HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 33.�to the motoring public. The location of- the Pr0I')(-,med Mobil The signaqe proposed supports a non -inLersecttm'~ automotive service facility.; the }ocatj,nn itsu}f zs exceptional. ' 'V M1 1/Sf0•r•��1/29ff9' R[ LI CALL IHdEX 3. That each dwelling unit be served with an individual water service and, sewer lateral connection to the public water and sewer systems unless otherwise approved by the Pubic works Department. 4. Th b, all vehicular access to the property shall be from the adjacent alley. 5. 'Jbat the garage setback and design. of the driveway shall be subject tu,further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineers, 6. That County Sanitation District fees be paid or proof of payment be provided to, he Planning Department prior to occupancy of the structur 7. That Coastal Commission approval shall be obtained prior to the recordation of the, parce; map. 8. That a park dedication fee for one dw' Iling unit shall be paid in accordance with Chapter 19.50 the Municipal Code prior to the recordation of the pare map. 9. That this resubdivision shall expire if, the m has not been recorded within 3 years of the date, of apRroval, unless an extension is granted by the Play ing. 'Commission. ception Permit Ng. (Pilhiic�.j- earine� xre, Na.2 Request to permit the installation of an off site station HP >v�, '3� Service identification sign in ;the a ort North Shopping ing Center. The wP sign will he `located on an existing 'ground, .sign adjacent to Mot)raved MacArthur Boulevard. The proposal also includes a modification to; the Zoning coded sa as'to permit a"20± sq.ft. ,identification sign that exceeds the, permitted 8 sq; t. area,, and various* ether signs and logos that are not specifically, included in the Service Stadon Development 'Standards of the North cord/San ` Diego Greek. Planned. Ccirri iihity. -4- yi I f 1 1 ++ S, iN6 TEP�;! O'l 989 _�,August'l VTY OF NEWPORTSEACH R.OILL. CALL INDEK LOCATION: A portion of Lot 6, Tract No. 12309, located at 1200-1280.. Bison Avenue, on the northwesterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Bison Avenue, in' the North Ford Planned Community. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Mobil Oil Corporatior4 Burbank OWNER: SDC Developments, Newport Beach The public hearing was opened at this time, and Mr. Harry Erickson appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant, Mr. Erickson concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". 'nere being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. M L ot:on Motion was made and voted on to approve Exception Permit All Ayes� No. 33 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". MOTION CARRIED. 1. That the, proposed signs will be.. compatible with surrounding land, uses. A'. h any si0ficant 2.-� That- the proposed sighs will no ave environmental impact.- 3. That the proposed signage and graphics are. comsistent 1 a e s ping W th the char cter' and design of 'th ubject shop center., he building 4. That the signs,,on, the northern frontage of tl :. - 1­_. 1 :s - - �J, :­ I I 1 1. .: � 1. ` d nterior o th are oriente f e 'shoppin center. .9. t, That lhelgranfing,o A is excep ion 5, h t permit will not be': contramAo.the purpose of 'Chapter 20.06'-of the Municipal'. -5- ipwl r Planning Commission Meeting August 10, 1989 N Agenda, Iteru 1~tt�. 2 CITY (SF 1\TIEV 611T �BtA,CH `T0: Planning,brn.mi o r ` ssi'b FROM: Planning Department . SUBJECT: Famlion.Perwil,Na: 3 .Public He rinel: R nest for ermxt' the installation of an uff c ` t :,. L P , .,- -sit service station �c9eatifacatJon sign in'the Newport.I oath Sho ip .(:enter, ° 'he,sign pp. 8 ; will 'tie located " on.,an existing ground; sign ..ucl 4 c�] t ,te MacArthur Boulevard. The'lirdpp6sal''alsa' includes a modigention to the Zoning Code so as to permit a 20± sq.ft. identification sign that `excegd the permitted 8 sq.ft, area, and various other signs and logos .that are' not specifically hicluded in the, Service,. Station :Devnlypment Standards of,:the North Ford/San Diego Creek Plann>rd,Commuity L:OCA'I70N A portion ai L+at 6, S;Tract,l'aTo .12,30�, t located at ;i200 isa .i , ii Avenue, on°.the"" northwesterl y corner of MncArtfiur Boulevard and r Bisom Avenue;' in the+; North Ford Planned Cotnrnunity.. , r - t zoN . A' i ♦4s!' 7 k ,I. ..A. ,T. ��.i�w+w- r r-:..,7�r,i r° �k .. ,.•! 6 11 `.t fr Y AA 1 �.N�rN�iJ , 1 4 p 4 i r Mt i"� t ,J 1W1obi,e Qil Corporation, Burba�nk ji.11i} 1 i (q .1t :r., OWNER 1i t 1 r 1 ' r SIB �teve lopments ewrt.,Be .1f 1. ..) Nwrh( t- y;.t, !ft`',Ki r„.a v.f1. This is a request to permit the installation of an ofi site.service -fi t�un.�dentif cation sign in the Newport art%; Shopping Centor , , The ,sign will > be ' a dcci to , Jthe existui �. a v 31r 3, �; k j A r x r c� 1.4. 2 t i of ument s�gu Op ce�ntYto "Mac ar her 13otilev rd which s ands 5 feet :hi ' U> fe e n� c4 '' i r } Hai. 3 e♦.tl.;3 &tA 9 �tCJ t1 .a h.�>v. ;high - la�ig. iincluded in the app�licgn �' modacati n to the'gning, Qxduico a 1. ' `V VY.LlAlt W.�fNt .Lr,` a 3 s a h }�.! b �7 � r.iA f , ,. 1, d fr. +si. A.., .:A A > .s sq�inrc fa f den ifica ion sign w uc i exceedx tl�e onWited J S :sr, �� 616 § d "r. dt C t1t F ' " 4i s. t Ak Ar t 1�� T�`r tl tt r�al�rve�d{b , the N" ' 0 t k octbp ? az ied mn►ug1tyj Deyc oprnetif.,Stag0q#�� �f i. r 2 1 dit�r; }i-iis` dietlo�iat arid;`; "brniti' ` s �. and '1 not s ,Q, 17� 7/r��yQ�. os�,` f y�yp� ✓I :Lt 3 �t r > to "' r +.+ t .� t d e M.v4 i d r �. �l a � .d rt ! d ; ✓ . P t r a t � ��s'3'' I Sfaliort Devel psmy err Stair ard� of t ie rTo„� ��jj( 1 "arcl n bi s"�'fk�� to L -.r�a� i�a s c J •..rP 3 � f r s r t z+ / + J � A /;.T 7" �I�L1VA 1planried in.iuilJl�I� t r tf , tr is r crF.t r iv, s q [ 3 Jrt v Y.a r r .�, Yd T 11.. ?t 5 t i' eY !T qq p t c {• n t+F1 �} +.... ,:c ,} •,j �i .t f' tFy, ?t li rJt kSr %.l7 Ls Y( P {f1 i"f }l. T iG e:�1i�J �` 4 �nyironmerstal ►7i���fi�ri�-Q� � 9 a 4 L . �'�� r r;", a ,Fr .t, ;►rn.;. .._....,.....a :ate__ �, �'-`�--- _ L"- __ _. . ,. , ;! �1-?LANNWG�DEPARTWIENTT-, JA� J); rector.- �JAVJERI,,Sjr-�n Oni S for Planner Attathinents: i*-� Vicinity Map.::.� 'Plot Plan and Elevations 411 k-4 I r �F t CITY OFNEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN 'REVIEW REQUEST :I �,*C1;P`LANNIk .Li7CvISION t1BL I:G WORMS DEPARTMENT' PLANS ATTACHED (>'I.L'ASE Lt1rTURti) X, TRAFFIC .ENGINEER. ` -_nRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PIANNING DEPT. &_PW REVIEW:DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION` ;,POLICE DEPARTMENT.- _,JiARINE SAFETY _GRADING APPLICATION OF: Mobil Oil Corporation FOR; Exception Permit No. 33 o service sib jn txlocatgd on an exi.,g.tiDg ground sign adjacent to Mac rtbur Boulevard, The DrI299ad, also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so ag to p9j:mi t a' ?Og ng ' ' identifiggItion sign that e tted 8 so. ft. area. and various that are -not §pecif icallyeluded in' -the Servico Stationv ds ,of the North Fordl5an Diego Creek Planned Community. LOCATION: 1200-1280 Bison Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: Z 26-89 .; COMMISSION REVIEW: 8-10-89 COMMENTS TB S ITE" SI L . CIO D rby Rr�'t lt~ 1D, �QJIC6' Ccbtt Q.C�pL ` Nit C-4a ►t.. PI1tiN LAND U.1� �t�wt� �T dF t at+� CIry F ' NEUIPOQ'[ REPCN &N �oMME►2��/'~� sIGN� ARE .ta . ,, . No CDrdFi.IC 1 � atur eDate: 717L�l�i 4 if 9 S CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PIMIING : DEPARTS (ENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST.-, Data July 12, IM ;,X,ADVANCE PLANVING DIVISION �;, i!l�r dgwO D '! "I`MENT �,'IANS ATTACHED (P�.B,ASE..RETURN) . ; _.,j7IRZ ' DEPARTtfENT PLANS ON FILE IN FUMING DEPT, &,, LM REVIEW MVISION. iHRN;S & RECREATION &YOLICE DEPARTMENT ,_ , VMNE, SAFETY ,_„GRADING I APPLICATION, OF Mobil Oil Corporation FOR, Exception Permit No. 33 s off -site servige r Identificatio sign in the O t North Shoggling. Center. The sizn w dBoulevard,s a modification to the 'zoning Code so as to Rermir a 20+ sc. entijfirgaCion sign that exceeds the permitted § sa,tt, area. and valious o 163m and 1090s that: alge not gRecifically includedin the Service Station Devel pMent Standards of the North FordLSan Diego Creek Plgnned Community. LOCATION: 1200-1280 Bison Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY: 728-89 COMMISSION REVIEW:.'8-1Q=89 COMHENTS : AX?;1 /.145 f,. Jl ,. q . e f Data , t l t A� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH` PLANNING DEPARTHENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Dat* lly 9_1989 $_,ADVANCE PLANNING'.DIVISION 'UpIC..gWORKSf DEPARTMENT ' _PLANS ATTACHED (P'LEASE RETURN) .: FIB% D L�AA EtT _PLANS ON FILE IN. PIANNING DEPT. 2L.PLAN REVIEW D VYSION .....PARKS & RECREATION C�POLICE DEPARTMENT ,MARINE SAFEZ7, ,..._GRADING . APPLICATION OF: Mobil Oil'Corporation FOR: Exception Permit No. 33 Requ2st to ggrmit !;he installation qf an off -site servi-c-e o sign in the Newport North Shopping gonter. The existing eround atan adjacent to MacArthur Boulevard. o t theZoning e go ag to t signIe_j,ll._bo---'locA+ ed on _an The �ronoa��_��� includes f o sL&n ghat exceeds the 2ermitted._8 sq.£t. area, and various othar-AI DO and loPos that are not specifically I eluded in the Service ,Station Devel.Urn3nt Standards of the'North Ford/San Diggo Creek'Planned Community, LOCATION: 1200-1280 Bison Avenue - a ; REPORT REQUESTED BY: %-;28-_89 COMMISSION REVIEbv'::''8-10-89 COMMENTS: Alp y t. 1I Lam, k<I :. Sic►natctCe' _ a��l't�vh , :t�Ltr �) - '�Cfn}^n+ . � n�-° _ . +--c�„ v , CITY OF NEWPORT, BEACH,' PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date ,july 12, nAq X_ADVANCE PLANNINGDIVISION Y, PUBLIC'WORKS'.DEPARTMENT ALPLANS. ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) ,,_TRAFFIC ENGINEER _T'IRE AEPARTl hT --PLANS 04 FILE IN PLANNING DEPT, b t 'AECMTION� yFA�'(KS &F` POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY ,_,,,GRADING APPLICATION OF: Mobil Oil Corporation FOR: Exception' Permit No. 33 fieauest to permit the nstallation of an off -site ngnr ice stat,d nti£igQDLM i pji will lo 19cated an an. B tnodircntion to the' Zoning Code so as to permit a 2e,,Igiif i&ation sign that; exceeds the PWermitted 8 so, f t'. area.. and various 'o tht n1 g s and logos that ore not skcifigglly Includgd in &be ServLceo d of the North Ford/San Diego Creek Plmned'Community• LOCATION: 1200-1280,Bison Avenue REPORT ,REQUESTED BY: 7-.28-89 COMMISSION REVIEW- $•20-89 COMMENTS:�i I I t -h I IJ ( M i , 7 4 a; J't 4 f, i -."j, - 'L,, I "; :- , , I " . .. -1 .." I., I ", ."M q. V. , . ", . � �l � ". . , ., . �jrvind co `430, Moin t,a2.n, ve. Neu iort,'Ctt'. 806 v Ave A Newoort Beac 26 Btl6�iik C& 65 4 .-5 Hurray Ijill Wi :�4�0' t y Y 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Dateuly 19:-1289 XX_ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION 2 .PUBLIC WORKS `DEPARTMENT _2 .,PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RF:1'Mi) 2L„TRAFFIC MGINEEk _-FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT, 2,PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION.. &_POLICE DEPARTME4iZ _MARINE SAFETY _GRADING' APPLICATION OF: Mobil Oil Corporation FOR: Exception Permit No, 33 RogVest to Permit th installation of an off- rtj c service station identi i at on sign, in the Newport North ShopRing Center, The sign will blt. 10,cD tegi on an existing ground sign adjacent to Ma.CA1:thgrj#,%jgvard: The Rrgg2gGj q1..4JnGj dea a modificatigb tg the Zgning Codea 20± s sign that exceeds the permitted 8 sa, � area, and various other iZnB and lows that art ecif ically-- included in the SqLrvj.ce Stationev 2f the North FordlSan Diego Creek Planned CQnimunity, LOCATION: 1200-1280 Bison Avenue REPORT REQUESTED BY. 7-28-89 COMMISSION REVIEW:8-10-89 COM:4ENTS ..I I i Si5,, \ ___ �� __.____— auh•J!1'•Y� �ic�, ..Y+r,�wt.Jw.•V•�.'n"1. tt6--•.•.•.w j ICJM b J TOWARD STREET I 4 <C �J i (_iJi'\J 'J INTERNALLY ILL 8'--11" 1 4" 3' - 6" I I I I l y t ^7 � i •f. 4! s f f� s1.'•r.� ,�'�•� lids s s1' ��- - r TED MOBIL I -F- I 0 1 10 UNIT CE SIGN --- 5'-0" Dio. 13'-3" 1 1 d �:, ! N t +Y ; � ff : + �. ti z; 'lu�b' ,,�,,.�.,,a"y,,,.-,, ^ a'>:t, •< .iL� �,'n "':" J- 5 '.3 (.. %... • � I.ti.:. 2F. if.i�•.�','\. `. i. i. A,: �_:'�: �S(''�.'t'i ((,-S :1•„�:�Y! 1-':l i�y.+.. tn �� � i.1 �'i n<. ::4 .�tL .;� 4.•'t: :fd.i, pa. ,� �... r•.r,,:, ...i�l I fh', i�.� p I ,.ia: r.. ;yiY C'1� li,c,, v`.Yc .4 iltlhj ,( rr•,, t Fv.: {•: �t7 I i I. _:r,.(,b.- .,n:' �'�}(`�".._ 'i/S(� L'i' . ��,Y:I i;'. .�9yt�!'�i°. ��i ! ,'Y� i i31°' n, •� (l `jS .,r.Es 't�, F>�' �'','�"i.r�¢!'C3vr v'+�t'.t'.�i i.;ds;;st ,L. +ki3r� (;�� L INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED S INTERNALLY ILL 2 MOBIL SERVICE SIGN \�V PEGASUS DISC TE X�V-21 osvi N aNvAvHa W � Z 00 J O Q W Z O1 I N2a, W � Ztn��d W o o aWaLLJ wQLLJ (oo 0_ Z W O0 Ld Q f-w- OQ�ZwQ U Q ~Q X< a WZ 0 of a W VV Z W co I..� w w W 0 Q O :3 ' W Q M J_ of Ki nfDW�W O Z Q0 two } Z0❑_-0-f 2 U w Q��zU>-m U owm3¢-i �_ �001— 0= 0 Q 0. o U 00Z2 a Z {,.. a to Y_ v m LLJ Q 0 Z 0 V) LLB cr- O 00 �O M M 'd• OLW n LA J z O r--i Ld oO Q rn z Q 0o z w x o>a Q O O U ZNo oo 0 O �WOY w3Nz o w O z LLj a o m CL W (D C) zoo>> (L LdMV)m t t n r 1� r. -r - - II -T • 1 7IA I T \ l J N 04 - SELF OR F L 1 D U 0N tACIDSPFNSER (; (PIC�AL ap 06 -r— — —.__ _. A 1 T4. n -� Yp I •O 0 O to 0 0 1�_RE ER UNL UNLEADED REGULAR DER UNL UNLEADW CA L l-� — ( _ fI I .,y, I. _ t _ GULAR SUP r 0 T _ {]LF 1 O o o I � z W __.. ._.. _.-�T_ -..-__ - _-1- _ ( 1-•' --- C �'.. I , 1 I t'. `-cc r, �1,f;'{l -' , �' L rJ� �yet..p: •.�ri :g. , z Ell og U MONUMENT SIGN EASE DETAIL S I.D.Ur SIGN S CANOPY COLUMN INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED 4 5 HI -HOSE FASCIA LIGHT UNIT & P.Q.S. SIGNS PREPARED BY: �►/ I PL(OTT: 1=110 KHR REF: AYXSIGN2-DWG DftA1NING NUMBER pppp- TRANMRTATION/gNVIRONl1oma/um" 3ymm .a_ 2201 Martin Street. Suite 203 18AYX irvine. California 92715 (714) 752-1707 SHEET NUMBER UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: JAAIES H. KAWAAIURA (R.C.E. 30560) OF . _ ........._... C 9 V P 2 3' I o' 0" If EXISTING SIDEWALK rop-Msm-Ru 3/4" REVEAL EXISTING SIDEWALK ���JDATION PER RETAINING WALL SCHEDULE X�V—g b sym DNWIHaa W �� .II co�Qa¢NQ v zoIn aw I woo.w�o W < PC 0 1, W OZ p� = o J oF4-NQ i (n 0 "oL�a0 0ox}n.w Z() Uis )w p -�www0 Q J XLi 20 OmOWF W Z O Z r Q20Nwp o_wtoLLJ m 0 ZOO — 0 , 11J ¢�UU}m Uowm a.1 Q Ld rnoa U �dz�av=i Y U m W Q 0 z 0 w ch 01 1 - t___1__� 0 00 �O M M d' O� W ro), n Z Ln W t� O > O < n ZQ Q (n W w � oQ J OO � O U ZNO LL-O co o w O WWNZ Z W m o m a (,O(—w- Zo00m a W M N m W z z U) Z C4 H�Wo I co46 � � W Y) !zi o� E4 � 0 PL-4 w Z E—+ cd PREPARED BY: ��PL((OT. 1=//4�� KHRR //REE�F: ArxFFSOS((.Oowc DRAWING NUMBER 1 8—AYX TRANSPORTATION/SNVM0NXMAL/U3RBAN 3YSTIM 2201 Martin Street Suite 203 Ire, California 92715 (714) 752-1707 SHEET NUMBER UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: JAMES H. KAWAMURA (R.C.E. 30560) OF E �5 c . ..: ,.. _ . ti. t! ;,_ -1 . .. . �j b i .,S I � - 1-- - I — - - _ ' r, t M _:t1:1 I .:.ii�"i. 11 T 'i't� lw�ti� _----tam------ i A�� �������, •. H+ N! i4 T_s. WO I .. ., AAj��lqiAlAlAIA��A�AfA�ASAI�AIAIAtAA!l�llj��AjA�A AA=�A•��,!=�,r� �AlA�Alj%v,— - AjA=AlAaA . A`AlAIAIAlaIA�AlAlAlA A1AlIa�t l/'N A A�A�A�A�A=�•�•. r►W.^S^� ! �" • , .-A=A�A�A�A�AlA�AIA=AlA=AjA'AtA�A A A A A A A A A A A A IA A- A A a A A A A A A A .. �.,- t��A '� A A A A t! A R �!. A A A A A I.,ld! A A A ^ ,. A JI A 1� .A A �� �► S !� A=A A=A - eA AAA A=A -A -A-- A--11- =AA� A#A;AAAAAAAAAA>�AA • ! ! ,�, ,.,.,. ^ r. "'�" 2 '! ! i ! ! ! • ! !- ! ! 1 ! ! j s ! �A: tASA 11lI�IAiAsA�A - '"�� A A�'A !�� ,� . ��� �AiA= •t sAiAASAi�iA���Ai�.�� Zf A --A-A--A /1 A --A .-.� ,.., ....�,.�„'j,.,-.a.,j.. ! ! �� � � f � � `� r r,� - ,� 9�-�' i AsA__Al'';trxtt'"' `�''"�isAIA _A -f � -� ,� A- A �s�l�l�!�� !'" ^`` :A�A� A sA �A A� �� IASAiAisA�A`�'�i'�iA A A Is A A _ s l• i s� s! j l! �-A���A�A�A. A. 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I . . 1. I . , ... I . � :�h--!�,`., IV­-b1",1;141i;1 �'. . . . (.'."I* ""' I . ; . . . . . .. I . � i 1-4, I... Ir . . I . . . . I . � � *:-�'0;f!;5) I, ,I ,�,.,,�, � , .* " :. ., , : � ,,, � i . . . . . .� _., . ; : I I . _­'�'%*"�!"�'�­5 ��.l1 Xl.`-�I 0f �,-0I1�'�.�,,,,­,I, .,lY,.L_c,�.,,I"�Y,­,�%I, l-.­ ',I�_�� _."\., .­ : I, - , l ,.- .r­.-, .�,: !* �� - 1':. I; . I I . . I . � . . . I . t;.. �, _TT. 4 .I ,J,' , . . . I . ., I I . III . . I . . .. � . ,6 - G E O �. I .I . r - 7 ..� I .._"� I :1­1�;"-,4 .'11_-�...;., i�t�'IL,I . �_"p , . . .4,.-.. . . .. . . . . . . t; TLC G G O 3 `.1.,.i'­",";."" �!:1 �-,'..,.'..'1,,`�%'�.i ,��-, �*.. . I .1 . �-1-1: . I�Ii . r . . . . . . . - . . . I � : � * . . . . . . I . L;1_ .. - !. -.- .AI. t.I_.1_,._.*_. I ." , k�. I ).-. , /. , , .. . I I, I ). � .. - . -.. , I . .. . . . . . . II � �� I! >! _.o� .m�01= A . 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GOL0 F,', 61 NCt�i{Z p1it-lr - ir�v►N co. w1-41T5 - -:jLF,_TL_,T-# .- ,Ilt,; ' rz1, r , 3 i 1 I . y+lyY l{,t�i 9" ti , _ ... tt ,. . ttk,i; ` t ' " ;, 2' x 2' STEEL ANGLE BY METAL BUILDING SUPPLIER METAL FASCIA PANEL t� ,, r l I 11.1 ;`�";',ti }'+" 2" x 4'-x 14 GA TS STOREFRONT 4 °t'uzACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING BY METAL BUILDING SUPPLIER °` , v (SALESROOM ONLY) x'r r t $ GLAZING STRIPS- �r`f ( t `' lw' ' GC TO FURNISH & INSTALL KAWNEER #69-182 J . _, *�" MINIBLINDS (SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR BY GC r,.� COLOR AND MANUFACTURER) . ` . r I-.. . .. G I • §,a�j J., t .. NGC LATEO GLASS 1' INSULATED GLA' ""' ` s� ' BY FIXED TRANSOM &7 .. ^ 1iy� 2° 4' x 14 GA TS STOREFRONT- GLAZING STRIPS- y, t h x BY METAL BUILDING SUPPLIER KAWNEER #69-182 .. �, BY GC . - i1 - t,,, a , CONCEALED CLOSI KAWNEER "61-411 �14,_'` .r�,, � . BY GC r � , 't� + I GLAZING STRIPS- N o ALUMINUM DOOR- KAWNEER #69-182Ic KAWNEER SINGLE r `,1 z BY GC u- ACTING DOUBLE C �_[ 4" N BY GC y.• 1 .1 t 1 •4 z X ry'•' I ��; 1-. .lk(i, V INSULATED SPANDREL GLASS I'INSULATED GLA BY GC e tr BY MOBIL .;.. .•-- 't I; 1 t qi'~ ; 2' x 4' x 14 GA TS STOREFRONT `r . .\' BY METAL BUILDING SUPPLIER m 1' INSULATED GLAC " ` • _,+ , SEALANT BY GC .; SEALANT - #_ ` . SEMI -RIGID JOINT FILLER t( ` • CERAMIC TILE SINGLE COMPONENT *. (SALESROOM ONLY) POLYURETHANE SEALANT t ; t ]. I a SLOPE 'V4 :w' Q• ed. •• .4• . •• • 4•t. 'd: yid• - , o•�'. e,<•'4:. -4 ,., •vu�.r�•� ..•,�. .+••' tf %'s :.J . % e ... O.. a • •• ,;:. ALUMINU tixa r.ZI 'j KAWNEER ,-­iI M f i,U' 3 t..., -�-1" x 1" x l8" ANGLE WELDED TO BY GC `�, II I S 2"X4' TS FURNISHED AND INSTALLED ``,I;�tFVETICAL SECTION 7y111,% BY METAL BUILDiNu SUPPLIER i.m,, z 1 THRU STOREFRONT �, r 1 -0. 'r y111:`` 2 SCALE: 3• 0f. Ylt't x i r , , JI ; a . t P t r nt I . i3p+ , ti,t f. ,+-;l' Ja+:-ratk r �• �, I . 1 i� fi F. Lr ', 1} t d JY { r..: Y i. { i� '•�.-j�' -llu jj ..r•., _ 3_ �. , �i'• ti' s, s s- 1, } N r i� "�. _ .f .. c s . �. L ,t 9 R 1 r. t '�i t �s { F , . -, .� .�'. 1. n.,. .-w'• ( .. •.-._ _. �_ • - ) ... '. . - _: '_-. �. ___-__. _._. _. .. -.yawl'."._ .. _-_ _ ... -: .a-..�-_yJ_Y_.._-.._..�a...__�L..___.is..Li-.u1.u,i.s:i'.]Ij 1.LlaL_.L .. ...'S:x }hem':rn,.:•�-.�xp.T._.,`'..,,.....,.-.f-�-......_.-_.-_.--..._. __._ - _.... - 6 , Y KICKPLATE- M THRESHOLD- KAWNEER #38-560 #69-139 BY GC r,,. .VERTICAL SECTION • z e, THRU STOREFRONT DOOR 2 SCALE: 3"= 1'-O" f __ ­ _. 1. :t ). M . kV_ 1"INSULATED GLASS - GLAZING STRIPS KAWNEER #69-182 BY GC . I . ....-: I.sSS1:'.erhl3irL�;i y.`31:'^1iL°.i:YJ.ir:aYC{IS - I . -. . . . . .. .I "1 1. - - ,-I I _-,. _,-.. ;.-.: -I .�. � . -IIII L _ _. _._ - .. ­......,1.- . - —.—L . 1. I r . _ -__....,FLIGHT SIDE ELEVATION - CFtLEs r/' = 1'-0' . . f . 6T0Ra FP,PwT 6117F\ ___i,_-,i- L.14 � _' .. . .I . '..�). 7.I I. INTERIOR METAL WALL .1�BY METAL BUILDING SUPPLIER N 2' x 4' STEEL TUBE BY METAL BUILDING SUPPLIER ' 2' x 4' STEEL TUBE BY METAL BUILDING 3' x 3" STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLIER d- COLUMN BY METAL GLAZING STRIPS- BUILDING SUPPLI.. . . z. . . -.....1 I .w . I . ER KAWNEER #69-182 ,-- -O I N i � N - BY GC , �I-I-. , -SIII . 'i .. :',',, GoLorz s� V5YGG 7 , 11 TV �.M. CORQEK 151:^-I., . - , I 7 2'/ - 18 [I- .1 �. . - . - .. ". 1. . 1-. . 1I. I I . I I . . CAULK c BY GC I I . HORIZONTAL SECTION . THRU STOREFRONT CORNER . I SCALE: ►,. nvjF- tI 6'-8' x 7'-2' OPENING 6'-7%Z' x 7'-1Y' FRAME DIMENSION . _/- HORIZONTAL SECTION in STOREFRONT AND MASONRY. SCALE: 3" = 1'-0' DOOR FRAME- KAWNEER #60-235 BY- GC . �, r, 0uIj: > 4 r �t W -- n:' ', " I _ a p` y, Vs� , ], �I, :..1 4m W. . , ,. a, 2� z J •fir.•'-• r 1 S' Z�0. ' r I W . Z��°e.M�, - 0 ( 31 5 I t12' I,.i.f O - >.t % ,a'I4 t- U' ] 4 - , , yy x'` . . W --. J J -AT j ` t f, .. L.ui ~;: "'p' i tIi. 4 t isS >tR:,, ti' _ ,, 5 I,tl.< . ._ ,7 .' - BRICK' _ v ?j" L. t l�_ ro ., t , Q •v t '� ,:7 t C rn L Y+n V fly _ " -` p ! .l , I P .( ', i t ", O�' 7•. Y ' u'' . ,: .c(t �� . {V7 _ "trC4 M \'�l jr�' j�1.I - 6'-4' x 7'-0" DOOR OPENING (2) 2' x 4' STEEL TUBE ,; ; `"� BOTH SIDES - - rtV BY METAL BULL -DING ; - .�r} SUPPLIER C�Cl,�'' 4, GLAZING STRIPS- 1+);Q . ' .. � OQ-? 1 KAWNEER 69-182 ,, � BY GC' i x S .r td t, ' y 0 ... ;S , "r..� :I - . K10 Ia' 1 -GALVANIZED COLUMN 2T v CAULK BY GC (TYPICAL) WRAP, PAINT COLOR - ` J to . . . I '.LL . , .L . ....:. ... IL ;i ; —.. . . I '. � 'LjI L * . I � __. .I . I I I. . . L I I . I . 4t�, I L ;1� �. I �I L HORIZONTAL SECTION i x BY: METAL BUILDING �;. 41 THRU STOREFRONT DOOR' SUPPLIER. I �- ,r ',; z 4 2 SCALE: 3"= 1'-0" CUT BACK' AT S�IFFIT t 1-3g . TO FIT \. a 1tk T r ti. ,p s Y4,,1 L- �` rt �. �,� � "fir ; t•i v !� r , 'J o :y, -1 ,'t ! I , . Jr'�i `` ! tG' ftr :i ..ti 4r 7t1tfi .t l .... : I ! ,'' ` , r •tir' ''A . , ,,, a, + ; is } .. ` ( '�ti��..r' y Cr•. 7 ._ t 5y{� T�' sw„'t� %lit. '':f 1 j ^^ i ,,F ' r� Iy 1A, it ,:%, �' I '-• '�;•rN ` f 1 ` t }' 1 at w� �rj c4 . DEBT E;' .:1 " \j{{� ..y.: A.": I' - i , to G) '''r 5 . •,c�' i•` ii •J l L '4], v'W r- L , 1 r ( It 7 ] t t r i 1 ' s i !; t � t 3 a 7 , K• I // I R f' , .t i - 9 a. 1 } M 7 t L F t '-•tt y k , r C l L n l '.i I - �I• It -.�r� L��.1 Y r t ff S. 7 \ _.. .. ..... . ... ...._ _ Is - I � \ , J - . � , I . . L 1 vA.d.rrlr'1G6 .. > ii�C.�J�aratst� 'Mkir _ .. - ..' .. .. ;; ., �r• ",,:L ,.• ,..�..; ct � �...:,:.• � fi.r :._�:. ..• ', :A r!ti.}­...,.......,.,.,.�.s�:.sucux.t•..rY :N.aLL>a'i.'.Y. >.«Y.. _.. .. .._..._ _. _ ...