M4383 11 -21 -95 Approved EI Denied CI Construction of a block wall with fencing__(total height 6 feet) to encroach 14 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback, where the Zoning Code limits such construct- ion to 3 feet in height Variance 0 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 3220 Outrigger Dr. Legal description Lot 23. Tract No. 6634 Filed by Susan Secgt Request to permit the conctrnr_ App.No. Date tion of an ariditinn to an evict- M4217 7-12-94 ing single family dwelling which itril encroach 14 feet into the Approved xp Denied 13 required 20 foot front yard setback on Outrigger Dr , where required front yard setharkc vary from One lot to another, ranging from 6 feet to 20 feet Variance 13 Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit fl Amendment 0 LOCATION 1220 Outrigger Dr. Legal doscriPtilm Lot 23, Tr 6634 Filed by ANTHONY ALLEN App. No. Date 639 4-17-73 Approved ER Denied 0 permit a pool equipment tor a proposed swimming pool to be installed in tne required 5' side yard setback in the RI-U wistrict. Variance fl Other Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 LOCATION 1312 Outrigger Drive Legal description Lot 28, Tract No. 6634 Filed by Richard H. Schweickert App. No. Date Constrn. of a 6 foot high M-922 7/15/75 fence with brick columns to encroach to within 8 feet Approved AI] Denied ol of the front line (where the Districting Map 1 indicates a required 20 foot front yard setback for fences in excess of 3 feet in height). Variance U Resubdivision 0 Use Permit p Other Modification Amendment LOCATION 1301 Oxford Lane, N.B. Legal description Lot 22, Tract 3000 Filed by TerrencerAr _wpl sh App. No. Date _ pproved •enied Variance El Resubdivision D Use Permit D ipti"t Modification Amendment 0 o LOCATION 1321 Oxford Lane, Newport Beach Legal description Filed by beorge D. Robertson App. No. Date Request to permit a 120 N-2156 10/26/77 square foot addition to a single family Approved uj Denied 0 dwelling that encroaches to 3 feet from the side property line (where the Code requires a 6 set- back). Variance 0 Resubdivision 0 Use Permit 0 Amendment 0 Other Modificatinn