HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 24paxate:,- sb rd itifi-607 11ro IT, . . . . . . . . . . depose k W I 0 July 2, 1S,86 Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. �' Newport Beach, CA 92 7 r,. RE: Signage Progra or Westciiff Piax pping Center, Newport Beach To Whom it May Ccncern: Please accept this letter as authorization to receive application material for the proposed signage program for this shopping center from John Howenstine, lNc. Mr. Howenstine°s agent has permission to represent Irvine Retail Properties Company on this submittal and to respond to City concerns on our behalf. Should additional information be required, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 720-2271. Thank you. Sincerely, David . P. Newsome Development Manager DPN (sg . cc: Jbp..Nowenstlne `TICOR..TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA : ny ` £X SCHEDULE C -LAND TO IN THIS POLICY IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, OF CALIFORNIA, AND. IS DES'CRiF3ED AS FOLLOWS i DEL, A. TS 1 THROUGH 17 INCLUSIVE OF TRACT NO. 4824, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT REACH, NTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 173 PAG9 28 lPJSCEL 4ANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY',, RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY �CCPT THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITH THAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT M.L.L.A 03-1 RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-007812, OFFICIAL. pORDrS OF. SA;A COUNTY. i PORTION OF SAID LAND IS INCLUD,D WITHIN PARCEL: i OF A PARCEL NAP AS FILED IN 40X 46 PAGE 43 OF PARCEL MAPS OF SAID COUNTY. ,ARCEL 8: ARCELS 1 AND 2 LYING WITHIN THAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N.B.L.L.A. 83-1 ECORDED JANUARY 6, 1984 AS DOCUMENT NO. 84-007812, OFFICIAL RECORDS, OF iRANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. I,A4` c: 2 'k. i a QfrS35?.,`I q> 8 PAGE ROLL., CAULINDEX FT;JI I. Th ct: t. . "i.nAl. Mill) of Tract. No. 122011fii117r;�an- tial.ly confr fo the approved '^nntar.firs, map and With all change, ermitted and all rrrfiairements :imposed as condition its acceptiancn, CONDITION: 1. That all remai.ninrr conditions of ar;l, 1 of Tentative Map of Tract No. 12209 F xce on J)ermi t Eire. 24 (Di>russion) I Lem No. 3 Exception Reque^t to peniit the installation of foijy si�ci<,lty wall signs; in addition to the existing will itlentifi- Permit cation signs for Hughes Market, located I.ri i'lle went- No. 24 Cliff Plaza Shopping Center in the C-0-Ei Di%trict. LOCATION: Parcel 1 of Parcel I -lap 46-43 (rnrub- droved division No. 358) , loc3t:.sd at 1150 irvi.ne Avenue, on the 8013theant;rr•rl.y side of Irvine Avenue, between wort:cliff Drive and Marin<sr, Drive, i.n thh West - cliff Plaza Shopping Center.. 'LONE: C-0-H APPLICANT: John EEowenstine, Inc., Costa Mnsyai OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach These being no one.. desiring to appear and be- heard, Motion x motion was made to approve Exception Permit No. 24, All Ayes subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". s Otion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed signs will not have any signifi- cant environmental impact. -4- ROLL CALL 3. The proposed Pic?nage and graphics arty connistent INDEX with the character, and design ct t.�ae pashion Islanr3 Shopping Center. 4. That thi- proposed signs are intended t.r, be tempo.. nary in nature. 5. That the granting of this exception js•rmit will. not be contrary to the purpose of Charter 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing fn the neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the nei.ghborhool, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That deve.lorment shall be in substantial cr,nfor- mance with the approved plot plan and �-Ilevatlon. 2. That the applicant: shall obtain building permits for the proposed signs prior to their installa- tion. 3. That the proposed signs shall be removed within 24 monthsa of the date of installation or within 30 days after the completion of the Prorned parking structure, whichever date comes fi.rsst, unless an extension is approved by the Modifications Commit- tee. 4. That the signs shall comply with Standard Drawing 1lU-L and shall be subject to =he further review and approval of the City Traffic Item No. 4 Request subdivide the subject property into two parcels of lanc�i``L fngle- family res;idential develop- R83h ment and eliminate int roperty lines where one ].cat and portions of two other • presently exist. 1proved The proposal also includes an exception"'_ n Subdi.vi- sion Code so as to allow the creation of parce ch are less than 5,000 square feet in area and loss than 50.feet in width. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FRO": Planning Department SUBJECT: Erce.tion Permit No. 24 (Discussion) Request to permit the installation of four :spct(.'10lt7 wall signs in addition to the existing wall identifi- cation signs for Hughes Market, located in the West cliff Plaza Shopping Center in the C-0-11 District:. LOCATION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 46-43 (Restibdi.vi.sirjn 'to. 358) located at 1.150 Irvine Avenue, on t:he tiout,heasterly side of Irvine Avenue, between Wentcl.iff brive and Mariners Drive, in the Westrli.ff Pln<<� Shopping Center.. ZONE: C-0-H APPLICANT: John Howcnstine, Inc., Costa Mesa OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Application This i:; a request to permit the installation of four sgecial.ty wall signs in addition to two wall identification signs for Hughes. Market, located in the west:cli.ff Plaza Shopping Center, thus resulting in a total of six wall signs on the building. An exception permit is required .inasmuch as Section 20.06.070 L, of the Municipal. Code limits the number of wall signs on a building to a maximum of three. Excep- tion permit procedures are set forth in Section 20.06.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Environmental Sianif.icance The Proposed 'Agns have been reviewed and it has been deterrsined that they are categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plain designates the .site for "Retail and Serv;ce Commercial" uses. The General Plan does not address the use of signs in such areas; therefore, no conflict Appears to exist. TO: Manning Commission -2. past. of Westcliff Plaza, across Rutland Road are residential uses; tp the south, across Westcliff Drive, and to the west, across Irvinrs Avenue, is a mixture of office, retail, and other commercial Unur;. Analysis The applicant proposes to install four specialty wall signs In addi- tion to two wall identification signs on the tiugher, Market in the Wastcliff Plaza Shopping Center.. The new specialty wall rsiritrr w1.l.I, replace similar existing signs in conjunction with the general refur- bishing of the shopping center. The specialty signs will. be locatect on the southerly frontage of the Market. Each of the specialty signs will be 20 inches by 10 feet with an area of. 16.67 sq.ft. 'thus, tho total area of the four signs will, be 67± sq.ft. As shown on the, attached elevation, the area of the Hughes Market identification sign will be 55± sq.ft. Thug, the total area of wall, signs on the MarY.e t'rs nouther.ly frontage °A11. be 1.22± sq.ft. Under Section 20.06.070 B of the Municipal Code, tho total area of wall signs on any frontnqc, Shall be no more than 200 nq. f. t . Thus the total area of signrr on this frontage in que tion will be below the maximum area. permitted. A total of siv signs will be located on the building, inasmuch rrs; a. 55± sq.ft. Hughes Market .identification sign exists on tho wnsterl.y facade - of the facility fLci.ng Irvine Avenue. Applicant's Statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.06.090 A of the tiewport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Coirtmission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detri- mental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. In response to the .above requirements, the applicant has submitted the following statements in support of his application: 1. Why will the proposal not be contrary to the purpose of the sign ordinance? "Our proposal provides tasteful identifica- tion and is within the square footage allowed." 2. What .exceptional or extraordinary circumstances are in- volved? "The Code requires one large sign for commercial identification, when four (A) smaller, more tasteful signs within the square footage allowed would lie more aeathetical- ly appealing." 3. Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a substan- tial property right? "That the Code does not permit signing that obviously contributes to the overall appearance of the shopping center." r - nlan?°!!"sg Curmmission -3.. 4. Why will the proposal not be detrimental to the neighbor - good? "Our proposal will not be detrimental to the neigh_ borhood because it will provide a more visually appealing center for all concerned." 8 ecif.ic Findings and Recommendation It is staff's opinion that the proposed sign exception to allow more than three wall signs is a reasonable request inasmu h as the total. area of the four small. specialty signs and the identification sign on the southerly facade of the building is smaller than the area which would be permitted for one large sign. Tn addition, the proposed signs will. be replacing existing specialty signs. The new signs are well designed and will be an aesthetic improvement over previous conditions on the site. Staff recommends the api. royal of Exception Permit No. 24 ,end nuggents that the Planning Commission take_ such action :3ul)jcct t<, f:he fin�iingu and conditions of approval set forth in Exhibit: "A". PLAM."I:NG DEPARTMENT JAMES D. NEWICKER, Director By Sandra L. Genis Associate Planner SLG:la EP Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Plot Plan and Elevations TO.. Plan*ng Commission -4. EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. FOR EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 22 rIIDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs will be compatible with surrounding land urses. 2. That the proposed signs will not have :any signifi- cant environmental impact. 3. The proposed signage and graphics are cons istr•nt; with the character and design of the :?eJt-cllff Shopping Center. 4. That the number of signs on the Hughes Market will not be incrf!ased above the pr.ev.iourl^/ existing number of i<;nn on the ;Market_. 5. That the total. square footage of >Jrjrjg cm the southerly front:agp of the Hughes Markwe iss bn.low the maiimun pern.itted. 6. That the granting of this exception permit .ril.1 not be contrary to the purpose of Chapt,tr 20,06 of, the Municipal Code, and will not be matertni.ly detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious to propf!rty or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. r'r)"nTmTnuc. I. That development shall be in substantial confor- mance with the approved plot plan and elevation. 2. That the applicant shall obtain building perr.its for the proposed signs prior to their installa- tion. f D15TRICTI NG MAP NEWPORT BEACH - CALIFORNIA / 13S+Ci/1TtAL -1 LIGW 1'OWMERCIAL ' MAW" """'""""""w'/"'^" SINGIE TAutLY RESIOEtRTIAI C-2 GtNERAJ. :fNtliF3tC1AL „"',: we,WPLEX RE50EMT[AL C-0 LUTEL CCMU • 69At.T pEJWIIIAL> g-AAGRICULTURAL ZY'D lw'vtE FAMILY RMIDEN1TIAL w-I-A 0WROLLED WhILFaC OM0AULTIPLE RESPOtTIAI IMTCPMEDIATE - t/ANJ�ACT{.RWD B-n CtNdw#*4 DRSTRrt15 ~'Tr rw., .........� i..::A OI?D. aG 636 DATE Me. as. MAt $ i � GALE m /1!pTUNCLASSWIED �xcFP-r�oN FEXM /7- i✓o. a Al CITY OF NEWPOPT BEACH PLAIINING DEPARTM'T' PLAU RWrIEW PEQUEST X ADVAHrE PLANNING DIVISION Y~PUBLIC WORF.S DEPARTMENT X T!~APFIC EUGINEER rI TRX' DEPARTMENT X PLAN REVIEW DIVISIONl NP7' RKS & RECREATION �W)LICF. DEPARTMENT ~MARTNE SA7ETY —GRAD114r, APPLICATIOI4 OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit- No. 24 Date Se2tember 4, 1986 k PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) PLANS OId FILE, IN PLANDiING DEPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of four specialty wall signs in addition► to the existing wall identification sign for Hughes Market, located in thr Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center. LOCATION: 1150 Irvine Avonur REPORT REQUESTED BY: September. 9, 1986 C01414ISSION PSWIEW: COMMENTS: September 18, 1986 Signature Date X—PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X-TRAFFIC ENGINEER _~FIRE: DEPARTMENT PLAN Rin'I •irt DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION ^POLICE, DEPARTMENT —POLICE SAFETY _GTWINI, APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 24 X PLANS A77ACHED (PLEASE RETURN) __ PLANS ON FILLS 1N PLANNING DEPT. REQUEST TO. Permit the installation of four specialty wall .signs in addit;i,nr, to the existing wall identification sign for Hughes Market, locates] in t11c Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center. LOCATION: 1150 Irvine Avenue REPORT REQ1JF, T}.D Elf. Sei3tember 9, 1986 A COMMISSION RY.VTEW: Seutember 18, 1986 COWI-ENTS : Signature,4�t���'�'n'"y'q' ��— Date X ADVANCE PTJWItiING DIVISION X PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X—TRAFFIC ENGTIMER FIRE DEPARTMIENT X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION —PARKS & RECPY-ATION TPO,' ICE DEPAP.TMENT MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 14 Bate Se .tn:Lf er 4, 198F X PLAINS ATTACiil:rj (P.I.r't1SF, RrZ'UR�I) ` PL.WtS ON FILE Ill PLANNING DPPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of four specialty wall. :slgnn, in addition to the existing wall identification sign for. Hughes Market,, l0C,-�,jted in the Westcli£f Plaza Shopping Center. 'LOCATION: 1150 Irvine Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: Sci,tember 9, 1 COMMISSION REVIEW: .13e nt7her 18, 19'36 COMMENTS: X PUTILIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X—TRAFrIC ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT X PLAN' AE-VIE—W DIVISION. —PAKIKS & RECREATION —POT,ICE DEPARTMrNT ~MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 24 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) — PL.A14S ON FILL' TN PLA L ING DEPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installatiOTL Of four specialty WaIl taitins in addition to the existing wall. identification sign for. Huc1)0!3 M,'3r_V(-t., located in the WAstcliff Plain Shopping Center. 'L01,''ATION: 13.50 Irvino Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: September 9, 1986 C0,1-1MISSION REVIEW: Septemh;er 18, 1986 CO,' ,ENTS: 1_ )C2 nti•c 1 !r ,-, CITY OF 'tr .3P-_OR`I` BEACH PLAI3`.It, i DEE AMMEINT PLAN P,L"`•,"i -W REQUEST ., Date September 4, 1986 X ADVANCE PLARNMG DIVISION X�PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLthNS ATTACHED (I)LEASE R TUP 0 l X_TRAFFIC E-1-IGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT _ PLANS 'ON! FILE 7,11 PLANMIY G DEP—J . X_PT,F:2J REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 24 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of four specialty wall sign, in addition to the existing wall identification sign for Hughes Market, prated in the Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center. LOCATION: 1150 Irvine Avenue REPORT RE .VESTED BY: September 9, 1985 C%VIISSION REVIEW: Septemt)er 18, 1986 COMMENTS: �Fai��s�t"rer^J'�f�a�,i'•!( ,y1a(n! 1',��r1� �/r i"e4:.�tskT��dN- �I'ii�r[� .FY�•7l? �w f.*tYla.tL . I�c7114. r!G �, lCtVs7.tzt � r'yP yT ,s/ :+� �Y��L�.rrif..� �7+�•'.XT.r11� �X :iXfis �.b;tr Signature /( Data >n .4ro1• &A6 1 i 4 ;1y�1 . 4 � � �,`i i 1 tt �� _T ��� .. .+ se r .t , <'; � it .r i .jii! ' e. . � itL. 1 .. � .i F.f .. ..4 . �.� •, � r... r ,. . , .. -.r ? 1,. .. •-r� N` - � 77- lip.-• -- ,� 1 ��• ••••• ice_^w•-�---•.__,�.. .I: fi _...�4.._ , { `....., t••-� . �. �•' fr^% # � j {. 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' : .. - - a...�.«,,..moo.,........_,.-.,...�_,....._ _..-ti,,..,••.., - f. 77 E.. WESTCLIFF '�AV PLAZA r n TN ST. IRVINE AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA lb Xl f ,/ ,r ~l Ht1G-} C5 1 5I&TIJ C(. p. vf' EXISTING SITE PLA1 .,:�, 7 IRVINE RETAIL PRCIPERTIE9 CO. 6b0 hfLW- P RT CENTER bK NEWPORT BEACH, CA OW 720-2277 EXISTING SITE PLAN Date. 23 APRIL '66 I . I 11 cl I—w titittit- 41 ......... 0-too—.1— E3 C3 I - W m