HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 26CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX Exception Permit No. 26 (Discussion) Item No.1 rP 11o.26 Request to permit the installation of an atel�itt:,.i.e,�n�y1 wall sign and the approval of an existinrl wall nit-in---_� (for a total of five wall .signs) on an exl;tclnq of roved building located in the Unclassified District.., whoro the Sign. Code permits .only three wall signs p(,:r building. LOCATION: Parcel No. 2 of Parcal Map (Renubdivision No. 616) , locat=,:1 .It 1100 Newport Center Drive, on the, south- westerly corner of Granvill.r. Drive and Newport Center Drive, in Newport, Center,. ZONE.: Unclassified APPLICANT: Carver Development, Neowpe)rt Be:tu;h OW17ER: Same as applicant Mr. Dill Goring, 1100 Newport Cent;:r Drive, aplicrare•d before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Goring stated that the aepplicant concurs with the findings and conditions as nr?; forth in Exhibit "A". Motion ! Motion was made to approve Exception Perrni.t. Uo. 26, All Ayes subject to the findings and rondit S onrs in Exhibit "A". Motion voted on, MOTI014 CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs will be cornp,itible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. The proposed signage and graphics are consistent with the character and design of Newport. Center. 4. That the total square footage: or signs is well below the maximum permitted. 5. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the _ 2.. r < � � 4� [ .r .�..� 'r) .:�. ,Y: .. .� ♦ r..� .. , t'�� , ... �7.'- ,t r �3, �� �, i,n, ��. ,5n .� ♦ l ,1 COMMISSIONERS S�++ I1O/t� ��.+ar� MINUTES V y����7�liJ�ER.7 W'lli�� 1 ES March 19, 1987, ROLL CALL BEACHCITY OF NEWPORT neighborhood, or detrimental or injur.9ous to property or improvoments in the neighbc>rhr)rd, or to the general o"Iface of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development: shall be inyut; st:antial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations. 2. That the applicant shall obtain a building] hermit for the propooe.d .sign prior to its inrrtall.ation. � r A i_ uest to permit the construction of it ono :,tort' co rcial building on property locatod in the C-1 Dis\na,,,, The proposal also includes a mnd.ification to theg Code o as to allow the following encroach - menthe 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an allr truction of a trash enclosure and landscap- inghe _ tention of an existing block wall. all of whiroach 0 feet into the required 10 foot rear yarack an the construction of requ.ir.ed off-strrking sp ,K which encroach 9feet into rsaid reaarea. The. roposal also includcia� thr ar-chpt:- ancn environmer,tg document. LOCATIO'7: Parcel Ito. of. Parcel M'ap 52-40 (Resubdivisi0 No. 387) , locat#-8 ,at 3636 East Coast tiighv y, on the nor. r_hwenterly corner of Earje4s., Coast Mghwny and Poinsettia Avenue, Corona del war. ZONE: C-1 APPLICANT: Pulaski and Arita Architr_rN_ Newport Beach ''%, OWNER: Dillon R. Cox, El Cajon Chairman Person referred to the typographical erro min Condition No. 17, Site Plan Revievi No. 41, requested that the error be amended. -3- INDEX Item No.2 SPR No.42 Approved Planning Co=isnion Meng March 19, 1987 Agenda Item No. I. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT; Exception Permit No. 26 (Discussion) Request to ,permit the installation of an additional wall sign and the ap roval of an existing wall sign (for a total of five wall signs) on an rx1,t3l:i;7g office building located in the Unclassified District where the Sign Code permits only three wall signs per building. LOCATION: Parcel No. 2 of Parcel Map 152-17, (Re.subdf,vision No. 616), located at 1100 Newport Center Dri.Vn, on the southwesterly corner of Granville Drive rind Newport Center Drive, in Newjort Center. 7olff.:: Unclassified APPLICANT: Carver Development, 2ie%port Beach OVIER: Same as applicant Application This is a request. to ,permit the installation of an addj L onal wall sign and the approval. of an existing wall sign (for a total of five wall signs) on ' an existing office building located in thrr Unclassified District:. An exception permit in required inar3much ass Section 20.06.070 B of the Municipal Code limits the 'number of wall signs on a building to a maximum of three. Exception permit procedures are set forth in Section 20.06.090 of the Newport, Beach Municipal. Code. Environmental Significance The proposed signs have been reviewed and it has been determli-ed that the; are categorically exempt from the `requirements of the Cali'ornia Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Conformance 'with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for "Retail arid . Service Commercial" uses with an alternate ,).Se of "Administiative, Professional. and Financial Commercial" uses. The Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan, designates the site for "Administrative, Professional and Financial_ Commercial" uses only. These documents do not address the use of signs in such areas; TO: Pleing Commission 3 As can be seen above, the total area of all signage on the exterior of the building, including the three original 65 sq.ft. signs will be 341 sq.ft. Cinder Section 20.06.070 of the Municipal Code, signs on any frontage: of a building may occupy up to 40% of a building fare, not to exc,,:ed 200 sq.ft. In this case, a 200 sq.ft. wall sign could be permitted on each of the three different frontages of the building for a total of 600 sq.ft. of signs. Applicant's Statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.O6.090 B of the 'Newport Beac)) t4unicipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detri- mental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare. of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant hats nuhsnitted the following statements in support of his application: 1. Why will the proposal not be contrary to the purpose of the Sign Ordinance? "Sign ordinance; Chapter 20.06, Section R.2(c) pro- vides for each tenant in a multi -tenant building to have an exterior signage." 2. What exceptional or extraordinary circumstances are involved? "Carver Savings and Loan's primary business at this location is the generation of individual public home financing in the Newport area. Public identity will facilitate customer access." 3. Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a (substantial property right? "Sign ordinance allows landlord to provide for exterior sign for a tenant if so requested by Tenant as is the case with Carver Savings and Loan." 4. Why will proposal not be detrimental t: the neighborhood? "The building is located in Newport Center, -',.e proposed sign is tastefully designed and compatible with -_casting signs on the 1100 Newport Center buildinq and other buildings in Newport Center." Specific Findinqs and Recommendation It is staff's opinion that the proposed sign exception i.s a raasanable request inasmuch as the total sign area will be less than would be permitted under the Sign Ordinance and the additional. a;ignage is needed to identify other tenants of the building. Further, the signs are designed to be similar to other signs previously existing on the building and elsewhere in Newport Canter. Planning, Cowu issirn Me*ig Mbr 1987 Agenda Item tic. 1, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH T0: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBw''F.CT: Excoption Permit No. 26 (Discussion) Request to permit the installation of an 4dditional wall sign and the approval of an exist:iny wal.l scign (for a total of ffve wall signs) on an ex.ioting office building located in the Unclassified Dihtrfct where the Sign Code permits only three wall signs pnr building. LOCATION: Parcel No. 2 of Parcel 14ap 152-17, (ReGUNIi.vinion No. 616) , located at 11.00 Newport Center, Dr.ivr!, on thti southwef�iterly cornet- of Granville Drive ,11*0 Newport Center Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: APPLICANT: OWNER: Application Unclassified Carver Development, Newport Beach Same as applicant This is a request to permit the installation of an additional wall sign and the approval of an existing wall sign (for it total of five wall signs) on, an existing office building located in the. Unclassified District. An exception permit 1.8 required inasmuch as Section 20.06.070 B of the Municipal Code limitf• the number of'wall signs on a building to a maximum of three. Exception permit procedures are set forth in Section 20:06.090 of the Newp'art reach Municipal Code. Environmental Significance The proposed signs have been reviewed and it has been determined that they are categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11, (Accessory Structures). Conformance with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program The band Use Element of the General Plan designates the site for „Retail and. Service Commercial" uses with an alternate use of "Administrative, Professional and Financial 'Commercial" uses. The Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan designates, the site for "Administrative, Professional and. Financial_ Commercial" uses only. These documents do not addrba s the use of signs in such areas; therefore, no conflict appears to exist. '`Cys Aning Comma sion -- 2 Y Subject Property and Surrounding Land Uses The subject property is occupied by a two story office building. To the north, across Granville Drive, are the. Granville Apartments; to the east, across Newport Center Drive, are low-rise offices; to the south is vacant landi and to the west is the Balboa Bay Racquet. Club. Background On January 5, 1984, the Planning Commission approved Une, Permit No. 3077 which was a requetst to permit the construction of a 15,000 sq.ft. office building on the subject property which exceederl thty basic height limit in the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation Zone. Akira Approved was a modification to the zoning Code so as to allow the use of compact parking spacen for a portion of the requireo off --street parking. In addition, a traffic study and an environment,31 document were accepted.. Condition of Approval No. 35 of the approved use permit required that signs be in conformance with the Ci.ty's Sign Ordinance. Following construction of the building, three internally lit 65 squnrc foot wall signs for Home Federal wnrr• inntalled on the building. A fourth wall sign for. Carver DevelojXnrrlt were later installed. The building permit for the sign specified that only three wall signs were permitted. However., upon installation of the new sign, none of thr.- previously existing signs fc,r. Home Federal were removed. An exception permit is thus required iS: all four of the existing signs are to remain or new signs are to be added. Analysis The applicant desires to obtain an exception to the Sign Ordinance to provide for the approval of the existing fourth wall sign and to permit the installation of a fifth wall sign. The fourth wall sign which is already existing has an area of 52 square feet and is internally lit. The fifth proposed sign will have an area of 94 square feet and will also be .internally lit. The sign will advertise Carver Savings, ;another 4.enant of, the building. Existing and proposed signs are summarized as follows; BtiiId Face Bign Area South "Home Federal" 65 sq.ft. (proposed) "Carver Savings" 94 s_q.ft. South Total 159 sq.ft. East "Home Federal" 65 sq.ft. "Garver Development" 52 sic ._ft. East Total 117 sq.ft. Percent of build inq face 3.12% 1,91�. As can be seen above, the total area of all.si.gnage on the exterior of the building, including the three original 65 sg.it. signs will be 341 sq.ft. tinder Section 20.06.070 of the Municipal Code, signs on any frontage of a building may occupy up to 40% of .a building face, not to exceed 200 sq.ft. In this case, a 200 sq.ft. wall sign could bo permitted on Vlach of the three different frontages of the building for a total of 600 sq.ft. of signs. �2plicant's statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.06.090 B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning .Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the p€ar'poap of this chapter as herein set forth, and will not be materially do tri- mental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persona residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or, improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare, of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant hart submitted i:,le following statements in support of his application: I. Why will the proposal not be contrary to the purpose of the Sign Ordinance? "Sign ordinance; Chapter 20.06, Section B.2(c) pro- vides for each tenant in a multi -tenant building to have an exterior signage." 2. What exceptional or extraordinary circumstances are involved? "Carver Savings and Loan's primary business at th!s location in the generation of .ndividual public home financing in the Newport area. Public identity will facilitate nustomer access." 3. Why is an exception permit necessary to protect a substantial property right? "Sign ordinance allows landlord to provide for exterior sign for a tenant if so requested by Tenant as is the case with Carver Savings and Loan." 4. Why will proposal not be detrimental to the neighborhood? "The building is located in Newport Center, the proposed sign is tastefully designed and compatible with existing signs on the 1100 Newport Center building and other buildings in Newport Center." Specific Findings and Recommendation It is staff's opinion that the proposed signexception is a reasonable request inasmuch as the total sign area will be Less than would be permitted under the Sign Ordinance and the additional signage is needed to identify other tenants of the building. Further, the signs are designed to be similar to other signs previously existing on the building and elsewhere in Newport Center. a e0T - Panning Cownissi6n -4 staff recrntmends approval of Exception Permit No. 26 and suggests that the Planning Commission take such action subject to the findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". PLAJrII iG DEPARTMENT JAPES D. HEWTCKER, Director Sandra L. Genis / 'L Associate Planner SLG011 EP Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Plot Plan and Elevations r TO: Pl. ng commissio' T' - 3 EXHIBIT "A"- FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, FOR EXCEPTION PEPMIT NO. 26 FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed signs will noL have any significant environmental impact. 3. The proposed signage and graphics are consistent with the character and design of Newport Center. 4, That the total square footage of signs is well below the maximum permitted. 5. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chaj'itnr 20.06 of the Municipal Code, anti will not bo materially detrimental to the hnatlh, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations. 2. That the applicant shall obtain a building permit for the proposed sign'prior to its installation. _-: jClWTV \``�:___ .� Lam•— �! ��.:::..:. � ::--.•� 0-$ W mac` vlE ' �YF Y Mott ` v •f' (?� y aN2 � 1 ):b �U_ 1 d 4 s s S 7 �2� Iwo • r- 1 ,fpa P-C it t e.ora P . 1 p.0 I 0-S .0 d RRtT NIGMviY "41e ✓!A Mr MIA MO ff INN- -MAP- _CITY---OF-l� CART----®EACH-•-----�CALIFORNIA ��.,� ao. Ilo n24 3-4•6e UAL bm"O Y mvarwt IttrrrA�w RLVIMN5 Ilxr Y2�•60 _..__..__. _..._._,... rr�rrr L04m" att1 Nft •rr.wln ._...lF4�T Mi pMR u arw I Fi f1� as not p�1�:T 1! as 1 a1HWct Wh ••1•• MgiOl . N��.YN M MVMt �OQItMI 1•N•N /II R W�.wMrJ Y tii11t1 Mw •r .I.� 46W Vw�r •+M' r•.r/.•s / 1 /! It 4,WI•il•�A�.� fw -A p-a*"?*M.71� M BYO AN "_Ws A Im II ". /1. 1t u w.I. r .-. hA. 41 t1t tJ/Y wINYO �'.. w.rwi w.oar OL ran Ir •t" " v .A 1 a. IKA7Nf14 ace .N. .�i.`s.i..0 nr rwr •er / • w n may, Ct7a/r 1CMII flv1 •. uw•.IwrrlM Arrwwr�, y��M p� ..Y•r0 ••LI••tliall111r dRT11Kf . lot 0� 11�1i M. ".At ai+.�`w.n.h�M Iut t711KT .9. A h(t-�Wrft• M WA M M ry►}�t_{�11PIN. IM /t[ E X(,6 PT 10 N PERMIT No. a(to THE IRVINE COMPANY MAR 16 ��8t Wtarch 12, 1987 Mr. William A. Goring, Vice President Property Management CARVER DEVELOPMENT 1100 Nc%vport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Bill: Your request for an additional exterior sign, located on the south facing elevation of the Can,cr Building has bcen reconsidered by The Irvine Company. The sign has Ircrt approved with the following conditions and modifications: 1. The sign's copy is to read "CARVER SAVINGS". 2. 7iue letter size is to be no greater than T-0" in height. 3. The sign's material, construction, illumination and color is to match th existing Carver Development sign. 4. The location of the sign is similar to the placement of the I ionic Federal sign copy (see illustration below). 5. A drawing of the revised sign is to submitted for final review prior to construction or installation. SOUTH ELEVATION (not to scale) Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 720-3441. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLAYMING DEPARTMENT PLAT REEL rI E 4 REQUEST ADVANCE PLAIMING DIVISION X_PUBLIC M_)PXS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER %FIRE DEPARTMEIT X PLAN MVIEW DIVISION PAR.YS G RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT MARME StiFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Carver Development FOR: Exception Permit No. 26 Date March 2, 1987 X PLANS ATTAC:HM (PLEASE RETURN) PLANS ON FILE: IN PLANNING DEPT. REQUEST TO: Pertait the installation of an additional wr�l,] sign and the approval -of an existing wall sign (for a total of five wall signs) on an existincl office building located in the Unclassified Distrj,ct where the Sign Code permits only three wall. sign!, rer huilding. L^.'CATION: 1100 Newport Center. Drive PLPORT RE97JESTED BY: March 9, 1987 COW41SSIOII REVIEW: March 19, 1987 COMMENTS: Signature Date • _ADVANCE PLANNING. DIVISION X' PUBLI' C 6dORYS DZM' TMEW TRAFFIC ENGINEER XRFIRE DEPAmrr X_PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY GRADING _ - 4 r y.\.•tsr.n✓s•,a.r-I..:il kh:il.wiyw 71^m••.•:.r1 t:t'..r. G- ' CITY OF NEWPORT . BEACH PLANNING DEPART14E= PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date March 2, 1987 APPLICATION OF: Carver Development FOR: Exception Permit No. 26 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE .RETURN) PLANS ON FILE. .IN PLANNING DEPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of an additional wall, sign and the - a�2roval of an existing wall sign (for a total of five wall. signs) on an existing office building located in the Unclassified District whore the Sign Code_pezmits only three wall ins per building. LOCATION: 1100 Newport Center Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 9, 1907 C01414ISSIOII REVIEW: March 19, 1987 C01414ENTS : r Signature 0 ADVANCE PLAbIlING DIVISION X_PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _TRAFFIC ENGINEER X` FIRE DEWT3�, X P7Gl�i7 REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION MPOLICE DEPARTMENT MMARINE SAFETY —GRAD rvG CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date March 2, 1987 APPLICATION OF: Carver Development FOR.: Exception Permit No. 26 X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) _.. PLANS ON F CR,h WIVIG DEPT. AIAR 987 ,sae RF �` t,',• . . REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of an additional wall. Eign and thcfi approval of an existing wall sign (for a total of five_ wall signs) on an existing office building located in the Unclassified District where the sign Code permits only three wall signs per building LOCATION: 1100 Newport Center Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 9, 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: March 19, 1987 C01414P,?;TS : / /\ u.o{ Sic nature 1 ,y,___, Date CITY OF IfEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTME3,'T PLAN REV-LEW REQUEST _ADVA1XE PLANNING DIVISION X_PUBLIC WORMS DEPARTMENT _TRAFFIC ENGINEER X F IRE DEPARTMENT PARKS & RECREATro _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Carver Development FOR: Exception Permit No. 26 Date 24arch 2, 1987 X PLANS ATTACHED (FILEASE RETUR2i) PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of an additional wall reign and the approval of an existing wall sign (for a total of five wall signs) on an existing office building located in the Unclassified District where the Sign Code permits only three wall signs per building. LOCATION: 1100 Newport Center Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 9, 1987 C0141-1ISSION REVIEW: March 3.9, 1;.987 CO!,"QiENTS: Signature tZ 't At v,l -gf yA�I �l 44 I iu/ fjfLa4 WAW6 V, -0 .—M4 ode*), AWCW.M 17BnM IT -r. .77, A4 1 i 74 WERAM-01 LOAN OFFICE act A or DRAWING TTrLE: , 1p A& I� r-i JOB NO: DRAWING NO: DATE: E CARVER DEvaDFNEM N)-r FC-Ir- JF-:)<.T f c�i FIEI� "JI _,cw FtA wr vzxX- A - --------- T I It -A C�t) T Ur 4- _7 ------- - =__7 '✓tl�N L_c6.4<71 C N F110,kvE FEDERAL.''.�:.T `� 9 -Y T-r �N, _7 t�,�f 4; DRAW24GTrrLE- ,5f� ric-AMCN 7 --_ Ar T T" A D E S I G N r7MMjwhrfi North - h,vow. CA qM4 • (714)474'U7A S=: OF SHEETS: __ __ _ _ t . .. 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