HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 30OB- tit t 'A- L-A--ji F B D EMT= CA. �11 C:pl SIGN TYPE Na"PRITH ...TOWER FLEVATIU-m i 'tGa I SCALE: 1/8' V-0 Fee::$ J-- p z one: ' Aix 'p; 1 go 0 49' e ! Mm ff "M are An ',w 11 respects tri General: partuers ROLL. -CALL 310 iER$i Mi1�U G = Noveinber'5, .1987 .a UITY OF E ORT SEAL INDEX 4. That the proposed sign program, as approved, represents a reasonable request considtiring the size of the proposed project and tho r fiber of businesses. S. That the total square footage of signz is well below the maximum permitted. 6. That the granting of this exception pormit will. not be contrary to the purpose of Chaptor 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrimental to the ,health;: safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious icy property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS 1. That the proposed sign program shall be in sub- stantial ccnformance with the approved sign plans -_ _._ l --- _- 1 1 r..r Cw.rr 4.. 4-S­ M.MIIAY . ftnA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Exception Permit No. 30 (Discussion) Request to permit the installation of a variety of wall and projecting signs which exceed the allowable number of such signs in conjunction with the proposed develop- ment known as Edgewater Place. LOCATION: Lots 1, 2, 3, 7,-8, 9, 10, 11, 12, a portion of Lot 9, an unnumbered lot, and a portion of a vacated public alley all in Block 3 of the Balboa Bayside Tract; Lots 22 and 23, Block,A of the Bayside Tracts and a portion of vacated Edgewater Place, located at 309 Palm Street, on the northerly side of East Bay Avenue batween Palm Street and Adams Street, in Central Balboa. ZONE: C-1 APPLICAINT: John Howenstine, Inc., Costa Mesa OWNER: Balboa Landing Partnership, Los Angeles TO Plug Cousnissian -2y .0 Subject, Property -and Surrounding Land Uses The Edgewater Place' commercial complex, which will contain a mixture of shops and. re3taurants is currently under construction on the subject property. To the north, across Edgewater Place In Newport Bay; to the east, across Palm Street, is the Balboa faun . Zone commercial developments to the south, across East Bay Avohue is..a f mixture of commercial and residential uses; and to the west', is : the Newport Landing Restaurant and, across Adams 'Street, an unpaved area currently being used as a parking lot. Background On Yay 9, 1985, the Planning commission approved Use Permit No. 3122 which permitted the construction of the retail and restaurant'develop- merit known as Edgewater Place.. Resubdivision Igo. 797 was `also ap- proved at that time so as to establish a single Fuilding site for the development. However, on May 8, 1986, the Planning Commission amended Use Permit No, 3122 to eliminate any requirement for a resubdivision and also approved a waiver of a parcel map for the davalopment. On June 26, 1986, the City Council sustained the action of tree Planning Commission on appeal. Thus, Resubdiv.ision No. 797 ban not been recorded and there are no plans to do so in the future. Analysis The applicant proposes to install a variety of wall and projecting signs identifying the locations of various tenants in the Edgewater Place development. In accordance with Section 20.06.070, B.,.of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following signs are permitted` for the development: One _perpendicular sign (i.e. roof, projecting, or pole) per building or building site not exceeding.200 square feet. " Three wall signs per building not to exceed 200 square feet nor '40" percent of the exposed finished w$.' surface area, including opaningsi or one sign per tenant in ;.;-,ulti-tenant building plus one 25 sgtaara foot building -,_ectory wall sign listing tenants. As shoran on the attached plot plan a_rd elevations, a .total of 24'signs are proposed for the three commerciak ,;Uldings 'and the parking structure. ,The signs will be of.' the following types". - Maximum • Sign size DescriEtic;n A 9.4 eq.ft. Internally' illuminated wall sign B 4 sgrft. Double-faced pro jecting'sign C 4 sq.ft. Wall sign t S F 30 sq.ft. Internally illuminated w4:11 sign Eight of the signs will be oriented toward the interior courtyara and walkways of the development with the remaining signs oriented toward the surrounding public streets and walkways. The signs will be distributed amongst the various structure on -site as followns Northwesterly Retail Structure External Facade Face Total Type Number Size Sq.Ft;. B(1) 1 4 sq.ft. 8 C 1 4 sq.ft. 4 E 1 4 sq. ft. 4 ub t tal 3 16 sq ft s - o Internal Facades B l 4 sq.ft. F3 C 1 4 sq.ft. 4 b-1 1 50 sq.ft. 50 Sub -total 3 62 Structure Total 6 78 sq.ft. Northerly "Tower" g l 4 sq.ft. 4 sq.ft. (1):'applicant has indicated that this double faced 'projecting :. sign_may be replaced by a single faced wall signof a simiSar.size. 'staff has no objection to `this inasmuch as overall sign area mould not be increased. r.. TO: P ing Commission -�4. .�.. ... Northea terly Food Uses Face Total Type Number Size Sq.Ft. External Facades A 2 9.4 sq.ft. 10.8 B 1 4 sq.ft. 8 C 1 4 aq.ft. 4 C-1 1 50 sq.ft. 50 F 1 30 sq.ft. 30 Sub -total 6 110.8 nq.ft. Internal Facades B 1 4 aq.ft. 8 C 2 4 sq.€t. 8 C-1 1 50 sq.ft. 50 Sub -total 4 66 sq.ft. Structure Total 10 176 sq.ft. Southeasterly Retail Structure External Facades A 2 9.4 sq.ft. 18.8 D 2 3 sq.ft. 6 F 1 30 sq.ft. 30 Sub -total S 54.8 sq.ft. Internal Facades C 1 4 sq.ft. 4. Structure Total 6 58 sq.ft. Parking Structure 1 30 sq.ft. 30 sq.ft. .: !�J J h�. .., .,. Tom_ Ping©mtaission In summary, a maximum of 315,E sq.ft. of wall and awning signs are proposed, of which 199.6 sq.ft. tiiill be on the external facades of the buildings. Maximum total area of all of the 4 sq.ft., double faced projecting signs is 32 sq.ft., of which 16 sq.ft. will be located. on 2 external facades and 16 sq.ft. on interior facades. The area of all sign faces on the site will total a maximum of 347.6 nq,ft, By contrast, consistent with Section 20.06.070 of the Municipa:t Cade, as described 'above, a 200 sq.ft. wall sign: could be permitter oh each of three different frontages of the development for a total o£600 sq.ft. of gall signs. In addition double 'faced projecting aign with an area of 200 sq.ft. per face, or 400 sq.ft. for both facea, could be provided, for a'total signage'of 1000_sq.ft. Applicant's Statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.06.090 8 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planring Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to tho purpose of the Cade,. and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City, in response to the above requirements, the applicant has uubmitted the JAMES D. HE'AYCKER, Director Hy.�, -� Sandra L. Genis Senior Planner SLG/ll EP1 Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity trap Plot Plan, Elevations and Sign Details 1. umar me proposea aigrs witl ue compazxnia wire surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed signs will not have any sicgnifi- cant environmental impact. 3. That the proposed signs maintain a unified design which is compatible with the architecture of the building and will serve to enhance the overall appearance of the proposed project. 4. That the,," proposed sign program, as approved, represents a reasonable request considering the size of the proposedl project and the number of businesses. 5. That the total square footage of signs is woll below the maximum permitted. 6. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code, and will not be materially detrimental to this health, safaty, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neigh- borhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in, the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS I. That the proposed sign program shall, be in sub-. stantialconformance with the approved sign plans and that signs shall conform to the number 'and size shown on the plans. 2. That the proposed window signs shall not be used to:advertise any.brand name or product sold on the premises.< 3. That all projecting signs :*hall maintain the clearances required under Section ,200'06AO B of the Municipal Code.` STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On this day of (��� � .(�, in tho year 1.987, before me, personally appeared, DOUGLAS L. SALISBURY, General Partner of Waterfront Ventures, Ltd,, personally known to me to be the person who executed this instrument, on behalf of the partnership, and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. Witness my hand and official seat, tea,.-�.c — -= _ _ = --�•�' aLt'MOTARMY OFFICIAL, SEA1-jMLA J MORV H �J� PUOUC - „AUF�1 J!A , ., ��Ql ////��� oRMIG_ co"Jury Notary Pubhhc in and for sai My comm. expires OCT 13, 19y8) State City of Newport Beach TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please accept this .letter as authorization for Kelly Hacker to process permits in the City of Newport Beach. Balboa Landing, a California General Partnership By: 'Z�)... Dougla L. Salisbury Waterfront Ventures, Ltd. General Partner LOCATION: 309'Palm Street REPORT REQUESTED ,BY: October 26, 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: COMMITS: : November 5, 1967 CITY F PIJ=ING:DEPARTHENT. t .,PLAN:. REVMir'4t'EQ'UES ' Date October tober 20, 1987 ADMCE-PLANNING DIVISION X—PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTHF_NT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE. RETURN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER. q'. )f_FrRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PL ANNING DEPT. X—PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARKS &.RECREATION POLICE ,DEPARTMENT X PARIIIE S"ETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: John Howenstine, Inc. FOR, Exception Permit No. 30 Ry-*UEST TO: Pe -snit the installation of a variety of wall and prol.Ecting signs which exceed the allowable number of such signs in conjuncton with the pr2Msed development known as Edgewater Place. LOCATION: 309 Palm Street, REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1987 COYNISSION REVIEW: November 5, 1987 COMHENTS: Ni; I &A r­&e A r F R -I-) -Th A I LA I JAI Signatui(-_ Date .......... 10A *� C ,TY OF. NF�4pt)LdT BEACH cs 7 ! PLANN G DEPARTMENT PLAM `R$VIE ,REQUEST ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION Date October x 1gg7 X_PUBLIC,WORKs.DEPARTMENT X>. PLANS ATTACtIED (P�iEA. RE'1" IRN) X TRAFFIC ENGINEER X'.FIRE DE ARTMENT. -" PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNItiG DEPT. X_PLAN.REVIEW DIVISION -" PARKS & RECREATION POLICE DEPARTMENT' X MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF John Howenstine, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 30 REQUEST T0: Permit the installation of a variety of wall and projectinqsi ns Which, exceed the allowable number of such signs in con uncton with the proposed development known as Edgewater Place LOCATION: 309 Palm Street REPORT REQUESTED BY: October 26, 1987 COMMISSION REVIEW: November 5, 1987 COMMENTS: 1. Signs are to meet the requirements of the Zoning Code. �4 W-M V, 17 J, Iq- 111111 owl mom JL:�f,DG sR _4 N k 4m c T G IT fDT CET IN "ON mom -ill .011 mar `� '� `'"�" `� �"'�`�`1 '(' ►.�{f� ,�t��.�./ pPf3K ut'It �It—plc,Fl�?�f�IGr�i,-. 49H �Ft 1'�. ��iLP�n�P IN �vH1� � ��2VI-�Y.�`('� oO A:ov T Leo I 1117 P-411 vnjlm� �r�r�r-�.M�►��n Tom_ 0 J 3 i` r• .-,•...-r... 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