HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 28App2zcat10n ReQ `,:by W� Phone �3uena Park CA 90620 Y t Phc� 71.- � -C4 926b 3ta6 Newport Beach, Y mat G6aa,. H ff ~. `New obrt : Beach CA 2b' a O =e fOr exceptZon perms t 'On s'. .y F IS` asn Ursa d { tao Lang, attach separate sheets ' k r S� gn? Ordinance? h _purpose� = srdrianae Tfiis is tie re��eef Ghatces $:velved7 t lease r� ear ata�ec F #ta-grotea� a�substantfal;pragertv xxght?�s),g to the ne:ghnarhaod' F_la G? r �' f r'r ^ a i"F _ N , s 41 F $ MrIUAVIT depase'' and sag] ties �Lnvolved in-;thts_'ppplicatrton. (;2 _ that' tZsa arego ng .. at�►t �nen� attd �ri h�sxewi th ubmitt �► � iri a�� respects tr ri+a3+edge 'and belie A staurant-bakery.< in Lido -Marina Village be continued to the Planning commission meeting of July 9, 1987 Item o.7, Use. Permit no. 3275 requesting tho lase of variou outdoor portable food carts and an outdoor flowers d in Lido Marina village be continued to the Planning ission meeting of July, 9,.1987; and Item No. 9, Ts Fic Study, Use Permit No. 3x7i3, and Resubdivision o. 849 regarding a proposed taleee-•out restaurant faci ty at_4101 Jamboree Road, be continued to July 9, 1987. Motion x Motion was made to co tinue to the Planning Commission Ayes x meeting of July 9, 198 It No. 2, Traffic Study and Absent x Density Bonus Request; .It No. 5, Use Permit No. 1738 (Amended); Itom No. 7, Use f�ermit No. 32751 Itom No. 9, Traffic Study, Use Permit No'% 3278, and Resubdl,vision No. 849; and to continue to e Planning Commission meeting of July 23, 1987, Item 4, Use Perrm.tt No. 1600 (Amended). Motion voted on, ION CARRIVD. Planning Director Hewicker informed tNR Planning Excused Commission that Commissioner Pomeroy had contacted him Absence earlier and informed Mr. Hewicker of his ungxeidable absence from the June 18, 1987 Planning Comftssion Motion x Meeting. Motion was made to excuse Commisslqner Ayes x x x x x Pomeroy from the June 18, 1987 meeting. Motion vo d Absent x on, MOTION CARRIED. Exception Permit No. 28 (Discussion) Item No. 1 Request to permit the installation of five -.,ill 'signs EP No. 28 on an existing building in tl,;e Marinerls,Mlle Specific-. Denied . Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits a maximum of three wall signs per building,- LOCATION: Lot 16, Tract No. 11331 located at.2542 West Coast Highway, on the northeasterly corner of Tustin Avenue and , Wast Coast Highway, in the Mariner's MiXo Specific -Plan Area. ZONE: C-O-H APPLICANT':The Crystal.. Factory, Buana Park OWNER Mrs. Corinne, Franklin, Newport Beach M t ,...; C4l�lyi �SIONER� .,._ t June IS ROLL =CALL INDEX There was no one representing the applicants hewever Commissioner Koppelmanstated that she bel,i+v.M the sign Ordinanco;has been applied 'to`all of the buildings in the Newport Beach area and is quite Adequato for the purpose of informing people of the business. Motion x Motion was made to deny- Exception Permit No. 28 with Ayes xK C x x x the findings and conditions contained in gibibit "A." Absent x Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS 1. That the location of the Liasiness does not pre- clude the effective use of permitted sign#. 2. That three wall signs and one projecting eign will provide adequate identification for the business. 3. That the granting of su :h are exception permit is not necessary to protect a substantial property right, will be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code as therein set forth, and will be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, and detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, andtothe general welfare of the City. A. raffic Study_(Public Hearin) ItemNo. 22 Request t consider a traffic study so as.to.permit the TS construction f a.26 unit apartment complex on the Density property.. Bonus. AND continued B. Request for Densit Bon (Aiscuseion) to 7-9-87 Request to permit a .density bonu in accordance with Section.659i5 of 'the California`Gove ent Code so As -. °to`constzuct an aparta:ent complex with units afford- able to lower °income families, and the ac ace of an " environmental document. 3- ;y: t R f2y� �✓ . ... .,Plann Ag. ommissiam' " z ` 'Subject Property and surrounding Land Uses The subject j, property i`s' occupied by a retail store and dry cleaner. To the :north are mixed commercial uses and associated p4rkingI to the east fs.a restaurant; to the south, acro" West Coast 1lighway are mined restaurant and retail unes; and to the west, A(,*fogs Tustin Avenue, in the Mariner's Mile Square retail complex. ._ Background No permits for any. si ns on; .. the, s ubj act ,pro Perty have e been; f aund by City staff. On slidesphotographed in 1975 . prior to the adoption of the City's Sign Ordinance,`,it app,ears'that wall signs existed on the `westerly southerly and -sides' of the building'`and `on -the northwesterly side of`�the' tower' at, the "southwesterly corner of, `:he building. The wall signs were' in the; form' of` 1+hite T'ettering painted on the bvown building. A projecting sign was also present on the site. It is not 'whether knownadditional signage was hdded prior to the .adoption sf the''City's Sign Ordinance in 1977 In 1986, the building was painted white and '4 new signs c(Maifsting of white copy on a red painted background were painted on the building and tower. In addition, a wooden multicolored sign on a white back- ground wapnailed over a previously rocessed area on the "OUthwesterly face of '_he tower. Tie` pro jecting sign' was `altered in keeping °with the new color scheme. On November 6, 1986, in response to a citizen complaint, City staff inspected the site And found nu',, roux window signs in addition to the wall signs described ,above. Tlpe proprietor was advised that 'signage exceeded that; permitted by Code. A portion of :the window:'signs Vas removed. However, on December 4, 1986, signs were still diApl'1.ed`_n • wikdowfs and 'the; proprietor had - made no � effort to' "I ee�a li zc'; the call signs The matter'' t46.'referred'.to •the' City Attorneytn .:office':in December,' "I986 and the°'proprietor, removed "all window ,sign;t 'and :agreed `,signage to `bring on 'the:`buainess into., cosnplittnc.e with � tha Ci.ty!,s''. Sign Ordinance. An application for an exception permit.to'2egalixe:`on--site signage was filed on May.22, 1987. The applicant has indicated that the new signs were.merrly replace- ments far the'old signs=advertiising- the' ous:businesrb.:`.1�s sFcated. above,'evidence;daes'not?'exist that all of the.=signs were im:existence, Prior. to the adoption of the':Sign,�Ordinance;::,and could •be ;considered legal, ,noncanforming. In any "case, Section '20.Ob.'110 ,E provides ::hat ' alterations ,.try=, nonconforming; signs ,: are do be made only uponi„abtaiafng an Exception -Permit: 2. Two-3 foot by 11 foot (33 sq.ft.) wall ai.gr►m, one each painted on the northwesterly and southeasterly faces of the tower. 3. One-S foot 6 inch by 9 foot 6 inch (521 sq.ft.) wall sign painted on the southwesterly face of the tower. 4. One-3 foot 6 inch by 16 foot double faced (:56 sq.ft. per face) projecting sign on the southerly side of the building. An can be seen above, a total of S wall signs having a total area of 2931 sq,ft. are requested. The applicant also proposes to revise the wording on four of the existing wall signs fr,,m "C-,r/atal Factory Outlet" to "Crystal Factory Newport". The City's Sign Code permits a maximum of three wall signs having an area of up to 200 sq.ft. each or up to 40% of a building face, whichever is smaller, and one projecting sign per building, and thus an exception permit is required. Applicant's Statement of Support SwIl1 DPI r `�' "{ ;comitsion _O: .PA ngjj -=a -. EXHIBIT •FINDINGS AND . CONDITIONS, OP' APPROVAL EXCEPTION PEP.MIT. NO. 28 FINDINGSs , 1 That,' the location of the business on* a corner nece. srjitates the. use,' of. ,addieianal. 'ai,gnage. =' 2. That :the -'2E3t total square fisgtage' ' less than would-be permit-ted if ''a 200 sq,ft. wall sign were , erected: on each exposed snide of the building. 3. That the grantinq o `,'"such an" exception permit is necessary to protect'a"substantiial property right, will � not be contrary to. , the purpose of Chapter 20.06 as therein set forth, and will not be matcrially' of the Municipal .Code detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing'' in the neighlx)rhood, or detrimental or . - 'injurious to . , ;property or improvements' ,in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be, ,In, 'substantial confor- mance with the approved plot plan and elevations. 2 ;That a sign permit, ' shall be approved by the ' Building and Planning Departsrlents. %' ' .... / s r . - ... ..,. .....,....a. .. ,. -............._. ., . •... wr.. ....,ems I 7 m•. w.•...... .( 1 A' 3rV'" I. r Y ti„:.;..j ..A+.u(, ? � +,cwr•� i fr•.I I r \ .--- \ �� \ •� ,�\ �� J r 7r \ ` `�\\ •r ft .M' tiR «. wtr ftr <Y.7`Xrf . W ....« 1 \\! fN .lot M 11 �.I 1rY /aW ttf 94 •ff fU-4 ws.+.rot I+l � N,lr, tr/tir ltYMYt u „ !er •t►M - �. •yd, N .ti4 yI� f,Y t1yY� 4. :1+ w.r r M. �t •, IH a.t f 7:w Nai rr DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 1hY AtNltq,'LTUMtL RIE91DLItTYI R"+-M1AYIILL Ri.9tp[NTtAL - N�-f fiMGll: FAMILY NL9WpiTiAt.'` C--t c.*W COMMLIICML - N DUPLEX,RLfIDLNTIAL _ LLNLRAL'Co"[KtA1 T R- 3 Rift 6WI►li IaVV ftV09hMAL 0-1 M MFXTURINO •OHO. !W, to; L-0ArINI"vayRIDi9 UNCLAi91FIED h QtCR..:JiO MAPtop MOST I W D C fli IAI \\` .; i �.t C 7 'r 1 C L �': f x�.'�� FIAt i �'` � f `t .1 l4 ( `} ii 1�5 )d tfJ fZ iY ri A: � Y IS f`�s)}n f JS :'[. 4' if _.. ' � s�� t t t i' Sie� � 1 f:! tikiR„�.G.i � ..a.,r t .).,.c�. r ,i 3..?.XP:ii ^.� .� , i. 5 �. � � r c;. 1 j. 6 i t t ` t 4 Im 'tt ;ti t •ltM tr fi It... ^m3�1S June 19, 1987 City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. P.O. BOX 1768 Newport beach, CA 92658-8915 Planning Department Planning Commission To the Members of the Planning Commission: It is wihh disappointment that we concede with your decision of denial REQUEST TO: Permit. the i building in the Mariner's permits a maximum of three w stallation o£ five wall signH Iil.e_ Specific Plan Area, where 11 s LOCATION: 2542 West Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: June 5, 1987 COtdMISSION REVIEW: June 18, 1987 COMMENTS: an existing 7aning Code FOR: Exception Permit No. 28 Id QUEST TO: Permit the installation of five wall signs on an existing - building in the Mariner's Mile Specific Nan Area, where: the Zoning Code airmits a maximum of three wall signs per building WCATION: 2542 West Coast Iliclhwefy IiMPORT RE9UESTED BY: June 5, 19117 COMMISSION REVIEW: June 18, 1907 C:OMME TTS : j1�ll tll� Date 21�T Ji FOR: Exception Permit No. 28 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of five wall signs on an existing building in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area, where the 7,oning Code permits a maximum of three wall signs per building. LOCATION- 2542 West Coast Highway RF:PORT REQUESTED BY: June 51 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: June 18, 1987 COMMENTS:— /0 A- REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of give wall Sloirm on an existin building in the Mariner's Mile Specific Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits a maximum of three wall signs 12er building. LOCATION: 2542 Wost Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: June 5, 1987 COM14ISSIOZI REVIEW: June 18, 1987 COMMENTS: `F: �: i ry ti` ! r i,. •. 5 + ' I. wii LZTY OP NEWPORT .EEACA ' . PLANNZIti?G DEP cR3': JT Y ' PLAN RMEW, Date May 28, 198'7 - ADVANCE PLAMMIG DIVISION XPUBLYC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLAUS ATTACHED (FLEASE RETURN) X~_TRAFFIC ENGINEER XyFIRE DEPARTMENT_ PLAHS ON FILE IN PtAMTING DEPT. X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION & RECREATION _~PARKS i14ARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATIUN OF: The Cryvdal Factory FOR: Exception Permit No. 28 REQUEST TO: Wilding in ELIMits a max Permitthe installation of five wall signs on an existing the Mariner's toile Specific Plan Area, where the_Zoning Code imum of three wall signs per building. LOCATION: 2542 Wont Coast- Highway 12EPORT REQUESTED 1,iy: June 5, 1907 COMMISSION REVIZIer; June 18, 1987 COMMENTS: !l39yynN NOIS30 3113 �. I m m O G) Z D r 0 m D 2 m m z D D m m v m O v m M O .n O c Z C) m r- m n .i m S2 Z O z D �Z { �N`t�,nrvCE �,L�L1�Tl0�J �'rtoc�E� 1 ti Mo 0 O aD � n 'ITA LIAN CERAMICS L) FJ C) ,Y I C, jLIYS,xx-s.L .. ANcz)••D"NbEknC,A1.`To 13CTtA SI 1, E 1E, b P `VaD (--- tZL, , 45 � ueLEUAT\41'O 10A \7 ZE, L t i A. �ZVZV,�. n PET) 0 1-11 !,;7, C.) bNc• -. G Ct\X_') j t) V t t~n 1 PJ (.- v3 kA t Z k` . . 33' o"'+ c,�D RED t3a�kG\1C +: r v : l41 U, PA1ti�re V ^.0�1,� DT RtzG IJ6oa) +_d a VAT l0 Q) MTYa�AV\J Ct G L U r115" t c,A Ib0cL,:.a43oL)Q) I 'F_SM 51(c(\�`a,►�� r'13` �,� x 33' =g2,a x 2 165� Ip Llt`1£ Zr T�IAI. A Lt✓ 51ior.��� 31$-# + -ruulttzT,Lr-NATt0N N,W,FDL0. VIM f�': PO\NTCON 70 WALL D 'S(Cnr,) C SROItJuL -�+ .9 -C�t_TiaiL �J t4C� St CaVJ1C1 0.►J`COu7EGZ =JCS ptTAIL �jC, i3 1-CC1c�tZ /' Wt\1`ttr 11�'x�Ll Q:C�(�t� lS 1-i �_, x, ' eeP PP!1OTED t3P,usti • I EaCN S1C)l= 1�!`IIT1Cva 1 l I � PAR.I�1NCr i m cn 0 1 ( cn m/--- < !' _ _ O C W 37 cn 1 y �i I�ii t� �y11 I i? I �. Arm 'RvqkTAL FACT-ORYwoe'Y'A m Z v y: m i. r t _ 1 T D ' eel 0, D3 .. _ .�_ ... . _ .. ._._..... .�_....,... _.....�....� .�.._..�........... .._._.._.-....,.. � m i - r - - r Z I _ m p m r 0 C)T F��Ct�\e. 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