HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 27:CEP IQN PERMIT APPLICATION C I TY OF NEWPORT BEACH ::,,.PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ap icationfRec d liY_ CURRENT RLANNING DIVISION RP y �{ 3300 Newport Boulevard Fee: $ Z 37 'Newport Beach,. CA 92663 ?14} o"4Q-2218 or 640-2219 , Mr Joe Beasley with _App]icant.(print) Reath s company Phone (213)223-4I41 Mal lir►g Address 3225 Laey Street Los Angeles, CA 90031 ,._._. £ ' (714 ) 640-4000 Tennis P; perty Nner Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Phone ` ennxs Club Mailing Address 900 Nex+spa�=t Center Drive Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Address 0f Property, Involved soo Newport Center Drive Purpose 0f Application (describe fully) To deviate from Chapter of Sign ordinance0.o6.oso B3: Camserciril- sZndustacial Districts maxim number of three signs ur 100 sq., ft. maximum ourrequest is for a fourth such sign that exceeds the maximum area for this site. stone',,©--� - Present Use Hotel with twfi restaurants R�t6gaDescription of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) Hotel facility ing luding 2 restaurants and 2 bar o erations. r Why wi11 proposal not be contrary to the purpose of the Sign Ordinance? sign ordinance, was intended fora facility with a single use. In this case we have three separate uses; 1 And the View Restaurant. ; Exceptional or extraordinary clrcuttistances involved? This is a large established develo�aent that is ing to attract business from.Pacific Coast Hwy. and Newport Center bride. It is ilea ting to .generate additional oeYtside"business for both of its restaurants.The View is Curren y no es is - llhy is an exception:permit necessary to protect a suhstantial property tight? if this.interior.restaurant is to be competitive with other restaurants in thin area, aclete signage is essential. Why, will proposal w7,t be detrimental to the neighborhood? Amount of 5i.gnage requested, When compared to the scale of this development, is minimal. Also, this type of sigx,age t's soft halo -lighting effect. Site is basically locat wi7i en2xance this entry way.•vith ied ia'an all:commercial area. Signage requested will have a limited view point_ OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT t ..0ePose and say that (I am) (I) ,(I1e) Daft �' the property ies involved in this application. (I) (;d2) further 2, (vid are) the � awner s '`.certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answer herein contained ;'and the.information'herewith submitted re in all respects true and correct to the best of �r"(my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature (s) - - NOTE; An.agent �ay sign for the 'owner if written rzu:hc�ri za ti , fi� I'll owttL�- i s filed with the application. a..�' •rry+.t-t.r-c......s-4rr•C'tY .3i3�L.'tit�G. t�t'ti'�G'rr-lt-1^tz. �X � DO tlD COAiPLETE APPL CATIOU BEL011 TH IS LINE C-. Date Filed - - -I— n Pd. ��7 Receipt Pie. iieari ng. Da to Publ i ca t� an Date ,` Mail Date .PostingDate .P.0 'Action. Date Appeal C.C.Hearing C;CAction "ate ROLL CALL INDEX , Exception Permit No. 27 (Discussion) Itor" 130.1 Request to permit the installation of a P.oUrt}; wall EP No. 27 sign on the Newport Center Marriott Hotolt facility where the zoning Code permits a maximum of three wall A rrsawd signs per building. The proposed sign will idtntify a lounge within the hotel building_. LOCATION: Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 75-33 (Resubdivision No. 497) , located at 900 Newport Center Drive, on the south- westerly corner of Newport Center .Drive West and Santa Barbara Drive, in Newport Center. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT: Heath and Company, Los Angelep { OWNER: Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach The discussion was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Joe Beasley, representing the applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Beasley stated that he concurs with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". There being no others desiring to appear and he heard, the public hearing.was closed at this time. Motion x Motion was made to approve Exception Permit No. 27, Ayes x x x x x subject to the findings. and conditions in P,xhibit "A". Absent x X Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed sign will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed sign will not have,any signifi- cant environmental impact. 3. The proposed signage and graphics are consistent with the character and design .of the Marriott Hotel Complex. -2- ..ti' ,a ;t� �S .,, 1 `1_., _ � IE _ { ,J ,_ .Y, . . �Y ?, � l✓ l.r�p. t,`+� ROLL CALL INDEX 4. That the total square footage of sign►; an the southeasterly frontage of the hotel building is below the maximum permitted. 5. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in thst neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in subEstantiai confor- mance with the approved plot plan any %l.WNation. 2. That the applicant shall obtain a buildlnq permit for the proposed sign prior to its installation. Item No.2 UP 3236(A) Re 4,est to amend a previously approved use permit which permI ed the establishment of a daytime take-out and a nightt full service restaurant with on -sale beer and Approved wine on p Verty located in the "Retail and Service Commercial" a a of the Cannery Villaga/McFaddon Square. Specific Plan ea. Said approval iAlso included a waiver of a port of the off-streat parking spaces required For the time take-out restaurant. The proposed amendment inv ves a request to expand the hours of operation so as`4 o permit the full service restaurant to be open from 1 00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., on weekends and holidays whereas i existing use permit prohibits its operation before 0 p.m. daily. The proposal also includes a request to atablish a valet parking service in conjunction with t full service restaurant operation. LOCATION: Lots 2 - 20, Block 127,. bake Tra and a vacated portion of:Newp ort Houle d, located at 2727 `.Newport Bculeva comprising the entire block bocrnded b -3- :Ak� TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Exception Permit No. 27 (Dincussion) Request to permit the installation of a fo+urtk, W,jll sign on the Newport Center Marriott hotel ftko1.ity where the Zoning Code pe mits . a' maximum of throe wall signs per building. The proponed sign will idolitify a lounge within the hotel: building. LOCATION:. Parcel No. l of Parcel Map No. 75-33 (Resubdiviaion No. 497), located at 900 Newport Center Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Newport Center Drive West and Santa Barbara Drive, in'Newport Center. ZONE-. C-0-11 APPLICANT: Heath and Company, Los Angeles Pie 0 i.ng Coo mission 3 . 4. why will the proposal not to detrimental to the neighbor- hood? "Amount of, signage.requested, when compared to the scale of this development, is minimal. Also, this type of scignage will r_nhance this entry way with its soft halo lighting effect. Site is basically located in all comrner- cial area. Signage requested will have a limited view point." specific Findings and Recommendation It is staff's opinion that the proposed sign exception to allow more than three wall signs is a reasonable request inasmuch as the total area.of the four signs is; only slightly larger (206t sq.ft.) than the ,area which would be permitted for one large sign on any single fron- tage of the building (200 sq.ft.). Staff recommends the approval of Exception Permit No. 27 and suggests that the Manning Comm.innion take such action subject to the findings and conditions of approval set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. REWICKER, Director. BZ 4 W. WI IAM, ARY3 Senior Planner MW: I EP1 Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Plot Plan and Elevation .......... MAP 1 0H_ 3 PlanningCommissioAting Mal 214 1987 y Agenda Item no. 1. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM- Planning Department. SUBJECT: Exception Permit No, 27 (Discussion) Request to permit the indtal.lation of a f()urth wall sign on the Newport Center Marriott Hotlil facility where the Zoning Code permits 'a maximum of three wall signs per building. The proposed sign will identify a lounge within the hotel building. LOCATION: Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 75-33 (R2subdivisi.on'No. 497), located at 900 Newport' Center Drive, on the southwesterly corner of Newport Center Drive Weat and Santa Barbara Drive, in Newport Center. ZONF: C-0-13 APPLICANT: Heath and Company, Los Angeles OWNER: Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach Application This :is a request to permit the installation of a`€ourth wall 'sign on the. Newport Center Marriott Hotel complex where the Zoning Code permi,ts'a.'maximum of three wall signs per building. The proposed sign will identify "The View Lounge" within the hotel building. Exception permit procedures are set forth in Section 20.06.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal' Code: Environmental Significance The proposed sign has been reviewed and it -has: been 'determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements. of 'the. California Environmental Quality Act under Class ll , (Acde'ssory' Structures) . Conformance with the General' Plan: and the'Local'Coastal Progrnm hnalz sis As shown on the attached site plan, there-_ are curroontly three W411. signs located on the Marriott Hotel. building. Two of the signs whtob are located on the ,northerly and southerly elevations of the, tower, identify the "Marriott" Hotel and they include approximately e0 sgii4ro feet, of sign face each. The third wall, sign is on the lower, porttot; of the building, facing Newport Center.Urive:and identifies "Nicole'h Grill". Said sign only contains!approxinaitely 20 square feet. The applicant is now, proposing to instal?;a fourth wall sign which will contain approximately 26 square feet and will be located on the lower portion of the building, facing Santa Barbara Drive. Saicl aigtt will. identify "The View .Lounge" and. will consist of reveron channel brass letters similar to those used for Nicole's Grill. Pi of the letters are to be hack -lit with indirect neon lighting sus an to give a halo effect. l.icant's Statement of Support in accordance with Sectioa 20.06.090 H of the Newport Reach Municipal Code, in order to grant.an -exception permit, the Planning Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the rnrrpose:'of this chapter as herein set_ forth, and will not be materially datri- mental to the health, Safety, corafort +or general welfare of tpersons residing in .the neighborhood, or. detrimental; or injurious to; property or improvements in the neighborhood, or:.to. the general Owelfare ,of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant hats submitted the following statements in support.of his application: TO PZ'ting i:ammissioz� -3. 4. why will the proposal not be detrimental to the neighbor.- hood? "Amount of signage requested, when comprarod to the scale of this develo.pment,, is minimal. Also, thin type o;' signage will enhance this entry way with i.ts soft halo lighting eifert, Site is basically located i.n allrommer - cial area. Signage requested will have a limited view point." w ecific Findings and Reco*nmendation It is staff's opinion that the proposed sign except;lon tO sallow more than three wall signs i, a reasonable request in"mue;. ass the tonal area of the four signs is only slightly larger (2061 sq,ft.) than the area. which would. be permitted for one large sign on any single fron- tage of the building (200 nq.ft.) Staff recommends the approval of. Exception Permit No. 27 and suggests that the Planning Commission take such artion subject to the findings and. conditions of approval set ,forth in the attached Exhibit "A". PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. IJEw.ICYER, Director B' V^- F7. wI �LIAM . Senior Planner w*l:la EPl Attachments Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Plot.. Plan and. Elev,�t i.on FAHIBIT "7y" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS APPROVAL FoR EXCEPTION PEP14IT NO. 27 FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed sign will be cr nptat1ble: with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed sign will not have any signifl cant environmental impact. 3. The proposed xsignage and graphics arcs consistent with the character and design of the tiar.iott Nqtel complex. 4. That the total square footage of signs on the southeasterly frontage of the hotel Luilding is below the maximum permitted. 5. That the granting of this exception permit wi.11 not be contrary to the purpose of Chaptehr'20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not bps ,materially detrimental to the; health, safety,` comfort or general welfare:.'of..persons residing in the neigh- borhood, or. detrimental or :injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial confor- mance with the approved plot plan and c]eva'tion. 2. That the applicant shall 'obtain a building permit for the proposed sign prior to its installation. COH �__.. —_,._•..-- 4N- 0-5 a•aas 4, 2. Palo ti U. yU- -i R d P-t I �� ty� A c -------------------- �4 Pc d ta4i f,C44T wKHrrar APPLICATION OF: Heath and Company FOR: Exception Permit 27 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of a fourth wall sic;n on the Newport Center Marriot Hotel Comdex where the Zonincq Code permits a maximum of three wall signs per building. Thy propsed sign will identify 4 nec;ondary tenant within the hotel huil.di.ng. LOCATION: 900 Newport Center. Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 11, 2987 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 21, 1987 COMMENTS: APPLICATION OF: heath and Company MR: Exception Permit REQt1EST TO: Permit the installation of a fourth wall uign on the Newport Center_Marriot Hotel Complex where the Zoning Code permits a maximum of three wn).l signs per building. The proposed sign will identify a secondary tenant within the hotel building. " LOCATION: 900 Newport Center Drive RKPORT REQUESTED BY: May �1, 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: t•1ay 7.1, 1987 COMMENTS: 7YP' y'^9 'i X"X7'/ J'i /N.Irti n? LI .?� �1!✓: I+`d", r: FfT 19 .t a Y:!J. i..!` f✓/!!.!r.Y r: '/ l-. (a /l`. N✓d,Y:,rc /r . +, r)y/.f r " G : +�:r,.F' �✓ p r ! /a 1. rf srt'<rr,+, p_r f! T"/ 1 ^" v R r a✓ 1"'� ` rr J •„�� _ Clr� tom" li.rr„f.�'y�,�',j.•}✓.1J,(! �sEvt,� )r. �'orrr.'y+.r+jl y"`'r',%:FHYr/' .'i+'rrr.r.. 7 , rep" ;4q'r.1 C.rt.` da�6m"."i• ..�C,7' ����/e7sdlsa� l.i✓a3���,"" %�1�'Pd f'/ r',"',.w.r✓ PIJY.(( �:5 f. fo' < y .$t .9:T�"d.,:V�9r: f r',; ..Yr'^' Xr./ YJ?�� lii_r,4 e;° APPLICATION OF: Heath and Company FOR: Exception Permit REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of a fourth wall sign on the Newport Center Marriot Natal. Complex where the Zoninq _Code permits a maximum o�f, three wall signs per buhe proposed sign will 1 identify a secondary tenant T.00ATIOH: 900 Newport Center Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY: May 11, 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 21, 1987 C014MENTS : � I$ FOR: Exception Permit REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of a fourth gall sign on the Ner port Center, Marriot Hotel Complex where the Zoning Code permits a maximum of three wall signs per building. The proposed sign will identify a ser.ondary tenant *o thin the hotel building. LOC'ATION: 900 Newport Center. Drive RNPORT REQUESTED BY: May 11, 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: May 21, 1987 C01 V NTS •. 1 I C-V FBI r- 14NI 0t -I`= Lr-TMRS, FFZI OFF V4N- _. fivF-, I H CA RE�-CT Htxull CIRIP II.U,, , fi�+� 4,6%Lc f-FM.T, rm v f f m �rr� E�0�3i'If�IL'� '► NI -�� �5 C1� I LL'► Vferr4, 1 I IY2� PE6G?.ROu?(1YPIC.At_) I/;21 15��M Nt:OM - II +11 I TutIN� )mulfr wa . - I - COMNBCTION a. � I A fl t I' I 6TANP6 ---- nuquu mvI I SHEET METAL \_ rr�oUiJ�rriv4 r3rcAGKET f SA'CP VTAJNI-6�6 `rf F55L — 1-,NC4-10R (A MINIMUM F<E62UIRE,D) TO 51,1IT MALL COMPI- IONS , • ROMOrE TFz,�NbPORMER 1�,OXE5 CI. cA110N yl.Rles) 8Y HV," and 'C'D. BRING F-I_&,TWG4L C491-IPUIT TO 516N I.-oGAT1oN WRallpv-p P-r 01HOR ), I - ?0. 0 AMP5 C 1W yOLTS PRIMARY Reoulgap, HE5ATH and CO, CONNEr,iS Plh!Pl. HOOK-UP ONLY. 15 CxA. dv lQ/ANIZ6D rrZ f �lo(zT1� �c-'�' �L�T �1�.li �•h.:.`}jc 1 s 4--_- 6rLll� ) HEATH and company OP-1 Protect Name �GI� 1 l F� Y (� Design No / t CD-7 '��/ Revision No Revisio is �------------- -- Date —THIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBU:iHLU --�___—___—__—__-.._---------- Heath n na a and related services __ ea h and Company Sig g // _---------�-- ____----------------_----------- _ __ _ 1 -` . ( �,�,`✓ � � ,��� ��� ��A1. ��•,,.. Address ��� t . �.., r'' _—!_� .x. 1 ,.. �� �hNal NU (f I - - --- ---' -- --- ----- - - --- DRAWING SEA BY HEATH AND COMPANY IT IS SUBMITTED FORYOUR� -PERSONAL l.1SE IN CONJt1NCTION WfrH 213 2 -- ------------- -- ----- -- --- --- -- ----- — - -- - - - - -- r _ . _ ------------- I '�� PROJECTT N.Y PLANNED o BY HEATH AND COMPANY PLAJY IT IS NOT To —________—__._•--_ California 90031 r Los Angeles. ( ) 3225 Lac St Bet.- --- ------...._ - - - -- -- - --- - -- - - h l \f'J l / `l E �� _.. -- - ..-- - --- BE SHOWN O AN UNF )UTSII)F YOUE __. -- -----.---_-- -- . ..__ .----- (;It ' ORC,ANIIt,Tt(lN NOR I'-'. tl TO BF USE_D r • • -- Offices / Plants Los Angeles Dallas • Tampa Hayward _ __ ..____.___ _.__._------------- _ ._____ ____----__ __ _-.----------_-..-----�—_-- --_---_—__-------_-_---'---'----------"-----__-.____.-..__—_._..__ _--__-.— _--______.-__-_-- tj 1 PRODO(eD `.OP,LU'),I LxHiBITLU NANY IA.,E 14 A Fischbach Company ___-- ._-- .............. _..-____------._.